#also sorry for being mia for so long
sistertotheknowitall · 4 months
Danny is Some Guy with a not so secret admirer.
Part four? Post #four? I don’t know, none of these are exactly in order. Post one, post two, post three.
By the time Tim opened the door, Danny had his coffee made and handed to Mia at the register. He resolutely ignored her smug face and went back to making the other orders.
Tim had been a regular long before Danny had started at the coffee shop but it was three days into Danny’s third week when Tim had stumbled in at eight a.m. and did a double take upon seeing Danny. A very obvious double take followed by intense staring before Mia had cleared her throat. The blush that lit up Tim’s face was only rivaled by the one on Danny’s.
He had never had anyone openly stare at him before.
Mia had been insufferable ever since.
It also didn’t help that shortly after their first meeting Tim had started taking his breaks at the little coffee shop. It’s been three weeks, nearly a month and Wayne Enterprise’s CEO went from a bi-weekly regular to an everyday one. (Danny wondered if he should be concerned for the man’s caffeine intake but he only had the one cup every time so probably not.)
Originally, Danny had no plans to talk to Tim. It seemed obvious the guy had a crush on Danny if the constant looks over his laptop were anything to go by and Danny didn’t want to encourage it. Danny barely had time to make new friends let alone start a relationship.
There was also the added problem of what was quickly becoming his bat stalkers. How do you explain to someone that you were being watched by Gotham’s vigilante’s for no reason? (Or worse because he had made a poorly timed sleep-deprived comment.) Danny didn’t think you could without seeming suspicious.
Incidentally though, Danny’s plan went out the window when on a slow afternoon as he was cleaning tables and passed behind Tim. Once he saw the article the other man was reading he snorted.
Bruce Wayne and The Batman? Could This Be A New Romance For Gothams Most Beloved Billionaire?
It was one of those gossip rags that printed things like: Elvis: alive and well and Superman: a mild mannered farm boy? It was all nonsense.
Danny asked Tim why he bothered with the site and Tim responded that he found it amusing to read and that his family had a group chat where they sent the articles to each other.
“Okay. But Batman? Really? Your dad could do so much better.”
“You don’t like Batman?” Tim asked. Danny had slid into the chair next to him and shrugged. “I respect what he does but for as intimidating as he is, he also seems a little silly.”
Tim had given him an incredulous look and Danny hadn’t given him time to ask for an explanation, “and his kids can be just as rude. Like that flying monkey one.” Tim choked on air and Danny politely waited for him to calm down. “Kids? Wait - flying monkey one? Which one -?”
“The one always doing back flips with the blue bird symbol. He’s also a dick that gives hypocritical lectures about fighting.” Danny wouldn’t say he hated the guy but he wasn’t sure how many more lectures he could endure before going ghost and fighting him.
Tim had turned to Danny completely and was watching him with a look of disbelief, “you mean Nightwing?”
“Is that his name? Imma call him Dickwing.”
Tim had started choking again, this time Danny patted his back hoping to help. Yet it was all for not once he kept talking, “I think I’ve only had positive interactions with the one who looks like a walking red flag.”
“Red flag? Do you men hood-?”
“No, although he is definitely a red flag, I mean the other Red one. I’m sorry, I don’t know all these peoples names yet.”
“Danny!” Mia called.
Danny stood and patted Tim, who looked a little shell-shocked, on the shoulder. “Well work calls, see you later Mr. Drake-Wayne.” As he walked away he heard Tim mutter “it’s just Tim.”
(Tim for his part, placed his head in his hands and thought, well at least I have his name now.)
After that first interaction Tim stopped playing the lurker and started to actually talk to Danny and vise versa. Danny never asked if he still had a crush on him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
Unfortunately, their growing friendship had only encoraged Mia as she happily sang “your boyfriend’s here!”
Danny, very maturely, did not stick his tongue out at her. He did however flip her off under the counter like an adult.
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ansel-rae562 · 3 months
The new Doorman
[Doppleganger!Milkman x Reader]
{Author's note: So I accidentally made a promise to a bunch of people in tiktok so here I deliver you a smut, please note this is my first writing one since I'm more into Angst and I also made this gender neutral as I can so yeah.. Enjoy!}
First day of Job being a doorman! finally you found a job, looking for one is a bit hard. And this is quite a high pay so why not but this one involves dealing with doppleganger's which is kinda dangerous but the D.D.D assured you that you'll be safe as long as you stay in your office.
After you watched the introductory film explaining about how the job works, you opened the metal window and saw the D.D.D personel
"Welcome and congratulations on your new Job! Remember you have to watch out carefully for the doppleganger's. There are times that the neighbors are not on the list, check their ID's closely and their appearance's as well, or else you and the others may end up dead.. That's all you may continue"
The personnel left and you decided to check the today's list
"Okayy.... So here will be the expected people..."
Izaack Gauss
Mia Stone
Albertsky Peachman
Elenois Sverchtz
Francis Mosses
Anastasia Mikaelys
"Wow... Uhuh that's quite alot....but nothing I can handle"
A few minutes later a person came "Good morning, I see you're a new doorman" The woman said as she handed in her ID "Good morning and Yes I am ma'am" You greeted then looked at her ID 'Gloria Schmicht'.... "Uh ma'am? May I ask why are you not in today's list?" You asked "Oh It's cause my mother had an emergency and I had to be there" After checking all the files and seeing almost no anomalies you called the apartment just in case and found out that the wife is actually home "Sorry nope, bye" you said immediately pressing the danger button and calling the D.D.D.
Hours passed by dealing with a few doppleganger's which some of them being visually creepy and threatening you till a man came, he was wearing a white button up shirt and a white hat that has 'Milkman' written on them. He looks tired, bags under his eyes showing then he spoke "Good afternoon, here's my ID and entry request" you stared momentarily before deciding to check all information, he also has an attractive voice which made you blush a little.
Learning that his name is Francis and he's the local milkman around town you couldn't help but have a little crush I mean he's attractive, his voice is also attractive, tired guys may or may not also be your type and he does have a pretty decent Job so he does perfectly fit your dream guy. Not long after it's finally night time and also the end of your shift, you packed your items that you brought with you then the one who'll exchange with you arrived "Hey..." She greeted "Hold on a sec, have to make sure you're the real one" you said checking all the workers files "Wow darling... Taking your job very seriously huh?.. impressive" she said with a subtle smile, she has green eyes and bags are shown under her eyes, she looks like she has been doing this for years.
"Well yeah... Don't want to lose a high paying job ya know" you replied and confirming that she's the real one "hmm, Understandable" you opened the metal door and she bid you goodbye "Careful darling, some doppleganger's are hostile and might attack you, here take this it's a 200v taser.... don't worry i have plenty" you thanked her and left to fo home. Walking home is kinda creepy especially at night, you wouldn't know when a creature of some sort is gonna pounce on you right now that's when you heard a rustle on a nearby bush then something jumped out.
It was cat... Quite a big one but it was injured on its side, you went closer and tried to reassure the cat "Hey... Hey there kitty, don't worry I'm a friend.." as you said those words the cat looked at you with a mix of hatred and confusion "I can help... I promise, I won't hurt you like whoever did that to you" The cat slightly calmed down and let you pick them up, you arrived home and put your bag down as well as settling the cat on your table and immediately finding the first aid.
You tended to the cat's wounds and surprisingly it just let you do your work, you winced to yourself finding that the wound is a bit deep "Gosh who would hurt a cat... They're sweet" finishing it up you wrapped the cat up with gauze "there you're all fixed up kitty... Hm.. i guess I could also feed you since you're at my house" you then went to your fridge to look for something to feed the cat and for yourself.
"You settling alright kitty?.." you asked, after feeding the cat you set up a box with a few soft rugs in them for the cat to sleep on and the cat looked at you with content eyes, chuckling lightly to yourself "you know it's amazing how your eyes can actually communicate, it's cute" you turned around to turn off the lights of you room "Night kitty..." You said finally falling asleep. The next morning you woke up and saw that the cat was nowhere to be seen and the window has few paw prints "Dang it I was planning on adopting him" you said sadly then started getting ready for the day.
Arriving at your workplace the girl from last night greeted you "Good morning darling!, did you have a good rest last night?" She asked "good morning, Yeah I did thanks for asking" you replied then she opened the metal door and went out "uh... You're not gonna check if I'm the real one?..." the girl turned around and said "Would you be asking that if you were a fake one?... And besides you're new it'll take a few days before they decide to copy you" she turned around again and left. Starting your shift like what you did Yesterday, letting a few people out giving them an entry request for when they come back, dealing with a few doppleganger's, letting people in once confirming that they're the real one till finally the guy from yesterday came; Francis "Hi mr. Milkman" you greeted, he looks a bit surprised when he saw you "Oh uh... Hello... " he said smiling slightly, you blushed then he handed you his ID only but you looked closely you saw he has a small mole on his left cheek which the real Francis didn't have. You kinda have memorized what he look and a few of his information from the files.... Kinda creepy of you but you couldn't help it, he was now your crush "Oh... I'm sorry, my good sir but I actually have this guy memorized and you're not him..." You said and before you could close the metal window you humped as he banged on the somehow sturdy window "What?!... How could!-... I see you like little mr. Milkman.. " the faker said his eyes were really angry and creepy "Yeah nope bye." you said then pressed the danger button and called for the D.D.D. Minutes later the metal window opened "There was no one in sight but I suppose the doppleganger already left before we arrive, you may now continue your work"
The day ended and you switched shifts with Loira, the name of the girl that you work with she bid you goodbye and you went home. Weeks later the things just go by on a repeat with some of them you going on a late night grocery, what's really interesting is that the doppleganger who always pretends to be Francis, he'd show up you find a small detail that the real Francis doesn't have, he'd get angry telling you things like "I'll get you next time" "I'll fool you one day" "Why are you so observative of the guy" then once you call for the D.D.D service he'd disappear before they could arrive like what's the deal with him?... Earlier he said something that actually sent shivers to your spine "Wait till I devour your fleshy body, Human" that was an actual pretty creepy threat, didn't realize that your already at your doorstep from a long day, you set down the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to take a quick shower and change.
After that you arranged all the groceries, it's pretty quiet around your house since you live alone, your parents on another country and your house is pretty far away from other residents so you'll be aable to hear anything out of the ordinary. Going up the stairs to sleep you decided to stretch around a little while you do so, you felt a weird sensation going up your leg, you looked down and a black substance of sorts but before you could scream another one covered your mouth as other one's quickly wrapped around your legs and arms separately, along your torso as well completely immobilizing you.
You looked around saw... Francis?... but his eyes are dark with white glowing dots on the middle "Hello... Doorman, I did say I will get you... Didn't I?" He spoke. You were confused, scared how did he know where you live? "Hey... Hey there... Little human, no need to get scared after all I'm a friend.... Aren't I?" That's when realization hit you. The cat that you helped was a doppleganger "you know human, you hurt me when you set your eyes on someone else... I thought you liked me?... Didn't you say so yourself?" He said which earned a muffled confused rambling from you "No... You must pay for making me believe you... " Before you could make another confused noise the tentacle like substance was removed around your mouth "What now-" you were cut off by something shoving into your mouth deeply making you gag, it was one of his tentacle.
[NSFW part]
He relentlessly attacked your mouth making you gag, you tried to squirm away but it was futile he has you wrapped around his other tentacle's. By then your eyes then started forming tears, you looked at the doppleganger of Francis which amused him "Look at you... Such an expression... I want more.. " he said. He set you down on your bed having your arms up above your head as he crawled between your legs "I did say I would devour your fleshy body... Don't worry it's not in a way I would eat you to the bone" he then slowly tore your garment earning a gaged up moan from you. He looked at you directly seeing that lewd expression from you also looking at him, he then slowly dipped his down between your legs which made you moan once again. You couldn't help but moan while he completely eats you out while also making you suck on one of his tentacle's, you were completely helpless making you take all of the pleasure like obedient slave.
That's when you felt something go in futher inside you, it felt like a very long tongue reaching up to the parts that you never could reach and hitting you perfectly on your spot making your body jolt and moan loudly than before "hmm?... is this your spot...?" He said while his tongue was still deep into you, he fastened up the pace than before almost a bit too fast than normal making your body more hotter and eager for a release. Not long after you came he adjusted himself, he humed in satisfaction "this will do..." He said then he removed the tentacle from your mouth as you looked at him with tired eyes "aww.... Already tired? Unlucky for you I'm not done yet" he adjusted his position, you didn't even notice that he entered you once again but this with his cock which made you yelp in surprise. He mercilessly pounded at a fast not giving you a preparation while his other tentacle's explore your exposed especially around your chest, waist and neck and his hands holding your thighs firmly to keep your shaking legs in place.
Release after release, you couldn't keep up anymore till you passed out from complete exhaustion and pleasure. He finally unsheathed his cock from you and loads mixed both of his and yours spilled out, staining the bed beneath the both of you. He then looked at your passed out form, your heaving chest, your belly slightly bulging and your beautiful sleeping face... "Such a perfect human.... I just wanna keep you" he fixed your sleeping form in a much comfortable position and pulled a blanket over before making his way to the telephone and dialed a number "Hello... Loira hey! I called a bit early so I could inform you that I'm sick..... Yeah please do.... Thank you I will bye!" He turned back to you and layed beside you "Rest now, my human...."
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lydiimae · 3 months
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
18+ MDI
Based on a request you can find here <3
Warnings: angst, mentions of family member death, mentions of alcohol, arranged marriage, awful reader relationship with mother, vaginal sex, nipple play, vaginal fingering, praise, making love
A.N: Hello my loves, and hello to my lovely anon. I'm so sorry for being MIA, I had midterms and good god they almost killed me ‘︿’. Anon- I hope that this is what you wanted, I am not the most experienced in writing angst but I found this quite fun (perhaps my love of making a dramatic story lol). Thank you all for the love, as always. Mwah ≧◡≦
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He did not expect you to change so much in your time away. Sure he expected you to mature in the four years you were gone, you were coming back at the new age of twenty-one. He just did not expect all of the light, the light he loved, to be gone. His Y/N had changed. She had gone from warm to cold, from happy to sad, in such a short time.
Your father and his father were close friends. Both of them being Viscounts meant that they spent a lot of time together. You, being the eldest of your family but also too young and rowdy to really click with Anthony, got on just as well with Benedict. There was always an unspoken love between the two of you that neither of you were brave enough to admit.
The only one with who you got on better than Benedict, was your father. It was apparent for anyone to see that the two of you had a unique bond. A bond that you most certainly didn't hold for your mother. She was cold and extremely cruel, your father had only married her for convenience. So, when your father died, Benedict expected you to be devastated. Who wouldn't be? He had been sick for many years before his death, a case of scarlet fever that just never went away. It was expected, but that did not mean it was less painful.
The night he passed, you showed up at his family's doorstep in tears begging for the footman to bring him down. So, after being woken up by said footman, he tugged on a robe and rushed down the stairs. He saw you and immediately knew. He rushed to you and scooped you up in his arms before taking you up into his bedroom and soothing you into sleep. Proper decorum be dammed, he stayed with you the entire night and then had a carriage bring you back home at dawn.
A week later, you, your mother, and your younger sister showed up at the Bridgerton's door dressed in all black. Violet led you all into the drawing room and gathered the rest of the Bridgertons as well, after hearing your mother mention that she would like her dear friends to be present for a big announcement, always the attention hog. Benedict was dragged in by Eloise, expecting another lecture about the upcoming social season, but his face quickly fell when he saw you.
You already looked so defeated, so tired. You looked up and forced a sad smile, moving over on the sofa so he could sit next to you. He walked towards you quickly, and sat down next in the space you made, discretely offering his hand. Your face softened, and he could tell you were holding back tears, but nevertheless, you gripped his hand tight in your own before focusing your attention on your mother.
"We are going to France, where my family lives. I feel the girls should get to know the rest of their heritage now that their father has passed on." She says bluntly, the cold look on her face never changing. His eyes widen and instantly snap over to you, internally pleading with whatever power he can think of that this is not true. That you will not be swept away before he even has the chance to try and win you over.
You are chewing on your bottom lip, the anxious habit you have had ever since you were young. You look over at him slowly, your eyes filled with unshed tears that he knows you will not let fall. That is when he knows that it is true. His Y/N is leaving. For God knows how long. To be stolen by God knows who.
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You sigh as you get out of the carriage that has trapped you for the past eight hours, stretching out your limbs before taking in the scenery. That damn two-day carriage ride from the port had been nothing but exhausting. The estate you grew up in is standing tall right in front of you, and yet it is almost unrecognizable now.
It looked the same, sure, but something about it seemed a lot less colorful without your father. The impending doom of your arranged marriage hanging over your head probably didn't help that fact either. Your mother had been clear in what she wanted when you got to France, a rich man. Not for herself, but for you. Someone who could expand upon the rather large dowery your father had left you. Someone who could make her rich, your happiness be damned.
And so that is just what you found. The hunt for a suitable husband had begun a year after you arrived in Paris, your eighteenth birthday coming and going without a peep from anyone but your sister, Lucy, and a long letter from Benedict. Your grandmother was just as cruel as your mother, if not more so. She quickly introduced you to a man named Noele Beaumont, a man in high-up places in French nobility. An extremely wealthy man.
In the three and a half years you had known him, the two of you had done nothing but fight. Well, the fighting consisted entirely of him shouting at you until you were either in tears or hidden away in the closet somewhere, your chest rising and falling much too fast. It seemed that cruelty was, in some sick and twisted way, attracted to you.
Your mother, after much convincing, had allowed you and Noele to take your home in London upon marriage. That, and, she had allowed for the marriage to be held in England. You were home, finally home, and now you were realizing that it does not matter if you are home or not. The world had lost its color.
"Y/N, whatever is the matter?" Lucy piques up from beside you, taking your hand. "I miss him, Luc. That is all. I miss him and I wish that he were the one here instead of mother." You whisper, wiping an escaped tear from your eye with the back of your hand before turning to your sister. "But at least I have you, and at least we are home." She smiles sadly in response, gently leading you inside.
Your mother greeted you both with a flat expression, having insisted on traveling home a week before to make sure nothing had gone awry in the years that you had been gone. Noele and his family will join you in a month, during the week of the marriage. It seems that neither of you wish to spend more time with each other than necessary. "You have a letter already, Y/N. From one of the Bridgerton's. Do make haste of reading it, we have no time for silliness." She mutters, handing it to you before walking off with your sister.
You sigh and walk into the drawing room after handing your cloak to a maid with a smile. You look around the familiar room and breathe deeply, hoping for the comforting smell of the tea your father used to brew, but are quickly disappointed when all you smell is your mother's obnoxious perfume. You sit down on the chair by the bookshelf and open the letter.
You recognize the handwriting immediately, Benedict. He wishes to see you as soon as he can, but more importantly, he has asked you to be a model in the latest portrait he is painting for his classes at the academy. You smile softly to yourself, taking in the woodsy scent that comes off the letter, the world getting a bit brighter if only for a moment. You sigh and walk up to your bedroom, smiling at the comfort that washes over you, before sitting down and drafting a letter of your own, telling him that you will make time for him come noon tomorrow.
You run your fingers over the parchment when you have finished signing your name. So many words left unsaid. You smile sadly and fold up the letter, sealing it with the wax crest of your family before passing it to a maid with instructions to take it to the Bridgerton household before the evening comes.
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Oh, how you despise your mother. After about two hours of arguing yesterday, she had finally given up and allowed you to go and see Benedict. You were used to the names she called you, 'whore' and 'harlot' being the two she most often used, but she had far stepped over the line yesterday.
She had run out of insults to call you and moved on to Benedict. Insulting his artwork, his standing in his family, his habits, anything she could grasp at she used.
"You are to be married to a nobleman in a month, Y/N! You will be tainted by that boy, he is nothing but a disgrace! His head has always been in the clouds, you know that!" She shouted from where she stood in your bedroom. You grit your teeth. "Take that back this instant, you moron! That family has done everything for us! He has done everything for me, he cares more about me than you could ever dream of!" You shouted right back.
She had gone on for at least a half-hour more, finally giving up when Lucy walked in and pleaded with the both of you to stop. "You are nothing but a whore looking for attention, Y/N. You will ruin yourself with him. You will, and I will not help you out of the hole you dig yourself into." Your mother huffed, before turning and walking out of your bedroom.
Your sister had stayed with you last night. You had fallen asleep in her embrace, nothing but a mess of sobs. You wished for nothing more than to go to him right now and run away to the countryside, and leave all of it behind. But you had a duty, you had to look out for Lucy's happiness so she would not be doomed to the life that you are now forced to live.
You had woken up in the early morning, your lady's maid helping you into a dark blue dress before leaving you to your own devices. You spent the hours up until eleven reading and avoiding your mother like the plague. You walked downstairs once it was time to leave for the Bridgerton estate.
A short carriage ride later and there you are, in the same position that you were four and a half years ago, knocking on his door with tears in your eyes. You had become emotional about five minutes out, overcome with the joy of finally seeing him. Finally being able to speak to him, rather than imagining what his voice sounded like when you read his letters. You had missed the feeling of home when you were around him, you had missed how the world looked when he was in it. You had missed him.
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He had been unable to sleep once he had written your letter, and unable to do anything but read in the drawing room in the hours before your arrival. He was sitting on pins and needles, waiting for the familiar sound of a knock on the front door to come so he could rush to it before any of the servants. He wanted your welcome home to be comforting, as he had known how much you had been through in France.
When he had gotten the letter explaining the marriage you had been dragged into he locked himself in his studio for weeks on end, being unreachable to anyone, even Eloise. He had spent the first two laying on the chaise, looking up at the ceiling with an unstoppable rush of tears slipping down his cheeks which only stopped when he fell into a restless sleep.
The tears turned to anger, which he let out through pages upon pages of poetry. Confessing his love, damming his foolishness or lack of words, berating himself into oblivion for why could he be so stupid as to not tell you to wait for him? To hold onto hope that he would save you?
Then the weeks of anger turned to inspiration, hours spent drowning his sadness with art. Countless paintings of you, of your favorite flowers, of the hill the both of you held so many memories upon, anything that could get him out of the depression he had been sucked into. It was the point that he was at now, a melancholic feeling lingering over his head that he refuses to let himself feel.
The knock comes right when the clock strikes twelve and he practically throws his book to the side, rushing to the door and throwing it open. You are finally home.
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The tears start before you can stop them and he quickly tugs you inside, closing the door before wrapping his arms around you. You bury your face into the crook of his neck, and finally, after months of not allowing yourself to cry, you sob. You sob hard, a million pent-up emotions releasing like the snap of a string in your chest.
You look up at him through your teary eyes and smile. "I have missed you dearly, Benedict." You whisper a hidden meaning you hope he can uncover buried beneath your words. He flashes that silly crooked smile you have come to adore before ruffling your hair. "I have missed you too, Y/N. You will never know how much I missed you." He says, wiping your tears before taking a step back.
"You have grown up. You look so... mature." He comments, almost as if he is trying to figure out something about you. Something that even you cannot decipher. You smile in return. "You have as well. I believe I have the right to call you an old man now." You hum, beginning down the hall to where you know the room he has painted in his entire life is.
He chuckles from behind you, before following. "I am but eight and twenty." He whines playfully and you laugh. "That is two years away from thirty, and if Anthony is old then so are you." You opine, looking back over your shoulder at him before stopping in front of his studio's door. He grins and nudges your shoulder before opening the door for you.
You marvel at the surrounding room when you walk in. You knew that he was a good artist, it came naturally to him, but he had improved in your time away. You walk into the center of the room, walking in a slow circle to take in all of his works which line the walls and stack up upon the floor. Most are of women in various states of dress, ever the lady's man Benedict Bridgerton.
You are glad that some things do not change, but it also makes a strange feeling of longing bubble up in your chest. You wish to be naked like the women in the paintings, talking and flirting with him for hours on end. Making love to him when the heat of the room becomes too much. You wish to wake up to him beside you in the morning, for every morning for the rest of time.
You shake the feeling off and look over at him, noticing that he has already taken his place behind the easel. It looks as if he has already started his sketch. "It is gorgeous in here, Ben. You are the most talented artist in all of England." You say, a look of pure adoration in your eyes that he immediately picks up on.
You wish to die with nothing but the image of that sweet pink color that overtakes his cheeks to remember. He quickly turns his attention to his canvas and nods slightly, clearing his throat. "And you are the best flatterer in all of England. Thank you Y/N." He says quietly. When you begin to turn to face him fully he holds up his hand. "I quite liked the position you were in when you were looking over your shoulder. If it is not too uncomfortable, might you hold it? You had the most beautiful look in your eye." He says kindly, looking up to meet your eyes.
It's your turn to blush at both his kindness and his way of complimenting you. He had always said these types of things in passing, not realizing how much they affected you. You nod and take your original place in the room making him smile. "Perfect, as always." He whispers to himself before returning to the sketch.
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After about an hour and a half, your legs grow tired. "Benedict, might we take a break? My legs are getting achy." You say, and he meets your eyes. "Of course, I shall have the maids bring us some tea and you can tell me more about your time in France." He says, gesturing with his arm for you to sit on the chaise that sits by the window.
You do so gladly, taking in the image of him wiping his hands of charcoal. You blush at the thought of the feeling of those hands around your waist, or cupping your cheeks. God, this is torture. You wait for him to come back, which only takes a moment.
He sits down next to you and offers his hand. You look down at it and smile softly, taking it in your own just like you used to. What happens next, you could have never predicted in a million years. He lifts your gloved hand to his mouth and kisses the back of it. Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to speak, but you are quickly cut off by him slowly kissing up your arm.
"Benedict stop." You whisper in a tone that is a far cry away from the authority you wished for that statement to have. He doesn't, he presses kisses to your elbow, continuing to work up your arm. "Benedict, I am serious we mustn't." You say, a bit firmer as tears gather in your eyes, but he still does not relent. "Benedict!" You shout, ripping your arm away and standing up.
"Oh please." He scoffs. "Do not tell me you did not wish for me to do just that." He says, standing up with you and stepping close. "Have you gone utterly mad?! I am to be married by the end of the month!" You shout in return. You wish for nothing more than for him to continue but he cannot. You have a man to marry, a sister to set free. Nothing can come between that.
"You do not love him! You have told me those words exactly!" He shouts back and you shake your head, beginning to walk out of the room. You get all of two feet away before he grabs your arm, pulling you to his chest. He leans down, his breath ghosting over your ear. "I have loved you since we were children, Y/N." Your heart shatters when he whispers the word love in your ear.
"You cannot do this now." You say, trying to tug out of his grasp but he keeps his hold tight. "I have to say it now, I have been a fool. I have kept my mouth shut for far too long, but I can save you. I can take you far away from this place, I-" He starts, but you are quick to cut in.
"How could you possibly save me, Benedict?!" You shout, finally getting away. You turn around and look at him dead in the eye, your eyes beginning to water. "By running away?! We cannot! My sister will be left to deal with that woman all by herself and then my fate will be hers! I cannot let that happen!" You shout, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"I left and came back married and suddenly you gain the confidence to say this now?! It is far too late!" You sob. His face softens and he brings you into a tight embrace, one hand at the back of your head while the other runs up and down your back. "You are too late. Why did you wait?" You sob into his chest and he says nothing, allowing you to cry.
He places his chin on the top of your head as he rubs your back, rocking you from side to side. "You must think of yourself, Y/N. Your happiness. Your father left you his money for a reason, you know that." He whispers after a few minutes of listening to your sobs. You look up at him and he cups your cheek with the hand that was on your head. "Your mother, however terrifying she may be, does not hold the power over you she once did. Your father made sure of that." He continues.
"You own the estate, you have the money, and you can make your own decisions. You just need to tell her, you must be brave." He whispers as your crying calms. "But what if she... what if she does something to Lucy-" "She will not. She will not have the power to." He interrupts.
Lucy is capable, you know that much is true. You also know that he is right, you have the money and the house, and therefore you have the power. A final gift from your father that you were too scared to realize. You look up at him and before you can think twice about it, you press your lips to his.
He smiles into the kiss and pulls back after a moment, pressing his forehead to yours. "You are a fool, Benedict Bridgerton." You whisper, taking a deep breath. He chuckles. "Perhaps, but I am also a fool who wishes for nothing more than to marry you." He says and you smile. "I shall do what you suggest, what my father meant for me to do." You whisper and he nods. "And I will be right there with you." He murmurs before kissing you again.
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After an hour of warm tea and affectionate words, he takes you back to your estate. You go back and forth with your mother for an hour, trying to be kind, but it is when she starts the insults that you snap. You threaten to sell the house in France and never speak to her ever again, let alone give her any money, and she quickly shuts up.
You write Noele and the engagement is called off within the week. For once you thank the man's hatred of you, for it made him all too eager to get away. The engagement between you and Benedict is announced the next week, and the wedding is planned for two months in advance. The ton gossips about the timeline, of course, but the two of you pay no mind. You have both waited far too long to get married, why wait even longer?
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You lie restless in bed the week before your marriage, your thoughts filled with nothing but him. The kiss you shared when he confessed running through your mind, sending tingles between your legs. The hot feeling that overcomes your body makes you want to do the things you saw men and women do in the paintings that lined the walls of your favorite salon in Paris.
Sex. You knew what it was, anyone who spent more than five seconds in Paris knew what it was. You had fantasized about it before, only ever with Benedict. You wanted his hard cock buried deep inside of you for hours on end, you wanted his head between your thighs, your lips around his length. You wanted all of it, yet he had insisted on waiting until your wedding night.
You sigh, tugging on the silk sheets and rubbing your thighs together to try and ease the dull ache that settled in your core, whining in frustration when the feeling did not go away. You hear the tapping on your window, almost as if it was hailing in the middle of May.
You stand and walk to the large window that leads out to a view of the garden. A pebble hits the glass and you jump, placing a hand over your now racing heart, and look down at the garden. You grin when you find your fiance looking up at you with the crooked grin that has such a hold on your heart. You open the window and lean out.
"What on earth are you doing down there?" You laugh, leaning your elbows on the window and placing your chin on your hand. "You are meant to say something about Romeo." He calls back, his grin only widening as you giggle more. "I shall not. You must answer my question." You smile.
"You are no fun." He groans, dropping the pebbles on the ground. "I wished to see you. I have been nothing but restless tonight and I thought I would spend that restlessness with you. Might I come up?" He calls, already beginning to climb the lattice that lines the estate walls. You nod, even though he did not wait. "I am quite restless as well." You sigh, watching him climb. "You do not need to sneak, mother is already back in France and Lucy cares not of what we do." You hum as he climbs through the window.
He wraps his arms around you and picks you up. "It is more romantic to sneak through the window." He murmurs in your ear as you wrap your legs around his waist. "It was very romantic, I promise you." You whisper as he lays you back on the bed, stripping down to his trousers before sliding into bed with you and pulling the covers up over the both of you.
He nuzzles your neck and places his hands on your hips, pulling you close. It's quite an innocent gesture, but it sends that tingle you were experiencing earlier to your core. Arousal begins to dampen your panties and you press yourself against him, silently asking for more.
He smirks against your skin when you rub up against him. He presses an open-mouthed kiss to your neck before leaning back to look at you. "It seems you were restless for the same reason as I was, love." He teases, which makes you blush. He chuckles and cups your cheek, running his thumb along your cheekbone. "Might I request something of you?" He whispers.
"Of course." You return, leaning into his touch and closing your eyes. "I wish to make love to you, now. I cannot wait one more second, and I most certainly cannot wait until our wedding night" He whispers in your ear, kissing the skin below it.
He makes a trail of wet, open-mouthed kisses down your neck, making you moan softly in response. "Please." Is all you can manage as he bites down on the skin of your shoulder, making sure to leave a mark. He grins and pulls back, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You return it eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck. This time, a moan slips past his lips and his hands tighten around your hips.
He moves his hands down your legs, slipping them under your nightgown and cupping your breasts. You whine and break the kiss, pressing your forehead to his as you pant. He watches the look in your eye as his thumbs swipe over your hardened nipples, making your mouth fall open. He groans at the guttural moan that escapes you before taking his hands away and throwing back the covers.
"Benedict please." You breathe, grasping at his arms. He grins but shakes his head. "Patience my love. It will feel so much better if I tease you." He opines, unbuttoning his britches. You gasp when they come off, leaving him in nothing. His cock stands proud against his stomach, it is big and thick, much bigger than you imagined. You grow antsy with the fear that it will not fit inside.
He senses your apprehension and bends down, peppering your face with kisses. "Worry not, dearest, you need only to tell me to stop or to wait and I shall." He whispers, patting your hips as a signal to sit up, which you do. "I will get you plenty warmed up for me, I promise." He breathes against your skin, making you shiver.
He lifts your nightgown up and over your head, throwing it to where the rest of his clothes lay against the floor. He groans at the sight of you in nothing but your panties, his cock twitching with delight. He unties the ribbons that hold your underwear up on your hips, throwing them across the room before capturing your peaked nipple in his mouth.
Your head shoots back and you cry out, laying back on the bed. He follows, situating himself on top of you without releasing your nipple. His tongue swirls around the hardened bud as his other hand cups your other breast, his thumb and pointer finger tweaking your nipple.
Arousal drips down your thighs as you cant your hips up, desperate for more. He growls when the soft skin of your stomach meets his already weeping cock. He pulls back from your nipple, moving the hand that is not occupied with your breast down to your hips. He presses down on your hip bone and you whine when you realize you have lost your ability to brush against him.
"You are doing so well, darling. You mustn't move, it is making me want to bury my cock inside you right now and fuck you until you see stars." You moan at the thought, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him into another kiss. He grins against your mouth, letting you kiss him for a moment before pulling away and moving his hand off of your breast.
He moves that hand down to your hips, pressing down with just as much force as the other did. The one that was on your hips moves to your breast just as he takes your nipple into your mouth, giving your breasts the same treatment as before.
You are a moaning mess beneath him, your thighs and cunt soaked with your arousal as sweat drips down your neck. "Please, Ben... Need more. I... more." You whine, tugging on his hair. He lifts his head and smiles, making your heart flutter. He can go from a growling, groaning man to a loving partner in just seconds. It's intoxicating.
"Tell me where you need it, sweet girl." He whispers, kissing down your stomach and stopping just above your pubic hair, inhaling almost lewdly with a groan. You whine and your cheeks turn rosy with embarrassment.
"Between my legs..." You whisper, pressing your face into the pillow as the embarrassment of wanting him so much washes over you. He pats your thigh gently, making you look down at him. "Louder. Do not be ashamed. I want it just as much as you do." He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your abdomen.
You smile softly, warmth blooming in your chest. You sigh and let out a breathy moan as he sucks on the skin just above where you wish he would. "I want you between my legs, Benedict. Please. I.. have thought of nothing else for nights." You beg, loudly now as his kisses turn sloppy.
He groans at the thought of you laying in bed, unable to sleep because of the thought of him fucking you, of him pleasing you with his fingers or your tongue, with your hand between your legs. Rubbing at your swollen clit until you come calling his name. He wishes for nothing else than to watch.
He runs his fingers through your soaked folds, the both of you moaning in unison. He rubs his nose through your patch of hair before pressing his tongue against your engorged clit, sucking and swirling as he pushes one of his long fingers into your body, making you cry out.
You silently thank God that Lucy insisted on sleeping in the room downstairs, as now you do not have to silence the steady stream of moans that slip from your lips as he sucks and fingers you into a headspace you have never been to.
You clench around his fingers as he slips another one into your tight hold, his tongue still swirling around your clit. Your hand shoots down to grab at his hair when he starts thrusting and curling his fingers into your body, the other grasping the silk sheets that rest across your bed.
You scream his name when his fingers find a spongey spot inside you that sends a bolt of pleasure right to your already abused clit, and you see stars. You gush down your thighs and his chin, and he pulls out his fingers. He peeks up from below, wiping his face with the back of his hand before sucking your juices from his fingers.
The sight sends you back into a state of arousal so strong that all you can think about is his big cock ripping you open as he fills you to the hilt. He grins when he sees the look in your eye, coming back up so he can give you another open-mouthed kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist and he moans deeply, an almost feral noise coming from somewhere deep inside him.
He breaks the kiss and presses his forehead to yours once more, kissing your nose. "Can I?" He gusts, his breath hot against your skin. "Please." You whisper back, taking one of his hands in yours, the other resting upon his shoulder.
That is all the incentive he needs, he slowly pushes into your body, groaning loudly at how tight you are. You cry out, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. He bottoms out and moves his forehead to rest on your shoulder, waiting for you to adjust. God he's so close already, the thought of being the first and only one to take you enough to make him come, but he holds back.
After a moment he looks up at you and you nod, needing him to fuck you hard. That is just what he does. He sets a brutal pace, his thighs meeting yours as your ankles rest on his hips. You cry out and squeeze his hand as his tip nudges the same spot his fingers do, making you clench.
"Fuck." He grunts, picking up the pace as he chases his release. He pounds into you now, making you nothing but a moaning piece of putty ready to be molded by his hands. "Benedict- Again.. I'm going to..." You whine and he nods, pressing his lips to yours as his thumb finds your clit.
Your back arches as you reach your peak once more, dragging your nails down his back and leaving angry red marks on his skin. That is what sends him over the edge, spilling his seed deep inside of you before collapsing on top of you.
After a moment he pulls out and rolls onto his back, catching his breath before standing up and walking to the bathroom, leaving you on the bed to do the same. You rest your arms over your eyes as your breathing calms. He comes back with a washcloth and cleans up the mess he made before snuggling up to you in bed.
You flip onto your side and snuggle up to him, his arms encircling your body immediately. He presses a kiss to your forehead and traces the ridges of your spine with his fingers. "I love you." You whisper, already half asleep.
He smiles at the sight of you drowsy and flushed, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. "And I love you, my heart." He whispers back, closing his eyes and quickly following you into slumber.
Oh, what a joy it is to finally feel at home.
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tobesobri · 2 years
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enhastolemyheart · 4 months
enha + boyfriend moments ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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pairing non idol!enha x fem!reader warnings none genre fluff est. relationship nets @k-films @kflixnet
a/n I wanted to try something different this time. sorry i went mia for so long :(( i decided to do something for all of enha boys and i hope u enjoy!! also i totally forgot abt jungwon's allergies while writing his part so less jus pretend he is not allergic to cats :((
banners by @cafekitsune
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i feel like heeseung would always and i mean ALWAYS trap you between himself and whatever other object is there near you. I honestly feel he loves to see you flustered and ears all burning red just from a mere touch as he very smoothly traps you between his arms, nowhere to escape. like, the look on your face is such a ego booster and this little "moment" has to happen at least once a day. It is just a heeseung coded move and it gets you worked up every single time.
"hee, I just had to go get groceries real quick, can you let me go?" You try to excuse yourself from his hold as you were trapped between the counter and his arms. "no baby," he bends to meet your eye level, "you left without giving me a kiss." he moves in so close you think you'll combust. "cmon baby, make it up to me."
more under the cut!
we all know Jay's love language is acts of service and maybe even gift giving. cmon, its obvious that jay is the kind of person to always buckle your seatbelt for you, open any kind of door for you, cook meals that remind you of your culture and hometown, likee he is literally the sweetest boyfriend ever. he's perfect. he is also the type to always have a belonging of your in his bag whenever you both are outside. like that is so jay coded.
your day started with a quick breakfast at a cafe, and then your extravaganza at the amusement park. You and jay went through it all, the amazing food, the thrilling rides. he even held your hand the whole through the roller coaster to help you conquer your fear. he was there every step of the way and you both had so much fun. the sun had started setting and so you both get seated at a highly reviewed restaurant in the park for dinner. Just as the food came, you wanted to tie your hair up, feeling scorching due the humid air and all that walking you did. noticing you were having trouble finding your tie, Jay casually puts his wrist closer to you where a hair tie was sitting. "here, i kept an extra."
jake is definitely the type of boyfriend to take you out on night drives. windows rolled down, music blasting in the air, one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with yours. you couldn't have spent your night with jake in any other way. he loves you with all his heart and i feel like one way of showing it is through songs, so what's better than listening to playlist he made for when he thought of you, while riding around the city at its most quiet hour?
"baby, i just added some new songs to the playlist." he confesses, giving your knuckles a sweet kiss before bringing it back onto your lap. "yeah? lemme hear it jakey." he giggles as he presses play "i love you, my girl." he looks at you the whole time you were listening, together on a blanket as you indulge the beautiful night sky.
one thing that sunghoon loves but doesn't want to admit is waking up in your arms. quite literally, he loves falling asleep on your chest with your hand massaging his back and hair. ugh, he'd just melt to sleep then and there itself. don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves seeing you under his arms first thing in the morning. but, something about being in your embrace where he can be vulnerable and himself is just far much better. he absolutely love your sweet and hoarse voice as you greet him a good morning and then proceed to pepper his precious face with kisses to start of the day right. he feel so much better with you and your presence.
the little kisses being left on the top of sunghoon's hair wakes him up. he looks up at you from his place, hair all strewn, arms wrapped around your midriff while head tucked inside the crook of your neck. you giggle softly at his sleepy smile before running a hand through his hair, "good morning, sleeping beauty." he huff as you see the evident pink on his cheeks. "good morning" comes out muffles due to how close his mouth is to your skin, placing gentle kisses and squeezing your waist. he looks up at you through his eyelashes, giving you a full, sweet good morning kiss and murmuring that he wants to stay five more minutes in bed.
this is such a sunoo coded thing. but, he absolutely LOVES doing masks and manicures with you. like, imagine just sitting on your bed, face masks on and gossiping about anything and everything while painting each others' nails. sunoo is the type of boyfriend in whom you'll find a best friend. like, he is always the first you would go to share news and stuff and vice versa.
"and so because of niki, we got the rest of the day off!" sunoo exclaimed finishing the mini story of a recently occurred event. you couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the story. minutes pass, and now he is painting your nails this time, both of you rocking a baby pink color. you both end up binging 2000s rom-coms before dozing off sleeping soundly in each others' arms.
ugh. jungwon is such a soft boyfie. he is always by your side helping/accompanying you to anything and everything. jungwon is very kind and caring and takes care with so much love, he loves you more than himself. he is the type to always greet you with warm hugs and cheek kisses. hand holding when going on a stroll outside no matter the time of day. he is also very BIG on words of affirmation. he is always telling he loves you and he makes sure you know.
"omg! won, look!" you point at the stray cat that was situated under a tree near the trail of the pretty park you both are at. he looks at it with wide eyes before slowly moving towards the cat, wanting to greet it. once the ginger cat understands that you both mean no harm, it starts to get close with jungwon rubbing up against his leg. "it is so cute won, it looks just like you!" you exclaim resulting in a chuckle from your boyfriend. he slowly picks up the cat, bringing its face close to his before turning to you. "see baby, you can't tell the difference between me and the cat, can you?" you chuckle softly kissing his cheek. you both decide to take the cat to a vet and then give it some food and shelter for the night.
this kid. as much as playful he is, he is as equal in being sincere and true to himself and your relationship. he loves to tease you. i think quality time is one of his ways of loving you, so i can def see you both out on adventurous dates together. whether it be basketball dates, going to an amusement park together, spending time with each other at 4 am having ice cream, anything and everything you do, it's always filled with love and laughter that make up wonderful memories.
"come on baby, try and take it from me." niki exclaimes as yet again steals the basketball from your hold dribbling slowly towards the basket. "ugh, you and your damn long legs." you mumur. he laugh at your comment before stopping in front of you. he is so close that you know you are going to turn red soon if he doesn't back up. "here." he puts the ball in front of you, and you have to declare yourself stupid because inches before you can get the ball, he raises his arms, putting the ball way out of your hold. "riki! not fair." you out as you try and jump to get the ball. Niki simply laughs at your silly attempts. "you are so cute, you know that?" he bends to meet your eye level, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. "i love you" knowing the effect you had on him, you managed to snatch the ball before running away and yelling, "i love you too dork!" niki smirks at your escape before chasing after you.
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a/n. tysm for reading!! i hope u liked it! this was not proofread!!
perm taglist: @jak-ey ; @snoowhore ; @hsgwrld ; @seungiesluv ; @1-800shutthefuckup ; @heeseungshim (send an ask to be added)
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The Princess and The Pogue | J. M.
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: Your daughter comes home from school telling you about a local OBX fairytale. It turns out it’s about you and your husband.
Listen to But Daddy I Love Him for full experience
Requested by @idontevenknowbsblog
A/N: This turned out way longer and more angsty than I had anticipated but I’m a sucker for the angst. I just can’t help it. I’m sorry this took me a million years to finish!
As I am an adult, all characters I write for are written as adults. Any minor characters will be aged up to the general range of their actor’s age.
Warnings: allusions to domestic abuse, controlling parents, forced engagement, so much fucking angst, only kinda proofread
Word Count: 3.5k
Your daughter’s tiny feet press against the back of your seat as you head home after picking her up from school.
“Mia, stop kicking,” You laugh, “Mommy’s trying to drive.”
“Sorry, Mommy.” Your daughter giggles. “I’m just so happy today!”
“I’m so glad you're happy, Baby.” You smile at the five year old in the rearview mirror. “What did you do at school today?”
“We got to draw all our shapes today and we sang the alphabet song a bunch of times!”
“Ooh sounds like a fun day.”
She claps excitedly. “Oh and Kylie’s older sister told us a fairytale at recess!”
“A fairytale? Very cool. What was it about?”
“Did you know a princess used to live here? A long time ago. She ran away with a pogue because her evil king father wouldn’t let them be together.”
Your eyes widen at her words, a small smile forming on your face as she tells the story that takes you back to what seems like a lifetime ago.
“Mom, I’m headed out,” you yelled through the foyer.
“Ok, hun.” Your mom poked her head over the stairwell. “Just don’t stay out too late. We have that business lunch with the Cameron’s tomorrow and it’s very important that you be there.”
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” you promise, “besides I’m just going to hang out with Sarah.”
“We just love that you and Ward Cameron’s daughter are friends. It looks so good for your father’s business for the families to be close. Especially with you set to inherit the company someday.”
With Ward Cameron being the biggest real estate developer in the Outer Banks and your dad owning the biggest construction company, the two men worked closely on most of their deals. They were also the closest thing to friends that either of the men had. The two richest men in the island made for a powerful team.
“Glad I can help you keep up appearances,” you muttered under your breath.
“What was that, hun?”
“Always happy to help the family.” You gave your mother a forced smile and made your escape, slipping outside and into Sarah’s waiting car.
“Ready to go see your man?” She grins at you and you return the gesture.
“God, yes.“
You hadn’t expected to fall in love with JJ Maybank. Considering the very different lives the two of you led it was surprising the two of you ever even crossed paths, but that was one of the perks of being Sarah’s friend. When she fell in love with John B and got involved with the pogues she dragged you along with her.
It wasn’t like you had anything against the pogues. In fact, you had admired them from afar your whole life. Their freedom and adventures were something you envied, forever stuck in your kook bubble. You didn’t have a choice but to follow the plan your parents had created for you.
JJ, on the other hand, hated kooks with a passion. He had a hard enough time with Sarah joining the group and when she brought you in, arguably the even bigger kook princess with the even bigger kook king of a father, he vowed to himself he would never accept you. After all, you represented everything he hated, the life he always dreamed of but would never attain.
He would sneer and call you “princess”, his voice dripping with disdain, doing everything in his power to piss you off, but you didn’t mind. You loved his passion and the way he would do anything to protect the people he cared about. You ignored his insults, treating him just as well as you would anyone else.
Before he knew it, your soft words and beaming smile had softened JJ. He began to actually look forward to your presence in the group, feeling sad when you couldn’t get away from your parents to spend time with them. Then, one day the two of you were the only ones to show up to a pogue hang out. You ended up spending hours just talking and getting to know each other. The rest was history and you had been together from that day forward.
Unfortunately, you knew that your parents would never let you spend time around a pogue, let alone be in a relationship with one. So, like Sarah and John B, you and JJ had to keep your relationship hidden. Thanks to the help of the pogues, the two of you had been successfully seeing each other behind your parents’ backs for over a year.
“I’ll be back to pick you up at 8:00,” Sarah reminds you. She pulls up to the little cove where you and JJ liked to meet. “We only have a couple of hours tonight because of that lunch tomorrow. Don’t want our families to get suspicious.”
You nod. “Got it. I’ll see you then.” You slip out of her car. “Tell John B I said hi.”
“Will do.”
She pulls away as you make your way around the rocks hiding the entrance to your spot.
“Hi, princess.” Your boyfriend grins at you in the orange light of the sunset, pulling you into a hug.
“JJ,” You breathe him in, soaking up the comfort he gives you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby. Four days without you is four days too much.” JJ leads you over to the blanket on the sand, sitting back so you can settle between his legs.
“I know. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t get away much this week. My parents are going crazy about this lunch tomorrow.”
“Aren’t they always crazy?” JJ jokes, poking your side. You squirm a little bit, trying to escape his prodding.
“I mean, yeah. They’re just extra crazy this week.” You settle further into his chest, JJ giving up his attack in exchange for wrapping his arms securely around you. He nuzzles his head into the side of your neck. “But, it’s okay because at least we have right now.”
“How long do we have until Sarah comes back to pick you up?”
You let out a sigh. “Two hours.”
“That’s it? Damn.”
“I’m sorry, J.” You look back apologetically, but he just shakes his head.
“Hey, don’t apologize. We just have to make the most of the time we have, like usual. It won’t be like this forever.”
“Right.” You give him a small smile, turning back to face the sunset before he can see the doubt in your eyes. You hoped JJ was right, but you had no idea how things would ever change.
As expected, your time together flew by too quickly and before you knew it Sarah was back to take you home.
JJ was reluctant to let you out of his embrace. “We’re still on for tomorrow night, right? After you finish up with all your kook business?”
“Of course, baby. I wouldn’t miss it.” You give him one last goodbye kiss, distracting him long enough to slip out from his arms. He pouts, but lets you go, knowing if it was your choice you would never leave.
You stare numbly at the wall, unable to will yourself to move from your position balled up on the bed. You aren’t sure how long you've been laying there looking at nothing. You didn’t feel anything, having cried out all your tears hours ago. A buzzing sounds from the other side of the room, your phone going off once again, but you don’t pick it up. It’s probably Sarah calling again to see if you’re okay after what happened at lunch. You’re not.
Having sat in silence for so long, you jump when you hear a rattling at your window. It takes you a minute to clamber over to the window with the lights out in your room. You hadn’t realized how dark it had become outside.
You peek out warily, trying to determine the source of the noise. “Shit.” You mumble under your breath as you realize JJ is perched in the tree closest to your room.
You unlatch the door so he can climb inside, turning away from him quickly. You’re thankful for the darkness in that moment as you scramble to make yourself look presentable, flattening your hair and wiping at your face. You pull down the sleeves of the massive sweatshirt you’re wearing, one you stole from JJ months ago, making sure you are completely covered.
“JJ, what are you doing here,” you whisper, “What if someone sees you?”
“I was worried about you. You were supposed to meet me hours ago, remember?” He sounds frustrated.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I totally forgot.” You run your hand down your face stressed. “I didn’t mean to stand you up.”
“You forgot? Y/N, I’ve been calling and texting for hours.” JJ moves closer, but you step back. “I thought something bad had happened.”
He takes another step back. Again you back away, trying to keep him from seeing your face. Brows furrowed, JJ moves towards you again. This time you can’t move away fast enough, bumping your dresser as you try to get away.
“Woah, wait.” JJ takes your face in gentle hands. “Have you been crying?”
“It’s nothing. I’m fine.” You try to pull away, but he doesn’t let you off that easily.
“Baby, what’s going on? Is it something I did?” The worry in his eyes brings a fresh wave of tears to your eyes. You shake your head, willing them not to fall.
“No, no. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Something with Sarah?” You shake your head again.
“Your parents?” That stills you. “It is your parents. What is it? Did something happen at lunch?”
You don’t answer.
“Talk to me, baby. I can’t make it better if I don’t know what’s wrong.” JJ’s voice is so sincere and his touch so soft. He really thinks he’ll be able to fix whatever the problem is.
You gather your strength and gently pull away from him, not wanting to see the look in his eyes when you tell him.
“My father and Ward Cameron have decided that it is in the best interest of their respective businesses for our families to be officially joined.”
“What on earth does that mean?”
You feel like you're going to be sick, but you force the words out anyway. “I am set to be married to Rafe Cameron.” You keep your eyes on the floor, waiting for JJ’s response. He stays silent.
“I had no idea they had this planned until my parent’s announced it at lunch.”
“What do you mean you’re marrying Rafe Cameron?” He tries to keep his voice calm. But you can hear the venom behind his words anyway. “You can’t just marry Rafe.”
“I don’t have a choice, JJ. They practically signed my ownership papers over to Rafe right there.”
JJ is pacing your room now, hands constantly running through his hair. “He can’t just do that. You’re an adult, Y/N. Tell him no.”
“I can’t tell him no JJ.” He stops in front of you, the look on his face half shock half anger.
“What are you talking about? You can’t just tell me that your father is marrying you off to Rafe and not even try to fight him on it.” You turn from his intense gaze, unable to handle it any longer.
‘Y/N-” JJ reaches for your arm to turn you around and you flinch back hissing in pain. Your sleeve rides up, revealing a number of dark bruises.
“I tried talking him out of it, JJ. He made it clear saying no wasn’t an option.”
JJ seethes, body tense with anger. “He hurt you.” It’s not a question which is just as well because you have no response.
“I’m gonna kill him.” He growls.
You lay your palms flat against his chest. “No, you’re not. We can’t make this situation any worse than it already is.”
“He can’t just get away with this!” JJ’s voice rises with his anger and you shush him quickly, looking back at your door.
“Please, Y/N.” His voice cracks on your name. “Things can’t just end like this.”
The pain in his words breaks your heart. You let the tears fall freely, unable to hold back the emotion any longer.
“I’m so sorry, JJ.” He cradles your face in his hands like he did at the beginning of the night. “There’s nothing either of us can do to change this.” JJ brushes his thumbs against your cheeks, brushing at the tears. “You should go.”
“No, Y/N.” He has tears running down his face too. “I can’t leave you like this.”
“Please, JJ. You have to go before something wakes him up. I don’t know what he’ll do if he finds you here.”
JJ’s eyes flit down to your wrists, taking in the bruises once more before he nods slowly. He won’t be the reason your father hurts you again. You lips press against his slowly, both of you pouring all the love you have for each other into the kiss.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips.
“I love you, too. Always.”
With those last words, he slips back out your window, closing it quietly behind him. You watch as he climbs back down the tree and crosses the property. As he finally fades out of blue, you sink down to your floor, your knees unable to hold the weight of your body as it’s wracked with sobs.
You don’t leave your room for days. All you can do is lay in your bed and cry, mourning the loss of the man you love and the life you had planned.
If it was up to you, you would never leave that room. Unfortunately, your parents have other plans. They parade you and Rafe all over town, making sure everyone on the island knows the two of you are “madly in love” and engaged to be married in the spring. The whole pageantry of it makes you sick.
The cherry on top of the whole ordeal is the engagement party that you parents planned for the weekend. They rented out the whole club and invited every kook on the island. You’re pretty sure it’s your own personal hell.
Sarah pins one last curl to your head. “Done. You look beautiful.”
You give her a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes. “Thanks, Sarah.” You were dressed in a white sundress that your mother had bought for the party and Sarah had done your hair and makeup to perfection. The whole look was stunning, but you just feel like a trophy being shown off.
Sarah gives you a sympathetic look. “You ready for this?”
“No. But I have to be.”
It takes everything in you to keep a smile pasted on your face as Rafe takes your hand and leads you out to the throng of people. Everyone smiles and hugs you, offering their congratulations. You do your best to seem gracious and excited, but all you feel is emptiness and the faces move before you in a blur.
You make it two hours into the party before you can’t take it any longer. The panic that has been creeping up your throat all night takes hold and you have to break away. You excuse yourself from Rafe, claiming a need to run to the bathroom. He gives you a harsh look and makes you promise to hurry back, but ultimately lets you go.
You hurry away from prying eyes, not letting yourself break until you get inside. Chest heaving, you gulp down air like you’ve just run a marathon. One of your hands is pressed against your chest, the other braced against the walls to hold you up as you stumble towards the bathroom.
Before you can make it more than a few feet an arm catches you around the waist, pulling you into an alcove you had never noticed. You stumble back, trying to pull yourself together, not wanting whoever grabbed you to see your harried state.
“Hey, hey. It’s just me.”
Familiar hands rub up and down your arms, grounding you. You look up to see the blue eyes that you love so much.
“JJ,” you whisper, breaths still coming fast and hard.
“It’s okay, baby. Just breathe.”
JJ holds you close as you will your body to calm, feeling safe for the first time all night.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had to see you, talk to you.”
You sigh, looking at him with sad eyes. “As happy as I am that you’re here, you have to go. If anyone sees you. My father, or Rafe-”
“What if you didn’t have to worry about them anymore?”
“JJ, we’ve been over this. I can’t break this engageme-”
“What if we just left? You and me. Right now.” His eyes bore into yours, willing you to see the possibility.
You can’t act like you haven’t had the same thought yourself, but you just didn’t see how it would be possible. “How would that work, JJ? My father controls my whole life. My money, my future, everything.”
“You don’t need anything he has to give you, Y/N.” His voice is pleading.
“We can figure it out. You have a degree, I have experience. We’ll get jobs. We’ll make it work.” He reaches a hand into his pocket. “I know I can’t give you a life like this-”
“I don’t want a life like this.”
“-but I will do everything in my power to give you a good life, to make you happy.” He holds up a simple, beautiful band of silver. “Will you marry me?”
You stare up at him with wide eyes. “Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life. Say you’ll marry me. We can leave right now. I have a plan to get us off the island. Your parents won’t know until it’s too late. Just say yes, please.”
“Yes, yes.” You nod vigorously. “I’ll marry you.”
You rip off the gaudy ring currently on your hand and JJ replaces it with the silver band. He kisses you so deeply you think you see stars.
“I love you, JJ Maybank,” you whisper when you part.
“I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N, so much.”
You could stay in that moment forever, but you both know you don’t have time to waste. JJ begins to pull you to a side exit, but you stop him. There’s one last thing you have to do before you leave.
You find a piece of paper, scribbling out a few quick words and titling to your father.
Have fun explaining to the Cameron’s that your daughter ran off with a pogue
You set the folded paper on the center table, placing Rafe’s ring next to it.
“Ready to get off this island?”
You grab JJ’s hand. “God, yes.”
JJ was right, the two of you figured it out. You both found jobs on the mainland and created a happy life for yourselves. You and JJ got married a few months after you ran off and Mia came along a few years later.
You had kept in touch with the pogues of course and they let you know when your father and Ward Cameron’s businesses had come crashing down, forcing the two men off the island. They had no power anymore, so eight years later you decided to move back to your home. People had gossiped at first, but they moved on to the next big thing when they realized that neither you nor JJ cared what they had to say. You wanted to be in the place where you grew up and fell in love, and you wanted Mia to be surrounded by the friends that you called your family.
Mia was just about bouncing in her seat by the time you got home. You hurried to get her out of her carseat so she could rush inside and see her dad. Friday’s were always her favorite because JJ got off work early and was already home by the time you brought her back from school.
She pulled you along by the hand as she continued on about her fairytale. “The evil king disappeared and they lived happily ever after.”
JJ scooped Mia up as the two of you entered the house, making the little girl squeal in delight.
“Who lived happily ever after, Mia-mine?” She giggled as he burrowed his face in her little belly.
“The princess and the pogue!”
JJ’s eyes met yours over Mia, giving you an intrigued look.
“Kylie’s older sister told her a fairytale at lunch about a couple that used to live on the island.” You tell him with a knowing grin.
“A fairytale? That’s awesome, baby.” JJ lowers Mia back down to her feet. “Hey, why don’t you go wash up and Mommy and I will make you a snack.”
“Okay, Daddy!” The little girl runs off happily.
You make your way to the kitchen, JJ coming up behind you and snaking his arms around your waist. “So the princess and the pogue, huh?” He smirks as you turn to face him.
“Who knew we’d become an OBX fairytale?” You reply.
“It makes sense. It doesn’t get much more ‘happily ever after’ than this. Right, princess?”
You give him a gentle kiss. “Right, pogue.”
Writing Masterlist
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shdysders · 4 months
pairing: vada cavell & female reader
summary: in which vada makes an offensive comment about your appearance, knowing you already hated it.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: serious topics, body image, body shaming comment, alcohol poisoning.
author’s note: remember that words don’t define you, you’re beautiful just the way you are and do not need to change yourself.
the ending on this one is rushed, i’m sorry about that. also sorry if you guys don’t like this idea, it was just smth that popped into my mind.
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Shopping with Vada was absolutely pointless.
She would complain about everything and nothing. About her feet hurting, about how she didn't have enough money for new things, or how she found it completely unnecessary to buy clothes when she already had enough.
You had spent multiple times with Vada in countless malls, walking through different stores, listening to her complaining all the time, whining like a child and nag about it being boring.
This time you had suggested for Vada to bring Mia along, for company while you tried things on. You thought it would make things easier for you; not having to deal with your child like girlfriend.
However you were wrong.
You were at the local mall alongside Mia and Vada, shopping for dresses who would be appropriate for your birthday party. You were really excited; two people were there to help you pick.
Although they didn't help. They were too busy talking and gossiping about losers at school to even notice the dresses you were showing.
You could understand that this probably wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but you thought they would at least pay attention, considering Vada was your girlfriend, and Mia was one of your closest friends.
You had been gushing about this party for months, so you didn't understand why they were suddenly so uninterested.
"What about this one?" You spoke, trying to drown out their loud conversation with your own voice.
Vada didn't listen for one bit. She only turned her head when Mia did so, only because it ended their dialogue.
"That one's pretty." Mia said, adoring gaze scanning the dress.
The dress was black with floral design that covered the whole fabric. The fabric was lightweight and flowy. You felt pretty, it suited you very well.
"It's alright." Vada said not long after, her lips formed in a thin line, there was frustration in her voice, like she was mad at you for interrupting their talk.
This was the second dress you tried on and Vada was already bored and frustrated, you could tell. She wasn't exactly hiding it.
You decided it'd be for the better to just hurry up, even though that wasn't what you had planned. You didn't want to waste their time.
Nodding your head, taking their answers into consideration, before turning around to get into the next dress.
This one was your favorite.
Navy blue with an open back, glitter decorating the whole dress. It was tight, rather short as well, but you felt sophisticated in it. Pretty. Gorgeous in fact. Which was rare for you.
You smiled to yourself in the mirror, prepared for Vada and Mia to liking just as much as you.
However, when you pull the dressing room curtain to the side, they didn’t even bother to turn their heads to look at you. They were way too busy talking yet again.
They were laughing about something. And a strange feeling in you were saying that it was either about you or the dresses you were showing. 
You stood there dumbfounded for a minute, waiting for them to turn their attention to the clothing piece. But they didn't.
"Vada?" You called out, since her opinion was the one that really mattered. 
She still didn't turn her head, although you knew she heard you. You could tell by the way her head slightly turned, her eyes not leaving Mia as she talked. You couldn't even bother to listen to what they were saying.
Seconds later she put her hand up, signaling for you to wait for her to finish listening, and for Mia to stop talking. Which at this point, could take ages.
You were starting to grow tired of her ignorance. She always did this whenever Mia was around. Sometimes she would find subjects to talk about that you couldn't be included in on purpose, either that or you just couldn't relate.
Her name fell from your lips again, and this time her head snapped in your direction, nothing but exasperation painting her face. "What?"
The previous smile on your face fell once you heard the harsh tone in her voice. "Could you at least look at it?"
Vada's gaze was burning onto your skin, she was looking at you as if you just told her that she had to be quiet for the rest of the year.
You couldn't put a finger on the reason for why she had gotten this angry, she used to get like this, but when she did there would at least be some kind of motive for it. Now there wasn't.
It was like steam was coming out of her ears. All you did was ask her to look at the dress for like what? One second? And she looked furious.
Vada didn't know what had gotten into her either. She didn't like being interrupted, but when it was you, she didn't care. Now she did.
She cast a discerning gaze over the dress, her eyes revealing a clear hint of annoyance. "It makes you look big. I don't like it." She spat out before she could process her words.
The confidence in the dress was quickly drained away by Vada's comment. It was like a punch to the gut, a lump beginning to form in your throat.
You suddenly felt embarrassed, for even thinking she would like the dress in the first place. Of course she didn't like it. What did you except?
"Oh." You bit your lip, trying to the prevent the layer of tears from falling, which you felt was beginning to coat your irises. "Okay"
You didn't think twice before hurrying back to the dressing room, being quick to pull the curtain back so it covered you. Mumbles from Vada and Mia could be heard, but they were shut out as the ringing in your ears took over, quiet sobs falling from your mouth.
Checking the dress in the mirror one last time, you saw what Vada might've seen. Now all you could see was the body that you used to see back in sophomore year, back to when you used to stand in front of the mirror in tears and panic every day.
There was a few more dresses you had yet to try on, however, you had lost interest in pursuing that particular topic. All because of what Vada said.
You rushed yourself out of the dress, not standing the sight of it in the mirror.
And while you were about to get into your regular clothes, you heard Vada's voice right outside the changing room.
"Y/n, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it." She sounded regretful. "You looked beautiful in it.. I don't know why I said that."
It was true. Vada had no clue why she said what she said and did what she did. She felt like she had absolute no control over what her mouth was doing. Like always. She always ended up saying something she didn't mean or stuff that was completely inappropriate.
She knew you'd had problems with confidence and self esteem before, which only made the guilt in her chest grow stronger and bigger.
You didn't care for Vada's attempt at solving the problem she caused. Instead you rapidly grabbed all of the dresses on their hangers and rushed out, not bothering to look at Vada's sad expression, filled with remorse and guilt.
You rushed past her, not even glancing at Mia who was standing further away, looking at you in the same way.
"Aren't going to try the rest?" Vada rushed behind you, almost stepping on your heels for walking so closely behind.
"No." You answered harshly before the full question had time to exit her mouth.
She didn't ask why; because she knew the reason. The reason was her. And her too big of a mouth.
All of the dresses you were carrying were put onto the return racks before you walked out of the store.
You could feel Vada hot on your trails, Mia walking further away, surely not wanting to get into the middle of the situation.
"You should, they would all look pretty." She tried. But it was unclear if you heard her.
Vada's short legs couldn't keep up with your rapid speed, making her groan in frustration. You pushed through people, your only goal being to get out of the mall.
All you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and melt away.
Which was what you did.
The party was set two days later. Which felt sooner than expected.
You didn't want to have the party anymore.
That's why you had half a mind to just drink all of the punch and alcohol you had bought for the guests, and tell everyone the party was cancelled. Although it was too late for that.
You weren't sure if Vada was still coming, you hadn't contacted her ever since you left her a good night text the day of the mall 'accident'. She probably was coming though, she probably thought nothing of it.
However, it was everything Vada could think about. Her mind had been clouded by the look on your face when she told you that you looked big in that dress. Her words were echoing in her head.
She hadn't reached out to you because she thought it was for the best to give you space. Also because she didn't know what she would say. Of course she would pour out apologies and excuses, but she knew that wouldn't mean anything. But it hurt her to pieces knowing she had done something so incredibly wrong, to you of all people.
Which is why Vada was now placed on your living room couch, watching dozens of people dancing with drinks in their hands, scanning the people in case her eyes would get in contact with your figure.
She hadn't seen you all night, and it was starting to worry her. You used to run towards Vada the second you knew she arrived, now you hadn't.
The music was so loud the whole house was basically shaking of the vibrations from the speakers.
Vada was about to give up looking for you, when all of a sudden, she saw the top of your head not too far away from the dance floor.
She immediately forced herself up from her position on the couch, leaving her red solo cup in the living room table to approach you. Pushing through all the sweaty bodies on the dance floor to get to you.
You stood at the kitchen island with a beer in your hand, a big smile on your face as you spoke to one of your friends.
You hated beer. Vada knew that.
"Y/n?" Vada called out, almost screaming to be heard over the loud music and chattering.
Your head slowly turned to her, and just by looking at you for two seconds, she could tell you were drunk out of your mind.
Your eyes were almost bloodshot and glassy, your movements were unsteady and your face was flushed. "Hi Vada." And your breath reeked alcohol.
"Didn't think you were coming." You slurred, bringing the drink up to your mouth.
The girl who stood in front of you quickly slipped away from the two of you, joining the others on the dance floor.
As Vada's eyes scanned your figure, she could see you weren't wearing any of the dresses you tried on, the dress you were wearing was one of your old ones, it was loosely fitting so she couldn't see your figure that she admired. But it was her fault, she reminded herself.
"Don't you think you've had enough of those?" Vada asked, about to take the beer bottle out of your hand, but you moved it away so she was unable to.
"Probably" You laughed, putting your free hand on the table behind for support and prevent yourself from falling backwards. Taking another sip of the drink, your face scrunching up in disgust from the bitter taste.
This had been your plan for the whole night. Drinking more than you could handle, so you wouldn't feel like yourself.
You had spent the whole afternoon standing in front of the mirror, understanding what Vada had meant by the comment, understand that she was right. That's what you told yourself.
Vada hated seeing you like this. She was used to having to take care of you when you went to parties together, however she had never seen you this affected.
Hence to why she thought it was a good idea to bring you somewhere where you could be alone.
"Should we go outside?" Vada asked close to your ear, so she knew for certain that you heard.
You let out a scoff, "Why? So you could push me into the pool and tell me how big the big splash was?"
Vada flinched at your remark, and even though she knew the comeback was something you'd make without alcohol in your blood, she tried to tell herself it was just your fogged mind speaking.
She knew you wouldn't come with her just because she asked, you never did when drunk. Hence to why she grabbed your forearm with a firm grip, but not too hard for it to hurt you.
She pulled you through the dance floor, ignoring people cursing at her for pushing through them with her body. She walked you outside to the backyard, and luckily enough, nobody was there.
You didn't protest when she sat you down onto one of the pool chairs, mostly because you couldn't think straight and didn't know what was going on. Your head was spinning from all the punch and alcohol.
Vada sat down on the chair next to you, inspecting your features and how your lips were shaped like a frown.
She was completely aware that you probably wouldn't remember this tomorrow, but she felt like she had to apologize to you at that moment, even though she likely had to do it again when you were clear-headed.
"Y/n." Vada started, not knowing how to continue when your eyes met hers.
"Yes?" You replied quick, voice sounding even more slurry than before.
She let out a sigh, thinking how to form her apology without it sounding forced or sarcastic. "I-I'm so sorry for saying you looked big." She began, her voice feeling shaky; filled with regret from what she'd done.
You looked up at her, eyes sad and hollow with tears starting to form.
"I don't know why I said tha- I was so passionate about talking. I didn't even pay attention to you- You're the prettiest girl I know and I just-...I don't know why I said that." Vada rambled, her hands flying all over the place.
Normally you would smile at Vada's rambling, but now you didn't. And she noticed that.
She exhaled deeply before continuing, trying to think her words through even harder this time, since it clearly didn't work the first.
"I didn't mean what I said. And I'm sorry." Vada spoke up again, trying to sound calmer than she actually was.
You didn't answer, just staring back at her with your beautiful eyes. It was making Vada nervous, her hands starting to sweat. Were you about to break up with her? Oh god, if you did she would never forgive herself.
You licked your lips, looking like you were about to say something, and you did. "Why did you say it then?"
The question made Vada furrow her brows, didn't you listen to her rambling? Were you too drunk to even notice she had been talking this whole time?
"I don't know." Vada sighed, getting frustrated with herself for being such a blabbermouth.
She scooted herself to the edge of the beach bed, taking your hands in hers. Vada had never been great with the physical touch thing, she loved when you would take her hands or touch her face, but she felt like she did it awkward. She thought she made everything awkward.
"You looked great in that dress.. all of the other ones too.. I'll buy them all for you if you ever forgive me." Vada spoke softly, gently rubbing her thumb over your hand.
"Serious?" You grinned.
Vada nodded. "Promise." Putting up her pinky for you to link with.
"You're forgiven then." Your finger joined hers, solidifying the promise.
You knew you weren't sober or in the right mindset, but you did know that you did want those dresses.
Drunk or not.
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xiihyunn · 11 months
First (18+)
G!P Vada Cavell x fem!reader
warning: g!p vada, both of them are virgins, watching porn, blowjob, inexperienced r, praising kink, gagging, choking, hair tugging, and rambly, desperate, and perverted vada.
summary: — wherein vada and r were watching porn together. but then vada had something hard underneath her boxers, and you touched it thinking it was your plushie. what do you think will happen next?
word count: 2.1k
a/n: this was a request frm one of u pretty ladies, and i will say sorry in advance if this is shitty.
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3rd person POV
"Vads can you like, stop shifting on your seat?"
You groaned a bit after seeing your girlfriend give you a quick side eye before adjusting her sitting position once more.
Both of you were sitting side by side, while watching…
"Oh fuck yes daddy~! Finger me hard like your slut, please!"
Porn. You both were watching Porn.
Surprisingly this wasn't Vada's idea, but instead it was yours. Mia just kept talking about her sex life with this girl she was seeing, and you being an 18 year old virgin, it got you curious.
How do people initiate sex? What's the mood for it? How do they not get shy showing another person their naked body? Why is sex lowkey unsanitary? How do people get turned on by just kissing? And does it actually feel good?
Your thoughts consume you ever since Mia over shared how good giving someone head was, so you told Vada about wanting to watch porn together.
Vada of course immediately said yes, a bit too quick, but that was just how your girlfriend was. Always horny, and not to mention her obsession for porn.
But ironically enough, you knew Vada was a virgin. You were surprised, how could someone as dirty as Vada, be a virgin? It just doesn't sit right with you, but you brushed it off. Vada was an experienced virgin, whatever that meant.
"Sorry.. My leg felt a bit squished. I was sitting wrong you know? Though my bed's big, things like this could happen!"
You gave Vada a small smile, she was always so cute when she rambled and that was one of the reasons why you love her.
"Yes, yes baby. Just make yourself comfortable okay?" You said. Vada nodded her head looking like a small pup, "Yes ma'am!"
"Oh~ ah! Right there daddy—! You fuck me so-so well."
Snapping your head back to the laptop by the actresses moaning, another wave of wetness escaped your center.
You were horny, really horny. The fact that your girlfriend was also beside you watching it, made you even hotter. You rested your back onto the bed's headboard, as you felt your sensitive bud brushing against your shirt.
Taking a deep breath once more, you focused on the screen. Your flushed face, your wet panties that you swore were seeping out into Vada's sheets, raging breaths, and the feeling of your juices slipping out of you made you adjust your position.
"Hey Vads, can I borrow the plushie real quick?" Without waiting for your girlfriend's approval, your hand reaches down to her crotch area where the penguin plushie was supposed to be.
Before you could stop your hand, your fingers came in contact with something hard. Once your hand was palming the object, Vada's breath hitches.
You felt confused. The plushie wasn't hard, it was soft and not this thick. Tilting your head to the side, you ran your hands down and tried to make out what it was.
"B-Baby, I don't think it's the kind of plushie you were looking for…" Vada's face reddens, as she throws her head back. She gave out a long exhale and bit her lip.
"Oh fuck," Vada muttered.
Realization punched you on the stomach, as Vada looked at you with a smirk on her face. Your eyes widened, retreating your hand to your side, and you felt your face slowly becoming hot. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
“Why did you stop? I was actually starting to enjoy it.” Vada tilts her head, and cocks a brow up at you with her lips upwards to a sly grin.
"Vada, I-I am so, so, sorry. I t-thought it was my… plushie…" You look down in embarrassment, trying not to meet your girlfriend teasing eyes.
Vada chuckles dryly. "It is your plushie, just not the soft and fluffy ones." Vada's fingers held your chin to lift your head up, you bit your lip once you held eye contact.
Still hearing the moans from the site opened up, a particular sentence caught you off guard.
"Why don't you suck daddy's dick huh? Take my cock all in, like a good little whore."
Your face heats up from hearing the man's voice. You back up from Vada's touch, clearing your throat as you lean on the headboard again.
The tension was rising. Sexual tension.
Your body was hot, and everytime you'd inhale and exhale, you still felt the cloth brushing against the bud of your chest. There was a heavy weight in the air, staying in the room just being around. You didn’t know what to do, Vada still hasn’t said anything to your apology and you were starting to get anxious.
Fuck. You thought, How could I forget my girlfriend has a dick? Now it’s so awkward between us now, Jesus thanks a lot Y/n.
But it was so… big, thick and… hard. I wonder what’s it like to—
You shook your head to snap back into reality, oblivious to Vada turning her head to look at you. “You could’ve just told me you wanted to touch it again, and not randomly shake your head right babe? You gave Vada a weird look, “What are you talking about?” You said, trying to sound confident.
Your POV
Vada stares at me with something in her eyes, before she grabs my hand and guides it back to where her hard-on was. Feeling her clothed dick on my hands, I unconsciously held my breath. I was touching my girlfriend’s cock, Vada’s cock.
"That's all for you," Vada whispers.
A pit on my stomach started to form, as a blush crept up my cheeks. Vada gently pushed my hand further on her manhood, as she bit her lip. "Can you take care of me, Y/n? I-It feels so good, shit."
Vada started humping on my hand, and I sat there dumbfounded. "I'm not really good at this Vads, I'm still a… you know." Vada ignored me as she parts her legs open, and patted on the empty space in front of her.
"And I am too… Let's just make this our 1st lesson about sex, I mean the reason why you wanted to watch porn with me was because you were curious right?"
Removing my hands from Vada's crotch, I settled between her legs. The beating of my heart could be heart from a mile away, I was nervous but— I really want to taste my girlfriend.
Vada caresses her clothed dick in her hands, the pre-cum staining her gray short a bit, as she removes them. I sat on the bed not knowing what to do, other than stare at her bulge.
"Just use your tongue, and suck. You're a fast learner right baby?" I nodded slowly, as Vada gestured for me to bend down to face her center. My face was directly on top of her bump, and I faintly saw it twitching, causing me to rub my thighs together.
"Go ahead and open it, it's your advance birthday present." I wanted to roll my eyes at her, my birthday was 3 months ago.
Grabbing the hem of Vada's boxers, I pulled it down for her hot dick to smack my nose. I flinched at the contact, as I heard Vada giggling.
"You're so cute, baby. It's just my dick."
I frowned softly, "Exactly Vada, it's your dick."
Her pre-cum smudged against the tip of my nose, as there it stood tall and proud over my face.
"You can touch it, it won't fall off."
Swallowing hard, my finger poked it. Vada's dick immediately responded by a small twitch, and the angry colored tip oozed out more white stuff, as Vada's fingers lost itself on my scalp.
"That's it baby, don't be shy." Vada muttered.
"Don't we need lube or something..?" I asked, looking up at her eyes. Vada leaned down and gave me a kiss, "Use your saliva." She mumbles on my lips.
Nodding slowly, I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out giving her red tip a kitten lick. Vada groaned a bit, as I felt her tugging my hair asking for more.
Sticking my tongue out fully, I grabbed her dick on my hand, lowering my face into the bed more, as I ran my tongue from the base all the way to her salty tip.
Coating Vada's cock with my saliva, I gathered my spit, and aimed to hit her dick. Vada curses, "Oh baby, you're doing so good. Keep going."
Pumping my hand on her cock, the spit fully coated it, as Vada pushed my head into it. "I need it inside of your mouth, please Y/n," Vada whispers.
I gave her a hesitant nod and muttered a quick 'okay' before opening my mouth wide, angling her dick before I took her length in.
Humming at the hot, thick, and her salty dick. Vada moans, as she throws her head back tugging on my scalp. "Jesus, your mouth's so fucking warm." Vada said.
Closing my eyes, I slowly bobbed my head on Vada's cock. Her fingers squeezed my hair more, as I used my tongue to gaze over the base.
"Yes, just like that baby. You're a natural at this, shit—!" Vada grabbed all my hair, and tied it up using her hand, as she bucked her hips at me. I picked up my pase, sucking and swirling at her dick like a lollipop.
Vada moans grew, and I felt myself drenched in my own juices. Keeping the rhythm, I pushed my head all the way until my nose hit Vada's pubic hair.
I felt her cock hitting the back of my throat, as my mouth squeezed her. "Fuck!" Vada screamed.
I gagged at the feeling about to pull out, but then Vada's hands grabbed my face and started fucking it. I moaned at the rough speed, sending vibrations to her abdomen as she jerked her hips on my face.
"Oh my God Y/n, you feel so fucking good. If I had known you were this astounding, I would have fucked this pretty little mouth of yours sooner."
Tears escaped my eyes, as I felt Vada's dick repeatedly hitting my esophagus. Suddenly, my built up saliva went down the wrong hole while I was trying to breath, causing me to choke.
"Mhmm!" I patted Vada's thighs, opening my eyes wide open as I looked up at her. Vada's face was curled up into pleasure, biting her lip with a smirk, as she just looked down on me.
"Breathe with your nose, baby." Vada pants, as she pounds her hips upward, and pushes my head into her more. Drool started to run down her cock onto her balls, as Vada cursed one more time.
"I'm close," Vada said.
Forcing to swallow my choke mixed with her pre-cum. I gripped onto her thighs, as Vada's hips continuously ram inside my mouth causing me to let out another groan.
"Babe, I am so c-close, be a good girl and drink it all o-kay?"
Panic filled my brain as I opened my eyes again to look up at her. Meeting her half lidded lustful eyes, I silently begged her not to cum inside.
"This is our 1st lesson, remember? You need to learn how to swallow my cum, baby."
Vada roughly tugs on my hair, "I'm gonna cum." My eyes widened and quickly shot them closed, as Vada thrusted her cock into my mouth one more time before I felt ropes and ropes of hot jizz shooting down at the back of my throat.
I started choking on her dick, as I felt her cum slide down on my windpipe. Vada finally lets go of my head, and I sat back up coughing her jizz out of my mouth.
"Not cool Cavell!"
Grabbing my chest, I felt her rubbing my back slowly, but still seeing her limp dick oozing out cum on her bed in my peripheral vision.
"I-I'm sorry! It just felt so good, I just had to! I'm so sorry, princess.."
That was fucking hot though. I hope I choke more on your cum.
"No kisses for a week, Vada."
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shogvnate · 1 year
Insomnia. headcannons
re8 ladies with a s/o who's an insomniac
contains; mother miranda, mia winters, alcina dimitrescu, donna beneviento, bela dimitrescu, cassandra dimitrescu, daniela dimitrescu.
warnings; none.
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🐦‍⬛ mother miranda
honestly she's also an insomniac herself so it's not really a problem for her
if you're not busy, she'll ask you to accompany her while she's doing late night experimenting.
she's… surprisingly domestic?
she doesn't talk much when it's late (she doesn't talk much in general though), and you don't either so it works out.
sometimes forgets that you're not a mutant like her, but when she remembers she'll help you fall asleep. She'll find a way, she's a scientist, after all, a mad one at that. Nothing is impossible with her.
entertains you with her crows if her experiments get too dangerous for you.
the type to make you play chess with her over a cup of tea.
you have zero idea how to play so she teaches you.
how did the two of you end up playing uno??
why are the two of you playing go fish now?
🪡 donna beneviento
also an insomniac
but she's not as noticeable because she wears a veil and no one really sees her face.
late night reading, not healthy for both of your eyes but who cares?
donna is surprisingly active at night (not like that).
living with her includes hearing the kitchen being rummaged at 3 am only to find out it's her trying to cook pasta.
either that or she's trying to find her missing tool.
she can be forgetful sometimes and you are too, but remember, two negatives makes a positive! (you two still haven't found where your blue pen went.)
makes you and herself some soothing lavender tea.
she wears her hair down when it's late, and she's fucking gorgeous goddamn.
the sight of her alone makes you sigh dreamily.
you don't need sleep, you're already living the dream.
angie bites your toes if you look at donna funny for too long.
🍷 alcina dimitrescu
for the love of all that is holy, please stop trying to scare the maidens, it's 2 in the morning.
she's very tired.
she's the opposite of an insomniac, her line of work makes her really cranky at night.
technically she doesn't need sleep, but it's refreshing so she does it and hates when she's disturbed.
just imagine having to be a single milf girlboss with a massive dump truck, must be tiring for her, damn.
sorry. anyway, she'll find a way to help you.
perhaps you need medicine? she can give the Duke a quick late night call and make either Cassandra or Bela fetch them (because she doesn't trust the maidens will come back alive if she sent them this late.)
sits up with you until you're tired, but all the time she'll look like someone who hadn't had a blink of sleep since 500 b.c.
you decide to help her sleep instead, you don't mind.
so you ended up being cuddled by her while she's in her deep sleep, yay!
❄ mia winters
she's tired, not like alcina kind of tired, but just tired.
at some point in the night, she noticed you're not sleeping next to her, again, which made her wake up and get you.
you make her feel safe and when you're not there she gets reminded of her Louisiana days, which, isn't fun.
depending on the day, she can either haul you back to bed for her to cuddle or ask you whether you need something to calm your nerves.
stays up with you, but falls asleep in the end.
cuddling on the sofa with her is heaven so you don't mind.
in the morning you'll be so sore and stiff though, because when she cuddles, she's not even a koala, she's literally merging with you.
her warmth usually brings you to sleep, it's likely her general comforting presence that helps you.
buys you medicine to help with your insomnia if you ask so, but she'll do it tomorrow.
for now, she'd like to rest.
🦇 bela dimitrescu
contrary to alcina, the three of her daughters, and especially, bela, are insomniacs.
they do random shit at 1 in the morning.
one time bela got dragged into having a karaoke session, which meant you also got dragged by the other two sisters (read: daniela).
it's fun though, you got a good laugh from them.
which is great considering your insomnia is making you more and more mentally exhausted.
once they all let their energy out, bela can finally get some time with you.
bela may or may not bring you to her bedroom, depending on whether or not her sisters will tease her for it.
doesn't know how to make tea, so don't hope she does or ask her for it.
it gets really awkward when she's just sitting there staring at you and expecting you to just get bored and sleep.
you end up having candlelit dinner? breakfast? at 3 am.
🗡️ cassandra dimitrescu
as mentioned before she also has insomnia. she sometimes still manages to sleep though, but it usually happens at day or at random times.
after the whole late night shenanigans, usually she's the most tired because she matches daniela's endless energy but also bela's crankiness.
she enjoys laying down doing particularly nothing so expect her to lay on the same bed as you while staring blankly at the ceiling.
when asked she usually takes a few moments to respond, and as it turns out, she accidentally slept with her eyes open. kinda neat.
she's also like daniela, she can't sit still.
may make random small talks before she just… had it.
so she decided to ask you to spar with her in the armor room.
if you're tired, she'll suggest doing something else like taking a walk around the castle.
one time she's feeling generous, she actually asked you to waltz on the grand hall.
she still remembers the steps despite being dead for God knows how long but you absolutely have zero idea how to waltz.
and you're losing your shit whenever she smiles at you softly.
how uncharacteristic for the murderous vampire who gouged a maid's eyes out for looking at you wrong.
needless to say, your nights are always productive with cassandra.
🌹 daniela dimitrescu
with daniela, it's like gambling your sanity.
there's half the chance that she's feeling hyper that night, or the other being that she's feeling hella tired and doesn't want to be disturbed by the maids. (meaning if she sees someone messing up while she's in this mood, there'll be one more barrel in the cellar.)
either way, none of them meant anything good for you.
drags you to the library to read her stories, more often than not, she's asking you to read her fairy tales which is super valid. I also love them.
makes you play with her hair while you're reading.
very unpredictable, no wonder she's dimitrescu's wild card.
she sleeps when her energy runs out, which may take a long time.
she sleep talks, mostly slurring out your name or whining about how cassandra is always so unfair to her.
softly snores
you always end up being the one cleaning her mess if a maid died that day.
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1pepsiboy · 29 days
He surprises you after being gone (Matt Sturniolo request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Word count: 710
A/N: sorry I've been MIA recently! Work has actually been the death of me and there's been no room in my head to write when I've had time off. But hopefully this makes up for it! PSA my Chris stuff IS coming, I promise!
You tapped a pen on your lip, looking at the blank document that’s supposed to have a fully written essay by now. But your boyfriend was on the road and you had to keep up with him and his brothers adventures. Also, you missed him. You really, really missed him. 
You never imagined that you would be this type of person. Unable to focus the moment their significant other wasn’t around. Granted, it wasn’t like you did focus well on classes when he was around. Procrastination was a superpower you had mastered over the years. 
You opened the textbook for your gen-ed college course and groaned in frustration. As if Matt knew you were struggling, his photo popped up on your phone screen. 
You answered the facetime immediately. “Hey, babe!”
“Hey babe.” Matt cheeses a smile, then rubs his eyes. “Whatcha up to?” 
You shrugged. “Trying to write an essay. Nothing exciting… Where are you guys at? Are you almost home?” 
You noticed he’s walking down some hallway, none of the others were there. At least it didn’t look like it. Which was a little strange, but he probably just went somewhere else so it’s quiet. 
“Yeah, yeah, we uhm… We’re at our last hotel of the tour and then I’ll be back in a couple days.”
You jutted out your bottom lip, pouting fakely. “I wish it was now.” 
Matt stopped, the phone view switched around to show a door and apartment number. It was a wood door painted white with black metal numbers. You furrowed your brows because it looked very familiar. Then it hit you. That’s the door to your place. You were almost certain it was.
“Babe,” Matt mocks lightly. 
“Are you actually here right now? Or are you fucking with me?” 
“Open your door and find out.” 
You hurried to your front door, stubbing your toe in the process. You let out a small curse before peeping through the hole. There was your boyfriend’s face, looking like he had the fish filter on. Your heart raced a million times a minute. To the point that it felt as if you were going to pass out. How much water did you have today? Not nearly as much as you should. 
After swinging the door open, you jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs and arms around him like a monkey. Matt stumbled back a little, but managed to keep both of you upright and encased his arms around you. His face nestled into your shoulder. He was really here and not on your phone screen.
“I never want to be away from you for that long again,” he muffled.
You laugh-cry. “Me either.” You begin to kiss him all over his face, and he chuckled. Then your lips connected momentarily. 
Then another voice cleared their throat. “Get a fucking room, why don’t you?”
You look in the direction of it, blushing furiously. Chris stood there with a phone in his hand.
Immediately, you slid down out of Matt’s arms and brushed the hair out of your face. Then wipe the water from your eyes. 
Chris laughed. “Listen, what you guys do in private should stay private. That’s all I’m saying.” 
Matt rolled his eyes and groaned. “Shut up.” He looked back at you with a smirk. “Want to skip the essay and come over?”
“Orrrr we could hang out here… alone?” You shoot him a look, biting your bottom lip. 
Matt cleared his throat and looked at Chris. “You’re on your own, bro. Sorry.”
The two of you quickly step inside and close the door, giggling under your breaths. 
“Matt!” Chris yelled through the door. It was quiet for a few seconds, then, “Matt! You fucking drove! You asshole!... I hope the sex is worth our brotherhood!”
Matt shook his head. “Stop being dramatic and Uber home.”
You decided to throw in, “I’ll reimburse it!”
“Yeah, you fucking are, (y/n)! For being a dick while getting dick!”
Your face flushes, but there are still laughs escaping your lips. Matt glances at them and your eyes trail from his dangling planet earring, down his slightly stubbled chin, to his soft lips. 
“So worth it,” you whisper and close the gap between you two. 
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outsideratheart · 9 months
Home Part 2 (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this next part out but writer’s block has been a bitch.
You spent much longer mingling and people pleasing than you had hoped. The plan was to do a quick lap of the room then spend the night with you family only that didn’t happen. At first you were worried about Alexia, with her being in an environment that was unfamiliar and surrounded by people she didn’t know but every time you looked over you found her having a blast with your sister in laws. You wonder if she missed your presence but that question was quickly answered when you returned to her.
The Cruyffs; present, future and Alexia were all at the bar. She feels you beside her and just as she turns around someone pushes into you and you find yourself very close to Alexia.
“Hello you” you whisper. 
With the close proximity you could smell Alexia’s perfume. It was your perfume which she must have taken from your bag when you wasn’t looking. 
“Have you done your duties?” Alexia asks and you nods your head, a smirk tugging at your lips “then you can have another one of these?” 
She takes a shot from your brother and hands it to you. It seems that Alexia’s new found comfort was all thanks to the liqueur which you knew is drank by the bottle at events like this.
“Thank you” you take the shot without breaking eye contact.
Even after the mouthful of alcohol you cannot take your eyes off Alexia. She truly did look beautiful. This event had been the reason for so much anxiety but since touching down in the city you barely felt any of it and you knew that the reason was the woman standing in front of you.  You wasn’t feeling grief and you wasn’t consumed by the past. Alexia made you focus on the present and you cannot remember being this happy in years.
“I think we should leave” you whisper in her ear. Your hand sat dangerously low on her back.
“Why would you want to do that?” Alexia asks and you can tell that she genuinely wanted to stay.
“Because there’s things I want to do and I can’t do them here” 
“And what would that be?” Alexia again asked a question but the change in her tone told you she knew exactly what was going through your mind. She also have the confidence given the confession Liv and Mia made earlier.
“Let me take you home and I will show you” 
At this point Alexia pulls away to get a better look at you and to see if your being serious but with the hold you have on her you are able to pull her back towards you. 
“Not to interrupt your moment” Luuk says apologetically
“Again” Jordi adds earning a slap from you.
His words gain the attention of the others. No doubt them all wondering what he meant by again.
“You know the rules Y/N. The children have to stay till 11 then we are free to go” 
“2 hours” Alexia says after looking at her watch.
“Me and Jordi normally leave earlier than that and leave Luuk to deal with mum” 
You and Jordi share a look. He may technically be older but the two of you are like twins and your mother knows best than to force to be somewhere you don’t want to be. She did it before and you both caused havoc which lead to you father kicking you out of the event.
“Give it an hour then we will sneak out” 
Alexia nods her head wondering whether or not the next hour will pass by quickly or if it will drag. It wasn’t a thought that lasted long because you pulled her to the dance floor. It wasn’t like a dance floor at a club but the Cruyffs knew how to have a good time so there were plenty of guests dancing the night away. It meant you and her were able to blend in without bringing too much attention.
The idea of dancing came from an innocent place, well a mostly innocent place. You wanted to find a way to pass time but the intention soon changed when you found yourself dancing against Alexia and felt her hand on your lower abdomen. It wasn’t dirty dancing but it was enough to flood your mind with less than innocent thoughts. 
“Stop” you lean back so Alexia can hear you.
“I’m not doing anything” 
Whilst she was right, she also couldn’t be more wrong.
You could feel her breath on your neck, it was overwhelming. 
“We’re leaving. Now” you grab her hand pulling her towards the exit. You couldn’t care less what you mother would say about your early departure. The only thing you cared about was the Catalonian beauty you were about to take home.
The car ride was filled with anticipation. Very few words were exchanged and truth be told neither of you had a lot to say. Enough had been said and from the words that had been spoken, you and Alexia were able to read between the lines.
You grab Alexia’s hand the moment you are through the door as you lead her upstairs to your bedroom, to the room the two of you were to share for night. 
This wasn’t you first time nor was it Alexia’s but you weren’t in any rush.
“Will you help me, porfa?” Alexia asks. 
The brunette turns around and pulls her hair to the side to give you better access to the zip of her dress. Given that she had already taken off her heels, you k=now had the height advantage. You stood behind her but instead of undoing her dress like Alexia asked, you rest you hands on her hips and place a soft kiss to the side of her neck. 
“Don’t tease” Alexia makes no effort to move, instead relishing in the feeling that is your lips against her skin.
“As you wish” with one last kiss you turn you attention back to the zip making sure to take your time. Once you are done you tap Alexia on her hip assuming that she plans on going to the bathroom to take it off only that isn’t her plan.
“Take it off” Alexia turns to face you. 
Her eyes are dark and you see the lust growing within them. She wants what you want yet you find yourself hesitating. You hand sits on her shoulder, on the top of the material of her dress but you make no move to rid her of it. 
“What are you waiting for? Is something wrong?” 
“I’m taking in the moment in case it never happens again” 
It took a second for Alexia to recognise the look in your eye. It was a mixture of uncertainty and insecurity. She wasn’t sure if you would believe her words so she showed you how much the moment meant to her. The brunette leans forward and gently placed her lips on your own. There is no hunger or desperation. The kiss slow but filled with more passion than either of you had ever experienced before. 
With a new found confidence and a focus on the present you pull the straps down exposing her perfect body. Once the dress is on the ground you take her hand and help her out of it. 
She stands in front of you in nothing but a black lace matching set. 
“You. Are. Beautiful” you tell her, each word followed by a kiss to her lips. 
“Can I?” Alexia asks as she plays with the fabric on the front of your dress. 
It seemed only fair that you let her undress you so you nod in agreement and before you know you are both standing in nothing but your underwear. 
“I want you Y/N. I have since the first night I met you. I only wish I would have told you sooner” 
“I’m right here and I’m all yours” no words had ever been more true than these in this very moment. 
Hearing you say those words was like music to Alexia’s ears. It was a sweet melody at the beginning on the song that would be your first night together.
This woman who you had known for less than a year knew your body as if it was her own. Each movement made you want more. Every touch set your body on fire and every kiss make you believe that the love you saw in movies was possible. She knew just what to do for you to reach a new climatic height and you in suit showed her just how much you worshipped her body.
Your bodies collapsed on the bed a couple of hours later and it seemed to be perfect timing because just as Alexia laid her head on your chest, you heard the rest of the family come through the front door. Knowing that they wouldn’t come in, you made no effort to move and you tightened your hold on Alexia so that she didn’t move either.
 As you lay there the silence caused your mind to wander and to no surprise of your own it goes back over the intimacy you and Alexia had just shared.
Alexia felt the hitch in your breath. She adjusts her position and sees you staring deeply at the ceiling. 
“Hola, what’s going on in the beautiful head of yours?” 
You didn’t feel her move but you certainly wasn’t complaining about the closeness that Alexia was currently in.
“Did that—does this—“ You didn’t want to finish either sentence because you knew that there was a chance Alexia would answer in the worst way possible.
“You told me you’re mine and now I’m telling you that I’m yours Y/N, there is nobody else out there for me. That much I know is true”
“I was hoping you’d say something like that” 
The woman laid back down in your arms and remained quiet. It took a couple of minutes for you to realise it was because she had fallen asleep, clearly exhausted by the nights events.
The smile that tugs on your lips is out of your control. It seemed to be a theme with Alexia. She had all the control, all the power and held all the cards. You didn’t have a choice in falling for her, nor did you have a choice when she became the highlight of your day. Her company is the one your crave for. For Alexia you let your heart lead and it lead you to her.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Ice Cream Date » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Mom/Girlfriend!Reader with daughter Mia
Summary: Bucky takes his favorite girls out for ice cream.
Warnings: Fluff, language, nothing but cuteness, Bucky being the best father figure, hugs and kisses, use of nicknames/pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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“Guess who.” Bucky says, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
You smiled and turned around. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Bucky’s hand found their way to your waist and pulled you against his body. Bucky just got home from a week long mission.
“I missed you so much.” You say against his lips.
“I missed you more.” He says.
“Someone else also missed you.” You tell him.
Bucky knew you were talking about your daughter. Your 4 year old daughter Mia became Bucky’s little light of life. Even though she’s not his biological daughter, he treats her like his own daughter. He loves her with all of his heart. He’d do anything for you and your little girl.
You two went to Mia’s bedroom to see her coloring in one of her many coloring books on the floor. You and Bucky sat on the floor in front of her.
“What are you doing, sweetie?” You asked her.
“Coloring.” Mia says, not looking up from her coloring book.
“Can you look at me please?” You asked.
Mia looks up, her eyes went wide and a canyon fell out of her hand when she seen Bucky.
“Bucky!” She squeals and hugs him, almost tackling him to the floor. “I missed you a lot!” She tells him.
“I missed you too, princess.” Bucky says, kissing the side of her head.
Mia looked up at Bucky and told him about the good things she did while he was on the mission. Bucky listened with the look of adoration on his face. You watched and listened with a smile on your face.
“That’s amazing, princess.” He smiles at her. “I think I should take my girls on an ice cream date. What do you think?” He asks.
Mia nodded her head eagerly. You two smiled at her excitement. Bucky helped her put her shoes and jacket on. You guys went to an ice cream shop that was across the street from the park that Mia loves to play at after school almost everyday which is down the street from the apartment complex you guys live in. Bucky held Mia in his arms so she could get a closer look at the menu.
“What would you like, princess?” Bucky asks her.
Mia studied the menu for a moment and finally found what she wants to get.
“Can I get that one please?” Mia asks curiously, point at the menu while looking at Bucky.
Mia was pointing at a picture of a cup of ice cream with gummy bears, gummy worms, and marshmallows as toppings.
“Yes you can.” He tells her.
Bucky orders for Mia. Then you and Bucky ordered. You guys sat down at a table and Bucky listened to more about the good things Mia did while he was on the mission.
“At daycare, the teachers got new paints and colored paper for painting!” Mia tells Bucky.
“That sounds really cool. You have to paint me something.” Bucky says.
“Can I paint something for uncle Stevie?” She asks.
“Of course you can. I’m sure that he’ll love whatever you paint for him.” He says with a smile.
“I paint something for mommy too!” She says with a smile and looked at you.
“I’m looking forward to it, sweetie.” You say with a smile.
Mia was telling you and Bucky more about the new supplies the daycare got while eating her ice cream.
“I ate all of my ice cream. Can I play at the park?” Mia asks.
“Yes you can.” You say.
You cleaned the excess ice cream off her face before you and Bucky took her to the park. Excitement took over Mia when you guys got to the park. She immediately ran to the slides. The slides are one of her favorite.
“Mommy! Bucky! Watch me!” Mia says, climbing up the ladder to the slide.
You and Bucky watched as Mia slid down the slide. You two smiled at her excitement when she got to the bottom.
“That was so good, sweetie!” You say.
Mia smiles widely and went down the slide a few more times and then begged Bucky to push her on the swings.
“You ready, princess?” Bucky asks Mia after she got on the swing.
“Yes!” She says excitedly.
Bucky didn’t push her too high cause both of you didn’t want her to get hurt if she fell off the swing somehow. After a while, Mia wanted you to push her on the swing. Another few minutes go by when it started to get dark.
“It’s getting dark, sweetie. It’s time to go home.” You tell Mia.
“No!” Mia whines. “I don’t want to leave yet!” She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Mia…” Bucky warns her. “Listen to mommy.” He says.
Mia grumbled before getting off the swing and went up to Bucky, reaching her arms up and did grabby hands, wanting him to carry her which he happily did.
“Change into your pajamas and I’ll read you a bedtime story.” Bucky says to Mia.
“Ok, Bucky!” Mia says, running to her bedroom.
Bucky took off his jacket and tossed it on the couch before placing his hands on your waist, pulling you against his body and gave you a kiss. You two smiled against each other’s lips.
“Yucky!” Mia shouts, making you two laugh and pull away from each other. “That’s how you get cooties!” She says.
“How do you know about cooties, little miss?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My friends at daycare said that when a boy and a girl kiss they get cooties.” She explains.
“I’m a Super Soldier, princess. I can’t get cooties.” Bucky says.
“How do you know that you don’t have cooties right now?” She asks.
“I just know, sweetheart.” He picks her up. “Enough about cooties. It’s story time!” He says, carrying her to her bedroom.
While Bucky tucked Mia in bed and read her a bedtime story, you got ready for bed. You then walked down the hallway to Mia’s bedroom and leaned against the doorframe, smiling as you listened to Bucky read Mia her favorite bedtime story.
“And they lived happily ever after.” Bucky shut the book and put it on her nightstand. “Goodnight, princess.” He says softly, kissing the top of her head and adjusted her blankets.
Bucky turned on Mia’s night light before around to see you standing in the doorway with a smile on your face. He put his finger against his lips, telling you to be quiet as he gently backed you out of the doorway and closed the door behind him.
“You’re an amazing father figure to Mia.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m happy to be that person for her.” Bucky leans down and kissed you passionately. “You know…” He kisses you again. “We should have a baby of our own.” He says.
“Mmm, I was thinking the same thing.” You say, kissing him.
“Let’s get to it then, babydoll.” He says.
Bucky picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, a squeak left your lips. He dropped you on the bed and locked the door. He got on the bed and hovered over you.
“You better be quiet, doll.” He says, leaning down to kiss you hungrily.
-Bucky’s Doll
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obsessedfics · 6 months
Soft Rain: Gojo Satoru x Reader (SMUT! Mature/Explicit) Part 1
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I want to first say I usually try to find a photo that fits the aesthetic of the story but this one was way too good to walk away from. Everyone enjoys this gem <3. Also, this fic because it's too damn long is split up into two parts. Part 2 is already up and will be linked at the bottom of this page.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Rating: Mature/Explicit (Sexual scenes)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Summary: You are in a coffee shop one rainy day when a sad beautiful stranger enters. Slowly, you open up to each other in the warm confinement of the cafe. Little did you know that you would fall in love with this man, and he with you.
I wrote this from the perspective of seeing Satoru with his barriers down. No masks, no facades, just him when he's alone with his haunting thoughts. I wanted to give him a more human perspective and touch on some of the things that plague his mind. I know I have been MIA for quite some time, if you were someone who was waiting for this I am sorry! Life has been a rollercoaster recently but I am finally back to being in a place of stability. This is certainly a longer fic, so I hope you all enjoy it. As always feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Word Count: 25k+
September: When I met you
“Your coffee, miss.” 
“Oh, thank you,”  
Finally, you tore your eyes away from your book to smile at the girl handing you your drink. 
You gratefully accepted the liquid, hands wrapping around the warm ceramic mug as you inhaled deeply. The bitter scent of coffee with a hint of vanilla kissed your senses, causing you to smile. 
Taking a sip, your eyes wander to the large window as the warmth travels down your throat. 
Soft rain fell from endless gray. 
It had been raining for hours now, which drove you into the small cafe. You were pleased when you entered the space. A warm cozy atmosphere fragranced with coffee and paired with the sound of rain. 
What more could you want for a reading environment? 
You let yourself settle further into the oversized couch, watching placidly as drops of rain slowly travel down the planes of the window. 
Such a perfect day. 
Peering down at your watch, you sigh. It was nearly 5 pm. Idly, you run your fingers along the soft threads of the couch, drifting further into your own thoughts. You knew you had to leave sometime soon, but willingly tearing yourself away from this serenity seemed like a crime.
“Is this seat taken?” 
You pull your eyes away from the window to find a man standing before you, soaked to the bone in rainwater. 
Soft white hair stuck to his porcelain skin. It drew your attention, eyes unable to look away. However, when your eyes met his, your breath caught. They stole your attention; piercing blue that seemed to know everything . 
“No, go ahead. Do you need a towel?”
You realized you were staring all while feeling slightly awkward. There were many other open seats, why did he need to choose the one that was adjacent to you? 
“Do you have one?” he asked with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
Giving him a curt nod, you began digging in your purse until you found your folded hand towel. Silently, you handed it to him and he accepted it, sitting down with a huff, roughly drying his hair. 
Beginning to feel uncomfortable, you set down your coffee and resumed reading your book. Your fingers lightly played with the cover – feeling the embossed words, you traced the shapes, mind unable to focus. 
Who is this guy? 
You peered at him over the cover. 
He had unzipped his black athletic jacket and draped it over a chair. He now wore a simple white button-down shirt and it clung to his muscular body. The color of his skin bleeds its way into the white, stealing your attention. With eyes discreetly tracing the planes of his body, you noted the pale blue veins that delicately decorated his hands. 
You blushed, feeling as if you saw something you shouldn’t, so you quickly turned your eyes to the book – pretending to read.
Is he some kind of gym rat? Why is he so fit? He looked like a noodle a second ago… 
“Miss?” his low voice calls, breaking your thoughts.
You meet his eyes over the pages.  His hair, now more dry than wet, began sticking up in multiple different directions. The male is holding your towel out to you with a sad smile on his lips. 
Deciding reading is futile, you close your novel, placing it to the right as you shake your head. 
“Keep it,” 
You don’t want a wet towel in your purse and it seems he doesn’t have an umbrella. It’s not much, but you hope it’ll give his spikey head a little coverage. 
“You sure?” he asks, already leaning back to find comfort in his seat. You control the urge to stare at his body. So you grab your coffee, forcing your eyes to look at the deformed latte art. 
“I’m sure. It seems it’ll get more use with you. Why were you outside in this weather anyway?” 
It had been raining for hours, most people would be in their homes by now. 
He eyed you for a moment, white eyelashes downcast, almost like he was recalling a painful memory. 
“I wanted to be alone, my thoughts were loud, so the rain helped block them out. What about you?” 
How can you say something like that so casually? 
“Honestly, I was on my way home. But it had started raining and it led me here. Pulled out my book, and yeah…” 
You shrugged your shoulders. 
If you were being sincere, it was a needed escape. The walls of your home felt too suffocating, you looked for any excuse to not return. 
“What’s your name?” 
You now fully looked at his face. 
He is handsome, with a sharp jawline and regal features. Nothing about him was mundane, it seemed as if he was a sculpture; something perfect and unattainable. 
“Y/n, you?” 
“Satoru. What do you do for a living?” 
With eyebrows knitting together, you eyed the man.
What is this, a surprise interview?  
“I am an author and I do some remote networking for a hospital. What about yourself?” 
His eyebrows rose at your response and you couldn’t tell why. It’s not like your profession was anything to be shocked about. 
Taking a sip of coffee, you sigh. The warmth slides down your throat as the delicate taste coats your tongue. Silently, you savor the feeling – the easy calm that washes over you.
“I am a sorcerer,” 
The cup nearly dropped out of your hands.
Well, shit.  
It’s not that you didn’t know they existed, it’s that you did your best to distinctly distance yourself from that world. 
That explains the physique at least.  
“I am sorry, then.”
You watch as his eyes turn sorrowful, then he faces the window, cheek in his palm. 
“I don’t see any cursed energy coming from you, how do you know about us?”
 It’s a simple question, but in truth, it was perhaps the heaviest one to ask you. 
“A close friend. They went missing about 6 years ago. Police never got a trail, so I dug and I stumbled upon a lot of information I shouldn’t have. Been doing my best to ignore it since.” 
You weren’t sure why you were talking to this random stranger. Maybe it was something in his expression, with the way his eyes longingly looked out the window – as if he too missed someone close to him. 
Satoru hummed as he tapped a finger against his thigh, perfectly in tune with the soft rain. 
“I lost someone too,” 
The man spoke so softly you hardly picked up on his words. If you hadn't been paying attention to him, you may not have caught it. 
“A lover?” 
Judging by his expression, you guessed it had to be someone he loved. But, to your surprise, he let out a humorless laugh. 
“No, but you could see it that way. He… Was like the other half of me. Someone I could trust. I knew with him, I could let go and be myself. I could breathe. Because he was the only person who saw me .” 
Endless blue plagued with deep sadness gazed towards you, knocking the air out of your lungs. 
“When it rains, it reminds me of him.” 
Your heart dropped.
“Where is he now?” 
Becoming fully invested in the man in front of you, you cross your legs, leaning your body forward. 
“I… He’s dead. It’s been a year,” 
Satoru’s eyes turned down again. 
Unable to stop yourself, you reached out, gently taking his hand, rubbing the cold, soft skin of his knuckles. Your touch shocked him for a moment, but he slowly relaxed into it, large palm melting in your delicate fingers. 
The contact made your body shiver.
When was the last time I touched someone?
“Do you want anything?” 
You didn’t want to offer him fake pleasantries, for you thought he wouldn’t appreciate it. However, you also didn’t know what to say. Nothing comforted you when your friend died, and you were positive it was the same for him.
“No, I am good. Thanks though.” 
Nodding softly at his words, you reluctantly remove your hand to find your drink. Again, you welcomed the warmth of the liquid, relishing in its taste. 
“Do you plan to leave soon?” the question left your lips in a whisper. 
“Yeah, but if I am being honest, I don’t want to go back. I kind of just want to forget, y’know?” 
At his honest words, you sighed, taking another long sip of your coffee. 
He laughs at your answer. The pure sound makes you smile into your cup, shaking your head to try not to join him. 
Maybe some company wouldn’t hurt.
With eyes falling to your coffee, you let your laugh die in your throat. It had been so long since you willing had a conversation with someone. Now you felt stiff and awkward. 
“I-If you want, my home isn’t too far from here. You can wait out the rain there. I have some extra clothes that might fit you, that way we can wash your current ones.”
Finding a little bit of confidence you offered the man a small smile, to which he returned with his own. 
If you were being honest, it seemed like he needed someone. 
And maybe you did, too… 
“Inviting a stranger over to your home? That’s awfully brave.” Satoru said with some found bravado, which only made you chuckle. 
“Well yes, you are a stranger. But you also look like a wet, sad cat. It would break my heart to leave you stranded.” you tease back, earning yourself a smile from the male which made you bite the flesh of your inner cheek. 
He really is beautiful, it's kind of unfair.  
To hide your blush, you stuff your face into your mug, gulping down the remnants of your coffee. 
“Alright, as long as I don’t end up in a crop top and short shorts.” 
It was your turn to laugh. You couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of your throat, just imagining him in such an outfit was ridiculous – all long limbs in hot pink and denim. 
Somehow, you think he would pull it off if he tried. 
“Oh I don’t know, now you’re giving me ideas~” you coo playfully, wiggling your fingers in his smiling face. He feigned being offended, crossing his arms over his chest, and looking the other way – which only caused you to laugh harder and him to join you. 
The two of you giggled uncontrollably a bit, hands lacing over your stomachs. It was the only sound that could be heard other than the soft pitter-patter of rain. 
Deciding you had overstayed your welcome, you began collecting your items. In a pair, you exited the building. Your bodies huddle together under the umbrella that Satoru held. The male looked down at you with a wicked smile, then jumped in a puddle, effectively splashing the both of you with cold rain. You laughed and pretended to be annoyed, joining in his childish behavior. 
At some point, you began chasing each other in the rain, umbrella forgotten. You laughed like children till you reached your home, the two of you completely soaked. 
Still giggling, you unlocked the door, wiping your hair out of your face. 
“Wait here, I’ll get you a towel.” 
Knocking off your shoes, you padded over to your hallway closet, grabbing two towels. You were already running yours through the length of your hair when you returned to the male. He gratefully accepted the fabric, using it immediately against his unruly hair. 
It was then that you noticed his height and stature. His body is elegant and lithe, whereas he is tall, easily towering over your frame. 
This somehow annoyed you. 
Why do all the good genes go to one person?
“You’re staring,” he commented and you shrugged. 
“Just thinking you’re unfairly blessed,” 
A long sigh escaped your lips as you dropped your towel to the floor, hoping to clean some of the water off the polished wooden planks. 
“You wouldn’t be the first – Is that a cat?” 
Catching the excitement in his voice, you smile. 
“Yes, that’s Noir. Before you say it, I know she’s white. I just like the novelty of the name.”
Slightly shaking your hair, you hang up your jacket, watching Satoru stare at your cat out of the corner of your eye. 
“Will she attack me?” he asks and you hear an audible gulp . 
Satoru places his towel on the floor, cleaning up his own puddle of water with his foot to hide his embarrassment. 
Who knew such a big man would be so cautious of a little feline? 
Holding your hand out to the male, you lightly cock your head to the side, wet hair tickling the nape of your neck. He places his large hand in your small one and you lead him to Noir, who is currently perched on your gray couch, cleaning herself. 
Gently, you guide his hand to your cat, allowing her to give him a sniff. Then, she affectionately nuzzles her head into his palm, purring when he scratches under her chin. You watch as he smiles like a big idiot, squatting down so he’s at eye level with your pet. 
“I think she likes me,” he whispers to you happily, and you roll your eyes playfully. 
“She likes everyone . That girl is also a glutton, the T-R-E-A-T-S are on top of the fridge. I am going to take a shower, keep my precious furbaby company will ya?” 
You couldn’t help the tight squeeze of your heart at the sight. In a way, they kind of resemble each other. Right down to the unruly fur and knowing blue eyes. 
“I wouldn’t let anyone harm her for the world,” he promises, and you chuckle. 
Feeling some life return to him, Satoru pads over to the kitchen, securing the treasure; treats for Noir. 
“Here girl,” 
He makes kissing noises and the soft feline comes running over. She has a fluffy white coat, and if she had been asleep on the couch he may have mistaken her for a throw pillow. 
The cat ‘meowed’ at the sight of the bag, spinning in a circle then sat down, staying perfectly still. 
Oh, did your mommy teach you tricks?  
“Oh, good girl, Noir!” 
He excitedly plucked out a treat, placed it in his palm, and then brought it down so she could lick it off his skin. The scratchy feeling of her tongue tickled his hand until the snack was gone. Then she was sitting again, big blue eyes begging him for more. 
“Let’s see,” Satoru hummed happily, grabbing another treat from the bag, holding it a little higher than the cat. 
Noir did as commanded, gracefully jumping, catching the treat in her mouth, and snacking while walking in a triumphant circle.
“Ohhh~ You’re such a smart girl!” the cat rubbed his leg, purring affectionately into him. He knew that she was buttering him up, but he didn’t care. 
Over and over, he played with Noir. Giving her treats with each performed trick, petting her lovingly after every graceful action. Eventually, he sat down, ignoring the bite of the cool kitchen tile, letting the cat lay on his chest. 
He closed his eyes, enjoying Noir’s warmth and soft fur against his skin. Her soft purs tickled the pads of his fingers, making him smile to himself.  The feeling ebbed some of the ice out of his chest, blocking out the whispers of loneliness.
“I see my little lady has captured your heart,” 
He cracked open one eye. 
Y/n was smiling down at them, wet hair surrounding her soft features. She dressed simply in a white t-shirt and sweatpants, but she still looked beautiful. 
He sighed, kissing Noir’s soft little head, then stood. Y/n’s eyes followed his movement, every bit of curiosity easily readable on her face. He couldn’t remember the last time he was around a non-sorcerer. However, her presence was calming, and he was willingly letting himself drown in her serenity. 
“The bathroom is down the hall on the left. I put the spare clothes on the counter along with a fresh towel,” her eyes raked his frame. She then clicked her tongue with a disapproving look on her face. 
“Put those ruined clothes in the hamper and place them in the hall. I’ll wash them.”
Oh, she’s just not happy about my clothes. It wasn’t toward me. 
“You got it, boss,” 
Satoru smiled playfully, finding his familiar mask. He heeded her words and headed down the hall. Once in the bathroom, he shut the door and got to work. 
Quickly, he peeled himself out of his now-damp clothes and placed them in the empty clothing hamper. 
She’s kind.
Hiding behind the door, he slid the hamper into the hallway. 
“Clothes are out!” 
It was a bit odd, calling to her as he hid his naked body. It made him feel slightly embarrassed somehow. 
At her response, he closed the door. 
He felt a blush creep up his cheeks as he turned on the shower, stepping into the comforting heat. It warmed his rain-chilled flesh, blotting out some of the emptiness inside him.
Why do I feel so nervous?
While raking his hands through his hair, he let his day settle over him. 
In truth, he never meant to enter that cafe. He simply meant to walk around aimlessly, letting the rain soak him to his bones. Thoughts of Suguru always plagued him on days like this, and with the anniversary of the day he left passing, it was worse. 
He couldn’t let his students see him like this, so he sought to punish himself. Walking in the rain for hours, dropping all barriers, letting his body turn frigid. 
Then he saw her . 
He watched as she had to tear herself away from her book, brightly smiling at the barista handing her the coffee. She settled into the couch, drinking her drink while looking out toward the rain with such serenity he couldn’t help but be drawn to her. It was as if she was tranquility itself, surrounded by the warm glow of the industrial lights, dressed elegantly in soft white and pink. 
At that moment, she pulled him away from his haunting thoughts.
Feeling the unwavering need to be closer to her, he stepped into the shop. He didn’t know what he needed, but he found himself relaxing little by little under her whimsical gaze. The woman didn’t probe him or shy away. Instead, she offered her silent kindness and pleasant smile. He then found himself opening up to her, saying things that he hadn’t said to anyone in years .
She surprised him, when she softly grabbed his hand, asking if he wanted anything rather than giving her sympathy. He allowed himself to get lost in the kindness of her eyes. He let her touch him, having to hide the shiver that ran down his body from her warmth. 
Then, they were laughing. 
Before he knew it, they were chasing each other in the rain like children. Even though she was soaked down to her socks, she was spinning and laughing, hair sticking to her skin as she happily jumped into cold puddles to splash him. It was as if they had no care in the world. 
Not once did thoughts of Suguru attack him, even with the feeling of rain tracing his skin. 
A light smile tugged on his lips. 
Who knew I just needed to feel normal? 
You were setting out the items to make dinner when Satoru entered the kitchen. When you turned around, you had to stifle your laughter. 
The sweatpants, though several sizes too big for you, came to about mid-calf length on him. It also didn’t help that he was wearing a baby pink t-shirt and a pair of fuzzy house slippers to match. 
“You look dashing,” 
Placing a hand on your hip, you motion for him to twirl with your other, earning yourself a bemused glare from the male. 
“I look like a twink,” he huffs, a blush lightly kissing his pale cheeks, making you giggle.
“Can you cook?” you ask, completely avoiding responding to his statement. His eyebrows knitted, taking in the ingredients on the counter. 
“If you instruct me,” the words leave his lips slowly, still trying to piece together the dish you’re making. You laugh, walking up to him and placing a reassuring hand on his broad shoulder. 
“Don’t worry too much. It’s pasta, if you mess up just add more cheese.” 
Letting your eyes meet his, you hold your breath. 
They were softly looking down at you, corners folding kindly as if he was looking at something precious. The difference was so stark from the emptiness you saw earlier – it made your heart melt. 
“I’ll blame you if it goes wrong,” Satoru winked down at you, hand coming up to your hair, ruffling it lightly. 
“H-Hey!” you retort, and he laughs, easily avoiding your swipe at him. 
“What’s first?” he asks innocently and you huff while rolling your eyes, unable to hide your smile. 
“Let’s hope you don’t burn down my kitchen.” 
Turning on some music, you and Satoru worked together to make dinner. 
Laughter sounded throughout your home as you instructed the male. You watched as he fumbled with different utensils, unsure of what to do with each item. He would turn red, blaming you for not instructing him properly when you would tease him – which only resulted in you both laughing under your breath. 
Noir had joined the party, nimbly weaving between your two bodies, brushing up against your legs as you cooked. Once you were waiting for the pasta to finish cooking, you were humming and swaying your hips to the music. Satoru noticed and took your hands, joyfully dancing with you. 
You both danced around your kitchen, laughing infectiously. At some point, he picked up Noir, snuggling her close to his chest with one arm as his other spun you. 
The silliness continued through the night as you turned on a rom-com movie and halfway through Satoru was tearing up, asking you why he would leave the girl. You were too choked up yourself, shaking your head and cursing at the male lead, holding Noir close for emotional support. With both of you fed up, you decided there was no way you were ending on a sad note, so you turned on a children's movie to feel better. 
Which, somehow, made both of you more emotional. 
Once the movie was over, you washed the dishes together. It was only then you saw the time. 
“Oh my god!” you cried, almost dropping the freshly dried plate. 
“What?” Satoru asked, much calmer than you. 
“It’s midnight! Do you live close by? I’ll pay for your taxi back. I am so sorry, I lost track of time.” 
The male only laughed, making you pout. 
Why is he laughing?  
“No, I don’t live near here. The taxi would be expensive. I’ll find a hotel, don’t worry about it.” he smiled softly, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
You shook your head aggressively. 
“I can’t make you pay for a hotel! After all, I invited you over, so I should take responsibility.”
“I, um…” running a hand through your hair you sigh. There’s really only one option but that seems a bit much. 
“You can stay the night, the couch is moveable so I’ll just make it into a bed for you.” heat rushed to your cheeks. You were so embarrassed. 
I got lost in the moment . 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to invade your space.”  he took the plate from your hand and put it away. 
“I’m sure. I spend most of my time alone, anyway. Your company isn’t entirely unwelcome.” you could only hope you sounded natural. Internally your brain was screaming at you.  
Satoru rolled his eyes, making you chuckle. 
“Oh, wow, thanks. Makes me feel so wanted.” 
“I am glad you feel that way!” you chirp, playfully elbowing his side as you finish putting away the last dish. 
Satoru picks up Noir, nuzzling his nose against her pink one as he starts bad-mouthing you. 
“Your mommy is very mean. You should come live with me, I’ll give you lots of treats~” 
Rolling your eyes at the sight, you make your way to the hallway closet to pull out an extra blanket and pillow. 
Tossing the items on the couch, you cross your arms over your chest. Satoru was possessively holding Noir close to him, eyeing you suspiciously. 
“She sleeps with me,” the man-child announces, and you roll your eyes. 
“If you truly feel the need to claim her for the evening, then fine. Just don’t be surprised when she’s on your head in the morning.” 
Still eyeing you, he slowly places Noir down. The furball comes running up to you, rubbing her head lovingly against your leg. 
“Traitor! I just gave you so many kisses.” 
Laughing, you motion for him to help you move the couch. He obliges and you work together to shape it to a somewhat bed that will work with the length of his body. 
“You should learn spooky magic that makes you shrink.” you huff, eyeing his long frame. 
Again, he was back to looking like a noodle. But you knew that he packed muscle under the semi-baggy clothes. 
“It’s called jujutsu and I don’t think that exists. Also, you’re staring again,” he notes and you sigh, waving a dismissive hand. 
“I am going to bed, if you need anything just knock on the door.” 
You turn and you hear him chuckle. 
“Avoiding me?” 
Looking at him over your shoulder, you run your eyes over the length of his body, this time letting him watch your features. 
“You’re beautiful and strong. However, you’re also hurt and trying to piece yourself back together…” 
Pausing, you consider your words.
A fallen angel. Made of pure moonlight and stars. But shattered like the image seen through a kaleidoscope. 
“I hope you heal your heart, Satoru.” 
Without waiting for his response, you closed your door, locking it behind you. 
Your worlds are completely different, and you couldn’t even begin to imagine what he had been through. Nor were you going to pretend to know. 
But if there’s one thing you could relate to, it’s trauma. 
Satoru spent the entire night tossing and turning. Noir was resting above his head, purring softly against him. With each passing hour, his throat became drier and drier, until eventually, he was coughing. 
My head hurts and my throat feels like sandpaper.  
Once the first rays of morning sunlight trickled through the window, Satoru was coughing aggressively while his body felt extremely hot. 
Am I sick? There’s no way. 
Y/n came out of her room with her hair a mess and her pajamas wrinkled. The second she heard his cough she was rushing over. 
“How are you feeling?” she asks, voice soft and somewhat gravelly. 
She was rubbing the sleep out of her hazy eyes, already moving to press the back of her hand to his head. 
“No, I am fine–” he coughed and she flicked his forehead. 
“You're burning up. Most likely a cold from the rain. I’ll go get you some medicine, just rest.” 
Sighing, she ran a hand through her tangled hair. 
“Really, I’ll be okay. I’m–” Satoru couldn’t even finish his sentence. He started coughing aggressively, each retch of breath making him feel like he was eating sand. 
“Right, and I can fly. Don’t be stubborn.” 
Rolling her eyes, the woman padded over to the kitchen. 
“I can fly!” he shouted hoarsely like a petulant child, plopping back against the cushions, and reaching up to grab Noir. The second his fingers wrapped around her soft warmth, he brought her to his chest, rubbing his nose into her fur. 
“Good for you!” 
This is humiliating . 
After a few minutes, she returned with a mug in her hand. 
Slowly, he sat up. His chest felt like it was caving in and he felt incredibly lightheaded. Satoru eyed the mug and then gingerly took it from her small hands.
“What is it?” 
He sniffed and she raised her brow. 
“It’s ginger tea with honey and lemon. It’s hot. The honey and temperature, once it cools a little , will help soothe your throat.” 
Why does it sound like she’s talking to a kid?
Giving Noir a loving pet to the head, she crouched down so she was at eye level with the feline. 
“As for you, my sweet girl, your food is in the kitchen. Watch over this big child for me.” the cat seemed to understand its master because she ‘meowed’ in response. 
“I’m not a child,” Satoru said begrudgingly. Y/n only stood with a bemused expression. 
“Right.” she eyed him up and down once, then walked away. 
Satoru felt his face become hot, and it wasn’t from the steam kissing his cheeks. 
Usually, women threw themselves at him. It had happened so many times now with both men and women that he assumed he was everyone's type. But it seems Y/n couldn’t care less about his looks. 
For whatever reason, that bothered him. 
How can she call me beautiful but be so cold toward me?  
Without thinking, he gulped his tea, only to quickly pull away due to the heat burning his tongue. 
Cursing softly, he set the mug down on the coffee table, pinching his burnt tongue between his thumb and forefinger. He tried to reach for Noir for comfort, but she had long abandoned him for her breakfast. 
Y/n exited her room, hair pulled into a loose bun as she wore a baggy white t-shirt and black cargo pants. He couldn’t help but think she looked cute in her streetwear. 
Once her eyes saw him, she sighed, a soft smile on her lips. 
“You know, I did mention wait to drink your tea till it had cooled. I thought you were a good listener. But it appears I misjudged you.” 
With an elegant wave of her hand, she bid him farewell. He watched as she slid on an army green windbreaker and black Dr.Martens. Then she grabbed her purse and left, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 
Knitting his eyebrows together, he turned his head toward Noir. She was eating her special food neatly, back to him as she softly purred. 
“Is your mommy always so mean?” 
Walking down the street you couldn’t help but look at the puddles decorating the ground. Yesterday was the first time you laughed and had fun in years. 
When you and your best friend moved to Japan it was scary. You were a foreigner and you didn’t know anyone. So naturally, when she passed, you became more isolated. You tried going outside to meet people, but sometimes it felt like too much. People were more interested in the fact that you’re from the States, they were never really interested in you . 
To add, you work remotely from home, so opportunities are truly limited. 
“Eh, adulting is hard~” you whispered to yourself as you entered a local convenience store. 
The clerk at the desk welcomed you in and you gave them a slight bow in response. 
Immediately you B-lined for the medicine, grabbing the items you needed. Then, because you were already here, you began searching the aisles for snacks. 
I was expecting him to be gone this morning. Even if he’s sick, I can’t say I am not happy for the company. 
After checking out you started to head home, thinking about all the trivial things you needed to get done today. You had deadlines to meet for your book and you had to look through the servers to make sure there were no network issues. 
Grabbing a coffee from a small shop that you frequent, you began frowning, feeling the lines form on your forehead as your daily list seemed to keep stacking higher. 
You were sipping on the last remnants of your iced latte when you opened the door to your home, finding Satoru fast asleep. 
Softly closing the door, you shimmied out of your jacket, hanging it on the wooden coat rack. Noir padded over to you, the sound of her little paws tapping on the floor sounded through the space. Smiling sweetly, you pat your cat on her soft head as you take your boots off. 
Making your way to where Satoru was on the couch, you note he seemed to look worse. His cheeks are flushed and his skin is pale. You make press your hand to his forehead, but you feel like you're touching a wall. 
Your fingers were splayed flat against an invisible barrier, hovering right over Satoru’s body. 
“Strange,” you murmur in wonder, trailing your finger over the length of the wall. It stretched all around his body, protecting him in a bubble. 
Satoru opened his eyes, softly blinking as he adjusted to his environment, taking in your features.
Suddenly, that wall is gone, and your hand falls limply to your side. 
“It’s called Infinity,” he rasps, light cough already pressing out of his throat. 
You hold up your hand to silence him, quickly grabbing the medicine you purchased earlier.
“Don’t worry about explaining anything. Just drink this. There’s a sleeping agent in it, so expect to feel drowsy.” he opened his mouth to protest, but you shot him a pointed look, effectively silencing him. 
The male sat up, accepting your carefully measured medicine. He drank it, making a face as it went down his throat. 
“It tastes like shit,” he coughed and you rolled your eyes. 
“You know what that tastes like?” 
Leaving the medicine on the coffee table, you make your way to the kitchen. 
“You’d be surprised.” he shoots back, voice already sounding better. 
“Oh, I am sure~” you make your voice annoyingly sweet as you prepare a bottle of water for him. Once you made your way back to the couch you saw his features flatten, not taking your teasing kindly. 
“I have seen things that would probably make you piss your pants and cry.” 
He catches the bottle you toss him and you shrug your shoulders. 
“Maybe, maybe not. I may not be as soft as you think I am.” Satoru’s eyes widen in surprise and you turn away.
Plopping down on the overstuffed chair adjacent to him, you pull out your laptop from the convenient cushion/storage. Once you obtain your computer and headphones, you place your feet comfortably on the cushion, letting your back sink into the softness of the chair. 
“You’re a non-sorcerer, what have you seen that’s on the same level as curses?” his voice calls, no prejudice in his words, just general curiosity. 
You roll your shoulders. Suddenly, they felt heavy. Every time you thought about your past this happened. Your shoulders would ache as cold sweat licked your spine. 
Opening your computer, you sigh, remoting into the network server you manage. 
Maybe if I talk about it while working it’s not so bad . 
“Curses are born from human's negative emotions, right?” you start slowly, not wanting to look at him. 
“Right,” Satoru confirms, confusion in his tone. 
“You see, some people act on those emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, resentment…” Swallowing thickly, you continue.  
“I think you’ll find that some of those people are much more ugly than curses. Curses don’t wear masks, they are just as they are. People, however…” you cracked your neck, diligently typing in commands into your computer, eyes scanning your screen. 
I am not my past. It does not define me.  
You repeat this mantra to yourself, steadying your nervous heart.
“Have you experienced it? The ugliness of humanity?” you could hear the caution in his words, almost as if he was scared to say the wrong thing to you. 
Your hands had stopped typing entirely.
You opened your mouth to answer but felt the words die in your throat. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as your eyes shook. It was like two hands were wrapped around your neck, thumbs pressing into your windpipe, choking you.
Taking a deep breath, you steady your heart. 
I am not my past. It does not define me. 
“You should sleep, I’ll be in my office. It’s at the far end of the hallway. If you need anything just ask.” 
Closing your laptop, you place your headphones in your ears. You see Satoru say something, but you pretend not to notice, watching as his features twist with confusion and self-doubt. 
You walk away, playing music in your ears but you hear nothing. Everything is silent. 
Sorry, it’s not your fault . 
Once behind the door to your office, you let out a shuddering breath. 
Why did I pay for therapy if I can’t even talk about it? 
You spent years trying to feel normal, and for the most part, your brain let you forget. You could be fine for months, but then you get thrown into a space that’s a little too crowded and suddenly you can’t breathe. Someone touches your shoulder and you feel like a thousand spiders are crawling all over you. If you were in a space where there were too many noises, your brain would turn everything into white noise, leaving only the sound of your erratic heartbeat in your ears. 
It was the reason why you were single. The last relationship you were in ended with him telling you that you were too complicated . Your love language is physical touch, but sometimes that touch was too much, too overstimulating, or triggering. You enjoy being outside, but can’t be in crowded spaces without being plagued by anxiety, and living in Japan, well, it’s always crowded. 
Maybe I am just better off alone.
Satoru awoke to the sound of Y/n humming softly. 
Cracking open his eyes, he peered over the edge of the couch. It seemed she was making something, but her headphones were in and she was swaying lightly. 
He recalled the way she looked just hours prior; shoulders caved in, sweat running down her face, eyes distant. She looked like she would run away any second. So many questions circled in his mind, but more than anything he wanted to hug her. He had seen that look too many times.
Turning his eyes away from the female, he checked his phone. 
Shit, they’ve been calling me. 
Yaga had called him 6 times whereas Megumi texted him. 
“Where are you?” 
“I won’t be back for a little bit. Hold down the fort, kay’?”
Megumi immediately responded. 
“What are you talking about? Are you on a mission?” 
“Don’t worry~” 
“Stop being weird.” 
“If anyone asks, I am handling a personal matter.” 
Satoru had a sneaking suspicion that if he admitted he is sick, he would never live it down. 
“You awake?” 
Y/n’s head was now peering over him, the ends of her hair tickling his face. He searched her features, but none of her earlier fear remained. She looked calm, but now he couldn’t help but wonder what lies beneath the surface of that practiced tranquility. 
“You’re staring,” her soft voice teases, making him chuckle. 
He moves to sit up and she removes her face from his view, stepping around the couch to hand him a bowl. He takes the dish from her hands to find a broth-based soup with meat, noodles, and vegetables.
“Did you make this?” he asks as she takes up a seat beside him, blowing on a spoonful of golden liquid. 
“Mhm. You’re probably not very hungry, but try to eat a little bit.” she hums as she takes a bite of her food, bringing one leg under her other, comfortably settling into the couch. 
Satoru follows her lead, blowing on his soup, and then taking a bite. The warm liquid soothed his throat as the broth coated his tongue. It was light but enjoyable.
“Do you cook often?” he asks, turning to face her and she does the same. 
Watching as she shrugged her shoulders, he bit back a smile. Her hair was a little messier and her cheeks were lightly flushed from the steam of the soup. 
“If I can, I avoid going out too much. I’m a homebody.”
He nodded his head at her words, understanding what she meant. He was the same way, but also different. Being out on a mission or being at Jujutsu High made it difficult for him to eat homemade meals like this. More often than not he would eat out. If he had a choice though, he would rather relax like this. 
“Do you not like people?” he ensured his voice was neutral, not wanting her to feel cornered or pressured. 
Meeting her eyes, he watched her swallow thickly, considering his words. 
“It’s not that. I just don’t do well in crowded, loud spaces. Were you able to sleep?” she changed the subject so naturally he barely caught it. Somehow, he found himself frowning, feeling as if he’d been robbed of an opportunity. 
“Somewhat. You said you’re an author right? How’s writing going?” 
He watched as she scrunched up her face, shaking her head. 
“Annoying. I keep rewriting this scene, but I can’t seem to get the atmosphere right.” 
Taking an aggressive bite of her soup, she set the bowl down, leaning her head back against the couch. 
Even when she pouts she’s cute. 
“What’s it about? Maybe I can help.” 
He wasn’t much of a writer, but he was also curious about what her story was about. 
Her face suddenly became red, so much so to the point that she turned her gaze away from him. 
“I-It’s not important. You said you slept somewhat well, right? Is anything uncomfortable?” she asked without looking at him. 
Smiling, he set his bowl down and poked her red cheek. 
“Eh? Why don’t you answer my question first~” she swatted his hand away but he kept pressing, now lightly pinching her cheeks. 
Y/n faced him, eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head, taking his hands with her. 
“No way! I will not divulge secrets of my unpublished novel to you.” 
Her small hands wrapped around his wrists to pry his hands away, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he moved his hands to her sides, tickling her waist. 
“Hey! Ah, what’re you doing–” 
Laughter filled his ears, and it was like sweet music. He laughed with her, now moving her body to fully face him. She kicked her legs furiously, not caring that she was kicking his thighs at all. 
“Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!” 
Her hands were frantically grasping at him. She was grabbing his arms, chest, and neck, pulling him closer to her squirming body as she was shouting while laughing. 
“No, ah, please stop!” She cried helplessly, hands fisting the shirt that rested on his body, and grabbing it so harshly it pulled his body forward, making him catch himself on his hands to not crash into her.
His eyes widened. 
Her face was inches from his own as her hot, heavy breaths tickled his skin. Shocked eyes stared into him and he took in her features. Long dark eyelashes fluttered against her flushed cheeks as her lips, full and parted, began distracting him. Her dizzying scent filled his nose– soft rose with a hint of sandalwood. He could feel the ghost of the rise and fall of her chest as her hands, still fisted in the fabric of the loaned shirt, trembled. 
Hesitantly, he reached up and traced the curve of her cheek. She closed her eyes, body shuddering as she leaned into his touch. Her skin was soft beneath his fingertips, and he let himself enjoy the feeling of her warmth seeping into his pores. 
Noir jumped between the spaces of their bodies and planted herself right on Y/n’s face. Satoru reluctantly removed himself from the scene, allowing Y/n to pluck Noir off of her. 
“I– what has gotten into you Noir?” 
The woman held the fluff ball right above her head. The feline flattened her ears while she swayed her tail back and forth. 
“I think she doesn’t like sharing her mom,” he suggested and she lifted a brow. 
“Or maybe, my precious girl was saving me from my assailant.” She spoke in a baby voice, gently shaking Noir.
“Don’t say it like that! It makes me sound like a creep.” 
She sat up, pulling Noir close to her chest as she placed a kiss on her head. 
“You attacked me, as far as I see it, I am speaking the truth.” 
Turning her head in pure defiance, the woman set down her cat as she stood, taking their finished bowls of soup with her. 
“If you just told me I wouldn’t have attacked you!” 
“You admit to your crime, then?”
“I plead the 5th.” 
What was that just now?
Satoru placed his hand on his chest, feeling the erratic beat of his heart. His cheeks felt hot, and he wasn’t sure if it was from his sickness or the lingering scent of her perfume. 
She scoffed and he heard the sound of water running. The only noise that filled the space was the sound of dishes being washed, and her making something. Once the woman returned, she was holding out a mug toward him while holding one of her own. He took the liquid from her hand, and she rejoined him on the couch. 
Eyeing the cup, he noticed it was the same tea from earlier, but much less hot. Y/n fidgeted with the string of her tea, he watched as she brought her knees up to her chest, eyeing him sidelong. 
“About earlier, I am sorry.” 
She lowered her dark eyelashes, eyes refusing to meet him as she took a sip of her tea. 
“Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have asked you something personal.” 
His response seemed to surprise her. She faltered for a moment, then set down her mug, slightly facing him. Satoru took a drink of his tea, the temperature pleasantly warm, easing his sore throat. 
“It’s not that. It’s just hard to talk about, my mind will suddenly go blank and I can’t think.” 
She wrapped her hands around her knees, resting her cheek on them as she let her eyes meet his. Solitary sadness peered at him, whispering of isolation and numbed scars – a look he knew all too well. 
“It doesn’t hurt me anymore, but forcing myself to relive memories is harder than coping with them. People always say talking about it makes it easier to deal with, but I think that’s bullshit.” 
He laughed lightly at her words, making the corners of her mouth lift softly. 
“I haven’t talked to anyone about Suguru since it happened. I don’t think they would understand me if I said what I was really thinking.” 
His finger traced the rim of the ceramic mug, memories of his youth playing in his mind. 
“Whatever you feel, it’s valid. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong.” 
His chest suddenly felt tight. Her words eased some of the tension out of his shoulders, making him avoid her gaze. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
She hummed in response and he swallowed his saliva. He needed to be careful, for he tended to be too insensitive at times. 
“You seem so at peace, but earlier, you looked…” 
He couldn’t find the right word. 
Distraught, lost, fearful, horrified, panicked?  None of the words seemed to fit.
Y/n laughed, shaking her head, and letting it rest between her legs. 
“Years of practice. It’s a mask of sorts. I let myself forget most days, and it’s easier when I fall into a routine. But sometimes, something will trigger me, and I kind of just… Shut down? I don’t know how to describe it, but I become numb to everything for a while.” 
Her words struck him. He placed his mug down and leaned forward, forearms on his thighs as he resonated with her. 
“How much do you know about the Jujutsu world?” 
Maybe we can relate to each other. 
“The basics. A lot of the times the Gojo family and the Six-Eyes came up in my research, but honestly, I skimmed through those bits, understanding almost nothing about it. Why do you ask?” 
She eyed him, and he inhaled deeply. Her stare was piercing; like she was dissecting him. 
“I am the strongest sorcerer of this generation. I am also a teacher to the new generation. I’ll save you from the specifics, but my role is incredibly isolating. Naturally, I can’t ever fail. There was a time when I thought I would be able to share this burden of power, but my dreams were crushed by the reality of my strength.” 
Satoru opened and closed his hands, familiar frustration rising in his chest. 
He looked at her and that frustration vanished. She gazed at him with open sincerity. Kindness traced her features, listening to every word he said earnestly. No sign of awe or admiration, just pure intent on understanding him. 
He cleared his throat.
“You see, despite the blessings I have been given, not once has this power made a difference. When it mattered the most, I was unable to save those who I deeply cared for. So I smile, laugh, and pretend I am okay. But in truth, I want to destroy the system and people that have stolen the youth of so many, consequences be damned.” 
The truth of his words lingered in the air. The only way he could cope after Suguru was by dedicating himself to a new goal, something substantial that would transcend through generations. 
“I can’t claim to understand the isolation of power, I am just an average person. But, I do understand the loneliness and yearning for someone to understand you…” 
Finding her tea, she paused, took a deep breath, and then continued. 
“I never knew my parents, I was an orphan. Whether they died or gave me up, I don’t know. But I bounced around from one temporary home to another. Most weren’t great. Some kept locks on the pantry and fridge so I couldn’t eat. One would lock me in a small closet as a form of punishment, that is if they were too tired to hit me. Either way, there’s not a lot of people who relate to that. So it’s isolating.”
Y/n softly smiled at him. No tears filled her eyes, despite the heavy words that left her lips. She just smiled sadly, eyelashes softly kissing her cheeks; it felt as if she was peering into his soul. 
He didn’t know what to say, so he took her hand in his, wrapping his fingers around hers, softly stroking her knuckles. She squeezed, soft skin hugging his own. He could feel the slightly rough texture of her fingertips as her warmth seeped into him, calling to his nerves.  
She laughed lightly, shaking her head, setting some of her hair free of its confinement to frame her face. Again, he was struck by her alluring beauty. 
“What?” the question left his lips in a breathless murmur. 
“Usually, I can’t talk about that without my heart beating out of my chest.” 
Without another word, she gently guided his palm to her chest, right above her heart. Subconsciously he held his breath as he felt the steady thrum of her heart. It softly beat against her chest, and he could feel it through the fabric of her shirt. Her lovely warmth kissed his skin, and he couldn’t tear himself away. 
She smiled. 
“No anxiety,” whispering in astonishment, her eyes searched his in wonder. 
He was locked in her innocent gaze – eyes swirling with perplexed emotions. 
Satoru smiled down at her, allowing her fingers to intertwine with his. 
If only for now, let me be human.
“Tell me more.” 
You spent the rest of your day exchanging stories of your youth with Satoru. Sometimes you laughed, and other times you teared up, but either way, you both listened to each other earnestly. 
It was different somehow. 
There was an ease to the flow of the conversation, and it washed away any lingering fear in your heart. It was like you could breathe for the first time – you could be you, and you didn’t shy away from it.
“How are you feeling?”
Having finished your 5th cup of tea, you were starting to get a little stir-crazy. Satoru seemed to be in higher spirits as his fever died down. From the looks of it, the medicine and his stupidly good genes fought off the germs quickly. 
He sighed, stretching out his long limbs. 
You pulled your eyes away from the sight, trying not to look at where the shirt had risen over his stomach. 
“Well, would you like to join me for a walk?” 
It’s a small offer, though asking still made you feel self-conscious. Your fingers fumbled with the damp tea-string idly, a welcomed distraction from the growing heat on your cheeks. 
It’s not like I am asking him on a date, so why am I getting so embarrassed?  
Satoru gave you a knowing smile but then gestured to his clothes. 
“Just like this? Fuzzy pink house slippers and all?” 
Rolling your eyes at his tease, you motion toward the bathroom. 
“Your clothes and a toothbrush have been laid out since this morning. The outfit choice is yours to make. Brushing your teeth, however, is non-negotiable.” 
“Oh, planning on stealing a kiss?” 
The male stands, and you now have to crane your neck to meet his gaze. 
A smirk tugs at his lips, and it makes your mouth go dry. Despite the playfulness of his demeanor, there is something predatory in his eyes. He takes another step forward, invading your space. Not close enough to feel his breath on your skin, but it was the distance that lovers stood from each other. 
Finding some bravado, you speak. 
“Fantasizing about me already?” 
You feign confidence by placing a hand on your hip while puffing out your bottom lip. 
To say that you’re not attracted to this man would be an outright lie. Also, to say that you only have platonic feelings for him would be another lie. But you weren’t going to let him know that, nor were you going to let him toy with your feelings. 
Satoru's smirk doesn’t falter, instead, he lowers his eyelashes elegantly, looking at you in the way men look at women they’re enamored with. 
“You want to make those fantasies a reality?” his low, breathy voice caught you so off guard to the point your eyes widened and your cheeks became heated. 
“I– wha?” incoherent words fumbled out of your mouth. 
Then Satoru laughed. 
“You should see your face!” he said between breaths, making you only blush harder. 
Embarrassment rising in your chest, you kick his shin, grateful his magical protection bubble wasn’t up. 
“Don’t pretend to be hurt! Go change you bastard!” 
Cold night air nipped at the skin of your cheeks as you and Satoru walked silently side by side. The quiet was welcomed as you relished in the calm of the night. The warm glow of the street lights complimented the cool evening sky. Though only being just past 9, the streets were empty, which you appreciated. 
Peeking at Satoru out of the corner of your eye, you smiled. 
His eyes, beautiful and alluring in the night air, took in his surroundings. They seemed to be swallowing every detail, brain dissecting and memorizing the scene in front of him: Stone tiled streets lined with a mix of old and modern homes. 
It made you wonder if he ever had moments of quiet like this. Because right now, he looked like a child who had never been outside a day in his life. 
“Do you not go on walks often?” you ask, breaking him out of his reverie. 
The male, with hair that of moonlight and eyelashes of silver, blinked – your words registering in his mind. 
“It’s not that. Usually, I am on a mission. It’s not often that the world is this slow .” 
Clasping your hands behind your back, you consider his words, trying to piece together an understanding. 
“Care to elaborate with the class?” 
The need to understand was greater than your pride. Even if you were to come up with a plausible answer, your guess would be further from his truth – and every part of you screamed to know that truth. 
You hear him chuckle under his breath, then he turns his eyes to the stars. 
“My eyes are special. To put it simply, they allow me to process everything around me at a much faster rate than the average person. So, usually, when I am out I am surveying my surroundings so much to the point where the simplicity of life is lost. Beautiful architecture no longer captures my eye, rather its existence becomes how I can use its shape to my advantage in a fight…” 
His eyes found yours as he held your curious stare side-long. 
“But right now, my mind is quiet. I can’t remember the last time I felt like this. With you, everything seems to slow down. Almost to the point that I feel normal.” 
The sound of your skipped heartbeat filled your ears. 
Unable to hold his burning gaze, you turned your eyes to the starry night sky. 
The stars, bright and alive against midnight blue are surrounded by the white glow of the moon. They captured your attention – reminding you of the male at your side. 
“I don’t think I could ever see you as normal if I am being honest.” the words left your lips in a whisper. 
“Why’s that?” 
His voice was filled with innocent wonder, so you answered. 
“Everything about you is unnaturally beautiful. Not a single feature that decorates your skin is flawed. It’s like someone painted you into existence.” 
Perfect and unattainable. Something to be admired, but never to be kept. 
Curiosity getting the better of you, you allowed your eyes to peer over at the tall male. He was smiling softly, eyes staring up at the night sky, the stars that rested there reflected in his irises. 
It was like he was talking to the stars, and they glittered brilliantly in response. 
“You see me so poetically,” Satoru murmured, mostly to himself. 
“How do you see yourself, then?” 
The question left your lips before you could consider its weight. You watch as he takes a deep breath in, whether it is to calm himself or to simply enjoy the atmosphere, you can’t tell. 
“Honestly? Objectively, I know who I am and the weight of my power, it’s not fueled by ego or feigned confidence, it’s just a fact. But when I look at my reflection, it’s blurry. I can’t see anything, because I resent myself. If I had just tried a little harder, been less selfish, and paid more attention, maybe things would have been different.” 
His honest words cracked your heart. 
You silently grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers. He leaned into your touch, molding his hand to yours, thumb idly sweeping over the flesh. Unable to resist the smile that tugged at your lips, you let his warmth seep into your skin. Your hands swayed lightly, and to anyone else, you would’ve looked like a couple.
If only for a short time, I will open my heart to you.
“You know, someone once told me that you can choose to live in your past, to let it define you and your life. Or, you can learn from it and grow into the person you’re supposed to be, carrying the memories of those most precious with you. So, when I feel lost in the murky darkness of my thoughts I tell myself: I am not my past, it does not define me.” 
You’ve never been this raw with anyone. Part of you was fearful he’d laugh in your face, but the other part of you whispered for you to let go. To continue baring your soul, because with him, he made you feel seen . 
Satoru tugged your hand, halting your movement, stopping both of you in place. You met his eyes, a sheepish smile on your lips as you tried to hide your embarrassment. 
“You are… A surprise.” 
There is a hint of shyness in his voice, which in turn made yours rise. The tips of your ears felt hot, but you couldn’t pull away from his stare. You allowed yourself to be swallowed up in the moment, surrendering yourself to him under the gaze of the stars. 
“Meeting your expectations?” 
You bite the flesh of your inner cheek, feeling naked under his knowing blue eyes. 
“Exceeding them and more,” 
His eyes folded kindly, white eyelashes kissing his cheeks as soft moonlight illuminated him in an otherworldly glow. You couldn’t help but be swept away by his beauty – as if he was pure moonlight itself with dazzling stars for eyes.  
For the second time this evening, your heart skipped a beat. 
If you keep looking at me like that, I am going to fall for you, you idiot. 
“Let’s go back, yeah?” 
With forced enthusiasm, you turn around to head back the way you came. A light laugh escaped his lips as he allowed you to pull his body, which you were grateful for. 
What he didn’t know was the act was to hide your deepening blush. 
The evening ended and you went to bed feeling lighter than you had in years. 
But in the morning, it vanished. 
“Good morning,” you greeted him, having just finished freshening up for the day.
Satoru was dressed in the clothes you met him in, with the addition of a black blindfold covering his eyes. You saw that your couch was arranged the way it was previously, and Noir was eating her breakfast. 
He cleaned and fed my cat.  
“Morning,” his voice was somewhat distant, so you stood in front of him, placing your hands on your hips. 
“You leaving?” 
The fabric of his mask rises. Taking it as you surprised him, you rolled your eyes. 
“I have to go back,” Satoru answered and you nod your head, taking a deep breath. 
It’s not like you didn’t expect this. However, after yesterday, you knew you were going to miss him. 
“I see. Thank you for cleaning up and feeding Noir.” You say pleasantly, trying to make your voice bright. There was no way you were going to let your feelings show. It isn’t fair to him. 
Satoru took off his blindfold and stood, taking your face in his hands.
The sudden contact surprised you, but you didn’t pull away. Instead, you steeled yourself, forcing your eyes to meet his. 
“You don’t have to put on an act, Y/n.” his thumbs rubbed the soft skin of your cheeks as his eyes, endless sparkling blue, stared into you. 
You let out a small laugh, allowing yourself to lean into his touch. Closing your eyes, you begin committing him to memory – The callouses that peppered his hands, the warmth of his skin, the faint scent of fresh summer rain. 
“You don’t have to make it harder, you know.” 
Your words left your lips in a whisper, barely audible to yourself. But he heard it, tilting your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“Is it so hard to let me know that you’ll miss me?” 
His thumb traced your lower lip, and you shivered, tucking away that memory, too. 
“Yes, because then I’ll be admitting something to myself I am not ready to face.” 
With eyes stinging, you smiled sadly, drinking in his features for the last time. Soft and elegant with eyes that looked at you as if you were the only thing in the world that mattered. 
Let him go.
Lightly wrapping your hands around his wrists, you pull his hands away from your face, separating your bodies. 
“Please, go, and be safe.” Satoru nods. 
Don’t leave.  
“Goodbye, Y/n.”
I know I don’t belong in your world.
“Goodbye, Satoru.”
Will you miss me?
Leaning down, Satoru pressed his lips to your head. The soft, warm pressure made your skin tingle as his scent invaded your senses, giving you a false sense of safety. He lingered for a moment, hand brushing down your arm, making you bite your lip to hide your helpless whimper.
You closed your eyes and felt his warmth disappear. Only when you heard the ‘ click ’ of the door did you allow your tears to fall. 
Curling up into a ball on the couch, you hugged your knees, crying into your skin. Your heart felt like it was breaking into two. 
He was never mine, to begin with, so why did I get so attached?  
His scent lingered on the couch and you clung to it like a child, desperate and hopeless. You couldn’t breathe, and you were sure you were shouting. Noir came to comfort you, soft body brushing up against yours as you cried violently. 
That’s the first time he said my name… 
Satoru had to force himself to walk away. Her cries reached him through the door, and it took everything in him not to turn around. 
When she told him to leave, her eyes begged him to stay. When he kissed her forehead, drinking in her scent for the last time, he felt her small body tremble. While he walked away, his heart screamed at him to turn around, to pull her into his arms and soothe her pain. 
But that would only make it worse. 
Because their reality is that she is just a normal girl, and he is the strongest sorcerer of his time. Their worlds are completely different, and she would be in danger if he allowed her to be close to his heart. 
And he wasn’t about to allow himself to lose another person to his strength. 
Fall in love with someone else and be happy, Y/n.
“Why do we keep stopping in cafes, you don’t even drink coffee,” Megumi asks begrudgingly, but Satoru simply waves a nonchalant hand. 
I thought I saw her… 
“I just can’t help but chase the sweet smell of mochi!” 
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Satoru continues his leisure walk with his student. He hears Megumi let out a deep sigh – clearly getting more fed up with him. 
“Where are we going anyway? You’ve been shut in your office ever since you came back from your ‘personal matter’. Why drag me outside with you all of a sudden?” another long sigh accompanied by an eye roll. 
“I needed some fresh air and wanted company.” 
It was half of the truth, but he was leading them to a training ground so they could have a private conversation. Too many untrustworthy ears at Jujutsu High. 
“You really need friends your age. Or get a girlfriend, you’re getting old. At this point, you’re going to die alone.” 
Before he could get offended, a woman in an army green bomber jacket and a book in her hand walks right by him. 
Without thinking Satoru turns around and grabs the woman’s wrist. Her frightened eyes peer up at him and his heart sinks for the 10th time today. 
“U-Um, excuse me, do I know you?” 
Not Y/n. 
Megumi yanks him by his collar. Satoru let him, of course, but nonetheless, he yanked hard .
“Sorry ma’am, he confused you for someone else, forgive him.” 
The boy didn’t even wait for the woman’s response, he walked, dragging Satoru with him. 
“What the hell is wrong with you today?” Megumi whisper-yelled, spitting venom in his direction. 
Satoru sighed, letting his brief defeat wash over him as he righted himself. He put infinity back up, moving his student’s hand away from his frame, no longer wanting to feel the touch of another person. 
“I rather die alone.” 
That was all he said for the rest of their walk, pointedly ignoring every cafe they walked by. 
Part 2
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 1 year
Roadside Assistance
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Summary: When you breakdown on the side of the road and only one pilot seems to answer the phone.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Reader
Warnings: Some minor swear words, lots of fluff ahead.
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: So sorry I’ve been MIA. But tomorrow is my birthday and I thought I would all gift you with one of my WIP’s! Hoping to be writing again more regularly! As always, my inbox is open for you. Thanks for reading!!
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Your car made a noise you didn’t even know was possible to make. While that might have seemed a tad concerning, you didn’t give it much thought as your car still drove fine. Yeah, there might have been a few lights on the dashboard, but you viewed them more as suggestions to do something later.
You happily continued towards your destination, singing along to a song on the radio, when your car decided to stop working. The entire machine seemed to shut off, causing panic to rise up. It was kind enough to at least give you enough momentum to pull off to the side of the road.
A few choice words spilled out of your mouth as you tried and failed to restart your car. You looked up and saw you were in the middle of nowhere, stranded midday in the California heat.
A sensible thing would have been to call a tow truck, but something about being stuck in a vehicle with a stranger didn’t sit right with you. So, you did the next best thing and started calling your teammates to see if one of them would be kind enough to come and save you.
You started with Rooster and prayed your mustached friend was by his phone. Luck didn’t seem to be on your side as you were met with his voicemail. The same went for nearly every other person on your team until you were left with one number.
You couldn’t exactly fault them. It was the team’s one Saturday off and everyone was taking advantage of it. Something you were in the middle of doing until your car decided it wanted to be dramatic today.
The thought to take your chances with a tow truck came back up as you debated on calling the last number. Even if he did answer, you know you would never hear the end of it.
Who knew how close the nearest shop was and thinking about either trying to make small talk with a stranger or being stuck in an awkward silence, sent shivers down your spine. So, you dialed the number and prayed he wasn’t in his normal, annoying mood.
“Seresin.” He answered on the second ring, catching you completely off guard at the quickness of it.
“Umm, hi. Yeah, it’s me. Look I wouldn’t be calling unless it was a near emergency, and it seems like no one has a phone today. But I’m stuck on the side of the road and need someone to come get me.” You tapped your fingers nervously on the steering wheel as you quickly explained what was going on.
“Side of the road? Are you okay? What happened?” The urgency in his voice made you freeze. Hangman didn’t care about anything but the brand of hair gel he uses. Which led to you asking, “Are you drunk?”
An exasperated sigh was your answer. “No, Y/N. I’m as sober as a judge. No can you tell me what’s going on?”
Your eyebrows furrowed at the saying but answered him anyway. “My car broke down on the way to this beach and it won’t start.”
There was a long pause, “And you called me?” You threw your hands up in the air, knowing he couldn’t see your reaction.
“As I previously stated, no one else answered. I also don’t want to call a tow truck for personal reasons. Can you help or do I need to start walking?” You tried not to sound irritated at him, but the heat was starting to get to you.
“Yeah, not a problem. Send me your location and I’ll be there as soon as I can. Are your hazard lights on?” You looked down at your car and started trying to find them.
“Uh, yeah.” You didn’t miss the chuckle on the other end of the line, letting you know he caught your lie.
“I’ll be there shortly. Don’t get out of your car until I get there.” You gave him a hum in response and hung up. After a few more minutes of searching, you held your fist up in victory as you found your hazard lights.
It didn’t take too long for your teammate to pull up behind you and you hoped that whatever the problem was, he could fix it quickly. You got out of your car to greet him, and he took his aviators off and looked you over, making sure you were still in one piece.
“You good?” There he went again, asking about your well-being. The jet fumes must be getting to him.
“Yeah, just hot.” You looked away before you saw his smirk at your response
He walked over and reached inside your car to pop the hood. “What happened before it died?”
You thought about imitating the noise it made but thought better of it. Lord knows you would only sound like a dying animal. “It made a weird sound and the died a few minutes after.”
He didn’t ask any other questions until he bent over the front of your car. “When was your last oil change?”
You went to answer him, but he took off his shirt, successfully distracting you for the moment. All the guys in the Navy were in shape, but Jake seemed like he was sculpted from the Gods.
A snapping of fingers brought you out of your daze. “Eyes up here, sweetheart.”
You shook your head at your obvious misstep in stroking his ego. And his ever-present smirk was the cherry on top.
“I can’t remember. Maybe before my last deployment.” Your eyes followed him as he bent back over, using his shirt to unscrew something. You didn’t miss the way his bicep flexed at the movements or the sweat slowly dripping down his back. It was hot outside, but not lord not this hot.
You had to physically turn around to stop ogling the man before he caught you again. Hangman didn’t need to know you couldn’t keep your eyes off him, just like every other girl in this world.
He pulled his head out from under the hood and smirked at you. “You don’t know a single thing about cars, do you?”
Although his looks might have nice on the eyes, it was comments like that that pulled you back to reality. “I’m a pilot. I don’t need to know about cars.” Your answer seemed to amuse him more as he shook his head and chuckled.
You thought about your decision to not call the tow truck and mentally slapped yourself. “I don’t see how my lack of knowledge is funny.”
He wiped his hands off on his shirt and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s just funny that one of the best pilots in the US can work on an F-18 like it’s nothing, but a simple car engine is out of your depths.”
When he said it out loud you knew it sounded bad. “I’m sorry I’m your typical girl and don’t care about cars.”
He shut the hood of your car and stepped towards you, “Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you. But you are far from your typical girl. As for your car, it’s gonna cost you.”
You looked over at the dead piece of scrap metal and asked, “What will? The car or you?”
That question had him throwing his head back and laughing. “As much as I would love to cash in whatever your mind went to, I meant the car. The transmission is blown.”
A person didn’t have to know much about cars to know that a blown transmission was a near death sentence for both your bank account and the car itself. You didn’t know if it was the heat or the situation itself, but you could feel your anger start to bubble to the surface.
Jake must have seen it too and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, no need to worry. We will get the car towed and I know a guy in the area that can give you a good deal. It’ll be fixed by the end of this mission. Sound okay?”
You nodded your head and let him lead you to his truck. He turned on the A/C and told you to sit tight. The cool air on your face had never in your life felt as good as it did in this moment. He walked back out to your car, and you leaned your head back on the seat and closed your eyes. The one Saturday you have off and it’s spent on the side of the damn road.
A noise had you opening your eyes and you saw the dreaded tow truck start loading your car up. You made a move to get out, but Jake held a hand up telling you to stay in the car. You don’t thank this man for much, but in this moment, he was your god damn savoir.
Before too long, Jake got back in the truck and started driving like he didn’t just send your car off to be slaughtered. Before you could dwell too much on that, you realized the two of you were headed the opposite way of the base.
“Where are we going?”
“Well Darlin’, seeming that neither of us got to spend this day like we originally planned, I figured I’d go buy you a drink.” He was casually holding the steering wheel with one hand while the other rested on the center console. Not looking like he had a care in the world.
“You want to buy me a drink? Me?” You thought about the way you treated him at base and couldn’t fathom why he of all people would go out of their way to buy you a drink. He always acted like he was better than everyone else and you were the constant reminder that he wasn’t.
“Why do you find that so hard to believe? Can’t I take a pretty girl like yourself out?” He tossed you a Hollywood smile. One that got every single girl he talked to, to drop their pants for him. Which is why you said what you did next.
“Yeah, I’m not doing this. Pull over so I can get out and walk.” You took off your seatbelt, just for him to reach over and buckle you back in.
“That. That right there is why I want to take you out. You are the one girl who I know won’t take anyone’s shit. Do you know how hard I’ve tried to get you to even think about spending a minute with me outside of work? Hell, I’ve never in my life tried so hard for a girl to notice me. It took you breaking down on the side of the road with zero other options but for you to call me. So yes, sweetheart. I’m going to take advantage of you being hostage in my truck and buy you a drink.”
You opened your mouth just to shut it, not knowing how to respond to that. Your mind was reeling, trying to put together pieces you didn’t know went to the same puzzle. Jake had been around you more recently, but you thought it had to do with him trying to beat you out of a spot for this mission. Not that he might actually have feelings for you.
Had you been this narrow minded the entire time?
“Still with me?” The southern drawl of a voice snapped you out of your downward spiral. You glanced over at him and saw he was studying your reaction. The casual demeanor was now gone as his fingers tapped along the steering wheel. Was the all mighty Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin nervous?
“Why not simply ask me out? Ever think of that option?” You watched in amusement as he turned to face the road again, clearly thinking over what you just said. Going from nervous to downright frustrated was two things you didn’t get to see from him often. And it sounded a little cruel, but you loved it.
“It was that easy? This whole time it was that easy?” He looked to you in what seemed like complete exasperation, and you nodded your head.
“With all the praise you gave me earlier about not being like every other girl, yeah it was that simple. I’m not as complicated as you make me out to be. Flowers would’ve been nice though.” You gave him a smirk, just like the one he tortured you with day in and day out.  
He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled. “Well alright then. Y/N, would you do me the honors in letting me buy you a drink?”
You tried to hide the blush that crept up onto your face by turning to look out the window. “Seeing that you have already kidnapped me, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”
His snort had you turning back around and smiling. “Thank you for helping me with my car. Who knows how long I would’ve been stranded on the side of the road.”
He grabbed your hand and squeezed, “No one else I would cancel plans for.”
You froze as you processed his words. “What do you mean by canceled?”
The smirk was back as he said, “I was headed out with Coyote and a few of the other guys. So, with us being gone this long I think it’s safe to assume they know what’s going on.”
You sank back into the seat and shook your head. “I take it back. I’ll walk home from here.”   
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A/N: Thoughts? Likes or dislikes? Thank you so so much for reading!!!
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walpu · 3 months
Hi, it’s me again!! >_<
When I tell you I gobbled that headcannon post up, I went down on two knees and howled /hj
Anyways, do you think you can do some headcannons on Aventurine with Bodyguard! Reader if you have the time? But this time, with a twist :3
See, reader does care for Aven, you truly do, but before that, you were tasked by Everflame mansion and by Duke inferno himself to kill Aventurine. But you can’t bring yourself to, no, not when you’ve fallen head over heels for him.
When reader does become Aven’s bodyguard, you maintain that serious, no nonsense demeanor, but if he looks closely enough, he’ll see the lovestruck puppy hiding under the hardened shell that they’ve put on.
But the guilt catches up. One day, at least a few months after reader’s betrayal to Duke Inferno, you catch sight of an assassin sent to finish the job they couldn’t do. And so, the secret is finally revealed.
Personally, I think Aventurine would be betrayed, like very, how could he not be? He’s always kept people at an arm’s length away, and when he finally lets you in his walls, and starts falling for thier charm, this secret of yours comes out. He fires you almost immediately, but the way he stares after you with misty eyes doesn’t go unnoticed.
The next months were absolute hell. Reader found a new job as a barista, and is quite enjoying the quaint and simply life it provides, even if you do miss Aventuirne. He’s probably still seething at you, right?.
Wrong. Because you’ve gone MIA, Aventurine been scouring all over the place, trying so hard to find you. He’s loosing sleep, forgetting to eat, all things that you would chide him about. Aeons, he misses you so much.
And when he does find you, he’s overjoyed, and when the two finally reunite, the first thing you do is to apologize deceiving him. But he forgave your silly ass a long time ago, why else would he have spent the last months trying to find you?
Long story short, it’s a happy ending, Aventurine couldn’t be more grateful he has you to be his bodyguard, his closest confidant, and most importantly, his lover <33
I’m so sorry if I went on a ramble, but this idea’s been plaguing me so bad I literally can’t focus on anything else 😭😭
I feel like the only thing I do with each post is apologize for taking so long but right now I like from work trip to work trip so I'm actually really really sorry this madness should end soon 😭😭😭😭 Hope you'll enjoy this post, it was my goal to finish it before version 2.1
bodyguard/assassin!reader x Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes- gn!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, pining, no beta
It was not a fast prosses for the both of to form a genuine connection. Moreover, you know goddamn well you shouldn't get attached to him.
And at first it seems easy, like yeah another rich playboy, no big deal, you've delt with people like him before, right? Right??????????????
Yeah until suddenly he's not just a rich playboy.
The more you notice how deeply lonely and unhappy he is, the more your heart softens towards him. And the more your heart softens, the more he relaxes around you, seeing behind your cold exterior.
He's not used to people caring about him. And yes, of course he knows it's your job but still, for a man who never had a real friend before, he surely can appreciate having someone who not only won't leave him but also will listen to him and look after him.
And the part about you being paid to do it? Oh well. It's the same guy who offers you to use him as you wish and who's greeting line is "I can play a role of a friend :)"
Mf is FRIENDLESS, LONELY and PATHETIC /affectionally
He'll take what he can get okay.
But goddamn. Don't think he doesn't notice how you started going out of your ways to take care of him. How you make him eat, tend to his small injuries ("my, my, you're my bodyguard, not a doctor. perhaps someone wants a raise, hm?~"), how you drag him out of casino or his office when it's too late.
It drives him crazy. It's not beneficial for you, right? The w h y.
He won't ask. Instead he will watch and slowly fold.
You are probably suffering tho lol. You should just kill him already, you've had so many opportunities to end him. Instead you spoon feed him soup because he claims he has a hangover after a night in the casino. And this little brat looks so smug about it too!!!!
Sometimes he feels like it's too good to be true: you being here, taking care of him, looking after him. The line between professional relationship, friendship and... something more is way too blurry already, and he knows it's dangerous but it just feels so good. Too good.
Duke inferno gets tired eventually. He sends someone to remind you of your mission. To remind you who you really work for.
Well, the duke receives a warning of his own. The dead body of his little messenger.
You know, of course, that the Everflame mansion thugs are not easily intimidated. They will be back. So you better warn Aventurine and tell him everything.
You can't keep lying to him, can you?
Well. It's surprisingly not as easy as you thought. After all, even if they will send someone, you'll just protect Aven like you always do, right? He doesn't have to know. Not about your past, not about your original mission. He keeps his secrets too, so why can't you?
You know goddamn well why tho. You know and yet you still can't bring yourself to tell him the truth.
It goes on like that for several months and Aventurine notices that something is clearly off, something is bothering his darling protector. He tries to pry, to tease, to cling, to pester you. Something to make you open up. Or, at least, get distracted. He can't help but feel anxious. Why are you suddenly so reversed? Do you want to leave his side? Does he not pay you enough? Does he bother you too much? It eats him alive while he tries to mask it by pestering you even more. As if to test you. As if to make sure that it's not the case.
All the hell breaks loose one day when you discover that Duke inferno has sent another assassin to finish the job.
I you spare the details but yeah, your secret was unraveled. And it wasn't pretty at all.
You have never seen emotions so vivid on Aven's face. Part of you always wanted to see him more vulnerable, more open with you. But not like this. Not this look of utter betrayal.
He collects himself quick enough, hiding behind the mask of mock disappointment.
"Hm, well, I recall mentioning that treachery is just another tool of the trade. But it seems like our little deal is not paying off for me anymore" he says with a cold chuckle, shaking his head a little. "After all, you have very little to offer outside of your dog-like loyalty. But seems like this dog bit both hands that fed it".
You were expecting him to call for your arrest but instead he just fires you. It hurts nevertheless.
What hurts even more is that look he gives you when you part ways. It's like his pretty eyes are even more lifeless now.
At first he feels this overwhelming emptiness. It truly feels like the fate is mocking him. One time, just one time, he allowed himself to relax around someone. Just this one time, with this one person who took care of him, who listened to him, who looked out for him. And this person was supposed to kill him.
Then his stupid brain finds another way to torture him. He keeps thinking about the way you have always protected him, the way you took the hit even during the last attack, when Duke Inferno's new assassin tried to get to him. You were ready to leave your past life behind to stay by his side, weren't you?
As soon as he realizes it he goes frantic. Of course he tries to find you asap but of course someone as competent as you would be able to disappear without a trace in no time. You were an assassin, after all. A skilled one too, since he never even suspected you.
This connection the two of you had, this realization that you really cared enough to betray your client, all of this makes him realize that he needs you so, so much. He needs to feel this care again, he need to look at you again, to know that you're here by his side.
He misses you so much. Your nagging, your reassurance, your touch. He's like an addict who felt what it feels like to love and beloved in return for the first time and now he can't live without it.
He doesn't eat or sleep properly, his head plagued by the thoughts about you. What if you forgot all about him? What if you're wounded? Where are you even? His fingers itch to trace your face and your scars.
He thinks about how you would scold him for not taking proper care of himself and it makes him miss you even more.
Aven finds you after a few months. It was honestly a coincidence, one of his subordinates saw you in the coffee shop you were working at.
He though that finding you will calm him down but seeing you from afar, looking somewhat peaceful and cozy, having a regular job... it's too much. And what if you really don't need him anymore? Maybe you never did? After all, he's painfully aware that he probably needs you much more than you need him.
And yet, he decides to take this risk. He's a gambler, after all.
"Somehow I'm not surprised you're good even at that. How come you have never made me coffee before, hm?"
You literally freeze on the spot after hearing this familiar voice next to you.
When you finally get to talk, you can see he's really trying to look calm and collected but how can he? His hands are shaky and his voice cracks. It breaks your heart.
He doesn't even let you finish your apology, pressing a finger to your lips.
"Hush, darling. All is forgiven. In fact, I even have an interesting proposal. I'm can be a generous man after all".
He can't fool you. Not with this shaky soft voice. And he knows it as well.
Please hug that fool and kiss him. Swear that you won't ever leave him again. Swear that you want to be by his side. As his bodyguard, as his friend, as something more. So much more. That's all he really need to feel like he's at home.
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joekeeryswife · 8 months
joe keery has such strong dad energy, especially in recent photos from italy. can you write about joe traveling in italy with you and your baby daughter? i just know he’d be the type to wear his kid around and splash in the water with her, and fall asleep in the sun with her on his chest, and feed her little bites of pasta. with you, he’d make sure that your vacation was relaxing and that you felt treated like a goddess. insecure about wearing a bikini? joe can’t stop blushing when he looks at you in it even if you’ve been married for years. while the baby is napping, he massages your feet and cuddles with you. in turn, you set up reservations at his favorite restaurants and plan manageable but gorgeous walks around the city. idk man just dad!joe on vacation
Italy - j.k
a/n: hello angels. how have you all been? i’m so sorry i’ve been MIA lately but i’m back and better than ever! this request is adorable! let’s get into the imagine. it’s not proof read so please bare with me if this is shit lmfao, im still trying to get back into the swing of writing, i also can never seem to figure out how to end my imagines so if anyone has any tips please LMK!! for the ending the outfits are in the little collage🫧
@johnricharddeacy @theshireisonfire @ssababe @phantomxoxo @livsters @hellfire1986baby @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @m-rae23 @sheisjoeschateau @kaverichauhan @missabsey @chxrrysprxut @thefrontofmymind @nightmonkeyparker @carinacassiopeiae @cherrymedicine13 @waratah-moon @minsugafour @k-k0129 @limelight23 @alwaysteveswife @krazykatkay456 @lma1986 (it’s been a while so lmk if you want to be removed 🫧)
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“baby come on we wanna get to the pool, what’s taking you so long-” Joe barged into the bathroom without knocking making you jump out of your skin. after having your daughter Florence a year and a half ago you had been insecure about your new body.
you were curvier then before, had a few stretch marks scattered all over your body which had faded but in your eyes they were so visible. you just didn’t feel like yourself and with this being your first holiday since having her, you were nervous.
nervous that you didn’t look as good as you did before, nervous that you were gonna get papped and people online would say awful things about you, nervous people were gonna stare.
but to Joe, the sweetest man ever thought you’d never looked better. you had carried a whole human for 9 months and you looked incredible. “Joe, you scared me” you placed a hand on your chest and turned to look at him.
Joe looked at you, eyes darting across your body, seeing you in a bikini for the first time in over a year made him feel tingly. his face heated up “you look beautiful baby, jesus christ you’re gorgeous” he saw your eyes light up slightly.
Florence was in her playpen which you had brought along to keep her occupied, Joe had made sure she was safe before coming to look for you. even after five years of being together and three years of marriage, just looking at you made Joe feel giddy. he was so lucky to have you in his life.
you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he couldn’t ever get over your beauty. Joe knew what you were doing in the bathroom, he had caught you one too many times and he hated that you felt insecure.
he walked toward you and pulled you into him “my pretty girl” he kissed your head as he hugged you closer. “you’ve never looked so beautiful” you smiled shyly. there was something about Joe, he always knew how to make you feel beautiful. he had a special way with words.
“come on, don’t want to keep you and flo waiting any longer” you said as you pulled yourself away from the hug. he ran back to Florence who squealed when she saw her dad, the two of them were best friends and although it made you jealous their relationship was your favourite thing ever.
seeing the two of them bonding was the most adorable thing in the entire world. even when she was in the womb he would spend hours and hours speaking to your bump with her kicking you in response. “my angel, let’s go. mama is almost ready” you heard him say as he picked Florence up out of the playpen, she squealed in delight as he did.
the three of you were lounging around the pool, Italy was boiling hot and luckily the hotel you were staying at had a kids pool and an adult pool. Florence was a baby who loved the water, she never cried when having a bath, if anything she enjoyed it.
splashing around with her toys was her favourite thing to do. she loved your pool that you had back home, every time it was hot Joe would take her into the pool. your friends kids were a bit older than Florence and she loved watching them play in the pool too.
as soon as you and Joe got situated on your sun loungers he grabbed Florence and walked straight to the kid section which was thankfully right in front of you. you watched Florence splash the pool water with her toys, the biggest smile on her face.
Joe was sat opposite her with the exact same expression on his face. it was honestly scary how much Florence looked like him. they had practically all the same features except she had your eyes, she was a carbon copy of him.
aside from the fact that Florence and Joe where best friends and looked exactly like each other the worst of it all was when Florence said her first word which was of course ‘dada’. you had prayed that she said ‘mama’ first but nope. it wasn’t like it actually hurt your feelings, your daughter had days where you were the favourite parent and it made you tear up when she finally did say ‘mama’ for the first time.
Joe and Florence had only been sat in the kid pool for thirty minutes before his back started hurting but the look on his daughters face made it all worth it. other than you, Florence was the best thing to ever happen to him. before her, he didn’t really care about being a dad. it wasn’t something he had ever thought about. but that sunny Friday afternoon, the day you told him, showed him the positive test, he never thought he could love someone as much as he loved her.
“dada” Florence said as she looked up at him and lifted up a purple octopus for him to take. “oh thank you angel” he took the toy from her small hand. Joe watched Florence with the softest smile, she was the most adorable thing ever and he couldn’t get over the fact that you guys had made something so beautiful. Florence paused playing with her toys and yawned. Joe knew exactly what that meant, she only yawned when she needed a nap, it sounded odd because everyone yawns but the little eye rub after her yawn made it obvious. she was tired.
after waking up early (6:37am to be exact but who was checking? definitely not Joe) eating breakfast and all this playing in the pool, the girl had worn herself out. “come on sweetheart, you look like you’re about to fall asleep” Joe said as he stood up, picking up her few toys and shoving them in her pockets and then bending down to pick her up. she had her small arms lifted in the air, her eyes squinting as she looked up at Joe.
he picked her up and made his way back over to you. you where laying on the sun lounger now reading a book with your airpods in. you noticed Joe walking back with Florence hugging him tightly. you took one airpod out and smiled at the two of them. “you okay?” you asked, sitting up. Joe picked up the towel that was on his sun lounger and wrapped it around both him and Florence. “yeah, she just got tired. i mean, it’s around the time she usually has a nap isn’t it?” you looked at the time in your phone and nodded. “yeah, she’s actually stayed awake a lot longer then i thought she would”
Joe sat laid down on the sun lounger, making sure Florence was comfortable before he started running his hand up and down her back and through her hair. it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, her breathing slowed and she was completely relaxed against him so you went back to your book, letting the two of them have their moment.
it was about 10 minutes after Joe and Florence had sat down and the soft snores was the only thing you could hear from the two of them, it didn’t take long for Joe to fall asleep. he was just as tired as Florence was. you turned your attention to the two of them and felt your heart melt. your two favourite people in your company were the moments you treasured the most.
“come on Joe i know it takes ten hours to do your hair but we are gonna be late” you said jokingly as you picked up Florence who was dressed in a white dress with the cutest sandals you’d ever seen, it was the last night in Italy before you went home tomorrow night and you wanted to do something special for Joe. he had planned this whole trip for you, knowing you needed a break from your town and the paparazzi (it’s not like you hit a break from that because they followed you everywhere!).
he needed to be appreciated just as much as he appreciated you and sometimes you struggled to do that with Florence. you weren’t saying that you didn’t love being a mum because you did, however sometimes you and Joe hardly spoke to each other because you were so focused on her.
“i’m coming honey, sorry” he came out of the bathroom with his hair perfectly styled, per usual, and he was wearing a comfortable but smart outfit. black jeans, blue t-shirt, let’s just say he looked perfect. he sat on the bed and put on his trainers and started doing the laces up, he stood up and kissed you on the cheek “you look beautiful baby” you smiled and thanked him with a a passionate kiss.
“and look at my angel” he took Florence out of your arms gently “you look perfect my sweet girl” he kissed her cheek a few times which made her squeal and hide her face in his neck. “right, let’s go, we can’t be late for whatever your mama’s planned can we?” you had seen a a popular restaurant all over social media which about fifteen minute walk from the hotel you were staying at which you also remembered was Joe’s favourite. he had been to Italy a few times and had always gone there with his friends and you had told him a few months ago when planning this trip that you couldn’t get a reservation which he was actually a little upset about. you and him hadn’t ever been there together and he wanted to take you there because he knew you’d love it. it was a surprise for him that you actually did get one. it wasn’t the best surprise out there but you knew it would mean something to him.
as the two of you walked hand in hand, Joe had Florence on his shoulders laughing as her dad played around with her. after about twenty minutes (due to Joe messing about) you guys approached the small town where the restaurant was and Joe’s eyes lit up, he could see the restaurant sign and turned his head to look at you.
“are we going in there?” he squeezed your hand slightly as his body filled with excitement. “yeah, i got us a reservation and wanted to surprise you. it’s not a huge thing but i knew you would like it” his heart melted, that’s one thing he loved most about you. always remembering the little things he had said and trying your best to get those things sorted. he had said about going here ages ago and honestly he had forgotten about it but you, you didn’t and you made sure you got one.
“aww honey, that’s so sweet of you” he let go of your hand and pulled you into his side and wrapped his arm around your waist. he kissed your cheek softly as the two of you continued walking towards the busy looking restaurant.
once sat inside the restaurant you sat opposite Joe with Florence in a high chair at the end next to both of you. she was babbling away in her own little language. Joe replied to everything she said as if he knew what she was saying but it made her happy, she had a smile on her face showing her four small teeth. “last night in Italy. is it bad that i want to live here forever?” Joe said as he turned his attention back to you.
you shook your head “no, it’s beautiful here” you smiled, if you could move to Italy you would, the houses were beautiful, the people were lovely, the views were gorgeous, so what was stopping you?. “maybe we could move here. i mean, not now obviously but sometime in the future we could” Joe said as he ran a hand through his hair.
“also just changing the subject, i really appreciate you doing this for us” he started but you rolled your eyes jokingly “Joe, all i did was make a reservation it’s not that big of a deal” you laughed but he took ahold of your hand and looked at you “it is to me. you went out if your way to get us in here and that’s just a small piece of what you do for us. you take care of flo when i’m away working which fucking kills me but you keep it together, make sure she’s okay and even make sure i’m okay and i’m not even there before you make sure you’re alright yourself. when we are at home together the only time we see each other is when we are in bed and at that point one of us is usually asleep. i know you miss up our date nights and even just being together in general” he was stroking your hand gently as he spoke.
“this vacation has been the best thing for us because we’ve actually spent time together which we rarely do. we have completely different schedules so i know it’s hard but after this movie is over i’m taking a break and i’m going to focus on you and flo. you’re my main priority and i need to spend time with you.” he kissed your hand and smiled.
“we do need to spend more time together and i do miss our dates, they were my favourite” his smile softened and his grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly. “i know, so that’s what we are doing. i’ll get someone to look after Florence and we will do something together” with happy your heart melting you leaned over the table enough to kiss him. you could feel him smile into the kiss which you always loved him doing, you didn’t know why, you just did.
“i love you” you said as you pulled away to sit back down “i love you more” you felt your cheeks heat up. you heard a small whine from the little lady who was sat next to you which made you both turn to look at her. she had the smallest frown on her face which made both you a Joe laugh “and we couldn’t forget our favourite girl” he said pulling her out of her high chair and placing her on his lap, smothering her with small kisses which made her giggle, making your heart melt at the sight. your favourite people in the world.
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