#and when i had had a bunch of exchanges with all these cute humans and was like now alone on the couch
foolishjellyfish · 1 year
#diary#well not new new crush per se#I met them at some random party thst I was only at by accident this one time in dec#and then we saw eachother at this event in feb and it was like omg hey it's u!!!#started convos that never got finished bc ya kno#there was a lot going on at the event and i had best friend duties#and then i went to a poetry event last night anf she was there anf she told me she liked my poem and gave me lil cheek kiss and#bc everyone was writing feedback on lil scraps of paper and then putting them in paper bags for everyone who read#she told me at one point 'i wrote u a lil love note' AHHHWEHHHEWHJWFE#AND THEN THERE WAS A FLIRTY MOMENT WITH ME AND THEM FLIRTING ON THE COUCH AJSNENIUDAWUINUIWA#AND at one point all these ppl came over to talk to me and say they liked my poem#at the same moment as that#she got pulled away by some ppl to a diff convo#and when i had had a bunch of exchanges with all these cute humans and was like now alone on the couch#I went over and gave her tHIS LOOK#AND IMMEDIATLEY SHE DITCHED THAT GROUP THAT SHE HAD SAT DOWN AT AND CAME BACK TO THE COUCH TO CONTINUE CHATTING WITH ME EEEE AWDAHBAUYBDWAYG#and then after a few moments of chatting and me giving her my number (I DON'T HAVE THEY NUMBER YET THO BC RELYING ON THEM 2 SEND ME A TEXT A#they were so kind and considerate and let me know they needed to leave soon and that they were gonna start doing the goodbye rounds and like#'i give u ur goodbye hug now'#so it waS A WHOLE ASS MOMENT WHEN THEY WALKED OUTTA THE DOOR AND BLEW ME A KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS EHBEFWHJQWDBDWBIUWBIUDWIUDWBKDWBKWDBKDWBKWBKD#so also i learnt the other month that theyr lowkey famous hahahahahaha#the second time i ran into them i was talking to a friend after the event and was all 'omg who was that cutie who rode in by bike etc'#and said friend was like omg they're a well known cutie and proceeded to show me ttheir insta#i followed immidiatkey and they didn't follow me back HAHA#but last night they initiated the insta thing and i was like 'shIT I already fOLLOW THEM' - briefly considered unfollowing them so then#so then i could 'follow them back'#but then I was like yolo why should i play pretend#but nOWWWWW#big connundrum#i don't have their number but I DOOOO have their insta
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zephyrchama · 2 months
Dark Past
A common demon on the street caught your eye. You slowed, almost to a halt, just to gaze at them. They paid you no mind at all. You were two strangers with no connection in the middle of a crowded street. As they passed, you turned your neck for one final glance before continuing on.
The seven demons you were walking with noticed your little stare. Some of them exchanged quizzical looks. None of them had ever seen that random demon before. They didn't look special. Leviathan paused in his tracks to glare daggers of envy at the stranger, cursing them in his mind for stealing your attention.
"Someone you know?" Satan asked. It was hard to hear him over Mammon shouting, "Who was that?"
"What?" You fixed your eyes on them, confused by the sudden outburst. Beelzebub tenderly placed a hand on your back and guided you around some uneven pavement.
"Who was that demon you were staring at?" Belphegor asked.
"I wasn't staring at anyone."
"Yes, you were." Lucifer didn't question you, but he crossed his arms expectantly. His brothers would do all the work of wrestling an answer out of you for him.
"I saw you rubberneck so hard, I thought you were going to chase after them!" Asmodeus must have been exaggerating. You only glanced at that demon for a second max, or so you believed.
You didn't think it was a big deal, and brushed the incident off with, "they just reminded me of something." You hoped that would suffice as an answer. It did not.
"And what would that be?" Satan sounded like a courtroom interrogator trying to corner a lying defendant.
At some point, the eight of you had come to a stop in front of a closed and shuttered business, letting the foot traffic flow around you. The seven of them boxed you in and blocked your view of the rest of the street, circling you like a pack of hungry sharks. You waved your hands at the ridiculous bunch.
"I was just looking! What's it matter to you guys?"
Mammon got right up in your face. "I'm in charge of protectin' you! I can't be lettin' you stare at every chump lookin' to take advantage of ya!"
Asmodeus pulled him aside, claiming, "you should just look at me! I'm the only demon you'll never get tired of staring at." He gave you a wink of fan service that would have sent anyone else into a lustful fervor.
"I... also... don't want you looking at other people," Leviathan mumbled while lacking the courage to look you in the eye. His hand fidgeted with the bottom of his jacket.
"There are many dangers in the Devildom. You know that we have a responsibility to keep you safe, both as an exchange student and as someone very dear to us." Lucifer always had a way with words.
"So, who was that?" Beelzebub asked. He was followed up by Belphegor wondering, "do you know them?"
"No! They just..." You took a deep breath before your admission. "Ok. They look like the demon I would pretend to be when I was a kid."
There it was, the truth. Out in the open. There was a long beat of silence.
Belphegor was the first to go "huh?"
Leviathan caught on quickly. "Like, a demonsona? You had a demonsona?"
"It's something a lot of human kids do," you hurried to explain. "On playgrounds and stuff. When we're little we imagine we're secretly vampires and demons and cool monsters. It's fun but we grow out of it, usually."
Belphegor tried to clarify. "So you pretended you were a demon, and that you looked like the one who just walked by?"
You swear you heard Lucifer snort, trying to hold back his laughter.
"That is sooooooooo cute!" Asmodeus did not hold back. He started cracking up, his high-pitched laughter ringing around the street, and wiped a tear from his eye. "So, for years you played pretend demon?"
"Want me to go get them and ask for their picture?" Beelzebub offered. "I can catch up pretty quickly.
"No!" The offer was mortifying. "Lets just go, we have to finish our errands."
"You had a demonsona," Leviathan repeated with a smile and a chuckle. "That is kind of cute."
"Why somebody like that loser? Why not imagine someone cooler, like me?" Mammon flexed his wings in a show of vanity, as if he could make child-you change their mind.
"I didn't know you then, Mammon. I was, like, ten. All demons were cool."
"That's funny. Humans are so silly," Belphegor chimed.
"I was a child!" You spun to look at Belphegor, sticking an accusatory finger in his face. "You don't get to make fun of me, seeing as you pretended to be human when we met. You're thousands of years old! Act your age!"
"Ok, but I can do that because I'm a demon." Belphegor explained. He ran a hand through his hair, making his horns briefly disappear. "It's what we do."
"Yeah, it's different for us," Satan agreed.
Lucifer cleared his throat and stated, "I imagine we should continue this conversation while walking, now that we have an answer. Unless you lot want to spend all night on the street." He took a step back and gestured down the road in the direction you all were headed.
Sensing an escape from this topic, you nudged your way through the wall of demon brothers and followed after Lucifer, hoping to leave this memory behind. One by one, everyone else followed suit.
Leviathan sped up to match his pace to yours. Once the group was back on track and you thought the conversation was in the past, he asked, "so did you imagine having any cool powers?"
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babushkatty · 9 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 6
-> Part 1
-> Part 5
With Dvalin gone, you were left basically homeless. Not that it was much of an issue, not really. The forests had been very kind to you -- you could easily live the life of a hermit if you so wished, without having to worry about food, water, shelter or animal attacks.
But it would also be horribly lonely. No compassionate silence, no background noise and buzz of other people scurrying around and going about their day without minding you, no one to speak to if you ever felt the need to.
You liked being alone, but you were still human and humans were social animals.
Soooooo, you promptly asked Crepus about working in his Winery in exchange for accommodations, because 'one that asks, does not stray'... or something like that anyways. Your sister always made her life that much harder because she outright refused to ask for help even when hopelessly lost or overwhelmed, so there must be something to the saying at least.
"You don't have to work to earn your keep, (Name). I'd be more than happy to house you as my guest for however long you want!" is what Crepus 'Sunshine Personified' Ragnvindr responded with.
Crepus used Puppy Eyes, it was super effective!
You laid defeated, a puddle of cuteness overload once again wishing for sunglasses to protect yourself from the blinding smiles and imaginary wagging tails.
Crepus was horrible for your heart.
Still, you would go insane if left with nothing to do for days at a time, so you went to turn the Ragnvindr library upside down with Crepus' blessing, a bunch of notebooks, a bunch of pens and a delusion that you'd do any actual studying in there.
This was Teyvat, but this wasn't Genshin Impact -- a library wouldn't have interesting lore, it'd have dry history and even drier geography, accompanied by boring economics and even more boring politics (which was a damn shame too, politics were so interesting when written right).
You never quite had a head for those, prefering subjects with more practical applications that could be practiced instead of having to be beaten into your thick skull until you memorized it just long enough to write the exam.
Though for some ungodly reason you still remembered that onions were actually leaves. It was one of the very few things you remembered from school, actually.
Probably the trauma speaking.
Still, you did find some interesting books - a diary speaking of the Decarabian rule, for example.
Today, I don my very own Windblume.
I can only hope Lord Decarabian never learns of its' significance.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The winds are particularly harsh today.
I am afraid, but I smile and play my lyre as if nothing were happening at all, like I always do.
Sometimes, I forget if what I do is to reasure the people or to delude myself that everything is as it should be...
Then again, does it matter when the result remains the same?
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are growing restless.
Their yearning for freedom gave birth to a small wind spirit that seems fond of my playing. It is an adorable being, even if it has yet to communicate with us.
It remind me of a newborn puppy.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are planning a rebellion.
I want to help, but how can I? I am no soldier, my strength lays with the pen and the lyre, not with the sword.
Ragnvindr told me there was no need for more warriors, that I was doing enough by keeping the morale up with my performances... I am hesistant to believe him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The little spirit has spoken for the first time today.
It said that it knew the song I was playing, despite it being a new piece I was in the midst of creating, and sang along to lyrics I had yet to write.
It was strange, but it made me happy nonetheless.
Perhaps I was strange too, for feeling that way.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
You had a suspicion on who the author of the diary was by that point. Maybe Crepus would be open to giving this diary to Venti, instead of it gathering dust on the shelf?
Idly, you wondered how it had survived so long, but figured Ragnvindr and his descendants took good care of it.
I met Ragnvindr today.
Something compelled me to share my worries with him, even though I knew he had enough weight on his shoulders and I ought not to add more.
"If you cannot trust in yourself, then trust in me and my trust in you instead" he told me.
It helped.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Meetings regarding the rebellion are more and more frequent. Ragnvindr, alongside a man named Amos, have convinced the Gunnhildr clan to participate against all odds.
I can understand their hesitance. Should we fail to kill Lord Decarabian, their legacy would be no more.
I admire their bravery.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The wind has long since realized change is imminent, even when Lord Decarabian himself has not - the little spirit said so.
King of Gales indeed, even the wind has rebelled against him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Ragnvindr speaks of a bad premonition.
In truth, my heart is uneasy as well, but how can I share those feelings with anyone but myself? It is not the time to bother others with my issues -- it is time to reassure everyone, to rouse their spirit and not to let fear take root even as they stand against a God. It is my duty as a bard and as a fellow rebel.
The Windblume feels particularly heavy as I write this.
I fear I will not live to see tomorrow's sunset, but I fear for my dearest friends and for Mondstadt even more.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
My little spirit friend is still without a name.
I know it does not bother them, they are the wind itself after all, but I would still like to give them a name others can remember them by.
A name that they can remember me by once I pass on, selfish as it is to bind an immortal to a memory.
But I am selfish, even if Ragnvindr may see me as a paragon of virtue. I am a human and to be human is to be flawed. I am not ashamed of it, even if I often feel guilty for it.
Perhaps it will be the very last thing I achieve in this life of mine.
It is hard to name them.
I've thought of many names up until now.
Caelus. Liberius. Aella. Calliope. Achill. Carmine. Hilarius. Hanne. Zephyrinus. Dieter. Sascha. Scilla. Paulus. Notus. Veronica. Agna. Vergil.
Those are just a few of the ones I discarded.
None fit.
I can only hope the right name reveals itself when it is time.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
That was the last entry.
You closed the diary and carefully put it aside.
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
It was not supposed to be mostly nameless bard POV via old diary.
It really wasn't.
Mans literally kidnapped the chapter entirely against my will while I was half asleep yesterday and attempting to write at nearly midnight and I was powerless to stop it, on god.
But hey, at least we got potential Venti bonding set up for the future?
I was planning for more fluff, but I also have no outline for this, so my chapters have a chance of getting kidnapped at any time.
✨BY THE WAY!!!!✨
The charm of spontaneous writing, I guess?
If you have something you want to happen - for example we're in the library right now, so maybe you want a book about a specific tidbit to appear - do let me know, maybe I'll write it in!
I had 2 tests and 1 retake yesterday and holy shit i got through all of them and tomorrow is last day of uni then it's ✨HOLIDAYS✨
@game-savvy @chaoticfivesworld @mmeatt @avalordream @ymechi @andromeda-gay @naynayaa @undecidingfate @thedevioussmirk @tumb3ld0wn @balaur-bondoc @yi-chii @yarabutterfly @nervouseaglelover @vexingpraedyth @indelible-colouring-markers @whitefantasy21-blog @kapitankarate
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 3 months
lmao I might make like a series but it’s just different aus where you know the brothers prior to being kidnapped/sent to the devildom
it’s mammon this time !!
so you open your email to a free iphone scam. you delete it and go on with your day. the next day you get another one. you delete it and go on with your day. this happens for a week straight before you eventually add the number on the scam email to tell this idiot off. you say, as I quote;
“bitch stop fucking sending me scam emails 😐”
he replies and somehow HES the mad one now. you two argue for like 10 minutes straight because, gosh, he just can’t accept that he’s wrong??
the argument dies down and you both go back to your day. that is until you get another scam ad the next day.
“ok you rat bastard what’s your address I’m finna pull up rn one of us dying today and it ain’t gonna be me”
he.. actually sends you coordinates??? there’s no way this mf will just give away his address, so you put the coordinates in google.
it shows your house.
he doesn’t say how or even WHY he has your address on hand, but he decides to fucking blackmail you to help him make money.
you agree because you don’t want some random sixty year old man to come to your house because you didn’t help him make money.
he tells you his name is mammon, and yeah serves him right because he IS a demon for blackmailing you.
you try to do the iphone scam like him, doesn’t work. you try the “you have a virus” scam, it doesn’t work.
so you have to take great lengths.
you become a discord e-kitten. and it surprisingly works really well, all you have to do is claim you’re a minor and send pics of your feet. then send the money to mammon.
and you’re not scamming people while doing it so all is good!
as much as it is a surprise, you and mammon become pretty good friends. I mean, you are basically the ONLY source of money he has, and a pretty good one at that. you even call him boss!
when you’ve made him about $1000 (or 50,000 grim if you transfer it), you both decide to show each other your faces and he’s actually a cutie bro?? like what?? you expected a sixty year old man blackmailing you but he’s a hot guy in his 20s??
one day while you were preparing to get on discord to continue e-kittening, you get sucked into a random portal. and fall straight on your face. right infront of a bunch of hot men. just great.
when the cute redhead explains your situation, you’re not too worried. might aswell get used to being here, since it’s gonna be your home when you’re dead!
the raven haired fellow gives you you’re “phone” for when you’re down here and tell you to call mammon.
wait, mammon?! boss?!
you look at the profile picture and surely that’s him, I guess you saying he was a demon for blackmailing you was the weird truth. why else would he be here?
you click the call button.
“oi, what’s the big idea-“
“so um, long story short, I’m in hell and this black haired guy told me to call you. I think his name was lucifer??”
everybody else in the room is confused why you called mammon “boss” and why he was so buddy-buddy with you, considering he doesn’t do that with strangers, especially HUMANS.
mammon would’ve been annoyed he had to babysit some human, but he has no problem with it because he’s making money and he’s with his wimp 💕💕.
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ronintales · 5 months
So When I Die. | Gojo Satoru
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𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒 | following gojo satoru’s death, his ex wife is in charge of taking care of his funeral service and everything else that comes with it.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 | 4,676 words
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | character death, possible spoilers, funeral, angst, mentions of not eating, and not proofread ;p
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | I did NAWT want this to be my first work on here but due to certain circumstances…. AHEM his DEATH!!!! I felt it was necessary because laik… grief LOL. I wrote this a while back tho. Enjoy.
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Your ex-husband is dead, and in his line of work, yes, you know that he has a higher risk of dying than the average person, but still, death never comes expected, does it? Even if he always says—oh wait… used to, you suppose, say that he was crazy strong and no one could ever take him down. Well, he was wrong in the end like a bunch of other things. Like how well he took care of you, how he’d give you six kids, how—you won’t ramble, noting he’s dead now and there’s no point, but also because it’s quite rude of you to talk down on someone who is dead and can’t defend themselves. Whatever.
You just… don’t expect it. Yes, you understood he was hard headed and insanely cocky, but in a way… you always believed that he would always come home alive and, even if he did get hurt, he would be okay eventually as he heals. You don’t forget it, he’s only human, you know because of the many mistakes he’s made, but still… he’s… he’s gone?
You hesitated when you heard that. Gojo Satoru, the so-called love of your life from two years ago, is dead? Impossible, you think. Gojo Satoru found death embarrassing, with all the things he said. He said that he would be okay. He was always okay. What are you supposed to say to that?
When you get the call, you wonder why you, of all the people in his life, were the one they called to inform about his status. Why did you have to go to his place and clean out all his things? Take all his belongings with you? At first, your instinct was to say “throw it all away,” because what does Gojo Satoru mean to you now? You’re not his wife! He neglected you for years and filled your days and nights with sorrows. He broke your heart. But still, he didn’t mean nothing to you at the same time.
Those precious years of being his acquaintance in middle school. When you had shorter hair and he didn’t know much about you other than you were in his class and he had bought you cute white socks for your class gift exchange on Christmas that year. The long years that Gojo Satoru pined for you after you both attended the same high school. The hard and dark times he went through losing Suguru and shutting you out, though he loved you for so long. When you turned twenty, and Satoru had gotten better, to the point where he felt he was ready to move on and continue with his pursuit for you. When you turned twenty-three, and got married to him on a spur. When you moved in and shared a bed, until the marriage got cold and most nights you spent alone.
You couldn’t say for the past fourteen years, Gojo Satoru was nothing at all to you. The news was shocking, and knowing he was dead… did you have to be careful about how you felt about him, or how you thought of him? Well, now that he is dead, should you be so ruthless and hostile toward the man who broke your heart? You don’t know, so naturally, and it really just slips out, you agree to take care of the process of his passing.
For the most part, you’re calm. You don’t actually know how to feel, and you don’t know how to be. You’re not his wife, you have no obligations to take care of him, or anything that he cared about. Yet, you’re here. In his lonely apartment that doesn’t even smell like him. He probably never even spent much time in this place, even so, he still had a lot of belongings. Pictures of you in frames surprisingly. He did take them all when you got divorced and he moved out of the house, you just didn’t expect that he’d put them up on display. He probably didn’t get many visitors to question him about the lady in his pictures. You were sure that would get annoying.
Anyway, you don’t know if you’re supposed to cry or even feel sad. You don’t know if it’s strange to feel that way or not. You can’t quite make out how you feel, being surrounded by Gojo Satoru’s personality and things. You don’t think too much about the things inside the apartment because you don’t want to be too reminded of what you used to be. What you felt about the man once upon a time. If there was still love in your heart for him.
Gojo Satoru wasn’t a slob, but he wasn’t clean either by any means. Given he probably didn’t stay here much, it made sense that you didn’t need to clean a whole lot of the apartment. You get there and you take it all in. Satoru’s little apartment, because he didn’t want to pay for such a luxurious place he wouldn’t even stay in. Maybe that kind of place made him feel more alone too. Thoughts you should not be thinking start to trickle into your brain, but you stop yourself. You shouldn’t feel bad for leaving, nor should you want to go back. You made a decision to leave and you should honor it. It was the right thing to do for yourself (hopefully).
Do you even want his things? No, not really. But you have a keep, donate, and a throw away bin anyway. Most of it keeps going to the keep bin and donation box. Somehow the feeling of someone else getting Gojo Satoru’s things is unsettling to you, but it’s even worse to think that all these things will just go to a landfill where things that were once valued are forgotten and it’s all going to be considered “trash.” Maybe that’s because you know why every item is there and the story behind that certain mug or decor piece. You don’t know it, but you’re trying your best not to care.
You sigh, the thought that this is all so strange, bothering and pestering you like an annoying fly. You tell yourself you know that already, so stop thinking about it. Maybe you’re in denial that Gojo Satoru is actually gone. You can feel him. He’s still there, you know it. That or you’re just surrounded by his belongings and that’s why his presence is here.
In your hand, you hold a big black garbage bag as you make your way to his bedroom to clear out his closet. This is a room of his that you haven’t been to, strange right? You wondered if another woman spent time here. Jealous much? You’re supposed to be clearing out your ex-husband’s apartment, not pondering about what he was up to after you two had split. The man is dead for one, what are you going to do about it? Confront his dead body? You shouldn’t be thinking about things like that, so that thought is one you shake off and ignore too.
You sigh because you’re tired from cleaning all day and clearing his things out and you’re probably only a quarter’s way done with the place. It’s not even that big, it’s just been uncomfortably hard for you to bring yourself here with your mixed and strange feelings about this whole situation. Isn’t there anyone else who cares about Gojo Satoru? How come you’re stepping up to the plate when this is how you feel—confused and unsure? What are you even going to do for the funeral? You took the task up because Gojo Satoru would probably turn in his grave knowing the higher ups organized his funeral. So while it is strange for you to do all of this, you’ve rationalized the lot of this situation that you put yourself in. Once upon a time, he loved you right? So surely he would prefer you over—you’re so silly, thinking all these things when Gojo Satoru is your dead ex-husband.
You plop on the bed with a small groan as you turn over. This is a bit inappropriate, to be laying on your ex husband’s unmade bed. It’s left in the state that it was the last time he woke up. That’s a little precious you think, freely, not even denying it. Are you ruining this precious thing here? Well, in all honesty, you’re kind of cherishing it, because this is a small piece of Satoru that is really still here in the present times. He always liked soft things and this blanket is soft. The sheets still smell like your ex-husband. The light musk of his skin and his soap is there. The thought of this bed being his is comfortable enough. Like you miss his warmth and touch, you curl up on the mattress, hugging yourself to the scent of him surrounding, and you can almost imagine that he’s holding you right now, like he used to. His detergent is faintly there too, well actually, it’s the same as yours. He asked when you two had split and he was settling into his own place all the household items you used. You supposed that it was all he knew.
You offered to go shop for household things with him and it was probably the last time you two had exchanged any kind of affection. You let him put his hand on your thigh as he drove you two to the supermarket. He let you link your arm with his, sides flush together like you two didn’t just get divorced. It was a silent message of “I miss you,” because it was and—quite frankly, still is—hard to get over someone you loved for so long. Even if he left the marriage long before you did, emotionally and physically. This was something you wanted while you married, for Satoru to present, and in your arms. For him to show you that he cared and loved you. You were even a little upset that was the only time he was doing all of that for you, but you chose not to ruin the moment for the both of you.
Funny how all these memories and things between the two of you are flooding in constantly. It makes you feel kind of sick. Nauseous and unable to breathe. You open your eyes in realization of what you’re doing right now. You sit up immediately, flustered and embarrassed as if Satoru would open the door right now and have that annoying smug grin on his face with his arms crossed, just to say as he leans on the door frame, “I knew you missed me.” Following with your name because he liked your name the best. He always said your name was pretty and he wouldn’t give you a pet name because nothing will ever be as great as calling you by your name. A nice little reminder that Satoru loved your name makes you smile a bit. Weird how all of these just keep piling up. One thought triggers another and it almost makes you itch and feel bad for the way things ended between the two of you. You almost have regrets about—
Whatever, you have a deadline to clean this place up you remind yourself. You spread your palms out on the sheets once more, feeling every thread that Satoru once laid his body on. You should take these for your bed, you think. They’re not so bad, just a plain white sheet, but it reminds you of Satoru’s hair and it would be waste.You lift yourself from the bed and open his closet, not even noticing how you keep having to make excuses for yourself to keep some of his things.
Already feeling overwhelmed because you keep holding back, opening the closet makes you feel like you’re cracking. You let out a suppressed sound. You can’t even register what it sounds like. A squeak or something? But looking at all his clothes almost makes everything so real for you. All his uniform? All his coats and sweaters? Ah, the one from high school. And then you can see all the ones you bought him. Damn, does that really test your strength.
Lined up neatly and nicely put away, it’s almost a shame to you to give these away. Your hand shakes as you hesitantly reach for one of his favorite button ups. Your skin meets the soft fabric and you only lightly touch it because you don’t want to wrinkle it. You remember when you used to iron Satoru’s clothes early in the morning before he woke up. Even until the end of your marriage, you still ironed them.
You look up, reaching for his work uniform. This is what he wore most often, you know that. So you let yourself crumble. Carefully taking off the hanger and sitting on his bed as you hold the shirt close to you. You bring it to your nose, just to smell it. You wish it smelled like Satoru more, but even so, it makes you break down.
Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you take another sniff. The thought that Satoru really isn’t here anymore makes your heartbreak. It comes crashing down on you. You really miss him, and you regret that you didn’t spend as much time as you would have liked to with him. You wish you could have had the courage to tell him how much you still cared and loved him. Yes, it might not have been the same kind of love you had for him before, but you did still love him.
You let out a little sob. In frustration and despair, tears flow out as you hold his clothes close to you. The walls of your bruised heart collapses as you hold his clothes so tight as if he was still in them. Well, you really do wish he was. You’re desperate to feel him in your arms physically. Just a moment with him so you could say your last sentiments. Just a moment to see him again. Just a moment to love him.
You’re helpless as your tears flow endlessly onto his shirt. You feel silly, but you just can’t stop. You really miss Satoru, and you have been for so many months now. You stroke the shirt as you would his body, wallowing in the grief you’re supposed to feel, even if the dead man is your ex-husband. You spent so many years loving him, how could you just not feel anything to hear news of his death? How could you not feel any regret or remorse for how messy you left things with him? There’s so many things you want to say to him, and it kills you to know you will never get to say any of it to him.
You wonder if Satoru was still around, would he wrap his arms around you and tell you not to cry? Would he kiss your temple like he always did when you were down? You wish he would just do all of it. You wish you two could have tried harder. Your love for him never burned out, you know that much. It’s the reason why you’re here, alone in his room crying as you hold his clothes dearly to you. And even if you hate to say it, even if you don’t want to admit it, Satoru loved you until the very end too.
“I’m still in love with you y’know…”
“Shut up,” You mutter as you slide the eggs off the pan for the hungry man at the table.
It was the dead hours of the night when he returned from a mission, knocking on your door, telling you that he was hungry and needed a place to crash.You slammed the door on him of course, but he wedged his foot in the gap of the door (no, it didn’t hurt, he’s got magical powers that prevent him from actually getting hurt like damn maniac) and used his strength against you to push his upper body through the door to beg you to let him stay. It was a mistake on your part, but it actually wasn’t all that terrible that night. You were just bitter.
“My bad,” Satoru said dramatically as he took a bite. “Just thought you missed me. That’s the reason you let me in, right?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, not in the mood for any of his games. His smug grin made everything even worse, because he was right. “Gojo Satoru, wipe that grin off your face.”
“Must have hit a nerve,” He teased like it was still appropriate to do so.
You actually don’t even remember what you said then after that, but you just know… Gojo Satoru has you all figured out yet… he never said anything about it to you. And that was just him. He knew well enough not to break your heart one more time, but he was selfish enough to constantly flirt with you any time he could. If he passed by, or was coming home late from a mission and knocking on your door to remind you that he existed. Not anymore.
After cleaning his apartment, it’s all empty now. Which is a little strange. You’ve never even been to his place until after he died, and yet… it makes your stomach turn and feel upset after realizing that this place is no longer where your ex-lover resides. You understand that he’s no longer occupying it. There’s no point in keeping it for him. But maybe because you don’t think it through while you’re still in the grieving process. You don’t think about Gojo Satoru being dead because you don’t want to. It makes your heart squeeze and your breath stop. You can’t face the fact that he no longer exists and you can no longer see him anymore. You just can’t, so you wonder: where will his home be? Who's going to take care of him? Where is he going to go to shelter himself from the rain or snow? Where is he going to sleep? Where can he feel safe and secure?
You sigh, rubbing your eyes. You really need to get some proper rest. You feel yourself withering in the bitter feelings you still have toward Satoru, but also the dangerous sorrow that’s sinking your whole body down. You can’t believe that you really miss Gojo Satoru after all this time hating him and wishing you two had never met when he was here and alive, waiting for you to just cave into what your heart wanted. Truth is though, you never would. You were too strong for that.
Finally, you pack up the final things, leaving absolutely nothing behind. Satoru isn’t here anymore, and it looks exactly like that. This little corner of the world isn’t his anymore, and you’d like to say that it never was because he didn’t spend much of his time in this place. It’s just sad to see it all gone, stripped to the bare white box it actually is without the fun of your late ex-husband. You shut the door, leaving this place behind and bringing this part of Satoru with you, maybe the only part of Satoru that is still worldly and able for you to have in your grasp. You leave the key to his apartment on the landlord’s desk and leave with the rest of Satoru’s things in your arms, all thrown in the cardboard box labeled “Satoru” in your handwriting with a permanent marker. Silly of you to not even realize it, Gojo Satoru’s home is not a place, it’s you.
The end of it was the funeral process. Which was much more work than cleaning his apartment. You wish somebody was worried about your well-being, but that somebody, the most likely candidate, was dead. Satoru would have told you to chill out a bit and ask you to wind down with him, but this is his funeral, he can’t really do that now, can he? But you don’t want to seem like you’re so reliant on him. You’ve done plenty of things without him, and this will be no exception. He just… sort of made the process easier and bearable. You’re on your 10th phone call with the carpenters of the coffin when you really wish you didn’t take on the task of carrying out Satoru’s dying wishes. He didn’t even have many, because he was so sure he wasn’t going to die so soon.
Through it all, you hold yourself together quite elegantly. Even through the eulogy. No one would even guess the mental strain you put yourself through to make this all happen. All the floral arrangements are beautiful, Satoru’s corpse is dressed nicely—though you grace him with a closed casket funeral because you were sure that he did not want anyone to see him so vulnerably lifeless and you simply could not handle the sight of his stale and unresponsive body. But everyone could indeed tell, Gojo Satoru was loved. They could understand your love for the man. You wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t love him. But you just deny it.
His guest list was quite large. Some people you didn't even know, and you were sure he did not want that. But the higher ups had their own agenda too, and you had to make compromises though you stood your ground quite well for the sake of your late ex-husband's well being in the afterlife. You wonder, would Satoru love you for eternity for loving and caring for him unconditionally and so thoroughly? When you eventually join him, will he thank you for so meticulously planning and giving him a proper send off? You hope so. You hope that he will continue to love you in the next lifetime, and in that lifetime, you two will be happily together. Not miserably apart like you are now.
Maybe the only time anyone can see you break is when the casket is lowered and this is the last time that you’ll ever see Satoru’s face again, except you don’t. His casket is closed and covered with all the flowers you bought to send him off beautifully. There’s a complex look on your face, and no one could quite read it, but it was clear that there was a storm going on inside of you, stirring and rumbling. Your eyebrows knitted together and your eyes glossy with a down turn of your lips. You’re just keeping yourself together for Satoru. You need to.
The only time you get to break down about it is when you get home from the long day. Crumbling down your door, as you miserably sob. How could the world be so possibly cruel that you had to bury the last man you loved for the past ten years? It never gave you time to move on. You weren’t ready to let go just yet and be content with the distance. Sure, you asked for it when he was still tangible, but now he was untouchable, not existing, and it felt so painful. You curl up in a ball, on the bed you used to share with him. The bed you two used to gossip on and the bed where you simply just held him to sleep on your good days. The bed that you laid alone for most nights wishing he’d come to hold you and not be too tired for you. All the bad and good memories come to make you think of one thing; you wish Satoru was here right now.
You lay there, contemplating if you just want to stay there for the whole week or get up and cook yourself something. You haven’t been eating with how hectic it’s been to take care of Satoru’s send off. You sigh, closing your eyes. Sleep sounds like the best thing to you at the moment. You were drained and exhausted from preserving the life of Gojo Satoru as well as commemorating it. You needed that rest.
When you drift into sleep, you kind of hope that Satoru is there for you, waiting in a field of beautiful flowers like he came to visit you in a dream. Even if it’s just your imagination. You’d like to think that he cared enough that he left you alone to deal with all of the things he left behind. He doesn’t though, because you don’t dream. You just black out and you wonder if you’ll ever dream again. But maybe you’re just being dramatic because you miss your ex-husband so much. You blink the tears out from your eyes, wiping them before getting up and pulling yourself together. You can be sad, but not miserable. You were never the type to just crumble, however, even this shook you down to the very ground and yes, it is hard to get back up. But everything with Satoru was hard, and this was no different. You should have been used to this.
Eventually, you do get yourself together. Sad, but you’re functioning. You go back to work and you continue with your daily life. Satoru’s never really been a part of your daily routine after the 3rd year of being married to him. It was no different not seeing him at all, but it was just the fact that he truly wasn't there anymore. If you were to call his cell, it would just ring on your dresser in your room and go to voicemail. Sometimes, you wait for the voicemail just to hear his voice, but most times you stay away from his contact. You’re recovering, just slowly.
People at work send their condolences, just like they did when they found out you divorced Gojo Satoru. They give you a pitiful look and tell you to be strong, but when they think you’re not listening they bash Satoru for passing and still putting the responsibility of carrying his will out on his ex wife—you. You don’t defend him nor does what they say settle well with you. They’re right, of course. Gojo Satoru has always been selfish, up until his last breath, but you just can’t seem to feel validated when you’re the one who buried Gojo Satoru. He was once your whole world, how could you just completely numb yourself to the pain of losing your connection with him, absolutely and completely?
Apparently, you’re the only person on his will too. You inherit everything of his one day, and it’s kind of overwhelming. All of his money is transferred to your bank account, all his belongings, everything is yours. You don’t even know what to do with most of it. You don’t even want to look and use anything of his. So you store most of his things in a box and label it “Satoru,” along with the other things that you took from his apartment, and you make an account to store all his money in, for what? You don’t know, just something.
When you're older, you’ll come to realize that you made Satoru a loved person until the very end, and that you were perhaps the only person that he still had love for, even if you weren’t his wife anymore. This is why Satoru loved you so much, and yes, he got very lucky with you, you will give yourself that. But you also won’t feel so bitter about having to be the person to handle his departure because you made sure to do just the way he wanted it, by you. for now, you’ll miss him lots and bring him flowers whenever the time comes. You won’t call him your ex-husband, but your late-husband. You keep some of his clothes to wear like you used to. You still sleep on your side of the bed, leaving the space Satoru used to fill empty for him. Life goes on the way it used to.
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obae-me · 8 months
I am so sad that I'm not a Solomon fucker, because if I was, I would have actually cared about the Bon Voyage event. It's kind of cute, but I am very apathetic towards good old Sol. What are your thoughts on it?
Sorry for getting to this late! I wanted to actually complete the event before I responded, and I got to it very last minute! (Since I have low-key kind of hated the events lately. I hate spending 2-6 minutes doing the songs only for five lines of text as a reward, it's almost painful, but anyways...)
Now, Solomon as a character, I love. I was very meh towards him in the original Shall We Date, but they really started working on his character towards the end, and in Nightbringer they really pulled it home! Now I love Solomon! Before, he was just kind of some sketchy little sorcerer that they usually brought in to help solve plot devices- and don't get me wrong, he's still like that, but we definitely get a deeper look into *why*.
He's an immortal human whose desire for power and knowledge was so great, he somehow went head on with nearly the entire Devildom, convinced Barbatos to make a pact with him, and then made Barbatos show him every experience he could, at least, that's what I remember from the lore dropped thus far. And what do you usually get when you get a human that knows and sees too much? A broken human. A human who feels like there is no purpose left. A human with mixed morals and a shattered ego.
Now, this part is just my own personal thoughts and theories, but Thirteen talks about how Solomon's soul used to be beautiful like MC's, but then it became ruined. I imagine it's because he 'flew to close to the sun' and it nearly broke him. MC has hope, has love, has so much to learn still, so much to give. I imagine when Solomon learned and saw everything he could, he had hardly any hope left. Nothing was new to him anymore. He spent so much of his life seeking knowledge, and once he finally got it all...what was left? It corrupted him, surely. But then, clearly, somewhere along the line, his new purpose was to protect and stand for the human realm. Then his dealings with demons began.
The game always talks about how Solomon is now closer to a demon than a human. But I think that's because he *had* to "become" a demon. He has so many pacts, had so many exchanges with the Devildom, he had to learn how to survive amongst them. The way he withholds key information until the crucial moments. The way his "accidents" always seem to line up in his favor. The way his generous actions typically end up satisfying something of his as well. Exactly what a demon does. Exactly what someone would learn spending so much time around demons. I mean, that's exactly what MC learns how to do throughout the entire game! Play it smart, do whatever you can to earn the Brother's favors, and get their pacts. And then when MC throws that concept out the window and does things just to be selfless and then gets their pacts anyway? It almost breaks the "law" of the world that Solomon has come to know.
I'd like to think that maybe that's the reason why Solomon was sent to live with Simeon and Luke in Shall We Date. He needed to learn how to be around other beings, and maybe being around angels could correct some of that.
Now, about the event, the event was actually pretty cute. And while I have my general complaints about the events being very short and shallow, this one wasn't the worst of the bunch. Solomon getting some of the demon brothers together to give you a really nice dream is such a cute thing to do (even if he went behind your back to cast a spell on you). And also I'm not sure if it was stated specifically, but I'm like 98% sure MC and Solomon shared a bed at the end there, which is really adorable. I love sleepy bed cuddles.
This kind of ties back to my insights into his character, where he's spent so long being around demons that he's not really sure how to be a normal human anymore. He spends so much of his time planning and prepping how to do something for you when all he really needed to do was ask. All he wanted was a cute little date and to watch the sunset with MC and went through like a 100 step plan just to get it. And MC's little options to scold him for his schemes is really adorable in my opinion. Essentially it boiled down to them just saying "just ask next time, you idiot!". And Solomon being one of the smartest characters in the game being so lost and confused in terms of relationships and romance is really...very cute, which is why I think I like the concept of his character so much. I love when super overpowered characters have weaknesses like this, or learning new lessons.
I also loved the concept of just Lucifer, Asmo, Luke, Belphie, and Satan all just really hamming it up for MC. They preformed for them all just as a little thank you, and when they clarified, it wasn't really for anything huge. Shopping, helping them with decisions, just spending time with them, that was enough to fully convince them to pick up this dream-world-improv. Which...is really sweet.
Man I love these boys.
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violetscanfly · 1 year
I doodled a bunch of a little mermaid au stuff last night with no intention to post it but now I'm posting it anyway and making it your problem
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This is not even all of it, gonna post the rest later
Gonna ramble about this under the cut cause even tho it started as I wanna draw wwx as merfolk it somehow developed somewhat of a plot??
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
So the beginning is pretty self explanatory but some background stuff would be the Jiang and Wen are merfolk but the Wen were discovered by humans and hunted down to just the remnants that wwx protects in canon, and the Jiang (and presumably other underwater clans I haven't thought about) also shun the Wen remnants and blame them for being discovered. Wwx disagreed with the others about the Wen being responsible of their own demise and left the Jiang to live with them. They aren't in danger anymore though, otherwise wwx wouldn't just fuck off to the surface even if he would come back.
The Lan, Jin and Nie clans are human and the characters hold similar social statuses as in canon. (Also I was just drawing with no idea about the world and just wanting to forward the story and the clothes definitely reflect that being western but the hairstyles being from canon and the Lans still having their ribbons and such.)
Wwx meets and saves lwj similar to the mousehouse version, but him turning human doesn't involve a third party or a time limit because his goal isn't to be human full time. He does a ritual that turns him human but it requires a sacrifice in exchange and he gives his voice. He can turn back at will but if he does he'll have to do the ritual all over again to change into a human again. His voice also returns when he's in his original form.
Wwx has seen lwj before saving him and has a little crush and after saving him he finds lwj's ribbon floating around in the ocean and not knowing the importance of it takes it as a lil memento of him. (Hence lwj in the sketches not having it.)
Also the merfolk are a lot more fishy than the average fairytale mermaids, with having gills, webbed hands etc, and due to gills wwx can't stay above the surface for long unless he's neck deep in water, same with speaking, he can speak above the surface for a bit until he runs out of air.
So after lwj finds human!wwx on the beach thinking he's been washed up from a shipwreck he brings wwx home and they find ways to communicate, he teaches wwx to write and they both learn sign language together and go on cute dates and have a good time and fall in love. Lxc is happy for his little brother but also worried because their uncle had been planning on an engagement for lwj and mm and is not happy about wwx suddenly popping up.
That's about it around these drawings, there'll be more to come later. This turned out way longer than I thought but if you read the whole thing I hope you had fun.
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eris-snow · 7 months
Okay but hear me out- Indian American Reader x Bakugou??? With maybe an rock control quirk (+ metals bc we love a strong bb) but like I can imagine his shock when he realizes that someone can not only withstand his explosions with the metal she creates but someone with even more fucked up tastebuds with the amount of spicy food she eats on a daily basis??
“That all you got?” You call out, commanding rocks to rise from the earth as you shield yourself from his explosions.
“Shut your piehole, extra!” Bakugou roars, skidding to a stop at the end of the room, before launching himself back at you so fast you almost didn’t have time to react.
An explosion meets your shields, and in a second, he’s got you pinned down on the pavement, sweat dripping, knee against your leg and hand on your palm.
“Told you I could handle you, didn’t I?” He smirks devilishly, palms throbbing. He appreciates a good fight.
You don a matching grin, muscles tightening. “Not quite.”
His smile vanishes.
You wield the cement with practised motions, causing Bakugou to slam into the ground next to you.
Flipping him over, you exchange positions, you on top, and a very angry Bakugou beneath you.
“I win,” you whisper, a cocky smile curling on your face.
Bakugou attempts to use his explosions, only for you to reinforce the cement with metal.
He groans. “Dumb fuckin’ luck.”
“Look, it was funny the first time, but I’m calling a time-out on your insults.” You huff. “I won fair and square.”
“I pinned you first, smartass!”
“I neutralised you first, dumbfuck—”
Shoto takes a sip out of his protein shake. “Hey Bakugou. If you’re flirting, you’re doing a really bad job at it—”
“This scares me,” Denki coughs. “Like, full-body ghost summoning kind of scary.”
Half of the class lies on the couch, utterly defeated by the hot sauce Denki had unknowingly made as a dipping sauce because he misread the bottle. You know, Bakugou’s exclusive Hot One’s Last Dab Sauce.
It had knocked the absolute wind out of strong contenders Kirishima and Ashido, and completely ruined Midoriya, who was still hiccuping and hacking away at the sink. Todoroki was passed out on the couch and Denki was half convince he was on his dying breath.
No, what scared him was you two freaks.
“Ha! What a bunch of wimps!” Bakugou cackles, lathering his fried chicken with the sauce and taking a good bite out of it. Bro didn’t look bothered in the slightest. In fact, Denki would wager the trigger-happy human landmine was enjoying the murderous sauce.
“This is really good,” You sigh, reaching for another fried chicken and dipping it entirely into the saucer. “Where’d you get it?”
Denki begs your fucking pardon?
“Should come over to my house, Ma makes the best spice,” Bakugou grins, eyes glinting as you chew on your drumstick innocently.
Your eyes light up. “Invitation accepted. Now move the damn dip over. We need more.”
“You both,” Denki wheezes. “Are demons. Menaces.”
“You’re just a pussy, Spark Plug.”
Denki would argue, but he doesn’t think his throat would cooperate.
Truly, a match made in heaven.
Or hell.
Author's note: Seriously this was so cute! Frankly, as someone who loves spicy food, loved to see the representation of this and a strong reader that can hold her own against Blasty! it's nice to cuddle up and play damsel with the heroes, but sometimes I just wanna take no bull and stand on my own two feet! (Kick them in the balls or smth, therapeutic as heck)
Thanks for requesting, it means a lot! 🧡
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Easter Panic 2: the Brothers are now Rabbits
he hopes for the person who caused this that he will never find them
and he hopes for you that unless you want your D.D.D broken you delete all of those pictures of him in this ridiculous form
you can also laugh as much as you want but now your the one who has to look after his Brothers
but in exchange for practically being forced to take over Lucifer´s work he will allow you to pet him and maybe feed him some treats
but only once and if you tell anybody he will end you
but don´t stop petting him because this is actually very comfortable
okay he may or may not have tried to pawn of a cursed artifact he found while working as a bunny boy
but in his defense he didn´t know it would turn him into a damn Rabbit!
he also refuses to let you pet him or even pick him up
at first, as if he wouldn´t carve into the sweet temptation of his favorite Human trying to shower him with affection
after his initial refusal you couldn´t remove him even if you wanted to, which you clearl wouldn´t want to
he also tried to use this to his advantage to pull of some of his schemes
it didn´t not work
but he got even more cuddles from you so he could care less if it worked or not
he was losing it
what do you mean he´s a Rabbit now!? he still has games to finish!
he will actually try to hide in his bathtub until he will turn back into his normal self
the only exception of course is you, but only because your the only one who can enter his room without a bunch of Curses going of
and he´s now dying of embarrassment because you saw him like this
believe me when I say he was surprised when you just picked him up and decided to cuddle him
you didn´t think it was possible but you swear you could even see him blush
pretty sure when this wears of he will never look you in the eyes ever again
which to be fair he didn´t do before but now it´s worse
laments the fact he´s a Rabbit instead of a Cat
but he can bully Lucifer a lot easier now, but that´s probably because you will save him while he´s a Rabbit
he also forces you to read for him because he can´t with his paws
which may or may not be a partial excuse to nap on your lap
he will also get a lot of pets and you are also a good reader
he also bites everybody who will enter his room and disturbes your time together
Mammon had to learn this the hard way...
he will get so upset by the fact his adoring fans won´t see him for a while
but he´s still super cute so he doesn´t care to much~<3
he will love the fact you have to take care of him and take advantage of it as much as he can, which is mainly just a bunch of hugs and cuddles constantly
and kisses of course
he also made you get him some stylish outfits and buy some Rabbit friendly nail polish
seems like your the one giving him a make-over this time
despite him being a Rabbit you better not fuck up his teeth are surprisingly sharp
he´s a very big and fluffy bunny
but still a very hungry boy
you didn´t think anybody would get through so many vegetables in so little time but as usual Beel is full of surprises
he will also use the biggest puppy (bunny?) eyes when his food runs out, it´s even harder to resist now
you probably shouldn´t feed him meat but he get´s whatever is on your plate when he finds you
he´s very cuddly too, usually after he finished eating
he just needs a little nap with one of his favorite people
he´s very fluffy and would be a great pillow
very sleepy bun
just as normal Belphie does he sleeps 24/7
but now he´s allowed to constantly snuggle in your lap for his nap, which he sees as a win
you aren´t immune against bunny propaganda aka he´s an even cuter guy now and you can´t say no no matter how hard you try
he will take advantage of this, he even managed to get you to prank Lucifer in his place
and you even managed to escape without being seen (Lucifer thought it was Satan)
when he can´t find you to nap one he usually jumps up into the attic to take a nap
he will only get down when you come to carry him down
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tigreblvnc · 2 months
Your match is...
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— Mikage Reo
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✦ It wasn't easy; I thought of several characters, but each time I was like, "hmm no."
✦ I figured it had to be someone who wouldn’t make you feel like you were too much.
✦ … So, not someone introverted.
✦ Or someone who doesn’t communicate enough.
✦ We all know where relationships go when one person doesn't communicate enough…
✦ *cough cough*
✦ I think you and Reo make a very balanced duo. He’s naturally sociable, loves approaching people and showing interest in them (not necessarily for personal gain; that’s just how he is).
✦ That made me think of how you tend to appear very open with others at first.
✦ It’s something that can unsettle shy people, but with him, it would only be appealing.
✦ Anyway, if it hadn’t been you, he would have come to you sooner or later.
✦ I can totally see you two as the duo that always has a bunch of friends orbiting around them. You’re the headliners, the queen bee duo of the university.
✦ The good thing is that between you two, there are never any misunderstandings, at least not for long; you express yourselves when something’s wrong, which immediately defuses potential problems.
✦ The trope of best buddies, obviously.
✦ Reo would never make you feel like you’re too much; on the contrary, he’d be the first to spot you in the crowd, grab your arm, and include you in the group. I don’t think there’s ever any ambiguity between you two; it’s smooth, and no one could question your friendship.
✦ He loves your contrasting personality—the fact that you appear quite cute on the outside but enjoy less conventional and niche things. I think he’s interested in those things too because he wants to understand them—and, by extension, understand you.
✦ Whatever you like or do, it piques his interest, and in a sincere way. No hidden motives. To me, Reo is truly someone loyal and reliable in friendship. He doesn’t try to play games—except during a match, but that’s part of the sport.
✦ I like to imagine you playing a soccer video game while he’s actually playing soccer.
✦ That’s probably not the kind of game you play, though; I see you more with games like The Wolf Among Us, Genshin Impact, The Binding of Isaac, or Outer Wilds. But you know, I think those games could interest him in a way too. They’re successful games, and he’d be curious about why. After all, Reo is still a business-minded person.
✦ And if he starts playing, it’s not only to be with you but to understand the mechanics of those games. Maybe it’ll inspire him on the field, like giving him a sharper understanding of his opponents’ mindset. Immersive games often lead to introspection and analysis—making choices, challenging one’s ethics, etc.
✦ In short, things we regularly see at Blue Lock, let’s be honest.
✦ "Physical Affection (giving and receiving, although I do need to be properly acclimated to a person: it's basically my ultimate form of affection)" You see, I think Reo is one of the characters in the whole manga with whom you quickly feel comfortable; he has a very close, very human vibe. Very relatable. So, I have no doubt you’d feel at ease with him quickly, to the point where you’d let him approach you even from behind for a surprise hug.
✦ And it would make him so happy to receive your affection too. I can’t imagine him not sharing affectionate gestures with his significant other, no way.
✦ Actually, he kind of reminds me of a knight sometimes, you know? The one who opens and holds the door for you, the one who tells everyone on the escalator to move to the right so you can go faster. The one who always orders your dish without the sides you don’t like. Those kinds of small, discreet attentions that are incredibly satisfying to experience daily.
✦ I see him as someone materialistic, so all the gifts you give him, he keeps them carefully at home and doesn’t throw anything away, even if they seem completely ordinary or insignificant. As long as it’s from you, he’ll keep it until his death.
✦ (Which makes me think his inheritance might be complicated)
✦ Two little sunshines <3
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A word about your match: I first thought of Niko (the "attracted to the realistic, grounded types" you know) but I figured he would be too quiet and solitary for your need to be with others. Lack of communication, as always.
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purple-plum-petals · 2 years
Howdy do~! I’d like to request a fluffy drabble in which Azul Ashengrotto askes his fem! human s/o what she wants in exchange for her services with the Lounge, to which she simply replies, “Just smile your lovely smile for me. That’s all I want.” Make it super fluffy, please! Thanks a bunch!
⊱ Your Smile is Worth a Million Madol ⊰ || Azul Ashengrotto X Reader
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮        Character(s): Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland), Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland), Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland), Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland, mentioned)        Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)        Warning(s): Besides Floyd Making One (1) Slightly Suggestive Joke and the Use of Pet Names (The Reader calls Azul “love” and Azul calls the Reader “dear”), Nothing! I also always use the Japanese TWST Terms (Dorm Leader instead of Housewarden, Madols instead of Thaumarks, etc.) in my writing.        Genre: Drabble, Pure Fluff, Pre-established Romantic Relationship        Word Count: ~2,300 words        Request: “Howdy do~! I’d like to request a fluffy drabble in which Azul Ashengrotto askes his fem! human s/o what she wants in exchange for her services with the Lounge, to which she simply replies, “Just smile your lovely smile for me. That’s all I want.” Make it super fluffy, please! Thanks a bunch!”        Author’s Note: This was such a cute request, so thank you for sending it in! I absolutely love writing for my Octavinelle boys. 🥰 I did end up having to reword what the Reader said to Azul just so the dialogue would flow better, but the feeling/vibe you wanted is still there! Also, the Reader is close friends with Floyd and Jade because I said so. 😊 I’m so happy I got an Azul request – I love him so much. It’s kind of weird not writing hurt/comfort for once though haha. Also, can you tell how much I like more “old-fashioned” pet names? Lol The Reader is also gender-neutral here since their gender didn’t play any major role in this scenario (and because I primarily use you/your when writing rather than gendered pronouns); I hope you don’t mind!
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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              It was a busy day spent working in the lounge, doing the usual like serving drinks and food while occasionally breaking up two hormonal teenage boys from starting a fistfight in the middle of the dreaded lunch rush. Floyd always seemed really bummed out whenever you broke up the fights, most likely because he wanted more of an excuse to “squeeze” the rule-breakers, but Azul gave you a job and you were going to do it right! As long as you were around, you’d do your absolute best to make sure that no punches were thrown in the establishment – if they want to fight, they can go do it somewhere else.
              Azul had given you the task of preventing fights since it seemed as though you had the ability to get people – even the most stubborn and uncooperative of people – to listen to you (most likely because of your seemingly innate skill of beast-taming). Though, if that didn’t work, and sometimes it hadn’t, most people tried to stay in your good graces since you were currently dating the Octavinelle dorm leader. Plus, as if you needed to give people any more reasons not to mess with you, you were also nearly always accompanied by either Jade or Floyd whenever Azul wasn’t around for “safety reasons”. You’d even come to notice that Floyd started calling you by your name more often recently rather than by the nickname that he had given you when you first met.
              It was… nice. You’d certainly gotten off to a rocky start with the trio (which was kind of an understatement if you were being honest), but everything seemed to have worked out well for you in the end! You had an adorable boyfriend who you loved dearly and pretty much two very intimidating bodyguards who were also your friends but you weren’t going to tell them that out loud – they’d just make fun of you or something!
              “Uuuggghhh – today felt like an eternity.” You groaned, sitting down with a huff in one of the many comfortable booths that littered the lounge. Leaning back in your seat with a sigh, you said aloud as your eyes closed from exhaustion, crossing one leg over your knee so you could rub your swollen ankle, “My feet are so sore… I need to buy better shoes.”
              “Oh? Perhaps Azul may be able to fix that for you – you could always sign another contract. I’m sure he’d be happy to lend you the funds needed to buy new shoes.” Jade said with a smirk, walking over and standing next to where you were currently sitting.
              You didn’t need to open your eyes to know what expression was currently on his face (it was most definitely a smirk of some kind), so all you did was say with a small smile of your own, “Haha, very funny Jade – you should be a stand-up comedian.” You paused for a moment, thinking aloud as you muttered, “Hmm, maybe I can take Floyd out shopping with me? He knows a lot about shoes…”
              “I’m sure Floyd would like that quite a bit… you’d have to catch him on a good day, though.” Jade told you, taking a seat across the table from you as he watched his brother terrorizing having fun with some of their underclassmen like the absolute menace friendly upperclassman he was. You watched as well, feeling pity for the poor students Floyd was finding amusement in for the time being. You weren’t complaining, though – at least it wasn’t you he was tormenting.
              “Yeah, I know. I think I’ve got Floyd’s moods down to a science at this point.” You said with a grin, looking over at Jade to see the expression on his face. He was still smiling ever so slightly but was now raising one eyebrow in a questioning manner at your statement.  
              “Really, now? Why don’t you share your findings with me then? I’d love to know how you managed to figure out the pattern of my brother’s moods before myself.” The eelmer said, smirking at you while knowing full well you hadn’t figured out the reason behind Floyd’s behavioral problems – you weren’t a psychologist! Jade just enjoyed picking on you, something that hadn’t changed throughout the development of your friendship with one another; your expressions were always such a treat to both him and his brother alike.
              “It was a joke, Jade! You know I was kidding!” You exclaimed, smiling as you placed your hands in front of you on the table to lean towards the seemingly more stable of the twins (something which was debatable).
              “Maybe you should be the stand-up comedian, then. We could set up a show for you here at the lounge; I’m sure the students would love seeing you flounder about up on stage.” He said, smiling at you in a sickeningly sweet way as he gestured to the large stage in the lounge. You’d only seen it used a few times during the monthly karaoke nights Azul decided to start hosting as per your request. While you did think a comedy show would be nice, you certainly wouldn’t be participating in something like that anytime soon.
              “…You’re cruel, you know that?” You said with a pout, sitting back down and ignoring Jade’s smirk widening at your reaction. Oh, why did the twins enjoy tormenting you so? You noticed as you took a seat, however, that Floyd had seemingly lost interest in the other Octavinelle students he had been toying with. He now had his mismatched pair of eyes set solely on his new prey – you.
              While it wasn’t the worst thing in the world to be the person who caught Floyd’s attention, it also wasn’t the best being it either. You turned and watched, a look of pure shock on your face as Floyd sprinted over to where you were sitting. He made his way over to you and his brother fairly quickly (curse his long legs) before flopping down next to you and pushing you toward the wall with his larger frame. He flopped across your lap, upper body resting on your legs as his own hung limply off the side of the booth’s seats. He looked up at you, saying with a whine, “___, I’m booored – how about we play a game? Ooh, how about tag~? It’s been a while since I’ve chased you around.”
              Floyd sat up slightly, pressing one of his fingers against your nose in what could be described as a boop of sorts with his characteristic grin on his face. You just smiled at him gently, booping him in return as you asked, “Can I have a raincheck, Floyd? I don’t think I can walk very well right now, let alone run. I promise you can chase me the next time you’re in the mood, okay?”
              Floyd pouted at your words, muttering out a “boo…” before quickly changing his tune. He quickly wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you into a back-breaking embrace as he exclaimed, “Eh, squeezes it is then!”
              “No, please! Spare meeee!” You said with a smile, pretend-trying to break free from Floyd’s grasp. He always found it funny whenever you pretended to not like his squeezes, so a mixture of yours and Floyd’s giggling filled the empty lounge as Jade watched the both of you in what could be described as endearment.
              Suddenly, the familiar scolding tone of your boyfriend rang through the room, causing you to perk up slightly as he exclaimed, “Ugh – Floyd! Leave ___ alone – it’s been a long day for everyone… I have no clue how you still have so much energy after classes and your shift.”
              “Eh, I was in a good mood today. ___’s always such a fun playmate… maybe you two should play sometime, too – it might make you less of a stiff~!” Floyd said, looking at Azul as he wiggled his eyebrows slightly, the action and words only causing Azul’s face to deepen in color. This was apparently the reaction Floyd wanted from his childhood friend, as he couldn’t stop the laughs spilling from his lips. You found your partner’s pink face endearing, giggling at the sight. You watched as Jade stood up, dusting off his pants as he looked at his brother who still had himself draped across your lap.
               “Come now, Floyd. Let’s go so they can have some alone time.” Jade said, giving his brother a look before smirking at Azul. The twins then left the lounge in tandem as Floyd continued to make teasing remarks as they left you two alone together. You looked up at Azul who watched the troublemaking twins leave with a grimace on his face.
              When he looked down at where you were still sitting, he simply sighed out as he pinched the bridge of his nose, telling you softly, “…I sincerely apologize for their behavior.”
              “Ehehehe… It’s alright, love – I know that’s just how they are.” You said with a smile, gently grabbing his hand and lightly tugging on his arm so he would sit next to you. You propped your head up with your hand, asking him, “So, how was your day? Do anything exciting?”
              Azul simply chuckled lightly, telling you, “I’m not sure how exciting sitting in an office could be, but I did just make a deal with…”
              Both of you continued to talk as minutes turned into hours with him asking you about your day and somehow managing to get you to tell him your shoe size without you even realizing it (he overheard you talking about how your feet were hurting, so prepare for a new pair of shoes in the future) while you inquired about his new business ideas and contracts with new clients. You two had a small dinner together and, before you knew it, it was late into the night. You both still had class tomorrow and Azul even had a test, so you decided to say your goodbyes for the evening. You had made a joke about spending the night in his room, something of which nearly caused him to choke on the water he had taken a sip of; looks like Floyd’s joke was affecting your boyfriend more than he would like to admit.
              You had helped him gather up the plates and clean up the remnants of your dinner, having a small bubble fight in the kitchen when you realized you had put a bit too much soap into the sink. It was fun, being able to be playful with your boyfriend which was something that only occurred when he was 100% positive no one would be around to see it. After tidying up the kitchen you had managed to nearly fill with bubbles, Azul held your hand in his as he walked you to the entrance of the dorm.
              As you two walked, however, he eventually released your hand, reaching into his coat pocket as he told you, “Oh, I almost forgot your payment for today. Ah, here you are–…”
              “I already got my payment for today, though?” You cut in, tilting your head in confusion.
              “What? I haven’t seen you at all today until a few hours ago, so how did you–?” Azul started, questioning as to who paid you before you placed a hand on his cheek and leaned forward, cutting his question off with a gentle kiss. Azul squeezed his eyes shut, taking in the sweetness from the desert that still lingered on your tongue as you two shared a moment in the entryway.
              Eventually, you pulled away from him, telling him sincerely, “That adorable smile of yours is payment enough for me, Azul – that’s all I need.”  
              After a moment or two, Azul was eventually able to cough out as he forced the money into your grasp, “…Just take the madol, please.”
              “You’re toooo cute, love – I just adore seeing your face that beautiful shade of pink~.” You cooed at him, holding his face with both of your hands as you rubbed your nose gently on his.
              “_-___....” Was all your boyfriend was able to wheeze out, his face such a deep shade of red it could have rivaled Riddle’s.
              After a moment of truly taking in Azul’s expression and taking a mental picture to save forever in your mind, you pulled away from him after giving him a light pat on his cheeks, telling him, “Okay, okay – I’ll show you some mercy this time around. Well, goodnight Azul – I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh, good luck on your history test; I know you’ll ace it!”
              “Goodnight, dear – I’ll see you tomorrow.” Azul told you with a wave, the color on his face not fading even as he watched you disappear into the distance. After a moment or two, his expression hardened as he turned around and said in a stern tone, “…Jade, Floyd – you can stop hiding now.”
              Unsurprisingly, the twins emerged from where they were hiding, Floyd laughing as he exclaimed, “Ehehehe – you’re sooo red Azuuul~! It’s been like, what, five minutes now since your little make-out session and you still look like a boiled octopus?”
              “Ugh – enough! Don’t you have dishes to clean or floors to mop?” Azul exclaimed, clearly both frustrated and embarrassed by the twins being, well… themselves.
              Jade just smiled, his sharp teeth shining in the light as he said, “Everything has been taken care of by both Floyd and myself, Azul, so we’re free for the rest of the night. Fufufu…”
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sol-consort · 26 days
Do you think the other species would find it weird how symbiotic humans are with a bunch of our animals?
Birds bond with us like with other birds, even start seeing us as their nest partners if we pet them below the neck (which you should never do bc humans make shitty partners and it sends them into a depressive feather-plucking episode bc they take it as rejection)
Cats domesticated themselves into our lives. Their natural evolution saw benfits to relaying on us for the rest of their existence, literally putting all of their eggs in one basket
We were the ones who convinced dogs to stay with us.
The whole riding horses things, as far as we can tell no other species has a similar thing? (Maybe Krogans with thrash mowers) Camels, too.
Dolphins, the sociopaths of the oceans, like us for some reason and help humans in need a lot.
Sharks don't eat us...at least on purpose. Despite our size, they think we have too little meat and don't see us as viable prey. Only bite curiously to investigate what we are and in self defence.
Pandas' whole existence is maintained by us. They should be extinct by all means, but we stubbornly keep them alive.
There are so many rules and regulations set in place against feeding animals in the wild because they will start seeing humans as friends and forgo all hunting to come form a symbiotic relationship with us.
The many pets we keep, even ones with brains "incapable" of love like tarantulas, snakes, and else. We adore them to death, and they aren't aggressive around us. They recognise as the one who brings them food and offers warmth.
Human vocal cords are pretty good at mimickery. We whistle bird songs back to them, we meow back to cats, we teach parrots phrases. We see a new creature, ask if anyone is gonna bond with it and not even wait for an answer.
They wouldn't find it weird; they have varen and fish, but humans can quickly appear as the "crazy cat lady" of the galaxy from the amount of animals we've domesticated and bonded with.
Salarians had a whole tropical rainforest, yet they never bothered to go further than studying the animals in there. Get a bunch of humans on Sur'kesh and a couple will make it their life mission to befriend as many colorful birds as possible, setting a bird feeder and letting them rest on their shoulder and head, casually talking to them in that high pitched babytalk tone birds adore.
All the cute Pyjaks in Tuchanka you can cuddle with and let them hang around your neck like a cute little baby. I wanna smooch their stupid foreheads aaa.
Or divers being silly and playing with the aquatic creatures in the oceans of the hanar world. Fish actually like being pet! They just don't know it and never get the chance to experience it. Human divers even pet deadly eels at times and twirl them around like silly fat snakes.
It's our brain capacity to see any creature—no matter how deadly —as a potential "part of the tribe" is what gets them confused. At one point, the excuse of our brains mistaking cute fluffy animals with big eyes for human babies simply falls apart. They can understand that when looking at a cat, but how in the world did a human stare at a deadly bear and think, "My baby!" they're bigger than you.
In a lot of our "symbiotic" relationship with animals and pets, we get next to nothing in exchange. We simply do it out of love. Maybe back then, we had a practical use and jobs for these animals, but not anymore. We keep pigeons because they are lovely creatures. We raise shepherd dogs inside our warm homes.
That's it, no, really. All that trouble for love, the animal doesn't even necessarily have to be cute, small, or defenceless. Some humans are more friendly to animals than other humans.
It's the whole burden of existence, the guilt of being self-aware and conscious. We evolved, they didn't, we know what mitochondria is, they don't, we feel bad :(
What music would a cat listen to? What movie would a bird buy tickets to? How would a horse paint? Would blue be a popular clothing colour in a dog society?
They're missing out. on. so. much. The world is so much bigger than they think it is, and it's killing me. Pigs can't even lift their head, most of them have never seen the beautiful cloudy sunsets or the starry glimmering skies. The galaxy and heavens above they've never glimpsed it.
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mostmouse · 1 year
I am looking forward to the story you are creating.
I've been watching horror movies lately, but I just find it funny when the final boss is "Satan"(obey me).
So can I Requests a story? "When mc encountered a kidnapping incident by a cult in the human world, but heard that those people were going to sacrifice them to Satan."
If I were mc, I would only have: "Excuse me????"
Hope you don't mind, but I made it fucked up and violent :3 I looooove Satan! He's my favorite, I want him to go hog wild and murder a bunch of people.
How the Turn Tables (as always - cross posted to AO3)
(Satan x gn!reader, explicit (graphic violence), 5,000 words)
You're out minding your own business when some asshole cult members kidnap you. You find yourself in the center of a summoning circle, but unfortunately for the cult, they're summoning your beloved partner. And Satan is not happy about what he finds.
The harsh glare of the sun had you wincing as you walked along the sidewalk. After being in the Devildom for your yearly exchange program, then going back for a few more years after that, you had thoroughly become detestful of the sun. It was sort of funny, you had missed it so badly during your first stay, but now it was almost the bane of your existence.
Sighing heavily, you kept walking, you were off work for the day, and had plans to return to your demons in just a couple weeks. You were hard at work finding the perfect bits and bobs to hand make your welcoming gifts. It was incredibly draining and difficult, and you weren’t happy how each one wasn’t exactly perfect - but they were all made with love and unique to each demon. You knew they’d love them, imperfections and all, but it didn’t stop you from being a bit disappointed about it.
Humming in delight, you made it to the stretch of craft stores that were your destination. Looking at your D.D.D. you noted the time and prayed that you wouldn’t be long. Unfolding your reusable bags from the master reusable bag, you placed them in the cart and began your journey. Running up and down the aisles, you plucked goods and tossed them into your cart.
Finishing up at one store, you moved down the line in the outdoor mall before finally completing your mission. Sighing once you left the last store, you looked up at the setting sun. Frowning slightly, you made your way back to your car. Stuffing everything into the trunk, you rolled your shoulders, grabbing your D.D.D. and texting a picture of the sunset to Satan.
His response was nearly immediate and you smiled. ‘Looks almost as beautiful as you.’ Squealing at the cute text, you hopped into your car, setting up your music before going to turn the engine on. However, as it turned over, it refused to start up. Groaning loudly, you got back out, popping the hood and looking at the engine.
Not finding anything smoking or sparking. You narrowed your eyes, getting down on all fours and looking under the car itself. Shouting in frustration, you saw a large pool of fluids on the asphalt. Huffing angrily, you sat back on your knees, slapping your cheeks. Why would your lines burst at a mall while it was parked? Scowling at your bad luck, you placed your hands on your thighs, about to get up.
However, you soon found yourself laying on the hot ground, ears ringing and a sudden white hot pain in the back of your head. Dazed, your unblinking eyes tried to take in your surroundings before something covered your head and eyes. The material was rough and uncomfortable, multiple hands grabbing your body and hauling you up.
Grunting and whimpering through the pain, you tried to kick out, managing to strike a few of your attackers - or was it just one of them multiple times? You weren’t sure, still unable to hear and string along coherent thoughts. You sneered, anger welling up inside you and you leaned closer to the one carrying you.
Even with the bag or whatever it was over your head, you bit down hard on whatever you could. Hearing the person scream, dropping you instantly, you got to your feet in a crouch, pulling the bag off your head before a blinding pain resonated through your ribs. Falling to the ground convulsing, you tried to look at the people attacking you.
One shadowy figure stood out amongst the rest, a buzzing stun gun in their hand. Solemnly, they spoke out to you, the words distorted as you felt yourself starting to black out, “Don’t fight anymore. We don’t want to hurt you, but we will if we must.” Dragging your nails along the rough ground, you snarled at them, spitting from your prone position, before a swift kick put you out.
The shrouded figures looked up at the sunset before one member grabbed you cautiously. “Stop hesitating, they’re unconscious now.” The person grumbled, mentioning how you weren’t unconscious after a bat to the head. The leader ignored them, putting the stun gun back into his pocket. “I’d be surprised if after everything now, they woke up anytime soon. But let’s not chance it, we need to head back.”
Moving across the empty parking lot, the group of people gathered in a sleek black SUV. Placing you on the back bench seat, they tied you up, ignoring your joints as they popped. Shoving the bag back onto your head, they tied it at the neck - not too tight that you’d suffocate, but tight enough so you’d feel a strain if you fought back and needed to breathe deep.
Turning on the car, they all rode in silence as they made their way out of town and to a desolate area miles away. The car ride was quiet, none of them speaking. Every time you moved slightly, they all tensed up, waiting for you to awaken. “Something isn’t right about this one.” One member’s voice was hesitant, opening the car door and helping haul you out. The others nodded beneath their hoods, hands tentatively grabbing you and dragging you out, letting you fall to the ground.
Tensing as you groaned aloud, body moving slightly, the leader came up behind them, kicking you once more in the ribcage. “Do not be afraid of a mere mortal. We’re better than them, and they serve us one purpose. To be alive until our ritual ends.” The others, reassured by the show of control and violence, grabbed you and began to carry you inside.
Once they arrived in a large room, the others gathered there began to chat excitedly amongst themselves. Once the man carrying you dropped you to the ground unceremoniously, another member began to chastise him for the rough treatment, worried that the fall would hurt your head and kill you before they could begin their summoning. However, their words died in their throat as they saw a large blood stain on the front of the bag. “See what you did! It’s probably dead in there!”
The man who dropped you sneered, taking off the heavy cloak that surrounded his broad shoulders. Turning so the others could see the top of his back, they all balked as they saw a large bite mark, blood dried from where it ran down his spine. “The thing bit me. Don’t worry about it, something isn’t right with them…”
His words trailed off as he glared down at you, body unmoving except for the light rise and fall of your chest. Scowling, he moved away from you, putting a clear distance between the two of you. The other members of the cult began to place candles around the carefully drawn circle and pentagram. Soft whispers crossed the large room as they worked diligently.
The leader of the group grabbed a large, dusty tome. Moving to stand above everyone else, he watched as they put the finishing touches on the summoning circle, your unmoving body in the middle of it.
Once everyone had completed their task, they all moved to points of the pentagram and circle, drawing small blades and dripping blood onto the points as an offering. The man whose shoulder you had bitten tentatively made his way to the center, untying the rope and ripping the bag off your head.
With a shout, he stumbled back as he met your wrathful graze, body moving as you spit in his face. You tried to get up, but crumpled back down into a heap at the blinding pain in your sides. Crying out, you laid face down as you writhed. You heard the man behind you comfort his followers, his voice grating on you as you grit your teeth. “Worry not, my beloved siblings. This creature cannot harm us, I made sure of that. Let us begin.”
Fast breaths puffed from your mouth as you focused on nonverbal healing spells. However, you knew whatever they were doing would probably finish before you could. Groaning, you focused on your task at hand, hopefully they’d be chanting whatever nonsense around you for a while before they exacted a finishing blow. You tried to pull on your pact with Satan, but it seemed muddled in your dazed state.
Sneering, you felt your ribs put themselves back together, and your breathing alleviated. Working next on the pounding in your skull, you thought you recognized a few words they were saying. This was obviously a summoning circle, what were they doing? Flipping onto your side, you heard the leader’s voice crack as you made eye contact with him. He looked away from you, insteading turning his head up as if he were preaching to the heavens.
Slowly, the pain and fogginess left you, but your calling upon your demonic lover seemed even more foggy. You licked your teeth, thinking of why that might be before your eyes widened. You knew why the chanting sounded familiar - they were trying to summon Satan themselves!
You couldn’t stop your grin from curling across your face, your wounds healed as they finished their chanting. Giggling slightly, you soon began to cackle. The circle around you glowed an emerald green, alighting your body with color as you laughed loudly, scornfully. The members around you began to fidget, wringing their fingers as they looked fearfully to their leader.
He sneered at you, opening his mouth to rebuke your actions before stopping short. The ground began to shake, cracking open as more green light poured into the now dark room. Your laughs didn’t die down, in fact, they became more crazed, more excited. Why were you laughing? About to scream at you, the leader fell silent, breath escaping him as he watched as inhuman claws scraped their way through the opening portal, curled black horns soon joining the view.
You quieted down, unsettling smile never wavering as your eyes took in the demonic form of your lover. He seemed more unhinged than usual, more hellish. His normally fanciful demon attire was instead bleached bones. The rib cage surrounding him, disjointed blackened tail whipping behind him. You couldn’t see his expression as he faced away from you, looking towards the leader of the cult.
The forest green flames encircled him, voice rough as he called up to the human in dark robes. “For what reason have you pathetic humans called me?” His rage was held in abeyance, his activities interrupted back in his room. He was trying to call you, instead getting your voicemail over and over while your pact was unresponsive. Angry wasn’t even the right word for how he was feeling. You knew how livid he got when he couldn’t contact you, and that fact - that usually you tried to stave off with voice calls and long distance date nights - had you bubbling in excitement.
“We summoned you here, great lord Satan to-” The leader’s eyes widened in fury as your voice cut him off, clearly irate about your continued usurpation of his authority and power.
“Because they wanted to sacrifice little ole me.” Your words were thick with smug pride. Giggling as your demon slowly turned to look at you. You watched gleefully as he took in your filthy clothes. A burn on the side of your shirt where they had used the stun gun on you. Blood covered one side of your face where they had bludgeoned you with a bat. Finally he met your gaze, your smile turning soft and eyes loving. “I’m okay, I healed myself up already. I tried to call on our pact, but as you can see… I’m a little tied up at the moment.”
Laughing at your own cheesy words, you watched as livid wrathful anger filled his eyes, expression twisting. With a careful lash of his disjointed tail, your bonds were freed. Keeping a painful groan to yourself, you quickly recited a healing spell, fixing your strained joints. Moving towards you, his burning clawed hands reached out hesitantly. Smiling up at him, you readily took his hands, letting him pull you into a nearly crushing hug.
Letting you go, he fretted over your body, wiping at the dried blood on your face. Holding his quaking hand to your cheek, you smiled sweetly. “Their leader hurt me the most, but all of them are guilty. Please, don’t hold back on my account.”
Everyone who wasn’t the two of you seemed to freeze in their places. You took pride in looking at all of them as they stood horrified between the displays of sweet affection between you both. You cackled as Satan shook in rage, “Sorry guys! You picked the wrong human… See, we’re sort of an item.” You grinned smugly, kissing Satan’s forehead. “Go wild, my love. I’ve never seen you really let loose before~”
Suddenly, he was gone from your sight, appearing behind the cult’s leader. The man’s panicked gaze met yours, his mouth opening but only a scream leaving his lungs. Satan’s tail wrapped around his throat as his hand pierced his chest, coming out the other side. The only sounds above the screams of agony and panic was of your thrilled laughter.
You flicked a hand around the room, sealing all the exits and windows. The cult members climbed over each other, pulling at the handles of the doors and screaming. Satan pulled his hand free from the leader’s chest, instead snarling and using his tail to jerk him backwards and around. His face was slack, the life long gone from his mangled body as your demon tore him limb from limb. Tossing the dismembered body into the crowd by the door, you delighted in the shrill screams.
You watched Satan adoringly, eyes never leaving him as he continued in his rage. Blood covered the bleached bones that wrapped around him, the eerie green flames surrounding him once more as his face twisted in wrath. You hummed as you felt the air shift behind you, turning calmly as one cult member’s split body passed you on either side, a knife clattering to the ground as it skittered past you.
Humming thoughtfully, you scuffed your shoe on the ground, “Ooh… Coming after me even after everything I said? That was stupid.” You peered around your love, looking at the others and smiling, the tone not quite right for the situation. “Does anyone else want to try? Please do, it’ll make this so much more fun - isn’t that what you wanted? To see Satan tear apart a human sacrifice? Now that it’s happening, you don’t seem too thrilled.”
The man you had bitten stepped forwards, the whites of his eyes clearly visible as he panted heavily, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this! H-He was supposed to kill you! We were going to be granted power and eternal li-” His words ceased as Satan appeared in front of him, his hand covering his face, claws sinking into his skull before he crushed it easily in the palm of his hand. The man’s heavy body fell to the ground in a heap before Satan stepped on his back, crushing his torso.
Squealing in glee, you cheered Satan on from behind, his tight words passing by his sharp canines, eyes glowing in the low light. “Silence.” Of course, the words weren’t for you, he wanted you to bask in the clear displays of power, how he could protect you from these vermin. No, the words were for the insects before him, he didn’t want to hear anything they had to say. Least of all about how they imagined he would be tearing you apart - the most virtuous human and loving partner in the entire three realms.
Sneering, he growled, the inhuman sound tearing from his throat as he lunged, hands catching a couple of people as his tail lashed behind him blindly, curling forward and indiscriminately attacking more of the members. You sighed dreamily, watching Satan maim and murder the remaining cult members.
Humming, you moved over to the dias where the leader had been standing. Ignoring the blood and viscera, you perched yourself on the edge, leaning back and enjoying the finale of the show. The people all tried to run, getting a bit away before Satan’s long tail caught them, dragging them back by their ankles, wrists, and heads, just to be brutalized and maimed by his sharp claws.
Eyes alighting with joy, you watched as one smaller member tried to crawl away, getting on their hands and knees before trying to take off. Lifting your hand, you whispered a spell that had a wisp of fire catching them around their ankles, hauling them up into the air. Watching as they writhed upside down, hands pawing at their legs as they burned, and smiled at their screams.
Looking towards Satan, you called out in a cheerful voice, “Hey! You know that game with the pinata?” Standing amongst the writhing bodies of the not quite dead yet cult members, his eyes quickly met yours before following the green flames of your hands towards the last intact human.
A vicious smile passed over his lips, walking calmly towards the strung up person. Sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight, and in that moment, you felt suffocated with adoration and love for your demon of wrath. Covered in blood and wild eyes, he never looked so handsome to you, so ravishing. And he was all yours, this demon who was pact bonded to you, who had given himself to you. All yours.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, even as his tail coiled back behind him and the screams turned garbled and choked, before quieting all together. Letting go of the spell, the now severed legs of the previously last alive cult member fell to the floor wetly.
Leaning back on your hands again, you tugged the tome the leader had been reading from towards you as Satan made any finishing blows, checking that all the cult members were dead. Surveying the dark room, he made sure none had slipped away before finally coming up to you.
His grip was gentler than before, but still tight as he pulled you into a passionate kiss. Letting his tongue ravage your mouth, your hands softly cupped his cheeks. Breaking away, he inspected your body, patting and squeezing you. Laughing as he tickled you a bit, you pet his blood soaked blonde hair. “I’m okay thanks to you.”
Your warm eyes met his slitted pupils, his hands gripping your thighs tightly, “No, kitten. This happened because of me.” You scoffed, laughing at him before kissing his nose.
“No, this happened because these people targeted me at random. None of this is your fault,” You kissed his lips softly, “Do you understand?”
He sighed, kissing you back just as chaste. “Yes, my love. Thank you for letting me protect you and exterminating these filthy humans.” You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you for putting on such a show! And please, don’t be so generous, these pathetic creatures weren’t even human. I mean, what kind of person does this to another person? Disgusting little things, I’ll tell you what.”
He smiled at your words, your tone joking and light. “You… really aren’t hurt?” His words were soft, but you read between the lines. ‘You aren’t afraid of me?’
Smiling, you caressed your hands over his body, tracing the bones that wrapped around his torso, petting the tail that had subtly wrapped around your waist. You scattered kisses all over his face before pulling his clawed hands into yours, kissing his knuckles and then his palms. “I’m not hurt in the slightest. I feel so safe and warm in your arms. Thank you, Satan. I love you so much, my little demon.”
Finally, you saw the worry melt from his face, his glamour coming back until he stood before you in his more subdued demonic state. You pet his horns, playing with his hair as he turned his attention to the book next to you.
Ooh-ing and aw-ing, he plucked it into his hands. Turning it around and gazing at every side of it, he flipped through the pages. “Hmm, I don’t think I have this one.” He smiled, snapping it shut and holding it under his arm, “Not only do I get to rescue a kitten in need, I also got a new book.”
His grin was precious and you laughed delightedly. “And I got to see you get a little bit crazy and a little bit stupid.” As he opened his mouth to retort, you kissed him, “It’s just some lyrics to some song, I don’t think you’re stupid or crazy, my alley cat.” He smiled once more, soft eyes watching you. “Okay, well, do you mind coming home with me? I also need to get my car towed.”
He lit up, “Yes, please. I’d love to join you.” Kissing each other again, you held his hands in yours, whispering a teleportation spell and in a crack of light, you appeared next to your car. Satan caught you as you wobbled slightly, “I shall take us home next, you’ve been through enough tonight, is that alright?”
You smiled, nodding gratefully. “Could you get the bags? They’re in the trunk.” Pulling open the door, you grabbed your keys and closed the hood, satisfied no one had stolen your car or your battery. Once Satan appeared once more by your side, you nodded at him and he wordlessly teleported the both of you to your home in the human realm.
Stretching as you appeared in your living room, you motioned for Satan to put the bags down before hugging him and leaning all your weight on him. Shouting aloud in delight, you felt Satan pull you up into his arms, kissing your forehead.
“We need to get washed up. Mind if we bathe together, kitten?” His shining eyes met yours, and you smiled lovingly.
“Please.” Kissing you softly, he made his way to the bathroom. Sitting you on the seat of the toilet, he turned on the water, letting it heat up. Turning back towards you, he stripped his clothes off, basking in your admiring gaze.
“Your turn, my love.” You smiled as he pulled you up, stripping you down and kissing the newly exposed skin. Grabbing your butt, you laughed as his scattered kisses all over your face.
“Satan! You’re bad!” Your tone didn’t match your words, delighting in his touch as you nuzzled his chest as he kissed your hair in turn. He was relieved you didn’t seem too upset by everything that happened, though he worried you’d crash soon and become overwhelmed. He hoped, that when that happened, you wouldn’t hate him for exposing you to such violence.
As he helped you into the shower, he admonished himself for not sending you away to his room, keeping you safe from all the violence that had ensued. Sure, you had helped and laughed and encouraged him, but surely you weren’t in the right state of mind.
You watched as Satan thought himself into a dark spiral, smiling sadly. He was gracious enough to put you in the water first, the pooled water at the bottom of the tub turning a rusty red color. You reached out, holding his cheeks and forcing him to look at you. “Hey. I’m not upset about tonight. I’m not scared of you. I don’t hate you. And I’m not sorry for what happened. Those people were horrible, they were fully prepared to kill another person for their own selfish gain and summon an actual demon to do their bidding. That’s so insanely fucked up! Who does that?”
That got a small laugh from him, the smile not quite meeting his eyes. That had you pouting, moving closer and grabbing his ass as you wrapped your arms around him, bodies touching and pressed together. “Look at me. I mean it. Don’t beat yourself up over this, do you understand me?”
A blush covered his cheeks, body relaxing as he nodded to himself, slapping his face a little before opening his eyes to look at you. “I understand, my love. After all, you love all of me, right? Even my anger?”
He felt the tension leave his body as you nodded, a delightful smile on your lips. “That’s right! I love every piece of you, there’s not a part of you that isn’t beloved by me.” The two of you laughed softly, kissing and holding each other close.
Sighing and stepping back, you passed him the body wash, “Please will you rub me up? I’ve had such~ a long night.” Your pleading words and big eyes bewitched him, though you didn’t need to. He would always be wrapped around your finger.
“Of course, I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, especially looking like this.” He played along, the back and forth quieting his discordant heart.
You grinned, teeth shining as you looked up at him before turning around, a smug grin on your washed face. “You should see the other guys, they’re pretty fucked up. See, I summoned this super powerful, and ridiculously hot, demon and he literally tore them asunder.”
Laughing loudly at your words, he smirked, leaning over your shoulder, “Remind me to never piss you off, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of your wrath.” The two of you giggled as he kissed your cheek.
Light banter surrounded the two of you as it came to your turn out of the water and scrubbed Satan down, every movement of your hands filled with love. You kissed across his freshly washed body, smiling at the soft moans and blushes that covered him. You weren’t even doing anything particularly naughty, yet the intimate actions still rejuvenated his soul.
Sighing, he held you close as the water poured over the both of you, nuzzling your neck. You stood there for a moment before he reached behind him and turned the water off. “Alrighty, let’s get to bed, okay?” You nodded against him but he made no move to get out or let you go.
Laughing, you tried to pull away, only for his arms to tighten. You could feel him smiling against your shoulder, body moving with silent laughter. “Satan! We’re gonna get cold!” You whined in his grip, trying to wiggle free. “Help! I’m being held captive by a big bad demon!”
Laugher resonated against you as he pulled his head up to rest his forehead against yours. He smiled softly, eyes warm and content as he stared lovingly at you. “Don’t worry, I’d be more than happy to help.”
You tried to push him away, grin on your face,”I don’t think you would actually, I think you’d hold me hostage forever.”
His grin curled tighter around his face, devious gaze on you, “Would that be such a bad thing?”
Squealing as he pulled you tight against him once more, you rubbed his back, “Nope, not at all, my naughty little alley cat.”
Smiling at the pet name, he finally let you go, grabbing a towel for each of you, “Don’t tempt me, I’d keep you a secret from my own brothers.”
Stepping out of the shower and into the bathroom, you stretched high, the fatigue of the night catching up with you. “As long as you graced me with your devoted attention, I don’t think I’d mind so much.”
The two of you smiled at each other, tossing the towels up to dry before you took his hand and led him to your bedroom. Turning down the bed, you slid in and made grabby hands at your demon. “I’m super tired now actually, you’re right. Let’s get some sleep.”
He basked in your praise at the fact he was right, letting it puff up his ego a bit. Sliding in next to you, his hands stroked your thighs a bit before hauling one up over his hips. Kissing you softly, he moved so the two of you were pressed close together.
“Do you mind if we’re even closer tonight?” His words were husky against your lips, and you smiled.
“Be gentle, okay?” Humming softly, he pressed his lips against yours, a breathy ‘always’ whispered against you. Moving your leg up a bit higher, he pulled you to be slightly atop him. Readjusting your hips, he pressed the tip of his nearly hard cock to your tight rim and pushed in slowly.
Sighing at the feeling, both of you kissed softly, basking in the feeling as he rocked up into you, pressing deeper and deeper inside slowly. Once he was fully inside, you moaned lasciviously, kissing his neck softly. “Mmmm~ perfect…”
He smiled at your sleepy tone, nuzzling your hair and sighing as you nipped him. “Go to sleep, I promise I’ll watch over you. I love you.”
Your voice was already fading, sleep overtaking you now that the adrenaline had left your body completely, “Love you too.”
As you fell asleep, Satan watched you, cock snug inside you as you were wrapped tightly in his arms. His tail curled around you, slipping easily through the sheets to keep you forcibly next to him, not that you’d try to get away anyways. Using his free hand that wasn’t tucked beneath you, he summoned the book from downstairs to hover over him, his eyes perfectly adjusted to the complete darkness.
Listening to you breathing against him, basking in how you felt wrapped around him, he contentedly read the summoning book. Turning and kissing the top of your head, he relaxed in the blankets. It would be a while before he could fully calm down, but he knew it would come sooner rather than later with the two of you wrapped up so tightly together.
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master-of-the-railway · 8 months
Screw it, infodumping abt my AEG au because I have a lot of thoughts actually
*Prefacing this by saying: if you don't like this particular show, just keep off this post
(Most) events that happened in the other two series are canon to my au, but they happened without the characters who are children and therefore quite a few things are different. All of these events happened before the children came along or while they were incredibly young. Emily has her scottish accent in this btw, her AEG voice is great but it pains me that they didn't make her scottish. The events of AEG take place in modern day (based off of small observations, and Nia knowing what an emoji is).
One day, for an unexplained reason that still hasn't been fully figured out, a bunch of little machines just...showed up. All over the world. It caused a lot of confusion and panic, stations and companies were exchanging phone calls like mad to try and figure something out. They came to a worldwide consensus: the children will be adopted out to older machines who will become their new parents, and the parents will be guided to raise the children while the humans try to figure out what the cause is. This resulted in some not so great scenarios, and a lot of switching around, some machines just aren't fit to raise young kids. It's hard for all of them, even the good parents. These are the first machine children ever after all.
Sodor became a far more relaxed place with the introduction of the machine children, most places had to put in new laws and adapt, which includes the island. They had to create regulations to protect the children as well as invent a system to keep the new families in order, to track who is whose child. For the first few years they had rules set to keep the children from working, but they quickly discovered that it's instinct for them to work as much as it is their adult counterparts. They started to get antsy being forced to stay in the yard because they're meant to move and work. They get unhappy if they have to sit around all day.
So, when the kids got a little older, they started to get small jobs with the supervision of parents or other older machines. They all became far happier and so they were allowed to keep working and helping out around the island. Nowadays they don't have constant supervision and are trusted to work by themselves, so that they can already be adjusted to working by themselves before they get older. Some voice concerns considering the frequent mistakes, but they're assured that these mistakes are part of the learning process, better they make them as little engines than as larger ones that can do more damage.
All of the kids are around 10 years old at the start of the show's events, Sandy poofed into existence a tiny bit later so she's more around 8. Ages obviously subject to changing as time goes on in the series.
A very random tidbit based on how ADORABLE the episode Something To Remember was: Yong Bao, while not a father himself, is very very fond of engine children. He thinks they're all a wonderful gift to this earth and he's always thinking of Sodor's little ones. Does frequent babysitting for the few on his railway back in China that do have kids when he's not on the job himself. ...SERIOUSLY HOW CUTE IS THIS THOUGH:
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And for reference, the family set-ups I have at the moment (might be subject to change) are: Gordon and Henry- Thomas and Percy's adoptive fathers. Gordon was a bit apprehensive as he isn't the fondest of children and doubted his ability to be a father, but he ended up being a very good father. Henry is the softer one and he has trouble being stern, so he appreciates his partner's ability to be tough with the kids. Percy and Thomas are sometimes a bit more than their fathers can handle, but they're a very tightly knit family and they love each other a lot. Emily- Adoptive mother of Diesel and Bruno, she had actually always wanted children of her own and didn't mind the idea of raising a diesel engine. She's determined to raise him to have no prejudice towards other types of engines, and she does her best to help Bruno learn to adjust to new things, she knows it can be hard for him after all. Also stands in as the caretaker of Nia, who was brought to Sodor when she was about 5 years old as her original mother from Kenya ended up being unable to handle the pressure of raising a child after a few years once it really set in, and Sodor had the room to take an extra kid. Cranky- Adoptive father of Sandy and Carly, originally just Carly's father until Carly uncovered Sandy and ended up attached to her. He was very against the idea of having a kid at first, but as the only other crane on Sodor (with the exception of Bereseford, but he just couldn't take a kid at all for unspecified reasons), Sir Topham Hatt managed to talk him into trying it out for Carly's sake. Now he adores both of his daughters and does his best to be there for them even as a stationary crane. Hiro- Kana's adoptive father, also a father figure towards Kenji. Kana stays on Sodor as part of an exchange program sort of deal, but she makes the occasional visits to Japan to spend more quality time with her father and older brother. Kenji does the same when visiting Sodor, Hiro tries to as well but he can't come as often as Kenji can. Hiro adores both of his children even if they're a bit fast and far more futuristic than himself, and he does his best to keep in touch with Kana. She's his special little girl!
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star-my · 1 year
Vixen ~ Three (Final)
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➼ Pairing: Jimin x OC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 6k
➼ Rating: pg-15
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Vague Threats of Violence; Kidnapping; Non-Graphic Violence (Fight Scene); Minor Discussion of Human Trafficking (not by BTS/SKZ members)| Ara and JK are so sibling-coded; Jimin ships Vixen and JK
➼ Thanks to @moonleeai for betaing! I had this posted at noon and closed tumblr but when I came back now somehow it disappeared into the cloud?? I'm so annoyed ;-;
➼ Taglist: @bangtan-famiglia-net@kookthief@otome-wandering@sarcasticbambi
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter 1 (13/10/23) ➼ Chapter 2 (14/10/23) ➼ Ao3 ➼ Masterlist
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A hand flopped around on the wooden table, finally locating the device making that infernal racket far too early in the morning.
“It’s too early for this,” Ara groaned, sliding the call button on her phone. “Yeoboseyo?”
“Princess? It’s Jimin. Sorry if I woke you…” Ara heard a sharp inhale as her husband realised the time. Still, he pressed on. “Um…you know how Park Wonshik adopted me after I was kidnapped?”
“Ye-ah,” she replied slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Why was he sounding so awake after helping her break up the trafficking ring early this morning? He probably hadn’t slept yet, she realized. Hence, his too-early call.
“So, the police broke up this ring last night and saved a bunch of kids. They called me and asked if I’d mind talking to them, tell them that things are gonna be okay, y’know?”
Ara made some sort of agreeing noise, heading to the bathroom to gargle some mouthwash and maybe comb her hair and hope that putting her hair in order would simultaneously put her brain cells in order.
“So…one of my dad’s old friends was there and suggested maybe…we could foster one or two of the kids who are in need of a home until they get all the paperwork sorted out. A couple of the kids agreed to testify, so they’ll also need to stay close until the trials are over. What do you think? We have really good security, so they won’t need to worry about a repeat kidnapping, and I know we’ve got space and love. You mentioned wanting to help trafficking victims when I was telling you about my childhood…but…”
The longer her silence stretched out, the more Jimin rambled. He was so cute.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great, practical way to help,” Ara agreed after spitting her mouthwash out. “Just let me know how many you kids you drag back so I know how many rooms to get ready.”
“Thank you, jagiya.” Muffled conversation crackled through the line as Jimin paused to speak with an officer. “Sorry, I have to go. I’ll call later, alright?”
“Okay. Love you!”
“Love you!”
Ara put her phone down on the counter and stared at her reflection in the mirror. 
At 2:33 PM, Jimin arrived home with an eleven-year-old girl in tow. The police officer and Child & Family Services officer quickly checked the premises and living situation, then left, leaving Jimin, Ara, and the girl.
Ara smiled, crouching down to her height. “Hi, I’m Shin Ara. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello, Mrs. Shin. My name is Kim Nabi,” Nabi bowed politely. “It is nice to meet you as well. Thank you for letting me live with you.”
Her shiny hair teased the tops of her shoulders as she moved. 
“I’ll show you to your room, then,” said Ara, motioning at the stairs. “I know you saw it already during the tour, but you can get settled now. My room is right across the hall, so my bodyguard will be close by if you feel unsafe. Have you met Jungkook yet?”
Nabi shook her head, then gave a small smile full of delight as she really took in her room.
Ara and Jimin’s gazes met as they exchanged smiles at her satisfaction.
The walls were a pale periwinkle reflected in the pale blue duvet, the trim white to contrast the wood furniture.
“I hope you like it,” joked Ara. “There are a couple of outfits in the closet, but I thought maybe you’d like to go shopping for some things your own style while you’re here. Jungkook and I will take you whenever you’re ready.”
Ara pulled the stuffed rabbit from the top shelf of the closet and held it out to Nabi. “I thought you might like a friend to talk to while you decide if you want to talk to me or someone else about what happened. I’ve told quite a few secrets to Cookie here, and he’s kept them all remarkably well. He also gives a pretty nice hug,” she smiled conspiratorially.
“Thank you very much, Mrs Shin, Mr Park,” Nabi bowed again.
“You’re welcome, Nabi. I know things have been tough, but you’re a very brave girl,” said Jimin. “We want you to feel safe and at home here. I remember how I felt after I was brought here by my adoptive father. If you want to scream, cry, maybe hit a couple of things, go for a run– whatever you’re feeling, we’re here for you.”
“Thank you,” Nabi said again.
Jimin kissed Ara’s cheek goodbye and left to finish his assistance at the police station.
Ara looked at Nabi, laid a soft hand on her shoulder, and said, “I think you’d like to be alone right now to settle in, but if you want company, my room is across the hall, and the door’s open. If you need anything, just walk in or give me a shout, ‘kay?”
Nabi nodded, and Ara crossed the hall to call Jungkook and explain the situation.
Ara softly knocked on Nabi’s door for the third time. When there was still no response, she twisted the knob and peered in.
Nabi was sound asleep in her bed, hugging Cookie tightly to her chest.
“Nabi, it’s ten to seven. Jimin-ssi will be home any minute, and supper will be ready. I’m sure you’re pretty hungry by now. Jungkook wants to meet you, too, so can you wake up and get up by seven?” As Ara talked soothingly, Nabi stirred and gradually opened her eyes. Ara opened the door a little wider to let the hallway light shine in, as Nabi had drawn her blackout drapes.
“Hello, Ara-unnie. I’m up now.” Nabi yawned and stretched, then slid off the bed.
“Did you have a good nap? I hope you’ll sleep tonight!” Ara stepped just outside the doorway so she wouldn’t stifle Nabi, who yawned again.
“Yes, I slept well, thank you.”
The two headed to the top of the stairs, where Jungkook awaited. 
“Nabi, this is my bodyguard and best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook, this young lady is Kim Nabi.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Nabi,” Jungkook’s bunny smile shone through as he grinned at the girl.
“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you as well, Jungkook-oppa.”
Jungkook grinned even wider at Ara. “I’m her oppa already!”
Ara punched his shoulder gently. “Don’t let it go to your head; I told her she could call us that.”
The foyer door opened, signalling Jimin’s return home. He headed to the powder room to wash up, then joined the little group in the living room, brushing a kiss to Ara’s cheek on his way in.
Jungkook pretended to gag, wincing as Ara pinched his arm.
Nabi was quiet during dinner, her gaze bouncing between the three adults talking and laughing around her but not volunteering much. They drew her in when they could, but weren’t surprised that she didn’t immediately become a chatterbox. She’d been through a lot and was probably still deciding how much she could trust them. 
Ara did manage to get her to commit to going clothes shopping the next day, but that was it.
A large yawn cracked Nabi’s face as Jimin asked Jungkook to see him in his office after supper, so Ara said goodnight to the men and followed Nabi upstairs, just in case she forgot where something was or needed help.
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Two nights later, Jimin was back at Vixen’s HQ, meeting with the woman herself. He’d showed up unexpectedly, interrupting her spar with Hyunjin, so she wasn’t in full Vixen gear like all the previous times he’d met her.
She’d donned the mask, but her hair was free, a neat brown-black braid falling down her back, a few wisps curled to her sweaty face and neck. 
“If you tell anyone you’ve seen more of me than my lieutenants, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to break our agreement,” she waved a finger at him.
“I won’t,” promised Jimin. More of her meant arms and feet, since she was only in a black tank top and workout leggings, her jacket having been tossed aside as she heated up.
Jimin noted interestedly that the gold eyes and red mouth was an indispensable part of Vixen’s persona, as they were still visible.
(As two of her most notable character marks, Ara made sure the lipstick and contacts were first in and last out when she switched between Ara and Vixen. He’d just proved her point—though he didn’t know it—that you should always be prepared for the unexpected; you never know when someone would drop in, either ally or foe.)
“So, you took care of the three men?” she asked.
Jimin nodded. “JK and I made sure they won’t be trafficking in the future…or committing any other crimes.”
She nodded approvingly. “Good.”
The tones of Vixen’s cell phone rang and she bent over, fishing the phone out of her pocket. Answering it, she turned around but didn’t move away; Jimin eavesdropped as best he could. “Vixen.”
There was a pause as her contact spoke.
“What? Stall him! Flag him down and tell him I have a visitor! Engage blade if necessary.” With an aggravated sigh, Vixen ended the call and pinched her nose, muttering something about stupid training, then turned with a smile that was clearly false.
“I’m going to need a minute, would you mind waiting in another room?”
Jimin complied, following her to a small room that reminded him of a cabin. She pointed to the twin bed and shut the door behind her. Jimin didn’t feel like a captive since there was a window large enough for him to crawl through, and there didn’t appear to be any bars or lasers to stop him from doing so if he wished. But he didn’t wish to; he was here for a reason, afterall.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway as someone came jogging up to Vixen. The tread was heavy, likely male, and the visitor greeted her in a male’s voice.
“Hey Vix, I found out where he keeps the goods- why are you frown- ouch! VIX-mmph!”
That male voice sounded awfully familiar. Jimin frowned.
“Shh! I’m gagging you because he’s. next. door!” hissed Vixen harshly. “If you’d checked outside before you snuck in, you'd have seen his car!”
Jimin strained his ears as the whispers softened and moved down the hallway. However, he’d managed to drop a bug on Vixen’s back as he followed her, so he pulled out his receiver and shamelessly eavesdropped.
“I came over the roofs tonight so I didn’t see. I’m sorry, VIx, that was careless; I should’ve known better. I’ll check 360 degrees next time, yakseokhae.”
That was definitely JK.
“Good. Yeesh, oppa, you almost gave everything away! I had Han ready to rush you with his knife to slow you down!”
Oppa?! Why was Vixen so close to JK?
“Sorry, Vixen. But I found out where he keeps the goods, and I’m getting mine tomorrow, so I need to make sure the others won’t be visible when it’s done.”
…the blacklight tattoos each member got when they were inducted into Bangtan? He’d thought JK was a reliable asset to Bangtan, so he’d invited him to get it. JK was obviously Vixen’s spy in Bangtan, but why?…most of JK’s time was spent on his bodyguarding duties with Ara.
Unless…Vixen was going to take out Ara to hit Bangtan and Grey? But both of them were allied with her, that didn’t make sense. And he knew JK would never hurt or let anyone or anything hurt Ara.
Clearly, more investigation was required.
“When are you going to tell him, anyways, Vix? Hasn’t it been long enough for you to trust him?”
Vixen sighed. “It’s a big secret–half my life. It takes time to open up.”
“I understand. I’ll be there when you’re ready. I’ll leave now…”
Jimin heard JK discover the bug when he hugged Vixen goodbye. 
There was a pause, crackling as the bug was moved, then a dramatic inhale.
“Vix, what’s this?”
“That’s not one of ours…that’s Jimin’s. I thought I felt his fingers on my back, but I didn’t have time to check.” Vixen cursed, and then all that Jimin heard was static as JK crushed the bug under his boot.
The door swung open, JK standing protectively beside Vixen, who crossed her arms and stared at Jimin.
“Fine. You discovered it. Jungkook is my spy in Bangtan. He helped me start Stray Kids, and he’s an honorary member, since he’s technically affiliated with Gray. I’m not plotting anything against you. Happy?” “Why do you care about Bangtan’s tattoos?” Jimin stared back at her.
“Because Stray Kids have blacklight tattoos too, and I didn’t want to out JK’s and my relationship because you picked a spot close to his previous tattoo to add yours. It’s moot now, I guess.”
“Relationship?” He glanced between the two.
“We’re just friends,” they said in unison, then looked at each other. “What he/she said.”
Jimin sighed. Sure. Just friends. Whatever you say.
“Okay, prove it. Do you have a blacklight around?”
Hyunjin entered with the light and JK unbuttoned his shirt, slipping it off one shoulder. The Stray Kids symbol glowed blue at the joining of his neck and shoulder. Along his left arm were eight small bands of moon phases, as well.
Vixen held the blacklight to her shoulder, and the vivid blue symbol appeared on the front of her left shoulder, slightly larger and thicker than JK’s. “Happy?”
“Alright, I believe you.” Jimin took the light from her and waved it over his left collarbone, showing Bangtan’s symbol in glowing purple-blue. “You can choose where you put it, but somewhere that allows for easy access is a good choice for easy ID,” he told JK before turning to Vixen. “Bangtan’s tattoos are secret for a reason.”
She nodded companionably. “Same with Stray Kids, hence, blacklight. JK and I won’t say anything.”
JK nodded as Jimin looked at him. “ I won’t say a word, boss.”
“You’re affiliated with three families, JK. Which one are you most loyal to?”
JK swallowed, his big eyes a bit rounder than normal at Jimin’s subtly threatening tone. 
“Yeah, JK, tell me who you’re loyal to,” Vixen buffed her nails against her shirt as she leaned against the doorway, the very picture of nonchalance.
“...I am equally loyal to them. My primary loyalty is to your wife.”
After several tense seconds, Jimin smiled approvingly and patted his shoulder. “Good.”
Vixen nodded at him for his diplomatic answer, then left to continue her spar with Hyunjin.
Jimin and Jungkook rejoined, watching the spar just as VIxen put Hyunjin in an armlock. He tapped out and Jungkook danced into the ring. “Still mad at me for my slip up, Vix?”
“No, we’re good. Foxtrot spar?” She added one of her many code words with him, requesting the use of martial arts plus blades.
Jungkook nodded, and the spar began.
Jimin leaned forward, closely following the pair’s movements. Their sheer grace and long practice of martial arts gave them the facade of a deadly dance, clearly used to practicing together.
Silver flashes gleamed as their knives slashed and parried, tucked away the next second for strikes and kicks.
Finally, JK saw an opening as Vixen slowed from fatigue, her previous spar with Hyunjin lowering her endurance. Caught in a chokehold, Vixen tapped out.
Bowing, the pair ended the spar. Jimin clapped, impressed. “You both fight very well.”
“Thank you,” they said in unison, leaning down to grab a water bottle, opening it, and chugging at the same time.
Jimin rolled his eyes. Totally “just friends”.
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Two weeks later, two days before the beginning of the trials, Ara took Nabi to the mall to take her mind off the upcoming event. Nabi now had a varied wardrobe, but Ara was looking for formal dresses for them for a future party..
Nabi had settled in surprisingly quickly, becoming more talkative and outgoing as the days passed, though she was still a quiet child.
She had only been on the street a week since her mom died when she was kidnapped. No one knew who or where her dad was.
Ara had contacted a counsellor for Nabi to see when she was ready to talk about it, and she and Jimin had agreed they’d love to foster with intent to adopt. When Nabi was ready, they’d talk about it. So far, she seemed to love the house, and she often followed Jungkook around like a duckling when he wasn’t with Ara.
Jungkook casually browsed through the men’s section of the formalwear store while he kept an eye on other customers. Ara took Nabi to the womens’ changerooms to try on a couple dresses each. Stepping into the room beside Nabi’s, she froze at the reflection of the man in the mirror with the gun painted at her.
“Follow me quietly and you and the kid won’t get hurt,” he growled.
Tentatively, Ara turned around, hoping Nabi would stay in her changeroom.
Alas, that was not to be, as Nabi stepped out. “Unnie, my zipp-” she stared at the man and Ara calmly, though her eyes were wide with shock. Slowly, she crept behind Ara, keeping an eye on the man.
“Come quietly and you’ll both be fine,” threatened the man. They headed out the back way to the van idling by the door. 
Getting in, Ara felt the dull throb of a needle prick as everything faded to black.
Jungkook headed to the fitting rooms anxiously. Twelve minutes had passed with no sign of either Nabi or Ara. Normally, Ara asked for his opinion on formal fits; while he supposed she may have decided to ask Jimin’s opinion instead, he was still a little worried.
As soon as he saw the silver and jade hairpin Ara had worn that day on the ground, the needle pointing to the back exit, he knew something was up. Pulling out his phone, he began making calls.
Slowly blinking her heavy lids, Ara tried to focus her thoughts and make sense of everything. As she gradually became more clear-headed, her memories returned.
Pretending to still be unconscious, she strained her senses to check her surroundings.
So far, she could tell that she was likely in a warehouse (how original) in the industrial area by the Han River, with the smell of water and the faint industrial noises surrounding her.
Nabi was in the chair behind her, back-to-back, either still out or merely pretending, like herself.
Ara couldn’t sense any hostile presence around–evidently, they were still supposed to be under the drug’s influence for a while longer.
Carefully, she pressed her watch button in and twisted it, sending an emergency GPS ping to both Chan and Jin.
Clearly, the kidnappers didn’t expect much of a chaebol heiress; since she was untouched, her eight knives, two GPSs, and five impromptu weapons were still on her. Well, at least they were respectful. This meant she was likely not going to be harmed, at least at first, and they didn’t know she was Vixen. 
She could work with that.
“Nabi-ah, are you awake?” If she was, Ara would have to wait for her prince(s) in shining armour (unless the kidnappers tried something before then), but if Nabi was still out, Ara could fight her way out and then claim a rescue…
She felt Nabi’s hands brush hers, then– “I know you’re Vixen. Can you get us out of here before oppa comes?”
 How- how did this child– Jimin still didn’t know!
“I’ll try.” She wiggled a knife free and passed it through their bonds to Nabi. “Go for blood if you’re in trouble. Now is not the time for guilt or gentleness. Use your teeth and elbows if you have to. Aim for fleshy parts like eyes, groin, or disabling their arms and hands.”
“Got it,” Nabi whispered back. “You’re so cool, unnie.”
Ara smiled inwardly, then began tugging the knot of the rope around her hands loose.
Once she had undone the ropes, she slyly slid one of her knives from her thigh free, using it to cut Nabi loose. “Sit tight unless you’re attacked, okay? On three, I’m going to get our captors’ attention. I already sent a distress signal, so Jimin and Jungkook will be here soon,” she added to reassure her foster daughter.
On three, she ripped the blindfold off and stood up, sliding the knives tucked into her heels out and kicking them off, choosing to fight barefoot.
A quick slash up the side seam of her skirt, and she was ready to fight.
The kidnappers had noticed that she was awake, and five men dressed in black ran into the room. 
Good, no guns, yet. The illegal weapons left traces very difficult to clean up and explain away.
Silently she charged the row of three, using the first’s momentum to tumble the second and third like dominoes.
While they were still reeling, Ara began slicing at the fourth and fifth, incapacitating them by aiming for their thighs and shoulders.
One, Two, and Three regained their balance, and Ara hurled one of her blades into Two’s shoulder as she danced around Three, hitting pressure points to take him out.
On her way to One, she yanked the knife out of Two’s shoulder, jabbing it at his waist and thigh.
One appeared to be better trained than the others as he aimed for a pressure point on Ara’s neck. Unluckily for him, she grabbed his wrist, forced him to his knees, and kicked him in the groin.
Spinning back to Two, she hit his neck to temporarily paralyse him, watching him slump before repeating the motion on One.
Sighing, she brushed her hair out of her face, wishing she hadn’t dropped her hairpin at the store as a clue for Jungkook. He’d have found her soon enough through the CCTVs, and she could see better without her hair flying around if she’d kept it.
A second batch of five emerged from the hallway she assumed led to the boss’s control room, but this time the group was armed and better prepared.
Ara supposed the first group were the disposable, bottom-tier underlings who underestimated her.
Dropping into a crouch, she grinned ferally. Worked every time.
Two and Three charged her at the same time, so she simply crouched there, then uncoiled at the last second. Using Two’s knee as a springboard, she wrapped her legs around Three’s neck, sending Two sprawling and choking Three out.
On her way to meet One, Four, and Five, she gifted Two a knife to the thigh, dangerously close to the femoral artery. Oops.
Just before she hit One and Four, she dropped to her knees and slid by, taking their legs out. Rather badass a move of her, if she thought so herself.
Five grabbed her by the hair–rude, but smart— thankfully, it was long enough she could twist to face him and swipe at his knees, then grab his wrist and twist him around.
He released her hair, and she swiftly knocked him out, then headed back to the still-conscious Two, Four, and One.
A quick insurance stab to their dominant arms, and all ten opponents were incapacitated, if not unconscious.
Ara spun to the door, dropping into a defensive stance and re-gripping her blades tightly, only to relax in relief when IN and Felix showed up. 
“Oh, good, you’re the first ones here. Nabi knows– I’ll figure out how later– but as of right now, Jimin doesn’t know, so you two took out those assailants, okay? I watched you rescue me when I woke up halfway through the fight,” Ara quickly aligned their cover stories.
Clearly, she should tell Jimin about her…nightly business ventures, but now would not be the time.
“Yes, ma’am,” Vixen’s bodyguards saluted, then began dragging the kidnappers into a row and tying them up.
Ara reclaimed her knife from Nabi and sat back in her chair, holding hands with the girl.
“Jimin-ssi should be here very soon and we can go home, okay? You were so brave; I’m proud of you. It’s okay now, so I understand if you’re a little scared or overwhelmed. Do you want to talk about it?”
Nabi shook her head. “I wasn’t scared; I knew you’d keep us safe, and Jimin-oppa and Jungkook-oppa would come for us.”
‘’How did you know I’m Vixen, Nabi-ah? And I gather you figured Jimin and Jungkook out too.”
Nabi grinned, turning in her chair to face Ara. “Jimin-oppa doesn’t wear a mask. I recognized him from the night when you all rescued us. That pink hair is kind of distinctive. I thought Jungkook-oppa worked for Vixen, but then I saw him with Jimin at the police station. I didn’t know till you woke me up for supper the first night; the way you talked to me and approached me was just like Vixen. And then I saw you with Jungkook-oppa and you were close to him like Vixen was.”
“Is that why you were watching us all so closely?” Ara had a revelation. “I just thought you didn’t trust us yet.”
Nabi nodded proudly. “I was trying to figure out who knew what about who.”
Ara smiled at Nabi and smoothed her hair down. “You are a very clever girl– you’re the first person to figure out that Shin Ara and Vixen are the same person. Everyone else who knows, I told. Have you figured out what everybody knows by now?”
“I think so…you and Jungkook-oppa know each other and Jimin-ssi, and he knows Jungkook-oppa but not you?”
Ara nodded, “Good job, Nabi-ah. Jimin’s family and mine are allies, and Jungkook works for both of them, Gray and Bangtan. He also works for my –Vixen’s– family, Stray Kids. Jimin-ssi and my appa both do not know about me being Vixen, but I think I should tell them now, don’t you?”
Nabi nodded. “Secrets should be kept few and far between.”
“Wise wor-”
Their talk was interrupted by a group of armed men bursting in, guns in hand.
Ara and Nabi blinked back at Jimin’s wide gaze. “You’re safe!”
He holstered his gun and anxiously looked them over. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, pulling Ara into a hug, then Nabi. “What happened?”
“We’re fine, Jimin. Nabi is probably a bit more anxious than she lets on, but we’re fine,” Ara ran her hand down his chest soothingly, feeling the rapid thumping of his heartbeat.
Jimin pulled back to examine Ara's face. “Why is there blood on you?”
“Oh, it's not mine, it’s…theirs…” Ara waved at the neat row of captives guarded by Felix and IN. “They took those guys out and rescued Nabi and me. Jungkook called them, saying we were in trouble.”
Ara had to have some last fun as Vixen, before she unmasked. Unable to resist, she asked in a loud whisper, “Why are there so many of you and why did you have a gun?!”
Jungkook coughed loudly to cover his laughter at Ara’s acting. Felix and IN exchanged grins, turning their backs to ‘guard the prisoners’.
The rest of Jimin’s squad of six looked awkwardly around, invested in the drama and wondering how their boss was going to get out of this jam.
Panic flashed through Jimin’s eyes. “Uh…why don’t we get you home and have a doctor look at you, jagiya. You must have been so scared, Nabi-ah. Let’s go home, hm? I think Mrs Lee was stress-baking up a storm.”
Jungkook slipped out to start the car and told Jimin quietly, but loud enough for Ara to get the message, “I called Dr. Hyunjin– he’ll understand. I have Lady’s men ready to help; I called her guys after you and Jin-hyung.”
“Thanks, JK.” Jimin escorted his girls to the car, leaving Jungkook to drive home while he fussed over them in the backseat.
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Ara waited till Nabi showered and Hyunjin okayed her to do anything, much to her husband’s chagrin.
Nabi went straight to bed, and Hyunjin told Ara and Jimin that she was healthy, with no side effects from the drug used to knock them out, and was only stressed, though less so than he’d expected.
Ara was touched by Nabi’s faith in her and her guys. 
Hyunjin said good night and all the attention was on Ara. She willingly took a shower, conceding to that after adamantly refusing Hyunjin’s checkup.
Finally, so Jimin would stop worrying, she agreed to give him five minutes to reassure himself that she was indeed feeling 100%.
Ara perched on the counter in her ensuite, her towel wrapped around her neatly and another on her head to keep her hair from dripping in her face.
Cupping Jimin’s face in her hands, she looked him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, yeobo.”
“It’s not your fault, jagi,” Jimin protested immediately.
“Not the kidnapping, no, but the worrying, yes. There’s something I need to tell you. Please don’t freak out, okay?”
Jimin nodded warily, his eyes full of questions.
Ara grimaced, then said. “I know you’re Park Jimin, Head of the Bangtan mafia.”
His face jerked out of her hands. “What? No, I’m not– where did you–”
“Sh, I know, Jimin.” She cupped his face again. “I know Appa is Shin Jungok, head of the Gray mafia. I know my oppas work for you and him as mafiosos. I know your friends aren’t just your friends, they’re also mafia. I know my friend Minho is mafia. The reason I know all this is because…I’m mafia. I’m Lady Vixen.”
Jimin pulled his face away again to stare at her, his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
“I know I was never supposed to know who you all are, but I have since I was twelve. I started planning Vixen then; Kookie helped me. When I was seventeen and Kook was my full-time bodyguard and we could sneak around, I became Vixen.”
“I…don’t believe you.”
Ara hopped off the counter and exited the bathroom, heading for her closet. She changed into jeans and a blouse, then slid her shoes on. “Follow me if you dare.”
Jimin took her hand, confused and curious, as Ara led him to Jungkook’s bike in the garage.
They hopped on, Ara revved, and they sped off, Ara making evasive manoeuvres and pulling over randomly to ensure no one would follow them.
Ara casually strolled up to Vixen’s HQ, D9, and entered her fingerprint, eight-digit code, and eye scan after a moment’s pause.
She headed straight to the back, to Vixen’s room, waving briskly at the sparring members of her mafia gathered in the main room, and pressed on a panel in the wall.
The panel popped out and Ara reached in, removed a small package, and slipped her contacts and fangs in. A small tube of lipstick sat on a shelf, and Ara carefully applied a coat. The mask went on, the jacket was zipped up, and her boots laced up.
Dumbfounded, Jimin watched as his wife did a slow twirl in front of him, a smug smirk on her face. The entire transformation took five minutes.
“You’re really Vixen.”
Hyunjin popped in with the blacklight again and Ara confirmed her SKZ tattoo on her shoulder. “Thanks, Jinnie. Can you ask the others to come see me in a minute, please?”
In the minute they were left alone, Ara sat behind her desk and kicked out a chair for Jimin to sink into. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner–for worrying you without reason. I was actually the one who knocked out the guys; Innie and Lix got there after. That’s why I was bloody.”
Hyunjin reentered with IN and Felix, handing Jimin a bundle.
He unwrapped it to discover six knives and two stilettos, which caused him to turn to Ara in confusion.
She smirked. “I never go out unarmed. I also have a GPS in each watch and a few of my larger jewellery pieces. I could also have utilized the belt on my skirt and my necklace as weapons, if I so wish. Unfortunately, I had to leave my hairpin behind, but I often wear my hair up in pins because they double as an excellent weapon in a pinch…especially if they’re modified. All this is to say, I’m sorry for worrying you earlier, and I can take care of myself, so please don’t worry if something like this happens again.”
Jimin stared at her, taking in this whole other side of his wife he’d overlooked before. “Wow, you really are a vixen.”
She tossed him a wink, a proper one, as Seungmin, Minho, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung entered. 
“Sup, Vix? Oh…”
“Yep, I told him. Thought he might like to know some of my most trusted men, so he can reassure himself about everything.”
Once her men gave a succinct explanation of their path to Stray Kids and left, the couple were left alone, silence blanketing Vixen’s office.
Jimin leaned back in his chair, exhaling slowly. “You’re really something, jagiya.”
The faint sound of people sparring elsewhere in the building filtered through the air while he collected his thoughts.
“I want to be angry that you hid all this from me, but I can’t really without being a hypocrite. Thank you for telling me now.”
Ara sighed in relief. “Thank you for accepting this part of me. Shall we agree to keep no more secrets?”
The two shook hands solemnly. “No more secrets.”
“Oh, by the way…Nabi figured you out the first night she stayed with us because you don’t wear a mask, and also because of your pink hair. She found me out because Vixen and Ara approached her the same way.”
Jimin sputtered and Ara giggled.
“We have a future menace to society and the underworld on our hands.”
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Park Jimin and Shin Ara exited the courthouse, their bodyguards shielding them and their new daughter from the paparazzi.
Once the trial was over and the traffickers harshly sentenced, Nabi relaxed more and was able to enjoy life.
She’d readily agreed to Jimin and Ara’s proposal and was delighted to become a Park.
Secretly, she was dying to know which Family she’d join when she grew up, but wisely didn’t say anything about it.
Now, the papers were signed, sealed, and filed, and Kim Nabi was officially Park Nabi.
In honour of the occasion, Bangtan and Stray Kids had collaborated again to open Black Swan, a restaurant that would be Nabi’s future, if she so desired.
Bangtan and Gray had also collaborated to open Blue and Grey, the last bar in the Blue string owned by Jungok.
He’d been thoroughly shocked to find out his little girl had known for a long time about his secondary business, and how she had twisted his most trusted men around her little pinky (Jin and Namjoon had been glared at for weeks after Ara spilled the beans), but he was proud of her ambition and success, even though he wished she had stayed on the legal side of things.
Jimin crawled into bed beside Ara and flipped off the light, turning to pull her to him.
“How is everything going? You’ve been pretty busy lately,” she murmured, cuddling into his body heat.
“It’s calming down now, thankfully. The worst part is seeing you less.”
“Flatterer,” she said, but Jimin heard the smile in her voice. “I miss you too, when you’re busy like this.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, enjoying her angelic appearance as the moonlight fell across her face. They lay there, cuddling in silence for a while, until a thought struck Jimin. He’d been getting used to talking to Ara about his mafia issues, knowing that she’d understand him better now.
“Yoongi is looking for a wife.”
“Oh?” Sheets rustled as Ara pulled away a bit, turning to look at him.
“Yeah, for some reason he wants a wife who’s not in a gang. You know anyone?”
Ara made a noise of surprise. “Really? Hm…I might! You know how I’m allying with that gang, Seventeen, temporarily? I might find a way. I’ll look into it.”
TO BE CONTINUED…in Godmother: Tigress
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A/N: Thank you all so much for reading my story! I hope you have a beautiful life<3
Some fun notes about the universe, if you're interested:
-> 22924514 = Vixen in Alpha-numeric code. It's Vixen's code for D9. D9 is a STAY easter egg.
-> Jimin and Jungkook were both part of the same trafficking/rescue situation. They weren’t together, though, and their memories are fuzzy and black out from that time. Eventually, they realise they have a connection and bond over it.
15 notes · View notes
sochawrites · 2 years
Ok Corey Cunningham one-shot with an s/o who is also a serial killer on the run looking for a new start. Working at a new job as the towns new librarian. So when they come across Corey ,while trying to get some gas and snacks, with the cut in his hand they already know what to do to patch him up with the first aid kit in their car. Corey just looked so cute, they couldn't resist so maybe some stalking here and there couldn't hurt. So imagine to their surprise to finding out that someone was stalking the stalker. The stalker's stalker is just as obsessed as they are so as a gift reader sends Corey a heart(like a human heart) and in return he gives them the knife he first killed someone with. And they both leave secret little love letters for each other bc they're both so shy around another.
Imma try, but I think I died inside a little while writing this, since it got to over 1800 words and it's finals week, not that I have any chance at having any reasonable results either way... Anyways, hope you'll enjoy this attempt of mine! ^^
Corey Cunningham x serial killer!reader
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The people here were different from what you were used to, always looking behind their shoulders, triple locking their doors and whatnot. If you were not trying to leave your old life behind, you'd take their awareness as a personal challenge. You of course knew why they all acted that way, news about Michael Myers spread like wildfire everywhere at that time, which is why Haddonfield was perfect for you. 
With a serial killer still lurking around, if you ever felt the need, you'd just have to match his style, which wasn't as easy as one may have thought, he had an almost artistic execution, but not many people seemed to notice. 
The quiet library helped you cease your longing for bloodshed, since the only people coming in nowadays were old people, and they were out of your preferred age group. They were a nice source of information on the other hand, way better than the news reports, always remembering some interesting backstories. You learned about many people that way, and you were most interested in learning about Laurie Strode and her granddaughter, Allyson. They both had a strong survival instinct in them, they'd be fun to break.
So it might have been just a pure coincidence that you were at the same gas stop as Strode, at the very same time. You were ready to go inside too when a little commotion grabbed your attention. A bunch of band kids ganging up on some guy? Oh, how have the times changed...
"Hey! Get away from him!" you scolded the kids. One of them stopped what he was doing, just to look at you venomously, "Can't you see we're having just a little fun moment here? Go away". You wanted to add that kid to your list so, so much, but you had to control yourself. "Don't use that tone on me, kid. Scatter or I'm telling your grandparents." their baffled expressions were enough to bring a smile to your face, "That's right, I know them. So, what will it be?".
You barely finished your line, before the kids were exchanging looks, and running away, inside the store and out of your earshot. "Goddamn kids, I swear they are getting worse every year." you mumbled, just so the guy on the ground could hear you and turned to him, "You good?".
"I've been better..." he reached for his wrist, squeezing it hard. You tilted your head at the motion, but a quick look at the ground answered the unsaid question for you. You were never one to help people, quite the opposite, really, but an idea emerged in your mind. 
Laurie had always looked at you in a way you could only call recognition as if deep down she know who you were. It made your blood boil. How could she know? You were trying so hard! But maybe seeing you helping someone would change her mind slightly.
"Let me see..." you cooed at the stranger, gently taking his hand and pulling it closer to you. There was some glass stuck in his palm, along with some plain cuts. It looked painful, but at the end of the day, you've... seen worse. "I've got some aid kit in my car... If you want me to help, that is." he simply nodded and pulled himself up, only now letting you have a good look at his face. He looked weirdly familiar... and cute. 
It wasn't until he was seated at the edge of your trunk with you dissecting his wounds that the realization hit you, "Sorry if I'm a bit probing, but aren't you Corey Cunningham?". The stranger has visibly stiffened, confirming your suspicions. "Oh, don't worry, I'm the last person who'd ostracize you."
Small talk was never your forte, but this guy, this Corey, he was... intriguing, so you tried to conversate while you patched him up, eventually going as far as offering him a ride home, Laurie long forgotten. He was hesitant to accept but did so after you reassured him a few times that you certainly didn't mind. 
The ride was quiet, your skittish nature finally getting the better of you, and his one wasn't helping the quiet at all. But you already knew all you needed, and if you didn't? You were dead set on finding out more by your old ways. There was something so interesting about him, enough to relit the spark you tried to vanquish.
Your time at work started to go by gradually slower and slower, your body itching to go out and lurk around your new obsession, out of his sight, of course. But today was different, special. You had a little gift prepared for him today. An invitation to a Halloween party, and a cheap plastic mask. The invitation was anonymous, but you couldn't wait to see his surprised face when would find it.
"Well, I certainly didn't expect you here! Corey, how are you?" you cheered at him as if you weren't waiting by the entrance for him ever since you showed up. He smiled at you, happy to see a familiar, non-hateful face, "Could always be better, but thanks for asking, how are you?". You exchanged some pleasantries, which was expected, before you gently took his hand and pulled him towards the bar, "I don't know how about you, but I'm thirsty! Let's get something". 
The night went smoothly, you talked, laughed, danced, and did the little conventionally expected drinking. You could say that you had a blast, that is until you didn't and panic was set in your core. You lost him. You lost Corey! He was right by your side just a moment before. Right there! You mentally pointed and looked around the spot. But now, you couldn't see him anywhere, he wasn't at the bar, he wasn't at the dance floor, he wasn't there! The only place you haven't looked around was the outside. You went out, full of anticipation, anxious to find him there, just to see those darn music kids riding around, but no Corey in sight.
Did he not want to talk to you anymore? Have you said something? Have you done something?
You spend the whole night, day and another night looking for him but ultimately decided to wait for him in the vicinity of his house. He had to go home sooner or later, no? It was long after sunrise when he showed up, looking all beat up, dirty, and visibly distressed. You could hardly contain yourself from running up to him. Was he really there? or was your broken mind playing tricks on your eyes? But why was he... bloody? You didn't dare to get any closer, in fear it truly was only a delusion, and what would you even say to him after he practically ran away from you like Cinderella. How come you didn't think about what you would say to him? You stayed at your spot for a while longer before you decided to leave, but something stopped you. 
The devil's eyes were looking right at you from across the road, hidden behind the dirty, off-white, beaten mask. There was no doubt in your mind, it had to be Michael Myers himself, in broad daylight. When had he shown up? You had a little stare-off before he tilted his head. You had no idea what that meant but something inside you told you to nod. Why? You had no idea, but the shape had seemingly lost interest in you, turning his gaze at the house your shared obsession dwelled. However, your eyes stayed on him. This was fascinating, and you had to know more.
It wasn't long until Michael grew bored of waiting for the boy, and went away. You weren't far behind him, stalking him, or so you thought, you were merely allowed to follow. 
You made your way to the entrance of his nest, there were marks of dragged bodies all over, and a fresh pool of blood smeared towards a weirdly taunt-up tent. Was it a good idea to follow him there? Probably not, and you'd be most likely pushing your luck if you deiced to go any further. But luck was for those who didn't know how to swim through life, so you went in.
The vivid smell was the first thing to reach your senses. Shit, piss and old blood, to normal people it would be a sign to get the hell out of there, you were far from normal though. Michael was, as you expected, standing in something one could hardly call a room, but it was a kind of space. There were piles of weird substances all over, along with rats, dead rats, bones and- Corey's mask! This was something you had to think through. Corey was here, with Michael, and survived, something that was unheard of, although... you were there too...
You settled on going home since Myers would most likely just continue ignoring you in his uncanny way. You turned on both TV, radio and social media, looking for clues. It didn't take long, as the words were flooding all channels and apps. A new killer was on the scene, seen together with the shape, wearing a scarecrow mask. Was this why he was so intriguing to you? Did Michael see the same in him? And was he now his apprentice? "This needs something special"
You would lie to yourself if you said you didn't miss the feeling. The heat, the texture, oh what bliss! The warm heart of a young man in your palms... Now the less enjoyable part – clean up. 
The Allen's house was towering over you, it was starting to look like a ruin. The front doors were unlocked. Corey was lying by the stairs, you could see the dried red liquid beneath him from where the little kid had fallen. He looked so peaceful, you couldn't help but gush over him, and before you knew it, your hand was caressing his cheek. He sleepily leaned into it, it made you smile, and you wanted to live in this moment forever. You couldn't stay, not yet, still feeling awkward, but you hoped the note you left for Corey, together with your gift, would help with your problem. For my scarecrow...
You went lurking outside the house, waiting for the new resident to wake up and leave, leaving free space for you to look around. It took him longer than you expected, waking long after midday, he must be hungry, and not being to go home for food from his mother... you might fetch something for him after you're done here. The box you had placed in front of the doors was gone, put away from prying eyes, but your note was there instead. Except it wasn't just your note anymore. Corey's handwriting was facing you, it was messy but still readable, and it did well to express the rush of emotions he must have felt. You swiftly scanned it over, a smirk forming on your lips. Maybe you wouldn't have to bring anything here with you... Maybe you could take him with you instead, and perhaps slaughter some people together here and there... Oh, you could definitely do some more slaughtering...
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