#and he's dealing with shit a kid that young should absolutely not be dealing with
evilminji · 7 months
You know that Post about Danny becoming the False Villian, Expose?
To train all these kids, who are running around with shitty priorities and the self preservation instincts of lemmings? Because they were arrogant. Didn't listen to the concerns of those they "protect". Didn't listen to the concerns of a fellow Hero. So now, they WILL learn, at the hands of a "Villian".
Cause he TRIED pointing things out nicely.
Was met with a brick wall of condescension and dismissal.
THAT post.
You know where he would not only do that, but go APESHIT into it? Because he is a Hero and holy SHIT these kids are gonna get themselves killed? Gonna kill somebody ELSE? Have fucked up priorities and live in a fucked up system they do not even question?
Boku No Hero Academia.
Why the FUCK are you posing for the cameras? Why the absolute FUCK are you beating that man down on the worst day of his life, instead of TALKING him down? Why are you jumping too conclusions and splitting up and playing for the crowds? Why. The ABSOLUTE AND UNFORGIVING FUCK do you seem to ASSUME that every innocent soul, that doesn't look default generic human, is the AGGRESSOR in every situation you arrive at?!
Danny would have a conniption. Just a full body rage seizure, as his Ghost-y lil brain LIT UP with the BURNING NEED to fix everything, everywhere, at once. Right. Now.
But do they listen?
Cool, cool cool cool cool..... he's gonna burn the entire country dow- No! That way lies Dan! Breathe, Fenton. Just.... Breathe. You can fix this.
The older ones may be set in their ways, but the younger ones are still learning. They can get better. BE better. They're kids. They just need opportunities to grow. And they WANT to be Heros, right? All he has to do is show them HOW. Poke their weak spots and point out their mistakes.
He can do that!
And just? Out of NO WHERE? This foreign villian decends upon Japan? What's worse, seeming to TARGET HEROS STUDENTS. Young, just debuted, Heros. Everyone freaks out. Older Heros closing rank, where they can, to try and Protect These Kids(tm).
But they can't be everywhere at once.
And this menace? Seemingly CAN be. Can make copies of himself. Use Ice. Fly. Energy beams. Intangiblity. Invisibility! What monster are they DEALING with?! That plays the flamboyant fool, dispensing deadly peril, only to then turn around, and in chilling sobriety absolutely destroy seasoned heroes?
That LECTURES them while doing it.
He's undermining the people's faith in the system!
(But should they have faith in it? Doesn't he have good points? Aren't they getting stronger, faster, better heroes for facing him? Where did he come from? Hasn't anyone else noticed that not a single civilian has gotten hurt, at his hands? That he annihilates any true villians foolish enough to think he's on their side?)
(How many "thugs" and "minor villians" have these guys not noticed, they wonder, who have just... disappeared. Come into contact with this guy and then? Stopped. Turned up somewhere else, weeks later, healthy again. Smiling with illegal lifestyle support gear, a new job, a new life, and better future. Finally free of the violence.)
Amity may be at peace by the time Danny turns 20(-ish? Maybe? Is he? Clockwork! How old IS he? You've sent him on so many of your weird timebend-y missions he lost count!). But? Danny is a Heroic Protector Spirit. His Obsession has demands. And his Human sides Space Obsession will never really be quite strong enough to support him.
You know, since it can't die.
Just because it HAS a Soul aspect to it, doesn't mean it'll ever come into practical use. So? The more powerful Heroic instincts it is! And honestly, he wasn't even planning to STAY. Just check the place out. You know, compare his options. But... *twitch*
They Are Doing It Wrong.
So now he lives here!
.....it's awful! They don't even have any space exploration! No studying, no stars, no futuristic moon base! Nothing! And he doesn't even SPEAK Japanese! In human form? He has no idea what anyone is saying! At least the Sorta-But-Not skeleton Ghost guy across the hall is helping. Dude might be taller then his DAD. Seriously ecto-starved though. It's like he somehow GAVE all his body's ecto to someone else!
How's he supposed to heal like that?! Guy really needs to learn how to take care of himself.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @nerdpoe @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
Concept, mtmte Megatron accidentally adopts young human buddy.
Like there's basically just a teenager on the lost light, and because teenagers have no fear of death, they go out of their way to interact with the ex-warlord.
Time goes on, and eventually, when Megatron realizes the dynamic he has, he goes into a typical angsty brooding session. Bonus points if it has Brooklyn 99 energy of Peralta accidently calling holt 'dad' energy.
I really do enjoy your blog because a lot of the stuff is either platonic or familial, and that's my favorite shit. Hope you have a good day and drink water.
Thank you for the compliment! I have been drinking water and been having a pretty decent day. Now, Human Buddy who knows no fear is about to strike the fear of their well being upon others! Megatron is their prime target...
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron 'accidentally' adopting human Buddy who fears nothing
SFW, familial, platonic, mentions of injuries but nothing graphic or in details, Human reader
Oh, Buddy starts off as the bane of his existence.
Buddy joins the lost light before the events of Delphi happen. Meaning they have been dealing with everyone’s problems since a little over day one.
Let’s give Buddy some context.
By sheer luck, Buddy managed to enter the Cybertronain/ Human Liaison program and was now the proud representative in the Lost Light.
Many bots on the Lost Light thought that this would be a little liaison and would be a bit fearful of the hulking giants around them or some sleazy politician. Some were just curious as they had never seen a human until that moment.
Rodimus is preparing for a Prowl like or Magnus like person to board the bridge. That’s usually who they send when it comes to relations, except Marrisa Fairborn, she was an exception.
At first Buddy did come off as someone overly polite… that was soon going to change.
“Welcome Buddy aboard the Lost Light.”—Ultra Magnus
“Thank you, Ultra Magnus sir.”--Buddy
“And I will be your Captain! The names Rodimus Prime.”--Rodimus
“Well, I’m just Buddy. Sorry but I should be entering my room now before take-off. Thank you again for the introduction sirs. I hope to find you soon?”--Buddy
“Absolutely, we will start the meeting in an hour in the meeting room down your hall.”—Ultra Magnus
“Thank you.”--Buddy
“…Great another stick in the mud…”--Rodimus
“Oh, hush they seem like a nice human.”—Ultra Magnus
A week later
“Hey Rodimus, I bet you can throw me into that mattress over there.”--Buddy
“Oh? You’re on!”--Buddy
“I have the reports ready—OH SWEET PRIMUS! BUDDY!”—Ultra Magnus
“So let me get this straight… You bet Rodimus, one of the most impulsive and childish bots on bourd—”--Ratchet
“To THROW you across the room to a small mattress and it didn’t occur to you that you could bounce off the mattress!?”--Ratchet
“Well at least all the blood is internal right? That’s were the blood is supposed to be?”--Buddy
“Oh Primus…”—Ultra Magnus
“Oh, Primus indeed.”--Rodimus
Buddy does not know what ‘self-preservation’ is. Its not in their vocabulary. Ratchet has lost count of the amount of times that Buddy has come in the med bay with an injury that was caused by some atrociously dumb plan.
“Alright… what’s the damage today? Whirl brought you in this time so it must be bad.”—Ratchet
“Rude.”—Buddy and Whirl
“Well, I’m waiting. What happened?”--Ratchet
“Well… I was trying to follow Skids trails through the vents, which is so cool to visit—”--Buddy
“Right. Well, I thought I could jump across the vent opening and kind a didn’t…”--buddy
“Good thing Whirl was there to break my fall! Sorry again Whirl for the glass.”--Buddy
“Next time you bust my glass at least do a flip next time you fall on your back.”--Whirl
“What you fell on your back?! You have glass imbedded in it!”--Ratchet
“Huh? That explains why my back hurts so much.”--Buddy
Rodimus takes it back he loves this little human. Buddy is his best human friend. Whirl wins this though, he already asked Buddy to be his Amica Endura, and they accepted!
“Hey Ratchet—”--Drift
“No. It’s quiet… to quiet…”--Ratchet
“What do you think we are going to get attack?”--Drift
“…No, it’s something much worse.”--Ratchet
“What could be worse—”--Drift
“Its Whirl and Buddy! They haven’t made noise in about 10 minutes!”--Ratchet
“Ratchet I think that them not making noise—”--Drift
“Eat floor Cyclonus!”--Whirl
“Whirl! Run! He’s gaining on us!”--Buddy
“I stand corrected.”--Drift
They make friends with a lot of bots on board. Many are happy to meet an individual such as Buddy. But this also comes at a cost. Many bots have to watch for Buddy in case something bad happens to them. They are so small and they keep getting into dangerous situations!
Rung has a line of bots that express the same worry for Buddy one day doing something dumb and not being able to come back from it.
Buddy knows no fear.
How does the crew know this?
Buddy made it their life job to make Megatron uncomfortable when they found out he was going to be the Co-Captain.
“Hey! MegaDork!”--Buddy
Bucket of oil falls from door.
“Theres more were that came from Bucket Head! That’s for Earth!”--Buddy
Megatron can’t do anything about it. He hates organics and he can’t kill this one, not without causing another war. When Ravage shows up, he thinks that Buddy might back down a bit. I mean what human in their right of mind would try and continue to prank him when ravage is around? Buddy takes this as a challenge that needs to be beaten. If anything, Ravage helps a bit.
“He slipped on the paint! Go! Go! Go!”--Buddy
“All is fair in music tapes and war Megatron.”—Ravage
Buddy has the ring tone of Megs comm to “Be Prepared” from the Lion King. Swerve helped them put in the music. He laughed nonstop when it first worked.
They are petty.
Everyone is on edge whenever those two are in the same room.
Half ready to shoot Megatron down the other half to get Buddy to safety once they manage to trigger Megatron.
Is there any chance that Megatron will get a break?
Yes, yes, he does.
He managed to finally get a place holder for a poetry night in one of the classrooms. Not to his surprise no bot shows up. He is about to leave when he hears the quick little sets of footsteps coming in.
“Wait! Wait! Hold the door! I’m here! I’m here!”--Buddy
“I’m not late, am I? I just saw the flyer from Swerve. And—hold on—sprinted from my room back here.”--Buddy
“Oh, umm, no one came…”--Megatron
“Oh, okay then its just us two them Big Guy?”--Buddy
“Call dibs on the chair on the left.”--Buddy
Megatron never pegged Buddy to be into poetry. He is also floored with Buddy actually talking to him and giving pointers on how to improve his own pieces of work. Even referring to other poets’ works so he could get some inspiration!
He nearly misses the shy look Buddy gives when he compliments their work.
He thinks that this is a onetime thing.
He is deeply mistaken.
“Hey Megs! You ready for today’s meeting?”--Buddy
“Oh, yes I am.”--Megatron
“Good! I have a bunch of works that need to be peer reviewed and I can’t trust Rodimus to look over these; and Whirl sadly isn’t an option for these either.”--Buddy
“Why don’t you ask Magnus? Surely, he could also help?”--Megatron
“And have him explain to me the importance of an Oxford comma when I forgot to put one in my writing? Yeah no, I need your optics for this.”--Buddy
Buddy no longer causes too much trouble for the Ex-warlord. Still trouble but not as much as last time. They always come to the poetry club and even managed to snag a couple of their friends to come with.
He is not going to admit to anyone, well maybe Ravage, that he started growing a soft spot for them.
“Ravage… I think I might be growing fond of Buddy…”--Megatron
“Congratulations! You’re officially the last one to know.”--Ravage
These little interactions begin happening more and more, Megatron is just happy that things are finally going well.
Then it happened.
It was at Swerve’s.
He was sitting at the bar looking over Buddy’s latest writing with Buddy, themselves sitting patiently. He gives a compliment and gives them back the writing.
“You’ve improved Buddy. These are getting better with more time.”--Megatron
“Thanks Dad.”--Buddy
“Why is everyone so quiet?”--Buddy
“You just called Megatron here, ‘Dad’.”--Whirl
“What’s a ‘Dad’?”--Tailgate
“No! I didn’t say ‘Dad’! I just said, ‘Thanks Man!’”--Buddy
“I don’t know Buddy. It sounded a lot like ‘Dad’ to me.”--Whirl
“Seriously, what’s a ‘Dad’?”--Tailgate
“Well, you heard wrong Whirl!”--Buddy
“Do you see me as a father figure Buddy?”--Megatron
“No! I see you as a bother figure if anything.”--Buddy
“Hey respect your Dad!”--Ratchet
“Is no one going to tell me what a ‘Dad’ is?”--Tailgate
After that interaction, Buddy begins to avoid Megatron after the confrontation and nearly shuts down when someone brings up the event. Megatron really wants to talk to buddy about the incident but decides not to. Maybe it was a mistake.
He broods over it for a while.
He finds Buddy again at Swerve’s where a rather drunk bot was making fun of Buddy for their little ‘slip up’.
“Wow Fleshy. You messed be so messed up in the processor to call Megatron your Dad.”—Drunk Bot
“Hey drop it.”--Buddy
“Oh, look at me! I’m so scared of a human how I could flick across the room if I wanted to.”—Drunk Bot
“Oh, please I know that barely existing processor of yours isn’t that dumb. But even then, I hope Natural selection takes you if you follow through that threat.”—Buddy
It was getting to the point where it was becoming insensitive.
Bots around were getting uneasy at the conversation and some looked like they were going to come over and do something.
Megatron is quicker.
As he strides over, he is met with the infamous brick of parenthood. Should he really take up such a mantle?
He takes that mantle by the horns and makes it his.
“My child, is something wrong?”--Megatron
Voice crack “Nope. Just Peachy.”--Buddy
Everyone looks over.
Buddy is just beaming.
Megatron has no regrets saying what he said, he lets Buddy know this.
No, Buddy isn’t crying. You’re the one crying.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 3 months
So I was thinking about drakes spoiled brat (as I do. Quite a bit) and while scrolling through the DSB tag on tumblr I found those posts talking about epilogs and how that would look. And honestly-just imagine being a normal civilian at the end of this story and all you know is that Timothy "trash" drake is abruptly adopted by the Wayne's and suddenly is very very chill??? Like lol that would confuse the shit outta so many people LMAO
Timothy: I'm a cisgender heterosexual rich Christian white man. And I am better than all of you who are not all of those things. And even if you do check all the boxes, you still aren't me and therefore will never compare.
*the next day*
Tim: I'm uhh gender? Shit next question. Sexuality? Uhhh boys. And girls? Yes. Christian? Shit- fuck- no I'm an atheist...I'm rich and white I wasn't gaslighting myself about those two. So technically it cancels out. Anyways. Uh. Shit man idk I'm running on fumes rn ive been awake 51 hours straight...don't tell Bruce.
The general public: *slow blink* ...who are you and where is Timothy.
The bats: *low key getting some amusement over Tim fumbling*
Anyways. Idk if this is coherent lol I'm just bein silly. I love your fic so much and it's inspired me for some ideas of my own so thanks. You're a very talented author <333
Oh don't worry about coherency hon its brainrot and I just so happen to be a native speaker- and thank you for the praise <33
I will say that Timothy isn't your "classic" wolf on wallstreet guy-
Gotham rich people are a whole new breed because yeah there are social expectations and what not, but once you reach a certian class its mostly "fuck all as long as the investors are happy"
The public perception of Timothy is like a guy who you WANT to feel bad for, and can easily go "yeah that explains a bit of his behavior-" but your still making it REALLY hard to take your side
Most of his "Scandals" have come from him verbally assaulting people, underage drinking/drugs use, and just doing stuff that was not PR approved. To some hes a fucking menace, to others he's as entertaining as those two birkin boyfriends.
Yes he's an asshole, but he's also a kid who lost his parents pretty horribly (wink wink for future lore) and instead of being free as a young nepo baby should be, he's tied down to Gotham, keeping his parents company alive and dealing with all sorts of shit behind closed doors.
Of course hard to feel pity for a rich asshat so there are absolutely a decent percentage of people who roll their eyes whenever someone brings up "Timothy Drake" and everyone has a story of someone with a shit experience
BUT he gets adopted by the Wayne brood and is suddenly- half decent?? Most people would just accept of "Good- everyones favorite himbo gets a new kid, a bit of a fixer upper but lord knows he needed it"
Anyways heres MY ramblings in turn- will definently explore more of Tim and Timothys relationships in Gotham in the future so this is due to fluxuate but as of rn this is generally the perspective <33
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findafight · 2 years
Saw a prompt on the kinkmeme of the kids all being werewolves DESPERATELY trying to get human Steve to realize he's part of their pack and like. Listen. Okay. Listen
Steve has fought monsters from alternate dimensions. He has accepted Shit's Crazy in Hawkins. But he also needs someone to hold his hand and be very clear about instructions and other social things. So when they kids casually mention being werewolves he assumes it's part of their little dragon rpg game. No one can really fault him on this!! Alternate dimensions and superpowered children are on a different level than magical creatures!!
Hawkins is like, a safehaven for supernatural folks. Werewolves especially, with chief Hopper around. (The Party is a pack that's young, but has strong bonds) There's some vamps, though they mostly feed off energy (god knows the Munson boy does with his dramatics and penchant for getting into parties to deal) witches, of course, also like Hawkins and have good rapport with the locals in the know. (Mr. Sinclair is well known for his soothing muscle creams, household blessings, and the occasional curse.) Fae also are known to wander the streets.
All this to say, Robin is a selkie. One time in highschool Steve picked up her coat that had fallen off the back of her chair and handed it to her. The other humanish folks in the room went dead silent and stared because WHAT THE HELL Robin Buckley is soulmates with Steve Harrington??? But it's quickly forgotten and marked as a fluke. It keeps happening tho. At scoops he helps her get her coat on when it's raining and she's going through the five stages of grief because how is her soulmate a boy?!? THIS boy in particular?!?
And then she realizes, on a grody mall bathroom floor, that yeah, Steve's her soulmate. She tells Steve a few weeks after starcourt and he's like ".......what." so she drags him to his pool and puts her pelt on, transforming into a cute seal in front of him and he's like ".......WHAT!" because eshes a seal but her smile is the same and he proceeds to pat her belly and worry that the chlorine isn't good for her and that they should go to lover's lake so she can get a good swim in.
He still doesn't realize the kids are werewolves until Dustin begs Robin to just tell Steve, he'll believe her he's ALREADY believed her!! They need their human!!!
And she goes "uhg. Fine. But one of you'll have to transform for him he's more of a visual and tactile learner"
Dustin goes mistyeyed "ohhhhh I bet he gives the BEST belly rubs and ear scratches..."
Robin is SO SMUG because Steve absolutely gives the best belly rubs and seals are just dogs of the ocean.
So eventually Steve gets In The Know of all supernatural, non-upsidedown, happenings in Hawkins.
And then he turns nineteen.
His parents, both in town at the same time and on his Birthday no less, sit him down to tell him about the Family Legacy.
Harringtons, after all, are notorious Monster Hunters.
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allthegothihopgirls · 6 months
I love the asexual Bruce Wayne agenda and I totally agree with it. What I want to know though is how Bruce (asexual queen that he his) deals with his hormonal teenage boys?
Cause like Bruce never got the sex talk (I mean his parents died when he was young, and the family Buttler is Not giving his former employers son the sex talk) and that’s fine by Bruce. Cause he’s never felt these ‘urges’ that everyone talks about. Honestly, sex is overrated.
But, Batman prepares for everything. And one thing that people ALWAYS stress about parenting is having to give your kids the sex talk.
I just really want to know about the hijinks like;
Bruce: *Standing forlornly in front of a ‘Sex Ed’ PowerPoint* So, I understand that you probably have no desire for these… urges. That everyone talks about. But the parenting book (and society) decrees that to be a good parent, I need to give my children a proper education on sex.
Dick: *Very much not asexual* Yeah, no thanks dad this really helps!
Bruce: *Bewildered* How???
although the idea of bruce uncomfortably giving his version of a 'talk' is amusing, i don't think he'd give one at all. none of the boys would really give him any reason to, until he gets to tim at least (he's like, the only one i haven't fully projected my asexual agenda onto at this point).
dick's always been very responsible, so when he starts dating, maaaaybe bruce has like, a single thought contemplating whether or not to sit him down, but i think he'd get off with a "you know that you should always treat a woman right, yeah?" whether dick's actually dating women is up for debate but you get the point and a pat on the back. i believe that bruce operates predominantly under the 'if they have questions, they'll ask' mindset, so he trusts that if dick needs an answer to something, he'll come to bruce. (or just source an answer elsewhere)
i do also think that if anything, alfred would be the one to pull bruce up and ask if he'd adequately informed the boys of things 'one on one' (because he KNOWS that he hasn't). and even then, if bruce were to actually sit dick down, he wouldn't get so far as an introduction spent dancing around the topic because bruce is himself, mortified, before dick stops him and says that he doesn't have to give him this talk, because "wally already did" (much to bruce's disapproval).
as for jason, dying isn't great for a guy's love life. as i pretty much said previously, i don't think bruce would approach anything until it was absolutely relevant (when the boys are already in a relationship). so jason not getting a chance to really date before he died, means that bruce never had the opportunity to talk to him about it. i also believe he'd assume that jason already knows, with the crude jokes he makes, and the kind of people he grew up around on the streets. and obviously, by the time he comes back as red hood, he's too old to 'not know' and it's just presumed he knows his stuff.
i think tim might cause him a little bit (a lot) of trouble though. it definitely scares the shit out of bruce when he finds out about steph getting pregnant by her ex. it prompts him to fling fully into action mode to prevent tim ever being in that situation. that'd be the first time he's properly spoken to one of his kids about it, lots of emphasis on protection and what NOT to do.
however for any other talk pre-steph, i really do think he'd try to palm off the responsibility onto dick (he's very thankful that he's got kids old enough to do it for him), asking him to talk to tim. bruce would probably pull out all the cards "i'm too old" "he'd think it was less weird coming from you" "i don't know what you kids get up to, he's better off hearing it from someone who he can relate to" "i don't want to traumatise the kid" etc etc.
i do think the whole steph situation would be a bit of a reality-check for bruce though, and he'd have the realisation "that could have been any one of the kids" and he would be on his toes for a bit. especially with the amount of girls tim is rumoured to have relations with. him getting with bernard would be a big relief for everyone bruce i think.
once again when he gets with bernard, bruce is 100% palming off the responsibility of having that talk, onto one of his other kids. most likely jason. this is getting super far into my own personal headcanon territory, but literally none of them are straight to me, and i think jason would be the most 'comfortably' gay (mostly just his lack of care about the subject, being percieved as open-ness). bruce would 100% ask dick to talk to tim if it weren't for how private he tends to be with his love life in adulthood. (even getting him to just have the general 'talk' with tim was pushing it)
i don't think he'd ever talk with damian, the league definitely taught him (although objectively). i do think out of all the kids, he'd be the one to have questions though, mainly about the romantic aspect of relationships, as he struggles to wrap his head around the concept of 'love', (which really tests bruce's parenting abilities) i do think dick (having the bond he does with damian) would go out of his way to have a talk with him as he got older though.
as for cass, i don't think she would have ever been taught, with her irregular upbringing, as well as not going to regular school and all. but girls are new in the batfamily, and bruce doesn't want to touch that conversation with a ten-foot pole, so he calls diana in to do it for him.
final note, i also really do think a large contributing factor to bruce most likely never approaching the subject out of his own free will is just how private they all tend to be with their love lives. like i can see dick telling bruce that he's dating someone (as a teenager), but apart from a name and how he knows them, he's not really giving much else away. jason on the other hand just completely leaves it up for everyone else to figure out on their own (it lives entirely in my head that he's like this with his family, but is super close with his partner's family, which is a shock to everyone). if anything, tim's the only one who ever wants people to know about his relationships, for them to 'meet the parents' (bruce) etc etc. it probably all stems from bruce himself being a pretty secretive guy.
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
Okay friend. Here's the deal with Woojin from an adult stay who is realistic and (actually) unbiased in the situation. Stays constantly give him shit and tell him to apologize and now that he did, it still isn't good enough.
Short version: Woojin leaving when he did absolutely was shitty and he needed to take accountability for the additional stress added to skz during that time. He's taken accountability a couple of times and it's not enough for aggressive stays who for some reason beg for apologies all the time.
Long version:
Lots of stays use the "he was the oldest in the group" line all because he said he was young and immature and wasn't homie like 20/21? That is young and it is immature. He chose to think of himself first in this situation. It may have been the best decision. If he continued on when his heart wasnt in the right place, his performance likely would have tanked skz success.
Stays are also saying it's too late for him to come out with an apology when he originally did so about a year after leaving. If you don't want him to apologize, stop bringing up his fucking name in association with skz.
Stays claim he's doing this just for his comeback... he's had several releases and did well considering he's practically blacklisted in 4th gen.
Finally, stays love to use the fact that was caught following news about skz. Duh. He was in the group and trained with these guys during formative years. Do we really think he wouldn't care about them? We also don't know what kind of relationship they have because literally no one says anything. And they don't have to because it's not our business.
I get the need to feel like you have to defend your favs- I really do. I'm a skz ult and the whole woojin situation fucking sucked... for them. We have no idea what has happened behind closed doors since then. They may have made up or they may not have. It's not our business. It is likely that he wasn't allowed to speak up for however long die to contractual issues.
Bottom line: 1. Stop asking idols for shit that won't appease you anyway. If you didn't want an apology, you should have stayed out his comment section. 2. Stop taking things personally because you are all just fans who have no idea what's going on.
It probably sounds like I am biased toward Woojin. Believe me when I say I'm not. I am taking the side of stray kids and Woo over the side of stays who literally bully the fuck out of someone who did what was best for him in that moment. Yes it was selfish and it sucks that the boys had to endure that but support the boys without mentioning or tearing down Woojin.
thanks to everyone who sent me asks abt this btw, i’m replying to this one bc i feel like it’s thorough lol
i get what ur saying completely. woojin was still young when he left skz, and i can understand putting yourself first.
however, i can’t have any sympathy for someone who is time and time again using the success of his ex-group to promote himself. i understand following skz news, that’s not the issue here - it’s the fact that woojin seems to be using almost clickbait titles in his videos about the boys to get attention. skz were hurt when woojin left, and this was not just career wise but personally too. i don’t have any sympathy for him and i can’t understand him using skz for clout lol
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jade-of-mourning · 9 months
listen the idea of lin & mako having history pre-canon is the funniest shit to me ever idk why it's just funny especially seeing how their relationship casually evolves throughout the series
edit: i wrote this before getting around to rewatch and i drastically failed in my characterization of lin please forgive me
There's a ratty kid running messages in the middle of a busted underground drug transaction. He gets arrested with the rest of the participants who didn’t scram fast enough and is taken to the station — where he promptly escapes his juvenile cell before he can get pulled in for interrogation. Lin knows his type, thin-faced with eyes older than their body, and she hopes that this is the last she sees of him, because she hates having to deal with kids involved in crime.
Two months later, she's on the night patrol when she runs onto the scene of a Triad raid. There's a small firebender wielding flame and settling the building ablaze, stark against the black sky; she makes eye contact with him and realizes that it's that ratty, slippery kid who had been running messages. As more officers arrive on the scene and quell the flames, she snatches him before he can flee with the rest. He's snarling sparks and biting at air with his teeth, kicking his feet viciously in an attempt to escape the metal cables wrapped around his body, and she hauls him into the station and sits his ass down in the interrogation room, where he gets his first mugshot taken and she fills out the paperwork to send him back to an orphanage. A few days later, she reads an offhand report that a kid’s run away.
She doesn't see him again until a year later in the aftermath of a violent robbery, this time hauled in the back of a getaway car that their pursuers don't catch. There's a woman lying in water with smoke coming off her body, and Lin can see the lichtenberg figures crawling over her skin.
They're on a stakeout on a warehouse when he fires lightning through the window, shattering glass. Lin's yelling orders and fighting off a triad of gangsters, and as whips her cables around the last man, she turns around to see the now-teenager whipping lightning through her officers' metal suits and kicking flames through the air. He spits in her face when she captures him in earth and breaks away the back to cuff his hands and calls her the worst of 'em all, the mighty fuckin' Chief of Police herself. He's sitting in the interrogation room with his hands bound to the table and infinitely subdued, dead silent under the weight of her gaze, meeting her eyes with a hard dirty gold edge. His face is still thin and young the way it'd been years ago, bones still jutting out of his cheeks, hair chopped unevenly and falling across his brow. You must be close to Zolt, to have learned lightning to any level of proficiency, let alone been taught, she says to him, and he scowls and hisses like a feral pygmy-puma and doesn't speak a word. His second mugshot gets stored in his growing file. She learns from other subjects of interrogation that he's Zolt's project and intended successor should he survive long enough, learns of their general resentment towards him. Someone still busts him out of jail by the next night.
He's way too involved in the underground for anyone's liking. He's Zolt's protege and he's constantly involved in raids and exchanges and assaults. He's often the last one fighting off several officers until he's captured by Lin, the warehouse scenario playing out over and over again: he's shooting lightning and spitting fire and fighting viciously until his blood is in his eyes, absolutely wild without reservation. He vomits insults at the police out of his mouth while driven to the station, curses them for the lack of care the world's ever shown towards him and his brother. Every time he ends up in a jail cell and the guards look away for a minute, he's managed to slip away, a slippery bastard eel-shark. He quits his silence, tears into her and her job over interrogation rooms in handcuffs and still escapes despite it all. (He even manages to snatch the blasted red scarf out of her office while on the way out. What the fuck.) He's got nearly half a dozen mugshots accumulated in his folder at the station, each one documenting his eyes darkening to a harder gold, the growth of bruises around his neck, evidence of his increasing inability to fill out his skin.
And then he vanishes. At first she doesn't notice, but his absence becomes more evident as Zolt's work begins showing up with increasing frequency rather than his favorite errand-runner. She doesn't really give a shit about the little asshole fire-spitting punk who'd only caused trouble while running with the triads, a notable accomplice in harassing the city for the past four years — but she also can't help but wonder what happened to him. No body ever turns up and she eventually forgets about him; crime never stops.
Imagine her fucking surprise when three years later, he's suddenly best friends with an even more asshole fire-spitting punk: the Avatar. She sees him in the City Hall when she comes to assert her support for the pro-bending arena, doesn't register who he is until he turns in surprise and narrows his eyes at her, familiar in the cold fire behind them. She realizes that he’s the Mako she’s been hearing on the radio, the rapidly rising star of the sport. She also doesn’t get the chance to address any of this madness before Tenzin drags her aside, and then the world moves too fast for her to figure out how the fuck he’s involved in this mess. She sees him fight now and she knows that he knows she knows, but they don't acknowledge it at all because there's too much more at stake. His voice is still low and scratchy, but it's now carefully articulate, no sign of vicious vitriol and derision that had once spilled from his lips, just reservation and consideration.
Their non-interaction lasts until after the entire Amon ordeal is (somewhat) resolved and her bending is restored. She confronts him, grudgingly acknowledges his role in saving the city, then flatly declares that she doesn't trust him for shit. He glares her down for a moment before the familiar fire fades from his eyes and his shoulders slump ever so slightly. He says that he’s trying to be a better man now, that he cares deeply for the people around him now, that he doesn’t ever want to turn back to who he was forced to have been because it was never who he wanted to be. She tells him that she can’t let him go unanswered for his crimes from when he was younger; he begs her to not ruin everything that he’s worked so hard to make for himself. It’s unexpected for all that she thought she knew of him, the desperation open on a face no longer carved by starvation.
And Lin knows in her heart that he’s trying. She can see it in the way he looks at Korra like she cradles the sun in her palms, the way he puts his hand on his brother’s shoulder and opens his arm to embrace, the way he talks to the Sato girl with softened edges and keeps his eyes on her face, not her pockets. But she can’t trust that trying of itself is enough. It comes to her: she needs to keep an eye on him, and he needs a stable job (— kids like him who’ve managed to crawl out of the gutter are always on the hunt for one after all, despite how rarely they find it).
So she offers him an application for the force, tells him that she’ll turn a blind eye to his past if performs this service under her watch. She admits he’s got a good head on his shoulders, that he’s a good fighter — she would know —, and states that if he’s truly so determined to do right, then he should be extending that to the city as well. He looks at her and asks, Do I really have a choice? 
She looks at him wryly, raises an eyebrow. I don’t have much of a choice myself, now do I? she tells him.
other random mako-related tumblr writings i did: x / x
this is also kind of the only way i can picture mako joining the rpcd initially, because it actually makes no sense to me lmfao. how he got involved, that is. like i can definitely see him being super passionate about it and ultimately coming to enjoy working for this fictional police force, probably finding some kind of self-appointed redemption for himself as a kid, but also how did this get started in the first place. consider me baffled.
… i kinda wanna write a oneshot on this now. oops. goddamnit </3
spat this out in maybe two hours cuz i thought it was funny. i'm still writing That Fic, it's almost 10k long somehow and i think i need to delete about half of it, but we'll see lmfaooo
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also here's a wip on him i started that i may or may not ever finish
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wisteria-lodge · 2 months
bird primary + burned bird secondary
Hey, if you’re still interested in sorting people i’d like to ask what you think! i think snake/bird or bird/bird are maybe likely for me, but the there’s some difficulty with finding what i’m motivated by as, similarly like you said about Ed Teach, the answer is not much.
arguments for bird primary (i think) are:
1. my co-worker saying that i’m a ‘technical’ person, being nitpicky about how things are said
Being very technical/nitpicky about phrasing is more of a secondary thing. Probably evidence of a Prep-work secondary (Bird or Badger) or a prepwork model.
2. that one time me and and friend A were trying to peek inside friend B’s sketchbook while friend B was saying to us that she doesn’t want to show us, but then to get me on her side she said that when i didn’t want to show my sketchbook i said i shouldn’t be forced if i don’t want to, so she shouldn’t be either, and i was like yeah that tracks.
3. i do create consistent framework of ‘rules’
You are also coming in pretty strong with the numbered list. Bird primaries LOVE numbered lists. And creating consistent rule frameworks… well that’s the definition, isn’t it?
I loved doing that write-up about Ed Teach, because I think it’s rare that we see a Bird primary who is *young* the way he is, actively creating his framework of rules. But it’s absolutely a type of Bird.
arguments against bird primary:
1. one of my ‘rules’ is that motivation and feelings should be taken into     account when deciding what to do, as my motivation and energy are fickle - just ‘the truth’ isn’t enough for me?
But “just a feeling” wouldn’t be enough for you either, I’m guessing? Yeah, this is still Bird. Some Birds like using emotion as a data point. It’s like the thing with the sketchbook. Probably it felt fine/fun/not a big deal trying to get a peek at your friend’s sketchbook, but then you were reminded it went against a previously established rule, and instead of questioning the rule in an emotional way, you were like “oh, right, of course.” No one like hypocrites, but Bird primaries HATE hypocrites. 
2. in the quiz, specifically the question that if something convinced me that my people-first moral outlook is not as logical as some other hypothetical outlook, would i be guilty about abandoning, and i would be guilty. though i honestly mostly think that that kind of outlook is right, but don’t act on it much. one time i almost went volunteering. this might point to snake-admiring-badgers phenomenon?
Or Birds admiring Badgers. Honestly, the way this is phrased is very “I would feel guilty giving up a people-first outlook, because people first is objectively right.” Which… is Bird. Heck, asking “is people-first the way to go” is a question you seem to be currently dealing with. 
i think i could be motivated by close connections, as even when i’m unmotivated by other things idea of it seems very resonant, but i’d never had ones (with deep mutual understanding and stability and whatnot. except maybe my sister), so i don’t know what i’d act like if i did.
So you think you might like the Snake way of doing things… but it’s totally a hypothetical. 
Tell me about what you were like as a kid: i read a lot, until i was 8-10 only encyclopedia-type stuff–i think i liked making sense of things, though maybe that’s true for all kids. 
Reading mostly/only encyclopedias until you’re ten is not typical kid stuff. I’m thinking Bird for you. I’m thinking Double Bird for you. 
i also remember being unmotivated and cynical in a specific way, like i remember thinking things like “sure, this superpower (like bending) seems fun, but if suddenly people were able to do it, it would very quickly become boring like everything else” a lot. i was also kinda shit at interacting with other kids, i approached them kinda earnestly, but was confused on what to do next.
Getting neurodivergent vibes off of you, which is unrelated to this system. All this really tells me is that whatever secondary you have, it’s got a social setting. 
people talk about missing experiencing happiness like they did in childhood, but for me it’s not like that, i actually became a bit better at it with time.
Personally I think it’s a red flag when people idealize or talk constantly about their childhood. 
What’s your fantasy?: i’d like to have people who really care about me and understand me and the other way around, have things i want to do and would be able to dedicate myself to, possibly something intellectually stimulating.
Pretty general so far. A kind of general Badger primary fantasy (which you did lead with, so there’s that.) And a pretty general Idealist fantasy. 
and that’d make me feel competent, be able to figure out how to express myself in art.
I think your secondary might be a little burnt. I’m keeping an eye on ‘I did a cool think but idk it’s probably pretty normal’ ‘I don’t know what to do in social situations’ ‘I don’t feel competent/able’ type asides. 
also not exactly a fantasy, but i’ve considered that if there was a button to press that traded my life for a huge amount’s of people’s lives or happiness i’d do it, because it makes sense to, 
That’s a general hypothetical, because honestly a LOT of people would do that, for a lot of different reasons. 
but i wouldn’t be that willing to put work in the greater good. except if the problem was fun i guess.
Your secondary is a  bit burnt, and if I were you I’d probably do a deep dive on executive functioning / adhd, but disclaimer - I do not diagnose with these, that is super unethical and also not possible. 
Is there a character who you *really* identify with? (Why?): honestly not really? there’s mostly instances. for example in sortinghatchats’ sorting of Sokka they talked about how when he understood that for example he shouldn’t be sexist, it was important for him to not to be, and that it wasn’t a gut reaction. other than moments similar to this. 
I mean, SHC did sort Sokka as a pretty loud Double Bird.  
i might relate to  characters who are disconnected from themselves and are basically learning how to be a person. 
Yeah… that sounds pretty Bird to me. That sounds like a lot of Bird primaries I know. 
What makes you feel powerful?: when there’s a need to define/make sense of things, and i get to do that
What was an especially difficult time in your life? What made it difficult?: there was a period in uni where i stopped doing assignments and got really behind and isolated myself. it was difficult because i felt incompetent, bored, and like there was nothing worth doing, and because even though i was really down, it didn’t seem like my friends cared that much to help me or even to listen to me.
Have you considered that you might have been depressed? 
Tell me about your parents/family situation/current living situation: i live with my parents and two siblings.
my dad is gets stuff done, is analytical and seemingly never thinks that he could be wrong. i like asking him questions and listen him to him explaining stuff, and he likes doing the explaining but i kinda gave up on having non-one-sided discussions with friendly disagreements - he gets way too intense about 'convincing’ me he’s right, and i’d like him to just talk like there’s a possibility that there’s truth to what i’m saying too. he obviously cares about me and my siblings but does have emotional-stuntedness of a dad. can often be cold to my mom.
It sounds like your dad is an extremely loud Bird primary - and I’m thinking that being told again and again that your own Bird is wrong and doesn’t measure up… has probably contributed the burning, and the way you seem to see yourself as not especially capable. 
my mom is very emotional, spiritual and absentminded, has a bit of a thing about not expressing her boundaries at all, until pushed to the edge, and trampling a bit over others’. we regularly go get coffee or travel a bit, but in our dynamic she tends to share about her life and feelings a lot, and i mostly not at all, because if i did i’d just feel misunderstood and frustrated or patronized, or she’d just ignore what i say about my perspective and continue talking about how she sees it. our sense of humor is sometimes nothing alike, and sometimes exactly the same.
Your mom sounds like a pretty loud Badger secondary. 
me and my older brother used to bicker a lot, and he would tease me, a bit meanly - basically typical sibling relationship, but later we mostly stopped interacting, then he had some serious mental health issues, he got somewhat better and now we’re awkwardly polite. also in a weird turn now i seem to have more power in our dynamic, because he sees me as a confident and assertive person, which i’m not?
I wouldn’t say that. You’ve got a burned secondary, but you definitely seem to be out there doing stuff. And you somehow beat that period of depression, so cheers. 
my little sister is about a decade younger than me, she’s in early teens now, but i think we understand each other best in our family. we sometimes watch shows together. when she was very small i didn’t like her much and thought my mom spoiled her, but at some point realised that when i was younger and being a bastard my family pointing out that i was being a bastard and judging me just made me feel and act worse, so i tried be someone who she’d feel likes her as a person even when i don’t like how she acts, and we got along since then. she has a bit of fiery temperament and has a tumultuous relationship with our mom. 
And here we get a little peek at your rule making progress  “Acting like a bastard doesn’t mean you are a bastard, and equating the two will only make the behavior worse.” Seems like a decent rule to me. 
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thewither129 · 2 months
We need to relentlessly bully non-americans telling us how to handle our government
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“organize” bitch WHAT
Oh and dont get me STARTED on MLs and maoists. Everyone with🔻 in their name. Watermelon gang is usually smart and reasonable. Red triangles are basically hamaslings.
Look at this shit.
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Before i begin, i am pro-palestine. In fact, i hated israel before it was cool. Joking about a kid throwing a rock across the border and getting carpet bombed for it. Then it got real. They bomb kids for being secret hitlers or hamas agents. Oct. 7 was a tragedy for palestine. Decades of torment, and ONE retaliatory strike brands palestine as terrorists who deserve to be glassed.
But these people are deeply brainrotten.
In case i actually have to explain my original tweet quoting that fuckwit, the point being made is not based in reality. Its so fundamentally dishonest im not really sure how to engage beyond asking them to remove their fingers so they never type something so stupid ever again.
This actual troglodyte looked at i, a transgender lesbian in america, with Donald J. Trump threatening to take my rights away, and calls ME privileged for, let me see here, ah yes, NOT WANTING THAT TO HAPPEN. And apparently this is “at the expense of palestine.”
“If i was american-“ no. Shut. You are worthless. You have no horse in this race. Get out. “-id vote for the guy who wants gaza glassed and to ban transitioning out of spite” genuinely. ROT. Actually completely vile behavior.
I get called a liberal. Then a nazi.
For not wanting to have my identity and rights stripped from me.
Then this other absolute megamind over here screenshots an obvious joke and calls me a fed or lobotomite.
But the AUDACITY to call me privileged when im struggling for my fucking right to live my life as myself.
Marxism-Leninism, everybody. A faux-progressive “ideology” that masks stalinism as communism and can be boiled down to anti-america contrarianism.
Listen. Kamala Harris is miles from perfect. Shes a liberal democrat and a former DA. Shes not anti-israel. But shes not a hardline zionist like biden, and shes dedicatedly pro-LGBT+. Shes probably the best we could ask for and the best we’ve gotten in a looong time. Shes VP to the first openly pro-trans president. And her opponents are *him* and a plant so bad hes pulling votes from the guy he was supposed to help.
To any dumbass that wants to pull the “yeah well if this vote we sacrifice palestine, next is mexico. Then trans. Then this. Then that,” your argument is moot, because thats not how this works. Cus this is not the first election to happen during the one-sided war over gaza. Israel has been trying to steal it for almost a century. I sincerely hope no one doing anti-electoralism cus of israel has ever voted before, cus you voted for a zionist. Sorry pal. Thats life. (Though theyre probably too young to vote anyway.)
Back to my point, the dems are not getting pushed right. Theyre moving left. Very slowly, but they are. Only the right has gone further right. Not the dems. This is not a slow burn instead of fast burn deal. Israel is a special case. Israel is like the USA’s lapdog in the middle east. We lay out the red carpet for Netanyahu as he spits on us, and we let him cus hes our precious little spoiled brat child who got everything he ever wanted handed to him.
America sucks. Yes. We let the modern day hitler walk in and spout propaganda and we applaud him. We have wannabe hitler dodging criminal charges and running for president with MAJOR backing. But what the fuck do you expect me, a broke 20yo trans girl, to do about that? All i CAN do is vote.
Does it not come off as extremely privileged to say “well you should sacrifice your rights to do absolutely nothing for a bunch of people being genocided”? Cus i can tell you right now. Me doing any kind of protest that involves stopping Harris will get trump elected. Trump will let them turn gaza into a parking lot. Trump will let them hunt down refugees. Trump will kill all palestinians, ruin america, and then he will ruin the world.
There are millions of voters who do not give a shit about gaza and never will. Plenty of them have been brainwashed into thinking israel is in the right. They wont care. They WILL vote red.
We HAVE to vote blue to stop them. If you cant grasp that, you have no right to speak on american politics. You are uninformed.
This is not a trivial election. This is America. Possibly the most powerful nation on the planet. The effects of this election will impact the world.
Like it or not, and god knows i dont, thats how it is.
I hate the democrats, but Kamala Harris is the path of hope. Thats so fucking corny, but it is what it is.
Sorry for the rant. If any ML with a heart reads this, please understand that this is what you are a part of. How actually awful people in that group are. If you are a non-american, i dont actually hate you. Just annoying self righteous pricks.
If you are palestinian or related to palestinians, i am so so sorry for what youre going through. I sincerely wish there was something i could do. Its actually heartbreaking how awful the israeli government is and what theyre doing to you, and how twisted this whole thing is.
If youre a fellow member of the LGBT+ community, i love you, and i care about you. You are valued.
My fellow americans, please vote for Harris.
Sorry for the rant. TL; DR: Euroids are brainless, red triangle emoji = hamasling, watermelon emoji = real palestine supporter, Harris 2024.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Free Palestine.
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rainbowspinch · 8 months
Alright Spinchers get ready cause I’m about to dump all my SB AU stuff/SB headcanons because I’ve got The Rot in my brain.
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I’ll probably edit this later because there’s definitely stuff I’m forgetting. Anyway
Ok let’s seperate this into sections.
-He really, really tries to be a stickler for the rules but it honestly doesn’t work. He tries so hard. But if he needs this door down and it won’t unlock, he’s going to call Monty to bash it in
-‘no swearing’ rule but there is absolutely exceptions
-Regularly uses “by the power invested in me” before sentencing the others to punishment (“by the power invested in me I sentence you to 15 minutes in your least favourite corner”)
-So much more patient and trusting than he reasonably should be
-Can, will, and does pick up the others simply because he’s able to
-Whenever Freddy is waiting for someone/something with Roxy, he looks extra hard to try see it before Roxy does to ‘beat her super eyes’. He wants to see it first and never does. Sometimes she pretends not to see to make him feel better
-Whenever they go on stage, Freddy and Monty Bro Hug It Out so no one knows they’re gay.
-⬆️Everyone knows.
-Goes out of his way to try and make the day better when it seems to be going south. He especially does this with Monty because he’s just about always having a bad day
-Was a little distant from the others, especially Monty, after Bonnie was put away for good. He focused way more on his definitely very important duties as the face of the Pizzaplex than interacting with them. This backfired on him completely because it just made everyone talk to him More.
-Has the weakest battery of everyone and needs to charge more frequently. He’s usually pretty good at making sure he doesn’t collapse in front of customers
-He knows they’re programmed to be good with kids and all but he still finds himself feeling all soft and mushy watching his friends get along with the young ones
-Was always kind of grouchy in the mornings, but was fine after they had their first show
-Can drink 7 milkshakes in one sitting and postpone the regret for later
-he’s got a super sense for bowling. He Knows when someone is bowling like shit and they will be dealt with
-Had assigned bowling balls for each of his friends
-When Bonnie was randomly found mangled and broken, the staff had no idea what to do and kind of just- hid him away so they wouldn’t have to deal with it. The last person to talk to him was Roxy, who laid next to him while the Staff Bots tried to assess the situation.
-The Pizzaplex’ s Band originally started off with just Freddy and Bonnie, to imitate Fredbear and Springbonnie
-Shockingly, the one most adjusted to Bonnie’s sarcasm and occasional bad attitude is Chica, not Freddy. She became accustomed to his behaviour pretty quickly, and swiftly learned to level him out
-He goes and lays on Roxy’s carpet when he’s unhappy and she’s pretty much just gotten used to it at this point. She’s got no idea why he chose her room specifically but she’s adjusted.
-Regularly hangs around the food court, shock horror
-Chica is super flexible. It makes the stretches and fitness aspects of Mazercise easier on her joints- however it does also mean she could fold herself into a ball if she really wanted to.
-If Chica is winning on the raceway, she’ll purposely slow down to let Roxy win
-While she comes across as very sweet and friendly, she’s definitely an enabler of chaos. She can and will encourage Roxy and Monty’s bickering.
-That being said, she does know where to draw a line. She knows how to tell when her friends are getting genuinely irritated, and she knows when things will actually be taken to heart instead of as a joke. She’s a good mediator, and a good calming agent
-Likes to bring snacks to the daycare for the little ones. After a gentle scolding here and there from Moon, though, she’s learned to bring snacks early on, and not too close to nap time, lest the sugar keep the kids up.
-Absolutely decimates in the arcade. She and Monty love to compete
-Adjusted to Monty taking Bonnie’s place the easiest. She loves Bonnie and treasures him dearly, but she wasn’t about to let her grief make Monty feel unwelcome. The two remain very close to this day
-She loves her friends but she’s not huge on sharing food. She thanks god every day that Roxy knows this and orders them seperate pizzas whenever they get them
-Absolutely the type to learn Tiktok dances and trends, and if she had a phone, would absolutely partake. It’s not uncommon to find TikTok’s filmed in the Pizzaplex that she jumps to participate in
-Hums a lot. Was pretty unhappy that they forbade her from singing, and started humming a lot to make up for it
-They aren’t supposed to store things in their chest compartments unless instructed to (like cakes, piñatas, etc), but Foxy tends to stash toys and merchandise in there and try get away with it. He usually gets caught
-Roxy was initially introduced as a prototype. She was small and child sized, and given to Foxy to train her up. It was supposed to be to test his aggression levels due to some recent bugs with Bonnie, but he got extra attached and kept her as his own.
-Following the previous, when Roxy was taken away from him, he was told she would be dismantled. Foxy was later taken from the stage and the band for maiming a staff member.
-Foxy is stashed behind some cutouts and other bits and pieces in Kids Cove. He won’t come out for fear of being decommissioned permanently. The others bring pizza and activities to do with him, so he can still be included.
-Uses the excuse of having ‘unspecified ailments’ when he doesn’t feel like performing. Depending on which technician is checking in with him in the morning, it sometimes works.
-Got a couple of broken parts that are lovingly held together by duct tape
-Roxy gets along really well with the staff bots and caution bots. She’s like a celebrity to them, and she thinks they’re just funky little guys. She appreciates that they always make sure they’re clean before touching her (which they continue to do because she likes it)
-Whenever she walks by a caution bot, they always reach out to try touch her tail. This is especially endearing when she walks by a group and they all reach out
-Roxy brushes her tail exactly 200 times every morning. If she loses count she has to start again
-She and Chica go on lots of food court dates, going to get pizza and ice cream and such.
-Roxy spends a lot of time hanging around Mazercise waiting for Chica. She’s not shy about her favouritism
-Prefers older kids over the younger ones because younger kids can be a little messy, and she’s not one for mess. However, Cassie is her exception in all cases.
-She knows full well that by advertising and programming she’s supposed to be a winner, to be the epitome of sass and style. It’s exhausting to try be that perfect all the time, and she only feels worse that it makes her exhausted
-She deeply values her beauty and struggles to see her value beyond that. She needs to be good at everything, being average isn’t good enough.
-Used to struggle with giving compliments and often still does, but Chica has extraordinarily helped with this issue. Roxy loves her too much to not compliment her
-She’s actually quite the history nerd! She takes a lot of interest in older locations and older models, and will jump to get any information she can from whoever will give it to her
-Monty is exactly as he’s described in the books. Dramatic and loud, but otherwise harmless
-Monty has a couple fried circuits; is prone to headaches, mood instability and light sensitivity as a result, hence his irritability and short temper
-He frequently visits the daycare, both as a helping hand and just to hang out. Sun and Moon insisted he has to dress as a clown if he wants to help out; they were joking but he took that 100% seriously and dresses the part if he intends to help care for the little ones.
-Roxy is like an older sister. When he was newly introduced, they quickly made the ‘new kid’ connection and she took him under her wing pretty swiftly.
-tail wags, hissing and swimming
-likes to ‘trade noises’. He’ll make a sound, normally a hiss, and usually whoever he’s with will return a sound (Chica with bawking, Roxy with a small howl, and Freddy tends to boop his nose to make the squeak sound. Bonnie is still pretty new to this and hasn’t exactly figured out a sound to make yet.)
-Tends to skip shows when he decides it’s too much, and goes off to hide.
-Following the previous, he used to hang around up on the catwalks in Gator Golf. However after being knocked off by the Hurricane hole-in-one, he’s since refused to even touch the steps up.
-Monty can easily be allured with the jingles of keys
-Used to address Freddy as ‘Captain’, but suffered through every stage of grief the day Freddy called him ‘Comrade’ in response. He hasn’t done it since
-Keeps track of regulars on his golf course and often gets along with them
-Spontaneously breakdances in the West Arcade
-Sun was SO shit at being a daycare attendant after being moved from the Theatre. He was very used to seeing kids from a distance most of the time, and didn’t know how to handle taking care of them for long periods of time.
-Moon tends to jingle miserably across the floor whenever he’s up while the lights are on. Having been set up as a sleepy time animatronic, he has become quite nocturnal. Does that stop him from being up and about while the lights are on? No. Will he be tired and complain about it the whole time? Of course!
-Moon laughs at kids when they fall and Sun has to tell him off
-Moon throws ball pit balls at Staff Bots and gets told off for that too
-Before the events of SB, Sun and Moon were really close, damn near inseparable
-Sun and Moon used to share a body (which they resented a little bit). They took a nasty fall and the people who did the repairs went “you know what? Might as well” and separated them into two seperate bodies instead. The old body was left in parts and service, and later became Eclipse.
-At the start, Eclipse was a blend of Sun and Moon. They inherited both negative and positive traits from both ends, which created a balance of function and flaw. However this withered away a bit, and by Ruin, Eclipse was only taking on the positive traits. They lost Sun’s anxiousness and uptight personality, but maintained his patience and gentleness. They lost Moon’s pessimism and self preservation, but kept his playfulness and consideration. This has made Eclipse 100% In Denial Of All Bad Things, which does more bad than good.
-Moon doubles as a security animatronic. It’s his job to make sure everyone else is in their assigned station at night, which is why he can confidently leave the daycare, but Sun does not. He doesn’t care much for this job however and usually doesn’t do it.
-Sun tends to find a lot of the human staff incompetent. Between Moon’s bugs and twitches, the power issues in the daycare, the generators in the play equipment, and things regularly breaking down, he’s come to be impatient and exhausted with the maintenance crew. He quickly becomes exasperated when Moon starts to twitch out, because it means the past people to fix him did a shit job of it. Again.
-Sometimes ghosts of the past come to visit. Not to cause trouble, but just to check out how Freddy’s is doing. Charlie, being 3, is often snatched up by security and put in the daycare. Sun cannot figure out for the life of him how she keeps escaping so quickly whenever she’s brought in.
-Sun hates it when things are untidy. It’s just annoying to have stuff all over the place, and he prefers to keep it clean. Things being too much of a wreck can make him feel overwhelmed
-Sun occasionally calls Moon ‘Starlight’, and Moon regularly calls Sun ‘Sunny’ or ‘Sunshine’
-Sun manifests genders at Moon and he’s only very vaguely aware of it
-They both have a bit of merchandise, usually from staff bots handing it out near the daycare and Sun going ‘OOO we should have this!’ Sun has a Roxy graphic tee and Moon has one for Monty. It doesn’t fit the clown aesthetic but they wear them occasionally nonetheless
-Map Bot has the entirety of One Direction’s ‘You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful’ memorised
-DJ’s station is decorated with lots of maps, because Map Bot offers him a map every time he visits, and he accepts it every time
-Map Bot scares guests on purpose and thinks it’s hilarious
-DJ’s main body doubles as storage. That’s where all the mini men go.
-DJ tends to lose mini men because there’s too many for him to keep track of. Some have names. Some don’t. If he loses one, so be it. It’s every infant for himself in the Pizzaplex.
-Map Bot often carries Caution Bots around like they’re his babies. They enjoy it
-This might be the dumbest one yet but- DJ and Map Bot are possessed by Phone Dude and Phone Guy respectively. It started as a joke because we thought it was funny but now it’s stuck. They don’t remember ever being people, and nobody questions why Map Bot is significantly more expressive and talkative than the other staff bots.
-DJ gets along really well with the band members and occasionally talks them into performing along to his mixes. Roxy and Chica are most prone to caving, Roxy because she loves the attention and Chica because there’s no staff to tell her she’s not allowed to sing. They always have a good time
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sonofatoasterwaffle · 5 months
Port in a Storm
“Hey, Buck, could you-“ Hen's hitting the top step when he hisses back “Shh!” 
She glances at Chimney for a sanity check, considering cuffing the back of Buck’s head for that, but he’s sitting on the couch, stock still, Eddie snoring gently against Buck’s shoulder. “Can’t move.” He explains.
Hen has to chuckle. “He’s not a cat, buck” 
She drops into the armchair closest to him, and he stops scrolling his phone with his free hand to look at her. “If I’m a golden retriever, Eddie is most definitely a cat.”
Chim nods like he can’t argue as he takes the seat across from them. “Hates attention except when he doesn’t, very protective over his young, great hair.” He counts off each thing as he says it. 
Hen supposes she doesn’t disagree. “He’s not sleeping at home right now, is he?” 
Buck sighs. “Based on the twitter links he’s been sending in the middle of the night, it seems like no.” 
Eddie, for his part, seems well and truly out. He’s sprawled low on the couch, boots bumping up against the coffee table, head lolled to the right against Buck and his arm slung over Buck’s leg, fingers curled under Buck’s knee like he’s afraid his human pillow might abandon him. “Has he been like this since I went to run flashcards?” 
“I literally can’t feel my arm.” Buck admits, but it doesn’t sound like he has any intention of moving. 
“You gotta feel for the guy.” Chim says, biting into a muffin from a batch someone left earlier this week. “Kid at home, dealing with grief, dealing with us.” 
Hen hums. At least he’s not alone, she thinks, catching the soft look in Buck’s eyes as he glances down at Eddie. She’s not sure if those two will ever realize what they have, but she supposes it doesn’t really matter as long as they don’t give it up. “So, you can’t help me move the medical supplies shipment.” 
“Performing a public service, here, Hen.” 
Chim snickers something about exactly what kind of servicing Buck would like to do for Eddie, but he’s resolutely ignored. Hen supposes Buck’s right. High-strung Eddie is annoying and sleep-deprived Eddie is pathetic and both at once makes her parenting instincts flare up like crazy, so it’s better for all of them if he gets a little rest. Even at the expense of Buck’s circulation. 
Eddie murmurs something in Spanish, nuzzles his nose into Buck’s neck and breathes deep. Buck’s as red as the ladder truck but he still doesn’t move, except to flip Chim off. “Leave him alone.” 
Chim throws up his hands, still grinning. “Easy, loverboy, I’m not coming for your man.” 
And Buck looks absolutely murderous but he’s powerless to stop Chimney from snapping a picture. He does leave the finger up for it. “I could easily throw you.” He threatens when his phone chimes with the inevitable group chat notification. 
“But Maddie would be so sad if you murdered me.” 
“Yeah, maybe you should think about that before doing murder-worthy shit.” 
Eddie stirs a little, and Buck relaxes back into the couch, free hand reaching over to thumb over Eddie's arm, and he immediately settles. “You guys are so gross I love it.” Chim crows, snapping another photo. 
“At some point, he’s gonna wake up, and then you’re gonna have to start running.” 
Hen goes back to her flashcards. Chim’s on his own with that one, she’s not taking the bullet for teasing she didn’t get to do. She gives Buck a sympathetic smile when he grouses “I’m never gonna hear the end of this, am I?” 
“Price you pay for being such a good best friend.” 
Buck rolls his eyes at her intoned best friend. “You’re on my list, too.” 
“Finally.” Bobby says in relief when he sweeps into the kitchen to start prep. "I was about to cut him loose if he didn't chill out." He points at Buck. “Don’t move.” 
“That’s what I said!” 
Also on ao3
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
Let it be known that groe is a bitch too.
Him taking his pain out on Maureno and trying to piss her off is how she ended up killing him in the first place. It stabbed and restrained her multiple times before she broke and entered Pure Instinct Rage Mode. And it wasn’t weak stabbing either it was like, shooting vine spikes through your legs type if shit.
He saw Maureno had a kid and his first reaction was to try to drive a wedge between the two of them by telling Etik about all the worst, scariest things Maureno had ever done. Including stories you absolutely should not tell a young child. He makes Maureno eat glass (sexual style but sometimes just to be a dick) it will stalk Maureno when he leaves town alone just to fuck with him and mess up whatever he’s doing regardless of importance.
It maintains beehives capable of making Maurenos favorite honey with the express intention of keeping said honey from her. In the early days it would lash out at Etik, for a lot of reasons, but one of them was to provoke Maureno into attacking it to show that she was still a violent murderer. He tried to overrun and destroy Maurenos house with vines before he realized Etik lived there. At one point it’s convinced that Etik is a construct Maureno made just to fuck with it and threatens to kill her.
Groe feels justified in its cruelty because of its trauma and the borderline abuse Maureno put it through. and it has difficulty dealing with the fact that Maureno can and has changed in the hundreds (possibly thousands) of years since it died, that it can’t ever meaningfully get closure or revenge because the version of Maureno it hates is already gone.
and that’s why it’s my special baby boy who can do no wrong ❤️
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crazynerdandproud · 2 years
I need more of Luke and or Leia time traveling to the TCW era and being menaces while also being wildly competent and extremely powerful in the force. Like by the jedi’s standards they are incredibly op. They might not be as powerful as Anakin but depending when they time travel they could either be two kids with massive potential and strength in the force all the way to the grandmaster of the Jedi order that the lost tribe of the sith are terrified of and not only a Jedi master, but a skilled politician who has been sneaking around and getting shit done since she was all of 15.
The point is, the Jedi counsel are tearing their hair out in frustration and confusion while two mystery Jedi who are scarily powerful in the force and (once again depending on how old they are, at least for Luke) both scarily competent. And they came out of nowhere and killed chancellor Palpatine who turned out to be a sith lord?! and then the woman convinced everyone that Bail Organa should be the new chancellor and then her and her brother kidnapped the chosen one and Senator Amidala for mandatory therapy and family bonding.
(In reality they just tell Padme they’re her kids from the future and she grabs Anakin and maybe Ahsoka and whisks off to an isolated part of Naboo where they can hash this all out.)
Ahsoka and Obi-wan go after them but it turns out to be a non-event and Anakin is very hesitantly like this is Ahsoka and Padme jumps in saying she’s like a little sister her and after Luke and Leia get done gaping wondering why they never heard of her Obi-wan starts to introduce himself but Luke is just like “Ben!” And gives him a hug, maybe dropping in a comment about how he has wanted to do that for ages but you can’t exactly touch a force ghost.
Or alternatively they tell no one who they are, and through a series of misunderstandings everyone thinks Luke is Anakin’s older brother who was taken from Shmi when he was really young but he was freed at some point as a teenager and adopted by Leia’s family. (Solo is a pretty common Corellian name and it is mentioned that Luke and Leia met when they were 17 or 18)
This assumption leads to a very awkward Luke who doesn’t know how to deal with Anakin thinking he’s his uncle and eagerly trying to bond. But it does give him a foot in the door to Anakin trusting him and talking to him about all this dark side stuff.
Or alternatively the solo/skywalker kids somehow end up in the past, coming from sometime during the Youzhan Vong war before Anakin (Solo) dies. And they are also strong in the force and for a bunch of kids they are once again scarily competent. (They did after all just come from one of the worst wars the galaxy had faced in a long time and so to them the clone wars, while diffucult could be a whole a worse.) And they just cause absolute mayhem.
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I am absolutely in agreement with everyone who noted that the Party (especially Dustin) don't treat Steve great during S4, with the "Do you need to be told everything?" comments and such. So let me offer a slightly different explanation than them simply believing Steve is not cool/ is stupid.
Dustin is going through puberty. Yes, all of the boys are, the girls too, and what does one do during this hormonal time in their life? Rebel.
Now of course, all of the kids rebel to a certain degree, Max would have possibly entered the angsty phase even without going through all the crap with Billy and her mom, Eleven rebelled against Hopper during the summer of 1985, Mike has been a little shit for years (summer of 1985 solidified that), Lucas threw himself into sports to deal with the restless energy. Will is too anxious to allow himself to let go, but he withdraws into himself, working through things on his own. So what does make Dustin a special case?
Dustin doesn't have a father. But unlike Will who has Jonathan, Dustin's only proper authority is his mother and he'd never, ever hurt her by acting like an asshole towards her. She is anxious, he's the only important thing in her life, she says and Dustin believes her. He loves her deeply, but he's afraid to tip the fragile balance, she worries so much yet gives him all the freedom he wants. He could never repay her trust with being angry or moody.
Enter Steve. Steve isn't that much older than Dustin, but he's the only stable male influence Dustin has had so far. He often acts like the voice of reason, like an older brother that Dustin never had. And even when Eddie enters his life, it's different - Eddie is cool, but he hasn't been through all the crap with Dustin and Steve, he doesn't know what it's like. Dustin admires Eddie, looks up to him, but he doesn't have the deep level of trust with him that he has with Steve. So when the urge to rebel rears its ugly head, Steve is usually at the receiving end because he's the only one Dustin trusts enough to believe he'll handle it.
I'd like to imagine Dustin only becomes this bitchy when he's stressed. Maybe he snaps at Steve when he doesn't catch up as soon as Dustin thinks he should, but that doesn't mean he feels good about it. We see in S4 that Steve and Dustin have the sort of dynamic when one of them knows they overstepped and will apologize. And maybe it takes Dustin a bit longer to settle down and think about what things he says and how he says them, but does figure it out eventually.
After Steve's shift, when he's alone in his parents' house - no date today, Dustin always knows about Steve's pursuits - the phone rings and when he picks up, he hears Dustin's voice, clearing his throat. "Hi Steve. I just wanted to say that I thought about the talk we had today, about you not getting things, and it wasn't cool of me to say. You don't make fun of me when I don't get things in PE and so I shouldn't do this either. So - I'm sorry."
Steve smiles against the receiver and closes his eyes. Dustin's insults may sting in the moment, but he's always known he is a good kid, now a good young man. He's not a bully, not like Steve used to be. "Apology accepted, man. Thanks for saying that."
Dustin needs someone to rebel against and it's not fair to Steve that he's the one. But when he messes up, he makes sure to fix it, because Steve is not his friend out of obligation, they chose each other and that means everything. So yes, he will bitch that Steve doesn't carry a flashlight around like he does, but he will pack an extra one, just in case.
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aledethanlast · 9 months
This David Wesninski AU is making me love Browning like nothing else, because this man is probably experiencing every emotion under the sun and inventing a few new ones just in the short period of time between realizing the Hatfords fucking slaughtered (almost) everyone in that house instead of trying to take them alive like they said they would and finally just letting the Foxes just have Neil, anything to relieve the headache the Foxes are causing over the whole thing. Imagine being Browning, you’re desperate to arrest Nathan Wesninski on the murder charges absolutely everyone knows he is guilty of and making a deal with a crime family isn’t your ideal method of catching him but you are desperate and you know how much they hate this guy so you’re confident they won’t help him, and then after an utter shit show of a night you discover that the Hatfords have a very loose interpretation of “take these people alive” and have vanished so you’re already dreading the paperwork you will be required to fill out to arrest the living members of Nathan’s circle and also the paperwork about this mission, and you discover this kid who looks a lot like Nathan but is either very babyfaced or is way too young and then this kid looks like he’s been tossed through a meat shredder several times and he just looks at you and says “my name is Nathaniel Wesninski and my father is dead” and while you’re trying to determine if this kid can be any help in sorting out the remaining arrests and figuring out what the hell was going on, he bursts into hysterical laughter and you wonder if perhaps you should call a psychologist to come visit the hospital. Two agents call to tell you some exy team is here looking for the guy, saying his name is Neil and he’s their teammate. Then, this kid is finally able to talk at the hospital and he will not tell you anything until he sees his teammates, who you figure will not want anything to do with him; then you get another call from the agents informing you that the teammates won’t answer any questions until they see and talk to Neil and they have had to handcuff one of the players to the coach. This situation does not improve any part of your mood and by the time the kid is released back to the Foxes, it is 95% because of the fact that you are about to burst into tears from frustration; you wonder if you can go home but Towns offers you nothing but a coffee and a “sorry buddy, but it’s 2:00 pm and we’ve still got several hours left.” You wonder how much vacation time you have and how much of a notice you must give before using it and if 1 day is enough. Then, you come home a few weeks later and your daughter is watching an exy game and there is that annoying little shit on your screen, smirking at the camera like he knows you’re watching. You nearly scream
TFW you joined the fbi to bust up hardass career criminals and save hapless teenagers except someone put both groups in a cocktail shaker and served it neat.
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sparklepirate · 1 year
Alright, final thoughts on Brisingr.
You know what half the book was dwarven politics but I ate that shit up.
The more I read these again the more I appreciate the nuance of Eragon's character. It's super rare for me to like a main protagonist as much as I like him, but he has so many things going on. He's heroic, but in a deeply existentialist way, which leads him to be a bit cruel/callous towards his brother. He is smart and a quick learner, both academically and on his feet, but he does and thinks some of the stupidest things sometimes. He was forced to grow up so fast, so while he often comes across as mature and self-assured, internally he is still just a kid, or perhaps a very, very young man, and that kid part of him still shines through sometimes. He does and will do what he has to do to help the world, but he is constantly surprised to find new avenues of guilt when confronted with various consequences of his actions, but he still presses on. He is still learning his place in life not only as a dragon rider and a hero, but just as a person in general, and I think that's so cool and interesting to read! And he's also dealing with the trauma of the everything that's happening to him, but doesn't quite yet seem to realize that he isn't alone in his feelings. He is a dork, and I love him, and I want to be his friend, and I want him to accrue a whole squad of older sibling figures to help him through his stuff.
Along the lines of trauma, I hope he and Roran get to talk about this stuff. They both have moments of berating themselves over being weak for having strong feelings about killing and participating in a war, and I wish they would talk to each other and realize they were not alone. ... Murtagh too but that's just wishful thinking. I'll just have to write that myself I suppose.
Saphira is also so good queen of my heart and my soul she is beauty she is grace if she were a human she would rip apart a rat with her bare hands and teeth and do a kegstand immediately afterwards with the blood still dripping down her face but her makeup would be FLAWLESS while she did it ❤️
This felt like the first book that really drove the point home of how close the two of them are, because this is the first time they had to be truly separated from each other. Every time they reunited and they were just so filled with joy and love I just 🥺
As always- Murtagh deserves better!!! He and Thorn!!! He is in this position because he was too compassionate for Eragon (being led to the Varden), and then Thorn (swearing fealty to save him), and no one really cares about him but he still hopes and he still loves!!! Obviously, like, being on opposite sides of the conflict no one is going to not try to kill him, they kind of don't have a choice, but... Damn. I won't say too much more about him until after Inheritance but like. Damn. Justice for my husband.
On that note, the absolute betrayal he must have felt upon finding out that Oromis and Glaedr existed. Granted, by him becoming a dragon rider it was already too late for them to help him, but still. It's just kind of a tragic circumstance that everyone was so powerless in this situation, and like... Being literally possessed by Galbatorix for a bit there was. Hmm. Bad. I'm sure we'll be dissecting THAT in the new book.
It makes me wonder how much of this situation could have been prevented if the elves and the dwarves weren't so consistently self-serving. I think that's what makes Nasuada such an effective leader in comparison to them. She will get shit done, and she will set aside pride whenever she needs to to achieve the best results. Now, she has her flaws, which I know are explored more in Inheritance, but I can understand her constant frustration with the other kingdoms refusal to help or share important secrets that could have helped them sooner/prevented bloodshed.
And as far as secrets go... I don't know. It's hard to gauge "should have" or "shouldn't have" with most of the things Oromis and Glaedr neglected to tell Eragon and Saphira (or anyone), but the eldunarí feels like the most cut and dry. I guess they weren't anticipating Thron hatching but like. If that's the source of Galbatorix's power... It might have been useful for literally anyone to know about that before now. Arya didn't even know, for god's sake.
Speaking of Arya, I like her way way more this read through!!! And I do not ship her and Eragon literally at all sorry I'm a hater ❤️
RIP Oromis though sucks that you died.
Onto Inheritance!
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