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Mornings at Grimmauld Place.
You’re gonna have to drag gender fluid Tonks out of my cold dead hands at this point.
I’m moving from writing trans!Tonks to drawing them too - they’re a work in progress (as is me trying to draw😭)
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hate it when the dysphoria kicks in in the middle of the day LIKE pleaseee why cant i be a shapeshifter Please
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy holidays! Can I get some trans tonks scene from siat?
There's something off with her potion.
Tonks is no potions master, but she's been taking these things for over a decade. She floos her apothecary, but all she gets is a harried apothecarist's apprentice who confirms her prescription and then ends the call.
Maybe they just adjusted the ingredients or something. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong. She's never had any issues before.
But there's a first time for everything. And being selectively cautious is literally in her job description.
She only knows the one potions master. At least this is happening in the summer, when he's marginally better tempered.
"What do you want?" Severus snaps from his place hunched over his desk. He doesn't look towards the fireplace, but Tonks is sort of touched that he answered at all.
"I think there's maybe something off with my hormone potion."
That gets his attention for a moment, but he just scowls and looks back down. "Talk to your apothecarist."
"The apprentice seemed a little distracted," she answers.
He sighs, glaring at her like she's the loudest first year in his class. It hadn't worked then and it certainly doesn't now. "Fine. Come through."
She pulls her head back, then stands up and steps through the floo. It pops her out in Severus's office and she only stumbled a little before handing over the box of vials.
He lifts one, shakes it, then frowns. He uncorks to take a sniff and his eyebrows push together. Finally, he taps a drop of it onto his finger, then sticks it in his mouth.
"Well?" she asks, trying not to sound impatient because she knows exactly how far that gets her.
"You're right, this is a blood thinner at best," he says, just as irritated as before but now it's directed at her potions rather than her. "Are you on the same dosage you were when you graduated?"
"Yes," she answers, "how did - blood thinners aren't even that color!"
He snorts. "I doubt it was done on purpose. It looks like white clover was used instead of red. Stay here."
Tonks considers pointing out that she's not a student anymore and he can't just order her around, but she did come to him for help so maybe he can.
She's still working through the debate when he comes back and shoves a bag into her hand. "Here. I'll tell the Potions Masters Board to inspect your normal apothecary. Get your potions directly from St. Mungo's until they've been cleared. Go away now."
"I don't want to get anyone in trouble," she protests, opening the bag and seeing a full quarter's supply. "I can't take all this! Aren't there students who need it?"
"You didn't get anyone in trouble. Incompetent people get themselves in trouble with no help from anyone else. And yes, but in case you've forgotten the reason you came here in the first place, I'm a potions master. I'll make more. Go away now."
"Thank you," she says sincerely, clutching the bag to her chest.
He rolls his eyes and sits back at his desk, pulling out a fresh sheet of paper and pointedly ignoring her.
She sticks her tongue out at his bent head and goes back over to the fireplace. She has one foot in the flames when he says, "Ten points from Hufflepuff for your cheek, Miss Tonks."
Laughing while traveling by floo is ill advised. All she gets is a mouthful of ash for her trouble.
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twink-remus-lupin · 3 months
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when people say they ship remadora this is what goes through my head
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knightedpuppy · 2 months
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save a horse ride a cowboy or whatever
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coffeekeyboardsss · 3 days
I want to write an angst/comfort where Remus’ grown daughter kills Greyback but is bitten whilst protecting Teddy her half brother and it’s been rolling around in my head so please like this if anyone would want to read it
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rtlstuff · 2 years
JKR Writing Fleur Delacour: So this french bird is super sexy but she's also incredibly shallow and vain and snooty, y'know how the French are. She's high fem which is a bad thing, tomboys are the best. She's also just incredibly annoying and full of herself. Constantly making herself the centre of attention even though nobody likes her and they call her phlegm behind her back. Hilarious, right?
90% of Fanfics when Writing Fleur Delacour: At first she comes off as entitled & full of herself, but as time goes on it's clear she's actually incredibly kind, compassionate and loyal. She also has a keen sense of matters of the heart. For the younger characters she takes on the role of a wise older sister. She's loyal and nurturing and and will always be there if you need someone to talk to. She is from a noble matriarchal race of fierce warriors and will fight tooth and nail to defend what is hers.
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
Evan whenever the Blacks drag him into their bullshit:
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Sirius and Andromeda, drunk off their asses:
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Inviting Pettigrew to join the Order:
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Narcissa, tired of Regulus & Bellatrix's shenanigans:
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Regulus, watching his life go to shit:
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 11 months
It was weird seeing Andromeda again. Sirius remembered her as a giggling teenage girl. Bella, Cissy and her used to only care about parties, makeup and boys. Sirius had found them annoying most of the time. It had been fun to prank them with Reggie.
Andromeda was always Bella’s shadow. She was calm, and shy and never said anything important. Sirius was chaotic and a rebel. They didn't have anything in common.
That was until Andromeda ran away three years ago. It was surprising to Sirius that Andromeda would do something like that. He had expected something from Bella who was scary and strong, or even Cissy with her drama and obsession with her stupid boyfriend. But not from Andromeda.
She left Rodolphus Lestrange on the altar and ran away with a random bloke. Sirius had thought at the time that it was cool. He admired anything that opposed The Black Family. But he didn't understand what it had meant for Andromeda. The sacrifice she had made. Everything she went through.
Andromeda was a mature woman now. She seemed more confident and happy. And she gave Sirius the wise aurea that Alphard used to give him. She was quick in making conversation with Reggie and him. And she looked so comfortable with Ted. But there was sadness in her eyes sometimes. Something like longing.
Ted was a cool lad. Musician, a rock fan. He had a childish spirit that reminded Sirius of James and he was so much open than Andy. And it was clear that he loved her.
It was lovely to see how they looked at each other, how they held hands everytime they sat down.
Ted and Andromeda were also expecting a baby. And the news made them practically glow. Andromeda touched her belly every two seconds. And Ted looked at her with adoration.
They were truly in love. And now Sirius was understanding Andy's decision. He might be in love too.
Alphard's death had got him sentimental. The hypocrisy of the people at his funeral made Sirius sick, so he dragged Regulus to see Andromeda. He has been thinking a lot about her lately.
Andromeda cried when she heard the news about Alphard's death. Apparently nobody had told her about it. She wasn't invited to the funeral of course. But she wasn't resentful with her cousins. Her and Ted were being pretty nice.
"Tea, Anyone?" Andromeda asked as Ted finished telling them a funny story "I bet you are cold and hungry"
"Let me take care of it, love" Ted said as soon as Andromeda stood up. She seemed to be struggling with her big belly. She was 7 months pregnant.
"Don't worry, love" Andromeda smiled at him "Sirius can help me" she winked at him "In the meantime, you can show Regulus your toys downstairs... Did I tell you he is a musician as well?"
"Are you, mate?" Ted asked excitedly.
Regulus cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I used to play the piano"
Reggie used to love playing the piano when he was a kid. Sirius had lessons as well. But he got easily bored. While Regulus had daily practices that irritated Sirius. But he was constant. And he quickly became an expert. Regulus didn't play anymore. Sirius hadn't asked him why.
"That's cool" Ted smiled standing up "I have an electric piano downstairs... I know it's not the same, but you can show me how good you are"
"Oh Reggie is really good" Sirius smiled.
"Didn't he used to compose his own tunes?" Andromeda added.
"Wow, did you?"
Regulus blushed. He hated being the center of attention.
"I wrote some of my band's songs" Ted added "Maybe we can compose something together"
"I am a bit rusted..."
But Ted was already dragging him to his feet.
"Let's go, mate"
Regulus didn't have time to protest because Ted was already dragging him. Sirius smiled at his brother's expression.
Andromeda was already at the kitchen's door.
"Come on, Sirius"
"Yes ma'am" Sirius stood up and walked after her.
As Andromeda prepared tea, Sirius was assigned the job of putting the biscuits and sandwiches in a large plate. He was even taking his job seriously, making a colorful pattern.
Sirius and Andromeda were mostly silent as they worked. Sirius only answered a few questions about Hogwarts and teachers and how much things had changed. But there was mostly music that the boys were playing downstairs.
Sirius wanted to ask Andy so many things and he didn't know where to start.
Sirius could feel Andromeda's eyes on him.
"I heard you ran away..." she said, which made Sirius freeze "Something happened this summer?"
"Where did you hear that?"
"Uncle Alphard used to write to me..." Andy sighed "Keeping me updated with things about the family..."
Losing Alphard hurt. But Sirius couldn't make himself cry yet.
"He was worried about you but he couldn't come back from Rome to help you..."
"Did you know about him?" Sirius interrupted "About his parties... And his lovers?"
It had been after Alphard's death that people discovered his secret life. He hadn't told anyone. Not even Sirius.
The slurs and insults people at the funeral were whispering about Alphard for having men lovers, was still ringing through Sirius' ears. He didn't want to be called that as well.
"No, Sirius..." Andromeda answered carefully "I think nobody knew"
Sirius didn't answer. He knew people were connecting the dots. For his close relationship with his Uncle. And what had happened that summer. Sirius didn't know how much Andromeda knew. But based on the way she was looking at him, she suspected something.
Sirius felt embarrassed. Everything he had been doing with Remus. What he felt for him. It was all too embarrassing. Even though no one knew about Remus. Only Regulus. Sirius had felt Regulus' eyes on him the whole time. And that suffocated him enough to ran away from the ceremony.
"Sirius... Are you okay?" Andromeda asked "Do you want to talk about what happened this summer?"
"I am not like him!" Sirius yelled hitting the counter and making all the food lose its order.
Andromeda looked at him with concern.
"What do you mean?"
"I am not gay" Sirius spat.
What he felt for Remus didn't have to define his life. It didn't work that way. Sirius wasn't sure of anything.
"I didn't say you were" Andromeda raised an eyebrow. She sighed, placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder "I was just saying that if you feel like you want to live your life apart from The Family, it is fine. I did the same"
Sirius tried to relax. She was trying to be nice.
"I am The Heir" Sirius whispered.
He acted like he was a rebel that wouldn't hesitate on leaving his responsabilty behind and would give up to his inheritance. But Sirius was actually scared. That summer, he had decided that he didn't want to see his family anymore. But now he was back for Alphard's funeral. And everyone still treated him as The Heir. Someone that would grow up from his immature self and would become in what they wanted. Orion had told him he expected great things from him.
"You don't have to be, Sirius" Andromeda said "Are you coming back to Grimmauld Place?"
Sirius looked at her.
"Regulus said it was one of your shows to piss everyone off again and that you eventually will come back"
Sirius snorted with disbelief.
"That tosser said that?" he shook his head angryly.
Andromeda smiled sympathetically.
"Of course, it is your choice at the end of the day" the water boiled and Andromeda took care of that but she continued speaking "When I left with Ted, I was terrified... I wasn't a rebel as you... But eventually I figured out it was the best decision...." Andy served the tea "I would've been miserable marrying Rod and having the life they wanted me to have"
"And you were in love with Ted?" Sirius asked.
"So in love" Andromeda smiled "I have to admit that that love made do crazy things I would've never imagined doing... But it was worthy"
Sirius thought of Remus. Would he be able to do that for him?
Andromeda giggled, taking Sirius out of his thoughts.
"Who is she?"
"The girl that you've fallen for..."
Sirius felt shivers down his spine.
"How did you..." No. He couldn't finish that sentence.
"Wow... Someone finally won Sirius Black's heart" Andromeda laughed "I bet she is not someone The Black Family would approve, right?"
God... Sirius desperately wanted to share this with Andy. Perhaps he would have done that with Alphard if he was still alive. Andromeda could understand....
"He definitely isn't..." Sirius whispered, giving his attention to the biscuits again.
"Oh!" Andromeda exclaimed "I thought you say you weren't gay?"
She didn't sound disgusted. Like the rest of the family.
"I'm not!" Sirius spat. Andy raised an eyebrow "I don't what I am" he sighed.
Andromeda smiled.
"Oh Sirius..." she hugged him. Sirius was surprised "It's okay... Who is he, then?"
Sirius blushed. But he was more relaxed for Andromeda's good reaction.
"Why do you want to know?"
"I'm curious!" Andromeda shrugged as she laughed "At least tell me his name"
Sirius smiled, still with his cheeks on fire.
"Do you remember Rosie?"
"The girl you used to have a crush on when you were a kid?"
Why did everyone keep saying that?
"I didn't..." Sirius sighed "His name is Remus now"
Remus.... His Moony...
"Oh" Andromeda nodded
"It's called transgender..."
"I know..." Andromeda chuckled "My friend Tammy is trans"
"Oh!" Sirius felt like an idiot. Being raised as a Black didn't precisely taught them those things. Perhaps Andromeda had learned lots of things with Ted.
Andromeda was smiling.
"That's lovely, Sirius" she said "You used to adore each other when you were kids"
Sirius found himself smiling at that thought. Remus and him used to be very close. They spent each minute of the day together. And they talked through walkie talkies at night until they fell asleep. Perhaps he had loved Remus since the first day they met. He just didn't know.
"Do you love him?" Andromeda asked with a smile.
"He makes me really happy" Sirius sighed "I feel so comfortable with him. But at the same time my heart is going to jump of my chest everytime he is around.... I like kissing and hugging him and touching his soft hair. I love the way he knows me like anybody else. I like his fierce but also his calmness. I like the way he puts me in my place when he needs to. I like the way he sees me. I love when he stares like I am the most precious thing but also like I am not just a pretty face. I love how good we are together... I don't know, I've never felt this way about anyone"
There were so much more things to say about Remus. But sometimes these feelings were difficult to explain. Sirius felt so many things. Most of them beautiful but many scary. .
"I am kind of terrified really"
And it was the first time, Sirius had said all of this out loud. He had been trying to fight against his feelings, tried to hide them away and act like it wasn't a big deal.
He didn't know why he had confessed all of this to Andromeda. Maybe because she understood, she felt the same for Ted.
Andromeda smiled "I get it" she said "I used to fight a lot with what I felt for Ted. I knew I wasn't supposed to fancy someone like him. But he made me really happy as well... As time passed, those feelings were so strong I just couldn't hide them.... Honestly, I didn't do a bad thing, I just fell in love" she sighed with tears in her eyes.
"I am sorry The Family was shitty to you" Sirius admitted "I am sorry I didn't do more... I should've written to you, taken your side..." he shook his head "They didn't let me... But I had to try..."
Andromeda squeezed his hand.
"It's okay, Sirius" she smiled "You are here now, aren't you? And I see you are no longer a boy... But a man"
Sirius tried to blink the tears away.
"Don't fight over your feelings for Remus" she added "Just let yourself feel"
Sirius shook his head "I am a mess... I am only going to fuck it up"
"I made Ted go through so much because of my family..." Andromeda said with a sad expression "It wasn't fair to him. But at least it was worthy. And he loved me so much to go through that. And accept every bit of me, even my wicked family..."
Sirius nodded. But it wasn't only his family. Sirius just didn't like himself so much. Sometimes his recklessness and temper scared him. He had made Remus go through so much already...
But he had to admit, it felt nice to find someone with just a similar experience. And to have Andromeda back in his life.
"I tell you, mate" Ted was saying as he and Regulus appeared at the door "You have a natural talent... You are so good... I would love you to be in my band"
"Reggie, a Rockstar?" Sirius asked, adopting his goofy self again "I don't see it"
That made Ted and Andromeda laugh. Regulus rolled his eyes.
"Not my type of vibe" he said "But thanks"
"Okay" Ted shrugged "But you shouldn't waist your talent. You should play again"
"I'll think about it"
Sirius saw Regulus considering it. That made him happy.
"Tea is ready..." Andromeda announced "Help me get all of this to the table" she said as he gave Ted a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah sure"
As Ted and Reggie helped, Andromeda gave Sirius a smile and a wink. He smiled back.
It had felt nice to talk to his cousin again. They hadn't been particularly close before. But now they could be closer than ever. Alphard might have been gone, but between Regulus and Andromeda, Sirius still felt like he had a family.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Marauders Era Masterlist
All marauders related fics and stuff I make goes here! You can find my general masterlist here, and you can also find all of my fics and more on ao3 and wattpad :)
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Every Moon Needs Its Star wolfstar angst - remus has loved sirius his whole life and longer - 8.5k
one shots:
Alright trans reggie and gender fluid sirius cut regulus' hair together after he gets kicked out by their parents - jegulus at the end
Love Letters sirius and remus are cleaning out regulus’ old room when they find some love letters signed by 'his sun'
Little Love second year jegulus meet cute + wolfstar fluff + codependent ultra besties sirius and james :)
Pasta! drunk james and sirius decide to make pasta + side wolfstar + side jeggy
You And Me Forever sirius nervously comes out to james and james confesses he’s the same + romantic prongsfoot
Love? lily finds james distraught on their bucks and henz nights confused with his polly feelings for sirius as well as lily + jilypad fluff
It Ain’t Called A Glory Hole For Nothin* sirius and james both use the campus glory hole without realising that sirius is blowing james aka his best friend aka the guy he’s into - porn with a plot
Why Won’t You Kiss Me? remus helplessly pining over sirius like a lovesick fool when tucking him into bed drunk - super fluffy wolfstar
Double Vision sirius’ makeover ends up looking exactly like barty which causes james to not realise sirius is there when his glasses break and needs his boyfriend to fix them - sirius finds out about jegulus fluff and drama
Kleptomaniac Regulus feels that he’ll never be enough for anyone after James chooses Sirius over himself until he finds out he’s always been Barty’s main priority - angsty bartylus
Chatterbox Sirius only gets spontaneously kissed when his flings are trying to shut up his annoying rambling until James comes along and changes everything - prongsfoot first kiss fluff with minor angst
Between The Lines Remus loves to read and Sirius loves to watch Remus read, they trade books back and forth and Sirius finds Remus leaves little stars in the margins of all the romance books - wolfstar fluff - getting together
Defiance & Desire* sirius is determined to do as many things as possible that he knows would piss off his parents if they ever happened to find out, and thanks to James’ very intentional suggestion, one of those things is Moony - wolfstar pwp + getting together
Fight & Make Up Marlene and Mary get into a massive fight over her and Sirius’ relationship, turns out, Marlene’s a very jealous person - light MARYLENE angst with a happy ending! - lowkey they’re a little toxic but we love them anyway
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jackie4dinner · 3 months
No one will ever be both harry potters biggest hater/ biggest fan like I am.
I hate that transphobic rat with all my heart, but oh the fanon, the fanon guys 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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I’ve finally got around to posting the second part of my Trans!Remus and Tonks fanfic!
So if you want to read about Remus and Tonks being trans icons and living life during HBP, you can check it out here: 
The World We Break - Vaguely_Downwards
Rating: M
“Sequel to The World We Build.
Following Sirius' death, Remus and Tonks find their lives spiralling out of control as the war gets darker by the day. Can they hold on to everything they've built, or will the war break them too?
Canon compliant, set during HBP.”
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phosphorusab · 2 years
The Thing About Remus Lupin Being Queercoded (And How Bizarre it is in Hindsight that JK Rowling Ever Wrote Him)
I loved Remus Lupin as an undiagnosed Neurodivergent and unrealized queer kid. Not only was he the most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the Harry Potter series, but genuinely cared about his pupils and was committed to their safety and education.
I remember being very comforted as a little anxious kid by watching the scene where he taught the class on how to face their fears through a boggart or privately teaching Harry how to use the Patronus.
He was an example of a genuinely good and helpful teacher, which I didn’t have in abundance throughout my K-12 education.
What I find extremely bizarre is that Remus Lupin had an explicitly queer allegory in his character, that JK Rowling retconned and killed off. Seeing her true colors and her politics, what was to be expected?
One thing that Rowling explicitly stated that ties Lupin to queerness is the lycanthropy. Werewolves, vampires, etc have had a queer history before Harry Potter, but in Rowling’s universe lycanthropy was a metaphor for the HIV/AIDS virus.
Lycanthropy is an incurable magical condition which causes the sufferer to turn into a uncontrollable violent wolf monster during a full moon. It can be alleviated with a Wolfsbane potion, much like the early cocktails of pills in the 80’s and 90’s were the first medication to prevent the worsening of HIV/AIDS.
The problem is how Remus contracted lycanthropy. The only other known lycanthrope in the series, Fenrir Greyback, intentionally infected Remus Lupin as a child. Fenrir explicitly enjoys preying on children and infecting as many people as he can with lycanthropy.
Explicitly linking HIV/AIDS as a metaphor for lycanthropy, and the only lycanthropes in the series is a literal child predator intentionally spreading magic HIV/AIDS and his victim, is extremely disgusting, thoughtless and poor taste- especially since gay/bisexual men being demonized as diseased sexual predators in the media.
The Prisoner of Azkaban came out in 1997, and Sorcerer’s Stone came out 2 years prior. HIV/AIDS was (and still is) a big issue in the LGBT+ community. Our community lost so many people and we will probably never shake off the stigma HIV/AIDS left on us, I honestly don’t expect it in my lifetime. Rowling couldn’t possibly not have known all of this, but intentionally used lycanthropy as an allegory for HIV/AIDS.
And the consequence of Remus Lupin being outed as a werewolf was being removed from his teaching position at Hogwarts, because parents complained that he would be a threat to their kids- despite most of Lupin’s students loving him, and had it not been for the events in Prisoner of Azkaban, his lycanthropy would still have been a decades long, well guarded Hogwarts secret.
How is this not parallel to the concern of kids having gay/lesbian teachers (closeted or not) that started in the what, the 50’s? And continues under a new scapegoat, that being openly transgender educators? Openly or not, transgender people being anywhere near children? But what would JK Rowling care, right?
Other evidence that the early Harry Potter fandom had in their arsenal that proved Lupin’s queerness was that he was a bachelor and seemed to have chemistry with another bachelor, being his childhood friend Sirius Black. Apparently, even the actors on set of the movies intentionally portrayed them as such.
Rowling did not appreciate constructive criticism, fans theories, attention to canonical details that she wrote that she had forgotten, or attention to plot holes. For whatever reason, she randomly stuck Remus with Tonks at the tail end of the books, having them get married and have a son in the middle of a war.
They never seemed to have any chemistry prior to this random last minute pairing. What I also find insidious in hindsight was that before Tonks got with Lupin, she was a pretty beloved character for her gender fluidity, having been born as a rare shape shifting Metamorphmagus. She was very spunky, independent, and expressed herself with alternative hair styles that would still make a few people clutch their pearls. She also rejected stereotypical womanhood, and explicitly preferred being referred to her surname “Tonks” instead of her birth name “Nymphadora” or “Dora” for short. But after she gets with Lupin and has Teddy, these traits are all erased.
And then they die, for no reason other than shock and to traumatize their child that doesn’t matter to the plot, because they were originally supposed to survive the ending.
I just find it really odd that Rowling decided to put the two most headcannoned queer characters in her books, who have historically “queer” magical abilities like the lycanthropic and shape shifting characteristics, and forced them into what she thinks will make everyone happy- a nuclear family.
I think she wrote Remus, and by extension Tonks, as queer completely by mistake and she had to correct that for whatever reason.
Because JK Rowling doesn’t have the guts or the capability to actually empathetically and delicately write a character like Lupin as queer- someone who isn’t evil or morally grey (like Dumbledore, confirmed in everything except canon) but an educator, a good one at that, who was run out of Hogwarts on a rail because of people just. like. her.
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elskanellis · 1 year
HP Trans Fest 2023 fic claim
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I am absolutely thrilled to share that I participated in @hptransfest this year. My prompt was about non-binary Tonks dealing with dysphoria and discovering found family. "This will be fun!" I thought. "Found family, what a joyous trope! Queer genderfuckery is such a wonderful lens through which to explore Tonks as a character! What a nice break from angst this will be!"
Anyway it turned out to be very therapeutic to write this story. In, like, the most harrowing sense of that word. It hit really close to home, and the plot goes through some rough moments, but I hope I was able to bring across some of the joy that Tonks (and I) have found.
you will seem more like being on AO3
T | tonks | found family | queer themes | metamorphmagus | being forcibly outed | being forcibly closeted | no one loves a closet more than Albus Dumbledore | a convoluted lesson invoking Yggdrasil | the found family is a bunch of goth kids
Endless thanks to @letitstand and @thehoneybeet for alpha reading and to @goblinmatriarch for the beta. @melociraptor, @myrtlefics, @boxboxlewis, and mazza provided emotional support and indulged me as i shared multiple playlists of first- and second-wave goth classics. 🖤🖤 Thanks also to the fest mods and to the Magical Trans server for all your support!
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hptransfest · 1 year
HP Trans Fest: Day 14
For day 14, two beautiful works got posted!
The first is a fic looks at nonbinary!Tonks and their experience going to Hogwarts as a closeted queer person, with a focus on their dysphoria and coming out. (Mind the warning about forced outing!)
Title: you will seem more like being Rating: Teen Character: Tonks Words: 6.9K Summary: When you're 11, you don't really understand what it will be like to live at Hogwarts without telling anyone who you really are. Link: AO3
The second fic is this oneshot about Remus, focusing on the werewolf transformation and dysphoria, it includes the all important tag "remus lupin needs a hug", and also the reclamation of monsterhood!
Title: Salvation is Inside Me Rating: Mature Character: Remus Lupin Words: 605 Summary: Prompt: Turning into a werewolf is the only escape from dysphoria Link: AO3
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r0seart · 1 year
It’s the last day of pride month
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A common thing I’ve heard (at least in my country) when June becomes July is to put away the pride flags because “it isn’t pride month anymore”. Well I say that’s bullshit. Every month is pride month when you’re LGBTQ+.
So I made some of the wizarding fam celebrating pride to remind my followers and anyone who stumbles across my art that we shouldn’t limit our pride to just one month.
Note this is meant to be an uplifting post. Especially with the things that have happened and bills that passed this year. Being LGBTQ+ in America has gotten pretty tough so I want to indulge in some queer joy for a bit.
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