#and the short clip I posted over there
lilyblisslys · 1 month
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do you think this underwear makes my dick look cute? 🥺
grind on my bulge for yes 🥰
see the whole thing on onlyfans
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Everyone: Oh man, I hope there are no hard feelings between fans because of who wound up winning the "Best Streamed Event" award. 😬
Cellbit: Don't worry guys, I have a solution. 😘
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daegorth · 3 months
This edit is making me feel a certain type of way🥺🥺🥺
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
Every time I "finish" an AMV, I create a comparison like this.
The left side is the "effectless" draft—minimal transitions, zero coloring, limited text animation—while the right side is the "final" version I post online. It's a way to assess my work; where did the added effort elevate the edit, and where do my eyes find themselves drawn more to the draft because the "final" version is too busy, too overwhelming, too much?
I'm new to video editing. There aren't even 20 AMVs to my name, and I only seriously started a little over a year ago. My process involves a lot of struggling with what a "good" AMV is, a lot of wondering if I'm doing it all wrong—anxieties that were only exacerbated by a popular post that crossed my dash many months ago. It decried AMVs that don't edit with the full song as worthless, bad, garbage. The kids don't know how to do it right.
Not a kid, but maybe they've got a point!
Still, it was a disheartening sentiment to read. And while I might not know much, I think I am confident in knowing this: there are many AMV styles out there, and the shorter ones may certainly not be everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't mean that they're devoid of love, time, effort, or passion. The video at the top of this post is hardly 30 seconds long, and it still took over 60 hours of spilling out ideas and cutting clips and learning new skills and scrapping new skills and tweaking transitions and coloring and recoloring and shaking my head and giving up and trying again.
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Fan vidders, no matter the style they employ, are devoting their free time and energy to create. It'd be ludicrous to suggest that a movie is inherently inferior to a TV series, or a short story automatically meaningless compared to a novel.
The same should absolutely apply to fan videos.
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mamisolohd · 2 years
s3 trailer & bts & teasers
This season is I think 10 episodes. From some pics that Ludwika posted during post-production it's visible in the script that there at least is an episode 310. Also, if we're looking patterns from previous season's trailers then the clips from the s3 trailer most probably are from episodes 1-5, and maybe some short ones from later episodes. Anyways, here's me predicting a timeline!
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Ep. 1: Dinner + office I'm guessing the breakfast at Ana's is gonna be the opening scene, just like in s2. Then she goes to the office and chats with Mariana, who looks terrified half the time in this trailer… hmm. In that office scene when she tells Ana about Ferrán she just looks so stressed, which she probably is lmao I can't really blame her. Anyways, I can also see the part from the teaser where Ana makes dinner for them (while Mariana is with Ferrán :SS) also happens in the first maybe 1-3 episodes.
Ep. 1-2?: JC spying He plants the mics and Ana finds them, then JC finds them broken. This might also happen in the first episodes, maybe even in the first one. Also is Mariana sleeping at Ana's place? Ana has the same outfit on in the trailer when she finds the mics and then in another pic where they're eating, and Mariana is in pyjamas. They're really really doing the fake dating?? And is JC still in the house? From the pic it looks like there's a plate where he usually sits, so... I guess... :S
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Ep. 3: Chocolates ...is the name of this ep!
Ep. 4: It's happening???! According to the IG story scripts the ladies’ trip happens in episode 4. Now what happens so they end up there, Idk. Where are they going and why, Idk either. What's known is that they're driving somewhere, Ana and Mariana are chatting as usual, talking about who the best driver is (ofc Ana claims she’s the better one). Then Ana mentions that she's tired so Mariana drives instead. Here, it seems like Mariana's about to crash the car into a cow (not a bull) which is what Ana is referring to in the teaser, or a train as written in the script... I think they leave their car and maybe hitchhike to another town? There's this cast member who is referred to as "mecanico" and is seen in the truck with Ana and Mariana. He's not driving Ana's car. So they probably decide to stay the night and hang around the town. It looks like there's a band playing, so I hope they're gonna hang around and just have a nice time! Just them. They also seem a little tipsy in the teaser... So maybe they'll have some drinks and then the teaser part comes where they're chatting and having a moment. I guess after this part is when the kissing from the trailer comes. Now is it actually happening, is it a dream or something else, Idk. It looks real tho... I think the lighting kind of makes it look "dreamy" lol but, the clothes are the same plus them being tipsy... it could be fr. I guess this is one of those too good to be true moments but, it's not impossible! I'm having high hope for this episode. It feels like it'll be a really good one.
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Ep. 5-6?: Yo estoy enamorada de Ferrán I think Mariana telling Ana that she never broke up with Ferrán happens after the ep. 4 kissing which is why Ana also looks SO hopeful, and then so confused and let down. Also because the kissing is in ep. 4, they're most probably keeping Ferrán for more than 4 episodes.
Ep. 5-6?: Ana + Elena Ana seeing Elena and the other lady happens in the middle. This show has a pretty fast pace so I wouldn't be surprised if Ana's exploring only lasts for one/two episodes, while maybe Mariana in the same episodes can't get it to work with Ferrán and comes to her own conclusions. Is she gonna see Ana with the other woman? Is she gonna get jealous? (pls)
Ep. 7-8? Reconciliation? I wonder if this is the reconciliation moment after everything goes down with Ana's date and Ferrán. And are Ana and Mariana going to stop seeing each other for a while like in s2? In any case, in the trailer (andthe gif) it looks like Mariana's saying "Ana", and looks surprised and happy, maybe relieved? and the peep Ana’s jacket on the armchair, it looks like the jacket in the photo. Is this Elena's place? I don’t think it is… but there have been a couple of times Ludwika has been filming at Elena's house so I hope they have scenes together and actually become friendly, or even friends :D.
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Ep. 9-10: The End Rodrigo has his graduation at some point, maybe that could also be at the end, together with the celebration at Ana's and then lastly Tere having her baby, which ties it all from 101 to 310 together.
Ep. 1-7?: Ferrán Matías Novoa (Ferrán) also posted some scripts. My guess is he'll be in the first half of the season at least if not more. The scene where Mariana is talking to Lucía and Tere maybe is from episodes 5-7? There is this script that he posted but I can't see the episode number... it looks like 307, but I'm not sure. Mariana and Ferrán are preparing to sleep but they are having a discussion about the girls. She's saying "What were you thinking?!" "One: If Ana finds out, she'll kill me. Two: You didn't tell me, and three: I left [the girls] with you so you could bond with them, if not, I prefer leaving them with my mom or my grandma". Then Ferrán says that he's sorry and he didn't want to disturb her in the middle of her meeting and so he had no other choice basically. Mariana says that it's fine but that it can't happen again. What did he do lol?? If there are 10 episodes, then maybe their break up could happen in ep. 7.
(Also Ferrán always buying things for Mariana or Regina and trying to make her stay is just so... just stop lmao. Like their whole relationship started with him buying her a new bike, then toys for Regina without asking, and in s3 it looks like he bought a crib and then in the teaser clip a fkn iMac for Mariana, like we get it.)
Ep. ?: Ana tucking Mariana in At the end of the trailer Ana is in this houndstooth patterned dress, while Mariana is sleeping in her bed. I don't know where or what event Ana could've been to... If it would be work related then Mariana would've joined too since they're still working together (or are they?). Is Mariana actually staying at her house? I don't think permanently but for sure from time to time. Where would this bit fit? There could be so many different scenarios xd
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Ep. ?: Ana + JC The Ana + JC meditation trip is very loose in the timeline, I have no idea where this would fit either... maybe in the middle somewhere, after they "split up" again. Also in the script, at the top it looks like Ana is talking to her mom about her dad, and how she doesn't want to see him again. I think he comes to her house, then she visits him at some point. I think her dad has been so absent he barely knows how many children she even has (shown in the script). There's another one where JC and Ro are at a golf course with JC's dad, so apparently the grandpas are joining this season. I think JC's and Victor's dad is in the hospital in the finale as well.
So yeah I'm imagining something like this... Then again, I thought that Ana and Mariana weren't gonna mention whatever happened in the first season maybe until 202 or 203, but it literally happened after like 10 minutes lmao, so yeah I'm probably way off. But anyways it's fun to speculate :D
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fitzrove · 10 months
When you discover a Really Flattering Hairstyle for your face,,,, but don't know how to make it happen
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scarletfasinera · 6 months
Anyway since I can't send an ask because of character limit and I gave up after trying to write it three different ways and it not working, I'll just. Idk write a short vague post back? I'm assuming a vague for a vague is fair (don't worry I don't want to be mean I just have no other way of navigating this situation.) Since I'm exhausted & but want to at least express my view of it.
Idk just on the off chance they see this or one of our shared mutuals shows them or something. My "weak subtext" post had absolutely nothing to do with Adam Warlock, I didn't even remember that I reblogged that poll before making my post. I had seen like six other polls after the Adam one, bc I was actively looking through the blog, that did the exact thing my post was about, the blogrunner (who shall remain anonymous) had Pointed Out in private that it was happening and gave several examples & it was distressing them so I checked the blog myself and commented on it, which was why I made the post. Not the Adam poll in particular which I didn't remember and wasn't thinking about. I do not know enough about Adam to say anything about either the text or the subtext or anything, so I just. Wouldn't? It really baffled me that it was read that way.
Anyway. Farewell beloved mutual we barely knew ye...
#txt#the “people doing that across multiple polls” thing was also why I left the “annoying notes” tag#it just happened to be on the Adam poll because I like Miles and it was ine of the first ones on the blog#I didn't even process that people wouldn't have the background context & would read it as being Very Mean to Adam Fans in particular#But honestly I should have & that's on me & I deleted the post for that reason#Anyway I have NO BEEF with Adam fans and don't know enough about him to make any posts about him#It's just VERY STRANGE to me that this happened like I didn't even think about Adam I was just blogging 😭#I wish they had like asked me for clarification or something like I'm a dumbass and oftentimes an asshole by accident.#And I get misinterpreted A LOTTTTT but I never know how to KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING#and idk. I don't like being misinterpreted & I especially don't like being vagued over misinterpretation so I feel weird about it ):#Especially from a mutual that I liked? But. I'll forget about all this in the morning.#I mean I could also just. Reblog their vague and respond to it maybe#But idk I feel like that's a Lot because I don't want to out them to my followers as Having Vagued Me#I just would LIKE to address it privately but the only way to do that is via ask but it would be too long if I'm being serious about it#And tumblr's ask limit is like 500 fucking characters or something. Idk I tried figuring out the character limit andnit cut it off after#the FIRST PART#It would have taken like 7 fucking messages to send the whole explanation#And I don't want to swamp their ask box#The only reason the explanation is so short here is because I wrote it out in an exhausted Whatever tone that clips some of the explanation#short. Which I don't think would go over well when trying to explain a misunderstanding to someone who is mad at me enough to vague me#anyway here's your reminder that you can have conversations with people instead of jumping to conclusions 😔#I mean I'm not mad and I understand retroactively why the misunderstanding happened#but also if they had even like PM'd me like “Hey if your post was about Adam I disagree bc xyz” and I would have responded like#“Oh my post wasn't about Adam at all and I didn't even realise it seemed like that sorry”#or hell if they'd even anon'd me about it#Like I'm... actually not a mean person... I'm not going to verbally assault someone for interacting with me in good faith...
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i don't know how to explain this, but does anyone else feel like we have to start over with trans education? like, using target-approved phrases on the reg? like, i feel like how i did before same sex marriage got legalized. things in the is are just going so ass backwards rn but im in gender nirvana at this point. i wanna talk about boy pussy not hey im a person btw
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Hiiiiii, long time no see!! How have you been?
I’m curious, you’ve written so much over the years (every time I go to your page, I’m always amazed you have like a 100 plus works while I’m struggling to finish my Second Shroob Invasion - I’m so close to the ending). How do you manage the workload of requests/commissions? What helps you when you’re writing?
Thank you so much!! :) You’re the best! (There shall be more Shroobs coming your way).
992nd3 hi there! Sorry I didn't answer sooner lol. It can be pretty damn difficult to manage everything and still make room for myself sometimes, though I manage to get by. I'll have days where I dedicate 5-10 hours to just writing alone, waking up at around 10am-ish and going to bed at 3am. I usually do commissions first at the start of the day, but sometimes I'll need motivation, so I go over to the regular requests or my multi-chapter fics and work on that instead. Though, mainly my friends have been helping me keep on track and motivated (and stopping me from going absolutely insane lmao). As of currently, every other day, I'll spend either 1-4 hours hanging out with them on discord sort of near or after dinner time, then end the day off with more writing until I get tired enough to go to sleep. Sometimes I'll write while on call with them too. The main thing that helps me write is playlists that I've listened to before, or other familiar music. I'll also set a mini goal for myself and try to write that amount in a day (like.. write 2,000 words or smfn). I sort of spread my attention out to multiple fics at once (Dear Detective, AVC, The King’s Jester, Dichotomous Key, the commissions, one or two general requests,) but work on them one at a time (if that makes sense)
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speaking of, i’ve seen some like reblog addition once or twice in these past 7 years and been annoyed enough about disagreeing analytically that here i am to just vaguely refer to it and repudiate it
basically someone saying like oh there’s that idea in fury road that instead of chasing after a utopia you should fix what’s already there / what you’ve actually got to work with
like they do in fact get to improve on what they already have to work with but there’s not so much a concept of a Utopia here but rather someone, for one thing, going “yeah this cool, better place exists that i want to go to, because i lived there already”....even these other girls for whomst it is in fact entirely abstract are a) aware that it is an actual place that exists, thusly, and b) aren’t exactly necessarily totally Idealistic about the entire matter, e.g. aren’t assuming they won’t be killed, don’t think they’ll be able to find it, & such
which goes into how it’s not that everyone’s assuming they’re pursuing something perfect out here, it’s that they’re all coming from their nightmare society where they’re not even regarded as people in their own right, and chasing Something Else, which is theoretically going to be better rather than necessarily ideal, and that, again, it doesn’t even Have to be better necessarily, it’s [inciting incident is all these people choosing to take these actions] happening b/c again it’s Something Else, it’s literally Not This, it’s Possibility that [this] isn’t the only thing for them or for anyone. which is an attitude that can be like oh how naively utopian lol of course this is the way it Is so yes, going “what about: not this” is so useless. but naturally i would happen to disagree w/that.
even for things to take a turn into the climax you’ve got like. furiosa has her emotional low point b/c her remembered The Green Place has gone to shit / doesn’t have those qualities it used to have. which is different from like oh disillusionment about a place you Thought was perfect but actually it wasn’t, rather, it’s just outright Changed in the last twentysome years. (and also isn’t completely changed, like, it’s still something of this figurative oasis, it’s still sustaining life in this desert, even if it’s not Plant life nor the people who planted it & rather, the crows & those bogwalking people & whatever else is going on out in a bog).....it’s like, okay Now they’re heading off somewhere that they Don’t know exists at all & nobody knows what it’s like b/c they don’t know if traveling east for months will bring them to Anything Else or not. but it’s just a less concrete version of what they were already after, Something Else, and Possibility. it’s sure Possible there’s something out there actually, though there may not be, versus furiosa knowing there’s definitely something else a few day’s out from the citadel, b/c there is/was, b/c she was there....but that idea there Could Be Something Else is again not like oh there’s utopia out there, nor is it even necessarily despairing, though going back & taking over the citadel Is more concrete, and it Is considered more hopeful by everyone else (who also agreed to the salt flats approach, naturally) which is fun since max Just said that the salt journey was too hopeful lol but is now the one coming through w/the more hopeful and frankly longer shot of an idea.
but also that the reason they change plans isn’t b/c they were ignoring or rejecting the idea of Fixing what was already there, it’s that it’s like, to turn around and go back would just be to die lol, the entire time they were outrunning those parties b/c they’ve got one truck vs [literally everyone else]. it’s certainly not all about convincing furiosa and co of the practical plausibility of that, there sure is like thematic [operating together / with others towards your aligned/shared goals] and hope being repeated specifically mentioned before & now, but it sure Is also the practical plausibility lol, when once it’s like oh you can’t go home again when you were abducted a couple of decades ago, their options are Go Back, where they’ll be killed, or stay living in this part of the desert which is i guess an option, but really the Most Active thing to do from their perspective is in fact to take a long shot, take advantage of the supplies they’ve brought with them, & all pursue the Possibility of Something Else. to consider going back at all certainly involves max having to pitch the idea that it doesn’t actually just mean being killed along the way, or once they’re there. like, they all of course have known it exists, or at least half of them do, having just come from there / lived there a good while, furiosa knows it has resources, but the resources They have are themselves as people & their own relationships, where they see each other as people, rather than being in that citadel with all these increased resources that definitely exist, but where everyone’s an object / tool / property & even furiosa having some power through being an imperator was/is certainly not enough where she had any feasible means to just avoid being killed if she tried much of anything. and where here their opportunity is that the main guy & his whole army can at least be held off long enough to maybe get a foothold in the citadel, making sure to kill the main guy isn’t even necessarily a step in the plan. however it’s fantastic that furiosa gets to do this personally with an epic line that also punches you (or at least me) because it’s also like of course this is such an implicitly fraught history for her behind getting to rip a guy’s jaw off. good for her with that specific revenge that semi spontaneously unfolded but was also imbued with Everything In Her Life. and the girls getting to help her along to that point including again toast as the most similar to her having a direct hand in the last seconds letting furiosa kill him, then being there to take over driving and spit on his corpse. anyways, the thing is that also they know even Maybe turning around would lead to everyone dying anyways, and many people do die, and they also can’t have been sure there Wouldn’t be anything across the salt (or they wouldn’t have done it) and Obviously turning back and taking the citadel from joe with its definitely extant water & plants (and even the people of course, given that of course crucially they don’t (and can’t anyway) just like storm and conquer the place and have to be Let Up / everything that unfolds in how people react to furiosa’s return and joe being dead) is the right (and/or rewarded) choice in this story and it is certainly the choice they end up making, but it’s certainly Not accurate or all that relevant to what’s more accurate to be like well well well looks like someone didn’t want to put in the work and is instead looking for utopia
reminds me very pertinently of like oh how about this postapocalyptic YA scifi novel where one teen girl is now the only person alive in this small town / enclave although she can’t know if there’s any other enclaves or people alive out there, until some adult guy shows up from somewhere and maybe has to recover from some injury idk and they’re like housemates or whatever for a while until he suddenly tries to rape her b/c oh postapocalypse, as a girl you Have to have earth repopulating babies, and then she has to like flee and try to survive in that enclave while he’s trying to sabotage her to force her to have to “cooperate” with him. and the ending is that she takes the like radiation armor or whatever hazmat type suit the guy showed up in and leaves him and that enclave behind entirely and walks off into what may be a totally inhospitable unpopulated world but where a) that guy managed to show up from the outside world and b) she’s like specifically walking towards an area where she’s seen some distant birds so there May be life, but there’s no further implication about whether she’s necessarily right or or whether she’s going to die b/c there’s no one else or no other hospitable area nearby....and if we’re going “fury road is about working with what you’ve got and they have to learn that chasing utopia isn’t going to get them anywhere” then we’re going “wow, a story about this protagonist’s naivete, huh??” about that ending. sounds like Someone’s a little too idealistic
also that naturally it’s completely relevant that authoritarianism as like a structure/ guiding principle needn’t only be found on a scale of [a whole country or something]. quotes about water sure but also the “that’s my child; my property” line, where’s that being shared, it’s not like oh that’s just [the villain] things lol, that’s like, a common perspective even if it’s not voiced that way. you can apply the material to w/e you want irl but in universe it’s like, this one place they’re from is known to not be the only place in the world, it doesn’t Need to represent All Human Society and isn’t That in universe, when i went offroad from [zooms off from parents’ house] i was like wow fury road moments huh. and certainly people have the stance of like umm sounds like everyone should try and Make It Work with their existing family units....and i have the stance of i wish i could fight with a metal arm. like, you wanna make it work that way lol, that’s a possibility. don’t have to presume everything out there is Perfect, or that you won’t even maybe die by getting outta here, but it’s Possibility of Something Else and is already something else, can you argue people necessarily need to be guided by anything else or that that’s somehow the Naive or overly Idealistic perspective rather than “how about you stay & deal with more of the same / your known limited paths for the future as you have for however long? try just keeping at it? see if the regime will feel like seeing you as a person when it’s never done that and to actually change and do it it needs to have Already changed and done it, so kind of an impossible position to be in” and the like. how is one gonna imply like well the mistake that these characters needed to unlearn was leaving in the first place, oh you think there’s something perfect out there, get real?? 
anyways the tl;dr is you know when someone’s wrong and you’re right. i’m really right though lmfao this wasn’t a story about anyone being motivated by the idea of this utopia, it’s about the motivation of needing something else / acting on possibility. and saying the conclusion is like “fix it” lol like again, not utterly irrelevant when these matters are discussed, but it’s like, they’ve Been fixing things, How are they able to fix things, why do further possibilities like “i can fix [the citadel]” become possible....survival happening / becoming more successful with others, individuals becoming more successful with others....people are isolated & stripped of power as their Problems, not that they’re a bit too idealistic about hey time to get the fuck out of here lol
#some rando in some post i probably last glimpsed a few yrs ago ''fury road is good b/c for one thing: [x] :)''#here i am to say NO it's NOT [x] it's good b/c for one thing: that's actually [y]#tagging this one just categorically lol#fury road#the plains of silence? more like the black box of [anyone checking w/e particular tags i'm using] lol#godspeed i mean i'd believe it. i'm out here having seen fury road the month it came out & never stopping thinking abt it since#in fact clearly i am Continuing to think abt it afresh even in addition to all the immediate [thinking about sooo much]#that is i don't feel like ah yes. i have reached Every Conclusion about this material lol. im obv going ''oh hey. new ideas'' this very week#and you know me....short essays to Hope i've made some point about something that would probably be someone else's sentence or paragraph#oh right and once more with canon typicality:#cw rape mention#at this point i'm so like. make windows movie maker absorb this File; make a clip comp that's even limited to like.#here's the dozen shots / ten second moments that i specifically remember making me go Oh. Oh Okay It's Like This [life changes] when just#even seeing it for that very first time in the theater like o_o and i mean naturally the truest version of that is [the whole thing]#but i really remember like a good number of those particular like hWAOH things like Ah. I See [increase of 98589 hz]#anyways tfw glancing over sm random slightly off base point like ugh no. smash cut yrs later arbitrarily walk up to the dash like yknow what#No...#ig also#long post //#not always a hard distinction out here. i need one billion words thanks
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kieran-granola · 6 months
You know how there's a subset of martial arts Tiktok where people post short vids of them doing a quick routine/choreography?
People in Gotham post blurry clips of the Bats, and a few martial artists challenge each other to reproduce the moves. One vid goes viral and more people start to give it a try, including non martial artists, who just meme with the choreography/try to imitate some moves just in good fun (and whoa some dancers and gymnasts do surprisingly well)
It naturally gets back to the Wayne brood, except, of course, the real challenge for them is to fail in a believable way.
Tim, on camera: "I was nearly good enough for the Olympics, surely I can do that...? Let's find out."
[cue footage of him falling down, cartoon-style, right as Damian was walking by and getting both of them drenched in Dami's smoothie]
Jason sees the compilation someone made of Bruce's ridiculous attempts at reproducing the moves (Tim and Steph roped him into their shenanigans.)
Two days later, a video of Red Hood goes viral: it's him condescendingly explaining how to throw a punch and challenging Bruce Wayne to do it properly because "no Gothamite should be so shit at fighting"
Bruce is verklempt when he watches it, because some of it is word-for-word how he taught baby!Jay
Tim gives Damian blurry, grainy footage of Black Bat to imitate. After that, Dami spends days hounding Cass for training because he nearly broke his nose tripping over his own feet.
Dick flawlessly lands a flip in front of all the others with "ASSERTING DOMINANCE" written on screen before winking at the camera.
Right before the video cuts, Tim's voice can be heard saying, "Whatever, your ass is still flat compared to Nightw—"
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andsjuliet · 1 year
okay but whoever decided that show clips are going to be so quick and so short, i hate you
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bomnun · 1 year
sngah has seen the hate towards her :(((
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teddynottss · 2 months
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PAIRING(S): theodore nott x fem. reader !!
WARNING(S): smut
SUMMARY: Hermoine is aware of y/n’s feelings toward theo, therefore when she gets the chance, hermoine makes it her job to get them close to eachother
A/N: i hope you enjoy this and check my most recent post with tom riddle please show it some support 😭🙏 (this is edited)
You and Hermione were in your shared dorm, getting ready together for the pool party thrown.
You put your matching black swimsuits on and put your hair up so that it doesnt get wet from the water.
“Hermoineeeee” you sigh. “Is- is uhh is, is theo gonna be there?” You ask hesitantly.
Hermoine had always been aware of your feelings toward theo and she made no effort to stop teasing you about it.
“Ugh, y/n, yes he is” she spoke as she rolled her eyes.
“Do i look good, should i tie my hair or keep it in a claw-clip like this? Omg idk what to do i feel so ugly. Should i change this swimsuit?” you complain
“Y/l/n, one more word i swear. You look gorgeous, ur perfect. How many times do i need to tell you that?” She said.
You jump into her arms before she could finish, “god hermoine i love you” you say.
“Yeah i know bla bla bla bla, now we have a party to get to and boys to impress” she winked before dragging you out of the room.
You get to the party and ur eyes immediately begin scanning the room, in search of theo. In no time you spot him, sat in the hot tub with cormac, harry, ron, ginny, and luna.
Hermoine notices your intentions and grabs your hand leading you to the hot tub, “hermoine, no, im not ready yet!!” you sigh.
“too bad” she says before jumping in the hot tub. “shoot, y/n, there’s no more place for you, but im sure theo would be more than pleasured to keep you on his lap” she giggled.
You and theo didn’t hate eachother, you weren’t friends either. However, there was always tension between the two of you, even Neville could catch it.
He patted on his lap, gesturing for you to come over “c’mere” he said. You drag ur feet in the water and adjust ur sitting on his lap.
Looks and smiles exchange between everyone in the tub and you begin to feel the tension form. Cormac, next to you, starts talking about his previous experience with the ladies and other stuff.
And while ur listening, trying to act interested in whatever he’s talking about, you feel something poke from under you.
You also feel theo’s hands wrap around ur waist from under water which makes you let out a loud gasp, loud enough for the people in the hot tub to hear at least.
Everyones heads turn around to you, “sorry guys, thought i saw a bug” you laugh it off and all ur friends go back to their conversations.
The poking from under you only got more annoying, so you turn ur head, “theo, the laces of ur swimsuit are poking me, can u do something about it?” You speak.
“Cara mia, my shorts don’t have laces” he whispers to you, you could feel his breath on ur ear. “Fuck theo” you say.
He looks at you and then says something again “i say we get out of here darling before i can’t control myself anymore”.
You immediately jump up, and theo follows you. “If you’ll excuse us, we have some business to manage” he jokes pointing at the both of you.
“Get out of here man” Ron laughs.
“God please no” this, from Luna.
“Off you go” hermoine says smiling.
Theo then grabs your hand, two towels, and starts leading you back to his dorm. On ur way there, he wraps one of the towels around you, making sure you’re not cold.
When you get there, the Slytherin boy wastes no time locking the door and smashing his lips onto yours, immediately also allowing his tongue to slip in.
The kiss was not sweet, it was slow yet passionate and hungry. The boy was practically eating your face off while he has you pinned on the wall.
In a sudden movement, theo slips his hands under your thighs and carries you up into his arms. He carries you to his bed, the kiss ongoing, and makes you lay there.
He wastes no time unclasping your bikini and sucking on your tits. Your fingers meet his hair and you start tugging at it as he sucks on your nipples.
He leaves kisses on your boobs and cups them while he moves back up to your lips, also removing your underwear. They meet again and this time the kiss is faster, deeper, and hungrier.
“I- i.. fuck” he says in between kisses.
“Mhm?” you wonder.
“My friend down there, fucking hell, he needs attention.” the boy explains.
You laugh and start working your way, trying to remove his shorts. He turns over making sure to provide you with enough space to take control.
You make your way down, leaving kisses down his ab lines. You slowly lower his shorts and begin trailing his v line with your fingers.
You then remove his shorts completely and for a second, you are taken back by his large size.
His wet, throbbing cock was now inches away from your face. You begin by licking his tip, slowly and carefully before taking him in all in one go.
To that, he gasps, his hands then move to your head guiding you, he grabs onto your hair and leads you.
He even makes you gag a few times when he hits your throat, which you pinch his thigh for that.
You speed up your movements as you wanted to be the one to make him cum first, and you wanted to be the one that makes it happen faster.
“Cara mia” he spoke. “Im gonna.. soon. Im gonna.. fuck”.
You mumble a quick mhm as you speed your movements.
“Fuck you’re so good at this”. he praised
You smiled to yourself before he finally came on your mouth, he squeezed your hair as he released.
You move back up to him and stick your tongue out to show him you swallowed it. You then start kissing him again, slipping your tongue inside, his hands wrapping around your waist.
“You know ur actually gorgeous, youre so perfect. A goddess i swear” he said as you were sat on his lap, staring deep into his eyes.
“Tell me something in italian” you ask.
“Hmm? Something like what ehh?” he smirks.
“Anything” you smile.
“Well.. ti scoperò finché non potrai più camminare.” he said in a whisper.
“And that means?” you wonder.
“I’ll fuck you till you cant walk” he spills.
“Oh is that so?” you giggle.
he nods and then you give him the look of affirmation before he slams into you, which makes you let out a gasp before adjusting yourself to his size.
You then start working ur hips in sync with his, riding him while his hands roam ur body, touching every bit of skin he could get his hands on.
“Fff.. fuckkk, you look too good like this” he praised. “dannatamente perfetto”. (fucking perfect)
you smile and in a sudden movement, he flips you over so hes in control, he starts speeding and you grab onto the sheets for dear life.
He leans in and kisses you, you moan into his mouth and his swollen tip hits your spot, the one that sends you to the moon and back.
“FUCKING HELL!!” you scream, “THEODORE IM GONNA CUM”. He speeds up his movements and guides you as you release.
“è stato fantastico, bellissimo” (that felt amazing, beautiful) he spoke slumping on the bed next to you.
“You really gotta start teaching me italian so i can understand what ur saying” you chuckle.
“Oh yeah? What if i dont want you to understand what im saying” he teased.
“Uhh oh, we might have a problem then” you both laugh as he hugs u tightly, kissing ur temple.
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robintherobiner · 10 days
What would the Wayne Family and the Bat Family post tiktok
Bruce: videos of him buying new outfits with the material girl sound over it because, according to one post, 'his kids said it was funny and he liked seeing them smile'. on his official account though (the wayne enterprises one) his 'social media manager' posts clips from interviews and soundbites.
Batman: does not have a tiktok.
Dick: posts videos of him either doing gymnastics or of him hanging out with his siblings. Most of the time he is throwing up a peace sign and then Tim and Damian are wrestling in the background and he captions it something along the lines of 'brothers drawing blood in Blud!'
Nightwing: posts videos of short self defense tips/poses, regularly collabs with Red Hood. (not that Jason knows this, Dick just sets up a camera and then goes and bothers his brother until he tries to punch him so he can teach people to block)
Barbara: Posts videos talking about accessibility (both whats available and what should be put in place). if one of the wayne's annoy her, she also will post a compilation of them doing something silly like tripping over thin air or being caught using a hairbrush as a microphone)
Oracle: posts clips of people doing non violent crimes (faces blurred out ofc) with the caption "the eye in the sky sees you, dumbass." because why would you try ack a car on a street with three non-hidden cameras
Jason: doesn't post. anymore. does have an account from when he was a teenager where it's just him doing sped up acting videos to sounds. he has tried to log in to take it down but Bruce changed the password. Brucie regularly comments on different videos like "my baby was such a star... rip sweetie 🕊️🕊️🕊️" and its Jason lip-syncing to fucking Justin Bieber or something
Red Hood: posts videos shitting on Batman. the comments were full of people saying "daddy issues" or "i wanna be a dealer just so you can shoot me babygirl" so he turned them off. sometimes someone (tim) turns them back on and Jason gets bombarded with "BRO IS SERVING CUNT"
Cassandra: posts videos of her doing ballet, or of her showing off her strength. Not on purpose though, she thinks its fun to post videos of her teasing her brothers and the comments are like "WHY DID SHE JUST PICK UP DICK GRAYSON WITHOUT EVEN BREAKING A SWEAT WHAT"
Orphan: has a shared account with Batgirl, but she doesn't post on it, just sort of stands in the background as Steph makes funny videos.
Stephanie: enjoys posting videos pretending to be dating both Tim and Cass because she thinks its funny when the internet call her a gold digger and cheater. Bernard (after going public with Tim) occasionally fuels the fire by commenting "lmao get ur bag girl" under a video of her dragging Tim to a resturant
Batgirl: posts videos of her making fun of rogues, and on her shared account with Cass, just joins in on trends but obviously mixing it to fit her (aka: "when Batman lectures you for breaking a criminals leg but your literally just a teenage girl")
Timothy: like Bruce, he has two accounts. One is professional, with him promoting Wayne Enterprises products or whatever. Second one is full of him doing wild shit like skateboarding down the manor stairs or him trying to confuse Bruce with cringey slang. his most popular video though, is of him using the Nepo Baby sound by Fox SZN
Red Robin: posts slideshows of pictures of Gotham. All very aesthetic ones, of good architecture and people laughing together and shit. His bio is "showing you guy why I do what I do." His account is very artsy fartsy but he also was the first batfamily member to get verified
Duke: doesn't post, just likes videos.
Signal: posts videos of him trying to scare the other vigilantes, cuz, yknow, he can go invisible. tell me you wouldn't do that either if you could be invisible. exactly, you can't. He also makes videos about how hard it is to be a teen vigilante.
Damian: videos of his pets doing tricks. also regularly stitches Tim's videos and just deadass insults him. Tim always comments on his stitches with just a singular emoji because he found out it pisses Damian off more when he doesn't have a big reaction
Robin: posts about resources for gothamites. also has a shared account with Superboy (Jon) where they try and sneak up on both Superman and Batman. They have yet to succeed on either one.
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elitisim · 3 months
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So I recently reached 500 followers, which is like CRAZY because I've only been posting content for a month?! The overwhelming amount of love and support I've received over the past month has made me misty-eyed on more than one occasion, ngl. Y'all have been so sweet and so wonderful and so extremely encouraging, I'm so proud to be part of this community💙! So, as a little thank-you present for everyone and as a nice end-cap for all the black male hair spam I did for Black History Month I've decided to drop a conversion collection of 21 male hairs themed around waves, fades and tapers for y'all!
Thank you so much everyone!
None of this is my original work! All credit goes to @ceeproductions, @estrojans, @hellagoodsims,@xxblacksims, @xldsims, @pralinesims, & @mathcopesims.
Set contains 21 hairs for for Teen ➤ Elder Males
all of these hairs are gameplay safe! most of them are around 500 polys, the largest ones clock in at about 5k poly at most.
1024x textures
hairs are too short for root/tip controls so they're only 2 channels
credits, preview pictures, links to originals, poly counts and individual download links for every hair is under the cut.
these are meshes! the hair is NOT painted on the sims head like BG hairs!
but on the brightside that means they don't get that shiny look painted on hairs have.
some hairs have slight clipping issues around the temples but hopefully nothing too crazy tbh.
Tagging: @pis3update, @naturalhair-sims3, @xto3conversionsfinds, @kpccfinds
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@ceeproductions: Taper Fade // 1.9k Poly // [Download Here] @estrojans: Sharp Waves Redux Curve // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: Afro Short // 4.3k Poly // [Download Here]
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@estrojans:: Sharp Waves Redux: Temp Fade// 500 Poly// [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: Brian Waves// 4.3k Poly // [Download Here] @estrojans: Sharp Waves Redux// 500 Poly // [Download Here]
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@estrojans: Sharp Waves Redux: Flame Design// 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: Amaru Fade// 2.1k Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: AD Taper Fade // 5.1k Poly // [Download Here]
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@hellagoodsims: Caesar Fade / /500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: Taper with Long Part //500 Poly// [Download Here] @mathcopesims: Kevin Hair / 500 Poly// [Download Here]
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@hellagoodsims: Korey Fade // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: PG-15 Waves // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: PG-13 Waves // 500 Poly // [Download Here]
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@hellagoodsims: Wolverine Claw Fade // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: PG-14 Waves // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @hellagoodsims: Lance 720 Waves // 500 Poly // [Download Here]
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@pralinesims: Nonstop Buzzcut // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @xxblacksims: Waves on Swim // 500 Poly // [Download Here] @xldsims: The Vindicator // 2.5k Poly // [Download Here]
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