#around a crashed satellite
kissingwookiees · 1 year
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0mg-bird · 3 months
Come on Home - J Seresin x Wife!Reader
Summary: After a mission that he barely gets through, Jake reevaluates his decision of staying longer on his deployment and how much longer he can continue when he has his whole world at home.
Warnings: language- violence- mentions of war- Jake scared for his life basically- slight smut- mature- mentions of ovulation.
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His head spun, his heart in his throat and when he landed - by some miracle not crashing - on the tarmac, he sat in his seat, eyes wide. He pulled his mask off, shaky hands as he tugs his helmet off too and opens his canopy. The other daggers land perfectly, on some sort of rush that this mission has gone well.
What do they consider well? The fact that they were far behind enemy lines, with advanced jets hot on them? Or was it the fact that they weren’t in the dogfight, that it was their Hangman who they tirelessly defended. They saved him, they have a reason to rejoice.
He’d been sent out with a crew of faces he didn’t really know, all except for one.
Rooster is out of the plane, watchful eyes scanning over the crew to make sure everyone landed fine. But he sees Jake hesitating on his exit, his head in his hands before he rips a small photo off his control dash. As he hops out, he blows past the guys who go to shake his shoulder in victory.
He tosses his helmet to a crew member, he’s quick to shed the equipment he wears, leaving him in just his flight suit. His steps are heavy and full of anger, everyone moves out of the way as he guides himself straight to his empty bunk room.
Something of anxiety scratches at him as he curses out loud. He sits on his perfectly made bed, fingers gripping his hair.
The moments replayed in his head. He’s never been one to scare easily, but this was no spook. It was fear, it was a nightmare, he was stuck with no visible solution. In that moment when his flares were gone and those enemy jets had him pinned, he was faced with the fact that this was the end, there was no escape. He looked at that photo stuck on his control dash, the one of you holding that beautiful baby girl, standing in the yard, wearing a yellow sundress. He shut his eyes prayed his girl would remember him in the end.
Then, by some miracle, he was out of that hot water. Now, here he was and he just wasn’t sure if he could go any longer.
He’s never been described as a soft man, his tough heart had only shed its callouses around you. But here he was, preventing himself from crying.
He reached for that satellite phone in his drawer and turned it on. Being in the middle of nowhere was a rather disadvantaged when trying to get ahold of you, all the way in Texas. So, he sat with a beat up phone, dialing your number.
It was just you and your mother in law, Jake’s mother, who were awake still. You and your daughter, Lainey, usually moved in with the in laws whenever Jake deployed. They helped you with her and it was an ease to your mind, knowing you didn’t have to sleep in an empty home.
Sat on the couch, watching late night television, your eyes started drifting closed before your phone rang. Leaning forward to grab it, Jake’s satellite phone number was on your screen. You instantly smiled.
“It’s Jake.” You tell DeAnn, and instantly the woman grins.
You answer, a cheery voice. “Hi, I wasn’t expecting a call.”
Instantly, just by his breathing, you knew something was wrong.
“Yeah I- well I just needed to hear that pretty voice of yours, darlin’.” He flirts despite his current state.
Immediately, you’re on your feet. “Jake, baby, what’s wrong?”
DeAnn grows a concerned look, but there’s nothing she can do about it.
Jake pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to choke his emotions down. “I can’t do it anymore, honey, I just, I gotta come home.” His breath is heavy, making you walk away from his mother’s eye and dash into your bedroom, Jake’s old room. “Listen to me, just breathe. Are you hurt- are you in danger or-or- Jake, tell me what’s wrong.” You stress, making him lean forward, elbows on his knees, head hung.
“I’m not hurt, I’m not bleeding out. Something happened…I just finished a mission and I-I don’t know how I’m still alive. Baby I should’ve been a goner, I almost was.”
At his words, it’s your turn to panic. Tears brim in your eyes, the thought of losing him was something you always avoided, but it’s forcing itself into your mind and you’re staring it in the face. He continues to talk as your wobbly lip gets caught between your teeth.
“How many more tours am I supposed to do? How many more times do I have to leave you and my baby? These kids out here, they ain’t got no one, they don’t have a wife waiting at their Mama’s house for them. I do and I can’t live like a young kid anymore. Damn it, I need to come home to you.” He says, voice breaking.
Tears slip down your face, your wedding ring hand wipes them away. Your love was miles and miles away, suffering and you could not get to him.
“Your time’s almost up, Jake. Just a month left, baby.” You say softly.
“Fuck that.” He breathes. “I’m getting on a flight at the next port.”
You spin your diamond around your finger. “I thought you extended your deployment for a reason? To assist with trainings?”
“I don’t care, as soon as I hang up this phone, I’m going to talk to my commanding officer and he’ll change my orders. Baby I…I have to come home.”
Who were you to say anything different? You wanted your husband beside you, you wanted his warm hands on you, you wanted to wash his dirty jeans and watch him rock that two year old to sleep. You wanted him in the mornings and you wanted him driving that pick up truck in the driveway.
“Come on home.” You say, tone broken as it comes out.
You two talk for a minute longer, then when the call is silenced, you sit for a moment, calming yourself.
“What’s wrong?” DeAnn asks as you come back out to the living room.
Your eyes linger on the framed photo, sitting next the many others on the fireplace mantel, the one from Jake and yours wedding. You stand with your hand on his chest, looking up at him in a smile while a jet flies over the top of you two.
The Navy was something that was always in your relationship, you knew the consequences going into it. All the way in the beginning, four years ago, you knew what it would entail. And you hurt, you pined, you cried and wished things were different, when you went through months of pregnancy alone, when you were sick, when the world kicked you down and all you wanted was your husband who was off being Mr. America, but you never complained. Jake loved flying, this was his job for a reason and if it truly was his wish to take a break, you weren’t going to start complaining now.
Clearing your throat, you look at the woman. “Jake’s coming home.”
His duffle bag slung over his shoulder, Jake crosses the airport at a determined speed. His skin buzzes, he knows you’re going to be waiting for him. His flight was long, his body ached. He didn’t care, he’d crawl home to you if he had to.
As crowds of people disperse and he continues forward, he can see your shape and instantly is soothed. He moves a little quicker, and you look up from the ground and instantly meet his eye. Your hair curled, a long sun dress over the tops of your boots, you start to beam at the sight of him.
Ten months is too long.
His bag drops to the floor, and in an instant you close the space between the two of you. His arms are constricting around you as you bury your face in his neck. He feels the same, smells the same, the heat of him is still the same. Jake is wafted with the scent of your lavender honey shampoo and the perfume you’ve worn everyday since he’s known you.
He pulls back, before you get a word out, he’s gripping your cheeks with his hands and kissing you so heavy. You could cry, feeling the utter emotion of his longing for you. Your hands hold his arms, chasing his lips as he’s done swallowing your air. Foreheads pressed together, you breathe out.
“Welcome home.”
Jake kisses you once more, adoring those words from you.
As you step back, DeAnn is coming forward, your toddler in her arms.
“Lainey.” He calls for his girl, immediately she twists in her grandmother’s hold, recognizing his voice. “Daddy!” She cheers, practically flinging herself into his arms. Her little hands latch onto his uniform, he adjusts her little romper and smooths her dirty blonde curls before kissing her cheek. “Hi, sweetheart. Hi, honey.”
Her head rests on his shoulder as he picks up his bag and kisses his mom on the cheek.
Finally settled back in your own home after dinner with Jake’s parents, Lainey falls asleep after five minutes of Jake rubbing her back. Her night light casts stars on the ceiling and he pulls the blanket over her. When he gets up, he’s careful not to make her stir. Leaning against the door frame, you stand in a robe, stretching your hand for him to follow you. The door to her bedroom is softly shut.
You lead him to the warm bath, and the two of you settle into the large tub.
Jake’s relaxed, watching you clean off the razor in hand before leaning forward again. Half his face covered in shaving cream, he listens when you talk about things he’s missed. Carefully, you run the razor up his neck, slowly to not nick him. The stubble of his jaw is no match for your determination.
“You leave a clean cut man and come back to me looking like you got lost in the woods for a while.” You scoff, tilting his face to the side.
Jake hums. “What? You don’t like the rugged look?”
You pull away. “Baby, I have never liked the rugged look.”
Despite your fake annoyance, there was a sort of peace Jake felt when you were near. It could make him forget about his troubles, well, not entirely.
As you wipe any remaining shaving cream away, his eyes shut at the feeling of your hands smoothing down his cheeks. You kiss his stubble-free skin. “Much better.” You comment.
“I never want to leave you again.” He confesses.
You retreat back to your side of the tub, a sly smile on your face. He observes you, taking in all the features he missed. He liked it when your hair was clipped up but some pieces still escaped and framed your face beautifully, he thought it was sweet how you wore a necklace with his and Lainey’s birth stones on it.
“I’m glad that you still adore being ‘round me.” You say, but his serious tone hints to what’s on his mind. You shimmy further under the water, your knees popping up to the surface. A shiver runs through you as his hands grip them gently. “Your contract is up in less than a year…and something tells me that you’re not going to extend it.” You put forward.
Jake sighs, moving to rest his arms on either side of the tub. You know this is a serious moment, but you can’t help but feel the way your skin buzzes as you look over his toned muscles.
“I’ve been doing this for ten years, and if I was still twenty two I’d be all for it…but I’m not twenty two and a lot is different now.” He sighs, leaning his head back to stretch his sore muscles. “I’m starting to think I’m too old for this now.”
You laugh. “You are not old.”
Jake sits back up, looking straight at you. “These are kids I’m flying with, twenty something year olds who don’t even have girlfriends, let alone wives. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s nice to pretend I’m twenty five again but…how much longer am I gonna be doing this?” He says.
You nod, listening to his ramble, watching him dissect his thoughts.
“Darlin’ I can’t fly like I’m not afraid of death anymore, not like the rest of them can.” He looks down for a second, eyes turning from green to blue. “And I’ve been in plenty of tough situations, that’s just the name of this war game, but the day I called you, baby, I’ve never been so scared.”
You can practically see right through him, his face is so somber and serious.
“Those rogue bandits were on me, they were going down and I was going with them. And these guys don’t know what to do because if they shoot and take ‘em out, I’m gone too.” He swallows hard, running his hands down his face, then back through his hair that’s growing out slightly. “And Rooster- how he did it I don’t know- he got me out, made sure you didn’t have to give me a closed casket funeral.”
You blink back tears, not letting them fall. You knew the risk going into this, but hearing him say how things could have been different, it makes your lungs constrict.
Suddenly, you’re being tugged towards him, his hands cradling your neck. He looks down at you. “I’ve got so much to lose, I can’t keep leaving home like this.”
You nod, hands clasping behind his head. “This has to be a decision you’re sure on, Jake.”
You feel his breath on your face. “I could have my orders changed, I could make sure that when my contract ends, it ends for good without any risk of extension. I could wake up beside you every mornin’ and fall asleep with you every night. Every damn birthday and Christmas and anniversary, I’d be here for all of it.”
Your fingers comb through his hair. “Don’t go talking about heaven to me if you can’t promise it’s exactly what you want.”
“It’s what I want, I promise.” He’s so quick to say it, it makes your heart beat fuller.
You lean to kiss him, and he feels the way you smile against his lips. He doesn’t need any further words from you, his hands are pulling you onto his lap by your hips.
Did it always feel this good? Having his mouth on your skin, having his hands slide up and down your back? The gold wedding band on his finger is cool against your warm skin.
He picked a good week to come home, there’s a fire burning inside you. As he deepens his kiss and moves his lips across your jaw, a shaky breath comes from you.
“Jake, hey- baby, hang on.” You mumble, hands slipping across his shoulders. Pulling away, he looks almost hurt at the loss of contact. Despite your need for some kind of friction between your legs, you want to make him aware that there might need to be another way to go about this.
“What? What’s wrong?” He questions, moving to press your chest up against his.
“Let’s not throw caution to the wind, I’m ovulating.” You say, thinking it’ll make him nod and pull back, that he’ll suggest you take it to the bedroom instead, where there’s forms of protection.
It’s a silly thought.
“Seresin baby number two, whoo! Okay, let’s do it.” He cheers, making you fall into a fit of laughter, head falling on his shoulder. “Jake.”
He shakes his head. “I think Lainey is due for a brother or sister, we need to get started on that whole four more kids thing.”
“Four more! You’re insane, I think that high altitude thing finally got to you. Let’s just start with one more.” You say, moving to nudge your nose along his neck.
“I can do one more.” He says in excitement, shifting his shoulders back and lightly cocking his head left to right. “Okay, I’m ready, my head’s in the game, we can do it.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
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ksp is a space & physics simulator sandbox game where you can build, launch, and fly (or crash) your own rocket in a fictional solar system that's similar to our own, with many unique planets and moons to explore. you can also build a plane if that's your thing, or a rover, or all three in one!!
the game has a big community around it that's still active despite the last major update being issued years ago!! the modding community is large and thriving, and there's a community mod installer that's maintained if you're having trouble installing stuff.
kerbal is easily one of my top three favorite games of all time, it has immense replay value and creativity is practically limitless. if you like sandbox games, simulators, and a game loop of "fuck around, find out, apply what you found out, and fuck around again" you will hopefully love this game
here are some screenshots of what you can do in kerbal space program!!
(yes i built all of these!! some of these have some graphics mods in them
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land on the moon (except it's spelled "mun" now) and plant a flag
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send a rover to mars
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send a BIGGER rover (with cat ears) to an icy moon of jool, the local green gas giant!
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build cool space stations
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launch an accurate replica of the saturn v that brought humans to the moon!
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...and then blow it up on the launchpad
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...and then strap some fuckin WINGS to it and fly it like a plane because that's how we roll at the kerbal space center
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deploy relays of satellites in orbit and send probes to the far reaches of the solar system
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build, fly, and safely(?) land spaceplanes and shuttles
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make a penis shaped rocket
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stick rockets on the side of a plane and then stick that on top of a bigger rocket to launch it into space
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rendezvous with an asteroid and capture it
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strap a guy to a lawn chair with a thruster and some fuel, and send him off to deep space (don't worry he's having fun)
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whatever the fuck this thing is
anyways please get kerbal space program i need to introduce people to this wonderful wonderful game it's scientific it's engineering it's goofy it's fun it's literally a ROCKET SANDBOX what more can you ask for?? 75% off is a fucking steal!! what are you waiting for!!
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bunnys-kisses · 8 days
backwoods!logan howlett lived out in the woods (duh). a nice warm trailer out of the reaches of most. it gave the rugged "hero" some peace, coffee in the morning, lunch from the small fridge, and a warm cooked meal in the evening. while he honestly could've moved closer to the nearby town, but he had to protect you. not that you'd hurt anyone, you could barely get a spider out of the shower without being next to tears. but rather, the world was a scary place, too scary for someone as small as you.
you were logan's sweet little wife. smiles and giggles as you made him breakfast in the tiny kitchen of your home. you moved his hand away when he tried to steal bacon right out of the pan. "you're not an animal, james." you scolded with your arms crossed. he simply kissed you on the lips, the taste of bacon grease on them, "can't help it, beautiful." he remembered when you first started to make him breakfast and how the eggs would be burnt and the bacon wasn't crispy. took a good little while, but you now got it. and you made him lovely meals. especially when he stood behind you with his hands on your hips. he was a gruff older man, much older than you. his appearance didn't give way to how old he was. even if you tried to rule your relationship by "vampire logic" (where you went off by how old the immortal person looked) you'd still turn a few heads.
his arms wrapped around you as you finished making him his morning coffee. wasn't long before the mug was put to the side and you were put on top of the counter. your panties pulled to the side and your apron flipped up. that was what logan liked about you. you were just so agreeable with him. you flowered under his attention, especially when his cock was involved. you held onto his shoulders as he got his cock out of his jeans before he rubbed it up against your slick pussy. "pretty thing." he chuckled, "pretty, pretty thing." he smelt like nature and smokes. he smelt like the home you two made. the small diamond in your ring gleamed as you held onto his shoulders as he started to move against you. you kissed him a little and moaned when he groped at your pretty breasts. this life felt so removed from the one you had previously. no longer were you stuck on subway or waiting at the photocopy machine. you weren't spilling coffee all over your white work blouse or breaking your heels on subway grates. you were a wife now, you had the certificate and the ring to prove it. he married you in the little chapel in town, painted a brighter white than the thrifted dress you wore. you both had no family to speak of, but a few of the people in town were happy to dress in their finest and celebrate your special day. the bouquet you had was made from flowers found around the trailer you lived in and in front of the church. a delicate array of wild flowers and the planted tulips at the church. logan held you in his arms while he played music on the record player. even seven months after the wedding you were happy with the life you shared with him. especially when his cock was hitting against all your sweet spots. your nails dug into the well worn fabric of his flannel shirt with his strong calloused hands held onto you soft hips. if anything had changed since marriage it was that you had a healthier glow to you and a little softness in your middle. logan loved it, he loved shoving his face into your breasts while on the couch after he fixed the satellite dish on the room. a reward for working on the roof. he loved to kiss you soft stomach, worship your goddess body.
he continued to move against you, watching your breasts bounce in his face as he moved against you. if you weren't wearing a shirt (his shirt) at that moment, his face you be between them and he'd be biting at the soft flesh until it bruised. what a possessive old man! his lips crashed into yours once more as he bruised your hips with his hands. he pressed you tightly against him as his cock hit against your softest areas. it made him see stars as he bullied his cock against your sweet cervix. he was a hungry man, he could feel the urge in his teeth. he wanted to bruise his beauty, not in a way that would cause problems. just a few marks across your supple skin. you were meant to be protected, but also marked. and while logan had many ways to do that, his favourite was leaving his finger prints and bite marks across your skin. he knew it turned you on too, he also knew if he went too far you'd tell him. that was what marriage was, right? communication. you kicked your legs out a little as you sloppily made out with your older husband once more. you felt warm all over, it was an inferno in your body as he fucked you. your nails clawed at his strong shoulders. he was so much stronger than you, even without all his abilities. he could lose them tomorrow and he could still bend you in half with ease. logan was the big scary wolverine and you were his little soft puppy. he needed to protect you. his lips grazed across your neck as you held onto the edge of the kitchen counter for support. no one could hear you for kilometers. even if someone drove by the dirt road that led to you homestead, they'd keep driving if they knew what was best for them. "logan!" you yelped. "i got ya, beautiful." he promised with another searing kiss. you knew you wouldn't last much longer. you whined against the kiss as you went white-knuckled on the counter, your legs locked around him and you climaxed around his cock. you leaned back as you relaxed, almost hitting your head on the cabinet if logan hadn't leaned forward and cupped the back of your head with one hand. he used his hand on you to pull you closer. he groaned into the kiss, he tasted like home as he finished inside of you.
he soon pulled out and got your panties on your properly. cum stained the front of the them from both ends. the slickness from his cock as he tapped the head against your clothed pussy and inside as his cum drooled out of you. you relaxed further against the cupboards, and put your arms loosely around your lover. your cheeks felt searing hot as you giggled, "i hope you know that your morning coffee doesn't always come with a side of pussy." he sighed almost dramatically before he smiled at you a little, "too bad. i think that's a great business model." then got himself back into his pants before he helped you off the counter. you held onto him as your legs felt a bit shaky. you noticed the forgotten coffee and said, "i guess i need to remake it." then pouted a little but logan took your face in his hands and said, "don't worry, i think that gave me the energy i'll need all day." <3
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motimatcha · 5 months
PART 1. The Nostromo Killer.
parts: one | two | three | four | five
dbd Xenomorph (alien) x fem!reader. attention: not detailed murder, feeling of fear, chase. I'm a vicious child of the internet and I have nothing to be ashamed of! And so are you.
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The World of the Essence is multifaceted and large, but even taking into account this knowledge, hardly anyone could imagine something like this. The knowledge of where you ended up naturally appears in your head: the Nostromo crash site is a location unknown to anyone, large and open, with a minimum number of bushes in which you could hide from the soulless eyes of the killer, but you were pleased with a large number of smooth, different-sized stones, behind which, theoretically, you can hide.
You found yourself alone. On one side there was an exit from the monster’s lair, on the other side there was a smoking and collapsing spaceship, which was ready to explode at any moment if a person stepped on board carelessly. Your gaze glances across the sky, and although you know that it is not real, you cannot help but be surprised by its beauty: a large satellite against the backdrop of billions of stars illuminates your path in the darkness.
However, there was not a second to lose if you wanted to at least escape from the Nostromo; the four of them could only hope and pray to the Entity to escape.
There is a generator behind you, two more stand out against the gray background inside the fallen ship - it is better to get rid of this triangle, first of all, without giving the killer an advantage. This was a new trend - a fashion - for the “triangle”, as other survivors called this phenomenon, and it must be said that it was very successful, since not many managed to break this vicious “circle” and escape, at least through the hatch.
Thinking about this and hoping that the new (really new?) killer won’t figure this out, you finish repairing the generator, when at the same second you hear a scream from one of your comrades. Very far away, the aura is barely visible, and you can only see a vague red dot between the opened outline of another generator and the two previous ones. A lump forms in your throat, and cold sweat runs down your temple. The thoughts in your head become chaotic: should you go to the rescue? Continue repairing generators? What if someone has already gone to help and you lose precious time?
You can't take risks in new terrain. You don't know where the windows and planks are to escape the killer, and the limited number of places to hide only makes matters worse. With heavy thoughts, your only solution is to continue repairing the generators and hope that someone will save the wounded man.
It's loud and scary on board the Nostromo. Jets of either hot or hungry steam emerge from all the cracks, sparks are heard from damaged equipment, and blood and its smell will forever remain on board. You walk around a couple of corpses of former crew members, trying not to even look at the cause of their death. Every step you take echoes through the empty corridors, but eventually you reach another generator in splendid isolation. The equipment turns out to be a little more than half wound up; Apparently, before being hung on a hook, someone was painstakingly fixing the local generator.
“Thanks for your hard work…” You close your eyes for a second to show your mental gratitude to the other survivor before getting to work. You're almost done with the generator before you make a ridiculously stupid mistake. Sparks, a loud explosion and nervously shaking hands. - “If only he didn’t come! If only he hadn’t come!” - you pray, frantically sorting through the wires in the generator, just to make up for the lost result.
Somewhere below there is a noise of muffled groans. Man, old man… apparently it's Bill! He was repairing the generator and was able to escape from the killer. A joyful thought crosses your mind, but immediately disappears when the seasoned veteran suddenly falls to the ground from the blow, an inhuman cry of victory is heard.
Heart beats faster, like a cornered animal. Thudum, thudum, thudum, thudum.
You walk away from the generator as if from a red-hot piece of iron, afraid to even look in its direction. There were seconds left before you could finish it to one hundred percent, but the fear for your own life was much stronger. Peering out of a hole in the spaceship's hull, you notice a new killer - a creature from outer space. Moving on four legs, having sharp claws as a weapon and a long tail similar to the edge of a knife, you understand that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to escape.
Bill was lucky, he was the first to suffer.
The creature, clad in a durable black shell, lifted the man in front of him to carry him to the nearest hook. Having seen a lot in his life, the old man did not resist, he himself understood that he could not escape the grip of the Entity under his ribs, and therefore did not delay the moment. With a wave passing through the earth, the Entity took the first survivor into its possession. At the same time, like a ray of hope, another generator was repaired. If you return to fixing your generator now, the three survivors will be able to escape.
That's what you thought. So you set to work with enthusiasm, and then one woman’s scream was heard, then another… and now you were left alone, on the Nostromo, next to the working generator. Going somewhere seemed risky, but you could try to save someone still hanging on the hook, while simultaneously praying that you wouldn’t get caught.
Climbing up the wall on trembling legs, you take a bold step forward. Then the second, third, and so on until you reach a fork: you can go straight to your first generator or turn left, going to the last generator from the triangle where your comrades are hanging. It was impossible to take a detour, if only because you would lose precious time and other survivors, by the time you came to the rescue, would sooner find themselves in the arms of the Entity. You had no options…
What had once been a meeting hall or a dining room was now a deplorable sight, because half of the spaceship was shamelessly destroyed and its fragments here and there were stuck deep into the ground. Having looked around the clearing under your feet and the crash site, you quickly find Claudette’s gaze and a girl unknown to you hanging a little behind.
“No! Get out of here!” Morel screams heart-rendingly before engaging in battle with the entity. “He's behind… behind you!” the last thing the girl manages to shout before the spider-like appendage of the Entity pierced her stomach and lifted her into the air. The stranger followed her.
It was scary to turn around. It seems that if you don’t look at the problem, it will disappear on its own, but in reality you feel and hear heavy footsteps behind you, the grinding of metal from the collision with the tail blade, and breathing. Hot, heavy, wet. The creature stands close behind you, with the skin of your back you can clearly feel the loaded plates and bones of the exoskeleton. Thick saliva drips onto your shoulder, viscous, like glue, and will be difficult to wash off your clothes.
“God, what are these thoughts in my head?” - a thought occurs to you before a nervous chuckle escapes your lips. This is from nerves, from the awareness of imminent death.
The creature hisses, its voice is surprisingly high and shrill, and then next to your head, almost centimeters away, there is an incomprehensible something. Everything is covered in saliva, it turns slightly at an angle, first one way, then the other, and the fangs (God, it has fangs!) seem to bite the air. Or maybe it sniffs like that?
There is no strength left to move. Not when there is a strange something dangerously close to your head, the owner of which is standing behind your back, one of whose arms can clasp your entire body and inadvertently break it. You don't want to check the latter. The creature speaks again, and then you understand – it’s time to run!
The energy accumulated over many seconds passes into the legs. You start from your place, as Meg taught you, and run straight along the stones and pieces of metal. The creature, slightly behind you, ran after you and tried to hook you with its sharp claws; slash across the back, and deep enough to leave scars. And although the latter will still disappear, they will be cured in the world of essence, the feeling of blood on the back, skin torn to the flesh and bones, is not pleasant. You turn sharply to the side, just at the moment when a huge paw whistles dangerously close behind you and rushes towards another, smaller, destroyed spaceship.
Perhaps out of fear, but you thought there was a hatch there.
Luck was on your side. Perhaps the offering in the form of a jar of Vigo worked, or maybe the entity itself decided to take pity on you, but you manage to get to the hatch. And before you fall into the fog, you sneak a second to look behind yourself.
The killer stands motionless in place. The killer is watching. And you understand
It is remembered It is developing.
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this paragraph:
This work was written as part of the game dead by daylight, because, despite my familiarity with films, it is simply easier for me to write in the setting of this game. If you're not familiar with the game, but want to read how the Xenomorph does its dark work, you're welcome.
should have been at the beginning of the text. I decided to remove it, don’t ask why.
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shigayokagayama · 2 years
incomplete list of weird/interesting manga-anime discrepancies
-you know the bit where they break into the girls highschool in episode 2? yea thats chapter 56. spliced into the middle of chapter 4. its supposed to go before the bit with the ghost family as a lead up to the mogami arc with mob starting to consider evil spirits as just as much “people” as living humans are. all things considered its kind of weird how well it fits its anime placement
-ritsu in the manga gets introduced in the same chapter as teru. you dont see mobs family at all for the first few chapters. infact i dont think his parents appear until like. chapter 25????? every interaction you see between mob and any of his family is completely made up for the anime
-in the manga during the claw arc instead of reigen sending them away all the lackeys just stood there awkwardly during the fight w the scars fdnjksndkjgnd
-mogami arc got GUTTED my god. the part where the fake psychics tried to murder minori got removed, shinras role in the arc got reduced to basically nothing, they move mogamiland ritsu to a bridge like 50 feet away instead of having him walk right over mob, mob only gets beat up like twice, the cat lives, the boxcutter bit is totally removed, the fight with the spirits is made a lot more abstract and less graphic. like im glad this one took the hit instead of the separation arc bc i cant imagine that arc ever being effective as one episode but wow.
-putting the “mob finding his family dead” thing at the end of the episode instead of in the middle of a chapter where it originally was was an objectively hilarious move
-rip the scene of teru outsmarting all three claw guys and saying “say old man have you ever been tortured before” unfortunately all scenes of teru being competent are not plot relevant and must die. also teru can make shadow clones
-hey remember those weird satellite people in claw keeping the viewer updated on where all the characters were in that infinite arc?
-mob with a gun.
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-mob getting briefly knocked out while fighting toichiro and dimple possessing him then getting kicked out was replaced w toichiro just throwing him out the window or somethhing???
-toichiro saying that he only kept the super five around as spare batteries and draining serizawas power getting cut was a personal affront to me
-every single emotion mob cycled through in the anime got a 100% meter. the kid was super emotionally unstable in that fight
-that old man whos house they went to whos wraith made everyone asleep that they exorcised? yea they anime team made that up. they never went to his house in the manga, he just went to spirits and such for a shoulder massage
-manga reigen got 0 money for helping the yokai dude. it wasnt on the table. also most of the stuff he was saying was lifted from a video game serizawa played which he pointed out. also serizawa thought getting arrested was a type of spell
-takenakas general meanness was significantly toned down manga takenaka was a huge bitch
-in general the alien arc was a lot funnier in the manga? like the scene where reigen crashes they had reached a dead end on an extremely narrow path and were driving in reverse while tome and takenaka were screaming at each other in the back and inukawa was 5 seconds from snapping and killing everyone in the car. these might be my favorite pages in the entire manga they as so fucking funny
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-originally when tome said she wouldnt keep climbing reigen suggested mob carry her with telekinesis (which horrified her) and mob said he was too motion sick to use his powers (obvious lie) but could carry her instead which got her to get up
-mezato asking mob to sign a t shirt for the psycho helmet cult in exchange for relationship advice got cut
-i cry every day that the sequence of ???% waking up didnt get animated it set a very different tone than the anime did. the anime was like. slow build up of dread. the manga was immediately bone deep horror i was literally sitting in my room yelling “WHAT???” over and over again at my computer as i clicked through it
-shigeo and mob conversation cut down significantly, all the references to the body improvement club being mob making a new self rather than embracing who he really is and being scared that all the friends hes made wouldnt like the real him removed </3
-the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is made a lot less somber and depressing. it feels less like “oh he knows hes going to die” and more like. triumphant? in the anime
-100% shigeo kageyama is an anime addition they added specifically to ruin my “the first time we see mob 100% is to fight dimple and the last time is to stop himself from fighting dimple” observation
-anime teru generally seems like hes in a better place than manga teru? manga teru seems very melancholy and like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life or his place in the world (which seems to put shigeo off) but anime teru is like wanna go shopping ^_^ *sips tea happily*
-manga shigeo deliberately threw the cake directly in reigens face and my fury over them making this ambiguous will last until i am dead
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chickenjokey · 4 months
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Hi everyone, and welcome! ^-^
This is my very first post on Tumblr, annddd my very first fanfiction I have ever wrote! Please be kind (I am scared) and thank you for reading if you do! <3 This is very lightly edited, so I apologize for any inconsistencies/grammar/or OOC characters.
Description: It's a late night on the Sunny, and you can't stop thinking about that moss-head, Zoro. You sit below the stars as you replay the events of the day when you ask Zoro to train with you where you accidentally land on him, causing some feelings to arise.
18+ only!!
Content warning and brief description: sexual themes/smut at end, slight choking/loving!Zoro/ Dom!Zoro/ fem AFAB reader/ (Y/N) used
Word count: 8K
It was a long night in the Thousands Sunny. You lay wide awake in bed, staring at the wooden ceiling. Your hair has become knotted and tangled from all the tossing and turning you have done to try and get comfortable, but to no avail. The soft hissing of the wind leaking into your room through tiny cracks and holes was always a calming sound, but tonight, it felt like the wind itself was laughing at you. You heaved an annoyed sigh as you could only imagine how late it was, and you would be exhausted if you didn’t sleep now.
The soft snores and breathing of Nami and Robin could just barely be heard over the sounds of the waves crashing onto the boat. It felt like your body was buzzing with energy despite using it all up to train today. But that’s where your mind is right now. That’s why you can’t sleep. You can’t close your eyes for more than a few seconds before your mind replays today's events. 
Your body sits up straight. You needed fresh air and to clear your mind. Slowly but surely, you unravel yourself from the tangle of your sheets and press your feet against the cool floor. It was definitely a wanted feeling; to feel a stark contrast of temperature against your body seemed to give you the motivation you needed to slip on your favorite slippers and slowly open the door. It seemed the door-squeaking gods were smiling upon you this night since the rusted handles didn’t complain loudly enough to wake either Nami or Robin. With a sigh of relief, you closed the door softly behind you and exited the main deck. You remember a few moments too late to bring a blanket or jacket as the nights can bring colder temperatures. Too late… you thought in despair as you wrapped your arms around your chest. Your thin night dress didn’t help an ounce to conceal the body heat that was pretty quickly being blown off of you by the salty wind. 
You made your way out to the open, where you could visibly see the stars twinkling their hello’s at you. You find a comfy seat and tuck your knees under you. Your head finds its home at the top of your spine, where you admire the beauty of the night sky. Feelings of peacefulness and wonder fill your chest, replacing the ocean air as it leaves your lungs.
You couldn't get enough of the night sky since you joined the Straw Hat Pirates on their adventures. You came from a heavily populated city, where light cascaded every dark corner. Growing up there, you never saw the sky at its full potential at night. On your first day aboard the Sunny, you couldn’t sit still as you watched the sun leave the horizon. The first few stars of the night were popping up one by one, then in tens, then in thousands, as the sun sank lower and lower. You have never seen such beauty. Luffy didn’t understand and was confused about why you looked up so much. He stood beside you, staring at your face, waiting for you to acknowledge him. Of course, he only stayed a few seconds before he tilted his head up, one hand on his straw hat to hold it on his head and one hand on his hip. His face was confused as he saw nothing out of the ordinary. 
“Hey (y/n), what are you looking at? It looks like you’re looking at something really cool. Can you see something I can’t? Whoa (y/n), do you have x-ray vision? That’s so cool. No wonder I can’t see it!”
 Before you could even open your mouth to cut Luffy off from his rambling, there was a loud THWACK sound and an annoyed groan from your captain.
“Heyyy, what did you do that for? I just found out our newest member has the coolest ability ever!” 
You looked down to see Luffy slightly crouched, his face framed by a huge frown and a big bump on the side of his head. Behind Luffy was Nami, her arms crossed over her chest. Her face was angled up, and her nose was high in the air.
“Ugh, you are such an idiot. Of course, (y/n) doesn’t have x-ray vision, Luffy. She was looking at the stars.”
“Huh? The stars? What about them?”
Luffy’s bewildered expression had only made you laugh harder. Your gaze then drifted to the others, who were watching the exchange with varying degrees of amusement. You could only hope they didn’t hear about Luffy’s accusation, but Usopp and Chopper clambered over to you before the prayer could reach heaven.
“Wow, x-ray vision! That must be so cool! I could see broken bones if I could do that!” Before you could interject Chopper, Usopp jumped onto the nearest chair and declared that he could take down any enemy that stood in our way with that ability.
“Guys! I don’t have X-ray vision! I don’t even know how Luffy correlated that to looking at the stars…” You ran your fingers through your hair and let out another laugh.
Chopper and Usopp looked crestfallen for a split second but immediately jumped back up to talk about everything they would do with X-ray vision. You looked back towards Nami, who looked like she was about to give Luffy another angry red bump to his face as she explained what stars were. Looking past them, you find Sanji mooning over Robin, who just said thank you to him as Sanji made her a cup of tea. His legs swooning left and right, his arms straight up in the air as he loudly proclaimed he would get her tea from across the world if he had to just for her. You glanced away to be met with Zoro’s gaze, who was looking at you in a silent challenge. 
You got along swimmingly with almost everyone but Zoro. Nami and Robin were already your closest friends there. Usopp is incredibly funny, even when he doesn’t think he is, and you feel very comfortable with the long-nosed man. Sanji almost pissed his pants when he found out another woman was joining. You like to say you are very good at reading emotions. You can usually tell what someone is feeling, from the slightest twitch of a lip to eyebrows furrowing to even just blinking. Looking into Zoro’s eyes, you feel a stone wall. His face is stoic, devoid of emotion. The only emotion he portrayed tonight was anger, as Sanji called him a moss-headed buffoon. You look over at Zoro once more. You didn’t feel intimidated by the frown he gave you; curiosity swelled inside you as you took him in. His large arms were crossed over his white shirt, his green hair a little messy from his small fight with Sanji, and his three swords glimmered in the moonlight against his side. You found yourself looking at him a little too much, so you turned back to Nami, pretending not to notice, but your thoughts remained with him. 
The swordsman's eyes did not sway away from you, and you noticed as you tried to give quick glances at him to see if he was still looking. Nami excused herself to bed after a minute of you just nodding and giving her a one-word response. This just left you and the swordsman. Was he going to come over to talk to you, you wondered? You brought yourself over to the railing and leaned on to it. Your hands rested against your cheeks as your elbows found small indents in the wooden railing to rest in. Your right leg twirled in front of your left leg as you once again looked out over the dark sky. You couldn’t hear the thumps of footsteps approaching you over the wind, so you jumped back with one hand over your heart and the other over your mouth as the green-haired man appeared next to you. While he was not expecting this reaction, he didn’t expect you to lose your footing after you jumped back from him. Your leg got caught trying but failing to unwind itself from your other leg before you felt yourself fall backward. Before your left arm could make contact with the railing to try and catch yourself before you ate shit in front of the one person you wanted to impress, strong warm hands grabbed both of your wrists. Your falling body froze in mid-air before it made contact with the ground. You look up to see a smirking Zoro with his hands wrapped around your wrists tightly. The moonlight was doing wonders that night. The soft white light cast the perfect shadows over his arm muscles, making them look like they were bulging out more than before. The wind pushed his shirt flat against his chest, making all his muscles and veins pop under the soft glow. A shaky breath left your mouth, and you had to blink several times to realize this was real life. You actually almost tripped and fell in front of Zoro- one of the most well-known swordsmen. And now he’s holding your wrists, looking at you with amusement. A few teeth were even peeking out from his now-growing smile. 
Red-hot embarrassment immediately made its way up to your face. You could feel your cheeks reddening and hoped the wind would cool it down before it was visible or dark enough to conceal. Before you could move up on your own, Zoro pulled your wrists down next to him so you stood up straight in front of him. You were now a few inches apart. You could feel your cheeks growing redder by the second as your wide eyes made contact with his.
“Better be careful there (y/n),” he said, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. “Wouldn’t want you falling in and gettin’ wet.”
 He released you, smirking, before leaving you flustered and frozen in place.
Ever since that first day, you would catch Zoro looking at you with an unreadable expression. There were small instances where you would pass each other in the corridor where his fingers would brush against yours in the slightest touch, or his hand would lightly touch the small of your back if he were squeezing by you in the kitchen. It would be nothing to note if it didn’t feel like a single touch from him ignited a fire inside you.
An icy breeze brings you back to the present, the few months since joining the crew feeling both short and significant, and you couldn’t be more grateful to have met them. The delicious foods and drinks Sanji prepares each day, the sisterhood you have gained from Nami and Robin, and the unwavering loyalty of Franky, Usopp, and Chopper have filled you with a sense of contentment you have never felt before. But with Zoro, it feels like more. Maybe it’s one-sided, or you’re reading between the lines, but you and Zoro have had an unspoken friendship over the past few months. The thought of Zoro makes you recall your training session today. 
It was a slow and boring day aboard the Sunny. Some crew members were messing around or in the kitchen, hiding away from the blazing heat, waiting for Sanji to finish making lunch. You approached Zoro while he lifted the most enormous weight you have ever seen over his head with one arm. His shirt was off, which allowed you to take in his sizeable tan chest, crisscrossed with scars. Sweat was gliding down his back, arms, and chest, giving him a glossy appearance. You cleared your throat to present yourself. You were dressed pretty slimly, too. A sports bra and tight-fitting shorts in your favorite color. Zoro’s eyes met yours and gave you a once-over. His eyes left a fire trail down your body before resting back on your face. He did it slowly and with no shame, leaving you slightly embarrassed. 
“Hey, I just wanted to come to ask if you wanted to train? It’s a pretty slow day for me, but if you’re busy, it’s totally alright.” God, what was wrong with you? It was like you couldn’t even talk to the man anymore! You tried to suck up the awkwardness you felt by straightening yourself and meeting his eyes once more.
“Yeah, sure. Just give me a second.” He mumbled. 
“Yeah, no problem!” You shifted your weight, trying to ease the awkwardness. “I was actually wondering if you could train me on a little hand-to-hand combat?” 
He had put his weight to the side and tossed a dry towel over his body to clean off sweat. He walked up to you, and without tilting his head down to meet your gaze, he stared at you from down his nose and gave you a smirk.
“Hand-to-hand sounds fun,” he said, wiping sweat from his brow. “I’ve been needing to get into it more since I’m usually training with swords.” He lifted an arm to scratch his neck before finally looking at you entirely.
“Ya ready?” he asked. You nodded your head, a bead of sweat rolling down your temple. You both took your places a few feet apart and assumed the stance. He threw his hand first, which you easily blocked, and threw a right hook at his shoulder. He was quick to dodge, and your speeds evenly matched.
Zoro lunged first. You blocked and countered with a swift right hook. He dodged it with a quick arm block and threw a fist, aiming for your left shoulder. You sidestepped, hooked an arm around his neck, and twisted. He countered, pushing you down with surprising strength. You hit the deck, breath knocked out of you. 
Zoro pinned you, his grip firm on your wrists. For a moment, you locked eyes, his breath warm on your face. Taken by surprise, your brain turned to mush. Any and all of your training and fighting knowledge left your brain instantly. His legs were on either side of your body, and he used his weight to keep you down. You quickly regained thought and tried to hit a blow at his head and another at his chest to throw him off, but Zoro’s hold on your wrist was so tight it would surely leave bruises. 
Both of you were panting, chests rising and falling in unison to catch a breath. You met Zoro’s eyes defiantly, waiting for him to move off, but instead his head lowered closer to yours, his mouth coming right next to your ear. The only sounds you could hear were the clanking of his golden earrings and the small pants coming from his mouth. 
“I thought you were a pro?” He breathed. “ Show me what you got.” 
He lifted himself, but not without stopping briefly at your face and giving you a teasing look. Zoro let you go and assumed his position again. You were left a little flustered and confused on the ground. His words should have motivated you to really show him your skills, but you were unsure if you felt turned on instead. You glanced at Zoro again, heart pounding. Why did he always have this effect on you? Every brush of his fingers sent sparks up your spine. You had to get a grip. 
Steeling your nerves, you quickly hopped up. Zoro’s eyes lazily watched as a drop of sweat made its way down your chest. You charged at him with impressive speed and went in for a jab, aiming at his jaw. He pushed your jab out of the way and tried to grab you by the shoulder, but you were too quick and dodged it. You used a move you have been hiding up your sleeve by using your leg to offset Zoro and pushing him down. You were now the one on top, straddling his thick waist. His head hit the deck hard as the attack took him by surprise, and his hands instinctively took place on your waist. Zoro’s head was still resting against the floor, his chest heaving. You shamelessly let your eyes trail from his pointed jawline to his neck and then to his chest, where your hands now reside. 
“I win.” You smiled. “I took down the great swordsman Roronoa Zoro.” You said before trying to get up off of Zoro before it was too awkward, but firm hands held you down despite your efforts to get up.
“Huh- Zoro?” You looked at him questionably. His head slowly raised from the floor, and his piercing gaze met yours. His jaw was clenched, his nose flared, and his eyebrows furrowed. His eye was unreadable but still sent a jolt straight down to your core. His hands still had a vice grip on your waist, causing you to straighten up your back. Zoro let out a small groan as you shifted your body on top of him. His ear tips were flushed red, and his mouth was slightly open, still panting. 
“Zoro, are you okay? Is it too hot outside?” You looked up at the sky where the sun still let its unruly heat bear down. “Let me go get some water.” Before you could move, he damn near whimpered out a “No…” He cleared his throat and looked at you in a way you have never seen before. “I’m fine,” He sighed. “Just like this..” 
A light smirk rested on his lips while your wide eyes met his half-lidded ones. You looked down at the compromising position you have landed yourself in. Your legs were bent on either side of his waist, and you could pretty much feel him against your core. A shaky inhale made its way into your lungs. The feeling of him slightly hard against your cunt brought on an ocean of desire. 
“I- I’m sorry! I, um, didn’t realize! I’ll…. I’ll just…” You spouted with embarrassment as blush made its way across your whole body. You pressed your hands against his chest, using him as a way to get up. Thankfully, he let you get up by releasing his hold on your waist, which felt tingly and sensitive after his hold. Your hands trembled slightly as you stood up, trying to shake off the mixture of embarrassment and immense arousal you felt. Zoro followed suit, pushing himself up from the deck with ease. He rolled his shoulders, stretching his neck from side to side as if the entire encounter hadn’t even happened. 
"Good move," he said, his voice low and steady as he walked to you. He met your wide eyes with lust and amusement. “Thanks…” you whispered. 
You cleared your throat, trying to regain your composure. 
“I’m uh… gonna go shower..?” You said stiffly and awkwardly as you shuffled your feet and looked anywhere but Zoro’s eyes. His dark eye was staring at you with an intensity any woman would quiver under. Gathering your belongings, you quickly left to your room before he could say anything else. 
That night at dinner, you were physically there at the table, but your mind was in the clouds, thinking about Zoro and the interaction that had enfolded. Your eyes were trained on your nails as you anxiously picked at the cuticle. 
I hope things aren’t awkward between us but God… he looked amazing. Felt amazing, even. 
You couldn’t help but remember the feeling of straddling him. Your hands pressed up against his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly. How your legs were stretched wide to encapture the sheer size of his waist… his glistening tan skin, and the warmth you felt of him against your core…
“(Y/N)!!!!” You felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump, a hand flying up to your mouth to hide the squeak that left your mouth. You turn to see Nami with a scowl on her face glaring at you with concern in her brown eyes. 
“Is something wrong? I’ve been calling your name over and over, and you’ve been staring off into space with a weird look in your eyes!” She exasperated. “And you’re flushed!” She exclaimed with a huff as she put a hand on your forehead to test your temperature. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Nami! I was just zoned out… thinking.” You muttered with embarrassment as you looked around the kitchen to see most of the crew was already sitting and looking at you with a concerned look. Well, except Luffy, who looked like he was shaking with impatience with his tongue rolling out of his mouth like a dog as he stared at the food on your plate. Your eyes met Robin’s piercing blue eyes, which looked like she just read you like a book and now knew your deepest darkest secret. She gave you a small smile and a nod towards the doorway. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in a question as you gave a slight glance at the entryway to see the beginning tufts of moss-colored hair. Your head snapped forward to the plate of food in front of you. Nothing could tear your gaze away from the plate of steaming food.
Not even the slow, heavy footsteps of boots coming closer to your chair. 
Not the beginning feelings of warmth radiating from a warm body on your back. 
And not even the breath of a warm exhale of breath that you felt on the top of your head. 
A calloused hand reached for the chair next to you, where Zoro took his slow time sitting down. His leg purposefully bumped into yours as a way for you to meet his piercing gaze, but you studied the small cracks and scratches on the plate.
“YAY! Now everyone is here!” yelled Luffy from the head of the table, his arms stretched excitedly towards Sanji. 
“SANJI- FOOD!” He slammed his utensils on the table in impatience. While Sanji yelled at him about table etiquette, the warmth of Zoro’s muscles pierced your clothes and into your skin.
Why did he sit next to me?? You screamed in your head. Anxiety started to worm its way into your stomach, causing your leg to bounce in stress. Unbeknownst to you, your leg bouncing was noticed by Zoro, who gave you a cautious look.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when a heavy, warm hand was presented on your thigh. You looked down to see a scarred, veiny hand on your upper leg, his thumb rubbing slowly circles. Your bouncing stopped immediately, followed by a soft gasp of your lips and the tightening of your chest. You almost felt relaxed by the notion, but you were so incredibly turned on by how enticing his hand looked on your bare leg, arousal overriding any other emotion.
“(Y/N), you going to eat, lovely?” Said a worried Sanji.
Zoro tsked. “Yeah, you better eat it all up,” he said aloud with a very obvious smirk, “before it gets too cold.” 
You gulped the pool of saliva collecting in your mouth at the hidden meaning behind Zoro’s words. You glanced at him to see him looking down at you with a hard look in his eye. His hand tightened around your leg, almost as a reminder that you need to answer before everyone gets suspicious. 
“Yeah! I am, don’t worry.” You said while taking a big forkful of the food and stuffing it in your mouth. Sanji gave a nod of approval before he dug in himself. 
Zoro’s hold on your leg lightened but still remained firm. His thumb still making those circles, moving up and around. 
Every mouthful you took felt like an hour passed before you could swallow. The feeling of Zoro next to you with his hand so close to your cunt had you closing your thighs, his fingers brushing the insides of your other thigh now. Zoro grunted as if the movement stunned him, but he recovered quickly with a drink of his sake. His hand started to slide up a little more, squeezing and feeling your thigh shamelessly under the table. All the while, you were a flustered, sweating mess. You stuffed the last few bites of food in your mouth, thanked Sanji for the delicious food again, and stood up. Zoro’s hand fell down inconspicuously next to him, almost like nothing happened in the first place. You quickly left the kitchen to your bedroom, the walk uncomfortable due to how soaked your panties were from your wetness. 
The night passed without a hitch, and now here you were, sitting under the comforting stars thinking about Zoro.
Zoro. Zoro. Zoro.
 It will always be him. 
You could never think of anyone else.
It was probably around 4 am right now. The breeze carried the smell of salt and fish. The memories in your head kept you warm, but now you were shivering, your fingers having a slight blue tint to them. Your bones creaked and popped with protest as you stood up, already feeling sore from the training you had today. 
You bid the stars a good night, and thank you for being the one constant in your chaotic life. You made your way to the kitchen, hoping a warm cup of tea would give you the warmth you need to return the natural red to your flesh and calm your thoughts enough to get you a few hours of sleep. Pushing open the kitchen door, you head straight towards Robin’s tea cabinet, where you keep your own stache of your favorite kind. 
“What in the hell are you doing up?” A deep voice behind you made you gasp and almost drop the teacup, spilling some hot water on yourself. 
“Holy shit, Zoro! You scared the hell out of me!” You gasped for breath. You held your tongue in pain as your nerves set off, warning that the water you dropped was currently giving you a fiery burn. “Shit!” you exclaimed. Heavy footfalls approached from behind you as you held your hand with a cold rag. His hand grabbed your slightly burnt hand.
“Didn’t mean to give you a fright.” He mumbled softly. Hearing Zoro speak softly calmed down any annoyance you had about your hand hurting in any way. In fact, the feeling of his rough hand against your soft flesh brought on a comfort you thought only stars could bring. Zoro wet the cloth and held it against your hand.
“You good?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
You stared at him, mouth agape like a fish out of water, as your mind was still processing what in the hell happened. 
“Yeah…I’m good.” You cleared your throat. “Just got burned a little, no biggie.” You smiled to show that you were alright. He gave your hand a squeeze before dropping it slowly with care. You looked at him and asked, “What are you doing in here so late?”
He shuffled his feet and looked at the ground.
“Kept waking up.” He replied almost sheepishly. Zoro gave you a once-over with his dark eye. Your night dress didn’t leave much to the imagination. Your nipples were evidently hard, lips slightly blue, and hair tousled from the cold wind outside. He visibly gulped, his pupils widening out to take you all in. 
His eye snapped to your face as you crossed your arms over your chest, unintentionally making your breasts spill out a little from the dress. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked almost sternly. 
You gave a small frown and a pout from his tone. He’s acting like he’s the only one that can be in this damn kitchen at this hour!
“I couldn’t sleep,” you said. “I sat outside for a bit, but it was freezing, so I came in for some tea to warm up.” You told him with indignation. 
“Oh yeah?” He shifted a little closer. “What kept you up?” Zoro asked cautiously. Almost like he wants to know the answer, but at the same time, doesn’t want to know. 
You flushed a little at the answer you know you can’t say. 
I can’t possibly say HE was the one keeping me up. Him and his stupid muscles and stupid eyes and hair and that stupid look on his face like he knows everything in the world! 
You pondered your answer for a little, but for Zoro, you were taking too long.
“Well?” He asked impatiently. He crossed his arms, almost flexing, and moved closer in front of you. Your cheeks were getting more flushed by the second. Quickly acting, you turned around back towards the tea cabinet to hide your glowing cheeks. But a strong hold on your wrist kept you from taking your first steps.
His footsteps grew closer and closer until you could feel the warmth of his chest against your back.
Your breath hitched.
“You gonna answer my question, (Y/N)?” His voice sounded right above your ear. Goosebumps rose along your neck, all the way down your arms, as his warm breath made contact with your skin. If you leaned back at all, your back would make contact with him. 
“Uhm..” Your voice cracked as you tried to rack your brain for any response at all.
“Hmm?” His hand was slowly making its way up your arm, fingers lightly brushing against your waist.
“I was… just thinking a lot.” You breathed out. His hand was now nearing your shoulder.
“Wanna tell me about what?” He replied in a deep voice. His hand was now fluttering along the back of your neck, making you tilt your head back a little bit. You gulped and prayed that he couldn’t feel the erratic heartbeat that was about to burst from the artery in your throat. With no reply from you, his fingers nestled into the groove of your neck and jaw. His thumb at the end of your jaw bone, and his fingers now below your chin tilted your head up even further. With nowhere else to look, you made eye contact with him.
His eye was a storm of emotions, his internal wall crumbling down at the sight of you melting in his hands. 
“I… I was thinking about today.” You whispered, afraid that if you talked, your voice would only crack some more. Zoro hummed in reply, urging you to continue. His other hand had now found its home on your waist, rubbing and squeezing your flesh. You gulped as you opened your mouth to continue. 
“About what happened” 
Zoro’s mouth twitched at the corner of his mouth. His gruff voice answered, “And what happened?” He wanted you to say it. Even if it took all night, he wanted you to tell him what he did to you.
With a few moments of silence, the hand on your waist moved to your stomach, his large fingers splayed out. You gasped in surprise at the feeling since you were still looking up into Zoro’s eyes. You were so pathetic in his hands. Your eyes were basically looking at him like a deer in headlights.
“We practiced… and I landed on you,” You pushed out in a somewhat shaky voice. His hand on your stomach started to move lower. 
“Yeah, you did,” he said teasingly but in his gruff voice. “Did you like practicing?” He asked.
His hold on your jaw and chin tightened slightly, and the hand on your stomach paused. Your face was flushed red, and your mouth was open, letting out small pants. 
“Yes…” You whispered. The hand on the stomach was moving up, now over your ribs.
“Keep talking,” Zoro ordered. His hand was now underneath your breast. You couldn’t help but clench your thighs together, feeling the wetness coat your thighs as you didn’t have panties on. 
“I liked it… feeling you,” You murmured. 
Zoro exhaled out a groan. His hand rewarded your answer by softly grabbing the bottom of your breast. 
“(Y/N)... You don’t know what you do to me.” He spoke into your ear, his head resting against yours. You leaned back, wanting to feel all of him. 
A gasp escaped your lips as your back made contact with his muscular chest. Your ass could feel the tip of his hard cock pushing up against his pants. 
“What do I do to you?” you asked softly. His nose was pressed into the side of your head, inhaling the scent of the perfume you used during the day and the shampoo you applied during the shower. 
Zoro groaned again. He let your chin go, now aiming for your stomach to push your bottom back lightly. His other hand was now fully grabbing your breast, but still cautiously, as if he was waiting for the moment when you would snap and tell him to back away. Your bottom made full contact with his erect cock. A shaky inhale moved through your lips as you felt his impressive length press up against you. 
“(Y/N)... I can show you what you do to me,” He said shakily. “If I show you, I won’t be able to stop.” 
Time stood still as his words made a direct impact on your sopping cunt. 
“Zoro…” You moaned out. “I… I need you.” You declared. 
His hands stopped squeezing and feeling your flesh, not yet touching you in the places you need him the most. He turned you around to face him. 
Zoro looked beautiful. His eye was half-lidded, mouth glistening with saliva from when he would wet his lips, and his ears were tipped with red- his own blush. 
His hands met your waist, pulling you close so you just feel his erection, but not so close to where you can’t see his whole face. 
“Are you sure?” He breathed. “I won’t be able to turn back if we do this. There is no way in hell I can move on after I fuck you.”
Your pussy clenched around nothing at the declaration of words finalized in the air. You met his steady gaze. Adoration, lust, and fear clouded his gaze.
"Zoro.." You swallowed. "Yes, I need you," your hands gripped his shirt. "I can't stop thinking about you. Your face, your hair, your voice, and how god damn hot you look without a shirt." You took steady breaths in and out at your confession, worried you took it a step further than you intended to.
Zoro's breath got stuck in his throat. His hands gripped yours, which were taking handfuls of his shirt. The silence from Zoro made you panic.
"It's not just today. It's every day." You clenched your eyes shut, scared to see disgust in his eyes. "I really like you, Zoro. I have for awhile and it's okay if you don't feel the same, really, I wouldn't- mmh!"
Zoro's lips crashed into yours at impeccable speed, almost knocking your head back, but his hand caught the back of your head. His other hand held the small of your back, pushing you closer to him. Your hands instinctively took place on his shoulder and his head, gripping his hair. After a few seconds, Zoro pulled away slightly, lips plump from the rough kissing.
"Do you ever stop talking, woman?" He murmured softly with a soft smile. His hand went to your ass, making you gasp.
"I've had my eyes on you since day one." He whispered against your lips. "I can't stop thinking about you, either. Your laugh, your smile, your stupid jokes." He gave your lips a small peck before he kissed the corner of your mouth, making his way down your jaw and to your throat. You gripped his hair, pushing him closer to your skin, savoring the feeling of his open mouth kisses against your most sensitive places along your throat.
"Zoro..." You moaned softly. His grip on your head and ass tightening as you moaned his name.
In between kisses, he kept telling you all the things he couldn't get off his mind. Your hair, your body, your hands, your beautiful face.
"I can't wait another day. I need you." He moaned as his lips were nearing your collar bone.
"Take me, then. Please..." You had no strand of self-respect in you to not plead. His lips felt like fire against you. A fire you couldn't put out. A fire you craved oh so dearly.
Zoro moaned in response. He pushed you back against the counter, his right hand found home on your breast, and his left on the back on your thigh. You threw your head back as his kisses made his way down to your breast that was being held by his veiny hand. Your hand gripped and pulled at his green strands, making him groan in response. His knee slotted between your thighs, making you mewl out at the first contact your wet cunt has been given.
Zoro pushed down the straps to your dress, making your tits pop out. His head rose from your chest, backing away to take in your whole chest.
"Shit, (Y/N)." His hand made contact with your bare flesh. Fingers nimbly taking your hard nipple in his fingers and rolling it around. You gripped his arm, feeling his muscles against your flesh. One of your hands made his way to his chest, wanting- no- needing to touch him. While Zoro's hand was preoccupied with one nipple, he took the other in his mouth, lips wrapped around your most sensitive area.
"Mmm, Zoro." You ran your nails up his chest and down his back. "I need... I need you." You couldn't help but whimper out. You pathetically started to grind on his knee, needing some sort of relief. He removed his hand from your breast and held your hips still. You were helplessly moaning out his name, pleading for him to pleasure you more. His lips left your nipple with a pop as he looked at you with an almost drunk expression.
"You that desperate, huh? That needy?" He moved his leg away from your cunt, causing you to wine out. Even if his hand stopped you from moving, you still felt relieved. He pushed his clothed cock against your dress, slowly grinding. You hissed out in pleasure, hands making way to his back, lifting his shirt off. He swiftly took it off, then looked into your eyes for permission to remove your dress. You nodded, needing him more than the Earth needs the Sun. Cold air rushed around your body as Zoro discarded the piece of clothing. He slammed his lips into yours in a heated make-out session. His tongue licked your lips, wanting permission to enter. Your hands made way to his pants, finding his hard cock pressing through his pants.
He groaned out against your lips, rutting against your hand. His calloused hands made work with your nipples, then down to your cunt where he explored your clit.
You gasped out in pleasure and moaned out, "Please, Zoro! Just need you!" Your nails clawed at his pants, tearing them open. Thick fingers made their way to your opening, feeling and slightly pushing in. Zoro was teasing you; he loved the way you cried out his name and begged him to touch you. One hand made its way to your chin, where he held your throat, more tightly this time. His head lowered next to your ears as your soft hands finally unzipped his pants, and gripped him through his boxers. He groaned in your ear, wanting you to hear what you were doing to him.
"Ya see? You see what you doin' to me?" He was basically panting in your ear. Months of pent-up sexual frustrations held back by his own fears of being rejected by you. You whimpered a response, trying to focus on getting him out of his boxers while his fingers stuffed you full.
"Shit, you're so wet. Is this what I do to you, hmm?" He held your throat a little tighter, needing an answer quickly before he burst.
"Y-Yes! Yes, Zoro!" His fingers curled upwards, finding the soft spot that would pleasure you the most.
"So many nights," he moaned as your hands grabbed him in full, rubbing his length up and down. "Shit, so many fucking nights- where I jerked off to you - mmm" His mouth was on your shoulder, leaving kisses and small bites. "I've been needing you. You're all I fucking need, do you hear me?" He bit down on your shoulder, making you cry out, "Yes! Yes! Me- me, too." You moaned out a little louder than you expected, not wanting to wake anyone. "Fuck- Zoro, please..." You whined in his ear.
He pulled away from you abruptly. His chest was flushed pink, his lips slightly bruised from the rough kisses, and his pupil blown out after seeing you fully naked.
"I could cum right now just looking at you," he heaved. "You're so fucking pretty- come here."
You straightened your shaky legs. Wetness dripping out of your pussy, coating your thighs and some of the floor. Zoro grabbed a blanket that was left on one of the chairs. You couldn't remember who it belonged to, your brain too wired out to think about anything other than the man you have been pining for for the last few months. He laid the blanket down on the floor.
"I know it's not romantic," He said, "But we're already naked, and I can't wait even an hour longer for you." He breathed out. You lay down on the blanket on the kitchen floor. Your breath labored, and your mind was overwhelmed by Zoro. His smell, a little sweat, alcohol, and cheap cologne surrounded you. You have indeed entered heaven.
Zoro held himself over you. The tip of his cock was dripping pre-cum and turning red from lack of attention. His earrings clanked as he leaned down to kiss you softly. You melted, feeling the tenderness and care behind the kiss. He rested on one elbow and knees as one hand rubbed you all over, taking you in inch-by-inch.
"I wanted to see your face." Zoro groaned out as his cock rubbed between your folds, gathering your wetness along his length. You hummed out a question, asking what he meant. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your hips gyrating on his cock, too impatient to wait for him. Zoro moaned, "The first time," he looked down at your body and his cock about to enter you. "Shit- I want to see your face when we do this for the first time. I needa see your face as I pleasure you. Needa hear you."
"Zoro, please. I'm ready- fuck, I need you. Need you so bad," you whined. Your hands tried pulling him closer, trying to do anything for him to fill you up. Zoro moved closer, inching his cock into your pussy, bit-by-bit.
You both gasped and groaned in unison at the new-found feeling. Zoro was thick and long, using up every space you could give. Your hand found his back, digging your nails in while the other gripped his hair, pulling it down for a kiss. He kissed you passionately as he bottomed out inside of you.
"(Y/N)... you're going to make me cum you're so tight." He groaned out. You whined in response, needing him to fuck you into the ground.
Zoro started moving his hips, slowly at first, but then started to pick up the speed.
"Oh- oh my God!" The pleasure you were being granted was nothing compared to what your fingers could do. Zoro was a mess, groaning and biting at your shoulder and neck and kissing your lips. Slapping wet sounds reverberated throughout the kitchen, along with your moans and Zoro's grunts.
Zoro shifted his hips, using one hand to paw at your breast, the other holding your head close to him. You saw stars at the new spot Zoro was hitting you at repeatedly. You squealed and cried until you felt Zoro's hand slap against your mouth.
"(Y/N)- mm- you're gonna wake up the whole damn crew." He told you.
You couldn't help it. The feeling of his rough hands gliding down your stomach, across your tits, and down to your clit brought on euphoria. You were yelling Zoro's name over and over behind his hand, but it came out muffled.
Zoro was trying so hard not to cum in the first few minutes of fucking you, wanting to make sure you cum first. Sweat rolled down his temple, absolutely losing it at the sound of you whining underneath him with his cock buried in you. Just the sound of you calling his name made him keep pumping his cock in and out of you.
"Sh-Shit!" Zoro groaned. He rubbed your clit faster and beat your pussy at a speed that took away all the air in your lungs. He needed you to cum with him. Otherwise, he won't feel like he deserves to be on top of you. He removed his hand from your mouth, wanting to hear you call to him a few more times.
"Zoro, Zoro! I-I-I'm gonna cum," you groaned, trying so hard not to yell.
"Cum with me. Do it." He demanded. Just like that, your legs convulsed, and your toes curled in, feeling like a star had exploded inside of you. Zoro pulled out quickly and shot cum all over your stomach and chest. He groaned out your name, his eyes trained on you and your body as he gave his cock a few more pumps.
You both were out of breath as Zoro collapsed next to you briefly before jumping up and grabbing some napkins. He carefully wiped away his cum from your stomach, making sure to get it all cleaned up. Your mind was blank. You were completely fucked out and unaware of your surroundings until you felt yourself being lifted. Zoro had wrapped the blanket around you, his clothes back on, and was lifting you on to the table.
"You okay?" He asked with a nod and a concerned looked at your flushed and sweaty face.
"Oh yea... more than okay." You huffed out, exhaustion finally claiming you. He gave you a small smile and tucked some hair behind your ear. He grabbed your dress from the floor, and helped you put it on, then rewrapped you in the blanket. You tried standing, but almost fell to the floor immediately from shaky legs.
"I got ya'," whispered Zoro into your hair. He lifted you up in your arms, and he brought you outside. It was still dark, but on the horizon, you could see the sun ever so slightly begin to rise. He sat you down on one of the outside couches where he sat next to you. You leaned your head on his shoulder, your hand finding his. Zoro brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles, making you blush.
"Thank you," you said softly to the swordsman.
Zoro said nothing, and you glanced up to see his eye closed, your hands clasped together on his chest. You smiled at him and rested your head back on his shoulder.
The stars were still out, twinkling happily at you. Happiness and peace moved through your body. The stars were the one constant you always looked up to in your life, but now, hopefully, you have one more thing to look up to. A stubborn swordsman that would lay down his life for you. A grumbly green-haired man you would have never thought would be holding your hand in a million years. Maybe, just maybe, he can be your constant- your new star.
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boinin · 8 months
Batten down the hatches: Rin's ego is about to land
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The latest chapters show Rin playing with an unfamiliar aura: what looks like swirling rivulets of water.
This represents the refinement of his ego and playstyle since the under-20 match. But what exactly are they going for with the swirling water? Here's my two cents.
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Rin is strongly associated with water, specifically the sea. He grew up by the coast; he and Sae shared a love of watching the sunset over the water after training together. Those childhood memories are turbulent now, like dark clouds on the ocean's horizon.
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It's here he realises that he can no longer play the puppetmaster football that helped him thrive in Blue Lock. As good as he is, it wasn't authentic... and it's nowhere near where he needs to be to compete with his brother, or even Isagi.
Rin's flow state is the most unique out of any others we've seen. Let's dig into it. All panels are from the official translation, which is important as the translation choices are 1) consistent and 2) likely chosen carefully.
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In the dying moments of the match, Rin complains about feeling restrained. Being Itoshi Rin is eating him alive.
Cool, calm and aloof.
A genius. Prodigy. Puppetmaster.
Team player. Team captain.
Isagi Yoichi's partner. Shidou Ryuusei's rival.
Itoshi Sae's little brother.
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The prospect of defeat rudely wakes him up. His pretence comes crashing down hard, triggered by his ineffectiveness in spite of the teammates around him. It's one of the best rugpulls in sports manga.
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When the power of friendship comes knocking, Itoshi Rin tells it to fuck off and die.
What a glorious moment... and not just because it posits Rin as a Uchiha Sasuke kinnie. I prompt you to examine his eyes in this panel.
They're a swirling vortex of hate and destruction, befitting Blue Lock's angstiest character. The shape reminds me of this:
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Satellite images of Hurricane Franklin and Hurricane Idalia, August 2023. Image credit: NOAA Satellites.
Rin's true ego, which he unleashes against Sae, is a storm.
Optional soundtrack for the rest of this post (because Rin 100% listens to this once it comes out in Blue Lock's universe).
Although it isn't portrayed visually as such in the under-20 arc, the metaphor fits Rin's evolving playstyle. What is more destructive, more uncontrollable, more senseless than a hurricane? A violent force of nature that we can predict but never avert?
When a storm approaches, all we can do is rank it, track it, then attempt to mitigate the inevitable damage.
In football terms? Sounds a lot like playing Rin.
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It's even alluded to in chapter 250: the graphics for Rin's formation are similar to the satellite images of large storms.
Within the U20 match, there are exchanges that support this theory. Darai calls Rin's evolving playstyle arrogant and avaricious. The latter (meaning extreme greed) is evocative of a force that pursues what it wants without regard for anything in its surroundings. What it can't have, it destroys.
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Niou is confident enough in his physicality to try withstand his opponent's attrack. Rin literally flips him into the air. Niou's hubris brings to mind all man-made constructs which are supposedly storm-proof... until a cyclone comes along and proves otherwise.
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The contrast between Rin and Sae's egos are interesting. If we accept Rin's is a storm, i.e. a destructive force of nature that cannot be controlled, Sae's is the opposite despite being as impossible to defy. Sae's motif is defined in the manga as "beautiful destruction", plays and passes depicted in graceful data strings. Rather than natural, his playstyle is sleek and controlled, and dominant to the point of appearing pre-ordained by his opponents.
Their attitudes are equally different. While Rin drools and loses composure in the final minutes, Sae does little more than raise his eyebrows throughout the entire game. He's completely emotionless.
It's the extremes of human nature: animalistic rage versus robotic detachment. This time, the latter wins. Will Rin have an opportunity to face his brother again, with a better grasp on his ego? Here's hoping.
My final thoughts on Rin are speculative. How does one beat a storm? Not just endure—but subdue and calm one?
It's beyond human capability. The ability to control the weather exists only in myth and fantasy, and even then it's usually in the hands of powerful entities, not mere heroes or wizards.
Subduing something as powerful as a hurricane would require a god.
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Is this Isagi and Rin's endgame?
Time will tell.
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Dp x dc prompt
In a fight, skulker accidentally throws Danny through a natural portal, and now Danny is stuck at Pluto, what the hell you bony bastard?! So now he has to fly all the way back to earth and hope the satellites don’t pick him up, but it’s actually Hal Jordan who sees him, and when later telling the justice league about a glowing boy in space who doesn’t need to breath and definitely wasn’t a lantern, zatanna cuts him off to mention the urgent need of addressing the insane amounts of dead following what feels like an insanely powerful god of death that definitely wasn’t in this dimension the day before. Bats is obviously the first one to notice they’re talking about the same person.
Back with Danny, he can’t seem to find his way around the states with how tired that flight made him, so he crashed down onto a farm on accident, while two sweet parents see this glowing boy fall from the sky and decided yeah. Might as well have another.
Clark, meanwhile, has no clue that the god of death sending the league into chaos is the same kid his parents have been wanting him to meet back at the farm.
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saturna625 · 25 days
I wanna think about storm chaser!reader and tf141????? (yes, I used to live in tornado valley. I know some of this is unrealistic but I'll make it real enough)
Like maybe Johnny, who watches these absolutely wild YouTubers who chase these massive storms ("Gaz, honestly, take a look at these fuckin' clouds! All spinny an' shit!") And maybe you're the weather predictor, who coaches from the passenger seat as the truck weaves through corn fields, unaware of tf141 within the comment section.
TF141, of course, meaning Twister Force 141, a bit of a nickname for their little weather research team.
Maybe they get so invested that Price pulls a couple strings, and gets satellite view, so the boys can watch both you and the weather live.
Maybe you get a little too close to the tornado, as the county sirens blare in the background, and your audio shorts out. Maybe the boys are on the edges of their seats, seeing you speed headfirst into a storm that is building quicker than your ten dollar weather app can process.
You're too deep in a quick growing storm. None of your tech is working, and you're strapping yourself into your seat, looking over at your best friend who's driving. You don't even know if the camera's still rolling. The wind howls outside, screams so loud you can't even hear yourself yell.
Maybe you hear a gruff voice through your staticky radio, as you see, well, what used to be a barn, crash down in front of you, before disappearing into the murk and dust.
"Throw it into reverse, you muppets!"
Your friend slams on his breaks, and kicks the truck into reverse. You fly backwards as the cameras on your dashboard blink red and green. You're driving blind, and the monster is only growing. A stop sign takes your side mirror clean off, and embeds itself into a tree.
Your friend cuts to the left, turning yall around, and throws it into forward as you build speed, trying to outrun it.
With dawning horror, the team puts together a shoddy storm projection. You won't outrun it.
You, however, have decided to ditch the harness. The haunting sound of a twister, groaning as it builds, lunching towards you. It pulls the roof off a house. A tree flies towards you, and your buddy swerves to avoid it, as you scramble into the back seat.
Soap is so used to watching amateurs outrun tiny squalls, little touchdowns of dust and air, but this thing was processing as E-4.
And you were no amateur.
You call to your buddy to cut left, and drive under the overpass. You're not stopping there. Everyone knows that overpasses are the worst place to be.
You think, somewhere in the dust and wind and debris, that you see a truck pulling a trailer of barrels, but it had overturned. You hoped it's owners were lucky enough to get somewhere safe.
It gets sucked into the storm, and disappears. The sky is swirling black above you, a nightmarish mixture of ink and debris. The truck skids on the pavement, your friend juts off road, as foreign voices coached you out of the storm.
But they were wrong. They're telling him to keep driving forward.
You see the wind shift, in the rolling, whipping grass. The pressure drops, and your ears pop. You stop your commentators explanation to gaze open-mouthed at the sky above you.
"There's.... There's gonna be another one!" You shout at your friend, who seems to pale at your words. "That's good! It'll take the pressure away from that mother over there–" you point. Rain pelts the windshield, but he can make out the shift in the clouds. "They'll fight it out and dissipate! We'll just- I can't fucking see- stop!" You shout, as a house crashes down directly in front of you, but it's too late.
The nose of the truck goes through where the roof had been, burying itself near the chimney. You fly forward and hit the seat in front of you. You think your head knocks against some camera equipment, and the wind howls again, before it all goes dark.
When you come to, you're able to hear the sirens again. The scratchy panic of the radio fills in the rest of the sound, different groups of chasers trying to figure out what the hell they're doing. You no longer hear that European group, though. Maybe you thought it up.
What you didn't know was that, ten miles away, hunkered in the safety of a low level parking garage, the boys cramped around the screen as they watch you pull yourself out of the car. In the unfocused lense, they can tell that you might bruise pretty rough. But in the background, they see the second twister come into view. It's half a mile off, battling out the Mother, as you called it, before suddenly, they both draw back up into the sky, dancing around one another, and then they're gone.
The tornado sirens go out shortly after that, and they hear rain, and thunder, and you– whooping and cheering, and scrambling to find an intact camera.
You thank the audience as your friend joins you at your side. He's probably going to quit after this, you can tell by the look on his face. He was never one for weather anyways.
But it didn't matter. You were usually the driver anyhow.
Simon looks at Price, who looks down at Soap, sketching out the projections, and Gaz, writing all the data down in his uber fancy composition notebook. The livestream ends.
And who knows, there's a ton of storm chasers in town this season. Maybe someone had some people to spare.
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ridreamir · 9 months
How about some head cannons for blue berry academy students befriending a new student reader who turns out to be a faller? The reader is from our world and does have at least some memory loss.
And so I might have turned it into a fic and not a list of HCs... lemme know if you want me to rewrite it lol -- it was getting kinda long so this might just be a part one of two if people actually like it. If not I'll just move onto other things :p
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With the multi-billion dollar project underway to extend Blueberry Academy's underwater campus, there's been an influx of new students lining up to attend the recently founded institution!
As for you who may or may not have crash-landed in Unova not long ago -you with no credentials- there's no way you could have applied to join the wave of incoming students... had it not been for a string of improbable events that tied you up in some top secret plot.
An unpredicted meteor ripped through the planet's atmosphere in the late hours of night. A burst of unusual green-blue energy had not only been visible to the naked eye, but it set off all the satellite radars in the region. And what stumbled out of the impact zone was the most unlikely part of the story.
... Where... were you? Did you... fall asleep again? Opening your eyes, the cold midnight wilderness flashed alight with an eerie aurora floating close to the ground. The dust was settling, but instead of dispersing into the dirt, it'd been floating up back toward the clear starflecked sky. The surrounding field stood littered with broken shards of... something. They'd been decaying into twinkling flakes light enough to float off the ground — and being that it was pitch black, the only light you had to see was quickly dispersing from the stripped soil and clumps of torn up grass. Once they'd burnt the last of their light, it had left you nothing but one last gentle light source. Registering the mysterious shimmering crystal not far from your face, you sat up, with no proper sense of how you'd got there or what it had been doing on top of you. You must've walked for miles with it in your arms before passing out from exhaustion.
You're really asleep again. You tried to cry out, open your eyes. Nothing happened. You tried to feel your fingertips, your breath in and out of your nose. Where is your body? Nothing... happened. The shell forming around you kept out the melded together white silhouettes, but it also kept you in. But a woman burst through the doors, and you couldn't make out here face as she yelled at them to stop. No, all you could make out was the familiar pattern of her earrings. "Can't you see that you can't drill through this?!" She pushed them out of the way, standing between you and their stainless steel tools. "You'll do nothing but hurt the both of them!"
. There's some illegible message displayed on the device you hold in your hands. You look down at it, not remembering what you were doing before.
You can't make out any of the details anymore, but you're unable to look away as you hear the sound effect from pressing the A-button. The symbols warp into familiar letters. You suddenly feel a slightly overshadowing presence behind you. At last, comprehensible text materializes.
"And so you have returned with some pretense of self awareness. Not as you were before, however."
You press the A-button again. "More a shell of what you once were... Something I lament to say likely cannot be reversed." A-button. "Nay, you are not the you that I once knew." You... press it again. "..." It does not speak, so you press it again.
And again.
"I am at a loss as to whether I should mourn a past that has faded into obscurity or feel at peace knowing that you are as ever-changing as the world you left in my charge." You press the button one more time, but the voice seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking of what next to say.
". . . "
"Regardless, I have been awaiting your return for a very long time."
Better to get up and put on your tacky school uniform now than fall back asleep and wait to be dragged out from your boring old dorm room by the scruff.
Being taken as a test subject in the most remote middle-of-the-ocean facility felt more like being held prisoner than enrolling in school. Your homeroom teacher, Ms. Briar, had served as a reminder that the muddy flashes of memories you had of being encased in a living crystal were, in fact, real. She seems to know a lot about the creature you woke up holding, but next to nothing about you. While still mildly annoyed by her poking and prodding, you've warily come to accept that her endless curiosity is not out of cruelty. She is... respectful toward you. Not of your boundaries, but she's fascinated with you in a mild manner that does not immediately endanger your safety. Speaking of, as you sat down and slung your bag over the desk chair, Terapagos came tumbling out, clinking clumsily against the floor. "Aaa-" It cried, stuck on its back. Or, well, not it. He. You quickly scooped him up and set him back on his legs. He's looking up at you, nudging your shoe with his head. His unusually large eyes sparkle as he stares with unmatched innocence, waiting for you to bend over and pick him up. Which you do, knowing the pink haired girl that sits a few rows behind you is vibrating in her seat. "Cute... so cute..." She's mumbling under her breath. Ever since you 'enrolled' she'd done nothing but stare at your companion, which he seemed to find uncomfortable if the pulling at your shoelace wasn't enough to convey that fact. "Alright, little guy, alright. I'm on it." You huff, gently plucking him off the ground with two hands. He cries out in joy and she suddenly clutches her heart, falling backward out of her seat.
Nobody here talks to you. Not because they haven't tried, but because every attempt has been met with you either pretending you hadn't heard them or getting up and walking out the classroom. All Briar had to do was take the attendance. They couldn't necessarily threaten you into forced bonding with others. No, your real confinement was having to go into the terrarium and complete menial tasks for the equivalent of money just so you could buy food and school supplies. You didn't even want to be here, you just didn't have anywhere better to go. Apparently they just wanted to protect you for the time being, but there's no way in hell you'd believe that's why they sent you into glorified solitary confinement in the middle of the ocean. Everyone else had permission to come and go whensoever they pleased.
No, your only equals here were your few Pokemon friends. The researchers might've claimed to be keeping your friends in the terrarium for the sake of their health and the preservation of the outside world it mimicked, but you'd never believe in their so called pure intentions. No, this was a pretty little garden for outsiders looking in, and a cage too small for ornate living decorations like you.
Terapagos had been your only one constant since day one, and he was wary of most other people. You trusted his judgement the most. Most other people. The lunch ladies were apparently the saints of the Pokemon world. The food staff are genuinely kind, and Terapagos is a fiend for all types of Pokemon confections you're quickly learning. They've told you that most Pokemon have a taste preference, but not your special little pal, though the poor thing had such a tiny stomach that does not match his monstrous appetite at all.
There's one other person Terapagos had once been intent on pestering in at the cafeteria, but was quickly distracted by another helping of berries and whipped cream.
Compliments to the hardworking Alcremie in the kitchen, they were the only ones who could truly keep his menace at bay... You were endlessly thankful for the distraction, anyway. You wouldn't have known what to do if he'd marched right on up to the four of them chatting amongst themselves over lunch. Red haired dude. Pink haired girl. Scary four eyes. Annoying dragon jerk. Everyone knew who they were. Those were the most problematic trainers in all the Academy.
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beom9yus · 1 year
back for more - taehyun
: alien!taehyun x afab!reader
: you were relaxing one day, when you hear a sound of a crash coming from your backyard
: oral - reader receiving, penetration, gendered term girl is used and that’s it. pretty tame fic tbh
: 5k words
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It has been more than a year since you’ve moved into a rural area. You’d always loved peacefulness and quiet, and you worked hard for your current living situation. You get to work from home and make a lot of money, while not having to interact with people, because of course, you live alone with no neighbors surrounding you. You loved it. You’re surrounded by beautiful plants and scenery, seeing fields filled with flowers in the summertime. Of course, it’s expensive living like this. You have to drive for some time to reach stores, and the satellite WiFi and utility costs are tremendous enough, but luckily with your job, you earn more than enough to live the way you want. You loved going outside, doing whatever you wanted without the fear of anyone watching you, your hobbies sprouting freely from how carefree you’ve become. Resting and doing what you want always comes after work though.
You feel your eyes strained as you close your laptop, finally escaping the electronic light hitting them. You get up and stretch, at last looking outside, and you see the warm sun has started to set. The beautiful rays shining through your windows, hitting your walls and furniture, illuminating your house beautifully. You smile to yourself, realizing your work was done. It was worth it, you have the next three days off because you decided you would finish your work assignment before it was supposed to be completed, wanting to enjoy extra days doing what you want. You just suffered sitting on your computer for eleven on-and-off hours for something that could be done in four days, but it had been completed. 
You dance a little to yourself, realizing you could spend the next few days frolicking like a little lamb in the fields if you wanted to, maybe you should go hiking, or just stay in sleeping, or anything else, whatever you wanted. Your little dance was stopped early as you felt your stomach grumble. Hungry..
You head towards your kitchen as you decide on what you wanted to eat. Preparing the dish and finishing it, you throw the plate into the sink. You’ll do that later.
Now, it was time to relax and watch a show on the couch. You decide to put on some random alien documentary, liking crazy theories and conspiracies, it was just interesting to you, because you will never believe them until you yourself come across one and see one in front of you. Which you know will never happen. The documentary was quite interesting though, almost believable, until you start thinking again rationally. You spent some time like this. At this point you were getting a little bored, texting back some of your friends, them asking when you’ll be in the city again. You continue to scroll through your social media apps. Then you stop and look around, thinking you hear a loud whirring sound coming from outside, until suddenly, you hear an alarmingly scary thundering crash come from the back of your house. You see a bright white light shine through your windows for a split second, like a quick flash. The light was harsh and pale compared to the warm and pretty rays from the sun earlier. You think that somehow, maybe, a car found itself onto your secluded area, but it can’t be. Your house was way too hidden and far away from the busy city or any type of civilization for people to know where it is without exact directions. You head towards your windows, trying to see if you could view what exactly just happened, and that’s when you realize it’s way too dark. The sun went down some time ago, and the light from inside your house can’t reach too far out. 
You grab your jacket and shoes, along with a bright flashlight. You slide open your doors, cool wind nipping at your cheeks. It’s cold. You decide not to turn on your light until you got closer to whatever it was that infiltrated your space, scared it might be something dangerous. You get closer to where you hear gentle whirring, the only sounds outside coming from your shoes crunching against the grass. Barely able to see, your eyes finally make a dark outline of a weirdly shaped—weirdly shaped something. You have no idea what it is. Finally after it seemed like forever, you get close enough to actually see some of the stars reflecting off of it, and you finally turn your flashlight on. 
What. The. Fuck. 
You start to breathe quickly through your nose, about to freak out. What the fuck is this? It looks like some weird—spaceship?! You drag the light of your flashlight along the bright metal. You notice the way it looks like nothing you’d ever seen. You see two thick leg-like metal poles sticking out from the smooth underside. You extend your hand out to feel one of them, and not surprisingly, it’s cool to the touch. You continue to look, until you realize, if this is some kind of spaceship, where’s the person? You start to panic again, for some reason feeling scared. Maybe this was one of the downsides of living alone with nobody close. You had no one to call over or help you. You try not to think about it too much, as you continue to walk towards the other side of the spaceship, if you could even call it that. It was like a saucer shape. You feel crazy even just thinking of this as a flying saucer like some conspiracy theory freak, but there was no other way to explain its shape. 
You look at the weird capsule in front of you, until you realize it had fallen on its side. You reach what seems like a glass dome, it hadn’t been cracked, but it was now separated from the machinery, barely hanging on. You shine your light on the dome, shining the light slowly towards the inside, following where your eyes moved. The light illuminates some parts inside, seeing weird advanced looking gadgets and screens, unusual looking buttons attached on the steel-looking dashboard. As you move your hand, your flashlight lands on something you wished you almost made up in your head. 
You see a man, still sitting on the small seat in the device, eyes and mouth closed, his head on the headrest facing towards your side, and looking…dead. You quickly go towards him, stumbling and almost tripping. You were about to move him a little from the seat, and then you realized there’s heat radiating off from him. A lot of heat, like, intense heat. Worried for this random stranger, you try to think of a way to help him. You were way too weak to carry him into your house, but there had to be a way. You quickly realized you could maybe drag him..? It was not an optimal choice, but right now you couldn’t think of anything else. You quickly grab a sheet you leave outside for when you want to lay down and look at the stars, and you expand it onto the ground. You struggle as you grab the mysterious man from his arms, and slowly drag him onto the thick sheet. You feel your hands hot from where you had grabbed him, almost as if you ran your hands under warm water. You look at the stranger and grab the two corners of the sheet and try to pull him into the house. You would’ve laughed at this scenario, a man passed out on a sheet, and a nimble person like you dragging him into your house as if you were some weird person dragging a body somewhere. You quickly realize that ‘funny’ thought was a little macabre, and instead focus on using all your strength into dragging this guy inside before something else happens to him. About 15 minutes later, the stranger is now on your living room floor, and you’re a sweating mess. You breathe heavily on the couch when you realize you have to also place him on the couch. Closing your eyes tightly, you mentally prepare yourself to try to transfer him onto it. You bend your knees down into a squatting position as you grab his arms and pull them on top of your shoulders. You slowly, very slowly, move up, until you can finally plop him into the couch. That’s enough exercise for the rest of the year, you think to yourself. You position his head and legs correctly, going into the kitchen again, but this time to get a cloth for his forehead. 
Once you walk back with a washcloth and a bowl of cold water, your body freezes as you look down at him. He had some kind of antennae on his head. What. What? You shake your head fast, trying to force yourself out this weird dream that you were obviously in. There’s no way this is real life. You also didn’t realize, how he’s a little weird. He had pink hair, which isn’t anything especially weird, but why were these weird things coming out of his head the same color? They weren’t that long, maybe three inches tall, with a small little bulb on the top of them. He had what seemed like shiny, glittering skin on his neck and jaw. You also noticed his clothing. He was wearing this weird shiny and sparkly white turtleneck, with different pretty colored bead looking things going down the cloth. It was really pretty actually. You notice a sharp body necklace on his shoulders that went down under his chest area. It had what seemed like sharp shark teeth shaped metal lining it, along with black medium sized beads traveling across his chest. Maybe the weirdest thing was that he didn’t have any shoes on. You didn’t have the heart to keep looking at his feet, weirded out by them. You tried not to freak out as your imagination runs wild from confusion and slight fear. Not as strange, but also weird of you to think—he’s cute. 
Really cute. Furrowing your brow, you ask yourself, is this some kind of prank? You look around, waiting for some guy to pop out with a camera or something, yelling at you that you’ve been pranked. That doesn’t happen though. You have to sit with the reality that you dragged in some random person with antennas on their pink haired head and cute face in your house, that is now laying down on your couch.
You lower yourself onto your knees, the back soles of your feet on your butt, placing the bowl on the center table and making sure the cloth soaks up the cold water. As you ring out the cloth, you look back at him, brain registering quickly that two eyes were looking back at you already. You screamed and quickly got up, almost slipping because you knocked over the bowl in the process. 
You calm down the best you can as you finally look back at the person staring at you. He looks confused as you look back at him. 
“Hi, um, I don’t know what happened or what or who you are or like, why you’re here but I found you passed out inside your…vehicle?..outside. Are you, are you okay?” You see the way his antennae twitch slightly as you finish talking. It seems like he’s thinking about his response as he places his finger on his chin and looks down at his thighs. He quickly looks up at you again, answering you. “I’m fine. Thank you. I’ll be leaving now.” He starts to get up as you go towards him and lightly push him down by his shoulders. “Where are you going? That thing outside is kind of really trashed and it’s” you look up at the clock, “it’s 11pm right now in the middle of nowhere, what are you going to do?” You wait for his response as he does the same gesture as before. “Trashed..?” He looks really confused, his mouth into a scowl. You nervously back up, suddenly nervous again. “Yeah, it’s like, messed up. All dented and broken and stuff.” You shift your hands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
 “Oh. I’ll fix it.” 
He starts to get up this time and you don’t stop him, instead following him with your flashlight. You feel the cold hit you once again as you waddle behind him into the darkness. You see the way he walks, so confidently and swiftly. He doesn’t say anything as he hears you walking behind him. He doesn’t really care. 
You guys have reached the spaceship and he turns to you. “Can I use that?” He was pointing at your flashlight and you handed it over to him. He quickly moves around the ship, examining the body. He grabs a gadget from the inside that looks like some form of advanced, clear tablet, and starts to use it. You were panicking a lot at this point. Is this dude an alien? Some kind of extraterrestrial? They exist? You almost feel drained as your brain works hard to try to understand what was happening. You feel yourself stare at nothing, still not wrapping your mind around the current events.
That’s when you see two feet that weren’t yours in front of you. You look up and see him looking down at you already. “I’m going to have to stay here for a while.” You make an offended look as you stare back at him in shock. “What? Why here? Isn’t there someplace you can go? I don’t even know you that well by the way-or actually I don’t know you at all! I don’t even know what you are. There’s no way you’re staying here.” He looks unaffected by your words as he just opens his mouth to talk. 
“My earth name is Taehyun, I’m what you humans call an ‘extraterrestrial.’ If I go anywhere else, there would be safety regulations exploited and your planet would be in danger. If anyone else finds me out and the information gets into the wrong hands and people realize we exist, bad things will happen. For this world, of course,” he looks around at the scenery as if he could actually see anything in the darkness, and finally looks back at you, “not mine. So if you want to be safe, along with everyone else, you’ll continue helping me.” 
You think about it, your head spinning. What is going on? He has to be telling the truth, how else would any of this make sense? You decide to trust him, and nod your head. “Okay. How long?” He finally makes a facial expression that wasn’t confusion, as he does a small smile, “about 5 months. I need to recuperate, as my ship runs on my body power, but because of the crash, I’m extremely weak right now and what I use to heal up, along with devices that could contact help are broken.” Your eyes open wide at hearing five months. There’s no way this is happening. There goes your next three days off. 
It’s happening. Today marks the last month left of Taehyun staying with you. You’ve noticed how he actually has grown stronger slowly over time, as well as his skin seemingly glowing, his big brown eyes becoming somehow shinier, and his hair prettier. You close your laptop as you always do, and head to the living room. There you see Taehyun, watching the same documentary you were watching the night he appeared. “There’s no way they think they’re right. They have everything wrong. It’s really funny actually,” he says, smiling cutely and looking at you. He has gotten so much cuter too. He started warming up to you after a month and a half, and since then you’ve always seen his pretty smile and gorgeous boba eyes looking at you with actual care.  
You had to teach him a lot of things, how to basically be human. You giggle as you ask him, “what did they get wrong?” He looks at you before thinking for a second. “Well, they think we’re some kind of super smart humanoids or something. We’re not. Our technology scans the most advanced forms of society and species in each planet, and we can transform into whatever it is. It’s easier that way to go unnoticed and to fit in.” You nod your head, “yeah that makes sense. So…what do you really look like?” He makes a thinking face, puckering his lips as he thinks. “I dunno. It’d be hard to describe honestly. I don’t think your little brain could handle it either.” You laugh as you shove him a little, “shut up!” He giggles, his eyes scrunching up as his sharp teeth show up when he smiles. You start to question yourself as your heart skips a beat looking at him. What’s wrong with you, have you really fallen for an alien?
“Are you okay?” It seems Taehyun picked up your change in mood. You quickly lift up your spirits as you let out a “yep!”
You look at the tv and then at him again, “Isn’t it crazy how it’s almost been five months since you crashed here? Time went by fast. I remember how stern and cold you were when you appeared.” He lets out a tiny screech, “noooooo! Don’t remind me. A lot has changed you know! Thanks to you I’ve experienced a lot of things I’ve never experienced in outer space. They might be really tame, but I really understand the experience and love for them.” You smile as you ask him, “hey, since you said you guys change form, how come you still have alien characteristics? Like your antennas and skin.” He playfully scowls as he answers you, “I’ve answered this question already for you a million times! It’s because my space ship broke down mid-flight so the transformation couldn’t be fully completed. I would’ve looked no different than an actual human, you would’ve never guessed.” 
“Yeah I know, I just like hearing about you guys.” 
He gives you a serious ‘really’ face as you giggle. “Hey, since it’s almost time you leave, what’s something else you want to do on Earth before you go?” He looks at you, suddenly looking embarrassed. “Uh…well that’s private” you scoff. “What? What do you mean it’s private you weirdo, tell me nowwwww.” You get closer to him as you start to shake him by his shoulders. He gives up quite easily, “wanna gaisbsosbdsexhsidbxhuman.” “Dude. I heard none of that. I won’t know what you want if you don’t tell me clearly. Speak up! And clearly!” 
He sighs, defeated. “I want to experience sex with a human.” He scratches the back of his head nervously as you just look at him, “Friends that I have always tell me about their visits and from the sound of it…they’re always talking about how it feels really good or whatever. I just want to know what it’s like too. You know it’s different for us in our material bodies.” 
 You say nothing else as you continue to focus on the tv screen. Well this got a little awkward…suddenly, an idea appeared in your head.
“What if…what if I helped you?” You try your best to look away from him, staring at the wall, not wanting to see his reaction. You just hear a quiet hum come from Taehyun, something you notice he does now when he thinks about something difficult.
You almost get whiplash from turning your head towards him, surprised. “Huh? Ok? Really?” He gives you a confused smirk, “why are you confused, you’re the one who asked me. And yeah, ok. It’s not like you’ll remember anyways.” Suddenly he looks a little sad. “What does that mean?” He shakes his head, “nothing. Well, are you going to come over here or not?” 
You slowly get closer to him again, nervous. “You don’t have to do this just because I wanted to experience it, you know.” You look down to his lips and into his eyes again, “yeah I know. I wanna.” He smiles as he places a hand on your cheek, kissing you. He was cool to the touch, unlike how you first found him. You slowly kiss him back, feeling nervous. You like the way his pretty lips feel against your own, soft and fleshy. He nips at your bottom lip as you feel his hand travel under your shirt, cool skin against yours making you gasp a bit. You feel him smirk against you as he takes the opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. Fighting back, you guys continue to make out. 
You suddenly feel your lips tingle, and you separate yourself from him, placing your fingers on your lips. “Are your lips feeling a little weird?” He asks you, a little breathless from your activity. You tell him yes as starts explaining to you, “when we feel…sexually aroused” he coughs, “um, our spit turns into this kind of aphrodisiac, it kind of affects your skin like a little irritant, but it makes you feel really good after it finally settles in.” “You have built in aphrodisiac inducing spit? You’re literally so freaky,” you giggle. 
He smiles against you as he kisses you again, tugging at your shirt to take it off. You take it off, only your bra showing. Taehyun takes the initiative to remove it from your body, leaving your breasts free. You felt your nipples harden at the cool air coming from Taehyun’s hands as they’re groping your fleshy area. He leans down and sucks one of your hard nipples into his mouth, and you feel the same tingling sensation that you felt on your lips onto your right breast. 
You move your head back, eyes now watching the ceiling as you play with the back of Taehyun’s pink hair. Feeling good, you bite your lips from letting out whimpering noises. You feel and hear yourself almost panting, body freezing for a split second as you feel a surge of hotness run through your body quickly. Suddenly feeling needy, too needy, you squeeze your thighs together, wetness feeling way too apparent right now. “Feeling needy y/n?” Taehyun looks up at you. You swear you almost cum right then and there at the sight of his pretty boba eyes glimmering as they look up at you, left nipple now in his mouth. He suddenly feels a lot warmer now, no longer cool. You shake your head yes, too scared to talk. He runs his thumb over the nipple he had in his mouth before he switched, and starts slowly rubbing it. “You have to use your words my cute girl, I won’t know what you want unless you tell me clearly. You told me that, remember?” He’s evil. Sighing shakily, you respond, “Taehyun, I need you to fuck me. Please, feeling so hot and bothered. I need you in me.” You felt yourself start to blush deeper at your own words. He just smiles as he says, “after this.”
He gets down from the couch, his knees now on the hard ground and he faces your hips towards his head. Slowly removing your pants, you look down at him, your eyes half lidded. He talks as he’s still removing your underwear now, licking his lips at the sight, “I’ve never done this before so let me experiment a little as I get a hang of it okay?” You swing your arm across your eyes, feeling embarrassed at being the only one naked, along with your current position. “I’d let you do anything to me, just touch me please.” He slowly spreads your legs open, seeing your arousal separate from your thighs. He takes in a sharp breath, wanting nothing else than to make you feel good with his mouth. He looks up at you and sees you covering your face with your arm. “Remove your arm y/n, I can’t see what’ll make you feel good if you’re covering it. Wanna see your face.” You clench around nothing, his words hitting your core. You slowly remove your arm and look down at him. 
He smiles, “thanks.” He places his hands on your thighs, squishing and pressing down on them. You squirm at the feeling. He slowly moves his right hand onto where your cunt is, stopping right before touching it. With his thumb, he slowly slides it over your flaps, this small movement making you go crazy, wanting more. You involuntarily raise your hips, chasing his touch. He places his other hand on your pelvis, his hand bringing you down to the couch pinned, as if you were a piece of paper. He really did get stronger. 
He takes his thumb and index now, spreading open your cunt. You take in a quick breath as you feel the tip of his fingers lightly touch your clit. He brings them down to your slit, and presses the tip of his index into it. He does this maybe three or four times, watching your face as he does so. He finally removes it and takes his finger in his mouth, tasting you. You watch as his eyes widen as he looks up at you, he fixes himself in front of your cunt again, mouth slightly open. “I need to taste more of you,” he says as he finally lowers his mouth onto you. He first starts kitten licking your flaps, and it feels nice, but this isn’t what you want. “Taehyun..need more.” 
He nods his head, his tongue finally entering past your folds, licking your soft skin. He drags his tongue down to your slit, letting it enter in and out of you, and you feel the tip of his nose press against your clit. Seeing how you start breathing raggedly, he finally decides to travel upwards, mouth finally encasing your clit. You let out a loud moan as he flicks his tongue slightly over it, then lapping it up. You felt your cunt start feeling tingly, and everything started feeling ten times better. 
He starts eating you out like a hunger crazed man, loving your reactions. You make eye contact with him, loving the way he looks, his eyes looking so cute and innocent, as if he wasn’t eating you out. The pleasure was so much at this point, you feel your eyes and head roll back as your mouth opens, moaning and calling out Taehyun’s name. Finally, feeling the tip of one his fingers enter your slit again, you came. You came down hard, shaking and pulling on Taehyun’s rosy hair as he continued lapping you up. You swear you were screaming at this point, feeling too good. Your high is finally coming down, yet you still feel Taehyun’s mouth on you. “Fuck, too much Tae.” His mouth finally lets go of your cunt. 
You watch as he raises his head from in between your thighs, his face a mess, “did I make you feel good?” You almost laugh, as if this wasn’t the hardest you’ve come from being eaten out, “yeah, so good. It felt like you were already an expert.” He smiles brightly, his face glistening because he had your arousal everywhere. You shakily move forward to kiss him, tasting yourself through the kiss. Still feeling like you were missing something, you press your forehead against his, “let’s go to my room.” He nods as you grab his hand and drag him into your room. 
As soon as you enter your room, he stands in front of your bed and you push him down. “Taehyun, take off your clothes, please.” He quickly starts removing a white graphic T-shirt you had gotten him, along with some black pants. You bite your lips as you see his shining skin on his neck, looking like glitter. You want to run your tongue over it. He’s only left in his underwear, his bulge apparent as you start to straddle him, kissing him again. You couldn’t get enough of it. You move your head down, finally reaching his neck. It was smooth, and you decided to suck on it, wanting to see your marks later. Your hands travel up behind his head, before they reach one of his antennas.
 Curious, you start slightly touching it, feeling the soft rubber like skin against your two fingers. You feel Taehyun twitch and start whimpering. You touch it a little harder and you hear him mewl, “ah, fuck, th-that feels good, they’re s-so sensitive.” You smirk as you let go of it, finally having enough. You lift him up from the bed and take his place. “Fuck me Taehyun.”
 “Fuck, okay.” 
He crazily takes off his underwear, making you laugh the way he almost falls. He gets on the bed and he’s finally on top of you, face to face as he kisses your cheeks. He looks over your face, his eyes scanning it, trying to figure out what you’re thinking, and you look down. 
Finally seeing his length, you almost choke on your spit. “Wh-th-that’s not going to fit in me.” He looks down, confused. “Is it too small?” You look at him as if he was stupid, “you’re huge!” He laughs, “is that bad?” You think for a moment, “well, it depends I guess..” Suddenly thinking of having his big dick filling you up has you clenching. You couldn’t wait anymore. “Put it in me, please.” “Okay.” He grabs his dick, putting the fat head between your puffy folds, while circling and sliding it around your vulva. It feels really good to you. You lift your hips up, and he gets the message. “Are you ready my cute girl?” You nod your head yes and he presses his tip against your slit, slowly entering you. 
At this point you’re so wet it’s actually a little easy for him to completely enter you. You still feel the pain, but it fades away quickly as you start feeling heightened pleasure. He feels so good in you, feels so full. You’re whining a lot at this point, feeling his entire dick against your walls, every movement making you moan. You look up at Taehyun and he’s not doing any better. He has eyes furrowed in concentration, and he’s letting out quiet whimpers, trying hard not to rut into you. You whisper against his ear “move. Please.” He groans out your name, as you feel his hard abs press against your tummy as he starts to pull out a little.
He starts moving at a brutal pace, pink bangs swinging back and forth. You feel like you’re just a rag doll, the way he’s pounding into your cunt while your body acts as if it’s rubber, you’re feeling too good to have the strength to move along with him. He now sits up on his knees, turning your body over. “You feel so good y/n, never thought it’d be this good. Don’t ever want to stop.” You groan and moan at his words, tears spilling out from your eyes as he finds a new position in you that hits everything just right. Your hands grip your bed sheets tightly, stained with tears now. Taehyun hisses behind you as he feels you deliciously contract against his dick, making him feel even more good. He moves one of his hands from his hips and onto your tummy, pressing down on it as he sees the way it bulges a little when he thrusts into you. You feel your knees about to give out as you bury your head into your bed, feeling pleasure in a way you haven’t before. “My friends were right, this feels so good, I’ll never be the same after this. I’ll need to have you constantly.” He gives you an especially hard thrust, and you feel yourself coming on his dick. 
You shake even more this time, feeling you and your brain become jelly, drool leaving your mouth. Taehyun becomes a whimpering and moaning mess, letting out loud and constant “y/n,” and “ah fuck,” as he feels your walls hug him so tight he can barely move. You fall on your bed, not able to keep yourself up anymore. Taehyun notices and flips you around once more, grabbing your back as he easily lifts you up, making your arms wrap around his neck. He continues thrusting into you and you feel his movements become sloppy. You let out a quiet “Taehyun…” and he snaps. You feel the way his cum pumps out of his length and into you, his intensely warm seed filling you up, and you love how it feels. You come again, although not as hard as the other times. Taehyun’s still messily thrusting into you, repeating your name.
 He slowly puts you down on the bed, and takes out his dick and plops down next to you. With half lidded, tired eyes, you see that his cum wasn’t anything like normal cum. It kind of looked like, clear, golden honey? Curiosity beating you, you crawl over to where Taehyun was, panting heavily, as you clean him up with your tongue. He doesn’t even try to move you away, just groaning and hissing at the feeling. You tasted his cum in your mouth, and it tasted like honey. You’ll never view honey the same. He looks at you, “we need to do this for the next month.” You giggle as you get up to clean yourself off, but meanwhile you’re going to have to teach him about aftercare, you also start feeling a little sad he has to leave eventually, but that’ll come another time. “Yeah, but you still have things to learn, alien boy.” 
The month had passed since then, and he was healthy enough to leave. You were both outside, and within the first touch he gave the ship, it seemed to magically have fixed itself. He finally turns to you, taking out a small vial. “You know I’m supposed to give you this, to make you forget.” You gasp, tears that were already filling your eyes spilling, “I don’t want it. I don’t want to forget you.” He smiles, “don’t worry, I’ve thought about it, I’m not giving it to you.” He kisses you, savoring it as the last kiss he’ll give you for some time. You hold in your sobs as he enters the ship. He sadly smiles at you, “don’t worry y/n. I love you. I’ll come back for more.” With those last words, he was quickly gone, leaving you staring at the night sky full of stars. 
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thinking about taehyun zooming away on a flying saucer has me giggling ngl…
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I’m Here, Right Here Pt. 1
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(Harry Styles x Implied Bi!Fem!reader)
My take from when I first listened to satellite!
Y/N is Jeff's assistant and Harry's best friend. She's been in and out of relationships for one reason or another and is upset. Harry is hopelessly in love with her and she is too blind to see it.
Dating while traveling is not for the weak..
After yet another failed date, I return to my hotel room to find Harry propping himself against my door. He turns his attention to me and smiles when he sees me.
"Hey! Was looking for you. Thought you might want to get some dinner? Sushi and a movie? Haven't done that in a while.."
I sigh and frown, shaking my head as I unlock my door, Harry following me inside.
"That's really sweet, H, but not tonight. I'm honestly exhausted and all I want to do is shower and crash. Rain check? I promise we'll do it tomorrow."
He frowns before nodding.
"Are you gonna tell me what happened?"
I sniffle as I pull off my makeup, trying not to cry.
"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong! Like this guy! His name was Todd... It seemed like we had a lot in common but halfway through dinner, he saw my tattoos and he started scolding me. Then he proceeded to tell me what I was doing wrong in my life, starting with my career choice-."
He lets out a laugh and shakes his head as he collapses on my bed.
"What? You want to be a music producer. I'd say you're heading in the right direction."
I groan and start to pull off my jewelry.
"No, because apparently, that's not a good career for a wife. Like, as if dude! I want things for myself. Im not gonna be some stay at home wife popping out babies, you know? H...Harry, are you listening to me?"
He doesn't answer but he lifts his hand up and gives me a thumbs up. I sigh and change my clothes in the bathroom before coming out and plopping on my stomach next to him.
"What do you think I should do, H?"
He sighs and he's quiet for a minute, his eyes looking anywhere but at me.
"You could stop... Take a break from dating."
I groan and plop my head into the bed.
"I'm not getting any younger! I want things sure, but I want to be happy too!"
He sits up, finally looking down into my eyes, a serious look on his face.
"Aren't you though? You've got all your friends. You've told me time and time again that the perfect one for me will come when I least expect it. So why not try taking your own advice?"
With that, he gets up and heads to the door. I frown, quickly getting up from the bed and chasing after him. I give him a pout and he sighs.
He gives me a small hug and leaves my room, not saying another word.
As promised, the next night, we get sushi and watch some movies. As I stuff my face with California Rolls, Harry continues to ramble.
"You've gone on a date almost every stop we've been on! Who does that?!"
He laughs and I can't help but shrug.
"Someone who just doesn't have any luck, I guess? Every date I've been on... No one really seems to stick out. And it's not like I'm not keeping my options open! But it's just... I don't know."
He nods in understanding before popping a California roll in his mouth.
"Are you gonna sue the dating apps like in that movie? What was it.. Love Guaranteed?"
I snort and choke on my food a little before shaking my head.
"No! That's just a movie! As if I'd meet some attractive lawyer and fall in love! Crazy talk! And what about you, Mr. Pop Star? You've been single for a while. Where's your love life going?"
He doesn't look at me but he shrugs.
"Dunno. Just kind of focusing on my music right now. Figured I've got time, right? No use in worrying."
He drops the topic and we hang out for the rest of the night. For the next week, Harry seems pretty quiet around me, and I'm not really sure why. Mr. Azoff gave me the night off, even though there's a show.
I had originally planned to go on a date, but my date cancelled, so I decide to watch the show. I stand next to Mr. Azoff as I watch Harry go up on stage.
"Why are you still here? Thought you had a hot date?"
I shake my head with a sigh, holding my sweater close to me.
"Cancelled on me. Thought I might enjoy watching him without having to run around for once."
He nods with a small smile. It's quiet for a minute between the two of us, until he says something I wasn't expecting.
"I've noticed you've been going on dates a lot... At least once every stop, if not more."
My eyes widen and I try to defend myself.
"Mr. Azoff-."
He frowns and shakes his head.
"Y/N, I'm not saying this as your boss. I'm saying this as your friend. You do it in your down time but we're all just a bit worried about you. This has to be a lot on you. Just... Talk to someone about it, okay? If you're doing it because you feel alone, don't. You have so many people who care about you. So just... Take it easy, okay?"
I nod and turn my attention back to the stage. Watching Harry up there.. No matter how many times I watch, he's always so captivating. I can't take my eyes off him...
After the show is over, Harry quickly takes a shower. I run out, offering to grab coffee for the band. When I come back, I get echos of thank you's and when I give Harry his coffee, he gives me a look of shock.
"Thought you had a date tonight? What are you doing here?"
He takes the coffee from my hand and I plop down next to him on the sofa, slipping off my heels before resting my feet on the coffee table.
"A bust. Yet again. Maybe next time will work, right? Aren't you the one always telling me to be optimistic?"
He's quiet and he simply stands up before he turns to face me, a look of anger on his face.
"Why are you doing this to yourself, Y/N? You come to me every time, crying for one reason or another how it didn't work out and you're so sad that you're alone! Did you ever think that maybe you're not alone?!"
I stand up and cross my arms, looking straight at him.
"Harry, you don't know what it's like! People like you! I have to work my ass off to make sure I'm appealing to others! I want more! I want love! Don't you get that?"
He shakes his head and walks to the door before turning around to face me again.
"Did you ever stop and think that maybe I might love you?! That watching you go on date after date is killing me?!"
My eyes widen and I stutter.
He shakes his head once again, and stares straight into my eyes.
"It's always round and round with you! Like a fucking satellite! I'm just- I'm done Y/N. I've tried. For months. But I'm done."
He doesn't say another word as he leaves and I fall onto the couch, tears starting to fall down my face.
He was right there?
🚾 1283
Part 2
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
Stranded Chapter 3
Summary:  Tossed overboard and lost at sea, Bucky washes up on an uninhabited island.  Injured, lost and scared, with little to no wilderness training, he fights to survive.  But is he really alone?
Warnings: bodily injury, mentions of sexual harassment/assault, eventual smut
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They were able to get into a rhythm with each other as time passed.  Y/N showed Bucky all the ins and outs of the island, where to find fresh water to drink versus to bathe, where most of the food could be found, and taught him how to fish the ocean around them so they could have more than just fruit to eat and how to cook it properly so he wouldn’t get sick.  His chest injury slowly healed, leaving a gnarly scar that spread across his pectorals.  
Y/N still had some things left over from when the plane crashed like a few books she and the others had, and Bucky took to reading them on the beach after cooking up a fish for dinner.  He could almost always guarantee that he would hear a song being sung throughout the day as Y/N went about doing the daily survival chores.  He had always thought she had a nice voice when he’d heard her songs on the radio years before, so getting to hear her in person was a nice soundtrack to his daily routine.  
The days turned to weeks and then months.  Y/N had already done all the things he’d thought of to try to attract attention from nearby ships or planes or even satellites flying above them, and within the four or so years she had been here nothing had worked.  He contemplated ways that maybe they hadn’t thought of, things that could possibly work, but so far had come up empty.
They had talked extensively and learned a lot about each other.  She quickly became one of the best friends he’d ever had in his life, not just because they were stuck with each other for the foreseeable future.  Bucky could tell that he was getting into dangerous territory as his feelings toward her changed to something more romantic.  He did some introspection to see if it was a case of Nightingale Syndrome: falling in love with someone who saves them.  As much as he was appreciative of that, he felt that wasn’t it.  He loved her voice and getting to hear her sing everyday.  He loved her smile and how much wider it became as the months went on.  He loved making her laugh, and how loud and boisterous she laughed.  He loved how determined she was and how calm and collected she could be in high pressure situations, and that even with all she had been through she could still find it in herself to be soft and kind.  
They shared the bed every night and more often than not woke up entangled in each other’s arms, and it was turning into more of a common routine now for them to cuddle together as they fell asleep, rather than doing it by chance overnight.  As Bucky’s hair grew Y/N started to hold him to her chest and run her fingers through his hair, humming or softly singing a song she loved called “Nature Boy” that lulled him to sleep without fail.  If there was ever a night where she happened to not do it he would have a fitful sleep.  
As the winter season started to set in, the nights became colder, making it so sleeping was difficult without being completely snuggled against each other for warmth.  On one such night Y/N couldn’t stop shivering, even with Bucky behind her and the blankets cocooned around them, the windows blocked with clothes and other things to keep the cold out.  
“Y/N, for God’s sake,” Bucky sighed as he rubbed her arms, her feet freezing against his shins.
“I’m s-s-sorry,” Y/N whined, her arms tight against her chest.  “I don’t know w-w-w-what’s wrong with m-m-meee…”
Bucky tried shifting her so she was facing him, tucking her cold nose against his chest, making him gasp.  “Jesus Christ, you’re freezing.”  Y/N nodded slightly, her fingers diving under his shirt and slotting under his armpits.  “FUCK!  Okay, we gotta figure something else out,” Bucky said as rubbed her back and made sure she was tucked in by the blankets well enough.  He had a fleeting thought as her fingers warmed under his armpits that made him tense.  Something about how body heat is the best way to make sure people don’t freeze…
“W-w-what?” Y/N asked, looking up at him as he tensed.
“Um…there’s something that might help,” Bucky said quietly, trying to calm his frantic heart.  
“I-I-I’ll do anything…my whole body hurts,” Y/N whispered, her face burying into his neck.
Bucky was becoming genuinely afraid now.  He did not want to wake up to a dead woman next to him, especially the love of his life.  “We need to take our clothes off,” he said urgently, starting to pull his shirt off.
“Wait…what?” Y/N now tensed, her wide eyes staring at him.
“Sharing body heat will keep us both warm,” he explained as he shifted and took his pants off.  Y/N was dumbfounded.  “Come on, lovey, or else you’ll freeze to death.”
Y/N exhaled sharply then started pulling her shirt off.  Once they were both naked he held her close to him again, desperately ignoring the fact that her breasts were against his stomach and one of her legs was tucked between his, making his cock rest on her thigh.  Her cold limbs more than made up for the awkwardness as he rubbed her arms and legs, trying to get her to warm up faster.  She tucked her face back into his neck, her hands against his chest slightly tracing his scar as she tried to breathe normally.
Bucky could feel her warming up within a few minutes and it made him sigh in relief.  Her fingers no longer felt like popsicles, her feet moving against his legs and not making him flinch away.  She sighed heavily as her nose warmed up against him and her breathing evened out.  The shivering eventually died down and she wrapped her arm around his back, making her body flush with his.
“Thank you, Buck,” Y/N whispered, her lips moving against his jaw.
“Don’t mention it,” Bucky huffed a laugh, kissing her forehead.
Y/N froze at that.  As much as they had cuddled and were now in this crazy predicament, they had never done anything intimate like kissing, even in very neutral parts of the body like on the forehead or the hand or anything else.  Bucky waited for her to calm down, but she didn’t.  “What happened?” he asked quietly.
“Nothing,” Y/N rushed out.  
“Was that not okay?  I’m sorry–”
“No, it was okay, I was just surprised,” she said.  Her voice was giving off an air of nonchalance but her body was still tense.
“Sure, and I’m not hugging a statue,” Bucky snorted.
Y/N laughed at that, her body shaking at his joke.  Bucky laughed along with her.  “It…it was just nice, is all,” Y/N said, still giggling.
“Oh you liked it, huh?” Bucky teased her, his hands slipping to tickle her sides.  Y/N squealed and twisted in his hold, her hands pushing against his chest to get away.  He moved up so he was hovering over her and tickled her neck.  Through their movements they found themselves within an inch of each other’s faces, catching their breaths and staring at each other.  Bucky’s eyes blinked rapidly as they flicked between her eyes and down to her mouth.  Y/N did the same to him.  He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose softly, making her smile.  “This is…dangerous,” he whispered as he stared at her lips.
“Yes,” Y/N agreed.  “We should probably stop.”
“Probably,” Bucky nodded but didn’t move away.  
Y/N took the initiative and pushed away from him again.  “Let’s, uh, get some sleep,” she said, disappointment laced in her tone.
“…okay,” Bucky said, feeling dejected but knowing it was probably for the best.
They awkwardly lay close together again, letting the warmth envelop them and eventually dozing off to sleep.
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radioactivepeasant · 6 days
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
As per the poll results, we are giving Damas stress via Just Plain Silliness. It builds character. Not that I needed an excuse to Inconvenience Characters in the first place 😆 it's become my favorite way of writing anything. Not Angst or Adventure, but Aggravation of Character in ridiculous ways 😂
This falls into the Trespasser au (last "episode" of that found HERE) a bit before the second Arena fight in the game.
The king of Spargus, Jak decided, was a killjoy.
For a city where strength and survival were supposed to be the most important traits, he sure didn't like any of Jak's demonstrations of strength or survival.
"You can't race Leapers in the middle of the market."
"Don't swim over the reef."
"Stop antagonizing the monks."
"You can't race Leapers on neighborhood roofs, either."
"If I told you not to swim over the reef, why would you assume I'd be okay with you feeding the sea monster?!'
It was like he was vehemently opposed to the mere concept of fun.
Jak folded his arms and tried not to roll his eyes while Kleiver complained about the scuffed up suspension and undercarriage on the Dune Hopper. Sure, he'd cut it a little close on the broken bridge, but he'd gotten away with the artifacts and left the Marauders in a two car pile up, so who was the winner, here?
Not Jak, apparently.
Damas listened to Kleiver yell about how he'd have to redo the entire suspension -- a gross exaggeration -- and how there was half a metalhead stuck in the undercarriage. Now that, Jak hadn't known about. When had he run over a metalhead?
"Hey! We didn't do that!" Daxter protested, "How do we know you didn't put that there last time you drove?!"
"Because I don't take the Hopper if I plan to do a run down Turquoise Canyon!" Kleiver snapped.
Damas steepled his fingers in front of his mouth and examined the damaged vehicle.
"One of these days, kid, I swear to Volcan-"
"What?! I got the job done, didn't I?" Jak protested indignantly. "Did you want the Marauders to get their hands on a functioning power cell?"
Damas’s jaw tightened so much that his mouth appeared to be folding inward. He inhaled slowly, and let it out again, ears twitching while he was very obviously counting to ten.
"There are no jumps in the canyon," he said slowly, "So how did you manage this?"
Jak shrugged nonchalantly. "The 'rauders chased us out to the ruins," he explained, "Ran out of turbo, so I had to get creative with the jump."
Kleiver started swearing very creatively under his breath. Damas turned an interesting shade of red.
"That does it."
The king grabbed Jak by the channeling ring and near dragged him out of the garage before Kleiver could clobber someone with a wrench.
"One more stunt like that out of you," Damas threatened, "and I'm entering you into an apprenticeship. Let's see you foment chaos with an actual structure in your day."
"You're not gonna do that," Jak scoffed.
Damas’s eyes narrowed. "Try me."
Jak did not take this nearly as seriously as he ought to have. In fact, he seemed to regard the threat as more instances of Damas "worrying too much". Damas did not worry too much! If anything, he wasn't worried enough about the insanity this young unknown relative had brought into his city! More than one advisor or guildmaster had been privy to the king muttering darkly, "I'm either going to kill him, or start training him myself. I'll let you know when I've figured out which."
And of course, Jak kept being Jak. Climbing the Arena walls because he saw a Precursor orb someone had dropped. Messing around with some kind of evil alien satellite on the beach. Inciting other inhabitants of the youth barracks to join foot races in the barrack halls in the dead hours of night. And he seemed to regard all of this as perfectly normal behavior. It was like all the impulses he'd had to shove down in Haven, all the ways he'd had to be perfect to fit under the yoke of that terrible word, hero, everything came crashing down in Spargus. He had almost no limits here, and that kind of freedom seemed to awaken a wildness that was above the paygrade of the dorm supervisor.
It came to the point where Damas was actually allowing the kid to go out into a sandstorm, just to get some of that boundless energy out! It wouldn't have been his first choice. Or even his tenth. But the storm rolling in was much larger than anything else they'd seen that summer. And for all his recklessness, Jak was their fastest driver.
"Four scouts have not reported in," the king told Jak and Daxter. His face was grim. "Two just set off their emergency beacons. At the rate this storm is going-"
He shook his head, cutting off his sentence.
Daxter had worried that Spargus would be another Krew situation at first. But here was the king of the cranky lizard-riders, flipping out because a handful of scouts -- one of the lowest ranks in the city -- weren't accounted for before a deadly storm.
In Haven, their absence wouldn't have even been noticed until roll call.
The old timers in the market were right, weren't they? "King's eyes see all." This guy watched everyone like a hawk, didn't he? Daxter wasn't sure if that bothered him, or if it just reminded him of Jak.
He supposed that was fitting, considering the two were probably related, no matter how in denial Jak seemed to be about being an Heir of Mar.
"Where's the Crawler right now?" Jak asked.
The mobile sandstorm shelter wasn't invincible, but it could take a lot. That would be the scouts' best bet.
Damas looked out the windows, glaring at the dark clouds as though he could hold the storm back by sheer force of will. It took a moment to hear his voice over the water.
"The Crawler is in the steppes at the moment. She's not a fast vehicle, Jak. I need you to get those scouts to either the Crawler or the city."
"I will."
Damas turned a stern look on them both.
"No stunts. These are people's lives we're talking about."
"I know!" Jak sputtered, a little offended. "And I won't bust the car up this time, so Kleiver can give it a rest."
"No. I'm serious, boy," Damas warned, "If it comes down to abandoning the car for shelter or trying to drive in the storm, you leave the car. Do you understand?"
Jak huffed. Damas had seen him outrun sandstorms before! What was so bad about a slightly bigger one?
"I got it, I got it," he grumbled.
Damas glared.
"No. Stunts. You get back here in one piece."
"Okay, I got it already!" Jak groaned.
"I know, Dad!" Jak complained.
An instant later his eyes widened.
The water suddenly seemed much louder than usual.
Daxter wasn't even sure any of them were breathing.
Three pairs of dramatically widened eyes darted back and forth between them as silence built up like steam under pressure. It was going to erupt sooner or later, the question was how.
Damas made a very small, strangled noise in the back of his throat.
Jak snapped out of his moment of horrified realization.
"Uh. I'll let you know when everyone is accounted for!"
He pivoted and bolted for the elevator before Damas could see his entire face burn crimson.
A guard at the back of the chamber opened his mouth to comment and in one rushed tangle of syllables Jak hissed,
Damas didn't blink for a good two minutes after Jak had left.
He didn't move for a good two minutes.
He stood exactly where he'd been, staring blankly at the empty elevator shaft.
The captain of the tower guard, an older man named Cephus, left his place by the windows to lean into Damas’s peripheral vision. He waved slightly, and the king finally blinked.
"Are you alright, sire?" Cephus asked.
Damas made a curious wheeze before speaking through a groaning inhalation.
"Oh no."
"Hm!" Cephus stroked his long beard. "Guess the wild one imprinted on you! Do I offer congratulations or condolences?"
Damas nodded slowly and stiffly.
There could not possibly have been a worse time for the monks to finally send him the results of the blood test.
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boccher · 8 months
Recommendations for stargazing?
https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/ shows where skies are good, basically the darker it is the better the sky will be. you can click on the map to see the "bortle class" of a location, which is a classification system that gives a general idea of what you can see. (descriptions of each class on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bortle_scale). In my experience, if you've never seen a dark sky, then bortle 3 & 4 locations will be fantastic looking straight above you, bortle 1 & 2 will be fantastic in all directions.
it takes time for your eyes to adapt to the dark to see as much dark detail as they can. For dark sites, I often hear people recommend at least 30 minutes without any bright screens or lights or torches to get the best experience
You wanna avoid stargazing when the moon is out (like greater than 30% phase) cuz it acts as a big light globe and defeats the purpose of dark skies. You can look at the moon from anywhere anyway. The moon cycles through its phases in an interval of about once a month. Take note of moon phase, moonrise and moonset times, and plan your stargazing around them. Stellarium (website or program or app) is helpful for seeing when the moon is out, and is generally a great map of everything in the sky.
The brightest parts of the milky way are high in the sky between june and october. But I'd say it's definitely still worth seeing both sides of the milky way at a dark site. Also the more south your latitude, the better view you get of the milky way core.
During late spring (in both hemispheres) the milky way only rises at inconvenient times, so take note of that.
You wanna check weather conditions. Getting caught in rain is miserable. Even if it's clear, smoke or raised dust or mist or high humidity can blot out the sky and make it harder to stargaze. It's not super easy to predict those conditions, often it requires observing the air on the day that you're stargazing or checking satellite imagery. but usually for mid-latitude locations, the clearest clear skies occur for the few days after a cold front, under high pressure (it still depends on local weather patterns)
Generally, locations at high elevation are better for stargazing than locations at low elevation of equivalent bortle class, because there's less atmosphere to look through so the sky will be clearer
Bring a chair or else your legs and neck will hurt like a bitch and the experience starts to become a bit painful. A chair that can lean back is ideal. Dress for the weather, then bring an extra layer just in case
A good way to find stargazing locations is by searching up local astronomy clubs and seeing where they like to go. Don't crash their events if they're invite-only though
Be aware of local wildlife. Here the only thing to worry about is snakes really, i dunno what to do in places like america where you have like killer bears and killer bobcats
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