#and to lean into making her something she was not (tim's mom) due to what role she was perceived to have filled and replaced
fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Confident in Us
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x confident!fem!reader (single mom)
Summary: You're confident, you keep Tim on his toes, but he realizes that it's not enough. He learns that you have a son from a previous relationship while Angela is pressuring him to ask you out, but you beat him to it.
Warnings: misogynistic comments (not from Tim), fluff, flirting, Tim gets a little nervous around r, r's son likes Optimus Prime (bc I like Transformers)
Word Count: 2.8k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“C’mon, babe, wake up!” you call again, holding your phone away from your face. “Okay, sorry, Angela, how can I help you?” you ask into the microphone.
“Babe? Did someone spend the night?” Angela teases.
“You know he did. Early morning calls from you are new, though.”
“We’re infiltrating a money laundering scheme. The Metro captain said you’d be a good fit to lead the operation,” she explains.
“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll be there in twenty.”
“Perfect! And I’d tell you to take your time getting ready, but you always look good.”
“Back atcha.”
You end the call and yell another wake-up call with more urgency. There’s a case to be worked on, and you know you can get it done. If you can get to work, that is.
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“Sergeant Bradford,” you greet as you approach Angela’s desk. “Detective Lopez.”
“Morning,” Tim replies.
You smile at him before asking Angela where your temporary team is. She tells you they’re arriving shortly and meeting in the roll call room. There’s a case file spread open on her desk, and you lean beside her to look at it.
“When do you think your captain will just realize that I’d be a great permanent fixture on your team?” you ask Tim, looking up through your lashes. “I’d only distract you boys sometimes.”
“I think that’s the major concern,” Tim deadpans.
“Granted, we wouldn’t be able to work together,” you sigh.
“Why not?”
“We’d draw too much attention, Tim. Look at us.”
You smile again and Tim shakes his head. Your confidence reads as flirtation occasionally, but Tim has always been drawn to you. He’s constantly impressed by how good you are at your job, and how aware you are of what you are worth. Your strengths and weaknesses are well-known to you, and you use them to your advantage. Most importantly, you don’t let anyone walk over you. Being a woman in the police force is hard, but you make it look effortless and do it with grace.
“Why am I in charge of this?” you ask.
“You’ve worked a laundering op before, right?” Angela asks.
“I assisted in one when I was on patrol, yeah.”
“A very successful one, from what I hear. Since you’ve been on the ground for one, you were the best choice.”
You nod before you notice the Metro team enter. As you stand and move toward Tim, he wonders if you’re this confident outside of work, or if it’s something you’ve built up to maintain your sanity in a job surrounded by men.
“Think we’ll be done by eight?” you murmur.
“Why? Have a date?” he counters.
“Something like that,” you reply with a wink. “Let’s go catch some money launderers, Bradford.”
“We’ve got three Metro teams here for this op,” the Metro captain explains as you enter. “Work together or get out of my station, is that clear?”
Overlapping replies of “Yes, ma’am” mix as you lead Tim toward the front of the roll call room. A television screen shows the layout of the warehouse you will be infiltrating, but you have to explain all the minor details. Your previous success in a place like this was due to the precision of little movements, and this will be no different.
“So, what’s the plan?” a man in the front row asks.
You nod toward him and say, “Our goal is-“
“I was asking Sergeant Bradford,” he interjects.
You smile at him as you explain, “I’m in charge of this operation, so I can answer any questions you have. Our goal is to infiltrate the operation without breaching. Once inside, we can better understand the operation. Then, three different teams will breach from the locations marked on the map.”
“‘Scuse me,” someone calls from the back.
“Why leave the front side open during the breach?”
“Excellent question. This unit backs up to a storefront on the opposite side. Patrol units will evacuate that store before the raid, so there will be no exfil points nor civilian interaction.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“No problem. You have your team assignments, and we will ensure each team is in location before the infiltration. In the case of anyone exiting the building before the breach begins, immobilize and detain as quickly and quietly as possible. Are there any other questions?”
Everyone shakes their head, and you hear the first man who cut you off mutter something under his breath.
“One more thing,” their captain adds. “If any one of you have decided to feel misogynistic today, get out now. I will not tolerate you rejecting orders for any reason. One more disrespectful comment toward another officer will get you benched. Indefinitely. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the men call together.
As they leave, she apologizes to you, but you brush off her concerns with a smile. You’re used to it, and she is too.
“Thank you for letting me join this operation,” you tell her.
“Of course. I hear you and Bradford are the best,” she replies. “Prove ‘em right.”
You nod before following Tim out. There’s a bit of time until you have to change and prepare to infiltrate, and you have paperwork to do until then.
“Good work in there,” Tim says.
“I’m sure you say that to all the girls, Bradford,” you joke. “See you in a bit.”
He watches you walk toward your desk. When Angela slaps his arm, though, he turns away quickly with wide eyes.
“What was that for?” he demands.
“Are you going to ask her out or not?” she sighs.
“Why not?”
“Um, I don’t have a death wish,” Tim says dramatically. “She does not like being hit on, you know that.”
“No, she doesn’t like being objectified. You asking her out – genuinely being interested in her – would get an entirely different response.”
Tim rolls his eyes and notices a man walking toward you. He lays a hand on Angela’s shoulder and turns her toward you.
“Hey, baby, you need someone to escort you home tonight?” the man asks, though his eyes are nowhere near your face. “No need to go home without a man one more time, right?”
“The only boy I’ll be taking home tonight is my son, so no thank you,” you reply easily.
“Son?” Tim whispers.
“You didn’t know?” Angela asks.
“No, I… Look, Lopez, the point is I don’t need her to stop talking to me because I asked her out.”
“Then don’t ask her out like that.”
“She doesn’t want anything!” Tim exclaims. “Drop it.”
You look up when his voice raises, and your brows furrow when you see him talking to Angela. They wave, and you shake your head in amusement before returning your attention to your paperwork.
“I didn’t even know she had a son,” Tim adds quietly. “She keeps me on my toes at work, and that’s enough.”
“Sure,” Angela agrees. “But what about when it’s not enough anymore?”
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“So…” Tim begins as you walk down a street to reach the target location.
“Put your arm around me,” you say suddenly.
Tim doesn’t question your request as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. His eyes are on your face, and you smile as you look up at him.
“It’s busier than I thought it’d be,” you murmur. “Don’t need to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves.”
“Not a problem. We’re going to a place that doesn’t exist anyway,” Tim replies.
“You seem… off. Are you okay to do this?” you check.
“Yeah, I’m good. Angela just pried into my personal life again. Made me question things, for some reason.”
You chuckle and shake your head against Tim’s forearm. “Trust me, I know that situation all too well. She’s been trying to get me to start dating since my son got old enough to be left with a babysitter.”
Tim hums and you realize he may not have known as much about your personal life as Angela. You don’t talk about your home life much at work for a couple of reasons, but the biggest is your concern about the comments you’d get. Being a cop is hard enough, but a cop who is a single mother is much different. The things that the men you work with would say require a level of patience that you don’t have, and your confidence can’t conceal that.
“We’re here,” Tim alerts as you reach the entrance.
He removes his arm from your shoulders and opts to take your hand as he opens the door and leads you inside. The false front, Coo-Coo Cash Checking, is tiny, though you suppose they need as much room as possible for their backdoor counterfeiting business.
“Welcome, folks,” a man says as he steps to the desk. “What can I help you with?”
“My girlfriend and I are looking to buy a house but can’t get approved for the loan we need. A friend of mine told me you, or your boss, Malcolm Dmitri, could help,” Tim explains.
The man nods at the mention of the code word and steps back. “Sure, we can. Mr. Dmitri is in a meeting right now but should be done in about five minutes. Mind waiting?”
“That’s perfect,” Tim replies. “Thank you, sir.”
The door closes behind him and you turn toward Tim.
“Something feels off,” you murmur.
“Yeah,” he agrees.
He looks around, but there isn’t much to see in the five-foot-deep entryway where you stand. You rise to your tiptoes and look over the desk, but there’s nothing back there, either.
“They’re going to do something unexpected,” you say. “Let’s just roll with it.”
“Within reason,” Tim argues.
“What if my reason is different than yours?” you ask, leaning against him and smiling.
“Then I’ll pull rank,” he answers, sounding breathless.
“And here I thought we were friends.”
You pout, and Tim looks away quickly. Just as you stand and prepare to apologize for going too far, the door opens again.
“Mr. Dmitri can see you now. The problem is his office is small, so it’ll have to be one at a time. He’ll see you first, Miss…” he trails off, waiting for your name.
“Walton,” you answer, making up a name quickly.
Tim squeezes your hand, but you run your finger over his palm as you step forward. He registers your signal but doesn’t like what you’re about to do.
“I’ll be right back, honey,” you promise as you walk through the door.
Tim leans back against the wall as he waits for your signal to breach. He will rush inside the moment he hears it. Not a moment before, though, because he knows you and you know what you’re doing.
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As you and Tim walk out of the front door after a successful raid, you pull his hand into yours again.
“Ask me what you wanted to ask before,” you say softly. “I don’t keep my personal life a secret from you on purpose, it’s just that some of the guys at work… I know how they’d treat me if they knew I had a kid.”
“I get it,” Tim replies. “You said you’re a single mom. I guess I’m just surprised anyone would leave you.”
“I left him,” you admit. “I know what I’m worth and that didn’t always sit well with him. I wouldn’t change a thing, though, because I got an amazing son out of the deal.”
“What were you thinking?” one of the Metro officers demands as you near the rendezvous point. “Going in there alone was stupid!”
“I had the situation under control,” you reply calmly.
Tim drops your hand and levels his gaze on the man before you. He’s too close to you, but Tim won’t step in unless he has to. You can handle yourself, he knows that, but it doesn’t keep him from getting angry with people who talk down to you.
“Clearly! They could’ve taken you in a second!” he replies. “How do you deal with her, Bradford? You just let her waltz into a death trap.”
“She is good at what she does,” Tim answers. “And you would do well to treat her like the cop she is and not my assistant. This is her operation, so stop questioning her decisions.”
“Oh, she’s got you on a tight leash, Bradford.”
“That’s enough,” you interrupt, your friendly smile long gone. “I know what I am doing, and since you clearly have no trust in me as a member of your team, you can go.”
“That’s not your call, girlie.”
Tim steps forward, but his Metro captain approaches before he can say anything.
“She dismissed you, officer. That means go. Now.”
The officer rolls his eyes and stomps as he pushes against your shoulder to get past. You shake your head before you ask if all of the suspects are in custody.
“Every one of them,” the captain answers. “Excellent work in there.” “I appreciate that,” you reply. “Sergeant Bradford was a great asset in there.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Reviews are coming up soon.”
She winks at Tim before she pats your shoulder and returns to the mobile command unit. You exhale and roll your shoulders back to stand straighter.
“I’m sorry,” Tim offers.
“I don’t let it affect me anymore. My confidence threatens their insecurity, so they try to knock me down. I’ve gotten very good at standing my ground. But I meant what I said, you were great in there; couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I wasn’t even with you,” Tim argues.
“Yes, you were. I knew that you’d be there the moment I signaled. That’s why I was okay going a few steps further alone because you had my six.”
“There is one thing I’d like to ask you to do, though,” you begin. Tim nods, and you request, “Whatever Angela wanted you to do, go do it. She looks out for our best, even when it just feels like pointless meddling.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Sure, you can.”
“No, I really-“
“Tim,” you groan, leaning back.
“She wants me to ask you out,” Tim blurts out.
You stand up to look at him, and he simply shrugs. Though you suspect why he doesn’t want to do it, based on how you usually respond to being hit on at work, you know that you would say yes before he even finished.
“I have a kid,” you remind him quietly.
“So?” Tim asks, furrowing his brows.
“That’s a non-starter for most guys.”
“Most guys are idiots, then.”
You smile as you agree. “But you’re not. So, what are you going to do?”
Tim shakes his head, so you sigh and do something for both of you.
“Tim Bradford, will you go out with me?” you ask.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m asking you out. Now, my son may have to crash the date because my sitter is supposed to leave early tomorrow, but he’s a good kid. Most of the time.”
“Okay,” Tim says. “Yeah, let’s go out.”
“See, that wasn’t so scary,” you tease. You lean toward him to whisper, “And I promise that I’m not just using you to be a good influence in my son’s life. He has all the father figure he needs in Optimus Prime.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Tim asks quietly.
“Which part?”
You cut Tim off with a kiss on the cheek, and when your hands hit his shoulders to steady yourself, he knows that Angela was right. She can never know that, though, and it was a one-time thing. Tim pulls you into a hug before you can pull back.
“Thank you for defending me,” you tell him.
“You didn’t need it,” he counters.
“Yet you did it anyway. That makes it even better, Tim.”
“Thanks for asking me out.”
“Now that we did need. I can get another sitter so we can go on a real date.”
“No, bring your son. He’s important to you, so he needs to be a part of this. If he doesn’t like me, we go back to being work friends.”
“And if he does?”
“Then I guess I have to fight Optimus Prime.”
“Mm,” you hum, pretending to think. “I think you could take him with a little help from me.”
“A sentient robot who turns into a semi versus two human cops? You’re more confident than I thought.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“No, I don’t.”
You step away from Tim and smile. “Then it’s a date. Am I in charge of this operation or are you?”
“Well, you did this one so well… I’ll handle the date; you just look perfect as always.”
You gasp and point at Tim as you walk backward toward your car. “You can flirt!”
“I learned from the best,” he replies playfully. “See you tomorrow.”
“Twice!” you remind him. “And, Tim, don’t bother to brush up on your fighting skills. You’re better than Optimus, every day of the week. He’s going to adore you.”
I hope so because I adore his mom, Tim thinks. Maybe more than adore.
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
New Words
[Spencer Reid × Reader]
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summary: baby reid attempts to say new words every day and his parents are 100% whipped.
pairing: spencer reid × fem!reader
word count: 668
warnings/content: kids (idk sometimes they are triggering for me ☠️); F L U F F
A/N: this is too short for my liking tbh
➶ ➷
Infants were defined as cute, small, and delicate. Big doe eyes surveying everything with curiosity. Timothy Reid was exactly like that as a baby, gripping their parents pinky with as much force as he mustered — a way of telling them that he would be there for a while.
As a toddler, however, the baby evolved into a beautiful child that carried a relatively large vocabulary for his age and a lot of questions in every five minutes.
The happiest grin grew on Spencer Reid's lips before he turned around to knowledge his son. Crouching down until reaching the boy's height, “What's up, baby?”
Timothy had both eyebrows raised, completely mesmerized by the fabric on his hands. It was way bigger than him, so half of it was scattered on the floor. “What this?” He questioned, lifting his big curious eyes to his father as if all the answers could be found there.
“This is a jumper,” Spencer said carefully. Timothy spread his lips, testing the words to himself quietly. Dark brown curl fell right above his big eyelashes as he pouts.
Spencer beams at the sight. The man was quite whipped, to say the least. Hearing his son learning and trying out new words was just something so fascinating to him. It made him so so happy.
“Close enough, buddy. Close enough.” He says, hoisting the little boy up in his arms as he walks out of the room to meet his wife in the kitchen. The clothes to be folded already forgotten in the room. “How about we tell mommy the new word you just learned? Mmm?” Timothy squeaks when his father starts ticking his tummy.
Just as Y/N was tasting the sauce, childish giggles echoed through the room. She turns around, eyebrows lifting when she sees the scene.
“Mama!” Timmy yells excitedly, making grabby hands in her direction. Y/N smiles softly, gladly picking the boy from her husband's arms and kissing his forehead.
“Hi, baby boy. How'd you sleep?”
“Nice.” Replies the kid, laying his cheek on her shoulder. “Mama's cookin'?”
“Yeah, I'm cooking.” Y/N goes to mix the sauce but Spencer kisses her cheek and leads her to a chair, claiming that he had it from there. She makes a sound of agreement and sits down. “Guess what? Your favourite.”
Timothy glances up at his mom, eyes glinting and wide, “Pasta?”
Y/N nods, laughing when the boy almost falls from her lap due to the excitement.
“Tell her the new word you learned today, Timmy!” Spencer recalls, turning off the oven because everything was prepared. “I was folding some clothes when he came in,” He explains the context to Y/N, and turns around to them, leaning against the kitchen stool with a grin playing on his features. Y/N shook her head at the visible excitement she could see in his eyes. “What new word did you learn, Tim?”
Timmy ponders shortly, fingers leaning towards his dad absentmindedly. He didn't even realize what he was doing, but it was a common habit. Whenever he learned something new, Timothy Reid would look for Spencer to simply hold his hand or pick him up. His dad was his safety net.
“Jumpah. Jum...py?”
Both parents clacked immediately.
“Oh, I'm so proud!” Y/N kissed both of his cheeks and he giggled. “You're the most beautiful thing I've ever made.”
“We've” Spencer corrected her, pouting. The action resembled exactly Timothy when he failed to do something he wanted, so she let out a laugh.
“Oh, my god.” Y/N shook her head with her hands on her cheeks as if she had come to a big realization. “You two are just the same. We've made another you, Spencer.”
That made the man chuckle. He then picks up the little boy, making him squeal lightly, and starts showering him with kisses everywhere.
Y/N watched the scene with a glint of happiness in her eyes. She loved her family, more than anything else in the entire world. And when they looked back laughing, she knew they loved her too.
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icerosecrystal · 3 years
The Love We Give To You
Mominette Month 2021
Day 02: Signs of Affection
Author's Note: Hey everyone! Day 2 was a lot of fun to write! I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, to make sure that no one is confused, I wanted to let you all know that this is not a continuation of Day 1.
It has been three months since Marinette married Bruce and became a part of the Wayne family. Bruce's and Marinette's had a great relationship. Bruce showed affection through cuddles and kisses. Not that he would ever admit to doing it. Alfred and Marinette had bonded over their love of baking, cooking, and mother-henning the children. They showed their affection when they offered to help each other. Whether it be with work in the kitchen or little hobbies. All of the children loved Marinette and showed their affection for her in various ways.
Dick loved hugs. The moment he spotted Mari in the room, he would bound over to her, a smile on his face, and squeeze the life out of her. She would always let out one of her tinkling laughs in response before returning the enthusiastic hug.
Tim liked to give her hugs and kiss her cheek in greeting. But for him, it was more his actions than anything. He would get her a cup of coffee and then babble to her about really anything. In turn, Marinette would patiently listen, adding her input when necessary.
For Jason, he didn't appreciate physical affection as much as his other siblings, but he still would allow some of it, but only ever from Mari. Jason would show his appreciation for Mari every time he helped her out with whatever she was doing. He would sometimes talk about he was feeling also. But his favorite part would be when Mari would indulge in his thrill-seeking activities with him. He loved that she didn't try to change anything about him, and he always did the same for her. He even tried to make a leather jacket with her help.
Cass liked connecting with people on a soulful level. So she would usually sit by Mari when she was designing something and meditate or even only watch her work. They would also meditate together at times. Due to Cass being born into the League of Shadows, she found a lot of physical affection to be strange. But she sometimes did hug Mari.
Stephanie was as enthusiastic with her affection as Dick was. She would bounce over and hug Mari every time she entered the room. She would also constantly cling to Mari and would urge her to make waffles with her.
All of Mari's new children showed her different signs of affection except for Damian. She didn't think that Damian should be as blatant with his love for her, but she wanted even the slightest bit of confirmation that he loved her.
A Week Later
Damian flopped down onto his bed in misery. He had just witnessed another hug session between Dick and Mari. Damian wanted that same love, but he was confused about what to do. He felt like he was betraying his birth mother by trying to show Mari love, even if Talia wasn't the best mother ever. Besides, why would Mari even want a former assassin child as her kid? She's probably happy with the rest of them. At least they were somewhat ordinary. Even Cass, the only other one that had only ever been an assassin, was a lot more passive than him.
He continued to mope about his problems before he suddenly had an epiphany! What if he tested her? He needed to make sure that she was worth loving. And so, the next day, when everyone but Marinette, Alfred, and himself was out of the house, he went to the Batcave. He then started sparring against some dummies. He was hoping that Mari would attempt to bond with him and offer to spar with him. And sure enough, after a few minutes of sparring on his own, a melodic voice behind him called, "Damian? Why are you sparring on your own?"
Damian, in turn, replied, "I had nothing better to do. Would you like to join me? I could teach you."
He watched as her face lit up with unspoken happiness before she stepped onto the mat. They both positioned themselves into a starting position for the spar. He then counted them down, "Three, two, one, go!"
He had barely uttered the words before Mari ducked down low, whipped her leg out, and swung it towards him, hooking the back of his ankle with her foot. The action resulted in him falling to the floor. He quickly jumped up and kicked her leg from behind, causing her to hit the ground. Before he could tackle her, she rolled on the ground and jumped up, punching him as she went. He quickly recovered from the hit and followed with his own, which she caught and flipped him over, putting him back on the floor once more. Before he even got the chance to try and get up, she clambered over him, putting him into an armbar hold. And with that, Mari had officially won the spar.
Damian stared at her in awe as she climbed off him, beaming in excitement. Mistaking his silence and awe for embarrassment and hostility, Marinette frantically tried to make him feel better, "I am so sorry, Damian! I didn't mean to be so aggressive! I know that you wanted to teach me, but I already knew how to fight! But I thought that I would pretend that I didn't! But you were giving me a challenge, and I accidentally started treating it as a real fight! You are an amazing fighter! I am so, so sorry–"
Before she could continue with her spiel, Damian interrupted her with a whisper, "You're awesome." Realizing what he said, he ducked his head, attempting to hide the blush that had made its way onto his cheeks. He quickly gave Mari a tight-lipped smile before running to his room, ignoring Alfred's questioning gaze. He had to think. Right now!
He quickly slammed the door and leaned his head against it. Okay. Things that he had learned today. Number one, Mari knew how to fight. Number two, She knew how to fight very well. Number three, Marinette was awesome. Number four, she was much better than his mother could ever hope to be. And number five, he wanted Mari to be his mom! And he knew how to do it.
Two Weeks Later
It had been two weeks since the spar between Mari and Damian, and much had changed since then. And everyone in the family knew it. But no one, except for Marinette and Damian, knew why.
The first thing that changed was Damian's attitude towards Marinette. Before, he would try his best to never be in the presence of his stepmother. But now, he didn't mind. Everyone could tell that he would try to delay his time spent with her. Not many people would realize it, but the Wayne family wasn't just everybody.
What changed next was how he responded to her words. Before, he would roll his eyes, ignore her, or huff. But now, he would still grumble, but it was always half-heartedly. And one time, they caught him smiling at Mari. The dramatic gasp that Dick let out didn't help anyone in figuring out what was going on.
Then he started doing little things, like pecking her cheek before he left for school. He would smile at her, give her a tiny compliment, paint while she designed. They were such small actions, but every time Damian did them, Marinette's heart swelled with happiness. She was in disbelief that Damian was showing his love for her! Yes, he wasn't as blatant about it as his siblings, but he still did it, and that made her all the happier.
But the day that things finally changed completely was when Damian Al-Ghul Wayne walked up to Marinette Dupain-Cheng and cuddled her. It was an ordinary Saturday. Everyone was up early except for Damian. But then Damian came in yawning and looked around. He saw Mari sitting on the couch stitching something. Damian trudged over to her and sat down next to her. He put his legs up on the couch and buried his face into her chest. Marinette smiled gently at his actions and put down her sewing things before putting her arms around him. She then started stroking his hair, and as if he was part cat, he preened at the attention and pressed his head to her hand in want of more strokes. Damian then mumbled, almost incoherently, "I love you, Ummi. You're amazing."
Marinette stopped stroking his hair in shock, and Damian looked to her worriedly, thinking that she was mad with his declaration. But instead, her face broke into a huge smile, and she hugged him tightly, breathing out, "I love you too, Dami."
All while this was happening, the rest of the Wayne family looked at the pair in awe. Finally, Jason spoke, breaking everyone out of their stares, "When did this happen?! And what did happen?!"
Damian looked over at Jason with a scowl and said, "I found out two weeks ago that Ummi is amazing. She beat me in a spar. Now, she's my Ummi, and none of you imbeciles can take her away from me!"
Everyone except the pair continued to be bewildered over the situation. That was when Dick spoke up, "Ummi?"
Damian looked ready to murderer them for not allowing him to cuddle with his Ummi, but all the same, he replied, "I heard a lot of children call their mothers 'Ummi' in the league, or at least in private. But Mother never permitted me to do the same, alone or in public. She said that I was the heir of the league and should, therefore, be as nonsensical as possible. But now that I have Mari, I finally have someone to call Ummi."
By the end of his speech, Marinette looked to be close to tears, and everyone else was looking at him in surprise. Marinette started clinging onto him, whispering, "I love you so much, mon cheri. I'll always be there for you."
Damian blinked back tears and clung back, saying, "I know you will. I am your favorite anyways." When Damian saw his siblings realize what he said, he jumped off his Ummi's lap and ran out of the room. Behind him, a herd of footsteps was heard, along with shouting from each of the children (except Cass). Each of them trying to convince him as to why he was wrong and why they were the favorite.
Back in the living room, Alfred had left to give Marinette and Bruce some alone time. Marinette beckoned Bruce over to sit beside her. She pecked his mouth before seeing the adoring stare. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "And what is it that you are staring at?"
Bruce pulled her closer, inhaling her jasmine scent, and mumbled, "Oh, nothing. Just looking at my beautiful wife that I can't believe I managed to marry."
Marinette flushed a deep red before punching his arm, "Sap."
"Your sap," he retorted back.
"Yes, my sap," she whispered before giving him a deep kiss.
As Bruce pulled away from her, he mumbled against her lips, "Besides, we all know I'm your favorite."
Marinette smirked before saying, "Oh, I don't know. Your son seems to be just as charismatic as you."
"Exactly–," Bruce started saying before he realized what she said. "Hey! Come back here you!" Marinette giggled as he chased after her trying to tickle her.
The rest of the family came into the room, trying to find the cause of the noise. But they stopped at the scene of their parents laughing together on the ground. Dick then yelled, "Cuddle time," and jumped onto his parents, the rest of the kids, even Alfred joining.
As they all laughed together, Marinette looked at every member of her new family. They were all so different, and that was what made them unique. Even their signs of affection were unique to themselves. But at the end of the day, she knew that they loved her and that she loved them. And that was all that mattered.
2011 words
Day 2 is done! And on time! I wonder how long that'll last!
~ ❄ Crystal ❄
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
We’re Batshit Crazy
@spnquotebingo​ Word count:1,609
Summary: Love isn't all that perfect sometimes love is crazy especially when the Hero is in love with said crazy.
Gotham AU
Jason Todd(Jensen Ackles) x Villan!Reader
Enemies and Lovers (none of that "to" bs)
Gotham Recasting: Batman=John, Dick Grayson(second Robin not first) =Sam ,Tim Drake=Adam, Joker(ledger style)=Lucifer, Harley Quinn=Lilith,ect.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, guns, and violence
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The mad laughter rung out into the night sky as the purple Lamborghini hit corners with violently sharp turns. "Oh puddin I just love family night!~" The pale platinum blonde giggled as the man with green dyed hair licked his smiling lips. A bubble of laughter came from the back seat he turned around to see his princess looking out the small back window. "Batsy batsy batsy" Her low/high pitched giggle caused a crazy chain reaction as the bat mobile hurried to catch up. "Always ruining our fun,huh,princess?" The clown king shifted his gray-ish blue order into the mirror grinning making the scars on his face raise into a sinister smile at the look of pure chaos in his daughter's e/c eyes. "Not tonight! Not on my birthday!!" She said as she smiled reaching under the seat to pull out a Tommy gun. Climbing to the front seat sitting on her mothers lap she leaned out the passenger window. "Go back to the Rat cave your not gonna put a downer on my weekend!" Y/n yelled shooting off round towards the tires,windshield,and headlights.
The mobile didn't seem to have a scratch as as a motorcycle pulled up beside it. Slipping back in the car the younger women pouted looking at get parents. "He called his little birdie no doubt the replacements in the car." Y/n huffed as she dug around for more fire power. "Puddin we have a visitor.~" The red mask gazed at us as he lifted a forearm pistol. Shots were fired and Joker took a hard right almost like tron the motorcycle quickly turned into a ally to avoid being hit. "Sorry Princess might have to cut tonight shot." He said licking his lips as a thump came from the roof making the youngest clown snarl her eye crazed as she shot above her as the purple car swerved wildly. "YOU'RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY,BATS!!!" Y/n cackled madly a mixture of her parents laughed till the magazine ran out.
They got to one of their warehouses where Jokers men were armed to the teeth. The clown mask had black soulless eyes and immediately fired the moment the batmobile entered. Y/n skipped out of the purple Lamborghini she got on her tippy toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "I got the hooded punk. Can you clip the bats wings for me...a little present?!" He laughed as he armed himself with a shotgun. "Anything for my princess." The f/c sf/c female clown skipped away knowing that the motorcycle riding vigilante was hot on her tail. That's how she found herself on the roof tops jumping the gaps as heavy footfalls followed. Her loud laugh echoed as she leaped to a smaller building hiding behind a vent the moment the brown leather jacket came into view she tackled the tall man. They were both panting as a grin pulled on the clowns lips.
"Caught ya,Jay bird." I giggled pulling of the helmet his apple green eyes covered by a second mask stared at me he chuckled as his hand slipped above his head in mock surrender. "Yeah you caught me,beautiful." Leaning down I kiss him my hands pushed into his cheeks my thumb running over the scarred J. We've been dating for awhile now ever since dad kidnapped the second Robin at seventeen. I was fifteen at the time and dad had me at his side as he tortured him.I was always there to stitched him up and put burn cream after shock therapy I didn't know how we got attached maybe because he wanted to rebel a little by talking to me or someone around his age saw the same if not worse shit.
Six years ago(Y/n 15 Jason 17)
"Why are you helping me?" Looking up his head was strapped down along with his arms and legs. I shrugged my shoulders I knew who he was if I wiped off the make up and temp dyed my hair I was the honor student in the same class as him. Jason Todd anyone with eyes had a thing for him,but after removing his mask it wasn't hard to piece together who the bat fam is. "I know what my dad has planned for you Jay. This is just a band-aid on a gunshot wound and might I say that's very unhelpful." This was the first I spoke to him and it wasn't long before Dad beat him to death.
Two years later.
I sat in the back of the car as Frost drove. We just left the cemetery. "Why are we doing this,n/n." He asked looking in the rear view mirror at me. I'm seventeen now my thoughts screamed at me. Why was I trying to bring him back? "Because I crazy that why!" I giggled as we grew closer to the lazapit. He was dressed in a black suit with red tie his body sunk into the water as I waited. A loud gasp drew my attention as he shot up a white streak in his hair. "Heya sleeping beauty." Looking over in shock he lowly made his way looking like a baby deer. "I'm alive,but h-how?" His green eyes looked at me. "A Ghoul owed me a few favors I just asked to use his fountain of youth." Handing him a towel and some clothes. "Sorry about the outfit,but Arkham does have one size fits all." Jason chuckled as he started to dry off.I realized why I brought him back. I was crazy about him.
Two more years later(two years ago)
Jason wanted to stay dead he didn't go back to His dad and brother after he realized that neither of them tried and save him. It was sad to see,but it brought Jason closer to me and he started to trust me and I gave trust in return. Blood coated my hands while some was on my face. Looking at Jay some was speckled on his cheeks taking the pockets square out of the mobsters coat I wiped it off he looked down at me his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer my breath hicked. "Will you be my girlfriend,my little jester?" A large smile grew on my face as my arms went around his neck pulling him down further. "Gladly,Jay bird." I kissed him not caring if my lipstick stained his lips and he didn't seem to care either as the kiss grew more intense. We shared our first kiss at nineteen surrounded by dead bodies as sirens and the unmistakable sound of the armed batmobile. At least he's as crazy about me as I am about him.
One year ago. (Jason POV for a sec)
I came to Bruce I hate to admit it but I needed advice about the one think he knew best. Women. It was just a couple of months ago he found out I was alive and shocker he managed to drive Dicky boy to Blüdhaven to get away from him to get his own image and not just Robin. Oh and surprise surprise when out of robins he had a spare like a tire and it's name was Tim. Nevermind that I stood across from Bruce in his home main office he had a frown on his face. "You're dating someone and its serious and I didn't know about it?" He asked trying to deduct everything. "I've been dating her ever since I came back. As strange as it might sound,but I want us to be something more." That's when the billionaire playboy stood up standing just a inch shorter then myself.
"Life is short Jason and you've experienced that first hand if you feel that both of you are perfect enough to be more then go for it." Perfect wasn't realistic nothing was ever perfect my life isn't perfect her life sure as hell isn't she's the clown princess I'm a bat son. Maybe that what makes us so good together the fact that it would have never really happened any other way life is just crazy like that.
Staring into those vexing green eyes always brought me back. We're both twenty-one him being older only by a couple of months. "Happy birthday,gorgeous." His voice brought me back as my smile grew. We were standing up now he held a box wrapped in my two favorite colors. "Awe you shouldn't have." I grab it and opened it a gun was inside it was red and gold revolver it looked like my moms love/hate gun,but it said King/Queen. Looking at Jay I reached to hug him when suddenly he dropped to one knee pulling out a box with a beautiful f/c ring and ruby gem. "This feels over due. You took care of me when I was considered enemy number one. You brought me back from the grave when my own family didn't try. And this might sound stupid,but I had a crush on you in middle school you were one of the only people that didn't give me pity after Bruce adopted a street kid." He licked his lips as he gave of a small smile. "Together we are far from perfect, but we are good. You complete me...Y/n M/n Napier become my queen?" My eyes glossed over with tears my make up running down the pale foundation. "Oh my god of course!!!" I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly before letting him slip on the ring. "I love you." "I love you more crazy." I chuckle it sounded watery in my throat. "If I'm crazy then that makes two of us. You wanted to marry me." Yep we're both batshit crazy.
A/n: Quote= We are far from perfect, but we are good. ~Supernatural
Is it just me or does Jensen look fucking hot as Red Hood?! I'm mean he's definitely a reason to move to Gotham
Well first crossover AU in my bingo card
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
A Swing and A Miss
Awesomest of Them All 2.0
Part 9 of 13
Word Count: 2001
Batman x Batmom!Reader
You know what the bat family needs? Someone to pull them together and give them all the love they deserve. Who better to do that than you? An author rising to stardom in Gotham who catches the eye of a billionaire with your standoffish attitude at a huge social gathering. You are yourself and never pretend to be more or less than that. Plus you're the most stubborn person in the world, refusing to let good things go without reason.
This is a rewrite of my story Awesomest of Them All, I wanted to see how much I've improved over 3 years.
You and Bruce had been sitting on the couch together when his phone went off, it was a phone call. Who it was from you didn't know, all you knew was that he got up and went to the other room to take it. He doesn't usually do that, but on the rare occasion he does leave the room to take a call you don't mind as it's usually for a good reason.
Bruce walks back into the room, pinching the bridge of his nose, looking done. "I need to go take care of something. I'll be back later."
"What is it?" You try to ask, and aren't surprised when Bruce doesn't answer. "Okay, I'll see you when you get back," you say going up and kissing him gently on the lips. He kisses you back then heads down to the cave.
You don't sit back down, instead going to find something to do, to occupy your mind while Bruce is gone. Something had him upset but until he was ready to talk about it you weren't going to get it out of him, so that meant you got to either worry or keep busy.
Keeping busy was obviously the better option, so, you went and found the kids to sit in the same room as them. There's your two sons, Dick and Tim, your one adopted daughter Cass, plus Stephanie and Barbara who were like daughters to you.
"Hey mom," Dick says, looking up from where he was on his phone next to Babs, "where's dad?"
You shrug slightly, "not sure, he said he needed to take care of something and took off towards the cave."
"Oh, you want me to go check on him?"
"Not yet," you smile at your oldest who was always trying to take care of you, "he just left. I'm pretty sure he just needs to figure it out on his own first then he'll let me know what's going on."
"Alright," Dick concludes the conversation, but you can feel the eyes of the other kids on you.
Cass catches your attention and signs, "you can come sit with us," from her spot on the couch. She then pats the empty seat next to her.
You thank her in ASL with a hand to your chin as you go take a seat next to her. Cassandra was quiet, having an easier time communicating through asl than out loud. It always made you smile on the rare occasion you got her hear her soft little voice, and to know she was comfortable enough to talk to you, but you had learned sign language specifically for her, wanting to make sure she was comfortable all the time.
You gently put an arm around her and kiss the side of her head, then you go to remove your arm, knowing she doesn't always like to be touched. But she stops you from letting go of the hug and leans against you, maybe she just knew that you needed it at the moment to help get your mind off Bruce but either way, she didn't let go so you didn't either.
Stephanie scoots closer to you, taking the other seat next to you and offers you a controller. "We're playing Mario Kart, you want to play a few rounds Mrs.Wayne?"
You laugh gently, "I'm afraid I'm a bit out of practice, all of you would easily kick my ass."
"Come on, pleeeaaaasssee mom," Tim joins in in begging you with his ex, turned best friend.
You laugh and take the controller, "fine I guess I'll try a few rounds."
"Yes!" Dick joins in, cheering you on as Babs gets things set up.
Tim had hotwired the two Wii's so all of you could play together without having to figure out how to do it online. So, the six of you were easily able to start a game and begin racing the many different tracks just having fun together as the kids knowingly distracted you from your worries.
It's a more than a few hours later when Bruce returns home. The kids had all gone down to the cave to get ready for patrol, and you had gone with them. They were about to head out when the roar of an engine cause everyone's attention and Bruce parked the bat mobile and got out, looking stressed and tired.
Dick goes over to him and tells him they're going to head out, and can cover things tonight.
Brice nods and doesn't argue, simply turning to look at you as the kids leave. He doesn't approach you until they've all left and you don't give him a choice but to hug you as you hug him.
"Do you want to change?" You ask, knowing he's obviously upset about something, but willing to be patient while he figures out what it is he needs to tell you.
"Sure, I'll change and we can go sit in our room," he says and kisses the top of your head before turning to get out of the batsuit.
It doesn't take him long to change, and the two of you head upstairs, hand in hand and take a seat on the couch in your bedroom. He just holds you for a while, obviously thinking through what he needs to tell you, and this only causes you more worry.
"Bruce, my love, you know you can tell me anything," you try and reassure him with a kiss on the cheek.
This reassurance works, as he finally speaks up, gently saying, "I have a son, he's 9."
This surprises you, and you don't exactly have a good response, you lean back away from him to look at his face as you quietly ask, "you have a biological son?"
"Yes, I didn't know until today, but he's 9... we've been together 11 years, my love-" this is when he begins to break his normally stoic demeanor.
This is also when you catch on to what he is saying. You had been with him at the time this child was conceived. That hurt. You turned to look away from him, not moving away but taking a moment to think.
There's a few minutes of silence before you speak, "how did it happen?"
You give him a chance to explain and he jumps on it, beginning to tell you what he knows. Starting with the fact that Thalia Al'Ghul was the mother, how she had apparently drugged him in order to have a child with him. His son had been raised by the League of Assassins, taught that he was the one to inherit the mantle of Batman.
It was... a lot. And it hurt to hear, especially due to the fact that you and Bruce had been unable to have a child of your own for many reasons. But, you turn to your husband, the man you were still head over heels for and say as gently as you can, "I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now but it isn't anger."
He looks at you and brushes your hair out of your face, "are you sure you're alright?" He's clearly still worried about his standing with you.
You gently lean to kiss him on the lips, "I'm not sure I'd call it alright, but we will be fine. My husband isn't a cheater, and that would be my biggest worry."
You can see more of the stress and worry leave his face as you speak and he pulls you into a tight hug. "I am so sorry my love. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain-"
You lean back from him once again, taking your hands to cup his cheeks. "Bruce, you didn't know. She drugged you and I trust you enough to know that's the truth. I'm going to need some time to get used to the idea, and figure out exactly how it is I am feeling. But promise me that we will be open and communicate about all of this as we get more information, deal?"
Bruce sighs in relief, "Deal," with that he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you deeply.
It's at this point he informs you that Thalia had sent Damian, their son, to live with Bruce for a time. Damian would be coming the next morning and Bruce hadn't been able to have any say in it, barely able to convince them to wait long enough for him to talk to you first. It was yet another thing you could only describe as a lot but this was life, you had to roll with the punches or you'd never be able to move forward.
Two days later you still had yet to meet Damian. You were ninety-five percent sure it was because the boy was avoiding you. You sat eating breakfast and contemplating this when you hear someone behind you say, "Tt, you must be my father's harlot."
You raise your eyebrow and turn around to face the boy, "Harlot?"
"That is what my mother calls you," Damian says looking at you disgustedly.
You are so exhausted by this entire situation that the sass just slips out of you and you laugh. "I mean, that's one way to go about saying she's jealous of me because I have a ring and she doesn't."
Damian is clearly surprised by the fact that you just laughed off him calling you a harlot. He, "tt,"s again and just walks right back out of the kitchen, unwilling to admit you had surprised him.
You watch him leave, and he passes Bruce as he does. Once Damian is gone you shake your head and go back to your breakfast.
"I see you've met Damian," Bruce comments.
You offer him a slight smirk and a shake of your head, "yep, finally showed himself just to call me a harlot."
"A har-" Bruce starts, clearly outraged by the fact that anyone would dare call his beloved wife a harlot.
"Yeah," you laugh again, "he left just as fast because I laughed at the thought."
Bruce sighs, relaxing with how you had taken it, he takes a seat next to you and wraps you in a hug. "I'm glad that you didn't let him get to you."
"Yeah, though as far as introductions go, I think he's going to take some getting used too."
"Yeah, he's quite the character after being raised by the LoA."
You smile and lean against Bruce as you finish your food, "yeah, but eventually he'll have to figure out I'm just as stubborn as him for having put up with your shit for this long," you tease and he laughs.
It's a few hours later the next time you see Damian and he tries to insult you in yet another way, "you're weak, and would never be able to take anyone down. You aren't worthy of father."
This one is creative, you'll admit that but you shake your head. "I never claimed to be a fighter, if you'd stuck around earlier I could have told you that. Though, the first time I met your 'father," you say mocking his tone, "I kicked a green haired clown in the head so that has to count for something."
Damian once again just leaves, you weren't supposed to take these things so well, you were supposed to run off crying, not agree with him.
This goes on for a while, him trying to insult you and you just not having it. It goes on until he stops, knowing he'd have to find some other way to get under your skin. Meanwhile you try to get to the bottom of his behavior. Why does he feel like he needs to put you down in comparison to his mother and how can you show him he can trust you enough to not have to do that to keep a place in this family? It might take a while but you'd sure as hell figure it out.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Feeling Warmth Through Doused Fires (Masky X F!Reader)
Feeling Warmth Through Doused Fires
[Masky/Tim Wright X F!Reader]
[Warnings: murder, language, angst, mentions of death and actual death. Mostly the angst.]
[AN: Another brilliant request from Eris! This was also a Ko-Fi commission! ALSO ALSO this thing is 13K words! This is my longest fic yet! buckle in.]
When are there not stars in your eyes? It’s hard to dim them even when the sun comes up, which is such an odd thing to even admit due to the mud life has made you trudge through.
You are the product of a proxy father and a human mother. To be the Slender Man’s child is your birthright, and so far, you’ve been living up to that birthright with flying colors. As a young one, she had woven you stories of the culture and society your father was a part of and everything he had been up to.
Visions of murder, deals gone sour, and morally grey acts have been threaded into your soul. You grew up thinking that was normal, and by twelve, you had knowledge on things that no child should have ever opened their ears to.
“And then what happened?” You ask your mother, urging her to continue the story.
She giggles like a butterfly ready to take flight and holds your tiny six year old body closer to her. She smells of honey and vanilla. “That group had messed with the wrong people,” she continues, her voice falling deceptively low. “The tall man in the woods-”
“You mean the faerie?” You ask as your eyes sparkle. “The Slender Man?”
Your mother nods, her index finger reaching up to tap your nose. “Yes, exactly that,” she hums. “He sent another group of proxies to handle the mess.”
“Ooooooo they’re in troubleeeeee,” you giggle, still hooked around your mother.
She laughs. “He initiated what is called a ‘proxy hunt’. It’s something only the bad proxies are subject to,” she explains. “It’s important you don’t make mistakes like that, Reader. Do you understand?” She questions with a warm hum as she secures you in her arms, bringing your tired form to your bedroom.
“Got it,” you say in the most serious tone a six year old can muster. “No making the faerie mad.”
“That’s my girl.” Her lips pull up in a grin that rivals the Cheshire cat.
Your father is a proxy. He is tall, unstable, but loves you like the moon loves the tide and the sun loves the earth. To be a proxy is to be closed off and untouchable, but the sound of you running to greet him on the blue moon he visits you and your mother has always been enough to humanize him, if even for a moment. He loves you, his special little girl, with all the grains of sand there are on the earth.
He comes around sparsely, and as you grow older, rarely. It’s not that he doesn’t love you, it’s just that he’s busy and the Slender Man enjoys making his favorites suffer. Every time he sees you, he remarks how much bigger you’ve gotten. He’s more than upset that he can’t be there to watch you grow into a fine young lady.
“You’re late,” you say, eyes narrowed as you look up at the tall, bulky man who stands before you. You take your hand off the doorknob and stand tall as you cross your arms.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” the man apologizes, crouching down to your eye level. “I brought you a present.”
You eye your father carefully, arms relaxing for a moment before noticing the wrapped gift in his hands. “Is…”
“It’s something you’ll like,” he answers, holding the gift out to you. “I promise.”
You narrow your eyes again but take the wrapped present from his hands, shaking it slightly. You hear something rattling around. “Can I open it?” You ask as you attempt to hide your smile.
Your father chuckles. “I don’t think your mother would appreciate it, but yes. Go ahead, open it.”
You relent in the angry front and plop down on the floor, opening the present without any grace as a ‘proper lady’ as your mother would put it. You peel back the brightly colored wrapping paper and then tear into the box. “Oh my gods,” you whisper to yourself in surprise as the stars once again light up in your eyes. It’s an entire art set of fine materials. “Where did you get these?”
Your father shrugs. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out,” he says in a teasing tone.
You push at him before placing the box of expensive art supplies to the side. You can’t help but lunge into your father’s waiting arms.
“I heard you were getting seriously into art from your mother. Doing art for friends? I’m so proud of you!” He laughs and hugs you, his lips pressing to the crown of your head. “Happy twelvth, sweetheart,” he mumbles into your hair. “I love you so, so much.”
You can’t help but cry and hug your father tighter.
For a person who was supposed to be brutal, uncaring, uncouth and simply inhuman, your father had the whole dad thing down when he was around. He never raised his voice to you, was kind and thoughtful in his responses, and you adored how he treated your mother with nothing but love and understanding.
You know that if he wasn’t shackled to a life he had no choice of entering, he would have been one hell of a father.
Your mother, a mentally fragile woman who loves a damn near unattainable man, brings you the news one overcast morning. Her eyes are red and puffy and it looks like she hasn’t been able to stop crying for hours. Her posture is broken but her heart even more so. It’s probably irreparable.
You were sitting at your desk, doing your homework. Tomorrow was Monday, starting the final week of school. It was one of the final essays before you were out for summer break, and then you’d be gearing up for your first year of high school once autumn came.
Earbuds in, you didn’t even hear your mother slink into the doorway of your room. When you finally get the inkling that someone is watching you, you take out one of your earbuds and turn your head. “Mom?” You sound genuinely confused, especially after seeing her rough appearance. “What’s wrong?” You slowly push back in your chair, ready to stand and meet her in the doorway.
“Your-your,” her breath hitches as she leans helplessly in the doorway. “It’s your father,” she manages to rasp out as she begins to slink downwards, her knees buckling.
Your eyes go wide, tears welling in them and blurring your vision as you jump out of your seat and collapse on the floor with your mother. You wrap your arms around her, burying your face into her shoulder as she cradles you in her arms.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so, so sorry,” she wails like a mantra, clutching onto you like she’s afraid to lose you too.
You don��t know how to feel in that direct moment. You loved your father, more a shadow than a real man, but his loss cuts deep and hard. He wanted to show you things “when you’re older” and tell you of the world you were born in. You wanted so badly to learn it all by his hand and his knowledge.
When your mother has finally come to a grounding point where she is no longer choking over her words, she leads you to her bedroom. She moves slowly, as if she’s trying not to remember anything about the man she loved and lost. Her steps are quiet, almost like she’s floating.
You follow her just as quietly. It’s as if you don’t want to disturb the silence that has settled over the two of you. It’s heavy and suffocating, but it’s a blanket shielding you from the reality that someone is gone and never coming back.
Your mother opens her bedroom door and shifts around in her drawers.
Unsure of where you should be and if you’re allowed into the sanctuary that is her room and her space, you wait in the doorway, much like she did when she brought you the bad news. You’re still wiping away tears with the bottoms of your hands and by extension, rubbing your skin raw. Your vision is still bleary, but when your mother finally resurfaces, you don’t even need to be told what it is she’s holding.
In her hands is a mask. It’s dark brown and has a simple face almost reminiscent of a dragon. It’s simple, but elegant. It’s simple, but horrifying. You feel drawn to it.
Your mother weakly smiles and sits down on her bed, patting the open spot for you to sit down.
You do so without question and take your spot next to her, almost on instinct leaning yourself onto her side. You smile softly as she wraps her arm around you, pulling you close.
“It was your father’s,” she says quietly, fingertips gently tracing the mask's face. She then gingerly shifts it onto your lap. “Now it is yours.”
You feel more tears cascade from your eyes as you gaze longingly down at the mask on your lap. “Are you sure?” You shakily question, wondering why she’d want to pass such a beautiful memento down to you so soon.
“It’s your birthright,” she replies, her lips pressing to the side of your head that gives you a love only a devoted mother could.
You didn’t understand what she meant at that moment.
You never saw your first year of high school.
When the summer came, you had bounced back like any child could. Children are plastic. They can bounce back from almost anything, just give them enough time, space, and care. You were no exception.
In truth, after losing your father, you hadn’t found any desire to go to college. Your heart was telling you that a life that was so cookie cutter and parallel to everyone else’s was never in the cards for you. Your blood sung for something different.
Proxies always return to him.
Your mother knew it too. She saw it in your longing gaze as she drove the two of you back home from grocery runs, how your eyes would follow the breeze in the backyard to the woods, how your hands naturally found their way to knives, and how your thoughts transcended what should be humanly possible.
But you’re not human. You never have been. Never will be.
Your mother knew that best. It was only natural that she found contact with the tall man of the woods halfway through the summer of losing your father.
“She’s different, my little girl,” she explained as she gazed up at the imposing, almost immaculate figure. “I don’t think I could ever give her what is expected or needed.” She hates to admit that she’s not good enough for you, but that is the curse of being a born, not turned proxy. Proxies always return to their master, regardless of age, creed, or background.
‘I know,’ he said. ‘What would you have me do?’ He’s only asking as a formality. He knows that you belong to him. Your father had been attempting to gear you up to join. The Slender Man is only finishing what one of his most beloved proxies started.
Your mother shifts uncomfortably, crossing her arms over her chest as a defensive maneuver. She absentmindedly tucks some strands of her hair behind her ear. “I think she needs to be with you,” she mumbles, still not wanting to admit she’s not good enough because she’s human. “I think she needs to be fully immersed in… Whatever it is my husband says you do.”
The Slender Man chuckles deeply. He knows your mother knows what his beloved proxy does, but he lets her feign her ignorance. ‘That’s rich coming from a woman who loves her child more than the land loves the sea,’ he taunts coldly. In truth, it is nothing against her as an individual, but it is everything against her as a human being.
Your mother scoffs and holds her ground. “Will you take her in or not?”
He raises his hand to convey a truce. ‘My apologies.’ He doesn’t mean it. ‘I will. She is my child, afterall-’
“She is NOT your child,” your mother snarls, fully aware she is in the presence of a very temperamental being who could smite her just for thinking wrong.
The Slender Man, in all his mercy, once again holds his hand up as a sign of truce. ‘I understand the loss is still heavy on your heart,’ he begins, voice heavy and almost exhausted to be dealing with human emotional flare ups. ‘I will take her as soon as you are ready to let her go.’
Your mother’s shoulders drop slightly as she comes to the realization that yes, that was a decision she was making. She feels tears well in her eyes, but refuses to blink them away. “Thank you.” She nods to the tall man, then turns on her heels and heads back home, where you lay asleep waiting for her.
The Slender Man watches her leave with curiosity in his gaze. He already knows where he’s going to be placing you. You are not the youngest to fall under his influence, but you are the first in a while. He tends to pluck young adults, not children. And if he did choose children, consider it target practice.
Nothing more.
When your mother tells you that you are leaving her side, you are once again thrown into a plethora of emotions, a maelstrom .A part of you can’t believe she’d just willingly give up on you like that, but another says this is the direction you’re meant to go.
“This isn’t a decision I make lightly, Reader!” She exclaims in budding frustration, her fingers raking through her hair like a tick. “Really, I have no say in the matter!”
“Yes you do!” You cry back. “You’re my mother! How could you just abandon me?” You fight back. You ball your hands in fists. You’re not backing down from her.
Your mother sighs deeply and shakes her head. “I am not prepared for this,” she mumbles. “I do not have the right knowledge to allow you to grow into the person you could be,” she finishes, plopping back onto the wall in the kitchen. She’s exhausted on every facet. Her heart hurts with just how much she loves you.
“What could you not be prepared for?” You seethe. “What on this hunk of rock are you not prepared for?”
Your mother honestly doesn’t know how to answer that. Your father had always been oddly tight lipped about certain aspects of the proxy lifestyle, perhaps out of safety reasons for the two of you. She doesn’t know what you’re going to be thrown into. “I know that it’s rough-”
“Just like that?” You retort, a fire in your eyes that reminds her much too much of her departed husband. “You don’t want me? Is that it?” You finally relent, a crack interrupting your once strong tone.
Your mother falters and comes to your side, holding you in her arms once more. “Of course not,” she murmurs. “Of course not.”
“Then why?” You prod softly with a small sting.
“You are a proxy by blood, that’s all,” she offers as advice, swaying you.
You feel your heart begin to slow from its racing pace. You don’t want to accept that as an answer, but you do just to bring her peace.
You leave your mother’s side near the end of July. Just twelve years old and on the precipice of something no ordinary human could ever even begin to understand.
Your final dinner with her was uncomfortable, but bittersweet at the same time. You and your mother had shared stories, laughs, tears, everything and anything. You know that after this, you probably won’t ever be able to see her again.
Your mother brings you to the woods herself. She holds your hand, a knot in her stomach over seeing you holding your father’s mask followed by a backpack strapped to your still small body as you are about to venture into the unknown. She never thought she’d be losing you so soon.
The Slender Man is never tardy. He pops into your view once you are a safe distance into the forest with splendor - it’s probably to impress you to some degree. He really hasn’t worked with a child in a very long time.
You feel your head go dizzy with static. Your breath hitches and your heart stops. It’s almost intoxicating that you are in the presence of the man who will now have control of your entire life. You look up at him and the stars return to your eyes. Still, as a child-like crutch, you grip onto your mother’s side and hide yourself with her form, terrified of the imposing man that stands tall in front of you.
“It’s okay,” your mother says softly, gently urging you to the man you will now consider your god. “He’s here to help you.”
The Slender Man hums deeply. His voice invades your head like a virus, infecting every thought and feeling until it overtakes you and makes itself home. Curiously, he bends down. He is lit up by the light of the full moon.
You peek out from your mother’s form and gradually find the stones to leave her side - still hesitantly. You take in a deep breath, reminding yourself to be brave, and approach the now bent down figure who sits at eye-level with you. “It’s… It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir,” you say quietly, a childlike innocence making the Slender Man mentally smile. You look at him with fear and curiosity in your eyes.
He chuckles deeply - the sound sends chills down your spine - before holding out a flower to you. It’s small, much like you, and pretty. The petals are free of any damage the bugs might have caused, and the color is absolutely spellbinding. It’s your father’s favorite color, red, though it’s not a rose. ‘For you, my dear.’
You allow a sheepish smile to spread onto your lips before you take the flower from his waiting hand, and sniff it. It’s so sweet and familiar. You recognize the scent as something your father carried on his person. The thought makes you tear up.
His large, clawed hand comes up to your face before his thumb gently wipes the tears away. ‘It’s time to go. Say goodbye, dear.’ He nods for you to bid a farewell to your mother, who is trying her hardest to not break in front of you.
You don’t hesitate in turning around and running into her open arms, face crashing into her chest as you take in her familiar scent for a final time.
“I love you,” she whispers, peppering your face and crown with kisses. “Never ever forget that.” She holds you tighter, and you hold back just as tight.
When it’s time to go, you leave her warmth to a cold that burns bright.
It wraps around your hand, and takes you to a diner.
“Where are we?” You ask as you take a gander at your surroundings. You see that you’re still largely obscured in darkness, but the artificial lights of a lit up IHOP grant you that soft, almost annoying light that disturbs the night.
He lets go of your hand. ‘Head inside and you will meet your group.’
You look up at the Slender Man curiosity. “My group?” You quizzically ask, still looking up at the tall man.
He nods and then puts his hand on your back, gently nudging you to cross the parking lot, almost as if he’s nonverbally telling you that they are waiting for you. “Like a family. A new family.”
You feel a little nervous, but nod your head and decide to be strong - or whatever you think your father might have done in a similar situation. “Thank you for your time,” you say, remembering your mother and father both stressing how important it was to show reverence to those in higher positions than you.
The Slender Man’s wolfish smile floods your mind’s eye, gently, and warmly before he nods once more for you to go. Like a proud father, he watches you take tentative first steps into an entirely new future. Only when you open the doors of the establishment does he mentally tell his proxies that wait inside of the newest member’s arrival, and then zip out of existence as you know it.
Tim waits at the diner with a small frown on his face. He’s not entirely pleased with the news his boss has given him and it shows. He's drinking far too often from his coffee cup for his group’s liking.
“Ease up,” Brian huffs as he pushes Tim’s coffee cup back to the table and away from his lips. “You’re gonna be bouncing off the walls.”
Tim rolls his eyes and picks up his coffee cup much to his right hand’s chagrin. “I’m handling it how I want to,” he mumbles into the lip of the coffee cup.
“Come on, it’s not the end of the world-”
“It’s a child,” Tim cuts him off. “The youngest person we had prior to us was Toby, and he’s-”
“I’m w-what?” Toby hums as he comes back to the table, sliding comfortably back into his seat.
“He’s bitching about the kid we’re getting,” Brian answers as he absentmindedly stirs his drink with his straw.
“Is he n-now?” Toby chuckles. “I’m s-surprised you’re n-not more w-w-w-worried, to b-be completely h-h-honest,” he breathes out in a teasing tone, lightly elbowing Brian who smiles for a moment in response.
“I fought my demons on this issue and won,” Brian smirks. “Masky here clearly hasn’t.”
Tim rolls his chocolate colored eyes once more and leans back into his seat, looking at the fourth and empty chair that will eventually be filled by you. “I honestly don’t think you two are worried enough,” he grumbles under his breath before he crosses his arms over his chest.
Snickers ring out from his two companions. Clearly, they find amusement in his worry. Tim almost hates to admit how worried he is.
You’re not just a runt, you’re a child. A literal child. Something about having you in this life feels morally and ethically wrong, and he knows that. A part of him is scared you’ll just… Fold.
Brian has had his reservations about the situation, but overall, he has made peace with it - for now. He’s not too thrilled over the Slender Man putting a child in his group, but at the same time, he’s nowhere near as frazzled as Tim is.
Toby finds the entire situation amusing. He was the youngest of the group. In some ways, Toby has never quite grown up. That’s not a bad thing though, it just means it’s easier for him to relate to you. And honestly, you aren’t his entire responsibility, so he’s able to be the fun guardian.
That’s what the Slender Man called the three of them, your actual guardians. No questions asked, you were now theirs as much as you are his.
You push through the doors and look around the IHOP, looking for anyone who might have any inkling of what you should be doing. Your eyes dart around and the palace is relatively empty. There’s a few groups interspersed and lost in their own worlds, and you have no idea which one you should be heading towards.
Your thoughts are answered when you hear steps approaching followed by the heavy smell of cigarettes that hang in the air thickly. You look up to see a man in a black t-shirt, with dark and tired eyes. He gives you a faint smile as you look up at him.
“Are you hungry?” He asks suddenly, almost throwing you entirely off guard.
You blink a few times. “Uh, I wouldn’t mind anything else,” you answer a tad awkwardly. You don’t why, but you get the overwhelming feeling to not disrespect him. It’s almost stronger than the feeling to respect your mother and father.
“Come with me then,” he says.
You watch as he begins to walk towards a table and squeak in response before picking up the pace and following him.
Tim weaves you through the sea of tables and sets your sights on a table that has two men sitting across from each other, talking. You look at the two with slight curiosity before the man leading you puts his hands on the back of a brown haired boy’s chair.
There’s a minute pause between the two before the boy silently gets up and joins the blond haired man’s side.
You take a seat next to the man who led you in, a little quiet due to being shy and in the presence of imposing figures (though nowhere near as imposing as the Slender Man) and focus on the table. Remembering to be polite, you keep your eyes trained on the table and open your mouth to greet them. “Hello.”
The blond haired man’s lips curl upwards into a smile. “So she does speak,” he says more as a joke to the other two men rather than directly to you.
The man who led you in kicks his right hand’s shin under the table. “Be nice,” he hisses quietly. “Sorry,” he apologizes, eyes darting to look at you. “Why don’t we uh, go around the table and say our name and a fun thing about ourselves?” He suggests tiredly.
“What are we, five?” The blond haired man chuckles. He winces when Tim kicks his shin again. “Alright, fine,” he mutters under his breath before finally turning to you. “Hi, my name is Hoodie. I really like photography,” he states, an amused twinkle coming to his hazel eyes.
You perk up slightly.
“M-Me next?” Toby asks before deciding to go up himself. “Hi, I-I’m Toby. I c-can’t feel pain.”
You raise your eyebrows and look over at the pale, vaguely grey skinned boy. “You can’t feel pain?” You inquire, voice raising slightly to convey your budding curiosity.
“Mhm,” he hums, a smile slowly coming onto his lips. “You c-c-can slap m-me, I won’t f-f-feel it.”
You glance at the other two men who both nod out of unison, sly grins curling the corners of their mouth upwards. Almost shyly, you lean over the table and open your hand. You look at Toby for confirmation and close your eyes, hitting him across the face as hard as a twelve year old can muster. When you open your eyes after your hand made impact, you see that he’s unmoved.
There’s nothing in Toby’s eyes that tells you he’s masking the pain either. He’s genuinely unbothered. “S-See what I m-mean, Princess?” He chuckles as you sit back in your seat, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, yeah, Toby is special,” the man who brought you in chuckles tiredly before waving Toby off. “Anyways, my name is Masky and I’m your group leader,” he tells you in passing.
Brian rolls his eyes and lightly kicks Tim’s shin from under the table. “That’s not a fun fact.”
“D-Ditto,” Toby agrees as he crosses his arms over his chest. “T-Tell her a r-r-real fun fact.”
Tim pauses for a moment before he finally sees the stars in your eyes. He finds it hard to not indulge you. “Hoodie and I used to go to the same college together,” he finally states, earning an approving smile from both Brian and Toby.
You want to press the topic when the waitress finally makes her grand appearance.
“Hi, hon! Apologies for not getting here any sooner. Did you want something?” She asks with a warm smile on her dark lips. “I can get you some juice to start off with if you don’t know what you’d like yet?” She continues in a semi-speculative tone.
You think it over for a second before looking up at her. “I would like some apple juice and a small thing of chocolate chip pancakes if that’s okay with you?” You’re both asking her and the men at your table.
“Sure thing,” she hums. “Anything for you boys?”
“We’re fine, just stuff for the little lady,” Tim replies. “Though uh, I would like another pot of coffee,” he trails off.
The waitress takes the empty pot of coffee and then walks back to the kitchen to get what you asked for.
“Alright, what about you?” Brian asks as he rests his elbows on the table, hands under his chin as he turns his attention back to you. “Name and fun fact.”
“I’m Reader,” you begin, not noticing how their expressions shift slightly. “And a fun fact about me?” You take a moment to consider what you’re going to tell them before divulging into one of your hobbies, drawing. You mention the alcohol markers your father gave to you on your last birthday, your twelvth.
The three men listen to you attentively all the while holding a conversation in their heads.
‘Holy shit, you never mentioned that this was the Wraith’s kid-’ Toby’s voice hurriedly exclaims through the mental connection he shares with his teammates.
‘She can’t be right,’ Brian tacks on. ‘This can’t be his kid, the man didn’t have any kids,’ Brian jumbles out. On the inside, he is screaming, but outwardly, he shows he’s happy to be listening to you.
Tim mentally scoffs. ‘Now you know why I’m so horrified,’ he grumbles in a very lightly annoyed tone. He knew the Wraith, your father. He was a good man by proxy standards, and flawed by human ones.
When Tim first received the news from the Slender Man that he was taking in the Wraith’s child, he almost passed out. The responsibility of taking care of not only a child, but a legend’s child? He saw the light and it was NOT as beautiful as people make it out to be. You are his responsibility first and foremost, whether he wants this or not. He watches you with furrowed brows, only to find that during the
The night begins to dwindle on, and it’s clear that you’re getting sleepier. Besides, the table knows that you’ve probably never stayed up until midnight and it’s nearing that odd hour. The IHOP is almost completely empty, but every now and then stragglers come in to have a cup of coffee and hashbrowns. It’s a slow night.
“You’re looking tired,” Brian says softly as he watches your eyes lid.
You fling them open and shake your head. “I’m not tired at all,” you pout. You cross your arms over your chest, but the position proves to be too comfortable and you’re already nodding off again.
“Yeah, we’re calling it a night,” Tim says as he begins to get out of his seat. “Hood, cover the money. I’ll bring her to the car. Toby’s driving.”
“May the gods have mercy on our souls,” Brian wheezes under his breath as he reaches into his pocket to find his wallet and pay.
Toby lightly slaps his teammate’s shoulder before pushing in his seat and stretching slightly.
You watch with weary, tired eyes and slowly begin to drift off in your seat, barely even noticing how Tim carefully scoops you into his arms.
He’s able to pick you up like you weigh nothing, and really, you don’t. At least, not to him. He holds you as gently as he can and begins moving to exit the IHOP as softly as possible, not wanting to wake you. He doesn’t doubt that you’ve had a rough time leading up to this paired with the fact your father is dead too.
Toby opens the IHOP’s door for Tim who is still carrying you and then clicks open the car as well. “W-Why don’t you h-hang out with h-her in the backseat? We h-have quite the d-d-drive until we make it t-t-to Alabama,” he suggests as he opens the back doors of the car behind the driver’s side. He then moves to allow Tim to do his work before slipping into the driver’s seat.
Tim hums thoughtfully before nodding. He gingerly sits you into the car before carefully prying your backpack off before dropping it softly to the floor of the car. After that, he puts your seatbelt on and closes the door gently, once again, to not startle you awake.
He then walks around the back of the car and gets into the passenger side’s back seat and puts his own seatbelt on, exhausted and wanting to take a nap himself. He absentmindedly watches the doors of the IHOP to see Brian waving good night to the staff in the building before he heads over to the car where Toby brings it to life.
“She asleep?” Brian asks as he takes his spot in the passenger seat.
“Yeah,” Tim replies quietly. “Quiet from here on out and head talk,” he finishes just as softly before Toby begins to drive out of the parking lot.
You stir a bit as the car moves, mostly staying in a sitting up position until Toby finally enters the expressway heading down south to the temp house that the Slender Man wishes for them to essentially ‘raise’ you in. Your body falls as he turns onto the long stretch off road and you remain sleeping, head now resting on Tim’s lap.
Instead of moving you, he chuckles quietly to himself and then reaches in the back, groping around for his jacket until he finally finds it. Once in his hand, he drapes it over your small form. He watches you for a moment or more before relaxing back in the seat himself, quietly succumbing to sleep alongside you.
Toby and Brian watch him from the rear view mirror, ghosts of smiles on their faces.
You wake up late the next day. A groggy glance at the car’s clock shows that it’s almost past 2 in the afternoon. Goodness, you’ve never really slept in like that before! You shoot up, clearly startled.
“Nice to see you’re up,” Tim says in a slightly teasing tone as he stops gazing from out the window. “Really tired, huh?”
You nod slightly and allow your body the time to wake up. “I guess so?” You reply in a slightly embarrassed tone, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Where are we going?”
“Alabama,” Brian answers as he glances at you from the rearview mirror. “Gonna be living there for a little while.”
“Why’s that?”
“The Operator wants us to be closer to him while you grow,” Tim says before he turns his attention back out the window.
When you give him a confused look, Tim relents, drops his shoulders and takes in a deep breath. “Alright, listen up, this is gonna be a lot.”
You look at him with stars in your eyes.
Tim begins to weave to you a story of the culture and society you are now expected to integrate into. He tells you of the Slender Man, or as you are now expected to call him the Operator's origins. He tells you of a similar being named Zalgo, and it is with him that the Operator tirelessly fights against. It’s an eternal battle that he, and everyone else in the car, doubts will be won or lost in your lifetime.
Tim tells you of proxies, those who serve directly under the Operator and what their purpose is. They are the ones who are held dearest and nearest to his heart and have the privilege of being on the top in this society. Proxies are cold, calculated, and tend to not have free will because they are so blinded by the Operator’s light. Still, there are some instances in which proxies retain their humanity - and that is what makes them simultaneously and strongest and weakest lengths in the hierarchy.
Then there’s the independents. Those that are, as the name implies, independent. While they can come and go as they please, but are still considered the Operator’s children because of how often they work with him. They also benefit from the Operator’s presence and protection, so they too are part of the hierarchy, they have not devoted themselves entirely to him and are considered lesser than proxies. In the Operator’s vision, they are more expendable than his direct children, but more than outliers.
Outliers are the beings that have little to no business with the Operator and do not directly benefit from his influence and protection. They are the blacksheep and scapegoats of the culture you are just learning to swim in. A good chunk of outliers are removed from the society all together on account of them not having exact higher thought, feelings and mentality. They are monsters, cryptids, the things who cause harm but do not think. There are some outliers that are exceptions to the common stereotype of what an outlier is, but they retain that status due to being stripped of an independent title. They aren’t even allowed most times in proxy spaces, but independents tend to welcome them with open arms.
Afterall, both independents and outliers know what it is like to be on the losing side of a classist divide.
Tim also tells you what he knew about your father. Known as the Wraith, he moved like a ghost and struck fear in his victims to the point of spellbinding paranoia that could land them under hospitalization. He made them lose their minds, slowly, painfully, until they were but a shell of what they used to be - a mockery of whatever came before. Your father was a damn good proxy, revered and respected. To hear of his loss was mourned across all three classes, as he was surprisingly fair and just in his treatment of those of lower social standing than him, even going so far as to attempt friendlier outlier contact between the other two, more cognitive groups.
Time and time again on the trip to Alabama, you are reminded that your father was a good man by proxy standards, and flawed in the eyes of humans.
And you can’t help but agree even though what you’ve seen from your father thus far has been minimal at most. You love him in the way any child would love their shadow.
“I only ever really saw him for special occasions,” you begin to explain, eyes focused on the passing trees, hand out the window as you guide it like an airplane as Tim drives the car. They’ve been shifting drivers every other hour now. “He was so kind and warm,” you continue, voice soft and fragile, fluttering like a butterfly’s wings. “I wish I could have known more of him.”
You get the sense that your teammates agree.
“Y’know,” Tim begins. “He would be pleased to see you’re taking up this mantle of his.” He throws you a supportive glance from the rearview mirror. “I remember him being worried he’d thrown you into a life where you’d come out the other end hating him. But, from what I’ve heard, you accepted your blood with relative grace.”
You feel a heat rise to your face as you focus on how the air glides over your hand, lifting it like a bird. “Yeah…” You trail off with a semi-awkward chuckle.
Tim throws you a knowing glance, smiling softly before turning back to the road.
You arrive in Alabama sometime during the night. The car, which was being driven by Toby once again, pulls into a house somewhere off the beaten path and mumbles about the foliage before he turns on his brights. The place looks relatively spooky, but in a very picturesque way. He continues driving on the uneven terrain before finally reaching the front porch of the house.
There, two men are sitting and talking. The one in the white hoodie looks up from his conversation with the blue masked man and waves, stepping down the first two steps to meet your group halfway.
Toby breathes out with a chuckle and turns the car off. “W-Were you g-guys waiting here a-all day for u-us?” He asks as he exits the car, twirling the car keys in his fingers before tossing them over to Tim, who catches them like second nature.
“Anything to see our favorite cannibal and hurricane of a being,” Brian lightly ribs, making the man in the white hoodie grin and the blue masked man chuckle.
Quietly, you get out the car and round it so you’re near Tim, mostly eyeing the two men with adrenaline coursing in your veins. The appearance of the man who is paler than the moon frightens you just a bit.
“Who’s this little sunflower?” He asks as he turns his attention from almost play fighting with Brian and Toby to waltz over to you. He’s just as imposing as everyone else and leans down slightly to match eye level with you.
“She’s W-Wraith’s k-kid,” Toby hums as he crosses his arms over his chest, head turned slightly to gauge how you’re feeling.
You look up at the clad in white man and attempt to smile. “Hi, I’m Reader, who are you?” You ask softly, still not entirely comfortable in his presence.
A grin begins to light up on his face. “Jeff. Jeff the Killer.” He crouches down and holds out his hand to you.
You grip onto Tim’s forearm, hiding behind him like you did with your mother when he nods that it’s okay for you to say hello.
“He won’t bite, not while I’m here,” he says in a reassuring tone. “You can say hi,” he gently encourages.
You shyly hold your hand out to the man you now know as Jeff and shake it, amazed that he feels like a still smouldering fire. “Killer?”
Jeff suppresses a giggle and nods. “That’s right. Your father was a good one too,” he compliments before letting your hand go. He then turns his head over his shoulder. “EJ, stop being a wet blanket and come say hello to the sunflower.”
The man on the porch scoffs before slowly getting up from the stairs. He stretches slightly as he walks over. His mask startles you as he comes up to you. He does not crouch down to meet you like Jeff did. “I’m EJ.” There’s no warmth in his tone, but he holds his hand out regardless.
Jeff rolls his blue eyes and elbows Eyeless Jack’s ribs. “It’s a kid you dickhead, not a patient,” he hisses before elbowing him again. “Try that again.”
Your group laughs slightly in response, but Eyeless Jack obliges his friend.
“Hi, I’m EJ.”
“What does that stand for?” You ask as you take his hand into yours, shaking it. Your other hand remains firmly planted to Tim’s forearm. He’s just really comforting for you in such an uneasy situation.
You notice Eyeless Jack give Tim a slight look, almost asking if he could do so before getting a very reluctant nod.
“Eyeless Jack.”
“You have all the grace of a drunken sloth” Tim sighs.
“What? You said I could be real.”
“No lead up? You just?”
“Masky, you know I respect you more than most proxies, but you’re literally going to train her for this stuff. There’s no use in beating around the bush. Look,” the grey skinned man pauses for a moment and begins to slip his mask off.
You watch in deep curiosity as you look upwards, wondering what he looks like. When you get your answer, your curiosity grows. Though, it shows up as a shocked fear despite that not being what you feel.
“You okay, Reader?” Tim asks softly as he looks down at you.
“You b-b-broke the kid,” Toby says with an eyebrow raised, leaning in the doorway of the temp house before Brian shakes his head with a stupid grin, heading into the house to set things up and properly accommodate everyone’s move in.
“Yeah, because he’s so ugly-”Jeff is barely able to say before you cut him off.
“You are so cool!” You suddenly exclaim, small hands reaching upwards to Eyeless Jack’s face and to signal him to come down so you can see him better.
Eyeless Jack’s stoic face blooms into a smile as he crouches down almost instantly, a heat rising to his cheeks over the compliment.
You immediately leave Tim’s side to look over the grey skinned man’s face, fingers gently brushing over his cheeks. “What is this?” You ask excitedly, clearly referring to the inky black tears that waterfall from his eyes.
“Some goop that comes from my eyes when my body decides I need to eat the food most of you don’t,” he explains, holding back his amused laughter at how gently you touch him with all the wonder a child can. Normally, Eyeless Jack would not let anyone touch him, nor would he let a stranger get remotely this close to him, but he’s admittedly charmed with you.
“Jeeze, Masky, you never told us Wraith’s kid wasn’t a psychopath,” Jeff teases slightly as he rests his forearm on Tim’s shoulder.
“To be fair, I didn’t know either - we really haven’t spent too much time with her,” he chuckles warmly as he watches you brush your fingers through Jack’s hair, amazed that the texture is so soft despite it looking scratchy and a little dry. “Okay, Reader, that’s enough petting EJ,” Tim says as he rests his hand on your shoulder. “I think our uh, meat eating friend needs to get some food in his stomach judging by how many tears he’s producing right now.”
“Do I have to?” You ask as you step back from Eyeless Jack, allowing the tall man to stand up and recompose himself.
“Yup,” Tim replies, popping the ‘p’. “Besides, it’s late and I’m not messing your sleep schedule up anymore,” he finishes as he nods for you to head into the house.
“Will we see these two again?”
“Of course you will,” Tim says as he begins leading you into the house, waving goodbye to the two men who are about to head out into the woods. “You have all the time in the world,” he hums, pleased you made a good impression on some of his society's most prominent figures at the moment.
You turn over briefly and smile widely. “Bye! I hope to see you soon!” You bid before finally being ushered into the house by Tim.
Both Eyeless Jack and Jeff wave back, smiles on their faces.
“See you soon, sunflower,” Jeff murmurs to himself.
A pregnant pause comes between the two best friends.
“You see what she’s doing to him?” Jeff absentmindedly chuckles as he and Eyeless Jack begin to travel into the darkness of the woods.
“What a softie,” Eyeless Jack agrees.
“Takes one to know one,” Jeff retorts.
The two laugh.
Tim spends most of his time teaching you and that’s only because the Operator keeps sending out his teammates over him. It’s probably just how the tall man wanted it. You soak up information like a sponge. Everyone can see it.
He teaches you everything he can. For instance, the proxy hierarchical role is strict and considered one of the most respected of rules. Group leaders are leaders because the Operator says they are, but it can also be taken by force. That normally doesn’t happen though. Group leaders hold the responsibility of ensuring their proxies are taken care of, and if they are new, properly integrated into the society. That’s what he’s currently doing with you.
Next up comes the right hand. Not every group has a right hand because some group leaders are paranoid or jerks and cannot learn to trust, but it is highly recommended group leaders have a right hand. This group’s right hand is Brian, or as you know him, Hoodie. Right hands provide guidance when group leaders are conflicted, and can step in on behalf of their leader depending on the situation. They are to be just as respected and revered and can be the stand in should a group leader be missing. This role is not given, it is asked.
Then come what Tim lovingly refers to as ‘the middle children’. Those are the proxies that aren’t group leaders, right hands, or runts. They are the ones who just exist as part of the group unit. They have no significant power but are allowed to participate in the hazing process. ‘Middle children’ tend to pop up when runts outgrow their runt status or a new runt takes their place. It is possible to have multiple ‘middle children’.
Runts are the lowest in the unit. They are the newest in their group, but not always the newest or least inexperienced. If you are traded amongst groups, you become a runt, but in such cases as this, the hazing process is nowhere near as brutal as it would be for those who are inexperienced and coming into the proxy life for the first time. Because runts are usually in an initiatory stage and still learning, they must be bent and broken until the group leader says there is no further need. Runts are often the lapdogs of the group and tend to do everything the rest of the group does not want to do. They are considered the most expendable.
The hazing process is something that you are exempt from. Tim told you it was because you are a child, and he is not a child abuser. Still, after learning of the hazing process, you admit that you feel sick to your stomach. The hazing process is brutal in every sense and can sap the life out of the proxies it affects. Everything goes when a runt is in the process, from mental, emotional and physical torture. Depending on the group leader, the process will last anywhere from a few weeks, months, to even years.
You are thankful you are exempt.
Tim teaches you more and more as the months go on, and still, with stars in your eyes, you soak up information like a sponge. Technique is something he’s always testing on you, and it plays like a fun game.
“I’m going to wait upstairs and read,” he says one morning. “Maybe get some other work done. Wait down here for however long you need, and tap my shoulder without me hearing you. Stay silent as possible. If I hear you, you lose.” He then gets up from the kitchen table and heads upstairs, coffee cup in hand before he heads into the study.
You watch Tim leave and furrow your brows, your heart racing. So far, he’s drilled stamina into you, basic self defense, and other things young proxies might need but this is the task that makes your heart palpitate. You hear him open the study door and half way close it before he settles in and begins reading.
You don’t want to rush into this. So, you take your time, just silently moving from the kitchen to the bottom of the stairs, that task in itself taking until the afternoon. You don’t want to mess this up.
You hold your breath as you make it to the bottom of the stairs. Even though it’s carpeted, you don't want any part of you betraying your stealth. You wait at the bottom of the stairs, inching up step by step until you finally reach the top.
The sun has set by the time you wait outside the wall in front of the study door.
You hold your breath as you quietly step into the doorway - and you see it - Tim has flinched. Hopped up on adrenaline, you take your time and slink your way behind him before finally tapping him on the shoulder.
He doesn’t jolt, but he turns around and smiles widely. “Good job!” He compliments, standing up and stretching his limbs. He’s been sitting an entire day, after all. “I’m really proud of you.” He pats the top of your head and you see it in his eyes- he’s actually super proud of you.
But he flinched when you waited in the doorway.
He knew.
Still, you accept this victory with grace, wondering what else he might teach you.
Tim teaches you so much as you grow older under his care. Though one of the most monumental lessons was after you took a life for the first time at fourteen. He had wanted to wait until you were sixteen, but the Operator demanded it.
You’ve learned so much knife skills from him, weaponry in general, but nothing he could have taught you would have prepared you for what it means to take a life.
The two of you had just gotten through interrogating a man who really did not deserve to live. He had been blubbering for the past few hours, and Tim was exhausted from trying to weasel information out from him.
“Ghost,” he addresses, his masked face looking at you with budding amusement. “Finish this for me.”
“What?” You say. You know what he means, you just don’t want to actually admit it.
“Finish him for me,” he shrugs. “It’s about time.”
“I don’t know how?”
“Sure you do,” he hums. “You have your knife and I know your skills are more than good,” he says as he rests his hand on his hips. “You could also shoot him. We’re in an area where no one would even care about a gun going off. Or, you could brutalize him,” he trails off as he lists off the ways you could end a life like items on a grocery list. “I don’t know if you have enough power for actually brutalizing him though,” he jokes slightly, lightly slapping the man’s face to keep him up. “Y’hear that, bud? You got lucky. If it were up to me, I’d break off your limbs one by one and tear open your chest letting you see your beating heart.”
The man’s eyes go wide as he squirms helplessly.
He’s not getting out of this one alive.
You awkwardly look at Tim. “What… What do you suggest?” You ask quietly.
Tim’s eyes dart to your gun. “For your first time? Clean and fast.”
Obliging your group leader’s words, you take out your gun and flick off safety. The hardest part is looking them in the eye. You raise it and point it at the man’s forehead, eyes narrowed from behind your mask.
The man is pleading with you, tears streaming down his face.
“Always pull the trigger..?” You begin, attempting to buy some time.
“On empty lungs,” Tim finishes.
You pull.
It’s almost a little sinful to admit how easy murder has become after that moment. For the next two years, you and your group began going out on more missions as a unit. Your power had grown immensely, and the Operator’s point was beginning to show through.
The younger the proxy, the more efficient they become as they grow. He knows children are plastic, and you are his living proof that success must start young. Still, he watches you grow carefully, and Tim keeps his boss in the loop with every little milestone you hit.
First it was ten confirmed kills, then twenty five, and before you knew it, fifty. Fifty confirmed kills before you were sixteen.
Tim himself has grown rather fond of you in ways that no one else has - though, you are easy to get along with. Besides your group regularly spending time with you and falling deeper and deeper in love with you as their little one, Tim has become what you always envisioned the shadow of your father to be.
He’s the first to greet you in the morning and the last to wish you good night. He spends most of his waking hours with you, and it’s a good memory every single time. He trusts you immensely, and in turn, you trust him. Admittedly, he’s always had a soft spot for you and that much is apparent and always has been.
Tim has always been there for you when it all feels like too much.
“It’s nothing,” you mumble as you curl deeper onto your bed, sheets over your head.
“What happened?” He asks in a serious tone, clearly not wanting to play games.
“I said that I’m fine-”
“Bullshit,” he says as he marches into your room, ready to tear off your blankets. He knows teenagers are prone to giving the adults in their life hell, but you’ve never done this until, well, now.
You’re clawing to keep your blankets on but your strength pales in comparison to Tim’s. You screech as he finally tears the blankets from you, expecting full anger but instead, a look of horror.
“What the-what happened to you?” He asks in shock as he looks at the large red claw marks on your midsection and legs. It looks like you fought off a bear. “How long have you been like this- this is dangerous, you could get infected!” His tone is only loud because he’s scared. He wastes no time in scooping you up into his arms and rushing to the bathroom to tend to your injuries.
You hiss in pain but keep your lips tight, not wanting to admit what happened.
You let Tim work on you and disinfect your wounds as his emotions finally come down to a normal place. You realize it’s because he cares about you, but you’re still worried that he’s going to flare up again.
“Are you ever going to tell me what caused this? Or am I to believe some poltergeist waltzed in here and cut you up?”
You avert your gaze from the only solid father figure you’ve ever had. “I… I snuck out late at night and got attacked by the notdeer,” you mumble.
“What?” He sounds genuinely confused, as if he didn’t hear you correctly.
“I snuck out late at night and got attacked by the notdeer,” you speed out again, face burning with embarrassment.
You see a plethora of emotions pass over Tim’s face as he applies another bandaid to one of the more minor cuts on your leg before he settles on relief. “Holy shit,” he breathes out as he drops the products he had been working with. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” he breathes out as he takes you into his arms, squeezing you as tight as he can without causing any pain to your body that is still healing.
You feel tears well in your eyes as you hug him back.
Your skill grows so immensely, that your group and the Operator trust you with going on one of the most high stakes missions he’s ever sent modern proxies on. He hasn’t sent you a group on something like this since… Goodness, the 1700s? It’s been a while.
The Operator asked you to hunt down Zalgo’s favored son and kill him. It sounds easy in words, but in practice, near impossible.
“He’s sending us on a death match,” mumbles Brian. “I-What do you guys think? Are we ready?”
You and the other two shrug, not knowing what to say. You just know that you will be following Tim’s lead, as he is your group leader and the man who matters most in your life.
“I’m a-a-apprehensive,” Toby hums. “But, I t-t-think with our collective t-talents, we m-might have a shot.”
Tim looks at you, wanting to know your input when you hesitantly nod. “Guess we’re going.”
Finding Zalgo’s son was easy, but pinning him down was anything but. Everything had gone so smoothly up until it was time to face off with him, the man of the hour.
Toby and Brian were preoccupied with fending off Zalgo’s proxies who were placed in the house to keep his favored, most beloved son safe, and you and Tim had managed to slip in.
It was just the two of you with Zalgo’s son, and he was beating the two of you close to death.
“I’ll ask again,” his smooth, velvety voice growled. “Who do you consider the most expendable in your group?”
When neither you nor Tim answer, the child of Zalgo screams in frustration and rage before barrelling towards you, grabbing your weakened body and throwing you into the large stained glass windows.
Due to the sheer force of how hard he had thrown you, you tumbled out onto the grassy lawn, air stolen from your lungs. You laid on the ground gasping like a fish out of water before slowly attempting to crawl back in and help Tim.
Your fingers hoisted you up through the broken windows, allowing you to see what was going on inside. And it horrified you.
Zalgo’s son was holding Tim up by his neck, choking the life out of him.
“Who is the most expendable?” He demands again.
“I’m… not..!”
“Fuck you-” he barely manages to wheeze out.
You’re panicking, wondering what you can do to help him when the son leans in exceptionally close.
“Say it.” He tosses Tim’s body to the ground, watching as he weakly attempts to get back up.
“R...Reader,” he admits. “She’s the most… She’s the most expendable,” he coughs out, blood and other things being released from his damaged system. “You already threw her out-”
“So you wouldn’t mind if I ended her now?” The son taunts, eyes shifting to the stained glass windows where he hurled you out.
Tim shakes his head. “That’s not what I’m saying-” he cuts himself off by coughing more. “I’m just saying she’s not prepared, she’s still weak-”
You feel your heart stop. You listen into his thoughts, he’s emotionally vulnerable, and see that he’s telling the truth. There isn’t any second thought that’s telling you he’s fibbing to buy time.
“You don’t trust her?” He inquires, bending low, ready to choke the life out of Tim again.
“I don’t,” he weakly says. “In fact, she’s due to be transferred from us soon-” he’s cut off by the son laughing and lifting him up again by his throat.
The son looks over his shoulder to see tears streaming down your cheeks. “And you call me a monster,” he cruelly laughs.
It’s cut short by Toby and Brian breaking down the door, shooting the son with his father’s favorite gun.
Tim is once again dropped to the floor, and Brian rushes to help him.
Toby leaves their side and sprints to the window to help you. He sees you're crying. “W-What’s wrong? W-Where does it h-h-hurt?” He asks, worry lacing his expression as he helps you back over.
You shake your head and refuse to say anything.
The car ride back to your temp house is awkward at best and downright uncomfortable at worst. You are sitting in the passenger seat because you refuse to sit next to Tim who had admitted something you weren’t really supposed to find out.
And the other two men, both Toby and Brian know it too.
‘Is it true?’ You ask the right hand, looking emptily out the window. The lights that pass overhead are counted as mental busy work.
‘Reader,’ Brian’s voice sighs. ‘I… I’m really sorry,’ he says. ‘I fought him on this, but… But being a proxy isn’t easy-’
‘So you’re abandoning me?’ You ask, tears threatening to fall from your eyes again. ‘You’re gonna leave me in the hands of some strangers because I’m not good enough?’
Brian sighs deeply and glances at you briefly as he continues to drive. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘I don’t accept it.’ You shift in your seat and curl up, not wanting to even look at your group. They’ve basically broken your trust, but hearing it from Tim? The man you viewed as most important in your life? The man would talk to you over cups of coffee on the rooftop before the sun came up? The same man who had once said you were the child he was never allowed to have?
He called you weak. Expendable. He has said you are not worthy of his trust.
The first time your anger boiled over was a few days after downing Zalgo’s son. It was just the two of you in the living room, your other two teammates out on other errands. Every day felt like a ticking time bomb of when you will be released to another group.
“We need to talk,” Tim says.
“What… What I said back then.” He still has marks on his neck from the son attempting to choke him to death.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
He sighs deeply. You have every right to be mad at him. “It’s not that simple,” he starts. “I never meant for it to come out like that,” he says with a frown, eyes not entirely meeting you. He attempts to explain further, but you don’t want to hear it.
You get up, waving him off. “Shut up.”
“Shut. Up.” You storm upstairs.
The fights do not get any lighter. They say time heals all wounds, but in your case, it exacerbates them. It becomes a nearly every day affair now.
Words are shot like bullets into the house that used to be built by the loving relationship you had with Tim. But, ever since he uttered those words and dug his heels in deeper over the fact you were actively challenging him, you drifted further and further from him.
Toby and Brian try to stay out of those conversations. They both care about you, but at the same time, they understand that being a proxy really isn’t easy. You get jumbled around, shaken up, and sometimes, traded. While no one is replacing you, the fact Tim agreed to let you go was what hurt the most.
According to Toby, he never even fought for you.
You leave them at the same diner you met them at. Sixteen years old and ready to be in the hands of another group. You sit in the passenger seat of the car, eyes empty, and heart torn.
“Do you want us to come in with you?” Brian asks with a small smile.
You shake your head. “No.”
He sighs and drops his shoulders. “I…” He pauses, and when words fail him, he leans over in the driver’s seat and wraps his arms around you. You hug back, realizing your beef isn’t with the right hand and allow tears to well in your eyes. He presses a kiss to the side of your head. “It’s going to be quiet without you,” he mumbles. He looks at you with all the adoration an older sibling might as he lets you go.
Toby, has gotten out of the car at this point and walked around the front, opens your door and leans down.
“No, let me,” you say softly as you unbuckle, grabbing your backpack and whatever else you may need before stepping out. Once you’re standing, you find yourself tangled in Toby’s arms.
“I h-hate goodbyes,” he admits as he sways the two of you.
You hug him back and smile softly. “I’ll be seeing you, yeah?” You mumble as he squeezes you tighter.
He nods. “Y-You better!” He laughs, not allowing his thinly veiled choked up tears to enter his voice as he lets you go. Toby checks you over once more, nothing but love in his eyes as he reluctantly takes your place in the passenger seat. You can tell he’s bitter over finally having it back.
Tim is in the back seat, passenger side. He looks at you through the window of the car, eyes red and puffy. He wants to say so much to you and nothing at all.
You share in the sentiment, nod slightly and fight cursing him out again, then head into the same place you met them in. Ready to be a part of a new group. One that hopefully, will not doubt your abilities as a growing proxy.
When you head in and walk out of their lives, Tim’s mask falls, and tears begin to roll down his cheeks. He feels like he can’t breathe, like he’s suffocating and can’t even think clearly.
“Fucking drive,” he coldly hisses as he takes in deep, labored breaths.
Brian, not wanting to fight his leader and understanding the man hasn’t been this emotionally broken since Jay’s death, obliges him.
Tim watches you greet your new team, and his heart breaks all over again.
You’re now twenty years old. My how the time flies. You are more than an established proxy now, and your new group treats you as such.
There’s four of them, your new family.
A group leader named Wallace, who is fair but kind. A right hand named Theo, who is a nightmare in proxy form. A ‘middle child’ named Ruth, who vaguely reminds you of your mother. And finally, an independent by the name of Nyein.
They’ve been good to you over the years you’ve known them, and you can tell they genuinely love you in their own way. You feel like you can tell them almost anything and everything, but everyone has skeletons in their closet and you are no exception.
It’s Wallace’s job as your group leader to understand his proxies and be able to understand them at all costs. He doesn’t mean to pry while it’s still fresh.
“So, how are you doing this fine evening?” The deep voiced proxy asks as he joins you on the balcony of the hotel the five of you are currently staying in.
“I could always be better,” you answer. When you sigh, he gives a knowing hum. “What?” He shrugs. “Pardon my reach,” he begins. “But, Timothy…”
“Too early,” you cut him off.
“Right, my bad,” he apologizes. “We can always come back to this later.”
You huff.
Ruth inquires about it next. She’s gentle in her approach, and you almost spill it all to her, but the pain of what happened ices you back over.
“I understand that you and your previous group went up against Zalgo’s son?”
She gently moves some of your hair behind your ear. “How did that go?” She sees your expression fall, and she frowns. “So that’s what happened,” she hums, not even needing you to say what happened directly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you say. “Not like you contributed,” you mumble. “He didn’t want me.”
Her hand rests on your back, silently telling you that you can always find comfort in her.
Theo asks in the most brash manner he can. He doesn’t really care about feelings or making people uncomfortable, but he does respect you.
“So, Masky traded you like pokemon cards huh?”
You throw a decidedly hard punch at him.
“Take that as a yes.”
“Are you fucking with me?” You groan in an exasperated tone.
“If it fires you up so your punches stop feeling like taps, sure,” he grins. “Come on, let it out. What did that bastard do to you?”
You answer him with harder punches.
Theo doesn’t respect Tim, but it’s not like he ever respected him to begin with.
Nyein honesty doesn’t ask. They don’t want to make you uncomfortable and they refuse to push your boundaries. They know something hurtful happened, and they understand that pain is carefully guarded for a reason. The only time they ask anything in regards to what hurt you from before was when you were preparing to meet up with your old group for what was ‘lovingly’ dubbed a collaboration.
‘You’re sure you’re okay?’ They ask, cocking their head to the side.
“I’ll be fine-”
‘I know you’re lying,’ they sign with a frown. ‘I can smell that on you, y’know?’
You chuckle and push lightly at them. “If anything isn’t to my liking, you can always eat Masky.”
Their face lights up.
The news that you and your previous team were going to be working together was hell on the ears. In fact, you heard it, and found yourself panicking over the fact you might need to see Tim again. According to Wallace, yes. Tim was still alive and well.
“He looks older though and more depressing,” the blond haired man chuckled. “Fuckin’ hate Timothy.”
Theo rolls his eyes but turns to you anyway. “He’s right on the old and depressing thing.”
You take that thought in and sigh.
Time to face him again.
You and your group decide to meet Tim’s on the edge of the town you all will be invading. Something about mass recruitment and taking out multiple targets. You all know it’s busy work and the Slender Man likes to make you suffer, but it gives you some time to talk until the sun sets.
Ruth and Nyein immediately overtake some time waiting by swarming around Toby and sharing giggles. Wallace and Theo (who may or may not have been talking to Tim prior to this) have run off with Brian to also just talk.
They’re not always at each other’s throats.
That leaves you with Tim.
You’re currently sitting in a grassy field, plucking flowers from the earth and taking in the sweet scent as the sun slowly makes its way to bed. You’ve spent a good portion of time alone, and when Tim finally makes his appearance, you do not stir. You do not acknowledge him.
It’s uncomfortably silent when he takes a seat near you, but not close to you.
“How have you been?” He asks quietly, almost as if he’s scared you’ll take flight again.
It’s been four years, you can reply without anger overtaking your system.
“Decent, like any proxy,” you answer, eyes still honed in on the flowers and how the remaining golden shafts of light filter through the leaves and change the color to something delicate and pure. “And you?” You’re just asking as a formality, not because you actually care.
“The same as you, I suppose,” he answers back, his voice still soft.
Another silence passes until you finally get the urge to look over at the man you once viewed as a parental figure.
Your eyes almost water when seeing him. He’s older now, much older. Still has that kind of youth that comes with being the Operator’s play thing, but he’s sad. His eyes are dark, devoid of light, and soft as if he’s barely holding it together. He still smells like cigarettes.
Tim is the first to speak, a sorrowful smile on his face as he takes in a deep breath and looks at you with an adoration that never truly left. “You look older,” he notes, taking note of how you grew into your looks. You don’t look like that scrawny little preteen anymore. He knows that you’re a young lady now, and he only wishes he was there to see it. “I like it.”
You bristle on instinct. “I don’t need your approval-”
“I know,” he sighs as he turns his gaze up to the clouds that pass overhead. The skies are the faintest of pink and purple. He thinks it’s pretty.
“You look… Older too,” you finally say, feeling awkward and at home all at once.
Tim chuckles quietly under his breath. “Yeah,” he hums. “I’m in my thirties.”
For some reason, it makes you giggle.
He lights up at the sound of your laugh.
When it dies down, the two of you remain in silence, just letting the world pass by as the sun sinks lower and lower. It’s peaceful, nowhere near as hostile as you were originally expecting it to be, and you find that you enjoy the overall experience.
Still, there is a nagging thought in the back of your head. One that reminds you of everything that has happened, and it still stings. It is the wound that will never heal.
As if he was reading your thoughts, Tim breathes out again and continues looking up at the slowly darkening sky. “I really am sorry for what happened,” he apologizes once more. “I was sorry back then, and I’m still sorry now.”
You frown and knit your brows together in confusion. “You… You just let me go, like I didn’t matter.”
“I know.”
“I can’t undo that,” he says. “But… But I can try that now-”
“Please no-”
“I have better credit in the Operator’s eyes, maybe we could-”
“I could ask for you back-”
“That’s enough.”
Your eyes are dark and you can feel something unpleasant bubbling in your chest and throat. When you had first been placed in Wallace’s group, some part of you had some naive childish dream that Tim would come back, take you in his arms and prove that he wanted you and was truly the right sort of man to have as a role model in your life. That dream never came true, so you stopped having it. You let it die and get returned to the earth. You let it drift away.
But at the same time, you wonder what would be different now - if you could even accept being taken back into his group. Would that even be healthy? It took Wallace and the others months just to get you to stop waking up in tears, nearly on the verge of losing your guts through your mouth and to stop you from panicking when one of them said they had to go out. It took them months to get you to even remotely let down your guard on your abandonment issues.
They’d been so patient with you. They watched you grow.
But here was Tim. Sitting next to you in the world’s most beautiful flower field extending an olive branch, wondering if he could ever atone for his sins by asking for you back and making you a part of his group again.
And that makes you wonder, is he doing this because he misses you, or because he feels bad?
The sun sinks below the horizon, and the moon begins to rise in the sky.
An uncomfortable silence falls between the two of you.
You have a job to do, and some things?
Well, they’re better left unsaid.
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Forget About Me - NCIS Reader Insert
Pairing: McGee x fem!reader/mom!reader, Gibbs x reader (platonic/fatherly relationship)
Warnings: anxious reader, child lost and scared, fluff ending
Word count: 2k
Request: @gibbsandpridegirl​
“I was thinking that McGee and reader find out their expecting a baby, and Anastasia finds out and runs away, because she’s scared that Tim and reader won’t want her anymore, and Anastasia gets lost and is all alone, and Tim is in full panic mode, and Gibbs won’t rest until he finds Anastasia, and Gibbs finds her, but she refuses to go home, and clings to Gibbs”
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long @gibbsandpridegirl​ ! I changed it a bit, so I hope you don’t mind and I hope you love it! This is another part of my one-shots with Mcgee x reader with an OC child. 
Thanks so much for the request darling! (Also, I chose this picture because I thought it was cute, but you imagine Anastasia anyway you want to.)
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You stare at the pregnancy test in your hands, shock rushing through you at the positive result. Despite your suspicions (your period had been late and you had put on a few pounds despite Tim dragging you to early morning defense classes), you hadn’t expected the pregnancy test to come back positive. You lean back against the bathroom countertop, a hundred different thoughts running through your head, the predominant one being that of how you would tell Tim and Anastasia. When you had married Tim, you hadn’t expected that you would have children anytime soon, at least not within the first few years of your marriage. And yet here you were, within the first two years, with one pre-teen and a baby on the way.
You stand up and hazily walk downstairs, the forgotten test still in your hand as you sit at the kitchen table. You stay that way, blankly staring at grain in the wood of the table until Anastasia walks through the door, followed shortly by Tim. Anastasia comes up and gives you a hug, which you distractedly return as your eyes meet Tim’s. He must have seen the bewildered look on your face because you see him catch Anastasia’s attention and quickly sign something to her. She responds just as rapidly before stomping her way upstairs.
“Ugh, one moody kid is enough.” You murmur as you rest your head against the kitchen table, a wave of nausea abruptly washing over you. You feel a hand come to rest on your upper back, the chair next to yours scraping against the ground as it is pulled away from the table. 
“Y/N?” Tim’s voice is gentle as he starts massaging the tension away in your muscles with the hand he has on your back. 
You wordlessly slide the pregnancy test out from under your arms and over to Tim’s other hand, which was resting lightly on the table. You don’t lift your head, fearing any look of disappointment or regret that might come across his face. Instead, a gentle finger lifts your chin until your eyes meet his soft green ones, which are sparkling with excitement.
“You’re pregnant?” His voice betrays his unbridled joy, barely restrained beneath the surface.
Seeing his reaction brings a smile to your face as you nod. His arms are suddenly sweeping you out of your chair and almost into his as he pulls you in for a tight hug. The hug only lasts a moment though before Tim is quickly standing up and, far more gently, letting you go. “Sorry Y/N. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asks in a frazzled manner as he closely looks you over. His hands float over you, lingering around your hips and abdomen, as if to assess the damage he may have caused by hugging you.
“Tim. I am not made of glass. You can still hug me.” You say, a firm undertone carrying your words. Tim gives you a sheepish smile before looping his arms back around you. You bring your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his collarbone as you rest your head on his chest. The two of you stay that way for a while, before Tim moves back enough to rest his forehead against yours.
“We’re going to have a baby. A little baby McGee.” He whispers, his excitement reflecting in his green eyes. 
You smile softly at his phrasing. “Maybe we should call him Tony, Tony McGee.” You joke lightly, a laugh bubbling up in your chest at Tim’s horrified expression. “I’m joking Tim.” You step back enough to press a soft kiss on his lips. 
“We should tell Anastasia. She’s going to be a big sister after all.” You say, taking his hand in yours as you move towards the steps. Tim is quick to place a balancing hand on your lower back as you walk up the stairs, making you wonder just how cautious and protective he would be when you were heavily pregnant.
You reach Anastasia’s room, the first door on the left at the top of the stairs, but find it empty. You look at Tim, a curious expression on your face before you walk to the bathroom. You find it empty, a feeling of fear seizing your heart as you do. You roughly push past Tim, rushing to check the spare bedroom, as well as the master bedroom.
“Anastasia!” You call, despite knowing that she can’t hear you. You barely wait to listen for her reply before you are calling her again. After not finding her in the master bedroom, you frantically start looking through the upstairs rooms again before scrambling down the stairs and to the rooms on the main floor. Each empty room leaves you feeling a little more hopeless. 
Tim finally stops you, with a firm set of hands on your shoulders, when you start to head outside to look for her. “Y/N,” he starts as you desperately try to get out of his grip to continue looking for her. “I need to find her Tim. I need to find her.” You say, tears distorting your vision as the fight leaves you. “I need-I need...” You taper off as it becomes harder to talk through the tears. 
Tim pulls you in close, wrapping his arms tightly around you. “I called Gibbs and he’ll be here soon with Tony.” You press your face into his chest, allowing his familiar scent to comfort you. The two of you hold onto each other for a while before Tim leads you to the kitchen table, helping you sit. You sit stiffly in the hard chair, staring at the wood grain of the table top as Tim putters around in the kitchen behind you. 
Tim slides a plate with your favorite snack in front of you on the table, snapping you out of your trance. “You need to eat Y/N.” He says quietly, sitting down next to you as you shake your head at him. “I can’t Tim, not when she’s out there, scared and alone.” You whisper, blinking away the tears as you look at him. He leans in close, wiping away a tear falling down your cheek as he leans his forehead against yours. He places a soft hand on your cheek, pulling you in closer to press his lips against yours. The kiss is comforting and reassuring, not meant to be seductive but to serve as a reminder that he was there for you.
Just as the two of you break away from each other, a loud knock sounds on the door. You scramble up from your chair, moving quickly to the door. Swinging it open, you find Gibbs and Tony standing on your doorstep. One look at Gibbs’ all knowing, ice blue eyes and you feel the tears coming back. As he steps inside, you impulsively hug him, needing to feel a kind of comfort you only ever felt around him. He squeezes you tightly as he whispers, “We’ll find her Y/N.”
After twenty minutes of going over the night’s events, in which you quietly admit that you had discovered you were pregnant only a few hours earlier (to which you are greeted with awkward congratulations, considering the circumstances), the four of you decide to split up and search for Anastasia. 
Gibbs POV:
Gibbs was tasked with searching your neighborhood’s park and the surrounding area. The park was less than ten blocks from your house, so he decided to walk. He kept a brisk pace, looking for her among the darkening features of the quiet suburban street and scanning for any possible signs of struggle on the way. By the time he reached the park, his outlook had diminished and his fear of a possible negative outlook had increased. His initial scan of the playground equipment and the outdoor pavilion does not uncover anything, which doesn’t help his current feelings. He still does a thorough search of the equipment, his hope waning by the time he reached the old wooden castle shaped play structure. A soft whimpering sound catches his attention and he follows it. 
Huddled in the small space at the top of the structure is Anastasia, her legs drawn in close as she rests her head on her knees, her arms wrapped protectively around herself. Gibbs knows she can’t see him, nor could she hear him, so he takes heavy steps, hoping she feels the vibrations of his footsteps, as he climbs the playground equipment. She lifts her head and he can barely make out the terrified expression on her face due to the growing darkness, which is only broken up by the low glow of the park’s floodlights. 
“Poppa!” Anastasia’s garbled cry comes as she stands up and runs to him, throwing her small arms around him in a hug. He returns the hug, a profound feeling of relief flooding over him as he did. He holds her for a few moments before pulling back. 
‘Your mom is worried sick Anastasia.’ He signs slowly, making sure she can see his hands properly as he does.
Anastasia shakes her head violently, backing away from him at the same time. ‘No, no. I’m not going back.’ Her signing is rapid and choppy, almost to the point where he misses what she was saying.
He gives her a quizzical look before asking her, ‘Why don’t you want to go home Anastasia?’ She starts to sign quickly again, her movements jagged as she wipes tears away from her face at the same time. He places a hand over both of hers, waiting for her to look at him before he signs ‘Slowly.’ 
She takes a deep breath before starting again, much slower this time. ‘Momma and Papa are going to have a baby. They won’t want me anymore.’
Gibbs pulls her in for another hug, holding her close for a moment before moving back. ‘Anastasia, they are worried about you because they love you and will always want you. You are their child just as this baby will be.’ He signs.
Still Anastasia shakes her head. ‘I want to be with you Poppa. Please?’ Her signing is slow, yet still shaky as new tears form in her eyes. Gibbs wipes away a stray tear before pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
‘Anastasia, you can always stay with me, but you belong with your mom and dad. They love you just as much as I do.’ He stops a moment, taking her in before continuing. ‘If you ever need me, I’m only a call away and I will always let you stay with me, okay?’ She nods, taking the hand he offers her. Gibbs shoots you and Tim a text, saying he had found Anastasia and that the two of you were on the way back to the house. The walk back to the house goes by quickly, Anastasia clinging to his hand the entire walk back.  
Your POV: 
You hear the door opening and you rush to the foyer, your eyes searching frantically for Anastasia until they land on her. You pull her in for a tight hug, warm tears of relief rolling down your face. You trace the words ‘I love you’ on her back as you hold her close. Anastasia is stiff in your grasp for a moment before she returns the hug, saying “Momma” as she does. 
You pull back, sniffling out “Anastasia?” as you look at her. It was the first time you had heard her say the words and a feeling of joy courses through you.
You quickly sign in response. ‘Thank you Anastasia. It means so much to hear you say that. I love you so much.’ Anastasia lets out a small smile just as Tim comes around the corner. You take his hand, pulling him and Anastasia in close for a group hug. Even after the scare with Anastasia, you couldn’t feel happier. You had everything you needed with your family safe in your arms. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch24: The Wheel Fell Off
Summary: There are some perks to having your own, personal mechanic…and Fliss isn’t the only one who notices.
Warnings: Bad language.
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: So I gotta give a shout out to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​  as she came up with a few gems of dialogue for this!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 23
And the wonder of it all is that you don’t realise how much I love you.
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July 2020
Frank looked around at the team assembled in his office for the daily Stand-Up and nodded. “Okay, so I’ve nothing else to add, anyone got any other business before I call it?”
“Are we far behind on the repair time KPI for the Dolphin Tour fleet?” Mick, the finance manager looked at Frank and he shook his head.
“No, a day or so. Tim says he’ll have made the time back by Friday so we’re good.” Frank replied. “I’m not concerned. It shouldn’t have an impact on the incentivisation payments”
Mick nodded and Frank waited for a second. When no one else spoke, he dismissed the team and turned to his computer, leaning over to check the rest of the meetings and tasks for the day. He was midway through a very complicated spreadsheet detailing incoming repairs and timescales when his phone rang.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He greeted Fliss, leaning back in his chair a little. “Everything okay?”
“Yes, well, no. I was in the menage harrowing the surface and the wheel fell off the Quad Bike.”
“What do you mean the wheel fell off?” Frank pulled a face, scratching at his temple.
“Well, you know how it had four wheels? Now it has three,” came the sarcastic response.
“Dickhead.” Frank shot back and Fliss’ laughter hit his ears.
“Well, what did you think I meant?”
“You know what, I’m sorry I asked.” He rolled his eyes. “I suppose that means you want me to come fix it?”
“Yeah but it can wait until later if you’re busy, we managed to get it out of the way. Dad’s here snagging the extension to the tack room so he had a look and he says the bolt has sheared off so he can’t put it back on without a spare and I don’t know if you have any lying about in your Man Cave.”
“I will do from when we changed the wheels last year.” Frank clicked into his calendar to double check his schedule and smiled. “I’ve got no meetings this afternoon so I’ll come home at lunch. I can do the stock inventory at home.”
“My hero.”
“You know, if you carry on being sarcastic you can shove it up your ass.”
“I wasn’t being sarcastic!” Fliss laughed. “You know I love the fact that you can fix all this shit for me.”
“No you love the fact I get filthy fixing all that shit for you.”
“Well yeah, that’s one upside to you being good with your hands.”
“One?” Frank grinned, leaning back in his chair. “So there’s more?”
“You know it Sailor. I gotta go babe, my next client is here but I’ll see you soon, and if you can’t don’t worry it’ll wait.”
“I’ll sort it. Love you, sweetheart.”
“You too.”
True to his word, Frank left the office at midday giving his team the instruction to call his cell if needed. Once home, he parked up, headed inside to change out of his office attire and pulled on a pair of worn, light jeans and a t-shirt. Once done, he grabbed his shades, went into his work shop and picked up his tool box along with a couple of spare bolts and wandered over to the yard. As he walked, he stopped for a moment to take in the building work and smiled. The extension to the office and tack room area was complete, giving Fliss a huge extra space to organise all her tack and equipment. The paint and plastering had been completed a few days before and the fittings had all been finalised yesterday which was what Bill was in there snagging, making sure it was all as they’d specified. The storage units and racks were all on order and due to arrive at some point tomorrow so Frank knew he’d most likely be busy fitting them in the evening, not that he minded. He loved being able to be involved and help out.
The diggers were in place, hollowing out the additional riding paddock at the bottom of the yard, this one slightly smaller than the current one, but would give more than enough additional space for people to ride, and the hedge along the bottom field had been cleared to lead out to the additional three acres of grassy space they had acquired, with a new gravel path to be laid as a walkway once the post and rail fencing was done. They’d also asked for trenches to be dug for water pipes to avoid the stable hands having to lug buckets and tanks up to the horses.
All in all, it was coming along really well and on schedule, the whole thing set to be completed by the beginning of August, well in time for their wedding, which was now just ten weeks away.
Frank made his way onto the main yard, Fliss waving at him from where she was teaching in the paddock and he waved back, wandering into the newly-constructed building as Bill was busy pointing to something on the wall.
“Yeah, that needs patching up.” He nodded as the guy besides him produced a packet of small stickers in the shape of yellow dots. He placed one on the area Bill was clearly not satisfied with and Frank looked around, noticing a number of them in various places in the room. Bill glanced over at him and smiled. “Hey, son.”
“How picky ya being, Bill?” Frank smirked and Bill let out a snort.
“Nah, the actual building and electrical fittings are all sound.” He gave a nod. “This is just cosmetic. The door frame is chipped, this plaster here is rough and there’s some patches where it’s too thin but other than that it’s good.”
“I’m glad you’re doing this as I wouldn’t have noticed any of that.” Frank mused, leaning in a little closer to examine what it was that Bill had spotted, and the older man shook his head.
“Well, I have over thirty years in the trade and my eyes are still pretty sharp.” Bill chuckled. “Anyway, what are you doing here? Don’t tell me she dragged you out of work to fix that Quad!”
“It’s no problem. Got nothing on this afternoon so I can work from home.”
“She’s got you wrapped round her little finger.” Bill shook his head and Frank arched an eyebrow.
“I could say the same for you.” He accused. “And with Mary too for that matter. And Verity. You’re a soft ass for your girls, Bill and you know it.”
Bill shrugged. “Guilty as charged. Some would argue I’m a soft ass for my boys too, all of you.”
Frank smiled back, his neck feeling a little warm as the sentiment of Bill’s words sunk in and he took a deep breath and jerked his head towards the door. “I best go do what I came to do before her majesty accuses me of slacking.”
Bill chuckled. “It’s in the barn,” he informed, waving him away and Frank emerged out into the hot, midday July sun and strode round to the rear of the yard. The Quad bike and offending wheel were indeed stored in the barn, which was slightly cooler than the outside and Frank dropped his tool bag to the floor before he knelt down to take a look. Bill had been right, the bolt had snapped but it was an easy fix.
Or so he thought.
Ten minutes later, after a lot of cursing, heaving and straining he’d finally managed to work the broken bolt loose. Standing up, he cracked his neck and back, tossing the broken item into his bag with a contemptuous glare as he wiped his sweaty forehead and reached for the wheel. Thankfully, that was easy and took him two minutes to fit, and once he was happy it was sorted he pushed the quadbike out to make sure it was on properly.
“Did you fix it?” A small voice asked him and Frank glanced up to see a little girl, who can’t have been much older than four, stood looking at him as she grinned, her dark pigtails poking out from underneath a cap.
“Sure did.” He smiled.
“It was funny when it fell off.” She giggled. “Fliss screamed and then she swore.”
Frank snorted. “Yeah, she has a potty mouth.”
“Alicia!” A woman spoke and Frank turned to glance up at a slim, dark haired lady, dressed in a pair of bright, beige jodhpurs and a tight, baby-blue polo shirt, both items of clothing looking like they’d never come into contact with a horse at all. “Don’t run off!”
“I just wanted to see if the wheel was back on.” The little girl protested and the woman rolled her eyes.
“I’m sorry.” She smiled, flashing off a set of perfect white teeth from behind a set of glossed lips. “She’s so nosey.”
“Kids for ya.” Frank smiled, shaking his head.
“Don’t I know it?” She laughed, a perfectly manicured hand flying to her chest as Frank straightened up, wiping his hands on the back of his loose fitting, slightly grubby jeans. At that point, Joanne came round the back of the barn and she smiled.
“You ready for your lesson, Leesh?” She looked at the little girl who gave a cheer. “Come on then, Fliss is waiting.”
“This is the best Phys-Ed ever!” The little girl grinned and shot off after Joanne.
“Phys Ed.” Her mom rolled her eyes. “Damned private tutor education. I swear, I could kill my ex-husband for suggesting this.”
“You don’t ride yourself then, I take it?” Frank asked and she shook her head.
“No, but when she decided she wanted to, I thought I should make an effort. I think it’s what they refer to in the business as possessing all the gear, but having no idea.”
Frank gave her a smile. “Yeah, well, when my girl decided she wanted to learn I wasn’t particularly keen either but, well, she’s hooked now.”
“Oh, your girl rides too?” The woman flicked her hair back over her shoulder and Frank studied her for a moment, her painted on eyebrows and heavily bronzed face arranged into a genuine look of interest. He realised then that she had absolutely no idea who he was. “Does she do that here?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” He chuckled.
“Huh.” The woman scanned him up and down a little, her eyes blatantly flicking to his left hand. “Maybe it isn’t such a bad thing coming here after all.”
Frank took a deep breath, recognising the flirting for what it was and he gave her a little smile. “Well, I better get on.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m sure Fliss has a list of a hundred other jobs for me to so.”
“So, are you like her mechanic or something?” The woman continued and Frank looked at her, his face remaining straight.
“Something.” He gave her another nod and moved to walk back onto the yard, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, well, we’re new here. We’ve not been here long. I’m Michelle.” She offered, following him.
“Nice to meet you, Michelle.” He looked back over his shoulder as she paused a few steps behind him.
“I err, I didn’t catch your name.”
“That’s because I didn’t give it to you.” He stopped, turning to look at her, a smirk flicking across his face. She bit her lip and grinned back.
“Are you gonna?”
At that Frank let out a bark of a laugh. “Frank. Frank Adler.”
“Nice to meet you, Frank.”
“You too.” He smiled politely, as he slid his aviators back down from the top of his head onto his eyes, before he realised they were dirty. Taking them off he pulled the bottom of his shirt up slightly to wipe at the lens and when he returned them to his face he caught Michelle’s focus was still on his waist line. Her eyes flicked up to his and she shrugged a little.
“Sorry.” She wrinkled her nose. “Can’t blame a girl for looking, huh?”
Frank blinked, glad his eyes were hidden, a little shocked at her forthcoming nature, before he let out a snort.
“Well I’ve done my fair share of looking in the past, not any more though. My fiancée would have my balls hung up on the wall.”
“Oh, erm, sorry, I didn’t, wow.” She blinked and ran her hand through her glossy hair. “That’s embarrassing.”
Frank shrugged. “I’ve been in far worse situations, believe me.” With that he turned, and as he began to walk along the side of the paddock he looked up to see Fliss was watching him over the fence, her hands on her hips. Her eyes were hidden behind her wrap-arounds but he could tell from her demeanour she wasn’t best pleased. With a groan he approached the white post and rail that ran round the ménage and leaned on it.
“Hey.” Her tone was friendly enough, despite her frosty body language, as she walked over towards him. “You get it fixed?”
“Yeah, took me a while to get the bolt off but it’s all good.”
“Thanks.” She slid her hat up a little and wiped at her brow with the back of her arm. “Fuck, its warm today.”
“Well, take your clothes off.” Frank grinned. “It’ll help you cool down.”
“Pervert.” She snorted, before she nodded behind him. “I see you met Kim.”
“Kim?” Frank frowned. “She said her name was Michelle.”
“Yeah, but Joanne calls her Kim Kardashian.” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “On account of the botox and fake boobs.”
“You two are bitches.” Frank scoffed and Fliss shrugged, before he frowned. “Hang on, her boobs are fake?”
“Keep talking, Sailor.” Fliss slid her glasses down and glared at him over the rims and he let out a laugh.
“Baby, I’m joking.” He looked at her and she gave a hum as she pushed them back up her nose as he leaned over the fence a little. “Come ‘ere.”
Fliss stepped towards him and Frank dropped his head to press his lips to hers. “Love you, baby.” He ginned, flashing her his best cheeky grin.
“You can’t get round me that easy.” She shot back and Frank shrugged.
“Who says I’m trying to get round you?”
“I know you, Adler.” She scoffed, stepping back. “Look, I gotta get on so I’ll see you at home. You wanna pick Alex up tonight?”
“Sure, I’ll get him. Is Mary getting the bus home from Summer Camp?”
“Yeah, I told her one of us would pick her up but she insisted.” Fliss shrugged and Frank smiled.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a couple of hours then.”
“Yeah, love you.”
“You too.”
It was gone five before Fliss had finished at the yard. She’d hardly had time to breathe, let alone think about what she’d seen that morning, but that said, it was there, nagging in the back of her brain. She bid Joanne a good night, before she headed down the little path to the house. She was hot, sticky, uncomfortable and ready for a cool shower and a very large glass of white wine. As she walked down the drive, she passed her newly acquired white Hyundai SUV and stopped as she caught her reflection in the tinted rear mirror.
“Oh, Jesus.” She mumbled, moving closer to take a better look. Her skin was the colour of a fucking beet, her hair was all over the place from where she’d removed her cap and tossed it on her desk, her polo shirt was full of all sorts of stains and she was pretty sure she could smell herself and her riding britches were hung a little low on her hips, her soft stomach visible beneath the tight cotton of her top.
And then, from nowhere, came the image of fucking Michelle and her fucking size two figure, with her fucking perfect tits, model smile, stupidly glossy hair, and impeccable eyebrows and straight nose…
Fliss hastily pulled her pony tail out, fluffed out her sweat-damp hair and retied it, before she smoothed down her top as best she could and headed into their yard and through to the utility room, Thor trotting behind her.
“Hey!” Frank greeted her from where he was led on the rug, building some form of tower out of a set of large, brightly coloured blocks as Alex sat next to him, his little hands curling round a few of the bricks. The baby looked round and made an excited noise at the sight of his momma, and shuffled a little onto his knees and hands, crawling towards her.
“Frank, I stink.” She held her hands up in warning and Frank hastily rose, quickly picking Alex up off the floor before he could get much further towards her.
“A little dirt won’t hurt him.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, but I look and feel like I’ve been rolling on the muck heap all day so I’m going straight for a shower.”
Frank chuckled as she gave Alex a quick kiss on the head, moving out of his way before he could grab hold of her. “Well, I think you wear the dirty, stable hand look well, Honey.”
“Sure.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be back down in ten, do you mind starting dinner? I was gonna do a quick chicken salad.”
“Course.” Frank nodded, looking at her for a moment and she simply smiled back.
She could feel Frank’s eyes burning into her back as she headed out of the family room into the hallway, trudging up the stairs. As soon as she was in their bedroom she stripped off her sticky, dirty clothes, tossed them onto the floor and climbed straight into the shower, turning it to an adequate temperature. Tipping her face up into the stream she let the lukewarm water cool her slightly, as she blinked back tears of frustration.
Michelle had at least had the good grace to look a little sheepish when she’d realised exactly who Frank was, but fuck, it had still pissed Fliss off to the point she’d wanted to smash her face straight into the floor. And more to the point, Fliss felt annoyed that it had riled her the way it had. It wasn’t exactly like it was an unusual occurrence, everywhere they went Frank seemed to attract female attention, he was gorgeous, but today had been on her home turf, somewhere she was Queen Bee, and to have someone else buzzing around her hive in such a way made her feel uneasy.
Real uneasy.
With a deep breath she washed her hair, sorted herself out and turned off the shower before she wrapped herself in a towel and headed back into the bedroom. As she was brushing out her hair, her phone went off and she picked it up, snorting at the message from Steve which showed a baby-grow with the words, “party at my crib, 3am, bring a bottle,” on the front. She sent him a quick response, pondering for a moment at just how fast Sian’s latest pregnancy seemed to have gone, she was approaching her sixth month now, and seemed to be glowing just as she had with the twins. Mary had been very happy when they’d announced they were expecting another boy, declaring proudly that made her Bill’s only granddaughter, something which, according to her, made her special.
And of course, none of them had corrected her, because it was the truth.
Tapping her nails lightly against the surface of the vanity unit, Fliss scrolled down to her message conversations and found the one to Bonnie, sending her a quick text to ask if she was free. She set about her quick face care routine, before she braided her damp hair, and then her phone began to ring.
“Hey!” Bonnie greeted her. “I’m driving so thought I’d call you…erm, I’m not doing anything in particular, why?”
“Well, I know Si’s outta town on business so I wondered if you fancied company for a few hours?” Fliss replied, keeping the details as sketchy as she could. “Me and a bottle of white? God knows I could do with one after today.”
“That bad huh?” Bonnie chuckled. “Sure why not. I’m not working tomorrow after all. Did I tell you I had many weeks off?”
“You might have mentioned it.” Fliss replied, laughing a little. “You teachers have an easy ride.”
“Fuck you.” Bonnie shot back and Fliss snorted.
“I’m joking, well I’ve no lessons until later tomorrow so I can have a few.” Fliss scratched at her temple. “What time works for you?”
“Well, I’m just on my way to have dinner at my mom’s so, I can pick you up on the way back?” Bonnie offered. “Be about seven ish?”
“Perfect.” Fliss smiled.
“Awesome. We can get down to some Hen Party planning!” Bonnie’s voice was laced with excitement. “I found this awesome villa in Miami that will accommodate everyone.”
“Can’t wait to see it.” Fliss smiled.
After a little more conversation, Fliss placed her phone back down and dressed in a pair of denim shorts, a khaki green boat necked short-sleeved top and shoved her feet into a pair of flip-flops. She took another look in the mirror, scowling once more at her reflection, before she rolled her eyes and headed downstairs.
She walked into the family room and smiled as she saw Mary was sat on a stool at the island whilst Alex was sat in his high chair, munching on a piece of cucumber. Frank was busy tossing things into a salad bowl, and he turned to smile at her as she greeted them all, dropping a kiss to Mary’s head, then Alex’s in turn.
“Feeling better?” Frank asked as she slid her arms round his waist, pressing her face into his t-shirt.
“Yeah, much. God, it was disgustingly hot out there today.”
“Yeah, that’s one thing I don’t miss about working on boats, the lack of air conditioning.” Frank chuckled as she stepped back and moved to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of wine.
“My face feels burnt, but I don’t know how that’s possible.” She shook her head, thanking Frank as he reached into the cupboard and pulled down a glass for her. “I had a cap and shades on.”
“It doesn’t look too red.” He looked at her and she took a large gulp of wine, giving a satisfied sigh.
“Been waiting for that all afternoon.” She closed her eyes, savouring the taste before she opened them again. “Oh, that reminds me, I’m going over to Bonnie’s later, just for a couple of hours. Hen Do planning, that okay?”
“Course it is.” Frank nodded. “You want me to drop you off?”
“No, she’s at her mum’s so she’s going to come get me. I can Uber back.”
“I’ll pick you up.” Frank looked at her. “We can take the kids and Thor down to the beach for a little flashlight walk on the way back.”
“Flashlight walk?” Mary suddenly spoke, excitement lacing her tone. “The last time we did that it was so cool, we saw all those hermit crabs and the dolphins!”
“Don’t be so nosey.” Frank looked at her and she shrugged.
“You weren’t exactly whispering.”
He rolled his eyes and turned to Fliss who chuckled. “Sure, sounds good. I won’t be long, just a few hours.”
Frank shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, not like Mary needs to be up early and Alex will probably sleep the entire time anyway if he’s in the carrier.”
She gave him a small nod before she set about helping Frank with their dinner. It wasn’t long before it was ready, and they decided to eat outside. Mary chatted away, filling them all in on what she’d done at Summer camp, Frank listening, but all the time keeping one eye on Fliss who seemed to be taking it all in, but wasn’t saying much.
They finished, cleared their dishes away and Mary headed upstairs for a little while, whilst Fliss took Alex for his bath before she brought him back down, ready for bed to give him his bottle which Frank had ready.
She passed him over as Frank made his way to the sofa, dropping down to feed their baby, and Fliss watched for a moment, before her phone beeped.
“Bonnie’s outside.” Fliss stuck it back in her pocket and turned to Frank as he gently shifted Alex so he was a little more comfortable, his small hands curled around the bottle as he drank his milk.
“She not coming in?”
“No point, we’re only going straight back out.”
“Right.” Frank nodded as glanced back down at Alex. “Are you okay?” He asked, looking up at her and Fliss nodded back, a little too quickly, the way she always did when she was trying to hide something and Frank took a deep breath. “Liss…”
“I’m fine.” She shook her head. “Just a little wiped after today, that’s all.”  Frank sighed and Fliss narrowed her eyes as she turned towards the kitchen. “Don’t sigh at me like that.”
“I’m not sighing at you like anything.” He replied as she pulled out a bottle of wine to take with her. “Just wish you’d tell me what the problem is.”
“I don’t have a problem.” Fliss rolled her eyes. “I’m just going to Bonnie’s for a few hours. Is my life that sad that whenever I socialise it always has to be because I have a problem?”
“I didn’t say that.” Frank replied, calmly.
“Good, because that’s not why I’m going.”
Knowing he was beat, and that if he pushed it any further they were going to end up in a full scale argument, Frank nodded. “Okay then. Have fun, call me when you’re done.”
Fliss blinked, almost as if she was waiting for him to push her again, before she simply shrugged and leaned over to gently run her finger down Alex’s chubby cheek. She then turned to Frank gave him a quick kiss.
“Love you.” He pressed his lips to hers a little deeper, before she stepped back and he was pleased to see her smiling.
“Love you too.”
Frank watched her go, taking a deep breath as he glanced back down at his son. A few minutes later, Mary bounded into the room and Frank looked up at her.
“Did you hear back from the vets, you know about Cleo?” She asked.
“Yup.” Frank grinned, “wanna read the email?”
“Dur!” She grinned and Frank pulled his phone out form his pocket, scrolling with one hand to the email that had arrived earlier that afternoon before he handed it to her.
“Dear Mr Adler,” Mary read, “I’m pleased to inform you that Sandybrook Cleopatra has passed her five-stage-vetting, bla bla bla,” she skipped on a few lines, “negative worm count, negative for equine influenza, rhino-erm, what’s that?”
“Pneumonitis” Frank read as she turned the screen to him. “I’ve got no idea, some disease, obviously.”
“And Streptococcus Equi, oh I know that one. That’s strangles.” Mary nodded.
“Whatever you say, Stack.” Frank smiled.
“As such, please see attached the completed and fully executed Export Health Certificate. Upon arrival in the USA, your animal will require a further three days quarantine which you must organise ….bla bla bla!” Mary grinned up at him as she handed him his phone back. “So that’s it?”
“Yup!” Frank nodded, as he glanced down at Alex who was now turning away from his bottle, signalling he was done. ”Everything’s done, Jo’s sorted the stuff with Department of Agriculture at this end, el ponio is being collected by the UK transporter tomorrow morning and will be on a flight later that evening.” He paused to rearrange Alex over his shoulder to burp him. “So, if all goes according to plan, she’ll be arriving here after her quarantine mid-afternoon on Fliss’ birthday.” He nodded, before he mumbled. “Thirteen thousand bucks lighter.”
“Thirteen thousand!” Mary spluttered. “Holy shit!”
“Hey, watch your mouth.” Frank looked at her sternly as Alex gave a loud burp. Frank turned his head to look at him. “Better out than in, Bean.”
“Sorry but, Dad, that’s a lot of money. I thought they did you a deal and knocked half off her price because it was Fliss?”
“They did.” He shrugged as he stood and carried Alex over to his pack and play. “She still cost me three. The rest is the cost of the vetting and the transport. But, Poppa B and Nanny V have said they only want half back and Uncle Steeb is chucking in a couple of hundred towards it, so it’s kind of like a joint present.”
“She’s worth it!” Mary grinned and Frank chuckled, heading to kitchen area.
“The horse or Fliss?”
“Mom, of course.” Mary scoffed, hopping up onto a stool at the breakfast bar.
“She sure is.” Frank agreed as he opened the fridge. “But I’ll be telling her that’s her birthday this year, birthday next year, Christmas and first wedding anniversary present all rolled into one.”
“First anniversary?” Mary looked at him. “You ain’t even married yet!”
“I know but now I don’t have to think about buying her anything for like twelve months.” He shrugged, smirking to himself as he leaned down for a bottle of beer, knowing he was talking utter shit. There was no way that was gonna fly, and he didn’t even want to try for the simple reason he loved buying Fliss stuff that made her smile. Still, it was fun trying to watch Mary decide if he was joking or not.
“What about Mother’s Day?” She asked after a moment.
“She aint my mom,” Frank looked at her, “as the eldest the responsibility for that falls to you.” He twisted the lid off the beer as Mary narrowed her eyes. “You want a beer?” He waved the bottle at Mary.
“Really?” Her eyes grew wide.
“No, just wanted to see how much crap I could tell you that you’d actually believe.” He smirked. Mary blinked, before she let out a low groan, realising she’d been had.
“You’re such an idiot.” She shook her head, and Frank watched, chuckling to himself as she bent down, picked Fred up and stalked to her Den, Thor hot on her tail.
“So, I thought,” Bonnie grinned, turning the laptop to face Fliss as they sat at her kitchen table, “that this one sounds perfect. It sleeps up to twelve, has a pool, hot tub, is a short walk to the beach, not far from down-town and also literally a five minute walk to the hotel we stayed in, where we can get a really good deal on a Day-Spa package. And, we can also get someone in on the Saturday to do a grill and cocktails for us, if that’s what you wanna do.”
Fliss gave a small smile, and Bonnie frowned. “Or, not. Sorry, is it not what you wanted? I thought-“ Fliss sighed, her hand laying on Bonnie’s arm. “No, that…” she took a deep breath and smiled, “it sounds perfect, Bonnie. Honestly it does.”
“So, why are you making me feel like I’ve given you a dog turd on a plate and told you it’s your dinner?”
At that Fliss choked on the mouthful of wine she’d taken and looked at her best friend. “You know, for a teacher, you really have a way with words.”
Bonnie chuckled, as Fliss shook her head. “I’m sorry, it’s not you. I’m just feeling a little…actually, I don’t know what I’m feeling. Pissed off, maybe?”
“Why, what’s happened?” Bonnie looked at her.
“Just…oh, you know what, it’s nothing.” Fliss brushed it off, necking the remainder of the wine in her bottle. “Can I get a top up?”
“I’ll get it.” Bonnie nodded and stood up from the table. A moment or two later she returned, and held the bottle up. “You speak, and I’ll pour.”
Fliss blinked, realising she wasn’t going to get away with it, so she sat back and blurted everything out. How she’d felt seeing Frank with the bimbo at the yard, how she was feeling a little insecure over how she looked because she’d once upon a time been that groomed, perfect looking person. And the more she talked, the more tumbled out about how she felt sometimes that Frank was way out of her league before Bonnie shook her head and cut her off.
“Are you listening to yourself?” She scoffed. “Jesus Christ, I haven’t heard anyone talk this much shit since Simon told me he was gonna run a marathon.”
“Hey, you asked what was wrong.” Fliss looked at her, her temper flashing a little. “I’m just telling you!”
“Yeah, and I’m just telling you, you’re a fucking moron.” Bonnie shook her head. “Fliss, you’re beautiful. Honestly, like, if I have kids and end up with your figure after, I’ll be over the moon. But that aside, Frank loves YOU. Not the way you look, or the way your hair is styled, or the way your eyebrows are painted on, he loves you.”
“I know.” Fliss nodded, sniffing a little. “I know he does, and I know he’d never cheat on me, I get that. I just, oh I don’t know, I don’t know why I feel like this. I can’t explain it.”
Bonnie side eyed Fliss as she topped her glass up before she sat down at the table, taking a deep breath. “Do you think this has anything to do with your ex?”
Fliss frowned, shaking her head. “Why would you think that?”
“Well, you told me he used to put you down about how you looked, compared you to other women he, well, fucked behind your back.” Bonnie trailed off. “I don’t know, I was just thinking maybe that deep in your mind, you kinda still think you should have a face caked in make-up and boobs pushed up to your chin.”
Fliss gave a snort at Bonnie’s description before she shrugged. “I don’t feel like that, not really. I’ve never bothered about anything like that whilst I’ve been with Frank. But something about her just pissed me off, more so because she was doing it right there in my own back fucking yard.” Fliss took another slug of wine before she bit her lip. “Maybe you’re right, maybe it’s because she reminds me of that past life.” She tapped her nails against her glass. “But, I was fucking miserable, and now I’m not, so why would I even bother about some bimbo flirting with my man? It’s not like he did anything or was gonna.”
“So, basically, we’ve come to the conclusion that this woman is a tramp and you’re an idiot.” Bonnie nodded and despite herself, Fliss laughed.
“Yeah, sounds about right.”
“Hmm,” Bonnie sipped her wine. “Okay, I’m glad we got that sorted.” She took another sip before she gently reached out and squeezed Fliss hand. “You got nothing to worry about. Frank adores you, to be honest, me and Simon always say it’s kinda gross the way he’s always like looking at you with stupid doe eyes or touching you whenever he can.”
Fliss smiled, a fond look crossing her face as she knew what Bonnie was saying was true. Any chance Frank got he would touch or cuddle her, and it was never in a dominant way like it had been with John, it was because he simply wanted to, it was his love language. “Yeah, he’s touchy.”
Bonnie smiled and sat back as Fliss took a deep breath. “But you should talk to him, tell him how you feel.”
Fliss shrugged. “Maybe, like you said, I’m being an idiot.” She gave her friend another smile before she nodded back towards the laptop. “But, now for the fun stuff. Show me what you got planned for our weekend of debauchery in Miami, Maid Of Honor!”
**** It was a little before ten when Fliss called Frank to say she was ready for pick up if he still wanted to come get her, which was a dumb question, because of course he did. He packed the kids into the car, and drove the fifteen minutes or so to Bonnie’s and Fliss clambered into the passenger seat, her cheeks flushed a little from the wine. After giving him a quick kiss, she turned to smile at Mary who beamed at her, her head torch already in position, Thor’s flashing light up collar sitting pretty around his neck as he perched in the middle seat between her and Alex who was in the baby chair, fast asleep.
They drove down to the Public Access, the same stretch of beach they would be married on in a matter of weeks, and all climbed out, Frank gently settling Alex in the carrier that hung over his chest before he offered Fliss his hand and they headed onto the moonlit sand. They walked in silence for a while, the air finally cooled enough to be enjoyable, Mary running ahead of them, Thor gambolling in and out of the waves, giving a little bark of enjoyment as he chased the surf.
“He’s gonna be soaked when he gets back in the truck.” Frank groaned and Fliss laughed.
“Should have come in mine, he could have sat in the trunk.”
“He can ride home on the flatbed.”
“Don’t you dare.” Fliss nudged Frank with her elbow and he chuckled, his arm sliding round her shoulder as he pressed a kiss to her head.
“You gonna tell me what’s bothering you now?” Frank asked as they continued to stroll up the beach.
“Lissy.” Frank spoke sternly and stopped to face her. She let out a sigh, her hand reaching up to smooth over Alex’s hair as he lay slumped against his dad’s chest.
“I’m being an idiot, I know that. But seeing you before, at the yard I just…”
It was Frank’s turn to sigh as he shook his head. “Honey, I-“
“No, I know what you’re gonna say but, I just, well, she was there looking like a fucking model and then there was me, and I used to be that size, and I used to be that person, that looked half decent, you know? I can’t remember the last time I actually wore any form of make-up bar a bit of tinted moisturiser or mascara, or when I last straightened my hair, let alone painted on my damned eyebrows! And then she’s flirting with you flashing her perfect teeth, and her perfect fake boobs and her line free brow and plump lips, all full of fillers and botox and-“
“You want Botox?” Frank cut her off mid rant and Fliss let out a groan.
“No I don’t want fucking Botox, Frank!”
“Well shut up talking about it then!” He laughed. “Look, I don’t want that fake shit either. Do I look like the type of guy who wants someone who is just one step away from being a Malibu Barbie? Fuck that!”
“You look like the type of guy who should want a Malibu Barbie.” Fliss replied, somewhat sullenly. “You don’t see the looks you get every time we go out.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You know, girls like that are ten a penny down on the boardwalk. But you’re the one I took sailing.” “Thanks a backhanded compliment.” Fliss narrowed her eyes and Frank laughed, cupping her face in his hands.
“Look, Sweetheart, I love you.” He shrugged simply. “Because you’re beautiful, inside and out and because you’re my Lissy.” He pulled her face up to meet his, placing a soft kiss to her lips, his nose sliding against hers.
“I know, I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I wasn’t mad at you, just feeling a little low I suppose.”
“You know I get it too.” Frank smiled, dropping his hands to take hers. “You think I don’t notice the looks you get when we go out?”
“I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.” Frank assured her as he entwined their fingers together. “But I don’t care. Because I know you’re mine, and I’m yours. So please don’t think for a second I’d even think about anyone else that way.”
He dropped a soft, slow, deep kiss to her lips and when she pulled back, she smiled.
“Sorry, I know, I was being an idiot.”
“Yeah.” He nodded in agreement and she chuckled as he returned his arm to round her shoulders and they continued walking, the sound of the waves against the shore a perfect back drop to Mary’s excited shouts and Thor’s little barks.
“When you said you said you wouldn’t think about anyone…” She started and Frank was pleased to note her voice was full of mischief, his playful Lissy was back.
“Well,” he wrinkled his nose, shrugging a little, “maybe if Rihanna came knocking then I’d have to give it some serious consideration.”
“To be fair I’d give it some serious consideration, too.” Fliss mused and Frank arched a brow, teasingly as he looked down at her.
“Damned straight. I’d do her, she’s hot.” Fliss shrugged and Frank’s face split into a dirty grin as he stopped them both, using the arm round her shoulder to spin her into him as best he could with their son placed between them.
“Now there’s an image!” His voice was loaded with suggestiveness and Fliss laughed as his lips brushed hers.
“Pervert.” She whispered, her hand once more sweeping over the back of their sleeping baby’s head.
“Only for you.” He smiled, before he looked up, considering something. “And Rihanna.”
**** Chapter 25
113 notes · View notes
goulets · 3 years
Chapter: 2/8 Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson Additional Characters: Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth Rating: T (for now) Case Fic/Kid Fic a03 link
The first suggestion is that Jason move back into his old room, just down the hall from Bruce's which is met with an unequivocal not on your fucking life, Bruce.
“Let's get one thing clear: I am not 'moving back in',” Jason hisses, glaring around at all of them. He's whispering so as not to wake the baby, and it doesn't come off quite as intimidating as he'd like. “I just need a bed to sleep in, that's it. Don't do me any fucking favors.”
Dick says, “There's an empty bedroom next to mine, it's not that big, and the bathroom is shared, but – ”
“Sold,” Jason says, and again, the infant sleeping in his arms makes a good old-fashioned broody storm-off kind of impractical.
The first suggestion is that Jason move back into his old room, just down the hall from Bruce's which is met with an unequivocal not on your fucking life, Bruce.
“Let's get one thing clear: I am not 'moving back in',” Jason hisses, glaring around at all of them. He's whispering so as not to wake Danielle, and it doesn't come off quite as intimidating as he'd like. “I just need a bed to sleep in, that's it. Don't do me any fucking favors.”
Dick says, “There's an empty bedroom next to mine, it's not that big, and the bathroom is shared, but – ”
“Sold,” Jason says, and again, the infant sleeping in his arms makes a good old-fashioned broody storm-off kind of impractical.
“Okay,” Dick nods. “I'll, um, just show you then.” Bruce looks impassive, and Tim looks like he doesn't quite know what to do with himself, as Dick walks past Jason and Jason follows him up the steps to the main part of the mansion.
Jason doesn't like following behind Dick. It's partly the principle of the thing, because he literally had to die and rise from the grave to get out of Dick's shadow, and even then, it's a matter of distance, and little more. He's far enough off the path of righteousness that the light that shines like a beacon onto Dick doesn't even touch him. So it feels like old news, a habit he grew out of long ago, walking behind Dick, tracing his footfalls, but it's so familiar he half expects to see those stupid fucking pixie boots on his feet when he looks down.
Then there's the other familiar part, the part he’s been struggling not to acknowledge, the awareness that’s been growing in the back of his mind since he set up camp in Gotham. Simply put, Dick is hot. His ass in spandex was the source of way too many semis popped Jason's stupid, flimsy little Robin shorts, and his ass in faded pajama pants is nothing short of miraculous either. But it's not just his body, although Jason wishes it was, not just the shape of his ass and the curve of his spine and the span of his shoulders – Dick is beautiful. He's elegant when he moves, when he laughs, when he's angry, when he's worried, when he's a fucking mess. It's impossible not to look at him, the attention he commands is probably partly due to the fact that he was raised a performer, and partly because that's just Dick.
Jason knows he's one in a long, heavily annotated list of people to fantasize about Dick Grayson. It used to keep him up at night when he was a kid, and not just in that way. There hadn't been a lot of tolerance in the streets for homosexuality – sure, it existed, Jason'd even been on the receiving end once or twice in the unlucky parts of his youth – but you didn't talk about it. So he'd suppressed it, save for those late night visits from his hand in the dark, and then he'd died. Been sprung from the grave, grew up a little, and came back to find that, surprise surprise, the world had grown up a little bit too, and not entirely for the worse. And since then, he's had encounters with men, women, couple aliens, and all that is whatever. This thing with Dick doesn't bother him on account of Dick, well, having a dick. Not anymore.
No, it bothers him because it's Dick fucking Grayson. Golden Boy, Boy Wonder, or as Jason likes to refer to him, Stupid Fucking Bastard With Stupid Fucking Sticks Who Just Won't Fucking Quit. Out of all of them, Dick's the most unchanged. Bruce is hardened, less trusting; Tim is broken; Jason is – whatever the fuck he is, beyond all hope, maybe; but Dick's never lost the spring in his step. Jason thinks he'll probably backflip right into death with a smile on his face, and he won't come back, because Dick is too damn good to be reanimated like some freakish perversion of nature. Jason calls Tim “Replacement” because it's true, Jason was replaceable, but Dick never was. Not that Jason had ever wanted to be his replacement – he hardly knows what he wanted to be to Dick then, even less what he wants to be to Dick now, but it sure as hell isn't some bullshit co-parenting gig with the whole family breathing down his neck.
Of all the fucking days he had to drag his ass down here to gossip.
Dick says, “So, this is it,” and Jason realizes they're outside his new room. The room he's staying in. The room the baby is staying in. That's all it is.
It's not small at all, of course, and the bathroom he's sharing with Dick is also not small, with a stand-up shower and a jacuzzi sized tub, because that's necessary, two sinks, and a ridiculous amount of storage space. He doesn't look at Dick's room, just takes in the furnishings of his own, a queen bed with slate-grey sheets, closet, dresser, desk, bookshelves with a good number of books already on them, and a little windowseat that for some reason makes the back of his throat feel itchy to look at.
Danielle makes a small noise in his arms, and something occurs to him. “Um, where's she supposed to sleep?” He's not an expert, but he's pretty sure babies need cradles – actually, and a lot of other shit, like diaper cream, special baby soap, pacifiers, those sling contraptions he sees people walking around with, and probably a billion other things he has no freaking clue about.
Dick says, “Huh. Good question.”
Helpful, Jason thinks. She can't sleep with him, can she? What if he rolls on top of her? What if she rolls off the bed? What if he has a nightmare and pummels her to death in his sleep? The thought makes him want to be sick, what is he thinking, trying to be some kind of fucking caregiver –
“Jason? You okay?”
Jason blinks. It dawns on him that he's been frozen in place for several seconds now, mind overloaded with the sheer volume of information he doesn't know, endless blank pages supplemented by a thoroughly sourced index of his fears. It's not like he planned for this – ever – he's pretty sure parental ineptitude runs in the family, because his mom sure as fuck never read What to Expect When You're Expecting.
He says, “Doesn't she need some kind of special baby doctor?”
Dick nods. “Bruce'll have Leslie come by and look at her soon. According to the hospital records, she missed her three-month check-in, so.”
“Dick.” Jason tries, and fails, probably, to keep the overwhelming helplessness he's feeling out of his voice. “What the fuck, man – this is crazy. I can't – I don't – where is she supposed to sleep?”
“I can answer that,” comes Alfred's clipped tone from the doorway. Jason turns to see the older man hauling an enormous, tall box into the room.
Jason says, “The hell?” at the same time that Dick rushes forward and says, “Here, let me help you,” and that about sums it up, he thinks.
“Her sleeping quarters,” Alfred says. He and Dick lay the box down, and Jason feels his stomach churn unpleasantly at the picture on the front of a smiling, drooling blonde-haired baby standing in a white wooden crib, fat little fists wrapped around the railing.
“You work fast, Alfie,” Dick comments, hauling another box into the room. This one says Changing Table on the side, and then Alfred pushes a rocking chair in, and Jason will be damned if it isn’t a whole fucking matching baby bedroom set.
“Where the hell did you even get this?” he asks, incredulous. He’s been at the manor two hours tops, hardly enough time for even Alfred to go out shopping for an entire room’s worth of furniture.
“Same-day delivery,” Alfred says smoothly. “I find that being a frequent, loyal customer expedites the process somewhat.”
“You don’t fucking say,” Jason mutters under his breath. Dick is now bringing in box after box of diapers, six huge shopping bags full of baby crap Jason would rather do just about anything than sort through, and some disassembled swing-looking contraption that promises “15 soothing melodies and nature sounds”. The room, suddenly, doesn’t seem so big anymore.
“Hmm,” Dick frowns, looking around. He must be noticing the same thing as Jason. “Honestly, I don’t see all this fitting in here. Alfie, what do you think?”
“You have the adjoining room, do you not, Master Richard?” Alfred replies. He surveys their haul, looking satisfied. Jason feels a tiny bit like he’s going to have a nervous breakdown, which is more or less where he’s been since Danielle was placed in his arms to begin with.
He’d been deadly serious when he’d told Bruce that he’d take her and protect her, but true to half-cocked form, he hadn’t even begun to parse out what that meant. Now that he’s standing in a room that looks like a Babies R’ Us blew up in it, with a human being the size of a loaf of bread snoozing and twitching in his arms, he doesn’t know what he could have possibly been thinking. What Bruce could possibly have been thinking, letting him walk away with her.
Well. Actually, Jason thinks, that about tracks for Bruce’s idea of fatherhood. In Jason’s experience, anyways.
“We’ll put the crib here, I think,” Dick says, leaning the box against the wall opposite the bed. “Changing table can go next to it, and I guess put the rocking chair in the other corner? Bottle stuff should go in the bathroom, and, hmm…” he trails off. “Yeah, we’ll just put the swing in my room. Don’t worry about it, Alfie, I’ll take care of it. You’ve done more than enough, seriously.”
“I’ll leave it to you boys, then,” Alfred says, picking up some of the discarded shopping bags and tucking them under his arm. He gives Jason a long look, like there’s something he wants to say, but seems to think better of it. Jason doesn’t know whether or not to be disappointed.
The silence that falls once Alfred leaves is awkward, bordering on oppressive. Dick doesn’t seem to notice, just keeps opening boxes and stuffing things in drawers and putting on a show of looking like he knows exactly what he’s doing. Jason knows better - can see how haphazardly he’s putting things away, how he’s moving around just to avoid being still. It’s a relief, in a way, to know that he’s not the only one completely out of his depth.
Still, he can’t deny Dick is being about a billion times more useful than him. What else is new.
“I’m just gonna stick this in the closet,” Dick says about a box containing a carseat. “We’ll figure it out later.”
Jason frowns. His car right now is a piece of crap Volvo that certainly shouldn't be hauling around anything as fragile as a baby. Not like he can take her on the bike, either. If they have to make a quick getaway, he’s looking at one-handed free running, or getting some new wheels posthaste.
Danielle grunts and yawns, stretching her tiny hands up and clawing at the material of his jacket. He pats her back, and she settles back into the crook of his arm. It tears at him, a little, watching her burrow into the leather, mouth occasionally opening and sucking, leaving little damp spots in her wake. She’s warm as hell now, practically a furnace, and he frankly wishes he had taken the damn jacket off before she got all comfortable, but he’d rather eat his own gun than put her down. It’s shocking to realize, but he wants her to be closer, wants to hold her right against his skin, against his heartbeat. He’s never felt this way about anything before, about anyone.
He clears his throat. “You seem bizarrely familiar with all this crap,” he says to Dick. “How do you - I mean, I don’t even have a clue what that thing is,” he gestures to the piece of fabric Dick is holding. It looks like the world’s longest scarf.
“It’s a wrap,” Dick says. “It’s for holding the baby. Or ‘wearing’, I think they call it. It’s nice for keeping your hands free. Roy had one for Lian, but it had a lot more buckles than this.”
Jason blinks. Roy, of course. Roy’s told him how much Dick has helped him out when he got full custody of Lian, back when she was still a baby. No wonder Dick is able to snap into action so easily. Jason’s spent a little time around Roy’s daughter, but she’s usually with her grandparents when they get together. For the best, since most of his team-ups with Roy have ended in shootouts and/or catastrophic explosions.
Just another reason he has absolutely no fucking business being anywhere near an infant.
“Hey,” Tim says from the doorway. “Um, here’s this pillow thing.” He holds out a box labeled Infant Lounger, and Jason is officially calling bullshit, there’s absolutely no way babies need this many goddamn surfaces to simply exist upon when, as far as he can tell from his one hour of baby experience, there’s no chance you’d ever want to put one down anyways. It’s all just one big racket - except for the diapers, probably.
“Thanks, Tim,” Dick sighs, opening the box and pulling out the lounger. It’s covered in a cutesy little whale pattern. “Well, that’s adorable, isn’t it?”
Tim looks skeptical. “If you say so.”
Jason narrows his eyes. “You didn’t come up here just to deliver a whale pillow, Replacement.” Dick shoots him a reproachful look, but screw him. “What’d you find out?”
Tim, to his credit, looks relieved to have an excuse to get to the real reason he’s there. “Well, we can officially rule out anyone from Intergang as a suspect. Their whole operation is a bust now. Word is Mannheim is pulling all the survivors out and regrouping, probably off-world.” He nods to Jason. “We’ve ruled the League of Assassins out, too.”
“So, who does that leave?” Dick asks. “Locals? Who are the major players in the East End?”
“There aren’t any,” Tim says. “The whole neighborhood’s been a power vacuum since...well.”
“Since me,” Jason snorts.
“It’s all small-time gangs, nobody with the firepower or the logistic capability to pull something like this off,” Tim goes on. “Which means we’re either looking at somebody new, or there’s a major territory grab that we somehow haven’t caught wind of.”
“Who patrols the East End now, anyways?” Jason asks.
“Nobody, unless Barbara sends the Birds out there. Used to be you,” Tim says mildly.
Jason works his jaw. “Last I checked, your boss is the one who wanted me out of there.”
“Last I checked, you didn’t take orders from him,” Tim replies, voice cool and even. Jason suddenly understands what an infant lounger is for - it’s a safe resting spot to hold your baby when you need both hands to throttle your aggravating family members.
“Oh, knock it off, both of you,” Dick says irritably. “Tim, are you running down leads for this?”
“I guess so,” Tim shrugs. “I was here on the Intergang expansion in the first place. Bruce and I are going to check out the bodies later this evening, get ballistics reports and see what else we can find. The paperwork is coming in pretty slow on the law enforcement side of things.”
Jason twists his mouth in disgust. “GCPD, dragging their heels? Shocking.”
“Pretty much,” Tim affirms. “They’re just happy the Intergang faction’s dealt with. I don’t think they want to look into it too closely.”
Even with a baby on the hit list, Jason thinks bitterly. It’s enough to make a person want to pick up and move altogether.
Danielle moves suddenly in his arms, stretching her tiny body and kicking one leg out against his ribs. She whines, twisting her head away, and when she turns back to look at him, her brown eyes are wide and watery.
“Shit,” he murmurs. “Dick, help. She doesn’t look happy to see me.”
Dick appears at his shoulder. Danielle whines again, flailing her limbs against Jason’s chest.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Dick coos, right in Jason’s ear. Oh, sweet Jesus, Jason did not think this one through at all. He feels his face flush, and has to bite his tongue to keep from snapping at Dick to back the fuck up.
“Look at you,” Dick goes on, oblivious. “You’re awake now, huh? You need some attention, sweetie?” His breath is warm against Jason’s neck. Jason is going to crawl out of his skin.
Danielle’s eyes flicker towards the sound of Dick’s voice. She grunts, then turns abruptly and mouths at Jason’s armpit. Jason feels like his heart is gonna jump out of his goddamn throat. It’s been - God, he doesn’t even know, months? The better part of a year? - since he was this close to another person without his helmet on. His brain is screaming at him, escape, fight, neutralize, but even louder, there’s a piece of him overriding everything, a fist deep in his chest clenched around something he thought he’d left back in the Pit.
Danielle whines louder, kicking, and the fist clenches tighter.
“I don’t - ” he starts to say. His voice comes out breathy and ragged, he stops. Swallows. Get a grip, for fuck’s sake. “Maybe you should take her, I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing.”
“Just rock her,” Dick suggests. His arm comes around to Jason’s elbow, and now Jason can’t help it, he jerks away violently. The little body in his arms goes stock still for a moment, hiccups, and then the sound of wailing fills the room.
Jason swears. “I’m sorry,” he tells her, like that means a damn thing to a baby. “Shit, I’m really sorry, Danielle.” He holds her upright against his shoulder, rubbing her back like he’s seen Roy do with Lian when she’s upset. “I’m an asshole, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She hiccups again, and makes a displeased noise that sounds vaguely chastising. Fair enough, he deserves it. Anything is better than crying.
Dick is looking at him, overbright, and Jason averts his eyes. Briefly, he makes eye contact with Tim, who looks incredibly uncomfortable. Good.
“I think we’ll leave the morgue investigation to you guys,” Dick says to Tim. He seems to have realized he overstepped. “There’s a lot to do here, and I still have my regular patrol. I’m guessing you’re going to the docks this evening,” he addresses Jason.
“I want to, but.” Jason rocks Danielle pointedly. “Kinda got my hands full here.”
“You don’t think we can leave her for a few hours?”
“What the fuck, no,” Jason says, incredulous. “Even if she wasn’t being targeted by some psycho, you can’t just leave a baby, what’s wrong with you.”
“Even I knew that,” Tim says, obnoxiously.
“She wouldn’t be alone, jeez,” Dick protests. “Alfred is here.”
“I’m protecting her,” Jason reminds him darkly. “Alfred has enough shit on his plate.”
“Okay,” Dick says, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. “She’s pretty attached to you anyways, so you’re right, it’s probably best if we do that.”
Jason isn’t sure whether or not he’s being patronized, but flips Dick the bird just to be safe. Dick pretends not to notice.
“Drake, your input is being requested in the Cave,” Damian announces from the doorway. Christ, it’s a whole fucking family reunion, and he can’t escape. “Personally, I hadn’t even noticed your absence.”
Tim’s expression goes from vaguely aggrieved to fully constipated, which soothes some of Jason’s irritation. Bruce’s demon spawn is a complete and utter terror, but he’s so like his mother that Jason can’t help liking him. He’s not stupid enough to look down on him in a fight - he heard secondhand what Robin did to Victor Zsasz - but his heart’s just not in it when he spars with Damian. So sue him, he’s got a soft spot for kids, no matter how lethal they are.
“Keep me updated,” Jason says to Tim.
Tim nods, one hand on the doorframe as he exits. “Will do. Sure you don’t want to come along? Autopsy is daytime work.”
Jason grimaces. “Been there, done that. You guys can poke at dead people, I prefer to get my answers from ones that are breathing.”
Damian scoffs audibly. “Breathing until you finish with them, you mean?”
Jason ignores him. He turns his attention back to Danielle, who is starting to mouth at the collar of his jacket more aggressively. Shit, he probably shouldn’t let her do that. This jacket isn’t too old, at least, but he’s smoked his way through a dozen packs of cigarettes in it already, not to mention all the bad guy spatter it’s probably absorbed. Surface cleaners can only do so much.
“Perhaps you’d like to offer her this,” Damian says imperiously, holding out a bottle. “You know, children her age require feeding every three to four hours.”
“...Thanks,” Jason says, suspicious. He doesn’t think Damian would attack him when he’s holding a baby, but he looks like he’s considering it. Warily, he takes the bottle. It’s warm. “Did you make it?”
“It’s infant formula,” Damian replies bitingly. “It requires no scientific mastery.”
Alfred made it, then. Jason exchanges a look with Dick, who quirks an eyebrow almost imperceptibly.
“You don’t need to stay, Damian,” Dick says. “I’m just gonna be putting together furniture. You probably have homework to do, right?”
Damian looks affronted. “My studies aren’t so taxing, Grayson. What furniture?”
“Baby furniture, for Danielle. Nothing you need to worry about.”
Damian narrows his eyes. “You’re dismissing me because you want me to argue, so that I’ll stay and help you.”
Dick is the picture of innocence. “I really don’t need help. I assembled all the furniture in my apartment, I know what I’m doing.”
“I also know what you’re doing.” Damian walks to the box holding the crib pieces, hands on his hips. “A simpleton could do this.”
“They make it pretty user friendly.”
“I’ll get my tools.”
Dick looks quite pleased with himself as Damian rushes off. Jason can’t help but laugh.
“Nice,” he says, shaking his head at Dick’s impish grin. “Hold her for a second, I’m gonna take my jacket off.”
Danielle whines more insistently when he passes her to Dick, and doesn’t stop when he takes her back. He cradles her upright in one arm, bouncing her a little to keep her distracted, and touches the nipple of the bottle to her mouth. She latches on eagerly, and he tries and fails not to smile at her enthusiasm, the delighted kicking of her legs as she eats, her eyes trained on his face like laser beams. He feels - full, almost, like a balloon in his chest is slowly filling up, a window he’d nailed and soldered shut is being pried open again.
There are holes in Jason’s memory, things the Pit couldn’t restore, fragments of his life that were beaten out of him, or left in the ground, or atrophied and rotted away during his lost year after waking up. When he first came back to Gotham, he’d filled all those empty spaces with rage and spite, but he’d burned through it all in a few months and found there wasn’t enough left over to keep filling them, to stop him from noticing the edges of remembering in his mind, the sensation of familiarity that would abruptly fade into nothing. He’s learned to navigate around them, but there’s never been a moment that he hasn’t known they are there. They’re a constant reminder that he died Jason Todd and came back Almost Jason Todd, the same person but without all the pieces.
The feeling he has, feeding Danielle - the warm smell of her, the force of her gaze, so human and yet so alien, the clutch-and-pull of her small hands against the fabric of his shirt and the scarred skin of his hand - it’s like she’s reached right into the center of him and dragged forth the memory of being whole. He isn’t, he won’t ever be, but he can remember it, and it absolutely takes his breath away.
“You good?” Dick asks, softly.
Jason swallows. “Uh-huh,” he manages. It’s a damn good question. Jason isn’t frequently good, he’s often satisfied, often pissed off, often (less often, now) steeped so deep in madness he’s out of his mind. This is something else, he thinks. Something close to shattered, but it’s also close to good, because even though he’s in a thousand goddam pieces, the pieces, for once, are all there.
“Wow, Jay,” Dick murmurs. “You’ve really got a way with her, you know.”
Jason waits to answer until he’s sure his voice won’t betray how shaken apart he is. “She just doesn’t know any better yet,” he says. “Probably at this stage, it’s all the same to them.”
“She didn’t eat this well for me,” Dick says, and Jason can’t tear his eyes away from Danielle to look, but he can hear Dick smiling. “Face it, Jaybird, she chose you.”
“Shut up,” Jason replies, but it’s so subdued it’s practically a whisper. He can’t even deny it - she did choose him, and even if he can’t fathom why, even if it terrifies him, he can feel it all the way down to his bones. He’ll do anything for this little girl. Shit, she’s already got him shacking up in the last place he’d ever want to be. She’s got him thinking about sensible family cars, for Christ’s sake. He hasn’t even known her a full day, but she chose him, and he knows he’d die for her as instinctively as breathing.
“This had better not take long,” Damian says, reentering the room with his toolbox in hand. “I have training to finish.”
Dick laughs, but it’s a little off, somehow. Jason still doesn’t look - if he had to guess, he would say that Damian managed to surprise Dick, but that doesn’t seem very likely.
“Sure thing, Dami. The changing table is probably the easiest, if you have things to do.” Whatever Jason thought he heard, it’s not there anymore. Dick’s voice is back to being smooth and casual, pointedly so, which probably means Damian’s about to -
“In other words, you want me to assemble the crib,” Damian says flatly.
“Pretty sure I said changing table,” Dick repeats, exasperated.
“Enough with your mind games Grayson. They aren’t subtle, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’ll assemble the crib, since you seem to think it’s too challenging for you.”
“If that’s what you want,” Dick says evenly. Jason finally catches his eye, and he winks. “I’ll start working on the changing table - the way she’s eating, we’re gonna need it soon.”
Anxiety flits across Damian’s face, and he scowls hard at Jason a split second later. Jason shrugs one shoulder at him peaceably. He’d be lying if he said he had no reservations about changing diapers either, but hell, he signed up for this, didn’t he? People even more dysfunctional than him must have figured it out over the years. And considering his extracurricular activities, he can hardly be getting squeamish over a little baby poop.
Danielle, having paused her eating to look around, makes a short fussing sound and then latches onto the bottle again. Jason adjusts his hold and brings her up a little higher. She curls into him automatically, the fingers of her little hand splaying against his shirt, right over the intersection of scar tissue fanning across his chest. He’s never let anyone touch him there before. It doesn’t feel….bad. At all.
It feels like waking up after a long, disorienting dream. Like climbing down a mountain and taking the first breath of oxygen-rich air.
It feels like being home.
“Here’s what we know,” Bruce says, pulling up the footage from Oracle. “One month ago, Cy Reynolds and a couple dozen henchmen took over the Eastern port for Intergang. They demo’d the warehouses the Dragons were operating out of, and the old Falcone hotel. They brought in tech, weapons, and what appears to be equipment from Apokolips to construct a boom tube.”
“Just what we need,” Tim mutters.
“Two days ago, Cy Reynolds, his wife, and their adult son all turned up dead. Each was shot twice in the head, execution style. Oracle, any update on ballistics?”
“Negative,” Barbara’s voice comes through the computer speakers. “Forensics are taking their sweet time.”
“We have sixteen other bodies, identified as Reynolds’ second tier of command within Intergang and their respective families.” Bruce pauses. “This includes three children. A fourth was targeted, identified as the child of Mitchell Howard and Linda Torres, but she somehow survived.”
“And made it all the way to St. Aden’s in Coventry,” Tim finishes. “Records say Torres lived on the edge of Little Italy.”
“Has your group seen any signs of new groups operating on the East End?” Bruce asks. “There’s a short list of suspects who could have pulled this off in two days.”
“If there are, they’re way underground,” Barbara says. “You can rule out the Golden Dragons, most of the ones left in that area joined up with Intergang. They’re focused on turf wars in Chinatown, they wouldn’t bother defending the Eastern port.”
“That fits with our intel,” Tim says, trying not to sound annoyed. This started as his op, and he’d ruled out the Dragons from the very beginning. Bruce’d had barely a passing interest until Jason got involved, and now Tim has been demoted to pinch-hitter on his own case. He’ll deal, but after the year he’s had, it’s a little hard not to take it personally.
“The killers’ modus operandi ranges from shooting to stabbing, which suggests human suspects,” Bruce says. “Targeting families suggests the mob.”
“The Falcones used to control the whole east side,” Tim says thoughtfully. He’s surprised it never occurred to him. He’d been so focused on new territory feuds, he hadn’t stopped to think that it might be an old territory feud. Maybe he deserves to be a pinch-hitter. “Any chance they’re making a comeback?”
There’s a flurry of typing on Barbara’s end. “Funny you should mention them. We had five bodies from the Falcone family turn up over the past six months. Some of these could be accidental, but I tagged it as suspicious after the third one.”
“So, a rival family,” Tim says, slowly. He racks his brain for a list of crime families in Gotham’s history. Who’d even bother going after the Falcones these days? They haven’t been truly active in Gotham for over two decades, but, Tim supposes, some rivalries never die. “The Maronis are locked up….maybe the Odessa Mob? Could they be making moves?”
“Nightwing would know if they were expanding past Bludhaven,” Bruce says. Fair enough. Wouldn’t make sense for the Russians to stage a hostile takeover when they’re barely holding ground across the harbor, anyways. “Who are the victims from the Falcones?”
“That’s the weird part. They were all straight, as far as I can tell. One shoe store manager, two housewives, a scuba instructor, a graduate student, and an entrepreneur. Barely a drug charge between them.”
“Could they be unrelated?” Tim asks, glancing through the reports..
“No,” Bruce says decisively. “It’s too much of a coincidence. These murders are all connected.”
“I agree,” Barbara says. “Based on proximity alone, but combined with the destruction of the old hotel, it’s all adding up to something.”
Tim doesn’t argue. They’re right - if there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s that coincidences are never just that in Gotham. The connection is there, they just need to find it.
“That hotel was Carmine Falcone’s crown jewel, back when he was in power,” Bruce says. “If the Falcone family is behind this, they could have been retaliating.”
“That’s a hell of a lot of bodies to drop just in retaliation,” Tim says doubtfully. “And to what end? If it is them, it has to be more than that.”
Barbara puts new footage on their screen. “Here’s what I pulled from last night’s traffic cams. Looks like the person who killed the baby’s parents is the same one who dropped her at the orphanage.”
Tim studies the grainy figure on the screen. They’re wearing a hood and limping slightly, but from the approximate size and shape, they appear to be -
“A female assailant,” Bruce says. “Not a pro. This person couldn’t have taken down a man like Reynolds.”
Tim stretches his arms over his head. “So, multiple killers.”
“Fits the mob angle. Give me an hour or two, and I’ll have an ID,” Barbara says. “Oracle out.”
Tim watches Bruce pull stills from the footage and run them against his video backlogs. On a separate screen, he watches Colin draw baby Danielle out of the Safe Surrender box, look around at the camera, and then hurry out of view.
“Red Robin, what exactly is going on over there?” Barbara asks quietly over the comm in his ear. She must have opened a private channel, because Bruce doesn’t show any indication he’s hearing her too.
“I’m gonna hit the training mat,” he says to Bruce. He gets no acknowledgement, which is more or less what he’s learned to expect.
“It’s been kind of a shitshow here,” he replies, once he’s out of earshot of Bruce. “What have you heard?”
“That Robin brought home a baby, and Red Hood adopted it, and now he’s moving back in to take care of it.”
“You’re pretty much caught up, then,” he says, stifling a laugh. “And Nightwing is helping, which is even weirder.”
“No shit,” she muses. “He’s helping Red Hood?”
“I guess? I was just with them, they’re kind of getting along, actually.”
“They had a decent rapport going when Nightwing took over as Big B,” Barbara says. “Robin wasn’t crazy about it. I think he wanted N all to himself.”
Tim considers this. “I always thought Robin didn’t like Hood because of his methods.”
“I’m not about to psychoanalyze Robin on a line I know he could hack if he wanted to,” Barbara says dryly. “But I’m sure that’s part of it. Hang on, B is lighting up the family line.”
Tim switches over. Bruce says, “We’re going to have to make some adjustments to patrols, while Danielle is in our care.”
“Black Bat and Batgirl are still in Florida,” Barbara says. “They should be wrapping up their case in the next day or two. I’ll put them on the South End when they get back.”
“Good,” Bruce says. “Signal should also be back in Gotham by then. Red Robin, you’ll need to put activities with the Titans on hold. I’ll have you covering the Northeast corner, including Crime Alley and the Bowery.”
“That’s my turf,” Jason snarls over the comm. “You can’t just go giving away my patrol. I gave you the East End, and look how that fucking turned out.”
“I wasn’t finished. Red Robin will cover those areas when Red Hood is otherwise occupied.”
Tim closes his eyes for a long second. Great. Now Jason will be gunning for him, again.
“Nightwing, your coverage of Bludhaven is non-negotiable. Robin will join you, temporarily, and fill in for you on the nights you need to be absent.”
“Really?” Dick sounds pleased. “Hey, Robin, did you hear that?”
“Of course I did,” Damian says. “Father, I accept this assignment.”
Unfair, Tim thinks, petulantly. He thinks Barbara’s probably right about Damian wanting Dick all to himself, but they all want Dick all to themselves. It’s complete bullshit that Jason and Damian, by far the least deserving, are the ones getting him.
“Oracle, we’ll need the Birds to fill in the gaps.”
Tim can almost hear Barbara rolling her eyes. “That’s what we’ve been doing, Batman. I’ll ask Huntress to keep her eyes on the Narrows. I’ve already got half my monitors dialed in to the East End. If anything happens there, I’ll be first to know.”
“Good,” Bruce says. “We’ll debrief again after tonight.”
There’s a long pause, and then Jason says, “Replace - Red Robin, we better talk if you’re taking my patrol tonight.”
Tim swallows. “Just so you know, I didn’t ask B to assign me.”
“No shit you didn’t. No one in their right mind would. No idea why he’s gone off the fucking deep end about this, like we haven’t dealt with way worse.” Jason sounds aggrieved. Tim can hear baby squealing noises in the background.
“Twenty bodies in one weekend isn’t nothing,” Barbara says. “This only happened because we were lax on patrol. No one was covering that area while Red Robin was gone.”
“I had informants on the ground,” Tim protests. “We were in touch.”
“It’s not your fault, Red,” Dick says immediately. “Oracle didn’t mean that. We should have been covering. It’s our bad, not yours.”
“I could have been covering,” Jason grumbles.
“Last time there were this many dead gangsters on the docks, you were covering.”
“Oh, fuck you, Boy Wonder.”
“Boys,” Oracle says, none too pleasantly. “I’m muting the family line now, so you’ll have to bicker like schoolgirls in person. Oracle out.”
Well, if he’s on the training mat anyways, he might as well get a workout in. Tim grabs his bo staff and scrolls through the training menus on his phone until he finds one that’ll thoroughly kick his ass. It’s stressful, having this many people in the manor. Tim doesn’t have a single clue how to act around a baby, much less how to act around Jason Todd with a baby.
Conner will find this hilarious, he thinks, whenever he gets back to Earth. Not the murders, obviously, but he’s always taken particular delight in Tim���s family drama. He’ll have to tell him about it next time they see each other - if they ever see each other - if Conner is even talking to him -
Tim shakes his head roughly. He’s been doing so well at not thinking about Conner, and truth be told, a hiatus from the Titans will probably do him a world of good on that front. He can’t take any more of Bart’s overcompensating, or Gar and Cassie’s whispering when they think he isn’t paying attention. At least when Bruce and Damian second-guess him, it’s not because they think he’s heartbroken, or whatever.
Because he’s not.
The program starts, and then immediately ends when Tim takes a holographic missile to the chest. Crap. He hits the restart button, pushes everything else out of his mind. Dealing with his encyclopedia of dysfunctional relationships can wait. This, at least, he knows how to do.
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Dad Tim & Uncle Rhys Part 11
I’m stressed again so here’s another entry for this. Gearbox where is Sasha???
“God, that guy's such a douchebag,” Tim said as Rhys ended the conference call they’d been on. He looked over his shoulder. “C’mere, pal. I’ve got a snack to hold you over until lunch time.”
Phoenix got up and went over to Tim, brightening as Tim handed him a packet of fruit snacks and a juice box. Phoenix looked up curiously and Tim nodded, holding his arm out so he could help Phoenix up onto his lap.
“What else do we have to suffer through today?” Tim asked as Phoenix tore open the packet and popped a fruit snack into his mouth.
Rhys checked his schedule. “Another conference call in an hour. After that, I made sure you had time to take a lunch break and rest a bit before your next meeting.”
“Great,” Tim said with a sigh. 
“Just stay in here until the conference call. We can go over the outline of what we need,” Rhys said, pulling it up on his computer.
There was a knock on the door. Rhys glanced over.
“Come in,” he called.
A woman pushed the door open, giving them a sheepish smile as she held up a file. She was incredibly pregnant, waddling over to hand the file to Rhys.
“Here you go, sir. That should be everything, but I’ll be checking my email almost daily while I’m on maternity leave,” she said.
“Right, thank you,” Rhys said, taking the file. “Good luck, and congratulations. I’ll go through your team as much as I can. You should be enjoying time with the baby, not worrying about work. We’ll handle everything to make sure you have a smooth transition back.”
“Thank you, Mr. Strongfork,” she said gratefully. “I’m heading out now. I’ll be in touch. I left everything else with my assistant, if you need anything more.”
She left the office. Rhys set the file on his desk, then looked at Tim curiously.
“Would you ever have another kid?” he asked.
Tim’s eyes widened. “Hell no. I was with Ember from the moment she went into labor. She’s one of the toughest women I’ve ever met, and she was handling the contractions like a champ for a while. But, hell, the longer it went on, the more she screamed and told me how much she hated me and my ‘stupid, fucking non-sterilized sperm’.” He shuddered. “Thought she was going to break my hand when she was getting ready to push. Think she broke my eardrums when she did start pushing. Never again.”
He hesitated, then put a hand over Phoenix’s ear, pressing his other ear into Tim’s chest. Phoenix scowled, but popped another fruit snack and accepted that he was being taken out of this conversation.
“Plus, he would never handle it well. He wouldn’t be able to accept me giving my love to another kid. He’d feel abandoned,” Tim said. “I could never do that to Phoenix. That, and Ember made it quite clear we were never having another kid together. He would never forgive me if I had a kid with someone else.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he’s fine and healthy. But I’m surprised she had a smooth pregnancy in the casino,” Rhys said.
“I did what I could to make sure she had proper meals. Saved up health kits for when she went into labor, just in case,” Tim said with a shrug. “One of her friends from the vice district had helped deliver her sister’s baby a few years earlier, so she acted as a midwife. I wouldn’t say it went smoothly, but it went well enough that we had a fairly healthy kid. We’re not sure exactly when Ember got pregnant, but if my guess is right, Phoenix came two weeks earlier than he should’ve. He was on the smaller side. But there were no real complications with him in his infancy.”
Phoenix was a smaller kid, but Rhys had always assumed that was due to growing up in harsh conditions. Still, he did seem healthy enough, so that was all that mattered in the end.
“No more kids for me,” Tim said, shaking his head. “I learned my lesson damn well. Always, always use a condom. I love my son, but I’m a one and done with kids.”
“I’m...surprised you and Ember stayed on good terms through that,” Rhys admitted.
“Takes two to make a baby,” Tim said with a shrug. “To be honest, she was the one who usually came onto me the times we had unprotected sex. It was on me a few times, but even she admits she started it more often. Still, both our mistake. We knew that. We stepped up to face the consequences. God, women are incredible, though. I’m such a bitch about pain. No way in hell I’d ever survive what Ember went through with childbirth.”
He uncovered Phoenix’s ears. Phoenix rubbed at them.
“Just talking about how incredible your mom is,” Tim said, ruffling his hair.
“Dad, where do babies even come from?” Phoenix said.
Rhys choked on air at the question. His eyes widened in alarm as he looked at Tim, not wanting anything to do with this conversation.
But Tim seemed calm enough about it. “Well, that’s a heavy question, pal. I don’t think you’d fully understand yet. But babies grow inside their mothers. You saw how big that lady’s stomach was? There was a baby in there, almost ready to be born. You grew inside your mom, just like I grew inside mine.”
Phoenix frowned. “But how does the baby get there? And how do they get out?”
Rhys wanted to bang his head on the desk. He regretted bringing this topic up at all.
Tim just shrugged. “That’s the tough part to explain to you. A dad helps the baby get there, but I don’t think you’d understand that part of it yet. And when the baby is ready to come into the world, the mom has to...well, push it out.”
Phoenix furrowed his brow. “I don’t get it. How?”
“Don’t worry about it right now,” Tim said, taking a fruit snack out of the packet to hold out to him. 
“Aren’t you just supposed to tell kids babies come from the stork, or something?” Rhys said.
“Why? There’s nothing wrong with him knowing,” Tim said. “Jeez, Rhys, didn’t your parents ever explain any of this to you growing up? Yea, it’s kinda awkward, but it’s not inappropriate or anything.” He leaned back and laughed a little. “Here I am talking about it. My mom would smack me upside the head if she knew I completely disregarded her safe sex talk and knocked a woman up.” But his laughter died down and he slowly looked at Phoenix.
“Tim?” Rhys said.
“I just...wish she could know about him, ya know? I think she’d really love him. We had this swing in the backyard she used to push me on when I was a kid. I think she’d like pushing him on it,” he said quietly.
“You could always tell her,” Rhys said, but he knew Tim’s family was a touchy subject.
Tim hugged Phoenix to himself. “No, I can’t. She’s better off not knowing what happened to me, even if it means she never knows about her grandson.”
“Ya mean your mom, dad?” Phoenix said. “I wanna meet her!”
Tim looked pained. “I know. I want you to meet her. But...we can’t, Phoenix. She doesn’t even know I’m alive. And I’m not...me. Not anymore. She wouldn’t recognize me. I wouldn’t want her to. It’s hard, pal. It’s really hard.”
“I could anonymously send her a picture of him?” Rhys offered.
Tim shook his head. “No. He’s so young. There’s no way he could’ve been born before I supposedly died. And even if you convinced her it’s an old picture, she’d go looking for him.” He kissed Phoenix. “I think...I think she’d go looking for him. She would think he’s all that’s left of her son now.” He sighed. “No, it’s better if she just goes on thinking I died all those years ago. Besides, I was a shitty son. No need for her to know I’m a shitty father too.”
Phoenix hit Tim in the shoulder. “Stop it, dad. You’re not shitty. I love you.”
“Language,” Tim said, but he cracked a smile. “Yea, pal, I love you too.”
“Hey boss guy, are you gonna have any kids?” Phoenix said.
Rhys rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh...someday. Maybe. I want kids.”
“Phoenix could babysit,” Tim said. At Rhys’ startled look, he laughed. “I’m kidding, Rhys, calm down. He’s not even old enough to be left by himself yet. Seriously, though. Have kids sometime soon so my kid can have a friend.”
“I was hoping…” He trailed off. Hoping what? To have kids with Sasha? They’d never even talked about it. 
And she wasn’t here now.
“Is it the girl you have a picture of on your desk?” Tim asked, nodding to it. “Waiting on her?”
“Something like that,” Rhys said, looking at the picture. “You would’ve liked her. She would’ve been incredible with Phoenix. A hell of a lot better than I am with him, at least.”
“Is she…” Tim waited.
“What? Oh, no! No, she’s just-” He tore his eyes from the photo. “I trust she’ll come back one day. Even if she doesn’t want to be with me, I don’t think she’d ever leave me wondering what happened to her forever.”
“Did you love a girl, boss guy?” Phoenix asked curiously.
“I did,” Rhys admitted. “I still do. She’s just, um, not here right now.”
“Oh. I hope she comes back soon if you like her,” Phoenix said. He frowned up at Tim. “I don’t get adults, dad. If you love your mom, why don’t you find her? And if boss guy loves this lady, why doesn’t he find her?”
“It’s not always that easy,” Tim said gently, hugging Phoenix close. “Love is hard, Phoenix. Worth it, but hard.”
“But I love you and it’s not hard!” he said.
“Well, good. I hope love is never hard for you,” Tim said, running a hand through Phoenix’s messy hair. “And I hope someday boss guy here has a kid or two of his own for you to play with. You get to have a friend, and I get to watch him try to explain where babies come from to his own kid.”
“I hate you. We were having a moment and you ruined it,” Rhys said, shooting him an exasperated look. 
“Socially stunted,” Tim reminded, grinning. “Alright, that’s enough deep talk for now. Phoenix, go read your book and finish your snack. Rhys, let’s get ready for that conference call.”
They did just that, but Rhys’ mind was too distracted to really focus. He couldn’t stop thinking about Sasha, and about the future they could have together. He saw Tim struggle through fatherhood, but he also saw the joy and love that it brought him. 
“Tim?” Rhys said, interrupting their work.
“I know, Rhys,” Tim said, glancing up at him and giving a weak smile. “I hope you get the future you dream of. I really do. Parenting is exhausting, but it’s worth it. And even if you don’t have kids someday, I hope you have your girl.”
“I...thanks,” Rhys said, looking back to the picture of Sasha. He hoped so too. He really hoped so. 
He was glad to be a part of Tim’s family. But it’d be nice to have one of his own, one day.
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sparkle9510 · 5 years
Baby Robins and Tiny Ladybugs Ch. 2
Hey guys! Happy holidays! I’m so terribly sorry this is so late! Honestly, I got lazy, wanting to do other things (making presents and drawing stuff), but writers block kept getting to me. I wasn’t satisfied where this was going, so I decided to let inspiration hit me and I am so glad I waited cause indeed it did, and I am much more satisfied with this chapter than my previous idea. With that said, let’s move on with the show!
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It was a beautiful day at the city of Paris, France. It was peaceful and quiet. All until laughter filled the air near the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.
“Grayson did what?” Marinette giggled. “I can’t believe he burnt the pancakes.”
“Grayson was always inept in cooking. Though everyone in the family is. You should see father burning the water,” Damian rolled his eyes. “We’re lucky to have Pennyworth with us.”  
Marinette chuckled, understanding that Damian was actually showing that he cares for his family. It has been 2 years since they had first met and exchanged numbers. They had exchanged emails very frequently, and emails then turned to phone calls before it turned into video calls. All that time spent talking to each other helped them both know each other’s quirks. At least, she hoped so.
“I’m glad your father’s back safe and sound,” Marinette smiled. 
Damian had informed her that his father, who was missing or most likely dead, had been found. He was injured and needed time to heal, but overall, was relatively safe and sound. She was so happy to hear that, especially since his mother figure was not a part of his life anymore so he said.
“I am too, although,” Damian frowned. “now that he’s back, things will be different.” Will I be accepted? He seemed to radiate, from what Marinette can tell.
“Damian,” Marinette decided to interrupt his thoughts. “you are amazing, and from what I hear, your dad will love you.” 
“Angel, thank you,” Damian gave her a small grateful smile.
Marinette grinned, opening her mouth to respond when her mom called her. 
“Dami, I got to go,” She frowned. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
Giving their goodbyes, she ended the call before heading downstairs. Down in the kitchen, her dad was kneading some dough and her mom was nearby, a phone in hand.
“Maman?” Marinette called. “What did you need?” 
“Marinette, we just got a huge order of catering, though the location is pretty far.”
“Where Maman?”
Damian sighed, hands in the pockets of his jackets. He observed his father looking over the decorations and progress of the setup. His father had decided to hold a gala in honor of his return. He had understood his father had to show he wasn’t fazed and pick his playboy facade back up, but Damian so did not like these meaningless social interactions.
“Why the sigh, Lil’ D?” Dick asked. “You’ve been doing it more often.”
“Probably cause he hasn’t done his weekly thing,” Tim yawned, typing away on his laptop. “Whatever that is.”
Damian scowled and looked away. He couldn’t be bothered with Drake at the moment. It’s been around 2 weeks since he had last called Marinette. She hadn’t shown up and picked up the call the last two times he called, the most recent being yesterday. She had said she was busy and went awol. O-of course he wasn’t really worried, he told himself. She could just be really busy.
“Ooh, you may be right, Replacement,” Jason smirked, leaning onto Dick. “The demon spawn hasn’t stayed his room for hours. I wonder, maybe he’s hasn’t been-” 
Before he could continue, Dick elbowed Jason in the ribs, earning a yelp from the latter. Jason glared at his older brother, only to receive an annoyed look that said, ‘Are you serious?’ In return, he stuck his tongue playfully. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying Todd,” Damian scoffed, narrowing his eyes when he felt someone ruffle his hair. “Cease that, Grayson.”
“Dami, you know what you need?” Dick grinned. “Sugar. And you know what? they have some desserts at the cater table and I’ll bet they’ll let you have something sweet.”
“You know I don’t care for sweets.”
“Just have something, Lil’ D. If anything, you can check on the food,” 
“Very well.”
And with that, Damian begun heading over to the food, but not without hearing Jason whispering to Dick. 
“Dickie Bird, you’re up to something. Spill,” Jason interrogated Dick.
“Just being a good big brother,” Dick cheerily replied.
A good brother? Very unlikely. Damian rolled his eyes. When he got to the area, he saw a large man and a woman setting up the food. It smelled good, and somewhat…familiar? There was one place he thought up, but how could it be here when it was at-
“Maman, Papa! Here are the rest of the order!” a girl, carrying multiple boxes tried to rush past him. 
However, she didn’t notice him and bumped into him, sending her almost tumbling down. That is, until Damian helped steady her. 
“I’m sorry,” the girl replied. “I’m so clumsy. I-”
Damian’s eyes widen. He knew that voice anywhere. Adding the clumsiness, that could only mean…
Marinette’s eyes widen, realizing who it was that stopped her. She figured there was a good chance of seeing him, but she thought it would be more of her telling him than running into him.
“…We’ve got to stop running into each other,” she smiled, slightly embarrassed she had yet again, ran into him. 
“I don’t mind,” Damian chuckled. “Let me help you.”
Grabbing two-third of the boxes, he begun to walk to the table. Marinette immediately followed, still stuck in a dazed state. 
“Oh! Thank you, sir,” Sabine quickly relieved Damian’s load. “I hope our daughter didn’t cause you any trouble.” 
“It’s no problem, Mlle.” Damian smiled. “It’s an honor to finally meet Marinette’s parents. She told me so much about you during our chats.”
“Chats?” Tom questioned. “Oh! You must be that boy she calls frequently. She mentioned how-”
“Papa!” Marinette called. “Don’t you need to finish setting these up or something?”
Her dad chuckled before going back to his work. Marinette sighed, feeling the heat still on her face. Damian didn’t need to hear what she said about him. 
“Marinette,” her mother called, catching her attention. “We’re almost done here. If you want, you can go spend some time with your friend.” 
“Really?! Thanks Maman!” Marinette kissed her parent’s cheeks before grabbing Damian’s hand. “Let’s go!”
“So that’s the Wayne Memorial Clock Tower, that’s the Wayne Animal Sanctuary, and here we are at the Gotham City Central Park.” Damian pointed out to Marinette. 
“The park’s beautiful Damian!” Marinette grinned. 
The plants looked really taken care of. The flowers planted were blooming and bright and beautiful. But before she could say anymore, she felt her stomach rumble, and it wasn’t quiet at all.
“…I’m feeling a bit famished.” Damian looked away. “Do you want to accompany me?”
“I know the perfect place.”
“Welcome to the Wayne Manor,” Damian smirked and gave a playful bow. 
“Damian, a-are you sure?” Marinette seemed unsure. “It’s a bit sudden and what if your family doesn’t like me?”
“It’ll be alright. They're probably still handling the arrangements for the gala anyways,” Damian assured her. “Nevertheless, they will like you, I’m sure.”
After all, Damian inwardly, this was all set up by at least Dick.
“Welcome home, Master Damian,” Alfred greeted them. “And I see you brought a guest. I hope he has been well behaved?” 
Marinette giggled and stuck her hand out.
“He’s been quite the gentleman,” she replied. “Though I’m guessing that might not be normal? I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng. Is it safe to guess you’re the all knowing Pennyworth?”
“How right you are Mrs. Dupain Cheng,” Alfred confirmed, reaching out and shaking her hand. “Just Alfred is fine. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m glad Damian made a friend. As you may guess, he has some difficulty getting along with many of his age.”
“He has his quirks,” Marinette admitted. “But he’s a sweet guy once you get underneath the tough layer.” 
“Pennyworth,” Damian interrupted. “I would like to request a meal prepared for both of us.” 
Alfred nodded. “Very well, young Master. While I do that, you may keep yourself occupied in the living room.”
Damian took that time to do a quick tour of the house. Of course, he avoided the areas that could reveal the family’s nighttime occupation. They may have made it hard for visitors to figure it out, but Marinette wasn’t normal. Of that, he knew. She probably will figure it out within the day if he wasn’t careful enough.
He did show her a quick view of his room. It was the place where they chatted anyways, so Marinette was somewhat familiar with it. She complimented many of his drawings hanging on the wall (No, he was not blushing. It was just kinda hot in the room), and was curious about his weapons in the room. Not long after, they decided to hang in the living room, where they quietly conversed.
“Alfie!” Dick’s voice rang out. “We’re home~ We got hungry and thought we might as well have some of your wonderful cooking.” 
Oh no. This is going to get troublesome pretty quickly.
“Hey, look who the demon spawn brought in,” Jason’s voice rang from the door entrance of the living room. “Looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” 
“Close your mouth before you sprout even more ridiculous ideas, Todd,” Damian spat. “What are you doing here.” 
“We got hungry,” Tim replied, walking into the room while typing on his laptop. “We didn’t want to go out and eat.” 
Damian scoffed. “Nice cover up. Did Grayson tell you to say that?”
“Chill, Lil’ D,” Dick appeared right behind him. “Let’s not have our usual fights while your friend is here. Speaking of which, introductions are due. Hello miss, I’m-”
“Grayson,” Marinette interrupted. “And you’re probably Drake, and that’s Todd. A-ah! I’m sorry I interrupted! I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng.”
“It’s all good cupcake,” Jason grinned, “but call me Jason. Jason Todd’s my full name.”
“Tim Drake’s mine.”
“Richard Grayson, but call me Dick.” 
“D-dick? But isn’t that…?” Marinette questioned, but decided to drop it, deciding to turn to Damian. “Wait, I thought- Damian, you didn’t tell me that those were their last name.”
“It wasn’t important,” Damian shrugged. “They’re not of importance.”
He looked at Marinette to see her eyebrow raised. A silent scolding clear on her face that made him feel a twinge of guilt.
“Ignore him,” Marinette turned back to the group. “He doesn’t say it often, but he does care about each of you.”
“Marinette,” Damian glared at her, but unfortunately it didn’t seem to faze her.
“So, the Demon Spawn actually cares for us,” Jason grinned, earning Damian’s death glare, “How sweet~ The devil has a soft side.”
“Todd,” Damian began before he was interrupted. 
“Demon Spawn?” Marinette asked. “Isn’t that a bit harsh?”
“It’s a bit of an inside joke,” Tim explained. “Though he does acts like one sometimes.”
“It’s a term of endearment,” Dick whispered to her. 
Marinette nodded, “Ah. Wait, Dami, is that also why you call me Angel now and then? You know, Demons and Angels are...?”
Damian winced. Maybe it was a mistake bringing her to the manor. He wasn’t going to escape with his dignity intact.
“He calls you Angel?” Jason’s eyes bulged in glee. “Ah, this is good blackmail.” 
“Don’t you dare,” Marinette warned. “You’re not gonna use this as blackmail.”
“And what are you going to do about it, munchkin?” Jason smirked. “You can’t stop me.”
“Can too,” Marinette stuck out her tongue. “Bet this tiny girl can beat your butt.”
With that, they decided to have a match after lunch. Damian knew she could take care of herself. Hell, that was a part of why he quickly was taken in. But Jason was older and had more experience, he was sure. Plus, his violent tendencies might take over, and he didn’t want her to get too hurt.
Marinette was in awe when she got into their workout room. It was huge, with many equipment that she had not seen used as a workout as well. But luckily, there was a large empty area, with mats she assumes is the area where they spar. Damian had told her they do that to practice their self defense.
“Ten bucks that Marinette is going to beat Jason,” Tim grinned, looking over to Dick. 
“Fine,” Dick agreed. “She’s a firecracker, but don’t think it’s enough to beat Jason just yet.”
“Tt,” Damian scoffed. “Imbeciles. Betting over things like this?”
“Dami, it’s alright,” Marinette grinned, feeling a bit mischievous. “It’s nice that Tim believes in me. And if anything, it’ll be fun to rub the fact I wiped the floor with Jason to both him and Dick right?” 
“No mercy,” Damian smirked. 
Marinette shared his smirk, taking position on the mat.
“I’ll go easy on you,” Jason announced. 
“Big mistake,” she chuckled. 
With that, they began. She sent a big punch followed by a side sweep, predicting where he would move next. He was good, dodging and landing his own hits, but she also was able to land her own. After a few minutes, she did see a certain pattern. He tended to reply on his fists more than his feet and left his side open. It wasn’t a big blind spot from what she could tell, but a blind spot, nonetheless. It was obvious that he spent some training making sure his weaknesses were minimal.
Looking for the right opening, she noticed he still had his leather jacket on. Maybe she could… She looked at her surroundings. Okay, nothing else to work with but she could still do something.
Dodging a right punch, she spun behind him. Before he could react, she grabbed onto the back of his leather jacket, and flipped over him, letting the jacket go over his head. She yanked on it so that it started to come off, but before it completely came off the sleeves, she dived under him before using that sudden weight and pull to keep him pretty subdued as she dragged them both on the floor, her being on top of him.
“Owned by a pixie,” Dick teased. 
“Fuck you,” Jason replied. “though he’s right. You got me. Nice job kiddo. Clever idea. Though… hm, I think there might be a slight rip now.”
“Ah! Sorry,” Marinette apologized. “I tend to use my environment to help me, and your jacket was the only thing…”
“It’s alright,” Jason waved off. “I can get Alfred to fix this.”
“No, wait, lemme fix it since I caused it.” She insisted.
Relenting, Jason handed over the jacket. Quickly, she grabbed her sewing kit that she carried everywhere with her. Taking out the necessary items, she quickly went to work. It took 10 minutes, she fixed up the jacket. It was just the stitching that came undone.
“Good as new,” she cheered, handing it back to him. 
“Thanks Tinkerbell,” he grinned. 
“Tinkerbell?” Tim raised his eyebrow. 
“Yeah, she can find things and make something new out of it, assuming she can, and she can fix things,” Jason shrugged. “Plus, she’s as small as a pixie.”
Marinette rolled her eyes at his jab at her height. Damian walked next to her and gave his hand.
“Good job Angel,” he praised. “Knew you could do it.” 
“Thanks Damian,” Marinette smiled. 
“Dick, you lost the bet, so pay up,” Tim cackled. 
“So you were betting instead of getting ready for the gala?” 
Everyone turned and standing at the doorway was a man in a suit. Tim and Dick had quickly walked over to him and informed him of what was going on, from what Marinette was hearing. 
“Welcome to the manor,” the man smiled, sticking his hand out. “I’m Bruce Wayne. Thank you for taking my son down a peg or two.”
“A pleasure,” she replied. “wait, Wayne, then does that mean?” 
She swiveled to Damian, who only smirked and nodded. Oh dear. Ooooh dear. She was with the Waynes. The rich billionaire family, and she just beat one of them. 
“Wait,” Dick was laughing when he realized. “Marinette, you didn’t realize we were Waynes?” 
“I-I just thought,” Marinette sputtered, rambling off a bit. “the W-waynes were pretty common. I didn’t think you guys were the Waynes. Though I guess the manor and butler should've tipped it off.....”
“… I like her,” Jason grinned. “Can we keep her?” 
Marinette still felt a bit embarrassed, though Damian gave her a small pat.
“She’s not a pet,” Bruce joked back. “Marinette, I know your parents will be catering during the Gala, but how would you like to accompany my sons and keep them entertained during that time? They tend to find trouble when bored.”
And that was how Marinette got swept up into more of the Wayne’s shenanigans (with her parents’ permission of course). They gave her a beautiful dress to wear (where did they get it so quickly?). And at night, they came to the gala by limo. 
“Ready, Angel?” Damian offered his arm as Marinette came out of the limo. 
“It’s now or never,” Marinette took it, letting him lead into the building. 
 The night was fun. She danced with all of the members of the Wayne family. Jason, pulling her into a very energetic tango. But she danced with Damian the most. Though like Bruce had predicted, she had to stop the boys from starting bits of trouble here and there, especially when they would try to do it behind her back. Jason did take a picture and suspiciously began typing on his phone, but she did not give it any thoughts. Before they knew it, the night was over, and they dropped her off to the  Gotham Royal Hotel.
“I had a great time,” Marinette chuckled. “Thank you, guys! I had a great time!”
“No prob, Tinkerbell,” Jason grinned. “We’ll keep in touch.”
“We’ll come visit,” Dick winked. 
Waving them off, Marinette stood by the doors for a few seconds. She then felt the vibration from her phone. Pulling it out, she saw she had a new message, from Damian. It was a link followed by a, ‘Todd is an imbecile’.”
She pressed it, noticing it took her to the social platform, Tweeter. 
Welcoming Tinkerbell as an honorary member of the Wayne family. Don’t let looks fool you. This pixie can beat your ass.
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The picture earlier! She realized. At least, he didn’t actually show her face, not completely where people can identify her. But this tweet he sent was already at 1.3K and counting. 
And after that, they did meet up more often. Sometimes Damian and his family would visit her, and sometimes they flew her over. She felt bad and didn’t want to keep having them fly her over, but they insisted.
After the first social media fiasco, Marinette did appear more frequently on their social media, though hidden. She ended up making an account for it though, but everyone didn’t know who she was, only knowing her as Tinkerbell.
It was a fun time, and she was really happy. She had another family that cared for her, who she cared for. And she wouldn’t change it any other way.She hummed softly, sewing her newest idea when her phone rang. 
“Hello? Jason?” Marinette greeted, a bit curious.
The other line was silent for a while, making her worry.
“Jason what-”
“He’s gone.”
“What?” Marinette’s eyes widen with worry. “Who are you talking about? Who’s gone?”
“Damian, Marinette,” Jason replied, his tone dead. “There was an accident and…”
“He’s gone.”
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ANNNNND THERE WE HAVE IT! THE NEXT CHAPTER FINISHED. AND THIS WAS TOTALLY LONGER THAN THE LAST ONE AS A TREAT. (Ahhh I wrote a lot of interruptions haha ^^;)I hope you guys liked it!! Any questions, then let me know here or in my ask, whatever’s fine! Btw him disappearing is during the time he died from Heretic. So, he’s gonna be dead for a bit 0w0. 
Taglist (let me know if I forgot anyone):
@mooshoon @bluerosette23 @zestyzealot @luciferge @gingerdaile @crazylittlemunchkin @queenmj10 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @razzledazzle247 @dorkus-minimus @this-is-vander​
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Well, I think it’s time to create my own list of thoughts and wishes for season 3 of Titans
(I am well aware that some of these points are merely a wishful thinking but a girl can dream, right?)
First of all, the official stuff we found out so far:
- Redhood - I know Jason was treated poorly (to say the least) in s2 and that is a legit reason to be angry at the team but please let this transition make sense. Curran is putting a lot of work into it and I am sure his performance will be amazing, but storywise I really hope it’s not gonna end up being done in a “bratty kid throwing a tantrum” kind of way.
- Barbara Gordon - I don’t want to hear anything about a love triangle, got it? She’s being introduced as Dick’s ex for a reason. There might be some little things thrown in here and there like we had with Dawn in s1 but a full blown drama? We don’t need that shit! And besides, it’s been said she won’t be very happy to see Dick, neither she’ll be thrilled about Nightwing and Company running around her city.
Unless they turn it all into a comedy where instead of Kory being jealous - it’s the kids! Gar and Rachel going completely feral whenever Barbara gets close to Dick, giving off you’re not our mom so get out vibe and Kory lets them because she finds it hilarious (this season is supposed be *lighter* and *more fun* as I’ve heard, right?)
- Scarecrow - I am VERY intrigued to see that character. He’s supposed be locked up and working with GCPD but I do hope we’ll get to see him in action. I’m not really into comics world, I had to do my research on him, but from what I’ve found… Damn, fear toxin torture that show their biggest fears and nightmares would be awesome for my angst crave
- Blackfire - personally I don’t find a reason to panic. I know that the treatment of both Anna and her character, especially in s2 was unacceptable, I 100% agree with that. And it does give a reason to worry for s3. BUT why am I not worried?
1. Damaris Lewis has been promoted to a series regular a long time ago
2. Even with all the stuff happening in Gotham, Blackfire is still set to be the main villain - we had the same situation in s2. Cadmus was brought up to introduce Conner, even though Deathstroke was the main villian. So whatever is happening in Gotham, it’s for the introduction of Red Hood while Blackfire remains main villain.
3. Look at what Anna has been saying and the vibe she’s giving off! Would she be this happy if Kory wasn’t getting more screentime? Would she be getting calls from the showrunner about creating Kory’s background and having a chance to pitch him ideas like incorporating her native culture in building the world of Tamaran? WOULD SHE SAY WITH A HUGE SMILE ON HER FACE THAT THIS IS THEIR BEST SEASON YET?
So don’t worry too much about our girl. I’m sure she’s getting her time to shine. Even if it ends up being not as much as we would want, it’s still progress from last season.
And if the writers follow a similar schematic as for previous seasons, I see it going like this:
Blackfire = Deathstroke = Trigon (Main Villian)
Gotham stuff/Redhood = CADMUS/Conner = The Organization/Nuclear Family/Angela (side villian/introduction)
Scarecrow and Barbara = Doctor Light = Amy Rohrbach and Nic Zucco (plot device, appearance in 1-3 eps at most)
I might be wrong though, so don’t hold me on that. Because there’s also another storyline that needs to fit in between all of this
- Rachel on Themyscira - I am sure they won’t show as much of the island as they were originally planning for the same reason they moved the team from San Francisco to Gotham - weather conditions in this time of year resulting in lower temperatures, shorter and less sunny days. All of that wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for filming being pushed back due to Covid. I also had a feeling from the beginning that Rachel won’t come back victorious, or at least she will come back alone, with Donna showing up on her own later or at the end of the season. Now, with an information of the possible use of Lazarus Pit, it all makes even more sense. All my knowledge about those pits comes from Arrowverse so correct me if I’m wrong, but is Donna going to struggle with Blood Lust because of that? It is possible imo.
- Roy Harper and Tim Drake - I don’t have much to say about them, really. I’m excited to see Roy but the only valid reason for him to show up is to grieve Donna and maybe share his condolences to Dick or something like that. We don’t need more OG Titans drama. And Tim… well, new Robin in town will catch Jason’s attention and definitely spark some jealousy, evolving into a feeling of being ditched and abandoned, further confirming his belief of being a “reject”. All of this will only push him further to Red Hood.
Now, for the things I personally want to happen…
- Dickkory getting together - even if it happens in the finale, we need to see the progress! I don’t want this to happen off screen during the possible time jump. I want to see them supporting each other and being there for each other. I want to see Kory being his right-hand (wo)man and them leading the team together. And most importantly for me - the one thing that really brought them together in s1 - a continuation of their co-parenting of the younger Titans.
- Gar’s trauma being adressed - and I’m talking BOTH SEASONS. He really struggled with killing that guy in s1 and what CADMUS did to him made it all worse. He needs to talk about this with someone (and I hope that someone is Dick). And I really want to know if what happened to him is gonna have any lasting consequences.
- Donna and Dick need to talk things out - the worst thing about her death for me is the fact that these two didn’t get the chance to talk about what happened. Donna wasn’t a saint either and I find her behavior in the second half of s2 very hypocritical. It almost felt like this Donna and s1 Donna are two different people! She and Dick have a very strong bond and a lot of history. I’m sure they’ve had their fair share of fights in the past. I really hope they will sort this thing out and get back to being this amazing duo I fell in love with in s1.
- Rose and Jericho - I really want to see how this relationship will work and progress with them not really knowing each other but sharing one body.
- Growth and progress in Kory, Rachel and Gar’s powers - I think I don’t need to elaborate on that. I want to see Kory and Rachel fly, Rachel using more of her powers and discovering stuff like teleportation and telekinesis, Gar turning into other animals (lets pray HBO MAX will provide a decent budget for all of that). And obviously, following that…
- Supersuits for those three! - do I need to add more? I don’t think so.
- And can we get rid of Hank and Dawn? - I liked them in s1, tolerated them at the beginning of s2 and by the end I just wanted them gone. They are completely useless. Honestly? If I were to pick one… Hank can stay, we can still do something with him. But Dawn can go and don’t come back for all I care. I only need her for one more thing I’d like to see but more about that later.
And now the two most important things for me…
- MORE CORE FOUR FAMILY MOMENTS - this was the magic of season 1 that we only got some crumbs of in 2x01 and then it disappeared completely. I am in desperate need of Dick and Kory co-parenting their two superpowered teenage kids. And can someone FINALLY call Dick a DAD?! I would pay fortune to see that happen.
- Relationship progress between the Core Four - all the possible variants, but especially with the kids. It’s already been pretty much established that Rachel is Daddy’s Girl while Gar is Mama’s Boy. And it was nice to see Dick and Gar growing closer during season 2 while Rachel poured her heart out to Kory. But I was VERY MUCH with Gar and Kory when they both asked Rachel “Have you talked to Dick?” because girl YOU AND YOUR FATHER NEED TO TALK! A lot has happened, okay? (Not just because I am an absolute sucker for this dynamic and they are my favorites, but… get ready for a rant) I really want to go back to the way things were in s1 where they had at least one scene together every episode, where they talked and bonded a lot, where we actually could see the progress of this relationship. We’ve been stripped of that in s2. A little bit at the beginning, something at the end (I’m still mad Rachel didn’t get any closure for that nightmare that scared the hell out of her and yet had no influence on further events). I want to see Dick really embracing that role of a father, stepping up to responsibilities he kinda forgot about in s2. It would be nice to see a callback to his conversation with Dawn in 1x02 about how he’s “not taking her in” because “he can’t do family”. I’d love for Dawn to throw one big “I told you so!” in his face (and Dick agreeing she was right all along). I want to see Rachel leaning on him for support and encouragement while also growing independent in her own way. I also need to see more physical affection. Hugs are great and we always want more of them, but a touch of hand on the arm or cheek, or a forehead kiss would kill me. And I dream about a verbal “I love you” everyday…
Well, I think it’s all for now. Nothing else comes to mind atm. I might update this list as time goes on and we get more details…
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Hug Tutorials
summary: Constantine is stuck baby sitting. Not exactly his area of expertise. So how is he supposed handle a feral 8 year old? Help comes from an unexpected source.
A/n: I am pretty new to the Hellblazer fandom so forgive the characterization. I own nothing except Ruta (in all his bratty glory) and the plot. Maya belongs to the wonderful @birdy-bat-writes who is a wonderful human being. This thing is kind of part of a crack au me and Riya have been brain storming.  I will probably edit or rewrite this later.  Yes, I need a better title. 
warnings: awkward hugs, implied child neglect, and a lot of swearing
word count:  1,709 (This is actually really short.)
Ruta knows it hadn't started out like this.
He remembers when his mother used to try and help him read. She tried her best but the shapes on the page just made no sense to him. Not the way it did for Raffie or Mimi. 
He tries memorizing the words she said to him and parroting them back to her. It works! For awhile...  
He also remembers the walks to the park and how they'd listen to him about transparent people. 
They probably think he's too young to notice the change. 
His mom's slowly cut back on their nightly reading sessions opting for game night with his siblings. They were playing monopoly and that required a little too much reading for him to play. 
They haven't read together in months. Maybe he's the only one keeping track. 
He still tells them about the transparent people and now he tells them about the shadowy people but now they simply nod out of time with what he says. They used to be better at pretending and nodding in time with what he said. 
His dad got mad at him once when he started crying about the shadow people when they were at the market. He shook him, just a little, just enough to make him feel woozy, looking red with embarrassment. Ruta felt bad about it. He felt really horrible about  embarrassing his dad that he decided never to mention them again even when they got too close. 
The good news is he now had Count Von Bon Bon who listened and read aloud to him. He wasn't allowed inside the house because he was such a big bird but when they went outside he kept the shadow things away.  
He doesn’t need anyone else. He’ll be ok. 
If you asked John Constantine how on Earth he found himself in the mess, he'd likely give you a dumbfounded look, shrug, and mumble something about being too sober. 
But in all honesty, how does one find themselves watching their 8-year-old charge about to throw hands with not one but two Green Lanterns who should know better? 
Ruta stood , small and imperious, with his little arm crossed and his head thrown back after a great laugh. "I'd like to see ya do it, dumb carrot headed shit!" 
Guy, looking as red as, well, Sinestro, looks like he's about to deck the kid.  "Oh, I'm gonna,"  
John with all the good sense he's got fumbles over to the tiny terror.  "Sorry 'bout that lil' Ruta 'ere's just a bit nippy from 'avin' to wake up early. Yanno 'ow kids are,” He grabs the kid by his sweater who makes a little squawking noise not too different from his devastatingly posh familiar who would have been really helpful right now.  The kid wriggles a little, trying to claw John's hand away from the sweater.  He pauses and John thinks that maybe, just maybe, the kid had gotten some sense knocked into him.
Unfortunately for him, John Constantine is one unlucky bastard.
With the smarmiest grin plastered on his little face, Ruta slips out of the, admittedly, ill-fitting sweater. The kid basically sprinted back toward the lanterns who, by the way, still looked pissed as all hell. 
"Oh for the love of-" John is honestly going to pop a blood vessel.  He grabs the kid's arm since the kid despite his speed hadn't made it far. 
Ruta did not have the expected reaction.  He froze. Breath seizing. Body going rigid. John thought about letting go but thought better of it. 
Ruta begins to thrash violently and make petulant noises. John rolls eyes even as the kid snarls a few colorful words. "Yer gonna hafta do bettern’ that lad if-"
"Sonuva! Zee, a little help would be appreciated, love,"
"Sorry John, I’ve got no clue about how Maya usually gets him to settle down,"
Well, that helped.
Justice League members gather in bewilderment as they watch Constantine let out a string of curses as he tries to pry Ruta off his arm. The kid's teeth were actually digging into his flesh.  John is pretty sure he would rather be fighting off all the demon's he's encountered over the years than be here, right now, getting his flesh torn.  
Bats and Supes enter the room. Now, John normally didn't give a rat's ass what those two thought but there was a special kind of embarrassment that comes with a tantruming child.  He now had a little more sympathy for people with kids in grocery stores. 
The next few seconds are hard to process. 
Bats discussing something about Earth's defenses with Supes wordlessly walks over to John, pats Ruta on the head,  the kid- miraculously- relinquishes his death grip on John's arm, and in a disturbingly fluid motion Bats scoops him up into his arms, settles Ruta on to his hip, walks back to his conversation as if nothing happened. 
The kid makes a brief distressed noise and a weak attempt at fighting before huffing and wrapping his wreathy little arms around Bats’ neck as Bats rubs circles on his  back. 
God, the kid looked so small all of a sudden. Had Ruta been that tiny this whole time? 
He looked a little relieved aside from his face which was red and screwed up like all his effort  was being devoted to trying not to cry. His breath is still uneven but it was settling down. He’s limp against Bats. For once, he looked like he wasn't about to turn tail and run or to tell someon to fuck off or  bite someone's face off.
Fuck, when was the last time the kid looked so relaxed?
The newer league members watch with a mix of awe and confusion while the older ones shake their head and murmur something about not seeing that in a while. 
It takes a few minutes, the entire conversation actually, for Batman to realize that all his kids are too big for him to comfortably carry like this even with his size. He panics thinking he accidentally kidnapped a young child.  It takes him a moment longer to realize who it is. 
"How the fuck did you manage that?" John finally stiffles out, awe clear in his voice.
Batman glares at John for cursing in front of the kid.
 "Wot? He’s said worse,"
"That’s cus you’re a fucking cunt," Ruta mumbles his cheek still smooshed into Bats' shoulder. Bats looks as stone faced as ever but from the frown tugging at his lips he seemed mortified but he made a grunt that sounded more nostalgic than reprimanding. Batman adjusts his hold on the kid looking like he was honestly debating on whether to keep carrying the kid around and keep working or give him back to the clearly inexperienced Constantine. He decides it was probably best to give him back to Constantine but a part of him just really wanted to keep holding the little one trembling in his arms. When was the last time he held someone this small. It kind of reminded him of when Jason was small right down to the fowl mouth. 
Ruta clearly also doesn't want to let go. Bats is sturdy and surprisingly warm.  He looked like he would cry if he let go. The kid’s knuckles were white from gripping Bats’ cowl for Christ���s sake. Sadly, Igris, his annoyingly posh familiar, shows up from who the fuck knows where. 
 "Little prince, this is no way to behave," He admonishes in an eerie vernacular that was only barely understandable due to exposure. Ruta's face grows hot from embarrassment and with a nod he extricates himself from the caped crusader's arms. 
The kid definitely looks like he's about to cry but he mutters a glum ‘Yes, Count Von Bon Bon’.  
 "Where the bloody hell have you been?" John asked. God, he needed a smoke. 
"I've been watching over Maya as the little prince had asked," John gives him a questioning look. "I got bored" The bird adds, shrugging in an oddly human manner.  
Ruta extricates himself looking sheepish but mostly tired. Kid has probably been stressed and on adrenaline for a while. The sudden feeling of safety just made him crash.  
John hesitantly wraps his arms around the kid. The kid freezes but hugs back hesitantly. John tries to lift the kid but the kid stiffens. John honestly had no idea how to hold this kid. He maneuvered his hands clumsily around the kid. Ruta made no objections but he was clearly uncomfortable. 
 "No. You have to support both of his back and legs. Sometimes you have to lean back a bit to get them to so he leave into you- yeah just like that,"  Bats instructs, sounding oddly gentle. His usual gravel absent. It kind of scared  John, to be honest, so he did his best to follow along.  
At some point, Maya shows up after her ‘date’ with Damian- not much of a date when there are a bunch of people watching you- and finds Bruce coaching John on how to hold a tired elementary schooler who was drooling on John's favorite beige coat. She tried her best to stifle a laugh. Thankfully, she didn't have to try too hard. 
 "EXCUSE ME????? B, since when were you a child whisperer?" Dick exclaims as dramatically as humanly possible. Damian and Tim radiated second hand embarrassment while Jason just plays it like he doesn't know his older brother. Maya guessed that if Bruce wasn't used Dick he would be cringing too. 
 "Nightwing, I've had more than 5 children. I believe I know how to handle children,"  
"Uhuh- sure, B.  Whatever you say,"
Bruce makes a neutral grunting noise. 
"Please tell me you're not adopting that one,"
"Of course no-"
"Yeah sure, B,"
"He's- He's Constantines,"
"Tt, father, you are a terrible influence,"
It is a spectacle to watch Bruce's kids team up on him. 
Maya shakes her head and laughs before heading over to John. 
“Well, bring me a biscuit and call me Christy Bats’ was right” He mutters rocking the feral child.  Ruta’s little arms wrap around him a little tighter. 
“‘Course he is, Christy. He’s Batman,” Maya drawls smiling innocently.
"Please never leave him with me again,"
"Dunno, Christy. Looks like you're doing fine,"
tag list:
@idkmanicantenglish (You said any DC content)
@birdy-bat-writes (You enabler)
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eldritchcryptids · 4 years
2006 - pt.5
Saying Brian was worried about Tim was an understatement.
He wished that after the two weeks of taking care of Tim and making sure he was taking his medicine and such, that his friend would be doing much better. But he wasn’t. Brian could tell when Tim was lying to him, and it was extremely clear that Tim was pretending to be okay. And ever since Brian’s blackout, Tim was getting more distant than he already was.
Brian was sure that his blackout was likely just due to him being disassociated because of stress from recent events. Stress from balancing his school work, working on Alex’s film and taking care of Tim. Despite telling Tim what his theory was, Tim was extremely worried about it. It was extremely clear to Brian that Tim was trying to push him away. He wouldn’t answer any text messages, calls and would refuse to answer the door if Brian would go over. Brian had also heard from Alex that Tim would call him to ask if Brian was going to be on set, and if Alex said yes, Tim would say that he wouldn’t be able to make it.
This had been going on for a while and Brian ended up voicing his concerns to Jay and Alex when they had been hanging out at his place. “It’s just..so weird, right? Tim has never acted like this, not around me at least…” Brian stated, he wanted to know that his worries were understandable. 
Alex shrugged, “It’s definitely strange, but Tim has always been kinda...distant, you know?” 
Jay nodded, “Al’s got a point.” 
“I don’t know...I think something’s up…” The dirty blond male sighed, leaning back in his seat. Alex shrugged, pushing up his glasses.
“What was the reason he gave for his first breakdown that he had? Maybe that could tell us something?” Alex questioned, tilting his head slightly. 
Brian sighed.
“He said he was having these ongoing and recurring nightmares...But that, at least to me, doesn’t make sense? You wouldn’t just push people away because you’re having bad nightmares.” 
“I will admit..that is a weird excuse, but everyone reacts differently, you know?” Jay spoke up, adjusting in his seat, “Uh, but Tim does also have like...depression, or something right? I remember him mentioning something like that..” Brian gave a small nod and Jay hummed, “So maybe those nightmares just..made him really depressed, or something..”
“That could be a reason..” Alex agreed, “Anyway I suggest checking up on him.”
Brian huffed and slumped down into his seat, “How the hell am I supposed to do that? He’s not answering my calls or anythin’..”
“Break into his house.” Alex and Jay said in unison. The two males quickly glanced at eachother.
“Stop copying me.” Alex ordered, flicking Jay’s forehead and knocking off his hat.
“Ow- what the hell, Al.” The shorter male huffed, rubbing his forehead. Brian chuckled before rolling his eyes at his two friends.
“I’d prefer if I had an option that doesn’t revolve around breaking the law.” 
“Breaking into his house is the only option I can think of.” Jay shrugged, putting his hat back on and adjusting it so it fit comfortably.
“Maybe annoy him to the point until he has to open the door.” The glasses wearing male suggested and Brian sighed.
“I’ve done that. He didn’t crack.”
“Damn...Breaking in is your only option then.” Alex said and Jay nodded in agreement.
“I am not breaking into Tim’s house.” Brian scoffed.
“I’m going to have to break in aren’t I?” Brian muttered, slumping himself against the front door of Tim’s home. He had knocked on the door for what felt like half an hour and only got a “Go away, Brian” from Tim. So, Brian knew he was home. But that was already clear due to Tim’s parked car.
Brian sighed, glancing around to make sure no one was around to see him. Brian did not want the police to roll up because a neighbour called for them because they saw a blond college kid acting suspicious. He began circling Tim’s house, looking for any windows that were cracked open, but none were and all the curtains were shut. Brian sighed, beginning to check to see if any of the windows near the living room were unlocked.
He nearly gave up, but one eventually slid up a bit. Brian blinked in surprise before he broke out grinning and he began sliding open the window. Brian climbed his way into the living room and his feet made a small ‘thud’ onto the floor once he got in. None of the lights in the house were on and the floor was littered with garbage, cigarette buts and barely closed cardboard boxes. Brian frowned, beginning to make his way to Tim’s bedroom. He kept his eyes on the ground to make sure he didn’t fall over any of the boxes as he walked to the bedroom.
Once he got there, he knocked on the door. It was quiet and Brian knocked again, “Tim? It’s Brian.” He announced, placing his hand on the doorknob. Luckily for Brian, Tim’s room didn’t have a lock on it, or else he knew that Tim would’ve had his door locked.
“...How’d you get in Brian? Go away.” Tim spoke up, voice clearly rough and Brian frowned, not going away and beginning to open the door. Tim’s room was just as dark as the rest of his house and the whole bedroom was completely packed up and empty besides for a mattress and cardboard boxes. Brian frowned, feeling the wall for the light switch. Once he found it, he flicked it on and the room filled with light.
Tim, who was curled up on the mattress, flinched and curled up more into himself at the suddenness of the light. “Tim, what are you doing?” Brian asked, scanning the nearly empty room.
“Go away.” Tim ordered again, keeping his back towards Brian. Brian frowned, crossing his arms and walking over to the mattress.
“I am not leaving, why is everything packed up?” Brian asked and Tim stayed quiet. Brian sighed, glancing around again before looking back at the curled up male, “Tim, I’m worried about you, what’s wrong?”
“...I have to leave.” 
“I’m gonna be moving.”
Brian furrowed his eyebrows, “What? Why?”
“I have to...It’s for the best.” Tim mumbled, “You should leave.”
Brian sank down to sit on the mattress and he patted Tim’s legs, “What do you mean it’s for the best, Tim?”
“I…” Tim mumbled, shrugging, “It just is.”
“I’m…” Tim paused before sighing, “Brian, you should just leave…” 
“No.” Brian stubbornly refused, adjusting to look at Tim, “What’s wrong?” Tim stayed quiet and the blond sighed, “Please tell me what’s wrong..”
Tim shook his head, “Just leave.”
“Stop telling me to leave, I’m not going to leave until you tell me what’s wrong, please?” Brian said, “I’m not buying it that this is just you suffering from a recurring nightmare. I’m no specialist, but I’m sure that no recurring nightmare causes someone to want to pack up and skip town.”
Tim was quiet for a few seconds before sighing, adjusting and sitting up, but kept his eyes downcast, “Uhm..My mom, she..um, called me a while ago...And she’s really sick and I’m planning on moving up north so, uh, I can be closer to her, for a while at least, you know?”
“I thought you weren’t close with either of your parents..?”
“Uhm, I’m not...But, you know, I should probably try to be, you know? May be the last chance I’ve got.” Tim shrugged and Brian nodded, giving the male another pat.
“Right..Well, you’ll keep in contact right?” Brian questioned and Tim nodded, twisting his hair around one of his fingers.
“I’ll try.” Tim mumbled, “...Can you...please leave now?”
Brian hesitated before nodding, slowly standing up, “You promise you’ll keep in contact right?”
“I will.” Tim watched Brian leave and he slumped over once he heard the front door shut. He put his head in his hands
He really was a huge liar, huh?
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afni-fics · 3 years
In Hindsight: Chapter 6: Eight Years Ago... One Bad Day
In Hindsight: Chapter 6: Eight Years Ago... One Bad Day by C_R_Scott Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Tam Fox, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Janet Drake & Tim Drake, Jack Drake & Tim Drake, Lucius Fox/Tanya Fox, Tim Drake & Tam Fox Characters: Tim Drake, Tam Fox, Janet Drake, Jack Drake, Lucius Fox, Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Family Drama, Family Secrets, Family Feels, Childhood Friends, Childhood Trauma, Childhood Memories, Childhood Sweethearts, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Good Parent Janet Drake, Bad Parent Jack Drake, no beta we die like robins, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Story Summary: What if Tim Drake was originally raised by his maternal grandmother for the first eight years of his life due to "circumstances" involving his biological parents? What if Tim's grandmother was also the next door neighbor and occasional sitter for Lucius Fox's family?
Chapter Summary: 9-year old Tim Drake had been staying with his parents, Jack and Janet, for the better part of three weeks following the hospitalization of his grandmother due to a serious illness. While he loved having this rare extended length of time with his Mom and Dad, he still missed his Nana, their home, and his friends in the neighborhood. She'd been in the hospital so long... She should have been getting better soon... Then they could both go home while Mom and Dad went on their next archaeological trip.
However, all it took is one bad day to change the course of his life.
Click... Whirrr...
Click... Whirrr...
Click... Whirrr...
Nine-year-old Timothy Drake looked at his mother expectantly as she picked up one of his Polaroid photos that had finally finished developing.
Janet Drake's eyes brightened as she looked over the photo her son had taken of the ancient Mesopotamian vase she'd unpacked from her most recent archaeological dig with Jack. She beamed at her child with undisguised pride. "This is really good!" 
"Really?!" Tim asked, his blue eyes brightening with delight as he watched his mother tape the photo into place alongside her notes cataloging the vase in her work journal. He slung the camera around his neck by its strap and crawled over to where his mom welcomed him over with open arms so he could get a closer look at the page with her notes, written with an graceful cursive hand. Janie tugged him into an easy comfortable hug as soon as he was within reach, nuzzling his hair affectionately until he pulled away giggling from the ticklish sensation. "Momma! Stop!" 
His mother's smile was full of love and mischief, but she finally relented. "Oh fine!," she said with a heavy amount of faux drama in her tone and an obvious pout as she release her grip to allow him to pull away.
"Really?" Tim asked, his head tilted to a curious angle.
"Mmmm... Nope!" was all the warning Tim got before Janie pounced again and pulled him into another nearly smothering hug and kissed the top of his head, causing him to shriek with delighted laughter as his weak attempts to escape were completely ineffective. In the end, fighting his mother's affection was not something he had it in his heart to do for very long. Eventually, their laughter died down as he laid down with his head on his mother's lap, sighing with contentment as she carded her elegant long fingertips through his hair.
As much as he loved living with his Nana, Tim cherished these special moments alone with his Mom that were so few and far between year after year. His parents were out of the country so much because of their work. Normally when they were back in the country, it was only for a week or two at most.
"What's going on here?"
Both Janet and Tim froze when a new voice joined the living room. The two looked up from their places on the floor at Jack Drake, who was leaning against the doorway.
"Oh, hi Dad!" Tim said cheerfully with a more demure smile as he sat up to address his father, not noticing how Janet's hands stayed wrapped subtly around him, continuing to hold him close.
"Just cataloging the latest shipment from our last dig," Janet said impassively with a slight shrug of her shoulders and her expression aloof. "Timber was helping me with photographs for the journal."
Jack regarded the several Polaroid photos resting on the table with the Mesopotamian vase. "Is that a fact?" he asked as he sauntered into the room, getting closer to the two of them.
Even as Tim unconsciously leaned closer to his father, sitting up straighter and drawn out of his mother's embrace, Janet pulled her hands reluctantly back into her lap, one hand folded neatly over the other, while her sharp blue eyes stayed on her husband and watched every move he made.
There was a tense moment of silence in the air between the three of them as Jack picked up one of his son's photos to review. His eyes flickered between the vase and the photograph. "Not bad," he finally said with a small smile of approval. "The image is in frame and in focus, the balance between light and shadow isn't bad, and the quality is fairly decent for a simple Polaroid." He handed the photo to his son, who regarded him with wide-eyed amazement. "Good job."
"Wow! Thanks Dad!" Tim said brightly, practically glowing at the rare praise. Marginally, Janet relaxed the tension in her hands and released the breath she'd been holding.
Jack nodded. "C'mon over here. Let me show you what else to take pictures of on a piece like this." 
For about twenty minutes, Jack had his son's undivided attention as he instructed Tim on what details deserved close-up shots on the vase and several other pieces Janet had unpacked earlier. He also offered several detailed critiques on a couple of earlier photos that had not turned out well at all, explaining exactly how he thought they went wrong and how to avoid such errors in the future. If the boy had wilted a bit under the heavy-handed criticisms, his father didn't seem to notice.
All the while, Janet was silent and off to the side as she busied herself with unpacking the other boxes and making her notes, though she kept a weather eye on both her husband and her son. 
As Jack was helping Tim line up a new shot of a statue that Janet had just unboxed, a phone rang. Jack reached into his pocket and glanced at the screen. "I need to take this," he said as he rose to his feet and made his way out of the living room. While Tim's focus was completely absorbed on the statue he was photographing for his father, Janet's eyes followed Jack until he was completely out of view. Only when he was gone did she fully relax.
For about ten minutes, all was right in their world. Tim was happily snapping photographs without a care in the world. Janet was watching over her son with a content smile on her face as he occasionally came over to share his better shots with her for the journal.
Everything was fine.
Then everything wasn't.
"Janet," Jack's voice cut through the peaceful quiet of the living room. Both mother and son looked up to see him standing in the doorway again. This time, he did not re-enter it. There was also something in the tone of man's voice that seemed... off. "We need to talk."
Tim, who'd been kneeling beside his mother, pressed against her side as they compared which photo to add to the journal next, noticed Janet stiffen at the sound of her name. "Momma?" However, when the boy glanced at her face, her expression was reassuring as looked at him and stroked his hair. 
"It's alright, Timber," she said softly before pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. Then she glanced around until she zeroed in on a small crate that was opened, but hadn't been unpacked. "Can you do me a favor?"
Janet pulled the crate closer. "This box has a bunch of broken pieces that we think makes up flat relief sculpture." She reached in and pulled a shard of red stone about the size of Janet's palm that had the partial image of what looked like a lion's head. "Can you unpack this and see if you can't start fitting some of the pieces together? I know how good you are with puzzles." She smiled at her son.
And Tim smiled back with a nod. "Okay!"
As soon as she knew her son was preoccupied, Janet rose to her feet and followed her husband out of the living room.
   Piecing together the relief sculpture kept Tim busy for quite awhile. He didn't realize how long, though, until his stomach rumbled. The boy lifted his head from the halfway completed puzzle and blinked owlishly at the clock sitting on a nearby end table. It was at least a good hour past their usual lunchtime and neither his mother nor his father had returned to the living room yet.
Sitting back on his heels, Tim looked around uneasily. The spacious room suddenly seemed too big, too cold, and too quiet for just him. He was suddenly reminded of how different his parent's spacious immaculate, almost antiseptic English manor-style house was from his Nana's smaller, Victorian-styled cottage. Back there, every room was filled with signs of life. Nana's knitting or sewing projects sat on the sofa or at her favorite window seat. Music from the radio or a show on the TV was filtering in from one room or another. Tim's toys and books were scattered haphazardly here and there. The wonderful aromas of homecooked meals or baked goods were always wafting on the air. 
Suddenly, Tim felt very homesick. He loved his parents very much, but he really didn't like their home, especially when he was alone.
"Mom? Dad?"
There was no answer to his nervous calls.
His interest in the relief sculpture completely gone for now, Tim got to his feet and tried to ignore the queasy feeling in his stomach as he walked out of the living room and into the hallway. 
Tim wandered down the hall, peeking into the adjoining rooms but not seeing his parents anywhere. They weren't in his father's office or the kitchen or the dining room. A momentary spike of fear stabbed through the boy's heart. 
"Did they leave me?!"
But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he shoved it into the furthest recesses of his mind with a shake of his head.
"No. If they left the house the security system would've beeped. It always beeps if someone goes in or out."
Tim finally noticed his parents' bedroom at the far end of the hallway, just across the hall from his own bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and light from the room cut into the dimly lit hallway. And, much to the boy's relief, he heard the sound of voices coming from inside.
"Mom? Dad?" 
Tim knocked on the door before entering, but the action also served to nudge the door further open inward. Normally he wouldn't dare to intrude upon his parents in their bedroom and invite his father's ire, but he was too uneasy and desperate to not be alone in that great big house anymore.
Unfortunately, the uneasy feeling did not dissipate once the door was open. 
Jack and Janet were both in the bedroom, but something was very wrong. His mother was in his father's arms, sobbing softly with one hand clamped over her mouth to muffle the sound even as Jack stroked her hair in a comforting gesture. He did spare a quick glance at his son, eyes narrowed slightly with irritation for a split moment at the unexpected intrusion before disappearing with a blink into a more neutral expression.
Tim would've been immediately cowed by the brief look his father shot him, except he was more alarmed by the state his mother was in. "Momma?! What's wrong?!" Despite his own growing distress, Tim didn't dare enter the bedroom without being invited. He looked immediately to his father. "Dad?!"
Jack sighed as he glanced away from his son, turning his visual attention to the still crying woman in his arms who was trying desperately to regain some semblance of self-control. "It's your grandmother," Jack said distantly. "I just got a call from the hospital."
"Nana?" Tim whispered as he felt his chest tighten uncomfortably, and the earlier queasiness in his stomach intensified. "Why did the hospital call? Is she still sick? Does she have to stay longer?"
"Oh baby," Janet whimpered as she turned her red-rimmed eyes to Tim. She pulled herself away from Jack's embrace and reached out for her son. Jack stepped back as the boy cautiously walked into the room and reluctantly filled the space in his mother's arms. 
After Janet gave him a small nod and motioned with her eyes toward the door, Jack nodded back and exited the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Though the heavy wooden barrier muffled most of the sound, he knew the moment his wife delivered the tragic news to their son, a completely indifferent expression on his face to the sound of his child's heartbroken sobs as he walked back to the living room to finish the last of the cataloging that had been interrupted. 
Author's Notes:
Author's Note: I took the title of this chapter "One Bad Day" partially from a concept introduced by the Batman storyline "The Killing Joke". The idea is that all it took was "one bad day" in their respective lives to create both the Batman and the Joker. Of course, Bruce Wayne's "one bad day" was the murder of his parents. Who knows what Joker's true "one bad day" was, though there are several possibilities in canon.
In this AU, Tim Drake's "one bad day" was when he was told his grandmother had died and he was suddenly and cruelly ripped from her care and forced into the care of his parents, not knowing his father was a manipulative abusive liar. If it hadn't been for that event, Tim would have never been set on the path that would lead him to becoming the third Robin and joining Bruce Wayne's war on the crime and all the grief that followed him afterwards.
#tim drake#tam fox#tim/tam#red robin#fanfiction#wip#rr: in hindsight#batfam#batfamily#lucius fox#bruce wayne
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Nightmare Time Episode 1 Review: The Hatchetfield Ape-Man/Watcher World
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I take a look at the first episode of Starkid’s new show Nightmare Time! Starkid, returns for a zoomcast, bringing back the casts of both Hatchefield plays for an anthology series of science fiction double feature picture shows! This week’s tales of terror:
The Hatchefield Ape-Man: A british heiress gets romanced by a shaved bigfoot with the help of everyone’s favorite kooky college professor. Forgotten fiances, murder and described nudity naturally insue. 
Watcher World: Bill and Alice return as Bill drags his daughter to a kitschy theme park for a day of family fun, which Alice enjoys and is as respectful about as much as you’d expect. As you’d also expect given Bill’s general luck, things take a turn for the Shining real quick. Spoilers and full review under the cut. 
Well this was a nice suprise. With the ongoing pandemic I genuinely did not think Starkid would be back anytime soon. Having just gotten back into them this years after several years of forgetting they existed via the Hatchetfield plays, I was pretty bummed, if understanding. So last week’s announcment of not only this series but a full scripted series from their sister production company the tin bros was a HUGE shot of happy I needed in this troubling times. Still need to watch spies are forver love the soundtrack nto important. 
Point is the Lang Brothers and their merry band of actors found a way to continue on via  format I didn’t realize existed outside of table reads but is a nice way to do things: The Zoomcast, basically a podcast done live on zoom, with the actors in plainclothes for the most part, with one person, in this case Nick Lang, reading out descriptions of what’s going on. Being a starkid production this also has musical director Matt Bohm playing accompaniment and pretaped if still via the actor’s own camera musical numbers. Overall while i’ts an understandably cheap production, only what costumes the actors have on hand and most props mimed, it WORKS, allowing for way more elaborate set pieces than the stage would allow and is anchored by Lang’s impeccable descriptions and the cast’s amazing as always acting really making the stories pop.  So things worked on a technical level despite having the barest of bones to work with. But did it work on a story level? Well yes, but if I ended my reviews with just that i’d have less than the 3 or 4 fans I do have, so without further ado, it’s nightmare time! The Intro: 
Now normally in my reviews I don’t talk about the intro because I come in mid way or because I just didn’t think to. This is an exception since 
A) I should be doing that anyway or at least when I cover a show’s first episode since intro’s are sometimes one of the most memorable parts of a show 
B) It’s a full musical number that’s been stuck in my head since the trailer for this series and has now set up an apartment there.  C) This series is a musical, if not to the same degree as the two plays before it, so it’d be weird NOT to talk about it’s signature song. 
So with that out of the way the intro.. is fucking impressive. Seriously taking disparate videos with probably as much as the directions “Sing this part of the song and be kind of creepy or alluring or whatever” and making it really flow? Good work, both to the starkids for bringing their a game to it as always and to Nick and Matt really did a good job   editing this together, musically and visually to be an abolute jawdrop. And somehow finding utterly stunning stock image animations that none of us realized were stock footage but still fit the tone perfectly. Just great stuff.  Some stray notes: Mariah is absolutely stunning in both voice and apperance in this, John Matheson’s bit as paul was great, and Jeff Blim of course got a great bit with his always astounding hair blowing in the breeze with him at full high pitch. Just an utterly great intro, and for Starkid’s first series in over a decade, and really ever but semantics, they really brought it. Good stuff. Onto the actual episode content. 
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The Hatchetfield Ape-Man: Lucy, a british heiress played by Angela Giarratana, was saved by the legendary “Hatchefield Ape-Man”.. who apparently has a hyphen like spider-men because while sasquatches can do that. Point is she’s come back every year in the hopes of reuniting with her savior but has so far failed.  But as Lucy prepares to leave from this year’s failed expedition, an old friend finally gives her what she needs... old friend to us to her she’s just some grey haired lunatic who showed up out of the mist. Which while accurate, dosen’t quite quantify everyone’s favorite playwright/college professor/murderous psychopath/composer.
Yes at long last Professor Hidgens has returned! I honestly didn’t expect the anthology to bring in such a huge fan faviorite so soon. I mean I expected returning characters, mostly because the project allows old faviorites to come back for their own stories or for the stars of the musicals to get a chance at a much happier ending... there’s a lot of potetial there. That and let’s face it “Jane’s a Car” is a pretty dead giveaway it’s going to be about Tom’s dead wife and Tim’s dead mother coming back in horrible mash up of christine and my mother the car. Maybe. I could be wrong. I also doubt many of you know what my mother the car is and to that I say it’s an old sitcom i’m honestly suprised I know exists and know nothing about other than the title and it being about a son’s mom’s ghost possesing his car apparently. Well that and it was the basis for this. 
Point is, while I expected some returns, I wasn’t expecting one this large and this bombastic so soon, but BOY was it welcome.  So getting back on track after all that, HIdgens seemingly takes Lucy to meet her ape man, who goes by the name Klonk, played by everyone’s faviorite sexy caveman Joey Richter. Also it’s adorable he and Lauren share a streaming screen. I know practicality and all that but their engagment is genuinely a sweet thing to hear about at a time when the world’s going down the toilet fast. Fun Fact: I pegged the Ape-Man was either going to be Jeff or Joey, leaning towards Jeff, though given my love of Joey I wasn’t disapointed with him, especially with the twist... but I was EXASTIC to learn the answer was basically “Both.. kinda?”. But yeah Lucy soon bonds with the ape man, with HIdgens encouraging her since it’s more than he’s gotten out of Klonk in 11 months of looking after the guy, and this way they can get him to learn enough to decide what he wants for himself. 
So a few months, and some romantic bonding between woman and ape-man, pass but a wrench is thrown into Klonk’s wooing and attempt to tell lucy he loves her: Jonathan, Lucy’s just now mentioned fiance and royal dickhead played by Kurt Mega. And credit where it’s do whlie he clearly didn’t have to dress up, he did have a nice 50′s monster movie british person suit he put on.  Lucy is now conlficted and what not even though Jonathan is kind of an asshole who just wants to drag her back home. And i’ts not like Lucy didn’t keep in touch: she sent him texts and probably called, so i’ts not like he didn’t know she was here. He’s also a hunter for extra dick points as if he needed them.  Naturally when meeting his romantic rival he’s a dick.. but raises some valid questions: While Hidgens claim he shaved Konk due to lesions, there’s no mark of lesisons or the shaving. But his natural dickheadedness shines through and Jonathan talks about shooting Klonk before lucy takes his ring off and throws it and Jonathan goes after her.  Annnnd yeah turns out the disposable dickhead fiance for once is RIGHT. In a twist I did not remotley see coming but damn if it wasn’t clever, Klonk.. is Ted from TGWDLM and the plan was to seduce lucy with this con, marry her and then bump her off. It’s a hell of a twist and cleverly hidden since Joey’s such a starkid mainstay, it’s not a huge suprise he was Klonk and thus easily hid the fact he was also Ted. It’s clever stuff and pivots the story nicely. 
Ted is naturally a douchey as ever, going along with Hidgen’s plan to have him marry lucy then kill her and take her dough for themselves.. and unsuprisingly, so Hidgens can get Workin Boys off the ground. Granted there are easier ways to do this with the same scooby doo scheme: Just have HIdgens plan working boys casually, have Klonk really love it and being the sweetheart she is LUcy would fiance the thing just to make them both happy. I mean he can still marry her and ted can still have direct acess to her money if they want, it’s just an easier way that dosen’t shine supscion on the caveman who looks exactly like a local douchebag who everyone he’s met would testify against him. I mean would Paul and Bill REALLY be that suprised that Ted did this? 
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Exactly. Then again neither of our “heroes’ Here is very bright, and this scheme only works because Lucy is clearly very sweet, very naive, and very much wants a romantic evening with an ape man after all this time and effort searching, so she wants to believe him. So the fact the best they could come up with is something out of Scooby Doo is unsuprisng but still great.  However things take a turn for the
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Pretty quick as Hidgens takes disposable british douche fiance hunting.. then kills the guy after freely admiting he’s a fraud in what’s an INCREDIBLY chilling scene. Seriously it’s amazing how Robert takes a character as loveably redicilous, even his evil and murderous plan during TGWDLM was still hilariously rediclous, and makes him UTTERLY TERRIFYING. Even when dropping my fair lady refrences. Amazing stuff.  So the next day, after Konk “asks” what an engagment is and what not, we then get Lucy wondering just WHERE jonathan is and we get the second biggest laugh of the night as Hidgens gives us the iconic line of “Oh he left... said something about you being crazy and going back to london and basically to go fuck yourself. “. Naturally Lucy has followup questions and goes to find out while Ted, also naturally, isn’t exactly pleased when he finds out his partner in crime did a murder on someone. 
Ted may be a sleazy dickhead.. but even he sees maybe murdering a rich british person who just came here, went basically ONLY to this one location, and whose probably got many people who will misss him, one of whom is their primary target, is kinda dumb. Then again this is a plan that hinges on someone who could easily be identified, as he has or at least probably had an office job and three coworkers who know him, assuming a false identity to marry someone for their money. But again we’re dealing with a guy who thinks working boys is marketable to anyone who isn’t a starkid, and a moron who soon says he does his best thinking while erect. They only got this far because their target REALLY wants to fuck a sasquatch, is sweet but naive and well Ted IS still joey richter, and no longer has the porn stache so there you go.  Ted decides to cut Hidgens out of things.. partly because you know, he killed a person, and partly because instead of killing Lucy, Ted realized he honeslty has a LOT to gain by simply marrying her and staying married. He gains a hot rich wife (his word’s not mine, but angie is genuinely beautiful so fair point), a mansion, and while Hidgens points out the obvious, he has to stay Konk.. that’s actually appealing to Ted as he feels better as Konk, not just because he impresses an attractive woman for doing basic stuff, but because he feels better as Konk. This is.. an intresting turn for Ted i genuinely like. It shows that Ted may, as much as he presents with bluster and ego, actually LIKE the kind of shithead he knows he is. I mean looking at his life he has two workmates who calling them friends is a bit of a stretch, and one who he’s having an affair with but seems detemrined to make her doomed marriage to an even bigger asshole work. He really dosen’t have much as ted so it’s easy to see why being Konk is better: He’s a better person as him who actually has someone who cares about him.  Naturally Hidgens takes this as well as you’d expect and when Ted/Konk tries proposing he goes with the logical option for taking the fourtune for himself:
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Yes really. Hidgens strips naked, and swings his arms around like an orangutan to try and convince Lucy he’s the real hatchetfield apeman. Sadly this dosen’t mean we get a shirtless robert manion as he needs to keep the turtleneck on for later, but the mental image.. I had to pause the video for a good minute to laugh over it. Just everything about it from it somehow being a dumber plan than his scheme this episode, to the orangutan swaying to just.. everything. It’s fucking genius.  But Higdens has more than a mighty penis to compete with Ted.. he reveals ted’s phone and Ted ends up revealing himsef by telling Hidgens to go fuck himself. Naturally Lucy is distraught and tries to leave and the professor pulls out his shotgun to threaten her into financing his musical because of course it’s about workin boys. Lucy tries to run, Hidgens tries to shoot.. and ted , doing the first good thing in his entire life, takes the bullet.  Lucy gets ted out of there then locks the door behind them, and we get the SCARIEST bit in this segment as Hidgens leans into the camera, simulating the peep hole of the vault door to the ape man inclosure and begs her to let him out. It’s some real Jack Nicholson in the Shining stuff and it’s utterly terrifying, but it’s also an amazing bit of acting. Nice job Rob.  So ted bleeds out, as much as Lucy wants to save him he knows he’s not going to make it and prefers to die as Konk, finally happy with himself. And I just realized everyone at Paul’s job is horribly miserable. I mean good god, Paul himself has serious depression issues judging by “Let it Out”, Ted clearly hates himself, Charlotte is in a horrible marriage and Bill just got out of one and has a strained realtionship with his daughter we’ll get into more in a bit. I mean honestly, Mr. Davidson is the only one of them who really dosen’t need therapy.. he just needs to tell his wife he wants her to choke him while he jerks off. For as ungodly hilarious as that line is he’s probably the most well adjusted person there. Go figure. 
Naturally being already insane, Hidgens breaks out, still naked mind, and chases after Lucy. Also noticable is apparently some people thought hidgens was manipulated by the blue shit hive mind in TGWDLM. Which.. no. I do love the guy dont’ get me wrong.. but it was very obvious both from the way his musical number was done compared to the rest of the ones in the musical, and his actions that was entirely him, and his playing the music was so he could join, especially since we don’t see the hive mind use any mind manupluation on anyone else. Regular manipulation sure as seen with you tied up my heart and not your seed, manipulating charoltte into freeing her asshole husband so he could infect her and torturing bill for funsies. Just something to get out of the way. Point is he was always crazy we just now have him chasing an innocentish woman with his dong hanging out to prove it.  He eventually catches her as Lucy catches herself in one of his bear traps when she hits the woods, because he had those for some reason.. and he has a resonable way out: Just give her the 30,000 dollars he needs for his musical. Thing is she dosen’t have the money.. or hardly any. She spent all of it trying to find the ape man and was marrying jonathan for his money and him for her title. And while it is a bit skeezy, it’s very clear both were using each other and likely knew it, and Lucy still comes out the most moral of our cast here.. granted it’s not a big stretch as hidgens is criminally insane, ted’s a skeeze and Jonathan.. well he’s just a diiiiiiccckkkk. It’s not hard is what i’m saying.. much like hidgen’s dick flopping around in the rain. But yeah he dosen’t take it well, Lucy goes up a tree, which is apparently something Becky did once. But before Lucy can die at the hands of a naked thespian, the REAL Ape-Man shows up and tears Hidgen’s arms off, taking lucy in his own arms afterwords and revealing he remembers her. The two hit it off instantly, it turns out his name is chumby in an excellent gag as that was what Hidgens wanted his fake ape man to be named but Ted froze, and go off into the night together. Awww.. what if a naked ape man played by my boy jeff blim and a british person can’t work who can? 
We then close out the segment with a cameo appearance by Jamie Lynn Beatty, who while not part of the cast for this double feature, does get a fun showtune about the ape man. Also fun fact that i found out here on tumblr: That costume is from something Jamie did in HIGH SCHOOL. As in well over a decade ago. Like holy shit, good for her. She looks great in it. But yeah it’s a fun song and a nice way to close it out.  Final Thoughts on the Hatchetfield Ape-Man: This was a great way to start things off. This one was more in line with starkids pre-hatchetfield work, a goofy story with some hidden depth inside. And like the guy who didn’t like musicals it was utterly terrifying in spots so yeah good stuff ,utterly hilarous and a great way to bring back some old faviorites while giving us a neat new protaganist. Good stuff. 
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Watcher World:
Now from a mostly comedy with a horrifying ending to just.. pure unfiltered horror and depression! It’s Watcher World! Bill and Alice are back! And given I love Mariah Rose Faith and Corey Dorris, I was exastic to find this was what the second segment was about.. mostly because I had no idea Starkid had teasers for the episodes on their instagram, or I would’ve known Hidgens was coming. I wouldn’t of known he’d be stark naked for the last third of his story but still, pleasant surprise.
So Bill and Alice are spending the day at Watcher World, a run down amusement park on the edge of town. It’s Alice’s last weekend before College so Bill’s trying to reconnect with her by cramming a good old fashioned family vacation down her throat. Alice is less than enthused, both because she clearly resents her dad in general, and because Deb is throwing a huge rager on the same night. My honest interpretation of that is that Deb fully inteded for her girlfriend to come but Bill sprung this on Alice at the last minute and being pretty oblivious and hating Deb, either didn’t care about taking alice from one last night with her friends and girlfriend or didn’t generally think that through. I mean don’t get me wrong normally i’d side with a parent not wanting their daughter to attend a huge teen rager on their last weekend together.. but it’s also Alice’s last weekend in town for some time, and it’s likely a saturday.. so he has another day, and presumibly had friday before this and while things with his ex wife are tense, fighting for an extra day with her would be understandable and i’ts not like Alice, even if she hates Bill, would really fight him on getting an extra day in the town she didn’t want to leave. 
But that’s what I really like about this one that it’s layered. While Alice is slightly more in the right, she’s still shutting her dad out, refusing to let him follow her on instagram (though he does agree with her keeping it private as he dosen’t want Ted perving on her, which tracks, or Ted’s brother doing it which.. wait what?), and being on her phone the whole time to very clearly spite him and rub how much she dosen’t want to be there in her dad’s face. She dosen’t WANT to be at watcher world but instead of trying to talk to her Dad just wants to complain and apparenlty has on all their vacations.. it’s easy to see why Bill is annoyed by his daughter at times and thinks he has to FORCE HER to have fun with him, because otherwise she’d gladly ignore him for their entire weekends together for Deb. She’s so determined to punish her dad for the divorce, that she refuses to see on some level he IS trying, and is just sad about her leaving, and possibly leaving him forever and alone with nothing else in his life but his buddy Paul, whose getting married next week so that’s probably not helping.  On the other hand the reason I say Alice is more in the right is that well.. Bill’s a grown ass men. And while, speaking for himself, grown ass men don’t always make the right decisions, and not speaking for myself neither do fathers... Alice’s acting out is understandable coming from an 18 year old whose been through hell over the last year, having her parents divorce being forced to move, loosing her friends. Bill however just kind of uses her age and angst as an excuse to undermine and belittle her feelings. Because he doesn’t like deb for the very stupid reasons of she does pot, instead of assuring her that Deb wouldn’t cheat on Alice with Deb’s former crush Zigg, starkid’s first non binary character in a nice show that Nick Lang wasn’t just covering his ass when he said there’d be more representation in starkid, which in his defense I didn’t doubt him on but it’s still nice he did so at the earliest opportunity and very clearly plans to use Zigg if he can find a nonbinary actor for them. 
But yeah instead of assuring his daughter, Bill is just like “well sometimes relationships don’t work out” which while true is clearly his self serving way of trying to get Alice to break up with someone he dosen’t like. INstead of supporting her in her dreams of writing plays, one of which was good enough to get her a scholarship, he tries to act like she has no plans for her future and get her to be a doctor for more security, even though having a secure job has done.. no one at his office including him favors. I mean again, the most stable and happy person at the office is the guy in charge, and even he can’t tell his wife he wants her to choke him out at night. He wants her to choke him, he wants her to choke him while he jerks off, he wants her to choookeeee himmm while heeeee jerrrkssss offfff. 
While part of this seems to be that Deb plans to be a starving artist who can mooch off her parents in a pinch, Alice GENUINELY seems to have a full plan for her life. I do get his worrying about her future.. but she’s a smart kid. A bit of a brat but she knows what she wants clealry and clearly has talent. He’s just projecting his own fears on her. He also refuses to accept any responsibility in the divorce.. his hating his ex wife IS valid, as she took his daughter away, uprooted her life a year before graduation and spends gobs of money on impressive outings, the latter two seemingly just to spite him when honestly, it’d of made more sense for Alice to stay with Bill for the year before she graduates and been better for her. However, Bill still doesn’t take responsibly that he too is shoving fun down her throat to try and win her over, hates her girlfriend and refuses to treat her with any respect, and really DOSEN’T know Alice all that well. As we learn during their fun day she has anxiety, and he never knew about it. And the divorce isn’t really an excuse when he had years before that.  It’s the real problem of their relationship: Bill feels ENTITLED to a good father daughter relationship, but isn’t working at it and blames his ex wife or Alice for it instead of himself. While Alice isn’t an innocent as i’ve made clear, putting up walls and not telling dad things, given bill ignores her when she DOES try to tell him about her life, it’s easy to see she’s just given up. If he won’t listen why bother. Which yeah i’ve found myself there with my own dad from time to time. Bill’s not a bad person, he genuinely loves Alice, as he says “to the moon and back”, but it’s very clear from this outing he still loves the little girl who loved him unconditionally and not the complicated and mopey adult sh’es become, and dosen’t WANT to adapt to that and fears once she leaves for college she’ll avoid him for good, which isn’t unfounded. It’s a good, complex rich dynamic.  Naturally with.. all this I covered up front instead of sprinkling it throughout, the day doesn’t go great, with Alice utterly miserable most of the time, and ending up in a goofy novelty t-shirt due to a log ride. She also has an unsettling encounter with park mascot Blinky, our newest adorable abomination, who not only shows up the moment she does something bad on camera but also stares at her ass, which.. Paul you mind coming back for a second?
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Thank you. They end up at the Watch Party, a cheesy kids show musical because Bill apparently equates this with his daughter loving musicals. I mean granted cheesy kids stage shows can be rad just listen to this. 
But I get Alice’s annoyance here. Thus we get the return of the sniggles, who apparently serve whatever eldrich deity is around this week and our first song of this segment, The Blinky Song. Which is catchy as hell as well as hilariously dark (”I’m so hungry”), and uses the stock footage well, as I could buy a cheap theme park ran by an eldtirch eye goblin using stock footage. But yeah it establishes Blinky as always watching and kinda fucked up.  Also the sniggles are now clearly the smurgs with Angie’s now being named Sniglette, Jeff being papa Sniggle and James being Snigglotts. However Sniglette considers leaving with another song with a long string of words. Then, things get.. dark as the rest of the sniggles don’t want her to leave and try and mob her, and then Papa Sniggle accidently wings her with a mallet and apparenlty injures the actual performer, before everyone’s ushered out and the usher pretends nothing happened. Good mind screw horror stuff. 
Alice and Bill then bicker a bit with my above point being made as Alice TRIES to get Bill to accept some respoinablity but he refuses and blames her mom. It’s now time for the Tear-Jerker, the reason they came. Bill’s buddy Paul says someone died. They also find three other people waiting in line and when one goes to the bathroom the other two start making out which.. yeah, dosen’t help Alice’s worry Deb’s going to cheat on her. So she takes the first single rider pass she can, with Bill worming his way in as to not let her get away.  The two naturally end up fighting on the Tear-Jerker before it stops up high, and ends up stalled, with the gloriously returning Nerdy Kid played by Joey from Black Friday being as helpful as usual. Seriously bless them for bringing him back. Man in a Hurry also showed up again, bless him too. Alice picks this time to reveal her fear of heights and anxiety, and an approaching storm isn’t helping. So Bill.. steps up. He helps ease Alice down taking her phone for her, if loosing it due tot he rain and helping her stay calm. It’s a REALLY nice portrayal of an anxiety attack, with Mariah herself apparently having them and thus portraying it really well. As someone who has them myself it really hits home and Bills calm attempts to help her are really heartwarming, getting her to describe her musical for him and the two bonding. It’s genuinely sweet.  But.. it can’t last, as Alice freaks out about her phone and Bill for once is in the right, as .. he was you know.. trying to save his daughter having a panic attack, and really stepped up given he was obnovious she had anxiety in the first place, and managed it well. He then gives the utterly heart stomping line “I love you to the moon and back, but sometime’s it’s really hard to like you. “
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Just damn. So Alice runs off and both find their way to the fairway. Bill tries winning a doll for Alice, getting into a test of strength where he fails repedatly and is constantly mocked by the barker, played by James Tolbert who also played Blinky.. 
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That should be Tolbert’s twitter handle. Anyway point is, Bill keeps trying even as he wracks up 400 dollars in credit card debt, for a 49.95 doll, before eventually the barker and hte crowd’s jeers get to be too much and he does smack it hard, thinking of all of his pent up rage towards alice.. just as the bell at the top takes the shape of alice’s head and explodes.  Bill is naturally horrified by this by the barker assures he loves him.. and that he should totally hobble his daughter misery style to make her not leave him and use the mallet for it.  Meanwhile Alice is at the shooting Gallery not wanting the blinky doll she wins, just blowing off steam when she runs into an old crone played by Lauren Lopez. But this Crone has her phone... which suspiciously has a ton of instagram photos of Deb and Zigg making out while sharing a toke. Granted Deb COULD’VE cheated, but given Alice is insecure, and her phone was given back to her by a witch working for an eye goblin.. yeah maybe just maybe Deb was loyal, and if she wasn’t wouldn’t be dumb enough to put it on instagram. But given Alice is already worked up it’s easy enough for her to beliive that her relationships in danger and if she gets there in time she can stop it and oh look her gun is now a real gun and can help her get the keys.  So yeah it’s time for a creepy as hell Shining-esque showdown, but if both sides were possesed instead of one. It’s.. a CHILLING as hell scene, not helped by Alice wielding a gun again as both fight. I was gripped the entire time and don’t have much to say utter than HOLY SHIT THIS WAS AS TERRIFYING AS IT WAS RIVITING. 
But a crowd gathers as the fight continues.. all with purple eyes which ave been seen on and off, watchers with a thousand eyes.. and with Blinky, now revealed NOT to be a costume probably, above them all. We also get one hell of a line.  “This is an amusement park but not for YOUR amusement.”
So yeah I love this sequence.. and Blinky as a villain. While it’s vague if he and Blinky  are the same entity.. I’m going with not. It’s not a stretch that like Cthulu, Wiggly has brothers in the black and white, with their own motives, methods and ability to get into our world. Unlike Wiggly.. Blinky’s already here and has no real ambition other than to find people to mentally tear apart and set loose on one another for his own amusement. He doesn’t have grand plans of burning the world.. he just wants to be entertained. It’s an interesting and chilling motive and I hope we see him again eventually. I also believe those at the park are trapped there bound after their own day there and trapped doing whatever Wiggly needs. Except maybe squeaky voiced teen. He probably just complains about cleaning up so much blood.  But yeah Blinky is very happy as the fight escalates into the hall of mirrors and Alice looses her gun.. with Bill now poised to strike down his daughter as the mirror reflects the various workers at the park, all encouraging him to kill her... it’s utterly terrifying as Bill’s eyes take on a purple tint.. and we get a POWERFUL use of the score and the “why does it hurt to love you’ bit from TGWDLM.. as Bill sees himself and what he’s about to do, sees his daughter understandably having a panic attack.. and calms her, his eyes returning and the two reconciling.  Of course Blinky isn’t happy about this “sappy bullshit” and brings htem into his domain, charging at them. But kinda missing that giving a pissed off teenager a rifle she knows how to use when you have a giant target for a face isn’t a good idea and she shoots him, with him bleeding a flood of purple goo that sends them out. While I doubt Winky’s dead, he is done with them.  Our story concludes on a sweeet note as the two find their car, and they finally make as tep forward, Bill having seen almost too late how selfish and controlling he was being and accepting his daughter on her phone.. and Alice realizing her need to open up and after checking Instagram, likely finding out those photo’s weren’t real, she throws her phone in the back.. but not before accepting her dad’s request, letting him in. Sure the road ahead is rough.. but the two have made a good first step towards repairing things and loving one another again in a healthy manner. and all it took  was bill nearly murdering her and allice shooting an eye goblin int he face and getting covered in his blood. Cue the credits, a beautiful song called “One Thousand Eyes” with Jeff Blim fucking nailing it. A great way to send off this bit.  Final Thoughts: This was the best one of the two. While Ape Man is really good too, this one took the darker tone of black friday, but with a tighter narrative. By focusing on a smaller cast, the darker elements really played better and the conclusion felt more satisfying.. though it helped that BOTH of these tails ended without everyone dying, and while I doubt EVERY story will have a happy ending, it makes things more interesting knowing that the heroes can get a happy ending this time around instead of an apocalypse. 
Overall Thoughts: This double feature was great, I’ll be getting a ticket to the next one if I can afford it, and if not i’ll see it presumably in December or next year when it comes on YouTube. Really excellent stuff.  So this was a first for me but if you’d like to see more starkid stuff from me, let me know in the comments or my askbox, commission me to review one of the musicals via dm, and if you liked how I did this review follow this blog for weekly ducktales and loud house coverage, and amphibia coverage when that returns, among more fun reviews. And until next time.. don’t blink. Play us out Jeff. 
I really hope this is the ending theme for the series. 
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