#and I always said I wanna adopt a stray cat only
spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Can I make a request for that shion cat cause I saw that imagine and it was sooo adorable
Like the reader find that cat alone and decided to adopt him
And give the cat the love it deserve cause I’d imagine shion cat would’ve had a hard time being a stray
the reader is a sano sibling and while Shinichiro, mikey and Emma aren’t too fond of the cat cause I imagine shion cat being a bit in the dirty side due to being a stray for so long but will always behave because shion cat is terrified of being put back in the street
Okay. I had to add Izana into the Sano household because imagine the chaos! Hope you enjoy!
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The Sano siblings didn't know what to expect when (Name) came home late. They thought maybe he had been caught up with friends. Maybe he was helping an elderly around town again. Or maybe he was helping a kid find his missing parent.
No. When (Name) came home he was covered in dirt and mud and smelled horrible. But what caught their attention the most was the sleeping cat he was holding. Thats right. He came home late, with a cat.
"Um. Whatcha got there (Name)?" Shinichiro asked. Dumbfounded like the other two Sano siblings. (Name) grinned and showed off the filthy cat. "I found this cat! He was hard to catch, but when I did catch him, he fell right asleep in my arms. Isn't he cute?"
Mikey opened his mouth but Emma smacked him and Shinichiro coveted his mouth. "Absolutely bud. Why don't you and your new friend go take a bath okay? Mikey will call his buddy's and see what all the kitty will need okay?"
(Name) nodded excitedly and darted to the bathroom. After he left Shinichiro signed and ran a hand down his face. "Emma call Izana, warn him about the cat. Mikey call your cat friends and ask them what I'll need to get. And DON'T say anything bad while I'm out."
The two nodded and quickly got on it. Once he had the list, Shinichiro quickly went out to get the needed stuff while. Emma gave Mikey a look that said "don't fuck up" before heading to her room.
Mikey just shrugged and made himself comfortable on the couch. When (Name) came out of the bathroom, the cat followed right behind him. (Name) walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. The cat jumped onto the counter and stared.
(Name) got the memo and pulled a small bowl down, pouring half his bottle into the bowl. "There you guy bud." The cat purred and rubbed himself against (Name)'s cheek. Making the male laugh softly and give the cat some well deserved scratches.
When Izana came home he knew (Name) had brought home a cat. But he didn't know what it looked like. Now that he does he only had one thing to say. "That's the ugliest fucking cat I've ever seen."
(Name)'s faced dropped and Mikey snorted. Izana didn't stop there though. "Oh my god. It looks like Shion. Listen I already gotta deal with a human Shion. I don't wanna have to deal with a fucking cat version of him."
Mikey by now was laughing. (Name) had honestly looked like he was gonna cry. Of course neither brothers noticed it. Not until the cat hissed at them. Bringing both brothers attention to the teary eyed male. "I-I was hoping you g-guys would like him!"
(Name) quickly stood up, grabbed the cat, and locked himself in his room. Emma came out after hearing the slamming of (Name)'s door, seeing the two paled older brothers frozen in the living room.
"What did you two do!?" The two immediately began blaming each other. "Izana called (Name)'s cat fucking ugly, then started yelling at him for bringing it home!"
Emma stunned quickly turned to Izana. Who immediately retaliated. "Well Mikey laughed about it and made matters worse!" She turned to Mikey, who tried hiding behind the couch. "Oh wait till Shin-nii gets home!"
"I am home. What's going on?" Shinichiro walked into the living room. Arms full of bags and a worried expression on his face. "Where is (Name) and the cat?" Emma huffed and pointed to the males, who were now both trying to hide behind the couch.
"Shin-nii! Mikey and Izana made (Name) cry! He got upset and locked himself in his room!" Shinichiro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. These kids were giving him so many grey hairs. He stared at the two.
"Explain your parts, and maybe you two won't get grounded." The two immediately started yelling over the other. Shinichiro raised his hand, making the two quiet before pointing at Mikey. "Izana called (Name)'s cat fucking ugly and then yelled at him because apparently the cat looks like one of his gang memebers."
Shinichiro ran a hand down his face and pointed to Izana. "Mikey laughed about it and made it worse." Shinichiro groaned. "I know I said state your case, and you two just snitch on each other. But you guys know how sensitive (Name) is. I mean he looked so happy to have that cat. He also apparently worked hard to catch it."
Shinichiro then glared at the two. "Now I went out and got what was needed for cats. So you BOTH are going to take them to (Name) and apologize to him." The two began to disagree until Emma spoke up. "I'll go ahead and text Kakucho and Takemichi that your guys dates for this weekend are canceled because you two are grounded."
The two quieted down, before slowly grabbing the bags, and making their way towards (Name)'s room. Once there Mikey knocked on the door. When the door opened, the room looked like it had been through a tornado. (Name) sniffles before poking his head out. Still holding the cat.
The two flinched at the sight of dried tears on (Name)'s face. "We brought the cat supplies." (Name) opened his door and allowed the two in. Once everything was set up and placed where it was needed, the boys apologized and (Name) forgave them.
Some things Sano siblings noticed over the next few weeks, was that 1. The cat was completely attached to (Name), and 2. The cat was extremely messy. It made messes everywhere. That (Name) took responsibility and cleaned up.
Which they knew a stray converting to an inside cat would take time and effort. But (Name) has truly surprised them with how responsible he's being for it. After the 3rd week of nothing but messes and chaos, the siblings expected (Name) to give up.
He didn't. Eventually the cat (which (Name) named Shion just to spite Izana), stopped making messes. Well it bothered Mikey and Izana after they would upset (Name). But other then that, Shion became a welcomed member in (Name)'s family.
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painedpen · 10 months
Tell me anything and everything abt your headcanons and stuff for Mondo Owada, I'm all ears! He's one of my favorites so I'd love to hear what you think‼️
Thank you very much but you have no clue what you’ve just unleashed.
- Mondo’s maternal family originated from France, so French is his and Daiya’s first language. Of course, Mondo has never met his mother’s family… yet.
- Speaking of maternal family, anyone wanna take a guess as to what his mother’s maiden name is? Anyone? Too late, it’s Akamatsu.
- So yeah, Kaede is Mondo and Daiya’s little cousin. Kaede is about two or three years younger than Mondo, and she’s delighted to find her long lost cousin at her new high school.
- Due to having to fend for themselves at a young age, both Mondo and Daiya are really good cooks. The difference between them is that Mondo refuses to allow anyone else in the kitchen when he’s cooking. Think Gordon Ramsey but somehow even worse.
- Mondo will never admit to anyone that he likes to cook. God forbid you ask him to cook for you. Unless you’re sick or like really sad. He’ll tell you to never tell anyone though.
- Physical affection is not only his love language, it’s his way of life. Every time you see him, he’s leaning on or hugging one of his classmates. He’s like a really big cat.
- When he was a kid, Daiya couldn’t leave him alone for a moment, cause every time he came back Mondo would have befriended some random animal of prey. Daiya turns around and Mondo is cradling a Great Horned Owl in his arms like a baby.
- Mondo hasn’t been able to bring himself to have another pet since Chuck, so instead he co-parents everyone else’s pets. He’s already won over Celeste’s cat.
- Most of his childhood was spent around a pack of stray animals. One day, a cat curled up on his lap and started purring, and Mondo was like “heehee funny noise” and started mimicking it. Long story short, Mondo purrs as a stim.
- He’s the best adoptive big brother ever. Are you an only child, or just temporarily sad for some reason? Boom, Mondo’s your big brother now. No, no, don’t fight it.
- After befriending Kiyotaka, Mondo went to his French class for the first time in his school career. (He picked it because it was an easy A.) Listening to his teacher, he realized very quickly that she was not a native speaker, nor had she learned from a native speaker. He was quiet for a solid five minutes and then said, in perfect French, “What the fuck are you talking about??”
- Dyslexia makes it so that letters and words are hard for him to understand. But numbers? Ohoho he knows all about those little bitches! Because of this, he’s shockingly good at subjects like Algebra and Calculus.
Angst: (CW: Abandonment, dissociation, child abuse, neglect, violence)
- Mondo’s dad was a real piece of shit to both his wife and kids. Unfortunately, Moselle, his mother, could only find one way to cope with it. She dissociated to the point where she couldn’t recognize her children.
- Daiya and Mondo didn’t know what was wrong with her, so they always said that “Maman is just away.”
- While Daiya was busy trying to take care of his little brother, Mondo dedicated himself to taking care of their mother. Despite Moselle not being able to do much more than basic self-care, Mondo was convinced that she was just sick, and that they needed to help her get better.
- I won’t go into heavy details, but Mondo and Daiya ended up homeless. After the trauma of what he went through with his parents, Mondo went entirely nonverbal for several years.
- One day, while Daiya was away looking for a source of income, Mondo was mugged while alone. A shot through the shoulder left him on the floor looking for help. No one bothered until Officer Takaaki Ishimaru came along. He got Mondo to a hospital just in time.
- Because of nights spent outside, Mondo tends to get Wind Anxiety. When the wind blows fast enough to be heard from inside, Mondo automatically starts shivering. It doesn’t matter if he actually feels cold or not, it’s just an unfortunate muscle memory.
- Mondo doesn’t remember a lot about his childhood, but he finds he can’t forget what his mother’s face looked like just before her death. He refuses to sleep most days because his dreams are full of her eyes looking directly at him.
- Daiya doesn’t remember a thing, but Mondo refuses to remind him. He’d rather Daiya live in blissful ignorance than have him suffer the way Mondo has.
- Mondo still goes nonverbal sometimes, so he likes to wear a face mask. He looks intimidating in that, so no one tries to talk to him when he’s wearing it. Win-win.
- While the Crazy Diamonds is genuinely fun, it’s not a healthy environment for Mondo in the slightest. There’s a large minority of members who still think he’s too weak to be in the gang. They constantly try to pester and bully him into retiring early.
- It was even worse when Daiya was still in charge. Almost everyone hated him. He would get into fights, people would tell him that he should get into a crash and die so that they wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. It was rough.
- Even so, Mondo stayed quiet about it. These people were like family to Daiya, and Mondo didn’t want to be the reason Daiya lost any more family. When Daiya asked why he’d come home with bruises all over, Mondo would blame it on a rival gang.
- The first time Hiroko met Mondo, she gave him a hug. She did that thing moms do, cradling the back of his head and neck with her hand protectively. Mondo absolutely melted.
Platonic Pairings:
Mondo + Kyoko:
- These two mean. So much to me.
- They are both black cat coded but in completely different ways. Like Kyoko is a mysterious and dark Witch’s Familiar, and Mondo is a moody dumbass who likes snuggles.
- Kyoko’s love language isn’t physical affection. But she spontaneously decides to cuddle with Mondo for an hour and a half to the second, and then silently leaves.
- Mondo joins Kyoko on her murder investigations sometimes. He contributes practically nothing, he’s just here to hang out. Kyoko appreciates his presence anyway.
Mondo + Chihiro:
- Okay this one’s just obvious.
- I don’t even think I need to say anything about this.
Mondo + Toko:
- Mwah. Delicious.
- I think that Mondo would hate the way Byakuya treats Toko, and would start aggressively defending her.
- He starts “training” her in order to try and get her confidence up.
- Like, Toko wears a rubber band around her wrist that Mondo snaps every time she self-deprecates. Pavlov her into positive self talk, y’know?
- Toko tells Byakuya to go fuck himself and Mondo stands in the background, wiping a tear from his eye.
Mondo + Celeste:
- Sibling energy frfr.
- They scream at each other in French, but would go to war for each other no questions asked.
- They shit-talk other people together.
- Celeste forces him to wear his hair down every now and again because “The big hair distracts from your pretty face!”
- Mondo points out that she’s a hypocrite. Celeste doesn’t care.
- These two fight so much but there’s no real animosity behind it. Not that anyone around them can tell. Everyone else thinks that they just plain hate each other.
Mondo + Gundham:
- Childhood friends. Hear me out.
- Mondo found a really sick stray puppy when he was little and rushed him to the vet. The vet said that since Mondo didn’t have any money, there was nothing they could do. Mondo was really upset.
- Baby Gundham came up behind them like “You foulest of fiends! It would seem your soul has been buried under stone, if you have it in you to turn away a creature in need. Worry not, mortal, for I, the great Gundham Tanaka, will help you restore this dark beast to its rightful glory!”
- Baby Mondo was like “Okay lol” and they both left.
- That’s how Mondo got Chuck.
Mondo + Mikan:
- Hoo boy!!
- Mondo is in the infirmary a lot due to obvious reasons, so it’s only natural that he would be friendly with the nurse.
- Every time Hiyoko or someone else tries to come in and bully Mikan, Mondo picks them up by the neck and throws them out.
- It’s gotten to the point where, even if Mondo isn’t there, Mikan will just tell people “If you won’t leave me alone, I’ll call Owada!” No one fucks with that.
- Overall, having Mondo’s protection is a huge confidence boost for her.
Kay there you go.
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invisibleraven · 3 months
going to a cat café for Reggie/Willie please and thank you
"I'm really more of a dog person," Reggie commented as Willie dragged him towards The Mat Catter Café.
"I'm not saying we bring one home," Willie replied. "But I thought it would be fun to enjoy some yummy treats while cute little kitties roam around."
"I do like treats..."
Willie grinned at that, bringing them in and asking for a table in the kitten room. They were seated quickly, and Willie cooed as a little tabby wound around his ankles.
Reggie smiled, loving how happy his partner looked, giving the kitten scritches while he looked over the menu and decided on a tray of pastry and lemonades to enjoy.
"While it might be tempting, please don't feed the cats any of your food," the hostess requested. "We do have treats for sale if you want though."
"I'll take a bunch!" Willie said, now cuddling a little orange cat while the tabby napped off on a stool nearby. He only let the kitten go as their food was delivered, though the cat was happy enjoy a nap in his lap.
"You're enjoying this way too much," Reggie said, though he was smiling as Willie pet the kitty while munching on a croissant.
Willie shrugged, and took a sip of his drink. "I've always liked animals, and my favourite group home growing up had a few cats. I even rescued a stray or two behind the club but Caleb made me take them to the SPCA since he was allergic."
Reggie smiled softly-Willie didn't like talking about his youth growing up in the foster system, so a happy memory of that time was a rare and precious thing. They had bonded over their terrible families and had strived to give each other the love and affirmation they had been denied for so long.
The waitress returned, giving them a small bag of treats, making a few pointy ears perk up. Willie attracted a tuxedo cat and a fluffy ball of white fur that the waitress told them was a ragdoll.
Reggie had to laugh as Willie was swarmed with cats, but he looked so delighted, he didn’t car about the amount of fur coating his clothes or the tiny needles from cats kneading him.
“You wanna try?” Willie asked, holding out the bag.
“I mean we should leave some cats for everyone else,” Reggie teased. But he still took the bag and held his hand out to the few cats roaming around him.
Finally a little calico with one eye came over, sniffing Reggie’s hand, rubbing at his fingers and gently nipping them before taking the piece of freeze dried salmon. Then jumped up into Reggie’s lap, spun around a few times and settled into a ball.
“She’s vibrating!” Reggie exclaimed.
“She’s purring Sparky,” Willie replied. “Means she likes you.”
Reggie was awed by how trusting this little cat was, and he gently stroked her soft fur. He felt his breathing slow, his whole body relaxing with the movement and the gentle purring.
“Oh wow,” the waitress remarked as she came to take their dishes. “Pirate never does this.”
“On people,” she clarified. “We’ve had a real hard time getting her adopted because she’s so anti-social. She was abused, so she has a hard time trusting.”
“Is that how she lost her eye?” Reggie asked, laying his hand over the cat’s head, rubbing behind her ears.
The waitress nodded sombrely. “She’s fine now, and gets along fine with the other cats, but I’ve never seen her act like this with a human before.”
“You think she likes dogs?” Willie asked.
“Loves ‘em,” the waitress replied. “We’ve had her in a few foster homes and she loved the dogs there, just not the people.”
Reggie looked up at Willie, then down at the cat who shared so much background with the two of them. Who chose him out of everyone. And he couldn’t bear to leave her here.
“Can I get an adoption form?” he asked. “I think it’s about time we got Chewie a little sister.”
“Told you that you’d like it in here,” Willie snarked.
“I blame you,” Reggie said as Pirate glanced up at him, yawned and curled back up to resume her nap.
“I take it all,” Willie remarked. “Until you become a crazy cat dad and fill our house with felines.”
“I think she’ll be enough,” Reggie replied, petting the cat once more.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Chapter 2: Sil
Silence Masterlist
tw institutionalised/normalised pet whump, it/its used as a default for pets, past trauma, morally dubious caretaker, defiant/feral whumpee
Rayan sat on the ground a few feet away from the stray as it ate. He was lost in thought, quietly observing the visible injuries and weird bumps under its skin. Bones healed wrong, maybe.
The more he thought about this entire situation, the more he found himself absolutely furious with the pet’s previous owner. He had wanted a pet his entire life. He had grown up wanting one, seeing how happy and lively and perfect they were, knowing that if he was just a little more fortunate, worked just a little harder, get out of his one-bedroom dwelling and move into something a tiny bit more spacious, maybe the Pet Protection Agency would consider him as a potential adopter. He had always been so passionate about wanting to give poor, helpless things a better life, that was precisely why he was so obsessed with helping the stray cats and dogs around the area. His ultimate goal was to get one of the pets out of a shelter and give it a loving home, the best home he possibly could. 
And then there were people like this guy’s owner. He couldn’t fathom having the wealth and opportunity to adopt a pet and then treating it like utter garbage. He couldn’t fathom how the PPA could’ve given someone like that a licence in the first place. Wasn’t there an interview? Weren’t they supposed to check up on pets regularly? How did they miss this? 
His new acquaintance put down the cup gently, almost like it was handling expensive glass or something. Quite out of character for someone moving around so jerkily, and who had pretended not to care much for the soup in the first place.
"My name's Rayan. May I ask what your name is?" He kept his voice quiet, both so he could avoid startling it, and so others on the street wouldn't hear.
"Wouldn't we both like to know?" It choked out a dry laugh, devoid of any joy or amusement. "Owner called me mutt, or that thing. It. I'm not sure I ever had a name, Rayan." His name felt like an insult coming from the pet, as if he was in the wrong for simply having one when it didn't.
Rayan frowned. "Well, do you wanna have one? You could give me anything. Make something up. Go back and change it later if you come up with something better... surely, you don't want me to call you those things?"
"Why do you need to call me anything?" it snapped suddenly. "You're making it sound like you'll just stick around and humour me forever! Why don't you go on your way already?" 
"I- well..." Rayan rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, awkwardly, looking for words that wouldn't upset the other. He wasn't sure words like that existed. "I was hoping I'd find you here tomorrow, like... like always. Well, for the past week. And that I'd have a name to call you by when I came back."
The stray's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but it didn't lash out again. In fact, it didn't react at all, which was already better than the outburst a moment ago. Rayan counted it as a win.
"Think about it, okay?" he said with what he hoped was a friendly and pleasant smile. "I'll take this stuff back now. I'll bring you more tomorrow, if... you know, if you're still here. If I didn't annoy you into leaving and finding another place."
He slowly inched closer and grabbed the bowls and the plate with the cup on it, still without getting a single word in response. It was only when he turned to leave that he heard a quiet voice from behind him, so unlike the harsh tone he had just gotten used to.
"I've been calling myself Sil. In my head. I was always told to be silent, so I guess I just took it and ran with it."
Rayan stopped and glanced back at the stray, Sil, nodding his understanding without giving any indication that he noticed the faint blush on its face. "Sil it is, then."
"Will you really come back tomorrow?" it asked, prompting him to fully turn back around. "Am I really worth it, compared to a dog?"
"Hey." Rayan crouched down to be at eye-level with it. "I'll be back, as long as you want me to. You could even come home with me." Sil visibly recoiled at the idea, and he quickly added, "It's just an option. Just letting you know. All I'm saying is, I'll be back tomorrow. For sure."
"Okay," it said quietly, watching Rayan stand up again with those sharp eyes that seemed to catch even the smallest of movements. The eyes of someone that had been hurt by those movements.
"See you tomorrow, Sil."
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain @oddsconvert
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ohdudedhesflirting · 2 years
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My top 9 on boys planet
So if you are following me you now that I am kinda obssessed with boys planet currently and !! Because I am an indecivive person i needed to make sure my votes would be the right ones.. so.. i did my little research about each of them, their pros and cons.. So yeah.. Lets go ? (they are not classed by favorites but random) ((images are not mine))
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Park Gunwook
2005- 18 years old
1m 83
K Group
Pros :
Giant Baby
So good at dancing
Great stage presence !
Clever and great vision (The kill this love stage ? His whole plan)
Zhang Hao loves him
He is very polite and I love him for that
Invited buddies from another dorm room to sleep in his room bc they couldn’t sleep due to Ji Woong’s snoring.
(cough for all those traines that thinks he is scary, no he is not !! he baby your honor)
Con :
He is legally an adult but 2005 is a bit young for the mental pressure of being an idol
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Zhang Hao
2000- 22 years old
1m 80.
G group & center
Pro :
Can play the violin
His singing voice
Stage presence
Dancing skills
I love his ears, reminds me of an elf
Pro looser
He has great taste. Why ? He adopted Gun Wook. I love gun wook he is baby. And my boy Zhang Hao recognised that, so yeah great taste.
He helped other people rehearse at night/late on the day
Good team spirit
Smacks people’s ass
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2004 – 18 years old
1m 83
G Group
« Young and rich. Tall and Handsome. Charisma boss baby Ricky. »
Pro :
He has a cute laugh
Great stage presence
Good humor (How do you feel ? – I feel stoked)
He did not laugh with the whole hat prank.
He has a tatoo on his neck
He loves Ji Woong
Can make a cocktail (very rare apparently)
Con :
Resting bitch face
Mnet evil editing him fr (mnt is globally evil editing kind of everyone from g group)
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2001- 21 years old
1m65 (he is the same height as me lol)
G Group
He already debuted in the group Ciipher
Pro :
Said he can do composition, always useful in a group
All rounder
He always serve on a performance level
Great rap
He is the one who made “I love you, I want you, Seok Matthews”
Con :
Dont know much about him
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Sung Hanbin
2001- 21 years old
K Group & center
Bestie with Matthews !! (They come as a package. Do NOT separate them)
Pro :
His dancing skills
He wanted to be a kindergarten teacher or a psychologist
He is very tender with other
Fell for him when he cried for Matthew performance because he was so proud of him. Thats the moment I knew I was ready to die for him
He said he liked writing and I like writing too so he get a point in my agenda
He is humble with the whole center and killing points parts.
Im sorry but he looks so young I wanna put him in my pocket
He has a tatoo on his arm
Him in sports day (« please do not make me talk)
Close to his mom
Great team spirit
Con :
Held Matthew’s hand #WishThatWereMe
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Kim Jiwoong
1998 – 25 years old
1m 78
K Group
Also an actor and had a debut in INX
Pro :
He is calm
Brilliant leader
I like his stage presence
During sport day he helped his partner when he fell by securing him so he wouldn’t be hurt.
He snores. I snore. Good point for him.
He gives great advce and he really helped Matthew while he wasa leader for the love Killa task.
Somehow reminds me of a stray cat that does not want to be pat but once you get to know him he will come purr on your lap
Con :
I want to hear him more of his singing
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Kim Gyuvin
2004- 18 years old
K Group
« Did you do only Love Killa for years ? »
Pro :
He loves snacks.
He is cute
Great dancing skills
Litteraly just put him in this list bc he loves snacks and I find his stage presence great
Con :
His ugly ass dog.
I know litteraly nothing about this guy
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2001- 22 years old
G Group
He said he considered it to be his last chance :’(
Pro :
His voice !!!!
Dancing skills
He said he liked studying history and as an art history major I love him for that :’)
His humor
Great facial expressions off and on stage
Con :
Mnet and koreans racism towards mixed people : ( (not his fault tho)
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Seok Matthews
2002- 20 years old.
1m 70
G Group
Bestie with Han bin ! (They come in a package. Cannot be separated)
« I love you. I want you. Seok Mathews. »
Pro :
Born in 2002. I am born in 2002 so we are bestie now
He talked in french. I am french. A point in my agenda
His voice ?????!!! On the floor
Great dancing skills
Always serving in every performance
He had good leaders skills during the « love killa » performance
Great presence on stage
Always show a different energy on stage
Can make a cocktail approximately, he put some ice in there and I love my cocktail cold so yeah. 
Thats it :)
Dont jump on me for not adding Hui. I Will not be sharing my opinion.
And also dont jump me for not adding Yujin. He wont get just one vote for me because he is a minor. And I dont want a 15 years old kid to debut.
His talent will still be there in a couple of years. So its a no for me <3 I refuse to put a litteral child in the industry we all saw what happened to Ni-Ki and to litterally every fucking minor/young idol in the industry.
(also if anyone is interested tell me if you want the aesthetic I imagine for the group and the name :) )
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
hii!! U seem so cool- but anyway,, could i get a twisted wonderland match up? My grammar kinda sucks and my auto corrects off so😭
I would like for it to be more romantic, if thats ok! Also pls dont match me up with any of the 1st years since i would honestly just adopt them in twst😭
Sooo im an enfp 7w6, scorpio, green flag.. Yeahhh
But other than that,, (about to write a whole essay abt my personality) what abt my personality?
Soo im honestly kindaa uhm,, goldfish-like; i have a crap memory. and whenever in a serious situation, one where you need to stay on guard, i instantly calm down after someone cracks a joke and forget abt the whole situation.. So bcuz of that i get called "the goldfish of (gc name)" 🥲
But im really motherly and caring! I always take care of my loved ones like a nurse, so pretty much- im my friends personal nurse AND doctor (as someone who startes studying abt medical stuff when i was like 10,, young, ik) i also take care of stray animals whenever i get the chance. feeding them, taking care of their wounds, whatever! Im a good balance of childish and mature, though i fall more on the childish side! I honestly give out 'sad, wet cat' vibes at first, since i mostly spend time alone, sulking abt being alone, reading in the library alone.. but im the total opposite! Honestly kinda weird but in a good way? Super kind, and generous, and sympathetic, i always consider other peoples feelings first ofc! Honestly kind of a people pleaser🥲 softhearted person with anger issues huhu.. Also keyword 'with anger issues' because i can and will beat someone up who did one simple thing to make me mad, even if theyre like 6'2 IDGAF FIGHT ME IM 5'10 ITS NOT MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE🙄🙄 veryvery energetic or the opposite, depends. havent slept for like 2 weeks straight😇
Now I'll just say the exact words my friends said when i asked them what they thought of me-
"funny, cute, and she lavs astronomy ahhajaja" "ure the friend whos effortlessly funny but gay /j but srsly youre the friend whos funny but super girlboss whenever there are fights and uses emojis every sentence they send" "the fish i ate for dinner" "cute nmn, and fun too, but annoying sometimes😒" "youre literally just like your father but as a girl,, stubborn, charming, ignorant, brave.. And you even have the same facial feaures." "Soft girl vibes" "VOODOO DOLL SELLER IKAW"
And for my hobbies.. I have a lot tbh LEMME JUST-
Astronomy; stargazing.. IT GIVES ME SO MUCH PEACE OMG
Exploring; going to abandoned and apparently 'haunted' places brings me so much joy somehow
Dancing; practicing ballet but my friends drag me to learn the choreo of a kpop song😭
Singing; opera😻
Gaming; tbh i rarely do it anymore😭
Collecting; plushies, seashells, etc..
Thats all i think😔 I dont wanna waste ur time so thank you huhuu BYEE HAVE A GREAT YEAR MWAMWA
-lav hoshii
Hello and thank you for your request! Honestly I had a lot of fun reading over this and I believe I have just the guy for you so here we go!
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I match you with.......
Floyd Leech
🦐 You two bounce off of each other so freaking much that it is insane. At this point, you're the most interesting person in his life and he isn't planning on letting you go ANY time soon and that's a fact.
🦐 Floyd is someone who butts heads with a lot of people, and I mean, a LOT of people. He's not one to shy away from a fight, even in those ones where he is clearly out numbered. It's more fun for him. But what he really loves is how you patch him up after each and every one. Sure, you badger him about all of these fights, but it's only because you care about him, and as you place a kiss to each wrap and bandaid, he can only hopelessly grin at you...... he is smitten.
🦐 Your memory isn't the best, and while Floyd seems like the aloof type, he is actually very smart, very perceptive, and has an excellent memory. He will remember anything you can't and it greatly comes in handy when needed.
🦐 Being with Floyd, also means you will be seeing a lot of Jade. Sorry, they're a two for one package deal (Azul's words). And while his twin was highly skeptical of you at first (when is he not skeptical of someone?), just seeing you with Floyd, and all the shenanigans you both get up too and how you always take care of him, you're basically family now at this point.
🦐 He is in the basketball club! Which is perfect for you! You love basketball and you two have player 1v1 quite a lot. Just be careful, because he can and WILL get competitive. Also, if you wear his jersey to his games, he has this derpy smile the entire time and will be showing off just for you. He turns into an absolute beast on the court. You're now the good luck charm of the NRC basketball team and Ace and Jamil always make sure you're there.
🦐 He finds out early on in the relationship about your habit of collecting sea shells. Now, because of him that collection has expanded a great amount. Look, you're dating a merman, he can and will be going under the water to gather the best and biggest shells thay he can find for your ccollection. But your personal favorite is a little cream colored chipped clam shell. He brought that one back after finding it randomly on a walk and it is now the most cherished one in the collection.
🦐 The way your mood fluctuates matches how his does, and while it annoyed him at first (like, is this how Jade and Azul feel when his does that?), he was able to quickly find out what can set you off or change your mood and is able to quickly adjust accordingly. Though he will admit that you look pretty hot when you get angry and tackle someone twice your size.
🦐 He would absolutely love to go exploring with you. It can be boring, it can be dangerous, so much could happen that you just don't know and that's what makes it exciting! If you ever get bored of looking at the supposedly haunted houses, he'll happily supply a breathing potion and he can show you some really cool shipwrecks!
🦐 Overall, a relationship with the reckless eel with legs is nothing short of an adventure. You know you'll never be bored, he loves how considerate you are with him and how you take care of him. And Azul and Jade are beyond thankful that you can actually get him to focus on his work, only if you're there, though 😅
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mothellie · 3 months
hi i just had to share i also got a kitten and had a theme in mind cause he’s a black cat and wanted something spooky so we named him Boo
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Please tell Boo he is the cutest ever for me because he absolutely needs to hear it.
For me, the reason I've stuck with a food name theme is because almost all of my previous cats were named after food. It was unintentional but now I wanna keep the theme. When my bio dad found a kitten at the park while he was working when I was about 15, I decided to name her Apple and he really liked it. Technically it wasn't because of actual apples, it was because of this mildly obscure movie we really love called Turbo Kid, which has a character named Apple.
I had a couple cats with my ex girlfriend I gave funny pun names. But when I got my last cat I named him Tuna because I got him when he was very little and that was a name I had held onto for a while. Unfortunately, Tuna passed away in early 2022 due to a very large growth on his bladder. The vet said he was preconditioned for bad health so it was inevitable.
It was really hard on me for a while because that was my first real pet of my own who I bonded with at that level and I still get really sad over it sometimes. But in late 2023 I got a call at work from a staff member asking for access to the warehouse on the campus I work at and I ended up finding out it was because one of the many stray cats on the grounds had given birth and one of the staff there was a foster, so she was gonna take them home and get them weened before finding them homes of their own. Nugget was the only one of the bunch that had the fur pattern he did, mostly white with exclusively ginger calico spots. I fell in love and basically begged for this lady to keep him off the adoption market for me. I got to take him home a little early because the lady really couldn't handle so many kittens at once and I weened him for the final weeks.
He's basically Tuna reincarnated, just a little bit more of that signature orange cat personality (/aff). I named him Nugget somewhat like a tribute to Tuna because it was also a food name. Unfortunately though, I wasn't able to get Nugget neutered as quickly as I wanted to, so I'm still waiting on my appointment. When I had to leave my now ex, I moved in with my brother briefly and he had three female cats, one of which wasn't spayed. I scrambled to get him neutered before she got pregnant but of course I was a little too late lmao so now there are five kittens.
The mama cat is named Millie, which is apparently affectionately short for Miller Lite (they thought she was a boy when they found her otherwise they apparently would've named her Princess Diana and if you met my brother the name choices would not at all surprise you lmao) so we were thinking of temporary names to cross between chicken and beer 😭
But one of the cats is going to me, one is going to my brother and his girlfriend, one is going to our mutual friend, one is going to my bio dad and one is going to my brother's girlfriend's sister. I went by to see them today and they're SO TINY it reminded me of how tiny Nugget was when we found him and his siblings. My new baby kitty is almost all white with grey tipped ears and tail, so I've been trying to think of a good food name for him that fits. Once he's fully weened off of his mama I'll be able to take him home, which should be early August. But I can visit infrequently to visit. I'm really excited to have another fur baby.
I always used to say I didn't have a bias between dogs and cats, because that's mostly true. I also love dogs. But after Tuna, I have to say I'm much more partial to cats. Gonna be the genderqueer equivalent of a cat lady when I get old lol.
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yet I forgot this stuff exist tho, however, ronan's chr lore dump bc, man idk- (tw: a bit of angst, uh, mentions of ab•s•)
today's chr is actually my chr; i mean, who tf if it isn't emine (aka talc/pavo)? TW: spoilers
yep, so far I wanna talk about her being a menace; it was all started when I put her in dat hunger games simulator, which gave me an idea if she's like, opposed from being calmer, she would be that uh, more like a menace.
so, here's the story, emine's actually just a young child, got kicked from her biological mother because of assuming she'll be like her biological father, whose personality she inherits later on; to be exact, she nearly like, being ab•s•d by her mother after the mother herself and the said father divorced. around that time, she was like, 3.
despite that she was even like, too young to live by herself, and survive as a stray kid, she even tried hard for her to survive and live so she could probably get herself, either to a new home yet, it was still hard for her. not to mention emine probably once robbed anything, but not most of the time only to fulfill her needs, especially for her pet cat as well. (yes, she canonically has a pet cat-)
however, it was not until she was about to rob some of devansha's (carbonado/corvus) stuffs, which later, he realized that she only needs them for her to fulfill what she was needed for; a new home, to be exact. at first, he was too skeptical to bring her with him, but however, he decided to adopt her without hesitation. and so, it goes til' this day when she was now lived normally, yet somehow...
devansha himself found emine definitely similar to him, especially when it comes for their cases as well before being taken to a new home. however, not as devansha himself, emine took differently, and guess what; yes, the fact that she actually took her biological father's personality, although she isn't aware of it, hence why she got that menace energy.
however, despite the risks, devansha still took care of her, even if she didn't even try to make a scene as long as he was actually there with her. yet also, that counts if her adoptive mother is there.
even as time passes by, emine herself tried to learn to move on from all her problems. even she had to let go from those, since she wasn't with her biological family; instead, she was indeed happy with her adoptive parents, especially her adoptive mother also, due to the fact that she always wanted a nice maternal figure.
anw, that's the story, yet I probably didn't wanna give dat menace a dark backstory but srsly, I fking did. I mean, why tf is wrong with my brain, like... yk, ik some of my characters' backstories are dark (slight or mild, it depends-), yet even for this rascal here as I wanna apologize for her to be given a tragic backstory 🏃‍♂️
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ilykaveh · 2 years
LILAH B ! love the new username. love u. would love it if u could tell me abt ur selfships !!!! i wanna hear all the deets 💗
OMG HI BABY !!! THANK U SM <333 ily2. i only rambled about the two main ones because i would be here ALL DAY OTHERWISE JDJDHFJ but the other selfships i kinda have are denki, jean kirstein, and most likely kaveh — shoto and dabi are currently v strong contenders... we'll see!
the first ever one for me was kamisato ayato. we're THE power couple of inazuma and have adopted a strange amount of stray kittens. i'm close to thoma before meeting ayato (there is a LOT of lore here but basically we grew up together alongside jean, diluc, and kaeya — me and diluc were on and off dating as teens but after his father died... he changed.) and because of that, ayato let me stay in the estate. ayaka and thoma both noticed we were hopelessly in love before we did. we have an orange cat that loves to sit on his desk. we watch the fireworks together from a top secret location. he lets me braid flowers into his hair. we had two weddings, and the first was absolutely adorable (the second being a public thing). yae officated the first wedding, ayaka and yoimiya were the bridesmaids, and thoma was best man. itto tried to get two onikabuto to carry the rings. it was basically a small gathering with friends. (ayato also got into contact with the knights of favonius and invited jean/kaeya/diluc to our secondary wedding as a surprise.) i'll be quiet but there is so. much. lore. here.
next up, nanami kento. this is the one other self ship where we're married ! we eloped after the shibuya incident, with yuji, maki, and nobara there. kento was happy to go with the first two, but i insisted we bring nobara or else we'd never hear the end of it. that being said... when gojo found out we got married without a big wedding he may have thrown us one. we visit his grandparents in denmark every winter and are really close to them. his grandmother actually gifted us a family recipe book for our first christmas as a married couple. we bake a lot together too !! he also likes to read to me when i get sick (which is a lot lol). he sends me little text reminders throughout the day while he's at work too — it makes him excited to come home to see me. we live in a quaint little apartment nearer the countryside. oh and we'll ALWAYS be going to little farmers markets and whatnot. nanami refused to tell gojo where we lived and only found out from yaga. he subsequently showed up on our doorstep. daily. for a week. that menace also gave me the weirdest fucking secret santa one year and i don't even want to know how he got it. yuji is also our unofficial son. he comes over for dinner twice a week. and nobara often joins too since she's far away from her parents. maki too! basically all the kids are welcomed with open arms.
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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5.9k, hybrids, fluff, comfort, attempted assault, mentions of assault, trauma, claws, abuse, violence, implied smut
“You adopted some strays?”
“Yeah, I was walking home when I noticed a tail moving around in a dumpster. I went over out of concern and found a precious cat hybrid. I have pictures!” You took out your phone and showed your coworker. “This is Yeonjun, it was like love at first sight. I offered to take him home and adopt him once I realized he was a stray. Although he told me he wasn’t alone.”
“So you took in a whole liter?”
“Not quite. Yeonjun showed me his friends, there was another cat, and three dog hybrids.”
“Wow, that’s an interesting mix.”
“They were all so cute.” You showed a group photo. “So I took them all in.”
“Cats and dogs… one type of hybrid is already a lot of work, but two. I don’t know how you’ve managed.”
“They’re pretty well behaved. I already did all the paperwork, and took them to the vet for a checkup and the necessary shots. They’re all a bunch of healthy boys.”
“Wait, they’re all boys?” 
“Yeah… why?”
“Well, how do you deal with them when they go into heat? Or did you get them fixed?”
“Ah… well… the vet didn’t mention anything about that… and it hasn’t been a problem…”
“How long have you had them?”
“A couple months now, but not that long. I mean, they’re fine. They know if they need anything they can just ask me.”
“When’s y/n coming home?”
    Taehyun stared out the window solemnly, his patience wearing thin. His ears were pressed against his head, huffing out of boredom.
“She gets home around the same time everyday.” Yeonjun reminded. “Just look at the clock.”
“I don’t trust it… it mocks me… with its slowness and never ending ticking.”
“Well sixty seconds are sixty seconds, time moves at a constant speed, so, be patient.”
“I’m bored.” Taehyun whined. “Why can’t she just stay home all the time?”
“That’s not how her job works.” Soobin said. “If you’re so bored just go to sleep. She’ll be home before you know it.”
“Ugh… I guess…”
    Taehyun was still pouting but found a comfy spot to lay down, making sure to bask in the sun while he napped.
“Wake me when y/n gets home.”
“No promises.”
“Boys, I’m home.”
    You called out your arrival as you stepped into your place, quickly hearing footsteps rushing over to you. Soon you were attacked with hugs, all your boys welcoming you home.
“Hello, hello, did you miss me?”
“Yes.” “Of course.” “Always.”
“And did you stay out of trouble?”
“Yup.” “Yeah.“
“Ah, I saw that Beomgyu.” You said. “Your ears went down for a second, what did you do?”
“He broke into the snack cabinet.”
“Beomgyu! Was that before or after lunch?”
“Hm, is there something you wanna say pup?”
“… Kai was my look out and he had some too…”
“I won’t be in trouble alone!”
“Two of you sneaking snacks? Tsk, tsk, you know what that means.”
“It’s not fair for the others. So, my three boys with empty stomachs, how about some snacks?”
“Yes!” “Please!”
“Come on then.”
    You only took a few steps before you stopped, Beomgyu and Kai each holding one of your legs. They were both whining, ears down.
“We’re sorry.”
“We won’t do it again, promise.”
“What’s done is done, now let your brothers have their snacks.”
“But we want snacks from you too.”
    They both started whimpering, rubbing their head against your leg. You chuckled, but it wasn’t long before the others pulled them off, setting you free so they could get their snacks. The two trouble makers stayed put, just watching.
“I hate you…” Kai mumbled.
“Me too.”
    The three good boys lined up and eagerly awaited their snacks. They were given head pats and ear scratches before being rewarded, all very happy and very smug.
“Alright. I’m going to shower, and then I’ll get dinner together. Our drama will air soon.”
    While you were off the other three made fun of the others before they all settled down in the living room. Soobin turned on the TV, getting to the right channel. Once you finished your shower you went out to check on them, seeing your boys all gathered around the TV.
“You all look so cute, I’ll get dinner.”
    You whipped something up for dinner, setting it down on the coffee table, and everyone dug in. You all ate together and watched the next episode of your drama, talking and sharing theories during commercials. By the end you all wanted more, but you’d have to wait until next week. There was a bit more talking before you cleared the table and did the dishes, with some help of course.
“Alright, bed time.”
    The boys all eagerly followed you to their room, jumping in bed and fooling around. You tried to wrangle them all up, tucking them into bed, one by one, until you had them all under the sheets. You gave them all a good night kiss, giving some gentle pets before wishing them all a good night.
    Late at night Soobin had gotten up to get a drink, carefully slipping out of bed. On his way back he found Kai standing at the door to your bedroom, hand holding the door knob. They all knew you locked the door at night, just to make sure none of them interrupted your sleep, and for the most part they were fine with that.
“Kai… what are you doing?”
“She’s sleeping… I wanna sleep with her…”
“She needs rest, or else how do you expect her to take care of us.”
“I wanna be with her…”
“In the morning, come on, you look exhausted.”
    Soobin gently wrapped an arm around Kai and led him back to bed, tucking him in before getting in himself. The rest of the night seemed to be uneventful, and when morning came they all woke to the same thing.
“Boys, breakfast!”
    Smiles appeared on their faces as they got up, yawning and making their way to the kitchen. Five bowls of cereal set out while you were packing up your own lunch for the day. You blew them all kisses and they eagerly ate. Although the last to get to the table was Kai, dragging his feet and clearly half asleep. You didn’t notice right away, not until you heard a splash and thud. You quickly turned around to see that Kai’s head was in the cereal bowl and you rushed over to help him out. You gently lifted his head out, moving the bowl away and reaching for a napkin to clean him up. While also making sure he wasn’t sick.
“Kai, baby, did you sleep okay last night?”
“You can have something to eat later, okay, let’s get you cleaned up and back to bed.”
    The others didn’t say much as you helped Kai back to his room, putting him back to sleep. Although once the two of you were gone they started talking.
“What the hell was that?” Taehyun wondered. “Did he have a nightmare?”
“Was he standing in front of y/n’s room again?” Yeonjun mumbled.
“Wait, he’s done that before?” Soobin asked.
“Oh, so he was?”
“I found him last night, but I got him back to bed. He might have woken up again.”
“Why would he be outside y/n’s room?” Beomgyu said. “Sounds weird.”
“He said he wanted to sleep with her.”
“Like share a bed and stuff, at least I think.”
“He needs to stop doing that before he gets found out and freaks her out.” Yeonjun added. “There’s a reason she locks the door.”
“That’s just so we don’t wander in at night.” Taehyun said.
“Can you boys make sure Kai sleeps in today.” You said as you came back to the kitchen. “He looks exhausted.”
“We can do that.” Soobin smiled. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll be okay.”
“I know, you guys are very tough.” You grabbed your lunch. “I’ll be heading out now, oh, and don’t forget I will be home late today, so don’t wait up.”
“Love you boys, have a good day.”
“You too.” “Bye.”
    They all waved and saw you off, returning to finish their breakfast and properly clean up. There were plenty of things to do in the house to entertain themselves, plenty of games, both online and off, they just weren’t allowed to use the internet. What they had was enough for them regardless, it was more than they ever had before out on the streets. Later in the afternoon around lunch time Soobin went to the fridge to see what you had left for them, also asking the others to wake Kai, he needed to eat something. They all gathered around the TV to eat, Kai still half asleep.
“Were you standing at y/n’s door again last night?” Yeonjun asked.
“Then why are you so tired?” Beomgyu said. “You nearly drowned in your cereal bowl this morning.”
“I’m fine.”
“Regardless, you need to stop doing that.” Yeonjun added. “If she catches you outside her room one day you’ll scare her and she might kick you out. All of us even.”
“She wouldn’t.”
“Just stop it. It’s also fucking with your health. She’ll drag you and us to the vet…”
    That conversation seemed to go well, but given that Kai wasn’t there in the morning, he wasn’t aware that you would be home late. So around the usual time you’d be home he was found waiting by the door.
“She’s gonna be late today.” Taehyun said when he found him. “Come on, we’re gonna watch a movie.”
“I’ll just wait here.”
“Okay then, join us when you want.”
    Taehyun explained to the others, and they all expected Kai at some point, but he never showed. They finished the movie and cleaned up, Yeonjun going off to find the other. Kai was still plopped down in front of the door, clearly sleepy but doing his best to stay awake.
“Let’s go to bed, y/n will be home soon.”
“Then I’ll wait.”
“She’ll wind up tripping over you. Come on.”
    Yeonjun yanked Kai up to his feet, intending to take him to bed, but he was met with resistance. Kai didn’t want to leave, and this was getting ridiculous.
“Let go!”
“If she finds you sleeping on the floor she’ll be worried.”
“I won’t fall asleep!”
“You can barely keep your eyes open right now.”
“Let me go!”
“Kai please.”
    The two started tussling, Yeonjun trying to drag Kai away, and then they heard the door opening. Yeonjun immediately let go, Kai falling to the floor. As you entered you didn’t make a sound, thinking your boys were asleep, instead you found Yeonjun and Kai in what seemed to be a fight.
“What are you two doing?”
    You went over to help Kai get up, seeing his tired face. Yeonjun was fumbling with his words, trying to figure out how to explain, but you interrupted.
“You can tell me what happened in the morning. I’ve had a long day so let’s just leave it at that.”
    Yeonjun whimpered, feeling like he was being scolded, but you assured him he wasn’t. You kissed his head, wishing him a good night.
“You come with me sleepyhead.”
    You took Kai’s hand and took him to your room. Yeonjun watched in confusion and annoyance, seeing the door shut and hearing it lock behind you. It looked like Kai had finally gotten what he wanted. He told the others what happened, them all in disbelief and on his side, but they wouldn’t know what came next until morning.
“Boys, breakfast!”
    The four in their room had been awake for a while, hearing you in the kitchen, smelling your cooking, but they all waited until you called them out. They thought maybe Kai would be with you, but he wasn’t.
“Where’s Kai?” Taehyun asked. “Isn’t he with you?”
“He’s still sleeping in my bed.”
“You guys… slept together…”
“Kai was very fluffy and warm.”
“And clingy I bet…” Yeonjun mumbled.
“Since you’ve found your voice, care to explain what I walked into last night?”
“Uh, what did Kai say?”
“I want to hear what you have to say first.”
“I… it’s a misunderstanding. Kai was waiting for you and I was trying to get him to go to bed. As I was trying to get him up you came home and I dropped him. We weren’t fighting…”
“Hm, that’s what I thought. And that’s what Kai said too. Did he sleep in yesterday?”
“Yes, we woke him up for lunch.” Soobin stated. “He seemed alright then.”
“That’s good to hear. Alright, here’s breakfast, I’ll go wake the sleepyhead.”
    You set down the food and went over to your room, coaxing Kai out of bed, telling him the others were waiting. He eventually got up and followed you to the kitchen, happily plopping down in his seat.
“Good night?” Beomgyu teased.
“Best sleep of my life.” Kai smiled.
“Yeah, I bet.”
“Okay, lunch’s all set for you guys. I’ll see you later.”
“You’re leaving already.” Taehyun whined. “But it’s too early.”
“Have to finish up something this morning, so I gotta go. You boys behave, love you.”
“Love you too.” “Bye bye.” “Have a good day.”
    Once you were gone the others quickly crowded around Kai. All grievances from yesterday forgotten or thrown out the window. They just wanted details.
“Did you really sleep in bed with her?” Beomgyu asked. “Like all wrapped up in her arms?”
“Yup.” Kai was very smug. “She’s so soft and cute.”
“I bet.”
“Do you think we can sleep with her too?” Yeonjun wondered. “I mean… it only takes one time…”
“Hopefully.” Taehyun said. “I’d love to.”
“Kai.” Soobin questioned. “Are you good?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You haven’t stopped smiling.”
“Cause I’m happy.”
“Yeah but you look… lovesick…”
“How would you know what that looks like?”
“We’ve seen a lot of romance dramas.”
“Huh, now that you mention it.” Beomgyu took a good look at Kai. “Are you in love with y/n?”
“What! No!”
“You are, you so are.”
“Is that weird?” Taehyun wondered. “You’re a hybrid and she’s human…”
“We’re half human.”
“And you’re half dog.”
“So? That drama we’re watching has a couple where one is a hybrid.”
“Side couple, not even second lead.” Taehyun said. “Not exactly the best rep here.”
“As if she’d date you.” Yeonjun said. “If she found out you were crushing on her things might become awkward.”
“It’s not like I’m gonna confess… I don’t wanna ruin anything…”
“How long have you been crushing?” Soobin asked. “Is that why you’re always waiting around for her?”
“Do you really think… it’s impossible for us to be together?”
“None of you guys… love her?”
“I… I don’t know if it’s just me being grateful for what she’s done… or if it goes beyond that…”
“I’m scared of the possibility.” Beomgyu added. “I don’t wanna ruin what we already have.”
“Same.” Yeonjun chimed in. “What we got right now is good. Let’s keep it that way.”
“Yeah. Maybe she feels the same.” Taehyun said. “I’m sure she’d let us know if she did.”
“I know, I know.” Kai sighed. “Last night was good.”
“And don’t make her worry anymore. I don’t want unnecessary trips to the vet.”
“Got it.”
    Things were pretty normal for them that day, although when it was time to come home you were nowhere to be seen. They all stood by the door, waiting and waiting, but they didn’t smell you or hear you, and they started getting worried.
“She didn’t say she was gonna be late today, did she?” Kai asked.
“No.” Soobin said. “She should be home by now.”
“Do you think something happened?” Taehyun whined. “Is she okay?”
“The emergency phone!” Yeonjun reminded. “Maybe she left a message!”
    They all rushed over to the living room, getting the phone that sat by the TV. Beomgyu quickly checked the message, seeing one from you that had been delivered an hour ago. He read it out loud, all of them quickly whimpering. You had messaged them to let them know that something had come up last minute and you would be home late. 
“I hope everything is okay…” Kai mumbled. “She already had to go in early…”
“I’m sure she is.” Soobin assured. “So let’s not worry her. Dinner and then bed.”
    That was their plan, but they all wanted to stay up and wait for you. It really wasn’t normal for you to stay out late last minute. They didn’t want to worry, but they all did. They sat around the TV, trying to stay awake, but one by one they began to doze off. They weren’t sure how long they slept, but the sounds of the door opening them began to wake them. Although they heard voices, realizing you weren’t alone.
“Thanks for walking me home.”
“No problem, tonight was fun.”
    All the boys glanced at each other, thinking the same thing. That you had gone out on a date. They started panicking, worried the stranger would come in and see them all when they were supposed to be in bed in their room. Although their feelings quickly changed as they heard where the conversation went.
“Shall we keep the party going?”
“I’ve had a great time, but I think this is where I go my own way.”
“I have no problem following you anywhere.”
“It’s late, and you should get hom-”
“You don’t have to be shy.”
    They heard a loud thud and they all quickly rushed over, seeing some stranger on top of you while you struggled beneath them, telling them to get off you. Soobin and Yeonjun quickly grabbed the stranger, getting him off. They were worried, they were angry, so it’s no surprise Yeonjun had his claws out, hurting the stranger in question while getting him off. Whoever they were tried retaliating, only to be met with Soobin growling and Yeonjun hissing. They quickly scurried off. While they had been dealing with the intruder, the other three had huddled around you, making sure you were alright.
    You were out of breath, but you were nodding your head and telling them you were fine. They all stayed with you, still very worried, but glad you were home. When your breathing had calmed down you managed to get up, saying you were going to bed. Although you only took a few steps before your legs gave out. Beomgyu and Taehyun caught you before you fell, holding you up and helping you to your room. They had been in there before, when you weren’t home and on other occasions, but never at night. They sat you down on the bed.
“Thank you…”
    You reached down to get your socks off, but you were trembling. Yeonjun didn’t say anything before kneeling down to help you, and you shyly whispered a thanks. When you tried and failed to undress yourself the others helped out too. Just enough so you’d be comfortable laying down. They did intend to just tuck you in but you grabbed Kai’s hand, asking him to stay with you. He could feel you trembling, putting on a smile and agreeing. He got into bed with you, and you looked over at the others, asking them to stay as well. They all happily got into bed,  making sure you were surrounded by them. It took a while, but eventually you fell asleep, they stayed up to make sure you were alright, and now that you were resting, they fell asleep.
    Soobin wound up waking up to a soft buzzing sound, and soon the others followed. You were still sleeping, so he told the others to stay with you while he investigated. He wound up finding the source of the noise, your phone was still in your bag from last night. He carefully picked up the phone, seeing an unknown number. Still, it could be important so he answered it.
“Is this y/n?”
“It’s her phone, yes.”
“We have a report of assault. Apparently your hybrids attacked an innocent-”
“That’s not what happened!”
“Excuse me?”
“We didn’t attack them! They were-”
“You’re a hybrid?”
“Yes, but I didn’t-”
    The phone was suddenly taken from Soobin, it seemed that you had woken up and heard the conversation. Soobin looked over at the others who shook their heads, clearly unable to stop you from getting out of bed.
“This is y/n, the owner of the hybrids. Do I need to come down to the station?”
“Yes, along with the offending hybrids.”
“I understand. I’ll be there soon.”
    You hung up and took a breath. You offered Soobin a small smile, petting his head. He tried to explain himself but you shook your head.
“Get dressed in something comfy, all of you.”
    You made your way back to your room, shutting the door. The boys all shared a look before going off to get dressed. They were nervous, but they got ready quickly, all waiting by your door. After what felt like a long while you came out, and they quietly followed you out. Your car was really only meant to seat five, two up front and three in the back, but all together you were six. Soobin took shotgun and the other four squeezed into the back with no complaints. It was a quiet drive to the station, and they stuck close to you as they walked in. They got some weird looks, and kept their head down, until they got to the main area.
“That’s them! Those two animals attacked me!”
    Soobin started growling, but you grabbed his hand and shook your head. He whimpered, but got the message. The trespasser looked way worse than they had left him. At most Yeonjun had clawed into his clothes and left a few scratches there, never getting anywhere near his face, and the arm in a cast was certainly fake. You simply took a seat before the detective. Before he could even speak you put down a drive on the table.
“I’d like to report an assault.”
“On the drive you’ll find security footage of my coworker here forcing himself into my place and onto me after walking me home from a company dinner. My hybrids merely acted to defend me and did not cause the extreme damage you see today. If it had not been for them, you’d be looking at footage of sexual assault.”
    The color had completely drained from the guilty party. Now the boys had perked up, amazed at how you were handling the situation. The detective seemed a bit dumbfounded but took the drive anyway, having someone else take your statement. After that the story had completely changed. You didn’t stay long, merely told to wait for a court date to be set to go over the case. You thanked the detective and headed out with your boys. They were quite happy, but it wasn’t until they were in the car that they realized you had started shaking again.
“Y/n…” Soobin asked. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine… we’ll just go home now…”
    Soobin carefully reached over and took your hands off the wheel, holding them. The others were all leaning forward, unsure of what to do.
“I can drive home.” Yeonjun volunteered. “I know how.”
“Hybrids can’t legally drive…”
“Then how about we do something else until you calm down.” Soobin suggested. “Are you hungry?”
“Uh… are you guys hungry? I didn’t get you breakfast.”
“Yeah, yeah, I could eat.”
“Me too.” “Yeah.” “I’m hungry.” “Yup.”
“Let’s get you some breakfast then.”
    You got out of the car, taking a few deep breaths before going off to find a restaurant. The boys followed close by at your side, a bit worried you’d collapse, but not wanting to be over protective. You saw how Taehyun was attracted to a certain smell, finding a place to eat.
“Oh, I’m sorry, we don’t serve hybrids.”
“That’s fine. Is it alright if we just order to go?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
    You had the boys pick out what they wanted, placing an order and when it was ready they helped you out. By then you seemed better and there was no issue with you driving them all home. When you got back you gave them their food, and they became aware that you hadn’t ordered anything for yourself.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Beomgyu asked. 
“I’m not hungry. I think I’m just going to go back to bed.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Can we join you later?” Kai asked.
“Sure. I’d like that.”
    You gave them all a pet and kissed their heads before retreating to your room. They were all very worried about you now, but they wanted to give you space.
“Is she okay…” Taehyun mumbled. “She doesn’t seem okay…”
“A lot happened in a couple of hours.” Soobin said. “I don’t think she’s processed it yet.”
“At least we’re not in trouble.” Yeonjun added. “She took care of that real quick.”
“I was worried we were gonna get taken away.” Kai whined. “I was scared.”
“We’re not going anywhere.” Beomgyu stated. “She needs us and we’re here.”
“So eat up.” Soobin said. “We need our strength to take care of her.”
    They all saved a bit of their food, wanting you to have some when you felt better. They cleaned up and then snuck into your room, crawling into bed so you didn’t wake up. You were sleeping, which was a relief to everyone. For the most part things were calm until later in the afternoon when there was a knock at the door. They all quickly perked up, seeing that you were asleep. Yeonjun quickly jumped out of bed to check the door, wanting the knocking to stop before you did get up. He didn’t even check the door, just peeking it open a bit, met with a completely new stranger.
“Hello… is y/n here?”
“She’s not seeing anyone.”
“I heard about what happened this morning. I just wanted to check on her.”
“She’s fine.”
“I get that but I just-”
“She’s fine!” Yeonjun hissed. “You can-”
“You must be one of her hybrids. Is there another person here?”
“No. It’s just us.”
“Let me see her.”
“I said she’s not-”
“I understand you care for her, but a person should check in on her.”
“She’s fine with us.”
“Just let me see her.”
    The person shoved their way in, knocking Yeonjun down. He hissed again, thinking of jumping on them, but he had already caused enough trouble. Besides, he never really got a chance.
    The commotion had woken you up, and despite the others trying to keep you in bed you made your way out, seeing a friend from work towering over Yeonjun. You screamed and stumbled over, falling to your knees. You looked over Yeonjun in a panic, making sure he was alright, once again trembling. Yeonjun took your hand, assuring you he was okay.
“I… I’m sorry…”
“Get out!”
    Your pups started barking, and the other took the message, quickly leaving. They helped you up to your feet, getting you back to your room. They were all assuring you that they were fine, you were fine, and that nothing bad happened. It took a little bit to calm down, but eventually you did, wrapped up in Beomgyu’s arms. Somehow you dozed off too, getting tucked into bed. They realized they needed to go, but Beomgyu seemed stuck. He didn’t mind, telling the others to figure things out.
“Y/n’s not okay.” Kai said. “She’s really not…”
“But what can we do?” Taehyun asked. “As hybrids we don’t have many options.”
“Well we can ask the internet.” Yeonjun suggested. “It’s an emergency. I’m sure we can borrow her laptop.”
    None of them bothered to wait for an answer from each other, going over to your little home office. Yeonjun sat down at your desk, turning on the computer. All they could really do was ask the internet what all your symptoms meant and browse at the solutions.
“Emotional support animals… that’s us right?” Taehyun questioned. “We help calm her down.”
“That we do.” Soobin said. “But beyond that… we have to take care of her. Like she has us.”
“She’s resting, but she shouldn’t be in bed forever.” Kai said. “And she hasn’t eaten yet.”
“Let’s start with that, getting her some food.”
    Soft whispers woke you from your sleep. You were scared for a second before you remembered where you were and who you were with. Your boys were all gathered around you, and you could smell food. You noticed Soobin holding up a tray, a variety of food on it. You offered a soft smile.
“That smells good.”
“We figured you should eat.”
    You didn’t have much, but that was better than nothing. You properly got into bed, freeing Beomgyu only for Taehyun to take his place of keeping your company. They all rotated shifts, well aware you didn’t want to be left alone. And when they weren’t with you they tried to take care of things around the house. Your phone had been put on silent, and they made sure not to answer the door for anyone. They also tried a bit of cooking, doing their best to hide the evidence of failure. Instant ramen had their back though, even if you didn’t eat too much. At some points they even got you out of bed and had you walk around the apartment. It took a few days, but you slowly started coming  back to yourself.
“Sorry for… everything…”
“What are you talking about?” Kai asked.
“You guys have been looking after me when it’s supposed to be the other way around.”
“It’s okay.” Beomgyu assured. “We’re your emotional support pets, it’s our job to look after you.”
“Hm… maybe I should look into that.”
“Getting you certified as my emotional support hybrids… would make it easier to take you places.”
“We’d love that.” Soobin said. “Really.”
    You did keep your word on that, getting the paperwork done when you could. So by the time the court date came up, they were allowed into the courtroom with you without issue. Obviously with the evidence you had the verdict was ruled in your favor. You eventually left that job and found something else that wouldn’t require you to leave the house so often, and if you ever did, at least one of your boys would accompany you. Although when it came to grocery trips they all came along.
“Y/n, can I have these!” Kai eagerly held up a box of treats. “Please, please!”
“No more sneaking treats after lunch?”
“That was one time, and it was Beomgyu’s idea!”
You chuckled. “Alright. The rest of you should pick out a snack too, you guys can have your own personal snacks.”
“Yes!” “Awesome!” 
    They scurried off for a moment to find what they wanted, Kai putting his snacks in the cart, humming excitedly. He was reaching up to get something for you when he heard someone approach you.
“Hey… so I was-”
    Kai was immediately growling at the stranger, stepping closer until they left. You had certainly tensed up, but felt better having Kai.
“You okay?”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
    A few things had certainly changed around the house. Your little home office had gotten upgraded to make work easier, and you also redid your room, given that you slept with all your boys every night. Their old room was converted to store all the games and other items for fun activities, a great nap room too. They loved having you around more often than before, and there was never a dull moment. Although this did finally answer a question in the back of your mind. 
    It was another peaceful night after movie watching when you woke up to a ticklish feeling. One of your boys was nuzzling your neck, and you found it adorable. Yet as you began to regain your senses you realized a slight movement, specifically Soobin gently humping your leg. It took a second to properly process, and you weren’t entirely sure what to do. So you tried to carefully wake him, aware he was sleeping, and so were the others.
“Soobin…” You whispered. “Soobin…”
“Soobin, wake up.”
“Hm…” Soobin slowly opened his eyes. “… y/n…”
“Hi… are you okay?”
    It took a moment for him to register words, and then his actions. His eyes went wide and he jumped out of bed, causing Yeonjun and Taehyun to fall out in the process.
“I… I am so sorry… I didn’t…”
“Soobin… are you in-”
“It’s fine, I’m fine, don’t worry about it.”
    Soobin rushed out of the room, leaving you confused. The other boys looked around, still half asleep and not entirely sure what had just happened. You told them to go back to sleep and got out of bed, going off to find Soobin. There was only really one place for him to go, his old room. You carefully knocked on the door before stepping in.
“I’m fine!”
“I’m aware of that but… are you okay?”
“I didn’t mean to do that…”
“I know. I’m not upset, just worried.” You walked over to Soobin. “I’ve never… you guys never mentioned this before… and I’ve never… noticed…”
“We take care of it ourselves… usually when you weren’t home…”
“But I’m home more often now so…”
“We’ll do our best not to… bother you…”
“If there’s anything I can do to help. I can get you some pills, or-”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Okay. Just don’t feel… embarrassed, or like you can’t-”
    You were suddenly tackled onto all the pillows and blankets, Soobin burying his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. 
“You smell so nice…”
    Without really meaning to he was humping your leg again, whimpering. You weren’t entirely sure what to do, so you stayed put.
“I usually just have a shirt or something…”
“Wait, is that why I find some clothes in my laundry basket that I don’t remember wearing?”
“Ah…” Soobin stopped, realizing what he was doing. “Sorry, sorry, we never… we can’t help ourselves sometimes…”
“I can see that.” You chuckled. “Things are definitely gonna get harder for you guys with me around, huh?”
“Well… like I said, I’m here to help…”
“You don’t… you don’t mean… what I think you do? Do you?”
“I guess that depends… on what you think I mean…”
“Ah… well… I’m thinking…” Soobin started crawling towards you, getting up close. “That you want to… personally… help me with this…”
You slowly nodded. “Yeah… that sounds right…”
“Are you sure? I can’t promise… I’ll be a good boy…”
“That’s okay…”
“Hm… the others are gonna hear… they’re gonna smell you… they’re gonna be pissed…”
“I’ll help them too… when the time comes…”
“Yeah… you guys are my responsibility… I’m supposed to take care of you…”
“You know we love you… right…”
“I do too…”
    Soobin whimpered, once again against your neck, not just sniffing this time but kissing you. He pushed you back against the pillows and sheets, pinning you under him. You swallowed nervously, feeling his hands start to explore you.
“Are you sure about this?” Soobin asked. “You don’t have to.”
“I’m here for you. All of you.”
“We know.”
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Remus is the uptight, swotty Prefect who's always getting the popular and beloved troublemakers Black and Potter in detention. Remus doesn't care what people say of him, and he absolutely doesn't care about Black's blinding smile.
A Book By Its Cover
Remus pulls his jumper closer around himself against the draught in the large, empty halls. The corridor is dimly lit and he hears nothing but the sound of his own footsteps. Everything is quiet. Too quite.
A loud clang suddenly sounds from behind one of the tapestries. Remus almost smiles to himself. Bingo. In a swift motion, he pulls away the tapestry.
Startled, Black whirls around. He’s surrounded by what appear to be paint cans and rope. His shock only last a moment, though.
“Lupin!” He exclaims, a beaming smile appearing on his face. “What a pleasant surprise!”
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. He makes an effort to keep a firm expression on his face, to show he’s not affected by Black’s notorious, blinding smile, like everyone else is. “Only pleasant if you like detention. And as for a surprise, I am a Prefect. I am supposed to be here making my rounds. So what are you doing here?”
“Preparing a prank,” Black says simply.
Remus doesn’t know whether he should be insulted Black doesn’t seem to take his authority very seriously, or glad that he doesn’t insult his intelligence by coming up with an excuse.
“Right,” Remus says, before taking out his notebook and pen. “Out of bed after curfew and engaging in illegal activity,” he scribbles down. “And where’s Potter?”
“Aw, am I not enough for you, Lupin?” Black pouts.
“I figured you could use some company in detention,” Remus replies smoothly.
Black clicks his tongue. “So thoughtful.”
“If you’re here setting up some prank, then it’s a given Potter is setting up that prank somewhere else in the school as well. So, where is he?”
Black shakes his head. “For you’re own good, Lupin, you don’t wanna put James in detention right now. People won’t be too pleased with you if the school’s football star misses the upcoming match against Slytherin thanks to you.”
“So thoughtful,” Remus repeats Black’s words, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But please, don’t concern yourself over me. I’ve never cared what others think of me, and I don’t plan on starting now. And you basically just admitted Potter is currently doing something that would warrant me giving him detention, so you might as well tell me where he is.”
Black sighs. “This is why people call you uptight.”
Remus’ expression hardens. “If people care so much, they should be mad at Potter for risking the football match in the first place by playing some stupid prank.”
Black gasps dramatically and clutches his chest. “Stupid? Our pranks are not stupid! They’re works of art! Jumping out of a cake on miss McGonagall’s birthday? Hilarious! Making a zip line to go from one floor to the other? Brilliant! Filling the gym with stray cats, many of whom were eventually adopted? Genius! People love our pranks. They make people laugh and bring some excitement in their lives. Much needed excitement, because let’s face it, school is boring. Sitting there, listening to old people tell you things you already know.”
“For you maybe,” Remus mutters.
Black scoffs. “Don’t pretend you’re not one of the smartest people in our class, Lupin.”
Remus just glares harder at Black, to show that no, he doesn’t care that Sirius Black, whom people are always falling over themselves for to get even a bit of his attention, has apparently noticed Remus’ academic achievements. No, he doesn’t care at all.
“Even the teachers love our pranks,” Black continues. “They put some life into this place!”
“We’ll see what miss McGonagall has to say about it when I report you tomorrow,” Remus says calmly. “I’ll go finish my rounds, and when I get back, you better have cleaned up this mess.”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
“Wha...” Remus turns back, and his traitorous stomach flutters at how close Black is suddenly standing.
“Join us for one prank,” Black says.
Remus blinks at him. “Why in earth would I do that?”
“Because it’s fun! And honestly, Lupin, to me you always look like you can use a bit of fun.”
That catches Remus off guard. It’s true. Between struggling to get top marks, doing everything he can for extra credit, making sure he has a spotless record, excelling at his Prefect duties, and worrying about his sick mother, lately he often feels like just throwing his hands in the air and say ‘screw it all!’, and just do something crazy, something dumb or irresponsible. But he definitely never wanted for Black to notice that.
“Come on, Lupin,” Black says, as Remus stays silent. “Be part of the fun for once, instead of putting a damper on it.”
“Your childish pranks aren’t my idea of fun,” Remus bites back, feeling himself getting defensive.
Black just grins. “You won’t know that unless you join us for just one prank!”
“Why would you even want me to join you?” Many people would be lining up to be a part of one of Black and Potter’s infamous pranks. It’s beyond Remus why Black would ask that one stuffy guy who puts them in detention almost every week.
“Because I like you,” Black shrugs. “I like how hard you work for everything and how you don’t care what anyone thinks of you. And I think you secretly have a talent for it,” he adds with a wink, that absolutely does not make Remus’ knees go weak. “I bet you have a wicked side to you underneath all that swotty stuff.”
“But I’m a Prefect!” Remus argues. “I’m supposed to discipline rule-breakers, not break them myself!”
Black rolls his eyes. “You shouldn’t take that job so serious.”
This rubs Remus the wrong way. “Not everyone can afford to treat everything in life as a joke,” he says coolly.
Black folds his arms over his chest and stares. “A fancy title and a badge and suddenly you’re better than us?”
“It’s nothing like that!”
Black huffs. “Then why is that bogus job so important to you?”
“Because some of us can’t afford to have even one note on their record if they ever want to get anywhere in life!” Remus snaps. “Because some of us need perfect scores and every bit of extra credit they can get if they want universities not to immediately bin their applications! Because some of us don’t have a last name they can flaunt, a daddy who can make a phone call, a mommy who can throw some money around, and suddenly you’re top of the list! Because some of us can’t just look at their rich parents and rely on them to always give them everything they want!”
The change in Black is instant. He takes a step back, and instead of his usual easy smile and bright eyes sparkling with mischief, his face becomes an ice-cold mask. “Fuck you, Lupin,” he hisses. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
He pushes past Remus as he storms off, leaving him behind feeling very confused. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Yes, the system is unfair and Black is privileged, but Remus supposes that isn’t really Black’s fault. He knows Black isn’t actually a bad person. His heart is in the right place, and he’s usually kind, only ever mean to people who, quite frankly, deserve it.
Remus just wishes Black would stop with those bloody pranks.
Remus just wishes Black would continue with those bloody pranks.
Or do anything really that makes him seem more like his old self. Remus never thought he’d miss that loud, barking laugh, that infuriating smirk, those lame puns so much.
Ever since everyone returned from Christmas break, Black has completely withdrawn. He hardly talks to anyone, he just sits silently, his eyes staring off in the distance and his expression blank. Potter is always by his side, softly talking to him or just throwing him worried glances.
Since then, it has been the talk of the school, and even in the papers and on the news: Sirius Black has been removed from his parents’ custody. It was a messy affair, the police has even been involved. Black’s father was arrested on grounds of child abuse. Apparently, Orion Black, the noble and well-respected patriarch of the prestigious Black family, has a habit of beating his son. It must’ve been going on for a while, but over the break it escalated. People just can’t get over how Sirius Black’s life wasn’t as perfect as it always seemed to be.
Remus feels bad for Black, and especially feels like an idiot, having said the things he said. He knows he owes Black an apology. It has been a couple of weeks since the break ended, and the apology is beginning to be long overdue. Though he also knows that Black has probably not been waiting for an apology from the uptight twat that always gets him detention.
Maybe it’s more to ease his own consciousness that he hesitantly approaches the table where Black is sitting. Potter glares at him the moment he sees him, and half gets out of his seat, probably to tell him to piss off, and rightfully so. However, after a quick glance at Black’s face, who’s looking up at Remus, he sits back down, as if he sees something on his friend’s face that makes him chance his mind.
“Bla- Sirius,” Remus says, realising a tad late that Sirius might nor want to be reminded of his family name right now. “I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I said some shitty things to you, and I shouldn’t have. You were right, I didn’t know anything about you.”
“It’s okay,” Sirius says softly. “You had good reason to be angry, it’s a rather fucked up system. And you didn’t know. Didn’t know that I would’ve gladly given up all that privilege to just have parents who... who love me...”
Sirius’ voice falters and he trails off. Potter is staring at him wide-eyed, and also Remus is surprised. He knows Sirius hasn’t talked about it to anyone, and he feels almost guilty he’s saying it to him of all people. He’s also surprised at the overwhelming urge he has to pull Sirius into a hug, hold him and tell him they never deserved him anyway. He has to leave before he does anything stupid.
“I should go,” Remus says quickly. “If there’s ever anything I can do...”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
Remus turns back to look at him.
“Join us for one prank.”
“Why would you want me to join you?” Remus asks, much like the first time.
“Because I like you,” Sirius replies, much like the first time, only where he had then sounded nonchalant and slightly amused, he now sounds pleading and vulnerable.
“Yeah,” Remus says hoarsely, because his Prefect duties suddenly don’t seem so important compared to helping Sirius come back to his old self. “Yeah, I’ll join you for one prank.”
And then the most amazing thing happens: for the first time in weeks, Sirius Black smiles. It’s only a small smile, but the room already seems a bit brighter. In a moment of vivid clarity, Remus knows that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make that boy smile.
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fdd700 · 4 years
Remus wasn’t a very romantic person. He didn’t see the appeal in the fancy dinners or candle lit nights. He just couldn’t understand why people loved them.
Virgil, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, both understood and loved the romantic nights. And, despite his attempts at hiding it, Remus quickly noticed. But Remus knew that Virgil loved him, impulses and all.
“Hey trash panda, have you talked to your brother recently?” Virgil asked as he sat on his phone on the couch across from Remus’ design computer.
“Normally, my dark and stormy night, I do my best to avoid the repulsive royal, so that would be a no.” Remus didn’t look up from his project - some horror anime/cartoon he was acting hush-hush on. Virgil knew it was because it was a trial piece and Remus didn’t want jinx himself.
“He and Jan are going to Morocco.” This caused Remus to spin around in his chair, looking at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. “Jan just texted me to let me know he couldn’t come us to that horror convention next month. Apparently Roman got a promotion so he bought the tickets as a surprise.” Remus nodded.
“Why Morocco?” Remus said, about to turn back around.
“I think he’s going to propose.” Remus froze before looking at his boyfriend who was frantically typing on his phone.
“Jan has always wanted to get engaged on a foreign holiday. Plus, Lolo and I saw Roman talking to Cindy, you know Patton’s friend, one from the jewellery store downtown,” Virgil explained. “I’m texting him now to ask.” Remus nodded but didn’t say anything. there was silence, except for Virgil’s tapping.
“Not gonna lie,” Remus stated. “I always thought Janus would propose.” Virgil paused before gasping, followed by him chuckling.
“Bet you twenty dollars Janus is also planning to propose.” Remus laughed. 
“That’s such a rigged bet, they’re both definitely gonna propose.”
Sure enough, a month later, both boys returned home with engagement rings. The gang - Patton, Logan, Virgil, Remus, Emilie, Remy, Janus and Roman - were all in Logan and Patton’s house for Sunday dinner (a long-standing tradition). Virgil was locked into conversation with Janus, Emilie and Patton, who were both showing off their rings. Virgil was laughing with them. Remus’ eyes were glued to him.
“What's got you so distracted? Worried Virgil-”
“Dude, not funny,” Roman said, cutting Remy off. Remy took a sip from his cup but was otherwise silent. “Remus, what’s up?”
“do you think Virgil is waiting for me to propose?”
“I mean, maybe? Have you talked about marriage?” Remus was silent, thinking. 
“Yes and no. We talked about it ages ago but he hasn’t said anything since.”
“Has he dropped hints?” Remy asked. “That’s what Emilie did.”
“Virgil should know I wouldn’t pick up on them.”
“Hey, don’t stress, Rem, Virgil loves you and you love him, that's all that matters,” Roman said.
“That is correct. Maybe Virgil will propose. Patton knew I wouldn’t be able to pick up signs so he just asked me to my face.”
Remus tried to believe them, and he mostly did. Until later that night, when they were playing truth or dare. Logan and Patton were sharing the two-seater. Not quite cuddling but in each other’s personal space. Emilie had his head on Remy’s shoulder on the long couch, with Roman on Janus’ lap at the other end of the couch. Virgil was tucked into Remus’ side as the room turned their attention to him.
“So,” Janus said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Virgil truth or dare?”
“Considering you dared Remy to kiss Patton, I think I’ll go with truth,” Virgil said.
“Well, you wouldn’t tell us earlier, so... what was your dream proposal as a kid?” Virgil turned red.
“Can’t let that one go, no?” Virgil asked and Janus chuckled, shaking his head. “Uhm, pretty sure it was like a candle-lit dinner or something. Probably something cheesy and romantic.” Virgil then quickly moved on, asking Remy something but Remus tuned out again. Was Virgil disappoint with the lack of romance in their relationship? He’s never said anything directly, but why would he bring us Roman proposing on a romantic holiday if not to tell Remus that's what he wanted? Were there any other hints? Was there-
“Remus.” Remus snapped up to Janus’ gleaming eyes. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth. I think my boyfriend was in the right vein,” Remus responded. Janus simply waved dismissively as he went silent, thinking. Almost a moment later, a light bulb flipped on above his head.
“Do you plan on proposing to Virgil?”
“Janus!” Roman said, looking to his fiancé in exasperation.
“It’s a harmless question!” The two bickered slightly, nothing heated but a simply back and forth.
“You don’t have to answer,” Virgil said in a low tone. He had been trying to catch Remus’ eyes, who was just as determined to avoid Virgil’s. Eventually, the smaller man grabbed his chin so they could look into his eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I love you, okay?”
“I love you too.”
Despite Virgil’s reassurance, Remus was deeply fixated on the thoughts of marriage and if he was enough for Virgil. Virgil liked romance and dancing in the rain and visiting fancy restaurants. Remus liked staying inside and horror films and going to graveyards to adopt ghosts (which scared Virgil so much he learnt how to banish spirits from the house). Remus couldn’t help but feel like maybe, just maybe, Virgil was better off without him? 
He spun in his chair. He was unable to focus on the novel he was writing anymore. Virgil was at work and wouldn’t be back for ages. Despite trying to work, Remus was now fixated on rings. The truth was, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Virgil but he didn’t see why he needed to buy him a ring or spend thousands of dollars on a wedding to prove his devotion. They bought an apartment together, they had three pissy spirits that they took care of together, and the stray cat that would jump in their window. But if Virgil wanted it, well, who was Remus to say no?
Engagement ring shopping sucked. Plain and simple, it sucked. There were so many different cuts but they all looked so basic. Virgil wasn’t the type to wear flashy jewellery unless it meant something, like the dangly gold earring Remus bough him when he got his masters in psychology. Remus wanted something classy, but all something showed how much Remus knew Virgil, right down to his core. He thought about going to a jewellery shop or hiring someone but how on earth would he be able to explain that to Virgil? In the end, he chose the least expensive route; his brother.
“How do you pick an engagement ring?” Roman choked on his coffee. “What?”
“Try and maybe start a conversation with hello and maybe not something you have never mentioned before now,” Roman said. “But also, why the change in pace?” Remus didn’t say anything. “Is it Janus? he was only messing. He just doesn’t get it sometimes but I told him he need to respect your boundaries-”
“It’s not that.” Roman went quiet, letting his brother speak when comfortable. “I don’t want Virgil to regret being with me. I know that he doesn’t say it but he really likes all the romantic garbage you and Janus do.”
“Remus, Virgil may like romance but he loves you. Plain and simple. But I am your brother and I will support you, so if you need help finding a ring, I will help you,” Roman said sincerely.
“Ugh, you’re so boring and regal. Lighten up. Walk on the gory side.” Roman chuckled.
“I’ll tune it down, but just because you’re my baby brother.”
“Two MINUTES. I AM TWO MINUTES-” Roman burst into laughter, meaning anyone in the cafe who wasn’t staring due to Remus’ screeching, was now looking due to roman’s cackling. 
“Come, little wittle Remus, let’s go ring shopping.”
Remus paid for the ring in cash. He had been taking money out of the account for weeks in preparation. Well, a week. Still, he had it all planned out. He could suck it up for a night. 
He was spreading flowers on the floor when he noticed the dull ache in his chest. Tell-tale signs of a panic attack. Remus paused before moving to sit down. He closed his eyes and repeated his breathing exercises. He could do this. It’s what Virgil wanted. He stood up again, the dull ache turning into a slight pressure. He lit the candles, checked on the food and cleaned up. It was about half six when he realised, he was struggling to breath. Almost as soon as he noticed, the elephant on his chest returned. He backed up, sliding down the wall.
“no... no... not tonight...” He muttered under his breath. He tried to breath but he realised he was struggling. Why tonight. why was he getting a panic attack tonight? it was just one dinner!
“Re- REMUS!” Virgil said, coming in and sitting in front of his boyfriend. “Can I touch you?” Remus shook his head frantically. “Okay, it’s okay, breath with me okay?” Virgil took his boyfriend through his breathing exercises. “Okay, Rem, I need you to name five things you can see.”
“Chair, lights... uh... you, the table... uh, uhm-” Remus swallowed. “And tiles...”
“Okay, four things you can hear.”
“My breathing, your breathing, the neighbours... the oven?” Virgil reached behind him, switching off the oven. 
“Okay, three things you can feel.”
“The floor, my shirt... uhm... sweat?”
“Okay, two things you can taste.”
“Impending doom.” Virgil gave him a look. “Uh, tea and sugar.”
“Okay, finally, one thing you can smell.”
“The candles.” Virgil stood up, switching on the light and blowing out the candles. He finally took in the scene of the room. Remus tried to stand up but was quickly placed down in one of their dining chairs.
“Remus, do you wanna talk about it?” Remus sighed.
“I just... I wanted to plan this big romantic night and I know you like romance but it's just so icky that I must of have been panicked and-” Remus paused, meeting his boyfriend’s eyes. “Look, I know you like romance and I’m sure you’re disappointed I’m not.”
“Remus. I like romance, but I love you.” Remus blinked at him. “I knew what I was getting into when we entered this relationship. You never, ever have to change your boundaries to suit me. Remus, I love you, for you. I know you don’t like romance or pda, but I know that you love me.” Remus didn’t notice he was crying till Virgil wiped the tears from his face. He pressed their foreheads together. “I love you. So much. Romance or not.” Remus held onto his boyfriend. “But I need you to promise to never break your own boundaries for me. I respect the boundaries you put up, and I need you to do the same.”
“I promise.” Virgil smiled and Remus was hit with how overwhelmingly lucky he was to have gotten someone like Virgil to love him. “Ugh,” he groaned. Virgil chuckled.
“What’s up buttercup?”
“Roman was right. I don’t like this timeline.” Virgil just tossed his head back and laughed as Remus whined.
Remus did end up proposing that night. They were watching a horror film and Virgil was critiquing the characters decision when Remus suddenly turned to him.
“I’m just saying, choosing to go down to the creepy basement when you know there’s a serial killer on the loose-”
“Marry me.” Virgil stopped, looking over at his boyfriend. He wasn’t down on one knee but there was a ring in his hands. Virgil’s hand flew to his mouth. “marry me.” Remus sat up. 
“You’re not just doing this for me?” he asked, still in a state of shock.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if this is the next step? then I’m going for it.” Virgil jumped up, wrapping his arms around Remus, already crying.
“Yes, yes, yes! Oh my god, yes!” He pulled back, letting Remus slip on the ring before launching himself and his boyfriend and smashing their lips together. It was here that Virgil, admiring his ring with awe filled eyes, also realised how lucky he was for getting someone like Remus to love him too.
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I'm sorry, but i really love your writing, and i was wondering if i could maybe request Kirishima, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Shigaraki and Hawks with a reader / so who is grieving because their pet died? Pretty personal i guess, it's fine if you don't want to. Just wanted to ask.
I honestly felt this personally, I lost my pittie recently and it was one of the reasons why i didn't update for a while, i hope this brings you comfort as it did me. I got rather teary eyed while writing this too but it helped.
Loss of a Pet/Companion
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I wanna bet that you introduced your pet sometime around entering a relationship with Eijiro, he got to know the little fella and probably even got the “approval” of your companion
As much as we love our dear fourleged (or otherwise) friends, it’s unfortunate that they can’t stay with us forever, so when Eijiro finds you sad because of the loss of your friend he will be there for you if you want him there
He’s willing to give you the space you need if you need it, but if he knows you really need him he will be there to hold you and lend his shoulder for you to cry on, he is hurt too because he knows he’ll miss them,  but not as hurt as you because you knew them longer than he did, still the lingering pain can sting  
As much as he would like to get you a new companion he wants to be sure that you are in the right headspace, he’ll talk about it with you too, if you are ready to have another companion he will be with you every step of the way and will reassure you that you are NOT replacing your friend with another, you are in the process of healing and that is fine, he wants you to take your time he won’t rush you or talk about getting a pet anytime soon when you are hurting
As i said, he is there for you every step of the way, he’ll comfort you and be there for you in your time of need but he’ll respect any boundaries you have when it comes down to it, he knows that this kind of pain will stick with you for a while, you’ll go down memory lane as wave of emotions come and go, and you’ll have lingering phantom occurrences of your long gone friend but he’ll let you know that you don’t have to go through this alone
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Shouta can understand, he has pet of his own and as much as he loves them he knows there will be a time when they eventually leave him behind, he doesn’t like to think about it too often but will be reminded of these thoughts, especially when it was you who relieved to him as to why you were in the state that he found you in 
He stayed with you for as long as you needed him, as stoic as he can look it doesn’t mean that he’s emotionally unavailable, he is there for you and he is gentle when handling you whether he is using words or tenderly holding you as you cry on him
He is willing to take you out on a night stroll and miss a day at work if it means that your headspace will be stable, he understands the pain of loss especially if you lost someone special to you, your companion is someone who is special to you just as his are to him, he knows that the pain is lasting and will leave lingering aches once it all passes eventually but even then he’ll stay for as long as he can
He doesn’t see the point in bringing up the subject of getting a new pet, to him you’ll eventually come across that road once everything is cleared up and it will ultimately be your decision and on your terms, he can make those decisions for you but he will be there to support you and give you brief suggestions if you are still thinking about it
If you happen to come across his cat he wouldn’t mind them being around you if they are bringing you a sense of comfort, he doesn’t try hiding them either and is likely to only invite you to his home if he senses you need at least a little more comfort than what he can provide, he knows animals can be therapeutic on several occasions, but for the most part he wants you to be okay with it
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Like Eijiro, I get the feeling that you’d likely introduce your friend to your rather loud boyfriend, but to take things a little further I want to say that he is right there with you the whole time when the news hit that your companion passed away, he knows this is likely to affect you more than him but still be can’t help but share that pain with you 
I wanna say that he spend just as much time with your pet whenever he went to see you at your home, that was how he was able to get so attached your companion, he does his best to comfort you while you’re at your most vulnerable he sympathizes with you on this because while he doesn’t think about it too often he does know the following pain that comes along with loving something, someone, too much  
On his radio show, he will put on a playlist dedicated to your companion ones that you listened to when they were still around, honestly this would be the most bittersweet thing he’s done for anyone, and if you listen o is radio I imagine that it will take you down memory lane, there is a lingering hurt but an eventual healing
Hizashi, similarly to Shouta, wouldn’t bring up the topic of getting another pet, at least for a while until he sees that you are back on your feet and that you had completely healed from losing your dear pet, he’s slow to bring the discussion into a conversation and when he gets the green light he’ll go out to find your new friend that you both will live on with
I see him as the type to spoil his pets and lovers, always giving unconditional love and smoothing you and your pets with hugs and kisses, he’s a good man that will stand with you through thick and thin when it comes to the hardships of losing your pet/companion, and I don’t think he’ll be leaving anytime soon
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I want to think that Keigo eventually warmed up to your pet, since he wasn’t used to having animals around (due to his upbringing), and he found them really endearing as he got to know them through you, so when news gets to him about your pet passing away he is quick to go to your first
He does his best to comfort you, weather it’s staying by your side for hours or just laying on the bed doing nothing but talk he is attentive when it comes down to what you need in that moment, he knows your hurting and he is trying to put himself in your shoes, he knows that they were dear to you and that your hurting from the loss and once he understands he can see why you loved your pet so dearly when he reflects his time with them 
He won’t make lightheaded comments, but he will listen to all the stories you have as you go down memory lane, he’ll add in his own stories once he feels that you are okay and comfortable talking about your pet
Keigo doesn’t see the need to bring up the topic of getting another pet, when you are ready you are ready, but a hidden part of him wants to surprise you with something he knows you’ll love and treasure, if he sees that you improved and moved on with a healthy and balanced mindset he will gift you a new friend that probably grew on him at some point during their adoption
While Keigo was uneasy in the beginning of getting along with your dear companion he does grow to appreciate the four-legged/winged/scaly/wet friend and grows an understanding of what it is like to have one so loved and cherished that when they leave they leave a lasting impact, and he learns it all through you and your dearest friend, it’s a lesson he learns to appreciate
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He understands, he knows what it is like to lose a companion you could consider family (he just had the unfortunate time to develop his quirk), he also understands the pain behind that but he won’t go about comforting you so openly, at least not when the others are around
If he senses that you are in a stable headspace, he’ll bring you video games or place you on his lap if you just feel like watching, he’s more prone to showing comfort through action rather than words, though he will speak when it it most needed of him to do so, and if you don’t feel like speaking at all he won’t mind holding you close as you watch him play, an in a way it is it’s own form of comfort
He will listen to whatever story you have about your dear little friend, and he likely meet them several times to grow a reluctant affection for them, but he wouldn’t be as affected as you are since you had them for a longer time than he knew them, he’ll listen to all the memories you have of your pet and maybe ask a few questions here and there, he doesn’t mind listening to what stories and tales you have about them, from their funny little habits that made them unique from their species to how goofy they were when you were around 
Honestly he just happens to bring in a stray or injured animal by the time you’ve healed and moved on, something in the back of his mind pestered him to not leave the animal behind so he just scooped them up and took them along, though he is rather quick to remember that you might not want an animal around for a while and openly tells you that he doesn’t mind putting them in an adoption center if you’re not open to taing in an animal, thankfully you are and he might of released a breath he didn’t know he was holding in (the man likely got a bit attached to the little thing, not that he’ll admit to that)
He understands the love and pain that comes with raising and caring for animals, he had unfortunate circumstances that lead to him becoming the man he is now, so while he would be rather reluctant to have another one around he can understand the tranquility that can come with it and he knows that it is the same for you, it can bring you a sense of peace and healing, he doesn’t show it often but he is rather content with raising an animal alongside you that both of you can love and care for
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headcanonsfortendou · 2 years
First post is gonna be a BUNCH of Satori Tendou headcanons cause I was having some major brainrot a while back :)
Tendou always uses random emojis that aren’t coherent to what he’s typing- like:
“Hey did you get the salami for sandwiches? 💃🕺💃🕺”
- he likes washing cars with people just to spray them with the water and soap
- very supporting and patient with people who are overstimulated or stressed, regardless of how mean they may be because of it
- this man actually pouts when he’s denied a hug. He will cry if you deny him of one for too long. - he keeps a nightlight in his room, and says it’s to help protect you from the evil monsters when you sleep over, but it’s really cause he’s scared of the dark and his room is so cluttered he can’t get out of bed without stubbing a toe or two.
- all of his wires that are plugged into his phone, computer, tv etc, are all JUST BARELY working. They’re placed ever so slightly and if moved he has to tinker with em to get em to work again.
- he paints his nails random colors with random overcoats, and then ends up chipping them off when he’s nervous
- he decorates all of his school supplies with scratch n sniff stickers, and thoroughly enjoys allowing people to smell them.
- he carries snacks in his bag that he’ll randomly open throughout the day, some of which had been there for a week he just forgot about
- his playlist is so sporadic, it would be like hearing Cavetown one song, then Slipknot the next.
- he owns off brand Gucci slides he likes to flex around like they’re real
- has random pictures and paper scraps on his walls cause he can bring himself to get rid of any memories
- the absolute king at bedtime stories and tucking in
- likes to splash you with batter when you guys are baking
- he owns every single type of stupid funny looking sunglasses you can think of and matches them with each outfit outside of school
- he likes to make rings but they never make sense like rings should
- he has a big fan in his room he hardly uses cause he bonks his head on it every time it’s turned on, and it’s also barely hanging onto the ceiling
- he has many random fandom compilations saved to playlists on his YouTube from the wee years of elementary and middle school
- Tendou has random sewing kits in his room, but he doesn’t sew and doesn’t intend on learning, they’re just there
- the ONLY people he doesn’t disrespect with his fabulous sass is Ushiwaka and you
- he gets distracted by his phone on the toilet
- Satori cannot spell big words and gets frustrated when he has to write them too much
he likes sugar art but is too scared to get into it cause he doesn’t wanna break it
- picks up stray cats and adopts them, then cries when he’s told they’re either already owned or he can’t keep them
- his favorite candies are cinnamon and butterscotch. And he will fight that decision with his life.
- Tendou wears armbands on his wrists and snaps em when he’s nervous, like Noya!
- uses finger guns too much, and too unironically
- he’s always down for cheesy fries, only second hand to boba. God I want some boba.
- he says random shit that comes to his mind when he’s alone and then questions whether or not he thought that really loud or actually said it because of how loud his brain was
- his hair cronchy
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karsonisnot · 4 years
An inside conflict
Phil never usually strayed this far from where techno was, but really, he just wanted to be alone, with his thoughts. He sat on the ground with a heavy sigh, head full of confusion. 
He had just done not only the worst but best thing for anyone. He aided his oldest in blowing up LaManburg, a country that had it coming, however, in the process, he lost his other two sons.
He was confused. He had always had all of their best interests in heart but when that… stupid place made him kill his middle child, he knew he must do something. The pain on Tommy's face though once the attack began. The way his dead son lost it on him after he killed his sheep in the bombing. 
It felt. Wrong.
He knew the country deserved it for everything they had done to their own people, however, he...he cared about his kids. He just wants them to understand.
He slowly pulled his knees up to his chest and let his head rest on them. He was about to start crying.
But then, he heard slow clapping from in front of him. 
He looked up to see the red cloak, the sunglasses, the lady ianite, cat, and bee pin. It was the man himself. The father of Tubbo. Jordan sparklez.
"Well, well, well, congratulations. Do you want your medal for 'worst dad ever' right now? Or later?" The man said.
Jordan was never really buff, but he was strong, and right now, he did not look happy with the man sitting in front of him.
"Oh fuck off jordan, I dont not have the time for this right now." Phil sneered, getting up.
"Oh wow, I see where techno got his anger from now."
Phil was not in the mood for this man's business, but Jordan was far more powerful than him. What else do you expect from the chosen follower of Lady ianite.
"What do you want mate? Can't you see I'm kinda busy not caring right now."
"Right, that explains why you were curled up in a ball on the ground." Jordan said, looking Phil dead in the eyes. "Maybe it's over the bombing you just committed on over half your sons. Or do I have to remind you that happened?" 
Jordan's arms were crossed and he was being very sarcastic, but clearly not afraid of the man. I mean, Phil could not blame him, Jordan could probably knock him out in one punch.
"Oh please, I did the right thing out there, that country was good for nobody, ever. I helped a lot of people never have to face that place again."
"Oh really, the right forking thing?! You just blew up everything your sons cared for over a game of 'who's my forking favorite'! You just forking abandoned your sons, mr. Family man."
Phil was fuming, he didn't want to hear about this right now. Not ever. He wanted to move on with his life. Not speak to a fucking demi god over morals.
"No you shut up. You just forking played a game of politics with your kids. You blew them up so you and your oldest could play anarchist. This is YOUR fault. You're the one that decided petty political stances were more important than the people you raised and promised you'd be there for. This was YOUR mistake."
Phil regretted that sentence. He knew he would the second he started saying it. All he knew is he was angry. But he faltered when Jordan stepped towards him.
Phil couldn't get a word out. Jordan was right. He neglected Tommy for techno. All of a sudden the pit in his stomach grew.
"You… don't even agree with half of what Tubbo did…"
"Hell right I forking didn't. I didn't agree with anything he had done as president. However I'm his father phil.HIS FATHER. I SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT AND LOVE HIM UNCONDITIONALLY. HE DOESN'T EVEN BELIEVE IN THE GODS I SEE ON A DAILY AND I STILL SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT."
Phil was completely frozen. The pit in his stomach was now nauseating. Jordan was right. He had let politics get in the way of him loving and supporting his kids. 
Jordan rolled his eyes and marched up to Phil, grabbing his shirt. 
"Look at me, you beach. I don't care what you say. You. Forked. Up. Right now your sons hate you. All while you plan on literally adopting another one to fill the hole you formed in your own heart. You're not cut out to be anyone's father. And Tommy will never be your son again, neither will wilbur. 
I am going to go to where they are and be the father you failed to be until you get your act straight. And if you never do, fine by forking me, they are both nice kids anyways, and I'll happily play substitute. So either get your act together or have them hate you forever."
Jordan finally let go, phil collapsing to the ground. He cannot believe any of this was happening. He felt the weight of what he had done sitting on his shoulders as Jordan walked away, and into a makeshift portal he popped into exsistance, obviously leading to LaManburg, without even a goodbye. 
He sat there, distraught. His sons were never going to forgive him, were they? He truly did fuck up, and now, jordan was taking his place. 
Phil got up, and slowly walked himself back to technos cabin. The only thing keeping him company, was thoughts of his family.
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simplybakugou · 4 years
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↝ After running into a stray cat that you want to take in, you can’t help but feel nervous for how your boyfriend Bakugou would react to your new feline friend.
BINGO SPACE: Adopt a Pet
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x reader ⋆ WARNINGS: swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 2037
A/N: here’s my first piece for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event! Decided to start it off with some fluff so here you go! Credits to @eraserhead-transparents​ for the transparent Bakugou!
✐posted 07.08.2020✐
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“Come again soon!” You exclaimed, smiling and waving away as your last customer of the night left your flower shop. A sigh escaped your lips as you approached the front door, flipping the OPEN sign to CLOSED. Another successful day had ended as you looked forward to resting up at home only to face the next tiresome day of work.
You were quick on your feet to grab the watering can, eager to clean up to get home. You hummed in glee as you watered each plant with equal amounts of love and tenderness. The light from the setting sun flooded through the glass windows, painting the room with its orange and red hues. Each flowering plant in your shop soaked in the tints of color from outside as they hydrated with the water you provided.
Setting the can down on the counter and wiping your forehead from the thin sheen of sweat, you looked off at the space with satisfaction, opening the register and collecting the day’s worth of money into your bag. 
As you cleared the front counter of any minor messes, a familiar cry sounded from the front door, gaining your undivided attention as you peered over through the glass. Another sigh left your lips as you grabbed your coat and bag in hand, pushing the door open.
In front of your shop, like it had arrived every other night, a grey cat leered up at you with his wide green eyes. He meowed softly as he shivered, his tiny, frail body waiting by your feet as you locked the shop up. You crouched down, raising your hand slowly in front of him. His emerald eyes watched you closely, rubbing his head against your skin like he always did.
“Hey, little buddy,” you cooed, patting the area right between his ears. He purred slightly and you pulled away, taking out some crackers that you had leftover from lunch. “Sorry, this is all I got today.”
Regardless of the fact that your crackers were broken into little pieces, the cat ate away at the miniscule bits happily, obviously starving without a doubt in your mind. You frowned at the sight of his body, ribs peeking through his fur.
About a week ago, the cat showed up by your shop as it was strolling around the area. Your heart ached at the sight of the ill animal, not hesitating to feed him with whatever snacks and water you had on you. And as each night passed, the more the cat would come, waiting in front of your shop patiently with his tail waving elegantly, eyes staring right at you. 
As much as you were willing to take him in as your own pet, you were living with your boyfriend, Bakugou, who was never fond of any animal. No matter how hard you pleaded and begged whenever the two of you passed by a pet shop, Bakugou had no intention of sheltering an animal in his place. This factor was the one thing preventing you from taking the starving cat in. 
“Sorry, bud, I’ve got to get going!” You said gently, rubbing his head once more before rising to your feet. Typically this would be where you would be on your way home, parting ways with the little cat as he would walk towards the opposite direction. However, the cat decided to follow you, prancing right beside you.
You looked down at him in confusion, wondering why the stray cat was joining you. Another factor that held you back from adopting the cat was the fact that he was a stray. Most stray cats were prone to be accustomed to the outside world rather than being sheltered like other cats. And while most strays do not approach people so freely, this cat had no fear in seeing you everyday, not to mention he looked quite young as compared to the older cats that would roam the streets.
“Buddy, you can’t follow me; Katsuki will get annoyed,” you said, attempting to shoo him away but to no avail. He simply meowed in response, strolling right beside you. Everytime you sped up, he matched your pace perfectly, your attempt at losing him failing.
You sighed once more, stopping in your tracks. You looked up at the sky, the stunning orange and pink clouds had now turned gray as they loomed over you dauntingly. You pulled your phone out, reading the night’s forecast to have thunderstorms flooding the skies. You couldn’t bear to imagine the little kitty caught under such hazardous conditions so you made up your mind.
The cat stopped moving as well, sitting down on its hind legs as he looked up at you. You placed your hands on your hips as you glowered down at him sternly. “I’ll take you home with me if you behave!”
The cat meowed and you prodded once more. “If Katsuki gets mad at me, it’s your fault!”
Another meow erupted from the cat and you chuckled at yourself, amused that you were engaging in a full conversation with a feline. As you proceeded down the road, you stopped in front of the local convenience store by your apartment. You turned around, glancing down at the cat. “Wait here, I need to get you something to eat.”
The cat cocked his head to the side, watching you curiously as he amusingly obeyed your command. You entered the store, walking through the narrow aisles, hoping to find some cat food miraculously. Unfortunately for you, cat food was not considered convenience store worthy so you settled with buying a few cans of tuna, surprised the store even had tuna.
The cashier quickly checked you out, thanking you with your items in a shopping bag and you made your way outside. The cat let out a sound, following you once again as you hiked up the slope to your apartment.
“Hopefully this is enough for you to eat. I’m not really sure what cats eat but I guess tuna’s a good choice,” you mumbled, thankful that you made it to your apartment before it started raining. You pushed the elevator button, smiling at the sight of the cat rubbing himself against your legs, already leaving strands of fur on your pants.
The elevator arrived at the lobby, the metal doors sliding open. The cat took a few steps back, hesitant at the sight of the human-made contraption. You crouched down in front of him, slowly hooking your hands under his front legs and standing to your feet as you held him in your arms. “It’s alright, bud, we can take the stairs.”
He sat in your hold, watching closely at his surroundings as you pushed open the door to the stairwell, groaning internally at the idea of having to walk up three flights of stairs to get to your apartment. The things you do for a stray cat…
Nonetheless you made your way to the third floor, the sounds of the cat’s little paws hitting the steps echoing through the space. You managed to get to the top, your chest heaving up and down as your fingers grabbed at the doorknob to the apartments. You practically had to drag your feet to your apartment, out of breath as the true state of your physique was utterly out of shape. 
You unlocked the door, pushing it open slightly to let the cat inside. He just stared up at you curiously, waiting for your next move. “I’m guessing you want me to go in first, little buddy?”
He let out a barely audible sound and you chuckled, stepping inside as he followed suit, watching as you closed the door behind you. You placed the shopping bag onto the table and unloaded the cans of tuna to plate them accordingly.
“Here you go, bud,” you said, crouching down and placing the plate in front of the cat. He practically pounced onto the dish, not hesitating to eat away at the food. You smiled, watching as he happily ate. “Well, I guess I’ve got to give you a name now. You’re going to be living with us no matter what Katsuki says.” The cat continued to eat, not paying attention to your aimless rambling. You tapped a finger against your chin, thinking a little too hard about a single name. 
Before you could finalize a name, the door swung open, a tired Bakugou walked in while rubbing the nape of his neck, clad in his hero costume. He glanced downwards, peering at the sight of you kneeling before a stray cat. He sighed, closing his eyes momentarily. “Y/N…”
“I can explain,” you said, standing up and stepping over the cat. “He’s been sitting around in front of the shop everyday and he looked so hungry! I couldn’t just leave him out on his own!”
Bakugou glared at you, kicking his boots off to the side and ripping his mask from his face in one action. The cat flailed to the side, frightened by Bakugou’s sudden movements. You gasped, slowly approaching him and coddling him. “You scared him, Katsuki!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, proceeding towards the living room. You held the cat up in your arms, petting his back as you approached Bakugou, plopping down beside him on the sofa. “Are you mad?”
Bakugou sighed, glancing back and forth between you and the feline. “I’m not mad, just… annoyed. I don’t wanna deal with a furball acting like a little shit around here.”
As if on cue, the cat hissed at Bakugou and nestled against your arms. Bakugou sent a dirty look his way while you laughed at them. “So we can keep him?”
Bakugou looked back up at you as you pleaded silently through your eyes. He knew you were a softie when it came to animals but he genuinely didn’t care for animals. “Fine. But I’m not taking care of it.”
“Him,” you corrected, placing him beside you so you could scooch closer to your boyfriend. You hooked your arm around his bicep, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Katsu.”
Bakugou let out another sigh. “Yeah, whatever.”
You pulled away from him, running your hand down the cat’s back as you petted him, low purs emerging from him. “I think I’ll call you Buddy. I really can’t think of any other name for you but I think this one fits!”
Buddy let out a small meow in response and you giggled. Bakugou just watched you with the cat, arms crossed on his chest. Normally when he came home from a long day of patrolling and kicking some villain ass, you would be by his side cuddling him but here you were playing around with what he saw as a dirty feline.
You turned around, feeling his gaze burning through you and you smirked, knowing your boyfriend too well to know what he was thinking. “What’s wrong? Are you jealous of a little kitty?”
Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning the other way. “Like I’d ever get jealous of a fucking cat.”
You snickered, sliding over to him once more and pulling his arms from his chest. You crawled onto his lap, wrapping your own arms around his torso. “Thank you for letting him stay. I know how much you don’t like animals.”
“I’m fine as long as this is the only cat or animal type shit you bring in here.”
You nodded, your cheek rubbing against him. “You have my word. It’ll just be me, you, and Buddy.”
Buddy sat down on his paws, watching the two of you curiously. Bakugou’s nose twitched at the mere sight of the cat as he wrapped his arms around you, as if he were guarding you from the cat.
“Katsuki, please tell me you’re not trying to be territorial with a cat right now,” you muttered, finding this whole situation amusing.
Bakugou scoffed, his vermillion eyes glaring harshly at Buddy’s emerald ones as he continued to stare. “There’s no way I’m letting a little pussy steal all your attention.”
You laughed as the two exchanged harsh glances with one another, excited for the moments you would have in the future with your boyfriend and your new Buddy.
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