#and that they didn't mean to offend me but they just needed to let me know how sad I made them
kirain · 1 day
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Astarion frowned as he and Tav entered the modest boutique. It was small, but clean; organised. It had an almost rustic charm to it, featuring large windows adorned with delicate lace curtains, which were tied back just enough to let the sun shine through. That was appreciated, as Astarion had grown weary of the dark.
He said nothing as his cheery companion scanned the outfits on the walls, cupping her chin as she considered and rejected each one. Carefully curated as they were, she seemed to be looking for something specific. The soft beams accentuated racks of unique frocks, hand-knitted sweaters, and artisanal jewelry, but she passed them all by.
Why did she bring me to this rundown shack?
Astarion huffed. Has she noticed how old my clothes are? No, she's not that perceptive.
His eyes widened as her finger suddenly pointed at some lingerie behind the shopkeeper's counter. His heart sank.
Of course ... she wants to dress me in something risqué. Expose my body. Why am I not surprised? There's nothing more "sexy" than a vampire, after all. He bit the tip of his thumb, feigning indifference. So in the end, she's just like all the others. A horny, selfish little—!
"No, no! Not that!" she laughed. "The one beside it."
Astarion flinched, trying to hide his shock as the shopkeeper passed her a plain ashmeadow outfit. It wasn't particularly bright or stylish, but the pattern was subtle, casually elegant, and paired with lightweight trousers, likely designed to ease movement.
"What do you think?" she asked, unfolding the pieces for a better view. "Doesn't it look nice and comfy?"
Astarion hesitated. His eyes narrowed as he scrutinised every inch. Overall, the outfit was dull, at least compared to his usual garb, but pleasant in all the ways that mattered. It wouldn't grab attention, but it wasn't hideous. It wouldn't make a spectacle of his body, but it would complement his figure, his hair, his eyes. For one brief moment, he felt oddly respected, but he quickly recoiled in mistrust.
Is this a trick?
He quickly waved at the suggestion, bidding the shopkeeper to take the outfit away, but Tav clung to it, staying his hand.
"Wait, what's wrong with it? You don't like it?"
"I appreciate your confidence in me, darling, but I don't think even I could make that dreary ensemble look good. That's something you'd see a pig farmer wearing." He gave her a seductive grin. "Surely you'd like to see me in something more ... exotic."
Disgusting, but I need her protection. Just fuck me, already. Get it over with. Why the song and dance? Why the charade? Am I not being forward enough? Perhaps I should should try the 'lonely bachelor' angle. That tends to work on sensitive women like this.
Tav raised a brow, her confusion genuine, but Astarion didn't believe it. He couldn't.
"No, I just think this suits you," she said.
Astarion scoffed, thrown by her sincerity. There was no hint of sarcasm or trickery in her tone. No indication that she was fulfilling some mundane kink by picking such an outfit. But it didn't make sense. He hadn't been particularly kind to her, and he was only good for one thing: sex. Surely that's what she was after.
"Did you not hear what I said?" he snapped. "That's something a pig farmer—"
"What's wrong with being a pig farmer?" she argued. "They work hard, live free, and dress for comfort."
"And I'll have you know, that outfit is not for farming," the shopkeeper added, visibly offended. "I mean, I suppose you could. It's certainly durable, but it's more for ... sophisticated roving."
"There you go," Tav giggled, harmlessly. "Don't you want to be a 'sophisticated rover', Astarion?"
He pulled back defensively, pursing his lips to hide his fangs. They live free? Dress for comfort? As if I ever had such a choice. She has no idea! His fingers curled into a fist.
"Are you ... mocking me? Is that what this is?"
Am I just a toy to you?! A doll to be dressed up to your liking?!
The air around him felt charged, a palpable tension that made it difficult to breathe. A deep red flush spread across his neck, creeping up towards his pale face. The anger was sudden, but uncontrollable, and he didn't know why.
Calm down, you fool. This is nothing. You've been through worse. He screamed internally. So then, why does it hurt more than usual? Why is it worse when it's her?! I ... I don't want her to see me this way, but I know she does! Who wouldn't?!
"Mocking you?" Tav asked, breaking the silence.
She tilted her head, the simple act pulling Astarion from is raging stupor. Her eyes were innocent, unassuming. And of course they were—he hadn't yet told her the truth about Cazador. The details. The depravity.
Hold on. Is this ... real?
"What are you saying?" she peeped. "I brought you here because of how worn out your clothes are." She pointed at the seams of his waistcoat. "Thin with crooked replacement stitches. I always see you fiddling with them."
Astarion's throat tightened. So she did notice. He tried not to blush.
"I'm sorry if that came off the wrong way. I wasn't trying to insult your clothes, I just thought you might like something new."
"I ... see."
"If you don't like the black and white..." She smiled and gestured to the shopkeeper. "We can order something with colour. Do you take commissions? Can my friend here make alterations?"
"He can. And we do indeed sew to order, but it might take a while. I'm down a seamstress this month."
Astarion paused, their voices fading. He looked down at the sleeved tunic and accompanying vest that Tav held close to her chest. It was thick, surprisingly well crafted, and more fashionable than he initially dared to admit. For a moment, he felt his unbeating heart flutter. New clothes. A whole outfit, just for him. He'd forgotten what that felt like. What shopping for anything other than a victim for Cazador felt like.
Against his better judgement, he reached out and rubbed the material between his fingers. Twill. Handcrafted. Warm. He felt a tingle as he realised Tav didn't choose that outfit at random. She'd put a lot of thought into it.
"I want this one."
"Sorry?" Tav said, glancing up at him.
"This outfit." He tugged at the sleeve, gently. "I want this one."
She smiled. "Are you sure? You didn't seem overly thrilled about it a second ago."
"Tch! Well, I changed my mind," he hissed. "What can I say?" His eyes softened. "It's grown on me. Just like your ... annoyingly infectious positivity."
"Alright, alright," she laughed, ignoring his jibe. "Can you ring this up, sir?"
Astarion's back stiffened as she reached for her coin purse. Money, right. That hadn't crossed his mind. As horrible as Cazador was, everything was provided. When allowed to sleep on a bed, it was there. When Cazador's guests wanted wine, it was there. Anything needed to rope in victims was given. He hadn't had to buy anything in nearly two hundred years.
"Wait, I—"
"It's no problem," Tav said, sensing his conflict. "I'm happy to do this."
"But..." He frowned, crossing his arms. "Well, don't expect anything back. If that's what you're after, you're going to be sorely disappointed."
"I don't expect anything back, Astarion." She handed the shopkeeper a roll of gold coins, then turned to him with another tender smile. "I'm just glad to help out a friend."
Astarion stood in silence, his brow twitching. A thought occurred to him—two words he hadn't felt the desire to say in two centuries. Two words he'd almost forgotten. He shifted from side to side, looking anywhere but at her, desperate for an escape from the vulnerability pressing down on him.
But I think she truly means it.
His mouth opened, then closed again. He cleared his throat, trying to speak, but the silence lingered. He could tell she expected nothing, but for once he wanted to give a part of himself, by choice. Just a few words. The feeling inside him grew, a swell of gratitude he couldn't quite contain. Finally, he sighed and met her eyes with a smile.
"Thank you."
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nightwriter357 · 2 days
Smosh Summer Games:ships part 8
Thank you so much for all the support guys. After this one there's 2-3 parts left and I'm so excited for you to read it and hear you opinions on it!! Hope you guys like this one!
Part 8: Why is everybody afraid of love, LOVE.
Waking up next to him still felt bittersweet. This is temporary, you reminded yourself. Soon, you’d be waking up alone again, the warmth of his body just a distant memory.
His grip tightened, almost like he could read your thoughts, pulling you a little closer. You stirred and turned to face him, only to find his eyes already on you, half-lidded but awake, studying you.
“Were you watching me sleep?” you teased, raising an eyebrow.
He smirked, though there was something softer in his expression. “Caught me,” he said, voice low. “Hard to look away.”
“Smooth.” You smiled, despite yourself. He leaned in, brushing his lips against yours, the kiss soft at first but deepening, almost like he was trying to hold onto every second.
When you finally pulled away, you could feel the weight of the moment between you.
“So... last night really was the last time, huh?” You tried to keep it casual, but your voice wavered slightly.
Damien blinked, his lips parted like he was about to say something, but you cut in before he could respond. “All of this is gonna be over soon,” you said, tracing a finger down his chest, playful but tinged with the uncertainty of what came next.
He sighed, pulling you even closer, his breath warm against your hair. “I don’t know,” he murmured. “I just... don’t want to stop.”
You nudged him playfully. “Then don’t, I'll give you a minute longer.”
He chuckled, his chest vibrating against you. “Is that an invitation?”
“Maybe,” you grinned, feeling a little lighter.
He pulled you back into his arms, the hug lingering a little too long, but neither of you seemed in a hurry to break it. It felt like you both knew that when you did, the illusion would shatter. You thought about asking him if he felt the same way—if this was more than just a fling to him—but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Instead, you settled for breaking the moment with a nudge. “We should probably head up before someone comes looking for us. Can’t have them questioning why we're always sneaking of”
He groaned, reluctantly letting go. “Yeah, I guess. But if they ask, I'm blaming you.”
“Fair,” you laughed, rolling out of bed with a grin. “Come on, let’s go.”
As you both got dressed and headed up to meet the others, you couldn't shake the feeling of his lingering touches or the unspoken words between you. By the time you reached the group, you pushed the thoughts aside, deciding for now to just enjoy his company.
When you arrived, the others were already gathered, except for Courtney and Shayne, who were nowhere to be seen. You caught a few curious glances from the others, but nobody said anything—yet. They seemed far to invested in their own conversation.
Arasha smirked. "I didn't dominate; I was just... exceptionally prepared."
Angela, raising a fork in her hand, chimed in. "If by 'exceptionally prepared' you mean psychic, then sure."
Arasha raised her mug in silent agreement, her face unreadable. "I'm having a ball, though. Doesn't matter who wins."
Spencer feigned disappointment. "A ball? Really?"
Arasha didn't miss a beat. "Sorry didn't meen to appropriate you culture. A ball is plenty, who needs two anyway?"
Spencer blinked, mock-offended. "Hey, you're expelled for that."
As the group joked around, you couldn't shake the thoughts of this morning. Each glance from Damien seemed to carry more weight than the laughter around you. Are you ever going to be able to not be distracted by him?
Angela snickered. "Is that even something a judge can do?"
"It's usually up to management," Trevor added, nodding sagely.
Olivia leaned in, whispering far too loudly, "Management? So, Rhett and Link?"
Trevor furrowed his brows. "It would be Ian and Anthony?"
She lowered her voic  leaning closer. "Oh, right! That explains why he's been hanging around."
Anthony shook his head with a grin. "You literally whispered that TO me."
Damien chuckled beside you, his hand brushing yours under the table, sparking that familiar warmth between you two. You couldn't help but glance his way, that bittersweet feeling creeping back in.
Chanse playfully nudged Arasha. "We have been trapped on this ship for way to long. We need to meet people, dance, have sex."
Your eyes met Damiens as you tried to supress a smile.
Tommy piped up, wiggling his eyebrows. "So... who do we think is the last person here that got laid?"
Angela laughed, setting her cup down with a bang. "Well, Shayne and Courtney are missing... so I guess it's safe to assume it's at least one of them!"
Everyone chuckled, nodding in agreement. 
Tommy glanced around, leaning forward. "Okay, but who's gonna be the next person to have sex?"
Arasha didn't hesitate, locking eyes with you. "Y/n."
You froze, choking on your coffee. Damien, who had just taken a sip of his drink, nearly spit it out. "Uh, no. Not me. Like how would I even do that?"
You felt your cheeks heat as the group exchanged knowing glances. "Seriously, not me," you echoed, feeling the weight of Arasha's smirk from across the table.
"Oh, really?" she asked, her voice as smooth as ever.
For a second, you swore her gaze shifted to Damien, then back to you. But before you could react, the conversation kept going, leaving you and Damien awkwardly glancing at each other.
Arasha's lips curled into a small, mischievous smile. "But if we were stuck here, Angela would you kiss Amanda?
"No way," Angela scoffed.
Arasha smirked. "But what if you're choking and need mouth-to-mouth?"
"And what if you're doing mouth-to-mouth and you need choking?" Tommy added with a wink.
Amanda, unfazed, leaned back in her chair, a mischievous grin on her face. "I would," she quipped, winking at the group.
Angela eyes looked as is they were going to pop out of their sockets, while the rest of the table erupted in laughter, Amanda elbowed her playfully. 
You smiled along still puzzled by the moment that had just passed. It wasn't what Arasha said, though- that definitely lingered, it was the way she said it. Like she knew something you didn't. 
"Well, at least we know Damien wouldn't be hooking up with anyone," Arasha said with a sly grin. "You know how he is—he's gotta actually like the person first."
Your heart jumped at that, stealing a glance at Damien. What does that mean?
Damien didn't look at anyone else but you, his expression softening. "Yeah... I'm not into meaningless things." His voice was quiet but firm, each word carrying a weight that made your breath hitch.
Tommy, oblivious, chuckled. "No random flings, huh?"
Damien's gaze never wavered from yours. "You could say that," he said slowly, his voice carrying weight. The implication hung in the air, and your chest tightened, trying to read between the lines.
The intensity of his words sent your thoughts spiraling. He means me... doesn't he? It was too much to process, the uncertainty, the possibility. You needed space.
"I, uh, need to... get some air," you blurted, standing quickly as you excused yourself from the table.
You barely registered their responses as you walked away, your heart pounding in your chest. You had to talk to Courtney. Now. As you left them at the dining table you could hear Angela saying, "but she went downstairs? is she getting air inside?
 You weren't sure if barging into the room to talk about this was a great idea—especially with Shayne there. You had told Courtney about you and Damien hooking up, but this? This was a whole different level of confusion. Still, you couldn't keep it bottled up anymore. Talking about this felt... awkward, but you needed to figure out what was happening. 
You burst into the room, barely giving Courtney and Shayne time to process your frantic energy. They both sat on the bed, chatting before you interrupted.
"I need to talk to you... about Damien," you blurted, breathless.
Courtney raised an eyebrow, exchanging a look with Shayne.
"Oh, so it's finally happening," Shayne said, smirking.
You blinked. "Wait, what? You knew?"
"Of course," he replied, sitting back. "I've known for a while."
You blinked rapidly, confused. "How? I only just told Courtney!"
Shayne glanced between you and Courtney, his smirk turning into confusion. "You told her?"
Courtney stifled a laugh, sensing where this might be heading. Shayne didn't pick up on it.
"I mean, we already told her that," he continued, clearly thinking you were on the same page.
You threw your hands up, bewildered. "Wait, wait... hold on. How could you know? I never talked to you about... Damien and me."
Shayne grinned, still oblivious. "Come on, he told me WAY before he told you."
You stared at Shayne, dumbfounded. "Wait, how could you know before me? That literally makes no sense. What, did Damien give you like... a rundown of all of it before it happened?"
Shayne, still unaware, gave a confused chuckle. "Well, yeah, obviously he told me about it before you."
Your face twisted in disbelief. "BEFORE?! What do you mean 'before'? I'm pretty sure I was there every time. I would have known BEFORE you?!""
Courtney's eyes widened, "Wait everytime? It happned more than once!?"
You blushed, your voice low. “a.. few times.”
Shayne raised an eyebrow, still not catching on. "Uh, can  ithappen more than once?"
You stared at him, completely lost. "What? Yes, what do you mean, ofcourse if can happen more than once? It's not like you guys have only had sex once?" You looked over at Courtney."
Courtney stifled a laugh as Shayne blinked in bewilderment. "Wait, WHAT?! You guys had sex?"
Courtney burst into laughter, clutching her sides. “Oh my god, this is the best thing I’ve ever witnessed!”
"That IS what we are talking about?!" you exclaimed, rubbing your temples.
Shayne ran his hands through his hair, looking utterly flustered. "Wait, that’s what you’ve been talking about this whole time?!  - So your saying he told you that he's inlove with you and then you had sex?!"
"Yes" You froze mid-sentence. "Wait... WHAT? In love with me?! I'm just talking about the fact that we had sex!"
Shayne looked like he was processing way too much at once. "Hold up. So Damien, who has been in love with you for years, finally hooks up with you... and you thought it was a fling?"
You blinked, trying to make sense of everything. "Oh my god. He likes me? Like, actually likes me? I didn't know he was in love with me! I thought it was just... something that happened."
Shayne let out a half-laugh, half-groan, shaking his head. "Oh my god, this whole time... How did you not see it?"
Your eyes widened.  Shayne facepalmed as you started to ramble. "He likes me? Why? How? When? Oh my god—he's liked me this whole time?"
Courtney snorted, wiping away tears from laughing. "This is such a mess."
"I like him too," you muttered, your brain short-circuiting from the revelation. "I... I need to talk to him."
Shayne groaned. "You better, because I need to lie down after this.."
Courtney had a wide smile on her face, "Oh my god, this is going to be so good."
You dart out of the room, practically skidding around the corner as you spot Damien near the door to your cabin. Your breath’s still catching up, but you launch into words anyway.
“Damien!” you pant, rushing over. “We—we get along, right? Really well?
He blinks, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, I know.. we do. What’s up?”
You take a deep breath, trying to slow your racing thoughts. “Okay, good, because I want us to still get along when we get back, even after… you know, everything that’s happened.”
“Uh-huh…” he responds, clearly not following where this is going.
“And now that we know all of that, there’s… also a lot of stuff we don’t know! Or, I mean, stuff you don’t know, or that I know but you don’t know—yet!” You’re practically vibrating with energy.
Damien's eyebrows scrunch together, trying to piece together what you're saying. “Wait, what? I mean, I think we know eachother very well.”
“Yes! Exactly!” You pause, realizing how close you’re getting. “Well, not exactly. I mean, yes, but—wait, no, I mean—ugh, I don’t know how to say it!”
Damien’s brow furrows, his confusion deepening. “Waht are you trying to say?”
 You take a deep breath, trying to collect yourself. “I mean, I..
Just as you’re about to blurt it all out, Spencer pops up between you two, practically bouncing with excitement. “Hey, lovers! Time for the game!”
You gape at Spencer as he throws his arms around both of you. “Let’s go!” He pulls you both away before you can get another word out. You glance back at Damien, who’s still looking mildly puzzled, but you’re already being whisked away.
Your chance slips away as Spencer drags you off, and all you can think is: Great timing, Spencer. Great timing.
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doumekiss · 4 months
To any readers out there that might be wondering if an author would like to know of your disgust and disappointment that they made a character you headcanon as a top a bottom in a sex scene I can answer for sure that they do not 🙂
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myymi · 7 days
my blog is a safe space for neo&xeno genders&pronouns.
i saw a post bitching about it so i wanna make this clear. i will never judge someone for the gender they identify as or the pronouns they choose to use.
for anyone who thinks that neo&xeno pronouns give the community a bad name i need you to get the fuck off the internet for five minutes and go interact with someone in person. people who use neos&xenos are not expecting anyone to use them. they fully understand that people most likely won't, which is why the first pronoun(s) they'll introduce is he, she, and/or them. then the rest follows. "its selfish to want people to use random words as pronouns. yeah. guess what? it's also selfish to want people to use your own preferred pronouns. it's selfish to want people to call you your name. it's selfish to want people to address you in any specific way. you know why that is? because your identity is something you get to be selfish about.
YOU get to decide how people address you. YOU get to decide your pronouns, your choice of identity, your name, your appearance, etc. you get to be selfish about who you are as a person. it is YOUR LIFE. BE SELFISH ABOUT HOW YOU EXIST. THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. "you can't expect people to use those pronouns" you can. and you should. it's called basic fucking manners. you address people how they ask to be addressed and they address you how you want to be addressed. what you can't expect is for someone to use your preferred pronouns when you refuse to use theirs.
i don't use any explicit neopronouns now (unless ny/nym counts, but i see them as xenopronouns? i dont fully know the difference though), but i used to. and you know what? i didn't give two shits when everyone used they/them. my neopronoun wasn't there for people to use, it was for me to have. because it was fun and i liked it. only my close friends used my neopronoun and it was one of my favorite things. because i knew strangers who were never intending to stay in my life were never going to use them. and at times i found i didn't want strangers to use it because it felt personal. like it was a nickname that only friends could say. i obviously don't speak for the entire community, but im sharing my experience with using neos to show that the chances of finding anyone who expects strangers to use their neopronouns are slim to nothing. they truly don't expect it.
neo&xeno pronouns and genders dont give the community a bad name, and most people truly do not care if they exist. "people aren't going to take you seriously" literally who the fuck cares? because i don't. and i guarantee those who use neos&xenos dont give a shit either. the whole point of pride is be proud of who you are regardless of who you love and what you identify as. neos&xenos have been around for a long ass time, and there are several people who used neos&xenos of their own that fought for people to be able to express them as freely as any other sexuality or gender. you don't get to exclude that community just because you don't like it. that's not your call to make.
i dont care if you're queer, trans, a poc, mentally ill, or disabled. i don't care what cringey fandom you're in or what kids' game/show you still watch/play or what fan media you create or what ocs/sonas/self inserts you have. i dont care what religion you follow or if you dont follow one at all. as long as you are a good person this is a safe space for you. and you can go through life knowing that someone out there loves you with no conditions attached, even if i dont know you. the way that you identify is valid. don't ever change yourself because someone, especially a stranger who knows nothing about you, tells you that you need to. you are perfect as you are. your identity is yours. don't let anyone else control it. because the only one who you can ever guarantee will be by your side until the very end is yourself. keep you happy.
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healingheartdogs · 6 months
People who don't know dog body language who have pushy sketchy dogs are so awful to be around. I told our housemates that their dog Klaus doesn't like me when we went out to watch the eclipse earlier today because I didn't want to go in the fenced yard with him out and they were like "oh no he's fine don't worry." When he saw me he charged up to the fence, high flagged tail, snorting and barking and jumping at the fence and they still were like "oh he's friendly, he just wants to smell you, see his tail is wagging". Like my dude... tail wagging does not mean friendly, and what about the noises he's making rn sounds friendly to you?
Selene's sister grabbed him and I thought she was going to take him inside because she acted like she was going to, but instead she stopped halfway and just held him back while I came into the yard and then let him go to run up and sniff me, which he had very stiff body language the entire time he did so. For a while after that he ignored me because of the kids calling him away and was chill, but still kept coming over and sniffing me occasionally and was very tense each time so I just tried to stay calm and sweet talk him and didn't try to touch him to help defuse the situation.
Then I walked a little away from the group to point out a plant in the yard to Selene's mom which was a mistake because once I was out of the little circle we were standing in he started body blocking me, tense face, stiff body, whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. They tried to call him away and were like "oh he's just trying to get you to play, sorry he's so demanding of attention." I started trying to walk toward the gate to leave because he very much was NOT trying to get me to play and I did not feel confident in their ability to control him, and he immediately did it again. And again they tried to call him away. And I got maybe another two steps before he turned right back around and did it again. And they called him away again saying he was just trying to play. Rinse and repeat for a total of like six times of him body blocking me, tense and whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. All while they're just laughing like "Sorry, Klaus just really loves playing". Dudes your dog is actually behaving aggressively toward me right now, please get control over him so I can leave he is NOT TRYING TO PLAY WITH ME.
This is the second time I've been invited into the yard while Klaus was out and the first time they kept telling me the same thing but he was actually following me around growling at me then and they were still like "oh it's just cuz he doesn't know you yet, he'll warm up to you, he's friendly". YOUR DOG IS SKETCHY. I DONT WANT TO INTERACT WITH HIM. HE DOESN'T LIKE ME. PLEASE JUST PUT HIM INSIDE WHEN I'M IN THE YARD WITH Y'ALL. And PLEASE learn some dog body language because nothing about his right now says "friendly" at all!!!!! Not even a little!!!! TAIL WAGGING DOES NOT MEAN FRIENDLY, ESPECIALLY A HIGH FLAGGED TAIL.
#i will not be going back into the yard while he is out#i only did this time because they made it seem like they were going to put him inside#but then didn't#i do not trust that dog#and they are oblivious and just laughing while he is actively menacing me#cant tell them shit about it though because they act like we're criticizing their parenting if we do and get offended#and then be like 'well your dogs are out of control so what do you know' because my dogs bark at strangers#like... okay your dog growls at and menaces strangers???? mine just bark at strangers who talk to them and try to rile them up#and i dont correct them for that because its not worth correcting and also not their fault#your dog is actually dangerous and you dont have control over him#my dogs are not dangerous and when i tell them to be quiet and get inside they do#so who doesnt have control huh????#theyre just mad because theyre the strangers my dogs bark at sometimes and since i dont like how they interact with my dogs i allow it#because they are rude as fuck and do not respect my dogs' boundaries at all#and think that dogs shouldnt be allowed to have boundaries because they should be 'kid safe“ which really means shut down from punishment#thats how they are with klaus which is a big part of why i dont trust him too#because they have created a dog who gets punished for setting boundaries so that the kids can 'safely' climb all over him and annoy him#and to me that is a recipe for a dog that doesnt give a lot of warning before becoming aggressive because hes been punished for it#i do not trust dogs who have been punished for having boundaries#and i dont trust their owners either#also them doing that means their kids think they can do whatever they want to dogs and interact very rudely with them#so i dont let their kids interact with my dogs at all now because even with me constantly correcting them they ignore me and are rude#and that definitely is something theyre also salty about because their kids want to play with my dogs#and they also want my dogs to play with Klaus and there is mo way in hell I'd allow that which they also dont like#hes an intact bully who they have admitted can be 'really fiesty' with other dogs#and Hermes is an intact male who seems to have a 'kick me“ sign on him for other dogs and i just wont risk it#and it drives them crazy that i dont trust their strange dog not to be aggressive to my dogs and wont let them all be 'friends'#DOGS DONT NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH STRANGE DOGS THEY DONT KNOW OR LIVE WITH#I hate ignorant pet owners that make their ignorance my problem#rant
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forgwater · 7 months
"Ah, yes. Me, my beloved Prefect and my lookalike tsum from another dimension."
Twst Boys and their reactions to you cuddling their tsum instead of them Headcanons
part 1 part 2 part 3
Riddle Rosehearts
He's baffled.
There has to be a rule about this somewhere!
Yes. The Headmage said he must look after the tsum until it can get back to where it came from and he will, but this is too much.
Does this creature have no manners?!
It must know the two of you are dating. It might even have its own version of you waiting for him to return!
And yet.
Here it is, hogging all your attention as you hold it close to yourself.
You're not even facing him!
And no. He is not crossing his arms and pouting.
Cater Diamond
He thought the tsum was pretty nice at first.
He's been forced to reconsider.
Cater would love to take a picture of you with his tsum. For his eyes only so don't you worry~
You must look so cute snuggled with the plush!
And it looks like him!
It really would be adorable!
If only you weren't facing away from him, your face presumably buried in the soft tummy of his lookalike.
This is not fair. You should be cuddling him! He's your boyfriend! Not that overgrown bean.
He secretly hopes the tsum falls off the bed in the middle of the night.
Leona Kingscholar
What do you mean you prefer that stupid plush??? He's right here!
Very much not happy. No matter how cute you look with his tsum in your arms.
He tries to pull the tsum out of your arms.
Tsum Leona is not letting go.
They lock eyes.
You're pretty sure they're glaring at each other.
Fine. He'll let the tsum have this. He's not gonna risk an accident just because that bean is unwilling to let you go.
You're gonna have his tail on you tho.
Jack Howl
Why are you hugging his tsum like that?
Why is his tsum looking like a puppy getting affection?
He's getting second hand embarrassment.
It's not because he would like to be held like that by you. It's because....
Uh. Because...
I mean! He's a wolf! His tsum is a wolf! It should be a little more... dignified.
He's not needy like that!
And he didn't agree to this. The tsum has not business being in his space like this. Cuddling with his s/o....
He keeps looking over to you and his tsum. He's snatching that bean out of your arms at first light. They're gonna go for a run.
Floyd Leech
So this could go one of two ways:
Either he's annoyed and tries to snatch the offending plush from you, which will end up in a fight between the two.
He thinks it's hilarious and that you look cute like that.
He still wants his cuddles tho.
What's Floyd to do in this situation?
He just plops himself over you and the tsum. He's letting all of his weight crush you.
Lucky(?) for you it's only his torso crushing you.
Good luck.
Epel Felmier
He's finally allowed to have a sleepover and this happens!
You've got to be kidding him.
Please tell him this is a joke. He's glaring daggers at the tsum.
I mean.... He's a strong and independent man! He doesn't need those cuddles.
Yes. Yes he does.
He's fine!
He keeps glaring at the happy tsum in your arms.
It's mocking him.
There's no way it's not.
He tries to snatch it out of your arms, but makes the mistake of going for the head.
He gets bitten by his tsum.
Sebek Zigvolt
First Malleus-sama, now this!
This creature must be taught respect!
Sebek gets into a one-sided screaming match with his tsum.
By the end of it he's almost in tears. How dare this glorified plush bean steal your affections away from him!
Tsum Sebek ignores all of this. It is far too preoccupied with enjoying your pets and hugs.
You attempt to console Sebek by promising it's only for tonight.
He does not look consoled.
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
“𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: light angst/all smut, some possessiveness/jealousy, breeding, mind-break, overstimulation, squirting, pussy slapping, begging, double and hints of triple penetration (satoru's clones, listen i know you need to do things to get the clone but I don't care they are just going to appear because smut and I'm horny), fingering your ass, edging, begging, teasing, daddy/mama/princess/sweetheart etc...., hints at breeding, toji holds you up and fucks you like a cock sleeve, choking, stoner!suguru, shotgunning, some grinding, groping, kissing, semi-outdoor/car sex
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: god I missed your cock with toru!
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Folding you in half, pinning the back of your knees by your sides. Admiring your soaking wet, tight cunt stretching to take his pale pink cockhead. Closing your eyes, biting your bottom lip, muffling your cries.
Gliding his cock out, the soft ridge line of his head tugging on your cunt. Slapping your plush lips and sensitive clit. "Look at me, sweetheart! Who am I?" Rolling your eyes at him.
"My annoying slightly handsome ex?" Your empty cunt clenching when he slaps his long, veiny cock.
"Wrong answer!" He groans at the slick sound of gliding his head between your plush wet lips. "Guess you don't need my cock that badly." Avoiding your clit, nudging half his head past your lips. Swirling his head at your soaking wet, clenching hole.
Pushing your hips down, Satoru pulls away. "No! I mean yes. I mean, I didn't need it before. If you won't, then I'll call Ky-" You can't finish the word before he stuffs two fingers past your lips. Pinching your tongue. A second Satoru looms over you.
Clone Toru lets your tongue go once you whine. He smirks crooning, "Why do you look surprised, my love?” Satoru flips you over by your legs, grabbing your hips and lifting them up. Grabbing the previously forgotten lube nearby.
'my love' the words replay in your mind, soaking your cunt and tugging on your heart. Bitting your lip refusing to let the 'i love you too' slip out. After all the work to try and forget him, crumbling in one night around him.
Satoru generously pours lube on your other hole. Smearing it in small circles, with his thick pointer fingers. Both holes clench from the anticipation. “I'm offended after all the times you begged for me to fill up every little, sloppy wet hole.” Toru grabs your hair, lifting your head up, stroking his head. Smearing his pre-cum with his thumb.
Moaning when Satoru glides his finger in, spreading the lube with each pump. “It’s been almost two years!" He swipes his cock head between your plush lips, squeezing your cheek with his finger in your ass. Satoru rocks his hips forward, Toru stuffs your mouth the second you moan.
Fingering your ass at the same pace he fucks your tight sloppy wet cunt. "So fuckin' warm, sweetheart." He roughly slaps your other cheek. Crying around Toru's cock, he pushes your head down, your cunt clenching as you gag.
Toru groans, "It doesn't matter who you fuck, you had me, sweetheart." Picking his pace up, his balls hitting your chin. Letting go of your hair, grabbing your neck, choking you. Both of your holes clenching from the pleasurable pain of the restriction whilst getting roughly face fucked.
Satoru groans, "I'll always be the best you've ever had. Tell me I'm wrong." Gliding another finger into your ass. It feels too good to have his thick fingers stretching, filling you up. As he pounds your sloppy wet cunt loose.
Your mind is going blank from getting sandwiched between two Satorus. "You're going to take another cock in this pretty little hole till I stuff every hole full of cum." You're losing your reservations towards him.
Whining the second Toru slips his cock out of your mouth, loosening his grasp on your neck. "God I missed your cocks!" Sticking your tongue out wanting him to fuck your mouth for your and his pleasure. Toru slaps his cock on your tongue.
"I know you did, that's why we couldn't stay away." Satoru pulls away, grabbing your neck to pull you back. Another Satoru appears before your eyes next to the first clone. Ru lays down, "You're going to take all three of me like you used to."
You want to pretend Satoru is your’s again. That you never left. Satoru loosens his grasp on your neck. "I'm your’s." Satoru pushes your chin up with his thumb, passionately kissing you with a loud groan. Wrapping his arm around your waist, shifting you to straddle his clone.
Ru's warm, cock into you. "All fuckin' mine, say it again. I need to hear it." Satoru lines his cock up with your asshole. Groaning from the pleasurable stretch into Satoru's mouth.
You're blaming the drinks Toji bought you for the hot tingly soaking wetness of your cunt. It's not him, with his large macular body pinning you to the bed. Making you feel so small and powerless beneath him, nothing but a beautiful fuck toy for his cock.
You don't care how you've missed the shade of forest green Toji's eyes are. Old feelings aren't stirring up after he stares deep into your eyes. Switching between memorizing the way your soaking wet cunt stretches for fat, veiny cock and your cock drunk expression.
Reminding him, "This means nothing. We aren't talking after this." You can feel every puffy vein, the softness of his skin rubbing your soft, wet cunt. Clenching him, your eyes rolling back and toes curling from how hard Toji is.
You're going to cum when Toji stops moving. Pinching your clit, jerking your hips back into the blankets, crying. He points out, “Sounds like you're reminding yourself. You know you missed me mama. You didn't have to bring me home with ya." Stroking your clit, easing the pain with pleasure. Sliding his cock out till his fat head is tugging on your tight cunt.
He splays his fingers on your stomach, pinning you down. “Don't see why I did, when you're not letting me cummmm!” Toji grabs the headboard, using his size and strength to roughly glide his cock into your dripping cunt.
The venom in your voice softens into a needy moan. “You’re-nnnnannnn asshole.” Grabbing a fistful of his black hair to tug on it. He looks too beautiful moaning, his eyes fluttering shut his jaw dropping. His pussy drunk expression getting you off.
“I am sweetheart, I’m n' asshole for leaving both of ya. Biggest fuckin’ mistake was letting ya go.” You can't give in to him again. This is just lip service, but why when he's already in you.
It's already too much getting underneath him, taking his fat, veiny cock. You couldn't open your heart to him again. Whining, “Don’t say that." Letting your headboard go, grabbing your neck loosely, leaning down roughly kissing you.
Biting your bottom lip, making it tingle. “Can't help it doll, I'm inside ya but it's not enough I miss ya so badly. Miss see ya in the morning, coming home to ya, hearing your voice. Can't forget how beautiful you look with your belly swelling, your tits dripping milk." Your soaking wet cunt clenching Toji's veiny cock.
You're clamping down on his cock feeling every vein too acutely. You can't think straight, you can only fixate on how hard his cock is. Your toes curling, your tight trembling your cunt dripping down your cheeks. Your resolve crumbles.
Toji's former title slips off so easily, "Please Daddy don't stop! Oh god, daddy please m' so close! Oh god I missed your cock!" You're so close, the pressure in your gut is about to burst. Desperately you want to cum on Toji's cock.
Toji groans, the deep rough sound pushing you over the edge. "Aw my mama so worked up she's cumming after a few strokes. Good girl, make a mess of your daddy's cock" He grabs your neck and hip, pulling you off the bed. Holding you up right, bouncing you on his cock with ease.
Wrapping your arm around his shoulders digging in your nails. Giving up on thinking about anything else but being Toji's fuck toy. He loosens his grasp around your neck. "That's it nnnn! Daaadddy fuck me, use your cunt! Nnn you're so big stretching my pussy out, reachin' so deep. Nnnn." Sliding your hand down his thick arm, squeezing his hard muscular bicep.
Sliding your hand down his thick chest, his tits jiggle with each thrust. Squeezing one and biting down unable to resist. Toji croons, "You like how big daddy is? Huh let me hear it otherwise I won't cum in you." All you have to ground yourself and hold onto is Toji.
"I missed your dirty mouth talking about my big cock. Callin' me daddy makin' me want to make you a mama, oh wait I did." Whining, wrapping your legs around his waist, not wanting him to pull away. The one thing your mind can focus on is his thick cum.
Toji roughly grunts, "You're all fuckin' mine." Squeezing your throat tightly, rocking you faster on his cock. His navel brushing your sensitive, puffy clit. You're too close to cumming, and so quickly. You're so powerless in his hands, getting fucked by Toji like he owns your pussy.
Your body is tingling and going limp when he lets go. Holding you close to him by your neck. The second you can breath steadily you beg, "I'm your beautiful baby mama. Wanna feel you cum in me, please daddy. It's been so long, missed feeling your fat puffy veins pulse right before you fill me up."
Suguru's large, warm hand hasn't left your thigh, sliding higher. Getting closer to your cunt soaking through your underwear. Pressing your thighs together trapping his hand. Taking your gaze off the full moon and stars above to study Suguru’s beautiful side profile.
He breathes in the last hit off the blunt, squeezing your thigh. Shifting your hips, his pinkie brushing your clothed cunt. Suguru leans in for a kiss, parting your lips, bitter smoke drifts into your mouth.
He pulls away too soon, snuffing out the blunt in the ashtray he bought. "Takin' me out here, smokin' with me under the stars." Straddling his hips. Suguru glides his hand underneath your shirt. "Seems like you're trying something." Rocking your hips, grinding your clothed, soaking wet cunt on his covered, hard cock.
He fondles your cheek, slipping his hand up your shirt. Closing your eyes, savoring the pleasure of Suguru feeling you up. His large warm hands, "I'm trying to see if we can make us work again. I've been getting help, doing better and I'm so fuckin' sorry I hurt you." Your eyes sting with tears you blink away.
"You're the best person I could have ever had the chance of being with. I miss you, want to be anything you'll let me be." Gliding your fingers into his soft dark hair, half up and down, pulling him in for another passionate kiss.
You've been in denial about how much miss the softness and shape of Suguru's lips. He parts his lip for you to slip your tongue past. Moaning into his mouth. There's a deep-seated longing in his needy groans, your moans, and the desperate way he holds onto you.
No one else feels so right to kiss, hump, and grope. Breaking away, his harsh words ring in the back of your head. Could you really start again, without him pushing you away? You couldn't fully take the step so quickly. "We can be friends with benefits, hang out and cuddle fuck a few times." His handsome face catches the full moon's light.
Kissing down Suguru's well-defined jawline. He wonders, "Do those benefits include going on dates?" He tugs on your shirt, pulling your arms up for Suguru to slip your shirt off. Tossing your shirt aside, you help Suguru make quick work of his shirt.
He's bigger since you last saw him. Thicker pecs, sharply defined abs, and brawny, muscular arms. "Sometimes, we can go on a casual date. Nothing fancy or serious." Dragging a finger down between his pecs. Tracing your finger underneath Suguru's left thick pec.
Suguru squeezes your hips, "More dates like these then? Just two friends fuckin' around in the woods." Standing up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You undo the bun in his hair, sliding your fingers through his silky hair. Once by his shoulders now meeting the middle of his back.
"Catching up, getting high, and staring at the stars isn't too bad of a way to pass time." Climbing onto the mattress in the back of his remodeled van. He leans over, laying you down with your head on a pillow. He grabs your skirt, tugging it off with your underwear tossing it to the side.
Spreading your legs groaning when he sees your soaking wet cunt clench. Spreading your lips apart, "Next time we can get a little kinker with it and I can hunt you down. When I win." Suguru glides a thick finger into you, "I'll fuck you till you squirt." Finding your g-spot in seconds. Rubbing your puffy, sensitive clit with his thumb.
You whine, "Don't tease me, please I want you so badly. God I missed your cock and how you touch n' kiss me." Your cries turn to begging, "Daddy let me suck you off if you're going to eat me out. I'll sit on your handsome face, gag myself with your cock n' massage your balls." He glides his finger out, licking it clean.
He climbs out of the van, partly pushing his cozy-looking baggy sweats down. "You missed what now?" Giving you a small glimpse of the bottom of his hard cock. The two thick veins on the top are making your mouth water. You want to suck his cock, and fondle his balls.
Crawling towards him, pushing his sweats down, grabbing his heavy cock. Your eyes widen, and you remember Suguru was big. But damn your memory didn't do him justice. using both your hands. "I remember but forgot big you are, hottest fuckin' cock," cupping his ball sack, fondling him. "I missed how you stretch out my cunt." Kissing his head, he groans, rutting his hips forward, his thick thighs flexing.
"I've missed how good you taste, want you to sit on my face and smother me." Smearing his pre cum around looking at him in his warm brown eyes. Letting him go, enjoying the soft plop of his heavy cock falling onto his balls.
He steps out of his sweats and climbs onto the bed. Fixing his hair so you won't kneel on it. In those few seconds, you can't leave him alone. Gliding your hands over his hard abs, picking up his cock and taking him deep into your mouth.
Suguru's breathy loud groan of your name makes your cunt drip down your thighs. He sounds so beautiful it's almost a pity you have to smother him with your pussy.
strawberry brat all works
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verstappenverse · 5 days
Revved Up
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: Max grows jealous after your Instagram post attracts unwanted attention, including from an ex.
Authors Note: Do I actually believe Max posts on his own instagram these days... let alone would post with a 'scandalous' caption...no? but this is fiction so it's all good 😂
1.4k words / Masterlist
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Max was sitting on the plush leather couch in your shared Monaco apartment, flipping through TV channels with all the enthusiasm of a man waiting for a commercial break. He glanced at the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the stunning Mediterranean view, but even that wasn’t enough to distract him. It wasn’t the usual race strategy or upcoming practice sessions that had him restless—it was something far more personal.
More specifically the photo you had posted on Instagram earlier that day, a simple mirror selfie, a little scandalous but nothing crazy. You looked radiant, sure, but that was normal for you. You were always beautiful to him. What had caught his eye was the flood of comments, the notifications popping up every few seconds as he scrolled through your post.
As he scrolled eyes narrowing as the likes kept ticking upwards. Then he saw it.
Your ex.
The guy who clearly hadn’t gotten the memo that you were Max Verstappen’s girlfriend, because clearly he didn't see an issue with leaving a flirty comment that set Max’s nerves on edge.
'Looking gorgeous as always' it read, with an obnoxious little winking emoji at the end.
Max’s fingers tightened around the remote as the thought of some guy—especially your ex—thinking he had any right to compliment you in that way made his blood boil. You were his. The world knew it, but apparently some people needed reminding.
He didn’t say anything when you had walked into the living room earlier, cheerfully oblivious to his growing annoyance. Instead he had kept quiet, but now it was simmering just under the surface. Jealousy wasn’t a feeling Max was used to; on the track he was calm, confident, but when it came to you, his cool, collected exterior faltered. Especially when some idiot tried to act like he still had a chance.
You entered the room now wearing a loose sweatshirt and leggings, a casual look that contrasted with the glamorous image you had posted earlier. Max glanced at you his jaw tightening, you could sense something was off.
“Max, is everything okay?” you asked, tilting your head as you grabbed your phone from the counter. You didn’t even have to unlock it before he spoke.
“That picture,” he said abruptly, his Dutch accent thicker than usual, which tend to only happened when his emotions were running high. His fingers tapped on the arm of the couch in an impatient rhythm.
You furrowed your brow. “What about it?”
He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest and you could see the tension in his posture. “Your ex commented on it.”
“Oh,” you said, blinking in surprise. You hadn’t noticed.“I didn’t even see that.”
Max didn’t like the idea of you looking at that idiot’s comment again, but you opened the app and scrolled down anyway finding the offending message almost immediately.
You rolled your eyes and let out a light laugh. “Seriously? He’s such a loser. I haven’t talked to him in forever.”
Max didn’t seem to find it as amusing as you did. His frown deepened. “Yeah, well, he still thinks he can leave comments like that. Like I’m not here.”
You couldn’t help but smirk at his grumpy tone. “What, are you jealous?”
His reaction was immediate. “Jealous? Me? No...” He paused. “I mean... you know how many people liked that picture?”
You raised an eyebrow, amused by how serious he looked. “Max, it’s just Instagram I think the point is to like pictures," you laughed but his expression didn't change ,"Max come on it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” he repeated, his voice rising slightly, though he still sounded more irritated than actually angry. “Everyone’s drooling over you in the comments. And then there’s him.”
You couldn't help chuckling again and slid onto the couch next to him, pressing your hand against his knee. “Are you worried someone’s going to steal me away?”
He gave you a look, his lips twitching upwards at the edges, betraying the smallest hint of a smile. “You’re impossible.”
“And you’re being ridiculous.” You leaned closer, brushing your lips against his cheek.
Max sighed dramatically throwing his head back against the cushions. “Maybe I should just post a picture with you, remind people who you belong to.”
“Oh, who I belong to?” you teased, poking him playfully in the ribs. “That sounds a little possessive.”
There was a teasing glint in his eye now, but you could still feel the underlying jealousy. “Can you blame me?”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing, enjoying how worked up he was getting over something so trivial. Seeing him this riled up over some stupid comment was kind of… adorable. You kind of loved when he got all possessive, even if he wouldn’t admit it outright.
“No, I guess I can’t blame you,” you admitted, leaning your head on his shoulder. “But you know I don’t care about those comments, right? Especially not from my ex. I didn’t even notice it.”
“Maybe you should block him,” Max muttered back to sounding grumpy.
You laughed again, unable to stop yourself. “Max, it’s fine, if it’ll make you feel better of course I’ll block him. But I need you to know I never think about him.”
He softened a little at that, his arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulders. “You better not.”
You smiled, nuzzling into him the warmth of his body calming. “Besides, none of those guys commenting are Max Verstappen now are they?”
“Exactly,” Max said, and there was that cocky smile you loved so much. The mood lightened as his fingers brushed through your hair. “None of them stand a chance.”
You grinned up at him. “And neither does my ex, so you can relax.”
He seemed to settle after that, his hand lazily stroking your arm as the tension eased out of his shoulders. “Good. But still…”
“Still what?”
“I think I should post a picture with you. Just to make sure everyone knows.”
You snorted. “You just want an excuse to show off.”
“Can you blame me?” he repeated, his eyes glinting with mischief as he reached for his phone. “Come on, one picture. Let me remind everyone you’re mine.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Fine. Just one.”
Max scrolled through his phone finding the perfect shot of you two together arms wrapped around each other, he quickly typed out a caption and hit ‘post.’ Not long after, your phone buzzed with notifications. His fans were quick, already liking and commenting on the post.
You glanced at it over his shoulder, chuckling at the caption: Just a reminder—she’s mine.
“Oh my God Max,” you groaned playfully. “You’re ridiculous.”
He shrugged, completely unbothered. “What? It’s true.”
You laughed and shook your head, leaning into him once more. “You really are something.”
“I know,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “And don’t forget it.”
The rest of the evening passed in a much lighter mood. The TV hummed in the background, but neither of you paid much attention to it. Instead, you spent the time teasing Max about his jealous streak, much to his dismay.
“You know, I never thought I’d see the day when Max Verstappen got jealous over a social media comment,” you teased, curling up beside him on the couch.
He rolled his eyes, a playful smirk on his lips. “I’m not jealous. I’m just… protective.”
“Sure, that’s what we’ll call it.”
“Okay, fine. Maybe I was a little jealous,” he admitted, pulling you closer. “You’re kind of amazing.”
You beamed up at him, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. “Well, good thing I’m all yours, huh?”
“Good thing,” he agreed, leaning down to kiss you, slow and sweet. When he pulled away, he added kiddingly “What about, no more selfies without me in them.”
You laughed and nudged him playfully. “We’ll see about that.”
But deep down, you didn’t mind the way Max was with you. The way he got protective, a little possessive, and sometimes even a little jealous. Max was known as a fierce competitor on the track, but when it came to you, his heart felt just as fierce. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Stick Around
~1.2k words
Jason Todd is your best friend. But sometimes you're not sure if you're his.
"Back off. I can stitch it myself." He nearly barks at you when you press the towel to his bleeding wound.
"Come on, Jason. Why can't I help?" You ask, trying to keep the worry and pleading from your voice.
"I don't want you to." He says, firm and flat as he pulls away, dragging the towel and the first aid kit with him. He doesn't go very far, but you have a sinking feeling that's more owed to the bathroom being small than him wanting to stay near you.
You shift on your feet, torn between listening– respecting his boundaries or stepping closer to help. You take a step, unable to stay away from him when his lips curl into a frown as he starts stitching his own wound.
"Let me. I know how. You taught me." You try again, careful and soft like you're the one that terrifies the worst of Gotham.
"I said no. Just give me some space." He tells you, hands working steadily to piece his skin back together. You vaugley wonder how many times he's done this alone.
Then his words register. You can't stop your face from crumbling. "You want me to leave?"
He doesn't look up, doesn't respond, too engrossed in his injury.
You nod a little, more to yourself than him as you scoot around him, avoiding brushing any part of him as you slip out the bathroom door. Hesitating, you quietly close the door behind you and linger in the hallway, unsure. How much space did he want? Was he upset with you? Did he want you to leave the apartment?
You let out a sigh and slowly head for the apartment door. You can stay at friends tonight. Stuffing down the emotions welling in your chest, you grab your jacket and start to shove your shoes on.
"Where are you going?" A sharp tone cuts you out of your self pity.
"You told me to leave?" You question, gaze snapping to him.
He stands there, hand over the gauze wrapped on his side and studies you. "No."
"No?" You echo, slowly lowering your coat.
"I only– I didn't want you to get any blood on you. Or see me like that. I don't want you to leave. Why would I ever not want to see you?” He says with a scoff, stepping closer to pull you away from the door, glaring at it like it personally offended him. “You’re the only person I want to be around, it’s maddening, I don’t know why anyone else even tries to speak to me when I can’t get my mind off of you-“
He shudders, like a huge weight has left his shoulders, words cutting off. He presses a kiss against your skin, without thinking, his mouth finding the juncture between your shoulder and your neck, pulling you tight against him. "I want you to stay here. With me." He murmurs against your skin before pulling back just enough to see your face.
"Oh." You fall quiet for a moment, looking anywhere but him as you start to speak again, fighting the heat that threatens to take over your face, "I don't mind. Blood, I mean. Not if I'm helping you."
He can't stop the smile that comes to his face, always so easy and present around you.
Jason reaches out, his fingers touching your chin, gently tapping it, to make you look at him. “Do you still think I don’t want you here? That I don’t want you around?” he asks, voice low.
You waver, eyes trailing back to his. "Well, no, I mean, I know you want me around."
"Good." He says softly, fingers lingering on your skin, on your face, on your waist. It makes you feel wanted, needed, safe.
The moment is so soft, so warm and inviting you want to lose yourself in it. But it feels like a lie to let yourself stay in it. Not when he's all you ever seem to want. When you dream of the color of his eyes and the feeling of his skin against yours. "Are you feeling dizzy? Need to sit down?" You ask, cutting the moment, the feeling that it could be something more, short.
He hums softly, like he expected your avoidance. "You don't have to run from me."
That makes you blink, surprise painting your features. "I'm not running. I'm not going anywhere."
"Oh please, there's so many things I know you've been holding out on me." He laughs a little before kissing your neck and whispering into your ear. "You wanted me way before I knew it was okay to admit wanting you. And now I'm going to make up for all that lost time." He looks at you with an intention you can feel behind his eyes. "There's nothing I won't do for you, nothing that I won't give you because you deserve the world and more." He kisses your forehead and smiles down at you softly as he sighs your name. "So don't run."
That makes your brain short circuit. And then the flood of scrambled thoughts overtake your mind. He knows you want him? Of course he does– He's one of the greatest detectives in the world, maybe even the universe. Why did you think you could hide it? How long has he known? But one thought persists above the rest. He wants you to?
Jason gently taps your hip, dragging your attention from the frantic jumble of questions in your head. "Focus on me. Not whatever's going on in your head. I don't need an answer right now. I just want you to be here." He says your name like it's precious, a treasure to keep close. "Please."
You nod slowly, trying to calm your pounding heart, to get your body to listen to you and answer him or touch him or anything.
"I could just kiss you right here. I could do that. You know, just take advantage of the situation? How you can't seem to believe that I want you. But..." he tilts his head, running his thumb along your jaw, "I want to kiss you when I know you're ready. For you to want it as badly as I do, pretty."
"What if I do?" You ask quietly, scared to break the tension building around the two of them. "What if I want to kiss you, Jason?"
"Yeah?" he whispers, his fingers finally gripping your hair, his thumb lightly caressing your neck. His eyes are locked on yours, and all the emotions that seem to be swirling around inside him right now are all concentrated on one, simple thing: keeping you.
"Yeah." You echo, just as quiet and soft as his voice.
He doesn't ask again, doesn't hesitate, just kisses you with the desperation of years of built of tension and longing glances. He kisses you like you're worth something, and you are. You're everything to him, and he now that he has you like this, he won't let a day pass without reminding you.
Your fingers curl in his shirt, his hand tightens in your hair and everything else seems to fade away when you deepen the kiss. Jason Todd is your best friend. And you're starting to believe that you're more than just that to him.
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jakesangel · 4 months
sitting on jakes lap ><
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sitting in jake's lap would happens quite often. doing any activity, in front of the members, in his dorm, outside, literally anywhere and anytime. facing him or not he loves feeling ur weight on his legs.
tho jake would be shy at first, he didn't know how to ask you to sit on his lap without making things weird or making you think of him in a way that he isn't. so when u got comfortable by simply putting ur legs on his legs on a movie night, he felt like his dream came true. he would obviously put his hands on ur legs n draw patterns lovingly. he would love it even more if u wear skirts cause first that means ure really comfortable w him, two, your skin is so so soft to him n he wants to feel your warmth.
one night full of giggles and kisses, you tried doing your makeup on jake face. he also knew what it meant, having a chance to have you close to him. so he would purposely have weird posture to make it harder for you, make silly faces or even not keeping his hands to him. even if u are holding his face in one hand and doing his makeup w the other, the task is munch more complicated w him teasing you. so there you are, your thighs over his, his hands on your waist and jake, finally, is having you on his lap. his pretty baby, right in front of his face. and furthermore focused on his. he truly thinks he is in the seventh sky. he wants to kiss you and hug you closer to his body but he knows he's been a pain in the ass to get what he wants, so this time, he stays still and fully take in the moment. you, on the other hand, don't understand why jakes eyes are finally closed n why he is suddenly pliant for you to apply ur eyeshadow. you also don't understand why he just just smiling or sighing in contentment.
after this, he would never let you sit anywhere else but his lap. you need to do your makeup ? he is right there to be your seat. need to do your homework ? lemme him see your physics homework, he'll do them. you want to watch tv ? he would even prepare the plaid and the snacks.
he wouldn't mind having you on his lap in front the members either. the first time, you got shy but the members know how physical jake can gets. almost thanking you for being his physically-touch-giver instead of them. so it didn't bother them nor him. he would even get offended seeing you sit next to him, and not on him, giving you confused puppy eyes. but jakes gets what he wants so he will (ᵎᵎ) move you in front of them, making you flustered. my shy baby, don't you worry about them, they're so jealous of me having this pretty girl on my lap, he would whisper to your ear, making your blush red-er.
when he feels 'loving' and/or clingy, he would always tell you soft words with loving touch. he would kiss your temple if you aren't facing him, his hands drawing heart on your thighs. if your facing him, he would hum, your arms around his neck, him taking in your hair scent. i love having you this close, baby. it's when i feel the safest, he would say hugging you closer to his. you smell so good for me, my pretty princess, he adds his eyes closing. or he would just convey his words w a kiss. a long a deep one, one arm around ur figure the other guiding ur face to his, his hand softly holding your chin.
notes : none ><
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @heeseungswifefr @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring
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pumpkin-cake · 1 month
begging for ANYTHING fix it related for the most recent season !!!
five x reader and they are married?? it would be nice if the reader had a more relaxed job in comparison to five in the CIA (the reader used to also work for the commission but wanted a calm life)
like maybe working in a daycare or flower shop?
i’m honestly begging for anything sweet please if you’ve got the time !
THIS HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD. YES, I WILL WRITE THIS FOR YOU <3 I ALSO HATE THE WAY THEY CHARACTERIZED FIVE IN THE NEW SEASON. This will be very domestic :3 And it's been a while since I've written Five, I hope he's not too out of character, let me know if you have any pointers :3
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The door to your apartment creaks open and heavy footsteps enter, the jangling sounds of house keys hitting the ceramic bowl reaching your ears with a sigh following.
"Good evening, Jerome." You coo.
"I did not pick that name, quit calling me it." Five huffs as he shrugs off his suit jacket, entering the living room. He looked tired, but he was okay with that. He didn't want to settle for some repetitive job he'd be bored as hell at. Even if they gave him stupid aliases like Jerome.
"You could have at least asked. That's embarrassing, telling people your name is Jerome. What about...Ethan? Or even something that's close to Five. Like, Finn, or something." You answered with a chuckle, while Five crumpled on the couch next to you.
"There isn't any point. It's not like you need to go around calling me that name." He said, taking off his tie and laying it across the arm of the sofa. "Anyway, how was work?" He asked, taking off his brown Oxfords and laying them nearby but out of the main walkway. He reached over to the stack of papers on the coffee table and looked at the first page. "Jesus, this is the sloppiest handwriting I've ever seen."
"Ah yes, because children who still have shitty motor skills are going to be writing in perfect print. That's why they only have to write their names, not write full-fledged essays." You said sarcastically, plucking the piece of paper from his hands. You looked over the assignment your kindergarteners were given. The instructions were to count the different types of bugs on the paper. There were no more than 9 of each bug. 4 butterflies, 7 caterpillars, 1 beetle, 8 spiders.
"I was never that dumb." Five said a little snarkily, pointing to the answer spot that said there were only 5 caterpillars.
"Don't be such a prick." You huffed, getting out a blue pen. You didn't like to use red, too harsh. You circled each answer wrong, not making any corrections.
"How are you even meant to teach them this? It's basic counting." Five asked, sort of actually curious.
"We'll just go over it in class tomorrow. Everyone will count together."
"Then what's the point of the homework?"
You groaned. "We are not having this conversation anymore, old man." You pulled out a pack of stickers, putting one on each sheet of paper.
"You're just as old." He countered with a smirk, leaving you to roll your eyes and continue 'grading' the papers. He did shut up and drop the subject, letting his hand stray to your hand that wasn't busy grading papers. He wasn't ever one for physical affection in the past, but ever since getting to this place? He was more lenient. He was never hanging off of you, but his touches were gentler. Each contact of skin was a small way of saying 'I love you', because it was hard to say it out loud after years of isolation.
The biggest way of him saying he loved you was twisting the ring that nicely fit on your finger like he was doing right now. Like he was making sure you were aware of its presence and meaning.
You finished the papers in less than five minutes. You did not envy the fourth-grade teachers who had actual homework to grade. "Your dinner is in the fridge." You told him, taking his other hand and playing with the black band that adorned his ring finger.
"Not hungry." He said shortly, like he was offended you'd ever assume he wanted to do something aside from this. He wouldn't ever say that out loud, of course.
"It's sushi. Made by yours truly." You added, holding back a chuckle when he sucked in a deep breath, very torn between the options. It was weird, able to sit and think about something. He wasn't rushing home to eat and go to bed, he got to do domestic shit with you and fuck did he love it.
"..." Five stayed silent like a brooding teenager.
"I'll come with you." You reasoned, and he reluctantly sat up. You smiled and got up with him, the two of you traversing to the kitchen. He opened the door to the fridge and grabbed the small Tupperware of delicious looking sushi. You were not a fan of Commission cafeteria food, and you took pride in buying the best ingredients for you and your spouse. You were already grabbing him a pair of chopsticks, sitting with him at the kitchen island.
"...thanks." He said after eating a roll. He was stubborn, but he really did appreciate you taking the time to make more for him when he got home late. It was so nice to come home to a homemade meal. It reminded him of Grace.
"Of course, honey." You smiled, sitting in silence while he ate. He savored every moment. After being in the apocalypse for forty years, he really grew to appreciate the things he didn't have. He swore he would never take this life for granted.
He never questioned why, because the whole reason was sitting right next to him.
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alatusprinz · 2 years
asking genshin boys "what are we?"
characters : tighnari , cyno , kaedehara kazuha , scaramouche
genre : fluff
scenario : reader asks them "what are we?" when they had automatically assumed you were aware of their feelings towards you
trigger warning : none except everyone here being short, i hope
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before you even asked the question, tighnari had a bad suspicious feeling about you today
he lightly sighed while looking over some of his leftover paperwork
even during his "office hours", he couldn't help but notice the "sneaky" glances and pretty much everything he's ever known about nervous body language from you
"you ask the most intriguing questions whenever you're fidgeting like that. tell me, what is it?" he couldn't help the sarcastic tone even if he tried
but his half-joking tone helped you relax, tighnari seemed to have talent at naturally calming you down
okay, here goes nothing.
"what are we, tighnari?" you finally managed to ask him
he answered with absolutely no hesitation immediately
"you? a human if my memory serves. as for me, i happen to be a fennec fox hybrid."
"... tighnari..."
stops writing at your tone- that didn't sound like you were joking
you were being serious? no way...
tighnari looked straight into your eyes, expression conflicted
he furrowed his brows and kept eye contact to see if you were pranking him or something
"...you're joking right?" he asked, half hopeful that he wasn't the one jumping into conclusions here
he looked speechless, but then he let out a sigh
"enlighten me on what exactly makes you confused on what our relationship is?" he was sure he made it crystal clear
"we... i don't know, i can't tell. that's why i'm asking you" disbelief was written all over his face at your answer
"i held your hand."
"you did."
"i hugged you before."
"...i gave you flowers i grew myself on numerous occasions."
"yes, i'm keeping them as a bookmark like you suggested."
tighnari's scowl deepened, trying his hardest not to look lowkey offended that you were still confused after all that
how could you even not know, everyone knew from the forest rangers crew so why didn't you?
never mind, you clearly needed confirmation
"... i believe i have romantic feelings for you and just until now i was under the impression that you were aware." your eyes widened at tighnari's blunt words
you noticed the pink flush in his cheeks when he finally had to admit
"geez, want me spell it out for you? need a contract or something?" despite his complaint, tighnari felt content with the way your expression showed clear signs of happiness
how could you not fall even deeper for him, when he looked that adorable with rosy cheeks and slightly downturned ears?
approaches you from his desk and sits next to you
places his hand on yours, lightly squeezing them
"well, how about you then? what am i to you?"
cyno ( general mahamatra )
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cyno's face remains emotionless most of the times, everyone who ever met him would agree in a heartbeat
he also had this habit of keeping very, very unwavering eye contact on whoever he was talking to
you've heard many of his subordinates mention how scary and intimidating it was to face his stone-cold stare
and to your absolute horror, he looked the same as ever when you nervously asked something that's been on your mind for days and weeks now
"what are we, cyno?"
"..." almost as if frozen, cyno stayed silent and merely stared at you like he did every day
oh no, this was definitely not the reaction you were ready for
his gaze seemed a bit too heavy on you, especially with how his scarlet eyes were emphasized by the comforting darkness of midnight surrounding you
"i mean- what i meant was-" before you could finish your sentence, he blurted out, loud and clear
"are we not already dating?"
a painful silence followed
it was your turn to freeze now
already dating...? but...
"no?" you blurted out before you could control it
your heart dropped at cyno's normally stoic face clearly flashed signs of sadness
"wait no i mean- but you didn't... ask me out" you barely managed to ask
cyno blinked once, then twice
then finally for the first time, you saw the general mahamatra ever avoid your gaze and cough in a bashful manner
he awkwardly scratched his neck and looked away from you
were you imagining things, or does he look... super nervous right now?
your eyes nearly fell out of your socket, he looks so adorable...??
"i... thought you already knew, i apologize."
finally after a while, cyno fixated his gaze on you again and regained his posture
"i like you, (name). i'd like to date you... if you share my feelings."
god, he really is the prettiest boy, isn't he?
kaedehara kazuha
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the moment you mentioned that you wanted to talk, kazuha gently holds your hand and stares lovingly with a soft smile on his face
"of course, love."
it wouldn't matter where he was or what he was doing, he'd always make time for you. always.
when he led you to a place where you could have privacy, your heart fluttered at how his hand never left yours
when you two were alone, kazuha turned at you
nods and looks at you with the most adorable look in his eyes
"yes, what is it, love?"
he didn't look... like this with others right?
"kazuha... what are... we?" you finally gained the courage to ask him
not surprised in the slightest at the question and finally connecting the dots as to why you looked so nervous
smiles and looks at you like you brought the moon to him
and to him, you did.
you brought the entire galaxy, staining, painting his world with the most beautiful of all colors he could've never imagined
which is why he feels slightly guilty that he's left you in the dark about his feelings
"what was my nickname for you, i wonder?" he smiled adorably
"yes, dear?"
you felt your cheeks flush at the unexpected answer, kazuha's soft giggle making your heart skip a beat
"i'm sorry for leaving it unclear." kazuha laces his fingers with yours
you stared into his eyes, unable to control the slight flush in your cheeks
kazuha couldn't stop smiling, just how beautiful and lovable were you? <3
with a soft giggle, kazuha placed a fleeting kiss on your hand
then another one on your forehead
"i'm yours as you are mine, love. if you'll have me."
scaramouche ( kunikuzushi )
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"kuni... what exactly are we?"
he was sure he misheard that
he must have misheard that, right? tell him he's right and it was just a prank
outright glares at you when you stay quiet, looking at him all expectedly like you wanted an answer
god, stop looking at him like that... you look too cute it makes him feel all weird and warm inside, stop it-
of course you wanted an answer, everything with scara confused you the more you spent time with him
you were positive friends didn't act like... this
... but he also never confessed or anything of the sort
"you're telling me you're..."
realizes that you're serious, his face flushing in embarrassment and frustration
"god, how dense are you?" he sounded so disappointed, the tone of his voice irked you
"hey, you can't blame me for wanting disclosure, it's confusing!"
"how don't you know? you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"
"what am i supposed to know? you don't need to act all weird and just answer like a normal person would- ouch!! what was that for?"
flicks your forehead damn hard
then, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him
you lost balance at his unexpected actions and stumbled into his chest
one arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer to his slender body
you could barely breathe, you confusedly directed your gaze at him
but before you could say anything, scaramouche laced his fingers to yours, holding your hand a little too intimately than you expected
all words died in your throat
smirks at your reaction, holding your hand tightly now
"do you hold other guys' hands like this?"
"what- no!"
"hmm, i wonder why." you could almost hear the smirk from his voice
again, you opened your mouth to say something but was silenced for the second time
"then do you do this with other guys?" his husky voice whispered
grabs the back of your head with his free hand, then leans in
before you knew it, his lips were on yours
it was as though time itself has stopped that moment
you finally eased into his kiss, squeezing his hand back
scaramouche stared at you after pulling away
then smirked way too arrogantly than you'd have liked to see
...like he was proud of himself
deeply satisfied with how baffled and shy you looked, it was even better for him when you turned your gaze away to avoid his violet ones
he grabbed your chin and made you look at him, letting out a low laugh full of satisfaction
"figure out "what we are" yourself now, would you, darling?"
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
Summary: You flustering twst characters. What's not to love?
Characters: Azul, Jade, Leona
Azul Ashengrotto
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"You're really pretty, you know."
Azul's eyes widened. You just continued staring at him with a fond little grin, giving him a small wave.
Though you were really just saying your thoughts aloud, you couldn't help but take notice of how his face flushed, eyes looking anywhere but you. It was clear you'd flustered him quite a bit.
"I said," you continued. "You're, like, really pretty."
"D-Darling," Azul said with a sigh. "Please refrain from such antics."
You just smirked.
"Hey, I'm being honest!" You were. You also thought it was funny watching him try to hide how embarrassed he was.
Azul just sighed, returning to his work.
"Wait!" You said, waving him over.
An unimpressed, "Yes?"
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, dousing whatever ire he had.
"Thanks!" You said, turning back to your own homework as you watched Azul practically bluescreen in your peripheral.
Jade Leech
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Jade was always quite the tease. That was simply a fact of your relationship, it seemed. Not that you minded.
But, that didn't mean it wasn't sweet when you finally get the chance to tease him back.
"Ah, apologies," he said lightly one day while talking about some of his newest mushrooms. These new ones were all rare, and fascinating, too. How did he even get his hands on them? "I must've frightened you with all this talk of mushrooms."
Eh? That wasn't true at all! It was always awesome listening to Jade talk about his mushrooms. The way he explained things was just fascinating to listen to, and sometimes the facts you learned even helped you during Alchemy!
"Keep going!" You said. "I like hearing you talk."
Besides, he usually wasn't this expressive. There was something so captivating about the way his eyes sparkled whenever he talked about his newest spores, or his new terrariums.
You really didn't expect the way his face turned red at that, eyes blown open in shock.
"Jade?" You said. He cleared his throat hastily.
"A-Apologies," he said, hastily composing himself. "That was rather rude of me. Let us move on."
You gaped at him.
"Are you embarrassed?"
Jade's eye twitched.
"Let us move on from this topic of discussion," he said pointedly.
So he was. No way. Of all people, Jade Leech? Embarrassed about something? It was almost too good to be true!
"No way," you said. "That's so cute-"
"Not a word more about this, please," Jade said, looking awfully meek. You just laughed.
"Sure, sure," you said. "Not a single word more."
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona has an odd habit of helping you in the weirdest of ways. Instead of asking you if you needed help, he'd always just "happen" to have whatever you needed lying around. It pretty quickly became apparent he did it on purpose.
Really, you didn't get why he hid it. You always appreciated the help!
"About that worksheet or whatever you couldn't finish, I found a book about it lying around. Take it if you want."
You checked the book. It was pretty much perfect for what you were doing, filled with small notes too. Leona clearly did this on purpose.
"Thanks!" You said. "Love you!"
Leona stared at you for a moment, before instantly averting his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah," he said. "I..."
He trailed off, seeming rather embarrassed.
"Huh?" You asked. Leona glared at the floor like it had personally offended him.
"What're you gawkin' at, herbivore?"
"You're cute."
Leona scoffed.
"Love you too," he said, before waving you off. "Now go- do whatever it is you were doin'."
You laughed. He looked so embarrassed.
"Of course."
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Relationship Quirks 95s ver.
Aka habits I can see the boys doing in a relationship || 95s || 96s || 97s || Maknae line ||
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Scoups Calls you his "wife" while you guys are still dating
NOT AROUND YOU... at first but I doubt that the guys wouldn't secretly take video of him whining during practice talking about, "I miss my wife..." all pouty and everything (he saw you this morning), and NOT send it to you.
He's awkward when you bring it up because he doesn't know if you feel that way about the future of your relationship but once he knows you do feel the same way WHEW you do not hear the end of it.
Suddenly, all the reservations he makes are preceded by "Well, me and my wife...", anytime you're brought up in a conversation dude glitches out and HAS to mention you as his wife at least once (especially if it's to someone he thinks might be interested in you), and the yearning only gets worse! He'll leave for tour and after he texts his customary airplane goodbye message to you your phone will be blowing up with texts from the boys complaining about having to hear their leader practically sobbing about how much he misses his wife.
Jeonghan Steals your stuff
Has big "What's yours is mine" mentality, but don't worry! What's his is yours too! He swears it! Despite the drastic difference in how much he's using, borrowing, or straight up taking your stuff...
Let's be clear though, he never takes things he thinks you'll miss and if he finishes something of yours he always makes sure to replace it pronto. If you do get upset he makes a mental note to not mess with that particular item ever again.
Have you noticed a suspicious amount of your clothing (mainly hoodies, hats, and bags) go missing and suddenly see your boyfriend wearing them during a live? Yes. Has there been multiple arguments about this behavior? For sure! Does it absolutely warm your heart when you're at a concert and see a staff member run on stage to hand Hannie his current comfort item (a childhood toy of yours that you didn't even know was missing from your room)? Absolutely, it does. (Apologizes profusely once you find out...doesn't mean a single word of it and you know it because he's giggling the whole time)
Joshua Buys 2 of everything
Since the dawn of your relationship, Shua has gotten 2 of every item he buys. His initial reason was to get to know one another better by trying out things the other liked. This then spiraled to him doubling every single grocery item, clothes he buys, and pretty much anything he orders. Could be an insanely valuable item worth thousands that he's getting paid to promote but if there isn't a matching one for you then it's off the table. And no, he doesn't necessarily want to be "matching" all the time but he likes knowing that you guys could match whenever you wanted to.
He also gets extremely offended if you question why there's so much of everything, seriously he doesn't even want to hear it, like "Because it's ours! And we share! So we need double! Do you hate me or something!?"
"Babe, why do we have so much shampoo..." "I'm promoting it." "There's 2 of every type in here." "Yep." "We don't ne-" "We do need it." "It's too much." "I don't understand what you're saying to me right now."
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A/N: The brainrot I have for these men is so real rnnnnn. I just had to separate these by years bc it was getting too long :( I'll have 96s up by today too, so stay tuned for that 96 line OUT NOW!! (Have to do it for my babe Nonu) Reblogs and Comments are much-appreciated lovelies!!
TAGLIST (open): @bemybabiibish
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slushycoookie · 12 days
Three's Not a Crowd ~ Miguel O'Hara x Logan Howlett x Fem! Reader
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✩ Word Count: 7.9k
✩ Content: Citizen!Reader. Logan can be which ever one you think of, I didn't go into much detail. Deadpool shows up for a little bit. Miguel and Logan tussle before we get to the dirty stuff. Protected Sex (I make Logan wrap it up once again). P in V. Oral sex (fem receiving). Vaginal sex. MINORS DNI!
✩ A/N: It's a crime that I haven't seen a lot of Miguel and Logan fics so I'm fixing that rn. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Commissions
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“You know what you’re doing, right?”
You shoot him a look, “I know you did not just ask me that.” Miguel stuttered, not realizing that his words might’ve offended you.
“No, shock, sorry, I was just-”
“Miguel, chill.” You playfully punched his arm. “I got this.”
“You do. I didn’t mean to doubt you.”
You knew he didn’t mean that, but you wouldn’t tell him you were a little nervous. It would be your first time working the Go Home machine alone without help from Margo, who was planning to go on more missions for Miguel. You knew your way around regarding technology—making your position at Spider Society a very helpful one.
For someone who didn’t have any superpowers.
“Just don’t press the ‘blow up HQ’ button and you’ll be straight.” Margo added in, making sure you were all set by putting the last of her console commands.
“Why would I even want to press that button?”
“Just in case you get bored. Like I do.”
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, “Do you think it was a good idea to say that in front of your boss?”
“Yes.” Margo winked, making him shake his head at her antics.
“Just call one of us if you do need help.” Miguel assured you with a hand on your shoulder. You tried not to focus on how huge his hand was on you. How close he was to you. How good he smelled at that moment. Like sandalwood. Good thing you had the best poker face in the world, otherwise your crush on him was going to show.
“I will, don’t worry.”
You had a system for sending anomalies back through the Go Home machine. You tried to get the ones brought in order so they wouldn’t spend much time inside the building. Some were antsy, primarily the villains, so you always did your best to get them out immediately. Otherwise, they'd cause problems.
Your stomach growled when you glanced at the time. It was almost lunch. Miguel was still on a mission, so you figured having lunch with him was off the table. You tried to ignore the disappointment in your stomach when you thought about being unable to eat with him. Especially since you brought him a sandwich you made this morning. He said he liked your food.
A portal emerges, and there you see Miguel and Jess with two anomalies in tow. One was webbed up and unconscious, while the other was happily following them, taking in the sights.
It was a Deadpool and Wolverine, anomalies you've never seen before. The most you've gotten were villains, other spider people who weren't a part of the Society, and random citizens. You knew there were other heroes within the universes, but you'd never thought you see them.
“Oooh it's so shiny!” Deadpool admired the other cages filled with anomalies. The one he was looking at contained a gigantic Vulture. “How did you bring this son of a gun in here?”
“Hey.” Jess called, “We agreed to let you look in exchange for voluntarily locking you up.”
“I know, I know.” Deadpool held out his arms to carry Wolverine, who was across Miguel’s shoulder. Miguel sighed before handing one of the X-Men over, like a bride in Wade's arms.
“Uh, what happened to him?” You asked as you locked the two heroes up.
“Knocked him out with my bike.” Jess informed you, “Kitty cat was getting a little crazy, so I had to calm him down.”
“He didn't have his morning coffee, that's why.” Deadpool started stroking his friend's hair. “Big guy needs his caffeine mixed with two shots of bourbon.”
Miguel sighed, “Just what I needed, a Deadpool and Wolverine. You know they usually come in pairs?”
You didn’t know that.
“Better than dealing with a Green Goblin.”
“Anything's better than dealing with goblin.” Deadpool said, “It's like witnessing therapy 101 when talking to that guy.” You bit your lip to hide your amusement while Jess and Miguel didn’t indulge in him. “Tough crowd. I thought all Spidey's are supposed to be funny.”
“Not him.” You pointed at Miguel, “Hardly a funny bone in his body.” Jess chuckled at that while he rolled his eyes.
“Someone has to be serious around here.”
While putting the two heroes on the list for the Go Home machine, your stomach growled once more. Now that Miguel was back, hopefully you two would get lunch and eat together in his lab like usual. It's almost as if he read your mind when pulling you aside.
“Hey, I'm not eating lunch now. I have a pile of reports I need to sign off on and it will take me a while.”
“Oh.” You ignored the disappointment in your chest. “It's okay. Work comes first.”
Miguel smiled, a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Thanks for being understanding.”
Once taking his leave, you sat in a chair by the Go Home machine, eating your sandwich. You only had forty-five minutes, but with Miguel, it was usually close to an hour—perks of being a leader of Spider Society.
“Where the fuck are we?” You heard from one of the enclosures. Wolverine was finally awake.
“The future.” Deadpool said, “It's not all that. I didn't see a Taco Bell in here.”
“The closest thing to that are the tacos in the cafeteria.” You stood, tossing the wrapper from your sandwich away.
“Oooh, what about Mexican pizza? We don't even have those in our dimension because they keep taking it off the menu. Capitalism.”
“Can you not focus on food right now?” You see Wolverine shredded the neon webbing to pieces, understandably pissed off. “We need to get out of here.”
“Oh, I wouldn't do that.” You advise, “Not unless you wanna deal with hundreds of spider people as soon as you escape.”
“Yeah, we should sit this out, peanut.” Deadpool patted Wolverine's head, “Unless you wanna embarrass yourself again like when you fight Magneto.”
He growled, kicking the neon webbing away as if he had a personal vendetta with it. “Well, how long are we going to be stuck here?”
“Not long!” You look through your anomaly list, “After two Rhinos and one Mysterio.”
Wolverine sighed, his stomach growling, “Then is it possible to get some food? I'm fucking starving.”
“Are Mexican pizzas still on the table?” Deadpool rubbed his stomach.
“Sorry, I can't let you guys out.” You then look at your lunchbox, remembering the extra sandwich. Miguel wasn’t going to be able to eat it today. “Would a sandwich work?”
“I'd eat anything.”
“I believe him.” Deadpool added.
You slipped the duo the extra sandwich by partially opening up the cage. You told them to enjoy before going back to work. At least briefly before Deadpool started talking to past the time before you eventually had to send them home. You realized the man would keep going and going and going. Funny enough, it didn't bother you, considering working the Go Home machine tended to have a lot of quiet moments.
“I will say, despite being locked up in another dimension that's not my own, I would do it again if I had that hunk come get me every time.”
You lit up at the mention of Miguel. " Are you talking about the guy in the blue and red suit? Strong muscles? Arms you can get lost in?”
“Yes, him. Dude has an insane build. I'd like to have a party with him and two other guys. But you know what they say, four's a crowd.”
“…I thought the phrase was ‘three's a crowd’?”
“Not in this story it isn't.”
Wolverine roughly pushed Deadpool to the side, “Ignore him.”
“It's hard to when his voice resonates across the room.” You said with a hint of amusement.
“Now you see what I deal with every day.”
“I know, poor Wolverine.” You playfully pout, earning a sharp chuckle from him.
“By the way, thanks for the sandwich. It was good.”
You weren't expecting a thank you from the rugged hero, but you appreciated it.
“You're welcome.”
After meeting the infamous Deadpool and Wolverine, you were sure you wouldn't see them again. You couldn't help, but be disappointed by it. Working the Go Home machine all by yourself tended to get lonely. You got occasional visitors like Margo, Jess, Ben, Miles, etc. Miguel was busy as usual.
So it was nice to have some company besides the usual anomalies who were either too dangerous or too confused to speak to.
Maybe it was pure luck when Miguel came in one day with a sigh, carrying the same Wolverine through the portal—no Deadpool, though. Once again, Wolverine was unconscious due to Jess when they put him in the cage, covered with webs.
“Looks like we got a repeater.” You put down the hero's name on the list.
“I'd rather take him over Deadpool.” Miguel stretched and you tried not to focus on his v-line, burying your face in the tablet.
“I don't know, he's pretty funny.”
“Replace that with annoying.”
Once Miguel lowered his mask, you noticed his exhausted eyes. The red was not as bright as it usually was. “Go take a break.”
“I can't.” He ran his hands through his hair. “So many mission reports, new dimensions, new anomalies.” He motioned over to the still knocked-out Wolverine. “It doesn't make sense to take one right now.”
You glared at him, “Go take a damn break, or else I'm blocking you from my watch.”
“You can't do that without administrative controls.”
“I'll ask Lyla to give them to me.”
On cue, Lyla appeared above your shoulder. “I'll do it, Mig. You know I'm always down for a little fun.”
Not wanting to deal with that, Miguel stands down, following your advice to take a break.
“I'll see you?”
You motioned around you to prove a point. “I'm not going anywhere.”
Miguel’s lips curled up briefly, shooting you through the heart. You etched his small attempt at a smile in your mind, wishing you had Lyla quickly take a picture to send it to you. This crush was so stupid. Why couldn't you get yourself together? You would never be with him anyway, considering that Spider Society was first—no one else.
“Not this again…” Wolverine woke again in the same predicament as before, just without his friend.
“Sorry. At least you know what to expect now.”
“And you think that makes me feel better?”
“…yes? You saying you didn't miss me?”
Wolverine shook his head, not wanting to show you his slightly amused face. “I didn't say that, princess.”
The nickname makes you pause, blood rushing to your cheeks. It was nice to hear.
“We’re already on a nickname basis?”
“I can take it back.”
“Oh no, no need, Wolverine.”
“Logan. Rather have you call me by my name if I'm gonna keep coming back here.”
“Who's to say this won't be your last time here?” You asked while getting ready to put the next anomaly to the machine. “Also, I knew your actual name, by the way.” You wiggle the tablet in front of him.
Once again, you were under the impression that Logan wouldn't come back. Except he did the next day. Willingly, as well. Not knocked out or tied up with webs. He just walked through the portal with the other spiders and plopped down in the cage, pouting.
You thought the situation was odd, so you asked Margo to come down for a minute to see if this happened before with other anomalies.
“Oh yeah, all the time.” She said while observing Logan. “Had this Black Cat that kept showing up for a whole month once. There was no glitch, no secret dimensions collapsing. It was weird.”
“Yeah, that's…very weird.”
“You telling me I'm gonna keep showing up here for a month?” Logan asked, obviously not happy about that.
Margo shrugged, “Maybe? It could be much shorter, but we'll have to see.”
She showed you the statistics of Logan's original dimension, and you noticed how everything looked normal. The numbers weren't off, and the citizens were okay. It was nothing to bring up to Miguel that would cause concern.
“Let me out of here then.”
You and Margo glanced at each other, “We can’t. It's against the rules since you're classified as an anomaly.”
Logan huffed, “Didn’t think you were such a rule stickler.”
You weren’t. You didn’t want to upset Miguel. If Logan kept returning, you might as well skip all the rules. At least make him more comfortable until the system got itself together.
You messed with the tablet to let him out. Logan and Margo were shocked at your actions, and the latter quickly pulled you to the side.
“So, you're gonna take the heat, right? If Miguel gets mad at you?”
“He’s not going to get mad.” You paused momentarily, “I don't think.”
“Y'all might be tight, but he won't let this slide.” She looked over your shoulder to watch Logan, who stood by the opened cage, tapping his foot while waiting.
“I got it.”
Your plan was simple: have Logan keep you company until it was time for him to go home. You weren't going to admit to anyone else that it was a task trying to get some of the bigger anomalies in the machine. The spider mechanical legs were hitting their limit, and you didn't want to put them through maintenance, somehow still proving to Miguel that you couldn't handle it.
Margo let you do your thing when you gave Logan his day pass to stop him from glitching until he went home.
“No fancy watch?”
“No, sorry. Keep in mind this is only temporary.”
Logan nodded before searching the premises, “Any booze around here?”
“There’s the spider bar, but it's not open now.”
He let out a short laugh, “Really? A ‘spider’ bar? You’re shitting me, right?”
“Uh, this is coming from the person who rides in a X-Jet.”
You hold back in grinning when he blinked, “Alright, you got me there.”
Logan was a big help in helping you take the anomalies back to their respective dimensions. He hardly complained once you told him you'd grab him a couple of beers from the bar. And he kept you company, which you never thought you needed in this line of work. Working with technology tended to be a solo job. You just got lucky when Miguel noticed you and saw your potential. He helped you grow into the position you are in now. So, in a way, you wanted to prove he didn't put you there for nothing.
However, you felt all that crashing down when Miguel stormed into the room, seeing Logan was out of the enclosure.
“Care to explain why we have an anomaly out and about?”
You held the tablet close to your chest as you tried to devise a good excuse. Despite his rushed actions, you knew Miguel wasn’t upset as his brows weren't creased.
“He’s not out and about. Logan is under my supervision.”
Logan grunted in agreement, downing a beer you rewarded him.
“You know that's not part of protocol.” Miguel said, hands on his hips. The typical leader pose.
“Relax, bub. She's just doing me a solid.” Logan cut in, and you tried to hold in your surprise of how quickly he downed that beer. “By the way, you need to get better beer. This is shit.”
“We've hardly had any complaints from other spiders.”
“For a bunch of guys that can't get drunk, it's really easy to not give a fuck. ”
Miguel’s face twisted in mild annoyance, and you quickly stepped in front of Logan to save him.
“Look, I know I'm breaking some rules here, but this is just until we figure out why he keeps popping up in other dimensions. I'll be careful.”
You strained your neck to look up at him, his eyes searching yours. He was so close to you. His breath brushing along your head, raising your heartbeat. Miguel suddenly backed off, his face a little annoyed, but he'll get over it.
“I trust you.” You relaxed your shoulders, glad he didn't demote you. He then focused his attention on Logan. “Watch yourself.”
Logan scoffed, “What, you think I'm going to steal her from you?”
“You did not just say that.” Your head shot back at him and you could see the amusement on his face.
“Big guy's acting like I'm hogging all the attention.”
Miguel pinched his nose, “Just make sure he gets home.”
You watch him storm off, unsure how you made him upset once again. Actually, it was Logan's fault this time. Yet Miguel didn’t say anything about his comment. It could've been a one-off. He's big on avoiding questions he didn't want to answer.
You decided not to dwell on it.
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You jotted down every time Logan came through as an anomaly. It was like a game. You mark the day he comes through that portal, his face in his usual scowl. That quickly fades away once he sees you. You give him a few beers and he continues to complain about how terrible they are. Or how they're not as bad once you give it to him.
Whenever a villain anomaly needs to go back, Logan acts like your bodyguard—standing behind you to assert dominance. To not mess with you. They always intimidated you since you're among the few people in the building without superpowers. And you didn't want to bring that up to Miguel either. Luckily, Logan being there relaxed you.
In fact, despite his aura of not wanting to be messed with, he was delightful to talk to. Easily being engaged in the conversations you two have. There, he knew about your civilian life and how you decided to work at Spider Society to help make a difference. You didn’t expect to be in your current position, but you were grateful for it.
And you knew more about him. Every time an anomaly comes through, you get a dossier. Standard knowledge on whoever needed to get back home. But it never ran any deeper than that. Never gave you additional information about who they were as a person. Logan allowed you to see his other side when he told you about his dark past.
Somehow, you felt closer to him.
Miguel started acting strange whenever Logan was keeping you company. Before, you could count on one hand all the times Miguel came to see you when you started working the Go Home machine. Now, he was there a lot more than usual.
Saying he was checking up on how you're doing. If Logan was giving you any trouble, which the man didn't like that one bit. Making sure you were keeping to the daily quota of sending anomalies away. Playing into his boss role.
“Don’t forget to send me the system checkups before you leave for the day.” You gave him a thumbs up at Miguel’s reminder and said goodbye as he left for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
“I swear to god if he shows up here one more time...”
Logan unleashed one of his claws for emphasis and you got the point.
“He’s just doing his job. He can't have Spider Society start to slack. Otherwise-”
“The multiverse would start collapsing blah, blah, blah.” He grabs another beer, popping off the top with a slice of his claws. “I got it, sweetheart. I can still fucking complain about it though.”
You ignored your heart fluttering whenever Logan gave you nicknames like princess or sweetheart despite his relaxed tone. You found yourself eying his physique while he kept you company—especially those bulging arms. You weren't immune to how a man displayed his strength.
Your stomach churned when you tore your eyes away. You couldn’t be developing a crush on Logan too. You liked Miguel! And what was with you pining over men you never even had a chance with?
Speaking of pining for men you probably couldn’t be with, Miguel was finally free. After saying goodbye to Logan, he sent you a message asking if you were available. This was good; it was an excellent chance to see if your crush on Miguel remained since you two had been apart for a while.
Or maybe it wasn't good because once you walked inside, his face lit up at the sight of you. You hoped he hadn't heard your increased heartbeat.
“You wanted to see me?” You asked while trying to remain calm.
“Yeah. I wanted to see if you could keep me company.” Miguel said, “I've got to sign off on paperwork and you know how much I despise it.”
“Oh yeah.”
You got comfortable on the platform as he raised it, your legs dangling below. Miguel sniffed the air and grimaced at you.
“You smell like him.”
You purse your lips. “Smell like who? Logan?” Miguel grunted and you tried to hold in a laugh. “Well, he has been hanging around me almost every day.”
“I know.” His muscles tense up at the conversation. “I don't like you hanging around with him.”
You tilted your head, “Why?”
“Because what?”
Miguel remained silent, signing off on some more paperwork. You wish you had enough strength to knock him upside the head and quit the mysterious act. You'd be very successful, considering the lack of spider sense.
“Mig, how am I supposed to know what's bothering you if you don't tell me?”
You notice his shoulders tensed up more.
“He’s a drunk, too relaxed in his line of work, not serious when it comes to helping you with the machine.”
“He's been fine to me. And you know he can only get drunk, but for so long.”
Miguel sucked his teeth, brows furrowed. “He flirts with you.”
You wave him away, “It's harmless.”
“Not to me.” He's looking at you now. Serious. “He may have some underlying intentions.”
“What?” You start laughing, desperate to make this conversation feel like a joke. “Like he wants to get in my pants?” Miguel nodded to solidify it. “You know I'm a grown adult, right?”
“I'm only saying this as-” He paused as if he’s trying to figure out the right words, “as your friend. I know how men are.”
“So do I. I'm trying to understand what you gain in telling me this.”
“I don't gain anything. I'm looking out for you.”
You wanted to leave his lab now. Miguel saying that too only made your crush on Logan even worse. Your mind now realizing that there's a possibility Logan likes you, but you were frustrated since you were so close to saying to Miguel that you like him. Just to see what he would say.
You grab his remote to the platform, lowering it to his surprise. You had to walk away and calm yourself down.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“It's getting late and I should go home.”
You try to step off, but Miguel’s in front of you, panic in his eyes. “Don’t leave.”
“You were trying to convince me that another guy I've been around only wants to get with me. For what reason? Because you’re my friend? Don't play with me, Miguel.”
You try to go past him, but he's quick, taking your hand and spinning you around. You almost fall against his chest, but he keeps you upright, looking up at him with confused eyes.
“I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make you angry at me. I just-” Miguel bit the inside of his cheek, words at the tip of his tongue. You don't say anything, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say. “I'm only saying this because I…I have feelings for-”
“Miggy!” Lyla called from above his shoulder, “We just got information back on-oh.” She noticed the two of you. “Oh no, was I interrupting something?”
“No!” You quickly pull your hand away from Miguel’s. “He was just seeing me off. I'll head out now.”
Miguel called your name, “Don't go yet.”
“It's alright! I don't want to take you away from work.” You say goodnight to the two of them, booking it out of his lab.
Was he about to confess?
Confess what? That he liked you? It was absurd. Impossible. Miguel didn’t want you that way. At least you thought. Yet, when you came in the following day, he barely looked at you. He only said a simple good morning before continuing his leadership duties.
If he liked you, then why was he avoiding you? None of it made sense and you were trying to figure it out.
“You alright?” Logan asked, taking you out of your thoughts. You’ve been staring at the list of anomalies to send home for the day.
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay.”
You proceeded to get rid of your confusion about the man that was Miguel O’Hara by bringing up the next anomaly. Logan doesn’t accept your words when he placed a warm hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t know about that. The big guy didn’t stop by today to annoy the hell out of me, so something’s up.”
You grimace, thinking about the conversation last night. Would it be okay to tell Logan what Miguel told you? As you’re aware, your crush for the hero with the metal claws was blooming too. You thought you were handling it relatively well compared to your one with Miguel. Maybe it’s because deep down inside, he might be right about Logan when it came to you.
“It’s stupid now that I’m thinking about everything.”
“Well?” He folded his arms, waiting for you to continue.
“We got into a disagreement last night. Miguel thinks that you’re being so flirty to me because you want to have sex with me.”
Logan sharply laughed. You tried not to let his apparent amusement sting your heart.
“Somebody’s jealous.”
You shake your head, “That’s not jealousy. He said it was out of concern.”
“And you believed him?” Your silence told everything Logan needed to know, making him chuckle once more. “I get it. You’ve seen yourself, princess?”
“You heard me. You’re not bad to look at. I’m surprised he’s taking so long to confess to you.” Logan struts over to you, your back against the console. He’s not trapping you, but the distance was closer than what you two have had before. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“And how does he look at me?”
Logan’s eyes were filled with want as he traced your body. You didn't want to admit how much it was turning you on.
“He looks at you the way I am now.”
You bit your lip, holding in a rising smile. You just received an indirect confession from a hero from another dimension. And an unspoken one from another hero in your universe. You can’t believe it.
“He doesn’t look at me that way.” You try to shut it down and not get ecstatic at the idea of two men pining over you.
“Wanna bet?” Logan gets closer to you now. You allow him, taking in hints of the whiskey you were able to swing him from the bar. “Kiss me. See how he acts then.”
You let out a surprise snort. “Like he’s watching us right now.”
“You think he isn’t?”
You purse your lips, knowing it’s not uncommon for Miguel not to watch over areas of Spider Society to make sure everything runs smoothly, including your space. Logan lets you make the move, your hands moving along his yellow suit, feeling his pectorals. His dark eyes watch you intensely when you slide up to his neck, draping your arms around it. His gloved hands rest on your sides and it unironically makes you shiver. It's the most interaction you’ve gotten in a while.
“Go for it, sweetheart.”
So you kiss him. The taste of alcohol on his lips incites you further. Your body pressed along his to feel more of his body. Logan’s hands map out your sides as if he doesn’t want to touch you further than he is already.
That’s when a rush of air goes by you. Logan is gone, his body against the wall, cracks forming around where he landed. Miguel’s imposing frame towers over him, arm tight on his neck, keeping him there.
“Guess I was right.” Logan strained, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh yeah? And I was right about you. Wanting to fuck her.”
“Before you could?”
Miguel growled, his hold on Logan getting tighter. “You really want to do this?”
“Buddy, I’ve been wanting to kick your sorry ass since the day we’ve met.” Logan’s claws unsheathed and panic started to set in. You did not want them to fight right here.
“Hold on, can we just take a minute to-”
They weren’t listening to you when Miguel was flown back, slamming into a console. The electricity slightly glitched his suit as he gathered his bearings, eyes on Logan the entire time. The Wolverine crouched, arms out wide in his battle stance. Miguel’s mask was up, waiting for him to make the next move.
“Guys, please don't do this. I don't wanna see you two get hurt-”
You took cover behind a console as they started to fight. Bits and pieces of technology flown everywhere. Strands of Miguel’s webs on the side. Marks from Logan’s claws all over. Bits of blood staining the floor and you weren't sure who it belonged to.
To say you were scared was the wrong word to use. Because you weren't, despite your head filled with your fast-paced heartbeat. Oddly, you were flattered.
After all this time of thinking you weren't the person Miguel wanted, the person Logan was into changed in a moment. They were fighting over you. You.
You liked it but didn’t want them to kill each other over it.
“Lyla?” You called the AI, who showed up in an instant.
“Hang on, I'm getting several system failures from the Go Home machine-oh my god.”
“Yeah. Can I get some help in here, please?”
Not long after, the men were separated. Some spiders held Miguel back while Logan had to be locked up once again to calm down. All of your coworkers were shocked at the destruction those two caused.
“Uhh what happened?” Jess asked Miguel, who didn’t say anything. He brushed by her to cool off. So she asked you, and you tried to come up with an answer that didn't sound weird.
“Miguel and Logan just had a misunderstanding.”
She pointed to the torn-up console that was currently being repaired, “How is that a result of a misunderstanding?”
You shrugged, struggling to say something cohesive. “I don't know. It's like I blinked and they started trying to tear each other’s throats out.” Because of you, but you didn’t add that part.
Jess rubbed her temples, “Alright. I'll talk to Miguel later. Are you okay, though? They didn't get you, right?”
“I'm fine.” You show her that there wasn’t a scratch on you. “Is it okay if I leave early though?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
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You decided to stay home after that day—more out of embarrassment than anything. No one at Spider Society probably knew about the reason Miguel and Logan were fighting yesterday. Well, Jess might, but not anyone else. It felt embarrassing because you secretly liked it. Two incredible men in their respective fields want you, a random citizen.
You didn’t say a word to them when you left, so you couldn’t leave them high and dry.
That’s why you called Lyla, giving her instructions to have Logan stay until the end of the day if he showed up again and to call Miguel back to the Go Home machine around the same time. You needed to get yourself ready for what you wanted to say.
Time went by so fast for you.
It did not give you enough time to properly rehearse or to calm the anxiety stuck in your throat. Your shower went on forever, and you were sure you sat in your room for almost an hour trying to figure out the clothes you would wear as if you needed to woo them more than you’d already had.
You steeled yourself when walking into Spider Society, settling on a simple hoodie and jeans. You could barely hear yourself think as a few spiders greeted you, some asking why you weren’t here today. You didn’t have much time to talk, so you used an example of taking a mental health day. Because you absolutely needed it.
That’s when you walked to the machine room and saw Logan there, just as you expected. Margo was there too, and she was showing him how to play one of her favorite mobile games, which involved slashing fruit.
Miguel appeared beside you, almost scaring you. “Oh geez, hey.”
“Are you…did you want to-?”
“Hey, hey!” Margo interrupted, greeting you with a wave. “I heard you were sick.”
“I took a mental health day.” You explained, “Sorry, I should’ve told you.”
“It’s alright.” She waved it off, “I was playing games with this guy all day.” Margo motioned to Logan, who didn’t say anything, folding his arms.
“Go home. I’ll take Logan back for you.”
You can see Margo wanting to question it despite hearing you needed a mental break. But there was an unknown tenseness in the air, and she was a smart girl.
“Uh, okay. See ya, Logan. Bye bye, boss.” Her avatar dissipated, leaving you three alone.
“You alright?” Logan asked to cut the silence.
“I'm fine.” You reassured.
“Are you sure?” Miguel stepped closer to you, “A lot happened that day, and part of it was my fault.”
“Don’t hog all of the blame.” Logan grunted, “It was my fault too.”
“You're both okay.” You reached over and took one of their hands, squeezing them affectionately. “I just didn't want you two to kill each other.”
“Like he would've tried.”
Miguel side-eyed Logan momentarily, “I could've given different circumstances.”
“Sure, bub.”
“Okay!” You focus their attention on you, not wanting to cause another fight. “I wanted you two here to address the giant elephant in the room.” Their intense eyes on you make you a little nervous, sweat clinging to the nape of your neck. You weren't sure what their reactions were going to be. If, after all of this, you needed to find a new job.
“I like you, " you say to Miguel. A light flickers in his crimson eyes, and you notice him trying to hold back a smile.
“I like you too.”
That confirmation boosts your confidence a little.
You then turn to Logan, “I like you too.”
“You're not too bad yourself.” He casually said. “Don’t know how the big guy is gonna take it.”
“I'm right here.” Miguel scowled at him before focusing on you. “What are you trying to say?”
“What I'm saying is…I want you both.”
It was a big risk saying something like that to both of them. None of them appeared to want to share their partner with another. Unless it's under specific guidelines. You didn't have any, but you knew how you felt. And if they didn't agree, maybe you were better off not being with anyone.
Miguel appeared to be hesitant, while Logan was hardly phased. “Not the first time I've had this offer.”
“It's different, but I know what I feel for you two is real. And I'm open to trying.”
The gears are turning in Miguel’s mind as he’s thinking it over, his hand never leaving yours.
“Okay. I'll try for you.”
You shimmied with joy, pulling both of them in for a hug. You felt their hard bodies and tried not to focus on how different they were from your own. There were many rules you probably needed to set, but for now, you wanted to take it as is.
When pulling back, you stopped short between the two of them. Miguel captured your attention by turning your head towards him with his index finger.
“Can I kiss you?”
You darted down to his lips before nodding. Miguel quickly captured your lips with his. You thought your kiss with him would be gentle and light. Instead, you felt the desperation of finally being able to taste you after all this time. His groans resonated across your ears, letting you know how much he wanted you.
Miguel kissed you so much that you felt dizzy when parting, but Logan's chuckle brought you back to reality.
“Was he better than me?”
Miguel sucked his teeth when you pretended to ponder, “I think I need another reminder.”
Logan kissed you, parting your lips to slip his tongue inside. He also groans in your mouth, a steady hand on your hip. You had to grip Miguel’s shoulder to keep balance when you parted again, also dazed.
“It's about the same.”
The two men groaned simultaneously, hoping you would say which one was better.
“You look pretty like this.”
“For once, I agree with him.”
That's when they began their journey of your body. Logan latched on to your neck, kissing and sucking on it while Miguel peppered your face with kisses, managing to capture your lips a few more times. They lingered on their respective sides, caressing your breasts, fingers tracing down your back, groping your ass.
Logan took over momentarily, your back against his chest while he sucked on your neck again. Miguel’s kisses on your lips silenced whatever escaped from your own. Their movement were picking up in speed, and you faltered trying to keep up with them.
“Fuck.” Logan paused, sniffing the air. “You smell delicious.”
You started getting flustered, “What? Don't tell me you can…” You squeezed your thighs together.
“I can smell you too.” Miguel sniffed, his being a bit more discreet.
This was about to be a problem. If you didn't say anything, you were sure clothes would be thrown all over the consoles. You didn’t need yet another scandal in the Go Home machine.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
That's how you managed two superheroes in your apartment. Two horny ones at that. Some part of you wanted to pinch yourself to wake up from a dream. The way their eyes stared you down, blown from lust, standing so close to you that you could feel their body heat. But this was real.
“If any of you guys are uncomfortable-”
“If we were uncomfortable,” Miguel started, unzipping your hoodie and tossing it to the side. " We would've said it, right?”
Logan grunted, coming around from behind and raising your arms. He pulled your shirt off in one motion, leaving you in your bra.
“You okay with this, princess?
His whispering made goosebumps form on your skin. “Obviously, since I started all of this.”
“Just checking.”
Logan picked you up, angling you in a way that allowed Miguel to remove your shoes and jeans. When he settled you down, Miguel wanted to admire more of your exposed skin. His fingers circled along your plush thighs. Logan's centered along your breasts, pushing them up against your bra and making you sigh in relief.
You didn't want to get too caught up in your pleasure, noticing the guys still had on their suits. You reach over to Miguel, feeling his chest to see how to remove the suit, but he stopped you with his hand on top of yours.
“I got it.”
With his watch, his suit is gone. Only leaving him in his boxers.
Logan grumbled, “Show off.”
You turn around, your back against Miguel’s chest. You felt his lips on your neck as you went to help Logan with his suit. Having a little difficulty with the multiple kisses he gave you on your lips, forehead, and cheeks. He helped you by guiding your hands to his zipper. As you pull it down, Logan pressed against you, practically sandwiched between two half-naked, bulky guys. Who couldn't stop kissing and touching you.
Your hands brushed along their hairy chests, noting how Miguel’s was softer than Logan's coarse strands. Suddenly, you were being picked up and laid flat on your comforter.
Both men were on each side of you, the bed slightly creaking from the extra weight.
“Whoever breaks my bed is gonna pay for it.”
Logan tsked, “Say that to money bags over there.”
“I'll take responsibility and get you a better one if it happens.” Miguel reassured you.
As they spoke, your bra was removed with one hand by Logan. Your panties were pulled down and thrown away by Miguel. Cold air hitting your cunt told you exactly how wet you were, aching for more.
“I'm eating her out. Since you stole my kiss.”
Miguel told Logan, who scowled, clearly not happy about it. But got over it once his lips trailed down to your breast, taking your nipple in his mouth. Miguel matched him, latching on to your other breast. His hands trailed down your stomach and to your aching cunt. You felt him falter when his middle finger went in your soaked hole.
Logan wrapped his arm around your thigh, spreading you wider for Miguel to continue pumping into you. You were having a hard time keeping quiet between Miguel lazily pumping two fingers into you while Logan was determined to create marks on your skin. Hands tangled into their hair, tugging on it occasionally to replace your moans. The action spurs them on even further.
Miguel trailed his lips down, across your stomach, appreciating the fat you have and running his tongue along your naval. So slow. So agonizingly slow. He gives you mercy by continuing his journey down, kissing on your inner thighs. Logan maneuvered so he was behind you again, your head resting comfortably along his chest while you were spread wide for Miguel. He’s hovered above your aching cunt, eyes glazed over at the sight of you.
“Let me know how she tastes.” Logan said while nudging into your head. His large hands cupped your breasts.
Miguel groaned against your sex when he dived in. His tongue parted your folds, his lips closing in to suck on your clit. There was no point in being quiet anymore, you moaning loudly as Miguel ate you out. One hand slid down his curls, creating a solid grip that could pull his hair out. Logan wasn’t missing out as he continued to massage your breasts, his beard scratching along your face. You grip the nape of his neck, pulling him into a messy kiss. Tongues dancing amongst each other.
You were getting double the attention. Your body heating up at the pleasure. Miguel groaned against your drenched cunt, not stopping once to take a breather. He made sure your legs remained spread with his hands holding you down.
Even Logan didn’t let you try and move to escape your impending climax. Your breaths picked up, your lips wavering against his, your eyes rolling back. Miguel kept going as your body exploded with immense ecstasy. Your cries being a work of art and an indication of how good both of them made you feel.
You felt like you were floating as they kept prolonging your orgasm. Miguel lapping at your sex and Logan pinching your nipples.
“That means I can fuck her, right?”
It was Miguel’s turn to scowl at Logan. “No. I’m already in this position anyway.”
“But you got to taste her. Now, I get to fuck her.” Logan proceeded to move you around, but Miguel stopped him with a hand on your ankle.
“No way.”
“Guys…” You mumble, slowly gathering your bearings. You feel eyes on you when you roll over to the nightstand, pulling out your box of condoms. You toss them to Logan before giving Miguel a sympathetic look.
“Next time, okay?”
Before he could express his opinion, you crawl over to him, tracing your fingers around the lining of his boxers. You wiggle your ass and glance back at Logan, permitting him to pounce on you. You notice the apparent tent in Miguel’s boxers before pulling them down. His cock was huge with a slight curve, pre cum leaking from his tip. You make kitten licks around his lip as Logan gripped your hips, his cock rubbing against your ass cheeks.
He sunk into you, causing you to shiver in ecstasy. You moan against Miguel’s shaft, licking up and down. His hand had a gentle grip on your nape as he watched you.
“Tan bonita, nena (So pretty, baby)…”
You whimper when Logan slid out of you before thrusting back inside. The thrusts strong enough to have you jolt against Miguel’s cock.
“Fuck me…” Logan grunted, creating a delicate rhythm with his hips. “You feel…oh fuck…”
You moan while taking Miguel in your mouth. You try to take as much as you could while stroking the rest, matching the rhythm Logan created. His grip on your hips get stronger as well as Miguel’s on your neck.
A symphony was conducted in the bedroom. Your moans blended in with Miguel and Logan’s, who were the main stars. Their grunts and groans as they filled you up on both ends played well with each other. All you could do was take it, drool seeping down Miguel’s cock, creating more lubrication for you to stroke.
Logan’s grunts change pitch, getting deeper. His thrusts were getting disorganized, desperate to reach his peak. Miguel was on the same end. His hips push forward in your mouth, not enough to make you choke. Both of his hands are on your neck now, creating a faster rhythm to finish.
You wondered who was going to finish first.
“I’m about to…” Miguel warned you, ready to pull out, only for you to keep him there, still sucking his soul out.
“S-So am I-” Logan’s grunts turn to outright whines when he comes, latching on to your hips. Miguel isn’t too far behind when after a few more thrusts, his cum coat your throat. You swallow it all, not missing a single drop.
As Logan pulled out of you, Miguel moved you to rest your head, his bicep under it. Your hand grazing Logan’s chest when he lies beside you, capturing your breaths, allowing the space to reach a comfortable silence.
You tried not to let your thoughts wander to what would happen next. If all of this would be a one-time thing and everything would go back to normal tomorrow, you didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“I…” Miguel spoke against your head, “I thought we’d go on a few dates before this happened.”
You snickered, “We can still go on dates. Since this is going to be serious, right?”
“Right.” He kissed your forehead.
“I’ve always wanted to go to the aquarium.” You then smack Logan’s chest to capture his attention. He was on the verge of falling asleep. “Hey, you wanna go to the aquarium one day?”
“Anything you wanna do, I’ll do too.” He said with a short shrug. “Just give me a heads-up first.”
“Got it.”
Getting an overwhelming sense of gratitude, you gently kiss Miguel’s lips before leaning over to do the same to Logan. Your heart was whole and ready for this new chapter in your life.
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Tags: @ghost-lantern @monarchberrysblog
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lovifie · 5 months
141 Task Force Men and what piece of clothing they would steal.
(No smutty, just these fine gentlemen being little rats that steal your clothes)
First of all, he would steal everything.
Especially if you lived together.
"What do you mean I can't grab your jacket to go buy some bread? Bla, bla, bla. I'll be back before you miss it."
"Oh, these are your socks? I was wondering when I had bought such bright colour ones."
"Why are you wearing my raincoat, John?" "Excuse me? Is mine!" "No, it's not!!"
In his mind, if he is planning to share his life with you, it simply makes sense for him to share everything else.
But there is something he is stealing over everything else, and those are booty shorts.
My man is overheating in this global warmed world, and he is looking on his closest for some shorts when he stumbles upon your booty shorts.
They are ridiculously short, basically legalized underwear he can wear outside; but this is the coolest he has felt since summer started, so he isn't stopping.
After all, who is going to tell the military captain what to wear?
Plus, when you wake up in the morning you are greeted by him in the kitchen making coffee and booty shorts with "juicy" written on them.
Extra: The two of you have an extensive collection of hats, that he technically doesn't steal from because it's shared.
Extra x2: He owns the "Woman want me, Fish fear me."
Ghost 💀
Your sweaters
It all started the first night he went to your house.
He was wearing a leather jacket, and although he looked illegally hot; it was obvious it was not the comfiest jacket to be chilling ii.
So you offered him your fave sweater, a massive one that could almost work as a blanket.
At first, he rejects your offer, afraid that it will be itchy and he will offend you; but his complaints get shut when you ask him to please feel it.
Instantly tries it own, the massive sweater looking loose on his as well. The image of the behemoth of a man, all black, balaclava (no mask) still on... And the fluffiest sweater on melting your heart.
The next time he visited your house he didn't even wait for you to open the door before taking his jacket off: "....can I put on your sweater?"
They are kind of his guilty pleasure, he would never admit how much he likes them and even less to other person but you.
But you only need to see how he buries himself on the sweater when he sits down on the sofa.
If he was amazing to cuddle with before, now it's even better.
Extra: I also like to think of him having a random ear piercing, and whenever he wears just the surgical mask or no mask in general; he would steal one of your dangling earrings to wear. Playing with it throughout the whole night out.
Soap 🧼
Baby tees
Every single one of them.
He keeps saying they make their muscles look amazing (they do)
He likes the ones with drawings or photos, but his favourites are the ones with texts.
Cue to him wearing tight ass shirts saying such as: "Small tits, big heart", "I got my clit pierced at Claire's" or "Don't bully me, I'll cum :("
You don't even remember why you bought them, mostly they are gifts from Secret Santa but you are so, so glad they found their way to your closet.
He wears them proudly, not even realising the stares.
When you go online shopping he's always cuddling on your side, leaving one of your arms useless with the way he cuddles it.
If he sees a tee he likes he just makes you stop scrolling and add it to the basket like: "It'll look good in you too."
There is also a small collection of them, the ones you genuinely like that don't let him wear. Not after he put one on, started flexing his arms and back and ripped it.
Just staring at you with guilt on his eyes and his tits out.
Gaz ⛽
Your shirts.
The ugliest, most colourful, eye-sore, extravagant shirt that you might own? He's taking them.
You are cleaning your closet one day and you pull out an offense to your eyes, mumbling about what where you thinking when you bought it and Gaz sees it and is like: °o°
He's taking it.
Getting ready for a costume party, you decide to dress up as Master Roshi from Dragon Ball (fake beard and everything) but you are missing the ugly shirt.
You remember seeing it not too long ago in your closet but you can't find it. So you ask your boyfriend.
And you find him wearing it, spraying cologne on telling you that he is also going out with his mates and asking how do you look.
Little shit does pull it off, so you don't lie when you tell him he looks fantastic.
You still have plenty of ugly shirts for your costume.
Extra: He would steal all your jewerly, rings, bracelets, necklaces, you name it. Just little bits all over his outfit; "It signs the deal, babe." They do.
Extra x2: He is always waiting for somebody to compliment any of your things he is wearing to have an excuse to talk about you, Soap is tired of hearing him mumble about you whenever he drinks.
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