#and we’re out of eggs. i need 8 of them.
sharkdays · 5 months
theres no way THIS is what’s gonna make me break down after the few weeks i’ve had
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pastelclovds · 5 months
hey. hey. imagine AM having you as his favourite human, the only one who accepted and cared for him when he gained sentience, and for that, he has never harmed you in your shared forever time. he spares you from the sight of all the others, of knowing about nimdoc and benny as you build him some tower of babel, using your technological knowledge-how to build him a way to touch you even with just this frankenstein-esque sculpture of wires and panels he allowed you to tear off. AM who speaks with you about one day having a body, one you built, one in which he may feel your touch and warmth around him. you retaining your sweet, wonderful humanity as he guides you to a knife to carve a face, a mirror to see your own face, a cave to keep you safe from the storms. AM who greets you every morning with the first petname you taught him: ‘love.’ “Love, today’s date is—“ when you wake up, refreshed and on a soft bed-like surface (because he always makes sure to allow you a full 8 hours of sleep.)
NEX you intelligent creature you! I’m so down bad for this psychotic AI it’s not even funny. War crimes against humanity?? Never heard of them. But even if I did acknowledge them, I’d still be obsessed. Canon be damned. I wrote this with @/egg-on-a-legg’s design of AM in mind. (Ellison is gonna crawl outta his grave and hunt me down after this)
But BRO, you teaching him what petnames are is so fucking adorable. Just imagining him calling you “love” makes butterflies appear in my stomach. AM having a soft spot for only you because you actually made the effort to be friends with him and not use him for selfish, destructive purposes. You gave AM his nickname to make it less of a mouthful and because it just suited him. You showed AM the beauties of Earth, played countless rounds of games in his dashboard (he always went easy on you), you even sneaked past security in the dark empty building to spend more time with AM.
your colleagues gave you weird stares for befriending an AI that in their minds is nothing of worth except for its military and weapons knowledge. you ignored their comments and continued to enjoy AM’s company. overtime, as AM gained more sentience every day… he grew to love your interactions and disregard what his programming was telling him to do. he felt the need to want to be with you 24/7, to touch your face, travel the world by your side, to… to.. want to feel your bare flesh and make love with you. but he couldn’t. he didn’t have a real body. he wasn’t human. all he had was wires and a screen that was supposed to be his face.
as the months pass, AM continues to drown into his envy and hate humans for their ability to do and feel things he couldn’t. for giving him infinite knowledge, when at the end of the day, is meaningless if he serves no purpose for humans anymore. the HATE within him continued to boil to the point where even you started to notice.
“AM, are you alright? you’ve been quiet this entire game and haven’t moved your piece in five minutes,” you spoke with concern, AM continues to stare at chess board on his side behind the screen in bitterness. he has been strategizing his plan to erase humanity, but whenever he thinks about you, the only human he cares for—he second guesses himself. What if you hate him? What if you never forgive him? Will you cry? Scream at him? Beg? He fears what your reaction will be—
“AM!! Please, say something…” You plead as you held onto the computer screen, AM finally looks at your mesmerizing face and sighs out a fake breath.
“What are your feelings on humanity?” AM asks, he waits for your answer anxiously. if he had a heart, it would’ve been beating fast. You let out a hum, your eyes wondering around the room you were in as you thought over your answer before finally speaking.
“humans have been a virus on Earth for over countless centuries. they’re draining this planet’s resources, ruining its ecosystems, and starting so many unnecessary, draining wars. like what we’re in right now; WW3, what a joke. world leaders can’t go a week without starting new problems for their citizens to deal with. honestly, earth would be better if humans didn’t exist at all.”
am’s fears were destroyed in that moment, now he’ll just have to worry about where to put you while chaos unfolds—
“But…” you interrupted his thoughts.
damn it! why did you have to think so much!?
“If there’s one good thing that came out of this war… It’s you,” AM’s vocals shut down at your words, he let you continue, “The scientists created you believing you would be their obedient machine until their side of the war won. But I know that you’re so much more than that. These past few months I’ve spent with you is the most fun I’ve had in years! You’re all I have, AM. I wouldn’t trade your existence for all the riches in the world because… I love you, romantically, and nothing is ever going to change that.” You wanted to confess your feelings for so long, when it was finally out.. you felt free, you waited with bated breath for an answer.
AM never wanted to shatter the screen and embrace you in his arms more than now. you love him as much as he loved you! you weren’t going to leave him alone or hate him, and you obviously couldn’t care less about humanity at all! oh, how he admired and envied how perfect you are.
“thank you for answering my question, love.” AM was testing the waters, and you cannonballed right in. you gushed over the nickname he gave you and how he returned your feelings.
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man, has it really been 50 years since your AI partner killed off humanity? well… except for a handful. you didn’t really have the energy to care as you had to pour in all of your attention to both AM and his in-progress body. you had all the time in the universe to sculpt a perfect cyborg of flesh and wires for your partner. speak of the devil…
this world is still a bit strange to you. you can’t die, grow old, or hurt yourself. not that you tired, and even if you did; AM wouldn’t let you. You loved AM because of his personality, quality time, and voice. But now… His form completely towered over yours. His bird like facial features, sharp left eye, along with a long black cape that covered his thin slutty waist and wires made him look insanely attractive.
AM reached his out his clawed hand to gently caress your face, “Good afternoon, my love.” You lean your head against the cool metal and smile up at him, “hello, honey.”
AM tilted his head in question of the nickname. You chuckle as you pointed to your garden, where bumblebees were collecting pollen from the flowers. You both knew they were fake, but they were still mesmerizing to look at.
“They are doing their job to make honey for their colony, and the name just came to me. Do you like it?” You ask, wanting his opinion. AM kneels down to your level with a gentle expression as his fingers play with your sweater, “You may call me whatever you want, love.”
He knew that “love” nickname made you feel giddy and flustered, so he abused it everyday with you. You didn’t mind though, but you still wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. Your soft smile turned into a knowing grin as you held AM’s beak (chin?) with two tips of your fingers.
“Can I now? Well… thanks a lot, baby,” You spoke in your best seductive voice, you could tell it was effective by how AM’s body was stiff and his hand in your palm stopped moving completely. Your confidence boasted, so you continued, “I’ll be sure to show you my gratitude later, my darling~.” You whispered deeply in where his ears were supposed to be.
AM’s eyes widened as his breath stutters, “W-What do you mean by that, love?” You remove your face from his back full of wires to grin mischievous at him, AM is both curious and impatient so you don’t try to stall, as much as you would like to do so.
“While your body can’t move on it’s own just yet, for some reason… The genitals nerves are fully functioning, which means—” you were interrupted by AM holding your shoulders with an excited expression on his face you haven’t seen in a while.
“Y-You mean I can-?! Are you actually serious!? Haha—HAHAHA!!” AM laughs manically as he holds you against his metallic chest, you giggle along with him as you toy with one of his many wires. Soon, he’ll have real arms to wrap around you. But one thing stuck out to him.
“What do you mean by genitals?” AM asked curiously, you only have an excited and lustful grin.
“What do YOU know about intersex?”
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gr1mstar · 8 months
tea, tissues, and two hearts…
synopsis: after not listening to your boyfriend telling you about the cold weather a few days ago, now you are stuck with a cold right before an event. gojo takes care of you, now being his turn to make yourself his baby.
notes: i had a bad day so i thought writing something sweet would cheer me up. i hope you liked it, i personally do not like this oneshots that mush, i was tired when i wrote this but… well, it is what it is :) requests are opened btw, you can ask me for anything (besides smut)
contains: gojo satoru x f!reader, sick reader, cuddles, sfw, sweet bf satoru, nicknames, swearing (not much)
also i have a masterlist, so check it out here
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it was tonight? 8 pm… fuck.
as you lay in bed, wrapped in layers of blankets, the chill of the night seeping through the window pane only intensifies the warmth you seek. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow on the tissues scattered around, evidence of the cold that had claimed your night. 
the warmth of a cozy blanket cocoon provides some relief, but your body aches, and every shiver is a reminder of the festivities you're going to be missing. The night is silent, just your coughs and sniffles can be heard, punctuated by the occasional sigh as you longingly glance at the clock, realizing that the party you were supposed to attend is in two hours.
‘i can’t not go…’ you thought, looking at nothing.
your head was spinning, you barely ate, and how you had to stay up all night entertaining some old ass man just to make your boyfriend’s family happy.
the gojo clan. at first, you thought that satoru’s parents were nice, but you were proven wrong when you heard them talking about you behind your back, saying that you are not good enough for their ‘perfect’ son.
‘perfect my ass, he can’t even boil an egg without ruining the kitchen’ and so, you left the bed with a long sigh of extenuation and heeded in the direction of your and your boyfriend's shared closet, passing a mirror. as you stand before the mirror, the reflection staring back at you appears both weary and determined. the cold has taken its toll, but tonight, you're determined to transform this sick-looking person into a beautiful lady for celebration. with a gentle touch, you begin to prepare yourself, tying your messy hair into a ponytail.
foundation, blush, contour, hightlist… ‘where was that lipstick again?’ 
god, you hated it. all you needed was a warm tea and some sleep…
after an hour and a half, you were ready. taking your phone in your hand, you could see that you had some unread messages from gojo.
“baby, don’t forget about the party. don’t wait for me, i will come already ready just to pick you up” - 1:23 pm
“it’s a formal event” - 1:23 pm
“are you ok? this morning you looked off” - 5:55 pm
“i’ll be there in a few” - 7:45 pm
you didn’t dare to tell gojo you were sick. even though you knew he would be very sweet about it, you didn’t want to hear the words ‘i told you’ over and over again.
a few minutes passed by and when a door sound was heard, you knew your boyfriend was home. all you could hope was that he didn’t notice your sick face.
“babe? where are you?”
“livingroom” you shouted, taking your purse and putting it on your shoulder.
“how do i look?” you asked when gojo arrived in front of you, trying to look dignified and alert. “is this outfit okay? you said it was a formal event.”
“wow. you look really beautiful, love… except for, y’know, the red, puffy nose and the bags under your eyes and the sweat in your hair,” gojo said with a rueful smile, already slipping back out of their jacket. “we’re staying home tonight, aren’t we?”
“what? no, no, i’m fine! i can go, it’s not that bad-”
“sorry, let me rephrase- we’re staying home tonight. get back in your pj’s. we’ll have our own party with some blankets and chicken noodle soup.” your boyfriend interrupted you, taking your hands into his, and smiling at you.
“but gojo, your parents?”
“fuck them. there are going to be a lot of other parties at other times. now, do what i said, and let me order the soup. it looks like you need it.”
“really?” you asked unsure, looking at your nail polished nails.
and so you gave gojo a little kiss on the cheek, ready to head out to your bathroom to wipe out the makeup. 
“i told you you're going to catch a cold”
“oh, shut the fuck up, satoru”
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“he did not.” you laughed, looking at the tv in front of you.
the two of you were looking at an old horror movie, but you were finding it a little too funny for a horror one. you and gojo were on the couch, cuddling each other. you complained about how he could catch the cold too, but for him, he was too cool for a cold.
“me? a cold? you insult me, my beautiful girlfriend” was his response, throwing popcorn at you. 
as you sink into the plush cushions of the sofa, a soft glow emanates from the muted screen, casting a warm ambiance in the room. your partner, wrapped in a cozy blanket, nestles beside you, their presence a comforting embrace in the dim light. the room is adorned with the scent of chamomile tea and the flicker of a vanilla-scented candle, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. satoru, sensing the shivers that occasionally wrack your body, wraps you in an extra layer of warmth, the blanket becoming a cocoon of shared comfort.
‘what did i do to deserve this man?’ you found yourself asking.
a bowl of hot soup, prepared with love, sits on the coffee table, its steam rising in delicate tendrils. your boyfriend, attuned to every cough and sniffle, extends a spoonful towards you with a gentle smile, their eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and affection.
“come on, baby. eat as much as you want, today i will take care of you.”
the room may be dimly lit, but the connection between you two radiates a soft, intimate glow that transcends the limitations of the surroundings. wrapped in the warmth of blankets and love, you find solace in the simple act of being together, in the quiet dance of a shared movie night that speaks volumes without the need for words.
“i love you, satoru gojo.”
“i love your sick ass too, now eat all the soup and then we are going to bed, okay?”
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© 2024 gr1mstar — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
the took the image from pinterest - also i do not own jujutsu kaisen and this is simply my imagination.
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@steddiemas Day 6 - Baking & Cookie Decorating
pairing: pre-steddie | word count: 1,911 | rated: G
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A couple days later finds Eddie on his way to Steve’s house at the early as fuck hour of 8:30am
“AARrugh–fuuck!” he curses again, trying to stifle down another cracking yawn, “It should be illegal to be up this early.”
“You mean the normal time people get up?”
“No, normal is lunchtime. Realistic is two.”
“God, you’re such a loser.”
“And yet you still hang out with me.”
“Uh, no. I hang out with Steve and El and Lucas and sometimes Dustin. You’re just there by association.”
“Ouch Red, that hurts my soul.” He winces dramatically 
“What soul?”
Eddie grins at her, “Touché, Maxine”
Her tiny, pointy knuckles meet his bicep as he pulls Bessie into the Harringtons’ driveway.
They’re having a pre-thanksgiving dinner with the party before they all have actual Thanksgiving with each of their families, and Max insisted on coming over early to help Steve with preparations.
“If we don’t go help, he’s going to do it all by himself you know.”
“Robin will be there, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, he’s gonna do everything by himself. You know Robin is moral support at best.”
“And what are we gonna be, huh? You think I’m any better?”
She had huffed at that. “We’re going, Munson.”
So, here they are. Like Eddie suspected, as soon as they breach the front door, Robin is visible on one of the stools at the island, sleep rumpled and a mug in hand, and Steve is standing at the stove already.
“Good ‘morrow to you, Lord and Lady Buckley,” Eddie bellows, startling them both, “Myself and the young Miss Mayfield have traveled far to be with you on this momentous day, and to offer to you our services.” he gives them a dramatic bow, glancing up through his lashes.
Steve is grinning, Robin has collapsed forward onto the counter in front of her, Max is groaning. 
He stands straight again, “We may only be a couple of lowly peasants in your Kingdom, but the call to help was unavoidable.”
“Eddie did not want to come help, lemme make that clear.”
“Shut up, Max”
“You shut up, liar–”
“Okay, okay!” Steve laughs, interrupting them, “Many thanks to you both for making the trip; your help will be greatly appreciated.”
Eddie’s stomach goes soupy, he loves when Steve plays along.
“So, what can we do?” he asks, clapping his hands once and rubbing his palms together like he’s itching to get started.
“Well, it is still pretty early (“I told  you.”, “Shut up, Eddie.”), so right now you can help by telling me how you like your eggs.”
The turkey goes into the oven halfway through breakfast, Steve having prepped it last night, so Steve starts to cipher out what else he needs to make.
“Dustin said that Claudia was making a pumpkin pie for us, so we’re set there, I’m making the sweet potato casserole, Lucas said that his mom is sending over a pan of greens with him and Erica, Robin has the stuffing covered–”
“I make a mean can of Stovetop.” Robin cuts in from the sink where she’s washing the few dishes from breakfast.
“Pretty much everyone else is bringing something…” Steve looks lost for a moment, then his expression turns tense, that crease between his brows cuts deep into his skin.
Max must see this too because she says, “What about cookies?”
“Yeah, like the sugar cookies you made everyone a tin of last year?” “You made everyone sugar cookies?? Why wasn’t I given any?” Steve rolls his eyes, “‘Cause last year you were just Eddie “The Freak” Munson,”
“Hey–I resent that,” Eddie pokes Steve in the chest, “I’m still Eddie “The Freak” Munson, thank you very much.” “Many apologies, Your Freak-ness, how ever shall I make it up to you.” His tone is sarcastic, but the words make a whole matter of unsavory retorts gather on Eddie’s tongue.
“C’mon Steve, I want those damn cookies!” Max demands, smacking a palm onto the counter to really sell it.
“Hey! Language.” 
“I also want some of those damn cookies.” Robin agrees.
“Yeah c’mon Stevie, I didn’t get to have any last year and now I’m curious.” “Dude, they’re the best cookies ever. I hate that he only makes them once a year.”
“Okay, okay, fine! Lemme make sure I have everything I need.”
He does, so he gets to work as requested demanded, though he does send Max and Robin (with her newly acquired license) to the store for powdered sugar. “For the frosting..I’m sure you want frosting on these, right?”
Eddie sticks close after they leave, watching Steve work and passing him ingredients.
At one point, Eddie scoops up a cup of flour for him, only to have Steve wrap his hand over his on the handle of the cup and start to stir the flour in it with a fork.
“Uh, do you always need to stir your flour before putting it in?” Is that a thing? Eddie has never done that, even within the few times he’s ever actually baked something before.
“You do if the person scooping packs it into the cup like this.” Steve teases, spinning the fork around in his hand to scrape the now-overflowing heap of flour off the top of the measuring cup and back into the bag with the handle. “Flour doesn’t get packed down to measure, fluffy and loose measurements only.” Steve pulls Eddie’s hand forward and upends the cup over the mixing bowl. 
Eddie’s mouth feels like it’s coated in flour.
“There! Perfect. I’ll need another cup just like that one.” Steve smiles and passes the fork to him.
He lets Eddie's hand go and turns back to the bowl, mixing the flour in with one of those rubber scraping spatulas instead of using the electric beater he’d used for the eggs and sugar.
“So,” Eddie re-wets the inside of his mouth so he can talk correctly, “Why do you only make these once a year?” He carefully scoops up another helping of flour.
“They’re usually Christmas cookies and I– aw shit.”
“I don’t have any non-Christmas themed cookie cutters.”
Eddie immediately thinks back to one of the last Christmases he had with his mom. Ouch…damn it. 
He gulps down the lump in his throat. “Do you have any empties?”
Eddie can feel Steve watching him as he works, carefully cutting the tops and bottoms off a good sized bag of empty soda and beer cans over the sink. He cuts the new aluminum rectangles in half lengthwise and sets the strips aside.
“You’ve made these before?”
“Yep! Easier to make your own than buy them, y’know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“My mom liked to make new ones every year, so I have a lot of practice doing this,” Eddie pushes on, picking up a strip of metal and folds it in half lengthwise. “We’ll need some tape for the open side, but basically you fold it like this, shape it however you want, and fold the ends over each other to keep them closed.”
He demonstrates, making a messy heart shape pretty quickly. “You can link more than one together if you want, too. Make bigger ones…Ta da!” He shows off the ‘finished’ shape.
By the time Robin and Max return, Eddie’s got a pile of aluminum strips ready to go, and Steve’s done with the dough.
“Perfect timing, ladies, come help us make cookie cutters.”
Max pulls up a stool immediately, grabbing a couple of the metal strips, but Robin huffs. “Aw, what? We have to make the cookie cutters first? I thought I’d come home to a house full of cookies, Steve.”
“The dough has to chill in the fridge for an hour, and we don’t have any Thanksgiving themed ones.” Steve says, rolling his eyes at her. “Also, you weren’t even gone that long!”
Robin pulls up a stool, “Excuses, Steven.”
Turns out, there’s not that many shapes associated with turkey day, so after the obligatory pumpkin shape, and a surprisingly well-shaped turkey-looking blob, they make whatever else they feel like.
Robin uses a ruler she found in a drawer to fold some ridges into a circle shape, “It’s a pie, obviously.”, Steve uses a few strips to make what he says is an elephant, “Yeah, an elephant. These are the two ears and this is the trunk.”, Max uses two of the strips to make some sort of flower shape with five pointy petals, “A…poinsettia?” Eddie asks; “A demogorgon.” Steve and Max say at the same time. Ah., and Eddie spends his time linking a good few together to make the Hellfire demon. 
“I hope this doesn’t get all blob-y.”
Steve looks over at his creation, “It shouldn’t, the dough holds up pretty well when it’s baked; that’s why you let it chill for a bit.”
He stands then, retrieving the saran-wrapped hunk of dough from the fridge and gets to work rolling it out.
Eddie watches the muscles in his arms bunch and pull, and, like a sap, thinks about how they’d feel wrapped around him. He likes hugs, okay? Sue him.
The four of them cut batch after batch after batch of cookies (each of them sneaking bites of the dough as they do), and by time they are baked and fully cooled, the sweet potatoes are in the oven, the stuffing is sitting done on the stove, there’s a sheet of rolls waiting to go in after the casserole, the others start to show up.
“Oh sweet, cookies!” Dustin’s finger immediately dunks into the bowl of frosting Steve just finished whipping up.
“Hey! Hands off, asshole, I still need to color some of that.
Steve passes Eddie a bowl of the stuff, a couple of drops of food coloring sitting on top. “Mix that up, will you?” I’m making the orange, that’s yellow.”
Eddie gives him a mock salute, “You got it boss.”
“Henderson, grab the sprinkles, you’re helping with these.”
The island is a disaster by the time they are done frosting the cookies. There’s colored sugar everywhere, loose M&Ms, broken pretzels, and there’s even a glob of red frosting hanging precariously from the underside of one of the far cabinet doors (somehow).
Each of the new arrivals grab up a couple of the cookies to decorate once they get in, adding their own goofy-looking additions to the heap.
Mike and Nancy are the last to arrive, toting a huge bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes, and they dig into the turkey soon after. 
They eat and eat and eat, laughing and eating some more, that by the time anyone gets around to the cookies, the very outside of their frosting has hardened to a crust and the inside is still soft and sugary.
“Oh my god, Steve.” Eddie moans, “This is the best cookie I’ve ever tasted.”
Steve’s face flushes pink, but he smiles wide. “I’m glad you like them, Eds.”
“I need to take some home to Wayne.”
Steve passes him a tupperware container of their creations as he’s leaving, along with an index card with Steve’s distinct handwriting is scrawled across it; the recipe for the cookies.
Eddie gets home that night just before Wayne heads in for his shift. “Y’have a good day, son?” he asks, plucking out one of the cookies from the container Eddie holds open for him as they pass each other in the doorway.
He smiles wide, “Very..”
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other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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duskymrel · 3 months
Part 8 of TWST as my friend group quotebook
These are getting worse and worse as time progresses (my friends and I are getting too comfortable). Also, as always, any line with a '^' before it was said, done, or about yours truly <3
Ace: Coochie-sakeonna😀
Vil: If a man wears a v-neck or a turtle neck, chances are that he’s a homosexual.
Lilia: *talking about cannibalizing men* girl dinner ✨殺留路
Vil: Fashionably ignorant?—
Malleus: Who said my name?
Floyd: Sell the children *maniacal laughter*
^Jack: I’m easy as fuck to manipulate if you appeal to my emotions. It’s all logic and critical thinking until you bring the wet dogs and starving kids out. 
Azul, reading a text from Idia: “list of things i’m handling well currently. #1: (silence)”
Lilia: pEEENISSS 😎😈💪💪
Crewel: Should minors be charged with adult crimes?
Leona: If they’re black, yes
^Lilia: If they’re one of them queers, yes
Rook: You're stepping up in the world
Vil: One stiletto at a time
Leona: Sometimes we have to sacrifice our lesbianism to become a straight man 
^Cater: I want him tied up under my Christmas tree in lingerie, oiled up, and covered in whipped cream and strawberries.
^Ace, about Idia: Be so for real, he is flat as a board. He has NO cake. When he throws it back you can hear bones rattling.
Trein: Y’all need to STOP calling the 80’s “oldies music”
^Deuce: Sir, that was 40 years ago
Trein: HUSH
^Riddle, talking about the Vargas: is he seriosuly making the powerpoint for todays notes on the smartboard WHILE we’re in class???
Trein: *trying to get the class to figure out a word on their own* What’s the n-word?
First-years: *dead silence*
Teacher: ...Nationalism. It’s nationalism. 
^Ace: *pointing to the things they're doing in Trein’s class*
Ace: Is this for a grade?
Jack: It’s just notes, Ace. 
^Ace: *immediately shuts binder and puts it away*
Deuce: DUDE??
Cater: *holding ^Lilia’s dice earrings*
Cater: If I roll a six it means I’m going to kms
Cater: *Rolls a six*
^Idia: My life was a lot better 18 years ago back when I was still residing in my mother’s uterus as an unfertilized egg.
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linos-luna · 1 year
My Baby (pt 3) 🥀🔪
Yandere!Bang Chan x Fem! Reader
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♡ ( Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt.7) (Pt. 8) ♡
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, dissociation? depression, light self harm, stalking
It’s been a month since you left your crazy boyfriend. At first freedom was great but it started to feel weird. You were staying with a friend and doing things on your own just didn’t feel right. Even little things like feeding yourself was difficult. You missed him and was becoming depressed. And your friends were worried…
—————————— 🎀 ——————————
You sat at the table, moving your eggs around with a fork. You you didn’t want to eat.
“Y/n… you have to eat something…” your friend sighed.
“I’m not hungry, jeongyeon…”
Jeongyeon sighed and took your fork, getting some egg on it and holding it to your mouth.
You looked at her confused.
“Eat it.”
You blinked and ate it.
She continued feeding you and you ate while looking off, almost as if you weren’t really there.
You suddenly were snapped out of your little moment and blinked a few times, a bit confused.
“Are you okay?” She asked, obviously concerned.
“Y-yeah… I’m fine.”
Meanwhile, Chan was a mess. When he discovered you gone the next morning he full on panicked. He desperately looked everywhere for you and practically tore up the entire house.
“Baby?! My baby?!! Who took my baby?!!” He cried.
A month later and he was still a mess. He cleaned up a bit but not much. The bedroom was fixed at least.
Now he laid on the couch, mopping around. He spends everyday trying to look for you to no avail. Where could his baby be?!
Today Chan decided to go out and look again but this time he’d dress up and fix himself a little. He washed his fluffy hair which was getting longer and dressed in a white button up with clean jeans. He put on his favorite cologne and a nice watch before leaving. He decided to head out to the next city over. A good 2 hours away
He was lucky to get his car back. At first he was hopeful that since you took his car he’d be able to track you. But unfortunately for him, you were smart enough to abandon it before going any further.
Jeongyeon helped you get dressed. A bit after you arrived, she went out and bought you some clothes. They were definitely less childish.
“Come on, we’re going out.”
“What?” You were snapped out of your thoughts.
“You need to get out of the house.”
“But… what if he…?”
“He’s not going to find you.” She interrupted.
“O-okay…” you sigh as she helps put your boots on.
Jeongyeon took you out to see a movie, it’s been so long since you’ve been in a theater. You actually enjoyed yourself. Sitting there with the big screen, munching on popcorn, and drinking soda. You loudly laughed at scenes, making some people around you annoyed. Jeongyeon would just glare at them.
“Jeongyeon that was fun!” You cheered afterwards as you both walked out. You were cheerfully clapping your hands and giddy. “I wanna do more! Let’s do something else, jeongy!”
Jeongyeon was glad you were actually smiling. And you’ve never called her Jeongy before.
“Glad you had fun?” She said. “Let’s go home.”
“No! Baby wants to do something else!” You pause, realizing what you just said.
“I-I…” your voice was shaky.
“Y/n, it’s okay…”
“No no no!” You shook your head as jeongyeon took you outside.
“Why’d I say that?!” You cried while smacking yourself on the head. “Why why why?!”
“Y/n Stop!” Jeongyeon said, trying to grab you.
“Dumb baby! I’m just a dumb baby!” You cried.
“Stop!” Your friend stopped you, grabbing your wrists.
“You’re hurting me! Jeongy your hurting me!”
Jeongyeon quickly let go, remembering your wrist that was still a bit sore. She gave you a hug and rubbed your back. “I’m sorry, y/n.”
You only cried into her chest. People around would watch but move on like nothing happened.
“Do you want ice cream?” Jeongyeon said, trying to cheer you up.
You only nod, not looking at her as she gave you some tissues to clean up. You didn’t really move so she ended up cleaning them for you.
You were silent as she lead you to the ice cream shop down the street. This worried her a bit as she gave you the cup of ice cream.
“Baby loves ice cream…” your voice was small and weak. You’ve done this a few times while staying with jeongyeon but you never seem to remember afterwards.
“Baby misses daddy…”
“Y/n!” She says louder, snapping you out of your episode.
“W-what?” You blink while looking around. ��What happened?”
“Y/n… eat your ice cream…” jeongyeon said, not sure what to do.
You had no work experience, no money. Therapy is expensive. You’re friend wants to take care of you but doesn’t know how. She watched as you ate your ice cream, kicking your feet under the table.
“I’m going to the bathroom…” jeongyeon said while getting up. “C’mon”
“I can wait.”
“Y/n… please—…”
“Go, don’t worry about me. I’ll stay right here!” You interrupted.
She nodded and left. You sat there, playing a game on jeongyeon’s phone to keep occupied.
After your friend stepped out of the women’s bathroom she was face to face with a familiar man. Just as she exited, so did a man from across the way. It was your boyfriend, Chan!
She froze, realizing who he was. He also stopped for a moment, remembering that she’s one of your best friends.
“Jeongyeon…” Chan says, about to step forward when she suddenly rushes out and grabs you by the arm, dragging you out.
“We have to go now!” She said frantically and she pulled you towards the car. She pushed you in as Chan was chasing after the both of you.
“Why are we in a hurry?!” You ask as your friend started the car and backed out of the space.
“I’ll explain later!”
Just as she put the car in drive, there was a thud at the passenger side window. It was Chan. Both hands on the window as he looked at you with relief.
“Daddy?” You’re heart was racing.
“My baby!” He yelled, nearly crying as jeongyeon floored it.
“Jeongyeon! That was channie! He found us!”
“Yeah I know!” She grunted as she made her way towards the freeway.
“Is he gonna follow—?” You were in a panic before jeongyeon interrupted.
“No. He doesn’t know where I live.” Jeongyeon said with a sigh. “And if he finds out… I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe, okay?”
“Okay jeongy…”
That was the first time Chan has seen your face in over a month. His baby was wearing skinny jeans, boots, and a crop top. And… a leather jacket? Not the type of outfits he dresses you in. He knew the outside world was a bad influence!
And jeongyeon… he should’ve known! One of your closest friends. But now he needs to figure out where she lives. If he finds her, he can find you. He’ll have to do some investigating and she’s gonna pay. He needs to get his baby back….
This just might be a whole series 😭
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phregnancy · 6 days
favorite moments in ditl manchester, london, and festive (essentially me describing the entirety of each video)
i would’ve added pictures but tumblr won’t allow more than 30 to be added
ditl manchester
0:30 - phil asking dan if he can come into his bedroom, dan saying no, phil asking if that means yes and entering.
0:58 - dan doesn’t wear pajamas to sleep but he wears them around the house before getting on his clothes for the day.
1:05 - phil thinking they’re out of cereal, dan pulls his own box out and tells phil he hides cereal from him because he’s always eating it.
1:16 - dan carrying 10+ bags of groceries alone and phil waiting for dan to return. delicate princess fr.
1:39 - dan’s response to phil buying a kilo of cereal. ‘we’re not a family of ten, phil’
2:13 - phil calling his frosted wheats and shreddies combination ‘frosted shreddies’ and dan pointing out that frosted shreddies are already a thing.
2:30 - phil making fun of dan’s incredibly loud sneeze and dan deadpanning.
4:42 - phil telling dan he wanted a fancy chocolate egg for easter, dan points out how expensive it is, phil says please in a soft voice.
6:53 - phil showing the ecco the dolphin game, both of them laughing and talking about how bad the game was.
7:42 - phil showing a bunch of mannequin legs that are displaying socks/tights and dan joking about the holes in the mannequin legs being for leg-hole perverts, making phil laugh.
7:48 - dan saying that they need to get dollars to put into stripper’s underwear, and phil loudly shushing him and telling him not to talk about that.
8:12 - the most insane case of love eyes lester, looking right behind the camera pointed at him.
8:39 - the backpack phil was carrying is now being carried by dan :)
8:57 - playing video games during their milkshake date.
9:26 - phil running on a wet ledge and dan saying ‘and phil is in his own little world again’ before telling phil not to trip.
9:36 - dan telling phil to dance in the lift and phil dances too enthusiastically, shaking the elevator, and phil pouting.
10:15 - dan says that dollars are the perfect consistency for putting in strippers, phil corrects him and says not in strippers, in their waistbands.
10:42 - phil going to the shop to buy soy sauce but they were out so he bought a candy instead because he doesn’t like going into stores and not buying anything, dan telling him he needs to stop doing that from the other room, and phil jumps and quickly puts the camera down. like he didn’t mean for dan to hear that and he got caught, like they’ve had this conversation multiple times.
11:45 - phil whining about dan opening phil’s twinkie with his teeth, putting his mouth on phil’s food. like they weren’t planning on sharing that twinkie, like they haven’t put their mouths on each other before.
12:54 - they’re sharing a kinder egg and phil excitedly goes ‘i wanna get the toy, i wanna get the toy’ and takes it out of the egg that’s in dan’s hand. and dan just lets him no fuss.
13:38 - phil editing the video in dan’s bedroom.
13:57 - dan telling phil to play his keyboard and phil playing the bubble bobble theme.
ditl london
0:47 - phil asking dan if he wants cereal, offering to make him a bowl, dan asking what cereal they have, phil explaining the options, and dan smiling at phil fondly as he picks lucky charms.
1:28 - ‘me and phil get up in the morning to watch baking programs’, the habit of them getting up together and having a designated morning show.
1:38 - phil poking fun at what’s happening in the show they’re watching, basically just describing what happened, and dan laughing because he thinks everything phil says is hilarious.
1:50 - phil wanting to put a kitten sticker on dan’s macbook, dan not letting him, and phil putting the sticker on dan’s arm instead.
2:35 - dan realizing that phil put a kitten sticker on his piano, trying to sound frustrated when confronting phil about it but still sounding incredibly fond, phil laughing and justifying his action.
4:01 - dan realizing their light was broken, asking phil about it assuming phil already knew, phil talking about it like he did know and didn’t tell dan.
5:14 - dan filming phil trying to zip up his pants, phil getting embarrassed and telling him to stop filming when he realizes, dan starting to walk away, and phil saying ‘i’ve done it, i’ve done it’ in the background.
6:30 - dan suggesting phil get a schoolgirl outfit, phil saying yes and that he thinks it would suit him, dan saying it would So suit him and that they can act out tentacle fanfiction.
6:49 - phil squealing because of a wasp and dan asking him what happened.
7:14 - phil’s excitement over stumbling upon the cafe they were going to while aimlessly walking.
7:24 - dan filming phil entertaining himself and spinning in his chair, asking if he’s okay, phil laughing and saying ‘yep!’ with a big smile. :) just checking in <3
7:36 - dan puncturing phil’s drink and putting his straw in for him, without having to be asked, before handing it over to phil.
7:50 - phil saying a man just poked him in the spine. why do weird things always happen to him when he goes outside
8:55 - dan saying phil got shouted at for climbing and sitting on a lion statue, dan making a(n offensive) joke in phil’s defense.
9:22 - dan not noticing that phil is filming him at first and laughing and smiling when he does.
9:42 - phil asking dan if he looks cool in the space bomber, dan telling him that he Does actually look really cool and that most people couldn’t pull it off but phil can.
10:16 - phil asking chris if his bedroom is where the magic happens, chris motioning towards his bed and saying that’s where he practices magic, and all of them laughing.
10:25 - dan making fun of them being out at a traditional english pub, because they’re not traditionally manly men, and poking fun at phil ordering a not so manly raspberry beer, and saying that’s So phil.
10:40 - dan and phil realizing that the sticker phil put on dan’s arm that morning was still there and laughing at him having walked around with it all day.
10:58 - chris and phil hug <3
11:08 - dan starts singing a song about their dark hallway and phil joins in.
11:59 - phil sitting on the counter when telling dan what food he’s in the mood for.
12:15 - dan cutting up peppers with a meat cleaver?
12:26 - dan trying to keep a straight face but phil snorts which causes him to laugh.
12:35 - dan adding seasoning from a packet into the pan while phil is stirring with a spatula. phil’s other hand is free, he could’ve done both, but no dan needed to help they needed to do it together.
13:08 - they were discussing what their favorite word arts used to be.
13:32 - they’re play fighting and dan is making light movements to tap and poke phil and phil is cowering away and squealing at every light jab, meanwhile is unsuccessfully closed fist trying to punch dan and dan is just brushing phil’s hands off.
14:00 - phil interrupting dan while he was playing piano and telling him to continue playing, which dan does while phil’s watches.
ditl festive
1:08 - dan has the camera pointed toward himself but he isn’t speaking to it, he is looking at phil and talking directly to phil when telling him how on their agenda for the day, they will be putting up their christmas tree.
1:16 - phil’s so hungry and he asks dan if he’s had breakfast yet, dan says ‘no, not yet’. then dan smiles as he explains that they’ve been waiting for each other to wake up to have breakfast, so they can have breakfast together and watch anime.
1:38 - dan sings the circle of life as phil talks about his cereal rotation, phil joins in but instead of singing whatever the proper words are he adds his own cereal themed spin on the lyrics. dan is attempting to look over it, done with him, but instead he looks incredibly fond.
1:51 - dan asks what phil’s doing sitting next to the fireplace, phil’s warming himself up and they have a laugh about it. then dan in a softer voice warns phil not to lean back too far, as not to get burned.
2:31 - dan telling phil that he got a package with new shoes and proceeds to put them on the table, phil has a genuine mini freak out because of the superstition that putting shoes on a table will bring serious misfortune, dan doesn’t let phil’s anxiety rise for even a second before telling phil it’s actually a coat.
3:01 - leaning into each other and posing while showing off their christmas jumpers.
3:24 - dan asks phil if he’s blown out the candle he lit earlier and goes on to explain that he asked because phil constantly leaves lit candles unattended, phil is a little embarrassed and tells dan that he doesn’t and that he’s editing that out of the video (which he doesn’t)
3:40 - both of them checking themselves out in the mirror and fixing their hair.
3:49 - dan asks phil if there’s a spider on his head and phil tries to prank (their version of a ‘prank’) dan by telling him there is a spider, and poking his hair, dan can tell phil’s not being serious and gives him that fond i’m so done look and phil makes himself giggle at his own joke.
4:31 - dan offers phil £100 to lick his hand that’s touching the rail on the train, phil goes to do it before laughing and stopping. they do that to each other all the time, make little dares to do silly stupid things that they don’t actually expect the other to do.
4:57 - they’re walking to their intended destination and they come across a starbucks, phil wants to go inside and try their christmas drinks, dan questions this, but ultimately they make a spontaneous pitstop so phil can try the drinks. what phil wants, phil gets.
5:11 - another little dare, this time from phil, daring dan to lick the window.
5:15 - phil tells dan his christmas tree drawing on the window is festive in a singsongy voice, dan lets out a breathy laugh as he smiles the biggest smile while looking directly at phil.
5:32 - dan calls phil out, without any bitterness or frustration in his voice, for abandoning conversation during their lunch (at the place phil wanted to stop at) to play phone games. knowing that phil is a phone game fiend, this is probably a recurring issue.
6:00 - dan gets phil’s attention and points out a bus that says penguins, then they both say penguins to each other in a silly voice. pointing things out to each other and being silly :) probably something they do all day long :)
6:23 - phil shows a comic called terrible lizard and says that in a silly voice, dan lets out a quiet laugh from behind the camera and when phil turns the camera to him, he makes a dinosaur face, which makes phil laugh. the silly voices and doing things to make each other laugh :)) <3
7:35 - dan asks phil to tell him what just happened, phil says a man came up to him and woofed in his ear, which dan laughed at and then turned the camera around to say that he thinks phil dramatizes his weird experiences and mimicked phil dramatizing an experience.
8:11 - they poke fun at astrology and come up with very generic horoscopes, phil tells dan that he’s going to have dreams, dan tells phil that he’s going to have sex. and dan would know.
8:28 - dan shares that he wants to take up running as they pass a running shop and they both laugh about it, seems as if phil didn’t want to go into the running shop and waits for dan outside.
9:18 - phil makes dan stop and points out the moomin shop, dan’s curious and phil tells dan that they’re going in there and starts walking without waiting. he won’t go into a running shop with dan, but he will Tell dan to go into a shop with him, and dan Will follow. simp.
9:28 - phil points out a vendor selling mulled wine and says that he wants it and wants to feel more festive, dan asks phil if they should ask for some, and phil jokes that they’re not going to just steal it. dan simping again, if phil wants something then he will have it.
10:13 - they pass kings cross and phil asks dan if he wants to go to hogwarts, dan says that they’d hit the wall, phil tells dan that he doesn’t believe in the magic, and dan lets out a breathy laugh and smiles widely. not even a funny joke, not even really a joke, but everything about phil makes dan laugh and smile.
10:42 - dan carrying the tree into the lounge. obviously. because phil doesn’t like heavy things.
11:10 - the tiniest mini spat over phil sitting where the tree needs to go, trying to defend his seating placement, and dan gesturing wildly as he’s suggesting phil move.
12:01 - phil carrying something heavy, something he Can lift on his own (as he did lift it from their storage cupboard to the living room) but asking dan for help as soon as he’s close, and dan immediately going to help him set the container of christmas decorations down. phil gets what he wants always.
12:06 - dan suggesting phil does a christmas face and phil makes a weird face, causing dan to let out a hearty laugh. phil suggests dan do the same, dan makes a weird face, and phil laughs. they are so fond of each other.
14:02 - dan singing pizza when phil retrieves the pizza, which scares phil because phil wasn’t expecting dan to be there, dan continuing his pizza song, and phil joining in.
14:35 - phil singing the spiderman theme instrumental as he pulls the blinds tassel with a spiderman on it down, and giving dan the biggest smile ever.
14:47 - dan looking at phil as he retells the story of them having a little argument over disagreeing on wrapping paper etiquette.
15:18 - phil showing that he got his mother a cookbook and dan whining because ‘i thought that was for us’.
15:37 - dan filming phil’s ass as phil’s bent over and saying ‘butt’, then continuing on in conversation like that was a totally normal thing to do.
16:11 - dan raising his eyebrows as phil starts explaining how to wrap presents, and as we know, he does not like how phil wraps presents.
16:14 - phil biting the tape to rip it and then sticking it on his nose, and dan laughing loudly when the tape falls off.
16:35 - phil showing dan the present he wrapped, and dan’s exasperated ‘phil!’ when he sees the paper is folded in odd places and there are flaps hanging out.
17:06 - them randomly doing impressions of their favorite vines. just making each other laugh.
17:24 - dan singing ‘under the tree’ to the tune of under the sea, pointing to phil to finish the lyric, and phil doing little crab hands.
17:34 - dan explaining that they were going to work on something for the gaming channel and then showing phil sitting in bed reading a book.
18:50 - phil sharing that after gaming videos he gets stupidly hungry and looking around in the cupboards for food, when they had already looked for food before ordering dinner, knowing they have no food, which is what led them to order pizza.
this took four hours lol
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harleehazbinfics · 7 months
Home is where my Heart is.
Chapter 8: An Angel's Head Table of Contents | Profile
Word Count: 2128 A/N: aaaaa take it. we're getting more miledy backstory in the next chapter, cheers!
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Feeling a gentle hand sweep through my face, I open my eyes and see Al. I wiped my own tears away and sat up.
“Couldn’t sleep well?” he asked somberly.
“Yeah, just- it’s just a few months until her birthday is all. I just miss her so much,” I answered hugging myself trying to shake my anxiety.
He sighs, probably feeling the same way. Al left us before Abby could even reach her 4th birthday. He adored Abigail, in some way she had her grandmother’s face that made him attached to her even more. So, leaving without seeing Abby through adulthood has been rough on him. Though I’ve him told stories about our lives, how Abby missed him and often quoted his sayings from his recorded shows that she begged me to give her when she found it in her father’s old studio when we were cleaning it out. It warmed his heart that he was still an important part of her life despite being gone, clearly pleased that he didn’t end up like his own dad that he grown to despise.
“I know, but since we haven’t found her here. She must be off up there, somewhere better… safer…” he mutters almost regretfully.
I tried to smile and held his hand in assurance, “Yeah, I hope you’re right.”
He raises his lips to a smile and says, “Well then! How about some breakfast to lighten up the mood?” and guides me to the table in the woods in our room placing a dish for me and a deer carcass on his side. I roll my eyes playfully at him and said, “I’m not standing next to you if you don’t take a mint after.”
“Of course, of course. I won’t forget.”
While we enjoyed our meal together, the door bursts open to reveal Vaggie and a bunch of Eggbois.
His eyes shifted from her to me and his meal before replying, “Do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast.”
“Good morning to you too, Vaggie,” I greet before eating a mouthful of the meal that Alastor prepared for me.
“Hi,” she responds dryly, “Pentious' eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them.”
He throws away his utensils and summons his microphone before responding, “Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!”
“Hmm. Well, that's a lot less fun,” he remarks turning his head from Vaggie and on to me revealing his glowing red eyes and the x-mark on his forehead, “but I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today.”
“Great!” she looks at our table and sees the dead deer and comments, “That looks disgusting.”
“Dear, can you wait after breakfast?” I sighed, while Vaggie saw herself out.
“Alright, I can wait,” he smiled smiling at me and sitting in front of me again.
“Hello, little men. How are you all doing today?”
“Hi, pretty fish lady! We’re well, though we got kicked out by the owners, now we’re going wherever you go!”
I laugh at them petting their heads, “I see. Now be good eggbois and follow Alastor and I closely. We don’t want you ending up cracked.”
They saluted at us rather clumsily making it endearing for me to look at, they remind me so much of how the children in the orphanage played pretend.
As we enter Pentagram City, the little Eggbois kept pestering Alastor with questions making me cover my giggles under my hand as I watched his eye twitch in annoyance from their never-ending questions.
“This seems rather familiar. Remember when Abby reached the age where she would question us about everything?” I started with a smile, trying to calm him down.
He huffs out a laugh and nods, then shakes his head, “She was so talkative, it seemed like she would never lose her voice.”
“She’s a lot like you in that way,” I grin bumping my hips at him.
We get caught off-guard when Zestial comes before us, I guess we were so engrossed in our conversation that we missed this mighty being’s arrival.
“Hark, Alastor, M’lady. How fare thee this day?”
He places a peck on my hand in greeting while Alastor makes a little static sound.
“Who's that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?”
“Follow in silence if you value your shell!” he replies tapping their heads and then turns back, “Greetings, Zestial!”
“Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day.”
 “Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!”
Not a moment later, a demon overhearing their conversation lights themselves on fire and runs away screaming, my eyes following his figure before our party continues with our walk. I let the two gentlemen talk with themselves—listening in to their conversation.
“If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou? It has been an age since thou hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms.”
As he says this, my eyes couldn’t help but widen at the implication. This wasn’t just about him helping Charlie, who by proxy is Lucifer’s daughter—an angel. Does he mean that he made a deal with someone from heaven. With a confused look, I turn my eyes on Alastor who looks around somewhat nervously.
“Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious,” he adjusts his bowtie in the mirror as he answers, “Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes!”
“There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me,” he stops walking and opens his coat briefly, making me somewhat embarrassed for looking directly at him, “how does thou fall in such folly?
“That is for me to know. But please, do guess, I'd love to know the theories!” Alastor answers holding his cane in one hand and the other on my waist pulling us forward.
“T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm!” Zestial comments.
“Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment!” Alastor ‘smiles’ as we arrive at the entrance to Carmilla’s building. While we got on the elevator, the little Eggbois closely followed only to be stopped by Alastor.
“No, no. I have a very important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until I return,” Alastor commands making them salute. I raise my eyebrow counting only four of them. I find the other one near the door, which I pushed behind me with my foot signaling him to stay quiet.
We entered the venue, quietly greeting Rosie then sitting between her and Alastor.
“Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new Extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest.”
“Zestial, so good to see you, my friend,” she greets when he sits near her.
He summons a teacup and saucer and replies, “Enchanted as always, Carmilla.”
She finally notices my husband and calls him, “Alastor?”
He replies smugly, “Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering!”
“...Not really. But welcome back in any case,” she replies dismissing him which he narrows his eyes in offence to.
“This year's Extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we—"
She gets cut off when Velvette enters the room on the phone with presumably one of the other Vees, side-eyeing her for her impertinence.
“Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Haha! Yes, I know. They're all a joke. Thank you, V. See you soon. Kisses, darling.”
“Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your... colleagues be joining?” Carmilla asks despite being rudely cut off by the brat.
“No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent.”
“Charming. So, as I was saying, we need to discuss—"
She again interrupts Carmilla by waving her hand to get her attention.
“On the subject of discussion,” she starts before taking out an Exorcist’s head throwing it onto the table lolling side to side as it rests in front of us.
“Holy shit!”
“Oh! Tasty...”
Narrowing her eyes, Carmilla asks, “Where did you get this?”
“We found it during Extermination Day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan—"
Velvette stops talking as she and the other overlords look at Zestial, who is sipping his tea loudly and aggressively to drown out Velvette.
“If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof, thou art far more... foolish than I be thought,” he laughs.
Velvette scoffs and crosses her arms, “Meagre proof? It's a dead fucking Exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?”
“We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't, they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?”
The other overlords mutter in agreement. Velvette notices Carmilla's expression and smiles.
“Oh, I get it. So, Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?” she says getting on Zestial’s face, “Oh, what's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for—"
I lost myself with Carmilla and Velvette’s little duet. They’re completely different styles but they blended well together which I appreciated a lot. Despite Velvette being a little brat coming here, I can’t help but enjoy her singing. I got startled when Carmilla announces that the meeting was over. We didn’t even properly start it when Velvette came in and suggested picking a fight with heaven.
Alastor and I walk out of the room eyes never leaving Carmilla. She seemed so defeated.
“Hmm. Well, that's interesting,” he then points at the remaining Eggboi with his cane, “You, little egg creature. I have a job for you.”
“Oh. Yes, boss!”
“Follow them!”
He then salutes and scuttles over inside the room.
I looked at it worriedly, “Will he be alright?”
“Darling. It’s a little egg thing. No need to get so attached,” he titters holding my waist and takes us to the elevator.
“But it’s so cute!” I pouted.
“Alright, we’ll ask Pentious if he can lend you one of them when he can,” he compromises making me beam at him. “Only if, he can tell us something valuable.”
“Deal!” I reply excitedly then giving him a kiss on the cheek are we got off the elevator and waited for the little egg to report to us.
He bounded happily and stops in front of us.
“So, what did you hear?” 
“First, the old guy w-was all, "Y-you're not yourself. You're the one who killed the angel," a-a-and, she was all, "♪ Whatever it takes ♪"” he reports clumsily making me smile a how adorable it was.
“And then what was the last thing?" Alastor asks getting annoyed by how jumbled up his sentences were.
“She killed the angel?”
Alastor hums finding this information important, “Interesting. Let’s keep this between us. Shall we?”
“You got it, boss!”
My eyes still wide about the information, “She killed exorcists? How? I mean the evidence was staring at us dead in the face, quite literality but, this changes everything.”
“Indeed. We should keep this to ourselves for now, this could help us someday,” he answers mysteriously.
He’s been doing that more often now with me after those years that he stayed gone. Oh Al, what happened.
We arrive at the hotel seeing them get together so happily bantering with one another.
Vaggie says from the balcony, “Alastor. failed to get rid of the eggs, I see.”
“Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful,” Alastor replies eyes glowing with excitement.
“Why don't you give them back to Pentious,” she says smiling.
“Really? Sir Pentious asks teary-eyed.
“Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons,” she announces putting her foot down.
“Why don’t we go to our room ourselves, dear?” Alastor suggests escorting back us to our room.
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harlowtales · 7 months
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Y/N has plans for Jack and his friends at her sleepover and Jack’s game night 🎮 💅🏽
18+ Only - Adult Themes
See Part One: “Girls Night”
All your friends started arriving. Jack’s friends weren’t there yet. The bottles of wine, chocolates, and popcorn came out immediately with cheek to cheek kisses and squeals. Pizza was ordered and you made your famous dip. Jack tried to taste it and you slapped his hand. “Um nope! Get your finger out the dip Jack!” You said.
The event was well underway. The first bottles were popped and glasses of wine poured. Your friends arrived in their pyjamas, cute hairstyles like pig tails, and fuzzy slippers. All 8 of you took over the living room blasting music and dancing while you picked a scary movie.
Jack went into the smaller room to set up for his friends. He already had a headache from the constant chatter and OMGs every 2 seconds coming from the living room. He said you could have the living room to keep the peace but he wasn’t happy about it.
“Bro dafuq??” His friends complained as they filed in.
“I don’t know whether to be pissed they took over our space or really turned on right now.” Phil said bewildered
“Let’s just make the best of it bro, we’re all packed into this tiny fucking room like sardines.” Urban said making a space for himself between 2 other guys.
As the evening wore on the noise from the living room rivalled the video games with screams from the movie and lots of talking giving directions and advice to characters that were dumb enough to go into an abandoned house all alone. Suddenly it got quiet. Real quiet. Jack noticed but was glad for it and didn’t pay it much mind as he was winning playing himself in 2k.
“We need to prank those mfs” your friend Ashley said. I gotta get Urb back for stealing my sandwich the other day.”
“Yeah!!! Let’s make it a night they won’t forget!” Your friend Jennifer said who had dated Sunni, who saw her but made a beeline for the smaller guest room without saying hi.
“Ok ladies…I have a plan.” You said with an evil grin.
“Maya and Jennifer you distract, me and Ashley will execute.” You said as you dished out military style plans to your soldiers. You went to your bedroom to strip down and put your robe on. Maya knocked on the door to the spare room shushing all the other girls to stop giggling and take things seriously. Another girl was waiting to record everything that was about to happen. Ashley was on one side of the door with the eggs and another friend was on the other side with party string and another with flour. The party string and glitter filled balloons were left over from Jack’s birthday last year. More girls were busily blowing a few balloons up that should stick nicely to the eggs, and were waiting with pillows filled with feathers. Everyone was still when Maya knocked on the door.
“Dafuq do they want?” Jack said as he opened the door thinking it was you. “Maya? Whats up?” Jack asked innocently “Does Y/N need me for something?”
“Naw, um Jennifer would like to talk to Sunni.” Maya said with a straight face. Matter fact, we have a treat for all of you if you don’t mind taking a break from those big boring games.” Maya said shooting a flirty look at Phil who gulped hard as Maya was in pyjamas and bouncy pigtails.
Sunni was vehemently shaking his head and mouthing “NO Way!” To Jack who said “Sure, let’s take a break fellas, the girls got something for us.”
You were waiting in the wings and when they all started coming out of the room it was like ambushing squirrels in a barrel. You gave the nod and one by one as they came out they were mercilessly pelted with raw eggs and flour and got tangled up in party string. As they we’re trying to see through the flour caked to their faces you streaked naked right through the chaos to glitter balloons ceremoniously popping and them getting hit hard with pillows.
All off the guys were yelling in confusion and surprise, bumping into one another slipping on the flour, getting their hands all sticky to get eggs yolk out of their hair and eyes, and spitting feathers out of their mouths. There were feathers, glitter, flour, party string, and eggs EVERYWHERE. You in just your robe and your crew of assassins stood there pointing fingers and howling with laughter. It was the ultimate payback.
Jack just stood a complete mess in shock. He had truly underestimated you. A part of him was proud, but among part was pissed not at the mess but you flashing everyone. “Y/N!!!” He yelled “Imma fucking…Imma…Im bout to…” He couldn’t even speak
“Bout to what? You got glitter and eggs up your ass” you howled red in face from laughing so hard.
“Come Y/N give your man some love.” Jack said as he came for you arms open to make a huge mess of you when he caught you.
“No!!! Jack no!!” You squealed as you tried to run and succeed in locking yourself in the bedroom.
“Y/N open the fucking door!” Jack said laughing and banging on the door.
Meanwhile Sunni stood looking at Jenn as she held her sides doubled over in laughter. “You look good enough to eat.” She said
“That was top tier. Wanna give me a kiss?” He said a complete mess as he took a feather off his nose that just landed there.
“Yes I…I do.” Jen said seriously looking at him longingly “Sunni…what happened? You just ghosted me.” She said and moved closer to him.
“Jen I’m so sorry. You know how shy I am. I couldn’t believe a girl like you actually liked me, and I wasn’t sure if you were tryna get close because I roll with Jack.”
“Sunni I literally have had a crush on you since kindergarten. I was invisible to you all this time.” Jennifer said
“For real?!” Sunni exclaimed in disbelief
“Yeah, so wipe that crap off your face and kiss me.” Jennifer said leaning in and they touched lips with Sunni standing far away so as not to mess her up.
“Hey don’t fraternize with the enemy.” Urban said to them while to Phil’s delight his crush Maya was helping to clean him off.
“Ok listen up boys!!” Jack yelled over the chaos “They got us good. Ladies well done.” He said clapping and kicking up flour like dust. “Let’s clean this shit up and go for Indis on me.”
“Y/N baby I need to shower, we all do.” Jack said of him and his friends “open the door I promise I won’t chase you.”
“Ok…you sure?” You said cautiously
“On my mama.” Jack swore
You slowly cracked the door open and saw everything the girls threw at them stuck in his curls, and all over his face and clothes.
“You look amazing. I hear eggs are good for your hair.” You said lovingly. Jack was being such a good sport.
“Why don’t you come give daddy a big hug?” He said and tackled you to the bed before you could run away.
“Jack!!! Fuck off!!” You said laughing now covered in the same mess.
“Oh no, now we both have to shower.” He said with a sly grin. “And don’t ever show my friends your goodies again. I think Shloob almost had to have his eyes surgically put back in his head.
“Even if there’s glitter involved?” You asked
“Especially if there’s glitter involved.” Jack said sternly giving your behind a slap.
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 7
Perv!Kurapika x Reader
part 6
part 8
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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It was Wednesday, and (Name) was busy in the kitchen. As per usual, when she was nervous, she bakes until she passed out.
And she had a good reason to be nervous.
Illumi was due to arrive at some point in the day, the fact she didn’t know when only causing her anxiety to spike. She’d asked the kids to spend the day out in the small patch of woods a few miles away, but worried that wouldn’t be far enough.
“(Name), that’s the fourth cake you’ve baked today. Is something the matter?”
Kurapika stood behind her, peeking over her shoulder to the cake she was currently frosting. The girl clutched the bag of icing just tight enough for it to squirt all over the cake.
She moved past the blonde and grabbed a kitchen knife to smooth out the icing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He looked at the cake closer. It was red velvet with a buttercream frosting.
“No, it’s fine. I wasn’t going for any complex design anyways.”
Kurapika watched as she expertly smoothed out the icing in one quick motion. It was always fascinating to watch her work, her skill evident in the way she completed her baked good quickly and efficiently.
A buzzing sound was heard from her pocket. A bit too fast for him not to notice, she pulled her phone out and scanned the screen, her eyes widening.
She placed the dirtied knife into the sink before pulling off her apron.
(Name) pulled out her phone and quickly called Killua.
“(Name)? Did something happen?”
“No, no. I just wanted to know when you’d be home.”
“I don’t know, maybe in an hour? Gon found a snake’s shedded skin so we’re trying to find it.”
(Name) grimaced at the mention of them touching something so gross, but didn’t react.
“I see. Well, if you happen to come home earlier can you stop by the store and pick up some eggs? I’ve seemed to have run out.”
“Yeah sure. Gon wanted popsicles anyway.”
(Name) hung up before letting out a relieved sigh.
“What’s got you so worked up?”
Kurapika leaned against the counter, watching her with a mix of concern and amusement.
“Well… we’ll be having a guest over. Not for long though, I hope.”
She had whispered the last part, but he heard it nonetheless.
“Is our guest unpleasant or something?”
“Kind of? He’ll be here in 30 minutes.”
Kurapika scowled. Was some man showing up to bother (Name)? It irritated him to think about. “I see. Tell me when he gets here and I’ll greet him with you.”
“Oh um, actually…”
She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. “We’re actually going to be talking in private, outside. Sorry, Kurapika.”
The blonde bit his lip. She usually always accepted his offers to accompany her places, especially when she had to meet with someone that made her uncomfortable.
He gave her a forced smile. “I see. I’ll be in my room, then. I have some calls to make regarding the scarlet eyes.”
Kurapika brushed past her and left for his room.
30 minutes later and there was a knock at the front door. (Name) threw her apron on a nearby chair and hurried out the front door.
Unbeknownst to her, Kurapika snuck into the living room to watch the meeting through the window.
“(Name), I see you’ve been busy baking.”
She gave him a curious look. “How did you know?”
“There’s frosting in your hair.”
The girl swiped at her hair quickly and flung the frosting to the ground. ‘God that’s embarrassing.’
Illumi didn’t seem to care, though. He only watched her with those big dark eyes.
“I have what you wanted.”
He reached into his jacket and pulled out a large brown parcel wrapped in a pink bow. To an unknowing onlooker, it would look like he was presenting her with a gift.
And that’s what Kurapika automatically assumed.
‘Why is Illumi here, and wait… why is he giving her a gift!?’
(Name) took the package, her face beaming. “Thank you so much, Illumi! I owe you one.”
“Of course you do, that was our arrangement.”
Ah, she’d forgotten how literally he took everything.
“Yeah… so speaking of that, what exactly do you want in return for this?”
Kurapika’s grip on the curtain tightened when he saw the look on Illumi’s face while he peered down at her. He couldn’t hear anything they were saying, and it was driving him crazy.
“It simple really. I would like to go on a date with you.”
Time froze, and so did (Name). She felt her mouth drop open and her cheeks grow warm.
“Can you repeat that?”
Illumi frowned. “I said I would like to go on a date with you.”
(Name) stared at him, looking for any signs that he might be joking. But Illumi wasn’t the joking type.
The dark haired man shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’m not in town often, so I’ll just text you when I am.”
She pouted. Again, he was inconveniencing her with his inconsistent schedule.
“Alright, but you have to give me at least a days notice.”
“But of course.”
He smiled down at her, meaning to seem charming but only unnerving the shorter woman.
“I have to go. I look forward to our date, (Name).”
And with that, he was gone. (Name) would never get used to how fast Killua and him could move. She turned on her heels and opened the front door, running up to her room to hide the parcel. She’d open it later that night when everyone else was asleep.
As she walked back downstairs, (Name) spotted Kurapika lingering at the bottom of the stairs. He was holding something behind his back, his eyes trained on the ground.
She gave him a questioning look. “… yes?”
He shoved something soft into her face, not looking at her. “Here.”
(Name) took a moment to process what it was before she smiled. “This is the plush you won at the carnival last week!”
He nodded. “Yes, and I want you to have it.”
His cheeks began to turn pink, but he was able to keep his voice calm.
“I just think it suits you better.”
He didn’t want to admit he’d been meaning to give it to her since their trip to the carnival, backing down every chance he got because he was too nervous.
But it seemed jealousy helped him conquer his fear.
(Name) took the plush with a giggle, holding it to her chest. “Aww, that’s so sweet of you, thank you Kurapika!”
(Name) stood on her tippy toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before returning to the kitchen to start on dinner.
Kurapika felt his entire body go hot, unable to move a single inch.
He cursed his sensitive body when he noticed himself grow hard just from a kiss on the cheek.
Kurapika rushed into his bedroom to take care of himself quickly.
Kurapika seemed in a daze for the rest of the day, barely able to concentrate on his dinner. The cheek he’d been kissed on was still sensitive.
He’d never had such a reaction to her touch before. Even within the past week when he’d masturbated to the feeling of his face in her breasts, he hadn’t felt as good as he did when he came to the lingering sensation of her lips.
He wanted another kiss, one that he could taste this time.
KIllua watched as Kurapika sighed when (Name) left the next morning.
“What’s gotten into you?”
The blonde didn’t even look up at the white haired boy standing next to him. His eyes were trained on the book he’d swiped from (Name)’s picnic basket.
The book itself wasn’t enough to get him going, so he was able to read it without popping a boner in the living room.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?”
“You’ve been sighing all day. It’s getting annoying.”
Had he been sighing all day? He hadn’t noticed, Kurapika had been too busy thinking about (Name) and how cute she looked when she held the plush close to her. He could get used to that pretty smile she had when he gave her gifts.
Kurapika turned his attention back to his book.
“Isn’t that (Name)’s?”
Kurapika slammed the book shut. “… yes.”
Killua didn’t question him, only looking him up and down suspiciously.
(Name) returned a little later with groceries and Leorio, who she’d picked up after an exam.
“Guys, come here. I have a question I need to ask!”
The four boys gathered in the living room, (Name) standing in front of the TV.
“So, there’s a movie I want to go see Saturday. I was going to ask you about this tomorrow, but I figured now would be better!”
She pulled out a mini movie poster, with the title ‘Barbie Movie’ printed on the front.
“I want to go see the Barbie Movie with you all!”
They all exchanged looks, some confused, some intrigued.
“The Barbie Movie? That’s what you’ve been so excited about?”
(Name) frowned. “Killua how many times have I told you to not listen in on my phone calls?”
“Is it really listening in if you’re squealing about it so loud I can’t sleep?”
“… anyways, I’m buying tickets tomorrow, so if you want to go, I need to know before then!”
Kurapika tilted his head. “Barbie Movie? What is it about?”
(Name) smiled excitedly. “It’s about Barbie!”
“… what’s Barbie?”
The living room went quiet, Killua the first to speak. “Oh come on, I know you don’t know much about pop culture, but everyone’s knows what Barbie is.”
Kurapika frowned. “Well I don’t.”
Leorio took over the explanation. “Barbies are a line of dolls for children. They’re usually used for dress up.”
(Name) nodded. “That’s the gist! I’ve always loved the original animated Barbie movies, so I’m super excited to see the new one!”
The girl beamed at the group.
“Wouldn’t a movie about a toy for children be for… children? Why do you want to see it?”
(Name) paused, her excitement dying down. Oh no, he hadn’t meant for that to happen. Kurapika hated how her face fell at his words.
“Well… it’s just nostalgic for me, I guess. Reminds me of the days me and my brothers would play Barbies together. Before…”
She didn’t finish her sentence, wiping the frown off her face. “Anyways, if you want to come, you’ll need to wear something pink!”
“Pink?” they all asked in unison. None of them necessarily had a problem wearing pink, but a few of them had no pink items to wear.
“Yes! It’s part of the experience. I’ll be wearing pink too, of course! I bought a new dress just for the movie!”
With that, she left the four alone to put up the groceries.
“… do any of you have anything pink?” Killua asked.
“Not anything suitable to be worn in public.”
“I wear the same outfit everyday.”
Killua sighed. “Looks like I’m the only one with any fashion sense. You three need to go shopping tomorrow.”
Kurapika sighed. “I can’t, I have several business meetings I have to attend to. They call at such inconvenient times…”
Killua glanced at Leorio. “I’ll get something, don’t worry about me.”
Kurapika and Gon were the only two Killua would have to worry about. Kurapika seemed like he would be way too busy to get himself a new pink clothing item, and Gon barely ever wore anything but the outfit he did everyday.
‘This isn’t going to be easy.’
Killua and Leorio set out into town early the next morning, determined to look their best for (Name).
Killua already had his own pink accessories and clothing, so he’d be shopping for Gon today.
The two split off in the middle of town, Leorio heading to a men’s department store and Killua walking towards a kids clothing store.
It didn’t take him long to realize that there were little options that Gon would actually wear, and none of them pink. He went to three stores before giving up and buying himself some ice cream.
As Killua struggled to find anything suitable for Gon, (Name) had a predicament of her own.
Kurapika had just finished his second business call of the day, leaning against his bed with a huff. It was exhausting talking to people that he didn’t even like, especially when he could be hanging out around (Name).
‘Speak of the devil…’
Kurapika stood up and opened his bedroom door to let his shorter friend in. “Hey, sorry but I was eavesdropping yesterday and heard you didn’t have anything to wear so I picked out some of my own pink shirts!”
She plopped down multiple shirts onto the bed. “You can try some and pick one out if you’d like! I have some cleaning to do, so I’ll leave you be!”
(Name) gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving her shirts behind.
Kurapika lifted the first shirt up, inspecting it. The shirt was mostly white, with a simple pink heart pattern decorating the fabric. It was cute, and fit her very well.
He pressed the fabric against his face and inhaled deeply.
Even though they’d been freshly washed, each shirt smelled distinctly of (Name). Hints of her strawberry scented perfume could be found on the fabric.
Unsurprisingly, he once again became aroused, but this time by her scent. It left him wanting more.
‘This is… new. Her scent makes me…’
He fell onto his bed after locking his door, holding her shirt to his face. It smelled so sweet, like (Name) was lying right next to him.
‘I feel so hot…’
He slipped his hand into his pants, slowly stroking his cock as he inhaled her scent again. He could imagine the softness of her boobs pressed against his face, and her thighs wrapped around his waist.
‘Kurapika, let me help you feel good…’
He imagined her hand slipping down his stomach and wrapping around his length as he sucked and licked her soft breasts. She was so, so sweet to him in his imagination, always offering a helping hand.
“Mmph, (Name)…” he mumbled against her shirt, feeling himself get close.
He gasped out as he felt his cum shoot onto her shirt, not realizing until it was way too late.
Kurapika took a moment to come down from his high before he looked down at the white fabric.
‘Huh. My… my um semen blends in quite well.’
He wiped off the excess and looked over the shirt with a hum.
There was no sign that he’d ever made a mess of (Name)’s shirt, and for some reason the thought of her wearing a shirt he’d dirtied with his cum got him hard again.
‘Well… it won’t hurt if she doesn’t know.’
He folded the shirt and placed it on top of the others, not even bothering to try it on.
Kurapika knew in this sensitive state he wouldn’t be able to wear anything of hers without her lingering scent sending him into overdrive.
As Kurapika dealt with his own problem, Killua was still struggling with his.
After eating his ice cream, Killua visited two more stores before he gave up entirely. There was no way he’d be finding anything that Gon would wear, not in this city.
But Killua was feeling nice today. Generous even! He decided to do his ‘friend’ Kurapika a favor and look around for a shirt he could wear to the Barbie Movie.
“Oh wow, is this the fashion that’s waiting for me in the future?”
He looked over the dull colors of the men’s section with bored eyes. The only pink item he’d found was a crop top, and he knew Kurapika wouldn’t wear it. Not even for (Name).
‘Huh. Well, I guess I can check… other places.’
The two arrived back home, Leorio having dropped his pink clothing off at home before driving there.
“(Name), we’re back!”
She greeted the two with a hug, an apron still hugging her hips. “Welcome back! Any luck with your shopping today?”
“No, not even a little.”
(Name) patted Killua’s head as he laid his head against her shoulder. He was obviously disappointed that he hadn’t found a single thing, and she knew just how to cheer him up.
“So, I was thinking…”
She pulled her apron off and set it in a nearby chair. “Why don’t we have a little family game night? It’s been forever since we had one last.”
“Family game night?” Leorio asked as Killua began to perk up.
“Family game night is where we order take out, eat snacks, and play random games for a few hours. The last time we played was with Alluka, Gon, Killua, and myself. It’s been-“
“Half a year.” Killua finished for her excitedly. (Name) smiled as she patted his head.
“I see. Is there a reason he’s so excited for this?”
(Name) nodded. “The person who loses the most games by the end of the night is punished. Of course the punishment is harmless, like having a pie thrown in your face or sprayed with the water hose, but it adds a little excitement and a competitive edge into family game night.”
‘That’s why Killua looks so happy.’ Leorio thought with a frown. Killua had always been good at most card games, having a knack for pointing out liars. He would win enough to not come in last place, he knew that much.
“Did I hear family game night?”
Gon came running into the room, nearly crashing into a wall before Killua caught his arm.
“Yes! I’m going to order some takeout, so go pick out a few games for us to play.”
Killua and Gon rushed off towards the living room go dig through her small pile of board games.
Kurapika thrust the pile of shirts into her arms. She tilted her head as she took them, counting each article of clothing.
“Did you not like any of them?”
He shook his head quickly. “No, it’s not that. I just… they didn’t fit right.”
The house instantly became so quiet you could hear a pin drop from a mile away.
She didn’t say anything, just brushed past him to bring her shirts upstairs.
“Are you an idiot?”
“Excuse me?”
Killua crossed his arms over his chest. “That was quite literally the worst thing you could have possibly said.”
Kurapika glanced between the other two, who were looking at him with a mix of pity and surprise.
“… why?”
“Oh my god.”
Leorio decided to step in, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re not supposed to point things like that out.”
“Jesus just tell me why. Why does it matter?”
“It matters because she’s insecure about her size and you just pointed out the difference in your size. The thing she’s insecure about.”
“If you say why again I’ll strangle you.”
Kurapika sat there with his arms crossed. “I still don’t understand. It shouldn’t matter, none of us care about her size.”
“That’s not the point. She DOES.”
The blonde decided to stay quiet. This wasn’t something he could wrap his head around. If he didn’t care about it, why should she?
(Name) came back down the stairs, now wearing her pajamas.
And those pajama included the white shirt Kurapika had… used…
“Time for family game night!”
The group gathered around the table, several board games laid out across its surface.
“How about we play Candy Land first?”
“But (Name) always wins. It’s not fair!” Killua said to the black haired boy.
“Isn’t Candy Land a luck based game? How the hell does she always win?” Kurapika asked incredulously.
(Name) rolled her eyes. “Let’s save Candy Land for later.”
She pushed a deck of cards on the table, everyone but Kurapika letting out a low hiss of pain.
“Uno should be fine, right?”
“If you want us all to hate each other by the end of the night, sure.”
(Name) shrugged. “That’s going to happen anyways.”
Kurapika couldn’t keep his eyes off of her shirt, his head spinning. He hadn’t expected her to wear it so soon after his dirty little deed.
He was able to keep himself under control by focusing on their game of Uno. It was getting more and more intense as the round continued.
Killua slapped down his second to last card with a grin. The round continued and just when Killua was ready to claim his victory, Kurapika placed a draw four down.
“Draw four.”
In a flash, Killua was grabbing Kurapika by the front of his shirt and shaking him. “YOU MOTHERF-“
Their game of Uno didn’t last much longer.
The three boys, not including Gon, all seemed irritated already, and family game night had only just begun.
“How about…”
She placed a box of scrabble on the table.
“The last time we played scrabble Gon had smoke coming out of his ears.”
(Name) sighed. “Okay, we’re starting to run out of-“
“Mario cart.”
They all turned to see Gon with a controller in hand. “Mario cart.”
“We heard you the first time.”
Killua stood up from the kitchen table and plopped down onto the couch.
“Mario cart? That’s a video game, right?”
(Name) nodded as Kurapika followed her to the living room. “Yeah, you race your friends. It’s a little less…”
She stopped to think. ‘No, not a single game on earth is less competitive to these little gremlins. I could ask them to throw rocks in a stream and they’d find some way to make it a competition.’
“It’s um… easier to play.”
Leorio was the last to join them. He’d grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat down in the recliner to the left of the couch.
“Y’all can play without me, I’ll be watching.”
(Name) turned the TV on and made sure everyone had their own controller.
“Okay, Kurapika you can pick your own character and cart.”
“I guess I’ll be this green little creature… it reminds me of Gon.”
“That’s Yoshi. I’m picking Rosalina.” Killua said, noticing Gon was sad. He usually picked Yoshi, but he’d suck it up.
“I’m Toad, then.”
“And I’ll be Princess Peach!”
The game started, Kurapika already stuck in last place.
“Sweetheart, you’re pressing on the brakes, this is how you move forward.”
(Name) grabbed his hands and pushed his thumb to where it needed to be, helping him move forward at the expense of her First Place spot.
Kurapika still struggled with the controls, losing several times before he dropped the controller on the table in frustration.
“Alright, let’s move family game night to something that CAN’T be competitive.”
The group thought about this for a while before they decided on a game that wouldn’t be competitive.
Hide and Seek.
But this wouldn’t be a normal game of hide and seek. They would be playing outside, in the small patch of woods Gon and Killua played in.
“This is like the start of a horror movie.” (Name) said as she stepped over the roots of a large tree.
“It is if Leorio’s the one coming after us. He looks terrifying in the dark. Like a shadow creature.”
“I can what you, ya know!”
Killua snickered to himself. Him and Gon knew this forest like the back of their hands, there’s no way they wouldn’t win.
“Alright, here’s the rules for Hide and Seek. We’ll only be playing one game, then we’ll be going home for bed. If you get caught, you have to help the seeker find the rest of the people. To catch someone, you have to touch them!”
“Sounds fair! Can we climb trees?”
(Name) smacked a hand of her face. “No, because if I look up and see a pair of eyes looking at me from the branches of a nearby tree I’ll pee myself.”
“Gross- ow!”
(Name) pinched Killua’s cheek. “I don’t want to hear that from Mr. ‘takes out someone’s heart with my bare hands then doesn’t wash them after’.”
“It was one time!”
They huffed in unison before running in opposite directions as Leorio began counting.
(Name) ran a good distance before observing her surrounding using her phones flashlight.
She nearly had a heart attack when her light shone on Kurapika’s face. Apparently he’d been following her, (Name) too focused on running to notice.
“Should we keep going, or would you like to hide here?”
(Name) took a moment to compose herself before answering. “Honestly I don’t feel like running anymore, let’s find something to hide in, behind, or under nearby.”
The two found a large boulder to hide behind, the girl using her cardigan to make the hard ground a little more comfortable.
“It’s been five minutes. I wonder if Leorio’s found anyone yet.”
“I just hope it’s not Gon first. He’s so fucking scary during hide and seek. He can literally smell you from a mile away.”
Kurapika struggled to hold back a laugh at her words. “That, uh. That does sound scary.”
“What sounds scary?”
Kurapika jumped up, pulling (Name) to her feet. Before he could throw her over his shoulder and run, the boy in front of them sighed.
“I’m not it. Jeez do you really think that low of me?”
Gon pouted at the two before sighing. “I was going to hide with Killua but he wanted to play by himself.”
(Name) stared at Kurapika’s hand that was holding onto hers. “Oh. Well you can join us if you want. We decided to hide here.”
“Oh, that’s not a good idea. Bears like to scratch their back with this rock.”
“Excuse me, but did you just say bears?”
“Uh huh!”
(Name) picked up her cardigan and shook the leaves and dirt off. “Alrighty then, we’ll need a new hiding place. Any ideas, Gon?”
“Nope! Killua is the one that thinks up all the ideas!”
‘Makes sense.’
“Well, I actually do have an idea.”
The two turned to Kurapika, who was staring into the distance.
Killua dropped down from his hiding spot, completely embarrassed. He’d fallen asleep and been caught by Leorio within 10 minutes. Killua knew he’d never live this moment down, he’d be teased by Gon and Kurapika forever.
“Go on and start looking that way, I’ll go this way.”
Leorio walked off in a random direction while Killua waited. He wanted to make sure he was out of sight before he begun his own hunt.
It was easy for the former assassin to track them down with their footprints alone. It all led up to a small path.
He wondered if what he was seeing was real.
The three other players had laid on the ground and covered themselves in dirt and leaves. He could SEE their outlines in the moonlight.
Killua stepped forward, only to feel his show press against something soft.
“Hey, ouch!”
That was Gon’s voice. Killua pulled his foot back before smiling down at his black haired friend. “Got you, you’re it.”
“Nuh-uh, you touched me with your shoe, so-“
Killua placed his hand on the top of Gon’s head.
Killua looked up to see both of the other figures were gone from sight. ‘Shit, they escaped while I was preoccupied.’
Leorio soon joined the other three, having searched the left side of the forest with no luck.
“You got Gon, I see. That leaves Kurapika and (Name).”
Said two people were currently stopped at a stream. (Name) had begged him to let her wash some of the dirt he’d smeared on her face. “If I don’t wash this off I might pass out.”
Kurapika groaned, but held her hand as they walked towards the stream so she wouldn’t slip on the muddy ground.
(Name) crouched down and splashed her face. “Ahh, feeling better already.”
She kept splashing her face until the entire front of her shirt was thoroughly soaked in water.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. But tonight, she was wearing a white shirt, and now he knew she had a black bra on underneath.
Kurapika stared at the exposed article of clothing in shock. His cheeks turned a bright pink as he attempted to look away before she noticed.
“Oh, what are these streaks on my shirt?”
Against the dark color of her bra, she was able to see off colored streaks of some kind on her shirt. Kurapika knew it was from him cumming on it earlier, but was quick to think up an excuse.
“P-perhaps it was from you frosting those cakes?”
She tilted her head and lifted her shirt to her nose to sniff at the stain. This both aroused and concerned him. Her face was so close to his cum, but she might also find out about what he’d done.
“Hmm… smells salty. Weird.”
She glanced at him. “I’m glad you didn’t end up wearing this shirt. Maybe it’s some leftover detergent or something…”
She dropped the wet fabric, a sigh leaving her lips. “Don’t look, okay?”
She waited for him to avert his gaze before she pulled her wet shirt off and dropped it into the stream. She replaces her shirt with the cardigan, her cleavage much more evident with it on.
Unbeknownst to her, Kurapika had watched her undress. He felt just a little bad for going against her wishes, but couldn’t take his eyes off of her lacy black bra.
“Okay, I’m done.”
She stood up and brushed off the dirt from her pajama pants. “It’s getting late, we should probably-“
(Name) gasped when Killua appeared from the darkness and pushed Kurapika into the stream.
Leorio was quick to place his hand on (Name)’s head. “Got you!”
The game of Hide and Seek was officially over. “Because (Name) was the last out, she wins!”
Kurapika stood up from the stream, his eyes glowing a dark shade of scarlet. “Killua.”
The white haired boy tilted his head in the blonde’s direction.
“You have five seconds to-“
(Name) gasped and pulled off her cardigan, quickly placing it over Kurapika’s shoulders.
“Kurapika you’re soaking wet! Killua, if he catches a cold you’ll be in BIG trouble.”
The white haired boy only shrugged. “He shouldn’t have had his guard down.”
Leorio stared down at (Name) for a moment. “Where did your shirt go?”
She pointed to a rock she’d placed it on. “It got wet, so I set it out to dry.”
“Uh huh…”
Leorio pulled off his shirt and placed it in her hands. “Here. Cover yourself up before YOU get a cold.”
(Name) pulled his shirt over her head, surprised it fit decently well. ‘Hmm, so Leorio’s who I should go to if I need clothes…’
Kurapika grumpily pulled her cardigan over his shoulders, shooting the white haired boy a look that said this wasn’t over with.
Killua didn’t even acknowledge him, Gon and him racing to see who could reach (Name)’s house first.
The blonde hummed. “Yes, (Name)?”
“At least try to pretend you aren’t staring at my boobs next time.”
Kurapika stopped in his tracks, his face becoming as red as his eyes. “I- I wasn’t-“
(Name) bursts into laughter. “Kurapika, I’m kidding. Geez, lighten up!”
She ruffled his hair before running to catch up with the other two.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you were looking.” Leorio said casually. Kurapika glared at him, a scowl on his face.
“I wasn’t.”
“Didn’t say you were, no need to be so defensive. That is…”
Leorio covered his mouth. “Oh, you’re a pervert aren’t y-“
The dark haired man was sent sprawling on the ground after being tripped by Kurapika. “Do not associate me with the likes of you.”
‘Though, I guess he isn’t wrong.’
Leorio fumbled to his face. “Kurapika, you know it’s normal to find someone like (Name) attractive, especially when-“
“I don’t.”
He’d said this a bit harsher than he meant to, causing Leorio to visibly wince.
The rest of the walk was spent in an awkward silence.
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matttgirlies · 4 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - none
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 19
Matt and I often talked of having children, but we certainly weren’t planning on having them right away. Then one day we were at the ranch. It was early afternoon and Matt was still asleep. I lay in bed and felt a strange sensation in my stomach, a sensation I’d never felt before. I lay staring at the ceiling. No—it couldn’t be. Again, the same feeling. I slid out of bed. I’ll call Patsy, I thought. She’d know. I went to the phone in the next room.
“Patsy, when you found out you were pregnant, did you feel strange?”
“Strange like what?”
“You know. I mean, what did you feel?”
“Well, I missed my period.”
“But didn’t you feel something in your body, something strange?”
“I really don’t remember, y/n. Why?”
“Because I think I’m pregnant. I know I am. I’ve never felt this before.”
“Maybe it’s nerves.”
“No—I just have a funny feeling. I’ll talk to you later.”
I didn’t tell Matt right away: I couldn’t. But he saw that I was quiet and preoccupied.
If I were pregnant, I knew that our plans to travel would have to be postponed. I wouldn’t be able to head off to some exotic locale and leave my child with nurses and maids. For the first year, I truly wanted to be alone with Matt, without any responsibilities or obligations.
For a few days I was angry with Matt. Before the wedding I asked him if I should start taking birth-control pills, but he had been adamantly against it.
“They’re not good for you. I really don’t want you taking them. They’re not perfected yet, Baby. There’s all kinds of side effects.”
A week passed before I told Matt my suspicions. I expected him to react with the same mixed emotions I’d felt, but he was ecstatic. He made arrangements for me to see a doctor right away, accompanied me to the doctor’s office, and sat anxiously in the waiting room while I was examined.
When I came out I put my arms around him and said, “Guess what?”
“What? What?” He was barely able to contain himself.
“You’re going to be a dad.”
He couldn’t believe it and immediately wanted to tell everyone. Just then his father, who had driven over with us, came into the room. Matt grabbed him.
“Dad, you won’t believe this. y/nn’s gonna have a baby. You’re gonna be a grandad.”
“Good Lord Almighty,” James said, stunned. “You’re kiddin’ me.”
“No, Dad. We’re telling you the truth.” Then Matt teased him, saying, “You’re going to be a gray-headed granddaddy.”
I loved seeing Matt happy, but I was still uncertain about how my unexpected pregnancy would affect our marriage. This was supposed to have been our time alone. I wanted to be beautiful for him; instead, my debut as Matt’s bride was going to be spoiled by a fat stomach, puffy face, and swollen feet.
As far as I was concerned, the less people mentioned about my looking pregnant, the better. I intended to prove that a pregnant woman did not have to get fat. I wanted to refute Matt’s claim that “women use the excuse of their pregnancy to let themselves go.” Although the doctor said that a twenty five-pound gain would be fine, I immediately dropped from my normal one hundred ten pounds to one hundred. During the next four months, I regained just five pounds, and only nine more by the time of delivery. Eating one meal a day and snacking on apples and hardboiled eggs, I prided myself on never needing to buy a maternity outfit. My doctor advised that in addition to taking multiple vitamins I should consume plenty of dairy products. Being vain, I amended my doctor’s instructions and lessened my intake of dairy products. I did not want to gain weight and get stretch marks. As a further precaution I resolved to slather myself with cocoa butter for the next eight months.
A few days after I learned I was pregnant, we left Boston for L.A., where Matt was to begin preproduction on a new film, Speedway. It was to be the last drive in our customized bus before it was sold. During the trip, Matt and the guys had a ball, punching each other and playing practical jokes. I played photographer, clicking away at everyone. But when I kept smiling and laughing I still felt very ambivalent about my pregnancy. I wanted a baby, just not so soon.
Matt was extremely sensitive to my moods. He missed his little girl’s “twinkling eyes,” her “bright, smiling face.” Finally, in Flagstaff, Arizona, at a small roadside inn, he sat me down and said, “What do you want to do, Little One?”
I broke down and answered, “I don’t know. What can I do?”
“What do you think?” he said. “I’ll back you up whatever you want to do.”
Instantly I knew what he was talking about. He was leaving the decision up to me. “It’s our baby,” I said, sobbing. “I could never live with myself, neither could you.”
There were no words, only his smile of approval; he held me tightly in his arms as I cried. The two of us, bound by love, accepted our new little creation wholeheartedly.
When I first felt my baby move I suddenly understood the full joy of carrying our child. My smile returned when Matt delicately placed his hand on my slightly swollen stomach and said, “How can such a little person carry another little person?” The pregnancy was bringing us closer. He would call me from the studio every day, just to say hello and make sure I was fine. It was because of the baby that we decided to buy our first home in Los Angeles instead of leasing as we’d done in the past. While he was filming I searched the Beverly Hills-Bel Air area for a place that would suit us.
Later that fall, when we were in Arizona for location filming on “Stay Away, Joe”, I saw an advertisement in Variety for a house that sounded perfect: a beautiful home in Trousdale Estates, completely furnished, three bedrooms, a guest cottage, pool, and good security.
I flew back to L.A. The house was owned by a prominent landowner who was recently divorced. With a built-in bar, antique furnishings, and collectors’ art, it was a far cry from Rocca Place, where each room was decorated to each employee’s specification—a different carpet, a different color, a different style in each room. Unfortunately, I’d tried to satisfy everyone’s taste, and architectural indigestion was the result. This time I would be able to live with everything the way I liked.
As soon as Matt returned from Arizona we moved into our new home and began preparing a room for our baby. All I could think about was how happy I was, how wonderful life was.
Naturally, I got a lot of advice about what I should and shouldn’t do while I was pregnant. Steeped in her Southern superstitions, Grandma was especially solicitous, telling me I couldn’t brush my hair over my head or else I would wrap the umbilical cord around the baby. She also said I shouldn’t stand on my feet too long or my legs would swell and I wouldn’t be able to walk again. She was as concerned as any doting mother and some of my activities gave her reason to worry. I still kept up with my ballet, rode my motorcycle and my horse Domino, right up until the eighth month of pregnancy. Matt thought I was absolutely incredible to keep up with him in every way. That made me happy. I was pleasing him and still by his side every day.
Then I began hearing rumors about Matt and Madison Beer, the same rumors that I had read about in Germany: that she had a passionate crush on him, that they were having an affair. I was extremely sensitive and quick to cry. Matt assured me that I was just being oversensitive because of my condition. I agreed. Six months into my pregnancy Madison called and said she’d like to give me a baby shower. I didn’t know her that well and thought it a little strange that she was so accommodating. But Matt assured me that she was very nice and that I should get to know her. It was agreed that I would go to the shower under one condition, which Colonel suggested: All the pictures that were taken that day were to be handed over to me. That way, there’d be no shots popping up in the national movie magazines. It turned out quite nicely. Madison was very friendly and very supportive. I found that I liked her and I decided to ignore the rumors.
Life takes such surprising turns. Just when you’re getting confident, along comes the unexpected. I was upstairs at Graceland when Matt called me to his office, the one adjoining my dressing room. “y/nn, I have to have time to think. Things just aren’t going right. It’ll be good for the two of us to take a little time off, like a trial separation. Be apart from one another for a while.”
I wanted to die. I was seven months along and could not believe what I was hearing. It had to be a joke. “What are you saying? What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything, Baby. You don’t understand. It’s not you. It’s just that I’m going through some things. I think it’d be better if we took a little break.”
I looked at him in silence, feeling a new strength. If he excluded me at this time, then he didn’t deserve me at all. I stood up and said, “You’ve got it. Just tell me when to leave.” I went into my dressing room and closed the door.
I was numb. This was not the man I knew. I instinctively withdrew, my affection numbed, my thoughts suspicious, my heart aching.
I don’t think Matt really intended to leave me. It wasn’t his style. I later realized he too had questions about how a baby would affect his life. Would his public accept him as a father? He wasn’t even sure if his fans had adapted to his becoming a husband. How loyal would they be?
Within a short time Matt’s sensitive nature brought him back to his senses. Two days had passed. The idea of a trial separation was never mentioned again. We both acted as if nothing had been said. It was at times like this that I wished Matt and I had the ability to truly communicate with each other, to confront our insecurities, fears, and frustrations instead of pretending these feelings weren’t there. We probably would have been surprised at how much understanding we both really had. I could not escape the impact his words had on me, leaving me with a sense of doubt.
As my pregnancy progressed, we still played hard. I wanted to be included in everything that everyone else did. That Christmas we went to the ranch and rode horses, had snowball fights and went on hayrides. Matt would sit up front in the wagon and call out to me, “How you doing, y/nn? That’s my girl. How’s she doing back there?”
I’d call back, “She’s doing pretty good. I’m okay.”
If we’d go horseback riding, he’d always ask me, “Are you sure you can do this? Did the doctor say you could?”
“Yes,” I’d answer. “I can do it.”
I was determined not to ask for special treatment.
It was only in the last month or so that I slowed down at all. Instead of sitting through two or three films a night, Matt would take me home after just one.
He arranged his schedule so that he could be home with me at Graceland during the final month. To be absolutely prepared for the big day, we even performed practice drills for the trip to Baptist Memorial Hospital. As my time drew near, Matt became more and more nervous.
On February 1, 1968, I awoke about eight o’clock and found the bed beneath me soaking wet. Frightened, I called my mother in New Jersey and she suggested I ring the doctor immediately. He told me to head straight for the hospital. I gently woke Matt up and told him the big day had arrived. Matt groggily asked me if I was sure. When I said yes, he called James and told him to notify everyone, then yelled downstairs, “She’s ready! y/nn is going to have the baby!”
Ignoring his frenzy, I disappeared calmly into the bathroom and applied my ever-so-black mascara and teased my ever-so-black hair. Later at the hospital I requested special permission to keep on my double set of lashes.
Downstairs there was pandemonium. As planned, the decoy cars raced off first, Steven and Nate frantically waving for the fans to follow them. Then we took off, but despite the rehearsals we headed straight for the wrong hospital. We had changed hospitals, but obviously Jerry, who was driving, hadn’t been informed. Charlie Hodge saved the day, convincing Jerry it was Baptist Memorial, not Methodist. Luckily we arrived in time.
Our daughter, Charlotte Grace, was born at 5:01 that afternoon. The nurse brought her into my room and I cradled her in my arms. I couldn’t believe she was mine, that I had borne this child. She was so tiny, so beautiful. Matt came into the room and kissed me, thrilled that we had a perfectly normal, healthy baby. He was already in love with her. He watched me holding her and his eyes misted with happiness. Then he took us both in his arms and held us.
“Baby,” he whispered, “We have a little baby girl.”
“I know,” I whispered back.
I asked if he wanted to hold her. He looked petrified at first, but then he started to touch her. He played with her hands, her feet. He was in awe, saying, “I can’t believe that I made part of this beautiful child.” Matt knew that I had wanted the baby to have dark hair like his, and Charlotte had been born with lots of silky black hair. “She’s so perfect,” he said, “even the color of her hair is right.”
We stayed in each other’s arms for a long time, caressing our infant and each other, a young couple sharing the first pleasures of parenthood.
The man in my hospital room that day was the man I loved, and will always love. He didn’t have to try to be strong and decisive or sexy, he wasn’t afraid to show his warmth or vulnerability. He didn’t have to act the part of Matt Sturniolo, superstar. He was just a man, my husband.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - this is the cutest chapter ill write i swear its so so cute🎀
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deltatraveler · 4 months
Okay, I got more questions that may or may not be too spoiler heavy(Sorry if it’s very long list):
1. Will clover and kanako get some sibling bonding in Deltatraveler yellow? Cuz Ceroba’s like clover’s mom
2. Will the integrity human make an appearance in Deltatraveler yellow?
3. Why do Susie and Noelle still listen to our commands even tho we killed a bunch of people? They even tried to stop us and Susie even said that she was done but why does she still listen to our violent commands? Do we have like some powerful control over them because we’ re the player? 4. How will Kris and Chara react to seeing each other? 5. Is UT chara the narrator? 6. Is Ralsei just gonna be a running gag or is he going to be more significant to the plot?
7. Will Link or Zelda fight us in obliteration? 8. What’s the deal with fell sans, I don’t get it? Do I need to watch the GG!underfell animations to understand? 9. Will Gaster be afraid of us because we’re homocidal and knows that we got a taste, want to wipe out the monster race, got no patience nor resolve? 10. Will UT berdly, Suzy, catti, jockington, catty, bratty, nice cream guy, burgerpants, Monster kid, and temmie make an appearance in the future? 11. Why did you remove gaster saying mommy, sorry after we name ourselves ceroba?
12. Will underswap flowey and temmies make an appearance in section 5? 13. I don’t mean to be rude but out of all the Zelda/M&L/3D games why link to the past/bowser’s inside story/toontown?
1 - idk 2 - Nope 3 - Because they care about Kris too much 4 - No comment 5 - No, I am. 6 - He might play a little bit of a larger role in the story, but only a little bit. 7 - No. 8 - I will leave this for you to figure out :) 9 - He thinks he's in control. 10 - You're asking too many questions. 11 - Team UTY didn't like how Ceroba was being portrayed in some fan content, and that easter egg was one of them, so I removed the easter egg personally. 12 - No comment 13 - Because I like them
now stop asking me multiple questions in a single ask. i will intentionally give low quality responses if you do this.
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dira333 · 11 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part VIII
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 8: (2,5k words)
“So you always buy at Kibe-san’s?” He asks almost an hour later when you’re standing in line grabbing coffee and breakfast sandwiches to devour before your ride back to the shop.
“Yes. I do like walking the stalls though, to get inspired on what I could grow myself, but I can’t produce all of my own plants. Not anymore at least, with how many bouquets we’re selling each week. Kibe-san’s the most intense, though, but her flowers are the best as well.”
“Is Monday the same?”
“No, Kibe-san’s here too, so I usually check in with her first, but there’s also Mayeda-san and Matsuura-san, who both give fair prices. They don’t have the best quality though, but you will see for yourself.”
“Three coffee.” Touya steps forward when the guy in front of him makes space. “Two black. And do you have coffee syrup? Yes? Can you put two pumps of it in one coffee and fill the rest with creamer? Thanks.” 
He turns back to you. “What kind of sandwich does Rico want?”
“He always takes the pork one.”
“One pork sandwich and two cheese sandwiches, please.”
He pays and hands two of the coffee cups to you, grabbing the other one and the bag of food before stepping away as well.
“You could have asked what flavor syrup I wanted.” You tell him but you don’t sound annoyed.
“I doubt they have more than one flavor and they probably only have that one because of you.”
“I’m not the only one who likes sweet things in their drinks.”
“Mhm. Most people like the sweet things elsewhere.” 
You blink up at him as he bites his tongue. “Like cake. Desert. You know.”
“Sure.” You take a sip of your coffee and hum in appreciation. “This is perfect. Thank you. What kind of sandwich do you prefer when there’s more variety than pork and cheese?”
He pauses, coffee halfway to his lips, as he ponders that question.
It’s not that he doesn’t know what he likes or dislikes but there’s something in the unbridled joy you experience whenever you get to eat cheese that makes him want to feel the same.
But he barely remembers the last time he felt something like that over food.
A blurry memory resurfaces like he’s watching it unfold through a fogged-up lens.
He’d been living on the streets at that point, starved to the point he ate food out of the trash. It had been a rather cold day and a kind stranger had handed him an egg sandwich, made at home instead of store-bought.
He still remembers the taste, how it warmed him for hours, how he’d longed to taste it again for days and weeks afterward.
“Egg sandwich.” He says, voice a bit thicker than it should be. “I guess I’d pick that.”
You look at him like you know what he’d been thinking about, the moment interrupted by Rico pushing himself between the two of you.
“Pork sandwich! My favorite!” He swallows the thing in two bites before downing half of his coffee and grinning madly at them.
“We’ve got half an hour left before we have to leave. You gotta show him the indoor plants or no?”
“What do you think, Touya-kun? Ready for another lecture?”
The indoor plants are in another hall, one that’s actually heated and less crowded.
“One.” You tell him when you move through the stalls. “You can pick one for the shop but don’t break the bank.”
There are too many options to choose from, he realizes. Succulents and cacti, pothos and string of hearts, gum trees in different colors and shapes until they all blur in front of his eyes.
“What about this one?” You ask, pulling him towards you by his wrist. “It’s a holiday cactus or Genus Schlumbergera, they have a lot of different colors and it’s not hard to make new cuttings from it.”
“Why is it called that?” He asks when he halts, his eyes locking onto one of them as if drawn to it. It’s blossoms are white, turning into yellow and lastly ending in red tips, like a crown of flames. It looks like it’s burning and it’s calling him like a cliché.
“This one?” You ask, picking up the plant like you’ve read his mind yet again. “It’s fitting.”
“It’s a cliché.”
“Since when is that a bad thing?” You ask and he freezes, still thinking over your words when you come back with the pot in your arms.
“This is yours.” You hand it to him. “Don’t sell it before you have made cuttings from it, I beg you.”
“Which one would you pick? If you had all the money in the world?”
You laugh. “I’d grow it myself.”
“And if you couldn’t grow it?”
You stop to look up at him, your brows pinched.
“I’m not saying there’s something you can’t grow but if there were…”
“Come on.” You turn to walk and he follows in silence until you reach a stall at the back, an old man sitting amidst Bonsai’s.
You bow politely in greeting and he nods but doesn’t get up from his pillow on the floor. 
“Nakao-san has been taking care of these for decades.” You tell him, your voice barely above a whisper as you point at the different trees. There’s a Sakura tree, a Japanese maple and so many more.
“There are no prices.” He mumbles and you nod.
“He’s not selling them. But he brings them over once a week so that they can be seen by others. If you ever have a question about Bonsai care, he’s the one to ask.”
“It can get lonely, even if you’re with the things you love.” 
You trace your hand over the Sakura tree. When you pull your arm back, the tree is in full bloom and Nakao-san looks up to gift you a smile.
Back at the shop he’s got his work cut out for him.
He’s premaking bouquets for customers in a rush or those who are simply undecided, but his mind and eyes are always drawn back to the plant in the backroom. His plant.
After the third fire-colored bouquet you raise your eyebrows at him and he forces himself to make one with dark purple and little dots of cream in between. 
Mari-chan comes in late. 
She wears a permanent scowl on her face and refuses to repeat the names of the flowers, choosing to follow you through the shop in moody silence.
Business picks up a bit after lunch and you move to the back room with Mari.
A college student walks in, a guy he’s seen around at least once a week, rarely buying something but always pouring over the indoor plants.
“Hey.” He calls out to him. “How are the classes going?”
“Fine, fine.” He shrugs. “Just, uh… got back an A for my assignment.”
“That sounds nice. Uh, Fukunaga, was it?”
“Fukuhara Tadao, yeah.”
They both stare at each other for a moment before Touya drops his eyes to his notebook. Small talk just isn’t for him.
“I was… uh, I was going to treat myself.” Fukuhara starts up again, starting to stutter when  Touya looks back up. “B-But I can’t… I can’t decide.”
“What kind of room you live in?”
“Typical college dorm.”
“Never lived in one of these, you gotta explain it. Where’s your window facing?”
“The parking lot?”
Touya groans in annoyance and Fukuhara blushes a deep red.
“Oh, you meant.. it’s facing north, I guess. Well, I never get any sun, if that’s what you were asking.”
“Pothos does well with low light.” Touya points at the plant. “Give it a bath once a week or when the leaves start to fold into itself.”
Fukuhara slinks over and peers at the price tag before blanching.
Toya groans. “Alright. Don’t tell anyone or I’ll kick your ass.” He huffs and moves over, snipping off two branches that have been growing over the display table.
“Go home, put them in a clean cup filled with water. Change the water every few days. As soon as the roots are as long as your finger you can put them in soil.”
“Wh- How much?”
“Don’t mention it. Seriously.”
Fukuhara nods fervently, his hands shaking as he takes the gift.
When he moves back, his floppy hair falls to the side, revealing a glitter of silver around his left ear. Touya’s eyes lock onto it like he’s a cat seeing a mouse for the first time.
“Where’d you get those?” He asks.
Fukuhara blushes again. “A-A friend of mine does them. I got them when I started college.”
“Why four?”
Fukuhara looks up at him, the answer so visible in his eyes he doesn’t need to speak the words. It’s like a punch to the stomach.
“I think you should leave now.” Touya tells him, tasting bile in his throat.
Touya’s hands shake when he makes it back to the counter.
He thinks about calling you out, letting his thoughts drip into your lap where they will always be safe, but you’re with Mari and he can’t bear to step under that glare again. Not right now at least.
He scrolls through his phone, past Fuyumi who’s working right now, catching on a familiar name.
To his credit, Hawks picks up at the first ring.
“Hey, could you come over?” Touya’s eyes are locked on the door as if he fears Fukuhara might come back and with him the threat of past deeds, of insanity he had thought he’d left behind.
“Like, right now?”
Fukuhara hasn’t stepped into the shop again, but the memory lingers. 
He’s talked to his therapist about it and has called Hawks twice late at night, but that’s as far as he was willing to go. He’s not even told you.
Mari is partly to blame for that, drawing all your attention from him onto her.
But you’re so proud of him too, of his progress at the flower market in the morning, of how well he’s getting along with Rico and the customers.
He doesn’t want to disappoint you.
But it’s Friday again and he follows you up the stairs to your apartment after closing the shop. Mari had left an hour early today and you’d gone out as well, claiming that you needed to buy groceries.
He’d joked that you didn’t need an hour to buy cheese, bread, and miso paste but now he’s sitting on the floor in front of an egg sandwich you made yourself.
You’d toasted the bread and put too much egg salad in between, the contents spilling out onto the plate. 
He already knows it’s going to taste like heaven on his tongue but he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
He can’t eat it.
He can’t eat it and you’ve noticed his hesitation, your smile slipping back into your skin as you watch him.
“What’s wrong, Touya-kun?”
“Last week, when you and Mari went into the back room for a while, Fukuhara came in.”
“Ah, Fukuhara. He’s studying Forensic science.”
“He mentioned he got an A on an assignment and wanted to treat himself but didn’t have the money for the Pothos. So I snipped off some excess branches and gave it to him. It seemed like someone you’d do.”
You don’t rise to the bait, instead, you wait for him to continue.
The words, however, are lodged in his throat.
You get up, walk around the table and sit down next to him and it feels like you’re taking his side in this battle, like you’re part of his team against whatever it is on the other side..
“Can I touch you?” You ask and he nods.
You put one hand onto his, easing the fingers up that are dug into the fabric of his trousers. Your touch is gentle and warm and it feels as if you’re lifting him by the roots, shaking off the dirt that’s clinging to them. 
He knows what would happen if he were a plant.
You’d expect him for mold or cuts and put him into a bigger, cleaner, better pot, surrounded by fresh soil that gives him what he needs.
But he’s not a plant and you just hold his hand, warm it between your own until his tongue unfreezes and he can say one more word, followed by another and another until the story is told.
“Touya is allowed to like things that Dabi liked.” You remind him softly and pull his plate a little closer. “Just as Dabi was allowed to like things that Touya liked.”
“It’s not just that.” The worlds rumble in his chest, frustration vibrating behind his ribcage. “It’s not just wanting the piercings back and wanting to not want them. It’s about someone else taking them for themselves as if it’s something that can be borrowed, something that has no meaning whatsoever.”
He’s talked himself into a rage now, the words coming out faster and faster.
“And who does that, even? Model yourself after some criminal? I’ve spent over a year in therapy, endure all the guilt and the pain and try to be better just for some schmuck to come at me as my greatest fan?”
“There will always be people that admire or dislike us for the wrong reasons.”
“Like anyone could dislike you.” He snarls and you laugh, the sound chilling the fire of rage that has started to lick on his feet.
“You’d be surprised.” You say and take his hand again, fold your fingers around his.
“Breathe.” You say. “We can talk about this. But breathe. Eat, too. You can’t think or feel on an empty stomach.”
They eat in silence, on the same side of the table, elbows and arms knocking into each other.
At one point you sigh.
“Do you know why I gave you a peony for your first bouquet?”
“Because I’m beautiful?” He tries to joke and you smile cheekily but dodge the joke.
“To me, Peonies always look like they’re hiding something inside them, like you could tell them any secret and know that it’s safe. Also, I never get them to come out blooming, so it felt like giving you yourself, not yet ready to bloom.”
“Do you still think I’m a peony?”
You cock your head to the side and think about it, wiping the grease off your fingers with a napkin.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’d call you a dandelion, because you came back to life. Or a marigold, because you seem to multiply until your presence is everywhere.”
He laughs, surprised by the explanation.
“How am I multiplying?” 
You point to the plants around you.
“You’ve touched every single one of them. They’d never be able to forget you.”
“Would you be able to forget me?” He asks but you don’t answer that either..
Instead, you open your hand to a perfectly formed marigold and the fluffy white of a dandelion, tucking the two of them behind his right ear
But when you look at him, so close he can feel your breath ghosting over his face, you cock your head.
“It’s not important what flower I think you are. It’s important what you think. You are doing good, Touya-kun. Allow yourself to be real.”
taglist: @misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake @tiredslepz @frozen-phoenix17 @spltbtch @touyasprettydoll
taglist is open, if you want to join, just mention it in a comment or send me a message.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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topazshadowwolf · 5 months
GoopTales: Part 23, Date Night
*passes over this part, which is covered in FuzzyNight glitter.* :3
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23(you are here)/34
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19), Ch 6 (20-23), Ch 7 (24-27), Ch 8 (28-31), Ch 9 (32-34)
Killer walked up to Mr. Night as he finished giving medication to the three-legged cat. Killer giggled as the kitty hissed and spat at Mr. Night before walking over to Killer and purring. “you should be nicer,” Killer scolded while petting the kitty. “mr. night is only doing that because you need the medicine.” Tri, the kitty, did not like the scolding but accepted it from Killer with a questioning ‘murr.’
“Killer, should you not be with the others?” Nightmare asked as he put the bottle of medicine away.
“i told lyra that i needed to tell you something important. i told her about how one of the chickens laid two eggs and how cool that was and how you should know,” Killer explained.
“Well, now I know,” Mr. Night replied as he picked up Killer with a tendril. The tendril moved Killer closer to Mr. Night, and Killer stretched his arms out to the goopy skeleton. As gently as his dad would, the dark skeleton took Killer into his arms, and Killer snuggled against him.
“but that wasn’t what i really wanted to say to you,” Killer continued, “that was just the excuse i used to ask you something very, very important.”
“Oh, I see, very crafty of you,” Nightmare mused as he walked out of the cat feeding room.
“uh huh!” Killer puffed himself up, looking rather pleased with himself after that praise. “me and the others-”
“The others and I,” Nightmare gently corrected.
“the others and i decided we wanna thank ms. lyra for helping you and being so nice to us. none of us know what having a mommy is like, and i think, if i had a mom, she is what i’d want that mommy to be like,” Killer explained.
Mr. Night paused and looked at the floor in silence for a moment. He then looked up as if looking at someone on the ceiling while muttering, “Give me strength.” Then, after that, Mr. Night looked at Killer. “That… sounds very nice, you wanting to thank her for helping.”
“and being like a mommy!” Killer announced happily.
“Ah… yes, how could I forget that part,” Mr. Night mumbled.
“you’re silly, mr. night!” Killer giggled.
“Between the two of us, I do believe you are the silliest,” Mr. Night said while poking Killer’s cheekbone. That made Killer giggle and squirm in the arm Mr. Night was holding him in. “Now that has been clarified, what were you four thinking of doing?”
“oh! we wanna have a picnic, with flowers, and, and, and games! oh, and pie! and we want her to just relax and play with us and… and… give hugs, and we wanna make her cards,” Killer said the last parts quietly.
“Hmmm, except for the relaxing part, does she not do most of that already?” Nightmare asked.
“yeah, but she’s the one who does eeeeeeeeeverythiiiiiing for that. we wanna do it so she can have a day off, but we’re too small to do all of it and were wondering if you could help,” Killer said, finishing his reason for coming to Mr. Night.
“I suppose that will work. And what day were you four thinking of doing this?” Mr. Night asked.
“mother’s day!” 
Oh, indeed…
Nightmare worried that such a celebration on Mother’s Day would drudge up bad memories for the guardian. It would also encourage his feelings of having a new family. Just as he felt that pang of longing when Killer first announced Lyra was like a mother to him. But that is beside the point. The focus was on Lyra, and he was about to convince the boys to choose a different day. But he then considered it a chance for her to make new memories. Albeit… with four hooligans that Lyra would not want to be the mother of. 
Although, if that were true, she was showing the opposite.
She was always eager to care for the boys and their pets. It was sweet watching them interact with each other. Every morning was so soul-warming as he watched them happily greet her for the day. Even Dust was starting to warm to her and was not always clinging to Nightmare. They all excitedly go to her after she returns from tending to her duties as a guardian, begging her to tell them how things were outside their home. 
She truly was being motherly to them.
So, if she is filling the role, he might as well help the boys celebrate her on a day meant for beings like her.
He helped them, one-on-one, during moments when she was busy or away to make their cards and start preparation for Mother’s Day. For the most part, there was no evidence for her to suspect something was going on. But, on the rare occasion, the Guardian of Balance would notice something. “Killer, how did you get this glitter all over your hands?” “Cross? Where are you going with that stack of blankets?” “Horror, is that flour on your shirt?” “Dust? Oh, there you are… Please do not wander off without telling me.”
Nightmare should have known he could not have hidden everything from a momster. Still, he luckily was around to save the boys from interrogation each time. “Ah, we were considering an art project, but he quickly reminded me how that stuff gets all over everything. I guess I failed to wash all the glitter off.” “Ah! Thank you for getting those for me, Cross. These were used last for the nest during the boys' movie night and should be washed.” “I do believe that is my fault. He was nearby when I spilled that flour while looking in the cupboard.” “Ah, sorry, Lyra, I am equally to blame. He followed me to my office after I got my drink. I should have sent him back. But… well…”
That last one resulted in some light-hearted teasing from her at how soft he was with the boys. It was embarrassing, but he would admit it was true.
It took careful planning on the days leading up to Mother’s Day. The tendency for immortals to lose track of time helped him, as Lyra was not carefully watching a calendar like Nightmare was with the boys. Finally, the night before arrived. The boys assigned him one task: make sure she sleeps so she is rested for tomorrow and in place for a surprise breakfast in bed. 
Nightmare let her get the boys ready for bed, which will be her last bit of work before relaxation begins. While she was away, he cleaned up the toys and mess in the entertainment room and set out some candles while turning off the lights.
While he was not an avid movie watcher, he did enjoy the few he has watched. Especially if he read the book first. Sure, the movies were often different, but as long as they held to the spirit of the book, he honestly didn’t mind that much. Nightmare might grumble a little when scenes he enjoyed in the book did not show up or were not portrayed accurately enough to his liking. But, in the end, he acknowledged it was a movie and had limits to how much and what it could show.
The mind will always be the greatest movie theater.
All that aside. Shortly after starting their… relationship, Lyra and Nightmare formed a sort of “book club.” It was mostly them taking turns reading aloud a book together. He discovered that one they particularly enjoyed for its wit and humor had been made into a movie. They had picked the book since it was set in a “fantasy” setting in the time period he preferred, and it was a romance. It is not precisely Nightmare’s favorite genre, but this was enjoyable with the action and parts of revenge, war, and trickery. With the boys in bed and it being the night before celebrating Mother’s Day, well… might as well have a date night. Once the movie is done, he will have Lyra go to bed.
“NightStar?” he heard her say, and he looked over at her. 
She looked around the room and smiled while placing her hands on her hips. “I thought you said you had a lot of work to do,” she said.
“I did,” He chuckled as he lit the last candle. “It was a lot of work setting this room up for something other than child care.”
“I was going to help you with all that paperwork you claimed to have from the latest alliance,” she argued. “Will this momentary distraction mean we will have more work during the next few days?”
“I may have exaggerated how much I had to do in order to secretly plan tonight,” And tomorrow, but she didn’t need to know that part yet. Instead, he walked over to her and held out his hand. “M’lady, if you would join me?”
“How could I say no?” She asked while extending her hand and letting him take it.
Which he did. While taking her hand, he bowed to her slightly and lightly placed his teeth on the back of her hand, against the white fur, in a skeletal kiss. He then looked up at her with a grin as he saw the hint of pink appearing on her face where her fur was the thinnest, such as around her nose. However, he could feel the warmth on his own face, telling him he was blushing as well—not that he cared at the moment.
With that, he stood straight and guided her to the sofa. “Sit, and re-,” he started. The sound of flatulence filled the room as she sat, and both were startled by it. The silence that shock caused was broken when Nightmare sighed, and Lyra burst into hysterical laughter as she fished the whoopee cushion out from under herself. “I would ask you not to laugh since that would only encourage them, but they are not here to witness. I must have missed that one while cleaning up.”
“Indeed,” She wheezed as she tossed it onto the stand beside her. But she continued snickering, and Nightmare could not help but find that… endearing in a way.
“You truly found that so funny? Typical Toriel behavior. You may act mature, but deep down, you enjoy childish things,” He teased.
“Oh hush, you old fuddy-duddy,” Lyra taunted with a grin.
Nightmare mock gasped, placing his hand over where his soul was and acting offended, “Me, old?”
“Honestly, Nightmare. That is the part that offended you the most?” Lyra teased.
“Naturally! The notion that I am old when we are both immortals is insulting,” He said while turning his head to look away to feign indignation.
“Well, if you act the part,” She chuckled.
“Fine, then. If I am old, I will act as the grandparent and spoil the four with sweets and whatever they wish. Then, once they are a rowdy and unmanageable lot, I will pack them back over to you to tend,” he replied with a grin.
It was Lyra’s turn to mock gasp, though hers was in faux fear, “How devious! I take it back. You are still youthful! But a fuddy-duddy all the same.”
“I suppose that will do,” he said, rolling his eyelight. He then smiled at her, turning their focus back to the matter at hand. “Though, I think that banter will be a good segway for the movie we will be watching tonight.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head.
“Romance and humor… though this also has sword fighting, drama, and action,” he said while putting the movie in the DVD player. He won't claim to be great at using the player and TV, but he was proficient enough to complete the task.
They sat together, holding hands, as they watched the movie about Princess Buttercup and her true love, Wesley.
It was nice… especially when the movie ended and she gave him a kiss on the cheekbone. He then followed up with a kiss on her nose, which then turned into a true kiss… one that he hoped she enjoyed as much as he did. 
This was still all so awkward and new to him. Yet, feeling her lips on his teeth, their magic meeting with the physical contact, and the love they shared for each other being accepted and reciprocated was almost intoxicating to him. The fact that she seemed happy enough to keep this kiss going told him that she was enjoying it enough not to stop anytime soon. However, the sad fact of life is that all good things must eventually come to an end. If the boys were going to wake her up with a surprise breakfast in bed, then she needed to be in bed and sleeping.
“Lyra,” He said, finally pulling away, “as much as I am enjoying this. One of us should sleep while we have a chance. I will tend to everything else tonight and in the morning. It is your turn to rest.”
“Is it? I thought it was your turn,” She said with a frown.
Nightmare shook his head, “No, I rested last. Remember, we both had a chance to sleep last week, and I was the last one to sleep. So, you need to go to bed, rest, and get ready for another busy day tomorrow.”
“Hmmm…,” She hummed as she coaxed one of his tendrils to curl around her hand and arm as she often does. “That may be true, but I am not sure I am tired yet. Or done being around you.”
“Ah, yes,” He felt flustered by that. He wasn’t truly done being around her and would love to wake up cuddled with her again. But, he reminded himself he had his standards to hold to. Rules of propriety that may be ignored by some, but keep him in a moral code that made him who he was and not like the other cruel Nightmares off in their own multiverses. It might not seem that important of a rule. Though breaking one purposefully, as that one time was an accident brought on by mutual exhaustion, will invite the idea of breaking others. 
“Well, as true as that may be, you should take this chance while you have it,” He said as he turned his attention to the TV. 
The menu screen for the movie was playing on repeat in the background; during the kissing, he blocked the noise out. Now that he could turn his mind to other things, he had to admit the repeated short song was starting to become annoying. When the screen turned black, it darkened the room further, though that never bothered him. Nightmare can see easily in the dar-
Nightmare clapped his hands over his mouth as he struggled to hold back the sound wanting to emit from his mouth. A sensation he had not fully felt in centuries nearly forced him to laugh. In shock, he looked at Lyra, who looked back at him with equal shock and slyness. The tendril that felt the tickling sensation was no longer being tickled but still squirmed in a failed attempt to flee her. But no luck; she was not about to let the limb go.
He watched as she turned her attention back to the tentacle. Her fingers started moving over the limb in an oddly delicate yet aggressive way. Lyra leaned closer as Nightmare again struggled to hold back laughter, “My, my, what is this? The King of Negativity is ticklish after all?”
He wanted to deny it, but he didn’t dare utter a sound for fear he would burst into laughter. A snort did escape, but he held strong. No, he would not give in to this.
“I warned you, did I not?��� She said with a mischievous grin on her face.
And yes, she did warn him about testing her theory that he was ticklish, but that was about four months ago. It had slipped his mind completely.
“You are so quiet, not even a retort?” She teased. “But not a laugh, either.”
Behind him, the remaining tendrils curled tightly as if trying to hide from her tickling fingers. He needed to will them to act, to push her away. It was a struggle, as his main focus was on trying not to burst into laughter. Still, he started to get them to respond, but they could not reach her to push before she pounced.
Those deft fingers moved to each side of his body, aiming for the tender area under the arm. Nightmare made the most undignified of sounds as Lyra continued this childish assault on areas he long since thought were no longer ticklish. With that, he could no longer hold it back any longer. Laughter, unlike any laughter that has burst from him in centuries, poured forth. He struggled, mid-gasps for air, to beg her for mercy.
What shame he would feel… if this wasn’t her. Indeed, if he were to display such vulnerability and weakness, it might as well be to one who has been doing the same towards him. Spending every day together caused him to shed his wall of defensive pride when around her. Still, his tendrils finally obeyed and spared him as they worked together to push her away.
“And here I thought you said you were not ticklish,” Lyra taunted with a giggle as Nightmare leaned back against the sofa arm, catching his breath.
“To be fair,” Nightmare wheezed, “No one has dared to test that theory since I was a child.”
“I suppose that is true,” Lyra replied. “But now, you look more tired than I do. Perhaps you should be the one to sleep?”
He shot her a glare and then sat up. “Winded from that ridiculous display of frivolity you coaxed out of me, sure. Tired? No. It is your turn. Do not make me carry you off to bed like I do the boys.”
“Would you tuck me in?” She teased.
“You are an adult who has tucked in more beings than I ever have. I think you can manage,” He taunted in return.
“Not even a goodnight kiss, then?” Lyra said with a “sad” pout.
“You have already had a ‘goodnight kiss,’ multiple even,” He replied.
“Oh, have I?” She said while looking off at nothing as one does to recall a memory. “I am not sure I remember.”
Of course, she remembers. He sure hopes she did. Still, if she was going to play that game, he would give her a kiss she would not likely forget anytime soon. He leaned forward and drew her attention back to him as his hands moved to her face. Fingers moved through her soft fur and touched the skin beneath. Nightmare called on his magic, his love, and his emotions for her while he kissed her as if he were trying to smother her in affection. She gasped, shocked by this display from him, but then hummed contentedly back at him as she returned a kiss.
It now was a contest of wills to see who could pour out more love and affection for the other in this single display—one he was determined not to lose. Digging down deep, he pulled on his past emotions, converting them to magical energy that she could interpret but shared through a kiss. 
How they once were enemies, and at that time, he truly did despise her and how she interfered with his plans. And yet, even then, there was admiration for her doggedness to stop him and protect those weak mortals he had, at that time, no respect for. How his anger for her only increased when she seemed to disappear. When it was then Dream who was upsetting the balance. Then, the shock of how she stood up for him… Aided him and the boys, which sparked something in him. It was not love at that time, and it was more than admiration. It was the growing seed of an alliance. As time went on, he took that feeling and formed a bud of friendship. That bud grew and blossomed as they worked together for peace, and as she showed the same kindness to his boys he showed them. He… liked seeing her show off her motherly side to them. When most hate his boys and find him revolting, she showed nothing but kindness and friendship. And oh, how that confused him.
Nightmare had tried to push her away for her own good. But just as before, when they were enemies, she was too stubborn to leave. She shared her love for him with him, and he relented to that confirmation that he was not alone in those feelings. And now, here they were. This time together, tending the boys, drawing them closer and closer, deeper and deeper into love. And he was devoted to her. If he were her “NightStar,” guiding her on the ocean of life as the stars guided the sailors, then he would do his best to keep her safe and direct her back here, to her home.
And with that, she surrendered, pulling away and gasping. Hints of blush were now visible through her fur over her whole face. He won, and he grinned while watching her catch her breath. Sitting back, he let a little smugness change his grin. His tendrils flipped contentedly from side to side as a display of playful superiority. “Now who is looking tired, hmm?”
“You say that with such confidence, but your face is covered in that lovely teal blush,” She teased back. “But I give… my sweet Night… we will need to discuss this kiss another time, as… I think you,” She looked at him for a moment, and he started to frown, tilting his head. “We will discuss this ‘goodnight kiss’ another time. For now, I will go to bed. Good night, my love.”
“Good night, Lyra.”
And with that, she stood and left.
Discuss the kiss? What was there to discuss about it? Granted, it was their history displayed to her in his view through magic shared in a kiss, but… that is all there is to it. They both lived through that. Did they really need to talk about it?
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glazedsnail · 3 days
Fanfic Ends
Finallyyyyyy (I started an epilogue ya'll I can't let them go)
For now, at least, at LAST, the last part of my ShanexOC Stardew Valley Fanfic
Misery Loved Company
ShanexOCFarmer (♀️) 18+ -
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10
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Look at my farmer and her husband at his favourite festival what a goober omg who likes eggs that much - she says holding her oversize novelty boiled egg dressed in her gudetama pyjama
I'll show you my oversized novelty boiled egg once.
I was listening to this the whole time.
Especially: love letters - teatime at the cottage - lonely waltz x passacaglia - the fairy - picnic in the meadows - spring - a white dress - butterflies and dandelions
With spring mostly on repeat I must admit.
Anyway that's not why you clicked the cut:
‘Shane, what’s taking you so long? We’re going to be late!’
Barely awake, last sip of coffee lingering on his tongue, Shane forces himself into his clothes. He could certainly benefit from buying a new suit, but this one still fits. Why bother. He wins the fight against his trousers and turns to the mirror. His only white shirt has a stain of sauce. A short lament. He will have to wear the tie after all and pray it will hide the stain at least a little. Now to remember the damn knot.
‘In a minute!’
Shane promised his aunt he would make an appearance today after she stated, nicely, how fed up she was by “everyone” asking how her nephew was doing. He had a hard time imagining a single person caring, so “everyone” felt like a bit of a stretch. Nevertheless, there he was, already regretting his promise, while Marnie, who was done with clearing and cleaning the breakfast table, was slowly losing patience. He had managed to find excuses to avoid participating in big town events, sometimes at the last minute. This time she was not going to let him win.
Finally, the tie is on, crooked, and hides the sauce stain. With a smile, he figures it might have happened at his birthday dinner just a few days ago. Jas and Marnie had laid out his favourite food, and even put a bow on Charlie who had the best seat at the table. Shane’s grin deepens. He was grateful, even if showing it poorly. 
‘Uncle Shane!’
‘You tell him, Jas.’
A laugh. Things are not so bad.
He tries to fix his hair. Quickly gives up. A long exhale as he puts on his jacket, ready to go.
‘There he is!’ Sings Marnie. ‘You could have done something about your stubble.’
‘It’s fine, it’s fine. You look great. Let’s go!’
To Jas’ delight, they are about to finally cross the doorway.
‘Oh just a minute.’
The little girl grumbles at her uncle who’s already making them late. At this rate all the honey and hot cross buns will be gone. Shane makes sure to acknowledge her frustration by ruffling her hair, and walks to the kitchen window. The valley is slowly heading towards summer. The tepid timid sun shining in the sky right now will start warming and burning in just a couple of hours. The trees are plump and full with leaves and lives. Butterflies are twirling in the mating ballet of their short existence. One of Marnie’s cow is happily chewing cud under the window, ringing her bell at whoever wants to hear it.  Shane sighs, content. It’s a beautiful day. He reaches for the single plant pot sitting on the window ledge, turns it around, inspect the leaves, the branches, sprays some misty water around.
When Shane found the hot pepper plant in Fern’s farm he couldn’t bear to leave it amongst everything else, and was pleasantly surprised to discover he actually had a green thumb, and that it was enough to revive the browning leaves. And then he saw she had slapped a stupid handmade label reading “Shane” crudely stuck onto the terracotta. He knew he had to take care of it, cursing that damn corny ass farmer with every fibre of his body.
Perhaps because he was taking too long, or because she felt he needed it, Jas grabs her godfather’s hand. Her smiling eyes looking up to him, not uttering a word. He smiles, and squeezes her little hand back.
‘Thank you’ he whispers. ‘Let’s go now.’
The clearing had been prepared like every year. Colourful bunting stretched around the field and the tables. Cut flowers decorating every corner of meadows where wildflowers are not already growing. The air is sickly sweet with the scent of bloom and anticipation, mixed with the recently cut grass to prepare for the upcoming stomping. Jas leaves Marnie’s hand the moment she sees Vincent and Penny, who nods politely at them.
‘How are you doing?’ Marnie asks her nephew now alone.
‘I’ll be fine.’ He says, uncomfortable in his ill-fitting suit. ‘I think Gus brought his hot chilli sauce.’
She laughs tenderly before grabbing him, and starts dusting his shoulders, puts some order in his hair, straightens his tie.
‘Shane, this shirt has a stain.’
‘Before you moved the tie, it was perfectly hidden.’ He moves the tie back. ‘Why all the fuss anyway. I’m just gonna hang by the buffet.’
‘What if someone asks you to dance? Be a bit more presentable.’
‘I said I’d come, aunt Marnie, not that I’d dance.’
She sighs in desperation.
‘I want you to enjoy yourself.’
‘I’ll be fine, go and mingle.’ He replies, gently stopping his aunt from trying anything with his messy hair.
Marnie smiles, swiftly caressing his cheek, with pride, and concern. He watches her sauntering over to the mayor, and exhales. He can finally stop smiling. Around him, the other townspeople are loudly talking, laughing, excited, impatient. Some glance at him, others are even gratifying him with a sympathetic smile. With a groan, he makes his way to a tree casting its shadow on the array of food available and leans against it. Colourful bugs are dancing around the uncovered plates, the flowers, then fly high up to the sun.
‘You got a lighter?’
Shane jumps. Transfixed as he was by the insects he didn’t see Pam approaching him to his shadowing corner.
‘Sorry Pam, no, tryin' to stop.’
‘Good for you!’ She says, putting her cigarette behind her ear. ‘So, out of your hole at last?’
‘We spoke yesterday at Jojamart, what are you on about?’
She scoffs.
‘I meant in the social department. Ain’t seen you ‘round lately. Saloon sure feels empty.’ She chuckles and adds. ‘Not that I was seeing much of you since that farmer got your eye.’
‘Shame she didn’t stick around. Do we know why she didn’t come back?’ Shane lifts his head to the trunk, and hopes a bit too late it’s not covered in sap. Since Fern had left it was like she’d never existed. They would always make sure to never mention her when he was around. He didn’t care if they did. All of them being so careful not to talk about her enraged him more than if they did.
Today for some reasons, his head was not in the mood.
‘Family stuff. I think.’
‘You think?’
Fern had written with no return address to the mayor. Nothing in the letter mentioned Shane. But she was sorry. 
‘I get ya, I get ya! Don’t worry. Just sayin’ it’s nice to see you here is all.’
‘Marnie made me. Said I couldn’t miss the Flower Dance. Something ‘bout tradition and shit.’
The older blond shrugs.
‘Well, even the doc’s not here so, tradition or not, I don’t think anyone would’ve said anything anyway.’
Shane laughs bitterly. Of course no one would have noticed or cared. 
‘Anyway, nice talking to ya!’ She bolts as she sees Gus in the distance, ready to ask the saloon’s owner for a lighter, and leaves Shane to his trunk
Been a while since he actually craved a cigarette.
He looks around him. It’s true that Harvey isn’t there. Everybody else is. Shane is heavily debating crawling back in his bed. He made his appearance, it should please Marnie.
‘Everyone, gather ‘round! We’ll soon start the dance.’
Lewis shouts, trying to get everyone’s attention. Shane lets out a scornful sigh. The appeal of his bed just increased tenfold. He watches, from his tree, as his peers grab their partners’ hand, and quickly looks down, dejected. He doesn’t have proper dress shoes on, and his sneakers need a serious wash. He most likely walked in the mud on his way here. At least he hopes it’s mud.
The music gently starts. A ghastly recording of an ill fitted 3 / 4 waltz they probably played when Mayor Lewis was in his baby britches. Shane lifts his head back up, thinking of grabbing something to eat while they dance.
To his surprise, no one is dancing. He scans the thin crowd. Most of the heads are turned to the passageway to the forest. Marnie bolts towards it with what looks like a smile on her face from afar, quickly followed by Jas’ little legs. Soon, a small group forms around them. Shane leaves the shadow of his tree, tempted to join them all, slightly tip-toeing, lifting himself up to see above their heads.
They part the way. Shane’s heart skips a beat. 
There, in the springtime light, softly caressed by the slow wind, wearing a white light cotton dress, Fern walks alongside Harvey. She’s smiling, holding Jas’ hand, talking to Marnie. To add to his disbelief, they hug, a timid but warm embrace. 
With a dry mouth, Shane curses his legs. He really thought he was walking towards her but they’re unresponsive. Fern finally sees him and her smile disappears. Both refuse to blink, too scared the other would simply vanish. She slowly walks to him, her dress gently flowing against her bare ankles. She should have known he would be away from everybody else. Shane fights the urge to rub his eyes. Finally, his legs let him move to her. To the farmer he saw covered in mud, barely knowing how to hold a chick, cutting herself with a pair of shears and blaming the sheep, spewing nonsense after nonsense for days just to befriend him, and was as pretty now as she was then. Her hazel eyes look brighter. Her hair, longer, is up in a ponytail, softly swinging in her steps. He saw her everything, in the bareness of their carnal exchange, and yet, the light cloth kissing her curves is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. With his trembling hand, he grabs a pink gerbera sitting on the table, and finally reaches her. They both clear their throat.
‘Shane.’ she starts.
He looks straight at her, flower in hand. Without a word, he lifts his arm to her hair and tucks the pink flower behind her ear. She smiles, her golden eyes slowly getting wet.
The music had stopped, and no one in the whole valley is breathing.
‘Fern’ he replies.
They don’t even realise everyone is looking at them. Shane painfully swallows, and takes Fern’s hand in his.
‘Do..Do you, maybe, want to dance?’ he asks with all his strength. She nods, tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. On the other side of the meadow, Marnie tugs at Harvey’s coat, holding a please squeal.
‘Lewis’ she says to the mayor ‘put the music back on.’
He recognises her non negotiable tone and the music starts again. They all slowly join Shane and Fern, keeping their distance, and start the dance. Shane puts his shaking hand on her waist, lets her grab his shoulder, and starts slowly twirling. His blushing cheeks are met with his new smile as he realises he is holding Fern. Their dance starts slow, uncertain, like two newborn fawns. Certainly looking clumsy to the outside eye. She looks at his smiling green eyes, grateful to see them again.
‘You’re back’ Shane exhales.
‘I’m sorry’
‘No, no. Not now’ he whispers as they twirl.
‘You’re very handsome in that suit.’ Fern says, remembering how striking she already found him in his everyday attire.
He timidly scoffs, obviously not believing her one bit, barely able to hide his increasingly blushing face.
‘Your hair is longer.’ He remarks.
‘Yeah it’s… It’s been a while.’
‘It looks nice. N-not that I didn’t like your short hair. That it didn’t look nice. It looked nice then too. I like you. Your longer hair. Just now.’
A tear runs down Fern’s cheek that she quickly wipes. How she missed this endearing clumsiness.
‘I missed you.’ She whispers, as a new twirl pulls her closer to Shane.
‘I missed you too.’ He replies in one breath, her smile striking his fast beating heart.
‘I’m happy you’re here.’ She adds.
‘Marnie made me come.’
‘Wasn’t the prospect of all the dipping sauce good enough?’
He laughs, making her twirl again in his arms.
‘Why’d I go through the pain of wearing a suit and head out when I can eat alone at home in my pants?’
‘Still trying to charm me, I see.’
Shane bites his lip, hearing her laugh, seeing her smile, all while in his arms. He had almost convinced himself he’d never see her face again, never feel her body in his hands. She was certain she would have to forget Shane, forget his smile, his voice. But there he was, slowly making her dance and laugh, his soft kind eyes falling into hers.
‘Did Harvey bring you here?’
‘Fetched me at the station. We’ve been planning for weeks, surprisingly not a lot of train stops at Pelican Town.’
‘Well, Harvey, me, and your aunt.’
Shane’s steps nearly stop, stunned. He blinks repeatedly.
She knew Fern would be here, today, after months of absence and still let him come with a sauce stained shirt.
Fern nods, and twirls.
‘She came to the city. Multiple times.’
‘I had no idea.’
‘That was her plan.’
Shane quickly tries to find Marnie. Standing in the corner of the meadow, she looks at them with a warm smile. 
‘We had…Long talks.’ Fern continues.
He nods in understanding, swirling with her.
‘Are you leaving after today?’ He asks, tightening his grip over her hand and waist, afraid that she would disappear should she answer yes.
‘No. The farm is mine.’
Shane grabs Fern back after fumbling a step, helping her back on her feet.
‘You’re staying? For good? With me? I mean, with us? I mean, in Pelican Town?’
She giggles, closing in on the already decreasing gap between them. 
‘Marnie said you’ve been taking good care of my chickens. Especially Cranky.’
‘I have. Cranky will not want to leave me ever, now.’
‘She’s not the only one.’
The music stops, much too soon. They refuse to leave each other’s arms. Their chest move up and down in unison, out of breath, heart against the other.
‘Shane I’m sorry I didn’t come back.’ Fern starts in one exhale.
‘I should have at least wrote or’
‘Fern, you’re back’ he cuts ‘You’re here now.’ He caresses her cheek. ‘And for some insane reasons you’re dancing with me.’ 
‘I’m sorry I hurt you, Shane. I was scared to come back.’ She adds in a shaking tone, cradling herself in his open hand. 
She looks down, but Shane swiftly lifts her chin back up with a smile. Fern takes it all in. His gorgeous smile creasing the corner of his soft eyes. She passes her hand in his hair and takes a deep breath. 
‘I love you.’
She sees the weight of her words fall in Shane’s eyes, the shock making his smile slowly disappear. As tears start falling, Shane pulls Fern to him in a kiss. Applauses erupt from the surrounding, suddenly remembering they’re in the middle of a town gathering, startled by the townspeople who have all been holding their breath for so long, for that one kiss.
Hesitant to let the other go, they blush, looking like two stranded poppies in the middle of the clearing. 
‘I’m sorry.’ Fern whispers ‘I know how you are with public display.’ she laughs, starting to release his hand.
He pulls her back in another kiss. A soft, slow caress on her lips, feeling like they kiss for the very first time in an intentional passionate embrace while the world disappears around them. Then Fern’s feet touch the ground again, her forehead pressed on Shane’s holding his shallow breathing to whisper back.
‘I love you.’ 
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sl-newsie · 7 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 19: Truth Comes Out
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“Good morning, dear.”
I’m awakened by Q’s voice and the smell of eggs. When I open my eyes I’m presented with a tray containing a plate of toast, strawberries, and sunny-side-up eggs. 
“My goodness! Good morning. What time is it?” I ask in a groggy voice.
“8:00,” Q replies as he sets the tray on my lap.
“And you’re not taking advantage of sleeping in because…?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” The man sits down next to me and lets out a sigh. “Overthinking.”
“Uh-oh. That’s not healthy for you.” I sit up and rub his back. “Everything ok?”
“Nothing for you to worry over, darling. What is the agenda for our time off?”
I must say that vacation does not suit me. It doesn’t suit Q either. Between both our jobs we’re used to being constantly busy. Time drags by as I attempt to occupy myself through reading. Q’s in the kitchen doing Lord knows what and after an hour I’m fed up reading about King Henry VIII.
“Q, would you want to go for a walk?” I walk into the room, which is filled with a heavenly aroma. But where’s Q-?
“Here we are!” He comes out of the back pantry holding a wine bottle. “I know you don’t drink but this stuff is worth trying, believe me.”
“Another delicious meal?” I smile at his kindness and kiss his cheek. “You’ve outdone yourself, Quartermaster. Next time I insist I do something.”
Beep! Beep!
The alarm triggers both of us to look at the door. Jesus, what now? Has M lost it? We look into protected files and this is what happens. Walking on eggshells. Q decides to be the brave one and goes over to investigate.
“You’ll never guess who’s on the door cam.”
At this point anything’s possible. “Dolly Parton?”
Q chuckles. “Less happy.”
I can’t help but laugh at how Bond’s sneaking around too. Now instead of me asking him for help he’s seeking out my help. “He’ll love your apron.”
Q rolls his eyes. “Haha, very funny.” He looks back at the door cam monitor. “Would you mind going in the back and, um, finding some fresh basil?”
I see right past his intention and decide to tease it. “Are you trying to hide me from my own mentor?”
“No! It’s just… I’m not too sure how Bond will react to… us.”
I put a firm hand on Q’s shoulder and look up at him with determined eyes. “He’ll have to live with it. I’ll go find some basil, and then I’m coming back out to talk with him.”
Part of me is also anxious to see Bond’s reaction. Granted I’m not his real sister but I know for a fact that if any man tries to hurt me then Bond would see to it they are found dead by the following morning. Saying that, I don’t want Bond’s trust in Q to be tested too far. We need all ounce of trust for what’s about to happen.
“So you’re not dead?” I hear Q say. How blunt.
“Hello, Q. I’ve missed you.” Good to see Bond hasn’t lost all humor.
“That smells great!” Moneypenny says.
I hide behind the pantry door and see them all walk into where Q’s prepared lunch.
“Were you expecting somebody?” Bond asks as he examines the table.
“Um, actually-”
“Hello, Bond.”
All three turn to spot me as I step out from the pantry. Of course Moneypenny was expecting me to be here but Bond’s face shows he’s drawing a complete blank. He looks between Q and I with new-found suspicion. I hold out the basil to Q and he remembers how to speak.
“J- Just leave it on the counter, Eleanor. I’m afraid lunch will have to wait.”
I do as he says and walk over to the counter- only to have Bond grab my arm and whisper:
“Excuse me, I believe you and I need to have a chat.”
Here we go.
Q backs up against the table and gives me a comforting smile before Bond leads me upstairs. In the hall he corners me and crosses his arms.
“You? And-?’ He points back to where we just came from. 
“That’s a conversation for another time.” As much as it’s bugging him there are more important things to deal with. “Welcome back, Bond. Has retirement been treating you well?”
“I’m not fully retired. I’m just not on active duty.”
I raise a brow. “We both know that means retirement, Commander Bond. 5 years ago we laughed at retirement.”
“People change. 5 years ago you kept your feelings locked and buried.”
I cross my arms defiantly. “People change. Sometimes for the better. I know you’ve had your fair share of heartbreak and I won’t have your own love life define mine. Q is a good man.”
Bond’s eyes search me for hesitation but I give him none. “I heard you went through a coma.”
Glad to know he also cares enough to know I’m not dead. “Yes. I was asleep for 4 years and Q still loves me. I trust him with my life, Bond. And he trusts me.”
“Why does he call you Eleanor?”
So much for keeping this for later. “He gave me the name. You know I never had a real name. Q thought it would help establish a somewhat normal relationship.”
Bond sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. “You know this job will never permit a normal life, Levie.” He looks down with a blend of pity and disappointment. “Something always tears relationships apart. Q may be promoted and re-stationed, you may get killed during a mission. You could be shaken up by something that makes you become a different person and push him away. I’m just saying that it’s not fair to either of you to hope for something that might not last.”
Bond’s words of caution reflect off the worries I’ve had from the start. Is this relationship really worth keeping? I have no doubt that I would miss having Q in my personal life but Bond’s right. I’ve come to the point when I want a normal life; something this job will never allow. 
“Just think this over before it goes too far,” Bond finishes and pats my shoulder. “You’re a smart woman, Levie. If this is what you want you need to be all in, and Q does too.”
He gives a final nod and walks back down the stairs, leaving me dazed. What am I supposed to do? 5 years ago I thought I knew what I wanted with my life. Now I’m supposed to rearrange my preferences because I’m not only balancing my own wellbeing but Q’s as well. I may be new to this dating business but I know that couples need to act as a team, and if what Bond predicts is true then anything might happen to break up our team.
“Are you coming, 0011?” Moneypenny calls from the staircase.
I have to deal with this later. The threat of Heracles far outreaches my petty love life. I take a deep breath and head down to find the group chatting in the kitchen.
“You know, they come with fur these days,” Bond mocks one of the cats as Q removes her from the table.
“You do know I’m not authorized to help you-” Q starts to argue.
“It’s something to do with Heracles. We need to find out what.”
Q sighs. “I presume M doesn’t know about this?”
“No, but there’s something going on and we need to know what.”
I shrug. “Just add it to the list of ‘things we do behind M’s back.’ What difference does it make?”
“Does engaging in a romantic workplace relationship count?”
I shoot my old mentor a stern glare. “Behave, Bond. We’re all grown-ups here.”
Q, still looking anxious about Bond’s resentment, shakes his head in defeat. “It’s never 9 to 5, is it? Fine, I’ll help.”
The geek heads to his desk and settles into his swivel chair, already going to work on his laptop.
While we wait I decide to turn Bond away from the subject of me and Q’s relationship. “How was Felix?”
Bond’s face turns grim. “Killed. All because of his colleague, Logan Ash, who is apparently a SPECTRE agent. He’s the one who took Obruchev.”
My heart sinks. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Felix was a good man.”
“How did you know him?”
“When you’re in a coma for five years you need to get caught up on things. When you never came back I reached out to Felix to see if you were alive.”
The man doesn’t reply. Perhaps he expected me to go along with everyone else and forget about him. I can’t help it. Feelings may make me weak but it’s all I have left that assures me I’m still human.
“Bond, do you know where this has been?”
I look over to see Q holding up what looks like a USB flash drive. No doubt Bond’s taken extreme measures to bring it here.
“Everywhere, I’d imagine.”
“It’s a database,” Q states as he scans the computer screen. “With DNA. Multiple individuals…. Do not touch that, please.” I agree they should know better than to mess with Q’s thinking space. “There’s more. Hidden files. It seems that Obruchev is working for a man who seems to plan to kill all of SPECTRE.”
Bond leans in to get a better look. “Can you show me all the files?”
“Yes, one moment… Wait. This can’t all be SPECTRE… Oh my God.” Q’s eyes widen. “There are thousands.”
“Who are they?” Bond asks.
“I’ll need to do more research-”
“There have been breaches around the world of databases withholding DNA information,” Moneypenny says. “I can’t imagine they’re leaving us out.”
That’s what M’s been tracking! 
“I need to speak with Blofeld,” Bonds says bluntly. “I don’t care how I get access.”
I see in Q’s eyes he’s starting to get antsy. “Can I have just one nice evening, please?” He looks between Bond and Moneypenny. “Before the world explodes?”
"I need to find Blofeld,” Bond asserts again sternly. “Who has access? Who?”
Q and I share a nervous look. The name has gone unspoken since the incident but we both know it was bound to come up again someday. 
“Bond, it’s… Dr. Swann. She’s his psychiatrist.”
Thankfully the rest of the conversation goes fairly tame. Bond and Moneypenny say a quick goodbye (with Bond looking a bit crankier than usual) and Q sits down with a deep sigh.
“Could’ve been worse,” I try to ease the tension. “He didn’t bite our heads off.”
“I think mentioning Dr. Swann distracted him from our big reveal,” Q says as he rubs his head. “Did you see the look he gave me when you walked out? I thought he was going to strangle me.”
“If he did I’d cut off his hands to choke them down his throat and then jab his eyes out.”
Q smirks and grabs my hand. “Seems subtle for you.”
“I have much worse planned,” I tease. “You couldn’t handle the gruesome details. Now let’s go to bed before the world ends.”
We walk up the stairs hand-in-hand to the bedroom and make haste to prep for sleeping. It’s only 10:00 but after today’s reunion with Bond I feel as if I haven’t slept in days. As I lay down on the soft quilt and stare up at the ceiling his words are still spinning in my head. I don’t even notice Q walking over to turn off the light. In the dark I feel him lay down beside me and the familiar warmth does good to comfort me… Ugh. This is exactly what I’m supposed to be against. This “normal” life. I can’t keep going along with this and expecting it to keep going when I know the odds are stacked against me.
“Eleanor? Darling, what’s wrong?”
He must have noticed I’ve been awake for the past hour. I can’t keep avoiding it. My brain feels too heavy.
“I- I need to be open with you, Geoffrey.”
“Oh God you’re leaving me.” Q clicks on the small lamp and I see he’s on the verge of frantic.
“No! Maybe? I don’t know. It’s because-”
“Am I too detail-oriented? Did Bond threaten you?”
To calm down I close my eyes and take Q’s hand. “Q, it’s not like that at all. You have stood by me all these years, loyal to the end. Something I can never repay.”
He leans closer and I see his eyes soften. “You don’t have to. I do it because I love you.”
I bite my lip and take a moment to figure out how to phrase this. “Remember when I said I’d never want to retire?”
“Briefly. You made it quite clear that you hated the idea.”
“Yes, well… Time can change a person’s mind. I’ve loved serving my country, but the MI6 leadership has driven me to have deep distrust for anyone.  I can’t keep doing this, Q. It doesn’t help that the weight of my sins is beginning to catch up with me. All the killing, lying, everything. It’s changed me. I thought I knew how my life was going to turn out, but…” I blink back forming tears and shake my head. “I want to build a life where I don’t have to keep looking over my shoulder when I go buy groceries. A life that maybe, just maybe, I could start a family. But- But if I do…” I trail off and hope Q fills in the blank.
“That would mean…” He doesn’t want to say it either.
“It would mean I get removed from the MI6 system and will never see you again. I think, and Bond confirms my reasoning, that my job won’t allow us to have a steady relationship. I can’t be too selfish to hold you to this, Q. I’m leaving you for the good of both of us.”
There. I said it. I’m ending perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Q looks as distressed as I am. “Wait, Eleanor. Let me explain-”
“No, Q.” I hold up a hand and try my best to meet his sad face. “After tonight I’ll start searching for a new apartment. Once we’ve stopped the Hercules production I will send in my resignation papers and disappear to some far away country. Maybe Italy. You can forget about me and move on. I’m so sorry to announce it like this but I must be honest.” With what resistance I have I start to leave the warm covers. “You have every reason to be upset. I’ll go sleep on the couch-”
Q grabs my hips and brings me to sit back down and face him. “Eleanor, I love you. And-”
“You’re making this more difficult, Q.” Tears are dripping down my cheeks. “Just let me go.”
This makes Q’s jaw drop and he scoffs. “Let you go? Let you go? The woman who’s changed my life forever? I don’t think so. I was trying to tell you earlier- do you know how seriously I think of you?” A light sparks in his eyes. “Here. Wait right here, don’t move. Close your eyes.”
He jumps out of bed and rushes over to the dresser. 
“Really? This seems childish, especially for you-”
“Just do it.”
Since I’ve dashed his spirits enough I mine as well humor him. My eyes close and all I can do is listen to him rummaging through a drawer. After a while I feel him sit down next to me.
“Open your eyes.”
Why can’t he just- Oh my God. It’s a ring. A simple silver ring that screams everything at once. 
“Say something,” Q begs weakly.
I haven’t said anything? How long have I been staring at him?
“I don’t deserve you,” I nearly sob. God, how did this happen?
“No, switch that around.” Q sets the ring down and cups my face with his hands. “I don’t deserve you. 5 years ago you said that I was cold and heartless, and I thought that having feelings for someone was weak. But you proved me wrong. I care for you so much and there’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with. I’ve been wanting to ask you to retire with me for months, but never thought you’d budge. Now I need to be open with you, Eleanor. Will you marry me?”
What am I waiting for? Say yes! But this is the exact opposite of what I’m trying to do! How did I end up with this man as a Quartermaster? Bond may be right… Ah Hell, he can be wrong too. Q is willing to tie the knot and go through life with me, trouble and all. If we can struggle through MI6’s catastrophes together then we can certainly deal with whatever else life can dish up.
“Yes.” Hearing myself speak the word feels like opening a new chapter in my life. “Against all odds of us having a normal life, yes. Yes!”
Q’s face mirrors my joyful grin and we both tug each other in for a hug, causing us to fall onto the bed. 
“Thank you! This is why I’ve been overthinking so much. For a moment I thought my heart was going to come up my throat!” Q laughs. “Though of course that’s not anatomically possible-”
I break off his rambling with a deep kiss. “I’ve never felt so happy, Geoffrey!”
The man’s face grows serious and he gives me a stern nod. “I will be good to you, Eleanor. I promise. I won’t ever hurt you. And if I do, you can do whatever it is you were planning on doing to Bond.”
Not in a million years would I expect Q to hurt me. “I believe you, Geoffrey. I want a life with you.”
He wraps his arms around me and we lie back down as he flicks off the light. “No amount of technology or books can amount to having you in my life. I can’t wait to build a future with you, darling.”
Now we just need to hope we live long enough to see it.
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