#and he's like. not again. i did that to keep you safe and to repay my debts to werlyt but i can't lose you
heirbane · 9 months
I also have thots about gaius leading terncliff in a battle against their blasphemy and it's emotional and touchy feely but ultimately ends in
Old man needing a beer and falling asleep in a hot bath bc he is Retiring. For Good. (Probably not For Good but he finally feels his age and Oof.)
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dadbodbuck · 1 month
i had a bad day and then @tommystummy started talking about bucktommy arguments and this scenario came up and i latched onto it like a moray eel. please enjoy some raw, unedited tommy kinard angst
Tommy doesn't like talking about it. It being the roughly five years he worked under Captain Gerrard, alongside Howie and Hen, when he was deeply closeted and a major asshole. He can make his excuses, he can try to convey the feeling of looking into someone's eyes and only seeing your father's. He can admit to the humiliating nightmares he used to have of his father storming into the fire station and screaming at him. Neither of those are reason enough to be callous towards people who were being tortured in their own workplace.
Howie and Hen were much quicker to forgive him than Tommy was. In fact, it seemed like it only took one mumbled apology for them to shrug it all off. Water under the bridge, they had said. Just don't do it again.
And God, Tommy never did. After that, after finally taking his sexuality out of the box deep in the animal part of his brain, he told himself he would be different. He expected it to be hard, and on some level it was, but—
Tommy kissed a man for the first time (since high school) forty-eight hours after he was reassigned to the 217, quick and dirty in a bar in West Hollywood. Something in Tommy’s chest clicked into place when he heard the soft, deep moan of a nameless man wearing body glitter. He couldn’t go back even if he wanted to.
Before, he’d been afraid of this exact thing. He’d kept his hands to himself because he knew that his closet wasn’t resealable. It was one-and-done. Gerrard’s boys would have eaten him alive. But Howie and Hen wouldn’t. They didn’t.
It still took him a long time for him to tell them. They didn’t talk often, but they did keep in touch. Tommy owed them so many favors he’d probably be repaying them for the rest of his life, but they seemed more interested in just being his friend. A distant one, but a friend nonetheless.
Distance was fine. Distance was easy. Distance allowed for Tommy to keep his comfortable walls in place, even if he redecorated them a little.
It took him three months to realize how debilitating loneliness was. He was out, now, but without the close, albeit sterile and toxic, friendship of the boy’s club at the 118. Tommy longed for connection. He thrived on it. Something deep, and routine, and constant.
But nobody was volunteering. So Tommy resigned himself to his old hobbies, cars and Muay Thai and basketball, and introduced karaoke trivia to the routine, because he’d always loved singing but never had the guts to do it while he was closeted. It was nice. If anyone noticed Tommy’s near-compulsive schedule of activities, they never mentioned it. The years passed. Howie and Hen grew even more distant. Tommy liked their Facebook posts. He did their favors. He was still lonely, but he successfully put the version of himself he had been on a shelf in the deepest recesses of his brain, never to see the light of day again.
He was a good person now. He was good. He was good despite the skeletons rattling in the closet where his love used to be.
Then, Evan.
No other preamble necessary. Then, Evan. With his broad chest and blue eyes and insane, insane ideas.
Really, was Tommy not supposed to fall in love with him?
Things are great for a while. Idyllic. Peaceful, and exciting, and sweet, and so goddamn sexy, and safe. Tommy feels safe in Evan’s arms.
The problem, of course, is that Evan has this idea that he has to know every part of Tommy. All of him.
“I want to love all of you,” Evan murmurs, as a creeping sense of dread settles in Tommy’s chest, “Even the parts you don’t like.”
Tommy chews on his words, but Evan must sense something is wrong, because he props himself up on an elbow and leans over Tommy, brow scrunched in concern.
“There are parts of me that aren’t worth loving.” Tommy settles on, eventually.
He watches Evan’s heart break in real time, and it does nothing to soothe the growing irritation in his chest.
“I don’t believe that,” Evan frowns, “I think even when you were making mistakes, you were worth loving.”
Tommy huffs a dry, sarcastic laugh. “I beg to differ.”
He doesn’t elaborate. Can’t. Evan doesn’t like this. “Tom, that’s—that’s not how this works. You don’t get to pick and choose which parts of you I’m allowed to love. I don’t care what it is. I love you.”
Tommy isn’t going to win this argument, so he doesn’t even try. Instead, he forces himself to relax, and sighs. “Okay. Sorry, honey.”
He can tell Evan isn’t buying it, by the disbelieving set to his mouth, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he lays back down and presses a gentle kiss to Tommy’s shoulder. It feels a lot like another declaration.
“I love you too,” Tommy says, bringing one of Evan’s hands up to his mouth to kiss his knuckles. Evan revels in physical touch—it’s one of his favorite love languages, although he enjoys pretty much all of them. Mostly, Tommy thinks Evan was just love-starved for a long time.
Tommy is positive beyond doubt that Evan was never like him. It takes little talking to Howie and Maddie to confirm that he’s always presented his heart on a platter, warm and bleeding for whoever wants to carry it. There’s no universe where a callous man like Gerrard would have turned Evan into what Tommy was. Evan has never been a coward.
Tommy hopes that’ll be the end of the argument, but the next day, Evan sits down on the couch and says, “I know talking about your past is painful for you, and I don’t want to force you to tell me anything.”
Tommy senses a conjunction and chooses to remain silent.
“But,” there it is, “I don’t take back what I said.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you again,” Tommy grunts, knowing he’s closing himself off.
“Then let me say it,” Evan presses, “There is nothing in your past that would change how I feel about you.”
“You don’t know that,” Tommy says, through gritted teeth, “You don’t know what I was like to Howie and Hen when they first joined the 118. I said things I shouldn’t have. I let Gerrard and his cronies get away with even worse. I let them get hurt, and I did nothing, because I was a coward.”
Evan looks at him with big, sad eyes. “You were scared.”
“I should have done the right thing anyway,” Tommy argues, “You think Howie and Hen weren’t scared? You think they weren’t terrified? Hen got up in front of everyone and gave us this big speech about how proud she was to be gay, to be black, to be herself. And all I did was stand there with this pit in my stomach. Like if anyone looked over at me they would just know, and then I’d be a pariah. Like her.”
“Tommy,” Evan says, dismayed, “She’s forgiven you so many times over for that. Beating yourself up about it does nothing.”
“It holds me accountable,” Tommy says, “It keeps me from being that person again. I hate the person I was back then. You would have hated him, too.”
“Maybe,” Evan shrugs, like it’s just that easy, “But I try not to hate people. I certainly don’t hate my loved ones for making mistakes. And that’s what you did. Make a mistake. Now, looking back on it, I can see that version of you. That Tommy, who was afraid and in pain. I still love him.”
“Stop!” Tommy snaps, but makes no move to get away from Evan. Evan’s hand stutters, but makes its way to Tommy’s shoulder, thumb rubbing over the joint.
“I love every version of all of my loved ones,” Evan says softly, “I love the version of Bobby who almost drank himself to death. I love the version of Eddie that fought people in the street. I love the version of Chim that punched me. I love the version of Maddie that ran away from me—several times, I might add. I love the version of Hen that almost ended her own marriage when she betrayed Karen’s trust.”
There’s about thirty different stories Tommy wants to explore in there, but Evan doesn’t let him get a word in edgewise. “And I love the version of you that stood by and watched because he was too scared to intervene.”
Evan leans in to plant a tender kiss to Tommy’s cheek. “I love him, and I love the Tommy who was in Iraq, and I love the Tommy who was almost a high school dropout, and I love the Tommy who loved to go hiking after middle school, and I love the Tommy who was late learning how to walk but early learning how to read. It’s not hard. He’s you.”
“I don’t want him to be me,” Tommy confesses, throat tight.
“But he is,” Evan murmurs, soft and soothing in Tommy’s ear, “He’s right here. And he’s doing right by people now. He learned how to be brave. He made amends. Hen and Chim didn’t forgive you because you killed that old version of yourself, they forgave you because you made an effort.”
It’s the first time Tommy’s ever heard it phrased like this, and something about the way Evan says it makes his eyes sting. Evan pulls him into a hug, tucks his face into the crook of his neck, and lets Tommy cry. Rubs his back through it. If Tommy pretends, he could be rubbing the uniform-clad thirty-five year-old firefighter, or the fatigued back of an eighteen-year-old soldier, or the thrifted cotton tee of a middle schooler, or the just-too-tight romper of a toddler. All the Tommies that never got this, all the Tommies that desperately wanted it.
For the first time since his mother died, Tommy is held while he cries, and after nearly thirty years, something in his chest stops aching.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 9 months
I will be your Blade Point Me
Loyalty was a trait Janet Drake respected above all others.
It can give you power, fame, money to have someone's loyalty was to have their life.
Tim has always given his all. His people whatever they need they have. May it be his mind, his skills, or even his weapons.
If Dick Grayson demanded the shirt off his back he would remain naked till the end of his days.
Very few times has anyone actually used it the first to test it was Jason.
"Hey Jay.. What's up you never call?"
Tim's phone is always ringing from Wayne Enterprises to his assorted friends he can't remember it being silent. Yet the shock when HighWay to Hell started blaring almost sent him into cardiac arrest.
"Need a favor. Think you could meet me at that safe house you keep pretending not to break into?"
"Yah no problem also it's not breaking in when you leave the window unlocked. Give me ten."
Jason doesn't do favors. He would rather die again than ever ask for shit.
When it comes to Tim though he's not an idiot. During his return to Gotham he researched, knew everything about him from his favorite color to when he fucking peed.
Part of his research specifically including who trained the third Robin. Nevermind that watching the kid fight for more than ten minutes gives it away.
Lady Shiva, Ra's just to name a few. He moves almost exactly the same as Cass. Hides in the shadows better than Damian. The whole creepy debacle with Mr. Old as Fuck just furthered Jason hypothesis.
Baby Bird, Bruce's prized protege isn't none lethal.
"I need you to kill someone."
Tim in the back of his mind expected it.
Jason for all he is exactly like Bruce doesn't respond the same. To him protection is blood soaked, a knife to the throat is a greeting. Kindess was shrouded and wasn't offered without losing a part of yourself.
"Joker I'm assuming?"
He expected a bit of a fight maybe a lecture at least for him to pretend, not whatever it is Replacement is doing.
"He hasn't broken out of Arkham in months haven't heard shit and I hear your in the same business as me nowadays. What you say about helping a brother out?"
He wonders if Jason is aware of how his voice cracked. The pleading that was heard the unspoken because I can't. Tim couldn't imagine looking Jason in the eye and saying no. Watching your son bend and demanding he break.
"Hate to burst your bubble, but I already did, I know you think the worst of me but I wasn't gonna let your murderer keep kicking his feet."
He tosses the drive he's been sitting on almost three months before heading back to the window.
"I know we got our shit Jay but your my brother. This is something you needed to be able to sleep at night. You shouldn't feel like you have to beg. I honestly thought you had known and didn't want to acknowledge it."
Jason can't breathe as he shuts his computer. Thirty hours of torture his baby brother broke the Joker in ways that turned his stomach.
He climbs into bed his eyes shutting sleeping without a nightmare for the first time in years.
He can't ever repay Tim nothing will ever be enough but he is gonna do everything to try.
He wonders if Ra's might need the same treatment?
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berrygoodjob · 2 months
May I pretty please request Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan and Taiga reacting to an MC who loves to cook for/with them? I just think that would be so cute, and they would definitely take into account personal taste (cough taiga cough)
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Tokyo Debunker x Reader that cooks for them
Ft: Sho, Haku, Jiro, Alan, Taiga
Shohei Haizono
—he’s so happy
—like SO happy
—he’s gonna pretend it’s not a huge deal to him
—but he’s gonna weasel his way in and before you know it you two are cooking all your meals together
—he loves that you share a common interest with him
—he’ll nerd out and tell you all about the things he wants to cook or new techniques he just learned
—he knows how much effort goes into cooking for someone so he feels very special when you cook for him
—he loves loves trying any new recipes he finds with you
—you both judge it together
—he brags about it so much too
—once professor Hyde finds out tho,,, it’s over (he teased sho so much now your cooking dates are kept very private.)
Haku Kusanagi
—he’ll tease you just a little “ohh you did all this for me??”
—he’s so ready to call you his little housewife/house husband/ house spouse
—really he’s touched
—he’ll brag to suba and Zenji about it so much
—be prepared to be showered with compliments (he definitely wants you to cook for him again)
—he loves being the test subject for all the new recipes you want to try
—be warned he will try to taste test before it’s done
—he’s the kind that’ll sneak up on you when you’re focused and put his arms around you and just watch you work too
—he’s always asking if you have more for him if he sees you cooking
Jiro Kirisaki
—says he’s too busy to eat it right away
—he’ll get to it eventually (if he eats?? I know he has some tummy trubs)
—it’s cold by the time he does, but even then he can tell it’s good
—he’ll thank you for the meal next time he sees you
—he’s not fully sure if he’s supposed to return the favor or just thank you
—he really appreciates it though and wants you to know that
—he doesn’t really talk about it much to others, but he will lowkey humble brag to Yuri
—he comes to give you checkups a little more often than he needs to, just in case and as a way of repaying you (he just wants to see you again)
Alan Mido
—he’s stunned the first time
—poor bby doesn’t know what to do
—he’s touched really
—he’ll thank you and say you didn’t need to go through the trouble for him
—he’ll offer you some too just to be polite
—he thinks about you for the rest of the day and how he can return the favor
—he’s gonna try to make you something too,, he’ll ask Sho for advice and everything
—he’ll toss it before you come over though,,, cooking isn’t his strength
—he still really appreciates when you cook for him
—he starts getting a bit hopeful every time he sees you, wondering if you have more for him
Taiga Hoshibami
—ok I’m a little stumped here tbh
—does he even eat human food?? Or just raw anomalous meat?
—let’s just say you went and got some kind of anomalous meat (I won’t question how you got it,,,, maybe hunting?? Or asking rui for some to spare so taiga doesn’t have to steal??)
—he’ll be a little confused and definitely point his gun at you
—“who are you and what do you want?”
—you have to remind using his nickname for you
—he’ll still be a little on edge though and question why you’re bringing him food
—he’ll accept the food tho and make a big mess eating it in front of you (just to see how you react and if it scares you to watch him eat)
—he grows to appreciate what you do if you keep bringing him food and he always looks forward to your visits after
—seeing how taiga treats you and how you’re always safe from him, some of the sinostra students will try to do the same
—so far he’s chased everyone but you out
—you’re the only one allowed to see him in such a vulnerable position
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haru-natsuka · 11 months
The Rhyme (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader)
Genre: Fluff
- I write the non-angst version for you guys! And because Malleus deserves better
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"You act like a child. I'm getting confused about which one is my child"
You caressed your husband's head as he tried to snuggle closer towards your body and warmth. Your back was laid on the bed stand while your husband put his head on top of your leg. Although you sound like you are mad at him but he only responds with a smirk as he knows very much how you love him to be close to you. Therefore, it was time to bring him to reality.
You tried to lift his head and it would be a success if he did not purposely put all his weight on your lap. You even tried to move your legs from being a comfortable cushion for him but he still laid firm and even chuckled at your misery. No way you would let Malleus win this war. You slowly approached his neck and tickled him. It was a failed mission. Same results as before.
"If you don't move, I will touch your most sensitive part." You gaze at his horns in a victorious look only for you to be dumfounded by his reply
"You do it and after that, you might be pregnant with our second child" You blushed so hard at his comment as you do understand his meaning. Being pregnant with another child was only the outcome but the process of it, a month without leaving the bedroom was too much! The fact that you just gave birth to your first egg was enough for you to not try to seduce your husband more, maybe in 10 years more.
"Dear, I am in love with your voice. Sing more, please. The same song"
"But that song is for our child and you just put our egg out of my reach. At least, let me hold him while singing it" You looked at the egg that was floating above from Malleus but a bit far from your reach. Did Malleus think your child was a kite?
"Dear, just focus on me first. Our child will get plenty of your attention when he hatches from his egg so now your eyes should be on me" A hand caressed your cheek before it slipped at the back of your neck and Malleus pulled your face towards him. His lips gently kissed you again and again which just melts your heart from trying to let yourself free from him. When he stopped kissing you, you took the advantage to peck at his forehead.
"Because you give me so much love, it's just right to repay it"
A warm cradle
Starlight and the happiness
Even now I will be by your side
As we look at each other
Don't be afraid
Even if you wake up from the dreams
Sleep, sleep, my beloved child
In dreams,
I pray you would be guided toward the light
Malleus could not help but keep on staring at his wife's face looking up at their egg as she sang the songs with a loveable look on her face. It was the face of a mother who tried to pour her love into her child with the song. Telling the child that she would be safe as the mother was always by his side so the child just should keep on dreaming happily without any worry.
Was this how his mother looked like when she sang the song for him before? Such a gentle look and love was so warm. It was different when Lilia tried to sing the song for Silver. Mother's love was a really special thing. No one told him anything about his parent so this much was enough. To know his mother loved him this much was enough. He was not lonely and alone at all.
A warm cradle
Starlight and the happiness
Even now I will be by your side
As we look at each other
Don't be afraid
Even if you wake up from the dreams
Sleep, sleep, my beloved husband
In dreams,
I pray you would be guided toward the light
The change of the lyric for the second time did catch him out of his guard while his wife just smiled as she knew he noticed the thing she did. "Thank you, dear" Malleus had a smile of joy as he hummed along to his wife's voice. He loves his current life.
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simmerandwrite · 6 months
Sink Into Me - 09 - mob!Steve Rogers x plus size!reader
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Pairing: mob boss! Steve Rogers x plus size! reader
Summary: You were simply doing a good deed, pulling the handsome stranger out of the way when a car jumped the curb. Little did you know that the life you saved belonged to Steve Rogers, the Army veteran turned art dealer with connections to the Brooklyn crime syndicate.
Steve Rogers, who won’t stop calling you his guardian angel.
Steve Rogers, whose new goal in life just might be repaying his debt to you.
Steve Rogers, who isn’t shy until it comes to his feelings and will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Chapters: 01 02 03 04 05 06  07 08 09
Wordcount: 11k
Warnings: angst, allusions to dog fighting (but no mention of any kind of abuse), smut
Notes: here we go!! I have so much to say but I'll summarize it with a big thank you!! to everyone who read, reblogged and followed along for the journey. y'all made this so much more fun! can't wait to hear your thoughts!! and while this is the end of Sink Into Me, this universe may stick around for a while. a few more notes on this at the end ;) thank you thank you thank you! enjoy!!
“Hi,” you said quietly, meeting his eyes in the low light streaming in from his lamp.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, scanning you for any signs of distress.
You shrugged, taking in a deep breath. Then Steve took a step back, waving his arm to invite you in. You released your lungs slowly, nodding and following him inside. Wordlessly, he climbed into the bed and offered the open blanket to you, arms wide.
You just nodded again, crawling under the comforter and finding a spot - your spot - underneath his arms.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you pulled away from him. A strange empty laugh escaped you.
“I can’t believe… an hour ago… I was being held at gunpoint. That’s crazy. Isn’t that crazy?” The whole thing suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks, all of it. The ambush on your way home, the brute force, the cold rain, the gun.
“Sweetheart..” Steve sat up the same way you did. 
You shook your head and shuffled to the side of the bed and planted your feet on the floor, sitting there as you caught your breath. 
“Hey, hey. Just breathe, okay?” He scrambled off the bed, coming around the kneel in front of you. With one hand, he reached out and placed it on your knee. You dropped yours onto his and squeezed it. “I’m.. baby, I’m so sorry.”
You closed your eyes, taking in a few deep breaths.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered your name, brushing his thumb against your knee. “I’m sorry for everything. Ever since that day.. On the street, outside the restaurant, just by saving me - you had a target on your back and it’s my fault. I hurt you and put you in danger and it’s my fault.”
The silence washed over you both again.
Steve continued, quieter. “Is there anything I can do or say right now to help you? I know you’re probably scared and I can’t fix that but… your well being, that’s all that matters to me.”
You exhaled and opened your eyes. “I.. I’m hungry.”
Steve blinked. “Uh, okay. Sure. I can order a pizza or we could..” His lips twitched into a brief smile. “How about grilled cheese?”
Truthfully, Steve wasn’t always stocked up on the basics but this time he was grateful for what few groceries remained in his fridge. There was a strange silence as you headed to the kitchen. Steve got to work grabbing what he needed for grilled cheese making while you sat at his small dining room table.
Hercules followed you closely, finding a new place to sleep at your feet. 
You fiddled with the tag of the tea bag in your cup of chamomile, quiet. The frying pan sizzled.
Your voice drew his attention away from his task at hand. He turned. “Yeah?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about the fire? At, uh, your mom’s clinic?”
He stilled then turned back towards the stovetop. He flicked off the element and plated the sandwiches, joining you at the table. He slid a plate across to you.
“I would have, eventually. I didn’t want to scare you,” he finally replied, biting on his lip before he continued. “There was a street gang making a big mess in Brooklyn years ago now. In this type of work, uh, gangs usually coexist. Not always peacefully, of course.”
You took a bite of your sandwich and watched Steve carefully.
“This particular group - called themselves the Red Skulls, led by this absolute menace Johann Schmidt.”
“Oh,” you tipped your head to the side, nodding. “I think I remember hearing about him in the news a few years ago.”
“Probably. They were fucking messy. Schmidt was a piece of work especially. There are a lot of things I do not tolerate in my city and he crossed a very serious line.” Steve rolled his neck. God, maybe he shouldn’t be telling you this. But what did he have to lose now? Honesty was all he had left. “Long story short - we took down one of the Red Skulls trafficking operations. They were kidnapping sex workers.” He took in a sharp breath, eyes closing at the resurfacing memories. “Ma looked after everyone we helped escape and Schmidt retaliated by setting fire to the clinic...”
And Steve had been at some fucking club that night. Volleying between shots of liquor and lines of coke, he nearly missed the most important phone call of his goddamn life. 
Steve lost himself in his downward spiral of thoughts as memories of his mother’s recovery flashed through his mind. When he came back to reality, you were looking at him. There was a strange sadness in your eyes.
“That wasn’t your fault, Steve,” you said quietly, tearing off another piece of your sandwich.
He laughed, shaking his head. “The people I care about, the ones I love - you, included now - there is a target on their back, on your back. Forever. I pushed you away and for what? They still..” He dragged both of his hands down his face, head shaking again. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. For.. everything.”
You blinked again, then looked down at your plate. “When you called me and broke up with – that day. What you said to me, it was so careless and..”
“Mean?” Steve finished for you. That’s what you had said. He was mean. No, he had been worse than mean. It was cruel and he had done it on purpose.
“Yeah. Why couldn’t you just be honest? If you care about me so much, how could you say those things?”
He wasn’t sure if he should answer, if he could. But you were looking at him and waiting.
“I don’t know,” he replied quietly, leaning back in his chair and gazing out towards the window. “Because I wasn’t thinking straight. I was emotionally compromised. Natasha barely talked to me for weeks after that night. That was another constant reminder that I really fucked up..”
You sighed. After a few beats, you finally found some words. “What do we do now?”
He looked back at you. “I know I hurt you. I think about it every single fucking day and I can’t undo it, I wish I could undo it.” He took in a hard breath. “I can’t even ask for you to forgive me because it isn’t fair. Not after tonight. Because after all this, how could you ever?” An empty, somber laugh rumbled through him. “I’m just.. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could press reset.”
The silence hung between you both again. You finished your sandwich and looked back at Steve. 
“I’m tired,” you said softly, stifling a yawn. “Can I.. sleep beside you?”
Steve nodded. “Of course.”
You woke up the next morning in Steve’s bed, alone. Somewhere far away, probably in the kitchen, you could hear him on the phone. With a deep sigh, you got up and put yourself back together. 
Hercules trotted towards you as you departed from Steve’s room. You followed him back towards the kitchen where Steve had put a modest little breakfast together. He ended his phone call when he saw you, then joined you at the table with a pot of coffee.
Your conversation was minimal. You briefly panicked as you recalled the fake meeting Ward had arranged for you with Hammond, but Steve was quick to tell you he had dealt with it.
Eventually, after your quiet breakfast, you asked to return to your own apartment. Steve insisted on driving you there and walking you to your door. When you got to your building, you noticed an additional security guard posted near the front desk.
You wondered if Steve had something to do with that.
When you got to your door, you opened it and let Hercules in before you turned to Steve.
You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t sure  what was supposed to happen now. Truthfully, nothing felt real. 
You felt numb.
“Are you gonna be okay here?” Steve asked, tipping his head just slightly to search your face. “If you wanted to stay at a hotel or–”
“No,” you cut him off. “I’ll be fine, I’m sure. I’m just tired. I’m going to take the rest of the day to try and clear my mind.”
“Well, if you need anything at all, call me. Please.”
You hesitated. What were you and Steve now? Friends? Exes? Something more? Something less? You couldn’t figure it out and you were too scared to ask. What did you even want with him?
“Did you unblock my number then?” Your lips twitched into a momentary smile.
Steve didn’t smile back. He was serious and for a second, you watched as he hesitated to reply too. “Of course I did. I never should have..” He closed his eyes. “Call me, anytime. For anything. If something ever feels wrong or someone..” Releasing a long breath, he met your eyes once more. Your name left his lips, quiet, like a whisper. “I can’t figure out what else to say other than that I’m sorry. Again. I just.. I wish I could fix everything and erase what happened last night and.. I’ll be sorry for the rest of my life.”
You squeezed his closest hand. You didn’t know what to say. You raised yourself up slightly onto your toes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Then you disappeared into your apartment.
You called your mom that afternoon. And while you didn’t give her any details about what had happened in the last 24 hours of your life, you found it necessary to still call her and tell her how much you loved her. She didn’t ask why you were reaching out or question the way your voice cracked, but you knew she was concerned. 
The rest of the day, you slept on and off. Eventually, you ordered in for dinner and forced yourself to sit with the feelings you were wrestling with. What was it? What was going on?
Were you scared? Yes, sure. Even though the incident had been isolated and specific, even though the men responsible were either in custody with law enforcement or being kept directly underneath Steve’s foot, you had reason to feel unsettled. 
How could you deal with it though? Enough rational thought brought your heart rate down enough to strategize if anything ever happened again. Pepper spray on keychain, maybe one of those spikey keyrings that doubled as defense weapons.. A self defense class? Maria told you she had taken one before and she found it empowering. Maybe you needed to feel empowered, too.
It was strange though, as you let your mind fester over your feelings, one constant helped keep you steady and walked you back from your edge of anxiety. Steve. When you felt unsafe, Steve had helped you, protected you, saved you. 
You didn’t even know what you were to him anymore and yet, he carried on as if you were the most important thing in the world. That helping, protecting, saving you was a responsibility he didn’t take lightly. Steve.. He just.. You just..
Steve. Steve was calling. You shook off your layer of feelings analysis and answered your buzzing phone, sitting up on the couch as you brought it to your ear. It was late.
“Hey.. thanks for.. I wanted to check in, see how you’re doing. If I’m overstepping, feel free to hang up on me, though.”
You let out a quiet laugh. “You’re not overstepping.” You’re being Steve. “I’m okay, yeah. Calm and mostly relaxed. I’m..”
“I’m glad to hear that.” He paused and you swore you could hear him overthinking what to say next. “Would you tell me the truth though? If you weren’t.. Okay?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. “I would.”
“I appreciate that, really. I know you don’t owe me anything but I’m worried.”
You smiled to yourself. “I’m okay.” You knew repeating it may not reassure him, but it helped you. “Oh, actually. I was thinking about something.. Uhm, when they..” You breathed in slowly. “When they took Hercules, they mentioned some weird threat about him fighting. Is that.. Does that mean they.. That there is a dog fighting, uhm, thing or..” You couldn’t even bear to finish what you were thinking.
“Bucky is already investigating, sweetheart. If that exists, we’re going to stop it. I promise you.”
The next evening, Steve called again. To check in and make sure you were still okay. It was funny - because you had a feeling that his phone calls weren’t the only thing Steve had implemented when it came to ensuring your wellbeing. A new lock system had been installed at the front of your building and that same security guard was patrolling when you left for work that morning too.
The next night he called to see how you were. Then the next and the next and the next.
One night, after you told Steve that you were okay, again, you felt an urge to keep him on the line. For some reason, your conversation started to feel like they used to when you first met - friendly, but a hint of something else, something more. But did you want that? Did he?
“While I have you, though. I was wondering if I had to ask Clint for permission if I wanted to paint my apartment - do you know? Or is it like free reign?”
Steve laughed on his side of the phone. “I can get Clint to find you a painter tomorrow, if you want.”
“Oh, no.” You dismissed that idea quickly. “I want to do it myself. I think it would be fun.”
“Well then, since it’s my building, consider this your permission to paint whatever you want. And if you need some extra hands, I’d be happy to help.”
A week later, you answered another late call from Steve.
“It’s late, I can let you go. I’m sure Hercules is already asleep beside the bed waiting for you..”
You smiled to yourself briefly, then sighed. “I’ve been in bed for a while, actually.”
“Oh.” You heard Steve pause. “You didn’t have to take my call.”
“I can’t sleep tonight.”
He paused again. His voice was slower this time, softer. “Is something wrong?”
“No, I just..” It was probably just the late day coffee you had or the tight stress you were holding in your body. “..can’t sleep, I guess.” 
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Maybe you could.. I don’t know, just talk a bit. Tell me a story? From your childhood or high school or something?” You stifled a yawn. “Anything..”
After another beat, Steve’s voice returned in your ear. “Okay. Let’s see. Technically I’m forbidden to share this story but me and Buck had to take a theater class in high school and..”
Steve called you pretty early one night, just as you were coming home from picking up Hercules.
You dropped onto your couch and quickly pulled on the nearest throw blanket the moment you walked into the apartment. When you noticed Steve on the caller ID, you answered right away.  
“Hi,” you said through a yawn, laying flat on the cushions. It sounded like Steve sighed in relief on the other end of the phone. “Steve? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. Hey sweetheart,” he continued quickly. Damn. When he slipped in the sweetheart pet name, your heart got really confused. “Just nice to hear your voice.” 
“Are you okay?” You repeated the question, sitting up from your lounging position. 
“I am,” he confirmed. “There’s just something I need to tell you, before you hear about it on the news.”
“Rumlow - Brock Rumlow.. You remember him?” Before you could answer, Steve laughed. “That’s a stupid question. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten Rumlow.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Steve’s commentary. “No, I haven’t forgotten Brock Rumlow.” Your momentary elation soon disappeared when you considered why Steve might be mentioning Rumlow by name. “What about him?”
“He died today.”
A silence fell between you. “In prison?”
“Yes. Considering how high profile his arrest was, it will likely make the evening news. Maybe it’s already published, I don’t know. I just wanted to warn you before you heard.”
“Okay.” You paused again. “Steve - did you–”
“This had nothing to do with me, surprisingly.” He let out some weird exaggerated laugh again. “I wasn’t his only enemy.” That was Steve choosing what to say and you supposed that was fine. The nitty gritty details really weren’t needed. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
Even though he couldn’t see you, you shrugged, laying back down. “I don’t know, I guess I’m just.. it’s weird to say relieved but..I shouldn’t feel relief over someone’s death, right?  Maybe I don’t know how to react.”
“That’s normal, I’d say.” He paused. “I don’t want you to be scared.”
“I do get scared. I think about that night a lot.” You sighed. “But I’ve lived in New York long enough to know that the weird person on the subway probably doesn’t give a shit about me, so I shouldn’t be worried about them.”
“What weird person on the subway?” Steve asked quickly. You could hear him shuffling, maybe going from sitting to standing. “Where did you see–”
“Steve.” You cut him off, with a quiet laugh. “That was hypothetical. I’ve been alright lately, I promise. And remember, I said I would tell you if I wasn’t.”
You heard him let out a long sigh. “Okay.”
“Thank you for calling me and giving me a heads up though,” you continued. “Maybe I’ll mute my news feeds for a few days.”
You [7:01PM]: what do you think? It has taken a few weeks from start to finish but…
You [7:01PM]: (IMG_9116) S Rogers [7:02PM]: that’s a great colour S Rogers [7:03PM]: so. what was the ratio of paint on wall vs paint on you? You [7:03PM]: wow! Rude. You [7:03PM]: 90/10 You [7:04PM]: (IMG_9121) S Rogers [7:06PM]: very cute S Rogers [7:06PM]: even with paint in your hair ;)
Thanksgiving wasn’t your favourite holiday. The food was fine and sure, it was a great excuse for some time off work.
Into adulthood, you were really appreciative of the friendsgiving tradition instead. Especially because your mother was spending the holiday in Jacksonville with her cousin, leaving you mostly without plans for the big day.
Friendsgiving you took seriously. Claire was hosting this year, the weekend before Thanksgiving since she had to work on the holiday, and you had been tasked with dessert making, which was totally up your alley. Maria had offered assistance, so together you were spending your Friday night making the most out of your oven and counter space. 
It was going well, although you had started a lot later than planned. It made for a late night but you were in good company with Maria. Having a night in with one of your closest friends wasn’t something you took for granted. Between flour measurements and preparing fruit, you and Maria spent the entire night talking. It was exactly what you needed.
Just before midnight, you were taking the pecan pie out of the oven and Maria was finishing off the dishes. Just as you turned to join her at the sink, a loud banging started at your door. You gasped, probably too loudly for a sane person, and met Maria’s wide confused stare.
Hercules awoke from his bed in your room and trotted towards the door, cautious.
You walked over behind him, holding your breath as another knock echoed.
“Jesus, Barnes - you’re going to scare her to death..”
Barnes? Was that.. Clint’s voice?
Maria followed behind you, pausing as you looked through the peephole. 
“Who is knocking on your door at midnight?” Maria asked quietly.
You sighed. Bucky and Clint, apparently. What on earth?
After unlocking the door, you opened it, stopping the bickering men in the middle of their conversation. 
“Hello?” You returned their awkward greetings with a small wave. “Can I help you?”
“What is that smell?” Clint’s eyes widened, looking over your shoulder into the apartment. “Are you baking?”
“Can I help you?” You repeated, turning your attention to Bucky directly. “What are you doing here?”
Bucky let out a breath before dragging a hand down his jaw. “So, here’s the thing, doll. My good friend Steve - you know Steve, right? He’s currently spiraling because you haven’t answered your phone or any of his messages all night..” He stood up a bit straighter, looking between you and Maria. “Given the uh..well, he’s just worried about you. Sent us up to check in.. And, since you are clearly very alive and safe, we should..” He paused. “Do I smell snickerdoodles?”
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes, inviting the men inside. Maria grabbed the container of fresh cookies and offered them each one.
“If Steve is concerned, why isn’t he at the door?” Maria wondered out loud. 
“Boundaries,” Clint answered with a mouth full of cookies.
Bucky thwacked him on the shoulder. “Manners, Barton.” Bucky waited to bite his own cookie, then nodded. “He’s politely keeping his distance.”
You sighed, then looked over at Maria. You had filled your friend in on most of the details about you and Steve and what your recent reconnection looked like. Minus the whole warehouse rooftop situation. You weren’t sure how to share that. But the confusing new feelings and conversations.. They had proved difficult to process alone.
Not to mention that after you and Steve had broken up, your friends had loyally become very anti-Steve. Which you very much appreciated and if the roles were reversed, you’d have done the same for them. But people and relationships were complicated. You weren’t sure how your friends would react to the whole thing.
Maria, for example, had been incredibly cautious and resistant when you filled her in. Not that she didn’t believe in giving people second chances - but instead held true to the fact that all men were just big clueless morons who never did the right thing. You couldn’t fault her for that opinion either. But even if you figured out your own feelings and walls, you’d never be able to really date Steve again if your friends hated him.
“Hmm,” Maria leaned against your counter, removing the dish cloth from her shoulder as she organized her things. “Well, you should walk me out.” She turned to you. “Points to Steve for respecting boundaries and still caring about you, but I’d feel better seeing him grovel up close.”
Clint let out a belly laugh. “Me too”
While Maria and Clint headed out, you took the opportunity to put Hercules’ leash on for one last trip outside before bed. When you stepped into the hallway, Bucky was waiting for you. 
“This isn’t my place and I know you’re smart enough,” he started slowly, dropping his hand down to accept a lick from Hercules. “But you know you don’t owe Steve anything right? I told him that the day might come where you don’t answer his phone calls and he has to deal with it on his own. If you close the door, he will keep his distance.”
You scrunched up your face, then shrugged. “Thanks, Bucky. Sounds like you’ve been doing a lot of emotional support for him.”
“You have no idea, doll. It’s part of my role as lifelong best friend, unfortunately. It’s a heavy burden to bear,” Bucky laughed, shrugging too. “He’s got some demons to work through - I guess we all do. Right now with you though? He’s trying real hard not to look like he’s trying.”
You caught up with Clint and Maria at the elevator then headed to the lobby. As you walked out, you spotted Sam leaning against the front desk, chatting with the overnight doorman. And then there was Steve - standing at attention, hands locked behind his back, an equal distance between the front entrance and the elevators. He was dressed in what you considered his normal attire - a crisp navy suit over a plain shirt, no tie. He made effortless look so damn good and you sort of hated it.
When he saw you, he took a few strides forward.
Bucky and Clint joined Sam to the side while Maria lingered behind your shoulder. Hercules tugged on his leash and pulled you towards Steve immediately, clearly overjoyed to see him. 
“Hey,” you started as you approached. “I unintentionally ignored your calls, I’m sorry. Just plugged my phone in and forgot about it for a while.” 
Steve shook his head quickly. You couldn’t help but see his resolve lighten, as if seeing you caused his shoulders to relax. “You don’t have to apologize. I shouldn’t have dragged everyone here, there was just this..” Whatever Steve was going to say, he seemed to change his mind. He blinked twice then scanned you. “Is that.. flour?” He reached and brushed your shoulder clean.
“We’ve been baking,” you filled in quickly, doing your best to try and read him. “Claire is hosting us for Friendsgiving tomorrow and–”
“You should come!” Maria blurted out from behind you. 
With wide eyes, you looked over your shoulder at her. ‘What?’ you mouthed. 
Now it was Maria’s turn to shrug. “Claire said her cousin had to bail so there’s an extra seat and..” She took a step forward, nodding at you in reassurance before looking at Steve. “And Luke will be there. So.. you know, you’ll have a friend..”
“I thought Claire invited Matt?” You couldn’t help but ask as your brain caught up to you. “That doesn’t..” You turned back to Steve. “You are more than welcome to come. I know you’re busy and have a lot of–”
“I’d love to,” Steve answered slowly, as if trying to make sure you were even okay with the concept. You reached out and grabbed his nearest hand, with a squeeze. That seemed to be reassurance enough. “What can I bring?”
Steve and his crew left shortly after, not before Steve gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. You forced Maria to join you outside with Hercules before her Uber showed up. The fresh air was something you really needed to cool down. 
“So,” You turned to Maria, tipping your head to the side dramatically. “What the hell was that?”
Maria whined out your name, shaking her head. “That guy is in love with you. And trust me, he has a long way to go before I will trust him again, but damn. He looks at you like you’re the most important person on the planet. And I think you love him too.”
“Maria..” You sighed, leaning your head onto her shoulder. “I don’t know how things got so complicated.”
“I just want you to be happy and safe,” she carried on, giving you a small pat on the head. “I get that not everyone is into second chances but.. I don’t know, life is short. If you feel comfortable giving the guy another chance, then we could too. Maybe. Wanda for sure can get on board, Claire might have some reservations.”
“And inviting Steve tomorrow is supposed to be some test?”
“Obviously,” Maria smirked, looking like you had said the most ridiculous thing in the world. “I think it’s only fair for us to really get to know him.”
Claire lived in a beautiful rent controlled apartment in the middle of Harlem. She complained about the location every now and then - it wasn’t the smoothest commute for her to get to work - but at the end of the day, it was functional and roomy. 
Which was good, considering you, Claire and Maria had rearranged most of her living room and kitchen area to host a dozen people for Friendsgiving. With a set of borrowed chairs and a folding table from Claire’s downstairs neighbour, you managed to set up the area just in time before everyone started to arrive.
When Maria had spilled in the group chat about inviting Steve to dinner, Claire had been apprehensive but on board, for your sake. And although you had been grateful for your friends’ open mindedness when it came to Steve, you were suddenly nervous about the whole thing.
Mostly because - oh god, what if he had a terrible time? Or what if he got a phone call in the middle of dinner and had to disappear? Was he going to bring a gun with him? Jesus, you hadn’t even thought about that and what if-
Claire dropped a hand on your shoulder. “Girl, you need to chill.” She urged a glass of your preferred wine into your free hand and sent you away from the kitchen area. “He’s just a man, remember.”
You laughed and clinked your glass with hers. Claire was always a good voice of reason, which you appreciated. You turned to her with a smile. “A good reminder, thank you. But speaking of men - why did you invite both your current fling and your ex to this?”
Before Claire could defend her own actions, Maria was answering a knock at the door and guests started to arrive. After a few arrivals, you were the one greeting at the door and you couldn’t hold back your smile when Steve showed up, with Luke at his side.
“Hey,” you said, politely stepping aside to let Luke in while you lingered in the doorway with Steve. “You look nice.” It felt silly to say but you couldn’t help yourself. Steve had traded his typical suit for a pair of dark brown slacks and a knitted red striped polo. His hair was perfectly coiffed and you just wanted to… kiss him. Damnit.
Steve smirked in response, pulling you into a side hug. “You look nice, sweetheart.” Okay, yes, you had picked out one of your favourite dresses. But that was because you wanted to dress up for Friendsgiving, that was the only reason.
After he shed his coat, you noticed Steve was carrying flowers. You didn’t even have a moment to comment on them before he headed towards the kitchen, where he presented the bouquet directly to Claire. She accepted them with a smile, and when he turned away, you caught her eye. She pointed towards the flowers and mouthed ‘Ten points!’
It didn’t surprise you that Steve managed to socialize effectively with everyone he just met, but he truly did such an impressive job holding conversations. Before dinner, he engrossed himself in a chat with Claire’s on-again-off-again ex-boyfriend Matt, the lawyer, and his coworker Foggy. They seemed to have some common interests in certain legal matters that mostly sounded incredibly boring to you. 
Steve stayed within your orbit and even when you were in the kitchen finalizing a few things with Claire, you caught him looking your way. Why did that make your heart beat so fast?
You sat at his side for dinner and when everyone was going around sharing what they were thankful for, Steve’s hand found your knee under the table. When you said you were thankful for all the people in your life (and your dog, of course), Steve gave you a delicate squeeze and rubbed his thumb against your thigh. 
After dinner, he found you in the kitchen.
“You know, Bucky was bragging all night about your cookies,” Steve saddled up beside you as you leaned against the kitchen counter, while you nibbled at the last piece of apple pie. Steve grabbed a spare fork and joined you. “They ain’t got nothing on this pie.”
You smiled. “Glad you liked it.”
“Apple is my favourite,” Steve replied, licking his lip after cleaning off his fork. “Ma makes a good one but I think she has some competition.”
“That seems like really high praise,” you laughed, leaning against the counter. Steve mirrored you, resting his hand behind your back. It was subtle, maybe even barely noticeable, but he very slowly started to trace circles against the soft fabric of your dress. You were melting. “I’m really glad you came. Hopefully it wasn’t too painful for you.”
He tipped his head to look at you. “We will have to thank Maria for inviting me.”
When Steve politely offered you a ride home, you couldn’t say no. Since you were both heading towards the same area of Brooklyn, it made a lot more sense than taking the subway. As you were leaving, Clarie, Maria and Wanda all gave you the same friendly judgemental look. You accepted that as approval for your actions, departing with a small smile and Steve’s hand at your back.
In typical Steve fashion, he walked you inside and to your apartment door. And then he even happily joined as you took Hercules outside for some air.
Then, well, the night was over. Steve had come to dinner, Steve had brought you home. What else was there to do?
“You can share those cookies with Bucky,” you said with a smile as you stood in the hallway, between Steve and your door. You were sending him home with the rest of the snickerdoodles. “Or keep them all to yourself.”
Steve smiled, raising his hand to brush it through his hair. God, that was sexy. Had that always been sexy? What was going on? Why were you feeling this way?
“Thank you again for letting me join you tonight,” he said slowly, then his feet shuffled forward half a step closer to you. “Hopefully your friends don’t hate me.”
You laughed, sliding your tongue across your lips. You watched his eyes dart down, watching carefully. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Steve..”
Then he leaned in, holding your hips with his hands, and pressed his lips… to your cheek. You tried not to deflate. 
His palms lingered against you for a moment, then he pulled back. You couldn’t read his face. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
You texted him well after midnight.
You [1:12AM]: are you awake? S Rogers [1:12AM]: yes
Steve answered your call after the first ring. “Is everything okay?” 
You couldn’t believe you had actually hit ‘call’  but something deep within you compelled you to. It was dark in your bedroom and you couldn’t stop thinking about Steve. You had been restless in bed for over an hour as his face flashed through your mind. Steve with his broad shoulders. Steve with his lingering hands. The way his chain bounced on his chest, how he growled when he came…
Just moments ago you had reached into your bedside table for your little vibrating toy. It wasn’t the first time you had put it to use thinking about Steve. But this time, you were imagining him tearing off that knit polo, the lingering smell of his aftershave, his weight on you. 
If you couldn’t feel him, maybe you could hear him.
“I’m fine..” You said slowly. “Are you at home?” It occurred to you he might have gone directly to Shield after he dropped you off. 
Your name left his lips, drawing your attention back to the call. “I’m home. What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“What’s wrong is..” You tried to steady your breathing. Your voice dropped down. “.. you’re not in bed beside me.”
Silence. Then, you heard his breath hitch. “Baby..”
“I can’t..” You were whining into the phone. “I want to come, Steve. Will you help me? Please?.”
He chuckled, lowering his voice. “I can’t say no to that request, sweetheart. Tell me - what are you doing? You using that toy?”
“Uh huh,” you preened back. You had been sliding it across your skin, teasing yourself for as long as you could. “I’ve been thinking about you, Stevie. You and me.”
“Me too, baby. Fuck.” You could hear more shuffling on his side. Christ. Was he touching himself too? “Listen to me, I’m going to help you. Bet you’re already wet, aren’t you?”
You just whined in response.
“Turn that toy up a notch, baby. Circle your clit real slow. And what about your nipples? God, if I was there–”
“Tell me, please. If you were here..”
Half an hour later, as your laboured breathing settled after two quivering orgasms, Steve wished you goodnight and sweet dreams. 
Given it was the night before Thanksgiving, your boss has been flexible when you had to dash out early. The frantic call from Kate at the dog daycare had been surprising, but thankfully your heart rate steadied out when you learned that Hercules was okay. They hadn’t spared any other details, but politely asked owners to come collect their dogs earlier than usual.
Truthfully, you had barely been functional at work all week anyway. Sure, you went through the motions and got your tasks done but before a long weekend, most people were half-assing their responsibilities anyway. And your mind was still racing after Friendsgiving dinner and the phone call with Steve and… Steve. 
You were one of the last to arrive at the daycare, patiently waiting in line to check Hercules out. Once you had him, leash in hand, you turned to leave. Then you spotted Natasha and Yelena chatting quietly to the side of the room, and, well, you couldn’t help but follow your gut.
You saw Yelena there quite often, but Natasha was a rare sighting. Ever since your conversation with Steve after the whole warehouse incident, something had been pricking at the back of your mind.
“..Natasha barely talked to me for weeks after that night..”
Taking a deep breath, you headed toward the sisters. Luckily, it seemed like their conversation had come to an end anyway as Yelena rushed past you with a hurried hello, then joined Kate somewhere behind the scenes. Nataha remained planted where she stood, scanning over her phone. She tipped her head up as you approached.
“Hey,” you started out slowly, offering a reluctant smile. 
Nat crouched briefly, greeting Hercules with a few head scratches before she met your gaze again. “How are you?”
“I was wondering if.. you had like two minutes to chat?” You asked, eyes closed tight as you anticipated her answer. You weren’t sure what it was about Natasha, but she intimated you immensely. You weren’t scared of her but something made you want to impress her. 
Natasha looked at her phone again, eyes narrowed, then back to you. “I can give you five.” With a nod of her head, you followed her behind the front desk and into the small staff kitchen area opposite the main daycare space.
While Natasha dropped onto one of the well worn couches, quickly joined by Hercules as you let go of his leash, you couldn’t steady yourself. All at once, your burning questions and thoughts swirled around in your mind. Then, you took a deep breath and opened your mouth.
“Steve told me a few weeks ago, that when we broke up..  he said you stopped talking to him for a while. I wanted to ask you why..” You raised a shoulder up to shrug, then watched Natasha from across the room.
After a few beats, she let out a quiet laugh. Then, she leaned forward on the couch, elbow resting on her knees, and she stared at you. “Can I be frank with you?”
You swallowed, then found a chair to sit on near a small table. “I’d rather you be Natasha..” When that clearly shielded attempt at humour landed no response, you cleared your throat and nodded. “Yes, please.”
Natasha sighed. “Steve trusts me and when he asks me for advice, I don’t sugar coat it. Dating Steve is not an easy task and your wellbeing is his top priority. So I get why he made his decision. But I did firmly advise him not to be an asshole about it. It was going to hurt you either way, but it was up to him to control the delivery.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well, he did a terrible job.” It didn’t sting as much anymore – really. Given how much your friendship or whatever had evolved with him now, the words didn’t echo through your mind like they used to. You understood why he had made his choices and you could see his remorse in every interaction you’ve had since. Of course, it wasn’t possible to erase what had happened but you and Steve both looked back at it differently now.
Natasha relaxed again, pressing her back into the couch. “I have known Steve for a long time and I have rarely seen him act as selfishly as he did. You deserved better than a breakup over a phone call. Jesus, when he told me what he said – I should have gut punched him. In an attempt to protect you, he fucked up something good for you both. It’s bullshit and embarrassing.” Another sigh escaped her. “And, you didn’t hear this from me, but Steve has never let himself be happy. Because this world and this work can really leave you numb. He was so different once you came into his life, it was something else. So, I was rooting for you two.”
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warm up with her last sentence. This seemed like something rare, a secret revealed from someone prone to privacy. 
“I see why he made his self sacrifice with you. It is classic Steve, if he cares about something, he cares deeply and shows it.” She pinned you with a stare, giving you another once over. “Here’s the thing. You get to decide if you want to forgive him but if you look back over everything – every single moment with Steve – was there a pattern that makes forgiveness worth it?” Her phone, which had been resting on the couch beside her leg, started to vibrate. “Shit. I’ve gotta take this.”  
Natasha stepped away briefly, keeping her tone hushed.
Christ, you probably need a therapist to start unpacking everything that Natasha had just presented. Was there a pattern?
Every single action from Steve since the beginning had been, well, selfless. He was constantly putting your needs above everything else. The day you saved him outside the restaurant, he took you to the one person he trusted the most for care. When you called him in distress during your apartment break in, he didn’t hesitate to come help you.
He picked up on your subtleties, your fears and concerns. He moved you to a safer apartment, he protected you from unsavoury people, he pleaded for your understanding, he always left you feeling satisfied. More importantly, he let himself be himself around you. You loved seeing the personal, soft side of Steve. You.. you loved Steve. And maybe it was time to take the leap of faith again - because you missed him when he wasn’t around. 
Before your logical brain could catch up and decide what to do with this revelation, Natasha was standing in front of you again. Her eyes were hiding something.
You held your breath when she finally spoke.
“So, speaking of Steve…”
Ever since that night, at the abandoned warehouse, on that rooftop.. Steve had been on edge. More than before. You were constantly on his mind, and despite his efforts to ensure you were safe, he couldn’t settle. 
Well, until he got to hear your voice every night. That… that started to mean more to him than he could explain. It was different this time around - the slow build to flirting, wrapped underneath a foundation of familiarity. 
But it felt like that spark from before had returned, though he couldn’t act on it. 
He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.
Bucky had been his voice of reason through all of the confusing feelings. He kept Steve grounded in reality - that the ball was in your court only, forever. If you were ever going to humour Steve again, it was your choice, at your pace. And maybe it would never happen. Bucky had reminded Steve more than once. 
Every agonizing decision Steve was making lately had you at the forefront. Maybe it wouldn’t end up how he wanted it, but if you were safe and secure and happy, nothing else mattered.
Though it had been completely irrational for Steve to make the crew rush to your apartment on a Friday night, the precautionary gamble ended up paying off. Not only were you perfectly safe, but Steve had somehow managed to end up with an invitation to dinner with your friends.
And dinner had gone surprisingly well too. The moments with you and in your world, away from his own, had been so calming. A reminder that life existed outside of the seedy underbelly, where friendly conversation and good food were the only reason why people got together. God, he had enjoyed every minute of it. But more than anything, he was happy to be at your side.
Leaving your doorway that night with just a simple kiss on the cheek had been hard for him to do. But everything needed to go at your pace. If that meant an inappropriate late night phone call, he’d help you out, too. 
He was fucked.
Admittedly, the past few days had been a welcome distraction following Saturday night. Some events in his business life ended up escalating way quicker than Steve had anticipated - which largely meant ignoring other priorities (and thoughts of you) to assist Bucky with his latest project - the dog fighting ring investigation.
Steve had kept Rhodes in the loop about their plan, much to the former DA’s dismay. Steve had made it his own personal mission to take down this underground operation and he promised Rhodes the public credit. But Steve needed the NYPD to turn a blind eye to their plan.
The ambush took place that Wednesday afternoon, with Bucky, Steve, Sam and a few additional men breaking into an abandoned facility in north Queens and going in with plenty of ammunition. They recovered nearly a dozen dogs, most of which immediately went to a veterinary hospital to be checked out. The pups who didn’t need overnight care were to be transferred to Kate’s facility for the weekend, with the costs covered by Steve.
But, after all was said and done, not everyone had left unscathed. Four of the people organizing the dog fighting were sent to a hospital with some severe wounds thanks to Bucky. And Steve, out of all people, had ended up with a pretty dramatic gash in his left arm from one of the dogs. He didn’t blame the poor animal for the situation, of course. But medical attention was necessary.
That was how he ended up at his mom’s clinic - once again. Sarah Rogers had, of course, greeted him warmly then delivered a firm lecture to him about his personal safety.
Just as Sarah was finishing up cleaning his arm and applying a few temporary sutures to the area, there was a small commotion happening somewhere beyond their room at the entrance.
Steve didn’t hesitate to rush towards the lobby area, finding the intake nurse addressing someone at the door. That’s when he saw who that someone was - you.
Maybe he had lost more blood than he thought, but damn. With the late afternoon sunset streaming in, backlighting you perfectly, it looked like a halo of light. A perfect ring of light framing you, like an angel - as you desperately asked the front desk nurse about Steve, where he was, if he was okay.
The nurse was caught in a repetitive loop, explaining that she couldn’t say who was at the clinic and insisting that dogs weren’t allowed in the building and you needed to leave and –
Steve took a few steps forward, calling out your name. 
Sarah hurried behind the desk and calmed down the girl who sat there, quietly pulling her to the side to leave Steve alone. With you.
“Steve!” You blinked twice and rushed towards him, stopping yourself before you crashed into his chest. “Natasha told me you were here and.. What happened?” You reached out and carefully grabbed his arm, where fresh gauze covered the bite.
Steve answered quickly, removing your hand from his arm and raising it up to kiss the back. “It looks worse than it is, I promise.”
You smiled at him and nodded. “Okay. Good.” Then you took a deep breath. “And all the dogs - they’re safe?”
“Yes, sweetheart. All receiving the care and rest they deserve.” Before Steve realized what was happening, you were throwing your arms around him. He whispered your name softly, rubbing a hand down your back. 
You pulled back and met his soft gaze. “Steve..” You scanned over him again, as if double checking what he said was true. Aside from the bandaging on his arm, Steve truthfully was unharmed. His emotions had been a rollercoaster but for some reason, seeing you had helped settle most of that.
His hand moved and cradled your jaw for just a moment, before brushing against your cheek. “Did you rush all the way here because you were worried about me?”
Your eyes widened before you shook your head. “What? No. I’m not.. It was Hercules, actually, who wanted to make sure all the dogs were okay.” 
Steve couldn’t hold back his grin. “Right.”
“We-” You motioned your head towards Hercules, who was sitting patiently nearby - “weren’t sure what Natasha meant when she said you were injured and..” A long slow breath escaped you. “I just needed to see you.”
Steve could understand your panic, given how he had dramatically rushed to your apartment building over the weekend. Those parallels weren’t lost on him. It had to mean something, right? It all had to mean something.
Your reunion was interrupted by Steve’s ringing phone, where he cursed under his breath before moving his hands from you. “I’ve gotta take this, I’m sorry.”
While Steve took his call from Bucky, you were quickly greeted by an excited Sarah, who grabbed your hand and pulled you away to catch up.
Following your reunion at the clinic, Steve had one of his hands on you. Behind your back, holding your hand, his own hand on your knee on the drive back. He only let go briefly to let you hug Sarah goodbye, after you accepted her invitation to Thanksgiving dinner the next day.
Now, back at your apartment, all you could think about was what was Steve, Steve, Steve. His phone had buzzed with another call from Bucky the moment you stepped inside. He apologized before answering, and you could have sworn you heard him cursing his friend out.
You refreshed Hercules water and food bowls then went into your bedroom, trying to tidy the place up. When you went to pull your blinds down, you couldn’t help but find yourself distracted by the city. Although your view wasn’t as impressive as Steve’s penthouse, you could see into the Brooklyn streets below. At the right angle, you could even see the final orange glow of the sunset through some of the buildings.
It had proved to be a big enough distraction because you didn’t even hear Steve end his call or walk into the room behind you. Instead, you felt his hands on your shoulders, slowly wrapping around and pulling you against his chest. His lips brushed the top of your head.
“Everything good?” You murmured as his hands started to trail their way down your body.
“Mmhmm,” Steve replied quietly, dipping his head down, breathing hot against the side of your neck. “Is this okay?”
You closed your eyes. “Yes but..” It took everything in you to pause, but you turned around in his arms and did just that. “Wait.”
He immediately stopped what he was doing, removing his hands from you as he searched your face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you answered too quickly. 
He said your name knowingly then repeated himself. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Okay, okay. I’m just going to say it. Steve, I want this again - with you. I want us to press reset but I’m really fucking scared.”
You watched Steve absorb your words. Telling the truth was something you knew you had to do, but you hoped Steve understood. He was still, but you could see his brain computing.
“And it’s not about the… rooftop thing. Although.. I definitely don’t think back to that night fondly.” You shook your head as you continued. “I’m scared you’re going to change your mind again. Because I don’t know if I can feel like that again. I’ve convinced myself that the good feelings outweigh that risk but..” Your voice cracked. “I’m scared.”
Steve grabbed your hands and turned you enough to help you sit on the bed. He crouched down in front of you, tracing his thumbs across your knees. “Sweetheart. Hurting you was the biggest regret of my life. I know my words can only mean so much but I want you to hear me.” You met his gaze and nodded. “I’m an idiot. An idiot who will do everything in his power to prove to you how much you mean to me. I can’t undo what I said and resetting doesn’t make it go away. But I love you and want to make this work for us if you’ll give me this chance.”
You raised your hands and cradled his face. “That was quite the speech.”
He smirked. “I mean it, baby. Every word.”
“Okay.” You took in another breath then let it out slowly.
“Okay?” Steve asked.
“Okay, let’s reset.” Your hands left his cheeks, carding through his hair as your lips crashed into his. Kissing Steve didn’t feel like going back to the beginning though - it felt like picking up where you left off. 
Steve didn’t waste a moment responding, hands traveling to the back of your neck to steady you as he pushed you down on the bed. Everything happening now, in that moment, was all that mattered to you both. Steve wanted you, you wanted him. Nothing else needed to make sense.
Your hands roamed down Steve’s torso as he hovered over you, pulling at his shirt and trying to make quick work of the buttons. Steve shed his shirt without his lips leaving you, pressing hot wet kisses against your cheek, down towards your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut at the sensation, gasping when his teeth grazed your shoulder.
“Less clothes,” he whined out, removing himself from you long enough for your top to come off. He stood off the bed briefly to slip out of his pants, while you shimmied out of your jeans. You were left in just your underwear, some very unsexy unmatched set. 
But lord, the way Steve looked at you. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he said firmly, crawling back over you on the bed. He braced himself above you again, tracing a finger up your jaw to tip your chin up. 
You felt your cheeks grow warm. “Steve..”
‘“I’m sorry if what I said… on that phone call - if it ever made you doubt how fucking beautiful you are.” He dipped his head down and met your lips again, softer this time. “I love you, the shape of your body..” He trailed his kisses down you again, towards your chest. “Your heart..” His hands moved down the same way, tracing gently across your chest, along your soft stomach, on top of every single piece of you that you didn’t always love. “I love all of you.”
“Steve,” you whimpered under his touch, squeezing your eyes shut. “Please don’t make me cry.” You choked out a laugh, tipping your head back to mind your happy tears. When you looked back, he was staring at you with a lovestruck smile again. “Thank you. I love you too.”
He grinned, once again leaning down to press his lips to your skin. This time, it was just above your belly button. “It’s okay to cry, sweetheart. But how about I make you come instead?”
How could you argue with that?
Steve surveyed your form intently as he got back to work, hands and lips peppering against your skin. He slid his fingers under the waistband of your underwear and slid them down your legs. You helped to kick them away, just as Steve was licking his lips. 
His eyes flicked to you. “Lay back, baby. Get comfortable.” 
You were quick to shift on the bed, into your pillows. Just as you rested your head back, you felt the bed sink slightly just between your legs. Then the soft kisses that had been decorating your skin were inside your thighs. And then–
You let out a whimper when his mouth met your center. You knew you were already wet, but when Steve growled against your clit and slid a finger into you, it felt like a flood. 
“Oh my g-god, Steve.” With one hand, you grasped at his hair. The other dragged across your chest, pulling your own bra down to grab your nipples. “Yes, yes, please.”
Your eyes squeezed shut, breathless as Steve continued stroking, suctioning against your clit as your moans grew louder. When another finger entered you, crooked inside in search of just the right spot, you nearly combusted. And when you did careen over the edge just moments later, Steve didn’t slow down. 
In a daze you sat up slightly to watch him work. He was drowning in you, his own hips grinding against the bed as he consumed you. Jesus fucking Christ - that was hot. Steve was hot. This - this was hot.
“Steve,” you called for him as his mouth finally slowed down, returning to slow kisses against the inside of your thighs again. He looked up and met your eyes, drunk with love and contentment. “I need to feel you - please.”
“Okay, baby,” he replied with a soft smile. “Let me take care of you.” He shucked off his boxers and crawled up the bed again, hovering above you once more. 
You raked your hands over his chest when he was close enough, gripping his hips as you pulled him down and kissed him. Your own taste lingered on his lips and tongue as he breathed into you.
“You ready?” He asked softly, reaching between your waists to position himself.
“Mmhmm,” you whispered, pressing another kiss against him. “Please.”
“Fuck,” Steve cursed out, eyes closing as he pushed himself in. God, you fit together so well. Once he felt comfortable, watching you for the right signs of pleasure, he moved out slowly before finding a rhythm.
“Steve, I missed you so much..”  You wrapped your hands around his neck, in an attempt to keep him as close to you as possible. With one hand, he held one of your legs up, just enough to elicit better friction. And with the other, he cradled the back of your neck. “Missed this - this stretch..”
You could feel him smiling as he kissed you again. His hips sped up, adding just enough extra pressure that you could really feel him. You’d feel him tomorrow, too.
“My girl,” he said breathlessly against your neck. “Always. Mine..” His mouth ravaged your neck and shoulders. “Want this forever.. Want you forever..” He slowed down momentarily. “Wanna fill you up, baby.”
“Yes, yes please..” you said in return, scratching across his back with your hands as you braced yourself. A low growl escaped him as he came. He tensed up as he finished, weight heavy on top of you as you both caught your breaths.
As his head rested near yours, his lips pressed against your earlobe. “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. I love you.”
You were still laying in a daze when Steve returned to you in the bed after cleaning up, placing a cup of tea on the bedside table closest to you. His own matching cup rested in his hands. You sat up, pulling up the sheet with you as you rested against the headboard.
Shifting slightly, you pivoted to look at him. “I really missed you.”
He grinned. “So you said.”
“No, not just that.” You gave his shoulder a small nudge, careful not to jostle his tea. “I just like being around you.”
His smile softened. “Me too.” He drew in a long breath and moved his cup to the side table before continuing. He said your name, drawing your gaze to his. “Resetting doesn’t make who I am go away.”
You gulped. “I know.” He seemed to be searching for what to say next, so you continued instead. “I can’t pretend to understand why you do what you do. And I don’t decide what is right and wrong. Neither of us do.” You took a deep breath. “But I want to be with you. That makes me feel a little bit crazy but maybe that’s part of being in love.”
Steve laughed. “You’re in love, huh.”
Rolling your eyes, you fell into his side. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
“And I love you, baby.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against his chest, against his heart. He kissed your forehead. “I’m going to keep my professional life at bay. I won’t be able to stop it from bleeding into this but I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I take that privilege seriously.” You felt him squeeze you a bit tighter. “Though I do think there are some precautions we can take, too.”
“We?” You pulled back slightly and watched him.
“I’m going to get you something for your keys and pepper spray for your bag. How would you feel about taking a self-defense class?”
You scrunched up your face as you considered. “It has been on my to-do list for a long time.” Even without a high profile partner like Steve, knowing you feel prepared in times of danger was something you knew was important. You probably should have prioritized it sooner, really.
“Natasha teaches a class, actually. At her gym.”
“Natasha has a gym?” You nodded. “Yeah, okay. I could do that. Will you take the class with me?”
Steve laughed again. “I don’t need self-defense training, sweetheart.”
“But then we can practice together. C’mon, pleeease.”
Steve groaned, but it was evident very quickly he’d do anything you asked. So, he nodded. “Fine.”
You paused. “You’re not going to make me carry a gun, are you?”
“First of all, I’d never make you do anything.” He sat up a bit straighter, face stern. “And no, absolutely not. I hope you are never in a position where that kind of defense is required.”
You settled against him again. Big conversations like this were expected and you knew it made sense to feel a bit scared still. But, that wasn’t the feeling lingering in your stomach anymore. No, it was more like… safety, contentment, familiarity.
It was something akin to being home.
Shield closed down on Christmas Eve and reopened on New Years Eve, so you weren’t sure why Steve needed to check in there in the middle of the holiday week. Sure, his office was upstairs but he had vowed to do as little work as possible over your days off together. And yet, after a lovely dinner together, he apologetically announced there was something there he needed to check in on.
You had shared a few delicious plates at May’s, a small Italian place in Queens. Steve had given you a history of the restaurant on your way - it was one of the first properties he invested in years ago so it was clearly a special place. When you arrived, the server had immediately showed you to a more intimate table tucked away in the back corner. 
Wine and food arrived at the table without a menu or many words exchanged between the server and Steve. After you had finished eating - polishing off one of the best tiramisus you had ever tasted - the restaurant owner, May, came out to say hello.
When you left without mentioning a bill, you had a feeling that the business Steve did with May extended beyond just being a landlord. You didn’t ask any questions though.
Over the last month with Steve, the questionable moments were quite rare. He really did maintain the boundary between his personal life and everything else, with only a bit of a crossover. You had joined him at the club a few times - because you realized dating the club owner eliminated all the awful things you hated about going out. You never had to wait for entrance or for a drink ever again. Your friends especially liked the free drinks and safe rides home, too.
That was only a fringe benefit of being with Steve though. What really stood out to you was just Steve. Getting to know each other all over again had been exciting and fulfilling, in many ways. 
You kept up your nightly phone calls. Well, when you weren’t crashing at his or him dropping into your bed, you kept up the calls. You had spent Thanksgiving with him at Sarah’s and were greeted with boxes of childhood photos to fawn over. For Christmas, you, Steve and Sarah had all travelled up to Albany to spend the day cooking and celebrating with your mom. 
Slowly, it seemed your worlds would be blending together. And you weren’t really sure what the future was going to hold and how that might transpire, but you decided it was worth seeing what could happen. Because being with Steve seemed worth it.
“I promise this won’t take too long,” Steve’s voice broke you from your thoughts, as he parked his car near the back exit of the club. It was a small lot reserved for Steve and Shield staff members only, currently only occupied by one other black car. You weren’t sure who that belonged to. Maybe Natasha was there doing inventory of the bar before New Years.
You gave him a smile from the passenger seat, leaning over to meet his lips for a kiss. “Remember that we have a big day of sleeping in without an alarm tomorrow so..” He smirked. “Take all the time you need.”
Steve bounded out of the car and raced around to help you out, extending his hand to ensure you stepped safely onto the asphalt. You had dressed up for dinner, picking out your favourite black dress paired with some heels that didn’t cause you too much pain to walk in. Steve had grinned like a schoolboy when he picked you up, which made you feel, well, beautiful. You had paired the dress with your Christmas gift from him - a stunning gold and diamond pendant, shaped like a wing. A matching wing now sat with the chain on his neck, too.
You clutched Steve’s hand as you headed through the backdoor of the club. From the dark back hallway, you could have sworn you could hear music playing somewhere. Maybe it was just the memory of whatever song was just playing in Steve’s car.
As you twisted down the hallway, past the back office, storage rooms, and the back stairs up towards the second floor, the music grew a bit louder. You definitely heard music. You tried to ask Steve what was going on but he just squeezed your hand, threw a mischievous grin over his shoulder and carried on.
When you finally made it to the main club area, it was still pitch black. The music kept playing. You grasped both of Steve’s hands in a panic and by the time you had formed a sentence to ask a worried question, the lights powered on.
But it wasn’t the regular industrial overhead lights. Nor was it the multicoloured pot lights that danced around to match the beat of the club music. No, this was something else. 
Above you, the multicoloured lights were steady and emitting just a soft blue tone. Across the open railings above, partitioning off the downstairs area from the VIPs upstairs, various strands of string lights were hung and illuminated. It made the club area feel almost intimate. 
You dropped Steve’s hands and turned around, speechless as you took it all in. On the end of the bar, you spotted a bottle of champagne sitting on ice with two matching glasses waiting. The music playing above you switched to something softer. An old song crackled through the speakers.
You turned back to Steve, who was gazing at you.
He stepped towards you, hand extended. “Dance with me, sweetheart?”
How could you say no to that request?
Steve helped you take off your coat and  discarded his own. Then he pulled you towards the very center of the room, under a now spinning disco ball that splashed flickers of light around the space. 
“Steve,” you started, resting your head against his chest. One of his palms cradled the small of your back while the other grasped your hand, hovering in the air as he led you in slow circles.. “Did you do this all just for me?”
He chuckled. You could feel it rumble through him. “Bucky helped me out.”
You smiled, squeezing his hand in response. You didn’t know what to say. 
And maybe that was okay, because at that moment, it was just you and Steve. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I promise I’ll always dance with you.”
Author's Note: Thank you again so much for reading! I have a few ideas for additional one shots in this AU, including a smutty little threesome fic and a small story with Bucky and a girl from the club. if you have any questions or want to know more about this universe or Steve and Reader, please please drop into my inbox or the comments!! love you all!!
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 months
Pairing(s): Diana of Themyscira x F!Reader
Summary - Bruce introduces you, his oldest friend, to the one superhero friend of his that you haven’t met yet.
Warnings - First meetings. Reader has social anxiety. Fluff. Humour.
Word Count - 1.5k
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“Are you sure about this, Bruce?” you ask, looking yourself over in the mirror, frowning. You’re still unsure about the outfit you have picked out for the party tonight. “It’s been forever since I’ve been to one of these things.”
Bruce chuckles and gently pulls you away from the mirror, turning you to face him. “You look great and keep in mind this isn’t a fancy party filled with upper class dickheads. Just friends and family.” 
You know that he’s right. This is supposed to be a more laid back type of party. Even his outfit is laidback. A black shirt and slacks instead of the usually suit and tie. It hasn’t stopped you from working yourself up though. Your palms are sweaty and your heart is thumping hard against your ribcage. Already your mind has conjured up and played out a bunch of scenarios. Each one going worse than the last one. It’s more than enough to make you feel like running back to the safety of your room.
Being one of your oldest friends, and therefore knowing you the best, Bruce can see every little sign of your anxiety building up and threatening to consume you. The rough feeling of his calloused thumb against your cheek helps with grounding you. 
“Breathe,” he reminds you. “Everything will be fine. You do know most of them.”
“Except for the one you seem most excited for me to meet,” you reply. 
“I just think that the two of you will hit if off,” he shrugs. 
“So you’re playing matchmaker now? What, did you get bored of your cowl?”
“Everyone needs a hobby.” He links his arm with yours and begins to lead you toward the manor’s garden, where everyone else is. “Besides, if you really do start to panic you know that either I or Selina will step in and whisk you away to a quiet room.”
“I know and I’m so grateful to the both of you for that.”
Since your diagnosis, the both of them have gone above and beyond to make sure that you feel safe and supported whilst you seek help and figure out how to manage it. Even being miles away from them, you haven’t been left to feel like you’re all alone. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to repay them for all everything they’ve done for you.
Before you know it, you and Bruce have reached the doors to the garden. They’re wide open, letting the summer air into the manor and you could easily hear the conversations going on. Taking a deep breath, you let him lead you outside. 
He’s right. You do recognise almost everyone and they recognize you, despite the fact that it’s been a few years since you last saw any of them. Barry gives you a toothy grin and waves while the rest take a more reserved approach. A smile here or a small gesture of their hand or head there. Doing their best to not overwhelm you. 
“I’m glad you decided to come,” Selina says as she pulls you away from Bruce and into a hug. You hug her back. Thankful to see your other old friend after so long.
“It’s good to see you, Selina.” 
She smiles at you as she pulls away. “Diana’s over there.”
“Thank you,” Bruce tells her. He leans in close and presses a kiss to her lips. You’re glad that the two of them finally stopped dancing around their feelings and actually got together. They deserve to be happy. Though that very thing is probably why Bruce is playing matchmaker with you right now. He wants you to be happy as well. Like he is.
While you have never met Diana, you have seen her on the tv and the web. Various news reports and footage that spreads across the internet every time that the Justice League stops some alien invasion or super villain attempting to take control of the world, again. In truth, you’ve always had a bit of a crush on her. Thing is you never thought anything would ever come of it until Bruce decided to start introducing you to aspects of his superhero life. Though, now that you think about it, you probably should have suspected something a month ago when he kept bringing her up. 
“Diana. This is…” Bruce introduces you to her. You feel your mouth go dry. She’s even more stunning in real life. Long black hair, the ends dip dyed blue, a red tank, blue jeans and her silver bracelets.
“Hi,” you just about manage, hating how pathetic you must sound. All you want is for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. At the same time, you know now that running away from everything constantly isn’t a way to live.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she says. “Bruce has told me a lot about you.” 
“Same here,” you reply. 
You both side eye Bruce, who’s doing his best to act completely innocent, like he hasn’t been planning this meeting for ages, but his act is completely transparent. Before either you or Diana can say something, there’s a loud crash. You all turn to where his two eldest sons are suppose to be helping Alfred with setting up the grill, but only seem to be making an absolute mess of it. A long, drawn out and tired sounding sigh leaves Bruce as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“If you’ll excuse me.” 
You and Diana both chuckle as he walks away and both of his sons scatter when they seem him approaching. 
“So, Bruce is playing matchmaker now,” she says, drawing your attention back to her.
“Apparently. He’s happy so everyone else has to be as well. Which is better then him making everyone else miserable.” 
She nods in agreement. 
With the ice now broken, the conversation between the two of you flows easily. Bit by bit your anxiety slowly starts to dissipate and you are not over analysing every last thing that you say. Diana is completely intrigued by your job as a wildlife photographer and the various situations you have managed to get yourself into during your job. From close encounters with the very animals you’re photographing to poachers and trophy hunters. The mention of the latter two visibly angers her and you share her sentiment. They had not been fun encounters at all.
“And you got out of those situations unscathed?” she asks. 
“Mostly. Selina taught me how to defend myself while we were growing up on the streets,” you reply.
“And the men who attacked you? What happened to them?”
“Most of them are behind bars–” you gesture toward where Bruce and Selina are–“Their handiwork as soon as they found out what happened. They’re now trying to forbid me from travelling to the Amazon Rainforest because of it.”
“What if I was to come with you?”
Her offer takes you completely by surprise. You have only just met each other and she’s already offering to travel to a rainforest with you. A trip that’s bound to last a few weeks. 
“I’m sure that it would soothe any fears they have and it would be an opportunity for us to get to know each other without so many other people around,” she continues. “If you want me to join, of course. I don’t want to pressure you.”
“I mean, I’ve only ever gone with colleagues on these trips, but I think it could be a lot of fun if you came along. It would also stop Bruce from constantly blocking me from charting a flight.”
She nods. “It’s agreed then. We’ll go together.”
Afternoon quickly turns into evening and one by one the rest of the leaguers say their goodbyes and leave until it’s just you, Diana, Bruce and Selina. The four of you have long since come inside and have settled in one of the lounges. 
You decide that now is the perfect time to mention what you and her talked about earlier. As soon as you mention the rainforest you can see Bruce visible tense until you say that Diana has offered to come with you. He relaxes at that and even looks a little smug. Sometimes you could really deck him, but you would really rather not break your hand on his face again. 
“It was an absolutely pleasure to meet you,” Diana says. The two of you are standing outside of the manor to say your goodbyes. It’s got quite late and your social battery is so drained you’re ready to curl up in bed and never leave it ever again.
“Same here. I’m glad that Bruce managed to talk me into coming today.” 
“As am I. You’ll text me the details?”
“Yeah. ‘Course.”
You wave goodbye to her and watch until she reaches the end of the drive, then you’re turning away and heading back inside. Bruce is waiting for you, leaning against the bannister of the grand staircase, grinning.
“I told you the two of you would hit it off.” He sounds as smug as he looks.
“Oh, shut up.”
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
I’m having a bit of bill skarsgård brain rot, lmaooo. Can you do a yandere alphabet for the marquis from John wick
Yandere Alphabet - Vincent de Gramont
TW: Yandere themes, Mentions of Torture, Mentions of Arguments, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced-Marriage, Spankings as Punishment, Overprotective Vincent, Controlling Vincent
A/N: Please inform me if I did not tag something correctly. Please know the difference between fictional and reality. While fictional, these types of relationships are extremely toxic, especially in real-life. If your relationship is showcasing these toxic behaviors, please seek help from someone to get out safely. Reblogs are heavily appreciated!!
Gif Credit: @mndvx
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Vincent's love languages are gift giving and acts of service. He's used to money and connections being the answer for everything and that includes how he shows his affections for you. It would be very intense, he would practically shower you in riches if you allowed him. Whatever you wanted was yours and he has the means of making it happen.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Vincent is all about efficiency. Whatever directly concerns his darling, he would need it to be handled immediately with little to no waste, effort, or energy. He would have his men handle it or deal with it himself, it depends on the situation. He dislikes messes, however, if someone were to kidnap you, harm you, or touch you, it would be a different story.
If you were harmed, he would return it ten-fold. Remember the scene between him and Nobody with a knife to the hand? Yes, he's willing to get messy for that. If his men are handling it, he would watch and enjoy it.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Once abducted, he would treat you like royality, since you're his sweet darling. No, he wouldn't mock you because that's childish in his eyes. He understands it is a difficult situation, but he would expect you to adapt sooner rather than later. He can only be patient for so long.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
There are many things he wouldn't allow you to do with the sole purpose of protecting you. You'll have to ask for his permission for many of these things, but he isn't unreasonable. If you want to go shopping, take a walk, there's must always be someone with you. You'll either be escorted by him or his men when he's busy. Your privacy will become nonexistent.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Vincent would be closed off in the beginning, he would need to trust you completely before he can open his heart to his darling. However, once he trusts his darling completely, he will open up about many things, however he will keep things from you. For instance, he wouldn't want his darling involved with his "occupation" and the things he's done. His vulnerability is strong when he completely trusts you, he's not against telling you his feelings.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Vincent can be patient and might even find his darling fighting back amusing. However, that patience can slip away very easily if the fighting persists. He would feel somewhat betrayed from his darling's behavior. He risked your safety to have you in his life and home and this is how you repay him?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No, this is not a game to him and he takes it very seriously. Again, he risked your safety to have you in his life, the risk of someone using you against him. He may find his darling trying to escape humorous during the first few attempts, but it would be in your best interest to quit. He won't find it humorous anymore.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
His darling's worst experiences with him would be his outbursts and controlling behavior. Vincent's patience only goes a certain way until he explodes. Fighting against him would result in him yelling at you angrily and breaking things. For example, when Vincent broke his phone after speaking with Nobody. I believe that Vincent would break things when he's angry or overstimulated enough.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Vincent wants to experience everything with his darling. His darling is his significant other, therefore he envisions marrying his darling and having children to continue the next generation. He'll force you to marry him if he has to.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He can be extremely jealous, however it is not because of insecurity. He doesn't like anyone thinking they have a chance with his darling without going through him first. He doesn't need to cope being the Marquis, he can have that person killed if he wanted and it will happen. Yes, he will lash out in his own way.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's extremely protective and affectionate with his darling. He can be charming when he wants, hand kisses, arm around the waist, gentle caresses, he will do it all for his darling. His darling always has his attention, even if he's busy. If you're on his good side, it's all romantic.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Vincent would do things behind the scenes, make his darling think they have a secret admirer, which is true. He would secretly send you romantic letters and expensive gifts. He would have his men secretly follow you around and get information to bring back to him. He wants to learn everything about you and prepare before abducting you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Absolutely, Vincent would be completely different with others compared to his darling. His darling is the only one that gets the sweet side of him while he remains aloof with others.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He would take away rights everytime you go against him. For instance, you would no longer be allowed to leave the mansion anymore, no matter how many times you try to appease him. He would need to see improvement first. Plus, he's not against putting his darling over his knee and spanking you until you're red.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He would take away some rights from his darling and his darling would need to have his approval for things. For instance, you're not allowed in the kitchens or leaving the mansion without him or a bodyguard and your personal belongings are always monitored. For your protection of course ❤️
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Well, he would have a little more patience with his darling than with others. He'll let his darling off easily the first few times, but it would quickly change because he would assume that his darling is being ungrateful and disrespecting him and his wishes.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Absolutely not. Vincent would never be able to move on if something happened to you. If you died, he would remain heartbroken for the rest of his life. If you escape, that'd a different story, you will return to him.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He would never feel guilty for kidnapping his darling and it never crossed his mind that what he did was wrong. He has individuals killed for a living, kidnapping his darling wouldn't be any different. He would simply try to make you understand that what he did was necessary. He would never let his darling go, you would have to kill him first.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I would assume his childhood and the things he deals with as the Marquis. He's used to having everything he wants, call him spoiled.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Vincent would feel disappointed about your behavior, especially when this is a reoccurring problem. However, he still loves you and would want to fix this as soon as possible. He would try to comfort you as much as he knew how. If you were upset about being restrained to the mansion, he'll take you outside. He would explain to you that this was only for your protection and he only wanted the best for you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vincent isn't sadistic, at least towards his darling and values their feelings. He actually likes communication, you can be open with him about anything because he prefers your honesty than lying and disobeying him.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He's used to getting what he wanted and gaining his complete trust would give his darling advantages. He would let his darling have more privileges and his darling can use that in an effort to escape. However, his trust is a long process so you'll need to play the waiting game. Be obedient and docile and you'll have him eating from your palm.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He absolutely loves his darling and willing to do anything for them. He'll buy anything you want if it meant gaining your affections. He has money and connections, he'll make it happen.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He'll pine for his darling for a few months, gaining information on them and preparing his home for his darling's arrival before he snaps. Whenever he wants something, he has to have it soon or now. Again, he's spoiled.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes, he would.
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leonw4nter · 8 months
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Give Me A Star In The Sky and Promise To Be By My Side
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Knight!RE4R!Leon x Mermaid!F!Reader
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fluff, medieval setting, no use of super flowery words, mentions of death/dying (once or thrice i think)
SUMMARY : Leon's a knight in shining armor but he begs to differ because he swears God sent him an angel with a voice that outshines all that comes along with an even shinier mermaid tail.
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Fighting. Killing. Coming back alive when men you considered your brothers are dead. This is all something Leon is used to ever since the royal family has taken him in as their knight; no compensation, no amount of pay could ever repair the damage that fighting mutant horrors beyond human comprehension has done to him. He has lost it all– friends, family, and the will to live. He has considered ending this torment with a rope around his neck but he never could bring himself to do so; someone has to do the job because if he doesn’t, then who will? He takes a swig of the strongest whiskey he can get his bloodied hands on, hoping to drown his sorrows and dissolve the faint image of his comrade’s mangled body that lingered in his mind like a taunt that he will never rebuild his life again and one day, he too will die like this and there will be no loved one to grieve his death; no one to lay flowers on his grave, no grave to be paying respects to but as if there was ever anyone in his life to visit him in the first place. He did not think that he would be deserving of praise or recognition; no matter how many times he scrubs his hands clean, there would always be blood on them. He zones out, dead blue eyes focused on nothing in particular as the voices that taunt him grow louder and sound as if they’re doubling in number. The grip on his glass falters, fingers trembling as tears flood the waterline of his eyes. Forcing himself to get a grip, he refills the glass and takes another long swig as he lets the drink burn his throat.
God must certainly exist because it’s as if He saw Leon struggling to keep the voices at bay and decided to send down an angel to sing solely to overpower the demons with her powerful voice; Leon thinks that maybe God still has some compassion to spare for a rabid stray like him. Leon keeps his head down, trying to keep himself grounded as a euphonious voice begins to sway his soul and move him gently. He finally looks up and sees a singer on stage, clad in a beautiful red dress; the color red never fails to make Leon feel a twinge of betrayal and hurt but this red is a shade he will always associate with silencing the raging screams in his troubled mind.
The peace is interrupted when a group of drunken men stumble to the front of the stage, filthy hands reaching out to touch her legs. Her voice weakens and trembles slightly, eyes widened and darting to and fro from the audience and towards the men. Leon decides that this is enough and gets up from his seat, walking over to the front of the stage and grips the wrist of one man tightly but the man does not give up easily; punches thrown, glass shattered, and noses bloody, guests pour out of the club, leaving you and him alone. He tells you his name and you offer yours, both of you knowing full well this is not the last time you two will see each other again. With a small nod, he turns around and heads out the door to retire back to his quarters. Swiftly, you grab a cloak and run outside to follow him. He hasn’t wandered too far off from the club so manage to catch up to him, placing a hand on his back. As a small token of your thanks, you give him a mermaid scale. Drawing him a little nearer, you place the iridescent golden scale on the pocket of his gambeson and give it a safe little pat before pulling away.
“What was that for?” he asks, gaze falling to his pocket.
“It’s a thank-you from me. I feel the need to repay you for defending me so I decided to give you my scale.” you respond, a small smile on your lips.
“A fish scale?”
“Mermaid scale.”
“I’ve seen large, rare fish sold to merchants with scales like these but thank you, I guess. I just did what’s right.”
All the singer does is laugh and look up at him with sparkly eyes.
Leon tries not to hide the bewildered look in his face. Mermaids are not real, they’re simply manatees that explorers have misidentified but she seemed a little too kind and eager to express her thankfulness so he takes it, not saying another word. It wouldn’t hurt to keep around a rare fish’s scale so he decides against giving it back or throwing it away on his way to his quarters.
“I’ll see you around, Leon.” you respond before giving him a small bow and heading back in. He looks back at you once but you look back three times, incredibly grateful for such a man to have stepped in and done something about the harassment.
Even after a few days of the charming singer giving him the scale, he still keeps it around and carries it with him everywhere. He doesn’t know why he does so but he just does, perhaps out of respect for the singer; maybe it’s in her culture to give a kind stranger something like that and he’s just respecting whatever customs she may have. Sometimes, he pulls the scale out and holds it up to the sun or whatever source of light there is to admire the scale. The scale is a lot thicker and bigger than the usual fish scale so he figures that it must have come from a bigger kind unknown to the region. He has also decided to frequent that club more, staying around not for alcohol alone but also the music; the club had two or three singers but out of all, he most preferred to hear you sing. You always looked radiant, making the room seem brighter than it is but whenever you spot him in the sea of spectators, he swears you seem to look a lot brighter. You two don’t talk, him being a man of few words and you being an introverted person but occasionally exchange glances that said enough. It is easy to admit that the man is attractive but she didn’t feel anything more than just the mere urge to offer the man some company and same goes with him yet there were times where he felt his heart thrum whenever he recalled the way the corners of your eyes wrinkled whenever you smiled, how your eyes squint first before a bright grin graces your red lips; the way your glossy hair would softly sway along to the song as if there were waves causing your hair to dance along to the melody. He found himself subconsciously looking around for any threat looming around to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere you have effortlessly created and to keep you safe, of course. He also began to cut back on the whiskey he always got, making sure he only limited himself to a number of glasses in order to stay sober so he could rush in and protect you fast if the situation arose.
This night, being in the club would stay in his imagination as he is sent to roam the forests for threats of those crazy cultists running around and planting parasite eggs around; news of livestock and villages from more rural portions of the kingdom reached the town, causing the king to raise alert levels within the kingdom’s line of defenses. The evening sky is dark, littered with shimmery dots of white and silver moonlight that beamed through tall and dark trees. The gale is cold, a refreshing contrast to the hot afternoon; the wind gently blows, as if caressing Leon’s body like he’s made of thin glass and gently ruffling his slightly unkempt blond hair. He’s not wearing his usual bulk of armor tonight, opting for white long sleeves and a black leather doublet over it; a belt to contain his sword and daggers hang on his waist, causing a faint clanking noise with each stride. Despite being tall and muscular, his footfalls were trained to be as light and noiseless as possible to keep him undetected when he was on duty. However, light footfalls are nothing when you fail to keep yourself guarded and fall prey to who you are supposed to be preying on. An assassin sneaks up from behind him and renders him immobile, a handkerchief damp with a sedative substance clamped over his mouth which causes him to lose his consciousness. The assassin holds his heavy body, pulling it to some place else to effectively keep him immobile. Blade belt removed, hands and ankles tied, a black cloth covering his eyes, the assassin lugs him to a cart used for the transport of the dead and takes on, disguising themselves as someone assigned to pick up bodies and send them to a burial ground in order to properly execute their mission.
“Leon! Leon!,” Chris calls out. The man walks and looks around, his booming voice reverberating through the woods.
“Where in the hell is he,” he mumbles softly. Leon is someone who always knows the way and would always come back; he could be set to drift out at sea with a blindfold to his eyes and his arms constricted but he would always get back, no matter what.
“No sign of Leon anywhere,” Luis responds. Luis, one of the palace’s scholars, had been called over by Chris to ask him about Leon’s whereabouts. When Leon was not hanging around the barracks, he could be seen in Luis’ laboratory flipping through books or observing Luis’ notes.
“Ran off with a certain lady friend of his, perhaps?” he jokes, a failed attempt at making the situation lighter. Chris’ forehead creases with worry, fumbling around his pockets for a cigarette only to remember that he left it at his chambers. “So much for trying to quit.” he thinks to himself. They continue discussing where Leon could be, occasionally calling out his name every now and then, wading deeper into the forest. Suddenly, they hear a child’s helpless screaming. The screaming sounded a little more reverb, as if he was trapped somewhere.
“You hear that?” Luis asks, to which Chris nods.
“We’ll help you kid! Hold on!,” Luis exclaims as he and the other brunette set off to find the source of the noise.
“Help us! We’re in a well!” the kid exclaims. Luis raises an eyebrow at Chris; We? What did he mean by “we”? Could it be that Leon is with the kid too?
The pair rushes to the source of the sound, the child’s voice growing clearer and clearer with each speedy stride. Finally, a well comes into their view and they sprint towards the well. They peer down and see Leon, finally conscious but his head is tipped up for if not, he would sink below the water and drown. On his shoulder is the child, legs untied but hands bound together. His clothes are wet, cheeks deeply flushed from all the crying he’s done. The way they are positioned looks odd; the kid, despite being much much smaller than Leon, is standing with the water up until his ankles whilst Leon looks like he’s struggling to keep his head up and it occurs to them that he’s letting the kid stand on his shoulders to call out for help despite his weakened state.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you chico!” Luis exclaims before scrambling off to find a rope, a vine– whatever they can use to get the kid and Leon out. Luckily, a portion of the rope was stuck on a stone that jutted out from the inside of the well and if Chris took a stick and brought a portion of the rope up, he could get them both out. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a stick sturdy enough to support the weight of a child but Luis piped up with an idea.
“Chico, can you jump for me?” Luis calls out. He smiles half-heartedly, trying to stir up some feelings of confidence in the kid.
“I’m going to need you to jump as high as you can and grab on to that stone,” he adds with a slender finger pointing to the stone that juts out.
“Think you can do that for me?”
The kid hesitates for a moment, looking down at Leon and back up. His bottom lip quivers and a look of fear flashes in his bright green eyes before shaking his head and breaking out into a new set of tears. A grunt could be heard coming from Leon, all his energy going into keeping his body up for the kid; he hasn’t even broken out of the ropes, more focused on getting the child out before himself.
Luis mutters something in Spanish and Chris considers shedding his armor to climb down and somehow try to get the kid and Leon himself, even if the odds are stacked up against everyone. Without warning, a yelp from the kid could be heard as he took a leap without warning, one tiny tied hand holding onto the rock.
“Help me!” the kid cried in a shaky voice and nasal tone. Chris bent down as deep as he could, his hand stretched and trying to get the kid’s wrist and lift him up.
“This might hurt a little but it’ll be fast, I promise!” he says before finally getting the kid’s wrist. Luis holds on to his waist to keep him from dipping into the well too much. With a few grunts, Chris finally manages to lift the kid out. Luis sheds his coats, wrapping it around the shivering kid as he tells the child to sit beside the well and try to stay warm. Leon, however, stays trapped and has gone beneath the water due to the downward thrust when the kid lept. The two men above the water consider shedding whatever clothing and dividing down, spotting a golden glow beneath the water. Golden? But the moon appears silver this evening; the faint light appears as if it’s beneath the waters. Interesting.
She is backstage, gently patting powder into her face as she gets ready for tonight’s performance. She has her best pink dress on, silk embroidery casting a peachy sheen whenever golden candle-light struck the threads; long locks of her hair is kept away from her delicate face using starfish hair clips, strands defining the plumpness of cheeks the shade of tropical corals and framing her soft jaw. She spreads her lips into a wide smile, trying to get more of the product into her cheeks when she feels a sharp pain in the left side of her chest. She hastily returns the powder puff into the pot, a dainty hand flying to her chest and clutching it as she tries to catch her breath. The pain persists for a few more seconds until she realizes that someone may be in dire trouble. Hurriedly, she grabs her coat and runs out of the club. The ache in her chest could only mean one thing: a recipient of her scale needs her help right away, that recipient being Leon. Leon is the only person she’s ever offered her scale to, that tiny iridescent thing connecting the both of them in a way she didn’t quite expect. She has heard of what offering a scale could entail but she didn’t expect it to be like a map; she doesn’t know where he is but a connection to an item of hers just leads her there. She speeds through the thickness of the forest, legs pumping fast to get her to him as fast as possible. Not too long after, she spots a well and she feels the ache grow stronger. A hand flies up to unclasp her coat, hurriedly moving over to the clips in her hair to let it drop down to the floor. She spots two men and a child right by the well, the men shedding their shirts and vests. One of the men, the tanned and lean one between the pair, reaches out to her but she doesn’t pay them any mind. Stretching her arms in front of her and keeping them together, a shimmery flash of pink plunges into the well and hits the water with a loud splash. Immediately, her eyes adjust to the darkness and her legs shift into an opalescent gold tail. With a strong kick, she sets off to find Leon whose eyes are closed. She spots a muted gold glow in his chest pocket, her scale and sees his hands below his back. Hastily, she swims up to him and takes his arms; a broken piece of rope is attached to wrist and the same goes for his ankles. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she swims them both to the surface of the water but his eyes are still closed. Offering him some of her strength, she unwraps her arms from his wrist and places her tender hands on his face, she lets her lids drape over her eyes and brings her face near his. Tilting her head, her soft lips meet his lightly chapped ones; a surging tide of warmth and some miraculous strength courses through Leon’s formerly limp body, eyes slowly flying open only to be met by a blur of dark blue and a stinging sensation which causes him to shut them again. He could not see but he is certain that it’s her; an odd yet not uninvited swimming giddiness overrides his ability to reason logically and before he knows it, he finds himself pressing his lips back only for her to finally pull back and reach the surface of the well. Leon had always been the savior, the knight in the armor dirtied from war and he does not mind it– not at all but it is at that moment of nearly stepping into night’s Plutonian shore does he realize that maybe, just maybe, it doesn’t hurt to have someone save him for a change. As a man who has seen the face of war and smelt the stench of death, he has learned to raise strong walls to protect his heart from abandonment but through this moment, he comes to the realization that you’re slowly taking those walls apart but he doesn’t resent it– not one bit.
He wakes with a painful cough, sitting up and spitting out all the water from his lungs. With each jerk of his body, tears spring in his eyes from the sheer pressure he’s exerting just to get everything out. He feels a satiny touch fall on his back and he turns around; the singer from the club he frequents holds him in her lap and strokes his back from all those forceful coughing fits.
“You alright?” she asks in the most silvery voice he’s ever had the high grace of hearing.
“Yeah,” he responds with a hoarse voice. His throat feels weird and scratchy, a hand coming up to feel for his Adam's apple. He looks back at her and notices that they’re both drenched, her shimmery sleeveless dress clinging to her body and her long hair still dripping with water. His gaze falls on her cheekbones and drifts down to her arms and spots subtle opaline scales, similar to the ones on her legs. Her hands and feet look a lot more webbed, eyes appearing a little more bright than the average person’s.
“Thanks. For what you did. I mean it,” he softly says.
She smiles, still patting his back.
“It’s nothing. It’s sort of like me returning the favor for when you defended me back in the club.”
She coaxes him closer to her and he lets himself rest against her body, the weariness of the ordeal setting deep in his bones.
“How’d you find me?” he asks.
“The scale. My chest hurt while I was getting ready and I figured that you’d be in some form of trouble. I had this weird intuition on where you are and I ended up saving you.” she responds.
“Didn’t know you had a ladylove, sancho.” Luis chimes in, which causes the both of you to look avert each other’s gazes and attempt to conceal the deepening glow of pink in your cheeks. Chris finally finishes putting his garments back on, a smile on his lips. Urging Luis and the child up, they go to move somewhere else but not too distant from the both of you. Leon lifts his right hand up, gesturing it to you and shows you a gold radiance wrapped around his ring finger like a thread. You tilt your head, bringing his hand closer to you until you notice that the luminescent thread connects to your own ring finger, which also resembles thread.
“Am I going to be a mermaid too?” Leon speaks up.
“N-no… I don’t think so. This is my first time seeing something like this.” you quietly say. The threads disappear, fading into shimmery moonlight that lingered on you two for a swift moment.
“You’re a mermaid.” Leon mumbles faintly.
“Yeah, I am.” you say.
“That explains the voice.”
“And not the scale, which you thought belongs to some kind of rare fish?”
“You aren’t entirely fish but you’re quite the catch if I do say so myself.”
You turn your head to a side not facing Leon, shutting your eyes and biting your lip in a moment of pure glee as waves of excitement crash over your body, a coral tint adding more color to your face.
“Let’s get back. It’s getting colder.” you finally say as you try to fight back a smile.
“Sounds like a plan.” he says as he flashes that swoon-worthy grin.
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NOTE - THANK GOD I'M FINALLY DONE WITH EXAMS OH MY LORD. Fun fact: I started this fic when I was supposed to be studying for one of my tests and I finished this when I'm currently supposed to be practicing for a music class requirement :3 Making the fic look a lot more cuter took more time than I initially thought but I don't mind tbh. I'll be inactive from January 25 to 26th because I'll be on a day-long school trip. Hopefully I'm passing all my tests because I will be CREMATED if I don't. Also ordered my Leon photocards and they haven't arrived yet (baby come home) That's all and I'm really thankful that you've read my fics and enjoyed them :) I love you <///3
The animated pink divider and chain dividers are from @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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the-white-void · 1 year
Things from Afar
~Summary: Part 2 of "Otherworldly Things". But I'm doing Nahida and Ei this time.
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A week has passed since Venti and Zhongli had tried to convince you to come to Teyvat, but, you had work and school to catch up on and even if you did go there and get everything you wanted, it felt undeserving.
Another phenomenal accident happened where a bright glowing computer popped out a small child and a grown woman, both being obviously the other released archons, lying on the floor dizzy from the transport process.
"So, more overgrown children under my belt" you sighed in frustration. Venti and Zhongli peeked from the doorway wondering how your mental health might deteriorate more now with Nahida and Ei swimming like clueless fish.
"Peepaw. Cockroach. Help me move these guys to the living room" you turned to the two men behind the corner of the door. Both then started to carry the two lying figures out of the room, Zhongli cradling Nahida in his arms while Venti dragged Ei from her arms out the door "Why do you get to carry Buer, your the brute out of the two of us!" "As the responsible one, it is my responsibility that the children are safe" both exchange words as Venti drags Ei in defeat.
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Raiden Ei
When she woke up with you watching The Lorax while waiting for them to gain consciousness, she was about to slam her forehead to the floor in a bowing position before you stopped her.
"Look, I know you're here with the same reason as the other two before you; my answer is NO. I have done my best to get through with this life and get somewhere with it and I'm not gonna let it crumble down because of some crap my old did and you crawling to my feet. Ok"
She was flabbergasted by your words, but then again, they were your words and she cannot disobey.
"Also, tell the operator to find a way to get you guys home. I'm running out of money to feed the other two and now you and Nahida"
Her soul left her body when she heard those words leaving your mouth.
You. Their divine creator. Babying them and sacrificing your own wellbeing for them.
She was on her knees and her head on the floor "Your grace, I apologize for exploiting your time and effort. Please allow me to return the gratitude"
"... Are you willing to get a job?"
She was a bit stunned but still wanted to repay you "Yes. I will get a 'job' to repay your omniscients' grace" her head and I was still on the floor.
And now she's working as a cashier in a nearby convenience store.
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When she woke up in the middle of your living room on a couch right next to the Raiden shogun, she was a little startled, so she tried to jump off but was seen by Venti staring at her from across the room
"uhmm... Hi?"
Was all he said and continued to stare at her.
"Uhm... How is it with their Grace? Are they willing to come back?"
"No, they wanna stay here. And I don't know why"
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"their grace said to keep an eye on you until they get back from grocery shopping"
The silence flooded the room once again, and the awkwardness continues.
Some time later
You come back with Ei to see Nahida and Venti in a staring contest "... Don't wanna ask anymore but whaddya want for dinner?"
Nahida was blank for a moment until Venti mentioned he wanted apple pie.
Nahida scolded him that he shouldn't to you so casually
"Don't worry too much about it. You want anything?" you spoke to her softly.
She was stuttering in between her words with the pressure that she was speaking to the Omniscient Overseer and couldn't find the words.
"It's alright" you knelt down trying to ease her burden "You don't have to be so formal. Right now, I'm [name], not The Omniscient Overseer, alright" You gently held her with the aura of comfort through your words.
"Well. I'll take whatever you like" She smiles at you.
That was the first time someone saw her as a child, not literally, but as someone who has not experienced the world with her own senses.
She's happy with that.
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missmarveledsblog · 11 days
I'll show you different ( joel miller x reader) part three
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Summary : peaches is met by joel standing like a man completely lost to the world In panic only to reveal his daughters where in his and currently both on their period. She gives him pads he asks for and decided to repay his kindness with making care packages for both girls and spending an afternoon with the millers she would never forget
Warnings: alussion to child abuse and domestic violence but other than that this part is actually more fluffy .
It was such a strange feeling , being happy , having people around her that cared about her . yet it did make her feel guilty to know she was lying to some of them but she knew it was better that way . Maybe if they knew would they thinks of her as weak , her baggage too much they would join the other who whispered like they knew her and lived her life . they didn’t look at her like everyone did either with pity or disgust depending on which side of the coin they were on . They knew one part of her past that was another thing would they think she was an idiot to fall for same tricks she’d seen so many times . Maybe she deserved it all , maybe her ex was right in the fact she was stupid she sure felt it . then she would shake her head repeating what her therapist told her before she came back home . repeating words of affirmation that she didn’t truly believed but hoped one day she would. She kept herself busy more of time doing more to the house keeping the style to some degree but giving her own stamp to the place .
Most of the downstair was done , thanks to her new friends.
That what she was doing when she heard the familiar knock pattern of a miller brother at her door . she padded down the stair to see joel standing awkwardly on her porch .
“ hey everything ok?” her brow furrowed as his cheeks flushed .
“ erm sorry to bother you peach but erm you don’t have some pads or tampons , sarah and ellie came and my luck they both got their periods and we’re not in supply” he scratched back of his neck .
“ oh shit they synced up huh? I got some one second” she smiled letting him as she ran up stairs only return with couple. “ i thought i had more , i’m going into store i’ll pick more up” she said handing him small pack as she put her shoes on grabbing her keys and following him out.
They made small talk in the short walk to her car , he watched as she checked around the car before she got in .
“ why you do that?” he brows furrowed as it came out before he could even think of his words .
“ i lived in new york and got car jacked before god i must seem like a weirdo” she laughed nervously once again hating how she lied but it had to be done.
“ nah shit sorry for asking like that , but just remember peach i’ll keep eyes out make sure your safe” he smiled as she took in his word a little nod of her head as they shared their goodbyes and set off on there own little task .
She rang her grandfather wondering if he knew anything about miller girls like their favorite things to which he did of course he did . as she walked around grabbing care packages one with essentials, pampering to help feel bit better along with the snacks her grandfather told her about , the pads , some heat pads for the cramps. She made sure it was all there for the girls seeing how joel was earlier was probably out of his depth when it came to the time of the month or it was just overwhelming dealing with both teenage girls during a sensitive time. Even it was something small she wanted to help anyways she could since both men where always helping her out with the house. She held the bads in her hand placing them in her trunk then drinking to star bucks getting the coffee orders for tommy and joel and herself and the ones joel eventually told her the girls liked then heading back pulling up to her drive as she got it all in her hands some way heading across the street she found her hands too full leaving her to kick the door lightly but loud enough to hear.
A young girl answered from the picture she knew it was ellie the youngest of the two , who seemed to study the woman before her.
“ hey is your dad here” she asked smiling .
“ you must be peach , you live across the street” she asked arching her brow .
“ one in the very same” peach nodded only for joel to come out. “I come baring gifts”.
�� ellie christ let her in and help her out , what is all this” he asked shocked taking the tray of coffee’s off of her .
“ actually you just need to take this one and the other is for sarah” she handed ellie the navy blue bag.
“ dad was right you really are an angel , shit you even got the good stuff” she smiled brightly.
“ ellie mouth please for love of god” joel groaned. “ how much do i owe you” the two walked into the kitchen for her to see tommy and sarah sitting at dining table.
“ hi it’s nice to finally meet you peach” sarah beamed up at the woman .
“ nice to finally meet you too both of you , also this is for you and to answer your question joel nothing” she handed over the purple bag. “ and you owe me nothing put this in freezer i got vanilla and chocolate and strawberry “ she handed him the tubs of ice cream . “ there sauce and stuff to make sundaes too” she place the other bag on counter as tommy handed her own coffee.
“ wow shit you thought of it all maybe we will survive this brother” tommy chuckled.
“ wow thank you so much “ sarah smiled happily as she looked in the bag.
“ yeah dad’s fucking useless with this shit” ellie waltzed in .
“ sorry i forgot to mention i’m raising a sailor apparently” joel pinched the bridge of his nose.
“ what you get me peach” tommy smirked.
“ coffee and made two teenage girls happy” she rolled her eyes laughing.
“ she got a point the starbuck and bag of goodies makes you bearable” ellie nodded .
“ please stay for dinner dad’s ordering pizza “ sarah pleaded .
“ least I could Do since all this “ joel smiled .
“ I can stay for pizza , If I ever say i hate it somethings Wrong “ she laughed.
The dinner was smoothLy she love the dynamic . How the girls Had Joel in such confusion it had her laughing til she cried Trying to explain it only For him to be more confused . She even bantered back with Tommy's flirtatious comment stunning The man to silence before he caught On and have her a clap and a Bow of his head. this was what Life should of always been like , this right here in that moment she would have burned to her memory. The one thing she would never regret was letting the millers into her life And she hoped they would stay There. This was the life she needed , the one she wished for all her life . One were She Could laugh without care , smile til her cheeks hurt and a warmth that filled her whole body . She could get used to this .
part 4
Taglist : @harriedandharassed
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
(X men Evolution) Platonic Yandere Trio Wanda, Quicksilver and Magneto and Magneto's youngest child reader from a one night stand who has Technopathy and who's mom was killed protecting her from anti mutant groups and the social worker contacted Magneto because his name is in the birth certificate and asked him if he wanted custody of them.
Ooooo! Thank you for specifying which X-Men media you wanted! (But I only do gender neutral Readers, okay?) I'll see what I can do:
It was hard, not having your mom around anymore.
She died protecting you, doing everything in her power to keep you safe, to let you have a chance at a normal childhood, and how was she repayed? The people of your old town killed her. They had meant to kill you, but she took the bullet for you. You were lucky to be alive, lucky to have been moved to a safe place...
Now you were moving in with someone you'd never met before.
He was supposedly your dad. Or at least who your mom claimed was. She'd never really mentioned him before, save when she needed to give you hope for a better future, when you'd be safe to use your powers and not be attacked for it.
His name was supposedly Magnus, and it turned out he had two other kids: Wanda and Pietro, twins.
They hadn't been mean or jealous (what was there to be jealous about? you're a younger sibling with trauma), but they did act... stange? In a way. Always hovering nearby, trying to keep the other Brotherhood teens from being near you or talking with you.
You think your first bonding moment with them was when you and the group had gone to an arcade for fun. The machines hummed with life, with energy... And you had just the game you enjoyed just waiting to be played.
The claw machine.
The poor thing hadn't been able to give a reward for all the money it was given, but you were just the person to make it right. With a few quarters, and a quick snap of electricity, you had the machine buzzing with your commands. The first stuffed animal was a hummingbird, with bright blue wings and a white stomach. The second was an owl with bright red eyes. Soon to follow were more and more little animals, until the entire plushie receptacle was filled to the brim with your rewards.
You shocked the poor guy behind the ticket counter, who looked tired and flabbergasted. And it seemed you'd surprised your siblings, too...
"Take it. They look like you," you pushed as you shoved the two birds into their arms. You'd already packed the rest of the stuffies into large plastic bags, hopefully to send to the local children's hospital.
"How does this look like me?" Pietro asked, looking over the hummingbird in blurred movements. "Couldn't it have been, like, a falcon, or something?"
"... Why an owl?" Wanda asks.
"You're fast and can perform any trick in the book. So can hummingbirds! Can you see a falcon flying backwards? Also, an owl because you've got the whole witch aesthetic, and it looks like you! It even has black and red feathers!"
"... Tch... Fine..."
"... It will be my familiar..."
"Yay! Now, let's go give the others their's!"
"Wait, you got them some too?!"
After that, the twins were just-
And if they couldn't be there, one of the other Brotherhood teens was instead. It only became a problem when someone tried to bully you.
Safe to say...
"Mess with them again and you won't live to make the same mistake again!"
"Let's see how well you do in basketball now, loser!"
The guy who'd try to pick on you now earned the full ire of Wanda AND Pietro, who made his life h*ll. And what those two decreed, the others followed.
People left you alone after that.
Of course, when you wanted to hide from everyone or hide your tracks...
You messed with the computers and lights.
"Ah man, I can't see like this!"
"Is it a power outage?"
"Someone get the janitor!"
Being in control of technology was pretty awesome.
It wasn't so fun when your dad found out.
"Reader... perhaps you would like to join my Acolytes? We would have much need of your mutation."
You took one look at the people your... dad, had on his elite team... And decided:
"Um... I'm good, sir..."
"Very well... And you may call me 'father'."
"Erm... okay... Father..."
What you didn't see happening in the shadows was your father having his Acolytes preparing a space for you anyway, so one day you could be with them. What you didn't see was Wanda giving nightmares and accidents to your bully, sending them into a chaotic spiral. What you didn't see was Pietro following you wherever you went, spying from as far or near as he liked, and telling Wanda and Magneto everything he saw.
You may have thought you were being given some control, but in honesty... That control was only an illusion.
If you ever tried to leave or go to the X-Men, you'd just find yourself kept captive, bound in metal chains where no one would ever find you, save for your loving family... They wouldn't risk losing their little technopath, the one member of their small family who can temper their personalities... So don't try to run, or they'll cut off any small control you have for good.
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the-type-a · 9 days
Duncney Week 2024
Day 3: Now Won’t You Promise Me, That You’ll
Never Forget
“But I’m in the fishcabin with you, aren’t I?” Create a moment that lives rent free in Duncney’s minds (bonus points if this prompt ends up being super angsty).
*Read under break*
The pitter-patter of rain echoed throughout the room. It was dim as one lamp illuminated light through the space. A large bed with ruffled sheets creaked as a figure rolled over to their back, now facing the ceiling.
A deep sigh escaped the man’s lips as he balled something in his hand. Quickly, as if regretting this action, the man unscrambled the paper. He tried to smooth out the edges as he stared at what it really was. A single picture.
It wasn’t just any old photo he had found buried beneath his bed. No, it was a special one. One that he had taken so many years ago in a place he desperately tried to forget. A picture he remembered the backstory of all too well.
“Coast is clear, Princess.”
“We’re going to get in so much trouble.”
Duncan and Courtney had now successfully found their way into Chris’s private room at the Playa Resort. It honestly ended up being easier than both expected as the camera crew straight up refused to film at that location for little to no pay.
“Relax, babe. Besides, I thought you liked living on the edge.”
“And look where it got me.” She snapped back a little too aggressively than intended.
The green haired teen turned to face her now, knowing how cheated she had felt. He took her hand and squeezed it. Her face relaxed as her brown eyes met his.
“Here, with me. I think that’s a pretty great outcome.”
“You know what I meant.” She said in a defeated tone.
He hated seeing her so upset. She was always so determined, so headstrong— Duncan needed to see that side of her again. Without a second thought he let his hands find her waist, and before she had a chance to react his fingers began to tickle her sides.
Laughter that was music to his ears filled the area they stood in. It was exactly what Duncan wanted. The way her lips curved into a smile and her playful taps to get him to stop made even Duncan start to laugh. He needed to capture this moment.
Before losing his chance, Duncan pulled his phone out and took a quick picture. The sound of the camera and flash made Courtney’s eyes shoot open.
“Duncan!” She hissed, trying her hardest to grab the phone. He held it out of her reach, knowing she’d delete it if given the chance. He made a mental note to print it out later for safe keeping.
“Come on, Princess.” He pulled her into him, giving her a gentle kiss he knew was not enough for that moment, but they would have time for that later.
“Let’s go tear some shit up.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, suppressing the ache longing to come out. He should reach out to her— if anything to apologize for how everything went down. And if by some miracle she heard him out then maybe, just maybe, he’d have another chance with her.
With a sigh, Duncan forced himself out of bed. He needed to clear his mind. He looked at the time and realized he had just enough time to make the opening night showing for a new slasher film just downtown. He just hoped whatever sucker he ended up sitting next to wasn’t a complete nuisance.
Courtney focused on the line in front of her, taking a few steps every couple minutes. A flash coming from the side of her made her head turn instantly.
“Cate!” She groaned in annoyance.
She had agreed to come out just for her, and how did she repay her? By taking a possibly lousy picture of her.
“Oh, come on, Court!” Cate began, “When do you ever just live a little?”
“Plenty of times, thank you very much. Now delete it.”
“It’s not even that bad, look!”
Courtney rolled her eyes as she took the phone from her sister's hand.
She thought back to the one time she hadn’t really minded such a candid photo. A lump formed in her throat as she recalled many sneak away nights she shared with a certain blue eyed boy. How her feelings got the best of her all those years ago, and how easily her heart shattered from not listening to her brain.
She wondered what his life was like so many times, but something tugged at her heart right at that moment. And without realizing she promised herself she’d speak with him if the moment were to ever arise.
Now remembering she was staring at the photo for far too long, Courtney nodded quickly with a small smile.
“Could be worse.”
“Come on, we really don’t want to miss this movie!”
Courtney followed her sister into the busy building, already dreading having to watch the new slasher film. She took a deep breath and reminded herself she was there for her sister. Plus there was no way she was waiting in this rain.
After all, how bad could it really be?
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madman479r · 1 year
This was it. For decades Jaune had longed for this moment, the time he would finally leave the Ever After and return home.
It honestly seemed sureal. Every now and then, Jaune feared he would awaken and be back in his cabin, ready to start a new day of keeping the Paper Pleasers safe and failing to find a way back to Remnant.
But no such soul crushing reality came.
He... he was really going home.
Jaune watched as team RWBY stepped through the portal and made to follow them until the voice of the Blacksmith stopped him.
"One last thing, Knight." Jaune turned as the Blacksmith came towards him, her larger form towering over him, but not in a form of intimidation.
"The Tree watched over you, saw what you did, how you put your own life at risk to save the Afterans. Such nobility, such heroism." Despite the Blacksmith's encouraging words, Jaune only frowned in disagreement.
"Nobility? Heroism? No. I was selfish, I forced the Paper Pleasers to live in such frail bodies. I played the hero just for the rush, the feeling of being the hero because I could never be one back home." Jaune was no hero. He was, and always will be a fraud.
The Blacksmith only shook her head. "You thought you were saving the Paper Pleasers because you come from a world where death is the end with no new beginning. You became a hero because that's what the Afterans needed. For all you've done, the Tree has decided to repay you."
Now Jaune was confused. "What do you mean "repay me"? I already have my youth back and I'm going home. What more could I need?"
"The gift of youth was from Alyx. The Tree has her own gift for you, she sees potential within you. The same potential your partner saw. Untapped power."
Jaune nearly choked. "Pyrrha?" What was she talking about? What did Pyrrha see in him? What untapped power?
"This gift will be given to you when the time is right. The unlocking of your true potential."
Now Jaune was baffled, but figured it was another Ever After strangeness he had come to expect. With a grateful nod, Jaune bid farewell and left through the portal.
Jaune gritted his teeth as his shield took the brunt of Cinder's fireball, the force of the blast pushing him back a few feet but he remained standing.
Damnit, this was bad! He and Winter were on patrol in Vacuo, having received a mission about a few bandits attacking a settlement. That's where they met Carmine and Bertilak, a pair of veteran hunters and members of The Crown.
The Huntsman and Winter Maiden then found themselves ambushed by a new ally to the Crown, Cinder.
Winter was currently occupied with fighting off the veteran hunters, their combined skills and coordination giving the magic wielder a challenge, leaving Juane to fight Cinder alone.
Cinder smirked smugly, fire dancing in the palm of her hand, though she also had a twinge of respect in her eye. "I must admit, you certainly have gotten stronger, a better warrior altogether in such a short time. But it's still nothing compared to the power of a Maiden." Cinder then aimed her hand at Jaune and shot forward a wave of fire, completely engulfing Jaune.
Jaune put his shield up for protection but the fire came over him like water, simply crawling over the shield and directly into him. He felt the intense heat all over, his Aura working overtime to try and keep him safe but even his Aura had limits. His vision was becoming blurry, black spots clouding his eyes and he felt his body losing strength.
This was it. He was going to die. At the hands of Cinder no less.
It was a shame, he never got to avenge Pyrrha or Penny's deaths. Now he could at least join them in the after life.
But a voice called to him, one he never expected to hear again.
"This gift will be given to you when the time is right. The unlocking of your true potential."
And then Jaune saw a bright, blinding light.
Cinder felt satisfaction killing the annoying knight. He had been a bigger thorn in her side then she ever thought he'd be. Especially when he denied her the Winter Maiden powers, but she'd have that power soon anyway.
Though she did feel a little disappointed, he didn't even give an scream of anguish in his final, fiery moments. Maybe she shouldn't have done it too hot, it completely evaporated him before he could even feel any pain.
Cinder's eye then widened in pure shock as a golden pillar of pure aura came from the flames, where the fraud stood in the blaze of heat.
Cinder was too focused on the sight, not noticing how the Schnee, Carmine and her partner also stopped in the middle of their fight to see the light.
Her fire vanished yet the pillar remained and a silhouette stood in the centre. The light then disappeared and the silhouette became clear.
It was a tall, and powerful looking Knight with rusty armour, complete with a helmet that showed only two glowing blue eyes in the darkness of the visor.
Cinder stood in disbelief. What... what was this? Was this the fool? What was that light?! What was this?!
The Knight, with Aura practically flowing out from his body, took a step forward and readied himself for a fight.
Cinder growled in frustrated rage. Why wouldn't this idiot just die?!
"Come on." Cinder used her magic to hover in the air before shooting at the Knight like a javelin. "What now?!" She screamed and shot her hand forward, directly into the helmet as a fireball formed, exploding on impact. The explosion was powerful enough to send dust, rocks and debris flying away, even the other combatants were pushed back slightly.
When the smoke cleared, Cinder expected to see a smoldering, melted mesh of metal and flesh but her heart dropped when the smoke parted, revealing the fraud to still be standing without so much as a scratch!
Cinder looked up and saw the blue glowing eyes glaring down at her, making her feel like the weak, helpless child she once was all those years ago.
Before Cinder realised what was going on, Jaune pulled back his fist and delivered a devastating haymaker right to Cinder's cheek!
The blow sent Cinder to the sandy ground, the force behind the punch made her bounce up only inches from the sand the before falling to the ground again. Cinder lay there dazed as her head shook, her eyes came unfocused and her ears rung, her disoriented mind needing a second to register the pain, only then did she also taste the bitter iron taste of blood in her mouth.
Jaune looked at his own hand, seeing the familiar rusted armour now in place. He could feel strength unlike anything he felt before coursing through his body, through his skin, his muscles, his veins and bones. He also saw what looked like gold vapor coming from all around his form. Was that his Aura, was it literally pouring out of him?
"Huh. Thanks, Tree. That gift came in handy, and not a moment too soon." Jaune clenched his fist again as he finished admiring himself before focusing on Cinder again. His determination saphire eyes meeting her bewildered and angry fiery eyes.
"Alright. Now the real fight starts." Jaune, the Rusted Knight said and launched himself at Cinder.
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simmerandwrite · 9 months
Sink Into Me - 08 - mob!Steve Rogers x plus size!reader
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Pairing: mob boss! Steve Rogers x plus size! reader
Summary: You were simply doing a good deed, pulling the handsome stranger out of the way when a car jumped the curb. Little did you know that the life you saved belonged to Steve Rogers, the Army veteran turned art dealer with connections to the Brooklyn crime syndicate.
Steve Rogers, who won’t stop calling you his guardian angel.
Steve Rogers, whose new goal in life just might be repaying his debt to you.
Steve Rogers, who isn’t shy until it comes to his feelings and will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Chapters: 01 02 03 04 05 06  07 08 09
Wordcount: 8.3k
Warnings: canon level violence (guns, physical fighting), allusions to dog fighting (but no mention of any kind of abuse), some angst
Notes: HI I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY. life, ya know? but enjoy this little treat, please. and.. uhm.. sorry.
“We need to talk about Steve Rogers.”
You took in a hard breath and scanned the man - he had a permanent smug look to him, something that made you feel unsettled. The tag around his neck with his badge indicated his name was Grant Ward, NYPD detective. 
“Give me back my phone,” you said, slowly emptying your lungs in an attempt to stay calm. “Now.”
Ward shook his head, grinning. “Not yet. C’mon, let’s chat.” He slipped your phone inside his jacket pocket and grabbed your elbow, urging you to step further across the sidewalk in front of a closed down shop. “I got your info from Hammond’s file. You were a witness on a little vehicular assault case a while back, right?”
Nothing about this felt proper or to procedure. But you wanted it to end as quickly as possible, so you nodded. 
“What I need to know is why Steve Rogers asked you to lie on your witness report and identify the wrong person.” 
“Excuse me?” Your voice cracked as you tried to piece together what he was saying. “I didn’t lie about anything. Shouldn’t - shouldn’t Officer Hammond be following up with me - if there was an issue?”
“I’ve reopened the investigation.” Ward leaned against the building, glancing up and down the street casually as he spoke. “Your intentional misidentification put someone innocent in jail. How do you sleep at night?”
“I didn’t lie,” you repeated, swallowing hard. Hercules paced at your feet. 
“You’re lying right now. Rogers told you who to point out in that police lineup, didn’t he?”
You wanted to scream in this man’s face but given he was technically a person of the law, you resisted. Instead, you pursed your lips and opted to stay quiet. Shouldn’t you have a lawyer or something to represent you? God, why weren’t you into legal dramas instead of reality tv?
“Here’s what it looks like. Rogers asks you to help him out and in turn, you get a fancy new apartment. Isn’t that right?” Ward took a step forward and pointed past you, towards the rest of the block. “How else can you afford a luxury apartment working your little 9-5 gig? I verified your record of employment and something just doesn’t add up.”
Before you had a chance to reply to his asinine claim, he was reaching for his buzzing phone. “This is Ward.” You tried to listen to the other end of the call, but couldn’t make out the voice. 
He looked back at you, eyes roving up and down as he carried on with his phone conversation. “You’re kidding. That was all true? Wow. Okay. Yeah, I’m with her. Sure.” He raised his free hand and suddenly a nearby SUV was pulling up. “Heading there now.”
Your stomach twisted when Ward turned back to you. 
“Let’s go.” He tipped his head towards the vehicle, where the driver had gotten out to open the back door. “We’ve gotta move this chat elsewhere.”
Your eyes blew open, head shaking. “Absolutely not. Give me my phone and —“
Ward stepped towards you again, grabbing your hand that was holding onto Hercules' leash. “If you don’t get in that car willingly, you’ll have a dead dog on your hands. Is that what you want?” He flashed you a smile. “Let’s. Fucking. Go.”
“Storm coming tonight..”
Steve looked up from his plate of pasta, watching his mom across the table as she put down her cutlery. Sarah rubbed her hands together, tired with the weight of time and the pressure of weather changes that seemed to grow worse with each passing season. 
“I can feel it in these old joints,” Sarah continued, leaning back in her chair before glancing to the window above her kitchen sink.
“Ma,” Steve finally replied, quietly returning his own fork to the side of his plate. “Why don’t you skip the rest of this monologue about the weather and tell me what’s really on your mind?”
Steve tried to have dinner with his mother at least once a week, if time permitted. The last few months had been a bit chaotic for him though, mostly his own doing of course. And Sarah hadn’t pressed when he canceled. But, something about her tone and strange casual conversation wasn’t sitting well with him. In fact, he could read his mother really well and she was upset, maybe even mad at him. If there was one thing Steve hated, it was when his mother was upset with him.
He liked to nip it in the bud as quickly as he could.
Sarah sighed, slowly crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed down her son. “I haven’t had the chance to tell you about who I ran into at the hospital a few weekends ago.”
“You gonna give me a clue?” Steve smirked, taking a long pause to enjoy a sip from his wine glass. “Who?”
When your name left his mother’s lips, Steve felt his chest tighten. He had very quickly and casually explained to her that you and he had called things off, respectfully asking Sarah not to press him for details. Surprisingly, she hadn’t asked any follow up questions, though Steve knew she hadn’t been feeling positive about the news. In fact, he had assumed his mom would have had a much more passionate reaction. And maybe it was still coming.
He took a deep breath. “Oh. And.. how is she?” Would it be possible for this conversation to only last one more sentence? Would he be able to get out of it without his mother making him feel any worse?
When Steve met his mom’s gaze again, he knew that question wasn’t what he should have asked. He was starting to think maybe saying nothing would have been best.
“How is she?” Sarah repeated, letting out a hard laugh. “Steven.”
“Ma, listen, what happened between us is..” He hesitated. Complicated was not the word he wanted to use, but what else could he say? “I had to cut things off. She’s safer this way.” 
There. His heart was torn off his sleeve and slapped onto his plate. 
“Steve,” Sarah was softer this time, releasing the anger from her shoulders as she reached across the table for his hand. “You’re not being fair. To yourself. How are you supposed to live this way? Don’t you want a family in the future? Or a break from.. everything?”
Steve squeezed her hand but didn’t respond. Sarah waited another moment for him to say something, then stood and carried her plate to the sink. 
Without turning back around, she continued. “I told her about Hamilton House.”
Steve sighed, leaning back in his chair again and shaking his head. “Ma..”
“Why didn’t you just talk to her? She would have understood.”
“You barely made it out of that fire alive!” Steve pushed back from the table and met his mother at the sink, placing a hand on her shoulder. “And I can barely live with myself as is, but if something happened to her too, I’d..”
“Honey,” Sarah’s voice was even quieter now as she pivoted to look at him. She reached her hand up to cradle his face. “You need to stop blaming yourself, please.”
How could he ever do that? The scars were still quite obvious on many parts of his mother’s body - 
“Steve.” Sarah took in another deep breath. “I’m a grown woman who can take care of herself. And so is she.” There was your name again, coming off of Sarah’s tongue like it just warmed her soul. “She’s good for you.”
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” A painful laugh gurgled up in Steve’s throat. “I made pretty sure she’ll never talk to me again, unfortunately.”
“Steven.” This time the soft edge had left Sarah’s tone. The disappointment was back. “Don’t tell me you pushed that girl away on purpose.”
“I’m a grown man who can take care of himself,” Steve repeated back to her, stepping away from the sink and turning to grab his coat. “I’ve gotta go, Ma. Thanks for dinner.”
Sarah grabbed his wrist, eyes bright with words she wouldn’t say. Instead, she shook her head and sighed quietly. “At least take a container of pasta for Bucky.”
The further the vehicle traveled beyond your neighbourhood, the further your stomach sank. You did your best to listen to the conversations happening between Ward and his driver, but nothing seemed clear. 
Where were you going? Were you in trouble? You hadn’t lied to the police - you knew better than that. But how could you prove that when clearly they had another story created? Was this about Steve? You weren’t even talking to him. What the hell was going on?
The only thing saving you from a breakdown was Hercules resting his head on your lap. Gently you scratched behind his ears, doing your best to reassure your dog as he did the same for you. 
You were going to be okay. There had to be a positive solution to this mess. 
Eventually, the vehicle slowed down in an industrial area you weren’t familiar with. In the growing darkness of the night, everything kind of looked the same - rows of large warehouse style buildings, some in much worse shape than the others. As you approached one of the buildings, a garage door opened up to allow you access.
“Let’s go,” Ward barked out as the car stopped, quickly sliding through his door and throwing the one closest to you open. He reached for your nearest wrist. “But first..”
Handcuffs. What you could only assume were police-grade handcuffs joined your wrists together, despite your protests. Ward was choosing every opportunity to remind you he had a gun, so when he told you to head towards the staircase leading out of the parking area, all you could do was comply.
The driver, some other nameless brute listening to Ward’s every word, held on to Hercules’ leash and followed behind. The panic within you stirred.
The building had clearly once been a thriving warehouse or multi-level business hub. Now, it was reduced to whatever criminal activity these men were tied up in. Every second window was boarded up or leaking in cold air through broken shards, with the evidence of previous occupants littering the floors. Old desks, chairs, appliances laid strewn about.
Ward guided you across the second floor, leading towards the far side of the room. You could hear other voices as you approached. He yanked the door open and pressed against your back for you to enter ahead of him.
You stumbled past the threshold, lifting your head up to look around the room. It felt out of place, given the state of the building. This room remained intact from days before, the remnants of an executive office with a large boardroom table sitting opposite the broken windows. A man you didn’t recognize was seated behind an oversized mahogany table, a burning cigar hanging off his lips. Behind him, a disheveled blond wearing an ill-fitting suit jacket stood scrolling through his phone.
That man you did recognize – you were certain he had been one of the men who had broken into your apartment. You could feel the familiar wave of panic come over you again.
Sitting in a pair of chairs in front of the desk were another two men – one dressed in a long overcoat over his suit, with perfectly coiffed hair. The other donned more casual clothes, well worn with a scowl across his face, strong and silent. You thought perhaps you recognized them, too. You might have seen them at Shield or maybe they had worked with Steve? 
“This is her?” The man with the cigar asked, rising from his seat. The other two seated men had turned their heads to look in your direction, then stood the same. 
Ward laughed, returning his gun to his jacket, and reaching a hand to grip your neck. He urged you closer to the desk. 
“Russo – you’re sure?” The same man asked again, shooting a glance at one of the other two men. Ah, nice suit, nice hair - Russo. He had interrupted you and Steve, that day at his office.
“Yep. I know, doesn’t make sense to me either,” Russo replied with a dry laugh, stepping away from the desk and waiting to the side with the other man, Mr. Strong and Silent.
“Walker, you’re on dog duty,” Ward added after. He snapped his fingers and the guy scrolling on his phone was at attention, rolling his eyes as he grabbed Hercules’ leash from the driver. 
Hercules whimpered at the back of the room.
You tried to look towards your confused pup, but Ward’s hands landed on your shoulders. He pushed down to encourage you to sit in one of the vacant seats at the desk.
Finally, the man with the cigar looked at you. A tight smirk curled up on his face as he said your name out loud. “Well, nice to finally meet you. I’m Brock. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”
You sat still, hands resting on your lap. You resisted replying with some snappy commentary and instead dug your fingernails into your palms. Maybe you needed to comply, but God, what was the point of all this?
“I’m not really sure what I’m doing here,” you said quietly, letting out a long breath. “I told him-” you jerked your head at Ward, “-everything I said to Officer Hammond was true. Steve didn’t ask me to lie about anything and I’m sorry if someone you know ended up in jail but I had to tell the truth.”
Brock raised an eyebrow, amused. “Well, I don’t give a shit about any of that. We’ve gotta fix this and you’re going to help.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. 
“You’re going to meet with Hammond and tell him you lied about-”
You shook your head. “I didn’t lie.”
Brock abandoned his cigar and slammed his hand on the table. “Don’t interrupt me, darling.” He took a breath and started again. “You’re going to meet with Hammond tomorrow morning and set things straight, alright?”
“And if I don’t?” You swallowed the lump in your throat as you asked your question. 
Brock leaned back in his chair, grinning. “You’re really asking that? Damn. Well, if you don’t - you’re never going to see your dog again, for starters.”
Your face fell and you shuffled in the chair again, turning to look back towards Hercules. “Please don’t hurt him.”
“What do you think, Walker? The mutt would be good for the pit, huh? They could use some fresh meat for the next fight.”
You gasped as Hercules pulled at his leash, trying to walk to you. Walker held the leash tight.
“P-please. Don’t. He doesn’t deserve that, he’s just..” Your voice shook as you turned and looked back at Brock. “Okay, fine. I’ll talk to Hammond.” You just had to agree and get out of here. Once you were home, you could call the police station and tell them the truth and and and–
“Hammond is expecting you first thing tomorrow morning at the station.” Ward was looking down at your phone, tapping away at the screen. Great, he was just sending messages on your behalf. You hated that. Clearly you were not getting your phone back. Fuck, how were you going to get out of this?
“Now,” Brock leaned onto his elbows on the desk, returning his cigar to his mouth for a long drag. “Let’s talk about Rogers.”
You gulped.
“I need every little dirty secret you’ve got,” Brock said with a snap of his fingers. “Let’s go. Talk.”
“I don’t..” You faltered, glancing around the room quickly. Russo was watching you carefully while his partner seemed to be preoccupied with his feet, his eyes were drawn down. “I don’t know what you think I might know.. Steve and I.. We.. He broke up with me a while ago.”
A laugh escaped Brock. “I heard that wasn’t the case.”
Russo stepped forward. “Rogers took you home from Shield a few weekends ago, did he not? Drove you right back into your apartment then even walked you to the door?”
You stilled. Why did these men know about that? Were they following you? Or Steve? How did they know where you lived?
“I don’t know anything, I swear. Even when we were..” You closed your eyes. “We didn’t talk about business.”
“You know, I don’t believe you.” Brock let out a frustrated huff and tapped his cigar ash to the floor. “Let’s start easy, alright? Rogers has a ledger, the Bible for all his transactions. Where does he keep it?”
You shrugged. “I honestly have no idea. I don’t remember ever seeing a ledger or–”
“Bullshit.” It was Russo jumping in now. “You were fucking him for months. Christ, give us something.”
If you shifted your head back and forth in a shake anymore, you were going to give yourself whiplash. “I-I don’t, really.” You didn’t like how they were both crowding in on you, guns visible on their hips as their voices escalated. “Steve didn’t tell me things - he.. I didn’t..”
“Where does he keep his safe? What buildings did he take you to?” Brock continued on, reciting any thought or question that seemed to jump into his head. “I need to know which Senator is really in his pocket. And what he promised to Rhodes.”
You repeated yourself again and again and again as they bombarded you. “I don’t know, I don’t know! He would never tell me those things.”
“Think harder then.” Brock stood up in a fury, circling the desk to plant himself in front of you. “I need something fucking useful.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to think of something, anything to stop this. Everything you retained about Steve wouldn’t be what they wanted - that he was an old soul, a gentleman who kept your best interests at heart. Who loved old musicals and his mother. Who cared deeply about things but had hurt you deeply, too. None of that would have been helpful so what the fuck were you supposed to do?
“I..” You let out a breath. Would it be worth it to lie?
“If you say ‘you don’t know’ one more goddamn time..” Brock leaned forward, closing in the space between you and reaching for your jaw. He held it between his fingers, keeping you in his grasp waiting for an answer. 
When you didn’t respond, Brock growled and reached for his cigar, flipping it in his fingers and bringing the burning end closer and closer to your exposed neck. You could feel the heat before it even touched your skin and all you could do was scream in anticipation. 
“I don’t– please! Please don’t-” You pressed yourself into the chair, trying to get as far away from him as possible. But, the burning sensation never came.
“Hey–” This was a new voice. The Strong and Silent man lingering near Russo had rushed between you and Brock, shoving him away before the cigar made contact with your skin.  “You said you weren’t going to hurt her.”
Brock pushed him back. “This has nothing to do with you, Castle. Back the fuck off.” 
Castle didn’t move - acting as a barricade between you and Brock. They stood at a standstill, and eventually Brock let out a long dramatic sigh. “Ward.” He snapped his fingers again and Ward came forward. Once again, a hand landed on your shoulder.
“Take her up to the roof.”
“Do we not fucking knock anymore?” Steve called out as Bucky burst into his office, dragging Peter by the collar as he did.
Steve’s patience had run thin following dinner with his mother. She had managed to stir everything else up again, the feelings Steve was desperately trying to eliminate from his heart. Yet, they hadn’t dulled over time like he wanted. They remained steady, as steady as the beat of his heart. 
“She’s good for you.”
On top of that, they had managed to clear out most of the out of territory drug dealers creeping into Brooklyn. But it hadn’t really stopped. The drugs still found their way in, and the problems were escalating moreso. Angry clients, aggravated partners, a particularly frustrated future Mayor who needed Steve’s compliance and trusted network underground for insight. 
The last thing Steve wanted to deal with now was another issue. But when Steve saw the panicked look in Bucky’s eyes as he grabbed Peter’s shirt, Steve paused.
“Show him.” Bucky urged Peter forward, eyes wide in a panic. “Now.”
Steve stood from his chair slowly, meeting the young man in the middle of his office. “What’s going on? Is this about Beck again?”
“No, sir. No. It’s uh..” Peter’s hand was shaking as he gripped his cellphone, tapping on the screen before he glanced between Bucky and Steve again. “I keep an eye on social media - mostly just to see what’s happening, who’s hanging out where. My friend Ned he..” Peter shook his head. “Whatever. No one knows it’s me who watches their stuff. So. I was clicking through John Walker’s Instagram stories - that guy is an idiot, by the way. Always trying to bait women to find him at clubs or wherever. And..”
Peter tapped through something on his screen then turned it toward Steve. “Mr. Barnes said he recognized the dog in the background of this video..” 
Steve snatched the phone and pressed play on the screen recording. John Walker was in the middle of the frame, filming himself with the front camera as he talked about which bar he’d be showing up at later. But none of that mattered to Steve. What did matter was the dog tied up in the background, pulling at his lead as he started to bark. 
“Christ. Sorry about the mutt. Dealing with something for work..” 
Steve raised his eyes from the screen, eyebrows furrowed. “When was this posted?”
Peter swallowed before he replied. “About 20 minutes ago.”
Bucky turned to Steve. “Is that..?”
All Steve could do was growl, shoving the phone back at Peter. “Send that to me. Right now.” Steve reached for his own phone, heading out the door of his office towards the primary club facilities. Bucky was at his feet, asking what he could do to help. 
“Buck, call Kate. I need a timestamp for when Hercules was picked up.” 
Bucky nodded and tore off, phone to his ear. 
Steve called Clint directly. “Barton, I need your help.”
Kate confirmed you had picked up Hercules just before they closed. She didn’t notice anything concerning, aside from your general demeanor seeming quiet. 
Clint reviewed security footage outside your apartment building entrance, back door and lobby. No sign of you. It’s possible you had picked up your dog then gone elsewhere, but Steve wasn’t convinced. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
Steve paced his office again and again, waiting desperately for some information. Peter and Thor had stolen off to a few well known bars to see if they could track down Walker or any of his friends. 
Clint had gone to your building to troll the neighborhood and seek out any additional video footage that might help. 
Steve called Vision to see if he could connect with Wanda to get some information about where you might be, without leading to anything especially suspicious. 
Steve needed to know where you were and if you were okay. Truthfully, he wouldn’t be able to settle until he knew you were safe - until he saw you himself. 
This was the fucking risk, wasn’t it? Letting you in. People were going to use your relationship against him. It was staring him right in the face all along. Fuck, how could he live with himself if you got hurt?
Steve let out a fit of rage that had been brewing within him. He grabbed the rocks glass off his desk, still half full of melting ice, and sent it flying into the back of his door. 
God fucking damnit. He didn’t like any of this. With no news from Vision and Wanda, his mind was going to bad places.
Steve stalked across the broken glass and threw his door open, grabbing his coat as he left. He found Bucky downstairs at the bar, phone in hand as Natasha leaned beside him. 
“Please tell me someone has some fucking news to share,” Steve growled out as he approached. He didn’t even have to ask Natasha to pour him a drink, as it quickly appeared on the bar. 
“No Walker sightings yet,” Bucky said as he glanced at his phone. As he turned the screen, a new message appeared. 
The text didn’t contain any information or words, just a simple location pin. Bucky tapped on it, revealing an address on the outskirts of Brooklyn. 
“Who sent that?” Steve asked, eyeing over Bucky’s shoulder as he drained his glass. 
“No clue. I don’t know the number.” Bucky replied quietly. “No message either. Just a thumbs up emoji. But the timing is suspect.”
Steve shook his head. What did he have to lose? “Let’s go. Have Sam meet us there.”
You should have worn more layers, warmer clothes. Not that you anticipated being abducted on your way home. But you trusted the warm fall morning and now all you had was regret. A thin sweater barely kept you covered and the looming thunder overhead meant the threat of rain was very real. 
Ward had dragged you up the barren staircases to the roof, where he had then removed one of your handcuffs only to attach it to some external pipe system that hugged the outside wall of the building. You could sit on the dirty cold roof or stand and try to peer down, but nothing else. You were stuck. 
When you tried to plead with Ward  for your escape, he only smirked then offered an alternative. 
“Tell you what - if you get on your knees for me, I’ll remove the handcuffs altogether.”
As an answer to that proposal, you spit in his face. He really didn’t like that - which left you pushed to the ground and cuffed with no coverage from wind or impending rain. God fucking damnit. 
Once Ward disappeared through the door again, you yelled for help. If it made any lick of difference, you had no idea. There was another building very close by, yelling distance at least. But it looked abandoned just the same. On the other side of the roof, it looked like an emergency staircase existed. 
Not like you’d be able to escape. You seemed very stuck.
Were they going to leave you out there all night? Was this some scare tactic? What did they want from you - a detailed breakdown of everything you knew about Steve? You couldn’t do that - you wouldn’t. Despite the ricochet of emotions you had been through with Steve, you still felt.. something to him. Be it loyalty or kindness or whatever, you couldn’t throw him under the bus. 
Steve was a good person. You saw that in him often. But these men? You weren’t so sure. 
What if they left you until you had to meet with Hammond? Ten hours in the cold and rain. You could survive that, maybe. Maybe. 
Thunder rumbled above you. Rain started to fall. 
Fuck. Maybe not. 
In an attempt to make yourself as small as possible, you sat against the side wall and wrapped your free arm around yourself. It didn’t do much to protect you from the rain, but it helped retain what little body heat you still had. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat in the rain before you heard the access door burst open. You looked up and braced yourself, but felt almost relieved to see it wasn’t Ward again. 
It was Castle. 
He hesitated when he saw you, then quickly hurried in your direction. 
You closed your eyes in a panic. “I’m sorry - I don’t have anything to share about Steve  - I can’t remember if there was—”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I’m not here about that.” Castle crouched down in front of you. “I can’t let you go but let me help, alright?” He reached into his pocket and took out what looked like a Swiss Army knife. “I’ll get out of these cuffs at least.”
You braced yourself as he gently touched your wrist, using his tool to work through the lock mechanism. “Thank you.. uhm, Mr. Castle?”
He chuckled, barely. “Frank.”
You nodded, grateful as he freed your hand and left the cuffs dangling. “Thank you, Frank.”
“Over there,” Frank turned his head and pointed to the middle of the roof, where a small maintenance structure stood. It had a sloping roof that could provide more coverage. “Go. You’ll be covered at least.”
Frank got to his feet and offered you his hand. Once you were standing, he shrugged off his own heavy coat and handed it to you. 
“Frank,” you clutched the coat and met his gaze, eyes blurring from the rain. “Can you just.. make sure my dog is okay? Hercules? He’s a lover, not a fighter. But he’s all I have and- and..”
Frank gave you a curt nod. “Go.” He motioned back to the small shed and you nodded too. 
You had no idea why Frank was helping you. But you decided it had to be a good sign, right?
Steve had no idea what he was walking into. He had done this before – going in blind to certain situations was the nature of his entire job. It wasn’t always possible to anticipate who he would run into, if the person he trusted would deliver, if weapons were involved. But given his state of mind and the all-consuming worry he had about your wellbeing; he didn’t really care what he was faced with.
He just needed to figure out where you were and ensure you were safe. 
The location that had been sent to Bucky was outside of Brooklyn, just barely. Along an industrial neighbourhood, where plenty of abandoned factories and distribution centers lived, the coordinates lead them to a nondescript building. 
Steve and Bucky climbed out of the car, strapped with more than enough guns and ammunition to fight their way through whatever and whoever they were about to face. As they approached, Sam jogged into view, too.
“Thor couldn’t find Walker anywhere,” Sam provided as an update once they were waiting outside. “But Peter’s little tech friend managed to track a location for some recent postings to this general area..”
“Sounds like a likely place to look,” Bucky concluded, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at Steve.
Steve took in a deep breath, eyebrows narrowed as he gazed at the doors ahead of him. Raising his hands, he tugged at the collar of his coat and smoothed it out before nodding. He was ready to deal with this.
“If she’s anywhere in here, her safety is priority, you understand?” Steve glanced from Bucky back to Sam, waiting for their own nod of understanding. “If anyone put her in danger, they’re going to pay. But not at her expense.”
Bucky pressed his knuckles into his metal palm, a coy smirk raising on his lips. “Here’s hoping I get to fuck up Walker’s face again.”
Sam took the lead and yanked the dilapidated entry door open, busting open the lock mechanism with little effort. The main level they entered on was mainly being used for vehicle parking and what looked like some storage. A staircase led up to the next level.
Steve carried on - striding to the top of the staircase and heading through the doors. The entire building was in bad shape but this wasn’t their first rodeo.
Someone was hiding out somewhere. And when he found them, it wasn’t going to be pretty. 
“Sam - call everyone to be standby, including Thor and his brother. Get Barton to scope out next door, too. Lots of windows for coverage, the rooftop. Remind him about the Bullseye protocol.” Steve ran a hand through his hair then glanced to his right, motioning to the far door with Bucky. “You’re with me.”
In a few long strides, Steve reached the door and waited. Then, he raised a hand and knocked against it. Bucky stood behind his left shoulder. 
Someone on the other side of the door was yelling, then eventually they heard heavy stomping as someone approached. When the door opened, Steve didn’t hesitate - he leaped forward and reached for the collar of whoever it was. 
Steve growled. Grant Ward.
“Oh Jesus fucking–” Ward yelped out, trying to pull away from Steve’s grasp as Steve backed him into the room. “Take it fucking easy, Rogers. What the fuck are you–”
“Where is she?” Steve’s voice boomed, holding Ward in his grip as he glanced around the room. It was a fairly sparse leftover office, but sitting at the end of the large boardroom table was Billy Russo, Frank Castle and Brock Rumlow himself. A few other nameless thugs waited behind them, guns at the ready. “Where IS SHE?”
Steve threw Ward to the ground, reaching for his gun as the men at the table stood up and drew their own weapons, too. Bucky followed in behind Steve and kicked Ward down when he tried to get back on his feet.
“Stay down,” Bucky said to Ward. 
Rumlow moved from his spot slowly, waving his gun around and placing it down on the table as he walked towards Steve. “Rogers.”
Steve didn’t respond, darting his eyes from Rumlow back to Russo and Castle at the table. Russo looked away, suddenly preoccupied with anything else but Steve. Castle, though, also put his gun away.
“Rumlow.” Steve growled out your name this time. “Where. Is. She?”
Brock smirked. “Who? Oh.. yes. Sure. We just met. As far as I know, you two aren’t together anymore. What’s the concern?”
“If you fucking touched her-” Steve raised his hand again, gun pointing directly at Rumlow as they stood apart. “Tell me where she is.”
“Me and Russo have been talking. I think the three of us could be working together better. If you haven’t been picking off my dealers one by one, the pot could be a lot sweeter.”
“You and your drugs aren’t worthy of Brooklyn.” Steve stepped forward. “Tell me.”
“You know, I didn’t want us to meet like this.” Rumlow brought his hands up, in a faux act of surrender then slowly moved one of them forward to encourage Steve to put his weapon down. “In fact, I went through a lot of trouble to keep your pretty face away from here.”
“Not much trouble, it seems. And it sounds like you have a mole,” Steve shot back, sparing a quick glance back around the room. Russo looked away again but Steve met Castle’s eyes for a beat, then turned back to Rumlow. “Loyalty is rare around these parts.”
“Speaking of loyalty - your girl.” Rumlow stepped back and let out a long breath.
Steve matched him and stepped forward, raising his gun up once more. “If you laid one fucking hand on her–”
“I’ll tell you where she is after we chat, alright? I need a promise from you - to share the territory.”
Steve huffed, lips pursed as he scanned Rumlow’s face. “Tell me where she is.” Steve could hear Bucky shuffling behind him, metal fist clenched, growing just as impatient as Steve was. 
“Nah.” Rumlow shrugged, glancing around the room. “If you won’t negotiate, my lips are sealed. I still need her, gotta clear something up with the cops. Then, I don’t know. I guess she’s nice enough on the eyes, bit thicker than what I usually go for but maybe I’ll get her to warm my bed for a–”
Steve wasn’t an idiot. Rumlow was baiting him. And god fucking damnit it worked. Steve surged ahead, letting out another growl of rage as he attacked Rumlow with his fists.
On the other side of the room, Ward slid over to kick against Bucky’s knee - angering Bucky all the same. Sam rushed in to join them at the first sound of chaos. It wasn’t quite contained and really, it didn’t come as a surprise that everyone in the room was more than prepared for a fight. Rumlow’s extra lackeys seemed more than charged enough for the action. Bucky easily took care of Ward on his own, as Sam darted between helping Steve with Rumlow and the others as Russo tried to keep his distance. 
“Where is she?” Steve had Rumlow on the ground, pummeling his fists into Rumlow’s jaw. He didn’t get a response, as the sound of gunshots sounded out, ending with shards of glass flying across the floor. In a brief moment of hesitation after, Steve took in the rest of the room. 
Russo had slipped out. Castle too. 
“Sam!” Steve stood quickly, keeping his foot against Rumlow’s neck. 
Sam hurried over and tagged in as Steve rushed through the door to follow where the other two had gone. Running towards the staircase, he looked upwards and could hear the distinct sound of hurrying feet and the slamming of a metal door.
He bounded up the stairs towards the roof.
The rain continued to fall, although it had at least slowed down to a cool drizzle. It didn’t mean much since you were already soaking wet, though the coat from Castle had helped. It hadn’t really fit you but the extra layer kept you marginally more comfortable, despite the fatigue and hunger setting in. Was anyone else going to check on you? Would Castle come back to help?
Did.. did Steve know what was going on? Although - how would he even find out? Fuck, you kept going over everything again and again and again. The steps you took today, the conversation you had with Sarah a few weeks ago, Steve’s last words to you at your apartment…
You wish things had gone differently. Maybe in a different life or timeline, it might have all worked out.
You could hear gunshots from somewhere nearby. Downstairs in the building, maybe. Truthfully, at least up on the roof, you were away from the reality of this situation - that these people had guns and clearly weren’t afraid to use them. Up there, in the rain, you could ignore all of that.
But no, here was the glaring reminder. A few more shots sounded out then it seemed to stop. You tried to keep ignoring it, laying your back flat against the wall of the structure until you heard the door open again. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look until you heard someone barking out your name. This time the voice belonged to Russo.
A set of footsteps tracked further onto the roof, but you held your safe position. Russo finally appeared ahead of you, a scowl etched on his face. “I thought Ward tied you up. Whatever, let’s go.” He grabbed your closest wrist, urging you away from your hiding space. You tried to yank yourself away.
“Please, I don’t want to-”
“Bill - come on, can’t we just drop all this?” Frank came into your eyeline next, looking you over quickly then back towards the door. “Rogers isn’t dumb, he’ll follow us up here anyway.”
Your heart jumped at Steve’s name. He was here, he was going to get you away from this.
Russo’s grip tightened on your wrist, though he turned to look at Frank. “The plan remains the same - we need her to talk to Hammond so Rogers can land some jail time. It’s the only way we can get ahead.”
Frank let out a noncommittal sigh. “Rumlow is a fuckin’ idiot. You don’t think his plan is to screw us over later too?”
“I don’t give a shit about that right now,” Russo growled, looking back towards you. “Let’s go.”
Frank hesitated again, but didn’t argue any further. You pleaded again as they took you to the far side of the roof, where the emergency fire escape stairs were. Russo let you go momentarily as he stalked over, peering down towards the stairs. 
“They should hold up, I hope” he said with a shrug, motioning his head for you to go. “Ladies first.”
You shook your head, taking a step back and glancing towards the door instead. “No, I..” You turned on your heel.
A gunshot sounded out behind you, loud and piercing. You screamed, eyes wide as you turned back. Russo was scowling again, holding his gun high as he shot it upwards into the sky. He lowered it slowly, pointing it at you directly instead. If that wasn’t enough of a warning. “Down you go. Now.” 
You glanced at Frank, who remained completely stoic as he looked between you and Russo. 
Suddenly, the door flew open again. You all turned to look.
A wave of relief flooded through you - it was Steve. He called your name as he walked towards you, never breaking his eye contact with you. In an instant, all your worries and doubts and everything seemed to shatter as he looked at you with such gentleness and grace.
Russo let out a hard laugh, waving his gun for a brief moment before aiming it back at you. “No time for your cute reunion. Let us walk away, Rogers.”
“Sweetheart,” Steve didn’t even bother replying to Russo, though he did stop in his tracks when he realized Russo had a gun pointed at you. But, Steve carried on, repeating your name. “Are you okay?”
You swallowed hard, jaw shaking as you nodded. 
Steve softened, for a fraction of a second. You knew he could tell you weren’t being honest. But what were you supposed to do? You were a hostage, soaking wet on a roof, with a gun pointed in your direction - no, you were not okay.
You watched as Steve transformed again, soft eyes replaced by hard lines, a tight jaw. He finally broke your gaze and turned his attention to Russo and Castle. “Let her go and we’ll all walk away from this unscathed.”
A loud laugh escaped Russo. “Right. I don’t think so. We’re walking away from this with the leverage we need.”
You watched as Steve took in a deep breath, then reluctantly put his hands up. “What do you want, Russo? Money, territory, names? What? I’ll give you whatever you want - just put your gun down and let her go.”
“You think I’m an idiot?” Russo shook his head. “No, I’m not playing this game.”
“This isn’t a fucking game,” Steve continued, reaching his hand slowly for his gun. He raised it up then just as quickly tossed it behind himself. “Please, Bill. Just leave her out of this.” 
“Billy..” Frank finally spoke up too. “Let’s call it, okay? Sounds like Rogers is willing to talk and–”
“No.” Russo took a step closer to you, gun firm in hand. “No, we’re going to–”
Before you realized what was happening, you weren’t even standing on your own two feet anymore. A flurry of noises rang out around you - screaming, gunshots, shouting. Someone had wrapped their arms around you – you fell towards the ground – you landed on.. Steve. It was Steve.
He had run towards you in the action, caging you in his arms as you both landed on the rooftop together. Safe. Alive. Steve shielded you with his own body from the noise and chaos happening around you. You didn’t know who had been shooting who, if anyone escaped or made it down the fire escape. All you knew is that you were safe, in Steve’s arms.
Steve was whispering out your name, again and again, like some sort of prayer on his lips. His words were wrapped in apologies, in cries for your safety, in hushed words that begged for reassurance. As everything else seemed to quiet down, he gently pushed himself up to peer down at you. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so–”
“Steve, it’s okay. I’m okay.. I’m..c-cold.” 
He shook his head and quickly shifted again, standing up and helping you back to your feet, too. He shrugged off his own jacket and draped it over you. Slowly, he raised his hand and slid it down the side of your face, wiping away stray droplets of water with his thumb. His palm was warm against your cheek, you could feel his whole heart pulsing as he held you. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m–”
“Steve!” Bucky’s voice broke you both from the spell. Steve reluctantly looked away from you, pivoting slightly as he looked towards Bucky running in their direction. Across the roof, both Frank and Russo were on their knees, hands wrapped behind their backs.  A makeshift bandage was wrapped around one of Russo’s biceps.
Wait, had someone shot him? It couldn’t have been Steve, he had put his gun down. Would Frank have..
Bucky leaned in slightly and mumbled into Steve’s ear, then they both looked across the roof towards the adjacent building. Bucky waved in that direction and Steve nodded, then they both turned back to you.
Before Steve could say anything else, you reached for his shirt. “Steve - you..we need to find Hercules. They said.. They..” You closed your eyes tight, head shaking as you tried to form your words. “They were going to take him somewhere to fight. I don’t know if..”
Bucky stood up tall again. He said your name firm, like a promise. “I’ll find him.”
As Bucky left, Steve wrapped his arms around you again - tighter this time. With one hand, he secured your back and the other cradled your head against his chest. He didn’t say anything and you couldn’t find any words either. 
You were back at Steve’s apartment. You thought you’d never see those big windows overlooking Brooklyn ever again and yet, there you were. Safe.
Safe and warm, following a long shower in Steve’s guest bathroom. Stripping away your damp clothes and stealing away into the stream for longer than probably necessary had been a nice escape. Especially given that Steve had driven you back to his place in silence - though it wasn’t as awkward as before. It just felt like maybe there were things you both needed to say but couldn’t bring yourself to mention yet.
Before you had left the building earlier, Steve hadn’t let you leave his sight. Well, except for about ten minutes where Bucky hovered over you instead.
Steve brought you inside, back downstairs to that same boardroom and office space. But this time, you weren’t faced with bad guys with guns. Well, the bad guys remained but the guns were gone.
All four of them were bound and seated at a chair. Ward’s head was lolled to the side, Brock had a bloody face, Russo and Castle were mostly left without much damage. But you had a feeling that wasn’t going to last.
Steve squeezed your hand, gently turning you away from looking at them. 
“Hey,” he said quietly, tipping your chin up with his thumb. “Can you tell me what happened? What they did?”
You swallowed hard, eyes wide for a moment as you considered his question. What was he going to do?
“Don’t overthink it, okay? Just tell me what you think I should know.”
You let out a breath then recounted everything. Ward ambushing you on the sidewalk, Brock threatening you, Russo joining in…
“But Frank he..” You finally spared a glance over your shoulder. Frank sat up straight in his chair, resigned to whatever fate awaited him. “He helped me. Tried to protect me, gave me his coat..”
Steve nodded, looking in Frank’s direction the same way. Steve called for Sam, then gave him another nod and Sam went to untie Frank from his chair. 
It was only a few moments later that Bucky showed up with Hercules, who - thank god - looked unharmed, if a little worked up. You couldn’t help but start to cry as you broke away from Steve and rushed to your son. 
But, It wasn’t lost on you how quickly Bucky led you away from the room with your dog. Or how the door shut behind you, leaving Steve and Sam in there with the rest of the men, the overlapping sounds and sounds of distress…
When you finally decided you had wasted enough water and regained all the proper feeling in your body, you shut off the water and let out a long sigh. Outside on the counter, folded neatly beside your warm towel, was some clothes you had left at Steve’s ages ago. Soft and clean layers to keep your temperature steady as you got ready for bed.
You supposed it was a choice you made - agreeing to go home with Steve instead of back to your own apartment. But you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep there - not tonight. And you knew Steve would insist on staying and keeping guard outside your door anyway. So it made more sense this way.
After you changed, you found Hercules waiting for you in the hallway. You could hear Steve in the living room, speaking quite passionately on his end of a phone call.
“Jim, this is the only deal I’m making. Proof of your dirty cop aside, I’m handing you Rumlow alive on a silver platter, even though I should have let him bleed out. So you have to do this for me. I don’t give a fuck about protocol..” There was a heavy pause. “Every instance of her name on any police report - gone. I don’t want her attached to any of it, do you understand? No trace of her. I don’t care - redact it or burn it. Get that done and I’ll deliver Rumlow to you in the morning. Understood?” 
You knew you probably shouldn’t be listening, but it was your name he was mentioning.
“As for Russo, I’m dealing with that myself. But keep him on your radar. If you need another arrest to clench your win, you can have him once I’m done.”
You quietly slipped into the guest bedroom once you realized his call had ended. Once Hercules followed you in, you shut the door. Fuck. What happened now? Maybe you and Steve needed to talk about all of this - you definitely needed to talk about it.
You heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards the bedrooms and Steve stopped outside your door. You held your breath, wondering if he would say your name or knock. But - nothing. His phone buzzed again and he disappeared into his bedroom.
With a heavy sigh, you leaned against the door. 
Mentally, Steve was exhausted.
Physically, his energy peaked in the midst of the action and hadn’t seemed to peter off yet. 
You were safe, you were safe, you were safe.
Why couldn’t he calm down? You were one wall away, falling asleep. Safe. He got to you before anything critical happened. Christ, nothing should have happened in the first place.
Following his long frustrating phone call with Rhodes, he wanted to talk to you. He wanted to say everything that was weighing down his heart - but your door was closed and he couldn’t even find it in himself to knock.
You were probably even angrier with him than before - given that this was all his fault. But that was fine with him. He could deal with your anger if that meant you had any feelings towards him left. Anger counted.
He rinsed off in the shower then pulled on a pair of pajama pants before falling into bed, not that he was tired. His brain was wired and maybe an allnighter was in his future. 
Steve sent off a few last messages to Bucky and Sam, then discarded his phone on the nightstand. He leaned back against the headboard and–
There was a knock at his bedroom door. You were knocking. He swung his legs off the bed and hurried to open the door, just as you were about to push it open yourself.
“Hi,” you said quietly, meeting his eyes in the low light streaming in from his lamp.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, scanning you for any signs of distress.
You shrugged, drawing in a deep breath. Then Steve took a step back, waving his arm to invite you in. You released your lungs slowly, nodding and following him inside. Wordlessly, he climbed into the bed and offered the open blanket to you, arms wide. You just nodded again, crawling in and finding a spot - your spot - underneath his arms.
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nirvanawrites111 · 1 year
May I Have Your Attention Please Part 2
(Sub!Seonghwa x Reader, Sub!Hongjoong x Reader)
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Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader, Hongjoong x Reader
Fem Reader, She/her pronouns
Word Count: 2749
Tw: Spanking Hwa receiving, mention of drug dealing/Gangteez life, mentions of killing, thinking about killing hwa, but trust me you won’t.
oral (fem receiving)
Part 1 Here
Smut below the cut!
A/n: Also I start writing this after I published Part 1 last night. So, shoutout to Anon for your suggestion. I think this is becoming a series. Lets see how my ADHD works lol
“It’s been a few weeks since we last saw each other. How’s everything going?” Seonghwa asks you, taking a sip of his martini.
You scan his body language and he has some nerve to try to be all concerned and formal like he’s not a damn snitch.
You know the street code anyone who crosses you got to go. You reach into your purse and grip the cool metal inside of your bag. You could kill so quick and clean up the body without hesitation.
“I want to know how you know Hongjoong?” You skip the pleasantries and small talk about your life. You need to know why he decided to have such loose lips around him.
“Oh.” Seonghwa talks another sip of his drink, but this time he finishes the entire glass and places it in front of him. He toys with his ring on his finger and avoids eye contact with me.
“Eyes on me, Hwa.” Your tone is solid and firm. This isn’t the time to go soft on him.
Thankfully, you are in a private dining room in a fancy restaurant. The many perks of domming a billionaire. Money and access aren’t an issue.
Seonghwa’s eyes flicker up to you and he visibly swallows hard. “A childhood friend. Why do you bring him up?”
“Cut the bullshit. Hongjoong seemed to be aware of our arrangement.”
Seonghwa’s fingers stroke the flute of his martini glass. “We were drinking and it slipped out.”
“How did it come up?”
“I don’t know. He asked me if I was seeing anyone, and I told him about you. Which led to me sharing how you dominate me. I shouldn’t have spilled that information. Y/n, I’m really sorry.”
You let go of the trigger and release your gun from my hand.
Seonghwa is the least bit wiser of your consideration of killing him.
As you recline comfortably in your plush chair, you observe the person before you, their body language speaking volumes. It becomes evident that a tinge of remorse tugs at their demeanor, seemingly regretful for the words that flowed unchecked from their lips moments ago.
Seonghwa’s eyes, once brimming with confidence, now betray a subtle hint of contrition, as if they wish they could retract the spoken utterances.
A flicker of vulnerability dances across their face, accentuated by a slight downturn at the corners of their mouth.
Plus, you enjoy being with Seonghwa and if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t had Hongjoong curious about you. Which you still can’t get that thought out of your head.
Your night with Hongjoong was intense. You can still see him naked on that hotel bed. The way he looked all innocent and shy while you were pounding his ass.
Your business is afloat again and you have product moving on the streets as you speak. You don’t have to worry about losing anymore money.
Sure, you could have asked Seonghwa for the money. But, you don’t like him funding your business. You want to keep him away from this lifestyle as much as possible.
He’s your safe haven outside of the dangerous street life. This isn’t meant for everyone to experience. You want to keep him as pure as possible.
But, you are still not sure why he’s associating with Hongjoong.
“Yes, you’re sorry. But, that was fucked up, Hwa. You know you owe me for that.”
“Yes, goddess. I do. I’ll do anything to make up for it.”
“Or, you’re going to do anything. But, I will let you know how you can repay me.”
“Gladly. It won’t happen again.”
“So, why are you hanging around a drug dealer anyways? You’re not funding his business, right?”
“Of course. You told me to stay away from your lifestyle. We just catch up sometimes. He was the only Korean at my pre-school so we’ve always bonded over that.”
“Hwa stand up and drop your pants.”
You reach into your bag and grab your paddle. There is no way you are going to let him off the hook that easy.
Seonghwa does what you say and assumes the position. He places his hands on the table.
You come behind him. “Hwa, you know we can’t have loose lips like that. If I adhere to street code I would have had to drop you, baby. I don’t want to do that, right?”
You wack his ass with your wooden paddle engraved with “Daddy’s Bitch”.
Seonghwa jolts a bit, but it’s not enough for your liking. You need him to feel it. “Right, I’m sorry.”
You wack him again because you need him to understand the nature of your relationship with you. “You’re sorry, who?”
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
“Good, you always learn quick. Listen, I’m going light on you because I have something to do. But, don’t make that mistake again.”
“Yes, daddy.”
You rub his ass and kiss where it’s visibly red. “Now, I know you miss having my tongue in your ass. But, I can’t give that type of affection to a snitch. Right?”
“Yes, daddy. It will not happen again.”
You stand up and toss your paddle into your bag. You toss your purse onto your shoulder. “Listen, I gotta run. But, we will see each other soon.”
“I look forward to it,” Seonghwa speaks and pulls up his pants.
You play it cool and put on your sunglasses. You exit out of the dining room and head for the door. Your driver is waiting for you and he opens the back door for you.
You look at your phone and Hongjoong’s number flash across the screen. You groan at the site of his name coming into your current vision.
“Hello?” You answer.
“Hi, Y/n. I just want to confirm that the product was enough to hold you over. Have you found a distributor yet?”
“My business operations are not any of your concern, Hongjoong.”
“You know I can’t get you out of my head from the other night.”
You always try to act like you are such a tough cookie. But, the truth is you can’t either. There was something so sexy about being with Hongjoong. Sure, you two have always been in competition with each other. But, now things seem different.
You are starting to dip into the personal side of things and it scared the shit out of you.
“Is that so?” You humor him for a bit. You need to see where his head is.
“Yes. Have dinner with me tonight, Y/n.”
No. You cannot get yourself caught up with Kim Hongjoong. Next thing you know you’ll be his weekly eye candy on his arm until he gets tired of you. You know how he gets down.
A different chick on his arm everytime you see him. You like to live discreet. You don’t want anyone knowing who are choose to sleep with. He’s trying to distract you.
“I’m busy, tonight.”
“C’mon, Y/n. I make a mean spaghetti. I know it’s your favorite.”
“Who told you that?”
“Don’t worry about that. Let me make you dinner to thank you for that amazing night.”
“Joong, it was business. That’s it and that’s all.”
“I know. But, this isn’t a date. It’s a business dinner. That’s all.”
“Fine. Where do you live?”
“I’ll come pick you up. I have manners y’know?”
The doorbell rings and you open the door to see Hongjoong standing there with your favorite flowers in hand. His blonde hair is slicked back and he’s wearing an open white dress shirt with lacy see-through sleeves. A Cuban link adorns his neck and his usual jeans are replaced by slacks.
“Hi,” Hongjoong says sweetly and blushes.
“Hi,” you reply. The two of you are staring at each other for a few moments. You can’t believe how good he looks and how much effort he’s put into this.
“Uh, sorry,” Hongjoong snaps out of whatever trace you have him and he shakes head. “These are for you. I got you a vase, too. I didn’t know if you had one.”
“Uh, thank you.” You grab the flowers and say, “You can come in.”
Hongjoong follows you into your home and you place the flowers on the living room table. The two of you sit down on your couch.
“I forgot to ask did you have any food allergies?”
“Nope. I can eat anything.”
“Well, let’s go back to my place and enjoy that meal I promised you.”
You stand up and you have an urge to straddle him. Slip your tongue into his mouth and make him scream your name. But, you remember this is just a thank you dinner. Nothing more and nothing less.
Hongjoong opens the passenger door of his corvette for you. “Your chariot awaits.”
Hongjoong curses himself inside of his head. He glares at you to see if you’ll respond to his comment, but you just laugh at it.
He watches you get in and closes the door behind you. He hops into the driver’s seat and drives off to his place.
The car ride is silent but Hongjoong decides to break the ice.
“So, do you need me to help you find a distributor?”
“I got one, but thanks for the offer.”
“Do you want those corner boys back?”
“Hell no. If they will leave me so easily then they were never loyal to me. Plus, I replaced them anyways.”
“Yeah, I mean that’s the easy part. The hard part is ensure they are loyal.”
“Oh, I know they are loyal. So, I’m not worried.”
Once the two of you arrive at his place he gets out of the car and opens the door for you. Hongjoong helps you out of the car.
“Nice home.”
“I know it’s a lot for a single person.”
“Yeah, I get it. That’s why I enjoy my apartment. But, one day I will get a house once I leave this life.”
“Oh, you want to leave the game?”
“Yeah, I can’t do this forever. I want kids and a partner. What about you?”
Hongjoong had no idea you wanted those things. It doesn’t make it any better than he’s been dreaming about how all those things with you since you took hooked up.
“Uh, the streets is all I know. But, I think for the right person I could give it all up.”
“Exactly. I know you didn’t get this house for just yourself. You’re not scared in here by yourself?” You walk around his place exploring.
For a split second Hongjoong can picture you in this house as if it’s also yours. With little children following behind you.
But, before that he would love to be collared and walked all over his marble floors trailing behind you. The fact that you tower over him doesn’t make it any better.
Hongjoong snaps out of his thoughts and heads to the kitchen. He’s already prepped and washed everything for tonight. He grabs everything out of his fridge and place it on the counter.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Wine, please.”
Hongjoong grabs it out of the wine chiller and opens it with the automatic open. He grabs two glasses and places it in front of you. You are sitting in a high top chair at the kitchen island.
“Coming right up,” Hongjoong replies.
Hongjoong pours wine into your glass and his. He hands you your glass and you both cling your glasses together. “Cheers to new beginnings,” Hongjoong says.
Hongjoong can’t help but admire how beautiful you look tonight. Your hair is in full curls just like the other night with a red lip. Your makeup is light, but still makes a statement to enhance your natural beauty.
You are the perfect one for him. You are beautiful, smart, and one of the biggest drugpins in the game.
So, he doesn’t have to pretend he’s someone he’s not to appeal to you. You can understand him in ways that no one else can understand.
Hongjoong begins cooking and you sip more on your wine. You walk around his massive kitchen. You look all how neat and organized everything is.
The two of you have engaged in conversations about the street life, relationships, friendships, food, and so much more. You never realized how deep this man is.
“I like a man that cooks,” You stand next to him at the stove. You are amazed at how he knows his way around the kitchen. Everything is fresh and smells so good. You don’t remember if you’ve ever had a man cook for you.
“I like a woman who is dominant.”
That for whatever reason sends a signal to your center and you want nothing more than to have him again. This attraction to him is foreign, but you can’t deny you are having fun with him.
You hear Hongjoong cut off the burner and you sit on the counter behind him. You lift your dress to your hips and spread your legs.
Hongjoong turns around and immediately freezes in place.
“You want to thank you.. eat my pussy, slut,” You command. You are tired of playing games with him and dancing over the fact that are attracted to him.
Hongjoong doesn’t even blink he charges in between your legs and laps away at your already wet pussy. His desire to please you is so obvious. He lovingly serves you with so much ease and precision.
“Fuck, I’ve waited so long for this,” Hongjoong moans against your cunt and you gush a little. You’ve been trying to hold back all night. But, you knew from the moment he walked into your apartment with the flowers you wanted his head between your legs.
Your hand caresses the back of his head. “Your tongue is so good, Joongie. How would your crew Gangteez feel if they knew that your tongue was deep inside of their enemy? Where is your loyalty, Joongie?”
“With you.. all I want to do is serve and please you,” Hongjoong whimpers and give your clit slow licks.
“Oh, really?” You grab Hongjoong’s hair and pulls him away from your center. The lust has darkened his eyes and your juice all dripping off his lips. He’s so fucking hot like this.
“Yes, I can’t stay away from you. Gangteez doesn’t know what happened and I want to keep it that way.”
“Not even your right hand in command, Mingi?” You question.
“No.” He shakes his head. “My personal life is off limits to them.”
You bury his face back against your pussy and this time he drills his tongue inside of you while he massaging circles against your clit. The combination is enough to make everything around you blurry as fuck. You love how skillful his tongue is.
But, you love that he’s not going around telling anyone about what happened the other night. But, you will fact check with Seonghwa soon enough to ensure he’s really telling the truth.
You work your hips to match his tongue fucking you. You still can’t get over that you have one of the biggest drug dealers in your city between your legs professing their loyalty to you.
It’s a power that makes you feel so empowered. But, truthfully you want nothing more to slide down on his dick and fuck in your favorite position, amazon.
But, you are strategic. You can’t give him all of you so easily and fast. He has to earn in. To be inside of you completely is a privilege. So, you will table that opportunity for another time.
You stroke Hongjoong’s hair while your body shakes on his marble countertops. You wrap your legs around his head.
“Fuck, Joongie. I’m going to come,” you growl.
“Please come for me..mistress.”
You lose it when he whines for the arrival of your release. You give him what he’s asking for and let yourself experience that euphoria that you love chasing.
Hongjoong laps all it up. He cleans you out and you release your legs from around his head. You sit up catching your breath.
“Damn, Joongie. You did such a good job.” He looks even more beautiful with your juices glistening on his face.
You grab his with both hands by his shirt and pull him into a kiss. Your tongue swirl together and you savor the taste of your release on his tongue.
“Will you stay the night?” Hongjoong ask.
“Yes, if you agree to stay away from Seonghwa.”
Part 3
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