#and it all just comes together to be something so painful
yawnderu · 14 hours
Simon’s gut clenched, the pure heartbreak in your eyes lashing at his heart like whips. He choked back tears, swallowing the thick lump in his throat to keep himself from falling at your feet and begging to be forgiven. Deep inside, he knows it’s selfish to keep you with him. 
“‘M sorry.” His first confession is nearly muted by the traumatized, war-hardened soldier deep within his soul. 
“I’m so sorry. I asked for the leave, but bloody Makarov just…” He pauses, realizing that no matter how many excuses he comes up with, his mistake will never be forgiven. It doesn’t deserve any forgiveness, and that’s something he’s fully aware of, gnawing at his conscience from within. 
“I love you. I love both of you. I promise— no, I swear, that I won’t ever leave.” His gaze drifts down to the newborn baby in your arms. A tiny sweet girl, her big brown eyes looking at him with so much curiosity and love. For a second, it takes every ounce of strength for him not to reach out and hold her. 
Simon clenches his fists tightly, as if holding back the tide of emotions surging within him. The last thing he wanted was to be like his father— an absent bloody cunt, yet it seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree no matter how much he tries.
The sight of the tears rolling down your cheeks feels like daggers straight to his soul, and yet a part of him thinks he’s not allowed to feel pain. Not when he let you be alone and scared in the delivery room, surrounded by nurses sporting expressions of pure pity for you. A first-time mother who kept insisting her husband was going to show up this one time. 
“I was so scared, Simon.” The first words you’ve told him the entire night hurt more than any bullet he’s ever taken. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry.” He swallows the thick lump in his throat, hesitantly reaching out to brush the tears from your cheeks, his hands shaky. His dark eyes fix on your face, soaking you in, wanting to remember even the smallest detail. As exhausted as you are, you’re still the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. 
“Let me make it right. I promise I’ll do everything to make up for it.” A grim part of his soul knows that this is just one of the many cracks in your marriage that will never be repaired. Still, the sincerity in his voice echoes in the room as he leans forward, pressing your foreheads together. 
“I can’t imagine how you felt, baby. How scared you must’ve been…” He whispers, his chest constricting. His gaze drifts down to your beautiful girl, tears brimming his eyes the moment her tiny hand reaches out to hold one of the straps from his gear. 
“I’m here now. I’ll never leave, I promise.” If finally hanging it up is what it takes to amend your marriage, he’ll do it. A small smile pulls at the corners of his lips, picturing being able to see his little girl grow up with the chances he never had, and despite knowing that he deserves the rawness of the moment, Simon makes it a life goal to be with you at all times. To fix everything he once broke.
From the ex-husband Simon series.
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2kiran · 2 days
HI! HELLO!! 🤍🫶🏻
first of all i really love your writing! the way you write is just amazing! i absolutely love your works and always come back to re-read some of them!! keep writing and don't forget to take care of yourself and drink lots of water!!! 🥺🩷
anyways i wants to request something if it's not too much of a bother askjkasksj
dom!m!nerdy reader and sub!badboy with a whole load of crying from overstimulation, praise k!nk, size diff (tall!reader) and dumbification OOOHHHH IM GONNA GO FERAL 😵‍💫
[also can i be your 🎀 anon?]
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2knote. aww, this is so sweet of you. I appreciate it, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this one. take care of yourself too and get some rest. lmk if you aren’t actually anon angelwing.
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Every nerve was set on fire, blood pumping hot in his system as beads of sweat tingled down his forehead to his chest. It doesn’t help with the sudden high temperature of the room, especially not the uncontrollable throbbing in the center of his thighs. “Shhh,” your voice brings him back from his clouded state, grounding him. “won’t you look at that? You’re doing so great, practically sucking me in.”
He whimpers, oh how badly he wanted to punch off the smug way you were holding him up with his knees that threatened to buckle. His head tilted up to look at you, eyebrows knitting together in an attempt to appear threatening. Instead, he seems even more fucked out, tight hole squeezing your length with every push.
“Sh- shut up.” He grits, though tears sprouted and occupied his vision. Fuck, he hated you. The complete opposite of him, a reckless bastard, and you, the smart and adored one.
He hated how he’d perk up when you’d speak, listening to how your voice practically caressed the words you were uttering. Wishing that in lieu of you giving out the correct answer, you’d say his name and and — he’s definitely out of it. “Don’t say things like that, pretty thing,”
That fucking glint in your eye and how you’d scold him if he stepped out of line, he despised that even more. He clenched around you, gripping your cock tightly, silently begging for you to cum inside of him. It was overwhelming, flushed and sweaty skin bumping rhythmically against each other and making his mind hazy with pleasure.
You were supposed to hate him, not treat him as if he was the most valuable thing in the world. “Shit, that’s it.” You groan, rolling your hips into the spasming warmth that warned to milk you for all you were worth. “So good for me, haaah, yeah, take my cock.”
And he was. “Nnnggh–” stop talking is what he’s unable to retort with. Each thought is combining with one another, jumbled nonsense forming in his head and his mouth agape, only to gift pretty little moans and hushed whimpers to your ears.
He can’t stop the tears, bottom lip trembling and he’s clamping down all over again. You’re brushing against that spot which causes his back to arch off the wall, eliciting a breathy groan from him. He’s leaking on his stomach, pre-cum pathetically gathering up and slicking himself with his own fluid.
“It’s okay, let it out. You’re okay, yeah?” You grind your hips, aiming for it and he swears he’s going to kill you when he cums hard from just that. His body trembles, numbed, gasping for air and the only thought echoing is your damn mouth that can’t shut.
“Listen. Ah– look so pretty like this, all for me.” He can barely move a muscle, your thumb smearing his release around the sensitive tip. Briefly, he wonders if you’ll stop.
You don’t.
One of his palms reach out to you, weakly pushing at your arm as he sniffles. You’re rolling — on the brink of pounding — into him, set on getting him brainless beneath you. He can’t say it, can’t tell you to fuck off because you feel too good and he’s still got energy left. The overstimulation has a faint hint of pain pinching him, but he’s too distracted by the way you don’t quit.
You must’ve gotten to him. “Doing such an amazing job for me, sweetheart.”
He sobs, not quite recovering from his orgasm yet. How you’re crowding him sends him reeling, dizzy, and incredibly horny. He grabs the back of your head, tugging on the strands as he yanks you down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss. You can make out the salty taste of his tears due to the unrelenting thrusts, his poor body not catching one break, and that has you pushing your tongue inside of his mouth.
When you finally pull away, he whimpers in disappointment. But then, you speak up;
“You can give me one more.” It’s not a request. It’s a demand.
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tayytayy12 · 2 days
You’re losing me | CS55 x Reader
Summary - Reader and Carlos had been married for a year when he started growing distant, thinking his actions would have no consequences but he didn’t realise he was slowly but surely losing you.
Warnings - mentions of cheating, just angst really
Type - Written
Requested - Yes
Feel free to ask to be tagged <3
You remembered the day that you had first met Carlos, you remembered the way his kind words had made your cheeks turn red, you remembered how perfect he seemed, and he was perfect with and for you. Well, until he wasn’t.
You and Carlos had been together for five years before he asked you to marry him at the stop the pair of you had first met, it was the most romantic thing anybody had ever done for you, the way he had your favourite song playing quietly in the background as he told you how he loved you and wanted to spend forever with you. You was a mess of smiles and tears and you accepted his proposal over and over again until he kissed you and it was like all time stopped, nothing else mattered in that moment except you and him.
The wedding was a dream, both of your families came, as did all of your friends. It was an emotional day for everybody, they knew how in love you and Carlos were, they knew you had to work out. You remember your wedding night when you had a conversation with Charles, the man being one of your closest friends and he actually being hoe you had met Carlos, and he told you that in all the years he had known the pair of you he had never seen either of you so happy. Everyone’s words gave you the confidence to be reassured that you and Carlos would work.
It was only a week after your wedding day that your husband began to grow distant and cold. It was gradual at first, him advising you to stay home on race weekends to focus more on work, but that didn’t bother you that much, you just through that he knew how much you loved your job and wanted you to be happy, but it only got worse after that.
He would say things, keep secrets, control what you wore and say hurtful things. You had no idea where it was coming from, but you didn’t say anything out of fear of losing the love of your life - well, at least who you thought was the love of your life - and you let his changes happen.
Some of the reasons that you did that was probably because all you would think about when he had just had an episode where he would have outburst at you and stormed out of the house leaving you alone, again, was the moments the pair of you shared that made you feel like the only girl in the world. When he proposed, when he said his vows, when he spoke about you ever so fondly in interviews like he was waiting for the reporter to ask about you, when you thought about those moments it was almost like all the pain the last year had put you through didn’t matter.
It was currently two in the morning as you sat alone in yours and Carlos’ bed for a eight consecutive night at the beginning of a double header he insisted you stay home for, tears flowing freely form your eyes leaving a hot wet trail down your cheeks in return as you stared down at the glowing screen of your phone.
You had woke up from a message from your sister , you was confused and little bit concerned, she was on a night out with her friends, did she need your help? Did something happen to her?
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The words on the screen had hit you like a tone of bricks, he swore he would never. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t.
All you could do was cry as the notifications from all your social media’s started coming through on people tagging you and messaging you apologising about Carlos, but your sister was right, he was with a girl at a club in Austin and they was kissing, and probably more you though as yous rolled into some pictures of your husband and the girl leaving the club together and getting into Carlos’ car.
It hurt watching all if this unfold, you felt like it was your fault, you felt sick, betrayed even. You wanted to yell, scream and call Carlos every insulting word under the sun, but all you could do in that moment was subconsciously put your hand in your stomach and glance at the positive pregnancy test on your nightstand.
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You suppressed a broken sob into your hand and you made a promise to yourself that you could do this alone, without Carlos, not just for you, but for the baby in your stomach. You would get strong for them.
It was that moment that Carlos Sainz had officially lost you for good.
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paiges-1vur · 3 days
Do a pazzi smut fic??? Maybe someday pleaseee
Here you go baby 💞
paige bueckers x azzi fudd!
cw: smut
wc: 527
summary: this is set to be from when paige and azzi were on the cruise together earlier this month
a/n: I tried to write something a little less intense, and more intimate so let me know if you like this better or less than the more intense smut. Hope you enjoy!
“Mmh,” Azzi groans, “Paige go back to sleep, im not in the mood.” Paige is lying next to Azzi spooning her, peppering kisses on her neck and jaw. Her hands dont shy away from reaching under Azzis shirt to make little doodles over her ribcage
The blonde continues drawing shapes on the other girls ribcage for a couple minutes. Lying there in silence, just being together.
Azzis breath hitched as Paiges hand crept down to the the hem of her sweatpants. Well, they were Paiges sweatpants technically. Paige continued to fiddle with her sweatpants strings for a moment. She slowly used her pinky to break the waistband of her loose sweats.
Azzi was well awake at this point, as the blonde spoke softly to her. “Goodmorning baby” she said as she slid her hand down the brunettes sweatpants, and into her underwear.
The brunette shifted against her and Paige smiled letting out a small laugh. “Someones ready.” She joked as she rubbed the other girls wet clit. Azzi let out a small whine, pushing her head into the sheets as Paige pushed two of her long slim fingers inside of her. “No Goodmorning?” She joked as she curled her fingers inside of the brunette.
“Shutup Paige.” Azzi breathed, face twisted with pleasure as she moved her hips in sync with the blondes fingers, riding them. Paige kissed down the back of her neck, sending shivers down Azzis spine. She arched her back at the sensation on her neck, causing Paiges fingers to hit a deeper angle inside of her. She cried out as the blondes fingers hit her g spot.
The two girls were interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door. “Girls are you awake?” Mr Fudd called from the hallway. The girls were lucky enough to get their own room on the cruise, but they still told the Fudds they would meet up at 11:00 for breakfast.
This didnt stop Paige from increasing the speed of her fingers. The blonde whispered into the brunettes ear, “Answer him Azzi, Tell him we will meet then downstairs in 20 minutes.” She whined at Paiges words before taking a deep breath.
“Yeah we are awake dad” She called, her voice shakey. “We will meet you downstairs in 20.” Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, as Paige inserted a third finger into the already dripping girl.
“Are you okay in there? You sound like your in pain” Azzis dad said from the hall, concerned. Paige laughed at this.
“Its all good in here dont worry,” Paige butted in. “We will see you guys downstairs in 20” She replied smoothly, still teasing the girl under her as she spoke.
As her dad walked away from the hallway Azzi moaned, “Paige Im going to come.” She shut her eyes tightly, still riding the blondes long fingers that were stuffed inside of her.
“Okay, come baby” Paige said kissing her cheek. The brunette rode out her high, trying her best to stay quiet. Paige picked her up, and walked to the bathroom. “Now lets go get cleaned up before breakfast.” She said, placing a kiss on Azzis forehead.
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randomhealer · 3 days
Jiaoqiu ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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Warnings: no pronouns used, female anatomy name used (pussy only), cum description, creampie, porn with no plot, not reviewed, pre character, Written on a very bad keyboard.
A/n: I forgot this account existed/j, but seriously I'm testing new things in the nsfw part...I'm also thinking about opening the message box...
You sigh tiredly, lying on your stomach and feeling your hole sore and raw, the feeling of the remnants of the love sessions on your body causing you slight discomfort, Drool dries in the corner of your mouth, tears dry in the corners of your beautiful eyes and the feeling of dry sperm all over your thighs, ass and pussy.
But all this discomfort of dirt is ignored by the real pain in your body, the pain throbbing between your legs as you feel the sensitivity even in the cold in the shared room together with the pain of the bites and bruises that appear on your neck and shoulders, your knees threatening to give way and collapsing on the bed while you enjoy your minutes of rest.
Jiaoqiu is between your legs looking completely fine unlike you, he spreads your wet folds with a finger, absorbed in watching the cum from your third round dripping from your hole abused, He smiles with a satisfied smile as if he has created a new dish with good healing qualities, licking his lips lightly as he denies the pleasure of sticking his nose between your pussy and eating you as you are, It doesn't matter if you are filled with his sperm or not he would eat you with pleasure, if you were asked what his favorite dish was he would casually say that you are his favorite food.
But at the moment Jiaoqiu still has a lot to give you from his balls. Breaking your moment of peace, he positions himself on top of you again, resting his chest on your back as he places a loving kiss on your shoulders, his ears lightly tickling your cheeks as he murmurs sweetly "you're doing so good for me my little fox…just one more."
You mumble incomprehensible things, your throat hurting as you try to say something along with your brain too melted to even hear what he's saying to you.
He laughs lightly in a muffled sound against your shoulder as he listens to your murmurs. You don't hear any other sounds coming from him other than feeling the sensation of the head of his cock sliding between your folds and stopping at your hole before sliding the head and length in. of him entering you easily with a loud wet noise, he sighs satisfied with the feeling of being able to enter you so easily, it's as if he has molded you completely to his cock while you just moan in protest.
It doesn't take long before he starts moving, leaving you a crying mess by the end of the night. But don't worry... you know that he will take good care of you and spoil you with the most varied menu possible made exclusively for you.
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httpiastri · 14 hours
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jack doohan x female reader, ft one lowkey 18+ joke
"don't you trust me?"
the question burns through jack's chest. the playful smile on your lips tells him that it's all just for fun, but still, there's something stinging about it. he wants to answer with an 'of course', or a 'with my entire life and heart', but he settles for something to match the tone of your voice. "do i have a choice?"
your answer comes in the form of a groan and an eye-roll, settling on the edge of the tub. "just lean back, loverboy."
loverboy. of course. how can he not follow your orders when you talk to him like that?
jack leans back against the wall of the bathtub, tipping his head back to rest his neck against the edge. it's much more uncomfortable than he'd thought, he soon realizes, but he hopes what's about to come is worth the pain.
your best friend has been sick for over a week now, with an annoying fever that seemingly just doesn't want to go down no matter what he tries. when you followed him to the doctors, they said everything looked alright and that he should be getting back to normal in just a few days. you're beginning to believe that that was complete bullshit, though.
you're pretty sure you're wishing for jack's fever to disappear as much as he is himself. not only do you not enjoy seeing him in such a bad state, but he also becomes such a baby when he's sick, as you've recently learned. it's not all that easy to take care of a tall australian manbaby, but someone needs to do it, you suppose. and who better than you?
the other day when you stopped by his apartment to refill his fridge with some necessities and cook him some soup, you just couldn't stop yourself from insulting the greasy hair he was sporting. he answered that he's not got enough energy to wash it properly when he showers, and in a moment of weakness, you found yourself offering to do it for him. so, here you are, showerhead in one hand as the other begins to slowly turn on the water.
you wait for the water to reach a good temperature, not icy but cold enough to hopefully soothe his burning scalp, before shifting to pour the water over his forehead and down over his hair. jack's first reaction is to let out a low hum, eyes fluttering closed at the chillness in comparison to his hot skin.
"you really are an angel, did you know that?" his accent has always had a certain effect on you, though you've always tried to deny it, and your heart skips a beat as he speaks again. "truly someone sent from above."
"shush," you say, shaking your head as you lean over to turn the water off, his hair being completely soaked by now. "just doing another part of my best friend duties."
"just as best-friendly as cooking for me for a week, and tucking me in for my naps, and..." he doesn't need to go on; you know how long the list is.
you reach for his bottle of shampoo – thankfully not a 3-in-1 type with body scrub and car wash included, but still a type that scares you a little – and pour some onto your hands, rubbing them together to spread out the liquid. "i'm just doing what i know you would do for me if i were in your position."
jack's eyes open when you start going through his hair, fingertips working their way across his scalp as you try to reach every inch of hair. he watches you with a thoughtful gaze, studying the concentration on your face intently. suddenly, he's reminded of why he's so goddamn smitten with you in the first place.
you're a total opposite of him – you're so soft. small, too. not just in size, but in personality as well. everything about you is warm and gentle; a huge contrast to his hard, rugged edges.
there's a feeling in his chest again. a tightening, fluttering sensation that feels strangely pleasant. one he's very familiar with by now, one that only appears around you.
it never takes much for your cheeks to grow red around him, and today is no exception. you think you've lasted a long time, though, with the way he's goggling up at you, but it's getting too much. "shut your eyes," you tell him. "you know i can't take it when you stare at me. i can't do my job."
he doesn't answer, and your heart flutters again. your fingers stop moving in his hair.
"i'm going to get shampoo in your eyes, they're going to sting."
"i don't mind."
it isn't until you tug on his hair, enough to go from relaxing to painful (though jack instead finds it quite arousing), that he finally obliges, eyes falling closed and a defeated sigh leaving his lips. "much better."
you begin to wash out the shampoo, and other than the sound of the water now dripping from his hair and onto the floor of the tub again, the room fills up with a hollow silence. he wants to speak up, but can't find any words – which are the right ones when the girl you like takes so much time out of her days to take care of you when you're at your lowest?
jack feels almost strangely... loved. the way that you're doing all of this for him, just because you want to make sure he feels good and clean. in reality, it's such a small gesture, yet it means something.
and a hint of anxiety settles into his chest at the realization that he's actually falling for you.
it's not just the silly little crush that's been brewing inside him for the last twelve months; it's something much more. and much scarier.
"are you kidding me? do you not have any conditioner?" your voice breaks his train of thought and he peeks at you with one eye, still slightly afraid of that whole shampoo-in-his-eyes threat. a grin tugs at the corners of his mouth when he sees the expression on your face, mouth slightly agape and eyebrows raised in pure shock.
"i guess you'll have to go shopping with me to buy a bottle, then."
anything to have a reason to spend more time with you.
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atinyslittleworld · 17 hours
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idol!san x makeup artist!reader
Summary: After their first performance at Coachella ended, San finally got what he wanted from the group's makeup artist.
Word Count: 1,4k
Genre: smut 18+, MDNI
Warnings: smut, breakup
The bustling energy of Coachella was like an electirc current, thrumming through the veins of the city. The group had just wrapped up their first performance and the adrenaline was still coursing through their bodies as they descended from the stage. Among them was San, his heart pounding not just from the thrill of performing but also from the anticipation of what might come later.
San had been flirting with Y/N, the group's makeup artist, for almost a year. His intentions had always been clear in his own mind- he wanted her, physically, with a fervor that bordered on obsession. He admired her from a distance during the chaotic days of rehearsals and performances, his gaze often lingering longer than it should. But she had always been unavailable, locked in a long-term relationship that kept her just out of reach.
Tonight, however, San noticed a change in her demeanor. Y/N was usually lively, her presence bright and engaging, but tonight she seemed withdrawn, her smile less frequent, but San's focus was fixed on her. He knew something was different.
As the evening wore on, the group moved to the backstage area, where the atmosphere was filled with laughter, chatter and the clinking of glasses. San, ever observant, grabbed two cups of alcohol and made his way over to Y/N. She was sitting off to the side, her eyes distant and reflective.
"Hey," San said, handing her a cup. "You were amazing tonight, as always."
Y/N managed a small smile. "Thanks, San."
He took a seat beside her, their shoulders almost touching. "You okay? You seem a bit... off."
She sighed, taking a sip from her cup before speaking. "I broke up with my partner two weeks ago."
San's heart skipped a beat. He knew he should feel sympathy, but all he felt was an overwhelming rush of opportunity. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said, trying to keep his tone gentle. "That must be tough."
Y/N nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yeah, it is. But I'm here and I want to focus on the positives."
"Well," San said, raising his cup, "here's to new beginnings."
She clinked her cup against his, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips. They drank together, the alcohol burning a path down their throats and loosening ther inhibitions. One drink led to another and soon, the space between them seemed to shrink.
As the night progressed, the conversation flowed more freely, the alcohol dulling the edges of Y/N's pain and sharpening San's desire. He leaned closer, his hand brushing against her, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper.
"You know, Y/N, I've always admired you. You're so talented and beautiful."
Y/N looked at him, her eyes searching his. "San, I'm not sure this is a good idea..."
But her words lacked conviction and San seized the moment. "Why not? We're both adults. We can decide what we want."
He leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a heated kiss. She responded almost immediately, her hands tangling in his hair as the last of her reservations melted away. The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent more demanding. San's hands roamed her body, pulling her closer as their need for each other grew.
Before they knew it, they were stumbling down the hall towards San's room, their hands and lips never leaving each other. The door barely closed behind them before they were tearing at each other's clothes, driven by a primal, drunken lust that left no room for tenderness or affection.
San pushed Y/N against the wall, his mouth devouring hers as his hands explored her exposed skin. She moaned into his mouth, her fingers clawing at his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the bed where he threw her down and followed her, their bodies colliding in a frenzy of need.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so hot," San growled into her ear, his hands gripping her hips as he positioned himself above her. "I've wanted this for so long."
Y/N's breath hitched, her back arching off the bed as she pulled him closer. "Then take me San. Make me forget everything."
He didn't need anymore encouragement. San thrust into her with a force that made her gasp, his hands holding her in place as he set a relentless pace. "God, you feel amazing," he groaned, his lips brushing against her ear. "So tight, so perfect."
Y/N's nails dug into his back, her legs wrapping around his waist as she met his every thrust. "Harder, San," she demanded, her voice breathless and filled with need. "Fuck me harder."
San's eyes darkened with lust as he complied, his movements becoming more frantic, more desperate. "You like that, don't you?" he panted, his hand slipping between them to find her clit. "You like it rough."
"Yes," Y/N moaned, her head thrown back as waves of pleasure crashed over her. "Don't stop. Please, don't stop."
Their bodies moved together in a heated rhythm, their voices mingling in a symphony of moans, gasps and whspered obscenities. San's fingers worked her clit with expert precision, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
"You're going to cum for me, aren't you?" he whispered, his breath hot against her neck. "I want to feel you cum around me."
"Yes," Y/N cried out, her body trembling as the pleasure built to an umbearable peak. "Oh, God, yes."
With afinal, powerful thrust, San sent her over the edge. Y/N's body convulsed beneath him, her cries of ecstasy filling the room as she came hard around him. The sensation pushed San to his own climax and with a guttural moan, he followed her into oblivion.
When they finally collapsed beside each other, spent and breathless, the room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing. San looked over at Y/N, her hair disheveled, her skin flushed and he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had gotten what he wanted, but as he lay there, he couldn't help but wonder what would come next.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes still clouded with the aftermath of their passion. "This doesn't mean anything," she said, her voice firm despite the lingering haze of alcohol.
San nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "I know. It was just... what we both needed."
She closed her eyes, exhaustion taking over. "Yeah, just what we needed."
As she drifted off to sleep, San stared at the ceiling, his mind racing. The lust had been satisfied, but it left behind an emptiness that he hadn't aticipated. This wasn't love; it was a physical release, a momentary escape from reality. And as the night wore on, San realized that he was okay with that. For now, it was enough.
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Y/N stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open as she took in her surroundings. The reality of the night before hit her and she sat up, pulling the sheets around her.
San watched her, a lazy grin on his face. "Good morning."
Y/N gave him a small smile. "Morning. I should probably go."
He nodded, watching as she gathered her clothes and dressed quickly. There was an awkward silence between them, the weight of their actions hanging in the air.
Before she left, she turned to him one last time. "Thanks, San. For... everything."
He nodded again, his expression unreadable. "Anytime, Y/N. Take care."
As she walked out of the room, San lay back down, his mind replaying the events of the night. It had been a moment of passion, a fleeting escape from their complicated lives. And as he closed his eyes, he knew that while it hadn't been love, it had been something they both needed.
Y/N met up with her best friend, the group's hairstylist, who had also been flirted with by Mingi for months. Unlike Y/N, the hairstylist wasn't in a relationship, but she enjoyed playing hard to get, keeping Mingi on his toes. Y/N shared the events of the night with her friend, who listened with wide eyes and a knowing smirk.
"San, huh?" the hairstylist said, nudging Y/N with her elbow. "Guess all that flirting paid off."
Y/N shrugged, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "It was just a moment. We both needed it."
The hairstylist chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, good for you. Maybe I should stop playing hard to get with Mingi. He's been persistent."
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than she had in weeks. "Who knows? Maybe you should. Sometimes, giving in isn't the worst thing in the world."
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perfctvelvet · 3 days
can you do sabrina carpenter!!
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Happy Fucking New Year; Sabrina Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Content: 2nd POV. Strangers, alcohol mention, semi-public (hooking-up in the bathroom of some rich person's house), making out, oral sex
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No one wanted to be alone this New Years and you were no exception. The only problem was that your friend, the one who happens to the social butterfly brought you to a party where you don't know anyone here besides her. Everyone was dressed to the nines; shimmering dresses with make up to match and expensive suits. Having a friend who works in PR was an unexpected perk in her life, but having a friend who works in PR means when you're out they're always in networking mode. Coming here, to some random person's mega-mansion, was thrilling at first but the shine was beginning to dull immediately.
You had lost your friend somewhere in the fray of the fancy just less than an hour before midnight. Many people were here with partners, spouses, and lovers, and to you it seemed like you and your friend were the only single ones. You didn't let it get to you because you had her, but now she was gone. All you had was your too-small purse and a vodka soda you weren't a big fan of.
Just as the night couldn't get more painful, someone bumps into you. There was no love lost for the beverage that you spilled but now it was all over your dress. You may have been feeling alone, but your dress was the only thing you had. You got it one random day in the summer at the encouragement of your friend that she will give you a reason to wear it. You felt confident walking out of the car tonight and into the party. That was only two hours ago and oh how everything seemed to cave in.
"Fuck! I'm so, so sorry!"
This woman who bumped into you sounded sincere in her apologies. At first you thought you were being mocked, but the way she tried to wipe off your dress before it could stain seemed too real.
"I-It's okay."
You couldn't even bring yourself to look at her. Instead you were looking around you at the people who were beginning to look at the commotion. You were hoping to lock eyes with your friend so she could rescue you, but she was still nowhere to be found.
"Ugh! C'mon!"
Before you could register what was going on, you were being dragged away by the woman who ruined your dress. You were too relieved by being saved from the embarrassment to make a fuss. She lead you to one of the many guests bathroom in the house. She was bold, shutting the door behind you two and almost forcing you to sit on the counter. She grabbed one of the fancy, embroidered towels and wets it to continue her efforts to save your dress. Even though you appreciated her eagerness to fix her mistake, you can't help but be enamored and a little amused by the situation.
"It was just a vodka soda. Don't worry, it's not going to stain my dress."
It seems as if your voice is what gets to her. She slowly stops frantically wiping off the parts of your dress that is covered in vodka and looks up at you. She's stunning, so much so that you begin to lose your confidence.
"I hope I didn't take you away from whoever you cam here with." She finally puts the towel down and you get to hear her voice in a more relaxed state.
"No, no, I just came with a friend, but I lost her somewhere so I was just kind of by myself." You felt like a loser saying that out loud, but something lights up in the stranger's eyes at your confession.
"Glad I'm not the only one here feeling a little dejected."
"What do you mean?"
She points to the spot next to you, gesturing if she could sit beside you. There was plenty of space on the counter and she didn't have to ask, but you made space for her anyway.
"What was supposed to be a girls' night New Years Eve get together turned into us coming here, and just like you I have no clue where my friends with."
It wouldn't be shocking to either of them if their friends found someone gorgeous and well-off to talk to, but you were sure your friend was more concerned with making connections than the imminent countdown to the new year. You empathized with this woman, but still couldn't get over the shock that someone who looks like her was feeling the same loneliness tonight.
"I guess that's a common theme tonight. It's never really happened before so I think that's why it stings so much. I'm Y/n by the way."
"Sabrina," she sticks her hand out for you to take which you do. You two shake hands for a few seconds before breaking away. You felt like you had made a new friend tonight and you were a little proud of yourself. You were never the most sociable one in the room, so it's fitting that your main way of meeting new people is through an embarrassing moment.
"You said you came here with a friend? Just one? Are they a friend or a friend."
"Just a friend. We were roommates one year in college and I reached out to her when I moved out here to LA. She's always been primed for this kind of life, not me, so I needed her to guide me through the upsides and downs of living here."
"There are a lot of ups, like being invited to some rich ass dude's New Years Eve party. The downs would be the perpetual loneliness that seems like a requirement."
"I take it you've been in LA for years?"
"Almost two decades now. Feels like it's been a life time."
"Do you like it? I've only been here for two years and I'm still figuring out how I feel about it."
"Well, like you said, it has it's ups and downs. Some times there are more downs than ups, and vice versa. I would say right now that sitting in the bathroom of a boring party with a pretty girl who is being kind to me after I fucked up her dress is one of the ups."
You break eye contact with her to spare yourself the embarrassment. You feel a heat creep up your neck and beat you right in the face. You never learned how to take a compliment without completely crumbling. You already found Sabrina to be interesting and pretty, but now your heart was starting to beat out of your chest.
"And I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I'm kind of glad I literally ran into you. I saw you earlier in the party and I couldn't stop staring at you. I hope I don't sound like a creep."
"No, not at all! I'm just shocked to say the least."
What snapped you out of your shock was the sound of people cheering and getting rowdy outside of the bathroom. At first you feared someone was going to come in, ruining your solace. But then Sabrina checks her phone and sees that it's almost midnight.
"Two more minutes then it's 2024. I'll be honest, Y/n, I didn't expect to spend my last minutes of 2023 like this. I sort of feel like a klutz."
"Don't be sorry. Like I said my dress is fine, just a little sticky, but one wash it'll be alright."
The both of you end up getting distracted by the rowdiness outside the door. You were half tempted to get up and join them just to watch everyone ring in the New Year together, but you stay put. You notice how Sabrina isn't budging and you get the impression that she wants to stay with you in her last moments of 2023. Soon the start the countdown.
In just a few seconds you feel fingers weave through yours and Sabrina grabbing your face. You let her control your body, turning your head to face her.
It takes just seconds for your heart to flutter with an emotion you haven't felt in a long time.
"3...2...1...Happy New Year!"
Sabrina's lips meet yours on the very first syllable of "happy." For the first time in years you genuinely felt the meaning.
At first it felt innocent, just two lonely souls filling the void together, but Sabrina didn't want to pull away. She kissed you deeper, harder. The lust was radiating off of her and it was overwhelming. The last way you expected to bring in the new year was a bathroom hook-up, but surprisingly you weren't turned off to the idea. No one has ever come on this strong to you before and being in LA you were beginning to think you were a love repellant. This kiss left your breathless and starving for more. You grab onto Sabrina, unintentionally laying one hand on her breast in the process. Neither of you seemed to care as your tongues bumped against each other's. It was becoming a little sloppy, with Sabrina taking you there, but you enjoyed it. There is a hint of lemon on her tongue and you wondered why type of drinks a girl like Sabrina would drink. She was bold, yet refreshing.
Sabrina pulls away, panting and her lipstick smudged. She's looks a little messy now but she smiles regardless. She's so happy that you're receptive to her touch and that you seemed to enjoy the kiss too.
"Was that too much?" She wipes the edges of her mouth.
"I think we're beyond the point of worrying about what's too much now."
You're the one to lean in this time. You continue what Sabrina started, the blonde leaning into this time until she wraps her arms around your neck. You were at the point of no return and you wouldn't dare turn back. You wanted more; you wanted her.
"Do you think you can be quiet?" You ask her between kisses?
She hums affirmatively against your lips before you break the kiss. She moans breathlessly when your lips land on her neck. So much for being quiet because her moan fills the room. Of course the party outside still raged on as being in a whole new year put a new life into the party. The sound of the bass of the music thumped against the walls, but nothing could overtake the sound of Sabrina's sweet moans. You finally get between her legs, your knees pressed into the soft rug. She places her legs on your shoulders and you come face to face with her pussy. It didn't surprise you, but seeing her without panties made your face grow hot.
"I hope you don't mind, I left them at home," she says with a salacious tone.
You didn't mind at all, you were happy to have easier access to her wet pussy. You can't go another minute without it seeing what she tastes like. Sabrina whines when your face disappears between her legs under her dress. She pulls it up and catches the very moment your tongue meets her dripping sex. She moans so loud that she has to put her own hand over her mouth. You lick and lick and lick and somehow she's able to keep herself from screaming out in pleasure. It was like you knew her body and knew what buttons to press. She feels a rush run through her and she's on cloud nine. Never has a stranger made her so happy and feels so good. She moves her hand from her mouth and promises herself she'll be good and keep as quiet as possible. She knuckles turn white as she grips the edge of the counter.
"Oh Y/n that feels so fucking good," she whines. "I've been thinking about this all night."
The thought of someone being so turned on by you that they fantasized about it after seeing you once was astounding. You were shocked to have that power over someone, especially over someone so beautiful. You felt lucky, lucky to be invited here (the party and between Sabrina's legs). You pull away from her pussy and rub her clit.
"Did you want me so bad that you spilled a drink on me?"
Sabrina doesn't answer, just moans as she throws her head back in pleasure. You stop rubbing her clit to insert a finger into her pussy. When she feels your tongue back on her clit paired with the finger inside of her she almost cums. But she wants to savor the taste, feel this forever. She thinks she's strong enough to hold herself back, but your fingers are stronger than her will. You insert another one into her and her walls wrap warmly and tightly around the two. Your hitting the spot that makes her legs shake. Sabrina desperately wants to cry out loud, but she wouldn't dare risk getting caught and letting the moment end. She's so so close, tettering on that blissful edge. You kiss her inner thigh not once, or twice, but a few times. It makes her legs shake. She forgets about trying to hold back when she feels the 5th kiss pressed to her thigh.
She fears that you might get turned off by how hard she cums, but you enjoy it very much. She closes her eyes, bites her lip, and tosses her head back in ecstasy. A tear runs down her rosy cheek too. Her make-up is probably too fucked up for saving, but no one is going to care, so neither does she.
"Earth to Sabrina...you here with me?" You tease her. You're not sure if she likes that, but she just let you eat her out and finger, a little teasing is harmless in comparison.
She opens her eyes a few seconds later and a sweet, relaxed smile forms on her face.
"People are probably looking for us," you say to her when she finally looks down at you.
"Let them look."
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archiveikemen · 19 hours
『The True Vow to The Bride of The Pitch Darkness』
Liam Evans
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
After the ceremony, while waiting for the preparations for the wedding reception,
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Liam: I was so nervous…
I was surprised to see him lean back on the sofa.
Kate: You didn't look that way.
Liam: I was worried that I’d make a mistake, it was more nerve wracking than standing on stage.
(He looked so calm during the ceremony, I couldn't tell that he was nervous at all.)
Kate: But I felt relieved because you were so confident.
Liam: I’m glad I was of use to you.
(I was happy that all the members of Crown and people from The Scala were there to congratulate us, but…)
Kate: Liam, are you really alright?
My only concern was the first bite of the wedding cake during the reception later on.
(Liam isn’t a fan of sweet things because they bring back memories of his painful past.)
He had been actively avoiding sweets since we started dating.
— Even though he doesn't have functioning taste buds.
(Up till now, I’ve always been preparing birthday cakes that aren't too sweet, but…)
Because we could only choose from a few types of cakes, adjusting the sweetness wasn't possible.
Liam: I’m fine.
Liam: More importantly, I’m glad I can make more happy memories with you.
Kate: But…
Liam: I’ve felt so much joy ever since I met you, Kate.
He took my hand and gently stroked the promise (ring) my ring finger.
Liam: You changed my life and saved me from my past.
I touched the promise (ring) his ring finger too.
Liam: No matter what happens, I’ll be alright as long as I have you by my side.
Kate: … Me too. I believe that everything will be alright as long as I have you.
Kate: But please still tell me if it gets too hard for you to handle, okay?
Liam: … We’ll stay together in sickness and in health, right?
Kate: Because we made a promise!
Someone from the reception venue came to inform us that the preparations were complete.
With some lingering unease, we held hands and walked out of the room.
The reception went smoothly and it was soon time to take the first bite of the wedding cake.
Kate: Amazing…!
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Liam: The cake is big enough to hide you, Kate!
The cake brought before us as we stared at it in awe was decorated with roses made of sugar.
(The decorations match the colour of Liam’s eyes…)
Liam: Shall we do our very first task together as husband and wife?
We held the knife together and cut out a slice of the cake.
Thunderous applause filled the venue, we laughed and each picked up a spoon.
I carefully brought a piece of cake to Liam’s mouth, he took a bite and froze.
Kate: Liam…?
(Oh no. Is this too hard on him after all…?)
Liam: Kate…
Kate: S-Spit it out! I’ll cover you—
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Liam: … This cake is sweet.
Kate: Huh…?
Liam: Sweet. It’s sweet.
He repeated that word while chewing his cake, and my voice trembled when I realised what that possibly meant.
Kate: Liam, your sense of taste…
His pupils shook.
Liam: My sense of taste… it’s back.
The moment I saw him swallow the cake, tears overflowed from the corners of my eyes and flowed down my face onto the floor.
His hands that cupped my cheeks trembled.
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Liam: … I’ve always hated sweets because they remind me of those things.
Crystal clear tears fell from his eyes the colour of roses.
Liam: But it’ll be different from now on.
Liam: Whenever I eat something sweet, I’ll surely be reminded of this day and be happy…
(Even though he gradually grew to become more optimistic and happier, his sense of taste just didn't come back…)
He held me in a hug so tight that it hurt, and I wrapped my arms around his trembling body.
Liam: Thank you for loving me, and for teaching me what true happiness is.
We laughed together while our tears fell uncontrollably.
After a light kiss, Liam cried tears of joy again.
Liam: This is the taste of happiness.
Kate: … You can taste it however much you want from now on.
His face twisted with joy at my words.
Liam: In that case, I’ll taste it again right now.
He, who captivated the eyes of many people like a star, hid countless wounds underneath that brilliance.
I realised time and time again that I could never erase the wounds inflicted on him by his past, no matter how long we were together.
Liam: I love you, Kate. Words aren't enough to describe how much I do.
His wounds will never completely heal in the future.
(Even so, I’ve already decided from the day I took his hand at the Tower of London that I’ll make him happy.)
And today, we vowed to be happy together.
Kate: Me too. I love you forever and always.
Our lips met again in another kiss filled with pure bliss.
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jasmines-library · 19 hours
Truthfully, I know only surface level information about DC, but I've really enjoyed all your fics for the Batfam💕
Only take this request if it sparks something for you and you can write whatever form, being HCs, imagine, etc!
I'd like to request something for a (gn) civilian reader who is friends w/ the Batfam, but recently got superpowers that are magical girl-esque. I imagine reader was in the wrong place, wrong time situation w/ some criminals and got powers from an alien artifact. Their powers are sparkely and elegant but pretty flashy as well. Their tranaformation actually stuns people into watching and a lot of their moves only work if there is flair and finesse to them.
Reader is already struggling w/ if they want to be a new vigilante, but they’re mostly embarrassed by how showy and pretty their powers are in comparison to the dark and brooding Batfam. They feel out of place next to them and hate becoming the center of attention.
Sorry if this idea is a bit out there, but ty for letting me be indulgent in your ask box 💕 Love your writing!!
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Note: Not really sure what i think of this one but im trying to clear out my inbox so people can request again. Thanks for requesting anon!
Word Count: 600
The first thing you recalled was the pain. Fiery and burning, radioactive through your veins. The second was the light. So bright that it was practically burned into your retinas. And the third was the ringing sensation that was too stubborn to leave your ears. It made your head throb and your eyes water. The city is cold as you walk through the streets, wandering aimlessly with little to nowhere to go and with even less to do. 
Not too long ago, you found yourself in a bit of a situation. A ‘wrong place, wrong time’ kind of situation. The feeling of icy cold fingers wrapping around you will never leave your mind. The feeling of being tied down and exposed to…whatever it was they used to experiment with will always have a permanent place in your mind. And although the memories were there…..most of them were hazy. Glimpses. Fragments of memories. You thought that perhaps you were in and out of consciousness. Or that whatever strange artifact you were exposed to fucked with your mind. Nevertheless, you now have these….strange abilities. Beautiful, yet strange. Enthralling. 
“Still brooding?” A voice sounded behind you, light, full of amusement and belonging to none other than Dick Grayson clad from head-to-toe in his nightwing get up; black except for a splash of blue across his chest and over his shoulders. 
“It’s not brooding” you corected, hardly sparing him a glance before continuing down the street. You had encountered the vigilantes many times. Sometimes you found yourself on the same case as them. And each and every time they would come practically begging for you to join them. Tim, Dick’s little brother had pieced together your situation alarming quickly. He knew you had nowhere to go. So in came offer after offer for you to join them. You had repeatedly declined. Not that you didn’t like the vigilantes; in fact you found them rather amusing. It was the fact that you felt out of place with abilities like yours. It was easier to work alone.
“Oh yeah?” Dick caught up with you quickly, his larger strides matching your own with ease. “Then what would you call it?”
“None of your business, that’s what.” You replied, but there was a soft grin on your lips.
Nightwing just tilted his head with an unamused look. 
“What’s that look for?” You teased, continuing to walk.
“Come on. You know what i'm going to ask”
“No.” You answer immediately.
“Why not? You’re wasting your potential here.”
Dick let out a frustrated sigh, deadpanning at you as he brought the two of you to a stop. “You’re impossible.”
“No. it's embarrassing.”
Dick’s eyebrows shoot up at that. “Embarrassing?”
“My powers are…flashy. I don’t want to be the centre of attention. It’s embarrassing.”
He frowned, eyebrows knitting together as he turned to face you. “You’re embarrassed of them?”
“....i guess.”
“Sweetheart, look at me. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Seriously.”
Dick looks at you as if you committed a crime. “Course not. What you’ve got is really special.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” He says. “I'm serious. Your powers could save lives, Kid. Consider it.”
“You’re serious?” His face lights up. “You’ll join us.”
“Yes. But don’t get used to it. I won’t always let you get your way.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish @killxz @rosecentury
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A New Life, You and I
Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort (more comfort than hurt), fluff
June of Doom, Day 7: "What happened?"/"Stumbling" (late entry) @juneofdoom
CW: mentions of injuries
A/N: this is very short and I wasn't sure where I was going with it, but I think it's cute. This takes place after the last chapter of AOT, Levi and the Reader are in an established relationship and live together in a small cottage :,)
A loud, clattering sound coming from the kitchen pulls your attention away from the book you were reading, startling you. At first you think that perhaps some sort of critter has managed to enter your little home and that it made a ruckus in its exploration of the kitchen while searching for food, but then you hear a familiar, annoyed grunt coming from the room and suddenly you are on your feet and running.
“Levi??” You call out with concern more than evident in your voice, and when you reach the kitchen you let out a small gasp at the sight of Levi on the floor surrounded by various utensils, bags of tea and a miraculously unbroken jar of honey. His wheelchair waits abandoned in a corner of the room, quite far away from him. “What happened?” You ask as you hurry over to help him get back up.
He grunts again as he tries to not weigh you down while you pull him up. “I fell.” He mutters in a flat tone, as if you asked him a stupid question, and it makes you huff a little. “Yeah, no shit...” You mumble as you carefully help him back into his wheelchair, holding back a little hiss from how tightly he is gripping onto your arms for support. Once he is sat back down you take a look at the mess still strewn about the floor. “... Were you trying to make yourself some tea?” You ask while you bend down to pick up all the stuff that fell down, noting the open overhead cabinet that's definitely emptier than how you left it.
He huffs, his shoulders stiffening up a little as he looks to the side. “Yeah...” he grumbles rather dejectedly, and you immediately recognize the embarrassment and annoyance in his expression. It breaks your heart.
When things finally got to an end a couple months ago you felt nothing but relief. You and Levi both survived and maybe you'd finally get a chance to leave the past behind once and for all. Sure, that relief soured pretty damn quickly when you realized just how extensive Levi's injuries were... but he was still alive and breathing, and you thought that, compared to everything else, this was just a small hurdle. Nothing you couldn't face together... And you still feel like this.
However, as happy as you were to finally have Levi at home with you, that's also when you began to realize that perhaps this was a little more than a small hurdle. For Levi especially. After everything that's happened he mostly looked tired, rather than sad. At first he looked like he accepted his new living conditions rather quickly and that he didn't let the changes bother him too much... but you see it sometimes. The way his frown deepens when he accidentally drops something after absentmindedly reaching for it with his right hand, the flashes of pain across his face whenever his injuries start acting up for whatever reason... and the frequent antsiness in his demeanor whenever he gets up off his chair to try and walk for a little. That last one in particular seems to take a toll on him.
The doctors have encouraged him to try and take a few steps every once in a while, but they were very clear on him needing support and not pushing himself too hard in order to avoid injuring his body further. And you, on your end, made it very clear to Levi that he can rely on you. You know he is grateful for your presence, he'd never take it for granted or see it as a nuisance... but it is more than apparent that he wishes he wouldn't have to rely on you for so many things, especially when it comes to the simplest of tasks. He was humanity's strongest no more than a few months ago, for God's sake! And now he can barely take a couple of steps without stumbling or folding like a piece of paper. You can almost hear these thoughts echoing from his mind.
“Mh... You know, we should move all this stuff somewhere else. Keeping it up there is just impractical.” You state as you clear a small space on the kitchen counter to accommodate all of the things Levi uses to make his tea. You make it a point to arrange all of the items neatly, cocking your head to the side when you are done. “I think we need some cute jars for all those tea leaves... and maybe a little rack?” You scrunch up your nose in thought as you observe the little tea corner work in progress. You hear a small scoff behind you.
“I'll come with you to buy that stuff. I don't trust your tastes.” He comments in his usual sarcastic tone, making you laugh. “How very dare you!” You exclaim as you turn to him with your hands placed on your hips, pleased to see that he already seems to be less tense than before. “Uh huh, remember the curtains that didn't fit the windows? 'Oh Levi, these are just perfect for the kitchen!' and then they didn't even reach all the way down.” He repeats your words from when you first started decorating your shared home, but still uses his deadpan tone while imitating you. Honestly it just makes you laugh harder. “You're an ass!” You huff in mock annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest. “And you keep buying mismatched stuff...” He grumbles, secretly adoring the sound of your laughter.
You sigh, raising your hands. “Alright, fine, that may be true... I will make sure to consult the real artiste when we go on our next shopping trip.” You say jokingly, making him scoff again and roll his eyes at you.
“Hey Levi...” You begin while stepping aside so he may get closer to the counter. A simple “mh?” is the response you receive. “Would you make a cup of tea for me as well?” For a moment he stills, with his hand in mid-air as he was reaching for one of the bags that contain his tea leaves. “I like yours the best...” You add as a smile slowly curls your lips when you notice the tips of his ears turn slightly red.
“...Yeah.” The way his voice softens makes your heart melt in your chest.
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ninyard · 2 days
🦮 the be with me one please????? I need to suffer and imagine a timeline where jean did leave with Kevin and no throat was sliced on the way out
Jean couldn’t look.
It was terrible - as Kevin cried, and pleaded for help, this was finally the injury that convinced him to look away. The churning of his stomach and the retch that threatened to leave his throat was involuntary at the sight of blood and bone and was it just skin that protruded out of the incoherent mess of a wound, or was it muscle? The way Kevin’s fingers bent unnaturally as his hand lay on the tile floor, limp and lifeless, left Jean feeling guilty that he didn’t immediately bend down to his aid when Riko had finally left the room.
“Jean,” Kevin forced his eyes back his direction with pleading, weak French. “Hurry.”
Jean sealed his lips together tight like a vice as he took in what he was looking at. He could still hear Riko’s yelling and Kevin’s cries ringing in his ears like it were playing like music in his ears. The angry Japanese, the begging English, the desperate French. Pushing down his discomfort, Jean knelt down at Kevin’s level, took the t-shirt from his own back to stop the blood, but paused inches away from the wound.
“You have to go to the hospital,” Jean said, like it wasn’t obvious, like it was an option. “I can’t save your hand with a t-shirt.”
Kevin gritted his teeth and used his other hand to force contact between the fabric and the bleeding. The cry he let out was a disgusting sound of anguish, and pain he had not felt before.
“We have to leave.”
Jean had to look away to gag as he lifted up his hand to wrap the already wet fabric around it. Partly because of how nauseous he felt seeing Kevin’s playing hand destroyed and unsalvageable, partly because of the guttural yells that Kevin let out as he worked.
“I’ll drive you,” Jean offered, knowing he would be beaten for it on his return. Kevin’s deep breaths blew a mixture of snot and saliva onto the floor. “But you will lose this hand if you don’t get help.”
“Take me to David,” He spat. “Get me out of here.”
Jean didn’t know what to say as Kevin made a failed attempt to push himself up off the floor. All he could do was stare at him and hope that he’d heard him wrong.
“Are you crazy?” He hissed in English, hoping it was a mistranslation on Kevin’s part.
It took Kevin far too long to get to his feet, only stopping once to retch so hard the noise that came out of his mouth was more like a scream. Horrid sounds echoed against the walls of the locker room, sounds of pain he’d never heard from Kevin. Riko had beaten those sounds out of him years ago; Kevin learned to be quiet far earlier than Jean did. Now, under no watchful eye of the king, he couldn’t help the groans and whimpers as he cradled his hand. Jean watched as he blinked the dizziness out of his eyes, and looked around to find something else to wrap his hand in.
“I can’t stay,” Jean caught him when he took a shaky step forwards and nearly stumbled, thrown off balance as he moved. “Take me, or I drive myself,” he only paused for a moment before adding, “Please. I’ll keep you safe.”
“With one fucking hand and what army?” Jean didn’t mean to say it so full of rage and vitriol, but perhaps it was Kevin’s delusion that angered him. For he thought it was so simple; a matter of safety and leaving, and not that they would last no longer than a week away from the nest without being brought back kicking and screaming.
“Fine,” Kevin looked him deep in the eyes, so sincerely that Jean was sure he could read his soul and feel the fear that bubbled in his stomach. “Stay here. But he’ll kill you when he finds out I’m gone.”
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” Jean laughed in his face, and Kevin’s eyebrows screwed up, half in pain, half in desperation. “You are not leaving.”
“So come with me, then.” Kevin begged, his words in French again, knowing exactly what he was doing to Jean by pleading in his native tongue. “Please. I’ll take my car.”
“You’re planning on driving like that? Are you suicidal?”
Kevin stood up as straight as he could, and Jean saw that look of desperation beneath the layers of sweat and blood splashed across his cheeks.
“I’d sooner kill myself on my own terms than by whatever the consequences for this will be.” He used the collar of his T-shirt to wipe his face. Even on the black fabric, wet crimson stood out, shiny in the dim light. He started to say something, perhaps something profound and convincing, but instead all that came out of his mouth was a dazed mumble that sounded like, “You know you won’t survive it if you stay.”
“And so I deserve to die for the sake of your freedom?” Jean stood in his way, and Kevin didn’t have the energy to move him. “You’ll be slitting my throat before the door even closes behind you.”
“You deserve to live,” Kevin said. “You have one chance, Jean. Fucking take it.”
“How can you do this to me?” He wanted to hit and punch and scream at Kevin for being so stupid; even with his blood dripping onto the tiles below. But in a few minutes he would go into shock, or Riko would be back, or all these fighting words that blurred his senses would be lost by the crushing weight of what he was actually suggesting. “How can you even… do you really believe yourself, Kevin? There is no answer waiting for you outside of those gates. And what will David do, hmm? Tuck his son into bed and kiss what’s left of his hand goodnight? You will not live happily ever after in South Carolina.”
He didn’t answer. Jean’s words were steeped in truth, and he knew that.
“There’s a sweater in my locker,” Kevin whispered, and nodded towards Jean’s bare chest with a heavy-hooded blink. “I can’t stay here.”
“And what about me? My family?”
“We can figure it out when we get there.”
“Will you play for them?” Jean asked, like an answer would be admitting defeat, like he would regard Kevin as nothing more than worthless trash if he nodded a yes. How far he will have fallen, only to never be capable of reaching the top again. That was the reality of going to Palmetto State, but that didn’t seem to bother Kevin at all.
Kevin looked at him and sighed, his pained expression as convincing as any words that could’ve left his lips.
“Seven minutes,” he said, and Jean almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of it all. “I’ll wait in my car for seven minutes, and then I’ll leave with or without you.”
“You’re being selfish.”
“Either you come or you don’t.” He continued. “This is your out. I need you.”
Jean let him struggle towards the door before scoffing as he reached for the handle.
“The King will not be happy without his court,” He said, and Kevin didn’t turn around. “He won’t let us both go quietly.”
Kevin winced as he tightened the fabric around his hand, took a deep breath with his head resting against the door frame, before pulling it open. It slammed behind him with a harrowing thud. The panic set it quickly, then. This was happening, this couldn’t be happening, how can I stop this from happening? Then like a vision he saw it; Riko returning to the scene of his crime to find Jean alone. Jean could feel his skull cracked on tile, his bones shattered like he’d done to Kevin. He was running out of time. Be killed by Riko’s hand now, or by the families hand later, for his disobedience, for his disappearance. For aiding and abetting the escape of their most loved, their most precious. Jean would be surprised if either of them would actually make it to the gates.
Jean had to make a decision.
It wasn’t until he’d put his foot down on the highway that he realised what a mistake they were making, the smell of blood and sweat thick in the air of the car. On their way to certain death, Jean thought, as Kevin flickered between consciousness and sleep in the seat beside him.
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onlycosmere · 2 days
Revision Strategies
LansManDragon: I'm an aspiring fantasy author myself, and have been finding the revision aspect of my writing to be quite difficult too. I often get a little lost in the weeds, I think, when trying to juggle all the moving pieces myself.
Do you have any tips for revision strategies for beginner authors? I find when I focus on revising plot, I end up with issues with my thematic vision. And when I fix that, I get characterisation problems rearing their heads. And when they're sorted, I get tone or atmosphere pipes bursting. It often starts to feel like a game of whack a mole, where I'm running around desperately plugging holes with duct tape.
I feel like I have a good mind for feeling my way towards the nexus of these interrelated factors, but once I find that point, the changes I have to make often leave me feeling wholly dissatisfied with one aspect of the story or another.
The whole process feels like a war of attrition against my enthusiasm for a story sometimes. I love to write, and have solid discipline with my word count goals. I feel like I'm proficient at identifying which parts of my story aren't working, and also don't have any issues with make even fairly drastic changes when needed.
I guess the revision aspect just feels a little mentally exhausting? Seeing that so many different people come together to help edit your works is both daunting and inspiring.
Is there any videos or guidance you could recommend? Any words of advice? I'd love to be able to figure out some way to revise properly and not feel burnt out on it.
Brandon Sanderson:  So, here's a few things to keep in mind.
First, I didn't start with this many people. I started with just myself, and trying to learn. I do have a few tips for beginners.
First is this: try, if you can, to give yourself some space to write something else between revisions. I find that for me, two drafts at a time is best. Rough draft, followed by a 2.0 revision immediately. From there, space--write something else, and give the book a rest.
The whack a mole you describe is the growing pains of becoming a better writer. It's actually a good sign, as you're aware of all of these things. I suggest viewing the revision process like carving a sculpture from a block of stone. Start with the big picture, the general shape.
When you approach a revision, try to identify the big problems--the character issues, the plot problems, the issues with theme and tone. Fix those first. Give the book to people, get notes, think about them. Do another revision on those.
That done, you can work on the medium level things. A chapter that feels rushed or slow. A problem with foreshadowing--too much or two little. Careful refinement.
Give the book a rest, then come back, read it again. Make any final tweaks to these things, then focus on prose. Refine the book again on a more granular level.
If you're getting good at identifying problems, and if you have good work ethic like you say, you'll be fine. Don't expect a given book to be fixed in one draft--but don't shoot for twenty, either. Do two. Get feedback. Do two. Get feedback. Refine, refine. Fix prose, and then let that be the end for that story--the best of your ability at this time.
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senseifupa · 2 days
Time Moves Slow
Continuation of “How I feel”
Hiromi x Reader
Unrequited love
Hiromi didn't want to see how your face fell when you met his date, but it was hard to miss. You were not just his close coworker but also his friend, someone he had feelings for, and he didn't want to hurt you.
It's almost like you cared. Like you didn't want to hear Hiromi say he was seeing someone.
Of course, you can feel how you want; it's your feelings. But why did you care now? You were seeing someone so what did it matter? 
"Hiromi? You alright?" 
"Yes. Sorry. Just thinking on the case I received before we left out."
"Yeah? What can you tell me about it?" 
"Nothing," he sips his coffee, feeling the cup's warmth against his palm, looking out at the passing pedestrians outside the cafe. "I'd sat the file on my desk, and we walked out." Almost scalding, the bottom of the very hot mug rested in his palm, but his thoughts of you, like a persistent ache, distracted him from the wink of pain.
His date seemed unconvinced but didn't push further. Iana instead reached over the table to hold his free hand. 
"What are you doing? He pulled away, confused by the sudden motion.
"I- I wanted to hold your hand. I should've asked." The embarrassment was evident as her darting eyes couldn't find a place to land.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I just wasn't paying attention. I'm not used to too much PDA. You'll have to forgive me."
Hiromi reached over and gently grabbed her hand, his thumb lightly circling as he went for another sip of coffee. "Tell me about your day. Final exams were coming up the last time we got together. Did your students perform well?"
Hiromi couldn't help but feel a slight ache back in his office. He forced himself to be over you. Hearing about your new romantic partner made it easier. Yet, seeing how your jaw tensed and hand clenched when he introduced his date challenged that. "She's dating someone. I told her how I felt, and it wasn't reciprocated. It's done. Get over it, Higuruma."
His gaze is fixed on the screen of his computer, but his mind is far away for the remainder of the work day.
Despite his attempts to move on, he finds himself lingering on hopes and what-ifs, unable to shake the feeling that there could have been something between you two. There was something there. You wouldn't have been so obviously unamused at his date if there wasn't. Hiromi didn't consider himself a risk taker, but he'd take all the risks for you. He'd step off of his usual path for you. 
Staring blankly at the screen, his thoughts are filled with acceptance, knowing that even this month-old relationship was just a place filler. It wasn't meant to last. But you still weren't his. Yet.
Pulling up the app, he quickly texted before packing up for the day.
05:41pm Message from Higuruma H.:
Could you come to my office tomorrow? Whenever you're free. It's nothing urgent. I just want to catch up.
Kento looked down at your phone and saw a text from Higuruma, knowing it was your coworker who recently confessed his feelings.
"Was that my phone?" You asked from your kitchen, grabbing snacks for your movie night.
"No. Was mine. Friends want to go out tonight, but I'm not feeling it." He quickly deleted the text, swiping from your recent app to cover himself. "You are much better company than them, darling."
You sat the charcuterie board down in front of you, sitting next to Kento before poking his chest. "Oh, you're just being sweet so we can watch Sense and Sensibility again."
"If it works, then yes." Kento kisses your temple, smiling as he grabs a biscotti from the board. "Before the movie goes, can we talk about something?"
There is a subtle tension in his jaw, your hand instinctually soothing it. "What is it?" His eyes held a determined gaze to tell you he was serious about his words.
"I know we tried this in the past. But I want to show you how serious I am about us." Kento grabbed a small trinket box from his satchel and placed it in your hand. "I had you once and didn't understand how incredible having your love was. I don’t want to lose that. I want us to become exclusive... again. To focus on fostering the great relationship I know we can have."
That feeling of uncertainty settled in your gut, and you knew you should’ve led with it. He tried slowing things down only a week ago to avoid emotions flaring. Now, he wanted exclusivity. He's showing up currently, but he is good for not keeping his word. He showed you this when he stood you up on your anniversary and, after a terrible case, told you he wanted to go out for drinks with friends when all you needed was him. Your first time breaking up was because he could never show up and be present. But your fear of being unloved and alone preceded the apparent red flags around his intentions.
There was going to be no permanent change. And Kento was well aware of that.
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wolfinitethewolf · 1 day
It's here!
Alright! After a long time I can reveal my fic for @sthbigbang, Memories in the Sky!
Really hope you'll all enjoy it, and a really big thanks to the amazing artists who've all done an amazing piece for it! Please do go and check them out! I'll be rebloggin' their amazing work here, but I declare that you go and see it yourself! Actually, another thanks to 'em for putting up with how long it took for me to actually finish it, :D Asides from that, here is the lovely talent behind the amazing artwork for this:
@fleetways Their art @grimly-arts Their art @bittersweet-cj Their art
Heres the link to the AO3 version: MEMORIES IN THE SKY
But if you wanna read it here, a small summary, and under the cut shall be the fic itself :D
Sonic and Tails have had many adventures over the few years that they've known each over. Of course, when you have so many battles, even the painful, adrenaline boosting, and heartfelt battles are easy to move on from.
After battling against Dr. Eggman once again, the classic duo Sonic and Tails sit down together to catch a break and relax. However, as the two look up to the sky, some certain star formations begin to emerge, alongside with a few of their past adventures.
For the STH Big Bang 2024!
Sonic and Tails were sitting together on top of one of the many floating platforms that occupy green hill. Some stray blades of grass were gently blowing in the breeze. The sun was setting, casting its final orange light over the sea right before Sonic and Tails’ eyes. The stars were beginning to come out as the darkness rose over the horizon.
“Haha that was fun, wasn’t it lil’ buddy?” Sonic turned his head towards Tails, smiling in joy at the thrilling conclusion of another battle. “Yeah! Eggman stood no chance! Not when we are both around!” Sonic laughed, sitting up straight, shuffling the grass underneath him. “Haha, right you are! Besides, a few bots is nothing compared to literally anything else you and I have taken down without a problem!”
Tails gives Sonic a cheeky grin. “Oh really? You sure nothing at all has been a hassle for you?” Sonic grins, crossing his arms. “I am certain of it! Nothing can beat me! Now or ever!” After giving his statement, he picks up a blade of grass and fiddles with it in between his fingers.
As the two had their conversation, the sun was finally out of view. Only black with various shades of purple behind the many stars sitting in the sky. Time seemed to freeze, with Sonic and Tails being the only ones still moving and awake.
“Well… What about that time when Knuckles one shot you and took all the Chaos Emeralds?” Sonic gave a short laugh. “Well to be fair, I did not use them as much as I do now. Also he got me by surprise really…” Tails rolled his eyes. “Ok… What about the various races you lost to Jet?” “Hahaha I won a lot more races than he did! Besides, I was letting him win. After all, gotta let him think he won something.” Tails looks over at Sonic with a doubting look. “Ok. Then what about Mecha Sonic? That was more recent.” “C’mon, I had a broken ankle, you can’t count that! Also to make it fair, didn’t you also lose to him when trying to save me?” Sonic grinned, jabbing an elbow at Tails too quick for him to block with either of his tails.
“Haha, well why don’t you ask Mecha what he has to say about that?” Sonic lowered his eyelids. “Ehh, don’t want to bother him, y’know?” Sonic let go of the blade of grass he was playing with, letting it glide through the air into the ocean below them. “Whatever you say…” Just as Tails was about to add on something else, he held his breath, lowering his ears slightly. Changing his mind on whatever he was about to speak.
“Hm? Tails, you all good?” Tails perked back up. “Yeah! I’m all good!” Sonic gave a doubtful look, but moved on anyway. Tails closed his eyes, relaxing and enjoying the quiet.
The stars began to shine and sparkle, illuminating the night as the clouds covered the moon in a blanket.
“Heh. Hey Tails, don’t you think those stars over there look like the Chaos Emeralds? Like, the basic outline of them.” Sonic held a finger up to a group of stars, as Tails opened his eyes and followed where he was looking. “Huh, I guess they do kinda look like them…” Sonic and Tails stare at them in silence before Sonic speaks up. “They sure have come in handy, huh? I mean, we’ve done so much with them! Took down Eggman with them, multiple times may I add. Chaos, Time Eater, Dragon looking Metal Sonic- twice, all the Titans and the End on Starfall Island, and got rid of the Metal Virus! That's just to name a few!” Sonic had both hands on his hip, grinning in pride looking at Tails.
“Well yeah, but- wait, most of your victories were won due to the Chaos Emeralds! So you did technically get help after all!” Tails grinned at Sonic, mimicking what Sonic was doing and placing his hands on his hips in a similar manner. They both sat there in silence for a brief moment before Sonic came up with a response. “Well I mean, who wouldn’t want to fly around golden and all? C’mon, admit it, it's super cool. Pun intended.”
Tails gave Sonic an annoyed look. “First. You did need them. There is no way you would have otherwise. Second. Yeah, it is really cool. Third, That was a really bad pun. I would give that a 2/10.” Sonic gave Tails a dramatic response, pulling a “disheartened” face and resting his palm on his head. “Oh c’mon. That's quite the harsh review. I guess I’ll never do a pun ever again. This world is too cruel to say anything without judgment!” Sonic fell back onto the grass. “I guess that's the end of Sonic. His true enemy is a bad critic review.”
Sonic closed his eyes and smirked. “A bad critic review indeed.” Tails flicked a round stone at Sonic, landing on his forehead. Sonic got up, the stone falling back onto the ground from where Tails picked it up. “Ah. Enough of that. Truth is I am glad to have your help. You, Knuckles, Amy, heck even Shadow! You are all my friends! There is no one else I’d rather have my back than you all!”
“I knew that. Just waited for you to admit it.” Sonic gave a small laugh, smiling. “Ah well. You win some and you lose some.” Just as Sonic said that a stray leaf glided in out of nowhere and smacked itself into Sonic’s face, catching him off guard. Just as quickly as it landed, it took off, following the breeze. Sonic and Tails sat there for no less than a second before going into a fit of laughter, despite it not overall being that funny to begin with.
“Woah! Look at the ocean!” Tails joined in with Sonic gazing at the sea to see the beautiful sight of the stars reflected by the ocean's surface, with various ocean life illuminated underneath submerged by water. “Wait, aren't you supposed to be afraid of water?” Tails gave Sonic a sly side glance. “Well when I am in it. I mean, it can be beautiful. But from afar, and not too close to me…” Tails snickered. “I mean, you say that while we are sitting on a small floating platform almost right above the ocean…” Sonic wrapped one arm around Tails’ shoulder. “Ahh shut it you. You’ll make me wanna run off.” “Don’t be dramatic…”
Sonic and Tails continued to admire the stars as Tails decided to turn Sonic’s earlier comment into a game of sorts. “Look! Don’t those stars look like Trip’s helmet! When you look at it reflected in the water!” Sonic pointed his head downwards. “Yeah they do buddy!”
Sonic picked up a stone off the ground and skilfully tossed it at the ocean, as it skipped across the sea. “The highlight of it all was I remember in Cyber Station when Knuckles knocked me down a platform and sent me flying! Man, now that I think back on it that happened quite a bit, with you having to catch me. Heh. What fun…” Tails gave Sonic an irritated look. “I am pretty sure that was you being stubborn and just leaping before you looked, which then led me to having to catch you…. Quite a few times…” Sonic shrugged. “Eh, same story…”
“Well what about in Speed Jungle when you ran off so fast you were stuck having to beat that robot at the end of the zone all by yourself? You were having a hard time until me, Amy, and Knuckles arrived.” Sonic held a finger up to his chin, rethinking the scenario. “I don’t believe that exactly happened. More like that Knucklehead could not keep up…” As Sonic said that he tossed another stone at the sea, skipping like the previous one. “Oh yeah? You sure about that? Why don’t you sit back and think for a minute?” Tails questioned, as Sonic sat there with his arms folded, reimagining the event.
Sonic had blazed through the jungle, scattering vines, fog, and leaves everywhere. He skillfully jumped in between platforms or walls, not coming to a halt for even a mere second. While he was having a fun time, the rest of his crew was not.
Tails, Amy, and Knuckles were trying their best to keep up with their blue friend, as he left them behind in the dust. It was very easy to see where he was going due to his speed leaving quite the trail behind him. Vines he used to get across were still swinging, wooden bridges still swaying wildly.
“Sonic! Wait up!” Tails cupped his hands around his mouth in an attempt to make himself louder. However, the hedgehog was either ignoring him, or was too far ahead to hear anything the group was saying. Tails spinned his namesakes faster, in hopes of catching up. “Sonic!”
After many failed attempts to catch up, the trio came to a halt to catch their breaths. Amy had her hands on her knees, Tails was gasping for air, and Knuckles stood there, not out of breath but irritated about being left behind. Amy let out a sigh of defeat. “Why does Sonic keep running off like that?” While she finally had the chance to stop running, she picked out stray twigs from her quills and dress, scratches all over her.
Knuckles had his nose to the ground, not saying anything more than a grunt, leaning up against a tall and rounded off rock. Tails was sitting on the ground plucking out all the twigs tangled in his tails’ fur, mattered and rough. “Hopefully he’ll be alright until we reach him…” Amy said as she sat down to catch her breath.
The sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping echoed around as the blue blur slowed to a walk when in a darker space. Of course, he was speed walking. But nonetheless walking. There was only a little light source guiding him. Only just enough to see his own hands and legs in front of him. For the most part he was feeling his way around.
The jungle surrounding smelt damp and moist; thick warm air making it somewhat hard to breathe. As Sonic guided himself using the smooth stones and rough bark of the trees, he saw a small light up ahead. Getting excited, he dashed forward, finally about to get out. But just as he was halfway there, he tripped over a loose stone, which sent him flying into a vine, launching him upwards as he smacked himself into an overhanging platform. The sound of stones cracking against each other rang out as pebbles and dirt fell alongside Sonic.
Sonic fell with a thud. He got up and tried wiping away the dirt that had gotten into his eyes. He shook any remaining dirt and stones that had gotten stuck to him. Coughing out what had gotten into his mouth, he went at a steady pace towards the exit, rubbing his watering eyes.
Stumbling over his own footing as he readjusted to the dark terrain, eyes still watering, he finally made it out of the dark space, sneezing out the dust that had gotten up his nose. “Gah!” He had to shield his eyes as he stepped out into the sunlight. Shaking it off, he sprinted forwards, only to immediately bump into something cold and smooth. A badnik. It was shaped as an egg, (to no one’s surprise) and had two robotic arms coming out of it.
Sonic grinned, standing up straight as he dashed forwards, trying to get a hit only for it to grapple the above terrain and lift itself up much too high for Sonic to reach. As it gripped the branches of some trees and vines, some fell down gently onto the ground, which would include an oversized leaf falling onto his face, blocking his view.
Unfortunately for Sonic, that was much more than enough time for the badnik to throw itself back onto the ground and send a nasty hit right at him with one of its arms, sending Sonic soaring through the air, rings scattering across the ground. He hits the side of some terrain, cracking the wall underneath him as he tumbles amongst chunks of earth, crunching, sliding and cracking. He lands on his chest, getting buried alive.
Before Sonic could even get out of the rubble, he was grabbed with force and slammed into the ground. A web pattern formed underneath him in the terrain as it cracked open, dust and dirt flying up into the air. Sonic trembling, tries to get back up only for a flurry of hits to keep coming at him. The smell of dust and earth becoming more clear with each his as the sound of earth splitting apart booms through the jungle.
Amy was fidgeting with her hammer while Knuckles and Tails sat together resting up a bit before some loud sounds burst out from up ahead. Clearly Sonic got himself into trouble. “Looks like he needs our help again…” Knuckles mumbled out as he started to walk forward, with Amy getting up to follow along. Tails was already spinning his tails madly, trying to reach Sonic as fast as he could. “Tails wait!” Amy called out as her and Knuckles followed along, the three following the sounds of earth shattering.
Sonic was receiving hit after hit, sending him further into the ground as the small crater in the ground got deeper and deeper. It felt as if in slow motion that a window opened; astray grass speeding through the wind came to a halt, the dust and debris froze, and the robot paused. Quickly, Sonic curled up into a ball, spinning as fast as he could.
The robot sent another hit, however that would be its downfall as once it made contact with the hedgehog, its arm was sawed clean off, sparks and metal flying through the air with a loud screech. An upside for Sonic which he was not prepared for was that the pressure from the hit also sent Sonic flying out of danger, like a slingshot. Still curled tightly in a ball, he cleaved a line of trees right in half until he landed harshly into the ground.
Sonic got up almost in an instant, ignoring the pain all over his body and the sharp ringing in his ears and pumped his fists into the air, happy that he disabled one arm. He sped right back to the fightzone, ready to hit it again when another arm took place of the damaged one and hit Sonic midair. Sonic let out a startled yelp as he was hit once again, tumbling through the ground.
By now due to all the attacks on the poor terrain, there was a very thick cloud of dust going through the air, which was making Sonic’s throat dry and giving him the urge to sneeze more and more. Determined to win, Sonic leapt at the robot once more, attempting to smash clean through another arm.
Carefully navigating the dark, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles safely made it to the exit, where they could already see that quite the fight was going down. Debris was soaring everywhere, a thick coating of dust was making it harder to breath in the area, and the ground was trembling wildly. To top it off, the group could hear Sonic’s iconic spindash bouncing off metal and making an impact in the ground. “We have to help him!” Amy shouted out over the chaos as she grabbed her piko piko hammer out and charged forward, as Knuckles and Tails followed into the battle.
Sonic could not even see where he was going anymore; there was too much dust and dirt fogging the field. While stumbling around to get his footing he was getting attacked from every direction and slammed back into the ground. It was getting far too intense for him to deal with at this rate, with the ground looking like a minefield, and the wildlife facing the consequences. Just as the robot prepares for another blow, it’s knocked right over, landing in one of the many craters in the terrain below, dense, hollow metal making a low clang as the ground shifted beneath it.
“There you are.” Knuckles made his way towards Sonic, head turned down. “Look what happens when you run off.” Amy ran into the scene, treading lightly over gaps in the ground or smoking pits. “Knuckles, don’t be like that, just help him up.” Knuckles grunted in response, waving his arm through the thick smoke as he went to lift Sonic up. However, his arm was shoved aside as Sonic struggled to get up himself, coughing out smoke that he had inhaled during the fight.
As he stood up, shaking under the pressure of the cuts and bruises he had received from the attacks, he turned to face Knuckles, annoyed with the idea of needing help. “M’kay, dealt with worse.” Once up he shook his head and body off, as stones and debris rolled off and clattered on the ground. Coughing too much, he gestures with his hand to the robot getting back up.
Gears and metal clacked together as the metal frames grinded in its strain to get back up. A curved, smooth dent in the side of its body from the hit Knuckles delivered. Lighting up its eyes, the engines whirred loud and fast, as it prepared for the new opponents.
Amy sprinted ahead, mad at it for harming Sonic. Before she could get a swing with her hammer however, the robot grabbed an overhanging tree that had been knocked right down and lifted itself up high, far out of reach from Amy. “Hey, that's not fair! Get back down here!” Amy pouted helplessly as she stared furiously at it.”Tails! Lift me up there so I can give him a taste of my hammer!” However, Tails was instead gazing up at it with a finger up to his chin, lost in thought.” Sonic dragged his right foot through the rubble, the terrain crunching with each step. He put a hand over his friend's shoulder and tilted his head. Tails looked at him, his tails swaying softly in the dirt, dust sticking to his fur and glinting in the lighting. “I think I-”
Tails was pushed out of the way by Sonic when one of the arms launched at them. More dirt flying into the air and all over the group. Tails had protectively shield him and Sonic with his namesakes in reaction to the sudden movement. All the fur on his tails became rough and mattered, feeling like cotton candy as more dirt clung onto them.
Knuckles’ eyes lit up in rage as he lifted up a chunk of rock and threw it at the badnik’s arm, snapping it as the sound of static popping and crackling rang out. The rest of the arm hangs limp, shards of metal falling onto the rest of the arm like rain; static springing out of both ends. It retracted the arm as two new ones took its place.
“Great! How do we disable this thing!” Knuckles clenched his fists and glared at the badnik with pure rage. Another arm launched itself at where Sonic and Tails had landed, as they narrowly dodge it by a hair, jumping opposite directions. Recoiling the new arm fast, as it snapped back to its base.
Amy, Knuckles, and Sonic start dodging the fast attacks, rolling out of harm's way. However, Tails was focusing on the robot more, analyzing its movements. Everything was moving in a pattern for him. Seeing outcomes and logic to use against it.
Sonic was running as best as he could, due to the beating from before. However, his shoe skidded across a loose stone, and he face planted into a deep crater. Seeing another arm target him, he rolled onto his side just in time. The gears clicked over and over as it struggled to pull the arm back. Tails looked closer, and saw what had happened. Because of the crater taking in a lot of damage, there was still loose rubble and terrain that was barely holding up at the edges. So when the arm had dug itself into the ground with force, all that rubble had come down and buried the arm.
The only downside to that was that Sonic had not rolled fully out of the crater, and had his left leg and arm buried. Tails knew what to do. “Knuckles! Climb up the arm and attack the robot from where you impacted it before!” Knuckles nodded, not hesitating for a second, stumbling in small gaps or indents in the ground.
Gripping onto the cold, silky surface of the arm, he dragged himself upwards, digging the tip of his shoes into the small gaps so he did not slide or slip. As the badnik tried to free itself, shaking and jolting, Knuckles pressed himself closer, so he would not go free falling with every movement.
He got higher and higher to the base, his leather shoes squeaking with every step, it became easier to move up, as the base was more stiff and solid unlike the middle and end where it's unstable. Almost able to stand, he started to run up, seeing the small dent on the side of it.
Jumping into the air, he threw a huge hit at the mark, a loud boom as a giant hole revealed gears and wires, metal sheets rattling inside it, resting at the bottom.. Static popped as the robot's arms stopped moving. Knuckles seeing it shut down gilded off it, gracefully landing on the damaged ground as the robot creaked and loosened its grip on the above canopy. Falling with a massive thud that shook the nearby ground, the lights illuminating the eyes dimmed.
Knuckles grunted, as Amy and Tails helped get Sonic’s limbs out of the rubble. “Well that takes care of it.” Brushing off dust, he made his way to the three and grabbed Sonic with one hand, lifting him out without any effort. “This is what happens when you run off. Next time, wait.” Knuckles left it at that and turned his back away, waiting for what they would do next.
Tails ran in front of Sonic, worried. “Are you alright Sonic, that looked like a pretty nasty beating…” Sonic merely closed his eyes and grinned, holding a thumbs up to his pal, assuring he was ok. Sonic then gestured to the path ahead, ready to move on.
Relaying the memory, hand cupping his mouth, he turned to Tails, as his buddy finished ‘correcting’ what Sonic had ended on. “Well I don't remember Knuckles having to step in. Are you sure you remembered that correctly?” Tails rolled his eyes, knowing that Sonic was just lying to keep up his ego. “Regardless, you needed our help when you faced it off alone.” “Ehhh, I think I still had dust in my eye…” Tails laughed it off. “Whatever you want to believe, since I’ll have the correct memory here.” Tails tapped his forehead, taunting Sonic with the fact that he was very much going to bring it up another time.
“Actually another thing I really remember was that giant dragon thing!” Tails shifted. “Do you mean Trip’s superform, or the one you fought?” Sonic picked a stray quill out of his head. “The giant purple one. Don’t really remember much of it now, since it was a while ago, but yeah.” Sonic flicked the quill out of his hand, falling into the ocean with a small splash. Sonic slouched over a little, resting his face in his hands.
Tails gave Sonic a confused stare for a solid 10 seconds. “You mean to tell me you remember Speed Jungle more than something you fought in your superform?” Sonic laughed, his warm breath visible in the cold, sharp air. “Yeah. Wasn’t the coolest thing I fought…” Tails still in disbelief moved on, thinking about how Sonic could forget that so easily.
A cold sharp breeze blew by, raising the fur on Tails’ back. He wrapped both of his tails around his torso. Sonic sat back upright. “Gettin’ pretty cold, huh?” Tails’ ears perked up a little. “No, just a cold breeze. Nothing much…” Sonic looked down at the sea, and behind him at the terrain. “Well I mean I would get something warm like a blanket, but we are sitting on a platform high up so…” Tails glanced down at the scenery below. “Nonono it’s fine! Like I said, just a small breeze.” Sonic shrugged. “Eh, if you say so…”
As the night went on, a small, thin sheet of fog covered the ground and sea, made visible by the various lighting all around. Only just visible.
“Oh Tails, don’t you think that looks like Chaos when he consumed all the Emeralds” Tails corrected Sonic, unfolding his Tails from his body. “You mean Perfect Chaos?” Sonic rolled his eyes at the correction. “Same difference…” “No not really…” Sonic folded his arms. “Moving on from that…” Tails sighed.
“Man, now that I think about it, Chaos did a heck lot of damage. Like, he tore down all of Station Square, huh?” Tails drew in a breath. “I mean, he was like, very big and the flooding did not help. He also drained all the Chaos Emeralds too.” Sonic and Tails both visualized that very event, looking up into the stars as if they were watching the event right before their eyes.
Everything was in ruin. Towers and skyscrapers had tilted over and banged into other buildings, causing collateral damage. Flames from gas stations and electronics flickered and spread, smoke rising through the air and making it hard to breathe or see, as it burned everyone's eyes.
Lights from street lamps and stores flickered on and off, reflecting in the rising water. Streets and pathways had crumbled and caved in, sinking beneath the water. Car alarms were blaring all around, making a loud and distressing sound. However, above all was the deep, piercing roar that Chaos let out as he laid waste to anything still standing, turrets of water blazing through the streets.
G.U.N helicopters circled around, whirring and piercing through the wind.Attempting to disarm the creature, they had sent missiles and rockets at it, screeching as they sped past. No explosions or bangs were heard however as they did no damage to the creature made of water, sinking down to the base of him and floating out to sea.
Finding the attackers, Chaos sent sharp and precise jets of water at the vehicles occupying the skies, cutting clean through. Each one making a loud bang or pop as they all blew up, whatever was left of the frame falling into the water or structures and causing further damage.
Everyone was screaming and running in terror, hiding in toppled buildings that could no longer fall, or evacuating the area, footsteps rippling the water.
However, a few did not flee; standing on a fallen road was Sonic, watching Perfect Chaos continue his reign of terror. As the water levels rise, the smell of salt water and oil becomes more overwhelming by the second, burning at Sonic’s throat. His fur had become damp and heavy, pointing more downwards. His gloves and socks were soaked, darker in color.
He watched as Eggman’s ship slowly flew in, the engines working at a high pitch. “Eggman! Looks like he’s after the Chaos Emeralds too!” Unable to do anything from down below, he watched as Eggman flew in closer to the main scene. Static rings out at a high frequency before they adjust, Eggman’s voice blaring though. “This Egg Carrier Two was made because something like this could happen. You have defied your master, stupid beast. Now you must be destroyed at all costs!”
Facing Perfect Chaos, Eggman prepares to launch something, alarms going off. Chaos sees this and opens his mouth wide open. A ball of energy grows at quick speeds, before a massive laser of blue and purple goes forth, cutting the stress and towers in half as he raises it up to the Egg Carrier, not stopping until it’s facing the sky. Smoke bellows out from the gaps of the Egg Carrier, as sparks follow suit. Purple particles fade out from where the laser was last.
Emergency alarms go out as the ship begins to fall downwards, gliding in between structures, no longer in sight. Last thing to be seen of the ship was the giant ball of fire that shot out from wherever it landed, a giant boom rattling the skies. Before Sonic could make a taunt about that bening the end of him, a small scream is heard as he goes flying high up into the sky, seated in his Eggmobile.
Sonic had seen too much damage in one day for his liking, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. “I’ve had enough! Who do you think you are anyway?” Chaos however, could not hear his angry shouts as he was too tall and too far away. What he did not prepare for was a small, red neon orb to gently fall from the sky towards him. Red particles flickered off the light, fading into the air.
Shuddering above the ground, Sonic holds his hand underneath it, palm facing upwards. “Oh, it’s you, the one who sealed Chaos… In the Master Emerald! Tikal!” As the red light hovered there above his hand, red light reflected with ease over Sonic as water dripped down his fur, glinting and highlighting the dark shadows. Despite his senses burning under the intensifying smell of salt water and smoke, he kept his focus on the moment happening right before him.
A bright flash consumed Sonic’s line of vision as it died out to reveal Tikal standing in front of him, grasping both of her hands. Drawing in a breath, she spoke to the hedgehog. “My heart has always been in the Master Emerald along with chaos’. Now he is filled with anger and sadness.” She looks up at Chaos, in fear and worry, voice quivering. “If it goes on, he’ll eventually destroy the world like he did before!” As she says those final words, Chaos lets out a long, ear-splitting roar as the Chaos Emeralds emerge from him, circling above him.
Lowering his head as he let out a low rumble, the Emeralds blast forward like shooting stars, scattering everywhere. Dark blue plummeted down, clattering like an empty glass bottle as it hit the pavement, scraping the concrete as it rolled on its side, resting at Sonic’s shoe. Before Sonic could even dare to pick it up, the light diminished, dulling to a dark and lifeless gray. Any energy radiating from it faded as its neon pulse slowed. Its final breath was visible in the vivid blue static that bounced off it and onto the ground, jittering across the water.
Tikal in pure dismay, stared down at the cold Emerald, covering her mouth with her hands. “He’s absorbed the Emeralds power! He must be sealed in the Master Emerald, now!” Sonic, looking down at his reflection in the glass Emerald, shook his head. “How can that help?” Sonic looked up to face Tikal, clenching his fist in front of his chest as he stepped forwards, scuffing the Emerald on the ground. “It won't change how he feels inside. His heart will still remain in turmoil and his anger just won’t vanish! He’ll just be trapped forever!”
As he finishes his sentence, the ground below shakes and quivers as Chaos does more damage close by, bellowing cries of rage. Tikal, trying to talk over the commotion, steps closer to Sonic, making herself more easy to hear. “What choice do we have?” Her voice becomes more filled with worry each time the sounds of something being torn apart echoed through the scene.
Nearby, while Sonic had his conversation to Tikal, his friends had seen the displaced Emeralds shoot out and had gone after them. Big had found one by pure chance, as it had drifted through the water and plinked against the cold metal hook of his fishing rod. Neon red fizzling out as if the water was draining it and fading off to sea. Grabbing it out, as water slid down the smooth Emerald, he calmly made his way towards his dear blue friend.
Tails, knowing very well about the situation, did not hesitate to go and fly towards the one that had fallen closest to him. Finding it wedged between the windshield of a car. Glass fragments lay atop the Emerald and hood. Tails grabbed it firmly and yanked it out, small shards of glass flying outwards from the force, chattering on the ground. He brushed off any remaining glass with the side of his hand briskly. With no time to lose, he sped towards Sonic, his tails whirring behind.
Amy had been watching Chaos from afar, standing on a relatively straight tower watching him ditch the Emeralds. Various colors reflecting off of the metal structures and flooding water. In a mere second, a blinding streak of cyan light whipped right past her head and landed with a bang as small chunks of rubble bounced off her hand, protecting her face in reaction.
Opening her eyes and moving her hands to her sides, she saw cyan static pop and fizzle as a darkened Chaos Emerald was left behind. No longer warm or pulsing, but dead and gray. Grabbing it in her palm, she swiftly went to find Sonic.
Knuckles had already known beforehand. So in advancement, he already had a stale Emerald in one hand, clenching it firmly to assure that it would not be going anywhere else. Using only one hand to cling onto the surface of an unstable pillar, he located the other Emerald.
It was drifting away from the city as the water levels had risen. Retracting his namesakes that he had dug into the pillar, as concrete burst outward, he glided downwards towards the lost Emerald. Nabbing the last one, he landed with a splash. To his luck, the water was shallow since he was standing on a sunken bridge. Slowly, he began to make his way back to his friends, water above his waist.
Sonic and Tikal had stood there in silence as Sonic watched Tikal fear the worst about the situation. Hearing slow footsteps, he turned to see Big with an Emerald in hand. Big, oddly calm and happy, reached his arm out, a Chaos Emerald in hand. “Sonic! I found this in the water and thought you could use it!” Big's low voice rattled off the Emerald as Sonic carefully took it out of his hand, not knowing what to say as he saw his other friends arrive with the rest of the Emeralds.
“Hey, Sonic!” Amy cheerfully waved to him as she ran up with another Emerald. “Here, take this!” She enthusiastically shoved it into his other hand, hoping that he could fix everything. Knuckles casually dropped in with two in tow, grinning. “Hey guys, what's up?” Tails joined in next to Knuckles staring at awe at the ones he had collected.
Another loud roar rippled the water as the skies shook and trembled. Tails, seeing this as his chance, walked closer to Sonic, explained what needed to be said. “Chaos only used the negative powers of the Chaos Emeralds.” Locking eyes with Sonic, as Knuckles moved in closer, he continued. “Sonic, you should be able to harness their real power!” Knuckles drew in a heavy breath, stubbornly agreeing. “As much as I hate to admit it, I think Tails is right about this.”
Tails nodding to what he said, finished what he was saying. “Negative forces aren’t the only way to empower the Chaos Emeralds. Our positive feelings toward each other can make them work. Our hearts together form a stronger power!” Knuckles walked up to face Sonic, as he handed over both Emeralds. Sonic cradling them in one arm as he reached over to pick up the one that had fallen beside him earlier.
He looked up to face Tails, as the last Chaos Emerald was offered in the base of both his hands, arms outstretched. Sonic reached out to grab it, holding on for a second. “Thank you.” Gripping onto it and lifting it from Tails, the Chaos Emeralds began to pulse in their lost colors, like a heartbeat.
In a mere second after, a golden light spiked outwards from the hedgehog, growing stronger and bigger each second. A burst of energy sprang outwards, a loud boom as Sonic was no longer on the ground. Rather, he was hovering above it. His now golden quills turned upright. Warmth radiated off of him as the water on his shoes slid onto the ground. A golden aura covered him as the air surrounding him quivered and became disoriented. Looking up to the sky, his eyes now a crimson red, he took, knowing what to do.
Flying above broken streets and upturned roads, he blasted across the terrain, dodging broken glass or metal that was sticking out from every direction. Darting in between buildings searching for Chaos, his golden light trailing behind. Each time he zoomed across the water, it split at the very surface, spraying outwards, fizzling if the water droplets came in close contact to Sonic.
Blazing through a cloud of thick smoke, he spotted Chaos’ emerald eyes. Making a sharp turn, he made a straight beeline at him. Halfway there, he started to drift off and feel dizzy. He was losing the energy to keep going. He needed more rings. Almost bouncing off the water, he spotted a group of golden rings. He took a detour and grabbed them off the ground, cold metal contrasting the warmth of his aura. Feeling a boost of energy, he picked back up the pace, hovering higher up over the sea, he made his way back to Chaos.
Reaching Chaos, he collided with the base of his form, water spraying outwards from where he went blazing into it. Now inside the body of water, he started to spiral right around his base, going higher and higher up, bubbles bursting out from behind in a cyclone. He held his breath deeply, not certain on his ability to breath underwater in a Superform. Sonic’s golden light illuminated Chaos from the inside, bouncing around and making him look like a night lamp. Reaching his neck, his spiral narrowed, until he reached his mind, floating stiffly above his eyes, the only organic things visible inside Chaos.
Chaos screamed in pure agony as Sonic spin dashed into his brain, being vulnerable and out in the open. Loud, high-pitched wails rung out, over all the alarms going off and fire crackling. Flailing his head around, as water gushed out, he slunk into the water, retreating from the scene. Sonic had burst out of Chaos before he sunk down with him too, his gloves and socks heavy from the water absorbed into them.
Sonic looked around in between the toppled towers for where he had gone. A stiff silence filled the air as nothing but the warm buzz off the Chaos Emeralds energy radiated from him. Seeing a tall figure reform in the distance, Sonic shook his head. “Gonna take more than that to leave the battle.” He went forwards, ducking inbetween buildings and windows, not letting anything stop him from reaching Chaos.
Enraged by the attack, as he saw Sonic rapidly jet towards him, he began to act out. Raising his head to the sky, screeching slow and deep, he summoned golden orbs of light around him, launching them forwards at the hedgehog, looking similar to Sonic dashing about in his form. “Well that's not good!” Rolling around in the air, he dodged the attacks, as they collided with the background instead. Since Chaos was not being direct with where they hit, rather, sending them in one general direction, some collided into the buildings ahead of Sonic.
Groaning under the weight of the many walls of metal, as one energy blast hit a tower, the top of its frame began to slide downwards, before the sound of metal screaming against metal rumbled. It came falling down, metal wires and poles snapping as it crashed into the side of another tower. Glass blew outwards from the pressure, bouncing off of Sonic as he sumersalted just quick enough to avoid being crushed between the two structures.
Now with nothing stopping him, he made his way towards Chaos’ head, instead of trailing up the base of him like last time. Curled into a ball, he sliced clean through the water as he made a direct hit to his brain once again, causing more wails and screams. More water gushed out of Chaos as his head dramatically dangled around, banging into the sides of structures. He slowly slunk back down once again, disappearing into the water. From all the chaos and screams, Sonic’s ears had begun to ring loudly, muffling the sounds of anything else.
While Sonic floated there in the spot, arms crossed as he scanned the terrain for where Chaos had popped back up, the water underneath him bubbled. Out of nowhere, Chaos’ tentacles had burst out of the water, attempting to grab Sonic. Sonic merely batted an eye as he watched Chaos grab him, only for the tentacle-shaped water to fizzle and evaporate, not even touching him. Sonic laughed at the attempt, as he whipped his body right around to see Chaos had rised back up behind the attack.
Not even bothering to curl up and hit him with force, he zoomed right up to him, and sent a kick right at his head once more, dealing the final blow. All the water-formed tentacles had burst, falling back into the sea as Chaos screeched once again in a high pitch, much longer than the last two. Water dripped back down into the ocean, as if he was melting. Going down, he faced his head high up into the sky, letting out his final cry as he sunk back down. Once gone, a giant blue flash filled the air, blinding Sonic, and everyone watching nearby.
Sonic, feeling light-headed, knew that his Superform was coming to an end, raced across the landscape to reach his friends, watching as the water flooding the area started to sink down. Only just making it to his friends, he fell through the sky, as Knuckles and Tails caught him, watching as their friend's golden glow almost melted off, fading away along with the warmth of the Chaos energy. “You alright Sonic?” Tails softly asked, wanting to know if he had sustained any injuries from the fight.
Sonic, getting up and leaving his friends grasp, stood up, dusting off some rubble that was stuck in his quills. “I think if anything my shoes took more damage than I did.” Laughing it off, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, turned to see Chaos in his regular form confronted by some chao. “Chaos has changed again. This time, for the better.” Knuckles filled in, seeing him peacefully watch the chao happily call out to him. “Yeah! Super Sonic must have neutralized it, so it’s nice again.” Tails added, watching the happy conclusion.
“Well at the end of the day, I was left with having to buy new gloves, since they forever more smelt like salt water.” Sonic had joked to Tails, as they finished recapping the memory to each other. Tails just laughed at Sonic’s remark, cold air soothing his throat. “At least you had your Superform, that kept you dry. We all got soaked. My tails looked all thin and shaggy!” That time they both laughed.
While sitting there in silence, Sonic took a long breath. “2 to 1.” Tails turned around, hummed in confusion. “I mean, I’ve spotted two shapes in the sky, and you’ve seen one. So that means I am in the lead.” Tails lowered his eyelids in a skeptical way. “Oh really? I can make it 2 to 3, just watch.” Sonic grinned. “Heh, let's see then.”
Both were intensely staring up at the sky for another cluster of stars that were shaped in the image of something familiar to them. As the night moved on, the wind gently whistling by, fog receding back into the air, Tails almost jumped, pointing right above him and Sonic. Sonic squinted his eyes, leaning back as he could not crane his neck up that far. “Don’t you think that looks like Starline’s glove?” Now on his back to see it clearly, Sonic could indeed make that out to be the doctor's glove. “Yeah, but how’d you see that? It’s right above us?”
Tails held up a finger. “I told you I’d get you 2 to 3!” Sonic shrugged, letting out a long exhale. “Well actually 2 to 2.” Sonic said under his breath before saying something else on top of that. “He sure did a lot of messed up things while he was around. Even went after you, didn’t he?” Tails hummed in response, nodding his head stiffly. “What even happened back there? Since me and Shadow were outside dealing with other things. “Honestly not much, he just tried to grab me again, which failed.” “Surely he did more than that!” Sonic doubted Starline turning over just like that. “Honestly, apart from when he had me tied up on the rollercoaster, he did nearly nothing.”
The chateau’s smell of pine wood wafted through the air as Tails, Belle, Rouge, and everyone else there evacuated the people staying to a safer location, as Starline had sent down an avalanche as part of his plan. The ground was faintly rumbling, already giving the warning to leave. Footsteps echoed around the fancy building as everyone ran out. However, while the main crowd was going one way, someone was walking forwards, towards the group of heroes.
Omega’s static voice rang out as he ‘encouraged’ the guests to leave. Tails was covering his ears since he was right beside him. He could, however, hear Rouge. “We should get going, too.” Before they could even take a step, someone announced themselves. “No, you’re not going anywhere.” Starline was standing there, facing down Tails.
“I am having a very long day, so I’ll keep this simple. All I need is young master Prower there… Hand him over and you can go. Deal?” Amy clenched her hammer tightly. “Dream on, jerk!” Amy and Rouge jumped forward to attack the deranged doctor, floorboard creaking as they both stepped forward. Belle just watched, mouth open as she became confused. “Who is that guy?” “Dr. Starline? An Eggman wannabe.”
As Tails says that, Starline presses something on his glove, as a red, loose aura forms around him, deflecting both Rouge and Amy’s attacks easily. Belle, getting worried, steps back a little, the wooden planks on the ground groaning under her weight. “That doesn't look like a wannabe to me…” “Don’t worry. Nobody can beat Amy when she’s made up her mind!” As if to show, Amy gets a direct hit to Starline’s jaw, cracking loudly. Rouge also gets some pretty good hits in too, winding him as she gets him in the chest with a kick.
Getting irritated with the halt in his plans, he pressed something on his glove again, as a blue aura danced around his body. In a flash, he was in front of Tails, a loud boom as he came to a stop. Even Tails had jumped in shock, his namesakes wildly spinning behind him. Starline grabbed onto said tails, pulling at his fur roughly. “Time to go, fox.” He said that last word with a hind of venom, clearly annoyed. Tails, gritting his teeth so hard that he heard them click. “I dont think so.”
Quickly facing Belle, he grabbed her tail, rough rope rubbing against his gloves as he tugged it. Wooden gears clicking into place as the sound of a thin, tight rope quivered. Starline only just noticed her presence right then. “What in the world…?” Belle got scared, voice shaking. “Ah, my tail-” Before she could finish, her legs jumped up in front of her, getting Starline right under the jaw, teeth clashing up as they gritted against each other painfully.
Tears welled up in his eyes, as he grasped his bill, shaking from the shock. “Oh come on! What even was that!” He started to see stars, the hit being a lot more powerful than Tails expected. As the three stood there, with Amy and Rouge approaching fast, the ground shook violently, as rumbling got closer to where they were. “Wait, what is that Sound?” Starline muttered, still feeling sore, a metal taste filling his mouth.
Rouge, Amy, and Tails ran out of the scene as fast as they could, with Tails holding onto Belle’s arm. Starline however, was still disoriented, and could not get out of the way, head beginning to ring, and still seeing stars, making it impossible for him to tell where to go. As Tails and co were safely out of the way, the snow began to build up on the giant glass windows, pressure building up in seconds as more and more snow, trees, and debris piled up.
Starline then realized what would happen, shielding his face with his palms. As if on queue, the glass and wooden beams gave in, snapping like a twig as glass shattered and mixed in with the snow, clattering against the wooden roof and remaining walls. As the snow reached Starline, along with all the shards of glass and splinters of wood, giving Starline nasty cuts, he yelled out as he was buried alive. Underneath the cold, he began to shiver violently, frostbite starting and making the pain in his bill worse. It did not help that some snow had lodged itself up his fancy jacket, giving him a nasty shock.
Tails and everyone else, including the guests, were safe on the higher floors, looking outside as everything down below was buried in thick, solid snow. Even some trees had snapped and fallen down with it. All the fresh snow, being high up the mountains, gave the air a cold, damp, metal smell.
“Huh, I guess not much really happened after all…” Tails just nodded. “Yeah, thankfully his avalanche backfired at just the right time.” Sonic just burst out laughing, almost choking as the night air made his throat dry and hoarse. Coughing a little, he grinned, still chucking. “But you and Belle gave him a good hit! He had it coming if he tried to mess with any of you!” Tails just gave a small laugh, avoiding hurting his throat from the piercing cold. “Yeah, Belle can defend herself much more than she’ll give herself credit. After all, her frame is pretty sturdy and can withstand a lot of damage.”
Sonic sat upright shivering, pressing his knees to his chest and wrapping. “Wow, getting a lot more cold than before!” Tails had his namesakes lightly pressed up to his sides, as he had thicker fur that was withstanding the cold much better. “Well yeah, it's late at night and the sun has gone down. It’s not like there's going to be warm rays of moonlight.” Tails sassed off Sonic, in a know-it-all voice, winding him up.
“Well with all the crazy things going on around us, there might be a moon that acts as the sun!.” He had his hands to his hips, grinning. Of course Sonic was just saying that to be annoying. But Tails played along. “Whatever floats your boat…”“Ahh Tails, why so mean!” They both sat there, as they laughed.
All the fog that was on the ground disappeared, making the reflections in the water much more clear. Sonic and Tails were still holding their heads up to the sky. While the glove and helmet were still fairly easy to see, the stars appearing like Chaos had disappeared somewhere else. Sonic opened a single eye to the glove, lying back down on the ground with his arms propping his head back up. “Well, Starline did much more than try to take you.”
Rather than answering, Tails just focused primarily on the glove. “I mean, he did some pretty bad things. He brought Eggman back to his old self, which then brought the Metal Virus, he then, like we just talked about, tried to take you. He then kidnapped Belle until the Chaotix got there. To top it all off, he then did something to Surge and Kit. It’s a shame that we still don’t know the full story to that either, only that he used a bunch of stuff to make them…”
Sonic’s face had gone from calm to more focused and thoughtful, still not happy with Starlines actions. “Well I am pretty sure he also broke Zavok, Mimic, and Rough and Tumble out too…” Tails had his finger to his chin while Sonic sat upright. “Wait, he was the one who did that?!” Sonic, genuinely confused, stared at Tails with his mouth agape. “Yeah, I thought you knew that already…?” Tails lowered his eyelids as Sonic shook his head. “Nope, too focused on other things to realize that…”
“Well now you know…” Sonic just hummed. “Well I guess it's good now that he is gone.” Sonic held his breath as he stared down into the water. “Do you think Surge and Kit rea-” “Warp Topaz!” Sonic turned an ear to Tails in confusion. “I don't recall Starline using the Warp Topaz on them-” Tails shook his head frantically. “No, I can see the Warp Topaz! When reflected in the water, the stars look like the Warp Topaz! So now it’s 2 to 3, putting me in the lead!” “Oooh. Wait, if you see the Warp Topaz reflected in the water, would that not make the stars show an upside down version of it?” Tails shook his head, humming a no.
“It’s like when you flip a drawing, it looks odd or incorrect one way, and perfect another way.” Sonic squinted his eyes, darting from the sky to the sea. “I mean they both kinda look the same either way-” “Nope!” Tails butted in. Sonic looked up to Tails. “Well I mean, can we really say you get another point? There are a whole heap of stars that look round. You could say any of them are the Topaz.” Rolling his eyes, Tails pointed to the silhouette in the water. “No look, there is the spiral, curling inwards, and the smaller stars further apart look almost like a gradient, which makes sense given the material it's made of.” Sonic, letting out a long sign. “Well I guess that makes me second place now…”
Tails pumped his fists discreetly, whispering under his breath victory. Sonic had leaned back into the soft grass, feeling it brush up against him lightly. Resting with his eyes closed, and taking in another breath, he turned his head to face Tails. “Didn’t we use the Topaz to get all the Chaos Emeralds at once during the Metal Virus?” Tails turned his face down to Sonic, picking off fluff and dirt stuck in his glove. “Yeah, me and Amy had gone after Zomom, while everyone else went after different Zeti.” “Oh yeah! I kinda forgot since I was getting tired. Although I think I only got Cream’s side of the story when she jumped in to help Gemerl with Zeena.”
Still keeping his eyes shut, he turned his head back to the sky, repositioning his head as his quills settled behind his head in an odd way, sticking out in funny angles and poking at his head. “That's an idea. Why don’t you tell me about Zomom? See how you and Amy fought him compared to me?”
Tails stared down at him in a funny way. Sonic did not notice though as he still had his eyes closed to the sky. “Well he had an Emerald and we were not too experienced with fighting him…” “You came back to us, can’t have been that much of a hassle. I mean, it’s Zomom of all people.” “Ok, but still, remember when you fought him he had no Emerald!” Chuckling, Sonic nodded, agreeing.
Wind was whirring by, ears buzzing as he and Amy fell out of the warp portal. His skin was prickling and his fur was standing on end. Getting back to his senses, he reactively grabbed Amy by the arm with both hands, just before they fell onto the ground. “Woah! That was pretty close!” Amy quietly said, looking down to the ground. Smashed glass bottles were scattered everywhere, light glinting off them. Tables were turned or snapped, objects broken on the ground nearby.
“What happened here?” Tails, darting his eyes around until he found a spot on the ground that had no broken glass, flew over slowly, his tails chopping in the wind. “Looks like either the Zombots tore this place apart, or Zomom.”
Landing on the concrete path they both looked around for any signs of Zombots. Something clattered and smashed behind Amy, as she turned around, gripping her hammer tightly, ready to hit the incoming attacker. “Amy wait! I just knocked something over when I landed on the ground with my tails.” He whispered, hand on her shoulder as she dropped her arms downwards. “Tails! You gave me a fright!” Grinning sheepishly, he put a hand behind his head, scratching it. “Sorry…”
Amy sighed as her hammer disappeared from her hands, looking around. “So, where is he?” “Well…” Tails’ ear swiveled around to his right, picking up something. Watching closely, he saw a small group of Zombots inside a crumbled building walking in a line, carrying small plates of food. He pointed to them, catching Amy’s attention. “Judging from the fact that he likes to eat, we follow that.” He whispered at her, as the two stepped around broken glass, heading towards the door of the building they were in.
Tails led the way, ducking under toppled tables and chunks of stone that had fallen from some kind of structure. Using his soft tails like a duster, he briskly shoved aside glass or objects that they could stand on and cause a bit of noise. Only soft scratching of the glass could be heard, scraping against other glass shards or the rough stone underneath them. Amy was pinning her dress down, worried of it snagging onto something and getting caught or dragging it down and making a loud sound.
“Ok, gotta be even more careful here.” He whispered almost under his breath, with Amy only just hearing him. Grabbing the door knob he froze, feeling the inward metal patterns on the fancy handle through his thick glove. He shook his head lightly as he gestured with his hand for Amy to follow.
Walking along the wall, he found a broken window that reached the floor to the ceiling. Pressing their shoes firmly against the ground, leather squeaking with the slow pressure, they both darted towards a vending machine, hiding behind the side of it as they saw the Zombots leaving through another broken door, hanging by a single hinge. Tails had his hand out, stretched in front of Amy as he waited a few more seconds before giving a thumbs up as the two cautiously jogged down the hallway, reaching the door frame and looking outside.
There was Zomom, in the far end of the room, eating non-stop as the group of Zombots they followed dropped their plates down in front of Zomom, leaving almost instantly in their sluggish walk. Confused on what to do, Amy shrugged, holding her palms up to the ceiling. Tails shrugged too, not having a plan as they could not just sneak up on him in the open. They both turned their heads towards Zomom again, watching as they tried to come up with a plan.
Tails sighed, looking at Amy. She gave him a confused look before Tails stepped forwards, brushing debris away with the side of his shoe. “Um…” Tails cleared his throat, as Amy gave tails a concerned look. “Hey Zomom. Long time no see…” His voice was all over the show, shaking in fright of not having a better idea.
He turned his head at a freakish angle, facing the two as Tails bumped his shoulder into Amy, trying to get her to play along. They both took one step forward, sweat trickling down their heads. Zomom, with his mouth full, spoke to them with his thick voice. “Huh? Oh. You’re Sonic’s friend with the weird tail.” He had his gaze on Tails’ shifting namesakes, as he folded them behind his back, keeping them stiff. Uncertain, Tails wiped his head with the side of his glove, trying to put on a fake smile. “Uh yeah, sure. Listen, Zavok sent us to find you.”
In the middle of chewing he spat out; “He did?” Amy looked to Tails, more sweat dripping down the sides of their heads. She too put on a nervous fake smile as she spoke up. “That's right! He needs the Chaos Emerald back. If you give it to us, we’ll take it to him for you.” Her voice was shaking, and Tails could even hear her heart starting to race. He added on to Amy’s sentence. “You won’t even need to stop eating!”
Clutching his fists, Zomom yelled out, angry. “No way! I’ve got Zombots bringing me food from all over!” Standing up, towering over Amy and Tails, spitting out food from his mouth as he yelled. “You two already interrupted my post-lunch pre-dinner snack! So now, I’m gonna squash you!” Tails and Amy backed up, as Tails bumped into an upright bottle on a bench, falling to the ground and smashing, getting the attention of nearby Zombots.
“Run!” Tails and Amy both jumped over the bench, and through the hallway they came through as Zomom jumped after them, swinging his arms around like crazy. Almost out the window that they came through, Zomom landed, caving in the ground he was on and thundering the area, sending the two running away to the ground. Tails banged his head against one of the toppled tables, as a throbbing sensation grew at his temples.
“C’mon Tails, we gotta get out of here!” Grabbing Tails by the shoulder, she lifted him up as she ran, avoiding the further collapsing building as Zomom’s arms hit the walls around, caving in the roof. As he and Amy made it out, Zomom jumped through the hole above, soaring through the air as he chased after the duo.
“How is someone that big that fast?” Amy yelled out as the jumped over obstacles blocking their path on the road. Zomom landed with a thud on the ground once again, toppling Amy and Tails, sending astray items flying. Tails, getting up on his own, hand pushing against his knee, turned to Amy. “Just keep running! Amy grabbed her hammer, swinging around to face Zomom. “No! We came here to get that Chaos Emerald and end this nightmare!” As she ran up to the Zeti, her footsteps heavy as she carried her weapon over her shoulder, Tails flew up. “Wait! Amy, no!” He pinned his ears back, hand outstretched as he tried to get her to stop.
Swinging her hammer, scraping against the tiles on the floor, upturning them as they flew alongside her hit, she got Zomom right in the face, digging into his skin. Holding her hammer in place, looking to Tails as he landed besides her, she gave a confused glance. “I… I can’t believe that worked!”
Raising his head upwards, Zomom had his mouth wrapped around her weapon, teeth scraping against the sturdy material. “Hrmm… Weird flavor…” Tails was starting with his mouth hanging open, not having anything to say, as Amy went pale with disgust and anger. Digging her heels into the tiles on the ground, she pulled really hard on the handle, trying to get it out of his mouth. “Stop that you gross weirdo!” Tails sighed, as he jumped into the air, spinning his tails hard at the back of Zavok’s head. Yelling at the sudden hit, Amy fell backwards, the force of her pulling it out slingshot her onto the pavement, scattering the tiles she hit before.
“Ow! I’m gonna chew you extra hard before swallowing!” Spit flew out of his mouth as he spoke. Amy looked up, her ears tilted back. “Hes… He’s being metaphorical, right?” Tails just smiled, eyes closed, folding his arms. “Why bother with us when you can have my lunch?” Zomom froze as Tails flew up, closer to his head. “I dropped it while you were chasing us. Which is too bad, because it looked really yummy!” Getting up he thundered down the path that he came from, ground shaking with each step. “Ooh! Where?! Where?! I’m starving!”
Tails, looking shocked, as blood rushed to his head,he landed besides Amy; “That was.. A lot easier than I thought it would work out!” Amy was holding her hammer briskly in front of her, watching in disgust as a thick coating of saliva dripped off it and onto the ground. She lowered the head of it to the ground, keeping it away from her. “Tails, what are we going to do? Zomom is too strong for us to take down, and too stupid to outwit!” Cupping his mouth, Tails looked around for where he had run off too. “I don’t know. Sonic made this look way easier before.”
Tails darted an eye behind him, thinking he heard something. “He seems easily distracted. What if one of us baited him while the other grabs the Emerald?” Tails scratched his head, focusing on the scene around him. “It’s risky, but it's worth a shot!” A loud scream shook the ground as Amy whipped her head around, still keeping her hammer a spaced distance from her. Tails’ pupils shrunk, heart racing and blood rushing around, making him go warm.
Watching Zomom smash everything around him in a fit of rage, buildings clattering and rumbling as he hit the walls and pillars, everything crumbling down besides him. “There's nothing here!” Ripping a door right out of its frame, he threw it at Tails, rolling out of the way as it split in two, skyrocketing through the air. “You lied to me!”
Tails and Amy backed up, watching Zomom. “Now you made me hungry and angry. I’m hangry! You wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry!” As he says that, a group of Zombots begin to emerge from the sides of buildings, groaning. “Ah! Time to get to higher ground!” Tails grabbed Amy swiftly, as he lifted her up by the arms. “I don’t think that's going to work!” Amy called out, as Tails glanced down. All the Zombots were climbing the walls of the building Tails was trying to land on. “Grr. Hang on!” Tails flew even higher up, soaring through the sky as he tried to get away.
Holding Amy up was straining his arms, as he started to tire, falling slowly. “I’m gonna have to land!” Before he could, his arms gave out, blood flowing through them fast. Pins and needles were stabbing at his forearm as he watched Amy fall. “Gah!” His namesakes chopping through the air came to a slow halt as he too started to fall downwards.
Amy used her hammer to wedge the head between a chimney and the side of the roof, dangling off the handle. She looked up to see Tails falling slowly. “Hang on, I got you!” Moving her hammer out of the gap, she jumped up, catching Tails in both of her arms as she landed on her feet, a small thud as the leather soles on her shoes absorbed the impact.
“Thanks.” Tails slid out of Amy’s arms, hovering above the ground before landing back down, wind pushed outwards. Tails looked behind Amy’s shoulder, seeing shiny green glint behind her. “Look out!” Without even looking back to see what it was, she swung her hammer around her torso, getting the Zombot right in the chest as the substance formed a giant hole where she hit it. “We gotta keep moving!” Amy nodded as the two started to navigate the buildings, watching as a wave of Zombots followed behind.
Launching her hammer onto the ground, as she propelled herself upwards onto the tiles of a red roof, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Nearly out of breath, she saw Tails fly in besides her, staring at her sudden stop. “We can’t keep this up!” Hearing a Zombot grab a tile, as it slid down and clattered on the ground, she ran forwards, alongside with Tails. “I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”
Zomom, watching from the ground, clenched his fists. “Argh! You two are so annoying!” Jumping up into the ground, he lowered his fists into the pavement, shaking the whole town. Tables, tiles, and stones all flew upwards, alongside the Zombots, Amy, and Tails.
Amy was tripping over, about to fall off the roof she was on. “Tails!” As the ground continued to shake, Tails flew in and grabbed Amy under her arms, straining to lift her up. Flying above the commotion, he dropped Amy on some stable ground, collapsing besides her. She looked down at him. “Are you ok?” Tails got up, dusting off the glass that had launched into his tails. “Yeah, just worn out.” “But we got to kep moving!” “No, we need to stay right here!” His voice quivered, as he stood up.
He looked down to the ground, as the dust settled. They were standing atop of the portcullis, the walls connecting to it cracked and damaged. Hearing Zomon run up to them, Tails signaled for Amy to stand at the left wheel, while Tails stood at the right wheel. Holding his arm out, he watched Zomom get closer. “Hold it… Wait for it…”
Zomom, almost underneath them, ground shaking each step. Tails’ namesakes twitched. “Now!” Curling up and smashing into the wheel, chains clattering against the wall as they broke apart. Amy hit her hammer right into the wheel, spinning wildly. With both doing it at the same time, the gate closed at a rapid speed, almost hitting the ground in a mere second.
Zomom cried out as he got winded, the gate closed with him underneath it, metal bars jammed into the ground. Tails grabbed Amy as he flew down, almost feeling pity for the Zeti crushed in such a way. Almost. He was dazzled, groaning as he lay there, not even trying to get back up. “How do you like that? Overpowered.” Tails patted the blue Emerald, adding onto what Amy said,, “and outsmarted!”
Tails yanked out the Emerald, scratching against the metal that had it held in place. Tails and Amy ran off, heading back into the portal. “Hey! Get back here! Without that I can’t control the-!” Zomom cried out, only to be interrupted by the Zombots groans as they circled him.
Tails and Amy jumped into the Warp Portal, feeling their senses become distorted as their vision blanks out, only to be met with the sight of emerald green grass, falling down. Tails landed on his soft namesakes, cushioning his fall.
“Ha! He stood no chance against my lil bro!” Sonic had his arm around Tails, beaming as he listened into Tails’ story. “Well Amy was there too…” He sheepishly grinned, looking away as he had a hand to the back of his head. “But you also did it! Neither of you could pull it off solo!” Looking up to Sonic, Tails smiled, nodding.
“Wait what is the score so far?” “Uhh… I’m in the lead with 3, and you have… 2?” Sonic jumps up to his feet, darting his head back and forth, scanning the sky cartoonishly. “Welp, gonna have to change that-” Tails shook his head. “I don’t think rapidly looking around is going to help push you in the lead…”
Sonic crossed his arms, pressing them close to his body, feeling the warmth from his breath brush up against his chest. “Well I don’t see you pointing out any more soo… I’ll go ahead and say this is a good method!” Sonic had his hand over his head, scouting the sky. “Well I’d like to see that happen…” Sonic pouted, in a mocking tone; “I’d like to see you get one over me!” Tails’’ namesake whacked Sonic’s leg.
Most of the shapes that the duo pointed out had scattered into the distance, no longer visible. At this point, the sky was clear of any clouds, none above, around, or below them. Glaring down was the moon, acting like a beacon. Tails, by this point, had slumped forwards, in a light sleep. It had only been 10 minutes, but as it was late into the night, it became very hard to stay awake.
Something stood tall over Tails, wrapping him in darkness. “I found one!” Sonic burst forwards, over Tails, as he jolted upright. Tails froze for a second, before turning his head around to see Sonic. “C’mon, was that really necessary?” “Haha sure was, since now I have 3 points!” Tails cocked his head. “Oh really?” Sonic pointed up over the horizon.”I present to you, the Chocolate Chipped Cream Sundae Supreme!”
Tails sat there, looking up at where Sonic was pointing, confused. “What Cream Sundae?” “Right up there! See?” Tails lowered his eyelids. “Yeah, I see the ice cream, but what did you say?” Sonic froze, looking down at Tails, eyes open, before laughing into the night. “Oh yeah! You weren't there! Me and Chip met someone who was making some sundaes! Chip really liked them. Heh, actually that's why I nicknamed him that while he had his lost memory.”
Tails lit up. “Oh Chip! I miss him…” Sonic jumped down, crossing his legs as he looked up to the sky. “Yeah, me too. A real big shame too that we know for a fact we can’t see him again, since he won’t be here for a good few hundred years, but that’s why our time interacting with him was even more special.”
“I guess that is true. But like, what kind of sundae is called that?” Sonic hummed a confused sound, shrugging gently. I guess explaining it all in the title? Either way, I just called it a supreme sundae, since that name is far too long for me to bother ‘round with.” “I mean it would be a pain to write out, but saying it is not exactly a problem…” “Says the one who writes in advanced code hourly!” Sonic quipped in.
“Yet here you are, unable to.” Tails remarked to himself, holding up three fingers to his forehead. Sonic stared back at him, holding his breath in as he thought of a reply. Letting his breath go, releasing the small strain on his chest as he took another breath in, his throat dry from the cold air. “Ehh, sure. I mean, after all, I’ve never done anything at all that is so much cooler than being able to read a buncha 0’s and 1’s. Yet let’s both agree on that.”
Tails had pressed his knees close into his chest, wrapping his arms around them, his namesake’s folded in against his sides. Most of the cold air was not affecting him much to any degree, the only shivers he would get were down his spine, as it was more exposed to the sharp air. Sonic managed to somehow sit there with his legs dangling down the side of the platform, rubbing up against the dirt on the sides of the platform, rough small clusters of dirt, sticking to the back of his legs.
“How’re you not cold at all?” Tails looked directly at Sonic, a cloud of fog escaping his mouth. “Well when you think as much as I do, that's enough willpower to fight off against any kinda weather.” Tails frowned. “With actual facts.” Tails unfolded his left tail to gently whack Sonic’s arm. “Well then I dunno, I just don’t notice it I guess?” Tails shrugged, but before he was able to turn his head back to the sea, Sonic added on, “I even remember Chip asking me that haha!”
Tails pressed himself even more closer, as the night air dropped in temperature. “Was that when you were in Holoska?” “Indeed it was! I explicitly remember Chip’s wings freezing up badly whenever he followed behind me, so sometimes I carried him over to where we were heading off.” “Really?” “Yeah! We were looking for a Moon Medallion to open up the gates to get to the next temple, but it was taking a while to get through since the ice was making it hard to run.”
Sonic and Chip were making an advancement through the white blurs of snowfalls whizzing by as they ran, no sounds other than the piercing wind and Sonic’s footfalls. Running down the path through the thick snow, Sonic only left faint footprints behind, running at such high speeds that he left near no weight for each step as he burst forwards.
Chip’s little wings were slicing through the snow, beating fast as he tried to keep up with Sonic. Although he was not going full speed, the snow and frost was making it difficult for Chip to manage flight at all. Constantly wavering alongside, he came to a sudden slow, lowering to the ground. Sonic felt a change in winds, as he dug his heels into the snow, sinking down slightly as his weight settled atop of the fluffy powder.
Turning his head around, he looked for his companion, only to see Chip submerged in the thick snow, facedown. “Hey, you alright there Chip?” Sonic crouched down on one knee, resting his palm atop of his leg. Sticking his hand out of the snow, as it crumbled down to the sides, Chip held a thumbs up. Freeing his other hand from the snow, he attempted to drag the rest of his body out from the snow.
Sonic sighed, as he went ahead and lifted Chip out of the ground, some snow falling down his palms. “There you go.” Sonic dusted off some of the remaining fluffy powder from his friend's back, using the side of his other hand. “All good?”
Chip cartoonishly shook himself off, standing back up, as some astray snow went flying. Sonic lowered his eyelids, flinching away as some snow flew right at his eyes. “Much better!” Sonic let out a soft laugh, as some snow fell down his head. “Alright then, lets get goin’!”
Just as Sonic went to turn around and continue with their path, Chip grabbed Sonic’s glove tightly. “Sonic wait!” Sonic paused himself, whipping his head around. “Yeah?” Chip, expecting Sonic to not have heard him in time before running off, loosened his grip on his glove. “I don’t think I can fly any further, it’s too cold.”
“Huh, well hold on!” Chip looked up at Sonic, confused. “What do you mean by that-” Just as he said that, Sonic held Chip firmly in both hands, as he blasted off, snow getting kicked up as he ran forth, leaving behind a big pile of snow where he stood.
“Woohooo!” Sonic began to slide down the slope of the mountain, big chunks of snow falling down with him. Echoing through the terrain were the loud booms and rolling of snow, kicking up trees, snapping and bending to the force of the avalanche. Digging his heels into the snow, as he maneuvered around large stones and trees, he went further and further down the hillside. Behind him were feint marks that were left behind his shoes.
Sonic had Chip held secure in his hands, pressed up against his chest. Chip was holding onto Sonic’s arms as hard as he could, frozen in fear. “Wooo! Isn’t this fun Chip?” Sonic called out, over the commotion following behind him. Chip dared to turn his head around, feeling the wind whipping past him as Sonic advanced further down. “I dunno Sonic, what if we get hit by the avalanche?” Chip’s voice quivered, getting cut short with the velocity that Sonic was going down at.
“Huh? I can’t hear you over all the noise behind me!” Sonic shouted out, looking downwards at Chip, keeping his head forwards. “Try speaking up a bit!” Chip turned his head to face Sonic, then down to the ground. “Uhh, nevermind!” He called out, the pitch of his voice unstable. Chip sunk down further into his hands as he heard something loud crash down near where they were sliding down.
Looking back, Chip saw the snow and ice catching up to the duo, nearly at Sonic’s heels. “Uh, Sonic-” Before Chip could warn the hedgehog however, an upturned log soared through the air, landing a few feet ahead of them. “That's no good. Hang on!” Sonic called out, as he fell down to his side, skidding across the snow, as he held Chip up from the ground. Positioning himself, he quickly slid right through the hollowed out segment of the log.
Chip, as he had his eyes firmly shut, opened them up to see that he was fine. “Oh, that wasn’t so bad-” Wind whistling, the avalanche catched up, mere inches away from the two. Branches from toppled trees flung outwards, as a big boulder went soaring right at the two. Crashing into the snow, Sonic had lost his grip on Chip, flying through the air, along with Sonic. Chip was quick to use his wings to the best of his ability, managing to avoid a big fall.
Trying to keep up with the head of the falling snow, he darted his eyes around to find the blue blur. “Sonic! Sonic, where are you?!” His voice echoed through the mountains, until he spotted his friend tumbling out of control amongst the avalanche. Flying as fast as he could, he approached Sonic, hovering nearby. “Sonic, you gotta find something to hold onto!” Still rolling, he yelled out; “I don’t think that’ll be of much hel-'' Shaking his head, Chip spoke over him. “No, the mountain is coming to an end! You’re about to fall!” Although dizzy, Sonic tried to look ahead of him, focusing despite spinning about the snow.
Attempting to slow his descent, he dug his heels back into the snow, finding an open window once his body stopped ragdolling around. Seeing the debris kicked up, he grabbed onto the branch of a pine tree, the strong, fresh smell of it’s leaves and bark filling his senses along with the violent spinning. Climbing on, he ran up the base of the trunk, jumping up and landing on another falling tree, repeating the steps until he saw up ahead some stable ground.
Rolling up into a ball, he propelled himself forwards, only just landing on the safe platform. Falling on his back, Chip landed beside him. “Sonic, are you alright?” Looking at the hedgehogs face, he had his eyelids lowered. “Uhh yeahh, just very dizzy…” Chip looked down to see the remains of the avalanche fall down the slope of the mountain. Sonic shook himself off, as he got back up, wobbling a little. “Ok, let's get back.”
Chip flew up to his face. “But what about the moon medal we need?” Sonic messed around with his quills, pulling out the said medal. “Saw it falling down along with the snow and grabbed onto it. Don’t know how it ended up there though… But anyways, we got it!” Sonic held it up triumphantly. Chip just looked at him awestruck, seeing the mess of his quills, with snow and sticks stuck into his spines. “Alright.”
Sonic looked at Chip. “You all good though, I feel that was a little much when it caught up…” Chip shook his head frantically. “No! That was really fun! Well not at first, but nonetheless exciting!” Sonic let out a breath of relief. “Oh, that's good to hear… Want to do it again?” “Yeah!”
Sonic squinted at Chip, scratching his head, with some of the remaining snow rubbing off onto his gloves. “Since when did you have eight wings?” Chip froze for a moment, holding his breath. “We should probably sit down for a moment before heading back…” Sonic looked at his hands confused, nodding his head, as he sprung himself down. “Yeah, that would be a better idea…”
“...I mean, we got the moon medal in the end! Just cost my ability to see an object as just one object haha!” Tails was just looking at Sonic oddly. “Even when covered in a heft of snow and ice, you were not cold, but you ended up dizzy?” “I mean I was spinning about for a good while until I did some totally cool platforming to safety!” Tails rolled his eyes. “Another great mystery yet to be solved…”
“Eh, but anyways now I’m tied with you, so the actual mystery to be solved here is who is going to get the next point and end the tie!” Sonic held his arms up in a dramatic fashion, determined to win the game that Tails forgot they were playing each and every time Sonic rambled on about an adventure. “Oh yeah! Lucky you were keeping count, I nearly forgot about it…”
Tails put both of his arms above his head, stretching upwards as he let out a yawn. Sonic smirked, cocky. “I thought you were all in it for numbers?” Shutting his eyes, Tails turned his head the other way. “Only the important numbers…” “Now that is harsh.”
In the distance some birds were chirping, the sounds faint, echoing through the high mountains. Above the line of the sea, some orange was glistening, stars fading away. Tails was sleeping on his back, in a deep slumber, curled up. Sonic was snoring, leaning forwards , back arched and arms dangling down. As the warm sun rose from the sea, light hitting the two, Sonic and Tails’ communicator went off.
Sonic jolted upwards, startled as Tails calmy got up. Sonic, regaining his balance, throwing his arms up into the air. Avoiding his fall into the water, he crawled back, keeping his shoes on the ground. “Oh man, we fell asleep!” Tails rubbed his eyes as Sonic continued on. “That;s a shame, I didn’t get to break the tie… Oh well.” Moving his glove back, Sonic fiddled with his communicator.
“Hey Tails, looks like Egghead is already back!” Tails let out an annoyed moan. “Well we should’ve seen that coming…” Sonic shrugged it off. “Well I guess that leaves our little game for later to break the tie.” Jumping back up, Sonic waved his hand at Tails for him to follow. “We can have round two tonight, but not all the way until morning.” Tails replied, standing besides Sonic. “Well let's get going!”
Jumping down, wind whipping through Sonic’s quills, Tails followed suit. Whipping his Tails in the air, he caught the hedgehog, as the two took off, speeding away, orange light hitting their backs. As the last of the stars died out, two vague shapes simmered. A hedgehog and a fox, playing together, standing out from all the little stars scattered near the ocean.
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I am BEGGING for Wesker x Pregnant reader after the adorable fic of yours I've read a few times now, and with it I include a 'pretty please'
by your side
ahhh this is a cute request thank you anon. i love you for this. i hope you enjoy this pregnancy fic. i did my research too. readers got some back pain and goes into labor so yeah wesker just being there for them the entire time. this is a part two so read part one. let me know if you want a part three of girl dad wesker. not proofread
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once you and wesker had decided to try for a baby, he didn't wanna stop trying until it was successful. with your husband's determination, it didn't take long with the little pink test to show a positive result.
as soon as wesker knew he was nothing but protective of you, even opting to work from home in order to look after you. his main and only real priority was making sure you were as comfortable as you could be.
though he never would admit it out right to anyone but he was incredibly nervous about becoming a father, he never experienced having one for himself after all. he thought he was gonna explode when you guys learned you'd have a baby girl by the end of this journey. he didn't care if it was a girl, he was just scared. he was confused, it's not like there was a book on the matter but in the end he knew everything would be okay, as long as you were by his side.
you groaned to yourself as you walked around the house, it didn't take long for your husband to come to your aid.
"my dear, is everything okay?" the blonde questioned. he had been so helpful up to this point; if you were craving something? it immediately was on a plate in front of you. you weren't feeling well? wesker was already standing by your side giving you any medication you needed to take as he encouraged you to rest.
you sighed, "it's okay sweetheart, just some back pain. you think i'd get paid with how much this pregnancy thing hurts sometimes."
your remark made your husband chuckle. he could tell you were exhausted but thankfully you were due to give birth any day know. you had immediately found yourself as he led you to lay down, knowing the best cure for your current issue was some rest. he was mentally noting to make sure to pick up a belly band for you but for now he knew just what to do.
he moved to have you lay on your side, he moved to lay behind you, almost like a spoon. his rough calloused hands finding the soft skin of your shoulders. his hands kneaded at the tense skin, helping to melt away the tension in your shoulders.
you were quick to relax into his touch, letting out a satisfied hum. wesker's hands were quick to get any knots in your shoulders as he continued down to your lower back.
wesker worked the muscles around your lower back and below your hips and you slowly felt the pain lighten up a bit. he knew it was a perfect fix even then he did everything for your comfort. he whispered soft praises to you, he wanted you to know how amazing he thought you were for going through with this pregnancy.
his heart was yours, you were his everything. you were asleep in no time and your husband didn't dare leave your side. you were not allowed comfort for long as your contractions started up again, you weren't entirely concerned as this had been happening often but these felt different. then you felt it, the bed was wet. your water had broke. wesker had felt it too, it was time.
he was moving quickly, panicked slightly. he stayed with you, refusing to leave your side. he made sure you only had the best staff prepared for you at the hospital, he could not risk you. your hand gripped his as he continued to whisper praises, encouraging you to push and after what felt like eternity you had done it.
he would never forget the sight of you, filled with exhaustion but holding the small being you and him had made together. he held her so gently, almost like she was impossibly fragile and that one move would break him completely. you were watching the scene when you realized a tear slipped down his face.
in such a beautiful moment wesker had finally allowed himself to be vulnerable. he didn't even process that a tear had slipped, it had never happened before. it was the type of weakness he could never show anyone else, but with you and the baby he held in his arms he felt at peace for the first time in his life.
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