#after the rain fanfic
eponastory · 2 months
Yeah... don't make Katara angry...
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Seriously... don't. And then she has Zuko to back her up on this too.
Sokka is like 'wait who is this woman?'
Toph is probably smiling like an insane person
Suki is slightly in shock, but not because she knows what Katara is capable of...
And Zuko is just letting it happen in front of all his advisors like 'yeah, don't cross my girl she can handle herself'
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strawberryspence · 2 years
It's raining. It's raining and it's still the best day of Steve Harrington's life.
The Party is scrambling their way into the house, formal clothes getting wet from the sudden down pour. Joyce and Hopper are herding the grandkids into the bathroom so they won't get sick from the rain. Nancy and Jon are checking if no one left anything important in the backyard. Robin's checking the foods. The rest are scattered trying to dry themselves.
Steve's just sitting in the couch, Dustin ushered him into the couch when the rain started, making him promise that he won't move because it's their special day. He can watch the rain gliding down the big window of their home, like crystals falling from the sky, as the pitter patter of the rain calms his nerves. He takes off his blazer, his shoes and socks next, both wet from the rain and mud.
"My dear." Steve looks up from loosening his tie. Eddie's looming over him, two cups of coffee in hand.
"Don't call me my dear. That's what my mom calls my dad when she's annoyed." Eddie snorts, handing him one of the cups.
The couch is huge, Steve made sure it was so it would fit all of them, but Eddie sits next to him, leaving no space between the two of them. Steve sets down the mug on the coffee table.
"Well, what do you want me to call you then?" Eddie asks, hiding a smile behind his cup. He's wearing a white button down, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, the denim jacket he insisted on wearing long gone.
Steve pushes even closer to him, getting a whiff of his familiar cologne, humming as he feigns thinking, "Stevie for everyday, sweetheart for special days, baby on special occasions."
Eddie snorts, but his eyes are full of fondness and adoration for the man beside him, "And when I am annoyed? Should I call you Mr. Munson?"
Steve shakes his head, smile growing on his face, "You may only call me Mr. Munson when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy."
Eddie's whole face lights up as he smiles, he sets down the mug on the coffee table to cup Steve's face in his hands. Steve instinctively melting into the touch.
"Mr. Munson." Eddie kisses his left cheek.
"Mr. Munson." Eddie kisses his right cheek.
"Mr. Munson." His nose.
"Mr. Munson." His forehead.
Eddie beams at him, letting his forehead fall on Steve's forehead, smile all toothy and big and Steve wonders if they'll end up hurting their jaws by the end of the day.
"And how are you on our rainy, wedding day, Mr. Munson?"
Eddie's smiling as he kisses Steve on the lips, their teeth clashing together but Steve couldn't give a damn. He's kissing his husband.
"Very well, Mr. Munson."
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justrandomghoul · 20 days
Swiss x Dewdrop: I Would Never, Ever Hurt You
The post that started it all
Angst, hurt/comfort
I made some changes to the original idea, but the idea somewhat stayed the same.
Dewdrop is struggling with the changes of his new element and packmates.
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Dewdrop hid at his sanctuary, the ministry's roof, where he could be alone and not be bothered by anyone. He had been going there almost every night ever since his elemental transition. Mountain and Aether had been treating him as if he were a ghost that they couldn't see haunting the halls of the place they once called home. It no longer felt like home since their packmates were banished to the pits and the loss of their Papa.
He felt like he had no other choice: either accept the transition or have his mates be banished...or worse. Dewdrop couldn't bring himself to finish that thought. Despite his sacrifice and weeks of agony, his mates treated him with such coldness. After he recovered, he went into the greenhouse to talk to Mountain and help out like he used to as a water ghoul. Mountain screamed at him to get out and that Dewdrop would set the place ablaze. Dewdrop burst into tears and quickly fled the greenhouse, seeking refuge in his room for the remainder of the day.
Aether also behaved differently; he wouldn't raise his voice at Dewdrop, but he acted as if Dewdrop had died and that Aether was in mourning despite Dewdrop standing next to him. As they did the dishes, he told Dewdrop that he wished Dewdrop hadn't made it and that the fire ghoul was just the shell of the one he used to love. It devastated Dewdrop. He was alive and right next to his mate, but his mate refused to believe that his mate was right there. Aether would watch the fire ghoul with such sadness and devastation that it would make a vengeful spirit weep.
The Cardinal showed kindness to the newly transitioned fire ghoul. He had been taking care of him like his packmates should. The Cardinal saw to it that Dewdrop was well-fed and that his room was kept at a cold temperature to prevent Dewdrop from overheating himself. He also insisted that Dewdrop called him 'Copia' and not by his title since "they are going to work together after all". After Dewdrop finally confided in Copia about the treatment he had been receiving from his mates, Copia berated Mountain and Aether for the treatment of their packmate, who went through weeks of agony for them.
Then the Summoning took place. Sister Imperator ordered the Cardinal to summon a new water ghoul and two air ghouls. Dewdrop watched as they summoned a water ghoul. When the water ghoul appeared, it made Dewdrop ache. The water ghoul was perfect, not a single imperfection on him. He introduced himself as 'Rain' to his future packmates. Dewdrop didn't hate Rain, but the ghoul before him unknowingly triggered a sadness of who he used to be. He used to be beautiful, and now everything he used to be was burned away. Then the air ghouletts were summoned. They were mated and protective of each other. The way they refused to leave each other's embrace made Dewdrop smile; it was sweet in a weird way to watch. They introduced each other as 'Cirius' and 'Cumulus'.
But then something unexpected happened. Out of nowhere, the portal opened again and revealed a multi-ghoul. He trailed not far behind the ghouletts, essentially hitching a ride. A multi-ghoul was extremely rare to encounter, and summoning one was even more so. Dewdrop froze as the multi-ghoul turned his gaze to him, his warm brown eyes reflecting what made Dewdrop feel vulnerable, but didn't feel threatened. The multi-ghoul introduced himself as 'Swiss' and was welcomed with open arms.
After the new arrivals settled in, Dewdrop observed from the sidelines as they interacted with Mountain and Aether, leaving the fire ghoul to himself. He got the hint that he wasn't welcome and left the den feeling dejected. Every day, Dewdrop saw how everyone interacted with one another as if they had been packmates for a long time. They treated Dewdrop as if he wasn't there or that they forgot about him. It caught the attention of Swiss. He saw how lonely the fire ghoul was and how the pack treated him. It made him furious, and from that point on, he swore to himself that he would protect Dewdrop and make sure that he felt loved.
It started as something small, such as helping Dewdrop when he was left to do the dishes. Dewdrop was silent as he cleaned a plate; his long hair hid his face. Swiss wordlessly grabbed a towel and started drying the dishes that Dewdrop had cleaned. Dewdrop turned and looked up at Swiss in surprise. Swiss turned and looked at Dewdrop before smiling at him and continued drying the dish. Dewdrop was silently thankful for his help, but didn't understand why Swiss bothered.
Since then, Swiss began to assist Dewdrop whenever possible. He wordlessly helped the smaller ghoul carry equipment, helped him with his daily tasks that would take the fire ghoul too long to complete, and included him with whatever leisurely thing the pack was doing after a long day of practice and chores. Mountain and Aether continued to distance themselves from Dewdrop, even going as far as protecting Rain from him, despite Dewdrop having no ill feelings towards the water ghoul. After weeks of neglect from Mountain and Aether, Dewdrop gave up and decided to protect his heart from being broken again.
He was so tired of being ignored and sometimes being yelled at by those who used to love him, which is why he took refuge at his sanctuary, a place where no one could hurt him. Feeling utterly defeated, Dewdrop lowered his head and hugged his knees to his chest. The ghosts of his pack plagued his broken mind and heart. He longed for Ifrit's fearless nature and tender heart, yearned for Zephyr's gentle voice and embraces, and most of all, he missed the love Mountain and Aether used to have for him. What he did for them, he did out of love, but they were too overwhelmed by grief and anger to see that.
Dewdrop was about to allow himself to cry when he felt someone behind him, causing him to gasp and turn his head to the presence. He turned and saw Swiss standing hesitantly in front of the window Dewdrop climbed through.
Swiss smiled as he spoke apologetically, "I apologize for disturbing you. I had no idea you were here. I heard that we can see the stars more clearly this time of the year, and I wanted to see them for myself." He hesitated before speaking up again. "Would it be alright if I joined you?"
Dewdrop smiled half-heartedly and patted at a spot next to him. "I wouldn't mind at all."
Swiss grinned and sat down next to the fire ghoul, barely touching him. Dewdrop avoided the multi-ghoul's gaze by looking down at the weather-worn tiles. He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't want to be close to Swiss.
Swiss must've felt Dewdrop's uneasiness, because he politely looked away to look up at the stars. He spoke in wonder, "It's so beautiful up here. You could get lost just by trying to find a single constellation." He turned to look at Dewdrop who refused to look up. "I could get lost finding you."
Dewdrop turned to look at Swiss. His expression betrayed the confusion and vulnerability he felt.
Swiss looked back at Dewdrop before continuing, "You're as bright and beautiful as the North Star."
Dewdrop blushed and looked away. "You have no idea what you're talking about." He insisted.
Swiss dared himself before moving a bit closer to him without touching him. He smiled as he spoke, "I may be new, but I've been around and I know beauty when I see it."
Dewdrop felt tempted to stand up and leave, but couldn't bring himself to, as he felt the multi-ghoul's genuineness and decided to hear him out. He barely spoke above a whisper as he spoke, "If you saw who I used to be, you wouldn't be saying that."
Swiss frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Dewdrop couldn't meet his gaze and decided to look at Swiss's shoes to avoid his eyes as he spoke. "I'm not who I used to be. I used to be beautiful...like Rain." He shakily took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not a fire-born. I used to be a water ghoul. I used to be beautiful. They decided that I wasn't good enough and that I had to meet their expectations. They took away our pack and I sacrificed myself to keep Mountain and Aether safe."
He wiped a tear away before continuing, "I gave up myself to save them and in return, they act like I died...they act like I'm not here." He sounded defeated. "They would rather mourn who I used to be rather than to accept what I've become."
Swiss hesitated before gently placing his hand on top of the smaller ghoul's. Dewdrop couldn't bring himself to pull away; he missed the gentle comfort. When Swiss saw that Dewdrop didn't reject him, he gently ran his thumb across Dewdrop's knuckles to comfort him. "You changed elements? I-I didn't think that was possible. How...did it..."
Dewdrop sounded pained as he spoke. "It was painful. I felt like I was dying and I guess a part of me did. I had no choice, I had to do it to save them. We had already lost so much and I couldn't bear to lose anyone else. I did what I had to do...and I guess they resent me for it."
Swiss was too horrified to say anything. He had a feeling that something happened that caused a shift in the pack dynamic, but he had no idea of the pain the fire ghoul went through to protect the pack. He wanted to throw punches at Mountain and Aether. How dare they treat their pack member like that after all he did for them to keep them safe? How dare they add more pain? Swiss anchored himself to not lose himself in his anger.
Dewdrop touched his neck where his gills used to be. The black lines that now adorn his neck. Swiss's eyes watered as he saw the scars he never noticed before. He wanted to kiss them away. Dewdrop saw that Swiss was looking at the scars. He shrugged nonchalantly.
"I know, it's not a pretty sight to see."
Swiss slowly raised his hand, checking to see if Dewdrop would pull away. When Dewdrop gave no indication that he objected to his touch, Swiss gently tucked Dewdrop's hair away from his face behind his ear and caressed his cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from the ghoul. He couldn't bring himself to speak above a whisper, as if he feared that if he spoke any louder, Dewdrop would vanish. "You're beautiful."
Dewdrop's expression turned into shock. He couldn't bring himself to speak.
Swiss took his silence as permission to continue. "You're as beautiful as the morning sun."
He couldn't bring himself to speak above a whisper. "Like the sun, I burn everything around me."
Swiss slowly leaned closer. "Like the sun, you shine."
Dewdrop slowly leaned in, mirroring Swiss. "Like the sun, I'm painful to look at."
Swiss leaned closer, their lips barely touching. "Like the sun, I embrace your warmth."
Dewdrop closed the remaining distance between them. A soft gasp escaped from his lips as they kissed. Swiss wrapped his arms protectively around Dewdrop, wanting nothing more than to protect his sun. Dewdrop gently cupped Swiss's face in his hands. The gentle touches felt like small suns. After a few heartbeats, they gently pulled away from their kiss to look into each other's eyes. Swiss's brown eyes started adoringly into Dewdrop's ruby reds.
He spoke softly into his ear. "My sun and stars."
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nikethestatue · 1 year
After the Rain
an Elriel Headcanon
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@fawnandshadows​ happy early birthday present. You know I have no chill and can’t wait. Enjoy!
The first time Elain entered Azriel’s rooms she was drenched after being caught in a rainstorm
It was one of those sudden spring storms that came out of nowhere
She went to the fishmonger by the docks, who always had the freshest fish available, and just as she completed her purchase, the rain started
She was hurrying down the street, the rain pouring over her, making her dress cling to her body (immodestly)
Suddenly, a figure dropped from the skies, landing with an almost silent thud in front of her and a dark leathery wing immediately stretching over her head like an umbrella
“Oh,” was all she could gasp, observing the familiar, if forbidden, towering form in front of her
Wordlessly, as if this was all perfectly normal, Azriel scooped her into his arms, his embrace sure and firm, and they were airborne within seconds, the blessed comfort of his shield stretching over them, raindrops bouncing harmlessly over it
She clung to his neck with one arm, clutching her basket to her chest
Elain wasn’t afraid of flying. Not with Azriel. He was the first one she’d flown with, and the confident, unobtrusive hold of his arms around her body always felt comfortable, all fears forgotten
Surprisingly, he didn’t fly towards the River Estate, but took a turn and headed towards the House of Wind, which, granted, was a lot closer to them right now
She didn’t question him
They never really needed words to understand each other, to share in their closeness and when her cold hand wrapped around the skin of his neck, the thumb gently stroking under his ear was enough. It was permission. Encouragement
He landed on his balcony and opened the tall glass doors for her, ushering her inside
Elain entered, dripping water everywhere, leaving puddles on the floor
Azriel marched ahead of her and disappeared behind another door, leaving her to look around
The bedroom was large, the furnishings simple, but stylish, if impersonal. The bed was enormous, to accommodate the massive wings, and Elain glimpsed a walk-in wardrobe full of dark clothing. It surprised her--that he had so much clothes, and that everything looked kind of the same
“Here,” he re-emerged and handed her a drying cloth. “The bath is hot, if you want to warm up.” He nodded towards the bathing chamber, and felt her cheeks flame with...well, not embarrassment exactly. Perhaps it was more about anticipation and curiosity.
“I...have nothing to wear,” she murmured, taking the drying cloth in her hands, feeling his scarred fingertips brush over her skin
“My tunic is hanging on the door,” he told her, voice quiet. “You can wear that...” He swallowed. “If you want to”
Elain went inside the spacious bathing chamber, complete with an enormous bath and something called a ‘shower’ where water came from a spout. It was an invention that came from Dawn Court, and Elain was aware that Cassian had purchased it and mounted in the bathing chambers for Nesta, so she did not need to take baths anymore
Taking off her sodden dress, she stepped into the tub, finding it hot already. The water was steaming, and she had no idea how Azriel managed to fill it so quickly and make it so hot
However, she wanted to try this shower thing and she stepped under it...
And then nothing happened
The water did not pour over her and she stood there, shivering and disappointed. Oh, and naked, in Azriel’s chambers, no less
She waved her arms beneath the shower head, willing it to turn on, and still, nothing happened. She even poked some knob with her toe, and still, no water came out
Frustrated, she snatched the drying cloth and covered herself with it, before getting out of the tub and marching out of the bathing room, back to the bedroom
“Oh, by the Mother!” she gasped, seeing as Azriel stood in the middle of the room, his torso bare, wearing only a pair of dry soft britches, which males often wore at home here
If she were but a few minutes earlier, she might have seen him...nude
This time, her cheeks were aflame for a different reason. He looked so comfortable like that, so at peace. Seeing him barefoot felt strangely intimate. Which was an odd thought, because she must have lost her mind, coming out here like that, only wrapped in a cloth, naked underneath
He cocked his brow at her and stared at her in confusion. “Is everything alright?” he asked at last, and she did not miss his beautiful hazel eyes skimming over her form, briefly stopping on breasts, and then her soft pale bare thighs
“I...” she was here, and, by golly, she was going to do for it, “I...”
“I want the shower!” she blurted out. “It doesn’t work. I want to try the shower,” she repeated, feeling itchy, hot and cold all at once
He smirked and nodded, as if this was a perfectly normal situation, and then beckoned her to follow him into the bathing room. He showed her the knobs that she had poked before, and turned them, explaining ‘hot, cold. You can adjust it to the temperature you want.”
“Thank you, Azriel,” she whispered when he smiled at her and her impatience
“You are welcome, Elain.”
It was bliss. This shower. Once he left her alone, she stepped under the pouring water and it was so hot, so wonderful, so sublime. For an Illyrian warrior, Azriel had an enviable number of products that lined the shelves of the bath enclosure. Lotions, soaps, shampoos, scrubs...All sorts of things which she ‘borrowed’ liberally. And as she lathered her body with something that smelled divine of cedar, she thought that she’d be smelling like Azriel
And closing her eyes, she thought of his body, the firm, stacked muscles of his abdomen, the wide span of his shoulders, the oily spill of his tattoos upon his dark golden skin, the delectable V that disappeared into his britches and pointed right at his...
She showered for a good 40 minutes and even then, turned it off reluctantly. What she wouldn’t give to have this at home! 
Whatever that was nowadays. A place in her sister’s home. A set of rooms
The tunic was soft, well-worn, smelling of the same cedar fragrance, which made Elain pull the air deep into her lungs. It was big on her, obviously, and yet, when she came out of the bathing room, she never felt more exposed
The hazel eyes dropped to her bare milky thighs again
“Warmed up?” he asked, watching her, that hungry, warm gaze sliding up and down her body shamelessly
Azriel looked at peace, long legs stretched in front of him, crossed at the ankles, while his wings stretched behind him, looming imposingly over them
By the Cauldron! He was big.
Such large wings
“Yes, thank you,” she tugged on the hem of the tunic, watching him lounge in a large armchair, papers scattered at his feet. “It was amazing!”
“You look good in my clothes,” he noted absently, his eyes devouring her, her long hair, her bare legs
“What? he shrugged and then waved his hand and at once, her hair dried. The water just...evaporated
She gasped in awe and squeezed the ends instinctively, only now noticing the the puddles on the floor were also gone
“You can do this?” she demanded
“I can do all kinds of things,” he smirked
“But then...you could’ve just dried me up,” he told him, crossing her arms on her chest, glaring at him
“I could’ve,” he agreed, not looking put off in the least, “but then, you wouldn’t have discovered the joys of a shower. And you wouldn’t have been wearing my tunic right now”
She didn’t have an answer for that, other than her heated cheeks
Wordlessly, she looked around the room, the mantle of the fireplace bare. She rounded the bed, feeling his gaze upon her at all times, like he couldn’t get enough of her
She finally stopped and looked at the bedside table.
A glass vial. A little packet. A ribbon. A dried flower. And a sketch. 
The headache powder that she had gifted him two Solstices ago. The little pouch that contained the ear plugs that she gave him last Solstice. When everything happened. A ribbon. For her hair. Her ribbon. A dried rose which she had stuck into his lapel last Summer Solstice, when he’d won a pie eating contest. And a sketch--of her face.  A framed one, done in pencil. Not a very good sketch, but the likeness was undeniable
She turned around and looked at him. His eyes were still on her. Observing. Seeing. Watching everything she was seeing. 
She questioned him with her eyes. This small, private shrine of his, dedicated to her. Tiny tokens of love and affection. That’s all this man had. That’s all he valued. Her. 
“Home is where I am with you”.
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jiang-yanli-s-soup · 2 months
Part ~ 2/2
Hua Cheng had tried to find Xie Lian, running around places to places, forests, mountains, streets, fountains, she couldn't find her.
She knew Xie Lian would be grief stricken, and scared of the monster coming back. But she didn't know her goddess's cultivation had been decreasing since that day and she got weaker each day. Until she turned into a flower garden herself.
The pet white snake she had when she had nothing had become the sole guardian of the garden and had been keeping her safe and hidden from the world. Before turning, Xie Lian had made a little fox out soil, leaves and red flowers, had kept it close to her chest until her last.
The guardian snake, or Ruoye, as Xie Lian called, kept the tiny fox at the hearth of garden, knowing Xie Lian would've want it.
Hua Cheng had passed the garden who knows how many times, sometimes stopped to admire the white flowers, so similar to her goddess, pure and full of sweet fragrance.
Ruoye remembered her eyes, so much like the tiny fox, the longing look and constant ramblings describing a kind beauty. Ruoye still didn't let her enter the garden though, it takes too much effort to trust someone again, therefore created an illusion of a simple bush full of white flowers, but Hua Cheng still came, every day at least once.
It took 800 years of oblivion for Xie Lian to have a form. She opened her eyes, found herself surrounded by white flowers. The first thing Xie Lian noticed that how lone and colorless the flowers are. She wanted to paint them, she wanted them crimson.
Her body is still a bit incorporeal, glowing with faint light. She hugged Ruoye as soon as it jumped on her. But in excitement, Ruoye forgot to recreate the charm over the place. And so, when Hua Cheng came, she had found Xie Lian, her goddess, the one she's been aching for, there, sitting in a garden, painting white flower petals one by one into crimson red, a stark white snake on her lap.
And Hua Cheng...
She cannot describe in words how she was feeling. Centuries, it's been centuries since she'd seen her. She never admitted the absolute fear she had that she had lost her forever. She was so used to just hoping and dreaming that she had forgotten to decide how would she react IF, If she really found her.
And now she had.
She still couldn't be sure if she's only hallucinating or dreaming again. Maybe she is, and she's not brave enough to check if she's wrong.
But she didn't want to lose her only chance.. What if.. What if it is all real?
What if she's really here, the place she's been visiting everyday to take rest, to take a break from all the running, and searching the earth to bits, to reminiscent the days in her arms.
She held back the overwhelming emotions and the tears threatening to flow.
She approached.
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As mentioned, After the End now officially has a cover!
Took me forever and I am immensely happy with how it came out!
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And last but not least, the lovely tree in the back that the fam and their bane is hiding, lol
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Page twelve plus digital counterparts
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
RainCode Possible Planned SickFic MasterList:
It is unknown when I will start writing these nor if I will write them all, but I will try to get some of them done at some point this year! The order also doesn’t matter. This is just a planned list! Nothing here is final aside of the last fic on the list!
Shattered Resolve (A Home Is Where The Heart Is Alternate Ending)-
What if Yuma got worse instead of better? And it shakes Yakou’s resolve to go through with the sacrifice/murder plan that he had in mind?
type: oneshot
Kanai Ward’s Not So Comforting Food-
Yuma gets food poisoning after eating a meat bun. Though his mind forgot, his body KNOWS something is VERY wrong with the food.
type: oneshot
A Sick Day for the NDA-
Sequel fic to Under the Weather; where everyone else in the agency catches Yuma’s cold. And a now healthier Yuma has to care for them all by himself.
type: unknown
I Can Always Rely On You (KokoWendy)-
During an investigation between the Detective and Informant, Yuma gets sick and Kurumi returns him to safety to care for him. But after Yuma gets better, Kurumi catches what Yuma had, and it’s worse. Yuma repays the favor by caring for her. And he finds out he cares a lot more for her than he thought.
type: two-parter/chapter
The Chilled Trainee-
Yuma gets put into an icy fridge for a while by peacekeepers until the NDA comes to his rescue. But by the time they return to base, he starts to suffer from hypothermia. The agency does what they can to keep him warm.
type: unknown
Truth Behind the Mask Under an Unfortunate Circumstance-
AU where Yuma finds out the truth to Makoto’s identity (and everything about Kanai Ward) sooner due to the masked individual collapsing on him from exhaustion, and his mask comes off.
type: oneshot
A Heartwarming Reunion (MakoYuma)- DONE
Postgame Fic where Makoto becomes almost dangerously ill due to overworking with no rest while already being sick. And a more serious Ex.Number One Yuma struggles to try and take care of him. He uses his memories of when the NDA cared for him before to help guide him. Finale Fic to the Sickfics of the Heart Saga.
type: multi-chapter
Note: For the fics I have that include ship names, it will be very platonic/tame as I’m not really into romance as a genre. But it will likely still be sweet enough for shippers to enjoy c:
But yeah this is a list for me to possibly attempt whenever!
Figured I’d at least have these written down.
Lmk which ones interest you or have your attention if you want to c:
(and who knows I may get even more ideas later in the year… xD)
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TW: implied suicide attempt, happened before story set, people are reasonably okay. In related warnings, misuse of medication
(Probably not canon complaint they probably got yeeted IC too but you can't prove it isn't just yet)
They are curled up on the floor of the haunted library, and nobody is really sure what to do. Some bread had been shared around earlier, but all they have is what is on their persons.
Everyone has split off into smaller groups, huddled together whereever there is space. Some of them can be heard talking in low voices, but with the eggs asleep they try to keep it quiet.
Felps is already asleep again, face buried in Pac's back as he clings. Richarlyson has somehow wormed his way between them, while Ramón sleeps sat against a bookshelf. His head has drifted to rest on his father's side, Fit keeping watch as he keeps Pac's head in his lap and plays with his hair. Bagi sits on his other side, Empanada asleep in her lap. Mike thinks she was trying to keep watch as well, but joined her daughter a few minutes ago.
Mike himself is pressed against Pac's front, awkwardly propped up on Fit's knee. It's worth it, though, to be able to curl properly about his best friend. Prison has torn all of their trauma back to light, but Pac...
Fuck, they are so lucky he only managed to steal half a handful of sleeping pills.
"You good, Mike?" Fit tries to keep his voice quiet, but it's still deep enough to carry.
"He's a fucking idiot," Mike says, in lieu of an answer. "I swear, if he pulls this shit again I'll kill him."
Fit's hand shufts from Pac's hair to Mike's, not petting but instead allowing his thumb to rub circles just behind Mike's ear. Mike allows the tension to drain a little.
"We'll work on it," Fit promises. "He's safe for now. We're all safe for now."
With something called a reset and instability? It's not going to last.
Mike tells Fit as much, and gets laughter in return.
"You get used to it," Fit replies, not unkindly but not gently either. "People only trash so many of your bases before you give up on getting attached."
"I know that," Mike snaps back, and maybe it hasn't been bases but he and Pac have lost nearly as many homes as they are years old.
Between the orphanage, and the streets, and a life of crime then being on the run. The island is the first time they've had a home that felt like - maybe - it was theirs to keep, and already it is being torn away.
He should have known better than to hope.
"Hey, hey," Fit taps him for attention. "None of that shit. We've got each other still - between you, me, Pac, and the kids we'll get a house sorted in no time. Sand and concrete isn't much - we can still make that house Pac wanted. Just need to start again."
And Mike... he doesn't know how to say that, after this, he isn't sure Pac is still going to want a house. Maybe it's changed, but what he's always wanted before was a small, dark hole, somewhere hidden and secret and enclosed on all sides. There's comfort in hiding and in anonymity, and fuck knows he'll need the comfort after this.
Mike's comfort is Pac's comfort.
Either way, he doesn't care.
"It'll suck," Mike replies.
"It always does," and Fit sounds so tired. Still he says, "go to sleep, Mike - I'll keep an eye out and we can sort it in the morning."
Mike doesn't think he can, but he sees the out for what it is. He tucks Pac closer to himself - a little awkward for felps and Richarlyson also clinging, and even worse for Fit's knees - and finds his pulse.
It's still in a state of drug-induced slowness.
It's fine, though, Mike knows what it being dangerous would feel llike. They've done that before, and fuck knows it will happen again.
It's also steadily improving; if Mike didn't know what Pac had done, he would think it just the pulse of someone deeply asleep.
Fit doesn't tell Mike its fine, not again. He just keeps watch, and keeps them safe, protecting the group even as Mike protects their Pac.
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Midnight Rain Ch. 1 SNEAK PEEK!
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Here is a sneak Peek at this new installment!! I hope you love it!
Let me know what you think!
“Things are looking great. Strong heartbeat, baby is measuring about a week later than what you are. Still don’t want to know the sex?” you smiled, shaking your head. “Nope, leave it as a surprise for my shower.” you said as Brooke grinned. 
You sent the photo to Chris, ‘28 weeks. Everything looks good. Baby is measuring around 29 weeks. Shower is Sunday at 2pm.’ the message was read but not responded to. “We should get back before sunday.” you told Brooke as she walked in with bags packed. “Jet’s gonna take off in about 30 minutes. We gotta go.” 
“Ah! Do you love it?!” Brooke grinned as you held up the little black leather jacket. “Its so cute!!” you gasped grinning at it. The doorbell rang and then the door opened.
Chris held out a hand as several of his men carried in beautifully wrapped gifts, the room quieted down and everyone watched as he walked over taking a seat amongst all the other women. “Sorry we’re late, my gift wrapper was a little slower today.” he smiled as you glared at him.
Let me know what yall thought!!!!
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eponastory · 3 months
Me writing this fic:
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Stop being stubborn, Zuko! Just kiss the woman already!
Meanwhile, Katara is ready to bloodbend the fuck out of whoever sabotaged her plan.
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justaz · 2 years
the team gets news that keith is coming to visit the castle but they don’t tell lance for whatever reason (thinking lance would be upset or wouldn’t care or just forgetting to tell him) so when keith does show up right before dinner (which lance cooked), lance is in Shock but is also Very Very Happy and just gives keith his plate instead of shorting people on their servings so they all get to eat a full meal and lance uses the excuse on keith that he already ate and was full. somehow keith finds out that’s bs (maybe overhears pidge/hunk calling lance out in an empty kitchen or smth after dinner) and insists on lance eating but there’s little to no food in the castle ship (they have to go shopping, right? like there’s no way the food just appears??) so keith takes lance out to a little planet and buys him dinner and they just talk and catch up and laugh all night and it’s the happiest they’ve been in months which they stay up later that night thinking about
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Here's a smutty one~
Rain Being Fucked by Aether During a Movie, the ghouls are pretending everything's fine meanwhile Dew plus swiss are Making dirty jokes? bonus if Rain is laying on dew's thigh~
anon they're ALL smutty, nothing in my askbox is wholesome rn
needy/wet/desperate rainy coming right up
“Alright” Aether manhandles Rain onto his lap, ass up and face shoved into Dew’s thigh. He’s been teasing Aether for the past thirty minutes of the movie they’ve all sat down to watch; nuzzling into his neck, running his hands up and down his arms, staring at his profile through long lashes.
Aether’s normally endless patience is thin today. If Rain wants to get fucked, then fine.
He shucks Rain’s pants and underwear halfway down his thighs, just far enough to uncover his ass, free his half-chubbed cock, and expose his already leaking hole.
“Horny little thing,” Aether comments. Rain trills into Dew’s leg, arching for Aether’s touch.
Swiss smirks from where he’s currently curled around Sunshine on the loveseat. “Called it! You owe me ten bucks,” he says into her hair. She grumbles and smacks him on the arm.
Rain’s face flushes a deep violet. He grinds into Aether’s leg, soft little circles that already have him panting. Aether strokes a finger down the cleft of his ass. Deliberately and antagonizingly slow. He doesn’t miss the way Rain clenches around nothing, more slick drooling down his taint.
“So needy, raincloud,” Dewdrop mutters, running a hand through Rain’s messy hair. The water ghoul bites back a moan and nods fervently against Dew’s thigh.
Aether dips a finger past the ring of muscle, sighing at cool wetness of his body. Rain has to stop himself from wailing as he crooks his finger in just the right way, no preamble. Aether pumps the digit in and out a few times, fast and dirty.
It’s a stark contrast to his usual doting and loving touch. But the way he does it like he’s bored, like it’s inconveniencing him—well, it makes Rain fucking throb.
Before Rain can let another groan escape his lips, the quintessence ghoul’s calloused hand pushes his mouth into Dew’s sweatpants, fully muffling him with the fabric.
“Be quiet and maybe you’ll get what you really want,” he whispers, shoving another finger inside him.
If Rain wasn’t completely filled out and leaking before, he is now. He claws into the couch cushions, drawing quick breaths through his nose.
And so it goes on like this; Aether fingering him while he silently wails and bites at Dew’s thigh. He ruts feverishly against Aether’s lap by the time he’s got almost four fingers inside, stroking ruthlessly.
Rain’s absolutely soaked everywhere—drool making a wet patch on Dew’s pants, precum and slick soaking into Aether’s. Mountain has to subtly turn up the volume on the TV multiple times. The others remain wholly unaffected by Rain’s display, despite him getting fingered within an inch of his immortal life.
“Aethe,” Rain rasps, as quiet as he can muster. He’s got his cock pinned between Aether’s thighs now as he fucks back onto those thick fingers. “I can’t—fuck—I’m gonna—” He has to clamp a hand over his own mouth and squeeze his eyes tight.
Aether puts a hand on his lower back, forcibly stilling his movements. Rain’s left teetering on the edge. He wants to whine, scream even. But he knows he can’t. He’s shaking, tiny tremors wracking his thighs and belly.
“Not yet,” Aether hisses.
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Aether''Smiles" Oh He's Adorable.
Dewdrop ''Constantly Apologizes, isolates, Deny Compliments, etc''
Aether: Oh He's Traumatized.
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All the colours look brighter now
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Note: The story’s setting happens during the end of Episode 7: After Rain Comes Fair Weather. Thank you once again @flashfictionfridayofficial for this prompt #FFF199 Didn’t Mean it. Also @fluffbruary ‘s April and May prompts Kid and Pillow. Thank you so much for considering. I blabbed so much on this story. Kazuki’s POV, missing scenes, kinda.
Fandom: Buddy Daddies
Pairing: Kurusu Kazuki/Suwa Rei
Words: 971
Rating: Gen up
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“I am back!” Silence. Kazuki tried again. “I am home, you guys!?” Still no answer, but Kazuki noticed the chaos.
He was not at all surprised that the loft was not in tiptop condition when he returned that night given how slovenly his little family was. The kid’s toys were scattered on the floor. The discarded pizza boxes decorated the dining table and the carpet. Half-consumed soda in grimy bottles and cans. Cups and glasses were everywhere. And the little girl’s coat and daycare bag were still lying on the now dried floor. Truth to tell, the chaos was an eyesore. It reminded him of the day he got a first glimpse of Rei’s living condition back when they were not roommates yet. It was their fifth mission, and, for a change, Rei invited him to his loft albeit reluctantly.
Where are those two rascals anyway?
The apartment seemed empty except for the detritus of life that was present in front of him.
He searched all the rooms saved for Miri’s sleeping chamber.
When he finally went up to see it, he opened the door slowly and was a bit skeptic. He was still feeling cross, dejected, mind. Instead of boisterous laughter and raucous blabbering coming from an energetic four-year-old girl, there was utter silence. Kazuki raised his left eyebrow.
What’s happening here?
His eyes travelled to the medical prescription and the fever thermometer on top of Miri’s baby-blue nightstand. Next to the thermometer was a bottle of medicine and a half-empty glass.
Miri, with her fuchsia pillow highlighting the moist white rug on her forehead, snored softly, her face peaceful. Her right hand intertwined with Rei’s left.
Shocked and suddenly protective, guilt came up to him. He only left for a day, tired and still emotional, but hopeful. He returned to these two individuals and one of them was sick.
His heart quenched when he saw his friend took up the challenge to be a real parent to Miri. Rei succeeded all right. Affection and pride toward the younger man was brimming over him.
He was meant to be angry finding the state of the apartment, but seeing their sick child he couldn’t afford to be.
Wanting not to disturb the two further, he tiptoed back to the door and closed it gently behind him.
Kazuki did what he could do for now. He tidied the living room, set the vacuum cleaner in a pleasant noise. He took out the chicken breast from the freezer and rummaged for carrots, leek, and celery in the crisper. He also cleared the table off empty pizza boxes and plastic bottles. Preparing chicken soup for Miri was the least he could do.
Half an hour later, there were footsteps coming down from the second floor. Tired ones. The water began to boil, the chicken’s aroma wafted out from the kitchen.
“Hey, Rei,” Kazuki greeted him.
“Kazuki, you are back.” Groggy, the young man looked at him, a wide smile on his face.
“I am back, yes,” Kazuki assured him. Rei stopped before the countertop table. His head bowed. Kazuki was eyeing him waiting for his friend’s next sentence. He saw the prescription, knew that Rei stayed up all night taking care of a sick little girl, helpless.
“Miri is… as you can see, she got a fever,” Rei informed him apologetically. “I had to see Kyutaro-san for help. I called you up several times, but you didn’t answer your phone.”
“I apologise for not being here. I wasn’t ignoring my phone. It was probably ringing when I was on the train going to Saitama. I didn’t mean it. My thoughts were somewhere else.” The soup was now simmering. Whatever spices Kazuki added into it the smell was heavenly. Finally, Rei looked at him, but never said anything.
“You… Saitama? I … I thought you abandoned us, Kazuki,” Rei’s hands are on the table as if hanging on to it. Kazuki noticed his friend’s fingernails turning white.
“I didn’t intend to leave, Rei. It wasn’t my plan. I am sorry if I made you think that way, but I really had enough the other day. I felt doing this alone for Miri. It didn’t seem that there were two fathers in this house but two children. On top of that, it is Yuzu’s death anniversary,” his voice broke. A tear threatened to fall, Kazuki turned around hiding the surge of emotion from his partner as he stirred the soup. Cloud-like smoke rushed out from the pot.
“Oh… I am … I did not know,” Rei said.
“I didn’t tell you. Not your fault,” Kazuki faced him again.
“Tell me what to do so I could make it up to you.”
Huh? Did he hear it correctly? Was this the same Rei he met at Kyu-chan’s coffeehouse from less than two years years ago? Rei making amends?
Smiling, Kazuki boiled another pot for the noodles. He brushed the dust off the Enoki mushrooms under the running water and would blanch them later. Rei waited for the answer. If he could, he’d give everything to Kazuki as long he was able.
“I’d like to try how to make a French toast, maybe you could tell me the ingredients so Miri—god forbid she’s going to be well in the next days or so—and I could buy them at the store the next day,” Rei suggested.
Kazuki chuckled. Of all the things that he wanted to discuss with Rei the latter wanted to try cooking the French toast.
“Of course, she’ll be well. She has an excellent nurse,” Kazuki assured his partner. He touched his shoulder and squeezed it.
Rei, wanting not to break the silent truce, showed one of his rare smiles again. For now, everything was all right between them.
~ fin ~
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I have come upon a compulsion to delve into the nature of the Coven Heads and what things might have been like for them leading up to the DOU. Most of this is just my interpretation and is only really relevant to my fanfic, After the End, but I figured it might be interesting to some. So, here we go!
Okay. First thing that we can all agree on is, quite simply, the coven heads were lied to. To my understanding, this is canon. They thought they were working with a witch. Granted, one who's been around for centuries claiming to be the mouth of the titan, but a witch nonetheless. This witch, who has been around for centuries, who has been working towards some grander goal, shares with them this goal. To attain paradise. AKA, bring the titan's skull into the human realm where they will be seen as "royalty." Presumably as a reward for carrying out the titan's will, but who knows really what the point of that promise was (other than to further entice the ruling coven heads at the time).
Now, on to my interpretation/fanconon: As Amity has just so blatantly pointed out in the latest chapter of my fic, them being lied to and manipulated doesn't excuse the way they acted while in their seats. And she's right. It doesn't.
But consider the reality they've all been living in up until the DOU finally happens.
Belos wasn't necessarily the poster child for team unity and kind cooperation between the covens. If anything, he wanted them to be wary of each other, distrustful of each other – while being forced to work together. After all, you're already creating a separation by dividing magic into its individual crafts and stating they have to be individual. It's easy to take that another step forward and make tweaks here or there to make it just that much harder to trust each other and work together because "you don't understand how this works," or "you're getting in the way of how I do my part" or whatever.
Not only that, but the coven heads were made into political entities at that point.
After all, when you have a whole sect of people dedicated to a single craft of magic, that sect of people is going to want rights in alignment with that craft, right? They're going to have their own needs and requirements and they're going to have to vie for those against the others of the "opposing" crafts. So naturally "leaders" emerge – which is how the coven heads were probably sparked into existence anyway. These leaders were supposed to be the figureheads for their craft and the people of their craft, with the point and purpose of preserving and protecting both. This is going to create factions. Which was exactly what Belos wanted.
These factions then, as stated, have their own goals to strive for and agendas to serve. And because it's just this *pinches fingers* hard to work together, trust each other, cooperate with each other, you get friction. This friction manifests in many different ways, generally none of them positive. From passive aggression to full-frontal insults, to clandestine operations to get what they want to straight up murdering someone because they're in direct opposition of a desired goal. This naturally leads to hatred, contempt and bitter rivalries. Of course, on the other side of the coin, this also leads to alliances between coven heads. Whether it's because they share a goal, if only for that one purpose, or because they just happen to like each other, or because they recognize their covens need to work together for the greater benefit of both (the plant and beast keeping covens are an example of this last one). These rivalries and alliances are never set in stone, unfortunately, whether it's just because of the natural occurrences that accumulate over time, or the subtle manipulations of Belos himself. So, as you can imagine, it's not easy – it's in fact harsh and even dangerous – to be a Coven Head.
Now, take this shitty social and political climate that exists at the top of the food chain and insert into it a common goal.
It's my belief that not long after the formation of his empire, maybe ten years in or so, Belos revealed his plan for the DOU to the coven heads. Because anyone with a brain could tell at that point he was up to something. And even if they couldn’t, he needed them on his side. He needed them to be aware enough to actively work as his appendages for this purpose as this was the next phase of his plan.
So. He shows them. Tells them it's the titan's will they "achieve paradise." Tells them the goal of "unifying the people to escape wild magic." Now, while he's still on this train of "wild magic bad, coven magic good" he's not hiding the fact that this is just a front, something they're going to tell the populace instead of the actual purpose of the DOU which is "paradise." AKA – transporting the titan's skull to the human realm. The specific reasonings he might throw out at any given time could vary, but the gist of the whole thing is – a new world with more resources and new opportunities.
This is very appealing. Each coven head has their own reasons for seeing this as appealing. Some are looking forward to a better life. Some are looking forward to better resources. Some are looking forward to more freedom to operate. Whatever. Their individual reasons for wanting this brings them together, whether they want to work together or not, to reach towards this singular purpose.
Belos periodically goes over the DOU with them over the years, always when a new coven head is inducted, and occasionally just as a reminder and general overview of the progress. But the point of repeatedly going over this plan, this lofty goal, is to reiterate that they all share this purpose. They all, himself included, are working for this. This is the end result of all their hard work and they ALL want this, after all – it's the "will of the titan" of course you want this, this is our grand achievement as leaders of the people, and we will lead our race into safety and prosperity!
You have people who are forced to become hard, suspicious, sly, vicious, even cut-throat and ready to kill convinced they have something grand to achieve, something the titan itself wants them to make happen.
They're gonna wanna make it happen!
Enter people like Darius, Eber, and Raine. Each has their own reasons for seeing this as something other than what it is, seeing through these lies and suspecting this isn't exactly what it appears. And it just so happens that the three of them are all having these thoughts at the same time for once since Belos had first shared the DOU plan with the coven heads. See, in the lore of my fic, Terra goes into the reality that is the tenure of coven heads. The average tenure is between 12 and 15 years – an average taken since the inception of "coven heads" (give or take 200ish years), before even the title of Coven Head had been established. The reason for this tenure average is Belos. He has always found some way to keep a coven head from being in power any longer than that. Whether that be through "retiring them" either through persuasion or force, or finding a way to instigate their unfortunate death, sometimes even straight up murdering them if that's what it took. The reason he wanted this shortened tenure was because the longer a coven head sat, the more likely they'd start piecing together the puzzle of HIM and he couldn't have that. And this fear of his is valid, as there have been some coven heads through history that have become blatantly suspicious of him. And of course he's dealt with them. However, as previously stated, he's never had more than one with enough suspicion to act in power at the same time.
Now, I'm taking a bit of a detour to go over Terra, lol
She's the longest sitting coven head at 46 years, "running the coven for fifty if we want to get technical." There are reasons Belos was unable to get rid of Terra, and it wasn't because she was such a loyal prawn. Terra, through the simple desire of wanting to improve upon what already existed, made herself too valuable. Because she single-handedly turned a coven previously seen as nearly inconsequential and subservient at the time of her induction at the age of 30 into the largest coven by volume of members, most lucrative by value of items produced, most important in regards to asset management, and it's also considered one of the best to be a part of for the sake of "coven life" due to the community she's fostered between members. This collection of reasons alone make Terra a hugely valuable person to keep in power. Another point to add to her value, however, is that she's an immensely powerful witch. She doesn't brag, nor does she make a show of things (believe it or not) but she's not afraid to wield her power either. So A) she's grown her coven into the largest coven on the Isles and is so very respected and loved by said coven that removing her would actually be detrimental, B) she herself is a supremely powerful witch, and that power will absolutely come in handy should he need it and C) such a powerful witch will only allow for the draining spell to work even better and faster. Now, there are other reasons Belos couldn't remove her even had he decided he wanted to. However, those are spoilers and I'll not be getting into those, lol
Back to the main point – shorter tenure is something Belos wanted amongst the coven heads. And the sweetest irony is that concept is what allowed three new (Raine at less than a year), newer (Darius at 5 years) and newish (Eber at 8 years) members to come along and be like "Something ain't right here…"
The problem arises however in the fact that Darius, Eber and Raine see what the others just don't. There are a whole host of reasons why they don't see what's going on, whether it be that they're stuck in a particular mindset, or are too focused on duties to their coven and keeping their heads and watching their backs and trying to mediate this and instigate that, or even genuinely believe what Belos is telling them. Notable exceptions would be Adrian, who just doesn't give a shit – he's literally like "fuck yeah, I want to be royalty, you peons should have been kissing my feet years ago" and Terra, who actually does see through a fair amount of Belos' shit, but believes his end goal, the final result he's trying to achieve, is what's best for the whole of the Isles – and she is only working with him to achieve this goal and when it's finally fucking finished? … well. *shrugs*
The point remains, however, that the three are fighting against the other six because the other six, for one reason or another, believe they have to fulfill this grand purpose. So. This brings us to the DOU.
The six believe they need to make this happen. They are also hardened leaders who have been through some shit and had to do some things and if they have to make threats, either just for show or for the real deal, they will. Because this is what they've been working for. This is what they need to make happen because it's the promise of status, or the promise of reward, or the promise of safety and prolonging of their race.
Everything they have done has been to make this day happen.
And here we have some youngbloods (figuratively speaking) who want to wreck shit up for what?
Because they don't like Belos? Because they don't like the status quo?
Get in line, kids! We all got bones to pick and beefs to throw, but that's not what's important right now – what's important is "achieving paradise" and we have MINUTES to make this happen and you need to get in line RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
So yeah, some hands were thrown, some knives came out, some empty threats were made, and some words were said in anger (looking at Terra with that stupid "should have killed you when you were kids" comment that she absolutely realized was a low blow and unnecessary but – OH LOOK, shit's hit the fan and Paradise isn't real and she's on the floor now).
So. Without getting into all the gritty details of what happened in the 14ish months between the DOU and the start of my fic – at some point trials were held where each of the six were interrogated and evaluated and it was seen that all but Adrian held no guilt of true and actual wrong-doing. See, not only was Adrian in it for purely selfish reasons, but his tenure record was pulled and he was assessed to be incompetent for the role and also guilty of several crimes, including and especially the highly illegal act of going around to schools on the Isles issuing coven sigils to children who weren't of age to make such decisions. At the very least, those children weren't forced to take a sigil they didn't want at that time (not counting the situation with Gus because up until that point his act hadn’t been seen through) but considering they don't know how to actually remove the sigils, those poor kids are now stuck with that snap judgement.
This is how five of the six have been allowed to retain their seats. And now that they've been made aware of the truth, they are each working towards rebuilding and healing the Isles in their own ways.
This has been my dissertation on the realities and motives of the Coven Heads! (Again, all just my own interpretation and mostly relevant only to my fanfic.)
Possible assessments of each individual coven head to come in the future – let me know if you're interested, lol Thank you for reading! XD
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