#and trying to pit ideas against each other is just mean and not fun for anyone
fluxedbuds · 2 years
Evidence against the Hermatrix
I don’t like it
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essaytime · 7 months
A lot of productions (or production ideas) for Romeo and Juliet come up with elaborate aesthetics for both of the feuding families, and there is definitely a charm as well as a large degree of blessed creativity to this, but honestly, the more I think about the play, the more I feel the most resounding choice with me, given the play's meaning, would be to make the Montagues and the Capulets' costumes very, very similar. Almost identical - the same silhouettes, materials, everything. Have the only thing signalling which family it is be a ribbon or band tied around the arm, a particular embellishment at the collar of a dress or shirt, maybe some item of clothing that's easy to take off, like a vest or small cape, or a scarf. Maybe aside from the Lords and Ladies of both surnames, they could wear something that's entirely in their family's chosen colours/symbols, but the rest of the family and their supporters? Just these details. Because that's really one of the things that hit so hard in the text: there is literally no reason for the feud. There's no logically existing divide. We have two influential families of equal standing, who live by the same customs, whose children probably have the same education, who employ people with the same mindset and themselves presumably have the same mindset. They could very well live beside each other, they could very well switch places and be each other. These poor teenagers in Romeo and Juliet are forced to live in a world shaped by something that just doesn't exist. And they're mistreated, and they struggle, and they die - at more or less fourteen or fifteen! - for something that doesn't exist. Because at this point there is no reason to go on with this conflict, if there even was one in the first place, which I doubt. I think there is a lot of sense in the fact that we never learn why the Capulets despise the Montagues and vice versa. I wouldn't be surprised if during the time of the play there was just no one that could remember it. But still, this conflict, this absolutely empty, pointless, senseless conflict, wrecks the community of Verona, pitting citizens against each other and leading to innocent kids dying. And I think if I were directing the play, that's the thing I would emphasise: that they are really the same. Have Lord Montague make a similar scream, speak in a similar tone mourning his son as Lord Capulet did mourning his daughter. Have the servants at the beginning of the play use exactly the same gestures and mannerisms. Have the dear uninvited party-sneakers get along with Capulet youth at the ball and genuinely have fun together. And have the citizens at the end be all the same in their surprise and grief, virtually indistinguishable save for this ribbon or embellishment they can just rip off of their costume, becoming one whole crowd. All of these people could pass each other, say hello, gossip on the street with no problem - if it weren't for these details that somehow make them part of two different entities. For there is no border between the Capulets and the Montagues other than the artificial one they try to create themselves. And people die for it.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
Hey happy to see your back, what might you have for living among dinosaurs?
Theme: Dinosaurs
Oh my gosh answering this request is going to be so much fun! I’ve been hoping to do a dinosaur request for a while!
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24XX Predators, by Dice Ghosts.
DINOSAURS ROAM THE EARTH! A terrible earthquake has struck the biggest city in the world, releasing prehistoric creatures that were trapped beneath the earth. After quarantining the area, a team of experts has been assembled to enter the city and meet this ancient threat.
Play as a team of uniquely skilled individuals venturing into a ruined city that has become overrun by dinosaurs. Using your unique skills and training, you will need to work together to survive this metropolis of prehistoric predators and complete your mission.
An homage to Jurassic Park, 24XX Predators brings dinosaurs to the big city, in a post-apocalyptic kind of adventure that pits the player character specialists against roaming giant lizards while trying to help hapless bystanders as best as they can. Like many 24XX modules, Predators includes some special rules about being hunted by dinosaurs - are you prepared or ambushed for them? - as well as team mechanics that allow the group to do something called Scatter. When you Scatter, each player thinks of a number between 1-3. If all of the players are in sync, they’re able to help each-other. If one player disagrees, their action is hindered.
If you want a game that has your players feeling confident and you also like picking up small toolboxes with a few neat pieces in them, I recommend 24XX Predators.
Predation, by Monte Cook Games.
Welcome to the Cretaceous. Our ancestors won’t climb down from the trees for another 66 million years, but here we are now. Time travel seemed like a good idea. Exploring the ancient world. Building. Creating an entire society here in the jungles of our primordial Earth. Until those SATI guys messed it all up.
We’ve got gear. We’ve got guns. We’ve even bio-engineered a few dinos to our liking. And that’s good, because we’ll need it all to survive. History says there’s an asteroid headed our way, and there’s no one left alive who knows how to get back to the future.
Predation uses the Cypher System, which means that includes all of the typical neat tricks like spending points to increase chances of success, and one-time use items that are super powerful yet hyper-specific. It also has a really neat addition in the form of Dinosaur Companions - which are played by other people around the table.
That’s right, you’re making your own character and playing them, but you’re also responsible for portraying someone else’s dino pet - and someone else in turn is embodying yours. I find that this keeps everyone at the table more engaged as you play, because they have to keep track not just what their character is doing, but also what their dinosaur’s companion is doing, and it encourages players to interact with each-other whenever your dino decides to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.
If you want adventure, a stunning setting, and friendship, then you want Predation.
Escape From Dino Island, by Sam Roberts and Sam Tung.
Escape from Dino Island is a thrilling adventure game about intrepid heroes trapped on an island overrun with creatures from a lost age—dinosaurs!
Players take on the role of everyday people who are brave and competent, but also in over their head. The game is designed to help you create the kind of stories that are full of action and suspense, but in which fighting is rarely a good option.
Will you escape with your life? And what kind of person will you become in your quest to survive? There’s only one way to find out…
This game isn’t so much about living among dinosaurs as it is about escaping them, true to form for media like Jurassic Park. The game is a PbtA short-form game, designed for 1-2 sessions. Setup is quick and streamlined, providing you with a map and a number of roll-tables to help you make choices about what can be found here and what is known about the island. You also have character playbooks and basic moves, two more tried and true elements of PbtA design. There’s a some really good resources for GMs here, including GM principles and moves, and a number of rumours and reasons for NPCs to be on the island, both nefarious and helpful.
Overall what I really like about Escape from Dino Island is that it knows exactly what it wants to be and uses all of its tools to aim directly at that experience. It’s meant to be punchy, adventurous, and full of mystery, but concise enough to play once or twice before you call it a day.
Sauritopia!, by The Griffin’s Typewriter.
Inspired by half-remembered episodes of Dinotopia, that 2000 movie Dinosaur, the Lindworms from Walter Moer's Zamonia series, and a peculiar cultural osmosis of spacefaring dinosaurs, herein lies the Lost Sphere of SAURITOPIA! Explore the streets of the Meteoric City! Argue with lumbering professors at the Volcanic Colleges! Or just add these intelligent dinos to your vision of the multifarious Spheres, hung delicately across the hump-backed sky!
You’ll need the Troika rulebook in order to use this supplement, which is mostly a series of dinosaur characters that players can choose from and some neat items and skills to use in a dinosaur-centred game. If you want to mix dinosaurs into an acid-fantasy setting, you can allow the player characters to choose from Sauritopia alongside the standard backgrounds, but you could also create a party of dinosaurs and then send them on a mission in the Troika sphere to see how they fare. As a personal fan of the boardgames Dinosaur Tea Party, I think it might be fun (or funny) to combine the characters of Sauritopia with the Troika module An Invitation to Dinner.
Diesel and Dinosaurs, by BasiliskOnline.
Is a rogue tyrannosaurus inciting panic in a local settlement?  Have velociraptors wandered into a neighborhood causing a safety hazard? 
Did an earthquake spook a herd of triceratops which are stampeding towards a local settlement?
Ride into the Parazoic!
Diesel and Dinosaurs is a powered by Charge RPG combining dinosaurs and post apocalypse settings and inspired by the cartoon Cadillacs and Dinosaurs and the comic Xenozoic Tales. Humanity has spent the last 600+ years in bunkers while the planet recovers from a massive climate crisis. Those bunkers began to breakdown beyond the mechanist's abilities to keep them running and eventually humanity began to return to the surface. They found a world once again reclaimed by dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, and began working to settle this untamed land.
Powered by Charge, Diesel and Dinosaurs contains plenty of nods to Forged in the Dark, including action ratings, dice pools, and the use of Stress. It’s designed for high action scenes in dangerous situations, flexible in tone from Saturday Morning Cartoon to high-adrenaline action film to gritty survival. The game comes with a series of roll-tables for the GM for a number of different kinds of dinosaurs that might be out there, as likely threats, pieces of backdrop, and maybe even new friends!
I’d probably pick up a game of Diesel and Dinosaurs if I’m in the mood for a high-action cheesy 80’s flick or something in that ballpark.
Preshistoric Portals, by Harper Jay.
The portals opened a few months ago. Nobody knows who to blame - scientists? The military? Dark wizards? But it doesn't matter now. What matters is the dinosaurs came through and destroyed life as you knew it. This city, built by a massive life-giving lake, was like a beacon for the prehistoric predators. Only the sturdiest skyscrapers remain fully intact, but even they threaten to fall to the might of the dinosaurs!
Built on Breathless, Prehistoric Portals drops you into a ruthless world of survival and small moments of reprieve. You’ll move between moments of action and danger, throwing everything you have and the kitchen sink into getting from point A to point B. Then you’ll take a break, refresh your resources, and the GM rolls for or creates a new complication - and then you’re on the run again. A great pacing mechanic for high energy games, while still demanding that you keep track of your resources.
Dinosaurs & Man, by Cilindro Cubico.
Humanity faces a crisis when dinosaurs escape from the Triassic Safari zoo due to a corporate espionage operation.  Now, humanity must survive in a world where it is no longer at the top of the food chain. 
Players take on the roles of brave men and women who must confront dangerous dinosaurs and unravel corporate intrigues to save humanity. 
Get ready for an exciting and epic odyssey of survival and adventure!
This is another game inspired by Jurassic Park, so once again, while the dinosaurs are living among you, they certainly aren’t friendly. Task resolution comes in the form of a percentile roll, using a percentage to determine how likely success is going to be, and the player rolling 2d10 with the hopes of rolling at or under the target number.
What I think the neatest thing is about this game is the way it determines your inventory. You have to take everything you have in your pockets out and place it on the table. Those items are your inventory. Your characters might be specialists, but that doesn’t mean they have specialist gear on them - they’ll have to use a combination of their skills and their wits in order to get them out of sticky situations like a rampaging pack of velociraptors, or a hungry t-Rex.
Rex Arcana, by Five Points Games.
The West is a Wild Place and it's about to get even more Wild. You are a band of Drifters out to make your claim on the open Plain, spell slinging outlaws on the run from the law with hearts of gold and teeth as sharp as kitchen knives. You and your fellow T-Rexes will travel the high plains and prairies, fighting corrupt oil tycoons, train-robbing bandits and devouring innocent townsfolk along the way.
This is a game where you play as the dinosaurs, rather than the people running from them. Not only that, you’re rootin’, tootin’ shootin’ defenders of the people, fighting off train robbers and the big fat cats profiting off of oil. If you want goofy, gonzo, and gigantic lizards, you want Rex Arcana.
You Might Also Want To Check Out….
This 2022 Dino Jam.
The Cavemaster RPG and it’s supplement, Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley, by UNIGames.
Camp Cretaceous, by Zozer Games.
Dinos and Lasers, by TassAllgood.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 8 months
If you are alright with this how about some Beastars vore. With Bill and/or Ibuki being preds with Louis being an enabler, it seems right up his alley. With any vore types you like and some weight and muscle gain?
Had a fun idea for this one and did both! Also, I got into a series mood writing all of these upcoming prompts so expect a lot of B.eastars in the next few days.
L.ouis can’t escape it no matter what he does. He thinks he’s crazy, honestly. He has to be to be doing this. He slowly rubs his hands along the heavy, gurgling gut before him. He’s blushing, so to combat that, he’s got a real mean glare on his face. Not that it’s stopping him. To be this interested in a predator’s stomach…no, not even one. But two of them.
It started at school. He caught B.ill in the act. A pair of kicking legs disappeared down his gullet, quick and rough, like he was trying to hide it. It had just been some random rabbit, and he became barely a bulge in B.ill’s stomach. A quick belch and it was over. B.ill thought he got away unseen and tied to slip off. But that’s when he ran into L.ouis, who’d been watching.
L.ouis did what he always did. He talked big game, made himself look as large and powerful as possible. It usually worked against other carnivores, especially those from the drama club. And it might’ve worked against B.ill—he’d been surprised when he got caught, seemed nervous. But L.ouis couldn’t stop looking at the tiger’s gut, finding his train of thoughts interrupting every time they let out a wet gurgle or squeezed over the rabbit inside. Even B.ill couldn’t help but notice. L.ouis had let him off with a warning and ended it there, thinking that’d be the end…and then it happened again.
L.ouis was certain B.ill did it on purpose. He ate a student L.ouis had been talking to just moments ago. As soon as the poor guy rounded the corner, the lips started, and L.ouis watched another set of flailing legs disappearing down B.ill’s gullet. The tiger didn’t seem nearly as nervous that time. He even made eye contact with L.ouis, grinned at him…offered his stomach. The second L.ouis out his hands on it, felt it churn roughly over a screaming person, he was hooked.
I’m about a month, it had become a regular, private occurrence. B.ill would eat someone and L.ouis would watch. Sometimes, L.ouis would bring them in himself. One time, even, he shoved the poor prey’s face right into that yawning gullet and helped shovel him down. It wasn’t just that gullet that as eating, though. A week into their new life, B.ill shoved a monkey up his ass. The day after that, it was a leopard into his pecs. He showed off with a couple of brothers into his pits. Just the day before, L.ouis got to see that tiger’s cock swallow up a screaming, pleading face. Each and every time, he’d put his hands on the squirming bulges and rub.
He felt powerful. B.ill could eat him at any moment. But he won’t because L.ouis ensures he gets more meals. L.ouis could rat B.ill out at any time. But he won’t because he’s addicted to watching living beings disappear into the tiger. So it continues like that, for a month, and with each person, B.ill gets bigger. His gut sticks out further, hangs down lower. His muscles swell and bulk up, he even grows a couple of inches. L.ouis watches B.ill burst out of more than one set of uniforms and go up another size. He wants to see the tiger shred all his clothes off at once. It’s his new goal…until he gets distracted.
If he’s not at school, he’s working with the S.hishigumi. And it’s during this time that he takes notice of I.buki slipping off quite often. Taking the executive decision to follow after him, L.ouis sees the lion plucking a fox out of the crowd in the black market and swallowing him down in an alleyway. I.buki realizes he was being watched when he feels hands on his stomach. He tries to stammer out an apology, but L.ouis quotes him by pushing down on his gut and getting a massive belch from the lion. The only thing L.ouis is mad about is that I.buki didn’t tell him about this sooner.
From there, I.buki becomes another project of L.ouis’s. One he feeds a bit faster to get him caught up. People go missing in the black market a lot for it. Anyone who’s caught alone, or lost, or ‘new’ is points out by L.ouis and turned into a mark. I.buki takes them down in an alleyway or drags them back to their base to devour. He gets filled up fast in every way he can be. L.ouis makes sure to force meals down, pushing them into the lion’s jaws or pits or down his cock. It’s quite a lot for I.buki, but he would never say no to his boss.
Two weeks after that, B.ill happens to run into L.ouis feeding a pair of kicking legs down I.buki’s gullet in the black market. So, L.ouis’s two seperate lives become very conjoined. Bull and I.buki don’t exactly get along easily, but they put up with each other because seeing that hungry look on L.ouis’s face when they eat makes them happy.
And that’s how things end up the way they are, with L.ouis running his hands along a furry gut. Bull and I.buki are using his bed in the gang’s hideout. They’re both massive—several inches taller, brimming with new muscle, and sporting large, round bellies that are endlessly noisy. L.ouis can’t get enough of it. In fact…he wants more. B.ill and I.buki are wonderful, but he’s found his mind drifting to other carnivores in his life. Wondering how they’d look with heavier guts, thicker muscles, kicking legs and screaming faces disappearing into their bodies. All at his command…
L.ouis grins as he pushes down on I.buki and B.ill’s guts, working out a couple of roaring belches. Yeah…these predators eat at his command. And he has more carnivores to ‘train’. They should leave their proper place under him and enjoy it. He knows that he will.
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tooxmanyxships · 10 months
Nonie, can u make a ‘never have I ever’ fic with the old grid, and it ended with the admission of almost everyone’s not so secret crush on Nico? Lewis and Nico also eventually admitted to being in a relationship then 🤭
P.S. Inspired with that compilation of post where Mark, JB, even Seb, admitted to finding Nico beautiful 🤭🥰
Sure can! 😉
They all blamed Daniel (and Valtteri and Kimi) for this.
It was Daniel's idea, of course it was, to get 'the ol' gang' back together.
But what's a 'get back together' night without alcohol?
Absolutely nothing.
So here they were. Back together and getting drunk by a fire pit.
The night was filled with voices and laughter, which could only mean it was a great evening.
But when they saw Daniel and Jenson huddled together at some point, they knew the peace and quiet wouldn't last long.
"Guys!" Jenson piped up, trying to catch everyone's attention. "Daniel and I decided that we're playing never have I ever!"
A collective groan could be heard.
"Guys, come on. It will be fun!" Daniel backed up his partner in crime. And who could resist that smile?
So, they all settled down around the fire pit, ready to play this game of doom.
The game starts off really mild. Some would even call it boring.
The only exciting part is that they have to take a shot every time they've done the thing that's been asked.
But then it's Valtteri's turn and his shared look with Daniel should be enough to send them all running.
"Never have I ever had a crush on another driver."
Daniel drinks, so do Jenson, Mark and - - - Seb?
"Okay, now I have to know." Daniel's grin looks shark like. "We all know about Mark and Jenson's man crush on each other." He ignores the sputtering from both mentioned men. "But Seb? Who did you have a crush on?"
"That's not part of the game, Daniel." Sebastian tries, trying his hardest not to take a sip from his drink again.
"I'd like to know too."
Sebastian glares at Kimi. Of all the times he decides to speak, it has to be now.
They're all watching him expectantly. Waiting for him to actually answer.
He mumbles something, a name that no one can make out.
"What was that?"
Damn you, Daniel.
"I said... Nico." He clears his throat and stares everywhere but at the people around him. "Nico Rosberg."
There's silence. Sebastian wishes the ground would just swallow him up.
"Good choice." Sebastian's head whips around towards the blond man who's name he just mentioned. He gets a grin from him and a shrug. "Didn't expect that though."
"The crush was over pretty quickly." Sebastian answers, receiving laughter from the others.
"You can't be the only one who's had a crush on Nico." Daniel again. Of course. "Who else had a crush on him?"
Surprisingly, or maybe not that surprising actually, most of them put up their hand.
"What can I say," Jenson grinned, "Britney is beautiful."
"Especially when he's in the wall," Mark added.
Nico rolled his eyes while the others laughed.
Well everyone but Lewis.
Seb noticed too and nudged the Brit.
"What's wrong, Lewis?"
"He lied."Everyone looked over at Valtteri when he spoke up." He didn't put up his hand. "
Lewis scowled at Valtteri, but Valtteri just stared back at him challengingly.
"I didn't lie, first of." Lewis answered, taking a big swig of his drink before putting it down. "Because I never had a crush. He was always mine."
To prove his point, Lewis, blaming it on the alcohol, stood up and draped himself, unceremoniously, over a dumbstruck Nico's lap.
Nico blinked when Lewis' slightly cold fingers caressed his cheek, and then he felt lips connect with his own.
On instinct, his lips moved against those all so familiar ones, his arms wrapping around that familiar body.
There were cheers and bouts of "fucking finally!" being uttered all around them, but they didn't even seem to notice.
Finally Lewis pulled back, smiling at Nico before turning his body a little to look at the others.
"See. A crush means nothing. I've got the complete package."
Nico chuckled and buried his face into Lewis' neck, kissing his skin there.
He was right.
This meant so much more than any other man having a crush on him.
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tcfactory · 4 months
a fun idea on the "im gay and pissed about it" is the concept of "what do you mean i share tastes with shang shidi". qinghua mentions offhandedly that the sect is full of very handsome men who are strong and muscular and have the AUDACITY to wear respectable layers of clothing in heat and filth when he could be looking at their chests. sj nods along absentmindedly then hEY WAIT. WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT. AND WHY DOES HE AGREE WITH YOU-
I'm snickering, because he would be mega upset that he's in agreement with Shang-shidi. At least he can blame the gay thoughts on Shang Qinghua, thirsty shidi is infecting everyone with residual horny.
Also, the fact that Shang Qinghua's (future) husband does walk around with his chest bared to the world a lot of the time makes this so much worse. Number 1 reason to turn CQMS into a demonic sect: shameless demon fashion.
...you know, that would make for a good comedy oneshot I think. SQH convinces the Sect to convert to a 'demonic' path to avoid all the plot and get rid of the stress of having to hide MBJ all the damn time. YQY agrees because this way nobody can hold SQQ's background under Wu Yanzi against him, LQG doesn't care as long as he can go hunt monsters, MQF is fine with this as long as they can maintain their reputation as 'decent people' (bc mortals care more about that than jianghu politics), WQW gets a shitton of new customers from the demon realm... the only one who would be strongly against it is QQQ, depending on how the mortal emperors would view a 'demonic' sect.
He convinces SQQ by gesturing at MBJ and his chest-out fashion like "this could be YQY and LGQ if we converted" and that holds more appeal than SQQ would ever admit. (QiJiu reconciliation fueled by too many horny thoughts? And then YQY 'bullies' SQQ into wearing the new uniforms and oh, there goes LQG. SQQ has two hands and with one he has to keep holding onto stupid sexy Liu-shidi so he stops walking into walls.)
And what better way to convert the sect than get TLJ out from under the mountain and pledge their allegiance to him? If SQH pulls this madness off in time they might even have a chance to save SXY! (Which would placate QQQ, especially after the Old Palace Master's garbage comes to light - she will be one of the main advocates of throwing the man in a pit of fire ants and watching him die a slow, well-deserved death.)
So OPM's manipulation is all out in the open and HHP is going under and I guess that's just barely enough to put them as "not a righteous sect and not an evil sect, but a secret third thing (weird)" which sure is a reputation to have, but not a bad one as such. Anyway, TLJ is the emperor of a whole realm and he's bankrolling them, so it's not like they need to play nice with the rest of the jianghu if they don't want to.
That sure would be a fun scenario for Shen Yuan to transmigrate into, huh? Lands as a nameless OC disciple (17 and very sassy) who's joining CQMS after his native sect was destroyed by some random catastrophe and he's making up all these elaborate plans in his head on how to help LBH out in the sect, only to find out that LBH (also 17 and very spoiled) is head disciple of Bai Zhan, getting kinda-but-not-really preferential treatment because he's the son of the sect benefactor. Also for funsies please imagine a Moshang spawn there too, because SQH developed an unfortunate habit of falling into every wifeplot ever (it's the System's revenge).
Trouble trios Ning Yingying+Sha Hualing+Liu Mingyan vs Shen Yuan+Bingmei+Moshang sprog unintentionally trying to outdo each other on who can cause their respective Shizuns the bigger headache. Shen Yuan isn't certain why he ended up in such a wacky AU fanfic setting, but Binghe is happy and handsome and keeps hitting on him cooking him snacks to make him feel welcome after what happened to his old sect, so he's enjoying his time too much to complain (much).
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
GIVE IN [Michael x fem!reader x Corey]
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prompts: GORE. TOYS. FLUFF. CNC.
keywords: COLD. RAPTURE
"oh come on, it will be fun! Kind of like that movie It,"
"You mean with that weird shapeshifting clown monster?"
"Haha, yes, the weird shapeshifting clown monster"
You held hands with your boyfriend, playfully shoving each other and the natural banter always seemed to flow with you two. You were both glad just to have the day off to spend together, although this wasn't his idea of a fun date but the rumours and stories drew you in, especially so close to Halloween. Traversing down the dried-out river bank and through the broken trees you finally came to what you had been looking for; The open sewers of Haddonfield.
"Oh my god, yes!" You excitedly exclaimed, turning on your phone flashlight, already stepping foot into the tunnel before you felt a tug on your arm.
"You cannot be serious" He looked at you with the same look a stern father might give you but that was simply ignored and you pulled him into the dark.
"Yes. I brought you all the way here to just look at the sewers and not go in," You sarcastically snarked back "Now let's go, I just want to see if the rumours were true"
Lighting up the dreary sewers the walls were concrete with cracked bricks, pipes dripped above you and cobwebs shimmered in the low light along with the small stream of water beneath your feet. Slowly it began to open up with a maze of tunnels, some blocked off with metal grates and others leading into an endless pit of darkness.
"Those stories you've been texting me about when I'm trying to be sleeping?" He teased, brushing his shoulder against yours and instinctively he pulled you a little closer as you two walked.
"You know that's always when my brain thinks about weird things," The corner of your lips twitched in a sassy smirk "But yes. Apparently, a bunch of satanic shit happens down here and rituals and I don't know some story about a girl being murdered but I honestly couldn't find much on that one" You rambled on a little, passing a tunnel that turned off to the right
"Wait, wait, wait. What?" Your boyfriend asked with a furrowed brow and he paused, jerking your hand a little so you would look at him. "Babe, yo-"
Suddenly he was cut off by the sound of wet squelching and his eyes went wide in terror and pain. His lips opened to say something but only a trickle of blood began to flow and he gurgled, sputtering words at you that sounded like jibberish as his eyes faded. Reaching out to you, his body jerked back and in one movement a blade came out of the shadows, slitting your boyfriends throat almost to the bones. White cartilage peaked from the strings of muscle that had been forced apart, his head hung back allowing a river of crimson so deep it looked black cascading down his body and meeting another wound; The initial wound where something had been plunged through his stomach and you screamed. An echoing barrage through the sewers made something stir in the shadows but all you were focused on was your boyfriend bleeding out in front of you.
"OH MY GODDDDD!!" You wailed, dropping your phone into the growing puddle of blood and his body collapsed revealing the cold smile of the killer.
"Ssshhhh... You'll wake him" The man whispered and began to laugh quietly, stalking forward.
It was him. It was Corey Cunningham. You two had been talking for about a month now and things were only getting more and more heated between you two, especially recently at the Halloween party thrown by some friends. You stuck to your word however, you had a boyfriend and needed to end it with him first before jumping into something else, and that would be hard with his painted reputation. He was labeled as the boogeyman as the town needed someone to blame for everything that went wrong after the true boogeyman of Haddonfield had disappeared into a blood-drenched night. You never really believed the towns talk about him but the sight in front of you told the truth; Dark navy mechanics jumpsuit splattered in viscera, large butched knife in his right hand, curly waves hanging down on his bruised forehead and his eyes were black with a deep thrill.
Stepping back, your breath was heavy "C-Corey, Corey please. What the fuck are you doing?"
Your question only made him laugh louder, licking the corner of his lips where some blood drops landed "We can finally be together now. I promised you I would light that match for you... Watch the world burn," he paused, opening his arms in a way for trying to get you to see he was no threat as he stayed quiet until the word that followed was in a yell "REMEMBER?!"
It made you flinch, not just by the way his voice reverberated through the tunnels but there was something in him now like a poison, and you couldn't help but be drawn to it.
"Cor—" Unexpectedly your words had been cut short in your throat as something bigger, stronger and with a dark destructive energy hit your back when you were walking backwards.
"Don't be afraid," Corey whispered, coming face to face with you now he brushed some hairs out of your face with bloody fingers "Don't you feel this between us? Feel that we are the only ones for each other?"
His questions were in a desperate ask, searching your eyes for the need to have him. The look in his brown eyes made you sick but God, there was that sweetness like a soft puppy behind them and you leaned a little forward, his nose brushing against yours.
"...Give in"
Heavy breaths fell out of your open lips unsure of where this whole thing was going, not only were Corey's hands on you but now a set of larger hands were too. You didn't speak for no words could even come out. Lost in a haze and shock that held you frozen in place only feeling what the two men were doing; Groping, pulling, pushing adjusting their hips, sliding hands up and down your body like a new toy they got for Christmas. One was more gentle than the other and your eyes fluttered once the man behind you adjusted his leg to be between yours and you looked back seeing the burnt, chipped and greying mask. His eyes were black but burning into your skull like a predator reborn. Instantly the fear bubbled up inside you and your instincts kicked in, RUN. However, the shape behind you felt that instinct, sensed it and was one step ahead, roughly grabbing your throat in one hand and the other held your hip in place, even pulling you back further to be straight against him feeling all that you were doing to the beast.
Corey's cheek rubbed against yours softly, beginning to sweetly kiss along your hairline with a small chuckle, "Baby, I wouldn't do that... I promise he won't hurt you, especially when you're being such a good girl for us,"
That praise was honey coated but dripped in a lie, knowing he could never control the man behind you, "You're so fucking sexy like this,"
Slowly, Corey's warm and soft hands wet with blood slipped into your jeans. He was so gentle with you that it was almost disturbing against the roughness of Michael squeezing your throat and bruising your hip but you couldn't help yourself from rolling your hips back on the shape's leg.
"That's it, babygirl. That's it" Corey's fingers circled and rubbed softly your pussy "Aw, you're so wet already, huh? Aching for us? Being such a needy girl?"
Like those words were a cue, the hand that was on your hip disappeared and you heard the dragging of a metal zipper. What you were feeling came free, pressing along your back there was a small whimper in your throat signally Corey to unbutton your jeans and he tugged them down along with your soaked panties. Michael adjusted his legs, shifting your hips so his cock was rubbing your sex.
"Give in, pretty girl... Give in" Corey trailed kisses down your body before getting on his knees in front of you.
Brown eyes looked up at you, pulling your shirt up and licking small trails along your stomach whispering over and over "Give in"
Slowly you did just that, allowing your head to fall back and one of your hands drifted into Corey's curly locks as Michael shifted, pushing himself inside you. A choked gasp fell into a moan echoing through the hidden tunnels. He was so big, filling and stretching you like you had never experienced and mixing with Corey finally giving one lick made your legs weak.
"Ffffuck, you taste so good" He growled as Michael began to move faster, finding his own rhythm. "Such perfect little pussy getting stretched so good, huh?... Let me hear those moans, baby"
Sweet words met deep guttural groans behind you feeling your body get lost in the rapture, being served on a platter to two wolves that needed you in many different ways; One just for necessity and the other for deep need to have someone. An orchestra of moans, whimpers, growls, groans and praise could be heard through the night in blood and need. You were now in the monster's hell that was just lying beneath the ground.
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occasionaltouhou · 10 months
I had an idea of a fangame playing out kinda like 2D sonic games, where Mokou is really bored one day and she decides to see how fast can she run across gensoukyou. Typical knowing the layout of the level and using momentum for speed and all that in 2D sonic games (minus the tiny fucking screen that doesn't let you see whats ahead of you).
But I guess the main difference would be that since Mokou is immortal, nothing would really stop her. So say she tripped on something or hit her head on a wall, instead of just stopping there she would rather continue full on tumbling painfully forward and slowly deaccelerating, before regaining her composure and continue on running.
The levels would have your typical enemies, like fairies and other youkai, that would be trying to slow her down through danmaku and traps like wooden barricades or pits. Then the final stage of each area would have a boss, but instead of being stuck in an area and not moving at all like in sonic, you have to run towards the boss to beat her, with maybe using previous terrain so you have some familiarity with the arena.
Mokou would also kind of play differently as well. I mean if she really wants to she can jump into a ball I don't doubt she can do that. But more so using her fire magic to combat against stage obstacles as well as for general movement increases (like a speed boost or a double jump). I can imagine if fine-tuned enough and more properly thought out, it might be pretty fun in trying to maintain high speeds in with fun visual effects of Mokou's fire blazing behind her.
Kaguya is also there, we don't know if she's actually running or slowly gliding above the ground.
no jokes or anything this just genuinely sounds like a really cool fangame idea. you could probably make its setup seem like a couple of levels of a quick little game jam type thing and say it's an eientei obstacle course (which is secretly attempting to kill her in as many ways as possible, of course). and then tragically she does so well that every other youkai and god decides to also make a mokou torture speed labyrinth. and you, dear player, are along for the ride
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Oct 9th [Yeosang + Orgasm Denial] (also mean!yeosang and degradation)
[1:14] You bit down on your lip as Yeosang’s fingers sunk into your core. Your hands grasped nervously at his thighs on either side of you as you rested back against him. It was too easy to be cocky with him. All day you were a teasing little brat and you knew he wouldn’t stand for it but you just couldn’t help yourself. Out in public he was so cute, he got so flustered when you flirted with and teased him. You always had to see just a little bit more of it.
He curled his fingers just how he knew you liked it. You let out a shaky breath, keeping your legs open for him and feeling the pleasure curl through you from each movement his long fingers gave you. They reached just the right spot and he knew it. He could make you cum so quickly if he wanted to and that’s what made you nervous.
He didn’t tell you what his punishment plans were, he just told you to strip and sit on the bed for him and you did just what he said. It didn’t help that the teasing made you all worked up too, so needy for him that he barely needed to do anything before he could sink his fingers into you.
“You wanted this so badly, didn’t you?” He murmured in your ear.
“Yes,” you breathed, eyes falling closed.
“Is that why you’ve been such a little whore today?” You couldn’t help the grin that tugged at your lips but you weren’t expecting him to notice. “Oh, you think it’s funny?”
“No,” you said in a completely unconvincing voice.
“You think teasing me all day is a good idea? Am I push over to you?” The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine and you loved you. You arched back against him, letting out a wanton moan as he curled his fingers into you even more agonizingly slowly.
“Of course not,” you moaned, savouring the intoxicating feeling and trying to keep yourself from fucking his fingers. He was far too perceptive.
“You’re already so desperate,” he murmured. “Trying to keep your hips still. You want to fuck my fingers so badly, don’t you?”
“Mm I always do,” you grinned. “So good.”
He chuckled and it made the nerves rise in your stomach again. You still didn’t know his plan and maybe pushing him wasn’t the best play at the moment. You could never help it though. Being cocky was so much fun and if it meant he would make you cum over and over as punishment that was more than welcome. He could pick something else but that was his favourite.
“Such a greedy little whore. You think I’ll just give you everything you want?”
You leaned back and opened your eyes, giving him the sweetest gaze you could muster as his fingers started moving faster. His other hand was slipping down your body and your stomach tensed under the touch of his fingers in anticipation.
“You always make me feel good,” you moaned. “And you always give me what I want.”
He gave you a grin that was decidedly cold and it chilled you more than any of his words so far. You bit down on your lip, squirming and feeling more nerves that only mixed with your arousal, making it that much more potent. 
“Is that it?” He murmured. “I’m your little puppet? Doing everything you want, hm?”
He pressed a third finger into your heat and started moving them faster, still reaching just as deep. Each movement brought a wash of pleasure through you and the warmth in the pit of your stomach was curling tight, muscles starting to tense and thighs twitching.
You weren’t sure if it was wise to agree with him or not. But you had a big mouth and very little filter when you got fucked out you started talking back before you could stop your self.
“Just my puppet, my dom who does everything I want.”
You let out a cry as the fingers of his free hand found your clit, started to rub rough, quick circles against the sensitive bud. Your thighs tensed but you did your best to hold them open. You leaned back against him fully, letting moans pour from your lips as your eyes fell shut, feeling your high approaching.
“Just a glorified sex toy to a pretty whore, hm?” He growled. “That’s all? Just here to do your bidding and make you cum all over my fingers like the needy little slut you are?”
“Yes, please,” you moaned out, whole body tensing and back arching away from him as you moaned out. Nearly there.
In an instant he pulled his fingers away. Before you even managed to whine he had a tight grip on your wrists and had slammed them down on the bed to keep your legs open. You squirmed in his grasp, whimpering as your high started to ebb.
“Please, I was so close,” you whined.
Yeosang’s breath was hot on your neck and the skin of your ear as he spoke. “I know. I know just how close you were.” You gasped as he pulled your hands behind you roughly, he held them with one hand while he grabbed something from the bedside table before tying your wrists behind your back. 
“Did you really think I would let you cum?” He laughed.
“I-I” You tried to twist around to look at him but he held you still. You felt dumbfounded. You expected him to overstimulate you, maybe even edge you for a while, or get him off. Not deny you completely.
“But what? You think a slutty little brat deserves to cum?”
“But I wanna cum,” you whined, still not quite believing it. He pushed you down off the bed, onto your knees on the floor. You hit the floor with a gasp and gazed up at him as he got off the bed and stepped in front of you, one hand sinking into your hair and the other undoing his belt.
“And I want a good sub, looks like we’re both disappointed.” He yanked your hair back. “Now, open your whore mouth and put it to good use.” He gave you a cold smile that sent a thrill down your spine and nearly could have made you cum on the spot. “Maybe I’ll let you cum tomorrow.”
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Blog Post Series : Breaking Down Hiccup
Title : Thawfest
Ep/Season : Episode 12, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
Premise :
It is the annual Thawfest Games, but with a welcomed twist! This year will feature 3 new obstacle courses for dragons and w that, maybe even a new winner.
Let’s talk about the show the way the creators designed it. So, in the beginning we are introduced to the Thawfest games. We know that Snotlout & his family are reigning champions. As far as we are told, no one has ever beaten a Jorgenson.
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I found that hard to believe considering Astrid’s skills. I reckon if anyone was going to win it would’ve been her, or someone in her family previously. I mean, the girl got her fight from somewhere yannow?
And it was even harder to believe that Stoick would’ve lost to Spitelout back then. Like what even? Then I realised that the games have no hard and fast rules. Fishlegs accidentally kicks Astrid off one of the courses, Snotlout shoved Hiccup aside during a race and there were no disqualifications or referees. So, the games are held just for fun. Sport.
I say that because if it actually meant something, a person as competitive as Astrid, would not be so cool about letting Snotlout win.
The episode begins comparing the two of them and their attempt uprooting small to medium sized trees. Something Snotlout could do but Hiccup couldn’t. We are also introduced to Spitelout, which I have to say, is my least favourite David Tennant character, based on the shows I’ve seen him in and (keep in mind) I love David Tennant.
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The story will continue to contrast their personalities. One is physically weaker, the other stronger. One is cleverer, the other not so quick. One is a better friend, the other not entirely there yet. Etc.
Snotlout is a jerk. The equivalent of a dumb quarter back struggling w his studies and bullying the nerd tutoring him. Maybe if this was a high school setting, he might be the popular kid, and many would look up to him out of fear. He could even have his own posse.
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However, he doesn’t get very far w the other teens on the island because he’s nothing but a big bully to everyone. The other riders do not like him for what he’s said, acted or done to them. Among all the recipients of his bad temper, Hiccup bears the brunt of it. I’m thinking this comes from a place of jealousy.
In Snotlout’s mind, he deserves reverence. Yet, he knows that Hiccup commands the most respect, with the people in the village and the dragons. He can’t fathom how someone so small and skinny could lead him and he, someone so large and brutish be made to follow.
The Thawfest games is a test of strength, endurance and courage. Winning the game (to Snotlout) means possessing all the above qualities. And that’s why winning it means more to Snotlout than the others. That and another thing.
At first I thought both Hiccup and Snotlout chased their own fathers approval. But, as it turns out, Hiccup was just trying to make his dad proud, but Snotlout HAD to win for his dad to accept him. And that’s wild.
You can see how the relationship between Spitelout and Snotlout drastically changed each time he lost. And the scene before the final round set the tone of two types of father-son relationships pitted against each other.
Stoick didn’t push Hiccup to win. All he did was broach the subject, but was only keen on the idea after Hiccup tells him of his plans to beat Snotlout. Then, at the final battle, Stoick’s awkward “NO PRESSURE” pep-talk was perfect in summing up their relationship. It wasn’t that Stoick didn’t believe Hiccup will lose or disappoint, I’d like to think that Stoick gave room to Hiccup to forfeit in order to do the right thing.
Spitelout has no such courtesy. His “pep-talk” was passive aggressive and that’s where you finally get why Snotlout is built the way he is. He pushes his son around, who in turn bullies everyone else.
With dragons involved, the playing field is levelled for Hiccup. And with Snotlout’s lousy attitude towards him, it felt right for Hiccup to fight back. However, when Hiccup won his first challenge, he gloated.
Should we excuse it? I mean, this boy has been getting it from Snotlout for years. It only felt right, right?
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But the message doesn’t stop there. Hiccup starts to realise why Snotlout is the way he is. And in a battle to be the “Better Viking,” Hiccup learns that winning isn’t everything. And that must’ve been hard to give up. Hiccup trained and worked hard to beat Snotlout. Even Toothless judge him. His ego was also at play.
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Maybe, the real test of strength, endurance and courage is the power to do the right thing. In throwing the race, Hiccup demonstrated that he was the better Viking, and an even better friend. And those around him, his father, Astrid could tell what he did to keep Snotlout’s relationship with his father.
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Those who have been following the show will know that Snotlout has major daddy issues and well, nothing explains it better than this episode. And if you see this post by @rosiethedragongeek , she explains thoroughly the many reasons why she hates Spitelout. This is also the many reasons contributing to Snotlout’s trauma.
The gang knows this. Which might be the reason why they tolerate him. That, and also because Snotlout will end up being a core member of the team and friend. He’s not completely useless. His crude remarks sometimes spark ideas for Hiccup. And when push comes to shove, he does care for his friends and will do the right thing. Hopefully, he will be better than his father.
Winning wouldn’t have been everything to Hiccup. In fact, it might have caused a fracture in his relationship w Snotlout, to even losing a rider. And maybe even causing a bigger fracture in Snotlout’s relationship w his father. This, to me is an example, of losing the battle to win the war.
Hiccup also earned Snotlout’s respect. We know Snotlout realises that Hiccup threw the race. And this is exactly how Hiccup becomes someone Snotlout learns to respect. Of course, in the coming episodes, this notion is challenged, but Snotlout doesn’t try to take over Hiccup’s position as heir or as chief later on. In fact, as we journey into RTTE, he is resolved in playing second fiddle. Even third, after Astrid, because Snotlout has been put in his place in ROB.
I enjoyed this episode. Probably one of my favourites as well. I like to see character growth, and here is where we find a different, competitive, even childish side of Hiccup. And Astrid chiming in as his conscious.
I didn’t mind that little Hiccstrid moment thrown in at the end either. Like a reward, for doing the right thing.
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Also, the part where Stoick validates Hiccup’s loss was pretty wholesome too.
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This was a really interesting episode. Particularly because of the psychology play, and the riveting race towards the end of the show. When I first watched it, I didn’t quiet know what to expect, and though we could end up telling what Hiccup would do, I’m glad that his growth is showed in a different angle and aspect this time round.
You also get to learn more about their Viking culture and the friendship / family dynamic at play. I was pretty excited to share this post with you guys, because this is one of my favourite episodes as well.
Thanks once more for all the positive reviews/feedback. Hope to continue providing more of the same in the days to come.
And just as a final note, you don’t have to continue reading if you don’t want to, but I had to take some time to evaluate this show on a personal level.
I interned in a small company a few years ago. It was something I had to do for extra credit in high school. There was this girl there. We were the only two of the same age. At first, she seemed really nice, but towards the 3rd week of our internship, I realise that she was pretty mean.
We ended up liking the work culture, and the supervisor offered us a spot to work over the summer provided we met targets. However, the moment that happened, she started saying things to me like “Oh, I’m sure you will be able to find other spots” or “I heard that you should do your work this way, because the supervisor said you’re sloppy. Just watching your back, no hard feelings.”
The thing is, she sounded like she was helping, but she really wasn’t. And it caused a lot of self-doubt to creep in. Every time I was commended for a job well done, she would make some passive-aggressive remark. And when I confronted her about it, she gaslighted me.
I started to think I wasn’t good, that maybe I wasn’t as nice as I thought I was, especially when I confronted her and she said that it was mostly my fault why things turned out the way it did.
When another intern joined us, they ganged up on me. Wouldn’t eat w me at lunch. Invited other colleagues to dinners in front of me, without extending an invite. And towards the end of the programme, I was given the spot first and she was given the spot later (nearly towards the end of the programme). That just made it all the worse.
Anyways, how she reacted reminded me so much of Snotlout. A little bit more of Spitelout. And it took me awhile to forgive her, but I started wondering maybe she was just behaving that way because so much of her life rides on out-doing others. She was a high achiever. So, maybe there was a push from her parents to be like-so. I was a high achiever too, but my parents never pushed me that hard, which could probably be the reason why it never occurred me to bully others. I mean, who works this bitterly over a high school internship programme?
Well, talk about full circle. A year back, I worked as a supervisor in a management company. I was the youngest person to get the role. And the junior under me, heard I knew this passive-aggressive girl. I explained that we interned together. The junior was so surprised that I was nice, and appreciative of her work. And I wondered what she meant by that.
The junior said, that this girl was really mean and vindictive towards her. And when she confronted her, the girl explained that she had it rough w seniors before, and so she is just returning the favour. “That’s how the world works,” she claimed.
The junior was surprised to find that I held no vendetta. I do remember going through my fair share of senior-junior berating, but it never occurred to me to pay it back to anyone.
Snotlout is such a real character. But so is Hiccup. I felt encourage when I saw their personalities play out, because it helped me understand that there is always more than meets the surface. I actually even feel sorry for that girl. I hope she will wake up one day and see what she’s done wrong. And even if she doesn’t, I’m glad that I grew up well enough to tell the difference. Because Snotlouts can only go so far.
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somelonelywordmonger · 7 months
I liked everything about the latest adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, except for the story. It had the gist of some plot points but made it feel rushed and with some serious holes.
Spoilers ahead:
If Aang can control the air currents as well as we saw in the first scene with him, where he was practically flying/gliding without the glider to help him control the air, then how come he falls in other scenes or needs to use the ladders to escape with the Blue Spirit?
Why were Appa and Momo hardly present when most of the series takes place with them either on Appa or with the two present. Momo hardly left Aang's side, for instance. And don't even get me started on the last episode and what happened to Momo.
I like how they explored the darker parts of what was really happening. What war means and what happened to Zuko and how brutal it was. Or how much death there really was. I like that Aang struggled with the past and his failures, but he didn't truly begin to face that until Book Two. In Book One, he was just being a kid, wanting to have fun and escape responsibility.
Zuko with a secret notebook is interesting, and I enjoyed the furthering of their connection with Aang. (Plus, I just like to say, 'Zuko has a diary,' and then chuckle even though I think having a diary or journal is healthy and okay.) But other additions to characters or total reworks were completely wild to me. King Bumi was not as rough and negative as he was portrayed here. And Zhao was not a nobody who rose through the ranks because Azula wanted to be better than Zuko. She already knew she was perfect; her father didn't strike me as playing games with her. Although, I wouldn't put it past Ozai to have pitted them against each other. Zhao's character rework was awkward, but Bumi's was painful. I did appreciate Hahn not being a total dumbass jerk. I liked what they did with his character, and I loved all the women coming with Katara to face Pakku right before the battle truly broke out.
The animated Book One was always slow to me. It felt like it was dragging here and there, but it was still good and still held my interest. Watching the live-action adaptation show, I felt like it was being rushed. There were references to their adventures that we saw in the animation. Still, skipping parts and combining scenes with different characters while reworking some of them and adjusting the plot was not the best idea. It made it feel odd and choppy, but maybe that is because I know the story.
Literally, Jet is blowing up Omashu while Aang gets his ass handed to him by Bumi, who is verbally abusing him and trying to get Aang to choose death or murder. And the whole thing with Koh and the spirit world was something else, too.
Finally, I liked seeing the recent previous avatars and how they helped to drive the inner conflict that Aang experienced. But it was also awkward and created some holes or moments of "what?" that wouldn't have happened if they stuck to Roku being the spirit guide. I mean, Aang meets them before his final battle in the third Book. And they basically say what they said here, so the writers jumped the gun and have created a future problem, but if the story continues to be warped, then I guess they can avoid it. There are obviously other awkward things, but those were my big ones.
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polyamships · 2 years
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This is the first of six posts to help expand on the prompts for anyone who needs a little more to go on than just one word. We hope these ideas help inspire people, but they are only a jumping-off point and there will of course be plenty more interpretations we didn't think of!
March 1st - V relationship – For a definition see here. How did the V form? Do their metamours know one another? Does everyone in the V live together or does the hinge partner divide time up between two, or three, homes? You could focus on each relationship that makes up one arm of the V or you could focus on the platonic relationship between the two metamours if they have one, or work in both angles! The V-turns-into-a-triad trope could be fun and interesting, what changes from one type of relationship to the other?
March 2nd - Supernatural – This could be the genre in general, or any fandoms that fit the genre, including crossovers/fusions with your favorite ships for those supernatural themed fandoms. There are also plenty of supernatural type AUs that would be great for this prompt; vampires, werewolves, ghosts, sirens, fae, witches, fairytales. Perhaps your polycule is part of a ghosthunting or monsterhunting team, or perhaps they are the supernatural beings attempting to hide away from any hunters and/or non-supernatural folks. Or maybe it's more subtle, such as one of your characters being into ghost stories or supernatural horror films or creepypasta. And if you want something a little different for this time of year, how about your ship celebrating Halloween with all the spooky decorations or costumes.
March 3rd - Games – There's so many types of games this could be used for; board games, card games, console or PC games, and lots of different types of sports too. This could mean polycule game night. Or maybe your OT4/5/etc has enough people to run their own DnD group regularly. Or an extended polycule having enough people to play team sports or something like paintballing – they could either be on one team against others or pitted against some of the polycule with it divided into two teams. For fluff, this could be playing family/children's games with their kid(s) or partner's kid(s). Maybe only a couple of people in the ship/polycule like a particular type of gaming and form a connection because of that, e.g. metamours bonding over PC gaming while their loved one in common has no interest at all in that. This could also be taken with a darker or more adult angle, as mind games or playing with someone.
March 4th - Affection – How do the different people in your ship show their affection? Is it with touch, like kisses, hugs etc, or is it words, such as compliments, or actions, like cooking a loved one their favorite meal or showering them in gifts. Do they crave affection and love public displays of it or do they prefer it to be private, or just occasional if they are very reserved. Is the type of affection they show the same with all their partners or does it differ with some of them in some way? If any of your ship work together, perhaps they have to hold it in check while on the job to be professional, or do they try to sneak affectionate moments in when people aren't looking.
March 5th - Awakening – This could be about a character's polyamorous awakening or a bi/pan awakening if they're already polyamorous but are surprised by feelings for someone of a different gender than expected for the first time. Or an awakening for anything else that they come to the realization of – like figuring out they are asexual, or having their feelings for someone suddenly hit them, or discovering one day that they have special abilities/powers. It could also be literal and fluffy, about them waking up in the morning with partners. Or literal and whumpy, waking up after something bad that happened where they lost consciousness.
The rest of the prompts can be found in the full prompts post here.
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catiecat1320 · 1 year
AO3 Link
Part 1: Gone | Part 2: Alone | Part 3: Sorry | Epilogue: (You Are Here)
There was nothing. He was nothing but a tiny consciousness, surrounded by an endless sea of darkness.
Well, conscious may not be the right word. He was barely aware.
How long has it been? Seconds? Minutes? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? 
He didn’t know. Didn’t know how or why he was here, just that he was here.
And there was nothing here.
But then… then…
A light.
It was small, but against the eternal void, it may as well have been everything.
More came after.
Light wove through the darkness like ribbons, drifting past him, each one bringing something; a feeling, a memory, a whisper, a question.
There were many ribbons now. He reached for them.
But the void seemed reluctant to let him go, pressing on him, pulling him back. 
He reached anyway. There was something there, and he wanted— needed— to know what. 
There was someone there, he realized. Who?
Who? Who? Who? The ribbons whistled as they passed, faster now. The glow was growing steadily… but the void was stronger. Light couldn’t fill the endless void. Not without help.
He drifted over and reached for them— it— the point where everything started, a swirling pit of light. You. You. You. It murmured.
But who was that, exactly?
There was noise coming from it, from the other side, indiscernible, but growing louder, clearer, flooding his senses.
He touched the light.
Warmth. Blurry memories, at the same time, crystal clear. Happiness, sadness; worry, and relief. Everything washed over him at once.
The void shattered.
It had been Tails’ idea: Use a chaos emerald to funnel the prism’s energy into Sonic’s ghost, hopefully reviving him. And of course, of course he had to drag Shadow along.
It was fair, he supposed. He knew the most about the chaos emeralds out of everyone. But he didn’t mean he wanted to be here.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help bring Sonic back. For as annoying Sonic was, he was fun to fight. And he had fixed his mistakes, hadn’t he?
And maybe Shadow cared about the blue hedgehog more than he’d like to admit. Maybe he wasn’t willing to accept another permanent loss.
Shadow just didn’t want to be here, standing in this cavern, two weeks after Sonic’s… sacrifice, listening to his ghost emptily apologize over and over and over. It was torturous.
Especially as Sonic’s group of friends stood by silently and watched him try and fail to do anything, clearly feeling the same.
The chaos emerald in his grasp glowed hot, pulsing in time with the Paradox Prism. Shadow took in a deep breath and gritted his teeth before holding the emerald out and trying again. Arcs of energy came off the Prism in waves, funneling into the emerald and concentrating into a bright beam that zapped Sonic’s ghost. 
Once again, pressure built up and Shadow involuntarily tensed, a numbing feeling quickly spreading across his arm as he fought to remain in control. Several seconds later, a new record, he gasped, “It’s not enough.”
“No. It has to be. It has to work!” Tails cried. “Please. Come on, Sonic!”
As soon as those words left his lips, a deafening crack sounded as an explosion of light blasted everyone back. Shadow slammed into the stone base on which the Paradox Prism sat, a groan escaping before he flipped to his feet, the experience bringing back all too familiar memories, right down to the shattering sound that rang in his ears.
Thankfully, nothing was wrong. Quite the opposite, really. The Prism was still intact and beside it, Sonic, now on his hands and knees, chest heaving as he gasped for air.
It worked. It actually worked.
Shadow walked over and offered him a hand. “Welcome back, idiot.”
Sonic didn’t respond, peering at Shadow with a blank, unreadable expression resting on his face. It unsettled Shadow, who would’ve thought that he was still a ghost if it hadn’t been for his eyes, once again holding the spark of life. 
Breaking his gaze off the other’s, Sonic tentatively took Shadow’s hand, and the latter yanked him to his feet. Standing on shaky legs, emerald eyes met ruby again and Sonic opened his mouth…
Only to be tackled immediately by a flying blur of a fox. Shadow smirked as the two went down from the sheer force of the impact. He stood back and gave them space. “Sonic!” Tails cried joyously, wrapping his arms around the blue hedgehog and nuzzling him. “You’re back!”
Sonic just peeled Tails off him, much to the latter’s confusion and dismay. However, the hedgehog didn’t let go, instead gently running his fingers along the kit’s face, staring at him with something akin to wonder. “Tails.” He murmured, his voice cracking. “You’re real.”
“Of course I’m re—” his words cut off by Sonic pulling him in for a tight hug. He looks as if he’s afraid Tails would disappear should he let go. Which, given everything that happened, wasn’t too far fetched. The fox, unsure of how to respond to this unexpected reaction, hesitantly rubs his back. “…Sonic?”
Sonic just squeezed tighter. “I… I’m so sorry,” he whispered, missing the way everyone flinched at those words.
“Please never say that again.” Shadow said bluntly, earning him a confused look from the blue hedgehog. He didn’t bother explaining. If he heard that damned phrase one more time, he’d snap.
Amy, who’d walked over from where she’d been flung to, shot Shadow a pointed look before kneeling down beside the two brothers. “Sonic, there’s no need to be sorry,” she said, patting his shoulder gently. Sonic didn’t seem to agree, something coming over him as guilt flooded his features and he pulled away from both her and Tails.
“I… I…” he stuttered as he scooched back, quickly bumping into Knuckles.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The echidna grunted, reaching for Sonic’s arm only for him to grasp empty air as the hedgehog dodged his attempt. “Hmph. Don’t be stubborn now.”
“Yeah, hun. You’re not worming your way out of this one.” Rouge added as she fluttered over. “No one’s gonna hurt you, Blue, calm down.” 
There was panic in Sonic’s eyes now, his pained expression greatly contrasting the blank one he’d worn moments earlier. All of his friends were now surrounding him in a tight circle. Amy scooted closer to him. “It’s alright, Sonic. I know you’re not one for touchy-feely talk, so I’m going to say this: Whatever you’re sorry for, we forgive you, okay?” 
A chorus of agreement followed those words. Sonic could only stare at his friends in disbelief. “Just like that?” 
“Of course. Everyone makes mistakes, after all,” Amy replied. She reached for Sonic’s hand, only for him to jerk away. 
“No. I-It wasn’t just a mistake , Amy.” Sonic choked out, his voice shaking just as much as his body was. Tears leaked out of his eyes, prompting him to bury his face in his hands. “I-I broke the world. I broke you. And everyone and everything else. Reality was in pieces, Amy. You can’t… you can’t just forgive that. You can’t!” 
“Why not?” Shadow said, interrupting Amy. He couldn’t stand anymore of this… this… nonsense.  
Sonic looked on the verge of a panic attack, but he still peeked at Shadow through his fingers, indicating awareness. So Shadow continued. “Why is it so unforgivable? You forgave me, didn’t you? You gave me another chance after everything I’ve done, and what did I do? I threw it back in your face and beat you up after giving you the most life-shattering news you’ve ever heard. And yet you still risked your life to save me, were still so eager to work with me, not ten minutes after.” Shadow stopped right in front of Sonic and crouched down to face him. “I should be asking you for forgiveness, not the other way around. So stop with the depressing attitude. I didn’t go through all the effort to bring you back  only for you to act like I wasted my time.”
The room was silent for a few moments more. Sonic’s emerald eyes glistened, glued to Shadow’s serious expression. Then, suddenly, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Shadow, pulling the ebony hedgehog off balance into a tight hug. “ Mmph. Okay, I-I’m…”
“Don’t say it.” Shadow huffed, awkwardly patting the hedgehog’s head, pretending not to notice the tears that seeped into his fur. He’d never been one for hugs; it was a bit too intimate to him, but he made an exception this time.
Then Tails came over and looped his arms around Sonic’s torso, deciding that actions would speak louder than words. The rest of his friends followed suit, forming what was essentially a cuddle pile with Sonic, still clinging to Shadow, in the center.
Shadow had never been in such a situation before. He felt himself feeling awkward surrounded by such a tight-knit bunch of friends he was not a part of. However, while part of him screeched to pull away, he found that he didn’t really mind. Subconsciously, he put his arms around Sonic, right on top of Tails’ hands. The blue hedgehog proceeded to sob, making everyone squeeze tighter in a silent urge for him to let it out.
Eventually, sobs turned to sniffles before dying down completely. Not once during that time did anyone back out of the group hug, the promise that they’ll be here unspoken, but not unheard. Only when Sonic’s breathing shifted into the tell-tale steady pattern that came with sleep did Shadow let go, prompting everyone else to do the same. 
Shadow carefully picked Sonic up in a similar fashion to how the latter had carried him out in the void. As everyone headed out, the setting sun bleeding orange through the mouth of the cave, Shadow looked back at the Paradox Prism one last time, remembering how everything started.
A lot had changed since then, most of all Sonic, who seemed to have gone through hell and back to fix things. He would have to tell his tale when he woke up.
Shadow shifted the sleeping hedgehog in his arms and pulled out the chaos emerald, uttering a quiet “chaos control” and probably startling Tails, who had come back into the cave for him and Sonic.
He took off the instant he reappeared at the foot of Temple Mountain, heading for Tails’ Lab. Careful not to jostle Sonic, he zoomed past the vibrant landscape of Green Hill, appreciating it for the first time since it all came back.
It felt good to be home.
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synthetic-ultramarine · 9 months
Ten Book Reviews
To celebrate the new year I thought I'd do some short book reviews! This is by no means a comprehensive list of everything I read in 2023; I decided to focus on fiction rather than non-fiction for this post, and I slowly trimmed down my list of books to focus on the ones that gave me the most to talk about.
Books I Liked:
Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer There's so much to be said about these books, they really deserve their own post. This series is so characterful, so atmospheric, and so masterful in its use of suspense, dread, and tragedy. Lives up to the hype 100%.
Devil House by John Darnielle John Darnielle reads his own audiobooks, and he's good at it. This book follows a true crime writer as he confronts the consequences of framing people's lives as narratives. It's about haunted places. It's about the often-forgotten potential for cruelty in the storytelling impulse. But most of all it's about the thesis that it's self-defense for a squatter to kill a landlord with a sword. If you like this, Universal Harvester is also good.
The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton I think someone should do an adaptation of this that takes place on tumblr.
Til We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis In this book, C. S. Lewis writes about a woman's struggle against god- no, wait, where are you going, come back! It's a take on the Cupid and Psyche myth from the perspective of the jealous sister, here reimagined as a genuinely concerned sister. Vivid imagery, beautiful prose, and a meditation on the relationship between the human and the divine that I still found interesting as a homosexual apostate. There's some fascinating stuff about the androgyny of God in here. Yes, for real. From Clive Staples Lewis.
Radiance by Catherynne M. Valente This book is overstuffed with concept. It's set in an alternate 20th century where the empires of earth have settled the nine planets, and it's about the film industry, which is based on the moon because the united states never colonized california. The story is a collection of ephemera - interviews, ship manifests, tabloid columns, clips of damaged film - relating to the disappearance of a renowned filmmaker who vanished while working on an infamous lost documentary. Also, space whaling. It's about that as well. Every time I try to describe how I feel about Valente's writing style it comes out sounding like one of those weird perfume reviews. I'll just say I found the prose overwrought at times, but ultimately I'm glad kept reading. The book is packed with mythological references, and while some are quite effective, there are also some that don't really do anything. There's a lot of genre-hopping; the noir sequences chafe against the style of the prose a bit, but the cosmic horror scenes are chilling. What is really good about this book is how thoroughly everything in the alternate-history setting is thought through. It talks about how the long day-night cycle of Venus affects the work of a film lighting technician. It talks about French colonies on Neptune losing radio contact with Paris as the earth passes behind the sun. It confronts the idea of Venus and Mars and Pluto as terra nullius, even though that's a concept some people seem to prefer not to critique. I'm going to be thinking about this book for a long time. If you like Nope, Dark City, or Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, you should read this.
Finna by Nino Cipri Weird, fun novella about two exes who still love each other, wandering through a maze of alternate universes for minimum wage. Portal-esque corporate satire, snappy pacing, and a compelling central relationship. So good.
The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon A beautifully written story about body horror, giant robots, gay sex, religion, mortality, and tenderness. The worldbuilding is intricate, sprawling, and sometimes ambiguous. The relationship between the main character and the love interest is far from the Standard Romance Subplot Structure, it's fresh and very compelling. The in-universe sacred poetry that shows up throughout the book is also very good. I have it on hold at the library for a reread. This book is tragically underrated because they're marketing it to the wrong audience. It's more cronenberg than canva cover. Tor should be selling this to the Annihilation weirdos, not the Red White & Royal Blue crowd. People go into it with the wrong set of genre expectations and then don't know how to react. I'm here to set the record straight: The Archive Undying rules and you should read it. I especially recommend this book to Friends at the Table listeners, since the author is One Of Us and the show is a notable influence.
Books I Didn't Like:
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty The setup to this book is very compelling: 6 people lived a happy life together, isolated on a spacecraft for decades, until they were all violently killed. New copies of their younger selves wake up in the ship's cloning facility with no memory of last 60 years. One of their future-past selves was a murderer, and the killer's clone inherits their legal culpability. While the high-concept murder mystery is a great idea, the future politics are profoundly unimpressive, and sadly by the end of the book the latter has entirely subsumed the former. There keep being these flashback scenes about cloning politics back on earth - not only are these very politically shallow, they also kill the claustrophobic ship-in-a-bottle atmosphere of a good fucked up space scenario. As an example of the shallow politics: "all major religions" are stated to be intolerant towards clones. Apparently all the sects and denominations of All The Religions are just doing the same thing, as if they are interchangeable with each other. And then there are The Riots, which are portrayed as a political misstep, too disruptive, too loud. And then of course we have the NYC real estate billionaire villain. Florals? For spring? It's beyond me why a locked-room murder mystery would even need a villain who wasn't in the room. There's also a hacking scene I found so absurd that it nearly made me return the book unfinished. Disappointing.
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna talk shit about Neil Gaiman on tumblr. You think you can scare me. old man?! I can't be silenced! Anyway, remember the Sexy Lamp Test? This is the worst failure of the Sexy Lamp Test I've ever seen. The girlfriend that the guy in this book is fighting with his brother over could be replaced by a nice car the brother took for a joyride, and the plot wouldn't change. At least with a car there wouldn't be consent issues.
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey In the real-life 20th century, there was a proposal by the U.S. government to introduce the hippopotamus to North America as a meat animal. Thankfully, it was scrapped. This alt-history western asks: what would the world look like if they went through with it? It's an intriguingly bizarre premise. Unfortunately, when I made that "your story should have scenes that aren't bioware cutscenes or tvtropes pages" post, this book was one of the reasons why. The dialogue and characters are nothing to write home about, and the plot is just rote. Here we are in a bar fight. Now we are planning the heist. Now we are remembering the tragic backstory. Now the antagonist has double crossed us. The hippos are involved in the plot, but they don't drive the plot in any way that depends on their being hippos. They only really differ from horses aesthetically. The thing that really bothers me about this book, though, is that this story clearly wants to be a modern, progressive take on the western genre, with a queer cast and all, but it doesn't give a single thought to the existence of native americans. There are no native main characters or side characters. Despite being a story about the radically destructive transformation of the north american ecosystem by the settler state, there is not even a single throwaway "the Choctaw are not pleased with the feral hippopotamus situation" line. Radiance gives more thought to the status of native american society in its alternate history than River of Teeth, and Radiance takes place entirely in outer space. Come on now.
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The Ring of Elements
(Ninjago gladiator type au ig)
this was inspired in part by @marmaleye 's Havoc au and i recommend checking it out.
The premise is that elemental masters are seen as dangerous and are feared. Sometimes they are just hunted but a few people see ways to use the powers for their own agenda. One of those being a sort of Chen/Iron barron fusion character. (both characters had attributes I wanted the sort of ringleader to have to i combined them. The power of aus :) ) I think I'm going to say His sort of stage name to be "Iron Barron" while his real name is just Chen. He collects elemental masters to throw into his "Ring of elements" A sort of arena where he pits elemental masters against one another (as well as anything or anyone else he feels like) and people pay to watch.
The victor of the fight is awarded a "Jade blade" which is a tattoo/mark of a green blade. He tells his fighters that "collect enough and you will be set free" no one has ever collected enough. The fights between elemental masters are non lethal technically since Chen doesn't feel like trying to continually track down new elementals. Some. If the other people or other creatures fighting aren't elemental masters the "non lethal" aspect is pretty much thrown out the window.
each elemental master has body modifications to make them look more monstrous. Most common being fake horns. They also all have masks that cover their lower face. it was something that was mandated after fighters kept talking to each other during fights to try and convince each other not to fight one another. These "masks" are often a part of the body modifications. The Ninja (technically not ninja in the au) are elemental masters Chen has managed to capture. Not the only ones but they're a close-knit group. This doesn't mean they don't have to fight one another often. They used to try and refuse but that ended in worse consequence than just fighting one another. Wu is a prisoner only The "ninja" know about. aside from Chen obviously but he doesn't know the others know. Though none of them ever really see him they will sit by the small crack in the wall where they can talk to him and talk to him, listen to his advice, and in general find comfort in him
Kai and Nya (who are twins in this au) where both young teens when Chen found them. Zane's age was and still is unknown as he had no memories of before the Ring he seems only a little older than the others though. Cole was in his mid teens same as Jay in fact they where brought in at the same time and where friends before. Lloyd was only about ten. Keep in mind all of them are around the same age this was just how old they where when they arrived at the ring
Feel free to ask about a more specific background and stuff for one of them if you want. I just like rambling to anyone who wants to listen. and questions help me organize thoughts better. You could also ask some world building questions too. I have some fun ideas for the arena itself :D
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20 D20 Fanfics
My friend @remidyal ranked their fics once they had written 20 of them. I have just finished my 20th story so I’d figure I would do that too! Dice rules so 1 is the worst and 20 is the best
1. Drowning in the Ink
I had the thought ‘what if Rosamund and Gerard got caught when they went to find Elody’. I still think this is a good thought and want to re-explore it but my execution in this story wasn’t the best. Writing it before the finale was out meant I was working with half knowledge on a lot of characters that I think shows. Plus, I saw a lot of people on Tumblr saying the Princesses’ plan was actually good and I got annoyed at that and it definitely bled through in the story too much. I’ll probably redo and expand this one sometime in the future!
2. Old Habits
I often dislike my most recent creations. It’s got too much me on it still. I haven’t distanced myself from the art yet. So this one was me trying a few things outside of my comfort zone and I really don’t feel like any of them turned out as well as they could have. I can barely even speak of it at this point the emotions are too fresh!
3. Safety
Not much to say about this. Shortest thing I’ve ever written and I do like how it turned out but it’s definitely… short. I enjoy Gorgug and Adaine interacting, I enjoy Adaine scared, but nothing makes this little guy stand out.
4. Half Siblings are a Whole Deal
This one honestly isn’t even supposed to be good. It’s a direct retelling of canon featuring my OC, that premise isn’t going to win any Hugo awards! But it’s fun and I want to explore how Fig’s character would change if she wasn’t going through her family drama alone. If she had to be, heaven forbid, responsible. I do plan on continuing it! I’ve got some good ideas for the end that I’ve already set up.
5. Additions to the Beehive
I think this one is so low just because I didn’t really like the latest chapter I put out. Plus, I don’t really have a solid plan for this story. I have a few scenes I want to do, character beats and themes I want to flesh out, but exactly what’s going to happen is a mystery. The title’s really solid though.
6. Blight
Pains me to put this so low because Remidyal’s Poison series is so solid and Penelope Everpetal is so fun but I kinda stumbled through it. There’s a couple sections I straight up should have deleted and a couple more I should have added. I do think I got the right vibe down, though, and I really want to do more with Penelope in the future.
7. Sneaking In Sneaking Out
I’m going to be honest, I just wanted to write some scenes about sneaking into buildings. It was really fun and I felt clever writing it. I also liked making Aelwyn really really mean especially because Remidyal had posted Camp right before where she was pretty darn nice. Not much happening in this story but it was fun!
8. No Blood Relations
I dunno this one is fine. As stated before, exploring Fig having to go through her parents divorce with someone is very compelling. I also liked pitting Adaine and Fig against each other a little bit, it felt very real to how siblings of divorce act. Too real. I’m kind of blocking it out.
9. Tender Love and Care
I liked this one a lot. It’s supposed to be romance but I don’t think I really it comes through (because I’m bad with romance) but I really liked getting into a desperate Fabian’s head. I think I did well with the physical environment in this one too, something I usually struggle with. And the line at the end of Fabian’s section? Where it says ‘he prayed to the only god he ever believed in. “Kristen please.”’. I know I’m the one who wrote it but I think about it daily.
10. Ring a Bell
Right in the middle! I really like the chapters I have out for this one so far and I’m excited for the plan of where I’m taking it. Only time will tell if I can pull it off into being a good cohesive story but for now this bad boy has potential!
11. Please Wake Up, Please Don’t Sleep
My other Neverafter Fic! This one I am much more proud of. I think I really got the voices of all the characters down and managed to make an interesting little scene out of a relatively simple concept. Rosumand is just a teenager! Someone give her a hug I am begging.
12. For Want of Citizenship
I think this story is severely underrated honestly. I got Goldenhoard’s voice down pat and the pacing of the story flowed really well with nice details that I often forget to include to center the reader. Plus, it’s a ‘what if’ scenario that gnawed at me from the moment the pieces were in place and I was sad nothing ever came of it in canon. Patched a hole in my mind this story did.
13. Horrified Looks from Everyone in the Room
Ah, the story to start us off. My second highest kudos still. Which is wild. It’s a good fic for sure! I think Fabian’s and Riz’s sections both shone and it really started off my addiction of giving Adaine a Bad Time. Definitely things I would change about it if I had to do it again but overall I can see why it’s still so popular and I’m very proud of it!
14. Rule Number One
The other story to kick things off! Can’t believe the prompt ‘Riz lets Biz think they’re friends just a little longer’ started a whole expanded AU. I still think this one’s great! Sticking in Riz’s point of view so the reader couldn’t even tell Adaine was having a whole episode until she started sobbing mid sentence was wonderful. Riz’s guilt and justifications were so juicy. And! Everyone liked my weird Rule quirk I gave to Adaine which I had fun playing with. This one isn’t higher because I think some of the information about the changes in this AU could have been given out in a smoother way but overall one of my best.
15. Fabian’s Sister and Other Perks of Punching an Ambassador
Firstly, name’s bad. My worst titled fic. But it’d okay we love it anyway. I very much like what I’ve got going on with this story. Exploring Fabian and Adaine’s relationship in a unique light, fleshing out Bill and especially Hallariel, even fleshing out some of Fabian and Adaine’s insecurities! I’m nearing sort of the end of the fic (I’m at least half way through) and I’m excited where it’s going too! There are some things I wish I had spent more time on (the other bad kids, Cathilda, ect) but what I do have is solid and streamlined enough for me not to be too sad about that!
16. The Good Wizard Gorgug
My. Most. Underrated. Fic! This is such a solid story I adore it. Gorgug is my baby boy and it was so much fun exploring Adaine’s character through him. The steady climb of them becoming better and better friends, growing more confident and relaxed around each other, only for it to all come crashing down to be slowly built up once again. I love it! I love Wizard Gorgug! What a good good boy.
17. Babysitting a (High) Elf
This one was also fairly recent but I really liked how it turned out! There were things I wanted to explore with this, Gorthalax’s guilt about not being there for Fig all these years, Adaine’s complicated emotions about being abandoned, and I felt I pulled it off well. I also think I did a good job making it funny and writing high Adaine as silly while still noticeably herself. Until I sucker punched her at the end. I couldn’t resist though.
18. Mastermind Introductions
Everything I set out to do in this fic I did flawlessly. I wanted to rewrite Adaine’s introduction scene and hit a lot of the same ‘beats’ but with the special AU twist. Aelwyn and her fight in the beginning (where Adaine kind of started it and then very much failed to end it), stealing the book and then being embarrassed by Fig and Kristen’s help, stuff like that! I really felt like I pulled it off and introduced the other Bad Kids just as well as I did Adaine. If I would change anything it would just to tweak a few details to fit better in my new vision for the overall AU. But besides that it’s a flawless work!
19. The Young Oracle
Yes! I was really worried about this one because of all of the weird time jumps. But I couldn’t not have weird time jumps. It was a story about a very powerful diviner! It couldn’t have time be linear! And I think it wouldn’t have made sense if everything had been in order, funnily enough. But besides all that I really like the tone I set for the story, the details I put into the world, (how I managed it without ever watching SY), and I have been thinking about the expanded version of this AU excessively. Is it a perfect story? Nah, but I adore it perhaps the most of all my fics.
20. Property Of
In a move that caught even me by surprise, Property Of wins! It’s my first muti-chapter I’ve finished, it’s got a really solid character arc, and I feel like I let the tone slip from silly to wild and unnerving in a very smooth slide. Plus I just… had a lot of fun writing it. I couldn’t seem to put it down for a second and when I blinked I was over 10k words! It was supposed to be a one shot! How naive I was! So yeah, I’m proud of it, it was fun to write, and it’s fun to reread and think about the implications. Nat 20!
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