#Why repeat urself
oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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jrueships · 2 months
zesty lowkey just another way for str8 ppl to say faggot / faggy and get away with it
#and im sick of letting them#cus why my lil nephew not even ten yet saying that and 'acting 'zesty' ' with his friends#i hate sounding like a boomer like i value the upside of technology#but u give humans / ANYONE rlly a chance to relax and a lot will turn it into laziness / neglect just because they can#like it's good to spread awareness but it's maybe likeeee. Not a good thing to spread statements/stereotypes with no further explanation#and peddle it to CHILDREN#whose comprehensions skills are. surprise. that of a CHILD'S#i say this ironically. btw#'oh im so mature for my age' no bro ure an immature HUMAN whos being forced to immaturely consider urself mature#due to the nature of ur relationships and homelife (or more-so the lack/negatives of them)#like it's ok to be a little stupid#as long as u keep trying to improve instead of just sitting in fault#or acting like they dont exist#anyways this got off topic but ya. crazy#kids have been killing each other n crazy shit like that but lately the crazy murder stories have HEAVILY leaned into#a misunderstanding of materialism#instead of just 'i wonder what it feels like' it's 'she took my ipad & also i wonder what it feels like'#like the first was already scary enough & now we've got this shit???#empathy is going thru a downside and we need to adjust the scales back!!!#im not gonna act like this is some new never seen b4 onset of fear impacting a generation after mine#bcs it's not never seen before in LIFE.. it's just never been seen b4 in UR life. which can feel like LIFE LIFE bcs like. uve only got one#that u may be cognizant of or etc religion aspect insert here. the point is. history repeats itself. but the points of history#can vary in visibility. some events get more notice than others bcs history's voice is ppl & actions & sometimes that gets erased#this isnt some bastardization point of one generation. but it IS a flaw that can show up in any gen (usually the oncoming ones)#bcs changes can be comfort & discomfort & the one u'd usually consider negative isnt always#anyways what im trying to say is. we need empathy back up period. always. we need empathy#lack of it is concerning. end of argument
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1overbaby · 1 year
Just had a dream and all i heard on repeat was: how am i gonna question myself when i saw it and know i saw it?
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just got done watching this film called frozen (2010) where a trio of idiots get trapped on a ski lift for like three days
shawn ashmore was there and he didn't even win the film. this was more painful and annoying than morbius. 0/10 BAD FILM NEVER AGAIN D:<
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honeytonedhottie · 23 days
starting ur healing journey⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🩹🎀
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healing is so important for us to function and have good quality of life. a lot of the time its easy to brush ur mental and emotional health underneath the rug but its just as important as ur physical health, if not more important. take care of urself…💬🎀
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shadow work is a form of journalling that focuses on confronting our "shadows" or parts of us that we dont know well, to help kind of understand ourselves better, why we respond to certain situations the way we do etc. it rly dives into urself and ur shadows.
HOT TIP ; if u search shadow work prompts on pinterest they have some rly rly good prompts, thats where i get all of my prompts. i also have a couple posts that include shadow work prompts…💬🎀
the most common way i see people do shadow work, and the way i do it, is by using shadow work prompts and choosing a few that resonate with me. i'd answer the prompt in depth and talk about it in my journal. shadow work has helped me heal in so many ways and i highly recommend it if ur thinking about starting to do shadow work every now and then.
recognizing what triggers you and things that u struggle with help you to identify the underlying source. this is called being more aware of urself, so i challenge u to dig deeper into urself and try and find out what the BIG idea is.
some things to take note of when ur trying to identify the deeper reasons for ur behaviors, feelings etc is to look at…💬🎀
♡ what do i value
♡ what do i have the strongest opinions towards
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♡ what is something that i think of all the time/why do i think that all the time
by also looking at ur biggest fears, ur strongest opinions and ur deeply held values u can kind of understand what u value most and where ur insecurities and fears stem from. something that u can also look to is the things that u regret...
first off, understand that u should recognize, reflect and then move on because living in a past moment is stagnant and u can't expect urself to heal if ur doing so. the only thing that u rly can do is heal from it and learn from whatever u regret so much so that then in the future u dont repeat those same things.
practice self compassion!! i swear everyone is so kind to literally everyone EXCEPT for themselves. give urself a break and humanize urself. u can do this by allowing urself to make mistakes and forcing urself out of the shame cycle. you are allowed to make mistakes cuz your human!! stop being so hard on urself.
furthermore remembering to be gentle with urself can cultivate a better relationship with self. acknowledge ur feelings and remember that whatever emotions ur feeling are totally normal and valid. doing things like…💬🎀
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♡ journalling and nurturing urself, ur being gentle with urself and to me thats rly important when embarking on ur self healing journey
♡ practicing forms of self care and grooming - ur showing urself the love that u deserve and that ur worth taking care of and putting in effort for
♡ being mindful of ur health through what u eat, how much u sleep etc
♡ walking away from toxic situations, people etc and protecting ur peace in doing so
♡ getting fresh air everyday and moving ur body
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♡ focus on urself and your needs before focusing on the needs of other people. you first.
lately most of my worries and the thing that has been putting the biggest strain on my mental health is things that i dont have the answer to. and by seeking help from some of my moots and my friends and searching on my own for answers that satisfied my curiosity i feel like i can live yk? cuz im constantly in a state of wondering and asking myself things that ik stress myself out and im working on breaking that cycle…💬🎀
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ayeshascorner · 1 month
Some of my controversial opinions, scroll and fuck off if your sensitive idc
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-Daddy kinks aren't weird, if you find them weird then get off of Tumblr cuz ur ass is gonna have a hard life, or ur just young.
-The teacher/student concept with Tom is hot, the age gaps are too although there's a limit, but overall it shouldn't matter as long as the reader is at least at the adult age, idk I really don't care as long as the fic is good
-The usage of "y/n" makes my face contort nd makes me wanna actually fucking die sometimes (MY OPINION, it reminds me of those tiktok POVs 💀)
-Sw in fanfic is okay, I genuinely dont see a problem with it, supporting it is okay unless its romancing SA or r-word and promoting it in any way (Which it isn't so idk who's ass ppl pulled that out of, u gotta make bank some way) <3
-Rough sex in fanfics doesnt= non con (I think everyone knew this already just making sure cuz some bitches r dumb) (another edit: y’all this doesn’t mean that you can write straight up 🍇 or mentions of 🍇 in your fanfic cuz that just isn’t sane, there’s a damn limit)
-If yall want these toll bitches to go away PLEASE I fucking BEG PLEASE stop mentioning them cuz that motivates them, they are petty as fuck. (ion support toll y'all so dont start- cuz I WILL drag your ass if a get accusations 😻😻 I'm not a weird bitch!)
-When someone posts something u dont like, just scroll, no one actually cares about your comments unless its support, like genuinely shut the fuck up, ESPECIALLY if its at the fic writers, they are giving it to YOU not themselves.
-I feel like some of the ppl complaining about the kid problem on here are kids themselves, I mean.. I can tell some of y'all aren't 17+ nd thats fine unless yk what ur getting urself into..
-If your a little sensitive ass snowflake then Tumblr genuinely isn't the place for you (I've said this multiple times nd ill repeat myself even more)
-"He's a full-grown man with a wife!" Shut ur dumbass up, stupidass hoes mad asf over small shit, like okay and? Ya' think were actually gonna fuck him?💀💀
-"🍇 isn't 🍇 if you like it" Your sick, shut the fuck up.
-"G-Guys I dont like the smut😖" Stfu and get off Tumblr.. Its obviously not the place for you 💋
-Last but not least...💀
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Lets not do this, its genuinely stupid...Like why are we comparing races over a man who doesn't even know who we r? Be so fr.. Gtfo my asks if ur gonna say this 💋
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tellafairy · 17 days
I'm stuck on 2. 😭 - how do I act like it? For example if I want to be able to always manifest instantly?
the key part of manifesting is deciding something is urs and knowing it's urs. that includes acting like it; by this i mean talk like it, even if it's just inside of your head. you have to ignore any feelings of doubt or jealousy. ask yourself; if you have your desires; why would u feel jealous of someone else with the same thing?
i'm going to explain using my own example to maybe make it simpler.
when i was 16, i really wanted to attend a university half way across the country. it was a dream i was set on from the beginning, but i was scared things wouldn't work out — especially when my counsiler told me over and over again that my grades "weren't good enough" and i "didn't meet the requirements". with this, when my senior year came and i turned 17 — i began to completely ignored everything he said. i told myself over and over again that i am attending the university, no ifs ands or buts.
i repeated simple things like "i literally got into the university, is he crazy?" "i'm so excited to move into my dorm room at ___ (insert uni name)" over and over again inside of my head whenever the topic of university was brought up or came to mind.
whenever someone asked me where i'm going for uni, i told them this university. spoke about the uni as their student would. and when filling out my application, i was laughing to myself. "why am i even doing this? i'm already a student at __.. i guess it'll be fun to show other students what an application should look like if they wanna get into __ like me!"
to summarize, i start my first semester at this university in february.
i hope this is a clear explanation, i'm not insanely good at english so my wording may be a bit confusing.. but i tried. i think the key point is you need to just tell yourself. acting like it doesn't necessarily mean it's all you think about, people who have something they want — most likely focus on it every second. there is a difference between obsessing over ur desires (searching for "results" and doubting ur mind) VS being obsessed with ur desire (loving it, being greatful for it, etc etc). obsessing may make it harder to act like its urs. just decide what's urs, tell urself it's urs, act like it's urs, and when the topic comes up — talk like it's urs.
also, you don't "want to be able to manifest quickly"... you already can. you do 24/7. mindset is the goal
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mezsygfs · 19 days
Marauders as things my friends have said pt 2
had a deep dive in our discord dms for this shit. @al1xre as promised. love you tater tot 😽🩷 which friend should I target next.. nani or cece.... I got A LOT on both them mfs
other parts
Barty: YOURE NOT MY MOTHER. but fine.
Marlene: I'm telling Pandora you're being mean
Barty: shape one into a dick
Evan: bro there's children around
Dorcas: well she told me her name and I told her mine??
Barty: ... Congratulations?
Evan: hit the jackpot fr
Dorcas: I'm gonna stop talking to you both
Regulus: I love being the unproblematic bystander
Lily: ew I feel like a mother
Marlene: mommy lily
Lily: no pls I hate that
Mary: what about mother Lily?
Peter: I need help with the personality
James: uhmm.. harsh at first? Smoker definitely
Sirius: has a penis
Remus: HAS A PENIS? 😭
James: everythings possible
Dorcas: lesbians liking men
James: oh yeah. That's not possible.
Sirius: why don't you just fall for a friend?
James: eh idk.. most of em are taken
Sirius: wow ok I'm offended
James: don't you like Remus?
Sirius: still.. thought that counts..
Barty: potter doesn't think I'm scary, right?
Regulus: of course not! He thinks you're terrifying!
Remus: my coffee tastes like sad bean water :((
Sirius: put creamer in it
Remus: oh right I forgot
James: I appreciate you sm I love you
Sirius: I love you more??
James: impossible. I love you more.
Sirius: possible. I love you most.
James: I love you mostest.
Sirius: I love you more than mostest.
James: I love you more than more than mostest.
Sirius: that makes no sense what and you're wrong like its not possible
(Remus and Regulus side eyeing the fuck out of them both)
Evan: oh my gosh we both have siblings.. soulmates fr.
Regulus: i wanna be on your level of delusion
Sirius: how bout Remus turns around and looks at ME like that
James: id look at you like that
Sirius: my life is so boring I need real drama
Peter: id create drama but being involved takes a lot of effort
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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So you know how french people's insult are always outta pocket (from a person who's first language is french I can tell you that no other language compares in insult -apart for African languages)
Like,, some "bad" insult here would be : bitch, fuck off, whore,..
Which we can all agree is boring...
We be getting creative with it
"mange tes mort" wich translates to "eat your dead (relatives)"
"vas te fair enculer" means "go get yourself pegged in the ass"
(yes, we have a specific word for being fucked in the ass 💀)
English could never compare ✨
how would the characters react if reader was from france/ belgium/ canada(or any other french speaking country) and started cursing people out like they eould do in their home countrie !?!?
The eay their face would drop
We would make a couple of people cry
Trying to un-teach them would be hell *cries*
Your thoughts?
Love yaaaa~
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Nobody has any idea how much I HATE ENGLISH both for its rules/pronounciation BS/etc. But also, most importantly, THERES LIKE NO GOOD CUSS WORDS- OR LIKE CUSS PHRASES??
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like idk we got "eat shit and die / fuck off / go fuck yourself" ???? Like- thats pathetic 😟.
I love hearing someone just cuss smbody out their native language/non-english, it’s so badass and cool to see
Anyway u already know i love non-native english speakers from the bottom of my heart✨️
and i researched french cusswords/phrases,,,
“bête comme ses pieds!” IM ROLLING ON THE FLOOR-
(trans: you’re as stupid AS YOUR FEEEEEETT)
idk what’s funnier, you translating urself in real time and saying all these phrases to ppl,
OR just scaring the ever-loving shit out of every teyvat citizen within a mile radius bc oh wow- you look pissed, so yeah somebody’s about to lose all their self-esteem for the rest of their life bc ur insults are known to be extra cutting bc ur so blunt-
OH CREATOR ABOVE (…oh creator, present??)- you changed to your holy language FOR THIS???
everybody just giving the npc the most bombastic side-eye for pushing you to do this,
or even just you stubbing ur toe/ate food when it was too hot
or my favorite, getting onto ppl like Wanderer when they do smth silly lmao
STOP I HAD A FOUL THOUGHT OF GETTING ONTO Ei AND WANDERER (like ei for not keeping him/at least giving him to someone else to raise, then all the shit he did as Scaramouche lol)
“Putain de salope…” (whore of whore, I LIED IT MEANS FUCKING BITCH LMAO😭)
STOPPP wanderer using it against other ppl ever since u used it lol
oh no stop dont bring the kids into thisss 😭😭
Klee would deffo be the first one to pick up ur words and use them, omg she just uses them as catchphrases like when throwing her bombs 💀
Venti would definitely make sure the winds “pass along phrases of the sacred All-God language!”
i hope u guys are having a great summer! its basically too hot to go outside where I am, not unless ur going straight into the water or smth
which hey, ill be doing that this weekend, floating down the river about an hour away from my house with friends! :]
which,,, if anyone sees this, U GOTTA HELP ME THINK OF A 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE THING TO DO IDK WHAT TO DO BUT I WANNA CELEBRATE IT BC I NEVER THOUGHT THATD HAPPEN!! lmk what u think in the comments if u read this!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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donascozylivingroom · 9 months
I think I found a new way of manifesting that involves robotic affirming, the list method and code words.
I thought like a week ago, could we just create one word affirmations? Because our subconscious knows what we are referring to anyways? Like instead of 'i am beautiful" to affirm something like "beautiful", if u know what it means to u.
So yesterday I saw a post someone made about this subject, affirming just one word, so it was a big confirmation, and I thought like why don't I make a list of all my desires and write down the new assumption that every time I think this new code word (any word u decide on, like strawberry, blueberry, anything), it means/I assume my entire list is my now reality.
I wrote my list in affirmation format so I added that every time I think/repeat the code, all affirmations in 'my list' repeat 10.000 times in my subconscious mind.
So imagine saying it super fast while lying in bed for 10 mins? Pretty sure u can get 1000 repetitions in but u shouldn't force urself to, it is already repeating 10k times when u say it once.
Idk I put everything on my list from weight loss to dream life, money, clothes, Pinterest desires etc.
I also put affirmations for my family and like "everything works out in my favor" and they've been bothering me much less in those 24 hrs I've been affirming.
Also lost weight visibly.
I'm a big persistence gal so I am ready to get everything on my list, will update.
I saw here on Tumblr (I'm new to it) about putting the void off the pedestal, well I included affirmations about all my desires being off the pedestal.
I also added happiness, health and most importantly, safety.
But a lot was about my selfish material desires teehe
I won't say my code word, cause it's personal, but if u wanna do this choose something short that resonates and lights u up, that u can easilly link to the list.
The way I did my list is I wrote all my desires in affirmation format but left space at the top to write something along the lines of "every time I affirm this code in my mind it means that all the affs in the following list are already my reality" u can add "no matter how long the list is"
Of course u can affirm "all my wishes come true" and skip the list method but for me it was fun and I like being a bit more in control of what manifests.
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lcvejoy · 1 year
i didn’t know it (at fifteen)
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hs! wilbur soot x gn! reader
tw!: talks of eating and food (this story is not ED coded, i promise. pls eat and drink water and take ur meds and take care of urself and ur body). high school au. fluff?. cocky wilbur. implied mute! reader. so incredibly unoriginal.
word count: 663 words
a/n: this has been sitting in drafts literally since i made this account. if this is liked, i’ll turn it into a lil series. i have ideas for more of this story if y’all like it! if not tho, i’ll literally throw it out the window never to be seen again.
there is a boy in the cafeteria who silently hands you a bright red apple everyday at lunch.
he wears wired framed glasses and a knit sweater, his tall frame walks with a slight hunch in his back, he never makes eye contact with you and you’ve never heard his voice.
he always walks past you afterwards - making his way over to a table crowded with people and taking a seat while placing his white lunch tray in front of him. you watch him as he smiles and talks with each person around that table whilst eating his poorly made and far too expensive school cafeteria lunch.
you aren’t sure why he does this. you’ve never spoken to him before and you don’t share any classes. you don’t know his name and you don’t think he knows yours. and yet, everyday without fail, a bright red apple is placed on the corner of the empty table in the back of the cafeteria where you sit.
sometimes you eat it, sometimes you take a few bites, sometimes you don’t even look at it and throw it out the second the lunch bell rings.
sometimes you study the piece of fruit, most times you study him.
you watch him talk and laugh and smile. you almost envy him - his kindness and seemingly bubbly, outgoing, happy-go-lucky nature.
today is no different.
a hand clutching an apple comes into view as you’re staring down at the table. you don’t look up. you wait the usual 7 seconds it takes for him to reach his table before raising your head.
and once you do, you’re met with wire framed glasses and a knit sweater. you’re not sure how you didn’t notice him take a seat infront of you. he’s looking down at his white tray of food - lasagna with slightly burnt edges, green beans straight from a can, and mashed potatoes that mostly likely were once a powder. he’s silently eating, eyes fixed to his food. you look back down at the apple on the corner of the table. you stare at it, wide-eyed, nervously playing with the sleeves of your sweater.
you’re not sure how much time has passed. “are you gonna eat that?” you look up quickly, startled by the sudden voice. he’s looking at you, one eyebrow raised and a finger pointing down at the untouched fruit. “you really should. you never have a lunch with you. but if you aren’t gonna eat it, i will” he states. you only stare.
he smiles at you kindly, still pointing at the apple as he waits for you to respond.
you shake your head.
“suit yourself” he says, shrugging his shoulders as he reaches over to grab the apple and takes a big bite out of the side.
“i’m wil, by the way” he’s speaking with his mouth full, making his words sound muffled.
you stare for a moment, blinking, before reaching into the backpack behind you and pulling out your notebook. you skip through pages of notes and doodles to find an empty page.
‘y/n’ you write, flipping the notebook so he can read it. he leans forward. “y/n?” he repeats. you nod.
“okay y/n” he says, taking another bite of fruit before speaking again, “why don’t you ever have a lunch?”
you shrug your shoulders, but he remains silent as if waiting for the real answer.
you pull the notebook back towards you - ‘i never have time to pack one’ you write, flipping it towards him again.
he hums in understanding.
“i guess i’ll just have to keep bringing you apples” he states, a cocky smirk adorned on his face.
‘you don’t have to’ you write quickly, making your handwriting appear sloppy and rushed.
“i know” he replies, before the lunch bell blares loudly through the cafeteria and students begin rushing to their next classes.
“see you tomorrow” he smiles, standing up and walking away with his lunch tray in hand.
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
can you please explain how dominant thoughts work and why they are important? some say it's silly to repeat yourself for hours for days because you already know you have it it's like having a phone in your hand and saying "i have a phone in my hand" for hours and days if you have it you don't repeat yourself
okay so a dominant thought is a thought that u have dominantly. and affirming is teaching urself new thoughts/thinking new thoughts. your forming new dominant thoughts and assumptions through repetition. we learn through repetition. and that’s why people repeat their affirmations over and over again till it clicks.
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itgomyway · 1 year
former limiting beliefs i used to hold and how i let them go ♡
(disclaimer: these are based off of my own experience! share yours on your own blog 🥰)
“the 3d HAS to reflect the 4d just understand you have it in your 4d no matter what.” um there is no separation between the 3d and 4d when you are already 1 being (consciousness). theres no need to live in a separate entity known as imagination when its the same as the “3d” anyways. the concepts of “imagination” “physical world” or “3d” are just false forms of consciousness youve made up and personified it as real. they are not. only you are.
“the more you repeat your affirmations the more likely they will come” theres nothing to “do” or say that will bring me my desires since i am everything i already am my desires. the idea of “doing” anything to “get something” outside of me doesnt make sense when its all in me. affirmations can be used to “bring things to your awareness” but understand the affirmations themselves are STILL not bringing you anyway. just making you aware of things.
“dont check the 3d! you’ll be in a state of lack/showing yourself you dont have it!” PLS GIVE ME A BREAK?? why the fuck are you telling urself you are with someone but afraid to check their socials or for their notifications? either date someone u like or you dont think you have it. because lets be honest. if you really were in a relationship with your desired person the idea of “checking the 3d”- which u already claim IS your 4d- shouldnt be an issue. and if it is then something aint right but i wont judge!
“youre in a state of neutrality if you dont care ab not getting your desires and you dont have them” damn yall strict asf. you cant even be indifferent without it meaning something. you either have it or you dont. if im indifférent its bc i have it why stress? fucking decide already
“neville taught ab non dualism!” here we go. then why tf did you misinterpret his words like that and make it sound obnoxious? i believe he did, just like his teacher, teach non dualism (the power of awareness by him is great) but his teachings are a far cry from the nonsense most of you spew in his name. and dont even get me started on how neville used to refer to the law of assumption as the “law of consciousness” but i digress. if you separate yourself or any aspects of being then it isnt non dualism.*
going into my next point “you HAVE to read source to understand!!” i am so glad most of the law of assumption community is breaking free from this mindset cuz you infact do not HAVE to read anything. if you are the operant (main) power doesnt this mean you are your own source? oh i thought so…
“work on your self concept to manifest your sp if you dont have them your sc is shitty” well it wasnt shitty til you told me i had work to do 💀. once again there is NOTHING you need to do but “be”. working on your sc can help u feel better ab yourself for sure but its not required!
for supposedly limitless beings, a lot of yall are very limited. be careful who you get your advice from because personally i wouldnt take after someone whos too scared to text their sp- oops i mean significant other. (disclaimer: once again not bashing loa just the users who can’t decide that they believe and switch every other day. very common on law of assumption twitter!)
if you realize youve been limiting yourself this whole time and now youre like “what now-“ well as ive stated before, theres STILL nothing you need to do. youre not missing anything. this isnt a blog on why you dont have your desires, i cant tell you the answer im not your creator. (you also are everything so you in fact have your desires)
like non dualism, i hope to share this way of life with you as you’re not getting anything so theres no need for limitations. LIVE YOUR LIFE. if someone is advising you to fear your own power then ignore them cuz wtf! life is suppose to be fun not a rule book!
*disclaimer: i have nothing against neville goddard. i really like some of his teachings. however i would never go to one of his living students for advice, ESPECIALLY on twitter. not only do most parrot the same limiting beliefs he himself didnt hold, but most are obnoxious about the topic of the law of assumption. i don’t even “manifest” but if i were trying to and had them to go to I’d probably cry. if you really wish to read “source”, read The Power Of Awareness by Neville Goddard and Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 💜 learn from the teachers themselves FIRST <3
© itgomyway
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tyunkus · 1 year
thinking thoughts on tyun x chubby reader who’s feeling insecure a bit because he works with literal models n idols on the daily n sometimes it’s hard not to start comparing urself, so u fall into a little spiral like that you start shutting down his affection little by little and anything sexual he tries to initiate and he just kind of snaps n gets a bit upset with you ?? eventually just cornering you when you’re fresh out of the shower one evening like you’re really not going to talk to me? and you’re staring down at literally anything but those big, dark eyes, lip quivering and when he sees it he softens immediately: i need you to tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, angel, just let me in and i can help, and when he realises why ur so distant he swears his heart breaks immediately because how can his perfect princess ever see herself as anything but breathtakingly gorgeous n he just coaxes you onto the bed with him to talk it out, get it off ur chest, let you let it all out before he ever tries to touch you in that way. n when you fall asleep from exhaustion after such a hard talk, he can’t blame you, can he? but you look so fucking cute in that fluffy robe, slipping off your pretty shoulders while you huff out steady breaths against his shoulder, the smell of your shampoo driving him crazy even more than normal after days of barely any physical contact with you. he’s so hard for you, but trying so fucking hard to just let you rest but when you shift positions slightly and unknowingly rub up against his bulge in the process, he knows he’s done for, a groan slipping out as his hips seem to chase after you for any kind of friction at all like they have a mind of their own. n u blink up at him sleepily, slowly, tae? what’s wrong? and he has you flipped on your back so fast, begging you to let him touch his princess again, see how hard you’ve got him, how could you ever think you’re any less than fucking delectable, a goddess. takes his time with you and showers you in so much praise that you’re clenching around his tongue so quickly, n he’s warning you gently to repeat after him if you want to cum, like he’d ever really deny his sweet girl her orgasm, especially now. n when you obey he swears he could come from your stutters of, o-okay, okay, i’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, please tae, i need to- alone, n he was really just happy to get to taste you again and see your blissed out face after so long, just wants to make his baby feel good, feel pretty, but you surprise him by welcoming him inside again, too, your walls hugging him so good n tight and your soft curves surrounding his hard muscle so deliciously and. well. expect to be fucked so sweetly but filthily, warning you he’ll only fill you up if you never shut him out like that again, that you’ll come to him when you feel that way, n with his cock dragging against ur walls so good he knows you can’t do anything but agree, p-promise, tae, ‘m sorry, and he smiles that little satisfied smile and leans down to kiss your clammy temple, murmuring that it’s okay now, baby. all you need to do now is let me make you feel good, hm?
erm. maybe i got carried away …. SORRY ‼️
i just passed out GOD ANON CAN WE KISS UR BRAIN IS SO SEXY the way you should just make an account to write ur own stuff if u havent already LIKE ? THIS IS SO GOOD?? HELLO??? i dont even know if i can add much to this but..
just thinking about taehyun being so desperately horny for you drives me insanesjkhs. breath getting heavier, skin growing hot just seeing you and your perfect face and body. he loves you so much n his favorite way of letting you know that is by fucking you and showering you with affection at the same time. we all know how clingy he is, so not being able to touch you for so long has driven him to the edge, and seeing you like this and getting to be close to you like this just. melts his brain into mush. your hips rubbing against his clothed cock and all he can smell is your shampoo and conditioner and he can feel the warmth radiating from your skin like can you even blame him when he flips you over n immediately buries his face in your neck 😭 starts groaning into your skin, breathing in more of you, fuck, princess, you gotta let me touch you, please let me fuck you, wanna take care of you, want it so fuh- fucking bad, can't fucking do this to me- and you're gasping for breath while he sucks and bites at your neck, throat, collarbones..
sometimes sex with taehyun is SO devastating only because he gets you worked up just with his dirty talk... makes sure to describe every little thing hes thinking and feeling, hes so good with his words its sometimes frustrating LOL like there is no reason for that man to be breathing heavily against ur jaw and asking you if you like how hard his cock feels against you, scolding you for being mean, keeping him away from your delicious body for so long. taehyun making you wet with his words and also his tongue, so warm against ur pussy, hes honestly just making out with it at this point, spitting on it then licking it up again FUCK!!!! "you wanna come, princess?" he says, voice muffled from your hot cunt, n youre mewling and nodding down at him, cant even think straight, "'peat after me, i'm a pretty girl, prettiest fucking girl ever, got a perfect cunt for me to eat and fuck and-" all the while you're sobbing n bucking ur hips up into his mouth he feels so good.
AND WHEN HE ACTUALLY FUCKS YOU GHDFUHDFKV. his hands are all over you, roaming your soft skin n curves, n hes kissing you all over... calling you his beautiful, perfect, sweet girl.. tells you that if you want him to cum inside you're gonna have to ask nicely and apologize.. fuck, you're so mean for making him wait, do you even know how torturous it was to go even a day without fucking you? what a mean girlfriend he has, you have to make it up to him now!!! smiles so brightly at you after you apologize, makes you pinky-promise while he's guts deep inside of u that you'll never shut him out again :( n then hes back to pumping his perfect cock inside of you until you come :((( UGUGHKJSHDFSJFKHDSJKFNSDKJFHNSKM
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weabooweedwitch · 11 months
Most women your age are getting married and starting their families and you've never even had a bf 🤡 it's so over for you better get used to coping with ur crippling loneliness with maladaptive daydreaming, yandere asmr videos, drugs and self-insert fanfic because that's all you'll ever have now. Your youth is gone and you're still fat af even after you lost weight (probably gained it all back by now lmao). You could have made something of urself whem you were 20 by losing weight and going to college but instead you laid around and wasted all of your youth and now it's too late. No man will ever want to deal with your baggage of being poor, old, unwanted, uneducated (lmao how do I have more education than you and I'm 10 years younger? dumbass doesnt even have her GED), cringey age-inappropriate hobbies, mentally ill and not even having the decency to go to therapy and take meds, fat, ugly face, loser and loner with no irl friends, crazy family, looking old for your age, whored yourself out on a sugar daddy website, rotten teeth due to your own laziness, thinning frizzy hair and gross bulky glasses, drug addicted alcoholic who's probably going to be homeless for the majority of her life, mean person attacking minor aged rape victims like jesus christ you're so fucking worthless SO many red flags so much baggage no-one will ever want to deal with that. You don't even know how worthless you are
You know, every time you send me a message like this, I think of the person from your friend group who came forward a while back. You know, the one you don't like to acknowledge tried to apologize on your behalf. Anyways, every time you insult my appearance I just think of what your friend said
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So i get it sweetie, youre mad at mommy and daddy and you're lashing out. That's why half the time you're repeating things i previously said back to me and parroting shallow insults with a very small vocabulary. The second i call you fatherless, you call me fatherless. I use thw word maladaptive and, suddenly you know that word too and juat HAVE to use it as well. I get it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You're honestly just making yourself look so pitiable. You realize you've already painted yourself as such a dumb jackass that every single time you do this I basically just laugh and ignore you, and then people who know me and are friends or WANT TO be friends with me see how you treat me publicly and they all say "yeah wow who's this absolutely demonic little cunt acting like this without any reason". Like. What is the end goal here. Making yourself look as petty and stupid as possible. Meanwhile, what did someone else in your friend group say? The ones you lied to? Including Callie, the actual victim whose trauma you're basically trying to appropriate for yourself
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Anyways yeah I just wanted to like show you the actual screenshots of the conversation I had with your friend back in June, which also to everyone else, yeah June, that's when she lied to her own friends and said she would stop doing this. She lied to her friends because all of them told her this was making them massively uncomfortable, so now she's. Being an internet troll in secret behind their backs 😂 they were going to tattle on you to your mom so you lied so they wouldn't check tumblr anymore because you're such a weird angry little freak that this has become a hobby for you
I'm sad? I'M sad? I don't even know your fucking name meanwhile you've scrolled through all of my blogs repeatedly for months cataloging details about me for the sheer purpose of trying to poorly insult me.
Like genuinely 90% of the reason I'm answering this is to basically wave a flag saying "hey everyone if you've ever seen or received weird asks of photoshopped porn of me or pictures of my actual family taken from their facebooks or saw the transphobic racist fake dating profile she made with one of my selfies or you ever received a bitch lasagna or Zalgo text, it was this cringey little lolcow right here"
But I also wanted to show you screenshot proof that you make your own friends super uncomfortable and that they started talking about your personal business to defend me over you. So. Yeah I guess that stings huh?
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super-paper · 1 year
what context did bnha mean by "fantasy becomes reality?" how is it used in the story
Hmm?  This question is kinda broad, so I'm not really sure how to go about answering it, but.............
I do talk a bit about how MVA plays with the idea of fantasy vs reality + how the league all noticeably use "masks/villain identities" and "fantasy" as a coping mechanism in this post, and I talk a whole lot about how MHA itself plays w/ these concepts in this post.
Other than that-- There are like, three or four BIG lines in the first chapter that firmly establish what the core ideas of the series are, and the "fantasy became reality" line is one of them:
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“Fantasy Became Reality!” <- The "establishing line" of the series. Izuku uses this line to establish what sort of world they live in (a world that has become "just like a comic book"), and he later repeats this line when All Might becomes the first person to validate his "fantasy" about becoming a hero while offering to make that fantasy into a reality. It sets the tone for the type of series MHA is. AFO later repeats this line during Izuku's OFAFO dream, where he witnesses AFO forcing a quirk/"role" on Yoichi-- The entire scene depicts AFO acting as a dark echo to both Izuku and chapter one of the series, taking the idea of "fantasy becoming reality" it to its darkest possible conclusion and showing us how people ACTUALLY reacted to this concept. This is the chapter that cements why AFO is the main villain of mha, with AFO using MHA's establishing line to instead ask the readers: If reality is now fantasy, and a fantasy is something that's written.... then who gets to be the author of that story? :) (he then proceeded to write the worst, most self indulgent Captain Hero x Demon Lord self-insert fanfic the world has ever seen. boo this man.)
"You looked like you needed saving." <- The heart of the series.
“You CAN become a hero.” <- The point of the series.
And I'll throw the opening line in as a bonus:   4. “People are not born equal—that's the hard lesson I learned at age four. But that was my first and last set back.” (<- i'm including this one bc so many people cite the first part of this line as evidence that the series is about how “life isn’t fair + some people are just dealt a bad hand and there's nothing you can do about it + you can’t save everyone, actually”..... while completely omitting the second part, which establishes that the first part of the line is just that: a setback that can be overcome, not an ironclad rule that chains people in one place. Like sorry, but MHA is all about PLUS ULTRA + GO BEYOND + BELIEVE IN THE U THAT BELIEVES IN URSELF + ETC. It is NOT a fatalistic, nihilistic, pessimistic series. )
Back on topic!
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There is smthing wrong with him ❤ (part 538 of ???)
MHA's relationship with fiction as a concept or w/e is baked into the story on practically every level-- it's both a love letter to and a deconstruction of the art of telling stories, of comic books, and of the conventional expectations people have of "fiction" and "hero/villain" stories. MHA understands the value of fantasy in saving/inspiring others while also exploring what drives people to use fantasy as an escape from reality. Understanding how MHA plays with these ideas is fairly integral to understanding what's going on with Tomura/AFO.
Like, there's really no way to summarize it briefly, but here are some of the other ways MHA utilizes these concepts:
The idea of "Heroes" and "Villains" being exaggerated alter egos or "roles" that might not be a 1:1 reflection of who that person truly is. Tomura, Endeavor, All Might, and AFO are all big examples of this.
The concept of defying fate (i.e. the narrative/author) and breaking free from the villain/hero/mentor archetypes also plays heavily into Tomura, Izuku, and Toshinori's respective arcs. "The mentor dies once he completes his role so his protege can take up his mantle" isn't anything unique, ya'll-- it's a classic and wildly popular trope. Toshi's arc is about breaking free from the constraints of "the mentor role" and expectations of that particular narrative, and shaping his own fate while wrenching his story away from a particularly malicious author (i.e. AFO). side note: AFO getting curb-stomped by a "character" he helped create and having them basically call his writing shit right to his face will never not be funny btw-- let's go three for three, Tomura.......!!!!!!!!!
Izuku is trying to break free from the narrative of "the hero killing the villain at the end of the story" and outright rejects AFO's idea of a "happy ending" (that is, an ending where Tomura disappears and AFO gets to keep wearing his skin as a cool villain costume).
Meanwhile, Tomura is trying to force the whole story to perma end 😬. Which is like, fair enough, bc he's the character who has been hurt by "fantasy" more than anyone else and he's completely over it at this point-- but destroying that fantasy means losing himself in the fantasy of being "Shigaraki Tomura", which implies that he is going to destroy himself in the process of tearing the story apart. Not a good thing. Treat him gently, Izuku.
Also, here are some choice panels/excerpts that I feel emphasize MHA's relationship with fantasy and the above bulletpoints:
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the absolute state of the mha fandom lmfaoooooo
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iirc the anime also has a neat scene where they include a sort of "television suddenly being turned off" effect to emphasize when AFO completely takes over Tomura's body during the PLW-- you can see part of it in this video, around the 8:36 mark. I gotta give Bones credit where it's due-- it's a really fuckin' cool way of emphasizing what exactly AFO is doing to Tomura + how AFO is treating Tomura as more of a fictional construct than an actual person:
Tomura: sensei you don't get to be a voice in my head you lost to all might like a punk bitch and I'M gonna be the one to surpass YOU 😤
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tbf if i had the power to permanently mute the mouthy little teenager who keeps bringing up my Ex and our embarrassing break up, I would also abuse tf outta it. That and the boyish appreciation for eldritch body horror is where I draw the line at relating to AFO, tho.
----- Anyway!
MHA's premise basically asks: “wow, what if fantasy suddenly became reality? what if we started treating reality like it's a comic book? what if.... we started treating actual people like they were comic book characters? what if we implemented a system of justice that's ripped straight from the pages of a comic book WHILE treating actual people like they're comic characters?? :D wouldn't that be wild ha ha”-- and after that question has been popped in the most deceptively flippant way possible, Hori spends the rest of the story holding his readers in place with a white-knuckled grip while fixing them with an unblinking stare as the entire concept just gets more and more (VERY INTENTIONALLY) uncomfortable lmfao.
At any rate, sorry if this doesn't answer much-- but like I said, the topic is a broad one bc the way MHA plays with the concept of fiction/fantasy is baked so deeply into every aspect of its narrative that like....... it's impossible for someone like me to summarize it succinctly. It's just one of the foundational aspects of the story!👍
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