#and I think that is something he and Gaz bond over
After the end - Post-apocalypse Omegaverse AU
Summary - You won't be cornered in your territory and that's final. You begin to make little presents for your trespassers should they dare to enter your woods. Meanwhile, the four alphas find something very interesting...
Tags - Omegaverse (duh), alpha/beta/omega dynamics, non traditional dynamics, all of the 141 are alphas, you're an omega. Eventual smut, dub-con, knotting, mating press, polyamory, alphas love alphas. 141 x reader. The reader is officially a bad ass
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You stared down at the nest you had created and suddenly felt disgusted and angry. These alphas have stepped onto your territory and made you react like this. Three years of near bliss, despite the struggles, gone. The anger rolled over you in waves, it boiled your blood to the point you felt hot all over your body.
No. You weren't about to cower in your cabin and let some stupid alphas wander all over your territory. You were going to do something about it. You marched back towards your living room and opened one of the closets on the side of the hallway. You grabbed the bag full of supplies and swung it over your shoulder then looked at the shotgun leaned against the wall.
You hesitated only for a moment before you grabbed it too. Even in the times before the world ended you hadn't been one for conventionality. You preferred to be alone on your own property living your own life. And no alpha or beta, whether back then or now, was going to take this from you. You shoved the extra ammunition into your pockets and unbarred your door.
The cold winter air nipped at your skin and distantly you could still smell their combined scents. You pulled stuffing from a torn apart pillow and stuffed it up your nose. Happy hunting indeed, you thought as you stepped off into your piece heaven that would become their hell.
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"Hey captain," Gaz said as they wandered through the very small town. It had likely been abandoned for ages. The first thing Gaz had noticed was that the windows were smashed in but the doors boarded up. Then he noticed the marks, spray paint in different symbols meaning something or another. "I think this place has been completely stripped bare."
Price hummed thoughtfully and turned to look around at the other buildings. All of them in similar states of disrepair but all with symbols sprayed onto them. He turned to his team, and contemplated their next steps. "Do you think they might still be around?" Ghost spoke up finally.
Price glanced at his lieutenant. They had stuck together when the entire world had completely gone down. First the electricity and then a disease. It apparently didn't take much else to throw the world into chaos. People killed people all the time before but not even Ghost had been prepared for the level of depravity some people dove to. Kidnapping local omegas, killing betas or hunting alphas for sport. Blowing up buildings and ransacking stores.
They had all stuck together as a pack since that was what they had always done. They wandered from place to place and it had taken them a little over a year to make it back to the UK. Bonds grew stronger and their ruts continued. They were all each other's support. Price considered the facts in front of them.
"Negative. I don't think whoever did this is still around," Price said as he eyed the pharmacy. The only building not having been closed off or marked with an 'x'. "Soap, Gaz, go investigate the pharmacy, me and Ghost will try to find any other buildings not marked."
They wandered around the town for a bit with Gaz and Soap meeting back up not long after they had departed. "Over tae counter medicine like Advil but nae much else," Soap tossed Ghost the bottle who looked over it.
"Not expired yet. Good find."
"Wait," Gaz suddenly said and sniffed the air. Everyone paused, Gaz had the best nose of them all. Able to sniff out any scents even days old. He walked over to a telephone pole that had a red smear on it and sniffed with his nose almost on the old blood.
He felt his cock chub up his pants immediately at the scent. At first it smelled like sweat and dirt but underneath that was a tangy, sour then sweet like a granny smith apple or a green grape, scent. An unmistakable smell of omega.
Gaz turned to the three other alphas, "There's an omega around." He grinned.
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Hehe I'm gonna have fun writing this
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I do not give any permissions to repost my work, use it in AI, translate my work or any other thing. All rights reserved with me.
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umbra-mayhem · 5 months
141 and their fav birds
I'm a bird photographer, so here's some thoughts (lol I know nobody else thinks about birds like this but whatever, just let me have my fun)
Price - Eurasian Goshawk! Feels a kinship over their shared fiercely protective temperaments. These birds have the strength and power Price wants to emulate as a captain.
Gaz - Hooded Crow! He rescued and raised a baby hooded crow when he was a kid. He appreciates their intelligence and easily makes friends with any he comes across.
Ghost - Barn Owls! He likes the dichotomy of their near-silent flying and scream-like calls. Also Turkey Vultures, for their visual and dietary aesthetic of course.
Soap - Eurasian Oystercatcher! They remind him of home (I headcanon that he grew up on the coast). And their color palette is a bit reminiscent of a certain Lieutenant's...
Roach - Pheonix! Technically not a real bird, but I think Roach likes the idea of rebirth through fire. But I also think he might be scared of birds lol.
Pics of the birds below!
Eurasian Goshawk:
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Hooded Crow:
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Barn Owl:
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Turkey Vulture:
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Eurasian Oystercatcher:
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moongreenlight · 1 year
141 gossiping about Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley for roughly 3,000 words idk titles are hard
Price was the first to notice. Priding himself on being incredibly observant, especially when it came to his boys.
He noticed that whenever they had a break from trainings or meetings, he’d somehow always find the two of you in a room together. Never close enough to give him reason to say anything. You scribbling notes on a patient report at one table, Ghost at another, his chair angled just enough so that he could watch you from the corner of his eye.
Noticed the way Ghost’s hand rested on the small of your back for a heartbeat when you entered a doorway before him. Just a brush of his massive hand on you, quick enough to be mistaken for an accidental touch.
Noticed how Ghost’s eyes seemed to always flick to you from across the mess hall. Not often, but enough for Price to casually turn his head and see that same nurse Ghost seemed to have a preference for.
At first, Price thought he could help by being a wingman of sorts. When Ghost took damage on a mission, Price would escort him to medbay and watch as he dismissed nurse after nurse until you were finally available to treat him. Price lingered as long as he could before you inevitably waved him away, cheekily reminding him you always took good care of his team and that you’d have ‘Lieutenant Riley’ back in no time. The only thing he could catch was the way Ghost’s shoulders relaxed by a hair’s breadth when you drew the curtain shut behind you.
He tried again during a meeting with his boys. Suggesting they bring a medic on a mission with them. Said something about how it would be better to have the option of a patch-up readily available. Keep his team fighting fit in real time instead of having to wait until they came back to base. Price saw the way Ghost tensed slightly in his seat, the muscles in his jaw twitching under his balaclava.
The notion was quickly vetoed. Ghost grumbling something about not wanting to babysit any more than he already does. How it’s ultimately more paperwork he doesn’t want to have to deal with.
He tried once more, going to Ghost’s office one evening. Almost turning tail once he realized how ridiculous it was to be this insistent on figuring out if his Lieutenant had some boyish crush on the sweet nurse he always seemed to be lingering around. But ultimately decided that it was good practice to know more about his team personally. Better bonding meant better interaction on the field, right?
He asked Ghost to redo some paperwork. Add a ‘next of kin’ to his file in the event that something happened and they needed to alert someone. Ghost looked a little suspicious, shrugging off the request.
“Left it off for a reason, Captain.”
He said gruffly, waving a hand. Barely looking up from his desk.
Price pursed his lips, shifting his weight slightly.
“You sure, Simon? Haven’t got anyone that’d be interested to know what happened to you?”
Ghost rubbed the bridge of his nose, like the conversation was more trouble than it was worth, before shrugging once more. Finally looking up from his desk and leaning back slightly in his chair.
“You planning on shipping me off somewhere and not picking me back up?”
A small chuckle from Price. A shake of his head.
“Can’t say I am.”
“Cheers, then. Leave it off.”
This quelled Price’s curiosity for a while, unable to dream up any other reason to try and force Ghost to indulge him. It no doubt hurt his ego a bit, thinking about how his Lieutenant and one of his closest friends was so dead set on keeping his personal life so closely guarded. He’d push the feelings aside, chalk it up to being jaded by his work. Over-involved in the lives of Soap and Gaz. It was probably good for Simon to have something sacred.
Soap wasn’t as easily deterred once he caught on. Not as immediately perceptive as the others, but he knew Ghost well enough to know his tells.
It was after a long mission. Months long. Grueling, shitty, exhausting work. They got back in the early evening, mercifully spared from a debrief until the following day. Soap somehow ended up dragging Ghost to a dive bar a few blocks from base. Trying to sound persuasive when he mentioned that it was a Friday night and they deserved a few drinks and some female attention after all this time going without.
And they did get attention. Two good looking military men sitting at the bar were bound to. Soap knew that Ghost wasn’t one to play the field, but this was a bit frigid even for him. Ignoring girls who came up and tried to strike conversation. Rolling his eyes, or huffing a sigh like it was a chore to even dismiss them, drumming his fingers on the wall of his glass like he’s bored. It was baffling.
What was even more baffling was the way that Ghost’s knee bounced slightly against the stool. An infinitesimally small movement, but the way it caught Johnny’s eye made it seem like Ghost was all but jumping up and down. He looked almost anxious. Itching to get up and leave.
“Fuck’s wrong with you?”
Ghost’s head jerked toward Johnny, cold eyes narrowing in a way that would have been terrifying years ago- before he’d gotten used to it.
“Come again?”
“Got somewhere to be, have you?”
He sounds almost indignant. Like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. Ghost is stand-offish by nature, but this is a caliber he hasn’t yet encountered. Almost enough to be offensive. To make him question the quality of his company.
“Maybe I do. What’s it to you?”
Ghost grumbled, killing the contents of his glass with a final mouthful. Setting it back on the counter and moving to drum his fingers on the bar.
“Been out of the country for months and you expect me to believe you’ve got plans tonight?”
This earned a sigh, low enough to pass as a growl.
“You keeping my social calendar now, then?”
He stood, digging through his wallet for a moment before slapping some cash down on the table next to his empty glass. Not giving Johnny an opportunity to lodge any further complaints against him. Before he nodded his goodnight and slipped out of the bar. Mumbling something about needing to get back to his flat and check on some things.
Soap couldn’t get his mind around it. Ghost was elusive, sure, but again; something seemed off. He was calm, cool, and collected. Wouldn’t be caught dead manifesting his impatience physically. The fidgeting and twitching in his seat. The first place Soap’s mind went was maybe Ghost was dying? That’d be the only reasonable explanation for his behavior. But even then, it seemed a bit extreme.
The next day after the debrief, which was nearly as brutal as the deployment itself, Soap was still so in his head about Ghost’s behavior he almost didn’t notice the pretty nurse who seemed to be waiting for someone at the end of the hall. In fact, he was so stuck in his own mind, he only caught a fleeting glimpse of Ghost’s back rounding the corner with the nurse at his side. Hushed conversation disappearing with them. A softer, much more pleasant voice than Simon’s.
He debated whether or not to follow them, maybe answer the questions that’d been plaguing his mind. Ultimately, he decided in favor of it. Padding down the hall behind the duo who seemed to be headed back to Simon’s office. They weren’t walking closely enough to touch, but Soap immediately picked up on the tension between them. Like the distance was serving some sort of purpose.
Soap lingered in the hallway for a few minutes after the two disappeared into Ghost’s office, trying to sort the pieces of the puzzle he’d barely began collecting. He ultimately decided to go the route he was most comfortable with. Not one for sneaking about, he simply strode up to the office door and swung it open.
You were sat at one of the chairs in front of Simon’s desk, him standing with his arms folded over his chest next to you. Not compromising enough for Johnny’s taste, but he still put on a wide grin and nodded to you.
“Forget how to knock?”
Ghost’s voice was calm enough, but his eyes were shooting daggers straight through Johnny. You looked stiff as a board, chewing the inside of your lip through the tight smile you were giving him.
“Sorry, L.T. Needed to know if you’re still on for trainings this afternoon.”
He didn’t miss the way your eyes flicked to Ghost, communicating something that he couldn’t quite decipher wordlessly before you began studying your nails in your lap.
Ghost cleared his throat, rolling his tongue in his cheek. Growling something obscene under his breath. The agitation rolling off of him in waves.
“No. Got another assignment.”
And with that, Soap was all but thrown from the office. Querying about this ‘new assignment’ the whole way. Simon crowding him to the door until he finally snapped it shut on his nose.
He heard later that day Ghost was seen in medbay with a toolkit swearing at an X-Ray machine that had been giving you trouble for a month. After that, Soap was on the two of you like a fly on shit. Never missing an opportunity to bring you up to Ghost or vise versa. Mock-innocently saying something to Ghost in passing at dinner about you. Asking if he fancied you. When he said no, Johnny shrugged and nodded. Saying he was glad because he had plans to ask you out the next time he was injured.
That comment landed Soap in the bay sooner than expected. Escorting him to a different nurse’s exam area and standing guard the entire time his black eye was being iced. Berating him for not being able to block a few punches when they had sparred after dinner.
And Gaz, sweet boy that he is, was always more emotionally in-tune. Observant about the little things. Able to pick up on queues Soap and Price may have missed over the years. He was keen as he was quiet, keeping all his little discoveries to himself. Over the years, he’d created a small arsenal of moments he wasn’t sure were significant enough to bring up. Things he could have talked himself into imagining if he thought about them hard enough. Not wanting to jump to conclusions about anything.
But he noticed the incredibly subtle tan line on Ghost’s left hand. Noticed the way he tapped his foot impatiently when the debrief after a long deployment ran long. Noticed the way you always seemed to be around the yard when they touched down after a mission. The way your shoulders dropped when you saw all four of them had returned home. Like you had just been relieved the duty of holding up the sky.
He didn’t immediately connect the dots. Initially thinking that you’d just taken a special liking to the task force. They were some of your most frequent visitors, after all. Price had all but claimed you as their own. Specially requesting that you were the only one to patch their wounds, claiming the other nurses couldn’t hold a flame to your skill.
He didn’t mind. Came to enjoy the little chats the two of you had when the curtains around the cot were drawn. The little kikis you had where you chatted about anything and everything. Complaining about your jobs, irritating patients, botched missions, the morsels of gossip from around base.
One day, after a particularly nasty skirmish on a mission, all four of the men had gnarly wounds. You looked a bit more tired than usual. A bit more on-edge. Your answers were a bit more flat than they usually were. So the first part of the assessment was left mostly silent spare for a few soft “thank you’s” on his part.
It was only when you were bandaging a wound on his thigh did he notice the shape of a ring on your left hand under your glove. A thin band that wrapped neatly around your finger.
“Didn’t know you were married, doc.”
It was a passing comment, more just to spare him the agony of trying to hide his soft groans of pain in the thick silence.
You hummed your acknowledgment, focused more on working sutures through his skin neatly than anything else.
“Lucky bloke. Hope he’s good to you.”
It wasn’t flirty or predatory, like so many of the soldiers could be. A genuine thought. He’d always thought you were sweet. Easy to chat with, always offering him a smile and a chirped greeting when the two of you passed in the hall. Thought you deserved someone to share in your kindness.
You smiled, brow still furrowed slightly in your focus while tying off the stitches.
“He does alright.”
You chuckled softly, straightening on your stool and rolling back just slightly so you could meet his eye.
“All these years and you never mentioned. I’m hurt.”
He words came with a practiced ease, slipping back into your usual playful chatter without missing a beat. Flashing a coy grin as he carefully flexed and relaxed his leg. Getting a feel for the newly patched wound.
You rolled the gloves off your hands and tossed them into the bin. Standing from your stool to scribble a few notes on his chart.
“Not something that ever came up.”
“Now it has. He have a name? How long you been together?”
You chuckled once more, looking over your shoulder at him with an arched brow. A little skeptical of his curiosity.
“A good while.”
He noticed the way you evaded his former question, like you’d done it before. It only fueled his curiosity.
“You worried I’ll know him? Or are you embarrassed? Not much of a looker?”
This earned an amused snort from you, turning away from the chart you’d been working on.
“Nothing wrong with wanting to keep my personal life personal, is there?”
You winked at him, pushing open the curtain that divided the small exam area from the rest of the bay.
He made a small sound of protest, making no move to stand from the cot just yet.
“Alright, forget it. Didn’t even want to know anyway.”
He sounded like a child being denied a sweet. Even playing up the act with a small pout on his mouth.
You tutted softly, conjuring up the best mock-sympathetic look you could before motioning for him to stand.
“We’ll talk later. Captain’ll have my hide if I keep you away a moment longer than is necessary.”
Another sound of protest, followed by a throaty groan as he finally pushed up off the bed. Unsure if he was being dramatic or if the aftermath of the mission had truly gotten to him that bad. Always a flare for the dramatics, him.
He muttered his thanks, cupping your shoulder in his hand as he trudged out. Making you promise to have a proper chat with him later.
He lingered in the bay, allowing himself a few moments peace before getting back to work. Just as he finally turned to leave, he saw Ghost moving stiffly- like he was trying to downplay a limp- toward your little exam area. Though for some reason, the scene looked a bit strange to him. He couldn’t help but peek in.
He caught the way you watched him lumber over with big, worried eyes. The way your nails dug into your palms until he was finally within arms reach. The way you quickly glanced around to see if anyone was paying the two of you any attention before your hands flew to his neck, fingers slipping expertly under the hem of his mask and yanking it up over his nose. Not rough or angry, but with the kind of urgency that suggested you may die if you didn’t see a sliver of his skin. Make absolutely certain he was truly there with you.
The most jarring part- Ghost actually allowing you to touch the mask. Allowing your little hands to breach his personal space. Hands that would have easily been dwarfed by his own, swallowed up and twisted or shoved away like he had seen happen so many times in sparring matches with prospect soldiers. But Ghost just let it happen.
It was a flurry of movement, so fast that Gaz was certain he could have blinked and missed it. Frozen watching the two of you from just behind another exam area. Feeling like he was intruding without even meaning to.
And then he saw the way Ghost’s big arms snaked around your waist, drawing you flush to his front. You leaning up onto your toes to bring your face closer to the Lieutenant’s. A fervid kiss. You flinging your arms around his neck. The way your shoulders shook. A small, choked sob that Gaz was all but certain he imagined. Drowned out for everyone else by the sounds of the bay.
He was almost shocked that the world continued to move after that. Shocked that something that seemed so monumental could happen tucked away into your barely private exam area. Shocked that your reunion hadn’t halted time and space for everyone else like it had for the two of you.
He felt dirty. Like he should go up and apologize for lingering and seeing what he saw. But he stayed rooted to the spot, finding it impossible to move.
Truly the most damning part was when he caught the quickest glimpse of your badge just before the curtain was tugged shut. The badge you kept carefully pinned to your uniform face-down for a reason he couldn’t fathom until now. Twisted free for just a moment and finally connecting the snippets of information he’d collected over the years.
(Y/N Riley)
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charliemwrites · 9 months
In this 1fur1 au….may I raise you wolf!price? The dog/man basically struts right into your home out of the woods and immediately takes his place as pack leader. It doesn’t matter that you’re supposed to be the one giving orders, price is in charge now.
You want to get off the couch and away from the mass of cuddles? Absolutely not. Price will be giving you a look so domineering you are sitting right back down no questions asked. He has you well trained ;)
The others don’t seem to mind the new addition either, making way for a new top dog. Price is quiet and doesn’t cause trouble, but if you’re late home be prepared to face his doggy wrath
Okay, so I love this concept, but I’m gonna raise you one - and write a new part for it.
(Don’t worry, Gaz is coming soon. This ask just really spoke to me lol).
This is also a part 1 — part 2 coming soon.
Three fuck-off sized wolf dogs is a lot. Like, a lot. There’s the fur, the food, the playtime. And then just the sheer clinginess. You’ve always thought of yourself as a dog person, that they just naturally are drawn to you because you tend to be quiet and respectful of boundaries.
Your boys though. They’re something else. Johnny was the easiest of the three to acclimate to your household. When it was just the two of you, bonding and learning him was easy. Whoever had him first had already done a lot of the work training him. And he naturally seems to like girls better so.
Ghost was more difficult. Clearly some trauma there, and a more wolfy-attitude towards humans. Primarily that he doesn’t seem to understand (or agree with) dumb pet things like harnesses, collars, and about 50% of the commands you give him unless you use your Serious Voice. He’s gotten less stingy with affection as time has gone on and his trust in you has grown.
Helped in part, you think, by learning his personality and behaviors. He’s a creature of strict habit. Likes his routines. Likes his space even more; you’ve always been respectful when he wanders off to another room, or when he climbs off the couch to lay nearby but not with you. You never mind, just call that you love him and leave him be.
Konig has been your biggest challenge so far. A lot of trauma there. And possibly a naturally shy personality; though it’s so hard to tell after everything he’s clearly been through. He’s been improving steadily each day, little by little. He’s sweet as can be, affectionate and snuggly when you manage to get him to join you and the others. The least aggressive with men when you take them for walks.
You’re lucky, the boys are so well-behaved — dislike of men notwithstanding. Scary dog privilege is a true blessing when you live alone, with no close neighbors, and right next to the woods. And they are so ridiculously sweet with you at least.
Still, they can be a lot. Any one of them is nearly the size of you, when all three of them decide to act up, it’s overwhelming.
Johnny will starting howling, pissed that Ghost has pinned him again. Ghost will start barking and grumbling - presumably trying to shut him up. And then Konig will insert himself, whining and tapping his feet, trying to break them up, you think.
Sometimes they’ll knock it off on their own, and Ghost will sneeze, shake off, and everyone will come to sit with you. But sometimes…
You wade in between them, get a hold of Ghost’s scruff and push him off with your thigh against his muscular shoulder. Nearly trip over Johnny as he tries to scramble up and get at Ghost, crying and growling at the same time somehow. You curse as Konig bumps into you, nearly makes you fall over Ghost, who backs up with his nose scrunched up like he’s gonna bite.
Which is about the time you’ve had enough.
“Boys!” There’s a blessed beat of silence. “Outside, now!”
Johnny charges for the door, barking over his shoulder at ghost, who is quick to follow. Konig is slightly slower, head ducked like he knows he’s being part of the problem.
You groan with relief as they pile outside, all three immediately getting into another tussle. They’ve been keyed up the last three days no matter what you do and today seems to be the day it’s finally boiling over. You just wish it was on a day that the yard isn’t wet with mud.
Well then. You drop onto the porch steps and run your hands down your face, sighing. Best to let them stay out as long as possible — try to make bath time a little easier, at least.
You hear nails on the wood next to you, a little squeak, a snort. Figuring it’s one of the boys, you reach a hand without looking and tangle your fingers in their scruff. Pause because… that does not feel like any of your boys.
No way.
You pick your head up, turn slowly. And yup, there’s a dog you’ve never seen before. Another weird wolf one. Not as big as Konig at least. Closer to Ghost’s size — and actually similar in coloration. Cream and tan, with sharp blue eyes, a funny pattern along his cheeks and jaw that looks a bit like a beard.
“What in the…” you breathe, “is there some kind of doggy magnet on this house or something?”
You creep your fingers up his neck and around to his chin, give him a little scritch before he tilts his head to sniff at your wrist.
“Hi, handsome,” you coo, “oof.”
You hurry to prop yourself up as he shoves his muzzle into your stomach, nuzzling up under your shirt. You squeak at the cold, wet nose on your skin — and then again he licks at your ribs.
“Alright, alright,” you huff, shoving at his chest.
He backs up, though not far, ears perked forward and eyes bright. You stare back at him for a second, then sigh and do your due diligence, searching for a collar or microchip. He waits patiently until you’re done, then stands and shakes himself off.
You arch an eyebrow as he barks twice. All three of your boys stop, heads jerking up and turning to the two of you on the porch. Another bark and your little pack comes trotting back. When Johnny tries to nip at Ghost’s haunch, the new dog rumbles low in his chest. And to your shock, Johnny falls in line and slinks inside.
“Huh,” you say.
The mystery pup sneaks a kiss to your cheek before following the others inside. When you just sit there for a second, staring, he twists to look at your over his shoulder and gives you a little “boof.”
You laugh. “Bossy bastard.” And follow them in.
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Main Story | Happy Birthday! | Price pt.2
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marcsburnerphone · 8 months
And they were roomates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: the captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: angsty (very minimal), mentions of readers past relationship, some bond building, smoking, some tense moments
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4!! - part 5
“Captain?” Soap yells from afar to get what seems to be prices attention. When he realizes that is indeed his captain he jogs to where John stands.
“What’re ye doin’ back?” Soap question a little confused, after their last two month mission John was granted leave for three months to recoup and rest. 
“Just came to turn in these files.” He says waving the Manila folders in his hands.
“You could’ve just done that online, you know.” And yes John does know and by the look he gives Johnny he also knows.
“What, trouble in paradise?” Johnny smiles widely at the guilty look on his captain's face.
“Something like that.” John replies clearly a little tense.
“Well, tell me about it.” He says waiting expectantly.
“Over some drinks Sergeant.” Price replies before making his way into the building and soap returning to the trainees.
“Oh that’s fucked mate.” Ghost says.
“Captain no offense you’re a very intelligent and capable man but that is so fucking stupid.” Gaz states before taking a drink of his beer. 
“You thought oh I’m catching some feelings for her, let's just ignore her.” Soap says in a mimicking voice.
“No, it's not only that, I don’t have time to entertain dense feelings and she likely doesn’t share those same feelings.” His gruff voice replies as he takes a puff of his cigar and blows the smoke out into the pub they sit in.
“Did you ask her?” Gaz asks, already knowing the answer.
“Am I twelve? What grown man asks a woman if they have feelings for them usually there’s hints and clues you can pick up on.” Ghost grumbles in agreement from price earning a slap on the arm from soap.
“And she’s done nothing that may even give you an inkling that she’s into you mate?” Gaz quips in.
“Like “oh hey captain can you help me open this jar?” Or “price can you please help me fix this?” Johnny tries his best at a womanly voice. 
“First of all she doesn’t call me captain or price and second of all, yes she does that but it’s only because she needs the help.” They all look at him with blank stares.
“I bet you wish she’d call you captain.” Soap whispers but before John can reply Gaz starts.
“Captain, does she ever stutter when you talk to her?” Gaz asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
“sometimes.” He excuses that as human behavior. 
“When she noticed your avoidance, did she get upset?” I mean you got a little mad at him that once but that was cause he was overstepping. 
“A little.” He replies not really seeing where it’s going until oh.
“Yeah cap, you're being naive.” 
“You should go back there, be kinder and less weird. She probably thinks you don’t like her and if that lasts too long she’ll start to actually not like you.” Well he obviously can’t have that.
“We need a mum anyways.” Gaz says under his breath and soap agrees. 
“Hey you’re back.” You can’t resist the small smile that makes its way onto your face as John walks into the kitchen.
“Told you I’d only be a day or two.” He repeats his words from a couple days ago, hands awkwardly in his pockets. 
He notices there’s something different in your energy that he picks up on or maybe it’s his energy that has changed.
“Yeah but last time you said a month and we’re gone two.” He remembers that and sees your point then he thinks about the fact that you remember that. 
“Well last time I really didn’t think I’d be gone that long but you know.” He says not going into detail and just waving it off.
“Well I have a job to get too.” You say closing the package of blueberries you’d been eating out of then place them back in the fridge.
“On a Saturday?” He questions the unusuality of it.
“Yeah I had a woman call me this morning, said her wedding was next week and she really wanted me to be the one to give her her dream hair so I agreed.” 
“Okay then, I’ll see you later, doll.” He says as you grab your keys and purse getting ready to leave.
“Bye John.” You smile softly looking anywhere but him cause if you did the smile that lays on your face at the newfound nickname would be too evident. 
“Hey so we’re just doing some highlights and a cut right.” You ask the woman in your chair as you drape the cape over her paying mind to her swollen belly and button it in the back.
“Yeah I actually have some pictures if that’s okay.” She says pulling out her phone to show you.
“Great, I’d love to see them.” You say getting your equipment ready.
She shows you and by the already light tone of her hair this will be easy work. You get everything settled and ready, mixing the bleach and color and sorting through the pieces you’ll paint.
“So what made you ask me to do your hair?” This is a question you always love to ask your clients. Was it social media or a referral or maybe something else.
“My finance actually recommended you.” Her fiance.
“Oh I don’t actually do men’s hair, who’s your fiance?” You question a little confused but clearly he might’ve just seen you on instagram or had a friend who’s been with you.
“Brian, he said he used to know you and heard you did really good hair.” No fucking way.
“Oh yeah I know Brian old friends.” You smile through the tears that threaten to escape your eyes. 
How could he? How could he give this woman everything you’ve ever wanted then send her to you to show off that goddamn-
“He says to tell you hi.” She smiles looking back at you not having a clue of who you really are. 
“Oh tell him I said hello.” You reply shortly.
“How’d you two meet?” You ask curiously.
“We actually worked together and when we first started talking he was actually in a relationship but nothing serious and the more we spent time together it just became clear we were meant to be together.” Her.
“So he cheated on his ex partner?” You say in a polite tone, one a girlfriend would use.
“Well I guess you could say that but according to him their relationship was over before it was over.” You smile at her nodding in understanding. 
Scream, you wanted to scream your fucking head off the rest of the appointment. But no you stood there politely and gave this woman the most beautiful hair you could’ve imagined you even took fucking pictures for her to send to you’re cheating ex.
On the way home you cried out of anger not even out of jealousy, or sadness just anger at the audacity that man had and the years you wasted with such a fucking loser.
When you pulled into the driveway you turned the car off and just sat there. You sat there and pondered on everything. You’d always asked him for a baby and he’d said he would never be a father. You always wanted to get married and he would say “marriage isn’t my thing.” And yet he’ll do it all for another woman. A woman he really loves. 
But in the end you're glad it’s not you. It isn’t you that has to deal with that man child, it won’t be you who’s stuck with someone who isn’t faithful. In the end you’re the lucky one and finally you feel like you can let it go. 
So you dry your eyes and head inside, kicking off your shoes by the door and paying notice to John that’s currently in the living room. You walk over to the couch and sit a comfortable amount of space away from him simply testing the waters and watch the football game he has on.
“How was your appointment?” He says suddenly taking in notice of your puffy eyes.
“Good.” You reply in a whisper with a half smile.
“You’re lying.” He assumed maybe just an asshole client or the outcome wasn’t good.
“It was my ex boyfriend's new pregnant fiancé, who also happens to be the woman he cheated on me with.” You admit with a small laugh at the end with how ridiculous that sounds.
“You got cheated on?” He asks, thoroughly shocked not paying mind to the other details.
“And she’s hot.” You reply looking him in the eye. All he’s thinking is hotter than you?
“Did she know who you were?” This has to be the most mind fucking thing he’s ever heard.
“Not a clue and what's funnier is he recommended me to her.” You laugh again and it’s slightly scary how calm you seem.
“You’re not upset?”
“John I was over that man the minute he cheated on me. I’m only upset over all the time I lost wanting things he said he never wanted but what he meant was he never wanted that with me.” You say quietly between the two of you like it’s a secret. 
“His loss.” he says, offering you a small smile.
“I guess.” 
“No doll I know.” You don’t know what to make of that comment and just smile back at him. 
Later that night after a long shower you step onto the outside patio for some fresh air not noticing John smoking a cigar beside you. 
“Jesus!” You jump slightly at the sight of his looming shadow.
“At this point just expect me to be everywhere.” He laughs as he exhales the puff of smoke. 
“I didn’t know you smoked.” You reply before taking in the sight before you. John in Levi’s, a thermal and brown leather jacket, thick fingers holding a cigar between them lightly tapping it to drop the excess ash.
“I’m sorry, does it bother you?” He asks suddenly, concerned about whether that was in the policy or something. 
“No, not at all.” You smile shivering at the breeze that blows through the air.
He offers the cigar between his fingers by gesturing it towards you, you’ve smoked cigarettes but this thing looked like a cigarette on steroids. Nonetheless you didn’t decline the offer and hesitantly wrapped your lips around it giving it a small puff letting the earthy flavor consume your taste buds as you exhale. 
John watches you with longing eyes. Truthfully he expected you to grab it from him but instead you toked it straight from his fingers and shit it was hot. The way your lips wrapped around the very end had him running hot suddenly. The layers he wore were becoming overbearingly warm. 
“Do you ever wish you chose a normal career?” The question left your lips before you could think about why you were asking it and he clears his dirty mind before answering. 
“Not really, my job makes me feel like I have purpose and although my hands get dirty it’s for a good cause.” You nod as you look up into the blue sky that’s slowly becoming darker. 
“You do have purpose outside your job though you know that right?” You look him in the eye for a mere second then back up. 
He’s taken aback slightly by your statement and stays silent. He lets it settle in his thoughts and feelings. Wondering what prompted you to say it in the first place.
“Thankyou.” He replies shortly after. 
“You're welcome.” You reply gently.
“I’m going to head inside, don’t be out here too long you’ll get sick.” You say sliding the door open and he laughs in return. If you even had the slightest idea of the weather he’s lived in. 
You woke up the next morning bright and early, currently stood in the kitchen brewing hot water for tea and setting the coffee machine on. One for you, one for John. He was surprisingly still asleep although it also is still very early. He never sleeps past 7.
As you turn the heat off the stove, knocking sounds at the front door. Maybe a package you assumed as you made your way down the hall peeking through the small hole to see who’s out there and to your surprise it was a woman. 
“Hi, how can I help you?” She looks at you a bit taken aback.
“Does John Price live here?” She asks as her blonde hair blows in the cold breeze. 
“I need to speak to him.”
“Okay I’ll be right back.” Was this a lover of John’s, maybe an ex wife or something. You knock softly at his door and nothing so you knock a little louder. Before you hear a grunt and the squeak of the hardwood floors.
“Morning, y’alright?” He asks with a deep sleepy voice. 
You take notice of His messy hair and pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips so you practically beg and will yourself to not look at his body. 
“Yeah sorry there’s a woman at the door for you.” You reply smiling when you notice the sleep marks on the side of his face. 
“Oh okay let me just put a shirt on, tell her I’ll be right out.” He can already guess who it is and quietly curses to himself. No peace of his ever lasted long.
You relay the message to her and offer her to come inside which she politely accepts but goes no further than the entrance. 
“I’m Kate by the way.” She offers her hand to you. 
“Oh nice to meet you Kate, are you a friend of John’s?” You pry.
“Oh yeah, a longtime one.” You should’ve known.
“We’ve been working together since he was a lieutenant and that was ages ago.” She laughs and you feel light with relief for whatever reason.
“Laswell.” A deep voice sighs out from behind her.
“Well don’t be too excited to see me.” She says to him.
You get the message to exit the room and do so. He walks with her to the kitchen, offers her a drink then they both go to his office and from the sound of it have a pretty heated conversation. Not that you were eavesdropping or anything.
It was hours before she left and when she did John didn’t seem too happy. You walk to the door a bit after you hear it shut. John stands there running a hand through his hair.
“You okay?” You stupidly ask as he rubs his forehead still standing in front of the door although she left 10 minutes ago.
“Yeah doll I’m alright.” He sounds tired and bothered. 
“Okay.” You begin to turn around getting the feeling he doesn’t want you there. 
“Wait, actually I have to leave tomorrow for a while..” He replies quickly. 
“Oh.” You try not to sound too disappointed.
“I’ll leave you a check for six months, if I’m gone longer my checkbook is in the bedside drawer. If you need assistance with anything I have a friend you can call please don’t do it yourself or have someone else do it.” He says as you stand there not getting past the eight month part.
“Six months or longer?” He meets your eyes seeing a hint of sadness.
“Yeah that’s what I can expect.” You suck your bottom lip between your teeth for a second not really knowing how to reply. 
“Are you hungry?” 
“What?” He replies at the random change in topic.
“Would you like to order too much food and watch a movie?” You ask again.
“I mean if you’re leaving for months and you seem upset about it then it’s serious and when’s the next time you’ll eat good food, you know?” You explain.
You both sit on the living room couch in the dim ambient light while “How to lose a guy in 10 days” plays on the TV, your choice. Empty boxes once filled with pasta and bread now are mostly empty. You tell John every time one of your favorite parts is coming on but not like you even needed to. He can tell by the anxious shake of your foot and slightly raised eyebrow.
“So does he ever find out that it’s for the em magazine and does she find out it’s for a bet?” He asks midway through the movie.
“You’ll have to watch it.” You whisper.
He laughs and for a moment in time he feels content, at ease for once. He feels like this is the moment he’ll recall in the next eight months when nights are cold and he’s spent. 
Your eyes are drifting closed before the movie is over and he watches you find sleep then returns his attention to the tv determined to finish the movie. Once all is done he picks the containers up off the floor quietly and turns the tv off kneeling to the floor to wake you.
“Doll let’s get you to bed.” He whispers in the dark. You're slightly disappointed you fell asleep but your drowsy mind doesn’t let you think too deeply as you bid him a goodnight and head to bed.
The next morning he was ready to leave at 4AM. Big duffel bag in hand and a backpack. He thinks of waking you to say goodbye and even walks to your door. But he doesn’t not because he doesn’t want to but because he won’t want to leave if he does. Internally he curses himself for wasting so much time avoiding you the previous weeks. 
So he writes a quick note and of course the promised check and heads on his way.
Next chapter is already written and I’m so excited at the build up!!
Comments and reposts are always appreciated<3
@beebeechaos @ttsbaby01 @arminarlertssword @quakeroaksguy @rafaelacallinybbay @bumblebeesfromvenus @glitterypirateduck @midnights-song @lovelythingsinternal @fruitymoonbeams-blog @kkaaaagt @kit-williams @enfppixie @kythefangirl25 @eviltheleon @here4thespice @dclore22 @raethethey @waves-against-a-cliff @novausstuff @darling006 @vampirekilmerfic
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ethereal-night-fairy · 7 months
This dark vampire poly!141 x hostage!reader idea is based off a comment I got on one of my works on Ao3 I would love to tag them if they were on Tumblr but I don't think they are.
Comment : Oh I'd love a vampire au! An idea for it if you are open to consideration: the 141 have been around for centuries, John pretty much turned all of them starting with Simon, then with Johnny, and then with Gaz being the youngest (although Gaz is still over a century old). Reader, of course, is human, moving to a new town to start over completely and ends up running into one of them. And they just know that reader is the missing piece that they had been looking for--the one that is the last to be bound to them. Because for an immortal creature it only makes sense that they would, in even just the name of species preservation, have multiple mates dictated by fate, instinct, or what have you :)
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This sounds like a great premise for a vampire au. Also what if Knight price was turned in the medieval ages by a vampire lord he was tasked to kill and ended up being turned as he killed the last of the vampire kin for the English king. He fled obviously when he realised what happened letting his knights think he was killed in battle.
Time passes and he doesn't age, he watched his loved ones from a distance growing old and having children before ultimately passing away. It pains him that he lives like an animal hunting for blood in the forest unable to live a normal life.
But he still wishes to do good, to be good . So as his powers build and the sun doesn't scorch his skin anymore. He joins the army century after century to regain some sense of humanity. (That's a horrible way to regain humanity if I'm honest, though in his defence he fell for the propaganda and thought he was doing a good thing.) But the bloodlust becomes so much worse the more he kills. The more blood stains his hands the more he longs for the chaos and violence.
He gathers companions along the way. Men like him that were on the brink of death but had so much to live for. He couldn't let them die he just couldn't! By the 21st century he had his little taskforce. His boys, his lovers, his family but someting was missing. What could it be? They lived comfortably with the wealth they had accumulated. They had their buffet layed out for them on the battlefield. What more could they want?
But something was out of place. Even with his lovers, life was becoming bleak when all they saw was violence and bloodshed. That was until they found a delicate little hostage in their capture or kill mission. Scared little thing you were tucked away in the corner of a bedroom, chained to the wall. You'd do nicely as their pet. They bet your blood tastes just as sweet as your tears.
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Their reply: Oh I love it! Johnny being a warrior that at the Battle of Culloden, fighting for Scottish independence from the British, happens to die while fighting an infuriating man. Said infuriating man, dying by the Scottsmans hand, just so happens to be lieutenant Simon. Price having already planned to watch over Simon (he said he wouldn't get attached) yet he can't help but to turn Johnny too. Neither are happy at first, they have their differences, but they can't deny the bond and love that forms. Then the three of them meet Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick in world war ii. So bright and full of life, passionate about fighting for his country and ending Nazi regime. The man runs right into a fight, saving dozens upon dozens of men, and the three know they can't let him remain dead when the inevitable comes. And Gaz, well, he keeps that light within him because at least now he can make sure that the war to end all wars wasn't done in vain.
I just wanted to show off their ideas too since it's what inspired my little snippet. I not sure if I'll turn this into a actual thing though.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do you accidentally confess to COD men ?
Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Gaz, König, Alex, Price
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written)
S O A P :
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-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-Let's start over and try to understand this, shall we?
-Well, you were a nurse working on a military base.
-When all the doctors asked you to wake up at 3 AM, you knew something had happened. You ran to the infirmary and saw Soap.
-He was heavily injured.
-Your heart skipped a beat.
-You and Soap had known each other since his enlistment.
- You were just an apprentice nurse, and he was a cadet. He always burnt something, and you were there to look after him, even when he accidentally burnt the ass of his sergeant.
-You had a crush on him since that time, but you decided a long time ago not to act on it.
- Soap was clearly not interested in you, and he had gone out with a lot of people.
-You can definitely say you're not his type at all, and you like your bond the way it is.
-But now, seeing him like this, it was different. Your heart was overwhelmed, and your mouth spoke before you could filter what you said.
-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not ethical at all. You need help, and I'm talking nonsense."
-You helped the doctors and quickly went outside when you finished, in order to think about what had just happened.
-"Shit, it was so awkward. I really thought we were in a movie or something," you said, angry at yourself.
-"Well, honestly, it was fun to see you like that. I mean, it could have been the climax of a movie if Ghost had started to play the violin, and a slow-mo started on your face," a voice joked.
-You turned around and saw Soap.
-"You're supposed to lay down. You can't walk."
-"What can I say? Seeing you make miracles," he says with a smirk.
-You sighed and walked towards him, offering your arms to lead him to a bed. He smiled.
-"I'm sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have said that," you said.
-"But you mean it?"
-"That's not the point. It was not the moment, and I know the answer. It was just cringe."
-"...damn, loving me is cringe?" Soap said teasing you.
-"That's- you know that's not what I mean."
-"Yes, I know. I feel the same, by the way."
-"But you..."
-"It's been three months, I realize. I know it's longer for you."
-"You noticed," you realized, all these years thinking you were good at hiding it were in fact obvious to him.
-"Yes, but you decided not to tell anything, so I never acted on it. But I...I feel the same now, and you almost confessed, so can you give me a chance?"
-"You mean when you can take me on a date and not bleed to death?" you said, looking at his injuries.
-"Yes," he chuckled.
-"Okay," you whispered, scared that it was a dream.
-"Okay," he repeated with a smile.
G H O S T :
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-"WHAT DO I DO NOW ?!" you screamed and looked at your friend.
-"Just...explain to him."
-"Oh yeah and how do you explain why I send him a fucking eggplant emoji at 4 AM without anything ?" you screamed panicked
-"Tell him the truth." your friend casually says.
-"He won't believe me. Like 'hey I sent you this emoji not because I want to fuck you, but because my brother sent me a lot of memes with eggplant so every night we sent this emoji to each other laughing. And I made a mistake and sent this to you, not him. Nobody does that. He won't believe me." you sigh."Oh fuck, he rode the text."
-"Well...he's your crush no ? I mean you talk about him often so if anything happens it could be good."
-"Yes he is, but I don't want to confess, not now. Fuck, I only met him like three times and only thanks to Soap. We're just acquaintance. I only have his number because I'm Soap's emergency contact."
-"And now he thinks you want to fuck him." your friends resumes
-"Thanks for your help." you say sarcastically."Shit he's writing, what would he say ?"
-"Well I bet on a peach emoji."
-You looked at your friend and showed them your middle finger.
-"What if I make things awkward and-"
-"You are always awkward."your friend interrupts you.
-"...thanks for your support." you said ironically.
-"I mean the worst is that he says no and when you'll meet again the only thing he remembers will be this fucking emoji. That's fine."your friend says.
-"No. I don't want to be the eggplant emoji in his mind."
-"It's too late."
-A ring interrupted your conversation.
-"It's him." you said looking at your notification.
-"And ?"
-"He sent a comma."
-"A comma?" your friend asks lost
-"what does it mean ?"
-"I DON'T KNOW ! Does it mean he stops to breathe, or I should breathe or-"
-"Or he made a mistake and typed wrong."
-"No, he's good with his hands."
-"I don't want to know how you know that." your friend says looking at you
-"...I wasn't implying anything weird. He's a fucking military." you answered.
-"Ok. So what do you do ?"
-"I could send a comma too ?"
-"Yay revise your punctuations with Y/N and Ghost." your friend says ironically.
-"I...oh fuck, he sent another text."
-"And ?" your friend asks
-"Does the eggplant be used to convey a desire to meet me or is it some weird shit like Soap does usually,"you read out loud his text
-"he texts like a grandpa." your friend comments
-"Fuck you." you say.
-"Calm down, I'm just saying the truth. You should answer it's because you want him."
-"No way, I told you we're acquaintances. I have a crush yes, but we don't know each other well and I-"
-Another text from him.
-"Because it's okay in both cases." he texted you.
-"Oh fuck." you say with your eyes widen.
-"You can say that again !" your friend laughs.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-Being a soldier means living in a community. And even if sometimes you're lucky and have your own little room, it's obviously not a hotel.
-So when Alejandro was doing a patrol to check everyone was asleep, he didn't expect to overhear you.
- But it was normal, the walls were thin and he could hear Rudy's snore from here.
-So yes, he heard you talking in your sleep.
-Except it was a fever dream you were having, and it was his name you were whispering.
-He froze.
-He didn't want to intrude, so he stepped back, but it was too late.
- He heard you clearly because of those thin walls.
-The next morning, when all his soldiers were eating together and you were present he couldn't stop looking at you. He didn't know what to do.
-He was not a moron, and he didn't want to confront you about that, but keeping this silent was also horrible.
-"Everything is good, Ale?" Rudy asks.
-"...I overheard something."
-"Let me guess, two soldiers making out? It's like the fourth time this week. Are they rabbits or what?" Rudy sighs at the new cadets.
-"No, it was not two soldiers," Alejandro answers.
-"Oh." Rudy realizes, "oh. Well...it's also common to do it solo. Why are you making this a big deal?"
-"Because they say my name."
-Rudy chokes on his bread and starts laughing.
-"Why do you find this funny?" Alejandro whispers angrily.
-"Because you seem all flustered. You're usually a smooth talker, but you seem so shy about it. It's not the first time a soldier has a crush on you, Alejandro."
-"I know, but it's different."
-"And why is it different?"
-"It's them."
-Rudy smirks.
-"I see."
-"But I can't say I overheard them, but I want to tell them I feel the same. How do I do this when all I could think when I see them is this memory?"
-"Be honest, you don't know how to lie. You're an honest man, Alejandro."
-"You're right, I have to tell them," Alejandro says. He's brave, he can do that.
-"They're coming, good luck," Rudy says and winks.
-You sit at your usual place, greeting everyone, and look at Alejandro.
-"Is everything okay?" you ask him when you notice his expression.
-"I overheard you," he says blankly out of nowhere.
"...can you be more clear, because I have no idea what you're talking about?" you say lost.
-"Last night, I was checking if everyone was asleep and I overheard you saying my name in a feverish dream."
-You raise your eyebrows and smirk.
-"Is that so?"
-He notices the smirk.
-"Why are you smirking?"
-"Because I was on cleaning duty this night; it's Mina who was in my room."
-"Yes. I guess you have to talk to her," you say.
-"You're right. Sorry, I didn't know."
-"That's okay, but if I may ask, what were you planning to do after telling me this?" you tease him.
He notices your playful tone and smirks back.
-"That you don't need to dream, you can have me in real life."
-"Smooth, really smooth, Alejandro."
He smiles.
-"So it's a yes?"
-"Yes, but you still have to talk to Mina. I wasn't joking; it was her in my room last night."
G A Z :
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-It was a night mission.
-You were waiting with the 141 for the order to go.
-It's been hours since you were waiting, and you knew after this mission you probably couldn't see the 141 again.
-Because you were in a different unit, and your collaboration was only for this mission.
-So you knew it was probably the moment to shoot your shot with Gaz.
-You inhale and go to his figure lying in the dark.
- "Gaz, I know we get along with each other. I can't count how many nights we spent just talking to each other on the base or even how many times we laugh together.I...I'm interested in you in more of a friend way. I know it's horrible to say that now, but afterward, it will be too late. So yeah." You say.
-You only hear silence as the figure doesn't move.
-You feel your heart aching.
-Shit, is he rejecting you in silence without saying anything?
-You look at the ground.
-"I think you should activate your vision nocturne, soldier. Gaz is at your right."
-Shit, shit, shit.
- You open your eyes wide.
-You...you just confessed to Price thinking it was fucking Gaz.
-"Shit, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean that obviously. I-"
-"Calm down, soldier. And go talk to him. We still have time here, but look at who you're talking to." Price teases you.
-You nod and walk towards Gaz ashamed.
- "Are you okay?" Gaz asks.
-"I just made the worst mistake of my life."
-"What did you say? Did you say to Price he had a nice ass or what?" Gaz jokes to light up the mood.
- You stay silent.
-Gaz opens his mouth. "No, you-"
-"It wasn't his ass. But yeah, I basically confessed to him, because I mistook him for someone else. ?Because obviously in the dark without night vision you can't see anything."
-Gaz laughs.
-"Stop laughing, it's horrible. I'm the worst, he probably will report me."
-"No, he knew it wasn't for him, didn't he ?"
- "Yes, but it...I'm feeling so ashamed."
-"With who do you think mistake him for?" Gaz asks.
-"I don't answer that question. I have made enough confessions for today."
-"Come on, tell me."
-"Let me guess then."
-"We're only five here, I don't want to let you guess."
-"Gaz, I said no."
-"Because if it's him, I don't think he-"
-"You. It was you." You say to shut him up. "Happy, now?"
-He stays silent. You look at him.
-"Yes," he says, smiling. "Even though I'm jealous that Price got the whole speech, it felt like I'm only having the crumbs." He teases you.
-"Shut up," you smile.
-"But I'm happy, I feel the same."
-"Good, because I have enough rejection for today."
-"Ohhhh, Price's rejection is not a good experience?" He jokes.
-"I could never again look at him in the eyes," you say.
K Ö N I G :
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-"I thought you were just getting to know him," Soap says.
-"Yes. And that's why I was doing."
-"So could you explain how König ended up with his vest burnt if you were just talking ?" Gaz says skeptical.
-"I...well I was lighting the vanilla candle and he was here, with his eyes and I-"
-"You were checking him out and didn't pay attention to the matchstick, isn't it ?" Soap asks.
-"I was absorbed by his eyes ! They're like so beautiful and he was so close, I-"
-"You burnt his vest." Gaz says.
-"Thanks for the reminder, Gaz. I know now my chances are ruined with him. Shit. The worst is that I can't tell him why I accidentally burnt his vest, so now he thinks I hate him."
-"Well you could find an excuse." Soap says.
-"What excuse could explain a burnt vest, Mr. explosion ?" you asked.
-"You wanted to test if his vest was fireproof." Soap tried
-"..." you said.
-"..." Gaz said.
-Soap sighed.
-"Ok it's not a good one. But I'm trying to help, okay ?"
-"I have to tell him the truth. I don't want him to think I hate him. He's so gentle with us."
-"He's here. Go !" Gaz said as he pushed you.
-You opened your eyes wide. You didn't expect you would have to do that so soon.
-You walked anxiously towards him.
-When he saw you, he stepped back a little.
-It hurt you, but it was fair after the incident.
-"Hey, König, I- I wanted to explain what happened."
-He looked at you and just nodded, waiting for your explanation.
-"In fact I burnt your vest because I was admiring your eyes.I was gazing at you. And I didn't concentrate at all on the candle and I let the matchstick fall. I'm sorry."
-He opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say.
-"I- you were gazing at me ?"
-"Yes, I find you beautiful. But it's not an excuse for what happened. I should have paid more attention to the candle" you said honestly.
-"Thanks for the compliment and the apology"
-"I hope that you don't have any grudges, or you don't think I hate you. I wanted to make it clear."
-"Oh no, well, I know it was an accident. You seem..." he stopped himself to find the right word to described how much you were screaming and scared "terrified ?"
-"Yes." you confirmed.
-"So I knew it was not intentional, but I didn't understand why. But now I know."
-"Cool, so we're okay ?" you asked.
-"You don't want to know ?"
-"Know what ?"
-"If I find you beautiful too ? If I'm gazing at you sometimes ?"
-"Oh, no. I mean I didn't expect anything, so don't feel pressured or anything and-"
-"Because I do." he interrupts you.
-"So if I ask you on a date ?"
-"Cool, cool, cool," you said anxiously but happy
-"Tonight ?" he asked.
-"YES ! I mean, yes of course."
-He smiled under his mask and left. You walked back to Soap and Gaz.
-"So ?" Gaz asked.
-"I have a date."
-"WHAT ?" Gaz said.
-You laughed. You didn't know why, but you definitely knew you were lucky he said yes.
A L E X :
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-You were a barista at a coffee shop. You were taking Alex's order as usual, since he was a regular when your colleague interrupted you.
-"I prepared the order of the regular hottie you were talking about."
-You looked up at Alex.
-You looked at your colleague.
-He opened his eyes wide.
-"Oh shit" your colleague said.
-"I'm sorry Alex." You said, "This one is on the house and the next time my colleague will serve you. Sorry again." You gave him his coffee and left in the backs now not only your chances were ruined, but you could be possibly fired.
-Shit, it was unprofessional to talk with your colleagues about your crushes on some clients.
-But this was worst because the said client knew that now.
-He knew he was the hottie.
-"Hey", your colleague said after few minutes "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
-"That's okay you couldn't guess he was here. In fact you could because it was his order, but yeah..."
-"But I'm happy."
-"Happy ?" you said a little angry by his remarks now.
-"He let you that." he said giving you a paper.
-"What..." you took the paper and saw a number :"glad to be called a hottie by a hottie, call me."
-"oh wow"
-"It's like a romantic movie !"
-"Absolutely not."
-"YESSSSSSSS" your colleague teased you.
-"I'm just glad to not be fired right now."
P R I C E :
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-You were an interpreter. During a long, boring brief, you were chatting with Gaz.
-"Nikolai, Lasswell, Price. Kiss, marry, kill," he says.
-"Lasswell is married, Gaz." you answer.
-"Then Ghost."
-"I kill Nikolai."
-"You dare to kill him!" Gaz says shocked.
-"I mean, I like him. He's a good guy, but I don't know him well. So yes, kill him, kiss Ghost, and marry Price."
-"Your judgment is so biased," Gaz says laughing.
-"You only marry Price because you like him."
-"Yeah, that's the point of the game. It's based on preferences, Gaz," you say.
-He smiles.
-"You don't deny what I say."
-"It's because that's obvious, I have a thing for him. Plus, everybody knows Price is like the perfect husband material."
-"Hmm, thanks for your comment," a voice says.
-You and Gaz look at each other.
-The whole room is staring at you.
-Lasswell points the microphone at your right, which is still on.
-"Fuck," you say and your voice echoes throughout the room.
-"Sorry about that," Gaz says, and he switches off the microphone.
-"We are so dead," Gaz says.
-"I am so dead, you mean. I'm surprised if they don't replace me with another interpreter at the end of the day."
-The meeting ends, but as Gaz and you are leaving, you hear Price calling you.
-You hesitate but walk towards him.
-"You know what I'm about to say."
-"Yes, Sir, it was inappropriate, and we should have paid attention to the brief. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. As you can guess, my goal was not to let this slip," you answer.
-Price nods.
-"Good. You can leave."
-You leave the room.
-You thought it was the end, Price clearly rejects you.
-Yet a few weeks later, when the mission ended, Price approached you.
-You were sitting at the bar with the 141 celebrating the success.
-"So you're not working with us anymore," he said.
-"Yeah, that's the end of my mission." You answered, smiling.
-"So it's not inappropriate if I ask you on a date?"
-"A date? Wait, you-"
-"I keep my work and personal life separated."
-"Shit, so if you didn't say anything, it was because we were colleagues."
-"And because it was fun to see you defeated," he chuckles.
-"You're mean." You laugh. "But that's a yes."
If you want more my Call of Duty masterlist : here
My masterlist : here
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blingblong55 · 4 months
Good times-141
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Photo credit: @ave661
Based on a request: Hi! I hope you're enjoying your weekend and fully rested <3 Is it okay to make a short blurb request of TF141 trying out SEA (South East Asian) food (i.e., fried rice, chicken rice, tom yam soup etc..) made by gn!eader? - sort of their reaction  Feel free to ignore this if it doesnt interest you :) <3  Have a great day ahead, thank you :3 ---- GN!Reader, something short, platonic?relationship ----
A/N: I really love making short, simple fics, so..thank you
The team always complained about the food on base. Chow Hall always had food, but not good enough after a long day of work. A week ago, Gaz found you eating in your office, the scent was too good to not ask about but with one look in his eyes, you sighed and nodded. 4 days later, you found yourself filling out paperwork to leave the base, buy some ingredients and then cooking the food without hurting the feelings of those in charge of chow hall. 
With a day's worth of preparation, by day 6, you had all you needed to feed the hungry men you call family. 
Price once mentioned that he and the team, before you had joined, had a mission in East Asia. He mentioned bonding over the food at some restaurants. It's from where you wanted to feed them dumplings, kimchi-jigae, tteokbokki (for Soap because he loved it so much the first time), mochi for Ghost, the tasty hotpot for Price because he loves it so much and for Gaz, ais kacang. 
The plan was perfect, but keeping it a secret was hard. You knew you wanted to surprise them for dinner, especially after the tough call they had that day. 
By the end of the day, you summoned them to the common room. A round table, cosy chairs and food welcomed them. "Ta-da!" you smile as you watch their reactions. Soap was the first to notice the food you had made and went immediately to hug you. Gaz and Ghost noticed rather later and Price smiled when he knew where this idea came from. 
It was a gesture from the heart and a way to thank them for the past months. 
When they all sat down, you watched them eagerly eat the food. It was a nice change for once. Ghost even took his mask off, a rare event, but he did it and ate comfortably. 
Gaz and Soap began with the jokes, adding more each time which was followed by loud laughter and sighs from the team. Price devoured the hotpot, addressing you as a master chef whenever he could, became normal through the night. He even let you have a cigar and you will sure brag about it later on. Gaz adored ais kacang, the desert you had served when all was eaten and enjoyed. He made sure to put his arm around you and compliment the taste of it all, adding more hums each time he ate some more. 
When it came to Soap and tteokbokki, no one could fight his mouth off it. He did fight Gaz for the last piece, which certainly made you feel better about your cooking skills. kimchi-jigae was the ultimate favourite of Ghost, apart from his beloved mochi. He always made sure you knew he'd expect this again if he let you skip field practice every other time. 
By the end of the night, you sat back, drank some beer and watched a wholesome scene. Price was right, just eating, and talking about anything is what truly makes food delicious. It'll be a memory to take for years to come. 
It's nice to think that from sneaking ingredients into the base it all leads to this, sitting down, drinking and eating with your best mates as they try to convince you that their so-called good ideas back in Asia were not bad at all. 
Tags: @liyanahelena
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cod-fishing · 10 months
Thinking about Price being possessive over his boys. Not romantically or sexually (he likes to tell himself), but any time Soap starts chatting about some bear he met in a bar during leave, or Gaz mentions a girl who gave him her number, he can feel himself bristle. He tries to bury it, but it only gets worse after Las Almas, their bonds forged in far too much blood, and he struggles to bite down discouragement for any connection outside their little family.
When soap and ghost finally get together, he can’t figure out which of them he wants to throttle, but the sensation is intense nonetheless. Enough that he can’t stop himself from ordering them to his office and dressing them down so meticulously his old drill Sargent would be proud. They both look defiant. At perfect attention, military perfect in their stance, but fire in both of their eyes. It’s only when Soap, jaw clenched, demands if Price is going to transfer them that the Captain falters.
He sits heavy into his chair, and orders his boys at ease.
“I could never let go of either of you,” he finds himself gritting out through cigar smoke and choking emotions, far too unfiltered, “I just don’t want you boys to get hurt.”
He sees them soften, understanding. Not expecting a real answer, Price asks them their intentions with one another. He doesn’t want either of them to hurt the other, and while he knows they both have hearts of gold, they’ve got a lot of thorns as well. But they talk, and Soap is his usual genuine self and Ghost- Simon, really - is more honest and open than Price has seen him be ever, so…
He says okay. But keep me updated, he says. The good and the bad. They nod, and he assumes he’ll have to pry information out of them, and they move on.
Miraculously, they do keep him updated. Soap comes knocking one day, and Price asks about those reports he sent him off with and Soap says, aye, captain, got those for you, but ah…can I tell you something sweet Ghost did for me today? He’s bursting with joy when Price looks at him properly, and how can he say no to that?
Ghost, too, comes in one day, and asks to speak with the captain. Need some advice, sir. Johnny wants to take me home to his family for the holidays and I’m feeling real conflicted, he says. And they talk it out, fingers playing with the rims of their whiskey glasses. Price gets this feeling in his chest, likes he wants to reach out and trace his fingers somewhere else, but he ignores it.
It keeps happening that way, Price getting deeper and deeper in their relationship. He knows everything about the two together - almost everything. Ghost is on a solo mission one day and soap is moping, and so price pulls him into his office with the intention of getting him plastered and making him go to bed.
Instead, Johnny gets talkative. He should have known.
“God, Price, you wouldn’t believe the things he can do with his mouth. His fingers, too, lord knows where he learned it, but it’s like he took a fucking class on making me cum just from the teasing alone.”
“You’ve heard his voice captain, I mean no wonder I was creaming my pants to be with him so bad, and boy was I right. Downright evil how good it sounds during and early morning shag.”
And, even worse than all that, somehow…
“Well you know me, I like to be the best. So I told him we should start training my throat, so I can actually take his monster cock, the bastard. Did pass out the first time but we’ve been taking it slowly but surely ever since.”
And Price just…he should shut him up, but instead, he just takes it. Just lets the lad ramble about his love, like some lass back at home pinning for her deployed soldier. He hates it, he hates it, he tells himself. But he takes it for Johnny, and for Simon, and for the trust they have put in him.
And when he fists his cock in his quarters later that night, aching from being hard for so long, he can’t help but picture all those filthy things Soap told him.
Maybe, all this time, he was just jealous.
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personwhowrites · 1 year
Task Force 141 reactions + König to you putting stickers on them.
Fluff/ slight gn!reader x everyone.
At first he doesn’t notice, his too focus on something else. His mind wondering off to a comfortable space.
When he does notice it’s because you stand up and move closer to his face. He panics slightly thinking your going to hurt him. (Trauma)
When he notices the pad of stickers he stares at you. There is a thick silence that follows along that makes you quickly stop and give him a very nervous smile.
“..You have a unicorn?” König asks in a sort of whimper. “..think it would look nice..on me..?”
You smile to his words and show him your collection of stickers you brought this trip. He happily helps you put some on his uniform. Slightly chuckles to the fact how excited you are.
When often alone with you he would hand you random sticker packets he bought for you. Then sit down and wait for you to start your “artwork”. He also puts stickers on you if you’re comfortable enough to let him. He respects your personal space as you do his.
John “Captain” Price
His busy doing some report about an accident Soap caused with explosives again. You bored take out your secret supply of stickers and slowly open it.
Price heard the wrapper and stare at you. A long lingering stare before he sigh and placed his pen down. He pats his lap, you smile and rush over to him with your stickers at hand.
“You want a rainbow or a storm cloud?” You ask pointing at the stickers. “What do you think?”
“Whatever looks best on me doll.” Price says with a chuckle. “And whatever distracts you the most.”
With that you immediately start putting stickers on him. His arms, face, beard and even his hat. Price is one to not care what type of stickers you use on him. Just as long your distracted he is okay with it.
Price lets you put stickers on him very often. Even in front of the group or in meeting to get your mind distracted. He knows that you should be focusing at the task at hand, but he can’t bring himself to do so.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle was in his own head, playing on his phone. Unaware of your intensions to ruin him with stickers as you did with Price. He was aware of your behavior with Price and didn’t mind it as long no one else was harm.
When you suddenly appear next to him confusion took over. Kyle didn’t know why you would be near him if you two barely spoke a word to each other. Yet when he saw the stickers at hand he pulled another chair to him and extended his arm.
“Try to not get something too dark on me.” Kyle says with a warm smile. “Got it?”
You nodded and began to work. He seemed a little uneasy by your cold hands, but soon got used to it. Once done he would take a picture and smile at you. After that, putting stickers on him became a habit, Price of course secretly got jealous but found it okay later seeing that’s what got you and Kyle to talk more.
John “Soap” Mactavish
He was watching TV with Ghost. You were on your phone, messing with a game you found interesting. Ghost got up and left to smoke a cigar leaving you to Soap. You looked at soap and smiled.
When Soap saw you smile at him, he got worried. Soon you randomly pulled out stickers under a pillow and rushed at him. Soap soon also pulled stickers out the couch he was been wanting to use.
“Looks like we both have a secret hobby.” Soap says with a cheeky smile. “I bet I have twice as much as you.”
“No you don’t!” You say smiling wider as you unwrap the stickers.
You later found out Soap collects stickers and has been waiting for this moment with you. After hearing what you did to Kyle, excitement filled his body knowing he was going to be next for sure. He would hide stickers around the base so you two can decorate each other. Sometimes going overboard.
When alone you two make sure to cover each of your arms with stickers. It annoys Price and the others, but they get over it knowing it makes the two of you bond better. Soap buys you stickers from all over the world to make sure you never run out of them.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost was always alert so you didn’t even try to sneak a sticker on him. Fear silent swept you as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes and watched your every move. Yet somehow you finally managed to have some bravery.
Ghost was reading a book on the couch. You were next him, stickers at hand and you stare at him, a long stare that finally got him to nod.
“Fine…Just not the mask.” Ghost says in a harsh tone. “Understand?”
You nod quickly and watch at Ghost puts his hand on your lap. You excitedly turn to open your bright stickers. Ghost sets his book down and watches you decide carefully what stickers to use on him. He even points out ones he wants.
You find out later if he never takes the stickers off. He just sets his glove over them and returns to you when they finally fall off or he washed them off. Ghost is one to soon buy you some stickers that fit more his theme and everyone’s theme.
Ghost does visit you late at night for stickers. Even if you’re tired he wouldn’t care much, he wants those stickers back on him one way or another.
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rookiesbookies · 3 months
Recently saw this tiktok by @anemonz
Which is funny as hell
And had me wondering- how would they all react based on this information?
Allow me to set the scene:
Bonding night with the team was always fun, bringing liquor and grown adults to play board games only ever ended in fights a few times. They were drunken fights over Sorry or Ticket to Ride, of course. So they decided this time that Monopoly was the choice of game, one of the guys asking if they could bring their woman to play since it was a night she had off.
Price was smoking a cigar as they played. There was a burn spot on the carpet next to him from the time he put it out on it before breaking up a drunken wrestling back between Simon and Johnny. Simon had blocked Johnny's train in ticket to ride and Johnny was so inebriated that he didn't even know who he was playing against.
Truth be told, Price thought he herd Johnny yell, 'Take this Grim Reaper,' so who the hell knows.
Price's wife sat lazily with her back against the leg of a chair, rolling the dice, moving, and counting the money she owed her husband for the space.
"Fuck," she let out softly under her breath, getting a mischievous idea.
"What's wrong, love?" Price said, raising an eyebrow at his wife.
She put on big doe eyes, fluttering her lashes at him, "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think I have enough money to repay you this month."
It took Price a confused second to pick up what she was putting down before he got it, watching his wife twirl her hair.
"Well, you know I could take another form of payment." He said in a sultry voice, leaning closer to his wife who was sitting next to him.
He quickly stood up, grabbing his wife over his shoulder, kicking the dice with his feet and telling Simon to play for him, "going to collect my rent, be back in 15."
The three men looked between themselves, a mix of disgust and concern.
"15 minutes? Would've taken me only 4 with a lass taking at me like that."
Simon smacked the back of Johnny's head.
Soap was more than just a horny drunk. Everyone who knew Johnny knew this. He knew his limit but always went over it, even as a heavy-weight drinker, to impress his fiance.
Playing Monopoly was one of the few games they could all play and no one would flip a board in anger. The problem was it took a long time, and most of them always ran out of money.
"Bonnie, mi beautiful lass," she knew when the string of pretty names came out he was about to ask for something. "I'm a small bit short on coin teh pay you with. Could I pay with a nice smourich? A peck? A piece of my love from my lips to yers?"
"Hmm," she acted as if she was thinking for a moment before grabbing him by the collar in a swift motion, getting real close to his face. "It's going to take more than just a kiss, pretty boy."
"Oh come on!" Gaz yelled, covering his eyes as Soap rolled on top of his girlfriend to give her a bit more than a smooch.
"Not in front of my monopoly board!" Simon yelled, throwing his monopoly cash on the floor.
Price just turned the other way, getting up to go get something, he didn't know what yet, since both of the people making out on the floor were more than sloshed.
Simon had been grumbling the whole game.
Mainly because his girlfriend was beating everyone.
He was positive she had been robbing the bank since she was running the bank this round.
“I need a loan.”
“Come again?” She asked, a smirk on her face.
“I need a loan, from the bank.” He said louder.
“What collateral do you have for me,” she asked.
“Collateral? This is a board game.”
“Well I have something in mind.” She said with a glint in her eye.
After a few turns and collecting rent from Soap, Price, Soap again, and Gaz- Simon still didn’t have enough to pay back to loan he had taken out to pay rent to his girlfriend.
Pulling him up by his collar into a closet. “Gotta collect on his loan. Be back in a few,” she said in a cheery voice, nothing but fear in Simon’s eyes. If he could have mouthed ‘help me’ through the mask he would have. Not sure what his girlfriend had in mind for him.
When they came back minutes later with watery and unfocused eyes, he was sweating, and panting.
Little did his battle buddies know, he had just gotten the best head of his life.
Gaz and his girlfriend had already been stealing kisses between moves at the game. Light pecks with giggles.
She had counted her money and sighed, turning to Gaz, who has significantly more monopoly money than her.
“Baby,” she fluttered her lashes at him.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Can you pay my rent?”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Do you want get a taste of it real fast?”
Gaz quickly got up with his girlfriend and disappeared out of the room.
“If I hear thudding noises, I’m cutting my ears off like that fuckin artist.” Simon grumbled.
When they came back the two were straightening their clothes and giggling like children as she sat on his lap when they sat back down.
Gaz looked at Simon, “I’d like to pay my girlfriend’s rent please.” Before giving her a peck on the cheek making her giggle.
Sadly I'm not doing the other boys like Alex, Keegan, Konig, and Krueger, as I just dont see them fitting this prompt, so sorry loves. I’m also on vacation/networking right now so if I dont post as much or reply slow that’s why!
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seconds-over-first · 2 months
A/N: idk what I wrote here either. Not quite happy but I don’t think it qualifies as angst? Idfk. Hope ye like 👍
Pairings: pining!Ghost x gn!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence
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To say that you were angry with your lieutenant—or, perhaps better to be known as the most infuriating man you’d ever had the displeasure of knowing—would have been a pitiful understatement. One that would have had your head spinning faster than it already currently was, burning hotter than the kettle burning on the gas behind him.
He bared himself to you in this moment, mask in hand, brows furrowed in a way that most would interpret to be annoyance. But you were one of few who knew that look differently, as a sort of frustration that he’d long learned to direct inward. Undressed to the point of emotional transparency to those who knew how to read him so fluently.
He pleaded with his eyes for you to understand. ‘Jus’ hear me out, luv,’ he’d say. ‘Let me explain ma’self.’
It was a poorly kept secret amongst the others in the room that the two of you had a different bond with one another than you each had with anybody else in the task force. Thinly veiled with enough transparency to see the outline of what you meant to each other, but with enough cover that anybody else walking by wouldn’t cast a second glance. But they knew. They knew well.
This is why, upon returning from the most recent op, the betrayal you felt was amplified tenfold. Glaring up at the man before you, cheeks dark with anger and frustration, as he wove a delicate fabric of reasoning with far too many holes.
‘I was trying to protect you,’ he’d say. ‘Couldn’t stand seein’ ya hurt over something I could ha’ prevented.’
He was referring to the op. A moment of vulnerability exposed by a blind spot as you were sent into a building to clear it. You had three echoes with you, and of course, your lieutenant. Who rarely if ever left you alone to lead into the blind. In his mind, he had every right. You were his charge (he ignored you anytime you argued the fact that you weren’t just his responsibility but that of Price, as well) and he had a job to look out for those under him (he ignored you anytime you argued that he didn’t pay such courtesy to Gaz and Soap.)
You’d tripped a silent wire, rigging an alarm that had alerted the enemy to your presence. The echoes spotted movement in the rafters before you had, but before you could even raise your gun, you were pushed aside. Rather painfully landing against a jagged concrete slab that looked as though it’d once been part of a support beam. Only to then watch a spray of blood as your lieutenant—the ever so stubborn, arrogant, commanding man now trying to defend himself—was struck in the arm.
He couldn’t shoot back before being forced to cover behind a wall, clutching his arm as the eyes of his mask darkened under shadow. With a curse, you’d stepped back out and shot down the source of fire from above. Cursing at him the entire way back to central. At first you weren’t sure whether you were worried, offended, or angry—but as your spew of venom only continued to crash down like a fall of poison on him, you realised how truly furious you were.
Yet the bastard of a man before you only stood before you with the straightest fucking expression on his face, discernible only by the ever so slight twitch downward of his brows, and the occasional flex of his jaw. Defending himself calmly as you exploded on him, the moment you could corner him after returning, and after he’d been released from medbay. Stewing in your frustrations for hours until it finally burst.
You demanded to know what he’d been thinking.
‘Was the right decision at the time,’ he’d counter.
You reminded him, for what felt like the umpteenth time, that you were just as qualified to walk into gunfire as anybody else on the team. He didn’t have to treat you like a child.
‘Children scream when they don’t get their way,’ he’d drawl.
You wanted to scream, that’s for sure. Wanted to slap him. Hit him upside the head with that stupid mask he clenched in his free hand, the other absently stirring a mug of tea.
‘He loves you,’ said Gaz to you, once. Caught alone after a briefing many months ago, when he’d joined you after an evening run. ‘Jus’ don’t think he knows what that means, is all.’
‘He’s infuriating,’ you’d countered, ignoring the way your heart fluttered at the chance. But now, those words felt all too true. He was infuriating. So very infuriating. So very infuriating, indeed.
You ignored the sympathetic looks from your teammates as you growled, shaking your head before making your way to the exit. You could even feel his eyes on you as you left. They drilled into the back of your head, as though they could read your thoughts.
‘’M terrified of losing you, luv,’ he’d say. You pause, but you don’t turn around. ‘’M even more afraid of never having you in the first place.’
You shake your head, ignoring him when he tries to argue that you were ever his. Uttering a ‘fuck you, Riley,’ before storming out.
tag list: n/a
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thegnomelord · 6 months
Just had this dark idea in my head involving Hound and Makarov. What if while Makarov was in prison, he starts becoming very sick, and the guards start to notice as well. He claims to have cramps, vomiting a lot, and bloating. Suspicious signs of pregnancy. So the facility gives him a ton of pregnancy tests, all of which were positive. Makarov knew this day would come before he was captured because he washed down the birth control and made you cum blanks inside him without protection. He wanted something to remind you that you belonged to him, a piece of you to always have with him, someone to love when you aren’t there.
The news spreads like wildfire in the base, 141 couldn’t believe what they heard and debated if they should tell you or not. But in the end they all agreed you should know the truth. Price was the one to break the news and hold you tightly as you had a mental breakdown. Makarov was pregnant with your child.
NGL I'm having serious thoughts of whether or not to put abo verse into the Hound/Good dog universe because like, it feels really fitting.
Like Makarov's an omega, he grew up being told he'd need to be a good omega for his future alpha and be subservient and all that shit, and he's had to fight tooth and nail for everything. And he loves having control over such a big and burly alpha like Hound, turning the usual dynamic on it's head. It would also make brainwashing Hound easier with all the pheromones and come Hound's rut when alpha's get desperate for an omega's touch.
Price and Ghost are omegas, Gaz is a beta and Johnny's an alpha. I headcanon when Hound was still a sergeant they'd do this scenting session after particularly hard missions where they'd scent each other and just cuddle until your inner alpha was content and happy knowing your omegas were okay.
Also the angst of Price or Ghost trying to do the same thing only to have you recoil and growl at them. Aaaand maybe the heartbreak of finding out Makarov had bonded you and him, owns Hound body and soul is jught ughtuddafeha.
Also yes yes yes the angst of finding out Makarov is pregnant with your child would be such good angst! And then dealing with the instincts to protect your pregnant omega would make it an even bigger dilemma when it comes to choosing between Makarov and 141.
But idk lemme know what ya'll think before I go and change things up lol.
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
I feel like we don't talk enough about how Gaz is also a victim of Membrane's neglect and how that affects her sibling rivalry with Dib.
Like, I think because Dib is the deuteragonist of the show and Gaz is a supporting character it's easier to focus on analyzing him and everything going on in his life that influences his maladjusted behavior. But not a lot of people talk as much about why Gaz is the way she is. Why are her main emotions apathy and anger? Why is she the only other kid at skool besides Dib and Zim with no friends to hang out with at lunch or recess? Why are her revenges against Dib over things like cereal and pizza so over-the-top? Why does she purposefully try to destroy all human life and then get mad when it doesn't work?
Some of Gaz's behaviors have a pretty clear-cut cause and effect. She and Dib don't get to spend much time with their dad, so she gets upset when Dib's actions threaten their time together. Dib is also selfish and inconsiderate of Gaz, frequently stealing her food or talking her ear off about stuff she doesn't care about and expecting her to take an interest while never asking about her hobbies.
But I think some of her hostility toward Dib and general sour attitude can also be explained by Membrane's unequal treatment.
I've seen elsewhere that some people think Membrane favors Gaz because she's his "normal" child. He actually respects her gaming hobby and doesn't treat it like a phase she needs to grow out of. He doesn't talk down to her or try to push her into giving up something she loves in order to win his approval. Where Dib is constantly arguing with his dad about the legitimacy of his version of science, he and Gaz seem to have an easy rapport free of that kind of tension.
But is Membrane's behavior toward Gaz really a sign of favoritism, or just a different form of neglect?
The main conflict between Dib and Membrane stems from Membrane wanting Dib to be his successor. In Chickenfoot he specifically calls Dib "the future of the Membrane Empire", against Dib's wishes. In Mopiness of Doom, he and Dib finally bond when Dib decides to temporarily give up paranormal science and assist him with "real science". And supposedly, part of Eric Trueheart's clone Dib concept was that Membrane engineered Dib specifically to carry on his legacy.
But all of this begs the question, where does Gaz fit into Membrane's grand designs? Is she just the spare? She's just as smart, if not smarter than Dib, but we never see any indication that Membrane's trying to push her toward a career in science the way he is with Dib. It's one thing for him to not be bothered about her gaming hobby because it's not "disreputable", but there's no indication that Gaz has anymore interest in becoming a "real" scientist than Dib. So does Membrane just assume that since she's never shown any other ambitions she'll just fall straight down the path that's already been laid out for her, or does he just not care what she does with her life because he's only focused on living vicariously through Dib?
We don't know exactly how Membrane views his kids, but it's easy to see how a little girl might come to some pretty negative conclusions about what her status is in her father's eyes. Even if it's not true, Gaz might very well believe that he favors Dib. That despite Dib rejecting the legacy she was never considered for, despite him constantly getting into trouble and being weird and annoying and embarrassing, and putting his stupid hobbies ahead of their family, their dad doesn't give up on him as a lost cause. Even when he has another perfectly good child who mostly behaves herself and stays out of trouble, would never try to upstage him or ruin an important moment for him, who appreciates what little time they have together and would never jeopardize it by running off to play with some stupid alien, and who's just as smart and capable and not a weirdo paranormal-obsessed freak, Membrane still wants Dib to be his successor and not her.
Not only does this add more layers to her contempt for Dib, it could also explain her apathy and misanthropy. If her dad doesn't care about her, why should she care about anything? If he isn't concerned with her future, why should she concern herself with anything other than the immediate gratification of video games and pizza? Her dad and her brother both think their work is so much more important than spending quality time with her or talking about anything other than their "important work" whenever they're together. They both think they're saving the world, but they're either too blindly optimistic or too egotistical to realize that the slack-jawed idiots populating the planet are beyond salvation. But maybe if there was no humanity left for them to save, no heroic ambitions to fulfill, they'd finally treat her like someone worth paying attention too.
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I’m feral and need more of your a/b/o thoughts. Like I need to know your thoughts on alpha!141 snatching omega reader to keep for themselves
yknow i was gonna say that i haven't touched abo in forever, but then i remembered the gaz thing i just posted the other day lmao
(btw i wrote alpha 141 here but i think abo poly 141 would have alphas price/ghost and betas soap/gaz. probably. maybe. idfk.)
cw for noncon and kidnapping below the cut
i find poly 141 x reader really difficult to write outside of porn, since there's already so many interesting dynamics in regular poly 141. i have a hard time adding in a FIFTH element, yk? especially when that fifth element has to be a reader insert instead of some sorta OC or smth
anyway, i think the best dark poly 141 x reader idea is basically reader being used as a sex toy for the guys. like, she's there for them to relieve their stress in. but in an abo au i could totally see them using her as an element of softness in their lives. with 4 alphas in one home, you need an omega to soften things up a bit
and there you are. soft and sweet and small (compared to them at least) and just so perfect. you're the unlucky bastard who happens to smell appealing to all of them, and you're whisked away before you really even know it
they'd have to be sneaky, probably. you'd have a positive reaction to their scents too, so maybe johnny or gaz gets you to go on a date with one or both of them and then kidnaps you. maybe price or ghost just grabs you one day. something like that, i think, but there's much higher angst potential is kyle and/or johnny lulls you into a false sense of security first (and you know i love a good betrayal)
they'd push and prod at your instincts to force you into a heat before anything else. lock you in their den (soon to be their nest) and surround you in their scents, make low purrs to convince your instincts that you're safe
and as terrified as you are - and oh boy, are you - there's only so much you can actually fight your instincts. lets say you're either not on heat blockers, or maybe the blockers are weak, but for whatever reason you're very susceptible to all of their little pushes
they've got you knotted and mated by the end of the week
it's odd, coming up from that heat. your neck aches all the way around, to the point that it's painful to even turn your head. despite the unfamiliar room, your brain screams at you that you're safe, that you're in your nest.
it doesn't take long to put together the pieces. it also doesn't take long to become very very upset
thing is, it's too late to do anything now. you can't break a bond, and they're not giving you any opportunities to get away. you're stuck with these alphas who have performed the greatest invasion possible on your body and soul. it's crushing
cue lots of attempted comfort. soap and gaz would be the softest with you, always trying to tempt you into realizing how good it is to be with them. soap is rougher when he fucks you, but they're both equally soft outside of that. they bring you nesting materials, constantly make sure you're covered in their scents, and bicker over who gets to cuddle you on the couch
ghost isn't willing to coddle you. he's sweet (in his own right) but he's not nice. he doesn't try to make you feel better - you're meant to be with them, why should he apologize for making it happen? all they did was skip the courting process, this is always where you were going to end up. he refuses to apologize for that. but he also doesn't want you miserable. he holds you close at night, soaks with you for long hours in the tub, and is always making sure you clear your plate
price is... weird. i'm never sure if i should make him the meanest or a softer kidnapper. because i could absolutely see a version of price whipping your ass raw every time you scream at them and call them names, but i can also see a version of price who just levels you with a disapproving stare and locks you in a small dark space when you get like that
regardless, they all smother you. you help balance out their dynamics a bit more, but they're always fighting each other for your attention. especially with the bond making it so they always know what you're feeling. and your instincts scream to trust them (and you can feel their emotions too, know that they really meant for the best, as sick and twisted as it is).
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veritasangel · 1 month
Planets aligned
⋆ 。⋆ any pov ୨୧˚ warnings: one suggestive mention ↣ {wc: 1.1k}
↣ 141 fluff, with some gaz x reader / hints of ghoap and babysitter price / 141 reader!
↣ been in a writing slump, so sometimes you just have to write something shit to get over it, hopefully...
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In hindsight, this probably should've been thought out more.
You were all out on an open field in the middle of the night. You had some makeshift tents around you, that were actually a pretty embarrassing sight, considering they were put up by a group of trained soldiers. 
“Remind me why you dragged us out ‘ere in the freezing cold.” Soap grumbles as he huddles up under a blanket with a hot chocolate, looking more like a whining child than anything.
“I told you this already, Johnny. I wanna see Jupiter and tonight’s a great time for it.” you smile, a slight gleam in your eye that Simon chuckles at. 
“Let the poor dove enjoy their hobbies, you mopey bastard.” Simon tells him.
“I’m just sayin’, why out here? I’ve seen planets, ya ken? It’s called google.” Soap says defensively.
Kyle sighs, as he finishes helping you put the telescope together. Opting to ignore the stupid words coming out of Soap’s mouth and instead saying, “Well I, for one, would like to see them too... You can always leave us to it.”
“Well I dinnae say I wanted to leave. ‘sides, we came down in Price’s truck and unless he gives me his keys-”
“Not happening.” Price interrupts Soap, and you almost forgot he was there. Sitting a little further back with his cigar, watching over the group like a parent forced to watch over their kids sleepover.
A comfortable silence settled over the group not long after that and it was nice for you guys to have this moment of peace to yourselves.
Kyle was meticulously double checking the telescope whilst looking back at the instructions he’d deemed ‘stupid and unreadable’. Though he was insistent on making sure it was all perfectly set up for you so he quietly focused on it.
You couldn’t help but admire him as he did so. His forearms flexing subtly as he tightens the adjustments. The faint glow of the moonlight across his skin, highlighting the sharp angles of his jawline and the gentle curve of his lips, slightly parted in concentration.
Lips you only had the pleasure of kissing one time when you were both tipsy at a christmas party. Honestly you could hardly even call it a kiss, it was just a messy attempt at one.
Simon, smirking at you who's obviously checking Gaz out, can’t help but say, “More than happy to be here ‘an all, love, but couldn’t this have just been a date for you two?”
“I agree, because now we’re third wheeling.” Soap huffs dramatically.
“Third wheeling? Fuck off, you’re practically sitting on Simon’s dick.” you scoff.
“Am not!” Soap blurts out.
“I mean you kinda' are.” Kyle adds in, turning around to see how close the two of them are, eyebrows raising curiously at Simon. “So if anyone’s third wheeling here, it’s Price.”
Price snaps out of his momentary daze, “What?” he grumbles, seeing you all turn to look at him.
“Doesn’t matter-” you begin, “Look, I thought it would be nice for all of us to see it, you know, a bonding experience.”
“We’ve been on the verge of death together more times than the average person, ‘think we’ve bonded plenty.” Price finally engages in conversation.
“Well sue me for thinking we could bond in a more pleasant way, such as me sharing my hobbies. This is my love language.” you sigh with a small laugh and the guys just smile at your antics.
After a few more jokes at your expense and some dramatics from Soap, the five of you all eventually settled down, gathering around the telescope as it got later into the night. They wouldn’t outright admit it, but they were enjoying the time you were spending together and were definitely getting in the spirit of seeing the planet. 
Price and Simon were debating over who could read a compass better as they wanted to point the telescope in the perfect direction. Meanwhile, Soap was reading through an article that dated the possible planet sightings for the rest of the year. Whilst you and Kyle were peacefully waiting, his arms wrapped around you as he reiterated that it was just to keep you warm.
You smiled as his eyes met yours, neither of you saying anything out of fear of the group’s teasing but you didn’t really need to. You just knew what the other was thinking with that small look. One of his hands drawing patterns on your arm that you’d notice were hearts if you could pay attention to anything other than how he was looking at you.
“Well ye, because the book says this one with Jupiter is visible today, on wednesday.” Soap rambles on.
You weren’t even paying attention to the others as you shared this brief moment with Kyle, him grinning at you cheekily. His eyes, dark and sparkling with mischief, seemed to shine even brighter. There's always been an effortless magnetism about him that just pulls you in. Your breath catches for a moment as you realise just how much his smile affects you, how it makes you feel so comfortable and safe.
He notices you staring, and his smile grows, his dimples becoming even more pronounced. "What?" he asks, voice teasing but gentle, his eyes searching yours.
You shake your head slightly, a smile of your own tugging at your lips. "Nothing," you reply, though you know he can see right through you. He’s always been able to, ever since that day you first met when you were both just clueless rookies.
God, how many years has it been of you two just pining after each other?
Wait a minute....
“Hold on- Johnny, did you say wednesday?” you say, snapping out of it and sitting up to look over at the others.
“Fuck.” you mumble, glancing down at your phone.
The guys all look confused until Simon looks down at his own phone, facepalming as he laughs, “It’s Monday.”
The groan that follows is instantaneous as they realise you’ve dragged them out here and had all of this set up only to realise it’s the wrong day. And of course it is, because when can you all do anything smoothly together.
“Soo, about that…”
Price shakes his head as he stands up. “You’re lucky we love you.”
“Where’ you going?” Kyle pipes up as he sees Price heading towards one of the tents.
“Well, we’ve set this all up now, might as well have a ‘bonding’ camping experience.” He jokes, emphasising your earlier choice of words.
So you guys do exactly that. And well…it’s an interesting camping experience to say the least.
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© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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