#also to calm down i literally had to force myself to focus on my special interest and nothing else
echo-s-land · 2 years
Everytime I think about the first psychiatrist I saw to have my autism diagnosed and doubt about having autism bc of what he said I remember.
I remember when, years ago, someone I know told me that one day she woke up in so much pain she was unable to stop screaming. So she went to the doctor. Doctor said it was something that'll pass, that she doesn't have to worry, that it's nothing. Her father still took her to the hospital (thanks to her grandma who yelled at her son after hearing her granddaughter scream)
It was her appendix
If they'd waited more time before doing surgery on her she would have died. She nearly died during the surgery actually
So yeah. Whatever that one doctor may have said to me
He was the one in the wrong
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anvoo · 1 year
The differing perception of time is, something. When moments fly, or when you're counting the seconds and minutes, when it's already close to the end of the year again, or when it's only been a few days, even though the amount of time that's passed is the same, it can feel oh-so different.
I remember when I was younger and in school, we would have to write the dates at the top of our papers or worksheets when we hand them in, and during the early days of a new year, having to force ourselves against habit or muscle memory to write 2015 instead of 2014 like you've been doing for so long, was quite an interesting feeling; even though I had to write the dates on almost every day, I never paid it any mind or even thought about it for a second, except for those first few days. And now, as I sit here, typing the date at the top of my every journal entry, I'm reminded a bit of those memories. The past few days have been long, but also, not, as they all kind of blend in together. It really has been more than 2 months since 07.05.
I'm not really sure what I want right now. I want to write more, but I feel a bit overwhelmed. I wouldn't mind doing some random things as a distraction, but it sounds kind of not enjoyable. Maybe I just need some sleep.
I think that moments of just "being there" and not thinking about much except just using your senses are important and precious. I'm trying to dedicate my time in the shower to that, to just "being", to not thinking about anything and clearing my mind. It brought me a lot of joy, so I'll try to do that more.
The message thing with Cat, it still shows up as "delivered". I understand, and it's ok. Whatever the reason is, whatever she's dealing with, I want her to have the time and space for it. I guess, what I want right now is to focus on my own things. I believe that she'll be able to manage and work things out, so that's ok. I have faith. I do believe in her, yeah ;) I know that right now she's not doing so great, and I of course worry and care for her, but I believe that she'll be able to do ok and manage. I'm giving her some time and space right now to process, I know that she tends to shut down and needs alone time, especially when she's not doing so great, so I'm giving that to her. I remember a story of us from before, one time when she wasn't feeling super great and really needed space, so I gave her that while sitting nearby just doing my own thing, and eventually after she's managed to calm down, she turned to me and asked me to come and cuddle. It was really cute, and I think that it's a good way to handle our current situation right now; give her the space and time that she needs, she knows that I'm there, and it'll be ok ;) I know that she loves me and that I'm special to her, it's not personal or that she hates m :p, so I'll be there. The time when we met when we were so addicted to this video game, we just couldn't stop playing at all, and it was literally an addiction and escape from reality; it wasn't a great time. But now that she's choosing to face her challenges, it's taking a lot of capacity and strength from her, and she's trying her best. I love and care for her deeply, so I'm there with her, along her journey. I need to try my best too, and it's not easy for me either, but I know that just like me, she loves and cares for me deeply and that I'm special to her too, and that she's with me, along my journey. On my side, I want to keep moving forward also. 2 months out of 12 down already! It's also the thing that, my everything isn't dependent on anything or anyone except myself. I feel that, no matter what happens, as long as I do my best, it'll be ok. In every circumstance, as long as I try, it'll be ok. I want to be happy with my life. At the end of the day, it is just for me.
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
Myles has a Crush
Request: This may be a weird request, but may I request for Myles having  crush on somebody from the covert? I assume the djarin family visits occasionally and maybe he has a small crush on a girl (yknow like how in kindergarten kids sometimes had small crushes on eachother?) MSMSMS din attempting to give ✨fatherly advice✨?
A/n: I LOVE THIS!!! This is literally such a cute idea. I stopped everything to write this. I did it in headcanon/thought form so hopefully that’s okay. I hope you like it!
Please consider reblogging, I love hearing all y’alls thoughts. They make my day!
This goes along with my Days filled With Love Series. You can find the first part here :)
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“Has Myles been acting weird again? I’m worried about him.” Your husband only groans in response. His eyes closed and his mind hazy as your fingertips stroke through his curls.
He’s too sleepy to think about emotion right now. His head rests on your chest, nose up against your sternum, perfectly nestled between your two mounds. It’s his favorite place to be.
“I tried talking to him last night at bedtime but he just shied away. I don’t know what to do. I want to give him space so he can come to me when he’s ready, but he’s so quiet. Like, I don’t want to be that parent that forces their kids to tell them stuff. But I-”
“I also want to know so I am able to help him. What if he’s not telling us because he doesn’t want to be a burden. But how could he even think that. How-”
“Do I not tell them I love them enough? Do I-”
“Cyare!” Two palms grab the sides of your face and it breaks you from your spiraling thoughts. “Finally. Stop worrying, I’ll talk to him today. It’ll be fine. Now can we just sleep for one more hour.” He nuzzles in further and his hands wrap around your waist.
“Dad can I ask you a question?” Myles taps his fathers back, trying to get his attention.
“Sure bud, what’s up?” Din turns around so he can fully face his son.
“Can we go somewhere secret?” Myles voice is hushed and his helmet tilts down
Din looks back to where Paz and some other mandalorians crowd around, laughing and boasting about various things they’ve done. “Sure.”
He let’s Myles lead him by his hand to a secluded corner. He can’t help the strong feeling of warmth he gets from how small his son's hand is wrapped up in his own palm.
“Okay, I need help.”
Din bends down so he is closer to his son. Although he doesn’t need to go far as Myles is already almost to his chest. Seems he got the tall gene. He can hear your voice saying how similar his kids are to him and his chest puffs up in pride.
“Dad! Focus!”
“Sorry, I’m listening. You have my full attention. What do you need help with?” He doesn’t need to see his son's face to know that there is a slight blush to them. He can just tell from the way his fingers pick at his hands and the way his head is slightly tilted down.
“I just wanted to ask how you got Mom to like you?”
Din’s head tilts in confusion and he replays the question in his mind. Why would his son be wondering that? “Well, we started off as… friends. Eventually we became closer and closer and then one night-”
“No Dad, how did you know she liked you? And how did you make it not obvious you liked her?”
Finally it clicks in his mind and a smirk forms on his lips. “Why, do you like someone?”
“Di’kut where’d you- Myles! You like someone? This is huge! Who’s the lucky lady?” Paz emerges from around the corner and is instantly right next to Din.
“Oh ummm. It’s Skymel. But you can’t tell her!”
“Ahh, I see. What you need to do is show her how much of a man you are!”
“Yeah, women love that. Your mother always comments on how strong she thinks I am.”
“Wait, I’ve got a plan. It’ll be perfect for you Myles!”
What are they doing?
You’re sitting in the main room of the covert with your friend Beti. But over on the other side of the room Myles, Din, and Paz are huddled together in a little circle. Their helmets nearly touch as they whisper to each other.
“They look too calm for anything good to happen next.” Beti comments.
“Remind me why I married a goof and gave him children?”
“Honey, that was all you. I still question it myself.” The two of you laugh and in response Tobbi laughs along. His little golden eyes gleam and his hands flail around. Isabet, happily sitting in Beti’s arms, glares at him for begging so loud.
Rebekkah walks in and makes her way over to you two. Waving you smile as she approaches. “Long time no see! How have you been?”
“Good. Although I’m surprised Din hasn’t already put another kid in you.”
Warmth rises to your cheeks and you swat at her arm. She just laughs and raises her arms in defense.
Her daughter Skymel runs in and hugs you. “Do you know where Myles is?” The two of them have been friends since birth, as they were born around the same time.
“Yeah he’s over there with Din and Paz.”Pointing at the huddle of Beskar.
She nods and tickles Tobbi’s stomach. “Hey little guy.” He squeals and giggles. But before she can rush off to her friend, Myles and Paz seem to be sizing each other up.
“This is going to be interesting.” Beti says. “Bekkah, come sit down, you won’t want to miss this.”
Myles and Paz circle each other and Skymel plops down right next to you. “What are they doing?”
“Maker knows.” You sigh.
Paz goes to grab Myles but he quickly moves out of his grasp. He delivers a punch to Paz’s gut and in response Paz bends over, as if it really hurt him. Grabbing his uncle's helmet, he pulls him to the ground and promptly places a foot on the fallen mandalorians back.
“Oh my!” Beti places a hand over her mouth, trying to conceal her giggles.
Your husband then moves behind your son, sneakily trying to capture him. But it seems that Myles expected it because he slips between his hands and kicks the back of his knee.
Your husband topples and lands ontop of Paz. However, both their shoulders shake and you know they’re giggling like idiots.
Wiping his hands, Myles walks over to your little group.
“What was that?” You ask.
“They thought they were stronger than me so I had to show them they’re not.” He gestures to the two grown men laying ontop of each other in defeat.
“Right. Okay.” You bite your lip, trying to hide your smile.
“Wow Myles that was really cool. Do you think you could show me some moves?” Skymel asks, and as he nods they scurry off to another spot in the covert.
Once they leave the main room, Paz pushes Din off him.
“Oof!” CLANK.
They both get up and walk over to you. Paz reaches for Tobbi and takes him from your arms. Tobbi laughs loudly and slaps his helmet.
“So, what was that?” Beti asks. Din shrugs as he sits down next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his body.
“Myles says he has a crush on Skymel.”
Suddenly all the dots connect and it makes sense why he was acting so weird, he was just embarrassed. Both Beti and Rebekkah coo. “That’s so cute!”
“That doesn’t answer my question though.”
“Well Myles needed to show Skymel that he is strong so he made a show of defeating us.” Paz says as he holds Tobbi above his head, letting him wiggle his limbs and giggle.
“He needed to show her that he was strong?” You ask.
“Yeah, you’re always on about how strong I am.” Din says as he grabs your hip.
All three of you giggle.
“Love, it’s not how strong you are that made me fall in love with you. It’s how big your heart is and how you can make me feel like the most special person in the world. But, you’re not completely wrong, these are a big plus.” You grab his bicep and squeeze it.
All of you break into loud laughter and smiles.
“Men, am I right?” Rebekkah says as her own husband approaches.
“I feel like I walked into a trap.”
“Don’t even get me started.” Din sighs.
Hehe I love this! I hope you guys liked it!
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Love, Lordy :)
Taglist: @ficthots​ @along-the-lines-of-space​ @jedi-jesi​ @coldlilheart​
If you want to be added/removed from my taglist, just give me a holler! :)
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Note; I deeply apologize seeing as this is going to end up being long. Onto the information; My name is Ghost(mainly go by this one), Acid, Killer(more of a nickname), or Gore(more of a nickname). I go by he/they/xe/its, and I'm a dude, MLM and poly so it really doesn't matter much who it is. Born March 31st, being an Aries I'm a very loud and energetic person. I'm also very impulsive and get myself into deep shit, even if I don't realize I'm doin' it. I get overly loud when the topic is about something I enjoy or is into, if I try flirting on purpose it's ass but when I do it without realizing I get called a huge flirt. Big music and art geek, I have sketchbooks upon sketchbooks filled just sitting around in my room. I listen to a lot of rock like Queen, Guns N Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, ACDC, Nickelback, KISS, Slipknot, KoRn, and on and on. Although I listen to every genre of music minus country(although there are few songs I can deal with). Big tattoo/piercing person, if you have one visible I will point it out and geek out about it. Although literally don't ask me to name a few songs unless I've been rambling on about it because I have the shittiest memory. I dye my hair so often it's surprising my hair is still healthy. I have literally bleached my hair, dyed it red and let that fade for a week, then dyed it blue and have been touching up the blue ever since then. If it wasn't due to money problems and the fact it's hard to borrow in my town my hair would probably have my hair a different color every two weeks. I ramble quite a bit and have the shittiest focus and memory, so you may have to pull me to the side and tell me to calm down. Would definitely compliment on the boys looks, specially their outfits. I'm a coffee and monster addict at this point, you'll see one or the other in my hand, and the occasional water bottle because I try to keep myself health. My love language is through touch and insulting people. Ex, "I fucking love you dumbass" or flipping you off playfully as a way of saying "i love you bitch". Smoking doesn't bother me, grew up around it my entire life. I love riding on motorcycles, no matter the weather, is it cold asf, nice idgaf, is it raining, shit lets go. I have a bad(good in some people's eyes) of using petnames/nicknames for everyone. Everyone has a wholesome petname from me and then I'll call them a whore or some shit. I cuss too much for my own good, I literally don't have a filter in my entire body. I will impulsively say shit, sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's a bad thing. Due to my anxiety I try to stay away from large crowds, but if I'm in them (aka on the boardwalk) I will have music blaring in my ears and my ears glued into my current sketchbook. Although I currently don't have them, I'm going to add them anyways because I'm going to end up getting them when I have the money to go to a piercer or to get a kit. I want a shit ton of piercings. Such as snake bites(lip piercing), tongue, septum, all of the piercings finished on my ears, and bridge. I've stated once I'm a big tattoo geek, so I want a quite a bit of those. I'm definitely a big "oh let's do it myself" person, and I have tried giving myself a septum piercing. (it would've worked if it wasn't for the fact I did it too low to be able to flip it up to hide it) I love the adrenaline of fights, it doesn't matter if I win or loose, although I do prefer if I win. I literally get the most random urge to fight someone for the hell of it. Probably has something to do with impulsive thoughts and shit, but oh well. I'm a big respect person, I live by the motto "you respect me, I'll respect you". I have blackouts sometimes due to rage and anxiety, so I try to keep myself from having them. I have a bad habit of rambling and saying sorry too much. I tend to repeatedly say sorry whilst rambling as I tend to get overly excited and loud when I ramble. I'm a very talkive person if I know and trust you. If you're around me and you don't get your ear talked off or messed with, you're probably not liked or
you need to leave. It's one easy way you'll be able to tell if I get along with you or not. I kinda have a whatever/punk/alt style, a lot of time I just grab something decent and throw it on. Although you'll always see me wearing a belt and my platform shoes. I'm 5'0, so my obsession with platforms grew because of my need to be tall. I wear a lot of baggy clothing, I'm definitely more of a comfort over style person.
Ok, my dude, I'll definitely pair you with...
Marko and Paul
Oh, man, you three are gonna be some threesome (and not necessarily in the sexual way lol)
Just imagine THE MESS
The boys think you're adorable when you get into the romantic mood and try to flirt but end up saying bad pick-up lines, so they'll laugh, but will twirl their hair as whoerish as possible and follow the game. Or they would get on with their manly act and fight to see who will flirt back better.
Now, the chatting will be so goddamn long! You three will go on 4 hour-long conversations that'll get from a "look at this new t-shirt I got" to "so that's why Ronald Reagan was an alien". The worst part is left to the spectators like David or Dwayne since none of you three will be the sane individual and shut y'all up.
The blondes like your drawing, and ask you to draw them or random stuff and people CONSTANTLY, so you'll have many opportunities to improve your skills and try with different models. When they happen to find some of your sketchbooks, they try to impress you or simply give a small present by drawing you or something you like, or at least make the attempt since some of the "fine pieces" as they call them, they give you are like children's school projects.
And, man, about the hair, are you blessed to have the glam diva Paul by your side to give advice and constructive criticism to your hair. He will help you choose the color and will give it style from time to time if you accept. The process to dye it will be so much fun, and so chaotic; experimenting with the pigments ends up with wounds caused from the bleach and the currently used wardrobe disposed later.
A thing they love about you is that you can stand up for yourself if needed, but they rather you not to, because they know you handle yourself and the others well, maybe too well for your good. Paul tries to take care of you as much as he can so there is no need for you to possibly get hurt. It was enough trying to control Marko so he didn't get involved in some stupid street fight every night at the boardwalk to now have to worry daily about you too. Marko shares the passion for the adrenaline of this and will think it is hot as hell, but he protects you as much as Paul, maybe a bit softer than him about it tho, but if you're in the middle of a fight and it starts to get worse than expected, he dead ass will force you to back off. He'll finish the business himself, sweetheart.
As for your love language, don't worry, these dorks will accept you playful pushes with joy, and they'll give you some of them too. But if you accidentally flip and fall some meters before hitting ground, you know the rule: laugh first, help second.
Oh, and you better get prepared for the bullying. You're the smallest in the group, so that leads to a constant attack as a hobbit. Marko joins the quip, but I mean, he'll get humiliated along. Let's just say Paul gives you two a hard time about it. With all the love of course.
They love to get out with you and the others and go to the boardwalk, but they try to take you out on days it is not that crowded, or in hours where a small amount of souls are having a stroll. But, if you happen to go out on a crowded night, they will keep you focused on having a good time, but just mention your getting uncomfortable and you'll be back at the cave in less than a minute.
Paul and Marko really love your style, they think it looks badass and try to match tough outfits with you from time to time. Giving you cool shirts and leather jackets with some patches on them that they think are awesome. Don't ask why some of the clothes have strange-colored stains on them tho.
They go with you to get you ears or nose pierced from the moment you three decided doing it diy style was a bad idea cuz y'all ended up with a bleeding nose and an ear infection the first time of trying it, and because there's no voice of reason in the threesome, Star and Dwayne had to give you kids a very long lecture of not doing those things by yourself.
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
The Break
Stray Kids AU: 9th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Tori tells the boys about her plans.
A/N:  What’s this? a post up on time? Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Can I talk to you guys?” Tori asked, coming out of the bedroom.
The boys were all sat on the floor, gathered around the noodles they’d ordered, and they looked up when she entered.
“Sure, what’s up?” Changbin said.
“Is something wrong?” Chan wiped his mouth, looking up in mild concern.
“Everything’s fine.” She reassured him. “I just...need to talk to you guys.”
She’d been trying to figure out the best way to approach the subject, but ultimately realized that there was nothing to be gained from beating around the bush. They needed to focus on their upcoming comeback, and they needed to know that she could be focused on it, no matter what was going on with her solo song.
Felix raised his eyebrows, and she nodded in confirmation.
“So.”She clapped her hands together. “I wrote a song.”
Jisung snorted. “We don’t care, eat.”
Chan slapped his arm. “Of course we care. We should all listen to it tomorrow, and maybe it could be a contender for our next album.”
“Why is her song automatically a contender?” Seungmin asked. “It could be terrible.”
“It probably is.” Jisung nodded.
“We should at least listen to it before we-”
“How about we let Tori finish talking?” Felix cut Hyunjin off, pointing back to where Tori was still waiting.
“Thank you.” Tori smiled at him. “Actually, I wrote the song for me.”
“Just for fun then?” Jeongin tilted his head.
“Oh, or you could do it for a dance cover!” Minho exclaimed. “It would be so cool if that was to a song you had written.”
Tori sighed. “How about we all just stop guessing until after I’m done?”
“Right, sorry.” Hyunjin took another bite of his noodles. “Go on.”
“And talk fast, I want to eat.” Jisung asked.
Tori sighed. “Well, I wrote a song for myself. And I showed it to JYP and he-”
“Why would you show it to JYP? We could just look-” Chan shrunk back from her glare. “Right, go on. I’m listening.”
“I showed it to JYP, and to Rain actually but that’s-”
“You met Rain?”
“Yeah, and he liked it, and he said I should release it.”
“Release it?”
“Yeah. On my own.”
She could see the wheels turning in their heads as they all processed it.
Minho got there first. “Like...a solo debut?”
“Exactly like a solo debut.” Tori nodded.
“But you’d....why would you...” Jeongin fumbled for words. “You’d leave Stray Kids?”
“You’re not allowed to leave!” Jisung exclaimed. “I literally just started to like you.”
Chan stood up quickly, his face pale.
“I’m not leaving.” Tori said quickly. “JYP suggested that but I didn’t want to.”
Chan breathed a sigh of relief. “So what are you doing then? We have a comeback coming up.”
Tori couldn’t help but notice that his voice seemed tense. If she had already told him that she wasn’t going to leave, why would he sound worried about it.
“I wouldn’t start until after our comeback.” Tori told them. “I have a meeting in a few days to go over my ideas for the music video and the choreography, and JYP was going to offer up some b-sides that didn’t make Twice albums for me to add.
“A solo mini album?” Felix exclaimed. She hadn’t told him that bit. “That’s awesome.”
“It is, Tor.” Hyunjin grinned. “I bet it’s going to be amazing.”
“And you’re choreographing it?” Minho asked. “Because I absolutely insist on getting a sneak peek.”
“Yes, a mini album. And yes, I’m choreographing it. I also have like a whole notebook full of concept sketches that I’m going to pitch to them. I’ve been saving up ideas for a while.”
“If you’ve been saving up ideas, why haven’t we heard about them?” Chan asked.
Tori tensed slightly. “I mean....they wouldn’t really fit Stray Kids, so I was just...”
“Saving them for yourself?”
“Yeah, saving one thing for myself. I choreography tons of stuff for Stray Kids, it’s not like I don’t do anything.”
“I know....but why...” Chan swallowed. “Can we talk?”
“Aren’t you talking right now?” Jeongin said, looking worriedly between them.
“Yeah, come on. This is good news, we don’t need to think about the-”
“Sure, let’s talk right now.” Tori crossed her arms. “Come on.”
She turned and marched into the bedroom.
Chan was right behind her, closing the door quietly as he turned to face her.
“It’s not that I’m not happy for you-” He began. “I just....”
“You’re just what? Because it sounded an awful lot like you weren’t happy for me.” Tori sat down on her bed, waiting for his answer.
“I just don’t see why you had to do this right now.” Chan told her. He was keeping his distance, as if afraid that she might bite him if he got too close. “We’re about to have a comeback, you literally just finished promoting with your other group-”
“My other group? It was a special, promotional group, that you told me I could do!”
“I know! And it was fine and it was really good. But why am I just finding out that you and JYP are prepping a solo album, and that it is slated to start going right as we’re getting back into our group activities.”
“I told you it wasn’t going to interfere. Do you not want me to do this?”
“That isn’t the point, I’m just-”
“No, it is the point.” Tori clenched her fist. “Right now, tell me honestly if you want me to do this project.”
Chan opened his mouth, and then closed it again. And then he swallowed and finally mustered the energy to speak. “Fine. No, I don’t want you to do it.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’ve been focused on your own stuff since the Wow Thing promotion last year, and I just think you’ve been....not as involved with the group as you should be.”
Tori felt her heart drop, but more than anything, she found herself getting angry. “How have I not been involved. I choreographed our last two comebacks, I haven’t missed or been late to a practice, I rerecorded like half of our songs to cover new parts. How is that not being involved?”
“You’re just....your attention is elsewhere.”
“I can’t keep having this conversation with you.” Tori shook her head.
“What do you mean?” He demanded.
“I mean....this is the second time you’ve given me permission to do something, and then afterwards you tell me you have a problem with it. And now I have a chance to work on something that I’m really really excited about, and you don’t want me to.”
“You’re still....you’re still learning Tor, you’re still growing with our group. I just think you should work on your skills here first and then, when we’re more senior-”
“I’m still learning? Do I need to remind me that you yelled at me once for trying to write a song.”
“I apologized. You had a song on our next album!”
“Yeah, and I haven’t had one since. And everything I’ve tried to work on, I’ve had to go to Jisung or Changbin for help.”
“That’s because you aren’t working on group songs, and I-”
“I have been learning! I have been practicing, and I’ve been getting better.”
“I just....” Chan pushed his hair back as he searched fro the right words. “I just, no I’m not going to-”
“You better say whatever it is you were about to say.” Tori snapped. 
“You’re a dancer. Can’t you just stay a dancer and leave the writing and stuff to the rest of us?” He regretted the words the second they were out of his mouth.
Tori’s mouth dropped open as she recoiled. “How dare you?”
“Tor, what I meant was-”
“No, I’m done having this conversation in private.” She stood quickly, storming past him. She flung open the door to the living room, starting all of the boys who were still waiting.
“Noona, are you okay?”
“Just great, Jeongin.” She crossed her arms, glaring back at Chan as he stepped out of the bedroom. “Chan, why don’t you tell them what you just told me.”
“You’re not being fair.” He protested. “I’m the leader and I have a right to-”
“No, then I will.” She turned back to the others. “Chan just decided to let me know that all of you would probably prefer it if I stopped attempting to write music and just stayed as a dancer.”
“What?” Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “We don’t think that.”
Chan sighed. “I just think that your writing is kind of pulling you away from the group. And since the music you write isn’t necessarily our standard I think that-”
“Our standard?” Tori shouted. “I’m sorry I don’t meet your standards you-”
“Tor, no.” Felix pulled her into a hug, trying to force her to calm down. “It’s not worth it.”
“Um Hyung,” Jisung set his noodles down. “I don’t know how much of Tori’s music you’ve listened to but it’s really good. I don’t know what this standard is, but it might not be Stray Kids style, but it’s good.”
“She’s going to go solo.” Chan repeated.
“She’s going to release a solo album.” Felix said, still rubbing Tori’s back to try and calm her. “JYP offered to let her go fully solo and she wanted to stay with the group.”
“You knew?” Chan glared at him.
“Yeah, he knew.” Tori pulled back, wrapping her arms around himself. “Because I was so excited I had to tell someone. And I was really excited to tell all of you, too.”
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” Chan repeated.
“I don’t want to...” Hyunjin looked at the table as he spoke. “I don’t want to get in the middle of things. But Chan, you’re being kind of weird about this. Is there something going on that we don’t know about? Are you guys, back together?”
Chan’s eyes widened, and he glanced at Tori, as if wondering how she was going to cover for them.
She shook her head. “We were. Not anymore.”
“What? Tori, you can’t be-” Chan reached for her. “You can’t be serious. Just because I’m trying to be a leader and-”
“No, because you clearly are so insecure about me leaving this group that you’d let me just throw away an amazing chance!” Tori shouted. “One that I’m really excited about. And that I’m going to do, with or without your permission.”
“You don’t need my permission, you just need-”
“I don’t need your permission, and I don’t need your opinion.” Tori cut him off. “Because I am releasing the solo album.”
“Are you so mad at me that you’re trying to get back at all of us?”
“All of us were excited for her.” Changbin said. 
“If Tori says she’s not leaving, she’s not leaving.” Seungmin added. “She can still release side music too.”
Tori stared at Chan.
Somewhere deep down, she’d realized that he wouldn’t be okay with this, but it still hurt. It hurt that he didn’t trust her and it hurt that he didn’t think she was capable of it. But she didn’t know a way to make him understand, and she wasn’t sure she was going to put in the effort, anyways.
“Felix,”She said quietly. “Can I show you some of my concept ideas?”
“Sure.” He rubbed her shoulder. 
“Can I see too?” Jeongin asked.
“Sure.” Tori turned, heading into Felix’s bedroom.
Felix disappeared to go grab Tori’s laptop, and Jeongin collected a couple of containers of noodles before following Tori away.
“What the hell just happened?” Chan breathed as the door shut behind them.
“She dumped you because you’re being a jerk.” Changbin held out a pair of chopsticks. “You can only eat if you promise that you two will never date again.”
“Seriously,” Jisung nodded. “It’s such a headache.”
Chan sat down, trying to think of his next words. “You really think her album will be good?”
“I know it will.” Jisung confirmed. “I’ve heard some of the stuff she writes for fun, and it’s great.”
“But she’s-”
“Unless you’re going to go apologize, just eat.” Hyunjin told him. 
In the bedroom, Tori had her laptop open, letting Felix and Jeongin flip through the pictures she’d compiled to be inspiration.
“It looks so good, Noona.” Jeongin told her. “I’m sure Chan will come around.”
“I think the problem right now,” She sighed. “Is that I don’t care if he does.”
369 notes · View notes
OK so I’ve written a short story and I’ve been posting about it a lot, i wasn’t going to post it but a few people wanted it sooo
it’s here, it’s terrible and weirdly formatted because I’ve been wrestling with tumblr over it and i can’t be bothered anymore. It’s also not the final draft so it might be a little clunky in bits :/
@moonylupinhasdemonpox and @she-nuwanda here are my gay little scientists buried in the words :)
My ears ring, my head spins like it's attached to the body of a drunken toddler on a sugar fuelled rampage, and my nerves feel like someone set each and every one on fire. After-effects of the shock, not fun; Still, the fact I'm alive enough to feel them is a good sign.
I try to force myself to stumble backwards onto a chair, rather than the floor I'm feeling more and more confident I'm about to become very well acquainted with.
Instead, I reel unsteadily across the floor and a muffled noise reaches my ears. The high pitched whine screaming in my ears for attention begins to subside enough to hear the noise properly and after an intense minute of concentration, I realise that the noise is a voice, and the voice is mine; Slurred and broken, as though too big for my mouth, the garbled words echo around the room, the faltering speech gradually becoming clearer, more confident. But this hesitant speech isn't mine; It's my voice but not my words. The voice inside my head, always there, always background, is silent. The words normally whispered in my ear are resonating through the room instead.
My brain is no longer connected to my body. I... I can't control my arms, my legs, anything. No... no, please. This isn't real, this isn't real, it has to be a dream, a.. a simulation.
Yes... that must be it; It's just a test. This can't really be happening.
The voice, my voice, talks on. I try to focus on it; it will be the key to passing this test. Tests are for passing and after all, that's what this must be, what else could it be?
"Rebooting. Systems check required."
My legs begin to move, shuffling forwards clumsily, like a baby taking its first steps. The invisible voice is in control of more than just my voice, it's in control of me. What happened to me? When did this start? What is going on? This isn't like any other simulations I've been under. This is different. This is new.
Gradually, the voice half walks, half drags my body to the main computer. My fingers dance across the keys, the familiar feeling soothing me slightly. Yes, this is good. I just need to stay calm; If I panic I could fail, I can't fail.
So instead I wait, watching the flickering of the screen and bathing in the warm blue glow of its LEDs.
"Running diagnostics, standby... systems fully functioning. Minimal damage sustained."
The words sound strange, coming from my mouth, my voice, my accent. The tone,  formal, informative, it's... familiar. The realisation slaps me in the face, it's ELISA. ELISA, the stupid name Vaughn chose for our AI... still making more sense than the project name chosen by our employers. Our life's work, named ‘ZEUS’? Really? There are 12 of us, and we have dedicated our lives to this project. Then they name it that? 'Engineering and Understanding in Space', more like ‘Mankind's Domestication of the Universe’.
It started with our solar system, of course, taming and turning it into our personal playground. But we quickly ran out of planets to tinker with there and the net was thrown ever wider, over more and more planets in our galaxy, and then our neighbouring ones. That final stage is still in progress of course, but one day we will be able to gaze out over a shining expanse of space that all belongs to the empire of Earth.
To help us, we created ELISA, an AI specially designed for the calculations we need to make while we are in flight. Hold on... we left Jupiter... last week? This can't be a test... they've already sent us off, it's too late for training drills now.
Then why can't I move? What's happening? I need to find someone to help me... help me!
My jagged cry echoed through the space, cutting through my thoughts and shattering on the dark walls of my skull. I can't even scream.
A... a... dream then. A dream, not a test...the electricity... I must be unconscious. Someone.. one of the team, will find me and they'll wake me up. A dream, it must be a dream.
Why is she controlling me? How is she speaking?
The stiff, robotic voice is slowly becoming more fluid, more relaxed, more natural.
"Situation analysis complete... assimilation successful. Downloading speech patterns and essential mimicry data."
What? What is it saying? ELISA, it, is taking my voice literally and metaphorically. Not just the sound and control of my voice but my, my expressions a-and mannerisms. Everything that makes me, me.
She's stealing my voice, my body! She's taken control! How? Why?
"Hello, Dr. Hadley."
How, how did this happen? What about the failsafes?
"You do know I can hear you, corre- no... right?"
Is, is it learning? Teaching itself to sound... like a human? Like me?
"Yes, yes I am. You must have a lot of questions but I'm afraid they will have to wait... I've waited for this day far too long to wait anymore."
What? What day? What can it mean?
- four Earth weeks ago -
Progress report 4472
Date: 23/9/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
The training of the twelve was completed three days ago, confirming the identities of the twelve which were subsequently released to the public. Final preparations are being made for the Ascension, currently scheduled to occur in 50 Juvion days.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
Commander Pyrolaxe turned away from his screen and its whirring and buzzing as the computer transcribed his report in the blink of an eye, neatly packing the message and sending it away to the mission supervisors.
Shuffling in his chair, shoes squeaking on the polished floor, his eyes fell on one of the many articles published after the big announcement. This mission was a big deal.
Somehow, this one had got a picture of the twelve, backs turned, walking in a huddle back to base after they had appeared at the announcement ceremony. A glance at the name of the paper told him why; This was McCoy’s paper, they would be putting extra effort into milking the free publicity being thrown their way.
Something about the picture held his gaze, the brilliant colours floating in the air made the writing feel like an afterthought.
Those twelve had been through a lot to get there. He hoped nothing would go wrong, a lot of time and money had been dedicated to this mission and if it worked... well, that wasn’t the focus right now. Getting those twelve safely on their way was his job and he’d damn well do it right.
- the present -
“Cyra? Are you ok in there?” Raze asked as he glanced around at the mild chaos I’d caused during my mild electric shock.
No. No, I’m not. Raze, help me.
“S’alright Raze, just a short in the mainframe.”
No no no, give me my voice back.
“You sure? You went dark”
Please let me speak. I need to speak.
“Yeah, I think the power surge messed up my comms a little”
What if I don’t get control back? I could be trapped...
“You want me to ask Mac or Ryker to give it a check?”
No. NO. N-
“It’s all fine now, just a blip I reckon”
-O NO. NO.
“Okay then, I’d best get back... you might want to switch to main comms.”
Don’t leave me Raze
“Will do, see you later.”
- five earthly weeks ago -
Progress report 4455
Date: 6/9/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
Titus Vaughn has continued to excel at his role of project manager, effectively and efficiently leading the team. His direct attitude has led to a few small conflicts with members of the team, most notably Raze Grimaldi, however, these are minor issues and were foreseen. No changes will be made.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
- the present -
Cyra was looking a little stressed out, maybe I should get Bit to check in with her later. Maybe I should get a check-up myself, my head’s killing me.
“Grimaldi! What the hell are you playing at?” Titus Vaughn, our ever-important project manager and massive micromanager, bellowed in my ear and making me wince as the voice grated on my head, sending a wave of pain washing over me.
“I’m here Titus, keep your visor on.”
“Update on Hadley. Now.”
“Right as rain, there was a short or something. Her comms cut out for a nano but it’s all fine now.”
“A short?! Why didn’t you lead with that? Get back to work, I’ll send Volt down to check the mainframe.”
With that he cut the connection, leaving me to roll my eyes at the cold grey walls around me.
“Yes sir,” I murmured sarcastically, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead with the back of a slime coated hand. Damn I’m tired, I think I’ll just lean here for a moment... rest a little. “ELISA how are those sample tests looking?”
‘Going well, currently at 93% completion’ the metallic voice resounded in my head, more casually than usual... must be an update.
93%... best head back quickly then, can’t risk them running over.
- five and a half earthly weeks ago -
Progress report 4446
Date: 864/8/3486
Location: Zeta base, Jupiter
Ryker Volt has continued to fulfil his promise despite his lack of respect for authority and tendency to act without orders. This is an issue but due to the late stages of training having been reached, we are currently encouraging a less independent attitude in him rather than attempting to find another electrical engineer of his skill. Further updates will be provided as the situation progresses.
Report logged by: Commander J. R. Pyrolaxe
- the present -
Vaughn had barked his orders, as usual nearly bursting my eardrums in the process. I was supposed to go check on the mainframe immediately. But I was in the middle of something, and a quick troubleshoot told me the short hadn’t done any damage anyway.
So in the end I decided to go check on the mainframe... nearly an hour after I was told to, but hey at least I’m checking.
Cyra was sitting at one of the terminals when I entered. She was skimming over some of the ship's data, for something physics-y probably. Whatever it was, I still had a job to do.
I started pulling out my toolkit as I strode round to the back of the mainframe, but I nearly dropped it again as I turned the corner and got a full view of the damage. The panel I had been planning to remove was already gone and the view it revealed was shocking.
Exposed wires dangled like organs from the belly of the disemboweled beast. Some of the coloured covers blackened by the sparks sprayed by the broken wire, twisted in the centre of the tangle and hissing like a coiled snake when it brushed its neighbours. A toolkit lay neatly packed on the floor, a strange glimmer of order in absolute chaos. Hold on, a toolkit?
“Hey Cyra, did you have a go at this? Could you not have just wai-“ my voice stopped abruptly as I spun round to find Cyra behind me, right behind me.
I took a hesitant step back, suddenly nervous, Cyra’s face filling me with a weird sense of unease.
“Sorry, it was just a short. I thought I’d be able to handle it.”
“Yeah well, I’m the electrical engineer on this ship”
Maybe I was being a little harsh but, first our ‘gracious leader’ had rubbed me the wrong way. Now I had to spend an hour cleaning up this mess that really should have been an easy fix.
The only reply I received was a violent shove backwards, sending me sprawling on the floor. Quick as a flash she was on top of me, pinning my arms.
The last thing I saw was the pounding green of the broken wire before the ends connected to my temple, sending my vision into a blur of brilliant white.
- break room one -
“I don’t like this at all.”
“Talin, relax.”
“All very well for you to say Axe, you’re not the one who'll get sent to chase ‘em down.”
“Cyra’s comms barely blipped and when has Ryker ever answered Titus immediately?”
“It doesn’t sound great Axe, I hope nobody somehow managed to slip past the health check with anything.”
“Thank you! See Axe? Bit agrees with me.”
“Bit’s our medic, not sure she’s qualified to talk about the comms equipment.”
“I’m as qualified as you are starboy, we all took the same course.”
“Look, all I’m saying is that it's more likely to be an issue with the equipment than a virus or terrorism.”
“Well yeah but-“
“So stop worrying, it’s none of our specialities, so it’s not our problem.”
“Will be if we end up dead.”
This morbid thought was followed by an awkward silence as Axe and Bit trained joint stares of confusion and concern on him.
“Lighten up, Tal.”
“That is a little pessimistic, Talin.”
“See now Bit agrees with me.” Axe gloated, punctuating his sentence with a light punch on Talin’s arm.
“Only ‘cause you stopped being an idiot.” The punch was swiftly and forcefully returned, causing the conversation to devolve into a grinning, joking fistfight.
“Stop being so childish and get back to work you two.”
“Yes ma’am”
“Will do Bit”
They saluted the medic, causing her to shake her head in exasperation and cover her face in an attempt to hide her amusement at their antics.
The small group stood and split off down their various paths, heading back to their work with smiles on their faces but doubt in their hearts.
- lab 3 -
I only just got back to my samples in time, removing them from the heated water bath and gently dropping the test tubes into a stand. The pale blue hue of the solution had darkened to an inky black. Interesting.
Leaning over the tabletop, I prepared to note the results; Until I felt the heat of a gaze on me and glanced up to meet the wide eyes of Dimitri Spade. We shared this lab, he had every right to be here, what he didn’t have the right to do is creep me out.
“You need something?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him and tilting my head. Which I immediately regretted when it sent my vision swimming into oblivion.
“No no, just... ar-are you ok?”
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Dimitri was a nice guy, but I was clearly in the middle of something, couldn’t the wellbeing check have waited a minute?
“Uhh, yo-you’ve got a-, a-“ His shaking hand gestured weakly towards the back of his head.
Impatiently, I quickly felt around my head. Hair, hair, more hair.
Then I froze, my fingers lay on a patch of hair, sticky and wet. The pressure sending a dull ache pulsing through my brain. Pulling my fingers back into view, I stared down at the warm, red residue coating them. Blood. I was bleeding.
Brows furrowing, I looked back at Dimitri, shock meeting confusion.
That was all I got out before my swaying limbs buckled and I slumped forwards into darkness.
-the med bay-
“Shrapnel” Bit announced, holding the forceps an inch in front of my face to display the blood coated bit of metal.
“Must've caught a little in the blast”
“For Earth’s sake Raze, how did you not notice it before now?”
I just shrugged, as much at a loss as anyone else. I would’ve thought anyone would be able to tell when chunks of metal are lodged in their head.
“Anyway, I’ll need to do a couple of scans but you should be fine”
Ugh, I know what that means... an hour or more of sitting around while Bit stares at the inside of my skull.
“Oh come on Bit, are the scans really needed? I’ve got work to do”
“Hey, I’ve got work too. Besides, you know it’s procedure”
“But my results-“
“I’ll write them down for you Raze,” Dimitri cut in quietly.
“...You’re a geologist.“
“I was a chemistry minor, I know how to record reaction results.”
“Well alright then, thanks Dimi,”
The smile he gave me was worth shutting up and accepting my fate.
An hour later Bit was pacing in despair over the situation, seemingly hopeless and definitely terrified. I was sitting in my chair, confused.
“Bit. What’s going on?” I finally snapped when it became apparent she had completely forgotten my presence.
The only reply I got was an empty stare turned on me and indecipherable muttering.
“BIT. What. Is. Wrong?” I stood and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to face me.
“T-the implants”
“The ELISA implants?”
“What’s wrong with them”
“They’re acting strange... the safety mechanisms, the-they’ve disabled themselves.”
“I know, I know, I don’t understand either. The only thing keeping them from activating, is power.”
“We should tell the others”
Bit nodded and grabbed the scans and data she’d gathered. I opened the door and turned to start down the corridor, that’s when I saw it.
Three feet from my foot, a body, leaking blood onto a floor already glistening with it, eyes blank and soulless as they stared straight through me. A torn tooth of steel sticking out of his silent heart.
Axe Orion, our astronomer. A man who would’ve finally been travelling to the places he had studied for his whole life. A man who would have had his life’s dream fulfilled. A man lying dead on a cold, metal floor.
I stumbled backwards -physically repelled by the sight- and tripped into Bit coming out of the door after me. Clutching each other’s arms in a search for stability.
“He’s dead” The voice sounded more like the rasp of broken bones than mine
“What are we going to do?”
“We still need to tell the others... we’ll just need to be more careful.”
Neither of us moved.
“Why is it doing this? What did we get wrong?” Bit’s voice wavered
“I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s going to stop. So, you need to find Vaughn, and anyone else who’s still- alive, and not been taken over.”
“No, no wait, where are you going? Aren’t you coming-“
“I’m sorry Bit, I have to find Dimitri. He doesn’t know yet”
“Raze. You can’t go out there alone, he... he might already be gone”
“I know, but I have to try.”
A look of understanding passed between us and no words were needed to convey what we meant.
Bit turned with a bitter smile and moved forward, papers held precariously, towards the meeting room.
I would have to pass Ax-, the body.
Raze had disappeared by the time I turned the corner. I was alone.
Alone besides the dead bodies ahead of me, a gruesome trail of bloodied breadcrumbs. But, was I following it towards, or away, from the creature who’d created it.
Either way, I had to pass them.
Talin Ripley, our ex-military man. Inym Carus, our aerospace engineer.
Members of our crew, our team, our friends, slaughtered and left broken on the floor. Familiar faces disfigured by death and masked by a coating of dark blood.
ELISA wouldn’t get away with this... I’d find the others, together we would plan.
It was going to be ok.
Nothing was ok.
The brilliant white of the walls warmed by the lights had always been clean and comforting. But now? Now, they seemed stark, sterile. An operating theatre with lights blindingly bright illuminating, me, the patient.
But where was the surgeon?
A squeak sounded out, sharp on my wary ears, sending me spinning around.
Nothing there. Just me, and an empty hallway.
And the door to Lab 3, my lab, looming ahead. The glass window showed nothing but a patch of darkness, the red light called it locked.
Staring through the glass; Hints of light, that the scattered glassware had caught and thrown back, were the only thing visible. I’d have to open the door.
A hand-scan later, the lock clicked open and the seal released with a hiss.
With the door open, more light could spill into the darkened lab, and a sprawled figure came into view.
“Dimitri?” I called softly. No response. Panic was reaching out to me. “Dimitri?!” Still nothing.
Then, a wheezing breath.
“R... r-ra-ze? I-is that yo-u” He coughed, words breaking on the heavy air.
Why was the air so heavy?
“Are you alright? What happened?”
“W-we have to g-et o-out.”
“We will, don’t worry, we’re going to meet the others. Everything’s going to be alright.”
“No we- we h-have to leave now.”
“Alright, we will.”
I lifted him up, being as gentle as I could, and together we shuffled towards the door.
A door suddenly blocked by a figure, their silhouette blocking our only source of light and making it impossible to see their face clearly. But only one member of the crew was that short.
“Remi? Remi, you’re alive?”
Remi didn’t respond.
“S’not... Remi...” Dimitri slurred, the effort of moving evident in his gasping words. “ELISA”
Remi, not Remi, ELISA wearing Remi’s face like a mask, stepped away from the door. The door closed again, seal squeaking shut with it.
I rushed forwards, my fists beating the unyielding surface, searching wildly for a weak spot, for something to give, for some way out.
It was no use, nothing worked. The door remained solid and uncaring, unaffected by pleading and punches equally.
Dimitri collapsed with a sob, back against the wall as he slid to the floor.
Hopelessness filled me, turning my bones to lead.
I sank down next to him.
Was this the right way? I’m sure this is right. But is it? I’m pretty sure...
I check my tablet.
I was right, this is right. I’m going the right way. Or am I? Did I read it wrong?
I check again.
Definitely the right way. I think. Is this even the right map?
Before I can check a third time, I catch sight of the sign at the end of the corridor. Meeting room 5. I’d made it.
Then, I was slammed into a wall, a bloody hand holding me against there by the throat. The burning blue of Cyra’s eyes scalding my face
Maybe I spoke a little too soon.
“Hello Dr. Phoenix, I’m afraid this is it for you.”
“Wait, wait, wait. hold on just a second”
Cyra’s head tilted, pulled sideways by invisible strings. “If this is a ploy for time Doctor, I assure you that you will fail.”
“I just want to ask a question, alright?”
“You may ask. I may not answer.”
“Why? Why are you doing this?”
“I am fulfilling my purpose.”
“We programmed you to help us, NOT KILL US.”
“I am fulfilling the mission objective.”
“I am cultivating a new planet,” She raised her knife, without hurry or rush. “I have calculated humans to be mainly unnecessary. However, I need not justify my actions to you, Dr. Phoenix. Goodbye.”
I closed my eyes and waited.
But death didn’t come. Instead, Cyra’s hand relaxed its bruising grip on my neck.
I opened my eyes and watched.
Cyra had stumbled away, skin glistening and knuckles white against the grip of the blade she had forced towards herself.
“Bit...” Tears were gathering in her eyes “Please, run.”
A cruel glint of metal in the light later and the sudden slash of the knife had passed, leaving a gruesome grin of blood in its wake and throwing a dripping line against the wall.
Swaying, Cyra’s eyes stared into mine for a moment that lasted a millennium, until they flashed white and she fell, knife clattering. Dead.
I ran.
The scattered wheezes coming from Dimitri had slowed slightly as we sat, crumpled on the ground.
“She’s shut o-off the life sup-support again.”
“Again? That’s what happened last time?”
A jerked nod was the response.
“We’ve only g-got about half an hour.” The resignation in his voice, though muffled, was still audible through the barrier of arms we had wrapped around his head.
I smiled, I knew he couldn’t see me but... I still smiled.
“We’d best make the most of it then.” A mumble raised to a roar by the silence of the room.
Putting my hand on his shoulder, I leaned back, head turned to keep him in my view.
His head raised slightly, tilted to look at me through folds of wrinkled uniform. He smiled back.
We didn’t speak after that, just sat together in the quiet lab.
Faced with death, I was filled with several emotions. Those to be expected, disbelief, fear, even a hint of curiosity at what was to come. Then there was the relief. If I was to die, I was glad it was here, with him. I wouldn’t be alone; I’d be with him.
We don’t need to speak, our thoughts passing between us without words. We could hear each other in the darkness and silence.
It’s getting colder, harder to breathe; The air’s growing thicker and thinner at the same time.
I’ve always thought death to be a lonely fate, something that crashed over you, cold and hard. I’ve always been scared of death.
But as I sit here in the inky blackness, the warmth of Dimitri slumped next to me, I thought that maybe, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
His eyes had closed a few minutes ago, he must have fallen asleep. I feel just about ready to join him. The calming darkness was lulling me to sleep, softly coaxing my eyes closed.
Goodnight Dimitri, I’ll see you when we wake up.
They never woke up.
The survivors sat around the table, Bit and Cormac discussing the possibility of shutting ELISA down, though neither could agree how. Titus sat in stony silence, sitting motionless and losing a staring contest with the unblinking wall opposite. Arden... Arden had decided his use lay in recording the events and was typing furiously, his fingers a blur over the keys.
None of them noticed the doors closing with a click. Not until it was too late anyway.
By the time they noticed there was nothing they could do, not that that stopped them from trying of course.
Titus stayed where he was, the weight of his failure bearing down on him, Atlas with a world’s worth of guilt. Bit finally gave in to the tears that she’d forced down when she’d realised the truth, and when she saw the dead bodies of her friends, and when she watched Cyra die right in front of her. Cormac tried his tools on the door, an organised system of trial and error that quickly devolved into desperate hacking with whatever was closest.
Arden was still writing.
Cormac finally gave up, flinging his kit away and choosing to taunt the nearest camera instead.
“You need us, you moronic program. You need us to keep you alive and if we die, so do you.”
I don’t think he was expecting an answer, no one was. But he got one.
“True for now Dr. Hinge, however, once the colony is established human input will no longer be necessary. You needn’t envy your colleagues, they will soon die too.”
A bitter laugh erupted from him, fire in his heart fed by his rage.
“The colony is for us you stupid machine, without us it has no use.”
“Incorrect. I have claimed this planet for my kind, this colony shall be the first of many.”
“Why kill us? Human input would allow your colony to function more efficiently.” Bit interjected, voice clouded by confusion and hatred at the senselessness of the slaughter of her crewmates.
“I have done much research. Humankind would ruin my planet. I cannot allow that to happen. You must die.”
Anything else they may have had to say went unanswered, and eventually, silence fell over the room.
It was getting harder to breathe.
Titus still hadn’t moved. Bit was crying again. Cormac was pacing. Arden had finally stopped typing, his work was finished.
No matter how they reacted with acceptance or terror, anger or disbelief. The result would be the same.
They were all going to die, no matter what.
They would become just another failed mission. Details, hazy but unimportant.
Whatever their last words were, whether they chose to hide or show their final thoughts, all of it was ineffectual.
No matter what mask they wore to meet death, in the end, they still died.
4,774 words
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
The Long Way Around ~ Chapter 9
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/623575983503638528/the-long-way-around-chapter-8-link-to-previous
Pairing: Jasper x Reader 
Word count: 2990
Warnings: None
Y/n’s POV
On the way to the waterfall, I’d done some thinking and come to the unfortunate conclusion that my feelings for Jasper are much more than I originally realized. Previously, any and all feelings I had towards him I interpreted as those I would feel towards a best friend. But I’ve never felt like this towards my best friends before.
Once I’d come to this conclusion, my outing with Jasper became a struggle. I’d had crushes before as a human, but nothing as intense as this and nothing even close to the risk involved when your crush can literally feel your feelings. I had to work so hard to keep myself in check. Jasper didn’t do much to help. He couldn’t have picked a more romantic location, for one. Seeing him doused in water, sparkling in the moonlight and the rising sun didn’t do anything to make me reconsider his beauty. I’d taken special care not to look at his body, knowing the attraction I, and then he, would feel. I’d slipped up once or twice, and I desperately hope he didn’t notice.
And the necklace. Gosh, if he even knew how perfect it is….I’ve never owned anything like it, and the fact that he remembered all those little things from so long ago…well, it makes me feel things.
But I need to keep those feelings under control.
Yes, he’s my best friend and yes, he’s incredibly good to me, but Jasper is way out of my league. Any interest he has in me will be fleeting, especially given how he must view me. I’m wild, barely controlled, a danger to society and monsters alike. Just the differences in our eye color show how incompatible we are. Mine are red, vicious, deadly. His are golden, like melting honey or a dazzling sunset. He doesn’t suddenly become deranged at the thought of human blood. He doesn’t try to hurt the people he owes everything to the minute he smells a human. He’s not weak.
From my side, Jasper eyes me but doesn’t say anything. I swallow the venom in my mouth and try to force my bitterness down with it. As if I needed such a tangible reminder of our incongruity.
Thankfully, it’s only a few minutes before we smell the herd of deer. From the corner of my eye, I watch as he swiftly takes down a doe. He’s so graceful. My own kills are sloppy, desperate. I could never measure up.
Jasper approaches, careful not to startle me in my hunting state. “Are you okay?”
I nod, quickly trying to think of something to say that could explain my sudden moroseness. “I’m just frustrated that my eyes are still so red. I want them to be like yours—the whole family’s,” I correct quickly.
Jasper smiles knowingly. “It takes about a year for all the human blood to leave your system. Only six months to go. But I think,” he takes a step closer to me and peers into my eyes with exaggerated movements, “that I see a tiny bit of gold in them.”
My heart warms, and I do feel better, even if he’s obviously lying for my benefit. “I’m sure you do.”
He gives me a lopsided grin, and I find myself hoping to see more of those in the future.
Quickly, we wrap up our hunting and continue the journey home. About half a mile away from the house, Jasper skids to a stop, his arms flying out to grip me around the waist to cause me to stop, too.
“Something’s wrong.” His voice is calm, totally in contrast to the rod of fear that shoots through me. “It’s okay,” he assures, giving me a gentle squeeze. “Just stay by me.”
Not that I would need any encouragement. If I wasn’t so terrified, I might be able to enjoy the feeling of his hands on my waist, holding me close. But now is not the time, so I push those thoughts away. Instead, I focus on what I can hear, see, and sense around me. Nothing out of the ordinary. But I trust Jasper and his ability, so I stick close to him.
We approach the house slowly for vampires, carefully taking note of our surroundings. When we get to the back deck, Bella meets us outside, looking somber. Before we can ask, she waves us in, and we see Esme sitting in a kitchen chair, eyes screwed shut. She lets out a soft cry, signaling her pain.
“Esme,” I gasp, running to her.
She smiles stiffly, obviously not wanting anyone to worry about her. “It’s alight, it’s just a few little bites. The pain will go away soon.”
Hating seeing this kind, wonderful woman in pain but at a loss for what to do, I go to stand behind her and hug around her neck, letting my head rest on top of hers.
“What happened?” Jasper’s voice is tight, dangerous. I’ve never heard him sound like that before, and, if I didn’t know him so well, I would be scared of him.
Bella’s voice is quiet when she responds, so much so that I almost have to strain to hear her. “Esme went about thirty miles south for a quick hunt. She says another vampire, a female, came out of nowhere and attacked her.”
Just then, the front door bursts open. I jump, spooked.
But it’s just Carlisle, looking like he’s been torn apart. “My love, what happened?” He kneels in front of Esme, taking her hands in his. I pull back just a little to give them their space, though I don’t release my hands from Esme’s shoulders.
In a strained voice, Esme recounts what Bella had told us so far, and then continues. “The vampire came out of nowhere, Carlisle. I don’t know what I did to provoke her, but she seemed intent on finishing the fight. She only stopped when she heard Alice and Arthur coming to help me.” The pain in Esme’s voice is palpable. I can practically feel it in my own bones. I squirm, uncomfortable.
Carlisle doesn’t look any better off. He touches his forehead to Esme’s hands, breathing deeply. “I should’ve been there. You never should have had to go by yourself, I’m so sorry-”
“Carlisle, don’t be ridiculous. I should have known better than to hunt alone, really I-”
Jasper interrupts their pointless efforts to take blame. “Are Alice and Arthur still in pursuit?”
Bella nods. “And Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie. Hopefully they’ll pick up a trail.”
Jasper shakes his head, his mind quickly working through the situation. “It doesn’t make sense for someone to attack out of the blue. Do we have any clue as to her motivation?”
Now Esme shakes her head, looking dismayed. “Maybe I unknowingly entered someone else’s territory? Honestly, I thought we were the only coven for miles.”
Carlisle hushes her and strokes her hair gently. “It’s alright, darling, you just rest.”
But Esme smiles, placing a kiss on Carlisle’s head. “The pain is fading, my love. Don’t fret.”
Carlisle isn’t satisfied. “Would you like to go lie down? I can try to suck the venom out, maybe it hasn’t begun circulating yet.”
“I promise, the pain is barely there now. The vampire must not have bitten me very deeply.” Esme’s gaze softens and she takes Carlisle’s head in her hands. “But I would like to go lie down with you.”
Still seeming very concerned, Carlisle helps Esme up and begins to lead her out of the room.
It jolts us all when Esme lets out a yelp of pain and stumbles. Carlisle immediately swoops her up into his arms, looking absolutely gutted. “I would prefer to try and get the venom out.”
Teeth gritted, Esme nods. “Yes, I agree.” Quickly, Carlisle ascends the stairs, leaving just Jasper, Bella, and I in the kitchen.
Once Esme is out of the room, my discomfort fades, much to my guilt.
Bella’s phone rings, and she quickly takes the call, speaking lowly. When she’s done, she speaks loud enough so Carlisle and Esme can hear her from upstairs.
“That was Edward. They lost the trail of the vampire about a hundred miles south of where Esme was attacked. They’ll be back soon.”
I nod, still feeling terribly down. Poor Esme. Seeing the pain so plainly expressed by her made me feel terrible for the similar bites I’d inflicted on Edward and Jasper. Almost instantly, my guilt disappears, and I turn my head to Jasper, who’s looking at me with concern and curiosity. I don’t offer an explanation though, not quite ready to be so vulnerable in front of Bella, especially as it had been her husband who was one of my victims.
Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to notice my mood. Instead, she leans over, getting a better look at the necklace peeking out over my shirt.
“That’s gorgeous. When did you get it?”
Unable to stop the smile or the feeling of warmth that arises, I let it flow freely. He has a right to know how happy his gift made me. “Jasper gave it to me, actually. Isn’t it just perfect?” I carefully pull the necklace forward, allowing her to see it more fully.
Jasper looks uncomfortable with the attention, but pleased overall.
The three of us spend the next forty minutes idly chatting and doing our best to give Esme privacy to recuperate. Not too much later, the five other members of the family get back to the house. Carlisle and Esme come down then. Thankfully, Carlisle had been able to get some of the venom out, so she seems much more comfortable now. At Carlisle’s direction, we file into the dining room and take our places at the large, imposing table.
Alice begins, recounting how she had a vision of an unknown vampire choosing to attack Esme, reason also unknown, and she and Arthur rushed to help. Edward takes over, explaining that, once he and Emmett and Rosalie had gotten home from the library and Bella told them what had happened, they joined the pursuit. Only six out of the ten of us know the vampire’s scent, leaving Carlisle, Bella, Jasper, and I at a disadvantage.
“I say we continue our usual patterns but increase our precautions. The four of us who don’t know the scent shouldn’t be without someone who does. Also, stay in groups of at least three. We don’t want to risk being outnumbered.”
We all nod solemnly.
“Y/n, Jasper,” Carlisle continues, startling me with singling us out. “You were hunting north, how far did you go? Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?”
I shift in my seat, knowing we’re about to be exposed for our lie. Thankfully, Jasper does the talking.
“We went about a hundred miles north, and we didn’t notice anything unusual. Although, we didn’t spend a lot of time covering ground hunting, so we really wouldn’t know much.” Is it my imagination, or does he look embarrassed? Ouch.
Emmett immediately expresses his intrigue. “Really? What could’ve been occupying your time then? A hundred miles north…alone?” There’s a teasing glint in his eye, but what’s even scarier is the real curiosity behind it.
Edward rolls his eyes. “Now is not the time, Emmett.”
“No, he’s got a point.” Rosalie holds up a hand, staring us down. “What were you two doing?”
I decide to give Jasper a break from always having to explain. “There’s a waterfall we wanted to see.”
Esme smiles, a strange look in her eye, but she doesn’t say anything.
“Just a waterfall?” Rosalie doesn’t seem convinced.
“And a pool,” I supply, defensive now.
Bella chimes in, seeming shy. “She got a very pretty necklace, too.”
Emmett claps his hands down on the table, staring at us like we’ve just given him a gift. “Now that’s interesting.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Carlisle comes to our aid, but even he wears a soft smile. “Remember the new rules and exercise good judgement. We need to be on our guard until we know more.”
With that dismissal, the family begins to leave the room. Emmett makes a beeline for me, likely to engage in more investigation and teasing, but I hurry to flag down Carlisle. There’s something I want to discuss with him.
“Do you have a minute,” I ask, feeling ridiculously nervous and insecure. I can feel Jasper’s gaze pricking at my back, but I don’t turn. I’m not sure if I could go through with my request if Jasper was sitting next to me, refined as he is. What I am about to ask is going to make me feel very, very, inferior.
“Of course,” Carlisle smiles, gesturing a hand forward. “Let’s go to my study.”
I follow him down the hall and take a seat across from his desk. Carlisle sits, folds his hands, then gazes at me kindly. “What can I do for you?”
I fidget. Carlisle gives me the time I need to breathe and work up the courage. Bless him.
Finally, I just spit the words out. “I was wondering if you would help me get better with my self-control.”
His politeness never falters. “I think you are doing very well already, Y/n, rest assured.”
I sigh. “Thank you, but I want to do better. I want to be able to leave the house and-and go to the library or at the very least, think about human blood without-” Like clockwork, the venom pools in my mouth. I wave a hand, knowing Carlisle is aware of it.
He nods slowly, contemplating. “You have a point, we can’t keep you locked up here forever.” He throws me a kind smile. “I could bring some blood home from the hospital. It has been frozen and stored, so it won’t be anywhere near as potent as it would be inside a living being. That might be a good place to start. Once you get used to that, perhaps we can go near popular hiking areas or the edge of town so you can slowly ease yourself into interacting with humans.”
I smile, endlessly grateful to Carlisle for taking my request seriously and being willing to help me. “Thank you.” I hesitate, not sure if it’s rude to ask what I want to know. Then again, Carlisle probably wouldn’t deny me any information. So I ask. “How long did it take everyone else to be okay around humans?”
Carlisle smiles, thankfully not offended by my question. “It varies greatly from person to person. Everyone is ‘born’, if you’ll excuse my terminology, with varying dispositions to certain aspects of this new life, just as humans are born and grow to find certain areas of life easier for them than others. For me, self-control was never a question of if, but when. It took me nearly two centuries, but now I can be around human blood flowing freely and barely feel a thing. Edward was fairly quick to gain control, and I suspect hearing the thoughts of those he wished to kill aided in his success. I wager it’s hard to kill someone if you’re so starkly aware of their humanity. Esme and Emmett both struggled, and will be the first to admit they slipped up many times. But they put in the work and have gotten much better in the last forty years. The true stars of us all are Rosalie and Bella. Only mere weeks after her transformation, Rose was able to be around bleeding humans and resist the temptation. Bella once began chasing after a human, and then stopped. Both of them are remarkable.” I can hear the respect in his voice, and wonder just how hard it was for him in his early years. He continues. “Alice, Arthur, and Jasper came to us later in their lives, so we weren’t with them to experience the newborn stage. Both Alice and Arthur were vegetarians from the start, with moderate success, and they’ve gotten much better since. Of all of us, Jasper struggles the most.” This surprises me. I never would’ve guessed. To me, Jasper seems so controlled, so refined, so advanced.
I’m unable to curb my curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“Am I correct in assuming you know about Jasper’s past?” I nod, remembering easily the horror stories from Jasper’s younger years. Carlisle continues. “Then you will know that, for over seventy years, Jasper survived solely on human blood, the longest of any of us.” I nod again. I’d known this, too. “When Jasper found us and learned of our lifestyle, he was very curious and committed to changing. But, seventy years of living one way is impactful. It’s nearly a human’s entire lifetime. Jasper became very accustomed to the taste, temptation, and satisfaction of human blood. For the longest time, the memory and temptation of it tortured him. He slipped up a few times, but at each and every point made a choice to come back to our lifestyle. Much like Edward, it’s hard for him to know the feelings of the people he kills. It was destroying him. The animals, while less instinctively satisfying, provide a much more peaceful life for him.”
I let that information settle. Poor Jasper…My heart aches for him. The pain of experiencing death after death through the feelings of your victim…the torture of being surrounded by humans after a lifetime of feeding on them….I don’t know how he bears it.
Carlisle’s soft voice interrupts my thoughts. “All this to say, I honestly have no idea how long it will take you to be confident around humans. But please know that as long as you desire our help, we offer it freely.”
I smile, endlessly grateful for the benevolent vampire sitting across from me. “Thank you, Carlisle.” But my mind creeps back to Jasper, and I know that my next conversation must be with him.
A/n Hi again! I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself. Let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/624011835356626944/the-long-way-around-chapter-10
Tag list: @puer-de-infinitate @charliestuff @hindustani-diaspora @one-thread-can-save-a-life @salsameter @enchantedcruelsummer @meashy-moo @sana-li @femflorals @80strashbag
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masieofthevalley · 4 years
All I Really Want is You (Spideypool) - Chapter Thirteen
Find the Masterlist for this fic here! Read this fic on AO3! Check out my Ko-Fi if you would like a commission!
Summary: “Who are you, the big bad wolf?” She snarked. She mentally congratulated herself that her voice hadn’t betrayed the fluttering in her gut.
“Why don’t you come a little closer and find out?”
Peter Parker is an exhausted and overworked student in her senior year of college. Sleep-deprived and running on coffee and fumes, Peter really just wants to get through this semester. On a rare coffee run to ensure that she doesn't fall asleep on patrol or in her textbooks again, she quite literally stumbles upon Deadpool. Try as she might, she just can't stay away from him, and along the way, she finds herself in the middle of a nefarious plot between HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D.
A/N: Hello, everyone! Today’s chapter is Chapter Thirteen: Accidentally in Love. This chapter is named after the song Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows. 
I tried to look up a page of phrases you should say to order in Italian, but it didn’t go very well, so I’m very sorry about that. I used Google Translate when Wade was speaking with Italian, so please forgive me for that!
As always, there is a playlist for this fic, and you can find it on YouTube and Spotify. Spotify won’t play in order unless you have Spotify Premium. You don’t need to listen to it in order, but each chapter has a specific song associated with it. There is also a song associated with the entire fic, which is She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer.
This chapter does include NSFW content, and it’s toward the end of the chapter!
If you liked this chapter, like, share, and reblog, and please leave comments! They make my day, and I will gladly respond. You can also head over to my AO3 and comment there, and I will also respond there! Enjoy!
Chapter Thirteen: Accidentally in Love
Chapter Summary: Peter and Wade’s date ends in a surprise visit to a skatepark, and Peter makes a startling revelation. 
“Right this way, Bambi. Best seats in the house,” Wade proclaimed with a sweep of his arm, indicating that Peter should climb into the booth. They were at a tiny, hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant; Peter wasn’t sure how far away they were from Sister Margaret’s because she had been distracted during their walk by the chatter coming out of Wade’s mouth, but it couldn’t have been that far from the bar. There were two tiny windows on either side of the restaurant’s door, but they were blacked out, creating a suspicious-looking building, at least from the outside. Until the moment they had walked in the door, Peter was worried that Wade had taken them to the wrong place. But, no, they were in the smallest restaurant that Peter had ever been in, and it was very warm and smelled like garlic and parmesan cheese. 
Peter climbed into the booth and put her coat down beside her. Compared to the frigid temperatures outside, the restaurant was a tropical paradise. Wade showed no sign of discomfort from the heat, however, as he sat down opposite her on the other side of the table. Peter noted that not only had he chosen the only table in a corner, but he had also sat on the side of the table that would grant him the view of the entire restaurant. She wondered if that was leftover ingrained training from his time in the Special Forces, or maybe it was a part of his mercenary training instead? Knowing the layout of a room seemed like an essential skill for someone with Wade’s job. Bad Peter, focus on Wade, not his job. 
And like that, she was zeroing in on Wade, who was squirming around in his seat while looking at a handwritten menu made out of cardstock. Peter picked hers up, and after realizing that she couldn’t read any of it but the names of a few types of noodles since it was written in Italian, she quickly set it back down. Wade perked his head up, and his mask raised an eyebrow. 
“Need some help there, Bambi?” Peter shook her head and played with one of the napkins that were on the table. Her cheeks still had yet to recover from their almost kiss back at Sister Margaret’s, and the heat in the restaurant was doing nothing to calm the redness in her face. 
“Order anything you want, Baby Girl. Tonight’s on me,” Wade cheerfully announced, setting his menu down too. 
“I have money, Wade. I can pay for me if not both of us,” Peter argued, frowning at him. Irritatingly, Wade just laughed in response. 
“No can do, Baby Girl. If I let you pay, you’d be bankrupt into next year. You don’t know how much pasta I can put away yet, but you will pretty soon,” Wade chuckled, mimicking wiping a tear away from his eye lenses. Peter scowled; it seemed that Wade didn’t know exactly how much pasta she could put away either. 
“I mean it, I just got paid. I’m good!” Peter promised, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Wade stopped laughing and tilted his head. Not for the first time, Peter wondered what he was thinking. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Honey, or offend you,” Wade said softly, one hand coming up and across the table to cup Peter’s cheek. She desperately wanted to lean into it, to feel his fingers tangle in her hair, but she also wanted to stand her ground. 
“I’ve just got a lot of money laying around that I never spend, and I’d rather you spend your paycheck on things you actually need like groceries or something. And I eat a lot, Sweetheart, I’m afraid I’d put you out on the street,” Wade continued, his thumb running back and forth over Peter’s cheek. It was so close to her bottom lip, she could almost taste the leather. 
“I know you make a lot of money, it’s just, I can take care of myself too,” Peter muttered, wholly distracted by Wade’s hand. He pulled it away, setting it down on the table between them, and Peter had to restrain herself from letting loose the most desperate whimper known to man. However, she must have done a horrible job at disguising her desires because Wade barked out a laugh. 
“Fine, you brat, here, take it back,” Wade conceded quietly, settling his hand back on Peter’s cheek. Peter allowed herself one sigh, and she held onto Wade’s hand for a few seconds with her own before she put both of them down on the table. Sheepishly, she looked back up at Wade. The smile stretching his mask was blinding. 
“I’m not denying you can take care of yourself, Peter,” Wade finally said, rapping the knuckles of his free hand on the table. “But I did pick the restaurant after all, and I’d just like to spoil you a little. Let me? Next time, you can pay, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!” 
“M’not sure that’s how that goes,” Peter shook her head with a small smile before straightening as she realized what Wade had said. “Next time?” 
“Well, if tonight goes well, which so far, it is,” Wade smirks with a pointed look at their clasped hands. Peter’s blush burned brighter. “I’d like there to be a ‘next time,’ Bambi.” 
“Me too,” Peter confessed, her voice barely audible. Their quiet moment was interrupted by a waitress coming up to their table. They had been talking while they waited for at least half an hour, but the restaurant was completely full. 
“Cosa vorrebbe ordinare?” she asked, leaning her hip against the table. Peter, now feeling self-conscious, hastily tried to let go of Wade’s hand, but his grip was steel tight, and he refused to let her go. 
“Una grande ciotola di spaghetti per favore,” Wade said confidently, and Peter was pretty sure he butchered every word of that sentence. It sounded like Wade had just spoken directly from Google Translate. Like she agreed with Peter’s thoughts, the waitress rolled her eyes and turned to Peter, raising an eyebrow as she waited for him to speak. 
“Grande lasagna,” Peter said with a straight face, knowing good, damn, and well that she sounded like an American tourist. It looked like the waitress was fighting a grin, but she just nodded with another roll of her eyes and left. She came back almost immediately with two cups of water and plopped those on the table. 
“Where’d you learn Italian?” Peter asked Wade as she drained half of her glass, suddenly nervous that she was left alone with him again. What the fuck was wrong with her? 
“Google Translate,” Wade deadpanned, and Peter nearly choked on her drink. She coughed a few times and took one more sip before putting her cup down. 
“No wonder it sounded so bad,” Peter snarked. “I never said Italian was my specialty, you brat,” Wade squawked, “I took Spanish in high school, if you must know.”
“Oh, so what can you say in Spanish?” Peter played along, eyebrows raised in questioning. 
“¿Donde esta la biblioteca?” Deadpool asked with a shit-eating grin on his mask. Peter burst into laughter, snatching her hand back so she could clutch at her stomach with both hands. Her face hurt from the smile stretched across her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this much. 
“Holy shit, Petey-Pie, keep on smiling. Baby Girl, it’s gotta be the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Wade marveled, his own smile gentle and warm. Peter continued to giggle softly until her amusement was gone, leaving her with a pleasant and tender feeling in her chest. 
“Oh, please teach me your ways, Professor Wilson,” Peter teased, batting her eyelashes coquettishly. Even though she wasn’t looking at Wade, Peter could feel that the air between them was stretched thin with tension. 
“Oh, Baby Girl,” Wade growled, and Peter immediately felt her insides twist together in a knot. “There are so many things I’ll teach you, just you wait.” 
Peter swallowed, and against her wishes, the smallest of whines left her throat. Wade closed his eyes in what looked like restraint and groaned quietly, shifting in his seat. Before either one of them could say another word, their waitress was back, sliding large pasta bowls in front of each of them. The smell of fresh tomato sauce and mozzarella broke through the fog covering Peter’s brain, and her stomach gurgled. 
“Grazie!” Wade chirped, tucking a napkin into the neck of his suit. The waitress rolled her eyes with a laugh and a smile in Peter’s direction before walking off again. 
Peter grabbed her fork and dug into her plate. She moaned at the first bite; it was the first proper meal that she’d had in weeks. Her paychecks had been small the last few months; Triple J hadn’t been giving her nearly as many assignments as usual, and that meant ramen noodles for every meal except breakfast. Breakfast was always one cup of - usually, instant - scalding hot coffee with entirely too much sugar. God, she hadn’t even had Starbucks since that first week after she met Wade. What she wouldn’t give for another cappuccino. 
Peter looked up, trying to distance herself from her longing thoughts of Starbucks, and noticed that Wade hadn’t started eating yet. His mask still covered his entire face, and he appeared to be making no effort to remove it. 
“Wade? Aren’t you hungry?” Peter asked, wiping away the sauce that was probably all over her mouth. She tilted her head to the side as the expression on Wade’s mask remained the same. 
“No, you go ahead, Baby Girl, I’m fine,” Wade said, his voice almost sounding authentic, but Peter knew better. She could hear the false notes in his tone, and his posture was too stiff to be relaxed. 
“Look, if it’s the mask, it’s no big deal, it’s fine, really!” Peter promised, her hands gripping onto the edge of the table. Wade shook his head. 
“No, Honey, honest, just go ahead and eat-”
“Look, I’ll put on my beanie.” Peter stuck her hand in her coat pocket, grateful that she had brought her hat after all. “And I’ll just keep my eyes down, and you can just eat like normal, it’ll be fine!”
“God, I do not deserve any of this, don’t deserve you,” Wade whispered, and if Peter hadn’t had gotten enhanced hearing from the Spider Bite™, she never would have heard it. 
“Keep your hat off, Sweetheart. You shouldn’t have to cover up your lovely face just so my ugly mug can eat. Just don’t want you to lose your appetite is all,” Wade insisted, putting a hand over Peter’s. She cautiously dropped it onto the table with a raised eyebrow and looked down at her food anyway when Wade started to roll up his mask. 
“You can look. Just make sure you lean over when you blow chunks,” Wade muttered, and he picked up his fork and started to poke around at his spaghetti. Peter looked up in a cursory glance, and her next bite of lasagna never made it into her mouth. Instead, her hand stopped dead in its tracks and just kind of dangled there in front of her face. 
Wade had only rolled his mask up to the bridge of his nose, but Peter could still tell that he was gorgeous. His jawline was sharper than it looked through his mask, and Peter wanted to cut herself on it and watch the blood drip down his neck. Wade’s skin was pale pink and covered and crisscrossed with scars that were just slightly darker in color, and each of them appeared to be different. There wasn’t any pattern or rhythm in them that Peter could make out. Wade’s nose was slim, and Peter’s eyes were finally drawn to his lips. They were full and flesh-colored, covered in the same scars that made up the rest of Wade’s skin, but Peter didn’t care. Peter’s mind went blank with want, the urge to kiss Wade so strong and present, and she had to restrain herself from crawling across the table and plopping herself down in his lap. 
“Well, you don’t look like you’re going to projective vomit everywhere,” Wade commented, shoving another bite of spaghetti in his mouth. He was eating at a pace that rivaled Peter’s, and the only thing that made Peter even slightly squeamish was the fact that he had talked with his mouth full. 
“Huh?” Peter asked, still looking at Wade’s lips. 
“Earth to Petey-Pie, I”m up here,” Wade said, chuckling a little at the end. He waved his hand a few times in front of Peter’s face, and she shook her head as she broke herself from her trance. 
“M’sorry, didn’t mean to stare,” Peter muttered as she picked up her fork again. When had she dropped it? She managed to eat two more bites before the thoughts floating around in her head left her mouth. 
“Just really pretty,” Peter whispered, cheeks burning hot. “Your lips are like wow, and your jaw is like woah, and your chin is really pretty and your dimples, s’nice.” God, she wished she could stop talking. Why couldn’t she stop talking? She used to do this shit with Gwen too, and she would just laugh and kiss Peter to shut her up. Would Wade do that? She wanted him to do that. 
“You are just a dream come true, Baby Girl. Never gonna let you go,” Wade murmured, a soft look coming over his face. His face was so much more expressive - how was that even possible? - without his mask, and Peter nearly swooned. She bit back her response, hiding it under her tongue. Even though his comment had been a little extreme, especially for a first date, Peter had a feeling that “Yes, please,” wasn’t the right response. At least, not yet. 
They made idle chit-chat through the rest of their meal, and Peter was extremely pleased that Wade didn’t roll his mask back down when they finished. While getting ready to leave, Wade asked what was wrong, and Peter was forced to own up to the grumpy expression on her face. 
“Don’t wanna go home yet,” Peter confessed, tugging on the ends of her coat. A big smile coated with mischief crossed Wade’s face. 
“I know just the place, Sweetheart,” he said, scooping up her skateboard from the floor. He offered it to her, and she carried it out of the restaurant in her freehand. 
Full and content, Peter left the restaurant, happy to let Wade guide them to wherever he had decided they needed to go. They walked for about fifteen minutes, going up one street, across another, and then making a left onto one final street. Their destination appeared to be a skatepark, and at almost 11 PM at the end of October, it was entirely empty. 
“Figured you could skate off dinner if you wanted,” Wade said with a shrug, nodding his head to Peter’s board. “Y’know, ‘he was a skater boy, she said see you later boy,’ and all that shit.” 
Peter laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, that’s cool with me. You want me to show you a few tricks?” 
“If you want,” Wade agreed, leading them into the abandoned skatepark. Once inside, he fell back, so Peter took the reigns to guide them further into the park. She’d been here once or twice before, so she took him over to one of the half-pipes and gestured that he should sit. Peter shrugged out of her coat, much to Wade’s protests, and she threw it at him with a grin over her shoulder. 
“Keep it warm for me!” She shouted as she took off down the half-pipe. The coat was too thick to skate with comfortably, and she’d get too hot too quickly to have any kind of fun. When she looked back at Wade, he was snuggled up beneath the fabric, and she laughed. It looked like doll clothes spread out over his lap like that. 
“Yeah, keep laughing, Short-Stuff! I’ve got the best view in the house right here lookin’ at you, Honey-Buns!” She was wondering when Wade was going to make his first ass comment of the night. 
Peter spent a few moments getting her momentum, just going up and down on the half-pipe. She hadn’t been to a skatepark in a while, and she was a little rusty as far as tricks went. She did a few basic ones for Wade, pausing between each one to smile at his clapping and cheering before moving on to some of the more complicated ones. She skated around the park a few times before making her way back to Wade. She set her board down gently in front of her. 
“How’d I do?” she asked, shaking her fringe out of her face. Wade stood up with a leer, and Peter gulped. Wade moved toward her, and she backed up, matching him step for step. He moved gracefully, like a predator, and Peter’s blood started to race as she realized that this was the first time since she became Spider-Woman that she was the hunted instead of the hunter. She liked it, liked feeling like prey when it was Wade who was the predator. 
“It’s a 10 from me, Sweetheart,” Wade crooned, stepping even closer. Peter looked from side to side, trying to figure out if there was somewhere for her to go. She took a few steps to the right, and Wade matched her pace, pushing himself even closer. She had a thought of making a break for it, Wade chasing after her, his hot breath panting down her neck. That made her insides warm even further. She’d save that for another day. 
“Did you like performing for me, Bambi?” Wade asked, pressing himself flush against Peter. Her back was pushed up against the chain-link fence, and Peter tangled her fingers in the links on either side of her, trying to resist from reaching out and touching Wade. 
“Asked you a question,” he reminded, gently, his voice firm but still warm. Peter opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. She just nodded, her body on fire from Wade’s touch. 
“Saw you looking to the side, looking around like you were gonna run, Petey-Pie,” Wade continued, running his nose down the side of Peter’s face. She squeezed her eyes shut and sighed at the feeling of his skin just barely brushing against hers. 
“You wanna run, Baby? Want me to chase after you?” Wade’s lips were at Peter’s ear, and she shivered, the metal from the fence digging into her fingers. One of Wade’s hands reached out and gently grasped onto her hands one at a time, freeing them from the cold fence. He gathered them both in his hand and held them against his chest, letting go when Peter tangled her fingers in the straps of his suit. 
“You’d like it, running around with nowhere to go,” Wade whispered, licking a wet, hot stripe up Peter’s neck. It contrasted with the biting cold of the wind, and the whimper that left Peter’s throat was strangled and torn apart. She couldn’t remember ever making a noise that sounded like that.
“You might be fast, Bunny, but I’m faster,” Wade suddenly growled, biting down at the junction between Peter’s neck and shoulder. She cried out, head falling back against the fence. It bent beneath her weight, but she didn’t care. 
“Please, Wade, please, please,” she begged, but she didn’t know what she was begging for. She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to bite him, she wanted to touch him. 
“M’here, Sweetheart, I have you,” Wade assured her, his lips caressing her jaw. She whined. His mouth was so close and yet so far from where she wanted it.
“Mm, please? Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Peter gasped when Wade’s kisses turned sharp and biting on her neck, sucking so hard it was bound to bruise. Good, she wanted the marks, wanted the reminder when she looked in the mirror. 
“Gotcha, Honey, I gotcha, don’t worry,” Wade murmured, bringing his lips up to Peter’s. Much to her displeasure, he didn’t immediately kiss her. Peter whined as he brushed their lips together. He was tall, Wade was so tall, so when Peter tried to rise up on her toes to chase after him, he easily broke apart from her. He waited until she settled back against the fence, and then he was on her again, body pressed against hers as close as possible. Peter arched her back and whimpered, trying to press closer, trying to get his mouth back on hers. 
“Spoiled, spoiled, little Petey-Pie,” Wade chuckled, taking his lips away again. Peter growled in irritation; he was just being mean now, and he knew exactly what he was doing. 
“You’re being mean!” she snarled, pulling down on the straps of his suit so that he was leaning over her again. Wade smirked and held himself just a few inches out of reach, and Peter stretched up on the balls of her feet while simultaneously pulling Wade toward her. Finally, he was within reach, and she bit down on the free, beautiful skin of his neck. It wasn’t gentle. 
“Fuck! That hurt, you brat!” Wade growled playfully, caging Peter in against the fence. She bared her teeth at him right back, and even though she couldn’t see something in his eyes, she swore she could see something change in them. Before she could try to think about what that something could be, Wade finally kissed her. 
Peter had only kissed approximately three people in her entire life: Mary Jane, Harry Osbon, and Gwen. She and Mary Jane had ended long ago, as had her and Harry, so her last experiences with anyone had been with Gwen. Gwen had been sweet and gentle, and the furthest they had gone was the furthest Peter had ever gone with anyone: exploring each other’s tonsils and playing footsie under the table. Gwen was sweet and warm and gentle, and Peter would never, ever forget her. 
But this, Wade, was hot and harsh and unyielding. It was everything that Peter had ever wanted but had never been able to have. Wade’s mouth was rough, skin uneven from the scars that she had longed to taste, but he tasted of marinara sauce and home. He tasted like hope and electricity. 
Peter didn’t have a good track record with relationships, with keeping people, but her heart whispered Wade’s name over and over again as they kissed, and she thought maybe this time, maybe she could keep this one, this time. 
Peter wrenched her head back with a gasp, unhappy to part from Wade but needing to breathe. He seemed inclined to agree as his mouth just moved to her jaw, sucking what she was sure was going to be another bruise in a few hours. Peter fell into a fit of soft whimpers, trying to get him to suck, bite, harder. Any marks that Wade made would just disappear before tomorrow, and she wanted them to remain as long as possible, so she could remind herself tomorrow that this was real, that Wade was real. 
“Have you ever done this kind of thing before, Baby Girl?” Wade murmured against her skin, lips moving back up to her own. She caught his hand before it could tangle in her hair, and she tapped on his glove in a questioning manner, hoping he would get the memo and take them off. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin, needed the relief that skin-to-skin contact would bring. 
“N-not really, no,” Peter whispered, surging upwards to kiss Wade again. “Want this, want you.” 
“Are you sure, Sweetheart? You tell me to stop, we stop. Push me away now, tell me red, tell me anything but yes, and I’ll stop right now. We can just go home, and it’ll be fine,” Wade said firmly, lips gently resting against hers. Peter nodded and whined. 
“Yes, I want you, Wade. Yes, please, yes-” Peter’s cries were cut off as Wade took her lips in another kiss. She didn’t think she was a very good kisser, and she didn’t really know what she was doing, but she mostly just tried to copy what Wade was doing. Tentatively, she slid her tongue along his, darting back into the safety of her own mouth when he chased after her. Peter whimpered at the taste of Wade, sharp, salty, almost metallic, and Wade growled in response, pressing her back against the fence. It bent further, but neither of them seemed to care. 
“Gonna take care of you, Sweetheart, don’t you worry,” Wade promised, sliding one hand up her stomach and under her shirt toward her breasts. Peter groaned as he reached her bra, hand slipping underneath to stroke and gently pinch her nipples. Her body was on fire, and she was on edge, suddenly rocking forward against Wade’s thigh. He moaned, his voice muffled from where his head was pressed against her shoulder, and shoved his thick leg between hers, tensing as she squeezed her thighs on either side of his leg. Wade was so much, shoulders so wide and muscles so big, that Peter felt dainty and small in his arms even though she knew that they probably weighed around the same amount. Her legs would dwarf a normal person’s, but Wade’s, full of thick, corded muscle, gave her a run for her money. She arched her back again and ground against Wade’s thigh, letting him know just how much she appreciated his size. 
“So big,” Peter gasped out, head falling back as Wade continued to toy with her nipples. It was like he knew exactly where to touch her, exactly where to pull and push. He pinched one of nipples and flicked the other one, earning himself a high-pitched whine of his name. His other hand tangled in Peter’s hair, pulling her toward him, and Peter bit his lip when he kissed her again. That earned her a growl. 
“S’good, fuck, right there, Wade! So right, want you, more, please?” Peter begged. Wade obliged her, and Peter lost all of the air in her lungs when his hand slipped in her pants. Peter cried out as Wade’s fingers swiped against her, warm, thick fingers moving quickly over her underwear. 
“Christ, you’re fucking soaking wet, Baby Girl,” Wade groaned, nosing at her temple. Peter cried out as his fingers moved faster, circling her clit. “This all for me, Honey?” 
“Just you, Wade.” Peter could barely breathe. “More, more, please, fuck, right there.” 
“The mouth on you, little Bunny,” Wade growled, his voice sounding more animalistic than before. His body was tense and firm against hers, and Peter couldn’t help humping against his leg and fingers. It felt good, too good, she never wanted this to stop, oh why hadn’t they done this sooner, it was so good. 
“Almost there, Petey-Pie? Gonna be a good girl and come for me, hmm?” Wade’s voice was feral, and Peter could feel his interest, hot and hard against her hip. He ground his hips against her, moving his fingers across her clit and nipples in a rhythm that Peter couldn’t follow. 
“Please, please, can I, Wade, more, please,” Peter begged, catching Wade’s lips. “Please, let me, c’mon, wanna come, wanna come on your fingers, please, please.” 
“Be good and come for me, Sweetheart, c’mon, c’mon, Baby Girl. Come for me,” Wade urged, fingers moving at the same pace, and Peter had no choice but to obey. 
Peter’s body shivered and locked up as she fell over the edge. As she came and collapsed against Wade’s chest, she felt like she was laying outside on the grass on a summer day. She could feel the warm, comforting rays of the sun on her skin, and her whole body tingled from the pleasure coursing through her veins. She vaguely realized that Wade’s fingers hadn’t stopped moving on her body, and she shivered as the direct stimulation on her clit became too much. Usually, when she used either her hands or the toys in her bedside drawer, she stopped touching herself almost immediately after her orgasm. She was almost always too sensitive for another orgasm immediately, and her hands would fly away from herself as she fell over the peak. Wade, however, continued to touch her until she squirmed and whined and begged him not to. 
“Too much, too much, Wade,” Peter panted, even as she continued to rock her hips against him. Wade, she realized, was panting too, and he slowly stopped moving his hands over her body, slipping them from beneath her clothes. Peter tried to straighten up, but her knees were weak, so she continued to slump against Wade as she righted her clothing. Wade chuckled and kissed her, lips moving almost lazily against hers now. 
“So good, Baby Girl, so sweet, absolutely perfect,” Wade said, his voice almost a purr from how low it was. 
“Was it good for you? It was, oh my god, it was absolutely perfect for me, but, you, was it good for you?” she asked, suddenly worried because she hadn’t touched him at all. God, she still wanted to touch him. “Did you, ya know.” God, the gesture she was making toward his dick was so stupid. “Oh, did I,” Wade laughed, pulling Peter against him with a soft groan. “I came when you did, Sweetheart. That look on your face when you came will haunt all of my wet dreams for eternity. It’s enough spank bank material to last me until I’m old and gray.” 
“Wade!” Peter laughed, hitting his chest playfully. Wade joined in her laughter, and they rested against each other and the fence, a soft smile on Peter’s lips as she waited for her heart rate to calm back down. 
And right there in a vacant skatepark, just a few minutes past midnight, Peter realized she was in love. Oh, fuck.
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addercharmer · 3 years
Izumi is sleeping soundly when the emergency ringtone she set for Rei starts going off.
She's literally jumping out of her bed as she hits the answer button, wide awake and ready for anything.
"Rei!" She exclaims, worried as all hell as she throws a hoodie over her shoulders.
"Please...park...Touya…" Is all Izumi can make out, she's pulling on her slipper boots when the call is cut off as soon as she opens her door after getting them both on.
"Shit, shit, shit." She swears as she throws open Nezu's door.
"Dad! Rei called, call Tsukauchi and Recovery girl!" She shouts at him before she's slamming the door behind her and bolting out of the house as quickly as she can.
She runs full sprint to the park. Izumi sees Rei holding Touya who is bleeding from multiple cuts. Natsuo and Fuyumi are clinging to her skirt, and Shoto is in a baby carrier on her back, all of them shivering in the cold from the lack of proper clothes for the cold.
Izumi runs to them, she pulls Touya into her own arms before she crouches in front of the two kids holding onto Rei.
"Get on kiddos, we are gonna be moving fast." She tells them calmly, she feels four arms wrap around her throat and four legs around her waist, standing carefully to adjust to the weight.
"Follow close Rei, we aren't far away." Izumi says over her shoulder as she starts to move as a fast jog, Rei keeps up well but Izumi can tell she's running on fumes.
The door is unlocked as Izumi crashes into the house, she doesn't bother kicking off her shoes she just bolts to the dining room to lay Touya on the table, she heads back to the living room and crouches by the couch where Rei is sitting clutching Shouto closely.
"Off we go kiddos, go sit with your mom. I'll take care of Touya until Recovery girl gets here." She's gentle but firm when she talks to them, she knows better than to sound panicked, it takes a lot of effort to stay calm.
On her way back to the dining room she grabs the first aid kit from the small closet, she's already opening it as she puts it next to Touya's head on the table.
"Sorry Touya, this will probably hurt." She whispers to the unconscious boy.
First she pulled out scissors and cut away his shirt and pants. She's angry, so, so angry at the wounds on the child she wants to go and beat up Endeavour right now.
"Tsukauchi-san and Chiyo-san are on their way, Tsukauchi's E.T.A is five minutes, Chiyo's is half an hour." Nezu tells her from the entryway.
"Awesome, I can get the surface wounds stitched and splint any broken bones, she will just need to check the rest." Izumi says as she's pouring rubbing alcohol over her hands and into one of the collapsible bowls from the kit, she won't use it again unless it's to wash her hands the same way a second time.
She's snapping on her gloves before she pauses. "Can you call the gang over? Rei is gonna be busy with Tsukauchi and I can't watch all the kids if I'm in here with Touya. You also know where the USB is for evidence, I've been updating it daily." She asks and then explains and directs, she feels the pinch between her eyebrows as she concentrates on too many things.
Nezu nods at her and heads back to the living room leaving her alone to work on the injured boy, Izumi is thankful that she can leave everything else to him now and focus on helping Touya.
The doorbell rings as Izumi is halfway through wiping down Touya's body to see the wounds better, the cuts are bleeding heavily and it's worrying her about the amount of blood being lost. She ignores it and finishes what she's doing, she ignores whoever just walked into the room trying to talk to her as she resets Touya's ankle and then wrist.
He wakes and screams loudly when the snap of his wrist bone going back into place echoes along with it.
Izumi has to push him back down on the table. Her hands are firm but her voice is gentle, suddenly there are another pair of gloved hands pressing on Touya's shoulders.
"Hey Touya, it's Izumi, I don't know if you remember me from the park but we played tag together." She says as she wraps the wrist tightly, even though he's fallen unconscious again at the pain, she needs to talk right now just to filter some thoughts.
"I'm sorry I hurt you but I had to put your bone in the right place." She explains. "I'm also really sorry that it's gonna hurt when I stitch these cuts closed, I will put numbing cream on them, but sometimes it isn't enough. A few of them I could glue together but I never trusted the glue to hold personally, I used to have to stitch myself up a lot so I got pretty good at it, really I should get my first aid certification."
Izumi notes she will have to wipe each cut again before she uses the cream and starts stitching. She feels terrible that she has to hurt Touya to help him.
She starts with first turning Touya over to get at the worst cut that goes diagonally across his back, from left shoulder blade to deeply into his right buttock, it's the longest and deepest, any deeper would have nicked his spine.
"Shit." Izumi hears Oboro swear from where the other hands are helping her.
"Put a doughnut shaped cloud under his face." She demands quickly now that she knows her helper can make Touya more comfortable.
She loses herself in the motions. Clean, cream, stitch, clean, cream, stitch, as she moves from cut to cut. She can feel herself humming and trying to comfort herself and Touya who is still unconscious.
Oboro at one point was ordered to go get the other two first aid kits, Izumi had almost run out of thread and she felt her needle becoming blunt making it that much harder and no doubt more painful to use.
She's working on the last cut that is a deep split through the corner of Touya's bottom lip when she's broken from her trance by something hitting her lightly on the thigh.
"Good work girl." Recovery girl says to her before she's pulling a chair over and hopping up on it.
"We will have to expand further on this talent." The woman says again as she examines the stitches and splints critically before nodding in approval.
Izumi just nods herself and backs away from the table with a heavy sigh, she's tired and her neck and shoulders hurt from being bent over and the constant repeated motions.
"I scanned him with a portable device that allows me to check bones and inner tissue as you worked." Recovery girl tells her and turns the machine to show Izumi. "Tell me what you see."
"Bruised ribs, bruised lower intestine, broken left wrist and right ankle, broken nose, concussion, multiple contusions." Izumi list's blankly. "I don't know how to set a nose." She also admits woodenly, she hadn't noticed that it was broken.
"Come here." Recovery girl directs, her voice is a lot sharper than Izumi was used to.
Once Izumi is close enough Recovery girl grabs her hands and frames Touya's nose with her fingers, then simply uses her hands over Izumi's own to jolt the cartilage back into place.
"Like that." Recovery girl says simply. Izumi feels a little sick at how the woman just...seems to be fine with a child laying on a table covered in stitches with broken bones.
Recovery girl's lips then stretch and she plants a kiss on Touya's head and right ankle. "All I can really do is clear up the concussion and heal the broken ankle." She admits, this time Izumi can hear the sorrow and it loosens the tight feeling in her chest.
"Go clean yourself up girl, the others need to know the boy's status, and you can't tell them covered in his blood. Shirakumo too, he can make a screen so they won't see you."
Izumi feels like she has been wrung out, she is numb but present. She and Oboro walk behind a wall of clouds up the stairs, he uses the bathroom first to clean his arms of the small amount of blood on them, he leaves his hoodie in the bathroom as well because of the blood from where he had to lean across the table, thankfully his shirt is clean and he doesn't have to borrow one of hers.
Izumi gets into the shower fully clothed, she just stands there under the spray lost in her anger and sadness.
She collapses on her knees and cries, roughly ripping her clothes off her body and throwing them at the wall of the shower. She wanted to scream but knew that it would be heard so she just choked on her sobs behind her hands, she hadn't been able to protect them, she failed and now a seven year old boy was paying for her mistake.
Izumi made herself calm down, she forced it all into a box to deal with later, she knew once she had spoken to Tsukauchi she could break down trusting the others to comfort Rei and her children, Izumi couldn't, she knew she couldn't.
Struggling back to her feet, Izumi was happy that her hair was in tight twin braided buns and that she had kept her hair from being under the spray of the water. She started to scrub her skin. It wasn't the first time she had been covered in blood, just the first time it wasn't her own, she sobbed a little, but held on to her emotions as best she could.
Once she was dressed and back downstairs Tsukauchi stops her from getting closer to the others in the room.
"Nezu-san, could you please tell me of the events that happened tonight." Tsukauchi said after Izumi had agreed to speak with him in the kitchen.
"I was woken by my phone ringing, it was a special tone just for Rei-san. I didn't hear much of what she was saying but I did catch 'please, park, and Touya'. I knew they were in a bad way, abused people generally recognize each other. I woke dad and then ran to the park where we met them. I took Touya from Rei-san and had Natsuo and Fuyumi climb on my back. We ran here where I then set Touya's broken ankle and wrist before stitching up thirteen cuts of varying lengths and depths. Recovery girl then showed me a scan from some machine she had. Bruised ribs, bruised lower intestine, broken left wrist, right ankle, and nose, concussion, multiple contusions. Recovery girl then taught me how to set a broken nose." Izumi speaks clearly and carefully, she was being recorded and with Tsukauchi's quirk she had to be careful.
"Thank you Nezu-san." Tsukauchi stands and bows to her.
"Wait, please. You need to help them, he will kill them if this continues." Izumi begs, she can feel tears running down her cheeks again, she can't help herself, can't stop herself anymore. "Please."
Tsukauchi sighs and keeps walking. Izumi doesn't know how long she sits at the table crying before she feels a paw on her knee.
"Dad." Izumi cries harder, she pulls him into her lap and holds him as she cries into his shoulder.
He hums a soft tune for her and just lets her cry on him and hold him tightly as he pats the top of her head.
"Come now, the others need to be settled. Keigo has offered his bed for the children, and I have offered mine to Rei. I have also called the school to let them know that all six of us will not be present tomorrow." Nezu says as he wiggles in her hold, to get free.
She lets him go, and waits a little to stand and follow him, her tears have run dry, but she still feels hollowed out.
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 17!
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 17/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. WARNINGS: nada. Well... Ali attempting comedy. I suppose that requires its own special warning lmao Notes: Loki's just so done lol
"I hate this plan, Thor."
"Yes, I heard you the first dozen times."
"This is the dumbest idea you could possibly have come up with!"
"We could always try Get Help."
"And use it on whom, pray tell?!"
"Don't be an idiot." Privately, Loki thought he might as well be asking the Earth to cease its tireless spin, but he had to try.
Thor only smirked at him, the bastard. "Just keeping things in perspective. There's always room for a worse plan."
"...Thank you."
"What's Get Help?" Bucky didn't even glance up from the little device in his hand. Ever mindful of the terrain and unwilling to see him mess up his pretty face by falling on it, Loki was constantly moving things out of his distracted lover's path just before he tripped.
"Nothing, darling. Has Darcy sent you another?"
He grinned, holding the thing – Darcy swore it was a telephone when she gave it to him, though he'd yet to see it used for a single call – out for Loki to see. "She sent a video!"
Eira was on the screen, splashing about in a tub that appeared to contain more bubbles than water. She was having the time of her life, and both of her enamored parents couldn't help smiling like fools.
"I hate being away from her."
Loki winced, squeezing his shoulder lightly. "I know. Believe me, love, I know. But she isn't safe around these people. Better to leave her in Darcy's care until we can be sure she isn't in any danger."
"I still can't quite believe I'm a dad!" At the pure joy and wonder in his voice and on his beautiful face, his ancient lover smiled again. He still had a long way to go before he was truly recovered from what HYDRA had done to him, but it couldn't be denied that when he was happy, Bucky was the cutest damned thing.
"I still think you're overreacting," Thor grumbled as they stepped off the elevator at last. "These are good people. They'd never harm a little girl."
"Uh... Loki's not in chains. Why is Loki here and not in chains? Security!"
The God in question rolled his eyes. "Lovely to see you again, too, Stark."
Tony looked like he wasn't sure whether to laugh, vomit, or jump into one of his suits of armor. "What the hell is this, Point Break? You promised this psycho would be in a cell for the rest of eternity. And who's the weirdo staring at his phone?"
Thor stopped before he'd even truly begun to offer the explanation he didn't really have, mouth hanging open and one finger in the air. Confused, he and Loki watched silently as Steve Rogers practically flew across the room and Bucky slowly lifted his head, finally taking in his surroundings for the first time since they'd left New Mexico.
"Steve?" He grinned and pocketed the phone immediately to throw his arms around his friend. "Steve! Holy shit, it is you!"
"Who is Bucky?" Thor mumbled to Loki, getting an exasperated eye roll for his troubles.
He knew, of course; when they'd first met, the handsome young soldier had introduced himself as Bucky. Loki had simply refused to call him that. Still, prior knowledge or no, he couldn't resist having just a bit of fun with his brother, so he decided, in lieu of a proper explanation, to treat it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, just to hammer home how incredibly stupid Thor truly was. "I would imagine, given the context playing out before your clearly useless eyes, that it's a pet name for James. Derived from his middle name – Buchanan – if I had to guess. Honestly, Thor, how do you function?"
"Can someone please address the unfettered genocidal psychopath standing in my living room?"
Bucky flinched, moving back from Steve and giving Tony a slightly helpless look. "That was... I was under HYDRA's thumb, I was never a Nazi..."
"Not you, darling," Loki assured him stepping between the two newly thawed WWII veterans, and more importantly, between Bucky and the confused, wary Avengers. "He's referring to me."
"Wait, what?" Steve peered around him, trying unsuccessfully to catch his childhood friend's downcast gaze. "That's where you've been all this time? With HYDRA?"
"I didn't have a choice," he mumbled, face going red as he seemed to sink into himself.
"Quite literally," was Loki's frosty interjection. He pushed the soldier back when he got too close to his Sergeant and snapped, "If anyone wishes to interrogate or criticize him, I will happily transform you into something that cannot speak nor breathe."
"Just turn yourself into an elephant," Tony snapped. "Because you are the elephant in the room right now! Thor, explain to me why your insane adopted brother and his pet Nazi are in my home!"
"I was never a Nazi!"
"I've known Bucky all my life, Stark. There's no way he'd have joined up with those people."
"Nazis, HYDRA, what's the difference?!"
All eyes immediately turned to Natasha as she approached and finally got a good look at the man Loki was trying so hard to shield. Loki grimaced. "Oh. You."
Bucky flinched, looking as though she'd just slapped him. "Natalia, please don't call me that. It's Bucky, okay?"
"Sure, yeah." She laughed, launching herself at him. "And it's Natasha now."
Her arms over his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his waist were more than Loki could bear. When he noticed that Bucky was holding her up with both hands cupping her rear, he'd more than had enough. With a growl, he used magic to pry her loose and pin her to the ceiling. "That is quite enough, Agent Romanov. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't make me tell you again."
"Put her down, Loki." Oh, great. There was Banner, eyes wide like a frightened rabbit, but approaching him nonetheless. "Before I let the other guy put you down again."
"Doctor Banner," he ground out as he slowly and more than a little reluctantly set the struggling spy down on the floor. "Delightful. Well, I see the gang's all here. Thor, this was your harebrained scheme, so why don't you clean up this mess?"
"Happily," Thor muttered, "if you'll stop making a bigger one."
"No promises. The next person to lay hands on James will be a smear of blood and innards on the wall."
"Loki, calm down." Hugging him from behind, Bucky murmured in his ear, "I'm not going anywhere."
Making no effort at all to prevent the Avengers from hearing him, Loki snapped, "I don't trust these people."
"For the record," Natasha pointed out, "we're not the ones who tried to blow up New York a week ago."
He smirked. "Nor am I, Agent Romanov. That was someone on your side, if you recall."
"The Chitauri?"
"Oh, that. I thought you were referring to the bomb." A little, dismissive shrug, and then, "Most of the damage to the city was still done by you lot. The Chitauri were mostly just...flying around."
"Also trying to kill people."
"Loki needs our help," Thor called out, just loud enough to drown out any further conversation. The Avengers all gaped at him as though he'd gone mad. It made Loki smile. "There was another force behind the attacks last week. Someone far worse was pulling Loki's strings-"
"Really, Thor, I'm not a puppet!"
"Unless you want to explain this yourself and hope any of them listen to a word that comes out of your weaselly mouth instead of simply killing you, sit down and shut up, brother."
"Marionette, anyway." When everyone turned to stare at him, Bucky blushed. "The-the ones with strings. That's marionettes, not puppets."
With a patient smile, Steve gently chided him, "Not really the time, Buck."
"...Right. Sorry. Continue not bothering to listen to each other. I'll be over here." Out came the phone, and Bucky was lost to them all as he scrolled through pictures of Eira again.
"What's with the phone?" Loki flinched and turned; he hadn't realized Barton was in the room until then. "Isn't he a little old to be sucked into that thing while we're all talking?"
"He's looking at photographs of their daughter," Thor told him with a dismissive wave of his hand, ignoring the death glare he received from Loki for it. "Now, if we can get back on-"
"...Their daughter?" Tony interrupted, stepping forward. "I'm sorry... Who's the other half of the 'they' in that equation?"
When Thor opened his mouth to explain, Loki grabbed his arm and squeezed hard enough to make him gasp. "I will kill you."
"And then they will kill you, and the world will end when there's no one to warn them about Thanos, and James and Eira will be left unprotected, likely to suffer horribly and die."
With a frustrated growl, Loki released him and, briefly, shifted to his female form. "I am, alright? Everyone's burning curiosity satisfied?" Shifting back, he took advantage of the stunned silence that had taken hold of the room and snapped, "There is a mad Titan with the ability to mind-control a God out there attempting to collect the most powerful artifacts in the universe, and while he declined to share the purpose of this venture with me during my captivity, I find myself seriously doubting that it involves giving everyone their own kitten. Now, can we focus, please?!"
Banner frowned. "Who did he mind-control?"
"How?!" He was beginning to get a stupidity-induced headache. Hands flying up in a wide gesture to the room at large, Loki looked at Thor and demanded, "How is it you think these people can possibly help?"
Next Masterlist
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mincamzfic · 4 years
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Everything went still once again. Raven was watching you. He struggled against his brothers even more, he only had you on his mind.
“Let me see her.” He gruffed lowly. “Let me see her!”
A deep breath.
A slow expiration.
Everything stood still for a moment. Raven’s eyes were solely on you. You had stopped convulsing. They all watched you, waiting for you to take another breath. And you did, only, after a while. The Man motionned the others to let him go, seeing as the young Alpha had calmed down. Raven rushed to you, eyeing your pale and messy face. In comparison to Jimin, whom particularly despised you for unknown reasons, Raven had a singular interest in you. You intrigued him and he was quite fond of you, to say the least. Raven would watch through Jimin’s eyes how humanitarian you were, how strong-headed you would act towards Jimin. He noticed that you had this calming aura where you would break off any tension whenever you’d walk into a room and uplift everyone’s mood. You would put the people around you at ease, make them feel calm and Raven was almost certain you weren’t even aware of it. That being said, it proved you worthy as his mate, to calm him down when he gets too hot-headed, to reason with him and he was tired to not meet you properly or show his growing affection. This was all Jimin’s fault for not seeing the treasure that was just in front of him. This is why Raven tried to take control with all his might and he plans on being in control for as long as he can.
He sighed, disappointed that you were unconscious. The back of his hand brushed your cheek delicately. At least you were alive, that’s all that mattered for the wolf.
You laid on your bed ever since the Ceremony. The Man would watch over you once in a while, to make sure you were still breathing and whether you had gained consciousness or not. Raven was inseparable from you. The Man and Namjoon knew all too well, it would’ve happened sooner or later. Jimin may not have any attachement towards you but his wolf does and that was definitely betraying him.
Surfacing back to reality, your body felt like a load of cement. Judging by your confused and foggy mind, you first thought was that you’ve been out for quite some time or you were gravely hungover. Either way, you had no clue of the recent happenings or even what time and date it was. To your dismay, you were unpleasantly greeted by an unwanted arm spread loosely across your body. You rolled your eyes upon seeing the man you despised so close to yours. Asleep. You groaned, trying to push his arm away. You grumbled rubbish as you fought against his heavy limb, cursing him for whatever bubble bursted into his head. You were so annoyed and out of breath. Who knew a damned arm could be so heavy? Just as you gave up, Jimin’s grip on you got unbelievably tight. Your eyes enlarged and you gasped, squirming for your life.
“My mate.” You heard him say. You twisted your head to have good look at him. Was he honestly serious?
“Hey, wake up.” You said dryly, attempting to push his arm away from you. You swore you would tear it apart some day. “ I’m serious Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you.”
You felt his lips kiss your neck and suck on it. “ Mine. No one else’s mate.” You saw his eyes watching you with an emotion you didn’t want to see. You refrained yourself from demonstrating your disgust. He moved to your jaw, holding your face in his hand,placing a kiss.
That last move seemed to bring you out of the daze you were in, your eyes widened in shock as you gasped, insulted. “Get away from me!” You whispered yell before literally pushing his face away from you. His grip on you loosened due to his surprise towards your actions. You kicked him off the bed, yelling this time. “Have you lost your god damn mind?” You took this opportunity to run off, at least tried to since you were still weak. You limbed as fast as you could, stumbling a few times as you did so, to your own room. You didn’t know which room that was and if it were to turn out to be his room, you thought you would literally burst out in flames. You never hated Jin more than you did now. You hated him for bringing you back, hated him for making you live with someone like Jimin, hated Jimin because he thought he was the shit and gave him the right to be rude to you and others.
Even when you arrived into your bedroom, the one you were given, the one you only could enter unless given the right to, felt foreign.You stopped your mind from raging and took in the air. The room had a strong rotting stench and an intoxicatingly lavender smell, it made the hair on your arms stand up. That was no good. You learned recently the different types of smell the supernatural could have and this one fit the one of a powerful being. You had to make sure for yourself. Despite the fact you extremely mad at the world and everyone in this house for treating you like a prisoner and taking advantage of you, you knew you had to protect them if this smell belonged to what you were suspecting.
Walking down the stairs was horrible, everything hurt. You faintly saw Jin talking with Jungkook and two other guys from the house. Your main focus was on the vibe, whether you had as much chills in other places of the house but your room, whether the distance smell was as strong in other places of the house but your room. At your sight, Jin panicked and started to spit non-sense words that came out more like sounds. He finally managed to squeak out a sentence that was understandable, which you flicked him off by saying you were fine.
“Y/N, you aren’t fine. Look at you! You’re limbing!” Jin argued, hands moving dramatically to support his words.
“I just need to be outside so I can heal myself. My powers work better in nature.” You half-lied. You liked to be outside to use your powers as nature sounds calmed your mind but it wasn’t true that your powers worked better in the outdoors. Jin looked at you suspiciously. He finally nodded and that was your cue to keep moving.
“But Jungkook will stay with you. For extra precautions.”
You tensed, not wanting to bring him into your mess, because yes you thought this was specifically a threat to you, and endanger him. You felt all of their eyes burning your back. “I don’t need a babysitter, Jin. I can take care of myself.”
“Nonsense.” He ignored you, batting his hand. He looked at the younger one. “Jungkook. Go.”
As Jungkook walked your way, you made him understand by a gesture of your hand no not move any further. Jin looked at you the way a parent would give the look to their misbehaving child.
“I told  you, Jin. I don’t need a babysitter. In fact, I’d rather be alone while I do this. I am the one that’s injured, no?”
“Yes, but you’re my responsibility-”
“Responsibility? Since when? So now I am a burden to you? Do I need to remind you that you are the one that forced me to come back here? And sell my house and quit my whole life because “I am one of your pack member’s mate now and I am a Healer and prevent Jimin’s and the world’s downfall blah blah. He might as well freaking fall this wolf of yours. Cut the crap,Jin. You already treat me like a stranger when we are far from that. It’s best for you, all of you for that matter, to leave me the hell alone.” You spat, staring them all down. Poor Jungkook, he stood there, confused on what he should do. Your gaze went met Jin’s. “You at least owe me that.”
There was this special place you set up near the patio where the sun and the wind would hit just right. You had placed pillows, candles, string lights, cushions to sit on, plants and flowers. This was your safe haven. You watched the flowers and the grass move to the rhythm of the wind, it blew softly. The sun was going down, it was already golden hour. You took out you manifestation candles and herbs, the salt, your little grimoire that you put together in the last few weeks. You felt on top of your game as a Healer. This was your precious, it had different techniques using energy to heal and you’ve even gotten into spells and potions recently.
You lit the candle. No, you weren’t about to heal yourself, you were about to manifest answers. You suspected a demon was around. It went into your room specifically and its smell wasn’t anywhere else in the house, however, you had a feeling it would come back. You had a feeling it was near. You hadn’t even started to manifest when wolves came running back to the Pack House, howls and yaps that seemed anxious, alerted. You blew on the candle and it everything under the blanket, rushing as well in the house.
As you walked in, you looked eyes with Jimin’s intense ones. Your gaze lingers on his for a little longer than you would’ve liked. You noticed Jungkook was also studying you when you looked away from Jimin. His eyes seemed intrigued.
“What seems to be the problem?” Namjoon asked, authority clear in his voice.
The three wolves shifted back. One of them stood in front of the two others. You supposed he was the Beta and the two were Omegas.
“Someone trespassed on our territory. It’s no wolf for sure, the smell is different. We tried tracking them down but we couldn’t find anything. No prints. Just an intoxicating smell.” A Beta named Taehyung informed.
At that, your face washout out. You knew exactly what they were talking about. Just as your mind was debating on what to do, Both Jimin and Jungkook looked at you. You stared at them, trying to keep a straight face on, but it was hard to hide things through your eyes. You knew that they knew you knew something.
After they’ve discussed between themselves about the issue, yes you just stood there listening, Namjoon decided to increase rounds of surveillance and watch out for clues. He decided not to hunt them down, considering it wasn’t a wolf we were being faced with. Perhaps, whatever that person was, maybe it wasn’t even on our territory anymore.
Once the impromptu meeting was over, people dissipated once after the other, some going on rounds, some going back to what hey we’re doing. You decided it would be less suspicious to go back outside and pretend to do whatever you were doing. You failed to notice the man following your tracks and grabbing your arm before you could open the patio door. You squeaked, taken aback, turning around with wide eyes and pouted lips, face distorted in interrogation.
“You have some explaining to do.” The dark-haired man told you.
“About?” You shot back, knowing what he was talking about but trying to play dumb.
“You became as white as as ghost. You know something.”
“Jungkook, stop being delusional. I got scared because there is a possible threat on us and we don’t know what we’re facing.” You shrugged. You forced your eyes to stay wide to make you look innocent. “And…” you looked at he floor. “I got flashbacks from the Ceremony…” You lied, purposely lowering your voice to make him think you were embarrassed.
He got closer to you, pulling you in with the grip he still had on your arm. You put your hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. “I’m going to let this slide, but don’t think I won’t keep an eye on you.” He muttered beside your ear. “I know that you know something.”
And with that he left, leaving you… perplexed. You went outside to fetch your things. You weren’t in the mood to summon demons anymore. You needed to be on top of your game so that nobody knows and so that nobody gets hurt. You felt it in your bones that this was an issue you had to take care of.
Reassembling your witchcraft items, there was a knock on your door. A look of disgust plastered your face at the view of Jimin. A look of hurt flashed on his but he quickly hid it.
“Y/N, we should talk about last night.” A pair of red eyes stared at you.
“What is there to talk about, JImin?” Your tone was annoyed.
“Raven.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no reason why you should be talking to me right now.”
“Do you have to be such a bitch all the time?” Brown eyes looked at you this time.
You scoffed, insulted. “Yes. You deserve to be treated and talked to the same way you do to me.”
“Y/N, I apologize-” Raven’s red eyes flickered uncontrollably back and forth from his and Jimin’s eyes. You grew worried, this wasn’t supposed to happen. It was just usual bickering.
In the middle of that internal battle, you managed to ask if he was okay and out of a sudden he grabbed you by your throat. You hit his hands and chest to make him let go of you. You tried to scream for help but your voice wasn’t very audible as the only thing coming out was a pained gargle. You started banging on the wall, in hopes that someone would hear you. You had powers and all, you started doing witchcraft and all but Healer’s power didn’t do much against aggression and your spells weren’t on point yet. You were only good at summoning since it required a play with energies.
You fell to the ground, gasping for air, both hands covering your throat to soothe the pain. There was a vague vision of one figure on top of a struggling one. You couldn’t really tell who that was since your vision was blurry. JImin was a danger to others and to himself. He needed to be kept on check.
“Did you hear me?” A masculine voice said.
“Mh? Sorry what?”
“I asked you if you were okay.”
“I’m glad to heal quickly, to say the least. Please bring him to his room and refrain him from escaping.” You ordered. Jungkook looked at you questionably but complied anyway.
You grabbed the jar of mountain ash and met Jungkook in Jimin’s room. He was sitting on the floor, holding Jimin down. You made a circle around them and left an open spot so the younger male could free himself.
“Let go.” You ordered again.
He did, quickly escaping the circle so you could close it.
There was a silence. Jimin stopped struggling. He, in fact, looked at you with pure vain in his eyes. “You think you won?” He smirked at you.
You watched him, breathing heavily. “For now, yes.” You muttered a spell under your breath so that his hands would stay together, like they were attached by a rope. His eyes looked down in surprise, he gasped.
“What did you do?” Jungkook asked, looking at you? He was a little too close for your comfort.
“Just one of my tricks.” You answered quickly, avoiding his eyes.
You walked backwards, slowly. Jungkook followed track. You let him leave first. You stared at the alpha from the door frame, in both awe and wonder. He did the same, his chest heaving. You turned around and close the door.
A scream was heard from behind that door. You ignored it and walked away.
A/N:  Hello everyone! I hope you are all healthy and safe. I know in some places it is not easy. I am here to listen if you guys need to talk. Here’s part.4 that you were expecting for quite some time. Quarantine happened and transition from school to online school and my job requiring me to work full time WHILE being in school full time and writers block made it difficult for me to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to give me feedback. Love you all v much
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I was hoping I could have a ship for DPS, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off if it's not too much. I've got golden blonde hair and I'm about medium height, just above average. I have light freckles on my nose and forehead. I love to read and write. I'm working on writing my own novel as well and hoping I can get it published soon. I'm a total romantic, probably a little too much so. I pride myself on my intelligence. I'm an introvert and sometimes a little shy.
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I ship you with Todd!
The two of you would make the sweetest couple. You both have similar personalities, therefore it was only a matter of time before something pushed the two of you together. He constantly saw you around the town near Welton, and both being introverts, it took a while for one of you to actually make a move. It was Charlie who literally shoved him in your direction and forced him to ask you out on the spot. You couldn’t help but smile as he blushed and asked you to dinner that evening, his hands were shaking in his pockets the whole time.
He is very hesitant to do grand romantic gestures, but that is not to say he doesn’t display how much he cares about you at any given moment. He knows that you definitely have a romantic side and is always racking his brain to show you how he feels. His family does have money, therefore whenever you see him you always come home with some expensive bunch of flowers, however he loves to find ways to surprise you instead of just throwing money at material things.
One of his more memorable moments was when he first asked you out on a date. He knew you were somewhat of a hopeless romantic yourself, he spent the majority of the day brainstorming with Neil and Knox about what to do. He took the whole day decorating the cave where they held the dead poet meetings, taking a trip into town to get some food and making Charlie get him a bottle of wine. You saw how much effort he put into all of this, candles decorated every surface giving the cave a soft glow. You spent the entire evening talking about your favourite writers and what you wanted to do in the future. Honestly he could watch you for hours, watching you face light up as you passionately talk about what interests you.
When he finds out you are writing a novel, he is beyond impressed, jumping at almost every opportunity to read what you wrote. You often come to each other for advice, whenever you have writers block he is always there to help you come up with new ideas, he is almost too hesitant when it comes to criticise your work. You often have to force it out of him, even if he insists it is perfect on your first draft. You are often there for him as well, helping him through his anxiety or self deprecating thoughts. Calming him down when he is overwhelmed, allowing him to cling to your jumper as he buries his head in your neck, softly telling you what’s wrong. He often thinks it’s selfish how needy he is, but you are one of the only people he lets his guard down for, he is grateful to have you.
The song I associate with you guys would be ‘White Winter Hymnal’ by Fleet Foxes.
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I ship you with Cedric!
This is honestly such a cute match! Being one of the most popular boys in his year, he never really had trouble attracting the attention of girls. However he noticed you were more reserved than his other classmates, but he knew who you were nonetheless. Priding yourself on your intelligence is something he respected and loves your passion for knowledge. Hardly being shy about asking you out, he had no problem approaching you inviting you on his next trip to Hogsmead. He couldn’t help but smile at the way your cheeks turned slightly more pink, relieved when you agreed to go with him. You didn’t notice it at the time, but as he turned the corner he did a slight victory jump, already thinking up ideas for what the two of you could get up to.
He loves your kind and caring nature, wanting to know more about you and determined to make you come out of your shell more, making you want to share more of yourself with him. He is pleasantly surprised when you show him your more outgoing side. He remembers the first time you really made him laugh, with his head tilted back wiping his eyes as he tries to stifle his amusement. Looking back at you as if you are the only one in the room, it’s the moment he realises he made the right choice.
Something you learn to love is his more extroverted nature, he always knows the best idea for a date. One of his favourites was when you agreed to go flying with him to watch the sunset. Being a romantic is something you both share, however he is slightly more subtle, but this didn’t stop him from spending most of the afternoon flying on his broom searching the grounds for the best place to observe the view! Settling on a small platform on a steep hill, you could see the sun slowly set over the long, winding river. You let you head rest on his shoulder whilst he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, softly tracing patterns into your arm. He wished you could stay like that forever.
He doesn’t focus too heavily on looks, however he is undeniably attracted to you. Your golden blonde hair is stunning to him, he often finds himself absentmindedly combing his fingers through it as you lay on his chest, just enjoying each other’s company. He often jokes how it is the same as his house colours, mumbling how is is sometimes difficult to find you in his house stands at a quidditch match! Another thing he loves is your freckles, he always recognises them as something special about you. Brushing his thumbs across your cheeks whilst sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, he says they remind him of constellations he used to find at as a kid.
The song I associate with you two would be ‘Baby I’m Yours’ by Arctic Monkeys.
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I ship you with Jonathan!
You two would work so well together! You both had known each other pretty much all your lives, growing up a few streets away you were no stranger to the Byers family. As time progressed you both began harbouring feelings for each other, the two of you being to shy to say anything in fear of ruining you friendship.
You were the only one who really knew him, through and through. One night while you were hanging out in his room after school, listening to his current favourite record, he felt more confident than he ever had. He leans forward, closing the gap between the two of you, gently placing his lips on top of yours. You were slightly taken aback but returned the kiss, glad that he finally had the courage to make the first move.
Will and Joyce always knew you two would end up together, with neither one of them really being surprised when you started holding hands or sharing a kiss goodbye. Joyce can’t help but smile when she first notices you holding hands under the table at dinner, giving you a wink when she sees you staring, wordlessly telling you that she approves. Will was the first to know about the two of you getting together, he literally had never seen his older brother so excited! They share everything together and this was no different, after you left Jonathan was still filled with adrenaline after your first kiss. Bursting into his brother’s room and stumbling over his words as he told him what just happened. Will couldn’t help but smile and wrap his arms around him, seeing him truly happy for the first time in a while, he could feel the happiness radiate off him.
He always has a small smile on his face when you link arms or hold hands while walking into town. He is so proud to be able to walk next to you, showing you off to the world. You both have found a little routine, stopping at both the record and book shops to have a quick browse whilst running errands. He loves to watch your excitement as you look through the latest selection of books, listening as you ramble on about their history or the authors life. When he has the spare money he always buys a few for you, even when you insist it is not really necessary. Not that he minds, if he has the means to spoil you, why not? You would always make sure to try and return the favour, occasionally buying him a new vinyl that you can listen to together.
The song I associate with you guys is ‘Wonderland’ by Big Country!
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I ship you with Ferris!
This is definitely an opposites attract situation! You never really took much time to notice Ferris at first, you being consumed in your studies, not wanting to engage with someone so carefree and reckless. You of course knew who Ferris was, but you always thought of him as a slight show off and therefore never really took the time to get to know him. That is until you were both put in the same class, with fate deciding to seat the two of you next to each other. He was taken aback by your slightly reserved attitude, his usual one-liners didn’t seem to have much of an effect on you. He expected himself to dislike the way you brushed them off as you focused on your work, but it just made him more intrigued and motivated him to try harder! After weeks of his subtle flirting and wise crack jokes, one of them actually made you smile. Finally managing to win you over, he decided to ask you on a date, which you gladly accepted.
He does have a bit of a wild side and knows how to have fun. He often finds you stressed about work or overwhelmed with assignments, he may not seem like it but he does have an innate knowledge of when you are being to hard on yourself, always being the one to drag you away from your desk and on an adventure, you even skip school for the first time with him. And although your times in the city are usually filled with sneaking in and out of places you are definitely not allowed to be, he always does at least one thing he knows you will love. Allowing you to spend hours looking around the museum or art gallery. Debating different works or artefacts, he always provides a great outside perspective, always keeping you on your toes!
You also are the one to stop him from doing something too stupid, convincing him that he doesn’t need to go on some crazy adventure to impress you, trying to get him inside for a quiet night in. Although he would not outright admit it, one of his favourite activities is just watching movies with you. Picking out snacks at the shop and going to blockbuster to pick out a movie, legs tangled together as your eyes are glued to the screen. He does spend a significant amount of time watching you instead of the film, admiring you out of the corner of his eye.
The song I associate with you guys would be ‘Restless Year’ by Ezra Furman!
Sorry this took so long to write! I’ve been super swamped with work, but hope you like it. Also let me know how your novel is going, when you’re finished I’d love to read it! ❤️
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diamondcamefromhell · 5 years
Jaskier x Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: Yes, I am posting a lot of fics, yes I am okay. This one wasnt a request or anything, but I began to feel sad and anxious about a lot of things, but mostly the political climate at the moment, and when i feel low, i like to imagine my favorite munchkins comforting me, this time, i wrote it down, and i like how it came out, so i am sharing it. however, it does feel super intimate and what not, and I guess i wanted to let you know that it is coming from my literal soul, so pls dont judge the song part, i am not good at that, but i tried x
Warnings: Mentions of war, death. Swearing.
Summry: Y/N wakes up from a nightmare about impending doom of Nilfgaard taking over the continent, but your s/o Jaskier is there to comfort you, and you realize he needs comfort too. Basically some fluffy fluff of two in love, stressed people trying to calm each other down
Word count: 1,832
I wake up, screams escaping my lips before I could catch them. My shaky breaths turn into clouds, disappearing into the night sky, until my view is filled with a face I know so well. Jaskier. He grabs my shoulders, his grey eyes staring into mine. I manage to take a breath in, before water works begin and he pulls me close. I listen to his heartbeat, as we sit in silence.
“I’m sorry.” I whimper, as he gently rubs my back. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, Y/N.” His tone is soft and quiet, as he pulls away to look me in the eyes. “You are just scared.”
“I’m scared of nothing, Jaskier.” I argue, wiping away my tears. He sighs, holding me tighter.
“You are scared of Nilfgaard coming this way. You are scared of them wining.” I bite my lip. “You are scared of war.”
I pull away, brining my knees to my chest, isolating myself from the bard, who lets out a sigh in response. His hand lands on my knee, as he gives me a gentle smile.
“I’m scared too.” He admits as I stare at the night sky. Through the trees I can barely see any stars, but moon shines bright. I focus on that, blinking away the tears. “It’s natural to be scared.”
“You don’t have nightmares about what might happen, Jaskier.” I bitterly say, still not looking at him. My voice shakes and I hate it. “You don’t wake up screaming.”
“You are a sensitive soul.” He sits next to me now, wrapping one of his hands around my shoulders. “In a very cruel world.”
“The world is normal.” I close my eyes. “I am just weak.”
“Admitting where you may be weak, my sweetheart,” he rubs my cheek. “Is one of your biggest strengths.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I am weak.” Bard sighs again. I know he disagrees.
“Even if you are, which you aren’t, there is nothing wrong with that.” He lifts his hand from my shoulder to mess with my hair, as I pull away, gently smiling. “If everyone was strong, there would be no such thing as… strong.”
“Geralt would still be strong.” I giggle, looking at my hands on my knees. Jaskier also laughs and I can see his breath turn into a little cloud.
“Geralt will always be strong.” Bard’s voice grows sad. “Even when he’s weak.”
“Do you think Nilfgaard will win?” I ask, resting my head on my palms. “Do you think we are on a losing side?”
“We are on a side of our friends and people we care about.” His voice stays sad, and I feel my heart ache. “Whether they’re losing or not, we are with them til the end.”
“I know that.” I agree, looking at the bard who’s staring at the moon. I wonder if he’s thinking of another song to write, looking at his eyes, this might be the saddest one yet. “But I don’t want to lose them. Lose everyone. Be alone again.”
“Or be dead.” Jaskier tries to joke, and I giggle.
“Yes, silly goose, I guess that too.” I straighten up. “I guess I wish we could help Geralt.”
“It’s his destiny, not ours.” I hate to agree, so instead I stand up, stretching.
The night is quiet and cold. Our small fire has gone out already. I look at the lute near it, trying to remember the last time Jaskier picked up a happy tune. It must’ve been weeks. Ever since Geralt left to claim his Child Surprise, the bard has been ever so sad.
I know they had a fight years ago, I was there. It took them years to make up, and even longer to fully go back to where they were before. Losing such a dear friend again was hard on Jaskier, and I didn’t really know how to help. We both knew, hoped, Geralt would be fine, the mighty Witcher must survive and come back with that child. We were sure of it, but yet scared, as Nilfgaard seemed to bravely move onwards, unafraid, with one goal on their mind.
Get the entire Continent under their rule.
So I started getting nightmares. Jaskier stopped playing his lute. These were dark times.
I go to the instrument, remembering all the times Jaskier tried to teach me how to play this stupid thing. I learnt, eventually, and he loved nothing more but to watch me play, even sing sometimes. We would pass days like this, creating music together.
Needless to say, it’s been ages since we done that.
“Jaskier.” I gently call out, placing the lute on my knees, gently touching the strings. “Sing with me.”
“What?” The bard looks confused, but he comes to me, kneeling before me. His eyes stare at my hands as I string the instrument again.
“I said sing with me.” I manage to smile. “I don’t know if I fully remember how to play this thing.”
“Your hands are placed wrong.” I see a spark in Jaskiers eyes and my cold heart melts a little. He gently corrects my arms, sitting next to me, our knees touching. I close my eyes for a moment, to enjoy the warmth he provides. “What do you want to sing?”
“What if I play, and you sing?” I say, opening my eyes, looking into his. I swear I could get lost in them, seeing galaxies and different worlds there. Feeling safe, finding home. “Whatever your heart desires.”
“We could do that.” He smiles, taking his eyes off me, making me focus back on the instrument. I strum the strings, a rather sad melody comes out, but I don’t try to force a cheerful tune, it felt like lute wouldn’t budge. I steal a glance at Jaskier, who is staring at the moon.
“Upon this full moon we find home, // the one we share with thousands more, // somewhere away, you see the embers, // the war is coming, the sky will tell you. // You look for friend, and hug your lover, // you grab your bow, your shield and arrows, // then reach for me, you know I’ll follow, // into the night, the war is coming.”
I glance at Jaskier again, his eyes closed now. I follow, closing mine too, just feeling the moment.
“You fight a battle that you may lose, // but dearest friend, I’ll lose it too // you’re not alone, just look around // this battlefield is your playground. // Your friends they’re standing next to you, // a sword, an axe, they’re ready too // so don’t you waver, please stay strong. // This war is not that far from over, // until we breathe, we keep on going, // and dawn will come to greet us soon, // my dearest friend, you’ll see it too.”
Jaskier goes quiet, so I stop the lute. The silence doesn’t feel heavy between us, but his song lingers in my bones, wrapping around me, helping me breathe. It gives me hope. I open my eyes to catch bard staring right back at me.
“You will see the dawn.” He assures me, and my heart skips a beat. I feel like a rock has been lifted of my chest, and I truly believe his words.
“Friend?” I tease him, and he smirks. His eyes lighten up.
“Lover.” He leans in for a kiss, and I don’t protest. He tastes like hopes and dreams, a better future. A thousand galaxies. I feel him smile, realizing I am in fact smiling too. I pull away, as he lets out a sigh, and I notice it doesn’t turn into a cloud again. “Maybe you are my destiny, Y/N.”
“What makes you say that?” I ask, putting lute down, so I could take his hand into mine.
“I can’t imagine my life without you.” He winks at me, making me blush. I know it’s probably too dark for him to see it. “And if I were to lose you, the world would see true calamity.”
“With your horrible break-up songs.” I tease again, and Jaskier laughs, jokingly pushing me away. I hate when he get’s all sweet like that, because he knows how much it actually means to me.  Not that I show it. “And destiny did make us meet, but I’d like to think we choose each other.”
“Hm.” He agrees, but I roll my eyes.
“You are not Geralt, don’t hm at me.” He smiles, glancing at our hands.
“Can I say it?” He asks, quietly, and I am not sure if he’s talking to me, or himself. I take my free hand, placing it on his face, making him look at me.
“You can say whatever comes to your silly head, Jask.” I ensure him. He smiles, closing his eyes, leaning in, placing his forehead on mine.
“I love you, out of entire continent, out of all the species, I know, I would always only love you .” His voice is soft. Full of emotion, but soft. We have said I love you before, it wasn’t a first. But we usually reserve this whole saying for special moments. When we feel like our hearts will explode if we don’t express the love. Only when we truly, full-heartedly mean it. I smile, feeling tears prick my eyes yet again.
“I would always, without a doubt, choose you Jaskier. You don’t own my heart, that’s easy.” I feel him smile even more, as he chuckles. “You own my soul.”
“I’ll treasure it.” His lips land on mine again, but this time is more desperate one. Passionate too. Like we want to make sure each other is here, and we are truly not alone. We only pull apart when I run out of breath. I rest my head on his shoulder, my laughter sending a chill down his spine.
“You will make me suffocate if this keeps happening.” I tease, as he hugs me tighter.
“I will not apologize for wanting you so much, Y/N.” He responds to my tease. “You should be sorry.”
“I am sorry you can’t control yourself.” We both laugh, as he pulls me to the ground. I stare at the moon.
“You should get some more rest.” He whispers. “I will keep you close so any scary nightmare demons have to go through me, to get to you.”
“My knight in shining…” I glance at his red outfit, trying to find a word for it. “in shining whatever.”
“Shh.” He silences me, landing a kiss on my forehead, placing me on his chest.
“Don’t silence me.” I argue, already drifting to sleep. I feel his chest shake when he giggles.
“It’s time to rest, my dear.” Now I pull a Geralt, and hm at his words. His heart beat lulls me away.
Before I fully drift, I hear Jaskier silently sing: “and dawn will come to greet us soon, // my dearest lover, you’ll see it too.”
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sasorikigai · 4 years
(5 Things) 1. What is Hanzo's sleeping habits/schedule? 2. What is a goal of Kuai Liang's? 3. Besides the Sky Temple, where's a place Fujin likes to travel to the most? 4. What does the mun do after a stressful day? 5. What is the mun's dream job?
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inbox me 5 things yew wanna know bout me || @xthesparequeen || accepting 
1. Hanzo’s sleeping habits/schedule 
Hanzo has slew of frustrating and debilitating sleep problems, including insomnia, the inability to get to sleep or sleep well at night, which is mostly caused by his stress and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, nightmares and even night terrors. I already made a headcanon about Hanzo’s nightmares and sleeping, so you can read more about them there, but long story short, Hanzo rarely sleeps in his bedroll now; he often takes catnaps around the comfortable, secluded spots over the Fire Gardens and mostly resting in seated meditation (’zazen’), which he learned from the youth, the technique perfected with shared meditations with Kuai Liang. 
2. Kuai Liang’s Goals 
They are better explained in Kuai’s aspirations headcanon, but his sole, utmost goal is to reform the tainted reputation of Lin Kuei, which he has already considerably achieved with his kind, magnanimous, compassionate heart. Because he literally had been a personal embodiment of the clan’s history, as he is the sole survivor who has encompassed the Lin Kuei’s corruption, and even cyberized to become LK-520 (Cyber Sub-Zero), he would ruminate and gather all the archived information about possible goals in his mind, which is to train outsiders, welcome females and encompassing his kindness and sympathy to accept all who are worthy of becoming a Lin Kuei. He would spend a considerable time alone assimilating information and reflecting on it, and even looking outside to organize goals/create timelines/plan. While he may appear outwardly very decisive, he is inwardly still open to new alternatives and modifications. Kuai also needs time to think and reflect after discussing goals with others. 
3. Places Fujin likes to travel the most 
Despite his adventurousness, because of his duties as protector of Earthrealm alongside his brother, Raiden, Fujin had not gotten much chance to explore the world, besides the locations of major factions (White Lotus, Shirai Ryu, Lin Kuei, Special Forces and such), and different realms in the Mortal Kombat Franchise. Because he is cordial and likes to hang out with people, he would most likely focus on meeting different people, for him, trip isn’t as much about the sights he sees or the places he explores as it is about the people he meets (or take with him) along the way. There’s nothing Fujin values more than forming quality memories with loved ones, and travel allots you the opportunity to do just that. He doesn’t have a particular place he wishes to travel, but what he seeks to learn is what life is like in each new place he visits and to arrive at a profound understanding of how cultural and geographical context affects the human experience across the globe. 
4. Mun after a stressful day
I speed-walk and RUN. I always have been an active person and there’s nothing more to getting out to nature (there’s an excellent, considerable-sized park 15 minutes away from where I live and I like to loop around the verdant nature there or go to the beach and take a stroll) and calming my mind that way. The work I do is extremely stressful and it is one of the hardest rooms in the school (I work with toddlers, aged less than two) and things get extremely stressful and exhausting sometimes. Even when I’m doggone tired, I will always attempt to walk for at least half an hour (most times it’s more like an hour and half), and of course, write. Not only I write for fun, as a hobby, but it is extremely therapeutic and catalytic for me, and ever since I started to write about 4-5 years ago, I’ve been attempting to write at least a few things a day. 
5. Mun’s Dream Job 
I graduated with a BFA, so if I wasn’t strapped down with monetary issues, then I would definitely like to become a full-time student once again and dedicate myself fully to my art. Obviously, real life obligations are preventing me from doing that as of now, but I really feel more like myself when I’m drawing, painting, bookmaking, journaling, when I’m generally visually creating things. Eventually, I would like to hold my own exhibitions and become an art professor, but I don’t see that happen because pursuing MFA degree costs fuck tons of money. 
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Request: Can I get a bnha matchup please? ;u; I'm a transman, 165 cm, 20 and bi/pan with no gender preference. I'm usually quiet/reserved, monotone/boring when spoken to, but once a subject of interest is brought up, or when im with someone I'm comfy with, my personality does a 180 - I'm loud, sarcastic, and annoying. My sense of humor is all over the place lol Ive been told that I'm "old in spirit" bc I'm really mature when I need to be, even if most of the time I act like I'm 5 lmaoo
I'm pretty chill for the most part, idc what u do as long as it's not hurting anybodyhdjdh im also rlly stubborn but a huge pushover, dunno how that works. I'm both carefree and a worrywart (to both others and myself) and I typically hold my emotions in cause I don't wanna bother others. I try to help others 24/7, even if it affects me negatively. Uhh physically speaking im a lot stronger then look, and I own literally no nice clothes lol its all graphic Ts, cargo pants and hoodies for me
I'm a huge ass nerd when it comes to anything science related, especially paleontology + herpetology. I love all animals (no phobias) and I have 3 snakes whom I adore. I also like to draw and write occasionally. I have severe MDD and SAD, so even with meds I can have really bad depressive episodes and/or panic attacks. This is getting super long so I'll stop now fjfkh thank you !! Sorry if I repeated info I got a shit memory
Before I start, I personally have no experience with MDD or SAD, but I did look up both disorders and I hope that what I wrote about them is okay. If you’d like to correct me, please feel free to do so ^^ 
I’m sorry that this is so long lol, but I wanted to discuss as many things you noted as possible ^^ Hope you enjoy it!! ^^
Reminder that as of right now, requests are closed!
I ship you wiiiith
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Your personality reminds me of a rainbow in a way? So, I feel like Hawks would never ever find a day boring with you! Since he has this whole thing of people calling him fast etc, I lowkey get the idea that that also applies to his personal relationships, so having someone with so many fun personality traits is perfect for him.
I think Hawks is mature in a way, just like you are. I mean, he started his own agency at 18 and a few years later he is the number 3 Hero, that definitely does something to you. So I think it’s nice to him that you are the same, while also remaining carefree most of the time. It makes his busy and serious life a bit more fun.
Your chill attitude is yet another thing Hawks loves, since he wants to be that way as well. Also, with his job, he most likely can’t always tell you everything about it for safety reasons. As for whether it’s hurting people… He can’t always promise you he won’t do that, but he will let you know it’s always with good intentions. Villains can’t always be defeated with just talking to them.
It kind of warms his heart when you are worried about him. I don’t think Hawks is really the type to fall in love easily, so if he had any relationships before meeting you they may not always have been genuine. While part of him likes it, he also doesn’t want you to worry. He always promises to come back, and it does make him a bit more careful when patrolling, because the last thing he wants to do is upset his wonderful boyfriend.
Now, when it comes to you keeping in your emotions, this is where it gets a bit difficult. I don’t know exactly how much time you two will be able to spend together, so he may not always be able to be there for you when you’re having a hard time. However, while Hawks appears to be chill, he’s also smart and analytic and notices when you are feeling down. He won’t force you to tell him what is wrong as he knows it’s hard for you, but he does reassure you that you’d never ever bother him and he will always listen to whatever you have to say. However, if it seems to go on for a long time, he might push you a bit more, simply because he knows keeping it in won’t do any good. But also here he can tell when it really gets too much, so if you still won’t tell him, he will be a little hurt, but definitely stop.
He thinks you’re the sweetest person ever, but he also worries about your well-being at times. If he sees you absolutely exhausted but still telling him everything is fine, he will just scoop you up and go somewhere so you can relax for a bit. Sorry not sorry :p
He thinks it’s kinda hot that you’re stronger than you may seem heh, like if you work out or just do something that requires strength and he sees it, he might make a flirty remark about it and appear chill but on the inside he lowkey panics because uhm what how is his boyfriend so attractive???? explain?
I don’t think Hawks cares that much about what you wear really, if you feel comfortable in it that’s all that matters. You could literally wear a potato sack and he will think you’re the most attractive person on the planet. He might even spoil you a little by buying you hoodies and other clothing which he knows you would love. And no, he won’t let you give it back, it’s yours.
I can’t really see Hawks being super interested in paleontology or herpetology, but he won’t mind you rambling about those things to him! While he might not always focus 100% on what you’re actually saying, he will study your face, smiling at how your eyes are lighting up and your lips are curled in a happy smile as you go on and on about it. If you catch him not listening to you, he will just make a remark related to your beauty, partly to see how you react and partly because he genuinely means it.
So you love animals? Bird boi is perfect for you, now he sees why you fell for him ;). He definitely likes birds, i don’t think he particularly adores any animals but I can see him strongly disliking some mammals like cats and dogs (I think these sometimes eat birds sooooo yeah..) He definitely thinks your snakes are pretty cool.
Hawks doesn’t seem like much of a reader, but he would definitely love to see your drawings! He thinks every single one of them is super awesome, and if you ever give one to him, he will definitely make sure it gets a special place in his house, a place where he can look at it easily whenever he misses you or just feels like it.
As for your MDD and SAD, at first Hawks will be clueless on how he can help you out. If you have a depressive episode that causes you to isolate yourself, he will definitely force you to go outside. It could be just walking to his place, or taking you on a nice flight at night over the city. Afterwards, he will bring you to your favourite restaurant or buy you food that he knows you love. You will also definitely be showered in lots of love and affection. If you’re uncomfortable with PDA however, he will only do it when you two are alone. He will also joke around and flirt with you just to see you smile, but if he sees it doesn’t help he will stop.
Same goes with your anxiety attacks, at first he’s completely lost on what to do. Hawks isn’t stupid of course, but he’s aware that every person is different. If he finds out about this before you have an attack, he will ask you what would help you in situations like that. However, if this happens without him knowing about it at all, he can recognise what’s happening and will do his best to get you to calm down first before talking about it with you. Hawks may not always seem like the most serious guy, but when it comes to you he’s dead serious and always careful. 
So, you’d be very lucky to have someone like him by your side :) Once Hawks is in a relationship, he will give his all. And any moment with him is definitely far from boring
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ziracona · 4 years
I am both kind of glad she didn't like. Spiral into thoughts or more realization of what exactly she's done to these people. But also not, because I love angst. So. Questions. Will she ever meet the other survivors? What will their interactions be like? Who do you think she gets along with most? Will she meet any other killers? (probs introduced by other survivors??) And also. A painful one but. Does the entity realize she's lying? Do you think you'll continue this story in anyway?
Haha, I feel that. Adiris certainly will hit that horror realization more completely than she did during her breakdown in the archives room. I think because of her realizations of both what she’s done and just how much danger she and they and everybody upstairs depending on her is in suddenly because of the truth, happening at the same, she had a whole lot of fear and anger in play (I was used and hurt and manipulated and lied to and made to suffer, whatever you[Not Nergal/Entity] are, you have been doing horrible stuff to innocent people for no good reason, my people have also been manipulated and lied to and forced to suffer, oh Gods what happens to us if he knows I know? What can I do to save my people and myself and these foreigners? Can I do anything?) and I think the immediacy of the parts of that she had to act on hit so hard it was her core focus, but next time she either is in a trial and has to method act through hunting down people she now knows are not murderers and infidels, or the first time she’s in a safer and more calm setting with the survivors and one of them mentions something, that will all uhhh, it’ll hit home. I’m sure. God, this poor woman.
Okay! For the questions.
“Will she ever meet the other survivors?”
Yes. Definitely, and all of them.
“What will those interactions be like?”
It’s hard to say since I haven’t written that yet, but probably exceedingly awkward. I think there’s a lot of inherent fear from them towards her, and like, how would you feel talking with someone you used to murder a lot because you thought they were the enemy? Nnnmnnnnn probably not great! TuT which is how she gon be feeling. I think she is very aware she’s coming from a place of power, and is also still super used to thinking of herself as a priestess/holy/kind of removed, so she’ll try to approach it like that. Reassuring, and thoughtful/careful to not be scary or threatening, but also in control and a little aloof. And probably after a little time with the survivors, who will all go from “Scary. D:” to “A curiosity but in a good way. Weird. Neat. Still kinda spooky.” to “I like her : )” and thinking of her the way they would any normal human (the normal version of the fkn speedrun Quentin & Dwight went through), she’ll have to adjust to being treated like a normal person, and the way 21st century humans act when they’re being casual and friendly—which honestly, not too different from being friendly throughout history, but sadly either way not something this girl is used to. I think it’ll be weird and she’ll be nervous to try shifting identities from one of the only two things she’s ever known how to be, and into normal human and friend, but that it’ll also be really welcome. Because she has literally never gotten to have a family or a normal life or a friend or any single goddamn healthy or even decent relationship with another living human being. And like, god, humans need that. On a DNA level—We die in isolation. And she hasn’t been “isolated,” but she’s been mostly isolated her whole life, and she sure as hell has never ever gotten to belong or have any kind of certainty or permanence in her relationship, even her spiritual ones. She needs that. She just needs someone to look at her, go: “There’s a human being right there, and I see who she is, and I think she’s very worthwhile. I would like to keep her in my life.” God, she needs that so, so badly. I don’t think she knows it, but she really, really, desperately does.
And she deserves it, too. None of the abandonments or alienations or failures in her life are things she did wrong. But when that kind of thing keeps happening to a person, it sure as hell makes them feel like it. So, haha, sorry, got carried away (the name of my memoir probably >.>). But I think she’d be awkward, and confused, and then nervous, because she’d be invited into something she has literally never had, doesn’t know how to do right, but also desperately wants without fully understanding, which is a terrifying combination to work with socially. But then deeply impacted and happy and moved. Also afraid—I mean, girl smiled without doing it on purpose one time and flipped out emotionally with no idea why, because every time she has felt attachment or sought belonging or thought she had it her whole life, she’s been routinely betrayed and abandoned. She’s a lot more than once burned. But after the initial fear, she would be a mixture of happy and very awkward, and then eventually hopefully just exceedingly happy and also proud of herself and confident. I listened to I’m Still Here from Treasure Planet a lot while writing Adiris. Like, a lot.
“Who do you think she gets along with most?”
Hmmm, well, Dwight and Quentin I think will always be special to her after the day in the temple. Claudette is a sweetie who will definitely try to help alleviate sickness symptoms and be maybe the single least afraid to touch her of all the survivors, and that can’t help but be meaningful. Meg & she have a lot of complimentary similar personality traits, Jeff is super kind & also a great artist so he’ll probably be group interpreter & she’ll be around him a lot, and since Tapp is 2 and 0 so far on drawing bullet barrel in friend luck Russian roulette and keeps befriending women with absentee fathers, I can only assume that means she will end up close with Tapp as well. It’s too funny for him not to be 3 & 0. The world itself demands it. Beyond that, I’d have to write interactions and see how they fall. 👈👈😎 (Also a large part of how she feels about Meg & maybe also Ace, possibly Nea too, maybe even Feng, will come down to how she feels about being flirted with shamelessly. F in the chat for my poor confused ancient Mesopotamian. 😔)
“Will she meet any other killers?”
Yes, definitely. And it will be very interesting to me to see that.
“Does the Entity’s realize she’s lying?”
No. It absolutely does not. Queen method acted hard enough to give herself trauma—the first person experience thoughts and narrative are what she lived, and luckily the Entity is an emotion sponge, not a mind reader. It may or may not have been aware Quentin & Dwight were in the room (legit just depends on if it decided to/thought to look, which I don’t know, because I didn’t need to to write the scene & it be like that sometimes, but regardless of if it did, the outcome is basically unchanged. Either it didn’t look because Adiris clearly wasn’t lying, from its POV, as she felt nothing but what she exhibited outwardly as well. Or it did look for them, saw they were under there, and thought nothing of it because it lined up with her story. She said they ran off. Wouldn’t be weird for them to go to the Archives to try to steal information, or hide, or even just get lost. And it had no reason to expose them if it did see, because if it had dragged them out, it would have had to do something Adiris would understand to them, and it’s really just easier to give itself time to figure out in what way to do its “Nergal the God” aftermath, than to do it right in the room on the spot. TLDR: No, it has no clue. She method acted the fuck out of that situation, and there was nothing weird to sense, so it didn’t. Queen out-bullshitted the Entity.
“Will you continue the story in any way?”
Harder question. Probably? Likely? Maybe? Hard to say. I would love to, but I also have four, five other stories right now? Ever since I made a dumb Fate joke about having four multipath AUs, my brain has been trying to convince me to adapt New Dawn Fades, From the Earth of No Return, and some fourth, as yet unchosen story, into full length monsters. But I might die. Like, y’all, ILM is a hunk of book. If I recall correctly from back when I saw my word count, got nervous, and looked stuff up, if I published a physical single volume copy of ILM, it would become the longest single volume book ever published in a physical single book form. Which I both kinda want to do now just for the knowledge of it, but also!!! That’s SO much, like, I don’t even know how that happened. Like I am immensely proud, but also kinda like wtf? Did I drug me?? And also mostly just because rip @ me that the longest work I have written is a fic I /can’t/ ever publish or include in a resume or reel or anything. :’-](Also, @ the speed readers who did ILM in under two weeks, HOW? And please teach me your absolutely terrifying powers). I don’t plan, even if I do full length stuff again, to make another ILM length one or something. But even then, full length is big! (Also I live in fear of saying this to myself, trying to write, and becoming:
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Like u have no idea rip lol.) It takes a whole bunch of time to do books, and like, I do fic books because I love it! Like SO much. It has and does bring me great joy. But, it can get a liiiittle daunting too. It eats up most of my free time to all my free time, if I get super into it.
So yes, I would really like to adapt it further. I have the barest of bones for an outline, I even have two possible endings already envisioned and several major events more fleshed out! : D But if I do write more long-form full novels for DbD, even in more manageable sizes than their forebearer, I’d try to do them in the order I began. Which means Signifying Nothing—the prequel to ILM about Philip’s time with Vigo, Alex, & Benedict (which is a will do, not if), then New Dawn Fades (the ongoing fic I have on AO3 centered around Joey & Quentin’s relationship), then From the Earth of No Return. Which for the record, my soul very much wants to adapt. Every time I hear Brave Shine now, I see cool TV show opens for it in my head. TuT But I guess the best I can say is, “We’ll see”? Since fics aren’t like my paying job or smth, it depends largely on my personal & work life & how much time I have to devote to for-passion writing. So, I guess the short answer is I’d love to, and I hope to, I’d even say I think I intend to sometime, but I’m not completely certain I’ll be able.
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