#and I definitely did not use it to make some people slightly less skinny in this entire scene
potential-fate · 1 year
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“That is a fair request.” Abe replied. 
“You realise this is all I really needed anyways, right?” Callum said, brushing his fingers across the back of abe’s hand. 
“Mm..” Abe hummed in response. He glanced over at the ladies sitting on the couch. 
“Don’t get me wrong… The other stuff would be nice eventually,” Callum added quietly, “but I just… want us to be able to act like a couple sometimes, you know?” 
Abe brushed a kiss across Callum’s shoulder lightly, “yeah, I know. I’m sorry, I’m… bad at this.” 
Callum laughed softly again, “You’re not that bad at this.” 
Abe’s lips twitched in a small smirk, “mmhmm.” 
“You’re having fun, I’m having fun,” Callum smiled at him, “see. Not that bad.” 
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maikissed · 2 years
i've got my eye on you
Richarlison x reader
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In which y/n keeps embarassing herself infront of Richarlison most of the night, he’s being a player (because of course he is) and they end up flirting at the terrace stairs what makes them absolutely enchanted with each other.
warnings: usage of drugs and alcohol
posting this in a hurry because it's cl night so sorry for any mistakes.
part 2 is here
The weather was pleasantly warm. You and your best friend were chilling on the loungers in the garden after smoking a blunt. You could hear music blasting from the house, the party was going wild with so many people gathered in.
„Bro, i am cooked” you murmured leaning your head on the back of the chair.
„Yeah this stuff is gooood” she answered laughing lightly.
Your head has become light and you were smiling, breathing in the spring air. There where times when weed made you dizzy and sleepy, which is why you weren’t very willing to smoke usually. But you changed your mind tonight and didn’t regret it. You felt super relaxed.
„Should we go back inside? This is fucked up, we’re at the party and we’re literally meditating in the garden” you heard Sheira say.
You burst out laughing at her remark and she accompanied.
„I’ve been needing to pee for like 30 minutes” you said seriously which elicited another laugh from your friend.
„Girl, then go, oh my God. I’ll wait for you here then”
„Do you know where the toilet is?” you asked standing up.
You haven’t had time to get to fully look around Luke’s newly bought house yet.
„Um, one is downstairs down the corridor and there’s a second one upstairs, straight from the stairs on the right”
„Okay, but don’t move anywhere from here, bitch”
„Alright, alright!” she kept smiling and laughing, readjusting on the seat.
You went up inside, the great noise surrounded you the moment you crossed the door and you smiled at the familiar group of people when you passed them. It was way hotter inside, you could feel an invisible layer of warm air hugging your skin, your senses definitely sharper due to your state.
You noticed that there was a queue to the bathroom on the first-floor, so you decided to head upstairs, hoping no one will actually be there. The moment you passed the last step of the stairs, the door to the bathroom opened and a skinny blonde girl appeared infront of you with her eyes focused on the phone screen. She passed you without even looking your way and went down the stairs. You hummed happy with the fact that you can quickly use the bathroom so you just reached for the door handle and barged in. Unexpectedly you collided with something hard and huffed surprised.
„Shit, sorry, I thought it wasn’t occupied” you said looking at the tall guy infront of you bearing a slightly startled expression.
„It’s fine, I was just leaving” he answered with an accent and your mind actually comprehended that you’ve just runned into one of the football players.
Luke, the party organizer, has been mingling in various environments, so you were often meeting some less or more famous people. You did recognise some of them, especially the ballers. And this one you knew as well, but not personally. You didn’t remember being introduced to Richarlison but you’ve spotted him at a few parties at Luke’s. To be honest you have been avoiding football players. Some of them were arrogant or just man whores. This one was clearly the latter.
You didn’t move, just stared at his face for a few seconds and after truly realising what you’ve just run into, you smiled foolishly and started laughing. You couldn’t control it even if you wanted to, covering your mouth with your hand did not help. The situation was riddiculous, you were stoned as hell, which was probably pretty obvious.
„What’s so funny?” you heard him ask sternly.
Oh so he was arrogant as well.
„Sorry, I um… wanted to use the bathroom” you shrugged with a permanent smile plastered on your face, avoiding eye contact with the guy.
„Well, then let me pass and you’ll be free to do your thing.”
Right, you still haven’t moved and were blocking the exit. You facepalmed yourself mentaly and stepped aside. He passed your form in the door frame, facing and looking down at you. It hit you how close you two were for a split second and you cleared your dry throat.
„See you around” he added and when you lifted your head in his direction you noticed a shadow of a smile on his lips.
„Hope not” you said to yourself locking the door, still feeling hazy.
You took a look at yourself in the mirror and met the reflection of your heavy lids and reddened eyes. Yup, you were stoned like a goat.
When you came back downstairs Sheira was at the mini bar laughing at something Luke said.
„What took you so long?” she asked throwing her arm aroung you „Did you tap somebody in the bathroom?”
The comment made you laugh loudly.
„No I did not”
„Well you should, it would do you good” she shrugged.
„Fuck you” you answered geting a bottle of water to drink. You throat was dry as a desert.
You looked around and noticed the girl that was in the bathroom with Richarlison. She was stunning, to say the least, her long blonde hair was falling in gentle waves down her back. She was all slim legs, full lips and shining light blue eyes. The dress she was wearing wasn’t very modest but she still looked classy. In oppose to you in your high state. You snorted and looked the other way spotting mentioned footballer. Richarlison was sitting at the sofa surrounded by a few people. A glass with a dark liquor in his hand, his long legs spread widely, he was laughing at something being said. You took a moment to study him. His bleached hair matched his maroon eyes and darker complexion quite pleasantly, you thought. His face was all firm edges and defined bones, which truly made him really handsome. But it was his eyes that were the most appealing – deep dark frame giving off almost dangerous gaze. And you were staring. The realization made you uncomfortable so you looked away trying to focus on the conversation between Luke and Sheira but something pulled your eyes into his direction again. And in fact, he was already looking at you, deep dark frame of his eyes; dangerous, daring gaze. You gulped feeling your legs go weak. What the fuck?
 “Shots?” you heard Luke shout to you and you nodded not giving a fuck that if you’ll start drinking while still being high, you might not end this evening in a good state.
After a few rounds you found yourself on the dancefloor laughing and moving vigorously to some trap song. The room was getting hotter minute by minute, you felt your skin becoming sticky and you were out of breath. You desperatly needed some fresh air so you headed to the terrace. The night was peaceful and the garden was softly lit. You took one step down the stairs of the terrace and felt youself losing your balance, but before you actually fell down you felt someone’s arms wrap around your middle.
“Shit” you muttered.
“Careful” you heard a familiar accent and when you turned your head you spotted none other than Richarlison wearing a sly smirk while, once again, looking down at you because of the hight difference.
His hot hands were still gripping the exposed skin of your waist and the sensation added to your already flushed state. He let go of you after making sure that you’re standing straight.
“Thank you” you said and decided to sit down so you won’t embarrass yourself further by faltering and landing on your face on the grass.
“May I know your name?” he sat next to you.
You considered telling him a wrong name, as you often did when you weren’t interested in the guy that was hitting on you, but you were way too drunk to play one of your little games.
“It’s y/n” you said stretching your legs and looking down at your heavy boots.
“Nice to meet you y/n. I’m Richarlison”
“I know” you smiled cheekily.
Why would you say that? You’ve already made yourself look like a fool like a thousand times tonight in his pressence. You giggled.
“I see that you’re having fun” he added, his expression soft.
“And you? Are you having fun?” you looked at him through your long lashes and smiled once again.
“Isn’t that obvious?”
“Mhm” you murmured leaning back on your hands. It was not a comfortable position but your limbs were too tired to made you care.
Your eyes landed on a tattoo decorating his neck and then followed down his inked arm.
“I like your tattoos” you said briefly.
“Thanks” he looked your way readjusting himself on the step “Do you have any?”
“Not in a place that I could show you without it being inappropriate”
Oh you did not just start flirting with the guy. You had this thing that you often caught yourself flirting during any conversations you’ve had. It’s not like it was on purpose, it was just a manner that you had. Maybe it was something that you’ve developed through the years of always feeling too intimidated with people. Made you feel more powerful.
He laughed at your comment looking down. You noticed that it made him a little bit flustered. Well, that’s interesting. You bit your lip not taking your eyes off of him.
“Now I’m uh…” he scrunched his eyebrows as if to find a word “…curious”
The comment made you smile widely and you rised up back to a fully sitting position.
“Don’t try to take me to the bathroom so you can find out” you said without thinking.
For a second you worried it sounded way too straightforward. But he did not seem to be offended at all.
“I won’t” he laughed “Unless you want me to”
A smug grin appeared on his face and you couldn’t contain a giggle.
“Oh, you’re very cunning. That’s how you get yourself all the pretty girls, I suppose?”
“Most of the time, some doesn’t seem to get fooled easily”
“Well, you need to put in a little more effort then” you tilted your head looking at his lips.
You liked the shape of them. You realised you let your mind wander and it took you aback. Too much weed and too much alcohol. Unfortunately before you took your eyes off of him, he seemed to notice your stare. You looked down biting your lip trying to contain a smile but it was pointless.
“I’ve been seeing you around a few times” it was him who broke the silence “I’ve just never grew the courage to come up and talk to you”
Him? The guy that you almost caught hooking up with this blondie model in the bathroom on the second floor? Too intimidated to talk to you? He was fucking with you right now for sure. Your eyes widened sneeringly.
“Oh, please” you answered “You’re shooting your shot right now, aren’t you?”
He laughed with you sincerely.
“Maybe, but it’s true though. You are very pretty” he murmured making you blush.
He’s clearly a playboy, you thought, trying to lure you. The way he looked at you caused shivers to run down your spine and it almost made you want to fall right into his trap. It was quite funny to be honest. You haven’t reacted this way to a boy’s attention ever.
 “Thank you” you answered sweetly “But just because I’m quite drunk and high right now doesn’t mean I’ll fall for your pretty words, Richarlison”
His name falling of your lips made him look down at your mouth and your heart skipped a beat. Oh, he’s definitely going to cause some problems. You decided to stand up, feeling a tad tense. 
 “I feel better now” you took a deep breath “Are you coming in?”
“Sure” he nodded, his eyes shone with amusement.
As you entered the room walking side by side you immediately spotted the look on Sheira’s face and almost wanted to run up to her to cover her mouth before she said something embarrassing, as she was often used to. But she said nothing and let’s thank the God himself for that. Enough embbarassment for one night.
You did not part with Richarlison though, you spent the rest of the party with a group of friends, talking and joking around and you’ve taken a notice that he was in fact quite the entertainer. He was funny, charming and captivating and it visibly made everyone drown into him and engrossed in anything he was saying. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, being enchanted by his appealing aura, the way he moved or spoke Portuguese to a few of his friends, even when you couldn’t understand a word. You kept stealing glances towards eachother, your skin was tingling almost regretful that you were surrounded by all these people and not alone. Something was telling you that Richarlison felt exactly the same, as you noticed that he was trying to come closer to where you stood every few passing minutes. It probably looked innocent from someone elses perspective but you two were like magnets to eachother, desperate to feel that dazzling closeness that if lasted too long, may bring your minds and bodies into maddening overdrive. Therefore when your arms brushed against eachother briefly, your body reacted on its own accord and you jumped slighlty, feeling your cheeks heating up. This energy between the both of you was dangerous. You were trying to focus on your breathing, so you wouldn’t suffocate, and to calm your relentlessly beating heart, so you won’t start to shake but you found it difficult to containt two things at a time. What a childish reactions you had, but you just couldn’t help it.
“Are you alright?” Richarlison lowered his head to whisper in your ear.
Sweet tickling goosebumps spread over your neck. That feeling almost made your knees buckle. If he asked you if you wanted to join him in that damn bathroom right this moment the same way, you’d probably agree.
“Mhm” you hummed and looked up at this face.
His eyes shone with that familiar amusement. It was so easy to get lost in them.
“Do you want to go outside? Take a breath?”
“No, I’m ok” you answered.
You were standing way too close to eachother to have a conversation as simple as this. You could’ve say yes to finally get him alone with you once again but it was too late because Sheira was already at your side, asking if it was alright if you two headed home now. You agreed telling her that you’ll join her in the yard in a second. It was very late, after all.
“It was nice to meet you Richarlison” you smiled flirtatiously at him.
“Can’t wait to see you again, y/n”
“I know” you bit your lip to hold back a giggle and turned around to find your friend.
You woke up at noon with just a slight headache and a message from a certain football player displayed on your phone screen.
i got carried away at the end, but the tensionnnnnn
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theamphibianmen · 2 months
Ok it's informational post/disability update time! Everything is under the cut because this gonna be looooooong
I'm officially on my second pair of forearm crutches! These are so much better than the old ones for so many reasons. My old crutches were the Orthostix foldable crutches, full cuff. My new ones are Walkeasy 480s. Both are in black.
I know I'm probably going to piss off some people with this, but if you are a full time crutch user-- which I am not, I'm somewhere between full time and part time*, and if you have the money for Walkeasy (or another brand that charges more), I do not recommend Orthostix.
This is because mine lasted me less than a year. I used them every day for 7+ hours and I just don't think they're built for that. They seem to be for people with temporary injuries who will use them for 2 months and then put them in a closet somewhere. They just couldn't handle my lifestyle.
The way they broke was me folding them to put in the car for a trip and the elastic snapped in the left crutch causing a bunch of the hardware to just. Fall out. This caused the unbroken right crutch to weigh slightly more than the left, and the already not great weight balance of the broken one to be even worse.
Speaking of weight balance, the majority of the weight of my old Orthostix was in the handles. They have this style of handle:
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Which is supposedly "ergonomic." I understand what they were going for, but holding them the way they're supposed to be held put my wrists at a 90° angle, like this:
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Having your wrist in this position isn't inherently uncomfortable I guess, but if it's already bent like that and you put pressure on it that can hurt. This shape also adds a lot of unnecessary weight to the handles.
My new crutches are definitely heavier, but they don't feel as heavy because the weight is evenly distributed. The handles are simple, basically cylinders with grooves for my fingers to rest in. I can hold my wrist straight with these, which is a godsend when it comes to stability and comfort.
I also had a lot of sizing issues with my first pair. Even on the shortest setting, the space between the cuff and the handles was too long for me, so they were always slightly uncomfortable to use. I terms of height I was also between sizes. I'm "5'7 and most of it is leg. Note that this is less of an issue with the crutches themselves and more another reason they weren't right for me.
The cuffs are also a lot... tighter I think is the best way to describe it? The new cuffs look like this:
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Which means they stay on my skinny nerd arms a lot better. For reference here's the cuff of the old ones:
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Note that this is after I shrank them with boiling water. I tried to make straps with pleather and velcro but it did not work. At all.
The new ones also have these super cool light reflectors on either end of the handles,
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which is great because I'm frequently outside at night and my town doesn't have consistent sidewalks.
The main body/material of the crutches is textured as well, which will be helpful for decorating, and they make barely any noise, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the clicking of the old ones.
Overall, I'd say that my old crutches were a 6/10. Definitely the right idea, but at the end of the day didn't meet my needs, while the new ones are an easy 9/10. The only thing even approximating a complaint I have is that these don't fold, but that feature is what ultimately lead to the old ones breaking. That does come at a cost though: my Walkeasies were about $120, while Orthostix will only run you $70. If you don't have the money for Walkeasy, Orthostix gets the job done. If you do though, I highly recommend them.
*I never leave the house without a mobility aid, and 99.9% of the time it's my crutches. I only walk unaided in small spaces I'm familiar and comfortable with that I know have plenty of platforms for me to push off of and catch myself on. I've heard that full time means you can't walk unassisted at all, and I don't really use my aids around the house (but I would if there were space) so calling myself a full time user feels misleading, but calling myself a part time user feels just as misleading because very few people see me without my mobility aids. If I'm out of the house, which happens nearly every day, I will be using my crutches. So IDK where that puts me. If anyone has a term I can use without upsetting anybody please let me know.
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theteablogger · 1 year
Same anon re: costuming. CW for weight gain/loss & mentions of EDs
Yes, just as a couple of examples of things which I’ve dealt with which sprang to mind reading about Andy’s history and made me go “yikes”, from school:
- When taking measurements, were taught to *ask* people if they wanted to know them or not (if not, we wrote them down but didn’t say it out loud). I once had someone say before I could ask, “Please don’t tell me, I’m recovering from an eating disorder and can’t know stuff like that”.
- Re: not commenting on weight, that included changes. I re-measured someone from a start of the first semester show to end of the second and she looked significantly different. She kept apologizing because her measurements were larger and finally said that she’d actually lost a bunch of weight because she’d been sick and that’s why she’d been smaller before. I stuck to saying I was glad she recovered, but she was clearly scared of being judged for how her body had changed.
Those are just two things, but thinking about how he habitually talks about weight gain/loss, fatphobia, beauty standards etc around women—the negging, backhanded compliments and lectures from 2018, but also some of the stuff he reffed in that thread (and further back the way those types of situations were exploited for abuse!)—you can see why I find it alarming to think about that being a voice of authority in the context of an industry where actors are (far more than in the context of an art school) consistently under insane pressure with regard to diet and exercise culture, often at the expense of health.
With regard to stunts and SFF/Adventure genres, see here: https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2016/jun/29/why-stuntwomen-are-in-more-danger-than-men
The TL;DR is that tight-fitting costumes which cover less skin, high heels, shape wear etc all make it way easier to sustain injuries. I point it out mainly because it’s a pretty obvious difference between cosplay and actually doing things other than standing/walking around in costume, and also because it’s indicative of a culture where people are far less likely to be held accountable for safety than for making sure it’s all aesthetically pleasing. The “nightmare scenario” is always someone arguing over safety and comfort concerns (whether or not stunts are involved) because of the look and a performer not being able to overrule, and that tragically happens far too often. Even professionals don’t necessarily “call it out” among their peers, same with lookism & fatphobia from those who consider being skinny part of the job description.
It’s the very fact that AB’s online persona these days is all about awareness and sensitivity towards those issues that makes me both REALLY hope he’s serious for once and worried about who might suffer for it if he’s not, and it’s another case where “sensitivity” is used as a matter of knowing people’s “weaknesses”. That’s part of why learning the source of the thread shook me up so hard: it was because the ‘progressive’ industry language was almost right but just slightly off—and then “slightly off” was “Oh okay so when you say you’re intimately aware of people’s body image struggles, did you mean your job, or those times you psychologically tortured your exes? Or set off others’ dysphoria repeatedly? Or…” you get the picture :/
Thanks for writing back, anon! It's always helpful to get perspectives from people involved in costuming.
It’s the very fact that AB’s online persona these days is all about awareness and sensitivity towards those issues that makes me both REALLY hope he’s serious for once and worried about who might suffer for it if he’s not, and it’s another case where “sensitivity” is used as a matter of knowing people’s “weaknesses”.
Well put, and I agree. His persona has been this way at least since he appeared on Tumblr in 2011, and he's definitely said and done plenty of shitty things since then. That's one of the reasons it's always so hard to believe that he's changed: he performs sincerity very well, but when he feels like he can get away with something (like in the summer of 2018), he doesn't practice what he preaches.
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seeminglyseph · 7 months
My mom was talking about my sister feeling self conscious about her body, and like. I think part of it is she has for some reason a lot of oddly petite friends. Like. For some reason they’re all really short and she’s been friends with them since they were kids and some of them have that like. Unusually skinny body type that like… look some people don’t gain body fat I’m not shaming but those of us who do gain body fat do get shamed all the time constantly so like. Extremely skinny people for some reason get set at the status quo when they like. Really really aren’t. And that’s mostly the weird part honestly. And the fact that like y’all bodies work so fundamentally different than mine that it’s like. A little mystifying sometimes.
My mother is one of these people honestly and it I think causes serious conflict. Because like. She is literally 110lbs. Like. The last time I was 110lbs I was like. A teenager with an eating disorder. Like. It was a fucking bad situation. My mom is in her 60s. I’ve weighed more than her since I was a teenager. And I am a few inches shorter than her. My sister’s like half a foot taller than me, and like. I guess thick fit? Though more on the fit than the thick? And generally just kinda average slightly curvy human woman? But also I always considered her like. The hot one? Not in the weird way but like. How in Daria there’s the weird introvert sibling and cool hot sibling. There’s always the nerd sibling and the hot sibling in sitcoms and I was a latchkey kid raised on TV. I think my sister is objectively an attractive woman who men should be proud to date?
But I also think while I have a shitton of body image issues that I definitely got from my mom being. Fucking weird about my body. I wonder if my mom being absurdly tiny and like. Worrying about it so much, and doing things like “wear the spanx it will make you look less fat” and whatever. Like. I don’t know how much of that stuff she did specifically to my sister because my sister was never as much of a “problem” as I was. It always seemed to me like she was the one doing everything right. But even if she wasn’t the one getting criticized, watching me get dragged over the coals could’ve just given her a complex about like. “I never want to be in that position”
It’s hard being a dumb broken shithead trying to be empathetic because it’s like. “I want to be open and understanding with my family” and then I do that and then like. In two months I’ll be vulnerable and it’ll blow up in my face because like half my family is absolutely garbage at emotions.
Also I may have accidentally implied to my mother that I think my sister is a dom and should try to find a nice sub to settle down with, instead of these alpha males she keeps trying to date. Because I think kink dynamics are generic and normal enough to just be sub categories I can expect to be relatable in conversations about normal basic heterosexual…. Stuff. I don’t know anything about this. She might just be an emotionally unavailable bitch. I might just have Eldest Daughter Trauma.
I don’t know. It’s already weird trying to be like “no my sister’s an attractive person objectively. I’m not attracted to her because ew, but also not my type but also ew, but she is an objectively attractive person.”
You grow up with a negative sibling relationship, complimenting them is unfamiliar territory. And then the whole “the internet loves to take anything you say in the worst way possible” paranoia my brain is like. “Literally the very concept of there being an incest angle is revolting. I think I would rather bite off my fingers and die.” I’m literally pulling a “no homo” but because of how weird I’ve seen some stupid internet discourse go off about dumb shit and I like. Hate the idea of having someone take this in that direction considering how distant my sister and I are and how hard it is to deal with actual sibling relationships without random people taking things the wrong way maliciously.
I took a sleeping pill and it’s the wrong side of 4am and my sinus headache is fucking demolishing me. I really wanna work things out with my sister one day, but there’s a lot of trauma and resentment built up. And it’s hard to know how much I can open up or trust her a lot of the time. Family is complicated.
And I am constantly plagued by the fear of running out of time. Dunno what to do with that.
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troglobite · 1 year
oh right the worst part re: the person i'm unfollowing
she's chubby.
she is not thin.
she is a brown southeast asian person.
and she's letting this fatphobia slide.
she says "be kind in the comments!"
and there people are VICIOUSLY throwing around insults at the fat person in the story (who absolutely was out of line! BUT STILL!)
more information below abt the situation in particular (usage of uncensored slurs as examples in hypotheticals below, also more explicit fatphobia)
i was afraid to say it in the comments but it's legitimately the same as
a gay person calling a straight person het or straighty or breeder [though that one is Nasty]
and then the straight person asking them to stop, the gay person not stopping, and the straight person responding "okay hey faggot"
that's legitimately the same thing
or a trans person saying "hey cissie" or "hey agab" or whatever
and the cis person asking them to stop, the trans person continuing, and the cis person going "okay fine. hey tranny."
the story was
fat person--a coworker--calls the op toothpick, slim, etc.
she is asked to stop.
she does not stop. no one tries to address the issue and convince her to stop.
definitely unprofessional and shitty.
but the op then responds "okay fine. hey chunky." the fat coworker then cried.
and you know what? i'm 100% positive that that's NOT the word op used. i would bet MONEY she called her a different word and chose "chunky" for the post bc it was slightly less bad than whatever she DID say.
because earlier in the post she called the coworker "very overweight"
people in the comments are going "FINALLY someone acknowledges that skinny shaming is so hurtful!!! :(" and "i would've called her something worse, and then added in annoying shithead" or "she was SO justified saying that to the coworker!"
no. she wasn't.
see my above examples.
everybody sucks in that situation, and everyone saying that the op was RIGHT or JUSTIFIED is a fucking shitting garbage fuck rot in hell piece of piss jackass who can die for all i fucking care about them.
i'm tired i'm tired i'm TIRED
the op ABSOLUTELY fucking knew that ANY comments abt the fat coworker's weight was going to be ASTRONOMICALLY MORE HURTFUL than the comments abt op's weight bc of the sheer volume of societal hurt behind it.
should fat coworker have done that at all? NO. it's stupid and unprofessional! it's hurtful!
to continue doing so after being asked to stop makes you an absolute certified jackass and asshole!
but i know why she was doing it.
and i also know why she cried.
it's not "oh you can dishout but you can't take it"
it's quite literally trauma
she's lashing out at someone super skinny--A BAD AND HURTFUL AND CHILDISH BEHAVIOR!--in retaliation for all of the hurt that has been sent her way.
and when it's tossed back at her, all of the years of her life spent being fatshamed and bullied and harassed come roaring back
op absolutely could've dealt with years of body shaming, too!
but there'd be no medical discrimination, job discrimination, LITERAL WAGE GAP/PAY DISCREPANCY, there's not a million ads telling people to GAIN weight, almost every store will carry something in her size, every chair she's ever sat in in every public place will have fit her and held her, she wouldn't have to pay extra for accommodations or basic shit, she wouldn't be told to rip out her own stomach or starve herself or mutilate her body--
as hurtful as it is, it's not the same. being told to eat more or put some meat on those bones while CRUEL AND UNNECESSARY! STOP COMMENTING ON PEOPLE'S BODIES!
it's not the same as
"have you tried starving yourself and ripping out your functioning organs so that either you die or you become more visually appealing to the rest of us so that we don't have to gag every time we see you?"
and i'm tired
fatphobia. is getting me so badly lately.
so i had to get this out of my system.
but i unfollowed her. i unsubscribed. i left two comments that i'm sure people will reply to calling me crazy and angry and stupid--even though i say REPEATEDLY that what the fat coworker did was 100% unacceptable
but what the fuck ever
my EDS has decided to be a giant pain--literally--again and i should stop typing
i'm going to shove my head into some fanfiction to cope
and try to not feel every relationship i tentatively have slipping away from me bc people refuse to examine their own biases
i'm being dramatic, MOST people i know don't let fatphobia ruin our relationship or our lives.
but it's been hitting too close recently and i'm tired.
i'm tired of how uneducated and unwilling to listen everyone is.
you'd think i'd be used to this by now, being a disabled, autistic, mixed race, genderqueer lesbian.
but no.
and i am. tired.
and it's not a fucking competition, either, i don't think other oppressed groups "have it better"
FUCK THIS i'm so tired of trying to inject disclaimers in the name of nuance nobody reads this shit anyway and anyone who reads it in bad faith to try and WELL ACTUALLY at me can rot in hell i'm fucking tired
@ all fatphobes who refuse to listen to reason: die mad about people being fat, and i hate you
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Day 52: Tattoos
When he left the Wizarding World, Harry hadn't thought too much about what would happen to Draco Malfoy after he testified for him at his trial.
If pressed, he probably would have assumed that Malfoy would have continued in his father's footsteps. He would have imagined well tailored suits and robes, long blonde hair, the same aristocratic nose tipped in the air.
So, perhaps his jaw all but hitting the floor when he saw the other man for the first time in five years was understandable.
And it wasn't the fact that he was walking into the muggle bar that Harry worked at that shocked him, it was the fact that Malfoy had trimmed his hair short on the sides and left the top long; it was that he'd dyed it hot pink.
It was the fact that his left arm had a muggle tattoo covering the dark mark that had once been there with beautiful, bright flowers; new life coming out of death. It was the dragon tattoo peaking out of the collar of his shirt, that Harry guessed, was shaped around his namesake constellation.
It was the loose, black v-neck, muggle t-shirt tucked into skinny jeans that were cuffed just above his ankles. And the three earrings in the cartilage at the top of his right ear.
It was that he looked nothing like the stiff, tidy, pretentious twat that Harry would have envisioned him growing into and it made Harry wonder what else he was wrong about.
Malfoy caught sight of him a few second later and literally froze in place.
"What can I get you?" Harry asked, giving him a little smile.
"Sorry," Malfoy said, cocking his head uncertainly, "You look like someone I used to know."
(Read more below the cut)
And that was fair, too, Harry supposed. He didn't look anything like the scrawny, desperate teen he'd been the last time Malfoy saw him, either. Harry had grown a good six inches since then, his shoulders had filled out, he'd grown his hair long because the curls were less messy that way, he'd grown a beard that he kept short and tidy, and he had a few tattoos of his own. "You look like someone I used to know, too," he replied, "But you can't possibly be the same person that I thought I knew and I'm sure that I'm not quite what you thought either." He tilted his head at Malfoy, "What can I get you?" he repeated.
"What would you recommend?" Malfoy asked as he slid into a bar stool with a touch more caution than Harry liked.
"Do you like sweet drinks?" he asked, "I have this cotton candy drink that we make with cranberry juice and raspberry vodka," then he added, "And cotton candy, obviously."
"That would definitely be something I've never tried before," Malfoy replied with a little smile.
"Done." While Harry was making the drink he said, "So what brings you so far from home?"
Malfoy cocked his head, "I left home ages ago," he said. "Disowned, as a matter of fact."
Harry frowned as he reached under the bar to fetch the cotton candy, "What? Why?"
Harry saw him lift one shoulder casually before having to stick his head into the cupboard below to reach the bag of cotton candy in the back, "Apparently, Malfoys are allowed to make all sorts of mistakes and commit all sorts of atrocities, but being gay was just one step too far for them."
Harry bashed the back of his head against the bar in his haste to stand up, "Wait, you're-?" he started before registering just how badly that had hurt, "Ouch, fuck," he said, rubbing the back of his skull.
"Here," Malfoy murmured, holding out his hand, "Let me."
Harry leaned over and Malfoy gently cupped the back of his head and murmured something under his breath. A moment later a warm, tingly feeling suffused Harry's head and all of the pain disappeared.
"Wow," Harry said, rubbing the back of his skull again and feeling for any tender spots, "That was amazing."
Malfoy shrugged and Harry went back to working on the drink. "I was training to be a healer," he confessed softly so no one would overhear, "But then I had one too many people refuse to let me help them because of-" he broke off and shook his head, "Well you know."
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Harry said with a frown as he slid the drink across the bar. He was about to say more when Ben, one of his regulars, came up to the bar for a refill, "Hold that thought," he said, making his way over to get him another bourbon.
"This," Malfoy said, pointing to the drink Harry had made him when he returned a few minutes later, "Is actually quite tasty, Potter."
He laughed, "No need for the tone of surprise, this has been my job for nearly five years now. And you can call me, Harry," he added.
The corner of Draco's mouth tilted up, "Oh I can, can I?"
Harry nodded, "And I think I'll be calling you Draco."
"Bold of you," he said but he was smiling so Harry didn't take him too seriously.
"Gryffindor," he replied, pointing to himself with a wink. "So tell me about yourself, Draco," he said.
And to his surprise and utter delight, Draco did. He sat at the bar, sipping that martini before switching over to lemonade, all evening, telling Harry about his life and asking questions about Harry in turn.
One things led to another and by the time Harry was getting ready to leave, Harry was really not ready for the night to end.
"Can I walk you home?" Draco asked, apparently he wasn't ready for it to end either.
Harry smiled at him and nodded toward his house, they set off down the street talking about nothing. He only lived a few blocks away and they found themselves standing at the bottom of Harry's steps all too soon.
"Will you punch me if I kiss you?" Draco asked him.
Harry shook his head with a smile he couldn't quite hide, and leaned forward to meet Draco halfway. The moment their lips met, Harry's veins felt like they'd been set on fire. He reached out and clasped the fabric of Draco's t-shirt in his hands and pulled him forward, crashing their bodies together.
"Come inside," Harry begged against Draco's lips.
Draco pulled back, brow furrowed slightly, "You want this? With me?"
"Godric, yes," he groaned. "Please."
The other man gave him a breathless little smile and Harry dragged him up the stairs and straight to the bedroom.
Afterward, Harry got up to order them some pizza and when he returned, Draco was laid on his back on the bed, his pink hair fanned out across the pillow, Harry couldn't help but think that his body looked more gorgeous than any work of art he'd ever seen. And Harry sat up beside him admire him better, "I thought this one was your constellation," he murmured triumphantly, stroking his fingers over the dragon that curled over his collarbone and up his neck.
"Well spotted," Draco said, a smile in his voice.
He brushed his fingers over the snitch on Draco's chest, "I've got one of these, too," he murmured, leaning a bit so Draco can see the snitch he has on his own hip.
"Yes, I noticed," Draco replied, giving him a little smirk, "What does it say under it?"
"I open at the close," Harry said.
Draco hummed, "You'll have to tell me the story sometime."
"I'd like that," Harry told him, surprised to find that it was true since he'd never wanted to talk to anyone about the war. He trailed his fingers over the flower that had been tattooed over Draco's heart. "For your mum?" he asked.
He gave him a sad smile and nodded, "The black narcissus."
"These are for my parents," he told him, pointing to the antlers adorned with lilies along his collarbones.
"What are these ones?" he asked, trailing his fingers over the Marauder's map style footprints on his bicep and shoulder.
"These," he said, twisting to show Draco that they wrapped around his shoulder and onto his back, "are names of the people who have held me up, some of them still living, and others who live on in me." He grinned at him, "I'll show you the map they're modeled after the next time I have it out."
"Do you have any others?"
"Yeah," Harry said, collapsing onto his back so he could show Draco his ankle, "Deathly Hallows on my ankle."
Draco's fingers brushed lightly over his skin and Harry's spine tingled pleasantly.
"Do you have others?" he echoed
He nodded and rolled over onto his stomach and Harry had to hold back a gasp, "Beautiful," he whispered, trailing his fingers lightly over the wings covering Draco's shoulder blades.
"They're to remind me that I am free. I made my choice to fly instead of staying shackled."
"They're beautiful," Harry repeated.
Draco reached back and pointed to his neck and Harry's eyes followed to a compass. "To remind me that I choose the direction of my life from here on out."
"I love that," Harry replied, flopping back down on the bed next to Draco. "I'm planning my next one."
"Oh?" Draco asked, turning his head to the side and resting it on his forearms so he could look at Harry.
Harry nodded, "A constellation as well, Sirius, and wolfsbane incorporated somehow."
"Are all of yours for people, then?"
"Yeah," he replied, about to say more when the doorbell rang. "That'll be the pizza. Do you want to eat in here or in the kitchen?" he asked as he stood up and started looking for a pair of pants to put on to answer the door
"I should go-"
"Draco," he said, leaning in and stealing another kiss, "Stay. Please."
"For how long?" Draco asked.
The doorbell rang again and Harry stumbled into his boxers, "For as long as you want. Stay forever if you like."
And he was surprised to find that he was only half joking.
Please go look at this GORGEOUS art by @pato-roldnart. I'm completely in awe of how talented they are. It's just like I imagined it and I am totally in love!
Day 51: Parents | Day 53: First Anniversary
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omiscurls · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters as bed sharing AU’s
taken of pinterest!
characters in question: kiyoomi sakusa, miya atsumu, kenma kozume, suna rintaro, tobio kageyama, kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji
kiyoomi sakusa - the “you have too much nightmares, let me try this method on you”
When you look at Sakusa, you wouldn’t guess any of his weaknesses... well except for one maybe
He always speaks so confidently, if he doesn’t feel secure, he just doesn’t speak
So even if you’ve been their manager for... several years, you still know as much about this man’s weaker sides as if you met him yesterday, or even less. 
The surprise on your face when you binge watched a series at night, and you suddenly felt the scream definitely coming from outside your headphones was indescribable 
Was the room next to yours... Sakusa’s?
you thought nothing of it, but night after night, you heard a lot more, you heard crying, ventilating, calling out random names, and finally you decided that not only is this interrupting your sleep, it’s not healthy for the wing spiker either
come on, the next day is game day, he has to be on his best abilities 
nobody wants to deal with grumpy kiyoomi, nobody has the guts
so you remember a method your friend has told you about that their s/o uses on them 
it took a lot of courage, but there you are, about to knock on his door... 
Sakusa flinched hearing knocks on his door. That definitely wasn’t just a comeback from a dream. Someone’s knocking on his door. Was he being too loud? Did he wake someone up? He prays that it’s just someone wanting something, even if it’s around 2AM, and who on earth would want someone at 2AM. 
Normally he would’ve been pissed off, but now he wished for this scenario to come true. 
He put on a hoodie before opening the door, since it was cold outside the sheets, besides, who wants to see him in his underwear, right? Especially if it’s marvel themed-
The look on his face when he sees his crush on the other side of the door is priceless. He can practically feel his face going all red. 
“Can I help you?” he clears his throat and says lazily, pretending to be annoyed by the fact you allegedly woke him up, even though the tears still flow down his cheeks. 
“No, but I can help you” you say, just as embarrassed as he is, and it doesn’t help when he raises his eyebrows like that, so you quickly add “That is, if you like, please feel comfortable to tell me to piss off if I’m being too much, but I have a friend with a problem simmilar to yours and I just...”
“Okay, I’m listening” he interrupts, causing you to look up at him. 
When you explain the idea to him, he’s more than pessimistic, he’s laughing in your face, mumbling something about how he thanks you for your concern, but... 
You took the opportunity that you’re both sitting on his bed, and just lay on your back. 
“Come on, just try” 
“No!” he answers almost immediately, but, as he’s also a man of logic... 
He really has to be on his best tomorrow, and you’re his only hope at the moment. He reluctantly lays down next to you, and your hand guides his face near your neck. 
“Fine, but only so you stop with this idea already. It’s not gonna work.”
You’re both extremely out of your comfort zones, but you’re slowly adjusting. You feel him nuzzle closer, and your hair just instinctly lands in his hair, curling one little curl on your finger. 
His showergel smells amazing, by the way. It puts you to sleep instantly, but you know you can’t be the one to pass out first. After a while of silence, you ask him if his trial run has expired already, but there’s no response. His breath evens out, and you’re too afraid to stir away far enough to check if his eyes are closed. 
“Kiyoomi? Are you asleep?” you ask, but again, there’s no response. 
Oh well. 
The next morning he’s so embarrassed that the idiotic idea worked, he can’t even look you in the eyes at breakfast. 
atsumu miya as “you’ve been so dejected lately i feel too bad to leave you alone at night” 
He didn’t ask for this at all, but yet you ended up being his roommate. 
A roommate who was recently going through an extemely tough time. 
Seriously, even he feels bad seeing you all in tears all the time, mindless look and not paying attention to anything
Even though you weren’t each other’s favorite people in the world before, you ended up getting closer over the fact that he was the only one to see you at the worst moments
You hated that, but what can you do, there’s no safer place to cry in than your dorm
And even though he kinda made fun of it at first, the longer it kept going, the more concerned he’d get
It got to a point where he literally wouldn’t leave you alone 
While still pretending not to like you, of course
Have you eaten? Have you drank something? Have you even left your bed today? How long did you sleep last night? Not at all? You idiot, start taking care of yourself. 
You dumbass, you dummy, you moron, you absolute fricking mess
Some of your friends consider him your boyfriend, judging from the messages you get from him
“Dummy, there’s a granola bar in your bag, better eat it” “Hey idiot, I had to run to practice early today. Are you feeling less shitty than yesterday?” 
He noticed that, as it is logical, your mood proggressively gets worse as you get tired 
And that you actually learned how to cry without sobbing so you don’t wake him up, how thoughtful of you
Well your mistake, now you have an 80kg volleyball player over you. 
“Atsu, what’re you doing?” you ask in a tired voice, covering your face with a pillow. 
“You’re crying.” he states bluntly, staring at you like a four-year-old. 
“Observant, are we?”
“Hey. Dumbass. You didn’t cry for so long already, what happened?” he whispers, sitting by your side, and you can’t mumble words, feeling so ashamed you want to disappear. You fall on your back and pretend not to notice the question. 
He sighs audiably. 
“Alright then, just know you brought this on yourself” he states, and before you can ask why, he’s already laying beside you. 
“W-what’re you doing?” you scream-whisper, right into his blonde hair, and he shivers at the feeling. 
“I’m comforting you, isn’t it obvious, you moron?” he hisses. “Although, I can see my mistake now” he states, and you think he’s gonna go back to his own bed, but no, he grabs you by the waist and rolls over, so now you lay on top of him, flustered as ever, thankful for the light being off, at least he doesn’t see your tomato-like face. 
“But- Atsumu, please go to your own bed” you plea, but he shakes his head, eyes already closed. 
“Nu-uh” he answers “Yours is more comfy, anyway” he jokes, making you chuckle through the tears. 
He puts his hand on the back of your head and puts it on his chest. 
“Goodnight, dipshit” he whispers, and you manage to fall alseep listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
No tears, he’d feel them anyway. 
kenma kozume as “the heater broke and i’m cold as hell, can you come here?”
this should not have happened
the guy looks miserable
but, you see, he’s doesn’t have the biggest amount of muscles in his body, his not as ripped as his highschool friends
body fat? also no, he’s a skinny, fairly tall boy who gets cold really easily
for real, he’s wearing a hoodie at all times, and in winter, he looks like a shell of himself
so you’re over at Kuroo’s house on a New Year’s party
the party ended like an hour ago, everyone is asleep
(Lev’s gonna be so dead when Yaku wakes up and finds the tall guy’s head on his stomach) 
you’re almost sound asleep in Kuroo’s guest bedroom, so gracefully given to you by the host
the only other person in the room is Kenma, who originally slept in Kuroo’s room together with his best friend, but got annoyed by the weird questions him and Bokuto kept asking
so he asked you if he can sleep on the couch in the room 
why wouldn’t you say yes? 
earlier that night Kuroo burnt pizza in the oven, so you all opened almost every window in the house to get the smell to leave
and kinda forgot to close the ones in the bedrooms
but no worries, you have a radiator
why is the radiator set on the highest temperature and still stone cold? 
well, doesn’t matter, you can just wrap yourself in the heavy sheets
Kenma, on the other hand, only has a small blanket
And since it’s a party, he’s wearing a shirt, not a hoodie 
The boy’s freezing 
“Hey, are you asleep?” you hear a very quiet whisper coming from the couch. 
“Thought you’re here cause you couldn’t stand the chit-chat, Kenma?” you ask with a grin on your face. 
“Yeah, right. Sorry.” he mumbles and you hear him shift in his spot, visibly annoyed by the circummstances. There’s a moment of silence, in which he can feel his face almost burn down from embarrassment. 
Oh, my god, you sound like you’re annoyed with him here. Areyou? Come on, tell him you aren’t. He should just let you sleep. 
But does he really want to spend the rest of his night feeling his feet hurt from cold? Fuck, Kuroo, you and your stupid pizza. 
He gets up, tightly wrapped in his blanket, and checks the radiator. 
“It’s definitely broke” he sighs, touching the cold surface, and turns back to the couch, falling on it face down, letting out a groan. 
You giggle at his action, and he opens his eyes immediately, hearing the sound of your voice. 
“Kenma... I offered you the bed once already, it’s warmer” you start, but he raises his hand and shakes it in a disagreeing gesture. 
“No no, please, don’t worry” he mumbles against the couch, trying to ignore the, ironically, burning sensation in his legs. Is this a bedroom or is this Antarctica?
“Oh, come on” you say, opening the sheets. “We don’t want you to freeze, do we now?” 
Oh my god, what did you do. There’s so much thoughts racing through his mind right now. Should he do it? It sounds so nice... But should he really?
Fuck it, he thinks, you’re offering, he can’t turn down an offer from you. 
He lazily walks over to the bad and lays down next to you, at a reasonable distance, only to hear you laugh again. He spares you an annoyed glance, and you shake your head slightly, rolling over next to him, covering him with the sheets you have wrapped around yourself so tightly, and using his chest as a pillow. 
Hold on, that’s not what he signed up for. Why are you... How...? 
He hesitantly and gently puts his arm around you, relaxing his body, the scent of your shampoo making him slightly dizzy. 
Please don’t notice how fast his heart is racing. This is fine. It doesn’t mean anything, he can promise. 
rintaro suna as “hey dude, i hear cuddling helps you sleep, wanna try?”
the most chill person out there 
literally you would never have guessed how nervous he was before asking you 
it’s  just another week, another game and another hotel you are all staying in 
and fate is definitely on his side today, since his bedroom is literally next door to yours
he got to your door and left without doing anything about three times before he eventually decided to be a man and knock
has a master plan in his mind
he’s gonna show you a website with an article about how cuddling (allegedly) makes you sleep better 
and he’s just gonna be so causal about it 
he’s just gonna knock, put on an emotionless smirk and ask you, just like he always does
but here’s the think, he’s not so chill on the outside
“how should I call them? their name? a pet name? bro? no, too much” 
but, he does end up knocking 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” you turn your head to the door to see a figure of Suna in only his underwear and an oversize t-shirt with the logo of some metal band. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” you ask, voice hoarse as you were already drifting off. 
“I read this super cool thing, wanna see?” he seems not to mind your comment, as he walks over to your bed and practically throws himself beside you, not minding you laying there, shoving his phone in your hands. 
“... help you fall asleep in just three minutes...” you’re mumbling under your breath as you read the headline. “Rin, this sounds so fake” you laugh, falling back on your pillows, as he sighs. 
“I wanna try, and it’s either you or Kita, and he gives me serial killer vibes” he mutters, earning yet another serie of laughter from you. 
But seeing the serious hint in his eyes, you lift your hands in surrendering gesture. 
“Go on with it, Mr Romantic” you state, watching in amusement as he groans at the comment and burries his face in your pillow. 
You’re sure this is him considering this mission a failed one and giving up, but then he looks up 
“Well, are you coming?” he asks completely serious, and you have nothing left to do than hug him and settle your face in the crook of his neck, not minding as his breathing lifts your hair from time to time and tingles your skin. 
Can someone feel your blush through their skin? You surely hope not. 
tobio kageyama as the almighty “the hotel room has only one king size bed and we need to share”
He never would’ve thought his teammates would betray him like this
What the hell do they mean there’s only two people rooms available and they’re all in pairs already
Honestly, primary school all over again
His perfectly happy to be sleeping alone, when he finds out you’re his roommate
this is fine tobio, don’t freak out
well he’s composed about it
a little bit of a “tch” and “well I guess there’s nothing we can do about it”
internally he’s a little girl now, but you never would’ve guessed judging by the annoyed grimace on his face
because how does it matter if you’re sleeping in the same room, it’s not like he was planning to run around naked, right?
it all changes once you press the card to open the room, and when he so gentleman-like lets you enter first, you find out there’s only one, big, king sized bed for couples exclusively
the only thing missing are rose petals and candles prepared for newlyweds
you try so so hard not to burst out laughing
when he enters, he becomes as white as the walls around
he can’t process this, what the fu-
bet he’s spending hours at the reception desk explaining it’s a huge mistake
unfortunately, these were the only rooms left, sorry not sorry, you’re sleeping together
and that brings you to the situation you’re in currently
He’s almost over the edge of making a wall of pillows between you two. You can’t help but feel a tiny bit offended by it, but you know he’s probably just super hyper embarrassed.
“Yama, who don’t you trust, me, or yourself?” you ask with a proud grin painting your lips as you sit on your side, sheets tucked around your waist, back rested on the wall behind you.
He gives you an annoyed glance, before answering:
“It’s not that”
Once he says that, he proceeds to somehow nestle himself in, but he looks like one of those dolls that come with a bedroom furnishing, almost lifeless, resting on his back with hands straight down his body, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“Relax, will you?” you giggle “You have a game tomorrow, grumpy face”
He rolls his eyes.
You shake your head and turn off the light, mumbling a quiet goodnight, as you turn to your side and place a hand under your head, back facing Kageyama.
Well, this is gonna be a long night, or so you think, up until he falls asleep.
You can physically feel him move around, and you think that’s what’s keeping you awake.
It takes a while for you to realize the star valley ball player is getting unconsciously closer, up until you can feel his breath on your neck.
Ironically enough, it’s you who’s all stiff and nervous now, when suddenly you feel his arm go around your waist.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me” you mutter, but he shifts dangerously when you speak, so you have to give up side commentary.
You decided to tease him just a bit. He’s the one who’s gonna be flustered when he wakes up, you’re on a winning side by being awake.
You smile to yourself before shifting your body closer to his. He sighs contently, almost making you laugh.
Oh how you want him to wake up and see already.
tetsuro kuroo as “we fell asleep on the couch together and now my hand is in your hair and you’re breathing directly on my neck”
you’re over studying, or just helping him with something
the point is, you were working all day
at some point he suggests getting pizza
hell yeah, pizza
you order a little bit too much of it, but since you both are suckers for pizza, nobody can back up first
and as you know, people tend to get sleepy after they eat too much
he has a wide couch, so you can both lay beside each other without having to lay ON each other
and as you tend to get a little bit sleepy, you both shift to lay down instead of sitting, still focused on the work, though 
you don’t know why, you don’t know how but it just happens that you fall asleep
you obviously don’t see what happens after that, but Kuroo notices you asleep when he asks you multiple questions and you repeatedly don’t answer, he got it like around question number 4
“Lazy much, huh, sleeping beauty?” he mutters to himself, but smiles unconsciously as he glances at your stoic face 
and as if that subconsciously impacted his brain, soon enough he can’t find it in himself to keep his eyes open as well. 
Kuroo wakes up to an annoying pain in his neck, causing him to hiss and automatically  want to place his hand on the place that ached. Whoops, did he fall asleep on the couch again? Oh well, didn’t he have work to do? 
He lifts his hand as he wanted to, but suddenly he feels something shift beneath it, and when he looks down to see you, with your head rested on his chest, breathing slowly, a peaceful smile on your face. 
Your legs are tangled with his in some unexplicable manner, and as the man of logic he so obviously is, he can’t even begin to understand how that happened. 
Especially why his hand feels so in place, holding you by the waist, closer to himself, and the other one lost somewhere in your hair. 
You shift your head slightly up, and sigh contently, now breathing directly on the exposed part of his neck. He somehow manages to not shiver at the tingling sensation, getting more and more flustered by the second. 
His heart rate inscreases drastically, making him realize he’s stressed like he’d never been before, as he tries to make up his mind about whether to wake you up, gently push you off and let you rest, or maybe stay in place. 
He feels attracted to the last one, but knows it’d only be unfair to you. 
But you could wake up if he moved you, and you had a long day, after all... 
Maybe he’s gonna let you stay there. Not for long, only five... more... minutes...
keiji akashi as “you’re staying over at my place, you take the bed, i’ll sleep on the floor. no, really, i’m comfortable on the floor. GEEZ FINE we’ll both take the bed, ya happy now?
You wanna know what got you in this situation huh
well, you were over for dinner, but it started raining really heavily 
like, really really heavily
and akaashi being the sweetheart that he is, can’t let you go home like that
it’s a long way to the train station, you’re gonna get sick, and what if there’s a traffic accident? he can’t have that
(he just wants to spend more time with you but shh about that) 
doesn’t matter how hard you try to convince him you’re gonna be fine. you’re staying and that’s final 
it’s cute, he’s cute when he’s worried 
well that brings you to where you are currently, already after your shower, dressed in one of akaashi’s t-shirts, oh this feels so couple-ish 
you wait for him to finish with his night time routine in his room, admiring all the posters and childhood pictures he has
he has the first ever selfie bokuto took with him framed 
when he comes back, that’s when the problems start
“Alright, well, let’s get some sleep, you can take my bed, and I’ll take the floor
And that’s what brings us to the guilt rising in your stomach as you settle in the guy’s sheets, inhaling the heavy scent of his shampoo from the pillow under your head. It’s his house, his bed, and yet he’s sleeping on the floor like some random guest. You’re the random guest here, you can’t help but feel like you’re crashing at his place against his will, and you’re making him uncomfortable.
“ ‘Kaashi?” you whisper, making his eyes open wide to see the dark ceiling of his room. There’s silence for a moment, and then he shifts to turn on the light once more.
“Yeah?” he sighs, bringing one hand up to his face to rub his eyes, unable to open them properly because of the sudden flush of light.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep on the bed?” you ask shyly, making him chuckle as he shakes his head.
“Yes, yes I’m sure. Goodnight” he states gently, turning on the light once again. This is gonna be a long night, he thinks.
You cannot catch your sleep. Damn it, damn your altruism and all that shit.
“Akaashi no, I can’t-“ you’re cut of by the sound of him laughing.
“Oh my god. Fine. If I move to the bed, will you sleep already?” he whines quietly, and seeing you nod in the dark, he gets up and picks up his pillow.
You get off the bed, wanting to swap places with him, but are held back by his hand.
“No, if you sleep on the floor, i won’t be able to close my eyes even for a second” he forbids gently, moving you back to where you were previously laying.
Oh boy, you both think, this is awkward, but the warmth of his body pressed next to yours makes it hard to be mad at him for stopping you from leaving.
This is gonna be a long night indeed.
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skellebonez · 3 years
How's about 45 and 54 where canon MK finds himself in the Inverted AU Universe? Because I think that'd be funny
Poor MK is having the second worst day of his entire life. This is not the situation he should be in AFTER THE FINALE. This would have been way different if I wrote this when you sent it in, but now you get a very sad Monkie Kid.
You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child./ Yeah well dying generally puts a damper on things.
When MK was knocked out they were on the deck of the drone ship, fighting off some kind of demon that the White Bone Spirit had taken under her control.
When MK woke up they were on the sandy shores of Mount Huaguo surrounded by baby monkeys and one Six-Eared Macaque looking down at them with a face of great concern.
“Are you-” Macaque started to ask them, unable to finish his sentence when MK screamed and kicked out and just barely missed making contact that would have sent him flying backwards into the nearest tree. “Whoa, no, it’s alright! I’m not-”
“What did you do to me this time, Macaque!?” MK yelled, looking around for a weapon, any weapon, something they could use to defend themself. Their eyes fell on something familiar, something that shouldn’t exist anymore and they froze at the sight of red and gold.
“Little one, is your name MK?” Macaque asked softly, holding up his hands as he slowly walked forward back toward the started and confused young adult before him. “I found you washed up on the shore. You need to lay back down, you’re still-”
Macaque let out a yelp of surprise as MK dove, hand firmly grasping the familiar warm-cold center of the staff.
But it felt... wrong, somehow.
They didn’t let go.
"OK, WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" MK shouted, holding the stolen staff in front of them as they turned on the immortal monkey that was their one time mentor. "Is this Jin and Yin again? Is this the Calabash!? Did they change it so my stuff doesn’t work in it anymore!? I'm not falling for that again!"
"I'm sorry, the what?" A new voice rang from behind him. One a little... too familiar...
It was MK. It shouldn't be possible, not if the Calabash was working the same way it had worked before, but it was them. But not.
Like... the way the staff felt.
The Other MK standing in the too bright sun wore a stark sky blue and black instead of his signature orange and red, a large hefty backpack in that same blue slung over his back. And he was... tall. Not unusually tall, just taller than MK was. And also looked incredibly angry as he carried a box of medical supplies.
"The... Calabash..." MK repeated, holding the staff closer to their chest with a nervous gulp. Their hands twisted around the staff nervously, hoping the repetitive action would ground them against the repeating 'THERE IS ANOTHER YOU STARING AT YOU WHAT THE HELL' whizzing in their head. "This... this isn't Jin and Yin again after all, is it?"
MK gulped again, blinking as their vision swam suddenly and their head felt like it was filled with... something. Like liquid but if it was as light as air.
"I don't know which answer would be better for you," Macaque said softly, honesty palpable in his tone. Something so odd for the Monkie Kid to hear in their ears with that voice. "But no. We are very much real."
"Oh..." MK said plainly. "Oh that's bad. That's... Oh boy..."
Before their eyes rolled back in their head and they passed out they were pretty sure they saw a few more overly familiar faces rushing to them.
When MK woke a second time they were once again moved, but to somewhere else far less familiar than the shores of Mount Huaguo and the drone ship... but also too familiar. They also now realized that their head hurt... a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
“Finally, you’re back from the brink of death,” that same overly familiar voice rang our in their ear. They snapped their head to the side, regretting it instantly as it made their vision swim again and lights pop in front of their eyes. “Hey, no, don’t do that!"
The other MK jumped up, kneeling down in front of them and poked them in the forehead. His scowl didn’t seem to let up in the slightest, but it tilted in a way that felt more concerned than angry.
"... why am I looking at my own face?" MK asked, not sure whether they should continue to stare at their own face or to look anywhere else to keep their brain from short circuiting trying to process what the actual hell was happening.
“Considering you were able to pick up my staff,” the other MK said, removing his finger and gesturing to the rod that was still across MK’s chest (how had he not noticed the extra weight of it still in his hand?). “I’d say we have some kind of multi-dimensional bullshitery going on here. Unless you’re, somehow, a robot made of the same shit Red used to get the that thing in the first place, but I don’t think robots bleed from head injuries.”
Ah. That would explain why his head felt like someone had cracked it open and shoved cotton balls into it.
MK looked around, taking in the stark white walls and the overly clean smell and the clean white sheets they were laid on.
“... am I at the hospital?”
“Oh, absolutely!” Other MK yelled, raising his arms in frustration as he paced the room in a familiar excess of energy. “But unfortunately for us you don’t exactly exist here! So we’re figuring out a way to make them believe you’re me with some really fucked up memories my dude! Which is easier with, you know.”
The other MK knocked on his head twice, wincing a bit as the second knock seemed to be harder than intended.
“... but you’re..?”
“I snuck in.”
“OK, well, thanks for the help,” MK started, sitting himself up with more than a little struggle. “But I need to figure out what the heck happened and get back to-!”
“Oh no you don’t!” Other MK said, jumping on the bed and standing over him. That was... well, MK would definitely say that was a very weird but effective way of keeping someone from getting up. “Macaque already ran off without letting me stop him, I barely got him to take some backup, to figure out what in the hell is happening. You are me and I know myself and if you ever tell anyone this I will end you, but you are way too injured to be doing anything right now!”
“I have to do something, Other Me-”
“No, oh no I hate that, just call me Blue,” the other MK said, the scowl on his face softened ever so slightly once again. Just slightly. “It’s a lot better than ‘other me’. And there’s nothing we can do until Macaque gets us some answers.”
"So... what, Blue? Am I just supposed to sit around and wait for someone to come and rescue me if he finds nothing!?" MK snapped, grip on their staff tightening so much that their knuckles paled and creaked in stress. "Just do nothing while who knows what happens to my friends!?"
"No," Blue said, placing his hand on MK's shoulder and frowning when the other shrugged it off and curled in on themselves. "But hurting yourself isn't going to help you get back to them. And as long as you’re here you’re my responsibility.”
“I’m a grown ass adult, you should know that.”
“Yeah, well, dying generally puts a damper on things and you’re not so adult that you can’t escape death,” Blue said, letting himself fall back into a sitting position on the bed. “Unless you got to keep your invulnerability or something, but given the crack in your noggin that doesn’t seem... like...” Blue trailed off, looking at MK with an odd expression. “... are you ok? Like. Emotionally?”
“You’re crying.”
MK wrestled with one of their hands to free it’s iron grip on the staff (not their staff, their staff was gone, they had to remind themselves that their staff was gone and... and so was so much else), raising to their cheek to discover that at some point in Blue’s retort they had indeed started crying.
“... what happened to you?”
“It’s a long story,” MK said, wiping their face on their arm (they now realized they were wearing hospital dressing). “I...” They grabbed the staff with their now free hand again, twisting the grip carefully and freeing the iron hold their other hand had. “Can I just... keep this for a bit longer?”
Blue looked at MK, looking between the other him and the staff that was rightfully his before sighing and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Not like I need it right this second,” he said, his scowl vanishing completely as he stood and yanked over his backpack and put it back on after he pulled a baseball cap out and squished his hair into it and pulled it down to cover his face. “There’s gonna be someone here with you at all times until you get out, just to keep you in the loop of what’s going on here. We’ll figure out where you’re staying if Mac doesn’t figure out a way to get you home by tonight.” He moved toward the entrance to the room, turning back before opening it. “I’ll be back, I gotta restock my bag. There’s a couple people who wanna talk to you already... don’t... freak out.”
Before MK could ask what Blue meant the young man opened the door and slipped out, talking to someone just out of his line of vision before running off down the hall.
And then they saw the overly familiar sight of Pigsy and Tang... except they weren’t.
Pigsy, their Pigsy, was always in a chef’s uniform unless he was sleeping. Rough edges softened when he smiled or looked at MK or Mei with that exasperated look that MK knew meant he cared. Tang, their Tang, was a scholar who looked the part in every way, old fashioned clothes and books in hand. Always smiling when he could manage it and carefree.
This Pigsy was.. soft. And fluffy. Literally soft and fluffy. And wore oversized sweaters and smiled in a way that fit more on someone else’s face but felt right at home on his. This Tang was...
Well, the only way MK could think to describe the man before them was “skinny biker with probably hidden muscles who would kick your ass”. He looked the same but his hair was more wild, sunglasses pushing his bangs up, decked out in a (probably fake) leather jacket... but he had the same scarf.
And he and Pigsy were holding hands.
“I suppose you already know who we are,” the biker version of Tang said, smile on his face very awkward and seeming somewhat forced in a “I don’t know if this is helping but I’m gonna try” kind of way. “And we know who... you are. Kinda.”
“Yeah,” MK responded, thinking for a moment back to when he was found on the beach. “Were you... were you the ones with Blue, the other me, on Mount Huaguo?”
“Yeah,” the soft Pigsy said and... wow, hearing that voice say something so gently so casually was throwing him through a loop. “M-Blue was convinced we needed to get out of the city for the day and brought us along for his training. We didn’t expect to find... well, another him...” Pigsy frowned, the first one MK saw on his face and it felt so much more openly worried than their own Pigsy’s scowls. “How are you feeling?”
MK looked down at the staff in their hands, then back up to the two men in front of them.
They weren’t the two people MK considered father figures. They weren’t. But they were. And as MK tried to process this they felt their breathing speed up faster and faster and faster until-
“Hey,” Tang said, gentle and soft voice breaking MK from their racing thoughts as he reached out to put a hand in MK’s hair but stopped himself short. Probably in remembering that they weren’t Blue. “You can stay with us if you want. Once you’re discharged and if you need somewhere to stay.”
Well... that didn’t help at all.
Instead it opened the floodgates and MK started crying harder than they had since the final fight with the White Bone Spirit, curling in on themselves as the last few days and what had transpired really hit them.
“What the FUCK did you do!?” He heard his own voice shout from the doorway.
It looked like PIgsy’s apartment. But not.
MK’s hands clenched at air, wishing they still had the staff for comfort. But no, they insisted that Blue take it back when they were discharged.
Blue was still the Monkie Kid after all. He needed the staff to fight.
MK... was just MK here. And they couldn’t fight, not while recovering from their injuries anyway.
But oh how they wish they hadn’t given it back. It felt so right and yet so wrong to hold it. They didn’t realize how much they had grown attached to the object until it was...
“MK?” Once again Pigsy’s voice startled him, not for the first time since they arrived at the apartment and MK took up the extra bedroom that this world’s counterpart had once stayed in until the apartment above the shop opened up for them. “Do you need anything?”
“No,” they responded, hands gripping the edge of their jacket in an attempt to hold something solid. It wasn’t the same. “I can handle myself.”
“I know you can, but you don’t have to,” Pigsy said, coming into the room holding a cup of water and putting it on the nightstand. “And you don’t have to talk to us, if you don’t want to... but it’d probably help. Even if you just ramble about something.”
Had this been the other Pigsy he probably would have something something like “You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child”. Something firm and gruff and filled with underlying affection for the younger adult. But this Pigsy... there was some of that there. A firmness to his words, though the gruffness was missing. But he could feel the affection he must have had for Blue transferring to themself, the knowledge that they weren’t the same person holding most of it back.
But it was still there.
And MK hadn’t really talked to anyone since the short lived argument with Blue.
“... You uh...” they started, chuckling quietly as they twisted their fingers together. “You said you own a flower shop? My Pigsy, uh... he, runs a noodle shop.”
It wasn’t going to help. MK was certain that talking about their family and friends and how different they were would probably make how he felt worse.
But sitting there and ignoring it would make it worse far quicker in their mind.
So MK talked. For hours. Eventually Tang joined the two, both listening as MK recalled all the differences and similarities and...
Well. They listened. Just like their own Pigsy and Tang would.
... they wondered if they would ever get to go back.
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outoftheframework · 4 years
characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
Hey everyone! I had the idea to compile a comprehensive list of different traits and attributes for each member of the batfamily based off of both canon and fanon interpretations. I think this could be useful for new members to the fandom, or those looking to write and/or draw for these characters. Remember that these will have a slight bias considering I, a fanon creator, am creating the lists. But I’ll try to make them as accurate as possible.
Appearances vary from artist to artist, so I’ll try to stray away from general details and add more little things you can consider in your art.
Bruce Wayne:
Age: 35-45
Appearance: Extremely physically fit, but signs of aging and prolonged exertion can slip through. Has a collection of scattered scars varying from fresh to fully healed. Strong, dark features. Conventionally attractive, but can easily switch to be foreboding/intimidating. Well kept in public appearances, but can look like death incarnate when in private.
Personality: Dual personas: “Bruce” (at home, but not as batman) and “Brucie” (public appearances like galas, news interviews). Bruce is stoic, well-read and educated, well-mannered, and occasionally can be witty and laid-back. Smirks rather than smiles. Brucie is loud, spontaneous, charming, and sometimes oblivious. He is the womanizer and scandal-maker. Often the actions of Brucie are motivated by Batman’s interests.
Speech: Bruce was mainly raised by as English butler, so his speech patterns are proper and smooth. Rarely uses speech fillers such as “uh” and “um,” except when interrupted while concentrating. Despite living in Gotham his entire life, he has not picked up the accent. His voice is newscaster American, almost impossible to pinpoint to a certain region. His speech as Brucie changes to relate more to the audience he is addressing. Speeches to Gotham high society will sound different than those aimed to the general public.
Additional Attributes: Bruce Wayne in all of his personalities is fiercely protective, and can easily slip into a deeper voice to intimidate. Bruce can be extremely empathetic and slightly impulsive when it comes to children who have lost their parents. As learned through his training to become Batman, Bruce is disciplined and can work for hours straight.
Dick Grayson:
Age: 23-29
Appearance: Dick Grayson mirrors a young Bruce Wayne despite their not being blood related. This could be a subconscious action by Dick to absorb traits of his father figure. His lean acrobatic body starts to set him apart from Bruce’s image. Dick manages to be well-built but still limber and flexible. His feet and hands are rough and calloused. His hair can get long but usually stays at a length in between Bruce’s and Tim’s. His eyes are bright blue without even a hint of green or brown. 
Personality: In one comic I believe it was Superman who said that Dick Grayson is a universal constant, meaning that on every alternate earth or timeline, you can always rely on him to be good and pure. I think this really sums up who Dick should be. He is kind to a fault, and can sometimes be naive and not think things through. He loves to love, be that in his family, in his romantic relationships, in his friendships, and even in strangers. He is a chronic hero who only wants to see the world as a better place. But it’s important to note that Dick can get angry when pushed, and holds grudges.
Speech: Dick is an extremely interesting study in speech patterns. As a child he traveled with the circus, until he lived with clear-spoken Bruce Wayne and a proper English butler. So influences to his speech and accent come both internationally and locally to Gotham and Bludhaven. As a child living at Wayne Manor, Dick picks up a slight Gotham tinge to his accent with some British flourish in his vowel sounds. He regularly speaks in slang. As Nightwing he is able to suppress his unique speech to sound more evenly American.
Additional Attributes: Dick acts differently around each of his family members as to be what they need in a big brother. For example, he is more fatherly to Damian while to Tim he is more an equal. Dick can fidget and has less of an attention span than Bruce. He can use jokes as a coping mechanism.
Jason Todd: 
Age: 22-26
Appearance: Hair is often long on top and shorter on the sides, sometimes with a white streak as a side effect from the Lazarus Pit. Tallest and heaviest of all the kids, very physically intimidating. Has a lot of scars and burns, and in some fan works he has a “Y” shaped scar the length of his chest from his autopsy. Never skips leg day. Green/blue eyes.
Personality: Jason goes through a lot of character development, but for this list I’m going off a timeline of post-Under the Red Hood, where Jason is on okay, yet still a little shaky, terms with the rest of the family. Jason has a hard time separating vigilante life and civilian life; his death as Robin ended his life as Jason Todd, blurring the lines between the two. Jason is legally dead, so he is basically building an identity back up. He holds some attributes from childhood: brave, impulsive, loud-mouthed, and street-smart. But his experiences post-Robin have made him a hardened loner. He lives modestly and with some semblance of order. He’s hard to foster a relationship with, but can be a passionate friend/family member when he opens up.
Speech: Jason probably has the least influence from Bruce and Alfred’s speech patterns, seeing as though he spent a lot more time with his biological family/on the streets than he did as a preteen in the manor. He is the definition of Gotham vernacular, with a rough edge. So much so that as a child, the high society gala attenders sometimes had a hard time understanding him. Often talks in curt, short sentences.
Additional Attributes: He has trouble expressing his emotions, more specifically anger and/or grief. Can both love or hate furiously. Inherently good, but sometimes does “bad” things. Protective over children, especially those living on the street. Very much a believer in “the ends justify the means.”
Tim Drake:
Age: 17-20
Appearance: Pale skin, dark hair. Sharp cheek bones and jawline, mostly from how skinny he is. His body isn’t technically “built” to be extremely athletic, but he’s forced a nice lean build from stringently working out. Easily loses and gains weight as a direct result of his work, causing fluctuations in his build. Five foot something, will eventually be out-grown by Damian. Long hair that can still be styled to look professional.
Personality: Tim Drake is very passionate in pretty much everything he sets his mind to. He feels as though he imposed himself onto Batman to become Robin, so he works twice as hard to prove his worth. He can be self conscious and deprecating. Tim as Robin or Red Robin is very different than civilian Tim; his hero personas can be bolder and more confident. Despite dropping out of high school, he values education.
Speech: Tim grew up rich, and his speech reflects an intelligence gained from private tutors. Despite this, he knows how to interact with those his age in using less formal language and slang. Often quotes books and movies. Can be awkward and stumble over his words when teased by his friends/family. He can manipulate people easily in business settings by talking fast and confidently while explaining complex topics.
Additional Attributes: Tim’s demeanor is directly tied to his varying levels of confidence and anxiety. Tim is has above-average intelligence and is diligent in detective work, but can still act like a teenager. He can be stubborn to extremes and will patiently play the long con. He does not cope well with loss.
Duke Thomas:
Age: 17-19
Appearance: Short dark hair, shaved on the sides and/or the back. Often wears the colors yellow and black. Around the same height as Tim, but a little taller. Stronger and heavier build more alike to Jason than Dick, but he’s still light on his feet. Expressive face that can give away his feelings easily. Still a bit of a baby face, but he’s still well-proportioned and conventionally handsome.
Personality: In my works, I’ve often described Duke as having a “sun-shiny” personality. He is one to not even think twice about putting others before himself. Duke uses his own personal experiences to guide him as a hero rather than suppress his emotions. Duke went from being an only child to having a large family, so he can sometimes feel overwhelmed. He is on friendly terms with every member of the batfamily, as well as many other heroes. Duke is self-sacrificial and is still learning how to effectively work as a detective.
Speech: Duke grew up in a middle class Gotham family, so his speech is influenced by his parents as well as his city environment. Duke has a mild Gotham accent and speaks a lot in modern slang. He hasn’t had much influence from Bruce and Alfred, considering he hasn’t lived with them for long. It’s possible that as he grows he will pick up some influences from Bruce and Tim’s way of speaking, but will most likely hold onto the accent of his childhood.
Additional Attributes: Duke is a metahuman vigilante in a city where Batman typically bans them, which causes a bit of an insecurity and a perfectionist drive. These are exasperated by the long line of history preceding him, as well as the fact that he involved himself in the Robin movement rather than being handpicked by Batman. He and Tim can relate in that way. Duke is an ardent student of Batman and is dedicated to the cause.
Damian Wayne:
Age: 10-14
Appearance: Looks similar to Bruce when he was the same age, yet stronger and with tanner skin. His hair is expertly cut and styled, but still age-appropriate. He is the shortest of the batkids, but still has a lot of time and potential to grow. He pretty much won the genetics lottery with Bruce and Talia as his biological parents, and is made for athletics. He has some scars that stand out with their pale coloring against his tan skin. 
Personality: Damian is slowly becoming less of a brat, to put it bluntly. He admires his family and tries to mimic them, but will never confess it. Damian is quick to judge and will voice his opinion no matter how scathing it may be, both as civilian and hero. Damian is slowly realizing he may not want the Batman mantle as quickly as he planned. Jon is a perfect foil to Damian, and often makes him a better person when they’re together. 
Speech: His speech is proper and formal. Prefers formal titles: ex. “father” over “dad” and last names over first. Damian is at least bilingual (Arabic and English), and can switch between languages easily. Most of his speech patterns developed from his tutors in the League, and more recently, Alfred. Influences like Jon and Dick have introduced him to a more modern, laid-back way of speaking, which he sometimes utilizes when relaxed.
Additional Attributes: Damian has problems with authority, especially those that he doesn’t respect like his teachers at school. He can be arrogant and childish ever though he often acts like he knows everything. Damian is still a child and has much to learn from batman and family as well as unlearn from his time at the League. Dami was forged to be a ruthless warrior, but now has to find a balance between the hero Robin and the child Damian Wayne.
Hope this helps someone! Feel free to add on if you think I missed anything. Just please remember to be civil and respect different interpretations of these characters. Let me know if you want another one of these posts outlining the girls or other characters.
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formula1imagines · 3 years
Daniel Ricciardo Fanfiction
Chapter 1: An Adventure Awaits
Characters: you, Daniel Ricciardo, Michael Italiano and Blake Friend.
Warnings: no warnings just fluff.
It’s the off-season and you’re visiting Daniel’s family in Perth, Australia. He hadn’t been home in 2 years because of the lockdown regulations in Australia. This was a huge moment for Daniel and his family.
It was a long flight from Monaco to Perth and you both were cuddled up for most of the flight- Daniel loved the smell of the shampoo and cream you used. You were wearing his recent merch- a green hoodie with sweatpants and he wore a black hoodie, skinny jean and cap. You both wore a mask (for obvious reasons- covid) and sunglasses. Sunglasses meant that you were less recognisable. Since the time photos of Daniel and you were cheekily released to the public by the paparazzi, there has been too much unwanted attention. Both Daniel and you had always wanted to keep your relationship private and this situation is something you both did not want to be in but it was what it is.
Michael and Blake were travelling with the 2 of ya’ll as well. You shared a very good relationship with both the guys- maybe Michael more than Blake because you spent more time with him. You really appreciated the both of them and the relationship they shared with your boyfriend. The were his constants through the long seasons- you were not able to attend every race. They were his home away from home and had always had Daniel’s back. They knew when to be professionals and when to be Daniel’s best mates. Michael knew how to switch from Daniel’s best friend to his personal trainer and so did Blake- from Daniel’s close friend to his manager. The 4 of ya’ll made quite the gang and it was always informal and chill between ya’ll.
The flight was a long one. You woke up at the middle of the night to drink water and stretch your legs. You had to quietly get out of Daniel’s warm embrace. His arms were possessively wrapped around your waist and you were practically stuck to his body. Being able to completely recline your seats and sleep comfortably was one of the perks of flying first class. As you slowly got up, you were trying to make sure Daniel didn’t get up- he needed as much sleep as possible because whether or not he showed it, you knew he was exhausted from the long season.
As you got up to stretch, you saw Michael listening to music on his headphones. He was wide awake and you two met eyes. You smiled and nodded at him and he reciprocated the gesture. After a few minutes of stretching and drinking water, you turned around to see that Michael was still awake and was reading a book. You decided to go up to him and check up on him. There was a seat empty next to him. The ambience of the flight was dark and it was super cold as well. As he saw you coming near his seat, he shifted one seat to make the seat next to the aisle free for you to sit. Always a gentleman, Michael. You gave him a wide smile and sat down. “What’s up? Why aren’t you sleeping?” you asked him’ “Just thinking about stuff”, he said casually. You knew there was something more. You felt something was troubling him so you asked him to confide in you. “I know something’s up. You know you can tell me things if you want to Michael. I’m always here to listen.” you said calmly and gave him smile. “I know that and I really appreciate it.”, he said. “It’s just relationship stuff you know. I’ve been in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend for 2 years now and suddenly it’s all very different. It’s not what it used to be. We hardly communicate well and because of all the time zone differences, we don’t get much time to talk. And you know me, i won’t compromise DR’s training for anything. Nothing. This career is my priority. DR relies and trusts me to do my best and it’s my job to do so. I’m thinking of ending the relationship because it’s getting to hard for me to manage my emotions. I don’t want it to affect my career as DR’s coach. I need to be the best version of myself for DR to be the best version of himself physically. You get what i’m saying?.” says Michael.
“Yes, i totally get what you’re saying M.” you say. “I know how dedicated you are as Daniel’s coach. I don’t want to interfere in your relationship but i just want you to be happy. Do what makes you happy M. That’s all i want. I know you’ll do what you think is best. Just know, i’m always here for you and Daniel’s always here for you. Michael nods and smiles at you and you give him a reassuring hug before getting up from the seat. As you get up from the seat, you see Daniel’s pouty face looking at you from him seat. You slowly walk towards your seat and Daniel shifts in. “Why were you gone for so long? I was getting cold without you.”, says Daniel making a puppy face. His curls were all over the place and just when you thought he couldn’t look cuter, he did.
You went back into the same sleeping position with Daniel. He kissed your temple and pulled you in closer. This time he wasn’t letting you go- even if it was for a stretch, you knew it! After about 10 minutes, when you thought Daniel was asleep, he whispered into your right ear, “What were you talking to Michael for so long? Is everything okay?”. “Everything’s fine- just something about his relationship. He’s kinda tensed you know. I told him we’re always here for him. I don’t like seeing Michael like this. He’s generally so energetic. Hope he figures it out.” you say. “Oh right, he was telling me he might break it off with his girlfriend.” said Daniel. “Yeah.” you said, sadly.
Talking about Michael and his situation made you a bit sad and Daniel could sense that. He hugged you tighter and smothered you with kisses. “You know i love you, right?” Daniel asked. “I know that, and I love you too Dan”, you said. You turned around on your bed and faced Daniel. He looked into your eyes and pulled you in for a kiss. A light, reassuring and comforting kiss. He then kissed you on your forehead and you closed your eyes, burying you head in Daniel’s neck. He brushed his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss on your head. You were grateful you were wearing a comfy hoodie and were next to Daniel because boy was this flight cold!
“We’ll be landing in Perth shortly so please straighten your seats and prepare for landing.”, announced the flight attendant. You could literally sense Daniel’s excitement. You knew he couldn’t wait to see his parents, his sister, his brother-in-law but most importantly his nephew, Isaac!
As you guys landed, Daniel squeezed your hand and looked at you. His brown eyes almost stared into your soul. His eyes were a little watery as well. “Welcome to Perth, baby! Prepare to have the most fun you’ve ever had in your life! I’ll make sure of you!”, he said as it winked at you. You gave him a wide smile and kissed him.
As you got up, Michael and Blake were already up and ready with their luggage. You got up to take your luggage out from the overhead compartment- it slightly heavy and that’s when Blake stepped in to help you get it down. You smiled and thanked him. Michael lead the way out of the aircraft, followed by Blake, then you and then finally Daniel. Daniel refused to let you carry your own suitcase. So he walked out with 2 suitcases. You rolled your eyes but smiled because he looked so funny. You knew there was no point in arguing with Daniel because the gentleman he was, he definitely wasn’t going to let you carry the suitcase. You thought it was cute but knew you were perfect able to carry a few suitcases.
As you exited the aircraft, a warm and welcome breeze blew right into your face, causing your hair yo fly back. Now you knew why Dan was crazy about the Perth weather! It was great to be in Dan’s hometown. You were excited to finally meet his family and spend some quality time with Daniel because you knew that once the season started, spending quality time with each other was going to be very tough. You really looked forward to this coming month. You were suddenly knocked out of your daze when Daniel shouts your name, “Babe! I know Perth has a dreamy effect on people but we really need to get going! I don’t even know how far ahead Michael and Blake are. Hurry up!
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Less of you
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Summary: He lost the love of his life 4 years ago in a car accident. If he had stopped her from going to that party with her friend, maybe she would still be with him till this day. He tried hooking up with other girls but none of them could fill his void. All until he met you. A girl who worked at a café to pay for your school and house bills. You were completely the opposite of his late girlfriend but you look exactly like her. Who are you and would he have the courage to get to know you?
Theme: doppelganger au, strangers to lovers 
Genre: fluff
Warning: death, accident (please don't drink and drive people!)
WC: 3.9k
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
a/n: I write when I’m bored so I may not be good. I hope you like it. I didn’t intend to copy anyone if this storyline has been written before! Also, the words in italics are a flashback! :)
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“Hey babe, is it okay if I go to the party with Jiyeon?”
“I don’t know babe, I have a bad feeling about this.” Chan said.
“What? Why?”
“I… I’m not sure. I think you should stay home.”
“But babe, it’s Seori’s birthday party. I’m sure she would want me there.” She tried convincing him.
“I’ll just be there for a while, I promise I’ll text you when I’m heading home okay?” She smiled, cupping his cheek softly before disappearing down the hall to go to their shared bedroom.
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Hours later, Chan was growing tensed and anxious. There was an unexplainable feeling of discomfort settling in the pit of his stomach which he doesn’t know why. He had already texted his close friends about this. All of them said the same thing. And that was to go fetch Lucy from the party. However, before he could leave the comforts of his shared apartment with his girlfriend, his cell phone began to ring obnoxiously on the kitchen island top.
It was from an unknown number but he decided to pick up the call anyway in hopes that he would hear Lucy’s voice. But what he heard next, wasn’t exactly something he thought he would hear. 
“Hello? Is this Mr Bang Chan?” The female voice spoke up on the other line.
“Uhh, yes? Who is this?”
“This is Lee Haneul speaking. I’m calling from Seoul's National Police Station. Can I confirm with you if you are related to Miss Lucy Hale?”
“I’m her boyfriend.”
“I’m really sorry to inform you that your girlfriend was met in a fatal car crash. We are still investigating the accident to find out what’s the cause. But in the meantime, we will need you to come down to the hospital and identify if the victim is indeed Miss Lucy. Will that be okay?”
“Yes. Yes, absolutely.” Chan said, letting the woman give out the address of the hospital he needed to go before hanging up the call.
Right after he clicked the red button, he instantly collapsed to the ground unable to feel his legs. Chan could feel the tears streaming down his face as he hugged his frame tightly. He couldn’t believe he just received that call. He wanted it to be a prank so badly. He didn’t want all of that to be true. 
Nevertheless, he went to the said hospital in search of the love of his life.
The nurse brought him to a female officer who was standing outside a closed hallway with a doctor, where Chan clarified himself to them. The three individuals soon entered the closed doors, letting the doctor lead them straight down to the basement where the mortuary was located.
Once inside, the doctor walked up to one of the silver units. After reading the name on the side of the unit, he opened the unit door only to pull out the metal stretcher that had a covered body in it. Chan had to close his eyes for a second, too afraid to look forward.
He carefully made his way to the doctor. The man proceeds to unzip the top part of the bag. The moment he pulled the bag apart, Chan immediately covered his mouth with one hand desperately as he gripped onto the metal stretcher. He broke down in a matter of seconds, enough proof to the officer that it was indeed who the victim was said to be. She carefully placed a hand on top of Chan’s shoulder while the doctor pressed his lips in a straight line.
“I’m so sorry Lucy… I’m so sorry I didn’t try harder to stop you from going… I’m so sorry…” Chan whispered as he stared at the pale, blood covered female body that he used to call his girlfriend.
With that being said, the doctor proceeded to zip the bag while the officer and Chan left the mortuary. She let out a silent sigh, knowing exactly how he felt at the moment.
“Thank you for being strong and seeing her for the last time. I hope you’ll feel better soon. She’s in a better place now.” She gave him words of comfort. Even though his mind wasn’t really there with him at the moment, he appreciated the officer’s kind words.
He went home that night feeling nothing but utter loss and grief. It took him at least 4 hours to accept the fact that she’s gone and that there was no way of seeing her again.
He broke the news to his close friends, all of which shock and sympathy was mixed together.
They went to her funeral but Chan felt empty.
He thought his life was going to be dull and miserable now that he lost her. He wasn’t sure if he could continue to live but his friends made it a point to let him go on his days without feeling at a loss. They were truly the friends anyone could ask for.
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4 years went by where Chan still tends to miss her presence. But instead of grieving about it, he finally accepts the fact that she was no longer on this earth. Despite meeting new people, new potential partners in his life, none of them could seem to fill the void that has been eating him alive for the past few years.
There were some who he had genuine interest in. But somehow, that relationship never worked out and he wasn’t one to dwell on things for too long. For he just simply moves on with his life and goes about his daily routine.
It was a bright Saturday morning, Chan had already promised Changbin and Jisung to have a morning workout session together.
“So… Hyung, are you contacting anyone?” Jisung asked as he turned to Chan who was currently lifting weights.
“No. I haven’t contacted anyone in months…” Chan sighed. Dropping the barbell onto the ground.
“Why not?” Changbin asked out of curiosity.
“I don’t know. I just don’t feel like anyone’s of my interest.” Chan shrugged his shoulders. The two boys looked at each other only to exchange a knowing look which Chan couldn’t bother to even notice. After they were done with the workout session, the boys left the gym to make their way to a nearby café that they had been going to every time they ended their workout.
They had just entered the café, strong coffee bean aroma filling their nostrils as they walked up to the counter. Only for Chan to halt in his steps when he saw just who was standing behind the counter, taking orders. Both Changbin and Jisung also came to a stop when they saw who Chan was staring at.
“No way…” Chan whispered under his breath. Jisung desperately clinged onto Chan’s arms only to ask in a confused tone.
“Umm… Hyung, is that…?”
“No… It can’t be.” Chan said as they carefully made their way closer to the cashier. The three of them queued up behind the rest of the customers but their eyes couldn’t seem to leave her.
After the customer in front of them walked away, the person standing behind the counter finally locked eyes with all three of them before flashing them a warm smile.
“Good morning! What can I get for you today?” She said. Chan was too dumbfounded that he couldn’t even speak so Changbin did it first.
“Hi, can I get one Iced Americano.” She keyed in his order before turning back to the remaining two.
“Anything else?” She asked with a smile.
“Umm, can I get one Iced Tropical Passion Tea?” She nodded as she entered his order into the machine. Just then, the minute she looked up, Chan had the most prominent frown on his face and she wondered why.
“Is there anything I can get for you?” However, when she received no particular reply from him, she decided to joke around.
“You know, if your order is written on my face, I would so gladly take them down for you.” With that, Chan finally snapped out of his trance. He shook his head, letting his brown locks shift from side to side.
“Uhh… right. S-Sorry. I’ll just have a regular Iced Strawberry Lemonade Green Tea.” She smiled and proceeded to key in his order, only for Changbin to hold his card out. After he was done paying, she asked him for his name or initial. Telling him that she will call out to him once the drinks are made.
The guys went over to a table right next to the window but Chan’s eyes were glued on her. Watching as she made their drinks while she joked around with her co-worker.
“She might look like her but she’s definitely not like her.” 
Changbin commented softly before Jisung hummed in agreement. But Chan still couldn’t seem to let this new information digest into his brain. This girl looked exactly like Lucy except maybe her style and her hair colour but her face was like a copy paste of Lucy.
Lucy was slightly girly and definitely more fashionable in terms of the things she wore. She always loved branded items. She wore mostly dresses or skirts everyday, with designer clothes. She normally wore heels and tends to look richer than she really was. However, Lucy can be very arrogant towards people she doesn’t like or doesn’t know. She would never openly smile to just anyone, nor would she talk to anyone aside from Chan and her close friends. 
Unlike Lucy, this girl was nothing like Lucy and Chan could see the vast difference.
Lucy would never work at a café shop because to her, these kinds of jobs are for people who are not able to support themselves financially. This girl not only works as a barista at a café, her sense of fashion is definitely more laid back compared to Lucy.
She wore a plain white shirt with denim skinny jeans and a pair of Nikes with her café apron on. She had her hair in a low messy bun to keep her hair from falling into customer’s drinks while making them. Character wise, she was a lot more friendlier than Lucy. She had quite a bubbly side to her when she greeted new customers at the cashier.
Chan was just too absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t even hear her calling out to Changbin. The latter went back to the collection point, not forgetting to get a glimpse of her name on her nametag.
“Thanks… (Y/N).” Changbin smiled, making her return the favour with a small nod.
Chan knew he shouldn’t do it but he wanted to. He wanted to get to know her a little better. Which is why he decided to come visit her again the following week. She was currently leaning against the counter top, facing the café entrance while her co-worker and close friend, Moonbin was fooling around with her since the café was sort of empty with only 6 tables max being occupied.
She had just punched his abdomen softly when he threw a balled tissue onto the top of her head.
Just then, the sound of doorbell chiming caught their attention. She turned towards the door, only to see Chan enter the café. She immediately smiled after remembering his face from last weekend.
Moonbin went to go hide behind the coffee machine, pretending to be busy.
“Hi, welcome to Daisies Café. What can I get for you today?” She greeted Chan with a smile, making him mimic her expression.
“Umm, hey. I think I’ll just have an Iced Berry Mint Tea.” She keyed in his order before asking him if there was anything else he wanted. When he said no, she nodded and proceeded to charge him for it. After she was done, she took the cup and asked him for his name or initial.
“Chan.” She let his name roll off her tongue quietly before smiling at him. She went over to Moonbin only to see the boy grinning like an idiot.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” She asked her same aged colleague.
“Nothing… He’s kinda your type, no?”
To that, she glanced over to Chan who was seated near the window. He had his laptop on the table with a headphone on his head. A smile graced onto her lips, ignoring Moonbin’s comment and instead, focusing on making Chan’s drink. She knew if she called his name, he wouldn’t be able to hear so she opted to bring his drink over to him instead.
She brought him his drink only for Chan to smile at her, his cute dimples coming to view.
“Oh! Sorry!” 
He apologized before taking the glass from her, feeling her fingers brushing lightly over hers. She got visibly flustered as she pulled her hands back a little too quickly. Chan simply let out a soft chuckle when she excused herself to continue working when he gently gripped her wrist to stop her.
“Hey, umm, are you free later?” He asked.
“I… yeah. Why?”
“Do you… maybe wanna grab dinner with me?” She got quiet for a moment, making him feel bad.
“Uhh, you don’t have to agree! It’s okay.” He reassured her. But there was just something about him that made her smile, a warm feeling blossoming in the pit of her stomach.
“I finish at 5.” She said with a small smile on her face.
“Oh… uhh, great. I’ll come pick you up then.”
“Okay.” She giggled before leaving his table.
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7 months was definitely longer than what he had in mind about being friends with her. All the girls that he has dated or contacted ever since Lucy passed wouldn’t last for more than a month. During the last few months, Chan got to know about her background a little better.
Although he does know that (Y/N) can never be Lucy, he slowly started to like (Y/N) for who she is and not just because she looked like Lucy.
In fact, he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he actually likes (Y/N)’s personality slightly better.
It was a sunny Saturday evening and she was having a day off. She was just mopping her living room when her phone began to ring. She placed her mop on the bucket only to go to the desk right beside the hallway where her phone was sitting.
It was Chan’s caller ID.
“Hello?” She said.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Oh, I was just cleaning my apartment.”
“Do you need an extra hand?” She could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line.
“If you don’t mind getting down and dirty.” She laughed.
“Sure. Then afterwards, I was wondering if you’d wanna meet my friends and hang out with them?” Chan asked softly, making her pause.
For the past few months, (Y/N) had gotten closer to Chan when he kept coming back to the café only to become a regular customer there. However, she has never met Chan’s friends properly simply because she was shy and slightly nervous around a huge crowd.
Chan seemed to read her concerns through the silence. Hence, the reason why he was telling her that she didn’t have to agree to it if she didn’t want to. But she didn’t want to keep rejecting his kind offer of meeting his close friends. She wouldn’t want him to feel bad for asking her so she decided to go with it. About an hour later, Chan came to her place as promised before, only to help her with her spring cleaning.
They joked around with each other a few times, earning soft laughs from them both.
They were just moving their legs back and forth on the ground, dancing along to the music she played in the background when she accidentally slipped. She lost her balance and almost fell backwards but he caught her in time.
Chan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back up against him. A soft gasp left her lips as he asked her if she was okay. But all she did was laugh out loud from her clumsiness. 
He smiled down at her, letting her press her forehead against his shoulder.
After her laughter had died down, she pulled away from him when she felt his arms still securely wrapped around her body. She glanced up, tilting her head to meet his. What she wasn’t ready for was the close proximity of their faces. She could feel his warm breath hit her lips. 
Chan’s eyes naturally fell down to her lips, letting it linger there for a second too long. Before anyone could do anything, Chan’s phone rang in his back pocket. He pulled away not forgetting to apologize to her. 
“Hey. Yeah. I’m at (Y/N)’s house. Yeah. Yeah sure, I’ll be there. Bye Minie.”
Chan hung up the call only for (Y/N) to ask who it was. He said it was Seungmin asking if he was coming to Hyunjin’s apartment later to hangout. She gave him a small smile. About 2 hours later, they were both making their way to Hyunjin’s apartment in Chan’s jeep. She changed into a slightly more casual outfit which was just a fitted shirt, a large flannel, denim skinny jeans and a pair of her favourite sneakers.
When they arrived at Hyunjin’s apartment, Chan walked with her beside him the whole time. They were talking about school projects when he stopped in front of the wooden door.
He gave it a few knocks only to turn to her with a slight frown.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He asked again to make sure she was really okay. But when he received a nod and a smile, Chan’s shoulders relaxed for a bit before the door swung open to reveal a tall blonde boy whom she had never met before.
“Hey hyung!” Hyunjin’s eyes then met hers. She noticed the way his mouth hung open slightly as he took in her features.
“Woah.” He whispered under his breath before he quickly shook his head and welcomed them in. She saw the amount of shoes by the doorstep, making her feel slightly anxious and Chan seemed to notice this. Hyunjin had already re-joined his other friends in the living room when she felt Chan’s hand on her back.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked.
“H-Huh? Oh… Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry… I just… I tend to get anxious when there’s too many guys around me. I’m not used to it.” She said in a hushed whisper.
“We can go home if you want?”
“No! No, please. I’d love to meet your friends, I just need… a little time to get used to this.”
With that, Chan smiled as he cupped her face with one hand only to whisper a soft ‘okay’ before leading her into the living room. That’s when she finally met his friends in person properly. All 7 pairs of eyes were now staring at her with bright expressions but she seemed to feel small under their gazes.
Chan giggled when he felt her gently grip his forearm with both hands, making him speak up to his friends.
“Guys. This is (Y/N). (Y/N), these are my friends.” Chan introduced, only for her to smile to them shyly, partially hiding behind Chan’s larger frame. Some of them couldn’t help but chuckle. They found her quite adorable to say the least.
It took her about an hour or two to warm up to them but eventually, she did. This only made Chan even more proud of her. They were all gathered in Hyunjin’s living room, currently watching a Marvel movie. She was seated on the couch in between Chan and Jeongin, with Changbin right beside her feet on the floor.
They were watching the movie, Jisung and Felix occasionally making comments during the show. Minho was starting to drift off to Lalaland at the side. Hyunjin, Jeongin and Changbin were playing a game on their phones and Seungmin was busy reading an online book.
(Y/N) and Chan were watching the movie in silence but he did notice her getting closer to his side every time she shifts or adjusts herself on the couch. Not that he was complaining.
Just then, Jeongin suddenly flinched harshly beside her.
This was enough to make her jump. However, this caused her to accidentally lean against Chan who had his arm around her waist.
She blushed at this sudden contact. Jeongin apologized to her for scaring her but she simply laughed it off and told him it was fine. But the minute she turned back to Chan, she could feel her breath hitch in her throat with how close his face was to her.
Unfortunately, he was close enough to hear it but he didn’t mock her for it. In fact, he actually giggled thinking it was cute. 
“You okay, love?” His soft voice sultry to her ears.
She hummed in response, only to look forward to the tv screen. Chan chuckled beside her but she ignored it, knowing he probably saw the pink tint on her cheeks. A few hours later, they finally called it a night where Chan sent her back home.
Once they were outside her apartment door, she turned to him to speak up.
“Thanks Chan, for bringing me to meet your friends. They’re really genuine people.”
“No worries. I knew you’d love them.” He chuckled. Suddenly, the air became hot as she struggled to find the right words.
The room fell silent for a moment as they both just stared at each other. Trying to decipher what the other would do next. But she was one step faster than him when the next thing she did was literally what he planned on doing. In one swift movement, she leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to his soft full lips. Chan stood there completely bewildered, unable to take in the fact that that really just happened.
She wasn’t sure how long he would stay like that so she took this chance to hide from him. Wanting to avoid any awkward situations if he doesn’t feel the same way for her. Right when she was about to say goodbye to him and enter her apartment, Chan quickly caught her wrist. She turned around to him with a slightly baffled look. But Chan was cheeky. He used his other hand to pull her closer by her waist only to press his lips on hers again. 
This time, letting his lips stay there slightly longer than before.
She melted into the kiss as soon as he kissed her, making him smile against her lips. She slid her hand up his chest, tangling her fingers in his soft brown locks.
Chan guides her gently back until she is pressed against the door, hugging her waist securely in his arms. She pulled away for air, feeling him press his forehead against hers softly. A few seconds later, Chan whispered softly just loud enough for her to hear.
“I’m really happy to have met you.”
She could feel the butterflies erupting in her stomach at his words. She smiled as he continued.
“I thought my life was over after losing who I thought would be with me forever. But I was wrong. And I realised it when I first saw you at the café that day. Thank you for being there (Y/N). I honestly don't know how my life would have turned out if I didn’t meet you that day.” 
With that being said, she smiled. Cupping his face with both hands gently only to speak up.
“I’m glad I could be the source of happiness for you, Chan.”
Chan kissed her again sweetly before pulling back to say the 3 words he had been wanting to say to her. Only for her to return the favour.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too Chan.”
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Let me in. (m.)
Pairing- Lee Donghyuck x reader
Genre- Fluff, Smut, tiny bit of angst..?
Word count- 6.03k (ily I'm sorry oof)
Warning- sexual themes suggested, written horribly, slight corruption kink, bestfriend!haechan, slight possessiveness , fingering, praise kink, friends to lovers trope, cliché af. Also definitely not proof read.
Summary- When you let him in, paradise unfolded is an understatement.
(literally the first time i wrote based of a song and it was a really challenging but! fun experience so thank you for requesting this! This also gave me an idea of closing off my previous prompt as starting a song prompt..? )
➳ listen to Ooh La La La by Exo.
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When i turn my head
My eyes meet yours
Once again I'm staring at you
That smile is a bit too much for me
It's hard being friends with a girl, so beautiful, so generous and giving and still not having her all for yourself. Or so was how Haechan felt. 
You were so close to him, yet so far. You always looked out for him as though he was your top priority, and that boosted his ego. You were his, to an extent. It's when Haechan thought it'd be the best to have you come over to the party his frat's throwing, wanting you to loosen up a little, he couldn't hold himself back. 
After the last bell to class rang, Haechan immediately started packing his bag, remembering Mark, his other half as you exclaimed had warned him not to be even a second late, saying something along the lines of 'apparently Johnny won't DJ for us unless we actually give him something materialistic' or something.
You watch with a wide smile, your best friend frantically reaching out under his desk to get out all books only to shove them carelessly into his bag, 
"Calm down, Hyuck. You still have 2 hours to reach there and the frat house' barely half an hour away" Haechan let out a curse having dropped around 3 of his books alongside that one pen he carries around, he turned towards you with his eyebrows furrowed.
Seeing you smile wide at him, laughing even at his misery weirdly had his heart skipping beats. It was a normality now to him. It wouldn't take a genius to guess he's whipped for you, everyone, other than you apparently knew about that. 
Filled with an ease leaving me to burn
I can't breathe when i see your eye smile 
It's like you know that's your charm
"Hey don't smile at me like that! What type of a friend are you even?" Haechan exclaimed dramatically, completely ignoring how his heart had started beating just a little faster, breathing growing just a little frantic, face heating up just a little. 
"What?? I'm not supposed to smile now?" you ask with the same exaggeration, lifting your hands up to hit him softly when he got a hold of your hand, pulling you in for a hug,
"Don't ditch me at the party, I'll be waiting, love you bye!" he said it all in one breath, patting your back, placing a peck on your forehead before leaning down and picking up his  bag before dashing out of the door. 
You stood there still, bringing your palms up to your cheeks to calm the heat down. 
It's the thoughts or prejudice that you had that friends are supposed to stay friends that had you constraining your feelings for the lad. You'd be an idiot to have a whole package of what a good, ideal man is supposed to be like right beside you but still not fall for him. That's impossible even, worse than mission impossible.
"Love you too.." you say out low, mostly to yourself as you give yourself a second to calm down before moving forward to pack your own things up, leaving the classroom as soon as you're done to go set things up before the 'party' tonight. 
It didn't take long for you to decide what to wear. Simple, a skirt and a blouse. They were your usual fit anyway and you didn't like all those jazzy, flashing, revealing clothes people usually wear to parties. A pleated white skirt that fell mid thigh, a black and white striped long sleeve turtleneck shirt which you paired with a silver butterfly pendant, ending it with  black suede boots. 
 Sandra, your neighbor ergo a close acquaintance of yours, offered you a ride to the venue, having her boyfriend DJ there. She informed you how she'd be one of the ones to serve the drinks, adorning a shocked expression when you told her you don't drink. 
"Friend's with Lee Haechan yet you don't drink? No way" the elder exclaimed, you let out a laugh, remembering the last time the said boy had forced a drink down your throat, an action he regrets till date. "He might be a heavy drinker, i think the max i can handle is either a glass of wine or a bottle of breezer, nothing more and nothing less" 
You arrive at the frat house relatively faster than usual, thanks to Sandra's amazing driving skills, but you were immediately abandoned as she spotted her boyfriend, Johnny, in the yet to fill room. No doubts you had arrived early as the boys that you recognize as Felix, Han, Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, Yangyang, Mark, San, and three others you didn't know quite well off, were arranging the red party cups and bottles on the kitchen counter. 
You scan your eyes all around the room to locate your possible crush, well, best friend in the crowd. Eyes landing at the figure leaning against the wall towards the stairs as he spoke to Hyunjin, a white tee tucked into his usual black knee slit skinny jeans topped with a blue checkered oversized t-shirt which was left unbuttoned made him look absolutely breathtaking. Not to mention, his hair was gelled back, with only a few strands let loose to hover over his forehead. Godly. The only word that could describe him. 
Maybe you might've stood there looking at him for way too long, potentially drooling even because he should've felt your intense gaze upon himself, as he turned his head away from the long haired boy, looking all over the place mimicking your actions from before to spot the gaze, landing upon you. 
Haechan physically shudders, how could one look that flawless? He pats his friend on the shoulder, making his way around him with slow strides towards you. It's hard to keep his feelings intact when you look like that, that ethereal, and his hands to himself. That's a catch. He loved seeing you in your plaid skirts. But he hated that it's not just him who gets to see you like that. Haechan wanted you to dress up for him. Look pretty for him. Be pure for him. Be his. And maybe, just maybe, tonight he'd have enough courage to ask you out. 
Your eyes are whispering to me
It's like they're asking me to approach. 
Intoxicated by his looks, being able to see no one but him, you make your way towards him too, replacing the fangirling face with a smile that he adored oh so much. 
"Hyuck! Hey!" you walk faster stepping out of your daze, pulling him into a hug, before hitting his shoulders slightly, "Next time, learn to pick up your phone" you exclaim, pulling away not too far, having his hands rest on top of your hips as you look into his eyes. Haechan mumbled something incoherent under his breath, shaking his head subtly. "sorry sorry, my phone was in the other room and pretty sure you called me when we were checking the music systems" 
"you're lucky Sandra lives like, right next door. I was actually planning on ditching the party and just binge watch the office" you playfully nag at him, hitting his shoulder this time. You push yourself away from him, involuntarily, wanting to cherish his warmth a little longer, but that'd be sketchy.
"Anyways! How do I look?" you wriggle your eyebrows before doing a twirl, which had your skirt slightly lift up a bit, Haechan visibly gulps, stopping you with your hand, "ugly as usual" he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Seeing your face dim down a bit, he lets out a chuckle, "do you really need me to tell you that you're beautiful, doll?" he pulled you in again, lifting his head up when he heard sounds of gagging, a sign of disgust from somewhere around the pair of you. 
" 'do you really need me to tell you that you're beautiful, doll?' oh cut it out you filth." exclaimed a voice in a distorted manner behind you. You turn around to face a senior of yours, a close friend. "Mark!" you extend your hand out to do your infamous handshake, that lasts at least for over 15 seconds that had Haechan roll his eyes. 
"says the filthiest himself" he let out, making you snort in a not so attractive way. "Hey, at least i'm not the one flirting with my best friend here" Mark pointed out, fingers wrapped around the party cup with god knows what drink. "you flirt with anything breathing" you add, laughing as he sends a wink your way. 
"You look stunning, Y/n" "Now who's flirting huh?" Haechan said, suddenly all up his guard. "woaw, not flirting because someone would whoop my ass later, but stating facts is all i did" Mark smirked, turning back as someone screamed out his name, "well I'll catch up later, gotta blast! Byeee!" he let out hurriedly, making his way towards the back of the house.
"I'll go get us some drinks, cranberry? Or lemon?" he asked, knowing the obvious answer. "Cranberry, duh" you reply with sass to which he let out a loud laugh. 
"You got it"
Maybe you believed that it's time you break your own limits, or maybe you just wanted to seem cool to Donghyuck. Whatever the reason was had you drink more than what your tolerance allowed you to. You felt euphoric and sick at the same time. You weren't completely gone just yet, you were still sober, surprisingly. The actual surprise is that Haechan, the usually 'I'll end all drinkers carrier' type of guy, stopped at just a bottle of beer. 
Reaching out to the glass Renjun held out towards you as an offer, you felt your hands being swatted away, making you flinch slightly. 
"That's enough drinks for her tonight" he said, shoving his friends hand away slightly as you whined. "i can handle a drink more" you reply, reaching out again, "no you can't, and no you won't" he insisted, raising his eyebrows at you in a challenging way, wanting to see if you'll oppose him. 
It might've been the intoxicating liquid in your system at the moment, but staring back at Haechan had the bottom of your stomach churning. You look away with the same speed you initiated the eye contact with. 
"You're not my dad.." you mumble, puckering your lips into a small pout as you hear his friends laugh at your slight quarrel. 
"but i am your boy- best friend. And for a fact, i know you'll fall unconscious if you take another drink" Jaemin starts hooting slowly at Haechan's slight slip up.
"Tsk, whatever" you reply, rebelling against him and taking the bottle out of Renjun's hand as he stared at you, amusement clearly evident on his face. 
"Feisty. I like how you don't listen to hyuck, maybe we should be best friends" he let out, holding out his fist to fist bump yours, which you do, sticking your tongue out at your best friend. 
"Okay! Let's play, put a finger down if you have!" Yangyang suggested, eyes scanning all your faces to see if anyone's not feeling the game today. Seeing everyone do nothing but nod, he starts dictating, asking them to put up five fingers. The first person to lose out apparently has to either take shots or confess their deepest secrets. 
The first rounds went well, easy questions which made you feel bored, slight headache striking in, making you rest your head on Haechan's shoulder. Sensing weight on his shoulder, he turned his head towards the side, looking at you with concern, a glint of 'I told you' shining through the orbs. 
"tell me off later, my head hurts real bad" you mumble, soft enough for only him to hear before he could nag at you. Saying nothing else other than shifting closer to you for you to get comfortable he said, "Just sleep, I'll take you home".
The moment you close your eyes after his words, you hear Jeno blurt out the next question, it being his turn to do so. 
"put a finger down if you've ever been head over heels for your best friend", His other friends chuckle, while Jeno smirked at Haechan, too tired to open your eyes to see who put a finger down, you fail to notice Haechan put a finger down, looking down at you all worn out on his shoulder, his circle feigning disgust. 
The game was probably long done, the party might've also ended, you must've fallen asleep because the next time you open your eyes, you find yourself in your best friend's bedroom, still feeling tired. Looking outside the window, seeing it's still dark outside, you turn to the side, flinching just a bit when you find Haechan at the side of the bed, arms folded over the sheets as he rests his head on top of it. It must've been uncomfortable kneeling on the floor for that long. 
You take the chance to look at him properly, well, better than the past god knows how many years into your friendship. You take your time to roam your eyes all over his facials. Gawking at the moles adorning his tanned skin, lifting your fingers up to feather over them. Your hands then move to the scars at each corner of his eyebrows, chuckling as you remember how he got them. 
You brush his dishevelled hair out of his face, the action making Haechan stir in his slumber which had you stop your moments completely. Running your fingers through his hair one last time, about to pull your hands away from him to not wake him up you feel his hands grip your wrist, holding it in place. 
You yelp, not expecting him to be awake, "why did you stop? I was about to fall asleep" he whines out, getting up from the floor, standing to his full height which makes you shift, leaning your back against the headboard to look at him more comfortably. 
"Did you carry me up here?" you asked, voice a little hoarse as the alcohols after effects had your throat burn. "Nope, you just zapped here. Of course I carried you" he replied, masking his flustered look at how you looked, face glowing, eyes hazed and on bed. His bed. 
"Does it hurt for you to reply normally for once..?" you open your eyes a little wider in genuine curiosity 
Oh la la la, please allow me 
Oh la la la, into your imagination 
I'll go right in, so let me in
I'll dance in your eyes 
Oh la la la, the moment our gazes meet. 
Replying is hard, keeping his eyes away from your lips is hard, to stop himself from slowly leaning forward was hard too. You're killing him. The alcohol in his system did nothing more than fuel his desires for you.
It's weird, how one moment, you're whining at your best friend being a sarcastic hoe to how your breath gets caught in your lungs the next moment at the sight of your crush leaning closer to you. 
It's weird how all those thoughts of, 'friends should stay friends' were thrown right out of the window when he was now, just inches away from you, noses grazing each other.
The proximity was that where you could feel his breath fanning your lips. Now that's weird too, weren't you just having a normal conversation? 
Haechan snaps out of it, you're probably drunk. He pulls away just as you close your eyes, ready to bask in the feeling of his lips against yours. 
"I can't.. You'll forget all this by tomorrow, I'll wake you up before class, have some rest." He said, avoiding eye contact as you felt a pang of disappointment hit you. 
That night, all Haechan could think of was your slightly parted lips, eyes fixated on your lips and your slow, shallow, small breath. 
You've never felt awkward around Haechan, neither do you want to feel awkward around him, but each time you see him, all you're reminded of is how close you were to change your friendship into something else. 
On the other hand, Haechan wanted to hit himself for cowering out once again. He was so close to finally making you his. But now all he's left with is a sexual tension so thick that could be cut by a knife. He wanted you. He craved you.
It only started working him up more the day you called him over to your studio apartment for a movie night, ignoring all past events over the week. Them being, Haechan becoming a much touchy friend. He's always been a physical affection shower either ways. 
Haechan complied, arriving at your place with a large bag of Doritos. Greeting you with a huge smile, ignoring the fast beating of his heart when you reciprocate the same expression. 
"Heyyy! Missed me? I know! I missed me too" Haechan said, making his way around you quickly to hide the crimson that took place on his cheeks, not wanting you to see it. 
"I did" you say quietly, closing the door as Haechan made himself comfortable on your couch, having set the chip packet in the kitchen counter. 
He mentally took a note of your outfit, plain black shorts that were a little too short for the sake of his heart not falling right out, and a white shirt, a crop top, to be precise.
"It's your turn to choose the movie" you say, making your way towards the other side of the couch. "Monsters inc?" he answers as you whine, having already regret the choice of giving him the liberty. 
"Hyuck we watched that movie about like, 5 times, when will you get over it?" you ask
"Never so stop whining and watch the movie with me." he replied with the sass you were oh so familiar with, making you roll your eyes. 
Ah, it's going to be a long night. 
You were lost in your own thoughts, not paying attention to the movie much as you remember the night at the frat house. It's impossible to get Lee Haechan out of your mind. It's impossible because you know he has his eyes on you right now. Looking at you, oblivious to the fact that you knew of his gaze. 
"Hyuck.. " you call him out, turning to face him from your side of the couch. Haechan looks away momentarily, flustered as you caught him stare at you. He hums in response, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen. 
"About that night in your room" you start, turning completely, your body facing him as you sit criss cross. Haechan visibly tenses up, thinking you're about to tell him off for crossing the line, "Y/n, about that, i'm- i'm sor-"
"Do you like me?"
Right now, in this moment, the space between us
Is filled with this strong trembling 
Becoming a rhythm and drawing me in
Let your body move to it however you'd like. 
Haechan was caught off guard by your question, blinking, once, twice, even shaking his head to see if he's imagining things, "Huh?" he asked just for confirmation. 
"Do you like me..?" you repeated, slower, heart racing in anticipation as you lean forward a bit, waiting for his reply.
"What are you going to do if I say.. Yes?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he leaned forward a little too. You had the strong urge to want to lean back from the proximity, feeling blood rush up to your cheeks but you stood your ground, wanting to do this right here. Right now. 
"Then I'll continue what we almost started" you exclaim, the smile he loves so much finding its way onto your face.
"Will you? Really?" he asked, scooting closer to you, something about his eyes switching gazes when you lean further, making your shirt come down a bit. You nod, that's when he pulls you forward by your arms, making you let out a sound of surprise as you crash onto his side, looking at him with your eyes widened. 
"Then yes." he whispered after leaning close to your ears, you feel yourself growing hot each passing second. The position is extremely intimate. You pull away to look into his eyes, to spot any signs of all this being nothing more than just a joke. You lose it when he looks at you with a strong gaze, eyebrows slightly raised, lips drawn into a small smile, immediately pressing yours onto his after staring it for way too long.
His hands found their way around your waist, tugging at you slowly, gesturing you to get onto his lap. 
An odd smile that doesn't let on
Seeing through the curiosity driving me on
And sending a sign
You oblige, as your lips move in unison, Haechan shifted in his seat to a better position, man spreading to let you sit better on his lap all while still not letting go of your lips. 
His hands find their way under your crop top, letting his arms wander the bare skin of your back, his cold touch in contrast to your warm body making you gasp. Haechan takes the opportunity of your parted lips to enter your mouth, tongue pressing against yours making you whine. 
You pull away only when you feel your lungs practically begging for a puff of air even, tugging softly at his slightly grown hair, letting out an airy giggle at the sight of your lip color smeared at the corner of his lips. 
"That was way better than all I've imagined it to be" Haechan smiled at you, pressing his forehead against yours, pulling you closer by the hips. You look away from his gaze, "you've imagined kissing me?" you ask softly, playing with the charm hanging off his neck.
"way too many times to keep a count" he replied, placing another peck on your lips, pulling away immediately, laughing as you subconsciously follow his lips. 
He finally let's you press onto his lips once again, groaning as your teeth clash from how fast you were at finding his lips. You whimper when his hands squeeze at your sides.
You jerk forward, testing the waters as you move your lips from his lips, to his neck, peppering the skin with kisses, giving extra attention to those moles you adored that were scrawled all over his skin, occasionally nibbling at the spot you left a wet trail at. 
It's like you're telling me to open the door
To your slightly open heart and come right in
Please allow me 
Into your imagination 
I'll go right in, so let me in
I'll dance in your eyes
The moment our gazes meet. 
He sighs in content  at the feeling of your plush lips pressed against his skin, "I won't be able to control myself if you keep going, doll" you continue your ministration.  Then don't" you say, trying to sound as sultry as possible. Having waited so long to have Donghyuck as more than just friends had you desperate for any sort of contact from his side. 
You could sense his slight hesitation, maybe he didn't want to rush things, maybe he just couldn't get himself to do it, or maybe, he was just nervous.  
Should I really try making a move now? 
What should be the first thing I say? 
The moment I hesitate, thinking it over
You get up and walk away. 
You stand up, from his lap, looking at his eyes, nodding so softly that he'd miss it if he'd blink as you make your way towards your bedroom, smiling. You tug at your shirt, slowly, above your head, not daring to turn to look back at Donghyuck's reaction, a triumphant look washing over your facial as you hear him growl with that honey voice of his. 
He must've stared at your back a little too long, seeing your hair cover the top half of your torso as you turned towards your bedroom, looking at him one last time before entering the room which was illuminated with just your fairy lights. 
Even as I look at your bold back from far away
Your slow pace is telling me to follow
Girl just tell me what you like
It's like you're telling me to hurry
"she'll be the death of me.. " he ruffled his hair, before getting up to walk down the same pathway as you. 
Walking into your bedroom, Haechan was more than sure that the sight before him was the most ethereal sight he'd seen his entire life. 
You sat by the foot of the bed, adorned in only your black lace bra, the black shorts, and your hair left open in all glory. He swallows the lump forming in his throat, mood switching so fast because the boy you walked away from, Lee Haechan, the one hesitant to take it this far, was now replaced with the Lee Haechan, walking towards you with long, confident strides. 
As he comes to stand in front of you, he bends down, snaking one of his arms around your waist, pulling you up and close to his body. 
"tell me, have you been dreaming about me just the way I've dreamt about you?" he leans closer to the nape of your neck, running the tip of his nose along the unexpectedly sensitive skin up to your ears, nibbling at the earlobe. 
"Have you waited for all this just as much as i have? Tell me, princess" he rasps out as you place your hands gently by the belt loop of his jeans. 
Please allow me
Into your reality 
Not trusting your voice, you nod, wanting to feel his lips against yours once again but Haechan held onto you with a firm grip, 
"Tell me, baby. Words, those are the keys. Use your words" He moved from nibbling onto your earlobe to marking territory onto your skin that had you jerking forward, further into his body. 
I'll approach you, so hold onto me
Tell me that you were waiting
The moment i reached you
You huff out, opening your mouth the exact moment he took hold of your chin with a gentle grip, looking at your orbs with so much expectation, so much adoration, so much love, so much lust. 
"I've waited a long time too." you start 
"I waited for so long; the day in your room, during that night, I was so happy when you approached me, but then you pulled away. You made me wait enough Hyuck, please let me feel you now? I want you. No. I need you" 
You didn't pay attention to his heaving chest, or how his eyes were turning into a whole darker shade of ebony, instead, stood on your tip toe and engulfed his slightly puffy lips with yours. 
Haechan didn't deny the kiss, dying to take you quick there itself when the first sentence left your lip, but he wanted to take it slow, he wanted to show you how much he's waited for this too. How much he likes you and he wanted to make sure you felt it from each action of his. 
He urged you to move backwards, closer towards the edge of the bed, not breaking the kiss even for a second, his hands securing around your waist as he slowly bends down to place you on the quilt. 
His hands make their way back, fiddling with the hook of your bra as he breaks the kiss with one last peck at the corner of your lips. "i need you too, doll. I need you just as much as you need me, maybe even twice as much" he mumbles against the soft skin of your collarbone, tapping at your back with the tip of his finger once he had the hooks undone to pull the material away from your body. 
Shyness suddenly overpowers all lust, you bring up an arm to cover your now exposed breast while Haechan is busy throwing your clothing behind him. 
Turning around, facing you, he smiles at you, gently prying your hand away from your chest leaving your torso bare naked in front of him which had you shut your eyes with embarrassment. 
"Look at me, baby." Donghyuck urges you. 
You give yourself a second, inhaling sharp as you flutter your eyes open, looking straight into his eyes. "You have no reason to hide yourself from me" he pulls away after placing a peck in the valley of your chest. He tugs at the edge of his hoodie, pulling it over his head before discarding it behind.
"Here. Now we both are half naked" he smiles at you as you mirror his expression. 
Donghyuck wasn't all that built, he wasn't not built either. Ever since Renjun started forcefully dragging Haechan to the gym, he'd lost that baby stomach that you loved to poke at during class just to annoy him, now replaced with very faint ab lines which, you were sure you'd grow a liking for pretty soon.
You whimper at the feeling of his lips graze over hardened nipples, jolting forward when he lifts hands from above your hips to your neck where he'd previously left his mark, tracing the reddish purple/brownish skin. 
He latches his lips onto one nib, swirling his tongue around the hardened muscle, his free hand making its way south, waiting for any signs of protest before dragging the short down, shifting his attention over to the untended nipple. 
"beautiful.. " he mumbles against your wet nipple, blowing onto it later, all sensation making you feel ecstatic.
"Hyuck, I need-..need you" you choke out.
"I know, princess. But we need to prepare you a little, hm?" he lets out, voice a few octaves deeper than usual, as he finally tugs your panties down your leg, letting it slide itself onto the floor.
Haechan looks at you, expression blissful from all the attention you're getting. You quickly nod, looking at him giving him a hundred percent access to do you however he likes when you notice his eyes silently ask for consent. 
He feathers his thumb over your clit, smiling at how responsive you are to his touches. He slowly starts drawing circles onto the sensitive bud, pressing his lips to the side of your face, whispering sweet nothings into your ears. 
"Haechan!" you whine out, his words only adding to the pleasure. Experimentally, he moves his finger down to your slit, feeling your slick wetness coat his fingers making him let out a throaty sound of satisfaction. 
He did this to you. 
That had his ego boost shoot right up the roof. He let the tip of his middle finger poke at your entrance, cooing at you while pressing it inside of you. "So wet, baby. All for me?" he questions, slowly moving his wrist back and forth.
You nod frantically, "Hm? Words?" he pushes, slightly picking up the speed. 
"All for you, H-haechan. It's.. It's -all for you" you cling onto his forearm, as he coax you closer to your orgasm. "That's right baby, it's all for me" he presses his lips against your cheeks once again.
He adds in another finger when he knows you're close, speeding up even further, curling the digits in you which had your eyes roll back. 
Your orgasm washes over you with so much intensity the moment he engulfs your nipple once again. Slowly helping you ride out your orgasm, only removing his fingers from within you when you started to writhe from overstimulation. 
"You did so well doll, can you take one more?" he asked sweetly as you calmed down. That's when you realized how selfless he'd been, now looking down at the dent on his jeans which looked a little painful. 
You get up after nodding as you watch Haechan unbuckle his belt, removing the jeans along with his boxer, adding it to the pile of clothes behind him, you lean forward, "Your turn" you tell as Haechan's face contorts into confusion. 
Finally realizing what you mean, he smiles at you, pulling you into another loving kiss as he runs a hand down your messed up hair. "Maybe another time? I just want to feel you around me now, princess, i can't wait longer" 
With that, he made you lay back down, "condom?"
"It's fine, I'm on pills" you rub your hand up and down his hands that were beside you, balancing his body above yours. The thought of going raw inside you made Haechan's member twitch. 
He runs his member up and down your wet sex, coating it with your essence before letting the head poke at your entrance as it expands with each inch he enters in, the wetness making it so much easier to enter. 
He lets out a groan that sounded so much like a whine, finally having been able to feel your walls perfectly fit around his shaft. He leans down, now balancing himself on his elbows as you finally give him the go ahead sign. 
He interlocks your lips with his as he slowly starts moving his hips into yours. "You feel so good for me, doll. Fuck." he rasps out against your lips. 
He had to hang onto the last of his rationality to not ram into you, you just felt that good around him, and he felt so good inside of you. 
Haechan slowly picks up the pace, now moving a little faster against your hips as you reduce down to a moaning mess, chains of his name leaving your mouth continuously.
"Hyuck, i..I'm close" you moan out, the little sensitivity you'd left from your previous orgasm slightly striking in. Your moans encouraged Haechan to go faster.
Testing the water, he pull moves back completely to a point where only his tip's inside of you, "Yeah?"  he questioned while slamming back inside of you, making his tip brush against your soft spot which coaxed you closer to your high. 
"Yes-" you whimper, when he finally let go and snapped, desperate to chase his high. The new pace having him constantly hit the pleasure spot. 
You start clenching around his member, not wanting to orgasm before him. "Fuck baby, me too. I'm close too" 
"Haechan im.. I'm coming-" you let out a long loud moan as you feel yourself being thrown towards your edge, face contorting into that of pure bliss, as the constant clenching helped drag him towards his high. 
"Shit, Y/n" he immediately pulled out, feeling his own high wash over his, pumping the wet shaft a few more times before spurting ribbons of his essence all over your lower abdomen. He kept going until he felt himself grow soft in his grip. 
He clashes down beside you once wiping his hands down on the sheets which you most definitely have to wash the next day. 
"Don't fall asleep on me baby, i want to ask you something" Haechan lets out quickly as he finds you blinking slowly, most probably out of exhaustion. 
"I'm not.." you hoarse out. 
"I mean it when i say, i like you, Y/n. Heck, i think I'm in love with you" he starts flipping so that his back was on the sheets with you on top of him. 
"So.. Will you.. Will you be my-"
"Yes!" you reply fast, suddenly having sparks of energy flow through you. 
"you didn't let me complete my question though" he chuckles, pressing a peck onto the crown of your head. 
"Yes. I will be your girlfriend!" you make yourself a little clearer this time around. Girlfriend. His. 
"That.. Means.. You're mine?" he asks, unsure if he should ask so or not. 
You nuzzle further into his chest, tightening your grip around his bare torso. 
"I'm yours"
Now i approach you,
You and I have grown closer.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
um okay so here I am trying angst again. this is kind of intended to be open ended bcos might have a part two at some point. im also lazy and has a few time jumps. also if someone could pls explain if you just get pics for the top of these off internet or credit on like gifs or something that’d be appreciated.
Summary: Tom comes home and everything is most definitely not the way he left, nor is it healthy
Warnings: please read with caution esp relationship with food / weightloss, but just generally a person in a bad bad head space, lots of self blame - then next parts will carry different warnings too
Tom had been away for months. Months and months away from his girlfriend, separated entirely by his filming locations in Europe and America; while you were busy slowly and steadily climbing the ranks of your law firm. Being an intense period for the pair, you hadn’t managed to see each other in 2 and a half months.  Of course, both go you were used to this - 3 years deep into a relationship between an actor and a wanna-be lawyer- this was the name of the game.
But honestly? You both just kept falling deeper and deeper, making the separation harder to deal with - rather than getting used to it as one might hope.
That's why Tom felt such an incredibly overwhelming wave of relief as he dumped his bags just outside his front door. Even though he was exhausted from the travelling, just the mere act of finally phishing out his housekeys brought a massive grin to his face - caused particularly by the sight of his tacky little keyring from a Moroccan market that you’d bought him. That had been your first holiday. There’s that old saying that before you move in with someone go on holiday first - Tom understood it to mean you supposedly see all the bad and ugly stuff people can hide from each other, a prewiring before committing to living in the same space. However that holiday all he’d learned was incredible you are to him. To his dying day, Tom will never forget the moment he looked over to his left when the two of you were on this night time stargaze in the depth of the Moroccan desert. Y/n had never seen stars like it, the skies so incredibly clear and lit up with an array of magical blues and purples and whites on its sark background. The sight, for no unexplainable reason, had you completely opening up to Tom about things she’d never told a single soul. And in that moment he’d had this sort of realisation. Not about how much he loved her - because that is just the cliche thing everyone says… and also just wasn’t true.
In that moment he’d rather realised the potential. The sort of ‘I’m not there yet but I know you could become the centre of my universe’. The sort of ‘I’m not ready to say this yet, but I want to spend my life with you’. The sort of ‘at some point in my life I’m not sure my heart will be able to beat without yours’.
He still hadn’t quite got to explicitly saying all that yet, by asking you for the ultimate commitment. But he planned to now he was coming back to you.
Even with the chill of the early evening winter air, Tom was almost ecstatic as he unlocked the door and let himself in. He hadn’t told you that he was coming home, you thought he had another two weeks on the job, but Tom was a bit of an old romantic - he loved seeing your eyes fill with wonder as he surprised you in whatever way. Sometimes it was as simple as a note on the fridge, or a small bouquet from behind his back or as fancy as a surprise holiday.
However, this time, though it was only 6 in the evening, all the lights of their house were off making Tom raise an eyebrow as he quietly slipped off his shoes - not wanting to scare Y/n just in case.
Tom had sworn when he’d been on the phone with you the previous day, you didn’t have any plans tonight but perhaps maybe a spontaneous pub trip and been offered with work colleagues. The house felt a little cold as he padded through it, poking his head into every room just to check Y/n wasn’t there. His last port of call was the bedroom.
By this point, Tom was pretty resigned on the fact you were out and he’d maybe cook a meal for when you got back or hide about the house or something. But instead, when he poked his head around this door, he sighed in delight at the sight of a still mound under the plush white sheets. For a brief moment, Tom paused, before tiptoeing steadily round to her bedside. The light was still off but the hallway light illuminated the room enough so he could make out your soft features and the messy ball of hair that had been haphazardly thrown in a bun. Furthermore, he could also notice in the light the packet of painkillers and migraine tablets lying opened on the bedside - which made him freeze. Y/n didn’t get migraines often at all, but when she did Tom knew just how bad they could be. That explained the fact you were spark out at six o’clock, making Tom give a sympathetic smile. He crept back out the room with a little spring in his step, deciding that since he had had a long day travelling he'd grab a snack and join you. Unfortunately though, when he enthusiastically yanked the fridge open the sight was a rather depressing one. He didn’t really know what he was craving but the fridge contents were of almost no use to anyone. The place was bloody baron, apart from a tub of butter and of course his special beers that Y/n would never dare touch. With a small huff though, Tom resigned himself to some bread and butter, before getting ready for bed.
It was probably an hour later when Tom was carefully crawling under the duvet to settle in beside Y/n after the disappointing snack and maybe a solitary ‘welcome home beer’ - it would be rude not to. God was he excited to just have his girlfriend in his arms again though. So, Tom naturally reached over and powerfully yet gently pulled you back towards him - making your back flush with his as you mumbled something incoherent. Chuckling slightly at your apparent annoyance of being disturbed, Tom pressed a kiss to her temple before settling down momentarily.
But something wasn’t quite right, making Tom shuffle about a bit - ever adjusting huis grasp on your waist as he attempted to get comfy. With the migraine medications forcing you into a deep deep sleep you barely stirred and that just made the unease increase for Tom. Because you didn’t feel right. This didn’t feel right. Ever so slowly Tom started to peel back the duvet from your body from his now sitting upright position. Typically, Y/n was wearing one of his hoodies, however more concerningly it seemed to pool and collect around your frame more than normal.
Now, Y/n was never the most petite person in the world - by no means overweight, instead of beautiful curves and muscle. To Tom now though, it was as if someone had literally shrunk you - like a picture on a word document you needed to make narrower to fit the margins. Even in the dim light of the bedroom he know realised you looked pale. Honestly, Tom didn’t know how long he just sat there staring at you, until you sighed a little and pulled the duvet back up to just under your chin.
He didn’t know what to think or do. All he knew was you didn’t look well and that you hadn’t said a thing to him. Feeling so very uncomfortable within himself, Tom climbed out the bed and simultaneously grabbed his phone. He knew he had to call someone, to check that you hadn’t been ill - but then who to call? Someone that wouldn’t judge or instantly worry- your mum was completely off the cards. Also, he hadn’t even given you the chance to explain yet, so really he knew there was only a couple of options who were close enough to him too.
“Hey what’s up?” “Um nothing much, back in the UK though so-“ “Oh shit really! Kept that one quite bro” “Yeh well came back to surprise Y/n” “Oh you're soooo whipped” “Fuck off Haz, have you um… have you seen her recently anyway?” “You're asking me if I’ve seen your girl while you’ve been away?” “I’m being serious. You’re pretty much brother and sister and I’m -I’m a bit worried.” “What? You know she wouldn’t cheat especially with me” Haz’s tone turned less serious, using a goofy accent “ I know too much.” Haz still attempted to lighten the mood, this conversation very unexpected and making him grow more and more concerned himself. “Haz quit it. I’m worried she’s been ill. I’ve come in and she’s asleep with a migraine but there’s no food in the fridge and she’s skinny as hell.” “Fuck er sorry I didn’t realise. But um no she’s been cancelling on us for the past like two weeks cos like…I don’t know said she was just snowed under at the firm so” “But before then?” “No yeh she was fine. Went to the pub a couple times and she always drove so didn’t drink but nothing weird - think she wanted to keep a clear head. What are you thinking?” “I don’t know to be honest mate. She seemed fine on the phone but I swear to god she looks half the size  of what she was when I left.” “Just talk to her in the morning? She probably is just stressed if work has been mad busy.” Tom hummed in agreement, half trying to convince himself too. “Yeh yeh, sorry for bothering you.” “Oh shut up mate - I’ll see you both at your parents for the roast tomorrow? Sams got some new recipe I think, he’s been wittering on about it for days.” “Yeh we’ll be there, see you then mate.” 
After signing off to Haz, Tom placed his phone on the little table on the upstairs hallway and sighed. He knew he was being over-protective but he couldn’t help it. Y/n was always the one to care for him, in fact to care for everybody int he room and then some.
He’d get to the bottom of whatever this was tomorrow, and so the rest of the evening Tom spent rather unhappily get ready before bed yet again before climbing back in next to you.
Tom woke before you, a combination of jet lag and the worry in the pit of his stomach meaning he stirred awake first. Instinctively he pulled you closer and nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck as he slowly began to wake up properly - shrugging off the grogginess. Tom was still really excited for you to realise he was back, predicting you  to excitedly hug him ever so tight and then spend the morning between the sheets. He knew you found the distance tough, especially when all your closest friends were coupled off, it meant you just didn’t have ‘your person’. It was almost as if you were single again and instead of pining over an ex, hopelessly and completely in love with someone across the globe. But that just made your time together even more invaluable and precious.
So even with his slight unease at your slimmer silhouette, Tom didn't have any control over the loopy grin that came to his face as you started to stir and mumble something incoherent, all the while (and subconsciously) inching closer towards him. By the slight fluttering under your eyelid, Tom knew you were waking up and so took the moment to tuck your frizzy bed hair behind your ear. Sighing contently Y/n’s eyes fluttered completely open and Tom met your gaze with the most gently of smiles.
However, he then watched moment by moment as your expression morphed for one of peacefulness and content, through confusion, and ending at pure terror. He had barely thought of asking you why, before you yelped, throwing yourself up into a sitting position and backing as far away on the bed as you could from Tom. “TOM... I-you can’t be here! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!” “Y/n hey what’s wrong-“ “GET OUT! G-GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU CAN’T BE HERE” you  yanked the bedsheets to completely cover your huddled up body, as if trying to protect yourself. At this point, tears were streaming down your face and what truly terrified Tom was the expression of horror in your eyes. He threw his hands in the air and unsteadily stumbled to his feet. “O-okay I’m-“ “GET OUT!!! YOU CAN'T SEE ME GET OUT!” Completely bemused and shocked, Tom just nodded jerkily -already halfway out the door and accidentally slamming it in haste.
He had absolutely zero clue what that was about. But what he knew for a fact? He’d never ever seen you like that… you looked so completely terrified… of him? Tom couldn’t for the life of him work out what the hell was going on, as he paced from the shut door to the hallway wall and back again, running his hand through his hair throughout. He could hear you sobbing and whisper yelling - presumably at yourself. It felt as though his heart was being torn out, seeing you that upset and it appearing as his fault? He was acting on pure instinct and adrenalin because your pain hurt him too. He had no control of the physiological response in his body, making his hands shake and breathing increase in speed as it inversely got shallower too.
And so he took a short inhalation, biting his bottom lip as he knocked on the door. “Y/n?….” He got no response after waiting a couple of seconds so tried again - because he could hear you trying to stifle your sobs. After another two failed attempts he opted for a different approach. “Y/n… I’m worried about you… look, I know your upset right now but I need you to let me know your okay… or I’ll have to come in and…and I don’t want to spook you” “Don’t come in.” It was a sharp reply, with a voice that was cracked and clearly trying to keep It together. “Okay… I-I’m sorry if my surprise of coming home was a dumb idea…I-I’ve missed you.” Tom tried speaking softly, as he knelt down and sat with this back against the wall while nervously fiddling with his watch strap that he’d forgot to take off last night. Again he waited for a response but got nothing, again having to warn you he needed to know you were okay. He heard movements from the other side of the door, making him turn his head to the left, pressing his ear on the cool gloss paint. “I-I’m sorry” You barely were whispering, but Tom could sense you were now sitting in a position mirroring his “You don’t meed to apologise love” Returning her tone, Tom sighed at the end - trying to get his brain to process what was going on.
Y/n wasn’t one to overreact and Tom could count on one hand the number of serious fights they’d had in the three year romance. And even then, he was the one to raise his voice - when she argued it was more reasoned, slow and controlled. Actually it was one of the things that in those moments infuriated him even more - you were just so level headed and sensible. Scratch that, sensible purely in this context - everywhere else you were just as loopy as him. So this situation felt so very alien. He didn’t know how to help you and he bloody hated feeling useless.
After a few moments, you replied to apologise once again, for shouting specifically,  and Tom nodded - not that you could see. But that was one of the things Y/n had taught him, sometimes you just have accept things - no matter the context. Accept he wasn’t actually a superhero and couldn’t do everything, accept that sometimes he could be a dick and out of line or accept an apology.
“Can you.. can you try and tell me why your upset? I want to help.” He was trying to be gentle, non-confrontational. But he knew something was so wrong. He needed to know so he could try and help out. “I…”Y/n began, but quickly trailed off, as if trying to formulate the words properly. “I’ve just been ill and” again another pause “and I haven’t been looking after myself very well. I just planned to be umm- to be better when you got back.”
It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t really the truth either, at least not the whole truth. But it wasn’t a lie.
“I’m not sure I understand why your so worried about what I think though?” Tom inquired, as he started to fiddle with the door handle in his left hand - as if easing the idea of coming into his girlfriend without scaring you. In reply, you sighed again trying to put the words together without explicitly spelling it out to him. “I don’t- I thought you’d just be disappointed or-or think I’m reliant on you. I’m not and I can handle myself I just…. I don’t know.” “I love you, you idiot.”Tom chuckled at that, while standing up. “Can I come in now please? I promise I’m not disappointed just want to help you feel better.”
The door opened and no sooner could Tom take a step forward than Y/n ran into his chest, wrapping herself tightly around him in apology. He knew that he didn’t have the full story but really didn’t want to push her, more preferring to just love her. So that’s what they spent the rest of the morning doing, in their pyjamas and watching TV. Quite obviously, she wasn’t really making a lot of conversation, Tom filled some gaps with talking about filming - to which she’d hum in agreement or chuckle along. But for the most part Y/n was concentrating on something else.
The all-consuming guilt. That was what was eating away at her.
part 2?
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prongsies · 4 years
Me & You Together ● George Weasley
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PAIRING: George Weasley x Reader SUMMARY: George has been in love with her for ages, but he’s only saying it now WARNINGS: Mild language, slightly suggestive A/N: I got inspired by The 1975′s Me & You Together Song and fkrjdnfkrjnf there are a LOT more song-inspired fics lined up
The ballroom was beautiful, with colorful flowers adorning nearly every inch available in the large expanse of the area. Gold lined the ceilings, accenting the furniture which showed off just how much wealth the (y/l/n) family possessed. Not just that, but the visitors invited to this glorious occasion screamed rich - and George was painfully aware of just how under-dressed he was, with everyone around him adorning dress robes he was sure could pay off a year’s worth of rent.
But that doesn’t matter now, not when he’s standing in front of his best friend, who was grinning happily at him she watched him clutch the microphone tightly in his hand until his knuckles have turned white.
With his speech in his shaky hand and a slight waver in his voice, he started reading, “I remember the first time that we met, how enthralled I was by you and the fact that you didn’t care about how, in the short time we’ve been acquainted, I’ve already seen you with your top off”
Audible gasps echoed in the room from the rest of the visitors, but George’s gaze remained on (y/n), watching as she giggled, tears brimming her eyes even though he has barely started, but he continued…
“You’re crazy, (y/n)!” Angelina’s laughter echoed in the empty Hogwarts Grounds as she watched the Slytherin peel her clothes off one by one, happily facing her punishment for losing their last round of poker. It had been her idea after all, that instead of strip poker, the loser skinny dips in the Black Lake.
Of course, she didn’t know she would be the one to face the consequences, but she didn’t mind considering it was a one-of-a-kind experience. Everyone trailed behind her, laughing as they watched her in amusement, in disbelief that a Pureblood Slytherin would be this carefree.
Among those people was George, who, until just about an hour ago, had been adamant about letting her in the Gryffindor common room in the middle of the night. I mean, why would he when her Prefect badge glimmered proudly on her chest? He thought she was there to rat them out. It was only when Lee and Angelina called her in that George stepped aside, interested in the strange relationship the girl shared with his friends.
Now, here she was, standing over the docks fully naked, grinning at all of them shamelessly. George tried, he really did, to keep his eyes focused anywhere else. But her personality really drew him towards her that his eyes keep darting back.
A wink sent his way caused his blood to rush up his cheeks, and he had to physically pat them down to cool them as he watched her dive into the lake without hesitation, squealing slightly at the cold when she resurfaced.
It was all fun and games at first until a flicker of light in the distance stole George’s attention at the same time that it did the others’.
“Shit, it’s Filch” Lee whispered towards their small group, his eyes holding panic as the light - which George had now realized was a lamp - neared. “What do we do?”
Before George could even propose a solution, he was pushed into the cold depths of the lake, bringing his teeth to chatter at the unexpected drop in temperature. He turned to glare at the culprit - his brother - watching him motion for George to hide, “keep her company, we’ll be back”
“Oh, just shut it, George” He was pulled under the wooden docks by his forearm, (y/n)’s hand atop his head as she guided him under. They watched as Filch’s figure came nearer through the slits in between the hardwood, their breaths caught in their throat as they tried their hardest not to make even the smallest of sound.
It took minutes for Filch to finish surveying the area - and George was more than happy Angelina was quick enough to gather (y/n)’s belongings, leaving no trace they were even there. They waited until the caretaker decided he’s had enough, which George didn’t mind until he came to the realization that (y/n)’s body - her bare chest - remained pressed to his back, keeping it away from view in the event the old man does catch them (and George was sure he was frozen on the spot).
It wasn’t until Filch’s disappearance and (y/n) peeling her body away from him that his breathing returned to normal. He was so sure the girl hadn’t noticed the change in his demeanor, but when she swam to face him, smirking up at him as she looked at him with a glint in her eyes, that he realized she had.
“What’s so funny?” George asked as she let out a breathy laugh, covering her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stifle her adorable snort, “Oh, so you find our situation amusing?”
“Very” she replied, hands making their way onto George’s shoulders to keep her steady and afloat (she was too short that her feet didn’t even touch the bottom, even when George stood shoulder-deep). She continued, “I just never imagined you’d see me naked on our first encounter - it’s definitely a story worth telling”
“Not to my family, I hope”
“Especially to your family!” (Y/n) threw her head back in laughter. “I’d want to see their reaction if I tell them you’ve already seen me naked - without context”
“Mum’ll be furious” George laughed.
“Alright, lovebirds! Time to get out!” Angelina interjected their little moment, her head peeking out from above the docks as she presented them with two fresh robes, “C’mon! We don’t want anyone sick”
“But I’m having too much fun!” (Y/n) replied sarcastically, turning to wink at George briefly before swimming up to Angelina, “besides, I reckon the water woke George up! Saw him yawning far too many times before we got here”
“Oh, trust me! (Y/n)” Fred joined in, glancing at his brother with a teasing smirk, “It’s not the water that woke him up”
“Who would’ve thought we’d make it here?” George snuck a look towards (y/n), watching her grin as they reminisce their old memories together.
He continued, “I certainly didn’t. When the war was starting to rise and days got a bit darker, I was afraid where our relationship would go - especially since we were in different houses. Yet you continue to surprise me, even until now…”
(Y/n) stood out among the students in the small group, being the only one in green among those in blue, yellow, and red. She prided herself in it, how willing she was to learn magic that would defend her from fellow-purebloods in her house.
She knew far too much, from whispers in the common room, so she knows a war is inevitable - that he’s really back and he’s here to kill.
George knows there are a million different things running through her mind right now, being a witness to her rare distracted state just as the DA meeting started. So, when she moved to stare at the pictures on the mirror in the Room of Requirement when the lesson concluded, George waved his brother off ahead of him.
He approached (y/n) cautiously, watching the way her eyes darted towards him in their reflection as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, slotting their bodies together like puzzle pieces. His chin rested on top of her head, her hands placing themselves over his she continued studying the picture of the first Order of the Phoenix.
“They were so young,” she spoke after a few minutes of silence.
“Hmm?” George asked, too distracted by their reflections on the mirror to know what she was pertaining to.
“Lily and James Potter,” she continued, nodding at the photo, “I- I don’t think I’d know what to do if I were in their position”
“Well, knowing you,” George watched as (y/n) twisted in his arms to face him, feeling his heart bear faster when her palm rested over his chest as she stared up at him, giving him her full attention. He gulped, “knowing you, you’d fight bravely and selflessly - just as they had”
“You think too highly of me, Georgey” she giggled, resting her cheek onto her chest, humming in delight.
“As everyone should”
They were enveloped in silence again, relishing the embrace they were in before they’d have to leave the Room of Requirement and face reality all over again.
“…let’s run away”
“What?” George didn’t know if he heard her right, his eyes widening as they met (y/n)’s again.
“I said let’s run away”
George chuckled, pulling her closer to his chest in amusement, “soon love… soon”
“And you’ve always been there for me and Freddie,” George’s voice shook, his eyes running over the few remaining words that concluded his speech.
A grin made its way onto George’s face when the front door swung open, revealing (y/n) who looked far too exhausted to be visiting her friends. He knows she’s been having a rough time at work, needing to handle mountain-loads of paperwork on a daily basis as the Head Auror, and with Ron and Harry recently finishing their training, he was sure they’ve caused quite some trouble the former-Slytherin had to handle.
She flashed him a small smile when their eyes met, darting straight to the dining room to place a paper bag onto the table. “I’ve got us dinner”
“Sometimes I wonder if you actually live with us, love” Commented Fred as he emerged from the bathroom, a grin onto his face as well, at the sight of her, “you’re here everyday, might as well move in, right?”
“You know you two make me feel less lonely” she pushed Fred’s face away when he tried to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek with a giggle, “besides, I’ve heard from a little birdie that you’re gotten a date with Angelina, Freddie”
“I’m guessing that little birdie’s our ickle Ronnikins?” Fred chuckled, eyes darting towards George in a glare for a brief moment before turning his attention back to (y/n), slinging an arm over her shoulder, “well you’ve heard wrong, darling, because it’s actually George here who’s gotten a date with her”
“Oh,” her voice held surprise as her head snapped towards George, eyes holding a look he’s never really seen from her before. George noticed Fred’s subtle movement, shaking her a bit which seemed to bring her back to reality as she flashed him a tight-lipped smile, “well, I’m happy for you - truly”
“I’m feeling quite famished,” Fred broke the tension, finally stealing that kiss on the cheek from (y/n) who shoved him away with a laugh, “We’re so lucky we have you bringing us dinner almost everyday, love. Pretty sure we’ll end up burning the entire kitchen down if we attempt cooking anything other than instant noodles”
“…even when there are times I can’t be there for you…”
“You alright, Freddie?” George’s voice rang through the quiet flat, seeing Fred sitting at their dining table with his head in his hands, a sheet of parchment laid out in front of him, “What’s that?”
“It’s nothing” Fred murmured, shaking his head as he attempted to compose himself, tucking the sheet into his journal in a haste, tossing it onto the counter as he stood up to leave, “I’m off for a bit - don’t wait up”
With that, he grabbed his coat from the rack, rushing to put it on as he made a beeline towards the door, leaving George in silence. Unconsciously, his eyes darted towards the journal, intimidated by the corner of the parchment still sticking out as he neared it.
He knows he shouldn’t do it, that he should respect his twin brother’s privacy - but with the war that happened not so long ago he has this need to know, this need to inform himself before anyone can get the upper hand at him. What if the letter was a death threat? Merlin knows they’ve received too much of them the time they released products like You-Know-Poo. He’s almost lost his brother once, he doesn’t want to go through it again.
So, with a deep inhale, George snatched the letter from between the pages, opening it hurriedly, afraid he’ll get caught.
His breathing came out in heavy pants as he read through the familiar handwriting:
Fred —
I remember telling you how stupid it was for you to think I’d regret rejecting your wedding proposal just so we could get mother off my back. I mean, I thought she’d finally let go of the arranged marriage idea when she blasted me off the family tree. I guess I was wrong.
I found out today that she had arranged for me to marry Rodolfo Avery in a month, and I think it’s for the best that I agree. You see, I’m not really getting younger, am I? Even if you’ve told me years ago to wait for George to get his shit together it seems it’s a lost cause - he’s deeply in love with Angelina, I don’t want to get in the way. Besides, Rodolfo can be quite a gentleman if he wanted to - husband material? Guess I’ll have to wait for the wedding to know.
I’d appreciate it if you two attend the engagement party as my Men of Honor (if there’s such a thing), I’d really want to see some familiar faces there considering most of the attendees are of Rodolfo’s choosing. I hope you can keep this letter between us, I don’t want to drag your brother in this mess. The invitations are sent out tomorrow so watch out for my owl!
With love and probably too much alcohol in my system, (y/n).
“George?” Fred’s voice brought him back to reality.
George blinked a few times, eyes focusing slowly towards the girl sat in the middle of the room, watching in confusion as George remained silent, ceasing his speech abruptly. He looked down at the parchment again, reading the last sentence, ‘There is nothing more I’d want in the world than to see you happy’, before looking back up.
Is she really happy?
The letter she wrote said otherwise. She was waiting for him, even after all these years. She was the one who decided it was all over for them, decided to push through this marriage even though she knows she wouldn’t be happy.
She decided to settle for someone else just because he’s been too chicken to admit he’s always loved her.
“George, come back here!” Fred snapped in a hushed whisper, tugging the hem of George’s robes. But George wasn’t moving consciously right now. No, his feet felt like they have a mind of their own as they moved towards the center of the room, bringing him in front of (y/n) who looked just as surprised as he was.
“Hi, George” She grinned up at him, eyes holding the same glint it did when they had first met, “you alright?”
“More than” he replied breathlessly, “(y/n)…”
“I’ve been in love with you for ages” he blurted out, glancing at the soon-to-be-groom nervous, only to see him nodding his head encouragingly. He knows. “And as I look at you right now, I know only one thing: that I want to be the one calling you my wife in the future”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying… I’m saying let’s run away together”
(Y/n) smiled, her memories of that time she said those exact same words to him in the Room of Requirement replaying in her head. She looked down at George’s outstretched hand, then back up at him, smiling at the way his hands shook in nervousness, uncertain if she would give him the time to make it up to her.
It’s all up to her now. The decision is hers.
With a wink at her -now- ex-fiancee, she grabbed George’s hand, allowing him to pull her up from her seat, out the front door, and into the night.
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nomunamuinmybrain · 3 years
Work you out (M)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: M
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 2.4K
In collaboration with the lovely @alwaysdarkestbeforethedawn94
Disclaimer: if you are under the age of 18 please know that this contains heavy sexual themes and mature language.
Summary: Working for Hybe has been an experience. Being Jungkook’s manager is another story. His sharp eyes, firm jawline and snarky attitude was a deadly combination to begin with. The guy easily found his way to your heart and you simply couldn't take it anymore.
Thinking back to how I managed to land such an unimaginable employment opportunity must have been a miracle. Unquestionably, working for HYBE had so many benefits; I swore to never leave this place. Sure, I was a simple manager's assistant, but I was by the side of one of the managers that handled the most important talent in the stretch of South Korea, the entire globe to be honest, BTS. I was assigned the position of assistant to the manager of one of the guys, none other than Jeon Jungkook. I really couldn’t believe my luck. Not only was I a part of one of the most skyrocketing influential enterprises in the country, but I also had the chance to meet some of the most inspiring people in the whole world! Who would have thought?!
Did I have a crush on the guy by the end of my first month working here? Yes, but who wouldn't? He is the sweetest, always polite and courteous. I've met my share of self-boasting asshats; this industry is flooded with such. This guy is worth billions and he has remained ridiculously humble. Word got around about him being a wonderful young man and I could positively say he is so much more up close. Jungkook is ridiculously handsome that’s a given already, but his personality was the real deal-maker. He reminds me of a dark stormy thundery night where I cover myself with my favourite warm fluffy blanket starring out of the window a rich flavored hot chocolate in hand.
In general, I quite enjoy working at the company’s principled environment. Don’t get me wrong, nothing in this world is rainbows and butterflies, but overall, I can confidently say that it’s been a mainly positive experience. Thankfully, the department I am in is assembled by kind, funny people who like to get things done. There hasn’t been a day were I regretted coming here. As for my daily duties as an assistant, working for Jungkook meant keeping up with his appointments, helping him with anything at anytime, managing his schedule, making sure it matches with the other guys' and so much more. I was required to work around the clock and as a single independent woman in her late twenties who was trying to figure out the world around her that didn’t sound like such a bad idea, though I digress. Essentially, I was one of the employees responsible for pretty much anything and everything he needed. Our department was at his disposal 24/7 running around, living that busy life.
That's until the pandemic struck. That was the first time I thought to myself that this might be nature’s valiant plan to get back what man so forcefully took from her. Suddenly, everything was canceled; life got put on a hold. My dearest supervisor, Jungkook's manager, had to stay at home because he had kids. In fact, a lot of people had to stay at home. Abruptly, days became weeks and weeks became months. The desperation and frustration we were feeling was like nothing else ever experienced. Truthfully, it felt like something had been stolen from us and we could never get it back. In this manner, when the gears finally started grinding again I was assigned to be the on-site manager for Jungkook. That meant being in direct contact with him more so than before and of course, being responsible for a ton of other obligations.  
Not going to lie, the first months were slightly awkward for both of us and understandably so. We both were used to very different working arrangements. I might have been working behind the scenes before, but now I had to step into the spotlight becoming his own personal shadow, and I am sure he wasn’t really comfortable with that. Taken into account the current situation everyone looked like a volcano ready to erupt.  
Once, I happened to accidentally step in a not so common incident; maybe it was a circumstance I wasn’t supposed to witness. He was on the phone at the time, when I saw him. That’s why I decided it was best if I stayed behind the half closed door of the studio. I couldn’t hear what he was saying and it was none of my business after all, but I could tell by the minute I laid my eyes on him that something was wrong. Something had been bothering him; irritation written all over his face. He was pacing back and forth, phone still on his ear. He was clenching his fist so hard I wondered if his nails cut into his skin. He was breathing heavily, almost as if he would burst and his muscles grew tense.  
Then, in an instant, it seemed that the call ended and as he was putting the phone in his pocket he slammed his fists down onto the table a loud bang echoing in the room. After some consideration, I knocked on the door to make my presence known and he sharply looked at me. Without having the chance to say anything to him he let out a loud growl and left the room leaving me dumbfounded and unaware by the door. Soon after that, he apologized for the way he acted confessing that he had an unfortunate falling out with one of his closest friends and at the time he couldn’t process what was happening. I would never forget that day. It was the day I came across a not so familiar side to him.
From that day forward, things miraculously became easier and Jungkook was way more relaxed around my presence, we joked around often and he even texted me to ask about a variety of things outside of regular working hours. We managed to develop a teasing relationship full of endless borderline flirtatious banter. He had this other side to him that only a selected few got the chance to know. Jeon Jungkook was indeed a comforting raging night, but he was also an infuriating playful mischievous brat when he wanted to be. This in all honesty, made him a hundred times more irresistible in my eyes.
Life was going on smoothly until Jungkook decided that taking after midnight trips to the gym was perfectly acceptable, insisting that I escort him instead of his bodyguard. I cursed every single time but I went anyway. Forty-five minutes after midnight he was lifting weights, unbothered. Taking secret short glances towards him I contemplated what I had done in my previous life to deserve this torment. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less about the late hour, but to have this view in front of my eyes was causing me both mental and physical pain. The guy was clearly sculpted by the gods. With his broad chest, muscular arms and thick thighs he could have anyone he ever wanted. He even sported an hourglass figure; He is insanely unreal. That’s the main reason why I decided to sit there preoccupied with a silly game on my phone to kill time until the suffering ended. I was barely hanging from a string at the verge of blowing off the barrier between my personal and professional life.
Out of the blue, with a loud grunt, he dropped the weights, drawing me out of my contemplation. He looked annoyed for whatever reason. He tried his best to seem nonchalant but it was obvious, in his beautiful stern eyes. Could he be craving for an audience? Abandoning every rational thought I had, I put my phone away, looked in his direction as I got up to get water. I smirked at his clear annoyance. Surely, we weren't supposed to interact with the artists this way but I am cranky and sleepy, and for the first time ever, he was being kind of an ass to me. Was I perhaps the reason behind his sudden personality change? The thought kept floating at the back of my mind.  
This kept going on for about three weeks or so and I gave him nothing. His annoyance prominent in his expression, more and more as the weeks went by. He was hot but I am sure all he had been seeking was an audience given that he missed it, or so I thought. Thursday evening rolls around and I was particularly iffy tonight ‘because I was extremely frustrated, sexually. This one was making my situation worse, sporting a tight black tank top and skinny grey sweatpants which made him look like a treat. He could easily pass for a bodyguard with those broad well-built shoulders. As my eyes scanned his body I realized this was the first time his tatted sleeve was on display. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander. By the time I was done his eyes were already fixed on mine and I turned away immediately, embarrassment written all over my face.  
Seeking solace in the women’s bathroom I tried to extinguish this ravenous yearning. The feeling of cold water did nothing to help the burning desire that was building inside me. Without warning, a knock at the door was heard, his sweet angelic voice following "Are you okay?" he asked, the remnants of a smirk could be heard still. "Jungkook you cannot be here, I am okay. I'll be out in a minute." I exclaimed, as calm as I could. "It's been ten minutes. I can't continue unless you're there." He insisted, I heard him chuckle after that.
With that, it was now or never, I pushed the door’s handle and made my way outside rolling my eyes in the process and he caught that, quickly moving closer, clearly annoyed, jaw clenched, eyes taking in my features, making him look not quite intimidating but definitely interesting. No, it was my mistake. Not just interesting, he looked ravishing. "As I said, I'll be out in a minute. Then you can finish up" I argued. But he didn't budge, moving even closer, if that was even possible, he was almost a breath away. "I don't feel like working out anymore" he declared like a child whose toy was taken away from him. As if I chose to play heads or tails with my career, I poked the beast further, "What is it that you want to do then?" I asked making sure he heard the annoyance in my tone. Coming even closer, to the point where he was completely pressed up against me, "You" he uttered calmly yet authoritatively. Before I could process what he had just said his soft lips crushed mine with a vengeance, thirsty. Pulling my lip with his teeth, he kept planting kisses from my lips to my jaw trailing down to my neck and décolletage; a surprised panting left my lips.  
It felt as if I had involuntarily awakened this beastly hunger within him. His kisses insatiable and his touch was possessive, "I've been thinking about this for so long" he confessed as he took my hoodie off. "Sitting there, not giving a word let alone a glimpse. If you think this is off-limits you're wrong" he growled pointing at himself. "I can guarantee that once we're done here you definitely won't be able to look at me, ever." As he said all that, he managed to get me in a compromising position against the sink, his slim waist in between my legs. He kept my gaze as he lowered his head between my thighs. Little shit kept giving me hickeys on the soft flesh of my inner thighs, so close to my now dripping core. He enjoyed tormenting me and it showed. I was helpless but oh, God was all of this hot. He licked a stripe over my soaked panties, "Oh baby, you smell delicious" and with one hand he took off my underwear completely.
He sank in my folds, letting a guttural moan that I felt vibrating through my core. Not being able to think about what was happening I let myself indulge in my carnal desire my hands tangled in between his luscious hair.  
He loved food and I've watched him eat before, but this must be one of his favorites ‘cause he was doing his best not to let a drop go to waste; he acted like a man starved. His hands held me in place, thankfully, ‘cause everything was too much; nothing could stop me from shaking, feeling everything deep in my core, he was too much. He just had to be good at everything. He kept a torturous tempo, from sucking my clit to his sinful tongue penetrating me, and as tears gathered around my eyes he decided to add his slender fingers in bringing me closer to heaven than I've ever been. "That's it baby, let go. Let go for me" he exhaled and just like that I had the most intense climax. My limbs felt numb, my whole body felt like rubber.  
Before I could register what was happening he was back at it, sucking my over stimulated clit, my thighs unconsciously closing around his head as oversensitivity hit. "One more, please, come on baby, you can do it" he begged. He kept pumping his fingers while sucking my clit, as if it was his only goal in life. My screams muffled through my own hand clamped on my mouth as I reached my high for a second time that night. I felt it take over me with such intensity I didn't register what had happened. He emerged from between my thighs, soaked from me squirting and with a proud look on his face he declared "Now I look like I had the workout of a lifetime".  
He helped me get dressed and pulled me close for a soft peck. He must have noticed my concerned look because he wrapped his arms around me in a warm hug and said "Don't be scared about this, we can work it out. I really like you and I'd like you to stick around". Starring into his eyes, I nodded and he pulled me close for the sweetest kiss, trying to tame my bewildered hair. He helped me get dressed and got out the door first to make sure that no one was around. I waited for a moment and then I got a text.  
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