#also also my colors won't always be neutrals
amtrak12 · 2 years
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Anyway, my deck bags won't be 10 bucks but they also won't be Basic (derogatory). Exciting buttons, reinforced chain stitch drawstring with pony bead pull tab (~vintage~ pony beads in this case as these particular beads date back to pre-2000 when I was 10 years old), a bottom ridge to create a proper perpendicular angle with the side of the bag while creating visual interest, reverse single crochet at the top to finish off the raw edge and create more visual interest. Back straps to complete the knapsack design while also providing a place to slip in your hand to stabilize your grip and minimize dropping your shit as you cart your tarot deck room to room (or am I the only one with that problem?). Oh and a branded wash and care label because not everyone knows what to do with crocheted fabric.
Will they cost more than your average indie tarot deck? Um yes. Will I be making a pattern pdf available for purchase so you can make it yourself if you know how to crochet? Also yes. But also spending money on things that save you time makes people happiest and my bag themes are pretty good if I do say so myself. The pictures above are my steampunk design and I just bought some black d20 buttons for another design which I'm looking forward to :D
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Though my primary product is going to be 3 card reading mats because they're most economical, along with larger 3x3 card reading mats available as a treat yourself option. The small one there is actually an early prototype. I've since lengthened it a bit so the mat will comfortably fit three oracle cards side by side or three tarot cards. Same for the large mat. It will fit 3 rows by 3 columns of mass market oracle sized cards or standard tarot sized cards. Super oversized cards like the Next World Tarot will need a little scrunching to fit. A Celtic Cross tarot spread will also fit if you tilt the right line at an angle.
Spectral Hook Creations everyone! Coming to the US this fall! ??? (hopefully) (I still have a lot of administration stuff to prep and I can't quit my day job yet :S)
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DPXDC prompt. Adult!Danny x Sleep-deprived!Constantine: We seem to have a misunderstanding.
Warlock was willing to admit that the Phantom’s company was mostly useful and not unpleasant. Because of the specifics of his work they had to meet quite often. It was nice to be at least a little sure that you wouldn’t get stabbed in the back. The new ghost king seemed to be amused by the World of the Living and that was quite useful. In addition, the Infinite Realms had a history of endless conflicts with Hell, so when demons was messing with him, Phantom was happy to put sticks in their wheels.
However, the current enemy of the League was another alien. Both John and Phantom happened to be nearby. But it seems ghost had no reason to help Hellblazer now, as this fight had nothing to do with his kingdom. Given that Batman had explicitly instructed John to stay on the battlefield, it seemed that if John Constantine wanted to count on a weekend, he would have to use his trump card now.
Constantine: In view of the urgency of the situation, I would like to make a proposal. Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me. In the spirit of saving time..[holding up a ring] This is for you. You in?
Phantom: I..I don’t know, John. I mean i want to say yes but It’s all so sudden. Please gimme some time to think, okay? And let me help to deal with these invaders first and then we’ll talk about it.
John: ..Sure?
Tucker: Whoa crazy battle dude. John: Civilians are not allowed here. Danny: It's all right. We were going to meet at a cafe, but now, well, there is no cafe. I mean, he's with me and not so civilian, okay?Ehem..John, meet my best friend Tucker. Tucker, meet my..Em, this is John, and he's kinda my John. It's new for us.
Damn. He was in a hurry and offered more than he should have. It turns out the ghost had an interest in protecting the city. It is unlikely that he would allow the destruction of the place where one of his humans lives.
And worst of all, Phantom did not accept the ring (for which John had to hunt for several months) as payment. Constantine got it specially in case he needed a favor or a way to calm the anger of the spirit he was starting to get along with. Like, really, John spent a fair amount to own the artifact which would have neutralized the consequences of wearing a ring of rage. But Ghost didn’t want it? Why? And yet he helped. So John was in debt.
And how it's all at a bad time. The peace treaty and the treaty of cooperation between the States and the Infinite Realms was concluded only recently. Of course John didn't even have time to discuss the terms of their deal because the blushing ghost flew away to fight but to say that he won't pay for the service is like admitting that you want to start a new conflict. Constantine was starting to have a headache. He'll think about it when he gets at least a couple of hours of sleep. Whatever payment the ghost needs, it can wait a couple of hours.
But as it turned out, the ghost couldn’t make up his mind and decide what he wanted from him. He started showing up at John’s place and looking at him thoughtfully, also recently dragged him to pick out a suit. How he could be mistaken for a stylist John did not understand but preferred not to unnerve a potential ally.
Moreover, for some reason the chaotic creature decided that he had the right to condemn John for always forgetting to have dinner or take a bath. This scoundrel dared to lock him in a bathroom with strange scented candles and colored water. Whatever these bath bombs were, dumb spirit failed to poison him but now John smelled like peaches. Disgusting.
After breaking down the door he found the same mess with candles on the kitchen table. Phantom fought a fierce battle with the green goo in the pot that he brought to John's house, but eventually gave up and they ordered delivery. All in all, it was a pleasant evening. Of course John didn't admit it but for some reason Danny decided that he could make such a mess every Friday.
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Danny: So..me and Morningstar are friends now. Do you mind? I know you don’t get along very well. John: Why should I care? Your friends are your business. Considering you’re crazy about the stars I’m surprised you’re not sleeping with their maker.
Danny: Hell no, Lightbringer is great. And I’m glad he’s sharing with me what I wouldn’t find in books but I would never cheat on my partner. John: Good to know. (Wow, who knew the Phantom has a lover.)
Morningstar: I have no idea what you see in this arrogant man, stardust.
Phantom: I don’t know. It’s interesting to be around him. You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. And his determination and sarcastic nature are really charming.
Morningstar: Well, I’ll get rid of some of his contracts for your wedding but only because I like you and not because I’m willing to deal with this liar.
Phantom: Thanks, Luci,  you’re the best.
Morningstar:That’s true. But it's not free. I need you as a babysitter to keep Spawn busy while, well, Detective and I are busy.
Phantom: No problem :)
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mysacredmuse · 3 months
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request // celebrations of your and aventurine's birthday :) written with gender neutral reader in mind, fluff ! :) perhaps his final gift for you may be considered ooc by some, but I truly and firmly believe in sentimental, romantic aventurine with all my might <3
* last part in your birthday's celebration, I left an open space so you can imagine the place that may be important or romantic to you in some way, so I don't ruin the moment, eheh :3
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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• Aventurine's birthday
as mentioned before, given Aventurine's rather rough childhood, he never got to experience the perks of being a child or having his birthday celebrated. Truthfully, he rarely got celebrated as a person given his roots, so it's quite an unfamiliar experience for him overall. Due to that, he doesn't expect anything from you. He doesn't daydream about it simply because he doesn't even understand what birthdays are all about. Anything he wants, he can get now, so it's really not a big deal to him
however, contrary to his beliefs and mindset, you have a lot of ideas. You are aware that there isn't really a gift you can buy that he didn't already get for himself long time ago, so your main focus becomes the celebration of him and pouring your love out by preparing a huge surprise!
he is an intelligent man, but he tends to be slightly naïve around you - that, combined with his genuine disinterest in his birthday makes your plan go smoothly! You plan out for weeks in advance, making a deal with Topaz and a few other of his coworkers to surprise him at work in order to start the day in good spirits and get most out of it. They promise that they won't mention anything about you as you behave like his birthday isn't a big deal to you either - all while preparing a huge surprise for him at home
he texts you at some point, telling you about the surprise his coworkers threw for him. From the tone of his message, you can tell that he was, in fact, pleasantly surprised, however you ignore a message as you begin to put up decorations of all sorts. You mostly go for peacock colors as they do represent celebrations, pride and happiness. You tape balloons in green, blue and red colors all over your shared apartment, making it much more vibrant and beautiful. You use golden balloons to spell out "happy birthday", taping them on the biggest wall in the living room <3
you bake him a cake after going through all sorts of recepies, finding the tastiest one based on the ratings - a huge chocolate cake in a heart shape with strawberries on the edges. You spell "I love you" in a white frosting, admiring your good work for a moment before putting it on the table so he sees it almost immediately as he enters the apartment <3 You add one candle as he is turning one year older, but it's also more sufficient given the nature of the cake
gifts were a tricky part, but you managed to find something that he doesn't have, yet it might be meaningful to him. You get a custom pair of golden rings, one having engraved "pride" on the inner part and the other having "love" engraved in order to always remind him that he is your pride as well as your love. Aventurine does have a lot of rings, but none of them are truly sentimental in any way, so you hope that this will be up to his taste while also having parts of your heart on them <3
then, you nervously wait for his arrival. He should be home in a couple of minutes and each minute feels a year long. You are slightly worried about his reaction, but you hope for the best as you closely listen for the footsteps. Finally, you hear the key going into the lock as your heart beats out of your chest, hand quickly reaching for a lighter to light up the candle and place the rings in front of the cake
"Hey babe, I sent you a message, have you-"
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Rinnie, happy birthday to you!" you sing happily, clapping your hands as your body trembles with mixture of excitement and nervousness. Aventurine remains still, hands filled with bags of gifts from his coworkers, gaze rushing throughout the room. He blinks a few times, lips parting a bit as you rock your body back and forth, trying to subside the anxious nerves.
"I don't know if you mind.." you finally speak up in a insecure tone, unsure of his thoughts at the moment. He quickly drops the bags on the floor, embracing you into a tight, such a tight hug, slightly lifting you up in the process.
"Why did you drop the bags?! Topaz got you an expensive watch!" you say panicky, but quickly return the hug with a soft chuckle.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..!" Aventurine whispers into your ear, gratitude and excitement evident in his tone as he gently twirls you around, finally putting you on the ground, even though he still keeps you close. He slowly leans away, eyes admiring you, then the cake, then you again.
"How did you know about the watch?" he raises his eyebrow, tone suddenly more serious, but a soft smile spreads across his face as he gains a nervous reaction out of you.
"Ahh, don't mind that! The candle is going to melt away completely, time to make a wish!" you point at the cake, voice a mixture of nervousness and happiness. He just gives you a knowing look, gently kissing your cheek, then your nose, your forehead and finally placing a soft kiss on your lips.
you sing him a song again before he blows a candle that was barely even holding up, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered to him right now, but you. When he sees the gift you got him and hears your messy explanation of the meaning behind it, he just embraces you into a tight, warm hug again. Immediately after, he takes off his usual rings and puts the ones you got him, making you kiss them so they hold more of you in them. He won't tell you that when you are away from each other and he misses you, he might just kiss the rings himself <3
you spend the rest of the day enjoying together, but Aventurine makes sure to tell you how much this means to him as it truly changed his perspective on things once more. Now, he looks forward to celebrating his birthdays, even gaining a bit of playful cockiness as he jokes how he deserves a prince treatment for every single one of them. But, what he truly believes in and feels deep in his heart is exactly what he wished for while blowing out a candle - he wishes to keep growing old alongside you as your laughter and sweet song welcomes him every next birthday <3
• Your birthday
Aventurine is less of a stay-at-home surprise for your birthday. He is probably more excited about it than you are, truth to be told. Which can be confirmed by the way he anxiously waits for midnight to give you all the gifts as well as the endless kisses and birthday wishes!
as soon as the clock turns midnight, he is on top of you, embracing you in a bear hug as he places kisses all over your face. He will be a bit cheesy and dramatic about it, repeating "It's my baby's birthday!" over and over again as he rolls you around in the bed, keeping you tightly hugged with him <3
as soon as you manage to utter words of gratefulness as soft giggles sneak up in-between, he jumps, quickly going to a place where he was hiding all the presents for you! Now, be prepared, because he can and he will get you every single thing you mentioned in past 6 months or so, no matter how absurd, no matter even if you aren't interested in those things anymore :3
he will eagerly wait for you to open them, praising your shocked expression each time you open a gift, only to be met with some things that you mentioned perhaps once, with not even giving it remote importance at the time. Books, electronics, clothes, shoes, mangas, jewerly, equipment - truly anything you may have even thought about is yours now :3
before you get a chance to scold him, as he knows you probably will, he runs out of the room, leaving you alone for a couple of minutes. You did know that he is extra, but as he walks back into the room with a cake that has 3 levels - you truly see how extra he is. You have to remind him that it's only the two of you, so he should bring some to his coworkers when he goes to work. Your idea is met with a harsh scoff, you do own a fridge and this is your cake in your favorite colors and flavors - therefore, no one else gets a taste! (besides him, of course)
then, he sings you a song while lighting up the candles, softly admiring how pretty you are, especially when you are all mushy and happy. He makes a joke that you have nothing to wish for when he is right in front of you, which is most likely the truth, however you roll your eyes at him, not wishing to feed his already well-fed ego. He cuts a piece of cake after you made a wish and the two of you enjoy it in comfortable silence, gazing at one another from time to time, while smiling tenderly <3
you finally go to sleep after endless vocal pours of Aventurine's appreciation and love for you. You tell him that he truly could be an actor in some ancient romantic drama given the way he speaks, but he only takes that as a compliment. On the serious note, listening to him telling you what he admires the most about you (which is everything) all while going into great detail while describing your personality and how wonderful you are, does indeed melt your heart. There wasn't a better thing to hear before going to sleep, so you express your gratitude to him in your own way as you slowly doze off while his warm body keeps you close <3
contrary to falling asleep in such a soft, loving way - you are awaken by Aventurine almost pulling you out of bed at 8am. He talks too fast for your ability right now, all you understand is how you need to get up and you have places to be. Can't a person get a bit more sleep during their birthday? In Aventurine's book - nope. So, you get up feeling a bit grumpy as you get ready for the day you knew nothing about
the whole ride, Aventurine holds your hand tightly, his body quite literally busting from excitement as you try to keep your eyes open. First stop - IPC! Everyone got gathered together by Aventurine to throw you a huge birthday surprise. They know it's 9am, but being an IPC worker required some odd schedules, so they do apologize to you. Meanwhile, your sweet boyfriend goes around and tells everyone how it's your birthday! They...know already. So, naturally, as planned, everyone go up to you to wish you a happy birthday, giving you small gifts and presents, every single one quite thoughtful !
you enjoy spending time with them as no one really pressures you into talking or doing anything special unless you wish to, so you feel pretty comfortable and happy. It wouldn't be bad at all to spend your birthday here with lots of interesting people, good food and laughter, but next stop awaits as you learn when Aventurine grabs you by your hand and tells you it's time to go :3
you spend rest of the day visiting all of your favorite places with Aventurine. Libraries, amusement parks, museums, galleries, shops, cafés, reasturants, fields, game rooms, sport event(s) - whatever you may have ever mentioned of liking and everything that he knows is quite dear to your heart will be visited throughout the day. He takes a lot of pictures of you, his heart melting each time he sees a big smile on your face as you point out something that holds a meaning to you <3
finally, he takes you to a place where you kissed for the first time. It's warm, the breeze is sweet on your skin as there aren't any people to be seen.
"This is actually the gift I wanted to give you the whole day, so I hope this is the right space to do that." he says a bit nervously as he takes out a big book of a sort out of one of the bags he was carrying around.
You gaze down, taking the heavy book, opening it with a slightly hesitant move, only to be met with photos of yourself. You keep turning the pages, noticing written dates at the corners of each. What really catches your eye are small hand-written notes by each one, describing what was happening at that moment and how Aventurine felt about it. Further you go, you also notice pictures and stickers of your birth stone, birth flower and an actual dry flowers being kept safely between the pages. Aventurine would get you flowers all the time and you thought whenever they would dry that he just threw them away, but he kept them in this little photobook of his love for you.
Least to say, your heart turns into a pool of warmth as you keep turning the pages, being met with more and more love, quite literally nothing but the pure love. He did add a couple of more "embarrassing" moments, but it didn't matter because everything he did for you, he did out of love and wish to make you feel as appreciated as you make him, not by using materialistic things, but rather something that comes from bottom of his heart and is made by his own hands.
His collection, just like his love for you keeps on growing every next birthday of yours that you spend together.
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thebelovedmuse · 1 year
Hello I was just curious if you’d be willing to do a suggestive wally darling x male reader story that ends with tooth rotting fluff if that’s okay with you :)
I hope you're cool with me writing the reader as gender neutral! I'm going to try to keep it that way with all my fics.
After a busy day you find yourself at Home, lying sideways on the couch with your head in Wally's lap. He's petting your head while rambling on about whatever, when he moves his hand down just a little and begins running his thumb up and down the middle of your neck, right against the spine. Now, headpets are great but this was a new level. The sensations are relaxing but you find rather... non-platonic feelings rising to the surface. You feel the heat from your blushing face and pray that maybe since you're facing away from Wally he won't notice. The momentary distraction from your thoughts causes Wally to pause, "Are you ok, Y/N?" You mentally curse and stutter out a "I'm fine Wally...k-keep going." Unfortunately this had also caused Wally to pause the neck massage and you were desperate to get him to start again. "Hey could you um...go back to that thing you were doing?" "What thing?" Wally asks, looking down at you with great curiosity. Of course he was petting you absentmindedly and didn't realize what he was doing.
You start trying to explain what he had been doing and oops...accidental eye contact. Wally immediately notices your own blown-out pupils and blushing face before you try to look away again. "Are you blushing Y/N?" Wally purrs. You feels his stare and slowly make eye contact again. His eyes were now huge, dark pools and you could feel him staring into you. It seems like forever that the two of you stay like this until Wally leans down and kisses you. He sits back up and now its his turn to blush. "You know Y/N sometimes it gets lonely with just me and Home here, could you...stay a little longer? I have a project that might need your help."
You sit up, "Umm sure Wally, whatever you need." He smiles and stands up, offering his hand out to you. You take his hand and walk with him to the kitchen. You see a plain, un-iced cake on the counter. "Julie asked me to decorate a cake for her but...I don't know how." You smile and reach for the icing and food coloring on the counter next to the cake and begin teaching Wally how to decorate, comparing the steps to a painting so he could easily understand. After you both finish you take a moment to appreciate the now beautiful cake. "Thank you for your help, Y/N" Wally says as he grabs your hand and gives it a light squeeze. "Sure," you say "Let me know if you have any other projects, I'm always here to help."
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
playing with luxiem's hair
hello unit 4402 back at it again with the self indulgent headcanons. but now i'm fueled by a new banger romantic playlist to listen to so i'm, like, totally unstoppable now.
this was a fun warmup to get started on a bigger fic next. you know i've never done warmups before i started this blog like this! usually i don't stop typing about anything that comes to mind for 10 min straight as my warmups but these are a pretty good way to get in character and the headspace. would recommend to other fic writers stuck with characterization, but if the issue is getting the thoughts on paper you should try typing nonstop for a bit without worrying about backspace, grammar or coherency, and it might impress you how much easier gets to type
tags: established relationship, fluff, gender neutral reader, headcanons
⚠ suggestive content briefly mentioned in luca and mysta's entries
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland
his hair is so fluffy all the time, and comfy to rest your head against
insists his hair is untameable, but it's surprisingly easy to style yourself (though to be fair it doesn't stay in place after an hour or two no matter what you do)
most of the time when you play with his hair it's absentminded
usually whenever he's the little spoon, or he's writing at his desk while sitting in your lap
he's not very sensitive to it but whenever you stop, it feels strange because he got too used to it and impatiently waits for you to resume
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 Luca Kaneshiro
he's indifferent to you playing with his hair out of the blue but when you flirt with him while doing so he forgets how to talk
his hair is naturally shiny, and looks like gold when the sun hits just right
loves whenever you comb or dry his hair, and always gives you puppy eyes to take care of him after showering together
also loves whenever you ruffle his hair but he's much more bashful about it
he reacts a lot whenever you're forceful with his hair, especially noisy when you play with the little hairs on his neck
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🦊 Mysta Rias
ok i gotta level with you, playing with his hair is his weakness
stroke his hair or pet his head, and he's putty in your hands
when he's in a clingy mood he'd pester you to brush his hair, even though it's pretty easy to maintain
silky smooth hair, the type that's easy to run your fingers through without tangling
but if you pull his hair he won't be able to calm down nor resist you until he's done with you
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino
And The Award For "Softest Hair In Luxiem" Goes To
best feeling in the world fr fr
and he loves the feeling of your hands combing through his hair too this is the biggest win-win ever
very nice to play with! it's a good length for experimenting and the pops of color are so pretty esp when you braid it
can look good in just about any style and v open to trying new ones
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma
shiny and thick hair, he's v protective of it
he's the type of person that's very dramatic about how he wears it and how it reflects him as a person
you can stroke it but he only lets you actually play with it once you're in a serious relationship and he trusts you, he thinks it's intimate
melts into your touch, it's soooo obvious he's been starved for the feeling
brushing his bangs out of his face or pinning them back always makes it easy to get him tongue-tied
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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starry-snippets · 1 year
making friendship bracelets (jotaro, kakyoin, josuke) w/ gender neutral partner
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☆ is at first like?? why do you want to do that. I don't even wear jewelry. It'll be a waste of beads
☆ but you see right through him when star platinum is searching through your bead container, picking out black beads with gold accents and placing them into a small bowl
☆ jotaro will consider your interests when making you your bracelet but will also want it to match his. thinks it's kinda cute but won't verbalize that. it'll be your favorite color but have dark accents to match his
☆ if you make different bracelets to match his different hats he WILL wear them. if anyone comments he'll say it's just cause you made it, but he also likes the idea of minimal jewelry once he gets older
☆ star platinum makes you bracelets semi-frequently whenever you and jotaro have movie dates and they're always so big. it always makes star platinum kinda sad, but when you adapt it into a keychain he's happy you liked it enough to make it work
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☆ as I've mentioned in the sleepover headcanons, he LOVES friendship bracelets because they ease some of his anxiety when he's away from you. makes him feel less lonely
☆ he's not the best at making jewelry and is extremely partial to using emeralds and other greens with pinks. sorry if you don't like those colors cause the first bracelet he'll ever make you will be light pink and vibrant green, emerald shaped beads courtesy of hierophant green
☆ if they have the magnetic hearts on them he'll be so red because it's so cute to him. you'll be holding hands and it'll connect and you just hear him chuckle in delight
☆ doesn't wear a lot of jewelry but he'd wear anything you make him. it can be the ugliest thang ever and he's wearing it every hour of every day cause you made it!
☆ absolutely loves when someone compliments it and he can say "my partner made it! aren't I lucky?" he's legit so happy to show off what you've made him even if you didn't love the result
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☆ similar to kakyoin in the way he thinks it's cute! he'll be restless in bed and look over at the bracelet and feel more at peace
☆ will make you probably the most hideous thing ever his first time. he'll insist on unstringing the beads and starting all over, but you reassure him you like how funky it is and the oddness reflects him well (in a good way you specify when he pouts)
☆ making bracelets for each other becomes a common date idea whenever you find new beads. josuke will be up to his elbows in bracelets before he realizes he can't wear them all at once despite his best efforts
☆ really likes matching necklaces too! will probably give you matching dog tag necklaces after feeling self conscious about the... unique bracelet he made and you'll wear them on casual dates
☆ loves how focused you are when you work and the way everything you make reflects your feelings for him. he'll look at the bracelet and feel warm, knowing you made this with everything you love about him on the mind
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bunnypansy · 6 months
NSFW Alphabet: Rook Hunt!
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A short (hm.) script covering the ABCs of Rook's sex life!
Featuring: Rook Hunt, and you!
Beware! This film contains: gender neutral reader, knife play, blood play, sounding, somnophilia, predator/prey dynamics, voyeurism, exhibitionism, nudes, sex tapes, mirror sex, marking, dacryphilia, praise, body worship, masochism, overstimulation, bondage, impact play, guided masturbation, mutual masturbation, cucking (yeah), dick piercings, outdoor sex, public sex, stalking, face sitting, nipple play
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
You will NEVER catch a member of Pomefiore lackin when it comes to aftercare. No one is better at pillow talk than Rook Hunt. Too good. Make him stop talking. Seriously, this guy starts talking after you finish and doesn't stop until you fall asleep. Mostly about how well you did, how beautiful you are, certain things you did that he particularly liked. Rook doesn't like baths, so he'll give you a shower instead, but he's still going to pamper you. You won't have to lift a single finger- frankly he won't let you. After a soothing shower that he used as an excuse to worship your body, he'll place you in front of a vanity and tend to you like you're a delicate doll. A hand tucked beneath your knee as he lifts your leg, fingers smoothing over your thigh as he rubs a sweet-scented lotion into your skin, his mutterings becoming muffled through your sleepy haze.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For Rook to pick a single part of you he loves the most of an impossible task, this boy could go on and on and on about every part of your body down to your fingernails…however…. It's your eyes, definitely. He takes pleasure in seeing every micro expression you make, and your eyes just give it away. Definitely enjoys heavy eye contact during sex.
Rook’s favorite part of himself? Elementary, Watson, it’s his shoulders. Why, you ask? Well for one, his shoulders are very broad and well defined (catch me pushing my dorito-Rook agenda) from all the archery, and they’re still dotted with freckles from all his time in the sun, so he appreciates them aesthetically. However, much more important is the scratches you leave on them; red, raised, sometimes bleeding, nothing pleases him more than the physical evidence of your pleasure on his body.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
So… if you guys know anything about the semen and diet connection, you probably know that a high protein diet results in a very salty and sometimes uh… nasty flavor. We know Rook does a lot of exercise, and protein is a necessary component for building muscle so the first time you swallow for him it's a pretty gross experience. However, with a sustained relationship, Rook will happily change his diet for you so his cum has a bit more of a neutral taste. In terms of texture, he remains well hydrated so it's a bit syrupy and has a nice slightly off-white color. Rook likes cumming both in and on you, so every time you fuck, you are sure to end up with cum dripping from your hole and stuck to your face by the end of the night.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He desperately wants to let a couple other men have their way with you and photograph the whole thing. Rook has always enjoyed watching you masturbate, nearly as much as he enjoys bringing you pleasure, this is simply a natural progression of those desires. Ideally, there'd be If he could truly have his way, he'd film everything, then make you watch it back while he fucks you; the whole time commenting on little things you do that drive him crazy and attempting to recreate what happened in the video. Honestly, Rook is so up front about what he wants that is hardly a secret
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
His experience is middling. I believe Rook has probably had 3-4 relationships, but none of them lasted longer than a year (he was a bit too obsessive and his partners were put off). He's fairly experienced, but also knows that it's important to learn the intricacies of every person he's with, and not everything he knows will work instantly. Rook will approach every session like a learning experience, exploring new places and techniques to make sure he can find all the little spots that drive you crazy- and once he does, God knows he's going to abuse the fuck outta them. Also his first time was in the woods, thanks
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Before I start, I'm drawing a firm line; Rook Hunt does not like doggy style- or anything where he can't see your face! He firmly believes that any position where he can't see your beauty is a waste of his time. So of course he likes missionary and the mating press, but his real favorites require some extra supplies. Namely a mirror. If Rook is feeling rough, he'll shove you right up against the mirror and take you from behind; but usually he prefers to have you settled on his lap, one arm hooked beneath your leg to lift it up to your shoulder as he fucks you. He likes having the free hand to tease you with (:
Now, I know everybody likes big dom Rook but he's a switch okay guys. The seeing your face rule sticks for even when he bottoms, he needs to see you constantly. Honestly missionary has to take number one for him, but he's also real fond of being tied to the bed, it gives him no choice but to admire you as you work.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Usually if there's laughter in the bedroom, it's just Rook teasing you a bit, but that doesn't mean he's no fun! Having a partner you can laugh with is valuable to Rook, so if something happens while you're fucking it out, he won't be afraid to giggle a little, maybe poke a bit of fun at you, then rather easily slip right back into sexy times.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's part of Pomefiore, did you think this man was anything but well-shaved? Frankly, his pubic hair is beautiful, somehow princely?? It's fine and light, but very soft and incredibly well trimmed- not to mention always clean, and never smells like ball sweat. He can't manage to grow a happy trail, just a tiny little path that starts beneath the waistband of his pants and ends in a small tuft at the base of his dick. Otherwise, he's completely shaved down there, smooth balls and not even ass hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Painfully so. Rook will be intimate with whomever he chooses to bed, fuck buddies, one night stand or long term lover, it’s just in his nature. He has a knack for making your feel like the most gorgeous, lovable person on the planet while you two have sex- it’s something in the way he holds you, unabashedly keeping his eyes on your face the entire time he presses kisses against your neck between proclamations of your beauty, checking in and focusing wholly on how you feel. Your pleasure is his, afterall. Never, not even once, will you get the impression that Rook isn’t madly in love with you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
A lot. Once a day, maybe more, if we're all honest with ourselves. Rook is a man who loves indulging his senses- He's got a high libido and he uses his own orgasm as an energy boost, which is enough to make a horny man, but he's also incredibly easy to rile up. He fully indulges the pleasure of masturbation, his favorite places to do so being your bed and outside. Rook really draws out the process; starting with gloves on, letting the leather get slick from his own precum as he slowly strokes up and down the length, squeezing around the tip just for a bit of extra pressure. Eventually, he'll pull the glove off and touch himself a bit more fervently, by now he's getting noisier, letting slip soft calls of your name, whimpering as he rocks his hips into his hand. Rook only whacks it while thinking about or looking at pictures of you, after all, you're the most beautiful thing in the world, what else would he touch himself to?
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks):
Voyeurism: I think we could all see this coming. The stalker, a voyeur?! Shocking. He prefers when you don't know he's watching you (he'll receive consent beforehand don't worry boo-boo), something about the thrill of getting caught makes blood rush to his dick. Please let him take photos though
Photography/filming: Master of the nude.Sending you nudes, receiving nudes, whatever it is, Rook likes it. Rook’s nudes are downright artful. The lighting and angles are always perfect, even at night, and he never fails to look beautiful. Rook is the king of the post work-out gym bathroom photo; standing before the mirror with the hem of his shirt between his teeth. He likes to record when he's fucking you too, just so he can watch it throughout his day as a sort of pick me up. He's also fond of some good photos after sex when you're an absolute mess, expect for him to gush over them in your presence
Exhibitionism: this goes well with the voyeurism kink, one of his greatest fantasies would be watching you have sex with another person, then get caught jerking off to you two
Mirror sex: Tenfold if you're self-conscious, he makes your anxiety his pet project. To Rook Hunt, there is nothing sexier than sitting you in lap, legs spread, forced to watch yourself while he fucks you to stupidity. Not to mention, he gets the best view of your body.
Marking: Take a shot every time you read beautiful- but really, he thinks you look beautiful covered in little rose and violet hickies. A painting of his conception, an empty canvas covered in his marks. If you cover them with makeup he'll sneakily wipe it away every time you see each other that day.
Dacryphilia: there's nothing that makes his pride swell more than bringing you to pleasured tears. Of course, Rook isn't the type to enjoy your pain, he'll never want to see you cry because you're scared or hurt, but if it's because you're overwhelmed? Then he's happy to make you cry even harder.
Praise: Again, a guy who cannot stop talking, specifically about you. It's even worse if you're self-conscious; he'll make you sit in front of a mirror, on his lap and guide you through every part of your body and why he loves it, and you. Oh and of course Rook does the standard encouragement. Murmuring sweet things as he slowly pushes into you; "good job, you're taking me so well" or "deep breaths, darling, I'm almost all the way in". And when you're close to cumming; "ah- you're close, aren't you? Go on, cum for me, you can do it"
Body worship: I feel like this one is obvious. He loves everything about you, he finds every inch positively beautiful. If Rook wasn't so hopelessly horny for you, he'd do nothing but kiss every part of your body up and down. But alas. Horny.
Predator/Prey: must I even elaborate? Man is literally a hunter. However, Rook prefers a long con; stalking you throughout the day, appearing here and there, then finally striking when you're all alone. What he really likes is watching you get nervous and fidgety before you finally break and run away from him, so Rook can chase after you. In the end it'll probably end up with you two wrestling and he's absolutely okay with however it turns out- win or lose
Overstimulation: this is on pleasure dom Rook!!! All Rook really wants to do is make you feel good as much as possible, even if that leaves you twitching and crying because you've cum 6 times in a row.
Masochism: PAINSLUT ROOK!!! Rook likes everything you give him, and if what you give him happens to be pain? So be it, lay it on, baby. Nails scratching down his back, biting, hitting- just anything
Bondage: something about being physically tied down makes him feel like a hunted animal, like you two have been fighting back and this is the result of his failure. Rook, the perfect hunter, lines to feel like he's been defeated once in a while, it keeps things fresh!
Impact play: This is for bottom Rook for sure, but please spank him, slap him, whip him. You could slap Rook across the face and he'd get hard. I'm not even kidding. He's particularly fond of riding crops, especially on the inside of his thighs or across his back
Knife play: cut him. Do it. Do it. Do it. Being roughed up makes Rook feel satisfied, bruising, bleeding. And yeah he'd absolutely be okay with branding- if you're in a long term relationship. Cut your name into his thigh, he wants it
Blood play: Rook finds the look of blood against skin striking and gorgeous, he's not inclined to hurt you unless you ask, you can draw blood from him however you like. Hitting him til he gets a bloody nose? Hot. Biting him til he bleeds? Hot. Cutting him up? Hot.
Somnophilia: Rook is nasty okay. His stalker tendencies and love of vulnerability have made a monster, and if you'd let him, Rook would love to sneak in your room and fuck you while you're fast sleep
Guided/mutual masturbation: tell me that Rook wouldn't make you sit on his lap while you jerk off, you can't. Sat in front of a mirror, guiding you through every move so he can watch you write and get his lap all wet. Ahhh he's so cute
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
If you're okay fucking somewhere, so is Rook. If you let him, Rook would fuck you in front of anyone and everyone, this is NOT hyperbole. While the preference isn't strong, I think Rook probably prefers to have sex in public places that anyone could walk into; living room, kitchen, the counter of a public bathroom- of course the woods is a classic. The risk of being caught gives him a thrill that the bedroom just can't do!
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
It's the little things with Rook; how your neck looks when you turn your head, the little way you jump when he sneaks up behind you, how it feels when he can overpower you. Generally, Rook likes seeing you vulnerable, that's part of the reason he enjoys stalking so much.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Genuinely this was so hard to think of, but Rook won't treat you like trash. I know some of us like mean, cruel men, but Rook won't do it, he refuses to mar your beauty or tell lies about his feelings towards you. One of Rook's defining traits is unwavering, brutal honesty, so chances are Rook will never degrade you- he just cares too much. Doesn't mean you can't degrade him though-
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Giving, for sure. He likes seeing the cute faces you make while sucking him off, sure, but he thinks the noises you make while he's tongue fucking you are much better. If Rook is going to give you, head you're going to ride his face though- it's the best position! Sitting on Rook's face means A) he can see all your facial expressions and B) you can quite easily make him do whatever you want, which sounds lovely to him
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Honestly Rook will move at whatever pace you like but let's forget about that for a minute. Rook naturally wants to start out slow and sensual, dragging his cock along your walls, making sure to hit all your sensitive spots with each thrust in and out. As he goes along, Rook gets more excited and his thrusts pick up speed, turning a bit more rough and shallow until he's finally cumming. When Rook cums, he goes still while he's fully inside you, shuddering and moaning as he fills you up. He's got a habit for biting when he cums, like an animal sinking his teeth in to make sure you stay there while he finishes.
Now, I'll elaborate on quick rounds with Rook because they're a bit different. If you need to be fast, or if Rook is so horny he's gone feral, the word "slow" exits his dictionary. His thrusts start and stay hard, fast, and deep, it really gets across the desperation he feels good you, how cute 🫶
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Absolutely! Rook has no problems with a little pick-me-up sex, something to just satisfy your needs and move on. Of course, he prefers to draw out sex, but also takes a good amount of pleasure in tearing as many orgasms from you as fast as he can before sending you on your way, weak-kneed and sweating. I like to think Rook keeps a vibrator on him just got this sort of occasion
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Are you kidding me rn. Rook is the risk man, the only ones fighting him for this position are the tweels, and it's real close. Rook could approach you with something new to try every single week, and if you're the one to ask for experimenting, it's highly unlikely Rook will never say no. Maybe to like… vomit? Any way you slice it, Rook if freaky deaky and pulling you along with it
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
We all know Rook is athletic, baby!! I give it six rounds before Rook gets a bit too overstimulated and needs to give his dick a break before it turns purple, but he's happy to go on pleasuring you while he gets a little rest- but chances are you're exhausted by then too. How long each round lasts really depends on what you're doing, but he can last around 25-35 minutes before- not including any foreplay -so it'll really be up to you to keep up
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
This country boy is mostly an acoustics only partner. It's not that he's against toys, there's just nothing he's particularly interested in using on you. I believe Rook owns a good ol wand vibrator that he uses on you during guided/mutual masturbation, just because he appreciates how squirmy and whiny you get when he presses the toy against your sensitive spots.
But if you're using toys on him oh well… that is a different story. I think he mostly prefers good ol 'weiner up his ass, but Rook is real fond of a good vibrating cock ring and a few bullet vibes- taped to his nipples or the base of his cock. He also likes nipple clamps, ball gags, blind folds, riding crops, and basic whips.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You'll be shocked but Rook mostly likes to play things fair, he'll tease a little but Rook is straightforward. If Rook wants to fuck you, he'll just come out and ask, no need for any roundabout games! When it comes to actually having sex, Rook wants to make you feel good, he's not going to delay making you cum your brains out!
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Rook Hunt is for sure the noisiest man you’ve ever met. Not that he’s a screamer, moreso, he will not stop talking. We all know he can go on for hours about things he’s passionate about, but he’ll hardly let you get a word in edgewise, he’s too busy going on and on babbling about how gorgeous you are, how good you feel, praising how well you’re doing, murmuring sweet nothings- proud member and president of the “can’t shut the fuck up” club. Of course, you’ll get some good, loud moans from him too (usually interrupting his endless chatter). Rook is more of a moan guy than a grunt guy, it comes out high and is usually accompanied with a shudder and pleased sigh.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Sounding. This is WILD but Rook likes wild, and he would absolutely be 1000% be down for sounding, in fact he's the one who brought it up. He's already done research, he's already bought toys- come babe, keep up, get the rod in his dickhole already!! (Also I think he has piercing nipples, they're just basic golden studs, but they look cute on him)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Rook is rocking long but kinda skinny. He's around 5.5 inches in flaccid, getting up to an even 7 when he's fully hard- man is a major league grower. As I said, a bit on the skinny side and no prominent veins, but his tip is a lovely cute pink and he gets so twitchy and leaky when he's hard. I'm not sure he has a dick piercing, just because he's a bit worried about the healing interrupting his sex life or exercise, but Rook has thought about getting a piercing or two- guiche or prince Albert I think
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Turning on Rook is like turning on a light switch; you only need one good slap and you could do it with your eyes closed. You could breathe too close to him and Rook would get hard. Rook would fuck you every single day, multiple times a day if you let him. He's not afraid to ask you- or send videos of himself masturbating to the thought of you! Mwah enjoy the teasing babe
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It really depends on whether or not he tops, honestly. In terms of topping? Rook could never sleep after sex, it makes him energized! For this reason, Rook actually prefers not to have sex after dark, morning or midday sex works out better for him. After a good round or two, sometimes Rook will go straight into a workout.
Bottom Rook, though? He still feels refreshed but he's more likely to just settle down for a little while and chill out. He likes to lay back with you and blab on about whatever comes to mind- Rook low-key the king of pillow talk, he could give a 5 page essay debrief on your sex life.
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That's all for today's showing guys, thank you for watching!
Hooooo boy! This one takes the cake for the longest alphabet yet at 3.8k (for reference, Trey's was 2.1k) this alphabet gave me some trouble, I didn't expect Rook to give me this much of a challenge! I think I got in my own head and tried to make this one really professional for a lil, then I went back a read some of my last alphabets and eased up. But there was a lot of writing, re-writing and re-formatting- sorry @birtha I did not mean to take this long, but it's finally done and I hope you like it! Also for that anon who sent in the Barbatos req, I see you, I hear you, I love you, it's in the works. Mwah thanks for reading you guys are baller
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katz-chow · 7 months
100 letters just for me...
synopsis: distance makes the heart ache and yet, it still grows fonder. gets extremely harder when you're forced back a few decades and are forced to wait for the mail to come every morning. aka: what their letters are like.
a/n: there's certain homecoming aspects within it, just keep thinking about that lately with the US' descion to deploy soldiers to the Middle East, thank god there's only soldiers and not seamen or corpsmen just yet... i am getting worried though for my sake and my friends.
i also am very happy with my headcanons for their handwritings and how serious they are with these love letters too. i feel like i really did capture them.
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john price & his darling spouse his letters are short, usually a page; sometimes there's a back too. he really hates writing to you because somehow, he just can't tell you all the things he wants to, his hand just won't let him write it. gosh, his vows weren't even written out, just bullet points on a note card and him just rambling on. the paper always smells like cigar smoke and he somehow stains it with coffee by accident or spills water on it. you also think he uses his work memo pad to write these letters to you; the pages are yellow, thinned, and fuzzy at the edges
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johnny "soap" mactavish & his bonnie...and fiance to be? he always has his journal with him, so i think he straight up just writes in it with doodles, pressed flowers, and stickers that he finds in his stuff. loves when you put cute little stickers on your return letters and he feels bad when he doesn't have any on yours. he found these smileys at a gas station, and although it's not as cute as your cute animal ones, it really brightens up the bleak pages. he tears the page out slowly, sometimes a word gets torn off by accident. he folds the page up and puts it in the envelope along with some trinkets, like more pressed flowers or a paperclip heart or maybe even a postcard.
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simon "ghost" riley & his lovie baby keeps his letters short and vague. it's really just a sign of life for your sake of mind. he's never been good with the sappy, romantic stuff. he writes early in the morning after him and price goes over the agenda for the day. he tries really hard to keep the paper pristine and hardly crumbled to make sure it looks good for you. he smears the pen ink sometimes. he'll write about the adventures that he's getting into, but he mainly focuses on his friends messing around while also mentioning about the terrorists he's killed that week.
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kyle "gaz" garrick & the chase for his lovebug my headcanon for kyle is that he loves bugs, especially beetles. it started when he was a kid and his dad told him that bugs are just tiny little souls and that humans have the capacity to be kind. so he loves bugs, especially his lovebug. he also loves stickers and know you love them too. it's a good change of the neutral color scheme of his environment, so he always keeps stickers on hand whenever he's deployed. i think he writes before he goes to bed because then he can fall asleep thinking about you
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phllip graves & his cowpoke phillip graves has a ranch somewhere, probably in texas. he has farmhands that help around the ranch, mostly gives you easy work like feeding and cooking while he takes the more tedious jobs like cleaning and maintenance around the land. he sits down and writes his letter whenever he feels a surge of feelings missing you. mostly it's in the evening but sometimes he writes them late at night. also the type of guy to surprise you, but within reason. doesn't want to overwhelm you, so he'll come home a few days before when he said he was gonna- things like that
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adultish-momma · 1 year
Lunchtime Disagreements
Yuu and Ace get along for some very specific reasons. Unfortunately for Riddle, he is about to find out one of the things they have in common.
(Yuu on the other hand, has had a rough week. They woke up and chose violence. They will not be apologizing.)
A/N: Hi :)
Rule number 271: One must leave the table within 15 minutes of completing their lunch
"Yeah that's not going to happen."
Every Heartslabyul student around their lunch table seems to freeze, anxiously watching red rise to their housewarden's cheeks. Yuu on the other hand settles deeper into their seat, the picture of indolence. Grimm, always down for mischief, hops onto the tabletop, moving the empty Ramshackle lunch trays to the side so he can comfortably turn into a cat loaf in the smack middle of everybody. He shoots a satisfied shit-eating grin up at Riddle Rosehearts, delighting in the frustrated expression on the young man's face.
"Excuse me?"
The Ramshackle prefect finishes off their burger, and then calmly turns to give Riddle Rosehearts their full attention.
"Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm good. Thanks but no." The prefect shoots the housewarden a polite smile before sipping on their carbonated beverage. The redhead blinked, thrown off by the other student's nonchalance of the subject.
"Suggestion... you can't just... the rules-"
"Are completely asinine, let alone inefficient and inapplicable to our current situation." They take another long sip of their drink while the older boy grows steadily redder.
"Mm-hmm" they hummed, bobbing their head in casual acknowledgment. Calmly setting down their drink, they raised their hand so they could count off for the Heartslybul Housewarden. "One, I am not a Heartslybul student. Therefore, your word is not my law."
Ace was trying very hard to hide his snickers at Riddle's grinding teeth. (He wasn't trying at all honestly but if anybody asks he's going to stick with his story thank you very much.)
"Two, this is not the Heartslybul dorm. There is no polite societal convention that demands I attempt to follow your dorm rules in the neutral territory that is the cafeteria."
Riddle now resembles a tomato, hair blending in with the color of his face. Deuce and Cater exchange nervous glances.
"Three, my next class is alchemy, and according to the time, the Alchemy Lab won't be open for at least 30 more minutes. So instead of staying here and, oh I don't know, getting ahead on my alchemy readings, you want me to leave. And do what, exactly?"
Trey was sweating in his seat. Tentatively, he reached out to the Ramshackle prefect, hoping to make this conversation just stop. "Hey, okay, I think you made your-"
"I'm not finished" they snapped, whipping around to glare at the Vice Warden's outstretched hand. When it dropped back to Trey's side, they turned back to the dorm leader. Riddle was seething, face so red that steam was quite literally going to rise from his face if someone poured water on him. And honestly, at this point, Yuu was kinda pissed too. So when Riddle opened his mouth to take advantage of the pause in their tirade, they stood up and crowded into his space, not willing to let this go until they said their piece.
"Your precious rules are more often than not completely senseless. Name me one benefit, one productive result, one good reason why rule 271 should be followed in every scenario, regardless of circumstance, and I'll take it all back."
They paused, to give Riddle a chance to rebuke them. They didn't pause longer than a second, but let the record show they did pause.
"You can't, can you? Because there are none. There is no good reason for your out-of-pocket rule. That's because it's an insane rule created by an insane woman."
Students wearing rose-red armbands flinched in the courtyard, frantically searching for where their leader could be. It was a fearful response, fueled by the sheer anger they heard in his voice, but they were also curious about exactly what moron was capable of upsetting their mini tyrant so immensely. The Heartslybul students in the courtyard soon figured that since he wasn't in sight, Riddle must be tearing into someone still in the cafeteria. There was collective relief, but those students also sent up a collective prayer for the poor soul on the other side of their housewarden's unique magic.
Meanwhile, inside there's a flash where the freshman prefect was standing, bright light taking its time to dissipate from their silhouette. When it does, the cafeteria is silent, shock settling heavily in the atmosphere. Riddle, who had still been as red as his namesake, rapidly began to pale at the sight before him.
Yuu stretched their neck, with no collar on them to impede the motion. They slouched back into their seat, reaching over to begin petting Grimm behind his ears. The creature's body is forced to relax under the careful touches, his tense posture melting back into a content cat loaf. The prefect themselves are pretty content with the way this argument turned out, although... one last nail in the coffin couldn't hurt his ego any more than they already have.
"I don't have any magic Housewarden Rosehearts. 'Off With Your Head' is useless against me where there is nothing for your spell to contain. So if you want to effectively throw a tantrum next time I'm verbally kicking your ass..." Their eyes locked onto his stormy grey eyes, a small, conspiratorial smirk tugging at the corner of their lips.
"You're gonna need to turn that collar into a muzzle."
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in3rci4 · 2 months
Can I get an Angst with all the boys, having a crush on gn reader who is new in town and heterochromia? ( If you can of course💕)
It's the first time I do a request fr 😭
It's ok , it's normal to be nervous when requesting if you're new or not used to it , hopefully I'll do my best with this one , enjoy it anon , thank you for sending your request 💕 !
Author's note : I been slow with publishing stuff because personal life is becoming more a survival than living , so sorry if it takes some requests too long to get done , but I'm slowly , yet surely , getting the ones I have done one step at the time .
Characters included in the following headcanons : Robin Arellano , Griffin Stagg , Vance Hopper , Finney Blake , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter
≈ This guy is in love with your eyes , they're so unique , so badass , so special of yours , you're like a cool character of a movie or like a kickass villain
≈ Robin is a boy who loves everything that it's out of the normality , the more different , the more harder to forget , the better .
≈ If you felt insecure for your eye colors before then you'll be no more with him by your side ! He will compliment you without shame in front of others and he won't stop until you're all flustered and blushing
≈ But all jokes aside , once he get to know you and learned more about you , Robin will always remember you to not feel bad about your looks , it's not like you can control it , and it's nothing bad that you need to hide either
≈ if you want to buy contact lenses to match both eyes he won't stop you , but he'll be sad for not being able to see the real look in your eyes anymore
≈ He sometimes jokes about being jealous of your eyes , you get to have 2 colors and he only got 1 , that's not fair ! He wants to look just as cool as you
≈ You will always have his protection and support , no one will make fun of you , no one , and the one who dares to will feel a physical payment for playing stupid games in their faces
≈ Don't ever feel bad about yourself , because you'll have an annoying and romantic Robin making sure to bust your ego over the sky and taking photos whenever he can
≈ But that isn't so bad , isn't ?
° He's so sorry for being the ones who believed in the rumours it was contagious in the past , for being ignorant and avoiding you like the rest of the students
° Growing up he realized it was something stupid to think on , if it was contagious , then why nobody has changed eye colors yet ?
° Maybe you don't , but Griffin does remember well the day you two started to be friends
° The day you decided not to do anything in P.E class because you felt physically bad , and he , since nobody wanted him on their team , didn't lose anything by also not doing exercise either . You sat next to him , and started a casual conversation that turned out to be a funny exchange
° Casual conversations started to be more interested on each other's likes , conversations in each other's likes lead to gossip sessions , gossip became deep talks about the future and other corny shit that Griffin didn't thought he'll talk with someone ever
° He compares your eyes a lot with things , now that he learned to appreciate them , he can't stop remember you everytime a combination of color is the same as the look in your eyes
° You can say that your charm is contagious , and he's more than happy to be infected by love for you
♠ While others kids thought you were weird or cool , Vance thought you were a pretender
♠ Can you blame him though ? He hasn't seen somebody like you in his entire life , it's impossible for someone to have their eyes like that ! You must be using contact lenses or some shit !
♠ The evening he realized you weren't faking , he melted like ice cream in summer right there in front of you ( But you didn't noticed it )
♠ He stormed furious out of the mall when in a bad day he couldn't even get to the half of his high score , and accidently bumped into you . He looked into your eyes mad as hell , not expecting at all to see your pupils getting bigger , frozen about how fucked up it was to know that you truly had such a unique pair of eyes
♠ After an awkward time he slowly started to greet you " indifferently " , drawing you on his special notebook when the teachers didn't bothered him , and sometimes inviting you to watch him play Pin Ball when he felt cocky enough
♠ Hope you don't mind intense staring , because Vance is all about looking straight into your soul , he can't help it , or well , maybe he can because he can be a little of a tsundere
♠ To be honest he'll stare at your eyes all day if he could , but he's too of a dork to admit it , or decide if he likes it when you look at him or not due how flustered you make him feel
♠ And yeah , he will start a fight for you if someone dares to mock you , it's obvious , but it's a nice thing to think about
∞ Finney is more curious than avoidant , he feels guilty for looking at you so much , you may had felt the hairy eyeball before and don't like it but , you're so .... Interesting ? Beautiful ? It's hard to describe
∞ Even for A or B you'll meet and trust my word , he's going to be respectful all the time he's with you . Only if you gave him permission to , he'll ask you more about your condition and how it exactly effects you , but don't worry , once he get all his doubts solved , he will move on and ask you about yourself
∞ He understands it yet he does not understand how someone could hate you by the color of your eyes , he doesn't even get racism and now we have people insult you by the color of your eyes ? By something you didn't choose to have ? Like what ?
∞ You're special ( and attractive he may add ) from the rest and that's gonna get more staring than someone else will have , sure , but he'll be angrily confused if someone bothered you in front of him , now we're bullying people for their genetics ? Come on man
∞ Finney would try to get you out of a uncomfortable situation , but if it persists , he might be verbally violent or push the person to tell them to back off and leave you alone
∞ Bonus : Gwen does the same with you , although she loves to tease Finney in your presence , she likes you though , she just does the " sibling annoying the other " things
∞ He has a special love letter that he never gave you were he used astronomy elements to describe you and the look in your eyes , but he was to embarrassed or afraid of rejection that he kept it for himself
∞ You read it , but you never told Finney and kept the secret
★ Ignorance isn't a sin some people say , but he pity you when he first saw you and until this day he can't believe how dumb he was
★ Bruce mind was like " Aw poor kid they probably have problems with their vision " as if he knew what exactly condition you have
★ He felt like a dumbass the day you tapped his shoulder to tell him from really far away that someone was trying to steal his bike after one of his games
★ To thank you for the gesture ( ahem , and clear his mind from the guilt ) he invited you to watch a movie in the cinema ( Jaws 2 being his option and yours Star Wars 4 , you both watched the two of the movies because in one you sneak in between the crowd anyway )
★ after that movie night everything went smooth , until the point that neither of you acknowledge the fact that you still didn't confessed yet and were already lovey dovey with each other
★ He has the privilege to say he has a partner that has no comparation , there's no other you , and Bruce loves that
★ Bruce loves you and those special eyes that life has gave you
🔺 Billy knew animals could had two different colors in their eyes , but he didn't thought it was possible for a human too
🔺 It was a shame how nobody saw that special shine in you , or maybe they did , but they decided it was too bright for them and tried to turn you down
🔺 But you never let them took advantage of you , and he was proud that you know your worth and didn't let the negativity get you
🔺 He didn't stuttered or thought twice when you asked him on a date , you were his crush , of course he's gonna say yes !
🔺 Billy is not only an admirer of you and your lovely eyes , but a flatterer as well
🔺 At first , the compliments were accidents that escaped from his mouth before he noticed he was talking in loud voice , but with time , he became more and more confident to tell you how gorgeous you look , how you make him feel , his plans for the future , etc
🔺 If Billy has the chance to , he's gonna spoil the hell out of you , just to give you a material proof how much he loves you , so he can see that singular look in your eyes everytime you're happy , forever .
They would love you of course , they can't control their hearts to stop beating for you every time you look at them or smile , but love sometimes ain't all rainbows and butterflies .
Now why or why you were born like this ? Why you couldn't just be normal ? Everything could be so perfect , so beautiful , if you didn't look different and just be like other people .
In a bad dream type of reality , they will cross the limits so they don't feel " ashamed " to be seen with you
BRUCE AND BILLY would suggest the idea of buying contact lenses to match your eyes with only one color , Billy being the one telling you that it's necessary that you should had them , BRUCE being the one who bought them without asking you first as a " gift " , thinking it was the best idea , after all , the two of you would look much better as a couple in people's eyes if you did
ROBIN AND FINNEY would keep you as their secret , no one has to know their feelings for you or your relationship if you ever had one , FINNEY afraid of having another reason to be bullied because of you or having his father mock his selection of partner , ROBIN because he's ashamed of liking someone that doesn't look " right " and is "pointed by God "
VANCE AND GRIFFIN would backstabbed you when you started to get used to the idea of having someone by your side , VANCE would mock you and insult you in front of his friends or people if that made him look better , GRIFFIN would act as if he doesn't know you when you needed him the most , without a feeling completely guilty for it , perhaps not even a little if that makes you and people's starting at him when he's by your side go away
It's just the way things are . It's how your eyes are .
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blueparadis · 11 months
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꒰ IN MY HEAD ꒱ ⋮ KAVEH [ CONTENT & TAGS ] — » film au + non-human au, fluff, undertones of smut and fantasies, yandere themes, jealousy, hints of cannibalism ( sorry couldn't hold myself back. I had to. It's just one line. more like cannibalistic thoughts nothing explicit ); make-up artist!kaveh, actress!fem!reader, actor!al-haitham, undertones of smut // word count — 2k// blog navigation.// for angel's threeway collab by @angelltheninth //
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“We’re ready, Al-haitham.” A staff member mentioned entering Al-haitham’s green room. With his eyes closed and Kaveh’s pristine hands doing their work he is growing more nervous by each passing moment. It is unusual because Kaveh has been with Al-haitham for years now yet has never seen Al-haitham so on edge in all these interviews, movie premieres, and shows. As Kaveh was busy doing his make-up throughout the session, Al-haitham could not stop jerking his leg. Kaveh had to either stop him by tapping on his knee or yell at him. “We’ll be too,” Kaveh responded with a neutral tone, keeping the Kohl pencil in his back pocket. “In a minute.” 
Kaveh does not understand his friend’s actions. Either he is too happy or too tense. There is no in-between. Al-haitham won't even talk about it. A minute later, when he leaves the room for his show Kaveh decides to stay behind. He does not need to be there. He can hear everything from here. Backstage has always been a fascinating place for him. A moment ago, the room was full of light and laughter but now it is full of silence. He likes this kind of silence. He grabs his coffee and walks out of the place for a smoke break. 
With his lit cigarette pressed in between his lips, and a warm coffee mug in hand he strolls along the artistically cemented route. He hums a tune to himself as he scans the place. The backyard of the backstage is really pretty. Probably it was used before but not now. Mosses and grasses are in abundance here. The crickets are singing, squirrels are too at par with them. 
There is a fountain at the center of this place but it is not running. The sky is still blushing, illuminating the air. He walks towards the fountain to sit by it but he stops mid-way. He sees a girl sitting by the fountain wearing a dress the same color as Al-haitham. With her head bowed down looking at her reflection of herself in the pond around the statue of the fountain she looked like a fairy from those fantasy books.
If he had seen you somewhere else, some other place where there were a lot of people and noise he would not have remembered you. But he recognizes you. You are the co-star of Al-haiham’s latest movie which is also your debut film. He must have seen you at other movie premieres but never got an opportunity to speak. They just were times he was timid or lazy or did not bother enough to talk. Of course, he has seen you in the movie but he was far more intrigued by how you would be when there are no spotlights, no cameras — just him watching you. He was solely curious. These curiosities deviated into something else; fantasies in a steady manner. The moment he saw you on that big screen he felt like your body aroma would be like a forbidden fruit if he were to describe it. Now, he can practically inhale it. He discarded the remnant cigarette that was masking your scent. He had imagined seeing you, talking to you off-screen and this is not how it plays out in his head. 
You outdid his imagination. He approached you slowly with silent footsteps so that he does not startle you. You seemed like you are in desperate need of this silence too. The one Kaveh is too comfortable in it. He can see your face through the reflection, barely but he can. He is so busy looking at the fall of your hair, your side face, the trail of moles from behind your ear onto your shoulder blades like a constellation that he totally forgets: that if he were to take another step, he would turn up in the reflection beside you.
He has thought of drawing moles in your intimate parts, counting your actual moles, kissing them, biting them, carving them out of your body, and eating them. The fewer the number of moles on your body, the higher the dopamine running in his veins since he hated the idea of any lover's mark on you when he saw you for the first time with Al-haitham. It is silly but he still feels edgy seeing a trail of moles along your shoulder. They say moles are the marks left by a kiss by your lover in past lives. It is silly to believe yet he does. It makes his stomach turn, the back of his throat churn, and tastes bitter when he swallows. He wants this feeling to go away. He wants to absorb you in himself so that he does not get devoured by your exquisite charms. The very existence of you is like a threat to his own.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I lost track of time. I should be going,” A sudden gust of wind created ripples in your reflection. You stood up blurting out in haste seeing a man's reflection beside you. Taking long strides walking past the man. “Is Al-haitham ready?” You asked but silence prevailed enough to make you turn on your heel.
If you are here, then it must mean everyone is looking for you inside the compound. Moreover, why are you here? You are not supposed to be here. You are supposed to be with Al-haitham, sitting beside him for the show. 
“Huh?” Kaveh walks towards you exclaiming with his eyebrows congested, “No! No! stay.” He exhales nervously stunned by his own voice. “I mean he is ready but you can stay.” You cock your head in confusion smiling at his jumbled form.
“You’re Kaveh. is that right?”
“Yeah.” Kaveh tucks his palms inside his jeans. He sees you smile at him like you always smile at Al-haitham. Somehow, he is not nervous anymore. He flashes a grin. “So, you do know me.”
“What do you mean? Everyone knows you. And, I’ve seen you at every event since my movie came out.” You sat by the fountain on the cemented bench again and Kaveh’s carmine eyes followed you as if you were the sun and he was a sunflower. Well, technically he is, in a way. He is warm, cheerful and so full of beauty, just like a sunflower. You started to jerk your knee after checking the time. It has been almost thirty minutes since you have been here. The show is getting delayed.
Kaveh lets out a soft chuckle seeing you like that. He takes out the Kohl pencil from his back pocket and crouches in front of you. You are confused and nervous. So is he but he hides it better. He knows that but he does not need to know why. He just needs to calm you. He is suddenly overcome by this awful urge to soothe you. He looks at you before running the pencil on the supple skin of your thigh that was peeking through your distressed jeans. You laughed like a lyre as he was done. It was a smiley. Kaveh was looking at you, still seated in front of you at your feet. 
“Ma’am it’s time.” Your secretary’s voice turned up from a distance from the dark. By the time your secretary was here, Kaveh was gone but the smiley he drew remained as you walked back to the building with your secretary. It was impressive how swiftly conscious Kaveh was of so many things— your reputation, his reputation, and the thread that binds both of you: al-haitham. 
The moment you walk along with Al-haitham into the show arena Tighnari gives a smile. You all sit after you greet one another. There were many rounds of questions but you enjoyed rapid-fire the most. The movie was so far a huge success and with Al-haitham by your side it was getting easier. The last round had a set of frequently asked questions in Google search.
Tighnari pauses before the next question. He looks at you and then at Al-haitham. He smirks before shooting the next question. “Are al-haitham and y/n dating?” The room was full of silence again. Your eyes occasionally scanned the room in search of Kaveh but he was nowhere to be seen till now. Al-haitham's lips stretch from ear to ear as he rests his hands on yours.  
“Yeah. we’re.” Al-haitham paused to look at you. “We’re dating.” For a brief moment, you thought you saw Kaveh at one door of this place. The curtains waved as a declaration of his departure. You realized that you spaced out for too long feeling the boring stares. 
“Yeah. we’re,” you confirmed with a beam even though you were as surprised as any other person in this room. But you played along. You had to; you trust al-haitham. He has been good and kind to you so far, so he must have a reason for this. He must.
“Congratulations,” Tighnari exclaimed, the interviewer, with his ever-lasting warming broad smile that he has been flashing every now and then throughout the interview. The cameramen and the whole crew gave both of you a knowing smile. The only person who was not smiling was Kaveh. He is happy, he really is but he does not understand why it had to be you. It is not like Al-haitham ran out of options. He has plenty. He could have chosen someone who would open better prospects for him, anyone but not you. Why did he have to choose you?
Kaveh keeps his half-empty coffee mug on the coaster. He just came from the interview arena in the green room, in your green room. Maybe this is why Al-haitham was nervous all the time. But he could have told Kaveh or at least hinted to him about this matter in a way so that he would steer clear of both of your paths. Kaveh is not just his make-up artist. He is much more than that. Al-haitham knows that. Kaveh knows that he knows that. Nevertheless, he feels betrayed. 
Kaveh takes the Kohl pencil from the back pocket of his jeans and grabs the handkerchief that you left at the desk. He scribbles on a piece of paper and tucks it carefully in between the folds of that handkerchief. He has been chasing so many butterflies all these times while his sun was waiting for him, so lonely and so bright. It would have been better if you were just another butterfly. But you invaded his head. There is no going back now. There is no use in fighting it back. Moreover, he likes the thrill of it. If he did, he might get uprooted, and turn into someone who he is not, a bare tree. Therefore, he must follow. He smiled to himself before exiting the room.
The piece of paper had a number and a note. It read: ‘I can wait. I'm a patient hunter, my little sunshine.’ When you flipped the paper, it had another message, a smiley with his signature. But this time you did not smile.
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ravenloop · 1 year
hi darling! i do see that you want requests in your inbox so im here to fullfil that want of yours :)
oh, btw i really do expect that you're well and, if you don't, please take care of yourself okay??
anyways, the request is for the arcana characters, more specifically for julian, asra and muriel (idk how much characters you accept for request but if you need to you can take one of these off) with a reader that does like art and try to make everything in their lifes a little bit more fun, colorful and artsy.
you can write in any format you're more comfortable in writing, but i think that maybe headcannons is easier. oh, and if you could do the reader gender neutral would be good!
oh and if you couldn't understand something, im sorry, english is not my first language. and if you want to, feel free to ignore this request.
AN: Thank you for the kind words!! I am doing well, busy but well :)) also you speak English amazingly!! Anyways here's your request <33 I haven't done Muriel's route yet so forgive me if anything is wrong :')
Headcannons: Julian, Asra and Muriel with an artistic S/O
Honestly? He loves it!
It may not seem like it with the pirate outfit and rogue-ish lifestyle, but Julian is quite the colour lover himself. He just loves the energy and atmosphere vibrant colours bring.
So when you and him meet, and he finds out you're an even bigger lover of colours and an artist at that—the man was practically bursting with excitement.
Definitely gets you some art supplies. But since Julian has little to zero knowledge on being an artist, his art supplies aren't always the most helpful. Though you still appreciate him for trying to help with your hobby, even if his "paint" looks like it belongs in a potion brewing shop.
Practically demands to see some of your older art works and becomes sad if you say no. It's fine though if you don't let him, he'll find them eventually (his words, not yours).
Whenever you're painting or doing anything artsy, he's almost always by your side asking questions and just chatting with you. And as always you enjoy it when he's with you, it makes you feel warm inside knowing he's as passionate about watching you paint as you are about painting.
"Julian, I need you to-"
"I know, I know—you want me to stop staring at you. But I can't help it! You're just so beautiful when you're focused on something you're so passionate about!"
"...That's really sweet, but that's not what I was gonna ask. You're sitting on my paint pallette, could you maybe get off it?"
You're an artist?? He's ENAMOURED already.
Asra adores everything you paint. He himself is a bit of an artist, but he doesn't paint as often as you since he's always busy with the Major Arcana amongst other things.
When he travels for long periods of time and comes back, he always brings you things like art supplies, trinkets or flowers, saying, "They reminded me of you." And he loves watching your eyes sparkle as you think of the different ways you can use the items.
After a long day, Asra just likes curling up besides you while you create your masterpieces. He'll bring you a warm drink and food too, before settling down on a blanket besides you.
If you ask, he'll give you some pointers or tell you what you could add to your work as you paint. He has an eye for detail.
"I think a few flowers would look really nice over here." He points to a certain part of the canvas.
"You always think flowers look nice in every painting," You playfully respond, and see him look away shyly. "What can I say? They really do!"
Asra could stare at your work for hours without feeling the need to look away. He just loves the mixture of colours and patterns you use. They remind him of the different realms and he finds that beautiful.
Sometimes you even use things from around his home for inspiration. It could be anything—his clothes, the intricate patterns on his curtains, sometimes even his tarot cards, and he won't say it aloud but it gives him a bit of a confidence boost. It's almost as if a piece of him is within your art work.
Muriel is a very... Dark and gloomy man in general.
The forest is his home, but not the pretty and flower-filled part, he makes his home in the shadowy, dark and somewhat dangerous parts of the forest.
So when you come into his life and bring all of this colour and vibrance, it throws him off. He doesn't know what to make of it. He feels to seen with all of it.
"What are you doing?" He approaches you as you hang a vine of flowers over the fireplace.
You look back and smile, "I thought it could use a little bit of... Decor..." You notice the way he frowns, even harder than usual as he stares at the decoration. "I'll take it ou-" "No. Leave it."
You're shocked, "Muriel, if you don't like it I can-" "I like it. It's pretty... Like you" He mutters the last part, so softly you almost don't hear him. Then he leaves. Quickly.
You smile to yourself.
After that you notice he spends more time with you as you decorate or make things, you even started asking him for his opinion on some things. He always responds with "Hm..." But you'll take what you can get.
Sometimes you take Inanna with you to hunt for things in the wild that you could use. Muriel was weary at first of letting you go with her, but Inanna seemed happy to go, so Muriel allowed it. After a while you even convinced him to come along on your art scouting journeys too. He comes in handy when you get carried away and find a little too many items that you need to take with you.
Oh and if anyone ever criticizes your art, no they didn't. In fact, almost as soon as they criticize it, they're on their knees worshipping you and the art itself. Why? Let's just say a big, terrifying man glaring down at you with eyes that say "I will rip your limbs apart and relish in every second of it" is not very fun.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Could you write the Yandere alphabet of Tweek and Craig? thank you very much (btw have a happy new year <3)
Yandere Creek Alphabet 💙💛🩸❤️‍🩹💔
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping and murder
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Craig and Tweek 💙
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
At first, they preferred to stay as a couple since they weren't really into poly relationships.
But that was until they immediately changed their minds after seeing you for the first time, they still weren't sure about it though but after the poly relationship started with you and them they didn't regret it one single bit.
As for them giving affection, Craig is always down with cuddling you and Tweek together. He also lets you cuddle him if you wanna take over and be the big spoon.
Tweek is nervous when Craig is not present at the moment during your cuddling sessions. He's afraid he might cuddle you uncomfortably or you might be annoyed at him for feeling anxious even though it's just you both cuddling.
Please give Tweek some reassurance that he's doing alright 🥺
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
They are pretty much soft yanderes when it comes to you.
They aren't a huge fan of murdering their victims physically, like Kenny in my last yandere alphabet with him. Craig and Tweek prefer to kill their victims where the blood or evidence won't get on them.
Washing their clothes and getting rid of evidence that is on them is a real pain in the butt you know?
Their killings aren't really messy, they're in fact clean and straightforward.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Goodness no!
Why would they mock you?
Sure they may have kidnapped you, but that doesn't mean they would go out of their way to degrade you like a helpless animal, even If you try to escape from them.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Anything that will involve you trying to escape.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Tweek would be the most vulnerable one in this scenario.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
You could do anything, and they still wouldn't let you leave them.
They're loyal asf.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Oh, probably when you did something really uncalled for and made them both snap at you and made you sleep on the couch crying yourself to sleep for hours.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
They don't mind any future with you, as long as you're by their side.
They can already tell their future is going to be amazing.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yep they do get jealous, but not jealous enough to kill that particular person on the spot.
Unless that person really pushed their jealousy to the next level.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
They're drowning you in kisses and affection all day, and you can't do anything about it >:C
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
They approached and talked to you normally like any other person would before they began to develop highly feelings for you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Tweek almost made it seem obvious a few times, but he got better at hiding over time like Craig.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Punishment? Nah.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
None, your free darling. But not free enough to be allowed to leave ☺️
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As patient as a porcupine 🤗🤗☺️
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Their relationship wouldn't be the same without you, they both loved you so much but since you're gone. They can't even stay together.
Craig and Tweek would both break up with each other and go separate ways.
Sorry, but it wouldn't be the same without you...
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Tweek does feel guilty for kidnapping and shutting you away from the world like this.
But if he ends up having a certain mood swing, he wouldn't feel bad nor guilty about it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
The protective side got the better of them, if it didn't they wouldn't be on the edge of being yanderes.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Let's be honest, Tweek would probably be freaking out the most and think it would be his fault that you're isolating yourself from them both.
Craig would calm him down and reassure him, before he talks you into stop isolating yourself.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You might have to play your cards right with this one.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
🫤👉❌ No
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
They would mostly be friends with you for like a couple of weeks before they took it to the next level of asking you to be in a poly relationship with them.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
2 months
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No means no.
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Haven't done a yandere alphabet in ages, tbh.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
Lil' idea blip for what the child reader would be like.
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Daycare Attendants & Child Reader
Warning ⚠
⚠ reader is (gn) gender neutral, cussing, platonic, using random names for kids-sorry if I used yours and now it's confusing ⚠
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Currently the Daycare Attendant Sundrop was at the craft table, helping one of the children make a snowflake.
"And then cut shapes on one side.", Sun instructed the little one.
Of course, children don't always listen to instructions well and do what they like. Still, it made the animatronic smile when Kathy finished her snowflake.
"I'm done!", the blue eyed girl said proudly.
"How nice!", Sun cheered. "Now you can make another one!"
Kathy thought for a moment before shaking her head no. "No. I want to color now.", she said and gave the attendant the scissors.
"Alrighty!", the sun animatronic replied before going towards the arts and crafts cabinets to put away the scissors.
Then, as he was closing the cabinet door, he heard a yell.
Spinning his head, Sundrop saw Kevin standing on top of a messed up tea table. Gina was cowering behind a familiar child that was butting heads with the boy.
"Friendship is dumb!", the little trouble maker said and blew a raspberry.
You had let out a haunted gasp and quickly your face switched from shocked to anger. Then you picked up a nearby Nerf gun and pointed it at the brown haired boy.
"Friendship is FUCKING magic!", you screeched before blasting the boy with foam bullets.
Sun gasped as he quickly stood up.
"There is no foul language in the Daycare!", he speed walked over and scooped you up. "Timeout!"
"Hey!", you puffed out your cheeks in annoyance. "Kevin is the jerk! He should be in time out! And I'm not wrong! Friendship is magic!"
"I suppose you're right.", Sun said and also scooped up Kevin. "Both of you are in timeout."
"WHAT!?", the brown haired boy screamed. "I didn't do anything!"
The daycare attendant walked towards the corner as the two children bickered.
"That's a big fat lie!", you frowned.
"Your Mom's fat!", the boy replied.
"My mom is not fat! She just has a big butt!", you countered. "And last I saw, your dad was staring at my mom's butt! So eat it fart face!"
"You're stupid! And ugly!", Kevin shouted.
"I'm not a mirror!", you shouted back.
Sun felt tired already.
It hasn't even been two hours.
Placing the two in the corner, he sat them on chairs and told them to hold hands.
"No!", the two yelled and faced away from each other.
"You won't? Hmmm.", Sundrop placed a hand on his hip, using the other to tap his finger on his faceplate. "Looks like you'll both have to wear the get-along shirt."
You looked up at the animatronic in horror.
Sucking it up, you grabbed Kevin's hand with disgust.
"There. Happy?", you grumbled.
The little boy blushed and looked away. "This is dumb."
"There we go!", Sun clapped his hands. "Five minutes!", he told the two before going back to the other children with a skip in his step.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad day.
"I still don't like you.", he overheard you say.
Or...maybe it might be.
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~Seline, the person.
Fic Ideas for Daycare Attendants
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kunikame · 2 years
the stars are prettier. - scaramouche
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entry for @versadies 's event farewell love !
warnings : gender neutral. angst. major character death. injury. slight spoilers for scaras backstory & use of his real name. spoilers for the aftermath of 3.2 archon quest. traveler is not specified. english is not my first language.
w/c : 1883
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the inazuman night flowers have always been beautiful to kunikuzushi.
yet, as you sit there with him, their beauty dims in comparison with yours. the same could be said for you, as to you, he's the most beautiful creature you've laid your eyes on.
"hey, kuni, i sliced some lavender melons. would you like some?"
he nods eagerly and scooches closer to you so you can share the sweet fruit slices. a gust of wind rustles the leaves of chinju forests' trees and pushes the young boys' veil to his shoulders, at which you chuckle.
reaching out to help fix it for him, he pauses his munching and looks at you with a startled look in his eyes. you finish your actions and glance over at his face, smiling softly when you catch him staring.
"you're very pretty, you know that? it's slightly unfair. how am i supposed to compete?"
the location warps then and he's no longer sitting in the night flower fields of chinju forest; he now finds himself side by side with you, under the night sky at one of the many cliffs in kannazuka.
"look, that's the ursa minor over there! and that's the orion! and-"
you point out the many constellations to him eagerly, not even taking notice of him losing all interest in the sky. the stars you speak so highly of reflect so well in your eyes already, why should he look at the sky? you're way more ethereal than the stars could ever be.
when you receive no response to your inquiries, you turn your head sideways and catch him looking at you with a gentle and content look in his eyes. his eyes widen and he falters, only to turn away quickly.
you pout, "you're so hard to impress, kuni. how will you ever find a lover?"
just when he's about to respond saying he doesn't need anyone else when he has you, the location warps around him again.
suddenly he finds himself on the familiar plains of yashiori island, collecting some crystal marrow and firewood so you can continue on your journey while you entertain yourself not too far away.
when he thinks he has enough, he makes his way over to you where you sat on a tree stump. when you hear his footsteps approaching, you look up at him joyfully and your eyes seemingly sparkle.
"kuni, kuni! look what i made!"
you run up to him with a blindingly beautiful grin and plop something soft and light on his hair. he drops his satchel to inspect the item only to falter when he finds a flower crown woven of beautiful flowers. the color combination fits his aesthetic perfectly.
"is this.. for me?"
"of course it is, dummy! who else would it be for?" you smile at him, oh, so gently and he swore he could cry. he would do anything for you. if you wanted the moon, he would steal it for you.
".. but why?"
"i thought you'd look even prettier with it. and also, i made one for myself as well, so we match! it's like a promise."
"a promise? of what?" he tilts his head to the side in confusion, a habit, you notice. you find it funny when the flower crown tilts with his head and he reaches up to fix it.
"to stay together as long as we live, naturally. i promise i won't leave you!" 
you shouldn't make promises you can't keep, he thinks. yet instead of verbalizing his thoughts, he only smiles at you. the gentlest smile you've ever seen from him. he carefully takes your flower crown from your hands and places it on your head, "it's a promise."
"it's a promise."
time and space warps around the boy again.
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nahida has seen many people dream, and has given many people happy dreams when the creations of their own minds haunted their nights.
never has she seen someone given a happy dream cry in their sleep.
until him; the balladeer.
after he fell out of his giant robot and knocked out, she decided she'd take care of him. patched up his wounds and gave him happy dreams to have until he wakes up on his own accord.
so then, why is he shedding tears with the softest smile?
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seirai island.
the last warp took him to seirai island.
he remembers this memory. no matter how many centuries have passed, how many times he's told himself he has forgotten; it will always remain in the back of his mind, haunting him as long as he walks these cursed lands– as long as he's breathing. the worst betrayal he's had the misfortune to experience; the betrayal of a lover.
there you were, walking ahead peacefully, not knowing what was about to happen to you. no matter how he kept ordering his body to move, to run forward, to sacrifice himself to save you– even if just in an archon damned dream– his body wouldn't move, because the kunikuzushi back then didn't know any better.
an arrow was shot and you screamed in pain.
the younger kunikuzushi looked around in a panic and ran towards you to pull your body towards his. his eyes zeroed in on the culprit, yet he couldn't do anything. the younger kunikuzushi barely had any fighting skills, he couldn't protect you back then.
so he ran. he hoisted you up into his arms and ran the way you came. he remembers seeing a cave on the way, maybe he could patch you up and you'd be alright after a couple days of rest, right?
he arrived at the cave entrance and gently set you down on the ground, panting from the speed at which he ran. inspecting the wound, he cringed.
it went in pretty deep… i shouldn't pull it out or they'll bleed out. what to do.. what to do… i could tie my veil around the wound to stop the bleeding..? yeah, that's better than nothing.
he moved to remove his veil, only to be stopped by your trembling hand.
"shut up, i'll patch you up, okay? you'll be fine, just don't talk, alright?"
"..kuni.. i think-"
"i told you to stay silent," he ripped his veil, "let me help you for once."
you struggled to get any air into your lungs, but you had to stop him, so you mustered all your strength to raise your voice.
"kuni, i think.. i think i just got poisoned.. you.. you can't save me anymore.."
he paused then, his wide and panicked eyes snapping to your half shut ones. his lips wobbled and he shook his head in denial, his silky hair flying every which way.
you slowly raised your hand and placed it against his cheek, which is now the warmest you ever remember it being. his hand, which he placed against yours in a hurry, was also radiating a gentle warmth. one you never remembered it having. his body was always cold.
ironic, wasn't it? you were the cold one now.
"no.. no, no you didn't, y/n.. it's just an arrow, okay? i'll just get it out and tie my veil around you to stop the bleeding, alright? i can save you, i can. i can. i have to."
you shook your head, and no matter how hard he tried to deny it, he knew. deep down, he knew.
his head hung low, his bangs covering his eyes, yet the tears streaming down your hand were a clear sign.
".. why did you lie to me? you promised.. you promised we would be together forever.. i gave you my entire being. i lived for you.. i loved you.. you gave me a purpose– gave the heart i thought i would never need again a second chance. i thought i could trust you.. yet you're leaving me as well."
with your remaining strength you wiped his tears and smiled at him one last time.
"you're.. so mean, kuni.. you've gotta work.. work on your attitude so you.. can make more friends, okay?.. promise me.. i'll die with.. with regrets if i know i left.. you all alone again.." you gave a weak chuckle, "i don't.. want this to happen either, kuni.. i love you more.. than you'll ever know.."
the hand on his cheek weakened and very nearly slipped out of his hold, had he not caught it in time. his already panicked eyes widened even further, ".. y/n?"
he scrambled closer to you, yet you didn't even flinch. "y/n?!"
deafening silence.
he wishes he could blame you for what happened. maybe then it would be easier to let go, but there's nothing to blame on you. it's all his fault. he's the one who couldn't protect you. and perhaps, that's what makes it worse.
his pupils wide, he holds your cold hand to his chest, where his heart should be, had you not ripped it out of his chest and taken it with you wherever you went. he sits there, gaping, as silent tears stream down his cheeks.
he lets out a sound. of desperation? grief? rage? sadness? he's not quite sure, it could be all of them as one. and suddenly he's screaming at the top of his lungs.
call them desperate cries for help, a promise of revenge, perhaps even a lover's oath. 
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he awoke with a start.
purple eyes snapping open to see the concerned dendro archon standing above him.
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nahida somehow convinced the traveler to take scaramouche– now wanderer– with themself when they go back to inazuma.
so now here he is, on a ship with the blond traveler and their flying companion. and the 'crux fleet', if he's not mistaken. he's staring over the railings with empty eyes when he hears footsteps approaching.
"so, why is it you wished to go to inazuma with me?" the traveler asks.
he's about to retort, but then he's struck with a sharp pain in his temple and the words "you're.. so mean, kuni.. you've gotta work.. work on your attitude so you.. can make more friends, okay?.. promise me" echo in his mind.
so he sighs and looks down at the ocean.
"i.. wish to pay someone a visit. on seirai island."
the traveler falters, "seirai island? i thought no one lived there anymore."
the boy doesn't respond.
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he hasn't set foot on seirai island in so long. the corruption is no longer there all over the island, thanks to the traveler– not that it would affect him.
he fixes his hat and walks down a familiar path, picking some purple and white flowers on his way, the traveler following close behind.
they take a couple turns and reach a familiar cliff with a shrine. the traveler pauses and puts an arm out to make paimon do the same, finally realizing what the eternal wanderer wished to do– who he wished to visit.
the boy keeps walking until he reaches the shrine and kneels down, placing the flowers in a vase he bought in sumeru.
he mutters a short prayer.
it's silent for a moment, only the sounds of the eternal lightning, wind and waves crashing can be heard. until he opens his mouth to speak.
"i'm home, y/n."
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @sscarchiyo @gumiresque @meiquipo @ibaraluvr @thesapphirecake @yakshalea @kazemiya @haitanni @beljisuke @sugokawata @nazukisser @mikctp @ichipd //ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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dearestxiao · 6 months
the color blue: vibrance | yandere xiao x reader, yandere venti x reader
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synopsis: (college au) you've found solace in a newfound, faceless friend after a messy break up left a hole of loneliness to be filled. you can't help but countdown the days until his identity is finally revealed, but perhaps you've known this mysterious friend all along.
WARNINGS: while this chapter is mostly tame, this story will progress to have heavier and darker themes. implied stalking, manipulation and guilt-tripping, student-teacher dynamics (reader is 21, zhongli is in his late 20's/ early 30's), threats of finacial manipulation. I believe that's all but let me know if there's more! reader is gender-neutral
wc: 6.6k
authors note: it's finally here! the re-upload of the color blue <3!!!!!! thank you all so so much for your patience. bare with me guys, this story is a slowburn. (also you cannot pay me to yap less). this is a re-upload of my fic from my old deactivated blog based on my college! however, this isn't a complete re-upload. for those who have read the original version of the color blue, some parts of the story have been altered and edited to better fit my vision of what i want the story to be (so no horned up xiao (yet) sorry guys </3) i really really hope all these changes are still enjoyable, though! thank you to those who made it possible to recover this story from my old blog, and thank you all for staying tuned <3
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this is a dark fiction story. minors, do not interact. as always, reblogs are extremely appreciated!
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you have a love-hate relationship with fall.
fall was a melancholic season for you, a season that practically begged you to simply stay home and away from the gloomy, blue skies. fall isn't a bad season, not by any means, but you do absolutely hate just how much more cozy it made your bed feel, how the soft pitter-patter of morning fall rain would ring out against the glass of your window as though beckoning you silently to stay under the warmth of your cozy blanket, how it became increasingly harder to get out of bed with the way the floors (and days as a whole) were cold and contrasting against the heat of your comforter (which, as the day goes by, you truly are starting to realize more and more why comforters have the word 'comfort' in them).
you liked the fallen leaves, with their reds and golds and oranges. you liked the pumpkins and the rain and the sweaters and the need for warm drinks, but god does fall make it impossible for you to get up these days.
luckily for you, your roommate has a knack for getting you to do things you don't necessarily want to do.
the first thing you awaken to (apart from the numerous snooze alarms you've dismissed in the past hour) is the borderline obnoxious feeling of your roommate bouncing onto the bed to the side of your (once) sleeping body, startling you. you can't say that this was the first time you've been woken up with a bang like this, but you could certainly say that it won't be the last.
"goooooodmorning, sunshine!" despite your eyes not being open, you can practically hear the sinister grin plastered all over his face as he let's out a greeting in his singsong voice, watching as you groan out at his chipperness. you never understood how your bestfriend could be such a morning person, but you supposed that facet of his life fit him well, just like you hating mornings fit you.
"venti." you let out, feeling him shake you awake. "get out."
your lovely, loving roommate responds with an exaggerated sigh, followed up by him gently jabbing a chipped baby blue lacquered finger at your cheek as you try to bury yourself into your pillow. he pressed against you just like how you had pressed your own against the button that, had you not pressed an excessive amount, would have avoided this situation as a whole. you can't help but feel as if the snooze button was invited purely just to spite people like you.
"aw, c'mon, I can hear your alarm from the other room you know. you were gonna need to wake up eventually." you force your head up just a little to pick up and peek at your phone with one sleepy eye, reading the time on the clock and realizing he's right, causing you to know full well that had he not woken you up you would've easily slept through your morning classes.
putting your phone back down, you roll your eyes. "yeah, yeah." you mock, moving to yawn and stretch before giving venti your full attention, eyeing his mischievous grin from your position. "what'd you want?"
"ugh, can't a man wake up his bestfriend without having any nefarious intentions in mind?" you deadpan at him, giving him that sort of look that just screams, 'no.'
"okay, fine, so I do have some mal-intent, but I made you breakfast, so it evens out! and since you're obviously so insistent on helping me out..." he smirks, and you instantly become suspicious, but you allow him to talk, wanting to see what he plans to rope you into this time.
"you know how I'm a great friend, an amazing one at that, and take you out to places all the time so that you can truly come out of that little shell you like to keep yourself in? how I'm such an oh-so amazing person that I use my popularity to let you enjoy life to your fullest? how I love to spoil you dearly, allowing you to truly-"
you're half tempted to throw a pillow at his face. "get to the point," you groan.
he dramatically rolls his eyes. "ugh, you're no fun. so, there's this halloween party..."
"I don't like where this is going."
he presses his pointer finger right against your lip. "hush! so, there's this halloween party, and I think it'd be fun for you to tag along with-"
"don't be a grinch! c'mon, I need a date! I even bought us matching costumes!"
"don't you have, like, a million other people that could be your date?."
he groans. "ugh, you know, you should seriously stop thinking about what others think. besides, all you've been doing these past few weeks is studying and sleeping. you need a break, have some fun! I promise it'll be a great time."
you sigh, willing to hear him out. you suppose you have been overworking yourself. "and what if I'm busy on sunday?"
he doesn't respond with quick wit like he usually does, and it makes you worried. you finally take a full, good look at him as you respond, and you watch as you see the smile on his once beaming face start to dissipate, and you instantly get hit with a pang of guilt at the sight. you note the way in which he's half dressed and how his messy dyed blue hair is still pinned back, as though he really did go out of his way to wake you up while he was getting ready. he looks away from you, as though he's trying to hold himself back from saying something. "do you... do you really have plans on halloween?" he says lowly, as though heartbroken.
the guilt really is hitting you strong. only venti can make you feel this bad this early in the morning.
"well, not at night atleast, but I'm not exactly sure that I want to spend it watching you in a costume get wasted." you try to joke, but you can tell that somethings up with venti. he doesn't find it funny, not one bit. "besides, I'm sure that you can find someone else to be the... er, morticia to your gomez addams, or something."
he nods slowly in an almost wounded baby bird fashion. "right. sorry for asking. I knew it'd be a bad idea to ask." his voice croaks a bit like he's right at the brink of tears. he moves to get up, as though trying to flea the scene, but your hand on his wrist stops him from going.
"hey, wait, what's wrong? I didn't think this would be such a big deal to you. you always party without me."
he let's out a tired, exhausted sigh. "you don't get it. it's fine, I can find someone else like you said."
"get what?"
"it," he replies. "you don't get it. it's not just a party to me." you quirk a worried browed towards his way, beckoning for him to explain. he shakes his head solemnly.
"it's just... it feels like you never want to hang out with me anymore. I don't know. I've been trying to make excuses for us to finally spend some time together but everytime you say no. I know that you're busy and all, and parties aren't exactly your thing, but you usually love halloween so I just thought..." he pauses, taking a deep breath. "it just... hurts. hurts that despite living with you I barely get to see you."
you interlace your hand with his, something you know that has always brought him comfort. you squeeze, letting out a little sigh, watching as he refuses to look at you as pink dusts his cheeks. you mull it over quickly as he looks at you at the feeling of your hand. "I'll go to the party." you say, despite knowing full well that you'd rather die than attend it. you'd truly do just about anything for your bestfriend.
"really?" he says, eyes wide as his signature smile begins forming again on his face. "you'll go? seriously?"
you shrug. "yeah, sure. who knows, it may be fun. hopefully, atleast."
venti nods eagerly, thumbing at your hand in delite. "great! you won't regret it, I promise. I'll tell you more about it later. oh [name], we'll have a blast, I swear on it." venti produces this wide, toothy grin, smiling down at you like you just told the man that he won a life-times supply of wine.
"thank you, thank you, thank you! I'd love to keep you here, but now that you've sealed the deal with me, you should start to get going." you check the time and he's right, you really should. shit, you're gonna be late for your class.
you still have the very first letter he sent to you.
that fact is something you remember when your eyes land on the calendar on your wall as you hastily get ready for class. many of the days are crossed out, with only a handful remaining until the last day of the month; october 31st, the faithful day you will meet your penpal.
you still cant believe you're meeting him. the days—months, even— before you two came into contact are still a haze in the back of your mind. it was a little after your mind had become frazzled in the aftermaths of a messy, sudden breakup. during that time you had spent more time holding yourself inside an isolated cacoon than you'd like to admit.
the break up (that's still too much of an open wound for you to even want to think about right now) had honestly shook you to your core, making you crave some time alone, time to think and reflect on what had happened and on yourself. you spent most of your time away from everyone who wasn't venti (who, to be fair, you didn't really have a choice of getting away from in the first place, even if you had wished to).
however, there was an issue you couldn't ignore. despite the sheer largeness of the student population at your university, and how many people you know through your more than social roommate, you've always felt an incredible loneliness, a loneliness that was only worsened after the breakup.
for weeks on end you had craved some sort of connection, a fresh start, someone you could talk to that was your friend and not just venti. luckily, one day you had stumbled upon something while scrolling through your school's forum, a beacon of light.
it was a post where you could apply to be a penpal.
the idea seemed fun to you. all you had to do was submit a short bio of yourself, say some stuff you're into, what kind of penpal you were interested in, and your school mailbox. after that, you'd simply just have to wait and see if someone had took interest in you.
you honestly weren't expecting much, but you were pleasantly surprised when a few different people had actually sent in letters after a couple days. one was in reply to a letter you sent to someone who also posted their bio. another was in response to yours. the one that had stuck with you most, though, was one from an unrecognizable address off campus with an even less recognizable name attached.
and there it was, a glimmering sheet of the potential to get out of your slump right inside of your mailbox.
who was he? you couldn't help but be intrigued, and after reading over the letter the mysterious stranger (penpal?) had sent, you felt more than inclined to respond, quickly creating a relationship with the man who you would soon end up considering a close friend.
truth be told, you had obsessed over his letters, partially out of curiosity, and partially out of the way you felt so connected to this newfound friend despite never having spoken to him before. he always wrote them in a hasty, cursive script, sometimes a little smudged. many words were always scribbled out, as if constantly trying to find the best words to say, causing large blotches of the paper to be stained with dark ink. and yet the words themselves were soft and delicate. he never wrote with intensity. and he never wrote much about himself, either.
the extent of personal things he'd share eith you were limited to things like a song he was really into at the moment, a book he read recently, an assignment he was working on, or a quiet spot around or near campus he discovered. every once in awhile he'd honor you with a small little story about his life, but most of the time he'd spend his letters asking about details on yours. no matter how hard you tried to stir the conversation towards him, he always brought it back towards you, you, you. any question you'd ask would be met with short answers, or would simply just pivot back to asking about you.
you couldn't lie and pretend like it didn't fuel and egg on your curiosity. he always wrote just enough to keep you intrigued, making you feel insatiable, always wanting to know more. and yet, despite your best efforts, your mysterious penpal never gave up any more information than you needed to know.
you have a mental compilation of the upmost important details of him: the first is that he, of course, obviously goes to the same school as you, that's a given. there'd be no way he would've become your penpal otherwise. he lives off-campus, though, like you do.
the second is that he's in the same year as you, and you think he's somewhere in the history department, again, like you are. that means you've probably atleast seen him around at some point.
the third, and most important, is that he (atleast from what he alludes to) has some sort of past he rather not bring up, some past wounds and scars he'd rather not show, something that makes him keep his barriers up.
and that wall is thick. you've spent more hours than you can think pensively thinking about the identity behind the smudged ink, but to no avail. you didn't even know his real name. 'alatus' was what he told you to call him, but it's clear the name was just nothing more than a childhood nickname.
then, one day, you had opened up the newest letter he had sent and to your surprise, the sole thing written on the sheet of paper was a simple sentence and a string of numbers right under it— a phone number, his phone number. it read, "I want to be able to talk to you more than we can through these letters."
and talk, you two did.
maybe it's the ability to talk to him continously without having to await until you recieve a new letter, but you two had talked a lot, quickly becoming closer and closer. while you made sure to not sure anything too personal, you had shared much of your life with him, sometimes telling him things even venti didn't know. and sometimes, on rare occasions, he'd share something back, just enough for you to be ever craving more.
that craving was promised to be satiated after he had asked you something one night after talking for hours.
alatus: can we meet? we don't have to if you're not comfortable, of course, but I'd like to see you.
of course you said yes.
you: but how will I know it's you when I see you? you: tell me something special about yourself. some way I can know it's you when I see you alatus: I have nothing special about myself to tell you.
you: that's got to be a lie. of course you have something special about yourself. just give me something to identify you with or something, pleaseee alatus: the only thing that I can tell you is that I like the color blue. you: that doesn't tell me anything alatus: it tells you more than enough, you'll see.
that conversation happened a little over a month ago, and despite how much you've talked to him since then, you know not much more about him than you did before.
after finishing your routine and getting ready for class, you make sure to pick up a marker before you leave, crossing out yesterday's date. you only have just a few more 'x's' before you meet him.
if there was one thing you hated more than having to leave a perfectly warm bed in the mornings everyday, it'd be the busy morning trains.
nothing feels more terrible (atleast in your grumpy, groggily morning mindstate) than being pushed and shoved by people with no basic understanding of personal space, or having to listen to the chattering loud noises of business men talking way too loud for comfort on their phone, or having to be painfully alert of just what stop you're getting off at when you're so tired and sluggish that you're genuinely wondering if your morning classes are even worth attending (you're definitely gonna schedule your classes different next semester, you can't help but think).
but if there's one thing that makes these trainrides even remotely better, one small but sole and detrimental saving grace, it's familiar faces.
you're never in the mood to talk during the mornings, mind too occupied on other things to handle maintaining even the most basic of conversations, but sometimes having someone accompany you makes you feel less lonely in a room (or in this case, a train cart) full of people, and that counts for atleast something. there's part of you that wishes that venti had accompanied you today on your way to classes even though his classes don't start till much later. your mental state is practically begging for some absentminded chatter to keep it occupied (venti always had a talent for talking when needed and distracting you from just about everything wrong in life, a talent that you're craving to bless you with right now).
luckily for you, though, as your eyes trail around the crowded train, you find something equally as distracting as a close friend would be.
you're still so, so utterly sleepy, but as your eyes trail to a glint of green (specifically the faded color you get after not redying your once vibrant blue hair in a long time), you suddenly feel a bit more awake, making eyecontact with the man that, no matter how much you try, seems to never not glare at you with his piercing golden eyes.
it's definitely not uncommon to see xiao on the same morning train as youーhell, it's not even uncommon for you to see him on the same night train as you, despite how sporadic the times you leave campus to go home isー considering you two share numerous classes with eachother (classes you're almost sure from limited knowledge that he's not actually into, classes that genuinely make you stop and wonder how and why xiao chose to be in them). but the sight of him makes your heart race a little, both at the way he steals quick glances at you before looking away, and at the way you find yourself silently intrigued by him, especially by just what his constant glances (and glares) could possibly mean mean.
despite his catish looks, xiao is a beautiful person, you think, fingers tightening around the train pole to keep your balance as your mind fills up with thoughts on the man infront of you.
he's pretty.
you feel eyes on you as you move to look away, not wanting to stare at him for long enough to seem like a creep (though unbeknownst to you, xiao does not share that same sentiment), instead moving to put in your earbuds and tune out all other chattering in the train, drowning it out with your music as you let yourself absentmindedly think of xiao. you noted that he looked exhausted, even moreso than usual, as though he'd been up all night just like you had. his hair was messy, thrown up in a half up half down style that framed his pierced face and ears perfectly in it's own imperfect way, and his eyebags match the overall tired feel he has going on. some things never change, you think.
you remember all the way back when you were just a college freshmen, locking eyes with the man for the first time ever in your life (though it wasn't by any means the first time his eyes laid upon you) just like you had moments prior. you vividly recall the way your breath hitched and your body stilled, the way you stared at him for far too long, the way your eyes glanced over all of him, as though trying to etch him into your memory.
it was like a scene from one of those teen romcoms you and venti watch whenever you're bored and want to hangout on saturdays, those scenes that feel too magical to ever even be considered as a possibility of happening in real life, only this time nothing truly spectacular came out of the moment. the occurance wasn't special, not by any means, but when your eyes locked with his the world seemed to stop and it was as though you two were the only ones in the world.
back then, his hair wasn't dyed the two iconic tones of blue he now rocks (or atleast, used to, before it faded out), nor did he have nearly as many expressive piercings and tattoos decorating his body further. instead, xiao was just... xiao; a blank slate begging to be covered in the self expressive forms xiao later delved deep into. there's always this soft frown on his face and eyes that are practically begging to be stared into.
the first thing you had noted back then (and even now as they grow in desperation) were his borderline begging eyes. begging to be seen. begging to be comforted. begging to be heard. eyes are the windows to the soul, and in xiao's case, xiao's windows lead into a home that has far too much going on, a home with curtains trying to shield people from looking inside, though they're far too sheer to actually do their jobs. a lonely soul. his eyes themselves weren't dead or empty, just... tired, as though they constantly scour around in attempt to find meaning in everyday life. the beautiful gold was and still is accented by horridly dark circles, and the thing you've never noticed about xiao is the way his eyes glimmer and sparkle a little when they meet yours. perhaps you don't pay attention to him as much as you think, as much as he would to you.
if you did, you'd know he found meaning you.
it's an admittedly comforting sight, moody and drowning like the deepest of oceans despite their gold glimmer, human. they make you feel seen, but most of all, they glare deep into the part of you that wants so heavily to just be there for him as though he's silently pleading for your attention. it looks like he's begging to be hugged and loved, or more specifically, to be loved back.
there's a part of you that wondered if half of the purpose of his appearance change was to intimidate people from trying to figure him out, to pretend as though his eyes weren't as desperate for comfort as they truly were.
and in that same exact (anticlimactic) moment, you came to the realization that everyone has a life just as deep and complex and layered as yoursーsonderー, and you furthermore realized that you want to know each and every complexity that the blue haired man in front of you had. you had found it unfair that you didn't know everything there was to know about him, and even now, as you stare and once again memorize the features you should already have etched into your head by now, mind trailing to the thought of just how many opportunities you've had to learn all there is to know about them that you didn't take, that fact still hasn't changed despite how many opportunities you had to over the past few years. xiao has remained the blank slate he was two years prior, no matter how dearly you wished otherwise.
perhaps that's your true downfall as a human being. curiosity is a curse. somethings are better left unknown, just like the identity of the man you've met online.
either way, no ones ever felt more like home then xiao did. though you? you're his entire universe and more.
now as your eyes shamefully lingers on him once more, wanting to get one last look at him before you have to get off the train due to reaching your (and his) destination, you come to a revelation.
xiao looks like the color blue.
you: how'd you sleep last night?
you: maybe we should've slept earlier, I'm on my way to class right now and feel super exhausted
alatus: sorry. I shouldn't have kept you up. if it's worth anything, I'm really tired too.
alatus: I don't regret it though.
you: I don't either, but I will say I do regret asking you for that hint. haven't stoped thinking about it ever since I asked for it lol
alatus: really?
you: yeah, saw this guy on my commute to school and instantly thought about the color blue. it felt so weird
you: I don't think he even likes blue lol
alatus: yeah? what'd he look like?
you: like someone who hates colors as a whole
today hadn't been the best of days for you.
you knew from the way professor zhongli had eyed you up and down as you walked into his classroom, mumbling a soft and short apology for being a few minutes late, that you should've just stayed home today. there was a nauseating glint in his eyes as they trailed after you, watching as you sat down. everyone else was eerily quiet, as though trying not to awake a sleeping dragon, causing anxiety to shoot through your veins. something was wrong.
"glad you've finally graced us with your presence, [name]. perhaps you'd like to inform the class as to why you were late today?" he speaks, uncaring of the lesson he was teaching just seconds ago, far more interested in chastizing you for just how disappointing you've been as of late. you squirm in your seat, chewing on the bottom of your lip as you think of what to say.
"I..." he doesn't give you a chance to truly explain himself. he rolls up the long sleeves of his white button up, heels clicking against the tiles of the floor as he walks to your desk.
"surely you've stayed up late studying for my class to make up for the sloppy quality of work you've been turning in as of late, correct?" he speaks lowly in his what would otherwise be soothing voice, but all it does is make the moment more embarrasing, more intimate as you feel the pitied stares of your classmates.
you don't respond. you can't, really. it's as though your lips are sealed with the weight of the poison laced on his words. the best you can do is fidget with your hands, already beginning to hold back tears, lip quivering as you try not to let your professor's notoriously ruthless teaching methods get to you. you could be sassy and catty with venti considering how close you two are, sure, but you could never be able to speak up against the domineering man infront of you.
"youー" zhongli isn't able to get a full word into his sentence before stopping as he hears the door to the class open once again. you're don't dare look back, but you do hear a quiet, mumbled apology for being late, and just from the tone alone you can tell it's coming from xiao. you watch as zhongli shakes his head at the sight, entire body radiating disappointment, and yet he doesn't give xiao the same scolding he gave you, saving him from the embarrasment.
what a biased dick, you think.
he shakes his head, sighing, deciding to save his energy. "... see me after class, [name]. you seem to be having a rough day, so I'll try to stop myself from adding onto your stress as much as possible. but please understand that in the future, lateness is unacceptable in this class. you should know this by now." the way he speaks is almost gentle, a lot more sweeter, as though he's simply just disappointed in you, but you know deep inside that there's more to his thiny veiled act of trying to parent you than meets the eye, a darker intent. you hate it, and you hate how you can't speak up, but you're grateful he spared you atleast some of his scolding, so you instead resort to simply nodding as zhongli goes back to teaching his class as though nothing ever happened.
you spent the better half of your lecture worrying more about what was to come after than on the actual lesson itself. you refused to make zhongli's eyes, far too scared that if you were to make contact with his piercing ones that you'd lose all your resolve in an instant. time couldn't have gone by slower, but eventually, after what felt like days of waiting, the lecture was finally wrapped up for the day, and you watched as everyone shuffled out of the room except you and the professor himself.
"today's class felt longer than usual, hm?" zhongli attempts to joke as though to lighten the mood, but you don't dare to respond. you hear him sigh at the way you don't respond, accompanied by the quiet shuffling of paper as he makes his way to you. god, you want to be home right now.
"I wanted to talk about your performance in my class, [name]. please take a look at this," he slides a familiar looking group of stapled papers onto your desk, one that you hesistantly look at, only to wish that you had eyes at all in an instant at the sight.
you wish the world would simply swallow you whole at the sight of bright, red ink, showing a blaring '40%' at the upper right corner of the assignment you'd spent hours slaving over for, breath hitching in shock. you feel sick to your stomach, as though the red was the same red you'd see in the aftermath of a murder, only this time, the thing being brutally killed is your own ego.
you could've lived a good, long, healthy life without seeing such a ghastly sight.
"it's certainly not bad, but you could be... better. much better. I expect more from you. you know that. and I know you. you can do much better than this sloppy work you've been handing in lately." he speaks, shattering your heart word by word.
throughout your years at this school you've had your far share of lower grades, and you've always managed to take them with stride. this was different, though. every student knows that in all of the classes zhongli's teaches, anything less than perfect is practically a death sentence.
"but I..."
"no buts. I would love an explanation, however, if you have one to give me."
you don't have an explanation. you've been working hard just as you have since you started taking his classes sophmore year, so why are you suddenly now failing so terribly? you shake your head at himーthis must be a mistake. a big, big mistake.
"...you're on scholarship student, aren't you?" you nod your head, knowing full well that had it not been for the full ride you've been given, you wouldn't even be setting foot near this building, let alone this classroom. "you do want to keep attending this school, don't you? you'd likely lose your scholarship if you don't improve soon. we both know full and well how finicky administration are with grades."
you try your hardest to hold back tears as the papers in your hand begin to slightly crumble from the force of your grip on them at the sheer thought of losing the very thing allowing you to go here. one even goes as far as to fall, splattering against the once prestine white sheet, soaking in and feathering out and smudging the blue pen ink that you used to write your oh-so-unimpressive answers with.
you wonder just where exactly things went wrong; you had worked so hard on this assignment, how could it not be 'good enough?' most importantly, how were you supposed to impress him? wasn't your sheer effort enough? you gave it all of your all, but he still somehow wants more, though you're not exactly sure how much you have left to give to him.
he watches your form with pity. his eyebrows furrow as he bends down a little to meet your eye thats paying far too much attention to the floor beneath. a gloved hand takes your face in his palm, thumbing at your eyes so as to wipe your tears away, but it does nothing to comfort you.
"poor thing. this entire ordeal must be stressful for you.... perhaps you can have one of the teacher assistants help you. I'd suggest ganyu, but as of late, she's been busy, and I'd assume you'd be better off getting tutored by someone actually in the same course as you. you and xiao seem to be getting along lately, though I know he has a rough surface. perhaps you could melt through that barrier though. I can tell you can. I can speak to him, if you'd like."
you honestly can't comprehend his words with the way your pounding heart is much more louder than his soft tone of voice. your lip quivers as you attempt to meet his eye. you can't find the strength in you to reply.
"will you atleast consider trying to get into contact with him?" he asks after no response. you shakily nod, albeit hesitantly, and he gently lets go of your face at the notion, smiling lightly.
"good. it'd be a shame to see you lose the scholarship you worked so hard on attaining. make me proud, [name]. you've always been my star student. I trust that you and the extra help at your disposal will resolve this little issue you're having. you have my private number, correct?" you nod again, much to his pleasure.
"please contact me whenever you desire. I can set-up one on one time to make sure you're caught up to speed. now get to your other classes for me, okay? I'm sure you have a long day ahead of you."
'a long day' is an understatement, you think, because your day feels blue, moody, as dark as the clouded sky. you wonder briefly how you can cover up your frustration before anyone at your next class sees. you suddenly feel a seering hatred for the soft pitter patter that rings against the windows that seem to mock you and the fact that you didn't stay in the coziness of your bed today.
perhaps you should have stayed home after all.
you: gonna be home late, going to the library to study. start dinner without me
you: today sucked bad
venti: what's wrong?????? what happened???? come home please, you know I don't like you staying out after dark, especially when your upset
you: im okay. I think zhongli is the worst professor I've ever had though seriously
venti: did something happen?!?!?!? I'm sorry ): we can hug when you get home okay? and talk it out? whatever you wanna do.
you: yeah, thanks. actually kind of need that hug rn. gna go to the library
venti: okay, stay safe... call me?
you: can't. it's pouring outside so i have to go. see you soon though.
you find yourself growing tired of this routine.
it wasn't a terrible one, not by any means, but the days are truly starting to blend in with one another. everyday, you wake up, go to class, pray your work is up to the hightened standards of professor zhongli (and all of the other freakishly stern teachers here, for that matter), study, go home again, and prepare yourself to it all over again tomorrow. if you're lucky, your roommate breaks your routine just a bit, forcing you through whatever shenanigans he deems fit for that given night. eitherway you were tired, desperate to forget about today's stresses. maybe venti was right; a party would take the edge off.
atleast your other classes, apart from one taught by professor dottore (which you luckily didn't have today), weren't as bad as zhongli's.
nonetheless, after hours of studying in the warmth and comfort of your campus library without interruption (minus the time when your two friends albedo and sucrose had asked if you needed any help, to which you declined) felt your eyelids become heavier and heavier and your energy strained, begging you to simply go home and rest for the night.
the train is crowded as expected, and almost all the seats were taken apart from a few that were just made empty after people got off the stop. you take it, too tired to stand for the rest of the trip home after the long day that you had. but honestly, you're starting to think that whoevers in charge of the universe is seriously playing a joke on you or something, becauss someone takes the open seat right next to you as you sit down, and it's the person you least were expecting to have to sit alongside. xiao.
he looks a little out of breath, as though he ran to catch the train. he makes no effort to even acknowledge the fact that you're seated right next to him as he plays music through his headphones. even so, xiao is a beaming light in the sea of tuxed business men who hate their jobs and gloomy faced riders tired of the long day.
quite frankly, you're lucky you even got a seat, even if it meant having to sit next to the man you cannot get out of your head despite how much you think he dislikes you.
the sheer crowdedness of the train makes it so that you're pressed flushed against him, feeling the emmense amount of body heat emitting from his body. if you were any less exhausted, you'd be freaking out right now from the proximity, and honestly, you kinda still are, but you're too tired to truly feel weighed down by it.
you actively had to fight hard from going unconscious right then and there from how tired you are. you really didn't want to fall asleep on the train, but god, today was just so long, and xiao (who still hasn't even so much as glanced your way) is so warm, and such a comforting presence, and your feet ache and you didn't sleep much last night and you'd do anythibg to just get some rest.
it's a battle you lose. your body shuts down after a few minutes of trying your absolute hardest to just stay awake until you arrived to your stop, eyes drooping closed as you fall asleep next to xiao.
as you fall asleep onto xiao, as it comes to be.
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