#anti book magnus
1800-lemon-boy · 2 months
I will never forgive Rick riordan for making Leo and calypso get together but not Biltz and Hearth.
I will forever hate Caleo
I’m very passionate about this.
This is coming from someone who read Magnus chase before he ever read Percy Jackson btw.
I’m still not over it.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk x
(I know that their actions can be platonic but just read the books and you will understand)
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
making a complete list of my thoughts of the show vs books since I finished it and will probably leave some stuff out since I’m super forgetful, sorry 💀
1. once again love that they upped the ages. glad we didn’t have centuries year old Magnus chasing teenager Alec or all the other inappropriate relationships in the books
2. Malec is fucking perfect on the show and it really showed that if any actually cares about them, they can make the characters much better and give the characters a better shot than the author ever did. I seriously love all the details Matt, Harry, and whoever wrote their episodes did. only one I cannot stand is when Alec doesn’t realize right away that Magnus and valentine switched bodies. but alec handled the immortality thing wayyyyyy better than book Alec ever could. book Alec (and pretty much TMI content and etc) barely exists let’s be real
3. Izzy and Simon are way too rushed in the series but at least they have more do a friendship and there’s no cheating storyline. but I kinda like Maia and Simon together. I feel that Maia understood Simon.
adding: I don’t mind Simon and clary in the show dating and the way they end things is not as harsh as it is in the books. maybe clary (I’m being kind lmao) actually cares about Simon in the show but still kinda uses him at times
4. might be the only thing I’ll say about the books that’s nice but it would’ve been cute to see the vacation storyline (eldest curses) in the show. would’ve been cute to see a Malec holiday and moving towards them having children 🥹
5. Maia doesn’t get enough credit. she’s one of the few sensible people on the show and gets more attention than book Maia ever did
6. speaking of Maia, I’m glad they didn’t go too extreme with the Jordan plot. in the books, I think she was made to feel to get over how Jordan treated her. but man, why does the actor have to be attractive 😭
7. I really like Maryse and Luke together. they fit each other quite well. Maryse has some of the best development in the show and I loved seeing her grow
8. glad Jocelyn was killed off. she was more insufferable in the books so glad the show decided they didn’t need that energy
9. Jace and clary are both clearly insufferable but it’s worse in the books. I feel like in the show they’re still pretty bad but it’s a little tamed
10. Alec deserved better than jace. dude had the audacity to act as though Alec is a fling, expected Alec at his beck and call to do whatever he wanted while not understanding or caring about Alec’s feelings and his needs, practically invites himself at Magnus’s place while being the worst roommate, and then taking for granted all the people who sacrificed (MAGNUS AND HIS MAGIC LITERALLY THIS LOVELY MAN LOSES HIS MAGIC AND HIS HOME AND HIS MIND) once again to help his worthless ass
11. wish they wouldn’t have killed ragnor off. we got to see a lot of vampires and wolves but not a lot of warlocks. would’ve been great to see more of Magnus’s friends. you could seriously make a whole show based off on Magnus and his life
12. kinda wish they kept camille around. I know she was drama for malec in the beginning but she’s still a very fascinating character
13. I’m 100% thankful for the show not following the books and creating their own world
14. I would’ve loved to see more of the alternate universe episodes. one of the best episodes
15. ALL THE MALEC PARALLELS. these two beautiful and desperately, devoted, in love with one another men are seriously the best part of the show 😭 the fact that there are no cheating stories (when Alec is all drunk, underhill is flirting and all Alec can talk about is Magnus. Magnus defies bisexual stereotypes when dot tries to kiss him.), no taking away immortality or throwing fits or bierasure, or any toxic storylines is one of my fav things about Malec. they’re just two beings who are so in love with one another, who communicate, and are just completely devoted to each other. and it’s one of the reasons why everyone was so hooked on Malec. they’re healthy but you’re also excitedly rooting for them 🫶🏼
16. Clary deserved to lose her ability with runes. the angels message was to not use her rune ability for whatever she pleased but she took advantage of it. but I will say, some helped but I feel that the rest she just used because she didn’t care
17. season three breakup wrecked me and I’ll not emotionally recover from that. it breaks my heart seeing Alec break his own heart and Magnus’s all so Magnus can have his magic and be whole again. I’m so glad they got married in the end 💓
18. I’m glad the twinning rune went to clary instead of jace because how many times does this worthless fucker need saved????? SERIOUSLY HOW MANY
19. I think Magnus recognizing what Alec needs at the beginning when they meet is beautiful. I don’t think it’s creepy (as some book fans state.) and it shows that Magnus understands that Alec is not ready to be out. I’m glad Magnus doesn’t get shitty with Alec on not being out like he does in the books
20. also book vs show thing. I actually like the whole marrying Lydia plot. I get the whole grand gesture of kissing in wherever they were- sanctuary???? (y’all cannot pay me enough to read TMI again, I will not go through that torture again) but I really hate that it’s not even in Alec or Magnus’s pov. CC makes a point of giving characters she chooses to have unnecessary pov
21. I probably forgot something but I mainly skipped all the clace content that didn’t involve Alec or Magnus but otherwise, messy show but so amazing for the Malec content. Izzy, Maia, Raphael, and Simon are a bonus as well. I’m just saying that the show could’ve been a whole lot worse lmao
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thexphial · 6 months
An excellent rundown from The Stranger on JKR's Holocaust denial. As a Jewish woman who lost actual family in the Holocaust, her twisting of the narrative is genuinely offensive and harmful.
Hey all, it’s Vivian. If you've freed yourself from wandering the wasteland of weirdos and robots on x.com, you may not have seen a series of tweets from JK Rowling about trans people and the Nazis. Rowling first questioned if Nazis ever burned research on trans people (they did) and then linked a thread excoriating problematic grandaddies in the field, implying that trans medicine carried on a eugenic or Nazi legacy of human experimentation (it doesn't). I really hate inaccurate history, so I called someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about, University of Washington's Laurie Marhoefer, the leading expert on trans people and the Nazis. You just can't unpack this complicated, nuanced bit of history in a tweet.
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A memorial in Tel Aviv dedicated to the LGBTQ victims of the Holocaust. URIEL SINAI / GETTY
Yes, JK Rowling, the Nazis Did Persecute Trans People
We Asked the Leading Expert on the Topicallot Initiative Success in Western  VIVIAN MCCALL Last week, children's book author JK Rowling tweeted some more nonsense about transgender people. In this case, she disputed the fact that Nazis destroyed early research on the community:
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Despite Rowling’s dismissal, it is an established fact–not a fever dream–that the Nazis persecuted transgender people. And it’s not the first time this debate has come up on social media. Denying this history is part of an overall effort to discount the discrimination trans people still face in their pursuit of fundamental rights today. It is important to remember the truth and to evaluate what research we have, especially at a time when far-right attacks against trans people are increasing in the United States and elsewhere.
The Looting and Burning
In 1933, the Nazi-supporting youth with the German Student Union and SA paramilitary looted the Institute for Sexual Science (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) in Berlin. The institute collected the earliest known research on gay and transgender people, and it helped people obtain legal name changes, medical treatments, and “transvestite certificates” from local police that allowed them legally to present as their gender.
Days after the looting, Nazis took to the streets to burn the 20,000 books looters found inside the building, and they placed a bust of the institute’s founder, Magnus Hirschfeld, on the pile in effigy. Hirschfeld was out of the country at the time, but he later died in exile in 1935. 
In the years that followed, trans people were busted under German laws criminalizing sodomy and wearing clothes associated with their birth sex. They were imprisoned in concentration camps before and after the start of World War II. Some were murdered there. Others escaped with their lives.
We’ve Been Here Before 
Since Rowling posted about the subject on x.com, misinformation about trans people in Nazi Germany has circulated widely. Some people have also claimed that the discussion of trans victims of Nazi violence distracts from the “real victims” of National Socialism. In light of this discourse, I called the leading researcher studying trans people and the Nazis, University of Washington professor Laurie Marhoefer.
“My first reaction was, they’re totally wrong,” Marhoefer said of the posts. “They’re not even in the ballpark. My reaction 1.5 was, ‘Oh this is eerie, the same thing happened in Germany two years ago.’”
Back in July of 2022, a graduate biology student named Marie-Luise Vollbrecht, who was known for her “gender critical” anti-trans views, made headlines in Germany.
She tweeted that the Nazis had never targeted trans people, and to say they did “mock[ed] the true victims of the Nazi crimes.” People responded with a hashtag that claimed she denied Nazi crimes. Vollbrecht filed a lawsuit against some of them, claiming their hashtag violated her rights and basically called her a holocaust-denier, which is a crime in Germany. She lost her case, and, after parsing the historical facts, the court officially recognized trans people as Nazi victims. A few months later, Germany’s parliament issued a statement recognizing the queer victims of Nazis and of post-war persecution. 
We Don’t Know Much, but What We Do Know Is Grim 
That ruling aside, this history is by no means complete. Scholars still don’t know much about the lives of trans people in Nazi Germany. Researchers have only recently started to study the subject and to undo false assumptions that cis gay men and transgender women were essentially viewed as the same in the eyes of their oppressors.
Through years of research and the review of published literature, Marhoefer has identified 27 criminal cases involving trans men, women, and gender nonconforming people in Nazi Germany. Locating them is hard work, and it requires parsing heaps of documents in non-keyword-searchable archives to find police files on a very small group of people that did everything in their power to avoid police detection. Marhoefer has 30,000 Gestapo files on their laptop alone. The little we do know, so far, is grim. 
According to research from Marhoefer, beginning in 1933, Hamburg police were instructed to send “transvestites” to concentration camps. A person named H. Bode lived in the city, dated men, dressed in women’s clothes, and once held a “transvestite” certificate. After multiple public indecency and public nuisance convictions, she was sent to Buchenwald, where she died in 1943. Liddy Bacroff, a trans sex worker in Hamburg, died at Mauthausen the same year. Officials sent her there because she was a “morals criminal of the worst sort.” 
Essen police ordered Toni Simon to stop wearing women's clothes, as she had done for years. She served a year in prison for disrespecting police officers, hanging out with gays, and speaking against the regime. The authorities called Simon a “pronounced transvestite,” and a Gestapo officer said placement in a concentration camp was “absolutely necessary.” She ultimately survived. 
Unlike today, Marhoefer said, trans people were never a front-and-center political issue for the Nazis, nor were they rounded up in the same systematic way as Jews or the Roma. Nevertheless, the Nazis did specifically target them for their gender identities. On a fundamental level, transness was incongruous with Nazi ideology, a hyper-masculine fascism that emphasized purity and traditional gender roles. 
The enforcement of moral laws prevented them from living as they did in the Weimar Republic era, the democratic government in power before Adolf Hitler and a time of limited acceptance. Magazines, nightclubs such as the Eldorado, and nascent organizations for trans people were shuttered. The state forced detransition, revoking a permit from at least one person named Gerd R. and driving them to suicide.
“I think we expect the crackdown, and then it’s all over their media, but it’s quiet,” Marhoefer said. “How many in a camp do we have to find before people will be like, ‘Okay, there was persecution?’”
While the Nazis did not often discuss transness much, at least one 1938 book, Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Transvestitismus, provides some idea of how party officials thought about trans people. 
Author Hermann Ferdinand Voss described trans people as “asocial” and likely criminals, which justified “draconian measures by the state.” Nazi rhetoric also linked trans women and pedophilia, which mirrors the contemporary allegations from conservative Republicans about trans and queer people “grooming” children.
When they came after Hirschfeld, who was gay and Jewish, propagandists also framed homosexuality as a Jewish plot to feminize men and to destroy the race. Years before Nazis stormed his institute, the pro-party newspaper Der Stürmer labeled him the most dangerous Jew in Germany, which brings us to another point Rowling shared in a thread on X.
Problematic Granddaddies 
After x.com users told Rowling that Nazis did, in fact, persecute trans people and burn research about them, she accused people who corrected her of valorizing Hirschfeld, rather than doing what they were actually doing, which was simply correcting the record. 
Indeed, Hirschfeld, the granddaddy of the gay rights movement and a pioneer for trans health care, was a eugenicist. Furthermore, the early practitioner of vaginoplasty, Erwin Gohrbandt, who operated on Lili Elbe of The Danish Girl fame, was a Nazi collaborator connected to Dachau.
History rightly doesn’t look back on eugenicists and Nazi collaborators fondly, but those facts have nothing to do with whether or not Nazis persecuted trans people or burned research. 
Apparently unsatisfied with spreading historical misinformation in one instance, Rowling followed-up with a tweet that directed users to a “thread on the persistent claims about trans people and the Nazis.” The thread implies that trans medicine is eugenic or Nazi in some way, and it draws a false connection between gender-affirming care and tortuous human experiments in the camps. 
Broadly, the thread argues that early trans medical care constituted medical malpractice and the development of a new kind of sterilization in the form of gender-affirming genital surgery, and it contends that Gohrbandt performed his early vaginoplasties with the same regard for humanity as he displayed in his later work with the Nazis.
But the beliefs of these flawed medical pioneers have no bearing on trans people or trans politics, and conflating modern gender-affirming care with this early experimental treatment ignores the state violence trans people faced at the hands of the Nazis.
Despite Hirschfeld’s contributions to the field, people are right to criticize him for seeing the world through the lens of eugenics, even if that view was common in the 1930s. 
Marhoefer literally wrote the book on his eugenic beliefs. Hirschfeld thought that gayness was eugenically beneficial because queer people did not reproduce, but he made no eugenic arguments for or against his work with trans people. He dedicated one of his books to eugenics, and he believed they sat at the heart of the science of sexology. And while he was critical of scientific racism, you can find anti-Black statements in his work, too, Marhoefer said.
Moreover, while Hirschfeld’s writings suggest he empathized with trans people and wanted to alleviate their suffering, he still staked a career on them. He photographed trans people in demeaning ways and trotted them out for demonstrations in front of other doctors.
It’s important to remember that Hirschfeld did not invent or create transness. The community existed before he discovered it, and the trans people themselves were not advocating for eugenic sterilization. The man was a trailblazer, not a saint. In fact, his approach to trans medicine laid the foundation for a system that forces people to jump through hoops for medical care. To this day, the majority of people who do trans medicine are not transgender themselves, and they do not always have the best interests of trans people at heart, Marhoefer said.
Gohrbandt would certainly make a list of medical practitioners who did not always have the best interests of trans people at heart. The pioneering plastic surgeon’s career bloomed along with his field, which quickly advanced to treat disfiguring battlefield injuries from World War I. He did not work at the institute, and because the surgeries were still very rare, he didn’t make a living performing them, Marhoefer said. We can count on one hand the number of gender-affirming surgeries he performed.
Unlike the Jewish and leftist doctors he worked with, Gohrbandt did not have to flee Germany. He endorsed the regime and later became the chief medical advisor for the Luftwaffe’s sanitary services division. In 1942, he participated in a secret conference on the results of fatal hypothermia experiments performed on Holocaust victims, and later reported the results in a German surgical journal.
Marhoefer said it is not strange that a future Nazi worked with progressive Jews on gender-affirming care in the 1920s. Many German doctors backed the regime and committed atrocities because they wanted careers. 
There’s no defending Gohrbandt, but his path does not suggest anything unique and nefarious about gender-affirming care. It says more about the heartbreaking situation these trans people found themselves in when even the few doctors they could turn to for medical care treated them with disdain.
Marhoefer said doctors of the day took advantage of desperate women such as Elbe, Dora Richter, and Charlotte Charlaque, who was Jewish and fled the Nazis. They endured experimental surgeries with no oversight before antibiotics, patients’ rights, or ethics protections. Many doctors saw them as a means to an end in the overall development of plastic surgery.
What All of This Is Really About
Trans persecution is simply one story in a much larger one about the Holocaust. Trans people today who point out this history as right-wing attacks against them intensify around the world are not erasing the murder of Jews and Roma in concentration camps, or the extermination of disabled people, or the deaths of millions of Soviet POWS in Nazi Germany’s murderous campaign to seize eastern territory and farmland. 
But this conversation is not really about Nazis any more than constant squabbles over gender-affirming care are about children. Nor does it honor victims of Nazi crimes.
No information, scholarship, or detailed account of a complicated history can satisfy someone who is fundamentally opposed to a person existing as they do. No number of mainstream medical organizations that again and again defend the efficacy of gender-affirming care can assuage their doubts. The benchmark for correctness is constantly moving and shifting, and the argument has no logical endpoint.
Meanwhile, ordinary trans people who rise to their own defense are labeled activists and needled for their wording, or their temperament, or their appearance, or the smallest misstatement. 
At the same time, people like Rowling expect transgender laypeople to possess the knowledge of Holocaust researchers, of doctors, of psychologists, and of public policy experts. Every week, it seems, anti-trans interests push out another poorly researched hit meant to undermine the community’s existence in some way. It is trolling, and it is exhausting, and that’s all it is. 
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art--cat · 1 year
Percy Jackson Unpopular Opinion
Percy Jackson Must Die.
**Note Percy is my favorite character so this isn’t hate on him
Reasons directly related to percy
Percy has never been anything more in life then a demigod 
We first meet Percy Jackson when he’s twelve, and honestly doesn’t have much going for him (what twelve year old does?). He’s a delinquent, kicked out of six schools by the end of sixth grade, and has internalized ideas fed to him about how he’s doomed to fail. He doesn’t have anyone who is important to him beyond Grover, and Sally, and from what we see very little drive to succeed. There’s no amazing talent, or genius intellect waiting out there for him, and to anyone beyond Chiron, Grover, and Sally he’s a basket case with no future, no potential, and no drive. Even once he discovers he’s a demigod his ability to function in the mortal world is minimal leaving him very little potential there.
Beyond the seeming lack of potential, he doesn’t have any real goals at any point in his life. Before realizing he’s a demigod, he lacks any motivation to be good at something, partially due being told he would amount to nothing. 
Then his mom “dies” and it's all about saving her, after that he’s the prophecy child, doomed to die at 16, after making a decision to change the course of history. By the time the war actually rolls around he’s simply accepted his death and has no goals beyond protecting his friends, and stopping Kronos.
Then he lives. Great time to make some life goals! Nope. New war. 
He’s never had goals within the mortal world, fighting for his/his friends lives has always provided any and all drive for him. Other characters reach beyond, Annabeth has always wanted to be an architect, Leo wants to be an engineer, Piper fights for all peoples rights. They all have goals that are 100% applicable to the mortal world, something beyond being a demigod. Percy lacks that.
Percy’s character will be ruined if he lives past twenty
We all know that once a demigod reaches adulthood they no longer attract monsters in the same way. For many of the demigod characters we meet this will be a relief, no more fighting for their lives or godly interferences, for Percy, he will have lost the one thing that allowed him to feel like he was meant for more. If Percy lives on he will just be that old character that shows up every few books to reject a quest, give some advice to the next big three kid, and then talk about “the good old days” as all his friends move on with their lives and his legacy fades away. 
Percy’s death could be integral to his character, and showcase some of his most important traits
Percy would most likely die saving someone, representing his loyalty (one of his core traits) and allowing him to die the hero. Beyond showcasing his loyalty, it could also show his character development, we all know he’d make it to Elysium, what about rebirth? This would show Percy’s understanding that there is more to be done, and while he’s done all he can as Percy Jackson he’s not ready to give up on the mortal world yet. It shows his unwillingness to sit idly by when there’s more to be done, but allow a newfound understanding that there's only so much one mortal could do in a lifetime.  
Allows Percy to stay relevant
The final reason is simply that the name Percy Jackson is losing relevance in the riordanverse as new younger characters like Nico, Hazel, Sadie, Carter, and Meg or characters without an expiry date like Alex and Magnus start taking over major quests. Percy is losing page time and the page time he does get is slowly slipping from the headstrong heroic character, to a character who settles (something percy is blatantly bad at). Percy’s death would affect other characters and could even be a cautionary tale.
However Percy’s death wouldn’t only be for the sake of his own character, it would also wrap up/jumpstart other characters' stories. 
Jason's death makes way for a important parallel
Percy and Jason were each other's mirrors. The Perfect Roman Hero, and The Perfect Greek Hero. Natural born fighters destined for greatness and to bring a new era of peace. They succeeded and Jason died as he wasn't needed anymore. Percy and Jason both dying could be the end of that era. Beyond that Jason would be waiting in Elysium for Piper forever, I don’t think Percy would do that for Annabeth, not when there's always more he can do to help others. I firmly believe he would go for rebirth.
Allows Annabeth, to have a new beginning 
Annabeth's character specifically would benefit from this. I do see her traveling down to the underworld, walking up to Hades and demanding Percy’s life back, andI see  one of two things happening. 
Parallel to the classic Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice. Hades agrees on the condition Percy follows Annabeth and she doesn’t look back. However like Orpheus, Annabeth looks back and in the moment they meet eyes Percy realizes that there is more he can do, and that Annabeth shouldn’t be waiting until her own death for someone, so when she asks “See you in elysium?”, he simply shakes his head. 
Percy arrives in Elysium, and is greeted by Jason, who is waiting for Piper, and in that moment Percy has the same realization that he can’t just wait and be idle forever and goes for rebirth, when Annabeth arrives in the underworld she confronts hades who tells her “Even if i could give him back to you, he’s gone decided on rebirth”
From there Annabeth would realize that she and Percy wanted two do different things, and that he would never settle the way she had always seen herself settling. This also allows her to grow as a person and figure out who she is alone, as she grieves her relationship and partially a former part of her own personality. 
Finally, it gives some meaning to the fatal flaw plot point. We would see how Percy’s loyalty (not only to annabeth, however to others and too cause as flaw isn’t “loyalty to annabeth”) got him killed,  and how even the greatest heroes’ fall can victim to their fatal flaw.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 months
Plans for the summer (and the winter)
Hello, everyone.
I hope the weather in your place is nice, your days are long and you are healthy and relaxed.
I am here to give you an update on all the plans I had and the ones that came out in the meantime.
The reactions will still go on, don't worry. I started season 3 and I plan to keep them going until the end. Then I will start The Magnus Protocol too, of course.
I'm in no hurry with this series: I like to keep it going slowly and enjoy it ten episodes at a time until the end. So the updates will keep going during summer, winter and maybe up to the next year. Just keep expecting them, I definitely won't drop the series. I want to know how it will end.
This project got my attention and I want to talk more about it. In the last ask I got, I was proposing two ideas:
a very concise analysis of all the songs of Volume 1, made mostly of resumes of the obvious parts, a few considerations and me approving every time these characters show how badass they are.
a short post about how differently the embodiment of Heart and Mind are portrayed here and in Sanders Sides.
The survey is here, and you're still free to vote (if you haven't already). Honestly, I would love to write these posts alternating them with TMA/others, so you won't see just one topic, but some nice variety. Just vote and let me know which idea do you like the most - or if you want me to do them both! I'm open to do that too.
In my last post, I said I would write a new one for when the series is over.
Well, the series is over. And my post won't be kind, nor long: I already talked about all the mistakes of the series, so all that's left is me making fun of its stupid ideas and a finale that was the epitome of "how NOT to write a story".
It will be the first post to come out after this recap, so you'll have it very soon.
I just found out that The Thunder Saga will be released on July 4th, bless Jorge Rivera-Herrans for his incredible speed and his creativity. This man makes bops as if nothing, his vision is crystal clear and I respect him for that.
I didn't listen to any snippets and didn't look for any spoiler, because I want to be surprised by the songs themselves: so, once they're out, I will definitely write a post about them in a couple days.
Once it's out and I will get it (probably from August 2nd, since that's the delivery day on my Amazon), I will become a mess and talk about it endlessly, so I apologize in advance for who I will become.
Eons ago, I said there was a manga I wanted to talk about. Well, that manga is finished. But I have to read it from the beginning, before talking about it. And right now, I don't really feel like it.
For now, I will keep this in the back. Maybe this winter (or even next year), I will talk about it.
I am sorry to say that I do not have plans for SaSi for now - well, except for hte post in connection with CCCC. Mr. Sanders is giving us nothing, so there's nothing really new I can write.
But that doesn't mean we can't talk. On the contrary, you can still send me asks and/or tag me in some posts and we can have a nice chat about anything, from details of the series to criticism. Having nothing new doesn't mean we can't have fun our way.
Those are my plans for now, but who knows what else will come in a couple months? I wasn't expecting CCCC and it came, it saw and it conquered without expecting it. So... who knows? Maybe in a couple months, I will get another suggestion and my plans will change again. I'm open to possible new things to enjoy.
As always, thank you all for sticking with me, thank you for your asks, comments, reblogs, likes and suggestions. Every feedback is wonderful and I am extremely grateful for it.
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(How about a coffee? ☕)
@royalprinceroman @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow @effortiswhatmatters @bella-in-a-bag @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @payte @hypnossanders​  @idontreallyknow24​  @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical @patton-cake​  @hereissananxiousmess​  @purplebronzeandblue​  @cynicalandsarcastic​ ​@lost-in-thought-20 @andtheyreonfire​ 
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shouta-edits · 9 months
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"could you make a lucretia x magnus burnsides from the adventure zone ship stimboard involving books/writing, jellyfish, blue, purple, white/silver slime, axes/swords, and dogs? thanks a whole lot! =D" -anon requested
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
One thing about Show Alec vs Book Alec is that if Camille kissed Magnus like she did in the show, book Alec would have started screaming and accusing Magnus of cheating on him. Show Alec is clearly a bit hurt but tries to be mature about it while Izzy wants to kill Camille
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valyrfia · 1 year
just reread the mortal instruments for the first time in like seven (?) years and like it's fine and all but the concept would've been so much more interesting in the hands of a queer author
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wanderingmind867 · 8 months
I took an superhero character sorter thing because I was really bored. I don't know if it was all that accurate, but it was alright. My top 2 were mostly correct (given the choices they provided), and my bottom few were also largely correct. I would share the images, but there's two of them and they'd show up out of order, bugging me. So instead I'll tell you the highlights:
My two favorite characters according to the sorter were Cyclops and The Hulk (Hulk #1, Cyclops #2). This makes some sense, as I think I can relate to both these characters in some ways. Also, I do like both of these characters, so it tracks. If they had had characters like Doctor Strange on the list, I'm betting he'd be high on my list too. Kind of shocked Professor X and Magneto weren't higher, considering I like both of them (Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen were the perfect choices for them, and I won't budge on that). Loki was pretty high on the list too, and I get that one. Even in the Magnus Chase books where Loki was a villian I loved reading about him.
Now, as for the characters I didn't like, Wolverine and Spiderman were close to the bottom. And I've explained why I don't like Spiderman that much (I have a recent post about it, I think. But I'll repost it for those who missed it), but I haven't really talked about Wolverine much. But I don't love Wolverine. Despite being Canadian (and I guess thankful for the Canadian representation), I never have loved Wolverine that much. He's just not my type of character. I don't like the edgy, brooding bad boy types. They're nothing like me irl (perhaps besides my anger issues), so I have no real tangible connection to them. Besides, I hate the dark edgy types of stories. So Wolverine isn't at all my cup of tea. He embodies a lot of character archetypes that I don't like.
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
in honor of that anon who said jews have done nothing for the world, here’s a non exhaustive list of things we’ve done for the world:
arts, fashion, and lifestyle:
jeans - levi strauss
modern bras - ida rosenthal
sewing machines - isaac merritt singer
modern film industry - carl laemmle (universal pictures), adolph zukor (paramount pictures), william fox (fox film forporation), louis b. mayer (mgm - metro-goldwyn-mayer), harry, sam, albert, and jack warners (warner bros.), steven spielberg, mel brooks, marx brothers
operetta - jacques offenbach
comic books - stan lee
graphic novels - will eisner
teddy bears - morris and rose michtom
influential musicians - irving berlin, stephen sondheim, benny goodman, george gershwin, paul simon, itzhak perlman, leonard bernstein, bob dylan, leonard cohen
artists - mark rothko
actors - elizabeth taylor, jerry lewis, barbara streisand
comedians - lenny bruce, joan rivers, jerry seinfeld
authors - judy blume, tony kushner, allen ginsberg, walter mosley
esperanto - ludwik lazar zamenhof
feminism - betty friedan, gloria steinem, ruth bader ginsberg
queer and trans rights - larry kramer, harvey milk, leslie feinberg, abby stein, kate bornstein, frank kameny, judith butler
international women's day - clara zetkin
principles of journalizm, statue of liberty, and pulitzer prize - joseph pulitzer
"the new colossus" - emma lazarus
universal declaration of human rights - rene samuel cassin
holocaust remembrance and human rights activism - elie wiesel
workers rights - louis brandeis, rose schneiderman
public health care, women's rights, and children's rights - lillian wald
racial equity - rabbi abraham joshua heschel, julius rosenwald, andrew goodman, michael schwerner
political theory - hannah arendt
disability rights - judith heumann
black lives matter slogan and movement - alicia garza
#metoo movement - jodi kantor
institute of sexology - magnus hirschfeld
word processing computers - evelyn berezin
facebook - mark zuckerberg
console video game system - ralph henry baer
cell phones - amos edward joel jr., martin cooper
3d - leonard lipton
telephone - philipp reis
fax machines - arthur korn
microphone - emile berliner
gramophone - emile berliner
television - boris rosing
barcodes - norman joseph woodland and bernard silver
secret communication system, which is the foundation of the technology used for wifi - hedy lamarr
three laws of robotics - isaac asimov
cybernetics - norbert wiener
helicopters - emile berliner
BASIC (programming language) - john george kemeny
google - sergey mikhaylovich brin and larry page
VCR - jerome lemelson
fax machine - jerome lemelson
telegraph - samuel finley breese morse
morse code - samuel finley breese morse
bulletproof glass - edouard benedictus
electric motor and electroplating - boris semyonovich jacobi
nuclear powered submarine - hyman george rickover
the internet - paul baran
icq instant messenger - arik vardi, yair goldfinger,, sefi vigiser, amnon amir
color photography - leopold godowsky and leopold mannes
world's first computer - herman goldstine
modern computer architecture - john von neumann
bittorrent - bram cohen
voip internet telephony - alon cohen
data archiving - phil katz, eugene roshal, abraham lempel, jacob ziv
nemeth code - abraham nemeth
holography - dennis gabor
laser - theodor maiman
instant photo sharing online - philippe kahn
first automobile - siegfried samuel marcus
electrical maglev road - boris petrovich weinberg
drip irrigation - simcha blass
ballpoint pen and automatic gearbox - laszlo biro
photo booth - anatol marco josepho
pacemakers and defibrillators - louise robinovitch
defibrillators - bernard lown
anti-plague and anti-cholera vaccines - vladimir aronovich khavkin
polio vaccine - jonas salk
test for diagnosis of syphilis - august paul von wasserman
test for typhoid fever - ferdinand widal
penicillin - ernst boris chain
pregnancy test - barnhard zondek
antiretroviral drug to treat aids and fight rejection in organ transplants - gertrude elion
discovery of hepatitis c virus - harvey alter
chemotherapy - paul ehrlich
discovery of prions - stanley prusiner
psychoanalysis - sigmund freud
rubber condoms - julius fromm
birth control pill - gregory goodwin pincus
asorbic acid (vitamin c) - tadeusz reichstein
blood groups and rh blood factor - karl landsteiner
acyclovir (treatment for infections caused by herpes virus) - gertrude elion
vitamins - caismir funk
technique for measuring blood insulin levils - rosalyn sussman yalow
antigen for hepatitus - baruch samuel blumberg
a bone fusion technique - gavriil abramovich ilizarov
homeopathy - christian friedrich samuel hahnemann
aspirin - arthur ernst eichengrun
theory of relativity - albert einstein
theory of the electromagnetic field - james maxwell
quantum mechanics - max born, gustav ludwig hertz
quantum theory of gravity - matvei bronstein
microbiology - ferdinand julius cohn
neuropsychology - alexander romanovich luria
counters for x-rays and gamma rays - robert hofstadter
genetic engineering - paul berg
discovery of the antiproton - emilio gino segre
discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation - arno allan penzias
discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe - adam riess and saul merlmutter
discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity - roger penrose
discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of the milky way - andrea ghez
modern cosmology and the big bang theory - alexander alexandrovich friedmann
stainless steel - hans goldschmidt
gas powered vehicles
interferometer - albert abraham michelson
discovery of the source of energy production in stars - hans albrecht bethe
proved poincare conjecture - grigori yakovlevich perelman
biochemistry - otto fritz meyerhof
electron-positron collider - bruno touschek
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crossdreamers · 2 years
How the Nazis destroyed the queer and trans culture of Berlin
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Given the current anti-trans hysteria found among TERFs and the far right, it is important to remember the history of the LGBTQ community. Berlin had once a thriving queer culture, with a research institute that studied and helped queer and transgender people.
Michael Lombardi-Nash has taken the time to translate all the central works of the German LGBTQ movement before the Nazi takeover, including the researcher and activis Magnus Hirschfeld's research on gay and trans people. Why is this important? Because that anti-trans movement is trying to get people to believe that being transgender is a new thing. It is not, and the texts and stories from Germany in the early 20th century prove it.
Magnus Hirschfeld was a gay activist, feminist, scientist and founder of the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin (1919-1933). His support for both gay and trans people was radical and innovative. 
The institute was essential in the LGBTQ struggle of the time, and his thinking continue to influence our understanding of queer and trans lives.
Magnus is the one with the glasses in the photo above.
In 1933 the Nazis took over Germany, and they started attacking the LGBTQ community straight away. They sacked Hirschfeld's institute, arguing that being gay or trans was against Germanic ideals. They burned most of the institute's book collection. 
As you can see from the photo below, some of the posters they destroyed are of Lili Elbe, a Danish painter and trans woman who got gender-affirming surgery in Berlin.
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“Far be it from me to want to turn to fascism,” a French councilor said before the war, “but...we have to agree that in some things those regimes have sometimes done good…"
He continued: "One day Hitler and Mussolini woke up and said, ‘Honestly, the scandal has gone on long enough’ … And … the inverts … were chased out of Germany and Italy the very next day.”" "Invert" refers to both gay and trans people.
Now Putin, the American far right and the TERFs want to “eradicate transgenderism”. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 
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Tweet from Lombardi-Nash: 
“I translate German books from the Early Gay Rights Movement for activists in #sociology, #anthropology and history to inspire and improve understanding and historical accuracy. #LGBThistory #LGBThealth "Clear and very readable translations" --H. Kennedy”
See also: Magnus Hirschfeld's Understanding of Transgender People
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lightgriffinsect · 7 months
muslim things we need more of in media
teenage Muslim guys. we've all seen teenage/adolescent Muslim girls in media, how about more guys? give me a Muslim boy in high school who plays cricket and likes Atif Aslam. idk
Muslim parents and parent figures who are chill and not overly strict. half the time the "strict Muslim parents" are not even behaving in an Islamic way.
Muslims who aren't anti-feminist. Islam is a feminist religion. Women are highly encouraged to pursue jobs and higher education. Show more Muslim women in well-paying jobs in STEM and business fields.
Muslims who don't make up restrictions out of thin air. it makes no sense for a Muslim woman to go "oh i can't do [mildly secular thing], I'm a Muslim" BEHAN THERE IS NOTHING IN ISLAM THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T.
Muslim girls who keep their hijab on in front of non-mahram people at all times. yes, this post is about Samirah al-Abbasi and Ms. Marvel. can we get Muslim girls who actually take pride in their hijab and don't take it off for non-mahram men or insist that it's okay because "you're LIKE family to me"
accurate depictions of gatherings, especially weddings, in Islam. This may differ depending on nationality of the characters.
Accurate depictions of Muslims in relationships. Samirah al-Abbas from Magnus Chase is a horrible representation of this. The vast majority of Muslim girls do not get engaged at the age of 12. Most of us do not get engaged or married until we're in our 20s.
Muslims who don't get engaged to or marry their cousins.
adding onto that, Muslims who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends or romanticize the idea of having one.
Muslim women who don't have children and don't regret it.
Muslims who don't get engaged or married at all! It's Sunnah to get married, but it is not mandatory. You can still be a devout Muslim without getting married or having children.
Muslim MEN AND BOYS WHO FOLLOW THE HIJAB. the hijab is NOT just a head covering, it is a WAY OF LIFE that ALL MUSLIMS must follow. it is about MODESTY for both the sexes. Muslim men ALSO need to cover themselves to an extent. yes, the rules differ slightly from male to female Muslims, but they STILL EXIST FOR BOTH. I suggest reading up more on this topic if you don't know much about the hijab.
Muslims who are actively working to get closer to Allah and trying to stop any non-Islamic habits. Muslims who smoke, drink, eat non-halal food but are aware that this is haram and are actively trying to stop. Muslims who show that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to be better than you were yesterday. Muslims who are real in their struggles. No one criticizes Christians for being secular or not following their faith perfectly, why are Muslims subjected to so much scrutiny?
Muslims who are shown practicing their faith onscreen. Praying, making du'a, fasting, going to Umrah, even.
Add little bits of the Muslim faith in their everyday life. Instead of air freshener hangings in their cars, my parents have hangings with Islamic calligraphy and the du'a for traveling. We have a stack of prayer mats sitting in a corner of the living room. We have a bookshelf where the entire top shelf is copies of the Quran and other Islamic books. We always say the designated du'a before doing anything such as eating a meal, starting a trip, or even going to sleep.
There are three types of jihad: jihad of the heart, jihad of the mind, and physical jihad.
Jihad of the heart is the Muslim's internal struggle to be faithful and practice their religion wholeheartedly. It is the struggle against temptations of evil, of haram actions. It is the most important form of jihad and one that every Muslim partakes in every day.
Jihad of the mind is the struggle against misinformation about Islam. It is spreading education and information about the principles of Islam. It condemns forcing people to accept Islam. People are meant to be guided. They are meant to find their own path to Islam with the help of knowledge and resources to learn. this form of jihad is important as it keeps Muslims and non-Muslims informed about Islam.
Physical Jihad is an absolute last resort that a Muslim nation must partake in when there is a threat of war from another nation. Islam condemns violence and murder and always pushes its followers to resolve matters peacefully. In a situation where this is impossible, only then is physical jihad permissible. and it has strict rules about who the Muslims can fight. It is haram to kill anyone who is not actively fighting from the opposing army. It is haram to kill women, children, elderly people, and any civilians. It is haram to kill animals except for food. It is haram even to take from the land or damage it in any way. If an army calling itself Islamic is not following these rules, it is not partaking in Jihad. it is partaking in unnecessary slaughter and bloodshed. there you go.
sorry i went on a rant about jihad for a minute there lol, i've been meaning to do that though anyway.
please depict Muslims in media more. please depict us with respect, and with the proper amount of research and effort needed for accuracy. thanks. Ramadan Mubarak, free Palestine <3
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im-out-of-it · 4 months
after being told by people in the shadowhunter community: ReAd ThE bOoKs. ThEy’Re So MuCh BeTtEr. ummmm what the actual fuck are you reading because I don’t think it’s the same book I have???? I will give a little credit. there are characters I adore (Alec, magnus, Izzy, Gabriel, Gideon, Thomas, Alastair, Jem, Matthew, Lucie, Christopher, ok you get the point.) but I don’t agree with the way some of them were written. the first books are actually trash and still I am amazed they were published. I don’t care if it was CC’s first series- they’re so fucking atrocious. the writing is so messy and it’s not the good kind of “it’s so bad it’s good messy.” and you’d think after being messy for so long, you’d maybe I don’t know learn some lessons and write better??? but I guess some people don’t know how to write lmao
I honestly think that if this book was handed to or created by someone who actually cared about the characters and representation, it could have been so much more. instead she wants to focus on gold eyed tiger bad boy angels who are borderline abusive and can’t find the will to focus on anything else. there was potential but CC ruined it just so she could write about toxic and problematic herondales.
and people shit on the show (basically mostly book stans who claim the books are better lmao and I’m not saying that show is perfect- it has its flaws.) but I would rather have 10 seasons of the show instead of another bland trilogy where the stories and tropes repeats themselves. it’s repetitive and the actual interesting characters always takes a backseat and any representation is thrown out the window for the most toxic main characters. I said what I said. I would much prefer to have full seasons of Malec where it’s actually healthy (I fucking love show Malec. god bless them.) than read a chapter of a love scene between some herondale and his bland love interest. or read 600 pages of miscommunication over the dumbest shit💀
my fav characters deserved so much better than the lazy way they written. RIP MY FAV CHARACTERS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND IM SORRY FOR THE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION SOME OF YALL WERE DEALT WITH 😭
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Begging queer gentiles to understand that the centuries-to-millennia old link between queerphobia and antisemitism is what played a major role in Hitler targeting queer people. Jews have been blamed and killed for "corrupting gentiles into homosexuality" and have long been the subject of transphobic and intersexist conspiracies. Queer people being targeted was largely rooted in antisemitism.
Magnus Hirschfeld, who often is cited as evidence that the Nazis targeted queer people first, was a Jew! Many Jewish people were prominent in the early queer liberation movement in Berlin. So much pro-LGBT research and understanding, as well as development of successful SRS techniques, came from Jewish scientists and doctors who were actively fighting for queer rights.
These Jewish pioneers of queer liberation and trans healthcare are the people whose books were burned when the Nazis came for the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.
Many queer people claim the end of the Holocaust did not bring liberation for queer people. While this is true to an extent, it is intentionally misleading.
Antisemitism and anti-Romani racism (because you never seem to remember Romani people were also main targets) neither started nor ended with the Holocaust. After "liberation" both groups still faced subhuman treatment (many dying in displaced persons camps after surviving death camps), social and legal discrimination, cultural genocide, violence, expulsion, and murder for their ethnic identities.
The narrative that things were magically better is just that: a narrative created by allied nations to sweep their culpability and failings under the rug.
You cannot separate Jewish people and queer people into two distinct camps that never touch, it's not only ahistorical and erases the existence of queer Jews in history as well as Jewish contributions to sexual liberation, but it also contributes to the modern alienation and exclusion that queer Jews face from the queer community.
Gentiles can reblog but are asked to listen and not to comment.
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belle-keys · 1 year
Summary: Virtual Author Talk with Cassandra Clare at San Anselmo Public Library (23/08/23)
Cassie wrote her first “novel” when she was 12 on a Mac computer, the infamous The Beautiful Cassandra that she regularly teases to us. She got into writing fiction professionally full-time after leaving her journalism job in 2006.
Finishing City of Bones took about 3-4 years because it was her first novel. Holly Black was the one who hooked her up with her first agent who then got the book published, which was a really new experience. She said that the publishing process was initially surprising to her because of how crazily long it takes to get a single book published.
Cassie acknowledges that City of Bones is starkly “different” from the rest of all her books in colour and voice, because of how experimental the novel writing process was for her. She said she thinks she’s evolved a lot as a writer since then.
She aims for psychological realism in her books even though it’s fantasy. She tries to see each character as a fully-formed person who can exist outside of the immediate plot. She creates worksheets to write her characters.
She also believes it’s necessary to let your main characters make bad mistakes – she cites Matthew as a prominent example i.e. someone highly reactive to their own mistakes. Matthew is defined by his regret and his need to fix his mistakes. She thinks Matthew is one of the most relatable characters because of this.
She’s very drawn to the found family trope because of how much she moved around as a kid – the stability and love of a found family is something she’s worked to build her whole life. She emphasizes the importance of friendship and its different forms in life.
Cassie cites Magnus as the character who turned out most differently than she had initially planned – she hadn’t originally anticipated how significant Magnus would be in the wider scheme of the series.
Doing The Last Hours was, at least a little, in response to people’s excitement about The Family Tree back in 2013.
Her advice for writing fantasy worlds is to create a flexible and expansive magic system so it can grow with you as a writer. She also emphasizes letting your favorite characters make poor decisions – your characters determine the plot and not the other way around.
Cassie strikes a balance between planning worldbuilding details beforehand and then spontaneously adding in new things in the writing process. The Scholomance is an example of something new that was added later in the TSC writing chronology.
She decided that Sword Catcher had to be in the adult publishing category because when she initially developed the characters, they just appeared as people in their twenties. With TSC, the characters had just appeared to her as teenagers then. Writing characters in these different life stages was interesting and challenging.
Sword Catcher is the first in a duology, but she’d like it to be four books if it’s successful.
Cassie has always wanted to write Shadowhunters in the Roaring ‘20s but she has no idea what the plot would possibly be.
She doesn’t read TSC fanfiction, but her husband has informed her of a popular Magnus X BTS fanfiction on AO3. She stays away from fanfiction, but she is very invested in the fanart of her works. Her favorite artist is, of course, Cassandra Jean, and she also loves Charlie Bowater.
She loves writing with Holly Black and probably would only do more Middle Grade writing with her.
She is very much anti-censorship and anti-banning books, especially because of the form it takes in the US (aka, censorsing books dealing with issues affecting the BIPOC and queer communities).
She doesn’t believe they’ll do another TMI adaptation in any form, even though she doesn’t believe the TMI books’ story was ever truly told. She hopes, one day, that TID can get made as it’s the most adaptable series in her catalogue for logistical reasons.
If she couldn’t be a fiction writer, her dream job would be a travel writer. She intensely loves traveling and making her characters travel as well.
Her favorite author of all time is Dorothy Dunnett. She thinks you should check out The Queen’s Thief by Megan Whaler Turner (I agree). And she’s currently reading Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak (I really enjoyed this one).
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since landing is closing down soon, i decided to take a quick break from SUPERSTRUCTURE (although i will be back don't you worry two fans) and made some fashion moodboards for the 14 fears from the magnus archives to accompany this post there will be some notes and insight on each collage under the cut.
the buried: the buried was really underutilized in the podcast imo. some of my favorite episodes revolved around the buried like lost john's cave and we all ignore the pit. i really hope this did it justice since jonny sims did not.
the corruption: oh my god this one was so hard to make. my google search history is full of terms like "bug infested dress", "moldy clothing" and "yucky fashion" the corruption girlies really seemed to like my last post so i felt obligated to get it right. i think i did okay.
the dark: making a black on black collage look decent is really hard 😭 I was originally going to go victorian for this one but ended up doing nu goth instead since I thought victorian fit a lot better with the end.
the desolation: this is one of my favorites. there's somthing so satisfying about combining ashy greys and black with orange it just tickles my brain. other than that, i don't really have any notes
the end: as mentioned earlier, i went with victorian mourning wear for the end. i mean queen victoria herself was in mourning and only wore black for forty years. that era is so synonymous with death it only felt fair to work its customs and fashion into my end board.
the eye: eye avatars are legally required to wear academic fashion. it just comes with the job description. i don't make the rules. have fun being jonathan sims
the flesh: this one really took me down a rabbit hole. first:, i could only find those anti-vegan shirts that your unemployed uncle wears to the family barbecue and then i came across this fashion designer and spent like an hour on her shop trying to figure out how she got her clothes to look like that. after that it took me another two hours to find all of the accessories. pinterest has been both my best friend and worst enemy over the course of this project.
the hunt: i am so sorry the supernatural gas leakage returned to my home when i made this and I age regressed into being 15 again. when i was making this i pictured it more as the trevor and julia flavor of the hunt instead of say, daisy. god breast america.
the lonely: this one was pretty easy to make once i got a handle on the color scheme. the aesthetic of the lonely has always striken me as a romanticization of the melancholy. think wanderer above the sea of fog. So i gave this one all the things i would romantasize about my life at my loneliest, which is why there's a teacup and a heart locket. the book was also a part of that, but it also doubles as a recreation of a leitner by theponderingalpaca on reddit.
the slaughter: yeah yeah i know the slaughter is supposed to be about war as well as murder, but forgive me for not making a fashion collage about military uniforms. that's really boring. i had just watched woodstock '99 before i made this though and decided to go more for that angry punk/metalhead fashion that korn was wearing in that concert. them and limp biskit are the closest we'll ever get to irl grifters bone.
the spiral: i made this moodboard twice. i know its crazy that the fear meant to represent insanity is hard to pin down, but i think i did it better the second time around. the first one read too much as regular kidcore/decora for my taste.
the stranger: i had to do this one last. i could not for the life of me figure out how to make a circus/uncanny fashion board without just doing clown fashion. i'm still not entirely sure how i feel about how it turned out, but at least the masks are cool.
the vast: vast avatars rise up!! this is a mike crew fan blog and i only wanted to base the fashion around him. he's in the top three list of guys i'm autistic about with elliott stardew valley and daniel powell from archive 81.
the web: not much to say here except if you are a web avatar you have to wear a cunty dress. it is simply non negotiable
thank you to @artmadval for giving me the idea to do this with your amazing fashion archives art, along with everyone else who went through all my yapping to get here. love yall!
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