#also break ended a week ago so now i wont be as active (not that i was b4)
miloicy · 2 years
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kalim's offhand sentence of the possibility of them meeting as kids popped up when i heard about the afterglow savanna event coming onto jp
no idea why but it got me thinking what if maybe kalim did visit afterglow savanna, found kid leona napping and seeing no one around him, decided to watch over him. at this age he thinks getting assassinated or kidnapped is a thing that Happens (still havent finished watching all the events yet so i might be wrong and that he internalised it differently) he didnt want that to happen to anyone, so he keeps an eye on kid leona
but eventually he gets sleepy. leona wakes up to a stranger kid using his arm as a pillow
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
potions class confessions (james potter x reader)
description - Reader is a potions natural and she gets paired up with James in class. While trying to make conversation they both let it slip that they might have a crush on each other. oops?
word count - about 1800
warning - Fluff!! avoidance and awkwardness, James being maybe a little shy ooc. Reader is a badass. House not specified but non Gryffindor is implied. Some negative self talk. There is also wolfstar!
Potions was by far your favorite class. The professor loved you and you had it with Gryffindor. This meant that you got to see him. James Potter. The golden boy of his year. You knew he was probably out of your league but you were pretty badass as well if you did say so yourself. You had top marks and were the seeker of Y/H. You were also widely liked, even though you weren't as loud or outspoken as the troublesome group of four in Gryffindor house. Your attention was drawn to your professor when he began to call out partners for the next couple weeks of the course. Your heart nearly stopped when he said you would be partners with none other than James Potter. Your heart picked up speed. You had a crush on the boy but you knew he was deeply infatuated with the beautiful Lily Evans of his own house. You knew better than to try to compete.
You looked over to where he sat with his friends and they were all giving him looks and shoving his shoulders. You thought they might be making fun of him for having to be partnered with you. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. He looked over and you made eye contact. Both of you looked away as quickly as possible and your cheeks darkened in color.
By the middle of class you had all migrated into your potion pairs and your assignment was to make a very simple healing potion that you could make in your sleep. It was more for practice than anything else. You hadn't spoken a word to James and he seemed unusually quiet. You had a suspicion that he didn't like you. He got pretty quiet whenever you were around and he sometimes would even leave the room when you entered. You didn't know why he didn't like you but you pressed on. And your crush persisted nonetheless.
"Quit staring at me, you're making me nervous." You mumbled as you began pouring in ingredients but you could feel his gaze on the side of your head.
You didn't look up when you heard him mutter a small, "Sorry." It was a short response and your heart sped up a bit at even the sound of his voice. Oh you were whipped and he wouldn't even talk to you.
"Do you wanna do this next part? You should participate if you want full marks on the assignment but I can keep going if you want me to." You offered, finally looking up at him. He was taller than you but his eyes were piercing. You held the spoon out a bit for him to take if he wanted and he smiled a bit at you before grabbing it. His hand brushing against yours had your heart fluttering and you thought you might just throw up. You both stared at the potion as James began to stir and he counted his rotations. When he got to 20 you threw something else in and he began to stir again, counting to 20 again. It was a bit tedious and ridiculously quiet.
"So, are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" you tried to find a common discussion topic. He smiled a bit and took the spoon out of the cauldron. You looked to the clock and began the countdown of 5 minutes for the potion to sit before the next step.
"I'm very much looking forward to it. We are for sure gonna beat Y/H" he looked over at you slyly. You gasped dramatically.
"How dare you! I will have you know that I have caught the snitch in every match this year but one and that was because your beater hit me early in the game. I will be beating you tomorrow." You smirked. He looked at you with amusement in his eyes and he giggled a bit. He wasn't nearly as cocky alone as he was in large crowds.
"You're probably right. Our seeker is a bloody dud and it's unfair that we have to deal with him while Y/H has you, you're the best seeker Hogwarts has had in 50 years." He smiled at you, his volume matching yours, louder than your previous murmurs. You blushed under his gaze and under the praise that you hadn't expected. You thought he would tease you back instead of showering you with compliments.
"Flattery wont make me go easier on you, Potter. I'm still going to beat Gryffindor." you smiled., trying to bring the teasing back before the conversation got too serious and you revealed something you weren't supposed to. His eyes sparked at you and he smiled for a second longer before breaking your eye contact and chuckling.
"It was worth a try." He grinned, "You know, Remus was jealous I got to be your potions partner cause you're such a genius in potions and he's got to deal with stumble-y over there. " he nodded over to where you could see Remus trying to corral Sirius away from their cauldron as Sirius was a bit notorious for dropping things that happened to cause explosions. You laughed and blushed at the compliment.
"You do just fine on your own but thank you." You tried to calm your heart rate a bit. "Are they dating?" you questioned genuinely, still gazing at the duo across the room. You had seen them in the halls standing a bit close for friends and you thought you saw them holding hands once. James smiled like he was remembering something fondly and shakes his head.
"Not yet." he said simply. You quirked an eyebrow at him questioningly. "They've both got massive crushes on each other but refuse to see it. They'll figure it out eventually but for now its just endless flirting and it is downright exhausting." He said but all with a smile on his face, never an ounce of annoyance in his voice. "Have you had anyone catch your eye yet? I cant believe you aren't dating anyone." He continued to make conversation.
"I've thought about a few guys but the ones I like aren't the ones that like me." You tried to say lightly, avoiding eye contact with James. "But thats no big deal, I've got bigger things to worry about than who wants to take me to Hogsmeade next weekend or who's going to pick me up on the quidditch pitch when I've won that match tomorrow." You joked but James didn't really laugh.
"I want to." He looked at you before the timer you had set went off. Before you could say anything he started asking questions about what was next and you quickly threw the right ingredient in and stirred it three times. You raised your hand to call the professor over and while you were explaining your work you could feel James fidgeting behind you. The professor told you to sit tight the rest of class as you had finished early and you nodded at him before turning back to James.
"Are you pranking me or something?" You questioned lightly, already slightly upset that he would joke about something that you didn't want to joke about. You saw him look up into your eyes and furrow his eyebrows at you.
"No I'm not pranking you, why would you ask me that?" he asked, concern filled his voice. You looked down again and felt your heart pick up, your eyes stinging.
"Its just that I know that you have a think for Evans and I didn't know if you were kidding a second ago." you relied honestly. You felt a hand on yours before your pinkie was linked with his.
"I'm not pranking you. And I don't actually like Evans. I mean she's one of my best friends but me being in love with her was a rumor Sirius started as revenge for me telling Remus he liked him. I've.." He sighed a bit, "I've had a crush on you for a few years now actually." he looked sad. You moved so you were fully holding his hand and you squeezed.
"Look, if you're serious then I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you, I've liked you for a significant amount of time, I just don't want you to feel like you have to cause you pity me or something." you mumbled the last part. James looked at you inquisitively.
"Why would I pity you? As I've said you're the best seeker I've ever seen at Hogwarts and you can properly kick my ass in any class we happen to be in. And I promise I'm only half trying to get you to go easy on the match tomorrow." you smiled at the end and you chuckled a bit.
"Okay then, will you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?" You questioned, a bit more sure of yourself.
"Of course I will. I was also hoping I could steal a tie or two so I can properly represent when i'm at your matches. When you aren't actively crushing my team, that is." he smiled and your heart soared.
"I guess we will have to make a trade." you smiled and as soon as class let out you walked hand in hand into the corridor.
"Finally! Took you long enough, mate." you heard the voice of the raven haired boy behind you as he stood rather close to his not-yet-boyfriend. He pushed James a bit in the shoulder and held his hand out to Remus. Remus sighed and handed him a galleon.
"You couldn't have waited to make it official until the Hogsmeade trip? You've just cost me a galleon." he teased and you both laughed a bit.
"You should have let me in on the bet before hand and I could have kept it professional for another week." you smiled and James pushed you a bit from the side and you all laughed.
You looked over at him and his smile was so wide it made his eyes nearly close. You took a deep breath as you finished laughing and you started to pull him toward the dining hall where you were planning on getting dinner. His hand left yours and instead snaked up to you head so he could push your hair to press a kiss to the side of your head and you blushed deeply. You couldn’t have cared less when you heard a gagging sound behind you from the best friends of the man you hoped to be with for a longtime.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review, ch (92-93)
That was painful & so well-written! This analysis will focus on kyokyo mainly & faintly on her effect on kyo. Although, her story affects tohru’s life immensely, I won’t analyze tohru’s part & will wait until it’s a tohru’s chapter to use the knowledge of kyoko’s past to better read tohru’s mind & understand her decisions! Can’t wait! after all, that’s why I’ve read the manga to begin with!
-Kyoko’s Atonement:  (the weight of words):
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 Kyoko breaks down after she learns she’s expecting. Why? cuz she hurt her mom. The notion that “yeah my parents caused me emotional trauma & so I’mma hurt them as well” is toxic & burdening as it starts a cycle of pain. Kyoko was right. She had no idea how her mom felt seeing her rebel, or follow violence or hear her harsh words. I’m not cleansing the mom from guilt nor responsibility. I’m just saying since the mom’s pov is blocked from us, assuming shes similar to the dad is wrong. kyoko’s fear of being punished with a child similar to herself is genuine, realistic & refreshing to see expressed in anime! usually character like kyoko are cool & brave, but here she’s humanly weak & doubtful. LOVE IT!
Moreover, in furuba words weigh on ppl & have consequences. We see this with kyo. His dad destroyed him verbally with words “ not my fault, it’s yours” that kyo echoes back to yuki! meaning the consequences of the dad’s words cause harm to his wife, kyo & even yuki!. Kyo was tormented with his own words for long time & clung to them even more in order not to resort to suicide! “ not my fault, it’s the rat’s” . Words can crush you down so bad if you hear them from loved ones, & worse if you utter them back to other loved ones! here kyoko learned that just the mere thought of her future child echoing her words back to her would torment her to death! Excellent writing!
-Katsuya invented Furuba’s vision (Accepting weakness & moving on):
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The teachings of kyoko & tohru were really katsuya’s after all. I’m fne with that. These teachings are the core of Furuba’s vision. He tells kyoko to accept that she’s weak, afraid & doubtful. it’s okay. But gives her tools to move on. Your kid isn’t you. They’re an individual person. As parents all we can do is give love/hugs (sth kyoko’s parents didnt do), listen to them (sth yuki’s parents didnt do) & if they do sth wrong will explain it & teach them well (sth kyo’s parents didn’t do, his wrong deed was being born a cat spirit & he was hated for it with no explanation, mom gave lots of “fake” love & escaped by death, dad became a raging monster). Accepting weakness & moving on is what the cursed sohmnas needed to do to heal & what tohru taught them. Off course, tohru herself struggled to follow her own teachings & that’s amazingly realistic!
-Kyoko’s guilt (punishment brings ease):
Kyoko wanted to be punished so harsh for her husband’s death. The gossip got to her. She failed him as a life’s companion. Taking care of our loved ones is a duty we carry with much love & care. Them slipping away is perceived as us failing by none than ourselves. The thing is, death comes with no warning at times. It was his time to leave. Accepting it or not, wont bring him back, but accepting it will help kyoko deal with pain while not accepting will cause more pain for her & tohru.
One of the most painful things abt grief is that it’s personal. Life continues around you. Only you feel it.  “didn’t the world end when katsuya died”. No kyoko. Only you died emotionally. Only him died physically. Kyo once said “ mom why didn’t you kill me instead”. A different reaction to grief, guilt & pain, but same conclusion: neither katsuya nor kyo’s mom are coming back no matter how much pain kyo or kyoko felt.
Kyoko found ease in emotional death, neglecting & refusing life, punishing herself for staying after him.
kyo found ease in rage & blaming others as he his father did, later he’ll escape to emotional & physical slow death “ cat cage/confinement”.
tohru... found ease in pretending "I’m okay” & her mom is alive.. but not physically.. emotionally, so she’ll ignore the truth & live only for her.
Didn’t I say grief is harsh, weird & very very personal. It’s hard to explain, deal with & heal. The mere words of consolation hurt cuz the grieving ones dont want to accept loved one are really gone. Her dad’s harsh words cemented the “emotional death” that kyoko felt. I’m not needed. neither katsuya. nor parents in general. depression. misery. sadness. emptiness.
-The tv show helped to trigger kyoko’s desire to “meet” katsuya. She has already reached the conclusion that she isnt needed. So, the tv show with their words of the deceased wanting you to be happy. triggered her into misinterpreting the words as to mean her death NOT fuel her to live in his memory as intended.
- “Loosing your way first before finding your answer” is okay & so human!:
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Ironically..Tohru... was the person Kyoko was punishing NOT herself: By being emotionally dead, kyoko neglected her daughter. Her world shouldnt be just one person. There are others. Katsuya himself gave her a person to love. Tohru. Kyoko chose death & unintentionally set tohru into a world of loneliness 10 times harsher thsn what kyoko faced. She was about to do, but was saved by a nameless child who reminded her of tohru. She chose wrong first but later saw her answer. Kyo chose death by accepting the confinement & he, too, unintentionally set tohru into a world of loneliness 10 times harsher if he wasnt with her. He chose wrong first but later saw his answer. Off course kyo’s story is more developed & complicated as he dealt with bigger issues than just tohru & his answer wasn't just loving tohru alone but also loving himself & choosing to live for them both: himself & tohru.
-Kyo’s guilt is a concussion thought eating him alive:
Part of why kyo’s story was one of the most human & complex is due him loosing his way first, failing, repeating mistakes “ I always though that hurting ppl was the only thing I was good at, after all, isnt that why mom died?” Kyo’s nightmare being a conscious effect of hearing tohru’s talk abt “ videos & memories of loved ones” is 1000 times stronger & more human than a cliche effect of seeing a “ hat” & to revive a a blocked memory... What the hell!! truly disgusting how the emotional weigh is reduced for stupid cliche drama !!!!!! ..
Anyway, kyo actively & consciously wanted punishment .He was sure that kyoko blamed him” I wont forgive you” can only mean what it literally means. The purpose of the nightmare is to cause kyo to seek “ emotional death” like kyoko & to loose his path more. It is meant to prepare kyo to refuse tohru even more. Therefore, the pay off at the climax will be better & stronger.
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Reading kyo’s inner thoughts will never not be refreshing!!! Also, the slow burn is cooked on low , hot fire , so the pay off will be the most delicious there is!
Side Notes:
I’ve stated my feelings regarding the age gap between kyoko & katsuya in last chapter’s preview post. I’m done with it & won’t let it interfere with my analysis of kyoko nor tohru.
The idea of just being together as a fun hanging out activity without being bothered much of where reminds ms so much of kyo & tohru!! we see them being happy together in the anime in kazuma’s house, shigure’s rooftop, cooking pancake in the kitchen! I really like this domestic feel of romance! it contradicts the notion of expensive restaurant with the girl wearing a breathtaking dress to woo the guy for it to be utterly romantic as we see in movies, & other stories.
NGL, katsuya looked sexy waiting home.. damn it! >_<
I cried watching tohru between her parents, how they acted & how loved she was! T_T. it reminded me of my niece How her dad’s death affected her! She was the apple of his eyes.. T_T.
Tohru is indeed a rice ball! her dad gave her a masculine name while tohru is so feminine! his reasoning is “finding salty taste in sweet things make the taste better & stronger, kinda giving it a hidden flavour”, the rice ball has a pickle inside it & it’s what makes the taste so savory & delicious!
Grandpa’s “ chance meetings could lead to variety of outcomes, good or bad” YES! kyo/tohru/yuki meeting each other by chance. Fiction make it look weird, but trust me, real life has those by dozens!
“ i wonder how lost you’ll be, how much time you’ll need to get your answer”. He will screw up so bad, kyoko! it will be so good! one of the best screw up’s I’ve seen! so painful for him & tohru & amazingly written!
Kyo’s nightmare being connected to him remembering/dreaming of kyoko’s story is bigger effect than opening the ep with it & having the cause be sth that happened last ep, a week ago... the effect is NOT the same.
Momiji is so cute!!! did his curse break here or not yet? he seemed as tall as tohru.
Writing tohru worried abt kyo after seeing him pale is the tohru I know!! Not that stupid girl who watches the guy she loves have a panic attach in se3, ep6, then goes in ep 7...” dahhhh.. Jeez.. I duno why kyo is sleeping until now.. better laugh & make cute rice cakes” giggle giggle...That scene got me so furious even when I first saw it!! THIS IS NOT TOHRU! tohru cried for a stupid story that haru told abt puppets!! she’ll forget the person she challenges herself for is sick?! ugh!
I love seeing yuki & kyo chill & cool around each other.
Kyoko being fully dependent on katsuya can be a factor in her grief, but I’ve seen cases where both partners are independent but still be completely broken after the others’ death. Grief isn’t logical at all & is extremely personal.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk: Vlive Asks and comment/chat discussions
From @cottoncandykings​: Hello! As u probably know jimin just went live recently and again he mentioned mandaggo and discussing about doing it with tae. I just find it so weird though. I mean jimin keeps constantly mentioning it and its not like vminnies were begging or dying for a vmin live everyday even before jimin mentioned it last year. Even now most including myself dont really care that much ofc i m happy if they do one together. But the way jimin keeps mentioning it is so weird. Like surely if he wanted to do it so badly he could have talked to tae privately and arranged it by now. And if tae is the one that doesnt want to do it then idk why jimin is pushing it. But what was really weird to me this time was that he said there were lots of comments about mandaggo yesterday in zoom call and yet they didnt mention it yesterday but suddenly today without prompting he talks about it. I also hope no one spammed the zoom call chat or the vlive chat with requests for vmin live (i didnt see any) bcoz thats just unnecessary and demanding. I hope vminnies wont demand/ ask for another memeber when one of them is live. Its just disrespectful. This turned into a rant sorry. Do you think it was weird too?
Since Admin 2 can’t type their thoughts themselves, I’ll relay their thoughts to you instead, since they had more thoughts/opinions/ideas in regard to this than I do, to be honest.
Admin 2 is sure that there is a good chance that we will get a vmin vlive sometime soon, which I know contradicts their original opinion and post from a few months ago, but there’s a reason for it. During the zoom meeting between BTS and ARMY they noticed something I don’t think anyone else noticed, or at least neither of us has seen any vminnies mention it anywhere, which in conjunction with Jimin’s vlive today and saying how he’d talk to Tae about doing a mandaggo vlive again, as well as another observation a little while ago, leads them to this conclusion.
So, the observation from the zoom meeting. Basically at one point when the question of Jimin doing a vlive arose Tae looks at Jimin and then he nods while smiling which in turn makes Jimin smile as he turns away from Tae and back to face toward the camera before answering the question and saying how he’ll come visit us the next day. Which he did.
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Then the other observation from a while ago, this one being from their OT7 vlive celebrating their BBH100 #1 on June 29th where at one point Jimin says something but slips into satoori after which Tae encourages him to say that again but this time in the Seoul accent, so the way they actually should speak, which Jimin says isn’t difficult but he doesn’t actually end up repeating what he said.
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And lastly in today’s vlive Jimin mentioned how he’s using satoori quite often but that he isn’t all that good at doing it on command or at teaching it to others, which is something he’d have to do for mandaggo but I’m sure he’d manage just fine if the time came for it.
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Based on that Admin 2′s thoughts are basically that Jimin really meant it when he said, last year, that he’ll bring Tae around for a vlive, that it wasn’t a joke or a way to tease us with something he knew he wouldn’t be able to deliver, but rather that up until this point they weren’t quite sure how to do it. Which sounds a bit odd, I know, but what they mean is that if vmin were to just sit down in front of the camera and were supposed to just talk based on what the chat would give them, it would likely just turn out awkward and weird and no one, including them, would really have fun. Even more so when we take into account how idiotic the chat is during regular vlives so now imagine if those two were to do one together that’s just a casual chat. It would likely end up in disaster and honestly I wouldn’t wish it upon them to read all those awful comments that they would likely get, even worse ones than they already get normally, to be honest.
But now that the whole satoori thing was brought up, and Jimin actually mentioned mandaggo and wanting to bring it back after so many years, Admin 2 thinks that they must’ve finally figured out a solution to their problem, if you can call it that. Doing mandaggo would basically mean they would have an activity, something to do similar to how they did those ASMR videos for the Japanese Fan Club which were fun and cute, and so Admin 2 thinks that perhaps chances are we will finally get the vlive we’ve waited for so long (though like many others I’ve long given up the idea).
Another confirmation is that during his vlive today Jimin basically said that he only came by for a little while since they are quite busy and had to soon get ready for work with the other members but that he’ll return in two or three weeks for a more proper, longer, vlive. So, he could’ve treated today’s vlive as the promised one but instead he saw it more as a bridging one between the zoom meeting and the proper vlive he wants to do, so is it the farfetched to think that he had proper plans for a vlive, like doing mandaggo, but it just wouldn’t have worked out time wise today so he moved the actual vlive he wanted to make to a later date?
One last thing (well two actually) that has nothing to do with this question but Admin 2 wanted me to include it anyway is that one, have you noticed how Tae and Jimin were both on weverse around 3 am (until almost 4am (also both of them posting a comment to some post at 03:41 am KST)) one after the other (though with one day of a break in between them) recently and then also two, that Jimin was up until like 6 am (since he posted on weverse around that time) on the 8th and then during the zoom meeting Tae answered a question by saying that he’d been awake until 6 am the previous day (also the 8th) since he wanted to see the sunrise? Which is also something an anon mentioned to us. Curious, isn’t it?
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From anon: I request both admins to please post this ask. So jimin wwnt live today and one of the accounts on twt posted a screen cap of them commenting 'touch your hair if vmin is real' in the live chat and jimin's reaction to it. Now idk if it is an edit or real. No matter i just want to say its not ok to bring up ships in front of the members no matter which ship it is. We dont know the reality of their relationship so lets not make them uncomfortable. Its not a joke. Its not funny. Be respectful the members are real people.
(Admin 1 taking over from this point onward) This ask nicely ties into the last one that’ll be further down in this post since they cover a similar issue of sorts. But let’s start with this one asking about, essentially, vlive comments and the things fans ask/comment, which also ties in with the above ask as well.
The thing with the vlive chat, and especially comments/questions that are like anon said, questions or “commands/requests” about touch your hair if XYZ ship is real or cough twice if you love XYZ member or, likewise, comments such as where is XYZ member or what are the other members doing, unfortunately those have been a steady and unchanging part of the vlive chat since basically forever. It’s been an issue on and off with different intensities though I feel like it’s gotten worse again this year. Particularly if we look back at the vlive Tae did with Hobi and Yoongi and how essentially the entire chat was filled with comments related to Xkook and not much else.
If my memory doesn’t fail me we once even had a situation some years ago (2016) where the chat during Hobi’s vlive was so bad, as in so full of questions about that other members instead of him, that you could see he was upset about it and eventually he handed over the vlive to Jimin, whom the chat had requested Hobi to visit, and Hobi just left. And I can’t blame him for it since the chat must’ve made him feel like basically no one cared about him so what was even the point of him being there, right?
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Personally I’ve long given up looking at the comments during vlive because they just make me cringe and feel bad for the members, especially when I think back to vlives such as Yoongi’s D2 one last year where he was so excited to talk about the songs and the process of making the mixtape and yet so many of the comments were just unrelated nonsense and annoying request like speak english or can you say my name or say hello in XYZ language. If it makes me question why the people posting those questions are in the chat, why they are fans to begin with, imagine what the members must feel like, how discouraging that must feel like. After all they are musicians and yet so rarely do they get questions about that. Or rather they do get them but they are just drowned out by nonsense. Which is a shame. And also very disrespectful but any attempts that were made to remind people to be respectful, to remember their place as fans, to focus on the member that’s doing the vlive instead of asking about the others, and to keep ships away from the members have failed because some don’t care and will continue to not care.
From anon: what are your opinions on the Qs that were asked during that zoom meeting thing between BTS and ARMY?
Now I’d like to preface my answer to this last question by saying that by no means do my grievances come from a place of jealousy or anything. I’m very happy for all the ARMYs that won their spot, that they got to participate in the event and that BTS got to see ARMYs again even if only on screens and not in person still. No, my issue stems from something completely different, and I don’t want to say that the system chose the wrong people, because that would be mean and also who even knows how the winners were chosen, if it was pure luck or there were some actual criteria that went into the process, but the fact is that only a select 200 ARMYs got that spot out of however many that applied, so basically for some this was a once in a lifetime chance, right, even just getting this close to asking Bangtan a question and have really great chances of having them give you an answer while acknowledging you somewhat instead of just seeing pure words on a screen, you know what I mean?
Now imagine you are one of those 200 ARMYs and you get the chance to fill the chat with questions along with the other 49 participants of your session and you decide that asking questions such as what it’s like for Jimin to work as angel, if Namjoon ever broke a bicycle, or why JK smells the crowns of the other members heads? Or even worse, you decide to ask about JKs shower routine and in which order he washes his body? And sure, the “fault” doesn’t fall completely on the ARMYs alone, after all it’s the members who read out those questions and not some magical off screen entity, and since I wasn’t part of the event I can’t say with a hundred percent certainty that no one asked any “proper” questions, but if those were the questions that ended up being read out loud, is it that hard to guess that likely all the questions looked similarly? 
Which brings me to my main grievance of it all: have you forgotten that you are fans of musicians and not reality TV stars or vloggers/influencers? I know there were likely no rules for what questions you could or couldn’t ask (except for probably ones that were 100% about shipping or far too personal), but really, you get to ask your favorite band a question, something you might never, ever get the chance to do again, and your first thought isn’t to ask about their music but instead about some unimportant nonsense like the angel question or if they differentiate between the clothes they wear at home and those they sleep in? Like sure the angel one was kinda funny, maybe, and Jimin handled it in a cute way, I applaud him for it, but was that really necessary?
I know someone asked JK about Decalcomania, as well as Tae about his mixtape, and Yoongi/Jimin about Tony Montana (season 2), but other than that were there any other questions about their music? Perhaps I’m overthinking things, maybe I’m exaggerating and maybe I’m the only one who sees an issue with this, but if I would’ve won a spot, I’d rather have asked something about their process when writing lyrics or creating beats or how they prepare when learning new choreographies, what it’s like to be on tour (though perhaps that would be a mean question seeing as tours aren’t really something that’ll continue being possible for a while still), you get the point.
It makes me wonder if it was just bad luck or if it had something to do with how old the participants were (I saw some being as young as fifteen), which isn’t to say that teens can’t ask smart questions because they definitely can just like adults can ask stupid ones as well, but somewhere something, in my opinion, just went weirdly. And maybe that was the point of it all, for the event to be casual, funny, lighthearted, but my question then is when is the time for music discussions? For fans to ask those types of questions that actually have something to do with the boys careers? When even journalists aren’t asking them proper questions, ARMYs aren’t either, so what is the point of it all then?
Then again, after the event concluded and Seokjin came onto vlive he seemed so happy and excited, so maybe they had fun (I mean they seemed to have fun) and didn’t mind at all that the questions were lighthearted and silly, maybe I’m the one making mountains out of molehills. I don’t know, but anon wanted to know my thoughts/opinions, and this is them. Once again, I don’t mean to be mean toward the ARMYs that got rightfully in, that won, and I don’t want to insult them for the questions they asked, perhaps I just expected/hoped for something a little different? And perhaps I’m the only one. I don’t know. 
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Heart and Soul
@peggyrose19 and @wonder-womans-ex had their birthdays over a month back and I didnt manage to make them a gift. but I still wanted to make you something because I wont just drop it after I missed the day. so this is for you two. you are incredible and talented people and I'm honoured I get to call myself your friend. I hope you'll like it.
characters by @lumosinlove
thank you for beta reading @moonofthenight
Chapter 1
“Final seconds of the second period on the clock, Frank. The Saint’s going for the goal again, passing Tremblay and going straight in Nutty’s direction-”
“And that was a hit on Leo Knut, by the Hollow’s Saint’s winger Andrew Kline. And now, the expected punches follow. Marly, they could have really seen Logan and Finn coming, right?” “Definitely, Frank. No team likes it when someone fights with their goalie but these two seem to be particularly protective of our sunshine boy. Tremzy is already throwing punches at Ethan Bart and I can see O’Hara skating over to them.”
“Oh and here comes Luke. Throwing off his gloves and joining his teammates. Maybe with all those uncovered wrists we could actually get a chance to see some soulmate tattoos again. Last one spotted was Kasey Winter’s almost two years ago now, spelling out Natalie, the name of his girlfriend. They still seem to be going strong; I’m happy for them. That incident did however get most of the players to cover their wrists up,” Frank waited for a second before continuing, “How’s the fight? Looks like we got a big one tonight, eh?”
“It is! We’ve got three people from each team fighting at the moment, but the Refs are pulling them apart now. Coach Weasley doesn’t look too happy that his players are risking injuries for fights again. He’s calling a few over now and I do not want to be on the receiving end of Arthur’s wrath, believe me.”
“Same here, Marlene. Huh, that was weird. Did you see that?”
“It was. Loops just had to shake DV so he’d move. He had stared a hole into the ice and didn’t react to the Coach or his teammate. Haven’t seen him do that before. Hopefully, he’ll be fully focused again after the break.”
“I’m hoping it wasn’t a bad hit. The Lions really don’t need another injury right now.”
“Especially after only just getting Finn back from his small wrist injury that didn’t allow him to play the last two games.”
“Yeah. We’ll keep everyone updated of course. I’m sure he’s being checked right now.”
“In the meantime, there were some fantastic plays in there. It would be quite nice for the players to have a good game before some of them get to have a break.”
“Yes, All Star week is next week and we’ll be seeing a few of the Lions there, such as the newly wedded Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, but also last year's MVP Logan Tremblay, of course.”
“I’m excited Frank! We’ll be right back after a quick break for the second period.”
Luke was still feeling off after the fight, going through the questions Layla asked him on autopilot. No, he wasn’t hurt, there was neither pain there nor there, yes, he could still remember his address and full name.
Their new PT seemed at a loss. She could see that he was acting very strange and, honestly, she was getting worried about forgetting some usually obvious injuries for his behaviour. There was only so much a human could guess, so she simply asked.
“What happened out there, Deveaux?”
It took a moment for Luke to register he was being addressed, mumbling a “nothing” before continuing to stare at the wall. How stupid did this boy think she was? 
Letting out a sigh, she clarified, “I just need to know if you’re injured or not,” after a second of hesitation Kayla added, “but if there’s something bothering you or just occupying your thoughts, you can always go talk to Heather. She’s helped a few of your teammates too.”
She watched his expression while telling Luke. Some guys were embarrassed of going to therapy. There was no reason to be, of course. No one got shy about having the PT check on them but when it came to mental struggles, they somehow believed they have to handle it all alone. Society and the messed up way of thinking that they teach children, honestly. She was glad they at least had some people on the team who encouraged visiting Heather any time they saw someone struggling. She knew Sirius really did help them a lot by being so open about going to her office at least once a week.
There really was no way to tell how Luke thought about her proposal, he certainly seemed to be thinking, but there was no way to determine what about. Suddenly Luke broke the silence.
“Can I go?”
Since Layla hadn’t found any injuries and she couldn’t really do more than encourage him to visit Heather, she let him leave.
The brunette was out of the room the second after the words had left her mouth.
They had won. The locker room was already buzzing, the mandatory playlist echoing into the hallway. After their last game against the Saint’s, which they had lost, the whole team was even more excited about having won. There was even some kind of dance match between Logan and Sirius going on, not that Luke noticed. He had been a bit off for the rest of the game, much to the dismay of Coach Weasley. That got him to spend most of his time on the bench in the last period, but he didn’t mind. For once, hockey was not his main concern, not even during this game.
He had seen it. When number 7 had thrown off his gloves for the fight, there it had been in black cursive. A soulmate tattoo, spelling out “Luke”. Of course "Luke" didn’t necessarily mean Luke as in himself, but there was still a possibility.
A possibility that his soulmate was a Saint. A Saint. He would have been happy with almost anyone, but no, it had to be an ice hockey player. He didn't care about the gender. Luckily he wouldn't even have to hide a relationship between him and a potential boyfriend because of Remus and Sirius. But a Saint? Even in his thoughts, he knew he was whining. The real problem was that they would not only live miles apart and would have practically no time for each other half of the year, but they would be opponents. In ice hockey, the other team is the enemy. He couldn't befriend the enemy and he definitely couldn't date the enemy. Even if he wanted, he'd be blamed for not playing as hard as he could or making exceptions when it came to his hypothetical boyfriend.
So really, dating a Saint was not an option.
Still, his curiosity got the better of him. If this was really his soulmate, no matter how much he didn't want him to be, he had to know.
Standing up, he made his excuses and slipped into the hallway, running along until he got to the other team's locker room.
Great plan, idiot, what will you do now?! You can’t just go in and ask in front of everyone.
Then a group of people stepped out, each looking at Luke as if he had a kick-me sign on his forehead and as if they were considering it. Quite a few had walked past him and when one held open the door for his teammate, Luke could see that there were only three people left in the room. No time better than now, he told himself, gathering some of his Lion courage and walked straight inside.
“The fuck, Lion?!”, one of the players mumbled while he left the room too, shortly followed by the other player that wasn’t the one Luke had been looking for.
He took a deep breath. The tattoo wouldn't refer to him. Of course it wouldn't. Why would it be a Saint, really. Stepping closer to the boy lacing up his shoes, Luke's eyes met a pair of brown ones, looking up through gold curls.
“Why are you here?”, the other asked, narrowing his eyes and standing up to be on eye level with the Lion.
Oh, the charm of rivalry, always straight to the point, no need for formalities.
“Do you want to brag about catching up? Hate to break it to you, but you’re not in the lead and we’ll win the next one anyway.”
Even though his words sounded confident, he leaned back and knocked on the wood of the benches.
“No,” the brunette stated, looking him dead in the eyes. This boy had activated Luke's competitiveness so there was no turning back, “to both. We’ll just win as we did today. Last time was luck and you know it.”
The other raised an eyebrow at him. “The only thing that was luck last time was that you got a goal.”
The nerve this person had. Here he was, coming to actually try to talk to him and possibly get to know him to find out about the tattoo and just got insults in return. Luke was about to shoot something back when the door opened again.
“Babe, you coming?”
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 12
Bakugo X Reader (There’s a bit of smut in the beginning) 
Words : 3133
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
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You didn’t leave the dorms once that weekend. True to his word Bakugo was there for you the entire time and helped in whatever way he could. He even went out of his way to cook foods that you were craving. And those weren’t the only cravings he satisfied. Your room has become a den of absolute sin. It didn’t matter what you were doing or where you were. As soon as the feeling started to coil in your stomach, the feeling of need, the feeling of desire, he was there. There wasn’t a surface that wasn’t christened at this point. The bed, the floor, the desk, the shower.
Right now was no exception. You had been casually studying for your upcoming finals. There was just something about the way his voice sounded when he corrected you on something. The way his hands looked when they took notes. Your thighs started to press together, and your breathing hitched. You couldn’t hump like rabbits all weekend. You needed to actually study.
Bakugo could tell you were growing uncomfortable, and started to scoot closer to you. You could feel how exhausted he was, no doubt from all of your uh… extracurricular activities. You started to protest when he reached for you but one look from his smoldering red eyes had you squirming. He reached around your waist and pulled you into his lap your back against his chest. His chin rested on your shoulder as his thighs spread your legs open. His voice, softer than usual, vibrating down your neck as he continued to ask you questions. His lips leaving soft kisses in the spot where your neck met you shoulder. 
You let out a shaky breath and tried to clear your head, he was asking you a question. What did he say? Can you even remember? Are any of your senses even working right now? When you didn’t answer he bit down on your shoulder, “Come on pup, stay with me. What quirk style is best when going against a villain with an electricity based quirk?”
You yelped but that little bit of pain was enough to boot your brain back up, “Uh… ?  An earth style quirk?”
His hand slid across your thigh and entered into your pajama shorts. While his other arm wrapped around your hips. “Good girl, now tell me… What do you do if a villain has a fellow hero hostage but you are outnumbered?” His fingers were tracing your most sensitive area through your underwear making it hard to even think straight. If he wasn’t holding you to him, you would have fallen over.
“T-Technically I’m supposed to wait for back up a-and follow but not engage… but- but.”
Bakugo’s fingers started to slip past the waistband of your underwear, “But what?” Damn that husky voice.
You leaned into him, inhaling his sweet burnt sugar smell, “If it were you… I’d burn the place down to get you back safely.”
His fingers thrust inside of you as he cooed in your ear. “I believe that’s my line pup.” His fingers pump in an out of you while he assaults your neck with kisses. “I’d do anything to get you back. I’d break any rule, I’d burn down the world if it meant keeping you safe.”
Your back arched as you finished on his fingers. Breathing heavy as you slowly came back down to reality. When your head finally cleared you could feel Bakugo kissing the top of your head. “You know I don’t know what I’d do if I had to get through this alone. It would have been torture. I know it’s been more than you bargained for.”
Bakugo’s arm tightened around your waist. “This has been the most exhausting weekend of my entire life… but it’s also been the best. How much longer do you think this is going to last?”
You snuggled deeper into him, “I don’t know, but it dose seem to be slowing down. In the past it’s lasted anywhere from three days to a week. I should be back to a normal level of horny by the time finals start.” Bakugo chuckles and slaps your ass. “I mean not that I’m complaining but it will be nice to get back to reality. I think I’ve started to forget how to behave outside of this room.”
You scoff, “You never knew how to behave to begin with baka.” He started tickling you, ‘What was that? Baka? Who you calling baka? When did you even learn that?”
Between your laughter you pushed away from him, “You literally call me baka like 800 times a day. I asked Kiri. So technically I learned it from you… BAKA” He swatted your ass again before announcing he was going to take a shower and tossing you off his lap and on to the bed like a sack of potatoes.
You had class in the morning and finals started tomorrow. This was the last week of class and then you would graduate and have to make a decision. You pulled up a new tab on your laptop and started looking at available apartments in the area. Your jaw dropped when you saw how expensive they were. Like how in the hell where you ever going to be able to afford that? You then googled to see how much the average low rank hero makes in Japan. Oof. You knew there was no way your parents would help you. You kind of burned that bridge a long time ago.
You wondered if any of the girls would be interested in rooming with you, but then you remembered you hadn’t really made an effort to get to know anyone outside of Bakugo’s small squad of friends.
You groaned as you continued scrolling through the offensive apartment listings. Bakugo came out in a pair of sweatpants toweling off his blonde hair. 
“Oi… what’s with the angst. What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Oh you know… the fact that’ll I’ll be homeless this time next week… just casual things.”
The bed squeaked as he landed on the bed beside you, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
You pointed to the webpage, “These are all ridiculously overpriced. I have absolutely no money to my name. How the hell am I supposed to magically have enough to pay rent… or even a deposit?”
Bakugo shrugged, “Is that it? I had just assumed you’d come live with me?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Come live with you? Like with you and your parents? Who I haven’t even met yet because you insist they’re crazy?”
He flicked you between the eyes, “No dumbass. I’ve told you like ten times that I’m moving into a townhouse with Kiri, Deku, and Todorki.” You rubbed the spot he had just flicked, “Actually no… you haven’t. This is the first time I’m hearing about it. I think I would remember if you told me you were going to live with Todoroki and DEKU? DEKU? You hate him!”
“I… I don’t hate him. I just… it’s complicated. Icy hots dad is paying for it on the condition that we all come work for him for the first year or so after graduation.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in a pout. “Well that’s just great. You already have a job, a place to live, and I would just be a mooch. Does that place even allow dogs. What about Mercy? What if I can’t find a job. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you guys. I wouldn’t want to be a stay at home roommate either… I don’t know even know how to cook. What would…”
Bakugo slapped his hand over your mouth, “Oi what the fuck. Where did all of this insecurity come from?” He cupped his hands around your cheeks and make you look at him. “I have no doubt you will be able to find a job. You have a badass quirk. I know because I struggle to keep up with you on a daily basis. Second you would never be a mooch. I would have no problem with you being a stay at home roommate, wife, mom, whatever. But I know you and I know you wouldn’t be happy with that. Third…. If they’ll accept four idiot guys with destructive quirks then I don’t think they’d care about a dog.. besides I’m sure there’s like laws that would make it impossible from them not too considering he’s part of your quirk.”
You could feel yourself start to relax into his touch. He was right. You were overreacting. “It’s just a little overwhelming you know? Sure I’ve lived here for almost a year, but I’ve been on campus the entire time. Once I leave it feels… I don’t know more real.”
He ran a hand through your hair, “You’re not having any second thoughts are you? Because I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to. I’m not letting you go back to America.”
You giggled, “Oh you wont let me huh? And who said you could stop me?”
He leaned forward until his forehead touched yours, “Like I said before. I’d break every rule to keep you safe. I’m not above kidnaping.”
You gave him a soft peck on the lips, “You really are getting soft babe.”
He rolled his eyes before laying down and pulling you with him to spoon you, “I am not soft! I just so happen to like you more than most people.”
You poked his chest, “Most people? So there’s someone out there you like more than me? Let me guess? All Might? Kiri? Oh I know it’s Deku isn’t it?” It was his turn to groan, “Shut up about Deku already. It’s bad enough were about to be roommates. Just because I may or may not respect him a little more now, does not mean we are friends.”
Bakugo went to fetch Mercy who had been roaming the grounds of UA. Anything to not be near the two of you while you were in heat. You both ended up drifting off as soon as he returned. Finals exams started tomorrow, and you needed all the rest you could get.
The following morning went as usual. Bakugo would sneak out back to his room while you got ready and then return to walk you to class. You felt so amped up today you were practically glowing with energy. It could have been a result of a good night sleep or the fact that you were getting treated right by your boyfriend allll weekend.
Today’s portion of the exam was written. You knew you aced it. And you only cheated twice. You telepathically asked Bakugo two questions, mostly because you couldn’t remember what the words meant in English. He scolded you but helped you anyways. There was no way you could get caught anyways.
The second and third day were practical exams. A lot of basic fitness and quirk demonstration.
Today was the fourth day and today was it was sparing. It was like a mini sports festival except the only people allowed to come were hero agencies looking for new recruits.
You gave it everything you had, you needed to compensate for the fact that your Japanese sucked and honestly your strategy was a little lacking as well. Bakugo was way calmer than expected, but that was probably because he already had a job after graduation. You both make quick work of your sparring opponents until it was just the two of you left.
You stepped up to your side of the mat, Mercy at your heels, “Go ahead and take a break Mercy… I don’t think I’ll need you for this.”
Bakugo’s smirk took over his entire face, “Oh getting cocky already are we?”
You returned his smirk, “You’ve spent close to a year fighting me, and by now I know all of your tricks.” You took a fighting stance, “Besides now..” “I can get in your head.”
Bakugo if only for a moment paled as you lunged. He avoided you at the least second blasting into the air and sending an explosion in your direction. You wanted to do this as long as possible as a human before shifting. You wanted to prove you were more than your quirk. But unfortunately he was just too damn fast.
You closed your eyes to shift. Bakugo knew what was happening, he had seen it hundreds of times. So he used this to his advantage. He went to tackle you right as you shifted. He ended up getting you in a headlock. You bucked trying to get him off. You were reminded of the first time you spared with him. He had done the same thing. He held you in a headlock until you nearly passed out, ordering you to submit.
Well you had come a long way since then. You went on your hind legs like you were about flip onto your back, but instead you shifted back to normal grabbing Bakugo by the hand and flipping him over you. The second he hit the ground you were back in your wolf form. Pressing your massive paws into his chest. “Damn pup. So you want to play it rough huh? I know you heal fast so don’t expect me to go easy on you…” His palm came up and sent an explosion right into your face.
You yelped and jumped off. You could smell your singed fur and it fueled your anger. You both continued to go back and forth until you were on the brink of exhaustion. You only had one trick left up your sleeve. Something you had been working on in private with some of the others. Something Bakugo didn’t even know about.
“Oi come on pup! You that tired already? Where did all that energy go?”
You had learned that if you focus really hard you can force your alpha authority on other people. It’s very brief, a minute at most. But that’s all you needed. You built up what energy you had left and growled at him, giving it all the alpha power you had. You could see his eyes glaze over for a moment, just a moment, but it was enough. You pounced. “SUBMIT”
Bakugo struggled to clear his head… “I… I..sub..” He slapped himself in the face. “NEVER!”
Before either of you could continue Aizawa stepped out and stopped you, “I think that’s enough you two. I think you’ve proven well enough what you are capable of.”
As soon as you both were out of site and in the gym he pulled you aside to an empty hallway and pushed you against the wall. “What the hell was that pup? I’ve never seen you do that before? That was so fucking cool!” He was kissing you now hands reaching down to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and deepened the kiss. You would have kept kissing him too if someone hadn’t cleared their throat.
Both of you broke apart and snapped your heads in the direction of the interruption. Of fucking course, it was Aizawa. “Well I came to congratulate you two and remind you that you have interviews tomorrow. Bakugo yours is more of a formality, but y/n… you have multiple offers as well. One of them being with Endeavor. Apparently, word has reached him that you’ll be living with apprentices and there’s no way he’s not going to try and take advantage of that.” He looked really uncomfortable. “I’m only your teacher for two more days so please… for my health and sanity. Keep it in your pants until then.”
You both waited until he was gone before busting out into laughter. Bakugo kissed the tip of your nose. “Looks like we might be working together.”
You took his hand and headed towards the dorms, “We just might..”
The next day was the interviews. There were several rooms set up with different agencies. In the morning you checked in and received your schedule. Bakugo’s interview with Endeavor was right before yours. You both headed that way. Your phone buzzed when you arrived at the door. The previous person was still in there, so you sat there next to Bakugo as he waited and pulled out your phone.
You had an email from an unknown username. Weird.
When you opened it you felt tears well up behind your eyes. You saw pictures and videos from your time as a vigilante in the states. There was even mug shots. Yes plural, you were arrested multiple times. There was a time you weren’t proud of and you did a lot of stuff that sometimes kept you up at night.
The email read,
Dear y/n, We were very impressed with your performance during your final exam yesterday. The way that you not only kept up with but almost tamed Bakugo Katsuki. Now that is something. We did a little digging and we found some very interesting videos of you. We wonder how your boyfriend would feel if he knew about your body count. How future employers would feel if they knew you had a bit of a villainous streak. We’ll make you a deal… In exchange for these videos never being released…. We need you to do us… a favor. Don’t worry about finding us. We’ll find you. Look forward to talking with you. - LOV
Your palms started to sweat. Bakugo nudged you with his elbow, “Hey you okay pup?”
You shoved your phone in your pocket, “Yeah just a little nervous is all.”
He kissed your forehead, “Don’t worry about it, you’ll do great.”
You nodded as the door opened to signal that it was Bakugo’s turn. “Hey babe, did you mean it when you said you’d burn down the world for me?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Uh yeah… why? You planning on doing something stupid?”
You did everything you could to keep yourself from crying, “No of course not. I’ll leave the stupid behavior to you… Good luck in there. I love you.”
He could feel how heavy your mood got but he didn’t have time to think about it as he was being ushered into his interview. It didn’t sit right with him though. In fact, it bothered him the whole time Endeavor spoke to him. He reached out to you telepathically, “Hey are you sure you’re okay?” No response. His heart started to hammer in his chest. “Y/N!” Again, he was met with silence. He reached out to find your location like you had taught him… and you weren’t there. Bakugo jumped up from his seat and threw the door open.
The hallway was empty, but Mercy was still there… “She left me too…..”
TAGLIST: @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2 , @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph @xxoperatexx 
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a   day   later   (   because   yesterday   i   was   with   my   parents   and   we   did   nothing   but   eat  ,   drink   and   celebrate   )  ,   i   am   finally   putting   up   a   post   i   wanted   to   write   ever   since  .   2020   is   coming   to   an   end   and   for   the   first   time   in   weeks   i   have   the   chance   to   properly   sit   down   and   thank   everyone   who   accompanied   me   through   this   year   and   made   it   bearable  .   i   could   probably   write   an   entire   essay   about   how   grateful   i   am   for   every   single   of   my   mutuals   who   stuck   around   despite   my   activity   was   spotty  ,   who   sent   me   nice   messages   and   asks   when   times   were   tough   and   to   all   the   amazing   people   who   fought   so   hard   themselves   and   got   through  .   this   time   i   want   to   make   it   a   little   more   personal  ,   because   through   hardship   and   bad   experiences   i   learned   what   FRIENDSHIP   really   means   and   that   even   though   disappointments   happen  ,   there   will   always   be   those   worth   keeping   on   for  .   i   hope   EVERYONE   WHO   READS   THIS   knows   that   i   am   happy   to   have   you   here  ,   to   see   you   on   my   dash   and   that   this   platform   still   is   my   main   safe   space   to   be   creative   and   escape   reality   from   time   to   time  .   you   matter  .   every   single   one   of   you  .   but   now  ,   to   some   more   personal   lines  .
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@rgerscap​   /   @serpernt​   /   @hunterheroes​ bea  .   you   are   and   have   been   my   best   friend   ever   since   i   can   remember   writing   over   here  .   i   do   not   even   know   how   long   we   have   been   plotting   and   talking  ,   but   from   this   point   on   i   can   not   even   imagine   a   life   without   you  .   meeting   up   in   february   was   one   of   the   best   things   that   happened   this   year  ,   because   you   are   such   a   beautiful  ,   kind   and   funny   person   inside   and   out  .   i   am   beyond   grateful   to   have   you   at   my   side  ,   to   be   able   to   reach   out   to   you   when   i   feel   alone  ,   when   i   feel   troubled  ,   but   also   when   we   are   just   two   stupid   knobheads  .   thank   you   so   much   for   everything   you   did   for   me  .   thank   you   for   existing  ,   for   being   my   friend  ,   for   being   you  .   i   love   you   so   much  . @bluemoontm​   /   @demonify​   /  @impaladrove​ i   dont   even   know   where   to   start  .   we   two   have   been   through   quite   some   stuff   this   year  ,   but   you   were   always   there  .   you   always   helped   me  ,   you   listened   and   our   constant   motivation   we   tried   to   give   each   other   was   what   brought   me   through   2020  .   no   matter   what   or   where   we   start   to   write  ,   i   enjoy   our   plots   and   endless   ideas   so   much  ,   that   i   would   not   even   be   here   anymore   if   it   wasnt   for   you  .   even   when   everything   seemed   to   fall   apart   you   remained   at   my   side  ,   encouraged   me  ,   never   doubted   me   and   for   that   i   will   be   forever   thankful  .   you   became   one   of   my   closest  ,   best   friends   which   i   can  ,   at   this   point  ,   say   without   any   doubts  .   i   mean  .   listen  .   bringing   me   to   make   two   more   blogs   ? ?   you   did   the   impossible  .   i   just   hope   covid   is   over   soon   and   we   can   do   our   coffee   shop   tour  ,   hang   out   and   have   wine   and   italian   food  .   you   mean   the   world   to   me  .   thank   you   for   everything   slate  . @adstellar​  antonia  ,   meine   liebste   popocreme  .   its   been   a   year   since   we   met   at   my   place   and   surely   three   since   we   started   talking  .   we   do   not   only   work   in   the   same   job  ,   but   also   helped   each   other   through   so   many   things   that   i   stopped   counting  .   talking   to  you   on   discord   or   the   phoney   phone  ,   writing   our   babies   on   tumblr   or   just   planning   another   holiday   together  .   you   mean   so   much   to   me    and   i   am   beyond   grateful   to   have   you   in  my   life  .   you   are   an   amazing   person  ,   so   please   never   ever   change  . @villeneuvetm​   /   @margirfolk​ scotchy   ! !   of   course   you   belong   on   this   list   of   special   people  ,   simply   because   you   are  .   i   know   that   sometimes   you   feel   left   out   or   overlooked  ,   but   you   are   a   wonderful  ,   talented   writer   and   such   a   joy   to   talk   to   ooc   as   well  .   weve   been   talking   for   quite   some   time   now   and   been   mutuals   since   forever  ,   which   i   am   very   grateful   for  .   your   constant   interest   in   amelia  ,   your   will   to   plot   with   me   and   throw   your   amazing   muses   my   way   just   makes   me   so   happy   so   please   know   that   i   will   always   and   forever   write   all   the   things   with   you  .   thank   you   for   being   my   friend   ! ! @absolveres​ cyn   my   favorite   co   pilot   and   fellow   flame   thrower   enthusiast  .   youve   been   dealing   with   my   slow   potato   ass   for   ages   now   and   i   have   no   words   to   say   how   thankful   i   am   you   did   not   just   yeeted   me   out   of   the   plane   right   into   the   next   best   river  .   you   are   such   a   generous  ,   talented   and   caring   person   that   i   will   always   and   forever   wait   for   you   and   replies   -   ic   and   ooc  .   talking   to   you   about   personal   stuff  ,   about   our   beloved   disaster   game   or   plotting   endless   things   for   our   two   lost   causes   is   everything   and   something   i   will   love   forever  .   i   hope   you   are   reading   this   despite   your   little   break  ,   because   you   are   missed   deeply  .   i   am   sending   you   all   the   love  . @lastfulcrum​ you   thought  .   i   just   went   through   my   blog   and   -   believe   it   or   not   -   our   first   threads   are   three   damn   years   old  .   lucy  ,   when   you   reached   out   a   few   days   ago  ,   i   was   so   shocked   that   i   had   no   words   to   express   how   happy   i   am   that   you   are   back   from   your   hiatus  .  i   always   loved   writing   with   you  ,   talking   ooc  ,   plotting   and   do   like   34234324   aus  ,   simply   because   you   are   such   a   good   writer   and   great   person  .   i   hope   you   are   aware   that  you   glued   yourself   to   me   and   my   blog   with   invisible   glitter   glue   and   are   trapped   forever  .   again  .   i   am   so  ,   so   glad   you   are   back  . @takemetochrch​ oh  ,   of   course   you   wont   be   left   out   here  .   i   think   i   dont   have   to   say   how   much   i   adore   you   and   jack   ? ?   i   am   so   grateful   we   started   writing   and   so   happy   to   have   you   in   my   tumblr   life  .   our   dynamics   -   no   matter   if   its   jack   and   amelia  ,   or   jack   and   castiel   -   warm   my   heart   and   lighten   up   my   dash   so   much  ,   that   i   am   excited   about   every   reply   and   every   edit   that   comes   my   way  .   thank   you   for   writing   all   of   this   with   me  ,   for   being   so   loving   and   invested  .   it   means   the   world   to   me  .   you   are   amazing   ! ! and   then   there   are   some   amazing  ,   outstanding   people   on   my   dash   i   wanted   to   mention   as   well  .   simply   because   they   have   been   good   friends  ,   mutuals  ,   inspiring   souls   i   enjoy   seeing   every   time   their   names   pop   up  .   i   love   you   all   to   bits  .   thank   you   for   following   me  ,   writing   with   me  ,   being   so   wonderful  .   i   am   sending   you   all   the   cookies  ,   snowflakes   and   positive   thoughts   for   holidays   and   the   next   year   to   come  .   please   stay   safe  . @soulstcne​  ,   @fcxedbecty​  ,  @conniidel​  ,  @itshellscrown​  ,  @myersbprd​  ,  @seidmadr​  ,  @wxrldkiller​  ,  @alongingwithin​​  ,  @outlawiism​​  ,  @venuscommissions​​  ,  @sicarea​​  ,  @batisms​​  ,  @failedhero​​  ,  @waywardfeathered​​  ,  @willchosen​​  ,  @horrorempathy​​  ,  @crimsonshe​​  ,  @atomiism​​  ,  @icameasiam​​  ,  @sunsymbols​​  ,  @experimcnts​​  ,  @optmstc​​  ,  @timidstrcngth​​  ,  @pepperpxtts​​  ,  @lunelios​​  ,  @thunderbringer​​  ,  @risaen​​  ,  @unsnare​​  ,  @viividpurity​​ and   everyone   else   who   sees   this  .   merry   christmas  ,   happy   holidays  .   thank   you   for   existing  .
40 notes · View notes
raz-b-rose · 4 years
The Secrets we Keep
This was my first Daminette fic, and by far my longest right now. I am posting the whole thing here but I’ll include a link.
 It is 15490 words, hope you enjoy. 
Damian isn't sure how his life had come to this. If you had asked him 2 years ago; heck even just 6 months ago, he would have denied ever wanting to be this close to another person. Alas here he is sitting across from a beautiful woman, dinner picked away at as they talk into the night. Yes Damian Wayne never thought that he would want to in the company of Marinette Dupain-Chang especially after their initial meeting.
She had come to class late, fashionably so, and he had swore at the time the professor was trying to make his life a living hell by assigning her as his partner. She was clumsy, easily flustered and chaos walking. He thought that there was no way she was going to contribute anything productive to this project. Her English was impeccable, however, so perhaps she had some discipline.
They agreed to meet for coffee later that week to go over each others notes and make a plan. Damian had made everything that week, wanting to just cut out the middleman and waiting to see what she contributed. He arrived to the coffee shop 5 minutes early, expecting to have to wait on her again, but she was already set up in the corner, 2 cups of coffee on the table in front of her. 
Her hair was down today, the midnight color almost looking blue in the sunlight. She held herself with confidence as she took a folder out of her bag, separating the contents into two piles. Not wanting to be caught observing the approaches the table. 
“Ms. Dupain-Chang. I wasn’t expecting you to be here early.” Damian wasn't sure what to make of the situation. 
“Marinette.” She gives him that disapproving look that women seem to have mastered. He just stared at her in confusion. 
“What?” He sounds as coherent as Todd. 
“My name is Marinette, and just because I was late the first day doesn't mean i’m always late.” The way she says the last part leads him to believe that she was stretching the truth a little and was in fact, late often. He doesn’t call her on it however.  
“My apologies. May I sit down?” 
“Of course!” She giggles, her smile reaching all the way to her eyes. As Damian take his seat, Marinette hands him one of the cups. “You didn’t strike me as a coffee drinker, so I got you some green tea.” She becomes flustered once again, almost embarrassed. She doesn't quite meet my gaze. 
“Lucky for you, your intuition was correct.” That forces her eyes to mine, and all he sees in those sky blue eyes is triumph. Almost like she is having a small ah ha moment. 
“So I was thinking that we could split the work into five different sections for each of us, breaking it down further to one section a week so we still get it done by the time its due without it, what's the word,” She pauses her tirade trying to remember her English. Marinette was becoming very nervous. She hoped this man wouldn't think she was bossy or overbearing.
“Ah yes impending! Impending our other assignments.” 
Damian can't help but feel the whiplash of his initial assessment of Marinette. She was beyond organized, and her work ethic rivaled that of Drakes. Which was saying something. 
“Damian?” She looks at him in concern, going so far as to grab his hand. That shocks him into action. 
“I feel that I must apologize. Due to your chaotic nature earlier this week, I did not take you for a reliable partner and completed the project.” Damian watches as her eyes widen, her mouth open in a cute o shape. Then she laughed. Not a cute giggle, but a full belly laugh. 
“Then I must apologize as well. Due to your standoffish nature, I did not take you as a reliable partner and also finished the project already.” She gasps when she is able to breathe again. Damian feels like he is being mocked.
But he can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. “This meeting was nothing more than to humor each other then.”
“I have a proposition,” She has a mischievous glint to her eyes, Damian can't help but be influenced by the sight, He leans forward, elbows on the table. 
“What would that be Marinette?”
“We do the project together, scrapping what we already did.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Uh a clean slate obviously,” She seems nervous again, her earlier show of intensity gone. He can't help but feel confused and frustrated at her constant change in demeanor. 
“A clean slate?”
“Yeah like, we get to know each other properly. No assumptions.” Damian pretends to think a moment, watching her from his peripheral. She starts to squirm in her seat. She pulls on the sleeves of her sweater, then she plays with her hair, then she rubs her hands together. 
“Ok” He decided she had suffered enough. She perks up instantly, and Damian questions his own sanity at agreeing. She quickly hands him a packet, explaining every last detail. He contributes to the planning as well, their drinks soon empty then time for his next class approaching. 
“Same time next week?” She asks hopefully.
“Yes. See you in class.” Damian leaves the coffee shop feeling content and confident. Marinette would be a valuable partner. 
They continued to meet for the next five weeks at the same coffee shop, on their last meet up until the project was to be presented later that week, Damian couldn't help but feel disappointed that their weekly meetups were coming to an end. Marinette's presence was a breath of fresh air compared to his nightly activities and the drone of the other occupants of the college campus. 
She had found ways to make him laugh more than once, a feat in and of itself, and she never seemed turned off by his abrasive or abrupt nature. Rather she encouraged him to speak his mind, and in doing so Damian learned how to curb his words for the appropriate situations. 
He would find himself fixing his appearance before leaving for each meetup. He would tell himself and anyone else that it was not to get a compliment from her, but rather because he is Wayne, and a Wayne is to be presentable at all times. 
Even now he runs gel through his hair, satisfied when it stands at an appropriate angle. He turns his face inspecting for any missed spots from shaving. His green eyes stare back at him in satisfaction. An appropriate look for a Wayne he thinks to himself. 
Unbeknownst to either of them, Marinette is doing the same thing on campus in one of the bathrooms. She fixes her hair for what feels like the hundredth time, and inspects her makeup for any blemishes. She cant help the girlish squeal that escapes her lips, bouncing on her toes a little. Marinette twirls in her dress, satisfied with the finished product and hurries to the coffee shop. 
Damian enters last like normal, Marinette determined to fix her tardy image. Damian sits down across from her, taking the tea she already bought before he can speak she has already barreled into the last minute details of the project. Damian is content and listen to her passionately plan and finalize. 
“Want to get lunch tomorrow?” She stops her tirade in shock, blue eyes searching green ones. Damian now just wants to smash his head into a wall, why did he say such a thing? He may not have seen Brown or Grayson for a few months now, but they must have rubbed off on him for him to thoroughly shove his foot into his mouth in such a way. 
“That sounds like fun.  Where and when?” She smiles that smile that even Superman would combust under. 
“Uh, I don’t know, it was a spontaneous idea.” He mumbled, embarrassed at even using the word. 
“Oh spontaneous huh? That's not like you Damian.” Her teasing increasing alongside Damian’s reddening face. “You’re always such a planner.”
“Yeah, yeah. Where would you like to go?” He tried to wave of his embarrassment, staring at a stain on the ceiling. 
“How about I think about it and give you a text?” She dropped her teasing tone, turning her attention away from Damian and back to the papers, littering the table. If he hadn't been so flustered himself, he would have seen her hands tremble. 
“Sounds like a reasonable plan. 12 o’clock?” 
“Sounds perfect, I’m out of class by 11:30.”
“Is everything set for the presentation?” Damian tries to bring the conversation back to the reason for their sitting in the coffee shop to being with. 
“Yes,” She giggles, “here you go,” 
“Thank you, Marinette.” Damian offers her one of his rare smiles. She swears her heart stops then and there. Damian was good looking, but he increased his attractiveness by a hundred when he smiled. 
How she managed to keep it together while in the coffee shop she’ll never know. All her years as Ladybug maybe? She waves to Damian outside the shop before squatting to the ground. She grips her face, her cold hands a welcomed relief to her very, very warm face. She doesn't care that she's in public, she squeals in excitement, the rush intoxicating. Damian had asked her to lunch, a date? She sure hoped so. 
“Damian?” He jumps out of his thoughts. Marinette smirking at him, “Where did you go silly?” He narrows his eyes at her. He was not silly, the farthest thing from it. 
“I was simply thinking about how I actually tolerate your company.” He tries to sound disinterested, but Marinette knows him well enough by now that such tricks wont work on her. 
“Is that so? What about my company is so enjoyable?” 
“I didn’t use that word.”
“No but it's what you meant.” She grins cheekily back at him, thankfully the check comes at that moment, leaving her to focus on gathering her things. He noticed her trying to slip bills to the waitress, however Damian gets the bills back and slips them back into her purse. 
The walk back to her apartment is quiet and tranquil, like the snow falling around them. She is hugging his arm, trying to steal what little warmth he has to offer. If Damian learned anything about Marinette these last few months, its that she did not handle the cold well, and that she did not pick a good city to move to. It was winter almost nine months out of the year. 
They stop outside her apartment, Damian waiting patiently for her to enter safely before leaving. She lingers outside with him, taking his hands on her own. Damian looks at her in confusion, watching as she looks up at him. Snowflakes dust her hair and eyes lashes. The lamp light making her eyes look darker than normal. She searches his eyes, licking her lips. He tilts his head, trying to read her thoughts through her expressions. 
She slowly raises herself up onto her tip toes and gently touches her lips to his own. His eyes widen in surprise, mouth opening slightly. She stiffens, eyes opening in horror, falling back she takes in his face. He looks horrified at her kiss. He isn't, just caught off guard, but she doesn't know that. 
“I sorry,” she starts to stammer, her accent growing heavy with panic, “Mine think brain, no, I thought, au revoir!” Marinette is then making a mad dash to the door, almost slipping in the process, but in a true Marinete fashion manages to catch herself and continue to escape with Marinette patented moves. 
Damian reaches out for her, but she is already dashing up the stairs, out of site. Not really sure what he himself feels, and not wanting to make things worse, he leaves. He elects not to go on patrol that night, after all his head wasn't where is need to be safe. He doesn’t sleep much that night. 
After all, what did Damian feel for the young woman? She was beautiful, that much is certain, he may have never been seeking out a relationship before, but he wasn't blind. She was passionate and fiery. She sought the good in everyone, giving more than she takes. She never put Damian down for his behavior, especially when he himself was in the wrong. She was patient and kind, talking him through everything. She made him actually feel proud to be Damian Wayne; That even though he was deeply flawed, she still wanted to be around him. She wanted to kiss him. 
Kissing meant, love, or at least a deep care and like for another person. That is what everyone had told him since he came to live with Bruce. Marinette did not seem like the person to not follow through with that thinking. And on that note, Damian finds himself desiring to see her and kiss her again. He did after all enjoy Marinette's company, immensely.
The next day he doesn't see her around campus, or in their only shared class. He worries, but also thinks of Cass, and how she would do this when she got emotional too. Damian is sure he will see her again tomorrow and they can talk about them and move past this awkward mess. 
She does not show up the next day. She has yet to respond to any calls or texts. By day three Damian has had enough and marches out of class, the stares doing nothing to him. He realizes when he gets to her apartment, he doesn't have a plan. She could not be home for all he knows. 
Knocking he waits for her to open the door, he can hear shuffling on the other side, relieved to find that she is home. She opens to door in a daze, Damian smiles at her. She looked like crap. Her hair was a rats nest, she’d obviously had been crying and hasn't been sleeping well. She looked absolutely beautiful. Normal. 
She tries to slam the door in his face, however, Damian is faster, the hand and foot keeping the door open. “Damian I could have hurt you!” of course that is the first thing she says to him. 
“I have had worse. Please stop hiding from me. I enjoy your company too much to go without it this long.” He hopes she gets what he's trying to say, because Damian Wayne is not a love sick sap. She gives him a hopeful look, stepping aside to let him into the apartment. 
“You enjoy my company huh?” She tries to act coy, but nerves are coming off her in waves suffocate her intentions. Damian steps right next to her, cupping her face in his hand. 
“Yeah. You Are addicting.” She snorts at him. 
“I’m sorry” She whispers, looking at him the same way she did three nights ago. 
“What for?” he whispered back.
“Kissing you.”
“That's not the apology I was expecting.” Damian then gives Marinette a look she has never seen before, it is one of hurt. Rejection. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring you,” She steps closer, hand gripping his jacket. “I was embarrassed and thought you hated me. I thought I ruined everything.” His stare is intense, she feels as though her soul is out for Damian to see. 
“Don’t ignore me again please.” His tone is gentle, something that anyone who knew Damian had never heard before. He rubs his thumb under her eyes as more tears start to fall. “I’m not mad, I just missed you and hate being ignored.”
“I won't do that ever again.”
“Good. Now promise me just one more thing.” He waits for her eyes to open, head leaning into his touch.
“Let me kiss you when ever I feel like it?” He meant it to me an order, but it came out as a question. Her laugh sounds broken but healed at the same time. 
“Damian. Is that your way of asking me out?” she's back to whispering again as she once more raises herself up onto her tiptoes. 
“I guess it is.” He whispers back, his second kiss returned in full this time. She removes her death grip on his jacket, wrapping her arms around his neck. His moves his arms to her waist, lifting her off the ground, spinning them in victory. 
“I really do like you Marinette. I’m sorry that my reaction wasn’t what you were expecting.” His forehead his against hers, taking in her presence in his arms. 
“I misread the mood,” She groans, clearly still embarrassed.
“How would you feel if I told you that was my first kiss?” He chuckles as she only groans some more. 
“Unfortunate that your first kiss is with me,” He can’t tell if she is joking your not. He sets her down, lifting her chin up to meet her eyes, searching them, trying to find a hint of a joke. There is none. He kisses her once more before speaking.
“I don’t feel like that and neither should you. I like your kisses.”
“How can you know that I kiss well, after all, I’m the only person you’ve kissed.” She pouts.
“I just know.” He says pulling her in for another kiss. They both melt into that one, no longer tense or uncertain. Content in each other's presence, relaxed and happy. 
They had been dating for over a year when disaster struck. His family found out about Marinette. His very intrusive, needs the answers to everything, the definition of privacy is unknown, family. 
They had just finished a nice dinner date after a performance at the theater, when the worst of all of his family happened upon them. Jason Todd. And no, Damien does not mean the worst because of his methods. No the worst possible person because Todd does not know when to keep his mouth shut. 
See Jason had noticed them leaving the theater, and out of ‘spite’ decided not to call out to Damian, but rather follow them back to Marinette's place. Jason waited outside for almost two hours before Damian exited the building, preparing himself for a night of crime fighting. 
“Hey Demion. Who’s the chick?” Damian froze, slowly meeting Jason's gaze across the street. He looked like a toddler that had been caught stealing from the cookie jar. 
Jason pushes himself off the wall, meeting Damian on the other side, both of them walking to Wayne Tower together. Jason was not patient so he refused to wait for Damians answer.
“Com’on, tell me. Who is she?”
“She is none of your concern.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” Damian tries not to show a reaction to the word, but his fist clenches and his shoulders straighten. “When were you going to tell us?” 
“She is none of your concern.” He repeats, hoping that just this once, Jason will give up. He does not.
“How did you meet? Is she nice or a demon like you? Wait why did I ask that, why would a nice girl ever go out with you.” Jason laughs loudly, but doesnt miss Damians growl or the death glare he sends his way. 
“Oh protective already are we,” Jason tsks, “Careful, girls these days don't like the whole ‘night in shining armor’ thing”
“Will you just shut up?”
“Nope. I have questions for days.”
Damian’s scowl from when he was ten slowly starts to morph back into place, the look more terrifying now that his baby fat has thinned out and his features are much sharper now. It does nothing against Jason however.
“She’s tiny,must be cute when you guys kiss. Ya’know, with how tall you are.” His scowl only deepens. “Oh I bet she not very experienced huh?” Jason suggests with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?” Damian's face is beat red, his fists fully clenched now. However Jason is only getting started, this is the most entertained he’s been for months.
“A girl that cute must have a cute name right? Let me guess, Jessica. No, Hannah. Oh wait I got it, Lily.”
“Her name is Marinette! She’s French!” Jason just grins in victory. After all anyone knows if you annoy Demion long enough, he will tell you exactly what you want to know. 
“Ah French uh? But she looks Asian.”
“Are you serious Todd?” Damian sounds disgusted, “You of all people should know not to judge a person's nation by how they look.” 
"My bad, you’re right.” 
“Of course I’m right.”
“You’re not right in keeping her a secret.” Jason drops all annoying brother pretenses, getting serious. “When were you going to tell us? How long have you been seeing her?”
“Not long. And I didn’t want to tell you guys yet for this very reason.”
“We were all going to react the way I did no matter when you told us.” Damian begrudgingly agrees that Todd has a point. His family was annoying like that after all.
“You should bring her for dinner this weekend, everyone will be at the Manor,” Jason holds open the lobby doors for Damian, both waving to the receptionist, before heading to the private elevator. 
“I will ask her Todd, but that's it.”
“Good enough for me, after all she won't refuse.”
“Who won't refuse?” Damian groans as the elevator doors open to the secret basement. Tim finishing suiting up, 3 cups of coffee already empty on the table beside him. 
Damian tries to say ‘no one’, but Jason is already slapping his hand over his mouth ensuring his silence long enough. 
“Demion here has a girlfriend that he didn't tell anyone about. He said he would bring her to dinner this weekend.”
Bruce walks in as Jason finishes speaking, his face showing obvious surprise at his youngest not only being in a relationship, but willing to bring her to the manor. 
“I said I would ask her, there is no guarantee!” Damian shouts, pushing Jason aside, angrily getting suited up for the night. 
“Please inform me as soon as you can Master Damian so I can make the appropriate accommodations.” Alfred speaks up from the giant monitor on the wall. Damian just grips the table in defeat, head hanging low. 
“So what's she like Damian?” Tim finally speaks again, hovering on his left. “Is she smart? Talented? Oh I know you must find the damsel in distress trope attractive.” 
“Drake you have two seconds to back away from me before I put a hole through your face,” 
“That's a hard no,” Tim mutters backing away, “What can you tell us?”
“That she is not your concern,” Damian groans for the third time that night. 
“Of course she is our concern, we have to make sure she checks out. Safe for the family.” The ‘safe for you’ hang in the air between them. 
“Her name is Marinette and she is French. That's all the information I got.”
“That's a good amount to work with” Tim excitedly stars tapping away, obviously working on building a profile. 
“Don’t you dare run a background check on her.” Bruce has silently been watching his sons interact, finally stepping in at Damian's order.
“Why not Damian?”
“Because it is not necessary, and I value her privacy, like all of you should,” He looks into Tim's eyes the longest. “I know enough without a background check.” 
“How long have you known her,” Tim snips, perturb at being stopped at investigating. It's what he is good at and it's what he enjoys. 
“Long enough, leave it be. You all know about her now. That should be enough.”
“But its not-”
“Just be a normal family for once!” All the men stop at Damian's outburst, “Get to know her like normal people. No background checks, no staking out, just leave her alone.” With that He marches over to the street exit, leaving his Father and Brother standing in shock. 
The following morning, Damian meets Marinette outside her apartment, silence filling the air as they walk to class. He glances down at her, smiling a soft bittersweet smile. It was nice while it lasted, having her all to himself. 
“My family found out about us.” She doesn’t find this news as troublesome as he did.
“I didn't know they were unaware.” Marinette chooses her words carefully, after all she is unsure how she feels about being a secret girlfriend. A secret girlfriend for a year. 
“It’s not that I wanted to keep you a secret,” Damian noticed her rise in emotion, “It’s that my family does not understand the definition of privacy very well, and I didn't want you to be overwhelmed with their overeager nature. 
She finds the notion that Damians family was nothing like him a hilarious concept. On the other hand, she finds it hard to laugh in the moment. If they invaded privacy the way he says, she has too many secrets that were not hers to share at this moment. Concerning indeed. 
“Well, if it is ok with you,” she pulls them to a stop, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I am not comfortable to meet your family. Yet.” Unable to stop himself, Damian kisses her dizzy, falling more in love with this woman by the second.
“You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that.” He gasps out
“Oh, I think I have an idea,” She chuckles, “I will let you know when I am ready. Deal?”
“The best deal I have ever made in my life,” He deadpans. She laughs while pulling them back to walking, both hearts lighter. Damians with not having to share her yet. Marinettes with the extended time to get her affairs in order. She reaches up to her earrings, rubbing them in concern. 
Damian all but struts into wayne tower later that night, gleeful to break the news that Marinette didn't want to meet them. 
Jason and Tim were talking to Dick on the monitor when Damian entered, obviously arguing about Damian and his love life. 
"Let Damian have this you two. He deserves the respect." 
"But-" Tim starts only to be cut off with Damian clapping him on the shoulder. 
"Listen to Grayson." 
"Hey Damian. Congrats on the girl, nice to see you finally living like a normal human being" he jests
“Thank you Grayson. It's nice to see someone respecting privacy around here.” 
“You just gotta wait until this weekend Timmy, a chance to practice your patience” Grayson tries to placate the quickly growing in agitation Tim. 
“Actually, She isn't ready to meet you guys, so she won't be coming this weekend.” Damian feels smug watching their faces morph from confusion into hurt. 
And with that Damian moves to get ready, leaving them to process the reality of not getting to meet Marinette. 
"I know where she lives, let's go Tim" Jason starts to the elevator, forgetting his already in costume. 
"Jason. Tim. Stop." Bruce enters, her Batman glare on. "If Damian is serious about Marinette, and she about him, then we need to respect their wishes. She could be a part of our family and we do not need to give her the wrong idea" 
"Thank you Father. Now let's go, there was chatter yesterday that Penguin is up to something." 
The boys begrudgingly get ready, each leaving the basement on their own time. Tim and Jason exchange a look. They won't meet her yet, but they are totally going to research her. 
Everything came to a head for Damian and Marinette however a few weeks later. They were enjoying a relaxing afternoon class free in her apartment. Damian was reading on her couch while she hemmed a dress on the floor in the corner.
Her phone rang from the counter top, Marinette scrambling to get to it in time. "Maman!" She exclaims in French, giving Damian a smile, before focusing on her call. 
"Oh no no." She laughs, “I have been a good girl.” Damian can’t help but smile at listening to her. 
“How are you Maman?” 
“Well I hope the delivery gets finished on time.” Marinette’s stomach turns as she watches the back of Damians head. She now leans against the counter.  
“Hows Papa?” Damian notices her pause, glancing behind him to see her face twisted in worry. He sets his book down, getting up to see whats wrong. Marinette just holds a finger up to him. ‘One moment’ she mouths. 
“Huh uh. What?” Her brows furrow further. “Ok Maman, I’ll be there soon.” 
“What's wrong Habibti?” Instead of going to Damian she runs to her bedroom, blindly packing a bag. 
“My Grandfather is not doing well. The doctors says he doesn't have long. I have to fly home. I don't know how long I will be gone.” She glances at Damian sadly, “Sorry I have to cancel all our plans.”
“Hey don’t say that, your family needs you. This is out of your control.”
“Thank you Chéri,” She kisses him softly before closing her bag.
“Would you like me to take you to the airport?” Damian follows her out of the apartment, holding her bag while she locks the door. 
“No I’ll be ok. I would like time to prepare myself.” 
“Please call me when you land, I need to know you’re safe.” He helps her flag down a cab. 
“Of course Chéri,” They share one last kiss before Marinette climbs into the back seat. “See you soon.”
“See you soon.” Damian watched as the cab pulled away from the curb, the emotion of worry overtaking him. He had felt concern for his own well being before, but never for another person this personally. Especially Marinette's grandfather. It was an odd experience. 
Damian decided he might as well go get some training in with the free afternoon he has. AS soon as he entered the Manor, his phone rang, caller ID informing him it was Drake. 
“Yes Drake?”
“I found something troubling, I need you at the manor,” Tim hesitates before adding, “Please.”
“Lucky for you I am already here.” Damian hangs up before heading to the cave entrance. 
He is surprised to see Drake and Todd in the cave, along with Grayson. Damian narrows his eyes at each of them before finally noticing what they had pulled up on the computer. It was a complete profile on Marinette. Damian felt his blood pressure rise. 
“What did I tell you guys about-!” 
“We know but just stop and listen, you will be thanking us in a few minutes.” Jason places a hand on his shoulder. 
“What do you mean I will be thanking you?” Damian all but snarls, “What did you do?”
“Just listen to this,” Tim starts pulling up an audio file, “It’s a good thing you haven’t been dating this girl for very long.” Before Damian can get another word in Tim presses play. 
“Maman!” Marinette's voice exclaims, the sound normally music to his ears, but now he just feels dread.
“Are you alone Ladybug?” The voice does not belong to Marinette's mother, or rather can’t, Damian has never talked to the woman. This voice is young, strong and serious. 
“Oh no,no” Marinette's voice laughs, “I have been a good girl.” Dread sets in further. 
“How are you Maman?”
“It’s time Ladybug.”
“Well I hope the delivery gets finished on time”
“We are waiting at the temple. The situation is dire.”
“How’s Papa?”
“We have purchased tickets for you already. Chat Noir will meet you in the UK. You will then take a flight to Tibet.”
“Huh uh. What?” Her voice now takes on a more serious note. He had been sitting across from her while she had this coded conversation. Damian felt like a fool. 
“Viperion will then meet you in the village Dangquka to escort you the rest of the way.”
“Ok Maman, I'll be there soon” 
Dick watches as Damian starts to lose his balance, quickly moving a chair behind him to collapse into. Damian just stares at the computer screen, gripping his face this one hand, his other fist clenched.
“I knew something was up every time she declined to meet us so I started investigating. Her background check came back clean, so I bugged her phone.”
“Just stop talking Drake.” Damian all but whispers, that stops Tim in his tracks.
“Wow she had you whipped, and you guys didn't know each other that long.” Jason mutters 
“I think knowing her for almost two years is quite a long time Todd.” Damian didn't have the energy to even get loud. 
“Wha? Two years? But how?” Tim’s voice starts to tremble. He feels terrible. He didn't know they had been together that long. 
“You guys just assumed because you only found out about us a few weeks ago, that must have been we started dating. I never told you how long we had been together.”
“Damian are you ok?” Dick finally spoke, his tone gentle and quiet. No judgment, just concern. 
“Am I ok?” Damian laughs, “AM I OK?” Damian had finally processed everything, he jumps out of the chair marching up to Tim.
“Whoa Damian calm down!” Dick springs into action.
“No! Do you realize what you took from me Drake. DO YOU?” He points his finger into his face.  
“Damian I didn't know-”
“No you just couldn't mind your own business!” Damian takes a deep breath, “She is my normal. She treats me like a normal person and with respect. She is kind to everyone she meets, and is the most patient person I have ever met. 
Damian glances at her picture still plastered on the monitor. Her eyes reflect everything he just said about her. Just from this picture you can see how much joy she brings to the world. She is so beautiful and Damian for the life of him can’t imagine her being some sort of spy. Or assassin his mind supplies, remembering how the caller had mentioned a temple. 
“Would you rather have been kept in the dark if it meant keeping that sense of normalcy.” Todd speaks, his eyes narrowed, “We were only trying to help.”
“If you really want to help then you two are going with me to get to the bottom of this.” Damian marches past the three men, and out of the cave, ignoring the question. 
“You two suck.” Dick says quietly. “You’re lucky I'm in town to cover for you.” With that he also makes his exit, leaving the last two to only stare at the ground. 
Dick finds Damian in the sparring room, obliterating dummies with his sword. He patiently waits for him to acknowledge his presence. Damian pauses, using his shirt to wipe the first drops of sweat from his face. 
“What do you want?”
“Want to spar?” Damian is bewildered, but he doesn't dwell on it. He has to let out his aggression somehow. 
“You had nothing to do with this mess.”
“So, you need a sparring partner.” Dick takes off his shirt and shoes, meeting Damian on the mat. “Plus sparing has always helped clear your head.”
Dick doesn't wait but goes straight for the attack, kicking high. Damian easily evades, spinning around with a kick of his own. They continue to exchange blows in quick succession, slowly only between pieces of conversation. 
“She was the first person who really saw me.” Damian grunts as he throws Dick over his shoulder, “And the first girl I have ever liked.” 
Dick spins himself back into a standing position, hands at the ready for the next attack. “Do you love her?” The question doesn't catch Damian off guard like he thought it would.
“Have you ever lied to her about Robin activities.” Dick jabs quickly at Damian's shoulders. 
“Never, I just have never told her details.” He dances away from the punches, swinging out with a roundhouse kick. “Told her I have a night job. That I help Father with work and that I workout often.”
“What did you tell her when you got shot three months ago?”Grayson manages to get a hold on Damians shift, pinning him to the ground. But his does not hold him, after all Damian needs to keep moving to sort through everything.
“I didn’t tell her that. I didn’t want to worry her.”
“Impressive.” Damian gets a choke hold on Dick, tangling their legs together. “Let me ask you this. What if she does the same thing and that's why she lied to you?”
That causes Damian to pause long enough with his choke hold for Grayson to throw him over his shoulder. He lays on the mat, staring at the ceiling, working through that thinking.
“That would be the best outcome to all this.”
“And the worst?”
“She is the opposite and I got played like a fool.” Damian picks himself up, walking to the end of the mat signaling the end of the sparring match.
“Are you going to follow her or wait until she gets back?”
“Follow. What reason would she have to tell me the truth the second time?” he bends to gather his things.
“Do you fully distrust her now?”
Damian pauses, “Maybe, I don’t know. I just don't want to be caught off guard this time. Plus I already told them they are taking me.”
“Better get a move on if you want to beat her there.” He rubs Damian's head affectionately. Damian grins at Dick. 
“Thank you Dick, I really needed that.” 
“Go get her Tiger” With that Dick smacks his back before leaving the gym, calling for Alfred. Yes Damian thought, time to go find out what is really going on. 
And so Jason and Tim had the most uncomfortable flight of their life, not looking forward to the flight back should things turn out even worse than they are now. Damian stayed silent the whole way, only staring out the window or flipping through his phone. 
To say Bruce was unhappy with all three boys needing to leave the city was an understatement. Thankfully Dick was there to lighten the load and the blow. The sound of a ringing phone pulled Damian from whatever he was thinking about. He felt like he was going to break his phone he was gripping it so hard. He answers on the last ring.
“Marinette.” It’s all he can bring himself to say. 
“Damian! I thought I was going to miss you,” She laughs, “It must be pretty late there.”
“Oh yea totally. How was your flight?” 
“It was smooth, here safe and sound.”
“Paris right?” He asks, even though he knows that she isn't there, Damian is wondering to see how far she will go to lie to him.
“That's where my parents are,” she laughs again. It wasn't a direct answer. It wasn't an answer at all. Damian wasn't sure what to make of the misleading statement. It was almost like she didn't want to outright lie to him. 
“I gotta go Chéri, I'll let you know when my flight back is so you can pick me up. I probably won't be close to my phone this week but I’ll text when I can ok?”
“Of course Habibti.” Damian pauses but figures he should go for it and say it at least once before this come to an end. “Love you, see you soon.” He quickly hangs up, not waiting for a response. He doesn't want to hear it back if she doesn't really mean it. He goes back to staring out the window, ignoring the boys staring at him. 
Meanwhile Marinette stares at her phone in shock, the blush overcoming her face matched with a beating heart. With a shaky smile she turns to Adrian behind her, waiting to board the next plane with her. 
“What's with that look?” He teases, looking over her shoulder at her phone. “Oh who's that, he's quite the looker.”
“That would be my boyfriend,” She giggles walking to board the plane. “You know that silly.”
“Yes, but I have never seen a picture. What's got you all gooey inside anyway?”
“He said ‘I love you’,” Marinette mumbles, throwing her bag into an overhead. 
“Ohh serious then.”
“It will be when I get back, after all I’ll finally be able to tell him everything. I hate lying.”
“I know bug, and I’m sorry this is a bittersweet moment.” He takes her hand
“Me too. I wish it didn't have to happen this way.” 
On the other plane the reds exchange a look before closing off the back of the plane, giving themselves a physical wall between them and Damian. 
“He said ‘I love you’” Tim groans, “I really messed this up.”
“Yes but your heart was in the right place. We will find out the truth soon enough.” 
“I hope I was wrong about her.”
“What else could the truth be. She’s obviously apart of something shady. It’s just a matter of what and how bad” 
“Why would you think that? What evidence is there that its something bad?”
“Don't be ignorant Tim. No one takes phone calls like that when they don't have something to hide.”
“Yeah but-”
“You feel guilty, I get it, but don’t let that cloud your logic. Something is going on and we are going to find out what.”
Tim sits silently the rest of the way, electing to focus on flying and not let his emotional thoughts distract him. After all, this was just another investigation. Only this time it was Damian's girlfriend. Too late, he was emotionally involved. He had to make this right or better somehow. 
“We’re here” Jason starts to land the plane in a clearing a few miles outside the village Marinette was due to arrive in a few hours time. Opening the divider, they find Damian asleep, a picture of Marinette pulled up on his phone. 
“Let's pretend we didn't see anything. Follow his lead and get some sleep too. How long until she lands?”
“Ten more hours,” Tim answers glancing up from his device. 
“Eight hours it is, night” Jason plops down into a chair, pulling his hood over his eyes. 
“Night.” Tim goes back to the cockpit, trying to get sleep but as always, it doesn't come easy. Deciding not to waste precious hours on staring at the ceiling, he pulls up his report on Marinette looking for anything that could clue them into what she's into. 
She wasn’t a model student but she wasn’t a delinquent either. Her attendance record improved as she grew up. She was involved in many different design contests and has had high profile clients requesting commissions. She was class representative for three years, zealously completing all projects and activities for her class with perfection. 
She was a busy girl but never without time for her friends, family, and her neighborhood. Everything this girl did didn’t reflect the contents of the phone call at all. She had also never been to Tibet before. At least not that Tim had found. She had never been outside France before entering Gotham University. 
So what was she doing all the way out here? And with who. The mysterious caller had mentioned two individuals besides herself. No amount of searching through aliases had Tim found anything on a Chat Noir, Viperion or even Marinette's code name, Ladybug.
“Time to go.” Tim jumps at Damian's voice, glancing behind him only to watch his retreating back out of the jet. Jason stands waiting for him at the end of the ramp, both hurrying to catch up with Damian. 
The village of Dangquka was small, only taking up a small portion of the valley. The place almost looked sad, filled with sparse beige grass and barren mountains. The boys settled themselves into a cliffside, queuing up their binocular setting in their respective masks, watching for the girls' arrival. 
“She’s almost here,” Tim says, his phone showing Marinette location as it travels quickly towards the town. They watch as an off road jeep pulls into the village, all the villagers gathering around. Marinette climbs out, a blond man following after from the driver's seat. She starts to greet all the villagers, obviously familiar with them. Damian zones in on a man that doesn't look like he belongs in the village. 
His hair is dyed and his look screams rocker, even of his attire is more appropriate for the setting he’s in. Damian's hand obliterates the rock he's using to support himself as he watches the man pull Marinette into a hug, going so far as to bend his head into her neck. They stay that was for a minute before the blond man pulls them apart, motioning to the jeep. Marinette nods, taking the second boys hand and pulling him towards the jeep, climbing into the back seat with him. 
She’s not just lying to me. She’s a femme fatale. Using me for some sick game, before she returns to her real boyfriend. Boyfriends? It doesn't matter. Damian's thoughts start to spiral before Jason picks him up with his collar. 
“Come on lover boy, we have to follow them up the mountain.” And so they do, for eight hours. The sun had long since set, when they climb over a ridge and all gape at the temple settled at the base of a mountain, at the edge of a cliff. Damian is the first to pull himself together, quickly zoning in on the entrance. At the top of the stairs stand three women and one lone man, surrounded by what look like male and female monks. 
Marinette climbs out of the vehicle, all the monks dropping to a bow at her appearance. The boys stand behind her on either side as she ascends the stairs. For the sake of tradition, Marinette does not shy away from the attention, but holds her head high. She has a duty to perform. 
At the top she pulls the three women in for a hug, relishing the contact. She pulls back to take the hand of the man. He smiles at her, giving her hand a tight squeeze before an older man steps forward, bowing to escort her inside. 
“Already on it, we will have sound and video in five.”
“How does no one know about this place?” Jason grumbles
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Right then the sound from the temple kicks in, all silencing to hear everything. Tim holds the tablet out, everyone's eyes glued to the screen. 
“It’s a blessing you made it when you did Marinette, he only has a few minutes left, the Kwami have done all they could.”
“That is good to hear, I will see him now.” Marinette enters a large chamber, quickly approaching the bed in the center, an older man struggling to breath lying upon it. He is surrounded by what look like many animal themed faires.
“Master Fu, I’m here.”
“Marinette, I am so thankful I got to see you one last time, especially to bestow the title upon you in person.”
“I know we have talked about this before Master but please reconsider. There is still time to choose one of the monks instead.”
Fu only breathes deeply, too tired to shake his head. 
“I met someone. Please Master, just this once let me have this.”
“I am sorry Marinette but my choice is made.” Marinette starts to cry, her grip on his hand tightening. 
“I do not want this curse,” She whispers. 
“Do not call such an honor a curse Marinette. You were chosen for this and I ask that you humor this old man and accept your duty.” Fu tries to sound harsh.
“It is a curse, you are just lucky you do not have to go long without your memories.” Marinette then looks ashamed. “I apologize Master, that was harsh of me.”
“Do not apologize for stating a truth Marinette,” Fu chuckles, “I do not have long left to live.”
“Does not make what I said any less insensitive.” She adjusts her weight, tucking her legs under her. She waits patiently with a bowed head as the man gathers the last of his strength. 
“I, Supreme Guardian Fu, relinquish my title to Marinette Dupain-Chang. That she will be the next Guardian of the Miracle Box until she passes the title onto another.” When Fu finishes speaking there is a bright flash of light and all the fairy like creatures disappear. They watch as Marinette reaches up to her ears. That's when Damian notices that the earrings that Marinette never took off were gone. 
“Hello young lady, why are you crying?” The boys watch in horror as the man no longer recognized Marinette. She just smiled kindly, brushing her hand across his face. 
“No reason, you must be tired, why don’t you rest?”
“Yes that sounds nice,” And with that the man passed away. Marinette wipes the last of her tears away before standing and exiting the room. Outside wait the three women from earlier as well as two young female monks.
“Come Mistress, we must get you ready for the ceremony.” The monks take her hands, leading her further down the hall. 
“How are you Marinette?” The first girl to speak is a brunette, her hair wavy and short, the orange dye blending well with her skin tone.
“I am doing well Alya, you?”
“Great. My magazine just took off in Paris. Sales are good so far.”
“That’s wonderful to hear.” She smiles her trademark smile, before sitting down for the younger girls to start her makeup and hair. 
“I hear you are doing more than well,” The second woman speaks. She is a blonde, clothes obviously designer. “What's this I hear about a boyfriend?”
“Chloe” Marinette whines in embarrassment.
“What it's not my fault you didn't tell me. So what's his name? Do you have a picture?” Marinette just rolls her eyes before gesturing to her purse, leaving the girl to grab her phone. She whistles when she sees Damien's picture. The boy flushing as his brother snicker. 
“His name is Damian.”
“How long?” The final girl joins in, her Japanese features beautiful and holding herself with confidence.
“Over a year of dating and almost two and knowing each other.” The girls a coo at that, even the Japanese girl. The other girls look almost uncomfortable at the relaxed atmosphere. Marinette notices, reaching up to stop the girls from working. 
“Loosen up girls, no need to be so formal.” 
“But tradition says that we are to be respectful to you Mistress.”
“Yes and to not speak out of turn. You are Supreme Guardian now” 
“Please call me Marinette, and I don’t like these stuffy traditions. So don’t stress yourselves on my account.”
“Ok” They both sound slightly more relaxed but do not join in the the friends chatter. 
“So why didn’t you bring Damian with you?” Alya asks, casually eating a platter of fruit.
“Because he doesn’t know.” All the girls look at her in shock. 
“What” They all but yell. Damien narrows his eyes, focusing heavily on the conversation. 
“Even if I had been allowed, how do you bring up this!?” She waves to the room around her, obviously meaning the temple as a whole. Damian's breath catches. She didn't have a choice in lying to him.
“Easy,” the Japanese girl starts, “You just say ‘Babe I’m being raised to be a leader of a super ancient and secret organization that guards magical jewelry.” 
“Wow Kagami I didn’t know you had been hanging out with Adrian again” Marinette says dryly. 
Damian falls back on his butt, shaking in relief. The truth wasn't even in the ballpark of what his mind was thinking. Magic. Of course he wouldn't have considered such a possibility due to his limited contact with it. 
“It's the truth though,” Chloe chimes in, it can’t be that hard. She glances at the girls working on Marinette, electing to enact her new found tact and not to speak ill of the dead. After all, it was clear that Fu had forbidden Marinette from telling anymore people about the Order. Instead she says, “Now that you’re in charge are you going to tell him?”
“Yes. As soon as I get back. I don’t like lying.”
“What did you tell him?”
“That my grandfather was passing in Paris,” She sounds so ashamed, One of the girls smacking her hand as she tried to touch her face. 
“Well I think the only thing you lied about was where you are if that makes you feel better-”
“It doesn’t,” 
“-And technically Fu was like a grandfather to you. He had been training you since you were a child.” Chole continued as though she had never been interrupted. 
She just pouts, closing her eyes for the girl to finish applying her makeup. She sighs in relief moving quickly to apply the red eye shadow and make the elaborate eyeliner wings.  
“Well going back to Damian, how serious is it?”
“Uh-” Damian holds his breath, “I like to think serious, after all he did say-” She grows quiet at the end, raising her shoulders to hide herself. 
"What was that?" Alya and Chloe grin mischievously leaning in close.
"He told me he loved me when I called him earlier" Marinette manages to get out, unable to hide the joy on her face.
"Please hold still, I'm almost done" the girl tries to sound respectful but she's obviously frustrated. 
"You said you think it's serious. That means you love him back yes?" Kagami asks. Marinette only sighs happily, doing her best to let the girls finish working on her. 
"Well you both have great genes, your kids will look killer" It takes all Marinette's self control to not react to Chloe's teasing. You can tell how embarrassed she is by the statement from her shaking hands and red face. 
"Done, time to change clothes." Marinette stands up and starts to undress. Damian's hand shoots out, slamming the tablet down against the rock face. 
"What never seen her naked before" Jason teases.
"Whether or not I have is not your business and you two heathens don't need to watch a girl change without her knowledge you perverts" 
"Ya' know Tim, I don't think he's ever seen her naked." Jason grins leaning down on Damian.
"I think you're right. Baby steps though, she his his first girlfriend" 
"it's been long enough though that he should have by now" 
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Damian swats Jason off him, listening to see when he could bring visuals back up. 
Marinette moved when needed as the girls put layer upon layer on her kimono, the lightweight fabric quickly weighing more together.
"Done ready to see yourself," Alya and Kagami pull her up to a mirror, standing beside her as she took in her appearance. 
Her red eye shadow spread out to make it look like she was wearing a mask, the eye liner dramatic and making her eyes look more serious then she felt. Her lips were a pale red except for the center, which was a solid red line. The blue of her eyes, oddly not clashing with her makeup or clothes. The kimono was varying shades of red, black, dark purple, and dark blue. He hair was decorated with ornaments and beaded intricately, her braid cascading down her back. 
"Wow, impressive guys. I don't even look like the same person" 
"Mistress, it is time for everyone to gather." Each girl gives her a hug before leaving the room. Marinette takes a deep breath, stealing herself before marching out of the room. 
She is escorted by the young woman before they leave her side to join the crowd gathered in the great hall. The boys turn the tablet right side up again, right as she walks in, past a large group of people. 
Tim squints at the screen and starts mumbling to himself. Damian just glares at him before watching Marinette take a seat on not a throne but a very large cushion. Her back is straight as she bows her head and in return the room bows to her. Four people step forward, each holding a cup. 
"Supreme Guardian. I offer this potion of health, that you may stay strong for the Order." 
"Thank you. I gladly accept." She drinks before bowing again, the man retaking his place in the crowd. 
"Supreme Guardian, I offer this potion of wisdom, that you may lead us with confidence. 
"Thank you. I gladly accept" 
"Supreme Guardian, I offer this potion of fortitude, that you may protect the Order."
"Thank you. I gladly accept" her gaze hardens as the final man steps forward. 
"Supreme Guardian, I offer this potion of longevity, that you may lead the Order for many years to come." Marinette pauses as she takes hold of the cup, murmurs stirring as she does not accept or drink. 
"Thank you, but I will decline the potion of longevity. For now." The murmurs turned to outrage, Marinette patiently waiting for the room to quiet. 
"Ah ha! Star Wars." Tim exclaims, the boys looking at him in confusion. "Her outfit, she looks like she's Queen Amidala" 
Jason just nods in agreement while Damian turns back to the commotion building within the temple. Damian watched at Marinette's friends exchange looks of amusement and concern. The younger monks gently quiet down the older ones, whispering to listen and hear what she has to say. Finally the room quieted enough for Mariniette to be heard.
“I mean no disrespect. I understand the importance of tradition. However I am not on my own, the decision of extended life is a serious one and one I plan to discuss with my boyfriend.” The angry muttering starts to return at the mention of Damian. 
“Boyfriend!?” A man yells, “How dare the this Supreme Guardian trample our traditions. Did Fu teach you nothing?” Marinette only narrows her eyes. Her lips are but a thin line now. 
“You should revoke the title, Fu must have been confused to have chosen you.” A woman spoke this time. Damian feels his own blood start to boil, he can only imagine how Marinette must be feeling at this moment. If what he heard was correct, Marinette had been coming here most of her life. These people must be like family. But then Damian remembers what family truly means, and it's not only blood. He glanced to the men beside him, thankful for their presence in his youth and now. But he wasn't about to tell them that.  
Marinette stands, hands folded in front of her and she stood in front of the man first. She bowed deeply, he takes a step back in shock. “I apologize but I did not want this position. I begged Fu to reconsider many times, but he would not.” She stands, meeting his gaze head on, “But my memories are too important to me to revoke the title.” She then walks to the woman who spoke up. She takes her hands in her own, gently squeezing. 
“Fu was a wise man, just stubborn in his ways, much like many of you,” Her face his kind, but her words are hard like steel, “I will not allow you to speak ill of him.” She retakes her seat, “After all we both partook of the potion of wisdom, so perhaps I am not as foolish as you all believe.” She quips, looking satisfied with herself. 
The room was dead silent except for the blonde man and woman struggling not to laugh alongside the redhead. Slowly everyone looked very proud of their new Supreme Guardian. “I am not out to destroy tradition, but to renew it and bring it into a new season. Change is good for the soul, and makes things stronger.” Marinette smiles gently at everyone, her warmth overtaking the room. 
Damian can’t help but let his mouth hang open watching his girl tackle the room in a much stronger way than he would have. “You sure can pick em” Jason whispers next to him, almost like he’s afraid to break the spell. Damian can only nod, still in awe of this woman who decided to be his partner. 
“Now tradition also says that as Supreme Guardian, I am to protect the identities of any holders of the Miraculous. With my goal to bring the Order into the new age, I feel it's important to function more as a collective than as a -” Marinette pauses to choose her words carefully, “group only lead by me, or a Supreme Guardian in general.”
“What do you mean?”
“Secrecy is still important, and magic protects us against a lot of things, but I feel as though we could be doing more for the world. That we shouldnt hide in the shadows as much. The world needs help, and if our magic can provide that then I think we should.”
“I wonder what their magic is? Do you think it has anything to do with those fairy things earlier?”
“I think Marinette is about to show us.” They watch as a hexagonal box is brought before Marinette. It is solid, there are no cracks along it to allude to any opening at all. It is painted with Chinese symbols in a deep red. With a wave of her hand the box spins, a new compartment opening with each spin until the top disappears altogether revealing what the boys could only assume was the magical jewelry. She takes a pair of spotted earrings from the top, after the last one is put in there was a flash of pink light revealing a small red creature. 
“Hello again Tikki.” The creature, Tikki, flies up to Marinette's face, careful of her make up as she gives her the best hug she can. 
“You look beautiful Marinette!” 
“Thank you Tikki,” Marinette can’t help but laugh, “Shall we continue?”
“Yes my Guardian.” Tikki does her own little bow before floating over Marinette left shoulder, sending a small wave to the occupants of the room. Next Marinette grabs the ring that had sat in the box next to the earrings. 
“Adrien Agreste. Please come forward.” The blonde man walks to her, bowing before her. 
“In the past you were the holder of the Cat Miraculous. You were given responsibility over destruction. Do you desire to continue your responsibility of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Cat.”
“Supreme Guardian, I decline your offer to hold the cat miraculous.” Marinette only smiles kindly at him. 
“I thank you for your service and wish you well on your journey.” Adrian turns to walk away, but Marinette stops him. “Would you like one last goodbye?” Adrian doesn't look surprised at her kindness but takes the ring. In a flash of green light a small black creature that resembles a cat appears. 
“Thank you for everything Plagg, I hope to see you again someday.” Plagg only sniff, obviously trying to appear unbothered with the goodbye. 
“Knowing sweet cheeks over here, you only need to ask to say hello.” Adrian chuckles
“I will keep that in mind, so long Plagg.” and with that he removes the ring, Plagg disappearing once again. Adrian walks away feeling confident in his decision, he enjoyed his time with Plagg but he had other desires for the future, and being a superhero isn't one of them. 
Marinette replaces the ring before taking out a necklace that looks like a fox tail. “Alya Césaire. Please come forward.” Alya also bows before Marinette, sending her a nervous smile. 
“In the past you were the holder of the Fox Miraculous. You were given responsibility over illusion. Do you desire to continue your responsibility of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Fox.”
“I must decline, Supreme Guardian,” she rushes to add, mentally scolding herself for messing up, “your offer to hold the fox miraculous again.”
“I thank you for your service and wish you well on your journey. Would you like to say goodbye?”
“Trixx and I said our goodbyes long ago, I thank you for the offer though.” Alay struggles to speak so formally, after all this is the same girl who once wondered if a pan was hot and touched it with her bare hand. 
“Very well.” Marinette places the necklace back and pulls out a comb with a bee along the top. Before she can speak, Chloe is already standing in front of her, someone coughs behind her and with an exaggerated sigh she bows quickly to Marinette, holding out her hand. Marinette's lips quirk upward, the laugh barely contained. 
“Chloe Bourgeois, in the past you were the holder of the Bee Miraculous. You were given responsibility over Subjection. Do you desire to continue your position of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Bee.”
“Obviously, now let me see Pollen,” Chloe shrinks under Marinette's stare, but only a little, “please” Marinette relents, handing her the comb. Chloe puts the comb in her hair, at the base of her ponytail. With a flash of yellow light a creature resembling a bee appears, her large black eyes alight with laughter. 
“My Queen, I know you are eager but you must be respectful.”
“Yeah yeah,” Pollen hugs her face much like Tikki did Marinettes. With a flick of her fingers over the comb Chloe is enveloped in a bright light. When the light clears, Chloe is now sporting a mostly black outfit with narrow dark yellow stripes throughout. She has long translucent wings along her back and antenna atop her head. Her mask is all black and what look like enforced gloves with spikes along the knuckles on her hands. She walks to stand behind Marinette. 
“Nino Lahiffe. Please come forward.” The young man comes forward, but not before giving Alya’s hand a squeeze. 
“In the past you were the holder of the Turtle Miraculous. You were given responsibility over protection. Do you desire to continue your responsibility of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Turtle.”
“I’m sorry my- huh Supreme Guardian Ma’am, I decline the offer of yours, and Wayzz and I are, like, totally good.” Nino stumbles through his response, but very little embarrassed the laid back man anymore. Marinette can’t keep a small giggle from escaping. 
“I thank you for your service and wish you well on your journey.” 
“That was a train wreck,” Tim and Jason mutter at the same time. 
“Kagami Tsurugi. Please come forward.” Kagami commands the most respect by far as she marches forward, bowing deeply before standing at attention in front of Marinette. 
“In the past you were the holder of the Dragon Miraculous. You were given responsibility over Elements. Do you desire to continue your responsibility of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Dragon.”
“I humbly accept your offer Supreme Guardian.” Kagami bows once more before taking the choker necklace. This time the flash of light is red, leading to the appearance of Longg the Dragon. There are no exchanges of pleasantries as she fastens the choker. Running her fingers along the bead in the center she also transforms. 
She is wearing what looks like a red, black and gold bodysuit, the design flowing all over her body. The top she is wearing looks like a kimono, the hem just above her knees. On her hip rests a katana, her mask red and black trimmed with gold, blending with the horns that now adorn her head. She joins Chole behind Marinette. 
“Luka Couffaine. Please come forward.” The final man steps forward, the one from the village. Damian can’t help but glare in distaste. 
“In the past you were the holder of the Snake Miraculous. You were given responsibility over time. Do you desire to continue your responsibility of this miraculous? In doing so you swear your loyalty to me and will uphold your duty as the Snake.”
“I gladly accept Supreme Guardian.” He takes a bangle that looks like a coiled snake. With a flash of teal light, the snake creature appears.
“Welcome back young wielder.” he slithers as he bows to Luka and Marinette. The same as the girls, Luka runs his fingers over the bangle, and is left transformed in a teal light. He now has a hood that melds with his loose fitting suit, the pattern of a snakes head on top. He has a whip resting on his hip, attached to a belt. The dark teal of his clothes melding well with his black boots and mask. His eyes took on a more snake like appearance. 
“Now that we have selected holders for tonight, I will call an end to the ceremony. I will be leaving in the morning.” The crowd grows restless again. “I have a life outside the temple, but I will continue to follow through on my duties from afar. I will take Kaalki with me for emergencies and will stay in contact with the holders.”
“And the box?” Someone shouts from the crowd. 
“Will stay in your capable hands, as you are all guardians. I look forward to our next meeting” She takes a pair of glasses from the box before waving over it, sealing it once more. She stands once again to bow before leaving the room, her three protectors following. Tikki sits neatly in her hair, enjoying being close to her once again. Damian watches and Tim recalls the drone, leaving the occupants unaware of the intruders for now. He is unsure if Marinette will tell all of them. 
“We better get a move on if you want to be back in Gotham to pick her up from the airport.” Tim starts working his way back down the mountain before stopping and looking back at the boys. “Could we just call the jet here?”
“And risk them hearing or seeing it? No, get a move on, we have a long hike ahead of us.” Jason laughs, pulling ahead of Tim, who grumbles but accepts his fate. And a long hike it was, when they finally get back to the jet, all of them are ready to drop from exhaustion. 
“Who wants to start flying so we can use autopilot?” Jason groans, dropping into a seat. 
“I will, I have a lot of thinking to do anyway.” Damian marches into the cockpit and closing it off from the rest of the plane. 
“I haven't had coffee in almost 48 hours, this sucks?” Tim all but collapsed on the floor of the jet. 
“Get sleep like a normal person then” Jason quips, throwing a pillow from the overhead at Tim before turning in himself. Tim stayed on the floor, grabbing the pillow and curling in on himself, it brain finally crashing. 
Damian starts the plane, taking them back to Gotham. Once he reaches the proper altitude for autopilot a call comes in from the Batcave, revealing one Nightwing. “Hey there kid, I see you’re on your way back. How did it go?” Damian just gives a tired sigh, Dicks concern sky rockets.
“She is now a leader of a secret organization the protects magical jewelry, and the last leader forbade her from telling me about it and that's why she stretched the truth. My normal isn’t so normal after all” Dick can only whistle in disbelief. 
“That's tough, obviously you’re going to tell her everything?”
“I have too. This whole mess started with secrets, I’m not leaving anything out.” Dick smiles at Damian. He is so proud of his growth and maturity. 
“She is lucky to have you.”
“I'll be lucky to still have her after this is all over.” He groans rubbing his face in exhaustion. “I have to tell her everything.” Damian gives his a pointed look, Dick can only nod in agreement. 
“Bruce will understand. If she’s the leaders of something that secret even we didn’t know about it, she knows how to keep a secret. After all the whole family knows her secret too, only fair.” 
Damian sits quietly for a moment, glancing behind him before continuing, “I’m scared Dick. I’m so scared of losing her. I feel like I really messed up.”
“I really wish I could be certain for you, but I can’t. Just tell her everything and the pieces will fall into place. Every couple goes through a rough patch. Yours is just crazy.” 
“I’m going to try and get some sleep now. See you in a few hours.” Dick gives a wave before signing off. Back in the cave, Bruce steps out of the shadows, still in his gear as well. 
“He has grown so much.” 
“He sure has,” Dick turns to face him, “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“You seem certain that she isn’t going to kill him.” Bruce looks grim. His youngest is very serious about this girl, and the last thing he wants is for them to end it. Damian has worked so hard and deserves happiness. 
“Call it my great intuition when it comes to romance” Dick winks at Bruce before walking back up to the manor. Bruce just grunts, still thinking about Damian. He really hoped that it does all work out, but the pessimist in him can’t help but think the worse.
Marinette wakes up in the morning, watching the sunrise over the Tibetan mountains. The sight leaves her feeling excited and refreshed. A new day, a new journey, and new goals. She hoped Damian understood and didn’t leave her for keeping all this a secret. She sighed thinking of the man back home, waiting for her to return believing she was in Paris, not Tibet. She hugged herself against the sudden chill from the mountains. 
Damian was everything she wanted. He was straightforward and level headed. He always had something interesting to say and she loved listening to him talk about a variety of subjects. His sense of humor was quiet like himself, and she just felt so balanced when she was around him. He grounded her, keeping her thoughts from spiraling into crazy town. 
Tikki came into her field of vision, smiling at her holder. She may not have wanted to be Supreme Guardian, but she will do great things for the Order, she just knew it. “What are you thinking about Marinette?”
“Damian. How much I love him. I am so scared that when I finally tell him, he won't be able to take it.” Her smile slides off her face being replaced with worry.
“Just tell him everything. I don’t believe he will leave you!” Tikki squeaks, flying around the room. Marinette laughs at her optimism, moving to get dressed for the day. “You guys are a great match”
“I don’t doubt you Tikki.” Marinette pulls her sweater over her head before putting the rose gold glasses on, Kaalki joining Tikki in the air. “Damien has helped with my spiralling, and normally I would be thinking the worst possible scenarios right now.” Marineete laughs before moving to finish packing her bag, “But no more of that! Only positive thoughts now!” 
Exiting the room, Marinette waves to others walking through the halls, like she always has, but now they hesitantly wave back. The air thick with apprehension, and it frustrated Marinette to no end. By the time she reached the front steps, she was put out and ready to be back in Gotham, where no one knew her as ‘Supreme Guardian’. Where she was just Marinette. 
Alya, Adrien, and Nino were waiting for her on the steps, Chole, Kagami and Luka waiting by the door for their orders. Marinette smiled and chirped good morning, each of them returning the sentiment. She turns to her three holders, smiling while performing her business for the day. 
“Kagami, I have worked with you on the running's of the temple, are you able to stay for the next few months to ensure everything gets up and running?”
“Yes Mari, it won't be a problem.” 
“Thank you Mi,” Marinette's spirits lift at the nickname, thankful that nothing has changed with her friends. She turns to Luka next. 
“Luka I am tasking you with establishing relations between ourselves and the Justice League,” His eyes widen in surprise, “It is time they knew and perhaps we can offer assistance while working within the UN’s laws.” 
“That is a very important job Mari, are you sure I am the right person for the job?”
“You have a level head on your shoulders Luka, and you have always been the most diplomatic out of all of us.” Luka smiles at the compliment.
“Very well, I will come visit when I have an update. I want to meet Damian as well.” Marinette scowls in embarrassment before returning Luka's smile. 
“What do you need from me Mari?” Chole is practically vibrating, her eyes alight with desire and eagerness. 
“Chloe, I need you find worthy holders for the temple. It is time to expand. I trust your judgment and for you to train them.”
“Me?” Chole stammers, tears gathering in her eyes. Chole had done a lot of growing up over the years, and she wished she had been quick to leave behind her childish and immoral attitude but change did take time. Everyone had been nothing but supportive and encouraging throughout her transformation. 
And Marinette wanted her to handle such a delicate task. What is she chose wrong? What is she was the reason for the temple's destruction? What if, what if? Marineete quickly pulls her into a hug, whispering encouragement in her ear, Chole is quick to grab onto her sweater, the tears coming faster now. 
“I could really screw this up Mari-”
“I don’t believe that for a second, I know you are the perfect one for this job.”
“But what if I-”
“Chole.” Marinette pulls back to smile at the woman, their eyes searching each other, before both becoming a matching hard gaze of determination. 
“Of course Mari, I will visit with a report as well.” She gives a little salute, enticing a giggle from everyone present, before whipping her tears. 
“I’ll see you all later, and good luck.” With that Mari descends the staircase, the three turning into the temple, the heavy doors closing behind them. The start of a new era, Marinette thinks fondly to herself, ready to be home. “Let's get to Paris everyone.” With a flick of her fingers, she transforms, and opens the portal, Nino and Adrien ribbing each other as they walked through, Alya only rolling her eyes before following, Marinette looks back one last time at the majestic temple, before stepping through herself, finally glad to actually be in Paris as she said she was.
Damian finds himself anxiously waiting for Marinette to tell him when she would be coming home. He missed her desperately, and really needed to have this conversation with her. But right now he just really missed having her in his arms, her laugh, her kisses, their cuddle sessions on her couch. He really missed his Habibti. 
His phone started to ring, with trembling hands his goes to pick it up, only to almost drop it multiple times, finally answer on the last ring.
“There you go again, making me think I was going to miss you,” Her voice was refreshing, a drink for a dying man. Damian now feels the nerves of seeing her again, he can feel his heart pounding and the flows of adrenaline starting. Damian scowls, this isn't a battle, just a simple phone call with his girlfriend.
“I was so excited to hear your voice I almost dropped my phone.” Damian had started being more honest with his feelings a few months in, Marinette affect on him an unknown welcomed change. 
“Awe, well lucky for you I am boarding the plane now, I’ll be home in eight hours.”
“I’ll be waiting”
“See you soon.” She pauses on the line, “I love you Damian” She breathes out, the sound making Damians heart goes wild, and the guilt in his gut come back with a vengeance. 
“I love you too” With that Damian hangs up, and drops his head into his hands. Eight hours alone with his thoughts, and emotions. He starts to cry, fear over taking him. Damian could face down Killer Croc, he could jump from skyscraper to skyscraper without flinching. He knew the consequences if anything went wrong in those situations. A respectful fear of the known.
But this. Telling Marinette how he didn't trust her, followed her and betrayed her in such a way. That scared him like never before. He couldn’t even begin to plan how this would go, how she would react, how his life would be afterwards. He felt sick to his stomach, all his muscles clenching around his organs, pulling his spiraling mind into the mess.
Dick knocked on his door, entering quietly, finding a red eyed Damian staring at the wall, his hands clenched tightly in front of his face. He simply sat beside him, offering an encouraging pat on the back, patiently waiting for him to initiate. He didn’t have anywhere to be, Kori understood the importance of him staying in Gotham awhile longer. 
“I have never felt this kind of fear before.” Damian whispers, he unclenches his hands, trembling however his eyes do not move from the wall. “I can’t lose her Dick. Look at me now, how could I survive without her.” He chokes up, the thought of her leaving and hating him too much. 
“Tell me the qualities you like about her.” All tension leaves Damian, his eyes losing the frantic fear and taking on a soft love. 
“She is fierce and strong. She brings so much joy and beauty to this world. Her mind is like no other, always thinking and planning. She takes any opportunity presented to care for others.” 
“Does she seem like the kind of person to just walk out without resolving issues?”
“No, but she did hide from me one time after a misunderstanding.”
“But you guys were able to talk it out?”
“Yea she said she would never ignore me again.”
“Is she someone who goes back on her word?”
“Never.” Damian is angry at Dick for suggesting such a thing. Dick only smiles at Damian and pats him on the back, standing to leave. 
“Then trust what you know about her, what you value in her. Everything will be fine Damian.” He only nodes, back to staring at the wall, but less tense then he when Dick first entered the room. Everything would be fine. 
Damian now stand in the airport, he stands perfectly still despite the bundle of nerves racking his insides. He sees her before she sees him, her attention is on her phone, a small frown pulling at her lips, the new glasses on her face making her only cuter. 
He quickly walks to her, she looks up at him surprised when he immediately pulls her close. She melts into the hug, his strong arms resulting to her. She giggles as he refuses to let go for another two minutes, her protest finally being headed when he steps back, taking her bag in one hand and her small hand in the other. 
“Missed you too dork.” Marinette giggles, she glances at him, but his doesn’t look at her. He only gives her a strained smile, leading them back to his car. Marinette doesn’t think anything of it until the car ride is al silent as the walk through the airport. 
“Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” Marinette's heart freezes for a moment when Damian tenses, hands tightening around the steering wheel. She starts to feel like something is wrong, Damian was hiding something. 
“Huh, not really.” He mumbles, eyes never leaving the road. Marinette starts to panic, his behavior setting her on edge. Now Marinette, I’m sure it’s nothing bad. No spiraling. She takes a deep breath. You’re imagining things, nothing is wrong. 
The car ride continues in silence, Marinette staring out the window, trying to get a grip on her emotions and keeping herself from coming up with outlandish theories for Damian's attitude. She glances at him, the wrinkles in his face showing how truly on edge he was. No, Marinette tells herself, something is wrong. 
“What's wrong Damian?” Again he stiffens, she watches as he swallowed thickly, adams apple betraying his nerves. She narrows her eyes, watching as he starts to sweat. He opens and closes his mouth multiple times before speaking. 
“I made a mistake.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he pulls over, Marinette's apartment building looming in front of them. “We can talk inside.” He quickly gets out of the car, Marinette scrambling to catch up.
Ok so he made a mistake. It probably isn't that bad. He probably spilled something on my sketchbook, or he messed up the dress I was working on, or he met someone and- nope don't finish that thought Marinette. This is Damain we are talking about. Whatever his mistake was, it's not that bad. 
She catches up to Damian as he is unlocking the door, dropping her bag right away and taking a seat on her couch. She joins him, staring out the large windows, enjoying the view while she waits for him to start speaking. Or at least she was trying to. Her hands are trembling as she plays with the fingers, trying to remain calm. 
“You don’t deserve me” Is all he says, and those simple words break open the dam holding back Marinette's irrational emotional state. The tears start small, before they are quickly falling off her chin and into her hands. She couldn’t believe he would do such a thing, it was the only explanation to everything. Damian cheated on her. 
The sudden I love you, the jittery behavior, unable to meet her eyes. Guilt radiated off him in waves, the awareness of the emotion suffocating her now. It all makes sense. She was in shock, she was only gone a week. Was their relationship that fragile, it's a good thing she hadn’t told him anything yet. She feels her heart harden. She will not trust so easy again. 
“This is all Tim’s fault, just so you know. I-” He glanced at her now, dread filling him as he sees her crying, Damian had never seen her cry before now. He was not sure what to do. 
“How is Tim at fault for you cheating on me?” She chokes out, now looking angry and confused. Damian joins in on the confusion.
“What are you talking about Marinette? I have never cheated on you” Now he's panicked. Where had she gotten such an idea?
“But you said,” She starts, her sentences breaking up with her shuddering breaths, “that you made a mistake, that I don’t deserve you. You are giving off so much guilt!” She stands, Damian leaning back from the angry woman in front of him. “Explain what the hell is going on right now!
“Tim bugged your phone because he was suspicious of you. We followed you to Tibet and we saw everything at the temple.” Damian spits everything out as quickly as he can, seeing Marinette angry at him for the first time scaring him. 
Her face morphs between confusion, anger, shock, and understand before she settles on shock. She retakes her seat on the couch, Damian scoots closer taking her hand in his own. “He did what to my phone?”
“He bugged it. They were trying to protect me, stupidly, and when they played the recording of your call I didn’t know what to think. I thought you were like an assassin or something.” She snorts at that. If only she knew.
“How did Tim do that?” Damian looks deep into her eyes, he finds himself getting lost but finally knows how to answer her. His family deserved this after the breach of privacy they did to Marinette.
“He is Red Robin. I told him to not do a background check on you, but he did anyway and needed to find the reason you didn’t want to meet the family. You could say paranoia is a family trait.” Marinette smiles softly, taking Damian's face in her hand.
“Ironic that two people with important secrets find each other.” The looks she gives him is one of understanding and love. She is taking this too well.
“Why aren’t you angry with me?” He chokes out, “Why are you taking my lack of trust in you so well?” 
“You thought I was an assassin Damian,” He scowls at her teasing grin, “and I was going to tell you anyway.”
“Nope, I forgive you. After all I did lie to you. I should be the one apologizing.”
“You weren’t allowed to tell me, I can’t hold that against you.” Her eyes widen in surprise, her mouth making a cute o shape. 
“How did you know that?”
“We had a drone enter the temple so we could see and hear what was going on.” Damian hesitates a moment but continued, “I was afraid to see what was going on. I didn't want it to be like the temple I crew up in.” He shouldn’t have said that. 
“What temple Damian?” 
“Please understand why I haven’t told you this before,” He can’t back down now. He hasn’t lied to her yet, and he isn’t going to start now. 
“It can’t be that bad Damian.” She sounds so understanding and reassuring, squeezing his hands before smiling at him.
“You would probably wish I had cheated on you.” She looks more apprehensive now, but stays firm. “I was raised by the league of assassins,” understanding shines in her eyes.
“At the age of eight, as a right of passage of sorts I had to complete a mission.” Damian starts to feel sick, telling her this. Surely she will run for the hills once he tells her this. “I was assigned to assasinate, murder, a man. I didn’t know his name, or why the league needed him dead. Just that I had to do it, and I didn’t want to disappoint my Mother and Grandfather.”
Damian avoided looking at her, resigning himself for her to leave and never talk to him again. She takes her hands out of his, the action hurting but Damian Understands, he wouldn’t want to touch a murder either. Once again Marinette surprises him, by climbing into his lap. She takes his face in her hands, staring deeply into his eyes, using her thumbs to wipe away his tears.  
“I love you Damian Wayne. Skeletons and all.” She kisses him firmly, trying to put all her emotions into the kiss, trying to make him understand the love she has for him. She smiles into the kiss as he wraps his arms around her slim frame. He deepens the kiss, accepting all her love, relieved to be blessed by Marinette’s beautiful soul. An Afreet such as himself didn’t deserve the touch of one as pure and genuine as her. 
“I don’t deserve you.” Damian whispers, his words thick with emotion as he tried not to cry. 
“If anyone deserves love and kindness its you Damian. And I’m never going to stop giving you that.” Damian holds her tighter, head resting on her shoulder while hers on his head. This moment right here, He wanted it to continue forever. She didn’t run and He wasn’t going to lose her now. 
“Marry me.” She pushes back on his shoulders, giving herself a clear view of his face. “Marry me and stay by my side forever. Let me return all your kindness for the rest of my life. Let me love you and cherish you. Let me be your husband Marinette, Habibti.”
She starts to cry again, but Damian doesn’t panic this time because there is a bright Marinette smile accompanying the tears. “Yes. Marry me and let me shower you with the love you deserve. I am going to never let you go.” She squeals as Damian stands, spinning her around the room, kissing her face and neck as they dance with each other around the apartment. 
“I like that promise.” They kissed once more, lost in each other's devotion. Both content with no more secrets, and the love found in each other. Damian cherishing a love he had never known and Marinette cherishing freedom in following her heart. Both making decisions for themselves for what feels like the first time. A decision to be happy. 
Part Two
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
hi! can u pls do number 14 (in the angst section thing) on ur latest prompt post? maybe hurt/comfort or just whump if possible? thank u :D
If The World Was Ending (You'd Come Over, Right?)
A/N: you ask for whump and hurt/comfort, I give you whump and hurt/comfort hehe. Thanks for the prompt, anon, I hope you enjoy it!! :D ❤💖
Read it on ao3 here!
Based off of the prompt:
14. "Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!?"
"Hey Pete." A sigh, low, quiet, sad. "I know I'm the- the last person you probably want to hear from right now and definitely the last one you want to talk to, but..." A pause, some shuffling in the background. "We're all worried about you, Peter. You left, and didn't tell anyone where you were going and-" Another sigh, similar to the first. "Just- call someone, please? It doesnt-" quiet, more subdued, "Doesn't have to be me, just- call Tony, or May, or somebody, let them know you're okay. That's all I ask." Another pause, longer and quieter than before, full of tension, empty words, broken promises. A puff of breath. "Come home as soon as possible, okay? I-... I love you."
A beep signaling the end of the message echoes in the larger, almost empty room, and Peter throws his arm over to press the end button before the robot lady can ask if he wants to listen to it again, or delete it, or whatever. He rubs away the stray, angry tears from his eyes, feeling his stomach clench with the swirl of intense emotions, feeling as it shrivels from the heat of his frustration, rocks from the waves of his sorrow, and bitterness and- and- god he doesnt even know.
Hes just... tired. Bone aching, soul crushingly tired. With everything. With his work load at school growing and growing everyday, spiraling out of his control. With Tony yelling at him in the lab, because he always messes something up. With Harley, who finds something to argue with him about every single day, the screaming matches getting louder and louder every night. With May, moving on with Happy and forgetting about him more and more, time and time again. With his friends, who always seem to be hanging out, but never with him, never inviting him anywhere anymore. With Spider-Man, and the way people seem to keep dying on his patrols, on his watch, because god, he cant even do that right. The one thing he thought he could do with his eyes closed, and he keeps fucking that up too.
And now, now he did the worst thing possible. Worse than fighting every night with someone he thought was the love of his life. Worse than getting scolded at his dream job everyday, by his mentor and father figure. Worse than being forgotten by the only mother he really remembers, by his friends that he grew up with.
He ran away. He broke down, freaked out, and ran. Stuffed as much clothes as he could find into a suitcase, called the first hotel away from the city he could think of, booked a suite for the night and took off without telling a soul. Not his boyfriend, not his mentor, not his aunt, not his friends. Nobody. Because he just couldnt take it anymore. He couldn't handle the constant fighting, the barrage of stress and anxiety a mountain high that he knew he couldn't climb, the loneliness, bitter and cold and empty that surrounded him, suffocated him even as he laid beside a warm body every night, and talked with people everyday. The piercing, heartwrenching thought that everyone he loved was going to leave, to break up with him, to get tired of him, to forget him, and he was going to be all alone.
So, instead of facing it and communicating about his fears like a normal, mature adult, he ran. Like a fucking coward. And, instead of relaxing him and giving him a chance to get away like he thought it would, it just made everything so much worse.
Now, he was stressing out even more, thinking about all the classwork he was missing, all the assignments piling up. Thinking about Tony, waiting for him to show up, trying not to panic when he doesn't, probably checking the monitor on his watch and his suit activity, to see where he had went. Thinking about his aunt, waiting for him to come bake with her like he had promised, and worrying when he doesnt show, because he always shows. Thinking about... Harley. Harley, coming home after a long day of schooling. Harley, noticing that Peter wasnt home, like he usually was. Harley, noticing that most of Peter's clothes were gone, his side of the room left in chaos. Harley, probably thinking the absolute worst.
Peter remembers the calls. The way his phone vibrating again and again as Harley called him over and over, leaving voicemails, telling him he was worried, telling him to call him back, that they could work it out, whatever it was, voice frantic, and then Tony, joining the mix an half an hour or so later, probably when Harley had fully begun to panic. But then, the silence. After about an hour of constant ringing (and Peter trying his hardest to ignore it), the calls suddenly stopped. Harley called one last time, ten minutes later, leaving one last voicemail, but after that... nothing. Pure, unfiltered, crushing silence.
After Peter had gotten to his hotel and broken down once more in the tiny, too clean room, he had listened to that voicemail on repeat, just to drown out his screaming thoughts that plagued his mind, just to listen to the ending again and again and again.
"I...I love you."
When was the last time they had said that to each other? Through text, maybe a few days or weeks ago, but in person? Peter couldn't remember. A while. Too long.
His escape was turning into a nightmare the longer he sat in this room, getting smaller and smaller, almost suffocating as the minutes turned to hours, as the day turned to night, and he couldn't take it anymore, he had to get out of here. Had to do something, go for a walk, clear his head, something, anything.
He basically jumps out of the hard, creaky bed, grabbing the card key had haphazardly thrown onto a table when he first walked in, and exiting the room, the building as soon as he physically could. He takes in a long, deep breath, feels the mid October air chill his lungs, giving a nice tingling sensation before he exhales, already feeling his muscles beginning to relax, his heart beginning to slow.
He looks left and right, before beginning his trek, feet crunching against frost with each step against the frozen concrete, the wind whistling against his red tipped ears, quiet, a whisper, definitely not enough to drown out his racing mind, his screaming thoughts, his growing anxiety creeping and wrapping around his neck like a noose, pulling tighter and tighter the more he thinks, the more he steps, the more he moves and breathes and functions. He takes another deep breath, trying to ward off another attack, another episode, but it doesnt work, the feeling getting worse and worse.
He feels a tingle at the back of his neck, sharp and harsh, but ignores it in favor of his breathing, trying to keep his lungs working as they should, trying to get oxygen to his overworking brain, to his stampedeing heart.
Rookie mistake.
He feels a prick on the side of his neck, and his instincts kick in before he does, his body flinching violently and whipping around, throwing a punch that sends the perpetrator flying back, hitting multiple bystanders before landing on his ass. Peter would've found it funny if there wasnt three others, surrounding him on all sides, grabbing at his arms, legs, torso, anywhere they could reach. And if he wasnt feeling so damn dizzy all of a sudden, the world spinning off its axis, vision doubling. He tries to fight back, tries to struggling, but his limbs feel like lead, his head feels fuzzy, and darkness envelops his vision before he can even blink.
Conciousness hits him like a ton of bricks, jerking him awake. As soon as his eyes are open, he's alert, on edge, wary, glancing around the unfamiliar room and trying to pinpoint where he is. It's a dark room, the walls, floor and ceiling all seemingly made of concrete, the only light shining through a sliver of a window near the roof on one of the walls. He must be underground, then, in what looks like some sort of basement, the room too small, and too familiar to be a warehouse or a base for an evil team somewhere. He notices a new more details, like a frayed rope on the ground, a table with some tools on it, and a few darker stains on the ground that Peter tries his best not to think too much about, and comes to some conclusions.
It's a one man job, definitely, not a group of people, and definitely not some well known group like Hydra. 'But there was more of them', he remembers, fuzzily, three men who had grabbed him once the sedative was given. What part do they have to play? Aside from that mystery, he also knows that they've done this before (from the stains that looks conspicuously like blood), and, the most terrifying fact of them all, that they know he's Spider-Man, the strong metallic cuffs that have to be vibranium holding him back, even as he tries with all his might to break through. He doesnt know how they found out, he's kept his identity pretty lock and key, but apparently they know somehow. So that's great, just perfect.
He doesn't know what he's going to do. His first thought is that he'll wait for Harley in his Iron Lad suit, or for the Avengers, or both to come save him, get him out of this mess, but then he remembers they can't. They don't know where he is, he never told them, so they wouldn't know where to look, where to start. They wouldn't even know he was kidnapped, much less know how to save him.
He feels his heart start to race, his chest start to squeeze, this throat start to close, before he forces himself to take a long, deep breath, shutting his eyes and calming himself down. Having a panic attack wont solve anything. He's alone in this, he needs to think clearly.
Okay, where to start, where to start? He needs an escape plan. He opens his eyes, and glances to the slim window, leaning forward and looking closer, seeing faint bars blocking the outside. Okay, so that's a no go for an exit, but what about the door? He looks to the old wooden door, the brown turning gray in its age, with a metal handle and a simple key lock. He could probably pick the lock, or break down the door if he couldnt. Good, now, he just needs to figure out how to get out of these cuffs-
Way too soon for Peter's liking, a loud click echoes in the room, and the door creaks open, a shorter, bigger man walks in, dressed head to toe in black and wearing a white anonymous looking mask. Cause that's not cliche at all. He feels a spike of anxiety either way, and swallows, wishing he had his mask on so he could hide a bit of the fear he knows he's expressing on his face (Harley always said he wore his heart on his sleeve, said it was one of the things he loves about him. Used to love about him anyways.)
"Good evening, Mr. Parker." The man says, voice low and rumbly, sounding pretty much exactly as Peter expected him to sound, surprisingly enough. Stereotypical villain smokes-three-packs-a-day kinda voice.
It's the greeting that causes Peter to snicker, grinning. "Ooo, so formal! You're like a James Bond kinda villain, I dig it! Yo, how do you like your drinks, shaken or-"
He's in the middle of doing his godawful impression when the man shoots forward and punches him across the face, and ow that hurt waaaay more than a punch should. He feels the burns of cuts on his face, the tingling of liquid running down his cheek, sees the brass knuckles reflect off of the sunlight through the window, and thinks 'huh, that makes sense.'
"Shut it, Spidey." He sneers, and Peter winces, his face scrunching up instinctually before he forces it to go blank. Sure, he knew that the man knew he was Spider-Man, but actually hearing him say it, hearing him confirm it sends a chill down his spine, cooling him from the inside out. He must've seen the flinch on Peter's face, because the man continues menacingly, starting a slow walk around Peter's chair. "Yeah, I know who you really are, Peter Parker. I've been watching you for a while now. Know about your wall climbing, your webs..." The man yanks at his handcuffs, making Peter's body crash back against the chair. Peter struggles to keep his face neutral as pain seares up his back, his neck, the back of his head. "Your super strength." He breathes into Peter's ear, before letting go, Peter slumping back against the cool metal, trying to look smaller than he really is. "I know it all, Mr. Parker."
Peter glares at him when he comes back into view, hoping his eyes dont give away his true emotions, dont give away how scared he really is. "That's really creepy, dude. Don't you know anything about personal space?" He gets another punch to the face for that, his teeth throbbing as a warm, metallic taste fills his mouth. He spits out the blood, the bright red a stark contrasting against the older stains on the concrete, and mutters "guess not" under his breath.
"Personal space." The man grumbles, before laughing bitterly, no taste of humor in the tone. "As if you know anything about that."
Peter's face scrunches up, and he tilts his head, feeling bitterness rise up this throat. "Sorry, I'm not following, how do I not know about that? I'm not the kidnapping people after stalking them. I dont even know who you are, dude." He braces for another hit, but it doesnt come, the man just chuckling harshly again.
"Oh no, you wouldn't." The man leans forward, mask almost pressing against Peter's face, and theres a line about 'again, personal space, man' on the tip of his tongue, but the words die and his head drops straight to hell as soon as the man finishes his sentence. "But your boyfriend would."
Harley... Harley's involved in this? How? Why? What did he do? His shock, his fear must show on his face because theres a hint of mirth, of amusement in the man's voice as he speaks. "Oh, the great and mighty Iron Lad, the hier to Iron Man, the savior of us all." His tone is bitter, mocking now, and Peter feels cold, colder than he's ever felt, icy cold horror freezing his heart, his lungs. "That's what everyone said. That's what everyone thought. That's what I thought." The man snorts, short and careless, bitter. "And then he killed my family."
"He would never." Peter spits out venomously before he can even think, his heart racing, aching. He wouldn't. Even if they were on bad terms, even if they were on a break, or whatever he could call what they were going through, he knew for a fact Harley would never hurt someone intentionally, especially not someone innocent.
"Oh, but he did." The man leans back, basically growling now, voice strained, crazy, beginning to pace back and forth. "He did, he killed her, he killed them, all of them. Crashed into our building, our house, our home, and he killed them all."
Peter just stares wordlessly, eyes wide, wracking his brain, trying to think of a time Harley crashed into a building. It was during a fight most likely, but Peter always remembers him in the air, on the ground, never getting hit, never-
Suddenly, a memory floods over him, and he swallows roughly, chest squeezing. "August 1st, 2024." He murmurs solemnly, quietly, and the man's head suddenly stops, head jerking to face Peter.
"You know." He wasnt a question, so Peter doesnt treat it as one, lost in the memory of Harley sobbing loudly against his shoulder, wailing that he had the window, that the wall had collapsed, that there was a woman, and a kid, and that he couldn't save them. It was the first time Harley had ever lost anyone, the first time Harley had watched someone die. It was one of the roughest nights they ever had.
"He tried to save them." He whispers instead, his heart aching at the reminder, at Harley's description ringing through his head. Of how he lifted the rubble off of the bodies. Of how he checked the mother first, finding no pulse. Of how the kid, the son, was still alive, but his legs, his body had been crushed. Of how Harley had tried to help, tried to save him. Of how the boy had coughed up blood, had wheezed, had looked Harley in the eye, his own full of fear and agony. Of how he had taken his last breath in Harley's arms, broken and beaten and bruised. It had taken Harley months, years to get over it, and he still couldnt look at the date without rushing to the bathroom to vomit. Peter shakes his head, shaking away the thoughts. "He tried. There wasn't anything he could do."
"He killed them." The man snarls, apparently not in the mood to listen to Peter's truth. "He murdered them, with his own two hands and-" he pauses, straightens, his voice going soft, quiet, eerily calm and collected when he says "And now, he's going to get what he deserves."
Peter can almost hear the maniacal grin on his face as he grabs Peter's chin and tilts it up, until Peter's eyes connect to the eye holes of the white, porcelain mask, covered only by a thin black mesh. "Because now, I'm gonna take away the thing he loves."
It's barely a whisper, what he says, but with his enhanced hearing, Peter hears it crystal clear, and he freezes, paralyzes, terrified. He yanks at the handcuffs again, and again, the cuffs getting tighter and tighter, cutting into him as he does, but not breaking, not freeing him, barely even moving-
The man walks over to the table, and grabs something Peter hadnt even seen earlier, his phone, and turns it on. "What's your password?"
It would be such an innocent question, if they werent in this situation. Someone someone, a friend usually, would ask carelessly, casually, something like "what's the wifi password?". Peter just narrows his eyes, and keeps his lips shut.
The man doesn't like that very much, as there's suddenly a very real pistol pointed at his forehead, coming out of seemingly nowhere, 'he hadnt even seen the gun, where the-' "Tell me, now."
He sounds serious, grave. Peter swallows a whimper threatening to escape, and gives it to him, making sure to keep his tone level, confident, firm, like he knows he'll be fine, like he knows hes going to get out of this, even though he feels the exact opposite. But he can't, won't let this man find that out, so he tries his best to act brave. To act like Spider-Man, even if he feels like cowardly Peter Parker. Man, he wishes he had his mask.
The man puts the code in, humming to himself as if this is normal, a regular routine act, before a loud ringing echoes in the room, and Peter's stomach drops. Of course he's going to call Harley. Of course he's going to make sure Harley knows what's happening to Peter.
Of course he's going to make Harley listen while he dies. Why wouldn't he? He wants revenge, revenge for something Harley didnt even do, and this how he's gonna get it.
Peter looks to the sky, swallowing roughly and blinking the tears out of his eyes, he's gotta be strong, gotta seem unaffected, gotta have hope. But that hope, that little light in his chest is dwindling more and more as the seconds pass, as the phone rings again and again, as horrible scenario after horrible scenario runs through his head, until-
"Hello?? Pete, are you there??" Peter cant help the silent sob that shutters his body, some of the tears in his eyes spilling down his cheeks as Harley's, his boyfriend, the love of his life, the one he thought he was going to get to marry one day's voice rings out in the cold, cold room, sounding almost breathless with relief and hope that it crushes Peter's already shattered heart even more. Theres so many things he wants to say,  so many words he wishes he could take back, so many he wishes he could say again and again, over and over until it was engraved into Harley's head, never moving, never wavering.
But before he can speak, the man speaks up for him, voice filled with a mock amusement. "Hmm, not quite. Mr. Parker's a little-" he chuckles, dark and ominous. "Tied up at the moment."
There's a pause, long and dwindling, full of palpable fear that causes a few more tears to slip from Peter's eyes, knowing, knowing how terrified Harley is, and when he speaks back up, voice low, shaky, angry, Peter knows he's right. "What have you done to him?"
"Oh, nothing." The man singsongs, grabbing underneath Peter's chin and forcing his head upwards, before brushing away his tears with a thumb. With anybody else, itd be a soothing gesture, an act of delicacy, of love, but all Peter can feel is disgust, bile rising in his throat, and he jerks his head of his his grip, glaring heatedly. The man drops his hand, and his body posture stiffens. "At least, not yet." He mutters harshly.
Another pause, and some shuffling, before Harley's voice cuts back in, sounding stronger this time, calmer, but it's an act, Peter can tell, Peter can always tell- "What do you want?"
"You can't give me what I want!" The man yells, suddenly slamming his fist into the table, Peter flinching from the loud bang that results from it. "I had everything I ever wanted, and you took it away from me! You took everything away from me!"
A puff of breath comes through the speaker, trembling. "I dont know what you're talking about-"
"You dont?" The man interrupts, breathing hard, harshly, before laughing manically as Peter starts to tug at the cuffs again, glancing around the room and trying, trying to think of a way out, of an escape route, of something, anything- "You don't remember? The night you killed my wife and son? Crushed them under the rubble of your mistakes?"
Harley makes a heartbroken, aching, painful noise, the sound reverberating as Peter shouts at the man, spits, "He didn't mean to! It was an accident!-"
The man whirls around and smacks Peter with his gun, hard, making his vision tunnel, the room spinning, his head suddenly pounding where it was only a light throb before. He grimaces, closes his eyes, grits his teeth with a wince, feels the hair on the side of his head grow wet and sticky with blood as he tries to settle this dizziness that's overwhelming him. "Shut up!!" The man roars, causing Peter to flinch again because its so loud, it's too much- "He killed my family! And now," Another laugh, the barrel of the gun now pressing against Peter's forehead, the cool of the metal seeping into his skin. Peter opens his eyes to stare at it, wide eyed and unfocused. "Now, he's going to listen as I take his."
Peter struggles even more, even though his limbs now feel like concrete, as the gun clicks, the safety coming off, the bullet lining up with the barrel, ready to shoot, ready to kill him-
"Wait!" Harley cries, his calm exterior deteriorating, leaving his true emotions on full show, the panic, the distress. "Please, your wife and son wouldn't want this-"
"You dont know that! You dont know anything!" The gun presses further into his forehead, finger laying on the trigger and suddenly, Peter is calm.
It's a strange, out of body calmness that washes over him like a wave, gentle, soothing. He stares up at the anonymous like mask, at the man wearing all black, and the faint sight of deranged eyes he can see through the black mesh of the eye holes, at the reflective gray of the pistol, and he feels calm. He's going to die, staring at this mask, this person, knowing that the love of his life, his soulmate is listening, and all he feels is an eerie calm, everything slowing down to a stop. He gives a faint smile, barely a twitch of his lips, before saying, loud enough so the phone can pick it up, "I love you."
He closes his eyes, and waits for the inevitable. He doesn't hear hear the sob like scream that Harley let's out, calling his name. He doesn't hear the door burst open, and three bodies rushing into the room. He doesnt hear the repulors and guns going off, killing the man almost instantly. He doesnt hear anything but his heart beat, pulsating in his ears, and a loud constant ringing, until the gun shifts against his head, until hands grab at his shoulders and shake him violently, until he opens his eyes and sees Harley's face two inches away from his, blue, ocean eyes wide with terror, mouth moving frantically, the one curl of hair always in front of his face flowing as his body jerks with his movements.
Then, suddenly, everything rushes back. The tsunami of emotions, of fear, of grief, of pain and hurt and 'god I'm so sorry' floods back over him. Sounds, Harley blabbering "Come on, Pete, answer me, please," in his ear, while others (he cant even tell who they are, can't even-) talking beside them, over the dead body of his captor, 'they got him, he's dead, I'm not dead, he's dead-'. His vision, blurry with tears he didnt even know he was shedding, spinning with the concussion he knows he has, going back and forth as Harley's actions get more frantic, more worried, his voice getting higher the longer Peter doesn't answer.
"Peter, baby, please say something, please be okay, please be-" Peter just leans forward and presses his lips to Harleys sloppily, almost missing from the dizziness still plaguing his mind, his thoughts, successfully shutting him up. Harley makes a strangled sound, before kissing back passionately, hands on either side of his face, salty tears pooling out of his eyes and into their mouths.
They pull away after a few moments, only for Harley to pull Peter to his chest, breathing out, chanting, "Oh thank God, thank you, thank you-" and Peter presses his face into his neck, feeling himself start to shake, to tremble as he slowly falls apart, wrapping his arms around his back and grasping onto the metal of his suit tightly, sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Shhhhh," Harley soothes shakily, rubbing a strong hand up and down his back. "It's okay, you're okay. Everything's okay."
Peter pushes through anyways, needing to say this, needing to- "I-I didnt- didnt mean to run away, I-I just- I need-needed to get away, and-"
"I know," Harley murmurs, cutting him off gently, "I know, baby, I know, it's okay." He sighs quietly, sounding sullen, guilty. "I'm sorry too. But it's okay. We're okay."
Peter nods shakily, hoping, believing him, squeezing his eyes shut and shuttering, curling more into Harley's chest. "I love you." He whimpers, "I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too." Harley whispers back, pressing a light kiss to Peter's cheeks, carefully missing the bruises and cuts, pulling the trembling boy even closer. "So so much. Forever and always."
"Forever and always." Peter echoes, sniffling.
Things aren't perfect, Peter knows. He knows that they still have a long, long talk about everything that's happened, and that things arent going to click into place immediately. They may not for a while, but as long as they're here, safe, warm, alive and loved... Peter knows that they'll figure it out, together.
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primedirection · 5 years
Hopelessly Devoted
Y/n reaches a breaking point
Another several days pass without really speaking to him and it becomes somewhat routine.
Although, thanks to his insane schedule it was definitely difficult to notice. There was no time to talk or argue for that matter when Harry was in Italy, Harry was in Tokyo, Harry was in Paris, Harry was in Los Angeles—Harry was basically everywhere and with everyone but you.
On one or two occasions you did observe that he'd been in places where she was also present. But he never mentioned it of course, he never had to. The tabloid's and social media sunk their teeth into it like a juicy steak. In which he whimsically dismissed as work coincidence's.
So once again you let it slide. As they say: Pick your battles wisely!
But today you were kind of happy you did. Today was his first day back for a week long break and Anne and Gemma were in town visiting. They promised to come along for a scheduled cake testing for the wedding some time ago. And since neither of you had made arrangments to reschedule it, you would be forced to play nice, even if only for a few hours.
Picking them all up from the airport was fairly cordial but awkward nonetheless given your current limbo status. You didn't skip a beat in putting your engagement ring back on and Harry didn't either, greeting you enthusiastically with a hug and kiss. Though whether or not it was all for show you'd never know. Not to mention the enormous elephant between you two just for the simple fact you weren't sure if the wedding was still actually on. You assumed that the opportunity to discuss that would eventually come along when you were properly alone.
As the day went on and you were on your fourth cake, you realized that this was the perfect activity for bonding and not just with his family.
Despite being wedding reception centric you talked more than you had in weeks, laughed ridiculously hard at each other in what felt like ages, and shared simple trivial affection that you hadn't realized that you'd been craving. You almost cried when he thoughtlessly reached for your hand while waiting on a highly recommended red velvet cake.
It made you take notice of just how much you actually missed him. So you swallowed your pride and relayed it aloud. Genuinely professing, "I missed you."
At that Harry seems to smile with his eyes more than his lips. Interlacing your fingers and kissing the back of your hand. "Missed yeh more pet." There's a nervous flutter in your gut from the gesture and anticipation to be alone. Part of you can't help wondering if this was just an act too good to be true.
"So is anyone allowed to make a speech or toast? Or like are you keeping it limited..?" Gemma curiously asks.
Harry nervous looks to you for the answer. In which you shrug, "Everyone can say and do as they please so long as I don't have to,"
"Oh, lovie you have got to stop being so hard on yourself. Your speech was beautiful! It even made Gem cry,"
"No one was supposed to know that, but she's right. I'm still upset I missed it, if I didn't have that ridiculous conference I swear I would've been there,"
"I know," You smile sadly removing your hand from Harry's underneath the table. "It's okay,"
In the corner of your eye you spot his discomfort on the topic at hand, and it only gets worse when Anne asks, "What did you think? Didn't you love it?"
At the sudden attention Harry flushes a deep crimson from the neck up and nervously proceeds to scratch the area, "Haven't.. Em.. Heard it yet. I honestly didn't know she had one,"
Both women proceed to eye him incredulously, "Are you fucking joking?"
"Gemma!" Anne scolds at her foul and loud choice of words in the small posh cake shop.
"Sorry mum, but come on! You are joking right?" She deadpans, "I mean she poured her heart out for you just for her world to see and now the entire world has seen it!"
Embarrassed he clears his throat and shamefully admits, "I um... No,"
Gemma eyes widen twice their size completely taken aback, "Dickhead, it's a five minute video— hell less than that! All over my feed and it's still all over my feed because people wont stop tagging the three of us in it. How in the holy hell did you not see it?!"
In a matter of seconds tension has shifted, all of it negative and all of it aimed specifically at Harry. Words couldn't begin to explain the utter relief and justification you felt watching on as Harry is forced to listen to everything you felt and couldn't say, and everything you tried to say but couldn't get across clearly. Not only empathetically come from someone else, but the only two people on the planet that meant the most to him.
As much as the vengeful part in you enjoyed watching him squirm. It didn't feel right to have him bludgeoned over the head with it in order for him to get it. Most likely he still wouldn't understand the problem.
So you miraculously find yourself taking up for him with a forced smile. "It's not his fault. He's been busy, especially with this new album," Causing everyone to stare at you perplexed, including Harry.
Also making the dynamic of frustration shift towards you as well. Gemma is flabbergasted, "Please tell me you're joking now? There's no excuse on earth that is ok-"
Instantly this bothers Harry and he makes no secret of it. Irritably interrupting, "We're working on it Gem, alright? Chill out."
There aren't words to define the weird and borderline chaotic atmosphere going on and just when you think things can't get worse. For some God forsaken reason, when the red velvet cake finally arrives to your table, Harry's phone simultaneously starts to ring from his back pocket. Everyone at the table pretty much stops what they're doing just to watch him retrieve it and check the screen. Your stomach uncomfortably drops at the sight of the name 'Kenny'.
He answers it chirpier than ever, even allowing her to akwardly greet his mom and sister. All the while you remain dead silent, willing for him to just end it as soon as possible and yet things just so happen to continue on a downward spiral. As Harry mentions your location at first it spirals into him inviting her to come which is bad enough. But then it spirals further out of control when he volunteers to just meet up with her today instead.
It takes everything in you not to let the raw emotions show on your face. Though not just because both Anne and Gemma were skeptically watching you. In that moment you swear you could've kicked him between the legs.
Eventually he stands from your table before even hanging up the phone. Having already decided, "Today's her only day in town, figured we could hang out for a bit. I don't think we'll pick in one day anyway. Might have a better time picking out a dress," he not so subtly suggests.
"Well you actually have to try the cakes in order to pick one..." You happily hear Gemma retort.
It goes completely over his head anyway, "Dinner later tonight?" He asks at least being polite enough to kiss Anne goodbye. Yet he doesn't exactly wait for a reply either coming around to place a rushed kiss on your cheek. At which you stoically accept.
"You lot have fun. Well.... Not too much fun." In no time he's out the door and on the move. Forcing you into taking on his suggestion because it felt really pointless to stay.
About an hour later and a rib crushing corset deep with six more dresses lined up just like it to try on, reality starts to set in.
First off it takes awhile to even get started because you and Harry haven't even agreed to what theme or color scheme you wanted. So you had to get ahold of him to ask for some ideas and of course as luck would have it. Since he's out and about with his precious Kenny there's no way to get ahold of him. Ultimately leaving you to make something up all on your own.
Aside from the discomfort, the sight of yourself in the beautiful gown didn't feel right in the least. You're supposed to be overjoyed and excited with your bestie trying to get you somewhat drunk and your mom should've been there too. Speaking of moms, you don't register Anne announcing herself before coming inside the dressing room.
One of her hands clamps over her mouth in awe while the other holds an off white dress shirt you presume is for Harry, "Y/n lovie you are down right gorgeous!"
You have to force yourself to smile back at her and utter a strained, "Thank you," not because of how depressed you feel but for some reason you literally felt like you couldn't breathe.
"I don't know what we're going to do with that boy.. Do you know what color shirt is going under his suit? I reckon this colo-" The curiosity on her sweet face easily morphs into concern at the sight of you panicking, "S'wrong lovie?"
Instantly your hand shoots up to stop her from approaching any further because the the room felt small enough as it is. Hoping that with a little time that the feeling would blow over. Though the more time that passed the more over heated you felt. The tip of your ears on fire and the rest of your skin flushing just the same with it. At some point the nude colored stall even begins to shift around you to the extent that you stumble around to grab onto it in order to steady yourself.
Anne's voice floats in and out of distortion and so do the other's in the distance. Somehow you catch her soothing, "Y/N lovie just stay calm. Let's go to the main room for a bit yeah?"
You shake your head, unable to move, suddenly overwhelmed with intense grief. But you force yourself to answer her initial question anyway because it bothered you the most, "I don't- I don't know... anything these days. It's like- it's like... I could have a gun to my head... and he still wouldn't care." You gasp and cry.
"Don't cry hun, it's alright shh," Anne finally eases close enough to hold your trembling hand steady and attempts to comfort you but you only feel worse.
"It's really... not, I- I-... I put him off somehow and it's not how it should be. He's always running off.... with k-" You stop yourself realizing that she didn't need to know that, "It's like... he can't be far enough."
While you talk Anne uses that as a distraction to usher you out of the fitting rooms and into the main area, "That's not true, lovie. It's okay, you're okay breathe!" She reassures slowly but surely getting you to a chair just in time, just before you feel the need to collapse. Gemma and the sales woman are hovering around worried too but you physically can't even begin to focus on them. 'Is she okay' and 'panic attack' seems to be the topic of conversation.
"God I don't know what else I can do to keep up. I- I can't- I can't go through with this." You shamelessly cry out to Anne.
Who's retrieved something from the sales woman that you come to find out is a hand held fan. Anne wastes no time waving it back and forth quickly to blow bigger and stronger wafts of air. Cooling and calming you down all at once. You start to assume that she keeps you talking to keep you distracted, "With what? The wedding? Lovie I'd be worried if you didn't have cold feet."
Your head shakes in denial, unable to find humor in what honestly has been stressing you out the most. "No... be with him..." You gasp out, hating to admit it aloud. Nonetheless in front of his mother, and at the sight of her very own shock. Immediately you wished that you'd never said anything at all.
After awhile something about that confession finally made the deep inhalation part of you your lungs start working again, and slow to follow was everything else. The room stopped spinning and you were able to take in the terrified expressions of Gemma and the sales woman. Going back and forth on whether or not to call an ambulance and eventually they decided not to.
But even worse than the tabloid articles that were bound to come out about this, was none other than Harry Styles making a reappearance. Apparently Gemma had called him and unlike you, actually got through.
He dropped to his knees right between yours, "Came as fast as I could, thank God we were only down the street,"
"It's fine— I'm fine," You immediately lie, loathing the spectacle that this was becoming. You just wanted to go home, "I think I just... overheated."
Wait... We?!?! You pause to look over his shoulder and low and behold there she is. Kendall fucking Jenner standing next to Gemma and she has the audacity to look concerned.
Harry grabs your cheeks to redirect your focus on him obviously worried, "Alright? S'wrong? What happened?"
He's a little breathless as he probably ran inside. But you manage catch the smell of his breath through the gusts of air as he speaks and the close proximity. It reeks of beer and once you realize that the more glossy his gaze is.
"Are you- are you really drunk right now?" You feel like you're gonna cry yet you somehow manage to ask it angrily.
"What?" He's unsurprisingly confused. Possibly a symptom of his haze.
But you're too angry to care, roughly tearing his hands away from your face and standing on numb legs, "You left... You fucking left me to go drinking?!"
Harry frowns still thrown by your reaction, "Will you calm do-"
"No! What the fuck are we doing Harry?!" You cry overwhelmed and over emotional. "Today was supposed to be about our wedding! Does that not mean anything to you?"
"Y/N, lower your voice," he pleads grabbing onto your wrist and uncomfortably glancing at the audience around you.
"No no, don't!" You yank away and stumble a bit from the force. Completely forgetting the restrictive gown you're in, "I am so sick of this shit... I'm done— I am so fucking done!" Frustrated, you gather up the skirt of the gown and rush towards the dressing room to get out of it.
Even then Harry follows close behind until Anne and Gemma protectively intervene, "Just give her a minute to cool down H."
"Jesus Christ," he groans irritated, dragging his hands over his face. Unable to properly formulate what the hell he just walked in to.
He needed to talk to you before you did something irrational. Because right now he got the feeling that the clock was ticking.
(An: I hope y'all like this one let me know)
Final Part
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tangerinegod · 4 years
How did you start getting followers on your art blog?
short answer: i just post my art and tag it 😭 i dont have much advice that i actually follow besides consistent posting but i can give some of my thoughts on building a following down below! prep for a bit of a long post ig?
long answer: i accidentally deleted my entire account in january and was debating if it was worth trying again?? but the community on tumblr is rlly nice and i like sharing my work so i remade ig like 5 months ago now? i wont say the number but i dont have like a big following or anything on here; its less than both my twt accounts haha. i just post like i always do and tag things accordingly in case ppl need things blocked/dont wanna see spec characters ect. and to keep things organized. 
i also dont really post any original work and only really draw fanart so like that helps a lot... all my personal work for ocs and stuff i both dont draw a lot of and also like to keep more private for like portfolio stuff ig? im not saying fanart is like a sell out for clout/lesser but doing work for something ppl are already invested into is a much easier way to build a following than going for original stuff unless what u have really catches the eye? i draw fanart tho just cus naruto is my special interest and has been for like... a loooong time so with or without social media id b drawing it anyways hehe
also posting work consistently is a big way to keep your stuff in the algorithm and for ppl to see it. anytime i take a break on twt for my own mental health i end up droppng 200-300 followers + it can b hard to get back into it; here it doesnt happen as much cus i think theres less bots but if u can manage it posting on a regular basis but not like too much lets people know youre active? it’s not very healthy imo and it shouldnt b that way but it’s what the current trend is ig for building a following..  i try and post on any social media i care about at least once a week if im like suuuuper busy w comms/other stuff but ideally daily/every other day is what i like 2 do, even if its just my garbo doodles i do before bed
and lastly i also try to avoid posting anything that isnt art? if i want to post or share other things i keep private accts on twt and here i am only on for naruto/keeping up w old mutuals so i dont have a seperate account; but if i ever did want to post something not my art/naruto i would make one to keep it separate. some ppl dont care abt seeing personal stuff but i like to keep my things in different places for easy reff and so if ppl visit they can just scroll for fast access w/out other stuff in the way. 
i dont have a ton of advice that differs from what everyone else does to try to build up a following but hopefully this helps! if u have any other q’s tho feel free 2 ask and gl!! 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch. 46
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Nope. Nothin in this one
Author’s Note: Finally an update for this one! I apologize for the time it has taken to get this one out. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy it! It’s slowly coming to an end for this part of the series and I am beginning to get a bit emotional. Only 4 more chapters left to this series. 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
It’s times like this, when Hope is visiting you, that I wish I could just swallow my pride and go out there and spend a day with you. I can feel you worry and I can feel the disappointment in the bursts of joy you have at seeing your niece. But I can’t go back empty handed. Even with the promise of the cure in less than two months time, I can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t bare to see the look on Hayley’s face. She’s got a point though. As much as I was trying, I wasn’t doing enough. This, while it is everything I was afraid of, has given me faith that it won’t be long before you are cured. For the months it had taken Lily to get three strands separated, Jax’s team managed to do it in two weeks. It won’t be long.
I hope that writing this out while Hope is visiting that you can feel everything as I write this. While I hate that I am away from you like this, I’m okay with the fact that me staying away as I have ensures a cure. We’ll be okay.
I love you Elijah. And at this very moment, I miss you like crazy.
Elizabeth sighed as she dropped the pen on the desk. Things had changed since she had left Hayley’s. As much as she wanted to go, she didn’t want to deal with the hybrid. She didn’t want to show up empty handed any time soon. And if that meant staying away, she’d do it for the time being.
As she sat at the desk, she felt the sense of calm wash over her and a smile pulled at her lips. Writing the letter had worked. She’d been able to convey the feelings she needed while writing and it seemed like Elijah was calming down from the worry and stress that he had been feeling. One day soon she’d be going over there to visit. She just needed to have some kind of news before she went.
“Where the hell have you been?” Malakai asked as Elizabeth made her way into the compound later that day. Ever since Vincent had come looking for Elizabeth, she had been scarce. She was hardly ever home and if she was, it was only for a few minutes at a time. Time had been moving quickly since Elizabeth had made her deal with Jax. Another week under their belt and it seemed that things were going as she needed them to be. Things were already different and it was only a matter of time until they changed even more.
“What are you my father?” Elizabeth asked as she walked towards the stairs.
“Come on, Liz.” He said as he watched her reached the stairs. “Talk to us. You missed a council meeting last week, you sent Josh to this week’s.”
She stopped with her foot on the second step and turned towards him. “Things are being taken care of that is all that matters. I’ve spoken with Mary and the Mayor. I’ll be there at the next council meeting to discuss a few things that I’ve been doing.” She shrugged her shoulders. “There is nothing that needs to be discussed at this moment.”
“What about Vincent? Have you spoken with him? You are on the council with him.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes slightly. “He’s actually on his way over here. There is no need for you to worry, Kai.”
“The last time you said that, you compelled me to leave.” He noted.
“Have you ever thought you ask to many questions?” She shrugged once more and made her way up the stairs.
She was in fact meeting with Vincent in a few minutes. There were several things that she needed to get situated. There were things coming up that she was going to need his help with. Elizabeth knew she could let him in on some details and it wouldn’t be breaking the contract at all.
“How was the church meeting?” Elizabeth asked the moment Vincent stepped into the room.
“Wonderful.” Vincent said with a small smile. “St Anne’s hasn’t been that full for quite some time. It’s nice to have a place where we can just go to talk things out.”
Ever since Vincent had taken the church back, it had been thriving. It was a safe place for anyone to go to. It was also the perfect place to hold town meetings whenever needed. Peace had been spreading through the city quite easily since the reopening of the church. Vincent had done well in keeping to his word about the place. Magic couldn’t be used the moment you stepped into it. Vampire’s blood lust and enhanced features had been toned down once they walked in. For the wolves, their ability to change at will was stopped, making everyone essentially human while visiting.
“I’m glad.” Elizabeth said with a genuine smile.
“I’m hoping this meeting between us will be a success as well.” He said with a nod of his head.
“As do I.” She agreed. “I know things haven’t been clear on my part.”
“Your head hasn’t been in it since you’ve returned.” He noted as he walked over to the sofa and took a seat. “What is weighing on that mind of yours?”
Elizabeth chuckled and shook her head slightly. “So much. But I wont bore you with all the details of how I feel like I failed the Mikaelsons.”
“I am assuming during this time you haven’t kept to the promise you made before leaving.” While it wasn’t a complete deal breaker to Vincent, he just wanted better for the city. If Elizabeth was lost in other things, he wanted to know.
“I needed time to myself.” She admitted. “I lost so much time looking for something that I knew wasn’t going to come easily.” It had been the first time she had said the words out loud. She had known it all along that things would have been easier if she had just jumped ahead. But as she always told herself this was always supposed to be a last resort. “The last few weeks I’ve seen things more clearly than I have been in years. So no, I haven’t broken that promise to you. I haven’t been an active participant in finding a way to bring them back.”
Her words had surprised Vincent. Even as the words had settled deeper into his mind, he was still wasn’t sure if this was really what Elizabeth was saying. “That bond of yours isn’t going to get in the way of what is best for this city?” He had chosen his words carefully. If the roles had been reversed and his mate had been locked away somewhere, he would have done everything he could to free them. But seeing as this was the Mikaelson’s they were talking about, his idea of it all had been twisted to see a Mikaelson free New Orleans for several lifetimes.
Sighing, Elizabeth walked and took a seat in front of Vincent. “It won’t get in the way of the plans we made for the city.” Even though she hated to say the words, it was what she believed in the moment. She wasn’t going to be leaving the city soon. Not when she had to keep a close eye on Jax.
“No more missing council meetings?” He wanted the assurance of all the questions on his mind.
“Nope. I’ll be at every one of them.” She nodded her head. “There will be times during the week that I will need a day or two to myself to get my emotions in check. But that will always be after a meeting. Mary and the Mayor agreed that this was what I needed to ensure that the city was my top priority and not me chasing after stories.”
Vincent sighed and shook his head. “That isn’t you. You wouldn’t give something like this up so easily.”
“I can’t do it anymore.” She looked at Vincent in the eyes. “I can’t go out there hoping for one outcome when I know damn well how it ends. I refuse to get my hopes up for them to be shattered by a miscalculation or the fact that I did things the wrong way. So yeah, this is me giving up. Time will tell how things will play out. I wont be the one actively doing this. Someone else can take the lead for now.”
Vincent couldn’t find anything to say at first. She really had taken a step back from the plans she had when she had taken over at the beginning of all of this. The fire that he had seen in her eyes a while ago, it was dimmed in comparison. “Alright.” He said with a nod. “I can see that you are all in.”
“Good.” She nodded. “Now lets get started on the long list of things I’ve missed at the council meeting.
"What do you mean she isn’t coming?” Hayley asked as she let Malakai into the house.
“She doesn’t want to be here.” He shook his head. “She made it perfectly clear that coming here wasn’t high on her priority list.”
Hayley sighed. “It’s been weeks. Hope has been wanting to see her and she wont answer my calls.”
“What you said got to her, Hayley.” Malakai said as he looked over at her. “She believes that everything you had said was justified and that coming here in between now and her having the cures seems pointless. Something about false hope.”
“Did you tell her that I was just acting out on anger when I said that?” She asked as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Several times.” He nodded. “That night, it was like she had a new fire burning in her. But the last few days, I watched that fire die out while she not only distances herself from us, but she’s pouring herself into the work for the city.”
Hayley plopped herself down on the couch. “I get that she is angry with me. I deserve that. But she shouldn’t shut Hope out because of me. We both know she needs to see Elijah too.”
“She’s not doing well with being away from him. I can tell she misses him and as much as she wants to come and see him, she’s not going to come here empty handed.” It was the truth. Elizabeth had said it several times before Malakai made the decision to head out there himself. He had spent hours trying to convince Elizabeth to get in the car with him. But no matter how many times he tried, he couldn’t get her to agree. “I don’t know how to convince her to just drop what she is doing and come for a visit.”
“Kai!” Hope came running into the room a moment later. She had been visiting the Mikaelsons when he had first arrived. But as she rounded the hall corner and entered the living room, her eyes quickly scanned for Elizabeth. The excitement on her face at hearing Malakai’s voice had fell the moment she didn’t see Elizabeth.
“Is Aunt Liz outside?” She asked looking between Malakai and Hayley.
Hayley sighed and motioned for Hope to come over to her. Hope walked over to her and Hayley pulled her up into the seat next to her. “Liz is really busy right now.” While it was the truth, she wasn’t going to out right say that Elizabeth didn’t want to come. “As much as she wanted to be here, she couldn’t. So she sent Kai here to spend some time with us.”
The pout that formed on Hope’s lips had actually hurt Hayley to see. Elizabeth and Hope had a connection that no one else shared with her. Elizabeth had been like Hope’s friend and between the two they had their own language that before Hope could even speak, Elizabeth understood. If Hayley had just kept her mouth shut, Elizabeth would have been here spending time with Hope. She wouldn’t be keeping her distance.
“She’ll come and visit the first chance she can.” Malakai added. “She hates being away from you and your Uncle. Eventually her missing you two will be too much and she’ll drop all her work and come for a visit.”
“That sounds like a long time from now.” Hope said as she looked between the two. “Can’t we call her?”
Hayley looked at Malakai Hopeful. They both knew Elizabeth wouldn’t answer Hayley’s calls. If Malakai tried, they might just have a chance for Hope to speak with her. Malakai nodded his head and began pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. “Let’s hope she’s not busy.”
The phone had barely rang three times before Elizabeth answered it. Is everything okay Kai? Both Malakai and Hayley could hear the worry in her voice. At least Elizabeth knew that Malakai was headed out to Hayley’s.
“Yeah, everything is fine.” Malakai assured her. “Someone was upset that she didn’t get to see you and asked if we could call. Are you busy?” He listened as she sighed. He could hear a few things happening in the background before the sound of a door closed.
I’ve got some time. Not much, but it’s probably enough to make her day. Malakai nodded even though she couldn’t see it. He held out the phone for Hope and she left Hayley’s side quickly and grabbed the phone.
“Aunt Liz?” She asked into the phone before it even reached her ear.
Hey, Hope. They could all hear the excitement in her voice. How are you?
“Good!” Hope said with a smile on her face at hearing Elizabeth’s voice in her ear. Hope dived into everything she had been up to the last few weeks. Everything from the tea parties she had with her Aunts and Uncles to the picnics that they all went on out by the lake. Elizabeth chuckled and even asked about specific details about the events she spoke about. “Uncle Elijah says he wishes you would come visit.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line for a moment. I know. I wish I could visit him too. But I’ve got a lot going on right now and I promise the moment I can I’ll go visit you both.
“Okay.” There was a sad tone to Hope’s words. “Aunt Bex said you’re staying away because you are mad at my mom.”
Both Malakai and Hayley’s eyes widened. They hadn’t expected Hope to mention that. A sigh passed Elizabeth’s lips.
Your Aunt Bex- A knock at the door stopped Elizabeth from saying whatever it was she was about to say. I have to go take care of a few things, okay?
“Okay.” Hope said into the phone.
Can you give your Uncle a message for me the next time you visit?
“Yes!” The saddened tone was replaced by excitement. If there was anything Hope loved, it was giving her family news about Elizabeth.
Tell him I’m sorry for disappearing on him. I’ll be there when I can, I promise. And that he doesn’t have to be so worried all the time. That had caused Hope to laugh at her words. I’ll talk to you again soon. Okay, Hope?
“Promise?” She asked with a smile on her face.
I promise.
Without another word, Elizabeth hung up the phone and Hope handed Malakai the phone. “I think everything is going to be okay.” Hope said with her smile still on her face as she looked at the two adults in front of her before practically running out of the room.
“Oh he is going to love that.” Malakai said with a slight roll of his eyes.
“This really has hurt her. ” Hayley mentioned as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees.
“Put yourself in her shoes, Hayley.” He said as he put his phone away. “You went out there trying to do everything you can to get your mate back, to come back empty handed. She had already been upset with the spell. But to have it thrown in her face minutes after coming back from that, it broke her.”
“I’ve had my fair share of doing things for the people that I loved. But you’re right, I was still to hard her about everything. It wasn’t fair to her when she has done so much to make sure Hope was safe this whole time.” Hayley shook her head. “There is no way to fix this is there?”
“I used to know Elizabeth like she was the back of my hand. But so many things have changed since I went into that coffin. She used to not hold a grudge on anything. But after what Aya had done to her and everything in between than and now, it’s hard to tell what she’s capable of anymore. The best thing to do is just give her some space. She’ll come around.”
“So what was so important that you had to step away?” Jax asked as Elizabeth came back to stand next to him.
“That falls out of your contract knowledge.” She said keeping her eyes on the team working away just beyond the window. “If it was something you needed to know, I would have had the conversation right in front of you.”
Jax chuckled. “So secretive. Eventually you wont care about sharing those secrets.”
Elizabeth scoffed. “Even without my humanity there are some things I would never share. You don’t care for my history. You only care about the pain you’ll be able to inflict and the research you’ll get.”
He smirked and looked over at her. “Even after all these years, you still don’t realize the full capability of what I can do.”
“And we both know that if I didn’t need this cure so badly, I never would.” She said never taking her eyes off what was in front of her.
“It’s only a matter of time.” He said as his smirk grew. “Then you’ll know exactly what I have planned.”
The words had made Elizabeth’s heart sink at hearing them. It didn’t help that the moment of fear that filled her happened the moment she felt Elijah’s presence.
Forgotten Alliance Tag: @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @winchestert101
As a reminder, this is a separate tag list for this series. If you would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know! ♥♥
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Out of the Vault: Story Time
STORY TIME This is not a work of fiction. TRIGGER WARNING: ACTIVE SHOOTER/THREAT. If you are sensitive to the topic, dont read. This is something I wrote for myself following a pretty intense situation at work. This was a few years ago but Im leaving out names and places on purpose, still. You hear a lot about active shooters in the media but they rarely cover active shooter threats, which can take a toll as well. I saw a news report once about schools in bad neighborhoods that have regular lock downs because of shootings in the surrounding neighborhoods are giving their students PTSD just trying to protect them.  I can see why. I don’t think I have PTSD, but I wont really know until I get another call like this.
I don’t think about it often. Sometimes, in the days after when the rest of the world started forgetting, I would remember it.
But most days, especially now, it was a distant nightmare. I was still a kid at the time, young and naive. I still lived in that bubble of ‘it will never happen to me’. Every close call solidified that bubble. The almost stabbing, the drug busts, the scrappy fist fights that always ended with someone getting snowed, fed the delusion. Somewhere in the middle of all of it, I knew that we were short staffed. That I shouldn’t be clearing buildings and parking lots and bathrooms with drug addicts overdosed on the floor, by myself. Most days, I didn’t even notice.
It makes you feel big, even when you’re not. 5′1″, I disappeared behind the desk at the stationary post without even trying. The other guards couldn’t get in the patrol car behind me without moving the seat back. But there was an adrenaline rush to it that made me feel like I could do this, no matter my size. I liked the work, it made me a piece of a larger puzzle.
“You better lock down the hospital, I’m coming to kill you all.”
12 words.
5 minutes before help arrived.
1 other guard.
6 buildings. 23 floors between all of them. 11 elevators. 2 pedways. A tunnel. 17 entrances.
9 parking lots.
43 employees. Roughly 100 patients.
5:30 a.m., all the doors have automatically unlocked.
We had no plan. We had no face to put to the voice. The operator who took the call was doubled over in a corner, crying. The House Supervisor was quiet. My coworker, always confident on the border of cocky, was at a loss for words.
“Do we take this threat serious.” The question hung in the air.
“We have to.” House said. And that was it. The horrible, terrible, unfair truth about threats. Bomb threats. Active Shooter threats. It didn’t matter.
Its real until it’s not.
I used to write about how adrenaline rushes make you numb to the pain. I slammed my hand in the first door, trying to get it to lock. I was at the end of a long hallway, outside the Emergency Room. It was the first external door I passed on the way into the rest of the hospital. I felt the pain in my hand, even though the adrenaline was pumping. My palms were sweaty, and I was out of breath. I had to jump up over and over, swiping at the off button before I could lock the door.
As I ran down the hall towards the surgery area, all I could think was ‘I should have started at the main lobby.’ These long hallways with nowhere to hide would have made me an easy target. One short, out of breath, underpaid and overworked guard with a thousand keys and blood dripping down her hand because she was clumsy and couldn't lock a door, target.
The surgery entrance door stands open when you turn off the box. I didn’t know that at the time. I could feel the seconds ticking by as I struggled with it. In hindsight, I should have just locked the inner door and been done with it. They were glass anyways, and definitely not bullet proof. Anyone who wanted to get in wouldn't have been deterred by glass.
By the time I hit the pedway, I felt sick. It had been 2 minutes since I had started locking down the hospital, something that we had no plan or procedure for. Somewhere between day surgery and the pedway, I started to get tunnel vision. I don’t remember my thought process for calling my husband, and I vaguely recall what I actually said on the voicemail. My words were kind of hard to make out over the sound of me running down a flight of stairs.
‘I love you. I’ll be home late. Don’t freak out, but we have a Code Black at East. I love you.’ It was all I could make out. The first time I listened to it, a few weeks after that day, all I could remember thinking was ‘this could have been the last thing he ever heard from me.’
When I reached the main lobby, I started moving people away from windows and down into hallways. Registration helped some, mostly with moving benches. No one really knew what to do. Someone brought me a printout. Cops had arrived, there was just 2 patrol cars parked outside the Emergency Department. More were coming. They traced the number and got an ID. I was expecting a mugshot, not a military ID. The grainy black and white photo did very little to help with identification. I was looking for a black man, in his early 20’s, of unknown height or weight, neither of which are listed. I stood by the door, vetting everyone that came in. More cops showed up, some in undercover vehicles, some off duty in their own cars. It became harder and harder to tell what was suspicious from what wasn’t. I think by that point, the paranoia had set in. Even if the cops had more info than I did, they would have had just as hard a time picking a non-descript black man out in a crowd.
A man in sweats approached the front door. He had walked past the off-duty cop parked in front. The cop started opening his door to get out, or at least that is what my brain saw. It could have been anything, or nothing. I didn’t know. It was the hoodie that caught me off guard. Baggy clothes conceal everything. His hood was up, hands in his pockets. I couldn’t see his face.
It played out like one of those dreams where you’re cornered and scrambling and trying to get the words out, but you can’t. I was shaking so hard I could barely hold the glass sliding doors as I tried to force them back together. He walked at a normal pace, at ease. There was nothing aside from the clothes and skin color to say that this was the caller, but I was terrified that it was, regardless of the statistics. Looking back, I must have looked like a mess. Here I was, shaky and out of breath, struggling to push together glass doors that didn’t actually lock to stop a potential shooter who would just break them down anyways instead of running away. My voice was gone, as was all the air in my lungs. I’ve seen videos, of cops shooting suspects that were already down because of adrenaline. It gets to be too much, and they start to twitch and accidentally pull the trigger. I imagine, this is what that would feel like. We’re all human, after all.
When he pulled out his hospital badge, I thought I might actually start crying from relief.
It was over in under 10 minutes, but I was still shaky 2 and a half hours later  when they found him and I was finally sent home.
People at work said that it wasn’t real, because nothing happened. People, mostly the other guards, who were called in and showed up after the site was swarming with law enforcement. We had half the police force, it seemed like, between the off duty and the incoming shift. State troopers were combing the surrounding interstates. Military police were waiting at the caller’s residency. But there was just the two of us for those first 5 minutes. Before police were there, before we had any answers. We had to pick and choose what entrances to lock because there was no way to lock them all. We ignored entire buildings because there was too much ground to cover. If he had been sitting in his car in the parking lot when he called, it wouldn’t have mattered if the cops were called or the military police involved.
I would have been a target for the uniform I wore. Patients might have been fine. Nurses, too. Doctors maybe. The floors would have gone untouched. But the two of us would have been shot at, even if he didn’t hit either one.
Troopers found the caller overdosed in his car 3 miles from the hospital. He had a gun, but only a handful of bullets. Even if he had shown up, he was too messed up to do anything and would have quickly been taken down. They gave him Narcan, and the Military police took him away. I found out later when I was looking over the list of charges that he had also called the fire department and told them the hospital was on fire and that they needed to evacuate us. Someone said he wanted pain pills and the doctor said no because he was a junkie, but I’m not really sure why he did it. It doesn’t really matter. He was sentenced to 15 years for the civil side of things and court marshaled for conduct by the military. He will spend the better part of the next two decades in a military prison serving two consecutive sentences. 15 years and then another 5 for the military.
The hospital had forgotten by shift change. I had been held over 15 and a half hours because of the lockdown. I would have gotten off at 6 a.m. that morning. When I came in the next night, no one really talked about it. I guess that means I did my job. My debriefing was 10 minutes, and didn’t cover anything, really. The hospital locked down the truth and smoothed things over with the local paper. They didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.
We were 3 miles and 5 bullets away from a Code Silver, active shooter.
But nothing happened so it wasn’t real, right?
Tags: @fanfiction-trashpile
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olaf-likeswarmhugs · 5 years
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Part 1 || Chapter Five: November 13
  A/N: So…how did Olaf end up in Swynlake?! The journey began months ago! Things sure are changing in the Icelandic Hollow, and the more they do, the more Olaf has to question. In this chapter: Things get worse  @huldufolk-hjarn​ ​CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR 
Olaf: hey sindri are you around?
Sindri: yES
Olaf: Hey! Olaf: how's it going
Sindri: it's okay Sindri: how are you
Olaf: I started my new talent placement which has been a very exciting thing! Olaf: lots of NEW
Sindri: that sounds really fun are you liking it?
Olaf: Yeah! Olaf: Im working in the clinic with the listening, nursing, and healing-talents. I get to greet everyone when they come in and say goodbye when they leave. And if they need it, that's when I can give em the ol super Olaf hug Olaf: its nice because i still get to see a lot of different fairies! Kinda weird to be in one place the whole day though haha
Sindri: olaf i'm sad
Olaf [deleted]: there's just this ONE thing i wanted to tell you about thats kinda WEIRD Olaf: you are? that's okay sindri. do you wanna talk about it?
Sindri: i don't know what's wrong but i think i just really miss you
Olaf: i miss you too sindri thats why i texted you Olaf: i was like frost there is just one person i want to talk to and its my best friend
Sindri: sorry you were still talking Sindri: do you like staying in once place all day?
Olaf: No no no i was just gonna ramble, if you need to talk about other stuff we can Olaf: our best friend senses were mutually activated haha
Sindri: i just really miss you olaf like a lot and i think i'm sort of crumbling apart Sindri: maybe i shouldn't have come here Sindri: what if leaving was a big mistake and i just need to go home
 Olaf [deleted]: you know, there is nothing wrong with admitting failure! coming home sounds GREAT Olaf: I don't think leaving could ever be a /mistake/ even if its maybe not what you thought ti was or it turns out you do have to come home. you definitely needed to leave, you worked really really hard to
Sindri: well i feel like an idiot Sindri: a lonely idiot
Olaf: you're not an idiot Olaf: you're the smartest and bravest fairy i know
Sindri: i need a hug
Olaf: ugh that is what i am BEST AT Olaf: :/
Sindri: i know
Olaf: ok im texting nemo to give u a hug from me Olaf: sindri do you think it would help if you moved into the hollow there??? Olaf: i mean i know its farther from the school and you'd have to work in the hollow but... Olaf: at laest you'd be closer to nemo! Olaf: and he'd give you your seven hugs!
Sindri: i don't know Sindri: i don't know anything right now
 Olaf: ://// Olaf: hey Olaf: I love you Sindri, you know that. and im so so so so proud of you. every day, i think about how lucky i am to have a best friend like you Olaf: i believe you're gonna save the whole planet, sindri i really do
Sindri: you're the best person i know olaf and i'm so proud of you too i really am and i'm so happy you learned what your talent is and that you're having fun
Olaf: yeah i am i am Olaf: haha this really weird thing happened tho lol Olaf: its kind of a long story so let me know if now isnt the best time!
Sindri: no you should tell me i'm gonna go see nemo so i can talk to you on the way
Olaf: AHHH GOOD IM SO GLAD 🤝  thats me shaking hands with nemo! Olaf: he's a good kid i like him a lot sindri u tell him that
Sindri: i will
Olaf: okay! sooo story time ahaha
Olaf: So you know how the clinic waiting area is technically for both the healing ward AND the listening ward? so thats kind of like my office! They might bring me a desk so it will be very official, but right now i just kinda sit in one of the chairs and if anyone seems upset, I ask them if they need anything, like water, or a hug (since hugs are what im best at) Olaf: soooo it kinda looks like im a weirdo just loitering around right now haha which is funny Olaf: also there are big stretches where i dont do anything at all. but thats okay too because i can just read, which is always a delight Olaf: anyway so i was actually reading at the time when guess what?? Olaf: the mums walked in! they were really shocked to see me because i guess they thought when i was assigned to the clinic, they thought id be in the /healing/ clinic, not the /waiting area/ haha
Sindri: wow your job sounds really fun Sindri: did you get to hug them did they need hugs Sindri: i miss your mums
Olaf: well that's the funny part because they definitely did haha  Olaf: they were there to see honeymaren, the listening talent! they've been going for MONTHS and never told me! Olaf: I was like MUMS what are you doing here?? and they were like, Olaf, we didn't know you were going to be here! Olaf: and i was like MUMS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE Olaf: and they were like welp gotta go to our appointment olaf talk to you later Olaf: and then we did talk and they might be breaking up Olaf: Weird!
Sindri: ...waht
Olaf: right! Olaf: Isnt that so bizarre??? Olaf: I'm very shocked
Sindri: are you okay
Olaf: I'm fine Olaf: Im confused Olaf: I think its crazy they didnt tell me they have been having problems for months and going to appointments behind my back, haha
Sindri: you're allowed to be not fine you knwo
Olaf: oh no im fine its fine Olaf: i mean they cant actually break up right Olaf: that would be LITERALLY insane haha
Sindri: they might though....right? that's what they said
Olaf: Right. but. they're the mums Olaf: They promised to be together Olaf: They Promised Olaf: you cant just break a Promise
Sindri: i'm so sorry this is happening olaf Sindri: i really hope they don't break up
Olaf: They cant, it just wont happen Olaf: They'll figure it out! I mean, you know my Mums, they love each other more than ANYTHING in the world
Sindri: yeah you're right Sindri: they will figure it out
 Olaf: yup! Olaf: whew Olaf: It has been a very long, weird day Sindri Olaf: If you were here, we could go to the evergreens and eat maple sticky nutcake
Sindri: that sounds fun i would love to do that with you
Olaf: yeah it does. Olaf: maybe i could fall thru a slush puddle for old times sake haha then u'd have to fly me home
Sindri: u made me cry again Sindri: in kind of a good way though
Olaf: oh good Sindri: i just love you
Olaf: i love you too Olaf: i kinda miss super slush puddle sindri and olaf tag team!
Sindri: me too lol
Olaf: right??? it was fun. really cold, but fun Olaf: i guess there's no use for a hugger though out on the puddles Olaf: Plus it wouldnt be AS fun without u
Sindri: yes there is! cold people need hugs too
Olaf: oh, true! Maybe I could ask Queen Iduna if she thinks i should do a field rotation
Sindri: you should!
 Olaf: yeah, i might Olaf: I should probably do this for more than a week first haha, get in the swing and all but Olaf: maybe after that i'll ask
Sindri: and you'll let me know how it goes right
Olaf: yeah definitely Olaf: hey just wondering, are you planning to come home at any point to visit
Sindri: i can't really afford to which is so stupid
Olaf: right yeah of course Olaf: I just didnt know if you were maybe thinking of saving up or something Olaf: not that you NEED to
Sindri: i've been trying to Sindri: i don't think i'll have enough for this winter break though
Olaf: right, thats fine! maybe for summer? Olaf: for my birthday? Olaf: or some other day haha
Sindri: I can try really hard to have it for your birthday Sindri: i'll work more shifts
Olaf: just dont overwork yourself
Sindri: i won't
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jessefandomunited · 5 years
i spy (Nathan x reader) part 9
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Heart racing I sped through the hallways calling for Nathan, it didn’t take me long to find him, because he seemed to be listening at the end of the hall. He grabbed my arm as I sped by and looked at me confused, “ What was that?” I was in such a happy mood I didn’t notice the hurt in his eyes at first . “ Nathan… what..whats wrong,” I said , my joy starting to drain out of me. “ That whole phone call, about you and us, what’s going on,” He asked . A smile began to creep across my face , “ do you really want to know?” “ Yes , that is why I asked,” He huffed, pouting a bit. I chuckled and began dragging him back to his hideout. He went along reluctantly and I even noticed a slight smirk appear on his lips. We settled ourselves back down in the places we were sitting only moments ago, however this time, I felt free, unfiltered. “ Everything I am about to tell you is highly classified, if you speak  word of this to anyone outside of our group you could be killed, you get me,” I said urgently. Nathan chuckled, “ okay sure.”  “ This isn’t a joke,” I insisted and his face dropped a bit, “ I wont, I give you my word love.” I nodded curtly and sighed, “ gosh….where do I begin. Well…I guess I’ll start at the beginning, but I’ll try to make it quick because I really need some sleep before I get my to work.” I was speaking faster and my hands were starting to shake , like I was about to do something terrible. I forced the feeling back and pressed on, “ I don’t remember my parents much, I was so young when I was taken to the orphanage. I can’t remember anything about them. I don’t remember much about my time in the orphanage either, my therapist said that it’s probably due to trauma, which is definitely possible, but I haven't pushed the possibility that they did something to my head. Anyways, when I was about ten, the orphanage worker excitedly tells me I’m being adopted by this lovely family. I didn’t buy that for a second. The couple looked like a cookie cutter image of how a mom and dad should look, something was up, but I just let it happen, I was ten and wanted to get out of there. After that moment, my training began, I was to be a secret agent.” I paused for a moment and looked up briefly at Nathan, I was wondering if he actually believed me. He just looked stunned, not smirking like I thought he’d be. Afraid that he would burst out laughing , I continued, “ Basically I was a bit of an experiment to them. They injected me with some serums making me stronger, quicker, and smarter. They kept it up for the first couple years, I got these injections once a month, till they saw no more improvement, also Hal insisted they stop. After the injections I began to get sick and I couldn’t focus properly, it wasn’t doing any more good. I was so lucky Hal was there because if he wasn’t I think they would have kept going till I died. Anyways , aside from that they taught me a bunch of stuff id need to know working in the field, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and so on.  They also made me do physical training every day, they worked me until I literally could not move. Hal was the only friend I had, then, they introduced me to Jack.” My throat instantly closed up as I said his name. I don’t think I had said his name out loud since my last therapy session , over two weeks ago. I took a few deep breaths, pressing the palms of my hands over my eyes, a trick I used to keep the tears from falling. “ Crystal…you don’t have to keep going if you don’t want to. I’m an obnoxious twat, “ He chuckled weakly , “ I don’t need to know.” I shook my head slowly , placing my hands in my lap, “ you are an obnoxious twat , but you were also the main person that actively reached out to me. You consistently wanted to know about me and honestly, I’d love nothing more than to tell you everything, were a lot alike believe it or not. I want to tell you everything I can. “ I looked down and tried to compose myself. As I did Nathan gently grabbed my hand and whispered, “ when you’re ready love.” I smiled , I couldn’t believe this was the same guy that was trying to get into my pants every minuet. I gave his hand a light squeeze and said a gentle thank you before continuing, “ I was thirteen when they introduced me to jack.” They were trying the same serum thing on him and decided to pair us up for missions and see how it do.  Oh we hated each other at first, were were both sarcastic ass holes and we tried to push each others buttons every chance we got. However, after a few life threatening situations, we began to get closer. This was our whole world, we knew nothing different. We were outcasted in the agency. The other agents saw us as freaks and the higher ups just treated us like lab rats, aside from Hal of course.We were okay with it, we were all the company we needed. Then a month ago, everything changed.” I stumbled over the retelling of the fire, me wishing I could follow my partner in to death, Hal rescuing me, my recovery, then I just stopped. I don’t even remember what I was saying but something just snapped inside of me and I just stopped talking. I blinked a few times, breaking myself out of the daze I had fallen into . I looked up at Nathan , slightly scared at what his expression might be. As my eyes met his I saw surprise and sadness , he opened his mouth and stuttered, “ I don’t know what to say.” I chuckled weakly, “ you don’t need to, you listened to me, that’s more than I could have ever asked for.” I noticed a bit of pain in his eyes, I could tell that he was struggling with the idea that there was nothing more he could do. I slowly dropped his hand and stood up so I could stretch, I felt exhausted , all that emotional baggage had drained the life out of me. Nathan got up as well and looked at me for a minuet, then shook his head and pulled me into a tight hug. I just stood there in shock, I couldn’t remember the last time someone had given me a hug, it was warmer than I expected. Timidly , I brought my arms around him, resting my head on his chest listening to his rapid heart beat. “ I swear, “ Nathan rasped, a slight hitch in his voice as if he was trying not to cry, “ I am going to do everything in my power to help you.” I was so touched by his words, so shocked, that I didn’t know what to do. I just pulled back gently so I could look into his eyes, there was so much pain. I smiled softly and placed a hand on his cheek, “ I appreciate it love but unfortunately , there isn’t much you can do, I have to do this on my own. Now I need to get a bit of sleep we can talk more tomorrow alright?” He nodded and said, “ here.” He pulled back the covers to his bed . I shrugged and kicked off my shoes before climbing in, I was too exhausted to protest. After I got in, Nathan followed. “ Woh buddy ,” I mumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “ Im…..im not going to do anything, i…I just want to feel like I’m protecting you in some way even if I cant,” he stammered. My heart twisted I just couldn’t say no, “ alright love…goodnight.” “ Good night,” He whispered. I closed my eyes feeling comforted by the sound of Nathans gently breathing and the beating of his heart, soon enough I fell into a deep sleep.
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**update**and happy fall ;) guidelines
im going to reschedule my blog time. i will delete the app from my tablet because it makes me obsessively refresh and feel like its broken in some way. when its not.
ive been only realizing this now but i had close to 1000 subs (even tho most of them inactive or moved or personal blog who followed me once and idk stayed?) and now i  have 800 something. its not the number that bothers me but the fact that these are all those nasty nude girl bot blogs... i really dont care about the number since i myself follow like 30 ppl at most
i checked the last 3 month activity  and in june i had 50 reblogs on threads which is not too shabby in july i had 28 in august i had 5 (granted  i was off for like two weeks) and since the beginning of september i had 9 (i also counted in the inbox replies i did) 
i dont know how anyone is with it but i follow very few people and i even go back to the day before and recognize where my dash was when i went to bed. its compulsive and its bad because i get myself hyped up then i feel shit when i scroll past so many threads that has nothing to do with me. and im not about that. im about the fun and im glad others are having fun. i also remember sending out memes but dont remember to whom and how many. if it was excessive im sorry and if yall dont feel like answering just drop it and delete it.  same goes for threads if you wont feel like something anymore tag me into a thread drop post and the thread and ill just like it and stop waiting on it. 
and this is me saying literally that i have nothing better to do then sit and refresh when i could be (and should be tbh) doing something else. im not being negative about it but i feel like its pointless for me to reblog inbox meme compilations and the like. 
it starts to feel like less as a hobby then a device to torture myself because even over extended period of time i dont get anything. and when i do its unhealthy how hyped i get about it and drop everything i do to reply. 
i think about my ships even though i wait sometimes months for a thread to move forward. i dont lack in ideas and even tried to do just drabbles but i got scared of those even because i think what if the other party will think i interpret their muse in a way they wont portray and drop me completely. (i did get shit for that a long time ago) 
i dont write headcanons even though i think of them often because most of my muses dont even get requested and if by some miracle i get to try them out its literally 3 notes in and never hear from the new partner again. also if i do introduce myself to new blogs i follow and ive stressed this before so many times.... if i get ignored i get pissed. i get pissed if someone follows me then i follow them back and even chat them up and they ignore me unfollow me (without my dumbass noticing because im not about the numbers) and i like their starter call because they are still on my dash and then they spat out a “mutuals only” message i loose my cool. 
i love the people i regularly play with and the reason why im so hesitant to even accept new followers or follow someone when the mood strikes is exactly because im at the end of my rope here. i dont want to hate coming on here because new people ruin my experience and then my friends who actually do bomb threads with me have to deal with my sour ass because others pissed me off. 
 so long story short;
*dont expect me to give you more than 3 weeks waiting time to interact and get something going on if you are new,  * ill come online once a week do all my replies put them into queue and maybe at the most lurk and reblog pictures tagging my partners whos ship it may concern * i wont reblog inbox one liner meme anymore. its pointless and just makes me get upset with myself. (although i will participate in tags if someone tags me) that being said my inbox is open (and empty) and everyone is welcome (yes anon is also welcome) * i wont put out and wont like starter calls. those are the things that break my spirit the most. i dont need a starter to have 3 notes in and never continued.  * i WILL literally drop a thread if i write an extensive reply and get like at the maximum 3 lines of reply. that is the biggest disrespect in my book and im done making exceptions even if we are years long partners. its just rude and you can move your brain a little to write more than a paragraph.  * i WILL block you if you ask for a starter and let it sit after 3 notes in because fuck you thats why. 
i hope you all have a lovely day or night wherever you are , stay safe and stay hydrated. eat fruits and sleep lots.  💝
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