#and then back to enemies
queen-haq · 1 year
Fic: Alive, Part 23
Summary: Aidan traced the thin chain around his neck, rubbing the infinity pendant between his fingers. No longer a symbol of their everlasting love, it was something he touched in anger when he thought of Sage. It was the only thing of hers that still remained with him after eight years, the last possession which still connected them together. When he 4did find Sage again, and he would no matter how long it took, he planned to destroy the pendant - and her.
Taking place across two timelines, Alive tells the story of Aidan and Sage, high school sweethearts driven apart by who they are and where they come from. Once enemies then lovers, their relationship runs full circle when they meet again in the present, now prepared to destroy each other.
My Masterlist (contains links to previous parts)  
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Later that evening after putting Ziyah to bed, Sage poured herself a glass of wine and headed into the den. Usually this was her time to relax but that was the farthest thing from her mind tonight. David was watching a movie and she took the seat beside him, offering a small smile when he reached for her glass. After an unsuccessful attempt at watching the movie, she finally gave up. "I don't think Aidan's leaving."
David took a sip of the wine. "What changed your mind? The other night you were so convinced he'd be jetting out of here."
"I was wrong."
"You mentioned he showed up at your office?"
"Yup. To tell me he bought the penthouse suite in this building. So now I have to worry about running into him everywhere."
"Jackass doesn't do things halfway, does he?"
"What exactly did he say?"
"That he's not going anywhere and he's willing to do things my way to make it easier on Ziyah. Blah, blah, blah."
"If I say something will you swear not to bite my head off?" David asked.
"I'm going to say it anyway."
"It's your head."
"Fighting with him is obviously taking a toll on you. You're stressed out, pissed off. Is it really worth it?"
"What should I do then? Just hand him my daughter?"
"That's not what I meant," David griped. "He said he's willing to do things your way, right?"
"Then use that to your advantage! Give him a chance to get to know Ziyah but you be the one to dictate the terms."
"I don't want him near us."
"Yeah well, he's not going anywhere until he meets Ziyah. So you can either compromise with him and gain some control over the situation or let him ruin what you've worked so hard to protect. You have every reason to hate him and his family. I get that. After everything that happened, who can blame you for wanting to protect Ziyah from them?" David wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Maybe the key to getting what you want isn't to keep fighting but to give him just enough rope to hang himself. He wants to play daddy, right? Let him. Show him all the work that goes into it, how hard the whole thing is, and maybe that'll be enough for him to give up on that idea. Once he sees how difficult it is, he'll go back to L.A and do whatever the fuck he does, and you'll never have to worry about him again."
"And how do you think Ziyah will feel about that, huh? Do you think it's easy for a kid to be rejected by a parent?” Her mind raced, her heart pulsed. "Unless... I don't have to tell her he's her dad, I could just say he's a friend or something. And that way when he leaves, she won't be attached to him."
"There you go!" He squeezed her shoulder as a sign of encouragement.
She took back the wine glass from David's hand and chugged the rest of the drink. Although still hating the idea of Aidan being around Ziyah, she realised David was right. When things became too difficult or too much for Aidan to handle, he had a tendency to run back to the familiar – as proven by how easily he'd abandoned her and returned to Cat once Sage refused to bend to his will. So all she had to do was be patient, and wait for Aidan's destructive habits to kick in when parenting proved more difficult than whatever fantasy he had created in his head. And then, hopefully sooner than later, he would finally leave and she and Ziyah could return to their normal routine. 
Finding some semblance of peace now that she had a plan, Sage leaned back against the couch. "I'm going to miss you when you leave."
"I'm not gone yet."
"I wish you could stay longer."
"Me too."
"Have you talked to Patrick?" His hesitation didn't escape her notice. "David, what's going on?"
"You sure? I'm here if you need to talk."
He replied with a half-hearted smile before falling back on the couch, snuggling against her. "Shut up and let me watch the movie."
"Fine," she muttered, resting her head on his shoulder. Tomorrow she would search for Aidan's contact information and set up a meeting, inviting the chaos that he always brought with him; tonight, however, when everything was still peaceful, she just wanted to cling to the comfortable life she had built for herself and Ziyah.
Sage entered the Shangri-la hotel and headed towards the bar where she was supposed to meet Aidan. Spotting a bathroom along the way, she made a quick stop to check her reflection in the mirror. Her stomach was coiled into knots, she felt nervous and sweaty – but her reflection appeared normal, composed even. She smoothed down the fabric of her suit, checked to make sure the hem of her skirt was even. A little voice in her head pointed out she never worried this much about her appearance, not even when doing showings for prospective clients, but Sage ignored it.
The bar, conveniently named The Bar, was tucked away in the northwest corner of the lobby floor. Upon entering the premise, she scanned the area and found Aidan at the bar. Surprise, surprise, he was talking to the very attractive bartender and, from the looks of it, she was flirting back. Not that Sage could blame the woman. Wearing jeans, a teal blue sweater, and a charming smile on his face, he looked good. Really good. Asshole. Feeling more tense now, Sage approached him. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
He turned towards her, the easy smile on his face now replaced with something a lot less warm. His languid gaze swept down her body, cold and judgmental. "Aren't you always?"
"Says the man who barged into my life and now refuses to leave."
"Touché." He grinned, standing up. "Let's get a table."
"This isn't a fucking date," she snapped.
He quirked his eyebrow. "Don't flatter yourself. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in hours."
"Why? To maintain your girlish figure?"
"Ah, you noticed." Aidan smirked. "Been checking me out?"
She resisted the smile that was threatening to break out. "Now who's flattering themselves?"
"Someone has to. You obviously won't."
He gestured to the hostess to seat them and soon they were sitting at a booth, big enough so that it didn't feel intimate – which was the last thing she needed to worry about. After he ordered a steak, a bottle of wine and some appetizers, they were alone once again. Awkwardness set in like a thick fog over them. It occurred to her there was a time when she used to fantasize about going out to dinner with Aidan at a public place, like a normal couple, without having to worry about Cat or anyone else bullying or insulting them, but Sage told herself to stop being ridiculous and get over it.
"If you play nice, I may give you a small piece of my steak," he said, bringing her out of her reverie.
She met his gaze. Aidan's eyes were a darker shade tonight, contrasting against the colour of his sweater. His handsome face stared back at her, his lips curved into a small, flirtatious smile. It was so easy to be swept away by him when he played up the charm, and just as difficult to get over the heartbreak when he was done and no longer cared. Although it had been years it still felt like it was just yesterday he had rejected her, thrown her aside for her sister, and she remembered the deep anguish all too well. "I don't want you anywhere around my daughter."
His smile dissolved. "Our daughter. I know you like to think you conceived her all on your own but you didn't. Do I need to go over the birds and the bees thing with you?"
"Fuck you. I've raised her on my own, I've given her a safe and loving home-"
"No one fucking asked you to do it by yourself!" His voice was heavy with anger and fully directed at her. "I could have helped! I could have been a part of her life from the very beginning but you took me out of the equation. You had no right to do that!"
"So what is it that you want? Is this about ownership for you, about possession? She has your genes so now you feel like you have to claim her, maybe dominate over her?"
"No!" he griped, disgusted. "I want to..." He exhaled a resigned sigh, reaching for his glass of wine. "I want to get to know her. That's all. Why is that so hard to understand?"
His sincerity was almost enough to weaken her resolve – until she remembered the danger that surrounded him. "I don't trust you, and the thought of you being around Ziyah scares the crap out of me."
Pain flooded over his features, as if she had physically hurt him.
"But I also know how much of a stubborn jackass you are and you're not going to give up anytime soon."
"You're making me blush," he deadpanned.
"I don't want to spend my time arguing or worrying about you. It's not good for me and it's definitely not good for Ziyah. She might be a kid but she can sense when things aren't right."
"What do you have in mind?"
"I have conditions. And before you start bitching at me about them, you need to know this isn't for me as much as it is for Ziyah. I have to protect her no matter what. I'm her mom. That's my job."
He gave her a small smile. "Okay."
"She can't know you're her dad, at least not yet."
"Because how do I know you're not going to get bored and take off next week or next month? I don't. And when that happens, I'm going to be left with a daughter who'll be heartbroken. I can't bear that. I remembered what being rejected by a parent felt like. I don't want her to experience something that horrible."
Suddenly Aidan leaned in closer, his gaze boring into her. "I'm not going to leave. You have my word."
"Your word doesn't mean anything to me," she replied, hating that her voice trembled with emotion. "Until I can trust that you're in her life for good, she can't know you're her dad. It's as simple as that."
He watched her for a long time, almost daring her to break eye contact, but she refused to look weak in front of him and held his gaze.
"Fine," he finally relented. "How are you going to explain my being around all of a sudden?"
"I'll just tell her we're friends. She's a kid. She'll buy it."
"Friends, huh? Is that what we are now?"
"No, but we don't need to be. We just can't be at each other's throats in front of Ziyah. That's not a good environment for a child to be in."
The food arrived then, just in time to distract from the hostile energy that had taken over between them. Shortly after she was nibbling on some deep-fried spring rolls and watching him wolf down his steak. He wasn't kidding when he'd mentioned being hungry. By the looks of it, he was positively famished. "What were you so busy doing that you didn't even have time to eat today?"
"That's none of your business, is it?"
"Is this how you're planning to talk to me in front of Ziyah?"
"Do you really think I would do that?" he fired back. "You're not the only one with a shitty parent. I had one too, and I remember what it was like growing up in a house and being terrified of him. I hated how he spoke to my mother and me, like we were fucking things that he owned and not actual human beings." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a swig of his drink. "Whatever is happening between us, you and me, I'm not going to bitch you out or disrespect you in front of her. And before you list this as one of your conditions, I don't intend to go against any decisions you've made for her either. As far as Ziyah is concerned, you and I are a united front."
His words stunned her, mostly because she hadn't expected that level of understanding from him.
"What else? What other conditions do you have?"
She took a breath before speaking. "Ziyah can't have any contact with Cat, Theo. Any of them. And your mom."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
She braced herself for a fight. "I don't want my kid being called names, or being treated like shit. No one should have to live with being bullied, and your friends and family? They're bullies. They're horrible people, they're disgusting, and I won't let my daughter be exposed to them. I don't give a fuck that they matter to you or they're important to you. What I care about is Ziyah and I'll die before I let any of them near her."
"Don't hold back. Tell me how you really feel," he said flippantly.
"I'm not budging on this."
"They're not just my family, they're hers too. Sooner or later, she'll have to meet them."
"Not if I can help it."
"Is this really about Ziyah? Or you?"
Sage shook her head. "Of course you don't get it. I don't know why I expected any different from you." Taking out her wallet, she threw some bills on the table. "Forget this. Forget I even came here," she muttered, refusing to look at him as she gathered her things together.
"Yeah, keep running. That's what you do best, right?"
Not bothering to respond to his condescending tone, she stormed out.
The morning had started off like any other: a sparring match with Cat at home and then dealing with the constant buzz of malicious gossip about herself at school. Although Sage had perfected the art of acting impervious, it was hard to keep up the charade when a nastier-than-usual rumor reached her ears. Yesterday's gossip blast was all about how she'd fucked three guys, one after the other, in the men's bathroom to get her hands on some molly; today, there was something new to fuel people's interests.
"What's going on?" David asked, joining her as they followed the crowd of people in the hallway.
"Locker check or something."
"Why are the cops here?"
"They received a tip someone was selling drugs in Belleville," someone replied from a few feet away.
"Why don't they just question Marcus? Everyone knows he's the one you call when you need a hit of something," David griped. "Wait a sec. If they find porn in our lockers they can't arrest us for that, can they?"
"They'd have to arrest all the guys in Belleville then," Sage replied. "I doubt that's going to happen."
"I hope so."
They watched as a police officer and his dog walked the hallway, occasionally stopping in front of lockers to check them. Soon they were near Sage's section when the dog started sniffing her locker. Even though there was nothing suspicious contained within, her stomach still turned with anxiety.
"Ms. Alvi, can you please open your locker for us?"
Sage shot a worried look at David before doing as requested. Nervousness turned into a sick feeling of dread as she stepped aside and allowed the officer to search through her things. A second later, he pulled out a variety of bags from the back of her locker.
"Those aren't mine!" Sage insisted.
"Ms. Alvi, I need you to come with us."
It didn't matter how much she protested; her pleas fell on deaf ears as they led her away from the gathering crowd.
After spending the last few hours in the police station being interrogated by the cops and then lectured by Thomas and his lawyer, she was finally back in the poolhouse. The events of the past few hours flashed through her mind. Someone had put drugs in her locker, enough to make sure she would be charged with possession for sale. And with her recent bout of troubles at Belleville, they were all too eager to believe she was capable of that. The cynical part of her wondered if the authorities would be more lenient if she had been white. Unfortunately, despite having a father who was, she wasn't afforded the benefits of the privileged.
Closing the door behind her, she stared blankly at her surroundings. She was tired, of this place, her father and his family, of continuously fighting with everyone. Her mind was exhausted, her heart broken. For a while there she had been happy, deliriously so, when she and Aidan had been together but now the thought of him just filled her with shame. He'd used her and she had allowed herself to be used, letting herself believe he cared about her, even loved her. With everything falling apart, he'd been a lifeline she had desperately clung to – but it had been an illusion, nothing more than lies.
In the end, with Layal gone, she was alone. Always alone. And that was never going to change.
She walked to the bed, took a seat. College had been the light at the end of the tunnel, the one thing getting her through this hellhole, but now, because of these trumped up charges, even that dream was quickly dissipating. Everything was dark, her future bleak, and there was no escaping it.
The knock on the door woke her up. She glanced at the clock. It was a little after 8am, only a few hours had passed since she'd returned from the police station. About to get up to answer the door, she stilled upon hearing the jiggle of keys. A second later, Cat stepped inside. Dressed impeccably like she always was, Cat greeted her with a smug smile on her face, positively preening.
"Damn. You're still here."
"What do you want, Cat?"
"You. Gone. For good."
Cat strutted across the room, stopping halfway between the door and the bed, carefully scrutinizing the area. "We're going to have to steam your stench out of this place when you finally leave."
Sage forced herself to remain calm. "It was you, wasn't it? You put the drugs in my locker."
Cat met her gaze, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Maybe. Then again, you've pissed off so many people it could be just about anybody. Tish. Marcus. Aidan."
Sage wondered if this level of despair would haunt her forever. There seemed to be no end in sight, no matter where she turned.
"Nothing to say?" Cat jeered.
Despite how she felt, Sage refused to break down in front of Cat. "Leave now, Cat, or you'll be needing a plastic surgeon to fix your face once I'm done with you."
"And you wonder why people hate you. You're trash, Sage. And instead of being grateful that we let someone like you around us, you act all superior. No wonder Madeline hates you so much."
From the slight inflection in Cat's voice, Sage knew right away who was responsible for setting her up. Madeline. Aidan's mom. And she obviously did it with Cat's help.
Swallowing an audible breath, Sage stood up. "I'm going to count to five, and you know what'll happen once I reach the end." Before she made it to three, Cat scurried out of the room. Taking a deep breath, she pondered the bombshell her sister had dropped. Madeline was the one responsible for these charges but Sage couldn't figure out why. It's not like she and Aidan were still together so why was his mother out to get her now?
As much as Sage hated the idea of contacting Aidan, she had no choice. He was the only one who could explain Madeline's motivations because, frankly, Sage had no clue. She picked up the phone, dialed his number, growing increasingly tense as the phone rang for several seconds. Finally, he picked up after the third ring.
The way he whispered her name with such longing made her insides churn. It was hard for her to breathe, let alone speak.
"Forget it. This was a mistake."
"No, don't hang up. Please."
Every instinct in her body told her to end the call but her heart... her heart leapt up in her chest, surging with emotions.
"I don't know why you called but I'm glad you did. I miss you, Sage."
She remained silent, unable to respond.
"I know you're pissed at me, you have every right to be. But I swear I'll change, I'll be better, I'll never hurt you again. Just please give me another chance."
"That's not why I'm calling!" she replied quickly, before his words were able to break through her barriers. "I'm in trouble."
"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding panicked.
"I was arrested today. The cops searched my locker and found drugs in there."
"Marcus." Aidan's terse words were laced with anger. "He must have planted them there. When I get back-"
"It wasn't Marcus. Or at least he didn't work alone. It was your mom who set it up."
There were several beats of silence before he finally answered. "Sage, come on. Why would she do that?"
"That's what I'm calling you to find out. You and I are done; we're not together anymore and she doesn't need to worry about me. So why is she out to get me?"
"Don't you think you're being a little paranoid right now?"
Of course he didn't believe her. It was foolish of her to assume that he would. After all, Aidan was one of them. "I don't know why I thought you'd help me."
"And I don't know why you're so determined to blame my mom for this. What makes you think it wasn't Tish or Marcus that put that shit in there?" His voice softened, almost as if to lull her into a false sense of security. "I'm at my grandparent's right now. I'll be back in LA soon. Just hang tight for a few days until I'm home and then we can work through this together."
"Yeah, sure," she scoffed.
"Sage, I know things seem hopeless right now but you're not alone. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just wait for me. Please."
He sounded insincere, every word out of his mouth a ridiculous lie. How could she have trusted him in the past? Loved him? Cat's words from earlier rung in her ear. There was a very good possibility that it was Aidan who had planned this. She knew all too well what he was capable of when angry; thanks to his parents, he was an expert on manipulating people and doling out extreme punishment when he felt slighted – and yet there was a part of her that still refused to believe he would hurt her to that extent. Then again, it didn't matter. Even if Madeline was the one responsible, his refusal to believe the truth made him just as culpable in Sage's eyes.
"Say something," he urged, voice infused with fake desperation.
She hung up and turned off the phone.
With no one on her side she had to figure out a way out of this mess on her own – which meant she had to confront Madeline.
To be continued...
@tiki-tequila​ @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers​ @idaofinfinity​
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asterssunzephyr · 1 year
How did Shelby reacted at Gem murdering Ren?
Fwhip & Shelbys Interaction, Katherine & Shelbys
"SHE FUCKING KILLED MY BROTHER, FWHIP." "And shes my sister. Youre not laying a damn hand on her." "WHY NOT?! HE WAS MY BROTHER." "He killed Lizzie, Gem killed him." "SO JUST BECAUSE HE KILLED SOMEONE, HE DESERVED TO DIE?!" "LIZZIE WAS MY FRIEND. You do not get to say shit about her or what Gem did." "Youre not stopping me from doing this. She'll fucking pay."
"Shelby?" "Wheres Gem." "I dont know right now, why are you here?" "She killed my fucking brother, Kat."
Katherine wanted to glare, to send her back to fwhip, but she faltered. Apparently that gave Shelby enough time to shove past. It didnt, however, give her enough time to get very far; Katherine grapped her wrist and prevented Shelby from storming through the base any further. In turn, Shelby spun on their heel and the two were now in each others faces.
"Let me Go." "Youre not getting revenge on my friend." "Ren was my fucking brother!" "AND SCAR WAS MINE! YOU DONT SEE ME HUNTING THE GUY THAT KILLED HIM!" "....." "Youre not hunting Gem down, and you have 5 seconds to get out." "Ill fucking kill her, Kat." "You have no right to call me that anymore." "Why not?" "Because you decided a long time ago to be a villain." "What I chose to do doesnt mean shit. Youre still my friend." "You almost killed Jimmy. He was your friend too." "He got in my way." "To what? Killing me?" "I-.. You think i wanted to hurt you?" "You hurt Jimmy, and seem pretty fucking fine." "..I'd never be able to hurt you.. not now. Not ever again." "....Get out." "....Fine."
And so this is how Katherine prevented Shelby from killing her(Kats) best friend! Woo!
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buggachat · 6 months
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Part 183 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
#I AM LOUDLY PUSHING THE BATDAD AGENDA#anyways— add ons are encouraged i wanna talk more dpxdc with folks i just cant find any aus i really like enough to engage with#which is nobody's fault and its why im making my own content in order to reach more people#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dc x dp#dpxdc prompts#i took a ‘which batfam member are you (except its personal)’ quiz a few days ago#and got bruce wayne. and then was promptly read to filth why im most like him and it rudely but accurately explained why im the most like#him. it also consequently explained to me why i like him so much. whenever i see him in his kindest form i see a mirror looking back#anyways lots of ‘danny rejecting bruce as a parent’ aus. may i present: bruce and danny finding family in each other aus. batdad aus pls.#dpxdc prompt#dcxdp#this prompt can take place at any point of Batkid accumulation but personally i was imagining this as before Bruce has any of his kids yet#eldest brother danny supremacy and also just that one on one bonding#danny being someone who was never afraid of the dark as a kid and even less so as he got older. taking solace in it as a ghost because you#cant hide in the dark when you glow. his enemies can't jump out at him. but he can jump out at them. how can he be afraid of the dark when#the dark is where the stars like to live? there's a comfort in the shadows. there might be something hiding in it. but he's hiding in it to#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon#wasn't sure where i was gonna go with this at the beginning and then i caught steam.#batman casually kidnaps an orphan upon kid's request. also the kid was Actively Dying Of Poison. What was he gonna do?? NOT help him?#mister 'keeps candy in his utility belt specifically for scared children'??? no way.
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Will the real FNAF Helpy please stand up?..
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hinamie · 1 month
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alongside someone like you
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#fanart#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#jjk 266#jjk leaks#i feel like i say this after every piece at this point but iam once again. SO TIRED#collapses dead#cries i did it again i ws up all last night finishing the first 1.....tht one took *counts* 8 hours...#got 3 hrs sleep n picked up where i left off on th second one at 8 in the morning#2nd one absolutely ruined me n made the third one feel like a herculean task . even tho its literally just them on a bed#rooms....KITCHENS......beloathed!!!! public enemy no1 kill on sight!!!!!!#hell is real and they make u render different rooms of houses from scratch no perspective tool no clue what ur doing#n they see how long it takes u to completely lose it#clipped yuujis bangs back tho n i thought tht was cute . silver linings#1ST ONE WAS SO FUN ALSO idk if its bc outdoor environments r forgiving or bc i had more energy n was fresh faced n hopeful or what#but it is by far my favourite. once again pulled out nearly every nature brush in my arsenal#third one meh simple safe soft w/e i was just so exhausted after th kitchen tht working on it was such a slog#oh ya i added a bunch of scars 2 yuuji's arms n lobbed off his ring finger sighs the yuuji injury list (tm) grows every minute#also HINA USE YELLOW CHALLENGE CLEAR golden hour in2 sunset my beloved <333 easy warm light + safe homey Peaceful vibes...bless#cries eternally thinking abt them let us have this let THEM have this pls thank u#ok i need to not look at these anymore take them enjoy my contribution 2 the domestic itfs pile
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kaahmbem · 3 days
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legend has it that the young witch circe and the once beautiful nymph scylla shared a complicated past...
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ihavesomejays · 1 month
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on first loves yunqing lol they are silly that's it that's the prompt anyways i think this is like the first thing i've posted here that has an actual background which is kind of insane. i think you can tell i don't draw backgrounds very often. anyways yunqing is so ponytail puller annoying each other even though they've realized they like each other core and it's satisfying my peepaw heart
bg only/closeups under keep reading
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imgonnagetyouback // mattheo riddle x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist: imgonnagetyouback - taylor swift / get him back! - olivia rodrigo
summary : mattheo riddle does not prank anyone , well asides from you and youve reached your breaking point.
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , swearing , jealousy, fighting , enemies to lovers
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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you screamed in horror as cold water splashed down on you , soaking your whole uniform , hair and bag.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" you screeched in pure horror , you looked around the hall in search of a certain smirking face you had come to know all too well.
every student in the hall stared silently , many laughing and some first years looking scared at your angry demeanor. however the one who laughed the most was mattheo riddle , of course.
the boy who has tormented you since first year , endless pranks , endless teasing and zero remorse - mattheo riddle. you dont know what you did to deserve it , but you could easily say it had made you hate the boy more than anyone on the planet. it started with mean nicknames , getting the whole year to call you snotty in first year just because you blew your nose into a tissue in class once. it makes no sense right? completely unprovoked!
"oh dont you just look lovely, baby" mattheo smirked as he walked towards you , holding the bucket he had used to dump water all over you with a simple levitation charm.
"im going you KILL YOU MATTHEO RIDDLE!" you screamed , standing right in front of him and grabbing his collar.
"wow calm down sunshine , its just a bit of water," his smug expression never left his face as he started down at you , his eyes flicking down to your chest where your bra was clearly visible due to your white - soaked - shirt.
you gasped in horror , removing your arms to button up your robe and hide it , " you fucking pervert!"
he held his hands up in defense, "they looked at me first"
"merlin i really really hate you mattheo riddle , rot in hell!" you screamed in his pretty face , running away and pushing past people to get to the hufflepuff common room. mattheos eyes followed you , grinning before walking away when you finally left his sight.
"ive got to get him back! hes gotten away with bullying me for too long!" you ranted to your best friend cedric who sat on your bed, listening to the rant he had to endure nearly every day.
"he isnt bullying you y/n , hes teasing you because he likes you," cedric said for the 1000th time since you came back to hogwarts from summer break.
"cedric, hes made my life hell! i hate him and his stuid face GOD!" you groaned.
cedric just stared up at you , bored , "he makes fun of you fir being a hufflepuff right? -you nodded- then charm all his robes to hufflepuff ones then. if hes such a egotistical slytherin that you say he is , he'll hate that"
you grinned excitedly , "yes! his ego is bigger than the whole castle , itd ruin him!"
cedric smiled at your happiness as you hugged him , "thanks ced , love you!"
he laughed as you grabbed your wand and ran out of your dorm , leaving cedric to sigh and get up , following you.
the next day your leg bounced in excitement , you had suceeded in making his robes hufflepuff and now it was time to see him angrily burst into the great hall.
"y/n? earth to y/nnn," cedric sang , waving a hand infront of your face , finally catching your attention , "youre gonna make it obvious it was you."
"oh i want him to know it was me , it is so on!" you said quickly , turning back to the enterance of the great hall as cedric sighed in defeat , continuing his talk with the hufflepuff captian.
then a grinning mattheo , wearing a hufflepuff robe and tie walked into the room , looking around until catching your eye and smirking.
you gasped in horror , why is he smiling?!!
you continued to stare at him as a ravenclaw boy walked over.
"like the robes mattheo," the boy said as mattheo smirked.
"thanks my girlfriend got me them , y/n," mattheo said back happily as your face twisted in horror , immediately rising from the hufflepuff table and rushing over.
you stood in front of the smirking slytherin and shook your head at the ravenclaw, "hes NOT my boyfriend dont worry!"
mattheo looked down at you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind , resting his head on top of yours , "oh i am"
you felt heat rush to your cheeks as the ravenclaw boy just nodded in confusion before walking away silently.
horrified you turned around to face mattheo as his arms remained around you , "what the fuck are you doing!!"
"what? you gave me some hufflepuff robes it was clearly a decleration of your little claim on me , love" he smirked at you , playing with your hair with one hand.
"i would rather die! take the robes off!" you shouted as you tried to wrestle the robe off of him , he had no reaction and just smiled at you.
"stripping me down infront of everyone? i didnt see you as the type but im all in, " he said with a wink.
you immediately stopped what you was doing as his hand grabbed yours , pausing your attempt to take off the hufflepuff tie , "stop telling everyone im your girlfriend riddle , its weird!"
"manifestation am i right?" he laughed , bringing your connected hands down as you scoffed.
"youre so annoying!" you shouted in anger , turning around to go sit back down at the hufflepuff table.
"merlin im gonna kill him!" you vented to your friends once you sat down , but they all looked besides you , "what?"
"meeting friends so early , wow we really are going fast!" mattheo grinned next to you.
"go away riddle!" you seethed.
"y/n you dragged him here.." susan said pointing down to your hand still holding mattheos , you gasped in terror and let go quickly.
"go! shoo!" you pushed him away like a wild animal.
"i cant , im a hufflepuff now so im sitting here," mattheo smiled before grabbing a plate and scooping food onto it , resting his arm around your waist.
you stared at him in disbelief , "UGH!".
he simply grinned at you pulling you in closer to him , how you remained for the rest of breakfast.
"so i assume you know a certain wild animal called , mattheo riddle , right?" you whispered to the twins who nodded in unision , "well you must know how hes tormented me these past years. i need to get him back."
the twins looked at eachother with smirks , signalling for you to step closer as to not be heard by anyone in the corridor you had rushed them into , "we think the best way for you to get him back is to make him jealous"
"jealous?" you asked in confusion, backing away , "cmon guys youre the kings of pranks please just give me something to make him smell really bad or something-"
"no y/n. first of all thank you but trust us , you want to know the first fight mattheo riddle got into?" george asked as you nodded in intruige.
"it was with a guy that was going to ask you out in third year," fred finished as george cringed recalling the brutal beating.
"what?!" you gasped , "a guy was going to ask me out and that litlle DEVIL ruined it?!".
they both looked at eachother and sighed , "that isnt the point dear y/n. just...just do as we say. you need to get a fake boyfriend - like cedric , and make sure everyone knows. believe us , you will see mattheo riddle just as angry as you are when he pranks you."
you sigh in defeat , "okay. i just need to convince cedric."
they both nodded and stepped back from the secret huddle the three of you had formed , "good giving revenge advice to you little miss hufflepuff, good luck."
you nodded slowly as the three of you walked in opposite directions.
"cedric please!! the twins said its the only thing that will work!" you whined as you grabbed cedrics arm , stopping his pacing around your dorm room.
"and i agree with them but why did it have to be me!-"
"ced , youre my best friend , if i had to fake date any guy itd be you." you reassured him as he finally met your eyes.
there was a long pause before cedric sighed in defeat , "fine , but dont you dare kiss me!-"
"cedric i know your first kiss is reserved for miss cho chang , dont worry!" you laughed as he cracked a small smile.
over the next few days you made the effort to hold cedrics hand more ,laugh at his jokes more and tell everyone possible how much of a lovely boyfriend he is. the word had travelled pretty fast and the second it reached mattheo riddle his whole damenor changed.
you were currently sitting at the hufflepuff table with your head on cedrics shoudler , facing the slytherin table and a very angry mattheo riddle who tightened his pale fist.
you laughed at susans joke , before hearing an abrupt slam on the slytherin table , no one else seemed to notice or care but you watched in fear as mattheo riddle jumped from the table and stared straight at cedric , beginning to come over.
in a panic you grabbed cedrics face whispering in desperation, "kiss me cedric!"
"what no!" he whisper yelled in horror , finally catching a glimpse at the fuming riddle heading his way as he gulped at the sight, "why!?"
"the weasley twins told me when he reaches a breaking point we have to , please! i have to get him back after all these years!"
cedric sighed in frustration , "you owe me!"
you nodded as you both moved closer to eachother , lips about to touch until -
cedric got roughly dragged from his seat on the bench , mattheo holding his robes and punching him.
you gasped in suprise not having truly thought of the consequence a raged mattheo would have on cedrics safety , jumping up from the table you watched cedric land a punch on mattheo face.
you cringed at the sight as you tugged on mattheos arm , finally pulling him away from cedric.
"get off of him mattheo!" you shouted.
"tell him to get off you first! ill fuck you up golden boy diggory-!" mattheo shouted at him as cedric attempted to jump back onto him , resulting in you stomping out of the hall , dragging mattheo along with you.
finally getting to your dorm you opened the door and shoved mattheo in , slamming the door behind you.
he staggered slightly before you pushed him down on the bed , pacing around the room as he sat and watched.
"what the fuck were you doing!" you exclaimed.
"i was teaching that dickhead a lesson!-" he argued back , being cut off by you pointing a finger in his face.
"DONT call ced a dickhead!" you screamed.
"ced?! CED?! fucking hell he even has a nickname, " he scoffed sourly.
"hes had a nickname for years , hes my bestfriend!".
"yeah cause bestfriends kiss eachother and tell everyone theyre dating right?!" he shouted back.
you paused at this suddenly realising why he had fought cedric in the first place , because of your stupid plan you only now realised was never going to end well.
turning to look mattheo in the face you silently walked towards him , stopping infront of him as he looked up at you. you stared down at him, noticing the bleeding cut on his cheek and running to grab your first aid things in your drawer.
you stood infront of him again, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up at you allowing you a view of the cut as you grabbed a band-aid from the small box. he watched you with softened eyes as you wiped the cut softly and delicatly placed the band-aid.
"im sorry," you whispered letting go off his chin as his hands went up to your hips , pulling you in between his knees, "i had this stupid plan of getting back at you - the weasley twins told me youd get really angry if i pretended to date cedric. i guess i only just realised why you got so angry."
"why did i get so angry?" he asked softly , wanting to hear you say it.
"you love me." you whispered as he bit back his smile.
"since first year.... i guess im just not good at showing it." he sighed.
"dont mattheo , its my fault too , i was way too oblivious to your feeling and my own feelings . if i realised earlier then this wouldnt have happened-"
"wait. you....have feelings for me?" he asked with hope and desperation.
you paused before nodding , "if i hadnt liked you the whole time i wouldnt have continued to interact with you. i definetly wouldnt have let you hold my hand or my waist. i wouldnt have put in so much effort to get you back... i just didnt realise that througout this whole thing , you were the only person i tolerated teasing me for years."
he chuckled , "i wouldnt say tolerated , i ended up with a few bruisies."
you both laughed at this as he stood up , now towering over you, "im sorry for fighting cedric....and every guy who asked you out in the past."
"i always found it weird they ended up in the hospital wing and ghosting me the day after," you laughed.
he shrugged ,"i couldnt just watch you be with someone else, the thought of it literally tears me apart."
"yeah well youre not alone , remember when that ravenclaw girls hair turned neon yellow after you went on a date with her?" he nodded slowly , "yeah that was me."
he howled with laughter at your confession , remembering the scream of the girl when her hair transformed the day after his date with her.
"youre not alone either , i only went out with her to make you jealous," he confessed too.
"i knew ittt" you sang as he scoffed.
"no you didnt!"
"youre right i didnt," you shrugged.
once his laughter stopped he rested his hand on your cheek , "lets make a deal , no more pranks and no more fights."
you nodded.
"when youre angry with me just...kiss me" he said looking from your eyes to your lips as they pulled into a smile and crashed into his.
first year you is gagging in disgust.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Strange courtship gifts
The last thing anyone would expect is for the Joker to believe in the supernatural, but apparently Gotham was in luck, because the clown was about to make a deal with the King of all ghosts to revive his prized foe.
Said King was not happy about the request, nor did he care about the clown's feelings, but he knew it was a necessary evil. Or at least, that's what Clockwork told him; of course, Danny didn't intend to do anything for free.
The Joker got his wish, Bruce came back from the dead and Danny wondered what he should do with the clown's soul. With a shrug he decided to put it to the best possible use and wrapped it in a little bow before handing it over to Jason Todd.
Jason thought it was a joke, a cute guy giving him a gift out of nowhere and claiming that the frozen ball in his hand was the Joker's soul? Yeah, right.
However, John Constantine came through Gotham and it became obvious that it wasn't a joke and that the cute guy was more than just a regular guy. It also came with the feature that Bruce returned to the living, which made him strangely relieved.
And fuck, reckless or not, Jason needed to find the guy again and steal the air out of his lungs, because that weird ball was the best gift he'd ever been given in his life and it might as well be an engagement ring.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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An unbothered queen has entered, and subsequently left.
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vynnyal · 7 months
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Some comics
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bulbabutt · 2 years
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whats more terrifying? the idea that in this universe you're the leader, that you have no sense of humour, or the fact that raphael is funnier than you?
i like to call this one "leonardo meets his match"
part 1| part 2 | part 3 | more of this crossover
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hinamie · 3 months
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get these boys summer uniforms and cold beverages Stat
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drenched-in-sunlight · 4 months
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how hard is it gonna be for the blood to come off though—
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darklesmylove · 6 months
enemies to lovers be like
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