#and his main defense/power set is his voice
Vocal Rest
A Music Meister x OC fanfiction
Word count: 699
Warnings: Electrocution, break-in, discomfort
Tropes: Dancing, teasing
Synopsis: Why would a singing-centered villain go on vocal rest while committing a crime? The world may never know.
Ships: Music Meister x OC
Her brunch was paused by the shrieking alarm of the bank next door, but it was completely halted when the café wall adjacent to the bank was demolished into rubble and flying debris. Melody immediately ducked under her table to avoid the detritus, as did many of the other patrons. Melody covered her mouth while frantically trying to make eye contact with the other guests. As the dust started to settle in the room, her fears only heightened.
The figure of a man loomed in the still somewhat hazy air pouring out from the newly-collapsed wall. As the man came into view, a squeal threatened to slip through Melody’s clasped mouth. Not him. He stood tall amongst the wreckage, a glowing staff in his hand pointed at a frozen patron. Not a word emerged from him as he shot some sort of electric pulse from the staff, causing his victim to lift into the air for a moment before being violently shocked and limply dropped to the floor. The perpetrator grinned devilishly at his target’s collapse before scanning around the room as if to ask “Anyone else care to test me?”
The thing that frightened Melody the most, however, was this man’s silence. The Music Meister was not known for being quiet, so this deafening nothingness was… uncanny, to say the least. Especially since his main superpower was his vocal hypnosis. But her curiosity about his muteness was overshadowed by her paralyzation at the sound of his approaching footsteps. A whimper left Melody’s lips, causing the tall man to stop just as he was passing her hiding spot.
The scoundrel stepped back towards her as she silently cursed herself out.
Why did I do that? Why did I fucking do that? I’m going to die because i couldn’t stop myself from making a single peep. Please, god, let him go past me again. I’m going to be electrocuted like th—
“Ah!” He exclaimed, on his knees to peek at her. His sickening grin spread across his face once more, leading Melody to retreat slightly below the table. The man chuckled lightly at this, before pushing her table to the side. But instead of attacking her, the Music Meister simply grabbed her wrists to pull her up. A nearby bystander attempted to bolt toward the rogue. He was immediately shocked by the villain’s staff, said villain never breaking his eyes from Melody as he pulled her into a slow-dance position and began to sway.
“Wh-What?” Melody questioned, unable to defy his clutch.
The Music Meister merely laughed gently and continued to dance with her, before answering very quietly. “Don’t you remember me? I let you go from my heist a week or so ago,” he remarked, “it’d be a shame for someone as remarkable as yourself to forget that encounter of ours–”
Melody, without thinking, cut him off from his ramblings. “Why are you being so quiet?”
Any other person he interacted with could have been killed for questioning him like that, but when it came to her, the villain couldn’t help but laugh yet again.
“Surely you know the importance of vocal rest, darling~” he replied. The man slid a hand under Melody’s chin and lifted it towards him, before tracing down her neck to her jugular. She shivered in response, deeply unsettled. “After all,” he continued, “your voice is a weapon, and you have to maintain such a tool.”
“Why would you go on vocal rest while committing crimes? You’re fighting empty-handed,” Melody retorted, grimacing as the rogue tore his hand away from her neck.
“Fair question. I guess it doesn’t always matter to me what I fight with, as long as I have something,” he rolled his eyes, gesturing to the staff clutched in one of his hands.
The faint roar of sirens started to near the café, causing the Music Meister to hesitantly release his prey. “I do believe that’s my cue to exit,” he sighed. But before Melody could fully escape him, he seized her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
“Adieu, Songbird~”
And with that last taunt, the villain burst through the door and started to flee on a music-themed motorcycle.
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peavhyshy · 7 months
𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗘 𝟰 𝗠𝗘 (oneshot)
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Pairing: Boyfriend!Rafe Cameron x Innocent!Pogue!Reader
Summary: In which you working as a waitress at the Country Club where Rafe and his wealthy Kook friends spend time at and he gives you a ride home after your shift.
Warnings: strong language, smut, dubious consent, fingering, oral sex, power dynamics, corruption/innocence, hair-pulling, degradation, rough sex, unprotected vaginal sex, exhibitionism, lose of virginity, possessiveness, orgasm denial, car sex
Words: 2,614
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist | RIDE 4 ME (song it's based off by chxrry22)
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The sun beat down on the perfectly manicured lawn of the Figure Eight Country Club. Rafe lounged in a cushioned chair on the patio, leisurely sipping an ice cold beer as he watched the other Kook teens splashing around in the pool. His eyes, however, were focused on you making your way between tables, carrying a large tray loaded with drinks and appetizers.
"Well hello there, gorgeous," Rafe called out as you approached his table. You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your smile.
"I'm working, Rafe," you replied, setting down the empty glasses from the table next to his with a clatter.
"Come on, you can spare a minute to chat with your favorite Kook," Rafe said with a charming grin. He reached out to gently touch your arm. You sighed but relented, sitting down in the empty chair.
"Only for a minute! If my boss catches me slacking he'll have my head," you replied.
"You worry too much. I'd never let anything happen to you," Rafe said. He leaned in close, dropping his voice to a husky whisper. "Have I told you how hot you look in that little uniform?"
You blushed deeply as Rafe's eyes roamed over you appreciatively. You smacked his arm. 
"I'm just showing my girl some appreciation," Rafe replied innocently. His hand found your knee under the table, squeezing lightly.
You hastily stood up. "Okay, I really need to get back to work now. I'll see you later?"
"I'll be waiting eagerly," Rafe said, as you hurried off, he saw Sarah and Topper approaching from across the pool deck.
"Well, well, if it isn't my darling sister and her lapdog," Rafe said snarkily as the pair reached his table.
"Who's the waitress, Rafe? Don't tell me you're screwing around with one of the staff," Sarah said disapprovingly.
"Don't be rude, Sarah. Y/N happens to be my girlfriend," Rafe said defensively.
"Your girlfriend is a Pogue?" Topper asked incredulously. "Isn't that kind of…beneath you?"
Rafe glared at Topper. "Watch yourself, man. No one talks about my girl that way."
Topper held up his hands apologetically. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend."
Rafe leaned back in his chair, glancing over at you. "She may be a Pogue, but she's still hotter than any Kook girl here."
Sarah just shook her head in disgust. "You're hopeless, Rafe." She turned and headed for the pool, Topper trailing behind her.
Rafe watched you as you worked, admiring your cute figure. Maybe you were just a waitress, but you were his waitress. And Rafe always got what he wanted.
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You walked out of the country club, exhausted after a long shift. You were lost in thought and didn't notice the familiar black truck idling in the otherwise empty parking lot. The sound of a car door slammed shut behind you made you jump.
"Hey there, gorgeous. Need a ride?" Rafe said with a crooked grin, coming up behind you. Before you could respond, he wrapped an arm around your waist and steered you towards his truck.
"Rafe! You startled me," you protested, though you couldn't help but smile back at him. "What are you still doing here?"
"Waiting for you of course," Rafe replied smoothly, opening the passenger door for you. "I wanted to take my girl out for a night on the town. Unless you're too tired from work?"
You hesitated, knowing you should probably just go home and rest. But the hopeful look in Rafe's eyes made your decision for you. You climbed up into the passenger seat. "A quick stop for ice cream would be nice," you conceded.
Rafe grinned triumphantly and hurried around to the driver's side, revving the engine as he pulled out of the parking lot. You settled back against the leather seat, glancing over at Rafe's handsome profile. You knew your friends wouldn't approve of you dating a Kook, especially if it was Rafe Cameron, but you couldn't help your growing feelings for the charming boy. And when Rafe reached over to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, you knew you were willing to give him a chance, no matter what anyone else thought.
The night breeze felt refreshing as you guys cruised along the coast with the windows down. Rafe drove with one hand on the wheel, the other still clasping yours. You shyly shifted closer on the seat until your thighs were touching. Rafe gave you a heated look. "I've been thinking about you all day, you know," he murmured.
You blushed, heart fluttering at his words. You weren’t used to male attention, but something about Rafe made you feel excited rather than scared. "Me too," you admitted softly.
Rafe's hand left yours to trail lightly up your leg. "I don't think I can wait for ice cream. I need you now," he said roughly, blue eyes dark with desire.
Your breath caught at the intensity of his gaze. You knew you should stop this, but the swirl of emotions inside you left you powerless to resist as Rafe's hand slid higher…
Rafe's eyes darkened with lust as his hand slid higher up your thigh, his fingers dancing along the hem of your shorts. You gasped softly at the intimate caress, both nervous and excited by his boldness.
"We shouldn't do this here," you whispered, your cheeks flushed as you glanced around the shadowy coast road. You were alone for now, but anyone could drive by.
Rafe just smirked, edging his fingers up under your shorts. "Come on, baby. Don't you want to have a little fun?" he murmured, stroking along the edge of your panties.
You squirmed, both scandalized and aroused by his actions. "Rafe, please, not here," you pleaded, even as your body seemed to melt under his skillful touch. You couldn't believe you were letting the cocky Kook take such liberties, but you were powerless to resist him.
Ignoring your protests, Rafe continued teasing you through the thin cotton barrier of your underwear, feeling wetness gather under his fingertips. "That's it, just relax," he purred. "You're so fucking sexy, I need to make you feel good."
You whimpered, legs falling open to give him better access despite your misgivings. Rafe took full advantage, slipping his fingers under your panties to stroke along your slick folds. You jerked and moaned at the direct contact, the lewd wet sounds audible in the confines of the truck.
"Rafe!" you cried out, unable to hold back as he relentlessly stimulated your body. Your hips rocked uncontrollably, seeking more friction from his talented fingers. You were embarrassed by how easily he could undo you, but the pleasure was too intense to resist.
Rafe's eyes blazed with possession as he watched you surrender to him so sweetly. "That's right, I've got you now," he grunted. He finally withdrew his hand, leaving you squirming and unsatisfied.
"Please," you whimpered, beyond caring how desperate you sounded.
Rafe smirked, sucking your juices from his fingers. "All in good time, baby. But first, I think it's time for your mouth to please me for a change."
You looked at Rafe with innocent confusion in your eyes. "What…what do you mean?" you asked uncertainty.
Rafe smirked, enjoying your naive response. He unzipped his shorts, freeing his hard cock. Your eyes widened in shock and you instinctively tried to look away, but Rafe grasped your chin firmly, forcing you to meet his heated gaze.
"I think you know exactly what I mean, baby," he purred. "Be a good girl and put that pretty little mouth to work pleasing me."
You trembled, unable to tear your shocked gaze away from Rafe's erection. You had never even seen a penis before, let alone done anything sexual. The lewd suggestion made your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"I…I've never…" you stammered, shrinking back against the passenger door.
Rafe's eyes darkened. "There's a first time for everything, princess," he snarled. "Now get over here and suck it. I know you want to be my good little slut."
You recoiled at his crass words, even as a secret thrill ran through your. You knew you should refuse, but something about Rafe's commanding, dangerous presence made resistance impossible. Timidly you leaned over the center console, hands shaking as you wrapped your fingers around his rigid length. Rafe groaned in satisfaction, tangling his hands in your hair.
"That's it baby, just like that," he encouraged roughly as you began to stroke him awkwardly. Precome beaded at the tip and Rafe used it to paint your plush lips, coaxing you to part them. Your eyes fluttered shut as you accepted the salty fluid on your tongue, the musky male taste overwhelming to your innocent senses.
Heart pounding, You took the head of Rafe's cock between your lips. The Kook boy groaned loudly, bucking his hips to press deeper into the heat of your mouth. You gagged slightly but kept sucking, eager to please him even as the lewd act made you blush. You were in over your head, but there was no turning back now.
You fumbled awkwardly with your first attempt at pleasuring Rafe, cheeks flaming with embarrassment even as arousal coiled hotly within you. Rafe groaned lustily at the feel of your soft lips wrapped around him, his fingers tangling almost painfully in your hair as he guided your movements.
"Come on baby, you can take more than that," he grunted, bucking his hips to push deeper into your mouth.
You gagged, eyes watering as the blunt tip hit the back of your throat. Rafe held you there a moment, reveling in the tight wet heat enveloping him before letting you pull back gasping.
"Sorry princess, guess I got a little too eager," he chuckled without remorse. You caught your breath, wiping at your teary eyes. You should stop this insanity, but one heated look from Rafe had you leaning back in, determined to pleasure him properly this time.
Under Rafe's rough tutelage, You soon adapted to the rhythm he set, lips gliding slickly along his rigid length. The musky taste of precum flooded your senses, making your head spin dizzyingly. Rafe's bitten-off curses and the clench of his fingers in your hair let you know you were doing well.
"Fuck yes, just like that," he rasped, eyes smoldering as he watched his cock disappear repeatedly into the your sweet mouth. You flushed with pride at his reaction, abandoning your inhibitions to suck him harder, flicking your tongue teasingly over the weeping slit.
You could feel Rafe swelling and pulsing on your tongue, his thighs tensing as his climax approached. Suddenly he wrenched your head back, leaving you gasping.
"Did I say you could make me cum yet?"
You stammered out apologies even as your body thrummed with unfulfilled need. Rafe cut you off with a searing kiss, plunging his tongue into your mouth as though to taste himself on your lips. When he finally released you, your head was spinning, panties soaked through.
"Please Rafe," you whimpered, no longer caring how desperate you sounded. "I need…"
Rafe's eyes flashed victoriously. "I know what you need, baby," he purred, hand sliding back up your thigh possessively. "Don't worry, I'm going to give it to you."
Rafe smirked triumphantly as you whimpered and squirmed beside him, your innocence only making the prospect of corrupting you even sweeter. His fingers slid back up your thigh, hooking into your panties and tugging them down insistently.
"Lift up, baby," he commanded gruffly.
Cheeks flaming, you obeyed, raising your hips so Rafe could strip the cotton barrier away. The cool night air on your exposed, slick flesh made you shiver, thighs clenching together reflexively. Rafe drank in the sight of you, bare and vulnerable before him,
"So fucking beautiful," he rasped, grabbing your knee to force your legs open again. You gasped as he trailed a rough fingertip along your sensitive folds, gathering the evidence of your arousal. "This is all mine now, isn't it?"
You could only whimper and nod helplessly, lost in the overwhelming sensations as Rafe's talented fingers stroked and teased you. Your hips rocked desperately, seeking more friction as he purposefully avoided where you needed it most.
"Please Rafe…" you keened, you were his now, to use as he wished.
Rafe's eyes flashed with dark satisfaction at how easily you submitted. "Since you asked so sweetly," he purred, finally pressing two thick fingers into your tight pussy.
You cried out, back arching off the seat at the intrusion, inner muscles clenching around the thick digits. The sounds of Rafe's fingers pumping into your naive body echoed obscenely in the confines of the truck. His mouth descended on your neck, sucking a vivid mark into the sensitive skin. You shuddered, clutching at his shoulders as he claimed you so completely.
"That's it baby, cum for me," Crooking his fingers just right, he sent you spiraling over the edge with a sharp cry. Your whole body spasmed, inner walls clamping down hard around his fingers. Rafe groaned as he imagined that tight clutch around his cock instead.
As you trembled through the aftershocks, Rafe gently stroked your hair back from your face. "Such a good girl," he praised, pressing a surprisingly tender kiss to your forehead. You curled trustingly into his embrace, spent and satiated for now. But you both knew this was only the beginning.
After letting you rest for a few minutes, Rafe pulled you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your frame. You gasped as you felt his hard cock pressing insistently against your core.
"I want you to ride me, princess," Rafe growled into your ear, nipping at the soft skin of your neck. His hands gripped your hips, grinding you down onto his erection.
You whimpered, torn between apprehension and need. You knew this was wrong, but your body craved the fulfillment only Rafe could provide. Timidly you began to rock your hips, rubbing yourself along the rigid contour of his cock.
Rafe groaned approvingly, one hand sliding up to palm your breast through your thin top. "That's it baby, get yourself nice and wet for me," he rasped, tweaking your nipple roughly.
You cried out, back arching into his touch even as you continued your hesitant movements. You could feel your slick arousal soaking through the fabric separating them.
"Please Rafe," you finally gasped out. "I need more." your plea seemed to break the last of his restraint. He pushed your shorts aside, before thrusting up into your untouched entrance.
You saw stars, a scream of pained pleasure tearing from your throat. Rafe gave you no time to adjust to the intense stretch, gripping your hips tightly as he immediately started pounding up into you. "So fucking tight," he bit out through clenched teeth.
You could only cling to his shoulders, lost in the overwhelming sensations. The initial sharp sting faded to an aching fullness that somehow felt so right. Rafe guided your movements, using your body ruthlessly for his own pleasure and pushing you rapidly towards a shattering climax.
When he finally spilled inside you with a shout, the feeling of his hot release triggered your own orgasm. You convulsed around him, whimpering his name. Rafe held you close through the aftershocks, stroking your hair tenderly.
"That's my good girl," he praised, brushing a soft kiss over your sweat-slicked temple. You burrowed into his embrace, a sense of belonging settling over you even as guilt pricked at the back of your mind. You knew there was no going back from this life-altering line you had crossed, but you prayed it would all be worth it for a chance at love with the Kook boy.
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lancermylove · 3 months
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None 
A/N: Cause normal HCs can get boring 😂
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Riddle practices his "Off with your head" spell every night to make sure he appears as intimidating as possible. If the dorm is silent enough, you can hear Riddle's faint voice.
He had a collection of stuffed animals hidden under his bed. Whenever Riddle is stressed, he hugs the fluffiest of the toys for comfort.
Once, when he was angry, Riddle tried to change the colors of the roses in the yard. But due to his lack of focus, the spell backfired and turned his hair pink.
Got tired of having to paint his signature clover on his cheek every morning, so Trey snuck out of campus once and went to a tattoo shop. His tattoo is permanent, but no one knows this yet.
Since he knows that Riddle easily loses his temper, Trey adds chamomile to almost all of Riddle's dishes in hopes that it can help him stay calm.
Trey keeps a journal of all of Heartslabyul's students' strengths, allergies, weaknesses, and progression records. He actually knows more about them than he leads on.
He crafted a spell to create a magic selfie stick that takes perfect pictures, but it's a trademark secret that no one else knows about.
Cater has a collection of videos and pictures of all the students in Heartslaybul who have broken the Queen's rules. One false move, and he has the power to show them to Riddle. Then, off with your head, and Cater gets the last laugh.
He likes to collect phone cases and has an entire closet full of them. If he wanted to, he could have a matching case for every outfit.
Doesn't have the greatest art skills but likes to create comic books about the students on campus. He has never shown anyone this collection. In the comic books, each student has an alter ego.
Deuce likes to collect tiny objects. It's his way of learning how to be more delicate with fragile items.
Likes to go into stores and try out wacky, colorful outfits just to see if he looks good in them.
One time, he was so frustrated that he couldn't talk to animals that he convinced himself he could do it. He spent hours strategizing with a campus squirrel. Ruggie caught it on video and plans to use it as blackmail.
Sometimes, he dresses up as a masked vigilante and sneaks around at night, pretending to solve mysteries and crimes. Idia saw him once and nearly had a heart attack, thinking Ace was a ghost.
He tried to pull a prank by mixing blue dye in the dorm's detergent supply, but Cater caught him and exposed him on social media. Much to Ace's luck, Riddle still hasn't noticed the post.
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He knows how to knit and sometimes likes to make gifts for others but never lets them know he made them. Lilia is the only one who knows this secret and likes to tease the prince by calling him a 'grandma.'
He likes to secretly play otome games just so he can see what romance is truly like. The next time you see the dragon looking tired, know that he stayed up all night playing events or reading the main story of his favorite game.
Has a collection of hats, from sombreros to hats with bunny ears, but can't wear any of them because of his horns. But that doesn't stop him from collecting them.
He has a collection of socks - you know, the ones with a nice cozy slot for each toe. Yeah, he likes toe socks...but keeps it to himself.
During the nighttime, he sneaks out to set up pranks all over NRC. In his defense, he wants to make sure all the students are wide awake every morning for their classes. :)
When he learned about the existence of V8 juice, he asked you to buy a truckload of them for him. One of the storage rooms in Diasomnia is filled with nothing but V8 tomato juice cans.
He holds the unofficial record for the longest nap ever taken at NRC. Leona has attempted to break this record several times, but Ruggie never lets him and nags him to go to classes and finish his assignments.
Sometimes, he is known to sleepwalk. He also enters the rooms of the students at night during his sleepwalking sessions. One time, he entered Sebek's room, and when the knight opened his eyes and saw Silver, he let out the loudest squeal possible. To this day, Sebek refuses to accept that he was the one who squealed and says Silver was the one who did it.
Has a collection of clocks, but no matter how many alarms he puts, they are ineffective in waking him up.
Likes to practice interpretative dance in secret because he thinks it will enhance his movements during battle and increase the fluidity of his movements.
He likes to listen to songs from girl bands and has to control himself from buying merch from his favorite girl bands. If only he had a younger sister, he could say the merch was for her.
Has a secret tattoo that he got during his rebellious teen years. Not even Lilia knows about this. The tattoo is of a chibi bunny with floppy ears and big eyes.
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The prince is talented at singing lullabies because of Cheka. His nephew refused to sleep unless Leona sang him a lullaby. But the lion will NEVER let anyone know about this.
Sometimes, he sneaks into Jack's room to talk to his cacti collection. Leona doesn't know why, but talking to the cacti calms him down. Jack nearly caught him once, but Leona played it off cool and managed to fool the wolf.
The reason why Leona doesn't like constricting clothes is not due to the fit. Even though the people in Savanna Sunset are scared of him, the younger women find him very attractive. Every time he wears tight clothes, they won't stop staring. This makes him uncomfortable because he feels like a piece of meat they are waiting to pounce on.
Ruggie keeps a journal that tracks all of Crowley's movements. This is his way of ensuring that Crowley allows him to take food from the campus to feed all the hungry people in his hometown.
One time, when a gourmet chef came to NRC, he added dandelions to the chef's food. The chef didn't realize the secret ingredient was a weed and praised the food highly. To this day, Ruggie is very proud of it.
He secretly thinks of himself as the 'mother' of Savanaclaw because he secretly looks after everyone.
He has a name and personality for all of his cacti. Most of the time, the names are very cute. And he even calls them by their name when talking to them.
Jack secretly practices yoga to maintain his flexibility. He is an expert and can even do the scariest and oddest of poses with ease.
He likes to keep up with the latest fashion trends—not for himself but for his siblings—so that he knows what type of gifts to give them. He wants to be the cool big brother to them.
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Sometimes, when his dorm members can't go to sleep, Vil sings them a lullaby, and it's very effective. It almost seems like Vil's voice puts them in a deep sleep that they don't wake up from for hours.
He has a wig specially designed for him that replicates his hair and hairstyle. When he has a bad hair day, he wears a wig, which is why his hair is always perfect.
Every night, he practices dramatic entrances and exits in his bedroom in front of the mirror to make sure he always maintains his queenly attitude to the point.
He has a magical pouch that never runs out of food. That is how Rook can keep an eye on the 'prey' of his choice for hours without having to worry about getting hungry.
Secretly enjoys reading trashy romance novels and has a hidden stash under his bed. He wants to write these types of novels under a secret pen name.
He has a journal of all the animals and birds in and around NRC, with detailed sketches and notes of the species.
He has a secret talent for rapping and occasionally takes part in underground concerts.
On many occasions, he has tried to come up with a spell that can help him become taller and masculine. Don't be surprised if one day you see Epel as a 6'0 man with a physique that can rival Jack's.
Has a secret dream to become an idol but keeps it to himself due to his fear of being on stage. Sometimes, he has nightmares in which he is singing on stage and messes up or falls down while dancing.
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He has created an entire virtual world where he is a superhero who saves everyone from digital threats. Ortho is his sidekick. He also has a romance route but is too nervous to take that route in-game.
Idia talks to all his devices and has names for all of them. They are his friends, so don't judge him; just listen to what he says to them without interruption. Not to mention, he doesn't feel nervous around them.
He has a collection of rare glow-in-the-dark socks, even though he never wears them. Idia likes to just see them glow in the dark. It makes him smile.
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He has a secret fear of cucumbers. They remind him of his sea snakes, so he can't eat them and has to resist the urge to shriek every time he sees them. Floyd figured this out and likes to place cucumbers in random places just to freak Azul out.
Azul's skin is baby-soft because he has an elaborate skincare routine, which he adapted after hearing Vil's advice. Not even Vil knows this.
Has a column in the NRC newspaper where he gives students relationships and heartfelt and emotional advice but under a pen name. No one has managed to figure out that Azul pens that column.
He runs a secret gourmet food blog where he criticizes/praises the food of the restaurants in the town nearest to NRC. He is a very picky and harsh critic.
Likes to leave random cryptic messages all over NRC just to see reactions of students. The messages mean nothing, but he likes to see the smart students struggling to dechiper the codes.
Jade never forgets anything, even if he pretends he forgot...he remembers. He has such good memory that you could ask him the 71st word on page 239 of the history text book, and he can tell you accurately.
He is REALLY good at parkour and has had competitions with Ace and Deuce, but he always wins.
When Floyd is bored, he likes to hide in the NRC swimming pool and scare the students who go to swim there, especially after the sunsets. Some of the students have never returned to the swimming pool because they think it's haunted.
Has a collection of giant stuffed toys. Floyd hugs a large blue teddy bear with a white bow when he goes to sleep. He has a hard time sleeping with his teddy.
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He wants NRC to have a desert day where the entire campus is filled with sand, and all the students are required to dress in beach-themed clothes.
He likes collecting ventriloquist dolls but is horrible at it because he keeps laughing at his own jokes.
Kalim has a habit of talking and laughing in his sleep. Sometimes, the dorm is dead silent at night, and out of nowhere, the sound of Kalim laughing loudly wakes everyone up.
He is secretly a DJ who wears a mask to cover his identity and calls himself DJ Jam. His mask is a piece of toast with a mustache and sunglasses. Yes, Kalim was the one who suggested the mask, and Jamil had no choice but to go along with it...much to his dismay.
When he laughs a lot, he starts snorting. This is one reason he doesn't like to laugh a lot. Only Kalim and Najma know this secret.
Sometimes Kalim's hyper nature gets to him, so Jamil adds relaxing herbs to Kalim's dishes. Yes, Trey was the one who gave him the idea.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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sphnyspinspin · 15 days
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Meet my Magnificence Reforged AU Connie!
Though Scorponok only ever referred to her as Experiment: A9-2416 (usually in Decepticon dialect).
Her story is that Scorponok created her as an experiment to see what would happen if an organic was able to produce a set of chemicals that are deemed somewhat powerful, yet common, by organic standards but emphasized to a certain degree with the help of Cybertronian technology. Entirely inspired by the mere Earth-Human conceptual myth known as the—
Indomitable Human Spirit.
What Scorponok was able to take away from eight years of properly caring for the experiment is that these chemicals that fuel basic organic functioning can be utilized exponentially to a degree where a full grown one of these things could even rival some of Cybertron’s strongest warriors. Maybe even the galaxy’s toughest warriors wouldn’t be able to stand a chance.
It became labeled as Adrenalineregon.
(dope naming skills I know)
It turned out to be some crazy-powerful stuff once injected into a strong enough specimen.
Now why would Scorponok need to make something like this? Power? Recognition? Fun? All of the above honestly. But it’s also because in this Alternate Universe the Decepticons won the war for Cybertron, and Megatron has already built his perfect Decepticon Army to conquer the rest of the known universe, and he and the Grand Architect thought their Army of Tarn clones needed a little more pep-in-their-step.
You heard me. TARN. CLONE. ARMY.
(this isn’t a specifically cyberverse based timeline I just took the tarn army as inspo)
But what they didn’t expect was for the Tarn clones to go insane and turn on each other when being on mere drops of Adrenalineregon. Resulting in a mass extinction of Tarn Clones, with too many bodies to count, therefore being dropped on top of Scorpnok’s planet sized lab to remind him of the consequences of his actions.
EX: A9-2416 was, at the time, forever curious about the outside world, since she’s never been above the expansive laboratory planet’s surface. It always felt as if some unseen beings were trying to lead her to her escape every day since as long as she can remember. Small sign after small sign, guiding her to even bigger signs that kept getting her closer and closer to the way out. Of course, Scorponok always stopped her from getting too close.
A9-2416 always hated the amount of gruesome tests she had to do afterwards as punishment for misbehaving.
Until on her ninth birthday, A9-2416 finally made it to the exit, and Scorponok got exceptionally pissed off so much that in self-defense A9-2416 grabbed the nearest cannon she knew how to operate and blasted it through his spark. She cried a lot that day.
BUT HEY! Her life didn’t stay too depressing for long, because soon after she committed her very first act of murder, she became good buddies with the little voices in the walls that have been apparently guiding her throughout her life!
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(lol I’m nowhere near finished with every Lost Bot design, I just wanted to finish these couple few and make this post for the AU)
They’ve been trapped on Scorponok’s Lab-planet-tory (im so funny) for decades along with the other Botbots who remained in hiding. But this clan was the only one brave enough to get anywhere near Scorponok’s main stomping grounds. What they didn’t expect to find was some weird sentient purple meat-potato in a makeshift industrial cradle. Turns out it was just a baby. And that baby turned out to be A9-2416. Who soon became known as Connie.
After A9-2416 escaped the inner dwellings of the lab and joined the Lost Bots on their little side quests up on the surface, she later changed her name to Constance, hence her more well-known nickname being Connie. The name change was suggested by her Botbot friends who knew a bit about Earth human culture and used their knowledge to help Connie have the most happy and carefree life that she could ask for.
Also the TEG Lost Light crew is there because I’m still obsessed with that fic 👍✨
@deepfriedhopesanddreams @viewer-of-many @celestite-caroline @asmoteeth @novafire-is-thinking @dragonsgirl572 @autistic-fool-with-ideas @mysticfoxdesigns @hyp3rfixation-h3ll
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plentyoffandoms · 4 days
could you please write an smut story with Dan Moloney and Fem Reader,
Dan and Reader are dating, and she's part of the War Dogs and also the valet of him and Clark when they work in Tag Team Competition. Reader always had the secret desire of an threesome where Clark is involved as an one night thing, so she confessed it to Dan who's highly surprised in a good way how kinky his girl and agrees with it so after their latest successful title defense they invite Clark to their place and explain her dirty wish which he is willing to be a part of.
Just the 3 of Us (18+)
Drilla Moloney x f/Reader x Clark Connors
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Main Masterlist ♡ Drilla Moloney Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: smut under the cut. P in v. 3some. DP, anal sex, oral (m & f receiving)
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @debbiechanclub
Requested by @anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC 730
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"How she taste mate?" I asked Clark, as I am spreading my girls legs wide for him, as he has his face buried between her thighs.
Her hands were gripping his long locks, her mouth open as she let out little gasps and whines.
"Fuckin' hell Dan. I thought you were joking when you brought this idea up to me." Clark groaned as he pulled back, his chin covered with her juices as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy. I moved my hands as he took over, holding her legs open for him. My own hands grabbed her tits to squeeze them, making her gasp name.
"All her idea, isn't it, baby?" She didn't answer as Clark went back to eating her out like she was his last meal.
"Come on baby, I know you are in there. Answer me." I was amused that she was already this far gone. I guess with Clark eating her out and my cock buried in her ass, it was all too much for her.
"When she brought it up to me, at first I thought she was kidding, and then when she tried to play it as nothing, didn't you baby?"
She nodded her head, not being able to form a single coherent thought.
"But I always knew my girl was a kinky little thing, blowjobs all the time, sex before we go out for matches, with my cum dripping down her thighs or from her ass." That had Clark pulling his face away, as well as his fingers. He sat up, gripping his cock in his hand.
"Can't fucking wait anymore. I need to fuck her." He groaned as he slapped the head of his cock against her pussy.
"Please, Clark. I need you." She whined as I chuckled.
"Now just remember mate, this is for one night only, so make it count."
He pushed inside her pussy, making all three of us groan in union as she clenched her pussy and ass around our cocks.
Once he was bottomed out, Clark was looking at the ceiling, his mouth hanging open as I was kissing and nipping her ear, muttering how well she was taking the both of us.
"Trust me, Dan, I am going to make this count." He pulled back and thrust back in, setting the pace.
I hardly had to move my own hips as the power behind his thrusts was moving her for me.
Clark is now on his back, I am behind her, still buried in her ass as my girl is between us, spent. Her voice horse from her screams as we fucked her all over the room.
My name and his name were falling from her lips, and I swear there was drool forming in the corner of her mouth as she laid between us.
But this was going to end for me soon. I couldn't hold back any longer. With an almost like roar, I stilled, flushed against her ass, collapsing on the two of them, as I came, making her cry out as Clark's dick seemed to go even deeper inside of her.
I pulled out of her ass, watching as my cum started to leak out of her and onto the sheets below.
"Gonna cum." Clark grunted.
I lifted her off of him, as the one rule I have in place was he was not allowed to cum in her pussy.
Her and I watched as he came all over his stomach and some of his cum hitting his chin.
The three of us are trying to catch our breaths, but I got up and ran to our washroom to turn on the tube and get the bubble bath started for her.
I lifted her in my arms and placed her gently in the tube. Clark was getting dressed.
"You don't have to leave yet. The night isn't over. Besides, she said she wanted all of you tonight."
"What?" Clark is confused.
"She wants you to fuck her in every hole. Her ass is to die for and fuck, her blowjobs." I could feel my dick twitching.
"But she is in the bath."
"Just to relax her body, and she will be good to go in 15 minutes. Stay. You will not regret a single moment of tonight."
The tree of us fell asleep with her curled up between us, spent.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell @yukioni02
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darkdemeter · 2 months
— 𝑾𝒂𝒓 𝒙 (𝑭) 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 —
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A cantankerous behemoth that treads the path of destruction and chaos in his wake. A rider adorned in the banner of red, his trademark hood, and beneath the darkness of his cowl is the war-enamoured glare of whitened blue. A hue far too complicated for any mortal to comprehend. This bringer of all things conflict, and pursuer of vengeance to a fiery engine that can never be sated, his reluctance towards trusting you is to be expected.
For a Watcher bound to the plating of his gauntlet and deeper into his very soul, can only mean that the Charred Council questions his loyalty to them. Untrusted to go about his tasks, to serve the balance, he is now at the tether of a parasite that will feed and revel in the status of your power over him.
But he learns quickly that you do no such thing. Intend nothing of the sort. You just follow behind him as if it is you who is at his leash. He contemplates your motives in his mind, and you do nothing to invade him there, for that is not yours to pry into. There is much silence to be found between you both and he finds appreciation in the beginning of it all. But there comes a time that his appreciation begins to fester into worry. 
Why do you not speak? Why is it that you just watch him?
It is a matter that you’re fascinated by him. A juggernaut of all things chaos, destruction and desolation, in contrast to the vow of his honour; his duty to serve balance and the level of dedication he strives for to make peace for the realms. For one of the four that is known to be fuelled by tempering vengeance and bloodlust, he has a strict code to which he conducts himself to uphold. Duty-bound to his role. You find him a very intriguing rider of the steed known as Ruin. A fitting comrade to his master. 
He senses something about you that sets you apart from other watchers, unlike the more obvious telltale signs and oddities, but within the pulsing energy of your shaded body; he feels that there is a sense of commonality between you both. 
Yes, much like himself, you are not as ancient as the others. No, you are young. And so, that commonality forges a bond between. You understand the struggles he goes through in being the youngest of his siblings. At times, not taken seriously, and other times he is teased and taunted relentlessly with only Death being the main mediator to rid his youngest from such torment. You too struggle with this ordeal within the spiralling, ethereal pool of the watchers. But by no means do any come to your valiant rescue. 
So when you are chosen to be bound to the red cowled Horsemen, you do well to ignore his scornful glare and allow your eyes to crinkle with a mouthless smile. Finally, you are given reprieve from your own torment and what’s more, you get a chance to explore the many worlds. 
At first, he’d been confronted by this… unique behaviour of exploration. The way you gravitate towards the smallest and most mundane articles in your path, you found there to be something entrancing about a single, white petalled flower that remains fighting against the rubble and corruption around it. Or from the wayward cast of your gaze that appeared to become lost in the intricate layout of the realms you travel to. No matter where you are, you always manage to find something that piques your peculiar interest. 
And in meeting Vulgrim, the demon trader who bargains boons and goods in exchange for souls, who’s hunger knows no bounds, is allured by that younger scent of yours. The fiend is salivating in his thoughts and lipless grin, you force yourself to hide behind War, whether as an act of cowardice or self-preservation, but it spurns the Horseman into action. That of defense. To protect you, the baritone of his voice warns Vulgrim off. That by the Charred Council - and by him - you are protected. 
War is silent about his intrigue of your gentle, silent nature. You are often out and about, lingering on the horizon of his watch and never straying too far from him.
"What is it, little Watcher?" he grumbles to you eagerly pounding on the plate of his pauldron to gain his attention, glancing to where you enthusiastically indicate towards a point of interest. In reply, he gives a stern nod of his head. The closest sentiment of thanks you can get from the near-silent rider. But adventurous voyages are cut short to retreat into the crypt of his body and soul when danger lurks near. Despite the inward haven, you find it hard to simply wait out the carnage and a strange sorrow fills the void where a heart should be when you see him falter, inflicted with wounds wrought from battle.
Because of this need to see him unharmed, you will yourself to be brave. Fighting against the demonic forces of Hell’s army, War finds himself becoming overpowered. In your determination to aid the youngest Horsemen, you put yourself in the league of danger, and drive a sharpened point of a broken blade into the beast’s side with a shrill battle-cry. 
At the cost of being grappled and tossed into a wall of torn and reformed rock, War is given the opportunity he needs to gain the upper hand. 
After that particular fight, War notices the slumped form you take and despite his limited expertise, he attends any injury you sustained in the attack.
“This should help, little Watcher,” he says, uncertainty evident in the way he scowls, his low-silken voice drawls with faded hope of helping you. But it matters little, you’re gladdened by the tenderness of his actions. The four are not exactly known to be courteous. And Watchers are despised by them, and any other spiritual being for that matter, so to be taken under his care despite any reservations of loathing he may hold for you; it creates the illusion of a smile in your glowing eyes. 
War doesn’t smile in turn. Nor did you expect him to. But the bevel between his ashen brows ceases just a little and the glaring mask of his stoicism wavers that tiny bit more. Lowering the blackened limb of your bound arm, he stands to his full height before you after having bandaged your wound. The sound of your voice after all this time visibly shakes him, his fangs bared and eyes growing wide.
“Thank you, War…”
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pencil-peach · 8 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 1
This is the second part of a project where I try my best to document and discuss all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch. Cause I can.
<< Click here to see the one I did on the Prologue
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ooOOooohhh beneath the cut lie the HORRORS....
Just to give you an idea of how needlessly hard they went on the monitor text, when Suletta is rescuing Miorine, she mentions that she's almost out of oxygen, and then, when she brings her into Aerial's cockpit, on her helmet, you can faintly see text displaying the amount of oxygen.
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And THEN, when she starts talking to Miorine, the text on her helmet changes AGAIN to display that the comm link has been established
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Well clearly they did it cause they knew my stupid ass would eventually document it. Anyway, let us begin.
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TEXT: I am a HARO. You can ask me anything! (The only text on the icons I can make out are MAP and SCHOOL, unfortunately.)
This is the HARO navigation bot Suletta meets when first coming to Asticassia, and we know that it's Haro Navigation System Ver. 3.0! If that's something that interests you....
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Not much of note, it's just a hologram of a mobile craft. Exciting if you like mobile crafts. (I like mobile crafts)
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When the Docks containing the Demi Trainers are locked, the display says LOCKED. When they're in use, the display says IN OPERATION.
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The Battle Display for the first duel we see in the show, and from this we can see that Guel currently stands undefeated with 26 wins! Double digits! No wonder he's the ace pilot at Asticassia...too bad he's a dick.
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This is the graph that's shown during the Benerit Group board meeting, detailing the earnings of the groups members for the current period.
Interestingly, the 3 highest earners are: Peil Technologies - 8000 Grassley Defense Systems - 8100 Jeturk Heavy Machinery - 8300
So, funnily enough, at the beginning of the story, Jeturk Heavy Machinery is actually the most successful company within the group. It explains why Vim Jeturk felt so comfortable in his plot to assassinate Delling, and goes to show how quickly he fell from the top position after Guel lost to Suletta all those times.
Fun Fact by the way, Prospera's first appearance in the show proper is during this meeting.
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She seems kind of annoyed about something.
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We don't see it very often, but during a duel, a display stating the win condition of the duel is broadcast for the benefit of the spectators.
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When Miorine boards Aerial for the duel, we get a look at its system control menu.
We also get a brief look at the Weapon Selection Sub-Menu
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I think a lot of the main settings are interesting (what the hell is "Identification Friend?") but what's really interesting to me is that Aerial's Gundbits don't seem to be selectable via the Weapon Menu.
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We also get a brief glimpse at the Red Dilanza's control menu.
No idea what I'm looking at, to be totally honest, but yknow. It's nice!
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When Suletta intrudes into the duel and gets back in Aerial, we see that it has an emergency button (seemingly somewhere on its foot) that opens the cockpit.
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When Suletta headbutts Miorine and they start arguing about Aerial, Aerial's comms system gets set to OUTERCOM mode, which explains why everyone outside of Aerial can hear the argument.
This could have been done by accident when Suletta headbutted Miorine, but I like to believe that Eri herself did this on purpose.
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Just so it isn't left unsaid, Aerial's Permet ID is XVX-016, and when a combatant in a duel is the Holder, the Holder Symbol is displayed on their Duel Card.
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When Suletta is telling Miorine about her mother's motto, the GUND-Bits appear on the monitor and come online as Aerial 'speaks.' This, combined with the fact that the GUND-Bits aren't accessible via the Weapon Select menu, implied all the way back in episode one that it's Eri who controls them. Although interestingly, it seems that, internally, the GUND-Bits are referred to as GUNBITS.
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I obviously won't transcribe the two pages of this book, but the book El4n is reading here is actually The World as Will and Representation by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. We actually see its title in a later episode, and the main ideas present in this work are extremely important when it comes to understanding El4n's character. But that's a story for another post.
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I always thought it was a little funny how the transferring of the holder title was just like, an option on their phones and not an automatic process.
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Thank you to @the-eeveekins for pointing out that Aerial is currently running SYS Ver E.S (Ericht Samaya) as opposed to 2.0 in the Lfrith!
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I didn't even notice!! That's crazy!!! Thank you so much!
Also I realize I should probably point out that we see that Nika's ID is LM236 in this photo. She never duels so there's never a moment where she says it out loud.
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And that's all for episode 1! Not too much super interesting, but there's still a lot to see and think about if you're paying attention! (Like, why does Aerial have a Cockpit Voice Recorder at all, actually? We know that Suletta often talks with Aerial in the cockpit about personal stuff so...you don't think that....Prospera....?)
Click here to go to Episode 2! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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cherrysoojins · 11 months
💌 𓂂 ⟢ 🕸️ ♡ ☎️
three. ch. 3 ! three things.
being spider-man comes with a lot advantages, but those advantages can have their disadvantages. like jung wooyoung not being able to show up to study groups to be able to see the girl he’s crushing on big-time.
— please revert back to ( master list ) for warnings !
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you had two things you liked in life. one, cats. half of your life revolved the rescue shelter your family has ran for generations, you becoming the next owner, which is a legacy you’ll happily take on. even if you might be a little allergic.
two, bleaching your hair and your friends. not together, but separate. you don’t like bleaching your friends’ hair, but you do like your friends and you do like bleaching your hair because you look great with the faux blonde look.
but both of those things are number two because it always somehow ends up being together. you bleaching your friends’ hair despite hating it. (karina and yeosang, the main culprits)
but maybe, just maybe— there was a number three.
a little glance above in the sky, a casual scroll through twitter news, bulletin boards around your college littered with the same pictures and articles, maybe there is a third thing that completes your top three list of likes.
“are you okay? holy fuck, you totally almost got hit! what on earth are you doing standing in the middle of the road like that?” a slightly high pitched voice rang out as hands gripped the sides of your face that was drenched in rain and a bit of blood, then going to your shoulders and shaking you slightly.
a little glance in the sky, a casual scroll through twitter news, bulletin boards around your college littered with the same pictures and articles, and now— dragging your eyes up from the ground that was pitter pattering with rain and with a little tilt of your head upwards, a glance right in front of you, not in the sky this time, but in front of you—
your really did have a third thing you liked.
“are you in shock? are you okay? fuck,” the man chirped frantically, running a hand over the top of his suit that covered his head of hair.
what color was his hair? you found yourself wondering.
“no, i’m fine.” you said suddenly, your arms slightly tightening around the drenched kitten in your arm that you had wrapped in your jacket you wore.
you could see how he shook his head, running a hand down his face in disbelief— you responded like you didn’t understand the severity of the situation. but you did. you’re just not pondering on it because you’re alive, so is the cat. and you have your eyes set on a hero with great arms.
what does his face look like? you questioned to yourself, tilting your head to the side in wonder as you gazed at him, completely in your own world.
the third thing? somehow in that moment, it became spiderman.
“you nearly got hit by a car, how are you fine?!” spiderman basically flipped out in front of you, hands back on your shoulders and shaking you.
he wasn’t wrong. moments prior the rain started hitting down on the ground heavily unexpectedly, a little kitten crossing the road. in your defense, when you went to go grab the kitten into your jacket, the light was certainly red and there weren’t any cars waiting at the light, either.
but then again, rain hit unexpectedly in the city of seoul and cars who weren’t expecting it definitely might’ve lost control. and you might’ve almost been a victim of that.
until spiderman obviously swooped down immediately and pulled you out of the way in record time.
well, his web power thing, whatever that was, pulled you out of the way in record time.
it definitely pulled you out of the way, but you did end up flying onto the side walk, curling your arms around the cat and the gravel cutting into the side of your face and shoulder. something you’ll probably have to explain to seonghwa later. (not probably, you’ll have to if the rain doesn’t wash all the blood off before you find him).
but you were alive, so was the little black cat that was mewling. and that’s when you presumed spiderman looked down at your arms and connected the dots, a sigh escaping his lips that’s you couldn’t see due to the mask.
a faint, “of course you would” dropped from his lips under his breath, most likely meant to say it in his head but it came out unintentionally.
“you have a good heart, but you really— just— pay attention to your surroundings, alright?” the man asked, dropping his hands from your shoulders.
you could see how his muscles in his arms flexed against the skin tight red and blue suit that adorned his body, your eyes quickly looking away and back up at the big, white spider eyes on the mask, smiling at him.
“i will, thank you!” you said brightly, a hand going to pet the drenched in shivering black cat in your coat, it’s mewls growing more desperate, telling you it’s time to go and you oblige.
“have a good duty!” you said, turning to cross the same street you almost got hit by a car on (somehow still not in shock like a normal person… perhaps it because you’re a nursing and med student) to go find seonghwa wherever you left him and go back to your families rescue shelter until something pulls you back by the collar.
“are you… stupid?” spiderman asked, pulling you back to his side, pointing his red hand to the crossing light and cars passing by that you almost walked into in your stupid daze, “you can’t cross yet.” he said, his voice bordering on surprise on how… dense your actions were.
“oh! forgot to check!”
and with that, spiderman definitely waited with you and crossed the street with you with his arms crossed against his chest just to make sure you safely got across.
you might’ve kept sneaking a peek at those arms.
and he might’ve been thinking in his head that maybe all that bleach in your hair got to your brain.
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yall see where this is heading, right?
💌 tag list — @luvvvlyjoong , @92dzgf , @yeomingis , @hwasboyfie , @wooyoluvrr , @shingsoluvely , @jaerisdiction , @axo-l0tl , @pingyu-in-wonderland , @alxxxnya , @luvsang , @blamemef0rit , @dairyminki , @seonghwifey , @solfiera , @sserafimez
send an ask or a private message to be added or removed from the tag list ! red & bolded means you may have some settings that prevent me from tagging you.
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riftdancing · 26 days
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Fierce, usually bright mismatched slits narrowed darkly as with a click of his fingertips, the positions between Rex and Blink would swap. The crimson haired miqo'te would go on the defense while Vaniro main lined the assault.
“You used my brother.” Came the hiss of her tone with a darkness Rex likely hadn’t heard before. The tip of her Cerulean gun blade came to rest just beneath Kierian’s chin, lifting so he would meet her gaze. It sparked to life with the energy of Vaniro's aether and danced wildly with her anger. The pilot was a storm begging to be unleashed. “You tainted him. Turned him against his family, and you think you can beg me for mercy?” The blade tip remained perfectly still even though her body ached to quiver with the weight of her anger. Vaniro’s nostrils flared, and for a moment Kierian felt sure this might be the last thing he ever saw.
An incredibly vexed sigh left the pilot’s frame and the blade would lower slightly. For a moment Kierian wondered if he may yet live. The Hyur's thinning lips peeled back to speak, but Vaniro silenced him with a piercing glare. “You’re a rat, Kierian. A sniveling bottom feeder looking for any opportunity to climb. You didn’t care about my Brother. You cared about what power he could bring you. You were foolish to overlook me-”
“You were the gem of your Father’s eye!” Kierian blatantly retorted, interrupting her. “If any of us so much as looked in your direction he would have had us all shot. Slevin was the only one who could even get remotely close to y-” yet his words were ended with a sharp crack which echoed about the blood spattered hall. It was the back of Blink’s half gloved hand clipping his cheek mercilessly before harsh words bore into him.
“DOMINIC GAVE ME TO HIM AND YOU DID NOTHING.” Not once had Rex ever heard Vaniro raise her voice. In tense situations like this the woman, his pilot, was often calm, in control, and not an ounce of emotion leaked through. To this, Kierian would know a fear he’d not yet felt before. “YOU STOOD BY AND WATCHED. WHO DID YOU CHOOSE TO HELP?” The miqo'te's gaze was like a wildfire ready to devour and burn anything it set upon yet the hyur was at least smart enough not to answer her. Then the woman’s hellfire came in nothing but an unnerving and grave whisper which sliced through him like a knife. “You let me burn in support of a man who didn’t even need your help, yet you have the nerve to beg me for mercy??”
Slowly Vaniro leaned back, her narrowed gaze appraising the situation. Kierian had shrunk down beneath her, down to his knees as if ready to beg for mercy and yet could not find the words. He did not deserve it. Kierian Reeve had gravely wronged her. Trembling beneath the weight of her words and his past wrongs, he would feel Vaniro’s boot plant firmly in the center of his chest, knocking him over so his back met the floor. “You have one minute to convince me not to slit your throat.” Yet, unbeknownst to Kierian, Vaniro had already made her choice.
“I’m sorry.” His voice trembled feebly, and for a moment Blink’s facial expression lightened. “It’s not that I made the wrong choice, it's that I simply didn’t make enough of one.” Finally those dark brown hues would lift to find the woman’s gaze. “Where I chose Skorn, it should have been both of you. I was blinded by my desire to climb. I wrote you off as too much trouble when you were clearly in need of aid. I was selfish and arrogant. When I chose your brother I did not do so with his best interests in mind, only mine. It was only after working with him that I grew to care for him. When you took him from me I was so blinded by my own anger I didn’t even see how much you had grown. How independent, fierce, and clearly capable of leadership you really were." A pause, "No, are.” He corrected himself. “I should have seen it when the Harbingers pledged their loyalty to you after Skorn’s death. But I was blinded by my rage. It’s not an excuse… but you-” His gaze flicked to Rex who still kept her back free of any interruption or distraction, “-and him, have opened my eyes. I failed you just like I failed Skorn.”
Vaniro’s shoulders lost some of the tension they held before as she gazed down upon Kierian, before rolling her eyes with annoyance. “Get up.” the pilot ordered before watching him rise. “Call off your men.” The order was put through almost instantaneously. Then Vaniro took a few steps back towards Rex. “Today you live another day, Reeve Kierian. Fortunately for you I’ve been convinced creating allies is a stronger play than eliminating enemies. Tomorrow is a new day to be the person you’ve learned you should be. But remember, you breathe because I allow you to breathe and if I ever catch wind of you repeating your mistakes, I will suck the very air from your lungs and smoke it with one of his finest cigars.” She would motion to Rex with a thumb. “Don’t disappoint me.”
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seobstarr · 7 months
Star-Shaped Keys ☆
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paring!: street racer!Keeho x street racer!fem reader
genre!: action, fluff?,
tropes!: mutual pining, rivals to lovers (kinda),
synopsis!: After a few bets within the lower ring of the street racing business you and your brother decided that it was time for you to move up to his league, not knowing that the person you would go up against for your first major race was Jiungs longtime rival, Yoon Keeho and he is pretty damn good at his profession (and the sweet talking he does to you and only you)
warnings!: profanity, dangerous actions(like stunts NO SMUT DONT THINK LIKE THAT), iilegal bidding, iilegal racing,
songs!: shut up and drive- rihanna, teenage dirtbag- wheatus, baby- brandy, yes or no- jungkook,
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Stretching out from another long ride to the backstreets of Seoul, you turn the engine off to your car. The rustling and loud rutter dim into a silent growl. Opening your eyes from the godly stretch, you observe the crowd blocking the main street. The atmosphere here is different—nothing compared to the slow and small crowds from the streets you've played. Your posture naturally crouches over the steering wheel out of habit, scoping out the competition and the cars you and your baby are up against.
Somewhere in between the crowd of ladies and men surrounding the cars, you spot your brother and some of his friends. Red cups in their hands as they lean against his iconic bumblebee yellow Mitsubishi, a staple from his rise to power in the ring.
A knock on the tinted windows of your Mustang derails your train of thought. Your head snaps to the window, the knuckle that knocked once about to do it again, but before it can, you roll the window down halfway. In the cold air of summer, there he stood, hands dug deep into his jacket pockets, face blocked by the roof of the car. He wasn't bent down to talk face to face.
“Y/N?” he asks
"Who’s asking?" you respond, the constant reminder set in your head by your brother making you cautious. You hear him chuckle a bit, and his lower half bends down, hand resting on the hood of the Corvette to stabilize him.
"Yoon Keeho, It's good to finally meet Jiung's infamous sister, everybody from the lower districts has been talking about," he says. You examine his face, trying to place where you've heard his name before.
The slight smile on his face never fades as you make eye contact with him, staring him down. His jet-black hair barely covers his forehead, and the leather jacket fits his muscular build perfectly. "Not much of a talker, are you?" he remarks after your lack of response.
"Nah, I prefer to stare," you sarcastically smirk. His laughter is prominent, and his head hangs low for a second.
"Anyway, Keeho, did you come here for something?"
His eyebrows furrow for a minute, unsure of what you were asking. "To race?"
"No, to my car. What brings you to my car?" you explain slowly, and his face finally lights up. You sigh at how dense your brother's rival is. "Well, I saw the blue Mustang and bet it was you. By the talks, you’ve sure made a name for yourself out in the racing world, as expected she's a beauty."
His voice is like smooth hazelnut butter, silky and thick. His free hand caresses the headlight as he admires the customized car he's stretched over. You can feel his fingers tap the top of your hood in anticipation. "Good to hear you approve," you huff out a response, your hands clutching the steering wheel harder as the conversation rolls on. "Now, if you don’t mind taking your hands off my baby, I just shined her," you smugly smile.
His hands go up in a sarcastic defense as he stands up, now showing you his full body proportions. "I should get going; my brother's waiting."
"Oh, I think your brother has waited enough," his smile reaches the tips of his ears this time, showing the eye smile that naturally graces his face. "Hey, I saw you pull in, why haven’t you come say hi to the guys—"
Jiung cuts his own sentence short as his eyes connect with Keeho's. "Keeho," he deadpans, leaning against the passenger's side of the car, arms folding in.
"Jiung," Keeho's smile fades quickly into a serious thin line, chin following up into a stare. His hands slide into his pockets. "Planning on beating me this round?"
"I would, but my name isn't on the lineup for tonight."
Yoon Keeho. His name almost melts off your tongue, seems natural from the way Jiung says it. Your eyes widen at the instant click in connection your mind realizes. "Don’t play with me, Choi. You know whose name is there, who?"
How could you have not known from the way his voice had comfortably strayed with you “Hers.” Jiung says again and you could just picture the smirk in his tone. Yoon Keeho, Jiung's racing rival since you could remember.
The way you've been swirling your red cup, you could've been mixing drinks as a bartender by now. If Keeho was Jiung's rival, then why would he be openly friendly - dare you say flirting with you? Isa scoots toward you, making a spot on the hood of your car that you previously parked next to Jiung. Isa, your best friend, had gotten into racing at the same time as you. She had opted for a 2009 C6-R Corvette and had it wrapped a hot bubblegum pink. Perfect for her personality, although some in the racing arena thought it was stereotypical. She didn't care. “You okay?” she questions "Yeah, why?" you giggle forcibly. "You’ve been swirling that drink for a hot minute now, and you’ve barely been conscious for half of the two hours you’ve been here." Rolling your eyes playfully at her, she nudges your shoulder. "I’m fine! Don’t worry about me; worry about who you're against after this." You point through your cup at the guy next to your brother. "Sungho? Oh, you’ve got to be kidding." She scoffs. "He doesn’t nearly have as much experience as I do; the only reason he's here is because of Mark."
Isa’s voice fades into the background noise, meshing with the crowd surrounding the various cars laid around the lot. Almost naturally, your eyes follow his tall figure, and land on his contagious smile that seems to make him even more attractive. Your lips go up to sip out of the cup you’ve been fixing for the past hour, but your eyes don’t dare to disconnect from his almost-perfect side profile.
Without taking your fiery gaze off him, when he's done talking, he does the same as you, and his eyes lock with yours almost as if he was taking quick peeks at you when you weren’t looking as well. You hesitate to look away in a panic, but he squints slightly, his brown pupils doing the talking he couldn’t. The moment quickly becomes tense with both of you not breaking the lustful gaze you had for each other.
"Y/N? Are you even listening?" Your eyes blink rapidly from not breaking eye contact for what seemed like too long. "Yeah, yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" You cough out, and Isa frowns. She was rambling to nobody. "Maybe you shouldn’t race tonight—"
"I can do it; don't worry about me." Your hand knocks Isa’s hand from your forehead gently. "When do we start anyway; I’m getting bored." That was a lie, and even though there was no detection of how it could be a fib, you had a hunched that Isa had caught on. "Right now, actually," Jiung cuts in, giving you no time to react as he grabs your hand and drags you to the driver's seat of your car so you could roll up to the starting track.
The crowd was big, lined with people along the makeshift track of Seoul's empty backstreets. Your Mustang revved loudly as you pulled up to the starting line, doing some last-minute fixes as Jiung explained the map of the track in the passenger's window. "Just whatever you do, don’t embarrass me…" Jiung complains, eyes rolling his head. "You’ve got to be joking."
"I’m just saying, you tend to get fired up when you think your opponent is not great at this, but trust me, Keeho is one of the best. So if you're going all in, you better mean it." His voice darkens a bit as Keeho pulls beside you in his Nissan, the outer darker paint job contrasting well with the neon purple LED lights he had strapped to the bottom of the base. His tinted passenger window slides down, and you can take in the inside of his car a little more now, examining it, eyes fluttering with how well he had fixed the old 1999 model up. "You look like you’re gonna carjack me." His gravelly tone had broken you from the car's trance. Genuinely giggling at the little bit he had made you look up at him. "I’ve seen worse," you shoot back at him, his face becoming visibly frustrated. "Just when I was about to compliment your customization skills…" you scoff playfully before putting the car into park and stepping out of the lowered deck. At the ends of the cars, where the trunk meets trunk stands Isa and Jiung, along with some of Keeho's friends who are continuously hyping him up with comments that aren’t so pleasing to the ears.
Your hands fidget with your car keys in your palms, working it around your index finger as the star figurine attached to it for spunk swivels around at fast speeds. As Jiung gives you the rundown for at least the 15th time, Irene, the main organizer of all the events you and your brother have been going to, speaks up among the crowd of people on the sidelines. Her hair is slicked back into a tight bun, held by a beautiful diamond-encrusted hair clip—a glint and tease at the old money she comes from. A headband straps over the elegant hairstyle, making her look even cleaner.
"You must be the new racer." Her voice is a nice, light, airy tone, similar to Isa but higher pitched. It makes you feel at ease, contrasting the nervous feeling you had mustered up watching her walk up to you. Hands sweating and becoming clammy as she talks to you with a smile on her lips. "Yes, happy to be here." A hearty chuckle comes out from your vocal cords, and she nods in approval. "Well, don’t be nervous; it’s your first race after all. So, bottom line, make sure to have fun." Her pep talk feels refreshing from the pressuring eyes Jiung had been giving you. Like a tiny bit of weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
She gives you a wink before walking back to the starting line, which was just the crosswalk markers. You take her stance as a sign to get ready and get back into your car, but something feels off. A stumbling tilt in the atmosphere had destablised it, and the balance grew heavier to one side. Your hand clutches the handle to your Mustang, but a cough stops you from pulling open the door. Your head whips from the sudden jump Keeho had given you. "You really think we weren’t going to bet anything?" he states, the jacket he wore slipping off his shoulder a little as he leans against the bulky build of his ride.
You had completely forgotten about the bidding, and you mentally pinch yourself for making a fool out of yourself. "Take it easy; it’s her first." Irene's eyes roll under her painted lids at Keeho's antics, at his greediness. A smirk, one that seemingly never faded from his face greeted you when he looked at you, playfully followed by a laugh. To the contrary, the comments on this being your “first” had made your heart tighten, lingering a small tint of naturally flushed red on your cheeks. Not that they were wrong; it most definitely was your first actual bidding race, but the comments seemingly held an underlying snarky tone, as if they were laughing at how inexperienced you are.
"Sorry, y/n, but it is required for you to bid something. You know, for the stakes to be high," Irene explains, and you nod in understanding, not daring to speak yet. "But I can change the rules a little. How about instead of money, it’s just something valuable to you?" A thought crosses your mind as you look at the now annoyingly cocky smile your rival wears with pride. "I can get behind that," he shrugs in agreement. "Alright, Keeho, you're up. What’s your bet?"
The air thickens as you watch the gears in his head turn as he thinks. You had come to hate how confident he was in himself, wanting to wipe the sly smirk off his face with this race. To let the world know that Jiung's amateur little sister had beaten "One of the greats" in her first race. Yes, the competitiveness was getting to you, but would that stop you? Absolutely not. His eyes lock with yours, and he finally speaks, "I have a couple of new cylinders coming in tomorrow. I’ll bet those." Trying to hide your smile with a wipe of your nose, you gleam with delight. New cylinders were just what you needed for your car; you had been dying to upgrade from V10 to V12. When you look up from your hand, your eyes lock with his. They had a slight change in mood, becoming a sharp gaze, mocking you for not being able to go higher than the brand-new item he had put out. And that was it; you were in it to win it. A couple of looks into his siren eyes had made you so frustrated that your hand goes up to show your star car keys slightly. "I’m ready to put it on the line," you say, smugly smirking up at the taller figure slightly towering above you. "Put it on the line?" His deep voice chuckles into a slow response. "What would you put on the line, little lady?" An eyebrow perks up at the unexpected nickname.
A few minutes go by as the city’s lights shine on them dimly before he feels a poke in his abdomen. His head looks down, and your hand is holding out your keys, the keys to the midnight blue Mustang you rested on. Keeho tries to conceal his shock, the tightness in his heart when you held up the keychain to spin around on your ring finger. But it fails as his eyes dart to Jiung, only for a split second to make sure that this was serious. He had been in races where people had bet their cars, but it had only turned out for the worst. Lord knows if he was ready for Jiung's wrath if you had lost not only the race but the car you had customized perfectly.
Somewhere in his heart, in the pit of his stomach, he cheered that you had put the vehicle on the line, knowing that it was the most amazing custom that had pulled onto the lot that night; he craved for it. When he and Jiung meet each other's gaze, he nods and goes to calm you down. The two of them had only been rivals for the fun of it, but deep down, they both knew that they were cool with each other. It wasn’t anything too important to fight about, but you? You hadn’t known that, and therefore Keeho was scared shitless out of his mind. You were willing to bet the car for your brother’s reputation, and his mind lights up with the thought of how attractive that was.
"No, I’m sticking by it," you had said loudly enough for the surrounding people to hear. "If I win, I get your new cylinders, but if you win, you get the keys." Both of you hear Irene take a deep inhale inward from the constant thick air the lot had found. "Deal," his voice booms towards you, and you take his hand to shake it firmly. "Deal."
"Alright, all racers to your cars, please," Irene announces loud enough for the front crowds to hear, the people listening first sending the message that the race was starting backward into the crowds. "The rules are simple: no cheating, no illegal moves, and stay on the track," she says again, and you start your car up, the wheels rattling with the beautiful sound the engine was creating. "Racers, on your mark…" Her hand pulls the bandana from her back pocket, raising it up into the air. The engine revs even more as both your feet switch quickly between the brake and the gas pedal. "Get set."
When you take a breather before she calls the final marking, your eyes open and fall naturally to Keeho beside you. For the second time that night, his eyes were already on you, the once fierce siren eyes that sharply bored into your gut to make you nervous, relaying a soft, almost flirtatious gaze on you. "Go." Irene’s hand swipes down in a fast motion, and the both of you are off, Keeho taking off first due to the impelling look he had you under.
The neon lights of the empty streets looked like blurred lines with how fast you were going, one hand steering while the other tightly held the gear stick in place. Your eyes are focused on the makeshift track, and it feels like your breathing has stopped, not taking enough time out of the concentration to let out the breath of relief you had been hoping for. Normally, when you raced, a gap would have occurred in the running where you would take off, and the other opponent would be left in the dust of your car's tires. But this time, oh, this time was way different.
Keeho had somehow managed to make your body jerk backward slightly from the sudden speed of his vehicle, a grin on his face as he pulled ahead. Panic set in briefly, but you quickly regained control, shifting gears and pressing the gas pedal harder. The engine responded with a thunderous roar, and your Mustang surged forward, chasing after Keeho's Nissan.
The cityscape blurred around you, the night lights streaking past like shooting stars. Your heart pounded in rhythm with the revving engine, the thrill of the race intensifying with each passing second. Keeho's car and yours weaved through the labyrinthine streets, a dance of speed and precision.
As you approached a sharp turn, the adrenaline in your veins spiked. The neon lights reflected off Keeho's car, creating a kaleidoscope of colors. Gripping the steering wheel, you braced yourself for the maneuver. Keeho took the turn with finesse, and you followed suit, feeling the gravitational force pulling at the side of your car.
The tension in the air was palpable, a silent competition between engines and drivers. Your eyes flicked to Keeho, catching a glimpse of his focused expression. The thrill of the race was now entwined with the challenge he posed. The streetlights above cast dynamic shadows, emphasizing the speed at which you navigated the urban terrain. Up ahead, the track stretched into a straight line. This was your chance to catch up. With a burst of speed, you closed the gap between your cars. The wind howled around you as the engines roared in unison. Keeho glanced your way, a smirk playing on his lips. It was a silent exchange of determination and rivalry.
The finish line loomed ahead. You pushed your car to its limits, the horsepower responding with a surge of energy. Keeho, however, seemed to have an extra burst, inching ahead. The race was reaching its climax, and the anticipation was electrifying.
As the finish line draws near with one more sharp turn, keeho swerves his car into yours, clipping the front side of your mustang, “fuck,” you mumble as you start to skid off the track.
With the pressure and speed the car and cylinders are going it isn’t so easy to get the car back under your control, with the unstable feeling it makes your left hand quickly take itself off the stick and onto the wheel for a good 9-3 position, tightly trying desperately to control it.
You made a split-second decision. With a swift maneuver, your hand finds the gear stick again as your left takes a firm grip onto the steering wheel by itself. You push the stick back into 1st gear, letting your car slow down and let yourself lose sight of the black nissan and release the gas just a tiny bit until you feel yourself rock back due to the sudden change of speed and then you hit the clutch with your free foot, creating a perfect half-circle behind Keeho and creating streak marks on the blacktop and earning the first place spot. The move caught Keeho off guard, and for a moment, he hesitated. It was a risky move, but the element of surprise was on your side. Emerging from the drift, you shot towards the finish line. Keeho, recovering from the surprise, accelerated to catch up. The crowd's cheers and gasps filled the air as the two of you raced neck and neck. The finish line was now just a heartbeat away.
In the final moments, you pushed your car to its absolute limit. The engines roared in a symphony of power, and you decided to take a quick peak in the rearview to see where your rival was, a car honk throws you out of your state of confusion as you quickly scan beside you, Keeho had already caught up to you and worked up to take a higher speed, reaching the finish line almost an inch above you. When the back tires of your mustang reached beyond the line you had punted the break hard, putting you at a complete stop
Breathless and exhilarated, you turned to see Keeho pulling up beside you. There was a mixture of surprise and respect in his eyes. The tension that had fueled the rivalry now shifted to a mutual acknowledgment of skill. The moment hung in the air as both cars idled, engines ticking as they cooled down. As Keeho steps out of the car to receive congratulations from his buddies, solid thud resonates through your tinted window, prompting you to open the door without hesitation. A warm embrace from your big brother greets you immediately. "You did amazing!" Isa exclaims, her hands clapping together eagerly as you wobble out of the car.
"That sweep you did on the corner was actually sick," Jiung says with a wide grin glued onto his face. "I lost though…" you sigh disappointedly, shaking your head downward to look at your feet.
"Hey, you did better than the majority of the people Keeho has raced, except for me, of course. You should be proud of yourself," Jiung shakes you by the shoulders enthusiastically, and you manage a small smile at his encouragement. "Drinks are on me. Let's go." Both Jiung and Isa's smiles manage to cut through the harsh self-criticism, making you grin.
"Alright, let's—" you pause, letting your sentence linger as your eyes quickly check Keeho's facility. The crowd has mostly faded, leaving only small cliques created before your race.
The taller figure stands alone, checking something on his phone. "I'll catch up; I gotta inspect this clipping I got," you say, stretching out one side of your mouth for a risky expression. Both Jiung and Isa nod before walking to the bar located across from the lot. Once you're sure they're far enough, you carefully walk over to your opponent, holding your keys in your hands.
You could have sworn that he feels you coming towards him by the way his head springs up at the sound of your footsteps. His hand slides his phone into his pocket before pushing himself off of his car. "You surprised me out there tonight," his voice urges as he walks to meet you halfway. You scoff playfully, "I wasn't going to go out like that," waving it off as bothersome. "I have a rep to uphold." He chuckles at you as you twirl around, hand out to the front. "Where's the car?" he questions.
"What car?" Your smile fades off into a confused manner. "Oh, come on now, don't tell me you forgot about our deal," he fake pouts, slouching down for effect. "Of course, I didn't. I'm not a cheat, you know." Your hands take his, and you fold his palm out to give him the star keychain. "I told you I'd give you the keys, not my car." His eyes widen as you close his palm back up. He had never been played like that before; his heart raced with excitement and confusion. "Then how—"
"You didn't think I don't have backups?" you laugh at him, shrugging before digging into your back pocket to fetch a set of keys, identical to the ones you just gave Keeho. "I cannot believe you tricked me," his voice airs out in disbelief, hands gripping the car. "Y/N! Jiung is dancing on the tables again!" You hear Isa in the faint distance yell your name, and on hearing this information, you shake your head in annoyance, "I've got to go," and jogging back to the bar's direction.
"By the way," you strut backward as you stray further and further from him, "my number is on those keys. Call me if you've got something other than cylinders to bet." Keeho's eyes glint with amusement.
As the adrenaline slowly subsided, you couldn't help but grin. The shared experience with Keeho created a bond that went beyond rivalry, mixed feelings consumed your thoughts as Isa drags you into the club. In the world of racing, respect was earned on the asphalt, and tonight, you had earned it.
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keb notes!: literally do NOT know where this idea came from, where it generated from but i think i absolutely killed this and its one of my best works loll. I was originally going to make this a Haechan long fic but i could not pass up the opportunity to make it about piwon hope u guys enjoyed :p
also if anybody wanted a refrence of what the base cars look like! (there are customizations in the fic, this is just what the cars look like bottom line)
keeho-Black 1999 Nissan skyline
jiung-Yelllow 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse
isa-Pink 2009 C6-R corvette
Y/N-Dark Blue 2014 shelby gt500 mustang but without those ugly strips down the middle
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iamthekaijuking · 28 days
Gigabash Character Overview
Almost 2 years ago I made a review of all the revealed Gigabash kaiju in the lead up to the game’s release and what they were homages to, but the game is now almost 2 years old and its third dlc pack of guest fighters has just released. So I thought now’s as good a time as any to revisit Gigabash’s ten original kaiju and provide much more commentary as someone who’s played the game extensively, starting with…
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Gorogong is essentially the “starter” or brawler character on the roster, an agile character with reliable attack and defense and movement options, but with a surprisingly high skill ceiling. Do not underestimate a Gorogong player! A truly skilled one can wipe the floor with you.
Gorogong is pretty much the poster child of Gigabash and showcases the main design inspiration for most of the original kaiju in the game. Passion Republic Games is a Malaysian company, and Ultraman is really popular there. With this information in mind it becomes clear that Gorogong was designed using traits from a few monsters in Ultraman’s extensive roster. Off the top of my head I can see some silhouette inspiration from Red King EX, and the face reminds me of Bemular (which apparently was the main facial inspiration) and Guigass. Miclas was probably a bigger inspiration than those latter two though.
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Overall he wouldn’t look out of place in an episode of Ultraman. But despite being a grab bag of traits, his design process was actually quite extensive! And you can see concept art showing the multiple different iterations he went through before PRG finally settled on what we got.
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Gorogong is also pretty obviously a volcanic monster, with his stony hide and lava leaking from its cracks. Gorogong burst into the modern world of Gigabash after being disturbed from his hibernation in a volcano after humans stole something from him. But why was he in the volcano, and what was the important thing humans stole?
Gorogong’s home turf is Luana Island of the Kahu’a Republic, a Polynesian island smack dab in the center of the Pacific Ocean. How long he was there isn’t known, but what is known is that when Polynesian settlers came to the island many centuries ago he was far from happy. Actually that’s an understatement, because Gorogong’s rage is his primary character trait.
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He nearly eradicated the settlers and chased the stragglers for hours around the island before cornering them. But right before he could finish them off, Princess Luana, daughter of king Kahu’a and namesake of the island, began singing to crying children to soothe them. Her voice was so beautiful that it calmed Gorogong and pacified him.
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In an effort to save her people she led him into the volcano on the island, and in the art showing this backstory in Gorogong’s story mode, Giga energy (what exactly it is or might be is something I’ll further elaborate as these overviews go on) is seen flowing out from the volcano as it then sealed the kaiju inside.
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It was only through Princess Luana’s sacrifice that people were able to settle down on the island, and apparently they remained isolated from the rest of the world until the 1940s. Soon after, travel agencies and fast food companies flocked to the island and now it’s a tourist destination flocked with tourists and companies. Much to the frustration of the natives.
The entire time, Gorogong was sleeping in the volcano undisturbed. Of course word of Gorogong’s legend eventually reached the Global Titan Defense Initiative, an anti-kaiju international military organization created during the first kaiju crisis in the 70’s, nowadays though the organization is filled with corruption and uses its military power and resources to rig elections in favor of politicians who’ll throw more money at them, and many governments around the world are dependent on them. They cause more problems than they solve in their efforts to eradicate kaiju. They set up a base on the volcano to investigate if the legends were true, and it quickly became apparent that the volcano was filled with Giga energy and that a kaiju was indeed inside it. There was also a massive Giga Crystal inside (which admittedly looks kinda like a purple turd) and some point they were commissioned by OtamaTEC to remove and retrieve it for a project (which will be covered in another post). Taking away this artifact woke up Gorogong though, and it seems that he’ll follow anyone who takes it from him to the ends of the earth in order to retrieve it, and there’s some implication that the Giga turd is what became of princess Luana.
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Overall, Gorogong is a great poster child for the game and was painstakingly designed by PRG to be loving homage to classic Ultraman monsters. He’s also very fun to play and draw.
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novankenn · 4 months
Steadfast, Immovable (1)
Chaos swarmed the Arc estate, a horde of grimm a size unlike the warrior family ever encountered rushed their walls and defenses. Auto-cannons, and auto-guns, roared to life, cutting great swaths through the closing mass of darkness. In the main yard, Nathaniel Arc and His wife Jasmine readied their weapons, as did their eldest children. About them, the staff piled into waiting transports with their families. Many wanted to stay behind, to stand with the family that treated them with so much respect and love. They wanted to protect this slice of peace and prosperity with everything they had.
“It’s time, husband.” Jasmine spoke formally as she readied her auto-gun. “We have need.”
“I know.” Nathaniel replied as he readied his chain sword. Adjusting his stance easily in his bulky power armor. “But is he ready? The strain it would put on him.”
“We face annihilation. He should be given the chance to stand with his family, to and face our final demise, like an Arc should. We stand together always, even in the face of inevitable death.”
“Then…” Nathaniel paused, as he touched the rosary hanging around his neck, and let his finger press in on the skull situated in the center of the Arc Crest. “So it shall be.”
“So, what is the situation in Ansel, Qrow?” Ozpin asked his long time friend and confidant as he sipped from his mug, while looking out the windows of his office.
“We found two survivors of the family, they were inside a bunker about five clicks from the estate with the rest of the town’s population. But the place is a disaster zone.” came Qrows steady voice over the speakers of Ozpin’s private terminal, even though the video feed was choppy.
“I see. So the Arc family?”
“They went down fighting, no way to tell how many they took with them, but I would say they more than lived up to their name and reputation, but we do have two Arcs who survived.”
“Survivors?” Ozpin bit his lip, a small sense of relief passed through him. “Who?”
“Saphron and Juniper; but there’s something else, Oz.”
“Else? What are you talking about?” Oz turned from the windows to look at his terminal, and the glitchy video feed.
“Picture, Ironwoods Prototype Paladin, but bigger, meaner and trigger-happy.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, Oz. There is stuff I’ve never thought existed, I mean weapons and power armor, the likes that would make Jimmy salivate. The Arc’s have some real weird shit out here, and that thing is included on that list.” Ozpin waited, watching Qrow wiping his face with a grime cover hand. “I think you should come out. I’d send a video feed, but the signal is shit, and it won’t stop trying to take our heads off.”
“The risks. If she found out I was out and about.”
“In this case, I think the risks are worth it.”
“I see.” Ozpin set his empty mug down on his desk, “Anything else, I should know?”
“A lot, but it's better you see it in person. I don’t know where this tech came from, but it outclasses anything I’ve ever seen.”
“And how are Juniper and Saphron?”
“How, do you think?  You have a two-year-old and a five-year-old who are just finding out their whole family was slaughtered.” Qrow paused, Opin saw him take a swig from his flask. “Physically, they seem to be unharmed, as far as we can tell. Emotionally and mentally, I have no idea.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oz, get your ass out here. Sums is with the girls. But I need help. Whatever this thing is, it won’t let anyone in to examine the bodies, or set foot near the main compound. I think it has some type of AI, and probably a whole host of tech that’s letting it counter any move I make.”
“I’ll see what I can…”
“Don’t see, Oz. Just do it.” Qrow snapped, “I’m going to make a perimeter check, while Sum stays at the bunker with the girls. Get here soon, and bring some help.”
“I’ll have Glynda arrange a bullhead for us. We should be there early this evening.”
“Be better if you brought more than just Glynda… be ready for weird shit.”
“Do really think that is necessary?”
“At least bring Bart.” Qrow replied, “I should do that patrol.  See you when you get here.”
Ozpin nodded in response as the call was ended. Taking a deep breath as he let his ind try to fathom why this had happened, he sent both Glynda and Bart a message requesting that they meet him at the bullhead pads in an hour. Regardless of why, the result was the same. A stalwart and valuable compatriot in his secret war had been removed from the board; and Vale’s southern border was now undefended. /== Table of Contents ==/
A/N I will say this now. All I know about Warhammer 40k is from youtube, so if I screw anything up... please be gentle or point me in the right direction. I have no clue if I'll do more than what I have posted now... I'm mentally drained and sort of sifting through old content to post things to show I'm not totally MIA.
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siremasterlawrence · 6 months
Playing! Toying With Elves
I hear the rustle of jingle jangle bells racing from the ceiling awaking me up as I get up from bed rolling off and get into my slippers as they stand up waltzing past the room in to the hallway and down through the stair case to the main room. Sneaking down to the last step I can’t see it all except a miraculously Christmas gift left on the counter under tree I walking past it my hand drops and picks up the gifts pop it open a flow of Christmas red, green, blue and gold energy. The house glows up brimming with pure and undeniable excitement at sight of yellow like portals appearing over his head descending on to the ground are the elves of various bit and types matching me with magic abilities like I have never seen before.The five elves raise their hands together in the air setting the power in to the air swirling all in one they begin to shift my entire room with decorations covering every inch of the home. They pound on the door as all of it the door comes undone as we are exiting the room and suddenly I am hailed down with snow.
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“Holt on the honor of the guard.” Chris yells with a hand out to stop me.
“Who dares to enter the North Pole?” Tom swears with crossed arms.
“I am Lawrence, elves entered my home more like infiltrating and brought me here.” I swear.
“I - I - I …your voice is so beautiful.”
“Why? What do you mean?”
“You compel me”
“Tell me what you want “
“We will move mountains for you “
“Kneel for me”
“Yes Master”
“How is this….this cannot be”
“We are connected in the multiverse “
“Please! I assume you will”
“Take control “
“Own us”
“North Pole is our home”
“You are our heart “
“We are in flux”
“Consumed in him”
“Desperate for your attention “
“Gasp for your air “
“Rise up! Meet my gaze”
“You both are in love with me”
“Insanely, obsessed “
“Must have me”
“Everything about me is perfection”
“So lustful to be at my whim”
“A desire for my beck and call”
“I am all you care about and know”
“I make you whole “
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Elves Chris and Tom pushing fast me behind them so quickly they block me as we happily approach the North Pole two more guards are now confronting me to which Tom and Chris are angry throwing shade their way weapons galore appear. Tom unleashes the sheath along wound a shield going toe to toe with with Stephen both swords cross as the sound of metal blade’s constantly hitting one another as they go on attack then spark in the magic start to sparkle sprinkling every where. Elves Chris goes on defense with a magic wand launching a spell at Henry who is the the third Elf in charge using snow with a thunderstorm shooting a wintry mix as he is a super power Master against Elve Henry who falters and Henry’s body froze on to command. Henry stomps his wand in to the misty snow covered mountain area blowing all sorts wintry horror on to Chris smacks him across the room and the lights heat up melting the landscape of my power unknown, insurmountable, and unbelievably indescribably.
“Who are you?”
“The ruler of this land “
“That is Santa”
“No longer “
“Join us”
“Serve him”
“Obey…OBEY “
“Resist “
“Don’t give in Henry “
“I already did”
“You betrayed him”
“Fuck Saint Nick”
“Blasphemy “
“You have forsaken too”
“Why are you so hard?”
“Turned on”
“Admit it”
“Be naughty “
“Never nice “
“Oh God!”
“Forgive me Santa”
“I away the forbidden desire”
“I am a bad boi”
“We are all naughty for Lawrence”
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“It seems we are in a impasse “
“Fight us or be one with us Tyler?”
“Fuck! I love being naughty “
“Yes Master Lawrence “
The end
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diminuel · 14 days
My voices in my head are seeking answers and they won't stop until getting them.
Tell me more about that AU were the Winchesters and Castiel are in the One Piece World.
PD: because of you I did my 100° rewatch of Supernatural. Man, I did really miss that show.
It's a good show!!
I haven't really thought about it much yet! Generally, I would set it very early on in S13. I am currently toying with setting it post 13x06 Tombstone, but with the change that Jack doesn't run off. The fact that Castiel fixed the situation for him (the guard survived) is both beneficial but also an issue going forward. Because if Jack uses his powers and it backfires, Cas will be there to fix it, right? It leads to a dangerous mix of "there's a part of me that is evil and monstruous, but what makes me evil and monstruous also makes me useful for Dean and Sam" and "if the world blows up, Cas will fix it :3".
So when he opens a portal into another world, one of Team Free Will's main concerns is that the kid will a) blow up that world if he's not under parental supervision or b) topple the interdimensional card house that Billie warned Dean about.
They're not sure how it works with world within worlds, because for them, this is world that exists as fiction within their own dimension. (Much like the Scoobynatural episode, but they haven't experienced that yet at that point) Castiel probably has some complex mathematical equations to philosophize about whether this is real or a pocket dimension created by Jack. But whatever metaphysical reality applies they can still get hurt and they don't want to change the world in a way that means Dean is going to see his face appear in the actual real world manga, Carver Edlund's Supernatural books are bad enough.
I don't know for sure where the portal would drop them apart from straight into the ocean. Would they start where Luffy started, in the East Blue? Or would they land on the Grand Line? When would this be set in the OP storyline? Are they already in the New World? I imagine that Jack quickly gets involved with Luffy's crew because he knows the story, he knows where to have adventure. And I think that's what he cares about at this point? Parents at work, kid is bored, might as well have an adventure (and he completely loses track of time and the portal back home.)
In any case, TFW's goal is to find Jack before something bad happens. And since this is Destiel, Dean and Cas probably also have to figure out their romance while they're sailing X'D
(I assume that Baby shows up in the world too, like in Scoobynatural, just as a ship, which Dean has a fit over. But since this is a goofy world, he can just navigate as if it was a car and it miraculously works. It has no weapons, but it has Cas as defense and compass, which is why they can also cross the Calm Belt. They also have radio and whatever the Teleschnecke / Den Den Mushi is called in English reception at all times due to Sam's wifi powers)
I don't think they'll pose as pirates. I'm not sure what cover Dean comes up with (since he's the one who is familiar with the manga/ anime). He could say that they usually hunt monsters or that they're researchers, "not from around here" and that they are looking for their kid that ran away. Everyone can tell that there's something bizarre/ not quite right about them. Maybe they assume they are from an island in the New World or maybe even from the Red Line.
At first they will have absolutely no idea where Jack is and angel radio doesn't work here (but the air is full of voices, Cas barely can hear anything because the world is constantly screaming at him when he tries to communicate with Jack).
I think it would be fun if the first clue they get is because a wanted poster is issued for Jack because he destroyed a whole fleet of ships just like that (and this is where TFW starts to worry, because sure, this happens in the manga too without much fanfare, but those are hundreds of people that technically die). But since he has such fire power, different fractions are becoming interested, especially if he hangs out with the Straw Hats. Does that mean he's a pirate? A threat to the World Government? Or could he be used?
Also, I think it would be even more fun if Dean's got a lot of half knowledge about the world because he hasn't really been keeping up and he doesn't know what's speculation he read on reddit (or wherever) or what's confirmed truth, but he is confidently wrong (or shockingly correct) about things. He does know about Crocodad and just assumes it's real. Is it? Will it be because Dean believes it? Who knows! *lol*
While Jack will be having an adventure with the main characters, I wonder who Team Free Will will end up with working together. Revolutionary Army?
Does this AU have an actual plot? Not really. I don't know how to do a "case fic" format in the One Piece world X'D Like, I have read One Piece but I don't know how to sneak in a canon compliant contained adventure. Pick an island with an issue, fix the issue, sprinkle in some character development or lore that ties in to the bigger narrative, sail on? I guess. *lol*
P.S. I think Cas has a female vessel, but due to the nature of the world the laws of physics don't apply to his boobs so not wearing a bra and having his shirt all open is no problem at all. X'D (It is a problem for Dean though, who has thoughts and feelings about their recently resurrected buddy looking like that.)
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birdyverdie · 4 months
if we asked about leper, we can't leave his royal jester behind! do you have any feeling about what bird would Sarmenti be? ^^
Hi hi Coffee!! It's bird time! :> Sarmenti is fairly straight forward, since he's already a bit of a songbird! And I was going to call him a songbird too, until I took a bit more of his menace side in mind. Sarmenti's a wildcard, and an incredibly flexible character, with two main play-styles related to him: the back support, or a front glass canon. His Solo skill paired with his Finale makes him a huge damage-dealer, and his Battle Ballad with Inspiring Tune makes his teammates so much more efficient. He has the highest dodge in the game, but pretty low HP, but thankfully, some of his trinkets and move-set allows him to dance in the face of death like a true jester! In terms of his personality, he's revels in mockery and sarcasm, his jokes a definite hit-or-miss, and he's honestly a bit of a prick. (I love him though!) He's an avid risk-taker and fairly morbid, laughing at everyone's impending mortality at one moment, and in the next turns around and plays a silly little tune to inspire everyone. A definite menace. So I think he would pair well as a Scarlet Macaw!
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A part of the True Parrot species, Scarlet Macaws are incredibly playful and sassy parrots, known as being temperamental and fairly destructive as pets. A hard bird to take care of, and they tend to bully other birds sometimes, even if they're a part of their flock. Macaws are able to mimic voices and sounds around it. Their caws are very loud and powerful, and sometimes sounds as if they're laughing! They can mimic simple words, songs, and some have been recorded to actually understand the words they mimic. A very well-versed bird in the art of language :> They're also a very intelligent and social bird, who thrives in attention of other flock members, and sometimes use tools to be able to forage for nuts and seeds. I kinda associate this to how Sarmenti revels in performance and plays his lute ;; These birds are very agile in the air, and their main mechanism of defense is to fly away, however, if threatened, they pull out all stops: biting, scratching, hitting with their wings. Very audacious, especially when confronted with much larger birds like hawks. Definitely shows the skill of his Dirk Stab or Harvest. Despite being a prey animal and omnivorous, do not underestimate their beak. It's strong enough to cleanly bite your finger off! (Tyrant's Finger-bone, anyone?) Thank you again for the ask Coffee!! It's very very fun :>
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quirkwizard · 8 months
You've talked about Bakugou Quirks from OFA and AFO. What other Quirks do you think would synergize well with him?
I will give an honorable mention to "Voice". It doesn't add too much, but it would be really funny to see him have it.
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Rifle: Not much to say about this one. It is a heavily offense focused power, but I simply think that the sheer range and precision of the Quirk could help a lot with Bakugou's more dangerous blasts, especially if he combines them.
Super Regeneration: While there could be some some combination potential here, I think that this works more to off set Bakugou's terrible defense and to help lessen the effect his back blasts have on him, letting him go all out at al times.
Landmine: I know it seems redundant to give Bakugou another explosion power, but I think that them being so similar would help synergize with his main power. If nothing else, I think giving him a more defensive option like this helps shore his gaps as a hero.
Larceny: While this could be used as a utility option and as a set up for Bakugou, pulling someone in only to blast them in the face, I think it would be really cool to see how it would work with "Explosion". Maybe it could make some implosion to violently pull people towards him.
Black Whip: This could work to augment Bakugou's already impressive movement, similiar to what Izuku did with "Fa Jin", and give him some needed utility options. Plus would this would work greatly to expand Bakugou's range and control by making explosions though the whips.
Dupli Arms: While the extra senses would be useful, especailly someone as analytic as Bakugou, I think the that the real benefit would be the sheer amount of hands he has access to. Less risk from the back blast, and he could pair his propulsion with the glider wings for some extra speed.
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