#also i hope it's okay to tag you your tags violently reminded me of that joke and i had to share my thoughts on it
wizard-hubris · 1 year
#also the whole the gods never did anything for me thing that keeps happening#not to be rude but did you ever try to contact them or did you just think they would randomly intercede#if you avoid their spheres of influence don’t be shocked if they also avoid you
these tags by @wackachewbacca on this post reminded me of a German saying/joke I’ve heard in Cologne once. I didn’t want to derail the original post too much, so here’s my own. Anyway, the joke goes: “A man prays to God everyday, ‘please, God, let me win the lottery.’ Every day: ‘please, God, let me win the lottery.’ Every week, every day: ‘I didn’t win the lottery again. Oh why, God? Please, please let me win the lottery!’ One day, finally, he hears a voice answer his prayer. It sounds very tired as it says ‘Come on, pal, give me a chance. Buy a ticket.’ ”
And this feels very much exactly like what is described in the tags and I agree completely. Pointedly not talking about Deanna and her understandably complex relationship with the Dawnfather (which is very very delicious and I love every second it’s onscreen) here, because that’s not what I mean. Complicated relationships between Gods and their followers are interesting and a great exploration (also see pretty much everything re: FCG since they started following the Changebringer), but those are decidedly not the people ever going “What have the gods ever done for me?” It’s so far mostly been people that say themselves “Oh no, I don’t really have anything to do with the gods”. If they indicated that they worshipped one or some of the Exandrian gods for a significant time and then felt snubbed when they asked for help and didn’t receive any, I might understand their point a bit more (even if the matter would probably be more complicated). But as it is, it’s like if the guy in the joke wouldn’t even pray to his god to get a lottery ticket, it’s just a person randomly going “Well, the gods certainly never helped ME win the lottery” after hearing that someone wants to dispose of the gods.
And yes, they’re engaging the whole thing in the show with a bit more nuance than I probably give them credit for here, but combined with the number of times the same arguments get brought up without anything new (or even old valid) points to back it up, it gets a bit much for me. Especially with how exhausting the fandom can be about this topic.
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tinandabin · 1 year
Sagau but the reader is the ACTUAL creator part 3
Part 2 part 4
ngl, I was kind of scared to post this cause there were so many people to tag 😭😭
It's been what? 2 days? A week? Or perhaps a month without seeing you. The Vision Hunt Decree got stricter, they now used more violent methods to seize the vision under Ei's command. Ei hasn't left Plane Of Euthymia ever since she last heard your voice, all she does is meditate and drown herself in her sorrow.
Morax isolated himself, busying himself in the Wangshen Funeral Parlour, it is rare to see him even talk about Osmanthus wine now. He's trying his best to not think of you, but his mind just can't help but wander to your lovely face.
All Barbatos does is spend his time away at the tavern, drinking away till he no longer can. Drinking as much as he can so he can forget about his miserable life without you.
Oh, how long till they get to see you? Are you really doing all this for a mere mortal? Are they of such value to you? Would you place a mortal above them, your devoted acolytes? This is too cruel for their poor souls, they rather would die a hundred times, no, a thousand times than spend another second without seeing you. They can't live like this. They need you.
"Um-uh, Your Grace, I was wondering if we could go to..Liyue? I would like to sight-see, if that is okay with you," The girl, whose name you found out is Revelyn, asked.
You found out that Revelyn doesn't really have any family, if she did then you would have returned her there. However, she grew up in an orphanage and then was left to fend for herself when she was old enough. You had even initiated the idea of her returning to the mortal realm, but she says she is too scared, for everyone probably hates her, I mean, they took their Divine Creator's attention away from them.
"Hesitate not dear, Seraphina will escort you," You replied, reading some documents and quickly filling out some slots.
Revelyn's body tensed up as she responded swiftly, "I was wondering whether you could come with me!" She ended with a loud huff, both of you surprised at her outburst.
"Oh, I do apologise; however I do not seem to have any free time today," You glanced at your clock and started to skim over the documents again.
"..I see, that's fine. We can go another day," Revelyn slowly got up and took her leave from your office.
Just as you were about to get up, you saw a letter settled neatly upon your desk. Opening it, you read it.
“Hello, Your Divinity, how are you? It has been quite a long time since I last saw you. You make me worried sick, I will not lie.
As for why I am contacting you, ever since you declared the punishment of the archons, Ei hasn't come out of Plane Of Euthymia and it looks like she is slipping into insanity.
As her familiar, it is my duty to make sure she is in her best state, no? I was perhaps hoping for you to end her punishment and we could also have some tea together.
Your Dearest,
Yae Miko ♡. ”
You settled the letter on a stack of books and smiled to yourself, noticing Yae Miko's little attempt to spend time with you. Oh well, you might as well amuse yourself.
That reminds you, didn't Revelyn want to go to Liyue? Let's hope she is fine heading to Inazuma. Inazuma sure is a beautiful place on its own, dangerous nonetheless.
Perhaps you have been too cruel on your acolytes? Ah, let's hope they learnt their lesson.
taglist: @shizunxie @dearloonies @iruiji @yani-dere @kiraisastay @fauxizs @salvationprodigy @thetruepair @lunalily19
do y'all like revelyn? I feel like making her the enemy somewhat. the archons vs revelyn who will win.
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Okay this idea has been bugging me for a while. And I was scrolling through tags, searching who seems fitting for an idea like this. Taskforce 141 x reader that has a succubus tattoo and their reaction to it. I'm quite bad at being detailed about my idea, but just basically their reaction to it when they happen to see the tattoo in any situation you really want. Pants happen to be low and reader lifts their arms, which lifts the shirt etc. Or in a sexy situation or working out.
Idk how to make requests but would love to see you write this idea out. Not a must, ya can choose and change things. Male, female, gender neutral, you can choose
Kvinnlig Demon (SWE: Female Demon)
A/N: O-K, best friend. I see you, and I'm liking this. Kind of reminds me of the tattoo request I did a while back, click here if you wanna read it. I'm gonna make the reader as gender neutral as I can, but it may lean towards femme. This is so good, I love this idea so much. I couldn't find a tattoo that was specifically a succubus but I found these really cool womb tattoos that I liked, but I was thinking that our reader had a little bigger one that extended out to their hips as well. idk. I hope you like this Pinterest Link - Image Link This may also be a little longer than my other requests, but I really liked writing this.
Warnings: Sexual themes & innuendos; past mention of sex in many forms, including but not limited to mention of sexual assault; maybe some cursing; big burly military men being all hot and bothered
Task Force 141 (Price, Simon, Johnny, Kyle) x Reader with a womb tattoo - featuring Kate Laswell
Master List (Tag List at the bottom)
(This has mention of themes regarding sex and sexual assault, if this is uncomfortable or you are under 18, please stop at this point and do not read)
You were not one to parade your tattoos everywhere, but like a lot of people in the military, you had them, and just like everyone, you had a past. And similarly to this you worked with, you had a past. Albeit, your past was perhaps a little more... sexually violent... than others.
You were young, you were free, but you were seventeen and he was twenty-seven. He was so sweet to you, he took care of you, he let you sleep over on that bare mattress with his three other roommates - who sometimes liked to watch and participate.
But you were never the same after that night when the four of them pounced on you. And for the next two and a half years until your nineteenth birthday, you'd nearly destroyed yourself countless times in an effort to redeem and reclaim yourself. You found two ways: (1) Tattoo therapy, and (2), meeting Kate Laswell.
Your first tattoo had been on your lower stomach and around your hips. It was special to you. You'd thought it'd help you redirect your hyper-sexuality that had developed over time. Kate Laswell helped you get justice for what had happened to you, under one condition: you let her take you under her wing to help you and mentor you. Helping you re-direct your anger, frustration, and hyper-sexuality into something more efficient - in healthy ways. You were truly appreciative of Kate Laswell for helping you cope with what happened to you.
You'd eventually proved yourself useful to the CIA and the military in aiding as a spy and tracker to help bring down human trafficking rings. Eventually you found yourself working alongside Captain John Price and his team. You served well as a spy, because who knew better than you how easily lust and sex can influence a person to reveal information. At first they didn't know what to make of you, but Kate was smart, and so was you.
Over time, you'd had added on to your tattoo, adding various shades of pinks and reds, encasing your body in soft and gentle line-work that begun from your lower stomach and pubic mound. And it would prove useful for a particular mission that needed you to play a part.
All six of you being stuck in a small two-bedroom apartment, it was hard to get personal space. Laswell and Price prepared for briefing in the kitchen. Kyle and Ghost prepared weapons and wires and bugs in one of the bedrooms. Johnny went with you to pick up the the clothes for you to wear. Everything fit in two medium sized paper bags.
"That's it?" Johnny scratched the back of his head as you paid for the clothes and the cashier simply pulled out the two bags from under the counter and handed it to you.
"That's it, Mac," You chuckled at him and the two of you headed back to the apartment. Johnny couldn't help but try and sneak a peak inside the bags, the only thing he could see was something pink.
Once the two of you got back into the apartment, you went into the other bedroom to get ready. Kate filled you in as you got dressed, as Price filled in Johnny. Kate sat on the bed, reading out loud from a tablet as you had stripped nude, taking out the light pink lingerie and hot pink dress. You'd put on the lingerie and tried to figure out how to put on the dress when someone knocked on the bedroom door.
"It's Price."
"Come in," You'd called out. Kate kept her eyes focused on the tablet as Price opened the door. He started talking, but the abruptly stopped when he saw you in the lingerie. You'd stood upright, facing him as you continued to try and untangle the scrappy pink dress in your hands, "You good, Cap?"
Captain Price's face had turned a dark red and he immediately looked down and closed the door enough to where he could still speak to the both of you. He cleared his throat before speaking in a low voice, "Erm, L/N. Laswell. We're almost ready out here. Let me know when you're ready."
"Hey, are you ok, Cap?" You'd somehow appeared by the door, your body taking up the gap that Price had left in an attempt to close the door. His hat hung low over his brow as he tried to keep his eyes from wandering down to your bosom, down to your waist, and a little further down to your dark pink tattoos. He would've missed them if they didn't contrast in color with the light pink lingerie you had on.
He lingered longer than he should've, relishing in your appearance. You knew this. You enjoyed his attention. But you also had a lot of respect for the man, as soldier, as a captain - he knew how to look but not touch.
"I'm alright, L/N. Ye almost ready?" A small smirk started to grow on the Captain's face. You recognized a smirk like that a mile away and opened up the door ever so slightly to give him a better view.
"Yeah, almost ready Cap. Just a few more minutes, do I need anything under the dress?"
"Kyle and Simon will have that for you, Y/N. You need anything from us?" He couldn't deny that you had an effect on you, and the tattoos that were oh so close to your core weren't helping his case either. Maybe it was for the better that he could only look, but not touch.
"Nope, I'll be right out." You winked at him and went back to the bed and picked up the dress. Price lingered a few seconds longer, committing your tattoos and the smell of cherries from your perfume to memory, then went back to the other bedroom to let Simon and Kyle know that you were almost ready for wires.
Kate followed behind and went to Johnny as he kept watch by the window, holding a day old newspaper in his hand that he was pretending to read it. He saw you walk out of the bedroom and stood in the hallway in the pink lingerie he saw in the bag, then swallowed hard. He didn't know if he should keep looking out the window, actually read the news paper, or look at you.
Johnny knew you had tattoos, but this was the first time he'd seen the full extent of them. You caught him staring and smirked at him, "You like what you see, Mac?"
"Ye look fine, bonnie lass," Johnny cleared his throat and shook the news paper in his hand, trying to calm his heart beat.
"Just fine?" You teased.
Johnny's eyes were barely above the newspaper, nearly boring eyes into your head, then slowly moved down your body. He could swear you shifted your body so that he could get a better view of you. Like Price, he committed the tattoos on your lower stomach to memory, enjoying how they danced on your body as you moved and how they interacted with the lingerie you had on. He wondered if they hurt. He wondered what they'd feel like under his fingers.
You had to admit, you liked his accent, you thought it was hot. The first time you met him, you told him his accent was hot and you could see his mind unravel in his eyes. It was also from that point on that he'd let you call him 'Mac' - and he'd only let you call him that. To you, he was 'Mac', to everyone else, he was 'Soap' - and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Before Johnny could answer, the closed bedroom door opened, revealing Kyle in the doorway. You turned around, and you were honestly almost caught by surprise by how close he was to you, "Kyle! You ready for me?"
Kyle was most certainly caught off guard. Sure, he'd seen plenty of women in lingerie, visited a few strip clubs on certain nights, and flipped through a few old Play Boy magazines, but he'd never expected you.
In light pink lingerie.
Covered in dark pink tattoos that begun from your lower stomach and womb, and turned a lighter pink as it spread to your hips and abdomen.
Kyle was the only one who hadn't seen any of your tattoos. And now he saw them all at once. You could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat, his eyes moving quickly between your body and your eyes, his face growing warm.
He made his voice low and moved to the side, "Y-Yeah..."
"Oh good," You tapped the man's shoulder as you walked inside. The way you smelled like cherries was the only other thing on his mind as he watched you walk inside the bedroom. He made eye contact with Johnny, whose eyes were just as wide as his - both of them could feel the restraints in their pants. Kyle could barely process the sight of you as he turned back around, seeing you stand in front of Simon as he began attaching wires and small trackers to your lingerie that would be eventually hidden by your dress, which had been placed on the bed.
You liked Kyle. He was sweet. He tended to have a little attitude but you thought it was cute. You told him he was cute when he was angry once, and he was at such a loss for words. He couldn't look at you for the rest of the day. You had to stand so very close to him that your chest almost touched him and ask him if he was ok. He knew you were doing it on purpose, but he wouldn't dare let his thoughts of you go beyond thoughts.
Kyle noticed something. Simon's hands. They were shaking. Putting wires on somebody shouldn't take so long, but Kyle knew why. They all knew: Y/N was having her fun with them.
Simon couldn't focus. He was sitting on the bed when you came in, and you immediately stood in front of him, "You ready for me, Simon?"
Cherries. Was all he could think of. That's what you smelled like. You heard Simon swallow hard, and you were pretty sure Kyle heard it too. Simon had his mask on, but you could tell from the way that his eyes quickly darted between you and the wires. And his hands trembling ever so slightly as he brought up the wired to your hip.
"Lift the band for me," He asked in a low voice.
"Like this?" You lifted the band of your panties ever so slightly so he could attach a small tracker the size of a dime on the inside. His hands touched your soft skin and it took everything in his power to not engulf you with his whole body.
You were working together. You had a mission. This was a mission.
But you were so close to him. Out of all four members of Task Force 141, Simon was the only one who'd been this close to you and seen your tattoos up close. He doesn't know what came over him, but he was sure that if he licked the dark pink tattoo on your lower stomach, it'd taste like candied cherries. He was sure of it.
He cursed under his breath when he dropped the little chip in his lap and tried to re-attached him.
"Is the material too soft, Simon? I have another set I can put on."
Simon could barely look up at you, then shook his head, "No, it's fine. These are just so small." Both Kyle and Johnny heard it too. Both of them collectively curse in their minds.
Maybe they'd see her in the other set? What did it look like? Was it pink also?
Once finished, you stepped away from Simon and examined yourself in the mirror. Simon had hidden the wires and trackers well and could breathe again.
Price appeared in the doorway again, asking if you were ready, keeping his hat low as he watched you slip into the dress.
"Just about, just need an extra hand-" You held the dress up and walked up to Price, turned around and moved your hair to the side, waiting for him to help you zip up your dress.
Simon, Kyle, and Johnny looked at you and Price with wide eyes. They'd never seen their Captain so... tense. Price was almost afraid to touch you. His hands felt clammy. He swallowed hard and wiped his hands on his pants before carefully zipping up your dress. His hands were so warm against your skin. He cursed internally when he saw that your tattoos extended from your lower abdomen, around your hips, and crept up your lower back.
The things you've done to these men. The thoughts that have crossed their minds. You looked up at Price ask asked if he was done.
God, he'd never imagined he'd see you from this angle. You looked almost angelic, but he knew-
Captain Price knew, there was something a little more in your eyes that made him question how angelic you really were. And Lord help him with how badly he wanted to find out how much you would actually wreck him.
Tag List
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81 @thanksbutno98 @gabriellathegreat @kult6 @loadedberetta @sarahs-secrets2 @whore4dilfs @addy3114 @ollie71526483 @blueoorchid
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Could I request the vice housewardens + Ruggie play fighting with the reader, is there a certain way they initiate if they play fight at all? Do they smack talk? I NEED TO KNOW
Also don't forget to drink water and consume your fruits and veggies 💛
This request made me so happy and it was hilarious to think about someone fighting a bunch of cryptids for fun. Anyway yes absolutely I hope this if acceptable and thank you for reminding me, I am currently drinking water now
Okay so the vice housewardens (or second in commands, which is more accurate) are the feistiest group at NRC. They are all shady or ready to deck someone which makes me think that it’s simply a trait housewardens look for. I’d imagine they all play-fight, but where and how varies greatly. Also the tags look so gnarly but I swear none of them are that violent
Hit me with your best shot
Characters: Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho, Lilia, Floyd (mentioned)
Tw// fighting, violence, drowning (mentions), biting, hunting, Rook typical behavior, Leech typical behavior, food, bruises/marks, blood mention
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Definitely a play fighter in the casual way.
Most likely to poke at you, smack you with a pillow, throw something at you, etc.
He’s probably the second gentlest in this regard because he’s human and not training to beat the fuck out of someone
When you play fight it’s probably because one of you is being snippy after a long day of dealing with other peoples bullshit.
You aren’t likely to end up actually injured or bruised or anything, but you may end up wrestling on the floor of Trey’s room or smacking each other with pillows.
He’s an older brother so he knows restraint but the urge to pull hair and smack the shit out of someone is strong.
Instead he just pins you to the ground and dramatically lays on you to keep you there
You guy definitely have a food fight.
Not like, with finished dishes or anything, but in a ‘I dropped some ice from the freezer and instead of kicking it under the fridge, we’re playing ice soccer in the kitchen at 3 am’ kind of way.
Or sometimes when you have leftover frosting from a cake he’s made you end up flinging it at each other.
If you ever cover his mouth he will lick it and give you an evil smirk
His trash talk is somehow both very good and very bad at the same time.
He gets into it but he also uses stupid insults like “you’re a poopface” mostly because he wants you to know he’s joking because onetime he called riddle an asshole and he cried so now he’s careful
Please take a boxing class with him you two would have so much fun
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Initiates by walking up and biting your shoulder or sometimes just shoving you and running.
If you accept playfighting him at least once be prepared he’s going to do it a lot.
He has so much pent up aggression.
Half of the fighting is smack talk and boy does he have a MOUTH.
Hopefully you have thick skin because otherwise when he says shit like “you look like a gazelle ass fucked a cactus” you might actually cry
Definitely rougher when he plays.
Expect claw marks, bites, bruises, and sore limbs when you’re done fighting.
Try to ignore the stares you get from everyone when they see a bite mark on your shoulder because how do you explain you didn’t do that you were actually just beating the shit out of each other
He will start a fight literally anywhere and you two probably go at it for at least an hour before he gives up
If he ends up drawing blood he’s frantically making sure you’re alright and patching you up
Probably play fights with you as warmup for spelldrive practice.
This entails him coming to your room, pouncing on you to wake you up, then maniacally laughing when you fight him off with a scowl.
But on the bright side, he brought you breakfast (Leona paid for it, shhh) so it wasn’t for nothing
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Jade isn’t one to play fight normally, he has a reputation to keep up.
So he won’t usually initiate that.
If you start to goad him into it, he just gives you a menacing smile then turns you over to Floyd to play like that.
If you still insist on playing with him, he will literally just pick you up and sling you over his shoulder until you promise to stop.
Then he drops you on the ground.
Now, that’s how it goes on land, anyway. But in water? Hooboy, hope you can hold your breath.
Jade’s third favorite thing to do is drag people underwater (the first two are hiking in the mountains and teasing Azul) and luckily for you, he remembers just how much you like play fighting!
And since Jade’s in the water, chances are Floyd is too.
They rarely do fun things without each other.
So now you’re going to be fighting for your life from two mischievous mer-eels.
Jade wears a darkly serene expression as he asks you whatever could be the matter and Floyd looks like he’s won the fucking jackpot when you surface from getting dragged into the water with them
You will not win this playfight, because there is little distinguishing it from a real one.
The only difference is that they aren’t actually trying to harm you, but you probably won’t realize that when Jade repeatedly drags you under water to see how long you can hold your breath, trapping your legs with his tail.
He finds the way you beat at him with your fists pretty adorable, which is lucky because that means you won’t drown today!
You will receive 0 aftercare from him for this traumatic experience, but he may invite you to do it again.
Don’t accept it’s a tr-
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You’re not so much play-fighting Jamil as you’re training with him.
Which is probably good, it means there’s rule and a time limit.
Anyway, most of his comments are half trash talk and half trying to get a rise out of you.
Very “is that the best you’ve got?”
Sparring with him is fucking exhausting so you likely do it mostly in the evenings or when Jamil is training some other students.
Sometimes he gets way too into it and ends up mixing breakdance moves and martial arts to kick your ass.
He has knocked your feet out from under you before and he will do it again
Moves so confidently and quickly you think he might moonlight as an assassin
Chances are you’re not gonna beat him, he’s got years of experience, but you’re getting stronger and faster when you’re with him.
If he ends up hitting you too hard he apologizes quickly and you don’t usually have many bruises due to the fact he makes you wear padding and you spar on a mat
Dude can totally take a hit so you don’t really have to hold back (he prefers if you don’t, it tests him more)
so don’t be afraid to smack him around.
Genuinely appreciative of you doing this with him and makes sure to let you know every time you take up his offer to practice together
He repays you buy providing you with snacks light on the stomach after you’re done working out together, usually some lightly chilled water and a piece of fruit.
Also sends you home with leftovers of whatever he made for dinner that night
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Hahahaha….oh dear lord. So listen, there’s two types of play fighting.
There’s the one you initiate, then there’s the one he initiates.
One of them is fun!
The other is straight from a horror movie
If you initiate, he’s happy to indulge, and he hits a littler harder than he means to sometimes but overall it’s pretty chill.
You two end up chasing each other around campus, playing what could be described as a really intense, violent game of tag.
By the time you’re done, you’re both covered in dirt of mud and have sticks and leaves sticking to you.
If he initiates, please don’t take his offer.
This is the scary one.
His version of play fighting is chasing you through the woods behind campus with a bow and arrow and yelling vague threats about “ahh, you’re close! I can almost smell you~” and occasionally shooting an arrow that is ENTIRELY TOO CLOSE for comfort.
If he catches up to you - or just decides this is the right moment - he’s tackling you to the ground.
He’ll tease you for losing before attacking you with tickles, the most terrifying of all weapons.
So maybe it isn’t scary in the end, since he was never gonna hurt you, but running through the forest with nobody nearby except for a guy armed with a long ranged weapon is absolutely terrifying, and there’s always the slim chance he misses….
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Gentlest of the list.
He’s more sure how much pressure to apply when play fighting, so it mostly ends up being pillow fights, or something else that’s soft.
Poking, bumping into you, very very gentle punching, that’s all on the table.
If you try to initiate, Idia will get very pissed.
All of his internal components are extremely sensitive, you can’t just smack him! And besides that, he’s tiny, and his brother! Why would you do this?
Idia is genuinely terrifying when his entire attention is focused on you, and hes pissed.
The flames of his hair are growing and flickering wildly as his gold eyes glare down into yours.
The only thing that calms him down is when Ortho begs him to
So you don’t really get to physically play fight with him anymore, but you do get to game together.
With Idia’s supervision.
He’s not going to be letting Ortho around you anymore since you decided to fight a literal innocent child
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I’m fairly certain that play fighting is Lilia’s love language.
He loves to beat the shit out of people.
Least gentle next to Jade, because he will literally grab you and throw you in the air.
You’re not in danger, but his awareness of the human limits is limited, unlike Jade.
Probably isn’t a fan of shit-talking in person, but definitely does it when he’s gaming late at night.
Probably play fight in the Diasomnia lounge.
There’s an audience there to watch you get your ass kicked by an old man, as well as to see you fling the five foot nothing bat across the room.
Most intense play fighting imaginable.
He’s a big fan of flipping people and literally just throwing people around.
He’s completely fine with people doing it back to him, he finds it fun.
Playing with him is like trying to fight black widow, except if you call for a time out he’ll let you.
Silver and Sebek both try and warn you not to do this.
They literally trained with him as children they know he does not fuck around.
You ignore their advice and end up with a broken leg and a bowl of Lilia’s soup.
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𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝, 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝟏.𝟎𝟔 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Standard The 100 Warnings! It's a violent and heavy show and that will be represented in here x
𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: The ground was toxic. That's what they'd told you all your life. Now you find yourself falling from the sky, and learning to survive on the ground with 99 other delinquents and 1 fake guard wasn't going to be easy.
𝐀/𝐍: Thank you everyone here and on AO3 for the support in this! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and let me know if you'd like to join the little tag list I've got going <3
Also, requests for the 100 are absolutely open, it's probably my favorite thing to write for so don't be shy!
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @hftff-lol @nikki1dxx @darkcrystal-wolf
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Everyone around you is sleeping soundly, and you wished that you could join them. Your eyes would droop on their own accord and you'd have to pinch the skin of your wrist to keep yourself awake as Clarke worked methodically on your shoulder, rewrapping the bandages Bellamy had done a pretty dodgy job with.
In his defense though, he was only working with what was given to him by Clarke, and he was by no means the camps designated doctor. It was the thought that counts, you remind yourself as you wince.
"Sorry." Clarke mumbles, looking up at you.
"It's fine."
The canvas tent beside you swings upward and you wince again, this time from the glare of the torch Bellamy held in his hand as he looked at you and Clarke, eyes wide. Something was wrong.
"You're up?" He asks. Clarke stands up, brushing her hands off on her pants as she steps outside and you follow her, pulling your jacket over your shoulders. Not only was it freezing outside, but you knew Bellamy would only be eaten by guilt if he had to keep looking at your bandages.
"Yeah." Clarke says. "Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep."
"Raven's flares will work." He says, convinced.
"Yeah well the radio would've worked better." You say, crossing your arms against your chest as his eyes jump to yours. He glares for a second before retreating and addressing the both of you again.
"Have you seen Octavia?"
"No." Clarke shrugs. "It's Octavia, she's probably chasing butterflies or-"
"No, I've checked the camp. She's not here."
"Okay." You say, nodding, realizing that this was important to him. "We'll help you find her."
"Y/n!" Clarke says, pulling you back as you try to enter the tent to grab your knife. "You aren't going anywhere with your arm."
"Stop me." You say, pulling your arm out of hers. "Octavia's my friend, and if she's out there alone I'm going to get her. She would do the same for me."
Clarke sighs for a second, looking like she wants to argue before she gives up. "Let's check again. Me and Y/n will make sure she's not in the tents, you go to the dropship."
"Thank you." Bellamy says as you all start making your way to where you needed to search.
"I'm not doing this for you." Clarke says to him as she pulls you to the side to check the first tent.
He keeps walking towards the drop ship, disappearing into the darkness as worry settles deep in the pit of your stomach. Something was definitely wrong.
You emerge from the last of the tents, shaking your head as you approach Bellamy and Clarke who stood in front of a small army of delinquents. Bellamy had alerted everyone of the situation and given anyone who volunteered to help weapons, something that made you uneasy after Wells' murder.
You stick an extra knife in your boot, in case you lost the first one, and make your way to stand by Jasper as you all waited for Bellamy's order to leave.
"Hey guys, look!" Your head flicks to the sky as someone shouts and points, and your mouth forms an 'O' at the impressive sight before you.
Hundreds of flashing white lights hurled towards to Earth from above, looking like a beautiful meteor shower as the crowd 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed at it. You knew better though.
"They didn't see the flares." You say, your heart dropping as you realized what you were actually seeing; a funeral.
"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asks and you shake your head.
"Those aren't meteors." You feel your voice choke up a little. "They're bodies, being returned to the Earth from the sky."
The spirits of the camp instantly drop and you can feel the negative energy radiating from everyone as you all mourn for a moment. Three hundred people just died, and now you were watching their bodies from the other side while knowing perfectly well that it didn't have to be this way.
They could've come to the Earth, alive. They should've.
You watch Bellamy hang his head in shame and Raven charges forward.
"This is all because of you!"
"I helped you find the radio!"
"After you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" She yells as Finn and Clarke rush forward to pull her back.
"Raven he knows." You say, stepping forward to place yourself between her and Bellamy, holding your hands on her shoulders as she seethed at him over your shoulder. "Now he has to live with it."
He ignores what you say.
"All I care about is that my sister is out there. Are you coming or not?"
"Yeah." You say, releasing your hold on Raven and stepping back to face him.
You follow Bellamy as the party of kids moves out, weapons and torches ready.
"Look! Over here!"
You and Bellamy exchange a look at the sound of someone shouting before rushing in the direction of it.
"What is it?" You ask as the two of you approach. Roma, one of Bellamy's girls was hot on your heels, and had been the entire night as you'd searched. It was increasingly annoying you, but you had given up on trying to shake her off.
Where you went, Bellamy went, and where Bellamy went, she went. You couldn't get rid of either of them.
"Right there, do you see it?" Mbege says, pointing at something. "It's Octavia's."
You nod. "That's hers."
"Rope." Bellamy says, holding his hand out as someone hands him a coil. He gets to work rigging it up using a small tree trunk and you take his torch for him, swapping it for your flashlight.
"Careful." You say against your better judgement as he heads down the hill. It would be tragic if someone were to get the idea that you cared for him, he'd never let your forget it.
"It's hers!" Bellamy confirms as he inspects it and your stomach drops.
Everyone at the top of the hill stays standing where they are and you roll your eyes, thrusting your torch to Roma before grabbing a hold of the rope and using it to help you down despite the ache in your arm.
You approach Bellamy as he crouches at a rock, observing small red splatters of what you can only assume is blood.
Finn and Jasper follow behind you as you all gather around, exchanging looks of uncertainty with one another.
"Someone else was here." You murmur.
Finn nods in agreement. "Prints are deeper going that way, he was probably carrying her."
You watch Bellamy's jaw clench at that as more and more people join behind you.
"If they took her she's alive Bell." You say, trying to offer him some comfort.
He looks down at you, his eyes a shade darker with worry and he stands, offering you his hand to get up.
You take it as he turns to the group behind you.
"Let's move."
Finn leads, tracking the prints carefully and you walk for another half an hour or so, a tense silence settled over everyone. You were all assuming the worst, that's for sure, Bellamy more so than anyone you noticed as you turned to sneak a glance at him occasionally.
Roma also seems to notice, slipping her hand into his as you walked. You had once again tried to shake the pair of them off you, even though some part of you did want Bellamy to stay, but it hadn't worked, he'd found you every time.
A small drizzle of rain pours onto your face and and small twigs and branches reach out like arms to poke and prod you as you walk past. You keep your eyes glued to the ground to keep yourself from tripping over anything and nearly run into Finn's back as he freezes.
You pull your head up, ready to chew him out for stopping in front of you, but you freeze as well at the sight in front of you.
Gory looking skeletons are hung up threateningly in the clearing, their faces and expressions blank yet twisted with so much pain and horror as your breath escapes your chest. There are at least thirty, stretching as far as your eye can see.
"I don't speak grounder, but I'm pretty sure this means keep out." You say, twisting your head to look at Bellamy.
He nods. "Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility."
He heads into the clearing of skeletons and you hesitate before following him. If it were you out here, Octavia would be prepared to do the same, and so would Bellamy; you'd offer him your full support, which wasn't something he got from you often.
Finn follows after you, and so does Jasper and a small percentage of kids from the group. The rest return back to camp, not that you can blame them. The sight was grizzly, horrific even, and definitely not something you'd take a stroll through for fun.
You walk through, finding yourself subconsciously sticking close to Bellamy and keeping your eyes peeled, faced upwards at the trees. You had no idea what was waiting for you in here, and you weren't going to let yourself or your friends end up like the bodies that had been strung up as warnings.
You all walk for sometime before Finn approaches, shaking his head.
"We lost the trail."
"Keep looking." Bellamy says, his eyes urgent.
"Bell wandering aimlessly won't find Octavia." You pipe up from beside them, feeling the muscles in your legs start to ache and the soles of your feet cramp. You wanted to find Octavia just as much as he did, but if Finn had nothing then there wasn't any foreseeable hope. "We need to backtrack."
"I'm not going back!" Bellamy exclaims to you, frightening you a little. It took you by surprise, and you knew he only wanted to find his sister, but it still caused you to take a small step back.
"Hey, where's John?"
You all turn around at the sound of Roma's anxious voice. She was right, he had been here a second ago, and now he had vanished. There was no sign of him as far as the eye could see, only a never ending stretch of green.
"Spread out!" You call out to everyone. "He couldn't have gotten that far."
Suddenly you hear a loud thud on the forest ground behind you, and your head whips around in the direction. You gasp and stumble backwards as John's limp body lays at your feet, twisted and tangled painfully. His throat is slit and crimson blood pours out and stains the soft flesh of his neck, tainting it.
"They use the trees." You breathe out once the initial shock wears off. Everyone's eyes dart upwards, fear prevalent in them as it radiates off everyone in waves. "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary."
"Now can we go back?" Roma asks and you turn your head to look at her.
"No one was forcing you to stay here."
She scowls at you but her attention is quickly diverted as you notice it; grounders, standing meters and meters away in all directions. They were caging you in from afar, giving you nowhere to run and you'd all be picked off like lambs for the slaughter.
"We should run." Finn says. There's a silent mutual agreement between everyone as you all exchange glances before taking off into the woods, the grounders wasting no time in following.
You can hear a distant scream as you pump your legs and try your hardest to keep your breathing steady but you pay it no mind. This wasn't the time to be a hero, it was time to save yourself.
"Let's go!" You can hear your camp mates yell as you all run, concern rising in you as you see the grounders in your peripheral vision, gaining on you. They were built for running in this kind of terrain, you were built to live on a metal ship in space.
"Just keep running!" You hear Bellamy yell out to Finn ahead, and you wonder what they had been talking about.
"I can't run much longer!" Someone calls out and Bellamy slows, stopping completely before turning around.
"I'm sick of running anyways."
"Bellamy what are you doing?" You ask, coming to a stop in front of him and Finn.
"They know where she is." He says as everyone else stops, huddling together. If you weren't vulnerable before, you certainly were now.
"Diggs! Where are you?" You hear Roma call out and you watch as she runs in his direction. You all run off after her, trying to stop her.
She disappears from your line of sight and you hear her shrill scream, penetrating through the layers of the forest. You all run harder, turning a corner just in time to see her take off running again and a body; Diggs' body to be exact. He had been impaled on some spikes set off by a booby trap by the looks of the trip wire on the ground, and blood poured from his mouth.
"They're leading us here." Jasper says from behind. "It's the only direction we can run in."
"Right." Finn says, turning to survey the area. "Where'd they go?"
"After Roma." Bellamy says in realization and you all run off in the direction she'd gone in.
You hear her scream once again before there's a silence and you slow down as you see her shoulder peak from behind a tree trunk.
"There she is." Monroe whispers. "Roma!"
You hesitantly follow Bellamy as he jogs towards her, Finn hot on your heels.
Your stomach drops as he you turn and see her, struck in the chest by a spear that kept her impaled against the tree trunk.
"She only came because of me." Bellamy whispers.
"They can kill us whenever they want." You say, the realization dawning on you. They had been toying with you the entire time.
"Then they should." Jasper says, making you panic as you anticipate his next move. "Get it over with! Come on!"
Finn rushes to him, shoving him to make him shut up as the sound no doubt alerts the grounders of your whereabouts. Not that they didn't already know.
"We know you're out there!"
"They're coming!" Monroe shouts in horror as you back up, feeling your back collide with Bellamy's chest as you see the grounder she's referring to. He's tall and burly, and he's also barreling towards you with his weapons raised, not stopping for anyone or anything.
You all circle anxiously, your eyes frantically searching as you notice more and more grounders caging you in. You feel a hand grasp yours and you cling to it like a lifeline. Unless a miracle were to happen it would probably be the last one you would ever hold.
"Bellamy." You whisper in fear, very uncharacteristic of you as Bellamy strengthens his hold on your hand and pulls you behind him, shielding you from the grounders who continued to close in. It probably wouldn't do much in the long run, if anything it would only make it worse for you. Having to watch Bellamy die before your own inevitable death sounded like a cruel, sadistic joke.
Suddenly a horn blows in the distance, one that makes them all stop in their tracks and take off running in the other direction. Your mouth drops in disbelief.
"They're leaving." Bellamy breathes out.
"The horn, what does it mean?" Jasper asks and Finn answers him, already reaching into his pack to pull out a tent.
"Acid fog."
"We need to run." Monroe says and you shake your head, your eyes meeting Finn's as he shakes out the canvas.
"There's no time."
All of you rush to get under the safety and shelter of the tent, covering you all like a blanket. You're squashed uncomfortably between Bellamy and Monroe, putting a painful strain on your shoulder. You shift closer to Bellamy to relieve it, and he welcomes it, putting an arm around your shoulders protectively as he pulls you closer beneath him. The action makes your breathing quicken and your heart flutter, but you blame it on your nerves.
"How long are we supposed to wait?" Monroe asks, blissfully unaware of the interaction beside her. "Will this even work?"
"We'll find out." Finn answers her latter question.
Bellamy shakes his head beside you, and you feel his curls tickle your cheek gently. "No we won't."
There's no time for you to protest as he lifts to cover of the tent, poking his head out into the shockingly fresh air. No yellow, acid fog looming ahead of you, waiting to claim it's next victim by burning it alive.
"There's no fog." He says as the rest of you join him. He stands, reaching down to help haul you to your feet.
"False alarm?" Finn asks.
You scan the treeline, keeping your eyes trained on it carefully as you search for any kind of movement. You notice some, a single grounder making his way through the woods, parallel to you.
"They're coming back." Bellamy says, noticing too.
"He's alone though." You speak as everyone else picks up on it.
"Now can we run?"
"He doesn't see us. I'm going after him."
Your head whips to Bellamy as your mouth drops slightly in shock.
"Right now? And then what? Kill him?"
"No." He shakes his head. "Catch him, make him tell me where Octavia is, and then kill him."
Bellamy stands to walk off, slowly stalking behind the grounder who darts from tree to tree, unaware of his audience. You all reluctantly follow, your nerves getting the best of you as you fight to put one foot in front of the other and the forest swallows you.
The cave the grounder led you to was damp and cold. It was dark too, with only small slithers of light creeping in. The putrid smell of it burned your nostrils but you kept walking, sandwiched between Bellamy and Finn, with Jasper and Monroe bring up your rear as you all held your breath's in anticipation, wondering what you would see when you turned the corner. It certainly wasn't Octavia crouched over the knocked out body of the grounder.
Heavy metal chains adorned her wrist as she frantically used a key to unlock the padlock holding them in place. You breathed out a sigh of relief as the girl you had come to think of as a sister was okay. Her head snaps up at the sound of footsteps and her face lights up at the sight of you all.
"Octavia!" He rushes forward to her, unlocking the padlock with the key and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. "It's okay, you're okay."
You walk forward, stopping with Finn above the grounder. He had an open head wound, blood oozed from it and you assumed that's how Octavia had knocked him out.
Octavia pulls away from her brother, noticing you and Jasper and stumbles towards you. You wrap your arms around her, stroking her matted hair as she laughs into your shoulder, relieved to have been found. She pulls away from you. "We need to leave, now, before he wakes up."
"He's not gonna wake up." Bellamy says harshly, walking to the wall of the cave to grab a weapon.
"Bellamy stop! He didn't hurt me, let's just go."
He shakes his head. "They started this. Finn, move."
You look down at where Finn is crouched above the grounder, turning something over in his hands. You join him, your eyes widening when you see what it is.
"The foghorn." You mutter, taking it from his hands.
Suddenly the grounder wakes up, jumping in to action as he pulls a dagger from somewhere and drives it into Finn. He turns his body, using his feet to take out Bellamy who still holds his spear tightly.
You scramble backwards towards Finn, your hands shaking as you reach for the dagger, contemplating whether or not to leave it there.
"Stop it, that's my brother!" You hear Octavia yell out and your head snaps around. Your breath is sucked from your lungs as you see the grounder holding the spear just centimeters from Bellamy's throat, and the sight of his face writhing and squirming in pain and desperation is enough to send you into gear. You push yourself onto your feet and run towards to the grounder.
It's not surprise that he knocks you back easily, and you groan loudly in pain as your shoulder collides with the stone wall and tears open your sensitive wound again. You would probably need stitches this time, but none of that matters as you turn to look at the sight in front of you. All you had needed to do was give Bellamy an opening to roll out away from the spearhead, which he had.
Before he can do anything though the grounder collapses, and you see Jasper standing behind him with a metal rod in his hand as he breathes heavily.
"Bellamy!" You collapse to your knees beside him as he sits up, his eyes instantly scanning you for injuries, before they drift to the unconscious Finn behind you.
"We need to get back to camp."
"Clarke! Where's Clarke!"
Jasper's voice rings out through the camp as you all rush in through the gates, swinging them shut as soon as you're all inside.
"I'm here! What's wrong?" She asks, approaching you before she sees it; Finn is held in Bellamy's arms, the dagger still protruding out of his side violently. Blood falls from the wound and there are bundles of fabric clumped around it in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Oh my god."
She quickly feels for his pulse. "He's alive. Get him in the dropship now."
Bellamy hands Finn over to two other boys who carry him into the dropship, Clarke wasting no time in following as the rest of you anxiously wait outside. You can feel the blood leak from your shoulder, and it's painful, but if it needed stitches you'd have to wait for Clarke to finish with Finn, and there was no point in putting any extra worry on her.
You follow them into the dropship, settling down uncomfortably onto the floor as you rest your head against the wall and close your eyes. You aren't sure how long you sit there for until you feel a presence beside you. You don't need to crack open your eyes to tell who it is as he sits next you, mimicking your position.
"What're you doing here Lucky?" Bellamy asks softly, and without thinking you rest your head against his shoulder, savoring the warmth his body gave you. A storm had started to rage outside and you were shivering despite your layers.
"Waiting for Clarke." You whisper, not bothering to open your eyes as you continue to doze off. "Wake me when she's finished with Finn."
"Okay." He says, stretching his legs out in front of him to get comfortable. "I'll be here when you wake up."
Well hello there. I've been expecting you.
I hope you liked it, please let me know if you'd like to be on my tag list (it makes me feel important) and please check out my pinned post on requests if you're interested in one!
I love writing for you guys and especially the 100.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
his mean s/o.
request ; @erina-writes-headcanons​: hey, author! i just read the hcs for kind of forget and forgive s/o. i’m curious if imayoshi, aomine and akashi have an s/o who is lowkey like jade west/karma akabane (prickly, mischievous, sassy, tough, sarcastic, grounchy, a bit sadistic, and violent). although, they actually really kind but only to those she is close with, like their family, best friend and her pet but to strangers (especially to those who mean to her or asshole) s/o is very mean.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; college!au/work!au; pet mention; mean!reader; swearing; rather sfw
includes: female reader ft. shouichi imayoshi, daiki aomine & seijuurou akashi {knb}
author’s note: love u!
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↘ He likes that side of your character very much.
↘ As your boyfriend, he knows perfectly well that you are kind to older people, you have a huge heart for animals, and a lot of love for your closest family members... But he can’t hide the fact that he just enjoys watching your upset version when you argue with other girls or you say your opinion out loud as class president.
↘ It’s pretty amazing how much emotion and authority can be in one, precious woman.
↘ Of course, he also gets ‘hit’ sometimes because you just don’t want to let Shouichi destroy your plans, but most of the time you’re just lovely and cute to him. You respect him damn well and trust him like no one else.
↘ However, if someone upsets your partner, you will definitely take matters into your own hands and you don’t hesitate to offend the other person; it doesn’t matter if it’s his best friend, a member of the basketball team, a far-away maternal uncle, or a stranger to both of you. No one has the right to insult your boyfriend and make this boy sad. You also get nervous then.
↘ “Hey, bitch. Are you blind? Can’t you see there’s an evenly deducted amount here? Do you need glasses or eye drops?”
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↘ “... Hey, Mika, do you think that Aomine-san is single now?”
↘ “I hope so. I dream about a date with him since first grade, ahh. He’s so cool and handsome.”
↘ While walking towards the school gym, you suddenly heard voices of two young girls. You immediately stopped and looked at them with dark eyes and in addition, your both fists clenched, breathing slowed. As soon as the teens noticed you, they quickly bowed their heads and then wanted to apologize to you, but you spoke first.
↘ “I must have misheard.” You stepped closer, then put your hand on the wall beside them. “Will you repeat?”
↘ “W-Well...” She started with a worried tone of voice, and you giggled.
↘ “You know, I don’t think Daiki would even look at your ugly face, but go on, dream about it.” You winked at her, and then you continued your walk to the huge gym where your boyfriend was just doing one of his training sessions.
↘ “... Such a badass.” You heard on the right side, and when you turned your head slightly, you saw an amused basketball player in grey shorts and a T-shirt that was too big. “I like this.”
↘ “It was quite pathetic, Daiki. I really can’t believe that someone thinks they could be better than me.” Your partner only smiled in satisfaction at the sound of these words.
↘ “Right. Nobody is and will be better than my sassy girl.” He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and then walked with you into the gym.
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↘ Akashi was your sedative and the person who always reminded you to use the correct language.
↘ You differed slightly in terms of your characters; yes, you were both very imperious, but Seijuurou always kept common sense and good language. You were definitely more explosive, mean and sarcastic. You weren’t worried about your reputation or your opinion at school/work. You were just too honest and self-confident. It was okay, but your boyfriend had to rebuke you a lot.
↘ Even now, when you were on a date, when you should be resting and having a good time, you felt nervous and wanted to hit something (or preferably the person in front of you).
↘ “I am surprised that such a young lady knows art and the person of Paul Gauguin.” You heard another cheeky comment from a middle-aged guy. You wanted to open your mouth again, but your partner looked at you meaningfully. Unfortunately, this time he didn’t manage to stop a few curses that the people around you heard after a while.
↘ “You old man. Any age is good for discovering art, and it’s not unusual for someone my age to come to a museum or art gallery. I might as well ask from where an old man like you knows art? You should have been sitting in a soft chair a long time ago and asking your children for a glass of water because of amnesia.” You spoke loud and clear and the man’s eyes widened. The rest of the people around began whispering to each other. “Why are you looking at me like that? You thought I wouldn’t answer you? I have no respect for people like you and I am not going to continue to ignore it.”
↘ Well... This time even Seijuurou was impressed.
↘ “Let’s go home. I don’t want to spend time in a place with such company.” You whispered to your boyfriend and he just lifted the corner of his mouth up, grabbing your hand.
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224 notes · View notes
HELLO !!! ok so first off, i love ur writings, like a lot a lot. ANYWAYS! Teru and Kou Minamoto (separately obviously) with a g/n s/o who was a childhood friend and died not that long ago (they were also an exorcist too) and their going to exorcise this one wonder AND THEIR THE WONDER. I thought of this prompt at like 3 am so like bare with me
Kou and Teru with a s/o who’s a childhood friend and a wonder❣︎
Warnings: a bit angsty
I’m really glad you like my writing, it means so much to hear!!!<33
Sorry about how mate this came- emotions and school hit me like a fucking bus and i needed a break-
@stuckindreamland06 also get tagged in a Teru post because i know you love him too-
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- When Kou found out about your dead, he had a hard time
- This boy went through a bit of a depression after your death
- It hurt him that he wasn’t able to protect you like he should have
- He would stay in bed most of the day just thinking about you
- After around a week, Teru and Tiara would get very nervous for Kou and try and get his mind off of it as much as possible
- After a while, Kou will be back on his feet
- He still misses you dearly
- He thinks of you at least 100 times a day
- He really misses you…
- But he needs to get back to what he has to do: cooking, studying, and taking down evil spirits!!
- He heard rumors about a new wonder and the rumor he heard was more on the violent side
- He couldn’t let this side, this wonder needed to go down!
- As soon as he finds them, he will confront them
- But little did he know that this wonder was you
- It caught him off guard to see you as a supernatural now
- He didn’t believe it at first and reminded himself that you were dead
- But when you confirmed that you really were yourself, Kou was overjoyed
- He hugged you tightly and cried, saying how much he missed you
- He wouldn’t want to leave your side, afraid that if he left you would leave him again
- But you reassured him that you weren’t going anywhere
- He would visit you every day
- He would bring you lunch like he use to when you were alive as well, tradition you can call it
- He would sit with you in an empty classroom and have lunch like you two did every day when you were alive
- He would still do things that you two use to when you were alive to help you and him cope with your death
- He will always be by your side and he will defend you from any supernatural or exorcist he has to to keep you save
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- Completely devastated
- When he heard about your death he would be completely devastated
- He will take a break from his duties for a while
- He needs a break
- After a few days he would try and act like everything is okay in front of people
- He would smile and continue his work like normal, bottling his emotions and feelings like he always does
- This really concerned Kou and Tiara
- They knew he really missed you but this was not a good way to cope
- Teru would go back to killing supernaturals like he always does
- He will train by himself but miss the days when he trained with you
- He found training a burden but when it was with you, it was more pleasant
- But soon he heard about a new wonder that didn’t seem all that… friendly
- He will look for this supernatural himself, willing to take them down if he needed too
- He could not have a student die… a student already died not too long ago and he blamed himself for it..
- Soon he found out that the wonder was no other than yourself
- His heart sunk seeing you again
- It couldn’t be you… like this.. as a supernatural
- You turned into what he was raised to kill
- What you both were taught to kill
- He would keep his weapon, not wanting to be tricked by a supernatural
- But soon he realized it really was you
- It was his s/o, his s/o that he loved with all his heart
- He would want to talk about this and about what happened
- But he wouldn’t get that close, you are still a supernatural
- He will need time more than anything
- Time to adjust to this difference
- He just needs more time
- He will find himself wanting to stay with you and wanting you by his side
- He will talk to you every so often but soon those small chats turn into long conversations
- He will spend more time with you and feel safer with your presents
- He will soon act like you aren’t even a supernatural at all, like you are a person
- The person he loves
- He will say that you and an acception to all the other supernaturals
- He really does have a soft spot for you
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beespeaks · 3 years
Just in case...
Stu Macher X Reader 
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Stu gets nervous before his party and decides to come see you in case anything goes wrong...
Aged up characters in college/uni
Tags: Swearing, mentions of murder, character death, basic Scream plot with added character and it’s in college though that’s not mentioned, Making out, angst
Warnings: mentions of murder/violence, major character death
You were laying in bed, book in hand, trying to process the day. Casey Becker and Steve Orth had been murdered the night before, and if you were being honest, that scared you. From what everyone had said at school and what you had heard on the news, it had been a pretty violent death too. You didn’t understand who could ever do something like that and why? What could have possibly possessed someone to do that? It wasn’t right. 
You tried to push the thoughts away and focus on the book in your hands but you couldn’t shake the fear swirling in your belly. You were home alone and that just made it worse. You usually craved the nights your parents would go away and leave you alone, but tonight you wished there was someone else here with you. 
Stu was having a party tonight, and he pointedly didn’t invite you which just made you feel worse. In fact, he went out of his way to uninvite you and tell you not to come. You weren’t sure why he didn’t want you there or what you had done to upset him, but you pretended you didn’t care, laughing it off like it was no big deal. You hated parties anyway. 
A tapping on your bedroom window pulls you away from your thoughts and the neglected book in your hands. There was silence for a second as panic mounted in your gut and then you saw another flash against the window. Someone was throwing something at your window. The only person who ever did that was Stu. You hoped. 
Shakily, you padded across the floor to the window and peaked out into the night. It was hard to make out anything much but when you saw another flash against the glass, you knew it was Stu. This flash was green. He was throwing Skittles again. When you had asked him why, he said they were more fun than pebbles.
You sigh and slide the cool glass up the frame and peer out just as a red Skittle goes flying past your head into your bedroom. 
“Fuck!” Stu curses. “Sorry!” He stands on the pavement outside, a sheepish look on his face. He’s hunched in on himself, almost like he’s cold. 
“Can I come in?” He calls, his voice sounds strange and yet it still comforts you just like it always has. You shut the window and run down to let him in, trudging back up the stairs before he even gets in the door and refusing to look at him. Just because you hadn’t planned on going to that party, doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck that he didn’t want you there. 
Your bedroom is cold when you return and it feels smaller with Stu leaning against the doorframe behind you. 
“Y/N.” Stu starts and you turn around to look at him. He looks conflicted and small somehow, even considering his tall frame. Something is definitely bothering him and you want to ask what it is. You don’t though, something tells you that you don’t want to know. 
“Why wasn't I invited to your party?” You ask instead, you decide you can ask him about it tomorrow. Stu looks surprised by your question, it probably hadn’t occurred to him that it would bother you. Part of you thinks that’s sweet. 
“You don't want to come. Trust me.” Something dark laces his words but you brush it off, choosing instead to let his words irritate you. You cross your arms over your chest and glare at him. 
“How do you know? I might have wanted to.” Stu smiles slightly but his eyes still won’t meet yours, he keeps them trained on his shoes. 
“It sucks. You would hate it.” He murmurs and you scoff. 
“So, that’s why you’re here then, your party sucked so you thought you’d come and annoy me. How did you know I wouldn't have plans? I could have gone out tonight despite the curfew.” You almost yell. Stu is one of your best friends and there is defiantly something more there, but he always treated you like a second choice. A backup plan. He was always off with Tatum - his actual girlfriend, or Billy Loomis. The only times he ever had time for you was when no one else was around. You were sick of being a secret. 
Stu sighs at your outburst and pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m glad you were home.” He whispers. It’s quiet, you almost miss it but it changes something. All the anger and hurt you had been holding onto vanishes and you finally take a proper look at the blonde boy in front of you. 
The usual loud, goofy idiot is quiet and he looks like he might break any second. He’s standing as close to the doorframe as he can, like he needs to it to hold himself up. His eyes are on anything but you and even from here you can see his breathing is uneven. 
“Stu? What’s wrong?” Taking steps towards him, you reach your hand out and touch his shoulder. He flinches slightly before leaning into your touch. “Stu, look at me.” You keep your voice low and soft, like you're talking to a frightened animal. Shaking his head a few times he turns his head slowly to you. His blue eyes are scared and sad and something else that breaks your heart. Now that he’s finally looking at you, his resolve starts to crumble. You were always the one thing that could break down his defenses. You were the one person he never had to pretend with. You were his safe place. 
“I’m scared, Y/N.” His voice breaks and then he’s crying, almost hysterically. Deep, laboured breathes and attempts to stop. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug as fast as you can, wanting to make him feel even a little better as soon as you can. 
His arms wrap around you instantly, his face buried in your neck as he sobs. He’s shaking and digging his nails into your back but you don’t care. You have no idea what it is that could have him this upset. Stu has always been sensitive and he’ll cry at any sad movie the two of you watch, but even you’ve never seen him like this. 
“It’s okay, Stu. It’s okay.” You whisper as you press a kiss to his temple. He doesn’t tell you, but this is all he needed. All he ever needed. 
He does whisper something into the crook of your neck though. You don’t catch what it is until he pulls himself away from you to look into your eyes. He swears your eyes are the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. His own eyes are still red and filled with tears. 
“I love you.” He whispers and you gasp softly. If he had told you this any when else, you would have called bullshit and told him there were easier ways for him to get laid than fucking with your emotions. But the look in his eyes and the way he holds onto you like a lifeline, you can’t believe it’s a lie. You also can’t lie to him. 
“I love you, too.” 
His lips are on you before the words are even fully out of your mouth. A passionate, heated kiss filled with unspoken words and over a year of holding yourselves back. Your hands grip in his hair and his knead at your hips, pulling you impossibly closer. You cling to each other like you don’t need anything in the world as much as you need this, like he’s the oxygen you’ve been craving, like you’re the rain after the longest drought. 
The two of you move backwards and fall down onto the bed, never letting go of each other. He’s on top of you now and his lips are traveling to your neck to leave open-mouthed kisses and whispers of ‘I love you’ over and over again. You whisper it back every time. Even if you don’t know why he’s falling apart, you know that’s what he needs to hear to keep him together. 
Just as his lips are back on yours, softer and slower now but still as passionate as before, you hear a ringing. Stu pulls back and curses as he pulls a cellular telephone from his back pocket. He looks defeated and scared again. 
He doesn't answer the phone, just switches it off and slips it in his back pocket with a sigh. You don’t know why, but you know he’s about to leave. Maybe it was Tatum. She is his girlfriend after all. The reminder pangs in your chest. 
Stu’s blue eyes meet yours and you can’t find it in you to ask about Tatum or push him away like you should when he kisses you again. Softly and sadly. A kiss full of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ and something that feels like goodbye. 
He pulls back to rest his forehead against yours and just breathe in your familiar, comforting scent for a moment longer. 
“I love you.” He whispers before getting up and leaving the room. He doesn’t look back.
When the phone rings in the middle of the night and your friend Randy recalls the events of Stu’s party, you collapse onto the floor as everything clicks into place in ways you really wish it wouldn’t. It felt like goodbye, because it was. 
Stu Macher was dead and you were always going to think about the fact that you saw him last. You could have stopped him, if you had just asked him one more time if he was okay. Just one more time and he might have told you what was happening. One more time and he might still be here.
At least now you knew why you weren’t invited to  his party.
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I fear I will be ripped open and found unsightly
Summary: After Spencer fails his firearm recertification, the FBI believes some hand-to-hand combat and self-defence training is in order, and who better to administer it than the BAU's very own, Derek Morgan? Everything goes swimmingly until Derek decides to simulate an attack from above, and Spencer's thrust into the throes of a horrific flashback.
Tags: hurt/comfort, past abuse, platonic cuddling, angst with a happy ending, friendship or pre-slash, crying, panic attacks, flashbacks, episode: s01e06 LDSK, protectiveness TW: !!Discussions of Underage Rape/Non-Con including Molestation and Incestuous Sexual Abuse!!
Pairing: Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid (Platonic or Pre-Slash)
Word Count: 4.3k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
It’s a dreary day in late October when he fails his recertification test. Later, he’ll look back on this moment with a strange mixture of thankfulness and stone-cold dread, but in the moment all he can feel is the burning of his cheeks and the festering humiliation sat heavy in his chest.
Hotch is kind about it, because Hotch is kind about everything.
“Do you know what happened, Reid?” he asks with a complete absence of judgement, and it’s clear from everything about his body language and tone that he isn’t angry and he isn’t being critical, but Spencer feels his defences rising regardless.
He shakes his head and shrinks back in his seat, avoiding Hotch’s eyes.
“Did anyone do anything to make you feel uncomfortable?”
His eyes snap up to meet Hotch’s and he shifts to sit a bit more upright as he shakes his head with more vehemence this time. Sure, he didn’t particularly like the evaluator, but only because he seemed unimpressed with Spencer from the moment he laid eyes on him, acting as though evaluating someone who was doomed to fail was a waste of time.
Spencer can’t exactly blame him.
Hotch sighs. “Listen, Spencer,” he says gently, “I know you can handle yourself in the field and I know you can handle a gun just fine, but you know how many requirements were overlooked for you to join the unit in the first place, and you also know that your position in the BAU has been controversial with a few of the higher-ups. So, here’s the plan. I’m going to be your evaluator for your next recertification in two weeks, and in the meantime, I want you to do some hand-to-hand training with Derek to improve and consolidate your field and self-defence skills.”
Realistically, he knows that this is the best he could’ve hoped for, and he knows how hard Hotch and Gideon fight his corner when he’s questioned by everyone from witnesses to local PDs to the director of the bureau himself.
That does not mean he has to be happy about this.
He acquiesces because he has to. “Okay,” he says quietly, hoping he doesn’t sound as defeated as he feels.
“Reid,” Hotch says, redirecting his attention from the spot on the carpet he’s staring at. He waits for Spencer to look at him before smiling slightly and looking at him with a raw kind of earnest he knows is privileged to witness. “You know I’m proud of you, right?”
It’s Spencer’s turn to smile, brightening up from his miserable disposition slightly. “I do.”
“Hey, pretty boy,” Derek says cheerfully, slamming his locker closed just as Spencer enters the FBI gym. “I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show.”
Spencer sighs, opening the locker next to Derek’s and putting his messenger bag inside before opening the grocery bag he’d brought his gym clothes in. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he says drily as he pulls out his clothes and heads towards one of the two private changing cubicles.
He hears Derek chuckle to himself before he calls back to him as he opens the door to the gym. “I’m gonna set up, you come through when you’re ready.”
Spencer procrastinates for as long as he can, making sure his shoes are tied perfectly and the bows are even sizes, folding all his work clothes as neatly as possible and placing them carefully back into the grocery bag, but before long, there’s nothing more he can do and he has to face the music. He inhales deeply, steeling himself for the next hour, before putting his bag in his locker (closing it with much less force than Derek did earlier) and walking into the gym.
It’s a fairly big hall that’s usually used for academy recruits, large scale demonstrations, and the various sports teams that have cropped up in different divisions of the FBI. Spencer knows that Derek currently plays basketball for the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime team, the department that the BAU is part of.
Right now, though, Derek has them set up in a tucked-away corner, both hard and soft mats laid out on the ground surrounded by various equipment Spencer couldn’t hope to identify correctly.
“You took your time,” Derek says when Spencer approaches him, eyebrows raised and an obvious note of amusement in his voice. “But now you’re here, let’s get started.”
They begin with a short conditioning exercise that Derek says is supposed to ‘get the blood pumping’ but in actuality has Spencer panting like a dog and soaked with sweat within minutes. Maybe those higher-ups have something of a point. He knew he was unfit, but this is just embarrassing.
“Okay, now with the warm-up out of the way—”
“That was a warm-up?”
Derek doubles over with his laughter and Spencer can’t help but join in, despite how out of breath and red in the face he might be.
“It’s supposed to be, Spence, but maybe I over-estimated things a little,” he concedes once their giggles have died out. “Alright, alright, let’s move on to some basic self-defence moves. I know you probably already know most of these, but this is supposed to be a refresher, yeah? And to remind you that you can hold your own in the field, whether you pass your recertification or not.”
Spencer winces. “I don’t know, Derek, I mean I did fail every single physical aspect of the academy examination.”
“See, that’s what I mean, pretty boy,” Derek says, standing up from the mat and helping Spencer up, too. “You’re in your own head, and when you’re out in the field, you have enough enemies without making your own mind one as well. You know this stuff, Spence, I’m just here to remind you of that.”
“Alright,” he nods, holding in his sigh. He doesn’t mean to be negative, he just can’t help the way he’s feeling. The last week has been rough.
“Okay, so let’s go through front-facing attacks first,” Derek says. “What’s the first move you can do to protect yourself in that situation?”
“Elbow shield,” Spencer replies, holding out his arm and blocking Derek from coming any closer with his forearm acting as a barrier that Derek presses his chest against.
“Exactly, and what can you do to inflict damage in that position?”
Spencer responds by sliding his forearm up to Derek’s neck and applying light pressure, not wanting to actually hurt him.
“You got it. Okay, now what if I manage to grab you and pull you closer, what’s your move?”
He keeps his forearm locked to keep Derek from advancing too close, but this time he grabs his bicep with both hands and uses his core to bring him closer before he raises his shin and mimes kicking him in the groin.
“See, you know this stuff,” Derek says brightly. “The only note I have is to just remember to keep your thumbs in line with the rest of your fingers, not wrapping under my arm.”
“Oh yeah, that makes sense. The thumb is easily broken, although the most common injury associated with a broken thumb is actually damage to the larger bone of your hand, the metacarpal.”
Derek chuckles. “Exactly.”
Funnily enough, Spencer actually finds himself having fun as they walk through some other basic defensive movements as well as the best way to use tactical punches to overpower or debilitate an unsub or attacker. They frequently burst into peals of laughter, as can be expected when two close individuals find themselves having to do semi-serious work together, and before he knows it, forty-five minutes have flown by.
“Okay, I want to end with some more up close and personal attacks and the best way to stave them off, alright?” Derek says as he puts away the boxing gloves and pads.
Immediately, Spencer feels a small glimmer of nerves and anticipation for how this might make him feel, but he brushes it off. He knows he’s safe with Derek, and the whole point of the exercise is to defend himself. Nothing’s going to happen.
“Let’s start with an attacker coming at you from behind,” Derek decides, coming up behind him. “I’m going to cover your mouth, and you’re going to use your skills and knowledge to remove me, alright?”
Spencer nods, hoping Derek doesn’t read the hesitancy in it, and he supposes that he doesn’t because soon enough a large palm is tightly covering the lower half of his face.
For a brief moment, he isn’t a twenty-five-year-old agent training with one of his closest friends in the gym in the basement of the FBI Headquarters, but a scared and lonely ten-year-old in his childhood bedroom, trying to fight the persistent, evil man on top of him, wondering why his dad would do this to him—
He snaps himself out of it by opening his eyes and forcing himself to take in the surroundings, and before long instinct takes over and he’s gripping at Derek’s wrist and using his core and bodyweight to bend forward and free himself from the restrictive hold.
“Good job, Reid!” Derek says encouragingly, and there’s no evidence on his face when he turns around that he noticed any sort of hesitation or deliberation, so he suspects that his flashback really was only for a second, no matter how everlasting and all-consuming it felt in the moment.
He manages a shaky smile, and invites his next method of torture. “What’s next?”
“Okay, what if I was to grab your t-shirt and immediately start punching you?” Derek asks, immediately miming doing exactly like that.
Fighting the instinct to go into protective mode, he instead turns around elbow first and uses his other hand to mime punching Derek while his knee goes up to attack his groin.
“Perfect! That’s the spirit, kid. No unsub’s ever gonna get the best of you.”
Spencer blushes a little at the praise, ducking his head so he doesn’t have to meet his eye, but inside he’s beyond pleased, both with the encouragement from Derek and his own self-confidence he can feel flooding back. Maybe he really does have a handle on the more physical side of things. Maybe he isn’t just good for his brain.
“Alright, let’s finish off with some on the ground stuff, okay?” Derek says, sitting down on the mat and inviting Spencer to join him with a pat on the space beside him.
He hesitates a little, and this time Derek notices, his face softening.
“Listen, I know this one is a bit more uncomfortable than the others, but we’re almost done, right? Let’s just get a few moves consolidated and then you can go and have a shower and head home to relax.”
Spencer nods finally and joins him, laying on his back as Derek instructs. The vulnerability of the position has him feeling deeply uncomfortable, no matter how many times he tells himself that he’s safe with Derek, but he forces himself to lie still. If nothing else, he doesn’t want to reveal this very personal and private detail of his childhood to his best friend. He just needs to keep reminding himself that he’s safe.
“Right, let’s practice the pinned wrist escape, okay?”
Before he knows what’s happening, before he can process the words and prepare him for what’s about to happen, Derek’s straddling him and resting his full weight over his hips and his wrists are wrapped in a tight grip, pinned to the mat above his head.
It’s so sudden and the sensations so overwhelming that he can’t help the immediate fear response that’s triggered, because he’s not in the FBI gym with Derek anymore, he’s somewhere else entirely.
“No, please,” he begs, voice strangled by a sudden, all-consuming dry sob that heaves his chest, “please don’t, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, please, dad, don’t—”
His sobs suddenly overtake his words and he’s left crying pathetically on the floor, too trapped in the memory to notice that the pressure’s been removed from his hips and he’s free to move his arms, too consumed by the physical and emotional anguish that came with the abuse to hear Derek’s desperate, heart-broken pleas from beside him, begging him to come back to himself.
A voice finally manages to break through the fog of panic, and he slowly regains consciousness, the white hot glaze of fear and crippling memory fading incrementally until he can see the high beams of the gym ceiling, until he can hear Derek’s gentle, soothing words beside him.
“It’s alright, pretty boy, I’m here, you’re safe,” Derek tells him gently, although Spencer can hear the urgency in his voice, even in his scared and overwhelmed state.
He covers his face with his hands as his desperate, heaving sobs transform into wet, humiliated cries.
“Hey, hey, Spence,” Derek murmurs beside him, “is it alright if I touch you?”
He considers shaking his head, but really, he wants some comfort right now, no matter how much he’ll hate himself for embarrassing himself further later. He’s glad he does though because Derek very carefully and very slowly lifts him up until he’s wrapped up in a comforting hug, his face buried in a strong chest. He’s not sure he’s ever felt safer than in this exact moment.
“You’re alright, pretty boy, I got you.”
Spencer continues to cry, the overwhelm of having a flashback that intense still wracking his body, but eventually, he starts to calm down, the tension slowly bleeding from his muscles as he collapses, boneless against Derek’s body.
“Here, why don’t you have this granola bar and some water,” Derek suggests gently when his tears have dried up, reaching over to the edge of the mat where he was clearly hiding some post-exercise rewards.
Spencer accepts them tiredly, not moving from his position slumped against Derek’s chest.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Derek asks him once he’s sipped his way through half the bottle and the granola bar is gone.
As much as he’d like to get things off his chest, as much as he trusts Derek, he just— can’t. So he shakes his head and pulls himself into a sitting upright position, although he still doesn’t meet Derek’s eyes.
“Okay,” Derek says softly. “I’m gonna drive you home. Come on.”
Spencer numbly walks through the locker room and the halls of the FBI with Derek guiding him until they reach his car, and the motion of climbing in brings a little bit more awareness back to him.
“Thanks,” he whispers as Derek starts the engine and drives them out of the parking garage.
“Don’t be ridiculous, pretty boy. No thanks needed.”
They don’t speak on the journey home, and Spencer contents himself with looking out the window at the passing scenery until they enter the city and trees transform into tower blocks. His mind drifts, but he’s just grateful that it doesn’t keep circling back to the flashback, having somewhat successfully resealed those memories like he always does, pushing them down and smothering them with as much good as he can collect in people and memories and things.
The silence between them prevails until Derek steps into his apartment behind him, closing the front door and helping Spencer out of his jacket before hanging his own coat up on a hook and steering Spencer towards the sofa. “You are going to sit here,” he orders, picking up one of Penelope’s hand-knitted blankets from its position neatly folded over the arm of the sofa, “while I get some tea and something to eat. Fancy anything in particular?”
Spencer remembers the satsumas and macaroons Penelope brought over the other day and tells Derek as such, following the other man with his eyes until he disappears into the kitchen and he’s left alone with his hazy thoughts for a couple of minutes.
They pass in a blur, though, and before he can blink, Derek is pressing a mug of warm chamomile tea into his hands and placing a small plate of a satsuma and a couple of macaroons on the coffee table.
The weight of Derek sitting down on the sofa next to him, and the grounding feeling of his palm wrapped around his ankle, has his hazy mind clearing until he’s in a much more present and aware headspace, enough so that Derek clearly notices it.
“You feeling a bit more like yourself?”
Spencer nods, and offers a small smile, trying to ignore the curls of humiliation and self-loathing working their way up his throat. Thoughts he hasn’t had in years are bursting at the seams Spencer had sewn tightly around them, brought up by physical memory alone, and he’s trying to hold them back, but somewhere in the back of his head, there’s his dad again, whispering dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, di—
“Hey, Spence,” he hears, and he snaps his head up, his dad’s voice shutting up and making room for Derek’s — Derek’s soft and gentle reassurances, his promises that he’s here and he’s safe and everything will be okay. “You got a bit lost in your head again there, kid. You alright?”
Spencer sighs tiredly, and a tear runs down his face unbidden. He’s not crying exactly, just— leaking. Leaking in the way a tap that hasn’t been turned on for years does when it finally experiences a much overdue release of pressure. Leaking in the way Spencer Reid does when he has a flashback to the sexual abuse he experienced as a child for the first time in two and a half years.
“Spencer,” Derek says, and something in his voice catches his attention, something serious, something earnest. He looks over at him. “Spencer, I know what you’re going through.”
His cheeks pale and he can hear the blood rushing in his ears because those words, that means— surely not, right? How could Derek— how could he—
“It happened to me, too.”
And there’s the confirmation. There are the five words that have him breaking down again, tears splashing into hot chamomile tea and onto cold, cold hands, sobs wracking his sore and tired shoulders. No one should have to go through what he did, no one. Especially not— God, especially not—
“Hey, Spencer, listen to me,” Derek says urgently scooting closer on the sofa until he can lift Spencer’s chin up with his hands and raise his head until their eyes are locked on one another and he can bear witness to the pain and the openness and the concern swimming in his dark brown irises. “I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re here, aren’t we? We’re safe. Don’t cry, pretty boy, everything’s gonna be just fine, I promise.”
He pauses to give Spencer a little time to catch his breath, but after a couple of minutes he speaks up again. “Would you like me to tell you about it?”
Spencer knows it will break his heart to hear. He doesn’t want to listen to a story in which Derek Morgan was the victim and not the hero, not his hero, but part of him knows that he needs to hear it; needs to know that he wasn’t and isn’t alone. And he can’t help but wonder whether maybe Derek needs to say it. Whether he also needs to tell someone what happened and have them empathise completely, have them say “I understand, I know what you’re going through” and have them mean it.
So he nods.
“His name was Carl Buford,” Derek says, resting the hand not clutching Spencer’s ankle on his knee, “and he was my football coach. A hero of the community. After my dad died, I got in a little trouble on the streets, right, and as a result, I got a record. Eventually, that record was expunged, and I learned that Buford had done it. I was confused, obviously, but he told me I had potential, that I was special, that I was going places and he was gonna help me get there.
“And so we started spending more time together. At first, it was just one-on-one football training and some run of the mill mentoring, and I finally felt like I had a real father figure again, someone who I could look up to and talk to and trust. Until one day when he took me up to his cabin. He gave me Helgeson wine to intoxicate me, and then convinced me to go skinny-dipping in a lake with him but when we came back to the cabin, he started— he started rubbing up against me. It eventually spiralled into… molestation and rape. He used to say "You better man up, boy, look up to the sky" when I would cry out for him to stop, or later — when some shameful part of me had accepted it — when I would wince in pain or he could sense I didn’t want to be there.
“And that went on for years until I guess I outgrew his preference and he— I mean— I guess, I guess he must have moved on.”
Spencer wants to be sick, and he’s pretty sure Derek feels the same, so all he can do is lean forward and wrap Derek in the tightest hug he can manage while they cry together.
“Did you ever tell anyone?” Spencer asks after a little time has passed.
Derek nods. “When it started affecting my football career in college, I started seeing a therapist, and I’ve really gotten to a place now where I’ve come to terms with it. As much as I’m ever going to be able to anyway. Half of that therapy was me grieving for the childhood I lost, expressing the anger I felt towards Buford in a healthy way, and then accepting that there isn’t anything I can do to undo the pain except work my ass off at the BAU putting guys like him behind bars since I lost my chance with him.”
Spencer nods. “I’m sorry he isn’t in prison.”
Derek shrugs his shoulders a little, pulling out of the hug. “I keep tabs on him. If I ever so much as catch a whiff of him hurting one of the boys at the centre I’ll be on him in no time. Just… waiting for the evidence, I guess.”
Spencer takes the hand resting on top of his knee and squeezes it, a show of solidarity his tongue can’t manage.
They sit in silence for long, comfortable minutes before Spencer finally feels like sharing. He knows that Derek isn’t expecting anything: if he never wanted to explain, he knows Derek would understand completely, but something about knowing he’ll understand like no one else can, that he can share and feel safe in doing so has his own story rolling off his tongue like it never has before.
“It was my dad,” Spencer says quietly, a confession he’s always been too ashamed to make. “The first time it happened was the night of my sixth birthday. He said that the day was his own celebration, because he’d waited so long and he was finally going to get his prize. He raped me. It wasn’t like that every time, sometimes he’d stop at… touching or— or fellatio, sometimes he’d come into my room and stand over me, getting off on how scared I was anticipating the act that never came.
“He left when I was ten, not far away from my eleventh birthday, and a big part of me always wondered whether the main reason he left was that I wasn’t in his preferential age group anymore. But when I was thirteen, I bumped into him in a hotel in California of all places, and even though I was bigger and stronger and nowhere near as vulnerable, he still got the best of me, he still weaseled his way into my room and took advantage of me again. After that time I carried pepper spray everywhere I went until the FBI issued me a gun. I swore I’d never let it happen again.”
Derek looks desperately sad when he finally meets his eyes again, and before he knows it he’s being wrapped in another hug, and they’re both in pieces again. However painful these memories are, though, the release of them is more cathartic than anything Spencer’s ever experienced; crying together with another survivor over everything they lost, the people that stole their childhoods and abused them for years on end, their younger, scared selves, desperate for someone to save them.
It hurts Spencer’s heart, but he also doesn’t think he’s ever felt safer than right in this moment.
“Is this the first time you’ve talked about this, Spence?” Derek asks eventually, with his cheek resting on the top of Spencer’s head.
“Yes,” he admits, another tear dripping onto the hands curled anxiously in his lap.
Derek pulls away and looks him in the eye, cupping his face gently and brushing a tear away with his thumb. “I’m proud of you.”
As broken and unseemly and ripped open and torn apart as he feels right now, as exposed as this entire ordeal has made him feel, for the first time, he thinks he agrees with Derek.
His trust was destroyed by the person supposed to protect him, and he’s carried the trauma of being sexually abused as a young child around with him for the last two decades, and still, he’s here. He’s brave enough to share himself with Derek, and he’s strong enough to cry and grieve and ache for the scared six-year-old boy he wishes he could go back in time and save.
Right now, in the early evening light of the flat and the safe and supportive arms of his best friend, he’s proud of himself, too. And that feels really damn good to finally say.
Please practice self-care after reading this, especially if you are also a survivor. RAINN Rape Crisis UK International Help for Survivors
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @temily @enbyspencer @reidology @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @tobias-hankel @hotchscotchh @oliverbrnch @physics-magic @sbeno22 @im-autistic @thataveragenerd @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @reidreids @cmily @notevanbuckley @thebipolarbisexualnerd (taglist form)
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starrynite7114 · 3 years
always you (angel reyes)
A/N: Good morning everyone! I know I haven’t posted in a while, and you all know why. Thank you all again for being very understanding, it was a rough couple of weeks, and I’m trying to push through the best I can. This story was supposed to be a one shot for a prompt request I received some time ago, but I’m glad I’m able to finally fulfill it. I wrote out most of it already so it should be posted every 2-3 days. I’m also finishing up Roommates this week, at least trying to! 
Hope you all have been having a good week thus far! Hopefully it is also warming up! Exams have been killing me, but my last one is later today, so yay!
The new Mayans trailer looked amazing! Definitely getting the creative juices flowing, even for EZ. 
Anyways, thank you all again, you are all the utter best!
Special shoutout: To @blackmissfrizzle​, you fucking crazy, violent person, my second brain. Because of you, I got a Tiktok guy on here. But thank you for listening to my crazy ideas about this story, a story that was supposed to be a one-shot turned into a series cause of all of those videos, love you though. And to @angelreyesgirl​ you’re the one who helped me figure out as to why certain things happen in the story, thank you, I just, I love you, you already know this, no more sappiness from me today, maybe. Also, happy birthday!
Groupchat for updates! Please join since the tags could be a bit iffy at times!
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know! My tag list is a little messy, but please let me know if you want to be added!
Word count: 8657
Warnings: Mentions of stalker behavior, angst, smut
169: “ What a pretty sight. ”
187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ”
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You sighed, the knocks on the door following the call you just received from Coco made you want to pull your hair out. This has been ongoing since you two broke up two years ago. It was routine at this point and you were slightly getting tired of it. He chose to let you go and here you were opening your door so Angel could spend the night after a drunken stupor. 
“Sorry again hermana, you know I try to bring his big ass home, but you know how stubborn he is.” Coco assisted Angel inside your apartment with Gilly helping him out. 
They assisted Angel down to your couch, he was barely conscious. He had this obnoxious smile on his face as he settled on your couch.
“Where’s my girl?” Angel called out as he grabbed a pillow, resting his head. 
Gilly looked up at you and you shook your head. “She’s asleep bro, just go sleep.”
“Okay, I’ll go to her.” Angel attempted to stand up, but Gilly held him down.
“Hey, remember, you don’t like bothering her when she’s asleep.” Gilly reminded Angel.
“You’re right, I just want to tell her I love her.” Angel laid back down, his eyes closing.
Before long, Angel’s soft snores indicated to you all he was asleep. Coco looked at you as you looked at Angel, confused as always as to why he had to come to you whenever he was drunk. They’ve tried asking him, both Coco and Gilly, and whenever you saw him in the morning, you just gave him coffee and chose not to talk to him. He tried to make small talk with you, but you didn’t entertain it.
Angel chose to break up with you two years ago, your year and a half relationship down the drain. You didn’t fight him when he ended your relationship. You accepted it and attempted to move on. 
Problem was, Angel didn’t let you go. His presence was still felt even though you didn’t see him. Then three months after your breakup, the drunken visits came. At times, he would talk to you when he would come drunk, but you chose to ignore it and just took care of him.
You wanted to turn him away, but you love Angel. It was hard not to do so. Whenever you would think you had the courage to turn him away, you would let him back in your bed just so you could hold him. It was unfair to you, you wanted to move on, yet, when you had the chance to hold him, you never passed it up. You were addicted and you would break the habit eventually, but Angel was just, well, he was Angel. 
“Y/N, we can take him home if you want.” Coco hated doing this to you. He was there from the beginning and he didn’t want to keep dragging you back in Angel’s life. He knew how hard you were trying to move on, but it seemed like Angel held on.
“No, it’s okay Coco, just let him sleep.” You pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose, sighing as you draped a throw blanket over Angel. 
“We can stay if you want.” Gilly offered. Much like Coco, he felt for you. You were a sweet girl, always nice to the boys and never made a fuss when Angel chose to break dates to hang out with them. For him, you were the ideal girl, you were reasonable, beautiful, and a hell of a cook. When Angel broke up with you, they planned to keep in touch, bug you every once in a while for dinner. But then they realized, Angel had no plans of letting you go either. 
You chuckled and shook your head. “It’s fine, I’m sure you guys want a break from this guy.”
“We do, we really do.” Gilly agreed. “But we want to be here for you too, why did we bring him here man?”
“You gonna try to argue with Angel? He’s fucking unreasonable when he’s sober, it’s another thing when Don Quixote over here is drunk.” Coco shook his head. “If you need anything, just call me.”
“Call us.”
You nodded your head. You gave the two Mayans a hug before closing the door behind them. When you turned back, you gasped when you found Angel standing.
“Let’s go sleep?” His eyes were opening and closing and he was slightly swaying. You took one of his arms and led him to your room.
This was how it always ended. Regardless if you put Angel in your guest bedroom or the couch, he always ended in your bed. 
You assisted him on your bed, going back to close your door. Angel took off his clothes, leaving him in just his boxers. “I love you.”
Your heart clenched hearing him say that. He always told you he loves you. Without a fail, he always did, when he was visiting you intoxicated. Yet, you never felt it, especially with the way things ended. And he never said it when you were together. You did, and that’s when things went downhill for you two. Holding on to the doorknob, you tried to stop the tears from coming. Angel was watching you, waiting for you to come join him on your bed. He just wanted to hold you. 
“You coming?”
You nodded your head and went to your side of the bed as Angel scooted up to his. Moving the blanket, you two settled under the blanket and Angel pulled you flush against him. He caressed your face, before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Looking up at him, he was looking down at you, he was caressing your face again.
“What a pretty sight.” He sighed.
Your head rested on his chest and you eventually heard his breathing even out. You’re not sure how much more you could take of this. 
You had to move on.
It was time.
The next morning, you hoped it’s one of the days that Angel left while you were asleep. And he did, which you were thankful for. It was always awkward when Angel was still here when you woke up. Rolling over to the side, you sat up, slipping your glasses back on. Yawning, you checked your phone and had a few messages from Coco and Gilly, one from EZ.
Choosing to reply later, you placed your phone back on your dresser and stood up. Stretching as you let out a yawn, you walked out of your room and froze when you heard movement in your kitchen. Rushing back in your room to get the bat you had for protection, you made your way back towards the kitchen, peaking in and found Angel. You contemplated pretending to go back to sleep, but Angel’s voice stopped you.
“Don’t even think about pretending to go back to sleep, I made you breakfast and you have work in an hour and a half.” Angel called out.
You sighed. Placing your bat at its spot in your room, you go to the kitchen and found Angel making a plate. He handed you the plate and you murmured a thank you. Sitting at the dining table, you made sure to sit on the other side since the two chairs beside you were full of presents you have yet to wrap for Christmas. You still had time, but your dining table was basically full.
Angel smirked when he saw where you were situated. You acted as if he wasn’t with you for four years. He placed his plate down at the other end of the table. Moving your stuff to your coffee table, you opened your mouth to protest, but Angel already placed the presents down.
“You don’t have to move them, there’s plenty of room.” You protested.
“Away from you, yes. But I want to sit next to you.” Angel moved his plate and sat beside you. He shot you a smile before picking up his fork. “Come on, eat up.”
“Angel, this really isn’t necessary. I can just grab something on my way to work.” You didn’t like spending time with Angel, especially in this way since it still struck a chord with you. The familiarity of it was a painful memory of what was let go two years ago. 
“It would be rude for you to not eat after I made your favorite.” Angel knew you couldn’t resist a good omelette filled with spinach, bacon, sausage and cheese. “Please, let me do this for you, you did me a solid, again.”
Picking up your fork, you began eating. Letting the silence enveloped between you two. This was better. You didn’t want to talk to Angel. You didn’t want any thank you’s or apologies, you just wanted him to go so you could pretend that the other didn’t exist again.
Angel watched as you ate, keeping your eyes on your food. He hated how he did this to you, how you couldn’t even look at him. Every time he became highly intoxicated, Angel refused to go anywhere but your place, since it’s when he needed you most. Angel hardly drank himself to a stupor, but when he did, he was mostly troubled and was trying to forget the issues that were weighing heavily on him. Even though it’s been two years, you were one of those issues. He saw you around town often and it hurt him whenever he did. You were so close yet so far away. He knew that Coco and Gilly hang out with you every once in a while. Every day, it was a struggle for him to not see you, talk to you, hold you and be with you. 
So he came up with this ridiculous plan after you accepted him into your home one night after he got drunk. 
Whenever missing you became too unbearable, he got wasted and refused to go anywhere but your place. He was always aware enough to know he would be brought to you. And once he was with you, you would take care of him. He felt somewhat bad, but he didn’t know how else to approach you.
“Are you busy tonight?” Angel broke the silence between you two.
“What?” You had to make sure you heard him correctly. Looking over at Angel, he was waiting for you to reply. “I have a dinner thing.” A lie, and you were almost sure Angel could see right through it, but you didn’t want to think that. You could pull this off.
“A dinner thing?” Angel raised an eyebrow, amused by your choice of words. “Sounds like a fake thing.”
“Doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not, I have plans.” You had finished your food. Picking up your plate, you placed it in the sink and turned to face Angel who was still sitting down. “Don’t worry about the dishes, I can do them. Also, I’m not really sure why you always decide to keep coming to my place when you get drunk, but I would really appreciate it if you didn’t come here anymore.” Your best friend, Marie had advised you to create boundaries, to tell Angel that you no longer want him coming over whenever he was intoxicated. 
That it was time for you both to stay away from one another like you intended to do so when he broke up with you.
“Querida.” Angel stood up, but you shook your head, holding your hand up.
“You wanted to break up, we’re done Angel. As much as I want to be there for you, I can’t keep doing this and hurting myself. You chose to let me go, so go.” You left the kitchen and entered your room, locking the door. 
Angel watched as you walked away, telling himself to run after you, but he couldn’t. He’ll let you walk away for now, but after you put such a decisive end to this whole thing, he couldn’t just let go. It may be selfish, but living without you for the past two years further opened his eyes.
He wanted to be with you and just you. 
It’s always been you.
A month without any incident with Angel. You're glad he has finally decided to leave you alone. Coco had texted you a few times expressing that he was proud of you about putting your foot down with Angel. EZ has been frequenting the library more as of late, and he’s either had Marie with him, his girlfriend, or he came by himself. 
A new year and new decade ushered in a new era for you.
You caught EZ coming in, a smile appearing on your face.
“We got that book you’ve been waiting for, I saved you the copy since it was the only copy we got.” You grabbed the book and handed it over to him.
“Thanks Y/N.” He looked around. “Um, did Coco come? Or any other Mayan?”
“No,” you gave him a confused look. “You’re the only Mayan that comes during business hours. The others usually come when the library is closed waiting for me to make sure I made it home safely when I was still dating Angel.” 
EZ opened his mouth to apologize but you held your hand up.
“Ezekiel, I’m not fragile, it’s fine to mention your brother.” You laughed lightheartedly to lighten the mood. You knew EZ tried his best not to mention his older brother. “So you and Marie are getting serious?”
“Something like that,” the sheepish smile on Ezekiel’s face made you want to pinch his cheeks. “Just put a good word for me.”
“A good word? My best friend hates hanging out at the library with me, yet, she comes here to what? Watch you read?” You loved teasing Ezekiel. You were glad when he got out of prison, the way everything turned out for him, it was awful but you were grateful he was getting another chance at life. “You should at least take her out on a date.”
“Look, don’t judge me, I just got out of prison.”
“It’s been two years.”
“Alright, fine, Marie is just intimidating. One day she seems impressed with me, the next she’s not into it.”
“I think you’re reading too much into the situation. You two have been talking for four months now and you still haven’t asked her out. Marie is simple, start with the movies.” You suggested. 
“That’s fucking lame though.”
“Okay Netflix.”
“How about the fair? You and Angel can be like our chaperone.” EZ was trying to help Angel, soften you up some, but you were pretty good at blocking EZ’s charm. 
You looked at EZ for a moment, a small laugh escaping your lips. “Nice try.”
EZ smiled and took the book to his usual corner at the library. You knew your best friend would be bursting through the door in the next thirty minutes. Marie and EZ have been playing the flirting game for the last year and have been officially talking for the last four months. It was cute and you were happy that Marie found EZ and vice versa.
You got on the computer, trying to organize the library website like you promised your boss that you would do. The door opened and you expected the usual coffee Marie brought you.
“I feel like I should start requesting for a pastry since you two use my library as your hangout spot.” You teased. “I’m glad you’re here, coffee will help me through the rest of my shift.”
“I didn’t bring coffee querida, but I can run and get you some.”
You froze. That wasn’t Marie’s voice. Looking up, you found Angel with his staple kutte on his back along with a navy blue button up. His body has changed over the last two years, his muscles were more prominent. You weren’t blind, you could appreciate Angel taking care of his body.
“Can I help you?” The professional tone killed Angel, but he was determined to break through that.
“Came to check out a book, maybe you can help me?” Angel leaned against the countertop of the kiosk desk. His scent hit you and it made you want to smack him. How dare this man? You wanted to move on, and you’ve been doing so well. 
“I didn’t know you could read.”
“You know that’s a lie, I used to read to you while I fucked you.”
“Angel.” You hissed out his name, not wanting to yell.
Angel chuckled at your reaction. “Is it not true?”
“Listen, loitering is not allowed here.”
“That’s literally what everyone does around here.” Angel looked over at EZ and he shot his baby brother a smirk. “Well, I was looking for Stanford, I’ll be seeing you.”
You chose not to reply, saying ‘yeah right’ in your head. Marie walked in coffee and a box of Krispy Kreme in hand. The sigh of relief you let out was definitely noticed by her and her eyes immediately roamed the library to see if your creepy admirer was around, but instead she found EZ and Angel.
“Never pegged Angel as a library type of guy.” She placed your drink on the countertop. 
“He actually loves poetry, he really likes the European writers, British novels mostly Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare.” You mouthed off Angel’s interest which never surprised Marie. When you love someone, you made it a mission to know that person, so you would know their ins and outs. You become invested in any relationship you forge since you rarely make friends as it was. It wasn’t about quantity, it was all about quality for you. A hard lesson you learned over the years. “He’s a big fan of Scarlet Letter and Invisible Man. But he really likes poetry from all generations, when we were still together, I got him a few poetry books from a few authors he liked.” You paused, realizing the tangent you went on. It wasn’t uncommon whenever you spoke about Angel. 
Marie enjoyed it because she got to learn about her old obnoxious neighbor that never deserved her best friend. You met Angel through Marie and in some ways, she regretted letting it happen, but when she saw how happy you were, how could she be so opposed? Even with knowing Angel’s history, she had faith. But then Angel decided that the single life was more of a life for him, something you never knew about. You never wanted to know about it and she didn’t push you.
“It’s okay, I love your tangents, even if they’re about that asshat.” Marie rolled her eyes. “So, have you given any thought of going on a date with Tyler?”
“You mean your co-worker you always refer to as a man slut?” 
“Bitch, we’re trying to get the pussy wet, not a serious relationship.” 
“That’s a no.” 
You and Marie jumped, not expecting to hear Angel’s voice.
“Where did you even come from?”
“You setting her up?” Angel ignored Marie’s question. He was going to bug you for the name of that author you always raved about when you two were together, but he became intrigued when he caught the tail end of your tangent about his interests. It was endearing for him to hear that you still knew so much about him, but his mood soured when he heard Marie trying to set you up. “Tyler, the douche that always gets drunk out of his mind at the clubhouse?”
“Again, just trying to get her dry spell to end.”
“I volunteer.” Angel smirked.
“Not interested.” You replied as you turned to face Angel. “We talked about this, please, just respect my wishes. I don’t even know why you’re here.”
“Hate to break it to you querida, the library is public property, unless I’m disrupting the peace, I have every right to be here as much as you do.” Angel placed his chin on his hand, smiling sweetly at you. 
You grabbed the coffee and the box of donuts. “I’m going to take my break.” 
Your co-worker, Sienna took over the kiosk desk, Marie making her way over to Marie. She knew you needed some alone time. As she passed Angel, she patted his back.
“Give her space, don’t push it.” 
Angel wasted enough time. He knew you. It’s not that you didn’t want to be around him, you were just protecting your heart. He gave you five minutes before he followed after you, finding the trunk of your Toyota RAV4 opened. Walking over to you, he opened his mouth to speak, you beat him to it.
“Eugene, please, I’m on my break, I would appreciate it if you didn’t follow me.” Your day was starting to become shit since seeing Angel helped you realize that you weren’t over him. It’s been two years but due to his drunken escapades, it was hard for you to move on. 
“Who the fuck is Eugene?”
“No one.” You didn’t want to tell Angel about Eugene. It’s not like he would care, but you haven’t exactly told Angel about how your kindness to Eugene went from endearing to him becoming obsessive. “Can I help you?”
“I was going to take a smoke break then I saw your trunk open.” Angel shrugged, taking note of the name Eugene so he could ask Marie later. “Can I join you?”
“No, I’m done.” You closed the box of donut, picking up your drink as you stood up. 
“Come on, throw me a bone here. Can you give me a chance to explain?”
“Explain what exactly? Why you broke up with me? Why you kept me in your back pocket by being your go to house when you're drunk?”
“You gonna let me explain or are you gonna continue interrupting me?”
“I don’t care what you do, just please stay away from me. You’ve made your stance very clear two years ago. I don’t care why you came to me while you’re drunk, but it doesn’t matter. Don’t come to my job, don’t come to my apartment, just please stay away from me.”
“You don’t mean that.” Angel frowned. He didn’t expect things to go like this. Maybe he was an asshole or an idiot, but he expected you to welcome him with open arms.
“I do, I want to move on, build new relationships and be happy. I didn’t break your heart, I didn’t hurt you, if you don’t love me that’s fine. If you feel bad for what happened, you’re good, you’re forgiven.” You pressed the button that automatically closed your car. “I’m suffocating right? I’m too nice right? Then leave me alone.”
“You really just gonna walk away?”
You were about to answer Angel when you heard a familiar voice call out your name. Looking to where you heard the voice, you saw Jay, your ex-boyfriend. Angel cussed under his breath when he saw him. Jay was a sore subject for Angel. You two rarely spoke about Jay and it was mostly due to the fact that Angel never brought him up. When you did bring up Jay, it was a rare occurrence. It’s not that Angel didn’t care about your ex-boyfriend, in fact, he cared too much. Too many times he’s heard people spoke about how epic you and Jay were together. The perfect couple that would have stayed together if you decided to go with Jay to Germany. 
“Jay?” You hopped out of your trunk and was in disbelief. Jay, from what you knew, was still in Berlin, and wouldn’t be back for another three years. You kept in touch with him since you had a quite amicable break-up.
You two had dated for eight years before you two eventually parted ways. High school sweethearts, intended to last forever, but forever wasn’t a thing. You two broke up amicably and remained friends. It was hard not to be friends with a person you spent eight years of your life with. 
It was your ex-boyfriend. 
He couldn’t forget his name, he knew everything about the fucking guy. The first love, the one you would always love, that was the cliche, right? He remembered that he briefly met Jay before he left for Berlin once again. He was bringing you home after a catch up dinner with other friends and he saw just how your smile shone brightly around him. Jay was looking down at you, returning your smile as you animatedly spoke to him about something. You turned to face Angel and what he missed was how your smile changed, it was that smile specifically for your Angel. You had made your way towards him, wrapping your arms around him. Jay first met Angel then and much to your surprise, Jay took a liking to Angel, especially since he was a big fan of his Harley. Angel didn’t show much interest towards Jay, but you knew it bugged your then boyfriend how close you were to Jay.
Angel was not friends with any of his exes, but he also wasn’t with them for a long amount of time. If anything, you were his longest relationship. And seeing you react the way you did with Jay, he regretted it further that he let you go.
“Eugene is still coming here? You told me you handled that.” Jay was annoyed, you told him that you handled your too friendly library consumer. Jay stood at 6’4, 210 pounds, the Marines shaped him well. 
You looked at Angel and Jay did as well. 
“If you’re going to bother her when you’re drunk, you should at least get rid of her stalker.” Jay didn’t have a problem with Angel, but he knew Angel had a problem with him. He could see it when they first met. He couldn’t blame him, he rarely knew of exes that were friends, but Jay couldn’t exactly let you go. 
You two grew up together, you knew him best.
“Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?” You saw how quickly Angel’s face turned sour and you knew you could have a fight in your hands.
“Aright, let’s not do anything crazy.” You got in between them, with you facing Angel. “We’re done.”
You locked your car before making your way inside the library once again, dragging Jay with you, and leaving Angel to his own devices. The broken look on your face, he wanted to take that away, especially since he caused it. He loves you, he really did, he was just an idiot. 
The fact that Jay was seemingly back in town, Angel had to make a move. 
And you should know better, Angel was anything but a quitter.
Angel walked in the library and found you talking to one of your co-workers. He saw her nudge you and your eyes met. Quickly you looked away, shushing your co-worker. Angel took his usual spot opening the book he had borrowed earlier in the week. You weren’t surprised Angel burned through books, people counted him out due to his affiliates, but you knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
Jay hasn’t been back since he saw him two weeks prior. Angel frequented the library and never saw a sign of him. 
“You look beautiful Y/N.” Eugene, a regular at the library, complimented you. What started off as you being kind, feeling bad for a man who appeared to be a loner, was starting to make you feel uneasy. For the last three years, he progressively became bolder and you could tell that he was getting to the point where aggressive behavior was going to come out. Regardless of how nice you were, you always made sure he knew that you two were friends.
“Thank you Eugene.” You faked this small smile on your lips, but you didn’t want to provoke him. Sienna stayed beside you, she was more straightforward and had no problem telling Eugene to fuck off.
“Have you thought of my invitation for dinner tonight? My mother would love to meet you? I speak about you often with her.” The uneasiness at the pit of your stomach was unexplainable and Angel noticed the change on your face.
Sienna looked at you, her eyes slightly widening. She’s had enough of Eugene. It was small talk at first, but as of late, the man was beginning to be more bold. Starting with grabbing a drink or coffee, it evolved to having dinner at his place. You never entertained the idea and always let him down, but he wasn’t understanding.
“I’m sorry Eugene, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
“Why not?” You saw how his face slightly scrunched up, his voice slightly raising. A few of the library patrons looked over before going back to their book. “Stop being such a tease and just go to my place.”
Both you and Sienna were appalled by his suggestion. You never teased him. 
“Excuse me? I’ve never done such a thing.”
“Oh please, with the skirts and dresses you wear, how do you expect anyone to not be teased by your clothing. Mother is right, you’re a slut, but no mind, I can repent you.”
Angel heard enough. You saw him from the corner of your eye. 
“Call security, I’ll handle Angel.” You walked out of the kiosk and intercepted Angel. 
“Let go of me, he’s not going to get away speaking to you like that.” The restrained tone in Angel’s voice made you nervous for Eugene. 
“Please, Angel.” The way you whispered his name with a plea, it made Angel sigh deeply, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. 
“Make sure he’s gone when we get back.” He instructed Sienna. You led him to the restricted area of the library which was situated at the back. Older books or original versions of books were kept here, with only employees having access and at times guests who were accompanied by employees. 
When you two were all the way at the back of the restricted area, you leaned against one of the bookshelves as Angel paced back and forth in front of you.
“How long has he been harassing you?” Angel questioned, continuing his pace.
“How. Long.” He let out through gritted teeth. There was no argument. He let you take him away, you owed him this.
 You didn’t want to tell Angel, it didn’t matter anyway. All you knew was that you had to take care of this, he was making your anxiety spike up. “Three years.” 
“Three years?!” Angel’s voice echoed throughout the library. 
“Angel.” You hissed, keeping your voice low.
“Are you fucking kidding me? And you never told me?” Angel didn’t heed your warning. He was livid. How could you not tell him, especially while you two were together?
“Eugene is harmless.” He shot you a look and you sighed. “He was harmless.” You amended your statement. “Angel, please, it’s okay.”
“No the fuck is not, the way he spoke to you?” Angel felt his temper rise again. Fuck security, he would beat the idea in to Eugene that he was to never breathe the same air as you again. “Wait, Jay knew? And you didn’t tell me?”
You cussed under your breath. You accidentally told Jay about Eugene. He was FaceTiming you when Eugene came in after hours. You were able to shoo him away since Jay was on the phone. You never even thought of telling Angel, you didn’t want Angel to make a big deal out of it and you honestly thought you were reading too much into it. 
“I,” you sighed. “It wasn’t on purpose. Jay was FaceTiming me when Eugene walked in after hours.” 
“Did you have him pretend to be your boyfriend?” Angel knew he was being unreasonable, but it irked him that your ex-boyfriend knew about your stalker and he didn’t. He was the one who was in Santo Padre. He was the one who could deal with it. 
“No, Angel, it was years ago.”
“My fucking point exactly, it’s been years and you never told me. I was your boyfriend then, not him. How could you not tell me?”
“I don’t know, it was harmless, I didn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing.”
“Out of nothing?” Angel exclaimed, shaking his head at your ridiculousness. “We’re gonna fucking talk after this, this should have never been an issue.”
Before he could leave, you blocked his way.
You shook your head. 
“Don’t act like I can’t just lift you out of the way.” 
You weren’t exactly the lightest, and hardly looked like any of Angel’s previous girlfriends. You had meat on your bones and some people may poke fun at your weight, but Angel always made you feel like a queen. He loved your curves, kissed and worshipped every part of your body. Well until he broke up with you.
“Angel, please, just stay with me.” You wrapped your arms around him and he wrapped his arms around you.
“No, he’ll never learn his lesson unless,” 
You cut Angel off by bringing his lips down to yours. Whenever Angel became irritated or upset, small touches or kisses from you would always calm his anger. You took a chance knowing Angel doesn’t exactly want you anymore, so you’re not sure what this would do for the situation, but you had to try. Angel immediately responded to your kiss, his hands cupping your face. One of his hands slid down to your neck, slightly moving you so you were against the bookshelves. His hand moved down, brushing against your breast causing you to moan. Angel’s tongue slipped in, deepening your kiss. He pressed you against the shelf, pulling away and pressing his forehead against yours. The anger that had overtook his body was gone, and was now replaced for a burning desire for you.
“You still taste so good.” Angel kissed you again, your back arching so your front was pressed against his front. One of his hands was sliding under your skirt, causing you to pull away.
“No Angel.” You shook your head, moving away from him to fix yourself. 
Angel groaned, his dick was hard and he was at a library with no means of relieving it. He thought of anything that could help his erection to go away, his third grade teacher who was horrific to him did the trick. Turning to face you, he found you looking around before you took his hand and led him further down the restricted area of the Santo Padre library. It was an old library, built by the Spaniards when they were doing their missions along California. Bringing him to the last row where you knew there was an entrance to the inventory the library had for the restricted section. You knew no one ever went in there till closing. You didn’t want Angel to do anything to you, but you could definitely help alleviate some of his anger. 
“Querida, where the fuck are we?” Angel looked around and the shelves were against the walls, a few shelves were in the middle of the room, otherwise, there were books everywhere. You led him to a desk that Sienna used to organize the unlabeled books. You pushed Angel down onto the office chair. He watched as you sunk to your knees, your eyes focused on unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. “Hey, you don’t have to do this.”
“I know, but I want to.” You lifted your eyes to meet his and the softness in his eyes was such a stark contrast from earlier where they were dark, anger obviously apparent. Now, it was adoration and lust that clouded his iris. You tugged on his jeans, which Angel assisted you with, lifting himself up so you could pull down his jeans and boxers. Smirking, you wrapped your hand around his semi-hard cock, using some of his pre-cum to help your hand glide down with ease. Angel groaned, leaning his head back. It was his weakness, watching your beautiful lips around his cock, trying to take in as much of his cock, he was a goner whenever you did that. The way your eyes would water, your cheeks hallowed, your mouth full of him, the image alone could make him cum. But he always held back, letting himself enjoy you. 
“Fuck, look at you mi sol,” he watched as you spat down on his cock, holding his thick member with one hand. Placing a kiss on the tip of his cock, you looked up at Angel as you opened your mouth to take him in. Just as he taught you, you took Angel until you could not take any of him anymore, moving your head back up, his cock sheath with your saliva. You took him in your mouth once more, Angel gathering your hair in one hand. He loved your eyes on him. Those hooded eyes under those thick black rimmed glasses of yours. You move your mouth up and down his cock, hollowing your cheeks and swallowing around him whenever his tip reaches your gag reflex. You let go of him with a pop, your hand replacing your mouth. “That’s right baby, take your dick and let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” Angel tried not to lose himself with you, but any part of you that was connected always felt so good for him. He didn’t know what it was but everything he did with you was a hundred times more intense when compared to others.
Placing two hands on his cock, you had your mouth on the tip of his cock, running your tongue over and over again over Angel’s sensitive cock. He moaned out your name, gripping your hair tighter. You were licking his cock like it was a tootsie roll lollipop and you were trying to get to the center. You moved so that your tongue was moving up and down his shaft, getting to the top and engulfing his tip with your mouth. Angel groaned, throwing his head back, licking his lips as you continued to bob your head up and down. His hand assisted you, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat, swallowing around it.
“Holy fuck princesa, keep going I’m about to cum.” Angel moaned. “You want me to cum in your mouth baby? You gonna swallow daddy’s cum?”
You chose not to answer and continued your ministrations. Just as you felt Angel’s cock pulsing in your mouth, you pulled away, placing a kiss on his cock. Angel slammed his hand on the desk, grabbing your hair. 
“You really want to play with daddy?” His face was so close to you, your hand still around his cock. You tightened your hold, moving your hand up and down causing Angel to close his eyes. He moaned out your name, further dampening your panties. “Put your mouth back on my cock so I can fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.” 
You followed Angel’s instructions, taking him back in your mouth. Angel began to thrust up in your mouth, tears forming in your eyes as he moved in and out of your mouth. Your hands rested on Angel’s thighs, your nails digging into his skin. He chanted your name before he came in your mouth, holding your head against him. You swallowed some of his cum, keeping some of it in your mouth. He let go of your hair, saying how much of a good girl you were for swallowing daddy’s cum. His cock was still semi-erect and you smirked, dropping some of his cum on his cock, making Angel groan as he felt himself hardened again at the sight of you using his cum as lubrication, moving your hand up and down once again. 
“God, my dirty little librarian.” Angel always fantasized doing numerous things with you in the library. You weren’t opposed to it, but Angel hardly came to pick you up from your work. And now, Angel regretted that.
You placed a sweet little kiss at the tip of his cock before you stood up. 
“Stay here, I’ll get you some paper towels.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him.
“Let me make you feel good.” Angel smirked when he saw your breast just calling to him. You balanced yourself on the arm rest of the arm chair. Your dress was sinful since it was this black cami dress that you usually wore a cardigan with. He knew without that cardigan, all those fuckers that pretend to go to the library for books would be staring straight at your ample breast. And even though you were wearing leggings under, the imagination was running wild. “Where the fuck is your cardigan?” He hated how your breasts were just out in the open, even though your dress did cover your cleavage well, Angel had fucked you too many times in this dress, pulling the top down, watching as your breast bounced up and down as he fucked you.
“No, it’s okay, I just wanted to make you feel good.” In reality, you were ashamed you let this happen. For two years, you did nothing with Angel besides cuddling and now you not only kissed him but you gave him a blowjob. The only reason you did it was because seeing how protective he became over you, it made your heart melt. “I left it on my chair.” You bit back a moan as Angel grabbed your breast.
“What did daddy say about this dress?” He pushed one of your straps down, licking his lips as his eyes focused on your beautiful skin, calling him to mark it. 
“Angel,” you whimpered as he pulled a part of your dress down, your naked breast immediately greeting him. 
“Where the fuck is your bra?”
“It has a built in one.” 
Angel wrapped his hand around your throat, making you look at him. He growled, squeezing your breast, taking your nipples in between his fingers.
“I’m gonna ask you one more fucking time, what did daddy say about this dress.”
“Not to wear it unless you’re with me.” You gave in and you couldn’t even be angry. Angel was doing a number on you. But you had to snap out of it, pleasuring him was one thing, but you didn’t want to go back there with Angel. “But we’re no longer together.” You moved away, fixing yourself. You were so wet, but you couldn’t give in to Angel.
“I can change that.”
“I’ll meet you at the kiosk desk.”
When Angel eventually joined you at the kiosk desk, you were surprised when he sat right beside you. Sienna threw you a smirk before finishing a few things around the library since you were set to close in forty-five minutes. Eugene was escorted off of the property, but you knew he would be back. You should really be more stern with Eugene, but at the same time you knew he found solace in the library since it was his time away from his mother. 
You were organizing a few things at your desk, trying your best to avoid Angel and making yourself look busy. His eyes were on you, you could feel them. 
“We’re closing soon, you should go.” Boundaries, you shouted that in your head. Boundaries. You had to set up boundaries or you would be in this endless loop with Angel. There was no future between you two, there was no point of prolonging the inevitable.
“I’ll wait just in case he’s waiting for you outside.” Angel’s voice was strained. You knew he was upset about your comment earlier.
“He won’t be, this isn’t some crime drama.” You tried to lighten the mood, but that seemed to upset Angel further. “I’ll be safe, I promise.”
He leaned in, so only you could hear his words. “Stop it, I’m not leaving you, I’m going to make sure you’re fucking safe. You chose to hide this from me for years and now that I’m in the know, you’re not going to be a fucking statistic.” He took the cardigan that was resting on your chair, and placed it over you. “Wear your fucking cardigan. You think just because we’re not together you’re no longer mine?” Angel chuckled. “You’ll always be mine, you can fight it all you want, but you shouldn’t fight the inevitable.”
“I’m not yours, there’s no fighting anything. We’re not together and it’ll remain that way.” You moved away from him, focusing your eyes on the computer in front of you once more.
The library was finally closed and as Angel promised, he remained by your side. You stood up gathering your things and you saw Sienna making her way towards the door.
“Hey! Are we still meeting at that new Thai place?” 
Sienna was about to confirm your plans when Angel shook his head behind you. She refrained from smiling and shook her head.
“Sorry babe, my man just texted me. He’s having some technical difficulties at home. Rain check?” 
“Sure.” You smiled and waved her goodbye. You could feel Angel behind you, his heat was just radiating. “Hey, so, I have to do inventory. You can sweep the parking lot to see if he’s there, but otherwise, we’re good. Thanks again for standing up for me.” You didn’t want to face Angel, you were nervous about what you would see. Resisting Angel was difficult and you just had so much willpower left. You never felt your dry spell, it never bothered you, until today. Now you really had to get laid.
You felt Angel box you in, his front against your back. You felt his hot breath against your skin. “Are the cameras on?”
“Huh?” Being in such close proximity to Angel, you wanted to close your eyes, bask in the feeling, but you have to set up boundaries. 
“Are the cameras on?” Angel repeated his question.
“No, Sienna turns them off, only the outside cameras are on.” 
“Good.” Angel placed his hand on your breast, grabbing it through your dress. Placing your hand on top of his, you incidentally intertwined your hands, with your hand on top of his as his other hand slid down your dress starting from your chest down to your abdomen and under your dress, pulling down your leggings. You felt him smile against your ear when he felt just how dampen your panties were. “You’re so wet, is this all for daddy?” 
You whimpered when you felt Angel press against your clothed pearl. He squeezed your breast making you let out another whimper. “I didn’t hear an answer.”
“Yes daddy.” Your other hand grabbed Angel’s before he could move your underwear to the side. “Angel, let’s not do this.” Your mind screamed boundaries while your heart said fuck it. 
“Why baby, you let someone else touch my pussy?” Angel swatted your hand, slipping his fingers under your panties. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, stretch out this pussy.”
Your phone began to ring and you immediately grabbed it. It was Jay, your ex-boyfriend. Angel saw the name and growled out your name. 
“If you answer, I’m gonna make sure to make you come while he’s talking to you.” Jay was a sore spot for Angel. He was your high school sweetheart. The one that supposedly got away. Fuck that, Angel refused to acknowledge that. Jay was a part of your past, one he never wanted to address since he made him feel even more insecure about your relationship. 
Angel ran a finger up and down your slit, slipping it past your entrance shallowly, moving his finger tip in and out. It was just enough for you to feel him, but not enough.
You let your phone ring, focused on the sensations or lack thereof that Angel was providing.
“You want my finger all the way, so you can feel my rings against that pussy?”
You nodded your head, loving the feel of Angel’s hand against yours. His hands were always so fucking big, it made yours feel small.
“Naw, I know you got a voice,” he kissed your ear, nipping at it. “Fucking use it.”
“Yes, please daddy.” You begged.
Angel chuckled lowly and slipped his finger further in, adding a second finger. “Tight as always, no one touched you baby?” His thumb landed on your throbbing pearl, tapping it.
“No daddy, just me.” You didn’t want to disclose with Angel that Marie’s words were true about your dry spell. You felt him add a third finger and you threw your head back, your head landing on Angel’s shoulder. 
Angel wrapped a hand on your throat, chastely kissing your cheek. He kept his lips on your cheek, his breath against your skin further turning you on. 
“Did you use that toy I got you?” He questioned. He was rubbing his clothes erection against your back, the friction was amazing, but you knew it would be so much better when it was his bare skin against yours.
“Yes daddy, I did.” You were clenching Angel’s fingers, his fingers tightening around your throat. 
Just as Angel was about to unzip his jeans to slide on home, the door opened. You tried to move away from Angel, but all he did was fix your dress and kept you pressed against him. Jay looked at you, the swollen lips, the disheveled state and the smug look on Angel’s face gave it away. 
“Was I interrupting?” Jay questioned, walking further inside the library.
You and Angel answered at the same time. He looked down at you, but you kept your eyes on Jay.
“You said you wouldn’t be back till next week.” You really wished Jay didn’t come, but at the same time you were glad he came. You were going to cave to Angel and that was the last thing you wanted to do.
“I decided to surprise you.” Jay leaned against the kiosk desk once he arrived, smirking. “You could have continued Reyes, I don’t mind watching.” The smugness on Jay’s face irritated Angel. 
You sighed and pushed Angel out of the kiosk desk. “Go home Angel.”
“I’m not leaving you with this guy.” Angel stood his ground. Jay wasn’t your man, and he never would be again. 
“She’s safe with me, go back to your little club, fix bikes, fuck bitches, and sell drugs.” Jay knew what the Mayans were, he’s had his fair share of run ins with them over the years. He was friends with Neron, a gym buddy of his you could say and he served time with Johnny in the Marines. 
“Jay!” You hissed.
Angel just smirked and shook his head. Jay wasn’t worth it, not yet at least.
“I’ll see you later querida.” He brushed past Jay. It took every fiber in his body to not knock him out.
There was a time and place.
His main goal right now was to get you back. You two had plenty to talk about and Angel planned on discussing things with you. He wasn’t going to let Jay weasel his way back in, especially since he may never let you go again.
Angel understood he fucked up.
He made a hasty decision.
But, it was a new year.
It’s 2020. 
A brand new decade. 
Your past grievances could be left behind in 2019.
Valentine’s Day was around the corner and he was determined to spend it with you.
Angel was more determined to win you back. That kiss, he knew he wasn’t the only one who felt that undeniable spark between you two. And the sexual encounters you two just had, it left Angel wanting more, as he always had.
But he had to take care of Eugene and then Jay.
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @anangelwhodidntfall : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespancakes  : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @onmyspookysblock : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @un-poetryy : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33  : @incorrect-mcdanno : @that-chick212 : @imanerdychubbyqueen : @60shannon : @deeandbobbymcgee : @marquelapage : @justlikebreathing : @mindless-x-dreaming : @thesewordsareallihavetogive : @wiccanmetallicrose : @appropriate-writers-name : @likedovesinthewnd : @admirehermind : @krysiewithak : @helli4nthus : @robbosvgdens : @scuzmunkie : @proudlittlewitchbitch : @lilacyennefer : @witchyhours​
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loveofafangirl · 3 years
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Light Up The Sky ⚡️
[Baron Zemo Masterlist] [Marvel Masterlist]
Pairing: Baron Zemo x Reader (no gender, race, body type given)
Synopsis: You're fascinated by the storm developing outside but Zemo insists you wait out the storm from the safety of the house with him. *Fluff*
Word Count: <900
A/N: I wrote this yesterday, but never had a chance to post it. I hope you enjoy it. Also, I really love thunderstorms and definitely need someone to remind me not to stand in the rain where I could get struck by lightning 🙈
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The room darkens around. You peer up over the top of the book you were reading. The daylight that had once flooded the space has quickly disappeared.
You close the book and open the sliding glass door of the patio to get a better look. Dark storm clouds now blanket the sky, though you still feel the heavy, humid air pressing down on you. The wind grows more powerful, rustling through the upturned leaves. You take a step out of the door, letting the warm breeze wash over you.
The first drop of rain splatters down, landing on your cheek. You close your eyes, savoring the cool drops falling on your skin. It feels good. You hope this shower will break the oppressing humidity and bring some reprieve. Before long, the heavens open up.
"Ahh!" You scream gaily, not having expected such a drastic shift. You start to jump for the door but, the water is refreshing, and you can't help but stay and let it cascade over you. Your clothes cling to you almost immediately under the downpour. The air cools with each passing second; you breathe deeply, enjoying the sweet scent of the rain-soaked earth.
A low rumble of thunder pulls you from your thoughts. The wild wind blows around you. Leaves and small branches gather on the patio.
"What are you doing?" Zemo calls, standing in the doorway. His gaze travels over you.
"It's invigorating!" You declare as if this answers his question. You toss your head back, letting the rain cover you.
A flash of lightning illuminates the sky in the distance; the thunder that follows grows louder.
"Come inside, Y/N," Zemo insists. His tone is stern, catching you by surprise. "It is not safe."
"It's fine! I counted the seconds between the strike and the thunder. It's still a safe distance away." You turn to him, hoping to win him over. You realize you never shut the door behind you. The floor beneath him is glossy with fallen rain that the whipping winds sent into the house. "Whoops."
A sheet of rain pelts your back as the storm grows more violent. Another blast of wind carries leaves tumbling into your home.
Though the cool water feels delightful, the sting of the heavy rain encourages you to follow his directions. You hop back inside, almost slipping on the pool of water. "Oof!"
Zemo catches you, wrapping you in his strong arms. "Let us get you dried off."
"Not yet." You turn back to watch the storm growing outside. A bright burst of lightning lights up the sky. Your eyes widen at the majesty of it, as you hum your appreciation.
The thunder that follows this time is much closer than the last; the storm is moving faster than you had anticipated. You watch the turbulent clouds roll across the sky.
"I think it is time that we move away from the windows," Zemo encourages. He places a guiding hand on your hip.
"It's fine!" You maintain, but his arm circles you, pulling you away, leaving no room for arguments.
"I would feel much better if I knew that you were safe away from the potential of the shattering of the glass."
You want to protest, but you love his concern and protection. You lean into him. "Okay."
Zemo leads you to the couch with him, keeping you in his arms. He doesn't care that your wet clothes are now saturating his own. He only wants you safe, and he knows the best way to do that is to keep you close. It was one of his quirks you loved most.
A strike of lightning flashes and a crash of thunder roars almost simultaneously. You instinctively jump, and your breath catches as the walls seem to rattle at the deafening sound surrounding you.
He nuzzles into you, his beard scratching lightly across the wet fabric covering your shoulder. His voice low, almost drowned out by the heavy rain beating against the house. "I thought you liked the thunderstorms and were not afraid?"
"I do. I was just startled. That's all!"
He hugs you a little closer to his chest. His brow raises challengingly. "I am not so sure of this any longer."
Thunder booms again. You can feel its reverberation to your core. Your body trembles again. "I'm not scared. It's just louder than I expected." Your gaze drifts out the window to the now violet sky peppered with flashes of lightning. "I mean, look at that...It's beautiful!"
The corner of his lip turns up as he smirks. "Yes... you are." He kisses your temple tenderly. His warm lips burn pleasantly against your cool skin.
You nudge him playfully, stirring in his lap.
"I am not letting you go until the storm it is over." Zemo holds you more securely; his lips press together in a mischievous grin. "It is for your own safety and protection, Liebling. You simply cannot be trusted."
You feign protest, trying to escape, but he holds you closer. He kisses you softly, painting a slow path across your cool, wet skin. The warmth of his breath lingers; your body shivers under his careful attention until your focus is entirely on him. The melody of the storm becomes a distant soundtrack as you relax contently into his arms.
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Marvel Perma(til the end of the line): @the-soot-sprite ​​; @fandomxreaders ; @moonstuffsteve ​
Zemo tags: @montypythonsholysnail ​​ ; @killsandthrills ​​ ; @noavengers ​​ ; ​@nalabarnes1031 ; @trelaney ; @willowtheewisp ; @marchingicenotes7 ; @valquiria3000 ; @swooning-for-mc-avoy ​​​; @coffeewithoutcaffeine ; @charistory
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Got any new Jason todd fics to recommend 👀
I went looking Anon, I filtered the living hell out of the Jason Todd tag in AO3 and I got some fics for you and... for me.
Just remember, this is me and my Jason Todd loving heart cannot read any DC related content that doesn't have Dick Grayson in it SO all of these fics have Dick Grayson in them.
Those are the rules when my brain is involved Anon, so I hope you like Dick because if you don't then I am really sorry!
And I didn't want to find only fics where Jason and Dick are in good terms or talk about certain things that have happened in canon which could lead to them becoming friends... I didn't! It just happened, it was not my fault, I never made "Dick Grayson" a tag that NEEDED to appear in the fic (I am being honest), but I am drawn to those fics like crazy so yeah...
I hope you like my blue boy because he is everywhere...
pretend you were a good man - MasterOfMyFateCaptainOfMySoul
“Jay, I never wanted to do that to you. I didn’t even want to go undercover in the first place and I’m so sor-“ Jason cuts him off with a punch. It slams into Dick’s cheek and although Dick is probably the best fighter in their family, he doesn’t even attempt to dodge it.
Jason follows up with another punch, the green taking control and he forgets how to hold back, how to restrain from breaking bones, he just hits.
- This one is violent and sad, it is tagged Hurt No Comfort, but there is a little bit of hope at the end of it. Made me feel feelings, I cried.
fed to the rules and I hit the ground running - nex_et_nox
“Tim?” Dick calls, heading toward the zetas. Several feet away, he pulls to an abrupt halt.
That’s not Tim.
[or: Red Hood gets shot. Nightwing would like to know why an injured crime lord broke into the Cave.]
- Excellent start of a "What If?" scenario, very lovely it also made me cry.
The Foundation of Brotherhood - BirdInTheCave
Dick wasn't sure how to feel about Jason, at first. He was something new hailed from a bitter circumstance, but all it takes is a few wise words from a butler to make Jason one of the best things to happen in Dick's life. Jason means the world to him, so when he comes home to visit the Manor for a little while and finds Jason with some bruises from out of uniform he demands answers. He doesn't hesitate to tell Jason what family really means.
- Robin!Jason and Nightwing!Dick are ALWAYS a must when I rec stuff, this was beautiful and also cried.
Your Brother Never Tells You But He Loves You So - koyo_aria
“I killed the Joker, you know.”
It was so faint, Jason wasn’t even sure he heard it. If it weren’t for the brackish wind carrying the sound, he might not have. The longer the silence sits, the tighter his chest becomes. The weight of what was said lodges in his lungs, and the gasped breath that follows feels like trying to suck in oxygen on mars.
- This is my kind fic, Hurt and a whole ass bunch of Comfort, Dick and Jason talking about the events of Joker's last laugh #6 is just so personal. I love it and I cried too.
*Warning: Panic Attacks. PTSD.
(even in the dark) the road is bright- jesamnelovelace
When Tim accidentally lets it slip that Dick had once killed the Joker, Jason goes to confront him.
- Oh! Here it is again! No need to tell you by now that I cried. Jason being overwhelmed by his feelings, in fics, makes me weak.
*Warning: Slight Panic Attack? It wasn't tagged but just to be safe!
Important Reminder!
What I look for in fics is not what I look for in comics. Jason's characterizations are always a little off but I am okay with it, because none of this is canon.
I just like the concept of Dick and Jason getting along and being friends before and after Jason's death. Them bonding in the way they do in fanon isn't something that will ever happen in canon so I enjoy it in fics.
Only one of these fics has Dick as not being "there" for Jason before his death but it was very light and I was still able to enjoy the fic.
All of these are great one-shot fics in AO3. Jason might come off as a bit too much on some of these but I really enjoy Jason and Dick showing emotions that they will never be written with in comics (due to characterizations or DC being too afraid of making strong men cry).
Anyway, these are the ones that I was able to read ever since I got your ask, I don't want to make you wait for the answer anymore so here are my recs!
If you like them let me know! Maybe I will keep reading more so I can rec others if you or someone else wants me to! ((((I will try to find Jason-centric ones that don't include Dick just in case))))
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daisyfics · 3 years
Hey hey! Can I pretty please request for kokichi, shuichi and rantaro with a gf who acts completely normal, is cheerful and is really good at acting out her emotions but turns out to be a bit of a psycho and really unaffected with deaths and blood, basically heavy gore due to her past? Like they can have blood splatter on their face and they would be smiling or just staring emotionless. It's okay if you don't want to! Feel free to decline! Don't wanna make anyone feel uncomfortable!
Hi, thanks so much for the request! i hope you enjoy!! also, i’m very sorry but i don’t write for Rantaro, i don’t like him much so if i did write something for him it would not be very good
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(slight)🟨Kokichi and Shuichi x hidden emotionless loser reader (i’m kidding)
Pairings: Kokichi x fem!reader, Shuichi x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of past trauma if you can call it that
A/n: i ran out of ideas at the end 😭
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•Let’s just say he was definitely fooled indeed
•Like, how sweet are you!! You’re too good for him, he doesn’t deserve you, blah blah blah
•You’ve been able to keep this murderous side of you hidden for quite a while, either because he’s very dense or you’re just good at hiding it
•However, he does slightly catch on due to his experience in detective work
•He won’t confront you about it, he’ll just have his own little suspisions
•Although you’ve stayed hidden for this long, you were most likely caught in the act of either killing or being a witness of a murder
•If you were caught being the culprit, he would be at a loss for words, basically. He knew that you had a secret, maybe a hidden personality trait— but he never expected it to be so… violent?
•He also didn’t want to find out this way— i mean, you’re his girlfriend for crying out loud! there’s no way you just killed someone and acted like nothing happened. at least show some guilt goddamn
•He knew you had a past involving such gore, but he’s really at a loss for words
•Uh yeah
•If you were a witness, he would definetely comfort you in the best way possible…!
•By that, i mean… trying to sing you a song?
•Okay i know that this has nothing to do with the request but i feel like his singing voice, when he’s actually trying, could lull anyone to sleep
•And don’t you dare be like “yeah but his singing was ass when they were doing that one ritual” SHUT UP. I DONT CARE.
•Anyways back to the prompt
•This is when he first learned that you were basically immune to such graphic scenes because of the past.
•I feel like since he’s also done plenty of detective work back in the day, he could somewhat relate to you, except he’s still a wimp
•So yeah
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•Lol he reminds me of Venti from Genshin Impact
•He likes this cheery side of you that you have going on! He’s more than happy at the fact that you’d love to do very fun activities with him! <3
•Although, I feel like he’s smarter than he looks. By that, i mean he may be able to catch onto that fishy business you have going on…
•Like Shuichi, he won’t directly confront you about it— at least not right when he finds out. if he were to, you both would have to be in a quite serious relationship, other than that he would feel awkward
•If you’re a culprit, he’s definitely shocked, that’s for sure.
•However, he most likely caught onto your violent (emo)tionless act before the murder, making him less surprised that you were a culprit
•But still, he’s perplexed on the reason behind your killing
•If you were somewhat of a witness, you both wouldn’t share much different interactions han usual
•He’ll be more considerate of his jokes from now on— he doesn’t want to offend you too much
•So yeah, he wouldn’t wanna bring it up until you’re ready of course, just because he’s a weirdo doesn’t mean he’s inconsiderate
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜
Chapter 3: chains around my demons
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,798
Summary: blessed with telepathic abilities since birth, you were captured by HYDRA and turned into one of their weapons to kill. after the blip, you were pardoned by the government and you were obliged to check up with dr. raynor everyday which you had no clue would lead you to the one soul you’d been waiting for.
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+) angst, mentions of anxiety, nightmares, murders.
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @ohmickeyhenry who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for trusting me with your story. i sincerely hope you like it.
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The next day, you packed up your bags and were ready to leave. You were waiting on Sam to arrive at Wakanda with the quinjet so he could fly you and Bucky back to the compound. You were a little bummed about leaving Wakanda, it had been a therapeutic experience for you and Bucky to be here. The thought of living the domestic life, in a beautiful place like Wakanda that is far away from the bustling city of New York was enticing. Sometimes you’d look at Bucky just walking around in his shirt and sweatpants doing the most mundane things instead of getting prepared for another mission and you’d think “I could get used to this.”
You thanked T’Challa, Shuri, Queen Ramonda and the Dola Milaje for everything they had done before you bid your farewell. You promised to stay in contact with Shuri and the Dora Milaje but it was still hard to leave them, they were truly the best people you had ever met. They reminded you of everything HYDRA was not. You could see why Bucky always spoke so highly of them.
Later that night, you had the compound all to yourself. Tony was having a date night with Pepper, Natasha was on a mission to Hungary, Sam was visiting his sister in Louisiana and Rhodey was dealing with some air force matters. As much as you loved the Avengers, you were grateful for this moment alone with Bucky.
The dimmed lights in the kitchen where you and Bucky just had dinner gave him an idea, “doll, get up…”
She did as he told even though she had no clue what he was planning, “for what, Bucky?”
He didn’t answer her but rather, he commanded FRIDAY to play a song called Put Your Heart on My Shoulder by Paul Anka. “Let’s dance, doll.”
He put his flesh hand on your waist and took your left hand with his vibranium arm, “I haven’t danced in ages, Buck.”
“Me neither, doll, but we’ll learn from each other,” he smiled affectionately at you.
It started off slow and you kept your eyes on each other, saying things that words can’t illustrate. It’s love, the realization of how fortunate you both were to have found each other. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” you uttered softly as you fiddled with his dog tags.
“Me too, doll. But we got each other now, I won’t let anything keep me away from you for too long.”
There was a brief silence. “Do you remember the last time you danced like this?”
“1945, Stark Expo, before I was shipped out to England. Her name was Connie and I took Steve with me because I wanted to spend it with him on my last night. I set him up with Connie’s friend but the punk just left to try to enlist in the army.”
Steve. You’d heard about him from Natasha and Tony. No one outside of the Avengers really knew where he was but you knew that he went back in time. That’s all you knew about it. You had also learned about his and Bucky’s friendship and how they really went all the way back. You were often curious about his ‘disappearance’ however you didn’t wanna pry or made Bucky feel worse. Losing a friend was always hard, let alone someone who was his only connection to his past, the life that he knew before he was forced to live out those violent years. You’d heard from Sam about how Steve was the only reason why Bucky stayed alive and how he had thought about committing suicide before. Now that he was gone, Sam often feared that Bucky would snap and give in to it but he always tried to be there for him. You were just glad that Bucky had Sam even before you were around.
“Do you… miss Steve?” you hesitantly asked as you rested your head on his chest.
“All the time,” He confessed. You were a tad relieved that Bucky wanted to open up about him to you. “He was the only family I got left, and when he went back, I felt empty. I was just lucky that Sam didn’t give up on me… And that, I met you.”
You smiled, you lifted your head to look at him. “You’re never gonna lose me. Not again,” you touched his face and he kissed you. It was soft, nothing like the kiss on your last night in Wakanda, but you could feel him pouring all the emotions and gratitude he had for you and you did just the same.
He lifted you as you wrapped his legs around his waist, still maintaining that kiss. Bucky carried you onto the dining table where you just had your dinner and he laid you there as he trailed to your throat and all the way down to your body which was now half-exposed after he lifted the hem of your shirt up until your breasts were revealed.
You weren’t wearing any bra so it was easier for him to access your nipples, he sucked on the right one as his flesh hand made its way down to your pants, unbuttoning it, and he inserted his fingers to find your clit, rubbing it in circles, making you even wetter every second. You shut your eyes, letting him have his way with your body.
His fingers and his tongue worked so magically that within seconds, he had you close to orgasm. “Bucky, so close…” You could feel his smirk against your nipple and he rubbed you faster. You moaned his name as you released all over his digits, soaking them up and he lifted his head to look into your eyes as he sucked your juices all over his hand like a fucking ice cream.
“You taste like heaven, sweetheart.” The sight of Bucky staring intensely at you as he sucked on his fingers that were drenched by your cum was euphoric, like watching a live homemade porn video. Bucky took off his sweatpants and his shirt, discarding them on the floor. Seeing him shirtless never ceased to mesmerize you, his body was a work of art. He’d told you one night that it took him a while to accept the scars on his body, let alone the bionic arm that felt nothing like a human but you told him that you loved every inch of it and if you could, you’d worship it forever.
Bucky then lifted the shirt that was still rumpled on your chest, up to your wrists, where he used it as a makeshift knot, keeping your hands above your head, “stay there, understand?”
“Yes, sergeant.” You had no idea what sparked that nickname, but from the way he grinned, he sure loved it and if he loved it, then you were sure to use that in future steamy sessions.
“Sergeant, huh? You’re in big trouble, darling.” Bucky tore your damp panties and you gasped, not expecting him to be so aggressive… Not that you were complaining though. “Bucky…”
“Shh, let me take care of you, baby.” He kissed you ferociously, with his tongue completely dominating your mouth. Without any warning, his middle finger intruded your body… But it was an entirely different feeling from the last time he did that to you because he was using his vibranium arm and the sensation instantly took over your body, running in your veins like that serum in his blood.
“Oh God, Buck…” You whined as you looked down to where his finger was moving in and out of you at a slow pace.
“Does it feel good?” He asked as he kept looking at your face, searching for any signs of discomfort but with each motion, you only seemed to enjoy it.
“Yes, it feels fucking amazing… Don’t stop, please.”
He began to move his digits faster, and when your wails grew louder, he inserted another finger and you arched your back. “Fuck, oh God…” Bucky curled his fingers to brush your sweet spot, pushing you to the edge and you cum for the second time all over his vibranium hand.
“You’re so hot when you cum,” he whispered in a gravelly low voice that could weaken any woman in the knees. He pulled his fingers out of you and he used your juices to stroke his member to make it easier to slide into you.
Bucky lifted your legs onto his shoulders and he lined his cock to your entrance, slowly as he felt your walls fluttered around him. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” Bucky began moving, he was taking his time with your body, wanting to feel every inch of you and you of him, and you whimpered with every thrust. He felt so heavy between your hips that you could feel your orgasm approaching fast, even with the languid pace.
“I’m not gonna last long…” You said in between whimpers.
“I know, doll. Just let go when you’re ready, okay?” He began to speed up, his grunts and the sound of your skin slapping was obscene, making you nearly forget you were fucking in the place where the Avengers would feast (if they found out what you did on this table, Tony would hire a cleaning service company to scrub the entire surface thrice.)
The coil in your lower abdomen tightened and you knew you were seconds away from rupturing. A few more thrusts and you hit your peak. Bucky kept holding your hips tightly and he continued to pound into you, prolonging your orgasm as he chased his own climax. Your body trembled from the aftershocks but from the way Bucky was impaling you, you could feel a fourth orgasm coming and you didn’t know if you could take it anymore.
He felt you squeezing his cock once again and you both came together, pleasure washed over both of you. He shot his load inside you, painting your walls white. A few more shallow thrusts to blow every drop he had left within him. He stayed inside you as he hid his face between your neck and your shoulder, the warmth of his body on top of you was comforting despite the sweat all over your body.
Bucky lifted his head to look at you and sweep the strands of hair sticking on your forehead, “you okay?” he panted. You could only respond by nodding, not moving because of the weight of him still between your legs and how completely spent you were.
Once he had regained his composure, he retreated himself out of you and he carried you in bridal style to your room, wanting nothing else than to take care of you with a hot bath and forehead kisses under the duvet.
tags; @ohmickeyhenry @suitofvibraniumarmor @themaddies-obx @themaddies-obx @beminetokeep @bluemoon-icecream @bluemoon-icecream @harprs @thefridgeismybestie @abitofeverythingg @wolfonthemoonwatchestvshows @julimelodi @bookscoffeandotherstuff @tanyaherondale @artisancowbells @ferxaniti @intothesoul @hallecarey1 @buckybarnesplumwhore @thefallenbibliophilequote @andiyholly @emizla @capxwinter @jevans2 @alwaysreadingimagineschick @swtltlmrvlgrl @extremelyblackandwhite
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
im sorry for the late night request purple. i dearly love you,
but i have a very verbally abusive brother (and sometimes physically) and im wondering how my husbands luffy, sanji, corazon, and denjiro
( and if youre comfy ) my wives nami and vivi would react to that-
so many character you dont have to do them all if you dont want to,,,,,,
you can chose owo 💖
Thank you for being so patient with me while I catch up on asks!! I hope you enjoy boo!! Just in case, the characters we agreed on were: Sanji, Cora, Vivi, and Robin!
Going to put on TW for mentions of verbal abuse, just in case!
Babes Below~!
Vinsmoke Sanji
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He’s one to understand abuse the best, especially coming from siblings. He might want to “talk” to your brother and throw some feet, but will respect your wishes if you don’t want him to. He does his best to let you know, that no matter what people say, even your family, he still loves you and thinks you’re amazing! 
If you are having some bad days say after a fight, he will make your favorite meal and cuddle with you on the couch or in bed! Letting you know that people have opinions and sometimes we don’t always share the same side and that’s okay, but it’s not okay to lash out at someone like that. He will reassure you that you are deserving of love and he will love you always!
Donquixote “Cora-san” Rosinante
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Cora also understands sibling abuse! Though he and his brother haven’t seen each other in such a long time, there is still some bad blood there that makes it hard for him to move forward in life. So, he gets the harbored feelings both towards your brother and at yourself. Though at times he can be a bit violent, he tries to think his actions through and wants you to have a good relationship with your family some day, so he doesn’t want to do anything to ruin that chance. 
Similar to Sanji, he will let you know what you mean to him and wants to be a shoulder for you to cry on. Let him know how to help you and the man will be your best supporter!
Nico Robin
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Robin knows that people don’t always get along, so it doesn’t surprise her when you tell her you got into a fight or witnessing it first hand. She’s the type who will mediate if needed, but also knows this isn’t her place and will support you after the argument. If the fight does get out of hand, the she has no problem ending it quickly. 
During the more difficult times, she will be a good source of reassurance and logic in the situation. It’s easy to let out emotions control how we feel, so she will be your reminder to help you understand both sides of the argument. Again if needed, she doesn’t mind helping you make up either! Since she doesn’t have any family anymore, she wants you to value the family you do have!
Nefertari Vivi
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Vivi also knows families fight and don’t see things eye to eye at times. Though she never experienced any negative backlash from her arguments, she does understand that some families aren’t so lucky. She will support you though! Always letting you know that despite what your family might say in the moment, they still love you and wants what is best for you in their own ways. 
Another validator in the group (I swear they all are words of affirmation lovers-), she will do her best to remind you everyday how much she loves you and how much you mean to her! Between random “I love you”s or simple peck on the lips, you own her heart and she wants you to know it!
Tag List: @chloe-nanami @musical-apple @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @athenaportgas @simping-master-69 @portgaslari @sanjissunflower @xxtoothachexx @lukasismissing @chocolate-n-cheese @cipher-p0 and anyone else who wants to join in@
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littlefreya · 4 years
The Kitten & the Bear - Part 1
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Intro: This story is a collab and was written by both @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ and I. It was born out of a fun role play we have going on. We ended up having so much a fun with this particular idea that we thought we should post it as a 3 part story and share it with the rest!
| Read Part 2  | Read Part 3 |
Summary: After a night of drinking in town get Walter’s bratty wife ends up with pure chaos and the overprotective grumpy husband is having none of her shenanigans. 
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x OFC (first person pov) 
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Bratty behaviour, vandalism, dominant overprotectiveness, BDE, husband stalking his wife, sexual innuendo, dirty inappropriate talks, mentions of sex and oral, weed and alcohol usage. Sex in the next parts :D Walter is a Boomer. 
A/N: We didn’t beta it and did transform it from 2nd to 1st person POV, really hoping you guys will enjoy it as we did. Feel free to share your thoughts. 
Title: The Kitten & the Bear
Nothing chilled my heart more than waking up in an empty bed. Walter was already gone, leaving his side of the mattress cold and abandoned. A heavy sigh broke from my lips, I stroked the ghost of the kiss that still tingled on my cheek, knowing he planted it there before heading to work. 
Sadness seeped into my heart as I realised I won't see him today. Our work scheduled conflicted and I have scheduled a "date night" with my girls in the evening. Picking up my phone, I texted him a pouty emoji and then headed to get my day started.
Walter left me on read, which just fuelled the brat in me. When he called during his lunch break, he was taciturn as usual, and most of the call was about his disapproval of us girls going out without at least one male friend or a boyfriend to chaperone.
"Oh my god, Walter, this is not the 50s! Women can leave their house without a husband tagging along!" I grunted and berated him, "stop acting like someone is going to kidnap me!!! I'm an adult woman!" I snapped at him while sitting at the cafe. People sitting around stared quietly as I hung up the phone, and stormed out.
Walter looked at his mobile phone, shocked. He couldn't even remember the last time someone hung up on him, let along his wife.
"Fucking brat," he muttered as he pocketed it. 
After lunch, he went into the precinct. Since it was flu season and they were having a shortage of uniformed officers, he volunteered to patrol tonight. Assuming he might even be able to check up on me wherever I get to town. Just to keep me safe. That's right. Not from jealousy. Not because I'll be all dolled up and tipsy and every man in the vicinity will ogle me.
As the evening loomed, I was in dire need of letting loose. Walter had left me incredibly frustrated, acting like a police officer from hell rather than my husband. Going through my closet, I stumbled upon the most outrageous piece of wardrobe: a black strappy thing with corset details at the front. The same one I've worn for our first date which of course ended up with Walter and I dry humping like two horny teenagers at the back of his truck and him eating me out until I came all over his beard 4 times. 
I slapped a dark red lipstick and put on a pair of red "fuck me" pumps before leaving to meet the gals in a new night club that had just opened. I might or might not have a rolled-up joint in my purse.
Walter was sitting in a patrol vehicle on the opposite side of the street from the new fancy club with translucent walls. We were all sitting beside the window at a small table full of cocktail glasses, but the girls were gesturing toward the dance floor. Walter chose a dark spot on the street to park the car and was wearing a beanie. 
But he didn't need it. He knew I was oblivious to him and also to the men staring at me from 3 different tables. He ground his teeth frustrated when he first noticed that I was wearing that dress. His blood boiled as I was slowly sipping a cocktail with a sexy little pout around the long straw.
"Let's dance!!! I wanna dance!!!" I whined at my friend Keylah, grabbing her wrist and dragging her with me. My posture was slightly unstable after two cocktails and probably not enough food to pad my belly. She followed me to the dance floor while Stephanie remained in her seat, talking to some guy just for the sake of trolling. He'd been hitting on each one of us unsuccessfully. 
After an hour of dancing with Keylah, swaying my ass in ways that didn't leave any imagination to the men lurking, I remembered the little treat I had in my purse and decided we should take a small break to breathe some fresh air. 
I grabbed the girls, and we walked outside.
"Okay, don't you dare mention this to Walter," I warned them as I took the joint out from my purse.
"Daddy Magnum gonna punish you?" Steph teased while I lit the weed. 
"Oh, you have no idea, he gave me shit about seeing you tonight without a male chaperone, like this is Mad Man or something." 
"Woah! Walter is a boomer!!!" Keylah teased, and we all laughed hysterically. 
Unbeknownst to me, Walter was watching us dance from his patrol car, getting more and more frustrated by the hour. He observed as I gathered both girls and came out on the street, walking a couple of meters away from the entrance. A frown fell on his face as he saw me taking a lighter out from my purse.
"She doesn't even smoke, what the hell?" he fumed. 
His eyes widened when he saw the telltale shape of a joint between my fingers. His mouth was agape as I lit it up and started smoking and passing it around. "What the fuck? Where did she get that?" he muttered incredulously.
'It's fucking illegal in Minnesota, what the fuck? A cop's wife at that!' He thought, rage simmering in his gut.  
The police radio suddenly began buzzing, the sergeant calling on the line. 
"Hey Marshall, Toby came in for the night shift after all. Do you want him to keep you company?" 
'And see Walter's wife going to town on a spliff? No fucking way.' 
"No, Sarge, thanks. It's uh... calm tonight." He frowned from afar. "Nothing but law-abiding citizens," he replied, hoping his sarcasm didn't go through while he was watching the wife of a respected detective drunk and smoking weed in the great outdoors.
"All right" the sarge concluded and cut the line, and Walter put back the radio.
The girls and I fell into a fit of wild giggles, thoroughly buzzed and high at the same time. My skirt rode up my thighs, and I didn't even bother fixing it as the combination of drugs and alcohol made me frivolous and careless. 
"Is Walter such a nerd in bed too? Is he one of those guys who won't even make a sound because they are ashamed of it?" Stephanie asked to which I immediately snorted.
"Walter fucks like a beast from hell," I answered and put off the remains of the joint against the heel of my shoe. 
"I had to go to the gyno at least four times in the past because he was too violent, and trust me, the noise he makes, luckily no one called the police yet…" 
"Jennifer, your husband is the police!" Keylah answered, and we burst into another fit of giggles which then gradually died down. 
The same man who bugged us from before followed us outside, giving us some stares and making a suckling voice with his lips. I snorted at him and told him to fuck off before putting my arms around my girls. 
"This place sucks, let's go grab something to eat from the store, if Walter sees me like this I will NEVER hear the end of it".
Walter was watching us walk away, still furious about my illicit behaviour. He promised himself that he'd have a serious conversation with me about this tomorrow. He gave us two blocks of a head start and then ignited the engine of the car and made a U-turn, slowly he rolled towards the store and saw us enter. He made another U-turn in front of the store to park across the street. He just hoped that we'll buy some nachos and a coke and then call it a night, and call a cab to go home.
It was close to 1am. We barged into the store, marching through as if we owned the place. Keylah stopped by the condoms section and threw a bottle of lube in my direction. "Here you go, Jennifer, you gonna need it".
I laughed and threw it back at her, grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water. 
"Better fuck his brains before he starts asking where you've been tonight," Stephanie added. 
"Can you girls please behave?" The clerk-lady requested politely, giving us a prudent look. I rolled my eyes at her and then stopped short as I saw a large stuffed grizzly bear that reminded me of Walter. I grabbed it and hugged it tightly just as I got the sudden urge to misbehave.
"Girls…" I whispered, making them come closer, "bet you a 20 I can sneak this out without paying!"
Walter's shoulders slumped, and he let out an irritated groan when he saw one of the girls throwing things inside the store. Though, he sighed in relief when I paused this stupid game, and a small smile tugged the edge of his mouth when I hugged a huge stuffed bear that reached down to my thighs and was high above the top of my head as I squeezed it to my torso. 
The way I looked at the bear reminded him of the loving looks I always gave him. But a sense of foreboding assaulted him as we started whispering and pointed at the door.
"Okay, okay… shush!" I whispered way too obvious and held the stuffed animal behind my back.
"Hey Keylah, can you pay for my chips?" I asked and backed away toward the door, nearly stumbling on my heels and holding the laughter in my gut. 
Noticing my attempt, the old woman cleared her throat, giving me a glare, "You are going to have to pay for that or I will call the police…"
"Her husb…"
"Shut up, Stephanie!" Keylah shouted and threw a bottle of lube in her direction, accidently hitting my shoulder, which made me drop the bear on the floor. 
"Key, you fucking bitch!!!" I answered and picked up the bottle, throwing it back at her. 
"Hey stop that!!!!" The clerk demanded and walked back behind the counter, picking up her phone. 
We ignored her, laughing like schoolgirls and throwing the bottle back and forth between us. Boxes of tampons and condoms fell to the floor as we moved through the hygiene section shouting playfully. 
As Keylah threw the bottle at me for the 12th time, I lifted it and threw it so hard it hit the window and broke it, causing the store's alarm to go off immediately.
"Oh… fu……..ck" I uttered.
"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no," Walter panicked as he saw us vandalising the store. He was immediately ready to jump out of the car, but then it would be obvious he'd been keeping an eye on me. He had to wait for the call. 
He wasn't even hoping that the clerk would not involve the police in the matter. She has to. ‘Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck.’ 
When he saw the lady picking up the phone, he buried his face in his palms and rubbed it tiredly.
"Stupid, fucking bitches" he sighed, not believing his wife being so reckless. 
He picked up the buzzing radio and said, "Marshall. I'm here. On it." 
Without delay, he took the beanie off and got out of the car with his badge and gun ready.
Fingers dug into my hair, I stared wide-eyed at the broken window, immediately regretting all my decisions in the last couple of hours. 
'Walter was going to fucking kill me'. 
"I am soooooooo……." I began to say, turning to the clerk slowly while Keylah and Steph held their hands over their mouths. "So sorry." I stretched out while the alarm continued ringing in my ears. 
Then just like out of a nightmare, stepping through shards of broken glass with his big black boots, I saw Walter walking in, his brows knit together, his badge and his gun held out but kept low. He was enormous and menacing, yet the sight of him comforted me.
"Oh thank god, it's you!" I call out relieved.
The glass cracked beneath his steps as he walked in. He looked around and checked the store for cameras. 'Fuck, there were CCTVs'. 
He hoped to snatch me away and take care of the situation without involving... well himself but now that there was evidence it wasn't possible anymore. I was looking at him like a frightened little girl, but he couldn't help me, and frankly, he didn't feel like it either.
He looked at the clerk, showed her his badge and said in a neutral tone "MPD. What seems to be the problem?" 
My breath hitched at his "cop voice" and the way he asked the clerk. 
Stepping back and standing in the middle of the group, the three of us gaped at him with utter dumbfoundedness. Both my heart and gut dropped to the messy floor out of fear, and the way he carried himself, looking so menacing and authoritative made my panties drenched with arousal. 
"Officer, thank god you arrived! These three tried to steal a stuffed animal and started wreaking havoc in the store, throwing stuff around like children and speaking offensively!" The old woman explained and stood in the middle of the mess, looking helpless. 
My eyes rounded with false innocence, and I nibbled my bottom lip, giving Walter a vulnerable look. 
Walter was patiently listening to the clerk. Not a muscle flinched on his face as if he'd known everything. He took his notebook and a report form out and took care of the paperwork. 
The old lady eyed the three of us nervously while Walter was scribbling, and she hesitantly asked, "I'm sorry, Officer, but shouldn't you handcuff them? They might run."
Walter's curly head lifted, and he flashed the lady a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Don't worry, ma'am. They won't run."
"Is he serious?" Steph whispered, and I elbowed her, giving Walter a rather pissed off smile as he pretended not to know us at all and treated me like any other criminal.
Was it that just for show? Probably. We were going to have a serious talk about boundaries once we'd get home.
Walter finished writing his report and made the lady sign it before turning to look at the three of us, clenching his jaw. 
After a long, stern silence, I finally spoke, "Can I still get the teddy bear?"
Walter's nostrils flared as he dug into his pocket, pulled out a 20-dollar bill, slammed it on the counter and said to the clerk "For the bear."
At first, the lady was dumbfounded, then she blurted out outraged "Why are you buying a gift for a criminal?"
Walter didn't even spare her a look. He picked up the bear and looked at me with unflinching, stern eyes that made all three of us take a step backwards.
"Because she's my fucking wife."
The tone of his voice made the three of us startle, and I released a small gasp, seeing the look on his face. Walter made a gesture with his hand singling us to walk out of the store in order, and we did as he commanded. At the same time, my eyes gave him a mischievous smirk, mistaking this behaviour for a show.
Walter left the store last and immediately commanded, "To the car".
When we got there on the opposite side of the street, he opened the car and shoved the teddy bear on the passenger seat, then turned back, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked at all three of us. 
"Here's how it's gonna happen. We go in the precinct, fill out the forms, you stay the night, and most likely will be charged with a misdemeanour. Although the weed might be more problematic." He glared at me pointedly. 
The girls and I collectively gasped. 
"Now get in the back seat, all of you."
With shuddering legs, Keylah and Steph obediently entered the patrol car. I stared at Walter as he stood there towering over me, his massive arms crossed around his broad chest.
Still intoxicated, I looked at him with disbelief, realising two things: he arrived at the scene in less than two minutes after the lady called the police, which is impossible. And two, he couldn't possibly know I had weed on me unless… 
"Were you stalking me?!" I called out, ignoring the police officer and speaking to my husband. My hands went to my hips, my face sulking. 
"Oh my god, Walter! You were! Weren't you?" I frowned and shook my head, grunting with disgust.
"You are in no position to reproach me for anything right now", Walter said, seemingly calm. "But if you wanna know, I was patrolling in the neighbourhood and decided to check up on you. I saw the way you were shaking your ass for strangers" he spat, but he let his eyes roam the tight dress, and the way he subtly licked his lips made me sure he remembered exactly which dress it was.
"Do as you're fucking told and get in the car or you're gonna find yourself in even bigger trouble." 
"Oh my god, Walter!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled at him and stepped back, throwing my hands in the air furiously.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! MY OWN HUSBAND STALKING ME?! What's next Walter? You gonna put an ankle bracelet thingy on me, so I don't get to leave the house without your fucking permission?!"
I got so angry, my hands pushed at his chest, to which he didn't even budge, and only his jaw tightened.
"I am NOT getting into that car, and you are going to let Keylah and Steph go before you are going to be in trouble!"
Keylah and Steph were both watching with utter fascination as they saw the growing tension in Walter's posture.
Once Keylah and Steph were inside the car, they felt like the immediate danger was over. Their drunkenness and high made them reckless again and they started cheering me in the verbal fight with my husband.
Walter was on the verge of bursting, it was evident from his face. He took a menacing step towards me and despite my anger, a pang of arousal shot in my core.
"Get. in the. fucking. car" he growled in a barely audible voice. He gave me one last chance to voluntarily obey him.
I moved closer toward him, my head tilting up to meet his menacing gaze, my breasts ghostly brushing against his hard torso.
"I am not going anywhere with you," I answered unflinchingly. "Keep this attitude up, and the whole town will get to enjoy me swaying this ass long before you do." I teasingly slapped my own ass and then smirked arrogantly as I heard the girls cheering at the backseat
"That's it."
Quick as lightning, Walter's hands uncrossed and shot out. He grabbed my arms, turned me around with dizzying speed and slammed my torso down on the hood of the police car.
"Jennifer Marshall, you are under arrest for destruction of property, public intoxication and obstruction of a law enforcement officer."
I gasped incredulously as I felt the metal handcuffs closing on my wrists while Walter was performing his duty automatically and methodically. I'd never seen him make an arrest, let alone manhandle me like this.
With my cheek pressed against the cold metal, I could see both Keylah and Steph gape at us, eyes and mouth wide with daze. 
Still intoxicated, I hissed as a shiver of fear and sexual arousal shot through my spine, creeping all the way down to my throbbing core. 
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I cried out in protest. "I am your wife!"
My attempt to stand up brought my ass to collide with his crotch, where I felt the unmistakable throb of his blood circulating down to his groin. 
"Are you also getting the feeling that they're gonna fuck?" Steph whispered to Keylah, loud enough for us to hear.
"Shush!" she answered and stared, licking her lips. 
"Let me go, you fucking pig!" I screamed and squirmed on the hood helplessly. 
"Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law" Walter continued in his deep cop voice as if I hadn't even spoken.
"Say his dick, girl!" Keylah shouted, and Steph wooed, but they quickly shut up and resorted to concealed giggling as Walter shot angry eyes at them. He stepped closer to secure his hold on the handcuffs, and I felt the warm coarse material of his jeans at the back of my thighs.
"If you don't want to add resisting arrest and possession of narcotics to your offences, shut the fuck up and stop squirming."
"Fuck” I hissed, which didn't go unnoticed by Walter. My ass naturally shifted against his hardening bulge, and I moaned gently, not loud enough for the girls to hear but definitely heard by Walter, who had his hand around my cuffed wrists.
"You're enjoying this, big guy?" I spit out sardonically, "controlling your wife like you always want to, hmm?"
With the alcohol flushing through my veins, mingled with the sheer exhilaration of anger, I became more daring than ever.
"I think you are just scared because we both know you are never going to tame me."
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