#Upcoming Anime merchandise
colorfulfoxengineer · 10 months
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A upcoming, 2024 Sakura figure.
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Upcoming 2024 Sakura figure
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verysium · 11 months
ACT 1, SCENE 4: blue lock headcanons
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shidou would view traditionally ugly creatures as strangely cute. it's not a disgusting cockroach, it's a silly little bug with eyelashes as long as his. no, he's not going to let go of that scraggly one-eyed cat that likely has rabies. it looks too sweet to be abandoned on the streets. his dream childhood pet was definitely a piranha.
aiku wears band t-shirts without knowing the actual music group. no, he does not listen to sex and the pistols, he just thought the design looked very cool. would also wear lana del rey merchandise just to impress the ladies. the only song he realistically knows is west coast, and even then he's only heard it at a random sushi restaurant.
reo would have stereotypical rich people problems. he can't decide if he should bring his chauffeur and valet or actually drive the car himself for your upcoming date. also spends at least one hour seriously pondering over which gucci silk pattern tie looks better on him. trick question, they're both the exact same shade.
shidou steals your covergirl perfect point eyeliner because he thinks it looks way better on him. also a big fan of body glitter and super vulgar eyeshadow palette names. his favorite hue so far is that one hot pink fuchsia that literally burns your eyes with its brightness. nothing is too neon with this man.
ness is the epitome of the sunshine-turned-unhinged-maniacal-killer trope. he would be the bestest boy, but if someone even lays a single hand on you, he’s already plotting their murder. eerily good at hiding bodies but would never divulge his secrets in fear of scaring you off.
shidou would walk unashamedly to the women’s clothing section of the general department store. would never be embarrassed by the bra sizes. you have a double D? he’s already trying three of the cup sizes on just to see if he can get you a comfortable one. if you’re part of the itty bitty titty committee, he wouldn’t judge either. this man loves femininity in all its full glory.
aryu exclusively uses dior beauty. he would rather die than use a generic drugstore makeup brand. sometimes you wonder if he's secretly a dermatologist because this man knows the exact shade, tint, and quality of product for every possible skin tone and type. also very passionate about the controversies behind animal testing and parabens. would be exceedingly picky when it comes to anything he smears on his face (think jeffree star but without the problematic issues.)
sae has his phone screen set to default wallpaper. he only has the translator app downloaded, and that's about it. his personal trainer takes care of all the rest of his stats. after he started dating you though, he kept pictures of you in his private photo albums.
noa cannot tell a white lie to save his life. if he doesn't know something, he will not know something. he doesn't see the point in hiding that. sometimes has trouble reading the room, so you need to remind him that brutal honesty and pure rationality aren't always the way to go. he does become more conscientious after that.
bachira used to draw crayon portraits of all the imaginary monsters he saw at night. scared the shit out of his parents because they thought he was hallucinating (he actually was.) nowadays, he's a lot tamer because you force him to take his meds.
isagi is, in fact, the number one mind reader and manipulator throughout the entire series. this man is clairvoyant, psychic, and telepathic all packaged into one. sometimes his right ear twitches, and he just knows someone is talking about him behind his back. unfortunately, all of this occurs in his head, so no one on the outside world actually knows about his sixth sense.
rin was absolutely bombarded with valentine's chocolates last year, but when he sorted through the entire pile and realized you hadn't given him one, he returned them all to their respective senders. will refuse any form of sweets unless it came directly from you. you need to be there physically to hand him the box.
kaiser writes, thinks, and speaks entirely in german even if no one else can understand him. he secretly can speak english but chooses not to because he absolutely hates anglicization. refuses to compromise his own language and culture just to fit in with the rest of the world. it's degrading. if he had it his way, german would be the new lingua franca. definitely thinks translation is for dummies. what do you mean you're not already bilingual? you better run, not walk, to that little green owl app. does use his foreign accent to make you feel flustered though. has a voice kink but in a non-traditional sort of way. you have to be the one turned on by his voice. only then will he start feeling it.
yukimiya loves it when you lose your shit. one time a jerk cut you off in traffic, and you started aggressively cursing. he fell in love with you right there on the spot. it was something about the fire in your eyes and the way you refused to take any attitude from the other party. that self-assertiveness you exhibit is so empowering.
aiku takes you out to karaoke bars just to hear you sing. you look so pretty under the purple disco lights, belting your little heart out to the rock lyrics. sometimes he has to take a minute to just appreciate how lucky he is to have you.
nagi didn't know that you have to actively check and update your email inbox. he had no clue school even started until one day the principal called his parents over his thirteen student absences. he thinks it's a headache to even get out of bed and put his fingers on his laptop keyboard. since when was the distance between his arrow cursor and the search bar that wide? it looks too long for him to reach. maybe he should just do this tomorrow.
reo does not know what saving money is. the first time you asked him for a promo code, he looked at you as if you had just spouted a strange language. when you showed him your little wallet full of cut-out coupons, he literally had to hold them up to the light and closely inspect them. it was definitely a moment of enlightenment.
sae likes anklets, especially the super thin gold chain ones. something about the way it brushes against his bare leg when you sleep beside him drives him out of his mind. he's also a sucker for subtle jewelry as evidenced by his necklace and wrist bands.
otoya practically lives for instant gratification. he would be guilty of love bombing. loses interest quickly, but sometimes wishes he could actually commit for once. football is important to him because it is one of the only activities he has consistently practiced for over a decade.
karasu is down bad for anyone who can actually outsmart him. you got a higher mark than him on the recent exam? damn, his heart just beat a little faster. spaces out in a love-filled haze whenever you ramble on about your nerdy little subject interests. he is a sapiophile through and through. intelligence just does it for him.
loki is the type of person who absolutely demolishes your self-esteem, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to hate him. when people say god has his favorites, they mean this man right here. he would be an innately talented genius while simultaneously being the most humble human being in existence. at this point, it's not his problem. it's a you problem. try harder next time.
chris is very similar to a neurosurgery resident. he has the largest self-entitled ego in existence. not a single day goes by when he doesn't remind you that he is, in fact, one of the highest ranking football players in the world. you can't say anything about it though because he has rightfully earned his arrogance. i mean, what are you going to use against him? his grueling hours of blood, sweat, and tears? this man works harder than the devil himself. in fact, he is the devil.
rin is the type to get emotionally attached to the most ordinary objects ever. he collects batteries and keeps a separate drawer as a graveyard for them once they die. the triple A ones get a special funeral since they're so hard to find. he just can't bring himself to let go of objects that no longer serve a purpose (just like his relationship with sae, sorry not sorry.)
hiori cannot go to bed unless it is absolutely dark. the curtains have to be closed. the door has to be locked. everything has to be drowned in pitch black. the reason he does this is because he still has flashbacks from that tiny strip of light underneath his bedroom door. his parents would argue all night when they thought he had gone to sleep. it still haunts him to this very day.
nagi wishes he could be a cat. sleeping all day and sunbathing on the rooftop seem like great ways to spend his life. unfortunately for him, he is not a cat. when he dies though, he wants to be reincarnated as one. either that, or a rock.
rin snores like a whole power drill at night. sae secretly hates his brother for that but can’t bring himself to wake him. whenever the itoshi family goes on vacation, ear plugs are not an option but a necessity.
chigiri knows ventriloquism. he used to play with his sister's dolls and make up character voices for each of them. definitely uses it as a party trick or as a way to make you laugh when you've had a bad day.
sae always keeps his feelings to himself. sometimes he finds it easier to rant to you than others, but then he almost always ends up retracting back into himself after realizing just how much he's revealed. he hates being emotionally slutty.
ness is the big scary dog in his relationship with kaiser, not the other way around. everyone thinks kaiser is the intimidating one, but ness wears a leash for a reason. one of them is the chihuahua, and the other one is a rottweiler. you can already guess who is who.
reo was having a mental breakdown in his limousine one time, but he ran out of his usual luxury aloe vera lotion tissues. instead of buying more, he took out his cheque-book and ripped out the pages to dry his tears. money is just paper to him. it can be recycled (no, it can't.)
loki is the type to show you a sweet and heartwarming smile before pulling out the most atrocious uno card combination in existence. i'm talking reverse, wild card, skip, draw 2. you sat there for twenty-five minutes trying desperately to draw a green. by the time you were done, he only had one card left. (screw you, loki.)
niko draws his own manga whenever he doesn't like how the official plot ends. if the canon ever diverges from the way he imagined it in his own head, he will draft his own fan fiction instead. one time, he rewrote an entire shonen jump series just to bring his favorite character back to life (*cough cough* said character wears a blindfold.)
karasu is definitely the "um, actually..." type of student. he will always have a rebuttal on hand. the truth is never black-and-white with this man, and he will argue both sides if it furthers his own agenda. he reads the encyclopedia front and back every night just so he can pull out a random arbitrary fact to win an argument some time in the near future.
shidou had a bad habit of chewing pens as a child until one day it finally exploded in his mouth. from then on, he vowed only to chew glittery gel pens. that way when it exploded in his mouth, his tongue would be stained a bright, shimmery purple. if you ever got him a scented gel pen pack, his life would finally be complete.
rin cannot differentiate between colors. if you asked him to find the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink, he would not know. to him, seven colors is already a lot to memorize. when he was a child, he only drew pictures with a single color because it was less of a hassle that way.
otoya used to think lime green was the most aesthetically pleasing color in existence. almost considered dying his hair that shade until karasu told him that girls don't actually like guys who look like neon highlighters. still wishes he did it though. he wants to glow in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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toychest321 · 6 months
With the end of Ramadan rapidly approaching, I'd like to give attention to another Muslim doll line. Though unlike the others, this one is far less obscure...
You know them, you love them, give it up for the Arabian Friends!!!
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While Fulla is objectively more popular than Arabian Friends (having a longer span of releases and merchandise), I'd definitely say Arabian Friends are more talked about in western doll collecting circles. This is likely because while all the other Muslim doll lines I've found use Barbie proportions, these moreso resemble Winx or W.I.T.C.H.
Arabian Friends were released by Newboy, the company behind Fulla, in 2007. They were first teased in issues 08 and 10 of Fulla Magazine, before being officially revealed in issues 11 and 14 (the latter seen above).
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Only 8 dolls in total have been released for the line: a Deluxe and a Budget doll for each of the four characters. The Deluxe sets came with two outfits, accessories, and an Abaya. The Budget sets came with one outfit and a matching Hijab. Each doll had 7 points of articulation, with bend-and-snap knees.
A third line was announced in 2008 in Fulla Magazine issue 19, advertising that whoever could answer which character had which profession would enter a raffle with the chance to receive a full Arabian Friends collection, but this ultimately never came to pass. (The answers were: Muna - Fashion Designer, Amal - Kids' Teacher, Dunya - Coach, and Ahlam - Air Hostess)
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It's said on Dollect there might have been an accompanying animated series, but the most I was able to find were two videos. One seems to be a trailer for the animated series.
The other includes a Back To School merchandise advertisement, and what might be an animation where the girls reminisce on when they were younger and how their aspirations led to their respective careers (the trailer seems to re-use animation from both of these).
A comment beneath the Trailer claims these were actually meant to advertise for an upcoming movie rather than a series, but no further news came out after these videos were released. If this is true it's honestly a shame, and might have been cancelled around when the third series was intended to release. The animation provided reminds me of Sailor Moon, and I would've loved to see it in a full storyline!
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First character up is Amal, whose name means "Hope"! Her description reads:
"Never forget that hope is the key that opens all closed doors. With hope in your heart you will never be alone and nothing in life will seem impossible.."
Amal reminds me the most of Usagi from Sailor Moon, as the animation seems to portray her personality as being kind yet clumsy. It's ironic that she eventually becomes a schoolteacher as well, considering she apparently had a habit of arriving to classes late. She's also seen tucking a child into bed, so perhaps she's a mother, older sister, or aunt as well?
While depicted in the animation as having honey blonde hair, her doll has dirty blonde hair in two low pigtails (possibly tied by pink ribbon or thread). And ironically, despite her Deluxe doll using more patterns than her friends, her Budget doll is the only one without a patterned shirt.
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Next is Muna, whose name means "Wish". Her description reads:
"Wishes are like bright stars in a dark sky although they are only small they fill our lives with happiness and make the darkness beautiful."
Muna is a Fashion Designer with an eye for intricate design and detail. She spends a good amount of time in her studio, seen drawing on her friend's leg cast and her highschool classroom's chalkboard. At one point, Muna is also seen helping an elderly woman across the street, so clearly her devotion to her work doesn't stop her from being charitable when she can be!
Her fashion style in both doll and animated form definitely seems the most bold out of her friends, reminding me of when 2000s-era fashion would draw inspiration from the 70s! While in the animation she and Dunya were depicted with tanned olive skin, their dolls have the same skintone as Amal and Ahlam. She has brown hair with red highlights. In the animation her hair was often depicted with side part bangs and a headband. However, her Deluxe doll has a red beanie, and her Budget doll has a middle part with braids coming down on either side of her head.
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Ahlam's name means "Dreams". Her description reads:
"Dreams are like beautiful butterflies that fly in the wide blue sky. It is good to have dreams because they take you to a place where anything is possible.."
Ahlam is apparently a pianist in addition to her Air Hostess job, having dreamt of flying since she was in school. She seems to be portrayed as considerate and low-key, which aligns with her cool blue color scheme!
Her doll's fashion style seems to be Boho Chic, with beads, frills, and florals. In the animation her hair is short, with a side part and a blue butterfly barrette. Her doll, meanwhile, wears her black and blue hair beneath a navy cap in her Deluxe look, and a middle part tied back in her Budget look. Visually, she reminds me of Ami Mizuno!
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And last but not least, Dunya! Her name means "Life", and her description reads:
"Your friendship is like a beautiful flower to me. Your nice words, kind deeds and positive attitude are sure to be rewarded with happiness and love.."
Dunya seems to be a healthy eater, going to someone's house with a bowl of greens (salad or kale perhaps?), and making a smoothie while on the phone. She also does stretches and runs on her treadmill. All of this makes her the perfect fit for a coaching position!
Weirdly enough, her hairstyle in the animation is exactly like Amal's doll, with two low pigtails tied by pink ribbon. Her doll, meanwhile, has brown hair in a side part tied in a high pony with silver elastics (giving me Vidia vibes tbh). Her olive green fashion seems to be relatively modern (at least for the 2000s) and urban. Her clothes are the ones I can most easily see on a Bratz doll!
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Overall, I simply adore this line!!! It feels more character-focused than other ones I've covered, and I'm a sucker for such strong color-blocking! It's hard for me to even pick a favorite, since their centralized aesthetics are all so compelling and unique! If anyone who knows Arabic would be able to translate what they say in the animations, I'll happily add an addendum to this post for clarification!
It's a shame the line and its movie was cancelled before it could receive the acclaim it deserved, I would've loved to see what more it had to offer! Regardless, I'm thoroughly impressed with what they managed to put out, and hope the designers have been able to apply their clear talents in other endeavors!
Ramadan Kareem!
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mitsua · 5 months
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Them with an S/o who likes playing videogames
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Warnings: none Genre: fluff
Series: Boku No Hero Academia
Pairings: Izuku Midoriya × Y/N, Shouto Todoroki × Y/N, Bakugo Katsuki × Y/n
Y/N's . . . GN! Words' count: 0.41k
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I don't think he has so much experience on them, but he'd try his best to learn if you teach him
If there's a specific brand (wether it is for videogames or set up things) you're obsessed with, he'll do his best to keep you updated on their latest news.
Maybe he'll get competitive but it's the type to just keep smiling even if he loses so it's not a great victory you may think.
Sometimes even give you a videogame as a gift.
I think he'd prefer mostly calm games, not too much happening on the screen at once... but maybe from time to time would ask you about some crazy ones.
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Has little to no experience (anything he's got about it was because of his stay on the dorms at U.A.)
Would try to play them and some days you'll get to see him at his best; getting all possible points, almost speedrunning the game without noticing. Some other days you'll see him struggle again with some of the buttons, even the basic ones again... (specially if you introduced him to a new game recently).
When you notice that "luck" of his, you better give up being competitive the days he's like that because no matter how much time you've been playing, he'd beat you one way or another. If he isn't with that much luck, then you can certainly hear some discomfort grunts here and there.
Whenever he get a notification about an upcoming videogame, he'd send some bodyguard or servant of his to buy it and gift it to you.
He's neutral on whatever game you want to play; but you better play the hardest ones when he's at his best to help you progress and take a break with something calm.
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Has some experience, yet he's not the best of the best. That's what is most complicated to play with him.
Gets super competitive just ONCE he really knows what he's doing and memorizes all buttons' functions.
He'd let you know if you ever miss a notification from certain platforms he knows for gamers if they've launched new merchandise, an update or so. If it's something physical and any of you know a shop, then consider it a date. (Depending on what's the game about, he'll buy it).
I'm guessing he'd prefer a couple of action games, but mostly slow progress ones as Izuku, because he may take this as a hobby of his where he can relax.
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the tagged anime characters.) ⌇ my navigation!
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t1meslayer · 1 month
It's Dungeon Meshi Thursday!! Hope everyone is excited for a brand-new episode of—
*holds a finger up to my earpiece*
What was that?
*listens a little bit longer*
To shreds you say?
Well. Sorry folks, turns out the anime is still on break. In the meantime... Perhaps I can sate your hunger for new Dungeon Meshi content with this preview of three (3!!!) Fun Facts set to appear in the upcoming @dunmeshizine!
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For my part, I worked on flavor text based on Floors 2, 3, and the Surface. But the book is going to be absolutely chock full of amazing art, writing, and recipes all around, with tons of great merchandise too!
Preorders are open RIGHT NOW, and last until September 23. Proceeds will support World Central Kitchen, so don't hesitate to check out a really fun project that benefits a cause we all know Senshi would be proud to back.
See the zine on Bigcartel: https://dungeonmeshizine.bigcartel.com/
(Or if you're in the UK: https://www.etsy.com/shop/dungeonmeshizine)
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raymantogether · 1 month
Rayman Together Community Spotlight #1 - Rayman Collectibles & Merchandise
This exciting new series hopes to introduce you to Rayman Fans across the World on a more personal level and make you the reader feel more connected to the community. I look forward in the months ahead to showing you the many faces of the Rayman community and some of the exciting projects and accounts they are working behind. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Rayman Together Community Spotlight in the future please feel free to reach out through Twitter. 
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Rayman was published by French video game publisher Ubisoft in 1995. Since Rayman debuted on PlayStation and Sega Saturn, the series flourished after receiving outstanding reviews from critics and multiple publications. Rayman went onto spanning decades of videogame releases. Rayman was a Ubisoft Mascot until later years, when its various franchises such as Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Tom Clancy, and the Rabbids stole the spotlight.
After almost a decade, Rayman has slowly begun to creep back into the spotlight thanks to his return in Rayman in the Phantom Show. Ubisoft has begun to drip feed the loyal and patient Rayman community with various releases with collaborations from its multiple partners, such as Flyos, YouTooz, and Netflix. Rayman has made a major appearance in the Ubisoft Netflix series Captain Laser Hawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, Flyos is publishing the eagerly anticipated Rayman: The Board Game, and Youtooz has created Rayman figures and pin sets. YouTooz are even working on more figures, including an upcoming plush toy, collaborating with someone within the Rayman community. 
Although it may seem Ubisoft never supported the franchise outside of digital releases until now, a lot of you may be unaware that during the "Golden Era" of Rayman, Ubisoft released often rather obscure and bizarre merchandise that was exclusive in Europe or often released without public knowledge. 
I recently discovered the TikTok page RaymanCollectibles&Merch, which is managed by the extremely passionate Rayman fan Natasha Quinn from the United Kingdom. Natasha has collected various collectibles and merchandise throughout Rayman's history. I am delighted today to take an opportunity to showcase the Rayman Collectibles & Merchandise account as part of the very first Rayman Together Community Spotlight.
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Please Introduce Yourself: "Hi I'm Natasha Quinn I live in Hertfordshire Stevenage in the United Kingdom."
Tell us something fun or interesting about yourself? "I have been collecting Rayman merch since 2016 but sadly lost most of it due to moving so restarting again in April 2023 where i have acquired a lot more then my childhood collection."
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? "I have two small dogs called dexter and Bailey which compete in fun dog shows. I also love to spend time drawing and making crafts in my spare time."
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4. What are three things that make you smile? "The three things that make me smile are anything animal-related, cute videos, etc. I'm a huge animal lover. 2 Rayman (of course) 3 playing retro games from my childhood, reliving the memories mostly the PS1, PS2, and Game Boy handhold"
5. How did you get into the Rayman series? "I first got into Rayman when my dad got me an atomic purple GBC, which he called the game Rayman to go aside. I fell in love with the adventure and the colorful levels as well as the character Rayman himself, which I thought the fist throwing was a cool design! I remember getting excited about completing a level I would show my dad."
6. What is your favorite Rayman game and who is your favorite Rayman character? "Choosing a favorite Rayman game is hard, but I would have to say for memories and nostalgia alone, it would be the GBC version, although I realize it isn't a popular opinion, but closely following would be Rayman 2 & 3, as they are great games too! My favorite Rayman character is Rayman himself or Ly the fairy."
7. What is your favorite piece of Rayman merchandise you own, and why? "I think my favorite piece I own the last plush. I was lucky and won it in an auction, and weirdly enough, the smaller version went up for sale the same week, so I was lucky to own the pair!"
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8. What is the rarest piece of Rayman merchandise you own? "The rarest piece I own is the Rayman Grimace mushroom figure given to staff members working on the Rayman 3 game, and only 100 were made. It's a beautiful statue, and I had to get it shipped from another country. I feel very lucky to have one."
9. Is there something in your Rayman collection that you don’t own? "I would love to own the 25th anniversary coin. I have been searching each day, and I still have hope."
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Thank you, Natasha, for participating in the very first Rayman Together community spotlight. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I am a huge fan of your account. I look forward in the future to seeing what else you can collect. Hopefully, in the future, Ubisoft will help you get a Rayman 25th Anniversary Medallion. Who knows, maybe next year there will be a 30th Anniversary Medallion. If you enjoyed this spotlight and would like to follow and support Rayman Collectibles & merchandise, I have included links to her social media platform below. 
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Thank you for reading everyone and I look forward to seeing you in future Rayman Together Community Spotlights.
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glassbead-xx · 4 days
I’ve been seeing this for years and with everything that has happened lately I just have to say it
tbh I am kind of cautious about the development of the last three chapters, sorry if this is heated but I’m so tired I won’t care if you cancel me
Undead Unluck is not getting axed
I repeat, not axed
Every time something happens with UU (low rankings, poor sales at least when compared to other series from the magazine) people are so quick to say it was axed when like, I don’t think it is
Axed is normally what happens to series when they’re in the 20-40 chapters and are not selling or ranking well, they get cancelled before they can reach their true potential
Undead Unluck just released its chapter 223, with an anime season and an upcoming one hour special, two light novels, card games, lots of merchandise and probably one of the best built cast of characters and worlds to come out of the magazine as of late
It might not be the best selling thing but it’s doing fine, especially when you compare its popularity on Japan to its popularity on this side (which is almost non existent, thanks Disney)
If Jump wanted to get rid of UU that would’ve happened before its first anniversary
(Now that I think about it, the loop reveal probably saved the series)
If anything this is just rushing to Ragnarok probably for the fights or for shits and giggles idk, but when these things happen I usually trust the author with the story, so let’s see what Tozuka comes up with
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a-forbidden-detective · 10 months
Curious add-ons, Episode 10 (Part 6), The Blush and other things
Like what I’ve mentioned before, Wataru Watari and co. edited out Akira’s dialogue and panels in the manga and added a few things that ante up RonToto’s relationship.
(If you listen to the RKDD voice actors, Youhei Azakami especially, they say RonToto when referring to their—his and EnokiJun’s— characters often during their radio show out of laziness, heh, and habit maybe.)
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The blush after Ron notices that Toto is looking at him. Probably caught by his bashfulness, in the end, he smiles at Toto, but realises that there’s something off after Toto sighs loudly.
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Honestly, this is so sweet. The anime writers are invested making use of Akira’s panels where Ron loves to smirk so we can hear him say “heh” with the movement of his lips and giving emphasis on the quiet moments where the characters can interact without words but still heavily imply that emotions are surging. I particularly like the scenes between Toto and John Grizzly where the BLUE instructor was interrogating Toto’s relationship with Ron. That was a minute of no dialogue only the reaction of their faces shown.
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“So, that’s how much… she likes you” is replaced with this nicer statement from Ron. Anyone who treats his friend Toto nicely gets a star from him.
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With the following scenes Toto has come out more dominant than in the manga.
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And yesterday new merchandise had been unveiled just in time for the upcoming Jump Festa. Two of them are these images of the two. Ron is wearing a trendy attire with harnesses on his chest area and a dog tag. Whereas Toto is wearing a sort of street-smart urban outfit. The joke on X Twitter is who’s the “dog” and who is the owner.
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Yes. It is all coincidence. And I am probably projecting.
They definitely removed Ron’s “I feel the same way” line and instead included the dialogue suggesting two things. 1)Ron sees that Toto is fond of ordering takeouts that it is implied that he cooks for the police officer from time to time. His recipes are mostly drenched with black syrup. 2) because Toto is not into cooking, he wishes that one day he does break this habit. Maybe because it is not healthy. This is where my head canon and speculation collide. Seeing that cooking is chemistry and Ron has been a hikikomori for five years and had lots of time during those times he probably had so many things tried and experimented.
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From an outsider’s point of view, like Chikori, who has been wondering what the hell is the relationship between these two.
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franki-lew-yo · 6 months
Still unemployed
Sorry as always for the open rant you all witnessed two nights back from me. I'm genuinely very stressed about money. In summer and fall 2023 my concern was just trying to make myself noticed somehow, bit-by-bit through social media and gaining a substantial following just to better myself as an artist.
Now, I need any income I've got just to afford my rent and utilities.
To put it into perspective (besides the Ko-fi produced Shelby-fund, which was successfully breached and will be used this coming week on her vet bill) my ssi income's been reduced to 530$ a month while my rent is 760$. My old job supplied at least 300$+ but I don't have any of that coming in now. The stimulus money I was given as a parting gift instead of a final paycheck can't be withdrawn from or transferred to my main bank. I have at least 140$ left on that stimulus just for other expenses like busfair, art supplies, dog and home care.
I'm INCREDIBLY grateful to have my EBT card covering my groceries, my jobcoaches assisting with printing out cardstock for any (eventual) upcoming events or cons and getting me a buspass discount, and of course the backers to my Shelby fund to cover that for the year (much love to Brandon, Misty and Cheatsy on Ko-fi). I will be receiving unemployment soon, though still not enough to cover my rent and utility cost.
But, I need to pay for services on Upwork, Linked In and Vograce, for sensitivity readers and animators and shipping costs for any physical Etsy merchandise, possible venue space for real-life events, professional art prints, computer and tablet maitanance, and that's not even getting to possibly subscribing to sites such as instagram or Facebook. I still have a lot to save up for and do WITHOUT being unemployed.
As a reminder, I need to take commissions especially at this time, both 'quick' ones and more complex pieces.
5$ USD for Sketches (traditional or digital) 
15$-20$ USD for Inked, flat colored art without backgrounds
30$ USD for complete pictures
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3$ USD = specific medium (completely digital, colored pencil, ink/watercolors, chalk)
5$ USD = extra characters 
5$ USD = shading/lighting 
10$ USD = Physical shipping of the drawing if it’s traditional
This is also a reminder to please assist and support me however you can via my Ko-Fi, Etsy shop, Redbubble shop and my Patreon.
Thank you, everyone.
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darylbrainrot · 8 months
How would you—a part time guitarist and streamer, react when an upcoming streamer known as gojo admitted to liking your music and streams?
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INFO… you all have been friends for around 5 years now and go to the same college, jujutsu tech.
Y/N- performance major & mathematics minor.
YUKI- fashion design major & fashion merchandising minor.
CHOSO- fine arts major & animation minor.
Interact with this post to be apart of my taglist.
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tamapalace · 1 month
Bandai Brings Upcoming Bandai Namco Nui Tamagotchi Merchandise to 2024 Anime NYC
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Some new merchandise has just appeared, and we’re excited! Anime NYC is an annual three-day anime convention for all things anime. It is being hosted at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in Hudson Yard, New York City from Friday, August 23rd, 2024, through Sunday, August 25th, 2024.
Bandai is in attendance in several capacities, including Gashapon, but we were really shocked to see that they’re previewing new Tamagotchi merchandise at Anime NYC!
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
First we have the IN Tamagotchi Plush that we originally saw at the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con, but now we see Mimitchi! Who is in the Art Style shell. These do not yet have a release date.
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Second are the Chibi Nui Plushes, both volume 1 and volume 2. Volume 1 feature Mametchi, Mimitchi, Violetchi, Kuchipatchi. We saw these at the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con. Now volume 2 features Maskutchi, Memetchi, Gozarutchi, Pochitchi, and Young Mametchi. This is the first time we’re seeing the volume 2 collection, they’re not even listed on the Bandai Namco Nui website. Volume 1 originally launched in Japan April, 2024.
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Third are PuriNui Big Mametchi and Mimitchi plushes which appear to be larger plushes that sit perfectly on any flat surface.
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Fourth is the Bandai Namco Nui Mametchi PlayCharm Smartphone Plush. This is a super cute way to attach Mametchi to your smartphone! This just launched in Japan in June, 2024.
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pichongames · 8 months
It's time for a new DEV UPDATE! [February 2024]
Let's talk about the upcoming Nintendo Switch port, localization, plushies, and new content coming soon?
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It's time for a new development update, we've been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes so let's talk about some of it, shall we?
The Bunny Graveyard is coming to Nintendo Switch!
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If you didn't know already, The Bunny Graveyard is on its way to Nintendo Switch. But this port will not just be any normal port, the game will receive some enhancements and changes both visually and gameplay-wise. Including motion-controls, HD vibration and more!
But do not worry PC users, even though some gameplay features will be exclusive to Switch, any content updates, improvements and future chapters will be released at the same time on all platforms.
More languages!
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The Bunny Graveyard: Chapter 1 is currently being translated to more languages, some of these are:
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
...and more!
Boxers Plushie!
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You probably heard of this already, but yes! Boxers got himself his very own plushie, which is still available at the time of this writing, however, this is a limited edition plushie so make sure to grab one before they're gone. As of right now, there's still 8 days left, so think about it! You guys absolutely CRUSHED that funding goal by the way, 450 sold so far!
We're definitely making another one... hehe.
This is also our first piece of merchandise and we're open to do more merch stuff in the future! But for now we'll only be choosing things that don't slow us down during development. So, if you got any requests for merch, let us know and we'll look into it!
NEW free content is coming this year...
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We are working on a new secret project for the game, it will be released as a free content update at the same time as the Nintendo Switch release. It's a small thing that we wanted to make for a while now, but never got the chance to do due to time constraints. Think of it as the next "4-1-1992" for now.
We'll be releasing a separate trailer for this soon, so stay tuned!
So... how's Chapter 2?
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Finally, let's have a quick talk about Chapter 2.
We are still not ready to fully reveal Chapter 2, buuuut we can tell you a little bit about it. It is the most ambitious project we have ever done, we expect it to be about the same length as Chapter 1, but despite the length, this chapter has proven to be quite a challenge to develop... but you know us, we love ourselves a challenge!
The story has been fully written, the gameplay has been finalized, but there's still quite a lot of programming to go, and don't get me started on all the music and animations left. Oh, did I also mention that this chapter will be releasing at the same time on Nintendo Switch and PC? And that it will also release in multiple languages? And that I'm still working on this game mostly by myself?
Yeah, things are not the same as they were back when I was making Chapter 1, The Bunny Graveyard is no longer just a silly lil' indie game, but that's exactly what makes it fun. I seriously can't wait to show you guys what we've been working on, this chapter is going to blow you away. Expect a trailer sometime this year.
You can add Chapter 2 to your Steam wishlist now!
Final Thoughts!
2024 is looking like an awesome year for this game, I'm hoping that this year we can get more people to know about this game. I'm extremely thankful for all of the support that we've been getting lately, it's crazy that I can now FINALLY focus on this game full-time, something that I've been trying to do for a long time now. I'm still processing the fact that this game is coming to the Switch, but it really is! Truly a dream come true. If you got any questions, ask in the comments and I'll try to answer as many as I can! And as always, thank you all!
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sakurapika · 9 months
Reviewing New Year Sale Outfits in Twisted Wonderland
In Japan, New Year's Day (お正月, or "Oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year, and it is also my favorite. That being said, the TWST artists never disappoint when it comes to the art for this event, so let's review all of the cards!
Spoiler warning for upcoming ENG and JP sever event cards, including some Groovy art!
Round 1: 2021-2022
Kalim Al-Asim (SSR)
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Look at him, he's so festive and cheerful
This Kalim, as well as Deuce's SR, have a special place in my heart. I started playing TWST the summer it came out, but I wasn't a "serious" player until around New Year. Kalim and Deuce were my first "duo magic" pair, and I love their interactions in the story as well.
I love his headband ribbon and how it matches his obi. The sparkly hakama also suits him. I'm excited to see Jamil's version of this outfit as well, but we all know it'll be a very long time until Jamil volunteers to work retail during the peak season.
12/10 he's so cute
Deuce Spade (SR)
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I was surprised that this was just an SR, and that you could get him by finishing the event story. His outfit is so detailed!
I chose his Groovy art so you could see that he's wearing sneakers with his outfit, which I found funny. Cater is wearing similar shoes in his own SR, so it must be part of the Heartslabyul New Year attire. It still feels very in-character for Deuce.
The silhouette of his outfit is interesting. His jacket is short like a suit jacket, but has the sleeves of a haori. There are lots of elements of his dorm uniform, like the pins and sash around his waist.
Not only does he look awesome, but he chose to work during the New Year's Sale to buy a present for his mother.
12/10 very cool and wholesome
Round 2: 2022-2023
Ruggie Bucchi (SSR)
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Aside from Vargas Camp and his birthday cards, Ruggie doesn't have a lot of SSRs, so I'm happy for him. I look forward to getting him in the English server soon.
I love how Ruggie seems to have picked up a lot of merchandise from around the store. Aside from a fan, which all the boys are using as their "weapons" for battles, he has a little koi bag, which I love so much (I have a similar one). The little toy he's holding is called a den-den daiko (でんでん太鼓), which is popular for young children.
11/10 congrats on getting the job, Ruggie!
Cater Diamond (SR)
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I chose to show his un-Groovy art, because it's easier to see his outfit.
His clothes are similar to Deuce's, except that his "vest" is red, and he is wearing a button-down shirt underneath. The mix of Japanese and Western influences reminds me of Taisho-era clothing. He looks like Kazushi Tatsuishi in the anime version of My Happy Marriage, which also happens to be set in the Taisho Era.
It's hard to see in this picture, but he has a hairpin in his hair!
10/10 he slays
Sebek Zigvolt (SSR)
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He looks so dramatic with his gloves and fur collar, but are we surprised? He's a Diasomnia student, after all. I wish they had given him a different hat, though, because it looks almost identical to his dorm uniform.
This one makes me laugh, because he poses like my dad. Not seen in this image is Sebby's neon-green geta, which I think my dad would love (he likes having shoes in unusual colors).
10/10 who needs fireworks on New Year's Eve when you have Sebby?
Vil Schoenheit (SR)
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He stole the show.
At first glance, his outfit may bear too heavy a resemblance to the regular Pomefiore uniforms, since they're already inspired by kimono.
With his fascinator hat, netted gloves, and black nail polish, though, Vil adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to his outfit. He looks like he is playing the role of a Taisho-era socialite who poisoned their lover and is now actively avoiding the police.
Either that, or he got divorced from Rook. After all, it looks like he is wearing a furisode (a type of kimono meant for single women) rather than a tomesode (worn by married women), like in his dorm uniform.
11/10. The storytelling potential is limitless.
Round 3: 2023-2024
Trey Clover (SSR)
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I love his scarf and hat. His coat looks longer than Deuce's and Cater's, and more like a haori. Overall, it looks like a cozy combination.
Like Cater, he is also wearing a button-down shirt under his kimono, and his vest is green. Heartslabyul is the only dorm that gets a character in this event every year, so it's nice to see that the outfits are personalized for each character.
He looks like he could be someone's uncle, but you know for sure that he'd spoil his nieces and nephews.
10/10 very classy, if he was working at the store and I came to visit, I'd trust him.
Ortho Shroud (SR)
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Something I've always found interesting about Ignihyde clothing is their use of sharp shapes and geometric patterns, especially in Ortho's case. I wonder how Idia's version of this outfit would look.
Ortho and Idia must've had so much fun creating this outfit together!
Infinity/10 if Ortho were trying to sell me anything, I'd buy it, regardless of whether I actually need it.
Rook Hunt (SSR)
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He's wearing RED EYELINER!
His outfit is quite different from Vil's. While Vil is wearing a furisode, which is traditionally worn by women, Rook's outfit seems to have a more traditionally masculine silhouette (of course, this is just my interpretation). This probably means that Epel will get to wear an outfit similar to Rook's next time as well.
The peacock feathers on his red hat is also a nice touch.
His pose and expression remind me of Wen Kexing from the C-drama Word of Honor. They also have similar personalities.
10/10, he looks like he just stepped out of a period drama. I look forward to seeing the fanarts of him with Vil.
Jade Leech (SR)
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Jade's card has to be my favorite from this year's lineup. I just love how they translated Octavinelle's suits into kimono, while keeping details such as the purple bow tie.
I'm obsessed with his haori--it looks fluffy. I'd like to buy five.
His pose is so...
Like Trey, he looks like someone's uncle (it must be the fedora). However, unlike Trey, he looks like someone's uncle who may or may not be part of the Yakuza. Instead of giving you money on New Year, you owe HIM.
He also looks like he goes door to door selling products, and is about to sell me what he guarantees is a genuine Toshiba toaster oven and absolutely not an overpriced knockoff that will short-circuit and cause my entire neighborhood to lose electricity.
11/10 I will buy that toaster oven anyway.
Which cards are you most excited for? Let me know!
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marshallpupfan · 6 months
All Good Things...
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We've known about PAW Patrol's upcoming new animation style for a while, and although we only had a taste of it before, more and more leaks have given us an even bigger look at it. From what I've seen, most fans seem to like it so far, and to tell you the truth, I do, too! With one exception, I think all the pups look great, and I'll even go as far to say I like these more than the theatrical designs... and especially what Rubble & Crew gave us. Like most fans, I'm eager to see more!
Still, I can't help but feel a little sad. I know I say this often, but, Marshall's my #1 favorite character, and he's been at the top of my list for over five years now. I'm crazy about him, which is why I started these accounts, why I began the whole "Daily Marshall Pics" thing, why I purchased a crazy amount of his merchandise, among other things. It's all driven by just how much I love this pup. And while there are many reasons why I say this, one in-particular is why I'm making this post; his character design.
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Marshall's appearance in the above pic is one I came to love over the years. It's also involved in practically everything I do here. My avatar and banner is this Marshall. 99% of my daily pics are this Marshall. Nearly my entire merchandise collection is this Marshall. My Ready Race Rescue poster is this Marshall. That $400+ costume I purchased is this Marshall. Basically, I'm saying that, to me, this IS Marshall. Despite his altered look in Rubble & Crew and the theatrical films, this is what always comes to mind whenever I think of the pup.
...and it's about to go away, huh?
Whether it's later this year or the next, one of the things I love about this Dalmatian will no longer be the same. That simplistic yet wonderful design will soon be replaced, and we'll no longer see it in anything official, such as new episodes, commercials, toy packaging, etc. Outside of repeats, it'll just be... no more.
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Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. Sure, the pups are getting a visual makeover, but they'll still be the same characters, right? And, unless the new season 11 director changes things, no doubt Marshall will still be the same clumsy yet lovable pup that became my favorite way back when. I mean, he looked different in Rubble & Crew, but the other aspects and qualities I love about him were still there! And in the theatrical films... er, never mind that. My point is, I suppose we're technically not losing anything here; just a visual style many of us became so accustom to when we first started watching PAW Patrol, whether it was all the way back in 2013 or later. No doubt some fans might even consider it a bit special to them.
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But hey, change doesn't have to be a bad thing! As I mentioned earlier, I do like what we've seen of the new style so far, and personally, I'm feeling quite optimistic about it! Sure, it might take some time getting used to it, but given how often we have to adjust to the pups getting new voice actors, I'm starting to get used to change with this franchise. Besides, as much as I still enjoy the old style and wouldn't mind it sticking around, I'm not going to shun the new or stand in its way. And you know, when I look at the two designs of Marshall side-by-side, I still see a lot of the old in the new, so maybe we should look at this as an upgrade instead of a replacement? Perhaps it's not as much of a goodbye as I thought?
I'm going to hope this new style works out for everyone in the end. However, I'll still miss the old. It stuck with the franchise and its fans for over ten years, so with great respect, I take my hat off for it.
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...Of course, the old style will live on through its older fans, and I'm certainly not going to let it go. You'll still see it through my dailies and various edits, of course!
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takahirokatoh · 1 day
Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~stage of the golden witch~ DVDs
All DVDs are currently sold out. Please wait for the next production run.
I have a lot of things I want to talk about, but I hope you understand that it is very correct to restrict information in terms of risk management, maintaining the worldview of the work, and avoiding spoilers.
On the first day of "End me.", the announcement of the decision to perform episode 5 and the announcement of Inada Hikaru's graduation in the pamphlet were not posted on X or other sites by most people, except for a few people. I was glad to see that those who still love the work from the bottom of their hearts understand. Thank you very much. In any case, Inada Hikaru as Beatrice is not the only cast member who will not appear in the next performance. The cast auditions held in June last year were limited to two performances this year, and of course, the production of episode 5 had not been decided at that time. So when the production of episode 5 was decided, the schedule for February next year was already filled, and it seems that there were some cast members who could not continue. However, there is an example of Washio Shuto, who played George in episode 2, making a comeback as Amakusa Juuza, so if future episodes are produced, there is a possibility that he will make a comeback.
It may look like things are going well in terms of the number of attendees and merchandise sales, but it's safe to say it's reckless for a theater company to put on a performance of this level every six months. After all, Shingidan Mumei Classics has less than 10 members. No matter how much the director, Ito Masami, loves Umineko, it's not something that can be done with passion alone. It really is all thanks to the power of love from everyone.
From episode 5 onwards, the media franchise has been partially adapted into an anime film for the Japanese gambling game "Pachislot", but the only other media is manga.
This is the official video page of OIZUMI Co., Ltd., a sponsor of Umistage (except episode 2).
Elfin Co., Ltd., a member of the production committee for the anime "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: SOTSU," is also a sponsor. The first performance was for the anniversary, so they may have sponsored it as a token of their support, but both companies have been sponsors since episode 3… I wonder if we are able to give back in some way… Although, there is no way of knowing if they will be sponsoring the next episode, episode 5. I'm looking forward to seeing how the upcoming episodes will be visually expressed through the medium of stage, along with Erika's appearance.
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