#anyways...... why do i always chat so much shit in the tags
horsemeatluvr23 · 4 months
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i can't be bothered to edit this properly so here is a bad photo of my sketchbook <3 i didn't wanna draw a person today to give myself a 'break' so instead i spent an obscene amount of time drawing wels castle (ft hypno's fireworks hehe)
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slocumjoe · 5 months
danse's romance route has some potholes
so, this post woke me from my slumber, have a ramble
This has always been a weird point for me, but I never got around to really figuring out what it was exactly until just now. I think all of the romantic candidates have out-of-place flirting, at least here and there, but Danse consistently has dialogue options to flirt with him at exactly the wrong fuckin time. The odd thing about Danse is that, most of the time, the normal Good/Yes answer is more romantic or sincerely affectionate than the flirt.
So, the Flirts.
The only Flirt that works is when he talks about his fear of losing people, and Sole says, "I care too much about you to do that to you." It's the first Flirt, and he responds by saying you've given him "something to think about." I've gone on about how Danse has never truly felt cared for. Sole's voice acting also sells this Flirt by being somewhat timid, unsure of saying this, but wanting him to know.
Danse's talks go Kreig > Cutler > Haylen > Help Im A Robot. The first time you can flirt with him is in the Cutler chat, where the "I care about you" line comes up. It's not out of left field from the conversation. It's affectionate, it doesn't overstep, but it pushes the line and makes Danse consider "oh shit, there's a lil something something going on here."
The "Would you hold me?" line is much less subtle.
Danse talks about how he doubts himself after Cambridge and Sole's reference to him hugging Haylen makes it seem like they've just been waiting for him to shut up to use that line on him. It's out of place, it circles back to a topic we've moved on from, and it's so overt it sucker-punches everyone involved, including the player. It's blunt.
The other options of "I'm here whenever you need me" or "I'm glad you feel better" are less flirtatious, but they imply more direct concern and care for Danse. Both lines are about Danse, and Sole being there for him. The actual Flirt is what Danse can do for Sole. This is such a weird nitpick, I know, but it comes off not as romantic, but more like Sole is trying to hook up with him. That would work with someone like Hancock, or maybe Piper, but Danse's romance involves more subtlety and slow-burn elements. It's too forward.
So, in his final talk...
It's literally "Kitten I'll be honest, Daddy's about to kill himself" "haha no don't kill yourself you're soooo sexy"
It comes right after he's having a lot of emotions about his reason for living. This is not the time to put the responsibility of a relationship on someone. Again, this is a flaw of the 4 Affinity Talks system. If you're just going for a platonic relationship with Danse, his talks work great, but his character arc is unfinished anyway. They have to shoehorn romance in there, and it doesn't have the room to develop naturally. It's why Sole has to explicitly say "Would you hold me ;>".
The strangest part is that his neutral/Friendly dialogue options are more affectionate and relationship-building. Again, the other options in the Haylen talk comfort Danse and reassure him.
Honestly, I think the best option, for all romancable companions, is within arms reach. You know how, if you don't romance someone, they'll bring up their last talk again and give you a barn door of an opening to broach the subject of a relationship again? Just. Do that/ It's literally what I did when I romanced Danse; don't romance him as soon as possible. Let it marinate.
The second chance to romance him goes the exact same way, eyebrows to space and all. It just takes place after Danse confesses how close he feels to you and trusts you and not RIGHT AFTER BLIND BETRAYAL.
It's easy to fix the pacing just by not going for the smooch ASAP, but the flirting is awkward. It's worth noting that the line before the Haylen flirt "It's comforting to know that I can speak to you as more than just your commanding officer" has it's own Flirting tag on it. Danse flirts with Sole here, canonically.
A cheap and easy rewrite is Sole echoing the sentiment with something like, "It's comforting to know that you're more than my commanding officer." This leaves room for interpretation. What else is Danse? Sole has an idea, but leaves Danse to wonder about it. It also confirms to Danse "yes, we have a personal bond and this isn't just a work thing."
I think the core of Danse's romance is this dude realizing that he's loved and cared for, truly. Cait has a similar arc, but hers has different complications and contexts than Danse. Danse needs a slow-burn romance full of soft moments and instances of Sole reminding him of his own humanity, even long before the synth thing.
It's worth noting that the "i care too much about you" line is still kinda overshadowed by the "But I wanna be a mutant" joke. That joke makes him laugh, he jokes back without missing a beat, and it's a cute little bonding moment between him and Sole. Romance isn't just overt flirting, it's the little things that make you think the other person is special. How many people do you think can make Danse laugh? Especially about becoming a Super Mutant, right after being told about Cutler? Danse thinks Sole is funny. He thinks it's a cute little joke. He's charmed.
Then Sole sucker-punches him with an explicit ask of physical contact and emotional exploration and the moment is lost. For the Halyen talk, you could have an option where Sole asks, teasingly, if this is going on the report, and Danse laughs and contemplates what Maxson would think. Maybe he even comments about how rumors spread on the Prydwen, implying that he knows there is something between you two for people to gossip about. This would later tie in to The Reveal, where Maxson says the same thing.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
pedro pascal is so daddy like… i genuinely dont know why this man doesnt have kids yet but I VOLUNTEER 🙋‍♀️
anywayss, i cant help but think about the domesticity of being married and expecting with pedro like we all know that man is old and is already daddy status but just imagining him coming home to you and your swollen belly after a day running around the city… to kiss on you and hold you like!!! you cant tell me that wouldn’t be the cutest shit ever
then you got the early mornings and late nights of him and you talking, watching movies together, laying on the couch in your spacious new york apartment, looking over on the city!!! and i just know no matter what, that man would just adore you. would always want to have you around, inviting you to come out with him while he’s working, always wanting to take you on dates, and events. i mean just utterly infatuated with you (especially if youre having his baby!?! like that man wouldnt know what to do with himself)
he would just take the best care of you… when he wakes up making sure your vitamins are all set up for you to take (so cant say you forgot!) and maybe writing little love notes incase you arent awake to bid him away for the few hours he’ll be gone. and he’d shoot you just random texts and pictures whether that be on set, in a meeting, driving/walking around, anything to let you know that youre on his mind… and when he comes home, oh lord. i wholeheartedly believe, after an extremely long day, he’d always come home with a little treat for you…
you’d be in the kitchen, getting dinner ready for the night, anticipating his arrival, as you hear the door open, and a loud and cheesy, “honey, im home!” to which he walks into your shared kitchen with a small little bag, holding a pastry he picked up for you on his way home just because he knows how much you love that bakery. you’d welcome him into your warm embrace and as you continue cooking for the two of you, nothing would make more sense than for him to rub that belly of yours…whispering all the praise you’d been aching to hear. telling you how beautiful you look, how strong you are, how grateful he is to have you, to hold you… and then ofcourse you’d enjoy the dinner you had made for the two of you. ending the night with the pastry pedro had picked up for you and a glass of wine for him…
ahhh! i totally rambled so much but i love pedro like UGH
Baby- p.p
hello loves! when i tell you i screamed when i saw this i’m not even lying. i tried my best with this one and if i’m being honest i don’t think i like it at all😭! first pedro pascal imagine (btw dad! imagines are my fave to write) dms are always open if you wanna chat loves! i’m like nervous to post this idk why. anyways enjoy 🤍 ⚠️age gap couple!⚠️
taglist (add yourselves loves🤍)(if there is a line through your name i cannot tag you for some reason x) @1-john-4-19
"baby, im home" you heard Pedro voice echo through your New York apartment. you had moved in with Pedro two years ago after a year of dating and now you were pregnant with your first child together. you were in the kitchen making a sandwich which you had been craving for the past thirty minutes but you were too tired to even get up off the sofa to make it.
you were 7 months pregnant and even walking made you out of breath, it was like the baby was purposely kicking your rib cage just to make you more uncomfortable than you already were. you heard his footsteps walking toward the kitchen and smiled at him when he finally appeared.
he had been out in New York with Bella, doing random interviews which obviously didn't take long so they also went for lunch then here he was back home with you. he walked up to you and opened his arms wide for you to hug him. his left hand fell so he could gently place it on your stomach hoping that the baby would kick for him, which it almost always did.
a huge smile formed on his face when he held the strong kicks coming from the baby. he placed little kisses on your head as you cuddled yourself more into him. "how was your day sweetheart?" you snuggled into him further and sighed in contentment. "boring, couldn't move for ages because i was so tired. i was gonna start packing the hospital bag and do laundry but i couldn't get off the sofa"
"don't worry about the laundry baby, i'll do it later" he kissed your forehead again and tried to hold you as close as possible. "wanna go watch tv? i'll even let you pick" he said making you smile up at him. with a small nod of your head he lent in to kiss you for the first time that day he let go of you. you picked up the sandwich which had been forgotten on the kitchen counter and waddled your way back to the sofa.
after a few minutes of you scrolling through the different channels you felt the sofa dip beside you and Pedro's arm go around your shoulders pulling you carefully into his side. you felt his hand stroking your arms softly as you finally picked "Bridgerton" and finally let yourself relax in Pedro's hold, feeling the small pecks on your head throughout the show.
"what do you think the baby is?" you asked as the comforting silence between the two of you filled the bedroom, the only thing that could be heard was the tv which you both weren't paying attention too. you had decided to keep the gender a secret until he/she was born and now you were growing closer and closer to them being here the nerves were growing and so was your curiosity.
Pedro looked down at you and smiled softly, he had thought about the baby every day and what it was going to look like, what the gender was, what it's first word would be, all the normal things a parent thought about. "i don't know but i hope it's a girl and i hope she looks exactly like you because you're beautiful" you smiled brightly and felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
"what if it's a boy?" you questioned, feeling Pedro's hand on your bump and the strong kicks coming from your baby who was still wide awake at this late hour for some reason. "then it's a boy, i'm still gonna love them whatever they are. but i do really hope that it's a girl. she'd be so cute. also all the names we have picked out are for girls so" you laughed, it was true, every single name you had were all girl names.
comfortable silence filled the room again and Pedro let his eyes fall onto the bed covers where your bump was. he just couldn't believe his baby was in there, growing beautifully. it was just the most perfect thing. "you are the most beautiful person i've ever seen." you looked up at him and saw him staring right at you, his eyes filled with adoration. your heart swelled as you listened to him.
"stop it" you said, turning your head so you could hide your blush which covered your cheeks. "i'm not kidding, you are so perfect. i love you" he said moving his head so he could place a few kisses on your cheek making you giggle as his beard tickled you. "can you come out with me tomorrow? want you to be at work with me. don't want you to be stuck in here all day by yourself" he let his head rest in your neck with his body just off to the side with his hand resting on your bump, again.
"i'll see how i am, they might keep me up all night and you know how i am when i'm tired" you kissed his head and felt kisses being placed on your neck. before you got pregnant you and tired just didn't mix well and it got even worse ever since you did get pregnant. you didn't mean to be mean but if you were tired you'd become snappy and annoyed very easily.
"god don't remind me" Pedro joked remembering how you snapped at him yesterday because he was just there, he didn't do anything wrong you were just tired and annoyed because the baby didn't let you sleep. "even though you snap at me i still love you so much. my favourite girl" he said, pulling his head out of your neck so he could kiss you. "yeah okay, i love you too" you said smiling at him.
Pedro got up before you every single morning just so he knew you'd have your vitamins ready for when you did wake up. it was rare for him to be there when you woke up unless it was a quiet day and he didn't have to work until the afternoon which was when you'd usually go to work with him. it put his mind at ease when he knew you had all your parental vitamins next to you so you wouldn't forget to take them.
he would leave little love notes next to them just letting you know he loved you and that he was proud of you, even if you didn't do anything but sit around all day he was still proud, you were carrying a whole child inside of you and you were coping so well. if it took the stress of you remembering every morning and it made your life a little bit easier he would do it.
as well as love notes he'd send you messages throughout the day just checking in to see if you were alright and if you needed anything. he always made sure he wasn't too far away from the apartment just incase something did happen. today in particular you were in a lot of pain, your back was killing you and so was your legs, just walking around was hurting you.
you had decided to start packing the baby bag just in case something happened you'd be prepared. the baby was kicking constantly and you'd gotten hardly any sleep that night because of the kicking and you just wanted them to be here so you could have a somewhat decent sleep. Pedro always woke up if you shook him, he was the one who could sort of calm the baby down with his talking but sometimes nothing worked.
he would always help you get comfortable before he would rest his head just above your bump so he could whisper to the baby. "need to stop giving your mama a hard time, she needs sleep baby" he would leave little kisses on your bump which made his heart swell with love just because he knew his baby was in there 'responding' to him. "we love you angel but give your mama a break"
it wasn't very often he had to do that but the nights you'd be overly tired from the baby kicking you he would do anything to make you as comfortable as possible. carrying the baby was hard, it felt like you were lugging around a watermelon and it was sometimes so painful you couldn’t even get up to brush your hair. Pedro saw how difficult it was for you when he was home and when he wasn’t there he’d always send you texts saying ‘he was so proud of you’ and that ‘you were doing so well’, the messages, somehow, always made you feel better.
it was late and Pedro was on his way home from filming. you were making dinner for the two of you and you were waiting for him to finally come home after a long day doing interviews. you had been craving your favourite pastry from the bakery which wasn’t too far away from your apartment all day. you had tried to get yourself ready but your feet were killing you and so was your back so getting there didn’t happen.
"y/n? i'm home love" you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery's logo on it. "i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close" he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest "how did you know i was craving something from there" you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. "i guess i'm a psychic. i had a feeling" he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
"how was today?" you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. "it was alright, wanted to be here with you though" he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
“y/n? i’m home love” you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery’s logo on it. “i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close” he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest “how did you know i was craving something from there” you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. “i guess i’m a psychic. i had a feeling” he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
“how was today?” you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. “it was alright, wanted to be here with you though” he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
“you look so beautiful, so so pretty” he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. “you’re so strong, carrying our baby. you’re doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i’m so lucky to have you” anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn’t wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
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impishjesters · 11 months
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Mafia Boss Jax x Reader
warning(s): gun mentioned, stalking mentioned, domestic/soft Jax, marriage mentioned note(s): Honestly couldn't really see much worth tagging, it's all just stuff you'd expect to see mentioned in a mafia/gang headcanon... A/N: So I saw a fanart thingie (and I've had it on the brain anyway) and it made me thirsty for some mafia boss Jax and I just... I might have to write up a one-shot (or series) at some point but this was enough to quench my thirst...temporarily. I can definitely see myself building a universe around this idea though. I'm excited as you can tell because I just kept fuckin' going in writing this out... Also feast upon domestic Jax in the latter half, I got mushy...
Jax is a tricky boss, it’s hard to get a solid read on him, as an enemy or an ally. He’s almost always sporting a grin, making it difficult to gauge unless you can tell those smiles apart. If he’s frowning? Ha.
He’s that fine middle ground of laid-back yet strict. His word is law, get shit done and do it right and he doesn’t particularly care about the rest.
This person needs to be killed, but before that, they need to be tortured for information. How you torture or kill them doesn’t matter, you get that information or else.
Rabbits are his motif design, not originally by choice but it stuck. Purple rabbit head, his signature grin, it’s childish—which is why it’s perfect, only idiots see that childish design and think “Oh this will be easy” and then it’s fuckin not.
Working for him means nobody is an exception to his little pranks and fuckery. Nothin’ too bad—not intentionally anyways. Bunch of wackos with guns, who thought they’d get trigger-happy when startled?
If you work for him, chances are he finds you a fun target for his mischief.
He might seem buddy buddy with you, but remember he’s your boss. Chances are you are acquaintances at best, not friends. At least for now—who knows?
If you’re dating him, well howdy hey aren’t you a pretty little thing on his arm?
Just kidding, regardless of whether you work under him or not you are given standard gun training as protection for yourself and him, but mainly yourself.
He does like it when you are his date for any events, though he’ll never say it. Jax is the type to bring up an event and do the whole shtick of “guess I’ll need to find a date” sorta guy.
Back on the topic of dating him and gun training—on the off chance you are dating and don’t know about his little crew and lifestyle… What the fuck’s wrong with you? Are you that blind? His position isn’t some well-kept secret, well not to anyone who knows anything.
Jax is pretty straightforward about it, except with his track record of joking there’s like a 97% chance you thought he was kidding when he said he’s a mafia boss. Ha, surprise.
Now if the two of you are dating, and you aren’t part of his little world then he does do his best to keep you out of it. This means that there are periods when you won’t see him, whether it’s because he’s busy or for safety reasons.
You aren’t safe from spam texts, calls, and video chats though. Nah, that’s all fair game to him baby.
Oh, you got work in the morning? Tough, he’ll stay on the phone/video with you until you pass out—he might go a step further and stay on the call for hours even if you are unconscious.
He does it for one of three reasons…
One, it gives him fuel to use whatever shit you say or do in your sleep to tease you with later.
Two, your company, albeit silent and unaware that you’re keeping him company, makes him feel less alone. Moments like this are often when he’s not working and at home, alone. Hearing you breathe, babble, and shuffle around on speaker has him feeling less alone in that big home of his.
Three, it gives him some piece of mind that you are okay, he can see and hear you, and no guns or glass are breaking to be heard. You’re safe. Moments like this are usually after stressful events, whether it’s a job gone wrong, someone injured, etc.
Those calls usually last through the night into the morning and you wake up and see the call still on or see him on the screen. He’s never told you about why some calls continue into the morning, or rather why he’s still awake when he should’ve been sleeping. Though it doesn’t take a genius to figure out it’s not just him being a stalker, but something more serious—if the oddly sweet tone he uses when telling you good morning and asking how you slept is anything to go by.
That said, Jax is not a morning person—even to you. Though if he’s awake before you or has yet to sleep, he’s oddly tender and domestic when it’s just the two of you.
“How’d ya sleep, angel? Dream of me? Nah, don’t answer that, I know ya did.”
“Hey sleepyhead, got ya coffee and breakfast ready. No, I didn’t put anything suspicious in it. I’m wounded doll, ya think I’d put in all that effort to make you breakfast just to ruin it?”
Okay so he’s still a little shit, but he’s got an unspoken soft spot for you.
Speaking of soft spots, if he’s truly down bad for you then that means you are his weakness. He can’t have those—no he’s not gonna kill ya Christ calm down—that means you’re at risk of getting hurt if word gets out.
So if the two of you aren’t at that level yet and are still living apart, he tries hard to keep his distance to keep the attention off you.
But if you are living together? You’re still at risk but he’s got his security measures, and bodyguards galore—even if you don’t live together he always has someone watching you—sure it’s a little creepy but just don’t think about it alright?
I said don’t think about it.
Jax does yet doesn’t understand the line of stalking. To him he’s keeping you safe, to you it’s likely an invasion of your privacy—but if you are anything like me then as long as there’s no malicious intent he can do his own thing. I dunno bout you but I’d rather him have eyes on me than something bad happen to me.
While living together it doesn’t take a genius to tell you that Jax visibly relaxes in your presence, especially when he comes home and gets into bed with you. He’s such a domestic sucker deep down, but you don’t need words to see that.
Overall, I feel like Jax wouldn’t date you if he didn’t have serious feelings for you. His lifestyle isn’t for everyone and he doesn’t open up to just anyone, it could take years before he finally allows himself to even ask you out on a date before considering more. But once the two of you are together he sees the two of you in for the long run, he’ll probably be upfront about it and say if you aren’t in this for the long run and potential marriage then he can’t do it.
Your Jax’s ride or die, please allow him to be yours too.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Ace: *pouting* Sensei!
MC: *smiling* Yes, Mr. Trappola?
Ace: You have the most interesting history and you don't even want to tell us!
MC: Ara~ But history bores you, doesn't it?
Ace: No! I really like history! Yes! I love it!
The first-years: Yeah! We love history, sensei!
MC: *chuckles* Professor Trein will be happy to hear that.
MC: Anyway, since all of you are eager to know about my history... Hm... Let's see. Ah!
MC: You can do an investigation.
Ace: Eh? Investigation?
MC: Yes! You've learned a lot of skills and I'm sure that your investigating skills are much better now compared last time.
Epel: But sensei... How are we going to investigate? What materials will we be using?
MC: *smiles mischievously* Ah... Now that's the problem, isn't it?
Ace and Epel: ...
The first-years: *cheered* Good one, Sebek!
MC: My mom always stays at home. But be sure to behave there, okay?
Jack: Uh... So it's not a problem to you, sensei?
Deuce: Why would it be a problem, Jack?
Jack: I don't know... I feel like Sensei's doing this on purpose.
Professor Trein: Professor MC has already informed me about your home visit to their house.
Professor Trein: I trust that all of you won't cause any trouble because if I receive any reports of mischief, I will make sure to give you appropriate punishments.
Ace: Don't worry, professor! MC-sensei taught us how to be efficient. *grinning*
Jack: Yes. But you haven't applied that to yourself yet.
Epel: *chuckles*
Sebek: We should have a plan and not waste the one week given to us!
Deuce: I agree with Sebek. It's MC-sensei's history we're talking about here, but we don't want it to be vague.
Professor Trein: Just focus on their current life. As for their origins, the different lives they had, it is my duty as a professor to research on that.
Professor Trein: And I will be waiting for the results you will gain from this investigation.
The first-years: Aye, Professor Trein!
Professor Crewel: No. I'm not allowing it.
Professor Crewel: The freshmen will be off-campus and now you want to tag along?
Kalim: They're going to have lots of fun! *whining*
Jamil: I wish to know more about MC-sensei myself...
Riddle: Ace and Deuce needs to be supervised. I don't want them embarrassing themselves in front of Professor MC's mother.
Azul: I'm sure MC-sensei's mom isn't like your mom.
Riddle: *frowns* What did you say?
Professor Crewel: I don't care about your own reasons. You will be all staying here—
MC: *knocks on the door* Sir, may I interrupt your class? I have an announcement to make.
Professor Crewel: Of course, Professor MC. All of you, puppies. Listen to what Professor MC will say!
MC: *smiles*
MC: As you all know, the freshmen will be doing their investigation and I've made a bet with them. If they are able to make a theory about my existence, Professor Trein and the others would have to give them an A-grade mark. However, if they fail... *chuckles*
MC: The sophomores will enter a strict training.
The sophomores: ...
Professor Crewel: Ah. What a nice idea to train the pups.
MC: Indeed, Sir. Hehe~.
Ruggie: Uh, sensei? Is there a reason why you're making this bet?
MC: Nothing in particular. I just feel that I'm being negligent with the sophomores.
The sophomores: ...
The sophomores: Oh shit—
MC's mom: I'm sorry. Our house is too small and I can't accommodate all of you.
Deuce: It's alright, ma'am! The weather is nice here and we can camp outside!
Ace: Yeah! This sure is a nice place!
Sebek: Let's not waste our time with idle chats!
Sebek: Ma'am! Please tell us something about MC-sensei!
Epel: Sebek... Couldn't you ask more politely...
Jack: We've just got here.
MC's mom: ...
MC's mom: Well... I think I might've something that will interest you.
The first-years: What is it, Ma'am? Please tell us!
MC's mom: *smiles* MC was a stillborn.
The first-years: Eh? EHHHH?!!
Sebek: S-Stillborn?!
Ace: But how?!
Deuce: *crossing out the theory of reincarnation on his note*
Jack: Ma'am, you have to explain that to us.
MC: I wonder how the first-years are doing. *chuckles*
Leona: They're probably screaming right now.
MC: Hehe~. By the way, Mr. Kingscholar, you sure are laid-back.
Leona: I'm preserving my energy just in case your dear freshmen lose the bet.
MC: Have faith in them. The task isn't that difficult after all. *chuckles*
Leona: Like I will believe you on that, sensei.
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siconetribal · 1 month
Put it on My Tab (19)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Warning: Frustration, Online Gaming, and Revelations
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! I’d also greatly appreciate it if rebloggers remember to add the tags (or some at least).
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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All occupants of Wayne manor knew Jason was in a sour mood. To what extent or why was not clear, but it was obvious in his lack of snippy banter and increased silence, and when he did respond, it was sharper than usual. It was as if he was regressing back to the days when he was still finding his footing amongst them. He and Bruce never had an outwardly discussion clarifying everything, but there was something that was done to help build a new foundation, regardless oh how shaky that was.
They tried to approach the second Robin in a variety of ways, trying to unearth the reason for the sudden slip into anger. Some thought Bruce and him had an argument, while others thought there may be trouble in the Outlaws. Neither was able to confirm their suspicions, and any attempt to do so was met with aggression and deflection.
Annoyed by all their brown nosing, Jason left the manor and spent the next couple of nights at his own apartment. Of course, I’d have no privacy in a house full of detective vigilantes. He rolled his eyes as he rolled out of bed and made his way over to his computer. Plopping onto the chair, he let it wheel backwards before pulling himself forward by the desk. He stared at the game icon on his desktop for what felt like the umpteenth time today. His fingers drummed just below his keyboard as he eyed his mouse, which rested only a couple inches away. I can’t just log on and act like I haven’t been gone in forever. She’s probably pissed that her online buddy has been MIA for so long. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back, the chair reclining with his weight. This is my only way to even speak to her, though. I cleared up the bill crap, maybe I can meet her again through here? Fake that I didn’t know who she was? Not like she’d ever know that I knew anyway. Pursing his lips to one side, he intensely stared at his ceiling, as if it held some sort of secret that would aid him in his decision to long on or not. 
“Fuck it, I’m logging on!” The seat swung forward with him as he sat up and logged onto the game.
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Arkam_Knight has logged in. The italicized text popped up on the screen, much to Y/N’s surprise. Her character was currently standing in the town square looking at the request board for something that was easy enough for a solo hunt. Seeing the name of her dearly miss comrade was an answer to her desperate pleas for some miracle because there was no mission that allowed solo entry. She eagerly opened the chat box and began to type.
<Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! Where have you been?! I would’ve called the police for a wellness check, but I don’t have a clue on where you live.>  She watched the ellipses bounce then vanish repeatedly for a couple of minutes. The longer he took to reply, the more concerned she was becoming. An unknown weight slowly creeped onto her shoulders. Anxious thoughts spun around in her mind. The distant ding of his response was able to rip her from the thoughts.
<Yeeeaaah, my bad. Work was crazy and shit had me all over the fucking place trying to clean up. I can’t go into detail, a lot of confidential crap.>
<Yeah, I figured. So, I know you can’t tell me what you do for a living, but I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re working as a high level officer of some kind. I won’t ask you what branch, but sounds like you do work city wide, which I have no clue how you handle that.>
<Someone’s gotta do the dirty work, right? It ain’t for everyone. It just so happens that I’ve got a knack for it.> He added a little proud sticker. <You’ve been MIA yourself, I’ve logged in a few times and saw you hadn’t been on in a while.>
<Where do I even begin? Life has been kicking both of us in the asses, it seems.> She sent an exhausted sticker. She paused for a few minutes, staring at her blinking cursor. How was she going to explain it all to him? Would it even be believable? She, herself, also found it hard to swallow was true. From dealing with Waynes to meeting two of Batman’s partners to being part of a claim investigation because of the collateral damage to the building.
I thought dealing with snobby rich kids and wild Karens was as crazy as my life was going to be. Who knew I’d be entangled with crime fighters and a Trust Fund kid. She slumped in her seat, slowly tapping at the space bar to let him know she was still there. Erasing the long gap of emptiness, she sat up once more.
<Give me a sec, gotta organize my thoughts on this.>
<Damn, that much? Take your time, I’m here.>
<Thanks.> She smiled at the animated thumbs up sticker was sent. At least I still hot my friends.
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Jason sank back into his computer chair, rocking back and forth and swinging side to side as he awaited for her response. Watching the symbol of her typing appear and disappear multiple times was far more torturous than he anticipated. He knew what she was going to tell him, he was there with her. She did not know that, and he did not know how she took any of it. The only thing he could rely on were the facts, but that did nothing for his nerves.
If someone told him that he would wake up one morning in a hotel room next to a stranger, who knew how to get under his skin and take over his thoughts, he would have laughed at them. If they told him she was his online gaming buddy as well, he would have scoffed the added detail and never spoken to the person for being out of their mind. And yet, here he was, months later, talking to that very strange woman, battling between keeping in touch and cutting all ties. 
If things could just go back to when we didn’t know each other, it could just be simpler. I can’t even game with her without feeling some sort of way. He rubbed his chest as that uncomfortable weight sank onto his heart. I should’ve just paid the bill and let it be. Why did it matter if she knew me or not? I knew she got screwed over because of me, I should’ve just ended it as soon as I found her. His irrational actions bothered him. He was a cold and calculating vigilante that played by his own rules. He even ran the crime world for a time when he was completely at odds with Batman and was blinded by his heightened rage. He survived death and a beating from the Joker. Handling a hotel bill for a girl should not be this difficult, and yet here he was stuck in quicksand. He glanced at his computer monitor and his eye twitched at the site of the dots vanishing again. “What is she doing, right a novel?!” He threw his hands up and heaved a heavy sigh.
He swung his chair straight at the ding and leaned in close to the monitor, skimming the paragraph before forcing himself to read from the start.
<Ok, Dickens, you didn’t tell me you were publishing a novel! Lol, give me a sec to read all this.>
 It started off as he expected, she mentioned their first few meetings and how she fumbled with trying to hide herself. He could not help the snicker that came at her admission of being angry at him, but a grin quickly took over when she confessed that she found him good-looking. 
“Damn right, you did! I’m fucking handsome!” He boasted, puffing his chest with pride before diving back into the text. I came that night and those pricks were there, ok, Nightwing and Red Robin came crashing through the window, fine, so then-wait, what the fuck! His gaze snapped back to the two mentioned vigilantes and the incident he was not aware of at all. “When the fuck did this happen? Did Dickhead do this on purpose?! I’m going to enjoy getting answers out of him later.” He cracked his knuckles as a wicked smirk took over. He carefully read through the incident and soon realized that this was in fact a coincidence, but his ‘darling’ older brother failed to mention it to him. At least they left her a tip.
Pushing forward, he read about the following insurance claim filing that was on going to prove that this was not something staged. Then there were her concerns about a particular caffeine addicted young teen who was another Wayne with another name. His mind instantly flashed to the memory of Tim’s coffee cup.
Don’t tell me he’s in on it too! Nosy assholes, Jason was ready to flip his computer table but kept his composure. No, he can’t be. He hasn’t been asking me shit or tailing me in any way. That means this is just his need for coffee, and she makes damn good coffee. He reasoned himself back into a state of calm to read onwards. The name of the detective in charge of the claim has him seeing red. He paced the length of his bedroom to avoid breaking his only means of communication with her. “Oh, I’m going to kill him. I’m going to kill him the next time I see him! That was on purpose, he chose to take the lead on this because I told him her name. Dickhead is in for a world of pain.” His voice rumbled in anger as he expended the rage through physical activity. 
He sat back in his seat when he felt he was calm enough to, and continued to read the rest of what she had to say. She finally got to their last evening together. He made her brownies and she was really touched by it.
<I was purely joking about the brownies, but he actually went through with it! I don’t think I’ve ever dated a guy who made me brownies, and he’s a stranger! It’s insufferable just how perfect he is for dropping such a huge bill on my head!> She punctuated with angry stickers. <I didn’t want to eat them, though. I wanted to keep them forever, like a memento since-well, I’m getting a head of myself.> She dove into the details of their diner date. He remembered that night, they talked for hours, but it felt like hardly any time had even gone by. <I hated asking him to pay, but I had to. It was getting to be too much for me and my roomie. He was great about it, a real gentleman. I said to just help with what was left, but he paid me the whole thing! I really had him wrong in my head. We ended up staying out late, talking. I don’t think I’ve ever had such an easy conversation with a guy before. When the diner had to close, he took me home and even waisted until I got through the front door. But now I don’t have any reason to talk to him, and he hasn’t made any effort to reach out to me either. Which loops back to the brownies. I wanted to keep them as a memento because it looks like that chapter is closed. But all of his efforts would’ve gone to waste. They were really good, which sucks. Now he’s even more of a jerk wad because it’s not fair! My roomie has plans to celebrate my freedom, but I’m not so sure. I want to, but it involves the tip from Nightwing and Red Robin. Would that be considered evidence or something I should hand over to the detective at my formal interview?>
The infamous Red Hood sat there, speechless, with his head swimming from his and her emotions. She clearly wanted to keep up their friendship, and he did too, but it was not safe. She was already linked to two of them, which was bad enough. He knew he was the worst of them to ever be associated with, and that made this more irritating for him. He muttered profanities as he slammed his fist on the desk. If only he could untangle himself from all this, everything would be fine.
<Shit, you really were busy. Glad to hear he paid his dues like a man. But if he’s so hot, why not just ask him out yourself?> He suggested. He needed to act like any other citizen. He needed to distance himself from himself in her mind. <Did you really serve Nightwing and Red Robin while they were on a mission? I definitely wouldn’t have thought about giving them coffee in the middle of all that. Though, he sounds like a weirdo saying your name so many times. I doubt he was threatening you, maybe he’s got some weirdo fetish? I’d say keep away from him. As great as he is, a masked guy flipping through the Gotham night in spandex must have some sorta thing.> He insisted. That’s what you get, Dick-wing. He smirked. <The tip is yours to keep, you served them, and they gave you a tip. Unless it had some secret message or some sort of flash drive, cash isn’t going to be a dig deal. Plus, they didn’t ask you about the tip though they saw it on camera, you’re good. It’s yours, use it.>
<Yeah, she said the same thing. Said it was a gift from the heavens and I shouldn’t be so paranoid. Also, no way in hell am I asking him out! He’ll think I’m some gold digging hussy! The guy paid for dinner and the hotel bill, I think I’m the last person he wants to see again!>
<Listen to me, I’m a guy, trust me. If he thought you were a gold digger, he would’ve ended shit right away or left you at the diner. The guy made you brownies! I think you can give him some slack and think that maybe, just maybe, he likes your company too?>
<If he liked it so much, why hasn’t he texted me?>
<Because he’s a bigger dumbass and overthinks like you? Thinks you hate him or that you don’t want anything to do with him because he landed you in shit?> He countered. <You don’t have to do anything, I’m just saying thinking about it. Whatever you choose, just don’t abandon me again! Solo raiding was horrible!> He added a few tearful stickers to gain sympathy.
<You think? Alright, alright, I get it! Sheesh, I just told you, I didn’t vanish on purpose! I promise, I’ll keep in touch as best I can! I don’t have to OT anymore, so that’s promising. Thanks for listening. Now, let’s go kick some monster tail!>
<LOL, anytime! I thought you’d never ask!>
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@vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotall @antiquecultist
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queerofcups · 2 months
a July rec list
I read a truly absurd amount of fanfic in July, and since I’m tracking my fic reading anyway these days, I figured, why not pull up some faves. I’ll do my best to tag authors when and where I can! I’ll throw some commentary in there to talk about why I like some of them, but rest assure this is a rec list and I think every one of them has something to love. 
Hockey RPF
In the scrawl of the ringside choir E, 37k, Hockey RPF | @goodnightpuckbunny Sid/Geno
“Geno, this is Sid Crosby,” Kris says, sitting back down. The kid towers over both of them, but seems small in the office. “You need a coach, so he’s gonna help you out.” He looks Sid over, eyes scanning like he’s looking for weaknesses, faults in his form. Sid has plenty, but he’s not fighting anymore. He doesn’t bother mirroring the gesture. He can guess without looking. “He old,” Geno eventually decrees. 
Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Eric
E | 4k | falsescience (@theburialofstrawberries) Eric Bogosian/Jam Reiderson, Jam Reiderson
Oh ho, Eric thinks to himself, and then, aloud, because it’s just too delicious, and wouldn’t Rolin be ashamed, and a little pissed: “Oh ho!” He feels zapped alive: young, powerful, god-like. Jacob starts giggling immediately. “Did you just say ‘oh ho’?” “Or maybe aspen. What do you think, Eric?” “Not a damn clue,” says Eric, with a broad grin. “You look very satisfied. He looks very satisfied, doesn’t he?” Jacob smiles at Sam over his hitched shoulder. “Hm,” says Sam. “I think we play it safe, and go with red maple.” Yeah, Eric is certain: Jacob and Sam aren’t fucking. But they’d like to be.
First of all, I am RPF’ing these people real hard in some private chats. But largely, I like the characterization happening here, and the little turn of understanding that happens in the last third of the fic. 
E | 44k | verseau (@downstairsbar) Lestat/Louis
we're gonna heal. we're gonna start again. you've brought the orchestra, synchronized swimmers. // It makes him speechless sometimes, how much he loves Lestat. He thought for years, a decade, that it was sickness. It’s not. It’s not. Even when Louis hated Lestat, nothing was more certain than that he loved him.
There’s some great, great plotting and characterization here but/also I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve read a fic and known immediately that the author is Black. That’s obviously not a requirement of the fic I write but it's nice to have Southern Black characters really sound like people I’ve known/grown up around etc. 
let’s keep this off the record
E | 1.4k | anonymous
Louis/Santiago (sort of)
There would be no second chances for the Englishman, no opportunity for him to crawl out of some dump and seek revenge. Louis would make sure of that.
Honestly, I think it's great that fandom has a long and storied history of skullfucking. I think it's fun that weird shit like that still happens around here.
T | 2k | anonymous Claudia/Madeline, Louis/Lestat
Madeleine meets in the in-laws. Particularly one of them.
M-E | 5.8k total | familiar (@bigvampo or @camilliar? sekrit you've got so many blogs) Louis/Lestat
I mean, sekrit is just a fucking stellar writer. sekrit’s got a way of telling so much —  about a character, their mental state, the world their in —  in just a few razor sharp details. also these fics are so funny and the characterizations of Louis and Lestat feel like natural progressions from what we’ve seen in canon both in how much they love each other and how terrible they are (to each other and in general)
Harry Potter
Right. I think I’ve always been pretty upfront about my continued reading of Harry Potter fanfiction, but in case it's somehow necessary to say, please do not come to my inbox talking about JK Rowling. I don’t think about that woman and I’m very clear about what she thinks about me. 
Those Three Curses
E | 6k total | @dodgerkedavra Draco/Harry
Obviously I had a bit of a fucking dodgerkedavra moment here, but these blew me away. So much story telling in such little space. 
Former Things Come to Mind
E | 64k | dodgerkedavra
Harry Potter has had a headache for seven and a half years.
In the Presence of My Enemy E | 41k | dodgerkedavra Draco/Harry
All Harry knows is that Sectumsempra is for enemies. He doesn’t know that it will bind him to Draco Malfoy, for better or worse, ‘til death do them part.
Tiny Home
E | 30k | @wolfpants Draco/Harry/Ron
Harry and Ron left the Aurors years ago to travel the world and make up for lost time. When they finally decide to settle roots back in England, together, building a tiny home in the Lake District by hand seems like the perfect plan. What they don't realise is that Draco Malfoy already lives on the plot of land that they choose to build on. A story about years of feelings, about weaving lives in and around each other, and about finding a place safe enough to call home.
I really feel like there’s been an explosion of excellent Draco/Harry/Ron all of a sudden. One of my qualms with a lot of polyship fics is that it's very uhhh “we must do everything together” and I really love that this fic breaks that down and allows everyone to have histories and experiences together as dyads and all together. 
In Our Blood
E | 37k | secretsalex Draco/Harry
Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job—cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
I’m not even going to bullshit y’all. This fic reminded me why I love mpreg. Excellent use of body horror, body dread, suspense, all these things. Also, an mpreg fic that remembers abortion is a thing. Amazing!
Probationary Action
E | 63k | @toomuchplor Draco/Harry
As part of the terms of the probationary contract, DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY shall submit for inspection his WAND on the last day of every month, such inspection to be carried out by a duly registered and fully qualified AUROR in the employ of the MINISTRY OF MAGIC, and such inspection to include a PRIORI INCANTATEM spell to ensure that no PROHIBITED MAGICS as heretofore described have been practised by the aforementioned probationer.
I’ve been obsessed with toomuchplor since Inception and this fic reminded me why. I don’t love Auror!Harry fic (truly, just so much unchecked, delighted writing about police brutality) but I do like any fic where Harry starts to wake up to the fact that maybe just because they’re “the good guys”, not every choice made by the Aurors/Wizarding Gov’t in general is right. Also, I appreciate the expansion on the idea of sex charms!
E | 41k | @shiftylinguini Draco/Harry
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice. Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter.
idk man, I like a fic that treats sex work like it's just a job. Worthy of respect, full of technical expertise, etc. 
Both of these next fics came from @hd-wireless which has been, pound for pound, one of the best fests I've ever witness and is a testament to how important having multiple fic fests in a fandom can be! so much good shit to read!
The most he’s ever said
E | 16k | anonymous Draco/Harry
It takes them twenty years.
Two Houses
E | 11k | anonymous Draco/Harry
Two households, both alike in... meddling Floo connections, apparently? Draco Malfoy is a highly professional and well-respected Ministry official, with a demanding schedule, a loving son, and—through no fault of his own—a faulty Floo connection that keeps regurgitating the Minister for Magic through his fireplace.
I really enjoy that there's been more of a trend of writing about these two as older people and fleshing out the characterization of their kids.
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quinloki · 4 months
Hi Quin <3
I may or may not have gone through your entire catalog haha (^///^) Thank you for feeding us all so well ☆ Such stunning works!!!!! (シ_ _ )シ
I was wondering, I find that I keep on reading the same people a lot. Have you discovered some cool new people to read from recently? any great recs? stuff you keep coming back to?
Anyways, you're awesome!! And I can't wait to read what you come up with next!!!!!
=O Sideblogs and everything?
Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
Goodness. ❤️I'm glad you enjoyed my stuff enough to read all that. I'm a terribly wordy ^^;
Ah! But hmmm... I do tend to read from many of the same folks, especially since I ended up surrounded by impressive writers.
But let's do this:
@swampstew - if you follow me, you know her. I cannot fathom otherwise, and if you don't, start here.
this is @icy-spicy's master list - I'd have that cold shower ready before you start, but there's more than One Piece there.
@mydisenchantedeulogy writes for a lot of fandoms, her words are so good I'm a fan of her stories without even having seen the universes they come from.
@un-shit-yourself is a long time real life friend, and a fantastic writer. Mostly Dragon Age, but the writing pulls you in. We chat, but we don't usually cross post, so you probably don't know about this one even if you do follow me.
@zoros-sheath - if you haven't read Magnets, start there, otherwise go hog wild. I can't imagine you're going to find anything bad.
@standfucker - whew, I look - Zen makes me wonder why I even write because what she writes is just too goddamn hot. Y'all don't need me, you got her. (I say this in jest, I'm going nowhere I promise) White Out and Rotation are two of my favorites, but Stowing Away to Save Yourself is something I specifically requested and gods was I served well.
@writing-yarn-goblin and @lyndsyh24 and @theaceofflamesposts are here, but you're more likely to enjoy the first two on Wattpad and the last on Ao3. Lyn's getting more active here, but her library is full of good stuff - fluffier than my usual work, but just as good imo. Lyn is one of the biggest reasons y'all get to deal with me at all. She was a saint when I stumbled into Wattpad.
I love @heyitsdoe and @/bas-writes stuff - they are both phenomenal writers. Bas has shifted away from OP a little and is more into JJK, but if you're looking for solid fic to read, then you will find tons there and I promise you'll enjoy it =3 Doe is super sweet and her writing is always a full meal, I've commissioned her and it was far and away worth every penny.
Honestly, I'd really recommend checking out my Following page. I leave it public, but everyone on it is either a friend, a writer, an artist, or some combination of all three.
I could go on in this post for like 5,000 more words and not hit everyone who has delighted me. @cyborg-franky @coza-main @lerya-fanfic @leakyweep @leftsidebonfire -- I'm going to hit a damn tag limit again.
@thus-spoke-lo is a little on the darker side, but gods alive I love her work, and I could read it for hours if I had the hours to spare.
@vizkopa writes in a way that helped me loosen up and write more how I wanted to, so thank her for that, and enjoy what she's got - mostly on Wattpad I believe? I know that's where I've read it.
Seriously, just peruse my followers, if you need something new.
But know that like me, they're 18+ and that's a boundary for their comfort as much as anything else. So don't break that.
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britcision · 2 years
Ahem… anyway… THE GALA BEGINS! Available on AO3, linked in the first chapter
Tag list
@welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog1 @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof
Party At Brucie’s
Jason had been added to the Team Phantom group chat pretty much immediately on return from the Ghost Zone.
And maybe Danny hadn’t been the most tactful, but he’d sure as shit made Jason laugh.
‘DannyP: New halfa just dropped!! *DannyP has added JTodd to the chat*’
Jason then got to spend a couple hours explaining the situation and watching Sam and Tucker roast Danny to within an inch of his life about it.
He liked the Team Phantom group chat. Definitely preferred it over the Wayne family group chat or the Bat Chat for those few days leading up to the gala.
Fucking Dick sending pictures of him.
Red Hood was NOT cute. No matter what any of them said. He was just glad Dick had been considerate enough to crop it to his own face, not showing Danny’s.
Small mercies.
He’d have avoided Wayne manor until the last second if he hadn’t known he’d then have to deal with them at the gala, in front of Danny.
So, the morning after the photo (and his brief, apparently unnoticed sojourn to another dimension) he made his way back to the mansion, wondering idly what he’d be doing if the pit rage wasn’t a still a soft, gentle ball of calm.
He could see himself being pissed he’d been spied on. Turned it into something dark and nasty.
As it was… well, he was mildly annoyed. Maybe just the tiniest, ittiest bittiest bit touched Dick had come to check on him.
Mostly? Dread. Apprehension, really. They weren’t gonna hurt him or do anything nasty.
Buuuuut Jason remembered being an Extreme Little Shit to Dick when he was crushing on Babs, and while he totally, absolutely did not have a crush on his new king…
Well, it was a cute picture. Smiling, blushing Jason, and even he had a hard time believing it was of him.
It looked like he had a crush.
But really it was exertion from the wrestling just before it was taken, definitely for sure.
He wasn’t gonna argue that though; it’d be admitting the idea had merit beyond just dismissing it.
He’d managed to wake up in time (after chatting with Danny’s friends online into the night) for Alfred’s pancakes, and that’d make up for damn near anything, even Steph being home.
She didn’t always stay at the manor, but there was a chance she’d crashed out for those same sweet heavenly pancakes.
Jason had another mission now anyway, and the good news was that Bruce would be home; no one in business got shit done in the week between Christmas and the New Year.
The bad news was… Bruce would be home, Jason would have to talk to him.
But for Alfred’s pancakes Jason would fight the devil himself, with his bangin’ new gun to boot.
(He’d taken the time to have a longer look at that too; a Colt revolver, not quite his usual machine pistols, but classic. It had a satisfying weight in his hand and was a neat matte black, with just the strangest hint of red light flickering across it.
Danny said the sword burned green in its owner’s hand; something to check out at the range. Maybe in the cave. And, apparently, it was definitely non lethal.
Knowing this because Danny’d seen people stabbed with the sword version did not reassure Jason.)
The table was mostly empty when Jason arrived, which wasn’t exactly a shock. Duke was in, and he gave Jason a half shy smile and nodded.
They hadn’t interacted much; Duke was new, and he was Gotham’s daytime hero, while Jason still preferred to patrol at night. Still, he’d helped out a couple times.
They got along, even when Jason was at odds with the rest of the bat clan.
And his phone was on the table, likely with the group chat on it.
Jason gave him a nod and a half smile of his own as he took his seat. Not right next to Duke; the table was big and empty, he didn’t wanna crowd. He sat across from him instead, so they could talk.
“You can ask,” he said by way of greeting, tipping back to grin at Alfred as the man brought him a stack, “and you are the real hero, Alfie.”
Duke hid a grin in his juice as Alfred raised an eyebrow at Jason, not quite in reprimand.
“As you say, Master Jason,” the butler said calmly, setting down his plate. “You were missed at dinner. Twice.”
Jason made a face and shrugged, knowing full well what Alfred actually meant. He hadn’t actually decided how much he wanted to tell them about Danny yet.
Alfred? Alfred he trusted without question or reservation. Even to keep secrets from Bruce, if he didn’t think it would hurt someone.
But if Bruce knew he told Alfred something and not him, he’d pout. And while Jason wouldn’t have to deal with it, the others would, and Jason dealt with them.
For now, it was better to keep anything ghost related quiet. Bruce would want to know absolutely everything, and frankly?
Just once, Jason would like a handle on something first. Just this once, he wanted to know what was going on with his body. With his life.
It wasn’t that much to ask.
So he gave Alfred a sheepish smile, half wishing he could just put a hand on the man’s shoulder. Touching with Danny was so easy, he hadn’t realised how much casual touch was missing from his life.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Wasn’t exactly myself, so I figured I’d keep out of everyones’ hair.” He wasn’t expecting the worried look Duke gave him as he turned back to the table.
Wary? That’d make sense. They were all fucking pros at talking around the pit rage, and Jason knew they all expected him to lose it at some point.
He had. More than once.
“Are you feeling better now?” Duke asked softly, not quite able to make eye contact and poking at his pancakes instead.
Jason took a moment to just. Enjoy the warmth that rose from the simple question. No worrying it was fake, no green hunting for ulterior motives.
His brother cared. It could be that simple.
He spread his hands and smiled, shrugging.
“Good as I can be. Figured I’d come back and socialise since I have a party to go to this weekend. Are you coming?” Fuck, was it really tomorrow?
Duke studied his face for a long moment (being in the detective family was finally getting to him, Jason knew that squint) then smiled back.
“Nah, I’m working before and after. I got a conveniently timed lead,” he added smugly, leaning back in his seat.
Jason made the appropriate noises of jealousy and Duke chuckled, shaking his head.
“Hey, I have another three weeks to go to beat Damian’s record, and I haven’t even stabbed anyone. I’ll come to your next one,” he promised. Paused again.
Coming to a decision, he leaned in across the table and beckoned Jason to join him. Shifting his plate aside, Jason did so, wondering what Duke wouldn’t want overheard.
“It seems like the pit’s been worse lately,” the younger man said softly, finally meeting Jason’s eye, “are you okay?”
And oh, apparently since the pit itself was still in post-Danny bliss, Jason’s regular emotions were going to choke him. Lovely.
He forced a smile, leaning back so there was half a chance Duke might not read it in his face. For half a second, he considered telling the truth.
Buuuuut the truth would get complicated real quick.
“It’s been bad,” he agreed, keeping his voice level with all the stubbornness that propelled him to the Far Frozen, “but it’s gonna be fine. I’ve got a new strategy and it’s getting it back under control.”
Duke didn’t quite follow his lead right away, sharp eyes scanning every inch of Jason’s posture. Fuck, if Dick was here, Tim, maybe even Cass?
He’d be screwed. Just had to hope Duke wasn’t at that level of intrusive bastard yet.
Whatever he saw, it settled him enough that he relaxed as he leaned back, crossing one ankle onto his knee and grinning.
“And would this strategy have anything to do with a hundred pound twink throwing you around?” He asked, suddenly cheeky.
Jason’s cheeks flushed at just the memory and his smile spread, becoming something more real.
“Fuck, I said you could ask, didn’t I?” He groaned melodramatically, letting his head drop back for a moment before getting back to his pancakes.
Letting them go cold would be worse than a sin.
“You did,” Duke confirmed, a hint of laughter in his voice.
There was a lot of laughter in Jason’s life lately. It felt really good to notice that. Swallowing a large bite of syrupy goodness he thought about Danny for a moment.
Danny and everything he’d learned both from and because of him. A soft, sappy smile stretched across his face entirely without his noticing.
“Yeah. It does.”
Duke considered snapping another quick pic for the group chat. But honestly… it was just nice to see, and he hoped whatever it was worked.
Duke had seen people struggle with addiction, some of whom never found out who spiked their first dose. It wasn’t the same, but… he hated seeing people fighting something beyond their control.
On impulse he reached across the table and patted Jason’s hand.
“Then I’m happy for you man. Right up until Dick gets here,” he added as loud steps descended the stairs towards them, debating fleeing the room himself.
Some of the rowdier birds still managed to surprise him, but. Fuck it. He had to get used to it some time.
Jason groaned and shovelled another large bite of pancake into his mouth, speaking as he chewed.
“Dick’s here?”
The eldest usually went back to Bludhaven at the end of the night, to his own place and his cop job and… aaaaand Dick had taken the day off to help Jason get a fucking suit.
Of course.
He’d forgotten, possibly by sheer optimism. He didn’t have time to lament the slip before Dick charged into the kitchen, spotted him, and slammed into the chair beside him hard enough that it skidded over and hit his own.
“Jaybird! I thought I heard your voice! Tell me everything about your new boyfriend, is he nice? Do we get to meet him? What’s his name?” He asked without pausing for breath, resting his chin on Jason’s shoulder and grinning.
Jason stared him dead in the eye and took a slow, deliberate bite of pancake. Across the table Duke snickered, toying with his juice.
Dick groaned as loudly as he could, flopping back into his own seat as Alfred brought him a stack of his own.
“Awwww, c’mon Jaaaaaaaay, you know you wanna tell me everything! Is he coming to the gala? We can bring him suit shopping, I have Bruce’s card and he’ll never notice a second charge,” he wheedled, reaching for syrup without glancing at the table.
Duke pushed the bottle closer to his hand, giving Jason an entirely unapologetic shrug.
“You’re the one who said we could ask,” he pointed out innocently. Dick gasped in delight and Jason pointed his fork at the younger man.
“I said you could ask,” he corrected, stifling a grin when Dick pressed a hand to his chest, feigning injury.
Yeah, he and Danny would get along just fine. Drama queens the both of them.
Shit, Danny had black hair and blue eyes too, maybe Jason should keep him away from Bruce. Could you adopt a king?
“Jason! Little Wing! You’re not gonna tell our baby brother and not me!” Dick proclaimed dramatically, breaking off that train of thought.
Duke grinned wider, leaning over to grab a jug and refill his juice.
“Hey, I’m the cute one,” he said smugly as Dick protested. Jason chuckled, taking advantage of the distraction to finish the last of his pancakes.
He snagged Duke’s empty plate as well while the two argued, Dick utterly insistent that he was still the cute one, Duke calling him cute for the nursing home, and filled the dishwasher.
Alfred gave him a raised eyebrow from the stove, another set of pancakes already underway, and Jason shrugged.
“It’s quieter over here,” he said innocently, turning to lean back against the counter and watch his oldest and newest siblings fight.
Alfred made a low hum of approval, expertly flipping a pancake.
“You were always the quiet one, Master Jason,” the older man agreed and Jason almost argued before looking back to the table.
Compared to Dick? Yeah he kinda was. Jason could semi-reliably be persuaded to sit still with a book. Dick wouldn’t sit still if he wasn’t upside down.
Best to put him out of his misery though.
Giving Alfred a half smile, Jason made his way back to the table and swung back into his seat.
“Alright, fuckwits, you’re both adorable, now shut up or I won’t tell you shit.”
Dick’s mouth slammed shut immediately as he turned, leaning on the table and watching Jason wide eyed. Duke, eyes crinkled with laughter, leaned back in his chair and raised both hands.
Satisfied that he had their attention, Jason opened his mouth to give them some basics, then hesitated.
He’d been planning on asking Bruce if he could add a plus one to the list, so Danny’s friend Tucker could come and say hi. Just a friend.
He didn’t know much about the guy, except that he was fucking hilarious and worshipped the ground Tim walked on, but he didn’t know much about Danny either.
Buuuuut, if his siblings were all gonna be gushing fuckheads… it couldn’t hurt to mess them around a little. Schooling his smile into innocence, he turned his cup between his hands.
“I’m gonna ask Bruce today if he can come. He’s got a suit,” (Jason fervently hoped, but when they’d made the plan it hadn’t come up) “but you’ll all meet him at the gala.”
Duke groaned and flopped back in his chair, dropping his cup.
“Aw fuck, that’s not fair. Just three more weeks, Jason!” He complained, and Jason hid a grin in his own juice.
Tucker’s reaction the night before had been pretty similar; annoyed he wouldn’t get to meet the new halfa with the others. Too bad Duke wasn’t coming. There’d be more of their own class than at any other gala ever.
Dick was about as sympathetic as Danny and Sam had been too, grinning over at Duke and pointing with his knife.
“Hey, no one’s forcing you to go for Damian’s record for longest without attending a gala, Duke.”
Duke stuck his tongue out at Dick and sighed, glancing around.
“Yeah, but you guys don’t exactly make it sound fun. And if I go to one, neither of you assholes live at the manor anymore, and Bruce’ll expect me to show up for more. Can’t he meet you here, Jay?” He wheedled, trying the puppy eyes.
Sucks to be him, Jason spends half his time with the Alley kids and they were smaller, cuter, and more likely to kick him in the shins.
“Sorry Narrows, he’s coming in from out of town tomorrow. I’d bring him after but you’ll be in bed,” Jason teased and Duke groaned again.
Dick frowned, cocking his head.
“Wait, he’s gone out of town? He was here last night, why not stay?” He asked, looking for pieces to put together.
Luckily this was an easy one. Jason just shrugged.
“Gotta go get his suit. Apparently not everyone brings the good three piece to college,” he added and Dick grinned, shaking his head.
“Already going? My you’re certain Bruce’ll say yes,” he laughed and Jason grinned, spreading his hands.
“It’s my party, and it’s not like the venue charges by the head. I just gotta get his name on the list.”
“Hey, if I don’t get to meet him early, I want all the juicy details,” Duke cut in, pointing seriously at Dick. “You gotta tell me everything that happens.”
Dick raised his hand in a boy scout salute, which none of them had been. Jason only barely recognised it.
“Your words, my bond little man. I’ll even get you a pic of Jay and his date all gussied up,” he swore and Jason rolled his eyes.
“What makes you think we’re taking pictures?” He asked mostly rhetorically. Dick shot him a wicked grin.
“What makes you think you’ll know I’m taking it?”
Which, fair, expected, and totally valid. They’d all been just as annoying when Tim and Connor finally got together. Dickie kept a scrapbook.
There was some more noise from upstairs now, footsteps getting closer, and Jason wondered how many people had stayed overnight. Usually the manor just held Bruce, Alfred, Damian, Cass, and Duke.
Maybe half of those would be going to a given gala, so Jason had been reasonably confident he could be in and out. From the sounds of it, either all three missing members were on their way down, or there were extras.
Seeing his expression, Dick shrugged.
“Tim’s bribe to escape the gala was three nights of Alfred-supervised sleep, Steph stayed over with Cass to gossip, and Damian had Jon over. You’ve got a full house to satisfy,” he explained, eyes bright with laughter.
Jason hesitated for only a moment, considering bailing. His siblings were fine, one or one or in small groups. All at once? A little overwhelming.
Someone always managed to set him off eventually.
Almost reflexively he reached for the pit. Felt its warm, gentle peace. And let his shoulders settle.
Why not give it a shot? See how much was just something else’s rage and how much was him not being able to handle them all.
And they were getting close. Leaning in, he lowered his voice and hissed to the other two.
“Wanna pretend I’ve already told you everything?” He hissed, and very much enjoyed watching both of his brothers’ eyes light up with mischief.
“Okay but you actually do have to later,” Duke hissed back, all three now watching the doors avidly for the first sight of bodies. Dick nodded eager agreement, finally making headway on his own breakfast.
Footsteps in the hall. Not long left.
“His name’s Danny, we met at my grave on the 24th, he loves space and puns, he goes to Gotham U and I’ll text you more later,” Jason said quickly, not missing the light that went on above Dick’s head, then pushed back in his chair and sitting casually. “Pretend I told a joke.”
Duke and Dick burst into immediate, mostly genuine laughter as they dropped into similar poses and Jason grinned, a wave of affection for both washing over him.
Like the universe itself was giving him a gift, it was Steph who burst into the kitchen next, Cass and Tim both at her heels. Steph’s eyes gleamed almost unnaturally when she caught sight of Jason.
“You’re here! Did you bring your danger twink?” She exclaimed eagerly, almost tackling Duke when she slammed into the chair next to him even harder than Dick hit Jason’s.
That pushed Jason to cackle as well, even as Cass came and draped herself over his shoulders.
“My fucking what?“ he asked, leaning back to give her more space. Steph stole Duke’s juice and chugged it.
“Your danger twink! Tim said he kicked your ass!” She exclaimed, ducking away from Duke’s revenge smack and grinning unrepentantly at Alfred.
The butler tutted but didn’t say anything as he delivered another two plates of pancakes, coming back a second later with cutlery and a replacement cup for Duke.
Jason shot Tim a Look that went mostly unnoticed by the younger man, who looked still about half asleep as he dug into a stack. Must have been needing those three nights, especially if he agreed to so many.
Before he had to form a response, Dick cut in with a broad grin, dropping his own cutlery on a cleared plate.
“Oh no, he didn’t bring Danny today. Kid’s gotta run home for his tux so Jason can bring him on a fancy date,” he cooed, waggling his eyebrows at Jason.
Steph gasped, slamming her fists down on the table and setting everything bouncing. A quick swipe from Duke saved the juice, Dick dived for the syrup, and Jason kicked back from the table and away from his own falling cup, Cass pulling her feet up to skid with him.
Tim, completely missing an attempted stab at his pancakes as the plate bounced, gave the table a very suspicious look. Alfred gave him a fond smile and started the coffee maker.
Steph ignored all consequences.
“JASON! You already told them about him?!” She squeaked, half way across the table.
“Should have been up early, you missed all the spoilers,” Duke teased, holding the juice up and away incase she turned on him.
Which she did, clearly thinking about tickling, and saw the juice perilously close to over her head. And reconsidered.
Unable to match that firepower, she settled on ignoring the comment as though it were beneath her. Which put Jason back in her line of fire.
Hooking an arm around behind the chair, he scooped Cass into his lap as a human shield. She settled obligingly into place, tapping his shoulder for attention as she signed.
‘Coming to gala?’
Must be a nonverbal day. Not that Jason minded; their present siblings were loud enough for a whole squadron on their own. He liked that she was different; liked that she’d missed touch as much as he had, and the way she’d never move away.
Cuddling with Cass was one of the reasons he’d come back to the family at all. And one of the main reasons he’d stayed.
Alfred didn’t comment, placing her plate and cutlery in front of Jason’s spot as he scooched them both back to the table. Once he was sure she was comfy, Jason let his arms fall around her waist so she could eat.
“Yeah, he’s coming, if I can get Bruce to put him on the guest list. Are you coming, Cass?”
She didn’t bother looking around at him, lowering her knife for a moment to sign a firm ‘yes’ and he grinned, resting his chin on top of her head.
“Steph?” He asked, cocking a brow at the blonde.
Steph narrowed her eyes at him, taking a slow and deliberate bite of pancake.
“This feels like a trap,” she complained through a mouthful of food, accepting Alfred’s withering look as he placed a fresh black coffee in front of Tim.
This did at least serve to bring Tim back to life, even if there was less than no effect on Steph.
“What’s a trap?” He asked muzzily, fighting a yawn and chugging the coffee in one.
“Coming to the gala to meet Jason’s new booooyfriend,” Dick teased, ruffling Tim’s hair as he ran his plate to the dishwasher.
The younger swatted at his hand a full ten seconds too late, then huffed and got back to his pancakes.
Jason wondered if Danny might have some magic ghost powers that’d get the little fucker to sleep. He’d be replacing Jason in a grave at this rate.
And no matter what he might have thought early on, Jason’d die again himself before letting that happen. Or bribe the king of the dead.
The mention of the gala also served to perk him up though, and he gave Jason a suspicious frown.
“So he is a new boyfriend?” He asked, straightening and scooting closer to the table to rejoin the land of the living.
Jason shrugged.
“He’s coming to the gala, once I talk to-”
“Well I know you’re not talking about one of your siblings, not if he’s coming willingly,” the man himself said from the door, smiling when he saw the table full of most of his brood.
Which on Bruce, meant a barely there twitch of the lips. One they all recognised but still.
Brucie Wayne had beaming smiles for days.
Jason stiffened minutely against an anticipated wave of green, and felt almost lightheaded when nothing happened. Nothing but Cass leaning back into him a little more, one hand coming to cover his at her hip.
Of course she noticed. Turning his hand into hers he gave it a reassuring squeeze, then nodded to Bruce.
“Yeah, I came by to ask if I could add a plus one to the guest list? He won’t be arriving with me but I’d like you all to meet him.”
Visible surprise passed across Bruce’s face, which was a fun rarity, and Jason hid a smirk. Which faltered in the face of an almost wistful look, there and gone so fast he might have missed it.
And then Bruce was just his usual stoic self again, taking his own seat at the table while Dick bartered for more pancakes. If he put some work into it he could probably get some enjoyment from the stick up his ass.
“It’s your party Jason, you can add whoever you want to the guest list,” Bruce said calmly, like Jason had had any input whatsoever on the list so far.
Ideally he’d have cut more than half of it, but the whole point was to reintroduce him to “high society”.
He was still semi-seriously considering Dick’s offer to find him a cotillion gown for the evening. Less so now that Danny was coming.
For now he just nodded, giving Cass a quick squeeze.
“Who else is coming from the family?” He asked, mostly to the rest of the table as he turned from Bruce.
It was too weird to look at him, waiting for the pit to rise and not feeling anything. He wasn’t even sure how much of it was his own actual anger and what was just anticipation.
Cass raised a hand again and he gave her a quick jostle with his knees, making her giggle.
“I know you are, smart ass.”
“Just Cass, as far as I-“ Bruce began, cut off almost immediately as Dick swooped in to grab his seat, fresh pancakes in hand. So much for the dishwasher.
“Me too! I’m coming, Jaybird’s been telling us alllllll about his new boyfriend and he sounds great,” he declared firmly, also very much relishing in the flicker of surprise across Bruce’s face.
Steph chewed her lip, visibly considering her options, then sighed heavily.
“Yeah, I’ll come,” she agreed with a huff, “Jason only told those two and I wanna see him too.”
Duke, the other of “those two” as marked by Steph’s fork, grinned and rose from the table, both hands in the air.
“I’m out, I’m gonna be patrolling too close to the party start to get presentable in time,” he said cheerfully, snagging his and Jason’s glasses for the dishwasher.
“You could always come later in the evening,” Bruce offered, the hope in his voice only noticeable to his kids who knew him best.
“Nah, I’ll be out early too,” Duke cut in smoothly, giving Jason a nod, “but I’ll meet Danny later. Want me to go see if Damian and Jon are up?”
“His name is Danny?” Steph demanded, eyes narrowing as she zeroed back in on Jason. “Family name?”
“So you can stalk him?” Jason shot back, sticking his tongue out at her. “Detect it yourself. And nah, either I’ll see them before I go or on patrol tonight. I came by to see who was coming and warn you all to back off anyway.”
“Damian hasn’t said he’ll be attending, but if you’d like him to,” Bruce began, and Jason cut him off again, half wondering how long they could keep the streak going.
“Nah, it’s not like me and Danny are gonna be a one and done thing. He’ll have time to meet the demon brat later,” he added while Steph squealed.
Bruce had his pinchy bitch face on again and Jason had to admit, it wasn’t just the pit. He also did not like the guy.
But seeing as Bruce alternated between treating him like a rabid animal and overbearing “paternal affection”, Jason was giving himself a break on this one.
On his way to the door Duke paused, turning back and grinning at Jason.
“Oh, before I go. Tell ‘em the best part, Jason. What you told me before Dick got here,” he added when Jason looked momentarily confused.
Dick, highly offended, looked for a piece of Jason to poke that wasn’t covered by Cass.
“What! You left out the best part!” He bemoaned as Steph laughed at him.
It took Jason a moment to work out what Duke was talking about. He hadn’t told Duke anything funny or scandalous before Dick attacked. Except…
Yeah, that’d get Bruce’s panties in a twist.
Arms still hooked around Cass’s waist, partially to give Dick less targets, Jason watched the old man from the corner of his eye.
“Oh yeah. He’s been helping me with the pit,” he said innocently.
Silence but for the gentle sizzle of Alfred’s cooking choked the room. And lasted for a whole thirty seconds before erupting.
About an hour later Jason was leaving the manor again, the smile on his face satisfied if not particularly joyful.
Bruce had tried for an interrogation, but with Cass in his lap and Alfred glaring shotguns over his head, he hadn’t gotten far. Steph was declaring it True Love.
Dick had settled down immediately, which Jason had kinda expected. He’d had more pieces to put together than the others after the graveyard.
Tim was speed-googling every Danny in the city, and Jason half considered giving him a fake last name just to see what happened. Buuut Tim had slept last night, which meant they should be nice to him.
See if they could make it a habit. Jason maintained Tim wasn’t a dog to be pavlov’d, but he wasn’t the one who’d dated the guy. Steph insisted it could work.
And once Bruce had been silently threatened by every waking member at least once, Jason told him he’d text first and last name for the guest list. That the first name wouldn’t be “Daniel” might raise a brow, but hey.
It was Jason’s party.
Bruce could research Tucker Foley all he wanted to, right up until tomorrow evening. Maybe Jason’d send the message late.
Pulling out his phone, he shot a quick message off to the Team Phantom group chat.
‘JTodd: Tuck’s on the list. Also, two of my nosey bastard brothers saw us on my bike yesterday, so they think Danny’s my boyfriend. Also that Danny is my mystery plus one. Can we add them to the fuckery list?’
Three sets of scrolling dots appeared immediately, which meant all three were already up. Good to know.
Without waiting for an immediate reply, Jason stuffed his phone into his pocket and hopped onto his bike.
Him having a “secret boyfriend” would only add to the drama they were hoping to cause. Too bad he wouldn’t be seeing any of the gang in person before the gala, but they’d have plenty of time to plot.
Danny’s morning started a couple of hours later than Jason’s, and with much less breakfast incentives. No pancakes in this college kid’s life, and who needed them when he had a lifetime supply of Lucky Charms?
Unless he could make Lucky Charms pancakes. Now that would be perfection.
He didn’t bother getting dressed before eating either, secluding himself and his bowl straight back into bed to pull out his laptop.
They’d made a brand new group chat last night, one for just Sam, Tucker, and him. Sam had insisted they’d have some planning to do and Danny, fully aware they meant “grilling him endlessly about Jason Todd”, was more than happy to pop up a chat Jazz couldn’t see.
She’d have So Many Thoughts on them meeting in a graveyard. Hard pass. Hopefully she wouldn’t be able to scroll back through last night’s mess far enough for that part of the story.
They’d also planned a video call for this morning, which was basically why Danny was up before noon. Comfortably tucked into bed, he booted up his laptop and started the call.
Sam popped on first of course, already fully dressed and immaculately made up. She was also looming over her webcam like she was ready to pounce.
“Alright Danny, spill. When the fuck did you learn Jason Todd was a halfa?” She demanded.
Used to her by now, Danny took a noisy slurp of cereal milk. Sam rolled her eyes and pointed firmly at the lens.
“I will ask my parents to lend you one of Dad’s ties Danny, I swear I will.”
And that made Danny flinch. Mr Manson’s “ties” were never just a tie; each one had matching cufflinks, pocket squares, and a forty minute lecture on returning all items in pristine condition.
He wasn’t even sure the suit Jazz and Sam had helped him buy could take cufflinks. Most people in this century used buttons.
Lowering the bowl, he raised a hand in unequivocal surrender.
“Look, Tucker’s not even on yet, I don’t wanna have to answer the same questions twice. I swear I told you guys the truth last night!” He added when Sam’s eyes narrowed.
Folding her arms, she sat heavily back onto her bed and continued to glare, but all looming operations ceased. Close enough; she was willing to wait.
Danny relaxed as well, taking another spoonful of cereal.
“So, how’s Val?” He asked to fill the time.
And grinned when Sam’s expression immediately softened. She had it fucking Bad.
“She’s fine. Swears she isn’t pissed that my parents won’t let her come, but she wants back in the group chat. I didn’t tell her about Jason yet,” she added with another roll of her eyes when Danny opened his mouth, still chewing, “she just has some thoughts on shit you can get up to.”
That last part made Danny frown a little and he paused to swallow before speaking.
“Wait, you didn’t tell her about Jason? Why?” Sure, they hadn’t gotten that far into the full Phantom Personal History last night, but they would eventually. Especially if she went back into the chat.
Sam gave him a withering look.
“Because we ask Jason who he’s happy with learning that he’s half dead,” she said slowly, like he was stupid.
Which, fair. Danny had kept his own secret for so long he’d kind of forgotten it was a secret to keep. But…
“The whole world knows he died, and they’re all gonna learn he’s back tomorrow,” he pointed out, adding more cereal to the dregs of his milk.
Sam pressed her hands together, probably praying to Clockwork for patience.
“Danny I swear I will add Jazz to this call and have her give you the consent rant,” she said sweetly, in her most innocent Manson Party Voice.
Danny snickered into his cereal, fully aware he’d be hearing a lot more of that voice soon.
“You’re swearing a lot today Sam, wake up cranky?” He teased and grinned when she flipped him off.
“Anyway, do you wanna text Jason and check he’s cool with looping her in or should I message the chat?” She asked, already scooping up her own phone.
Danny hesitated for a second, glancing at the clock. Like he had any idea what schedule the guy operated on.
“I’ll text him later, he said he was gonna go deal with his family this morning to get Tuck on the invite list. And speak of the devil!” He cheered as the third window popped open, a sleepy Tucker in frame.
Clearly still in bed too, Tucker wiped drool from his chin and waved.
“Hey, sorry guys, I’m here… slow morning,” he said, like it was an anomaly.
Sam rolled her eyes, then tugged her laptop in and loomed over the camera again.
“So Danny, tell me when you found out Jason Todd was a halfa,” she demanded again, and Danny snickered some more.
“That’d be way more menacing if you hadn’t done it five minutes ago,” he pointed out and she flipped him off again.
“Eat dick, Fenton. Jason’s. Do you seriously expect me to believe you met that guy yesterday? You were sending us selfies from his fucking lap.”
Danny frowned, scooping more cereal into his mouth and swallowing half of it whole.
“Hey, he’s just a touchy guy! Also, his couch is shit and just that small.”
“And Jason himself is fucking enormous,” Tucker snorted, moving momentarily out of screen as he sat up and stretched, then repositioned his laptop.
“And that,” Danny acknowledged, pointing to Tuck. Hoping that’s where Tuck’s feed showed on Sam’s computer. She still didn’t look impressed.
“Dude. You’ve been in Gotham for like, a year. You didn’t know there was another halfa running around?” She asked sceptically.
Danny rolled his eyes back, see how she liked it.
“Yeah, because we all advertise on Craig’s List. He didn’t know he was a halfa until yesterday! And it’s not like I run around in the same social circles as Bruce Fucking Wayne.”
“Yeah, but you kinda do now though,” Tucker pointed out, visibly waking up as excitement flashed in his eyes, “which reminds me, can Jason get you any of the new Wayne Tech? I’d kill to get my hands on their newest tablet.”
“Okay one, no expanding my kingdom,” Danny scolded, raising a finger and then flipping up a second, “and two, you didn’t see this guy’s place. It was kinda a shithole, and I live in a dorm. I don’t think he’s that close to the family.”
Sam gave him her very best deadpan look, only slightly withered by screens and distance.
“We are literally going to a high society ball tomorrow in his honour, Danny. I think Bruce likes him just fine.”
Danny dropped his fingers and just wiggled the whole hand in the air beside his head.
“Eh, unlikely? I dunno, something went on with them when Jason died, or when he came back maybe, Jay won’t speak about it. But he didn’t want me to tell Bruce anything.”
Didn’t want it to get back to Batman, but they were withholding that particular detail from the rest of the team for now. These were the people Danny trusted with his secret, and now with Jason’s, but that one wasn’t theirs to tell.
Tucker rolled his eyes too, throwing both hands into the air.
“Then Bruce is clearly trying to buy back into his good graces, and guilt’s gotta be worth at least two new tablets!” He declared passionately.
Danny snorted most of a laugh through his nose, discarding his now-empty bowl onto the floor beside his bed.
“Look, I’ll ask, but no promises. They probably don’t want hackers cracking them right off the line,” he added with a smirk.
Tucker put on his very best offended face.
“Daniel, you wound me! I am no mere hacker! I am the sweet and loving god of technology, and I neeeeeeed a sacrifice!”
“Ew, don’t use the Vlad-nickname,” Sam hissed, flailing a pillow at the camera.
Tucker obligingly dropped onto his bed like she’d actually hit him, rolling through the sheets.
“Okay but the rest of my point stands!” A sudden thought occurred and he shot back up, snatching desperately at his laptop to keep it from falling to the floor. “WAIT! Danny, can he get me an internship?!”
Danny rolled his eyes, stuffing his fist into the cereal box to grab a dry handful. He was gonna need more sugar for this bullshit.
“Wrong Wayne adoptee, you’re thinking of Tim Drake. I dunno if he’ll even be at the gala, but you could always ask him,” he added thoughtfully, glancing at his phone.
Jason hadn’t known who else would be there from his side, beyond Bruce himself. Danny wasn’t quite sure if he wanted any of his brothers or sisters to come either.
For all they’d shared life secrets and soul underwear, he still didn’t know much about Jason’s day to day life.
Which wasn’t surprising. They’d properly known each other for a day.
It was just that he’d never met a halfa his age, who wasn’t his clone. Of course he wanted to know all about Jason. What he did, where he went, who was important in his life.
It was just regular curiosity. Totally normal.
Tucker was a gasping ball of delight at just the potential chance to meet Tim himself, while Sam lectured them both about “no ethical consumption under capitalism”.
Danny stuffed another handful of cereal into his mouth and looked back at his phone.
Jason was probably up now.
He could probably just text him.
He could ask for Tucker if Tim would be at the gala.
He could ask what Jason was wearing to the gala, and if he knew how the fuck cufflinks worked.
His phone buzzed like he’d willed the message to appear and he snatched it up, opening directly to the group chat. It was Jason!
‘JTodd: Tuck’s on the list. Also, two of my nosey bastard brothers saw us on my bike yesterday, so they think Danny’s my boyfriend. Also that Danny is my mystery plus one. Can we add them to the fuckery list?’
Tucker and Sam had gone quiet too, both checking their phones at the same time. Sam let out a triumphant laugh and began typing, even as Tucker whooped and joined in.
Probably asking if Tim Drake was coming.
Danny tapped out a couple of emojis before the rest of the message sunk in. They thought he and Jason were dating?
He could feel the heat creeping up his face as Sam looked up at the camera again, at exactly the wrong moment.
“Hey Danny, did you see?” She cooed sweetly, an utter shit eating grin on her face. “The rest of the Waynes sure think you’ve known each other for more than a day.”
Danny dropped his phone, message unsent.
“Yeah but they saw us for like a second, what would they know?“ he asked quickly, shooting for nonchalant and fully aware he’d missed by a mile.
Tucker cackled, sending off a message and then grinning back up at the call.
“I dunno, they might be onto something, those selfies you sent us were pretty cute,” he added slyly.
Danny flipped him off, scrabbling through the sheets for his buzzing phone.
“Cuz I’m fucking adorable. I don’t even know if he likes guys, or anyone at all, he’s just a new friend!”
“And the only member of your whole species that isn’t your clone or creepy beyond belief,” Sam cut in, sending off her own message too, “you might have a social responsibility.”
“To repopulate halfas?” Danny asked, rolling his eyes and finally snatching his phone back up, scanning their messages. “Shame we’re both men and that’s physically impossible.”
‘TechMasterF: Thanks dude! Always down to help fuck with family. Any idea who’ll be there?’
‘2Goth2Glorious: oh that’s perfect, we gotta keep them away from my parents… or let them think Danny’s stringing us both along 😈’
Well, Tucker was being surprisingly discrete. Good for him.
“I dunno, you could just shove more people into those ectoplasm pools that made Jason,” Tucker pointed out thoughtfully, now typing away on his laptop. Clearly had another window open.
Danny rolled his eyes, finally shooting off his own string of emojis. He was. Just not gonna address the dating thing.
“Somehow I don’t think it’s that easy, apparently a bunch of people have gone in and we don’t know how many changed or are just liminals.”
‘DannyP: 🙌🙌🎊🎊🐼🍷’
‘DannyP: definitely adding them to the fuckery list’
He knew the message had reached the group because Sam and Tucker both glanced at their phones, then groaned in unison.
“Dude, way to make him think you’re not interested,” Tucker sighed, wiggling his phone.
“It sounds like you’re insulted they’d think it,” Sam agreed firmly.
Danny stared at them, then down at his phone.
“Fucking how?? All I did was answer his question! And maybe I’m not interested,” he added quickly when Sam began to smirk.
“Give me a minute, I’m gonna work out how to delete your messages,” Tucker said solemnly, attention switching fully back to his phone.
“Hey, fuck off!” Danny half chuckled, shaking his head.
Sam sighed, speaking slowly again. It was her own damn fault for hauling them both up before noon if they were slow.
“Danny, you haven’t sent a message without emojis since you learned about emoticons. For you? It looks like you’re mad,” she explained, and Danny pouted, scrolling quickly back up through the chat.
Fuck. She had a point.
Jason hadn’t popped up on the read receipts yet, so he quickly swiped to delete the message.
“Okay but again, me and Jason don’t know each other all that well,” he protested, now staring at the empty message box and wondering what the fuck to type.
There wasn’t an emoji for “oh ancients your family thinks we’re dating and we’re totally not but not because you’re not a catch”.
Knowing Jason for long or not, those hints of low self esteem were pretty obvious. Danny saw them every day in the mirror. No wonder Sam and Tuck noticed over texts.
Okay, he might have noticed the lack of emojis. Being Robin probably meant overthinking everything when playing detective.
Sam sighed and actually poked the lens of her webcam.
“If I see a laughing emoji I am going to slap you tomorrow,” she said firmly.
Danny quickly hit backspace.
“Well what the fuck do you think I should say to that then?” He asked sharply.
Tucker sighed, abandoning his phone in favour of the laptop again.
“I dunno Danny, have you been flirting?” He asked, tone suggesting it was a rhetorical question.
Which was bullshit. It’s not like Danny and Jason had relayed all their conversations. No reason for him to know they’d been calling their meet ups “dates”.
That probably didn’t count as flirting anyway, they were just fucking around.
“Yeah, right after he read me Romeo and Juliet on his grave,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes extra hard to get his point across.
Tucker had the sheer audacity to laugh at him.
“Okay but you know that move would be a slam dunk on Sam,” he said with a sly look to the left. Must be where Sam showed on his screen.
The lady in question rolled her eyes and flipped Tuck off too, giving the camera a flat look.
“Danny, that is in fact called flirting.”
“It totally isn’t!” Danny argued, at least partially panicking.
Jason wasn’t flirting with him. Jason couldn’t be flirting with him. Danny might have been flirting with Jason, but that certainly didn’t mean the guy was flirting back!
Sam gave him a second secret even flatter look, then sighed and shook her head.
“I will never hear a single word from you about me and Val being “disaster lesbians” again, Danny Fenton,” she said firmly, and Danny huffed.
That wasn’t fucking fair. Sam and Val had been goddamn adorable when they were awkwardly flirting back and forth, both certain the other wasn’t interested.
This just couldn’t be the same situation.
Tuck snickered at both of them indiscriminately, glancing down at his phone.
“Yeah, well, Jason hasn’t messaged back yet so we’ll see. We picking up a Fenton Phone for him tonight too?” He asked suddenly, frowning at the camera.
Danny shrugged and nodded.
“Yeah, gotta come get you and a suit anyway so I figured I’d swing through Amity Park. Mom and Dad promised to take Jazz out so the lab’ll be empty.”
Which wasn’t technically a necessity anymore, since the Fenton parents were in on the secret. It was just an emotional necessity, because if Sam and Tuck were already this bad they’d be so much worse.
Probably try and send some message to Bruce Wayne congratulating him on being their new brother in law.
No fucking way.
They had no one to blame but themselves.
New Years Eve came.
Jason was beginning to wish it hadn’t.
Dick had been as good as his word, sweeping Jason away to a tailor in the better parts of Gotham who took one look at Dick and told him to fuck off.
Finally, Jason had a suit made by a man with both good taste and the ability to read the room. He didn’t even condescend to either of them, with no witnesses at all.
Jason kept his card. Heavens forbid he need to go to more galas, but at least he could be well dressed now.
He hadn’t worn a proper suit since he was knee high, felt like. Dick insisted he looked fantastic, both at the tailor’s shop and tonight, giving him a sweeping once over and a wolf whistle.
Jason looked in the mirror and mostly saw Bruce, except for the shock of white hair. Kinda hated that.
He’d agreed to come to the manor first rather than going straight to the gala, which was being held at one of the city’s numerous ballrooms. Cheaper for Bruce when the inevitable rogue attack happened.
He was being reintroduced as Bruce’s ward, it made sense for them to arrive together. And Jason was maybe just a little smug that there were now enough of his siblings coming that they had to take a limo.
No sentimental heart to hearts in the back seat while he choked down rage for this asshole.
Cass had her own suit, blacker than black with a black undershirt. She made an adorable baby goth, the only pop of colour the red embroidery on her collar.
Jason hadn’t put it together until she’d tapped it and signed to him, ‘yours’. She was wearing his Red Hood colours, and the urge to laugh just about beat out the urge to cry.
Dick was a little more traditional, black suite, white shirt, emerald green tie. Matching Jason, except Jason had gone for blue. Tim matched them both except for the deeply sullen look on his face.
(Dick confided in a whisper that he’d still spent the night at the manor, even after deciding he’d come to the gala. Alfred had switched immediately from the bribe not to go to threatening not to let Tim go if he didn’t have enough sleep to look presentable.)
Steph had shown up after all, in a long sweeping dress that was almost the same purple as her suit, cut short enough not to get in her way if she had to run. Or go up and down stairs, conveniently, so she had a civilian excuse.
Even Damian was present, looking extremely suspicious of the lot of them. He’d wasted no time telling Jason that he was there solely to assess this “Danny” and determine if he was worthy of joining the family.
Jason kinda considered slipping away to send Danny a warning text that he might be getting a shovel talk. Decided against it.
Watching the boy king of the dead being menaced by an actual baby was just too funny to miss.
Jason hadn’t deliberately waited til most of the family were in the car on purpose, but was rather pleased to find his siblings had been thinking of him.
Bruce was stuck down at one end of the car, Dick and Steph sandwiching him in while Steph talked animatedly to Cass on the closest side seat, Tim and then Damian beside her. Jason would be damn near at the other end of the vehicle.
Obviously Bruce had noticed despite Dick’s passionate and ongoing monologue about how funding Bludhaven’s police might mean less officers fell to bribery (which even Dick knew was bullshit). He seemed resigned more than anything.
The drive was quick and loud, and Jason had to wonder if he could have handled it at all with the pit before.
His… anticipation. Definitely anticipation.
Not fear.
Whatever he was feeling, it had garnered some attention, and the waters were shifting much sooner than they had after the last time he saw Danny.
He’d spent more than half the day on the couch, hugging Frostbite’s ghost succulent to his chest. It hadn’t noticeably helped, but maybe it had done something.
He’d spent the drive gently needling Damian about Cass wearing her suit better instead of fighting down green. That was a result in his books.
Cass wore her suit better than both of them combined. No matter how she felt, she didn’t look like she wanted to shrug her skin off. Jason was getting the hang of that still.
And now… now it was just the red carpet, the flashing cameras, and some asshole in an over starched suit announcing the Wayne Clan’s arrival.
Jason sucked in a breath, trying not to tense as his hand found the door handle. This wasn’t a fight. He wasn’t going into combat. He’d be fine.
Combat was much more fun. Even when he got shot, he was allowed to shoot people back.
His situational awareness was fully shot though, because he didn’t notice Bruce until the taller (fucker) man’s hand covered his.
“Allow me,” the older man said softly, those all too perceptive eyes tracking over Jason’s face. “I should get out first. Let them get a few shots to settle down, and then we all go in and you don’t have to do anything but stand for the speech.”
Jason fucking hated the part of himself that still wanted to lean in. To nod and let Bruce take the lead like a good little soldier.
And maybe he should, Bruce had done this way more than him, had always done his best to shield his wards from it. To his credit, he’d pretty much succeeded.
But Jason wasn’t a little kid anymore, and the one time he’d needed Bruce’s shield it hadn’t come.
He pushed the door open himself and stepped out, pulling on a smile at the last second.
Coming “back to life” meant back to the Wayne name, but let no one think he was still hiding behind Bruce.
On some level Bruce must have understood that, because there was a short pause before he followed him, all wide Brucie smile and fond affection. A warm hand clapped on Jason’s shoulder, almost the least they could be touching and still play happy families.
Then Damian followed, Tim and the girls, and finally Dick, throwing an arm around his shoulders and “coincidentally” tugging him away from Bruce’s hand.
He owed the guy a drink. And possibly some reassurance that he wasn’t actually going to bite Bruce for touching him.
They stayed for a moment for the family photos, then Dick cheerfully messed up Jason’s hair and they made their way up the carpet and into the event. Bruce was taken aside for a moment by an attendant and then they were being announced like it was a fucking Regency novel.
There was the slightest hint of a chance that Bruce had set it up with Jason in mind specifically. Not asked him if he wanted it or checked in, just gone ahead and done it.
That wasn’t what Jason liked about his classics, but the thought was warm in a soft way he hadn’t associated with Bruce in a long time.
They were about to disperse, the rest probably on the hunt for Danny, when Bruce caught Jason’s eye and nodded to a quiet spot. Sucking in a breath, Jason followed.
He’d been prepared to go through tonight with the pit in his ear, back when he thought it wasn’t optional. He could do it as just himself. No sweat.
Bruce waited a moment after Jason joined him, glancing around the room and lowering his voice below easy eavesdropping range.
“Your plus one has arrived, Jason. Would you like to make introductions now, or just go and join him? He seems a little… unaccustomed to these events, apparently,” he added with a sympathetic half smile.
None of them liked these events, but Jason had assumed Tucker would be arriving with Sam and Danny. Apparently not, as a quick scan of the room produced only one signature red beret.
By the refreshments. Perfect.
Jason even managed a smile of his own for Bruce, and felt more sad than angry at the flicker of surprise. He knew exactly how they’d come to this, yet… all he’d wanted was a home.
“I’ll go check on him. We’ll catch up with you later,” he added with a short nod.
He did want to introduce Danny and his friends to his siblings. And maybe to Bruce too. But that could come later.
He still had to officially meet Tucker first.
A slight smile pulling across his lips, he made his way across the hall to that trademarked red beret.
The bat siblings took a moment to put their heads together while Bruce and Jason talked, finalising their plan of attack.
“Alright, I think we need two teams. Tim and I will split so we each have someone who’s seen Danny,” Dick whispered, giving Tim a nod as he scanned the room.
Steph nodded firmly, liking her arm through Tim’s.
“I’ll take Tim and Damian to be my top stealth operative. You take Cass for yours. Stay within around 10 feet of each other but not obviously together, no need to let anyone think something’s up. Tim stay in the middle, so you can signal us if necessary,” she commanded and the others all nodded.
Damian pouted just a little, but he wasn’t about to argue with being put on stealth. It meant less talking to people.
They split apart, all doing their most charming smiles, just in time to see Jason moving purposefully across the room.
“Well shit, here we go,” Dick chuckled, offering Cass his arm. She slipped a hand into the crook of his elbow and let him guide her off in the same general direction as Jason.
Tim, Steph, and Damian split up, meandering gently along the other side of Jason’s path. Dick turned a beaming smile on a nearby couple that were moving in close enough the same direction.
Gala talk never went beyond surface level anyway, so it was easy to keep up the conversation while watching Jason make his way to the refreshments. And… joined someone.
Dick’s brow furrowed.
“That’s not him,” Tim hissed into Steph’s ear, catching her at one end of the drinks table.
Steph stopped, frowned, and looked down towards the middle, where Jason was chatting amicably with a young Black man in an off-the-rack suit.
“Are you sure?” She hissed back, leaning back towards him to reach for a glass.
Tim gave her a flat look.
“The guy at Jason’s was white. I’m not that tired,” he said flatly and Steph stifled a giggle.
“Yeah, okay, I believe you. So who’s that?”
“That would be Tucker Foley, the man Jason added to the guest list,” Damian said smartly, coming to Tim’s other side and passing Steph a glass.
Both turned to face him and he sighed, rolling his eyes.
“I checked Father’s phone this morning.”
Straightening, Steph took a careful sip of her juice, turning so her back was to the table.
“I checked last night, Jason hadn’t sent anything,” she whispered and Damian smirked.
“The message was from 9am. I believe he wanted to give Father less time to research him.”
“And us,” Tim agreed with a huff, grabbing his own drink at random. And hastily putting it back when it stank of whiskey.
“Apparently effectively,” Damian noted smugly, looking across the floor. Following his gaze, Tim saw Bruce pretending he wasn’t also watching Jason and his new friend.
Fighting a grin, Tim grabbed a glass that matched Steph’s instead.
“Yeah, okay, I’m less mad. Wanna try and get closer, demon brat?”
By the time he’d glanced down, Damian was already gone.
Steph hid her smile in another slow sip, then straightened and moved away from the table.
“I’ll be around. Oooh shit Dick’s moving in, not missing that,” she said suddenly, walking away at speed.
Tim spun back around and groaned. Okay, the oldest wasn’t the most subtle of the bats by a fucking long shot, but they should have at least had a minute.
With a philosophical shrug, he headed away just off Steph’s path to find his own eavesdropping spot. It’s not like they were trying to hide from Jason specifically.
Just his new friend.
Tucker had lit up like a sunbeam when Jason called out, turning to give him a once over and grinning.
“Okay, holy shit, how are you even bigger in person? I’d almost think you were a Fenton,” he exclaimed as Jason drew closer.
Jason didn’t bother trying to hide his curiosity.
“Oh? Danny’s not that tall.” Which had made it all the better when Danny took him to the floor, honestly.
Tucker’s grin widened.
“Danny’s dad is 6’9, and Jazz is 6’4. We think Clocky’s holding Danny’s growth spurt hostage til he takes the crown,” Tucker explained easily, deeply satisfied with the way Jason’s eyes widened.
Okay, the thought of Danny looming over him was not one he was prepared to deal with. Shaking his head like that’d help, he gave Tuck a curious look.
“I thought you were gonna be arriving with Danny and Sam by the way, are they around?” He couldn’t imagine they’d have left Tucker alone.
Tucker did look a lot more comfortable than he’d feared though, grabbing a few more of the delicate canapés.
“Yeah, Danny got me this afternoon, but then we thought it’d be funnier if Sam’s parents didn’t know I’m a guest of honour. Like a one-two punch when Danny’s Sam’s date,” he explained, then waved a hand. “It’s not the worst just waiting.”
Jason took a moment to glance around, clocking all five of his siblings and resisting the urge to wave. Barely. Another fun thought occurred.
“So do you want me to make myself scarce when they get here? Let them see you, and then drop that you’re a guest of honour?” He asked innocently, and Tucker’s eyes gleamed.
If Danny hadn’t told him both his friends were still living humans, he might have wondered. But apparently there was still a whole lot that none of them understood.
Jason had gotten through the entire ghost database Team Phantom had gifted him, and he had questions. But those would have to wait for another, less fun day.
Tucker nodded happily, looking around and back towards the entrance.
“Oh fucking yes, can you just kinda hover and then I’ll say hi? Let them get a couple sentences in before you come say hello?” He asked eagerly, and Jason grinned back.
Today was for fun. And crime. Gala crime, and not the inevitable rogue attack, the fun kind.
Fuck it was nice to have the chance to have fun.
“Abso-fucking-lutely. Also, my older brother is coming up behind you,” he continued innocently and Dick groaned, abandoning the sneak attempt and closing the rest of the distance, Cass still on his arm.
“Jason! I was trying to be cool and discrete,” he huffed, giving his little brother the puppy eyes before moving on to grin at Tucker. “Hey, as Jaybird says, I’m his brother Dick, this is our little sister Cass, and you are?”
And Jason maybe fell the littlest bit in love with Tucker as he turned to Dick, most innocent smile you’ve ever seen in your life on his face, and said,
“Oh hey, nice to meet you! I’m Danny.”
Dick’s sheer confusion lasted just long enough for Tucker to register it too, then he held out a hand to shake.
“Oh, really? Would you be the Danny Jason was telling us about at breakfast the other day?” He asked carefully, eyes flicking between Tucker and Jason.
Jason kept his smile utterly opaque. Tucker took the offered hand, innocent as anything.
“Well I wouldn’t know anything about that, Dick, but Jason did say he’d be getting me on the guest list, and here I am! It’s great to meet you both, Jason’s had only nice things to say.”
Which seemed to surprise Dick again, but not Cass as she smiled up at Jason.
She, of course, was already onto them. It was damn near impossible to get a lie past Cass but she could be quickly persuaded to join in with any fuckery.
Jason tipped her a quick wink while Dick went down some internal pathways and her smile widened, giving just the slightest hint of a nod back.
Sweet angel baby sister.
Dick was doing his best to make innocent, normal, definitely-not-interrogation conversation and Tucker was very happy to oblige him.
Absolutely none of them expected Tucker to turn and cheerfully address his next comment to the table.
“Yeah, well, Gotham’s a beautiful city but I bet this kind of event can get a little dull for the younger crowd, right?”
Immediately Jason scanned the area for Damian while Dick did his very best mildly-confused-puppy face.
“Uh… what do you mean, Danny?” He asked carefully, glancing in the direction Tucker was looking.
Tucker grinned at him and pointed down.
“Someone’s kid is hiding under the table. Pretty harmless way to keep out of trouble, right?” Tuck asked cheerfully.
Jason’s eyebrows shot into his hairline when Damian reluctantly crawled out from under the table, rising to frown up at the taller boy.
It made a kind of sense? Amity Park’s version of the rogues gallery was actual, literal ghosts and Tucker had been fighting them since he was Damian’s age. Being more observant than most went with the territory.
But he really wasn’t shy about outing himself at all.
Dick picked up the trailing question, knowing full well Damian wouldn’t, and pulled on his best Public Relations smile. He’d definitely noticed.
“Oh, yeah, this is our youngest brother Damian! He doesn’t really do parties,” he added by way of explanation when Damian just kept glowering.
Tucker nodded agreeably, giving Damian a nod of his own.
“I’m gonna have to introduce you to Sam, Damian, you guy’s’ll get along great! She hates these kinds of events too,” he added by way of explanation, apparently completely missing at least three bats zooming in on the information.
“Sam? Do you know someone else who’s coming?” Dick asked with very convincing casual curiosity.
Tucker just nodded again, as open as a well thumbed book, picking at his little plate of canapés.
“Oh yeah, Sam Manson, from Amity Park. She should be here soon, she’s a good friend. She always hides behind the fake plants,” he told Damian, winking conspiratorially.
If looks could kill, Tucker would have become a ghost.
Fully aware that at least two of his siblings were about to be doing some frantic googling, Jason took Tucker’s arm and turned him from the table.
“Well, we should get out of the way so the other guests can get at the food. Has anyone given you the tour, Tucker?” He asked, definitely not grinning at Damian.
It wasn’t “getting caught by a civilian” bad, but Damian didn’t know that.
Tucker gave a slightly sad look back to the trays of finger foods but quickly twigged, snapping his gaze back to Jason.
“No, they haven’t. Which way are the bathrooms?”
Five bats reconvened immediately in a distant corner of the ballroom.
“That’s definitely not the same guy, right Dick?”
“He said his name was Danny, he might be some kind of chameleon meta? He and Jason definitely knew each other.”
“Did he just catch Damian? Slipping there, baby bat.”
“There is something unnatural about him,” Damian insisted firmly, shooting Steph a murderous glare that was fully ignored.
After a brief moment, all four turned their full attention to Cass. She was the human lie detector.
Cass gave them all a polite smile and half shrug.
‘Very honest. Very open. Not hiding anything,’ she signed.
Damian’s eyes narrowed.
“He prattles like a fool but there is most definitely something off about him. No one as obtuse as he pretends to be would have detected my presence,” he said firmly, eyes locked with Cass’.
Tim rolled his eyes and waved a hand at the pair of them.
“Look, you slipped up Damian. None of us bothered bringing our A game to a party, it happens.”
Damian’s glare promised more cut grapple lines in Tim’s future.
“I did not slip, Drake. Todd and Grayson did not register my presence, but this boy did. And his name is Tucker Foley, not Danny,” he added sharply to Cass, “so he is also an exceptional liar.”
Tim flipped him off pretty much on principle. Dick shrugged, retaining his position as “everyones favourite brother” by not choosing sides.
“It might be a middle name or a nickname, D. He didn’t hesitate or stumble over it.”
Damian shook his head mulishly, turning a much milder glare on Dick. He pulled out his phone.
“Tucker Foley does not have a middle name, Grayson. He does have a Facebook connection named Daniel Fenton, mutual contacts with Samantha Manson.”
The other four convened on the phone screen, frowning. There indeed was Tucker’s Facebook page, which looked to have been dead for at least two years. Annual birthday messages from elderly relatives filled most of the wall.
Satisfied that they were now listening, Damian turned a sharp eyed stare on Tim.
“Drake should be next to engage. Foley is currently a student at MIT in science and technology, and his records are sealed beyond my ability to immediately break. You are the most technologically inclined and may bond with him,” he added, like they’d need an explanation.
The news made the others sit up and take notice. Any records sealed beyond what a Robin could get into, any Robin, meant better than normal encryption.
Steph already had her phone out too, browsing heavily.
“I can’t find any other trace of him,” she chimed in a moment later, frowning at the rest of the group, “the Facebook email’s definitely going somewhere, but there’s no other social media associated with it.”
Tim frowned, leaning towards her phone.
“Any leads on what his other email addresses might be? What’s the name?”
Steph flashed him her screen.
“It’s a private web server, he’s set up his own, but that’s empty too, at least at first glance. Anyone wanna text Babs?” She asked, eyes flashing from one to the other.
Dick sighed and pulled out his phone as well, glancing around the room.
“We shouldn’t be out of sight too long, people will notice. I’ll text Babs and see if she’s busy, then do some laps. See what people have to say about Foley and the Mansons. Same teams?”
Cass, who had no intention of letting anyone at these parties even suspect she could communicate with them without a translator, hooked her hand through his arm again.
Not only were people much more loose lipped when they thought you couldn’t understand them (and a certain type of asshole just knew that mute people were all stupid), she also wasn’t giving up a gold standard excuse to ignore anyone who tried to talk to her.
Tim, Damian, and Steph exchanged quick looks, then nodded.
“I’ll see if I can catch them somewhere on the tour,” Tim volunteered, nodding to Steph, “do you wanna see if anyone in our age range knows anything about Sam Manson? I’ve seen her before but never spoken to her..”
“Ours up to Dick’s, it looks like Foley’s a little younger than Jason,” she agreed, then turned to Damian, “I think you’re gonna have to stay in sight for the rest of the night though.”
Damian’s brow furrowed into its typical deep scowl lines. Boy would have wrinkles by 15.
“I shall find Father and see what he knows of Foley or the Mansons,” he decided sulkily, looking around the room.
Getting caught still stung, even if he was certain Foley was up to something suspicious. The real question was, what were Foley’s intentions?
Damian didn’t believe Todd would be willingly involved in anything that would hurt the family. Hurt Bruce, possibly, but nothing that would put any of his siblings in the potential crossfire.
The question was, what did Todd know about Foley?
Tim considered playing it subtle for about 30 seconds. Something about the look in Jason’s eye when he caught Tim’s changed his mind immediately.
Jason knew Tim and Dick had seen the real Danny. Jason was having fun. Why bother playing subtle when the game was on?
He put himself directly in their path and headed over, a nice, sociable gala smile on his face. Jason could try and duck and weave him, but that’d be obvious.
He didn’t, and even drew to a stop, something wicked in his smile as he turned to his companion.
“And this is my younger brother, Timothy Drake. Tim, this is…” he trailed off, clearly prepared to be absolutely steamrollered by the wide eyed young man.
“Tim Drake?! Hello, I’m Tucker Foley, I’m a huge fan of your work, some of the things coming out of WT this year were just incredible,” he gushed, holding out a hand to shake.
The hand was pretty much vibrating on its own. Tim took it and shook firmly, the smile growing just a little more genuine.
Score one for Demon Brat. He was a tech head. And, he noticed not hearing “Danny”. Jason didn’t seem upset, so this wasn’t the big game.
Tim wanted in on the big game.
“Hey, it’s always great to meet a fan. What kind of Wayne Tech are you rocking?”
Jason coughed suspiciously into his hand as Tucker dived into a pocket, pulling out… a weirdly clunky PDA? Definitely not something Tim had seen off the line.
“Oh, I don’t really go for prebuilt tech, but I’ve incorporated the motherboards from a couple of older WT tablets and got a couple extra gigs of RAM just to make it juicy,” he explained happily, turning it on.
Tim’s eyebrows rose as he moved in to peer at the screen. From the outside it looked like something Alfred might have used during his adventuring days, but it loaded like a dream.
Just from the few screens Tucker flicked through, Tim had to wonder just what this PDA was capable of. And maybe if he should be hanging out more in hardware hacker spaces.
Even Jason looked impressed, leaning in over Tucker’s other shoulder to watch as he ran them through a couple of different functions.
And that, the app they scrolled past super fast? That definitely said SpyWare, which was not something Tim had seen in an app store. Especially not for a device running WayneTech.
It was no Batcomputer, but for something built on older tech instead of better-than-new, it was easily the next best thing.
Tim looked back at the young man, significantly more impressed. This guy might actually be more interesting than the danger twink.
Just so long as he was on the right side.
“This is pretty cool, Tucker, I can’t wait to see what you could do with some of our newer stuff,” he said earnestly, and had the pleasure of watching the guy fucking melt.
“It would be such an honour to have you take more of a look some time, there’s soooo much I’d love to do with some of your newer tech and I have so many ideas,” Tucker absolutely gushed, and Tim stifled a laugh.
Even if he was a supervillain, Tucker Foley seemed like he’d be an easy one to handle. Hell, easy to get in his good books too.
If Jason didn’t mind him muscling in. Which, given the deeply satisfied grin on his face, he clearly didn’t.
“I’ve got some time free tomorrow, if you’re not in town for long?” Tim was genuinely considering giving this guy a job offer, an interview would save him some formalities to gather his paperwork.
And give Tim someone he knew for sure was both competent and willing to speak to him on the team. But…
Well. Jason wasn’t the only one with very few actual civilian friends. It was what made it so interesting.
And speaking of which, before Tucker could bite his hand off for the offer he raised it quickly, grinning. “On one condition.”
Tucker’s face fell just a little and Tim felt like an asshole, but Jason just raised an eyebrow.
“What’s the condition?” He asked for Tucker, who was stuck in some serious puppy eyes.
Tim smirked.
“You tell me who you’re fucking with tonight. And I want in.” No need to ask how if he could just join the game.
Tucker brightened right up too, stuffing the PDA back into a pocket that really shouldn’t have held it. Fuck Tim wanted to see more of it.
“Oh, sure! The more the merrier, right Jason?” He asked, glancing up at the taller man.
Jason shrugged, glanced around the room for a second, then nodded to a corner.
“Perfect timing, actually. Tuck, our mark is here. You go ahead and get started and I’ll fill Timmo in here as I follow.”
Turning as one, Tim and Tucker watched a well dressed couple at the top of the stairs, followed by a sullen young woman who was obviously their daughter and…
Danny. Real Danny. Arm in arm with the young woman.
Tucker’s grin was all mischief as he nodded, making a beeline for the couple.
“See you in five, guys,” he called over his shoulder.
Tim turned expectantly to Jason. Who grinned and linked an arm through his.
“Go have fun, Tuck.”
Was that why Jason was so open to Tim getting closer to his new boyfriend? If they already weren’t exclusive, that’d explain it.
Had Jason gotten himself involved in a polycule?
Danny’s New Years Eve was not going as well, hard as that may seem.
He liked to think he’d found a pretty nice suit for the event, Sam had footed the bill and sent him to her family’s outfitter. It was actually basically a smaller version of the one Mr Manson was wearing.
Sam’s parents had taken one look at him and called it cheap.
Now, the slow dawning horror on her mom’s face when Danny walked through the door? Classic. Incredible. Perfect start to the night.
First sight of Sam and the dress her parents had forced her into today? They might be burning the gala building down.
It was pastel purple. There were ruffles. There were bows. The bows were even still attached, which was an achievement on its own.
One probably only achieved because Sam had already planned her vengeance for later that day. This? This was just fuel for the fire.
He leaned closer while the parents were having their own little moment, trying to work out how they could have known and banned Danny. How they could get away with not bringing him.
“You look like Bo Peep,” he hissed from the corner of his mouth. Sam punched him.
“Shut the fuck up, you look like the Penguin,” she hissed back, eyes narrowed.
Danny snickered, watching the two adults in evening dress whipping themselves into a frenzy. His arrival had been very carefully timed; they had two minutes to get in the car or they’d be more than fashionably late.
“Think the Bat would get confused?” He asked half-interested, half wondering if Jason would save him.
Sam snorted a laugh and gave him a gentle shove, her mom reaching fever pitch in the background.
“Between you and the one person on Earth you’re taller than? Nah. Should we go get in the car?” She was about to move towards the vehicle when Danny caught her arm, grinning broadly.
“Fifty bucks for you to go give them your best baby girl eyes and ask what’s wrong.”
Sam visibly considered it, looking back at where the gesticulations were beginning to muss cuff-lines. Then she rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist.
“Nah, they’ll suspect something’s up. I want them to be surprised,” she added darkly, eyes already filled with a swirling bubbling vengeance.
Danny cackled and followed her to the door.
“Oh, that’s definitely gonna happen. I’m still having a hard fucking time believing this is real.”
The limousine ride had been tense to say the least, the older Mansons joining them just before the last second. They’d still gotten stuck in the winding trail of cars waiting to drop their guests off.
Mr Manson seemed to have resigned himself to Danny’s presence, and spent most of the ride lecturing him firmly on standards of decorum.
Every single part of Danny demanded he slump fully horizontal then and there, but Sam wanted them to be surprised, so best behaviour it was.
He let the older man correct his posture, did his best to answer seriously and respectfully, and charitably ignored Mrs Manson’s long suffering sighs. He could behave, when he wanted to.
He just wasn’t fucking going to.
He’d thought they were nearly at the fun part when the limousine finally stopped long enough for the door to open and let them out, but no. No, now they were in a standing line, waiting to be announced.
Mrs Manson had finally recovered her good mood, gushing excitedly to Sam, her husband, and the empty air above Danny about how this was Mr Wayne’s special request, such a traditional touch.
Clearly it meant the young Mr Todd was a romantic, and might be open to the idea of courting. Perhaps even looking to meet a suitable young lady.
If Danny was actually Sam’s date, he might have been offended. As it was, they were both hiding giggles behind their hands as often as they could raise them.
Finally, finally they reached the top of the stairs overlooking the main ballroom, an attendant checking an actual physical guest list before reading off the names.
Danny was going to fucking die again. The idea that rich people were actually still like this, in the twenty-first century? The laughter he was holding in would stop his heart.
And they hadn’t even gotten started.
Danny’s eyes swept the room automatically as they shuffled into place, their names called to the guests below.
Finding Jason was easy. He wasn’t the tallest man present, or even the broadest; he was in the same boring black and white penguin suit as most of the room.
He drew Danny’s gaze magnetically anyway, walking with a younger man with similar black hair and blue eyes. Probably a sibling. Jason might already be looping him in, they were making their way over.
Which meant… Danny slipped his arm down from Sam’s elbow til he could squeeze her hand, nodding subtly to the crowd.
Tucker Foley, entering stage left. From the corner of his eye he got to watch her grin go utterly feral as her parents reached the floor and Tucker stepped perfectly past the last small group.
“Mr and Mrs Manson! What a pleasure to see you here, it’s so nice to see more Amity Park faces!” He said smoothly, holding his hand out to shake.
Mrs Manson visibly recoiled, both hands snatching back to her bosom.
“You- you’re Sam’s little friend, aren’t you?” She asked sharply, gaze snapping all over his suit and stopping on his beret. She shuddered.
Tucker just kept smiling, turning to offer his hand to Mr Manson instead, who looked at it like it held something dead.
“That’s me! Tucker, remember? Isn’t this a great party? The decorations are just to die for.”
Danny stifled a snicker. No need to let on just yet as he and Sam drifted around to the side. From what he’d seen on the way over, Jason should be here soon.
“Oh, hey Tucker, I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said loudly instead, reaching neatly past Mr Manson to shake his friend’s hand.
Mrs Manson very nearly slapped his hand away from it before realising that no, Danny was the other trash friend, he couldn’t be contaminated by touch.
Sam was fucking simmering in satisfaction, her hand now tucked in the crook of Danny’s elbow like a sweet little damsel. Tucker’s eyes shot over the both of them and his grin broadened.
“Yeah, it was a little last minute, but I got a VIP invite so I couldn’t say no.”
Mr Manson’s laugh was just barely on the right side of blatantly insulting as he gave Tucker a sharp once over.
“You? A VIP guest? And who are you here with?” He asked nastily.
Silly man. Tucker’d clearly already gone through the flunky gauntlet. He shoulda known there would be an answer.
And the answer appeared in the far too handsome figure of Jason Todd himself, wearing a suit that at ground level? Yeah, Danny finally understood just how a good suit could fucking highlight a man’s figure.
Jason somehow looked even broader in the shoulders, well muscled but also polished, and Danny was almost too distracted to hear his next words.
“Tucker, hey, sorry I lost you for a moment. Are these friends of yours?” He asked, voice smooth as silk.
For a beautiful, glorious moment Mr Manson drew himself up higher and Danny almost hoped they wouldn’t recognise Jason.
He’d been “dead” a long time after all, and this was his first night back in public. And, y’know, he was about three feet taller than his last gala. And that new puff of white hair, that should have been a clue.
And then the other guy had stepped up on Tucker’s other side, his grin just as friendly.
“Hi, Tim Drake-Wayne, I see you’ve met my brother Jason and his plus one?” He said cheerfully, holding out his own hand to shake.
Something subtle yet twitching pinched in Mr Manson’s face. He shook Tim’s hand, then gingerly accepted Tucker’s still outstretched hand like it was some kind of unpleasant rodent.
Jason, still grinning broadly, shook his hand third, then turned towards Danny and Sam.
“And who is this ravishing young lady?” He asked, and both Mansons immediately perked up.
“This is our daughter, Samantha,” Mrs Manson said eagerly, neatly swiping her hand down between Sam and Danny to move her daughter to the fore.
Danny considered resisting, he really did, but not laughing was taking up a good chunk of his brain. Jason took Sam’s hand, bent over it and kissed her knuckles, blue-green eyes watching her through his lashes.
“A pleasure to meet you, Samantha,” he said but now his voice was low, sultry, and oh dear even Danny was getting a bit squirmy. Jason wasn’t even looking at him!
Sam twitched and her mother’s grip tightened to white knuckled on her elbows, clearly suspecting the temptation led towards violence. Danny and Tucker knew her a little better, knew the smile she put on was being held back from giggles, not forced.
“Same. So, how was being dead?” Sam asked casually, keeping up her usual semi-abrasive front. Mrs Manson gasped, but Jason just smiled wider as he rose.
“Restful. But we don’t all get to rise again, so I intend to take the chance with both hands,” he all but purred, still not releasing her hand.
Sam gently but firmly tugged it free, reaching back to grab Danny’s and pull him forward.
“Great. This is my date for the evening, Danny,” she added, giving her mother a very convincing sharp look.
Danny didn’t really notice anything else. Just that his hand was in Jason’s now, and Jason’s hand was big and hot, and Jason looked big and hot, and he was giving Danny that same smouldery look he’d given Sam. He had to lock his knees against shaking.
They’d had a plan. There was a plan. What the hell was the plan?
“A pleasure to meet you too, Danny,” Jason said softly as they shook hands, his voice still low and just maybe also holding onto laughter. Then he seemed to snap out of it, turning back to the others. “And of course, you’ve met Tim?”
Sam rolled her eyes and shook Tim’s hand too, and flicked Tucker in the forehead when he held his out with a shit eating grin.
“We went to high school, asshole, we do not need a fancy introduction,” she told him sharply.
“Oh, you already know Tucker?” Jason affected great surprise, moving very subtly until it looked like he was gently edging Danny out of the conversation.
It gave Danny a chance to check out his shoulders and maybe sneak a peek at his ass in those pants, so it was a win in his book.
Mrs Manson’s too, obviously, as she was visibly brightening by the second, even bestowing a warm smile on Tucker himself.
“Oh yes, he’s been one of Samantha’s best friends since she was just a teenager! Very close to the family,” she oozed, and Danny bit the inside of his lip to hide a grin.
Even Tucker looked a little shell shocked, but he pulled the smile back up before it became obvious.
“How did you two meet, by the way?” Mr Manson asked, looking calculatingly between Tucker and Jason. “I wasn’t aware you’d visited Gotham before, Tucker.”
Tim swooped in to field that one, so he was definitely in on the act now. What fun.
“Oh, they met through my work. Mr Foley here does some very impressive technical engineering, and I came across him scouting for a very prestigious internship position at WE. Jason came early to meet me after work on the same day as Tucker’s interview.”
And Tucker was right back to wide eyed awe. Quickly scooping his jaw off the floor, he puffed himself up, overcompensating a little in the rush of glee.
“Yeah! I was super honoured to get that far, and then Jason and I got to chatting on my way out. Of course I had no idea who you were,” he added quickly, grinning at Jason.
Jason shrugged modestly, keeping most of his attention on Sam.
“My unfortunate circumstances left my social life the real casualty I’m afraid. I don’t really know many people my own age.”
“Oh, perhaps you and Samantha can spend some time together then,” Mrs Manson gushed, immediately jumping on the opportunity, hand in the small of Sam’s back fully shoving her forward.
Sam narrowed her eyes, giving her mother a reasonably convincing glare.
“Mom, I’m here with Danny,” she stressed, reaching back to grab Danny’s hand and pull him after her.
Danny, still enjoying Jason’s shoulders from behind, nearly bumped into her from the sudden tug.
Jason gave them both another shot of that dazzling smile, stepping to the side like he’d never been blocking Danny. Which was a shame, since it meant the Mansons could see him again.
Mrs Manson visibly soured, then brightened again as Jason spoke.
“I’d love to spend some more time with both of you. I was just giving Tucker a quick tour of the venue, since it’s his first Gotham gala. Would you like to join us?” He offered, eyes still fixed on Sam.
She gave a barely mollified huff and allowed him to take her other arm.
“Fine. I need to show Danny where the bathrooms are anyway,” she declared, letting Jason lead them away from her parents.
Tim gave some quick apologies and hurried after them, all five teens falling silent to hear the Mansons as they left.
Not that it was hard.
“Isn’t that the alley trash Bruce took in?” Mr Manson asked, his voice barely quieter than his regular conversation.
“He is a Wayne now and besides, he has better prospects than that Fenton,” Mrs Manson hissed back, at least pretending to be more discreet.
Danny stifled a snicker as Tim gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Lovely people, your folks. Jason’s filled me in about them not letting you bring your girlfriend,” he said to Sam, and she rolled her eyes.
“They’re the fucking worst. I take it you’re in?” She asked, and Tim nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh, always. I get dragged to these things more often than any of my siblings, so anything to make it more tolerable,” he added with a modest shrug.
Jason snickered, keeping Sam’s hand in his mostly for appearances.
“Your own fault for buying in to the family business, Timbo,” he teased and Tim stuck his tongue out at him.
“Yeah, well, it’s your fault I’m here this time, so the least you can do is keep me entertained,” he shot back cheerfully.
“Jason’s fault? How so?” Tucker asked innocently, keeping pace with Tim and trying not to look like an actual puppy. Game number two, Fucking With Siblings, was apparently still on.
Jason rolled his eyes, very intentionally not looking at Danny.
“Yeah Tim, why is it my fault?” He asked, clearly not expecting Tim to fess up.
Tim, of course, grinned straight at Danny.
“He told us we could meet his new friend the danger twink if we came tonight,” he said, entirely shamelessly.
Sam cackled, her grip tightening on Danny’s hand as she shot him a spectacularly filthy grin. Tucker sputtered and nearly tripped.
Danny felt his cheeks heat, but grinned back.
“Danger twink? Really?” He asked, turning and looking up at Jason. Whoooo still wasn’t looking at him.
“They came up with it,” he said stolidly, just the faintest hint of a smile on his face.
Tim nodded cheerfully, but whatever he was about to say was cut off by the next call from the top of the stairs.
“Mr Vladimir Masters!”
Danny actually did trip, stumbling into Sam and pushing her into Jason.
“Holy fucking shit what?!” He gasped, head whipping around a little faster than should be normal.
Tucker stared at him for a long, slow moment as Jason’s hands came up, steadying the pair of them.
“You fucking forgot Vlad was coming,” he said with a slowly dawning awe.
Danny, really doing his best not to beat his head off Jason’s very muscular arm, buried his face in the other man’s suit instead.
“I fucking forgot Vlad was coming,” he mumbled into very expensive fabric.
Sam burst out laughing, letting her weight sag into Jason too so she didn’t have to hold herself up.
He, the unfairly muscular bastard, was having no trouble supporting both of them.
Tucker’s entirely graceless snort of laughter almost covered Danny’s loud groan, and he treated himself to one bonk off a flexed tricep.
Solid bastard. His life was just awesome today.
Next Chapter:
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tornoleander · 2 months
Wow, you're the beta reader for bbnb? I didn't know that. (So you can confirm that Hat is infact not dead because I haven't seen any activity from them in a while and my brain always jumps to worst case scenarios)
Anyway, definitely didn't forget to respond for like a week, but here are some of my theories/scenarios:
-I still think Cole's the one who'll remember bits and pieces because A. He's a ghost B. Hat used he/him when talking about who will remember and C. It would be incredibly emotionaly impactful
-HOWEVER, I think Pixal could also remember some stuff. None of the emotional stuff but she did technically die when Nadakhan erased her. Besides, it could be fun to see her try to let Jay or Nya know she remembers while still stuck to Zane.
-also Zane's falcon died but he was never mentioned in this fic so 😔
-Jay DEFINITELY has c-ptsd. Like, 100%, I'm sure the nurse/psychologist whose name I forgor would agree with me
-I'm pretty sure Wu just died by some falling island or something like that. Or he could've died by the storm, that would be cool.
-I know he said that swearing is a sign of weak verbal skills but I feel like Jay would start swearing more for comfort. Like, Nadakhan hated it but never truly did anything horrible to him because of it :)
most of the scenarios in my head play out with the ninja being captured again
-for example, Jay using his internal electricity to shock someone when they all have vengestone
-or them getting tazed and Jay sending the current back like he did in the electric chair
-or they're all traped and saying shit like "there's no other option" or something and Jay replying with "suicide's still an option" like that's a normal thing to say which obviously worries the others
And then there's the non captured scenarios
-something something Jay falling into autopilot after being told/asked to clean to ship and ends up also cleaning the hull "Why are you cleaning the bottom? We're in the air and you're not even tied to anything???" ".... trauma response?"
-or just straight up Jay having a panic attack out of seemingly sowhere (Cole said he wished he could eat cake again)
Anyway, those are the things I could think of right now, there's more but it's 3:39am and I'm tired :3
Hope it's not too long lol
Yep! As of ch 15. Me and hat have been chatting for a while and I bug them for feedback on Art accuracy so I help them with some writing corrections too!
I have been working on beta reading earlier chapters as well currently half way through 4. It is certainly an experience but now I yell my feelings into comment instead of just the void
*reaches through horrific horror to correct spelling mistake.
Yup Hat is alive! They were just fixated on something else for a while but they are back.
Ok now for scenarios
-Cole remembering bits……. I will refrain from giving my thoughts.
-Pixal and Zane’s falcon died pretty early so I do think they may remember up till then but It probably wouldn’t help understand much.
-I don’t think Wu died? But it’s not impossible.
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I will ask hat about this one but seeing as bbnb events qualify as at least 4/6 of these causes of it AND ptsd is a tag I’m going to give it a yeah. Cause non complex ptsd is typically less prolonged.
-the swearing I do think he might do more but not necessarily for comfort
-For your head scenarios I am not sure all the ways hat is planned show how the events of the fic messed him up. But I know they’re a big fan of consequences for events…
From what I’m guessing he is going to be trying his best to hide everything and it’ll be somewhat canon compliant? But to be fair He is pretty consistently the most mentally unstable ninja. Take This with a big grain of salt I’m saving the analysis for my skybound video, but his behavior does generally line up well with SA surivers. the first time that Jays a prisoner post Skybound is when he says “You don’t argue with a man who’s navel is that close”
Drives me insane by the way
Side tangent, I’ve been doing a lot of Skybound digging for my eventual video essay. And my current best theory on why this is a line has to do with SA of men being played for laughs.
Like older audiences are supposed to hear that and find it fucking funny. It’s unfortunately not uncommon in kids programming. My quest to best explain why S6 is so uncomfortable has been… enlightening. Terrified of approaching a controversial topic so I have been learning a-lot about approach and how to not be awful. But my fixation is being channeled led into the eventual Skybound video.
Hope I answered what you wanted to know and It wasn’t purely my Adhd rambling
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bbyquokka · 2 years
:💦 ♡ . ⁺ ᘏ : we're just friends
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➥ pairings: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
➥ genre: non-idol!au | smut | MDNI
➥ synopsis: Changbin confesses something to you - so, you want a taste of him.
➥ warnings: smut | penetration | cock warming | oral [male receive] | fingering | unprotected sex | public sex | reader and Changbin are just friends | explicit language | mentions of exercise | a lil bit of anal play | pet name [doll]
➥ words: 3.8k
➥ chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
➥ tags: @lix-ables | @sstarryoong | @ipegchangbin | @chaneomma | @purple-belle | @critssq | if you wish to be tagged in this mini series, lemme know!
➥ m.list – ➥ cock warming m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
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"Are you ready to leave?" Changbin asks whilst swinging his exercise duffle bag over his shoulder. You nod, grabbing your own bag and water bottle.
"Ready! Please don't kill my legs today Binnie. I would like to be able to walk for at least 5 minutes." Changbin laughs softly before ruffling your hair to which you pouted at whilst shooing his hand away.  
"Binnie! I only just managed to get my hair reasonably neat. Now I have to redo it." 
"Why? Your hair is going to get messy anyways whilst we are there." He states whilst putting on a black cap that concealed his curls. 
"True, but still." You pout, walking out of his apartment.
"Why do you want to look so good anyways? It's the gym. No one cares what you look like. People are too consumed with their routines." Changbin follows after you, closing the door behind and locking it. He places his house keys into his bag before pulling out his car keys.
"I know but you never know when someone attractive will walk in." You wiggle your brows playful. Changbin rolls his eyes playful, sighing.
"You're there to work out, not to chat up a stranger."
"Oh please, Binnie. Like you haven't done that before." You scoff, following him to his car.
"I have no idea what you mean, doll." 
"Don't think I don't see you Binnie. I see you checking out some of the females there. Your eyes practically pop out off their sockets." 
"I'm just admiring their techniques, that's all." Changbin said with a shrug to which you rolled your eyes at.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say, Binnie. When was the last time you got laid?" You playfully asked before getting into the passenger's side of his car. Changbin threw his bag in the back seat before getting into the driver's side.
"Why do you ask? Wanna taste?" Changbin smirks, looking at you. You blush a deep shade of red, his response catching you off guard.
"N-no! it's just, you act so desperately. You need to get your cock sucked Binnie. It's been way too long." 
"Don't worry doll. You'll be the first person I'll be contacting when I want my cock sucked." You scoff, slapping his biceps. Changbin laughs before driving to the gym.
"Asshole." You mutter. 
During your work out session, you couldn't stop thinking about Changbin's response earlier. You knew he was just teasing you, this is just something that happens between you both all the time.
You never thought much of it or what he says in general, for that matter. He would always flirt with you, be a little suggestive and playful. He's your closest best friend so you thought nothing of it, just two friends of the opposite sex flirting. Surely nothing was going to happen, right?
That's what you naively thought, until that fateful day that practically turned your life upside down. You stayed over at Changbin's place, it was Halloween and seeing as your little friend circle was not doing anything – because of real life – you two decided to take it upon yourselves and binge watch scary movies.
It was Changbin's idea. Why? You have no idea considering he's a big scaredy cat when it comes to horror films. He would jump at nothing, which ultimately made you jump. You'd whine, laugh, tease him. He'd cling to your arm like a baby koala, tears prickling his lower lash line. "this shit wasn't even scary." he'd sniff once the movie ended.
After the fourth movie, you both decided to call it a night. You slept in the spare bedroom. You always kept spare clothing and toiletries over for when you slept over, it was just natural. No big deal.
You awoke after Changbin the next morning, hearing the shower running when you approached the bathroom door. Deciding on having breakfast and trying to somewhat wake up, you made toast and OJ, sitting on the sofa whilst watching morning TV.
You knew Changbin worked out. You could feel his pecs and biceps every time you hugged one another. You find him very attractive but that was it, that's all you ever thought. Until he came out off the bathroom, towel around his waist with a toothbrush in hand, moving it up and down as the bristles cleaned his teeth.
His body was still wet, the ends of his curls dripping with water. You felt heat radiating to your cheeks, struggling to look away. You didn't want to think dirty of him but you couldn't help it – he looked too delicious.
Since then, you haven't been the same. What used to be innocent, flirty banter was not anymore, well, to you at least. It always managed to make you blush and feel some sort of desire. It made you crave what you couldn't have.
"Hey doll. You almost finished your reps?" Changbin's voice bringing you out of your train of thoughts. You had been mindlessly repping your bi-curls whilst staring at your reflection. You look up at Changbin, biting your bottom lip softly as you place your dumbbells down. He wipes away his sweat from his forehead with a cloth, his biceps contracting as his arm bent.
For some reason, he decided to go against his usual attire of black t-shirt and shorts and opted to wear a vest instead. His veins protruding up his arm, muscles and broad shoulders on full display for all to see. The vest wasn't tight, but it wasn't loose either meaning you could see how defined his pecs are.
"U-Uh yeah. I finished them just now." You smile, grabbing your water and downing it to moisten your dry throat.
"Great! Then, let's do some barbell squats! Let's work on that ass." Changbin winks. You roll your eyes, putting away your dumbbells before following him.
"Please. My ass is fine." 
Changbin hums, looking behind you and at your ass. He raises a brow as he checks it out, making you blush and slap his bicep.
"Oi! Eyes to yourself, Mr." 
"I was just looking, besides, you're right. Your ass does look fine." Changbin wiggles his brows, suggestively and playfully. 
"You're such a flirt, it's unreal! Please go get laid so I don't have to listen to any more of your cheesy flirting." You whine, kicking your head back.
"You love it doll. You even respond back so it can't be that bad." He spoke, setting up the barbell with the weights you use.
"Mhm. You're right, it's not terrible. But still, go get your dick sucked or something. I'm surprised you haven't busted a nut yet." You smirk, positioning yourself with the barbell resting on your back, just below your shoulder blades.
"Believe me doll, with you around, I have." You blink a few times, gripping onto the bar. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" You lifted the bar off its support rack, taking a few steps back and parting your legs to squat, Changbin stood behind you in case you need that extra push.
"Mhm, let's just say after we work out, I go home and do a little bit more." 
"Elaborate." You squat down, holding for a few seconds before pushing up again, counting in your head. Changbin mimicked your movements, arms extended out to your sides to support you in case you needed it.
"What I mean is, I go home and jerk off in the shower because of you." Your heart rate sped up, thumping hard against your chest. You stumble, almost losing your grip on the bar. Changbin was quick to catch it, helping you rest it against the support frame.
"B-because of me?" You whispered, looking up at him. A smirk plastered on his lips as he bent down to your height, lips inches away from yours. You swallow thickly, feeling dizzy. He moves from your lips to your ear, ghosting them across the shell.
"Because of you. Standing behind you whilst you do all these moves, gets to me y'know. Plus, your ass is always inches away from my crotch and that doesn't help me either."
"B-Binnie–" Your words are shaky. You could no longer hide the desire that has built up for him over time – not after he has just confessed to masturbating to you. 
"Sorry doll. Was that too much?" Changbin pulls away, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks to the side sheepishly. You grab his vest, a pink tint on cheeks. 
"Binnie. I want a taste." 
"Doll, are you sure?" Changbin mumbles against your lips. His back pressed against the cubicle door of the gym toilets, your body's pressed flush against each other. Changbin held your hips as your hands were traveling up and down his pecs and abs.
"I've never been so sure in my life, Binnie." Changbin groans, deepening the kiss. His tongue sliding into your mouth. You whimper softly, clinging onto his vest as your tongues meet for a battle of dominance. Changbin's hands glide down your hips to your ass, gripping and massaging it through your workout leggings.
You lost the battle which allows Changbin to freely explore the inside of your mouth. He left no space untouched as he pulled you closer to his body by your ass. The lack of oxygen plus the growing desire makes you feel dizzy. You can't believe you're making out with your best friend and it feels – natural.
"Binnie…" You shakily whisper when you finally parted for air. 
"Why does this feel so good and so natural." He mumbles before kissing your lips again, this time, in a much more passionate, yet sloppy and needy kiss. Lust pooling in the pit of your stomach, clit throbbing. You could feel your slick coating the material of your cotton panties, sticking to your lips.
Changbin moves away from your lips, ghosting them down your neck. You whimper softly, tilting your head to the side to allow him more room for him to lick and nip at your skin. The salty taste from your sweat coats his taste buds to which he hums at. His teeth sinking into your skin, not too harsh but not too soft either, just enough to leave a mark.
He starts to suck the skin, decorating your neck with purple bruises. His hands moving from your ass to your breast, cupping and squeezing them. You moan softly as you slid your hands down his body to cup his clothed boner.
You ghost your fingers up and down his length, getting a layout of his size and girth. You hum softly, many thoughts running through your mind. He felt average in size but what he lacks in size, he has in girth. He felt thick, thick to the point where you thought for a second whether he would fit.
"Binnie. Are we going to, y'know..?" You trail off, blushing softly as Changbin looks at you. He strokes your pink cheeks softly, his gaze soft.
"Only if you want to doll. I won't force you. we can happily stop here and things will be okay between us." 
"No! I want this." You spoke eagerly. Changbin smirks at your eagerness, leaning in and sucking your earlobe softly.
"Then, you know what to do, doll." 
You hum, slowly crouching down until you are eye level with Changbin's boner. You maintain eye contact with him as you palm him slowly. His head tilts to the side as he lets out soft grunts.
Grabbing the waistband of his workout shorts and underwear, you slowly pull them down his thighs. Your eyes widen a little as his cock sprung free – you were correct, he is thick.
You eye his length up and down slowly, taking in every detail. From his neatly trimmed hair to the veins protruding along the sides, you didn't think a cock could look so pretty yet here you are, face to face with one. 
"Are you just going to stare or–?" Changbin laughs softly as you blush, looking up at him.
"No, it's just… It looks so pretty." Changbin blushes softly, clearing his throat to show he didn't feel embarrassed
"U-Uh, thanks doll." You hum as a response, wrapping your fingers around the base. Your fingers could barely wrap all the way around and Changbin noticed this. You look so small and it made him excited – giddy. His cock twitching in your hand, making you giggle softly. 
"Cute." You whisper before licking your lips. You gather up some of your saliva, letting it pool on your tongue before sticking it out and spitting on Changbin's tip. He softly groans, watching your saliva drop and pool on his tip. 
You press the palm of your hand against his tip, rubbing it softly to spread your saliva before wrapping your fingers around him again, tugging at his length at a slow and steady pace.
"Mhm.. That feels good doll." Changbin softly moans.
"Yeah?" You grin, feeling a little more confident. Changbin nods slowly, his tongue darting out to moisten his dry lips. You rotate your wrists with each tug, Changbin's moans increasing in decibels. You stuck your tongue out, pressing it flat against his tip. His salty pre-cum coats your taste buds as you kitten lick.
"A-Ah, shit." Changbin pants softly. You wrap your lips around him, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. Feeling a little more confident, you stop stroking him as you flatten your tongue.
You close your eyes slowly, pushing more of his length inside your mouth. The corners of your mouth stretched, your tongue caressing the underside of his length. Changbin let out laboured breaths as he watches his cock disappearing slowly. You manage to take a little over half of his length before bobbing your head.
You wrap your tongue around his cock, hollowing out your cheeks as you suck. Changbin reaches down to hold your head gently, feeling himself getting immersed in the feeling of your warm mouth. Excess saliva started to pool in your mouth, spilling from the corners and down your chin slowly. With your free hand, you cup his balls, caressing and massaging them softly.
You pull away slowly, panting and swallowing your saliva whilst lazily tugging his length. Changbin could feel himself slowly losing his composure, the air between you both was thick with lust and need that had been building up overtime.
"C'mere doll." You giggle softly, standing up straight. "Let me take care of you." 
He grabs the waistband of your leggings, looking at you for permission to which you grant with a single nod. He pulls down your leggings to your calves, cupping your clothed pussy.
Your hips bucked in his hands, his nimble fingers stroking up and down your slit through the cotton. You swallow thickly, holding onto his biceps for stability. You part your legs as wide as you could. Changbin hummed as he felt the growing wet patch.
"Did it feel good to suck my dick, doll?" He coos. You blush, nodding slowly. He pulls down your panties slowly letting them meet with your leggings. You shiver as the cold air hits your skin, your essence coating your lips.
Changbin slowly glides two fingers up and down your slit, spreading your lips and juices. With your essence coating his fingers, he gently presses the pad of his fingers against your clit, stroking slow circles using your slick as lubricant.
You softly pant, pleasure coursing through your veins, making you feel weak and dizzy. Changbin kisses your lips softly, his skilful fingers working magic on your clit.
"B-Binnie." You splutter through laboured pants.
"S-So good." You bury your face into the crook of his neck, his free hand holding your waist gently to stabilize you. The finger he was using to rub your clit, travels down to your entrance. He slowly circles around it before inserting his finger inside. You groan at the feeling, your walls welcoming him.
He pushes his fingers in, stopping at the first knuckle. He curls it against your walls as he thrusted at a steady pace. You moan against his skin, biting it gently, unsure of what to do with yourself – it just felt too good!
Once confident enough that you were getting accustomed, Changbin adds in a second. He scissored you out, stretching and widening you for something much thicker. He pushes his fingers all the way inside, making sure to curl them against your warm and soft walls. His fingers brushing against your sweet spot, making you moan loudly.
"Shh, doll. Remember where we are." He laughed. You blush a deep red, suddenly remember that you are still in a public restroom and that anyone could walk in at any given moment.
"Sorry. It just feels too good." 
"Think you're ready for something bigger and thicker doll?" You look up at him with your glossy, doll eyes. You hum, nodding slowly before pressing your lips against his.
"I'm ready." Changbin nods, pulling his fingers out of you. 
"Then, let's switch places. Hands on the door, hips out." He instructs. You both shifted around each other awkwardly, laughing as you got into your positions.
"It's so small." Changbin chuckles, positioning himself behind you.
"Yeah, well, cubicles are not made for two people to have sex in, Binnie." You laugh.
"Fair point." He grabs the base of his cock, tugging it a few times before realizing. "Wait. I don't have anything.." 
"Oh! it's ok. You can go in raw." 
"U-Uh really?"
"I'm on birth control." You whisper, feeling shy over something that's natural to be on. Maybe it was because you're stating it to your best friend, the man centre of your many desires. You've dreamt of this for so long, wondering how he would fuck you and now, it was finally going to come true.
"O-Oh." Changbin splutters, feeling flustered.
"Just, hurry Binnie. I've wanted you for so long." You mewled, swaying your hips side to side. Changbin groans softly, gliding his tip up and down your slit before circling it around your entrance. Pre-cum and slick mixing together.
Changbin slowly pushes himself inside you, his thick cock stretching you making you whimper at the stinging sensation. He strokes your ass softly, pushing slowly to not hurt you. When half of his length was inside, he stayed still as to let you get used to his size – although keeping still became harder and harder the longer time went on.
Your warmth and wetness. How soft and squishy your walls felt. How your cunt welcomed him – it was too much for him. He had to squeeze your ass to stop himself from moving his hips involuntarily. You groan at the feeling of feeling full, your pussy feeling stretched out.
You push your hips back slowly, ultimately fucking Changbin. His eyes widen as he watched you. He leant back a little, placing a hand on your ass as he spread it. He watches his cock disappearing into your tight hole, soft moans falling past your lips.
"Damn y/n. you fuck cock really good." Changbin groans. His compliment only made you shiver and feel some sort of accomplishment. It made you feel good knowing that you were able to make him feel just as good as you were.
Changbin held onto your hips to stop your movements, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
"That was cute and all, but let me take over." He purred. A tingle ran down your spine as you mewl, slowly closing your eyes. Standing straight, Changbin started off with languid thrusts, slowly and deep. His cock stroking your walls deliciously.
He wants to take his time with you, milk out every cry and moan you have to offer. Just like you, he too, has also been dreaming of this for so long. You're both a match made in heaven. He hasn't met someone like you before, someone who is so kind and considerate and is able to take his flirtatious manor as well as reciprocate it, plus, you're the most gorgeous person he has ever laid eyes one
It's only natural for him to want you. That's probably why it feels so natural to you both. You thought it would be awkward, shy, however, once Changbin dragged you inside the cubicles, your lips were instantly on each other, the willpower snapping for you both.
"Binnie… more!" You shakily moan out. A grunt from behind was heard as Changbin picks up the pace. His hips slapping against yours, your ass cheeks rippling with each snap of his hips. Changbin couldn't pull his gaze away from the way your ass ripples with each snap. He couldn't help himself but to circle your rim with his thumb  before slowly pushing it in.
You groan at the new found feeling, feeling even fuller from Changbin's actions. You felt your essence spilling down Changbin's cock, his groans and grunts increasing in decibels.
"C-Chang.. Binnie." You cry out, his tip constantly rubbing against your g-spot. "P-Please don't s-stop!!"
"Don't worry doll, I don't plan on it. I've wanted this – want you for so long, why would I stop now?" Changbin spoke in-between his laboured breathing.
"M-Me too… fuck! Good, so fucking good!" Your lewd cries mixed in with the wet sounds and skin slapping, echoed in the public bathroom, making them sound even more lewd than what they should be.
Changbin's movements came to a standstill, your eyes widening in horror as you hear someone walk into the cubicle next to you. You swallow hard, looking over your shoulder at a flustered looking Changbin, who was struggling to steady his breathing.
His cock was still deep inside you, tip nudging against your g-spot. Your heart thumping hard against your chest as your walls involuntarily contacted around Changbin's length, keeping him still and close. He had to put a hand over his mouth to muffle his moan, his eyes pleading and brows furrowed together as he struggled to keep it together. Beads of sweat ran down his temples falling from his sharp chin.
"Doll, I can't." He softly whimpers, voice straining. He's slowly breaking. The longer he's stationary, the longer he feels your warmth and your juices dripping down his cock – the more he breaks.
"Y-You have to!" Your hands balled up into fists against the cubicle door, sweat evident on your body. Your baby hairs sticking to the back of your neck.
"Doll. I'm dead serious, I'm going to break. I can't– you feel so good!"
A desperate man willing to risk it all.
"Binnie, w-wa–" Your words cut short when Changbin resumes his thrusts, this time, they are more powerful, fueled with the thought that you could possibly get caught – all the person had to do was look down and see two pairs of shoes in a compromising position.
"Changbin, w-what are– wait, P-Please!" You cry out. Changbin's hand flew over your mouth, muffling your cries and moans. You grip onto his hand, nails digging into his skin. 
"I'm sorry doll. I can't help myself. You feel too good around me! So soft, so warm and so wet. The longer I stay, the more I thrust, you get wetter and wetter. I can feel your juices dripping down my cock – you feel heavenly around me, doll."
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kyojurismo · 11 months
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. +18 nsfw, 815 words, bottom!katsuki (more like sub but anyway), normal au (they’re in university), dub-con, overstimulation, oral sex (m receiving), dacryphilia, written in a rush lol & not proofread.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. dear lord, i finally succeeded in posting this piece. as i said, i deleted the previous one and rewrote it all over again, but it’s like completely different and much shorter LMAO. anyway, i’m not very proud of how it came out and also i feel like the whole thing is shit — in a way that doesn’t make any sense, y’know. but yeah. i hope you guys will enjoy it a tiny bit and as always check the tags carefully.
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convincing your boyfriend to come to some halloween party with you, dressed up as michael mayers, was a pain in the ass. katsuki knew how to be stubborn and man, you had to pull the jealousy card to convince him.
“fine then. i’ll ask deku to be my michael tonight,” you shrugged and went to reach the phone on the kitchen counter. katsuki’s heart sank at the thought, his legs moved on their own as he quickly grabbed your arm and stopped you from contacting that stupid nerd. “i’ll do it, okay? i’ll be your michael.”
you jumped in victory in your head, simply nodding and offering bakugo a short smile before putting the phone away. he sighed in relief and ignored completely the grin curving your lips as you went on with getting ready for the party.
you had him wrapped around your fingers.
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the party was quite boring, but it wasn’t something new for you. katsuki on the other hand was doing an amazing job — he never broke character, you almost forgot he was the one under the white mask. he was being so good for you, you must reward him right?
you pulled katsuki with you towards the bathroom on the second floor, pushing through the people gathering in the corridor, drinking, kissing, chatting. he was a bit confused, but didn’t question it.
he regretted accepting as you locked the door and pushed his back against it, swiftly pulling his black shirt up, your lips kissing and sucking and licking his abs before reaching his pecs. your lips wrapped around his nipple as one of your hand palmed his cock through his dark jeans, making it twitch. “not a sound baby, okay?” you whispered before biting playfully at his fair skin. he groaned lowly as your hands started pulling down both his jeans and underwear, cold air hitting his dick, who just got completely hard.
as you dropped down on your knees, you grabbed the base of his cock and locked your gaze to his masked face as you kitten licked the head, drops of precum falling on your tongue.
the only sound coming from above was katsuki’s heavy breathing, accentuated by the mask he was still wearing. his hands found your head as his eyes seared shut, he guided your mouth up and down his length. he hissed as one of your hand started fondling his heavy balls, his hips pushed towards your face.
you were fine with deepthroat him, even though you knew it always felt too much for katsuki sometimes. as sensitive as he was there, it was quick to overwhelm his senses.
that was the reason why he tried to push you away. he already came and you swallowed it all so you could stop now, that’s what he thought.
“oi…” he groaned as you pushed his hips against the door, there wasn’t a sign of you pulling away any time soon. “s-stop– that’s enough,” he whined, a sense of humiliation filling his chest at this point. tears picked at his eyes as you didn’t stop, his head hitting the back of your throat repeatedly as you kept going.
what katsuki didn’t know was that you loved seeing his teary face contorted by pleasure, you personally enjoyed having him squirm underneath your body as you took everything from him.
“too much!” he raised his voice, thinking you didn’t hear the first time due to the music or whatever. “take the mask off,” you pulled away and used your hand instead, jerking him off as you tightened the grip whenever you moved closer to the base. he complied, his teary eyes looking your face. your cheeks were warm as your chin dripped with saliva and bit of cum, you smirked as you licked your lips. “are you crying?” you mocked him, before kissing his red tip.
katsuki’s jaw clenched as he felt like he was getting closer again, his body running hot and trembling due to overstimulation. he was pleading you with his eyes, a couple of tears streaming down his red cheeks.
you ignored him begging you to stop, focusing on finishing him off instead. a couple of moments later, spurts of cum hit your face as his length twitched in your hand. once he finished emptying his balls for the second time you finally let go and raised to your feet, cleaning your cheeks with your hands and licking your fingers clean right under his dazed eyes.
“my crybaby,” you murmured softly and kissed his lips, your fingers wiped away his tears as your caressed his hot skin. “don’t make fun of me,” he growled lowly, but he wasn’t really offended. you chuckled and cupped his face, kissing him some more before helping him cleaning and fixing his appearance.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @naomi-nana @euphiroo @eynnwwyjth @titantears @plast3c @napbatata @laraleafs @katsuslover
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Sorry, I just need to get this off my chest.
You know what's shit?
That I always come back to work on my explanation posts on why Alya, Plagg, and Emonette being treated unfairly and being disregarded by Maribug's writing is by now pissing me off to similar degrees as her bad treatment of Chat Noir
But that always ends in a domino effect of me putting together more of the overall narrative that ticks me off so much cause my ADD brain can't NOT look for the continuous string of the writing pattern I follow once I'm at it.
You probably can imagine that this isn't very good for my mental health and the only reason why I'm still doing it is because I have a strong suspicion on what the new story arc will do with Cerise after this agonizing hiatus, and only once the actual new story arc proves me wrong can my ADD brain let this emotional investment of 7+ years in my "comfort show" since I was a 16 rest in peace.
Being neurodivergent is exhausting of FUCK...
So I always stop writing any of the posts about the other topics and come back to my Adrichat corner because that's the "safe space" my brain is the most familiar and comfortable with by now since season 4 to make a post AT ALL that isn't running the risk of leading me down 7 new rabbit holes I can't unsee anymore afterwards...
I MISS looking into several narrative threads in this show and voicing my opinions on them. In hindsight, I regret not having done it more when it was still possible, but I feel like it should have been alright in any other normally written show to have a fan blog dedicated to a specific part of the story. I feel like I shouldn't be the one in the WRONG for having done that.
Anyway, I honestly MISS the time where I knew that Maribug's benefit and comfort weren't the only things accepted as "valid" readings of the story. From both sides. Supporters and critics/salters.
Where saying anything that isn't immediately connected to Marinette's benefit and comfort didn't need a full-blown 20 page essay post going into any detail possible to fight for the right to even be taken seriously as a realistic reading of the story at all.
I know I'm not the only one upset at this, but I wonder how many people really realized by now how batshit insane this is right now. That only the most vanilla and vague-ass posts that do their best to not in anyway say something that would be "mean" and "non-validating" to Marinette can be posted now without it automatically being categorized as at least "critical" or running the risk of getting perceived as salt or wishful-thinking.
You can't point ANYTHING out anymore without at least one person running in and either saying "You just HATE Marinette and want to see her punished! You people never care about HERRRRRRRRRR (regarding a topic that isn't about her or is her fucking JOB as a narrative tool to DO)" or "Yeah, nah, the show would never let that happen because of the Marinette bias lol"
You can't even say anything anymore about Adrien's abuse without it being either undermined to all hell because of Marinette having been bullied and needing to be a girlboss who does to others what she's declared "tortured" for, or Félix "hypocrite and victim-blamer" Fathom. Gabriel being abusive was once the most basic ass thing to talk about, what the fuck happened?? (don't answer that, I know the answer...)
The whole analysis' side of this fandom that isn't catering to Marinette was either killed or basically exiled into the "critical" or outright "salt" tag because you can't even be interested in world-building anymore without having to fight for the post's right to be taken seriously under the crushing weight of Marinette's narrative benefits and comfort.
Because mademoiselle ain't fucking interested in ANYTHING lore wise beyond what's convenient for her (not to mention the retcons), so talking about the Guardian and Kwami lore for example counts as SALT now because it automatically implies for people that Marinette isn't all that matters and her flaws of not being interest in ANYTHING might actually COUNT as flaws she should work on. I know, the fucking HORROR! 😱
I MISS writing theories, analysis posts, and speculating about this shows future plots in even the most basic "set up and pay off" manner but I know I can't because my default approach is always complementary to the main character - meaning what challenges them and the narrative the most to grow, expand, and develop. This isn't a Marinette specific thing, I ALWAYS do this.
And contrary to popular belief in this fandom, I get by perfectly fine doing that for the majority of other pieces of media I consume. It is MIRACULOUS and this damn Fandom that now genuinely did it's best to convince themselves that this level of main character centric morality and revenge porn level writing is NORMAL when it's seriously NOT.
There is a REASON why this show hardly ever gets recommended on social media the way one would think despite its success. Or why the Fan backlash is so enormous despite a solid part of the Fandom already having left long ago and the young target demographic not uniformly having a voice in the social media discourse.
Or why people actively advise others AGAINST watching the show, AGAINST forming an emotional investment, and AGAINST going anywhere near the Fandom.
Cause no fucking shit, this isn't normal.
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seeingstarks · 1 year
authorized (r.r x. r.r drabble)
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summary : rhea finds herself in the midst of the tribal chief himself, roman. what will happen? pairing : rhea ripley × roman reigns cw : cursing, kissing, innuendos, blowjob, hair pulling, nicknames, sub/dom dynamic a/n : just something small i came up with after watching rhea's promo and as much as i wanna see them feud i can't help but imagine how unstoppable they would be together and how much they'd bicker. x) reblogs are very much appreciated! word count : 716 words tag list : @harmshake
"acknowledge me." the aussie's voice echoed throughout the hallway, a familiar phrase only voiced by the tribal chief himself, few having dared to defy him and failed.
rhea wasn't one to back down from a fight, staring down every single member of the bloodline and spearing them in the process. paul heyman being the only person in her way before her true target, roman reigns.
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phone in hand, he dialed up the samoan's number as rhea shook her head with a tsk falling from her dark lips, "i'll do it myself. don't even know why roman keeps you around anyways. you're a useless manager." she yanked the phone from his hands not even caring if she hurt him in the process, fingers pressing down harshly on the keys.
"i'm gonna' bloody kill him! he doesn't mess with dom dom or anyone else for that matter-" rhea was fuming, pacing around the bloodline's locker room which jd had taken over earlier that night, dom was supposed to have matching attire but somehow roman convinced heyman to do his dirty work.
"you wouldn't dare to lay a single hand on heyman, doll. not when i can have those sharp nails wrapped around my neck or proving to the world that mami isn't always on top."
rhea clearly couldn't see roman on the other side of the phone but with how he spoke was with a smirk, smug in tone.
she decided to play along with his so called game, having nothing better to do for the night and get payback for earlier. little did rhea know he was on a jet to see her right now.
"in your nightmares, ro ro. on top no matter the circumstance, bet you're wantin' people to acknowledge you in order to compensate for somethin' else, hm?" rhea had venom in her tone, taunting the samoan with each word however she became more comfortable, laying back against the sofa as she chatted it up more with him, paul making his own quiet leave.
"wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart? good thing you won't have to wait long-" the handle turned and a tall, dark-toned, raven-haired man opened up the door.
rhea jumped up from the sofa, staring daggers into his brown hues. being a few inches shorter than roman the aussie hoped to still intimidate him but roman flashed that shit-eating grin he always did.
instead of it making her stomach turn like usual, it did something else... made rhea press her legs together which roman was quick to take notice.
"look at mami now.. not so immune to me when the tribal chief is infront of her - be a good girl and let daddy take care of you.."
rhea cackled at the man, laughing so hard to the point her ribs hurt and had to catch her breath, "you, my daddy? i'm a grown ass woman, ro. don't need your pencil dick." she scrunched her nose trying to ignore the growing wetness between her legs.
rhea gnawed upon her lower lip, causing some of the black lipstick to smear as she kept eye contact with roman, a few moments passing before they finally pulled one another into a heated kiss battling each other for dominance.
they eventually reached a wall, in which rhea had roman pinned up against it, he could easily reverse her but relished in the fact of being submissive for the woman.
rhea lowered herself as she tugged on his gym shorts and boxers, his exposed length springing free as drool threatened to escape her dark lips, "tell anyone about this and i'll actually kill you."
her lips parted making an "o" shape as her tongue teased the tip of his cock circling it before making way on more of his length, taking it in as roman leaned his head back letting out groans of pleasure.
"that's it, mami." he hummed and reached down to tug at her raven hair before rhea took him deeper, roman starting to thrust his hips against her throat.
"do you acknowledge me now?" he asked with a smirk.
"i acknowledge youmff-" her words were muffled due to having her mouth wrapped around roman's cock, but she was sure he got the point and him calling her mami was icing on the literal cake.
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 3 months
Dear Journal… 📝
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I just had to accidentally witness flashbacks today.
I was having an odd morning like i always do. Tired, i had a hangover from the night before and decided to at least get some stuff done.
Going to the bedroom, i fix my bed, organize the area around the tv and throw away any used napkins and water bottles. And as i do, i change into a gray shirt, black sweatpants and slippers—i ain’t going anywhere!
Of course, i get some calls done too. I’m calling Sharon, chatting with my niece as i should then i hear noises in the hallway.
I am confused and concerned, concerned that someone locked another person in a closet. Since Tony has done with his siblings, Sharon has done, my own FREAKING sister done it to me before—EVEN REI has done to his siblings.
So ofc i am mad, concerned and worried that the poor person is stuck as i hear banging, noises and whatnot.
But has ai jingle open the doorknob, and unlock..guess who i find? Not a kid or teen—BUT BRUCE AND NATASHA MAKING OUT!
I got flashbacks to finding my sister and Peggy making out in a closet years ago! Hell I got flashbacks to Howard and Maria too!! So many things were running through my mind like: How long has this been going on? When? Have they told anybody? And why it is always me to has to find out this crap?!
Haven’t I suffered enough that I had to see it a 3rd time?!
Anyways once I got over it (not really cuz Black Widow was kissing The Hulk—huh? Guess badass ladies have things for smart brunettes) they talked a bit about things, not exactly clear onto their respective relationship, not wanting it on SHIELD record or anything. Like uh okay, SHIELD doesn’t know shit about this! 
Blah blah blah we sorta talked (not really, but I don’t really mind, they had their hands all over each other anyways) something’s accidentally occurred to me that it’s the weekend, theses two seriously need a date night or a short weekend away from the chaos to figure things out between them…so I may or may not offered them one of my houses.
I rarely do that anymore but as long as I don’t find them in a supply closet making out I’m good. As long as my house isn’t flooded, destroyed or burned, hell or any property damage—it’s find by me.
I never get a chance to actually enjoy a relationship or a break from children..so I guess they deserved a chance for both!
I thought Bruce had a crush on Thor!? What happened to that!?
I felt like I was 3rd wheeling in front of them or a parent who just caught their kid making out together on the couch. It was weird but I guess they make a good couple.
It’s kinda cute. Pretty much still in shock and surprised by it all.
Honestly it made me forgot for it felt to be in love and enjoy life despite all the things in our lives. Huh? I guess when you loved and lost a lot of loved ones, you forgot how it is to feel about having a relationship.
So it feel awkward and uncomfortable and closed off. You just don’t know how to handle things or date again. It’s just weird. Maybe I might start dating again? Any thoughts?
Anyways I’m rambling too long. Bye.
Hope u like this entry! Should Jason start dating again?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel l @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @ask-starrk
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 4 months
So this is- a fic! yay! finally! Anyway So this is the reverse fic to A Bidding War for an Old Friends Grief (tag: valgrace) on ao3 (archive of our own) (You can legit just type it into the search box and its the one result. It ain't that hard to find)
You don't have to read it to get this - but it IS heavily recommended. Onto the story!
~*~ Two months. Two months since Piper had left. People talked at him, telling him to grow up, get over her, move on, get better stand up stop beingsuchaburdenJason yournotachildshedidn'tdeserveyouanywayJasonpleasetalktomewhy areyoubeingsodetached and Jason wanted to scream.
Because he couldn't He can't. ~*~ "If this is another intervention, go away" His own voice sounded detached, weird, too loud but too quiet and whywasLeoherewasthisjustanotherwaytotellhimtosnapoutofitandhe couldnttakeitandhewasbeginingtoshutthedoorbutitwouldn'tclose. "Leo. I'm serious." "So am I. Hazels staying over tonight and I thought I would give her and Frank some privacy. Well. Less I thought and Frank asked me to leave, so I grabbed some shit and got out. But-" Why would Leo be here for that? He had Percy's and Annabeth's or- "-I don't really have anywhere else to go. So can I stay at yours tonight?" Jason wanted to say no. But he couldn't. The word stuck in his throat at the sight of Leo's puppy eyes and gods was he always this adorable?
Jason let Leo in. He watched as Leo bounced around the apartment like a fucking puppy as he made small talk. Jason was considering what kind of puppy Leo would be, when an unexpected thought jumped into his mind. Whatever he was, he was adorable.
Jasons breath caught. Because that was new. Sure, Jason always knew Leo was cute, but adorable? Where had that come from.
He didn't want to think about it. Wait, yes he did. No. yes. no yes no yes noyesnoyesnoyesnoyes-
~*~ Morning found Leo gone, the apartment tidy and a note from Leo saying thank you and had one of those cute sideways smiley faces Leo loved so much.
Jason found himself tucking the note into his pocket. And felt, weirdly, a little less empty. A little less sad.
~*~ "Again?" "Yeah. Sorry"
Jason sighed and let Leo in. He seemed to be doing a lot of that.
He'd thought about Leo. About his insane amount of energy and his adorableness and the overwhelming urge to wrap him in a blanket and never let anything touch him even though Jason was probably most in need of saving right now.
Jason had wondered if this was what love felt like.
Leo turned and smiled at him, and Jason's chest tightened. And if this was love, he'd never loved Piper, not really. Leo said something about pizza, and Jason caved, just wanting to see Leo smile again.
Because Leo was smiling at him. And he couldn' bear the though of taking away Leo's smile.
~*~ It was too good to be true. And it all came crashing down the very next morning.
Jason had woken before Leo, and came out to watch him sleep. Creepy, he knew. But Leo was puffing out the most adorable mini snores and Jason just wanted to reach out and cuddle him, hold him, protect him from the world.
Leo's phone buzzed once, twice, three times. Jason picked it up, because maybe Leo was missing a lecture or something?
The reality was far worse.
Hazel replied to Intervention Group Chat Woo! Great Job Leo! Annabeth replied to Intervention Group Chat FInally. We needed a breakthrough Percy replied to Intervention Group Chat Good job Hazel, Leo, Frank!
~*~ Jason slammed his bedroom door and replayed the scene over and over.
Leo had woken up and Jason had yelled at him, told him to get out because it was another fucking interventionandhecouldn'ttakeit becauseitwasLeoandhe'dbeentrickedbyhisbestfriendandJasonhad yelledathimandLeo'ssmilehadgoneanditwasallbecauseofhim.
The image of Leo, curled into himself to make himself smaller, terror and panic and regret and sadness swirling in his wide eyes, terrified of Jason.
The door slammed. Leo was gone. ~*~ A banging on his front door woke him. He was still in the position he'd assumed when Leo had left. Slowly he got up, wincing at the stiffness in his joints and opened the door "Leo, I told you to go away why-" But it wasn't Leo.
Percy scoffed and shoved his way past Jason into the apartment, surveying the already cluttered room "Wow. You are a mess." "What are you doing here Percy?" "I'm here, because you can't pull your shit together, and I'm done coddling you. Be grateful it wasn't Annabeth." Jason scowled "You don't get it" Percy laughed. "Really. I don't get it, do I? Newsflash, bud, your not the only one who's gone through a breakup! Heck, I've been through one! You didn't see me cut up over Rachel, did you?" "That's different" "You also didn't see Annabeth broken to fucking peices because of Luke! We cried, sulked a bit, picked up the peices and moved on. So don't you fucking stand there and tell me that's different, because it ain't. And now Leo's missing and he's sent us a ridiculous text-" "Leo's missing?" "All because you refuse to move on! She's gone, Jason! And I'm sorry, we all are, but you can't let her ruin your life!" "Drop it, Jackson. What do you mean Leo's missing? What text?" "Oh, now the almighty Jason Grace cares-" "PERCY" "Ugh, fine."
Percy pulled out his phone and tapped a few times, then shoved it in Jason's face.
"There!" "Percy, that's a picture of Estelle" "Godsdammit- this stupid phone, give me a sec"
Percy pulled the phone back, tapped a few places, then handed the phone to Jason
Jason saw the chat. He's not happy with me. Probably won't forgive me. Probably deserve it.
"What the fuck."
Percy was beginning to calm down, but still threw one last parting stab
"Pull yourself together, Grace. Before you lose him too."
~*~ Ring ring
"Ugh, shut up, you stupid phone"
Ring ring
He picked up the phone. Unknown Number.
Despite himself, Jason felt his heart jump. Unknown Number - Piper?
Heart racing, he hit the pick up line.
"Please don't hang up. I'm begging you I don't know where I am so please don't hang up" Not Piper. But a very drunk Leo. However, Jason's heart only seemed to pick up speed. "Leo?" He fell backward, head hitting the pillow with an audible thump. "I told you to go away. Why the hell are you calling me at-"
Then the rest of the sentence hit and he bolted up again "What do you mean you don't know where you are?"
"I know you hate me. I deserve it. I do too. Hate me, I mean. I get it. It's fine. ... Rambling" "Get to the point, Leo. What do you mean you don't know where you are?" "I'm drunk. And my phone is dead and it's really fuckng cold. Like, really cold. I know your number off by heart."
A pause
"I know you have me, and I hate me too, and we can throw a hate me party whenever you want-" Jason's chest tightened, but he let Leo keep talking. ''-but can you call one of the other to pick me up, please? I don't want to freeze to death in a phone booth. That's like, in my top 28 worst ways to die" "What phone booth?" "Do phone booths have names? I feel like we should give them names. This one feels like a Jerry. Tell them Jerry."
Jason cracked a smile. Life, death and drunkenness and Leo still made jokes.
"What do you see outside?"
Jason stood up off the bed, rustling in his wardrobe for a jacket
"No! No, your not meant to come, I don't want to annoy you, I shouldn't have waked you up I can stay here tonight please don't hate me more!"
Jason panicked
"Leo don't you dare hang up!"
A pause "'m here"
Jason heaved out a relieved sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose "Jesus. Leo. Tell me what you see"
Leo described the place, and after a while, Jason recognised the place as somewhere where he'd gone drinking before With Leo, his brain threw out. Not helpful
"Okay, that's a- how the hell did you get that far?" "Too far? 's okay. Go back to sleep. I don't wanna be-" "Leo I swear to God, your not spending the night in a phone booth on the other side of town! I just want to get you home. Your not that far away. I'll come get you"
Jason threw his jacket on and shoved his feet into his sneakers
"But you hate me! Get one of the others, I'll hate me too when I realise I've ruined it" "I don't hate you"
Jason slammed the front door behind him and plugged the location into his phone. A five-to-ten minute run. He could do it.
"-and do you really think I could go back to sleep and hope that someone comes to get you before you freeze? Just stay in the phone booth, okay? I'll bring you home."
The phone beeped, signalling that the time was almost up.
"I calls almost finished, Leo. Stay in the phone booth. Please" "I don't wanna be on my own. 's too cold. Stay"
Jason's heart ached at the whine in Leo's voice. He softened his voice, trying to calm Leo down.
"I can't stay on the call, Leo. I have to go. I promise I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay awake. For me?"
Before Jason could say more, the call was disconnected. Jason kept running. Down the street, round the corner. He had to get to Leo. He couldn't lose him too.
~*~ Aaand if you want the rest, you'll have to go read the original base
sorry, I'm tired, and I need this out.
And the base fic does it better than I can. Make sure to go read it, leave kudos (likes)
Yay! One fic out! And another is coming!
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