#aroace logan
logan-the-artist · 8 months
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aroace logan wishes all aroaces a happy valentine’s day!
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slopdoughnut · 1 month
Me walking out of the theater after watching Deadpool and Wolverine: That wasn't very aroace lesbian of me
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in honor of pride month, here’s some incorrect quotes for all my aspec folk out there! y’all are rad and i’m fist bumping you through my screen
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randomnerd737 · 4 months
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qpr-cupid · 1 month
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You Are My Squishies Pt. 1
A Two Shot Based on one of my Imagines:
((part two here))
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You don't know what to make of him at first and the feeling was mutual but when you get comfortable enough to be in each other's presence he pop's the question: 'Why haven't you confessed to Wade yet?' After your initial shock you take the time to explain your identity and feelings and he just listens: no arguments, no opinions, just an open ear, as you talked about this vulnerable part of yourself. After you're done, there was a beat of silence before he whispered a respectful "Okay". It was then you felt a shift in your feelings. You still had a squash on Wade, yes, but the focus had changed... ...to Logan. After you had a small crisis about being polyaffectionate, you begin noticing things about him: his jawline, his muscles, his eyes, his reflex of pushing people away, how much he drank... Your nurturing nature kicked in. You'd make him cups of coffee in the morning, give him some extra bacon with his breakfast, put a blanket on him when he passed out on the couch. You even hid his alcohol from him (that was the only thing that ticked him off, but you knew he'd never hurt you on purpose, just glare heatedly and grouch more than usual). The treatment was foreign to Logan; years of self loathing and hatred convinced him that he was a worthless, murderous piece of shit that didn't deserve basic human decency let alone kindness. Admittedly, major progress was made on that front with his adventure with Wade but you were just so...bright and genuine. He found himself thinking about what you had told him, about aromanticism, about how you viewed relationships, about qprs. Most of his life, the only labels he had just been romance, friendship, and sex, but when he recalled the majority of friendships and even lovers, he found he related to what you had described. The type of relationship he wanted to have with you. Stiffening, he shook his head. Did he really just think that? Did he have a... what the fuck was it?... a squash on you? The twinge of revelation sent him into a panic (he couldn't lose you, not like them) and he found himself nursing a bottle of whiskey, quaking silently in the dark, eyes blown wide, ears ringing, and memories flashing by. He didn't know how long he was like this or when you got there but he remembers when you stood in front of him, movements slow and careful as not to startle, voice slightly muffled by the ringing. Gently, you remove the bottle from his grasp, before rubbing circles into the back of his hand and when he's finally able to hear you, you're soothing him. You ask if you can hug him and he nods, the feeling of every nerve scraped raw and slight drunken stupor overpowering the reflex to isolate himself. And so you do. It steals his breath away. Your scent, the warmth of your body seeping into him, the pressure of your hug ...sooths him in a way he can only describe as visceral. He didn't even know of his tears before you dabbed away at them, mouth still lulling him from his episode. Taking a shuddering breath, he looked down at you, your eyes so full of concern and care he nearly breaks down again. You both stay in each other's arms like that for a while before you pull him to his feet, wiping away at the last of his tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked, voice barely above a whisper.
He paused, weighing his options. He could do the typical Logan thing and push you away, isolate... Or he could risk becoming attached and let you in.
Feeling something on his cheek, he looked down to see you cupping the side of his face, gaze so full of empathy and patience that the decision practically made itself.
He told you everything, his trauma, his regrets, how he lost his family, his rampage, all of it. You listened on, nodding when you needed to, squeezing his hand comfortingly when he got particularly emotional, and when he was done you wrapped him into an embrace and whispered "I'm so happy you're here."
From then on your dynamic changed rapidly: sure he was still a gruff grump, but you both initiated more casual contact, you joked and smiled with him more, and he drank less.
It was impossible for anyone not to notice...and oh boy did a certain merc with a mouth notice.
(( ...continued in part two ))
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theautismcorner · 1 month
I may be aroace but GOD I am feral for Logan/Hugh
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orbmanson7 · 4 months
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Haven't been able to post stuff I've been working on since it's all incomplete at the moment, but have this little doodle of Logan from a couple days ago
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ho-ho-homosxual · 3 months
Sanders (A)Sides headcanons because I can
Asexual & aromatic Remus (He sees sex and romance as a joke) and Demiromantic & demisexual (looking for his special someone) Roman my beloveds
Virgil is a touch averse ace and Patton’s love language is touch
Logan and Remus hang out once a week. They aren’t friends but they bonded over their shared love for science. Remus likes the weird stuff and Logan is just happy to have someone to talk to.
Janus and Logan are also close. Again, they aren’t friends but they talk shit with each other. (Cough cough alcoholism)
Logan watches/listens to fanfics and fan edits. It’s how he found lots of the songs he likes. He has an affinity for songs with meanings behind them (cough cough vent songs)
contrary to popular belief, Virgil’s playlist is a hot mix of different genres and songs. He has some fast paced and/or nightcore songs just because. He also has pop songs, but they’re usually vent songs with heavy meanings. I kinda like the idea of him liking hyperpop ironically at first but slowly starting to like it. The first hyperpop song he heard was sugar crash. Logan introduced him to ajr, he loves it now.
Patton has much stronger emotional responses than the others. He also has a higher emotional intelligence than the others.
Pat’s shit at cooking but he can bake really well. No one knows why.
Remus flirts with the others as his way of completing them. ie. ‘that shirt would look better on my bedroom floor’ as a way of complementing their shirt.
Roman makes lots of gay jokes
Janus sleep talks. Curiously, he only says the truth.
Oh and Janus and Remus have a QPR (queer platonic relationship)
I'll write more later, but I'm tired.
Headcanons Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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crimescrimson · 3 months
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Life is Strange (2015) & Each Optional Conversation Character [3/3]: Cop | Principal Wells | Zachary | Courtney | David | Warren | Sarah | Logan
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them-bo-dacious · 1 year
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pencilpat · 1 year
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Aroace queerplatonic analogical <3
This is just a headcanon of mine of course, I relate to them both a lot as an aro person & their dynamic feels so QPP-coded to me lol
I made a ton of aro and ace icons below, free to use w/ credit ↓↓
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krobus-apologist · 9 months
I have come up with an incredibly cursed concept. Logan x fang now you might ask, krobus apologist, how is that cursed that actually sounds very sweet? Because “logang” would be a valid shipname for them and I think that’s fucking hilarious
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franollie · 1 month
sorry aroace logan, you need to go on the shelf for a little bit while i fight for the logurt and scogan shippers
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randomnerd737 · 8 months
the sides as pride flags pt 1
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part 2
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dustylogicalityrat · 7 months
aroace!Logan!! 🌟
(i project on him too much)
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Logan sanders is aroace in the way I am
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