#and then I feel like I need to educate them on due dates
semperreformanda · 9 months
should’ve just made a FAQ page for everyone’s questions about my baby/birth because it’s getting stressful answering the same questions and people throwing so many advice and unnecessary comments 🥲
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I do not charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I get for the readings, but I pull like 15-20 cards each reading and that is just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides how your first kiss with your future spouse is going to go, pick a picture to find out what they have to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
During the time of your first kiss with your future spouse I feel like you guys will be feeling slightly insecure about the connection and situation you are in with your person, it may be that they don’t seem interested enough, or that you are having doubts about your connection. I see this coming at a time when your relationship (I’m assuming situationship or talking stage) is on the rocks and a little unstable. The kiss is cementing the seriousness of your relationship and it shows each other what you want, that you are one hundred percent ready for each other. You have both the lovers and the two of cups, so I think you two may begin dating after this kiss, as if no words needed to be spoken for you to realise how serious this is to be between you both. The moment this kiss happens, it sweeps you two off your feet, causing everything that has reached crossroad to end, and a new path emerges for you to follow.
The kiss itself will be initiated by the feminine energy, it could seem very random, and it will help either one, if not both of you with your self-love and perception. The kiss will give you answers, I’m assuming it’s quite spontaneous and random, it could happen when the masculine is talking about the future, or something to do with their leadership over something, the feminine will just swoop in with a kiss on random. Again, we have another heavy commitment card, so I don’t think much will be said between you during this kiss, however you will both know that it has elevated your connection.
I see this happening in a place someone doesn’t want to be, I don’t know if the second person was expected to be there, however they came anyways and the person who isn’t happy to be there is super excited to be able to talk and get away with the other. It could be a place of work, somewhere where a lot of people are and there’s lots of conversations. Also could be a party since I see strong energy of talking and aggressive energies.
During the time of the kiss, I see the feminine getting tired of the lack of direction between the connection of the two. There seems to be a lot of untold truths in this connection, and the feminine is tired of being left in the dark. I feel this is due to the masculine’s fear of opening up to people, they may be embarrassed of their feelings, or just nervous that the feminine won’t see them as strong, heavy on the strength, that’s how the masculine wants to be seen. The kiss happens at a time where the two of you are between total commitment and becoming strangers again, where you’re trying to build something, but the masculine keeps getting spooked and pulls back. This is definitely a connection which starts off as a hot and cold one, one second they’re all in, and then the next they pull away. It’s clear this becomes frustrating for the feminine as they just want a clean message without any hidden undertones. I think this will take place right after or during an argument, not one that is incredibly heated, however I see the feminine walking away and the masculine pulling them back and in for a kiss. It’s very spontaneous and unexpected.
The kiss itself is being described as “soul sucking,” it will make you both forget about the prior issues and disagreement between you both, and will bring an end to the confusion. The masculines lips taste like those of uncovered promises and words which they wouldn’t dare let leave, they are spilling their entire, darkest memories and truths into the feminine, letting them know each other inside out. The kiss is hazy, it’s dizzying and you may need to sit down after. It marks the beginning of stability and readiness for one another, your lips on theirs prove that you are ready to become each others.
This could happen outside, somewhere near water, perhaps one or both of you live near a beach or a body of water. I think some people may hear you argue, I did see a parking lot, so it could be right after a date or if you’re friends, then after you mentioned or asked for the answer of what you two were, and the masculine got a little hesitant to answer while walking the feminine to their car, causing the feminine to react and try to call quits to a relationship which had no answers or security.
During the time of the kiss, I think you guys will be in a relationship or at least committed to each other without the full on commitment. If you aren’t already in a relationship with a label, then you will use this first kiss to begin the start of your official relationship. You pile 3’s have very good stability with your future spouse even at this moment, you’re both very clear with where you want this to happen. I’m assuming you’re my pile of instantaneous love. The kiss could have you both laughing afterwards, finding it entertaining rather than passionate or super intimate, one of you may even crack a joke after and then get back to talking about what they were talking about.
I don’t think there’s an initiator in this pile, you both might just lean in while talking about something on the couch, catching your lips in a swift kiss to commit a silent prayer of worship before returning to the conversation at hand, it feels very natural and calming, you may just be watching a movie. This kiss will help you nurture your connection, it may make you feel a lot more comfortable too, since it’s the next big step in the connection. One of you could have had a breakup a while back, and haven’t kissed anyone since, this kiss is almost washing away the taste and touch of the before relationship, immediately associating intimacy and romance with the future spouse, rather than the ex.
I see this happening at a place of comfort, I assume someone’s home, somewhere where you can relax and wind down, and also a place you are somewhat protective of - or maybe they are. So heavy homely energy for you guys. The room could be in a little bit of a mess, and one of you may be embarrassed over the other person seeing such a mess, but the other person really doesn’t care about it.
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zriasstuff · 7 months
Them asking you to be their Valentine
The Slytherin Boys x reader (just in time for Valentine’s Day :))
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Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts always comes with a lavish ball, so go ahead and choose the white knight of your liking to accompany you :)
Mattheo Riddle:
Mattheo’s way of asking you to be his Valentine for the ball was very straightforward, yet effective. The second after the announcement dropped, he went to find you in the schoolyard, and approached you in front of all your friends.
“Hey, wait up!”, he’d shout to get your attention, already sounding determined.
“What do you say, you and me at the ball?”, he spoke out his confession, short and sweet.
Cheekily, he adds “I think you and I would be the best looking couple at the ball”. You notice him shyly tucking his head down as he said that, but he still sounded self assured.
Everyone was patiently waiting for your reaction, and you noticed how all your friends started gushing over him. Mattheo seemed unfazed by everyone else and only had eyes for you.
Even though you had only talked to him a few times in the past, you noticed that there was this easy-going chemistry between you two.
His profession certainly came as a surprise, but you liked guys who were direct. Besides, he struck you as a bit of a player too, who seemed to be used to asking girls out.
“Sure, I’d love to go with you”, you chuckle out, knowing you’d have a lot of fun with him.
He slickly throws you an air kiss, grinning from ear to ear, before all his friends start jumping on him to celebrate his win.
Tom Riddle (extremely delusional):
Tom definitely wasn’t one for the romantics, in fact he was strictly against the idea of a Valentine’s Day ball.
What he told you, when you asked him if he had a date already was:
“The ball is just an excuse for undisciplined students to commit shameful acts such as drinking alcohol and doing magical substances, when they should really be focusing on their education instead, which they are in desperate need of”
“I see, so you don’t have a date”, you sum it up for him.
Truthfully, you only asked Tom that question because you started catching feelings for him, and you wanted to know if you had a clear shot.
But clearly, he wasn’t interested at the moment.
He seemed to be carefully analyzing your reaction to his statement. Seconds later, he indifferently states “You want me to ask you out, don’t you”
You, shocked at first, embarrassingly nod afterwards. Full of curiosity, you wondered how he had managed to read you so accurately.
“Fine, to save myself from a week of listening to your heartbreak or potential soulmate, I am going to do you the favor of accompanying you to the ball. I am only doing this to save myself.”, he explains elaborately, which earns him an eye roll of yours.
You still wanted him to actually ask you and mean it, but for Tom Riddle, this was a big gesture already. Besides, you were aware from the beginning that you would have to deal with his peculiarities.
“On the day, be ready at 8pm sharp, and don’t you dare get drunk or high”, he lays down his conditions. Even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew that deep down he cared, otherwise he would’ve never even indulged in this.
Theodore Nott:
Theodore had found himself in a bit of a slump. Due to the excessive quidditch training, he didn’t have a date for the ball yet, which would be in 1 day exactly.
Subconsciously he fully believed that he'd find a date, no matter what time it was, which is why he took his sweet sweet time.
But now, with growing desperation, he ran around, asking out every girl he saw. And each time, the girl rejected him because they already had a date.
As he grew more and more frustrated, he asked you for the second time again, to be his date. You already told him that you had plans with a guy from Gryffindor, which he ridiculed.
“Come on, please ditch him for me?”, he’d repeatedly ask you with puppy eyes.
“Please just do me this favor, I don’t want to be the only guy in our friend group to not have a date.
You’d tell him that it was his own fault, but eventually you felt a bit bad for him. And you were indeed good friends, so maybe you could do him a favor. It wasn’t like the Gryffindor boy and you were in love. Surely he’d get over it…
“Fine, I’ll go, but you owe me”, you finally agreed. Truthfully, you found Theo much more attractive and charming anyway.
You had only agreed to the Gryffindor boy in the first place because you were afraid that no one besides him would ask you out anymore if you said no.
Theo, full of excitement and relief, cupped your face and kissed your forehead as a thanks when you agreed to be his date.
“I promise you, you won’t regret it”, were his last words before leaving you alone.
Blaise Zabini:
You only had one more tedious potions class of Snape's to go through, before you could finally enjoy the rest of your day.
As the clock ticked, you stared down on your blank parchment paper, counting the minutes to go.
Catching you off guard, you feel Blaise’s finger lightly tapping your arm. You needed a second to get conscious of the situation because you had zoned out.
He slides a small, blank piece of parchment paper towards you and points his head down, signaling you to turn it around.
When you do, your mood immediately lifts and you begin blushing. It was kind of childish, like something you’d do in year 1 or 2, but it was also cute.
The paper was filled with the classic “will you be my Valentine”, and there were three boxes to cross. The three being “yes”, “no”, and “maybe”.
Blaise observes your reaction delightfully, waiting for you to tick a box. As this was the highlight of your day, you decide to give the guy a chance and tick “yes”.
When class ended, Blaise waited for you to pack up and proposed a hang out at astronomy tower with you, which you agreed to with pleasure.
Enzo Berkshire:
It was a Sunday, exactly one week before the ball, and all the Hogwarts students were enjoying their time in Hogsmeade.
On this peculiar day, your seating partner Enzo from Transfiguration asked you to go to Madam Puddifoot's Café with him. The location was definitely romantic, and you already suspected where this might be going.
But—you didn’t want to get your hopes too high yet. Enzo was unquestionably a cute guy though.
During your coffee date, he didn’t drop any hints or said anything suggestive. You just talked, gossiped, and joked around, and you figured he’d be cool as a friend too.
Though nearing the end, the waiter came to your table with a small buttercream cake.
You shot a confused glance at Enzo, and he seemed clueless.
“I don’t believe we ordered that”, you tell the waiter, but he insists and puts the cake in front of you. After the waiter leaves, you keep eye contact with Enzo, but he tells you to eat the cake.
Still dazzled, you comply and look down, seeing that…
“Will you be my Valentine”, was written on the cake in cursive font with pink buttercream. Overcome by joy, you couldn’t be happier that your suspicions from the beginning were right.
“So what’s your answer”, he asks eagerly, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Of course I will, this was so sweet”
You believed that no girl could’ve said no to this.
Draco Malfoy:
You and Draco never slacked off on your prefect duties, which also included the nightly walks around school, to ensure that every student has gone to bed.
It is the perfect time to talk after a long day, and to exercise your power of course, but mainly the walks had brought you two very close, and you exchanged plenty of secrets already.
Although he could be a bit of an asshole, which you also told him, you still saw that he had a caring, more hurt side to him.
A week before the ball, he suggested a different route than the one you usually took.
He told you to close your eyes as you were walking, and led you by your hand. Innerly, he was as nervous and jittery as one could get, and couldn’t wait to see the reaction on your face.
When you got to the mysterious destination, he told you to open your eyes
As soon as you opened them, you saw the room of requirements, decorated with pink and red flowers, hundreds of candles, and a banner reading “will you be my valentine”.
It had been Draco’s plan for weeks, and he was so glad that he pulled it off.
He also made sure that you wouldn’t get a date, before he asked you out, which included cursing guys who got close to you.
“Oh my, yes of course Draco, I can’t believe you did this”, you’d say full of joy.
“You just made me the happiest guy in this school”, he’d reply and you knew it was true.
Immediately he brings you closer to kiss you, and you spend the rest of the night cuddling inside the room of requirements (insert the scene of Dean and Rory cuddling in GG if yk what I mean).
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samalong1 · 10 months
Songbird Hannibal x Operareader
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Yandere hannibal tw obsessive reltionship, controlling behavior,manupliation, and briefly mentioned baby trapping
You were his song bird, he'd always say it, it was his Nickname for you. He wasn't ashamed of it either infront of a crowd of all his dinner guests he'd call out for his song bird to come make a host
Such a nice reminder of how you met and fell in love, you even had the ticket Hannibal bought to your opera show framed so it was nice he was also sentimental
But it was much diffrent from hannibal's view
He saw your performances many times before you even met him. Every time he was smitten
Your voice it came from deep down as if it was your soul singing
It indirectly brought him to his childhood your look,voice,and even smell reminded him of his mother's room, the smell of all her perfume and the admiration he had for all the beauty and small details, it was hard to fully put into words but he just knew he had to have you
Although he wanted to simply sweep you up have you in his arms, he had to be patient if he wanted you to sing
A song bird could be trapped in the prettiest golden cage and fed the best quality food but never sing, they'd fall into depression being aware of their lack of freedom.
So he moved slowely charming you one night after a performance when he spotted you in the lobby. He'd take you ok the finest dates and gift you the finest golden jewelry he could find
Of course you were charmed, a respectable well groomed well educated man wanting to give you the world would charm anyone he was like a winning lotto ticket sticking out from any deadbeat,messy,rude, or childish boyfreinds you've had before
If the song bird is unaware of their captivity, the golden bars too far away for them to feel trapped, too busy with toys to want to fly away and it'd be content singing
This is what he did you thought you could go anywhere but he made very sure you'd never be too far away, not that you would wonder off he would do so much with you that you were too tired to go out without him.
He loved hearing your voice In the theatre and seeing how you moved everyone. But his greed was far more powerful, he wanted your voice to only move him to speak directly to him your voice only sung for him. At every performance he'd imagine your voice hitting a note so high everyone but him would shatter like glass leaving him the only one worthy to enjoy your melodies
So he played the long game soon wrapping your finger in a wedding ring, to lure you into the grand cage
After that it was easy to get you to abdonen your career with phrases like, "why work for others when I am more than able to provide", "you could write your own songs with the free time",and the one that hit the hardest "if we had children won't you want to be around them, of course I support working mothers but all the time you spend practicing and when you perform in other states even countries woudnt you rather be with them"
Of course there were a ton mire tactics he used to persuade you, he was very manipulative part of that is what made life to him a game if chess always needing to plot your next move or words
Soon it worked, his song bird was in the cage clueless about the trap and he locked the door
It took years but finally he had his pretty song bird in a golden cage where only he could be blessed with the singing, where only he held the key to free the bird but it remained unaware happily singing
You were happy either way wrapped around him
It was funny you worried that he didn't love you at times or that you were a bother due to how stoic he was and how hard it was to read him
Of course he'd assure you how loved you are but it was funny, you were worried that you were annoying him when he did so much for you to "annoy" him
Everyone saw through the bars even you, you were lucky you married a rich respectful docter who loved you
You'd still sing for the public but not as a profession whenever there was a open mic or any exuse he'd happily watch his songbird sing and the awe in others
He saw it as a blessing to the strangers a rare moment where he'd bring his golden cage to the public to allow others to hear the singing
He'd sketch you alot, you'd be drawn as many Greek Goddesses frequently as aphrodite, or on a stage singing to a audience that was empty exept for one man, him
He never shown you the sketches but he wasn't ashamed its just what he did to keep his mind busy you woudnt show him your middle school doodles
If you ever saw them he'd just admit that he drew them and move on
Though he'd ask you to model for paintings drawing you in so many poses some erotic but some classical, as if you were a medival monarch
Though he usually painted from real life he had one he painted without your modeling, it was you wearing flowing silk while in a golden swing in a golden cage seeming unaware
Oh how he favored it, it was hung in his office for any patients or freinds to see. You felt unease when seeing it but could never put a finger on it
Because a happy songbird was unaware of its cage,it didn't see itself as trapped so it woudnt recognize any depiction of themselves as trapped
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soupinaboot · 7 months
Fuck it. Every Steve Harrington headcannon I have because I've been rotating that boy in my head like a pig on a stick Part 2 this is a little more in depth than the first one but only by a smug
- Epileptic, either since he was young or developed it over time due to all those concussions he keeps getting
- Favorite fruit is blackberries I have no reason
- Kinda sad but he never really had friends, yeah he hung out with Tommy and Carol but that was about it. Like after the fall out with them he was by himself, alone. I feel like if he was as popular as we think he is, he would have at least one other friend right?
- Does not have a filter at all. That one scene where he just casually says, "Oh yeah my parents are out of town because my mom doesn't trust him to not cheat on her any who!" and I feel like he just kinda does that
- Star Trek fan but he just does not comprehend that it's supposed to be nerdy (this is not my own I saw someone else headcannon this please tell me if you find them I can not)
- Absolutely sucked at ELA, could be cause of dyslexia or not whatever you want buttercup
- But on the topic of dyslexia, this headcannon is one of the main reasons why I love math nerd Stevie so much. Like, ELA test and History test are mostly long paragraphs that he needs more time to read through and his teachers don't care enough to give him extra time like he needs. But math tests tend to have a small paragraph that he can read faster or just focus on the numbers and finish on time, so he just got really good at math so he would have at least one class he passed
- Survives off of coffee, lord knows he needs it
- My most random headcannon is that since his parents were never really around or cared much for his safety, he used to hang out outside a lot and explore the wildlife around, got really into nature and animals, bought nature books etc. But his dad told him nature and animals were girly and forced him to stop even though he really loved it
- If he does ever go to college (which he doesn't have to, though if Robin went he would probably go with her), he would either get in education major and become a math teacher or some form of environmental degree
- His love language is quality time
- Among the three of them, Steve and Carol were the closest. Yes, Steve and Tommy met first, and yes they tend to call each other their best friends, but in actuality Carol and Steve were best friends. They have mean girl energy.
- He used to also play hockey when he was younger but stopped playing due to scheduling and shit. But he really liked it cause whenever he would practice there were these older figure skaters who would teach him figure skating (he kinda liked it more than hockey but he never told anyone)
- Speaking of scheduling, he is always tired due to his packed schedule. Since he was young, his dad forced him into a lot of sports and didn't really give him a break. Add that to his piano lessons, his jobs, studying that his dad forced him to do, friends, etc... he is just perpetually tired. And it fucked up his sleep schedule developing into insomnia as he got older
- Most of his and Eddie's dates are just them taking naps
- Once he meets Corroded Coffin they all become best friends. Like best fucking friends
- Specifically Steve and Jeff
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
kate martin with a nerd gf hcs?
Kate x Nerdy Gf Hcs
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figured out how to add pictures 🥳
- you wouldn’t classify yourself as a nerd, just someone who is really big on their education
- kate first met you in the library where she saw you studying
- she thought you were the prettiest girl in the entire world, so she wanted to shoot her shot (get it bc basketball)
- she asked to sit next to you “hey is this seat taken”
- you were kind of oblivious to her flirting at first “no? but there’s like dozens of other places to sit you don’t have to sit by me”
- everytime she goes to the library (which becomes more and more frequently thanks to you) she sits next to you
- she eventually gets the courage to ask you out and you guys go on a cute little coffee date
- after you’ve been dating for a while you start attending her basketball practices and just study there instead of the library
- she teases you that it’s because you miss her but you insist it’s because the gymnasium is closer to kate’s place than the library is
- oh yeah you definitely stay over at her place most nights
- she lets you study at her coffee table/on her couch
- she holds you while you study and makes sure you have everything you need
- you need water? she’s on it. head scratches to ‘help you concentrate’? her fingers are already making their way to your scalp.
- you definitely have deal with burnouts and kate helps you through them
- she starts putting time limits on your study time, so you have time to yourself for self care, your relationship, and just taking care of other things
- she helps you study and quizzes you with your flash cards
- “ok baby what is the polytomic ion for sulfate?” “S04 to the negative second power?” “LETS GO THATS MY SMART GIRL”
- will listen to you rant about your stressing assignments
- “kate it just doesn’t make sense at all. i don’t get why he would give us only a week to write that paper” and she just kisses your forehead and holds you tight like “shhh i know baby gorgeous but you’re my smart cookie”
- one time you missed her game due to a project deadline and her feelings were really hurt
- it caused a huge fight that ended with you both crying, you promising to prioritize her more just like she does you
- that fight really opened your eyes so now you try to cherish your time with kate more
not really but just in case nsfw 😢
- when she’s quizzing you and you get an answer right, she’ll try to reward you
- sometimes you don’t let her, insisting that you need more time to study and do assignments or catch up on reading
- other times you take it as a much needed break and just let her help you relax
that’s all 🤍 i hope you like this!!!
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Pick Me 1
Warnings: this is a dark fic which may contain noncon, violence, and other dark elements. Please keep in mind that all events and characters are fictional. Be mindful of the content you consume and pay heed to the warnings given.
Character: Tony Stark
This is a sister series to One
Note: Please feel free to leave a comment in the replies, a reblog, or my ask. I appreciate likes but I enjoy discussing with you all even more. Your time and feedback are truly appreciated 💞.
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You sit in the front row, like you do in every lecture. Just like you’re top of the class in every course. You don’t miss a class or a reading or a due date. Unlike the rest of your peers, you’re not here for the party life, you are here for an education’; for a future.
As your fellow pupils type their notes on their laptops, if they’re even bothering too, you’re writing each word by hand. You listen intently, eyes stuck to Professor Stark as he speaks with his hands, curling his fingers to emphasize his points. His voice carries effortlessly around the airy space, echoing in your ears.
You watch him just as rapaciously as you cling to his every word. His dark hair is laced with gray and his handsome features are lined perfectly with age. A man seasoned just right by the passage of time.
And he isn’t unaware of the effect he has, even on girls barely half his age, though there are few among his audience. Engineering tends to be inhospitable to the quote ‘fairer’ sex.
Yet his first-year physics is overcrowded with girls agog at his devilish smirk. It’s not lost on you how a wink could make one feel something or another. But you remind yourself that this is an academic setting and you shouldn’t be thinking of your professor in that light.
Besides, you’re not his type, are you?
You grimace as you pull your thoughts back to your slanted writing. Ugh, focus. You don’t need to watch Julie twirl her hair as she tries to snare Stark’s attention or notice how Lydia shifts in her seat, crossing and uncrossing her legs. These girls are there for an elective, but this is a core course. You can’t mess this up.
As the three-hour slot comes to an end, a sigh of relief ripples through the rows of students. Lap desks are folded down and laptops snapped shut. A chatter buzzes through the lecture hall but you take your time packing up.
You close your notebook and pull your messenger bag into your lap. Lydia stands, hooking her purse on her shoulder as she fixes her skirt deliberately. She’s brazen enough to spend the lecture beaming up at Dr. Stark without taking a single word down. He doesn’t even seem to mind as she takes obvious selfies and pouts out her lips. It’s like a game to her. Not everyone has a rich daddy to buy their degree.
Julie gives a moping look but is dragged off by her sole companion. You spoke to them once on the first day but quickly realised they are too vapid to stomach. You curl your lip as you glance over at the steady tide of fleeing students. 
Lydia takes her chance to approach the podium. She leans on it as Stark powers down the projector. You can’t hear her churlish whispers but he chuckles in return. As he looks at her, a gleam in his dark eyes, you stare. It’s like you don’t even exist.
She reaches to touch his sleeve and he leans in. His silty tone rolls through the silence but his words are indiscernible. You bite the inside of your lip. You’re right there. How could he want those dumb girls and their overglossed lips? You have a brain, you have substance.
Uh, but aren’t you just as stupid? Thinking about it at all. Wandering off in your mind when you should be studying? Spending those moments before your staggered sleep picturing Dr. Stark and his trimmed goatee, wondering if his silvered hair is as soft as it looks.
Pathetic. You sling your bag on your shoulder and march to the door. You grab the handle and pull it open, the hinges whining. You cringe and glance back. You’re a ghost, you are air, you are nothing to them. How can that be?
Neither of them notice you. They are close, so close. You could stay and watch them and they wouldn’t even know. Professor Stark shamelessly reaches to hook his finger down the front of Lydia’s shirt, given a tug as he leers at her cleavage. She giggles and you leave before your stomach turns.
You don’t want to be like Lydia. Or Julie. Or the countless other girls who’ve passed over his office desk. You don’t want to be another tick mark. You don’t know what you want. You just want that knot in your chest to come undone. It’s a distraction you don’t need.
You could never be jealous of those girls. With their short skirts and crackly trills. You could never fawn over a man with that dumb look on your face. You don’t want to simper to Dr. Stark, you want to have a discussion with him, to learn from him, to witness his genius. Those girls signed up because they needed to fill a box and because they knew his reputation. You sat on the waitlist for a month because you want to be the best so you need to learn from the best.
No, you are not like them.
Your fists ball so tight your nails jab into your palms and your jaw aches from gritting your teeth. It isn’t envy, it’s indignity. They don’t deserve to sit in those seats, they don’t deserve to take in his brilliance all the while it slips in one ear and leaks out the other. 
You just don’t get why he humours them. You don’t get how they are his type. They are empty. They are dull. You might not have the experience but you highly doubt they offer much more on their backs.
Well, you’ll be there next semester, in Physics II and they’ll be off to their arts classes, learning verbs and writing redundant papers on the meaning of the colour blue. He doesn’t see you now but he will. How could he not? You are not like the other girls.
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yourdarkcherry · 1 month
Seducing Rafe Cameron || Ch. 3
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Summary: You were blessed with an easy life since you were born, but it’s all threatened when your dad’s business fails and you find yourself with no prospects and no education and so your only solution is to marry rich. Who’s a better candidate than the older brother of your ex-best friend from high school? So you do everything in your power to seduce Rafe Cameron, not knowing he’s the root to all your problems.
Warnings: toxic relationship, spoiled reader, sexist elements, dark content, blackcoded reader, pregnancy, physical and emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, eventual smut.
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You swear that this could’ve been the worst day of your entire life. From the start to the current moment it was all a series of unfortunate events. For some reason, you couldn’t wake up at the sound of your alarm, and you only awakened at the sound of your mother shaking you awake and asking you why you’re not attending your pilates class.
With wide eyes, you stare at your clock and find it’s displaying a 10:43 AM to you. Jumping from your bed, you rush to your bathroom with a continuous string of swear words at not attending your pilates class, or even finishing any of the errands you had to run.
The clock on your car shows 11:52 AM when you finally leave your house. You don’t even wait for the car to properly heat up and instantly begin your trip to the location Rafe sent you this morning, right after his good morning text that went ignored due to you oversleeping.
Then in your frenzy to reach the restaurant on time, you rear end someone. It was the last thing you wanted, and even when you exit the car you prepare yourself for the fight the other person would initiate. It was completely your fault, you were texting Rafe letting him know you will be late.
You inspect your car first, seeing the bumper threatening to fall any minute now, then you turn your head to the side and find the van you rear-ended was pretty damaged.
“Lady! Can’t you see where you were going?!” an irritated man comments, and it gets nearer to the back of the car to inspect the accident.
You try to put on your best sorry look, and then look at the person only to take a second look. You didn’t have to look at him three times to know who he was. With his long locks, and tan skin, then to the light blue van.
This is the man Sarah was dating, and currently dating according to what Wheezie told you last night. He recognizes you too, for some reason as he also does a look back and his eyes widen for a little.
“I’m sorry, I admit my fault I was pretty preoccupied.” you say, then move back to your car to take your phone, but when you return you’re shocked to find Sarah Cameron in the flesh, standing next to him.
You stop briefly in your tracks, taken back at seeing her for the first time in years. She looks exactly as you last seen her, you blame your complex emotions at seeing her on the fact that she looks like she’s always did, and not a single thing changed about her.
“(Y/N).” she calls your name first, you clear your throat and walk towards her and her boyfriend.
“Hello, Sarah.” you greet, and then take your gaze off her brown eyes and stare at the man, “my insurance can cover you, I’ll call them right now and let them know.” he nods, and you take a glance at Sarah one last time as you feel her stare on your face.
You turn around and dial in the insurance company number, although your phone glitches before you can call and then it vibrates as Rafe's name flashes in your phone. You don’t need to be a genius to know you weren’t late but you were very much unclassy late.
The kind of lateness that cannot be blamed on women’s vanity.
You answer immediately, and after your first “Hello?” he asks. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm…” you cover your forehead as you look back on the accident. “Not really, rear-ended someone.” You answer honestly.
Rafe’s voice tightens with concern. “Where exactly are you right now? I need to know.”
You hesitate, glancing around at the scene. “I’m... just near the diner on Maple Street. But really, Rafe, you don’t have to come.”
“I’m coming over,” he insists. “I want to make sure you’re okay. Don’t move from where you are.”
You wince, knowing that Rafe’s presence would complicate things even more. Sarah Cameron, his disowned sister, is right here with her boyfriend. The last thing you want is for Rafe and Sarah to run into each other. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but—”
“No arguments. I’m on my way,” Rafe says firmly. “Just stay put and don’t try to handle this all on your own.”
Panic starts to set in. You know it’s a terrible idea to let Rafe come, but you also understand how stubborn he can be. “Okay, fine. But it’s really not a big deal, and I’m dealing with the insurance already. Maybe just... wait a bit before coming?”
“Just give me a few minutes, alright?” Rafe’s tone is insistent. “I’ll be there soon.”
As you hang up, you feel the weight of the situation press down on you. You glance over at Sarah and her boyfriend, trying to avoid making eye contact. This whole thing is turning into a mess you never anticipated
You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the silver lining of the situation. If Rafe shows up and helps you sort this out, he might feel useful, which you know is something he appreciates. Men often enjoy feeling like they’re making a difference, and this could be a way to turn a frustrating situation into a moment where he feels valued.
The call with the insurance company is short, you let them know of what happened abd they let you know of what to do.
When you walk closer to the van, you see Sarah lingering awkwardly close to you as she watches you take pictures of the accident. You pretend you don’t notice her while you text the pictures to the insurance company.
“So…how have you been?” she asks first.
You clear your throat, turning around to face her. “I’ve been good.” The awkward silence makes the heat of this summer feel even worse as your cheeks burn. “You?”
“I’ve been doing good too. I remember Wheezie told me that you uhm… you started this two year college in Charlotte town.” She says, shifting her weight from one leg to another.
“Yeah…the program was called hospitality excellence and etiquette.” you answer.
Her eyes widen slightly, then she tightens her lips into a tight line before she comments, “thought it was an english literature and writing program, you always did like that a whole a lot,” she then clears her throat. “You talked about it a lot back in high school.”
You nod, feeling a pang of discomfort. “Yeah, I changed direction. It seemed like a better fit.”
Sarah clears her throat, her gaze flickering between you and her boyfriend. “Well, it’s good you found something that works for you.”
Just then, your phone buzzes with a text from the insurance company: “We’ve reviewed the details and confirmed you are at fault. Please provide the contact information for the other party so we can proceed with covering the damage.”
Before you can respond, Rafe’s car pulls up, and you feel a rush of mixed emotions. You glance at Sarah, who seems equally tense, and then back at Rafe as he steps out of the car.
You manage a strained smile as you finish texting the insurance company. The weight of the awkward situation settles heavily on your shoulders. As Rafe approaches, you feel a knot tighten in your stomach.
Rafe’s eyes meet yours, and you see his expression shift from concern to confusion as he takes in the scene. Without needing any introductions, he asks, “Is everything okay?”
You try to sound calm. “Yeah. Just trying to get the insurance stuff sorted out.”
Rafe’s gaze flickers to Sarah, his tension palpable. He doesn’t need any introductions to understand the situation. Sarah’s discomfort is visible as she shifts her weight, unable to meet Rafe’s eyes. Then, Rafe steps close to inspect the accident.
When Sarah’s boyfriend comes closer, he asks, “you talk to insurance yet?”
Before you could answer him, Rafe shields your vision of the man. “Give me your phone. I need to talk to insurance,”
“Oh, yeah sure.” you hand him your phone. “But why?”
He steps so close to you, allowing you to take whiffs of his spicy cologne and the sight of his pretty blue eyes hitting the sun so perfectly. Then his voice drops lower, “I just don’t trust that pogue, maybe he saw your car and decided to break check.”
You blink at him in cluelessness, “why would he do that?”
“To take your money, of course.” Rafe answers. “But don’t worry, I’ll let insurance know how to handle it.”
He takes your phone from your palm, your fingers brushing ever so slightly but still sending shocks throughout the rest of your body nonetheless.
He starts speaking to the insurance company, his voice low and authoritative. You watch him handle the situation with a blend of relief and unease, his presence both a comfort and a complication.
Meanwhile, Sarah stands awkwardly, her gaze flicking between Rafe and the damaged van. Her boyfriend, clearly frustrated, starts to mutter under his breath, but he doesn’t press the issue further with Rafe present.
You can’t ignore the tension in the air. The silence stretches as Rafe talks on the phone, his tone firm and decisive. You can’t help but notice how effortlessly he takes control of the situation, and despite everything, you find yourself grateful for his intervention.
When Rafe finally hangs up, he hands your phone back to you, his expression serious. “I’ve given them the details and made sure they know about the potential for fraud. They’ll be in touch with you soon.”
“Fraud?!” Sarah and her boyfriend repeat in disbelief, and exchange a shocked look before Sarah steps closer to Rafe. Her hands on her hips as she glares at him, “why the fuck would there be a possibility for fraud?”
Rafe meets her gaze evenly, not backing down. “Because it’s not uncommon for people to stage accidents to make a quick buck. It’s better to be cautious and make sure everything is above board.”
Sarah’s eyes narrow, her face flushed with anger. “You don’t know that. You’re just making assumptions.”
Rafe’s tone remains calm, though there’s a hint of annoyance. “I’m just protecting (Y/N). It’s my job to ensure everything is handled properly.”
Sarah’s boyfriend, still simmering, steps forward. “Look, we don’t need any more complications. This is already a mess.”
Sarah only looks between you and Rafe with that look she used to get when she’s connecting dots in her head. You feel like you should avoid her gaze, and cower in shame should she find out. Except, you don’t.
You have nothing to feel shameful about. She did sleep with your boyfriend in high school and betrayed your trust and broke your friendship just like that. So you think she can handle the little discomfort she will get at finding out that you and her brother are dating.
Sarah looks detached, her gaze distant as she processes Rafe’s comments. She pulls her boyfriend away slightly, her voice tight with control. “Fine, we’ll discuss it. Just… (Y/N),” she calls and you look at her as she continues, “give me your number so I can contact you about it.”
Rafe shakes his head, his expression firm, “she’s not giving her number to you. I’ll give mine to your boyfriend instead. He can handle the details and get in touch with me if needed.”
Sarah’s frustration is palpable, but she holds back her retort. She gives a curt nod, accepting the compromise.
Her boyfriend takes out his phone, and Rafe quickly gives him his number. As they exchange contact information, Sarah’s eyes flicker with a mix of emotions—anger, resignation, and something else you can’t quite place.
When Sarah and her boyfriend walk to their van. Rafe looks at your car, “you cannot drive this till it gets fixed.”
“Yeah, it’s another accident asking to happen.” you answer sadly.
“It’s okay though, I’ll take it to the shop and get it fixed for you.” He said, a hand on your shoulder, his touch warm and grounding.
“Thank you, Rafe.” you tell him. A switch in your head flips, then you add, “you’re so helpful, I wouldn’t have known what to do without you.”
His eyes slightly widen, taken off-guard at your words and attitude but he doesn’t seem like he hates it. Trying to pretend that you don’t notice the effects your words had on him, you stare at the clock on your phone.
“Your lunch break ends at 1 right?” you ask, and he hums as he directs you to his car that’s parked haphazardly. You climb up to the passenger seat of his car, then buckle in your seatbelt. When he enters his car, you say, “I feel bad for wasting your lunch break.”
“You didn’t, I’m just glad to see you.” he says, and you resist the smile that’s forming on your face but you fail.
He doesn’t see you as he starts his car once again. “I have a little more than twenty five minutes left of my lunch break, so I’ll just drive you home.”
The ride back is quiet, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. You can feel the tension from earlier slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of calm. Rafe’s presence, while sometimes intense, has a way of grounding you. You sneak a glance at him, noticing the way his hands grip the steering wheel, his knuckles white.
Seeing Sarah must’ve affected him just as deeply as you—if not more.
You decide that not speaking about it is the best option. If he didn’t bring it up first, then you won’t utter a single word.
The memory of seeing his disowned sister and seeing your ex-best friend would be buried for now.
Thankfully, your house wasn’t that far from the accident place. As you approach your place, Rafe speaks up, breaking the silence. “You sure you’re okay? That was a lot back there.”
You nod, your eyes meeting his briefly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… a bit shaken up, I guess.”
Rafe pulls up into the driveway of your house and shifts the car into park. “Well, if you need anything, you know you can call me, right?”
His offer is genuine, but there’s something in the way he says it that makes your heart skip a beat. You nod again, feeling the weight of the day starting to lift. “Thanks, Rafe. I really appreciate it.”
He turns to face you fully, his expression softening, “you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to help.”
For a moment, you both just sit there, the air between you charged with something unspoken. Then, before the moment can stretch too long, you reach for the door handle, “I should probably get inside.”
Rafe nods, he says as he’s watching you hold your purse, “I’ll check in with you later, okay? Make sure everything’s sorted out.”
You step out of the car, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Relief, gratitude, maybe even a bit of something more. Before you could close the door, you linger slightly as he watches you.
He was so helpful and reliable today, and you don’t really want to let him go just yet. You want to talk with him more, be around him. You try to pretend that it’s all for the plan, and not because of a deep want within you.
“Uhm…why…why don’t you come inside?” you ask.
His eyebrows almost raise up to his hairline comically. You look at the black leather of his seats, shyness taking over you. “I could make you a sandwich, I feel bad just for sending you to work like that.”
He opens his mouth to speak, and you fear that it’s a rejection, so you hastily interrupt him as you look at your fingers. “Something quick, I’ll take like one minute making it for you, and your break finishes in exactly twenty minutes.”
“Sure…I’d like that.” he says genuinely, and you finally look up to him to see him smiling.
He kills the engine, and then gets out of his car. You walk side by side to the door, your heart beats faster with each step.
When you reach the door, your fingers fumble slightly with the keys, but you manage to unlock it, pushing the door open and stepping inside.
“Make yourself at home,” you say, trying to sound casual, though your voice betrays a hint of nervousness.
You walk further inside to the kitchen, feeling his presence following you. As you enter the kitchen, you set your purse on the counter. Then you start gathering the things you need for a simple sandwich from the fridge, and you bring it all to the island.
He sits on one of the chairs facing the island. He looks around a little, taking in the clean kitchen then he asks, “is your mom home?”
You glance at him as you’re taking bread slices out. “Probably not, she might’ve gone out for the afternoon,” you reply, your voice a little quieter than usual as you focus on getting the sandwich together. You can feel Rafe's eyes on you, and it makes your movements slightly more deliberate, more aware of every little thing you’re doing.
He hums in response, leaning back in his chair, still watching you. “How was your pilates class?”
“Oh…I didn’t go, woke up late actually.” you answer honestly. Focusing on spreading the mayo on the other slice of bread.
Rafe’s gaze sharpens slightly as he listens to your response, though he maintains a relaxed posture in the chair. “Woke up late, huh?” His tone is casual, and you don’t think much of it as you focus on the sandwich. His eyes are still fixed on you, watching your every movement with a kind of intensity that you chalk up to concern.
“Yeah, just one of those mornings,” you say lightly, now spreading mustard on the bread. You glance up at him, catching his steady gaze, but it doesn’t faze you—if anything, it makes you feel like he’s paying attention, like he cares.
He hums again, the sound thoughtful. “You know,” he says slowly, “I could help with that. Making sure you don’t miss anything important.”
You look up at him, tilting your head in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
He leans forward slightly, resting his elbows on the island, his eyes still locked on yours. “Just thinking… I could check in on you in the mornings. Make sure you’re up and ready. We wouldn’t want you missing out on anything.”
You smile at the offer, feeling a warmth in your chest. “That’s really sweet of you, Rafe, but I think I just need a better alarm clock.”
Rafe’s lips curl into a small smile, and you take it as a sign that he’s just being his usual considerate self. “Yeah, maybe,” he says, and you hear a touch of amusement in his voice. “But, you know, I’m just a call away. For anything.”
“Thanks, Rafe,” you say, genuinely appreciating his concern. It feels good to have someone who’s so attentive, who seems to genuinely care about the little things in your life.
He watches you for a moment longer, and you assume he’s just making sure you’re okay after the stressful day you’ve had. When he finally leans back in his chair, he says, “No problem. Just looking out for you.”
You finish making the sandwich and place it on a plate, sliding it across the island to him.
“There you go,” you say, stepping back and leaning against the counter, trying to act nonchalant.
“Thanks,” he says, picking up the sandwich and taking a bite. While he’s eating you quickly take a clean cup from one of the upper cupboards, open the fridge and pour in orange juice in it. Then you slide it to him again.
You can feel him watching you as you move around the kitchen. You open the drawer and take a new ziploc bag, then head to the pantry and place in four cookies you made. You gasp as you recalled you didn’t even give him water. He watches you with curiosity as you walk once again to the drinks fridge and take a cold water bottle.
He’s halfway finished with his sandwich by the time you slide along the cookies and the water bottle to him.
“Uhm, I made those cookies…a new recipe so I’m proud of them.” You tell him while grinning as you sit next to him.
Rafe looks down at the cookies, then back at you, a smirk playing on his lips. “You didn’t have to do all this, you know,” he says, though there’s a hint of something warm in his voice, like he’s pleased by the attention.
You shrug, your grin widening. “I wanted to. You’ve been so helpful today, it’s the least I can do.”
He takes the bag of cookies, inspecting them for a moment before glancing back at you. “I’ll have to give these a try later. If they’re as good as this sandwich, I’m sure they’ll be great.” His tone is easygoing, but there’s a spark in his eyes, like he’s enjoying this little routine you’ve set up for him.
You beam at the compliment, feeling a flutter in your chest. “I hope you like them.”
“I think it’s safe to assume there will be a make-up date.” He says casually. You gulp nervously as you look away shyly. “Of course.”
“Tomorrow.” he says.
“I can’t, I have my girls' day plans with Wheezie, remember?” you say.
“Your car will be at the shop, who’s going to be taking you?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Probably call an Uber—”
“No Uber.” His tone is final and assertive, but it catches you off-guard as you watch him quietly. So he adds, “if you need someone to drive you anywhere, just call me.”
You fight the urge to refuse. It would be too much of a hassle, but your mother told you many times that men love feeling helpful. So you smile and nod, “sure.” you answer softly.
“Great. I’ll drive you and Wheezie tomorrow then.” He affirms while standing up, then washes his hands in the sink. He grabs the water bottle and the cookie bag and then heads to the front door. You follow him to his car.
Even though he barely has ten minutes to drive to work, he still cranks his window down as you approach it. His smile is soft. “Thanks for the food. I’ll update you later about your car.”
You nod at his words, smiling back too. “Drive safe.”
Rafe’s smile deepens as he hears your soft reply. “I will,” he says, his tone reassuring. He watches you for a moment longer, his gaze lingering on your face like he’s memorizing every detail.
You step back as he starts the car, waving at him as he pulls out of the driveway. There’s a strange warmth in your chest as you watch his car disappear down the street, a mix of emotions you’re not entirely sure how to process. He was so insistent, so protective—it’s nice to have someone who cares that much, you tell yourself.
Out of all your candidates, you know he’s the best. He’s always been responsible.
You don’t want to believe your mother’s theories, but she’s always been right. She did tell you that Kelce is a youngest child, so he’s pretty spoiled and probably hasn’t worked a day in his life and simply would deflect all his responsibilities. Topper is an only child, he’s selfish and stubborn and most likely wouldn’t even understand why you need help in the first place.
Meanwhile Rafe, he’s the oldest brother between his siblings. He’s always knew how to be responsible—even if Ward at first claimed otherwise. You knew that Rafe is a proactive person, he wouldn’t stand still if he knew you had a problem. He would help you if he could, and if he couldn’t, he would try everything to still help.
He's the best candidate, and you would be damned if you just let go of him.
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seratopia · 10 months
miguel o'hara x reader (fluff) - nerdy college miguelito → she/her pronouns!
inspired by this image of him! glasses = smart
He's the sexiest mf with glasses because i said so
So intelligent! As per usual, I see him in an engineering or biochem major. Maybe statistics, or computer science minor. He's a bit of a nerd, the type that is just naturally brilliant; always asking creative questions in class. Babbles to you about his topics as a form of studying/affection; get good grades and keep his partner company.
He seems like the type that can easily learn and reteach information to you. He's a rare case where study dates actually work; you guys get so much work done.
Does that thing where he scrunches his nose to adjust his glasses. "Miguel, you're gonna get wrinkles if you do that." You remark, finishing the last of your Humanities discussion post. "So you do care for me?" Miguel smirks, tapping his pen against the table. "Just saying, you'll look 40 by the time you reach 30."
His Google Calendar is a crowded mess; at least four tasks per day, constant due dates to keep up with, he tries to save time for weekends.
Let's talk fashion! The sweatshirt he has on in the drawing has me on my knees. I'd love him in sweatshirts, straight leg jeans, big black puffer jacket, THOSE HALF-ZIP SWEATSHIRTS SO YOU CAN SEE A LITTLE BIT OF COLLARBONE, compression shirts on lucky days, possibly cargo pants??? Sometimes you guys match fits! If you dress up, he'll understand the assignment.
Carries around a black backpack, just with a laptop and an extra notebook. Hydrates with a HUGE water bottle. Keeps hairties, lip balm, and pain meds around in case you need them. (You do, often.)
College Miggy doesn't seem like the type to participate in Greek Life; he's there to get his education, start a step ahead in his career. Plus, he's too tired to go partying anyway.
It'd be super cute if y'all lived together; a dorm-to-apartment kind of thing. After your relationship's been serious for a while, you move in, sharing a room with Miguel just so you guys can split costs.
Miguel takes early morning classes, I can tell. Greets you on most days with a palm to your stomach, little kisses from behind. He latches onto you for warmth on chillier days, groaning and whining about not wanting to get up in the morning. "Mig, just go to class-" "Mmph, no." Miguel groans, ghosting his lips to the shell of your ear. He shuffles around in the bed, smothering and stealing your body of warmth. "M'cold!" You whine, Miguel's hands sneaking up your shirt.
YOU ARE the passenger princess in this AU, m'kay? (I can't drive-) Miguel, if he is available, will drive you anywhere! Class, mall, farmers market, coffee shop, etc. Ends up just tagging along with you most of the time. You think he's sexy when he's driving (because he is), slots his hand to your upper thigh like it's his birthright.
Most of the time, y'all are in your own little world; no participation in drama, celebrating each other's successes with a trip to a restaurant. Nothing else really matters when you're got both grades and each other to worry about.
Within the rare occasion that you guys share a class, y'all are on the same page. Working together, filling each other in on missing gaps, quizzing each other on tests; its great. Of course, you receive a high A. I feel like he'd be the type to randomly quiz or test you on something in the class. "Prophase vs. Anaphase? You playfully roll your eyes, continuing to stir your coffee.
Where do y'all think he'd work? I'd say paid internship or somewhere tech-y ykwim? He wouldn't really work at a cafe or campus store.
Oh my gosh what if he was rich!!!!! What if he spoils you with good food and well-thought out date nights? Elevating your relationship as a couple <333 WHAT IF HE PAYS YOUR TUITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh best man best man
© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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orion4ever · 4 months
How would the OL:BA boys be with an MC who struggles with obsessive compulsive disorder?
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Author’s Note: I have OCD , It causes me lots of turmoil because it causes me to pull at my eyebrows and eyelashes compulsively and causes me to have unwanted thoughts so this request resonates with me a lot! I hope you enjoy this and even find comfort in this request!
Pairing(s): Cove Holden x MC , Derek Suarez x MC and Baxter Ward x MC
Cove Holden🌊
He tries his best to support you and doesn’t bat an eye to any ‘unconventional’ request you may ask him.
You would prefer if he washed his hands as soon as he entered your house? Understandable, his hands are probably covered in sand anyway
He doesn’t get annoyed when you repeat a conversation and he never minds reassuring you about anything.
He can understand the feeling of being overwhelmed and needing to do a ritual to relax a little.
If he sees you doing something compulsively like pulling hair out, cleaning the same spot, rearranging things, or anything like that he would take your hands and try to ground you.
He comforts you whenever you have intrusive thoughts. He knows you would never enact them but he understands that you are scared that you will and reassures you that you won’t.
If anyone even DARES and imply that you are a weirdo or a bad person for any compulsive thoughts or behavior that you open up about, he will not let it go.
The man will have a huge grudge and will rightfully defend you.
Cove gets so annoyed when people throw around the term OCD to describe none OCD behavior and will debunk what they are saying.
And a fun fact , people with autism have a high chance of also having OCD so there is a possibility that he also has it!
Cove is the sweetest man. He never lets you feel uncomfortable or evil about your OCD. There is a reason why it's called Obsessive Compulsive behavior and he will scream that from the rooftops.
Derek Suarez⚽️
An equally supportive man, as soon as you open up about having OCD, he pulls an all-nighter to research more into it to make sure he can properly understand you.
He asks you to list what triggers your OCD or anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable.
Like, if you ever have doubts or concerns about things you are uncertain about (like plans for the next day or school work you forgot the due dates to) then Derek would try his best to help ease your doubts.
Derek is already a pretty organized and clean guy so you don’t have to worry too much too much about him making messes or being disorganized.
He doesn’t mind you needing to close and open a door a few times to feel secure or you checking to see if you left any potentially dangerous things on(stove, open flames, etc)
It pains him every time you feel the need to distance yourself from him because your thoughts won’t leave you alone about hurting him. He just wants to give you a big bear hug and reassure you that you would never do that to him.
He has no hard feelings if you ask him to change out of his outside clothes, considering he’s probably been out playing sports and getting all dirty. He wouldn’t like it if someone sat on his bed covered in dirt and sand neither.
He reprimands anyone who has anything judgmental to say about your ocd and swiftly educates them about how wrong they are.
If he spots you doing a harmful compulsive behavior, like scratching or pulling hair then he tries and grounds you as well but mostly vocally since he doesn’t want to overwhelm or frustrate you.
He hates how taboo the topic of OCD is and opens up dialogues and conversations with his colleagues about it and hopes it can spread awareness of it. He hates how it has been watered down to “I need a clean room”.
Derek will always love you and everything he does is to make sure you are happy!
Baxter Ward ☕️
I am saying this as a Baxter fan but I feel like he would be ignorant about OCD at first. His parents probably raised him with the idea that “depression is just an excuse for lazy people” or at the very least didn’t think mental health wasn’t important. He probably thought the social media idea of OCD was basically what it was until he met you.
He now knows that ocd isn’t just being a germaphobe or needing all your pencils to be pointing the same way.
He asks you to educate him on it, what are your struggles day to day? What's the best way he can support you? Etc.
As soon as you educate him on what he can do better to support you, he instantly gets on it.
He encourages you to open up about what you're thinking about and reassures you constantly that you don’t scare him away with thoughts you can’t control.
He knows in his heart that you would never do anything to harm him or anyone else.
He is concerned about you hurting yourself though. He tries his best and makes sure you don’t do anything that would cause you harm.
Baxter never minds if you need to repeat an action because the first time didn’t feel right. He doesn’t truly understand the urge but he would never put you down for it.
When he does become more well-educated on OCD, he gets very snippy and annoyed when other people are ignorant or rude about it. He has first-hand experience on not being super educated and he knows it isn’t hard to read a few articles about it or the very least contain their mean words to their cruel mind.
He will always be there to support you , if your OCD ever gets worse , like maybe you went through something traumatic or your in an extremely stressful state of mind.
Baxter would kneel on the ground and lay his head in your lap. He wraps his arms around you and tells you that you're more than this and that he believes there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 8 months
How do I politely tell a professor they’re full of shit??
My prof gave us some practice questions to do over the weekend on Friday afternoon and then on Saturday afternoon posted on our online classroom that they’re actually due as an assignment Monday morning.
I’m working all weekend and if she had given us any warning or told us Friday in class I would have been able to do it but now I don’t have time. How can I email her and explain that she’s being unreasonable??
Here is the golden rule of being a student:
You never, ever tell a professor they're full of shit BEFORE GRADES ARE IN.
You save that stuff for the course review and feedback forms. Write something on ratemyprofessor if you want to. But keep your feelings about this to yourself, at least for the time being.
If you do want to say something, say it carefully and appeal to the reality of the situation. An email like this might suffice:
Dear Professor X, On Friday afternoon you gave the class X work that was worth Y points and due at Z date. (If you have a screenshot of the course website or other proof of the original circumstances, you can include that here.) Later, you changed the parameters to [whatever they are now]. I have to work to support myself, and my hours this weekend will not permit me to finish the assignment on time. Would you be willing to give me an extension so I can complete the assignment around my shifts? Best, Your Name
Your school may have a policy that prevents professors from making snap changes like this, especially if they're not on the syllabus. You can go that route, but you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. If this kind of behavior becomes a pattern, it might be worth pursuing further, but the truth of the matter is that there is very little anyone can do to control how a professor administers their class.
Most professors are also willing to work with students who need accommodations for various reasons, such as working or taking care of family members. I think a politely worded email will go a lot further toward getting a reasonable solution (you will still have to do the assignment, but with an extended deadline) than expression your (valid) frustration. That's an unfortunate part of playing the game that is higher education.
If the professor is receptive to something like this, and this sort of deadline continues to crop up during the class, you might see if they'd be willing to grant you a blanket exception where you turn in assignments during the week after you have time to work on them. That saves you both the trouble of having to renegotiate deadlines every time.
Good luck, -Reid
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lancermylove · 9 months
Younger Sister (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: No pairing. Featuring Octavinelle.
Warning: None
Requested by: Aon
Prompt: Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I wanted to ask you about some platonic headcanons for the Octavinelle boys and how they would treat a younger sister who entered NRC and what they would think if she joined the first year group.
A/N: Hi! I'm alright~ hope you are doing well!
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Azul would be very protective of you and not allow anyone to bully you in any way. He has faced enough of it and doesn't want you to experience it.
He would be strict with you, but only when it comes to education. For the most part, Azul would give you all the freedom you wanted as long as you didn't do anything dangerous.
Romance is NOT allowed. Azul doesn't want you to get involved with anyone, as he knows what the students at NRC are like. Even after he graduates, romance is not allowed until you graduate. Azul wants you to focus on your dreams and be financially independent before dating or having a family.
He doesn't mind you interacting with the first years but will be cautious if you get buddy-buddy with Ace or Deuce. He doesn't trust those two and doesn't want you to get involved in their shinengiens.
If anyone tries to romance you while you are in NRC, Azul's reaction will be to keep a close eye on them.
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Dotes on you like there is no tomorrow but also teases you like crazy. He likes to prank you, too, but his pranks are harmless for the most part.
Floyd likes you stroking his head when he is having a bad day. He will never allow you to do this in public, but there is just something about you stroking his hair that helps him feel better. Maybe it's your sisterly affection toward him.
Floyd is much more friendly toward you than Jade, mainly due to his easygoing nature.
If you are calm, Floyd will be chill around you. However, if you have a chaotic personality, he will be competitive with you (unless he is in a bad mood). But the competition will be friendly.
As long as Floyd can spend time with your boyfriend and threaten him, he doesn't care if you want to date someone at NRC. But if you fall for Leona, Malleus, or Azul, he will not be comfortable with it.
He also doesn't mind you spending time with the first years. It's only natural that you spend time with your classmates.
Floyd has one major weakness, your puppy dog eyes. If you want him to do anything, show him your puppy dog eyes. He won't be able to say no.
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He is a mix between Azul and Floyd. While Jades dotes on you and cares about you, he is strict. It's not that he wants to control your decisions, but he still wants you to be cautious, especially around the students at NRC.
Jade isn't as strict with your education, but you still need to maintain your grades.
While Floyd is the chill brother, Jade is the dependable brother. If you have any issues or need him for anything, he will gladly lend you an ear or help.
Though he has a better connection with Floyd since they are twins, Jade has a softer spot for you. He knows his twin can take on anyone or anything, but Jade worries about you. However, he doesn't show this openly.
Jade is a bit uncomfortable with you dating, but his ultimate decision on whether you should date or not depends on who you like. Azul is a big no. Men like Leona, Malleus, Ruggie, and Rook - pretty much overly powerful or troublemakers are a big no. Rule of thumb: as long as Jade can keep your boyfriend 'in check,' he doesn't mind you dating.
He doesn't mind you spending time with the first years. In fact, he encourages you to make friends and learn the ways of the land dwellers.
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t0rturedangel · 2 years
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parental alphabet
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I absolutely love creek it my favorite sp ship! Ive decided to write this out of sheer boredom and my love for creek. I hope you all enjoy !
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A - affection
How affectionate are they to their child?
I feel like, while they absolutely love you, they wont be took affectionate, they'll defiantly give you hugs and stuff but not too much
B - Bullying
How would they react to their child being bullied?
Oh boy, the kid who bullied you better get ready for the biggest ass whooping ever.
I feel like Both Tweek and craig will over dramatic things to make the kids punishment very bad.
After you've told them you were / are bullied, craig will be talking to the headteacher: very clearly pissed while Tweek will be hugging you and comforting you
C - clingy
How clingy are they to their child? And vise versa
Despite them not being too affectionate, Tweek is defiantly clingy to you, having you in his arms practically always, he will never let you go any where by yourself. Rarely, when you're not in Tweeks arms you're by Craigs side
Due to your father's clinginess towards you, you also turn clingy to surprisingly both of your dads
D - Dating
How would they react to their child dating?
They both set the rule of 'No dating until you're 18' but you broke it by having a boyfriend when you were little (around 7 or 8) and while they were upset you broke the rule they found you and your boyfriend's playdates to be so adorable.
You also broke the rule when you were in your teenage years, multiple times.
E - education
How well do they educate their child?
Oh you're very well educated, thats because they sent you to the best school they could, they want you to grow up to be extremely successful
F - Family
Do they want you to meet their families?
Tweek doesn't really want you to meet his, since they might make you drink their coffee, and well we all know what they put in there.
Craig doesnt really mind you meeting his family, you gotta meet at least one of your grandparents right?
G - Goodies
What nice things do they buy their child? (E.G. toys, games)
They'll buy you little goodies when you've done something really good, like get a high score on a test or something.
Usually they get you stuff you've talked about liking before, they always make sure they remember what you said you've liked.
H - hate
How do they react to their child saying they hate them?
The first time you've told them you hated them was most likely during an argument in your teenage years.
You wanted to go to a party that all your friends were going to and they didnt let you, since those friends of yours were 'bad influences' so mid argument you yelled out a 'I hate you both!'
Tweek's heart broke and Craig got angry, sending you to your room. They probably both shed a few tears since they care for you so much.
Later though, you apologized and all was forgiven
I - Internet
How much to they limit their child's access on the internet?
They put on safe search and lock it, also put on parental locks. Though its annoying, they dont want your little head to be ruined with 18+ stuff that a little kid like you shoulnt be watching / reading
J - Jokes
Do they joke around with their kids? How bad are their jokes?
I dont think Tweek jokes a lot but Craig defiantly tells stupid classic dad jokes, that are pretty shit but not even gonna lie you laughed at some of them
K - killjoy
How strict are they? Do they allow their kid to go to things like parties?
They are quite strict, yeah. They wont let you to o to parties that go over 10 pm and will not let you do multiple things you friends' parents would.
L - leaving
How do they react when their child needs to leave? (E.G. move out / die)
If you were to move out and or go to uni, they would be very reluctant to let you go, but will the promise of you visiting as much as you could they let you.
If you died, however, they would be heartbroken beyond belief, Tweek would never be able to get over your death even with his husband's help and support. You mattered the world to him. Craig would never get over your death either but he'll try to move on, whats done is done, you're never coming back, even though he really wants you to come back.
M - motherly
Who's the most 'motherly' to their child?
Oh Tweek is defiantly more motherly to you out of the two.
N - Nicknames
What nicknames do they give thier child? And vise versa
Tweeks nicknames for you are :: Sweetie (very rare that he calls you that though) , kiddo.
Craigs nicknames for you are :: Kid, little shit, mini me.
Your nicknames for the both of them are :: Dad, da, pops, papa (when you want something)
O - Overprotective
How protective are they of their child?
Oh yeah, they're quite overprotective, especially Tweek. Like this man will go mental if you're out of his sight for even a second, what if you get hurt!? what if someone takes you away!? what if-
P - Punishment
How would they punish their child?
They're very classical with their punishments, so you'd be grounded and be in time out for punishments.
Q - quality time
How much time do they spend with their child?
Thye try their best to spend good quality time with you but sometimes they simply dont have the time (which is actually surprising due to Tweeks practical need of being around you to keep you safe and happy and Craigs devoted love for his husband)
R - Rebel
How would they react if their child rebelled against them?
they'd try to catch you in the act of rebelling in whatever way you are and ground you on the spot, no 'buts' no arguments you're grounded go to your room .
S - swears
Do they let their kids swear?
Despite Tweek's thoughts against it, Craig teaches you to flip people off from a young age, thats just a necessity.
You usually get in trouble for flipping people off so much, you're truly Craigs kid
T - talk
How often do they have a meaningful conversation with their child?
again, they both try to have meaningful conversations with you but they (again) dont have the time sometimes
U - Uhmm
What do / did they find awkward when around their child?
The puberty talk and the sex talk.
Without a doubt they'll defiantly feel extremely awkward talking to you about these things
V - violence
Would they be violent to their child?
Absolutely not!
Never in a million years would they be violent to you. Sure they'll accidently hurt you when play fighting or giving you a smack round the head for screaming 'fuck' in public but they'd never hit you on purpose for no reason.
W - word
What was their child's first word
You first word was probably, most likely, ' Tweet '
You were trying your best to say your dad's name since you heard your other dad say it so many times
X - Xaroncharoo
How brilliant do they think their child is?
They know you're a brilliant child and will argue with mums and all that about it.
Y - Yelling
Would they yell at their child?
No, they absolutely refuse to yell at you, even when you're yelling at them for some thing.
Z - Zesty
Would they support their child if they were apart of the LGBTQ community?
I mean, they're part of the LGBTQ community, so it'd be really weird if they didn't support you.
I feel like they'd buy you a cake and have a little celebratory moment with you for coming out
They love you so much and want you to know it.
𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 - 9/10, very good parents
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evillemons · 5 months
~ a manifestation of his ideal girlfriend. Continuation into part 2 and part 3. Masterlist here.
Key words: Soft-spoken, nurturing, feminine, traditional, introverted.
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Her personality:
• Out of the members, the type of person that Jin would date seems to have the most consensus among the fandom.
• I think we can all agree that Jin wants the traditional housewife type.
• Someone who can take care of him and support him.
• Kind, soft-spoken, nurturing, and somewhat submissive.
• She would be mature and motherly, but not in a prudent or matronly way.
• Probably not particularly ambitious in terms of her career, but may hold an associate’s degree in marketing or education. I could also see her as a midwife or nurse if she chose to work.
• A homebody type. Is content spending time alone, but might enjoy the occasional wine night with one or two close girlfriends.
• A generally pleasant and optimistic person that loves to please and make other people happy.
• She and her house are always neat and tidy. She always comes across as well put together and organized.
• Would enjoy gardening and reading in her free time. She might have a little vegetable or herb garden in her backyard.
• She also needs to love jokes and indulge Jin with his dry sense of humor…
• She might even joke back with him, leading them both to laughing tears.
• MBTI: ISFJ. A good homemaker and caretaker who wants to make sure that everyone feels happy and loved. Is very introverted, but cares deeply for the people close to her.
Her looks and sexuality:
• Feminine, but not in a cutesy way, maybe a little more womanly.
• Generally petite but with slight curves.
• She might have one “well endowed” feature, such as wide hips, that she is insecure about (that Jin actually loves).
• Shorter and younger (possibly by 5 years even). He needs to feel as though he can fulfill his traditional masculine role.
• I don’t even need to say that she must be Korean. A woman with the same traditions and customs he is used to.
• Probably doesn’t fit Korean beauty standards in the way Jimin’s girlfriend does, but very pretty and kind-looking nonetheless.
• Her style is classic, relaxed, and modest; not particularly fashionable or eccentric.
• She definitely would not dare to get a tattoo. She probably wears some dainty, dangly earrings in her first lobe piercing, but no piercings other than that.
• Neutral, light colored clothing (beiges and whites) and keeps her hair her natural deep black-brown.
• She might also be relatively pale due to her lack of sun exposure.
• As for sexuality, she is straight as a pin, no doubt.
*side note: I would really love to see him surprise us all one day and reveal that he is dating someone we completely don’t expect, like a foreign woman. It would be shocking, but in an amazing way (or even more so, a man. He did say his celebrity crush is Brad Pitt).
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solomons-poison · 1 year
maybe obey me?
heartbreak angst?? “your leaving arent you” sorry if im being vague..
A/N: You're totally fine with your request! I just want to make sure you get what you were looking for :) This is my first time writing angst without comfort, and tbh I haven't even really written angst aha.. These all feel a little wordy, especially Simeon's, but I hope you enjoy! This one kind of escaped me 😬 they're not very headcanon-like lol
Featuring: GN reader || Diavolo x reader, Barbatos x reader, Simeon x reader, Solomon x reader
Warnings: angst of course; breakups; mentions of falling in Simeon's part; mentions of death in Solomon's part
You both should have known better from the start, but as they say, love is blind, and it certainly seemed to give you both blinders to the fate of your relationship.
The topic of the future of your relationship was not something you had discussed in detail with each other... or at all, really. One moment, you were the human world representative and he the Prince of the Devildom. And the next, he'd taken you on as his precious lover.
Sure, you'd had a small discussion of logistics regarding marriage with the brothers at one point, each of them expressing their desire to marry you and bring you into the family. Even Solomon had joined in on the discussion, clearly having fun regarding this debate topic and the advantage he'd have as a fellow human. Eventually, you all had come to the conclusion that, at this point in time, marriage wasn't yet feasible due to the newness of human and demon collaboration.
It wasn't that you two didn't understand this conclusion; after all, it was Diavolo that had pointed this out to the others. But perhaps in your eagerness to explore these feelings, it made you two ignore all the other details regarding this issue. That not only was a relationship between a human and a demon not viewed positively by most demons, but you were also dating their ruler, someone that lived by a completely different set of rules from others. Someone with expectations and priorities to meet, plus the possibility of needing the Demon King's approval as well.
And so, it should have only been natural and understandable what happened next, but the pain of it would still stay with you both forevermore.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" were the words Dia uttered to you one night while holding each other close. You hadn't yet mentioned your concerns to him, in fact you hadn't even finalized your decision on what you were going to do about it. But somehow, he still knew. Both of you sensed where things were going, even though you didn't want to admit it. You couldn't answer him that night, but you knew you'd have to eventually.
It was you that walked away first.
Maybe the honeymoon period of the relationship had worn off, or perhaps it finally hit you about the strange and even nasty looks other demons gave you when they saw you and Diavolo together. The whispers carried to both your and Diavolo's ears about the people's opinions. You didn't want to run away from the issue. But at one point, you realized that this wasn't something you two were meant to force.
Relations between humans and demons would grow eventually, if the exchange program and improved education had anything to do with it. But that change was still a long way off, and you owed it to yourself but also the ruler of the Devildom to cut things now, before any long-lasting damage was done.
You quickly and quietly sorted out a return to the Human World. It wasn't without protest from multiple parties, and surprisingly even Lucifer could not agree with your decision right away. But eventually everyone folded. You hadn't needed to mention your decision to Diavolo, either. He never questioned you again after that night, seemingly coming to a mutual understanding, and he permitted the portal entry without a word, seeing you off with some simple words of farewell.
Everyone else was uncomfortable with the situation but knew there wasn't much they could do to change your mind. They continued to visit you on rare occasion in the human world over time, providing their emotional support and distracting with silly antics. But no one could ignore the palpable tension in the air when you eventually decided to marry and Diavolo arrived to give his best wishes, a smile on his face but not in his eyes.
All you could do was remind yourself that you did what had to be done.
Catching feelings was never on Barbatos' agenda. Not that he was some cold, unfeeling robot, incapable of emotions. But he'd spent so many years at Diavolo's side, essentially "tamed" after all that time, always busy attending to the needs of the kingdom and the Prince, he didn't have time to entertain the thought of a relationship.
But upon you entering his life, his concept of his wants and needs completely flipped upside down. You did have to fight hard for his affections to start, but once he came to terms with how he felt, it was like something switched in him and the floodgates opened.
What was initially a business-like and cold demeanor, melted into a warm sweetness and a surprisingly playful personality. He would invite you for tea and sweets made specifically for you, even making baking dates on occasion; he was much more open in his mannerisms and jokes, and others would find him talking about you during casual conversation.
Diavolo was delighted, of course. Barbatos was extremely good at hiding his emotions, but his employer knew him long enough to see through it all. He loved witnessing his hard-working butler practically lovesick, his eyes always coming back to look at you during your visits to the castle, lingering a moment longer than usual during your meetings. Everyone else was just astonished by the effect you had on this stoic butler, and how you managed to bring out this seemingly new side to him.
However, the joy was not to last. Although your interactions were often limited to just within the castle, your few interactions in R.A.D. managed to catch the attention of a few students, leading to gossip and rumors about the strange influence of the human world exchange student.
At first it was just jokes regarding your ability to wrangle so many demons under your belt. But as time went on, the gossip became vicious, accusing you of purposefully trying to influence the Prince and interfere in Devildom matters. After all, if even you could get to the heart of the Prince's right hand man, what could stop you from getting involved with the Prince himself? Some commoner nobody that had no business getting involved?
Diavolo had warned before that the relationship between demons and humans was still a rocky one, but perhaps you hadn't fully understood the consequences when you chose to pursue Barbatos. And even Barbatos was guilty of wearing rose colored glasses as he came to know you and fall for you.
As the rumors only worsened, you both knew something would need to change, but perhaps you were a little more idealistic in your options than your lover, hoping for a choice that would please everyone.
But Barbatos had different priorities to consider, ones that were millenia in the making. And although he wanted to follow his heart, he yearned for it, his priority lay ultimately with the crown, and Barbatos was the first to walk away.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" you couldn't help but ask him finally. He had approached you at R.A.D. stating he needed to discuss an important matter with you, alone. You knew in your heart that if it was something school-related, he would make a formal meeting with the others involved. And the ever-spreading rumors regarding your "true intentions" certainly didn't bode well for a growing relationship, either.
Admittedly, your question threw him off, but the following silence was enough of an answer for you. In the end, your breakup was mutual, after he laid out his concerns and provided his evidence for his decision. But it didn't fix the gaping void left in both your hearts afterwards, and try as he might, the effect on Barbatos was clear as day. No one could find a way to refute your mutual decision, and you remained one of Barbatos' biggest regrets for all the wrong reasons.
Falling in love with you is as unexpected for you as it is for Simeon. He convinced himself that he felt the same for all humans, including you, though he believed every human unique and a special individual. But every interaction with you had him falling further and further into the rabbit's hole well before he even knew what was happening.
By the time he understood his feelings, he was tightly wound around your little finger, always eager for your attention and your love, and you were happy to give it to him. And although the others, particularly the brothers, were a little upset about your choice in partner, they were still happy for you two and felt it was a sweet match.
That's why everything seemed picture perfect, to start. You two went on dates, learned more about each other's respective Worlds, baked together, and you encouraged his creativity in his writing. He helped you grow and learn, but it wasn't one-sided; Simeon definitely changed as well, becoming more open to his own feelings and desires. You two were the picture perfect couple, in everyone's eyes.
But something nagged at the back of your mind, your gut telling you that something wasn't quite right. You did your best to ignore it, though, as Simeon really did seem to be the ideal boyfriend, attentive to your wants and needs, thoughtful and considerate and the very definition of an angel. You did your best to reciprocate and things seemed to be going smoothly for a while.
It wasn't until you spotted a feather on Simeon's bed one day, pure white at the base but noticeably darkened at the tip with a black you could only attribute to Lucifer's wings, that you realized your hunch was correct. Something, someone was causing Simeon to fall. And you just knew that you were the cause.
You didn't want to jump to conclusions, but it was difficult bringing up the concept of a fallen angel without making it obvious you were concerned for Simeon. And little by little, your suspicions were confirmed as you witnessed his behavior changing, his sins floating up to the surface more and more often and the occasional fallen feather measuring how much further he'd fallen.
You weren't even sure how to bring it up to him. Sweet, smart Simeon would do his best to either rationalize what was happening, or even worse, try to put the blame on himself instead of you, and any debate with Simeon was difficult to win. Time and time again, you considered how to broach the subject, but in the end, you couldn't do it right. You could only hope that leaving him would correct things, save him from this devastating experience.
The distance between you two started to grow, slowly at first, but Simeon eventually noticed the way you were slipping from his grasp. It wasn't long before others began to catch on as well, particularly Lucifer and Luke, noting the awkward air that formed between the two former lovebirds. However, conversations trying to investigate died on their lips, unable to make you answer, and you had none to give them anyway.
Simeon did his best to try to repair what was breaking, but it only seemed to push you further away each time, leaving him utterly lost. At least if you yelled at him, screamed, even hit him, it would be better than the utter nothing he was left with. But you couldn't bring yourself to say the words you needed to, the true reason for why you were drifting from him.
Simeon knew something was wrong, but he feared your answer more than anything, or rather the rejection he knew was coming, so he did his best to pretend even though he knew that was wrong. The right thing would be to confront you, be open about his worries and his desires, ensure you know that he would never blame you for anything that would come of this relationship, but he seemed to lose his words when he saw you.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" was uttered through his lips finally, one evening, but they fell upon no one's ears but his own.
Eventually, you were the first to walk away. When you did finally voice your decision to end things, he knew it didn't make sense, but he respected your agency enough not to question your feelings. It wasn't until years later he discovered the truth of it, but he never blamed you for it, although his heart ached just a little bit more, never having forgotten your love.
Solomon never intended to get this involved with you. He was simply intrigued by you, a human world exchange student that he later found out to be an incredibly powerful sorcerer that also managed to attract the attention of several high-ranking demons.
You were a fascinating person, a once-in-a-lifetime individual that he couldn't help but want to get to know better, to get closer to as time went on and be your guide. He couldn't help but be attracted to you, even more so than he thought, and that's what led to the greatest dilemma he's dealt with in ages.
Solomon avoided making close relationships with normal humans after repeat incidents of outliving them every single time. There was a reason he dealt with mostly demons and witches now, people that were a bit hardier that he wouldn't have to say goodbye to so soon.
But with you, he couldn't help himself. You were like a siren, calling him closer and closer with your sweet song, until he was totally ensnared. And it wasn't long before he realized what these feelings were, the tight feeling around his heart and the way his eyes could never leave you when you were in the room.
He knew he'd come to regret this, he always did, but his brain and his heart battled long and hard about how to deal with this. For a while, he let himself indulge in your presence, and the fantasy that he could have a normal life with you, move in together, get married, maybe found a new magical society together.
But as time passed, celebrating multiple birthdays together, and he started to notice physical signs of aging, gray showing in your hair roots and wrinkles developing at the corners of your eyes, it scared him about what was coming. Of course, he spent ages looking into ways to elongate a human's life, like what had happened to him. But he didn't even know how to broach that subject with you even if he had found a way.
What if you declined? Would you two try to settle for what time you had left, together, watching you slowly die as he remains unchanged? Could his heart even take that?
Or what if you accepted, but came to hate everlasting life like he did? What if you became immortal, but the never-ending years made the world bleak and gray for you, too? And you lost the light in your eyes? He would never forgive himself for that.
So he did the next best thing he could think of, and decided to not even give you the choice. Of course, it was easier said than done, but he couldn't figure out another way around it. He became more distant, less intimate with you, building up his walls again that you'd spent ages breaking down to begin with. At first you didn't quite catch on, but the more it happened, the more it dawned on you what was happening, although you couldn't place why.
"You're leaving, aren't you?"
He knew the question was coming, and he hated himself for how second-nature it was to feign a smile for you. You both knew the feelings you had for each other, but Solomon hid his worries and true reason for leaving in his heart, far away from you.
He was the one that stepped away.
He'll play it off as a loss of interest, that for an immortal like him, it was inevitable that he'd fall out of love at some point and to not take it personally. You knew this was bullshit, however, but couldn't find a way to get to the bottom of it. It was a very rough breakup, one that confused and saddened everyone else that had been watching you two get together, these two magical peas in a pod, inseparable and complementary to the other.
Asmodeus was ready to give Solomon hell for you, he was the most worried one of the bunch, and Barbatos knew too that something was off. But they couldn't do much as you refused. In the end, Solomon never confided his true reason for leaving, but you just knew it wasn't as cut and dry as he made it out to be.
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annwayne · 1 year
How the Batch Reacts to Omega Dating
I saw a post that put me off so bad I’m writing my own headcanon to offset it.
SFW, child dating (canon age or older in mind while writing), alluding to heart break and comfort over said heart break, parent & child relationships, mentions of "the talk" from a parental figure to a child figure, education on consent, education in self defense (thus alluding to, but not mentioning, possible dangers of dating)
As usual, if you enjoy please let me know! Reblogs, likes, and replies are welcome!
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He’s wary, honestly all of them are wary, but they also know Omega, knows what they have all taught her. Hunter trusts her. At most, he’s worried about an imperial trap. So he does his due diligence to see if there’s anyway this other kid is connected to the Empire. Usually, everything checks out. He waits up until Omega gets home. Even though he's been watching over Omega with his brothers for years by this point, he still gets plenty anxious when she's away. So Echo joins in on waiting for Omega. Conversation with Echo is the only thing that makes time pass for Hunter.
Crosshair helps Omega with her outfits and hair. I headcanon Crosshair as being really into fashion, but not so much for himself, rather he likes to help other people look their best. So he helps Omega pick outfits, does her hair, and gives any other stylistic advice if she asks for it. Crosshair has given Omega one talk about consent, and during that conversation he explained the importance of a yes, over the lack of a no.
Tech helps Omega plan dates, when she wants to plan them. He will inform her of weather conditions, optimal food locations based on holonet reviews, and any unique phenomenon that would be beautiful to watch with a date. (Little magical things like bio-luminescence, shooting stars, dancing fire flies-that stuff.) Tech has also given Omega a talk, but this one related to sexual anatomy, STD's, and the use of condoms/other safety material for sexual intercourse. He then gave Omega a packet of each kind of condom he explained.
Wrecker gives Omega 'material' to use on the date. Pick up lines, jokes, and riddles. Things like that. He'll also tell Omega about various food spots to try out-though all the places he's been, they've been together so it's more a reminder than new information. When her date comes to pick Omega up, either Wrecker, Echo, or both are there to wave them off. Omega knows how to fight, and has been fighting opponents much bigger than herself for awhile by this point, but Wrecker still goes out of his way to learn how to teach self defense. He includes it in with her regular training after he feels confident enough in the material to teach it.
Like mentioned above, Echo tries his best to be at the door when Omega leaves with her date. He also tends to stay up with Hunter, though, unlike Hunter, he can read, adjust his prosthetics, or clean them while waiting (Hunter kind of just waits and paces occasionally.) Echo help's Hunter pass the time by chatting. When Omega comes home, Echo is the one she goes to to tell about the date first. He's her enthusiastic support, and shoulder to cry on if needed. Echo will always remind Omega what she's worth, and will always make sure she knows it. (All of them do this to a degree, Echo just gets the chance to do it the most and first.)
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