#and then the idea of still driving up to campus for my shift and my next class made me feel awful
victory-cookies · 3 months
was literally about to cry thinking about school today so I’ve decided to take a mental health day. what sucks is I feel bad doing that
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thought you might enjoy this one, raven ;) how about headcanons of rollo and malleus who are crushing hard on g/n reader but the twist is that reader is dating/in love with their mortal enemy...THE OTHER GUY. what will rollo and malleus do? try to steal reader away to spite the other person? I eagerly await to see what you'll do with this prompt!!!
*rubs hand together* They're both emotionally repressed and silly little guys that I will happily torment 😈 This prompt reminds me of fjsbsjxvksnwkw this video…
I can now use Dorm Uniform artworks for the banners, yay--
Curiouser and Curiouser…
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Emo Boi era? Emo Boi era.
Malleus is used to being alone. He’s used to it and yet… it has never felt this frigid, with needles of ice that prod his skin and scales with each step, the loneliness seeping into his blood and bones. The chill always comes when he sees you with Flamme—smiling, laughing—or when you turn down his invites to walk alongside him. “I already have plans with my boyfriend,” you’d say, and he’s encased in ice. “Sorry, maybe another time?”
It’s not just him that experiences the consequences of his gloomy mood. His classmates and the immediate surrounding environment also suffer. When Malleus passes, he brings with him angry thunder or hail the size of golf balls, floods the hall or brings a blanket of snow up to your knees. Everyone walks on eggshells, scared to do or say something to set him off.
He retreats from those rejected outings and spends the evenings alone, walking around campus to hit up all the gargoyle spots. Malleus laments to the gargoyles (and to Gao-Gao Dragon-kun), sharing about his romantic troubles. On the days when his mood is so sour he cannot even take his usual strolls, Malleus holes up in his bedroom with a blanket and a tub of ice-cream. He'll pout and indulge in the sweet frozen treat to chase off his sorrows, all while watching historical dramas and soap operas to temper his envy.
He savors the little victories, times when he’s able to have you for a moment of solidarity. Nothing is quite as enchanting to him as seeing how the sun blooms in your eyes when he performs what he considers such minor tricks—sparks of light that dance in the palm of his hand, a flower pulled from midair. (He considers flexing his magic small acts of revenge against Flamme too.)
... How is it, then, that you smile brighter still with him, when he abstains from the miracle of magic? The frustration is enough to make the light flicker out, and the flower crumble into ash. It’s not fair, Malleus thinks, that Flamme should come in to steal away the one I’ve had my eye on long before he has. Dragons can be territorial and possessive creatures—and you’re the treasure he’s guarded for so long.
His retainers awkwardly try to comfort him. Silver isn’t quite sure what to say, Lilia gently reminds Malleus that there will be others that take his breath away (“If you love them, then you must also learn to let them go,” Lilia had sagely advised)… and Sebek is Malleus’s personal hype man. He goes on for hours and hours about how “the human has poor taste in men!!”, shit talking Rollo, and extolling his young master. At one point, Sebek even advises that Malleus reveal Rollo’s misdeeds to you just to prove “the difference in nobility” between the two.
Malleus would be lying if he said he hadn’t considered any and all options. All it would take is the wave of his hand to decimate any rival, mage or no. Perhaps he could spin a curse to drive the others off, or simply whisk you away under the cover of night. But the longer he lingers on the ideas, the more they make his heart ache. No, he cannot bring any of them into fruition—he can't bear to see your happy expression shift to that of fright, the same way everyone else seems to regard him. Caving to his basest desires—it would be proof of the monster they see in him. It would make Rollo right.
It would be discourteous of me to intervene in another's personal affairs. It's his final decision, the mantra he recites to himself over and over and over again. Let go, and move on. Let go, and move on. Yet in his heart of hearts, he has not accepted it, cannot cut away the last of the threads that bind his feelings to you. Malleus is plagued by fitful nights, dreams that manifest as if just to mock him. In them, you're always shrouded in white, at some faraway altar. No matter how fast he runs or flies, he can never reach you. Other times, he's been forgotten entirely, not invited to the ceremony at all. Cast off into the darkness or a bog or an enchanted wood to stew and brood all alone.
He'll wake in a cold sweat and with an agonizing roar that shakes the entire castle. When Lilia and the others rush to his chambers to check on him, they find it in disarray. Items are thrown everywhere, the comforter cast off and the bed a mess from tossing and turning, ugly claw marks running across his curtains... The chandelier has fallen, the green-tipped candles of it catching the fabric on fire—and there he is, kneeling amid the flames, clutching at his head, his heart.
"Leave me be," Malleus snarls at his retainers. He knows the flames will not harm him, and they know it too. The least he can do is spare them from witnessing him in such a pathetic, distraught state. It’s over, isn’t it? He, the fearsome dragon, has lost to some self-righteous “hero”. His fairy tale’s happily ever after is impossible.
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He’s coping… coping and seething—
At first, Rollo thinks you must be mad, or playing the part in some cruel prank. How can anyone genuinely be attracted to such a repulsive, despicable villain like Malleus Draconia? He cannot fathom it—yet the longer be observes, the more frightening the truth becomes: those feelings of yours are genuine. Rollo then concludes something even more wild: that Malleus as bewitched you, cast some sort of dark magic that clouds your common sense. After all, how can you not see that Malleus is so very, VERY wrong for you?
Whenever possible, Rollo tries to preach, to warn you about dealing with the devil (yes, he outright calls Malleus that) and giving into temptation. He furiously implores you to reconsider, to think of your soul and to salvage it. Alas!! His words only fall on deaf ears. He curses, thinking Malleus’s enchantment far too powerful for him to overcome through typical means. Still, Rollo shall not relent.
His digs and sleights directed at Malleus seem to only become more hateful. When they cross paths in the hallway, Rollo makes it a point to purposefully bump into him on the shoulder--and you can bet this man doesn't hold bad when it comes to the insults. (Sebek tends to yell back in Malleus's defense, while all Malleus does in response is tut and tighten the arm he has wrapped around you.)
Rollo remains cordial to you (though you're not free from his lectures about how you should "renounce Malleus Draconia's hand"). He's still very much resistant to any sort of affection you try to demonstrate for him, be it verbal, physical, or otherwise, often shooing it away or deeming it "salacious". However, he's quick to change his tune if Malleus happens to be nearby, enduring your compliments and brief touches as he fights a blush from creeping onto his face. The blush is something he hastily conceals with his handkerchief and insists is "just the weather" or "a fever", nothing more than that.
There are instances when Rollo wonders why he's dedicating so much time and effort into saving one puny, pathetic person. His cause is so much greater than that, and yet he cannot tear himself away. Perhaps, he reasons, you are just that pitiful, and he feels sorry for you to fall victim to Malleus's machinations again and again. In his mind, Malleus is the monster that has kidnapped some innocent royal, and he, Rollo, is the saint sent to liberate them. Why is it, then, that he also sees your face everywhere even when he doesn't mean to? It's maddening to gaze into his fireplace and jolt back, thinking he has seen a ghostly face in the flames.
Much to Rollo's chagrin, his aide and vice president (and even the entire gaggle of enchanted NBC gargoyles) offer their unsolicited romantic advice. They demonstrate their unwavering support in other ways as well, often sneaking about to check on their beloved prez and making an effort to speak highly of him specifically in your presence. The gargoyles also (annoyingly) try to set a "romantic ambience" up by singing and tossing glitter down on you and him when you happen to speak. They're the wingmen Rollo didn't ask for--
It's ridiculous that they would think I have even a passing interest in seeking intimate companionship, Rollo quietly seethes. He doesn't understand where anyone would get that impression of him from. But everyone around him, even the folks of the City of Flowers, can see it for themselves. Rollo seems haunted by something, always looking over his shoulder with a longing in his eyes. The line between disgust and desire are gradually blurring, in spite of the man himself not recognizing it for what it is.
Rollo becomes increasingly frustrated that you refuse to listen to him, that you continue to hang all over Malleus like some brainwashed thrall. He doesn't even know what he's mad at anymore. At Malleus, for taking you for himself? At you, for being so stupid? At himself, for not being strong enough to bring you back to your senses? Maybe it's all three. It's become an obsession now, never too far from his mind and always gnawing away at his every thought. This fire under his skin, the urge to sin, sin, sin… He feels like he's going crazy--
When the anger has finally swallowed his sanity, Rollo, numb, comes to a singular dark conclusion: it's not him, it's you. It was always you, because all this time, you were in on this ruse. Of course. It was so obvious. How could he have not realized it before? You must be a mage too, one that had cast a horrible curse upon him, made him go mad with desire. Dangerous—you were dangerous, and he had to be rid of you just like he had to be rid of Malleus Draconia. For the world's sake. For his own sake, before fanning flames converged into another inferno.
And so he calmly takes out a plain white letter and matching envelope, penning an invitation to you. He asks you to come visit him in the City of Flowers, that he will be waiting for you at the top of the bell tower. You appear here as requested, and you’re greeted with an offer most ominous: choose him or Malleus; be his or burn like the wicked being that you are. There’s no humor to Rollo’s eyes, only a fervent fire blazing in the darkness. He awaits your answer, ready to cast his judgment soon after.
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junekissed · 2 years
campus cat dad
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member — uni bf!vernon x reader genre — fluff, humor, college au word count — 1.9k warnings — vernon calls reader his girlfriend but no pronouns mentioned, vernon is precious i’m gonna cry, the cat has the funniest name ever notes — lowercase intended. this is based off an actual club at my university that feeds and neuters feral cats on campus because i thought vernon would definitely be a part of it, he just likes the kitties <3 alley cat allies is also a real organization! if you’d like to help protect cats around the world you can donate here. this post isn’t sponsored or anything just a cute idea :)
thanks to @hyucks-rose for helping brainstorm :D
one reblog = one cat i will personally adopt
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“i told you, babe, i don’t have time to join any clubs! i have calculus homework!”
“but vernie, i know you’ll like it! just come to one meeting, please?” you protest, putting on your best pout.
he sighs, giving you a pout of his own. “just because there’s cats doesn’t mean i’ll like it.”
you tilt your head and give him a look.
“okay, okay, fine!” he relents. “i probably would like it. but i just don’t have time.”
“oh, just like you don’t have time to play games with wonwoo every day?”
he glares at you, but you can see the smile in his eyes. “one meeting. that’s it.”
you grin triumphantly. “are you driving or me?”
he grabs the keys from the hook by the apartment door, shoving them in his pocket and holding up a finger. “one meeting!”
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“hurry up! we have to make sure they’re still there!”
four weeks (and many meetings) later, you’re being hurried out the door by vernon, on your way to the south end of campus, having received a tip on the club’s website about a kitten sighting.
despite his early protests, vernon has quickly become the mascot of your campus’s chapter of alley cat allies, an organization that feeds and neuters feral cats and kittens before returning them to where they were found or helping them get adopted. 
vernon volunteers to drive everyone out for trappings and vet appointments, keeps bags of dry cat food in the trunk of his car, he even helped design club t-shirts for everyone. he dotes on the cats, and the club dotes on him. they’ve never had a member so enthusiastic about… well, everything.
the car rolls to a stop at the dorm parking lot and vernon jumps out, grabbing the traps and blankets from the backseat.
you follow him back behind the buildings, tiptoeing as quietly as you can so as not to startle any kitties you might come across. it's late, later than you've been out trapping before, but vernon didn't want the kitten to spend another night outside.
you yawn and help him latch the trap open, filling a bowl of aromatic wet food to attract the cats before laying it inside the trap, surrounded by blankets. it’s the time of year when the nights start to get freezing, plus covering the trap makes cats less wary of going inside, so he always makes sure there’s plenty of thick, warm fabric in his car.
vernon positions a small camera on the branch of a nearby tree, angled at the trap so you can monitor it from the warmth of his car. some days you’ll be out there for hours, hoping to trap a cat someone reported, but to no avail.
after putting the trap in a secluded spot, you head back to the car. vernon turns the car on and flips the heater on, stretching into the backseat to grab another blanket and stretch it across both your laps.
his phone is set up on the dashboard so you can watch the camera, so you grab the aux cord to plug in your phone to play some quiet music while you wait.
after over an hour and not so much as a rustle on the camera, you’re starting to get tired.
“vernie, it’s late, we gotta go home,” you yawn, shifting in the passenger seat. “we can’t stay here all night. and you told me you have an exam tomorrow.”
“it’s just geography, it’s not that hard,” he says, waving it off. “besides, it’s too close to winter. if we leave them out here they’ll freeze to death. c’mon, please,” he whines. “just a little longer. you can sleep, i’ll do everything.”
you sigh. “fine,” you say, settling in and pulling the blanket up higher around you. “but wake me up if anything happens.”
what feels like only seconds but is probably more like an hour later, you feel a hand gently shaking your leg. “baby, wake up! they’re here! it’s time!”
“who? santa?” you ask groggily.
“the cat!!”
a car door shuts as you sit up, rubbing the little bit of sleep from your eyes after your catnap. indeed, you can hear quiet mews coming from his phone, still monitoring the camera. 
before you know it the passenger side door opens, blasting you with cold air. grumbling, you throw your blanket in the backseat and climb out of the car, where vernon is waiting.
carefully the two of you go searching into the trees, walking as quietly as possible until you reach the spot where you hid the trap. and sure enough, there’s a little friend hiding inside.
“hi, baby,” vernon coos, lifting the cage gently to speak to the kitten. “it’s okay now, you’re safe. we’re gonna get you all cleaned up, and some nice warm food, and then…”
he keeps talking but you stop paying attention and the words fade out as you watch how enthralled he is with the kitten. the excited little face he makes and the sparkle in his eyes as he tells the kitten all about the wonderful life they have ahead of them.
he points the cage towards you, bringing your focus back. “this is my girlfriend, and we’re gonna take good care of you, little buddy.”
you giggle and tug on his arm, pulling him back towards the car.
back at your apartment, you take the cage upstairs and carefully transfer the kitten into a cat carrier as vernon runs some warm water to give the little guy a bath.
as president of the club, new cats always stay with you and vernon in your shared apartment until you can take them to the vet to get neutered and given all their shots. despite his calculus homework, he insists on driving you and the kitties to every appointment: the vet, the adoption shelter, the pet store. you always warn him one day he’ll get too attached, but he always laughs and gives you a kiss, telling you he already is.
“can we keep him?”
you look up, your hands still submerged in warm, soapy water.
“vernon, you know we can’t.”
“but why not?” he pouts. “we have to keep him over the weekend until the vet opens on monday, anyway. and you always said you wanted to get a cat together.”
“i didn’t mean right now!”
“at least wait til after the weekend. please? he’s so cute… we can’t just put him up for adoption. who knows how long he’ll be in there.”
you pull the plug from the sink, letting the water drain out as you hand vernon the kitten, where he’s waiting with a big fluffy towel to dry him off.
“he’s a kitten. kittens get adopted fast. if we’re gonna get a cat we should adopt an older one,” you say.
“why not have both?” he grins.
there’s a sudden mew, and you both look down at the kitten. “see, he agrees with me,” vernon says.
you sigh. “we’ll see what happens at the meeting tuesday."
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the weekend comes and goes, and vernon spends every second he can with his new friend. you come back from work saturday to see him sitting on the couch on his laptop, the kitten sleeping soundly in his lap.
you sneak a peek at his computer screen as you walk past, and hold in a laugh when you see the pet store website pulled up, browsing collars.
the next time you catch him researching, he’s on your apartment complex’s association website, reading about their rules on pets while he flicks a toy on a string around and the kitten bounces around happily.
when you climb in bed that night, vernon yelps and tugs the blankets from underneath you.
“hey, be careful! you almost sat on vernard!”
you almost spit out your tea. “vernard? are you joking?”
he grins. “it’s cute, right?”
you snort. “no. and he’s in my spot.”
“it’s his spot now. sorry, he claimed it.”
you roll your eyes and pretend to sulk away. “wow. can’t believe i’m sleeping on the couch because of vernard.”
he reaches out, grabbing your wrist before you can walk away. “no– wait! uh… vernard changes his mind. he’ll snuggle with me," he says. "and so can you," he adds quickly.
you giggle and get back in bed, gently petting the kitten now in vernon’s lap. “oh, how very generous, thank you, vernard.”
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as usual, vernon drives you to the cat’s vet appointment, but instead of sitting at reception and cooing at the other pets in the waiting room like he usually does, he insists on coming with you, saying “he doesn’t want to leave vernard by himself because he might get scared.”
he’s attached to the kitten, you can already tell; he treats him like his son. and when vernon shows up to the club meeting that tuesday, you know there’s no way you’re putting that kitten up for adoption now.
vernard’s been blinged out, wearing a sparkly black collar around his cone that stands out against his light fur. vernon carries him carefully in his arms and sits at the front near you so you can open the meeting.
instantly the room fills with awws as the members rush to see his new friend. the kitten yelps at the attention, turning its back to everyone and curling into vernon’s arms, hiding its face.
after everyone’s done fawning over vernard and giggling about the little cone on his head, you explain the successful trapping over the weekend, as well as his successful vet appointment yesterday.
unlike usual, vernon’s noticeably quiet the whole meeting, and when you glance over, he’s gently running his finger behind vernard’s ears. he’s purring so loud, you’re sure the entire room can hear.
you clear your throat. “one last thing for today’s agenda. seeing as we’ve become so… attached, to this kitten, i’ve been reading up on our constitution, and there’s nothing that explicitly says we have to release every cat we find. but if we choose to keep the cat instead of putting them up for adoption, we have to go to a vote.” you smile at vernon, who’s beaming proudly from his chair. “i motion we allow one of our members to adopt this cat. can i get a second?”
one of the members speaks up eagerly. “i second the motion!”
you nod. “all in favor?”
every hand in the room shoots into the air. no one would dare ask him to part with his best buddy, and the vote passes unanimously.
you grin. “alright, then the motion has been accepted.” 
vernon turns around, waving the kitten’s tiny little paw at the members. “welcome to the family, vernard!”
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taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @dokyeomblr @just-here-to-read-01 @ny0sang @noraehey @noniestars @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @matilde111
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jen-with-a-pen · 8 months
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Previous ⊹ Series
summary: The start of the week that changed everything. Bucky and Sam propose something that Steve shouldn't have agreed to. A good brother is a good brother, though... right?
pairings: Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!Reader
word count: 1.17k
warnings: Bucky and Sam are true frat bros, Clint and Tony are somewhere I swear, annoying roommates, plot development
a/n: never thought i'd see the day again but: here's chapter two! i'm excited to keep building this world and to drag everyone along for the ride. again: mind the slowburn and plot dev, i promise i'm getting there ♥
The most specialest of special thanks to two of my loves @vonalyn and @lunarbuck for helping me flesh out this idea and enable me in my destruction ♥ i owe you both a beefy alpha soon
gif by @paliaphrodite | additional graphics + dividers by me ♥
my ao3 | my masterlist | all tied up masterlist Read this fic HERE on ao3! ♥Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated as always♥
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Last Monday.
“Rogers! Rogers! We know you’re in there!”
“Yeah, c’mon, Stevie! We need t’ talk!”
Fists bang on the flimsy wooden door to Steve’s bedroom, threatening to break it down. Steve rubs his face with the back of a (cleaner) hand as music continues to blare out of his earbuds, charcoal dust from his latest drawing assignment now caking his desk, hands, and floor. He groans. Irritation and a slew of curses beg to launch off his tongue. Pressing his lips together tightly, Steve tosses his earbuds onto his desk and shoves back his chair. The legs scrape against the old wood flooring, screeching loudly and announcing his surrender as he walks to the door. He unlocks it– undoing the deadbolt, too– and swings it open, eyes shooting sharpened daggers at the stupid, knowing grins plastered on his frat brothers’ faces. 
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson beam at Steve, trouble and mischief brewing behind their eyes. 
As the heads of the household and leaders of the Sigma Beta Theta (ΣΘΒ) Fraternity, one of the oldest– and most infamous– frats in Richards College Greek life, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson were known campus and state-wide for their level of commitment in Greek life. Fourth years in whatever program they’re enrolled in, Steve couldn’t recall; some rumors claimed they were ‘Super Seniors’ who decided they couldn’t bear to part with their beloved frat. Others said they’ve been out of school, already graduated a year or two before, but were still allowed to run the frat since Bucky’s step-daddy was elected Dean a couple years back. The timing lined up, Steve had surmised, once he’d been pledged.
Sam and Bucky each prided themselves in their muscular, god-like statures to their own accord. Their builds were accentuated by broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, abs hard enough to crack an egg– and each had one hell of a sex drive, Steve learned, during his first night in the house. 
He adapted rather quickly to falling asleep with his earbuds in. The risk of choking on his own headphone cord was worth a better night’s sleep than lying awake to the constant thump thump thump-ing that came clearly through the walls surrounding his room. Every. Fucking. Night. 
But, Steve had to hand it to them. Even they weren’t entirely self-centered. They still thought and cared about their frat and fellow brethren: mandating daily workouts in the morning (no matter how early your first class is), requiring frat colors to be worn to every sporting event (even chess), and everyone being forced to take a minimum of three shots at every house-held party (including ones during weekdays, midterms, finals, and holidays). 
Steve had been reluctant since the moment he signed his name on the scholarship contract. Something that day made him feel as if he’d signed his life away. He knew that joining a frat was an integral part of his full-ride– that he promised his mother ‘college was taken care of’ so she wouldn’t have to pick up even more shifts at the county hospital. What he didn’t know was which frat to join. That part was up to him. Sigma Theta Beta chose him more than he chose it.
Steve blinks.
Sam and Bucky lean against either side of the doorway, waggling their brows at Steve and glancing from one another to him. Steve rolls his eyes, sighing heavily with an annoyed edge. He swallows the curses and puts on the most neutral tone he can possibly muster. 
Bucky hitches a shoulder and looks to Sam, who exaggeratedly clears his throat.
“Rogers! You gotta stop lookin’ so mean, man!”
“You made me mess up my drawing, again, man,” Steve seethes through clenched teeth. Sam waves a hand absently.
“Ah, you’ll be alright,” he scoffs, “anywho, Buck n’ I–”
“Don’t call me Buck,” Bucky growls.
“–ahem, Bucky and I heard from a lil’ birdy that it’s your birthday this weekend–”
“–and we were wondering,” Bucky chimes in, as if on cue, “if we could dedicate this weekend’s party to you!” 
Steve blanches. His brow furrows after a second, suspicion stabbing him in the gut. 
“You,” he points to both brothers, “Wanna throw a party this weekend. For me?” 
Bucky and Sam nod in unison, grins and gazes growing. 
“Yeah, man! You deserve it,” Bucky says, clapping a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Sam quickly copies him. It’s not reassuring in the slightest.
“Because! As an official pledge, newbies always get thrown a birthday party,” Sam drives an index finger into Steve’s chest.
Steve raises his brow, but buries it again after giving the proposal more than a millisecond of thought.
“My birthday was in July. I wasn’t even pledged yet.”
Sam huffs, smile faltering as he looks to Bucky with slight annoyance behind his eyes. 
“Uh, yeah! Yeah, it was, but,” Bucky mirrors Sam’s prodding finger digging into Steve’s sternum, “this is for your fraternity birthday. Plus, you’re the first pledge in three years, so you get an extra special celebration.”
Their grins begin to make Steve squirm. He pushes their hands off him. The whole thing feels dirtier than his own, charcoal-covered hands. He can see through their shitty façade of charisma, but can’t make out what’s on the other side. Whatever it is, it makes him feel uneasy and ungrateful at the same time.
He’s been the newbie for the last few weeks, and all he’s done is keep to himself and draw for hours in his room. He hasn’t made any real friends, aside from the exchanged niceties from a classmate or two in his gen ed courses. He should be getting out there, getting to know his housemates– his ‘brothers’– better, shouldn’t he? After all, he is an only child. He didn’t grow up with the siblings Bucky, Sam, or Clint did. Tony was an only child, sure, but Steve couldn't find another thing to even relate to the guy about. 
He should trust them, give this thing a shot.
Steve looks Bucky up and down cautiously before turning to Sam, sighing and plastering on a half-smile.
“Alright, sure. I’m game.”
Bucky and Sam erupt into fist pumps and high fives while Steve stands in the threshold with a knife in his gut jamming further and further into his innards. 
“You’re gonna have the time of your fuckin’ life, Stevie,” Bucky reassures him. His fingers dig deeper into Steve’s shoulder and he flinches at the bruising pain. For a split second, he swears he sees a glint of something dark in Bucky’s eyes. Something dangerous. He can’t help but respond with a mumbled ‘okay’ before the two leave to raid the kitchen downstairs. 
Steve turns back into his room, shutting and locking the door and before leaning back against it. His head falls back, cushioned by jackets and sweatshirts hanging from their hooks. He rubs his face, no longer caring about the gritty charcoal covering his face.
What the fuck did he agree to?
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
(I'm very normal about slasher party can we please have more pls pls pls pls)
I'm not doing anymore after this part. (Unless I get enough asks, then I may be persuaded or someone gives me a compelling idea.)
Rodolfo hugged himself as Soap came into the motel room and dropped the food he’d bought on the bed. They’d been in this particular motel for a couple months. “What did you get?”
“Just some freezer meals.” Soap shrugged and sat on the bed. “I found a kitchenette a couple towns over. Might switch to that one.”
Rodolfo nodded a bit and got up, going to microwave the meals. It was a bit of a silent agreement between them. Soap was working so they could afford the motel room and Rodolfo was taking care of it since he couldn’t work. 
“How was your shift?”
“Exhausting. It’s still disorienting getting used to Mark as a name.” Soap mumbled and laid back on the bed. “But… We’re surviving so I guess it’s okay.”
Rodolfo nodded in agreement. No one had really asked questions about why two omegas were checking into a hotel and seemed to be hiding. Well, the possibilities were kind of endless, weren’t they?
Rodolfo had checked the news, he’d seen that they’d been declared missing persons. He’d wanted to call and explain that wasn’t the case, but Soap had said no and told him that it might lead… Them to them. 
Them, being Alejandro and Simon. They’d figured out the second was Simon Riley shortly after managing to get away. Rodolfo winced as he was stabbing the plastic on the second freezer meal, getting a headache.
“Let’s go.” 
Rodolfo looked across the jeep at Soap and then looked to his right as he saw movement in his peripheral. He could see another alpha was crossing around the jeep to get to Soap. 
Soap met Rodolfo’s eye and then they both seemed to have the same idea because Rodolfo watched Soap yank open the door of the jeep and slam it into the alpha as he came around, right as Rodolfo jerked forward and then whipped around, kicking his leg out and connecting with Alejandro’s stomach. He reached behind himself as Alejandro stumbled back and grabbed the door handle, barely managing to get it open as Alejandro lunged forward.
Rodolfo tried to climb into it, crying out as his ankle was grabbed. He moved around to his back, hearing the other door slam and then Soap was grabbing him, trying to yank him into the car.
Rodolfo kicked at Alejandro’s hands until he managed to get him to let go and then he jerked forward as Soap started to drive, yanking the door closed. They peeled out of the parking lot and Soap got onto the road, his breath heaving.
“What do we do??” Soap asked. “Do we go back to the campus or?”
“Is the tank full?” Rodolfo asked, though he was already leaning forward and confirming that it was almost full. “Just fucking drive, Soap, don’t fucking stop until we are far fucking away from here.”
“Got it.” Soap nodded, grasping the steering wheel tightly. “Where will we go?”
“Any-fucking-where but here. Just… we’ll figure that out, later.” Rodolfo took deep breaths, trying not to let himself panic because if he panicked, he’d pass out and they couldn’t handle that. “Just… anywhere but here.”
“Got it.”
Rodolfo held his head, his vision feeling a little fuzzy. Fuck.
“Rudy?” Soap was over, immediately, making Rodolfo look at him. “Are you okay?” 
Rodolfo blinked away the fuzz in his sight and then tried to smile, nodding. “I… I wish we could get my medication again…” He mumbled. 
“I’m working on it.” Soap shook his head. “This alpha at my work, he said he can get his hands on any prescription medication, but… he doesn’t quite trust me enough, so I’m working on it. Okay?”
Rodolfo frowned but nodded. “Yeah, okay…” He tried, again, to smile, and then he went to turn around and work on the food, but instead, Soap nudged him to the bed. Rodolfo didn’t really want to argue with him over it, since his head was hurting bad enough, so he just headed that direction and climbed into the bed, listening to Soap microwave their food as he laid down. “This is exhausting… I wish we could go home.”
“Me too, trust me.” Soap sighed and then he was bringing Rodolfo over his food. 
Rodolfo sat back up, sighing and then taking food and starting to eat. “Maybe they gave up?”
“I really doubt that.” Soap made a face and sat across from him on the bed. “They don’t seem like the type.”
Rodolfo wasn’t sure he disagreed, looking down at his food for a moment. “It’s not fair… Why us?”
“I don’t… I don’t know.” Soap winced. “But, they’re not going to get us, I promise. I won’t let them.” 
Rodolfo hesitated before sighing and nodding, continuing to eat. “I trust you, Soap.”
“Good.” Soap nudged him. 
Rodolfo teared up as he looked around, recognizing the hallway. No, no, not again… He couldn’t be here, again… 
The doors swung open and he shook his head, sobbing. “Please… I escaped, I left…” Rodolfo pleaded, watching the alpha stalk forward and then crouch in front of him. “Please…”
“Silly Rudy…” The alpha murmured, trailing a knife down the side of Rodolfo’s face. He could feel it break the skin and he tried not to sob harder. “You’ll never escape me…”
Rodolfo hunched over as the knife was plunged into his stomach and he screamed, gagging on the sound of it. But he didn’t stop, he just kept screaming and screaming
and screaming
and screaming
“Rudy! Rudy calm down!” Soap was shaking him, looking down at him.
Rodolfo blinked open his eyes and looked around before relaxing and calming. “Sorry… I…” He touched his head and relaxed back into the bed. “Are you back from work already?”
“Yes.” Soap nodded a bit and sighed. “I… I figured out how to get your medication, but you’re not going to be happy…”
“Oh no…” Rodolfo sat up a bit. 
Soap winced. “He… He wants us to come to this thing with him and a couple friends. There should be a couple other omegas there, too. It’s just at this old warehouse.”
Rodolfo did not trust that. “Soap…”
“It’s just for a few moments so we can get your medication! He said he’ll even bring it out to the car.” Soap shook his head. “Rudy, you need your medication and he’s managed to get his hands on it and… We’ll just go by and we won’t even get out of the car.”
Rodolfo hesitated. Well, he supposed it should be no problem if they weren’t getting out of the car… “Alright.” He nodded and relaxed. It would be really nice to have his medication. To not be dealing with his head feeling so heavy all of the time.
Rodolfo got up and went to the little bathroom that was in the motel room, running himself a bath. He got in once it was ran and pulled his knees up to his chest, not surprised when Soap came in and sat on the sink. “How long do you think we’ll have to run before it’s over?”
“I… I don’t know.” Soap sighed, leaning his head back against the mirror. “I… don’t think it’ll ever be over.”
Rodolfo looked down, Soap’s words hitting him square in the chest. “Oh…” He mumbled and rubbed at his chest before looking away and laying his head on his knees. “What if we went to the police?”
“They won’t do anything, I don’t think.” Soap snorted. “They are historically useless.”
Rodolfo knew Soap had a point. Soap was known around campus as promiscuous and Rodolfo was hispanic. The cops might help them, but… probably not. “I just want this nightmare to be over…” Rodolfo mumbled. “I would like to go back to school.”
“I never thought I’d say this, but me too.” Soap snorted. “I actually fucking miss the place.”
Rodolfo dipped his fingers into the water and swirled them around before sighing and closing his eyes. “When are we going to move on?”
“Let’s give it another month and then we will.”
Rodolfo took a deep breath as he went around the grocery store. Soap was working a double so Rodolfo was having to do the very minimal amount of shopping that they do.  They didn’t need too much, just things like shampoo and some food. 
He made a frustrated sound at seeing the shampoo they used was on the top shelf. Oh, this was irritating. He went on tip toe, trying to reach and having to jump slightly. Even still, he was struggling since the bottle was pushed back a bit.
Someone came up and reached up, grabbing the bottle and getting it down. Rodolfo melted at the scent of alpha, leather and olive oil, hitting him. “Th-Thanks…” He mumbled, accepting the bottle and looking up at them before jerking back and hitting the shelf. Alejandro…
No. They stared at him with concern. A male alpha, but he had facial hair and glasses. And his actual hair was a bit longer. Facial hair was used, lightly, it was more of a light scruff. “Are you alright?” Considerably less of an accent, too. 
“Y-Yeah… You just looked like someone.” Rodolfo mumbled and looked away, putting the shampoo in the basket. “Thanks…”
“Of course. Didn’t like watching an omega struggle.” He chuckled.
Rodolfo blushed dark, now shy. He bit the inside of his cheek. “I don’t understand why the top shelf has to be so high…”
“Me either. Honestly, it’s kind of annoying having shelves so low, too.” He nudged the bottom shelf with his foot. “I’m Daniel, by the way.”
“Oh… I’m Rodolfo.” Rodolfo smiled a bit and nodded. “I um… I should go. Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” Daniel shook his head. “It was nice to meet you, Rodolfo.”
Rodolfo waved and then turned and left, getting the rest of the things he needed before quickly leaving. He started to walk to the motel, a little annoyed since it was a close to thirty minute walk. “Hey! Hey!” Rodolfo frowned and turned around, seeing Daniel was coming up to him.
“Oh…” Well, that was a bit odd.
“Are you walking?” Daniel asked as he got closer.
Rodolfo frowned. “Uh… Yeah. My friend has the car…”
“Oh. Well, I could drive you.” Daniel smiled at him.
Rodolfo only frowned more. This felt… off. He didn’t like the sound of this. “No thank you, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? I really don’t like the idea of such a pretty omega walking home, alone.” Daniel shook his head. “It’s a bit dangerous around here.”
No, this was definitely off. “Well, I walked here.” He joked, trying to seem lighthearted. “I like walking, I’ll be okay.” He went to walk away, yelping and jerking his arm away when it was grabbed.
“Woah,” Daniel frowned. “Hey, I’m just- Look, I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I didn’t at least make sure you got home safely.”
Rodolfo paused and then softened, now kind of feeling bad. “Oh… I… Okay… You can drive me home…”
Daniel relaxed and nodded. “Good, thank you.” He gestured for Rodolfo to follow and so Rodolfo did, following him to a black car. He got in when Daniel unlocked his door and hugged his bags to his chest. Then, Daniel also got in and Rodolfo told him the name of the motel he was staying at. 
He blushed when he noticed Daniel kept glancing at him and he leaned into the door, biting the inside of his cheek. He really hoped Daniel wouldn’t try anything. He was not interested in… anything. He just wanted to go home.
It was a quick drive and Daniel parked in the motel. “There.” He smiled and then unlocked the doors. 
Rodolfo gathered up his bags and then got out of the car, leaning down to thank him for the ride, before going to leave. “Wait-”
Rodolfo tensed and turned to look at Daniel. “You look familiar.” Daniel murmured and Rodolfo froze, immediately. Fuck, oh no.
Daniel narrowed his eyes and then he was getting out of the car and coming over. “You’re from the news…”
“News?” Rodolfo laughed, nervously. “I don’t think so. I’m not that interesting, though that sounds amazing.” 
“No, you- You were definitely on the news.” Daniel shook his head. “Or… you look really similar to someone who was. Whatever. Could I… get your number?”
Rodolfo blinked and then cringed back. “I… I uh… No.”
“Oh.” Daniel looked disappointed and then nodded. “That’s alright.”
Rodolfo relaxed. “Bye.” He turned and went up to the door of his motel, getting out the keys. Or… trying to, because he couldn’t quite seem to get his hands to work right. He took deep breaths and wrapped his hand around the keys.
Someone approached behind him and Rodolfo tensed. He turned around, about to tell Daniel to fuck off or he’d call the cops, but he was surprised that no one was there, in fact seeing that Daniel’s car was running. It was too far of a distance for Rodolfo to see in it but… Well, he doubted someone like Daniel would leave their car running.
So, he just shook his head, turning around and unlocking the door, finally, and going in, setting his bags on the table by the door and locking it before starting to put them away.
“Hey, let’s go.” Soap nodded, sighing. “I don’t want to be late, in case he changes his mind.”
Rodolfo looked up from where he’d been laying down and watching tv and frowned before nodding, sitting up and swinging his legs over the bed and standing. He’d told Soap all about Daniel and Soap had been pretty pissed that Daniel had the nerve to pull that.
He stopped and pulled his shoes and then a jacket on, since it was getting cold, and he went over to where Soap was standing by the door, hugging himself as Soap unlocked the door and then they went out before Soap was locking the door, again.
Rodolfo followed Soap down the stairs to the parking lot, frowning when he saw Daniel’s car was still there, though it was turned off, now. He… didn’t like that, admittedly. He didn’t say as such to Soap, though, not wanting to freak him out.
Instead, he just stuck close to Soap, following him to the jeep and getting in. Then, Soap was getting in and driving. It wasn’t a particularly long drive, quiet and mostly uneventful.
Rodolfo scratched his arms, looking around as Soap parked. “I have a bad feeling about this…” Rodolfo mumbled.
“Trust me, I don’t have a great one, either, but we need your medication.” Soap leaned back in his seat, getting out his phone and texting him. If Rodolfo was assuming, that is.
“What’s his name?”
“Uh, Sean, I think.” Soap sighed and shook his head. “He’s kind of a douchebag, but I can verify that he does manage to get his hands on the medication.”
Rodolfo winced but nodded and then reluctantly settled back into his own seat. “What if we… What if after this, we left and went somewhere along the coast?”
“I like that.” Soap nodded and smiled. “I like that, a lot. Find a little beach motel. I’ll get another job.”
“Yeah…” Rodolfo relaxed and looked at Soap, biting his lip. “We could stay there for a while. It’d be winter, but I don’t mind the coast during the winter. It’s actually kind of pretty, if I’m honest.”
“Yeah.” Soap nodded and leaned his head back. “I was… actually thinking of trying to find some way to get our hands on fake identities and just fully disappear. Try our hardest to live a new life. I don’t think they’d find us, then.”
Rodolfo hoped they wouldn’t. He couldn’t keep running and he was terrified of them catching up to them. “Yeah… I think it’d work.” He bit the inside of his cheek and then looked out the window. “Shouldn’t he have come out by now?”
Soap winced. “Maybe.” 
Rodolfo glanced at Soap, seeing he was also nervously looking out the window. “Stay here.” Soap sighed and got out.
“Soap- Soap-” Rodolfo tried to stop Soap, but he just shut the door and Rodolfo flinched back, his anxiety immediately spiking. So? He got right out of the car, rushing after Soap and up to the doors of the warehouse. 
“Rodolfo! Get back in the fucking car!” Soap hissed and Rodolfo shook his head. “Ugh… You drive me insane.”
Rodolfo winced. “I didn’t want to be left alone…”
Soap looked at him and then softened, nodding. “Fine.” They fully went up to the doors and Rodolfo hugged himself as Soap knocked, carefully. 
The door swung inward with a startling creak and Rodolfo swallowed. “Do you… Do you think we’ve been had?”
Soap looked pissed and shoved the door open, stepping into the warehouse. “We better fucking not have.” He growled. 
The warehouse was dark. Eerily dark. Rodolfo followed Soap into it, trying his hardest to make out anything. There was a movement in front of them, but it was side to side if Rodolfo was making it out correctly.
“Fuck.” Soap hissed and Rodolfo heard a soft thud into something soft and wet. “Gross.” 
Rodolfo cringed and backed up a bit, trying to find the wall to look for a switch or something, remembering most warehouses sometimes had a lighting system. He doubted Sean or whatever would have… a thing at a warehouse that had no light. Of course… he didn’t know Sean.
The wall didn’t have a light switch and Rodolfo took a deep breath. The swinging object behind him was making a deeply unnerving sound and made Rodolfo’s nerves high. He felt along the wall, but he was met with nothing but smooth metal.
“Rudy,” Soap spoke and Rodolfo turned in the direction of his face, jumping when a light was suddenly pointed at him, seeing that Soap had found a flashlight. “Come to me and we’ll look around, okay?”
Rodolfo nodded and carefully made his way over to Soap. There was a disturbing amount of mud on the floor, which Rodolfo could barely make out in the bare light from the flashlight. He finally made it to Soap and Soap started to point the flashlight around. It really was just a bare warehouse, having some high up platforms and a couple stacks of pallets, but nothing else.
Soap turned to the left and then a face appeared in the light and they both jumped back, screaming. Rodolfo tripped over something soft and landed in a puddle of mud. And Soap managed to stay standing. 
Soap immediately helped Rodolfo up and he turned back around. The “face” was a man sitting on a couch and… Rodolfo felt nauseous as he stared over the body, Soap’s flashlight traveling down it. The face was in his stomach, poking out. “Well…” Soap’s voice was strained. “Meet Sean.”
Rodolfo hunched over, throwing up. “Oh god…” He teared up, holding his stomach and wiping his mouth.
Soap turned to him and Rodolfo couldn’t make out his face in the glare of the flashlight. “Rudy… Don’t look down at yourself.”
Rodolfo almost immediately went to but Soap yelled at him not to. “Don’t!” The flashlight finally moved off Rodolfo and Rodolfo could barely make out Soap’s expression as deeply terrified. “Let’s get out of here.”
Rodolfo nodded, having no problem with that. He turned to leave before getting hit by something and falling over. It couldn’t have been a person, it hit the top half of Rodolfo’s body. Rodolfo realized it had been the thing that was swinging and he almost didn’t want Soap to point the flashlight at it, but was unable to stop him as he did so.
His eyes went wide as he recognized Daniel almost immediately and he screamed, covering his mouth. Soap’s flashlight immediately moved to point at him and Rodolfo was able to make out red covering his hands, causing him to just scream louder.
“Rudy!” Soap rushed over and crouched down, helping Rodolfo up. “Let’s go, we need to get out of here!”
They both started to rush to the doors but then they were closing with a loud slam, plunging the warehouse into complete darkness, save for Soap’s flashlight. Rodolfo trembled, moving as close to Soap as he could.
Then, the lights turned on, and Rodolfo jumped back, flinching again. The first thing his eyes made out was just how much blood there was. In fact, there wasn’t any mud at all, just blood puddles. 
The second was the five bodies in such disgusting displays of death, Rodolfo didn’t even want to think about it and he squeezed his eyes shut, pressing as close as he could to Soap and taking deep breaths. 
“You ran away.” The voice was distant but loud and Rodolfo frowned, not recognizing it. The accent was different, the voice was deeper. “Why won’t you trust us?”
“You bastards killed people! Damn, why the fuck wouldn’t we trust a couple of murderers??” Soap yelled.
Rodolfo peeked a little, seeing the man who had rounded the jeep to Soap was on a balcony thingy, watching them. 
“For you.” The second voice was much closer. “We’d only killed one person and that wasn’t our fault. But then they did that to you and- What choice did we have?? Besides, I’d seen what that bastard was doing to Rodolfo the year before, I wasn’t going to just let him get away with it. You knew what would happen if you said for Rudy not to forgive, and yet you said not to. You wanted it to happen.”
“No, no, I didn’t-” Soap shook his head. “I didn’t want that to happen… He sucked and he deserved to die but not like that.. Not… No.”
Rodolfo flinched into Soap as someone approached from his right. He wasn’t sure he agreed with Soap’s sentiment of Wayne deserving to die. He was a person… “Why are you doing this to us?” He asked, turning his head and seeing Alejandro was approaching. “We didn’t do anything…”
“No, no, we’re not doing this to hurt you…” Alejandro murmured, getting close to Rodolfo, though Soap didn’t let him get too close. “No, no. I… Ghost, get down here.”
The one on the top of the balcony thing seemed to hesitate before he was dropping down and coming over. Rodolfo flinched back, seeing he was wearing his white skull mask. His heart picked up in pace and his head started to feel heavy again. Oh no…
“Shh…” Alejandro took him from Soap and before Soap could stop him, Ghost had grabbed Soap, holding him back. 
Rodolfo stumbled and then he fell into Alejandro, slumping. Alejandro moved to the floor with him and then he was getting out a water bottle and some pills. Rodolfo could make out his name on the bottle and… well, he didn’t really have any other choice. He didn’t think he could get away, this time.
They looked fairly convincing, too, and so he tilted his head, letting Alejandro help him take them. Vaguely, he was aware of voices, but he could barely hear, his ears starting to ring. Then, he slumped into Alejandro, again, and closed his eyes, trying to take deep breaths.
It was slow and then his head started to clear and he blinked as the ringing faded. “There you are… isn’t that much better?” Alejandro was murmuring, rubbing his back. “We’re not trying to hurt you… Either of you… We want to protect you, to keep you safe from the rest of the world. It’s too cruel, it doesn’t deserve you.”
Rodolfo teared up and shook his head. “No, no…” He looked up at Alejandro, closing his eyes as Alejandro cupped his face. “I… You’re a murderer…”
“No one I’ve ever murdered didn’t deserve it.” Alejandro’s voice was so gentle and sweet. Rodolfo couldn’t help but start to believe it, his head going fuzzy as the scent of honey and cinnamon washed over him. 
“Please just let us go.” Soap’s voice became audible, again, and it sounded heavy with tears. “We won’t tell anyone it’s you… Please…”
“We can’t.” Ghost spoke up and Rodolfo looked over, seeing he had Soap by the arms. “Please just come with us.”
“You’ll live a content life.” Alejandro made Rodolfo look up at him, again, and Rodolfo sniffled. “You’ll never want for anything.”
“Yeah, and you’d have us barefoot and pregnant.” Soap hissed. “Perfect little wives for your sick fantasies-”
Alejandro visibly gagged. “Okay, let’s get one thing straight, kids are not happening. Disgusting. No.” 
Rodolfo blinked, surprised. “I can’t have kids, anyway, Soap.” He reminded and then slowly, carefully, he curled into Alejandro, exhausted. He was sticky and he wanted to shower. 
“Regardless, I-” Soap struggled. “Just fucking let us go.”
“No.” Ghost didn’t even look to be struggling that hard to keep him in his grasp. 
Rodolfo sniffled. “Soap… They’re not going to let us go, I’m just… I’m sick of fighting… I… Let’s face it… I’m disabled, I can’t… I can’t do anything and do you really want to go back to that school? They sacrificed us. They’d do it again if they got a whiff that they wanted us…”
Soap looked at him and then his resolve seemed to slowly crumble. “I… You’re right…” He mumbled and he relaxed, though he did jerk out of Ghost’s grasp. 
Both alphas seemed incredibly happy, however, and then Alejandro was peppering kisses all over Rodolfo’s face. Rodolfo whined and squirmed before relaxing as Alejandro stopped and then he closed his eyes and curled up into Alejandro again. “I’m sticky and covered in blood, I want to… I want to get clean.”
“Let’s go back to your motel room and then you can shower and we’re gonna take you home, okay?” Alejandro murmured, nuzzling Rodolfo’s cheek. 
Rodolfo softened and nodded. “Okay…” He held on as he was carried, relaxing into Alejandro. 
And then he was being carried out.
@Humanmilkerr @vergilnelosparda @cathsolos @caspertheassholeghost @midnighthunt3r @the-snarky-dragon @smadrawz @thegodofsleep @hufflepuff-hugz @bonesincatharsis @stardust-medic99 @a1bird1 @arwenprinses @bl-nk-sp-ce
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ragecndybars · 2 years
Everyone-Lives Post-Canon Headcanons
Shinjiro goes back to school, but it takes him two more years to graduate -- partially because he's just that behind and partially because he got shot and was in a coma for months; he's too sick to start third year over immediately, and when he does manage to go back, physical therapy and surprise hospital stays slow down his progress a lot. Under pressure from Mitsuru, the staff at Gekkoukan works with him a lot to get him the accommodations he needs to eventually graduate two years later.
The rest of SEES throws a massive party to celebrate his graduation, just as extravagant as they one they threw for all of the others' simultaneous graduation, and he acts all gruff and uncaring but Shinjiro is secretly really pleased -- he worked his ass off to graduate despite everything and it's nice for that to be acknowledged.
(Also, if you're keeping track, this does mean that he graduates the same year as Chihiro, and, yes, they do develop an unlikely friendship that stuns and confuses the rest of their class).
Afterwards, he passes through a couple of part-time jobs that he likes well enough -- things like delivery driving, working at a grocery store, etc. -- until he's recovered physically enough to get a full-time job, at which point he immediately applies as a chef. He struggles to get hired at first, but his skills really speak for themselves.
Minato and Kotone both manage to graduate at the same time as Yukari, Junpei, Fuuka, and Aigis, although they also need a fair amount of accommodations and help from the staff. The physical weakness and constant exhaustion stick with them throughout their third year, and while they'll be able to manage the worst symptoms with medication eventually, that will take years of rigorous experimental research from Kirijo Corp. first.
They both want to try out college, but they take a year after high school to just rest and learn to live with their chronic illness. I could see almost any area of study working for either of them, but I'm fond of the idea that Minato studies to become a veterinarian, while Kotone studies to become a journalist.
(And, yes -- they're both still way more involved in seemingly every facet of campus life than should be possible for a single human.)
Of course, all three of them are members of the Shadow Operatives as well, on-call for emergencies just like Akihiko. Minato and Kotone are still wildcards, although summoning Personas other than Orpheus, Messiah, and Thanatos has become a lot more difficult for them, and Shinjiro's Persona has evolved and stopped acting out since he came to terms with himself during a heavy conversation with Ken sometime after waking from his coma.
(Imagine you're a civilian, you end up entangled in some Shadow bullshit, and the people who show up to save your ass are a dude in an apron who keeps grumbling about having to miss a shift for this, that lady who's always on the news for digging up huge stories all over Japan, and the guy who gave your dog his rabies shot. And a shirtless buff man in a cape.)
Koromaru stays in the dorm with the rest of SEES. After a year, it's only Ken, Shinjiro, and Koromaru left, which is awkward at first, but ends with Ken and Shinjiro growing so close that no one is surprised when Shinjiro adopts Ken a few years later. Ken keeps his last name, and they don't call each other "dad" or "son", but they both slip up occasionally -- Ken will call himself "Ken Aragaki", or Shinjiro will accidentally call Ken "my kid" instead of "the kid". Either one will stubbornly deny that it ever happened immediately afterwards.
Chidori! She's enrolled in school as well, but not high school -- she's taking a variety of online classes meant to help adults get their GED. Having lived such a tumultuous life with so little education, and now lacking so many memories as well, she struggles a lot with these classes. Junpei does everything he can to help her, which leads to him suddenly becoming a massively better student in his third year and shocking all the teachers by placing fairly high in his class. When people ask what changed, expecting him to say that he learned a life lesson or decided he wanted to go into an academic career, he's always happy to say that it was because he stayed up studying with his girlfriend.
They date for a very long time before ever getting engaged, mainly because it's such a big life change and Chidori is having trouble just adjusting to normal life without another wrench thrown in, but everyone around them constantly forgets that they're technically not married and refers to them as husband and wife, and they never correct them.
(When they do eventually get married years down the line, it's because something suddenly reminds them that, oh yeah, they're technically not married. Whoops. This is followed by an engagement that lasts barely two weeks and a slapdash wedding where they basically just invite their friends over and say, yep, we've finally made it official, now let's get takeout. Shinji refuses to get takeout on their fucking wedding and grumbles about needing more prior notice before putting together a feast himself. Minato and Kotone help as well, but Fuuka is only allowed to chop vegetables and stir whatever's on the stove.)
Usually, everyone's busy schedules keep them from being able to have large meet-ups, but, at the very least, every single year they all get together on March 5th. Sometimes they all have a party, or arrange some other festive activity. Sometimes they all just meet up in Iwatodai and talk quietly amongst each other until it's time to part ways again. None of them have ever missed it -- not even Mitsuru that time her phone was blowing up all day or Akihiko that time he forgot the date and had to buy a plane ticket from some random other passenger minutes before takeoff.
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deckthehaus · 2 years
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Welcome to Day 1 of Deck the Haus! We have 4 fics and 1 podfic for you today. Don't forget to leave the creators some love in the form of kudos and comments!
Creators, if your work was released today, please change your posting date to today so that your work will show up in the most recent Check Please works on AO3. AO3 explains how to change your publication date here.
To Begin Again
[Bitty/Jack - G - 10,098]
Jack and Bitty are trying to move on from each other when Shitty gets the idea to invite everyone to the Haus for the holidays, and they have no excuses to not show up. Three days in close quarters, both still so in love with the other and regretting every their decision to split every day, will they fall back together or grow further apart?
never gonna find me a better day
[Chowder/Farmer/Nursey/Dex - G - 2898]
There’s something that’s just so nice about waking up on his own, without an alarm. Between hockey and his shifts monitoring the computer lab, it doesn’t happen often.
Dex is so warm and comfortable when he blinks awake, he could be dreaming. There’s an arm slung over his waist, legs tangled with his own.
The Haus feels still above them, and Dex outright grins when he remembers that it’s the first day of winter break, that it’s just him and his datemates in the Haus – the four of them electing to spend their senior year holidays on campus. Together.
When Lucia Day Dawns
[Gen (Louis-focused) - T - 1,178]
For Lukas's senior project as a music major, he has to plan/lead a public music performance. He decides to form a choir to sing Swedish Lucia/Advent/Christmas songs on St. Lucia Day (December 13). This is the Friday before finals and everything is stressful—until the concert starts and suddenly it’s perfect. (Rating for some very brief swearing.)
the beat my heart skips
[Bitty/Jack, Bitty/Kent, Bitty/Kent/Jack, Lardo/Shitty, Ransom/Holster- M - 500]
Unconnected holiday and winter themed 50 word microfics taking place in the Check Please! universe. Relevant ships and tags/warnings noted at the beginning of each chapter.
[Podfic] Please (Don't) Have Snow
[Bitty/Kent/Jack- G - 8 minutes]
Jack and Bitty wait for Kent to make it out for Christmas, Bitty is worried because it's winter and Kent's out there driving and- okay, maybe he is stress baking. What of it? 
A podfic of Please (Don't) Have Snow by veritashopian.
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twisted-tales-told · 11 months
ok if you wanna do a microfic about noah kahan your needs my needs pls about the black brothers because i had this conversation a couple days ago and im still emotional about it
Part 1
sorry it's a bit random, but I had to keep writing it cw for mentions of drunk driving.
Sirius returns to the car with their order in two bags and hands one to Regulus.
"I didn't want anything."
"Too bad," Sirius shrugs. Because he happens to know Regulus loves to dip their fries in their Mcflurries. And whether he admits it or not, Regulus has been drinking and smoking tonight, so he wants it. And Regulus does begrudgingly accept the bag, pulling it open and taking his food out as quietly as one can expect from Regulus Black.
They eat in silence, and Sirius waits it out as patiently as he knows how.
"I'm sorry I woke you up," Regulus starts. "I didn't know who else to call." "That's because it's me. You call me."
Regulus just nods, taking a bite of one of his fries. "It was just one of Barty's stupid parties. I thought it would be fine."
Sirius has never liked that kid, and has to refrain from commenting it with extreme difficulty.
"But he was drinking, and they had this idea to go to The Black Lake, except it's a ten minute drive from campus."
"Tell me he didn't."
"I shouldn't have gotten in the car in the first place," Regulus defends him. "But that would have meant I was stuck downtown in the middle of the night, and I just..." he sighs in frustration. "But I knew I'd get service here, so I just asked them to drop me off."
"And they just did?" Sirius scowls. "Oh I'm going to--"
"Don't, please?" Regulus groans. "I graduate in two months, then I'll be moving out to yours and I'll never have to see any of them again."
"Fine," Sirius concedes, putting the wrappers to his own food in the plastic make shift garbage bag James keeps in his car (which Sirius totally didn't borrow for this). "But I'm not driving you back to our parents place, you can crash on my couch."
"Sounds good to me," Regulus said, somewhat relieved, even if he would never admit it.
It's not long into the drive before Regulus is asleep.
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queerfanfiction · 9 months
Kinktober Day 1 — Breathplay
This is for my very first Kinktober! I probably won't post for every day, but I'm excited to share more Kinktober prompts!
Farah Dowling x Rosalind
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Summary: Rosalind had Farah in her clutches, metaphorically and quite literally too. She loved having power—power over Farah’s life especially. Her favorite kind of power was her hand over Farah’s throat and the sounds Farah made.
**I loosely follow the events of Season 1 while adding smutty flashbacks in italics.**
Farah’s eyes wandered over her outfit in the mirror, meticulously examining how the dark navy blue fabric hugged her neck. It had extra fabric ties in the front that she had unconsciously wrapped and tightened earlier that day.
Her thoughts shifted back to Rosalind.
Ben had found char residue on the dead shepherd outside the Barrier. It took nothing—barely a moment—for Farah to mention Rosalind. Her memory never slipped when it came to that woman. She knew it had been sixteen years, almost to the day since the last sightings of the Burned Ones. She had no idea why she felt a pang of protectiveness and defensiveness for Rosalind when Saul and Ben were discussing the Burned Ones returning.
Farah scrambled for control, too afraid of unraveling if they continued to discuss the woman Farah tried so hard to forget.
“Ben, what we think is irrelevant. The Barrier's doing its job.” Farah pauses, noticing her tone was harsh and final. Her friend deserved more; he was a pawn to Rosalind too. Farah’s next statement needed to project security and control.
“Until we know something for sure, let's clean this up before gossip starts.” Thankfully, Farah could mask her feelings about Rosalind by bringing up the safety of the students at Alfea. Farah turns nonchalantly, eager to find a safe space to go. What she felt was anything but indifference; she had to escape. She considered her office…well…it was once Rosalind’s office. Even if it had the dressings of being hers now, it was still was sat atop of Rosalind’s very prison. There was no escape from this woman’s clutches.
In an attempt to curb Rosalind’s haunting, all photos and mentions of Rosalind had been relegated to the abandoned east wing of campus. Farah hated how quickly she desired to discuss the previous headmistress. In fact, she had jumped at the chance to mention her name. It felt impossible to escape thoughts about Rosalind, especially with the current events occurring at Alfea.
Defiance. Disgust. Desire. Farah felt them all concurrently.
Could Rosalind still be seeping into Farah’s routine? Her hands reach for the fabric around her neck. Deciding whether or not to loosen it had beckoned a memory.
“My hands look divine around your neck. They’re the prettiest necklace you have, Farah.” The words oozed from Rosalind’s lips, so precise and taunting, as her hands squeezed the soft flesh of Farah’s throat. Rosalind’s humiliation made Farah even wetter between her legs.
Farah struggled to wrench Rosalind’s hands from her throat. Her eyes were beginning to swell with tears—her face beginning to change color. Farah is pinned against the sharp stone of the wall, and Rosalind drives her nimble fingers deeper into Farah’s wetness. Farah’s arousal was treacherous and betrayed her struggling hands clawing at her neck.
Rosalind ignored Farah’s pleas. They had negotiated terms, ones that included sparing Farah’s delicate windpipe and only applying pressure to the sides of the neck. Rosalind didn’t care. She wanted control. In fact, when Farah was breathless and gasping, it ensured she couldn’t talk back to Rosalind. She couldn’t defy Rosalind, and Rosalind liked it that way.
Of course, Rosalind consoled Farah further, musing, “Your lips are so kissable when parted and gasping my name.” Rosalind knew just how to manipulate to get what she wanted. She preyed on Farah. In response, this made Farah lean into Rosalind’s hold. There was an aspect of this dance between the two women that was mutually beneficial, even if the cons outweighed the pros for Farah. Farah craved the anchoring feeling Rosalind’s hand around her throat created. She didn’t yet understand how cruel the older woman was, rather she was under Rosalind’s spell. Farah was always rewarded for falling in line.
When Rosalind finally released her grasp of Farah’s neck, she kissed the younger woman hungrily, covering her mouth again. Farah could barely respond or even think, still taking in the rush of oxygen she was deprived of. Rosalind swallowed Farah’s every gasp and whine with the kiss.
Over the next coming weeks, Farah was confronted with Rosalind’s name so often that she had lost count. It was painful to mince the relationship she had with the previous headmistress. She simultaneously wanted to shout to make everyone understand how close she was to the woman while also never mentioning their connection again.
All Farah could utter when Bloom questioned her was, “I was her student…then her protégé.” …As if it really were that simple. Then again, Farah considered how she had always cared more than Rosalind did about their connection.
“Rosalind…She’s still manipulating people after all these years.”
This realization was tough for Farah and came swiftly after the events of Aster Dell. Bloom’s fixation on Rosalind scared Farah, because it reminded her of the hold Rosalind had over her for far too long. She remembered how she never doubted the older woman, never questioned her. It’s only years later that Farah can see Rosalind for what she was—unveil her tactics and all the secrets she never shared.
When Bloom let slip she knew Rosalind was being kept under the school and was still alive, Farah warned, “Whatever she has to give you is not worth unleashing her back into the world for, Bloom.” The ferocity with which Farah grabbed Bloom made both women pause and look into each other’s eyes.
Farah wasn’t sure she was ready to confront the prisoner below the school. She knew it was partially for selfish reasons, but Farah also knew it was best for Alfea if Rosalind stayed locked away.
The world shifted when Farah learned that Rosalind had been released, had escaped. Before seeing it herself in the tunnels below her office, she knew. Before Aisha frantically found Farah speaking with Ben and Saul, she knew.
A gentle gasp escaped from Farah as she stood at the top of the steps above where she had locked Rosalind away in stasis years ago. Farah stopped in her tracks, frozen to the spot momentarily. All she could do about what the emptiness before her symbolized was breathe. Farah stared in front of her as she took in a shaky breath.
Rosalind is free, wandering the grounds, putting Farah on edge again. At any moment, Rosalind’s hands might find her.
Farah felt the rough tugging of her hair, and her airway sealed shut as she struggled in Rosalind’s arms. In response, Rosalind sternly commanded, “Stop moving.”
Farah’s vision blurred, and she had an instinct that her hearing was also about to go. Just as she was about to pass out, Rosalind’s voice rang out and echoed as if it were far away. “Breathe.” And when Farah does breathe, Rosalind’s hard eyes bore into hers with desire.
Rosalind loved to see how long Farah could hold out—how long she’d let Rosalind suffocate her. How far could Rosalind execute her hold over Farah? Until death, apparently. This pleased her.
As Farah choked out strangled moans, her head continued to be fuzzy, her cheeks warm and pulsing with every beat of her heart. Farah’s inhales were raspy—strained and loud in the room as Rosalind traced the bruising under Farah’s jaw.
The markings from the strangulation were always reminders of her victories. It was almost as if Rosalind brought Farah back to life time and time again, making sure Farah’s life revolved around her only. She had the power to end Farah whenever she liked. Rosalind got off on tasting the almost fading life beneath her body.
And, oh, how Farah liked it too. That was a surprise to Rosalind at first. Farah seemed uptight, even when she was younger and had considerably less responsibility. Rosalind began to notice the signs of arousal on Farah when the older woman entered the room—how Farah wanted Rosalind’s approval and attention. Rosalind found it annoying until she realized she could make use of it. She could enjoy it, even. Rosalind reveled in testing if Farah would sneak around the school with her, if Farah would bend her ethics for Rosalind’s affection and praise.
The bucking of Farah’s hips drew a guttural moan from Rosalind’s own pink mouth. Farah’s desperation for release rivaled her desperation for air. Rosalind move her own pelvis against Farah’s, studying how the younger woman beneath her reacted. Farah trembles and shakes at the contact, gesturing for more.
Rosalind backs away for only a moment to marvel at the band of bruises wrapped around Farah’s neck and collarbones. Farah didn’t seem to be wheezing and gasping any longer, but Rosalind had an idea to remedy that.
With her long, leather-detailed coat still intact, Rosalind removed her undergarments and reached down to feel how slick her folds were after choking Farah.
An edge present in her voice, Rosalind offers for Farah to taste what she’s done. Rosalind climbs atop Farah and sits on her pale, flushed face. Farah’s arms were too weak to grip Rosalind’s legs and spread the woman’s folds herself. That didn’t matter to Rosalind. Instead, she lowered herself onto Farah, resting her full weight against Farah’s mouth.
“Get to work, Farah. I’m waiting.”
Farah laps up Rosalind’s wetness before locating and sucking on Rosalind’s clit with what little breath and strength she had left. Farah would prefer this over cool air on her tongue.
Bloom tried to tell Farah that Rosalind wasn’t a monster, that she had a reason to lie. Farah felt warm rage spill under her skin. Even as Farah yearned to shut down the conversation in any way possible to focus on the tasks at hand, she found herself responding in a heated but measured tone.
“Rosalind gave you just enough information to string you along. She's manipulating you. It's what she does.” Finally, it all clicked. Rosalind pulled down the school’s defenses from the Stone Circle, allowing the Burned Ones in. Farah couldn’t tell if she was pleased she was right about Rosalind or crushed that once again Rosalind proves that she will be relentless in getting what she wants even if it hurts others. Even if it hurts Farah.
Later when Farah catches Bloom, she has to reconcile the fact that Rosalind was right. She was correct about Bloom’s ancient power being able to defeat the Burned Ones. Her methods though… Farah reassured herself that her stance was unwavering. Even if Rosalind’s information was correct, her motives were not. Surely that was enough evidence to suggest Farah was vindicated in her actions since the start of term.
Still, it pained Farah to recount how Bloom had spent one night with Rosalind and unlocked ancient fairy magic, magic everyone thought was lost. Farah had to push through the instinct to be envious that Rosalind considered Bloom special. With a shake of her head, Farah thought about how Bloom was special and that she wouldn’t let Rosalind taint her relationship with Bloom.
Unsurprised by their eventual reuniting, Farah’s eyes were distant when she heard Rosalind’s judgmental voice. “You buried them. How noble.” Her tone was degrading. Rosalind always perceived Farah’s humanity as a weakness. Not wanting her back to Rosalind, Farah turned to face the woman she had so much history with. Farah was thankful to be wearing a turtleneck at this meeting, not wanting her bare skin to catch Rosalind’s eyes.
Throughout their exchange, Rosalind tried various manipulation tactics on Farah. Mysteriously withholding knowledge, acting exhausted by Farah’s behavior, centering her version of events…
Finally, after no luck in her efforts to control Farah, Rosalind gets to the point, “I fear you lack the composure to lead the next generation into it.” If she couldn’t persuade Farah to get close to her again, she had no use for Alfea’s current headmistress.
Farah finally takes the bait, sits beside Rosalind, and retorts, “And there it is. Once I stepped out from under your shadow, I saw a world full of light. Turns out this place isn't miserable. It was just you.” The two women were mere inches away from each other. Eyes found lips found eyes found lips. Their conversation turned breathy as Rosalind pulled another tactic into the conversation—Queen Luna and Andreas.
“So…” Rosalind shifts her body closer to Farah, “now all we have to talk about is you. I think you should take a sabbatical. Head to the mountains. Take a break.” Rosalind made her voice husky and entrancing now, knowing it used to be one of Farah’s weaknesses. The final nail in the coffin was uttered, “You've worked so hard, Farah.”
Praise. Gods, Farah used to melt and become moldable when Rosalind praised her. However, this time, when Rosalind tried it, Farah decided it was her turn to grab at Rosalind.
In all the confidence and defiance she could muster, she looked into Rosalind’s eyes and emphasized, “I am the headmistress of Alfea. And there's no way I'm leaving the school in your hands.”
With their faces so close that their noses were about to touch, Farah pulled away, determined not to fall back into old ways with Rosalind.
As if things were still going according to plan, Rosalind let slip, “I know that…” At this, Farah stopped in her tracks. She had heard this tone before, usually right before pain mixed with pleasure.
Rosalind stands and the crunching of leaves indicate that she walks closer to Farah. A familiar sensation creeps around Farah’s neck.
Rosalind came up behind Farah, pressing her body against the younger woman’s back. Rosalind’s voice whispered in Farah’s ear as she reached around to grab her throat. Rosalind’s other hand hiked up Farah’s pencil skirt and slid her fingers under the waistline of Farah’s panties.
“You were quite loud last time. Naughty, aren’t you?” Slow, husky words wrapped around Farah’s head and into her ears.
Already feeling like a live electrical wire in the rain from Rosalind’s touch, Farah would try, truly try to keep her choked gasps silent, but she knew it would be impossible. Her next inhale whistles through her constricted airway, and her lips already start to gape. Farah’s eyes flutter, and she cannot help but move her hips—hard and already desperate—against Rosalind’s hand lingering over Farah’s vulva.
Whimpering the best she can with Rosalind’s hand at her throat, Farah bucks forward towards the woman’s other hand, eager to feel the contact against her throbbing wetness. Feeling merciful, Rosalind relents. She thrusts two fingers into the writhing form in front of her. It wasn’t long before Rosalind decided to add another finger, stretching out Farah. Feeling the clear physical evidence of Rosalind’s influence over Farah was quite exciting. Again, Rosalind wanted to push it, test it.
“Could you stay quiet while taking my fist, do you think?”
Farah’s walls tighten around Rosalind’s fingers as she starts to twitch more frequently and her throat spasms under Rosalind’s iron-tight grip. Used to their almost daily sessions, Farah was starting to crave the moments she would begin to slip away. She welcomes the familiar dark spots teasing at the edge of her vision and the way her lungs begged for relief.
Farah’s ears ring; her face throbs. Rosalind’s thrusts get harder and harder, her grip gets tighter and tighter. A pool of hot white pleasure begins to form at the base of Farah’s spine as her eyes roll back in her head.
All Farah wanted was to be filled by Rosalind, wanted to be Rosalind’s. She wanted Rosalind to admit to mutual feelings and claim Farah. With each pump in and out of Rosalind’s fingers, Farah almost inaudibly wheezed, “I’m yours, yours, yours, yours.”
Tongue hanging out, drooling, mindless, and mine, Rosalind thought satisfactorily. Farah sags back against Rosalind, her muscles losing their strength with the continued restriction of oxygen.
Edging Farah on the precipice of unconsciousness, Rosalind finally releases her white-knuckled grip on Farah’s throat. She calculates the perfect amount of pressure to keep Farah submissive and constricted but awake. Rosalind continues to pound her fingers into Farah, making contact with the tender spot internally that she knew Farah liked. Farah’s eyes flicker until Rosalind takes her thumbnail and flicks it sharply against Farah’s sensitive, swollen clit.
What would have been a cry of pleasure and pain, is stifled by Rosalind’s hand that had moved from Farah’s red, marked neck to cover her mouth. Rosalind feels the other woman’s rasps against her palm, begging to be let out as Farah comes.
Rosalind bites down on the earlobe of the woman coming undone before her. She then breathes in Farah’s ear, “You’re mine? What makes you think I want you?”
“The rest of the world might believe it…” Farah is hoisted up by Rosalind’s magic, feeling the echoes of Rosalind’s hands at her throat.
“And if they don’t,” Rosalind continues, “what the fuck are they gonna do about it?”
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Charlie Kirk warns against trusting in experts - instead urges his audience to put their faith into random accounts on Twitter
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In our last post, we discussed how Charlie Kirk used his coverage of the Columbia University encampment to spin baseless conspiracy theories about how the campus protests are being funded by George Soros because he noticed that the tents that the protestors were using looked kind of similar. Well, I thought that would be the end of Charlie Kirk's brilliant coverage but boy was I wrong. Charlie's May 6th episode was just pure uncut stupidity. Lets get into it.
Charlie starts by laying out the theme of this episode, no it's not who's funding the campus protestors like the episodes title promises. It's "I don't like smart people and why don't colleges just teach people what I think they should be taught".
15:30, Charlie Kirk: "The more college educated you are, the more likely you are to support Joe Biden. The more degrees you have, the more support you are (sic) of what Joe Biden is doing to this country. The more time you have spent on a university campus, the more you think Joe Biden is crushing it."
I said this in the last post but I'll say it again, colleges aren't teaching some net doctrine to students, they're teaching students what they're paying to be taught. Engineering students aren't doing dissertations on leftist political theory.
Charlie elaborates on this a bit more after the radio break.
22:51, Charlie Kirk: "Ok everyone, welcome back. So, the more time you spend on a college campus, the more degrees you have, the more trusting you are of flashy titles. When you hear a title you say 'Oooh, he must be very smart. He must know what he's talking about.' You see, this is what Plato talked about as the philosopher kings."
That's not what a philosopher king is. The term philosopher king refers to a ruler who governs utilizing both philosophy and political knowledge. Plato was actually quite for this as he believed that an ideal state could only be brought into being by a ruler who possessed philosophical knowledge so Charlie pretending that Plato viewed philosopher kings as a bad thing is kind of funny if you have even a directional idea of what that term means.
This isn't even the first time that Charlie has misused this term on this blog. The meaning that Charlie ascribes to it shifts around constantly and I'm 100% convinced that he just views it as "scary phrase that makes me sound smart".
24:13, Charlie Kirk: "Experts say, experts say, experts say. Experts have done more damage to this country than the working class ever could imagine."
This is kind of Charlie's show in a nutshell. "Yeah, don't trust the experts. Look, I used the term philosopher king incorrectly so I know what I'm talking about. Now buy my crap."
24:24, Charlie Kirk: "Doctor Fauci should be in Gitmo for what he did. The experts shut down our schools, the experts masked our kids, the experts had lunatics driving alone in their cars masked and afraid that the radio was going to emit COVID."
Still being pissed about wearing a mask in 2024 is a bold move. It's an absolutely whiny and stupid one but a bold one. I have no idea what he's talking about with the radio emitting COVID but he has zero right to talk about crazy scientific beliefs. Charlie Kirk thinks that birth control makes people Democrats and that the height of your apartment building determines your political orientation.
24:43, Charlie Kirk: "We have become so trusting of experts and thanks to social media and thanks to Elon Musk opening up X so that we can see who they really are we realize that the people who are in charge of our society, that have been given all of this power, who were never been elected, they've never run for office, they never had to answer tough questions. Not only are they morons, they're not wise, but they're incredibly confident."
Yeah, so Charlie's whole point in this segment is that you shouldn't trust the people who have merely dedicated their lives to studying certain subjects and have extremely broad knowledge of what they're talking about....no, you should trust random people on Twitter. Really, what Charlie is doing here is supporting his grift. As long as people aren't accessing actual information from experts who know what they're talking about and staying in their right-wing media bubble, Charlie Kirk makes money.
Charlie's whole definition of an expert is so vague by the way. I guess they're some sort of academic ruling class that Charlie is speculating runs the nation. But I can't really take Charlie's hatred of the "experts" all that seriously when he's also posting videos with titles like this:
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"And he knows what he's talking about because he's an exper-oh-oops"
25:12, Charlie Kirk: "I get asked all the time, I say 'Charlie, why do you go to college campuses and talk to these kids?' Outside of the obvious answer that-"
Is that obvious answer that a lot of people subscribe to your YouTube channel when you post clickbaity debates with people who don't have actual interview and debate training while also selectively cutting out the ones that make you look like a complete idiot?
25:19, Charlie Kirk: "That they're the future of the country and they're voters."
Oh, how silly of me.
Charlie does an ad break for the radio, does an ad for gold, and then launches back to his extremely stupid tirade against "experts".
36:50, Charlie Kirk: "The yielding to the experts is the deterioration of the sovereign citizen, you're no longer thinking for yourself. Being a sovereign citizen means I might buy silver and gold, I might not take the shot, I'm not going to just feed my kid high fructose corn syrup, I'm not going to listen to the government when it says that the people who give birth aren't women but birthing people."
It's so telling that the first thing a sovereign citizen does on the Charlie Kirk Show is buy into the gold scam he's been plugging. The birthing people thing is stupid too. There are plenty of trans males who still have the biological capacity to give birth. It just boils down yet again to the rights lack of knowledge over the difference between sex and gender.
Charlie Kirk rants about Jared Bernstein making a gaffe for a bit and then complains that people are going to protest his event in Seattle.
40:52, Charlie Kirk: "Meanwhile you got these protestors with a bunch of -- you got tent city, the ugliest laziest people that society has to offer."
Nothing screams lazy quite like....protesting? I don't even know what he's talking about anymore.
41:01, Charlie Kirk: "I don't mean ugly even from an aesthetic standpoint, I want to be very clear. I mean, you can't control your looks and you should never make fun of how somebody looks. I mean ugly from how they present themselves to society, I mean the choices of how they dress. I think that's very important."
"Yeah, I don't mean ugly from an aesthetic standpoint. I mean ugly from an AESTHETIC standpoint, get it right guys."
41:23, Charlie Kirk: "I'm talking about when you double nose pierce your nose -- pierce your nose. You've got tattoos all over the place, you haven't showered in three weeks, and you've got purple hair. You're ugly."
Some hard hitting criticism that sounds like it came from your 76 year old uncle complaining about how kids these days get all these tattoos and dye their hair and back in my day that satanic claptrap was never tolerated.
Now it's time for Charlie Kirk's analysis about the election. He somehow manages to make himself sound stupider as he goes along.
42:01, Charlie Kirk: "And it really is going to be, as Andrew put in the previous episode with Josh Hammer, the country class versus the ruling class."
I really am baffled by the cognitive dissonance required to believe that the "ruling class" aren't on the right. Charlie was literally just praising Elon Musk, a guy worth $196.9 billion dollars, for "opening up" Twitter (read: allowing the Nazi stuff that Charlie likes back on). Charlie himself lives in a $4.75 million dollar house in a gated community that charges nearly half a million dollars for a country club membership. Charlie Kirk, the people who pay him, and the people who he supports are the elites that Charlie fearmongers about so much.
42:23, Charlie Kirk: "Who is actually supporting the Democrat coalition? They have more support than ever from college educated women, college educated women have an attachment to the Democrat Party like Catholics have to the eucharist. College educated women are one of the most difficult demographics for Republicans to break. They consume NPR, New York Times, many of them think it's great that their kids are getting transed. The downfall of Colorado can be best described as the college educated female demographic so we're gonna have to navigate that."
Golly, I wonder why women are for the Democrats. Could it have something to do with the fact that the Republicans are working overtime to strip their rights and bodily autonomy away? There's just no self awareness here. Of course the Republicans are going to alienate groups that they take rights away from, it only makes sense.
Charlie doesn't seem to understand how the grotesque actions of his party have led to this consequence and instead seems to have came to the conclusion that "Oh, these women are just college educated. Yeah, that's the problem. These women really are the downfall of America. They gotta just start pumping out babies".
The next hour is Charlie interviewing Glenn Greenwald, Michael Knowles would be stunned at how leftist Glenn is here. I'm not going over any of it.
Well, this episode was kind of anticlimactic. I was excited to hear Charlie's bombshell evidence about how the campus protests are secretly funded by the left and instead I got him going on misogynistic rants and complaining about "experts and the elite". Maybe he got into it in the interviews but I guess this is what I'd do too if my evidence was "Hey, look at those tents".
Original Video:
“Who Backs Campus Rioters? + Speech in Peril + Faith against the Darkness | LIVE 5.6.24.” Rumble.com, 6 May 2024.
Study.com, 2023, study.com/academy/lesson/philosopher-king-history-examples.html.
“How Trump’s MAGA Movement Helped a 29-Year-Old Activist Become a Millionaire.” AP News, 10 Oct. 2023.
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Did you have an NDE, and if so are you willing to talk about it?
I don’t mind sharing! Probably need to share a warning for body trauma.
I’m not sure if I can truly call it an NDE since it was a drawn out experience and I didn’t flatline (afaik), but I definitely probably should’ve died in the two days after my TBI. After the adrenaline wore off, I didn’t wake up for 48 hours straight once I got home.
My parents should’ve called an ambulance/taken me back to the hospital, but I was awake for the entire initial ER visit, so the doctors chalked my unresponsiveness up to “being a tired college kid.”
We later found out I almost internally decapitated myself. Obviously that’s a problem. And no one caught it for multiple years.
But that’s not the point of this.
I can’t remember where I “went” while unconscious, but I do have the feeling that I was given the option of not coming back when I was initially out of it for those first 48. I have foggy memories of a lot of golden light/clouds/experiencing my spirit and true freedom instead of my human form from those first 48 hours as well as a couple of other times before I fully “fell back into” my life here ~6mo post accident. It happened in the middle of a shopping mall. 0/10, don’t recommend.
Since coming back, I do miss the weightlessness I experienced and the really awesome environment of wherever I was in those out of body moments. But the bigger change has been returning to the spiritual awareness I had as a kid.
I used to speak to dead relatives when I was really young. I knew stuff I shouldn’t have known at my age about people I never met. I told people when they would die (absolute vibe killer.)
Since the accident, I have:
Figured out when my grandfather passed, states away, before anyone told me about it. I felt his soul leave this plane. Real rough shift considering I was driving home from a yoga class with a friend and had to not say a word since she didn’t believe this stuff at the time
Woken up in a cold sweat because the voice of my grandma’s best friend told me, “take care of my girl for me,” as he passed away in the middle of the night, also states away. I barely knew the man.
Seen a Latin phrase I used to keep myself hopeful during my recovery plastered on the side of a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber with zero idea it would be there. A sign I was on the right path.
Discovered the founder of my alma mater was given a statue by his board of trustees with the Latin motto I repeated every day I was fighting tooth and nail to recover engraved above the artistic representation of the campus. It had no relation to the University motto itself. This happened while I was leading a group of new students on an outing; trying to cover up my body reacting to this was not easy lol
In my recovery journey, I eventually wound up at a chiropractor’s office that follows Christ Consciousness/some Law of One/Ascension beliefs. They use the application of holy geometry to adjust people rather than traditional adjustments.
The chiropractor’s wife once did a past life reading on me when I was crazy skeptical, because I was mentioning how I felt like I was getting pulled between planes of existence. I didn’t believe in them, but my body didn’t care and reacted anyway. I left definitely believing in past lives.
For any Christians reading this—she involved Christ and the protection of the Holy Spirit before starting the session specifically to keep malevolent influences out.
I still get pulled into the higher spiritual planes sometimes, but I’m more conscious of it now. I mostly “see the lifting of the veil” in daily life now.
I hope that rambling mess is a decent response? It’s been years of post-accident spiritual awakening, so I can’t really call it a one off NDE.
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ofharmonyhalls · 4 days
have you seen mahir atalar? yes, the twenty two year old senior that’s usually wandering around campus? they’re currently focused on business economics, so we’re sure they’ve been super busy with studying. according to rumors, they were michael’s teammate & hook up and he knew [ redacted ]. does it make sense considering they’re known for being resourceful as well as conniving? either way, the phantom is threatening to bring scary things to light, but let’s hope whatever they’re hiding stays in the dark.
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full name: mahir atalar
nicknames: hates nicknames and doesn't think he needs one
gender: cis man (he/him pronouns)
date of birth:jan 3rd 2001
place of birth: antalya, turkey
personality markers:entj, type three, true neutral evil and chloeric
positive trait:resolute, methodical, charismatic and assured
negative trait: materialistic, ruthless, distant and selfish
character parallels: shiv roy (succession), victoria chase (life is strange) & eric van der woodsen (gossip girl)
extracurriculars: basketball, debate & model un
links: pinterest
for the first ten years of his life mahir was raised in antalya, turkey. he looks at this time with rose tinted glasses. he focuses on the sun and going to antalyaspor games with his nanny instead of how his parents ate dinner seperately and rarely give him compliments. they were always focused on improvements that could be made, both in their lives as a whole and in mahir as a person
when he was eleven his parents moved to manhattan. they wanted to turn their jewellery business into a chain of stores. mahir didn't take the move well. for months he kept repacking his clothes and books whenever the new nanny (who he refused to speak to and decided was worse than his old nanny) unpacked them
after months of trying to convince his parents to move back home he eventually admitted defeat. in his period of protesting he considered his younger sister to be his only ally. they occasionally fought but had us against the world type dynamic
even though he was primarily focused on academics he was a sporty kid and continues to be a sporty adult. he was naturally athletic and sports appealed to his competitive and strategeic nature
soccer is his first love but he shifted focus from soccer to basketball in junior high because basketball was considered way cooler and there's nothing more damaging to an insecure 14 year old boy's ego than playing a sport that's considered for girls and f slurs
has too much drive to peak in high school but he did enjoy high school more than most people. he was made for a superficial enviroment. plus, he knew that the secret for popularity was to tell people what they want to hear without coming across as too desperate
his relationship with his sister got more complicated as they grew older. their parents had expectations and strict rules for both of them but were slightly more leniant on mahir's younger sister because she was the spare (or at least she was in their dad's eyes). mahir was slightly frustrated at the freedom she had but was still willing to cover for her when she sneaked out or caused trouble.
almost picked an ivy league school but decided to go to a college that was prestigious but further away from his parents and the cold weather.
i want to keep his relationship with michael vague for now and then plot out timelime and specifics with people later. my vague idea is that they were teammates who ran in the same social circles and hooked up occasionally (might involve cheating might not who knows...not me). mahir was more attached and in awe of michael than michael was with him.
mahir knows that "occasional fwb" sounds like the basis for a murder motivation. he's seen murder mysteries he knows that sometimes the killer is a bitter jilted lover who wanted more. that's why he downplayed how well he knows michael to the police
personality & hcs
just a little bastard man tbh
simultaneously has a huge ego and massive amounts of imposter syndrome
fears that he's just like his dad
the final boss of annoying car guys. he likes cars for all the superficial reasons but also because he's fascinated by engineering. would probabaly major in engineering if he didn't think he had to run the family business
he has a meticulous gym routine
his main vices are cigarettes and coffees that shouldn't be allowed to be called coffees because of the amount of syrups in them. started smoking because it thought it would impress a guy he had a crush on in junior year of high school
mahir knows that "occasional fwb" sounds like the basis for a motivation for muder. he's seen murder mysteries, he knows that sometimes the killer is a bitter jilted lover who wanted more. that's why he downplayed how well he knows michael to the police
connection ideas
his sister (will send a wc to the main tomorrow
unlikely friends
fake friends
enemies with sexual tension
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iliveiloveiwrite · 2 years
I Drove All Night // S.H.
Request: hii can i request a steve harrington x reader with prompt entry ” i miss you. i miss you so much it hurts. ” ? thanks! - @kylasgambit
a/n: I loved this request so much that I immediately wrote it out after my last fic. I hope you like this! The reader is in college whereas Steve is in Hawkins at the video store, I thought it fit better with your request - I hope you don't mind. 
warnings: reader is in college, Steve is mopey and missing them, lots of fluff, lots of cute feelings and happiness, some blasphemy.
word count: 1.1k
Title: Roy Orbison - I Drove All Night
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“What do you mean you aren’t coming home for Thanksgiving?” Steve all but yells down the phone.
“I mean exactly that,” You answer, the connection poor. “I have too much to do. Three essays due all around the same time as well as studying for my exams. I want to do well, Steve. You know how much this means to me.”
“I know,” He breathes, “I was looking forward to seeing you, that’s all.”
“I was too, babe.”
“You’re coming home for Christmas though, right?” Steve asks, completely aware of how needy he sounds.
His mood brightens at the sound of your laughter coming through the phone. “Yes,” You confirm, “I’ll be back home for Christmas.”
A breath of relief rushes through at your words. “Alright,” Steve concedes. “I have to go, I’m closing today. Talk to you tomorrow – I love you.”
“I love you too,” You answer easily before hanging up, leaving Steve to wallow in his disappointment.
The disappointment hangs over him for the majority of his shift. His mind running through the conversation. Steve knew how dedicated you were to your work; wanting to get the best grades possible, and to maintain them.
He understood that. Your dedication to your education was one of the things he loves most about you, but… he missed you.
He really, really missed you.
It had been three months since he had last seen you in person. Three months since he had heard your laugh, seen your smile, felt you pressed against him in the middle of the night.
Dammit, he just missed you.
Steve continues to mope for the rest of his shift. Not even watching Robin flail and do her best to flirt with Vickie, the clarinet player from band, could improve his mood.
“Has he been like this all day?” Dustin asks five minutes after entering the video rental store.
“Pretty much,” Robin confirms, reaching for her drink.
Dustin frowns, knowing full well what Steve could be like when in one of his moods. He sidles up beside Steve, nudging him with his elbow. “What’s up, buttercup?”
Steve sighs. “(Y/N) rang. They aren’t coming home for Thanksgiving.”
“Ah,” Dustin murmurs, reaching up to pat Steve on the shoulder. “I’m sorry, man. I know how much you were looking forward to seeing them.”
Steve shrugs. “It’s fine. It’s whatever.”
Dustin remains silent, letting Steve get a hold of his emotions. Dustin continues to remain silent as Steve bursts, “I just… I miss (Y/N).”
“Then why are you still here?” Dustin asks, confused.
“Go to (Y/N). They can’t come to you, so you go to them.”
“I can’t just go, Dustin. I have a job.”
“I’ll cover for you,” Robin interrupts, joining in with the idea and blossoming in the hope of getting rid of mopey Steve. “Go, Steve.”
He doesn’t hesitate. Steve rushes from the store, patting down his pockets for his car keys. He rids himself of his work waistcoat, throwing it in the back of his car before setting off.
Steve makes two stops before hitting the road for the long drive down to your college dorm. The first to his house where he packs a bag in the hopes that you won’t kick him out. The second to a gas station; filling his car, grabbing snacks and some flowers.
The radio is his only company on the long drive south to your college. Steve switches between stations, singing along to whatever he knows. Abba, Elvis Presley and Roy Orbison all the way to heavier songs by Kiss and AC/DC.
As Steve pulls onto your college campus, the clock above his radio tells him it is just after three in the morning. Pulling up outside of your building, Steve idles in the car, briefly second guessing all of his decisions over the course of the night.
Before he can talk himself out of it, Steve exits his car – flowers in one hand as he flattens his hair with the other. Peering up at what he’s certain is your window, Steve isn’t surprised to see a light on. You were known to pull all-nighters to ensure your work was complete and up to your standard.
He’s at your door before he knows it. You’re lucky enough to have the room to yourself after your prospective roommate dropped out before move-in day and the college never assigned you another.
One knock.
Two knocks.
The shock is plain on your face when you find Steve waiting on the other side of your door with a bunch of wilting flowers. Your heart leaps into your throat at the sight of him; dishevelled, obviously tired, but just as in love with you as you are with him. Before you can utter a word, Steve interrupts.
“I know I should have called but I was dying to get to you.”
“Let me finish,” He pleads. “I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts.” The words are plain but the emotion behind them is staggering. “I know your workload is crazy; essay after essay, exam after exam, but I couldn’t go one more night without you.”
A moment of silence passes before Steve says, “I’ve finished.”
At those words, you pull Steve into a crushing hug. The cellophane wrapping of the flowers is crushed between your bodies, but neither of you could care as Steve’s arm wraps around your waist so tightly you worry for a minute that it could snap right off. Your arms wind around Steve’s neck, pulling you up to his height.
“I am so happy to see you,” You breathe, tears springing to your eyes at the unexpected rush of joy that runs through your veins at the sight of Steve before you.
“You are?”
“I am,” You whisper, inhaling the musky scent of Steve’s cologne and instantly feeling at ease and at home. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Oh, thank God,” Steve breathes, pressing his face to your hair and breathing in the familiar scent of your shampoo. “I thought you wouldn’t want to see me.”
“No!” You cry, “I always want to see you. It broke my heart to tell you I wasn’t coming home for Thanksgiving.”
“It broke mine a little too,” He confesses. “I was moping at work. Dustin told me to get my shit together so here I am.”
You snort at the mention of Dustin. “Here you are,” You murmur, “And what shall we do now that you are here?”
“Two things,” Steve purrs, smiling down at you. “One, I think you should lead me inside your room. And two, I think I should kiss you senseless.”
“I like the sound of those, Harrington. Shall we?”
All feels right with the universe once again as you lead Steve into your room. Steve can finally breathe easy, he’s driven all night and it’s led him to you.
Stranger Things taglist: @magicalxdaydream​ (I'm not sure if you wanna be tagged in all my fics), @neptunes-curse​ @echovqmps 
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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Box of crayons
“We were just two kids back then, but now we have two kids.”
Pairing: Jaehyun x female!reader Genre: SMUT, FLUFF, angst if you squint, childhood friends to lovers, growing up au, college au, to being married. WC: 3,522k Warnings: mentions of getting bullied during kindergarten, alcohol consumption on a college party, getting drunk, swearing, spitting, oral sex: male and female receiving, slight cum play, overstimulation, fingering, cream pie, unprotected sex, switching positions, smut scene is kind of long. A/N: I just want to post something.
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Meant to be. You and Jaehyun are meant to be. But not as lovers, at least not yet. For now, you believe that you and Jaehyun are meant to be best friends.
It all started when you saw him starring at his blank paper, close to tears while other kids are teasing him for not having a box of crayons. You came in bolting and scaring those kids with your wrath and told Jaehyun, “stop being such a loser,” and shared with him your box of crayons.
On the next day, you forgot your colors at home and you felt like such a loser because everyone was busy drawing and coloring their works while you’re stuck with this great idea in your mind for your artwork.
“Stop being such a loser,” Jaehyun said and sat beside you to share his box of colors with you this time.
That was the day you learned, at a very young age, that boxes of crayons that has a hundred colors are meant to be shared. You and Jaehyun became friends starting that day and your friendship became like a box of crayons that you’re willing to share with each other.
As long as you both have some colors left on your box, you’re willing to share and got each other’s back.
Your friendship grew and grew during kindergarten, grade school, and high school. Until your families acknowledged your friendship and thought that maybe someday you’ll end up together. On top of that, you and Jaehyun grew up together and watch each other achieve different kinds of great things. May it be through sports, academics, or your hobbies.
“Hey loser,” you sat beside him during lunch break and distract him from doing his assignment.
“Hey yourself” he smirked and continued writing.
It was a busy day in school, the student body organization was busy the whole week because of prom. And to be honest, you are too, you were busy with your dress and you were busy looking for the perfect tie for Jaehyun. And now, you’re just waiting for him to pop the question and finally ask you to prom, which he will because you’re best friend right? So that made you very excited and giddy.
“What do you think of Yeri?” He asked out of nowhere. Smiling and playing with his pen while waiting for your answer but you already felt nervous.
“Popular- She bullied you when we were kids? Why?” you answered short and cold. And you wonder why the man beside you is smiling like a fool.
“I’m taking her to prom, she said yes. It was yesterday in the library, I talked to her, and went straight to the point. I made her blush like crazy...” he proudly told you the story of how he asked someone else to prom but your ears started ringing and you can't hear anything he says already. Turns out when you were busy looking for the perfect tie for him yesterday, he was busy asking the girl he likes to prom.
Everything shifted after prom, you and Jaehyun stopped talking to each other but he was too busy with his new girlfriend to notice that.
Graduation came and summer took place, you and Jaehyun are going to the same college but now you’re not sure if he still wanted the same thing because rumors are he and Yeri are so in love that they will go to the same college. It's useless to reach out if life will eventually separate you and Jaehyun might as well accept it.
As you enter college and made great new friends, you forgot about Jaehyun and focus on your studies during freshman year. But during the start of your sophomore year and while you were at the library to borrow a few books you bumped into him and were forced to catch up and had coffee for old times sake. He paid for the drinks and snacks, obviously, he was happy to see you but you looked uninterested.
And when he noticed that he’s probably taking too much of your time, he finally started a conversation. “I transferred just this semester and I was actually looking forward to seeing you. How are you?”
“Great- look I have to study and I can’t be out this long, uhm...” you started to gather your stuff and ramble. “Maybe some other time Jae,” you said and left with a fake smile. You almost feel bad about what you did but he can’t just waltz back into your life like he didn’t forget about you the moment he had a girlfriend. Now ex-girlfriend.
And as your college years continue, a catch-up never happened again. Although he tried so many times to take you out, but you always refuse and avoid him with all your might whenever you see him around the campus. He was so consistent with bringing you back to his life but you just don’t care anymore because truth be told you were hurt when he left you. Maybe this is revenge? Maybe not? But one thing is for sure, you got hurt and you hated him for it.
Now that you’re in your senior and everything is very stressful, you decided to go to this party with your friends and you were so unlucky that Jaehyun was there with his set of friends, busy playing beer pong and being loud as fuck. Of course he saw you and it halted his moves, he wanted to come say hi to you or hand you a drink but you will for sure pretend that he is invisible so he didn’t.
The party was fun. Thankfully, there were a lot of snacks and overflowing alcoholic beverages as well as non-alcoholic beverages. And because you suck at drinking games, you were downing tequilas and vodkas the whole night and that’s how you got batshit drunk that Jaehyun found you on the bathroom inside the empty tub, sleeping like a baby with a red cup in your hand.
He knew right then and there that he is responsible for you.
“Y/n, it’s Jae. Can you walk?” he asked while patting your head softly. But you can’t talk right now, so you just shook your head ‘no’ and reached for him. You knew that it’s him and you can hear him perfectly but your brain is not working right and the room can’t stop spinning. And you can’t believe you’re saying this but you’re happy that he’s here to take care of you.
You had this same feeling when you forgot your crayons back then and he came to rescue you from your little situation. He’s the same Jaehyun after all.
He offered to drive you back to your dorm which you accepted without any argument, you could’ve thanked him if only you can talk properly. He was so concerned to you that he cleared the backseat of his car and let you lie there comfortably with his jacket covering your legs. And when he brought you to your dorm safely and in one piece, he can't just leave you sleeping with your dirty clothes and helped you clean yourself with closed eyes. Everything was a challenge for him, especially when he had to close his eyes before he removes your blouse, pants, unclasp your bra and make you wear something comfortable to sleep.
Jaehyun then pats your head softly and told you “I’ll get going then, good night” before he leaves and thankfully, you were quick to stop him and you had enough energy to tell him to stay. He smiled so big and felt so happy that he wanted to scream and jump around your room. But he controlled himself and removed his shoes before he lies beside you in your comfortable bed.
To his shock, you swing your arms around him and pulled him closer to you for a tight embrace that he eventually returned. Caressing your back as he melts to your embrace and enjoys the happiness that he’s feeling right now.
“I’m sorry,” he started and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“I missed you. Never hurt me again like that, Jaehyun I swear-“
“Shhh. I will never do that to you again,” he said and hummed a song oh so softly until you fall asleep together and meet in each other’s dreams.
Just as you thought that your friendship will never come back, it did and this time it came back with love. But even though that this time love is around to make you two stick together, you never admitted your feelings to each other. You just let your actions do the talking. From him holding your hand during a scary Netflix movie, to you holding his hand while he drives. It was a simple and comfortable ‘relationship’ and you wish he would make it official.
But during a beautiful rainy day when you and Jaehyun decided to stay at your place and enjoy the cold bed weather together instead of going to the movies... everything suddenly fell into place.  
“Mmm. Feels good” Jaehyun moaned as you concentrate on lining the face mask on his face properly. You’re sitting comfortably on top of him, your legs placed on both of his sides, while he’s leaning on your headboard with closed eyes, feeling so relaxed as you pamper him with skincare.
“Stop moaning, my dorm mates might think we're having sex,” you giggle and rake his hair away from his covered face. Holding it nicely as you lean closer to his chest to enjoy the comfort of being on top of him.
“Comfortable?” he asked and placed his hands on your back and made you lean on him completely. He started caressing your back and his soft touches are making you sleepy. You may not know, but he’s very much in love with you and that he will do everything just to keep you this time. He’s just waiting for the perfect time to admit his feelings to you and make everything official.
“Okay times up,” you excitedly said and started removing the face mask. While wiping his clear and handsome face, you see redness on his cheeks and his ears are turning red. You smiled and let out a giggle because that only means Jaehyun is flustered right now.
“Can you blame me? You’re so close to me and you’re literally on top of my dick. Don’t make fun of me if I get hard,” he said with a shy smile. Eyes turning into crescents and his cute dimples are deeper than ever. So instead of making him shy, you decided to make him nervous by grinding on him slowly but with enough pressure to make him in the mood and hard in no time.
His eyes went big when you rolled your hips once. Then it became even bigger when you rolled your hips a few times again which made him tensed up and hold his breath. “Stop it,” he said, but with a smile, that’s so big. He’s completely aware that you’re teasing him.
“But do you really want me to stop?” you said and put more effort into what you’re doing to him. Grinding slowly and deliciously, rolling your head and parting your lips. But the thing is, you’re not acting anymore. Jaehyun does feel so good right now and you’re liking what you started. And now that you’re letting out small moans, Jaehyun came close to you and caught your lips. Holding your head steady and kissing you like how he always wanted to.
“If you don’t stop now, I’ll really, really, really take advantage of this moment,” he said and went back to kissing you. A mixture of happiness and lust and you both feel like your hearts are about to burst because of what's happening right now. Kissing each other while smiling in between, kissing each other even more deeper by every second. It’s like your kisses were saying, ‘i love you’ ‘no, i love you more’. And as you two are busy with your lips, you felt Jaehyun’s hands slip inside your shirt and draw small circles on your skin while kissing as if he wanted you to lift your shirt but he’s just too shy to tell you. So without any warning, you stopped kissing him only to remove your shirt and remove your bra in front of him.
This may not be Jaehyun’s first time seeing a naked girl in front of him, but you sure did make him shy that he avoided looking at you. Flashing those dimples again, and witnessing his ears turn bright red. Brighter than ever. “Stop being shy and touch me,” you command and put your hand on his nape and reached for his other hand to place it on your shoulder. Giving him the freedom to touch you and roam his hand around your body as you continue to grind your clothed pussy on his hard dick.
Soon his hand finally started to move, touching your boobs first and kneading them slowly and carefully until Jaehyun became comfortable and confident to request that you remove your shorts too. Which you did gladly, so now you’re left with only your panties, kissing Jaehyun on the neck and making the man moan and feel good. Lifting his shirt without any hesitation and exposing his very hot body before your eyes and left kisses on it immediately.
Kisses after kisses you made him weak until you reach his sweat pants and pull it down together with his boxers brief so you can plant kisses on his happy trail, lower abdomen, and finally his hard cock. And there it is again, his handsome dimpled smile that shows his shyness. His cock twitched when your cold hands made contact with his cock, pumping it slowly while you watch him close his eyes and roll his head back. He watched you spit on his cock, and slowly put his whole size in your mouth. Gripping the sheets as he loses his mind, gripping the sheets as he breathes in and out heavily, letting out deep groans and making sweet moans.
“Y/n, s-stop. I’m about to cum,” he pleaded but you didn’t stop. Instead, you moved your head even faster, worked with your tongue, and made sure to never let him forget this moment that his whole cock is in your mouth for the first time.
After a few minutes of pleasure, Jaehyun came into your mouth and you witnessed him shaking and moaning on your bed with a satisfied smile. Still, with a sensitive body, you lay on top of him and teased him from cumming so soon. “You’re dead,” he said and smiled so sweetly at you. Encircling his arms around your body and kissing you a couple of times before he changed places with you. Finally, removing your panties and making you spread your legs for him, holding you with utmost care and kissing you with a mixture of love and lust.
If you tortured him earlier with your trail of kisses on his body, now it’s Jaehyun’s turn to torture you with him kissing your inner thighs oh so softly that it sends tingles straight to your spine and making your legs close automatically. “Uh-uh, I endured everything you did to me earlier,” he said, teasing you before he slides his fingers up and down your slit and finally licking it slowly. Spitting on your cunt just how you spit on his dick earlier and started pleasuring you with his hot tongue. Your hand automatically landed on his head, gripping his soft locks as he licks you slowly and torturing you with that damn wet muscle.
And when he finally made you cum and had his sweet revenge, he kissed you all over your body and put his entire weight on top of you. Letting your nipples brush on his chest and his hand soothe your sensitive body.
It was quiet for a moment, and only your heavy breaths can be heard in your room besides the air conditioning. He nibbles your earlobes and spreads kisses on your neck while slightly grinding his hard cock on your very wet pussy, waiting for you to calm down so he can finally fuck you.
“I was planning to take you out on a proper date first before we go to this stage. You just have to be so impatient, huh?” he shook his head in disbelief and kissed your lips again before he pulls away, putting both his hands on the sides of your head. His cock was very hard that you almost thought it wouldn’t fit, “Don’t worry you’re so wet. It will slide in easily” he said before he told you to line his cock so he can finally push in.
Slowly he stretches you out, rolling his head back and so are his eyes, while you on the other hand grip your boobs knead them as you feel Jaehyun’s cock slide in and out. “Jaehyun, deeper-“ you requested and let out a moan that made him gave in to your request. He adjusts your position, folded your knee before he spreads you open, thrusting deeper than before that his lower abdomen touches yours. Losing your mind whenever you take a peek at the motion of his hips while fucks you, Jaehyun was so hot as he moves his waist and kept his eyes only to you, this time he’s the one making you feel so shy.
“You like it this way? Deep and slow?" you only nod, “Wanna go another round after this?” you smiled and nod again, “Do you love me?”
And then he started thrusting faster and harder that your body was dragged on the mattress, and your boobs are bouncing up and down because of his hard thrust. Jaehyun came close to you for a kiss, still waiting for your answer. Although he knew already that you do love him by the way you kiss him, still he needed to hear it from you. “I want to hear it Y/n,” Jaehyun pleaded again and hold on to your waist tightly as he fucks you harder than before.
“I do Jae- fuck, slow down. Almost there” you croaked but its too late, Jaehyun’s thumb is on your clit, ready to torture you again and make you cum for the second time tonight.
Locking your legs around his waist as you enjoy your high and oversensitivity, you didn’t expect that you’d ask for more and beg for more the moment you hit your high that Jaehyun got more excited that he almost forgot to pull out. And when he did, he came on your pussy lips, watching his cum paint your wet folds and throbbing cunt. Of course the man above you isn’t satisfied with all the torture he did tonight, so he slides his fingers on your cunt, playing with his own cum and finger fucked you to give you another mind blowing orgasm.
The eventful bed weather ended with you and Jaehyun cuddling in your bed with his hands on your thigh and you’re wearing nothing but his black shirt and a pair of panties while he stays handsome and so irresistible in his boxers briefs.
“I promise to love you,” he whispered to you while drawing small and soft circles on your thighs, his eyes never left yours. “I promise to stay even though you’re so stubborn,” he added which made you giggle and happy.
During a very quiet night where Jaehyun’s hands are intertwined with yours and his embrace was tighter than ever because he was really tired from work, Jaehyun was having a cute dream. He dreamt about how you saved him from the bullies back when you were only innocent kids. He was smiling through his dream until he hears a cry. A cry of an infant and opened his eyes immediately. You stopped him from getting up and told him, “I got it Jae, go sleep. You’ve been up the whole day,”
Jaehyun has become a great provider for your small family now. And he was working hard to the bone that he barely gets enough sleep during weekdays. “Thank you,” murmured and closed his hands again. And after you put your babies to sleep again and went back to Jaehyun’s embrace, Jaehyun was deep in his sleep that he’s sleep talking and murmuring sweet nothings, the kind where you only hear whenever you have slow sex.  
“We were just two kids back then, but now we have two kids. I will buy them boxes of boxes of crayons so bullies will never touch them,”
You giggle and pulled him closer. Hoping that he will ramble more because he’s so cute right now. “I love you,” you said, you weren’t expecting something in return but he responded.
“I just realized I never thanked you for sharing your crayons with me back then, thank you” he said and opened his eyes and went on top of you to kiss you sincerely. His wife. “I love you”  
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
Inspired by @ledzeppelinmixtape 's emoji prompt: ⛈
Read on ao3 or below / 2.3k words
It's 11pm and storming biblically when Dean and Cas's apartment goes dark.
"Great," Dean mutters under his breath. "Fan-freaking-tastic."
From somewhere else in the apartment, his roommate asks "did the power go out?"
"What do you think, sunshine?" Dean replies sarcastically.
He has a half-written essay in front of him, but he knows his old-ass computer won't last long unplugged, so he saves the document before shutting it off. He leans back in his chair, stretching for the first time in an hour and running a hand down his face. He actually needed a break from the screen, he realizes, feeling his eyes relax as he rubs them.
The steady rain and strong winds outside make an overwhelming white noise track, interrupted only by thunder that goes from faint and distant to deafening in volume. If Dean wasn't stressed out of his mind and completely exhausted right now, he might actually find this kind of nice.
"It's raining cats and mice out there," he hears Cas say, his voice now in the room.
Dean smiles, still rubbing his eyes with the backs of both his hands. "Cats and dogs, Cas."
"Right. Cats and dogs."
It’s really no use correcting him; the entire animal kingdom could be falling from the sky right now and there wouldn't be much of a difference. The winds are definitely knocking things over, and the streets will certainly be flooded come morning. Dean wonders for how long the university will cancel classes after this (if at all, the heartless bloodsuckers).
A particularly loud clap of thunder startles Dean. He drops his hands from his face and opens his eyes, expecting to see pitch black nothingness, but the room is faintly lit by the flashlight Cas is holding as he rummages through their kitchen drawers. He approaches a minute later and sets a candle down on the small table.
"Thank you, Dean," Cas says, sitting down opposite him. Dean smiles again, this time shaking his head.
If anyone ever asked him to mention one thing he likes about Cas, just one, he'd probably say how genuine Cas is, how he takes everything to heart and speaks from it as well. Dean said just one word, smart, a simple comment on the fact that it occurred to Cas to light a candle instead of wasting the battery of their one flashlight, and Cas genuinely thanked him for the compliment. He's just ridiculously cute in his earnestness.
Cas is trying to light the candle now, but their lighter is tricky. Despite living together in that apartment for a year and a half now Cas has never really gotten the hang of it.
"Here, let me."
Dean means to take the lighter from Cas and do it himself, he really does. That is 100% his intention as he reaches across the table. Except he sees an opportunity, and Dean Michael Winchester is nothing if not smooth.
He wraps his hand around Cas's, gently guiding his fingers until they’re placed just right, and the lighter clicks on with ease. Cas meets his eyes, smiling, and Dean can feel the slightest brush of Cas’s thumb against his hand. It’s a small gesture, but clearly deliberate, and it sends Dean’s heart into overdrive. Cas leans away, puts the lighter aside, and starts leafing through a book he brought. Dean’s heart is still racing as he watches him.
Scratch that first thing. If anyone ever asked him what’s one thing he likes about Cas? His hands. God. Neat nails, slightly calloused palms, and overall larger hands than you’d expect. Cas is an environmental science major and he wants to get a Ph.D. in botany, so of course, there’s a small garden on their fire escape. He tends to those plants every day with more gentleness and care than Dean has ever seen, and Dean loves to watch him, even though he has no idea what Cas is doing with them half the time. He just knows that not a single one of their plants have died under Cas’s care. He names them too.
His attentiveness. That’s another thing Dean might say if anyone ever asked. Cas left to visit his sister Anna last winter break. He left Dean in charge of the plants, three of which died inside the week. (For Dean’s birthday a couple of months later, Cas got him a book. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean keeps it on his nightstand.) Dean went out and bought new ones, but he knew Cas would notice the difference, and he did. He wasn’t mad at Dean though, and he appreciated the effort, and as Dean apologized profusely over and over again, Cas looked at him in the eyes oh-so-softly and told him he was forgiven.
How could Dean possibly forget? If anyone ever asked, he’d say that Cas’s eyes are one of his favorite things about him. One of his favorite things, period. Dean is absolutely mesmerized whenever Cas looks him in the eye, and the guy loves making eye contact, which means that Dean lives in a perpetual smitten daze. He has never seen that shade of blue anywhere else on this earth. Or maybe he just hasn’t been looking, content to get his fill of that blue by staring into Cas’s eyes as much as he gets to on a daily basis.
“Are you alright, Dean?”
Dean blinks himself back to reality. “Hm?”
“You seem… spaced.”
Dean is staring. He’s been staring this whole time. Shit. Crap.
“Yeah, um. Just tired.”
Mr. Smooth, everybody.
“Maybe you should go get some rest. I doubt the power will be back anytime soon.”
Castiel Milton, always looking out for you. It makes Dean melt.
“Yeah, maybe.” I wanna stay here with you, though, he thinks. Instead, because he’s pathetic, he asks “what’re you reading?”
Cas shows him the cover. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean breaks out in laughter.
“So you’re going into my room and stealing my shit now?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your Vonneguts.” Cas puts the book aside, an easy smile on his face. “Just wanted something light to pass the time.”
“You done with your homework?”
A soft yawn escapes Cas. “For now.”
“Dude, why not just go to sleep? You look exhausted.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Dean tries to deadpan him. He fails, because around Cas, it’s near impossible for him to not smile.
“Besides, I might be done but you weren’t.”
“And you wanted to keep me company.”
Cas shrugs as if to say I guess, but he does it with a knowing smile. The smile doesn’t falter as he meets Dean’s eyes, and he doesn’t look away when silence settles between them, the only sound being the stormy white noise.
Dean is sure he could drown in that blue and die happy.
Before that train of thought gets away from him again, Dean tears his gaze away and stretches. “We should really go to bed though, I’m not getting any more done tonight,” he says as he stands.
“Of course,” Cas says, but he grabs the book again.
“You not going?”
“I want to finish this chapter.”
The seriousness in his tone makes Dean smile. Again.
“Well, g’night, Cas.”
“Good night, Dean.”
Dean thinks he detects a bit of shakiness in Cas’s voice but decides that he’s probably just tired.
He gets to his room and changes into something comfortable, the first t-shirt and sweatpants he finds as he rummages in the dark. He goes to set his phone on his nightstand and crawl into bed, but in place of the book he keeps there and puts his phone on top of– the book Cas has at the moment– he finds something else.
It’s paper. It’s folded into the form of a book, like one of those youtube craft tutorials with bad music, and it's no bigger than his own palm. The cover is handwritten, and Dean immediately recognizes it as Cas's. He smiles, expecting a prank or joke of some sort, Cas knows how stressed Dean can get with the start of the semester. However, his smile falters as he reads the cover:
How to tell your best friend you’re in love with him.
With a shaky hand, Dean opens the small book. The first page is the only one with any more writing on it, and it reads:
You leave him a note and hope it’s enough.
Dean is storming out of his bedroom (no pun intended) before he knows it. He barely even feels his feet moving, too focused on the pounding in his ears and the dryness in his mouth. He doesn’t go into the living room, not yet; his feet stop at the end of the short hallway and he braces himself against the wall. The room is spinning and he can barely breathe.
“Cas?” He chokes out.
Cas puts the book back down on the table in front of him and interlocks his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t look at Dean– Cas, who makes too much eye contact – and takes a deep breath before saying “yes?”
He’s nervous.
Dean takes a step forward, still keeping one hand on the wall just in case, and holds up the note. “What is this?” he asks, because his brain is just not there with him yet.
Cas stands, still not facing Dean. “Dean, do you know what day it is?”
He’s asking this now???
“September firs–”
Oh. Oh shit.
“Cas isn’t today the–”
“The night we met. Two years ago.”
Dean feels his brain catching up now as the memory starts coming back to him. Cas helps, starting to recount that night.
“Two years ago tonight, I was leaving my night course at the university, and it was raining. Not as bad as this,” –Cas looks out the window and lightning strikes, as if on cue– “but pretty badly, and I was an inexperienced freshman without an umbrella.”
Dean remembers. He was walking Charlie to her dorm when it started drizzling, and it was pouring by the time he made it back to his car. Dean had a night shift at the gas station and was about to head there.
“Two years ago tonight,” Cas continues, “you invited me into your car to shelter me from the rain.”
Dean saw this guy running in the direction of the men’s dorms, which were on the other side of campus. He felt bad, and he had a car, so he opened the passenger door and let him in.
Turned out to be the most gorgeous guy he’d ever laid eyes on. He was a bit awkward, but he had no filter, which made him weirdly funny. He asked about the music playing in the car and listened intently to Dean's rambling. He laughed at his jokes too.
At the end of the five-minute drive, he said his name was Castiel, and Dean asked for his number and saved it as Cas with a thunderstorm emoji. Because even if he didn’t know it yet, Dean was already whipped.
“Two years ago,” Cas says, finally looking up at Dean. His eyes are wide and vulnerable and he looks terrified and Dean can barely stand it. “Two years ago tonight, I started to fall in love with you.”
Dean can’t breathe. His ears are hot and he can’t stop fidgeting with the note in his hand and he can’t breathe.
But his feet start moving again, out of their own volition. They move toward Cas.
“If you don’t feel–” Cas starts, but Dean swallows his words.
Again, Dean’s brain isn’t all there yet, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he’s already in it. He’s grabbing Cas’s face, digging his fingertips into the back of his hair, and the note is forgotten on the table, and thunder rumbles not that far away. He’s darting out his tongue, begging to explore Cas’s mouth as he’s wanted to do since forever, and Cas lets him. He tastes like toothpaste and coffee and honey and Dean never wants to taste anyone else ever again.
Cas is wrapping his arms around Dean’s waist and pressing his entire body against him. It’s making Dean weak in the knees but it’s okay because Cas is almost holding him upright at this point. There’s another clap of thunder, much closer this time, and the lightning probably illuminated the apartment, but it wasn’t enough to make them part. They’re moving and grasping and exploring frantically, and Dean is afraid Cas is going to disappear, or that he’s going to wake up and this will all have been another dream. But no, it’s real, and they’re playing catchup on two years worth of desire and longing and love.
They eventually pull away, breathless and giddy. The only sounds are the rain and the wind. Dean opens his eyes first, needing to see Cas and make sure this is completely, definitely, unequivocally real. Cas is smiling and taking deep breaths, and a weight seems to be lifted off his shoulders. He opens his eyes a second later, and even in the darkness, even with just the faint candlelight, the blue in them seems to shine. And even though there's no power, it feels as if there's electricity crackling in the air around them. It might be the storm.
No. It's the moment. This moment with Cas is what feels electric.
“Come to bed?” Dean asks, feeling brave and going out on a limb. The only way Cas responds is by interlocking his hand into Dean’s and kissing him again.
And after tonight, for the rest of his life, if anyone ever asks him “what’s one thing you love about Cas?” Dean won’t be able to narrow down an answer.
He’ll just say: “Everything.”
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reds-ramblings · 2 years
This was written a few days ago before episode 10 was released. However, after a certain point on Friday, I was so anxious for the release that I couldn't focus long enough to do my final read-through to edit out any mistakes. Now that I have finished the episode I am finally posting.
Apple Doesn't Fall Far - Part 11
Jake's P.O.V.
"I'm sorry, Jay. I wasn't thinking about Gracie." Lily says.
"Obviously!" I scoff.
As Lily walks away I turn my attention back to MC.
"Thank you." She says quietly.
"I didn't do it for you I did it for Grace."
"I know but still." She says.
As I turn to walk away I hear Dan apologizing to her for Lily's behavior. I need to find Gracie and make sure she's ok. When Lily started yelling I told her to go play with the other kids. I walk into the house and see all the kids in the living room playing video games. I motion for Gracie to come to me and she does.
"I'm sorry about that Gracie." I tell her.
"Who was that and why was she being so mean to mom?" She asks.
"That's your other aunt Lily. She and your mom have never really had a great relationship. Let's just say it started on the wrong foot. So it's going to take her a little more time to warm up to the idea of your mom being around again."
"Oh," She looks down at the ground and shifts nervously. "Does she hate me because of what mom did?"
"No, she doesn't hate you at all. You're not responsible for any of the decisions either of us has made. I hope you won't hold her comments earlier against her either. She tends to act without thinking."
"Ok." She says and goes back to playing video games.
After making sure Gracie was ok I decided I needed to take some time to compose myself before going back outside. After hiding in my room for a while I walk back outside to see everyone drinking and having a good time around the fire. I grab a drink and sit down between Lily and Jessy, across the fire from MC, far enough away that she can't hear me. I lean over to Lily.
"I know it's hard but we have a kid together and being a part of her life means at least being Civil with MC so please try to play nice." I whisper to her.
"Yeah, I know. All the anger from back then suddenly rushed back to me the moment I saw her and I just couldn't stop myself." She says.
"Yeah tell me about it. I completely blew up the first time I saw her on campus. Thank god Gracie had gone back to her dorm."
"I talked to her for a minute. She seems like a nice kid. She didn't seem to be mad at me for my outburst earlier." Lily says.
I see Hannah coming out of the house and I get up to grab another drink.
"I spent some time with your mini-me." She says coming over to get a drink herself.
"She's amazing isn't she?" I ask.
"She does seem petty great but her mother's pretty great too you know." She says.
"Yeah if you say so."
"So what about you two? Any plans of getting back together?" She asks making me roll my eyes.
"We were never together in the first place. It was just a one-night stand." I say trying to sound convincing.
"Yeah ok." She snorts. "Tell that to someone that didn't watch you almost drive yourself crazy for three years looking for her. Jake, you loved her and I know those kinds of feelings don't just go away."
"Hannah I'm incapable of having those feelings."
"Yeah yeah, that's what you said before you met her the first time too and we all watched you fall head over heels for her." She laughs. "I think if you're honest with yourself you're still in love with her."
"No, Hannah it's not going to happen so don't get your hopes up." I tell her as we walk back over to the group and sit down.
After several hours the last of the group had gone home and it's just MC and I. She tells me goodnight before getting up and going inside. I put out the fire and make my way into the house. I find it hard to focus on my walking and stumble a bit. Damn, it usually takes a lot more than that before I feel it. I start down the hall towards my room when I see Marabella coming out of the bathroom. As she goes to walk by me I grab her arm and force her to look at me. I'm not sure if it's the alcohol or what but the second our eyes meet I forget everything I was going to say. Fuck it, maybe Hannah was right. Maybe I do still love her. At that thought, I can't help but push her up against the wall and kiss her but to my surprise, she pushes me away.
"Oh come on, don't act like you don't want to kiss me." I mumble.
"What I want and what is right are two different things." She says back.
"What's so wrong. You said you weren't seeing anybody."
"No, I haven't been with anyone since that night. That's not the reason." She says.
I lean in close to her. "From what I remember you hadn't been with anyone before that either. I'm glad to know I'm the only one." While still holding her against the wall I lean down and start kissing down her neck. She lets out a sigh and gives in just for a moment before pushing me away again.
"It's not like it's anything we haven't done before." I tease. She slaps me and I back away surprised.
"You've had too much to drink and I'm not in the mood for this shit." She says as she pushes past me to her room.
I walk into the kitchen and see Marabella sitting at the table drinking coffee.
"Hey." I say walking over to the coffee pot to fix myself a cup.
"About last night, I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I'm truly sorry. I wasn't thi-" I start and she cuts me off.
"It's fine. I've already forgotten it happened." She says.
Seeing how unphased she is I can't help but wonder if she ever had feelings for me at all. "Did you ever truly love me? I ask.
"Why, does it even matter at this point? It's not like it's going to change anything." She says looking up from her coffee.
"No, but I would like to know if your feelings were real or if you were just playing me." I turn to face her and lean back against the counter.
"I could ask you the same thing." She shrugs.
"I'll tell you if you tell me." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.
"Yes, everything was real for me. I truly fell in love with you back then. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. When I promised to run away with you I meant it. I never wanted to break that promise then those two pink lines showed up and... well, my life changed in an instant and what I wanted didn't matter anymore. I had a kid to protect and neither of us were important at that moment, she was." She looks up and we lock eyes. At that moment, I can tell she's being truthful.
"I understand why you did what you did. Hell, if I had known you were pregnant I would have probably insisted you do exactly that. Understanding what you did and knowing you did the right thing doesn't make it any easier for me. It doesn't suddenly make me trust you or love you. It doesn't magically bring those feelings back. When you left that day I didn't just lose you. When you disappeared you took my whole heart with you; you took every shred of trust I had left. When you disappeared you took away every hope I had for the future. When you left it broke me. I am incapable of having those feelings again but damn it MC I would be lying if I said I didn't feel something, I'm just not sure what. I'm afraid as I spend more time with you those feelings will just continue to grow and then I'll lose you, again. I can't go through that, not again. My heart can't take losing you a second time." I confess. I'm not sure if getting that off my chest makes me feel better or worse.
"You know, Jake, I never stopped loving you. That's the reason I haven't been with anyone since. At first, I couldn't even look at another man without feeling like I was betraying you. Then as Gracie started to get older I was constantly reminded of you. Every time I looked at her face I saw the man I loved so much. I just couldn't bring myself to be with anyone else because I knew it could never live up to what I felt with you. Being here with you is hell because my heart wants nothing more than for us to pick up where we left off 13 years ago but my head knows no matter what I do that can never happen. We can never go back to that." She sighs.
"MC, I just can't." I say.
"I know. So, where does all this leave us now?" She asks.
"I don't know."
Hearing her say those things should make me feel happy or angry or something but instead, it just confuses me even more.
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