#Wally is not sure about his uncle theory
nelkcats · 2 years
A cold era is hitting Central City, the main suspect is Captain Cold, but no matter how many times Flash question him, Leonard gives Barry a pout and shows him the cookies he was baking, apparently he's going through a baking stage.
However, the speedster is not going to be fooled because everywhere where it's frozen there is a mirror or a reflective thing, so it must be Captain Cold and Mirror Master, he is sure.
On the other hand, ever since he moved to Central City to finish college (¡Their aerospace program is amazing!) Danny has been having trouble controlling his ice powers, causing blizzards or even freezing buildings by mistake.
Clockwork tells him that it's nothing medical and it's just him instinctively fighting with the speedforce because of their near presence, but ¿what is a speedforce? ¿Would it hurt Clocky to stop being so cryptic once in a while?
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pkmnprideflags · 6 months
Everything We Know About the Protags' and Rivals' Families
Their mother is probably the Pokémom we know the least about. She only ever talks about worrying for her child, and doesn't seem to have any hobbies or anything noteworthy about her. I'm glad that the later games have started giving the moms more personality.
As for their dad, the only reference to him is in the Celadon Department Store. Upon looking at one of the TVs, the protag will say, "A sports game! Dad'll like that!" So we know that their father is a fan of sports, and has enough of a connection with their child for them to know that.
Blue Oak
Of course, he has a grandfather (er, what was his name again?), and that grandfather has a cousin named Samson who lives in Alola. He also has an older sister, Daisy, who has allegedly competed in Pokémon Contests in the past according to a Pokémon Journal in the Sevii Islands. This means she must have traveled to either Hoenn or Sinnoh at some point, probably during her childhood or adolescence. We know nothing about Blue & Daisy's parents.
Ethan/Kris/Lyra (as protag)
This Pokémom still doesn't have much going on outside of talking to other women in town and apparently enjoying cooking, but she does at least assist by managing her child's money. In retrospect, an eleven-year-old in real life probably should not be trusted with all that money, so good idea. Too bad she also seems irresponsible with money, buying things with her child's money without asking them. Sometimes those purchases are helpful, sometimes they're not. Either way, you should get permission first, ma'am.
As far as I can remember, their father is never mentioned.
Ethan/Lyra (as friend)
They live with their father in New Bark Town; as far as I know, their mother is never mentioned. Their grandparents are the Day Care Couple that lives south of Goldenrod City.
We all know by now that Silver's father is Giovanni. According to the Celebi event, father and son parted ways three years before GSC on Route 22, with Giovanni heading towards the Pokémon League and Silver heading back, presumably to Viridian. If we assume that he is the standard protag/rival age of 11, then he seperated from Giovanni at the age of eight. When he shows up in New Bark Town, he lowkey seems to be homeless. I'm not sure how an eight-year-old without Pokémon would have made it over to Johto alone. The most likely people to help him would be Team Rocket, but he's stubborn enough that he'd probably reject their help. Did he climb through or trek around Mt. Silver?
Despite the many fan theories, the identity of Silver's mother has never been discussed in the games.
May/Brendan (as protag)
A protagonist with two visible parents?! Impossible. But yes, Norman and his wife are still together. In Ruby and Sapphire, your mother specifically mentions that your family moved from Johto; curiously though, that dialogue was changed in Emerald to just say "another region." Later in B2W2's World Tournament, Norman specifically says he is from Olivine City.
The only references to their parents' lives before comes in ORAS, when the mother mentions that she and Norman watched the Litleonids the last time they occurred. Awwww.
May/Brendan (as rival)
They live with their parents, Professor and Mrs. Birch, in Littleroot Town. In Emerald only, they also have a younger brother. Prof. Birch seems to have a very close relationship with their child, though since they're often involved in fieldwork they may not get to see their mother much. Interestingly, Birch and Norman have supposedly been friends "since their school days." That means either Norman had gone to school in Hoenn before moving to Olivine, or Birch went to school in Johto.
We actually know a lot about Wally's family since it's part of the plot of RSE. He lives with his parents in Petalburg City, who are understandably protective of his health. He later moves to Verdanturf to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wanda. Not much is known about them, other than that Wanda is romantically involved with a guy from Rustboro.
Lucas/Dawn (as protag)
They live in Twinleaf Town with their mother, the Contest star Johanna. She gets out of the house more, both for Contests and to observe her child's success in the Battle Zone.
There are two references to the player's father, and both occur in Platinum. Johanna says that her child reminds him of him and that the two of them "are so alike." Later when met at the Battle Frontier, Palmer will note that he was a friend and rival to their father, similar to how they are now with Barry. Notably, in a very early beta of Diamond & Pearl, the player's father was going to appear early in the game. I don't speak Japanese, but based on the screenshots I'm guessing he was going to be involved in the player's first Pokémon encounter.
Lucas/Dawn (as friend)
They live in Sandgem Town with their father, grandfather, and little sister. Their father works as an assistant to Professor Rowan; nothing about their mother is known. Their sister watches TV a lot, and therefore often hears about swarms occurring in Sinnoh.
He lives in Twinleaf Town with his mother, while his father Palmer works at the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Both parents seem to care for their son, but I honestly can't remember them ever talking to or about each other, so I don't know what their relationship status is.
The Pokémom of Nuvema Town is said to have been a Trainer herself when she was younger. However, now she mostly stays at home, only departing to give the player the running shoes. In B2W2 she behaves similarly to Red's mother, saying she kind of wants to go out and find her child, but would feel bad if they stopped by while she was gone. Which makes me wonder: does her kid not still have their Xtransceiver? Why can't she just...call them like a normal person?
Their father is referenced by their mother when she says that they met each other on their own Pokémon journeys. Aw, young love. No hints to their current relationship status, though.
Cheren lives with his parents in Nuvema Town. I don't remember anything of note about them.
Bianca lives with her parents in Nuvema Town, and we all remember how her father acts at the beginning of the games. I don't recall her mother's reaction; apparently she was the one to tell him that Bianca made it to Nimbasa City, so maybe that indicates that Bianca trusts her slightly more.
This is definitely one of the cooler Pokémoms. She is an old friend of Professor Juniper, and used to work in Pokémon Centers (specifically implied to be the ones in Nimbasa and Mistralton). She's knowledgeable about the many locations in Unova, and supports her child by providing information.
Bulbapedia claims that there are references to their dad in the games, but a search of relevant pages has turned up no references.
Hugh lives with his mother, father, and younger sister in Aspertia City. His father has the sprite of a Black Belt, and his mother has the sprite of a Nursery Aide, which is a cute pairing. Hugh also mentions that he has a deceased grandfather, who caught his little sister's Purrloin. Hugh is very protective of his sister; overall this is a cute little family.
Calem/Serena (as protag)
They live with their mother, Grace, in Vaniville Town. The two recently moved to the town, but it's unclear if they are from another region entirely, or just a different town in Kalos. Regardless, Grace is known for being a Rhyhorn racer.
The only mention of the player's father is in a story Grace tells about one of her races. She lost control of her Rhyhorn at the finish line, where he was waiting, and she "sent him flying."
Calem/Serena (as rival)
They also live with their mother in Vaniville Town. It's mentioned that both of their parents are renowned Pokémon battlers, which is cool. Otherwise, their father is never mentioned.
Shauna & Tierno
Strangely, we know nothing about these two's families. Shauna seems to live in or near Vaniville Town since she hangs out there a lot, but she doesn't have a house there. Tierno hangs around Coumarine City a lot during postgame, so maybe he's supposed to be from there? But we know nothing about their family lives.
Trevor lives with his sister in Lumiose City. Apparently his mother and father are currently traveling the world to train their Pokémon. The world of this game series just seems very chill about family relations, and treats it as socially acceptable to leave your family to take a journey. I suppose they appreciate long-distance relationships or just don't value family that much.
They live with their mother on the outskirts of Hau'oli City. Their family was originally from the Kanto region, and the player's mother was once a renowned Meowth trainer, earning the nickname of the "Scratch Cat Girl." She's even seen at the end of the game battling the Masked Royal.
Apparently she is still married to the player's father, who still lives in Kanto. The two keep in touch by sending each other letters.
Hau lives with his grandfather Hala in Iki Town. He mentions his mother several times, saying he enjoys her cooking; she is not confirmed to be present in the games, but there is a female NPC randomly placed inside Hala's house that some assume to be Hau's mother. His father is traveling on a journey in another region (implied to be Kanto).
We all know this by now - used to live with Lusamine, Mohn, and Lillie; then Mohn disappeared, Gladion ran away with Type: Null, and Nebby teleported Lillie to Route 1. An Aether Paradise NPC also notes that Lusamine's father (so Gladion's grandfather) was a wealthy man who loved Pokémon, and he was the one who built the Foundation.
They live with their mother in Pallet Town. Like Red & Leaf's mother, this Pokémom doesn't have a whole lot going on. Bulbapedia says that they have a referenced father; I'm guessing it's that same dialogue in the Department Store from the other Gens.
Since he's no longer Professor Oak's grandson, Trace seems to only live with his sister. Perhaps another Trevor situation?
They seem to have always lived in Postwick with their mum. She doesn't have a whole lot going on, and the only reference to their father is the statement that the player's bag is a hand-me-down from him.
Hop lives in Postwick with his parents and grandparents, and Leon used to live there before going off to be a champion and whatnot.
Her parents are never mentioned; she seems to live with Piers.
Bede was apparently raised in an orphanage, so the identity of his parents are unknown.
Both as the protagonist and as the rival, their family situations are unknown.
As the protagonist, her family situation is unknown. As the rival, she mentions wanting to send a photo to her parents and brag about her work with the player in the Survey Corps.
They recently moved to Cabo Poco with their mother from a different region. It's implied they may be from Galar, as the mother has a Skwovet and uses the term "cuppa" when talking to Clavell. Their father is never mentioned.
Nemona's father, mother, and sister live in Cabo Poco. They moved to the Paldea region when Nemona was seven; their original region is unknown. Nemona's father is on the board of the Rotom Phone company, so they have a decent amount of wealth.
Because I'm a nerd, let's finish with some stats:
Characters confirmed to have both parents currently alive: 16 out of 34
Characters who live with both of their parents: 8 out of 34
Characters who live with their mother: 22 out of 34
Characters who live with their father: 12 out of 34
Characters with at least one living grandparent: 5 out of 34
Characters with siblings: 10 out of 32
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w0lfys-pokeblog · 1 year
Ok random pokemon theory that’s more just weird details so you know Wally
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This guy ^ I was earlier comparing him with his family
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Photos for reference and I’m now quite sure he’s adopted so let’s go over the proof
First off we can look at Wally’s ancestor from legends Arceus
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So from this we see the green hair that turns grey with age and the hair style which this weirdly doesn’t fit his parents who both have brown hair and then also doesn’t fit his uncle who goes bald with age instead of grey which is quite confusing also I hear you saying “oh it’s just they didn’t want to fully design the characters” but then why not just
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Use the model for a ace trainer for the mom or dad but change the jacket or leave it the same? Given then they have the green hair? Like I’m not saying it’s intentional but it’s just something to think of especially because Wally looks wayyy to similar to N for some weird reason
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Literally look at them side by side the hair is about the same but N’s is a little lighter which hair can lighten with exposure to the sun which i think N would have more sun exposure, eyes are the same color, N’s hair looks like it would go upwards if it wasn’t under a cap a lot, they both wear necklaces, and both tend towards lighter main colors there is definitely parallels that can be made at least definitely more then the traits Wally shares with his actual family Im going to now just leave you to make your own decision on this theory I hope everyone has a nice day
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flashfuture · 4 years
When Wally West joined the League he was the youngest member by far. We were lead to believe that he didn’t mesh well because of the age difference.
But think about it this way. The other League members were staring at a boy wearing their dead friends clothes. They know it’s Wally and that Barry would have wanted this for his nephew, his son.
It doesn’t matter. It still breaks their hearts when they lean over to say something to Barry but it’s not him.
Bruce and Barry used to talk for hours about investigations. He’ll sometimes turn to Wally a theory on his lips catch sight of the boy’s red hair and back down. It’s not his friend- just his friend’s kid.
And the League used to talk about the kids all day long. You’ll literally never be able to convince be it wasn’t some weird combo of PTA night and Mission Assessment. But Wally is one of those kids. He was a Titan. And they’ve all more or less fallen out with their kids even if things are getting better. They can’t bring it up not in front of Wally.
They used to go to bars together. Barry, Hal, and Bruce did have a night out on the town once so I’m thinking this was common. They’re friends they put their lives in each other’s hands. But Wally is a baby in their eyes. Sure he can drink legally and speedsters can’t get drunk but taking Barry’s kid out to drink just isn’t happening.
So the League turns into strictly co-workers. That works fine with Wally. He’s fine without a tight group of friends. He’s fine and he doesn’t care that Hal someone who’s been like another Uncle to him doesn’t think he can do this. Wally is fine his Uncle’s giant golden statue is just a statue Wally doesn’t have to live up to it.
Barry told him that. Barry told him any version of himself was better than Barry could ever hope to be. But Wally doesn’t buy that. Not for one moment but that’s okay. He doesn’t have to be his Uncle. No one could be Uncle Barry no one could replace his dad.
Everyone is doing fine. The League is happy to see the echoes of Iris’s laugh in Wally. They’re fucking ecstatic to hear Wally saying the same stupid science puns and Flash Facts that Barry has said before.
Wally is overjoyed to be working with the League as they used to ruffle his hair and tell him nice job and now they just assess him with blank cold expressions. And you know what Wally’s favorite part is? That no matter how many people join, no matter if they’re younger than him like Kyle, to the League Wally is always going to be 13 year old Kid Flash chasing after his Uncle’s shadow.
So yeah everyone is doing great.
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Sirius is Disowned, Part 2. Check out Part 1.
London, July 26th of July, 2012. Content Warning: Toxic Masculinity, Homophobia, Violence, Physical Abuse. Sirius had been wearing the ring that Alphard gave him with pride. Actually, it looked pretty cool on him. Sirius saw his Uncle in a family dinner the day before he left for Rome. He had told everyone that he had business there. He didn't explain any further. Nobody questioned Alphard. Well except one person: Orion. Sirius couldn't pinpoint why his father hated Alphard so much. "I don't blame him, Sirius" Alphard had once answered, "We were horrible to him, me and Cygnus, when we were children. We never liked him" And Orion always repeated that Alphard was a bad influence on Sirius. That made Sirius like Alphard even more. But after his departure, Orion still didn't shut up about it. Sirius had been counting the days for the summer to be over and go back to Hogwarts. Regulus had recommended staying low, and trying to be nice. Sirius was following his brother's advice. But only because he wanted to ask permission to spend the rest of the summer at The Potters'. Perhaps if his parents were in a good mood, he might have a chance. So he was silent at dinner. Sirius was trying to ignore what his parents said. "I'm am so proud of you Reggie, darling" Walburga was saying "Being prefect is an honor" Of course Regulus, the good and perfect son, had gotten the perfect badge a few days ago. Sirius' exams results weren't bad. But nobody noticed that. "Thank you, mother" Regulus answered embarrassed. "Were you prefect, mother?" Sirius asked without thinking. He indeed needed magic to shut his mouth. Walburga's smile disappeared. Orion dropped his fork on the table, making Sirius' jump. Orion had the ability of losing patience easily. "I was just simply asking" Sirius said looking down. "No" Walburga answered, taking a sip of her wine "I wasn't a prefect. Neither do you, so..." Sometimes Walburga acted like a child. Sirius felt like she was constantly provoking him. Making him explode. They fought, Sirius said something stupid. And that's when Orion intervene. One punch or slap made Sirius finally shut up. Always the same. "I was..." Orion interrupted "I used to follow you everywhere, just to make sure you didn't get into trouble" he took a bite of his food "Remember that, darling?" Walburga seemed uncomfortable. She gave her husband a little smile. Sirius tried so hard not to roll his eyes. "Well, today we are talking about Regulus" She said "Samantha more wine" she raised her glass. As Samantha brought the bottle quickly, Sirius noticed Orion was getting furious. He detested it when Walburga drank. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting her husband. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting everyone. "Amm... Actually is not a big deal" Regulus said "I don't know what the fuzz is about..." Reggie was shy and nervous when Orion was around. He was afraid of him. Sirius feared him too, but unlike Regulus, he couldn't control what he said. "Of course is a big deal, darling" Walburga stroked Reggie's hair. She'd never done that with Sirius. Sirius tried to ignore that. Everything was fine. Perhaps they would let him go to The Potters' if he was nice. He was cutting his meat, when Orion spoke again, and he jumped. "What is that?" Sirius took a while to learn, Orion was talking to him. His father pointed to his new ring. "Oh... am just a ring..." Sirius murmured, putting the hand under the table. "What was that?" Orion spoke louder. One time, Orion had told Sirius that men never spoke between teeth. Always loud and clear. "A ring, sir" Sirius spoke up, wondering why the hell Orion never bothered Regulus. Just him. Orion laughed "Why does it look familiar?" Sirius saw Walburga's expressionless face, and Regulus' concerned one. Looking at him. Sirius swolled. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. "It was my Uncle Alphard's" Sirius expected some yelling. But Orion simply snorted. He didn't say anything to Sirius. Which was a relief. But Orion turned to Walburga. "Speaking of Alphard, Wally. What do you think he is
doing in Rome? Suspicious isn't it?" Orion continued the conversation as if they were two old ladies, gossiping. Walburga smiled "How the hell should I know, darling" she spat "I don't control what my brother does" "Well you know my theory, darling..." "What theory?" Fuck, Sirius didn't learn, did he? But what else could he do if they were talking about Alphard. When Orion turned to look at him, he added "Sir?" "It's stupid..." Walburga began. But Orion raised his hand and she was interrupted. "It's okay, Wally" Orion said "I think it is rightful to tell our children what their uncle is really like..." "You have no proof, Orion" Walburga clenched her teeth. "Anyway, I think Sirius deserves to know Alphard is not the person he thinks" Orion smiled evilly "What are you talking about?" At this point, Sirius couldn't shut his mouth. "Orion..." "Alphard uses drugs, parties, drinks and has sex with random people and hookers" Walburga rolled her eyes as if she didn't believe it. "With men" Orion added. Regulus almost choked with his food. A million thoughts ran through Sirius' mind. Especially all that Alphard said the day he said goodbye. How he regretted his choices. How he tried to convince Sirius to be himself no matter who he felt attracted to. Did this mean that Orion was right? "That's not true!" Sirius spatted angrily. Sirius had been raised following strictly what The Bible said. Sirius still remembered what his nanny Mrs. Syre used to said about gay people. "Those bloody homosexuals. We need to pray that they end up in hell, where they belong". But it was 2012. Sirius had learned to be respectful. Albus Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts was gay. Edgar Bones, his classmate was gay. Sirius knew what gays were like. Feminine and all. Alphard wasn't like that. "It is, son" "You have no proof" Orion laughed "Why the hell do you think Alphard hasn't married?" "He is a free spirit!" "Is that what he told you?" Orion laughed "How innocent..." "Mother say something!" Sirius protested Walburga continued to drink her wine. Sirius sighed. "Reggie?" Regulus blinked. "You like Uncle Alphard, don't you?" "Uncle Alphard is nice" Regulus muttered "Your bloody uncle is corrupting your minds...." Orion pointed at them with his fork, angrily "He is a fucking faggot, And if you spend a lot of time with him, he will turn you into that..." "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! THAT'S HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!" Sirius was losing his bloody temper. He stood up. "SIRIUS SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN" Walburga warned. Eyes full of hate. "How can you be so calm, Walburga?" Sirius pointed to his father "He is insulting your brother" "THAT'S IT EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Walburga yelled, she turned to Sirius "And you have no right to treat me like that, young man" "Apologize to your mother!" Orion yelled "Apologize for what you said about my Uncle!" Sirius yelled back. Orion stared at Sirius with eyes full of venom. "All you have to do is behave like a proper man. Like a proper Black" "Maybe I don't want to!" "ORION, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Walburga roared "You just hate that your ego is hurt" "This is what I been telling you, Wally!" Orion protested "Sirius had spent too much time with Alphard. He had changed. He is becoming rebel and responding... Look at that hair, is too long..." "What the hell does that mean?" "Maybe he's turning you into a puff..." Sirius was trembling with rage. Orion was saying lies about Alphard. And now about himself. Sirius thought about what Alphard told him. How he shouldn't let them mold him the way they want. How Alphard admired him for speaking up for the things he didn't like. Sirius thought about Remus. How he was different. He was special. And there was nothing wrong with him. Perhaps Alphard was different as well. Perhaps he was different too. "Maybe I am a puff" At that moment, he mostly said it to provoke Orion. And he reacted, because he threw his glass against the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. Everyone jumped. Walburga yelled. "What did you say?" Everyone
in their right mind would say sorry, and not speak again. Regulus was asking him exactly that with his pleading eyes. But Sirius was out of his mind. Or he just didn't care anymore. Or he was an idiot. "I said that maybe I am a puff" he repeated more clearly "Sir..." Sirius felt Orion's fist on his face before anything. He was on the floor. Nose and lip bleeding. He wanted to cry so badly but the tears didn't come out. Orion grabbed him by his shirt. His face was red with fury. "You were supposed to come out right!" Orion said desperately "You were supposed to be the heir!! You cannot be a faggot. Tell me you are not one!!" Sirius was definitely an idiot. "I am a faggot" his voice was hoarse and he coughed blood. But Orion was hitting him again. All that Sirius could see between punches, was Regulus crying and begging. "PLEASE FATHER STOP! PLEASE STOP!" And Walburga. Walburga was next to Regulus. Her face didn't flick or show emotion. She just stood there supporting Regulus and watching all. I give up. Sirius thought. Now I know there's no sign of love. They don't love me. Never did.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
That could count on some major crime? For example, I have not seen that anyone has some version of an employee has committed a murder or something like that. (Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but, you get the point right? "Strange" is interesting, as long as you know that it should not be taken as a joke. And I'm sorry if I don't explain myself well.)
I mean, everyone has been involved in at least one strange event, since the supernatural exists in this world:
Joey Drew - Has messed with several different forms of magic and pagan rituals in his pursuit to create a practical form of alchemy. He's played god and created bastardized life.
Henry Stein - His uncle that left him the cabin in the Appalachian Mountains, told him some pretty strange stories from his experiences alone in the woods. Think "Missing 411" type stories. He himself has seen strange things in those woods...
Sammy Lawrence - There was an incident from his childhood that Wally insists was likely an extraterrestrial encounter. Sammy repressed it and refuses to believe it was aliens.
Jack Fain - He is a skeptic, but vastly fascinated by greek mythology. Has met some pretty odd people through that interest, that had very strange beliefs. At least one or two of these people were from some form of weird cult.
Susie Campbell - Her father was involved with the mafia, which was another reason why she had little contact with him. Still, Susie has seen some things no child should ever bare witness to. She's repressed most of it, but a part of her seems sadistically gleeful as a result of exposure...
Norman Polk - His family has connections to a cult that tried to kidnap him when he was a baby. The house he grew up in is also heavily haunted by the original family patriarch, a violent sociopathic cultist.
Allison Pendle - Her family is involved in a witch coven. She is a witch herself, and specializes in natural elixirs and potions.
Thomas Connor - His parents immigrated from Mexico for more than just work related reasons. There's stuff they hated talking about, and Thomas himself isn't sure if he'll ever understand those hushed stories of things that went bump in the night. He'd rather remain skeptical.
Wally Franks - The Franks family is enough of an oddity in of itself. There's a ton of bizarre unexplainable stories associated with them, and Wally himself seems to be cursed/blessed with absurdly good luck.
Shawn Flynn - Was a witness to a Banshee sighting when he was a young boy. It traumatized him.
Grant Cohen - He can't be entirely sure, but Grant has memories of an old lady outside his bedroom window, singing him to sleep every night when he was a child. His parents insist it was his imagination and that there was no elderly lady living in their home, nor that it would be possible to sing to him from his bedroom window, since his room was on the second floor.
Buddy Lewek - The studio itself was the odd event in his life.
Dot - She may or may have not had a "witch" phase. It's hard to tell what she believes or not, but Dot is a naturally curious person so she's seen and met strange people. The studio was still the strangest place she ever ended up in.
Abby Lambert - Thanks to Joey's peculiar interests she both researched and experienced some otherworldly things. Her worst experience involved a spirit board that made her promise to herself she'd never get involved in this sort of thing ever again...
Doc Hackenbush - He's an open-minded individual despite being a more logical sort. As a medical practitioner he's vastly curious as to how certain unknown phenomenon affect the human body. This fascination has stuck with him since he was a child, but he's never disclosed why. The running theory is that he may have seen something he wasn't meant to see.
Bertrum Piedmont - Joey Drew. Enough said, I'm sure...
Lacie Benton - While living with her uncle in his boat house she's pretty sure she's seen a mermaid. She says it's not like the stories at all, that thing was HIDEOUS.
Emma LaMonte - Like Norman she lived in a haunted house during her childhood. There was a particularly benign spirit living in her bedroom closet even. She liked to talk to them.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Haunted (Request)
Paring: John Constantine Protégé (reader) x young justice
Synopsis: It’s basically the episode, “Haunted” from Teen Titans where Robin sees Slade but he isn’t there but it’s with the reader
Notes: Y/F/C = Your Favorite Channel   
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2336
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           Constantine had told you to be extra careful after you had returned from missions or what he liked to call, hell bound adventures with him. You’d always been, it was part of the job of course. That didn’t mean however, that sometimes, something would go a bit ... awry.
           You were crashing on the couch after getting back from a mission with your teacher. John Constantine was a different kind of person to everyone, but for you he was like a weird uncle or estranged father figure. You had just gotten back from cleansing yourself of anything that might attract some sort of negative spirit or energy into the cave. He lectured you on that before you two had come in through the zeta beams. You rolled your eyes thinking of it as the remote that you were using made the tv flip to new channels every few seconds. You passed Conner’s favorite, static, and then made it to your own favorite channel Y/F/C.
           It was some time before the team had come in from their own mission. Kid Flash was the first to greet you as he sat threw himself over the top of the couch to sit down by you.
           “Hey beautiful.” He said making you cringe internally.
           “He- get your hands off of my popcorn Wallace.” You said without looking at him, instead opting to keep your eyes on the screen.
           You felt him scoot over some at your tone. He knew not too touch your food, especially after missions. The one time you did share, everyone was half dead and happened to have stuffed a few snacks in your pockets. You only looked up when you heard the rest of the team walk near the living room and kitchen.
           “How was your mission with Hellblazer?” Artemis asked sitting down on the floor next to you.
           “It was ... long.” You replied with an exasperated sigh, “Honestly, I could use a nice movie night for once.”
           “I second that.”
           After a few minutes, everyone was showered and in pajamas. Bean bags, pillows, and blankets were strewn out in every square centimeter of the living room and a movie was underway. The movie was a nice distraction from the night’s events. You almost had this fear that if you looked away, you’d see something that you didn’t want to. It was a fear that you finally told yourself that you needed to face in order to enjoy your night as much as you possibly could. It was a fear that came true the moment you took your eyes off of the tv. You didn’t have to squint to see the massive black figure lurking in the shadows. It stared back at you almost daring you to move. You sat still, tensing up some after looking to see if it could be anyone that wasn’t sitting by you at the time. Then you confirmed it, the entire team was accounted for and the shadow was moving closer to you.
           “Everyone get to the mission room!” You yelled out making the rest of the team jump.
           “What’s wrong?” Robin asked standing up.
           “Don’t ask just go!”
           It was a known fact that if Constantine’s kid was telling everyone to get away from where they were, you left. The team sprinted off to where you told them to go as you rushed into the kitchen hold your hand out in the general direction of the being and chanted something that only you could understand. The cage that you put the spirit in wouldn’t last for long and you knew that. That wasn’t the point though, right now, you were after paint, and a marker. Once you had those items, you ran into the briefing room where missions were given out calling out protection spells and scribbling the corresponding symbols on the walls with the permanent marker. The rest of the team looked on in horror as you ran closer and closer. They couldn’t see what was quickly trailing on behind you, but they knew that if you were this panicked, it must be something serious.
           “Move together in a group.” You instructed running around them with the salt, “You know the drill, don’t touch, move, blow on, don’t do anything with the salt unless I say so!”
           “Y/N, there isn’t anything there.” Robin said looking around.          
           “I can’t even sense anything.” M said crossing her arms some.
           “I know you can’t, that’s why you have to stay here.” You said drawing symbols around the circle, “Someone get a hold of Constantine, I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment.”
           You stopped and looked behind you seeing the shadow coming closer and closer to the door, “Shit!” You hissed standing up, “Take these, if anything happens and you have to leave the salt circle, make sure you have these around your neck. Don’t let anything happen to you.”
           You handed each of them a necklace with a protection charm on it, “It’s after me, so, in theory, you guys should be fine unless it kills me.”
           “W-wait... Kills?” Wally asked making everyone turn and stare in the general direction you were looking.
           “Precisely my dear Watson.” You started chanting something again before yelling out in pain clutching the protection tattoo over your arm. There appeared scratches much to the horror of the rest of the team.
           Blood dripped down slowly and in smaller amounts than you expected it would. The heat off of whatever scratched you seemed to have cauterized most of the scratch, that wasn’t a good sign.
           “What do you want?” You asked in a different language that was foreign to the rest of the team, “Whom do you seek?”
           “The blood of Constantine.” It replied.
           Now you knew it was after you. You had the blood of Constantine, at least with being his kid and all. That was when you started running. Your bedroom would be the safest place for you right now, just not the team. The team wasn’t typically allowed in your room because of everything inside of it that they were not ready to be around at all. Some of the things might cause them nightmares, others a state of delirium that you had been trained to be accustomed to. There, in your room, you had the spell books needed to vanquish whatever was after you.
           You knew that the team probably wouldn’t be able to get a hold of your mentor. The communications were probably down by now. If anything happened, there would be no one there to help you. Not even Zantana was here. She would be nice to have around right about now. Then again, almost anyone with skills in magic would be helpful to have around right now so that wasn’t saying too much.
           You had to run through the living room and kitchen once more. The shadow was right on your tail when you turned around to see if you could find it. The moment you did, it disappeared.
           “Damn it!” You murmured before turning around, wide eyed at what you saw about to run into you, “Should have remembered eyes on the roa-“
           The shadow picked you up. You didn’t expect it to be able to do that. Maybe scratch you a bit, but certainly not lift you off solid ground. Kicking and thrashing around seemed to be doing nothing for you at that moment. The being laughed at your antics before lifting one of its claws to your cheek and slowly cutting into it drawing the smallest amount of blood. You screamed out in pain, all the while trying to articulate a spell to put distance between you and the shadow. It did its job and the next thing you knew you hit the ground running. The stumble and fall didn’t hurt that bad at the moment, you had too much adrenaline in your system for that kind of common pain.
           You slid into a different hallway and then down one more before getting into your bedroom and shutting the door. There was no need to make protection spells in here since they were already there. As quickly as possible, you ran to the book shelf and started trying to find the book Constantine had always told you to use if something like this had happened. You found the book, a navy blue leather bound book with old paper and tarnished gold details. Opening the book on your bed, you flipped through it rapidly trying to find the page needed for the spell that you were about to cast.
           Once you got to the correct page, you saw that you’d need something to give you some time. It involved a few different things to make it work, all of which you could do quickly with some other spells, but not fast enough to keep yourself safe.
           “M? Can you hear me?” You asked over the mental link.
           “Loud and clear. Are you alright?” She asked.
           “Not the best but there’s no time to complain about it, listen if you can, I need you to do something for me.” You said, “It’s dangerous and if you don’t want to do it, I’ll think of something else but you should be fine with the protection charm I gave you.” “I need you to fly out of the salt circle, as in, don’t touch it. Then will you go into the hallway outside of my room, looking like me and lead it to the zeta beams. Go as fast as you can on that part. On my signal, change back into yourself and go invisible. I don’t want you in sight during this part. Get back to the salt circle.”
           “If you think it’s best, I’ll do it.” She answered after a few seconds of silence.
           “Good. Now go.”
           After a minute or so, you felt the shadow following something else. Your plan was working and all you had to do now was beat the two into the room entrance. You took a different route that wouldn’t be anywhere near were the two of them were and once you were in the right place, you dropped to your knees making the correct markings on the floor and setting candles around it. You had done this countless numbers of times, but now that this thing was threatening your only real family, it felt a bit personal. You stood up once M announced to you that she was entering the room. You hid behind Conner’s motorcycle and at the right moment, leaped out in front of it telling M to leave.
           She did as you instructed leaving you to finish the spell. You felt your energy draining more and more as it got closer. You were leading it right where you wanted it, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t hurt you. By now it had scrapped you up a bit. There would be bruises in the morning considering you made it to then.
           The shadow laughed at your pain, lifting its hand to knock you into a wall. You grunted in pain before stumbling back onto your feet, not letting it break your concentration. You dodged a flying wrench and then screwdriver before feeling a sharp pain on your leg. This thing was toying with you now, trying to get you to drop the spell. The intensity of the spell ended up making the lights flicker on and off, finally killing them. You felt multiple cuts forming on different parts of your body. That was when you caught it. It tried to keep moving but was now stuck in the symbol that you drew. You smiled some suddenly having a bit more energy and hope that you’d finish. With confidence, you ended the spell. The sound of the high pitch screeching made you hold your ears closed in pain. You fell to your knees before telling the team that it was okay to come out. The lights came back on and the last thing you remember was a bright white light and then silence.
“Come on kid, wake up.” You felt someone shaking you awake. The voice sounded familiar but panicked like if you didn’t open your eyes at once, they’d lose it.
Under you, you felt the concreate of the cave floor. It wasn’t the best feeling in the world in the slightest especially with your aching bones. Around you, you felt multiple people, none of them to be evil. Then, slowly, you blinked your eyes open, light flooding your senses before you were adjusted.
“I-is it gone?” You asked rubbing your head hearing the sigh of relief from your mentor.
“It is.” Constantine said helping you up and catching you as you stumbled over, “I didn’t think you’d be able to handle a demon of that size. I’m impressed you did, but you need rest.”
“How’d it get in?” You asked looking around some to see the team fully intact.    
“I’m still figuring that out right now Y/N/N. The ole bastard didn’t stand a chance against you though”
“Y/N, are you alright?” M asked not really wanting to come closer to you with John there.            You nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine.” “Are you guys okay?”
“We’re all fine Y/N... w-what was that?” Robin asked, “None of us could see whatever it was that was here, it seemed to just be you.”            “It was a demon. Must have followed from my last mission away from you guys. You couldn’t see it because it didn’t want you to. It was after me, but once it got me, I’m sure it would have gone after all of you.”
Constantine stayed a little while longer to help make sure that there was nothing else there. You told him that it was after him which wasn’t unheard of at all but he needed to be more careful than he typically was for a little bit. After he was gone, the team dragged you into the living room where you promptly fell asleep during a movie.
           This was fun to write. I find it funny that two people kind of had the same idea, that was pretty funny. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this one and are having a great day. I’m going to still try and post even with my laptop gone but that all just depends on what happens. I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy and have a wonderful week and rest of the day!
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lostonehero · 4 years
Wally is certain q-Victor at this point is going crazy, or he is uncomfortable where they are working. Its been a month of trying to find the source of the ash smell behind the church, and even with all the soil samples deep ditches, and even several rainstorms the smell persists.
"Are you sure you're ok, you keep looking behind you like something is going to get you." Wally sighs filling the hole back up. "Not everyone is out to get you even with what conspiracies you believe in."
Wally coukd barely hear the response since Victor seemed more standoffish, and small out of his hero persona. Granted the man was taller then him, he just looked like he was lost sometimes. He was also jumpy, not in the way a paranoid person was, but more like a survivor of abuse was.
"I'm not fond of churches." Victor says in a quiet voice.
Wally pauses not wanting to tempt fate asking why, but the curiosity ate away at his hesitation. "Why? Did your family make you go every Sunday?"
Victor turned around and approached Wally, and suddenly Wally felt really small and scared.
"I didn't have a family. My mom was a victim of rape and she was forced to give me up and sent away." Victor pauses seemingly unsure of what to say next. "The church I grew up in wasn't the best." He swallows and his face is a mix of sadness and fear.
Wally was taken aback, he didn't expect for Victor to tell him something that personal. He really was getting more nervous feeling like he shouldn't know this. He opens his mouth trying to think of the right words and he can't. He can only ask a question. "Want to get some food?"
Victors thoughts were racing a mile a minute. Why did he tell Wally that? Why did he even feel comfortable enough to talk about himself? They were coworkers, not friends. He didn't have friends, just a aunt and a uncle who found him by accident. Why did he tell him, and why did he agree to a meal after the fact, they both stunk of ash with no idea why, and this isn't the first time Wally has asked him to eat after a day of searching. Well first he chalked it up to Wally having a very fast metabolism due to his speed, but it wasn't just food sometimes he asked to see a movie, or even watch him song in hub city.
Wally was planning something for him, and he didn't know why he was following along. It could be a trap for all he knew. Vic sighed and took another bite from his burger.
"So Vic do you have any new theories why the ash smell persist?" Wally asks breaking the silence Vic was using to stew in his own thoughts.
He looks up swallowing and just sighs. "It doesn't make any sense we have looked at every angle. Even doused the entire place with water. We know that the smell stops in a 33 feet diameter around the church, yet the church...." he stops as a uncomfortable feeling drenched him. "The church isn't even corrupt as far as I researched, they even chip in for taxes which they are exempt from."
Wally gives Victor a look. "You looked into the church?"
"I don't trust the church as a institution, nor as a separate entity." Victor growls trying to get his thoughts in order before he spoke again. "I told you I have had bad experiences with them."
Wally pauses and takes a French fry from Victor's plate and slowly munches on it. "So we are back to square one?"
Vic nods and pushes his plate away leaving his burger half finished. He didn't feel comfortable with a mystery that didn't lead anywhere even with a lot of effort. It didn't sit right with him. He looked up and watched Wally eat his food that he left. This had become common place after a long day together, he didn't know if he like that this was becoming a habit.
Wally was on watchtower duty and he swore he could feel eyes on him at all times. He couldn't understand how Vic handles the rumor mill that spins just about him. Now Wally is the talk of the tower, the flash and question working together for over a month now. Everyone is treating this like a scandal.
"Wally how many times do I need to tell you to keep your elbows off the control table." A stern voice alerts Wally to the possibility that the heavy sighing wasn't his own.
"Oh Bats hey I wasn't slacking off." He gives a hearty fake laugh
Batman for all his dark persona sounded more like a disappointed dad dealing with unruly children. "Wally why have you been working with the Question? I understand the smell of ash in that area is concerning but there is no source and you shouldn't have gotten him involved."
Wally shrinks back feeling like a kid getting a lecture on why smoking is bad for you. He takes a deep breath then gives a heavy sigh. "Just because you have no information on him like you do on everyone else in the league doesn't mean he is dangerous besides I actually know his name and face." As soon as that came out of his mouth he wanted to stuff the words back in.
"You saw his face?"
"What no, you misheard Bats." Wally failed trying to lie getting the attetion of the boy scout in the room.
"You mean excuse my rudeness, that crackpot theorist. You actually saw his face Wally?" Superman came closer to the pair inserting himself into the conversation.
Wally wished he was anywhere but here at this moment. "You know what I forgot something or other.... uh bye." And he ran for his life to the cafeteria spotting Vic sitting with the three heros he seem to have befriended.
"Que so is it true you've been hanging out with the flash?" Huntress smiles under her mask enjoying the new gossip around the watchtower.
Victor looked up, but nobody could tell in his mask. "Helena we are working on a case of a ask smell that lingers even after rain. I highly doubt the rumors are as scandalous as you seem to think."
Black canary didn't seem to buy this answer from what Victor could see. His eyes then trailed to Green arrow who looked like he was trying not to seem interested but he was failing at that. Vic gave a heavy sigh.
"Oh so there is more?" Helena smirks. "Spill the tea Que, I didn't know you swung for the other team."
If they could see his face they woukd see confusion. "This isn't a sports game Helena, we are coworkers."
Now all three of them were giving him a look. He didn't bring up the concept of sports into the conversation. Why were they acting like he was the crazy one?
"Que that isn't what she meant." Dinah gave a odd look. "She meant that you are into men."
"I don't understand why my homksexuality is a part of the conversation now." Vic sighs rubbing his temples. "When I asked for help on this issue I didn't think you guys would make it a conversation on my sexuality."
Victor just sighed and got up. "I appreciate the confirmation that you also smell the ash in that area, but besides that you guys aren't helping." He frowns under his mask. "I thought I was clear that I enjoyed men when I rejected your offer for a date Helena."
"I honestly just thought I wasn't your type, I guess I wasn't completely off." Helena sighs sliding a 20$ to Oliver.
Dinah mirrored the action, and Oliver just smiles. "See i can bet proper Question. By the way are we still on for sports this weekend?"
"You mean a loud argument over the game that consist of nothing but physical combat masked poorly as a popular staple of American culture to make the black market rich with gambling, then yes." Vic nods and leaves but smacks into Wally.
"Shoot sorry V-Question yeah Question I'mlateandreallyneedtogo." He speeds off leaving Victor's notes on the ground where they fell.
The three heroes behind Victor shared a look of shock when he turned to face them. It only took the beginning of another name to the Question for there faces to light up in recognition.
"YOU GAVE HIM YOUR NAME." The three shouted causing the cafeteria to erupt in loud conversation.
Victor had many things to regret now, more so half his notes are covered in a spilled soda making them useless, and he needed to find a new lead, and maybe take a break from staying in the watchtower.
Its been a week since that incident, Victor was in his own apartment trying to salvage his notes. He was exhausted more so then normal. Maybe it was because he hasn't been sleeping, or maybe its because his own skin feels tight from suppressing his demonic side, and not letting his other parts out. He stands up and just walks to his bed and faceplants into his bed.
He hear his window open, and he didn't really care for who came through it. "Still punishing yourself, or did you forget to release your other form again."
"Micheal get out of my apartment." Victor really did not need a visit from his uncle.
Micheal takes a feather and stabs it into Victor's back causing black horns sprout and curl like ram horns on Victor's skull along with black spines down his spine to a long black tail with a purple flame on the end, which wasn't anything to the large boney black wings that erupted from his back knocking over his lamp, and theory board creating a mess in the surprisingly spotless apartment.
"Feeling better tired eyes?" Micheal says taking out a flask. "So I actually followed up with the thing you asked me to do, and what I can tell you is." He takes a large swig of his flask. "Is that you are fucking lucky you haven't been caught."
That actually got Victor to sit up curling his wings around him like a cloak. "Caught? Micheal what are you talking about?"
"Well if you ask me there's been many angels on high alert in that area, something uh something about the realms being thin or some shit." Micheal shrugs.
Victor sighs and cringes at the smell of alcohol coming off the angel. "Why should I believe you? You're nothing but a drunkard who dwells on the past."
Micheal raises his brow and gets a crude smile on his face. "Oh my you met someone there."
"He's just a coworker from the watchtower nothing special." Victor lays back down
And the smile leaves Micheal's face. "Right well uh since I'm here want to play some chess?"
Victor glances back at the drunk, and just sighs. Micheal was a ruined man when they met, Gabriel was a much better conversationalist, and wasn't so crude. They were the closest he ever got to a family he guessed, but it still hurt that they still hid things from him like he was some sort of child who hasn't gone through ages of abuse and had to grow up fast. They only found him by accident on the street.
"Kid i can see the gears moving in your head." Micheal forces him to sit up and summons a chess board and pieces and a table to set it down on. "If I win you eat and shower, you win I'll leave."
Victor frowns, it was always the same bet with him, and he always let Micheal win. Maybe he did have a soft spot for the drunk even if he reeks. Besides he gave him some good information regarding this case. He needed to be more careful, and maybe use Wally in his place that could work better for both to solve the mystery. Thats a great idea he should inform Wally at once. When did he start calling Wally, Wally, and not the flash or coworker in his mind.
"Checkmate." Michael's voice threw Victor back into reality. "What kind of food you want kid?"
"What? Oh uh something healthy i guess." Victor hums getting lost in his thoughts again.
Micheal gave a look to the younger man full of concern and maybe a bit if hope.
Micheal might be a drunk, and desperately wants to be fallen, but he still cared for his nephew. He watched Victor invest himself in a text conversation with someone he had gotten trust enough to give his name, face, and even number to. Maybe he was finally able to move foward and trust.
"So who the lucky man you're after." Micheal smiled seeing Vic sputter and hiss his wings spreading out in protest embarrassment.
"He is a coworker we've been looking at that area you keep telling me is off limits, so Wally investigates and I take the the research." Vic huffs and looks away.
Micheal knew he was only one of the few who was close enough to Victor to get him to feel safe enough to get riled up. However this new man in the picture has got Victor to keep a stupid smile on his face. He knows its been about a week since his last visit, but Victor looks healthier, well he looks like he has been eating better. Without the benefit of his inhuman nature he would be skin and bone.
Micheal sighs to himself taking another drink, his thoughts drifting to the boys mother his sister. He still hasn't even told him who his mother is, does this make him bad? Probably. But when Victor told them both that he was forced to watch the tapes of his mom being violated and giving birth, that alone made his blood boil. So they look after Victor, they may of found him a bit too late but hey better then nothing.
"What no witty retort? You seem off today Micheal, you've been staring at your flask more then drinking it." Victor frowns taking the empty plates and cleaning them.
Micheal sighs. "This place looks too clean Victor, its like you don't even live here." He looks back towards Victor who has a frown on his face.
"Are you actually worried that I'm looking into the ash place?"
Micheal wasn't expecting that question, nor the quiet meek tone Victor used when asking. "Well yeah everybody up in the clouds is freaking out about it. I just don't want to see you in the crossfire. A human like your so called coworker wouldn't matter to them. You being well mostly demon however would." Micheal grimaced his flask is empty. He could just refill it but he didn't have the energy today.
Micheal watched Victor pause drying off the dishes. "Should I thank you for caring?"
Micheal shakes his head "nah I'm just trying to be your guardian angel" he gives a crude smile making Victor give a small one in return.
Thats all he needed before he headed to another bar for the night. "Goodnight kid"
Victor just waved him goodbye and shut the window closed behind him.
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
Why wasn't Charles allowed to marry Camilla back in the day? I know it was a long time ago, but it was still far past the time when royal marriage alliances were necessary for securing allies or expanding dynasties. I don't think Camilla was a commoner either (or was she?). Why couldn't Charles marry for love? Why exactly was Camilla so objectionable to the BRF?
I love talking about this bc it’s manifold.
The thing is that technically, had Charles married Camilla against the family’s wishes, it would’ve been a big scandal.  But nobody was STOPPING him.  I think that he could’ve married her had he wanted to, and risked being disinherited, to be sure.  But...  the thing is.  That I also don’t think that Elizabeth II would’ve had the balls to tell Charles that he wasn’t going to be king because he married the girl he wanted to marry.  Not after the immense scandal of what happened with David--I don’t believe that she would have disrupted the line of succession in that way, or pushed Charles to give up his claim (because, though David was pushed, he did CHOOSE to abdicate).
Charles just didn’t have the balls.  And arguably, perhaps Camilla wasn’t ready at that point to be queen; Parker-Bowles was still in the mix then, and some biographers have argued that Camilla and Charles didn’t get that serious until after she married Parker-Bowles... Though this is done, I think, to minimize the degree to which Charles KNEW he was doing a fucked up thing by marrying Diana.  I think he wanted to marry Camilla before she married Parker-Bowles, and I think he knew that he wasn’t going to give Camilla up when he married Diana.  I also think that it’s totally possible that Camilla wasn’t ready to marry him quite yet.  She’s a very offbeat woman, and I think canny enough to recognize the magnitude of being Charles’s wife.
And though Charles and Diana’s marriage didn’t secure an ally, it was very much still the last dynastic marriage within the family.  Diana hit a certain criteria--she hailed from an extremely prestigious bloodline that had served royalty for centuries, with connections to the Duke of Devonshire and even the Boleyns.  She was beautiful.  She was virginal.  It was believed that she could be taught.  So it was a marriage made PURELY to further a dynasty, because she was the emblem of the type of queen that dynasty wanted to produce its next generation and indeed its next king.  Though they were politically powerless, the Windsors viewed Charles’s marriage prospects through the lens of breeding and image.  Some have said that his cousin Amanda, granddaughter of his uncle Mountbatten, was proposed to by Charles for exactly this reason.
And the family was worried about the inappropriate love marriage because they did associate it with Wallis Simpson, who even after she was sequestered off to Paris made them look bad, due to Nazi ties, due to the way she and her husband talked shit--so while Elizabeth and Philip married for love, he was also... borderline unsuitable, to be sure, but suitable enough because he came from royalty and he was willing to fall in line, even if he grumbled.
Camilla was openly sexual.  People knew that she was someone slept with men, and this could not be tolerated by the regime, even if one of those men she slept with was Charles.  Her father was an army officer turned businessman, so she was not truly aristocratic, regardless of how much money her parents made.  She was considered, again, offbeat and kooky, so... yes, very much like Charles in that sense but also not what the Windsors wanted.  Because the thing is that whoever married Charles was supposed to prop him up, much like Philip propped Elizabeth up and the Queen Mum propped her husband up.  The Queen Mum was not glamorous, but she was well-bred and extremely charming, knowing exactly how to soothe her husband’s moods and support him on tour.  Philip was a bit rebellious at first and could put his foot in his mouth, but he was also considered this masculine ideal--handsome by the standards of the day, very macho in his naval pursuits, a gregarious and physical man who kind of jazzed up Elizabeth’s image, as she was a plain girl who lacked charisma.  Philip at her side gave her this legitimacy, this desirability, that she lacked naturally.  And it gave the impression of masculine support, which downplayed the issues she possessed as a woman in a position of power, if only a theoretical position.
This kind of suitability mattered deeply to the Windsors, and Philip and Uncle Mountbatten in particular were SO worried about the suitability of Charles’s bride.  Because Charles wasn’t this naturally handsome man.  He was sensitive, and he was awkward, and he seemed to not excel at any of the things Philip wanted him to excel at.  He was not this James Bond-ian figure that Philip tried to be, even as they sold him as one during his “action man” years.  The woman Charles was with needed to support and accent him--they set up him with glamorous, pedigreed socialites who’d be amazing arm candy, while what he wanted was a plain, considerably less refined woman who had something of an imperfect reputation.
That’s why Diana was considered perfect.  She was a 19 year old virgin, so no reputation to speak of.  She was beautiful, but was immediately seen as shy, so she could fade into the background when needed while also emphasizing this idea that Charles was a virile man who could attract the attention of a beautiful woman.  And her blood was extremely blue, to the degree that her father gave a little speech about how her marriage was essentially an extension of the Spencer family tradition of serving the royal family.
And while Camilla was objectionable as a wife, in theory she was not objectionable as a mistress.  Because everyone expected two things if Charles went back to her after his marriage: a) that he’d be satisfied to keep Camilla as a purely secondary side piece, tucked away and very much not his first priority and b) that Diana, the shy, beautiful arm candy, would put up with it.
They were profoundly wrong on both accounts.  Charles did see Camilla as the love of his love, and the more his marriage to Diana was imperfect the more he wanted to be with Camilla and resented that she wasn’t his wife; and Diana not only reacted to Camilla as the mistress, but reacted by raining down hellfire on that family.  Camilla COULD NOT be the mistress, which was a role the royals would have been fine with her taking, and I think many completely expected her to be an adequate, truly secret one.  And mind you, she was bad at being a mistress--talking to Diana way too much before the wedding, provoking her by showing up where she really shouldn’t have.
So basically, a lot of it came down to a misjudgment of Charles (as a man who’d be happy and unromantic enough to keep the woman he really loved as a side piece, while also being noble enough to treat his wife well and work to make her happy affair aside) and Diana (as a meek stand by your man type, who would be happy to have her children and decline to retaliate).  They believed that the scandal of Camilla, a totally unsuitable wife, would outweigh whatever Charles and Camilla could do to each other--especially after Camilla married and the alternative was Charles marrying a woman who’d divorced her husband for him.  They had no concept of how far Charles and Diana would go.  Because Elizabeth II, and Philip, and the Queen Mother, and Uncle Mountbatten, and everyone involved in that whole arrangement, fundamentally misunderstood how people act on emotion.  They also failed to understand how the times were moving on, and why Camilla would have likely been accepted by the punlic.  And ironically?  Now it remains somewhat tense as to whether or not she’ll ever be Queen Camilla, precisely because Charles was denied her originally.
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useless-slytherclaw · 4 years
Chapter 1: The Crossing
Regulus’ entire world was black.  At least his lungs had stopped hurting.  Had there been hands on him?  They were gone now. Everything was gone now.  His muscles relaxed.  It was over now, everything was over and he could rest.  He just wanted to rest. 
Regulus opened his eyes; white light assaulted his vision, and he closed them.  Whatever he was lying on was hard.  Was he sleeping on the floor?  He groaned and threw his arm over his face.  Where the hell was he?
“So, you’re finally awake.” A male voice came from his right.  Regulus knew that voice.  He pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked around.  Everything around him was white and foggy.  It was odd, though.  He felt somehow that there was nothing beyond the fog, that the fog wasn’t hiding the world, but that it was the world.  Which made no sense.  
He was sitting on a sidewalk or maybe a road, it was hard to tell, but there was a tall man sitting on the ground beside him.  He was handsome in a mature way and had long dark hair tied back neatly and a close trimmed beard.  Both hair and beard were streaked with grey, but it only served to make him look distinguished.  There was only one person it could be.
“Uncle Alphard?” Regulus asked, confused.  Alphard was dead.  With that thought, Regulus remembered.  The cave.  The potion.  The inferi.  The water.  “I’m dead, aren’t I?”
“Yes,” Alphard said, sounding sad. “It seems that you are.  I must say that I didn’t think I’d see you here this soon.”
Regulus looked at his uncle.  He looked younger than he had been the last time Regulus had seen him.  His hair and beard were mostly dark again.  His black eyes were sorrowful and soft.  Regulus looked away and shifted uncomfortably.  Sadness and softness were not acceptable in Blacks, and as such, they weren’t things he was comfortable with. 
Alphard reached out and put an arm around Regulus, who stiffened.  Alphard removed his arm.
“Where are we?” Regulus asked.
“I’m not exactly sure,” Alphard said.  “What do you see?”
Regulus looked around himself, and as he looked more of the world formed around him.  He seemed to be sitting on a cobblestone road of some sort.  A few feet away another street intersected this one.  There were no road signs that he could see.  There were no buildings on the street either.
“It looks like a crossroads? Except everything is white. The stones, the grass, the sky?”  There was no wind, no sun.  What a strange place. 
“How interesting,” Alphard said, leaning forward and resting his chin on his hand.  “You are at a crossroads Regulus, but I don’t know what your choices are.  Only you can know that.”
“Choices? Like heaven or hell?  How is that a choice?”
“No,” Alphard said, “I don’t think it’s like that.  I think it’s more about how you’re going to get where you’re going.  You aren’t ready to go on.”
“Not ready to pass on?” Regulus asked incredulously. “I’m dead! I don’t have another choice!”  Maybe he could become a ghost.  He entertained the thought briefly but quickly cast it aside.  
Alphard smiled at him.  “I don’t make the rules, Reg.  I’m not even sure I know what they are.  All I know is that you’re here, at a crossroads.  Maybe you have to wait for something or for someone.”
Waiting for something? For someone? Someone to go into the afterlife with?  For half a second he thought about- but no.  Regulus let out a single harsh laugh at the idea.  He was a Death Eater, a turncoat, a coward, a useless backup heir to an insane family.  No one wanted him; no one was waiting for him.  He pulled his knees up to his chest.  It seemed that he couldn’t even die properly.
“Regulus,” Uncle Alphard’s voice broke into his spiraling thoughts.  “You know that I’m proud of you?  If I would have had a son, I would have wanted him to be like you.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.  “Don’t bother Uncle; I know that Sirius was your favorite.”  Sirius was everyone’s favorite.
For a long moment, neither of them spoke, but Regulus could feel Alphard’s eyes on him.  
“Sirius reminds me of myself.  I was quite rebellious as a young boy. Not nearly as bad as your brother,” he clarified when Regulus gave him a disbelieving look.  “I don’t think there’s been a Black in 200 years who’s caused as much ruckus as your brother.  Still, Walburga deplored me; still does, I’m sure.  And rather like your brother, I didn’t want to marry a nice girl and settle down.  Luckily for me, I had Cygnus and Walburga to carry on the family name.  Like Sirius had you.  I know, personally, the sort of cruelness that Walburga employs in the name of discipline, and I worried for your brother.  You were always so well behaved, so quiet, that I didn’t worry for you.  Now I know better.  
“I understood Sirius.  But you, Regulus, I am so proud of you.  You were everything parents could ask for from a son: well mannered, excellent marks, seeker for the house team, a prefect, and dedicated to the family.  
“I guess it’s a good thing you don’t know how I died then,” Regulus spoke into his knees.  He wasn’t used to receiving compliments, and he didn’t know how to handle it.  
“Did you try to run away with that girl?  I told Walburga that she came from a good family, but Wally never listened to me very well.”
Regulus blinked.  He’d never talked to Alphard about Iset.  He hadn’t talked to anyone about Iset besides Sirius, who’d figured it out on his own.  Sirius. Sirius must have told Alphard.  Regulus ground his teeth.  “It was never like that.  We never-  Anyway, she went to America to study magical theory and avoid the War.”
Alphard raised one eyebrow.  
“I,” Regulus said, staring at his knees again.  “I betrayed them, and I died doing it.”
“Why don’t you tell me what happened,” Alphard said. “All of it.”
So Regulus did and it all came tumbling out.  How it all started at Hogwarts and seeing the things people like Mulciber and Avery did to muggle-born students made him sick.   How as Sirius acted out more and more, Bella and Walburga dug their claws into Regulus tighter and tighter.  How he didn’t understand why they had to be so cruel.  How it felt when Sirius ran away and abandoned him to their parents.  How Bella convinced his parents to make Regulus join the Death Eaters.  How he couldn’t leave because Walburga would never let both of her sons go.  How he realized that he was only going to be free when he was dead.  How Voldemort entrusted him with the secret of the Horcrux by using Kreacher.  How Regulus went, on that final day, to get the Horcrux and do as much damage to Voldemort as possible.
Alphard was silent for a long time.  Regulus resisted the urge to fidget; fidgeting wasn’t dignified.  Regulus glanced away from his knees to look at Alphard’s face.  He looked sad again. 
“That only makes me more proud of you, Regulus, not less.  You stood up to the most powerful wizard in the world, and you found his greatest weakness, and you used it against him.  It’s brilliant.  You are a far braver man than I ever was, Regulus.”
“I betrayed our family.”
“No, lad, our family betrayed you.  It’s one thing to care about bloodlines and to protect traditions.  It’s another thing to force your children to torture and kill.”  
Alphard put his arm around Regulus.
Read the rest on AO3
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mrfandomwars · 5 years
‘Cus an @cheeriodaddy asked me to:
Chiron got really sad about Oliver’s “death”
(One of his unofficial adopted children died ok? Leave him alone.)
The camp doesn’t know why Wally needs that many energy bars and why he refuses to eat any other than his own
The Gods had to hold back Apollo from attacking Poseidon when they though that Oliver died
Same thing when the ‘fake’ appeared
The campers a lot of times try to make Wally tell them were he got the scars (the few that stayed when Wally had a near death experience), but he never said
They had a few theories, none of them good
When he continued to refuse to tell them were he got them, they ended up getting Hermes involved
He ended up saying that they were from a side job that he has were he ends up hurt a lot
(It’s kind of the truth anyway)
During a Winter Solstice Zatanna made a joke about Wally “not believing” in magic
When asked what that was about, they just shared knowing glances
When Jason Todd was brought back to life, Hades basically sent the whole camp looking after the missing soul
Who apparently had been kidnapped if the reports from the shades about green mist suddenly appearing and grabbing the soul and disappearing before anyone could do anything to stop it were true
When Diana, Zatanna, Kaldur, Arthur, Wally and Oliver heard about Jason resurrection and the Camp-on-the-lookout thing they sent an IM to tell them that 1) they knew where the soul was, 2) no, they were not going to tell them where he was and 3) they may try to get back the soul, but they are pretty sure that the father of said soul would be able to win a fight between them  and the Gods(after he discovered how to survive their true forms)
(Diana says 1 hour, Arthur 2-3 hours and Oliver says it would be 1 hour and a half or 30 minutes until he discovers a way, unless of course, his own stubbornness doesn’t step in)
(the kids say that Bruce probably already has a plan for it)
The camp was super suspicious when Wally went there for 2 weeks after the whole ‘failsafe’ thing
He told them (after being pressured his whole first week there on what happened) that he and a few of his friends ended up caught in the hands of a psychic monster who was playing mind tricks with them before killing him and his friends
Like, believing that all gods were dead and that the camp was attacked and that all their families were dead
He then said that a friend of him who was a psychic like her uncle tried to help them, but the monster manage to ‘kill’ one of his friend caused his psychic friend -Megan Morse- to go into shock and get her powers out of control
Which made them all believe that it was real
So everytime they ‘died’ they would go into a comatose estate and if they all were killed by the monster in the mind-world they would die in real life
Thankfully Megan’s uncle was near and tried to help
But apparently Megan was a lot more powerful than they suspected
So until everyone but Megan and her uncle were the only ones ‘alive’ he thought that everything was true
And to make sure that everyone was going to live John - the uncle - had to ‘kill’ his niece in the mind place
It’s said that when Hermes was told what happened, that, when he was getting out of Olympus, he said to Zeus: “That’s my son you piece of sh*t! I don’t give a flying f*ck about your stupid laws!”
(Zeus tried to punish him, but everyone (minus Hera) said that they would do the same if it was one of their children/huntress)
(Zeus moped a lot that month for not getting his way)
Hermes ended up spending the second week of Wally’s stay with his children and help them build mental shields
(and putting a little bit of his powers to help make it more secure (and warn him if anyone tried to enter their minds and so he could give them a nasty surprise))
(the other gods followed soon after with the whole mental shields thing (and used it as a reason to spend time with their children))
He, being a speedster and being in distress, ended up not noticing that Wally seemed to move a little bit faster than normal
(he blessed Megan and John when he was told what they tried to do, they was really confused on why a lot of things seemed a lot easier/faster now)
(Megan’s computer not crashing when she was on the internet because of bad connection, J’onn mission that involved stealing something seemed a lot easier, etc.)
When Hermes was told that Wally was going into therapy after what happened, he discovered who he was going to and sent a lot of money as payment
(the justice league was baffled when, during a debriefing about whether Dinah thought that they (the kids) may need more help getting past the accident, a check of ten thousand dollars appeared in front of her, with a note thanking her for helping their kid)
(the league, except WW; GA; Aquaman; Cap Marvel and Zatara, kept one eye on the kids to see if they are being watched)
When the team had the first mission after the failsafe, when Miss M tried to put  a mind link, she appeared in a dark place and the only thing that brought light was a man that seemed to be glowing
(thankfully, being on how they mentally see themselves, so Megan didn’t die, though she did feel a little hot)
He asked what she was doing there
She said that she needed to put a mind link and that they could call Wally to testify it
After the Mission, which Hermes didn’t listen to (Demeter was calling) asked Wally how he knew a martian
Wally said that he was visiting a friend when he discovered and now she became part of their group
After the whole Bialya incident, the camp didn’t know why Wally was having trouble remembering things
or getting headaches more often
When M'gann mind blasted Robin, Conner and Wally, Hermes got super worried because the shields on Wally’s mind told him that KF was unconscious after an mental attack
And he couldn’t find him in the USA
When Wally woke up he was bombarded with questions from an worried Hermes
He told him to wait until he returned to the US and to ask his Father (Zeus) for a safe passage through the air
When he arrived home, he found Hermes waiting in his room
He ended up saying that Megan was needed outside the USA and that she invited him, his best friend and her boyfriend to came with her
but they ended up finding the monster that tried to kill them using mind games
but when they tried to help Megan they were mind-blasted
(Hermes ended up saying that he believed him and to not do that again)
(He helped make his mental shields stronger)
(Hermes didn’t believe the part about them being mind-blasted by the monster, the presence was to similar to Wally’s friend, but he had no proof, but he still kept an eye on her )
The gods discover their kids being superheroes when Zatanna was losing a fight, and was to weak to fight, so she just kind of, prayed to her mother
(Klarion got his butt kicked)
And the same kind of thing happen to Wally
(Zoom is still in the intensive care unit because of what Barry and Hermes did to him)
Poseidon discovered about Aquaman and Aqualad when he was walking along the coast line only to see people screaming and running away, and when he went to investigate he saw Arthur and Kaldur fighting a sea monster
(The heroes and the monster got an earful)
Zeus already knew about his daughter superhero job
(“Lord Zeus, did you hear about what our daughter did the other day.”“I won’t have to deal with Hera or paperwork, so sure!”)
Apollo discovered about his son other job when, during a fight with Cupid (the Villain, not the God) she was threatening to kill Will and Dinah (they were caught ‘cus they were tired) if he did not go with her
Oliver had just finished praying when an golden arrow was sundely in both of Cupid’s shoulder
And he was taken out of the fight and put into Apollo’s car at the same time that Dinah and Will’s wounds were magically healing
(People swear that the guy that grabbed GA was angrily muttering about something to do with Eros and Roman’s)
(Oliver wasn’t allowed out of camp half-blood during a whole month, he told the League to cover him and not worry)
(Dinah got a  Sorry-that-I-thought-that-you-were-abusing-my-son card)
The heroes got a Why-you-shouldn’t-put-yourself-into-more-danger lecture before being allowed back
(Even then, they got company into their patrol’s)
(Apollo (when the Hunters of his sister didn’t cover for him) and Hermes tagged along their son’s confusing Black Canary, The Flash and Red Arrow)
(Zatanna went with a few of her mother’s servants)
(Orion and Kaldur got a few guards (more often than not mysteriously including Triton) to go with them during their small patrol’s)
(Zeus just kind of blasts the villain when he noticed that Diana was going to be late for a date or was getting tired)
The first time that the Central City Rogues ‘kidnapped’ Wally after the your-son-is-a-superhero reveal thingy, they got swept aside and blasted by Hermes and threaten that if they did that again they would wish they were dead
When Wally told him to calm down; Hermes got convinced that he had been brainwashed
When it was revealed that, no, he wasn’t brainwashed, he explained why he shouldn’t worry about the Rogues
(Hermes still doesn’t like it, and made it so that he spent the week after the kidnapping at camp half-blood)
(And everytime Wally hangs out with them, Hermes puts a clone doing his work and watches to make sure Wally didn’t get hurt)
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lucky-dreamfisher · 5 years
Weekly Asks #10
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It’s obvious from the side it’s lying on, as well as that splatter of ink on its inner side.
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By the way, have you ever noticed that “Not Monsters” handprint on the wall? It seems that the Ink Demon was not the only creature, which ransacked the place... I wonder what did this one steal?
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They even left something behind inside the administration. If you follow the handprints, you can find one of the boxes from the Vault lying right next to Wally’s audio log.
I assume they were also the one, who flooded the corridor and removed the pipes, to prevent anyone from going back in. Or out, for that matter. This must have been already after the five-fingered creature escaped the Ink Machine. Curiously, this isn’t the same individual - the number of fingers doesn’t match. Who the heck is this guy, then?!
My best guess would be the Safehouse Creature. That one was depicted with 4 fingers, and it had its right arm cut off, which fits the handprint, as it’s the handprint of a left hand - meaning it was either made by a left-handed creature, or by a one-handed one.
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To be fair, he did say 'how did this place get so big?' back in chapter 2.
But, continuing your line of thought, his line about his old desk in chapter 5 could imply that he had two desks and he really did live imprisoned inside the studio at some point. If the missing part of Tombstone Picnic was indeed Henry's cameo, as Adobe speculated, Joey may have tried to create an ink Henry as far back as in the 40s. He may even have gone so far as to create multiple Henrys, similarly to creating multiple Alices and Borises.
BTW, Mike previously said on his Twitter that '30 years ago' refers to 1933, which is two years after Henry's departure. Sure, maybe they changed their minds about the date (noisy data and stuff), but it fits perfectly with the date on Joey's calendar (1963), which is an awfully suspicious coincidence. It makes me wonder whether Henry eventually returned to the studio at some point during the 30s.
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I hacked through every door in the game. I scoured the code and the assets. There are no locations in any of the chapters that we haven't explored already, except maybe chapter 3, but that has no relation to the pool in chapter 2.
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Maybe it doesn't make a difference to them? Ultimately, Henry's journey is still the same, regardless of which path he chooses.
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As Susie said: he was always a good liar.
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Yup. Not to mention surviving an elevator fall. Should be impossible for a human. And, of course, the ink death tunnel and the inky borders whenever he gets hurt.
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Let's not get too attached to the ink child == Henry theory. It has its own set of problems. Such as - how does a child made of ink become an adult? At what point did he go from 'uncle Joey' to 'my old friend'?.
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Maybe a blob of sentient ink, and a barn full of monsters, are not a satisfying substitute for a wife and child? Can an ink child ever really grow up? How long until they flip out from loneliness and misery?
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Nah, it most likely refers to the sealed up vending machines. Joey must've done it to prevent the employees from taking the drinks at his expense. 
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Or he was apprehensive because he knew that disrespecting the miracle stations is dangerous for him. We don't know what compels the ink creatures to ignore them, but both times when someone ignored the rules, they got punished.
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Could be. Hard to say. For all we know, it might not be in any physical place inside the real world. At the very least, I doubt that the door in Joey’s kitchen lead to an underground bunker, except maybe through a magic portal.
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The newspaper texture is too blurry to make out anything other than the headline, which is most likely not real. But, considering that it's inside Joey's house, and Joey is broke and disabled, so he probably doesn't travel much, we can safely bet that it refers to his own town. 
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Looks like generic paint texture to me. If there's anything else in there, then I can't see it. 
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Definitely, yeah. Joey wouldn't sabotage his own ink machine. Plus, anyone who feels the need to make a long speech about being in control, doesn't really have control over anything. And it's not like he's good at telling when someone is lying to him - he's never noticed that his doctor of 30 years is a fraud.
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I'm praying it's not an AU. Not that I wouldn't like to play a BATIM AU, but an AU won't answer any of the questions I still have about the first game. I need some answers first, before I can move on to a new story.
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Are you asking whether the ink machine is possessed by some kind of demon? Could be. We never found out anything about Joey's 'Gods', and of course, that demon inside the Ink Demon had to come from somewhere.
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inkylegacy · 5 years
The Ink Demonth Day 14: Theories
Day 14! Actually the first one I wrote and finished, my own take on some batdr theories in the form of a little fic!
"Tell me another one, uncle Joey!" little Laurie begged him, not for the first time that day. Joey chuckled, chair creaking as he leaned forward. "Are you sure? You've already heard three stories today, dear!" "Just one more!" Wide, begging blue eyes looked up at him from where the little girl was seated with her handmade Bendy plushie on the floor. "Alright, alright. So, let's see... One day, my old friend Henry-" "No not that one again!" came her protest, little frown on her round face. "What? Laurie dear, you don't even know where I'm going with this one yet-" "It's always Henry! Can't somebody else be the protanist-" "Protagonist." "- yeah that, can't somebody else be it this time?" "Somebody else? You mean maybe Wally or Sammy or-" "Well, maybe! Or- or how about, somebody completly new!" "Completely new? Laurie, I can't just invent a completely new character from scratch! Especially somebody as important as the protagonist!" "Then..." The little girl thought for a moment, looking around the room for ideas. Her eyes fell on the door, open just a crack, a sliver of light falling in from the next room. "How about Nancy!" she declared, pointing at the door for good measurement. Her older sister Nancy was in the next room over, engrossed in one of Joey's many old books. "Nancy..? Hm..." "You're always calling her your air- heir, your heir and apprentice!" "Well, yes, but-" He paused, actually thinking about this. Nancy, inside his little story. Now that was interesting. "Alright. But with a completely new protagonist, you'll have to give me some time to prepare a new story! I can't make one up on a whim!" "Awwwwww!" She pouted, lower lip trembling and big blue eyes threatening tears. "Now now, don't make such a long face! While I work on this, why don't you go to the kitchen and grab yourself a snack from the fridge? Little girls like you need to eat, you're still growing after all." Laurie listened obediently, scrambling up from the floor and out the door, past her older sister and into the kitchen.
The older girl barely looked up from her book at the noise and motion. Nancy was a bright young girl. Not as interested in art as Joey would have liked, but curious and crafty. Dark brown hair, the black eyes (almost) everybody in their family had, along with their stubborn determination to see whatever they got into their heads through to the end. But she was young, still a girl, barely a woman. She had not lived through a war, wasn't hardened to life's horrors in any way.
She would not grow numb to the horrors of the studio as quickly.
A much more interesting protagonist than Henry some might even say. But that was not up to him to judge. 
Laurie thought a new protagonist would give the story a new twist? Why not try it? Henry hadn't made any progress at solving his problems in three years. 
He pushed himself out of his chair, leaning heavily on his cane as he hobbled towards the door to the next room. The creaking and clanging of machinery at work could be heard beyond the door, open just a crack.
"Nancy? Could you come here for a moment? There's something I'd like to show you."
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flashfuture · 3 years
BOTH CONN AND KYLE WANT “forever” like...soulmate-ism (I say this fully admitting j think soulmates are made not just randomly discovered). Like Ah too be the two people unafraid of commitment in a profession of commitphobes...seriously you think superheroes would have a better track record with commitment but nah. But when you DO want forever suddenly your the weird one...smh
Also...yeah let’s put some respect on Wally’s name (though I’m pretty sure the speed force has “(blank) my beloved” meme but for Wally and Wally ONLY.) and bring back old flash fam dynamics....like linda and Wally, Linda Wally and Hartley, Jesse Wally and Bart’s sibling dynamic, Linda and Bart as FRIENDS who play video games together, Jay and Joan as the tired patriarch and matriach, Max as the crew’s weird conspiracy theory Facebook uncle
I too think soulmates are something you choose. Went on a whole rant about soulmates for Johnny Storm lol. 
But yes these two are like made for each other. But DC just stopped maintaining friendships and kept shoving everyone into their separate corners and it sucks. 
Also yeah it is weird how many supers have hang ups about forever. Like people think Ollie does, he really doesn’t it’s Dinah who does. People confuse him for Hal and Bruce tbh. Ollie always wanted forever with Dinah. and Dinah took a little longer to get there. 
TBH I think a lot of these heroes hold the belief that they’re gonna get out the game and that’s when they’ll have families. But they’ll never escape the hero life. DC wouldn’t let them and it’s just ooc for a lot of them to ever be like I’m just gonna stop helping people. 
The Speed Force adores Wally. (and since it’s implied Barry created the speed force it makes sense)
Bart also got separated from the main group for too long but luckily he is back. And I’m happy to see the Flashfam expanding to all the speedsters hanging out. 
Just give Wally back his friends and family. He had a lot of it. 
Barry was the one with basically some friends at the police precinct, Iris, and Hal. Plus the rest of the JLA he’d call his friends. 
Wally had the Titans. Everyone he bonded to over his tenure as the Flash. Don’t take them from him. 
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
There’s No Shame In Dreaming
I still have feelings about Chapter 5, and @disneyphantomlover had an amazing theory, so I wanted to write something for it. I dipped into myself quite a bit for the character of Henry’s granddaughter. I also dipped into my own version of Joey a bit. 
You’re 7 years old and your favorite thing in the world is making up stories. You don’t write them down most of the time, although you think your mother does sometimes. She likes sharing them with your Grandpa Henry and Grandma Linda. Grandpa Henry always praises your creativity. Grandma Linda says you’re just like Grandpa Henry. You know Grandpa Henry made cartoons a long time ago, although he doesn’t talk about it all that much. He worked for Uncle Joey. Uncle Joey technically isn’t related to you, but he’s Grandpa Henry’s friend so he’s pretty much part of the family. He lives close by, along with Grandpa Henry, so you visit him a lot. Uncle Joey can be kind of awkward sometimes like he doesn’t know how to talk to you. You like him anyway. He always listens to your stories. A lot of adults don’t like listening to your stories. 
He has cool posters around his house too. Grandpa Henry has posters like that, posters of characters you don’t quite recognize. They’re not like the Disney characters you’re used to. Grandpa Henry talks about working for Uncle Joey on the cartoons sometimes, but he never talks about it enough to satisfy your curiosity. So, one day, when Grandpa Henry has dropped you off at Uncle Joey’s house, you ask him about it. You want to know what happened at the studio. You know it closed down at some point, but you don’t know why. You know about the ink machine in Uncle Joey’s house too, even if you don’t know what it does. Uncle Joey gets a faraway look in his eyes. 
“I haven’t thought about that in a long time.” He says. You sit there patiently, arms folded, waiting for him to continue. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather hear a different story?” He asks. 
“No. I want to hear about this.” You insist. Uncle Joey smiles wearily, shaking his head and muttering something about you being just like your grandfather. Then he begins. The story he tells you details your grandfather returning to the studio after getting a letter from Uncle Joey himself. The details are bare, and the only other person he mentions is the janitor, Wally. You don’t know much about Wally, but he sends Uncle Joey and Grandpa Henry letters sometimes. You saw a picture of him once and you think he dresses weird. Your father laughs and tells you that that’s the fashion in Florida. 
“When are you going to tell me the rest?” You demand as Uncle Joey finishes. You’re rather unsatisfied with the story he’s told you. 
“When you’re older.” He tells you. You huff, but Grandpa Henry is walking in to pick you up.
You’re 8, about to turn 9, and you’re standing outside of Uncle Joey’s house in the rain, crying so hard you can barely breathe. You know you should have gone home, but your day has been pretty rough. Some boys at school threw your notebook in a puddle and ripped out a bunch of the pages. Uncle Joey gave you the notebook as a present for your birthday. It was really nice, with the cover made of real leather with your name embossed on it and everything. You’re worried your parents will be mad at you. You’re not supposed to bring the notebook to school because it’s expensive and it was a gift. You knock on Uncle Joey’s door, trying to will yourself to stop crying. Uncle Joey opens the door, dressed in pajamas and a bathrobe. He always seems to wear that sort of thing when you come over, even though you’ve seen pictures of him in suits and he has lots of nice clothes in his closet. He takes one look at you and drags you inside. 
“You could have caught your death of cold.” He’s scolding you as he gets some towels and wraps you up in blankets on the couch, but you feel better just being here. 
“What happened?” He asks once you’re safe and dry and bundled up in blankets. Your heart sinks because now you have to tell him what happened to the notebook he gave you. You sniffle as you dig out the dirty and disheveled notebook from your bag, holding it out to him with your head hung in shame. Uncle Joey takes the book from you, turning it over and clicking his tongue. 
“I’m assuming you didn’t do this to it yourself.” He says. You shake your head, trying not to cry. 
“Some boys at school saw me writing in it and took it.” Your lip is quivering as you fight back tears. “I wasn’t supposed to take it to school and now it’s ruined. I’m sorry, Uncle Joey.” Uncle Joey kneels down in front of you, putting his free hand on your shoulder. 
“Sweetheart, it’s alright.” He gives you a smile. “I can get the journal fixed.” 
“B-But it was really expensive and-” Your parents told you to be careful with it because they said Uncle Joey had spent a lot of money on it. But Uncle Joey cuts you off. 
“It wasn’t your fault. I know you’ve been very careful with it in the past and I’m certain you will continue to be careful with it.” He says. 
“You’re...You’re really not mad?” You were so sure he would be angry. But then again, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Uncle Joey get mad before. 
“I’m really not.” He reassures you. “Now, let’s call your parents, alright?”
You’re 10 years old and you’ve actually done some research about the studio. Well, you call it research, but it was mostly pestering Grandpa Henry into showing you more drawings and posters and letting you listen to some music from the show. You know now that the person who composed those songs is Sammy Lawrence. Grandpa Henry used to get letters from him when you were younger. Grandma Linda says Grandpa Henry has a studio portrait somewhere in the house, although she thinks it’s packed away in the attic. Your mother thinks she remembers meeting Sammy once, although she’s not sure. Your father knows very little of the people from the studio. Armed with this new information, you demand to hear more of the story of the studio. Uncle Joey looks up from his knitting, Grandma Linda has started teaching him so he has something to do with his hands, and chuckles. 
“You really are Henry’s granddaughter.”
“You always say that.” You fold your arms. “Are you going to tell the story or not?”
“Alright, alright.” Uncle Joey sets his knitting down and starts telling the story all over again. The story seems different this time, but maybe that’s because it’s been a while since you’ve heard the story. Or maybe Uncle Joey is just embellishing things. He does that a lot. Wally appears again as Uncle Joey takes you down to the music department, as well at the projectionist Norman Polk. Your mother remembers going to a funeral for Norman when she was a teenager, so you know what happened to him. Still, you find it interesting to hear about him. 
“Did Wally really lose his keys that often?” You ask. 
“Well, I wasn’t there all the time,” Uncle Joey admits. “But Sammy always brought it up when he came to complain to me.” You can’t help but feel a little intimidated by Sammy, even if it’s just in a story. He reminds you of stern teachers you’ve had who don’t like how often you end up daydreaming in class. You try to distract yourself by asking about Alice Angel. You’ve seen her on the posters and when Uncle Joey tells the story of the music department, he mentions her and a woman named Susie Campbell. You’ve heard her name before, but you’re not sure where. 
“Maybe another time.” Uncle Joey says. His smile suddenly seems forced, like he finds it hard to talk about her. Part of you wants to push him for answers, but you decide not to. You don’t like making Uncle Joey sad. 
You’re 12 years old. You have a few friends you’re close to, and you like them a lot, but they’re a lot more outgoing than you are. You don’t see them too much outside of school, although you did invite all of them to your Bat Mitzvah. The boys at school are picking on you even more now. They tease you about your appearance a lot. You had to get braces that year, so that’s something they really like pointing out. It makes the whole thing even worse. You keep to yourself most of the time. You like spending your time in the library, curled up in a corner. The librarians like you and remember which books are your favorites. You’re a bit of a morbid child. You read a lot of horror stories, despite the librarians warning you that they might be gruesome. You don’t speak up all that much in class, preferring to lose yourself in your own little world. You’re just not interested in most of the subjects. Your parents are worried about you. 
“Sweetheart, it just seems like you’re not applying yourself.” Your mother says when your report card comes in. You’ve been getting mostly B’s with an occasional C. 
“Give her a break, Sarah.” Grandpa Henry says. “I was the same way when I was a kid.”
“I’m just worried about her, Dad.” Your mother glances back toward you. You’re hunched up in a corner, writing in your notebook. It’s a cheap notebook. You keep Uncle Joey’s notebook at home, using it only for special ideas. 
“She’ll be alright.” Grandma Linda assures your mother. “School isn’t everything, dear.” 
“I guess you’re right.” Your mother sighs and shakes her head. “I just want her to be able to function well in the world.” Your father is at work right now, but you’re sure he’d say something similar. Your parents tell you all the time that pursuing a career in the arts really isn’t realistic. They tell you it doesn’t pay well. Just look at what happened to Uncle Joey’s studio, they say. Grandpa Henry and Uncle Joey always come to your defense when your parents start talking like this. 
“She’s 12.” Grandpa Henry says. “She doesn’t need to have her whole life figured out. Let her do what she enjoys for now.” 
“They mean well.” Grandma Linda tells you when you’re alone. “They just want you to be safe and happy, and they think you won’t be happy if you don’t make money.” You just nod. You don’t really care about money. You don’t care about having a job. You just want to do what makes you happy. 
You’re 14 years old. You know the world is cruel. The boys at school push you into puddles when they can find them, or take your supplies and hide them. You got in trouble when you knocked out the front teeth of a book who decided to flip your skirt. You just finished reading Frankenstein in its entirety. You’re at your Uncle Joey’s apartment. You don’t want to go home because the boys at school beat you up that day for what you did to the boy who flipped your skirt. 
“You need to tell your parents.” Uncle Joey says as he gives you a bag of ice to put on your face. 
“They’re already mad about me getting in trouble.” You mutter, staring sullenly down at your feet. “They said it’s not ladylike.” Uncle Joey sighs, settling down beside you. 
“They mean well.” He says. 
“Everyone says that.” You hunch your shoulders. “It doesn’t feel like they do. Nothing I do is ever good enough.”
“They love you, they do.” Uncle Joey puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug. “Sarah and David just worry, is all.” You draw into yourself. 
“Did you ever get bullied when you were little?” You ask after a moment or two. Uncle Joey laughs. He has a nice laugh. It always makes you feel better when you hear him laugh. It’s big and booming most of the time, although it’s gotten weaker over the years. 
“Oh, I certainly did.” He chuckles. “I was never all that popular in school. I was a bit of a bratty child if I’m being honest. And it didn’t help that I was almost always sick.”
“So you got beat up a lot?”
“Quite a bit.”
“Were your parents mad at you?”
“Only when it was my fault.” Uncle Joey says. “Because it was my fault sometimes. I had a big mouth.”
“Do you...Do you think I deserve it?” Your voice is quiet as you huddle into Uncle Joey. 
“You’re a good kid.” He pats your head. “I don’t think you’d ever deserve it.” You both sit in silence for a few moments.
“Will you tell me about Alice Angel now?” You finally ask. 
Uncle Joey tenses a bit at the name, but he sighs and nods his head. “I suppose you’re old enough for it now.” 
You look up at him, trying to hide your excitement. You’ve waited so long to finally learn about who Alice Angel and Susie Campbell are. Uncle Joey begins to tell the story again, from the beginning. You think you remember this story differently. Boris isn’t a monster, he’s just a slightly selfish wolf. You were excited to hear about him at the end of Chapter 2, and now you get to see him again in Chapter 3. This chapter is longer than the others, so long you almost fall asleep. You learn about the Butcher Gang, the villains of the Bendy cartoons. Here, they’re nothing but mindless creatures, without voices and without purpose.  And you finally hear about Alice Angel. In Uncle Joey’s story, she’s a selfish and vain being, marred by the Ink Demon and driven to insanity. This what he thinks of Susie Campbell, apparently. You’re surprised at the bitterness in his voice when he speaks of Susie. You’ve never heard him sound so angry before. In passing, he mentions Thomas Connor as well, which is a name you know. Mr. Connor’s wife sometimes sends Uncle Joey letters. You’ve never met her, but Uncle Joey says she’s a lovely woman. The story ends abruptly, with Alice stealing Boris away. 
“That can’t be it!” You say, grabbing Uncle Joey’s arm. “What’s the rest? What happens to Boris?”
“It’s getting late, my dear.” Uncle Joey pats your head. “It’s been a long day and I’m feeling tired. You should be getting home too.”
“But...” You trail off, knowing full well that he’s right. You slid off the couch, gathering up your school bag from where you left it beside the door. 
“Dear?” You stop and look back at Uncle Joey. 
“There’s something I want you to remember, darling.” His expression is worn, almost mournful. “Grownups aren’t always right. We make mistakes, just like you do. But we don’t always want to admit to it. Don’t fault your parents when they’re wrong, help them be better.” You’re not sure what he means by this, but you nod before darting outside. 
You’re 15 years old. You don’t go to Uncle Joey to get a story this time. He’s in the hospital. He goes there sometimes when his health gets particularly bad. You don’t have school that day, so you’ve gone to visit him in his hospital room. Since your parents are both working, Grandpa Henry agrees to take you. Grandma Linda comes along too. She wants to bring Uncle Joey his knitting so he has something to do while he’s in the hospital. 
“If he doesn’t have something to do, he’ll end up complaining to all the nurses.” Grandma Linda sighs as you all walk up to the hospital. 
“I think they’re used to him by now.” Grandpa Henry laughs to himself. You hold your notebook close to your chest. You’ve come up with a new story idea that you want to share with Uncle Joey. Within the past year, you’ve gotten really into Norse Mythology and you want to write some kind of story with it. You really like the goddess Hel, even if there isn’t a lot of information about her. 
Uncle Joey is sitting up in his bed, reading glasses perched on his nose as he skims a book. In the quiet moments, you can’t help but notice how old and frail Uncle Joey looks. You try not to think about it too much. You’ve never actually had someone close to you die before. You don’t really want to have that happen either. 
“Well, it looks like you’re amusing yourself.” Grandma Linda says. “I guess I didn’t need to bring your knitting.” Uncle Joey immediately looks up, his whole face splitting in a grin. 
“Goodness! Did you all come here just to visit little old me?”
“She wanted to visit you.” Grandpa Henry pushes you forward gently. “We just came along because she needed transportation.” You smiled and run over to him, throwing your arms around Uncle Joey. 
“I missed you.” You say. Uncle Joey’s expression softens and he pats your head. 
“I missed you too, dear.” 
Grandpa Henry and Grandma Linda exchange a look before setting down the knitting and leaving the room. You sit down in the chair next to Uncle Joey’s bed, opening up your book. 
“I got a really good idea for a story.” You say, flipping to the proper page. “Do you want to hear about it?”
“I’d love to.” He smiles at you.
You spend the next hour excitedly telling Uncle Joey about your story idea. He listens quietly, watching you with a soft smile. When you finish, Uncle Joey nods thoughtfully. 
“Do you want to hear more of the story?” He asks. You blink. 
“Really? Are you sure?”
“You told me a story, so I should return the favor.” He nods. He takes your hand in his and begins once more. The story is a bit lacking this time, but you know that’s because he’s tired and you’re happy to listen anyway. You hear about people you didn’t know about, like Jack Fain, and people you already know, like Grant Cohen. He shortens Chapter 3 because you’re both tired and he knows his audience. When he reaches Chapter 4, you learn how sorrowful the ink creatures are, how much they’ve suffered. You learn about Bertrum Piedmont and Uncle Joey’s plan to build an amusement park. 
And you realize your Uncle Joey was a horrible, horrible person.
You’re very quiet when he finished. Grandpa Henry and Grandma Linda come back because the sun is setting and they need to get you home. 
“Why don’t we get some food on the way home?” Grandma Linda suggests as she takes you by the hand. You cling to her hand, nodding and feeling very much like a small child again. Grandpa Henry notices your silence, giving Uncle Joey a knowing glance. Then you all leave. 
It takes you a long time in order to ask Uncle Joey for the end of the story. Life gets in the way. You’re 18 years old. You just graduated high school and are going to college in the fall. You’ve had a lot of talks with your parents about your future and they understand now. They want you to be happy. And you are happy, to a certain extent. You’re excited to go to college, to be something more than you currently are. Grandpa Henry took you out to lunch that day to celebrate your graduation and now you’re at Uncle Joey’s apartment. Grandpa Henry wanted to check on Uncle Joey. You don’t mind too much. You’re sitting on the couch in the living room while Uncle Joey and Grandpa Henry do the dishes in the kitchen. Uncle Joey’s sickness has been getting worse as of late, but despite it all, he refuses to be weak or helpless. You’ve been doing a lot of thinking about your Uncle Joey since the last story he told you. 
It’s strange, knowing these two sides of him. On one hand, he’s the Uncle Joey you grew up with. He supported your interests throughout the years, always taking your side and making sure you never feel as though you’re worthless. On the other hand, he’s Joey Drew, the man who drove his studio into the ground and never cared about his employees. When you first arrived at his apartment that day, Grandpa Henry had to step out to get something Uncle Joey needed, so he told you the last bit of the story.
“I’m not sure I want to know the rest.” You say as Uncle Joey sits down beside you. 
“Don’t you want to know how it ends?” Uncle Joey smiles wearily. “Every story needs an ending, doesn’t it?”
“It does.” You nod. 
He doesn’t embellish or explain anything this time. You have to read between the lines a little bit. You have nothing to fear from Sammy Lawrence anymore. It’s been years, and he doesn’t even know you exist. You know he’s probably dead anyway. You learn a bit more about Wally Franks, and how his feud with Sammy started. Apparently, Wally had stolen a chocolate cake from Sammy. You can’t help but laugh a little at this. It does sound like something Wally would do. You recognize Mr. and Mrs. Connor as the survivor angel and her loyal wolf. You don’t know them well enough to know if this portrayal is right. Just bits and pieces. But that’s what this story is, just bits and pieces. You waited too long, and Uncle Joey’s memory isn’t what it used to be. This is the end. There won’t be any more chapters. 
You watch Uncle Joey and Grandpa Henry in the kitchen and smile to yourself. You’re older now. You know the world is cruel and life is unfair. But there is happiness. Your Grandpa Henry chose happiness, and he allowed Uncle Joey to experience it as well. You decide you won’t ask for any more stories about the studio. You open up your notebook, placing your pen on the page. You think you know just the right story to tell now. One with a happy ending. 
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bookdragonlibrary · 6 years
First YJ Friday appreciation
I will talk here of the episode 1 to 3. If you didn’t see them yet, do not read the text following as it’s full of heavy spoilers but have my theories and comments too :)
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
Princes all
- the big bald bad guy with Ana is the same one from S1 who works with Count Vertigo to kill Perdita. 
- So here the collar 2.0 who can control people in addition of shoking them... Do you think they have a bomb in them like in Suicide Squad?
- The girl scream voice when Ana dies :( But BL that wasn’t your fault :( Don’t bet yourself up. The Light are the true responsible ones for her death! 
- The music from the generic looks like a scary movie one! 
- So Gamma Squad are the 8 heros from the ad picture? And who is on Alpha and Beta Squads? 
- I love M’gann new look! After 50 years, she finally accepted herself as a white Martian <3 That’s a character development!
- Steel: new hero in the superfamily? 
- From Virgil’s vince, we can figure he knows already that BL is about to quit the JL :/ He shoud have tell him before and off screen.
- Bart, I missed your comments and that smile of yours! <3
- As announced Kaldur is Aquaman, the Leader of the JL by democratic vote and his coach is Wonder Woman. Such a development! And I love the symbol of Atlantis and Amazon heros working together! (Do you remember Flashpoint where they’re at war?) Arthur is now king of Atlantis full time (according to Greg), with his wife and his child.
- Batman, don’t talk about the mission above the symbol when you dress like a bat as a symbol of fear... --’ But Olly has a little moment of silent before saying “So do I.” Hesitation?
- Batman Incorp! With Katana, PlasticMan, Batwoman and Hardware (is he Luke Thomas or someone else?)
- Tim holding Cassie’s hand, like he wants to say he wants to stay, is so cute (and so short!) I think Batman and GA ordered their mentees to not say anything to their teammates :(
- So Barbara/Batgirl is now Oracle. 
- Tara Markov/Terra was abducted the 28th July in Team year 8
- Bialya has invaded Qurac, teasing form S1.
- Artemis has move to Star City to leave with Will (clone Roy) and her niece Lian (maybe Jade as well?) I think Artemis and Will are roommates. “Who are you to recruit this time?” says Will. So it’s not the first time Dick asks for help on a mission one of these two. So the second one has to babysitt Lian (assuming Jade could work for herself)
- Halo works in Markovian palace and looks like a Quraci refugiee. Maybe she was stealing that silver plate to make some money? But she ends to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
- A speester assassin is really frightening! And “LIMBO TIME”! And he looks like he was betrayed when he get shocked. 
- Did you notice the twins both cry when they see their parents but not their uncle? And their parents holding hands in death TT.TT
- M’gann and SB leaves with Wolf in Happy Harbo, the island where Mount Justice was.
- And Trump... I mean Gordon is here again. Can the Team can find out quickly he works for the Light so he can receive a deserved punch please? I hate that character but I love the work of the actor!
- So the twin brothers are only 17? Why not 20 with a majority at 21?
- I fear so much for Anissa and Jenifer with that children trafficking... And Anissa looks to young to be Traci’s girlfriend :( (but we don’t know their age yet!)
- Lynn has a GL for brother and BL as ex-husband. Do not mess with her of her family!
- BL has a power block due to his guilt... 
- YJ! How dare you! Bruce Lee’s picture is so cute and heartbreaking in the same time! TT.TT
------------------------------ Royal We
- So now Gar has is own TV show just like he wanted in S2. Is he still leaving with SB and M’gann? Is that thanks to him they could buy this huge house?
- Catherine Cobert, the JL liason, is back! Wait, is Hardware blind? Donna Troy/Troia and Garth/Tempest are now ambassadors in UN for Atlantis and Themyscira! :o And Donna is another queen of sass! Rhelasia is finally reunited since S1 and I’m sure it’s a rogue nation like Bialya and works for/with the Light too. So does Zviad Baazovi, ambassador of Markovia, or for the person who ordered the murder of the royal couple.
- 2 days after this murder, Gregor’s pre-coronation! Some traught shippers here? They fake it but still :) And Artemis is so beautiful in this dress. 
- So no one except Dick knows Barbara is now Orale? 
- “Do you want to hold my hand” Is there a dirty joke or it’s just me?
- poor mother box! :( 
- Plasmus looks like Ana, instead we see his brain instead of his heart. Otto? And how Count Vertigo manages to get out of jail?  
- Halo :’( Wait! Did they experiment of those kids? Because there was just Halo who get caught no one else :/ And Halo talks to Sphere? or at least understands what she says.
- And SB looses his shit shirt. Again.
- It’s a tiny beetle? Wait, can Blue do the same thing? Is it from Blue? Was there where Dick got the inspiration? Is that a hint for the flawless shippers? (That’s the name of this ship right?)
- Wait! Was she the justice liaison in the pod? She has a mole in the same place! :o
- Brion is shirtless too! Like his mentor! ^^ (What? they train together in the trailer.) Believe Helga! She knows what she is doing! She seems to have played all of you :) 
- “One of the girls” So they did experiment on all of those dead girl :( So the attack was run by Vertigo? Does he want to annexe Markovia? Or to have a political/royal power to take back his own kingdom? “the Superboy and his escaped companion”. Does he think Lightning is an escaped metaslave?
- “My child”? I don’t know if it’s creepy or if it implies that Helga is on the prince’s side.
- Now Sphere for the generic. Are these pictures clues for the future episodes? Knowing Greg and Brandon, I think it is! 
------------------------------ Eminent threat
- Star Girl! So Gar is also a teen actor in Space Trek 3036. Does he start his career thanks to his mission in the last comic since he met an actress who worked with his mom on Hello Megan! ? He’s dating Perdita (who sould be around 17 yo). They met at Wally’s funeral (I read few fanfic where Perdita comes to his funeral and they were right!) I think he’s still a hero since we saw him in costume in the trailer and the picture with the whole team (well the ones who was revealed to be in this season).
- “Kill” Halo, sweetie, are you okay? What do you mean? That the place where you were killed?
- Dick who was tricked by his bug xD And Barb’s comment xD 
- Helga used to work for Bedlam but now she’s on the prince’s side! :D So Vertigo does want to make a coup d’Etat to Vlatava?
- Maneuver 7! 
- Bedlam = Delamb. It was under our nose from the beginning!
- “Cost you more-” than what? career? life? than you think? Helga has no time for your consideration, Dick :( She said “my child” Could she be the prince true mother? They’re both brown hair and Brion and Gregor aren’t homozygote twins. 
- The children was boom tube away to be sold off planet or to other countries :( Sounds like the Runaways in the episode in Bialya right?
- Perdita’s talking with Gregor!
- Helga knows exactly was Brion’s powers are in seconds. Was she also there when they activated Tara’s ones?
- Vertigo’s minions have a lot of New Genesis technology. Is it thanks to the deal between Salvage and Darkseid?
- So Dr Ekcs is also a meta.
- Does Delamb wants to take this occasion to murder Gregor too? And this prince is clever! :)
- BL has recovered his powers thanks to another child’s death. The irony. It’s me or Sphere shows Halo how to heal?
- Gregor is indeed clever and sees right into Delamb’s game! I like him :) I’m even more sure the markovian ambassador works for the Light and he’s going to manipulate Gregor instead of Delamb. His decision for Brion was the only way to protect him from jail and maybe he hopes he will find their sister like Brion does.
- And now BL knows the metaslaves are controlled! “Not again. Again” I love this scene! ^^ And the farmer takes Otto’s victory scream for a threat to the heroes :( I knew Otto was going to die since his powers is too close to Brion’s ones.
- The picture from the generic of the third episode could be the Kent’s farm? (Or SB’s house, I’m not sure) However i’m sure this is the place we saw in the trailer (The one where Brion ends naked).
One week to wait now! And I thought 3 episodes per week were going to be enough ><
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