#as a sibling i understand tech
clownery-and-fuckery · 5 months
Omega copied Hunter, clamping her hands over her ears as they approached the house.
It seemed to shake with whatever was blasting through the speakers inside. "What's happening?" She called.
Wrecker shrugged. Crosshair scowled, shoulders hunched to his ears as he haphazardly shoved his key into the door.
"Tech! " Hunter bellowed into the hallway once the door had been opened, hands still clasped over his ears. "Shut that off!"
The music was much clearer now. It slammed into them as they walked into the house. Wrecker's head bobbed along to the tune.
"Tech!" Hunter yelled again, but froze at the kitchen door.
Crosshair looked over his shoulder and laughed. "Would you look at that?" He said, sliding past Hunter to get to the fridge with their groceries.
Echo sat sheepishly on the counter. Fives was sitting at the table across from him, speaker placed directly between them.
"You guys are back early." Was all Echo managed to say. Fives smoothed a hand through his hair, laughing at his twin.
Omega gasped. "Fives!!" She yelled over the speaker. He waved, opening his arms for a hug. She readily jumped into his hold, feeling herself swinging around as Echo stood.
"Why're you blasting music over the speakers?" Hunter asked, risking letting go of his ears to turn the volume down. "Jesus, you're gonna blow out your eardrums."
"Ah, s'not our fault." Fives shrugged. "It's Tech's music, he just connected to the speaker."
Hunter sighed heavily as he switched the speaker off. It finally went quiet, and Omega let out a breath in relief as she uncovered her ears.
"Better?" Fives asked, putting her down.
"Much." She nodded happily.
Echo shot Hunter an apologetic look. He shrugged him off, instead turning towards the hall. "Is he upstairs?" He asked Echo.
Fives spoke up when Echo shrugged. "He's out with the van," He told Hunter. "Caught him this morning when I came in, said he'd be out there all day."
Hunter rolled his eyes, a hint of fondness in his sigh this time. "I'll get him!" Wrecker clapped his hands together, turning and dashing off down the hall.
They waited in silence for a moment, until they heard a door opening. Hunter heard a quiet, "Wrecker? What are—" before a clatter of metal rang out, and Tech's scream followed.
Omega smothered her laughter beside Fives as Wrecker walked in, Tech draped over his shoulder. "Got 'im!" Wrecker said happily.
"Put me down!" Tech yelled, pushing and wiggling to free himself. Wrecker obliged, setting the youngest brother down with a firm hold on him.
Echo laughed as Tech fixed his rumpled, and frankly, disgusting shirt before he turned to them. He was covered in oil, his arms hands covered in grease.
"How do manage to get it on the back of your neck?" Wrecker asked, poking gently at his brother. "It's crazy."
Tech shrugged him off. "It is called being thorough." He told them, wiping his already filthy glasses with the hem of his shirt.
Hunter winced. "Your glasses are gonna stain–" He said, reaching for a tissue.
Crosshair had other concerns. "Is that my shirt?"
Tech tugged at it, shrugging. "I don't know," He said dismissively. "Why?"
"You got motor oil on my shirt." Crosshair hissed. "Are you kidding me?"
Hunter was about to defuse them when he took a second glance at Tech. "Those are mine!" He pointed at the sweats Tech wore.
Again, the youngest brother shrugged. "We're all the same size," He waved them off. "I do not see the issue."
"I can see your ankles!" Hunter pointed angrily.
Wrecker saw and gaped. He was wearing Wrecker's socks. "Don't you know how to wear your own clothes?!" He asked, crossing his arms.
Tech looked between all of them. "Considering none of you actually wash your own clothes," He held up a finger accusingly. "And leave that task to me, I think it's only fair I get to wear whatever I want."
They dissolved into arguments. Echo, Fives and Omega watched from the other side of the room.
"Do they always do this?" Omega asked. Echo sighed heavily, and nodded. Fives snorted.
Save me modern au.... save me........
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aro-ortega · 24 days
i think milo struggles w finger dexterity and doesn't have very steady hands
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solarsturniolo · 6 months
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Hiii, I’m Natalie but you can call me Nat 💋. I’m 22 and have been watching the triplets since spring 2022. Not much you need to know about me tbh and not that you or anyone else really cares anyways.
I am an adult, i do write adult content about other adults. if this makes you uncomfortable, you are not obligated to read any of it and i wholeheartedly understand. Also keep in mind that I am an adult and i work a full time job. Writing is my hobby. I will not be as consistent with posting because I do have other priorities that come first. I will try to update as much as possible, but once again I am an adult with an adult life and adult responsibilities. All I ask is that you stay patient with me and show some grace where it is needed. I work very hard on my writing and appreciate any attention that it gets, please do not blow up my inbox repeatedly with the same prompt. I promise you that I see it.
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ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔬
✫彡 Too Damn Long pt 1 🚀
✫彡 Too Damn Long pt 2 🚀
✫彡 Too Damn Long pt 3 🚀
✫彡 Too Damn Long pt 4 🚀
✫彡 Too Damn Long pt 5 (final part) 🚀
✫彡 Nail Tech (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Twisted (Coming Soon)
✫彡 The Ice Breaker (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Nothing (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Dr.Feelgood (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Record Label (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Money, Money, Money (Coming Soon)
✫彡 The Irony of Choking On a Lifesaver (Coming Soon)
✫彡 King of the Jungle (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Texts w Best Friend!Chris ✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w Best Friend!Chris pt 2 ✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w Best Friend!Chris pt 3✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w Best Friend!Christ pt 4 ✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w FWB!Chris 🚀🪐✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w FWB!Chris pt 2 🚀🪐✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w FWB!Chris pt 3 🚀🪐✨🌌
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Chris
✫彡 Sub!Chris 🚀🌌
✫彡 Overstimulated (Coming soon)
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𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔱 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔬
✫彡 We're Just Friends pt 1 🚀
✫彡 We’re Just Friends pt 2 🚀
✫彡 We're Just Friends pt 3 🪐✨🌌
✫彡 We’re Just Friends pt 4
✫彡 We’re Just Friends pt 5 (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Not My First Rodeo (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Creep: Introduction,
✫彡 Temporary Bliss (Coming Soon)
✫彡 Pugs 'N’ Kisses Prologue 🪐🚀🌌
✫彡 Pugs 'N' Kisses: One
✫彡 Nothing 🪐🌌
✫彡 Comfort Zone (Coming Soon) ✨
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 1 🚀🌌
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 2 🚀🌌
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 3 🚀🌌
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 4
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 5
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 6
✫彡 Texts w Bf!Matt pt 7
✫彡 Texts w FWB!Matt
✫彡 Sub!Matt 🚀🌌
✫彡 NSFW Alphabet 🚀🌌
✫彡 Overstimulated 🚀🌌
✫彡 Dom!Matt (Coming Soon)
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THINGS I WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT: STEP SIBLINGS??????????, Nick x fem!reader, self-harm, suicidal thoughts or tendencies, incest???!!!!!!, sensitive topics such as eating disorders, abuse, etc, any kinks involving urine or feces, beastiality, SEXUAL ASSAULT OR R*PE, (this list will probably be continued at some point but this is what i have for now)
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Natalie’s Recommended
These are all great stories that I’ve read and recommend! Definitely check these stories out!
ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔬
✫彡 Panty Thief by @evieolo
✫彡 Lollipop by @freshloverr (Part two here!)
✫彡“Cool Spider” by @gamermattsgf
𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔱 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔬
✫彡 Painted by @flowerxbunnie
✫彡 Ink by @flowerxbunnie
✫彡 7 Minutes in Heaven by @middlepartmatt
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escelia · 1 year
I took a prompt from @ghostreblogging and ran away with it. I have other parts in progress that I'd be willing to post if you guys are into it. I'm not saying it's good, but I definitely had fun with this and got wild with the next part.
Danny Fenton-Wayne: Big Brother
To say Danny was excited to be a big brother was an understatement. He was so ready to finally be the older one, in a position where he was allowed to be protective but not overbearing. Jazz had trained him well for this. And Damian was just the perfect little brother to him, though he was sure that was weird to everyone else. It was so refreshing to have a sibling that didn't treat him like glass. He reminded him a lot of a smaller, angrier, less tech oriented Skulker. And it was great seeing the others' confused but entertained expressions.
"I will slit your throat while you sleep," Damian had glared at his new big brother. "You are not my big brother!" He insisted. Danny thought it was so cute! Skulker would love him. The other Wayne's had looked mortified as though the comment would scare Danny away. Really, the threat was weak. Slitting Danny's thought wouldn't be nearly as effective as Damian was hoping, and it wasn't even that creative. But Danny was a good big brother, and rough housing was a great way to let off steam and get in exercise, so Danny just laughed and responded,
"You could sure try!"
Damian lunged at him in rage. The kid was fast and efficient; he'd give him that. But Danny had faced things much worse than a 10 year old with a penchant for violence. He dodged and snagged the back of his shirt, scruffing him like an angry kitten.
"Damian! No! Bad!" Tim scolded. "Danny, I would tell you not to take it to heart, but he really will stab you, so please be careful?"
"Stab me? That's adorable!" Damian squirmed in his hold while Danny manhandled him into a hug. This didn't really count as being overbearing if it didn't last too long, right? Besides, with Damian fussing so loudly about it, he was sure this was exactly how Jazz felt when she smothered him. It was amazing. Being a big brother was the best.
He eventually let Damian go and he sped away like Pariah Dark was personally nipping at his heels. No doubt to go plan Danny's demise. He was kind of looking forward to it actually.
Dinner that night was eventful. He'd learned that Duke was a meta with an ability that affected his sight. Not that he'd outright said so, but Danny could tell. He also gathered a few inklings about his family being the freakin Bat Brigade? They were all vigilantes, and they thought he was some normal civilian! So was Damian being protective of his family in the face of some stranger? That was understandable. Respectable even. Jazz would have said that he was a newcomer in their space and that he needed to respect that. He wouldn't pry if they didn't want him to. Across the table, his baby brother waved a fork at him menacingly. Danny snickered.
"Damian…" Bruce warned. Dick tutted at him from his seat.
"Sorry about him, Danny. You can just ignore him," Dick assured. Danny found he really liked Dick too, what with his similar penchant for puns.
"Thanks, but I think I can handle him. He's what, 10 years old?"
"I'm clearly 12, you imbecile!" In the next moment, Damian was scrambling across the table embedding his fork into the back of Danny's chair, but Danny was no longer in it. Damian hadn't even seen him move if his stunned blinking was anything to go by.
"Trust me, I would not be good for your diet," Danny joked.
Danny had gotten a great idea when several days later Damian rushed him with a whole sword. Even as Phantom, Danny was never familiar with traditional weapons. He'd always wanted to learn, but knew that with Fentons it just wasn't a safe idea. So when Duke came running to reprimand Damian and the child saw an opening, Danny redirected the blade down and out of his hand, offering it back with a question about lessons. Perhaps he could bond with Damian by letting him teach him about his favorite weapon.
Their "training," as Damian put it, was going well. Danny genuinely felt like he was learning a lot from him as well as about him. And even with his ghostly enhanced speed the brat was keeping him on his toes. When Damian nicked him with his blade for the time Danny had been so proud. He knew he wasn't easy to hit.
"Say cheese!" Danny exclaimed, shoving his uninjured cheek up against Damian's for a photo. It had turned out amazing, with Danny pointing to the oozing scratch on his face while Damian scowled at him for enjoying himself.
"Please desist. You're taking all the fun out of trying to kill you." Danny just laughed
Damian's new brother was just weird. And apparently Damian was the only one who really knew it. At first he'd thought the fool was underestimating him, but boy was he mistaken. He was a civilian, right? Then why could he not land a hit on Fenton even without the interference of his inferior siblings? The wretched thing was able to snatch him mid air and wrestle him into a hug like it was nothing. He was a professionally trained assassin! This was embarrassing! The others thought Fenton just had decent reflexes and a lack of self preservation instincts, but Damian knew better.
The day Fenton disarmed him quickly went from infuriating to intriguing. His brothers had admonished him for attempting murder again, but Daniel had stood up for him and handed his precious blade back to him, going as far as asking if he was willing to give him lessons. Tt, at least one of his brothers could tell he was a superior warrior. He obliged, eager to show off his skills with a sword. And Daniel wasn't actually bad at it per se, but it was clear he wasn't versed in swordplay. After a few sessions with Daniel, he noticed something odd. Not bad, but odd. The room was always cooler when they sparred, and he found that he didn't often overheat. Daniel was a quick learner and very light on his feet. So light, in fact, that he sometimes seemed to float. And Damien would swear on his grandfather's blade that when Daniel got serious, his eyes would flash a bright, toxic green. Damian was determined to get to the bottom of this, and because he was, in fact, the smartest of the Wayne's, he would do it on his own!
Turns out, he didn't have to try that hard.
Damian woke with a start at the knock on his door. He didn't have patrol so he'd tried to turn in early for the night. Grumbling, he went to see who it was. He swore, if it was Drake and he wasn't sleeping even though he'd been kicked off the schedule for sleep deprivation, he would strangle him. He cracked the door to see glowing green eyes. But Danny didn't seem irrationally angry like Todd did when the Pit Rage consumed him.
"Can I come in please?" Danny pleaded. "I had a nightmare and don't wanna be alone, but the others are out and Tim needs his sleep…"
Damian sighed and opened the door for Danny to come in. He sat at the foot of the bed and curled his knees to his chest.
"I don't know what you expect me to do for you. I'm not some counselor." He closed the door and crossed his arms with an annoyed huff.
"I don't need a counselor, I just need my brother." Danny's tired smile was soft.
"Why? I've been told I don't have a comforting personality." Damain took a seat next to him.
"I don't need to be coddled, I'm not a baby. I really appreciate that you're straightforward and rough toward me. I'm traumatized, but like, I'm not gonna break, ya know?"
"You… like that I'm rude to you?" This had to be the first time anyone had ever said that to him.
"Do you know why I'm here? Why I was taken in?" When Damian shook his head Danny continued. "My parents were always pretty careless when it came to raising my sister and I. Their science always came first. We had to grow up pretty fast. And once you grow up, it sucks to be treated like a kid again. It's what got my sister into psychology, and she was constantly trying to psychoanalyze me. Well, I'd had a lab accident that… changed me. When my parents found out, they vivisected me. Bruce found out and got me out of there, but Jazz was already 18 and in college so she couldn't come with me."
Damian was horrified. Even the League with their harsh rules and cruel nature would never do something like that. Even so, it did explain a lot, and Daniel seemed to know how to handle his trauma. An accident in a lab would definitely explain Daniel's more meta-like features as well. He wondered if his father knew, but figured he didn't because the boy had been very secretive about any abilities he might have gained.
"So to summarize, your parents were atrocious to you and now instead of being coddled or analyzed, you prefer to spend your time with people trying to stab you? I tried to kill you." He pointed out.
"Yea, well so has everyone else in my family at one point or another. It's sort of like a rite of passage and you're the only one that's done it," Danny smirked and nudged Damian. The younger boy could admit he found the humor in that, dark as it may be. "Besides, you get it: not wanting to be underestimated or looked down on just because you're young even though you've been through hell." Damian couldn't deny that. Maybe they were more alike than he had anticipated. Interacting with him didn't grate on his nerves like the others did at least. He sighed.
"So, what now Daniel? We sit in silence until you feel safe enough to go back to your own room?"
"I strongly prefer Danny for reasons I'm not willing to talk about yet, but I get the feeling this is as good as I'm gonna get, huh?"
"Well then, do you mind if I call my dog? He's a good boy, I promise," Danny pleaded.
"I do like the company of animals. I didn't know you had a dog, I haven't seen a new one on the grounds." Danny took this as a go-ahead to summon Cujo.
"I don't take him many places, he can get rowdy and protective sometimes. But I'm positive he'll love you." He let out a sharp whistle and the green ghost puppy phased into the room from under the door. He trotted over to the boys, tongue flopping as he did. He pounced excitedly on Danny before giving Damian a thorough sniff and deeming his presence safe and acceptable. He happily let the boy scratch his belly.
"He's… uh, green. What breed is he?"
"The ghost kind," Danny replied sadly. The implications were heartbreaking. "My accident turned me half-ghost so now I have a ghost puppy," he said as if that explained everything. "You uh, won't tell the others about this, right?"
Damian tilted his head in thought while he scratched Cujo behind the ears. He'd definitely want more details on what exactly Daniel meant by "ghost," but for now, he felt pride at being the one family member Daniel actually felt comfortable talking to. He could lord that over his siblings later.
"We'll, you're no longer in any danger, and your past is none of their business unless you want it to be, so I don't don't see a reason to tell them."
Danny grinned at his little brother. He knew Damian would be his favorite! He already knew he would do anything for him.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation
Summary: Satoru shows up with unexpected young companions.
CW: fluff, mentions of childhood neglect, talks of parenthood and motherhood, the TINIEST suggestive mention of a daddy kink at the end but like SO SMALL
A/N: LORD I’ve not written in 3 years but this was like worming away at my brain and I had to get it down, the dynamic of gojo and reader and the fushiguro kids is just like *chefs kiss* to me and tugs at all the right heartstrings. I have a part 2 idea in mind or maybe a mini series of mothering the fushiguros idk idk maybe, this is like Gojo x reader but also these kids NEED LOVE
Part Two
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Your boyfriend of 2 years shows up at the doorstep of your shared apartment one day, looking exhausted and sheepish. Behind him - two children, neither older than 8 but looking tired and slightly rough around the edges. The elder, a girl, sags under the weight of whatever invisible burden she carries as she hides slightly behind her younger brother (siblings, you presume). Without saying a word, to the children or Satoru, you user them all inside.
You introduce yourself and find out their names (from the sister, the boy seems shy and on edge) that their names are Tsumiki and Megumi Fushiguro.
You try to not falter at the surname. You take a quick glance up at Satoru, a wordless understanding that these - these two children, young, hurting and innocent and the kids of the man who not only killed your boyfriend in front of you, but who was subsequently killed by him.
Satoru, the embodiment of charisma and a boy who naturally oozes apparent self assurance looks at you with a look you can only describe as uncertainty.
With a smile, you ask the kids if they’d like some juice and a cookie or a snack. You’d grown up with kids, and always dreamed of the day that you and Satoru might welcome your own. Your maternal streak had gotten yourself, Shoko, Geto, Satoru, Nanami and Haibara into a place where Jujutsu High felt less intimidating, with Shoko often laughing you were born ready for motherhood. Satoru had always known this about you, but in this moment - he saw it in the wordless acceptance of these two unsure, unsettled, unnerved children.
You lead the kids to the kitchen and sit them at the table and serve up two small cups of apple juice and come homemade shortcake you had made for Satoru. Telling the kids to enjoy, and make themselves comfy you walk into the hall, grabbing the arm of your boyfriend.
“Satoru, what the fuck is going on? Why are Toji Fushigoru’s children eating cookies in our kitchen?” You shook his shoulders as if trying to get him to understand the gravity of the situation.
“Well, they were in the hall, then you offered them juice and cooki-“ Satoru was cut of by your stern eyes pointing at him, and the cheeky smirk as he tried to avoid the hard conversation was swiped off his face as if you’d washed it with a cloth.
“The boy, Megumi, he’s a Zenin. A Ten Shadows Zenin, Toji sold him to the Zenin Clan.” He knew you’d understand what he was insinuating even with the short version of the story.
You look up into his glacial eyes, the ones that always held joy and mischief, the eyes of the man you fell in love with by the second year of Jujutsu Tech, the eyes that held the power of a god, and all you saw was determination and honesty.
So, you stood tall, and nodded.
“Okay. They can’t go to the Zenin’s. So, let’s get them comfortable.” And with that, you walk into the kitchen and sit at the table.
“So, do you guys know anything about what’s going on?” You asked the kids, trying to gauge what they understood about the situation, despite being 5 minutes involved in it yourself.
They both nodded, the boys eyes flitted between Gojo and you, steely in their suspicion.
“Okay! So, what do you guys have with you? Clothes, toys, toothbrushes, pyjamas?” You asked, with Satoru smiling at your ever present practicality.
“Uhm, I packed us both a spare set of clothes and a toothbrush that we share and we usually just sleep in our clothes, it’s helped save on laundry for me to do.” Tsumiki replied, serious as a 40 year old.
“Have you been doing your laundry and housework, Tsumiki?” You ask, reaching tentatively for the girls small hand. You see her consider whether or not to tell you the truth of how no adult had been caring for them for some time now, and she had been raising them both. Your gentle smile, coaxed her into realising you were a safe space.
“Kinda, I’m sorry we don’t have many things. I had to use our money for the water bills and new shoes for Megumi because he grew out of his last ones.” When she said this, Megumi blushed, as if he was guilty of the sin of growing and costing money.
“Okay, it’s only 2pm so, Satoru, kids, you can leave your backpacks here so go sit in the car, I’m going to get my purse and jacket. We need to shop.” You stood up, orders given like a drill sergeant.
You glance over at your boyfriend, seeing nothing but pure love reflected in his eyes. As Tsumiki took her brother by the hand, and led him to the car. You walked to Satoru.
“Are we doing this?” You asked.
“What? Shopping?” He teased, tiny small on his perfect lips.
“I mean it, ‘toru. This is serious. Are we doing this?” Placing both hands on either side of his face and lifting his glasses to look at him in his eyes.
“This, Toji’s kids, I can’t let them go to the Zenin’s, I know this isn’t what you signed up for - I mean we’re 19 but I have told these kids I’ll look out for them now. I just - they didn’t ask for any of this.” He finishes with a breath, placing his forehead on yours. Tilting your head, you softly slot your lips against his.
“Not you, Satoru. We. We will look out for these kids. If you are doing this, so am I. I’m with you. Through all of it.” As you say this, you kiss the tip of his pretty nose and forehead. You feel him pull you closer in tight embrace into his chest, no more words were necessary between you both. You were his ride or die, his forever. And he was yours, you could ask for the moon and he’d say okay, I’ll be back with the moon in a pretty box for you. Two puzzle pieces perfectly aligned together. Nothing to be shouldered or dealt with alone, but by each others side.
“Thank you. I love you.” Was whispered, in a moment of pure sincerity and vulnerability from the ivory haired owner of your heart.
“Okay, let’s not keep them waiting, we’ve got lots to get. These kids have nothing, so it’s starting from scratch.” You grab his hand and drag him toward the door. As you slip your shoes on, he leans against the doorframe looking between the kids in the car and you.
“So… I guess you won’t be the only one calling me Daddy now - eh” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, as you roll your eyes and huff at him, walking with car keys in hand, but not without a quick smirk and smack on the ass for the menace you call your love.
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sister-cna-reader · 1 year
“Do you know anyone willing to date a ghost-touched woman over 6ft tall?” 
Barbara Gordon blinked slowly at the lanky teenager who asked the question. His arms were full of astronomy books and he was leaning in close as if it was a serious question. 
“It depends? I’m a librarian, not a matchmaker.” she replied, holding her hands out for the books to scan. “Why are you asking? It’s an awfully specific criteria.” 
Daniel Nightingale was the name of the boy before her. Just registered in the library system a little under 3 months ago. 17 years old and with that black hair, sky blue eyes and scars on the hand partially covered by a fingerless glove- Wayne adoption bait. 
“My older sister is great and all.” he said, fidgeting with his sleeves, “But I think she needs to live a little you know? She’s so.. So….” he made a compressing motion with his hands, like packing a snowball. 
“Repressed?” Barbara suggested, scanning the book on the Hubble Telescope. 
With a snap of his fingers he grinned. “Exactly! Now if only I could find a guy for her that is ghost-touched…” he muttered under his breath.  
“What do you mean by ‘ghost- touched’?” 
“Oh you know,” he mimicked the paddles of a defibrillator, “Clear!” he chuckled. 
Did this lady have a heart attack? Heart problems? 
“I died but it didn’t stick, so someone who is like me would be good. Then we wouldn’t have to explain the whole thing.” 
“Oh, I see.” the redhead said, not understanding much at all. “Due date for the books is in one month. I’ll keep an eye out for your sister?” 
Danny nodded and gathered all the books into a beat up backpack. “You can’t miss her. Long red hair, super tall, looks like she’ll either have a nervous breakdown or murder someone if you bump into her.” 
Barbara could only nod in agreement to the boy as he seemed to float out of Gotham Public Library. 
Jazz was ready to shove her little not-quite-dead brother into the Fenton Thermos. She was doing well at her counseling position at the University, but Danny had insisted that her newfound hours of free time should be used in romantic pursuits.
“If you had friends you hung out with I won’t pester you. But Jazz! You need to do something fun!” He had said from the kitchen counter, hair glowing and eyes like two green beacons. “Live a little! We’re already part dead! Let go!” 
So she trudged her way to the Public Library. If she had to get out of the house to shut her brother up, she’d at least be an introvert about it. 
Jazz put on her best pleasant face and made her way to the librarian’s desk to get registered. 
The woman behind the counter was like looking into a warped mirror. Glasses, hair just a shade brighter, and eyes the wrong color looked back at her in mirrored surprise. 
“Bad hair day?” the mirror image guessed, pointing at the slouchy hat and messy bun that contained the mass of copper hair that Jazz hadn’t cut in the last year. 
“Uh yeah. Little brother was pestering me about going out, so I’m here for a library card.” Jazz rambled, doing her best to not play with the strap of her purse. 
“I’m Barbara, and welcome to Gotham Public Library!” The woman smiled warmly. 
When Jazz handed over her ID for Barbara to input the required information in the database the lady smirked. “I met your brother a few days ago actually. Tall, scrawny, likes space?”
Jazz groaned. “I’m so sorry about him.” 
The librarian’s glasses were white from the monitor. “Oh don’t worry about it, I know how younger siblings are. They mean well, they’re just annoying about it.” 
Card squared away, Jazz went in search of a quiet corner to read a trashy romance novel in. 
Jason took his rare day off to visit the Library. He was also going to drop off a coffee for Barbara, and maybe sweet talk some info out of her. 
He needed some blackmail to lord over some birds. 
“Jason! How good to see you in the daylight! Oh! Coffee! Gimmie,” his favorite tech person greeted. 
Coffee offering made, Jason and Barbara traded information. 
“You should take a load off.” She suggested, waving him away towards the adult fiction shelves as some patrons came to check out. “See you at dinner Sunday!” 
The building was warm today, rare sunlight coming through the skylights and windows, making his leather jacket too hot to wear indoors. And there was nothing else pressing on his schedule today, so why not read a bit? 
Austen novel in hand, Jason made his way to his favorite reading nook. Instead of the two empty armchairs he’d push together into a lounge, there was a woman already there, firmly in the ray of sun that made her red hair look like fire. 
Her long legs were stretched out, boots cluncking together in a slow rhythm as she read. 
Bright green eyes startled and looked at him dead in the eyes. He blinked, and they were no longer green but a calming ocean blue.  
“Sorry,” she said, folding her legs back to let him pass. 
“Nah, it’s okay, I kind of want to soak in some sun too. Mind sharing?” Jason offered, fully prepared to leave the tall amazon alone.  But deep down he felt something warm and grow fuzzy. 
“Sure,” she scooted her chair over and pulled the other closer so they both shared the spot of sun. “I’m Jazz.” 
He sat down next to her and the scent of her shampoo reminded him of the herby bread that Alfred made with soup. She stretched out again and he realized that her legs were much longer then his. 
“I’m Jason.”
Inside the pit barely rippled. 
Her phone beeped and she opened the beat-up thing to scoff. “Danny for Ancient’s sake,” she typed something out only for another beep to immediately reply.  
Jason frowned. “Danny your boyfriend?” 
Blue eyes met him in an exasperated roll. “No. He's just a little brother who can’t mind his own business. Now he wants a selfie to prove ‘I’m not alone being a cave troll.’ Just a sec.” 
She started to angle away to send a picture of her flipping off the phone, but Jason pulled her closer and let his arm be visible around her shoulders in the selfie. He hadn’t thought, just acted. 
There was a surprising amount of muscle under that sweater.
The pit purred in pleasure and Jason wanted to melt into the floor. 
Jazz giggled, her smile showing teeth that were just a little too sharp. “Oh he’ll be happy with this I think. Only thing that would be better is if you had a big black motorcycle. That’d send him through the roof.” 
His breath hitched. The sun must’ve been too hot, and he felt himself grow warm under that bright smile. 
“Would a black and red motorcycle do?”  Was this flirting? Was he flirting? Was it working? He hoped it was working.
Those eyes lit up again and she tossed the book onto the chair, towering over him. “That’s perfect. He hates the idea of me on a motorcycle with a biker boyfriend.” 
Jason stood up and tossed his jacket to Jazz with a feral smile. “Let’s get you some pictures riding a motorcycle my lady.” 
The pit crowed in happiness, a rare thing when not caused by blood or murder. He made sure to get a few pictures of her on his bike with his own phone before remembering it should really be on Jazz’s phone, to send to Jazz’s brother. 
Not wanting the fun time to end, he put his helmet in her hands. “I know a good burger joint. Want to stay out late? See some sights?”
He was so focused on the redhead woman in his leather jacket straddling his bike, he forgot about the other redhead with access to the security cameras.
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iateyourfav · 2 months
Faster (Reprise)
Watching Tech win that race made you feel some type of way, so you show him your appreciation.
Inspired by this post by @bsxcrxts
Based on Season 2 Ep 4!
Tech x Reader
Tags: nsfw, afab reader, no pronouns/gender neutral reader, aftercare
CW: face fucking, rough blowjobs, afab masturbation, handjobs (both receiving), hair pulling, slight praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, switching, orgasm control, shameless smut, bickering, Tech is LOUD
Words: 3.659
I was literally on aphrodisiacs while I wrote most of this I'm sorry
Read on ao3
You were quiet on the flight back to Ord Mantell. While Wrecker and Omega were sleeping in the back of the ship, tired from everything that happened on Safa Toma, you were sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Tech. You were deep in thought, trying to figure out why exactly you were feeling the way you did right now.
Something about watching Tech win that race made you feel giddy inside. It wasn’t just the concept of him winning the race itself. Everything flowed together so perfectly. The way he casually multi-tasked to study the schematics of that tunnel while engaging in a sport he literally learned about hours ago. The way he tricked those other two racers into crashing into each other. The way that it was clear that losing this race was not even an option he considered. That was probably the most attractive thing about the whole thing. The confidence in his own piloting skills.
You looked over at Tech, who was currently getting the ship ready to land. You were so deeply engaged in your own thoughts you didn’t even hear him when he announced you were almost at your destination. You felt the aftereffects of your revision of the previous events as well. Your face and ears were all hot and even goosebumps were making themselves apparent on your arms and legs. You couldn’t just move on from what you had witnessed on Safa Toma, you wanted to revel in the memory just a little bit longer. You wanted to show Tech just how much you enjoyed watching him race. 
You stayed in your seat when Omega and Wrecker left the ship, basically sprinting on their way to get some Mantell Mix. This presented you with the opportunity to stay on the ship with Tech, alone. So when you noticed him get up, intending to leave the ship as well and go after his siblings, you stopped him in his tracks by calling out his name. 
“What is it?” he asked, though you noticed most of this attention was focused on the datapad he was holding in his hands.
“Could you maybe explain to me how exactly you won that race one more time? In detail?" this caught his full intention “Why do you require an explanation? You were there to see it.” He sat back down, indicating that he was expecting this conversation to last longer. Your mind was racing, trying to decide if you wanted to be straightforward about how horny seeing him casually win that race made you or if you wanted to play innocent. You decided on the latter, for now. “I just think it would be beneficial to understand your thought process behind the whole thing.” You shrugged, trying to appear as casual as possible. He raised an eyebrow, though he didn’t question you any further.
“At first I stayed further back, seeing as I was rather unfamiliar with the route..” You leaned forward in your chair, eyes sparkling while a smile crept up on your face. You liked when he explained things to you. You could listen to him for hours, trying not to miss a single detail. So, as if the chair moved on its own, you inched closer to Tech. He noticed, though he didn’t acknowledge your action with more than a quick look at your chair as it moved closer to him. Initially, you didn’t think much about his reaction. But when you moved closer again, wanting to make sure you couldn’t possibly miss a word he was saying, he looked over again, but this time he stuttered as well, barely noticeable, but with the amount of attention you paid to him right now, you couldn’t miss it.
You managed to distract him, even unintentionally.
This revelation changed your approach to this situation. You were eager to keep listening to him explain his strategy, but at the same time you wanted to find out just how much you could distract him from his task at hand. So you moved even closer. This time his gaze lingered on the foot of the co-pilot seat for a bit before traveling up your legs, then quickly looking the other way. All while still explaining, of course.
You decided to throw caution into the wind and just keep diving head first into the situation presented before yourself, shoving thoughts of possible embarrassment, if this situation were to go wrong, to the side. You extended your right leg, slowly shuffling it towards his left. When the toes of your shoes touched, he paused his rambling about how he studied the schematics of that restricted tunnel mid-race. “What are you doing?” 
You tried to keep calm, trying to appear confident in your actions instead of as nervous as you actually felt. You could not think of a single excuse for trying to get this close to him. It seemed you had no other choice than to confess. “I just… Something about the way you won that race was captivating to me. I wanted you to explain how you went about doing that because it made me feel.. giddy inside.” The apparent blush on your face and you obviously staring at the floor to avoid eye contact destroyed any type of confidence or seduction you were trying to display. You swallowed hard before stating the next sentence. “I actually wanted to show you how much I enjoyed watching you during that race.” You dared a look at his face. Tech's eyes were locked on yours as soon as you looked back up at him, his mouth slightly agape. This was very clearly not what he expected you to say. There was an uncomfortable silence as he was thinking of a response. You don’t think you ever witnessed him having to think about something for so long. Then he put his data pad to the side, giving you his full attention.
“Do as you wish.” This was not an answer you were expecting. Your expression matched the one he had on his face earlier, eyes focused on his and lips slightly apart, dumbfounded. Tech, on the other hand, was now back to explaining those tunnel schematics as if nothing at all had happened. You took his statement as an invite to continue your advances. Though you required further communication to be able to proceed with your actions. So, not wanting to interrupt him, you raised your hand as if you were a student having questions about the ongoing lecture. He noticed this. “Yes?” he asked, eyebrows raised, not only interested in how you decided to get his attention, but also what it was you had to say. You asked your question while sinking onto your knees in front of his chair “Tell me to stop as soon as you want me to.” You looked up at him with a serious look on your face, wanting to make sure this was communicated as well as possible. The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable. 
Tech replied instantaneously. “Thank you for your concern, though I do not intend to stop you from anything you may have planned.” A shiver ran down your spine. He was eager for this as well. If it was not clear from this statement, it was from the way his legs shifted apart slightly, making room for you. And then he just kept on rambling, which you were glad to listen to.
Your right hand started at his calf, traveling up to his knee while your left hand landed just above his other knee simultaneously. You could feel him tense up. You were still listening to everything he said while your hands slowly made their way up his thighs. Your gaze was studying him from the top down. You broke eye contact to look at him top to bottom. Your eyes first found leverage on his chest, stomach, then his crotch. You could swear you heard a particularly loud gulp when your gaze landed where it did last. Your hands made their way towards his toolbelt, having to loosen it, at least the main buckle, to reach where you wanted to end up. You unbuckled the belt quickly before removing his codpiece. He did not once stop laying out his strategy to you, though his voice sounded coarser now.
You shuffled further between Tech's legs, your elbows resting on his knees as you undid his trousers. Then you paused. He had stopped his speech as soon as your hand reached his zipper. You looked up at him, eyes huge due to the low angle at which you were positioned. You wouldn't have noticed how much your actions were affecting him from just his voice, as it was barely disturbed before you tried to get into his pants, though a single look in his face revealed how hard he was blushing at your actions. You gave him a small smile before stating: “Keep talking.” It seemed you had now regained the upper hand in this situation. You enjoyed seeing how he reacted to you, the effect you had on him, especially considering how much it usually takes to distract him from his ramblings. 
He picked his sentence back up where he paused it earlier. „I decided weapons were slowing me down too much, so I left them behind.“ You could tell he tried to talk as casually as possible, but with the way he gripped at his chair and his eyes intensely focused on your hands, it was easy to tell just how eager he was. Not to mention how noticeably hard he was by now. Your hand brushed over his crotch, making him shiver, before reaching into his pants to pull his dick out.
He groaned at this action. He was louder than you expected, and you hadn‘t even properly started yet. Even though this sound he emitted sent a shock straight to your core, you didn‘t like how it disturbed his rambling.
“I didn‘t say you could stop explaining.“ Another groan. You knew how much he enjoyed babbling about whatever was on his mind, so it shouldn‘t have surprised you that it turned him on when someone actually wanted to hear what he had to say. 
When he started talking again you began ghosting your hand over his now fully hard cock. He shivered once more but he just kept on rambling. When you looked up at him again you noticed his eyes were now shut, most likely to help him concentrate on laying out his strategy further. A small smile formed on your face, pleased with the power you had over him right now. You started pumping him, almost as a reward, because he did so good relaying the race to you.
A whimper escaped his throat. You noticed his voice had become breathier and quieter. His eyes were still closed and his head pressed against the headrest of the pilot‘s chair, trying his hardest to keep his composure - and failing miserably. Some encouragement might help, you thought. You paused the up and down motion of your hand on his dick to speak.
“Look at me.“ His glassy eyes met yours. Your hand twisted slightly, earning you another whimper from Tech. „ You‘re doing so well explaining, and as soon as you‘re finished telling me all about that race, I‘ll reward you properly.“ He bucked his hips into your hand, accompanied by a low moan. He swallowed hard before snapping back at you. „I do not require your praise. I am fully in control of myself.“ You snorted, disregarding his statement.  „With the way your body is reacting to me, I beg to differ.“ 
This time, instead of talking back to you, he continued his explanation. You noticed he was talking notably faster now, but you let him get away with it and started pumping and twisting your hand again. 
„I-I took the l-left t-tunnel, seeing as I w-was now a-able to go f-fast enough to be a-able to make it a-across the m-missing part of the t-track.“ It took everything in Tech to form a coherent sentence in this state. „Keep going.“ you spurred him on further, studying the way his face contorted in pleasure and concentration.
You shuffled closer, leaning towards his cock. Wanting to challenge his focus even more, you puckered your lips, blowing some air on the tip. A shiver ran down his entire body and his breathing hitched. Again, he paused his debriefing. „I thought you would only intend to let me into your mouth after I finish the revision of the race.“ He was next to breathless. „Don’t be so hasty. This is only a preview to keep you motivated.“ You licked a small circle around the head of his dick to emphasize your statement. A deep, uncensored, guttural moan left his mouth. „Don‘t cum too soon, or I‘ll leave you here with nothing.“, you whispered up at him. „We will see about that.“, he responded, more bratty than did him good right now. You retracted your head, sitting straight on your heels now again, and squeezed him a little; a kind of warning to keep him in line.
You could not deny that his small attempt at gaining back dominance heated up your entire body. So, while Tech tried his hardest to finish the last portion of his explanation, you shifted your hips to rub your thighs together, hoping your attempt at trying to get some friction would go unnoticed. Your hands were still busy, with your right back to pumping him with increasing speed and your left digging into his still clothed thigh.
“…I-I fell back, l-letting the r-racers that b-boxed me in c-crash into e-eachother, allowing m-me to a-accelerate p-past them and w-win the race.“ You could feel his muscles relax after finishing his last sentence.  He opened his eyes to look down at you again. He looked desperate, almost teary-eyed. 
„You explained so well, and now I wanna reward you for it.“, you purred up at him. You lifted your hips, resting your weight on your knees. Your arms found their way to the back of your head to gather your hair so it wouldn‘t get in your way. You would have to hold it back with one hand, seeing as you were not in possession of a hair tie at the moment.
You were about to lean forward to take him into your mouth when something stopped you. Tech's much bigger hand landed on top of yours at the back of your head where you held your ponytail in place. You glanced up at him, slightly dumbfounded. „Let go. I will hold it back for you.“, he elaborated. Your attempt at nodding as a way to show acknowledgement of what he said resulted in him pulling at your hair on accident. You twitched. Tech's eyes widened, displaying concern. „I apologize. It will not happen again.“ You kind of enjoyed the sensation, though. „No. Keep doing that. Feels good.“ You removed your hand that was still in your hair from underneath his. 
Both of your elbows found leverage on his thighs once again. Your right hand gripped the base of his cock while your lips lowered onto him to kiss his tip. This triggered another whimper on his part. You felt his grip on your hair become tighter. Your eyes locked with his. He was searching for affirmation in your gaze. You smiled up at him, biting your lip as a nonverbal sign of your enjoyment. You lowered your mouth back onto him, now taking him until he hit the back of your throat. He gave you a long, deep moan this time. He pushed you down even further onto him, making you gag. Tech moaned again, seemingly enjoying the sight and feeling of you almost choking on him. He bucked his hips into your mouth once before asking: „May I take the lead now?“ You nodded as eagerly as possible with a dick this deep down your throat, giving up the last bit of control you had over him.
His grip on your hair tightened the slightest bit more before he took full control, shoving your head up and down on his dick, his hips bucking up every time his tip met the back of your throat. You gripped his upper thighs, holding on for dear life. Your core ached at the way he used you to his advantage, while he kept on groaning and moaning with every movement, you looked up at him. While all you saw on his face was passion and pleasure, he looked down at you, tears streaming down your face as a response to how he used your mouth like this was the only thing it was intended for.
You stuck your tongue out, which reached his balls every time he pushed your face towards his pelvis. His head fell back, overwhelmed with pleasure. You could barely handle the sight of him.
Your arousal had built up steadily since this whole situation started, and now you had reached the point where you couldn‘t go untouched any longer. Not wanting to interrupt Techs enjoyment with your own greedy need for bodily pleasure you slowly removed one of your hands from Techs thigh. It slowly traveled down your body until you reached your cloth-covered clit. You tried rubbing yourself through the fabric of your underwear. Thankfully, you chose to wear a skirt that day, so you at least had only one barrier between your fingers and your swollen clit tormenting you. 
You groaned in a mix of pleasure and frustration, sending vibrations down the dick still steadily ramming down your throat. This sent Tech over the edge. He gripped your hair tighter, holding your head in place as he came down your throat. You helped him through his orgasm by bobbing your head up and down ever so slightly. He pulled you off him by your hair. He looked out of breath, and when you stuck out your tongue at him, showing him you swallowed everything he had given to you, he groaned one last time before leaning down and kissing your forehead, hands still tangled in your hair.
That‘s when he saw where your second hand had gone. You had completely forgotten about your own pleasure when Tech came, the hand pressed to your core just a remnant of what you had attempted without him noticing. Now he saw exactly what you needed, though.
“I would gladly provide assistance, if you let me.“ except for heavy breathing on his side, there was no indication this man had just fucked your throat until both of you were seeing stars. You looked up at him, lips agape. You didn‘t even attempt to talk, already aware your throat was sufficiently sore at the moment, so you just eagerly nodded your head. 
He offered you a hand, as if he hadn‘t just used your throat as a sex toy, and pulled you up into his lap, your back facing his chest. His hands gripped your ankles and pulled them in towards your ass and spread your thighs by parting your knees. Your hands gripped onto his forearms for balance and security. He put his chin on your shoulder, your temple touching his goggles. He wanted to see exactly what he was working with. 
He brushed his hand over the wet spot on your underwear, exactly as you did with him earlier. He didn‘t even bother to take them off, just pushing them to the side, leaving your core flush, swollen and exposed. You shivered at the cold air of the ship hitting you at your most sensitive area. He brushed his hand over your now naked folds. „I did not expect that using you in the way I did would make you this wet.“
You moaned at his words, feeling slightly embarrassed at his wording.
Tech's fingers found your clit and began slowly tracing circles around it. This time you bucked your hips, needing more. „Don‘t be so hasty.“, he mocked your statement from earlier. His teasing didn‘t last long though, as he soon added a second finger to enhance the feeling. It didn‘t take long for you to feel your orgasm build up. You turned your face towards him, your nose pressing against his cheek as his head was still resting on your shoulder. Your lips parted slightly, whispering small, breathy moans directly into his ear. You could hear him swear before he quickened his movements, pressing down harder. Your moans increased in frequency and volume with every circle he traced until you reached your high. Back arching, thighs trembling, groaning, ignoring the ache in your throat. Your head fell back onto his shoulder. He pressed his palm flat against your clit, his hand quivering slightly, providing gentle stimulation while he helped you ride out your orgasm as his head turned to yours kissing your cheek.
You stayed like this for several minutes before you caught your breath again. He moved your underwear back into place. When he could tell you recovered from your orgasm enough to not pass out and fall over as soon as he let you go, Tech lifted you off his lap, setting you back onto the floor. You looked up at him, cheeks still stained with tears, still breathing heavily.
„You did well, and it is obvious you enjoyed this as much as I did, but I can tell your throat is sore, which needs to be taken care off quickly before it gets any worse. I will make you some tea.“ He tucked himself back into his pants and fastened his toolbelt again before getting up, walking towards a storage cabinet to get some teabags. You looked after him, still sitting on the floor next to the codpiece he had left behind, wondering how this was the same man who used your mouth as a fleshlight moments ago.
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orange-clown · 3 months
MXTX Main Characters on if I think they would use an ad blocker or not:
Shen Yuan: Does not use an ad blocker, mainly because he pays for ad-free versions of everything if they're offered. Probably lectures on "economic necessity of ads" if anyone were to bring it up to him and bitches endlessly on social media every time ads get more annoying/intrusive but ultimately does nothing about it.
Luo Binghe: As a kid, it never even crosses his mind that it's something you CAN do. As an adult, only if the ads annoy or inconvenience him. Doesn't really care either way about the moral/ethical principles.
Wei Wuxian: Wrote his own ad blockers, probably from a shockingly young age. Will also forcibly/stealthily install them on all of his loved one's stuff. His siblings have not seen an ad in a decade and have not noticed.
Lan Wangji: Will patiently sit through any ad that is presented to him. It does the advertisers no good, as he is not interested in anything that they are trying to sell him. The algorithm is still trying to categorize him to this day.
Xie Lian: Does not use an ad blocker because he does not understand how technology works. He might accidentally have some sort over ad blocker due to the fact that all of his tech is so old that the ads don't display properly on it.
Hua Cheng: The one that I have the least strong opinion on, tbh. Probably would, but only on a matter of principle/for privacy reasons. The stuff he REALLY wants to keep private (aka his Xie Lian shrines) are all strictly off line and can't be traced to him, so I don't see him caring too much one way or the other.
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Modern Bad Batch at the Airport/on a Flight
Inspired by the fact that I’ve been flying a lot recently with and without my family, here are some Bad Batch Headcanons of how I think they’d be like.
The passenger princess of air travel. Has no idea what time they board, barely knows where they’re going. Only job is to sit there and look pretty.
Actually I lied his other job is constantly fussing over Crosshair.
Constantly gets snapped at by Crosshair for this.
Does not let this deter him from fussing, hovering around Crosshair, and even following him to the bathroom.
Given a number from at least one person on the plane.
His siblings are just glad he remembered his ID and/or passport, since he forgot it one time and had needed to go home and come back to the airport, which had stressed everyone out to no end. He has not lived this down.
Passes out the second his ass is in his seat and will stay asleep the whole time, but somehow has a sixth sense when it comes to one of his sibling’s needing him and will immediately jolt awake and spring into action.
Orders ginger ale on the plane because he LIVES for the ginger ale biscoff cookie/pretzel combo.
Will only sit in the aisle seat because he does not like to look out the window (fear of heights).
Super chill and is the one who keeps the others from killing each other and/or getting pulled aside by TSA.
Sharing snacks with Omega and Hunter.
Not as intense as Hunter, but regularly checks in on Crosshair. Will get snapped at a little bit.
Always watches rom-coms on flights, it’s his routine. He cries every time, but doesn’t really feel embarrassed by it because once they see that he’s watching The Notebook they’re like “understandable sir have a nice day”.
Falls asleep half an hour before the flight ends, every time without fail.
Has all the boarding passes and knows their gate number and seats from memory.
Made them leave extremely early and still pissed at Hunter for making them leave behind schedule.
In charge of the itinerary.
Loves the window seat since he enjoys looking out the window as he listens to music or a podcast, but also likes to point things out to Omega, since she loves when he does so.
Also checking on Crosshair, but more through observation than outright asking him. Has disappeared and gotten Crosshair something he needs to feel a bit better before wordlessly giving it to his twin. This form of care is much appreciated by Crosshair.
Loves to shop in the airport. He’s a fan of the cute knickknacks, books, and the duty free section as a whole. May or may not be buying something for Phee.
Hates airports and air travel, so he’s miserable the whole time.
Very irritable and short-tempered because of this, but his siblings let it slide since he’s not feeling great.
Ordering a ginger ale on the flight, but because he gets sick not because he likes it.
Needs to sit in the window seat. He wants the privacy if he starts feeling too sick but also looking outside helps him a bit.
Spends most of the flight napping or at least trying to nap. Either way, he’s resting his head on Echo’s shoulder most of the time.
Not that anyone enjoys it, but he hates when they’re hit with turbulence. He’s gripping his armrests (and Echo), he’s scared, he’s nauseous, he’s dizzy and headachey, overall he’s just not having a good time. Spends the whole time there’s turbulence praying, even though he’s not religious.
Hates and dreads going through TSA.
Pretty chill after it’s over though.
Has a bag (affectionately referred to as “the diaper bag”) that has EVERYTHING in it. Tons of snacks, OTC medicine for basically an anything you can or can’t think of, hand sanitizer, two types of wipes, ear plugs, eye masks, you name it.
Also fussing over Crosshair, but not as much as Hunter since he knows when to just give Crosshair his space to sulk.
Crosshair usually seeks him out for comfort because of this.
Doesn’t care much about where he sits as long as he has the most room available for his prosthetics.
Usually sits next to Crosshair on the plane, since by the time they board Hunter has made Crosshair ban him from occupying the seat next to him.
Hunter is usually on the other side of him.
Just having a good time.
Tech explains a lot of the technical things to her and she finds it so cool.
Loves takeoff and landing; thinks they’re so fun.
Spends most of the flight watching movies and eating snacks.
Even though she’s having a good time, she’s still worried about Crosshair and always tries to help and/or do something nice for him. The only one who can get away with this without him getting irritated for the most part, but even if he does get irritated it’s just for a second and very mild.
Sharing her snacks with Wrecker and passes some to Hunter as well across the aisle.
Always says thank you to the pilot and flight attendants. Chats with the pilots if she’s given the chance and they always love her and her questions. One time early on into living with the batch and traveling with them she very bluntly said to the pilot “thank you for not making my brother throw up”. Crosshair was mortified but the pilot laughed and thanked her for the compliment.
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People. Just… No.
If one more person tries to convince me that the RISE world is perfect and one of the 2012brothers would feel more at home in the care of the RISE family-
I don’t think ya’ll understand how family dynamics work.
Or the characters themselves.
You’re seriously going to sit here and tell me Mikey would happily leave to seek a different kind of love from a set of brothers that he is unfamiliar with? Mikey? The heart of the family would abandon the brothers that have and will risk their lives for him without a second of hesitation? Mikey?? The only one who’s able to keep their grumbling group in high spirits and is empathetically connected to each of their emotions- would assume they don’t want him and leave? Mikey???
Leo and Raph would not be happier in a world where they aren’t obviously and explicitly needed. They would not be able to relax with the knowledge that their younger/elder siblings are an entire dimension away. These two protecters need something to live for, and that’s their brothers.
Mama hen Leo would not be happy without her ducklings- whether they are ‘perfect’ younger siblings or not (I hate to break it to you, but the amount of times 2018Raph’s younger siblings ignore his command or advice is extensive). The fact that his brothers don’t learn is exactly why he needs to be around to teach.
Lone Wolf Raph might think that he could live without them, but- plot twist- he can’t! He knows he’s the only reason that Leo hasn’t self-sacrificed himself into oblivion, and that he’s Donnie’s brick wall when though insecurities try to break though, and he’s basically one reason why their insane, impulsive youngest brother hasn’t gotten himself killed yet.
They’d appreciate the pressure off their shoulders, but they wouldn’t be truly happy.
Donnie is the brother that I have seen the least fanfics like this for, but the fact still stands for him. He would also appreciate the weight off his shoulders, but he’d also have an entire new reality to adapt to. Everything about this world is the opposite to what he knows, and a lot about this family is different than his own. That’s a lot for this socially awkward boy to adapt to, awesome tech or not.
All family dynamics are different. All friendships are different. All relationships are different.
You can’t take someone and chuck them into a different family, one without the same taunts and jibes and love languages and inner jokes and silent understanding from shared experiences and memories and attachments-
And just. Expect them to move on.
You can definitely add to a family. Your family can change to better itself (basically what these brothers have been doing for five seasons) and there will always be aspect that you don’t appreciate about how you and your family interacts.
Because no singular family is perfect.
There can be no TMNT without the leader, the protector, the genius, and the heart. Each iteration is not going to be perfect.
So would you please stop telling me that one of the 2012brothers would be better off if their family was broken apart?
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clownery-and-fuckery · 3 months
Oh lads, i dont think anyones ready for this one.
Pabu is found by the Empire.
They're wondering how, who sold them out? Why would they do such a thing? How could they do such a thing? Wrecker goes as far to assume it's Cid. Echo tells him it couldn't have been her, she never went.
Phee has no idea, she'd never set up her home like that. It had to have been a traitor among them. Hunter dares to ask Omega as gently as he can if she told anyone. She promptly hurls insults at him for assuming.
They don't know how Pabu was found. All they know is that it was, and that the clone leading the group knew the place like the back of his hand.
Turn to later, when they find this clone. They capture him, bind him to a pole. They demand answers. They're willing to resort to torture.
Until this clone breaks down. I mean he stares at them and he loses it.
They can't hear anything other than the words "sorry" and "good soldier". Its like he can't decide what to say, himself. He just sits there, sobbing into his knees and occasionally slamming his head back into the pole in the name of self punishment.
They have to wait for him to calm down, because they aren't getting any answers from him until the meltdown smooths over.
Then Crosshair takes the mask off. He's worn it before, he knows how to get it off, he knows how uncomfortably hot it can get when you get emotional under it, provided you aren't caught before you can calm down.
He nearly falls over in shock. His yell has the others sprinting in. They stop and stare in horror.
There, bound to a pole by his siblings hands, hurt from their punches, insults and threats- is Tech.
And Tech begs them not to let him go. Through horrific bursts of tears and shame, he tells them that it isn't safe to be around. That he isnt safe. He says that he's sorry, that he held out for as long as he could. That he'd understand if they killed him then and there.
The traitor was among them, just not at the time.
Instead of being safely with his siblings, he was near mangled to death on a cableline, poked and prodded at until a flick of a switch, some electricity burns later, all he could do was follow orders.
A good soldier. A dead man.
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sailorkamino · 1 year
i saw that requests are open, so could i request your headcanons about the bad batch reacting to a unexpected love confession from their crush (the reader)? ❤️🥰
you confess [bad batch]
relationships: gn reader x bad batch
warnings: inexperienced clones, jealous cross, insecurities, some internalized ableism (echo)
a/n: my first bad batch request! thank you so much!
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• cross will flirt with you all the time but when you confess he shut downs (like that brooklyn 99 episode where adrien is super flirty but when rosa asks him out he runs away)
• cross doesn't take your feelings seriously bc he doesn't see himself as lovable :(
• he rather keep you at a distance than be hurt when you eventually leave
• i think this fear is why he starts fights with regs, he rejects them before he can be rejected
• besides you're a liability, cross already has to keep his stupid siblings alive, he doesn't need another loved one distraction
• it might take seeing you flirt with someone else for him to admit his feelings
• i know that's low key toxic but so is crosshair so it works out
• within a second you're being pinned against the closest wall, long fingers squeezing your hips
• echo's feelings are very obvious (he treats you like royalty ffs) but he never considers confessing
• his insecurities have convinced him that you could never feel the same way
• so when you do it feels too good to be true
• he's so expressive, you might as well just told him he'd won the lottery
• he doesn't understand why choose him when he has a million brothers with the same face and no baggage
• "because they're not you"
• you have to reassure him when it comes to his body
• "i like your prosthetics. they make me feel safe. like nothing can hurt me when i'm with you."
• your health/safety is echo's main priority so to hear you see him a protector >>>>
• thats when it becomes real for echo: the person of my dreams wants me
• he's instantly pulling you into him, kissing your check and showering you in mando'a compliments
• hunter first clocked your rapid heart beat around him as nerves
• does he intimidate you? he goes out of his way to be nice as possible but it keeps happening
• at this point he's concerned, he even brings it up to tech
• when he confronts you about your 'health issue' you're embarrassed but it's also funny as hell
• well since you've been called out you might as well shoot your shot
• "i'm love sick" "oh fuck is it treatable?"
• you can't help but laugh at your sweet, dumb, hunk
• "i want to date you, hunter"
• when he's silent you start to apologize but he quickly silences you with a kiss
• "oh sweetheart" he pants when you finally pull away
• tech has a hard time understanding when someones serious vs joking
• so even if he does pick up on your flirting he might think you're kidding
• he's used to being teased by his brothers but no ones ever flirted with him
• when you confess you need to be very straight forwards
• "i like you romantically, tech" "...why?"
• he's not fishing for compliments, he genuinely wants to know your thought process
• tech, much like crosshair, is confused bc he doesn't see himself as boyfriend material
• in turn, he begans listing off everything he likes about you
• you actually have to cut him off because he won't stop-
• "i'm infatuated with you as well"
• everyone knows about wrecker's feelings except for wrecker
• he's never had a crush before, or even a friend that's not a sibling, so he doesn't recognize the feeling
• but his crush is visible from space
• he considers you his best friend and wants to be with you all the time
• he will do anything for your attention (even share the good rations)
• when you first confess it goes over his head because you guys already have a really affectionate friendship
• "i like you" "aw i like you too" "no i mean i like you more than a friend" "like a best friend?" "no like i want to kiss you!"
• he stares at you in shock with those big puppy eyes, "you can kiss me. like all the time if you want"
• so you do
• he sweeps you off your feet and spins you around, almost knocking out poor tech who happens to walk by
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
2x1 anon. YAAAAAASSS. I hope I inspire people to ask you these 🤤 I have so many ideas, so many couples, where/with whom I do begin...
Yeah, please and thank you so much!
May I ask, pearl love with Tech and Crosshair in winter at night please. With an introverted reader maybe?
Better Together
Summary: It's been a week since Life Day, and you're struggling with being overwhelmed with everything you've had to do in the last two weeks. Luckily, you don't have to manage alone.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader x TBB Tech
Word Count: 854
Prompt: Pearl - Honest Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, I came really close to going over my word limit with this one, but, thankfully I was able to make it happen without going over the word limit. I hope you like it! Also, introversion kind of went hand in hand with anxiety in this one, I think. Whoops.
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You love Crosshair and Tech. You do. They’re wonderful, even when Crosshair is at his grumpiest. Even when Tech is intentionally trying to irritate his brother.
You’ve never been happier.
But sometimes you need some space from them. It’s not because you don’t want them around, but because sometimes you just can’t handle people anymore. Even people that you love.
Maybe even especially people that you love.
Normally this happens after you’ve been forced to interact with a lot of people over a short period of time. Holidays are the worst for this, honestly. And though both Crosshair and Tech said that you didn’t have to host their siblings for Life Day, that their brothers and sister would understand, you were determined to push through it.
For a week. A week of people in your space. Touching your things. Talking to you.
It would have been overwhelming even if you hadn’t spent the week before with your family.
Which leads you to now.
Awake even though both Crosshair and Tech are asleep. Neither of them are pressed against you, which is a good thing because it means that you’re able to slide out the end of the bed and retreat to the living room.
Hunter and the others left earlier that day, but the Life Day decorations are still hanging around your home, and you need to do something, anything, to make the bad feelings go away, so, in spite of the late hour, you start pulling decorations off the tree.
It’s peaceful. The movements of pulling ornaments down and wrapping them is the perfect kind of repetitive that it’s nearly meditative, and you’re able to half watch the snow fall from the sky.
Quiet. Peaceful.
Exactly what you need.
Still, you’re not surprised when the bedroom door slides open and a pair of warm bodies press against your sides, “Kitten,” Crosshair sounds doubly grumpy, and you feel bad for waking him up, “It’s 2 in the morning.” His arms sling low around your waist, and his fingers absently play with the hem of the shirt you’re wearing.
“There are more productive times to pull down the decorations.” Tech agrees as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Such as when the sun comes up.”
“I’m being productive now,” You point out.
Crosshair’s arms tighten around you, “You should be sleeping, not pulling down life day decorations, Kitten.”
“You should not be doing it alone at all.” Tech adds, “We all decorated, so we all pull the decorations down.”
“You were asleep.” You offer weakly.
The brothers share a look over your head, before Crosshair sighs and lightly pulls the decoration from your hand, carelessly tossing it into the box, and he pulls you onto his lap so you’re facing Tech.
He rests his forehead against the back of your head and his arms wrap tightly around you.
Tech, meanwhile, shifts closer so that he’s able to cup your face with gentle hands. “You are overwhelmed.” It’s not a question, but a statement of face, “You have been for days now. We,” He motions to himself and Crosshair, “did not say anything because everytime we tried you claimed that you were fine.”
“I am-”
“Don’t.” Crosshair warns, “Don’t lie. Not to us. You think we can’t tell how you are feeling, Kitten? After all this time?”
“The back to back Life Day Events were too much. Even we think that.” Tech adds, “Next year we will spread them out.”
“Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, just be honest with us.” Crosshair says, “That’s the only way that this relationship is going to work. You agreed to that.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” You slump in Crosshair’s arms, “I just��you were both so happy to see your brothers and sister-”
“-and you felt that you could not talk to us.” Tech finishes, “That is on us, and we are sorry, cyare.”
“Clearly, we all need to do better.” Crosshair says, “We can start in the morning, when the sun comes up.” 
“I agree, we should return to bed.” Tech says, “Will you come with us?”
You glance at the decorations all around you, and Crosshair squeezes your hip tightly, “The mess will hold until the sun comes up.” He says in your ear, “Come back to bed, Kitten.”
You sigh and nod, “Alright.”
Tension seems to drain out of both men, and you wonder if they expected you to fight them on this.
And then you’re ushered back into bed, and bundled up with your favorite blanket. Crosshair tangles his legs with yours and pulls your face to his chest, while Tech buries his face in the back of your neck.
They both murmur affirmations of love against your skin, and you feel a surge of affection towards them both as you return their sentiments. 
And then a wave of exhaustion hits you, and you wonder if part of your problem is that neither Crosshair or Tech have been as physically affectionate with you in the past week. Something to consider in the morning, as you slowly drift off to sleep, safe and comfortable in their arms.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🔭🔭🔭
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Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion check it out on Tumblr and Instagram
🔭 It’s funny how Capricorn Lilith becomes such a teddy bear when in romantic partnership. They let go of their hardest thing to do and that is control. They control everyone else, but find it hard to have the same control for their partner since they like them too much. So it’s like they become soft around them, their partner IS their weak spot.
🔭 I don’t know for you guys, but I’ve seen a lot of Sun conjunct Lilith and Sun conjunct Chiron relationships turn south. For example, if you are Taurus Sun and the other person is a Taurus Lilith. Or one is Scorpio Sun and the other has Scorpio Chiron. They always seem to start well and then completely turn, that you wonder if they even liked each other in the first place.
🔭 If you have Pisces Moon, your mum probably bakes great desserts. 👌🏻
🔭 I previously talked about 12th house shows what kind of shoes you like to wear:
Aries over the 12th house
- red shoes
- shiney shoes, shoes with glitters
- running shoes
- Timberland shoes
- chunky boots, biker boots
- wedge sneakers
- thigh high boots
Taurus over the 12th house
- tried and tested shoes, loafers, moccasins
- dance shoes
- espadrilles
- penny loafers
- Fred Perry
Gemini over the 12th house
- shoes from siblings
- oxford shoes
- Vans, Converse
- white sneakers
- plain black shoes
Cancer over the 12th house
- your mother’s shoes
- Keds, Vans, Converse shoes
- slip ons
Leo over the 12th house
- skate shoes
- flip flops
- Vans shoes
- orange, gold shoes, yellow shoes
- leopard prints
Virgo over the 12th house
- oxford shoes
- Jesus shoes aka Birkenstock 😂
- minimalistic sneakers, either all black or all white
Libra over the 12th house
- sandals
- sneakers/trainers
- Balenciaga dad sneakers
- wedge sandals
- leopard print shoes
Scorpio over the 12th house
- shoes with snake pattern
- real leather shoes
- creeper shoes
- Uggs
- flats
- platform shoes
- thigh high boots
- black and red shoes
Sagittarius over the 12th house
- cowboy boots
- ankle boots
- desert boots
- chunky shoes
- gladiators
Capricorn over the 12th house
- golf shoes
- shoes one of your parents liked to wear or actually wore and were passed down to you
- boat shoes
- flats
- vintage shoes, thrifted ones
- velvet shoes, blue suede shoes
- matte, faux black leather shoes
- pointy shoes
- chelsea boots
- cowboy boots
- Wellington boots
Aquarius over the 12th house
- Camper shoes
- silver shoes
- cowboy boots
- Converse shoes
- clogs 😂
- Clark shoes
- Dr. Martens shoes
- Crocs 😅
- silver shoes
Pisces over the 12th house
- ballerina flats, dance shoes
- flip flops
- wedge sandals
- purple shoes
🔭 Neptune in the 2nd house: you best earn money when in isolation!
🔭 People with many planets in 11th house will be highly impacted by a work association. Like you work in a tech company for example, right? You could belong to a computer science association, club, book club and will be hugely affected by that.
🔭 All Earth Moons need steady daily routine that to others seems a bit repetitive, but it helps others. Because, if they don’t have that, they start disassociating.
🔭 Neptune in the 2nd house: you attract partners and people with potential emotional problem.
🔭 Leo Lilith, Lilith in the 5th house or Lilith at a Leo degree: people would react very strongly if you were to express that you do not wish to have children. Or on the contrary, you could have children young and later regret it that you didn’t go after all the other things you still wanted.
🔭 A lot of Cancer Suns might feel like underachievers at times, because they understand that when you get sick, ill it is your friends and your family that will take care of you and NOT your job. And they really invest a lot in their friendgroup, it makes them also feel like they belong somewhere.
🔭 Virgo Mars (especially if they also have Virgo Lilith) are so good with dirty talk, because not only they have big vocabulary that they can think of on the spot, but also because they know no shame. They are outspoken, because they are not that easily embarrassed by words.
🔭 Virgo Lilith or Lilith in the 6th house: it will be hard for you to get work phone or a work computer and/or work from home
🔭 I’ve talked about previously that 4th house shows your life after retirement.
Aries over the 4th house: you might be really physically active, like join a run club, be more active and DIY, work on your home, disputes with family members or close friends, a lot of cleaning around the house
Taurus over the 4th house: investing money from savings, indulging more with said money from savings
Gemini over the 4th house: reconnecting with siblings, buying more property or renting it, moving to another city, but within the same country, gardening
Cancer over the 4th house: cooking more, perfecting a craft, socializing with friends a lot
Leo over the 4th house: spending a lot of time with grandchildren, start an Instagram creative outlet, “the fashionable grandma/grandpa”
Virgo over the 4th house: travelling a lot, learning, constantly reading, reading the morning paper, going to get coffee with friends, someone else comes and does chores for you
Libra over the 4th house: buying more clothes, marrying at a late age, like marrying for the first time or again at 45 or 65, falling in love and feeling like a teenager again, baking desserts, socializing, doing chores for other people, enjoying saved up money
Scorpio over the 4th house: issues with your mother, inheritance, investing money
Sagittarius over the 4th house: moving to another country, reading books, watching documentaries, socializing, having get togethers in your home, being a lunch host
Capricorn over the 4th house: spending more time with your parents, have a hobby that earns you money and doing it from your home
Aquarius over the 4th house: living abroad, finding a partner who is also your best (and probably only) friend too, spending more time with family, but online or talking to them through a videocall
Pisces over the 4th house: a lot of money issues, people you live with trying to throw you out of the home, potential support from other people, helping other people, you doing chores for others and them giving you food, having a lot of free time
Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion check it out on Tumblr and Instagram
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
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Hunter x fem!reader, Tech, Phee, and Omega
Word Count: ~4.8k
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, smut (this is basically just filth), slight exhibitionism, Tech being a menace
A/N: This fic has killed me in more ways than one but I’m excited to finally share it. The prompt "Don’t make promises you can’t keep. So beg.” came from @homie-one-kenobi and I want to thank her and @techs-feral-wife and @a-single-tulip again for all their help with this ❤️ 
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You had come to know the many sides of Hunter over the years. You knew Sergeant CT-9901, the fierce and loyal soldier of the Republic. You knew Sergeant Hunter, the leader and brother his siblings needed to make it through battle after battle. You knew him as a mercenary, struggling with his place in a galaxy overrun with injustice. More recently, you got to know Hunter as a father, watching the way Omega’s presence started to heighten his affectionate side. But this new side of Hunter was doing something to you.
You truly hadn’t meant for things to escalate beyond innocent affection. But then a look lasted a little too long, your hand lingering on Hunter’s lower back when you brushed past him, standing just a little too close when you spoke. They had been unconscious movements, faint urges to be close to him or to just admire his profile in the warm sunlight until the tension was almost unbearable. There was something about being on Pabu that made it feel impossible to keep your focus and hands off of Hunter. 
He seemed calmer, shoulders looking less tense and his smile lingering for longer than normal. And now, standing at the kitchen sink after cleaning up dinner, you found yourself admiring him again. Hunter had his back to you, his hair moving with the breeze rolling off the ocean as he stared out at the dying rays stretching across lower Pabu. It had become a routine for him recently, leaning against the half-wall outside the small house just as the sun started to dip below the horizon.
It may not have been as apparent to anyone else, but you could see that there was a tightness about his shoulders, something you recognized as a sign that something was bothering him. You moved toward the doorway, pondering if you should interrupt him when the sound of hurried footsteps stopped you short. You glanced down just as Omega appeared beside you, a bright smile on her face and you weren’t sure if you were going to like whatever was going to come out of her mouth. 
“I’m gonna go night fishing with Wrecker, okay?” That wasn’t what you were expecting but it was better than her coming to tell you Wrecker had knocked a light fixture off the low ceiling…again. 
“Fine by me, kiddo,” you replied with a smile. Despite still having his back to the dwelling, you knew Hunter had heard her and when he didn’t move to object, you winked at the young clone. “Catch me something big.” 
“Okay!” Omega cheered, barely finishing the word before she took off in the direction of the docks. You watched her with a soft smile, silently thanking Wrecker and Phee for giving you a few precious hours of privacy with Hunter.
“I hope you have your comm!” Hunter called, turning his head in Omega’s direction. She was too far for you to hear her response but you assumed the answer was yes when Hunter stayed quiet. As the last wisps of light disappeared, Hunter turned to face you, the gentle breeze tussling his hair and blowing a few strands into his eyes as he closed the short distance.
“You okay?” you asked softly, lightly trailing your hand down the curve of his bicep. Hunter made a soft rumbling sound in response as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tucked his face against your neck. The soft gesture had you melting, your arms wrapping around his narrow waist; you went still when his chest expanded with a long, deep breath.
“You sweat more here,” he noted, his voice muffled against your skin. Your lashes fluttered, your brain scrambling to understand where the conversation was going while simultaneously trying not to get offended by the comment.
“Well, yeah, it’s a tropical island, Hunter,” you huffed, brows pinching together in confusion. You pulled away from him, expecting to meet his eyes only to realize he wasn’t looking at your face. The intensity of his stare had you taking stock of your body, realizing a second too late that you could feel a bead of sweat rolling down the side of your neck. It was nearly impossible to differentiate between his pupils and his irises as they followed the curve of your neck. 
Hunter closed the gap again, hugging you close as the tip of his nose came to rest just under your ear. Your mouth dropped open at the slow drag of his tongue across your skin, retracing the path your sweat had just taken. 
“Did I say it was a bad thing?” he breathed, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. The air left your lungs in a quiet wheeze, every nerve ending suddenly hyper-aware of Hunter pressed up against you. You gasped, stumbling over your feet when he started walking you backward into the blessedly empty house. “Wanted to get my attention today, huh?”
“Maybe,” you giggled, curling your fingers around his belt.
“Must’ve thought you were cute with all that teasing today too,” he huffed, trailing kisses down the length of your neck.  
“I wasn’t teasing,” you argued, knowing damn well what those leading touches did to him. “I just like being close to you.” The faint graze of teeth against your jaw made you shiver, your grip on his belt tightening.
“Don’t play coy, sweetheart,” he chided lightly, his lips barely brushing against the side of your neck. You jumped slightly when your tailbone bumped into the edge of the dining room table, Hunter crowding you against the cool stone slab. His arms fell away from your shoulders, dropping down to curl around your waist as he pressed his face against your neck again, breathing deeply.  
“Won’t happen again,” you sighed, doing your best to calm your racing heart, “I promise.”
“Mm don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Hunter hummed, kissing his way across your exposed shoulder. “Clearly you wanted something from me.”
“Well, I always want you,” you replied, letting your head roll back as he left a mark at the base of your neck. A soft moan slipped out when you rolled your hips, searching for any kind of friction.
“Tell me exactly what you want, mesh’la,” Hunter encouraged, pressing the outline of his cock into your hip.
“Easy,” you chuckled a little breathlessly, “your cock.”
“Well, if you want it, really want it…beg for it.” His voice raised goosebumps across your skin, the husky edge making your cheeks burn. Begging wasn’t a new request for you or him, but you had been wound so tight all day, aching for the tiniest bit of his attention. Now that you had it…you weren’t sure how long you could play this game. 
Hunter kissed up your neck and across your cheek, only to pause at the corner of your mouth, one of his hands moving to cup the back of your head. He kissed you with an urgency that made his earlier threat lose some of its weight and you almost giggled. Hunter put on a good show, years of learning to manage his senses would do that, but you could still tell he was struggling. The faint tremor in his hands, the harshness of his breathing, and the subtle movement of his hips gave away just how tightly wound you had managed to get him.
So of course, you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try and sway him, carefully moving one hand to his belt buckle. A strong, warm hand clamped down around your wrist, stopping you just short of your goal, your frustrated whine morphing into a gasp when he nipped at your bottom lip. 
“You know the rules,” Hunter warned, bumping his nose against yours but pulling away when you tried to capture his lips again. You stifled an exasperated sigh and let your head drop, resting your forehead against his chin as you tried to catch your breath. Now that Hunter wasn’t consuming every one of your senses, you were keenly aware of the hard line of his cock pressing into your leg. You were almost mad at yourself for not exploiting his weakness for your mouth. 
“I do,” you agreed, managing to coax him into one more languid kiss. Hunter sputtered when you suddenly broke the kiss, but it quickly morphed into a huff of surprised laughter when you sank to your knees. You didn’t give him the chance to argue, expertly unclipping the straps around his thighs before reaching for his belt buckle. Movement above your head had you looking up to find Hunter’s eyes locked onto your face, pupils wide and endless as he tossed his vambrace onto the table behind you. 
The belt dropped to the floor with a thud, and there was a moment where you were almost disappointed that you wouldn’t get to undress him yourself. The soft gasp he let out when you finally got his pants undone somewhat made up for it. You pushed his pants off, waiting until he kicked them aside before sitting forward on your knees, your mouth watering as you let your tongue loll out, putting on a show. The response was immediate and exactly what you wanted. Hunter’s jaw went slack, a harsh exhale whistling past his lips as he gripped the base of his cock, and your eyes caught the metallic twinkle of his piercing just under the head before he was sliding it through the saliva pooling on your tongue. The groan that tore from his chest was straight out of a wet dream, sending a chill down your spine. You may have been the one on your knees, but Hunter was putty in your hands.
“You–you did this on purpose,” Hunter rumbled in between pants. His breath hitched when you pulled your tongue back, closing your lips around him. You hummed in response, startling a sharp cry from Hunter, his hand shooting up to grip your hair, gently coaxing you to take more of him. You looked up the length of his body, finding his head thrown back, and admired the taunt lines of his throat that flexed when he swallowed. 
As if he could feel your gaze, his head dropped down, chin almost resting against his heaving chest. You paused when he threatened to hit the back of your throat, forcing yourself not to gag as you stared up at him with half-lidded eyes. He was the embodiment of sin like this: the muscles of his abdomen clenched and unclenched sporadically, his inked chest jumping with stunted breaths, and the dim light threw shadows over the tattooed side of his face, making his features look sharper. Staring down at you like this, Hunter looked dangerous, almost predatory. 
You breathed deeply through your nose before lazily starting to bob your head, pausing long enough to gently run your tongue over the piercing on the underside of his cock before sinking back down. Hunter’s quiet groans quickly escalated into whimpers, each rough, unhindered sound made your clit throb, begging for even the slightest bit of friction.
The hand fisted in your hair loosened and you slowed your pace, eyes following his hand as it came down to cup your jaw. Your exhale rushed through your nose when his thumb traced your lower lip, spreading the spit leaking from the corner of your lips down your chin. The look in his eyes was addicting, the genuine wonderment mingling with adoration almost made you falter. You suddenly wanted nothing more than to watch him come undone like this, spilling down your throat as his face twisted with pleasure.
Hunter’s half-lidded eyes were still trained on you, although he didn’t seem to notice your hand moving. His thighs tensed when you gently cupped his balls, but you didn't stop there. You very lightly press on the skin just behind them, causing his mouth to drop open, letting out an involuntary whine.
“St - stop,” he keened, a high, sharp sound you weren’t aware he could even make. You froze, blinking a few times as he panted, jerking his hips back until he slid out of your mouth. There was a moment of silence, Hunter struggling to catch his breath, leaving you to watch the way his cock throbbed in his hand.
“Why’d you stop?” you prodded, your voice sounding rougher than usual. A smirk lifted the corner of your lips, knowing that he was seconds away from spilling down your throat, something he usually indulged in.
“Why do you think?” Hunter grunted, sucking in a deep breath as he pushed his bandana higher, keeping his hair out of his face. Once his impending orgasm had seemed to recede, his hand started to move in slow, smooth strokes; it was pretty fucking close to torture for you and he knew it. You tried to lean closer, parting your lips in hopes of enticing him enough that he’d play nice; his free hand snagged your jaw, keeping you just out of reach. 
“Hunter,” you whined, looking through your lashes. It was clear that his restraint was slipping, given away only by the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek. It felt like lava had replaced your blood, pumping a dizzying heat through your veins, your clit aching for any kind of attention, although you knew how this game went. Your plan wasn’t working in your favor, at all, but you were too invested now, no matter how borderline painful it was. 
You gently pushed against his hold on your face, an excited shiver racking your body when his grip gave a tiny bit. That dark, searing stare you had seen a thousand times cut through you, almost making you back out but you had started this. Hunter arched a brow when your tongue poked out again, his expression growing more intrigued, allowing you to move closer. Finding that little piece of metal was muscle memory at this point, the tip of your tongue flicking over the bar under his skin. Hunter choked on a gasp, his hips jerking forward in a desperate, unconscious movement that pressed the bar into your tongue. 
You traced the shape, looking through your lashes to watch the dark ink covering his chest shift with each ragged breath. A hand suddenly gripped your hair and you caught the warning in his dark gaze. He partly lifted, partly guided you to your feet, immediately pressing you into the edge of the table. There was a pause, his parted lips hovering just out of reach, a wild look in his eyes. 
He held your gaze, daring you to look away as his hands slid under the hem of your shirt, pushing the fabric higher until it bunched up around the band of your bra. You automatically lifted your arms, shivering when he hooked his thumbs under the band, and slowly pulled the two pieces of fabric up over your head, carelessly tossing them aside. A shiver shook your shoulders, sending you shuffling closer to him, hoping to steal some of his warmth, bringing a half-smile to his face. 
“Gorgeous,” Hunter breathed, one of his hands cupping your breast. He caught your lips again before lightly tweaking your nipple, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth when your jaw dropped open. Each movement was precise as you slowly came unraveled, pushing you toward what he wanted in the first place. 
Your body acted on instinct, your stance widening when Hunter pressed closer. The position was all wrong but you were too caught up in the feel of his hands on your skin to notice. Your hands came to rest on his chest, your nails sinking into muscle when he slid his cock between your thighs. The slow drag against your folds forced a slightly frustrated groan past your lips and your hips subconsciously matched his rhythm. He coated himself in your arousal, his breathing getting heavier with each lazy thrust until the need to have him inside you was almost maddening.  
“Hunter,” you whispered against his lips. But you already knew the pleading tone in your voice wouldn’t be enough. “Please.”
“Please what, sweetheart?” he pressed, tracing the shape of your nipple at an infuriatingly slow pace. 
“Quit being an ass,” you whined, bumping your forehead against his. 
“Should’ve thought about that earlier,” he said with a faint shrug, moving away from your mouth to kiss along your jaw. He hesitated near your ear, sliding his free hand up your side to gently knead your other breast, humming when you pressed into his touch. “Come on, sweetie. Give me what I want and I’ll bend you over this table and fuck you like I know you’re aching for.” 
“Fuck,” you hissed, accepting that it was time to swallow the tiny bit of pride you were hanging onto. Hunter’s touch was feather-like as he trailed his fingers down your stomach, the anticipation making you dizzy. Your entire body tense when he pressed the pad of his thumb directly onto your clit, just holding it there and you waited for the starburst of pleasure only for nothing to happen. The pressure wasn’t enough, acting solely as a reminder of what he wanted from you and you almost wanted to cry in frustration. You arched into his hand, attempting to grind against him one last time before giving in. “Please, Hunter. I want to forget everything that isn’t your name. I want to sit down tomorrow at breakfast and remember the way you felt inside me.”
He groaned against the curve of your neck, the feather-like graze of his teeth acting as just a taste of what was to come. “Oh, you filthy thing,” he breathed, tracing your jugular with the tip of his nose, “bend over for me. Let me see how bad you want it.” 
You were clumsy in your desperation, your arms hitting the tabletop a little harder than you had intended. You expected to feel Hunter at your back, strong hands gripping your hips, but there was nothing but cool, evening air. After a few more seconds, you looked over your shoulder but he wasn’t looking at your face. His attention was fixated on your glistening pussy, dark eyes watching it desperately clench as he lazily stroked himself. Seeing him pleasuring himself at the sight of you made the trembling you had kept under control become known. 
“Hunter,” you whined, pressing your chest closer to the table, and pushing your ass out. 
“You look good like this,” he mused, the corner of his mouth twitching with a smug smirk. There was a charged silence that followed as you tried not to fidget under his heavy gaze. Just as you were about to turn your head, the sound of him spitting made you freeze, your lashes fluttering until you heard the sound of his spit-slicked hand returning to its previous slow pace. 
“Yeah, well I’d look a lot better with your cock inside me,” you bit back, the bone-deep need to feel him making your teeth grind in frustration. You met his eyes over your shoulder, batting your lashes and it seemed to work when his jaw flexed. Hunter held your gaze as he closed in on you, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in your scent. 
“Can’t say I disagree, cyare,” he rumbled, his hand following the curve of your spine. The grip on the back of your neck made you freeze, not even daring to breathe too deeply as he leaned over you, the length of his cock sliding against your soaked folds. Your mouth fell open in a soundless cry when the blunt tip pushed in and Hunter paused, a stunted gasp rushing past his lips when you tensed. The next movement had your breath catching, the brush of metal making your knees weak.
“Every time,” Hunter chuckled breathlessly, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. He didn’t speed up, splitting you open at an agonizing pace and all you could do was take it. A shaky breath puffed against your shoulder when his hips met your ass, his teeth grazing your shoulder. Your eyes rolled back when the rigid metal of his piercing kissed your g-spot and you trembled under his weight. Using the grip on the back of your neck, he pulled you off the table, making you suddenly aware of how soothing the stone had been on your sweltering skin. 
He wrapped one arm around your waist, pressing himself even deeper, forcing a sound out of you that was somewhere between a gasp and moan while his other arm curled around your chest. You dropped your head against his shoulder, enticing him to cup one of your breasts. A stillness settled around you, leaving you with no option but to just stand there, stuffed and shivering with anticipation. Your inhale synced with his, the only warning you had before Hunter started to roughly grind against your ass. 
You moaned softly, turning your face toward him, panting against his cheek, and forcing your eyes open when his thrusts slowed considerably. It took a few seconds for your eyes to focus, your lashes fluttered when you noticed that his attention was fixed on something across the room. 
“What’s wrong?” you whispered, doing your best to ignore the head-spinning girth of his cock filling you. 
“Look,” he breathed, coming to a stop seated inside you. It took more effort than you wanted to admit to lift your head, letting it roll lazily as you searched for whatever had his attention. It took a few seconds of searching the room before your eyes landed on the window looking out over Pabu. The reflection was dark, barely more than an outline, but you were suddenly just as transfixed as Hunter. You could see the outline of his broad shoulders, the way he wrapped himself around you, his silhouetted face hovering beside yours.
“Mm, we look good,” you purred, grinding back against him as you reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair. You watched his eyes slam shut, his brows pinching together with a soft moan. You looked past your reflection at the twinkle of lights, a thought hitting you. “I wonder if anyone can see us?” Hunter’s head dropped slightly as he throbbed inside you, sending a chill racing across your skin. Of course he liked that idea. 
“I want you to watch too,” Hunter ordered softly, jerking his hip and punching a choked-off moan out of you. “I want you to watch yourself cum on my cock.” Your playful undertone fizzled out, his command rumbling against your back. And who were you to disobey an order like that? 
“Yes, sir,” you breathed, keeping your eyes glued to your shared reflection. Hunter growled against your ear, jerking his hips forward until the barbell on the underside of his cock pressed deliciously into your g-spot. 
“Cheeky today,” he mused, holding himself perfectly still for a moment before pulling out to just the tip. “Keep your eyes on the window, sweetheart.” He didn’t give you a chance to respond, starting a measured pace that had you seeing stars with every thrust. Keeping your eyes open took every ounce of brainpower you could spare as your quiet gasps turned into pathetic mewls. You watched Hunter’s lips pull back in a snarl before his head dropped onto your shoulder, muffling his groans. 
“Talk–talk to me, cyare,” he panted, readjusting his grip on your breast to tweak your nipple. 
“Fuck,” you gasped when he pulled your hips away from the table, hitting that devastating spot with expert precision. You scrambled for something to hold onto, your nails digging into the back of the hand wrapped around your waist. Gritting your teeth, you desperately tried to piece together a sentence, anything to express your desires. “I-I want you to cum so hard I can feel you pulsing inside me.” The hand you had tangled in his curls closed, tugging hard enough to startle a whine from the back of his throat. 
“Keep - fuck - keep going,” Hunter rasped, his thrust growing harsher. You tried to catch your breath, forcing your eyes to focus on the faint outline of your bodies. Each snap of his hips made your breasts bounce and you released Hunter’s hair, moving to cover his hand that was still cupping one of them. 
“I-I love…I love your strong hands all over me,” you breathed, squeezing his hand to tighten his grip. You were searching for any bit of stimulation to tip the scales but even the brush of his calloused hands against your sensitive nipple wasn’t enough. You teetered on the edge, doing your best to meet his thrusts, trying to arrange your hazy thoughts when Hunter finally took pity on you. 
“Touch yourself,” he ordered, pressing down on your stomach, “I know you need it.” Blood rushed in your ears, the added pressure on your stomach intensifying the inferno already growing there. You somehow managed to find your target, your back arching when you started frantically circling your clit, chasing the pleasure making the edges of your vision fuzzy. 
“Ah–fuck,” Hunter whimpered, his thrusts faltering as your walls fluttered as the pleasure peaked. “So–so close, please–please cum for me.” The barely concealed desperation in his voice is what sent you hurtling over the edge, your entire body locking up as you sobbed his name. You almost didn’t register his orgasm through the blinding pleasure until the sharp sensation of teeth clamping down on your shoulder snapped you back into your body, another wave of pleasure washing over you. 
It all bled together, white-hot and all-consuming ecstasy as a few tears slipped out from the corners of your eyes. You sagged forward, pulling Hunter down with you until your flushed skin met the welcome relief of the cool tabletop. Hunter managed to catch himself on one arm so he didn’t crush you, his forehead coming to rest against your sweaty shoulder blade. The thought of just melting to the floor occurred to you but his extra weight kept you pinned in place as your legs trembled with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You turned your head enough to bump your temples against his chin in an affectionate little headbutt that earned you a soft, broken laugh. 
Just as you started to regain some semblance of higher motor function, the shrill beeping of Hunter’s com cut through the peaceful silence. You and Hunter snapped to attention, finding his discarded vambrace a few inches away. When he didn’t make a move to grab it you stretched across the table, gasping when his soft cock shifted inside your sensitive cunt. You ignored the exasperated look he sent you, holding the armor in front of his face. He shot you one more unimpressed look before tapping the button, resting more of his weight on you. 
“Huh?” he grunted, clearly expecting one of his brothers. 
“Ah, I take it you’re finished with your procreational activities.” You blinked down at the flashing device, a little surprised to hear Tech’s voice; it took a few seconds for you to register what he had said.
“Tech,” you started, hoping you didn’t sound as nervous as you felt, “how did you know that’s, uh, what we were doing.”
“Well, if you had bothered to look out the window, you would have no need to ask,” Tech stated matter-of-factly. Your stomach dropped and you stiffened at the same time Hunter did; he shifted a bit, covering more of your body with his. 
“Get away from the window, Tech,” Hunter all but growled.
“Apologies. The concept that someone could be watching you appeared not to bother you mere minutes ago,” Tech countered, an unusually mischievous tone to his voice that you wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t know him as well as you did. 
“Tech,” Hunter warned in that special tone he saved just for his little brother. 
“Come on, brown eyes, let them get decent,” was muffled through the com but you recognized Phee’s voice immediately. When she spoke again she sounded closer which you hoped meant she had pulled Tech away. “Oh and don’t worry, we just got here.”
“Wonderful,” you huffed, dropping your head onto the table.
“Goodbye,” Hunter snapped, disconnecting the call with a bit more force than necessary. The silence that followed was tense, Hunter still rigid behind you as you blinked at the lifeless comlink. 
You felt the soft vibration of his laugh against your back first, the sensation growing as the seconds passed until Hunter hid his face against your shoulder. Feeling his amusement only made it harder to contain your own until you both broke. Your combined laughter was breathless and giddy and you leaned into it, savoring the rare moment of unadulterated joy with the man you had grown to love. 
Even if it came about because Tech was an absolute bastard.
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Taglist: @starrylothcat @boogiewee89 @rinwritesfics​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​ 
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 months
Man I've written 26 fics for rise, that's insane, anyway here's a master post, sort of? I realized some people either A) may not know how many different fics I've written or B) not realized "oh he wrote that" sooo
One Shots
Don't You Care? – Donnie and Leo centric, post-movie. Donnie isn't always great with feelings, and when he fails to understand Leo's, he tries to find a way to fix it. Doing so forces him to unpack some of his own thoughts on their victory over the kraang as well.
To Bridge a Canyon of your Own Design – Splinter centric, post-movie, a bit of a retrospective on his relationship with his sons, his depression, and him trying to move away from his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
I Didn't Vote for You – Leo's the leader now, and Donnie always finds ways to argue with him about it. Leo wants to find out why Donnie has such a problem with how he's trying to lead the team, but it turns out that isn't the problem. It's simply the fact that Leo's the leader at all.
I'd Give Anything – Donnie-centric. A slightly alternate take on the movie's ending where instead of just firing a drill into the portal, Donnie jumped in, and ends up losing an arm in the process. But he has to kind of piece all of that together as he recovers in the med bay, talking to each of his family members.
Grappling With Things Beyond Your Control – Gift fic for my friend Bat! Donnie-centric, post season 2. Suddenly getting ninpo with no prior training causes Donnie's powers to start to run amok, and on top of that he has to help his family not only find a new home but move into one. It's a lot to balance, maybe too much to balance.
Four Turtles in your Corner (Store) – A silly fic about April being out of supplies for her period, and in desperation sends the boys to go get her some. I'm sure four reptilian mutants have competent knowledge on what humans need for things like this.
Now Lie In It – Big Bang fic! Takes place during season 2. Leo won't sleep, and ends up getting on Donnie's nerves. The softshell's solution to the problem is a simple sleep potion, but when he pours too much into Leo's tea his brother won't wake up. Time to force April and Draxum to go find an antidote while he hides his mistake from the rest of his family. (it sounds angsty but it's comedic, actually)
What Will You Leave Behind – Big Bang fic! Doomed timeline, Raph centric. Raph is the first of his siblings to die during the war. And while he does everything he can to be their ever present pillar as they eventually follow after, he can't help but loathe the fact that the ones still down there are suffering and he can't do anything to help.
My Words Died With You – Gift fic for Bat! Doomed timeline, Donnie centric. Donnie quit speaking when Raphael died, months later he still isn't. His family tries to help him cope with this, even Raphael does from the afterlife, but it may not be enough.
VHHB series
(These are all post-movie)
My Roommate the Troubled Time Traveler – Casey and Draxum centric. Casey Jones Jr. isn't coping too great with being in the present, and trying to live in the lair isn't helping. So Mikey has the GREAT idea to convince Draxum to let Casey be his roommate. The alchemist thinks this is a terrible idea, but he might be able to help the kid far more than he realizes.
Violet Hues and Holly Blue – Donnie centric. 8 months after the kraang invasion and Donnie's been the reigning champ in the Battle Nexus for a while, in his attempts to improve his mystic abilities. But this draws the attention of a business focused wasp named Holly Blue who offers to help sell his tech designs in the Hidden City. Donnie ends up agreeing, having to keep that secret from his family too, but eventually they're going to find out. (This is only a partial summary haha sorry, fic is heckin long)
Missing Pages – Just some VHHB extras, but hey it features Big Mama being herself, Lou Jitsu maiming some people, Donnie dealing with past blood on his hands and uuuuh Leo and Holly becoming friends (what a mood whiplash)
You Are Loved – Two-shot fic about the Caseys (of the Senior and Junior variety). Casey Jr. wants to know why his ninpo sprung up so suddenly, and in his search to find out discovers his family is much closer than he realizes. Meanwhile Cassandra is struggling with her place among the Hamatos, it doesn't help when she finds out they're keeping a pretty big secret from her. Hopefully they can make it up to her.
The Sun and Icarus – Mikey-centric. He's been doing pretty good at developing his mystic abilities lately, but now they're starting to explode, pretty violently. And it turns out if this keeps up the whole ordeal could just kill him. Better find a way to put a cap on it, or something to that effect. (Wow more power overloading fics from ME)
Girls' Night – April centric one shot, also April/Sunita. She's just trying to have a fun night out with the girls, inviting Holly Blue along for the ride, but maybe that was a mistake because in her attempts to playfully tease the wasp, she's suddenly forced to confront her own crush.
And For my Next Trick – Leo-centric one shot. Leo's getting frustrated with his lack of progress on his mystic powers, and with Hueso's advice decides to shift his focus to a different kind of magic, stage magic. With Hueso Jr.'s help, he plans to put on an entire show, which should be fine if some other magician doesn't show up to steal the show.
Look Up Hero in the Dictionary – Raph centric. Raph's feeling a bit too idle in the city lately, with only minor crimes going on, but in his wish for something exciting a strange explosion happens at an apartment building. He attempts to help everyone escape, but a yokai holding the building together stays behind, and on top of that charges Raph with the task to take care of her child. Have fun taking care of a powerful psychic seven-year old, Raph.
What You're Made Of - Casey Jr. centric. Casey is getting frustrated with discovering weird things about his body like skin problems and peanut allergies. Draxum suggests he find out who his other parent is to get an idea of his genetic history, but when he finds out who it is, he's kind of ticked off that his family never told him. (this is a bio dad Raph fic for the record).
Off Colors AU (Separated AU)
Off Colors: Contrasts - Covers season 1. Leonardo's spent most of his life believing he's an only child because his little brother was kidnapped when they were only toddlers. But a rescue mission to the Hidden City with his best friend April results in him finding out he actually has three siblings. And in the span of a couple of weeks he finds out all of them are alive and, unfortunately, working for bad guys. He's going to try everything he can to stop them and convince them to come home, but it may be a fools errand.
Other Chaptered Fics
An Alien Invasion Happened but That's Not Really What This is About - Long ass title. Jason-centric. Hi I wrote a novella sized fic about what happens to this kid during and after the events of the movie. Watch him attempt badly to cope with trauma while also fixing his relationship with his very queer dad who loves him a lot.
Artificial Phoenix – Lou Jitsu died in the arena but then Big Mama said no no no! So Draxum brings him back to life while mutating four turtles so Lou Jitsu said NO NO NO! And he took them and ran. Alternate take on the events of the show, where Splinter is undead and unmutated, and unfortunately does not keep his soul in his body the entire time, leaving his sons grieving and desperate to get him back.
Jasonnie things
Not Part of the Plan – Donnie centric. Despite knowing time travel exists, Donnie is still surprised to find his future self in his lab. But his excitement at the possibilities is swiftly crushed as his future self has an easy time embarrassing him. He hopes he can at least gather some useful information in the process, but he slowly begins to wonder if he even wants answers to all these questions.
You Have to Let Him Go – Donnie centric also sad as hell. I literally just wanted to write about how Donnie's husband hecking dies. Read this if you want to be miserable. (or if you hate Jase I guess ??? alskdjf man got char grilled (I have to make jokes to keep myself from being upset shh))
I'll Put the Knife in Your Hand – Well, now that Donnie heard about his possible future husband, he's determined to at least get to know the guy. Unfortunately his family is far more cautious about this than he seems to be. AKA Four times Donnie's family believes Jase is planning to stab him in the back, and the one time he actually does.
ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Donnie is messing around with his mind machine again, and in the process ends up erasing part of his memory. Specifically the memories about Jase, and Jase is barely handling this well. Good thing Donnie's brothers who totally and absolutely are on good terms with Jase are there to help. Maybe.
Dual Dragons - Collab fic with @there-wolf ! A fic in which our versions of Jason end up encountering each other and even switching universes temporarily, giving them a window into how their life could be different (for better or worse).
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