#and b keeps an eye on it and will let them stray close to jason's appearance
aceofshitposts · 2 years
Congratulations on the milestone! Might I prompt you with JayTim and identity shenanigans?
you have my deepest apologies for this taking me like three days i kept starting it then either getting distracted (be my robin) or scrapping what i had and starting over lmaoo
Jason doesn't usually get to go to the parties in the city. Rich people have no concept of time and as such a lot of these fancy, non charity or Wayne associated, high society get togethers tended to fall smack in the middle of the week. Which was more than fine with Jason because spending three hours having his cheeks pinched one moment and then having to hear contrite bullshit about his background the next was not his idea of a good time. At least if it was a party hosted at the manor Jason could run off to his room or the cave without having to wait for B.
That being said, the summer masquerade ball wasn't the worst party Jason has ever had to attend. Even if the only actual reason he was here was because Bruce suspected several attendees of illegal activity and needed evidence.
Which leaves Jason sipping a glass of sparkling apple juice, tucked away in a corner by the windows, wearing a fancy handmade leather masquerade mask that'd adorned with intricate gold filigree that Jason doesn't even want to know the price of.
Which is, of course, about when everything decides to go to shit.
Glass blows out from the floor to ceiling windows in a deafening blast, several goons wearing black full face cowls all step inside the threshold, glass crunching beneath their boots. The chaos is immediate, screaming and demands from who must be the Head Goon being made.
Jason briefly considers tackling the goon closest to him as the others disperse throughout the room, he's already in a mask and Bruce always insists on some form of under armour in public but it's not going to be enough to stop a stray bullet at close range. He contemplates a moment too long, the goon spots him beginning to run away and apparently thinks he'll make just a fantastic hostage.
Jason thrashes against the man's hold while keeping an eye on the exit. Bruce would have gone off to change into Batman already, he would be here soon. Even if he scolded Jason for stupidly getting himself caught--
"Let go of him!"
There's a crash, loud and solid. Like one of the decorative vases that were sitting on the tables just shattered. The man holding Jason collapses, his grip loosening enough that Jason quickly is able to slam his elbow into the man's arm and get him to drop his gun. Jason whirls around, kicking the guy squarely in the jaw as he goes, and sees a short kid wearing an overly elaborate blue and black mask, a large blue decorative feather sticking out of the left side.
He meets Jason's eyes, his chest heaving and even behind the shadows of the mask Jason can see the wild look in his eyes, and grins. A quick flash of teeth and then there's a gunshot, a woman's scream and both of them are diving under a nearby table to take cover.
"You gotta get out of here!" The kid whispers urgently, pushing Jason's shoulder.
"Wh- Me? What about you? And what the hell was that, you could've been killed!" Jason says, batting the kid's hands away.
"We don't have time for this!" The kid stresses. "I'll be fine, just go."
Jason has half a mind to wonder why he's so insistent Jason leave but no real time to dwell cause inadvertently, the kid has a point. Jason huffs but crawls out from under the table and makes a beeline towards where he knows Bruce stashed their costumes.
Batman is predictably less than impressed when Robin shows up late. Regardless, between the two of them they're able to round up the offending goons and provide first aid for the injured, thankfully nobody appears to be injured too badly.
Jason looks around the ballroom, hoping to see a flash of a blue feather amongst the people. Where was he? The kid was alright when Jason left, right? Wait, maybe he was still...
Jason runs over to the table, hoping that stupid, gutsy kid was alright and.
There's nobody under the table.
But there is an elaborate mask with a blue feather sticking out the side.
"Robin? What are you doing?" Batman asks as Jason backs out from under the table.
"Everyone was accounted for, right?"
"Yes, why?"
Jason looks down at the mask in his hands, thinking about a gutsy kid grinning at him after nailing a goon in the back of the knees with a vase. God, Jason hoped the kid never pulled something like that again. Even if it had helped him out.
"Eh, I'll tell ya later."
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Maribat March 2021 @maribatmarch-2k21
Day 1: Found Family
“Ah! Bonjour!” A cheery voice called, as a short Eurasian girl bound over to the unfairly intimidating mob of tall people with sharp eyes. Chloe had called in a favor. “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe told me that your tour guide cancelled at the last minute, so she blackmail—sorry, begged me to fill in for them. You are the Wayne’s, non?”
The one at the front of the group, clearly Bruce Wayne since Marinette didn’t live under a rock and had seen the man on several American news broadcasts before, nodded and cleared his throat. Man, was he intimidating. Even when he shot her a dazzling smile that was sure to blind Paparazzi with fake cheer. It was a nice smile, Marinette wasn’t about to deny. But it was empty. Distant. And Marinette wasn’t going to buy it for a second.
“Yes, that’s us. Mademoiselle Bourgeois mentioned she had asked a close friend of hers to take care of our tour.”
Marinette nodded again, clasping her hands behind her back. “I guarantee, you won’t miss anything the tour guide would have shown you. In fact, Chloe mentioned that you all were very curious about the now retired Parisian heroes, right? My former best friend ran the Ladyblog back when they were active. I am more than confident that I can answer any questions you have while we go through the city.”
A boy with a white streak in his hair rose his hand, as if he was in a class and needed to wait to be called on. Which, considering the sheer size of their family, Marinette was actually grateful for. But damn, this was another imposing figure. Slightly taller than even the six-foot-three-inches that Bruce Wayne owned, he was solidly built and rocked a brown leather jacket and ripped black jeans. Marinette smiled and nodded for him to speak.
“How old are you? Because I don’t know if twelve year olds are allowed to do guided tours,” there was an obvious tease in his voice, but there was also legitimate concern in his blue-green eyes. Marinette almost missed that concern amid her quickly building annoyance. She even felt her eyes twitch.
“I’m turning eighteen in a few months if you need to know, Monsieur,” she evened out the bite in her voice with an overly sweet smile. “And if you want to get lost and possibly pickpocketed in the busy streets of Paris, then please continue to make comments on my height. If not, we can begin our tour and you might even enjoy it.”
Several Wayne’s snickered at her comeback, one man in particular elbowing the white haired gentleman with a little too much glee. Even the stoic Bruce laughed softly, and a boy with enough bags under his eyes to make the airport jealous nearly fell over himself with his suppressed laughter.
The man himself just snorted, sending her a lopsided smirk that oddly radiated approval. It was almost as if she had passed some sort of test.
“My name’s Jason, Pixie. You already know B. The guy trying to break my ribs,” he pointedly shoved off the one who had elbowed him, “is Dick. He’s Bruce’s first adoptive casualty. The one that looks like a zombie is Tim, we might need to take a break to get him more coffee before he passes out halfway through. The one who hasn’t stopped glaring at you is Damian, the badass redhead is Barbara but we all call her Babs. The annoying blonde is Stephany, the other cool badass over there is Cass. She doesn’t talk much. And the one trying to pretend he doesn’t know us is Duke.”
Each member he introduced gave her a little wave or nod. Even Damian managed a short nod of acknowledgement before resuming his glare. He looked to be a couple years younger than her, so she just brushed it off as teenage drama.
���Alright then! It is very nice to meet you all. Now, Chloe did inform me that you guys are very multilingual, which is another reason she asked me instead of one of our other friends. If you ever need it, I obviously am fluent in both French and English. But added to that, I am fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian, and I know basic survival Japanese. I also know French Sign Language, though I’m not sure if that’s very useful for you unfortunately. If you ever need to communicate non-verbally, I will do my best to accommodate that. Now, I believe you guys were scheduled to start the tour with a visit to the Louvre, non? Right this way.”
As Marinette led the large group out of the Grand Paris, they didn’t bother taking time to admire the sights before asking questions.
“Have you ever met one of the heroes?” Dick, who might have been shorter than Jason and Bruce but was muscular enough to still inspire caution (and admiration), asked. His blue eyes seemingly stared right through Marinette as he continued; “If you’re almost eighteen, then they must have been active through a lot of your school career.”
Marinette smiled. “They did only retire last year,” she agreed with a nod. “Yes, I have met all of the Parisian heroes at least once,” she snorted at a stray thought. “In fact, I met Chat Noir quite a lot. You see, my old College was basically ground zero for a lot of akuma attacks. And by a lot, I mean a majority of them,” she shook her head before pausing to get everyone to cross a street. “After a while, Chat Noir started calling me ‘princess’ to make fun of how often he had to save me. He’s an annoying ass.”
Despite her words, everyone behind her could easily hear the fondness there. They all traded glances. What if this was a Lois and SuperMan situation? Regardless, they all had a suspicion that Marinette knew more about the heroes than she let on. Or, at least more about Chat Noir.
“When you say that your school was a hotspot for Akuma attacks,” Bruce spoke up cautiously, his Dad Senses going haywire. He didn’t like how nonchalantly she had said it— she was far too casual. Sure enough, he watched as the muscles between her shoulders stiffened slightly at the conversation change. “What do you mean? Surely it couldn’t have been that bad if the school is still around.”
Marinette sucked her teeth, grimacing. “The school is still there, yeah, but only because of Ladybug’s ability. You’ve heard about the Cure, right?” It was Tim who answered her;
“Yeah. It fixed the damage done during a fight, right?” He asked, tilting his head a little. Marinette ignored her brief thought that the gesture made him look like a curious puppy. She sighed.
“Yeah. But when they say damage, they mean everything. Injuries, collateral. Death,” she said the last example darkly, far too much weight behind the word for it to be meaningless. She heard Jason hiss in sympathy. “But there are good things. The Cure also erased anyone’s memories of dying besides the vague knowledge that it did happen, so there isn’t much trauma there to unpack. Not as much as there could have been anyway,” she assured them. “And I’m one of the lucky ones. I never died, and I was never Akumatized.”
“Hmph,” Damian’s voice cut through the brief silence that followed her admission. She looked back at him to see his sharp green eyes staring right into her. “You don’t honestly believe that’s lucky.” It wasn’t a question. Marinette clenched her jaw, turning around and ignoring him.
Because, no. It wasn’t luck. It wasn’t lucky that she was the only one that remembered everything— all of the deaths, all of the Akumatizations, everything that others mercifully forgot. Since she lived through all of it, she remembered all of it. And survivor’s guilt is nothing to scoff at.
But she wasn’t about to reveal her trauma, or at the very least the full scope of it, to people she had just met and was leading on a tour.
“If you look to the left, you’ll see a statue that was made depicting Ladybug and Chat Noir back during the first years of their activity,” she suddenly told them, gesturing to the still-standing statue. Nobody missed the obvious topic change, but nobody commented on it either. Turns out the statue was something they had been looking forward to seeing in person, Tim even went up to take a few photos with his camera. Barbara took a few circles around the statue, easily pivoting her wheelchair around it as if she was trying to see every angle and imperfection possible. Marinette couldn’t help but chuckle fondly at the sight.
“Your family are pretty big fans, huh?” She asked Cass and Duke, the only ones that had stayed back with her. Duke snorted, and Cass gave her a small grin.
“They like to keep up to date with all the heroes,” Duke answered with a shrug. “Since we’re so high profile, it isn’t weird for us to be saved by one here or there even when we’re away from Gotham.”
Marinette just gave him an odd look, furrowing her brows. “But the Miraculous team has been disbanded since HawkMoth was defeated,” she reminded them. “There’s no need for them to save anybody anymore.”
“Old habits,” Cass spoke up softly, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes locked with Marinette’s. “Not easy to break.”
The smaller woman had a feeling that Cass wasn’t talking about her family’s habit of keeping up to date on heroes.
“Alright! We need to head to the next stop or we might not have time to see everything!”
The tour went pretty similarly. The walks between stops were pleasant, and filled with questions about the period of time where HawkMoth was active. Marinette wasn’t even the least bit surprised nor put off; everyone was curious about those years now that the tourism restriction was lifted and people could ask freely about it. Besides the many questions about the Heroes, Marinette found the group to be very pleasant company. They were polite, but also rowdy in a very endearing way. She caught a lot of inside jokes they had with each other, and a lot of good natured teasing and fighting. They even managed to rope her into it somehow, and she found herself snidely teasing Damian or casually threatening Tim with not allowing them a coffee break. She even got to ride on Jason’s shoulders for a bit after he made another comment on her height that she Did Not Appreciate. But the ride she got made it worth it.
But soon the sun was high in the sky, and it was about time for them to take a lunch break. They had all been walking for hours with only a few chances to rest, and honestly Marinette was impressed that none of them seemed too tired out by it.
“Alright,” she put her hands on her hips proudly. “Since some of you won’t stop whining about needing coffee or being hungry— Dick, don’t you dare buy anything from that vendor! I’m gonna lead you all to my parent’s bakery so we can have lunch and caffeinate all of you. And conveniently enough,” she smiled widely. “The bakery is right across the street from my old College! So you’ll be able to get a look at where the majority of Akuma attacks happened, and maybe I can tell you a few specific stories if you want,” she offered. There were a couple cheers (Tim and Dick) from the crowd and everyone seemed pretty pleased with the next step in their tour. Smiling, Marinette turned and began to lead them in the direction of her home.
Sirens blared, a fire truck zooming down the street next to them.
Headed in the same direction.
Marinette frowned, watching it go. “That’s weird. I hope everyone’s okay, whatever happened,” she mused idly. But as they kept going forward, the sirens didn’t get any softer. If anything, they started getting louder again after a while. Marinette was visibly concerned by then, her pace picking up. “This is my neighborhood,” she told the solemn group behind her. “I know everyone on this street—“ they rounded the corner, and Marinette stopped in her tracks. Her world ground to a halt.
There was the fire truck, stopped right in front of her bakery.
Which was completely ablaze.
A string of curses flew out of her mouth, the little Eurasian wasting no more time before sprinting towards the building. She could hear people yelling at her to wait, slow down, stop! But she ignored them. The only thing on her mind was that her home was on fire.
“Marinette! Wait!” Dick reached out to grab her arm, but like a snake Marinette easily slipped out of his grip and continued forward. Steph was next, deciding to just tackle Marinette— to no avail. The Parisian just shouldered the bigger woman off of her with pure adrenaline fueling her muscles, and everyone else knew by then that they could not stop her. The Wayne’s decided all they could do was jog behind Marinette, keeping her in sight as they tried to gauge the damage.
“The top floors don’t look like they have even been touched by the fire yet,” Tim whispered, though his eyes flew between the building and their tour guide. Marinette was speaking rapidly with a firefighter that wasn’t immediately busy, trying to get information. But before anyone could decipher what was said, Marinette tore a large strip off the bottom of her shirt and tied it in a hasty mask around her mouth.
“Wait!” Bruce was the first to realize what was happening, with his years of experience with self sacrificing children and their stupid stunts. But Marinette managed to kick him away before he could grab her, dashing into the inferno without paying any heed to the many protests that followed her.
The group of Gothamites could do nothing but watch the flaming building, then. If they went inside, it would only overcrowd a hazardous area. Minutes passed, and there was movement in the fire. Out of the doorway came Marinette and a firefighter, both having to work together to carry the body of a large man outside. The sight of the man made the Gotham family blink— he was as big as Bane! And that was nothing to scoff at. But despite his unusual size and muscle mass, the man had all the signs of being a normal civilian.
Marinette didn’t stop there. She ran back in. Coming out a lot more quickly this time with a barely conscious Asian woman— everyone saw the resemblance between her and this new woman immediately.
It had to be her mother.
“Shit,” Duke hissed. Nobody else could say a word. It wasn’t looking good, and this wasn’t a situation where random vigilantes showing up out of nowhere could actually help. Not this late into the fire. Bruce’s hands curled into fists.
The woman that everyone guessed was Marinette’s mother was suddenly struck by lucidity; she gasped and grabbed at Marinette’s hand without seeming to see who she was even talking to. A single word that none of the Waynes could hear left her throat, and judging by Marinette’s returning panic it hadn’t been good.
She rushed right back into the building, and came back out with the last firefighter who had been searching inside.
Marinette carried a child. She screamed out in panicked French;
“She’s not breathing! I need first aid now!”
That was their cue. The firefighters started their hoses, focusing on getting rid of the flames now that nobody was left inside the building. Bruce and Damian got to Marinette first, and this time she listened as they instructed her to set the child down. Damian, being smaller and having more hands-on medical knowledge, took charge of the resuscitation. Marinette sat there silently, eyes riveted to the small child— a girl.
But Marinette wasn’t reacting like a normal civilian to tragedy. She was eerily calm, eyes focused and barely concealing a terrible rage. She took over chest compressions when Damian started to lose momentum, not giving up.
But then the EMTs arrived, and it was only five minutes with the child hooked onto oxygen that the news arrived—
Marinette heard the monitors on the ambulance flatline before she even registered what people were trying to tell her. Manon. Manon was—
Marinette didn’t register Nadya Chammack at first. She was just another body in the quickly growing sea of them. That is, until she heard Nadya’s pained shriek. A mother who had just lost her baby girl.
“Perhaps we should head back,” Bruce offered softly, giving Marinette space but keeping a keen eye on her. He saw her begin to tremble, then shake. He was pretty sure he could hear the grinding of her teeth for a second before she went still. Just… all movement stopped, the tears that had been building just falling silently for a second before they ended.
And he recognized that carefully practiced emptiness in her bluebell eyes. The same emptiness he had seen in Damian’s eyes when he had first arrived at the Manor. The same emptiness he saw in Dick’s eyes in the days following his parent’s deaths.
The same emptiness he saw in the mirror, every time he had another nightmare about the day Jason had been taken from him, years ago.
Suddenly he could imagine all too well exactly what kind of strength she had to have, to avoid her negative emotions ever being used against her during Hawkmoth’s reign. Especially if she had constantly been dealing with her friends and family being Akumatized and/or dying on multiple occasions.
She didn’t even seem to have heard him. Bruce sighed.
“I called Chloe,” Barbara informed everyone solemnly, holding up her phone for emphasis. “She’ll be here in five.”
Chloe hadn’t come alone. With her had been Adrien Agreste, former model when his father hadn’t been… well, in prison. Nowadays he was just a normal student who occasionally gave lectures on neglect and child abuse, and how to help children in those situations.
And, apparently, he was also Marinette’s closest friend. Even more so than Chloe. As soon as they arrived back at the Grand Paris, Chloe herded everyone up into her suite and she and Adrien surrounded Marinette with pillows and blankets. Adrien curled around Marinette like an affectionate cat, and Damien even swore he heard the guy purr at some point
“We should probably leave,” Bruce whispered to their hostess, who looked inbetween him and her friends for a moment before jerking her head towards the door.
“I wanna talk to you first,” Chloe whispered back. Once they all filed out into the hallway and the door was safely closed, Chloe took a breath. “First, I want to tell you that I got a call from the hospital. Marinette’s father is stable, but in a coma right now.”
“Is that the man who looked like he could bench press a car for fun?” Dick asked, earning a weak grin from the Bourgeois heiress.
“Yeah, that’s him. But…” Chloe’s face fell, and she looked around as if to double check nobody was eavesdropping. She still lowered her voice anyway. “Her mother, Sabine. She…” Chloe swallowed a lump in her throat, images of the extremely kind Chinese woman flashing through her mind without permission. “She didn’t make it.”
Several people took a sharp breath, acknowledging everything that had gone so wrong for Marinette on a day that had started so perfectly.
“The smoke?” Cass asked gently, but Chloe winced and shifted on her feet.
“No. They… there were rope marks on Sabine’s neck,” Chloe clenched her eyes shut at the admission. “Marinette’s dad might be big, but he’s not a fighter. Sabine, though… Sabine was. She was raised in a martial arts family back in China. I’ve seen Sabine take down five men at once, all twice her size,” Chloe kicked her lips, shaking her head in disbelief. “Somebody knew… somebody knew that the little Chinese woman was a threat but the big baker with tons of muscle was harmless.”
Nobody took that well. Not only had Marinette just lost her home and half of her family, but her father was in a coma and it had all been foul play.
“Okay,” Bruce nodded once the news had time to sink in. They could help with this; this was their specialty. They might have only known Marinette for six hours, but she had made a big impression. It wasn’t just anybody that could mesh with his family so seamlessly in that short span of time. “Is there anything else?”
“I want you to get temporary custody of her,” Chloe said it the way only Chloe Bourgeois could. With her back straight, chin high, and the tone of a woman who expected to be listened to or else she’d make life Hell for the person that didn’t take her seriously. Bruce could only blink.
“Can I ask for your reasoning?”
“Marinette has been closing herself off more and more over the years,” Chloe admitted. “Hawkmoth’s reign was hard on her. Only Adrien really knows everything she went through during those years. But even after the disbanding of the team, she hasn’t… she hasn’t allowed herself to get close to anybody new. That’s why I tricked her into doing your tour. She needed to socialize with new people, and if she wouldn’t do it herself then I had to pull some strings.”
A few eyebrows raised at the admission that Chloe had fully planned for Marinette to be their tour guide the whole time. It honestly seemed like the kind of well meaning manipulation that one of them would try to pull off.
“She likes you,” Chloe’s voice went soft again, showing how uncharacteristically serious she was about that fact. “She was comfortable enough to let you guys carry her back here. To let you try to help Manon. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but it says a lot to me and Adrien. And… getting her away from Paris for a while is probably a good idea. She was planning to go to Gotham for university anyway.”
The Waynes traded glances before Bruce crosses his arms and asked some more questions first. Doesn’t Marinette have other family? Answer; only her grandmother, who travels all the time and nobody ever knows where she is until she shows up. Bruce agreed that Gina Dupain didn’t exactly seem like a good candidate for Marinette’s new guardian with that description. But finally, to none of his children's surprise, he did end up agreeing.
“But,” he held up a single finger. “We’ll Wait here in Paris for a week, so that she can try to salvage everything she can from her house and so we can get an idea on how her father is doing. There’s still a chance he’ll come out of his coma fairly quickly. And of course, we will only go through with this if Marinette agrees when we ask her tomorrow.”
Chloe agreed to those terms, looking like a weight had been lifted off of her.
Chloe never cut corners when taking care of her hive. And if that meant making sure that her brave soldier bee could move on to start a new hive, one that was better equipped to take care of her, then Chloe would do everything she could to help that move. And really; Chloe was far more resourceful and observant than people gave her credit for. The butts definitely matched, and Bruce Wayne was her last hope to get Marinette the support she needed. Outside of Adrien, anyway.
Chloe took a breath, watching the Waynes trickle off into their own rooms. Marinette was like the little sister she never wanted, but grew to love more than anything. Though, Chloe knew she really chose Marinette as her sister the same way they both chose Adrien as their brother. She just didn’t want to admit she was sentimental like that. But Chloe knew that someone like Marinette needed a bigger family. More support.
She could only hope that Marinette and the Waynes grew to become family for her like she and Adrien had. Kwami knew that Marinette needed all the help she could get for the foreseeable future.
“You did good, my Queen.”
“I know, Pollen. Now we just have to find out who dared hurt my hive.”
Dude this took so long to write, but I’m actually really proud of it. Probably gonna take this Maribat March a little differently than last year, and make a few longer stories by connecting some of the prompts together. Maybe each week will be a full story? Idk I’ll figure it out. I know I’m behind but I’m working on it.
I tried to keep the angst out, but it found it’s way in here anyway. Oh well!
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doctoranon · 3 years
Jay-Bird Rock.
50′s Jasonette. Or at least a tease of it. This might have turned into a two shot.
Giggling arm in arm with one of her best friends, Marinette swayed into the popular Juke Joint ‘Bat Burger’ on the corner of Gotham’s main street. The music was blaring from the jook in the corner and she couldn’t help but bop along with the rhythm towards their destination, coordination be damned.
Madame Bourgeois had been invited to the Wayne Gala, of course, and when Chloe had learned her father would be declining his invitation (It was election season of course and he couldn't be away from Paris for even a week!) she had decreed she wouldn’t be attending without Marinette. As such, the two girls would soon be in attendance that night, but before that had wanted to enjoy themselves by getting a bite to eat and enjoy the different scenery the American city offered.
Looking over the menu and trying to figure out what sounded good, Marinette would swear she could feel eyes on her, but taking a swift look around, there was no one staring that she could notice. Bringing one hand up to fiddle nervously with one of her ladybug earrings, she figured it was just paranoia from the thought that the Joker gang was known for attacking in broad daylight.
While not something she wasn’t unused to, she was used to being able to fight back as Ladybug. But Ladybug was a magical Heroine from Paris, who dealt with an actual magical villain, not a street brawler or vicious gang in Gotham. 
Feeling the presence of someone by the table, the two girls looked up from their menus, expecting to see a waitress ready to take their order, but had to refrain from rolling their eyes at the duo of boys that had crowded them instead.
“Well ain't you birds a knockout.” the first one schmoozed, leaning his arm over the back of the girls seat, putting him clearly into Mari’s space. Unappreciative of the intrusion, Mari leaned away closer to Chloe, raising a questioning brow at the audacity. Is this what Americans considered etiquette? Sharing a look with Chloe she knew she had had the same thought, though probably a little more vicious in execution.
“Beat feet, Chuckle-head.” Chloe snapped, not having the patience for her afternoon to be interrupted, least of all by a couple of Dunderheads. “We’re no back seat bingo girl’s and thoroughly not interested.” she sniffed, the tried and tested daughter of the Mayor act masking her face.
“Aww, come on sweet cheeks, don’t be like that.” The second one chimed in, leering at Chloe with a smirk. “That’s not what’s happening here. We’re just two upstanding gentlemen looking to invite two hot mamas to cut a rug with us.”
The first of the unwelcome disturbances had taken to leaning in closer to Marinette, not leaving her with much room at all, a frown etched deeply on her face. “Whatcha say, gonna hang with us?” he asked moving his free hand to move a stray hair from her face.
Before she could even move her own hand to stop him, another hand grabbed his wrist, stopping it firmly in place. Following the hand up past the leather clad arm, she was met wit the sight of the dreamiest guy she’d ever seen, his black hair styled like a greaser, and his figure cutting an impressive figure. Meeting his eyes, her breath caught and a blush bloomed on her cheeks.
“Hey Doll, these boys bothering you?” he asked, as she melted. His voice was the richest baritone she’d heard and she wouldn’t lie to herself, she wanted to hear him call her Doll again.
“As a matter of fact-” Chloe started before being cut off by the second annoyance.
“Hey man, these are our birds, go find your own.” Well if that wasn’t the wrong thing to say. Marinette watched as the man’s blue eyes turned to ice as he looked at the boys harassing them.
Pushing the one he had a hold of back and into his friend, the black haired dreamboat scoffed, pulling a smoke from behind his ear and placing the tip between his lips. She had no idea how a man could make that so damn sexy to watch, but this one succeeded. Watching him light it up and take a drag, Mari felt herself flush, and reached behind her to grasp Chloe’s hand to keep herself grounded.
Even her crush on Adrian hadn’t been this fast and hard, but the man in front of her was something else entirely. From the way he held himself, brimming with confidence, to the way he expelled the smoke he’d inhaled, he had her craving his name and wanting his presence.
Demolishing the Burger in front of him, Jason Todd savoured the flavour of real food. Tonight was the Wayne Gala, and he knew from experience it would be posh finger food and no amount of pleading would change that. 
He’d even brought Tim with him on his pilgrimage to Bat Burger. Knowing his sleep deprived brother, he could use the pick me up before the masses of pretentious gasbags shmoozed with them, trying to gain B’s favour. Not that it had ever worked for any of them.
His attention was caught by a swish of pink and a lyrical giggle as a couple of girls passed them by, and his eyes followed, head tilted in interest as he watched the swaying hips and bobbing head of the prettiest girl he had ever seen head towards an open booth.
A nudge from his left brought his awareness back to the fact he was gawking with his burger hovering in front of his face. Taking a large bite he cut his eyes to his brother to be greeted with a knowing smirk. “Ya dont have the time Jay-bird.” Tim told him, taking a bite of his own burger and gesturing with it towards the two girls. “We’ve got about enough time for this before B sicks Alfred or Dick on our tail to get ready.
Jason scoffed as he ran his hand over his quiffed hair, eyes moving back to the girl as she looked at her menu. Pity, she really was a knockout if ever he did see one, but he knew what his brother said was true, they were on borrowed time right now and could probably expect Dick to saunter through the doors at any time to collect them. “Killjoy.” he grumbled back, finishing his burger off in one bite, and wiping his hands on a napkin.
Pushing back from the counter, he reached over to swat the back of Tim’s head. “Come on then, Timmers let's hit the road.” he sighed, twirling his ride’s keys around his finger. He chanced one last look back at the girls before freezing. Two of the Joker gang wannabes were crowding them into the booth, a no good look on their faces.
Protective instincts flaring, Jason gripped his brothers shoulder to divert his attention to the situation, meeting his eyes as they held a silent conversation. Really it was none of their business, but they had the self respect to know a couple of uninterested girls when they saw them, and he was sure Alfred would rake him over the coals if he just let them be harassed, personal interest put aside.
Making his way over, his anger got the best of him as he saw the one guy crowding and reaching to touch the girl who had caught his attention. His arm was already grasping the offending appendage before he could stop himself. “Hey Doll, these boys bothering you?” he asked, meeting the bluest eyes he had ever had the privilege of looking into.
When her friend was cut off, he scoffed, pushing the miserable little snob into his equally miserable pal. Taking his smoke from behind his ear, he put it to his lips and lit it, taking a drag and blowing it in their direction.
“I don’t seem to remember asking your opinion on the matter.” he cut back, feeling his brother take up a position at his back. “But I know you weren't about to continue harassing these lovely ladies, were you, ‘cos you’d be just aching for a breaking if you were.” he warned, speaking through the cigarette before taking another drag and taking it in hand.
He watched as the two boys sized him and Tim up before scoffing themselves and scurrying off, tails between their legs. Smirking he took another drag of his cigarette before turning to the two girls.
“You okay now, Kitten?” he asked, eyes firmly on the black haired beauty, before flickering towards the blond as she started to speak.
“We had it handled” she snapped at him, and he raised a brow, grinning at her attitude before looking back into the blue eyes that had caught his attention.
“I don’t doubt it, but I see two knuckleheads harassing a couple of pretty ladies, I ain't gonna leave them to it. Not how i was brought up.” he said, finishing his cigarette and putting it out on the tray on the table, having to lean over his girl slightly, coming close enough to make out the cute speckling of freckles across her nose.
“Thank you.” the girl murmured, her eyes having not left his since he made eye contact. Jason smirked about to answer back when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned annoyed as hell at the intrusion.
“Jay, come on, we’ve gotta beat feet.” Tim warned, though Jason noticed Tims own eyes sliding past him towards the blonde in the booth.
“Fine, whatever.” he snapped, pulling a comb out of his leather jacket to make sure his hair still fell as he liked it. Looking back at the girl he hesitated, he felt such a connection to the girl for having only shared a few words with her, biting his bottom lip he sighed.
“Guess I’ll see you around, Doll.” he told her, winking. He spared a glance at the blond to see her smirking at him, a calculating look in her eyes. Raising a challenging brow at her, he slapped his arm around Tims shoulders, pushing him from the table and following slowly.
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Another One?!, Part 3
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Marinette took one long, deep breath.
“What the fuck, Adrien?”
Adrien gave an awkward smile that made her want to forgive him… but, no, she must stay strong.
“It’s a cool car!”
She clicked her tongue. “Yes. Yes it is. But none of us can drive.”
“We have to learn at some point, though. Dick is going to uni soon, and it’s not like we can homeschool him for that. And there is no way I’m going to let him take the bus.”
Marinette winced. Okay, fair point.
Adrien must have realized that he was convincing her, because he chose that moment to bring out the pout.
She clicked her tongue once to show she was still irritated but nodded that he could have it.
He grinned and turned to look over his shoulder. “Told you I could convince her.”
Dick popped out of the bushes with a whoop.
Marinette glared at the three new driver’s licenses they had all somehow scammed their way into getting, then turned her gaze on Dick.
“I love you but if you flunk out first semester I will stab you.”
He smiled and wrapped his mom in a hug. “No, you wouldn’t.”
“Bitch, try me.”
Dick wasn’t fazed, squeezing her tighter.
She huffed and reluctantly hugged back. “Okay, fine, maybe not, but I will not be happy.”
“I love youuuuuu.”
“Love you too, sweetie.”
Adrien sighed as he looked at his kid’s grades so far. He’d been scared of this. College was a lot of adjustments already, and to add to that he was going straight from homeschool to normal classes and the school wasn’t giving him nearly as much help as it should.
Dick was stealing anxious looks at him out of the corner of his eyes, his legs drawn  to his chest on the couch.
Adrien reached out and ruffled his hair gently. “It’s fine. We’ll get you a tutor, okay?”
He didn’t suggest changing majors. Dick wouldn’t do it if he did, though he wished he would. It’s law school. Everyone knows that you can’t have a life and still go to law school, jobs and stuff are supposed to be put on hold when you go and there was no way Dick was going to stop vigilantism anytime soon. But…
“Also, try playing a game on your computer or doodling while you’re listening to the lecture. That might help you stay focused.”
Dick nodded with a tired smile.
“And you’re going to have to cut down on vigilantism so you can do homework and go to classes. You don’t get to choose your own schedule anymore.”
Marinette yawned, rubbing her eyes. It had been a long day for her. She’d done patrols for a good fourteen hours, and then Nygma had decided to use that exact moment to pull a death trap out of nowhere.
So, when she’d finally finished everything for the day she was tired and soaking wet (because, for some reason, he thought it would be cool to see if she preferred death by electrocution or drowning). She’d called for her husband to come get her because it was winter and she wasn’t all that interested in walking through the snow in damp clothes.
Now she curled up in the car, getting the front seat and both her and Adrien’s jackets wet. She didn’t care as she pressed as close to the heater as she possibly could.
Adrien brought the car to a stop and looked over, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do you want to wait in the car while I get him?”
She nodded, closing her eyes.
She felt a set of keys drop in her lap and pressed the lock button, sinking into the chair.
And then, a few minutes later, she heard something outside.
She peeked an eye open blearily and looked around, expecting to see Adrien and Dick drumming their fingers on the windows to be let in. A frown made its way across her face when she realized that they weren’t there.
She sat back up slowly and her eyes landed on a flash of red on the side opposite her.
She unlocked her door and poked her head out, carefully making her way around the car to investigate…
A person was trying to steal their hubcap.
She groaned softly and rubbed her eyes, then got into a fighting position.
The person looked up at the sound and she winced mentally when she saw they had a crowbar.
They shot to their feet and raised the weapon.
“Marinette?” Called Adrien.
She looked up on instinct, a bad idea when you’re fighting someone.
She took a crowbar to the stomach and groaned, doubling over. They leaned down to grab the hubcap and then attempted to make a break for it.
It didn’t work, obviously. Dick caught the person by their hoodie when they tried to rush past him.
They twisted in his grip and hit Dick in the side with their hubcap and, when he stumbled a bit in surprise, swept his legs out from under him.
Adrien scowled as he tackled the person to the ground. Then he stopped suddenly, his eyes going wide. “This is --!”
He never got to say what the person was, though, because they had socked him. The person had been wearing a lot of rings, so that hurt even more than it usually would. It was a wonder that Adrien didn’t black out or, at the very least, fall back to cradle his jaw.
The person must have been counting on this because they cursed and reached out to shove Adrien off of themself, but he caught their arms.
With a bit of awkward shuffling he had managed to pin them to the ground, arms tucked beneath him and legs swinging wildly in an attempt to keep Dick and Marinette back.
He needn’t have worried, both of them were pretty incapacitated. Getting hit with a metal instrument tends to do that to people.
Dick recovered first because his blow had been softer and to a less vulnerable part, and he crawled over to Marinette… who was currently listing off every swear that she could think of from her spot on the ground.
They leaned against each other for support and then lifted their shirts a little bit to check for blood. Thankfully, the things the person had used were blunt, so they would only have to worry about bruising...
Still hurt, though.
“— fucking asshole of a person I will fucking stab their cul stupide —!”
“Mari, stop cursing, it’s a kid,” hissed Adrien, who was now covering the kid in question’s ears.
“Oh really? Let’s see you get hit by a goddamn whatever-the-fuck-that’s-called --!”
The kid, who could apparently still hear despite her husband’s best efforts, supplied the name of the object he’d used: “Crowbar.”
“Oh, you absolute --!”
Dick covered her mouth so she could curse without the kid hearing it too clearly.
Eventually, she ran out of curses. Her shoulders slumped.
Adrien and Dick nodded to each other and removed their hands.
Adrien carefully clambered off the kid, though he made sure to hold onto their hands to make sure they wouldn’t a) attack again or b) just run off.
They looked him over and Marinette cringed. Definitely a street kid, if the ragged clothes and bruised skin was any indication.
“It wasn’t personal,” the kid said, looking between the three of them anxiously. He must have realized he wasn’t getting away, because he had stopped subtly struggling against Adrien’s grip. “I just needed money.”
Marinette nodded. “Sure. What foster or adoption system are you in? We can up donations.”
(She was still annoyed about the whole ‘hitting her with a crowbar’ thing, obviously, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to help out a bunch of kids in need.)
The kid’s eyes widened and then he gave a bitter laugh. “I’m not really in one, it’s safer on the streets.”
Adrien frowned. “Sorry? Why? Don’t you want a roof and food?”
They rolled their eyes. “Sure, I’d love that, but it doesn’t exactly happen.”
The three frowned at each other.
Adrien thought for a minute, then shrugged. “How about you stay with us?”
“Huh?” Said both Marinette and the kid.
“We have room and money, and Dick is probably going to leave soon anyways because of college. Why not stay with us?”
Dick hesitated. “I’m probably not leaving, actually, but you can stay if you want.”
Marinette and the kid looked met each other’s eyes and deemed themselves the only sane ones present, because honestly what the fuck?
But then the kid’s eyes strayed to the pearl necklace Adrien had gotten her the year before, to the car, to the designer bag Dick was carrying…
“I wouldn’t mind. What about you, mom?” He said, giving Marinette a cheeky grin.
She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t get puppy-dog-eyed from all sides.
Could Adrien, just once, ask her before randomly adopting kids?
Well, she guessed she should just be glad he didn’t try and adopt the entire foster system. She should probably say yes before he actually tried...
“Fine. Fine. We’ll adopt another one.” She pursed her lips together and then gave her husband a pointed look. “No more after this, though, got it? We’re too old for this stuff.”
“We’re not that old!” Complained Adrien.
She clicked her tongue.
“Fine. I’m not that old.”
Marinette scoffed and threw the keys at him. He caught them without even blinking.
Dick smiled and opened the car door for the kid, who seemed more than a little hesitant to get in the car with strangers. Apparently curiosity won over self-preservation, though, because the kid did end up getting in the car.
“Right, what’s your name?”
“Cool! I’m Dick, and these are my adoptive parents, Marinette and Adrien.”
“... is no one going to talk about why your mom is soaking wet?”
“Why our mom is soaking wet, you mean.”
Jason frowned. “Sure… why?”
“She fell in a well.”
Adrien nodded as he started to drive. Marinette groaned and sunk into the front seat again.
Jason, poor kid, just looked confused.
“How the fuck…?”
Adrien was well aware that Jason didn’t trust them.
Fair enough. How many other people see a random kid stealing their hubcaps and then say ‘yeah, screw it, I’ll adopt them’? He figured they must be the only ones.
The kid seemed genuinely surprised when they pulled up to their house. Adrien wasn’t sure he wanted to know where Jason thought they were taking him.
Marinette had taken a quick shower, changed into some warm clothes, grabbed a cup of coffee, and then took Jason out shopping. Dick rearranged his room to accommodate another person.
And Adrien…
Adrien glared down the kwamis.
“Alrighty. We made the mistake last time of not telling you not to show yourselves to Dick, because we thought that was implied. We’re not doing that again. You are not allowed to in any way help Jason find out that you exist or that we are Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Robin. Got it?”
He made sure to see every kwami nod that they understood and then gave them some leftover macaroons to eat.
Good. So that disaster would be averted.
He heard a loud “Oh! My word!” from the next room and sighed.
New disaster.
He ushered the kwamis back under the floorboards and then rushed over to Dick’s room.
He walked in to find him frantically scraping a part of the wall that had been previously hidden by his bed.
Adrien crossed his arms. “Hey, buddy, whatcha got there?”
Dick turned around slowly, eyes wide and full of panic. “Uh…” He leaned back as casually as he could (it did not look like a comfortable position at all but that’s not the point here) and flashed a brilliant smile. “Adrien… Dad… Dadrien... have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Not nearly enough. What did you do?”
“I…” He looked away. “... should probably get ahead of this. Don’t get mad, please?”
“We’ll see.”
Dick slowly scooted away from the spot and Adrien sighed deeply.
Because on the wall, in crayon, was a bunch of doodles.
But, upon closer inspection, he realized they were doodles of Chat Noir and Ladybug and a tiny little person with black hair.
Do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute --.
He took a few deep breaths before turning to Dick. “Go get some cleaning stuff. We have a few hours before Mari gets back.”
He mumbled a thanks and then rushed out to go find cleaning supplies.
Adrien snapped a photo while he was gone.
Marinette and Jason were struggling.
It was hard to get this kid to buy anything at all, she had tried to get him just another hoodie and he had taken one look at the price tag before flinging it as far away from him as he possibly could.
Man, how was she supposed to get him a mattress if this was how he was going to react to a bunch of ten dollar hoodies?
She would have thrown her hands up in frustration if that wouldn’t have disturbed her coffee. “Fine. We won’t buy anything. Do you have anything we can bring?”
Jason hesitated, then shook his head.
Okay, an obvious lie but she wasn’t going to call him out on it. He was probably still wary of them and their kindness and wanted to keep that backup open. She understood.
Well, she didn’t understand because she’d never been in that kind of situation, but she would respect it.
“Fine. You’ll have to live with hand-me-downs. Are you alright with that?”
Jason relaxed a little, nodding.
She gave a tired smile.
She’d have to do something about Dick’s sleeping arrangements, she’d probably create a hammock or just let him sleep in their bed (it hardly ever got any use, anyways) for the time being. Eventually, Jason might warm up to them enough to let her buy him stuff, and she’d wait for that…
Or he’d run away. But, hopefully not that.
Jason ducked his head and pulled his hoodie up to hide his face and Marinette glanced around. People were staring at them. Fair enough, she doubted that the scruffy hoodie and weathered jeans were making people trust the kid. Still, she stepped towards him and gently grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie to say he was hers.
He cringed almost imperceptibly at her touch. She frowned a little bit, she knew all too well what that meant, but didn’t say anything.
She opted to just glare at the people giving them odd looks, daring any of them to say anything.
They didn’t. Good.
She looked down at the kid and tipped her head to the side.
“I’m going to just shop for the family and you can eat that stuff, okay?”
Jason still looked like he wasn’t happy with it but he nodded.
And, so, she took him to the grocery part of the store. She did what she said she would, shopping for things they would need over the week, but she also watched Jason carefully to see if he liked anything.
The kid clearly knew what she was doing, because he spent most of his time watching her with a neutral expression, but occasionally she’d catch his gaze lingering on a specific product for just a second too long and she’d drop it into the cart.
He couldn’t say anything. He had no proof that they never ate… whatever the hell a Chef Boyardee was.
She found he was mostly looking at cheap, instant meals but that was okay. He’d learn.
She was a baker’s daughter, after all. Everyone in her house would learn what good food was eventually or die by her hand.
Adrien fell back on the couch and groaned. “I have to homeschool another kid!”
“Sucks,” said Dick, who was applying a princess bandaid to a shallow cut on his cheek that he’d gotten that night (the goon who had missed had been pissed that their aim was off... but then pissed themself when the two older vigilantes advancing on him made him realize he had bigger problems).
“It does! I get one kid into college and then I suddenly get another kid to teach!”
Marinette sat on his stomach and he wheezed a little. She didn’t pay this any mind, though. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you adopted another one.”
“He said he felt safer on the streets than in a home! I couldn’t just not adopt him!”
She gave a noncommittal hum.
“Dick! Agree with me!”
The person in question just turned on the TV and started flipping through channels.
Adrien sighed. He was now talking to what may as well have been an empty room. He looked around for the kwamis but they were very determinedly avoiding eye contact while chowing down on their foods of choice. Still, he at least had one person-god-whatever that had to listen to him:
The cat kwami gave a long sigh before looking at him. “Adrien, please don’t make me give you my opinion on this. You’re not going to like it.”
He pouted. “Honestly, though, it’s messed up. Is the system really that bad?”
“Yep,” said Marinette.
“Mhmm,” said Dick.
“And aren’t either of you, I don’t know, concerned about it?”
“You guys already donate a bunch of money, what else can you do?”
Adrien frowned, reaching out and pulling his wife down to lay next to him so they both could be comfortable.
Marinette lifted her arms slightly so he could wrap his arms around her and nuzzled into him a little bit (Dick made a gagging noise in the background). “This isn’t really our type of thing, Chaton.”
He nodded reluctantly…
And then gasped.
“But what if it is!”
“What?” She said warily.
“I mean, we’re in Gotham. Everything is connected to crime here! What if the foster and adoption systems are messed up because the mob or something has something to do with it!”
“Did you stretch before that reach?” Asked Dick as he changed the channel.
Adrien huffed. “M’lady, c’mon, I make sense, right?”
She thought for a minute, and then closed her eyes. “Alright, Chaton, if you really want you can go investigate it. If it’s our kind of thing, then we fix it. Okay?”
He beamed.
Marinette was… tired.
So, when she walked into the kitchen and found Jason flinging cabinets open at random and Dick swinging from a ceiling light, she just continued on to the coffee machine.
“Language,” Dick murmured absently. He hooked his legs over the light fixture and lowered himself down to open the cabinet beside Marinette, revealing... the trash can.
Jason stared at the cabinet in shock. “But… I opened that one… I know I did…”
“You have to be upside down to access it,” said Dick seriously.
She started up the machine. “Sweetie, don’t tell him that. He’ll break his neck.”
Jason slowly discarded his plate in the trash can, eyes locked on it as if it would disappear if he didn’t keep it in his sight at all times. “Why don’t you just have the trash can out…?”
Dick grinned. “Rich people thing. Can’t let people know you live here.”
All he got was two shrugs. They didn’t really understand it either, they just didn’t care enough to do anything about it.
“I hate rich people,” Jason decided eventually.
“Including you.”
Adrien had chosen that exact minute to walk in and was now looking on in horror as Marinette brought an entire coffee pot to her lips and Jason dragged the trash can out into a reasonable place and Dick attempted a trapeze act on the ceiling light.
“Morning,” said Marinette, sending a wave.
Adrien looked at the three of them for a few moments before sighing and sitting on the counter.
Listen, if nothing else, Adrien had faith (... in humanity, religious faith is kinda weird when you have a god living in your jewelry).
This faith had never done him any good but it was there.
So, he had to hope that the problems with the system were things that he could fix as Chat Noir. Otherwise, he’d have to just accept the fact that the system didn’t care about its kids. He couldn’t do that.
The world was evil... but surely it couldn’t be that evil.
Unfortunately for his dreams of fixing everything, he found out that he needed to go to university for at least four years in order to get in. He couldn’t wait that long! People were suffering now!
Good thing he was rich.
Listen, Gotham is messed up. He’s been doing his best to fix it but, dang it, if everyone else can exploit it then he can, too!
(But only to help people. His moral compass was a roulette wheel and using his money to benefit solely himself was one of the lines he wouldn’t cross.)
Dick gave him a jealous look as he held up his new, definitely legitimately earned degree.
And then Jason had stepped into the room and frowned confusedly.
“You’re a social worker?”
“Am now!” He chirped.
“Yep! I’m hoping to make it better, if I can.”
Jason gave a tiny laugh. “Oh, so you’re NEW new.”
Well, that wasn’t encouraging.
That night, he managed to catch Marinette before she could head off for patrols. “Do you think what I’m doing is useless?”
“A little bit but…” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I knew what I was getting into when I married you. I love you, Chaton.”
He frowned a little bit but returned the kiss and whispered his “I love you, too, M’lady.”
“Would you like me to drive you to work?”
He smiled and let her lead him along. That would be good. If he was driven to work then he could get someone to pick him up ‘late’ and give him time to snoop around.
Well, not today. The staff would know if it was his first day. He’d have to give it a month or so before he snooped. But it was good to start that kind of routine early.
When they pulled up to the orphanage, Marinette locked the doors before he could get out.
He gave his wife a careful smile. “M’lady?”
“Listen to me: you are not allowed to adopt any of the kids.”
“But --.”
“Nope. No kids. We already have two when we said we were going to have zero. It has to stop.”
He sighed, leaning back in his seat. “What if… what if they’re about to age out?”
Marinette paused. He could see the gears turning in her head as she bit her lip, considering it.
Then she shook her head. “If they’re about to age out you can give them money and support to start out. That’s. All.”
He pouted a little but accepted this answer. It would have to do.
He heard the doors unlock and stepped out. He looked up at the building and suppressed a cringe. It looked like the kind of orphanage that you see in movies that always have an evil director. This was a good thing for him as Chat Noir but a bad thing when you consider that there are actual kids living there.
Adrien stepped inside, all too aware of his nerves.
After all, he was technically unprepared. Did he know basic medicine? Was he good with kids? Did he know how to teach even kids with challenges? Yes to all of that. Still, he couldn’t help but worry that maybe the four years of college that were asked of him could have taught him something that he would need.
Relax, he told himself.
This did nothing, and really only served to make him more anxious, but hush.
He was given the day to tour the place, and he was originally disappointed. Surely, this couldn’t be it. All the beds were crammed in one room! Some of the beds didn’t even have fitted sheets!
But then his mind wandered to Jason. They never found him asleep in any of the beds, instead finding him passed out with a thin blanket in the corner or, at best, in an armchair. He hardly ever slept alone, either, usually opting to choose whatever room had two or more people in it to sleep.
He had to remind himself that these kids were likely on the streets for at least a few months of their lives, and likely would have adapted to that.
It didn’t make him feel any better, though.
Adrien didn't let any of this show on his face, instead smiling as he introduced himself to the kids he passed. A few gave wary looks, others gave awkward smiles, and some didn’t even seem to notice him.
He didn’t know what he was expecting. He was their new teacher, people usually aren’t all that eager to meet those.
He hoped he could help, though.
Marinette clicked her tongue when she found Jason reading in his current favorite hiding space: under Dick’s bed.
“Sweetie, you’re going to get squished under there.”
He didn’t answer, probably because there was a flashlight in his mouth.
She leaned down to see if she could figure out a way that he could stay down there without getting hurt and scrunched up her nose at a smell.
“Is there… are you keeping food down there?”
Jason finally looked at her, his eyes wide. He quickly moved in front of the stash so she couldn’t get to it and pulled the flashlight from his mouth to speak: “It’s mine.”
“It’s spoiled,” she said, shaking her head. “You can hoard food if that makes you happy but at least make sure it’s something that won’t go bad, please. How about cereal -- no, actually, the kid would kill me if I gave you that… what about nutrition bars?”
“Those aren’t actually that healthy, you know.”
She gave a tiny shrug. “You’re right, they’re not, but they don’t spoil quickly and they have at least some kind of nutritional value.”
He hesitated, then reluctantly pushed the stash of food in her direction. She sifted through it to pull out any food that was still good, and then handed that over.
He looked at the tinier pile and then gave her a tiny smile.
“Thank you.”
She nodded. “I’ll go out and get some nutrition bars.”
His eyes widened. “You don’t have --.”
“Don’t worry about it. I was already going to start buying them to try and wean your brother off of cereal. This is just an added bonus,” she lied so he wouldn’t feel guilty about using her money.
He looked reluctant but still nodded.
She beamed and stood again, the spoiled food in her arms.
She yelled to Dick that Jason was under his bed again so he needed to be careful, then put a sticky note on his bed and door so he’d remember, then tossed the food.
And then she started towards the store.
Teaching all day and then coming home to teach another kid was… something.
Good thing Adrien had the patience of a saint from years of schooling Dick.
Jason groaned and fell back on the couch, covering his face with the textbook. “This is soooooo boring. I already know this stuff!”
“The test you took says differently,” said Adrien as he closed his copy.
All he got was another groan.
He sighed and closed his eyes. Whatever. He was exhausted. He’d take the night off. “Alright, fine, you’re bored. What do you want to do?”
Jason lifted the book from his face so he could send his dad a confused look.
“You have to enjoy something. Y’know, a hobby or something?”
Jason’s face reddened a little and he nodded, toying with some of the rings on his fingers. “I have one... but you can’t laugh if I tell you.”
“I wouldn’t.”
He mumbled something that she couldn’t make out, and Adrien frowned. “Sorry?”
He took a deep breath and then whispered his answer: “Iliketoread.”
It took a moment for his brain to catch up, and then he felt a wide smile stretch across his face. A kid? That reads?
He pushed himself up to his feet.
“I have a library card that’s been gathering dust for the past few years. C’mon.”
Jason raised his eyebrows. “It’s been gathering dust? Why?”
“Uh… let’s just say I’ve been kind of busy with other things.”
“That sucks.”
He considered this, his head tipping to the side, then he nodded. “It does. I should read more.”
“You should.”
Adrien laughed a little. “Have any suggestions?”
Jason’s eyes lit up.
Marinette hummed absently as she stepped into the kitchen and then frowned as her eyes flicked between Dick and Jason, who were looking very intensely at a plate.
She stepped closer and rolled her eyes. It seemed they were dividing up the last cookie from her baking session last night.
Was she concerned that they had managed to eat all the cookies in the few hours since she had finished them? A little. But not that concerned. At least she knew they were getting calories.
But now she was just amused. Because they were using a ruler and a pencil and paper to figure out what exactly half was.
Dick seemed to finish his math first, because he picked up a knife and positioned it over the cookie.
“Careful!” Said Jason.
Marinette snickered. “Boys, I may have a solution for you.”
They looked up with confused expressions.
“I can… you know I can just make more, right?”
Jason looked like he was going to protest... but then Dick swiped the cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. He watched on in horror for a few moments before his face hardened.
“You live up to your name, Dickwad.”
Dick gasped. “Rude!”
“Oh, so I’m rude? You want to know what’s actually rude? It’s --.”
Marinette grinned as she sipped at her coffee. She’d intervene if things went too far but, for the time being, she was perfectly fine just watching.
Jason’s eyes found her and he brought a cheeky grin to his face. “Hey, mom, if you’re going to make cookies then Dickwad can’t have any, right?”
“What? No! Mari -- Mom -- Mominette!”
She tried not to laugh at the chorus of ‘Mom’s as she started pulling down ingredients.
After a month and a half of gaining the trust of the orphanage staff and kids, he managed to sneak into the director’s room and look through the financial records.
He snapped pictures of every page and then slipped out through the window.
When he got home he pulled the pictures up on a bigger monitor and started looking over them with Dick and Marinette at his side.
The longer he looked the more he frowned.
“It’s not an evil plot. I don’t know what to do when it’s not an evil plot,” he said eventually.
Marinette rested her head on his shoulder. “Of course it’s not. Even if criminals benefit from the system being broken, they don’t need to do anything to keep it that way. Even good cities have terrible adoption and foster systems.”
“There has to be something we can do!”
She and Dick exchanged exhausted looks.
“There has to be something we can do.” He repeated, frowning. “We’re rich!”
“We don’t have enough to beat out a mob boss in political donations, Chaton, much less a bunch of them.”
He sighed.
Marinette slipped her hand into his and was silent for a while, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. She squeezed a little tighter and he looked over with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, speaking of mob bosses, the kid and I have been closing in on one’s location. You want in? You always like beating them up...”
“I guess it has been a while since we’ve done that…”
They had been about two seconds away from just pushing the emotions down like they usually did, but then Dick had gasped and pushed himself to his feet.
“We can’t fix homes, but we can always make things easier when they leave.”
“We already agreed to give them money when they age out, sweetie.”
“Nonononono not like that!” Dick was pacing, now. “You guys know a lot of people, right?”
“I do…” said Adrien carefully.
“Then use that! Help them get into the fields they want to get into.”
“That’s…” Adrien pulled out his phone to translate the word to English. “... nepotism.”
Marinette shrugged absently. “We kill people, Chaton, this is hardly the place to draw the line. I can probably get them into the designing world if I wanted.”
“I could do circuses or law.”
Adrien sighed and closed his eyes. He figured he should just be glad that they were trying to help.
“... I can get modelling and any other field that I know someone in… I’d need to make some calls...”
The happiness that came along with finding a solution, weak as it was, lasted about a month.
Marinette smiled and wiped some blood from her husband’s cheek so she could give him a kiss.
“Feel better?”
“A little,” he admitted.
She smiled and tipped her head back to look at Dick, who was tying up the last of the henchmen. “You’ve had faster times, sweetie.”
“I would’ve gone faster if you were helping instead of ‘french kissing’ over here.”
“We weren’t --!” She clicked her tongue when both of the guys started laughing. “You’re hilarious. C’mon, we need to get out before the cops get here.”
They slipped out into the streets as sirens blared in the distance and detransformed.
Marinette hummed lightly as they made their way through back alleys. After all, their detransformations only got rid of the suits, not the blood… it would look a little weird if three people covered in blood were just walking through the streets.
Adrien opened the door for them, and she stepped inside…
Only to go pale.
Because Jason was up, watching a show. He had probably woken up and decided to wait until people were back to sleep. The three vigilantes went completely still, save for the quiet squeak of surprise that left Dick’s lips.
Jason looked over and his eyes widened.
“Uh… we can explain?” Said Marinette.
He screamed and scrambled off the couch as quickly as possible and made a mad dash for the kitchen.
The three vigilantes looked at each other, then followed after him.
Her eyes searched the kitchen and found him hidden under a table...
Oh. He had a knife. Fun.
Adrien pushed Dick behind them.
She held up her hands placatingly. “Sweetie…”
Adrien sighed. “I… we aren’t… well… we kind of are… but...”
“Not helping,” Dick muttered.
Marinette bit her lip as she considered what to do to make Jason relax, then groaned. “Tikki. Spots on.”
Somehow, Jason’s eyes went wider when she transformed.
Adrien sighed.
The other two transformed as well.
Jason had gone into shock…
They detransformed now that they had shown him the truth.
“Now that you know that we won’t hurt you, can you… put the knife down? Please? That’s the good knife and --?” She felt the glares of the other two vigilantes on the back of her head and winced. “Okay, maybe not the most important reason why... knives are sharp. We don’t like sharp things. They hurt.”
The kid did, in fact, put down the knife. This was probably just because he was stunned and on autopilot but at least he was no longer armed.
Marinette carefully walked over and picked it up off the ground. A pout made its way onto her face as she looked at the blade. It had scratches on it…
She saw Adrien’s disapproving look and huffed, tossing it into the sink a few feet away and then turning to the kid next to her.
“This wasn’t how we wanted you to find out…”
The boys made their way over as well and they all sat in a wide circle around the kid. They didn’t want him to feel alone but they also didn’t want to crowd him.
“We didn’t really want you to know at all, we just wanted to be a stable family for you,” explained Adrien.
Jason was emerging from his shock slowly, his breathing was picking up.
Marinette peeled her jacket off and draped it over his shoulders gently.
“We promise we won't force you to be a vigilante. In fact, we’d probably feel better if you weren’t one. You’re a kid,” said Adrien.
“But,” added Dick. His parents glared at him but he continued anyways: “If you want, then we won’t stop you. You’re old enough by our family standards, so we can’t really stop you if you want to. Just tell us and we’ll get you a miraculous that suits you and some training.”
She clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
Dick gave her a bit of side-eye. “What? It’s not like we would be able to stop him if he wanted to be a vigilante. I’d prefer that he at least be safe… -ish.”
Jason curled up in the jacket and closed his eyes. “Can I have some time to think about it? About… everything?”
“Of course, sweetie.” Marinette scooted away a little so he could get past her and he rushed out.
The three watched him go in silence. They heard the front door slam behind him.
She closed her eyes. “Sweetie, go after him? Make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
Dick gave a quiet “Okay” and transformed. With a shrill note, he was gone.
Adrien and Marinette were left alone.
She felt him crawl over to her and pull her into him.
“He’ll be okay,” said Adrien softly.
She bit her lip and then buried her face in his shoulder.
Over the next few weeks they heard people in the house.
He made sure to never acknowledge it. It could be Dick coming back for food or to grab some homework to do while watching over his brother, or it could be Jason.
He always hoped it would be Jason… but now that it actually was he felt a surge of anxiety.
Firstly, Marinette wasn’t home. Nygma had just announced his most recent death trap to the city and she’d had to rush out to deal with it.
Secondly, Dick had a class at the moment.
Thirdly, Adrien was just really tired. He’d spent the entire day teaching, of course he was tired. He wouldn’t be at the top of his game.
This was probably an intentional move on Jason’s part. It was a good idea to take precautions, Adrien would have been proud if he wasn’t so nervous.
He looked up from his spot on the couch and gave a careful smile. “Hey, Jay.”
Jason hesitated and then disappeared to the kitchen. He came back with a knife.
Ah. Great.
Adrien knew he could beat a child with a knife, that didn’t mean he wanted to.
Jason sat on the couch opposite Adrien and pointed his knife at him. “I want to ask some questions.”
“Of course. Anything.”
He nodded and lowered his knife ever so slightly. “Okay… why did you adopt me?”
Adrien frowned a little bit. “You were a kid that was so desperate for money that you were stealing a bunch of rich people’s hubcaps. I couldn’t not adopt you.”
“There’s a lot of people like that. Why me? I attacked you. There had to be better, safer options.”
“I…” His frown deepened. This was true. Why had he felt so drawn to Jason in particular? “I guess it could have been Marinette’s luck? One of her side-effects is that she has really good luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if we adopted the exact kid that was perfect for our family.”
Jason nodded a little bit, though he looked skeptical.
Fair enough. Adrien was also a little skeptical of his answer. He had a theory about what was going on but it wasn’t like he’d ever be able to prove it.
“Next question: what did Dick mean when he said that I was old enough to be a vigilante ‘by your standards’?”
Adrien winced a little bit. “You said you’re about thirteen, right? Well, Dick and I started at twelve and Mari started at thirteen.”
Jason gave him an incredulous look, then apparently got over it. “Oh. Okay. And… why did you start doing this?”
“Uh… odd question…” He pursed his lips. “It’s hard to explain. I… had an image to keep up and Chat Noir was -- still is, actually -- my outlet for me to be myself in public. Mari, I think, was more or less thrown into the life and then, when she finally had an out, couldn’t imagine herself without it. Dick wanted to get revenge on the person who got his parents killed and then decided to keep going.”
He frowned. “You make it sound addictive.”
“Oh, yeah, it definitely is.” Adrien sighed. “There’s a lot of reasons why we didn’t tell you but that was one of them. When you start you don’t stop. We made that mistake with Dick, we’re hoping that you’ll not do it.”
Jason set the knife down, finally. “But you wouldn’t stop me if I still wanted to?”
He winced. “No. If you wanted to then we’d give you a miraculous -- powers -- and you’d get to go out and fight crime.”
“You trust me?” He said with a laugh.
“Should I not?”
He rolled his eyes. “I grew up on the streets. Most people don’t.”
“Jay, no offense but I’m not scared of you. You could have stolen from us or attempted to hurt us at any point over the last few months and you didn’t.”
“You’re vigilantes! It’s not like I could have done any of that!”
He shrugged and stretched out lazily. “You’re right, you wouldn't have succeeded. But you didn’t know that. You thought we were just some really trusting rich people.”
Jason considered this with a frown, and then he looked at Adrien. “I want to be a vigilante.”
He groaned a little bit but nodded. “Fine. Take off your -- Mari’s -- whatever -- THE jacket and the hoodie for a minute so I can see who should train you?”
The kid looked a little uncomfortable but he did comply.
Adrien frowned at all the tiny scars but didn’t say anything as he carefully examined his build. Definitely closer to him than Marinette or Dick.
He would take up the physical aspect of training, then.
“Right, how much do you know about self-defense?”
The four of them sat on the floor, sifting through the different miraculi for ones that could protect Jason in battle.
Marinette hummed to herself as she sifted through her pile.
After a minute, Dick held up the turtle miraculous. “This one can keep him safe -- wait a minute, why didn’t I get this one?”
“Didn’t match your fighting style or personality,” said Adrien absently, his head tipping from side to side as he considered the miraculous.
“If we want to give him that one then he’s going to need a different weapon. What would you like, sweetie?”
Jason thought for a minute, staring at Wayzz.
Then his eyes lit up. “Can I have a gun?”
“I…” Began Marinette, then she shrugged. “Actually, we could probably use another long-distance fighter on the team.”
“And it keeps him a pretty safe distance away from the fighting…” Agreed Adrien.
Dick hesitated. “But guns are pretty lethal. He isn’t an adult.”
“Damn, that really is going to come back to bite me, huh?”
Jason frowned. “What? What’s going on?”
“Basically, we have a rule that says kids aren’t allowed to kill,” said Adrien, sending his wife a tired glare.
She gave him a tense smile in return. “Killing people messes you up, so we’re trying to keep you guys away from it.”
Jason hesitated a little bit. “I’ve kinda… already…”
The three others’ eyes widened and they gave each other nervous glances. Jason couldn’t seem to finish, and they didn’t ask him to. They could guess what he was trying to get at.
And they didn’t know how to respond. Their problem had been with introducing kids to murder, because they knew that it was something you never really came back from… but he’d already done it...
They figured that, from the way he said it, he had probably had no choice in the matter and was regretting doing it…
“I guess… we let him kill if he wants?” Said Adrien slowly.
Dick scratched his head. “I guess?”
The three of them shrugged at each other. It was probably -- no, definitely -- not the right decision but they really didn’t know what to do.
“I think he’d look cute with pistols,” said Marinette after a few minutes of silence.
Adrien, who was the only other person who had seen the turtle miraculous’s suit, nodded his agreement.
Jason transformed for the first time.
Dick nodded as well. “Pistols would be cute.”
Adrien smiled as he watched Jason mess around with his new powers.
There wasn’t much to them. They created a force field around an item or person of your choosing that held for as long as you stayed awake…
Still, he was proud of him. Baby’s first powers and all.
The three older vigilantes were casually throwing things and hitting the forcefield in an attempt to break it, and Jason was holding up surprisingly well.
“So, what’re you going to call yourself?” Adrien asked as he drummed his staff on it.
Jason thought for a minute and then smiled. “How about… Green Helmet?”
Marinette hit the force field too hard and the cane came back to hit her in the head, which could not be helping her growing headache.
She pursed her lips tightly as she lowered herself down into a chair. “You… you have a hood.”
“I disagree.”
“You can’t -- I’m literally a designer! My word is law! That’s a hood!”
“Chaton! Tell him that’s a hood!”
Adrien sighed. “It’s a hood,” he agreed.
Everyone looked at Dick, who was beginning to look like he’d rather be anywhere else. He eyed the door out of the corner of his eyes as if wondering whether he could get away before they caught him.
He must have come to the conclusion that he couldn’t get there in time, because he gave his answer:
“It… could be a helmet if he wants it to be…”
Adrien rolled his eyes as the family erupted into an argument over what constitutes a hood versus what constitutes a helmet.
Marinette hummed lightly as she made brownies (she had faith, okay? No one was helping this time so it should work). Jason was sitting in a chair nearby, head resting on the back of it as he watched her.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” She asked. It was normal for Jason to watch her cook, he liked to keep his eye on food when he could, but he seemed almost… anxious. She could hear the gentle clinking of his rings as he messed with them.
“I… I want to buy something,” he said.
She dropped her bag of sugar into the bowl and hissed a string of curses as she looked at the now definitely ruined batter. Sure, she could technically go through and try to fix the ratios by adding more of everything else, but that would make enough brownies to feed a whole army --.
Wait a minute, what had he said?
Her eyes flicked to Jason. “Sorry? You want to buy something?”
He nodded with a tiny smile. “It’s a little expensive, I’m sorry, but… could we?”
Marinette was willing to buy a car if this kid asked, because he was ASKING HER TO BUY SOMETHING OH MY GOD, but she played it cool with a tiny nod.
“Sure, sweetie, let me just see how much it costs.”
He pulled up a picture on his phone and showed it to her.
It was a hardcover copy of an illustrated version of a book he liked. For forty dollars.
Okay, so he wasn’t asking for much, but it was still something! An improvement!
She smiled. “Sure, sweetie, I’ll get it next time I head out, okay?”
Jason beamed.
Adrien rolled his eyes when Dick flung himself across the couch dramatically.
“This isn’t faaaaiiiiir,” he whined.
He looked at his wife pleadingly and she clicked her tongue before lifting Dick’s head so she could sit down. She ran her fingers through her kid’s hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“He already knew a bit of self-defense when we met him so that was fine and we even gave extra time on training in his powers and with guns. We literally have no excuses for bringing him on at this point.”
“But I had to train for three years! He only had to do one!”
Jason grinned. “Maybe I’m just better.”
“Jay,” said Adrien exhaustedly.
“Or the favorite,” he added, his grin somehow growing.
It was a good thing that Marinette had had a hold on Dick, because if she hadn’t he probably would have launched himself at his brother.
“You weren’t of age, he is,” she reminded him. “If you’d been old enough a year in then we would have let you do crime fighting, too.”
This was a lie, Dick had not been at all prepared after a year of training, but it made the kid smile so at least that was good.
Adrien stretched out from his spot in the window. “Right, we let Dick choose his first mission, what do you want to do first?”
Jason broke into a wide grin.
“There were some people who gave all the homeless kids trouble…”
They’d tracked the gang’s activities to a warehouse and had filed inside.
Adrien had helped Marinette carry their kids to the trusses above them (neither of their weapons had an easy way up, though they made mental notes to get them some kind of… grappling hook, maybe? It was a work in progress idea).
Dick shrouded them in shadows and muted the squeaking of their boots on the metal as they slowly made their way to the gang.
Adrien stretched his shoulders a little bit and then dangled his legs over to prepare himself for the jump down. Marinette and Dick copied his stance.
They looked at Jason, who gulped a little before copying the stance.
They hopped down as a family…
Because nothing says family bonding like murdering a bunch of gang members.
Adrien looked up and frowned, alarm bells ringing in his ears. Jason was shuffling from foot to foot anxiously from his spot in the doorway. An anxious kid? This couldn’t be good...
“Yes, Jay?”
Jason messed with his rings.
“Since I’m going to be… here for a while, can we take the car to pick up my stuff?”
Adrien would have pinched himself to check if this was a dream if any of his dreams were ever this nice.
He dropped the book he was reading onto the bed and pushed himself up. “I -- wow! Okay! Of course!”
Jason gave an awkward smile.
Adrien tried not to smile too much as he followed the kid’s directions.
Mainly because this might dredge up bad memories for Jason, and he didn’t want to be too caught up in his euphoria of the kid genuinely accepting being part of the family to notice that he was shutting down.
But, to his surprise, Jason actually seemed just as excited.
They pulled up to a mostly abandoned looking greenhouse and Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly.
“What? I could grow myself food! It was good,” Jason defended himself.
He gave a smile, rolling his eyes. “Sorry, I was just trying to imagine you eating vegetables.”
Jason huffed a little bit and then held up a hand for Adrien to wait. He crouched down and then, after a bit of pushing, popped a pane of glass out of place. He set it down and then crawled through.
There was a bit of rustling inside and then the door swung open.
“Behold! My humble abode!”
Adrien raised his eyebrows as he stepped inside. ‘Humble’ was definitely the word for it…
His eyes scanned around and he had to hold back a frown at how little Jason had. There were a few plants. A bunch of vines and leaves had been piled together to make a makeshift ‘bed’ with a few blankets thrown overtop. A few random clothes were strewn about, all in varying states of shabbiness.
(There was also a bucket in the corner. Adrien was deciding to believe that it was for washing clothes.)
The only thing that Jason had really ‘had’ was the entire nook dedicated to books.
Adrien and Jason grabbed everything of importance to him and put it in the back of the car.
And then they started on their way home.
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64
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peppersonironi · 4 years
How I Picture a Batfam Age Reversal
I’m going to write this as a fic (And I want to go on into a young justice world where dick forms the team and his siblings are protective) but here is the outline in bullet points in case anyone is interested. Please note this is VERY first draft.
Ages (At end) & Order:
Damian- 24
Duke- 21
Stephanie- 20
Tim- 21
Cassandra- 19
Jason- 19
Barbara- 15
Dick- 13
Damian is Ten when he is sent to live w/ his father. Bruce is 30.
They don’t really work well together at first. But Selina, Alfred, and Clark somehow get it through Bruce’s thick skull that he has to care for this child.
Damian keeps sneaking out on patrol, against B’s wishes. Eventually, he let’s Damian join and tells him to choose a name (Not what we meant, Bruce!)
Damian wants to go for something like Shadow, or Demon, but Bruce puts his foot down. He says that Damian shouldn’t try to be darkness.
Damian is pouting in the gardens when he finds a wounded robin. It’s wing is broken. He demands that the animal should be taken to a shelter, and carries it in his hand the whole way there.
The bird makes it, and Damian demands to be called Robin. He designs his suit, going slightly more colorful. “I might be called Robin, but I am NOT wearing brown, Pennyworth.”
Bruce introduces him to Superboy (Jon, note: less age dif) and the pair are close friends.
He is Robin for a little over seven years before he begins to fight with Bruce about being allowed to patrol alone, and being his own hero. (basically what happened w/ Dick).
Damian leaves Gotham, opting to claim Bludhaven. Jon joins him. He suggests they call each other Nightwing and Flamebird. Damian thinks it’s a bit childish, but he can’t say no to Jon. They’re costumes are here. (done by @hyperactive-lectiophile! Fantastic job!)
They eventually realize they’re in love w/ each other, all while trying to figure their lives  out. Damian briefly tries to join the police. He hates it. Eventually, he enrolls in BH college for a major in Art and a minor in business.
Later in Gotham, the We Are Robin/Robin War stuff happens. Long story short, Duke is adopted. 
Damian is angry to find out he has a new brother, goes to Gotham to yell at Bruce, but then meets Duke. They bond, and are close siblings. Damian makes his father promise to not adopt any more strays.
Stephanie Brown wants to stop her Father, so she sews up a costume and goes out as Batgirl. Bruce is apprehensive at first, but his family basically yells at him to train the poor girl before she gets hurt.
He does, and after Steph meets Damian, who she absolutely adores (He loves her too. The way she pisses his father off is legendary), Stephanie decides she wants to be Robin. Batgirl was good for dealing with her father, but she wants to belong to this new family, and, w/ Damian’s blessing, she makes a new costume.
Unfortunately, after a while, Stephanie is killed by Black Mask (her death is faked, like in the comics, but the Fam doesn’t know)
Enter Tim Drake. Batman has been going crazy over grief, and not even Nightwing, Catwoman (this is SOOOO batcat, btw) or The Signal can calm him down. Tim steps right up, and demands to be robin.
Damian and Bruce fight over this. Surprisingly, Damian is the one who thinks Tim should be given a chance. He sees how his father has been acting. Damian knows that Tim must be brilliant to figure out their identities, and thinks that should count for something. Duke takes his side, knowing that it takes guts to talk to batman, and be willing to join him. Bruce, meanwhile, is a constant chant of “no more dead robins”. After a while, and lots of arguing, Tim takes his place as Robin. They redesign the suit, and he takes his place as robin.
It’s little while after this that Stephanie comes back. Tim offers Robin back, but Stephanie declines. They talk and grow closer. At one point they talk about Stephanie’s new moniker. She says she doesn’t want to be Batgirl either. She wants something new. Tim suggests Spoiler (Bad pun turned brilliant idea?).
Cassandra Cain arrives on the scene next. She saves the commissioner’s life (like No Man’s Land, minus No Man’s Land), and Stephanie immediately imprints on this tiny assassin child (So do the rest of the family, but Steph claims the fourteen-year old first. She and Bruce fight over custody.). She offers Cass Batgirl. Gotham gained a new vigilante, and Bruce Wayne adopted a new child. (Faster than the comics, I KNOW. But Cass deserves happiness)
Everyone loves their new sister, and everyone spoils her. Duke is the one to take her to a ballet the first time. She immediately begs to be put into lessons.
Somewhere in here Tim’s mom dies and his dad is in a coma. Bruce takes him in.
Eventually, Bruce decides to offer Tim Red Robin, hoping to avoid the strife he had with Damian. (Like in the comics, Bruce was going to give Jason Red Robin)
Tim is unsure of this, and puts off deciding. Then little Jason Peter Todd decides to jack the tires of the batmobile and is immediately taken in.
Everyone is captivated by the tiniest addition to their family, but it's also at this time that Jack Drake finds out about Robin and forces Tim to quit. Tim gives Jason his blessing to become Robin.
Everyone pitches in on helping train the newest Robin. Damian teaches the kid things he learned from the league (non-lethal things, since Damian loves this kid), Duke teaches him escrima fighting, Stephanie (Much to Bruce’s dismay) has a full seminar of the delicacies of glitter bomb making. Tim teaches the kid hacking, when he can get away from his dad. 
Unfortunately, when Jason has been Robin for almost a year, he is killed by the Joker.
The family is torn apart by greif. But this time around, Bruce has a much larger support system. All of them lean on each other.
The only time that Damian ever broke his no-kill rule while living with his father was to kill the Joker. He hunted and murdered the clown, sparing Harley. He had been friends with Quinzel since he was Robin, and knew how the Joker treated her. Harley became the batfam’s honorary aunt after this.
Bruce was too emotionally tired to fight with Damian over his actions, so no one said anything. Eventually, Bruce and Damian did argue. Damian refused to apologize,, though he did promise his father to never kill again. Their relationship was strained for a while, but they worked through it.
Less than a year later, Jack Drake dies, and Tim comes back onto the vigilante scene. He refuses to become Robin, however, choosing to take Bruce up on his offer and become Red Robin. He designs his own suit, and the world seems to slowly become normal. Or some semblance of it.
One night, the circus is in town and the whole family (except Alfred) is home. Duke, Tim, and Steph drag Bruce, Cass, and Damian to go see it.
It is on this night that Dick Grayson’s parents fall to their death. Dick is sent to live in juvi, meanwhile Bruce tries to adopt Dick. He succeeds, and the manor once again has a bright young child running through it’s halls.
Dick figures out the secret identities of his family and instantly demands to be allowed out. He wants to take down Zucko, and won’t settle for every single member hunting for him. Dick wants to take down his parent’s murdered himself. He tries to sneak out multiple times, but is always stopped.
Damian talks to Dick (They are extremely close) and explains the origins of Robin. He says that the mantle was born out of a want to distance himself from the revenge and violence of the league. Dick cries when he learns this and says that his own parents used to call him Robin. He suggests that the mantle is more than a personal need. Robin is Family.
Damian almost immediately demands that Dick be trained and help catch Zucko. Bruce is confused, as before, Damian was strongly against letting a nine-year-old fight crime. Damian explains (after much cajoling. He might be more emotionally open and healthy than when he first arrived in the manor, but the kid is still constipated) what Dick had said, and that Damian understands the kid’s need for direction. “When I first came here, I needed Robin. I might not have known it, but I did. Richard needs Robin now, as well.”
The family took sides on the issue, but eventually Dick (with the aid of his puppy-dog-eyes™) won everyone over. He got his own Robin costume, and they caught Zucko.
Dick refused to stop being Robin, and so Gotham gained a new bird.
Dick was Robin for almost two years when The Red Hood made his appearance in Gotham. No one knew what he wanted, as he didn’t seem to do much beyond killing criminals. They thought he was a vigilante at first, but then he began to take over the criminal underbelly of Gotham, regulating crime. On top of that, Red Hood targeted Robin. Attacking the boy wonder when no one else was around. After the red helmeted rogue let loose a few hints about the league of shadows, Damian interrogated his mother, who explained the identity of The Red Hood, and how she had set him on Gotham.
As soon as the family figured out the newcomer’s identity, and the reason he was alive Damian tracked him down. He knew how to deal with pit rage from his childhood, and brought the lost bird back to the nest.
The family was whole for the first time in years. Jason was still angry and resentful, but he had his family back. Jason was grateful for Damian taking revenge for him, and they were once again close. 
Slowly, Jason let everyone back in, including Bruce. Dick is wary at first of this new older brother, but the little chicken nugget quickly warms up to Jason, and even convinces him to teach him how to shoot a gun (In secret, of course, Dami and Bruce would blow a gasket). Jason couldn’t resist the kid. It was physically impossible.
A year later, Cass decides to pursue dance as her career. She gets a job with the Hong Kong Ballet company. She moves there, and decides to take a new moniker: Black Bat. Her family is so proud of her, but they miss her dearly. Duke visits often, bringing new back to the family.
The absence of Batgirl is filled after a while by Barbara Gordan. She makes her own costume and starts going out. Once again, Stephanie Brown adopts a smol bean (Well, not legally. The commissioner is still alive) and outfits her with a more Gotham-friendly suit and weaponry (I.e. heavy kevlar and leather)
Babs is taken whole-heartedly into the fold, and is made an honorary sister.
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ali-kitkat · 5 years
Hisses and Scratches Ch 1
Sometimes life was easy to get through and other times it turned her into a cat. It had been happening to her all week, turning into a cat that is. Her twenty-fifth birthday had passed the earlier Friday and since then she has been shifting back and forth between human and cat. A seal point Siamese to be specific; she had been in her room when she first shifted and every time afterwards. She had considered herself lucky because of that since she transformed back naked.
The present conundrum Marinette was in, was she was lost in Gotham, as a cat. She just moved to the city and had been at a fabric shop before she felt the magic that signaled the shift. Leaving before she bought anything, she ran into an alleyway just as the transformation took over. She wandered for hours before she got lost and she still hadn’t transformed back. She turned around at the loud noise from behind her to see Robin staring at her in curiosity.
“How in the world did you end up out here? I can tell you’re not one of Selina’s, she doesn’t have any Siamese cats. She’d keep you locked up tight. You’re definitely not a stray either, too well kept.” He mused. “I don’t want to leave you out here; you’re wandering around lost. So, I’ll take you with me.”
He scooped her up in his arms, ignoring her hisses and claws. Holding her in his left arm, he raised his right and fired a grappling hook. She stopped lashing out so as not to slip out of his hold but continued hissing and growling. He chuckled at her displeasure and she cast what was supposed to be a glare at him, though she doubted it had any effect. They landed in front of a taller man wearing a bomber jacket and red helmet.
“Another one? You don’t have enough pets already?”
“What’s your point Hood? I found her in Crime Alley, and I wasn’t going to just leave her there; she was wandering around. I’m going to keep her.” He announced. She let an annoyed growl at his statement.
“Are ya sure that’s a good idea? She seems a little angry about that.” Hood asked while reaching out to pet her; yanking his hand back when she started to swat at it. “Shit, she’s a demented little fuck, a perfect match if you ask me.”
“I didn’t.”
She started to squirm, trying to escape his grip was tough and she almost accomplished it before he grabbed her by the scruff. Her body went taut against her will and she let out a pitiful mewl, hoping he’d ease his grip, he didn’t. Another two people landed on the roof and shook their heads at the sight.
“Baby bird, you can’t keep picking up strays.”
“Yeah you’re gonna get fleas that way if you keep it up brat.”
“You lot would know about that wouldn’t you?” He replied shifting her, so she was squished in his arms against his chest. She let out a growl that turned into a purr when he started to scratch her behind the ears. She stopped when she heard someone land and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m keeping her.” He announced. “She already swatted at Hood.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to father.”
Batman hadn’t given a physical sign of understanding, but the other three vigilantes were falling over themselves with laughter. She heard their mutters ‘It’s genetic.’ ‘Adopting strays is fucking genetic.’ ‘You’ve gotta be shitting me. He adopts animals like B adopts orphans.’ She let out a mewl of disapproval and the vigilante who called Robin ‘Baby Bird’ stepped forward to pet her but backed away after she hissed at him.
“Alright so she’s a little hissy.” He said. She let out a growl at the pun. He jumped a little and stared at her in bewilderment, as did Hood.
“Is it just me or was that a little odd, like she understood Nightwing’s joke?” Hood questioned; his tone worried.
“Hood animals have more intelligence than you. They can understand the human language, though I will concede that it was odd that she growled at the pun.” Robin answered.
They all stopped and stared at her as if she was going to speak, she merely blinked at them in return unfazed by their actions.
“Of course, he found a cat with a similar temperament to his.” Hood said dryly.
Robin let out a snort and resumed petting her, drawing out another purr. She could see Nightwing and Hood pouting. She started to squirm, demanding to be let down. He eased his grip slightly and she slipped out of his hold, she trotted around then brushed against Hood’s leg. She darted away; tail puffed out.
“Way to go Hood you scared her.” Robin sneered and started towards her. She ducked under his grasp running to the edge of the roof. She had almost made it before she was scooped back up, she lashed out against the person holding her, spitting and hissing before she was handed back to Robin.
“Thank you, father. Let’s go home before she makes another break for freedom.” Robin said, while keeping a tight grip on her. She let out another growl. “Yes, I hear you loud and clear you snarling ball of fur.”
It had been a few hours since she was accidentally kidnapped by the Bat family.
Robin, who she learned was Damian via his family butler, was laying on his back petting her while the rest of his animals were laying down near them.
He had taken to calling her Eris, since she had sown discord between the brothers when only Damian was allowed to pet her. She was content with the scratches she was receiving from Damian, being a cat wasn’t too bad but that came to a halt when she transformed back into a human. While still laying on him. Lacking clothing.
“What the fuck?” He exclaimed, throwing her off him. She landed on the floor covering herself to the best of her ability.
“Son of a bitch.” She muttered while staring at him in shock. “Could I get—”
He threw a blanket at her before she finished her sentence. Catching it she wrapped it around herself as quickly as possible.
“Hi, my name is Marinette.” She whispered, embarrassment coloring her face. Damian was staring at the ceiling. She could hear the clamoring of footsteps headed for the room, Damian could as well since he lifted his head in confusion at the sound.
The family had rushed into the room, not bothering to open the door but break it down instead, falling into a heap of limbs on the floor. Jason, the first to look up, locked eyes with her. The blanket fell from her shoulders and she let out a squeak as she transformed back into a cat, back arched, tailed puffed out again and started to spit at the Bat clan.
“What the fuck?”
“Isn’t that the cat he brought home?”
“Yes, that’s the cat I brought home. Apparently, she’s not just a cat, are you Marinette?” Damian said finally shaking himself out of the daze he was in, sitting up to look at her. She turned to face him and let out a growl. “Can you transform back?”
She let out a hiss, backing further away from the family as they finally pulled themselves up from the floor. They were wide eyed in shock and awe, but they were on guard. Damian climbed off the bed and approached her carefully, she backed herself into a corner. She was scared, she supposed that much was clear with the family as they eased themselves from their taut posture to a more relaxed pose. Not completely but enough to tell her it was okay. Damian had grabbed her by the scruff again, much to her ire and was keeping hold of her.
“She told you her name?” Dick asked.
“You’re focusing on the wrong thing boy wonder.” Jason sassed. “She was wrapped up in his blanket, shoulders bare. So, when she transforms back again, we should probably have something ready for her to cover herself up in.”
“Will she even transform back?” Tim questioned, moving in front of her.
She was writhing, the need to flee rising. The fear she had, had her so on edge she extended her claws lashing out at whatever was closest to her. Unfortunately, that had been Tim, he let out a swear as she caught his arm. A long scratch stretched up his arm, he glared at her and the scratch. Damian had shoved him back while holding her scruff a bit tighter in one hand.
“Way to go jackass, scaring her further won’t help us a bit.” He snarled at Tim. “Everyone but father leave. The two of us might be able to calm her down. Have Alfred stand outside the room, he will be the one we call for if she transforms back.”
She relaxed somewhat as the three other boys left, but when she locked eyes with Bruce, she tensed up again. Bruce was unreadable, she knew from living in Gotham so far that it was because he didn’t like meta-humans. She understood in that moment, that’s what she was.
Damian eased his grip a little bit, not enough for her to get free. It was an attempt to establish trust she realized when she glanced at him. His green eyes were worried with a hint of anger, she wasn’t sure if it was directed at her or not though. He had shifted her into his arms, keeping a firm hold on her. She was still taut, barely eased and casting glances at Bruce before either of them caught onto her nervousness of the man. Damian followed her line of sight to his father and connected the dots from there, she was classified as a meta and she knew Bruce was Batman. She was scared of what was going to happen to her. His father nodded and left the room, there was no point in terrifying her further.
“Can you try and transform back, Marinette?” Damian asked her, his voice soft. She let out a cry that she tried to make sound like a no as much as possible, an odd attempt at communication. “I’m assuming that was a no, I want you to focus on being human, focus on yourself, push everything else out of your mind.”
He let her go, so she didn’t stray far from his side for fear that he might tackle her. She sat on top of the blanket and closed her eyes focusing like he suggested. It had taken a bit of time as she kept getting distracted while he watched her, she had to swat at him to get him to turn around so she could concentrate. After that it hadn’t taken long for her to shift back. She clutched the blanket to her chest before tapping Damian on the shoulder. He turned his head slightly and whipped it back just as fast.
“Couldn’t you have tried to focus on clothing?”
“Look it was hard enough to focus on being human with you staring at me, but every other time I changed back before I didn’t have any clothes. I don’t think it’s going to happen honestly. Besides I’m pretty sure I’m more embarrassed here.” She replied. She was blushing and he was too if the back of his neck and his ears were any indication, they were bright red.
“Somehow I doubt that.” He muttered.
“What is your dad going to do? I classify as a meta, and he hates them.” She asked, her voice meek. There was a knocking sound before Damian could respond, Alfred stepped into the room. She ducked behind Damian, the blanket covering her but embarrassment winning out.
“Forgive me for intruding, but here are some clothes for Miss Marinette to wear.” Alfred said; handing Marinette the clothes and leaving just as quickly as he entered.
She slipped the clothing on while still keeping the blanket on her, getting dressed underneath it. She shifted the blanket to her shoulders and tied the drawstring on the pants given, they were small but still a bit too big for her.
“I’m assuming it’s meeting time now?” She asked moving in front of Damian. His face was unreadable as he nodded in confirmation. She took a deep breath, gripping the blanket tighter for a small sense of security. He led her to what she presumed was the living room.
She had expected stares but theirs’s unnerved her, almost to the point where she shifted again. Damian’s father was standing behind his brothers. Jason stood between Dick and Tim. She started to hyperventilate, and Damian grabbed her, ushering her into an armchair, distracting her from her train of thought.
She looked at their faces trying to gauge their expressions. Bruce’s expression, from what she could actually read, was a mixture of shock and awe. His brothers were amused, Jason was muttering something she couldn’t make out but had resulted in him being elbowed by both Dick and Tim. He had fallen over with a pained expression and she had to muffle a laugh. Which caused him to look a little disgruntled on top of pained. Damian let out a laugh shocking his family, as they all turned to stare at him instead of her.
@chocolate1721 posted in the discord about cat Mari being cuddled by Damian and this transpired. Enjoy!
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vikingpoteto · 4 years
Red Robin under the spotlight
Read on AO3 
Relationships:  GEN. Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake
Summary: Red Robin and Red hood are basically urban legends, no one is sure they're real. That is, until there is a picture of the two of them grinning at each other on Gotham Gazette's front page.
Tim Drake is having… a day. 
Stuck in his office for the afternoon, he is praying for nightime to come soon so he can put on his suit and vent his frustration by beating up some unsuspecting criminal. He’d known being a CEO wasn’t particularly fun, but he didn’t expect the board of directors to be babies for so long. 
He skims his proposal for what feels like the hundredth time unsure of how to make it clearer that that is the best course of action for their investments. The fact that he is only 18 should not trump his very solid, data-based arguments. 
So he’s already in a bad mood and praying for a distraction when his office door swings open and Tam Fox storms in.
“Timothy!” she shouts. 
He feels like he's about to learn he should be careful with what he wishes.
“Hey, Tam, I missed you too?” He tries.
Behind her, his secretary makes a helpless gesture as if trying to communicate she tried to stop Tam. Tim gives the woman a tired smile and makes a dismissive gesture.
Ignoring that, Tam slams the door closed and repeats for emphasis: “Timothy.” She pushes an iPad into Tim’s chest. “What is the meaning of this?”
Raising an eyebrow, he takes the iPad and looks at the screen, noticing he’s staring at a Gotham Gazette article and… Tim’s heart stops.
The headline screaming at his face says RED DYNAMIC DUO? by Vicki Vale and beneath it…
“Oh god,” Tim whimpers.
Beneath the headline there’s a picture of him and the Red Hood. 
Or, well, Red Robin and Red Hood. They’re sitting on the fire escape of one of the abandoned buildings in Jason’s territory and both are seemingly at ease. Too at ease. There are two BatBurger bags at their side and their fingers are intertwined. Red Robin is staring at their joined hands with a wide smile. Fucking hell. Tim always makes a point of never smiling in front of anyone when he’s in his suit, he has a reputation to protect. He doesn’t know if it’s better or worse that Red Hood isn’t wearing his helmet, because it emans his open grin is visible as well - and thank god  Jason has the habit of wearing a domino under his helmet. 
Who the hell took that picture? How the hell did they go unnoticed by both Tim and Jason?
He then starts reading the article, every word feeling like a punch to the gut. 
Gotham City has seen its share of vigilantes over the years and, unlike public figures such as Superman, they prefer to keep to themselves, making many people wonder whether they’re even human. As a shot captured by an amateur photographer that chose to remain anonymous, we find out at least a pair of the many Gotham “heroes” are closer to us than we thought. 
The vigilante known as Red Robin Gotham's patheon of heroes a couple of months ago and little is known about him. He’s been seen working with the likes of Batman, Robin and even Batgirl, making us all think he’s one of the good guys. It seems like Red Robin’s circle of friendships doesn’t include only Justice League members, though.
The Red Hood, the man so tenderly smiling at Red Robin, is a notorious mob boss whose territory's size, GCPD especulates, rivals Black Mask’s. Red Hood wanders between both criminal activities and a violent brand of justice and, while he's been seen working side-by-side with heroes like Nightwing, a hero that since has only been seen in Bludhaven, no one can claim to have seen the Red Hood so comfortable around one of the bats of Gotham
The two young men were pictured in a tender moment. Could this mean that Red Robin is straying towards villany? Is the Red Hood is considering changing his ways? Or, perhaps, are we facing a pair of starcrossed lovers, separated by different set of morals, but still unable to stay away from one another? 
Tim makes an inhumane sound. The words  star crossed lovers  jump from the screen, burning his eyes and making him wish he was going over a dumb business proposal still.
“Well?” Tam demands. “What is that, Tim?”
“I don’t know, Tam,” he answers, his voice weak. “What on earth- How the hell… Oh, god .”
“Why were you hanging out with the Red Hood?”
“Stakeout,” Tim says simply.
“Why were you on a stakeout with the freaking Red Hood?”
At that, Tim recovers enough to feel a bit miffed. That’s the same tone she had last year when Tim was working with assassins and he gets offended on his brother’s behalf. Even if, you know, said brother had also been somewhat related to the assassins in question. In the past.
“Hey, Hood is not as bad as the news make him look. Sure, he’s not exactly clean, but he’s a valuable undercover agent and…”
Tam makes sounds of a woman whose white Valentino bag had liquid lipstick spilled in. “Does that mean you  are  dating the Red Hood?”
“What? NO!”
Tim pinches the bridge of his nose. God, what a mess. 
“He’s my brother,” he says. 
Tam looks like she goes through the 7 stages of grief in a very short time and, honestly, Tim feels for her. He likes Tam a lot. She is smart and strong and the poor girl has had to deal with so much since she and Tim became friends.
“Are you telling me… that Dick Grayson…”
“No, Dick’s not the Red Hood.”
She stares at the picture again and then at him. “This isn’t Duke or Damian, Tim.”
“You’re right. It’s a long story. I can’t tell you, though. I trust you but Hood’s identity isn’t my secret to share.” 
Tam closes her eyes and breathes in and out slowly. After all the crap she had to deal as one of Red Robin’s friends, a stranged brother that happened to be a crime lord (an anti-hero, really) wasn’t that far fetched. She didn’t know much about the Drakes because Tim didn’t talked about them, so, for all she knows, Red Hood could be Jack’s or Janet’s bastard child. Although Tim can figure her theories, he doesn’t try to explain anything. Whatever she works out is better than letting her know Red Hood is Bruce Wayne’s son brought back from the dead.
“Fine. You’re not dating a criminal. You’re a criminal’s brother.”
“I mean… if you think about it, I’m a criminal too.” He smiles sheepishly under her glare. “Being a vigilante isn’t exactly something I can put on my resume.” 
Shaking her head, Tam checks the picture again. “What were you even doing? Because it looks like you’re holding hands and finding it hilarious.”
“We… hm. We were thumb wrestling.”
She stares at him, her expression empty of any emotion. Tim cringes.
“Look, not everything is death traps and high risks, alright? Sometimes stakeouts get boring!”
“You were laughing your head off because you were having a thumb war with the Red Hood,” Tam deadpans.
“Hm. Actually the thumb war wasn't that funny, that was him cheating. I was winning so he kept talking shit about Dick’s past to make me laugh and lose focus.”
Tam finally sits down and she looks at ceiling as if she’s considering all the life decisions that lead her to this moment. At this point, Tim knows she’s just being dramatic, because knowing Red Hood cheats at thumb war for certain isn’t more shocking than the time she met Tim. 
“The thumb was isn’t important now, though,” Tim says. “ This  is a huge problem. Hood’s gonna be in hot water if people think he’s  friends  with a hero.”
He refuses to use the word lovers, because ew. Sure they’re not related by blood, but… ew. Tim  sees  him as a brother, damn it.
“Well, I’m afraid there’s not a lot we can do now,” Tam says apologetically. “The article’s been up since this morning. Even if we have them take it down, it’s already out there. #RedDynamicDuo is trending on Twitter.”
Oof. That’s… oof.
Tim intertwines his fingers and glares at the tablet in front of him as if waiting for the puzzle to solve itself. He knows it won’t, so it’s up to him to fix this. His burnt out brain suggests calling Bart and asking him to run back in time and stop that cursed thumb war. His practical brain has half a mind to call Oracle and see how much online evidence she can get rid of. He has to contact Gotham Gazette and threaten them into not putting vigilante’s identities at risk by posting such pictures, although he doesn’t hold high hopes for that course of action. What he needs now is a bigger scandal, although he fails to think of something more dramatic than Red Robin and Red Hood being buddies…
Right as he’s starting to feel a bit forlorn, his phone buzzes on the table. A picture of Dick smiling flashes on the screen and Tim allows himself to perk up for a moment. Dick for sure will be able to help him.
“Dick!” He picks up, full of hope.
Tim is greeted with cackling. Dick’s cackling.
He groans. “Richard.”
“AHAHAHAHA O-oh god, you… aha... b-baby bird, you… HAHAHAHA--”
Tim isn’t paid enough for this. He hangs up.
“Can you help me with this?” He asks.
“Don’t I always?” Tam quirks an eyebrow.
Smiling tiredly, he stands. “I’m taking the rest of the afternoon off. Can you take care of… you know… day job stuff?”
“I guess. Good luck with your… your family thing.”
spoiler alert: *insert game of thrones joke here*
In the hood: Go fuck yourself, Stephanie
spoiler alert: not judging u bro he hella cute
WonderWing: steph please
cassandra cain-wayne: ?
send me a Signal: they’re talking about that picture of Hood and Red holding hands cass
yumm: were NOT holding hands
cassandra cain-wayne: I print that picture.
In the hood: W H Y ! ?
cassandra cain-wayne: cute :) 
spoiler alert: she right and she should say it
In the hood: Steph, turn on your location. I just want to talk.
yumm: stephanie I hv pics of u sleep drooling on me from that that 1 patrol dnt test me
spoiler alert: shut up red dynamic duo
 Tim hates the internet.
Barbara is kindly trying her best to muffle the online reaction, but there is only so much she can do without outright deleting people’s tweets. Tim knows for a fact that that would only cause a bigger uproar, so he asks her to settle for burying mentions of them under a fake algorithm. 
He has yet to think of gossip hot enough to top the rumors, but he doesn’t think even his fake engagement to Tam last year received so much attention. A glimpse into Gotham’s elusive heroes’ personal lives was too exciting to let go quickly.
When he walks into his apartment, he wants nothing but to take a hot shower and a nap. He knows he can’t, though. 
As well as he knows he isn’t alone. 
He plays it cool, walking in as though he doesn’t notice the person in the shadows. He drops his keys and phone on the nearest table as he would normally and turns around too abruptly to allow a reaction, his fist connecting to… someone’s palm.
“Nice reflexes, Baby Bird,” Jason says, quirking an eyebrow as though mildly impressed.
Tim groans. “Would it kill you to use the door?”
“It might, better not risk it.”
“It shaves five years of my life span every time I come home and you’re waiting in the shadows. Of all of Bruce’s habits to pick up…”
Jason simply shrugs. “So… what’s up,  honey? ”
“Ew, don’t say that,” Tim groans.
Keeping his nonchalant facade, Jason lets himself fall into Tim’s couch as though he belongs there. Tim heads to his room to change into more humane clothes.
“I’m assuming Dickie shared the news already,” Jason says.
“He couldn’t stop laughing long enough to say anything,” Tim replies from his closet. “Tam was kind enough to show me, though.”
“Tam… is that your ex-fiancée? Hmm… The news sure keep shipping you with everyone, speaking of which.”
Grumbling the whole time, Tim puts on a purple hoodie he might or might not have stolen from Stephanie and that he wears whenever he’s stressed. He wears that hoodie a lot. Heading back to the living room barefoot and feeling slightly more prepared to deal with the situation, he says:
“I’m assuming you aren’t here just to hang out.”
Jason gives him an unimpressed look. “I’ll give you three guesses.”
Tim blinks once. Twice.  No, it can’t be that… “ Everyone thinks you’re a rat.”
And this situation keeps getting better and better. Red Hood is feared enough that he can get away with hanging out with the goody two shoes every now and again and keep his rep. Being caught eating burgers and giggling with a hero was a whole new animal. 
They have to assume Hood’s safe houses were compromised as well. The point of having many hideouts is that you’re never left with nowhere to go, but even Jason wasn’t prepared to have everyone in his territory turn on him. That and they all had been raised and trained to be paranoid. It was too big of a risk to assume he’d be safe in a known place.
“Crap,” Tim mutters. 
“I considered ditching Gotham and spending some time with Roy instead…”
“But that would be as good as a confession. You’d never gain their respect again,” Tim completes for him.
Jason nods. 
The only silver-lining about this situation is that this is Jason. Granted he isn’t too angry to think, Jason is practical and willing to do what’s needed, even if it’s annoying or if it makes him uncomfortable. Tim likes working with him because of that.
“You know where the extra blankets are,” Tim says. 
Because, of course, if Jason can’t be at his own place and he can’t be with Roy and Kory, he’d crash Tim’s place. The manor isn’t really an option for him and Tim doesn’t blame him for that. 
“The plan of action?”
“I’ll let you know as soon as I figure out.”
Jason sighs. “I’m going to punch something in your Red Robin cave.”
“Be my guest.”
 Damage control is necessary, of course, especially for Red Hood’s safety, but there is something bothering Tim more. He opens the news and studies the picture. It’s a damn good shot, almost looks like it was staged. He closes his eyes and tries to remember that night. In order to take that picture, the photographer would have to be in of of the buildings across the street and they’d have to be good enough to go unnoticed not by one, but by two highly trained vigilantes, one of which had his senses enhanced by the Lazarus pit. 
He messages Babs quickly for more info on whoever sent those pictures to the news, but not even Oracle had managed to track them yet. It sounds like the photographer walked into Vicki Vale on the street and handed her the picture, because there was no digital footprint of such interaction.
Without any more ideas, he puts on his suit and heads out, glad that is patrol night. Perhaps punching criminals will give him some clarity.
Tim is nowhere near closing any of his cases and Gotham is unusually quiet because of course the criminals would choose tonight of all nights to be chill. The night Tim needs a crime. That’s why he’s more than a little thankful when a crackling sound in his comm lets him know someone’s trying to send him a message.
“Hey, hot stuff,” a familiar voice calls, “I have an underground gambling den to dismantle tonight, you want in?”
Red Robin smiles. “Is that a date?”
“I don’t know, is it? I don’t want Red Hood coming after me.”
She laughs shamelessly. He hopes Barbara isn’t listening. Although the alternative would be Wendy listening, and he doesn’t know which one would be worse. Steph’s sense of humor isn’t for everyone and while, Tim doesn’t mind their inside jokes and got used to her eternal flirting, he feels as though those should remain between the two of them only.
“I’m serious, though,” Steph continues. “I don’t think backup is needed per se, but I miss fighting criminals with you. Plus I figured you could use a punching bag or two.”
He grins. He just  really  loves Steph. 
“Send me the details. I’ll meet you there.”
Turns out it’s a pretty standard burst for them. Gambling den covering a massive drug operation, because this is Gotham. Why wouldn’t they use an illegal thing to cover another more illegal thing? That sounded like a great idea. 
He finds Batgirl waiting for him on top of a building. She simply smiles and points at the shady alley down the street. 
“Gentlemen first?” she offers. 
“It’s your case.”
With a nod, she dives towards the ground and Red Robin follows her closely, frowning in confusion when she doesn’t dropkicks any windows. Instead, she casually strolls towards the back of the alley where a suspicious metal door that could easily go unnoticed if it didn’t scream CRIMINAL ACTIVITY HERE. Batgirl knocks at the door and gestures at Red Robin to stay away.
A slit on the door slides open and a confused crook tries unsuccessfully to see who’s there. With both vigilantes’ out of his line of sight, the poor bastard has no option other than opening the door to check. Batgirl swiftly pulls him into a headlock as soon as he walks into view and Red Robin’s grinning face is the last thing the man sees before the pressured applied makes him pass out.
Red Robin doesn’t figure what Steph’s plan is until she cuffs the unconscious bouncer and stands straight, offering her arm.
“You’re so dramatic.” He rolls his eyes, even as he takes it.
“Shush, you think I’m awesome.”
That he does. Especially when the two of them climb down into the basement turned illegal cassino with their arms locked as if they’re a couple. It’s cartoonishly comic how long it takes everyone to realize Red Robin and Batgirl are standing on the entrance, looking around at the 50 different illegal activities happening at once. 
Not as comic as when Batgirl shouts over the music: “Please, don’t stop on our account!”
The gamblers sober enough to freeze in horror. 
“Before we start, anyone wants to just give themselves in?” Red Robin offers.
That’s when guns start firing and all hell breaks loose. 
 The night ends, as it would, with Batgirl and Red Robin walking home a trio of strippers. The women weren’t to blame that their work environment was less than ideal and they certainly didn��t need to be left tied up waiting for the GCPD like the mobsters Steph and Tim beat up tonight.
Red Robin wanted to just watch them from the top ot the buildings and make sure they got home safe, but Batgirl insisted they walked alongside the women. Their costumes don’t look completely out of place near them and Red Robin doesn’t know what to think of that.
For a second, he thinks he hears someone behind them. Everytime he turns around, he finds nothing but an empty alley, so he shrugs if off as him getting hit tooo many times.
While Batgirl excitedly chats with two of the women about their future employment - one of them is in this line of work just to get by, the other genuinely enjoys sensual dancing as a form of art but wishes she could work somewhere better - when the third of them discreetly detaches herself from the group to walk closer to Red Robin.
She still looks tense and guarded, her arms tightly wrapped around herself and Tim wishes he had a jacket to offer her. The way she sideeyes him says she wants to say something, but is too nervous to start. Not wanting to betray his persona, he simply waits, trying to appear as non threatening as possible.
“Thanks a lot for savin’ us, Red Robin,” the woman says finally. “I can’t believe I’m meetin’ ya.”
He gives her a small smile. “I’m just glad you’re safe, ma’am, there’s no need to thank me.”
“I just wanted ta say… I get ya.”
Red Robin tilts his head to the side. “Ma’am?”
“The thing with your man. Must ta’ be hard dating the Red Hood. I know how it is.”
He was… He was getting sympathy from a stripper with bad taste in men.
“There’s nothing gross between Hood and I!” He lets out before he can help himself, his voice a little louder than intended.
The other women startle at his outburst and turn to him, wary. One of them reaches for what is clearly a pocket knife that she thinks is cleverly hidden in her bra.
He sighs. “I’m sorry, ma’am, just… Batgirl, I believe you’ve got things from here. I’m taking off.”
She gives him a concerned look, but ultimately nods. Under Batgirl’s and the three strippers perplexed glares, Red Robin grapples his way out of there.
 Tim wakes up around noon feeling as though he was hit by a truck, as he does when he sleeps longer than three hours a night. He slowly sits up and looks around his messy room, wondering how come he’s feeling so miserable. The smell of food stirs him into some sort of alertness.
Right. He’s not home alone today.
Yawning and scratching his belly, he forces himself to get out of bed. He know that the longer he stays the more likely he is to slip into a coma, his body demanding compensation for years of sleep deprivation. Tim drags his feet towards his kitchen where he finds one of Gotham’s most dangerous vigilantes humming to himself as he makes breakfast. Or Lunch. Brunch. Whatever.
“And here I thought I was the family’s zombie,” Jason says in lieu of good morning.
Tim grumbles something about his brother being too comfortable in Tim’s kitchen, but he doesn’t dare complain. Jason is probably the only person that uses Tim’s stove and one of the perks of having him over is that he does cook. A lot. 
The one disadvantage about having Jason over is…
A knife lodges itself on the counter in front of Tim when he tries to reach for the coffee pot. Tim didn’t even see him throwing it. He glares at his brother.
“Food first. Coffee after,” Jason says. 
“I’m too nauseous to eat, I just woke up.”
Again without breaking eye contact with the pot he’s stirring, Jason blindly reaches for a package of crackers casually left on the counter and hands it to Tim.
Tim makes sure to give him his best rebellious teenager glare before grabbing the stupid crackers and sitting down to eat them. Stupid Jason with his stupid boredom. Tim had forgotten Jason goes into full mom mode when he has nothing else to do and that he’s particularly obnoxious about Tim’s eating habits.
“I consume the necessary calories,” Tim mumbles over his cracker.
“Okay, Damian.”
Tim throws a cracker at him. Jason easily dodges without looking, which is kind of annoying.
After that, the two brothers fall into comfortable silence. Tim knows Jason wants to talk about their plan of action, but he knows Tim is nowhere near awake enough to hold a conversation. Besides, Jason doesn’t like being bothered while he’s cooking anyway.
By the time the food is ready, the crackers worked their magic and Tim no longer feels as though his stomach is ready to puke out its emptiness. He grabs dishes he hadn’t used in quite a while and sets the table for the two of them. The brothers start eating in silence, Tim slowly recovering his sense of self - no wonder he goes for so long without sleeping, he takes too long to reboot when he does - and Jason mindlessly scrolling through his phone. 
Then something on the small screen makes Jason choke on his food. 
Tim quirks an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“Hm… Timmy, you may wanna take a look at this.”
“What?” Tim takes Jason’s phone. “Oh, for fuck’s sake !” 
It’s another news article. The picture is fortunately less detailed, just a red and black silhouette against Gotham’s sky that may or may not be Red Robin standing over one of the many gargoyles. The text, however.  
Gotham’s newest vigilante busted an underground gambling den last night. Despite his heroic deed, his words after the fact were less than commendable. When questioned about his relationship with the Red Hood by one of the women he rescued, the hero allegedly said that there’s “Nothing gross between him and Hood.”
“Personally, I was shocked,” said the woman in question, Krystal Math, 25  years old. “Red Robin became my favorite hero when I heard he also has a dead-beat boyfriend. I was starting to finally see myself in one of those bats, you know? I couldn’t believe when he said being gay is gross. Never meet your heroes, I guess.”
WonderWing sent a screenshot.
WonderWing: red robin is cancelled for homophobia, pass it on
Robin: Good. It’s about time we rid ourselves of him.
Cassandra Cain: Little brother does not approve gay rights? :(
yumm: im literally bisexual
spoiler alert: he avoiding the question
in the hood: #redrobinisoverparty
yumm: I hate this fucking family
 Tim hasn’t stopped pacing around the room since he read the most recent article. Those were his exact words by the letter, meaning someone had been listening. He doubts Krystal, bless her heart, was the one going to the news with his “homophobic remark”. 
Having basically given up on getting Tim to calm down, Jason is the one to get the porch door open for Steph. Because apparently she’s been learning from Jason and acquired his hatred for front doors. Steph knows how Tim gets, so she promptly ignores him and gets comfortable on the reading chair to check the article fully.
“This is nuts,” Steph says. “We were being careful. I made sure of it.”
Tim believes her. Batman and Robin are basically public figures at this point, even if they don’t interact with civilians if they can help it. Red Robin and the Signal were heard of and spotted around the city, but not a lot of people really  know  of them. Red Hood was basically a urban legend until recently and Black Bat sill is. Batgirl, however, is known for being a people hero. 
She was, back in Barbara’s time, stopped for a bit with Cass, but Steph embraced the old tradition whole heartedly. She would walk people home late at night to make sure they were safe, wave at little girls in the bus, talk to kidnapping victims until they were under heavy blankets handed by the police. Steph was extroverted and charming and she used that fully as Batgirl like she never could as Spoiler. That being said, she and Barbara always made a point to avoid pictures, security cameras and whatnot. If there was a hero good at hanging with civilians while unnoticed by the media, that hero was Stephanie Brown.
Tim’s phone is buzzing. He ignores it in favor of stomping around some more. 
“Well, something must have slipped your watchful eye,” Jason says, shrugging.
Steph glares at him. “Mine, perhaps, but are you implying someone went unnoticed by Oracle?”
“Well, someone obviously did,” Tim snaps, tossing his phone at the couch in frustration. “What happened after I left, Steph?”
“Nothing,” she says honestly. “I walked the ladies home. Krystal was a bit miffed but she didn’t say anything, so I thought she was just a shipper upset that her OTP wasn’t canon.”
“You think she went to the news after?” Jason suggests.
Steph frowns. “Why would she? She didn’t look like she had media connections exactly.”  
Tim’s phone, that bounced off the couch and fell with a soft thud on the carpet, continues to explode with texts. He sighs and stops to pick it up and finally answer them.
“Appearances can be deceiving,” Jason argues. Then turns to Tim: “You should look into her. I’m gonna check other possible sources.”
“Hm-hum, just a second,” Tim mumbles, typing furiously. “Damian is being a nightmare and asking for help on a case.”
“Wack. Are you telling him to solve his own cases instead of using your intell to impress Bruce?”
Tim glares at Jason.
“Really? C’mon, Timmy, we’ve been over this.”
Stephanie gives them a puzzled look. “You’ve been over… Dami being a nightmare?”
“Jason says that whenever someone is mean to me I should reply by attacking them where hurts the most,” Tim explains.
“He knows all of our weaknesses and he has the quickest thinking,” Jason says, frustrated. “The least he should do is stand up for himself with that knowledge!”
"Kinda rich coming from the guy that tried to kill him," Steph says, quirking an eyebrow.
"Steph," Tim scowls. "He didn't know me then and the pit rage--"
"Timmy," Jason cuts him off. 
Tim sighs. "Besides now I could off him in 20 different ways if he tried any of that shit again. There. Happy, Jason?"
"That's my baby brother."
Steph smiles at him. “You know what? You’re onto something, Jaybird.”
Tim interrupts his walk of worry again to smile a bit. Something about Stephanie and Jason agreeing on something is immensely satisfying.
Still, on the matter at hand, Tim says, “If I go off on Damian, Dick’s gonna get mad…”
“Then go off on Dick as well,” Steph promptly suggests.
Jason high-fives her. “Atta girl. Besides if Dick doesn’t want us to tell Damian to fuck off he has to work harder on teaching him not to be a little shit. Everyone here has a tragic backstory here and we all know Damian goes too far sometimes.”
Tim shakes his head again. “Regardless, Damian’s case will have to wait. We’re gonna go with your plan, Jay. And Steph…”
“Wow, no way, José. I’m just here as an eyewitness. I don’t want to get involved with homophobes and end up shipped with Jason or some shit.”
Tim glares at her. “I was going to offer you some of our leftovers, but since you’re not interested, that’s fine.”
While Jason laughs and Steph protests, he proceeds to look for his laptop, hoping this isn’t going to be a dead end. 
 “This is a dead end,” Tim declares.
From what he can find, Krystal wasn’t even paid for her impromptu interview. Apparently Vicki Vale showed up at her place to confirm the veracity of a story that she heard God knows where. 
Dick is in Bludhaven, but he insisted on facetiming them when he realized his brothers were struggling, even if he mostly just made worried faces from Tim’s phone as Tim, Jason and Steph exchanged notes. As a rule of thumb, Tim doesn’t involve his siblings in his cases since he became Red Robin, but this is definitely an all hands on deck situation. Tim isn’t desperate enough to get Bruce involved, but he’s getting there. Especially when Dick says:
“Babs couldn’t find anything in Vicki’s email or phone. She’s double checking all of Vicki's sources, but so far it’s been no good.”
“We could always get Vale and hang her by the ankles on top of some building until she talks,” Jason suggests. "Let's go old school on her."
Everyone ignores Jason. Tim stands for another mug of coffee. Dick lets out a frustrated sigh. Steph keeps watching all of them from the couch, where she’s been lying down and tossing gummy bears into her mouth for the past half-hour. 
When no one acknowledges him, Jason sighs and stands. “Alright, this’ been fun. I’m going to patrol.”
Dick frowns. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“He can’t vanish,” Steph says. “One thing is crashing Tim’s place to make sure he won’t get ambushed in his down time. If Red Hood goes AWOL he might as well admit he’s working with the Batclan.”
Jason nods. “If I don’t do my job, next thing I know Black Mask takes over my stuff.” 
“Can’t have Black Mask taking over his stuff,” Steph agrees.
Dick glances at Tim as though expecting him to disagree with the plan. Tim lets out a defeated sigh. “He’s right. Just… make sure to find a safe place to change into your gear so no one sees you. If there are any safe places, that is…”
Jason rolls his eyes. Tim knows he’s going full Robbie Downer mode, as Jason likes to call it, but he can’t help it. It’s not often that he finds himself without any ideas. He  should  have been able to solve this already. Since nothing comes to mind, he starts imagining unrealistic scenarios in hopes that they’ll give him some insight outside of the box.  AU in which I was never shipped with my brother by some nosey reporter. AU in which I went out Damian instead of Jason that night.
Tim groans in frustration. “Why did it have to be Jason? We could get away with me having a thumb war with literally anyone. If it was Batman out there, this wouldn’t be that much of a problem.”
“Maybe if you hung out with all your brothers and not just Jason there wouldn’t be as many rumors about you and Red Hood,” Dick mumbles.
Tim glares at the phone. 
“Really? You wanna go there? You wanna talk favoritism, Richard? Because you’ve been favoring Damian for-freaking-ever.”
“Drag him!” Jason cheers. 
“Tim,” Dick says, looking genuinely upset, “I love all-”
“Save it,” Steph cuts in. “We all have favorites Dick, there is no use denying it.”
Because Dick’s eyebrows are knitted in confusion, Tim clarifies: “Bruce’s favorite is Cass, yours is Damian, Jason’s is… I don’t know, his guns. Steph is my favorite, unfortunately. Steph’s favorite is Cass, Cass’ favorite is Duke, Duke doesn’t have favorites, he’s the only good person in this family, and Damian’s is also you.”
Steph nods. “You did it! You broke the Bat Family dynamics to its bare essentials!”
“And that is why Tim is my favorite. After my guns,” Jason adds.
“Jason, we do not rate our siblings.”
“That’s why you’re in last place, Dick.”
Ignoring Dick’s enraged noises, Tim sets his mug aside. “I’m going patrolling, even if today isn't my turn. Solo this time. Hopefully Red Hood and Red Robin being separate out there will help the rumors die down a bit.”
No one has a better idea - Tim’s least favorite sentence - so that’s what they do. 
 It’s another infuriatingly quiet night.
Red Robin stops a couple of muggings, scares the crap out of some drug dealers. At some point, he considers contacting Poison Ivy and asking if she has any corrupt CEO she wants help with. He could, you know. It’d stop Ivy from killing someone and on his last run with Harley Quinn she did let slip that Tim was Ivy’s favorite Robin. 
He almost falls mid swing at the memory, thinking he might be onto something, but then he remembers Harley hadn’t particularly recognized Red Robin as the third Robin. She was just ranting about how the new tiny Robin had no sense of humor and Ivy missed the last one. Besides of course Harley Quinn wasn’t feeding Vicki Vale some BatFanfic. Tim’s brain must be really burnt out if that’s the best hot take it can come up with. 
It’s almost 3am and he’s taking a pair of muggers that can’t be much older than Tim to the police. He’s about ready to call if a night when someone shouts:
“Red Robin!” 
He looks on instinct and his stomach drops when he sees Vicki Vale running towards him.  Crap.
“Red Robin, can I get a statement?”
He keeps walking. He’s just one dirty alley away from GCPD, otherwise he’d just tie the stupid muggers to his back and would use his grappling hook to get out of the situation, grapple safety be damned. The muggers gingerly attempt to hide their faces as the reporter runs to them swinging a digital recorder. Vicki acts as though she can’t see them.
“Red Robin, what do you have to say about the rumors of your relationship with the Red Hood?”
The rumors you created?  Red Robin quickens his pace and the muggers trip over themselves. He stares straight ahead, pretending he doesn’t notice the woman basically running in heels to keep up with him. 
“Are you ashamed of it? Is it because he’s a criminal or because he’s a man?”
Red Robin wonders if the muggers would walk the rest of the way and turn themselves in if he asked nicely.
“Don’t bother, lady,” one of the muggers says. “He’s a nasty bigot.”
The other mugger  nods and the two of them are wearing matching pouty expressions. Now Tim just feels bad. He didn’t become a hero for the recognition and he’s not in the business of doing PSAs like Superman, but he doesn’t want the strange socially woke criminal youth of Gotham to think they’re being arrested by a homophobe.
“I have no problem with two men in a relationship, I’m bisexual,” he tells the muggers. “Still, I’m not dating Red Hood. Just because I’m bi it doesn’t mean I’m dating every male vigilante I run into.”
At that, the two crooks look mildly surprised and suddenly they seem to feel a bit better about being arrested. Would you look at that. 
Red Robin delivers them to the police, painfully aware that Vicki Vale is nowhere to be found anymore. He feels like he’s going to pay dearly for being too prideful to let himself be mistaken for a heterosexual person. 
 Lo and behold, Twitter, on that very same morning.
Red Robin hints that he might be bisexual. “No, I’m not dating the Red Hood, just because I’m bi it doesn’t mean I’m dating every male vigilante,” said the hero on the rumors about his relationship.
        @dgraysonman hints??? he literally said he’s bi smh
        @stephssss wow only the male vigilantes? biphobic. let red robin date batgirl too
        @babsgeez be gay do crime, be bi serve justice
        @thomascommaduke no cops at pride, only Red Robin using a bi flag as cape.
“Timmy…” Jason starts.
“Don’t. Just leave me alone to die.”
“That’s fair, have a nice day.”
 At this point, Tim is surprised Bruce hasn’t intervened. As unaware of social media as Bruce can be, he’s always on the look for anything that might compromise their secret identities. Tim pulls two all-nighters in a row doing detective work and still makes no progress on his search for the person that sent Vicki that picture and overheard his conversation with Krystal. He fully expects Batman to jump him on his next patrol and give him a lecture.
When he comments that to Jason, he gets a confused look in response.
“You didn’t get a lecture? Bruce was the one that told me first. I had to hear about being careless for 20 minutes before I got home and could take off my comm.”
Tim frowns in confusion. Bruce had talked to him once or twice after the news got out and he didn’t comment anything on it. 
“That’s Batman’s psychological profiling,” someone suggests. 
Tim almost jumps out of his skin when Steph casually walks into the living room with a bowl of chips. 
“What are you doing here? And are those my clothes?”
Steph shrugs in the sweater that clearly doesn’t belong to her. “Jason and I are doing movie night.”
“Movie night,” Jason mocks. “She’s been here for the past two days. Did you seriously not notice, Tim?”
Tim’s jaw drops. 
Steph sighs and her expression turns guilty. “Fine. My mom is out of town for the week and Jason is a better cook than I am. Is it a crime to bum off your ex-boyfriend and his bizarrely talented in the kitchen brother?”
Before Tim can say anything, Jason interrupts: “What were you saying about Batman, Steph?”
She heads to the couch and starts looking for the remote, her feet propped on the coffee table. “B knows Jay will just shrug it off and deal with the consequences, hence the need of a lecture. If he annoys Jason, he’ll stop and reflect on it, even if out of rage. He knows Tim’s already overthinking and working his butt off to fix it, so he doesn’t want to add any pressure.”
Both Jason and Tim stand in dumbfounded silence.  Since when does Steph know Bruce so well?
She raises her gaze when the quietness stretches and quirks an eyebrow at them. “What? Am I wrong?”
“Hm. No. That’s pretty much what we’ve been doing,” Jason admits, if a big begrudgingly. “That’s annoying though.”
Steph simply makes a dismissive gesture and pats the sit beside her. “Tim, you need a break. Wanna join us?”
Tim hesitates. On one hand, the fact that Bruce trusts him that much is a tad touching… and knowing it makes him feel he has to solve this as soon as possible. On another… it’s kind of annoying that Bruce knows him so well and yet doesn’t think about offering any assistance. Tim is not stubborn enough to refuse a helping hand when he’s on a pinch.
“You’re not going to solve anything if you’re hallucinating from sleep deprivation, Timbers,” Jason points. “Besides we’re watching Avatar.”
“Fine,” Tim says.
If for nothing else, just to prove to Bruce that he’s  not an overworker and he can slack off in the absence of a parental figure.
Tim falls asleep in the middle of the second episode. Steph and Jason vow to take him to bed once they’re sure he’s completely out, but they only last until the end of the first season. The three sleep soundly on the couch for good eight hours and regret dearly when they wake up with necks too sore to fight crime for at least a day.
 Consequences. They always come.
Almost a week goes by in which the rumors are but an annoyance to Jason and a source of stress to Tim - but almost anything can stress Tim if he tries hard enough, so that’s not saying anything. Jason is still staying at Tim’s, but he’s considering going back to his own place when they go for three days with no new article and nothing unusual has happened. 
Until it does. 
It’ a rainy night Tim is going over reports for the next WE meeting when he hears a noise coming from the balcony. His stomach gives a familiar twist when he recognizes Batgirl hunched over the weight of one Red Hood. 
He rushes to her aid, already feeling nauseous. There’s no blood in sight but whatever happened must be serious if Jason is willing to let Batgirl give him a piggyback ride. Tim lets them drip water all over the floor and, in his panic, has half a mind to appreciate that Batgirl’s boots have enough traction that she doesn’t slip.
“What on Earth…”
“The most ridiculous thing,” Steph bables as she and Tim drag a very dizzy Jason to the couch. She then starts ranting so fast Bart Allen would be proud. “He was doing his thing as usual, but some of his people turned on him and there was an ambush and so many flipping people against one poor Hood and good god that guy shot his helmet at point-blank which,  damn , that was so stupid, of course the freaking helmet is bullet proof, it just ricocheted and…”
“Steph, calm down,” Tim interrupts. “Jason, can you report?”
When he gingerly attempts to take off his helmet, Steph takes over and undoes the safety measures before carefully removing it. There is a dent on the back part where he had been presumably shot. 
“Hm,” Jason grunts, squinting even behind his domino mask. “Ambush. Shot. Concussion. Very concussion. Ankle hurts? Prolly not broken, tho. Also stabbed?”
Tim nods. “Steph, get the medical supplies. Where’s the stab wound, Jay?”
Jason points to his thigh and there is an improvised bandage keeping him from losing too much blood. Considering how well done it is, Tim figures it’s Steph’s work. He nods and starts checking his brother’s vitals and making sure there aren’t other serious wounds.
When she comes back with the supplies Tim needs, Steph has her cowl down and a somber expression. She turns off the lights for Jason’s sake, the only source of light left on being the lamp near where Tim is already ripping off a piece of Jason’s pants to have better access to his wound. Steph sits by Jason’s side and grabs his hand, much to Tim’s surprise. He’s too busy taking care of the stab wound to ask, but he doesn’t have to. Steph breaks the silence:
“I’m so sorry, Jason.”
Jason gives her a confused look. “You saved my ass?”
“Yes, but…” Steph sighs and turns to Tim. “Babs is with the Birds of Prey tonight, so I was on my own. I was messing around with my comm frequency when I accidentally got into Jason’s. I heard the mess and it sounded like he was in trouble so I panicked. I went to get him and… Well, if there was any doubt that he’s working with the Bats, there isn’t now. It was too obvious that I was protecting him.”
Jason squeezes her hand. “Hm. Pigs.”
“Right. Then the police arrived and instead of leaving right away I stopped to make sure Jason wasn’t bleeding to death. More than a few cops saw me patching him up.”
Tim sighs. Well, shit. 
“It’s not your fault, Steph,” Tim says. “I mean… he literally wears a bat on his chest. People were bound to find out it isn’t just to stick it to Batman.”
“Is too,” Jason mumbles.
Tim ignores him. “The situation isn’t ideal, but we all prefer people knowing Red Hood is associated with the Bats than him being dead.”
“I died before.”
“We know, Jay.”
“Do not recommend.”
“We know, Jay.”
Steph fidgets a bit, still looking guilty, but ultimately nods. Tim is about to start stitching Jason’s wound closed when she says: “There’s more. You, hm, you know Renee Montoya?”
“The one valid pig,” Jason says. “I like her.”
“She was there. She helped a ton keep the other cops away from us before we could escape,” Steph says. “I think she wanted to check on Jason and…”
Tim stops moving. He knows Montoya, worked with her before and she’s a nice woman. That being said, she doesn’t have any connections to Hood. Why would she… Oh. The gay rumors. Damn wlw/mlm solidarity.
“What happened?” Tim asks, already fearing the worst.
“Hmmm, we’ll tell you, but I’m concussed, so you have to promise you won’t be mad.”
Jason sighs. “Well. She asked about our relationship and… Hm. I might have told her we’re brothers.”
Tim stares at them. Steph is cringing and Jason is too out of it to care. At this point… Tim starts laughing, making the other two - even the concussed one - frown in worry.
“Aw, man,” Tim says between chuckles.  “What the fuck, am I right? I’m too old for this. Who cares? Not me! Fuck it. Fuckety fuck fucky-fuck.”
“I think we broke him,” Steph whispers even as Tim resumes stitching his brother.
They went from not-sure-if-real to a freaking cop knowing about their family in the span of a week. Tomorrow #TimDrakeIsRedRobin could be trending on Twitter and Tim wouldn’t care. Not anymore. Let them come.Literally everyone in his friend circle is a vigilante, a hero or a criminal at this point, he doesn’t even care about endangering anyone.
 It takes actually two days for it to hit the news. He’s alone in his office when Tam texts him a link to Gotham Gazette online. Judging by the lack of other words, Tim figures she’s cutting ties with him again.  
The newest article has no actual pictures, but a sketch of Red Hood standing with his guns pointed at the viewer and Red Robin standing behind him, his face only partially turned. The thing looks more like superhero fanart than an official sketch, but that never stopped Vicki Vale before.
Red Robin, one of Gotham’s many masked vigilantes, was cause of intrigue recently. Many  people noticed the hero doing his work around Red Hood’s territory, something not even Batman dares on the regular. Speculation turned into a craze of theories when both red-themed vigilantes were caught sitting on a roof sharing a meal from Batburger and many thought perhaps there was more than your regular vigilante team up. 
Turns out the hero and the mob boss aren’t lovers, against popular belief. When questioned about the nature of their relationship, Red Hood snapped and confirmed one of the less popular theories: the two men are, in fact, related. “Red is right and he should say it,” said Red Hood to a bewildered policewoman. “Of course he’d say it’s [REDACTED] gross, he’s my little brother.” When asked about the conversation overheard by our reporter, the policewoman in question refused to give any more details and requested to remain anonymous.
It’s hard to be sure how such development came to be. The Red Hood has been active in Gotham for years as a mob boss and, more recently, a vigilante and ally to Gotham’s bats. While Red Robin is a newer vigilante, could it be that he was trained by the Red Hood? And how do the two brothers fit with Gotham’s oldest vigilantes? Unlike his older counterpart, Red Robin has been often spotted working side-by-side with the likes of Batgirl and Robin, making some question whether Red Robin is distancing himself from his criminal brother. However, sources spotted Hood being aided by Batgirl more recently. Could it be that his former sidekick is bringing Red Hood closer to the side of justice? More on the Red Twins as the story develops.
spoiler alert: RED TWINS
WonderWing: R E D  T W I N S
send me a Signal: ~ * R E D T W I N S * ~
in the hood: uhhhh my bad?
yumm: dis is great
yumm: now im hoods stranged sidekick
yumm: i fucking hate u jason.
in the hood: hey, if you didn't want to be my sidekick you should've picked another color
yumm: screw u u dont own the color red
in the hood: I was born first
yumm: u died first 2
WonderWing: Tim!
spoiler alert: oof 
send me a Signal: wow Tim that was too far
in the hood: I’ve never been prouder to be your brother I taught you so well Timmy
send me a Signal: … I stand corrected. I sometimes forget everyone in this family is clinically insane
 “Hey Tim. There is discourse about you and Jason now.”
Tim lets out a whimper. 
“So apparently some people still ship you two. But those people are being cancelled because shipping incest is problematic.”
“Steph, are you planning on going home? I noticed you took one of my drawers.”
“There’s fanart of you two.”
“I don’t want to see it. That'll scar me for life."
“I’m DMing it to you. By the way there is civilian Red Robin fanart and for some reason they made you blonde.”
“I don’t know, I guess it’s more fun to ship people with different hair colors. Should we dye your hair?”
“That way when you finally hook up with Co-”
“Finish that sentence and I kick you out of this apartment for good.”
 With the cat out of the bag, they start doing different damage control. 
Red Hood is now openly working with the Bats, so Steph and Cass dismantle Hood’s former safehouses around Gotham which mostly means getting Jason’s books and bringing them to Tim’s place. Jason suggests the places should be converted into something useful for the neighborhood, such as libraries or a community center of sorts, so Tim starts working on what needs to be done by WE to make that reality. Tim also makes sure Bruce pretends not to know Jason is using a lot of money illegally acquired to getting himself new hideouts.
They dance around the topic a lot and nothing is really said until Steph brings it up. Steph, whose mother returned days ago. Steph, that definitely doesn’t want Jason to leave, because apparently she suddenly has a new favorite ex-Robin. Steph, that is currently eating homemade waffles in Tim’s kitchen, even though Tim is 83% sure she didn’t sleep over last night.
“Why doesn’t Jason just moves in?” she asks.
When neither boy replies immediately, she continues:
“I mean, it’s more practical, isn’t it? Tim’s place is already secure, he has a hero hideout downstairs and you two already work together all the damn time. Tim’s office can be converted into a room for Jason, because, let’s face it, I spend most of my free time here and Tim never uses it. I once saw him take his laptop with him to the bathroom and then return to the kitchen table instead of using the office. We wouldn’t even have to take the shelves, because Jason would fill them.”
They exchange a look. 
“You know, she’s right,” Tim says. He shrugs like it’s no big deal, really.
He isn’t nervous at all while Jason stands there, his expression unreadable. It’s not like he enjoys way too much having his brother around and got way too comfortable with having a roommate and a half (if you count Steph) on the past weeks. Tim doesn’t care, he’s cool like that.
“I mean. I guess having you as a roommate beats living alone,” Jason finally says.
Tim fails to hide his grin. “We can start working in turning the office into a room this weekend.”
Jason smiles back and messes his hair. 
Tim’s first theory is that Steph wants Jason off the couch so she has an official place to sleep, because apparently Jason’s cooking is that good.
His second theory is that she noticed how happy Tim is to finally share a house with family. The Wayne Manor had been home for a while, sure, but despite Alfred’s best efforts the place wasn’t the coziest. It wasn’t the same as sharing an apartment with a brother, bickering about sharing chores and openly discussing their night jobs before shifting the conversation to a video game they want to buy. Sharing actual meals and making sure one another wouldn’t end up dead in a ditch.
Tim decides to stick with his first theory, after all it’s easier for Steph to make Red Twins jokes if Jason and Tim are under the same roof. 
 Even without new gossip, the idea of vigilante brothers is too interesting for the general public to let go. Tim and Jason start acting mostly in the shadows and having no interaction with civilians at all and they’re still the topic of Gotham’s variety shows and online discussions from time to time.
Because they don’t slip again, Bruce has yet to bring up the subject with Tim, but the mystery remains. Who listened to all those conversations and how? Tim keeps expecting the other shoe to drop, to get a message demanding ransom for their secret identities, something,  anything , but nothing happens. Nothing freaking happens and he’s never been this frustrated.
That is, until, it happens. The ultimate betrayal. 
Dick’s next visit coincides with the time Cass is over for the week. Because Bruce is secretly a sap in the wrongest way, he suggests they all go patrolling together. Such great family time. 
Despite their initial protests, they must all be the same kind of freak, because they all agree. They split up soon to cover more ground, but keep their comms on so it still feels they’re all in a big menacing group. 
Red Robin is somewhere near the crime alley when Nightwing announces he noticed some of Two Face’s goons getting into a building. He checks his wrist pad for their locations and notices Nightwing isn’t that far from where he is. The next closest person is Red Hood.
“I’ll take care of it,” Nightwing says over the comms.
“Negative. Two Face himself might be there,” Batman intervenes. “Wait for backup. The Red Twins--” And he stops himself as though realizing what he’s saying.
“Batman!?” Red Robin gasps in a betrayed voice. 
Nightwing is already having a laughter fit over the comms almost drowning the sound of Bruce’s disappointed sigh.
“I’m sorry, Red,” his father says and he even forgets to use Batman’s scary voice. “Nightwing and Batgirl have been saying it so much that-”
“Save it,” Hood groans. “And stop laughing, Jerkwing!”
The worst part is knowing that, even if he solves the mystery, the Red Twins thing is probably going to follow him to his untimely death. 
 Tim all but lost hope when he gets an email from Barbara. “To my favorite Red Twin” says the subject. He groans, but opens the email, because one does not simply ignore a message from Oracle. Then he almost drops his phone. 
Attached there is a grainy picture of a young woman talking to Vicki Vale. The image had certainly been enhanced digitally as it’s probably from a shitty security camera, but you can still see the woman’s face clear as day. She looks like she’s handing Vicki something, her shoulders tense and her expression wary. The body of the message is, most likely, the woman’s personal info. Her name is Lisa Harris. She is 27 years old. She lives somewhat close to Jason’s territory. And, most importantly, Babs added to the end of the message:
The picture is from the night before the Red Twins article ;) Vicki didn’t talk to anyone other than her coworkers and our pal Lisa on that night.
Jason comes out of his room when Tim trips on the coffee table in his hurry to stand. “What’s up?”
Tim hands him the phone. Jason’s eyes grow wide. “I don’t care about subtlety. We’re both going after this chick.”
“Should we wait for Steph? She’s gonna be mad that we went when she’s in class.”
“Jason, Steph doesn’t live here.”
“Doesn’t she, though?”
“We’re not waiting for Steph. She’s not involved.”
“Aight, but when she’s bitching I’m gonna say I remembered her and you said no.”
 They leave their bikes behind first for stealth sake, but mostly because the place they’re going isn’t that far from their place. Tim shivers at the thought of someone so dangerous living near him. He wonders what kind of information Lisa might have gathered and for how long she’d been watching them. Is she a new enemy? Perhaps a member of the league?
The shitty building she lives in doesn’t suggest that. It’s just another grimy Gotham apartment complex that didn’t age well. The place they’re looking for doesn’t have a balcony, only a useless fire escape so rusty it would probably crumble under any sign of flames. It’s a perfect hiding spot, because nothing suggests a villain lives there. It’s just a building, home to many underpaid bachelors, nothing too suspicious about it.
Red Robin reminds Hood of that before they nod to each other and split. Jason goes into the building with a ton of confidence, for such a big guy trying to go unnoticed. Tim uses his grapple to reach the right window, not trusting that fire escape for even a second. 
The window is open and he finds himself looking at a place not that different from the one Jason lived before moving in with Tim. Mismatched furniture of the living suggests whoever lives there didn’t have money for fancy decor or that they don’t mind how the place looks. However, something about the place looks… well, lived in. It doesn’t look like a criminal temporary hideout, but rather someone’s place.
As he hesitates, a woman walks in. The woman of the picture, Lisa Harris. Her long blonde hair had been tied in a knot on top of her head and she’s getting ready for bed, if her oversized T-shirt and pajama pants say anything. She’s holding a bowl of cereal.
She reminds him of Steph and that causes him to hesitate for a second. What if this girl is innocent? Their evidence is circumstantial. Maybe she just happened to talk to Vicki Vale at the wrong time.
That hesitation costs him dearly. The woman appears to feel his eyes burning the back of her head. She glances at the window and their gazes meet.
Lisa inhales sharply and drops her cereal bowl. Before he can reassure her of anything, she’s bolting for the door. He pats himself in the back for his backup plan, because just as she opens the door she runs right into Red Hood’s chest. Lisa stumbles backwards, her expression horrified.
“Knock knock?” Hood quips.
She lets out a squeak and guilt makes Tim wince. Once again he opens his mouth to tell her they’re not here to hurt her when she… vanishes. 
She simply disappears right in front of their eyes.
“Shit, she’s a meta,” Hood hisses. 
Red Robin’s thoughts fly a thousand miles per hour, finally making the conexions he stupidly missed for so long. Of  freaking course.  He was so used to dealing with a bunch of idiots in colorful costumes and assassins and whatnot he hadn’t taken in consideration that ninjas aren’t the only exceptional enemies they face. And if his theory is correct. 
“She’s still here,” he says. “If I’m right, she can turn invisible. That’s how she’s been listening to private conversations.”
A soft gasp follows his statement and Hood is moving almost as fast as Red Robin’s insights. An invisible woman is still solid and her clumsy footsteps are still audible, so on the moment that follows Jason seems to embrace air. 
“No!” She cries out, flashing in and out of sight for a few seconds.
“Careful,” Red Robin warns.
Hood is wearing his helmet, but Tim knows him well enough to know his brother is glaring at him as if saying  duh?  
Lisa tries to stomp on Hood’s feet, she squirms and grunts, but he doesn't budge. Apparently invisibility is her only power and she looks terrified.
“It’s okay!” Red Robin hurries to say. “We’re not going to hurt you!”
She turns her frantic gaze to him. Her brown eyes suddenly become watery. 
“Hood, let her go,” Red Robin says. 
“Yes. You’re not going to try to escape again, are you, Lisa? We just want to ask a few questions.”
He wishes they had waited for Steph.
Lisa hesitates, paralysed, but slowly nods. Her eyes never leave Red Robin once their gazes met, not even to check whether Hood is going to let her go or not.
“Hood,” he calls again. 
Groaning something about being too trusting, Jason lets her go. He is gentle about it, too, making sure to let her feet touch the floor carefully instead of simply dropping her. Regardless, as soon as she’s left to stand on her own legs, her knees give in and she drops on the floor. At that, Tim can tell even Jason is hiding guilt behind his helmet.
He shakes his head to regain focus and crouches in front of the woman. If at this point they just apologize and leave, they’ll have traumatizes this poor woman for nothing.
“Lisa Harris,” he starts. “That’s your name, right?”
She trembles when he says her name and that should have been the first red flag. He blames it on the stressful situation and moves on.
“I’m sorry for startling you,” he says. He keeps his expression empty, even if he again can tell Jason is cringing at the understatement. “No one here is going to hurt you. We just want some answers. Is that alright?”
Her hands are balled tightly on her lap as though she’s making a lot of effort not to move them - perhaps to punch them, defend herself? But again she doesn’t look prone to start a fight.
“You’re him,” she whispers, her voice heavy with… something. It almost sounds like affection. “You’re really the Red Robin. In my room.”
That  red flag is harder to ignore. He is about to check for other shock symptoms when Hood calls.
“Hmm… Red? Are you seeing that?”
He follows his brother’s gaze… and his chin drops. On the wall opposite to the door hangs a giant corkboard. On the corkboard, held by black and red tacks there are dozens of Red Robin pictures. Some blurry, some taken from so far that you can barely be sure it’s really Red Robin or not, the infamous picture of the thumb war (demon horns had been disturbingly scribbled on Jason on that one) and… He doesn’t have words. 
“You’re my hero!” Lisa claims.
“Is he? I couldn’t tell,” Hood says.
Red Robin punches his knee, which is all he can reach from where he is, and turns his attention to the woman in front of him.
“Lisa, for how long have you been following me?”
“Since you saved me,” she says. “Well… Hm. You didn’t save me. But you stopped a heist at the Central Bank a couple of months ago and I was there. I could've died without you.”
Aw, crap on a stick.
“Do you… do you know who I am?”
“You’re Red Robin,” she repeats.
“He’s asking about his identity behind the mask.”
The way she glares at Jason doesn’t suggest she had been shaking in fear moments ago. “He’s Red Robin,” she insists. “I don’t need anything else.”
“If you don’t know… how do you have so many…” Hood gestures vaguely at her creepy corkboard.
“I did detective work,” she says and glances at Red Robin as if expecting a pat on the back. “I noticed you always go on patrol on mondays, wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. Then if I wandered around long enough… It was just a matter of hard work and bit of luck, really.”
Damn. Now that Tim thinks about it, the one time he went on patrol spontaneously was also the night Vicki Vale found him by coincidence rather than magically knowing what happened. 
“Fuuuuck,” Hood groans. “I told B patrol schedule was a dumb idea!” Then, in a deep growly voice, “ It’s a matter of efficiency Hood, don’t be paranoid. Who’s paranoid now, Batloser?”
“Not the time, Hood.”
“Right. Proceed.”
Red Robin sighs. “Why did you sell my pictures to Vicki Vale?”
At that, Lisa looks suddenly ashamed. “I.. I’m sorry. I thought… I thought you were  involved  with  him  and I panicked. I thought… I thought seeing what it would do to your reputation would make you see that he’s not good enough for you.”
“What? She is.”
“I was trying to learn more about him, you know? I was. When I found out he was your brother, I realized you had no option, right? Family is family. I even told the news again to clean your record.”
So he had a stalker. A stalker concerned about his love life, no less, that’s… great. Just great. Of all the scenarios he considered they’d have to face, this is not one of them. Before he decides what to do, however, Lisa speaks up again. 
“You sound so… nice.”
Tim stares at her in confusion, unsure whether to thank her or not. Regardless, she didn’t sound like she was complimenting him.
“I mean… aren’t I supposed to be?”
“No! I mean… you’re… you’re dark and brooding and serious and you don’t waste time with civilians unless forced…” She frowns and Tim figures she’s thinking about the night with the strippers. “You’re… the night.”
Jason snorts. Tim punches his knee again. “Lisa, I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Batman, not me.”
Her expression twists in such fury both vigilantes prepare to restrain her, but instead of directing her anger at them, Lisa scoffs.
“Don’t  get me started on Batman! All that crap about being mysterious and working alone? Then he joins the freaking Justice League? Just… Batman, in the middle of a bunch of rainbow wearing clowns. And then… all those freaking kids. Why does he have so many kids?”
“Lady, we ask ourselves that everyday,” Tim admits.
Lisa is wearing the same expression Krystal had when Red Robin denied his relationship with Hood.
“I’m sorry, Lisa, I’m grateful that you admire me, but you can’t keep following me like this.”
Her eyes teary again, Lisa swallows dry. “Clearly, if you’re  sorry  about it.”
They can’t exactly take her to Arkham for taking pictures. Tim feels less bad about the whole thing when the woman stands and starts telling them in a  very loud voice  to get the hell out of her house.
“Fine,” Jason says, heading to the corkboard. “But I’m taking this.”
“Take it,” she shouts. “I don’t need it anymore. You’re  just like Batman!”
And that’s how Red Hood and Red Robin find themselves standing in the middle of a dusty hallway, Hood with a conspiracy board under his arm. 
Well, that happened. 
 In the end, Steph  was  furious about them going to the stalker’s house by themselves, but there was not a lot she could do except doodle on every picture of the stalker board. 
There must be something very wrong with their sense of humor, because their text group becomes a mess of jokes about the stalker Robin being stalked. At that Tim has no problem exercising Jason’s lessons in holding grudges and refuses to help them with any of their cases unless they stop it. The thing is that all of them find the whole thing hilarious.
All of them except Duke.
“Give it a while,” Tim tells him. “You’re the most recent acquisition to the family. In due time your idea of funny will be just as warped as ours.”
“Hm. When was the last time you slept, Timmy?” Duke asks.
“Today is Tuesday.”
“Hahahaha yeah.”
“... Jaaaaasooon! Come over here! Tim is going into The Ring territory! Do something about it!”
Bruce doesn’t find it funny either. He isn’t happy that there’s a deranged meta he didn’t know about, but Tim thinks that was the least surprising part of the whole ordeal. He reckons a lot of metas doesn’t want to be a hero or a villain, they’re just regular people that live regular lives and happened to win in the metagene lottery. 
Or… well. In Lisa’s case, not so regular.
And that’s why upon hearing the story for the first time, Bruce  completely freaks out. He starts considering possibilities from scaring the woman as Batman - “That’s a terrible idea, dad, you heard she likes that shit,” says Dick over facetime - or having her arrested - “Father, having bad taste in men is hardly a crime. She has yet to do anything to harm Timothy” Damian helpfully reminds him - and finally to fill out a restraining order - “For who, Karen?” Jason snaps. “Red Robin? Or you want to walk into that nut job and tell her she’s not allowed near Tim Drake-Wayne?”
Long story short, it’s chaos. Tim has had enough of a crazy night, so he sits back near the training area of the cave and sips the tea Alfred made him. Bruce is doing Tim’s stressed out circuit, pacing back and forth around the cave while his children follow him - Damian is holding the phone higher than his head so Dick can talk to Bruce at eye level - and they try to talk him out of doing anything stupid.
Most of them, anyway. It looks like Duke is definitely looking into the possibility of a restraining order.
Cass detaches herself from the mess and heads towards Tim. She looks calm, as Cass always does, and some of that calm transfers to him. When she takes a seat by his side, he smiles at her.
“Okay?” she asks. 
Tim shrugs. “Weirded out, mostly. I’ll be fine.”
She points at her then signs Tim’s house as a question. She’s asking him if he wants her to come over.
While Cass is one hell of a bodyguard, Tim thinks of Steph, who’s most definitely playing with his video games back at home, and of Jason, whose schedule mostly matches Tim’s, hence he is, more often than not, at one shout of distance. Tim can’t think of any place that feels safer than his home right now.
“I’m fine. Jay and Steph are taking care of me. I’ll just have to be twice as careful during patrol,” he says.
Cass nods, satisfied. She gives him a forehead kiss and leans against his side. The two of them watch their family yell at each other for the next ten minutes, matching serene smiles on their faces.
 Bruce settles for keeping Lisa under occasional watch. 
Barbara stalks her online and finds that Lisa has left a Red Robin fanclub (Tim did not know those existed) and closed all of her threads on the Red Robin subreddit (Tim knew about those, but kept his distance), making it seem that learning that Red Robin is just a polite-ish kid really killed her love. 
Bruce says he’ll keep tabs on her because he know she’s a meta, it’s not like he’s being overprotective, he totally knows Tim can take care of himself, really. 
Other than that, Bruce is way too happy about Jason’s new living arrangement. He even  almost smiles. 
 Tim… is fine. The whole thing is creepy, for sure, but he finds out that his siblings making so many jokes about it makes it easier to handle. Yay for their unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
He doesn’t think he will ever be okay with media, though. It’s annoying enough that he has to deal with reporters as Tim Drake-Wayne, he definitely doesn’t need the attention as Red Robin. 
Luckily for him, his siblings help him with that too. One time he’s wrapping a gang bust with Nightwing when a reporter comes running towards them, begging for a few answers. Red Robin cringes inwardly realizing there are no close buildings to use his grapple, but before he can say anything, Nightwing squeezes his shoulder. 
“Go, Timmy. I’ve got this.”
Tim smile. “Thanks, Dick.”
And he leaves the silent and swift way only a Bat can do. 
 Things are great. As great as they can be in Gotham, at least. Tim wakes up at 9am - an early time for a vigilante, but he got at least 5 hours of sleep, so that’s something - and heads to the kitchen. He finds Steph (who still swears she doesn’t live with them) and Jason bickering over pancakes they’re making. Smiling to himself, Tim mumbles a good morning and starts washing the dirty dishes from last night.
The peaceful morning is interrupted by Steph’s phone buzzing. She use a paper towel to clean her hands before checking it and…
“Uh… Timbers?” she calls.
He freezes, the pan he’s washing suddenly forgotten. “What now?”
Steph is trembling with contained laughter when she hands him the phone. Duke just sent her a link to a news article. Tim clicks and finds himself staring at the headline RIVALRY BETWEEN HEROES? followed by a clear picture of Nightwing and a blurry shot of Red Robin.
The article follows:
After dealing with an infamous gang of contrabandists that operated near Gotham’s harbor, Nightwing and Red Robin went their separate ways without much courtesy. Despite the short collab, it appears that Red Robin didn’t appreciate Nighwing’s help, his farewell words being a sarcastic “thanks” followed by calling Bludhaven’s hero a “dick”.
Tim raises his eyes to the other two. Steph is hiding her face into the crook of Jason’s neck, her shoulders still trembling a bit. Having read the article over Steph’s shoulder, Jason is biting his lip.
Tim deadpans: “This is the funniest shit that ever happened to me.”
The three of them explode in laughter and they cackle for a good minute, until the three of them are breathless and their cheeks hurt.
“I-I want to print that and frame it,” Steph manages between giggles. “Let’s hang it on the living room.”
“Good… ahaha… Good work, Timbers,” Jason says, smiling wide. “For that, you can have extra pancakes.”
Tim is still grinning when he goes back to his dish duty. Maybe being under the media attention isn't so bad after all.
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elenscaie · 5 years
Vignette: Damian Wayne & Jason Todd
I blame @elloryia. Both for the inspiration and the encouragement. However, quite frankly, I’m being wary; just entering into this fandom proper means something is (most-likely) going to mess up. I know for a fact I’ll muck up something pertaining to canon, so feel free to correct me. Still, I won’t get nowhere if I don’t try, and so here I go. I hope it’s enjoyable.
Damian sits back straight and tall—as tall as any ten-year-old boy can be without the advent of a growth spurt—regal against the ebony wood, head held high, frown pulling at his features the most miniscule bit. His teeth aren't gritted, not yet, but the way Todd is going, he's well on his way towards such.
"I can't fathom why Father would even abide by this for one minute; you've clearly never done this to another, and I don't want to know how you managed this for yourself."
A hard-sharp bark of laughter is his only response. Tiny pinpricks of pain lace up his scalp and scrape a hiss out of him when the comb turns, twists, trapping him in the most childish tug-of-war when he snaps his neck forward to set his skull straight.
“You think this is bad? Try being born and bred in the Narrows, brat—you’d be lucky to get a damn fingerbone to use for your hair.”
The comment settles sharply between Damian’s ribs; he curses himself for the flippancy and the flagrant ignorance and for whatever remaining faults he can find in the words he just uttered. It gets him to shift and swivel in his seat—plush velvet black—eyes cut to slits, lips set in a stern line. On most children, it would have all the effect of a boy playing at being a man.
Damian isn’t a boy, however. He was born and bred, too, in the heart of shadows and subterfuge and swords and secrecy. Cradled in the blue-black night all the better to shield himself from the dominion of death if and when he strayed from the rules. Brought up to keep his hackles raised and suspicions sharp at words so sweetly spoken they might harbor poisonous barbs near their centers.
Damian Al Ghul understood all too well the power of lies and personas, power plays and personal agendas and playing at defeat when, in truth, your enemy would find themselves struggling beneath the weight of your victories just as their guard slackened the slightest bit.
Damian Wayne understood all that and more. For all he was pared down to something harboring less lethality and more mercy, he was no tamer for it, his nature softened barely.
So when the words tumble like little drifts of ash from Todd’s lips, Damian turns around in his seat and says, confidence absolute, expression flinty, tone brooking no arguement: “The Narrows amount to nothing but your past. You’ll not shame what it means to be a Wayne by speaking as if you’re still in that festering cesspool.” A delicate sniff of displeasure. ”I daresay even Grayson would be embarassed on your behalf if he caught you speaking thusly.”
lt almost distracts from the line riding rigid at his spine and shoulders—he isn’t soft, he isn’t going soft, he merely speaks the truth.
The truth itself being rarely pure and never simple.
But, Damian admits, sometimes there are exceptions.
Exceptions he will not be expanding upon. He can’t afford to. His fellow brothers vigilantes are perfectly capable of cultivating the masks they wear, whether it be to prepare for public speculation or for such things privy to family their group or for nobody’s business save their very own.
Words so carelessly spoken will scarcely leave a mark, much less the bruise Damian nearly flagellated himself oh-so-very neatly over.
Bottom line? Damian has little reason to be soft. This was just a fluke. Nothing more.
Streaming through air, weaving itself inside the wavering hair-thin tension balancing Damian’s shoulders on a knifepoint edge, Todd’s voice falls through a chain of notes betraying cool amusement hidden not at all. “So what you’re getting at is that we’re both the superior model. Thanks, brat, figured you were about to declare Golden Boy our supreme leader.” Fingers felt as sculpted thick through with calluses wind down through his thick mop of night-sky curls and Damian is ill at ease with the notion of leaning into the touch. They ruffle and muss and run all roughshod, for all the damage done. His curls are already a minefield of filth and muck.
“Nice to know you’re on my side.”
That gets him to huff; he abstains from a massive eyeroll and snaps out impatiently, “Some of us have to have enough sense to recognize when Grayson errs.” Laying flat one palm upon his cotton-clad thigh, the fabric so luxurious it may well be silk, he tugs on the hand gripping the comb and instructs, “You’ve picked out a majority of the leaves and most of the dirt I washed out already—just have some sense yourself, Todd, and go slow.”
Calm smooths over him. It settles like the lines of relief easing out from his scalp as the comb gentles through his curls and the rustle and crackle of leaves displaced and disturbed fills the room.
“You know, I never would have figured you for ticklish. So, superior model mutuality or not, you can bet the next time we go up against Ivy, I’m bringing my phone.” The chuckle that paints the air is absolutely brimful with teasing mockery. “Or just nick one of B’s Batcams.”
“For the final time, the vine’s flowers were simply sharp, hence how fiercely I was fighting them off—to break free before they did too much damage. No Robin would sully himself by being ticklish.” Exasperation sets him to folding his arms across his chest and upturning his face and neck to cut down the entirely inappropriate laughter, restrained wrath gleaming off the flats of his eyes. “I won’t humor any more of your misconceptions, petty as they always prove to be.”
That merely earns him another bout of ruffling and mussing, and loathe as he is to admit it, even to himself if no one else, the calluses so characteristic of Todd’s hands tune his tension out, render his shoulders softened, his spine slithering in a relaxed curve. The familiarity grounds him to the present and to this moment in time in particular.
His eyes slide shut as Todd’s voice, dry and fond, floats back into being.
“Yeah, brat, whatever keeps your prim primadonna head in check. Just don’t let me hear you saying I didn’t give you a heads up.”
An answering smirk just shy of a challenge, fangs sheathed but for the barest glimmer of brilliant white. “You wouldn’t come close to victory, Todd. I never lose.”
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setsailslash · 5 years
congrats on +200 followers, you totally deserve it! I was thinking maybe brujay with always a civilian priest!father todd and bruce who is either a) batman whose obsessed with protecting him even though jason makes it clear he doesn’t need help or b) never batman / well meaning socialite
this is father todd+brand new batman bruce 💖 also written for @brujayweek​ day 5 prompt: recovery. (also on ao3 here)
Father Todd has nearly forgotten how the smell of fresh blood clings. The stink of it is sour and pungent and sharp like a knife.
“I’m not a doctor.” He tells the man lying bleeding in the alley behind his church. And that’s just the thing, a kicker really. He’s not just a man, he’s a Bat in a cowl and a cape. The Bat that’s been swarming the worst parts of town, stringing up petty criminals and leaving them for the cops to pick up. 
Father Todd isn’t a man to take sides, he can’t be. If he was younger and sweeter and hasn’t seen the things he’s seen or been through the kinds of things that ended up with him in a cassock and a clerical collar, he might even think Batman might be doing the city a favour.
But he isn’t fucking naive. 
“You’re good enough, Father.“ 
The voice is a funny one, rough like the grate of gravel and distorted with static until it’s nearly unrecognizable as anything remotely human. 
“Hardly,” Jason scoffs as he steadies the man on his feet, blood smearing like a fresh coat of paint across his hands as he holds him up, “but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”
It’s so warm the way the bat-man’s blood drips from between his fingers.
Father Todd brings him inside of his church.
Sets the man down on the narrow bed after he lays down tarp. Stitches him and his three stab wounds up. Douses each one with antiseptic wash, and wraps it all up in clean gauze. A little tape that doesn’t quite stick and Jason winds the Bat up in saran wrap to keep everything in place. It’s a little do-it-yourself but there’s not much to be done about that.
“You’ve got every right to give me up.”
The man is solemn as Jason applies the last butterfly bandage to the long shallow cut made with a serrated blade across his torso. His voice is normal, edged in pain. And Jason almost wants the bat back if just so he didn’t have to deal with something so human.
He crosses the room to put away what is left of the first aid kit, telling the man shrouded in drama and a precarious placement of all the shadows in the room.
“You could just thank me, y'know.”
Father Todd thinks on what he said outside in the alleyway with him taking the majority of the bat’s weight, and has to let out a singular sound in amusement.
“I was wrong, you’ve really never had to beg once in your life. You’re a billionaire who chooses to dress up as a fuckin’ bat.”
Bruce Wayne’s eyes are blue, and he watches Jason come back to the end of the narrow bed. Here, where he keeps perfectly still on top of Jason’s thin mattress, looking nothing like Gotham’s golden boy when his hair is soaked in sweat, messy after a night stuffed inside a cowl, and his mouth is drawn tight into a thin flat line.
Jason stands back. “There’s nothing in it for me to go against either one of your… you.”
There is a pause while the man pulls himself to sit up, his breathing laboured even over the obnoxious noise of the tarp moving as he does. Jason doesn’t shift to help, figures if the man insists on leaving even though those stitches might tear then that’s none of his business.
It’s how he’s maintained his corner of peace here for so long, Jason keeps his head down.
“Thank you, Father.” Bruce Wayne’s eyes are really fucking blue.
Jason nods once in acknowledgement.
That was supposed to be the end of that. 
But of course, it isn’t. 
Father Todd remembers peace, like a distinct memory just out of reach. It is quiet and subdued and lovely. It isn’t whatever this is.
“You really need to get off my roof.”
Batman is a shadow that takes shape and form as he drops down behind him without a sound. Jason bites back a sigh that wants to escape from between his teeth.
“It’s Batman.”
“There were men that wanted to rob you.” Bruce tells him, a hard righteous edge to his Bat voice when the three men that tailed Jason all the way from the store have been everything but subtle. Jason is a priest, not an idiot. He’s dealt with men like them for far longer than Bruce Wayne has ever tried to stop crime by beating it into submission.
And he tells him exactly that: “Let them.”
Bruce turns his head to him in that way Jason has learned to mean the man is looking at him like he’s being ridiculous. And Jason almost gives him the exact same expression in response if he isn’t busy trying to find his keys.
“A little help?” Jason asks, and Bruce in his full Batman gear takes the grocery bags from him so he can unlock the backdoor to the church without dropping everything.
Father Todd saves a dying man. Watch if he’ll ever make that mistake again.
When he turns back at the silence that follows the drop of his keys in the little bowl by the door, he finds the man in the shape of a bat standing still in the threshold of his doorway. It’s a headache that builds from his temples to radiate down until he finds himself grinding down on his molars.
“You’re not a vampire. You can come in without an invitation.”
Jason cannot see Bruce’s eyes when he’s got the cowl up. And maybe, that’s for the best.
“I don’t want to intrude.” Batman tells him, and it’s that same gravel rough tone, scratching at the space that passes between them as he steps through the threshold while Jason crosses him to close the door behind them.
“A lil’ late for that, don’t you think?”
Bruce sets down the bags of groceries on to the kitchen table that sits on an uneven surface of the floor, wobbling a little as the weight settles. He pushes his cowl off over his head, grunts in question to what Jason means.
“Y'know, with you standing on my roof all night?”
Jason almost doesn’t notice the way Bruce’s shoulders tense up in answer.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Or so the saying goes.
Actions, Father Todd thinks, have consequences.
When he finds a man bleeding out behind the alley of his church, he brings him in, he stitches him up, and he doesn’t let him die.
Maybe he should have.
Because when he lets Bruce pin him against the wall, his first reaction isn’t to drive the short blade kept inside of his boot into the spot between two connecting plates of Batman’s armour. Well, he’s already lost his way. Instead, his reaction is a small, soft sigh that parts his lips to the hard press of Bruce’s tongue.
Jason has quite a few of his favourite literary prose coming to mind in description of just how Bruce is kissing him.
“You’re okay with this?” Bruce asks him when he finally draws back.
The two of them panting for breath, pink in the face, red in the mouth, and blinking a glassy sheen from the bright blue of their eyes. 
Bruce’s gentleness starts and ends at the kind of behaviours that really should raise far more red flags than they do. Because they are that of a stalker (a protector). A bit of maniacal obsession when he is imprinting on the first person to show him any kindness (human decency really, it was a great deal of blood after all).
Bruce Wayne is not a stray (even if he acts like one), and Jason Todd is not a collector of strays.
“Probably not but I already kissed you back.” Jason lives a life in devotion. “There’s no such thing as taking back a sin.”
“Confessional?” Bruce asks as he goes down on his knees, pushing the hem of Jason’s cassock up to his hips.
Jason inhales sharply at the cool air that hits him when Bruce pulls him free, cock already hard with barely a kiss. He tells him, like any of it still matters when he’s already strayed this far from the path. “No one else here to forgive me for mine.”
“I do.” Bruce tells him, looking up at him with those eyes. And he is painfully earnest in his conviction, his belief in the good that is Jason Peter Todd.
Jason breathes out, and he is shaky with it when Bruce’s hands touch the bare skin of his hips, thumbs digging in against his pelvis to keep him pinned to the wall: “You don’t count.”
He doesn’t know the half of it.
Especially not when Bruce wraps the heat of his mouth around the head of Jason’s cock, sinking down and down and down until he hits the back of his throat, and Jason can feel him swallow.
God works in mysterious ways.
A tip of his head back, a shout, and Jason is seeing white.
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runnfromtheak · 4 years
fanfic author’s tagging game (yay!)
Thank ya darling for tagging me!!!! @boyblunder-thedarkheir!!!!!
AO3 Name(s): LostandLonelyBirds aka RUNNFROMTHEAK
Fandom(s): Primarily Batfamily (so, Dick Grayson) and Young Justice (along with DCU obviously, but I also dabble into Miralculous Ladybug, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and MCU (none of which I will ever seriously write for? Idk man).
Number of fics: 22 I will admit to (how do you have so many, my dear @boyblunder-thedarkheir​? What is your secret?)
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Are we talking writing or thinking about writing, cause those are two very different answers. I spent the most time writing this bitch of a fic I’m working on right now, and the most time thinking about the two latest installments of my main series, Death is But An Illusion (aka How Could He and How Could It Be). I agonize over every goddamn detail with Dick’s anger, Jason’s Jason-ness, and every person’s every move and word. I am a mess, and I’m going to be murdered if I don’t update them soon. I am not sorry about that XD
2. Fic you spent the least time on:  You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) aka my pick-your-own-canon clusterfuck of Dark!Dick Grayson and Dick Grayson being traumatized and tortured with no comfort (Some of them are so fucked up I question my own mind). I take less than an hour to write 80% of them, cause they’re short, and they very rarely take any time to plan. Fun and easy!
3. Longest Fic: At present, he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn)  is my longest, but the fic I’ve been hinting at on my other tumblr, @lostandlonelybirds​ is easily double the length (why do I do this to myself? Why am I like this?) the long boi (named one, not the one I won’t shut up about) is easily my best fic at the moment, and I’m so excited to write a sequel whenever I get the chance.
4. Shortest Fic: With Bated Breath and Pain You See (We're Nothing More Than Memories) technically, I have one shorter than that, but it’s a collab that wasn’t my original idea so I’m not counting it :)
5. Most Hits: You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) why do you people like this trash-fire so much? I don’t understand
6. Most Kudos:  How Could He which does not surprise me.
7. Most Comment Threads: Technically, How Could He followed by the trash-fire AU title thing I’m too lazy to type again, but I’m gonna love on this one: Just Close Your Eyes (No One Can Hurt You Now) because it’s my baby, and it deserves it okay?
8. Fave Fic You Wrote: Ooo we are doing a top five.
             5. How Could It Be (Jason is precious and sad and Dick is oblivious, and I love one-sided pining wayyyy too much)
             4.  How Could He (I put my life force into this stupid fic, so ofc it’s here)
             3. I'm Scared to Live But I'm Scared to Die (I'm Numb Inside) (the suicidal boy, major trigger warning)
             2. I See Things That Nobody Else Sees (And It's Slowly Killing Me)  (the only fic I’ve ever written from Cass’s perspective, and definitely one of the creepiest and most fucked up. Bruce does not look good here)
             1. he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn) (so ummm Bruce doesn’t look good here either? RHATO #25 if DC wasn’t cowardly and let Dick react how he actually would, aka fuck Batman is the new motto)
9. Rewrites?: Fuck. All my older ones? Everything? Who knows.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
Let’s do two. I’m nice.
First comes from How Could It Be:
“You loved him,” Donna says, ignoring his barb. “You loved him, and no one’s seen you or heard from you and I’m concerned, damnit.”
 She punches his shoulder roughly, and he’s reminded of her strength, no matter how small she seems in her dead best friend’s sweater.
 “I’m fine. Peachy-keen. Couldn’t be fuckin’ better. Honestly, you should be more concerned with Replacement, don’t think he’s slept in—”
 “Jason.” Her voice is firm, even as her eyes swim with tears and she holds her arms tight to herself, breathing in the well-loved item’s scent. Jason wonders when Dick wore it last, if Donna had taken it from his abandoned Gotham Penthouse or his Chicago Apartment. He wonders if he’d left it draped over the couch, like the natural disaster he was, or if it had been folded neatly in a drawer.
For someone who prides himself on not being sentimental, Jason suddenly wishes he had something of Dick’s too.
 “I’m here because I care, and because if Dick was here, he’d be doing the same thing I am.”
 “But he ain’t here,” Jason snaps, “Is he?”
 Donna’s head falls, and he feels like a giant jerk. He just… reacts poorly to that name, hasn’t heard it spoken since the transmission and subsequent funeral, since the guy he’d had the hots for since wearing the scaly panties had his mask ripped away and his life taken in front of Bruce’s eyes (who, to absolutely no one’s surprise, failed to save his son).
In the aftermath, no one said Dick Grayson’s name, always Nightwing, or some inane nickname the superhero community had for him. Last time he said it was to Damian, a failed attempt at comfort. But even Jason’s form of mutual grieving had been better than any of Bruce’s shit ideas. Bastard immortalized the ripped costume from his own son’s corpse (not that it had been the first time) and hadn’t even had the decency to give it a plaque (No ‘Good Soldier’ or ‘Good Son’, just a bare glass case with a bloody suit). Which… was weird. Jason was far from B’s best friend, but even he noticed something seemed strange, off, just not quite right. Like the funeral he didn’t speak at, like the breakdown none of them had witnessed beyond a one-off rage fit
“B, what the fuck happened down here?”
The Batcave was a disaster, dents glaringly obvious in several vehicles and a large spiderweb crack across the Batcomputer. Bruce closes the screen down, but Jason manages to catch a spiraling eye.
“Nothing, just…”
Bruce looks at the spare Nightwing costume none of them had taken down yet, still clean and ready for use (too bad its owner died and would never wear it again).
“Dick?” Jason questions, and the way Bruce’s eyes snap to his face is almost suspicious, almost enough to arouse concern.
“Yes. I—”
Jason sits next to Bruce on the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I miss him too, Old Man. Don’t mean you need to be an ass about it.”
 A memorial next to Jason’s own, but Dickhead’s is empty and broken from Damian’s fists and grief, and Jason’s is just gone. No one told him why, it was just gone.
Kind of like Dick.
He wonders if Bruce would have told him if the video hadn’t been broadcast, if he would’ve told anyone. B did love his fuckin’ secrets.
 “No,” she whispers, and he can hear the tears in her voice, can feel her grief as keenly as his own. It’s palpable, tangible, “He’s dead, and I’m alive, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
 And then, to Jason’s mounting horror, she starts crying openly.
Second comes from my one I’m working on rn with Stray!Dick called I See Sunset In Your Eyes (I Hate This Part Right Here)
“Come on,” Wally says with a pout, dragging an overly amused Jason and Dick with him through the karaoke bar doors. “Donna and Roy are waiting for us, and Dick had to take forever to primp.”
 Dick shrugs with a grin.
 “Beauty takes time, time I can tell you did not take.”
 Jason snorts, and Wally glares at him.
 “At least I don’t take five hours to finish getting ready.”
 “At least I can last longer than five minutes.”
 “Ouch!” Roy butts in, throwing an arm around Jason and Dick’s shoulders. “Claws are out tonight!”
 “Speaking from experience?” Jason asks, eyebrow raised.
 Dick smirks without comment, sauntering past the group towards the table Donna’s lounging at.
 “Hey gorgeous twin of mine,” He greets with a kiss to her eyes. She smirks, rolling her eyes at him.
 “You’re just stroking your own ego with the twin tacked on, Wonder Boy.”
 Dick bumps his shoulder against hers.
 “Can’t I stroke both our egos?”
 “You can stroke mine,” Wally mutters, turning red when Stray winks at his phrasing. Jason and Roy both facepalm, groaning. “Not what I meant guys!”
 “Why Kid Idiot,” Dick replies, hand on his heart, “I had no idea you could be so forward~!”
 Wally glares, waving over the waitress.
 “Round of shots, on this dick,” he jerks his thumb at Stray, offering up his fake ID. She doesn’t bother checking it, probably because this is Gotham, and they were all in uniform. “Whisky, please.”
 “Trying to get me drunk?” Jason jokes. It is, after all, his first big outing with the Titans for non-mission reasons. Stray had practically dragged him out of the Manor with a wink at Alfred and a middle finger for Bruce, saying that Jason needed to have fun outside of books.
Jason knows better than arguing with Dick Grayson-Kyle when he wants something, Stray trained him well.
 “Of course, Batboy,” Roy replies, “It’s not a Titans outing if Stray is fully dressed and everyone’s sober.”
 Dick shrugs.
 “You’ll have to get some real liquor in me if you want me to do anything like last time.”
 “Last time?” Jason asks, looking to Donna for an answer. Dick snorts. You get near naked one time…
 “Boy Blunder ended up in just his boxers in a dancing cage drunk of his ass. Everyone thought he was one of the strippers, and he made, what, three-hundred dollars in bills?”
 “Five-hundred,” Dick replies proudly, offering the waitress a twenty as she came back with their drinks. “Keep the change, darlin’!” He adds with a wink.
 She flushes, making Jason frown.
 Stray, of course, notices this and elbows Jason.
 “Don’t get jealous, Blue Jay, it’s not becoming.”
 Jason does not blush. He doesn’t, and that’s the hill he will die on.
 “I’m not. On an unrelated note, pass me a shot.”
Jason is the master of changing the subject, Stray thinks sarcastically, passing him a shot and downing one of his own.
 “Five bucks says alley cat blacks out,” Roy says smugly as Dick makes a face, the way he always did with heavier liquors. He glares at the redhead, who shrugs unapologetically.
 Donna eyes them both speculatively, taking a sip of her own drink.
 “Twenty says he gives a lap dance before he blacks out.”
 Roy snorts.
 “I’ll take it,” and to Dick, “Don’t do it, for me.”
 Dick bats his eyes innocently.
 “Lil’ old me? I would never do something so…” He trails a finger down Roy’s chest, making him swallow roughly. “Scandalous.”
 Donna grins victoriously as Roy groans, trying and failing to hide his excitement.
 “I hate you. I hate you both.”
 Tagging whoever sees this, I suppose? 
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callmesteve · 5 years
sneak peak at what i’m writing?
for real this time, sghlidugh. 
so, that post i just posted? yeah, i started a rough draft. here’s the first half! (not really any dami yet, sorry folks :((. also, note: i’ve made jon and damian the same age, i think there’s an age gap normally, but this works better for me.) 
do i continue it?
(fic below the cut)
Dick and Bruce go back in time to save Damian before he was killed. They end up in the wrong time. There’s so many ways it goes wrong.
Dick crosses through the portal to dusty air and ashes scattered amongst the ground. Buildings crumble around the torn up street. Markings all over the remains of Gotham tell Dick all he needs to know. Green and red spray paint curl heavenward in a sick imitation of Joker’s manic grin. When he hears Dick grunt, he whirls around, already gesturing to their belts. “We’ve hit the wrong time,” he says, voice carefully low. “I think we went forward, not back.” 
It’s just like Bruce said, before they left. Time travel is a fickle thing. There’s no right way to do it with the resources they’re working with. Plus, it doesn’t really help that ever since Bruce’s whole incident with Frankenstien, Tim’s been hellbent on not helping their efforts to get Damian back. 
God, Dick knew this wasn’t going to work. There had been too many variables in the beginning. Too many what if’s, too many maybe not’s. 
He just had to agree to go with Bruce anyway, hadn’t he? 
With a groan, he drops his head into the palms of his hands. Ever since Damian died, all Bruce could think of doing was bringing him back to life. He hadn’t been like this with Jason, but with the knowledge that Jason had managed to come back to life- Bruce took it and ran and somehow ended up coming across time travel. Their plan was simple. Go back to the fight that took Damian’s life far too early, stop Heretic before he was able to slide that sword through his little brother’s chest. They’d open themselves a new life where Damian lived and breathed and-
And Dick swallows a sob, fixing his domino mask to make sure it covers his teary eyes. He was just like Bruce, in the end. All Dick wanted was to wrap his arms around Damian one last time, to hold him close and breathe in that stupid strawberry shampoo Dick decided to buy him. Why wouldn’t he want to help Bruce with this? Dick and Bruce, although they both avoided the conversation, knew that Damian and Dick were closer than the title of brothers allowed. (Father and son fit better, Dick dares to think.)
“Should we stop by the Batcave in our time?” Bruce questions, as he fiddles with his wrist computer. While the actual portal-opening-thing-a-ma-jigs were attached to their belts, all the information they needed rested in their batcomputer’s archives, for Alfred to monitor over. “Or should we just skip to the next time we have queued up?”
Home rests on the tip of Dick’s tongue. They’ve only just started this time travel task, and Dick already feels weighed down by his grief. He’s still mourning, naturally. At this rate, he knows he’ll end up compromised by the time they make it to the time they’re shooting to find. All he wants to do, (besides save Damian and hold him again), is to go home to the manor, make tea, and cry as Mean Girls plays in the backgr-
“You’re not Batman,” someone scoffs, voice laced with a pout. They sound offended, almost, and- And Dick knows that voice. It’s older, sure, but- “It’s rude to pretend to be a dead man- and to dress up as someone who’s still around. I think. Technically. Okay, okay- Didn’t your mom’s ever teach you not to play pretend as dead men, guys?” 
Dick’s eyes shoot up, to a familiar little getup. The red cape, cropped so it doesn’t pass the knees, the ripped jeans still baby blue, the same old Superman t-shirt, long since faded. Beat up converse, double knotted on his feet. He’s a few years older and a whole lot taller than when Dick last saw him, but it’s all the same. 
Jonathan Kent stands before Dick and Bruce, hands folded across his chest. 
Dick still remembers the days that Jon and Damian raced around the manor, (and the penthouse, while Bruce had disappeared). Years ago, Clark had decided it’d be a good idea to get the two to be friends, given the fact they were around the same age. It’s just a shame that they never got the chance to grow up as complete heroes together. Him and Damian had been close- really close. Their time’s Jon was still torn up about Damian’s death. 
This Jon blinks as he takes in Dick and Bruce, before tutting an all too familiar tut. “I’m gonna have to bring you guys in to the base. No running away.” He purses his lips, regarding Bruce closer for a moment. “B-boy doesn’t like it when people do that. It always attracts the Joker’s attention, and we don’t need that.” 
Dick looks back to Bruce, and they both share a nod. No confrontation until Heretic- not unless it’s totally needed. That was their agreement. Besides, from Jon’s reaction of them, this time’s Nightwing and Bruce-Batman are obviously dead. It’s a dull thought, considering that Jon’s only a few years older. Dick can admit that he’s at least curious about who dawns the cowl now, though. Dick had done it last time- Jason probably refused to this time, too. Especially with Joker leading this whole thing.
Tim, then? He’ll be the smartest Batman there ever were, that’s for sure. It’s just a shame he had to do it so young. 
A pit forms in Dick’s gut. If Bruce, Dick and Damian are dead, there’s a big chance that all Tim really has left is Alfred. (God, Dick hopes Alfred’s still alive.) 
“We’ll go,” Dick says, raising his hands in the air. “You’ve just got a misunderstanding about us, is all. We’ll clear it up and explain it to- uh- B-boy?” 
B-boy could mean Beast Boy, really, but Dick’s pretty sure it’s just Batman. He’s confirmed as correct when Jon amends with, “Batman. He’s so uptight and serious now-a-days. We like to make fun of him- All friendly teasing, y’know- But- You probably shouldn’t- He’ll feed you to Ivy’s plants the next time she decides it’s time to swarm the city.” He winced at his own words, the nod to Ivy sending the conversation and joking cold. 
Dick has a feeling the new Batman might just be Jason. Prickly and serious could fit with Tim, but- Hey. Who knows. Grief and mourning do things to people that you can’t always explain. Time travel included. 
Jon leads them by the wrists after slapping cuffs on their wrists. They’re the plastic kind you can buy in toy stores for your kids to play with, but they’ve been modified and bulked up with metal, steel and tech. The locks have been changed from a key to a fingerprint scanner. When Jon’s fingers brush over it, the little screen beeps red. He clearly can’t unlock it. (The Bruce-influenced part of his mind thinks that it’s good- if he needs to, he can put a pair on Jon and not need to worry about him getting out. They seem pretty solid. Though, there’s always the chance that he could break out, Super-something’s always seem to surprise him.) 
“These are pretty high tech,” Dick remarks, more for the sake of something to say and to focus on, than to learn about the cuffs. Not that it’s not cool, or important to hear about. “How’d you guys make them?” 
“I’m not as dumb as I look,” Jon scowls. “I won’t hand away free information just because you think I’m stupid and easy to trick.” 
It’s a completely valid concern. Dick gets to work shooting it down. “We’ve been compliant! If I wanted to cause trouble, I would’ve already. As soon as we get to Batman, we’ll explain that this whole thing was a mistake and that he doesn’t have to worry about us! Or- Me, at least.” He gestures to Bruce. “He’s pretty shifty. We’ll be fine.”
Surprisingly enough, Jon gives. “B made them,” he half-beams. Tim then. “Only his fingerprint is recognised. Way too many times have we had traitors in our midst that free our prisoners, or just plain old teammates who are super gullible. He was gonna let me be one of the only other people, besides- uh- someone else. But.” He adopts a sheepish grin. “Stuff happened, I guess. It was really bad. I trust his judgement, though!” 
“If he’s good, then all power to you,” Dick grins back. 
Bruce hunches his shoulders. “What the hell happened to Gotham?” he asks, and Dick winces at his wrecked tone. It’s their city, to be reduced to ash in a few years time. There’s no point in asking the year instead, anyhow. Jon’s no older than sixteen now, no younger than twelve or thirteen. They can take a pretty good guess. “We were just here-” Bruce pauses, piling on an alibi fast. “-a few years ago.” 
Nice save, B.
“B always says a lot can happen in a few years! You’d be surprised. And- Everyone’s heard of the old Batman’s loss at the hands of the Joker and his Arkham crew. He didn’t die in the battle- He came close. Present day Batman took up the cowl while the villains reaped their spoils of war. Old Batman died pretty soon after that. Health complications, I think?” Jon hums. “I thought you might’ve been posing as the old Batman. I guess I was wrong then, since you didn’t know?” 
“I’m not posing as anyone,” Bruce grinds out. Dick chokes back a laugh, which goes sour as soon as he grumbles, “Fuckin’ Joker.” 
Dick steps over a stray piece of rubble on nimble feet. “See?” he whispers to Bruce. “You should’ve let Lil’ D beat up Joker when he had him in that damn room.” He scowls low, matching Bruce to a near perfect T. The Joker has messed with their lives way too much, at this point. 
Jon stiffens. 
The Supers have super hearing, and Damian’s still probably a sore spot for everyone. 
Just before Dick can question about Nightwing’s death, on rolls to a stop. “Close your eyes,” he says, tacking on a sorry soon after. Dick obliges. He hopes Bruce does too. Jon drops their hands, but reaches back a moment later. Something rolls open. He doesn’t tell them to open their eyes, so Dick keeps them close. Jon leads them forward, and immediately, Dick recognises the smell of the place they're in. Musty, damp. The Batcave. They’re using the cave as their base of operations?
Of course they would. 
“Hey, B-boy!” Jon yells, before saying, “you can open your eyes.” 
Dick does, expecting the same old vave. What he gets is something nearly three times larger. There’s more space in the center, lined with more vehicles that Dick cares to count. They’ve all got a reoccuring theme- Beat up, covered in spikes and neon green spray paint. Undercover vehicles, no doubt. The Batcomputer ahead has grown a few sizes, monitoring different sectors of Gotham and others displaying some of Arkham’s more dangerous ex-patients. Bane’s profile is marked with a deep red stamp, right over top his picture, that reads off deceased. 
The glass cases hosting the Bat-clan’s fallen uniforms has been moved, now showing Bruce’s old cowl, Dick’s Nightwing uniform, and so many others he can’t name. One’s nothing more than a brown one piece with orange stripes on the side, gloves and a mask. Towards the end is Damian’s old Robin outfit, shoved over there like it doesn’t even matter. It should be in the dead center with the rest of the Batfamily’s fallen members, Dick thinks, and makes a note to yell at Tim/Jason/Batman for it. Family should stick together, even if it’s only their old legacies that stay by each other's sides. 
The other platforms scattered around the cave’s walls are hard to see. There’s more than there used to be, all covered with discarded training weapons and dummies, with cots for sleeping. What an upgrade. 
“B-boy!” Jon tries, cupping his hands around his mouth “I know you’re here! We’ve got prisoners!” 
The voice that responds is low, older, but not overly so. It can’t be Tim or Jason- then who? “Then send them to the cells,” this Batman says. “Why on Earth do I-” 
Oh, Dick knows the exact moment that Batman sees the two of them. Is it really that big of a crime to dress up as Nightwing or Batman around here? Jeez. 
“Take off those damn masks,” Batman hisses, dropping from his perch atop one of the lower platforms. He’s- He’s tiny. Smaller than Jon by nearly a whole foot! “How dare you tarnish the fallen’s legacies like this! Did the Joker put you up to this? Harley? Catwoman’s not normally this cruel.” 
“We can explain,” Dick defends. Bruce gives him a grunt and that’s all the conformation that Dick needs. He tears off his mask. Bruce pulls down his cowl. 
Jon recognises them immediately, taking half a step back. “Mr. Wayne?” he says, soft. “And- And Dick-? They weren’t- You two weren’t imposters-? How did you survive? We saw both of you die-” 
Bruce steps up, holding out his cuffs to Batman. “We’re not your Batman and Robin,” he explains. “Not yet. We’ve come from the past. A miscalculation while trying to travel through time brought us here.” He waves his wrists. “Now, Batman. If you’d be so kind as to let us know who decided to carry on the cowl? You aren’t Tim or Jason.” 
“B-” Jon whispers, and it sounds wrong. “You should-” 
“I know,” Batman interrupts. He reaches out, pulling off his glove, and unlocks Bruce’s cuffs. He does the same for Dick, with shaking hands. Then, his hand snakes up to his mask.
“You don’t have to,” Jon reminds. 
“I know.” 
Batman pulls off his cowl. Glassy green eyes- for the first time in near months- peer right back at Dick.
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scottishhellhound · 5 years
The sound of the grandfather clock clicking back into place, sealing the entrance to the Cave for the night, had the tension draining from Bruce's shoulders, letting them fall for the first time in what felt like hours.
5 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes, and 43 seconds. That's how long the Batman and various Robin's, past and present, had spent chasing the Joker and Two-Face around Gotham, after a breakout from Arkham.
They'd been caught several hours ago, but Bruce had told his family to head home, either to the manor or a safe house to get some well earned rest, and he'd take care of the reports.
3 hours later and he'd finally finished, and was heading up for some much needed rest of his own.
His assent up the large staircase was interrupted by the sound of a small crash, followed immediately by quiet, but heartfelt cursing, coming from the kitchen.
Bruce immediately ran through a mental tally of who could be awake in the manor beside himself.
Alfred was in bed. Had signed off once everyone had called in safe and sound, and no immediate medical emergencies reported for treatment. Cass had gone to crash at Stephanie's apartment. Dick and Tim were at the penthouse, and Damian had been sent home the night before, and benched, after almost falling off a roof in his exhaustion.
Which only left Jason.
But as far as Bruce knew, Jason had headed to his safehouse in the Bowery as soon as Joker had been brought down. Having retreated to calm himself down, Bruce assumed, away from his family's prying eyes and invasive questions.
His siblings meant well, but Jason preferred to not talk about his trauma unless he wished. And after direct and prolonged contact with a perpetrator of that trauma, Jay very much preferred to be alone.
Bruce turned on silent feet, pulling out one of Tim's collapsible bos as he passed one of the "weaponized plants".
He circled around to the far side of the kitchen, taking the long way around, entering through the old service entrance.
He stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, his last step loud in the silence, and three things happened at one. The smell of warm sugar hit his nose, he raised his borrowed weapon just in time to block the knife thrown at him, and dark blue eyes met teal across the dark expanse, as Bruce took in the picture of his second son in sleep pants, a tank top, and an apron, arm extended from the thrown knife.
"Shit! Jesus, B, warn a guy why dontcha."
"Sorry, I -"
Bruce just watched as Jason turned back to the stove, ignoring him - seemingly forgetting that he just threw a butcher knife at his father - and pick up a piping bag.
Bruce edged closer cautiously, leaning the bo against the wall, watching the tense line of Jason's shoulders, the stiff way he held himself, as he squeezed out batter into the pot of boiling oil. He took in the bandages on Jason's arms, the bit of white he could see peeking out through the arm of his shirt, hinting at injured ribs.
"Jason... what... what are you doing?"
Jason shoots him a look over his shoulder as he pipes another strip of batter out into the pot. "I'm making churros... what does it look like?"
The former Robin doesn't say anything for several moments as he grabs a set of tongs, and starts fishing cooked churros out of the pot, setting them on a prepared plate.
"Wanted a snack."
"And you decided to make churros?"
"I like churros."
Bruce heaves a heavy sigh as he reaches the island. It didn't used to be hard talking to Jason. It used to be easy, almost easier than talking to Dick at the same age had been.
But that was before the Joker. Before the Lazarus Pit, before the madness and blood of Jason's return.
However he was slowly coming back to the family, getting along better with his siblings. He and Steph got along like a house on fire, and Bruce still wasn't sure how he felt about that friendship quite yet. But he was working with them, instead of against them, and that alone was a miracle. He talked once a week at least with Alfred, helped Dick on cases, made sure Tim was surviving on more than energy drinks and coffee. The only one Jason seemed to still avoid was him; especially if none of his siblings were around.
But Jason was here, at the manor, knowing that everyone else had been sent to bed. There had to be a reason. Jason was a lot of things, reckless, brash, brave, but even his most reckless stunts always had a reason.
"Jay, it's four in the morning, what are you doing here?"
Jason stiffens immediately, blue-green eyes narrowing, and Bruce winces, knowing exactly how Jason would take that statement.
Bruce quickly holds up a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose with the other. "I'm sorry, that came out badly."
The apology brings Jason up short, Bruce can see him snap his mouth shut, biting back whatever his no doubt scathing reply would have been.
"What did you mean then? That line you always spouting about the major always bein' my home, no matter what a lie?"
"No, Jason. The manor is and will always be your home. We will always be your family. That is never a fact you need to doubt."
Both men stared in startled silence after Bruce's uncharacteristic outburst.
"Wow, B, that's...." Jason rubbed at the back of his neck as he turned away, a faint hint of red spreading across his face, ignoring Bruce for a moment, and turning off the stove. "You must be totally sleep deprived if you let all of that out." He turns back and Bruce fights back a grin of his own at the teasing smirk he sees on his son's face. "I'll have to tell Dickie the secret of getting you to open up is to not let you sleep for close to a week."
Jason hops up onto a stool at the island, placing a the plate of churros between them, dusting them with cinnamon sugar, before picking one up and biting into the still steaming dough.
Bruce watches as Jason sets the sugar down, and raises a surprised brow when he nudges the plate towards him. He grabs one along with a napkin from the stack that Alfred always keeps on the counter.
Bruce takes a bite, being careful not to burn himself, and can't help the small hum of appreciation as he chews.
"Jason, this is really good."
"Thanks, it's not much. Just a recipe I remember one of our neighbours making when I was a kid. She made mean Torrijas too."
The sat in companionable silence for a bit longer, both finishing their early morning snack.
Bruce wiped the sugar off his fingers before risking asking his question again. "Jay, what are you doing cooking at 4 in the morning? I thought you went to one of your safe houses?"
Jason stiffened again, hands balling into fists. Bruce watched as he took a breath, slowly relaxing his hands, though he was still tense, like he expected a blow at any moment.
"I don't mind that you're here, son, I just thought after all that happened, you'd want to be alone?"
"I was, I did, but...it was too quiet, but too loud at the same time. I could hear everything. Every drip of the pipes, every creak of wood, the traffic, the silence, and -" he cut himself off abruptly, shaking his head so hard it had to hurt. Bruce wanted so badly to reach for him, but knew from past experiences to not touch Jason when he was this worked up.
His next words were soft, so quiet Bruce barely heard them, but they made his heart break all the more for his Robin. "Everything sounded like his laugh, nothing could drown it out, so...I came here." Jason scrubbed a hand down his face. "I tried sleeping in one of the guest rooms for a bit, but that ended...badly. I didn't want to go down to the cave, and I didn't want to bug Alfie, but I needed something to keep my busy, so I just came down here and started cooking."
He shrugged, eyes fixed firmly on the plate of churros. "There's batter in the fridge for pancakes, a bunch of fruits cut up for toppings, and - " Bruce reached across the table, stopping Jason's rambling by placing his hand on Jason's, and squeezing gently. Bruce was surprised, but pleased, to see that despite how much Jason had grown without them to see, his hand was still just a bit smaller than his. Reminding Bruce that even though he was close to being an adult, could take care of himself, Jason was in many ways still a child, and he would always be his son. No matter how big he got.
"It's fine Jason. I don't mind. We all don't want to be alone sometimes. Even if we don't want to talk about the problem, doesn't mean we need to be by ourselves."
He squeezed his hand once more before letting go, standing and taking his plate and napkin to the sink.
"That...okay, who are you and what have you done with Bruce?" Jason snapped, voice hard and uncertain.
Bruce paused as he placed his plate in the sink, thinking on Jason's words. Did he really not talk to his kids about non-work things that often, that Jason's first thought is that he's an imposter?
He turned around to find Jason glaring at him, eyes hard, hand shaking around the knife he was holding.
Bruce immediately raised his hands, palms out. "I'm me Jason. I'm not an impostor, or being controlled, or a doppelganger or anything like that."
He took a slow, careful step back towards the island, making sure his gaze never strayed from Jason's face. "But I'm starting to realize I may owe you and your siblings an apology."
"Why?" Jason's face pinched tight, eyes dark with suspicion, as he watched Bruce retake his seat at the island.
"The fact that your first thought is that I've been replaced, tells me that I haven't been doing my job as your father as well as I should have been."
The knife dropped back to the island as Jason's hand goes slack, the clattering of plastic and metal echoing in the suddenly silent kitchen.
"Bruce that's - "
"Don't say that's not true Jay, we both know that that would be disingenuous at best."
"I didn't notice how much this whole thing affected you, when I should have known." He looked Jason in the eye then, not bothering to hide his regret. "You, who have lost the most to the Joker and Two-Face. If I didn't notice how much you were struggling, knowing that, what else have I missed? Not just with you, but with your brothers and sister?"
He shook his head, running a hand through his hair, and letting his head rest against his palm, hiding his face now. "Dick has called me on it before, so have you, but I've refused to see it, and that's not okay either, and that its taken this, sleep deprivation, and the fact that after two years of coming back to us, that you still doubt your place here with us, with me, means I've failed."
It's so silent following his statement that Bruce thinks Jason must have left, and he wouldn't blame the boy either. So to say Bruce was startled when a heavy hand dropped onto his shoulder, would have been an understatement. His head shot up, nearly colliding with Jason's jaw, and Jason took a hasty step back, other arm coming up across his chest, ready to block.
They both took a moment to reorient themselves and Jason inhaled deeply before speaking.
"It's not just on you, Bruce. I mean a lot of it's on you, and your conceal don't feel, bullshit life motto. But God knows I don't make it easy on you, neither do Tim, and the demon. We all know Cass is basically perfect," both men chuckled briefly. "And the only one of us well adjusted enough to talk about feelings is Dick, and even he's too much like you most days to talk about his own feelings. We're all to blame for this."
"So how do we fix it? Most people recommend counseling of some kind, but that won't work here, not with what we do."
Jason tilted his head in thought, forehead creasing like it used to when he was younger, still Robin, and was trying to puzzle out a Rogue's latest scheme.
Before Bruce could poke his forehead, tease him like he used to for thinking too hard, Jason's face paled and he looked at Bruce in horror.
"Jason, what is it?"
"All I can hear is Dick chanting "family bonding" in my head like deranged puppet, and the puppets not wrong."
Bruce's own face pulled into a frown as he tried to make sense of Jason's bizarre statement.
"Jay...I don't understand."
Jason waved his hands around as he tried to articulate his point. "You're worried about not being a good enough dad, we all have parent-issues, we don't talk because none of us feel like a family unless we're out on the streets punching criminals in the face. Which is great for working out frustration, but not for actually handling issues."
Bruce caught on then, realizing where Jason's thoughts were heading. "We don't do enough as a family outside of the masks...you're right, this is Dick's dream come true."
"Movie night." Both men looked at each other as they spoke the words together, before dissolving into laughter muffled behind hands.
Bruce stood once he got himself under control several minutes later, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder.
Jason glanced at it, before looking up and offered Bruce a small smile.
"I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass, sometimes."
Bruce smiled back, then reached up and ruffled his boys hair, ignoring the indignant squawk Jason made in protest. "Well, as Alfred would say, you come by it honestly. I taught you to fight, for this city and your family, it's only fair I passed on some of my less admirable traits as well."
They left the kitchen and headed back towards the big staircase in comfortable silence, pausing when they'd reached the top.
"I'm sorry too Jay, for lot of things. I'm going to try and do better. With you and your siblings. I'm going to make mistakes, and I'm probably going to make a bigger mess of things before I get it right, but I'm going to try. "
Jason stared at him eyes wide before he seemed to come to an internal decision, face hardening. Before Bruce could say a word Jason was stepping into him, head dropping onto his shoulder, and arms wrapping around him.
Bruce was rigid for all of two seconds before returning the hug from his second son, something he never thought he'd get again willingly outside of life and death situations.
"That's all I-we want Bruce, is for you to try."
Bruce tightened his arms around him, bringing one hand up to cup the back of Jason's head, holding on for as long as Jay would let him.
"I think I can do that."
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realist-tash · 5 years
@bluearrow126 So, I may or may not have stalked your hcs for your birthday present, and found drunk Trini dancing on furniture. Anyways.... Happy Birthday for yesterday!!! Hope you enjoy it! (the crack is stong in this one-shot) - - - - The Rangers are no strangers to the occasional drink. By the campfire, mostly, but when Kim's parents are out of town, they tend to stray towards the large home. They usually say it's because they can pass out with plenty of room surrounding them. Realistically, it's so that Kim and Trini don't have to sneak off to some abandoned part of the cliffs and the boys don't have to hear the loud, echoing moans. Not that it's any better in the house after Kim leads the two to her room, but at least they can turn the music up to cover the awkward silence they find themselves in. They're used to it by now. Tommi? Tommi is not used to it. She's used to Jason being the leader, Billy being the rambler, Trini being the quiet one, Zack and Kim being the loud, reckless ones Okay, so Zack and Kim aren't much different. But Trini? Trini comes as the biggest shock. Maybe she's getting a little ahead of herself.
“The green coin has been going insane recently,” Zack remarks as he enters the ship. Billy nods next to him, “I've been monitoring the energy it has been generating since Rita was flung into space. Over the past couple of weeks the coin has been emanating strong waves of Zeo energy that-” “Uh, English for those of us that barely graduated, dude,” Zack laughs. “Right. The green coin has been reactivated.” Silence washes over the group, and Trini stumbles back, “does, does that mean- Rita- she-” Kim quickly steps in, holds Trini's cheek in her palms, “baby, no. Rita is a floating popsicle. Right, B?” Billy shifts under Kim's stern gaze, scratches the back of his neck, “well we never actually-” “Rita is long gone,” Jason assures, “but even if she has found a way to come back, we'll fight her. Together.” “So, what do we do?” Nobody moves to answer Trini, because they don't know how. How does Jason tell her everything will be okay after Rita caused her the most damage mentally? How does Billy tell her the coin being activated may not be a bad thing when Rita killed him? How does Zack tell her not to jump to conclusions when he's thinking the exact same thing? How does Kim tell her that she won't let anything happen to her when she wasn't there for her the first time? They can't. Instead, Kim steps more into Trini's space with the softest, most encouraging look she can muster and says, “we wait. We train, we prepare, and we wait.” Trini wrinkles her nose, “how can you be so bad at pep talks when you're a cheerleader?” Kim rolls her eyes, “ex-cheerleader.” “Not last night you weren't,” Trini smirks. “Ew, my ears! My poor, sensitive ears,” Zack shouts while Jason chuckles. “I didn't know you were back on the squad, Kimberly.” Kim's face flushes red as Trini's smirk widens, before she attempts to convince Billy that Trini was joking and she's not back on the team. It may have been at Kim's expense, but she relaxes when she sees the fear of Rita dim in Trini's eyes. If only a little.
As it turns out, they don't have to wait long to find out what's been going on. Trini and Kim are training when they feel it. Feel the vibrations of the ship, and one look is all it takes for them to know what is happening. They run to the deck and freeze. “Where is it?” “I don't know,” Kim whispers. She clicks her fingers in rapid succession, “hey, didn't Billy say we can link our coins, like a- a-” “Tracker? Yeah, but he's the only one that knows how to-” Kim shakes her head, “we'll figure it out. Or we can get Alpha to-” “We can't let Alpha know yet. He'll tell Zordon and-” “Zordon will be all Zordon about it. Okay, yeah, let's try this.” The two try to remember the directions Billy gave them in order to track the coins, but as they place theirs in their respective slot, they sag when nothing happens. “Ugh, this is stupid,” Trini groans, slams her hand on the console, “why can't things ever be simple?” Just as she asks the rhetorical question, her hand lights up and she looks down in shock to see it being scanned with a thin yellow line, shifts her gaze to see the scanner by Kim's coin glowing full pink. “Put your hand on that,” she gestures with her head and Kim pulls a face as she warily places her hand down. The scanner beeps once before it begins the same cycle as Trini's, and they both wince slightly as a pin pops out and pricks their fingertips. 'Connected, Yellow Ranger.' 'Connected, Pink Ranger.' “Alright, that's cool,” Kim grins, “it's like a video game.” Trini looks to the ceiling in exasperation, “what is it with you and Zack comparing the ship to a video game?” “Don't be mad that I'm better than you at a first shooter, baby.” “Can't beat my knife kills though.” Kim huffs, “knife kills are cheating and you know it.” “Whatever. So what do we do now?” Trini taps her fingers on the scanner. “Like, do we ask it or what?” Kim shrugs. “You're helpful. Okay scanner... thing... lead us to the green power coin.” A beam flies out from the console and the next thing they know they're stood at the edge of town, witness a motorbike on the ground and a still body metres away from it. “What the hell?” Kim rushes forward, Trini following closely behind until they reach the unmoving figure. The unmoving figure that has a green glow from their hand. “Trini...” “I can see it. Do you think,” Trini doesn't finish. Kim doesn't answer. They can't, because as quickly as they arrive, the body teleports into thin air. “Did, uh-” “Yep.” “Like we maybe-” Kim nods, “yep.” “After the train-” “Uh-huh.” Trini purses her lips, “right. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. So, there's a new Ranger in town. With Rita's coin. This... is not going to end well, is it?” Kim shrugs, “we should probably tell the boys.” Trini hums. “But can we take the bike for a spin first?” “I thought you'd never ask.”
Jason stands firm as he glares at them. “So instead of telling us, or trying to find this new person, you decided to ride around town on a motorbike?” “Pretty much,” Kim replies while Trini shrugs. He doesn't need to know that Trini needed the distraction from the green coin being back in action. “We need to go and find them. Do you guys not remember what is was like for us?” “Uh, yeah I do,” Zack says excitedly, “I jumped over a fucking house, dude. And then a cliff.” “Only to chase the pretty girl,” Kim chuckles. Zack gawks, “oh, like you didn't do the same? You literally ran past me to get to her first you bi mess.” “Don't forget Kimberly swerved awkwardly to follow Trini at the mines and lost a shoe.” “Thanks, B.” Kim pouts, “they were my favourite boots.” Jason huffs, “I think you're missing the point...” “How about when you tried talking to her when we first came inside the ship and she shut you down hard. Or when you ran after her out of the deck. Or straight after when you made some shit up about her just to pretend you didn't know who she was,” Zack giggles to himself, “good times.” “Guys focus!” Zack zips his lips and Kim sucks hers into her mouth while Trini shakes her head at their antics. Jason takes a deep, calm breath, “look, we were lucky we had each other, but this person isn't. We need to find them before they cause some serious damage. They're probably confused as hell and-” The doors to the ship's deck slide open and they all turn in shock. “Huh, so this is where the Power Rangers hang out.” The figure looks around the ship in wonder before she settles on the five of them. “I know... none of you. I'm Tommi. Tommi Oliver. Now would somebody like to tell me why the fuck I woke up with superpowers and wrecked half of my apartment?” “I don't think they're as confused as you think, boss.” Jason frowns, “yeah, thanks, Trini.”
“So I moved here about three weeks ago, just a girl and her bike, and the next thing I know I wake up with this... glowing green shit that won't leave me alone.” Trini sits slightly behind Kim, wary and judging, ready for Tommi to randomly turn into Rita, and Kim keeps one arm over Trini's body, makes it look like she's holding her knee just because, instead of making it seem like it's in protection. “We found you on the road near your bike,” Kim explains, “looks like you had a pretty serious accident.” Tommi raises a brow, “and you didn't, I don't know, think to call an ambulance?” “The coin teleported you away before we could even take your helmet off. I'm guessing to heal you like it did us.” “Where is my bike?” Kim blushes as Trini bites her lip to hide a chuckle, before Zack pipes up. “Trimberly took it for a joyride. It's in the Zord bay.” “Dude!” “You stole my bike? Wait, what the hell is a 'Trimberly'?” Zack gestures with his hands as if to say 'duh'. “Trini, Kimberly, Trimberly. Obviously.” After they- predominantly Billy- explain the situation to Tommi, she begins to settle, before they introduce her to Zordon and Alpha, but Trini is still a little on edge, and Tommi notices. “Have I done something to offend you?” Before Kim can come in to defend her, Trini squints her eyes, “the last person to hold the green power coin came into my room in the middle of the night and tried to choke me.” She shows Tommi the still remaining scars. “Then she killed Billy. So yeah, sorry if I'm not overly welcoming.” “You aren't overly welcoming anyway, babe,” Kim whispers before Trini smacks her in the ribs with her elbow. Tommi works her jaw, nods in understanding, “the chick with the big gold monster thing, right? It was all over the news when I was back in Alaska.” “So why did you move here?” “Honestly?” She looks directly at Trini. “I have no idea. I got on my bike and ended up here, can't explain why.” Billy butts in, “like we were drawn to the mines. The coin already knew, it was just waiting for you.” “Why me?” And that's the question, isn't it? The question they've all repeatedly asked themselves time and time again. In a shocking twist, it's Trini that answers, “because it sees something in you.”
Ah, and that brings them full circle. It's taken Tommi roughly two weeks to begin finding her place, and from what she's come to learn in those couple of weeks, Jason is the leader, Billy the rambler, Trini the quiet one, and Zack and Kim are the loud, reckless ones. But serious Rangers compared to drunk Rangers? Totally different ball game. The evening begins after they've defeated some idiotic monster that's once again after the crystal, and Kim dusts off her jeans- they hadn't even needed their armour for this one-, “the 'rents are away, my house?” “Yes,” Zack drags out, “ain't no party like a Kim Hart party 'cause a Kim Hart party got me.” Kim blinks. And stares. And stares some more. “Okay so Zack is officially uninvited. Anyone else?” “You wound me, Kimmy.” Of course they all agree. Well, Trini was never not going to end up at Kim's house when it's going to be empty. And they all look to Tommi for an answer. She shrugs, “I didn't realise we were there yet.” Zack slings his arm around Tommi's shoulders, “you're stuck with us now. No going back.” “You're not invited, Zack.” “Kimmy let me live!” Tommi laughs as she follows them all, Zack and Kim unrelenting in their banter until Trini huffs and spins to bring Kim into a solid kiss before she pulls back and smirks at a dazed Kim, “leave him alone.” “Okay, baby,” Kim mumbles instantly. Zack coughs, “whipped.” “At least I'm getting some.” Trini clears her throat and they both shut up as Tommi raises her brow, impressed, before she looks over to Jason and he lifts his shoulders, “sometimes it's easier to let Trini step in.” Billy nods, “Trini is the only person they both listen to.” “It's because I withhold bro time with Zack and sex time with Kim.” “She's like the unofficial big sister of the group,” Zack whispers. Kim scrunches her nose, “gross, dude.” “Well not for you,” Zack rolls his eyes. Tommi stares in awe at the Hart residence, “damn.” She doesn't see Kim smile sadly. Doesn't see Trini squeeze her hand. Because a huge house is nothing when it feels so lonely the majority of the time. Another reason Kim likes having them all over. Jason and Billy make their way to the kitchen once they're inside to collect the booze while Kim leads the others to the living room, claims her usual spot on the loveseat and pulls Trini on top of her while Zack slouches in one of the chairs, leg thrown over the armrest. Tommi stands awkwardly until Kim gestures around the room, “Billy and Jason usually take the couch, so you can have the other chair.” Tommi sits almost timidly, a complete contrast to the confidence she exudes in the field. “So... what happens at these things?” Trini lifts a brow as she slide so her back is against the arm and her legs drape over Kim's, Kim's hand automatically finding its place on her thigh while the other holds out to take a glass Jason offers her, Trini taking her own with a bland, “we get drunk.” “You're so eloquent,” Kim scoffs, “it's just something we sometimes to do wind down. Training can get get on top of us a little, and with work or college, it's nice to just chill for the night.” Jason settles down into the couch and throws his head back as he closes his eyes, “and it also helps us stay connected. Except for training, sometimes we all get too busy for each other, we need to keep our bond strong.” “You just get needy, loser,” Trini plays, “I'm more than happy not seeing any of you.” “Hey!” Trini kisses Kim's cheek, “you don't count.” “What about me?” “You neither, B.” She ignores Zack's protests. Billy grins into his next sip and Tommi sniffs her drink before she takes a large gulp, spits it out immediately and they all chuckle as she wipes her mouth. “Jesus, what is that?” Jason smirks sheepishly, “sorry, we should've warned you. It takes us a lot more to get drunk because of our ability to heal, so regular beer won't cut it. Billy made this. You get used to it.” “Gross,” Tommi says as she attempts another sip with a grimace. Zack nudges Tommi's shoulder, “so how are you finding being a Ranger so far?”
They've been talking for two hours before Zack brings a playlist up, connects it to the speakers in the room and Tommi observes the subtle changes in the group. Trini and Kim have long forgotten that there are other people in the room, whispering and giggling and touching. Lots of touching. Trini has taken to squirming in Kim's lap to the music as she sings softly down Kim's ear. Jason has sunk further into the couch, pure relaxation on his features. Zack is beginning to talk louder and louder as the booze hypes him up, and Billy is having his own little jiggle on his side of the couch. But it takes another hour for the alcohol to properly hit them, and Tommi's eyes widen as Trini bolts up at the new, faster beat that pounds through the speaker. “Yo! This is my jam!” Before Tommi can comprehend what's happening, Trini is up and dancing... well, if grinding into nothing but air can be considered dancing. Trini runs her hands through her hair as her hips sway and her knees bend before she's pointing at an entranced Kim, raps along- Trini can apparently rap, too- And shuffles into the middle of the room before she backflips, fucking backflips, onto the coffee table. She lowers herself until her ass is nearly touching the table before she works her way back up, uses the length of it to slide back and forth. Kim hollers as she sits on the edge of the loveseat, “yeah, baby! Work it.” Trini winks. “What... is... happening?” Zack chuckles at Tommi's question as he unlocks his phone and brings up the camera, presses record, “wait for it, it gets better.” Trini dances like there should be a pole for her to use, or like there's a body next to her, and seconds later Tommi sees waves of green before her. “Here we go again,” Jason remarks lazily, his eyes open in a slit and an amused lilt greets his lips. Dollar bills fly towards Trini's frame as Kim throws them in her direction and Trini crawls along the table to collect them, shoves them in the waistband of her sweats and into her bra when she stands back up. Zack wolf whistles next to Tommi and Trini spins to face him, bends and sings directly into the camera. “Watch this,” Zack mumbles as he skips the current song. Trini 'whoops', recognizes the tune instantly, and honestly it should be surprising to Tommi that Trini, heavy metal Trini, loves rap so much, but it's probably the least surprising thing that's happened so far. The Spanish filtering through the speakers is drown out by Trini. Tommi can't understand the words, but from Kim's darkening expression, she has an inkling. Trini faces Kim again, smirk firmly in place as her tongue rolls over the lyrics, hands out in front of her and beckoning Kim to join her. Kim stands, hypnotised, as Trini leans forward and pulls one of the bills out of Kim's hand with her teeth. This... this is not the Trini that Tommi has come to kind of know. “I don't know if I'm terrified or turned on.” “What?!” Oops. She said that out loud. Kim turns on her, but before anything more can happen, Trini grabs Kim's jaw to bring the focus back on her, her hips add an extra sway and Tommi hears Jason idly counting down from five. He reaches one just as Kim gives in and grabs at Trini's thighs, lift her to secure them around her hips as Trini squeals Kim's name and Kim glares at Tommi once more as she carries Trini away from the room. Tommi lets out a light breath, “well, mark me down as scared and horny.” Zack turns the camera off and licks his lips, “you know, if you want any help with that...” She pushes him away with a snort, “not in your wildest dreams, Taylor.” “Your loss,” he shrugs. He turns up the volume to an almost unbearable level and Tommi frowns. “Trust me, you're not going to want to hear what comes next.” He pauses. Waits. Laughs. “That would be Trini,” Billy adds with a slur, high-fives Zack while Jason simply shakes his head. Tommi can't help but join in. What the hell has she gotten herself into?
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Stray Bird
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG-11/T- (minor violence)
Original Idea: I dunno. Nothing in particular.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This one’s been sitting in my drafts for ages along with a bunch of others that I’ve been sitting on. I’m gonna try to get some of them posted ‘XD @jason-todd-squad @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes
Thud! Thwack! Pow! Crack!
Grunting and the sounds of blows and bones breaking filled my ears. I curled up tighter against the wall in the shadows, desperately wishing not to be noticed.
Just as quickly as it begun, it stopped.
One man stood victorious over the others. He was tall and strong powerfully built. There was a gleaming red helmet over his head and a red bat symbol on his chest.
Red Hood. I recognized him from news reports.
He approached me carefully, holding out a hand. “Are you alright, miss?” he asked. I shrunk away from him as much as I could, pressing my side against the bricks even harder. I whimpered. If he’d taken three men down in fifteen seconds, what was he going to do to me when he realized what I was?
He noticed that I was absolutely terrified, because he dropped his hand, but put both of them up, palms out.
“It’s okay, miss. I'm not going to hurt you,” he said. When I didn’t reply, he sighed and lifted his hands. I yelped. “Don’t worry. Just taking this off.” He pressed the jawline of his helmet. Something on the back of it released, allowing him to pull it off.
He was handsome, but intimidating. Strong jawline, intense gunmetal blue eyes, black hair with a streak of white at the front. He knelt in front of me and offered me his hand again.
“C’mon, little one. I'm not going to hurt you. We’ll get you somewhere safe before these bozos wake up,” he entreated.
Steeling my courage, I reached one hand out and took his. He helped me up.
As the girl stepped into the light, Jason almost gasped.
She had wings. Huge and strong. Under the grime and dirt covering them, they might have been white. She held them so tightly to her back Jason was surprised that she didn’t break the joints.
He shook his head to clear it. “Yeah. We’re going to take you somewhere safe. Come with me,” he said, popping his helmet back on. “I promise I won’t hurt you. No one will ever again.” He kept a loose but comforting grip on her hand as they crept out of the alley and onto the abandoned street. It was nearly four in the morning—it was a wonder that there were still lights on in the city. Why wasn’t everyone asleep?
Jason slung his leg over his bike. “Do you know how to ride?” he asked.
She nodded tentatively.
He patted the seat behind him. “Hold onto me tightly. Keep your wings in,” he said.
“You don’t… you don’t think I'm a freak?” the girl asked quietly.
Jason shook his head. “Princess, my two best friends are a wayward Amazon and a faulty Superman clone. My two best friends before that were a recovering alcoholic and an alien princess who had hair that was literally on fire. A girl with wings is not the strangest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said.
The girl carefully got on the back of his motorcycle, wrapping her arms around his middle and burying her face in the back of his jacket. “Drive careful,” she muttered.
“Of course,” Jason said.
He drove them back to his safehouse—the old bunker under Police Plaza.
Familiar figures were waiting for them.
“Gee. I thought it was Batman’s thing to pick up strays, Hood,” Nightwing said.
I stared. Red Robin, Nightwing, Robin, and Batman were all standing in the bunker where Red Hood had brought me. I could barely see them in the darkness. I wondered if they could see my wings or if it was too dark. I was huddled slightly behind Red Hood.
“She was being attacked, meathead,” Hood snapped at Nightwing. “I took the dudes out.” He turned to look at me, removing his helmet again. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? I’ll show you to the shower and then deal with these guys,” he said. I nodded and followed him past Batman and the other vigilantes. I heard Nightwing gasp as I ducked under a spotlight. The other three were silent.
Red Hood took me to the end of the bunker to a small, cramped space with a concrete shower.
“Need a hand washing your wings or anything?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I'm used to doing it alone,” I said.
He nodded. “Holler if you need anything,” he remarked before ducking out of the small room.
“Thank you!” I said as he shut the door.
I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Jason asked Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian. “I haven’t been causing any more problems than usual.”
“So that explosion yesterday had nothing to do with you?” Tim demanded.
Jason scrunched his eyebrows. “No I wasn’t even in that area of Gotham yesterday. You can check security cameras in the theatre district and see I was there all day. Honestly keeping me in line doesn’t require all four of you to turn up. You coulda just called,” Jason said, keeping his temper in check for the sake of the flighty bird-girl through the other door.
“And what about the stray?” Bruce asked.
“Like I said, she was being attacked. I took out the men who were hurting her—they’re alive—and brought her here to clean up and be safe,” Jason said. “She was terrified and injured and I figured I should give her a hand.”
“She has wings,” Tim said.
“Astute observation, Sherlock,” Jason snapped.
“Jason,” Bruce warned.
“What? You gonna tell me to play nice with my brothers? C’mon, B. You know me better than that.” Jason took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you all politely to get out. I got stuff to attend to and that girl with wings is at the top of the list. I gotta figure out where she’s from and what help she needs. So, thanks for dropping by. Hope I don’t see you again soon.” He started pushing Dick and Damian toward the door, causing them to bump into Tim and Bruce.
The rest of Jason’s family filed out. Jason slammed the heavy metal door and locked it. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the rest of the bunker.
The shower was still going, so he strolled over to his giant computer and whistled while he set about seeing what he could find on this new girl. She’d shed a feather on the floor just outside the bathroom that Jason scooped up to run through a DNA scan, looking for a name. He also took her fingerprints off his leather jacket.
Was that weirdly invasive considering she was showering in the next room over? Probably. But if he could find out more information, he could find some way to help her.
An Instant Message popped up on his screen.
Nightwing: Good to see you playing nice.
Red Hood: Shut up.
Nightwing: I'm serious, J. You act like you don’t care about anyone or anything. But when we’re out of the frying pan and into the fire, you always give us a hand. Always. I know you care about innocents. Protecting civilians. It’s just good to see you offering the same care to someone as unusual as we are.
Red Hood: Bold of you to assume she’s not innocent just because she has wings.
He quit out of the IM program and went back to running his tests.
Nothing. She didn’t have a name. Nor any DNA in any database he could access. He grunted in frustration—
And quickly closed all the windows he had open as she emerged from the bathroom. Her hair, skin, and wings were all clean, but she was still wearing her filthy clothes. Jason would have to fix that… “Is… everything okay?” she asked timidly, massaging the end of one of her wings between her hands.
“Everything’s fine,” he replied. “You feeling any better?”
“Yes. Thank you for being so kind to me.”
“Of course.”
“I, uh, I don’t have any way to repay you…”
Jason spun around in his chair to look at her. “Kid. You don’t have to repay me for a shower and a ride away from thugs who were trying to hurt you.” He paused. “I never caught your name,” he said.
She shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t have one,” she said. She pushed up her filthy sleeve to reveal a 00319 branded into the muscle of her left deltoid. “I was three-nineteen.”
“Where are you from?”
She shook her head. “A terrible place,” she said.
“If you’re another one of CADMUS’ creations I'm going to level that building and destroy everything underneath it,” Jason muttered. He met her eyes again. “You wanna stay here for a little while? I’ll keep an eye on you till you figure out what you want to do.”
“I don’t want to intrude—”
“You’re not intruding. There’s a cot in the corner. Feel free to crash. And, uh, before you do, here.” He got up and went over to a storage bin. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “These’ll probably be a little big on you, but they’re clean. If you need to cut holes in the back, feel free.” Jason pulled a pocketknife out of a drawer and passed it to her with the clothes. She accepted them and looked up at him.
“Thank you,” she offered.
“It’s no problem,” he replied.
She slipped into the bathroom.
The sweatpants were way too long on me and the sweatshirt the same. It bagged on my short torso but the holes for my wings were perfectly sized in a way I didn’t usually get with normal clothing that fit me.
The clothes were comfortable though. Soft and warm. The clothes I’d worn with the doctors were stiff and scratchy. I’d gotten used to the feeling, but these clothes made me want to fall asleep.
I went back out into the rest of the bunker. Red Hood was still sitting at his computer, typing away. I didn’t say anything to him, just walked over to a cot in the corner. It looked different from the cot I used to sleep on in my room—my cell. That one was mesh suspended between the metal frame. This one had a… what was the word? Mat? Matter…? Mattress! This one had a mattress on it. I glanced back at Red Hood as I put my old clothes at the foot of the cot.
“I never got your name,” I said. “I know you’re Red Hood but that’s all.”
He turned and just looked at me for a moment. “I'm Jason,” he finally said.
I nodded. “Thank you, again, Jason. For everything.”
“You’re welcome. Get some rest. We’ll get you a name and anything else you need in the morning,” he said.
I crawled under the blankets covering the cot. It was softer and more comfortable than anything I’d ever slept on. I sighed with pleasure and relaxed for the first time in… a long time. I released the tension in my wings and let them relax too. No one was going to hurt me in the middle of the night.
I wasn’t sure why I trusted this Red Hood—Jason—as much as I did, but I couldn’t help it. Something about how genuine he seemed made me believe that I really was safe. I hadn’t felt safe since Dr. Evans left. She used to keep the other doctors from pushing me too hard.
With a sense of security, I pulled the blankets up over my shoulder, and fell into the deepest sleep I’d ever had.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Hi Blu! This idea is stuck in my head of a 1 shot jayrae. From a song (How to Disappear Completely,by Radiohead) at the end of George RRMartin's scifi horror NightFlyers. So 1 of them just died & left their body but can see everything that's happening & it's chaos. & the other is there grieving over them but the spirit is oddly detached from the whole thing as it plays out in front of them as they are leaving for "elsewhere"?Dunno, may not be your thing but I think it is tragically beautiful! 😀
Not entirely sure if this is what you meant or not, but I do hope you enjoy it all the same!
Readers be warned, dead characters and torture ahead.
I’m Always Here…
He lay there, staring up at the starfield that was foreverseared into his mind, as the ruins raised gracefully around them. Fingers werecarding through his hair, and her hand rested on his chest, he had it claspedtightly in his own as he stared at the stars. There was a rustling of thevegetation, a stillness of the area. This was all in his head, naturally, heknew that, he knew none of this was real. But damn, it felt real right now.
“This isn’t real,” he murmured softly, her fingers neverstilled, and he felt her presence like a safety blanket at this moment.
“This is whatever we want it to be,” she murmured softly,her smoky voice graveled from disuse and he smiled a bit. Tilting his head backin her lap a bit he looked up at the ever-regal Queen of Hell, her long, blackvoid of hair escaping her braid in wisps, and her ruby glowed, her dark eyeswere guarded and her grey skin almost ivory pale. She was in a bomber’s jacket,tattered skinny jeans, vintage boots, and he knew the shirt she wore was a tanktop reading, in grand tattoo style font: I’MD💀💀MY& GL💀💀MY.The necklace pentagram pendant dangled over him as she bent over.
“Can this be real?” he whispered to her.
“Of course,” she smiled slightly.
“Just stay with me,” he murmured. Reaching up he tucked a straystrand of hair behind one of her ears.
“I’m always with you,” she smiled a bit. Jason felt his lipstwitching.
“This is a hallucination brought on by stress of beingtortured by Joker, again,” he said sadly.
“This is whatever you want Jason, I’m real.”
“No you’re not, I wish you were,” he admitted. “Why’d yougo?”
“I haven’t gone anywhere, Jay,” she said.
“You know what I mean little bird.” He let his hand dropthen, her fingers hadn’t stopped toying with his hair.
“I know, and I never left,” she said sadly.
“Well, This is the finest hallucination I have ever hadunder the knife, so to speak,” he chuckled.
“If you were hallucinating I would think you’d be seeing someonenormal, not I,” she mused.
“That ship sailed a long time ago,” he dismissed.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, never got the chance to tell you, you were there thenyou weren’t,” he said softly.
“I don’t blame you, sunshine. I just miss you,” he said.
“I’m always here,” she whispered.
“But it’s not real,” he said.
“It is real,” she whispered softly. “I pick you, a part ofme is always yours, no matter where I am, or what I am. You are mine. I amyours. I am here.”
“Just… Just stay with me,” he whispered tiredly. His eyes weregrowing heavy here and he knew that he’d be waking in hell soon enough. Thehallucination would come back, but he had to go, go keep Alina safe.
“I’ll be right here, Jason,” she said softly.
“Don’t leave me,” he muttered.
“I picked you,” she said solemnly.
Jason’s eyes snapped open as he dangled over the icy springconcrete, his body suspended over nothing, blood slid down his legs dripping offhis toes. His shoulders were on fire and numb at the same time, his body was throbbingin a dull pain, even as he felt his blood rolling over his sweat soaked skin. Focusingon his breathing he tilted his head up a bit, the tender skin of his rightcheek tore open again when his lips curled up tauntingly, the bottom right cornersplit again and his left eye was swollen shut but he glared as he smiled.
“That the best you got?” he taunted the panting skinny man. “Comeon, I remember when you could do this all night?” he sneered.
“Ickle Robin awefully chatty!” Joker growled.
“I can do this all night old man!” Jason cackled. SERE traininghad been war, the LoA had been hell, the Joker had nothing on those after allthat training.
“I always wanted to carve this bird, it’ll take all nightthough, hold still!” Joker growled, Jason snarled as he struggled when Jokercame near him with a permanent marker. “Hold still, you don’t want it lopsideddo you?
Jason watched in horror as the Joker drew B’s sigil onto hischest. Then the Joker hummed as he picked up a tool from the table, Jason snarledwhen there was a low buzzing started.
“This little piggy went to the market,” the Joker started, Jasonnearly screamed when he felt the skin being sliced off, thin, neat fast.
His body went lax, he couldn’t think, he could barely breathe,the skin was being grafted, he could feel it. Feeling the tendons, veins, andnerves being stretched, torn, sliced, removed and left raw and open, he couldfeel the epidermis being torn away as the dermis was exposed, and then hescreamed as his head fell back and he trembled.
“Hold still!” Joker snapped as his body swayed in the air.
“FUCK!” he screamed.
“I’m here,” her voice whispered. “I’m not leaving,” she promised,and he almost felt her wrapping herself around him to take the pain, but shewas dead and gone, and he wasn’t fading into unconsciousness again, he knewthat.
Sometime later, some lackies threw him into the cell, helimply lay there, breathing, his chest was raw, exposed, and now he felt cold.He could see his breath as he lay there in the dim light trying to think pastthe pain.
“You’re hurt,” a small voice said.
“I’m fine, kid,” he promised as he forced himself to rollonto his back, he was fucked. His right leg was killing him; he was sure it wasshattered. The small mousy face had B’s blue eyes and a bright red birth markblotched over her left eye, she looked like Martha Wayne, and with grimy mousecolored hair.
“You stay small, stay quiet, I’ve got this,” he promisedweakly. It was only his average nightmare. “Understand kid?”
“Who… Who’s Little Bird?” she whispered after vigorouslynodding to his ultimatum. He closed his eyes then.
“She’s dead,” he whispered.
“Don’t worry kid. B’s coming, he always comes,” Jason murmuredas the small girl’s body tenderly pressed up against his and she fit into hisside trembling so hard he was sure his teeth were rattling in his skull, even ashe dropped a heavy arm around her.
“I’m scared Jay,” she whispered.
“Don’t be, kid, I’m not going to let anything happen to mylittle sis,” he promised tiredly.
“Rest, I’m here,” Raven’s voice whispered as his eyes feltheavy again, and everything was cold until there was a blanket of warmth andfingers sliding through his hair. Kindest Hallucination Ever. Jason didn’t evenfight it.
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iamcinema · 4 years
IAC Reviews #015: R.S.V.P (2002)
Well, I suppose it’s safe to say that leaving the city isn’t going to do us much good with avoiding trouble. I guess if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em I suppose. I heard there’s a crazy party going on and we’re invited to join in on the fun. Let’s see what they’re up to and if it’s worth it. Just be sure to practice your social distancing and keep your masks on, and I’m sure we’ll be just fine.
For this, we’re going to go back a-ways to the mid 2000s when FearNet was still around and if you were like me, you’d find yourself turning to it for a quick fix of the flavor of the week - which was typically lesser known or underrated slasher films or B to Z-grade horror films; like that from Troma. It was around here that I’d soak up what I could on long, boring summer nights and I was usually in for something halfway decent if I not only never heard of it before, but it appeared that a lot of people on IMDb didn’t either judging from the sparse reviews and next to no posts on the message boards. Along with today’s feature, this would include others like The Curve (1998), Cherry Falls (2000), My Little Eye (2002), Taboo (2002), Zombie Nation (2004), and S&Man (2006).
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R.S.V.P is a 2002 dark comedy / suspense film, depending on who you ask, written and directed by Mark Anthony Galluzzo, who didn’t go on to do a whole lot in his career. Our story centers on a psychology student, Nick, with a obsession with true crime who invites his old friends and professor over for a fun night at his apartment where the only party game they’ll be playing is murder. It stars some familiar faces, like that of Jason Mewes, Reno Wilson, Rick Otto, Jonathan Banks, and the late Glenn Quinn. If you have a weakness for slasher oriented films from 90s to the early 2000s, then you might already be on board from the trailer alone; both with it’s general concept and how, even in 2002, the 90s are still carrying on in spirit. It’s almost nostalgic in a way, conjuring up memories at the movie theater with the black light carpeting, the smell of overpriced buttered popcorn, and the deafening THX logo opener. But, the question now is if that sweet nostalgia comes with a bitter aftertaste that’s hard to swallow.
R.S.V.P In One Gif:
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Okay, so maybe this is going to be a bit harsh given what I have to say next. But, bear with me for a moment.
Watching RSVP is a lot like sinking in lava. You think you’d abruptly catch on fire, but instead you sink slowly as you burn up due to the density of it. After all, we’re talking about molten rock here. This is the definition of a slow burner film if I’ve ever seen one and I know for some, that’s a hard pitch to sell because it can feel like scenes drag on and on for too long. I’ve griped about this in the past with films like Las Vegas Bloodbath (1989) with all the filler content and how the third act is like pulling teeth to blow through because it feels like nothing is happening. Well, in this case nothing of importance is happening.
So, what’s the deal with this then? The bulk of the film surrounds our protagonist, well antihero is probably a better title for him, Nick and his obsession with serial killers as a psychology student and how one would orchestrate the perfect crime. This discussion and obsession comes to ahead with two others early on; his professor Hal Evans and friend Jimmy, alongside a reoccurring theme of referencing and discussing true crime - with the 1924 Leopold and Loeb case being a subject of interest for Nick specifically due to the nature and legacy of the murder. Oh, and holy hell does this movie show how much it aged since the film was likely in production just as Gary Ridgeway was identified as the Green River Killer.
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From here, we get a taste of who we’ll be stuck with for the next 90 minutes and I can’t say for sure if this is a party I’d stick around for, as it becomes almost another drunk/stoner college kid flick. I won’t say a ton about who is who and their relationships to each other to avoid straying too far into spoiler territory because just about all of it is strung together by foreshadowing. While there’s no surprise who our killer is, the suspense and mystery comes in the form of the motivation and when or if Nick will get caught while on his killing spree. The film has been compared to Hitchcock’s style of suspense in a few ways, and it reminds me of an example he made about suspense vs surprise with a bomb under a table;
“...In the first case we have given the public fifteen seconds of surprise at the moment of the explosion. In the second we have provided them with fifteen minutes of suspense. The conclusion is that whenever possible the public must be informed. Except when the surprise is a twist, that is, when the unexpected ending is, in itself, the highlight of the story.“
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Unfortunately from here on out, there doesn’t feel like a whole lot to comment on beyond some minor exposition that links everyone together; such as three of the friends being in a band and there being some tension between some bitter ex-lovers. It’s more so just scene after scene of things happening and it feels like a drag, even if the metaphorical bomb is lurking just around the corner, which can have you just barely holding out for what the next murder will be and even then it’s hard to say if it was well worth the wait. The acting is a somewhat mixed bag and many of the characters are forgettable. It’s not the absolute worst I’ve ever seen, but not many of them did much to hold my interest enough to care if they lived or died.
Also, did I mention how strange the music choice is? We have moments where we have 90s electronic style beats, and then we cut to what I think is “Habanera” from Carmen and “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” from The Nutcracker.  I don’t get it. It’s kind of weird and a bit goofy if I’m being honest for the general tone it’s going for - unless that just plays into the dark, satirical comedy aspect. Speaking of which, some moments (especially the murders) are like a fine grilled ham and cheese sandwich with the payoff that I’m sure Patrick Bateman himself would recognize.
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If I had to give one decent thing to say about it, it’s that the final act is probably the film’s strongest suit since the first ten minutes with our final chase and a further look into Nick’s psychology with understanding his methods of madness. I will say that while doing some research on this, I came across information about an alternate version of the film where we learn that Nick wasn’t the only person with blood on his hands. However, these scenes were removed due to confusing test audiences, but they can be found on the DVD. According to IMDb, this given more significance in a scene that plays during the credits, but I’m sure you could fit those pieces together on your own with how the final act plays out as a whole. But, I will say I wonder what I’m missing out on and if it parallels the Leopold and Loeb case; especially with how certain film adaptations were a bit heavy handed with focusing on LGBTQ themes, and given what we see unfold, it did pique my interest a bit.
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So, now we’re here. The party is over and the dead are waiting to be picked up. Where do I stand on this one? I recall when I saw this years ago that I didn’t exactly care for it and I rated it 3/10. I thought the characters were bland and uninteresting, it was too hammy for my general liking for being classified as a dark comedy, and I didn’t really care for the pay off. It was a major blur, and I suppose that’s telling to how invested I was in it. But, now we’re here close to 15 years later and something had to change, right?
Well, sort of. I guess it’s just more so telling that my own niche hobbies and interests are bleeding into things and why I have a guilty enjoyment for things like The Curve (1998) and the August Underground trilogy (2001-2007) and it’s focus on true crime, murder, and the concept of the true perfect crime. It was neat to look back on, even if it was just brief glimpses of the criminal psychology discussions. I still don’t particularly care too much for most of the characters, mostly the members of Whiskey Dick. The kills themselves are okay when they’re done well, but a good portion of them are cut to white so you miss all the action. The film is relatively bloodless as well, which is something I felt let down by, as the goriest scene happens in the opening and it’s downhill from there for the most part as far as that’s concerned.
Overall, this is just meh to me. I wouldn’t call it atrocious, but it’s not good either, not even by Saturday night popcorn flick standards. It’s a okay watch if you’re bored and don’t have much else going on, just don’t expect anything worthwhile even for the times. There’s better films from the era out there, but there’s also worse...so much worse.
RATING: 4/10
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