#Watch mr fear map
ddejavvu · 1 year
aw omg the derek imagine was so cute!! can i request smething similar where spencer and y/n are secretly married, bht someone calls out for reid and they both responded? tyy! Xxxx
It's only because you'd gone to a doctor's appointment the day before that you react. You're still on edge, still reminding yourself to listen for Reid, Reid, Reid that you respond even though it's Hotch that calls the name, not the nurse to a near-empty waiting room.
"Reid?" Hotch's voice breaks the tense silence of the BAU, and your head pops up in tandem with Spencer's own. You both let out noncommittal, 'huh?'s, and whatever Hotch had to say is lost as his brows sink into a deep furrow.
"I said Reid." He clarifies after too long of a moment of silence, and Prentiss watches you not-so-subtly from the corner of her eye. You nod numbly, face burning as you duck your head back to your paperwork, and apparently your boss's scrutiny doesn't fade until Spencer steps in.
"What did you need, Hotch?" Spencer prompts, and Hotch murmurs something about geographic profiles and new witness sightings. Your husband stands to fill out more of the map with red and black ink where it's pinned to the wall, and you try forcing your eyes to focus on the words in front of you.
You'd welcome the reprieve from reading that Emily's voice grants you if it weren't so accusatory, a hushed whisper as she leans forwards over her desk and closer to your own.
"So, Reid," She starts, and you bite the inside of your cheek, "What was that?"
"I misheard him," You mumble, "Thought he was calling me.'
"Right." She blinks, unimpressed, "Because Reid just sounds so close to Y/L/N."
Your teeth grind further into the soft flesh of your inner cheek, and she seems to notice the motion. She grins, satisfied, and leans back, "So: where's the ring?"
In my purse.
"What?" You rear back, aghast, "What ring?"
"Probably in your purse," She muses, glancing down amusedly at the bag tucked between your legs beneath your desk. You've never been on the receiving end of one of her stern glares, but you have a feeling that the fear in your chest is just the same as the unsubs' she faces when she grins devilishly at you, "I'm onto you, Mrs. Reid."
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
DCxDP: Immunity system
Danny gets confused for Tim Drake when he stop for gas in Gotham on his way to visit Dan. His clone had set up shop- a literary comic book shop- in Metropolis.
Danny was going for the weekend to help him run the red dot sale and also spend time with his Clone turned older brother.
Dan after being released from his prison and getting a Core Cleanse in the FarFrozen ectoplasm iced pools, had mellowed out greatly.
It turns out Dan had gone mad after suffering a dip in contaminated ectoplasm. He called it "Pit Madness" and Clockwork assured him it was a real medical condition
Much like getting bitten by a rabies-infected animal, Dan's condition was not his fault despite turning him violent.
After the Big Reveal with his parents - who took the news surprisingly well- Team Phantom introduced Elle and Dan to them.
The two clones had been quickly made official Fentons and now Danny had an older brother and a young sister.
Elle lived at home with Danny and his parents, but Jazz and Dan moved out after high school graduation. Danny was thinking of moving in with Dan to go to college.
He wasn't sure, but he still had a whole year to decide.
Danny found a gas station within his GPS map and stopped at the closest one. There weren't a lot of people around, so he assumed that was a slow day.
He was not aware the locals avoided the area due to the danger of feuding gangs. He was also unaware that while pumping the gas, a Scarecrow goon was watching him.
That goon knew his boss had been getting a bit bored with his experiments, and he knew it wouldn't be long before his boss turned on his employees to relieve his boredom.
He was just starting to sweat, thinking he would be the new genuine pig until Tim Drake himself rolled out of a beat up car in the bad part of town.
He practically gift-wrapped himself for Scarecrow! The goon grins, creeping up behind the distracted young man.
One of the employees' inside the gas station had clocked Tim Drake too and had been staring at him - how could he not when Tim was a Bi icon?- and sees the moment the goon covers the boy's mouth with a clotch and yank him into a van that speeds away.
For a moment, the employee only gawked after the speeding vehicle, too shook to do anything as it disappears around a corner.
He scrambles for his phone to call 911. He prays that his slow reaction does not cost Drake's life.
(His call's transcript pings on Oracle's program designed to pick up the civilian names of the Bats if ever used in the emergency hotlines)
Sadly it is hours before the Bats have even an idea of where Tim (actually Danny) was taken to.
Danny wakes up in a warehouse, strapped to a table. He only had a brief moment of thinking his worst fear was coming true ,his parents, were going to rip him apart molecular by molecular, despite it being two years since they learn.
Thankfully a man dressed in a ridiculous Halloween costume steps into the light and he knows it's not his parents.
"Lovely expression Mr. Drake. Let's see how lovely that fear truly is," the man says in a raspy voice, holding up a needle. He stabs Danny with it and the boy blanches as the hot liquid enters his blood stream.
A minute goes by.
"Ugh was that supposed to do something?" He questioned, moving around his restraints to check his chances of escape without outing himself as Phantom.
The camera pointing at him limits his options.
The man dressed as Scarecrow lets out a gleeful cackle. He doesn't answer Danny, instead turning to the door- from where Danny can lift his head, it looks like he's in a basement of some kind- and shouts, "Bring me experiment six two six!"
A bulky man comes in carrying a tray of tubes. Danny watches as Scarecrow carefully selects a tube and pours it into another needle. "Lets see how you handle this"
The answer is Danny handles it very well. In fact he takes all seven tubes without a single reaction. Honestly it's the needle that's a real bother.
Scarecrow is both impressed and slightly insulted by the end of it. "How did a simpleton chloroform work on you but not my brilliant science!?"
Danny squints at him. "I would call this many things but never science, let alone brilliant, you fruitloop."
He gets knocked out again for his cheek with a new chloroform rag.
He wakes to the same made leaning over him again, but this time, there is also a clown in purple. Danny can only stare as the clown cackles.
"I think you're losing your special touch if Tim Drake is immune to your Fear Gas." The clown says, and Danny wonders if a costume convention exists in town.
Danny is happy to see that besides being knocked out and tied him down they haven't really done anything to him. "Who are you supposed to be?"
The clown face spams before a wide, mad grin breaks across his face. If Danny were to look of the definition of madness in a dictionary he knows this guy would be the example for it.
"I'm just a simple chum who wants to see the world laugh," The clown tells him, holding a squirt flower in Danny's face. "Let's see that smile!"
Danny squeaks as the liquid splashes in his face, some going up his nose. He coughs while the two men stare intensely at him.
After a moment Danny gets himself under control. "Ugh what was that? Is smell nasty"
The clown face freezes, rage bleeding into his eyes as the scarecrow one scoffs "seem you are also losing your touch, chum"
"No no no. Our little friend just needs a higher dosage! I'll have him laughing in no time!"
He doesn't. After a gas tank full of that nasty-smelling stuff is forced onto his face, and five different needles stabbed into his arm the clown is forced to admit Danny is immune.
They still call him "Mr. Drake" even though Danny tells them between needles that's not his name.
After hours of attempting to get a reaction out of him- both by clown and scarecrow- , Danny is knocked out again by the little rag.
When he comes two three people stand over him. The two from before, though clown now looks murderous and scarecrow politely interested, and a women in green with leaves splat across her outfit.
So Danny got kidnapped by a Scarecrow, a clown, and a nymph? Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.
The gas mask is forced back onto his face and another Danny struggles he can do nothing as he is forced to breath in a new gas.
The woman watches his reaction with a keen eye before nodding "He should be pretty far gone now"
Scarecrow shakes his head. "There isn't a single reaction. He isn't affected by your pheromones."
The woman scoffs, leaning over Danny and fluttering her eyelashes "You're going to kill dear old dad for me"
Danny glares at her. "Like hell, I will."
His voice is muffled by the mask but they hear him and the woman actually looks shocked "He might need a higher dosage "
"By all means, give it a try. Neither Joker or I saw a difference in Mr.Drake even after adjusting his intake."
"How is that possible?"
"Maybe because you all suck!"
The clown slams his hands on the table. "I am one of the best chemists in the world, brat!"
"And the ugliest!"
Danny doesn't see the knife until it's pressed repeatedly into his left leg. He screams around his mask as the Clown spits and swears at him.
The other two only watch, neither seemingly bothered by the man stabbing a teenager.
Then the knife is plunged into his stomach, and he screams as the world almost whites out in agony.
Danny, blinks the white hot pain, and is just barely thinking of going ghost when the door bursts open and a group of people wearing more costumes pour in.
A man dressed as a Bat flings the clown away with an outraged cry. Danny can't see where the clown lands, but he hears fighting all around him.
A boy in a hood and mask appears in his line of sight. There is a worried frown on his face as he quickly picks at the locks keeping Danny down "Do not worry, Drake, we are here."
Danny finally gives in to the pain, running to blissful darkness as a man in a red helmet lifts him off the bed and makes a run for the door.
The kid provided cover for them.
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🔞 Ray x GN!Reader, because I have been neglecting my man. sorry sweetie 🔞
“You’re being a terrible kidnapper by the way.”
Ray tilts his head idly, a sardonic smiles tilting the left corner of his lips at your words. His smirk is playful and dangerous. Knowing.
You lift your chin in mocking defiance from the couch where he’d placed you. It’s probably not as intimidating as you’d hoped considering the ropes binding your arms behind your back. Your legs are free, but it’s not like you could go anywhere. Even if you could somehow manage to escape Ray, his lair (“Please don’t call it that, Star.”) was located on the topmost floor of the tallest apartment building for miles around.
He leans against the glass window-walls that look down onto an ocean of shimmering city lights. Flashes of purples, reds, and gold are blanketed by a moonlit black velvet. The colours reflect off the edges of his face, sharpening gorgeous features and softening others. A cigarette dangles loosely from between long fingers, trailing an almost invisible thread of smoke up to his lips.
Lips that are now stretched in the most self-satisfied smirk you've ever seen.
“You’re staring, Star,” Ray taunts. You snap your head to the side, cursing mentally. You’re hyper-aware of Ray’s tall form as he moves closer, not stopping until he’s standing over your seated form. His free hand reaches up to caress your jaw, knuckles brushing the apples of your cheek. The cigarette is gone, but the scent clings to his skin – somehow warm and enticing – and you can’t quite stifle the urge to lean into his touch.
Fingertips trace your skin, rough pads mapping every spot he had claimed and memorized countless times before.
"Explain yourself," he murmurs, tilting your head up so you’re forced to meet those unfathomably dark eyes. "How am I a bad kidnapper, Star?"
You open your mouth to reply, nothing coming to mind for several seconds. It's as if his gaze is a black hole sapping you of your usual sass and wit. "Um, w-well...well what do you think you should do with me?"
Ray kneels in front of you, which does nothing to make you feel any more in control of this situation. Body still tightly bound, you can do nothing other than pout and writhe in place when he leans closer, lips brushing against your heated cheek.
"Oh, that's an easy one," the villain murmurs into your ear before he gently bites your earlobe. You squeak, barely able to hear his next words through the rush of blood in your veins. "I’d keep you all for myself. Lock you away where no one can find you except me."
Huffing, you manage to regain a bit of your mental faculties and lift your chin with a playful scowl. "Hmph, don't villains usually use traps to keep their victims in place? Iron cages, steel chains, etc.? Come on, Mr. No. 1 Most Wanted Villain, where's the showmanship? Did watching Megamind teach you nothing?!"
A laugh escapes Ray at your demand, a burst of mirth that has you fighting back matching snickers. One hand slides up your arm and, and he pulls you closer until your chest is flush with his. The other grabs you by the waist, tipping you off balance and pinning you to the couch.
"How's this for showmanship, Star?" Ray scoffs as he rakes over your prone form with carnal amusement. His hand leaves your hip, dipping beneath your shirt before tracing upwards and taking the fabric with it. Your nipples pebble in the cool air, vulnerable beneath those void-black eyes.
You’ve gotten a taste of Ray’s possessiveness before – several times in fact – but it never fails to stun you, to send heat rushing between your thighs every time you catch a glimpse of that depthless stare. The lengths he’s gone, that he would go to, for you. Especially after having cast off the NAHA’s paper-thin restrictions.
Fear would be the normal response, the expected emotional outcome. Yet when callused fingers pinch your nipples all you can do is moan.
"So whiny, Star,” Ray coos against your chest, teasing and tasting your buds until they’re bruised and sore. You scream when his mouth closes over the right one, tongue laving over swollen stiff peaks. “And so loud. Is this what you want, hm? You want me to ruin you?"
You can’t speak. The only thing that leaves your throat are helpless, wordless sounds. Ray clicks his teeth, and his hand slides up, applying just the slightest bit of pressure on your throat. A warning.
"What’s that Star?” The villain queries, voice dripping with false curiosity. “Isn’t this what you like? To be helpless under me, in my control. All for my own selfish pleasure? Come on sweetheart, speak up."
“Y-You wish!” you kick out your feet, but Ray simply cants his head to the side and catches your flailing ankle. When he wedges himself firmly between your thighs and hooks your legs over his shoulder, you realize what a terrible mistake you’ve made.
"You little brat…" Ray pushes your ankle further up on his shoulder, restricting you even more as he smirks down at you with a gentle yet terrifying arrogance. It is the look of a wolf watching a caged rabbit, a predator contemplating what to do with cornered prey. Pressing his taller frame against you, Ray’s free hand moves to your hip where the pointer finger dips past the edge of your underwear. It’s barely a brush, and yet the sensation makes your head spin. “Do I have to force it out of you, Star?”
You stubbornly bite your bottom lip, and Ray let out a helpless sigh as if to say, you asked for this.
“Mmph, R-Ray!” The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoes in the room, desperate screams filling the air as you squirm and struggle to escape the steel-trap of Ray’s arms though you know it’s futile. “P-Please, m’sorry–!”
“If you’re so sorry, then stay still,” he grunts, punctuating his words with a harsh thrust, one hard enough to jolt the couch several inches across the floor. Your neck and chest are a canvas of bruises and bite marks. Drool falls from the corner of your lips, filthy and messy. The sight of you underneath him, teary-eyed and begging for mercy, was intoxicating and the ex-hero can’t stop the dangerous smile that crosses his face.
Your body convulses as another orgasm shakes through you, the fifth in the past hour, and Ray groans when you squeeze around his cock. He pulls out to admire the sticky mess between your thighs, cum glazing your puffy hole in a lewd display.
Just as you’re catching your breath, Ray pinches your chin and drags your gaze back to meet his. “Uh-uh, we’re not done Star,” his grin widens at your stricken expression. “I want a proper apology, sweetheart. Now open your mouth and say ah.”
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Boar!creator breaks into knights of favonius headquarters! and, reads a book? Visits klee? What? Oh hey the just went into jeans office and wait why is there snoring coming from the room?
Btw can I be 🐗anon?
Mika Encounter (With Klee!!)
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Boar Reader x Mika (and Klee!)
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 370
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Fluff & crack, Kaeya makes an appearance
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Breaking into the Knights of Favonius Headquarters was shockingly easy. You just kinda… walked through the front door.
You were apparently well known enough by the people and your markings and mask that they knew when it was you and that you wouldn’t harm them. The most you’d do was harmless pranks.
Little ‘clip-clops’ echoed through the halls as you trotted through. You got small hi’s and hellos from passerby’s and even sometimes little pets!
“Ah! You must be The Boar of the Wilds!” A voice called out. You unironically didn’t remember who it was before you turned around and holy shit-
It was Mika!.. You totally forgot he existed!-
“I’ve heard so much from Acting Grand Master Jean! She’s constantly telling me stories about how…” It would be so rude to walk off right now but the urge to just… jump out a window was growing with every word he spoke. No offense to him, of course.
“Boar-Boar!” Oh thank fuck.
You felt Klee land on your back, shoving her face into your back.
Glancing back at the older boy, you found him staring at Klee with… fear?-
“Oh hi Mr. Mika! How are you? Do you want to go on another adventure?”
“Ah! N- no thanks, Klee. I’d rather not have to rework some of my maps today..”
You shook the girl off her back before trotting away.
“Awe Boar-Boar! Where are you going?” Klee called. You continued into Jean’s empty office.
Both Mika and Klee followed you inside and watched as you climbed up onto one of the couches and lie down, nuzzling into a pillow.
Klee looked at the older male, then hopped up on the couch and cuddled up with you.
Within moments you were both out like a light.
Mika sighed and walked out of the room. He came back with a blanket and draped it over you two, then sat next to you. He fell asleep not too long after.
A few minutes later, Kaeya walked into the office to retrieve something and stared at the three of you knocked out on the couch, you snoring away.
“Why is it every time I come in here, that boar is in here as well..?”
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I genuinely like that all the adults of Mond are getting terrorized and the kids just get cuddles and kisses and shit- this is an adorable dynamic and I’m glad it’s turned out this way hehe ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
And you can absolutely be 🐗 anon! Welcome!~ <3
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Worth It
I was possessed by the spirit of macaron (or barbmon or mambatos or... what was the other one I saw? something to do with greed?) and HERE IT IS. I just- they're so- I can't help it, okay??? This is absolutely ridiculous but I REGRET NOTHING. Left it so I had the option of a smutty part two but I haven't decided if I'm gonna write it yet or not. Also, tagging @lonely-north-star as requested in exchange for the cutest art I ever saw~
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Mammon x Barbatos - okay you can read part two here it's smut lol
Warnings: nothing really this is mostly fluff - just some making out and a cameo by Little D No 2
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Mammon pressed himself up against the wall of the castle as he crept down the massive hallway in the semi darkness. He knew the passages well enough by now, having mapped out the most important ones. This particular hallway would lead him to the vault if he followed it far enough. However, Mammon also knew this was the way to the kitchen.
Technically, he shouldn’t be here. He should be at the House of Lamentation working on that stupid report for Devildom Law. And yeah, he’d tried to write some of it. It took maybe five minutes before he was bored out of his mind and decided he had something more important to do.
He was so focused on the task at hand that he didn’t notice Little D No 2 until he was tripping over him.
“Ow, hey watch it!” No 2 protested.
“Shhh!” Mammon bent down to clasp a hand on No 2’s mouth.
“Mm-mm!” No 2 exclaimed.
“How many times do I gotta tell ya?” Mammon whispered. “I ain’t nobody’s papa! Now be quiet or he’ll hear you!”
A door opened and light spilled into the hallway, illuminating the scene. Barbatos looked about for a moment before spotting them.
Mammon stood up straight, No 2 still clasped in his hands.
Barbatos shook his head a bit. “Did you truly think I would not notice you sneaking by?”
“I wasn’t sneakin’!” Mammon said immediately.
No 2 kicked his legs. “Mm! Mm-mm-mm-mmmm!”
“Ya little traitor!” Mammon said.
“If you would please let Little D No 2 go,” Barbatos said calmly. “He has his own work to be getting to.”
No 2 groaned as Mammon put him down, surprisingly careful.
“But Mr. Barbatos!” No 2 exclaimed as soon as Mammon removed his hand from No 2's mouth.
“No arguments, No 2,” Barbatos said, though his voice was soft and there was a trace of a smile on his face. “You still have dusting to do, if I’m not mistaken.”
No 2 groaned again, but he scampered away down the hall as he did so.
Barbatos looked across the hallway at Mammon, who stayed where he was, frozen in uncertainty.
“You’re slipping, I fear,” Barbatos said. “Normally you make it quite a bit closer to the vault before being caught.”
Mammon folded his arms. “Yeah? Well if I’m slippin’, so are you. How long have ya known I was here? Didn’t even bother to come lookin’.”
Barbatos actually chuckled at this and Mammon was suddenly fighting down a blush. “My apologies,” Barbatos said. “I’m afraid I was unable to leave the cake I’m baking unattended in order to apprehend you.”
Mammon blushed harder and looked away. “Yeah, well, I ain’t here for the vault anyway.”
“No?” Barbatos asked and there was genuine confusion in his voice. “Then what has brought you here this evening?”
Mammon pulled a small packet out of his jacket pocket. “I-I happened to come across this. Know it’s pretty rare. Thought ya might appreciate it.”
Without even looking at Barbatos, Mammon crossed the space and put the packet in his hands.
“That’s all, I’ll see myself out,” Mammon said, as he turned away.
Barbatos caught his wrist.
There was a brief moment where neither of them moved or spoke. Mammon’s heart was racing.
“This is one of the rarest teas available in the Devildom,” Barbatos said quietly. “Did you really intend to give it to me without staying to sample a cup?”
Mammon gulped, still turned away. His wrist was tingling where Barbatos was still holding on. Barbatos wasn’t wearing his gloves, having taken them off while he was baking. The contact between their skin was both thrilling and terrifying.
Mammon turned around, effectively removing his wrist from Barbatos’s grip. “I-I mean, if ya want me to…”
“I would enjoy nothing more than serving tea to the Great Mammon,” Barbatos said.
Mammon looked up at him sharply. He was greeted by a teasing smile, but also a glimmer of genuine pleasure. Mammon took a deep breath and said, “That’s right! Of course ya want me to stay! I don’t mind stickin’ around for a bit, but ya better be grateful!”
Barbatos stepped aside to allow Mammon to enter the kitchen. “My gratitude knows no bounds.”
Mammon narrowed his eyes at Barbatos as he entered the kitchen and settled on a stool by the island counter. Barbatos went around to the other side with the packet of tea and began to prepare the tea pot.
Barbatos looked up at Mammon through the fringe of his bangs. "If you had no intention of stealing from the vault, why were you sneaking through the hallway in the dark? You should have let me know you were coming."
Mammon huffed. He was annoyed at how hot his face still was. He couldn't seem to calm down. "I just… wanted to surprise ya."
Barbatos chuckled. "Then you have succeeded," he said. "I am both surprised by the fact that you are not here to steal and by the rarity of the tea you've brought me. Do I want to know how you obtained it?"
"I didn't steal it," Mammon said instantly. His blush was gone now and he sat up straight. "I saw it for sale and Lucifer told me what it was. So I earned some extra cash by pickin' up a couple modelin' gigs, that's all."
Barbatos paused what he was doing to meet Mammon's eyes across the counter. "You would do that for me?"
Mammon knew this was his chance to be honest. For how long had he been playing this little game with Barbatos? How long had they been tip toeing around each other, never fully committing, never even acting like they were close. Mammon didn't know what was holding Barbatos back - propriety probably - but for him? It was the knowledge that this demon was too good for him.
Despite that, he wasn't afraid of being rejected. He knew better than that.
"Yeah," he said, easily, not breaking eye contact. "I would. I did."
The smile that spread across Barbatos's face was the most beautiful thing Mammon had ever seen. So often he saw the knowing smile or the indulgent smile, but this was a genuine expression of fondness. Like Barbatos had finally cast aside his mask to reveal how he truly felt.
"Thank you, Mammon," Barbatos said, simply.
Mammon's heart suddenly became noisy in his ears.
When the tea was ready, Barbatos poured them each a cup, then came around the counter to sit on a stool beside Mammon. He placed the cups in front of them.
Mammon took his cup, which was still quite warm. Steam rose from it, fogging up his glasses.
Barbatos shook his head, though he was smiling. He put down his own cup and reached across to take Mammon's glasses off himself. He put them down on the counter. "You really needn't wear your sunglasses indoors, wouldn't you say?"
Mammon was so stunned by this intimate gesture that he didn't know how to respond for a moment. "Y-yeah," he mumbled.
Barbatos sipped at his tea, then closed his eyes in satisfaction. "This is indeed a high quality blend. You must have paid quite a bit of Grimm for it."
Mammon shrugged. "Eh," he said noncommittally. He didn't care how much the tea had cost. Barbatos's smile and his satisfied expression was worth every Grimm.
Barbatos opened his eyes. "Eh?"
Mammon sipped at his own cup before responding. "It was worth it."
Barbatos seemed to understand what he meant, the part that he didn't say. Though it was often hard for Mammon to tell just what Barbatos was thinking. He was too good at masking his emotions. Mammon was aware of how Barbatos only ever let him see what he wanted Mammon to see.
Barbatos put his tea cup down on the counter and slid off his stool. Mammon looked at him curiously, once again unable to read his expression.
Barbatos took the cup from Mammon's hands and put it on the counter next to his own. Mammon let him, responding easily and without resistance.
And then Barbatos moved in between Mammon's knees and kissed him.
Mammon's eyes fluttered closed as he tasted the light flavor of the tea on Barbatos's lips. His hands reached out instinctively to pull Barbatos closer. Even as his heart was racing again and the blush had sprung back up, Mammon also wanted more of this.
To his surprise, Barbatos responded almost as eagerly, one hand on Mammon's waist, the other on his thigh. Mammon thought he would combust when he felt a light nip at his bottom lip, causing him to open his mouth.
The next few minutes was all heat and tongues and the lingering taste of tea. Mammon thought he'd fall off his stool because he felt so dizzy.
Barbatos pulled away for a moment and looked at Mammon with half lidded eyes. "Shall we take this somewhere more comfortable?"
It was a miracle that Mammon did not die on the spot. Instead, he let Barbatos lead him out of the kitchen. When Little D No 2 returned in search of his boss, he found nothing but two cold cups of expensive tea and a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses.
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worth it part two | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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Before the next episode I thought I'd stick all the information I found on Error on here. It's all a bit messy but I spend an embarrassing amount of time doing this over the past few months so might as well share it (I'm so normal about this podcast):
(If the monster in episode 1 is Error then it is at the Magnus Institute Manchester on 12/05/22)
09/03/24 - Magnus Institute Manchester - Appears to be trapped under a trap door until Sam drops a key and it manages to escape
20/03/24 - Milton Court Open Space - Violet Abigail Parker is found dead. Statement taken presumably the pervious night in an Ally way.
22/03/24 - Ally outside of Gladstone Arms, Lant Street - Alice finds a victim of Errors full of water and narrating how she drowned. Tape found next to body.
12/04/24 - Old Warehouse address not given - Error 'saves' Gwen from Ink5ouls by claiming her as its own. (Error may have taken a statement from Ink5ouls as well). Leaves Tape Recorder with Ink5ouls and it bites them.
14/04/24 - Park within walking distance of 17 Gransden Avenue, Hackney - Error takes Mr Jarrod's statement. Having him run around the park in circles. Mr Jarrod is found by Alexander who seems to snap him out the compulsion. Error states it's an archivist, records Mr Jarrods final words then leaves without the recorder.
13/05/24 - Outside OIAR Royal Mint Court - Takes Sam's statement. Appears to be looking for information about the Magnus Institute and stops when Sam thinks about Hilltop Road. Leaves Sam alive but laying in the rain with tape recorder
13/05/24 - Paddington Station - On a train that's on it's way to Oxford
Known locations on a map
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Tape Recorder
Starting off with something obvious. Tape recorders are present every time Error is. We don't know if Error has multiple or not. They also seem to be alive. We see them moving on multiple occasions and Error leaves without the Tape Recorder whenever we've seen it take a statement. We don't know what happens to the Tape Recorder once the statement is taken. Other people can hold the tape recorder but they do bite. Ink5ouls hasn't been seen since they touched the Tape Recorder. (Notes below)
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Error Description
Error is on 'screen' in a number of episodes. It calls itself an archivist which makes sense given it came out of a trapped door in the archive.
It has laboured breathing and speaks in short sentences in a raspy female voice.
Characters don't see it coming as it emerges and recedes from shadows even when it's sunny. It's been described as being cloaked in shadows and pained whispers. To me it sounds like it's surrounded by pervious statements.
It's also described as having too many eyes and as a watching figure. Even when it's eyes can't be seen you can still feel it watching you. (Notes below)
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Episode 1 has a 'monster' that sounds similar to Error but it should be still trapped under the trapped door and it uses modern tech when Error uses Tapes. They both are watches, stalkers, and associated with eyes.
This is more of a feeling than a fact but the cases taken from victims seem to fit more with the original fears than the other cases.
The drowned woman Alice finds statement fits well with the buried. Her description of drowning is very similar to how Daisy describes being in the coffin just water instead of dirt. What's interesting is the water is salt water but the closest water source is a river. Salt representing the body in alchemy
Violets seems to hit on a lot of the stereotypical Lonely statements (fog, no one will find me, locked doors, literally ends with "I'm alone") Mentions of yellow which could link to alchemy. Daffodils are probably another reference to William Woodsworth.
Mr Jarrod's running and being chased which feels a lot like a hunt statement.
Gwens statement is about a fox full of maggots so feels a lot like a corruption statement
Sam's seems a lot like a flesh statement. More so as the statement goes on.
Ink5ouls I struggle to place and feels a lot more like a standard TMAGP statement.
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Victims seem to get stuck in their worst nightmare. While they're still seen in the real world they seem to have physical reactions to the nightmare. Drown victim drowns, Violet ends up miles from her home, Mr Jarrod runs until he's caught.
Victims seem to come back to the real world when they interact with other people. Mr Jarrod briefly see's Alex, drown victim dropping in and out of the water could be when she bumps into people, Ink5ouls continues to interact with Gwen basically the whole time she's giving the statement so never fully goes to the nightmare. Should be noted that Gwen, Sam (and Ink5ouls) don't die in the nightmare and as a result don't die in real life. Other victims do.
My theory is that Error is using the victims statements and the tapes filled with them to stay in this dimension and not get kicked back out. It lives off of the fear and this universe isn't the fears. That's why it doesn't walk in and walk out. It appears and recedes. That's why Sam "recedes" into the statement.
Magnus Institute Manchester Ruins (Burned down in 1999)
Error first shows up under a trapped door under the Archive in the Magnus Institute Manchester. It's in a similar place to the one in the TMA Archives.
In episode 1 we get a description of the institute in 2022. It's described as being badly burned but the flooring being in a good state. Alternatively, just 2 years later, the floor is badly rotten to the point where Alice and Sam fall through it multiple times. It appears that there's more water damage done to the institute between 2022 and 2024 than between 1999 and 2022. This could be due to RedCanary maybe waking something up or letting something out?
RedCanary didn't find any paper while Alice and Sam find a lot. This could be because RedCanary never entered the Archives. (Making it even less likely that RedCanary didn't have a link with Error but maybe something else).
In both 2022 and 2024 symbols are found around the institute. RedCanary describing them as graffiti while Alice describes them as looking more like a worm eating the wood on the floor.
Notes below:
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Air / Breathing & Water
Similar to Error itself a lot of the victims have trouble breathing due to the statement. It seems to be breathing in the Statements and surrounded by the 'pained whispers.' Error also only seems to turn up when water is present. Some of the examples are more of a stretch than others but I don't think it's a coincidence that it turns up when it's raining or in areas near the water. Notes below
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This could be a link to alchemy. Water and Air being 2 of the 4 classical elements.
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Not an expert on Alchemy (this is off of wikipedia) but the important part is that air linked with the start of life while water is linked with the end. Could Error be trying to preform some kind of rebirth into this universe. It's living in the water but it's trying to get into the air.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 12
huge credit for their support and betaing to @brekitten
And credit to @adonneniel for sam’s last line :3
Tucker’s fingers flew over the keyboard as sweat rolled down his eyes. The cave was supposed to be cool and damp, but he felt as if placed under a heat lamp. Lines of code, addresses and file names filled the screen. New windows and notifications popped up faster than he could chase them down. The presence of his giant in the hacking world crept closer and closer. His chest cramped from heavy breaths. Sam was barely a few feet away, muttering an incantation, but the distance felt like miles. Each new line of code seemed to shift the walls of the cave inwards or outwards depending at random. He kept going. He couldn’t stop. Not with Danny out there and alone.
He always thought himself as good at hacking. Good with tech. The guy who could turn Skulker’s suit into puppetry. The guy who could out-hack fucking Technus. But maybe he was always just a small fish in a small pond. As the enemy hacker closed in on Tucker, each wave surrounding him, infiltrating like rats into a battered house of cards.
Tucker knew it was inevitable, but to see it happen was something else.
The enemy hacker got it. Got everything Tucker had ever stored on this laptop. His location, his destroying of evidence. His tampering with the sonars to ignore Danny. His attempt at erasing the video footage showing Danny sneaking off. Everything was in the hands of a stranger whose face Tucker would never see.
The only thing keeping him from fully breaking down was the comfort that the real incriminating data was safely locked away in his room, on a server that would brick itself if anyone other than Team Phantom tried to get in. That he made sure of, not just with tech, but with Sam’s spells.
It was cold comfort, though. Not a complete catastrophe, but still fucking awful.
Tucker sat back, watching glumly, helpless to do anything more. His deletion program ran in the background, destroying everything, but it was too late anyway.
Sam growled in frustration. “It’s not working. This stupid Mercator Projection map is fucking with the spell. I can’t tell if he’s in Hawaii or Mexico City.”
She crumpled up the cheap map they’d bought from the tourist shop and stomped on it with a thumping vengeance. They would’ve brought an entire globe, the bigger the better, but that would get them noticed, and flying under the radar was the whole point.
“Any luck?”
Tucker gestured to his computer, about to be bricked again. “This guy’s a monster. A monster. I’m like a tiny ant compared to him. Every time I make a move he’s made fifteen more.”
“There’s gotta be something else we can do. Come on, Tuck-”
Then the waterfall sprayed over the cove, revealing the Fenton Family SAV.
He and Sam locked eyes in a second. Then they broke eye contact. They and Danny had gone over plans for what to do if certain things happened. If someone stole the files on his servers. If someone followed Danny without noticing. If someone found their cove.
Above all else, above everything else, don’t tell them about Danny. Don’t even hint towards it. Play dumb and obfuscate.
Tucker realised belatedly that they never got to practice all of those plans.
Mrs Fenton leapt off the bow, and marched like a woman possessed. Her eyes narrowed. Her shoulders squared up. Her jawline set.
Tucker felt like he was going to die.
“Where’s Danny?” Mrs Fenton all but ordered. “Where is he? Is it true? Is it true that that- that- that Phantom brainwashed all of you into helping him!? What did Phantom do to him?! What happened to my baby?!” Each question echoed louder, more panicked than the last.
What was the rulebook for this situation again?!
Tucker’s mouth dried. Every millisecond not responding put the fear of God into his heart. “Who the heck is Phantom?”
Mrs Fenton’s expression hardened further, if that was possible. Wrong thing to say, fuck.
Sam stepped in front of him, pose defiant, but arms shaking just enough for Tucker to notice. “That’s what we’ve been doing. We’ve been looking for Danny because the adults sure as fucking hell won’t.”
Looking for him, and Damian Wayne, but maybe bringing him up was going to be more trouble than it was worth, seeing as behind Mrs Fenton, Danny’s dad and holy shit was that Bruce Wane trailed up behind her. If it weren’t for the situation, Tucker felt like would’ve died anyway from meeting his idol.
Mr Wayne spoke up next. “I’m sorry we neglected the case of your friend, but you should’ve informed the authorities as soon as you suspected. How long have you known and not told anyone?”
Because telling people about Danny would land him on a VIP seat in the operating theatre! Because it was your freaking son he was trying to save?
Tucker couldn’t tell them that. What could he tell? He clenched his jaw like a vice, searching for a way out of this…
“You guys don’t get to tell us what to do.” Sam ground out. “We’ve been helping Phantom protect this freaking island from the sirens for months, with no help from any of you.”
Right! Good work Sam. Just a tiny hint of the truth and the real secrets stay hidden. Sam, he could kiss her right now (not that he’d ever want to).
Mrs Fenton raised her voice. “Samantha, we’ve been over this. Phantom isn’t a hero like Batman or Wonder Woman or Superman. He’s an inhuman monster staking claim over a territory. He’s tricking you kids!”
“Phantom’s saved us more than we could count! He’s risked his neck for this town.” Sam spat out, squaring up to Mrs Fenton on her steel-toed boots.
“He’s protecting his assets! If Phantom is such a protector, then why would he threaten the mayor, lead the invasion of town and work with Showenhower!?”
“It was all just a m-misunderstanding, Mrs Fenton, I swear!” Tucker said.
Mrs Fenton continued. “And now Danny’s gone. We know he’s been supplying Phantom with our inventions. Don’t you try and play dumb with us, young man. We’ve seen the footage of Danny sneaking out.”
Tucker’s blood ran thinner, and thinner. The cold sweat returned in full force.
Mr Wayne came between them, trying to put space between the two, without much success. “Please, if Phantom is hurting or threatening you in any way, it’s ok to tell us. We can keep you safe. We just need to know what happened to Danny.”
Sam gulped. Loud enough that even Tucker could hear it. It was at times like these Tucker wished Danny’s parents were as inattentive as they were made out to be by the public.
Their silence spoke volumes enough. Tucker wasn’t Batman, and neither was Sam. They didn’t have the chops to talk their way out of this, not enough Charisma to hit the DC checks, but they were also cornered here by the adults. One way or another, Tucker feared for Danny’s secrets.
Mr Fenton spoke up next, his voice uncharacteristically contemplative. “When I showed Danno the new security system and cameras in the lab and arsenal two weeks ago, it felt like he wasn’t as pumped up as I was. At first I thought it was nothing, but looking back it almost looked like fear.”
Well duh! You were showing him all the stuff you were gonna use to tear him into itty bitty pieces! Who wouldn’t be afraid for their life?!
Bruce Wayne crouched to their level, eyes soft like they were traumatized orphans that he was gonna adopt or something. “Did Phantom threaten Danny into giving him wea-”
“NO!” Tucker shouted instantly. A beat passed. His voice echoed through the cave. Shit. With the way the adults were looking at him, he might as well have said yes.
Sam pushed Mr Wayne away, or at least she tried to. The man barely budged, so she just stepped back from him. “Why do you care?! Already looking for another kid to replace the one you lost?”
The Fentons’ eyes widened, their faces in shock. Mr Wayne looked like he’d been punched through the gut and made into a donut. Ouch Sam, what the fuck?!
His voice lowered into a dark timbre, his expression steely cold. “I don’t want any more kids to get hurt. This Phantom needs to be stopped.”
Sam clutched his hand like a clamp. Tucker’s heart sank. What had they just done?
Please be alright, Danny, and Damian Wayne…
In an ocean far far away…
Damian sniffed the water as he clung to Danny’s shoulders again, his tail wrapped around the black and white boy’s waist. The kid had been doing that a lot lately, sniffing. Claimed it was to hone his senses.
“I believe I can smell Atlanteans nearby.” Damian said. Danny took the moment to verify his suspicions with his whole whiff.
“Yeah, looks it.” Danny said. He was a little suspicious though. Damian had refused to speak about what happened in the Atlantean outpost and how he got all this cool stuff. Surely he could’ve have fought them off, so he probably snuck around. Danny couldn’t imagine how terrifying that kind of thing would be. At least he knew his parents and what they were capable of when sneaking around the house and Amity. This kid was literally just some normal rich kid until all this happened.
“Why do you mention it?” Danny asked.
“I believe we it would be beneficial for us to partake in raid.”
Danny blinked.
A raid.
“You raided the Atlanteans and got this stuff. Like, legit raiding.” Danny said, dumbfounded.
“I met little resistance.”
Danny needed a moment to breathe here. His gills flexed open and closed.
“And now you want to raid another settlement. Why? We’re still good on food, and we even have veggies!”
Damian shook his head. “We need a map.”
Danny huffed, fins straightening. “We have a map literally up there!” he pointed up at the orange and purple sky over the sunset. The brightest stars were already beginning to show, with many more on the way.
“The Atlanteans likely keep maps of the local area, including human settlements and islands. There we can find further resources, and establish contact with the human world again.”
Huh. That was actually a pretty solid plan. His friends, sister (and maybe parents, if they noticed) were likely worried sick. A phone wouldn’t do them very well in the water, but even just a call letting them know they were ok would do wonders for their mental health.
That still left one teensy, tiny little issue, though.
“But how did you raid them the first time?!”
“It matters not.” Damian said, fins puffing up with pride. “All that matters is that with your skillset, such a mission will be as easy as breathing underwater.”
This kid was having way too much fun boasting of things no kid should’ve been able to accomplish. Then again, he showed some pretty insane marksmanship with the Wrist Ray the other day, so maybe he really did have the chops to back the ego up.
That acknowledgement did not stop Danny from pulling Damian to his chest, and administering a thorough nooggie, however.
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kaminokatie · 11 months
Feelings || Kylo Ren
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Synopsis - After first meeting you, Kylo Ren can't get you out of his mind. After the First Order Ball, Kylo takes you back to your quarters.
Warnings -NSFW.
Word Count - 3.1k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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You were General Hux’s personal assistant, you had been for the last four months now. He had decided that he needed some help with paperwork and had elected you for the role. Your duties stemmed far from paperwork though; you helped plan battles and all sorts. You were currently bent over Hux’s office table, pointing at a map of the galaxy when the door had opened behind you. You stood up and straightened your back, looking at the intruder. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Came the modulated voice of Kylo Ren from underneath his mask. 
You gulped and shook your head. “Not at all, Mr Ren.” Despite knowing who he was, this was your first time meeting the infamous force user. 
Kylo’s head snapped in Hux’s direction as he cleared his throat. “The Supreme Leader wishes to see you, General Hux.” 
“He does?” Hux asked. A speck of fear shone in his eyes, but he gulped and nodded. “Of course.” He said his goodbyes quickly before exiting the room, leaving you alone with Kylo Ren. 
There was an awkward silence between the two of you as you rolled up the map of the galaxy and placed it underneath your arm. You were about to excuse yourself when Kylo spoke. “What’s your name?” 
You looked startled for a second, looking around the room to make sure he was definitely talking to you. “My name is Y/N L/N,” you replied, trying to sound confident in yourself. 
“I haven’t seen you around before,” he mused, walking further into the room. “What is it you do?” 
“I’m General Hux’s personal assistant,” you responded. “I help do paperwork and also go as far as planning some of the battles.” 
Kylo hummed. “That will be why I haven’t seen you around at all then. Hux must be keeping you all to himself.” You couldn’t help but blush at his statement pondering, for what reason you weren’t sure. There was more silence as you continued to clear up your things from the desk. “How long have you been working with the General?” He asked, walking up to you slowly. His lightsaber was swinging by his side with every step he took and you couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated by his large presence. 
“A few months,” you looked over your shoulder at his cracked mask. “Is there anything I can do for you, Mr Ren?” You asked suddenly once your things were cleared away. 
He shook his head. “No. I don’t believe there is.” 
You nodded in response. “Well if that’s the case I shall head out and get to doing some paperwork.” 
“Of course,” Kylo replied. He watched as you walked out of the room carrying your things by your side. He knew that his mind would be plagued by you for weeks to come. 
Since that day Kylo had been seeing you everywhere. If Hux was around then so were you, by his side. Tonight was the night of the ‘First Order Ball’. This was a simple yet elegant ball put together by General Hux and yourself for all the members of the First Order to celebrate the most recent successes across the galaxy. Kylo had begrudgingly agreed to attend - to show his mask for a while before leaving. Although this was a formal event, Kylo wore his usual attire; a mask to cover his face and completely covered from head to toe in all black. As soon as he stepped into the ship’s main room, his eyes landed on your form. You were tucked away in the corner, of course with General Hux by your side, chatting with colleagues and sipping on your alcoholic beverage. Your elegant black dress, paired with black flats, flattered your frame perfectly and Kylo felt his mouth run dry at the sight. Kylo felt his eyebrow raise underneath his mask as General Hux’s arm wrapped around your waist. Were you two a couple or something? He didn’t even know why he cared so much, but he did. 
Kylo felt a lump form in his throat as he found himself walking over to you, his feet seemingly moving on their own. His presence was noticed by most as he approached you and your group of colleagues and as soon as Hux realised he was there, he retracted his arm from around your waist and stood to attention. 
“Good evening Mr Ren,” you said, a polite smile gracing your lips.
Kylo felt his heart skip a beat as you addressed him. “It’s nice to see you. Y/N, was it?” He asked. Of course he remembered your name, he just wanted to act ‘cool’. 
“That’s right,” you grinned with a nod. “It’s nice to see you too, Sir.” 
“Ren,” Hux said sternly, his eyes boring into the masked man’s frame. “I didn’t expect you to show up.”
Kylo looked at you and smiled underneath the mask before responding, “wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You blushed at his words and looked down at your feet before sipping at your drink once more. The night continued with laughter, dancing and of course, drinking. You could feel the alcohol coursing through your veins as the night went on, your vision becoming more and more blurry with each drink you downed. Kylo stood by your side, watching you without saying a word. He was just enjoying being in your presence. As the night came winding down, more and more people were leaving the ball to go to bed. Eventually it was just you, Hux and Kylo standing in the large empty room. 
“I’d say that was a success,” you slurred, placing down your last glass of wine on a table. 
“A success indeed,” Hux replied. “Are you feeling okay Y/N? You’ve had quite a lot to drink.”
You threw your hands in the air and grinned. “I feel fantastic.” 
Kylo couldn’t help but smile underneath his mask at your drunken silliness but Hux was unbothered. “You should really go to bed,” Hux said sternly. “We still have a job to do tomorrow. Come, I’ll take you to your room.” 
Kylo placed a menacing hand on Hux’s shoulder to stop him from grabbing your arm. “I’ll take her,” his modulated voice came. “I’m heading back to my quarters anyway.” 
Hux pursed his lips but nodded. “Fine.” 
“Come Y/N,” Kylo said, holding out a gloved hand to you. You continued to grin and clumsily took his hand, skipping out of the room. Hux watched with disdain as you dragged Kylo out of the room, leading him to your quarters. 
“Did you have fun tonight?” You eventually asked Kylo as you made your way down the halls. 
“It was… tolerable,” Kylo replied, his eyes glued to your form as you continued to skip down the halls. Your hand was still firmly grasped in his. “I enjoyed it more than I thought I would if I’m being honest.” 
You smiled widely. “I’m glad.” The rest of the walk, or in your case skipping, was done in silence. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest as you reached your quarters. You squeezed Kylo’s hand before letting go and pressing your back against your bedroom door.  “This is me.” Kylo hesitated for a moment, but you just smiled at him and whispered in a seductive voice, “would you like to come in?” 
Kylo was slightly taken back by your sudden forwardness and his eyes widened. Despite this, he still felt himself nod his head in agreement. You opened the door to your room and stumbled in, Kylo following closely behind. Once you were both in your quarters, you closed the door with your foot and stumbled further into the room. Kylo’s eyes followed your form as you began to unzip your dress. His mouth ran dry as he watched your bare back come into his view as your dress slipped down onto the floor. You looked over your shoulder at him and smirked, stepping out of your dress that was now pooled at your ankles. “What are you doing?” Kylo asked, trying his hardest not to stutter. 
“Getting undressed,” you slurred. You kept your back to Kylo as you picked your dress up off the floor and threw it in the washing basket in the corner of your room. His eyes stared at the plump of your ass through your lace underwear as you bent over and he felt his cock harden at the sight. Kylo was so far in a trance he hadn’t noticed you had turned around and were staring at him with folded arms covering your bare breasts. “See something you like?” You asked cockily, swaying from side to side. 
Kylo’s hands gripped into fists by his side as he fought off the thoughts in his mind. You were drunk, so drunk, and he was sober. He couldn’t do this, but by all the God’s in the world did he want to. Ever since he first met you, Kylo had been unable to get you out of his mind and now you were standing in front of him, almost completely naked, clearly putting the moves on him. “You’re drunk,” he finally spoke up. 
“So?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. Your arms dropped to your sides revealing your perfect tits and Kylo felt his resolve break. He was nothing but a weak man in a mask. “I’m not a force user, but I sense that you want me,” you whispered seductively as you walked up to him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and stood on your tiptoes to whisper where his ear would be had he not had the mask on. “I want you too.” 
Almost immediately, Kylo pushed you onto the large bed behind you. You fell backwards with an ‘oof’ leaving your lips as you stared up at him with wide eyes. “You have no idea how much I want you,” he growled, climbing on top of you. You could feel his hardened cock beneath his trousers push against your leg and you let out a soft whine at the feeling. Kylo let his hands roam around your body, stopping at your breasts as he began to knead them desperately. “Since I first met you all those weeks ago, I’ve been unable to get you out of my fucking mind.” You said nothing but whimpers as his gloved hands played with your nipples, forcing them to pucker up. “Your body is so beautiful.” He was enjoying playing with your tits as if they were toys, but his painfully hard cock was begging for some sort of relief. Kylo grinded himself against your thighs, soft gasps leaving his lips and coming through the modulator like music to your ears. You felt yourself beginning to sober up, desperate for more. 
“Touch me,” you whimpered. 
“I am,” Kylo replied, his hands still playing with your breasts and nipples. 
“Not there.”
“Then where?” 
“Here,” you whispered, grabbing his hands and leading them down to your clothed cunt. Kylo sucked in a breath as he touched the lace of your underwear, fingers dancing under the waistband. You stared into the eyeholes of his mask, knowing he was staring back at you as he slipped a finger inside of you. You couldn’t help but let out a soft little moan and bite your lip as he began his movements inside of you. With a few more thrusts he inserted a second finger into you, stretching you open deliciously. “Mr Ren,” you whimpered out. 
“Call me Kylo,” he replied, biting his own lip as he stared at you. The faces you were making were pushing him over the edge. Kylo needed to be inside of you. He withdrew his fingers from you and fumbled with the belt of his cloak before letting it drop to the floor. You could see the outline of his muscles through his tight clothing and you truly realised how big he actually was. As you stared at him, mouth hung open, Kylo took off the rest of his clothes until he was completely naked: cock standing to attention. He was leaking pre-cum already. 
He went to take off his mask but you stopped him in his tracks, “don’t,” you whispered. “I don’t want to see who I’m fucking just yet…” 
Kylo tilted his head to the side in confusion but nodded. “As you wish.” 
He climbed on top of you, lining himself up with your entrance. Without warning, Kylo slowly pushed inside of you inch by inch, your eyes widening as he bottomed out inside of you. He went to move but you shook your head, “give me a second,” you whimpered. Kylo nodded and kept himself still for a little while longer, allowing you to adjust to his large length. After a few moments, you finally nodded. “O-Okay, you can move.” Kylo retracted his cock from your sopping cunt before ploughing himself back in, his movements starting off rough already. He couldn’t get enough of your warm wetness enveloping him, his cock already threatening to explode as you clenched around him. Your sweet moans filled the room, head spinning from the alcohol in your body and the pleasure that was filling your senses. It was all too much. 
Kylo’s hips thrusted against yours, soft moans leaving his lips with each movement he made. His hands were located on either side of your head, bunching at the sheets below. “You’re so tight,” Kylo groaned, his movements slowing down slightly. You blushed at his words, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling his torso closer to yours. Your breasts pushed against his bare chest, bouncing with each painfully hard thrust. “Gods I’ve wanted this from the second I saw you.” 
You couldn’t talk. You were being fucked dumb. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, moaning shamelessly as his words hit your ears. “More,” you whimpered out. Kylo happily obliged, his thrusts speeding up once more. He pulled out of you completely before slamming back into you a few times, forcing you to let out a little scream of pleasure. “I’m going to cum!” You cried out, your orgasm bubbling in your gut. Within seconds, you were coming undone on his cock. Gushing over his length as he continued to rock into you. 
“Oh fuck,” Kylo gasped, his own release prematurely spilling out of the tip of his cock as your walls fluttered around him. His hips stuttered as he continued to cum deep inside of you, muffled groans coming through his voice modulator. As his hips slowed down to a halt, your breathing became more shallow as you came down from your own high. “I’m sorry.. I-I couldn’t help it,” he whispered. His intimidating demeanour changing to one of a vulnerable man.
“Hey,” you grinned. “It’s okay. It was amazing.” He pulled out of you with a pop and rolled over, laying on his back and seemingly staring at the ceiling. He didn’t respond to you, after all, he was slightly embarrassed. “Can I… See your face now?” You asked shyly. 
Kylo sat up, staring in your direction. “Are you sure?” He asked. His heart was beating rapidly both out of nerves and from the activity you had just done. You just nodded. Kylo sighed and lifted his hands up to remove his mask. His face came into your view: he was extremely handsome, more handsome than you ever imagined. Too handsome to be hiding his face under such a mask. His black hair was wavy and was slicked to his face with sweat and his brown eyes avoided your gaze. 
“Hey, look at me,” you whispered, using your finger to direct his face to yours. “What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“I don’t know,” was all he replied. 
“Don’t worry about anything,” you cooed. 
He gazed into your eyes and silence fell upon you once more. All that could be heard was both of your breathing echoing off the walls of the room. Eventually, Kylo spoke again. “I probably should have asked you this before but… you and Hux… Are you two together?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise and you couldn’t help but laugh slightly. You shook your head, “no. No we’re not.” 
“You’re very close,” Kylo mumbled. His voice was deep without the modulator, you thought it was music to your ears before, but now it was a symphony. 
“I’m his personal assistant, I have to be,” you chuckled.
“Be my personal assistant,” Kylo said quickly and without thinking. He didn’t even need a personal assistant, he just couldn’t bear the thought of you being around Hux more than him. 
“I don’t know about that,” you grinned. “I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate very much with you around.” Kylo sighed but nodded his head in understanding. He wanted to attempt to persuade you, but he knew that you wouldn’t budge on the situation. You were comfortable where you were. 
You stared at his lips as he thought deeply. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him right now. To seal your night with a passionate kiss, but you didn’t want to intrude. “Do you maybe want to do that again?” Kylo asked, his eyes searching yours for an answer. 
You smiled widely and nodded. “I’d very much like to do this again.” 
Kylo smiled weakly at you and moved to dangle his long legs off the edge of the bed. “I should probably get back to my quarters.” 
“No!” You said quickly, holding your hand out to his shoulder in an attempt to stop him from moving. “Stay with me tonight. I won’t tell anybody, I promise.” 
“You really want me to stay here tonight?” He asked. You just nodded. “I guess I can stay,” he said, suddenly smiling at you. 
“Come to sleep with me,” you said, tugging on his arm and pulling him under the covers next to your naked body. Kylo settled in beside you, wrapping his arm around your form. He placed a kiss on your temple as you closed your eyes. You were content in this moment and never wanted it to end. 
“I like you alot Y/N,” Kylo muttered as you began to drift off to sleep. 
“I like you too Kylo,” you mumbled, half asleep. Within seconds, you were snoring lightly which made Kylo chuckle slightly, being careful not to wake you. He hoped that you wouldn't regret this when you woke up next to him in the morning, that you meant what you said when you told him you wanted to do this again, but only time would tell. For now, Kylo closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep, possibly the best sleep he had had in a long time. Consequences be damned, he liked you and you liked him. Maybe this was the start of something beautiful. 
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This is a headcanon, most of this is my fanfiction headcanon. Gotham Academy kind of just stopped from what I remember and it didn't feel like it had a final conclusion so this is my crossover if Olive Silverlock ever met back up with Batman and his second son. Might convert into a fanfic chapter if you guys like it, but be warned this is canon divergence mostly.
Olive Silverlock , holding a giant dagger, walks over to Batman who is with Red Hood and Damian Wayne (dressed Robin). Batman steps behind Red Hood.
Olive: Batman- Could you move please, taller man?
Red Hood: Oh sure.
Batman: You're not even going to restrain her?
Red Hood: Nah she looks like she's on a mission and I respect it.
Olive: Bat- Thank you- Now Batman, there's nothing to fear. Yes, for some time, I wanted to ruin your life. Not kill you, oh no, I wanted your life to be filled with pain and devastation, a metaphorical inferno. My years in hiding, accepting my role as Calamity has been... Eventful, but my mind always remembered you.
Batman: Olive, you're not in the right state of mind, but I can help you.
Olive (cackling): I love this new life, embraced the curse. The fire that leads me through life is the only light I see. I'm not going to hurt you though, I hate your guts, that's all. This dagger is just what I carry to look intimidating.
Red Hood: It works for you. I like the rainbow color.
Olive: Thank you. I have pyrokinesis powers so yeah this is just to look cool. I wanted to burn your house down as well, Mr. Wayne.
Batman: What?
Olive: Oh honey, it was not difficult to figure out who you are. Bruce Wayne, billionaire, too much time on your hands, wears a bat suit.
Hood: Accurate.
Batman: Red Hood, shut up.
Red Hood: Nah, continue Olive.
Olive (moving her knife to an unconerned Damian): Damian Wayne, stands to your right. Manipulated Maps to his side. This guy though... I don't know you. I'm Olive.
Olive holds out her hand in front of Red Hood. He shakes her hand back.
Red Hood: I'm the second Robin or was the second Robin, but then I got murdered by the Joker and he didn't kill the Joker, stayed dead for like 2 years got brought back to life through very convoluted means... they make sense in context, but still crazy when you hear them and now I'm Red Hood, nice to meet you.
Olive (snide): Of course, Mr. Justice couldn't even kill this guy's murderer, bravo Batman.
Damian: That's his son by the way.
Batman: Why would you tell her that?
Olive (glaring at Batman): Hood man, need me to give him a quick poke for you?
Red Hood (shakes his head chuckling): No, I'm over it. Are you okay?
Olive (shrugging): I'm adjusting, but it can be tough at times. Finding a place to live is especially difficult.
Red Hood: I get that. B said he could help you, but I feel like I might be a better aid for you. It will not be an easy journey, but you seem like you need better adjustment to life.
Batman: I -
Olive: Oddly enough, I trust your vibes. I'll take your offer, but what's your actual name?
Jason removes his helmet so that Olive can see his face.
Red Hood: Call me Jason.
Olive: Oh, cool we both have white hair.
Jason: Works out doesn't it? Come on, I'll get you something to eat.
Olive (flipping her dagger and catching it with ease): Works for me.
Olive walks off with Jason as Damian and Batman watch them leave.
Batman: What actually just occured here?
Damian: I think he made friends with an insane teenager. Good for him that might be his adopted daughter now. I'm not going to lie.
Batman: Why is this normal to me?
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laurentidal · 14 days
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Dorm Life
Cynthia was so happy that she loved her roommate as much as she did. She'd been a nervous wreck for the month leading up to move in over fears that they wouldn't get along, but from the moment she'd met Bev, she'd known that this was going to be a match made in heaven. They'd lay in their beds well into the night talking about everything in their lives: their classes, their homes, their interest in boys. It was like having a sister for the first time.
But Bev liked talking about one thing more than anything else: her dreams.
She wanted so much out of life, and she'd mapped out the perfect way to get it. She had her course track, her career, her vacations, and her retirement all planned out already. Cynthia was in awe of her preparedness. There was nothing Bev couldn't achieve with her planner in hand. She'd even developed a side-hustle on campus to make money. When she'd told Cynthia what is was, though, she almost gasped.
Bev had learned hypnotic inductions from her father who was a hypnotherapist. He'd taught her years ago to enter a trance on her own to keep herself grounded and motivated. It hadn't been hard to adapt it to put others under with similar techniques. Monetizing it had been easy. People came to her and told her their secret desires, and Bev helped them come true. She'd been playing hypnotic matchmaker since the start of the semester.
Cynthia reeled at the information, unsure about its morality, but the more Bev explained it to her, the more she came around.
She trusted Bev like a sister.
She even told her once about a boy in her geography class who she'd had her eye on. She'd spend the whole lecture watching him instead of the professor. Three days later, he knocked on the door with a bouquet of flowers and asked her to dinner. Cynthia's mouth hung open as she glanced at her roommate. Bev just smiled and winked and shooed them out the door.
"Take care of her!" she called after.
"I will!" the boy called back to her.
And he did. He'd taken such good care of her that night. Fancy dinner. Paid the bill. And when the night was over, he took her back to his dorm for a movie. And he was a perfect gentleman! He never tried anything inappropriate once. That is, until Cynthia began to act inappropriate herself. The second their lips met, his whole attitude changed. It was like he'd been switched into a different mode. Even so, everything he did was exactly how she liked it. It's like he'd been programmed with all her favorite things in mind. She thought of Bev and realized he probably had.
The next day - late in the afternoon - he walked her back to her dorm and gave her a light kiss goodbye. It had been a perfect date. But when she entered her room, she found Bev sitting on the sofa staring at her phone and looking troubled. Cynthia went over to thank her and ask her what was wrong, but Bev just shook her head slightly and said she had a hard choice she had to make.
They talked for a while longer as Cynthia showered and got dressed up. Bev had a wonderful voice even when she was upset. She loved to listen to it. After a few hours of talking, she seemed to be doing better, even though they hadn't really discussed what was wrong. At least, Cynthia didn't think they had. She couldn't really remember what was said. She'd been too busy getting all prettied up for her date tonight.
Finally the knock came at the door. Cynthia was so excited. She pulled it open and there stood Mr. Bellis, her geography professor. God he was so hot. She'd wanted to jump him since day one. She'd spend all lecture just watching him and fantasizing about what lay under all those clothes. She bit her lip lightly and asked if he was ready.
"Take care of him," Bev said softly to her roommate.
Cynthia stared at him dreamily with nothing else on her mind.
"I will," she answered distantly as he lead her from her room.
She never saw him hand the large envelope to Bev with a nod and a smile.
Thanks for reading! If you are a fan of my work, consider buying me a coffee. Any contribution is insanely appreciated. 💖
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tigwrbwetle · 29 days
TMA Season 4!
What a CRIMINAL way to end the season, holy SHIT!
Now I understand why I’ve seen so many artists do scar maps of Jon, it really did all come together in the end. And the way Elias, or Jonah, really, orchestrated it all with the cherry on top of giving Jon a false statement that he couldn’t stop himself from reading; truly the master plan. The words for the Watcher’s Crown ritual itself were very cool, just the right amount of nonsensical almost-rhyming to make it flow nicely.
And the fact that three of the most iconic TMA quotes/moments happen so close together near/at the end of season four is WILD; I was not expecting all of that! First we got “Where are his eyes?” “Where they’ve always been, Martin. Watching over my institute.” THEN “Look at me Martin, what do you see?” “I see… I see you, Jon. I see you!” and to wrap it all up “Jon…?” “Look at the sky, Martin! It’s looking back!” *maniacal, distorted laughter.* Absolutely insane place to leave off. (Also the bonus of Jon using his named attack of “I see you!” on Peter Lukas).
I can’t forget Basira and Daisy, either. Their story is so good, I love me some tragic yuri. (Although for their sakes I hope it gets less tragic tbh; I want them to be happy 🥺). But I’m not that hopeful, considering we got ~2 minutes of Jon and Martin being content at the safe house before things really went to shit. At least Melanie got away, she’s been through so much. And I’m happy she got together with Georgie, that’s so sweet 🥹
The Extinction and the fact that new fears can emerge was an interesting plot thread for this season, both for how it fit with larger events and how it gave us a new kind of spook. I liked the hunger-world amusement park one the most, I kept thinking about it when I went to the fair myself the other day. I also noticed there were more episodes where it wasn’t 100% clear which fear entity was behind the statement, or even that there were multiple involved. Like with ‘A Gravedigger’s Envy’, it could be both The Buried and The End. It was fun to see how the fear entities could be mixed and matched, then of course to find out how that aspect, too, fits into the big-picture meta-plot. After having episodes with this type of spook, it makes more sense how no ritual can succeed if it tries to separate one fear entity from the others.
Season four tied up a lot of loose ends and got the official statements of big names that have been lurking around since season one, like Simon Fairchild, Annabelle Cane, Adelard Dekker, Peter Lukas, and of course Jonah Magnus himself. Personally, I’ve been wondering about the statement of Mr. Paul MacKenzie and which fear entity was responsible for his demise since season one, so I’m glad we got the statement of his son so far down the line to say ‘Spiral’ for certain.
I can’t believe I’m already about to start season five, this has gone too quick!!
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gsshjssy okay I am so excited since no one writes for Milo thatch and I dont know if you still do... buy if you are still writing for him then: Can I request Milo thatch x reader Who is a pirate and the captain of the ship. This came to my mind when I was chatting with the ai bot last year. I think it would be a cool consept
Synopsis: In which Milo likes a captain in charge
Warnings: none!! they/them pronouns for the reader since it was never specified in the request!
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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The sea was a vast, unforgiving expanse, where only the most daring and ruthless thrived. The ship, The Black Siren, cut through the water like a knife, its black sails billowing in the wind. At its helm stood the captain—a captain known for their steely gaze and unyielding resolve. Their reputation was one of fear and respect, a pirate who had never known defeat.
Milo Thatch had heard the stories, but they did little to prepare him for the reality. Standing on the deck, he felt a chill that had nothing to do with the sea breeze. The crew, rough and scarred, barely acknowledged him, their loyalty to their captain absolute. And the captain, was as distant as the stars.
“You there,” their voice, sharp as a blade, cut through the air, making him jump. “You wanted to speak to me?”
Milo turned to face them, his heart pounding in his chest. They were everything he’d heard—tall, with eyes that seemed to pierce right through him. Their hair was tied back, revealing a face that was both beautiful and terrifying. But it was their presence, the sheer force of their will, that made him hesitate.
“Y-Yes,” Milo stammered, clutching the maps he had brought with him. “I-I think I can help you find Atlantis.”
Their eyes narrowed, and they took a step closer, their boots echoing ominously on the wooden deck. “And why should I trust you, Mr. Thatch?” they asked, tone icy. “Men have died for less out here.”
Milo swallowed hard, his hands trembling slightly. “Because I believe I might know the way,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “And because you want to find it as much as I do.”
For a moment, there was only silence. The captain studied him, their expression unreadable. Then, with a slight tilt of their head, they motioned for him to follow them into their cabin.
Inside, the atmosphere was no less intimidating. The walls were lined with maps, weapons, and treasures from countless voyages. They walked to their desk and sat down, never taking their eyes off him.
“Show me,” they commanded.
Milo spread the maps out on the desk, his fingers tracing the lines and symbols. As he explained his theory, the captain leaned in slightly, their eyes scanning the maps with a calculating look. But Milo noticed a flicker of interest behind their cold exterior.
“You think this will lead us there?” they asked, tone less harsh but still guarded.
“I do,” Milo replied, his confidence growing. “But we’ll need to work together. This isn’t something one person can do alone.”
They leaned back in their chair, regarding him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. “You’re either very brave or very foolish, Mr. Thatch. But I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.”
As the days turned into weeks, the tension between them began to ease. Milo’s knowledge and passion for Atlantis intrigued them, and they found themselves drawn to his sincerity and determination. He, in turn, began to see beyond their fearsome reputation, noticing the intelligence and strength that had made them a legend.
One evening, as they stood together on the deck, watching the sunset, Milo gathered the courage to speak. “I didn’t expect this,” he said quietly, glancing at the captain.
They turned to him, their expression softer than he’d ever seen it. “Expect what?”
“To like you,” he admitted, his cheeks flushing. “To… respect you so much.”
A small, almost imperceptible smile touched their lips. “The feeling is mutual, Mr. Thatch,” they replied, their voice gentle for the first time. “You’ve proven yourself in ways I never thought possible.”
Their eyes met, and in that moment, something shifted between them. The distance that had once defined their relationship began to dissolve, replaced by a connection neither of them had anticipated.
Milo reached out, his hand trembling slightly as it brushed against theirs. They didn’t pull away. Instead, they took his hand in theirs, the warmth of their touch surprising him.
“You’ve changed me, Milo,” they whispered, their voice filled with a vulnerability that they had never shown before. “And I don’t know if that’s a good thing.”
He smiled, his thumb gently stroking the back of their hand. “I think it’s the best thing that could have happened to both of us.”
They stood there, hand in hand, as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, marking the beginning of something new.
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sadalmostlesbian · 25 days
directors cut of just as it was!!!!
i remember genuinely screaming out loud when i first saw it pop-up in sejanus's tag because i'd been wanting to see a fic of that specific concept for SO LONG (and it definitely did not disappoint!). so i'm dying to know what inspired you to create it and what gives you the ideas to keep expanding on the story!
Ahhh thank you sm for the ask!
I didn't get super into TBOSAS until I saw the movie, even though I read the book beforehand. I liked it, but after I watched the movie... I just knew it was something I was going to get SUPER into. I immediately looked for TBOSAS content on TikTok and the first thing I saw was actually one of your Sejarcus edits! Then I started thinking more about the ship, went to ao3, only to find there were like 14 fics under the Sejanus Plinth/Marcus tag. I was getting a little annoyed at the focus on Coriolanus on ao3 so I thought... might as well write what I want to read. And I did!
When I started writing, I knew I wanted to explore Sejanus's childhood and family dynamic, and that he would escape to D13 with Marcus. But honestly, the rest of the fic I came up with while I was writing it.
I think the majority of the chapters had a certain scene/line/dialogue piece I was super excited to write, and in planning them out I would focus on the build up to that. (Also, I'm very focused on logistics and wanted to make the fic somewhat realistic, so I spent a lot of time plotting milage and train routes on google maps.)
Here's a list of my favorite scenes/lines from each chapter or the point I was trying to establish in each chapter.
This was mainly exposition, I just wanted to show the Sejanus and Marcus snow scene how I imagined it. Also introduction to Strabo Plinth's A+ parenting.
I wanted to kind of explore why Sejanus still acted so "district" even after living in the capitol for 10 years, and I thought the best time to cement an ideology was in childhood.
I just wanted Sejanus and Tigris to interact tbh
The beginning part of this chapter was to establish Sejanus and his father's dynamic in adolescence, the rest was a plot device to explain how Sejanus knew about D13
10th annual reaping scene from Sejanus's perspective
Zoo scene from Sejanus's perspective (not much else to it tbh)
Domestic/child abuse angst, Strabo Plinth being consumed by fear but not knowing how to express it, and an excuse for Sejanus's house staff to hear about Marcus and tell him about the tunnels
This chapter was ANNOYING. OMG it took me so long I did NOT want to write it. It was mostly just planning thier escape. I think the only thing I enjoyed writing was Sejanus's interaction with Marcus at the very end.
Two things I was excited about here. One being Sejanus's conversation with his father (specifically the line "but you don't care, right. As long as your family name isn't tarnished, whether I live or die is of no consequence to you.) And secondly, the paragraph at the end where Sejanus kills the peacekeepers at the border.
"You really believe that?" "I'm trying to."
I was totally inspired by Roman Roy from Succession at his father's funeral for this one, him looking down at the grave and saying "can we get him out?" Just totally reverting back to a childlike state during a traumatic time. That's what inspired Marcus saying "Can we get her down?" I was... far too excited to write that line.
I like writing characters with accents, and Mr. Hadley is inspired by my grandfather (kinda), so he was fun to write and develop as a character.
The kiss scene. That's it tbh i was literally giggling at my OWN writing while writing this chapter.
I love this chapter SO MUCH. It's my favorite by far, but I'd say the part I was most excited about was when Marcus is begging the ppl in D13 not to take Sejanus away because I think it's just a clear moment of vulnerability for a character that tries to come off as very tough and unemotional. But in that moment he can't be because they're taking away the only person he has left.
"Your father’s legacy destroyed my home, my people. It is a disgrace to those who died to allow his heir a place here when they were denied it." Also I love Levee and it's always a delight to write him.
I was just world building 13 here tbh
I really like this chapter but I'd say my goal was to let the teenage characters finally be teenagers. I liked writing Sejanus's internal monologue when he's in the cafeteria and kinda delving into how bullying sticks with someone even when it doesn't make sense.
The goal was to let Marcus be vulnerable (and in conjunction, let black men be vulnerable)
For this chapter I really focused on using small details from canon and working them into my fic. Like how Coriolanus says that Pluribus is good at keeping a secret so I made him a rebel informant. Also I just love Tigris, and shitty Coriolanus Snow verging into insanity.
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 6 months
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A collection of Hinny-centric drabbles, microfics and one-shots written for the Ginny Lovers Discord server 5-Year Ginnversary Bingo game.
Chapter 8 - But a Shadow
Dreams are not often kind to Harry Potter. But sometimes, just sometimes... they are.
Rating - Teen and upwards
Read on AO3 from the beginning or continue below the cut for the latest chapter (683 words)
Dreams are not often kind to Harry Potter. 
At best, they are simply the jumbled and confusing ramblings of his tortured subconscious - being suffocated by Quirrell’s turban; trapped in a cage at the zoo while the Dursleys looked on, jeering; fantastical creatures with cannons for heads; or Hermione insisting he give Cho his firebolt in lieu of chocolate frog cards.
Others force him to relive the very worst times of his life - there are the nights when all he can see is Cedric’s lifeless body in the graveyard at Little Hangleton, and others when he is haunted by green light flashing across a pale blue painted nursery.
Then, of course, there are the visions. Technically, they aren’t dreams at all, but they are definitely the worst. They stay with him even when he is awake, even years after the fact, like the murder of that helpless Muggle caretaker, or violently attacking Mr Weasley in the Department of Mysteries. They sicken him. 
All in all, Harry Potter would be forgiven for fearing his dreams, and the demons that come for him at night. He doesn’t, though. Not now. Why would he, when his waking moments are a living nightmare? 
During the day, what haunts him the most are Ron’s words to him, just before he left.
“We thought you knew what you were doing!” 
Harry remembers defending himself against the accusation, but Ron, he knows, was right. He wonders, for the thousandth time, when that thought will also occur to Hermione, because when it does, she is sure to leave him too. In his darkest moments, he imagines doing this alone. It nearly breaks him. 
“We thought you had a real plan!”
Ron had him bang to rights with that one too. ‘Find the horcruxes and destroy them’ really wasn’t ever any sort of credible plan, was it? It torments Harry. If he had the first clue what he was doing, then he and Hermione wouldn’t be aimlessly wandering the country, bouncing from one godforsaken spot to the next. Constantly cold. Always hungry. Perpetually damp. It is pointless, it is hopeless, and it is soul destroying. 
So no, Harry doesn’t fear his dreams, because sometimes, they are kind to him. Sometimes, like tonight, he dreams of her. He lives for these dreams.
Tonight, as he sleeps, they’re sitting under the willow tree by the Black Lake. He’s leaning against the trunk, and she’s sitting between his legs, her back against his chest. He gazes out across the water, where the late afternoon sun reflects in shades of gold and coral as it sinks towards the mountains beyond, his arms draped loosely around her hips. He takes a deep breath as a feeling of peace settles in his chest. 
Ginny’s hands rest on his thighs, her fingers tapping out a soft rhythm, like a heartbeat. She lets her head fall back on his shoulder and her hair feels like silk against his throat
In response, he wraps his arms around her waist, holding her closer, allowing her scent to wash over him, evocatively floral and utterly seductive. He tilts his chin down as she lifts hers towards him. Their lips meet, mouths open, soft and warm and perfect. He could, he thinks, stay here forever. But of course it cannot last.
All too soon, morning encroaches. The watery, winter sunlight finds the gaps in the canvas, too weak to provide any warmth but too insistent to leave him to his illusion of bliss. He is dragged mercilessly back to consciousness, and as the dream fades, he chases it, desperate to recapture the memory, but it’s no use. She is gone - no more real to him than the dot on the map that he knows he will spend hours watching as the day draws on. 
Sighing, he puts on his glasses. He can see Hermione’s shadow against the canvas of the tent, as she moves about outside. As he shuffles towards the kitchen to make them both a cup of tea, he wonders if his dreams will be kind to him again tonight. He hopes so.
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chowtrolls · 1 year
New Perspectives
Google Docs Link Mondes & the Cheongs are @/byrdstrolls. Paenit is @/homicidalfantrolls.
Before you left for the Fleet, you made sure to say goodbye to everyone. To Nesseo, in rehab, Marsie, Hanagi, Mondes- and little Daseos. She was, at the time, much shorter than you. You had become quite smitten with the little jade as you got to know her. She was unlike anyone you had ever known. You loved the facts she spouted, how she lived and held herself so unapologetically. Das never seemed to fear taking up space in a room. It helped, of course, that nobody in the little Airbnb ever tried to make her small. 
Watching her grow up in those five months, even as fearful as it had been awaiting Hanagi’s return, reminded you of watching Twitch and Bertie and Calysa and Faxaen and Merkii grow up, too. Some days, you wanted to wrap your arms around her spunky jade frame and hold her close, tell her to never grow up, to always stay herself. You never did, of course. 
The only downside to Daseos, was having to pick her up from school. You’d see him across the lot. He wasn’t there every week, and then again neither were you. You tried so hard to figure out what weeks he was working pick-up duty. He seemed too busy to notice you, thankfully. Distracted by students pestering him, by other teachers. One time you caught him staring at a worm on the pavement. The world around you seemed to move in slow motion as you watched him nudge the little creature back into the damp soil, away from the harsh rays of the moons. An act of gentle kindness, unlike the man you once knew. The jagged rust you grew up with never noticed the small creatures. He was kind but never gentle, living his life in a rageful tunnel vision. In that moment, your chest ached. He wasn’t just alive. He had been alive long enough to change as a person. Without you. 
You ducked away behind Marsie right as Festur looked up. Then Das came running up to show off her diagram of a sea slug, and the world resumed as normal. 
The day that you left, you held Daseos by the shoulders. You looked into her bright, young eye, sparkling with wonder, swirling with age and trauma and things no child should have to hold. You told her to be good, to take good care of Mondes. And you gave her a letter. 
“Give this to your literature teacher. Mr. C, right?” 
She gasped, “You know that guy?!” 
“I thought I did. But now, I’m…not so sure.” 
Five more months. Of silence, of staring into space and watching the stars swirl around your ship. Of hearing Paenit’s voice but never really understanding him. Choking down food to keep him happy. From hiding in his office to isolating yourself in your block. Five months of mapping the stars with nothing but your eyes. It’s a miracle you didn’t get voidrot from that alone. The stars changed from violet, to bronze, to jade, to yellow- never rust. All this time, Fester’s voice had been the sound of your consciousness, part of your never ending, never touched grief. Somewhere in those five months, your palmhusk had died. And you never bothered to charge it again. 
That was, until the faithful day where the bravest fool you’d ever know showed up at your ship door. Mondes Rosado, with all the confidence of a man who’d stared death in the face, commanded for you to come home. The recruits on Commander Almiss’ ship were more appalled that Rosado had the gall to boss you around. Showing up at the Fleet’s doorstep was one thing. Telling you what to do was an entirely different, dangerous ball game. Despite that, it only took Commander Almiss all of twenty minutes to convince you to leave. By the time Mondes showed up, you were speaking again. The decision should’ve been easy- looking back you regret those long twenty minutes. Mondes must’ve been in agony. You didn’t want to leave Paenit, you didn’t want to leave Twitch. But as you told your commander this, he softly held your hands, and said you had punished yourself enough. He told you it was time to start enjoying your life. 
You were convinced Mondes flew back much slower than he flew out. Not that you minded. You liked eating more than tater tots. You’d never admit it, but you even enjoyed rewatching Dune. You felt safe falling asleep tangled in his arms. Safe in a way you hadn’t felt in many, many sweeps. Hell, you didn’t even mind the spontaneous detour to a planet more ash than anything else. 
You had about three dozen missed calls by the time you finally went back online. Siblings, your father, your moirail, Kitty even called twice. But only one number called once, five months ago. The joyous vibe of the ship had diminished significantly after visiting Corsica. In a morbid way, Mondes’ grief provided you a good distraction for what you needed to do. 
“Rosado,” You softly broke the comfortable silence, “What time does Das get out of school?” 
“It’s Sunday. She doesn’t have school on the weekends.” 
“Why? Something wrong?” 
“No- no, not at all.” You slowly stood up from your seat on the couch, eyes never leaving the screen, “I-..I’ll be right back.” 
Twitch’s ship was small, impossible to have true privacy. It didn’t seem like Mondes had followed you. He didn’t even take his eyes off the vegetables he so attentively chopped. Giving you the perfect opportunity. You locked yourself in the bathroom and turned on the fan. Your mask was set unceremoniously in the sink as you leaned against the counter. With shaky hands, you redialled the number. It rang twice. 
Your blood ran cold. His voice, smooth like honey. 
“...Jodiah? Is that you?”
⇒ Your name is now Festur Canuis, and your ex-matesprit just entered your old barn. 
You had been diligent in returning to the barn every Thursday. Was it creepy that you knew what days your brother wouldn’t be home? Probably. But even if he was, it was unlikely he’d venture out here again. The one time he did…poor thing, he just about passed out at the sight of you. It was pure luck he didn’t. No way in hell you could’ve dragged his heavy ass back to his hive. 
Since your call with Jodiah, you had returned every Thursday. You would sit in your old, dead car, and grade papers, work on lesson plans, go over your rosters…boring adult things you couldn’t forego simply because you awaited an old friend. At first, you would freeze every time those rotting barn doors would creak. You convinced yourself after some time that he wasn’t going to show up. That was probably why you didn’t even bother looking up from the worksheet you were writing on. Not even when you heard the door shut, did you look up. It was only the uncomfortable feeling of eyes drilling into you that finally got you to look up. 
There he stood. Baggy clothes hanging off his shoulders and hips like a funeral shroud. Staring at you with unease, discomfort, looking down at you from the top of his mask. 
Oh god, that mask. 
It was horrifying. The cold look in his eyes should’ve been what chilled you to the bone, but in all honesty, it was that mask. Sharp and heavy, concealing some horrible secret. You had seen it from afar, and had caught a glimpse or two from when the court case had been televised.  What had the Fleet done to his face? Had it been the Fleet, or was it your death? Could you even blame someone in that instance?  Your papers are set aside as you slowly rise, never breaking eye contact. In actions reminiscent of someone trying not to piss off a rabid bear, you slowly exit the vehicle and dare to venture closure. 
“You’re alive.” The sound that leaves his mask is hardly a voice. And certainly not his own. It reminds you of the growl of an engine. A robotic, deadly thing. 
“If it’s, uh, any consolation…I’ve only been alive the past, er…sweep or so?” You offer a half-hearted shrug.
“Oh.” You could practically see the gears turning in your ex’s head, his eyes studying every visible aspect of you. Mentally calculating the length of your arms compared to your torso, cataloging every hair on your head. Checking his mental list several times over. Making sure, without a reasonable doubt, that you are in fact Festur Canuis. 
The silence that falls is thick. You began to wonder if you were purely imagining things, if Jodiah actually stood in front of you. You were just beginning to relax when Jodiah’s mask suddenly just…turned off. The lights died out entirely. He started to sway. His lime eyes rolled back right as his legs buckled under him. 
Instinct took over as you closed the gap between you two with record speed. You grabbed him by his hoodie, momentarily shocked at how lightweight he was. You pulled the unconscious lime close, keeping him as upright as possible. Nostalgia fogged at the edge of your mind, memories of being kids and having this same issue happen. The electricity in his body would overwhelm his heart, and he’d pass out. You recalled holding him upright would sometimes speed up his recovery time- 
With a sharp, muffled gasp, Dia’s eyes snap open. His nails grip into your arms frantically. It took a few seconds for the recognition to spark in his eyes. When it did, he immediately buried his masked face into your chest. You yelp and stagger back slightly, taking him with you. It became quite clear that his mask was not designed with hugs in mind. 
“Joey–Joey, stop–” You squirm slightly, “Your mask- it’s, its sharp-”
He looked up, eyes wet with sorrow and terror, silent as ever. 
“Let’s take it off…please?” 
“Y-You can’t look at-at me.” Jodiah’s voice, no longer mechanical, wavers in his demands. He shifts to hold you at arm’s length, his vibrant eyes studying your own deadpan ones with a startling new frenzy. “Pr-Promise me. You-You c-can’t look. D-d-don’t f-f-fucking- d-d-“ 
You knew that stutter. Like an engine stalling when you turned the key. The starter trying so hard, desperate to ignite. But the spark never lights. The words fall out of his lips clumsily but never whole, never the right words. You said nothing in return. A hand moves from Jodiah’s waist to the mask on his face. You’re not sure how you know what to do, you just do. You’d been reading a lot of books lately- part of the Language Arts teacher job, right?  A common theme these days has been soulmates. Trolls with souls that were destined to be tangled together. You always thought that idea was fucking idiotic. There was no way to prove fate or destiny existed. You had died, how could you have a soul? 
But as your hand found its way to the right sweet spot on Jodiah’s mask, gently pulling back and then down, you started to wonder if the concept was really all that stupid. He doesn’t stop you. The mask is discarded unceremoniously, dropped off to the side. He’s shaking like a leaf in the wind, and with how small he felt in your arms you worried he’d blow away like one too. Your expression softens ever so slightly. 
This wasn’t your Joey. Your Joey had a round, clean face, warm cheeks decorated with freckles. He always wore a smile. His fangs poked out over his lips like a promise. The man who looked at you with your lover’s eyes was so tired, so aged. His jaw was sharp, his nose broad and round. His face looked sunken in, hollow, decaying. His lip quivered in a nervous silence as he studied you. Waiting for his powers to do something, anything. Waiting for the facade to end. 
You raise your brows in the subtle way you often did to show you weren’t upset. “I’m fine, Joey.” The hand that removed his mask now cupped his cheek. The lime turned his face into your palm, closing his eyes for a brief second, relishing the touch. “See? I’m fine. I feel nothing- It’s okay.” 
Nothing was an understatement. Seeing his face sent warm sparks down your spine, made your chest bubble with excitement, made your head fizz. Certainly a far cry from the sedative powers Jodiah remembered himself as having. You’d explored his memories, of course you had, and could recall him taking down highbloods far greater than you with just a cold glare. The buzzing carbonation in your think pan was a muted version of his powers. But you couldn’t let him know that, not with how he felt now. You were always a little too good at lying to your Jodiah, and it appeared that trend would continue with the Jodiah in your arms. 
Fat tears welled up in his bright, sunken eyes, right before he buried his face into your chest. You instinctively wrap your arms around him, swallowing his small frame in your own. You close your eyes and press your face into his hair. He didn’t even smell the same. The Fleet had done horrible things to the man you once knew. But you knew in your bones that it was really your death that had made him sharp, had forced his edges to be so jagged to protect what he had left. 
You couldn’t love this man in the same way you once had. Too much time had passed for that to be a possibility. You were different, he was different- love wasn’t some kinda puzzle you could finish just by forcing the pieces in a certain way. You missed your Joey, and you always will. You couldn’t call up a necromancer to bring him back. But you could get to know the man he’d become, the man in your arms, holding onto you like he was afraid you’d vanish. The love that melted its way across your skin was much deeper. Warm, genuine, pure. Pinker in nature. Oh, how the time apart gave you a newly painted perspective on your feelings towards him. You knew, as you nuzzled into his soft hair, that you’d do everything in your power to make sure he never sobbed like this again. Not over you, not for any reason. 
You weren’t pieces from each other’s missing puzzles. You were two halves of the same star that found its way back together.
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yahoo201027 · 3 months
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Day in Fandom History: June 17…
Cuber tells more stories of the “old days”: Finn and Jake try to entertain Jake Jr., Princess Bubblegum tries to help Cinnamon Bun conquer his fear of the dark, Ice King and his penguins decide on which one of their movies to watch, the Earl of Lemongrab and his brother Lemongrab 2 argue over their toy lemon doll, and Mr. Fox’s sub-conscious self draws a treasure map. “Another Five More Short Graybles” premiered on this day, 11 Years Ago.
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