#artemis pan
ghouliax · 1 year
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Hello queer tumblr!!
A while ago I made this flag you see above you. I call it the Artemis Lesbian flag. It’s a flag and term created to represent aspec lesbians who love and protect other sapphics, aspec individuals, and women in general. 
I chose Artemis as the inspiration as She is the Greek Goddess who protects women (especially asexuals and sapphics). Greens and turquoise are chosen to represent Her here as they’re colors I associate with Her, and it’s also a color I associate with aromanticism. Silver and grey were also chosen to represent the moon and it’s feminine energy, as I see the moon as an empowerment symbol for femininity.
I created this term relatively a while ago. Back then I saw queer discourse in black and white, and I wasn’t able to stay true to my own flag’s meaning as I was bigoted towards mspec lesbians. Though as my views towards the queer community grew, I would like for this term to grow as well.
Today, I would like for the Artemis label to expand to include all queer labels. All you need to identify with the label is to be on the ace/aro spectrum, and be in solidarity with women, aspecs and sapphics. Femininity should be something to celebrate in a world where allocishet men are the biggest queer oppressors, and you shouldn’t have to be strictly a woman, feminine or wlw to appreciate that!!
Below the cut I have made more flags for more orientations to be included in this term. I also encourage anyone who wishes to create more flags like these. You may also edit/color shift them to your liking. Thank you very much for reading!!
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Above: Artemis Sapphic. The dandelion was chosen as the representing flower as they symbolize growth, strength and power.
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Above: Artemis Bi(sexual)
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Above: Artemis Pan(sexual)
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Above: Artemis Veldian/Turian (a variation of gay/mlm)
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Above: Artemis Cinthean (a variation of gay/mlm)
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royal-wren · 6 days
Alternative pollinators for Hellenic deities that are more than the historically attested bee to those below (UPG territory).
Aphrodite: Butterflies (Aphrodite the blooming/friend of flowers yessss, y'know aside from them also being very pretty but known for drinking blood, etc.)
Apollon: Snails (The twins have to match, okay?)
Artemis: Slugs (Artemis gets the predator and the one that can be bigger than the biggest snail)
Demeter: Snake-eyed Skinks (or Skinks in general)
Dionysos: Wasps (If you have to ask why, I'm asking why)
Hekate: Moths (No I won't elaborate)
Hermes: Hummingbirds (The reason is obvious)
Persephone: Bats (it just works and it's big SPG at this point)
Pan: Flies
Rhea: Ants (very strong, work together, are very common to find in any wild area)
The Kharites: Beetles, especially Ladybugs
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moplopbool · 11 months
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Hermes, as requested!!
He's such a cool lad, I would love to draw him riding a skateboard one day
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artemis-potnia-theron · 10 months
Artemis + her relationships with other Theoi 🌙🏹🦌
One of the amazing things about Lady Artemis is how versatile her domain is. Here are just some of the prominent theoi she is connected to.
Artemis + Ares 💥
- These two were celebrated together during Kharisteria/Charisteria ('thanksgiving'), which took place on the sixth day of Boedromion.
- Goats were sacrificed jointly to Artemis and Ares for their roles in battle and war.
- Even though Artemis is not technically a 'goddess of war', her role as the (sometimes brutal) hunter gave her an association with battle and death. They were also both patron deities of the Amazons.
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Diana of Versailles (original attributed to Leochares)
Artemis + Apollon 🎼
- Perhaps her most famous connection is to that of her twin brother. They are opposites but are also, in a certain sense, two sides of the same coin.
- Apollon is the warmth of the sun, Artemis is the light of the moon. (They also shared the epithet 'light-bringer') They compliment each other while contrasting.
- They are day and night, city and country. They complete a cycle, making them almost inextricably interconnected in myth. Yet they also share domain over hunting, healing, death, and even music.
- The muses, who were led by Apollon, were often seen accompanying Artemis and her nymphs as she danced through the forest. Dance and music were also vitally important in her rituals.
Artemis Hymnia=Of the Hymns
Artemis Hegemone=Leader of Dance/Choir
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Diana awakening Apollo (Carl Bertling)
Artemis + Dionysus 🐆
- Artemis and Dionysus are both deities of the thin line between us and animals/'beasts.' They symbolize our own wild nature and what it means to succumb to it.
- They historically shared in rituals of 'frenzy', release, and estastic dance. Both are deities of revolutionary liberation and freedom.
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Artemis as 'Potnia Theron' on the François Vase
Artemis + Hekate 🔥
- These two goddesses are so heavily connected that many conflate/synchronize them. They are both deities associated with the night, the moon, and for their roles in protecting the young/children.
- The Roman goddess Diana Trivia is sometimes thought to be a syncretism of Luna/Selene, Artemis/Diana, and Hekate/Trivia.
- They were both known to hold torches and snakes, and some say that it was Artemis instead of Hekate who used her light to guide Demeter to Persephone during her search. Although most still contribute this part of the story to Hekate, it shows how conflated the two goddesses are.
- In some versions of their stories, Iphigenia was 'turned into' Hekate by Artemis. In others, Artemis 'became' Hekate as a companion of Persephone after her descent into the Underworld. Variations of Hekate's name were also epithets of Artemis.
Artemis Hekatê/Hekate = Far-Shooting, Shooter from Afar, or Worker from Afar
Artemis Hekatêbolos/Hecatebolus = Far-Shooting, Far-Darting, or Hundred-Shots
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Artemis, Hekate, and Leto from the Pergamon Altar
Artemis + Persephone 🥀
- It is said that these two were raised together, perhaps with Athena, prior to her descent into the Underworld. They also share domain over nature and vegetation.
- In the Homeric Hymn II to Demeter, (and many other sources) it is said that Artemis and Persephone were picking flowers (sometimes with Athena) when she was taken.
- When Persephone returns from the Underworld, we can only assume that the two sisters and childhood friends are reunited just as she is reunited with Demeter.
- Hekate is also considered to be Persephone's companion in the Underworld. So if one syncretises the two, Artemis-Hekate would be her companion year round!
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Diana's Bath (Louis Devedeux)
Artemis + Demeter 🌾
- As well as being deities of vegetation, Artemis is connected to both Persephone and Demeter in their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Hekate also had a prominent role in this tradition).
- The mysterious goddess Despoine, also central to the Eleusinian Mysteries, is thought to be Persephone, Hekate, Artemis, or some syncretism of them.
- The sanctuary of Despoine, which was vital to the tradition of the Eleusinian Mysteries, was in Arcadia. At this sanctuary, Pausanias stated that multiple representations of Artemis could be found; including a 'six foot tall bronze statue' which stood guardian in front of the entrance to the mystery cult.
- A theory states that Demeter is actually the mother of Artemis, while Leto is her 'sister' or 'nurse.' Pausanias claims that "Artemis was the daughter, not of Leto but of Demeter, which is the Egyptian account."
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Artemis with a Dog (Munich)
Artemis + Selene 🌕
- It is traditionly stated that Selene is the personification of the moon itself while Artemis is a goddess of the moon.
- At some point, the two were congealed/synchronized as Artemis became more and more heavily associated with the moon. The Roman goddess Diana almost certainly involved syncretism between the two.
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Diana and Endymion (Jérôme-Martin Langlois)
Artemis + Pan 🌿
- Artemis and Pan are both deities of the wild, pastures, woodland, animals, and the country. Rural deities with connections to dance and music, these two have a similar untamed persona.
- Pan gave Artemis a pack of seven hunting dogs as a gift, showing their companionship. Pan also famously had a love affair with Selene, so syncretism between Artemis and Selene also connects her to Pan.
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Diana the Huntress (Gaston Casimir Saint-Pierre)
Artemis + Zeus ⛈️
- Artemis has always been a favored daughter of her father. Perhaps their most famous interaction occurs from Callimachus when Artemis, still a child, presents Zeus with a list of requests - including her 'eternal virginity'.
- Zeus is happy to oblige and gives her all that she desired and more. This unconditional love and acceptance illustrates Zeus' affection for his feral daugher of the forest.
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Diana the Huntress by Guilluame Seignac
Artemis + Athena 🦉
- Artemis and Athena share many similar qualities, including their 'chasity' and their choice to remain 'virgins' (in the historical sense of the word).
- As mentioned above, Persephone, Athena, and Artemis are said to have grown up together and were seen picking flowers together.
- As with Artemis' connection to Ares, Athena's domain of war, battle, and death are also connected to Artemis. Their sterness, intensity, and ability to commit violence when deemed necessary connect the two deities.
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Diana as Huntress by Bernardino Cametti
Artemis + Hera 👑
- While these two were often in conflict with each other in myth, they still share connections. In historical celebration and ritual, women/girls progressing to adulthood and/or entering into marriage were ceremoniously passed from Artemis' protection to Hera's. They shared space in the context of transitions.
- In addition, Artemis has been heavily conflated with Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth and daugher of Hera. 'Eileithyia' has even served as an epithet of Artemis.
(From The Theoi Project - theoi.com)
(From She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu)
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awerzo · 2 months
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listen, im a burakhovsky enjoyer just like any other guy, but hear me out: what if aroace artemy
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hades-bat · 1 year
the lines from the Homeric Hymn to Pan where Hermes is described as a loving and caring father, the way his heart is written to be fulfilled with joy as soon as he took the baby in his arms just when the nurse was just too scared of him, and how the Gods were so happy to meet him really makes me emotional and melts my heart. "He delighted all their hearts". Hail to Lord Pan ❤️
these are the lines:
“But when the nurse saw his uncouth face and full beard, she was afraid and sprang up and fled and left the child. [40] Then luck-bringing Hermes received him and took him in his arms: very glad in his heart was the god. And he went quickly to the abodes of the deathless gods, carrying his son wrapped in warm skins of mountain hares, and set him down beside Zeus [45] and showed him to the rest of the gods. Then all the immortals were glad in heart and Bacchic Dionysus in especial; and they called the boy Pan because he delighted all their hearts.”
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wenchcore69 · 13 days
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statues of dionysus, pan, and artemis at the kos archaeological museum in april! 🍇🐐🌒
and also some goofy mycenaean pot fellas bc the mycenaeans knew what they were doing w the whimsical ceramics
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Hellenic Sanctuary
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A retelling of Peter Pan in ancient Greece
Change Peter to Artemis and the Lost Boys to her huntresses.
Change Tiger Lily's people to Scythian raiders, but depict them more respectfully than the "Indians" in Peter Pan tend to be portrayed. Maybe even have the Tiger Lily equivalent join Artemis's hunt?
Tinker Bell could be some sort of nymph.
Keep the mermaids and pirates, as the ancient Mediterranean had plenty of mermaid tales and piracy.
Not sure if the Wendy equivalent should join the hunt in the end, or return home like she does in the original novel. In either case she's probably gay, though. If she does go home, she'll presumably always remember Artemis as "the one that got away." Though maybe Wendy ends up learning poetry from Sappho, which would cheer things up a bit.
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altargarden · 1 year
thank you aphrodite for being the first god i've been in contact with. you have always been a place of safety, security, celebration and love. you've always come back to me, always to show me something new, something revitalising.
thank you pan for giving me a place to talk and express myself. i loved when we would talk together at the dead hours of the night, you always brought life into the air.
thank you artemis for showing me the wilds and the beauty within the world around me. you also showed me that i don't have to follow what other people tell me, and thank you for being a safe god to refuse worship towards.
thank you ares for giving me a place to cry during the nights where i am unsafe. you will always be a father to me, even if we don't talk much anymore. i know you have passed me onto the arms of someone who will give me what you have and more.
thank you dionysos for helping me love nourishment. i've always had rough nights where it's been hard to take care of myself, and my family has never helped me with that. you made me love taking care of myself, and you showed me passion within doing that. you are so caring and doting, and i appreciated you within making me laugh during the hard nights.
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
Rose and Kyle are such good love interests for Jason and vice versa and i'm sick and tired of people leaving them out when it comes to potential s/os for him just because they're poc.Yes,i am saying it's because of racism because why else would the same ones who do this say he 'has a thing for redheads'(We all know you mean white people and y'all only include Kory because Rhato completely took away her black features)and shipping him with Tim be a million times more popular if it wasn't?
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usagi-zakura · 5 months
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So I did Greek gods (and a couple of demigods) as furrydergs.
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royal-wren · 1 month
Anyway, on a not-so-serious note, I swear and curse in devotion to Hermes. I yell/scream, and make noise in devotion to Hermes, Artemis, Dionysos, and Rhea
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artemis-potnia-theron · 9 months
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cringefail bisexual* assassin artemis entreri
*to me!!!!!!!!! to me!!!!!!!!!!!
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artistic-apollo · 3 months
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Some greek mythology stuff
I love artemis and apollo
I also love prometheus
Ignore the graphite everywhere that im too lazy to erase <3
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