#and the magic rules are mind boggling
siphoklansan · 6 months
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Introducing…. 𓆝 ⋆.𖦹°‧
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꧁𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐢꧂
สุชลที ทิพย์ชลาลัย
“He claims that his father is a king.”
Height : 167 cm.
Birthday : 15th of November (Loy Kratong)
Age : 18
Homeland : East of Scalding Sands (Attidaya)
Best Subject : Practical Magic
Club : Equestrian club
Talents : Horseback riding, swimming.
Hobby : Taking care of his pet *jet dragon horse (Nhil - ม้านิลมังกร)
Dislikes : Nagas, sea snakes
Favorite Food : Tom Yum Khung (ต้มยำกุ้ง)
Least Favorite Food : Traditional medicine, bitter herbs.
꧁𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜꧂
- 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝗼𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚: the ability to summon an extinct, magic creature of the sea: the Jet Dragon Horse. Suchol can command the horse at will whether to attack or to use it as a means of transportation, both on land and sea.
- Suchol can breathe underwater.
꧁𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Suchol’s first name “Sucholatee” means beautiful sea and his last name “Thipchalalai” means the angel’s ocean✨
- Suchol is based off of another famous literature piece (famous as in it has been in plays for countless of times- like Romeo and Juliet💀) called Phra Apai Manee (พระอภัยมณี) and he’s based on a character named Sudsakorn! The story is a bout Sudsakon, a half mer half human boy, goes on a journey to find his father.
- Spoiler alert: tbh his father is lowley a piece of shit based on what I remember😭 He has a lot of wives (at that time having many wives is a power status, and he’s a king) and he fell in love with a mermaid who is Sudsakorn’s mother. THEN HE LEAVES SO THAT’S WHY SUDSAKORN GREW UP TO LOOK FOR HIM. The dad’s also the protagonist of the story (his name is on the title) but I’m purely writing this out of memory because so many things happened in the story and I have to go reread it again. The dad left for some “duties” but got a new wife along the journey like bruh🗿
- Back to Suchol though, his horse Nhil (or should I say his unique magic👀) is based off of the horse dragon in the literature piece! The horse dragon is a wild animal, and its strength even rivals yakshas. But Sudsakorn decided that no☝️you are my friend and I will treat you like you’re some stray cat on the street☝️ and that’s how Sudsakorn got his mount HSJDJUJSUJDU
- To elaborate further on his Unique magic, it’s kind of like Kalim’s magic carpet. The magic carpet is a replica of the original one, and Suchol’s horse dragon ability is a replica of the extinct animal🫶✨
꧁𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Sucholatee Thipchalalai or Suchol for short, is an aspiring and dutiful young half-mer of Royal sword Academy- sorry that was a lie, he’s actually a trouble maker. Don’t let his pretty face fool you!
- Oh, he’d stir up trouble and pranks everywhere. Like dude, how’d you get here in this academy of all places?? You sure you’re not from NRC? You didn’t snuck in here did you?
- Aside from his infamous tricks and such at the academy, he’s quite a sweetheart to his family; his single mother who is a mermaid, and his surrogate father who is an old man next door.
- Growing up on an island with fairytales and stories being told to him constantly, he grew up to believe it is all true. That is to say, he’s the type to believe that Santa Claus is real (and he still does please don’t break the news to him🙏)
- Suchol was a young prodigy due to the mysterious ways his surrogate father taught him magic. It ranges from animal linguistics to ancient magic! That said, he doesn’t find a need to study and still gets good grades. Lucky bastard🙄 /lh
- The general rule of hanging out with Suchol is to NEVER mention Charin. Ever. Not because he hates the yaksha, it’s more like Suchol sees him as his idol. Charin was the older brother Suchol never had. The red eye shadow he wears is proof that he wants to grow up to be just like Charin!
- Suchol is the type of guy who says the most mind boggling, crazy, unbelievable thing ever but it turns out to be true.
- “My dad is a king from a far away land!” Yeah sure buddy 🤥 (it’s actually true)
- But hey, being a bad boy and a trickster aside, having a friend like Suchol is like a breath of fresh air. He’ll drag you to fun fairs and games, making sure you having the time of your life is his priority.
- One of his best qualities (maybe the only one /j im kidding) is honesty. Suchol finds it difficult to lie. While he wouldn’t be blunt about it (*cough* Mathura *cough*), he still makes sure to be honest without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- So what do you say? You don’t wanna miss out on one of the best rides of your life, right? Suchol can’t wait to show off his new friend his legendary horse!
*jet in this case refers to the gemstone
*picture of the dragon horse since I’m too lazy to draw it (the horse has shining black scales that looks like the jet gemstone)
“PS. Invite Charin if you can!” <- his words not mine.
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redwinterroses · 2 months
(part one) (part two)
Eureka was silent and mostly dark when they arrived, the only light shining dimly from torches placed around the buildings to keep mobs at bay. It was almost as small as Oakville, but there was at least a saloon, and what looked like a proper general store. 
Tango led the way to the saloon door, which opened—unlocked—under his hand. 
“Trusting,” Jimmy muttered.
“Rural,” Tango corrected, pushing the door inward and stepping inside. The floor creaked loudly under his feet. “Everybody knows everybody—and thieves don’t stick around long.”
The saloon was empty, but a single lantern burned on the bartop, shedding just enough light on the room that they didn’t trip over the rough, three-legged stools around the tables.
Tango closed the door behind Jimmy and nodded at the back wall. “It’s no hub hotel,” he said, keeping his voice low. “But there’s no creepers. We can sleep here for the night and take it up with Cubby in the morning.”
Jimmy looked at the hard wooden floor and thought longingly of the thin mattress in his train cabin. 
“I hate the frontier,” he said, pulling off his jacket and folding it into a rough pillow. “This city boy isn't made for roughing it.”
“Well, lucky for you: we won't have to.” Tango hopped up onto the bar and swung his legs around, slipping back off into the area behind the counter. “First rule of business: drinks.”
“We can’t steal—”
“I’m not stealin’ anything,” Tango said, scorn sharpening his whisper. He set a thick glass bottle on the counter. “It’s an understanding out here: water is for anyone who needs it.”
At the thought of water, Jimmy became suddenly aware of how dry his throat was. 
“Anyway,” Tango said, pouring them each a tumbler full of clear water, “I’m pretty sure Cub has his own rain basin by now, so it’s not like we’d be putting him out much.”
They drank the water—and second and third glasses—gratefully, and then Tango set everything to the side and said. “Right. And now, for beds.”
“Mine’s back on the train,” Jimmy said with regret. “I can’t believe I didn’t think to grab my satchel.”
“Not to worry, my friend.” Like a showman reaching for his next trick, Tango crouched under the bar, and his voice was muffled when he said, “Ol’ Cub has one rule he follows like a religion, and it's this—”
Jimmy heard the telltale sound of an ender chest unsealing. 
“An ender chest?” He leaned over the bar in awe. 
Tango looked up at him, a dim purple glow lighting his face from below. 
“Yes sir, yes sir—” Tango held the lid open and gestured toward the void-dark opening, the violet swirls of magic twirling through his fingers. “If you don't have a bedroll in yours, I've probably got some extra blankets somewhere.”
“No, no—I know I’ve got one packed away somewhere.” Jimmy had never owned an ender chest of his own—the materials were incredibly expensive in the spawn regions, and the silk touch required to maintain them was almost as bad. But he’d stopped by one of the public banks before leaving home and stowed away some of his belongings, on the assumption that someone out in the new generation would have access. 
This chest looked handmade, a little lopsided and patchwork, with plain iron fittings where every one he’d ever seen had been gold, and the obsidian casing was knapped roughly. But it seemed to work just fine as Tango slipped his hand into the oily dark and pulled out a sturdy bedroll. 
“Your turn,” he said, stepping back but holding the lid of the ender chest open for Jimmy, who hesitated. 
“And this Cub person—he won’t mind?”
“Nah. Worst case scenario, he makes fun of me for not bringing my own. Best case scenario, he’s got extras stashed away somewhere he wouldn’t mind partin’ with.”
Extra ender chests. Jimmy was boggled. Tango must have seen the look on his face, because he laughed a little and said, “Cub’s a pro. Used to speedrun in new generation up until a few years back. Man can hunt blaze like you and I hunt taters in a tater patch.”
Shaking his head, Jimmy reached into the icy darkness of the ender chest, feeling around the edges of his stowed items until he found the leather straps of his extra bedroll. He pulled it out, and then slipped his hand back in again. 
“It’s not whiskey,” he said, withdrawing a small cloth pouch. “But how do you feel about candied sweetberries?”
Tango’s eyebrows shot up and he grinned. “I certainly wouldn’t say no.”
They set up their bedrolls in the corner of the barroom, Jimmy purposefully placing his nearer to the door. He kicked off his boots, but placed them near to hand before untying the drawstring of the pouch and proffering it to Tango. The sweetberries—still chilled from their storage in the void-space of the ender chest—had been dried and dusted with sugar, and left sticky residue on whatever they touched. But they were a welcome bit of normalcy to Jimmy… they tasted like home. 
Tango took a couple and popped them into his mouth, closing his eyes at the rush of flavor. “Oh, that’s good,” he said. He pushed his hat off his head and let it fall behind him, his ginger hair spiking in all directions. “Thanks kindly.”
The room was dark as they settled in to sleep, and Jimmy found himself staring at the windows: slightly paler squares against the midnight darkness. Orange torchlight flickered faintly under the door, but not enough to illuminate anything.
He waited until he heard Tango’s breathing deepen and even out. Then, as silently as he could, he slipped his boots back on.
And… he sat, staring at the door and trying to muster up the energy to leave.
Tango seemed a decent sort. Even the type of person Jimmy could see himself becoming friends with, in a different world. He didn’t deserve the fate that came with befriending James Solidarity. Jimmy needed to get away before the curse really latched on.
…But surely an hour or two of sleep wouldn’t hurt. He was so exhausted he felt like his eyes were scraping sandpaper every time he blinked. If he could just nap for a little while, he could still slip out before Tango woke in the morning.
Reluctantly—knowing it was a stupid move and yet unable to bring his leaden limbs to do otherwise—Jimmy lay back down on the bedroll. 
Just a bit of sleep, he thought. The pouch of sweetberries slipped from his fingers and fell to rest on the floor between him and the door.
And Jimmy slept.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
What do you think a romantic yandere concept of Opaline from MLP gen 5 would be like?
I wrote this on Docs but I didn't see this was specifically romantic, so I tweaked it from the original draft a bit, still ended up a bit general if that was okay, I apologize :(. Doesn't change much though.
Yandere! Opaline Arcana Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Narcissism, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, imprisonment, Isolation, Violence/Thoughts of murder mentioned, Emotionally controlling behavior mentioned, Cages, Forced relationship implied.
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I may not have finished MLP: Make Your Mark, but I believe I know enough about Opaline to give my thoughts on her.
Opaline Arcana is an Alicorn that has been alive since Celestia and Luna.
By the time of Make Your Mark she is nearly powerless due to Twilight.
Now she tries to use Dragon Fire in order to grow in power due to being a Fire Alicorn.
Opaline is malicious, scheming, and deceitful.
She is very skilled in manipulation, especially emotional manipulation.
Considering how well she can control Misty, Opaline would use honeyed words to gain her obsession.
Speaking of Misty, I'd expect her to be used by Opaline for her obsession.
For example, maybe Opaline can't stop thinking of a pony who's close to the Mane 5.
Earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, it doesn't matter to Opaline.
For some reason she feels she needs you.
Whenever she spies on the Mane 5, her eyes drift to you.
At some point you may just drive her insane.
She doesn't understand why she feels so weird around this one pony.
So, she sends Misty to spy.
She already needs the unicorn to search for magic sources, she might as well have her look into why you're so special.
Opaline is already quite focused on her plot to rule Equestria by stealing all of the magic.
Yet the Alicorn feels distracted when you come up.
Why does she actually want to listen to Misty about your day?
She knows she has a distaste for the Mane 5, but she feels she hates you less.
If she just wanted to steal your magic then she shouldn't care about you.
It's not like you're that strong magic-wise, if anything Sunny is stronger.
It boggles her mind when she actually enjoys watching you.
Misty is grateful that she has an excuse to be around her new friends, but grows concerned for you.
You have no idea what you do to Opaline.
Only Misty knows… even then not by much.
She just knows you drive the Alicorn crazy at times and you have no clue about it.
You're oblivious to the scheming Alicorn miles away from you.
That is until Opaline starts getting bold.
Maybe she asks Misty to lure you to her castle.
That or maybe Opaline finds a way to capture you herself.
At some point Opaline feels she has to look into why you make her feel in such a strange way.
Misty is reluctant to take part in luring you.
However, scared by the Alicorn's fiery rage, Misty lures you out of Maretime Bay.
She claims she has something cool to show you!
It's a secret….
Having no clue about the incoming danger and trusting Misty as a friend, you follow.
Only for Opaline to swoop in and trap you.
Similar to other MLP villains I've written about in the past, Opaline may keep you caged away.
The first half of her obsession is the Alicorn studying you.
You're kept in a cage, if you're a unicorn your magic is negated or straight up stolen, if you're a pegasus your wings are restrained.
Opaline taunts you, claiming you're weak.
Yet she also shows frustration as she doesn't understand why she feels strange for somepony like you.
She wonders if it's pity….
But it becomes clear it's something else later on.
She begins to notice it when she's softer towards you despite you being behind bars.
Opaline of course uses manipulation to get her way.
Like with Misty she puts you down and often makes you feel like you need her.
It's her way of preventing you from leaving.
She's strong and is offering you a home with her. 
If you're loyal you can be out of the cage and in a room
She's softer with you than Misty, but the treatment is very similar.
You want to run away but Opaline no doubt has caged you with magic like when Misty was grounded.
Misty may flee to “spy”, in reality she's trying to get you help.
She feels remorseful for her actions and knows she has to get you help.
Opaline treats you as something pretty to look at, something between a pet and someone she admires.
It's an odd relationship.
Sometimes she mocks you, sometimes she pulls you closer for affection.
You're scared of her toying.
Even when the Mane 5 come to help with Misty, Opaline refuses to let you go so easily.
You've driven her crazy and now she finally has you.
Is she just supposed to let you go?
No… she won't allow it.
As an Alicorn she's meant to get what she wants!
She'll keep you in her castle all to herself…
Even if it means destroying your so-called “friends” to do it.
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citrusses · 10 months
January: 2023 Wrapped 🎁🍊
*some* of my favorite 2023 fics, by month they were published (or started to publish, or finished publishing, it's arbitrary bc i make the rules), plus some thoughts on what made these fics so special.
January | February | March | April, May, June | July | August | September | October | November | December
Chicken Shop Date by @sorrybutblog (T, 2K)
Draco and Harry sit down for an interview. Or is it a date?
This is such a fun premise and the Harry/Draco banter just sizzles. The atmosphere is so rich! 2K words of perfection that pack an outsized punch.
Close Behind by @oflights (M, 134K)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
A masterpiece that deconstructs every relationship in the HP universe and then rebuilds it, that does mind-boggling things with narrative structure, that stressed me out so badly I felt physically ill, that was so moving it left me bursting into tears for days after I read it, that had the funniest single line I've read in a fic maybe ever. So far reading this is the only time I've ever checked the tags on a fic for "happy ending" because I was so emotionally overwhelmed by it that I needed to know it would be ok in the end. I can't overstate how much I love this one.
For Lack of Wanting by @fluxweeed (E, 8K)
Over the last ten years, I’ve worked hard to become a better person. I hate being reminded of who I used to be. But Harry likes it when I’m mean.
A gorgeous, painful story that explores a kind of Harry/Draco dynamic that's not seen as often in fics (a SAD one), but is done exceptionally well here. It hurts so good!
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship (E, 58K)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
@the-sinking-ship regularly writes: my favorite kind of Draco, my favorite kind of romance/getting together AND my favorite kind of smut. This fic is all of those things.
Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor (E, 54K)
Harry travels to arctic Norway on the trail of dragon egg poachers, only to find he's been assigned to work alongside the only NorMagPol Auror north of sixty: one Draco Malfoy. It's been ten years since they crossed paths, and Malfoy isn't exactly what Harry expected or remembered. For one thing, he wears a lot more hand-knits? When a sudden winter storm strands the pair, unable to use magic to rescue themselves, they take shelter in a one-room Norwegian hytte.
The hottest fic in the coldest setting, this one made me absolutely FERAL. The most evocative scenery, incredible characterization, and the perfect pacing building to an explosively sexy and tender relationship. Also I would read like, 100K more words on just the mittens and jumpers and scarves of this fic, which are not items of clothing I have cared much about in the past. It's just that every detail, down to the smallest, is incredible!
When It Returns by @academicdisasterfic (M, 8K)
‘You’re late, layabout,’ Malfoy drawled, pushing the whiskey over to him. ‘I’ll have you know that I am very busy maintaining a whole house and garden by myself now.’ ‘Oooh, the dead husband card. Before any alcohol. Is that a record?’ Harry's husband is dead, and Malfoy is the only one who gets it. Or, the one where they drink at a straight man pub, renovate a house, and learn how to find joy again.
January was a good month for feeling bad. It's another angsty one! This one is full of beautiful healing in the face of a loss that feels very real, Draco annoying Harry out of his grief spiral (but in a loving way?) and Harry being on the right side of almost too stubborn for it to work. I have read and reread this many times already!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I think one of the most frustrating things about both the ASOIAF/HOTD fandom is the inability for people to discuss these characters or books without projecting their own personal/modern sensibilities. I've noticed this a lot with TB so targ nation in general, but they fundamentally hate the world building and lore of a feudal medieval monarchy. They hate tradition, they hate religion, they hate the concepts of honor and duty which is why they can't or won't understand Criston's character if their lives depended on it, they hate anything that can be deemed in anyway conservative, religious, traditional lol, they hate the inheritance laws preferring males, they hate that women have to stay chaste before marriage, they hate arranged marriages, they hate the fact that people care so much about bastards and that bastards cannot inherit, etc. I could go on. Yes, from a modern perspective a lot of these things are now deemed obsolete and uncool, but there were very good reasons for these things AT THE TIME. These people just hate the entire lore that this world is based on and instead of good faith engagement with the lore, they just call anyone who uses the world/lore to logically analyze the text a sexist, misogynist, tradcath, conservative, or whatever. It boggles my mind. Why interact with media, and not just interact with it, but have entire social media accounts dedicated to their hyper fixation and borderline parasocial relationship with these characters/books if they fundamentally hate the world and hate seeing their faves lose as a result of the rules in place. I'm begging these people to go read one of the thousands of fantasy books that isn't set in a rigid feudal monarchy.
This is such a spot-on, insightful comment into how a lot of people interact within this fandom. 👏👏👏 This typology of the late stage social justice internet warrior that fundamentally refuses to engage with the historicity of the story's spatio-temporal setting, i.e. a feudal medieval monarchy of European inspiration, that predates centralization and thus absolutism. Even though Westeros is so very obviously decentralized, many fans do not realize this for some reason and pretend it's an absolute monarchy a la Louis XIV.
Many people, like GRRM, who is a prolific science-fiction writer (!), are attracted to this setting regardless, because of the pageantry (look how obsessed he is with creating house sigils and mottos), the romantic flair + the fact that it's literally the setting of fairy-tales, which inspires in the reader a world of magical possibilities. Of course, the world of ASOIAF is an attempt to shore up the 'realism' of this imagological construct, but medieval fantasy is a genre in and of itself, like there are certain flavours of societal layering and organization that are inescapable, like the rigid social structures, the political rule as the purview of the elites, the importance of religion in everyday life etc.
This is not to say that those aspects are in any way aspirational for a modern person or that we should yearn to go back to those times, only that they are merely characteristics that developed hand-in-hand with the technological advancements and the economic progress of the period. If you have a civilisation whose economy is centered on land ownership as the main source of wealth acquisition, its society is going to look a certain way. Certainly, in Westeros there are some craftsmen and merchants, but there seem to only be a handful of towns throughout the entire continent and, off the top of my head, the mention of guilds and the middle classes are few and far between in the books, so there is no concrete way of determining how consolidated the bourgeoisie is. At the same time, this is absolutely just a story and not a 1:1 recreation of those times, so these gaps are completely understandable, as there only is so much worldbuilding one man can do.
Anyway, I often see analysis or commentary being circulated, which are obviously a projection of modern sensibilities, like how there should be no king at all or the Iron Throne is evil or how Westeros should revert to being separate kingdoms because somehow the concept of unifying regions with a common cultural and religious background is automatically bad, always and with no exception. To me these are rather perplexing, but they are so wide-spread that it's not even worth it to try and open up that particular can of worms. Some of these takes don't even make sense if you expand them to their natural implications. Someone has to be the king in a medieval society; it doesn't work like some people envision this - no one chooses to rule and that's that, problem solved? How is society going to be organized then? It's doubtful that the conclusion of the last book will be anarcho-socialism. The Iron Throne consistently cuts kings who are unworthy to sit on it - it's not a symbol that the author intended to be construed as malevolent. Sure, death of the author and all that, but it's not described as mystically quasi-sentient for nothing either. Fragmenting Westeros back into individual kingdoms while maintaining the feudal structure retains the inherent unfairness and inequality of said hierarchy; it's amazing to me how it could be considered progress etc.
To wrap this up, yes, I agree, some people would be much better served if they simply found other fantasy media based on a different time frame. Because it doesn't make sense to become so entrenched in this specific one if you hate the medieval period so much. Again, this is not to say that the Middle Ages cannot be criticised because that's just the way it was back then, they absolutely can, but a lot of criticism shared around is just done in bad faith and with no real desire to understand the historical phenomena at play.
For example, a few days ago, someone commented on one my bastardposts that "just because it was illegal doesn't make it fair", with the implied solution to that conundrum that Rhaenyra should simply be allowed by society to do whatever she pleased. No reflection on why that law/rule was in place to begin with, no consideration of how it would impact the wider community, no proposal as to how one could advance to a society in which all children are considered equal, regardless of their parents' marital status etc. The thought doesn't go beyond "feminism in its modern definition can magically crystallize in any historical period because it is completely divorced from the material conditions of a society".
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coralcatsea · 8 months
I'm a little picky about Cardverse fics, but here are some I've enjoyed! I wrote my own descriptions here, so if you want more info you can also click the link for the author's summary.
Weighing Pride Between Scales
by @demonicpiano
The Kingdom of Spades does not know how to handle the discovery that their queen is a literal beast. It turns out, though, that the king adapts quickly.
A Little Wicked
by DemonicPiano
Queen Arthur tries to work up the nerve to assassinate the King, but it turns out the King isn't what he expected.
Come Into My World
by DemonicPiano
England (the country) and Arthur (Queen of Spades) become acquainted thanks to mirror portals and decide to switch places for a little while. In the process, they meet each other's version of Alfred/America, and upon learning England and America are not romantically involved, Arthur resolves to fix this.
Only a Matter of Time (and Waiting)
by DemonicPiano
Mechanic Arthur is tasked to work on a carriage for King Alfred, who supposedly cannot be looked in the eye because of mind boggling magic.
Up in Each Other's Ropes
by DemonicPiano
Captain Kirkland does NOT want to be Queen. He employs various tactics to make the prince leave him alone, but none seem to faze him. Prince Alfred is still set on insisting they're meant to be, so the pirate forms a new plan to scare him out of the idea. Unfortunately, he's grown somewhat fond of the prince and can't make the threat very convincing, it backfires, and Alfred ends up enjoying himself.
Treating a King Right
by DemonicPiano
Alfred has to do a queen-choosing party, but most people don't appreciate him as a person so he wears something unexpected to test them. His childhood friend, Arthur, is not deterred.
Blind Trust
by ehcanuck
During the wedding ceremony and wedding night, the King is expected to wear a blindfold and stay silent, as is Spadian tradition. He doesn't get to see or speak to his fiance/husband until the next morning, and he's never met him before. Or has he?
Queen of the Company
by @ixbranna16
Magical Strike and Cardverse hybrid in which Alfred inherits Spades Company and wants Arthur to rule by his side as Queen of Spades. Arthur agrees and uses this position to his advantage.
Rock 'n' Royal
by @charlotte--kensington
Modern Cardverse with punk band member Arthur and Prince Alfred, who are both big fans of each other. One day Arthur discovers he has the Queen's mark, which leads to conflicting feelings. He doesn't want to leave everything he's worked for behind, but it's hard to be upset at the man he has a big celebrity crush on.
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andreafmn · 1 year
Bound | Prologue
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Word Count: 4.3K Warnings: mentions of death
Summary: Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But the universe had set out to grant her everything she could've hoped for in the most unconventional way and in the form of a witch. Can their love withstand the promise of forever or will Rosalie and (Y/N) succumb to the grapples of time?
A/N: I know this isn't exactly a request, but since it's based on one I decided to post it today😬 anyway, hope y'all enjoy this story as much as I do. We are definitely lacking in the Rosalie fic department. Also, this chap doesn't include reader nor Rosalie, it's a way to explain bounded souls. If you read the oneshot, then this is the story Margaret tells (Y/N) in the beginning. 💖💖
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Certain mysteries in the universe had always been unexplainable. Further than the existence of vampires and werewolves, witches and wizards, hybrids, and more, one thing remained too complex to understand–even to the most brilliant of minds. 
The intricacy of how two souls were bound together by the universe boggled everyone. The only certain thing was that there was a word for it that spread across languages, cultures, and even species. But all of them concorded in one thing, this particular bond linked you to a person for the rest of your life. 
Yet, it was almost unheard of for this connection to transcend species. Unheard of, yes, but not impossible. And it was those unique cases that crumbled any understanding there was about soulmates. Those exceptions that broke every single rule. 
Esther Haight and Samuel Leighton were one of those exceptions. A witch and a vampire, natural-born enemies selected to be paired for eternity. And they had decided to answer the calling with love. 
The girl was a descendant of a Salem witch that had fled North during the trials, forced to hide her magic and live in seclusion amidst the forests. Esther had been taught her wiccan roots under candlelight and whispered spells. She spent her entire childhood living in fear, looking over her shoulder. But as time went on she grew used to concealing her true self. There was no need to listen to the shadows, she could feel their energy before they ever neared. Despite her fear, she grew strong and powerful. 
But there was something always missing. 
“I understand not, mother,” she had asked one day. “I  hast all's I could possibly crave,  yet I still feel empty.  There’s something inside me that is lacking.” 
“Worry not, my child,” her mother had answered with a smile. “What thou are feeling is the tug of thy bound soul.” 
“What is a bound soul, mother?” 
“When we are born and reborn, fragments of our souls scatter and sink into the lives of others,” the woman continued, running her fingers through her daughter’s long hair. “It tethers 'em to us.  Those are our soul mates.  Thou might meet some of 'em as thou grow, or thou might meet none.  Yet no connection shall aye be as firm-set as the bonded soul. 
Not many are thrifty enough to find 'em  'i  one lifetime, for't is not a primrose feat to discover the other half of thy heart.  Yet the thrifty few that doth experience a love like no other.  A once-in-a-lifetime kind of love” 
That phrase had stuck in Esther’s heart. A once-in-a-lifetime sort of love; the kind of love poets wrote about. She dreamed of that love and wondered if she would be one of those lucky few. Though, as time dwindled on she feared there would be no chance. 
One year, then two, then four. Years and years with no sign of her bound soul. Yet, that wasn’t a startling realization as the fact that her face had remained the same throughout that time. Esther saw as her mother’s hair started to pepper with white curls, how the wrinkles by her eyes deepened, how the woman’s body grew weaker. And still, she remained in the same skin as her twenty-two-year-old self. 
“Yet, mother, how could this be?” Esther worried on what was supposed to be her thirtieth birthday. “I am witness to thy age and yet, I hast not changed a day  'i  years now.  Is't  a curse?” 
“I warrant thou, mine dear, that no dark magic hath been bestowed upon thou,” the woman cooed. “Although I never hast an explanation for what is happening thee, I say to thou that there hath been no harm thee” 
“What if this continues, then, mother? What would I doth would I lost thou?” 
“Mortality is not something to be afeared of, mine child,” she said with a smile. “We all return to Mother Earth one day.  And would she so allows it, we shall walk amongst her children once more.” 
“I can’t do this without thou, mother,” the girl silently cried. “I canst not lose thou too.” 
“Mine darling, even when I am gone I shall aye be with thou,” the woman responded, drying her daughter’s tears. “As thy father is right now, I shall be in the trees, I shall be in the chirping of the birds, I shall be in the beating of thy heart.  The universe hath granted thou a gift, and it is thy job to understand the why.  Haply it is an answer to thy deepest  desire.” 
Two trips around the sun passed before she would get her response. Esther didn’t understand how immortality could be a gift. How could watching the only family she had left get older as she did not be a present? 
But she never thought she would find what she was looking for in a vampire. Much less as she washed her clothes in the river, something she had done many times before. 
It had been a quiet morning. Nothing alluded to a meeting that would change the course of her life. She had awoken in the earlier hours of the morning, gathering the week’s laundry to tread down to the brook near her family’s concealed shack. Her chores provided her the only escape she had to the confines of their home and she was always glad to do them. 
As she had finally settled on the ground, the wicker basket of clothes on her right and an empty one on her left, Esther set to work. Her ears were filled with the rush of the water and the whistling of the wind; she could feel the energy that lived in the ground; she was energized by the rays of sunlight that warmed her face. The elements surrounded her and it made her feel serene. 
Until a splashing startled her, her hands extending in a protective stance, ready to defend herself against any assailant. Esther prepared herself for a fight that never came. 
“Woah there,” a melodious voice chuckled. “I come in peace, fair maiden.” 
“Who are thou?” Esther asked, her hands shielding her from the man. “How did thou find here?”  
“Well, I never meant to,” he continued, a joking tone still laced in his words. “I was escaping hunters and I somehow ended up hither.  I promise I mean no harm. Mine name is Samuel and I mean no harm to anyone that hath not harmed me.”  
For some reason, Esther believed him. The stranger she had yet to truly look at and had somehow known her identity, she trusted. Her hands lowered, the elements around her calming as her heartbeat did as well. She steadied her breath and finally looked up to meet the most striking red eyes she had ever seen. 
“A vampire,” she breathed –it was not a question. There was a rush inside her, filling an empty crevice in the depths of her heart. It was him. “Who would have thought?”  
“I’m sorry, I do not believe I got thy name,” Samuel smiled, taking tentative steps toward her. “A creature as beautiful as thou might not but have a name.”  
“Esther,” she returned her smile, extending a hand to the shimmering man. “What a pleasure it is to meet thou.”  
“The pleasure is all mine,” he said before he took her hand and placed his frozen-cold lips on her skin. His eyes studied her. They ran from her wild brown curls down to her bare feet, taking in every inch of her body he could. “I canst not receive I am  in the presence of a Salem witch.  Who would  have thought mine day would end this way?” 
“How did thou…?” 
“Pardon me, ‘tis a gift,” Samuel grinned. “I learn things about a person with a simple touch.” 
“A psychometrist vampire,” she mused. “How very intriguing.” 
The pair remained silent for a moment, their hands still interlocked. They had felt a shift. Within them or in the Earth herself, they were not sure. But nothing was the same. There was a tug at their hearts they had not felt before; a tug that had replaced a certain emptiness in their chests. 
Then, a rustling beyond the trees Samuel had jumped out of, startled them apart, their defenses going up once more. 
“Well, as much as I’ve enjoyed talking to you, dearest Esther, I’m afraid I must go back to running,” he smiled before kissing her hand once again. “And I fear I must warn you to run as well. Humans don’t take too kindly to anyone that is different.” 
“Oh, right, the hunters,” she grimaced. “You could come back to my cottage. It’s cloaked against the eyes of humans. They won’t find you there. And I’m sure my mother won’t mind.” 
“Who am I to deny such a gesture? Not that I have much choice at the moment.” 
Esther grabbed his cold hand with one hand and the basket with another and ran. She ran until the trees stopped whispering of dangers that lurked near; ran until she could breathe again. And it wasn’t until she passed the threshold of the safety circle her mother had cast upon their land that she allowed herself to calm. 
And that very day, Samuel had come to her house and never left. 
Esther’s mother had been apprehensive at first. The man was still a vampire at the end of the day. But once she understood why her daughter was so adamant about him staying, she couldn’t help but welcome the man with open arms. The universe had brought them together at the river for a reason and she would not stand in the way. 
In time, they came to understand he was the explanation for Esther’s never-changing appearance. The unexplainable bond the young coupled shared made them one; synching their mind, body, and soul. For as long as Samuel lived, the girl would remain the same.
Their love grew slowly and then all at once. Whether it was the close confines or the inevitability of falling for the other, they didn’t know. And they didn’t care. They were completely head over heels for one another and it was undeniable. It was the thing of storybooks, perfection at every turn. 
Until Samuel started to withdraw. His mind seemed to wander when they were together and his hunting trips seemed to draw on for more days than usual. It made Esther’s heart ache. Even the thought of losing him was too much for the girl. It made her soul shatter. Her mother had tried to console her daughter, to calm her worries until she was able to have a conversation with him. It did her no good to dwell on things she couldn’t answer for himself. Only he could kill her theories. 
After six weeks of that behavior, she confronted him. Samuel had just come back from a three-day hunt, the thousand-yard stare still in his eyes. Before he could step foot into the cabin, Esther pulled him away. Far from her mother’s ears. If that was the end, she didn’t want the poor woman to bare witness. 
“I need to know what is happening, Samuel,” she pleaded, her eyes already pooling with tears. “Are you planning on leaving me? Is that it?” 
“How could you possibly think that?” He sounded hurt, even a little offended. “I would never do that. Not willingly.” 
“Then, why hast thou been so disengaged? For weeks, your body is here but your mind is so far.” Esther’s head fell as she broke down. Samuel was everything she had prayed to the universe for, and she believed she was only seconds away from losing him. “Was it something I did?” 
Samuel’s hands quickly cradled her cheeks, his cold fingers wiping away the tears that stained her beautiful cheeks. He smiled and placed a kiss on top of both of her eyelids. He could see just how bad he had been hurting her and he couldn’t keep the why in anymore. It was time to confess. “There is nothing in this world that thou could do to push me away, my love,” he said. “I will confess, my mind has been far but it has nothing to do with anything you could have done. It’s me.” 
“What about you, Samuel? What did you do?” 
“Thinking too much,” he chuckled dryly. “Thinking how you deserve better than me. How you deserve a man that can give you everything that I could never.” 
“And what is that, my darling? What could any man give me that you can’t?” Esther cried. “You have already given me more love than I could have ever hoped for. What more could I want?” 
“A family,” his voice broke. “A man that can give you children. A man you can walk with to town and hold his hand without being persecuted. A man that you can build an actual life with.” 
“Have you thought of what I want, Samuel?” It was her turn to lift his head, her hands cradling his jaw tenderly. “Because I don’t want any of that if I don’t have you.” 
“My heart doesn’t beat, darling!” Samuel exclaimed, turning from her touch as though it had burned him. “I don’t breathe, I don’t cry, I don’t even sweat! All I do is exist. All I will ever do is exist. The only thing that has given meaning to my life is you.” 
“Then I shall be human enough for the both of us!” she yelled into the air, a smile tugging at her lips. “My eyes will cry for us; my lungs will breathe for us; my skin will weep for us; my heart will beat for us. I do not want immortality with anyone else but you.” 
“No buts, Samuel,” Esther interrupted him. “It’s you. It’s me. For eternity.” 
“What of your legacy? Your line of witches can’t die here.” 
“If it was my purpose to have children, my soul would not have found yours. And that is no reason for me to run into the arms of another man,” she said. Her eyes were trained on the red irises of his. They were filled with pain and regret, with disappointment for the man he was. There were only two words that could tell him just how much she loved him. “Marry me, Samuel. With my mother as a witness, marry me, and let me show you just how much you mean to me.” 
“Esther, I can’t confine you to a life like this. You deserve the world and all I can offer you is this.”  
“I’m not asking for anything more,”  she smiled, closing the distance he had out between them. “If you say no, I will close myself in the cabin in protest. I will not marry, I will bear no children, and all of this will be naught.” 
“And if I say yes?” Samuel finally cracked, a smile growing on his lips. “ What would happen if I say yes?” 
“You would make me the happiest woman to walk this earth,” she responded. “I don’t want a life that you think I should have, Samuel. I want you and only you. Not for what you can’t give me, but for all that you already have.”  
“Then yes,” he said before pressing their lips together. She tasted of honey and promises, and he was sure he could see forever with her. “A thousand times yes. I would marry you every day of our lives.” 
“It’s you,” she whispered. 
“It’s me,” he replied. 
“For eternity,” they said in unison. 
And so it was. 
In a week's time, Esther was walking toward Samuel in a dress her mother had sewn, to meet her at the bank of the river they had first met. Hazel and red eyes stared into one another, twin smiles plastered on each of their faces. Even if it was just the two of them and Esther’s mother, they wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
“Today is a special day,” the older woman started. “Today we bind for eternity two souls that have found each other by the will of the universe. A witch and a vampire –an unusual pair but perfectly complimented. We stand today before our Mother Earth to presence the love that has flourished between Esther Haight and Samuel Leighton. After today, you are no longer singular entities. From now on, you shall walk through life bound as a unit. 
My darlings, please hold hands and answer truthfully to what I will ask” Esther’s mother produced a sage green ribbon and draped it over their joined hands, holding the ends as she recited the words. “Samuel, will you share in Esther’s pain and seek to ease and protect her from it?” 
“I will,” he answered. 
“Esther, will you share in Samuel’s joy, rejoice in it with him, and seek the best for him?” 
“I will,” the girl smiled. 
“Then let the binding be so,” the woman said as she tied one know around their hands. “Samuel, will you share in Esther’s hardships and turmoils so that you may evolve in the eye of trouble?” 
“Yes, I will.”  
“Esther, will you use every emotion, good or bad, to strengthen and withhold your bond with Samuel.”
“Yes, I will.” 
“Then let the binding be so,” the older woman smiled, tying another knot. “Samuel, will you honor and respect Esther as an equal in this bond, every action and reaction coming from a place of love and never of hate?” 
“Yes, I will,” he smiled brightly, his smile only growing as Esther repeated the same words a second later. 
“Then let the binding be so,” the elder recited. “Now that the binding has been completed, it is time to seal this bond with the exchanging of your rings. I take it that you both have vows you wish to recite to each other. Samuel, you may start.” 
Samuel reached into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a gold band, and placing it just at the tip of Esther’s ring finger. “My dearest Esther, with this ring I promise to love and care for you for the rest of our lives. I promise to share in your joy and your pain, to carry your burdens and become a haven for your worries, to help you grow and navigate this life for eternity.” 
He slid the ring down her slender finger, admiring the glimmer of it under the sun’s gleaming rays. 
Esther’s mother handed the girl her ring and the same exchange took place. “My Samuel,” she smiled, tears already falling down her cheeks. “With this ring, I vow to love you for all of eternity. In this life and the next, shall our souls always find a way back to each other. I promise to love you and grow with you for all the years to come. I promise to share in the good things and the bad, in sickness and in health, and to help you navigate this world as our love grows.” 
“Having proclaimed your vows with our Mother Goddess as your witness, I call upon the elements to help me bless this union for the rest of time,” the woman continued. “I call upon the Air from the East, to bless this couple with good thoughts and positivity. I call upon the Fire from the South, to erase their past and clear a new path. I call upon the Water from the West, for renewal and purification. And I call upon the Earth from the North, to bless this couple with balance and wisdom.” 
As the words left the woman’s mouth the wind rustled the trees, the calm brook rushed its water downstream, fire surrounded them in a circle, and the earth shook beneath their feet. “Now, with Mother Earth’s blessing and the power vested in me by our Great Goddes, I pronounce you married. You may seal your promise with a kiss.” 
Samuel’s hands snaked their way to cradle Esther’s kissing her deeply with a smile on his face. Flower petals rained on them, the elements surrounding the couple as they celebrated their union. It was a promise, from both the Earth and the Universe that they would look upon the couple for as long as they were bound. 
“It’s you,” she whispered before kissing him again. 
“It’s me,” he replied with another. 
“For eternity.” 
It was the happiest day of their lives. They had given themselves completely to each other, both body and soul, forever intertwined with their promise to each other. Nothing and no one could tear them apart. 
In time, their love simply grew stronger. It was that love that kept them strong through the highs and the lows. The only thing that kept Esther strong once her mother passed. Samuel was her rock. He was the reason she was able to wake up every day after, and the reason she was able to welcome new people into the land she called her home. 
 As the years passed, word spread throughout the supernatural world of this couple, beaconing them toward them. Soon, the two-person household grew into a small community hidden deep within the forests of the state. Mostly witches seeking a safe haven made their homes in cabins built by Samuel and looked to Esther as a guiding mentor. Everything was perfect. 
And it had been for the thirty years that they lived together. Until the day it was not. 
Samuel took his time when hunting, but it was never more than a day or two. Being apart from Esther made him physically ill and there was not a second more that he ever wanted to spend away from her. But he had not returned when he was supposed to and she was almost certain she knew why. 
That very day, she had felt something inside her empty, creating a harrowing void in the deepness of her chest. It had taken her breath away and made her heart skip a beat. Something was wrong, but she did not want to imagine what it was. Because her mind would break her heart before the news did. 
It wasn’t until late in the night that a trusted messenger from the town had come riding into the small community. The man called for Esther, a solemn look on his face. And that was when her greatest fear had become her reality. 
“I’m so sorry, ma’am,” he said, holding his hat against his chest. “It is Samuel.” 
Esther clutched her hand to her chest, biting back the tears that threatened to break free. “What happened?” her voice croaked. “Where is his body?” 
“I’m afraid some men had been on the hunt for his kind for quite some time, I think they heard about you two,” he answered. “As for his body, they already burned it, ma’am. That smoke you see past the trees is him and some other unlucky ones. I was only able to retreat this from his body.” 
The man held out a glittering gold ring covered in soot. Samuel’s wedding ring. It felt too cold on her hand, colder than he ever had been. And it was the evidence of their bind being broken. His soul was no longer walking with her in that life and it would be waiting for her in their next lifetime. 
Many tried to offer her consolation but she needed to be alone. The elements around her were growing unsteady and she had to find a place to burst. So, she ran. She ran as fast as she could. Her limbs were burning and her lungs were begging for air, but she continued running. She ran until she reached the very river that had seen the two monumental events in her life, and it would be witness to her latest. 
Esther fell to her knees at the edge of the river, clutching at her chest as she let out the most agonizing scream she could. She could feel her magic weakening and that hollow shape in her chest grow more and more. Samuel had been and was supposed to be her everything for the rest of her life. And yet, someone else had decided against it. Someone she did not even know had decided that her forever would end that day. 
She let herself break. Even as the skies parted and downpoured around her, she remained at the edge of the river wailing. The Great Mother was angry, she knew that. As lightning and thunder fell, she knew She was sharing in her anger and sadness. And all she could do was pray that Samuel’s soul reunited with her mother’s and that they looked upon her.
 The weather remained that way for an entire week, mimicking Esther’s sentiments.
She locked herself in her home that entire time. Surrounded by the home they had created together. Esther did not come out once and everyone in the small village understood why. Losing a loved one was one thing, but she had lost a part of her soul that day. A piece that she could never again mend. 
But, out of heartbreak came new beginnings. Though she always carried a void inside her, she was able to rebuild her life. Once she had started aging, she knew she had to take advantage of the fact that she was still alive. In time, she met another man. Abraham Bishop. He gave her what Samuel had always wanted for her. He gave her a legacy in the form of three daughters and a son. 
As the times changed, so did the small village. The few cabins had expanded and grown, modernizing as the other towns did, but still protected by the forest. Her family grew, her face aged, the world changed. 
And after a hundred and forty years, Esther Haight passed away.
“It’s you,” her shaky voice spoke to emptiness. 
“It’s us,” a voice replied. 
“For eternity,” they smiled.
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: Mayday Mayhem
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It was always just all too easy, that’s what she thinks to herself any and everytime when it came to this. She was Verosika Fuck-Mothering Mayday and if all the world is a stage, then she pretty much owned it and ruled it with a golden molasses voice and and iron fist as she found herself performing at her latest live concert. Soon as she began to sing and dance, they were like putty in the palm of her hand, all eyes on hers as she secretly worked her succubus magic on the crowd. Her personal posse working their way among the masses To take advantage of the skyrocketing arousal among men and women within the sea of humanity. Having their wicked erotic way as they fed on their energy, relishing the raw lust and sexual desire, for her and her succu-bitches it was a regular all you can eat buffet at her live shows. Oh sure she could stroke her go easy enough with page view counters reaching six plus figure digits with her outrageously porn quality music videos but nothing beat this sensation ever. Her human form shimmering like a mirage between itself her actual succubus form, what most of the crowd saw in their sensual haze as just tricks of the light from the stage and a mix of whatever narcotics and booze they somfolloshly helped themselves to. All the same to her it couldn’t be topped by anything not even her rehab worthy levels of fondness for heavy demonic liquor, as she sung her siren song and danced her sexy bombshell form which was easily showed off her hellbender genetically gifted figure. Her posse making her proud as can be as they mixed and mingled with fans,man and woman alike. It was child’s play with all those hormones and all,a little succubus pheromone magic and her succu-bitches would eat more than well.
Kiki had rounded herself up enough meatheads for a gangbang, leading that herd of bulls somewhere nice and cozy for them to enjoy her petite sexy frame. Milky that ever so kinky shortstack of course bagged herself a real prize with some behemoth muscle tank. Who looked like he really wanted to rock that delicious little booty of hers, while the horny kinky couple of Coco and Apple had found themselves a pair of guys and their girlfriends that were quite a couple of lookers which more than ensured a good time for all. Verosika herself of course knew she would be able to have more than her of the litter but what would she even be in the mood for? A gangbang or a threesome perhaps? Until she noticed something out of the corner of her eyes as she saw….him, again? Seriously why the hell did that guy somehow draw in her attention? It boggles her mind ever since she planned out this concert at Satan City, Tex had some plans with his girlfriend and it wasn’t like he could cancel them just to play roadie and security like usual. After all Bee wasn’t someone You changed plans so of course it just took a little succubus magic to get the mayor to provide some local 50 for some protection. Just a couple of badges to keep the rowdier horn dogs at bay and look the other way in exchange for a few sexual favours. And for some infernal reason that pencil pushing political bureaucrat only provided one!! And he was as runty as that imp that worked for her self destructive pain the ass clown ex!! Some five foot little bald shorty who looked like the sort of dweeb meatheads in highschool roughed up for lunch money before shoving them into lockers. But somehow he was doing a more than alright job and…christ he wasn’t showing it much but the amount of arousal energy coming off of him was delicious!! It made the succubus popstar’s thighs become wet and sticky with arousal as she could smell and taste it. It was like the sweetest candy she had ever eaten and fuck did she want more…
But damnit what was it about this guy? He was just some runt who could pass off as a generic face in the crowd and yet he was giving off enough sexual energy to make her feel like a bitch in heat. She hadn’t felt this horny since that time she peeped on that aforementioned shorty imp and his wife going at it like a couple of rabbits, Christ that had been a major round of voyeurism that had made her want to join in. But the succubus diva knew she had to do something about this itch sooner or later and the best means of sorting out was to confront the source of her problem and nip it in the bud. If this…Krillin was his name? She thinks so as she recalled but yeah this Krillin guy was the cause of her libido going haywire so it was only natural he be made to settle it the only way a guy like him should. Finishing her set as she called for intermission, leaving the crowd to vent their horny urges brought about her sex demon charisma and let her posse enjoy their Funtime with their chosen prey. Dropping the mic as she strode over to Krillin, who was looking pretty sharp in the black security shirt and jeans as she grabbed him by the collar, shocking and confusing him. “Uhm ms.Mayday something wrong? You seem kind of frustrated….” He enquired as Verosika didn’t answer, throwing him into her dressing room as she shut and and locked the door behind her. Turning to glare at the compact dude who had managed to stumble and fall into sitting on the couch as he was naturally a little confused and concerned. “Seriously I dunno if I’d done or said anything to offend but…” his words hit a pause mid sentence as the currently in human disguise succubus ditched her coat,her dark skinned face both scary to behold yet so so sensual in its beauty. It kind of reminded him of his wife in all her scary sexy glory whenever she got that look that made it clear she was horny and down to fuck.
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Before he knew it, where once there stood a dark skinned blonde pink highlighted hot piece of ass now stood a version of her that was like sex ooh legs right out of hell itself. Her thicc and curvy bombshell form now rocking a wild waterfall mane of Snow White hair with a reddish hued pink body and sinister,sensual glowing yellow eyes. Her mouth spread in a leering grin of sharp shark like teeth, her bat style wings unfurling, horns gleaming and inverted heart shape tipped tail swaying as sh stalked with a predatory manner towards the compact officer. Making him gulp as she unzipped the back of her dress and let it fall right off of her sexy self, letting it pool on the floor as her heels clicked and clicked. Flicking her tongue snake like as she rests a hand atop his head, taking delight in his reaction  to her naked demonic body in all its sexiness.Purring sensually as she replied. “Not anything you did wrong little man...but really something more you could do for me...do it right and well...scratch my back? And I scratch yours...” Her sharp teeth gleaming as she pressed her tits up close against his pecks, making him plant his head between the cleavage as her free hand trailed down along the buttons of his uniform shirt. Undoing them and prying them as she peeled his shirt off, exposiing quite the physique as her fingertips and palms ran along those sculpted muscles. Her purr deepening as she came to the crotch of his pants and cupped it to get a feel of the prize contained within. Quirking a brow as she blinked at least 3 times as she gave it a bit of a squeeze and caress. Eyes widening slightly and silently gasping as she could pick up a hint of the length snd girth. Krillin shuddered and moaned all the while unable to do much else but let the sensual succubus have her way as she felt him up. No doubt having a hard time trying to determine if this was for real as she got off of his lap and grasped the waistband of his pants and boxers. Tugging them down in one go down to his knees when she felt something suddenly smack her with an uppercut.
Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she turned to see a sight that made her widen her eyes and drop her jaw. Mouth salivating but outdone by the raw,sloppy gushing of her pussy. Nectar flowing down on the floor into a growing puddle as it rained with arousal. ‘‘No fucking way…” she pretty much said to herself as she beheld the biggest cock she’d ever seen in her life. It’s raw length and girth a status of its owner’s no doubt potent virlity, as it twitched and pulsed with desire. She’d not seen hellhounds and incubus with half this size and in terms of imps, there was sweet little married sweetheart who worked for her ex’s killer for hire firm. And this thing was some major heavy competition, that was for sure, as she grasped and began to stroke that shaft. Slow and steady at first but her pace increasing as a generous dose of ore flowed forth. Her fingers and palms becoming slick as she lubed up that cock, soon planting her lips on it as she proceeded to assault it from tip to base with licks and kisses. Marking it with kiss marks even on balls as she was proceeding to conduct fellatio, bobbing her head away as she felt her jaw practically unhinge and dislocate itself. She had experience with big cocks before but this guy was in a class and league all of his own as she practically suffocated herself to deepthroat him. Neck swelling with the bulge of his length and girth as his groans were music to her ears. Her oral magic as her tongue wrapped and constricted around his dick wearing down any hesitation and resistance in his end as she found him grasping her horns, muscles flexing and then suddenly, he began! Hips pumping and thrusting as the pop star succubus found her shortstack security for hire delivering her a vigorous facefuck.
And oh how she was loving it,as glowing pink hesrts began to form in her eyes from the experience. It was always often too easy to be the top in her encounters. To dominate and arouse any easy stud or lay she set her sights on. But this little man wasn’t some doormat sun,oh no this was an absolute unit of a man right here. His heavy balls smacking her chin as it swung with the momentum of his pistoning. Practically using her like some sort of onahole for his pleasure, her mouth feeling a preview of what ehr oussy woild no doubt come to experience and relish, drool spluttering as her hands slithered down along her curvy sexy form right down to her sloppy,wet pussy. Fingers plunging as she shamelessly played with herself. Her slit being probed and prodded as she was soon radiating an aura of glowing pink hearts her succubus pheromones flooding the room as it filled with a violet and pink tinted lighting of sorts. As if her very arousal was flooding the room like  a gas, with the intent of further turning the little man on. Which had a domino affect as like a gas it began to flow and pour into the vents of the building hosting her concert. If she had t worked this venue over enough before hand, this was like having the volume dialled up which of course served to make things plenty more fun for her entourage of course as they were busy with their own fun times. Which would in turn make their own sexy demon pheromones go off like time bombs, turning this venue into s pornographic ground zero.
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Kiki had been certainly  milking her gangbang like clockwork but her delight turned to ecstasy. Her tight little bubble butt bouncing as she rode one guy whole another jackhammered her ass. A third holding her horns as he facefucked her while she had a cock in each hand. Others waiting around for their turn as they vigorously stroked and jerked off, awaiting their turn as the room they occupied filled with grunts and moans. Milky meanwhile found herself in heaven as her big muscle tank she singled out for herself was giving it to her fast,deep and hard. Her arms wrapped around his his powerful shoulders as his hands grasped and squeezed her meaty shortstack booty, making her bounce and ride on his own quite generous lengthy fuckrod. Tongue dancing with his in a sloppy kiss as she found herself falling white deep in love. A rare one in a hundred sort of thing for a succubus like herself but seems it was a lucky day for her today. And she felt like she had just hit the jackpot and won a goddamn lottery. Coco and Apple meantime had themselves quite a time with the two pairs they picked up, having themselves a wild time of swinging and partner swapping. Either riding or sitting on one of the two dudes’ cocks or faces while their girlfriends had the opposite,making out with the sexy cuties shamelessly with lusty abandon. All through the venue was an orgy throughout with 5 succubus worth of sexual pheromones flowing like a fog machine and further intensifying the wave of sexual pleasure throughout, like a warped pornographic feedback loop. If this concert had been televised, there was no doubt the censors world be testing their hair out and concerned parents feeling absolutely scandalised at such debauchery to even be occurring on screens. And this was all just during the concert intermission!! If anyone had enough sense and control of faculties right now, there was no doubt they’d streaming and posting about this on social media, making for a trending field day. But all anyone would have after this no doubt is hazy memories, like some far off one off dream they had that they could scarcely recall. It would ensure this concert would go down in history with a bit of infamy and notoriety to the ever ongoing legend of Verosika Mayday.
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Naturally this erotic feedback loop of pheromonal ectasy was making its way back to the source herself who had gone and taken things to the next level. If there was certainly an equivalent to Heaven or what could pass for it for a succubus like herself, there was no doubt she’d found it and had achieved a sexual nirvana. The snowhaired succu-bitch making out with Krillin, their tongues mashing together in a sloppy open air dance as she straddled his lap. Fat pink/crimson booty bouncing and clapping with the thunderous rhythm of a bongo drum as he pumped and thurst into her hot,wet slit. Stretching those inner walls as the fleshy tunnel of muscles squeezed and massaged his shaft with a passionate embrace before she grabbed his head, making him rub and motorboat in between the valley of her cleavage. It was natural for a sex demon like herself to get horny but she’d never felt like a bitch in heat before except for that Moxxie guy. This chromedome was more than proving he not only had the size but knew damn well how to use it!! Gasping with delight as she found the short king getting up from his seat on the couch, hands grabbing a firm hold of her booty as he kissed and licked along her neck. Verosika feeling the stream of continuous orgasms hit her one after the other, long snake like tongue sticking out like an animal as her face bore an ahegao expression in response to Krillin commencing with this stunning vertical fuck. Tail wagging,her wingspan spreading as she soon found herself pinned up against the wall. Legs wrapping around the compact stud’s waist as she caressed his muscles,feeling them flex as the angle and trajectory of their postion deepened the reach and depth of his penetration. Her stomach bulging from the absolute unit that was his length and girth, those glorious heavy balls of his smacking the outer rim of her netherlips as her juices splashed and rained down on the floor with every impact to add to the growing puddle. And to think, this stallion hadn’t yet blown his load, her anticipation for that moment as high a skyrocket as her level of arousal right now. It made her all the more eager to want that hot,sweet white cream of his all the more as she threw her head to let out a deepthroated howl of raw orgasmic desire, her tail curling to make a cute little heart shape to it as she didn’t want this ride to end. Not yet anyway when it was clear they’d just gotten started.
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Oh indeed that was certainly the case as the succubus and her comapct security for hire commenced with proceeding through a kama sutra’s worth of positions. Her ass,her mouth and her pussy getting hammered, pounded and pumped with inches upon inches of that meaty piece of sexual heaven. The dressing room getting trashed and wrecked harder than any hotel room the diva had stayed at when she used to go on a booze fuelled bender. She was drunk and high on sexual ecstasy and she wasn’t anting this ride to end at all. Ass up in the air as she laid on her hands and knees on the floor, brain going numb with pleasure as he mounted atop her,hammering into her ass with abandon before they transitioned naturally to going at it doggy style, the saucy pop star adding a few naughty barks for good measure. That is when she wasn’t howling and calling for the short king to go faster,deeper and harder. At one point she wondered if she was even calling for him to knock her up and give her some of his babies, who knows whar was even coming out of her dirty mouth at this point?!! Mating press, amazon press, hell the diva found herself performing a standing 69, looking to make herself gorge and suffocate on that bitchbreaking cock, Krillin finding his body decorated and marked with kiss marks baring her distinctive shade of lipstick. The lack of windows in the dressing room making it impossible to determine how much time had been passing and just how long they’d been going at it. Not that it mattered or they cared when the pleasure was all that mattered. Before soon Verosika felt it,the sweet glorious moment when he not only came, but came together with her. A full on sexual Atom Bomb going right off as they shared a simultaneous climax,the orgasmic wave causing orgy within the entire venue to come down with them and ride the crashing tidal wave of pleasure. All within the vicinity blacking out into a sweet slumber as they basked in the warmth of the afterglow, Verosika softly snoozing as she laid on the remains of the couch with Krillin laying atop. Holding him in her embrace as their loins stayed connected, her pussy oozing with the excess of his virile,potent baby batter. The succubitch all the while thinking to herself. ‘Now that,right there, was a itch scratched.....fucking,A....’
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tunashei · 1 year
First impressions of Animoprhs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 7: The Stranger
I often think how you'd REALLY react if you were faced with something paranormal or magical, because it wouldn't just be the monster or ghost or superhero you have to contend with - but your entire knowledge of the universe flipping on it's head. Legit consider how insane you'd go if you found out monsters were *really* real. And they do this to a random person in the start of most books! Ha.
Kind of surprised they consider a human-alien relationship with any sort of seriousness. How progressive. But then there's been a few hints towards Rachel liking Tobias and he's...a bird. Rachel is very open minded.
Somehow I have my doubts Rachel will move away. The clue is the 47 books that come after this.
Man I feel for Tobias, having to spend the rest of his life as a hawk while potentially watching his friends move on. It's not like he can make new friends. Also how long does he even live? Does he have a hawk lifespan now of 10-15 years?
Rachel wants more firepower and she skips the POLAR BEARS? GIRL. Those things are fucking terrifying! Though I did do a bit of research and turns out when Polar Bears and Grizzlies compete for food it's usually the Polar Bears that leave.
Also I have a hard time believing a bear has more 'firepower' than an elephant. Bit easier to move around and get into places as a bear though.
Still can't get over the frequent use of the slang 'hooked up' to mean meeting. Very different meaning nowadays.
The mental image of them fitting pretty much a centaur into a dressing room is very funny.
Wow. Stopping time definitely blindsided me. This Ellimist is like a god?? Was not expecting that.
The descriptions when the Ellimist is showing off the beauty of earth make me very sad I will likely not get to experience it. It's so sad to know coral reefs exist out there, beauty unparalleled, and you can't simply go and see them. Not without money. It's a cruel joke that we're placed on such an amazing planet and yet how little of it we'll see.
Man this is a genuinely tough decision. I really like Cassie's perspective, that humans are now the endangered animals potentially rejecting the one thing that could save them. Honestly if what seemed like a literal god told me the fight is unwinnable I'd probably give in and tell them to take me to a new planet.
Aaaand now the kids are getting eaten alive. I LOVE the amount of traumatising scenarios in these books. Main reason I started em. Feel a bit bad for the Taxon, imagine eating some innocuous snack and it swells up and bursts you from the inside.
Ax has a thing for cutting off people's arms.
You're the second largest carnivore on land Rachel, Polar Bears got you beat.
Also Rachel totally just murdered a bunch of human people.
Now...time travel? Hm not a big fan of time travel.
Damn the Yeerks invested in free, superfast and wide-covering public transport? I'd vote for them.
This is why I don't like time travel. Is it deterministic? Can it be changed? Boggles the mind. The implication is they refuse the Ellimist's offer and stay and fight, and lose, and Rachel becomes a controller. But why would Ax being there mean the future has changed? Did future-Rachel lie about there being six humans to Visser-Three? Why?
PFFFF I'm sorry but as horrifying as the idea of them killing and consuming Tobias after being infected and turned into controllers is, it's also like Disney-level villainy.
If this is the future and it can be changed, why can't Visser-Three kill them? Sure he wouldn't have controller Rachel so the future would be different but the goal of invading would work?
Well this is looking bleak.
I wonder who is keeping Ellimists in check that they even need rules.
Surprisingly quick and efficient mission! And that's the end of that one. A bit confusing, but I wonder if the Ellimist stuff will get clearer later on.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
Tagged by @sorry-bonebag and @shouldiusemyname TY very much tag games are so fun! (sorry it's taken me a while to get too!)
I read "comfort shows" and my brain stalled out. Like define comfort? Am I sick? Am I sad and in need of cheering up? Am I angry? Am I hurt? Am I tired? Am i overtired? Am I emotional? What negative emotional state am in dang it??
I started this list thinking there wouldnt be many BL or wider Asian shows but then I remembered prior to this year I almost never watched TV...so it's Asian focused after all! (I went no books allowed or it would have been 3/4 books lol)
Added later: I remembered anime and I have no idea what to do because it's gonna sweep the list...okay, 1 anime per category.
Also I tend to be a CHRONIC rewatcher (Or rereader) even when not in need of comfort so the sheer amount of New content I have consumed this year boggles my mind and is definitely a break from tradition so I am not quite sure yet how much of it is going to stay with me...
But anyway I am using some categories to help
First up: Comfort when I'm sick/run down/tired:
Being sick tends to leave me too tired to read and very much desiring not to use my brain more than necessary so, Shows that gives me the warm fuzzies:
1. Ascendence of A Bookworm - Just sneaking past two others who jostle for the top spot, this is my favourite anime of all time and is absolutely peak comfort, it's given me three beautiful seasons so far and I continue to sit in quite hope for more
2. SOTUS S I am dying to rewatch this series, the emotional resonance I felt to Arthit's journey all the way through is still possibly the most connected I have felt to any character ever and this soft story of growing love and finding your place in teh world with someone by your side is absolutely peak comfort for me.
3. Sing My Crush or more broadly many Korean BL. Most Korean BL is absolutely my comfort zone, it's soft, warm and fuzzy, it's the shows I watch right before bed to send me off to good dreams. Korean BL is definitely comfort for me, and while Sing My Crush isn't my favourite Korean BL, it's definitely my most comforting so far.
Second: Comfort when I'm sad/hurt/down:
E.g. cheer me up shows:
4. Doctor Who, my favourite tv show of all time remains my favourite cheer me up show. Early to mid of any season to keep crying to a minimum.
5. Avatar the Last Airbender, I don't even think this one needs am explanation.
6. Tonhon Chonlatee (and many other Thai BL) I find a lot of Thai BL pretty funny and I found TC utterly hilarious, I definitely plan to use rewatching this one as a pick me up in the future
7. Crash course in Romance, What's a list without some Kdrama! I am still dying to expand my watchlist with Kdrama's but I have to get through all the BL on it first lol...I'm about to reach 100 BL, maybe I'll make a post about it
(also the anime for this cat is: No Game No Life, so bonus show)
Third: Get me out of my own head
E.g. shows that make me feel a lot (some of the above shows also fit this criteria lol)
8. The Eclipse My equal favourite Thai show (along with SOTUS S) and another one where I felt crazy resonance with a main character. In this case the emotional tone is more intense for me, though It's still definitely comfort!
9. The Irregular at Magic Highschool A.K.A Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (and various spin offs). The third anime of my top three trifecta and one that also has fed me multiple seasons. This one is such fun but also pretty intense so I love it for a myriad of reasons.
10. Goblin the Great and Lonely God, My favourite Kdrama so far, just beating out crash course in the rankings. Even writing the name leaves me dying to go back and watch it all again.
ahhh @plantsarepeopletoo and @thegalwhorants tag me in your answers since you've already been tagged I'll add...
@sparklyeyedhimbo @visualtaehyun @callipigio and @slayerkitty sorry if you've already done it, and either way no pressure to play!
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fickleminder · 1 year
an apple and its tree
Slight rewrite of the scene after MC wakes up in Nightbringer Lesson 13-1. Features Satan x F!OC.
Lucifer angst during his birthday? It’s more likely than you think!
Seeing how fast Satan mellows out in Kirana’s presence never fails to humble Lucifer.
She hasn’t been their attendant for long, so it’s unsettling how she knows every trick in the book to bring him and his brothers to heel. By force if need be, though somehow Lucifer can tell she never does it out of malice, only to pull the brakes on a situation if it starts spiraling out of control.
And yet with Satan, Kirana doesn’t have to use whatever secret magic she possesses to calm him down. Something about her just makes the blond demon go from scowling at the text message on his phone, threatening to crush the device in his bare hands for the hundredth time, to his entire demeanor softening when he steps into the open room and finds her awake.
“Hey…” He makes a beeline for her at the same time she reaches for him, her arms still weak and trembling slightly from the unknown curse she’d been afflicted with.
Kirana whimpers softly when Satan engulfs her in a hug, the demon almost flattening her onto the bed. She’s clinging to him for comfort, digging her fingers into his shoulders and squeezing him tightly as though he’ll disappear before her eyes if she lets go.
And that’s the trick, isn’t it? She’s never been afraid of him, never shied away during his rampages or viewed him as a monster. Unlike Lucifer and his brothers, who’d thought chaining Satan down and keeping him out of sight was the best way to deal with him, Kirana treated him like an actual person, someone who’s wanted and loved, not a ticking time bomb.
Satan is whispering to her now, something about a stray cat napping on the streets. Kirana pulls him closer and nuzzles her face against the crook of his neck.
A fragile human seeking comfort from the most volatile of the Sins; it boggles the mind, but then again, one of his Father’s golden rules had to do with the way one treated others, Lucifer muses. How far he’s fallen to have forgotten that lesson…
What Lucifer won’t forget anytime soon however, is the bright light emanating from Kirana’s ring — his ring — and her eyes fluttering open after it dies down.
“…So, you’ve finally woken up,” he breathes in relief, reaching out to stroke her face—
Only for Kirana to flinch away from him.
Lucifer immediately stills, slowly withdrawing his hand as he takes in her terrified face and tense posture. Why would she…
Ah, that’s right. Her last memory of him was being ensnared by his binding spell, paralyzed and in pain, feeling all the air being squeezed out of her lungs. He’d reached out towards her too then, hand curling into a fist as he tightened the spell, determined to force answers out of the weak human who dared to oppose him—
A basic charm is all it takes to send Kirana back into a light sleep, erasing the last few seconds of her consciousness. Lucifer takes a moment to collect himself, pulling the blankets further up to cover her shoulders, before grabbing his phone and sending Satan a text.
The sound of footsteps from the stairs reaches his ears. Shutting the door quietly, the Avatar of Pride retreats into the hallway. Asmo meets him on the way to the dining room, and Lucifer decides that the rest of his brothers can wait till after breakfast to welcome their attendant back.
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alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
For Lazarus 👀
Lazarus is actually like, scarily quiet (unless he pissed off at something), when by himself.
What’s the point of wasting energy on trying to be his usual loud self if nobody is there?
He doesn’t truly deal with the loneliness though, and he does feel VERY lonely.
He rules an entire empire as an emperor, and has people who work directly with him and such, but nobody who willing goes out of their way to be around him.
And he gets used to it, tells himself it never bothered him, says that he’s been that way since he was a kid.
But not even that is true. He still had Constance and Ambrose when he was younger.
And now he has no one. But isn’t that a good thing? It gives him less weaknesses, nobody he cares that much about that people could use against him (which is also a lie, he still cares about his siblings and is saddened by the fact that he’s ruling this empire without them).
When he’s by himself, he thinks a lot.
About his position, his siblings, his power and magic.
Hell, he even occasionally thinks about Pandora and the De La Dáinn family, wondering how they’re doing.
Wondering if Pandora will be willing to actually fight next time they meet or if she’ll just let him win again.
And figuring that she’ll probably be his downfall. How ironic, he thinks.
But he probably wouldn’t have it any other way.
Which is why he’s so surprised when Pandora DOESN’T kill him.
When Pandora goes out of her way to meet with him at the prison, to talk to him with only a set of bars separating them.
Hell, even Noah and Lazarus’s siblings start visiting him too. Sometimes, on the rare occasional, the entirety of The Crux visits him.
Even rarer, Diana or Victor will visit.
But Pandora always has someone there to talk to him, even if she’s not in town.
And it just boggles his mind. He doesn’t understand at all.
But maybe he doesn’t need to understand it.
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chronicsyd · 2 years
Sapphics: I want an enemies to lovers arc
Sapphics when the characters act like enemies: no not like that!
Like seriously, the hells wrong with some of y’all? Catradora were literally at war with one another and with the current power dynamics in the show Catra couldn’t just drop whatever she was doing and play for the other team. Especially once s3 happens and Shadow Weaver ends up in Brightmoon. How do I know this? Cause we already got our answer once she popped back up in s5. The only plus side would be Catra seeing through the bs that was Glimmers behavior in s4 (speaking of which, “Glimmradora was healthier” people need to get off your high horse cause she treated Adora JUST as poorly in s4 basically saying “hey you’re only here cause you’re sometimes useful to us” ok I can’t start talking about this cause I’ll get sidetracked by getting angry. Moving on)
And it’s outright boggling to me that sapphics will cry out “we want enemies to lovers” until they ACT like Actual Enemies. Cause the truth is you don’t want enemies, you never did. And the reblogs on my last post only prove my point on the matter cause while Amity and the others of the Boiling Isles grew up under strickt rule by Belos and their parents it wasn’t War. That’s what we gotta keep in mind here. Catra and Adora grew up as child soldiers in an army however Adoras mind want fully loyal so when she saw what the Horde was doing and needed to ditch her ideologies she abandoned them. However, Catra saw that as a “Im leaving because of you” kinda deal no matter how the latter claimed the opposite.
Another thing i find Absolutely Hysterical is that y’all will bash Catra then immediately turn around and praise Zuko’s character even though they had practically the same character arc “Zuko didn’t do things as bad” eh did we Forget he helped Azula take over the Earth kingdom at the end of s2 and Aang would have died if it weren’t for Katara’s magic water (plus Several other things?all I’m saying is that Y’all don’t remember pre-redemption Zuko as well as ya think ya do) but I’m getting sidetracked here. Im probably gonna talk more about this comparison later hell I might go rewatch ATLA and take notes on this.
If you don’t like “enemies to lovers” Whatever. Don’t ship it. I honestly don’t care it’s Your shipping preferences. But for gods sake don’t get pissy when enemies act like enemies cause it’s exhausting for those of us who do enjoy it watching your little screaming matches while trying to find content. 🤦‍♀️
(Im probably gonna also bring up Caitvi at some point cause even they don’t truly fall into enemies to lovers but that’s for another time)
(And one more thing: a lot of people claim Glimmers “I love you” came out of nowhere but it was in very much the same vein as Catra’s “Im sorry for everything” as in “I may never see you again, so make this last meeting count”. Yk? Ok NOW I’m done)
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wellpresseddaisy · 4 months
On a Wing and a Prayer pt 2
Harry took a deep breath and tried to stop fidgeting. He’d wear a hole in his cuff if he didn’t, and he didn’t want Mrs. Weasley to feel like she needed to mend it. She’d already brought them all over-robes to wear to the appointment and some of the clothes older Weasleys had already outgrown for him. He appreciated things that fit better than Dudley’s cast-offs…and just the consideration of it. He knew they didn’t have a lot extra, but she still wanted to help in any way she could. Even the thought that he now had four adults in his life who gave a damn what happened to him boggled his mind. Granted, one was a potentially former Dark Lord, but that was four more people than he’d had previously.
(Five, if you counted Snape. Harry wasn’t certain he wanted to count Snape, no matter how tetchy the man got about him being put in mortal danger on the regular. At least that’s what Sirius hinted at in his last letter…if he could trust it. Sirius, he’d learned, was a terrible gossip. Anyhow, did it count when the adult’s personality could curdle milk?)
The goblin (no name given, just an irritated sneer, which Mrs. Weasley had explained was normal for the bank before they arrived) stared impassively at them from the other side of his desk.
“And why has Mr Potter chosen now to attend Gringotts, and not answered any of his post?” He asked.
Mrs Weasley sighed and looked unimpressed. It was the kind of unimpressed you could only manage if you’d raised Fred and George, Harry reckoned.
“Headmaster Dumbledore has, as per the rules explained to him by the Potter account manager, sent the appropriate form each quarter day by return receipt, informing this institution of the post redirection on Mr Potter. You can see the entirety of his correspondence here. He made copies of the forms sent and has attached the original receipt received in the post.” She pushed a bulging file folder over the desk. “He did try removing the redirection in this past Autumn term as Harry is fourteen and certainly responsible enough to manage his own trust account. It lasted about twenty-four hours. There should be correspondence regarding that incident as well. We’ll be meeting with the postal service after this to see what we can do about getting Harry his Gringotts post.”
The goblin perused the file, looking more annoyed than ever. Harry expected that, Mrs. Weasley having explained to them all that sometimes one needed to be rather forceful in requesting less commonly sought services. Most in the magical community just went to the Ministry. Mr Weasley insisted on anything that needed to remain private being done at Gringotts, so long as they held shared jurisdiction. He'd heard enough in the canteen to keep him from ever using Ministry services for inheritance or other family record keeping, even it it was free.
“This appears to be in order, though I will be opening an inquiry on just why the Potter account manager did not make note of the post redirection. You are certain you wish to do this here and not at your Ministry?” That was directed at Harry.
“Er, yeah. Yes. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said that if you want private things kept private then you use Gringotts services. After this past year I don’t want my business spread around. I know there’s a fee here, but I’d rather pay that and have some privacy than use the free service at the Ministry.” Harry sat up straighter and folded his hands in his lap. No use looking like he was going to pieces, no matter how he felt inside.
“And, as Harry’s trustee, Headmaster Dumbledore has approved the expense.” Mrs. Weasley produced another piece of parchment and handed it to the goblin.
“All is approved for the complete lineage plus any squib lines. Creating the lineage itself is simply a matter of writing your name. Any interpretation will be done by the Inheritance department. I will send a copy to them and they will owl you with any findings within the month. You will receive the original document and three copies will be filed, one in your vault and two with this department. Do you understand all this?” ‘Or do I need to explain it again in smaller words’ underscored the question.
“No, that’s easy enough to understand. Thanks.” Harry swallowed hard.
He knew there wouldn’t be any immediate answers, but he’d waited two weeks already and the whole process seemed to drag on forever. He couldn’t help some nerves.
Hermione practically vibrated in her seat next to him. Surprisingly, her parents looked just as interested and engaged in the process. She’d be doing it after him, of course, but it still surprised him to see how interested Mr. and Mrs. Granger were. They weren’t at all like Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. They dressed better, for one, and they actually seemed to like Hermione as a person, for two.
“Wonderful. This,” the goblin held up a quill so black is seemed to suck the light out of the room. “Is a blood quill. It uses your blood as ink to interact with the specially treated parchment. You will feel a pinch or sting on the back of your hand as you use it. It will be destroyed as soon as you have written your full name. The space on the parchment is marked.”
Harry stared at the neat line at the bottom of the sheet and took a deep breath. He picked up the quill (should it feel cold in his hand?) and wrote his name. The goblin spoke truthfully — the shallow sting as he wrote nearly had him dropping the quill. He finished and handed the quill back, watching as the goblin dropped it into a container on his desk and pushed a button. An acrid reek slipped free as Harry watched some liquid pour into the container through the window on the front. The quill dissolved into a pool of oily black.
“It smells terrible but destroys both quill and any blood residue. If you take this, your results should start to appear in the next few minutes.” He handed the parchment over. “Now, we have another for a lineage today?”
“Yes, please.” Hermione answered brightly.
“We opened a vault for our daughter yesterday. You should be able to draw the fee from there,” Mrs. Granger explained. “Hermione has the key to it.”
“Your key then?”
Hermione handed it over without hesitation. The goblin pressed it into a recess in the desk and watched as it glowed gold. Harry kept his attention firmly on Hermione. He didn’t want to look like a complete wally staring at a blank parchment.
“Payment received in full. You can stop by the tellers for an updated accounting of your vault. Do you understand the process?”
“Oh, yes,” Hermione answered. “It seems straightforward. In addition, I understand that the Inheritance department may find nothing. This is more for my own curiosity than anything else.”
“And family is important,” Mrs. Weasley added.
“You may sign, Miss Granger,” the goblin prompted, handing over a blood quill.
Hermione took a deep breath and added her neat signature to the parchment. She handed the quill back immediately and they watched as it disintegrated as well. Harry peeked down at his parchment. His parents had filled in already, and it looked like his Dad’s parents had too. With difficulty, he wrenched his attention away from the sheet and gave it to the goblin.
“Now that you have both signed, there are some final instructions. Your parchments are linked to a master copy that will be kept under heavy security in this office. Your lineage charts should finalize within the next twenty-hour to seventy-two hours. For particularly old families, this may take up to a week. The print will become smaller as the chart grows. When you wish to view the chart in its entirety,  tap it twice with your wand. You may still need a magnifying charm, as it will not enlarge past eight feet by six feet.” That seemed directed more at him, Harry thought. “Once the chart has completed, I will make copies from it and deposit them as per the mandate of this department. If you wish a copy to be deposited with the Ministry, you must write, pick up a copy, and bring it yourself. There is a charge of fifteen gallons for a Ministry copy. Is this understood?”
Harry and Hermione chorused a yes.
“Good. You are much less troublesome than most. I appreciate that you have followed instructions without quibbling or complaint.”
Harry wondered just who the goblin had to deal with. And what had they complained about?
“All the names on your charts will appear in black and will append birth and death dates. Magical lines will be traced in violet. Squib lines are traced in light green. Any line for which you are a potential heir will be traced in gold. The Inheritance department will arrange an appointment should they find any of these. Do not write me about it. I have nothing to do with inheritances. Mr. Potter, your account manager would like to see you, though I recommend you wait to make an appointment. There may well be changes made. I am exceedingly put about by his failure to note your trustee following our regulations so precisely. Further, I will open an inquiry as to precisely why you have been left in the dark regarding your finances. Your trustee made a specific request that we accommodate you with an appointment at age eleven. Clearly, someone missed the notice on the board.”
“I’d, er, no idea so much was in my file?” Harry ventured.
“In general, we do not bandy personal files about. In this specific case, I requested access and was granted it by the head of the Accounts department. He is most displeased with his department. He asked me to see to you today in addition to the lineage chart.”
That probably had some significance to goblins, but Harry wasn’t one.
“About Dumbledore as my trustee…” Harry trailed off.
“He has asked us to keep him well out of your spending decisions unless you decide to go on a broom-buying spree. Quite right and proper, as all his actions have been. He has only acted in your best interest.”
“Oh…oh good. Thank you.” Harry hadn’t even considered feeling anxious over his spending until that moment.
A curious glint appeared in the goblin’s eye and he shuffled some papers on his desk.
“There is, of course, the question of access to your maintenance account. Your non-magical guardians refused access on no less than seven occasions and then threatened to have the bank brought up on harassment charges if we continued to owl. Is there anyone who may qualify for it? Your parents, sensibly, wished you to be properly cared for should they be unable. You needn’t reside with whomever you select.”
Harry couldn’t answer for a minute. His mum and dad had…they’d made sure he’d be fed and clothed and housed properly and…he just knew it was Aunt Petunia who’d refused the money. Uncle Vernon would never. Frankly, he couldn’tbreally imagine Aunt Petunia turning down anything like that, unless they wanted to see receipts or something like that.
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, please. They’ve had me often enough during the summer holidays that it would be perfectly appropriate.”
He'd known his answer immediately. It was one way Mrs. Weasley might actually accept something…and then they wouldn’t have to stretch to have him stay. Even with the home farm, he knew it was difficult, feeding an unexpected extra person.
“Harry—” Mrs. Weasley started.
Ron gave him a not terribly subtle thumbs up behind her back. They’d talked about it a few times, Ron’s parents refusing any money from Harry.
“You and Mr. Weasley have looked after me more than anyone else, Mrs. Weasley,” he cut her off. “And you’ve made sure I had things to wear that…that fit better and all that. And I trust you.”
She looked a bit misty at that. “If you’re sure. Of course we’ll submit receipts for any amount drawn.”
That was more to the goblin, who looked…perhaps pleased? Harry wasn’t great at parsing the subtleties of human facial expressions sometimes. Goblins completely escaped him.
“Gringotts has no worries the the Prewett Materfamilias will behave any way other than honorably. We will, however, appreciate the receipts and will send you a list of the account’s regulations in the post by tomorrow. Here is the Mark for the account. Ah, and Mr. Potter, you are of an age to carry a Mark as well. It will draw the funds automatically when pressed to the bill of sale. It will only work for you.”
Harry took a solid little seal and cupped it in his hand. The seal plate looked gold plated with a crest embossed in it, and it had a little wooden handle. He’d never had anything like it before.
“Now, if you will all please cease cluttering up my office.”
They knew a dismissal when they heard one. The whole group of them exited, Ron bumping shoulders with him as they made it into the corridor.
“Well, that was a wonderfully successful afternoon,” Mrs Weasley said brightly. “Why don’t we all have a nice tea and then we can tackle the post office.”
“Do you think they could put a redirection on Hermione?” Mr. Granger asked. “We only just saw…what was it…Witch Weekly?”
“Of course,” Mrs Weasley answered. “With what Ron said she received after those horrible articles, I’m certain they’ll oblige. I cancelled my subscription.” She didn’t mention the howler Ron sent her after Easter.
With that, Harry found himself chivvied out of the bank and into the cool of an early Summer evening. Diagon had calmed greatly from the throngs of people buying and selling and window shopping that afternoon. A few couples strolled together, looking slowly into shop windows. Others sat about with ice cream, just watching the world pass by. A harassed-looking young man strode down the street, his boot heels ringing against the cobblestones as he checked his pocket watch.
“How do we get to the post office?” Harry asked.
“We go out the Shaftesbury gate. We’ll be able to pick up an omnibus from there that will take us to the GPO,” Mrs. Weasley said.
“I don’t think the lines connect like that, Molly,” Mrs. Granger frowned.
“Oh, no, they don’t in your London. They do in magical London.”
“I beg your pardon?” Mrs Granger coughed. “Did you—”
“Did you not get the pamphlets?” Mrs Weasley looked dismayed. “Oh dear. Why don’t I explain a bit on the way…and…it’s a late day for the shops. We’ll stop at a bookstore so you can get the proper explanation.”
Curiosity satisfied for the moment, Mrs Weasley led them onward to the post office. Harry wondered what more the week might hold. His head already fairly swam with new ideas and information.
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Okay, now I have a need. Please entreat a humble mutual with some autistic Shinobu headcanons. Just a morsel to get me through.
Autistic Kuki Shinobu
barely even headcanons
Rules and systems
Character story 3 is about her getting really annoyed about superstitions and pointless rules. Classic "I can't believe these so called experts betrayed me" arc.
She's not against rules and systems, though. She did a law degree and not even to get a job in law.
“Huh? Why are [the Arataki Gang] willing to follow my rules? Because both my words and my fists are very persuasive.”
The "autists socialise different" trope
Highly qualified woman gravitates towards found family full of misfits, because she absolutely sees herself as an outsider
“I've learned how to read people based on their expressions and body language. Besides, nine times out of ten, it's the gang getting in trouble. I don't mind putting on a face to get us out of a sticky predicament, but I still prefer not to smile.”
She can do social niceties but hmph.
She hates smiling and it's pointless and why does everyone ask her to? Here have a mask you assholes.
Also her view on accreditations is adorable.
“Come find me if you ever suddenly want to become certified in anything. I'll lend you all my notes for the exam. Believe me, my notes are detailed enough to help anybody pass.”
...i.e. she has a system and it works and maybe it's a hyperfocus but shh
“...I'm still not certain about a Vision's assessment criteria.”
*pats gently on head* I'm sorry but I'm not sure even Celestia is clear on this
(I mean. I have my own theories, specifically, "you made such a stereotypically Raiden Ei mental move that someone was like 'yeah, Archon material". But that's not a set of rules and my own hc annoys me as much as it would annoy Kuki.)
“How can there be lines of work where you can find employment without the right qualifications? It boggles the mind.”
I'm torn between (1) "Shinobu, please understand that there are other forms of signalling which work just as well, like, say, prior work experience", and (2) "allists hire on Vibe and they invented unconscious bias(*) and I hate them"
(* autists also experience unconscious bias. Autists are not a magically enlightened superior subrace, no matter how tempting that is to believe when I'm annoyed.)
I suspect that, unfortunately, Kuki shares Ei's gullibility on certain fronts and the word "certification" is a weak point for her critical thinking. She'd get a life coach certificate, pseudoscience or not. Or, uh, a Kissing With Tongue certificate.
Other headcanons
Sara and Yanfei are some of her best friends because they are the sanest, most normal people
She learned all the ninjitsu backflip stuff when she was younger and thought that being named Shinobu meant she had to know that stuff
Miyuki is pretty neurotypical and they're both trying really hard to stay in touch but they're on really different wavelengths
(side note: I loved the Shinobu+Miyuki reconciliation in the ends justify the beans)
Shinobu wasn't there for the Itto character quest because she'd just gotten her Vision back and was renewing her nidan in kusari-fundou.
...and she has no idea why people joke about the electro chain whip. It's light, flexible, and deadly in skilled hands. What's so funny?
(yes even after Sara asked her to hit her with it "to better understand what weapons I may encounter on the battlefield", and then moaned)
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copdog1234 · 1 year
Oh my god I totally agree about how the movie was too short (which is something I rarely say as I have the attention span of a puppy) and also, the «big fight» at the end of the movie was so disappointing because pretty much the entire time LB and CN just… laid there. LB jumped up once, and CN scratched Hawkmoth once and then the only reason he was defeated was because Hawkmoth himself stopped when he realised CN was his son… like, they didn’t even defeat him, he just gave up! That annoyed me so much because one can say that the movie was rushed because of outside factors (like probably not having the budget for a longer movie or something like that) but the fight (and lots of the substance points you brought up) is just bad writing
Oh, yeah, I absolutely thought it was sooooo anticlimactic at the end. And genuinely it boggles my mind that anyone felt anything for that final speech that Gabriel gave because this version of him wasn't developed enough to give a meaningful speech about how much he loves his son and how sorry he was and how much he needed to be forgiven. We don't know this man! We know his motivation, sure, we know he was getting a bit disheveled for a few months in fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir, we see a mini-fight with Adrien, and then that's it. The lack of substance throughout the film made it so him simply giving up in the final fight wasn't the least but satisfying. He did nothing to earn that speech.
So you are correct! It is just bad writing! And it continues to boggle my mind that anyone could claim that this is the best writing ever (because I've seen that claim so many times). Or even that it's better writing than the show because, you know what? The show has absolutely fumbled a lot over these past 8 years, I can name everything I hate that's actually bad writing, but overall, it has substance. I know the characters, theyre mostly consistent, and they have personalities that people can hate or love, but at least its there. Every finale fight kept me on my toes because there are actual stakes to the fights and even rules to how the magic in the show works. The dialogue for the most part feels earned, it's funny, even when the translation can be awkward, it's fun. The show surprisingly doesn't spell every little thing out with medicore songs that arent being used effectively. It uses a thing called subtext, even when people refuse to acknowledge that it does!
People can like the movie, that's entirely fine, but quit claiming something that is inherently untrue. (Also, sorry for using your ask to go off on a tangent, Anon)
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