#ale you're so boring
autisticrosewilson · 24 days
Okay okay, but what if- Talia is the doctor that Catherine goes to when she starts getting sick. Maybe Jason is interning at the same hospital Talia works at (she moved to Gotham for Bruce but they're...not working out) when it starts getting bad and so he brings Cathy to the best doctor he knows. Technically, Talia is supposed to do any of these procedures for free. In fact she could get very fired for it, but she's the best damn doctor in Gotham and her work son needs help. So she agrees, and it's a very good thing because without intensive treatment Catherine would certainly suffer until the gruesome end.
Well, they go through with the treatment, and somehow manage to hide it all from the higher ups (likely with bribery), and Talia starts getting to know her patient. Catherine is...a lot. She's sharp and clever and sweet. She used to bring coffee and pastries to share for lunch before she was confined to her bed. She likes braiding Talia's hair since her own is too brittle to touch these days. Sometimes she asks Talia to do her makeup, to make her look a little more alive than she feels.
Talia thinks they both know that the treatment isn't going to work for long, at most Talia can keep her on enough painkillers for it to be painless but time is running out. The most Catherine can hope for is making it to Jason's graduation. Sweet, worried Jason who visits Catherine as often as he can, diligently doing his homework at her bedside as if he can rush his graduation anymore than he already has. Maybe he knows that she doesn't have much longer too. Catherine hopes so, because she can't bear being the one to tell him. Talia thinks it might ruin her as much as Jason if she has to tell him their Cathy has a scant few months left.
Ra's doesn't mind sharing for a good cause, the pit is constantly regenerating itself after all, it's not like he's really losing anything. But Gotham isn't exactly known for birthing people who are pure of heart, he fears what a corrupted soul might do to the pit. He demands to meet the woman Talia is so insistent on saving. He knows better than most that his daughter's heart can be soft, often for people who don't deserve it. It's that same love that stole her away to the cursed land to begin with.
And Jason insists on coming with, naturally. So for the first time in months Catherine is out of bed to go on what might be her last trip if this experimental, vague cure doesn't work. Her last trip as her if it doesn't work as intended. She's nervous, and not just because she's never been on a private jet before. She agrees that Jason can come but she refuses to let him in the room. She doesn't like the sickly green glow beyond the door and she won't risk him getting radiation poisoning,nor worse.
Ra's as it turns out, is far more interested in Jason than Catherine when they get there, which Talia is hardly surprised by. Damian is still a baby, just beginning to toddle around and while he just adores his grandfather, babies aren't the best company. The fact that Jason is a humanities buff and a child prodigy certainly helps. Talia hardly has to convince him of anything, he's ushering them into the basement before the week-long trip has even reached the third day.
He insists he be the one to conduct the procedure, however. Jason and Talia are left to sit on the stairs at the end of the hall as Ra's wheels Catherine into Lazarus room.
Talia has to put her full weight into holding him when Catherine starts screaming.
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skunkes · 2 years
very often ill see bears following my nsfw account and ill end up looking thru their profiles as i check for ppls ages in bio and theyre 99.9% bear4bear. That one anon lied to me.
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
eventually I'll get to draw it, but the way that lucullus goes, 'ah. you get it. it's like falling into quicksand only you don't know that anything is wrong, but once you leave, it all becomes clear. anyway,' and walks right back into the house that crassus half ran out of. sometimes it's less about whether or not you will be eaten and more about who you will let take a bite out of you
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maykitz · 4 months
one particularly annoying effect of culture wars focusing on random minorities is that it routinely leads to the most painfully inane, meaningless discourses in the world being lead with such rabid intensity that you sort of end up being coerced into participating just because the stakes are being raised to such an inappropriate level and because either side knows very well they're actually debating proxy wars for greater social questions. but that doesn't make the actual topic less inane. drag queens for example are probably on average one of the most boring and overhyped cultural exports of the gay lifestyle ever (sorry) but because the people who dislike it can't stop sounding like hitler about it you're constantly forced to defend the practice just on principle of like, basic human rights. awkward poorly written token minorities in gaming et al are somewhat obnoxious and are almost always soulless cash grabs but since a sizeable portion of the criticism comes out as jim crow-style vitriol the counterposition inevitably turns to wholesale endorsement because there's no room left for emotionally proportional behaviour. someone putting their pronouns in their email signature approximately ranks among the most unimportant matters in the world but somehow i'm supposed to pretend not only that it's worth having an opinion on but that this opinion is so vital that our very civilisation is at stake over it. mandatory cultural unclenching now
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ghostgirl101 · 6 months
Imagine if Paul Atreides claimed you as his destiny: PART Ⅰ of Ⅱ
|| Word Count: 1.5K || Angst → Fluff ||
A/N: I had this as a big idea that I had to get down before the basic headcanons and stuff, so here's my take on our Lisan al Gaib 😎 if you like this then hit me up for some relationship headcanons and the like, I'm up for it all. Enjoy reading or watching the movie if you haven't already - I'm going again lol, and screen X is the best way to experience it fr Also I feel like I should write a second part to this lmao, if you liked what you read?
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You weren't one for dreams of destiny.
The dreams you had seemed meaningless, confusing, nothing to do with what ifs and what could. Not like his.
But you always seemed to feel some kind of atmosphere, an aura you couldn't quite shake off, even when you woke up from the darkness. There was no face to go with the voice, the voice in the dark that called to you in whispers that you didn't understand. Beautiful words that weren't yours, but sounded so soft and gentle and powerful, as they reached out to you from distant lands.
You could never place them, pin them down and study them, understand them, until the day the Emperor was challenged by a ghost of a lost House, thought to be dead, left to be forgotten. You stand near the Emperor and his guards and men, the Great Houses looming and listening from higher above, as the Fremen fill up the space to watch the confrontation in spirited anticipation.
The life debt was paid. The late Emperor was overthrown. The ascendancy of Paul Atreides rose and took from the throne to claim it.
His attention flicks from his eyes boring coldly into the Emperor's, to meet yours, his voice smooth and set, full of conviction and force.
"Our destiny is together. I'll take her."
Your eyes widen slightly as his words sink in, blinking through the shock and incredulity that rushes through you and makes your heart race in apprehension and wonder. Though his voice twins with your wandering dreams, you don't know whether to feel fascination and longing, or fear and cautiousness at some greater force beyond your understanding, playing out before your very eyes.
"I..." your voice falters in uncertainty and disbelief, and you try again. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me well," Paul responds with an undying, stoic certainty that's almost unnerving. "As I know you."
His eyes study you, his Spice-stained blue eyes bleeding into yours, scanning every freckle on your face and curve of your outfit. Assessing you, knowing you, ridiculous throngs of power filling his aura and projecting onto you with his intense stare. You have to fight not to shiver under it, ultimately failing.
"What of me?" is the wisest reply you can think of before the silence stretches into dangerous uncertainty.
"Everything," Paul says evenly, but there's no mistaking the challenge and determination in his tone, almost daring you to reject him, to disagree, a built-up desire of dreamt promises resolving his stand. "I choose you, as my Empress. We will rule together, over the Empire."
Scepticism and bewilderment washes over you and makes your blood heat and stir, retreating into silence as he takes a step closer to you, gazing at you as if you're the most curious, exotic being he's ever seen.
Desire threatens to override Paul Atreides' reason, clinging onto the hope and chance of a narrow way through to light, a light that could only be sought out with you by his side. Without you, there was nothing in sight but pools of blood replacing luscious marine life and oceans running through Arrakis, disarray and disillusion at every turn and infecting every heart.
You were absolutely perfect.
And you were already his, long before this moment, before you and he were born into the world and named. There was no manipulation needed, because everything was laid out for him to take, welcoming him to rule and grow higher and higher. Fate had bonded you and strung you along to here and now, and as you blink up into his bright eyes that narrow slightly at you, frowning softly as if you hadn't understood his demand.
"Do you know what I am?"
You pause for a moment, speaking slowly and cautiously, as the crowd of Fremen and the wary, late Emperor watch on in tense wordlessness. "You are Leto Atreides' son. Former Duke of Caladan."
"What I am," Paul repeats evenly, "not who I am." He stares at you in silence for another beat, before speaking up again. "Do you know of the Bene Gesserit?"
You stop yourself from glancing in Lady Jessica's direction just in time; the runes patterning her skin, her once soft eyes now spiked with an unfamiliar darkness of ages past. Anyone could get trapped in her watchful glare, and her son's holds almost as much intensity.
"No," you decide on hesitantly.
"Kwisatz Hederach," he adds, taking another step forward until you can feel his breath tickling your cheeks, standing above you with unspoken grace and vigor. "I see the future. A part of me is the future."
His hand is suddenly squeezing yours warmly and tightly, making you flinch slightly and glance down at them before looking back up at him.
"In this future, I am with you."
All you can do is stare at him in awe and wariness, not knowing whether to let your curiosity guide you, or distance yourself as far as possible from the boy who reigns over the dunes.
"Why?" you whisper, the crowds seeming to fade around you as you focus on the boy in front of you, his fingers tangling with yours boldly.
"I've seen it," Paul insists, his tone a touch softer in thought and wistfulness. "All of it. When I am with you..." His grip tightens over yours, the fire in his eyes returning. "We're unstoppable."
"And..." your words dry before you can speak them, and you will yourself to go on, unable to break away from the deep blue hues of his gaze. "And without?"
His jaw visibly clenches at your question, and his hand drops yours, shaking his head only answer as he glances away in slight frustration.
"You don't have the leisure of choice. It's all been made for you, written in the sands and stars, and what you need to do is walk in its path. I will show you the way. You have no other. Do you understand?"
The firmness is strong in his words and glare, making you look away from him too, still in a slight stun over the rush of events. In less than a day, your freedom has been stripped to this young man's desires and destiny, entwined with yours. You, who barely knew him until now, only familiar with his voice, his words, that echoed and rang in your head like a lullaby.
But this feels so harsh and strict. The eyes of the former Emporer linger between the two of you, and Paul's army of Fremen stand behind him attentively, some gazing at you in admiration and hope, of their messiah's promised bride. And she is beautiful.
"That's unfair."
"The future is unfair," Paul says calmly, his collected, cool tone wavering for a moment. "But it will be so much worse without you by my side, and I will not accept that. Not for my people... not for myself."
You stare at him in fascination and caution, lost for words. His fingers rise to brush against the skin of your cheek, sending tingles in their wake and making you fight back the automatic reaction, your eyes following his surprisingly gentle touch. Two fingers trace down the shape of your cheek down to your chin, tilting your head slightly upwards. Just one step closer, and your lips would be touching too.
"Name anything," he murmurs to you, the Fremen straining to hear his voice as it reaches you effortlessly, his expression earnest and determined. "Anything. And it is yours. Only if you willingly wed me in turn. Not as a concubine, nor a mistress."
You blink, then blink again, taken aback as a million thoughts and suggestions race through your mind and make your head spin for a split second. You glance at the elder Emperor, who gazes back at you and the infamous Lisan al Gaib wearily, his eyes clouded with sombreness and light spite.
"I... I don't," you shake your head, overwhelmed by an impossible choice. "I don't know..."
Paul's expression softens into a smile you haven't seen before, one that makes your cheeks flush with colour as you watch him; a gentle, amused smile that's somehow familiar and unfamiliar all at once, one meant just for you, as he disregards his surroundings.
"You will know," he replies quietly, "and I will have you, and protect you, rule with you. Love you. As I am meant to."
Paul suddenly brings you closer, pulling you into a searing kiss without warning. The exotic, earthy taste of the Spice on his tongue floods your senses and sends shudders of ecstasy and heat coursing under your skin and hushing the myriad of thoughts buzzing in your mind in an instant.
When he pulls away, all too soon, you find yourself chasing his lips before you catch yourself, and Paul gives you another soft smile, his forehead resting against yours as your eyes lock.
"And as I long to," he finishes against your lips, his words grounded with a look of protectiveness and desire that makes you instinctively relax further in his hold.
From beyond you both, his mother smiles slightly at the scene, a hand hovering over her rounded stomach.
The first step has been made.
══════════════⊹⊱≼ part two coming soon ≽⊰⊹══════════════
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xianyoon · 5 months
"are you crying?" little 10 year old al-haitham says, in a bored voice. it's clear that he's just asking for the sake of asking – of checking up on you, the little boy is so ready to dive back into his books.
"n-no! i'm not... i promise."
"okay then. i'll go back to my books."
he feels the guilt pooling at the bottom of his stomach – there is something that feels innately wrong, leaving you on the playroom floor with a probably still-bleeding scratch – but he takes your words at face value.
you're fine.
"are you crying?" a much older al-haitham lifts your chin up by his thumb – your glassy tear-streaked face betrayed by the salty tears running down with their own will.
he thumbs your tears away with such gentleness that makes you think that he's making up for all the times little al-haitham had been so callous about your little self's tears.
"no! i'm not... i promise."
"you do realise that it's alright to cry?" your lover sighs, grabbing a tissue and dabbing the glistening tears away.
you're not fine – you love to say that you are, anyways. it's easier to brush the lamentable sadness away when your smile feels easier to put on.
"you can stop lying now, you know."
"i'm not crying!"
al-haitham just shakes his head and gathers you in his arms, placing a sweet kiss to your forehead; a subtle nod to a fate well learnt. you will always say that you're fine, crumbling to pieces . . . but don't worry. he'll always be there to help put you back together.
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fischlkin · 2 months
✦ like cardiac arrest.
making out with various genshin impact characters.
characters -> xiao, alhaitham, neuvillette, childe, dainsleif, arlecchino, wanderer, kaeya, kazuha.
info -> nsfw, minors dni please <3, fem!reader, kaeya is more nsfw than the rest, most of them are just suggestive, if you have a fav that isn't in here feel free to request them and i'll do a part 2!
inspired by the song 'cardiac arrest' by bad suns.
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xiao is gentle. he doesn't really move his hands much while you make out, but he allows you to roam his body as you please. one of his hands rests on the small of your back, and the other caresses your cheek. he isn't feral, because if he were to act that way he would feel like he was objectifying you. and your body should not be objectified, it should be worshipped. he feels it is his job to please you, which is why he takes the "lead" with his lips. though, you must either initiate the kiss yourself or let him know you want it. if you tell him what you want, he'll never say no.
when he feels confident that he knows what you want, he'll pull you in by your waist and look you softly in the eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. then he'll close his eyes and lean in slowly. his lips are soft and cold, but his hands are warm.
making out with al haitham is slow and sensuous, in the most romantic way. every movement, hand placement, gesture, is thoughtful and purposeful. your makout sessions often happen at night, in bed, when the two of you have time to devote your complete attention to each other. the curtains are open so the moonlight pours in, you and your lover lay in bed. your hand is on his chest, his on your hip, and your lips move together until the two of you feel your eyelids getting heavy. every caress of his hand is filled with appreciation and love for your soft curves, swollen lips, and deep eyes.
neuvillette is chivalrous. his strong, steady hands rest on your hips and back, guiding you throughout the day. his touches are never rough, his fingers ghost along the most sensitive parts of your body. he only kisses you when you're alone. such intimate moments should only be shared by the two of you, and no one else. your lips move softly and slowly against each other. he loves it when you comb your fingers all the way through his silvery hair. when you do, he'll pull you close, eliciting a sound halfway between a moan and a groan against your lips. he takes one of your hands in his, the other holding onto your hip, leaving no space between the two of you.
you stay like this until you fall asleep, and he presses a kiss to your head before leaning his against it, allowing himself to succumb to his sleepiness as well.
childe will have his way with you, i can assure you of that. his displays of dominance are at peak in these intimate moments. when the two of you make out, you're always against a wall, under him, or straddling his hips. his hand placement never fails to spark a flame in your stomach. his favorite thing to do with his hands when you're making out is grab your ass. he picks you up from right under your thighs, pinning you to a wall with your legs wrapped around his waist. childe is rough, and he likes to move fast. when he gets bored of having you against the wall, he will toss you onto a bed.
he's always whispering sweet nothings in your ear between kisses. effortlessly poetic. "my dear, no star in the night sky, no sunset nor sunrise, can hold a candle to your divine beauty. let us be together like this in our next lives, and the next..."
we may never know what dainsleif is thinking, but you don't have to guess when the two of you are alone. he doesn't have a way with words, but his actions and body language constantly betray him. he holds you in his arms while capturing your lips in gentle kisses. when you and dainsleif make out, it's more of pecking. but it's slow and sweet. he has one hand on the small of your back and one hand caressing your hair. you can feel him melting into your touch when you return the embrace. his heart calms, and the tension in his shoulders is released.
whenever he can, he is squeezing your ass, hips, and thighs. he grabs you by the chin, making sure you can't escape his kiss. he makes out roughly yet passionately. teeth gnashing together type shit. when he gets bored of being above you, he can flip you over as quickly as you can blink, so he can hold you down on his lap by your hips. he won't let you go until he's had his fill of your lips.
there will never be a person who appreciates your ethereal beauty quite like arlecchino does. but while she loves to worship you, she also enjoys teasing. she nips at your lips, pushes her tongue into your mouth, all while holding you by the hips. she always starts a makeout session with her hands on either side of your face, planting a kiss to your forehead. it may seem innocent at first, but she's got other plans. she slowly brings her hands down your neck to your collar bone, to your chest, and then down to your hips, before squeezing them. her sharp nails tickle at your skin, leaving marks when she grips you.
dainsleif is a sucker for eye contact. in between kisses, he'll pull you closer and stare comfortably into your irises. you're often sitting on his lap, because it allows you to be even closer to him while he cradles your face in one hand. his eyes always soften when he looks at you, and lips turn up ever so slightly into an adoring smile.
okay, wanderer is a bit of an enigma. his body language is constantly betraying him. try as he might to seem dominant and nonchalant, you know all too well that when you run your fingers through his hair he is ready to submit to you fully. he puts on a brave face, pinning you down and grabbing you by the face, leading it to meet his. but when you melt into his touch, say his name with that soft, loving voice, his eyes brighten for just a second.
arlecchino enjoys looking down on you, not figuratively. literally, she enjoys making you feel small while she holds all the power. she smirks against your lips, tracing her nails up and down your spine. and when you shiver, she digs her nails deeper into your hip, pinning you against her body. once she's had her fill, she will always stroke your hair and whisper compliments in your ear.
kaeya is a mother effin' menace. the teasiest of teasers. sits with his legs spread and his arms resting on the armrests of the chair while you straddle him. he lets you feel him up while he sits there, frustration building up inside you as he remains still. you grab him by the face and kiss him roughly, and he finally touches you. one hand is on the back of your head and the other on your waist. it travels down to your ass, and he pinches it, relishing the squeal you elicit.
unfortunately it doesn't show for very long, because he's back to smirking at your form underneath him. often while making out with you he tickles at your sides so you squirm, whining into his lips. when he's done being mean, he cradles you in his arms and continues to kiss you passionately.
kaeya can't make out with you without getting hard. with both hands on your ass, he picks you up ever so slightly, just to pull you back down on top of him. he thrusts against your groin, keeping his composure while riling you up. he flashes you a devilish a smile, bringing his lips back to yours. continuing to roll his hips against you.
hair-down kazuha. he takes out his ponytail because he knows you like to run your fingers through it. he looks ethereal with the silvery strands framing his face and sitting on his shoulders. kazuha is a very gentle kisser, holding your hand in his as you make out. his free hand pets your hair and your cheeks. he guides your hands to wrap around his back. he tilts his head up so that in between kisses, you can peck at his neck and jaw. his eyes are closed, and a small smile graces his lips as yours grace his skin. kazuha likes to make out with you laying down. usually it's outdoors. he can't resist the urge to kiss you under the stars, or beside a cliff overlooking the ocean.
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
Ratted out
sometimes friends and family accidentally (or purposefully) reveal things they shouldnt :)
characters featured: Leona, Kalim, Jade, Jack
ufff idk whats wrong with me but i ended up creating an entire (unrelated to this fic) movie plan related to twst this is mentally stable activities, truly
also unrelated but the new event got me SCREAMING how do they look so good😫
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ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Leona Kingscholar
when hanging out with your boyfriend Leona, a little lion boy suddenly jumps him and he immediately lets you go
who is this child???
"Uncle Leona!" the boy clings onto him and you can feel the annoyance eminating from Leona
it's like its own aura thats how annoyed he is🥴
so his nephew (you presume) looks to you all of a sudden and asks "who are you?" with an innocent look on his face
"I'm his lover...?" you said, a little unsure. But when you looked to Leona, he had a look of pure horror on his face...? What is even going on?????
"What?! No way, you're dating Uncle Leona?!" the kid got all excited and ran off somewhere before you could stop him
"...What have you done?" Leona hissed at you through clenched teeth, holding his forehead
you do realise you just revealed that he's dating you to the most big mouthed child in the world, right? that his whole family will know in a matter of minutes, right? that you've basically just invited yourself to every future family gathering at once, right?
and sure enough, in a few minutes he got a surprised text from his brother which he left on read 💀
"Damn brat..." he muttered under his breath, you still confused over what just happened
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Kalim Al-Asim
let's be real babes there is nothing for his siblings to rat him out on because he immediately told his family he was dating you
his siblings happened to overhear a little something...
"Hey, hey." one of Kalim's younger brothers pulled your sleeve, wanting to tell you something
"yes?" you answered absentmindedly, thinking he's going to start talking about a strange thing he saw today or something
"Kalim's gonna marry you." he whispered to you, looking around to make sure no one heard
You laughed a little. "If you think so." you pat his little head
"No, he was like, asking mom if he can marry you soon. We heard it." another one of his brothers joined in after hearing the tea being spilled
"What?! Really?!" you're both extremely surprised and happy and mad at his brothers for ruining the surprise right now
oh well, what's done is done, and now you know Kalim is SERIOUS about you
that gets you thinking about wedding stuff now...🤔
What none of you know tho is that Jamil overheard all of you
"Okay, maybe we need to scrap the whole surprise wedding proposal thing..." he sighs, making a mental note of it and preparing to dissapoint poor Kalim
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Jade Leech
jade is like... oddly nice to you after you first meet him
you're a little wary of him considering his reputation but he hasn't done anything weird at all so... might as well accept his gifts?
one time he approaches you with jade in tow and you think absolutely nothing of it since they're together like 90% of the time anyways
"Hello there, are you enjoying your lunch?" he just sat down next to you without asking if he can at all 😔
"Uh, yeah, I suppose." you didn't really know what to tell him and it seems he doesnt know how to continue the conversation either so u just kinda... stare at eachother while Floyd casually steals a bit of ur food
"Maaaan, aren't you like, supposed to be crushing on Little Shrimpy or something? Then taaalk about stuff, I'm bored." Floyd looked bored when he saw the two of you didn't start talking about weird stuff
Jade simply smiled at you, telling you to ignore Floyd
But on the inside he was planning approximately 10 ways to... get rid of someone without others noticing
or alternatively, just beating the everloving crap out of his twin brother if the first plan is not a possibility
"Do you have a crush on me?" you wanted to know now...
"That's for you to think about." he smiled oddly eerily, but then just started talking abt something mundane 😥
ᐟᐟ☆๋࣭ ⭑໑ Jack Howl
You're visiting him for the first time because you got curious what his family is like
his younger siblings immediately ambushed you with their little sniffer noses as soon as you stepped in the house🤔
"Who are you?" they asked, always curious about anyone that Jack brings over
When you told them who you were, they immediately ran away to "TELL MOM" and were literally screaming that the two of you are dating so loudly that the whole neighborhood could hear
You could also hear some woman (who you presume is his mom) laughing from somewhere in the house so uhhh.... atleast she isn't mad about it?
You looked back at Jack who seemed more annoyed than anything
"Aren't you gonna... go stop them?" you asked, raising a brow.
"Nah, I was gonna tell mom I'm dating you anyways. I'm just mad that they beat me to it." he crossed his arms, huffing in annoyance
"Actually, speaking of, isn't me dating you kinda a big deal? You told me before that wolves have one partner for life." you actually got kinda nervous, i mean, you gotta impress his family good now
"It is. But I think everyone's just happy I got someone at all." Jack looked at his overly excited siblings who were still celebrating
"Wow, that's sad." you sassed him 😝
"...I shouldn't have brought you."
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hxney-lemcn · 2 months
A Confession Through Written Words — Housewardens x gn! reader
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summery: you confess through a love letter, it doesn't fail to warm his heart.
tw: none.
a/n: idk I was bored
wc: 1.6k (~200 per character)
Master List
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Riddle Rosehearts
You had put your all into the presentation of the letter. You tried to make your handwriting as neat as possible while spilling your feelings astutely so as to not overcloud the meaning or make it look like a joke. Perhaps you were overthinking the whole ordeal, but who wouldn’t when confessing your feelings? You had managed to slip the letter into his bag without him noticing. In fact, he wouldn’t find the pristine white letter until he was getting ready for bed. At first he was confused, he hadn’t recalled receiving a letter, but it was addressed to him, and he carefully opened it, making sure to not rip the rose sticker holding the envelope closed. Riddle wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t a meticulously written love letter from you. His heart rate sped up, his face burning a bright red once he got to the end. He could barely sleep that night, not with you running through his head. The next day he dutifully wrote his own letter as a reply, handing it to you without meeting your eyes. Open it once you’re alone, yeah? He doesn’t think he can handle your reaction even though you were the first to confess. 
Leona Kingscholar
You weren’t sure how to approach Leona with your feelings. He tended to be a bit snarky and you were a bit sensitive about your feelings. You don’t think you could handle him dismissing you or making a rude comment in your moment of vulnerability. So what better way then to write a letter? You knew he wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t perfect, if anything he’d tease you for not saying it to his face, but you could handle that. After you rewrote the letter for the eleventh time, you decided it was good enough and you made your way to Leona’s room. He watched you lazily as you entered. You thought he was asleep, so you placed the letter on his nightstand before taking a seat on his bed. Curiosity ate at him, but he refrained from making any comments, using the guise of sleep to pull you into him so he could finally get some good rest. When you left, he took no time to rip open the letter, carelessly ripping the lion sticker in two. He couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped him, even though he was the best, it was still a surprise to read your genuine feelings for him. He won’t let you worry for long, tomorrow he’ll make sure you know that you're his herbivore. 
Azul Ashengrotto
You had tried to confess to him before, but his suaveness had left you tongue tied everytime. Or when his suave facade crumbled into a genuine care…that left your mind reeling, unable to mutter how much he meant to you. So you wrote a letter, and even though writing how you felt was easier than speaking it…it still wasn’t easy to write. Your trashcan was filled with crumpled up papers with pencil marking scratched out. When you finally had a letter you deemed good enough, you tried to make it look as fancy as you could. Unfortunately, Floyd had snatched the letter the next day before you could even greet him. You watched him run away with genuine horror, hoping that he wouldn’t read it before Azul at the very least. Fortunately for you, Floyd held off on opening it, handing the letter to Azul with an eager smile. Jade watched on as well, somehow already aware of the predicament. Glaring at the two, Azul  opened it later when he was alone in the VIP of Monstro Lounge. He had recognized your handwriting right away, carefully thumbing the pearl sticker before opening it with a letter opener. Azul could barely get through the first sentence without becoming an overheated mess. He’s another one tossing and turning that night. Instead of blatantly stating his feelings out in the open, he offers you to go on a date so you know that he’s serious about you as well. 
Kalim Al-Asim
You had tried to confess to him…many times. Every time you told him you loved him, he just smiled back and told you he loved you too…but you knew he didn’t understand you meant it romantically. Every hand hold, cheek kiss, hell, you both had cuddled multiple times and he never seemed to get that you were interested in him as more than just a friend! So you decided to write exactly how you felt, getting all your messy feelings out in the open. With how bubbly he was, you didn’t feel too awkward handing him the letter in person, only telling him to read it later when he’s alone. Unbeknownst to you…Kalim had almost lost your letter multiple times that day. Not that he doesn’t care for you! He’s just a bit of an air head that has too much on their mind. Please thank Jamil for hanging on to it, reminding Kalim to read it after dinner was over. When Kalim finally read the letter (after fawning over the adorable golden retriever sticker), he couldn’t contain his excitement. He almost ran straight to your dorm if it weren’t for Jamil blocking him. Expect multiple gifts the next day along with more affection than you thought was possible. Kalim needs to get his bouts of cute aggression out, and what better way than drowning you in jewels?
Vil Schoenheit
As much as you adored Vil, he was a bit…intimidating. His lilac gaze could pierce through the toughest metal, but it could also melt the coldest heart. You had unsurprisingly found yourself falling for the star, but you couldn’t help but feel like a fan no matter how you thought approaching him with your feelings. If anything, the letter felt like the most cliche fan stereotype ever, and even though he called you a friend, you feared he’d take it the wrong way. So you decided a letter was the best bet, that way you didn’t have to see his reaction. Yet when you had tried to sneak the letter to him, it was out of your hands in the blink of an eye and you stared in horror as Rook offered it to Vil. At first, Vil thought it was fanmail, staring at it with slight disdain, but he opened it anyway, not caring how the crown sticker tore. He barely scanned over the letter until he read your name at the very end, eyes glancing up to see your terribly anxious expression. So he reread it, this time carefully scrutinizing over every word, and although a letter wasn’t exactly how he wanted you to confess, he still felt his heartbeat increase with every lovely feeling you felt towards him. Closing the letter, he watched fondly as you fidgeted, clearing his voice and demanding you to ask him on a date properly. 
Idia Shroud
You had been secretly fawning over Idia for so long you felt like you were going to burst. You had wanted to confess to him for so long…but you feared that you’d break the poor man. So you decided to write him a letter…er more like a text. You weren’t sure if he’d even know how to open a letter… Poor, poor Idia. He nearly had five heart attacks when he saw your chat bubble appear for twenty minutes then disappear only to appear again. He tried to play his game, ignore the damned three dots that kept taunting him, but his eyes couldn’t stop trailing down to his phone. Do you know how many times you caused him to die? Oh boy, and when you did send it? The little blue heart at the end had nearly ended him before he even read a word! He had read and reread the text so many times you couldn’t even count, and don’t mind that he screenshotted it and saved it to a super secure private photo album so only he could see it. Don’t expect a reply. He’s too busy having a meltdown, hair burning a bright pink for the rest of the night. Do expect Ortho to ramble about how happy his brother got the night before, unsure of why but happy nonetheless. And when Ortho finds out why? Expect a text from Idia saying that he doesn’t mind your presence too much…yes Ortho forced him to say something back and yes that was him confirming that he likes you back.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus was traditional to an extent, that was something anyone could tell. He also always had you feeling like you were living in a fantasy romance novel with the way he treated you. You hadn’t even thought of confessing your feelings in person, a letter seeming like a traditional and very Malleus adjacent confession. You tried your best to write with fancy curling letters…if you failed at that task…that's up to you. What stumped you was how to give it to him. In those old timey romance movies and novels they sent it through the mail…but you both lived on the same grounds. Handing it to him seemed a bit too forward, and you either didn’t trust or felt too embarrassed to ask his retainers to pass it to him. But you sucked it up and went to your safest option, Silver. Malleus was surprised to have a letter handed to him, another one to open it with a letter opener. He felt his breath hitch with each word you lovingly wrote, warmth blooming in his chest. Like the gentleman he is, he writes you a loving letter back (one that you can barely read with how loopy the cursive was), and it’s the most poetic thing you have ever read. Be prepared to cry at how much he loves you. 
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quimichi · 5 months
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warnings: weird fetishes, don't read if you're uncomfortable! Picked the most "normal" or tame ones-also, this is my view and visions of those fetishes
summary: Some rare, unspoken fetishes the characters have.
characters: genshin guys + harbingers x F!Reader
a/n: this is uhhh, interesting? I was bored, wanted to try something yk. I couldn't fit some characters into different fetishes, but you can idk--
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Being in life-threatening situations
Many say that the thrill of being caught is already hot enough, but it's not enough for him. He wants the adrenaline rushing through his body constantly. It's almost addictive...no, he is addicted already. Fucking you standing, so close to the edge of a cliff or at the edge of a building is good...but not enough. Having you choking him, or him choking you, being close to pass out, is not enough. Giving him head while driving, fingering you while you drive...is.not.enough...so what will be? ♡ Childe Wriothesley Scaramouche Capitano
cardiophiles are people who are, quite simply, in love with hearts. they enjoy and are aroused by the sight, sound, and/or feeling of the heart/heartbeat.
Whenever he holds your hand, his fingers can't help but wander to your wrist, feeling youe pulse. The beats inder his fingertips feel so intimate. Knowing your heart is beating, beating for him is almost to much to handle. And whenever you two cuddle and he's the little spoon, he'll place his head on your chest, listening close to your beating heart...oh how lovely you sound. Your heart beats so strong against his ear, he can literally feel it. ♡ Ayato Baizhu Dottore Albedo Venti
Exposing one's partner or images of their partner to others.
Oh, how he loves you and your body. Your pretty little head and soul. He's so sure many others will love you just the same (but never as much as he will). He takes pictures of you, has you as his wallpaper even. Lockscreen too! You know your tits are out, cum covered with your tounge sticking out. You're also aware your ass with his dick stuffed in your cunt is also somewhere in his gallery. And many many more. And he just fucking loves to show it off. No one is save, not even the mid 30s guy sittong beside him in the train. The nice grandmother buying her groceries. He'll accidentally or intentionally shove it in their faces, that you belong to him. And he belongs to you. ♡ Lyney Kaeya Itto Heizou
Females or femininity, regardless of one's own sex or gender identity
He'll pay you to get your nails done, you pick the color, shape, length, accessories, anything you want. You want make up too? Have his card and have fun, be wild, be bold, make a statement with that pretty face. No make up at all? Baby, you're such a beautiful woman regardless. You wanna have your hair done? Sure thing, tell him when the appointment is he'll drive you there. At the end of the day all of this and so much more is just for one purpose, to fuck you. He'll pull that hair, watch the mascara run down your pretty cheeks. Taste your lipgloss on his lips. Watch your nails looking stunning around his dick. A goddess like you, should step on a man like him. ♡ Diluc Pantalone Aether Kaveh Al-Haitham Pierro
A sexual fetish that involves people swimming, posing, or even drowning in water.
Dw he won't drown you-. You just look so elegant in water, how it hugs your body. How it makes your skin shine and glimmer, the droplets looking like little diamonds carefully placed on your skin by the hands of god himself. Not to mention how beautiful you look in your swim wear...It already happened so often you stopped counting after 20. You two having sex in water. Wheter its in a pool, lake, river or the ocean itself, he can't help himself. Heck, even you in your bathtub is a sight to behold. And if he had to be honest...maybe the bathtub is his favorite. Cause no one will see and hear anything, and it feels way more closer to you...♡ Neuvillette Freminet Kazuha Dainsleif
Had no idea what to do with these- Cyno Gorou Thoma Tighnari Xiao Xingqiu Zhongli
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neckromantics · 8 months
Spoiling Astarion?
Bringing him back little things that remind you of him whenever he stays back at camp just so he knows you're still thinking of him while you're apart.
Astarion being so used to receiving little gifts from your travels that when you arrive back at camp, he's standing by your tent with his palm outstretched just waiting to see what you've brought him this time. The giddy little grin that's plastered on his face when you fork over the shiniest object you could get your paws on. All varying in degrees of monetary value, for sure, but all with a unique story of their own.
A couple of old coins from an ancient crypt. The entrance of which you'd all stumbled upon when Karlach punched a wall of a cave in victory after a particularly tough battle, only to come back with a handful of bones and cobwebs. The look of shock on her face when the entire wall came crumbling down on the group was enough to have you in stitches, entirely too weak from laughter to stand. You laid beneath the rubble for so long that Gale had assumed you developed a concussion and needed rescuing.
The PRETTIEST, crystal goblet that you'd stolen right from under a rich lady's nose under the guise that you were testing her drink for poison. You'd downed her ale in two gulps the second you exited the building. Was in the middle of patting yourself on the back for being oh-so cunning when you nearly fell on your ass. It was a sick, twisted coincidence that her ale did, in fact, turn out to be poisoned. But, at least you had a spare antidote on you that you gulped down before Shadowheart could find you in such a state. (And make fun of you, no doubt.)
A set of handmade jewelry– not stolen this time, if you can believe it. Wyll had pointed out the small shop to you while the two of you were out shopping for supplies. Said something about how it might be a good idea to pick out a new pair of socks since you'd been complaining about how holey yours had become after so much running around. Which was a good idea, truly– but the second you'd set eyes on the shop window, you knew what you wanted. A matching necklace and earring set, lovingly crafted with silver chain, so very delicate. So very understated that one could almost miss it among the rest of the more garish examples that sat alongside. Three, very small, opalescent stones shone so pretty at you beneath the sunlight that you could hardly look away. You would have given the shopkeep your left kidney just to see Astarion wearing them, but thankfully, it wasn't necessary. (You became so feral in your excitement to hear the very reasonable price that you nearly threw your entire gold pouch at the clerk's head and then kissed him on the mouth.)
You're an eager one. Astarion never has to wait– always receives his gifts before you can so much as slip your travel pack off of your shoulders. He goes real quiet for a moment. Has this far away look while gazing down at whatever it is, turning it over in his palm a couple of times to really study it.
The two of you sit together while you go through the rest of the day's spoils, and he listens while you tell him all about how you found today's special little trinket. Insists you spare no details in how you acquired it. (Unless any of those details are boring, dear. Do spare him of those.)
You know that there have to be some things he enjoys more than others. You know that there has to be some things you've given him that he outright dislikes. There have been a few occasions where he'd poked fun at you for bringing back something silly. Like "The roundest pebble you'd ever seen, Astarion, look at it roll!" or "This drawing of the two of you that you'd doodled on a stray sheet of parchment when you couldn't find anything else no matter how hard you tried!". BUT he has never refused anything you've chosen to bring back for him.
He thinks it's rather sweet that you've dedicated yourself to proving you still think of him when he stays behind. Wonders why you are the way that you are. Sort of loves you to death for it. Definitely does NOT invest in a bag of holding for everything once it all begins to stack up.
Definitely doesn't insist on you taking one half of the jewelry set so you always have a little piece of one another on you at all times. That would be ridiculous. (Earrings or necklace, darling?)
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q1ngqve · 8 months
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✶ 𓏲ּ ꩜ 𓂅 genshin men and their favorite positions <3
CW; fem! reader, vaginal penetration, sex positions, dacryphilia, breeding, manhandling
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ayato, heizou, kaeya, lyney, pantalone, wanderer
missionary is not vanilla or boring when it comes to them, especially not when you're crying and begging them to stop when its too much. but do they listen? of course not. why would they when they can see every face you make when you're high on on the feeling of their cock buried deep within you?
laughs and coos at you tauntingly, asks you to speak up whenever you whine their name, telling them they're "too big" and that you're "so full". they will not stop until they have you crying so much tears that your cheeks and the pillow beneath you are stained wet.
baizhu, dainsleif, diluc, tighnari, venti
loves this position because they can grab at your thighs and hips, also because they can lean back and watch you work hard for your orgasm while still being in control. they'd be so touchy in this position, hands never leaving your body, every inch of you will be caressed by them.
if they're into reverse cowgirl, you're in for a treat! also wouldn't stop touching you, but they would especially target your ass. they're absolutely obsessed with the way it looks whenever you bounce or grind on his dick, trying to make yourself feel good.
albedo, itto, kaveh, kazuha, pierro
putting you into this position just makes them feel so so so good! they can't hold back the primal instinct to breed you while your legs are on his shoulders, and you just physically cannot move, completely in their mercy!
having your legs in the air and body bent meant that they're deeper in you than usual, head of his dock kissing your cervix with every thrust. probably goes a little feral every time you clench around him and ground yourself by grabbing onto his arms.
cyno, gorou, neuvillette, thoma, xiao
doggy but it usually ends up with you lying flat on your stomach, face buried in the mattress or pillow below you, trying your best to breathe. pounds into you so hard you're practically sinking into the bed with him holding your ass up and fucking himself into you like an animal in heat.
meant to do it fifty percent of the time, but the other fifty percent usually happens unexpectedly when they're so lost in the feeling of you pussy and just can't get enough of you. grunts so much, especially when your legs give out and he has to support your whole weight from your hips as he ruts into you.
al-haitham, capitano, childe, dottore, wriothesley, zhongli
so strong that they easily manhandles you into every other position they feel like at that specific moment. you'd start with missionary and the next second you're in doggy, they'd even hoist you up like you weigh nothing and push you against the wall, lifting you up and fuck you so hard you see stars!
also the type to be so mean about it, knows that you like being manhandled by them, and so they'd tease you each time they do it, smirk so big you want to slap it off of their face. but who has time for that when you're basically like a toy to them, so pliable and all for them to use.
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likedovesinthewindd · 3 months
the art brainrot goes crazyyyyy rn and all i can think of is a fic of him yearning for reader UGHHHH
he would worship the ground you walk on he would love you with everything in him ugh I NEED HIMMM SO BADDD
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𖹭 ⊹ ˚.
It's late, very late, and Art is supposed to be asleep by now. He has a big match tomorrow, and he knows he should be resting, but he can't fall asleep. He tossed and turned in the bed as he tried to get comfortable. The luscious hotel bedding was soft but still uncomfortable in a way. It was a big bed, too big for just one person, and it felt like the white sheets were swallowing him whole.
He thought about you sharing the bed with him. He thought about the way you'd cozy up to him and burry yourself in his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. He thought about your warmth that would permeate throughout your body and seep into his.
He thought about the smell of your body lotion and your soft breathing that always lulls him to sleep, and his body ached as it longed to feel yours. Because more than anything, he needed you with him right now. He missed everything about you. He wanted to hear you and smell you and feel you and see you and his body ached to feel yours.
Before he can stop himself, he's reaching for his phone and searching for your contact. It rings about four times before you answer, voice half muffled and laced with sleep. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he asks softly, immediately feeling like a jerk.
He can hear the ruffle of your sheets as you move to sit upright. "I just managed to fall asleep, but it's okay," you say through a yawn, and it makes Art feel worse because he knows you struggle with sleeping. "I'm sorry," he found himself saying again, and he could hear the dismissive sound you make.
"Don't be, I'm glad you called," you said softly, and it's like Art could feel the day's tension leaving his body at the melodic sound of your voice. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine you next to him, your voice speaking to him softly in his ear instead of through his phone's speaker.
"Art?" you ask when the line gets too quiet and he humms. "You okay?" he humms again. "Yeah, I'm fine," he sighed, but you could hear the tiredness in his voice. "How was your day?" he asked as he moved to lay on his back as he stared into the darkness.
You smiled, hand rubbing over the material of your nightie as you spoke. "It was okay," you started, "Just a little boring. I missed you a lot today." Art's heart clenched painfully at your words. "You have no idea how much I miss you," he said softly, "I wish you could've come with me."
"I wish I was there too," you said forlornly, and then the line's silent for a moment, the two of you just listening to the other's breathing. Art's eyes already feel heavy, and he reckons he could easily fall asleep just like this — with his phone pressed tightly to his ear as he listens to your soft breathing. In his mind's eye, he's looking over you as you're sleeping, watching the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest and the way your mouth is slightly parted.
"I can't sleep without you. Need you here with me," he finds himself saying, and you're nodding on the other end before you realize he can't see you. "I had to drink some chamomile because I was tossing al night, basically. I'm so used to having you close to me. The bed's too empty." Your hand rubs over his side of the bed when you say it, and you watch the way your engagement ring sparkles in the faint light shining through the gaps of the curtains.
"How's your shoulder?" you ask, and Art sighs. "It's okay, doesn't hurt as much anymore," he says. "That's good, I'm glad," you said. Your eyes shift to the clock on your nightstand, the green numbers almost taunting. "It's so late, Art, you should probably try getting some sleep. Aren't you playing tomorrow?"
"I am," he said almost reluctantly, mimicking you as he looked over to the dresser, the small digital clock displaying the time in angry red numbers. "Can you tell me about your day?" he asked out of the blue, seemingly ignoring your inquiry. "Art—"
"Please, I just want to hear your voice a little more," he interrupted, and your whole chest restricts painfully at the pitiful tone of his voice. You missed him so much, and contact between you two had been limited because of how busy he was during the day. "Okay," you said softly, moving your body to lie back down deeper underneath the sheets as you started telling him about your day. And he listened as you softly spoke, closing his eyes and imagining you were laying on his chest as your soft body warmed his.
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
ona batlle x putellas!reader
part of the 'hidden' universe
part two here
part three here
mapi leon x bronze!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive - cuteness, queenie needing to use google translate because her Spanish is sub par! x
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y/n just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, taylorswift, and 13.9m others
y/n life dumppppp 💕💕
comments limited
alexiaputellas: Estoy muy orgulloso de ti hermanita!
so proud of you baby sister
y/n: ily !! 💕
lucybronze: The little one of me says you're cool!
y/n: tell her I miss her! 😔
blanca_suarez: my little daughter! 🙂
y/n: my movie mama!! 😙
florencepugh: I wanna see the photos of after you did that jump
y/n: shut up 😩
florencepugh: no
y/n: I'll fight you Flo
florencepugh: come at me pipsqueak !!
ona.batlle: Looks like fun ! 😌
y/n: Would be more fun with you here ;)
alexiaputellas: y/n, no flirting with my teammates.
y/n: awwww :(
MariaLeonn16: MISS YOU ! 💙
MariaLeonn16: hmmpf.
see more comments...
y/n hummed as she stepped around her kitchen, her fluffy socks keeping her feet warm from the cold tile, which was cold as she couldn't be bothered to put the heated floor on.
Her Persian cat, Milo, rubbed against her feet and she smiled, bending down to pick him up and press a kiss to his fluffy head before placing him back down.
y/n then moved over to the bowl of food she had ordered, smiling when her phone lit up with the familiar name which kept her warm for almost a year now.
"Hi baby!" y/n smiles, her Spanish accent not as thick as it used to be when she spoke English.
y/n had been in England for a few years now, on and off, and due to the fact she mainly spoke in English and acted with either English or Americans, y/n's accent had dulled slightly.
"Hola!" Ona called back.
The two had been secretly dating for nearly a year now. Why secretly? Because Ona's captain was Alexia Putellas. Alexia Putellas was y/n's sister. Her over-protective older sister.
The two were aware they were nothing short of fucked. They were aware of that. But the two had fallen in love while Ona was playing in Manchester and at the time, they couldn't keep away.
Now, their relationship existed of long phone calls and sneaky hook-ups when y/n came to see her as best she could, as well as trying to avoid flashing cameras and nosy people.
Truth is the only other person to know about them was Lucy Bronze's younger sister, and that was only because Ona and her were best friends and she was dating Mapi Leon in secret as well. They really were a group.
"How was training?" y/n asks Ona as she settles on the sofa, propping the phone up on a few cushions as she bought her bowl of noodles toward her.
"Aburrida, todo en lo que estaba pensando era en ti mi amor." Ona sighs and y/n chuckles.
Boring. All I was thinking about was you my love.
"Eres tan romántica!" y/n laughs at her girlfriend.
you're such a romantic.
"Do not pretend you do not love it, mi amor." Ona says and y/n hums.
"Well, I do love feeling the way you make me feel." y/n sighs jokingly and Ona's smile widens. "But, you should be paying attention in training." y/n finishes and Ona huffs.
"Ay! You are worse than Ale!" Ona states and y/n sighs. "What are you eating?" Ona then asks, trying to get the focus off of Alexia.
"Wagamama." y/n grinned, Milo jumping next to her and curling onto the sofa, his head resting on y/n's thigh.
"Milo." Ona cooed, the cat looking up and letting out a small meow as he blinked at Ona.
"Look, it's mama Milo." y/n says softly, placing her fork down to stroke at the cat's head. Ona smiles softly as Milo meows, Ona chuckling as she moves to get Coco, her own dog who pants excitedly at the sight of Milo.
Despite being and cat and a dog the two pets got on like siblings and y/n couldn't help but smile as Milo purred at the sight of his sibling.
The two facetimed for the rest of the evening, settling into bed a few hours later, both watching each other on their screens, wishing they were face to face instead of watching through a camera.
"What are you thinking about Amor?" Ona asks softly, noticing y/n had gone quiet.
"Quiero contarle a Ale sobre nosotras." y/n said quickly.
I want to tell Ale about us.
"¿Cómo? No no no no no." Ona begins and y/n sighs.
"I know you're afraid." y/n begins. "¡Pero cariño, por favor! No puedo ocultar esto más."
But darling please, I can't hide this anymore.
"But Alexia!" Ona tries.
"I'll talk to her! Explain everything." y/n tries and Ona pauses. "Please Ona, I'm so sick of us hiding." She begs softly.
"Okay. Okay." Ona promises. "Por ti, mi amor, enfrentaré la tormenta Alexia por ti." She nods and a soft smile grows on y/n's face.
For you, my love, I will brave the storm Alexia for you.
"Thank you." y/n whispers. "I love you Ona." She promises and Ona smiles.
"I love you too amor." Ona promises.
y/n just posted on her story
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y/n smiled softly as she opened Alexia's apartment with her spare key. Now on international break, the Barcelona captain was at home resting before having to go to national camp in three days.
At the sound of her door opening, Alexia stood up, pausing the most recent Barcelona game she was re-watching for notes and faced her door worriedly before her mouth dropped.
"¡Niñera!" Alexia called in shock.
Baby sister
"Hola Ale!" y/n called, pulling her suitcase to a stop as Alexia raced over. The taller girl pulling her into a tight hug which made y/n chuckle as she returned it.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" Alexia asked. "Ven, siéntate, ¿tienes hambre, sed?" Alexia rapidly questioned making y/n smile as her sister dragged her to the sofa.
What are you doing here? Come sit down, are you hungry, thirsty?
"Estoy bien, vine a ver los partidos de la liga de naciones." y/n explains.
I'm fine, I came to watch the nation league games.
Alexia makes a noise of understanding as she leans over and presses kisses over y/n's face, exclaiming how happy she was to see her and how beautiful she looked.
y/n laughed it off, telling her she was always too flattering to her, Alexia saying it was what an older sister did. The statement wracking y/n with guilt.
"Ale." y/n began. Alexia looking at her with furrowed brows, confused at her sister's shift in tone.
"Are you okay?" Alexia asks softly.
"I'm dating someone." y/n spills out. "And, hemos estado saliendo durante más de un año." y/n admits.
And we've been dating over a year.
"Oh." Alexia says softly, eyes softening as her sister ducks her head, fiddling with her fingers. "It's okay." She promises.
"Even if I hid it?" y/n asks quietly.
"I would like you to explain why for so long and who, but yes it is okay." Alexia promises.
"The who kind of explains the why." y/n admits and Alexia pauses. "Ale." She begins.
"Who?" She asks, though it was far more a demand. She repeats her demand.
"Ona." y/n says ducking her head.
"Hijo de puta." Alexia mutters.
y/n sighed, leaning forward and putting her head in her hands and her shoulders sagged. Her heart felt as if it was pushing into her throat and it made her sick.
y/n and Alexia had been close as children, the three sisters were best friends, and knew each other too well. They told each other everything, to the point where this would be the first time she had ever lied to either sister.
And even though she felt terrible for upsetting her older sister, for betraying her, there was something so relieving about finally admitting it.
Slowly, Alexia reached out and place a hand on y/n's shoulder, her warm and calloused palm so much kinder than what y/n felt she deserved as she looked up.
"No puedo negarlo y decir que no estoy herido, porque lo estoy. Preferiría que me lo hubieras dicho, pero entiendo que no quieras." Alexia begins, her voice soft.
I cannot deny and say I am not hurt, because I am. I would rather you had told me, but I understand you not wanting to.
y/n could have cried as she closed her eyes, feeling so guilty at hurting her sister with something that she couldn't have helped.
"¿La amas?" Alexia asked, her eyes full of understanding and kindness which calmed y/n's heart.
Do you love her?
"Más de lo que creía posible Ale. Ella lo es todo para mí, de verdad." y/n admits to her sister who lets out a sigh at the emotion in her voice.
More than I thought possible Ale. She's everything to me, truly.
Alexia sighed and wrapped her arm around y/n's shoulders, pulling her into her side as she lent her head onto y/n's own one, inhaling the smell of her shampoo.
"Entonces de acuerdo." Alexia sighs softly.
Then okay.
y/n's heart broke at that, how one person could be so good to her was beyond her thought, beyond her idea of humanity, but Alexia had once again, proved her wrong.
"Eres demasiado amable conmigo, eres demasiado amable conmigo." y/n repeats at her sister.
You are too kind to me, you are too kind to me.
"Esto no es bondad, esto es familia." Alexia says to her and y/n sighs.
This is not kindness, this is family.
The girl turns, wrapping her arms around her sister as she pulls herself snugly on-top of Alexia, clinging to her shoulders as she pressed kisses into the woman's hair.
"Thank you Ale." y/n said softly, repeating the words again and again.
"Oh mi pequeña princesa del drama. Eres tan mayor ahora." Alexia said softly.
Oh my little drama princess. You are so grown up now.
y/n said nothing, just continued to cling to Alexia as if she was 6 all over again and Alexia 14. The Barcelona captain couldn't help but enjoy the closeness.
It had been so long since they had hugged like this, the youngest Putellas always so busy, always moving, working and filming.
Eventually the two parted and Alexia sighed tucking a strand of her sister's hair behind her ear as she watched her.
"Do you and Ona plan to tell?" Alexia asks and y/n hums.
"I want to tell your team first, then we can think about everything else." y/n sighs. "Are you mad at her?" She then asks with a wince.
"Oh furious." Alexia nods, a smile on her face to show she wasn't really. "She treats you well?" She then asks and y/n smiles softly.
"She loves me just as I do her." y/n answers and Alexia smiles.
"So she loves you well." Alexia says and y/n nods. "Do you want to see her?" She asks and y/n hums.
"Tomorrow." y/n says before snuggling into her sister's side. "I want to spend the night with you." She says.
"I love that idea." Alexia sighs, pressing a kiss into her sister's hair.
Tomorrow came far too quick for y/n's liking, before she knew it she was stood at Ona's door, flowers in hand as she waited for the patter of her lover's footsteps to open the door.
"¡Mi amor!" Ona yelled in shock, dragging y/n inside so no prying eyes could see.
y/n's hair was up in a bun, she was wearing a sweet summer dress due to how hot it was outside, however she also had shorts on underneath, because she knew what could happen once Ona knew they were out.
Ona smiled softly, taking the flowers from y/n's hands and placing them on the counter, before jumping at y/n. The woman sighed in relief, bringing Ona's legs around her waist as she wrapped her arms tightly around her.
"Oh my love." y/n said softly, breathing in the sweet scent of Ona's hair.
Ona buried her head into y/n's neck, pressing soft kisses against the skin which had y/n breathing shaking as she walked them to the sofa, sliding her shoes off as she went.
Coco immediately moved over to one of her discarded trainers and stuck his head in it, inhaling which made y/n roll her eyes at the dog fondly.
y/n sat back against the sofa, Ona quickly looking up and greedily connecting their lips, hands scattering around each other's bodies, re-familiarising themselves.
Ona's tongue dipped past y/n's lips, sweeping the inside of her mouth which caused a groan to slip from her. Ona giggled into the kiss, before they pulled away, both breathing deeply as they stared at one another.
Ona was in a white shirt, black shorts, her hair was pulled back and she looked like she had woken up just an hour ago. And to y/n, she had never looked more beautiful.
All their time apart meant these moment, Ona sat on her lap, hands combing over her shoulders lovingly, were all that more precious to y/n.
"How are you here?" Ona asked her softly, leaning forward to cuddle into her chest as y/n wraps her arms around her.
"He venido a ver los partidos." y/n explains softly.
I've come to watch the games.
"I'm so glad you're here." Ona sighs in relief, y/n holding onto her as she sighs.
"I have a confession Ona." y/n says softly and Ona sits up, y/n moving her off her lap and to the side she could face her.
"Amor?" Ona asks, worry flooding her voice.
"Ale knows." y/n says simply. "I told her." She adds.
Ona's face goes through several emotions, relief that this wasn't a break-up, fear of Alexia knowing, realisation that her captain was no aware and hurt that y/n hadn't warned her she would tell Alexia like that.
"Why?" Ona asks sadly.
"Because I want to be with you. In front of her." y/n says strongly and Ona's eyes fill with panic. "It's like we discussed Oni, please." y/n tries.
"Get out." She says softly. "Please go." Ona repeats.
"You said you would fight for me." y/n said softly.
"You didn't give me time to prepare." Ona tells her. "Alexia is my captain, and I am with her little sister, and instead of telling her together, you decided to tell her on you own." Ona continues.
"Because I knew I could keep her calm about us." y/n promises and Ona sighs.
"Please go. I need some time." Ona says softly and y/n blinks away tears before standing up and walking to the door, expecting Ona to call out, stop her. But she doesn't.
And y/n's heart breaks.
Mapi part one will be out in three days ;) xox
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mbsneur · 10 days
Intimate Control pt.2
Alexia Putellas x Reader
I have now completed Part Two and would be grateful for any feedback you may have. I am struggling to come up with new ideas, so I would be very happy to hear from you about which Woso player you would like me to write about and what you would like me to include. Thanks!🩵
Warnings: Smut18+ minors DNI, rough sex
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You made your way to the kitchen, eager to follow Alexia's instructions. You unbuttoned your blouse and took off your underwear, your heart racing with anticipation. After a few minutes, Alexia came into the kitchen with your longest strap-on, you two own.
Your eyes widen with excitement as you notice how you immediately get wet again. Seeing Alexia like this fills your heart with joy. She comes closer and closer to you, and you stand next to your dining table, filled with anticipation.
She grabs your hips and pulls you closer to her. She kisses you deeply, her tongue exploring your mouth with wild abandon. You taste yourself a little bit on her lips.
As she lets go of you, her lips are wet and swollen. She grins at you and whispers, "Turn around, amore." She turns you so that your belly touches the cold table. You hiss from the sudden touch. Her lips rest on your neck, and you relax into her kiss. Her hand moves from your tailbone to your shoulders with a jerk. She bends you over the table with a thud, and your face lands on the tabletop.
You take a deep breath and clench your hands against the table. Alexia's hand moves to your bum and squeezes it hard, you whimper softly, trying to see what is happening.
Her finger pulls out a strip and finally pushes it into the wet folds of your pussy, making you groan
Alexia mumbles something in Spanish, "Joder, you are so wet," she says, moaning slightly, and you moan, trying to push against her fingers, but her hand, holding your bottom, pushes you back against the table
"Be patient. I'll give you what you want," she says, her voice firm and confident. She pushes her middle finger into your tight hole, fingers you slowly and deliberately, and your pussy tightens at the thought of her fucking you with her strap.
She adds another finger and pumps into you at a relentless pace, sending shivers through your body. You cry out at the sudden stretch and roll your eyes into the back of your head, feeling the pleasure radiate through your entire body. You realise your pussy is dripping around Alexia's finger, a delicious sensation that makes you even more aroused.
"ale fuck you feel so fucking good," you moan, your body slamming against the edge of the table with every bump, you are sure you will have blue marks on your hips tomorrow, her fingernails boring into your backside, moaning mercilessly
"Should I fuck you with three fingers?" she asks, her voice slightly out of breath. She waits for your answer.
"Y-yeah" you stutter, pressing your face back on the table.
"Mh do you want me to fill your tight pussy completely," she says devilishly as you moan at her words she slaps you hard on your arse "Use your words like a good girl," she says as you moan in pain and desire "ale fill me completely.
"ay so you can be a good girl," she says, her smile widening as her third finger slides into your wet hole. "It feels so good."
As your words fell, she started pumping hard and fast into you, her three fingers stretching you out. The sounds of your wet pussy spread through the whole room, and Alexia's eyes widened even more.
Your moans get louder and your legs start to shake. "Alexia, I'm close. Don't stop."
Alexia hums and your walls clench around her fingers as she realises you're almost there. She pulls her fingers out.
"Ale, no, no, no Don't do this," you demand, grabbing her hand and pressing it against your core again. You're a shaking mess. Alexia just laughs at your desperation and presses your hand back down on the table.
you make moaning noises and lay your face back on the table she pulls your folds apart and strokes her strap against them you moan slightly and she pushes her strap into you until it hits the handle
"Fuck," you moan with pain that turns to pleasure as Alexia pumps into you so fast you can't even get used to the feeling.
She grabs your hips hard, taking control. She pumps hard into you, her hips slamming against yours with every thrust, driving you wild. You bite down on your bottom lip and let out little whimpers.
alexia's head falls back because the buckles hit her clitoris with each thrust she grunts and thrusts harder into you you can barely stay on your feet
Alexia's head falls back as the buckles hit her clit, she grunts and thrusts harder, barely staying on her feet.
"Look what a slut you are, you take my cock so needily," she says moaning and her words send a shiver down your spine as one of her hands grabs your ponytail And then, without a second thought, she pulls you up and presses you against her chest. Your head leans into her neck and your moans are shrill and loud. Alexia still pushes into you from behind. "Ale, let me come this time, please," you say, your voice tearful. Alexia grins at your words.
"Cum for me," she demands, pulling you closer to her. Your legs tremble involuntarily and your hands grip the edge of the table. Your orgasm builds up more and more, and your stomach tightens. After a few more thrusts, you come with a few screams of Alexia's name.
Alexia is thrusting hard into you and her breathing is irregular. You tap her on the thigh and your vision is clouded. You're sensitive. "Ale, i-" you say and feel tears welling up in your eyes. "Just a little, please, amor." She grabs your arm and turns you around, pushing you down on the table by your thighs. You wrap your arms around her neck, your bodies pressed together. She looks you straight in the eye, her forehead sweaty with a few baby hairs stuck to it.
Her breathing turns into a small moan, and you feel how close she comes. She still grips your hips, and your whimpers of sensitivity increase. Alexia presses her head against your shoulder and gently bites into it. You feel her come, her legs press against the table and start to tremble. You hear her moan softly until she finally lets herself fall all over you.
Tell me your opinion and ideas <3
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 5 months
28 / 1.7k / soap soulmate au, part 5
Soap stares at his name where it's inked across your skin. You should be his enemy. He's sitting across from you, your interrogator in this dimly lit weapons closet. You refuse to look at him. But his gaze bores into you anyway, intense on your eyes, your lips, the cuts and bruises on your face. He wants you. But he can only have you once you've given him the information Captain Price needs.
"Tell me where Alejandro is," he says. "That's all you need to do."
A muscle in your jaw twitches when he mentions Graves' name, but you bite your tongue. You won't let him shake your resolve like he did in Las Almas. You should've killed him on sight.
"What Graves is doing to Alejandro--you know it's wrong." Soap’s gaze is steady. You're so close. He wants you so badly it hurts. "He's not a good man.”
"You have no idea what kind of man he is," you say.
"I know exactly the kind of man he is," he growls. "I saw what he did to the people in Las Almas. He called them dirty cops and had them executed when they said they didn't know anything. Innocent people. In front of their families. Their children." Soap's hands curl into fists on the table between you. "He's not the kind of man who deserves your loyalty."
Your cuffs clink as your arms flex against the chair. "You wouldn't understand."
"You're right. I wouldn't." Soap's knuckles pop, his voice low and dark. All his life he's waited for you. Now Graves--fucking Graves, who betrayed Soap and his team and tried to murder them all--is somehow the one keeping you from him. "I don't understand what you see in that bastard."
You say nothing, eyes trained on the far wall.
Soap's shoulders tighten. "You're just a tool to him."
"I’m a soldier. I choose to follow orders. So do you.”
"You're following his orders. You think that makes you a soldier, being a weapon? No. Makes you a damn dog."
You say nothing.
Soap grips the table until it creaks. "You think he cares about you.”
"It doesn't matter if he does or not."
"It does so bloody matter. You’re no’ some pawn he can just throw away." God damn you. He wants to grab you with both hands and shake you. To hell with this interrogation--he's got half a mind to lock you down somewhere padded until you get it through your skull that you're not worthless. He scowls at you. "You're better than this. You have to be."
Cold irritation seeps through your mask. "Am I?" Soulmate or not, he doesn’t know you.
At the look on your face, Soap's scowl deepens. He's going to kill that bastard, and he's going to do it slowly. "What about Graves is more important to you than the innocent lives he took? Does that mean nothing to you?”
"Orders are orders."
Soap's voice drops to a dangerous pitch. "Look me in the eye and say that.”
You don’t. You tell yourself it’s because he has no power over you. He can’t tell you what to do.
Soap crosses his arms. "'S what I thought. You're bluffing."
"I'm not."
"Bullshit. Graves is nothing but Shepherd's lapdog. Gettin’ paid to commit goddamn war crimes.”
"Shut your mouth," you snap. "You have no idea what happened--"
You stumble on the next syllable and go silent, realizing suddenly that you're looking him in the eye.
Johnny's a man of impulse, and it takes all the self-control he has to keep himself in place the moment you lock eyes. The pull he feels to you right now is overwhelming. You're in reach. He leans forward. Those brilliant blue eyes of his see all the way down into your soul. They’re just the same as you remember--eerily vivid, pupils blown, with his jaw set hard.
"What happened to what, darlin'?"
You shift, skin prickling. You want to cross your arms over yourself and clap your hand over the soulmark on your neck. "You don't know what happened in Al Mazrah."
"You were ambushed."
You nod, remembering that night of the mission. You've seen your squadmates die before. It's a hazard of the job, part of being a mercenary. But that night--seeing so many Shadows gunned down before they could so much as draw their weapons--it still haunts you.
"Shepard didn't know. It wasn't like we-- it was supposed to be a simple transport mission."
"It was a black bag op."
"That's what Shadows do. We take missions people don't like. Someone has to step in where you military dogs won't."
"Where was Shepherd when it went tits up, hm?" Soap's lip curls. "No air support on an illegal op. He left you to be killed. And now he needs someone to blame. It's not gonna be him taking that bullet. It's gonna be you."
"Captain Graves can handle it."
Soap lets out a rough sigh. Your insistence on Graves is rubbing him raw. You could have died on that op two months ago. And then what? He'd have never met you, only found your name later in stone on some memorial somewhere. The thought makes his chest go cold and his blood run hot. It could still happen. If he can't tear you away from this bloody mercenary work, you'll never be his. Christ. He can't let that happen. He won't. You're not going back to the Shadow Company. He'll tear Graves into pieces before he lets that happen.
He fixates on your soulmark again. Why can't he focus on getting the information Price needs? All he can think about right now is the scab on your lip, the way your pupils dilate when you look at him. Your body wants his even as you're spitting venom. The fire in you matches his own, and he wants more.
"Graves isn't here," Soap tells you. "And I'm not takin’ chances. You’re not going back to Shepherd, and you’re sure as hell not going back to Graves. You're mine."
You pull on your cuffs, hating the way the possessive note in his voice makes your stomach flip. "You don't get to decide that."
"Neither do you.”
"Isn't a matter of choice. It's a matter of what you’re gonnae do about it."
You swallow and watch his gaze track down your throat. He's close. When did he lean in? Why aren't you pulling back?
No, you tell yourself, you’re not scared. You’re in control. You lean a millimeter closer. "You can't keep me here."
His eyes brighten, gaze so intense it warms your skin. "Careful, darlin'. You don't want to throw down that gauntlet."
"And you expect me to tell you whatever you want to know? Fuck my career, fuck my squadmates?"
"If you weren't so damn dense, I'd--" He mutters another string of curses in that thick Scottish accent, standing from his chair and pacing the tight room. "You don't understand what I'm offerin’. You don't need them. You have me an' mine."
He circles around to your side of the interrogation table and kneels next to you, his expression an open plea for you to listen. You stare down at him with your heart suddenly in your throat. You can't backpedal. You can't look away.
He searches your face. Even roughed up, even pissing him off, you're beautiful. Damn it, he's going to do something stupid if he doesn't control himself.
He keeps his voice low and even. "You were expendable to them. You're expendable to Graves. You're no' expendable to me." He reaches up to you, and you go still. His hand is hot on your skin. His grip is surely strong enough to break bone. But only his thumb drags along your lip. His eyes follow the motion. "Your loyalty should be for people who care about you. I'm on your side, ya wee shite. Just tell me how to get to Alejandro and I'll get you out of here. I'll make sure you're safe. That's all I need to know."
You stare down at him. Your heart beats in your ears, and his pulse hammers with yours. You can feel it through his thumb against the sensitive skin on your lower lip.
Johnny wants you so badly you almost give in. He thinks he's telling the truth--that he'll protect you. But he doesn't know any better. You're not who he wants you to be. You're not soft. You're not good. Why does he act like he can see something redeemable in you?
Being his soulmate doesn't guarantee you a goddamn thing. Promises don't afford you any more protection than you've already given yourself. You know that very well. People aren't reliable. Soulmarks don’t fix everything. They’re just ink.
Whatever he sees when he looks up at you makes something cold and sharp settle in his chest. His throat constricts. He's pushing, he knows he is, and it's the wrong move with you. He's never been this desperate for anyone.
"Darlin'. Don't do that. Don't shut me out." His voice wavers just like his resolve. He'd protect you to his last. You refuse to see that, and he can't make you.
You look away, pulling away from his hand. "I don't trust you."
Johnny's stomach drops, and he digs his fingers into the metal chair to stop himself from digging them into you.
You want him. He can see it in the set of your shoulders, how tight you hold yourself when he's close to you. You want him despite yourself, and you still refuse. It doesn't matter how rational a decision it should be to accept his help. There's something else happening in your head that's keeping your walls up, and he's starting to realize it's not just Graves. It can't be.
He watches you for a long moment. He doesn't want you to hurt, but he's not stupid enough to believe you'll soften up and come around with time. You're a soldier.
Finally, Soap stands. If you don’t tell him what he needs to know, you’ll remain a hostage, and won’t be able to have you. He won’t accept that.
"Fine," he says, pushing his way out the door. "We’ll do this the hard way."
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / [part 5] / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12
more Soap / masterlist tag
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