#When they're just doing what everyone else does
etz-ashashiyot · 2 days
Generally radicalized people are radicalized for a reason: their radicalization does something for them and/or they believe that their desire to reshape society in a way that they believe will fix things does something for them. The key to deradicalizing them, then, is to figure out what that need is and fill it with something else.
Most of the time, people don't actually want rivers of blood, they want justice for wrongs that they feel aren't being heard.
Most of the time, they don't actually hate [X] minority - they don't even know anyone of that minority! They hate the false strawman version of that minority that is completely detached from reality, but that's been sold to them as the source of their problems.
And most people are honestly kinda lazy, lol. They are not going to physically fight for their fucked up ideas unless either (1) they are backed into a corner and literally must, or (2) they get swept up as part of a larger mob where the bully mentality takes over and the few people leading it decide to turn it into a violent mob.
So you gotta suck the wind out of their sails.
This works best if they are in or adjacent to your own communit(ies), because you will have more insight into what this is doing for them.
For the goyische leftists that have been radicalized into Jew hate lately, it's a combination of things. It's a feeling of powerlessness as the world slides rapidly towards fascism and climate crisis. It's the ghosts of unaddressed colonialism that they are choosing to impose their emotional catharsis on this unrelated and falsely analogous situation to enact what they feel would be just in their own society on people safely half the world away. Why there? Well, it's because it's a very small area with all of the culturally significant places that they grew up hearing about from the Bible in church, so it carries emotional weight. Most importantly, both parties are small and neither party has much international power to stop them, so they are able to impose their own narrative on the situation and speak over everyone actually there. Anyone who tries to correct them is drowned out. And, it's the history of Soviet antisemitism that is baked into the DNA of most western leftist movements and which Jews have never had the numbers or power to force them to actually confront.
Jew hatred is extremely convenient and Jews have been murdered in large enough numbers that we are easy to talk over.
Now usually, when you start pointing these things out, and especially when you start pointing out how ineffective and self-serving their "activism" on behalf of Palestinians is, they are too radicalized to do anything but react emotionally. They will spit out talking points, but none of these things actually address any of the above. They usually just devolve into "but but, Israeli war crimes!!" like it's a talisman against accurate allegations of antisemitism.
Why won't they listen to reason? When you show them how what they're saying is literal Nazi propaganda with the swastikas filed off and "Zionists" being used as a stand-in for Jews while they simultaneously vociferously deny any connection between Jews and Zionism? Why won't they take any accountability for their bigotry? Why won't they, at a minimum, listen to the Palestinians who want peace even if they won't listen to Jews advocating for the same thing?
It's because then they would have to give up the major benefits that they've been reaping from this situation: the social capital, the excuses to act out, the glow of feeling totally righteous in their fury, the catharsis - and trade it for the extremely unappealing process of actually becoming a decent person and a better advocate for their cause. It's hurting people they don't care about and they have a whole lot of organizations and institutions and people with actual power who materially benefit from their misdirected anger stoking the flames, and helping them lie to themselves that they are actually helping someone besides themselves and the handful of true beneficiaries behind the conflict.
They are being used.
And in twenty years they'll wake up and realize that they spent their youth shouting Nazi and Stalinist slogans of hatred that only benefitted right-wing hawks on both sides who make actual money and power off this conflict at the expense of two persecuted minorities. But they will be ashamed and will bury that behavior underneath silence and excuses.
This happens in every generation, by the way. Every 70 - 100 years, people find a socially plausible reason to hate and kill Jews because it is easier than standing up to the people with actual power. We are people they know they can hurt, and so long as they lie to themselves about who they're hurting and why, it feels really good.
Overcoming that directly has never worked.
It doesn't work because catharsis and punching down or laterally feels productive and owning their biases and bigotry and developing practical long-term strategies is tedious and often feels like shit.
What I've seen real activists do is to address the need for catharsis, praise, and to feel useful in other ways, because they are often less attached to the specific lowest hanging bigoted fruit and more in the rewards it gives them.
If we want to see this change, yelling at leftists that they're being bigoted morons feels good (productivity! feeling a sense of reclaiming control and power from helplessness! catharsis! We are not immune to these human needs either) but it's counterproductive. You don't convince a toddler to give up the shiny dangerous toy by trying to just snatch it away - if anything, you've now cemented this as an epic struggle for all time against the cold, cruel, injustices of the parental controls. No, you have to give them a new, safer toy.
My position is that if we want to see movement on this, we need to suck it up, stop yelling at the radicalized, and start finding ways to help Palestine that both feel gratifying and are actually pro-peace.
And, for the true sick fucks who really do want rivers of Jewish blood (and if a bunch of Gazans are martyred in the process, oh well)? That's where we need our true allies to help us fight back the most. This type of person will never respond to anything but power, so they will back down if they feel that they are truly threatened. To get the rest of the fair weather friends on board, we need to show how these violent tantrums are actually threatening their new catharsis, gratification, and progress so that they aren't swayed by the bullies and instead want to guard their new emotional investment and moral high ground.
Ultimately, we all want to feel like we're the good guys. We want catharsis. We want instant gratification. We want to see movement. We want justice for the wrongs committed against us and those we choose to see ourselves in community with. Many of us have real-world serious grievances that are intractable and that we don't have the individual power to fix, but are intolerable as things currently stand. These people aren't special; they aren't different from us and we aren't different from them in those ways. The problem is that activism - real activism that actually moves the needle - will typically not give you that satisfaction or meet those needs, and most people don't have the mental space to meet those needs in a better way, so punching laterally becomes the quick fix solution. Meanwhile, the people in actual positions of power benefit from this gladiator fight.
And until actual activists reckon with that reality, we are going to see more and more of the same.
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seaquestions · 1 day
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blake lets him keep it. this is a dire lapse in judgement on his part but they're just gonna have to live with it. (ids in alts)
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How the 141 show love to each other
He sends Soap random pictures of flowers and stuff, the sunrise when he's up for it, or even a bumblebee he found resting on a flower. Knows how his coffee is made perfectly when it's homemade. Gives little forehead kisses when they're alone or with the 141 only. Will hook his ankle under Soap's feet and stay there for hours if necessary, anything to keep the contact.
He hands Gaz small things he likes, a particularly pretty leaf or a loose bolt he found on the ground. He also gives him samples of teas he thinks he'll like, makes sure to pay attention to if he needs a blanket.
He'll sit next to Price on a rough day and say nothing, just be a grounding presence. He'll save him his favorite foods from the mess hall and put them on his plate when Price comes and sits down.
He includes Laswell during team activities when possible, making sure she can take a call and face timing her so she can see the dumb shit that's happening, putting the phone in the best position to see the chaos. Sends her and her wife their favorite candies for holidays.
Makes and fixes things for Ghost, sends him pictures of the stray cats he sees on his walks and while he's making his way around base. He knows Ghost's cafe coffee order by heart so he can order for him while they're in public. Cheek and nose kisses, likes to gently bite Ghost's cheek when they're alone, claims it's to "show dominance" but does it so softly that it just feels like a love nibble. Puts his hand under the mask at the back of Ghost's head and plays with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
Cuts Gaz's hair for him, Gaz once got a bad cut at the place he went to because they had a person who was new to styling do it hair so when he got mad about it back at base (not at the person, never at the person) Soap fixed it for him and made it better. Kicks his feet when he's nodding off in places he shouldn't be.
Steals Price's hat at least once a month to make sure nothing is falling off or tearing or ripped. During these inspections he'll add another bobble to the collection, something light and small to its unobtrusive. Draws little cute pictures and slips them in his vest pockets when he gets close enough.
Will send selfies and pictures of the group to Laswell, texting her a fun fact or a pun every day, telling a funny story about the recruits or what Gaz or Ghost or Price did that day too if there is one.
Gets Soap new drawing journals when he runs out, new pencils too. Gets him socks with dumb ass designs for Christmas and Halloween, the latter one because he thinks it's hilarious to give gifts then. Listens to and talks about special interests and really pays attention, even educating himself on aspects he doesn't know about.
He'll do the same thing for Ghost that Ghost does for Price. He'll sit next to him in silence and do his own thing while Ghost is having a bad time, waiting until he wants to speak. He learned sign language and taught Ghost so they could speak easier on days where his brain felt too heavy to conjure up the right syllables. Keeps every leaf Ghost gives him and puts them in a scrapbook with a date and location, shows Ghost after it's done.
Hugs Price almost religiously. He's Price's most common hugger, being the majority of where he gets his touch (platonic) so he's not touch starved. Will drag Price out of bed on a bad day since Price asked him to if he deems it an appropriate day to do so, will talk Price through boring paperwork and make it more fun so it goes faster.
While everyone else texts Laswell every day, he does every other day if that, leading to barely any exchanges but when there are some, they're meaningful to both of them. He's her vent partner, the person she goes to when she needs to complain about someone or something, he gives advice and is an overall good listener.
He gave Soap a fitbit once, something he won one time and never wore himself, he has the account linked on his phone so he can keep track of his heartbeat and sleeping habits, making sure he's getting enough rest and enough time to himself so he won't lose himself trying to be a people pleaser. He also gives him chocolates he knows Soap likes, orders them and stockpiles them for a bad day and then goes up to Soap and hands him a few wordlessly. Trying to silently tell him that he knows what he's going through and it's ok to break sometimes, to stop being strong sometimes.
When Ghost gives him his favorites from the mess, Price exchanges for Ghost's favorites. When he sees Ghost getting overwhelmed he tells him he needs to see him in his office and gets him out of the situation, handing him a blanket when he gets inside and telling him to lay down for a second because Ghost is so overwhelmed he's on the verge of giving himself a migraine.
He gives as good as he gets with physical contact with Gaz, hugging him just as hard, a hand on the back of his neck here and there to make sure he's emotionally balanced, fingers brushing his shoulder to remind him he's not alone. Will make sure he's having a good day or not based on how badly his hands shake. When Gaz gets too into his own head, he makes a game of giving Gaz his hat and telling him to play keep away with Ghost and Soap, knowing leading them into a game will help.
He sends cards and videos and pictures of anything and everything he can think of to Laswell, he's her second vent partner and will be the "beat his ass" version rather than understanding like Gaz. He shows he cares by being willing to burn the world for her and her wife and she appreciated it immensely when he jokes about taking her to a bar fight to let off some steam.
She doesn't like showing that she cares too much with physical things, so her care for Soap is mostly sending him tv show and movie recommendations.
She sends Ghost pictures of plants she found on the internet and what they're useful for. They have a "plant a day" thing where she has a whole list or book detailing various plants in alphabetical order and she picks one to send its information to him.
Give Gaz music recommendations and lets him vent back to her, she has a Spotify they share where they put random music on it if they like it.
Tells Price specific updates about her home life and how her wife is doing over the phone. Nothing too revealing but enough to make him feel like she truly trusts him.
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oddballwriter · 2 days
A Mother's Love
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Summary: Your mother would take in anybody so of course she takes in your boyfriends and treats them like they're her own.
Warnings: Mention and reference to Marc and his mom. Nothing else really. 
Author’s Snip: I saw this post talking about how Steven would love being taken in by your mom when you started dating a long time ago, but I don't know where it is or who made it so if you're seeing this thank you so much for the idea.
Notes: Our boys deserve the world <3 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 741
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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Your mother was what everyone might describe as the most nicest person to ever exist. You truly believed that she held no anger, hatred, or judgment in her body and if you ever found out that she did then it's most likely deserved. The day you see your mother yell at someone will be that hell has frozen over and gets a blizzard.
She raised you with the same morals and love that she held and was so supportive of everything you did in life regardless of if it seemed strange or different to her. She was a saint and fully of so much love.
So when you started getting serious with Marc and thus Steven and Jake, you knew that your mom would understand and welcome them in with open arms regardless of their situation and life. And that was true. You had told her about them, and when you reached the part of the relationship where they wanted to meet your family, she was so excited to meet them.
After meeting each one of them on different occasions and learning how to tell them apart, they were as good as adopted and she treated them like they were her own, proudly telling each of them "You can just call me mom now.".
Marc took a while to get used to it, on many different levels.
There was the obvious one. Your mom was so accepting and understanding of him. She was so nice and made sure everything she made was made with love and in consideration of how he liked them. At the first dinner with your family, she made a dish with an ingredient that he didn't like that much but still ate. He didn't tell her about it out of fear that she might be insulted but he told you, you then mentioned it to your mom, and the next time she made it she made a portion that didn't have the ingredient. You never said anything but you could tell that Marc was barely holding it together and trying not to cry.
You never told your mom in full detail about Marc and his mom out of respect and let him tell that story when he wanted to, you just told her that he didn't have what you and her have and that her gestures might get a reaction out of him. You also didn't know if Marc ever did tell her everything, but what you do know is that she's gotten it into him that "I'm your mom now".
You're pretty sure Steven has completely redirected his mama's boy instincts towards your mom too. He helps her cook dinner, set the table, and even helps clean the dishes. You knew that he longed for that sort of connection after being told about how he used to do that when he thought their mom was still alive and has he remembered her, so it didn't take you by complete surprise when he basically imprinted on your mom but it's still kind of funny. One time when they joined in on a family vacation your mom told him that he should put on more sunscreen, to which he then did, and then asked her if she thought that it was enough. Someday you're going to hear him on the phone with her like you were told he used to, you can feel it.
Jake is what you would call the classic son-in-law to your mom. He loves her to bits and appreciates her and her kindness, but he still messes with her a little and she does it back. They will actively pull light-hearted pranks and jabs at each other, it's the cutest thing ever. Jake has also become her and your father's unofficial handyman. Your dad does just fine fixing stuff up but they use him as an extra pair of hands. You will never forget the day your mom called him because their car broke down and your dad couldn't figure it out, and when Jake asked if they called a mechanic she said "Why call and have to pay one when you can do it for free?". That sounds like they freeload off of him but he doesn't mind. Jake likes the feeling of being wanted and being a helping hand.
Overall, life is pretty good when you have a mom who takes in your boyfriend and his alters and basically becomes their mom.
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chaifootsteps · 2 days
I get the feeling part of the reason the tide is turning is because the fans who were still on board with the show at this point (outside the ones who are just ride or die Stolas can do no wrong stans) still believed it was really going somewhere
that they were essentially excusing all the shoddy writing and stuff like addressing Ozzie's in a text message because (like another big fandom on tumblr, Sherlock) they were hanging on out of the belief that the show was going to get good. While that belief implies the show isn't good now, for some it didn't matter as long as everything built up to a big emotional payoff
but so far it hasn't come. The Full Moon was dominated by CHERUBs in what should have been a more intimate episode and worse, when the scene of the argument itself came Stolas was so wildly hypocritical and unlike fanon Stolas that fans couldn't help not only feel shortchanged by that, but feel like the show was actively ignoring its own history (i.e. everything from s1 Stolas outside of the deal itself)
for the fans still on board the one great episode that fixes everything is still coming, they're just now putting their hopes on Apology Tour for Stolas to finally show some self-reflection and be the character they thought he was. but in the meantime it seems that some of them are having the realization that everyone else had back in The Circus - that it's Stolas' show now, he's the woobified baby who can do no wrong and he can treat Blitzo (and other imps) like garbage as much as he pleases because the rich are the real victims when you think about it and the show will do its best to frame him as being in the right in the hopes the less discerning fans will buy it. problem is, parts of the fanbase are smarter than Viv gave them credit for
personally if Apology Tour is as bad as we all expect - and I hold out very little hope Stolas will bother considering Blitzo's feelings, let alone apologizing - then I imagine the next great episode that fixes everything will just get moved by the fanbase to being whichever episode it is when Stolas and Blitzo finally get together
but if that Owl in a Cage reprise leak is true and the show does make us suffer through an episode with the thesis 'Blitzo loves Stolas now not for who he is as a person or any connection they have but because he pities him for being abused by Stella' I look forward to the fanbase looking at that and collectively saying 'are you kidding me??'
That's the thing about having utmost faith in someone or something like Viv, and like HH/HB. You can keep holding out hope for a long time, but eventually, you realize you've been had.
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why did you tag your post with gaz erasure my ass? like what was hard to believe that the cod fandom has blatant patterns of purposefully removing the only black character and replacing him with everyone under the sun? your friend lied about killing themself to make them look like a victim. and you participated in harassing people who saw this for what it was. you need to step back and reflect on your own self on why you thought that your friend’s “death” was caused by people calling out patterns of anti black racism and then go on to harass them. you are not an ally by any means.
Back when I used that tag, I paired it with another tag right after, it was meant to be an aggressive call out on misinformation, I had meant for it to read as 'Gaz erasure my ass, y'all just can't read'.
(This because the original post didn't read like intentional erasure but rather like codslut thought Gaz didn't fit the post, since she also didn't use Reboot Soap, she used *Captain* Soap, idk how best to explain it but to me the two soaps are different characters so i figured it was an intentional choice to use him and keegan rather than reboot soap and gaz)
Edit: I want to add that I also used codslut's own explanation as the basis for why I didn't think it was erasure. And at this point, she's clearly not to be fucking trusted, so it wouldn't surprise me if it really *was* erasure/racism and I believed her word that it wasn't.
As time went on, I dropped the last part of the tag of 'y'all just can't read', and looking back it not only reads as a racist dog whistle but also, just in general, sounds and looks fucking disgusting.
I've said this before, but I think it warrants saying again: I *didn't* mean to say Gaz erasure doesn't exist. It does very much exist in the community and even Activision themselves often erase Gaz from promo materials.
I'd hate for people to think that I either dislike Gaz or don't see the blatant racism/dislike/erasure that happens with him on the community. That's not the case. Gaz is a main character (unlike König like so many people try to replace him with) who I absolutely adore, and I call out erasure when I see it here on Tumblr, on Tiktok and on Twitter.
I never meant to make it seem like Gaz erasure doesn't exist. I only wanted to call out misinformation... and ended up doing the exact opposite of both my intentions. I'm sorry about that. It was not just disgusting but full on stupid of me.
I also want to say that I didn't think that that screenshot post specifically or even the act of people calling out racism where they saw it was the cause for codslut possibly killing herself. That is not what I meant at all. And I don't want anyone to think I blame @soapskneebrace or @glossysoap or anyone else for that. Blood was never on their hands, I want to make that very clear!!!!
When I was confronting people, I was doing so on the basis that they're big creators with big platforms and that by accusing codslut of racism/erasure they opened the door for anons to justify their actions when going after codslut because they have so much reach and people with bad intentions need less than that to justify the hate they send people.
Looking back, I know I was in the wrong for how I spoke. I was aggressive and rude and mean, and none of the people involved deserve that. Hell, my actions were hypocritical as hell and I probably opened the door for them to get hate themselves. I'm really fucking sorry.
If I could take it back, I would. I never believed nor wanted them to believe that someone potentially harming themselves was their fault. It wasn't.
I do plan on taking a step back to reconsider not just the way I acted but everything that's happened. In fact, I was already taking said break and came online only because I got word of @/fulltacs' post.
I appreciate and thank you for holding me accountable (and by that I mean you and everyone!). And I especially thank *you* anon for wording this ask this way, and giving me, at least, a chance to explain.
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@jegulus-microfic, June 19th - Mechanic, G, Word Count - 857
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Regulus did mostly everything in his life with a sort of mechanic feel to it. As if he wasn't fully putting his heart into it. His spells were always perfect, the wand movements textbook perfection. He was able to recite what he had just read in his books prior to the lesson as if he had them in front of him.
But writing, writing was his thing.
Whether it was an essay, or a poem, or a journal entry. Regulus actually cared, and put his all into it. It's where he actually allowed himself to be vulnerable.
In the case of his essays, he lets his professors into his mind. Sharing his opinion and knowledge that far outweighs the complexity of what he should know at his age. Most teachers are impressed, except for his Ancient Runes teacher. She complained that he was too far ahead and now she has to find things for him to do instead.
In the case of his poetry, he lets his friends into his mind. He knew that they were all very bright when it came to school, but none really had an eye for art, nonetheless decoding it's meaning. So when Regulus serves his rawest emotions to them, veiled with heavy metaphors and complex symbolism. He doesn't expect them to understand.
In the case of his journal, he explains his own mind to himself. He doesn't hide behind his vast knowledge of magic. He doesn't hide his emotions behind frilly words. He's true to himself. Writes his emotions down with the simplicity of a child explaining the world to their parents. His complex emotions, deepest secrets, and truest thoughts come out late at night when everyone else is sleeping.
No one's allowed to read it. Many have asked and few have tried. In order to make sure no one does though, every time Regulus closes it he charms it to turn to stone.
So when he wakes up that Wednesday morning, and his journal has disappeared he doesn't worry, not right away. The book is stone, Evan probably stole it again to hit Barty with it.
He gets up out of bed and goes through his normal daily routine, showering, getting dressed, brushing his teeth and styling his hair. Only when he arrives to the great hall does he realize something's up.
One. Evan and Pandora are looking for him as he enters the great hall. Which is odd since they're usually engrossed in conversation. Two. The marauders aren't there. His brother and his brother's group of friends are almost always there before Regulus.
Evan waves him over and he goes to his usual seat at the table, wondering what's going on.
He spots his stone journal sitting on his plate. Regulus looks up to Evan to ask what's going on.
"We didn't read it," Evan quickly says.
Read what?
Regulus takes his seat and picks up his book, noticing there's a piece of parchment attached to the back of it. "Did you see who dropped it off?" Regulus asks his friends, peeling the note off the back of the stone.
Evan shakes his head. "Nope," Pandora continues his sentence, "It was here before we arrived."
How odd. Regulus starts to wonder who did this, but figures that the note may explain it better. So he unfolds the note and starts reading it.
Whoever wrote the note did not have good handwriting, Regulus squints to read it a little better.
I told them not to but your brother went into your room last night and stole this. I didn't want to know what you write in here. I can tell it's special and private to you so I will apologize as much as I can for your brother.
The boys read it out loud in the dorm room last night, I placed a silencing charm around the room to minimize the damage, but Remus, Peter and I all heard the things Sirius was reading.
I feel awful, it felt so wrong to be hearing your inner thoughts and I tried not to listen but, you mentioned my name a few times and well, I got curious. I apologize for that as well. I should have known better.
But if what you've written is true—which I suspect it is considering you never thought someone else would read this—I wanted to let you know that your feelings are reciprocated. Much to your brothers dismay, but, they are.
Sorry again,
And a million times more,
Regulus can barely begin to process the letter. On one hand, he's insanely mad at his brother for stealing his journal, and somehow finding the spell to revert it back to it's original form. But on the other hand, he's somewhat glad that he did it. It wasn't like Regulus was ever going to confront James about his crush himself.
But if Sirius read the stuff about his crush, then he probably read everything else too. Regulus sets fire to the note, watching the ash cover the stone. He looks up to his friends, “Someone found it on the floor outside of my room, nothing significant.”
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tanoraqui · 1 day
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I think my boy Laios just headbutted a phoenix?
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He's so fucking clever under stress, I love him so much!!!
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Dad energy.
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Book's awake!
You: What?
Me, loading a gun to go kill this motherfucker before it messes with Marcille and to a lesser extent Laios: Book's awake.
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This is normal sibling behavior on Falin's part, actually.
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holy shit I'm about to meet the rabbits everyone was :)ing about. The rabbits that haunt Chilchuck's concept of monsters. THE Rabbits.
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oh my god the rabbits
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(Chilchuck is going to be so. pissed. when he finds out about this.)
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what a line, too. Oh my god I really do want to play a Necromancer wizard sometime...
I'm laughing hysterically. This is the best. I'm just going to keep some of the best panels but oh my god they're all the best.
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I'm getting strong Candace Flynn (Phineas & Ferb) "Squirrels In My Pants" x "Queen of Mars" vibes?!?
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SHOUTOUT TO IZUTSUMI FOR KILLING A DUNGEON RABBIT WITH HER BARE TEETH!! And also for enduring this, uh, zombie nightmare. Necromancers amiright.
(/sobs - I wanna play a necromancer wizard in a long-plot D&D game SO BAD...)
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IT WORKED, THOUGH! Marcille, it worked. You did it. Laios had total faith in you (Laios had total faith in a friend again and he was right again), and you did it. You saved them all. And you're going to make a stew for Falin, which is the language of love and life-giving, and save her, too.
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And! the fact that this is all happening in this room where Thistle has been desperately trying to retain a masquerade of life just as grotesque, though slightly more pretty, as Marcille's mass animation there! Except it wasn't really more pretty at all, because absolutely everything was a mess - our heroes were the ones who made it nice enough to actually live in. But everyone is still just as dead ("alive" but un-hungering, even when conscious) as Laios, Senshi, Chilchuck, Izutsumi and these rabbits - mimicking the motions of life, of walking and moving or of growing crops, raising farm animals and sitting down to eat... Thistle is in blind denial; Marcille is weeping.
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ohhh my god she's not just taking measures to avoid personal loss, or to prevent anyone else from avoiding personal loss... She, too, is aware of the interracial politics... (And it's lifespans specifically to which she doesn't want to lose anyone ever again. That's why the monster appeared in the background when Chilchuck told her that halffeet lifespans are 50 years, that's why Laios was specifically dying of old age in her nightmare... It really was SPECIFICALLY old age that terrifies her... Death by monster or murder or whatnot is one thing, but she Does Not Want to outlive anyone she loves, and she doesn't want anyone else to have to do it either.)
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eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes
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doodle-do-wop · 1 day
Kotlc theory: spoilers for Stellarlune
I'm probably gonna slap this on discord cause I like rambling to my friends but it felt like a fun theory to drop here anyway
It's a very very VERY long plot point that I honestly kinda maybe somewhat thought about the first time it popped up but the missing star stone Gisela had commissioned into a hair thingy
Biana mentions her dad taking her to buy a comb once when she was young and that was that up until Stellarlune when the star stone is essential now for Elysian and Biana, brilliant girl that she is, has a theory about the stones and as per use, she's right. Whenever Biana has a theory there is like a 90% chance she's right or she was still right but just slightly missed the target. So it turns out Biana has had the star stone this whole damn time sitting in a box because little baby Biana didn't think it was pretty/it wasn't the one she wanted
But Cyrrah purposefully gave the star stone to Biana and yeah it could just be because no one would think twice about some little kid having what is essentially the government's biggest secret in a jewelry box for who knows how many years but could Biana have been essential to Elysian in some other way besides being the keeper of the place?
Had Alvar ever been ordered to snoop through his family's jewelry because Gisela heard they bought something from Cyrrah but everyone just shrugged her off because she's crazy and paranoid and none of Della's jewelry was special but womp womp Gisela uses her brain for something other than kicking kids and she right
I know Biana is Shannon's favorite plot device for moving things along and Dex is her favorite when she remembers he exists and needs to set a kid on fire (I really hope Dex doesn't die in the final battle because if anyone is going down to an exploding glittery rock it would be Dex but knowing him and fire Dex might survive this) but I genuinely think Biana might still have a foot in the door with this whole Elysian thing
And yeah, big shocker I'm talking about Stina again, but where the fuck did this kid get a book on BATTLE STRATEGY??? How did this 'cowardly' character who has only been in ONE FIGHT THAT WASNT EVEN GIVEN TO US IT WAS JUST SPARK NOTES NEVER TO BE TOUCHED UPON AGAIN( Shannon when I catch you Shannon) HOW DID SHE OF ALL THE CHARACTERS WHO HAVE NEARLY LOST THEIR LIVES USE THAT THING INSIDE HER SKULL CALLED A BRAIN AFTER ONE BATTLE AND THINK "hey i should learn battle strategy" WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID
Shannon hates me, it's true, she stuck a sticky note to my door that says 'I hate you Doodle-xoxo go piss girl (Shannon)' and I saw her in a Mazda waiting for me to read the note and then dramatically burn tires as she drove off, so I know this blonde woman will do SOMETHING that will make me wanna throw book 10 into the ocean. It will probably be the page count of the book for the number of 'last time on Shameless' filler paragraphs. But she'll do SOMETHING to piss me and only me straight off and it's gonna have something to do with Stina I feel it in me bones.
Cause where did she get a battle strategy book????? Who did Stina go up to and say 'hey does my library card work for goblin writings on battle strategy?'. Elves don't have those types on books they're allegedly peaceful but I mean if they made themselves forget about Nightfall and Elysian the elves might have a super secret dark history of battle strategy.
Biana, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Wylie, Stina, Dex, (I don't even remember if Keefe was there I just recall the Horse Girls and Sophie punching stained glass while Marella shows her support for the LGBT) and the rest of the adults who have so far been nerfed beyond nerffing
Unless Shannon decides she needs a book 11 book 10 is about to be the longest book I've ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on or worse, broken into two book parts
Shannon can't drop cookie crumbs no more she can only drop the full fucking box of cookies so that battle strategy better come in clutch like the deus ex machina I know it's going to be but I also think it's hilarious that Sophie and the gang leave Stina to her own devices for maybe less than 24 hours and Stina managed to set up a full armada in that time.
Shannon had Stina do far too many things in Stellarlune that are never touched upon/mentioned after they're said and once again, she can't drop crumbs she can only drop the whole cookie. Stina in Stellarlune volunteered to 1) talk to a psychopath 2) search through Kenric's library for a crystal that still wasn't found and 3) read battle strategy while calling herself their strongest asset
Stina has to have something up her sleeves and it better be something big or I'm fighting Shannon in the park lot again. Stina could have gotten the book on battle strategy from Kenric's library tbh and asked to check it out or she was only allowed to read it in Kenric's library. Who knows. I think it's hilarious that Oralie might've had to report back to the council that Stina Heks is reading battle strategy books. Lord only knows how Timkin handled telling the Collective his daughter is reading those books.
Can't believe Stina might be a deus ex machina in book 10, I will go crazy if book 10 is too long and has to be broken up into two parts. I still feel like Biana plays a bigger part because she always does. And this has gone from theory to nonsensical rambling but that's just how this blog rolls
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sorry im houseposting. i finished it and now im in distress
wilsons piece of furniture representing him for his new condo being a gift!!! for house!!! is wild .
i like huddy in theory but i actually dont think they're good for each other. like i love their weird little enemies to lovers thing going on but i dont think there was any way that it could have ended well... AND cuddy breaking up with house was so mean. idgaf that i just said they didnt work out girl you KNEW he was an addict and yet you dumped him when he relapsed!! instead of trying to understand and help!!! please!!! "erm well house is impossible to help-" actually no he isnt because he got better the first time. no one is impossible to help they're probably just difficult.
also... i lowkey dont understand why his vicodin was that big of a problem considering how when he went through withdrawls in the earlier seasons he genuinely couldn't work....like yes how he got his prescriptions was illegal but everything he does is illegal Also that was his only way to manage his pain and everyone just shamed him for it... STOP THAT!!!! who would have guessed that the guy who feels the pain knows how to handle it the best... wow....
i need to see more masters appreciation because she is actually so cute. yes it was annoying how she followed the rules but also at least she sticks with her morals!! everyone was so mean to her and for why?? like??? shes so cutie and her outfits were so cute and she was genuinely just a nice person and no one in the diagnosis gang could handle that!!! "oh, so youre a whore... oh, so youre a dumb whore!" I LOVE YOU MASTERs
also love how the episode where she left was all serious. and then. house and wilsons bullshit going on in the background. her, laying in the dark in the ddx room going through a moral dilemma and then wilson sneaking in to kidnap his kidnapped chicken, only for it to be a fake chicken and house locks him in his office, so he jumps across the balcony outside.... i hate them and their pranks theyre so insane
HELLO the end of season 7 is CRAZY!!! i didnt expect that. i was watching it with my dad and he was like "...why would he do that... can't he just be normal...."
dr adams looks like the girl from the ghost of you music video by mcr. like scarily like her. SHES SO PRETTYY
park and adams...... toxic doctor yuri..... trust me guys......
house and wilson's synchronization will be the death of me. thats so great i love them
hilson is so heartbreaking im actually ripping my hair OUTT!!! "i need you, okay... i need you to stick around as long as possible, because i don't know what im gonna do without you." oh my glob run me over with a car right now. the way they are both each other's support. the way no one else would deal with their bs. wilson sticks by house even throughout everything because he needs house to need him... and how he spent more time with house than he did with his wives..... its even sadder in houses case because he genuinely has no one else but wilson. wilson is the only one who really understands him. stacy ruined him, cameron didnt think he could love, cuddy thought he was insane, and wilson was by his side the entire time. the whole "universal recipient/universal donor" house drains and wilson gives. BRO. i hate them actually so much. theyve ruined me
also makes me wonder whats gonna happen once wilson is gone... like.. he ws right. house only had his job and wilson and he gave up his job for wilson, so once he's dead, house will have nothing left. i genuinely think house is gonna die with wilson, because nothing else mattered to him.
"cancer is boring" ok kill me
whos gonna homoerotically speed off on a motorcycle with me...
thats all. thank you for coming to my ramble i needed to get this out and i felt bad for bothering my friend with this. (shes never watched the show but wilson is her favorite and she was very upset by the ending)
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lovingly-dedicated · 3 days
Hey, gang!
There's just three weeks until Marxolor Week '24! A celebration of our favorite trickster duo in whatever form you love them best!
Have you seen our [Prompt] list? (You can find [Rules] here!)
Have you read it but you're still struggling to come up with something? If so, then read below as I go over the prompts and throw some ideas out to help stoke the fires of your imagination!!
Day 1: "Conflict" or "Meeting." 
We love 'em because they've got so much in common, but these two can't be in perfect sync all the time. For those times when they aren't, there's "Conflict." (Or maybe, it's someone else they're in conflict with? Do these two make a good team in a fight?)
"Meeting" could be anything from how they met the first time to the duo meeting up to plan for their next scheme! Or maybe, they're meeting up for something more private and personal...? /SFW
Day 2: "Curiosity" or "Mirrored"
What was it that initially drew the two of them to each other? What catches their interest? Have they learned something new about themselves? Or their world? ...Maybe the reason why they stick together is the "Curiosity" to everyone around them!
With all those similarities, Marx and Magolor's stories are mirror images in many ways. Even their bodies feel like they're "Mirrored" Or you could use this prompt to jump into the Mirror World and see how they are there, or how they'd react to meeting each other! (Or even draw them making silly faces at a funhouse mirror!)
Day 3: "Cunning" or "Magic"
Marx and Magolor each specialize in their own brand of "Cunning." Outright lies for Magolor; deceptive withholding of the truth for Marx. Will they use these against each other...or team up? Cunning can be about deceptively innocent and cute looks too. Perhaps you'll want to explore these borb-shaped wolves in sheep's clothing?
A wizard and a magician! You could use them to talk about "Magic" theory. Or explore what each one can do that the other can't? (Are they jealous?) Or...is it like magic when they look into each other's eyes? Maybe Magolor helps Marx with a magic show?
Day 4: "Clockwork" or "Majesty"
There's that darn clockwork star again! Has Marx told Magolor the story of Galactic Nova? What if he takes him there on a trip? Has wishing on a Nova affected Marx in a way Magolor can tell? ...Or maybe, something in their daily routine happens like "Clockwork."
"Majesty" brings to mind kings and their crowns and Magolor surely has something to say about that messy business! Does Marx have something to say too? Speaking of Marx, if Magolor was going to be a king, you can't forget the existence of the court's jester!
Day 5: "Control" and "Mischief"
The song is no longer known as "Under My Control" but this word's relevant! Do they have full "Control" over their powers? Can they control their feelings for each other? Can Magolor control his evil laughter? Can Marx control himself in general? (They could be holding a pair of game controllers or fighting for a remote control!)
Let's face it! When do these two NOT get up to "Mischief"? Now, do they have different views on what's fair play in the prank game? Maybe you'll want to explore what their best victory against their chosen target was? ...What was their most humiliating defeat?
Day 6: "Chaos" and "Melancholy"
"Chaos" is a step up from mischief and tends to cause more problems for everyone involved; it has greater lasting effects too... Has their bond ever brought TOO much chaos? ...Or maybe Magolor lets Marx stay on the Lor and it turns into complete chaos?
Both have suffered game-ending defeats and with those come deep scars. What are they like when "Melancholy" strikes? Maybe their relationship has taken a melancholic turn? Could they be going through a rough patch or realizing for the first time there might be more to their relationship and don't want things to change?
Day 7: "Comfort" or "Merry"
When are they most comfortable together? Do the two have a favorite comfort spot to go to? Do they maybe hug (or punch!) a plushie of each other when in a bad mood? Maybe one has a surefire recipe to "Comfort" the other in sad times?
The major key compliment to comfort's minor key is "Merry!" What gets them laughing so hard they can't stop? What's a favorite event or landmark in their life they'll never forget? Or you could throw Marx into Merry Magoland with Magolor and see what happens!
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sweetcloverheart · 22 hours
Clover Rants Miraculously: Thee Other 1%
I think this has been complained about before, but it honestly does kind of come off super extremely tonedeaf when the show starts moralizing about rich people being "evil" and how success corrupts people (especially egregious in season 5) when their main soapboxers for this argument to represent the "poor 99%" are...
Girl who's parents own the most popular and profitable bakery in the city (that's constantly getting commissioned for catering jobs by the wealthy and famous of the city), has a world-famous chef for an uncle, who's grandmother has enough cash to fund trips around the world and expensive gifts for her (no shade to Gina, biker GILF is valid and can do whatever she likes with her ex-husband's alimony checks), and is favored by famous rockstar + 2 world renowned fashion icons (one of whom was willing to fund a trip for her to New York for an apprenticeship). Like Maribug, I love you, but seriously...
Boy who's a world famous fashion model, who's father owns a (self-made) fashion empire that spans the globe, who's mother was a (claimed-to-be but the show refused to expand on this) famous actress and former noblewoman from the British aristocracy, and spent his childhood being taught by (very likely expensive) tutors paid for by his parents
Girl who's mother is the head chef for a extremely popular and long-running hotel-line (Alya sweetie I love you too, but...)
Set of twins who's mother is a former rockstar who may or may not still get royalty checks from her old producer (and maybe child support from her own ex(no shade to Anarka either you get that bag girl!))
Boy who's late father was a weapon's manufacturer (and a rather lucrative one at that) and noblewoman mother is the heir apparent to their household (mostly due to her twin being disappeared and then dead)
Girl who's mother is the owner of a huge tech conglomerate on par with Apple
Girl who is the affair child between the previously mentioned fashion icon and an never-seen business man, who spent a majority of her childhood at a (implied to be) super expensive bordering school
Corrupt (now former) mayor who has changed gears to corrupt movie director and still owns his expensive and profitable hotel chain
Classmates of the first mentioned girl who's parents include a famous mime actor, director of the Louve, and an astronaut (we're never shown/told what everyone else's parents do but I'm certain they're on similar paygrade levels)
A man who's screentime involves emotionally abusing his son, mistreating magical animals in his care, and humiliating children and his own adult friends for his own ends
Like, if it was an argument about "class solidarity doesn't exist between the elites because they constantly change/raise standards even among themselves", they might of had a point to make, but it's always just "Rich people are all inhuman monsters (except the ones that give us stuff, you guys are cool)"
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I keep seeing headcanons and imagines about us/self-inserts being like..;;; always on Unknown's lap or being held there by him as like a comfort thing (I think?) or just to chill there with him
But like ;;;
I wholeheartedly know that they're are all just requests and stuff and it seems to be an idea accepted by so many people and how they like to imagine being with Unknown
But like;;
Me personally, I just. I just...don't like it..(??)
It just makes me uncomfortable for some reason and actually kinda scares me a little, the thought of being just;; grabbed and held? And;; on his lap??
It wouldn't be something I'd want to do, I mean. ;;
So I guess
Is there like..;; anything else I could do with him that wouldn't involve being so close?
See, when I thought of that concept years ago and I started working with it in my writing, it wasn't meant to be perceived as a comfort in the beginning. It was a power play. It was meant to make you feel as uncomfortable as it sounds. Unknown took you from the apartment as a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that you didn't know how to listen to him.
What's the very best way to make you feel uncertain of yourself in a situation where you have no control?
Well, in Unknown's rationale, that's to make you see what he's doing with no escape. This can be particularly even more unsettling if you were close to the RFA. Unknown's not a morally sound person, he's driven by apathy and revenge, and there's a reason why he's not the one with the route. To be able to capture his heart would take you a long time, and that kind of story arc isn't one you can complete in a mere cycle of 11 days, even for a game like MM which does it best to speed-run what would take months already.
This isn't meant to be seen as a good thing, not by any means. I don't always write the unsettling parts because I like to focus on the parts that come later once his walls are down, but this is just one of those things that people like to talk about with Unknown. What would he do in a situation where he has his assistant? He won't do what Ray does. I can affirm that. Ray wanted you to be with him and Unknown didn't want you like that.
The concept changes when we explore the foundation of these ideas.
It's not supposed to sound appealing at first. Though, it becomes a point of comfort for many people because not only does this make you vulnerable, it forces Unknown to be vulnerable as well. You can hear the sound of his every heartbeat, the way his hands twitch, and feel how his body strains itself every step of the way. At some point, it's impossible for him to maintain the air of unsettling fear. You're first when it comes to witnessing this man at his worst.
I understand that it makes you feel uncomfortable, though. That's not everyone's cup of tea. I hope you know that this is just one concept a lot of Unknown fans lot to navigate but it's not a definitive of who he is as a person. We don't know what Unknown would do with someone as his assistant, and there's just things that we've agreed on as a fan collective over the years that have shaped how we write him as your boss.
Just because some fans write him doing this doesn't mean you have to write him doing that, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to imagine something that makes you uncomfortable.
I'm glad you reached out to say something because you're afraid that this concept means Unknown would pointedly make you feel bad and that's not good when you're hunting for fluff. You don't have to like it. That's down to personal preference! You should request stuff from us imagine blogs with the things you're into! I know that my mutuals will be more than happy to write you stuff like I am.
The last thing any of us wants to make someone feel left out.
When it comes to Unknown's proximity, it's hard for me to tell you that he'll leave you with your own personal space. Even in the game, his voice is a whisper that gets louder the closer he gets to you, and that implies that he will get closer to you if he thinks it would be to his benefit to cage you like an animal. But, by that, I mean, the worst you can deal with is him whispering in your ears, pushing you against the wall to laugh at your fear-stricken face, or circling you when you try to explain how you did something.
He doesn't have to pin you to his lap to prove that he's got the upper hand.
But, if you're looking for a comfort thing as opposed to trying to find something that doesn't unnerve you like the lap stuff, I suppose you could be subjected to hand-holding. He's not big on cuddling or stuff like that. But, let's see, I don't think he's immune to holding your hand while you sit on opposite ends of the couch. He hates proximity until it benefits him somehow. Sitting with you is a big thing for him, so if it brings you comfort, he'll stargaze with you when he's got time for a break. Apart but together.
This kind of overlaps later on with him as SE Saeran pushes away most physical contact outside of parallel play and sitting together. Because SE Saeran is just Unknown after the Secret Ending. They hold onto the same ideals, the only difference is that there's no more elixir and anger to drive his ideals.
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cary-elwes · 3 days
Some people think when someone gains weight that automatically means that they become ugly, which is completely ignorant.
Even with his weight gain, he was still a very handsome man, and it showed with how he treated people. He was still treating people with the utmost respect, and to me, that is the hottest thing about someone.
And we don't know what he may have been going through. He became a father and it was probably stressful, or maybe he just gained weight just because. The point was that he is the same person, and he is the same man we all loved in the Princess Bride. The fact that someone would say that is extremely distasteful. Because at the end of the day, it isn't the weight that makes the person, but who they are on the inside.
Nobody should be judged based on their weight and how it shows, and I am not someone who understands how it feels to be made fun of for their weight, but I have seen how it can hurt someone because it is out of their control. We as people need to be better and more accepting, even with our favorite celebrities. ❤️
Exactly!!!! I don't understand and never will that there are people out there who think that way. I get however that different people have different preferences BUT telling someone they're ugly now because they gained weight is hurtful and stupid! I have had my own share of experiences as a chubby person and I can tell you that it really does break you. Especially when you feel left out in school because 'people don't wanna be around the fat kid' or later in life getting ditched when you've gained weight is really doing things with your soul (It also lead me to ED and other mental health problems). I cannot help that my body will never be completely skinny, that's just the way I am. That was also the reason this article mentioning Cary having aged badly and being fat / unattractive now got me all heated up and made me so angry yesterday. Saying this to/about a person is the worst thing someone can do. I don't know him personally so I cannot tell wether or not the weight gaining was due stress or something else (I can however imagine that having a kid can cause you to eat easier and quick to prepare meals which can lead to weight gain). But I personally think and I think many of us do, is that the chub looked extremely gorgeous on him (I think he even looks healther chubby). I MEAN LOOK AT HIM:
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Like you said, whatever he looks like either chubby or skinny, his character and his heart won't change. It doesn't matter what he looks like because his soul and heart will always be the same. Thank you for the ask, it means a lot that you think that way, I wish everyone would think that way so we can finally bury fatphobia once and for all!
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bloodbathfortwo · 2 months
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Nigel and Alex have their rare moments of intimacy behind closed doors. Lingering touches, and blazing warmth.
#murderous intent#like minds 2006#like minds#alex forbes#nigel colbie#Nigel Colbie x Alex Forbes#Alex Forbes X Nigel Colbie#Nigel and Alex rarely do PDA in front of people. I guess I headcanon them as a very closed doors of a couple.#Though there are instances where they get asked frequently — from either of the two — if they're single.#And I'm guessing we all believe that NIGEL is the easiest one to get jealous out of the twn#So Alex is usually the one who initiates the contact to stray away from fruther queries of the nature of their “relationship”#When in reality Alex and Nigel have known each other for whay seems like forever. They have been interlinked since the beginning of times.#Only to have been separated by God himself for he has seen how much influential and treacherous their love is.#It is twisted yet familiar. It is distant yet so near. It is theirs and no one else's.#So#when they get home that's where Nigel gets all touchy towards Alex. Almost as if he's putting a claim on what is HIS.#Alex usually calls him crazy for ever thinking that questions like that will ever be followed by being asked out on a daye#But Nigel protests because he does KNOW. Everyone is a moth to a flame when it comes to Alex. Just like how Nigel is.#Until now. He is burning up with passion as he continues to fly towards Alex's warmth.#So. Alex just usually shuts him up with a tender loving kiss.#And he's glad he knows Nigel's weaknesses. Or else he's stuck with this tempermental cat.#Don't worry. Alex loves Nigel truly. He always did.#THAT IS ALL.
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sukugo · 2 months
sukuna and gojo use binding vows for sex, taking things like orgasm denials or touch deprivation steps further, where the other is contractually bound to not be able to do certain things, like touch themselves or touch the other etc etc 
one such instance being a vow where gojo has a vibrator up his ass, but he can't touch himself or remove it, until sukuna specifically, pulls it out.  
he keeps the vibe in throughout the day, with sukuna controlling it remotely, even as they both go throughout their separate days.  
gojo goes to have his usual breakfast, and meets yuuji at the dining room, they greet and sit next to each other. yuuji is, as always, energetic and excited to see him 
they make conversation, until gojo gives a jolt and starts twitching and huffing. sukuna has turned the vibrator up all the way. yuuji worries and panics and asks him what's wrong. gojo gives a breathy laugh and reassures him. he motions low and tells yuuji about the vibrator inside him, through sudden jolts and soft whimpers.  
satoru complains about it, and yuuji advices to remove it or go and take care of himself.  
except gojo states that he can’t and yuuji puzzles.  
"it's... a pact—mmh!" 
"a pact???" yuuji's voice rises in volume, but he visibly calms, shoulders dropping into a fond sigh. "sensei, you really are..." that's all he can manage to say. reprimand is useless. gojo likes it, yuuji is well aware, he is enjoying every second of this, even as he complains.  
gojo gives a few odd jolts, undoubtedly an odd pattern of intensity from the vibe, yuuji can guess. sudden irregular ups and downs that are not taken well by the man.  
satoru clicks his tongue. "what is that guy doing?" he actually looks irritated for a moment—a look yuuji doesn’t get to see often—until it’s broken with a sigh and his pleased, calm demeanor returns, mimicking the soft waves of pleasure across his thighs. 
still, yuuji can see his hands crumpled at his sides, undoubtedly wishing to use them.  
that's when satoru perks flares up all of a sudden.  
"actually, yuuji,” he turns to look at him, grinning. “you can help me" he opens his legs and lifts the edges of his kimono, his dick peeking out the fabric. yuuji gulps at the sight. satoru motions to it, giving yuuji a wordless look. yuuji hesitates for a moment, but complies, taking his hand to the cock, and starts stroking. 
satoru crumbles under the touch, immediately breathing out his nose and muffling moans. he leans into yuuji, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, fingers clasped in yuuji's kimono, nuzzling into his hair and whining in his ear.  
satoru's sounds fluctuate in pitch and volume, making it known when his vibe's gotten stronger. yuuji keeps his pace and satoru spills in his hand. he twitches and sighs, soft breaths against yuuji's flushed ear. 
yuuji stares at the cum in his hand.  
"you can wipe it on me,” satoru tells him with a breath that's calmed much too fast. “my clothes are already soiled anyways". and yuuji feels bad for it, but he obeys nonetheless.  
satoru takes a hand to yuuji's chin and turns his face to him and gives him a kiss. short and sweet.  
"as a reward." he smiles at yuuji. the boy surprises but takes it happily, cheeks warm and eyes softened, albeit a bit timidly. a tinge of disappointment colors the edges of his face. 
"you want more?" satoru brings his face to yuuji's again. the vibrations have reached a slight plateau, so his voice is steadier.  
yuuji’s face widens a bit, but he nervously chuckles, pulling back from gojo's face. "no, it's alright," he lies. "i don't want sukuna to kill me" 
but satoru’s already pulling into him, breathing into his lips. "i won't let him <3"
"that's...actually reassuring......" yuuji’s eyes flutter shut as satoru's lips meet his again.  
and with that, they're kissing and slowly the vibrations and gojo’s twitching start again. satoru moves atop yuuji's lap to straddle him, and while they kiss, yuuji takes his hand between them and jerks him off again. satoru moans and gasps into his mouth, each jolt mirroring the pulses against his prostate.  
they separate for gojo to bury his face in yuuji's shoulders, arms hugging his neck. he humps into yuuji's hand until he comes against him again. 
he pants and huffs atop the boy, catching his breath. yuuji's gentle arms hold him, fingers rubbing slow circles at his back.  
satoru's breathing calms against yuuji’s neck. 
"yuuji, u're such a good boy."  
yuuji's heart and dick swell. 
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