#at the end of the day: I bought the game and I want to play and complete every aspect of it
thefirstknife · 2 years
Seeing some of the latest whining over on Twitter, I think I've realized part of the problem: the content creators who have made playing D2 their life think it's "too easy" and that "toxic casuals are ruining things" because they refuse to admit they're simply too skilled to find a huge challenge anymore. But instead of rebranding to something else and moving on to learn a new game where they'll face challenge and struggle they continue to insist that the game is bad foe catering to "the lowest common denominator". Some of them also seem kind of entitled? Lime the idea that any no-name players (aka people who aren't Big Names in the fandom) could possibly do amazing snd outplay them feels like they're being cheated out of what they're "owed" as their Top Player Bragging Rights? But not everybody who puts in the work to get good at the game engages with the fandom, either. It just feels a lot like some of them think "I put in the work to master it, so nobody else should be allowed to match me and also it needs to keep up with me because I made this game my life". Feels very weird and entitled to me. And I say this as a person who has played some games so much that the highest difficulty settings are a breeze! I just accept that I've mastered it and move on when I want challenge.
Oh yeah, the new elitist dickhead whining is live in the community and it's the same thing as always. Agreed with what you wrote! I think streamers just literally want things to only be "difficult" for them and impossible for everyone else so they can feel special. They can deny it all day long, but there is no logical reason to want FEWER people to play an exciting competition and for FEWER people to feel like they can complete it. Because if people feel like they can't, they won't bother. Why would I waste my time? I'm not getting paid to play the game.
Day 1 raid race is a community contest, meant for the community, aka all players. It's not "special contest for top players only," it's a contest for everyone. It's supposed to be something everyone tries out and does their best, as well as something that is reasonably achievable for more than a grand total of 12 players.
Over the years, Bungie has been hard at work turning raids into an activity that more people will want to play and finish. Including adjusting the way day 1 race is happening and when. They WANT more people to participate which is evident through lowering the amount of grind needed to be ready and moving the race to the weekend, and now extending it to 48 hours. This helps everyone; the community and the devs.
More below:
The moment the day 1 raid race is accessible, that means more people will attempt it and more people will realise that they ARE good enough to raid and complete the contest mode. When the raid race is locked to a power level grind that nobody outside of people playing the video game for a living can achieve, that drastically reduces the number of people who will enter the race. When the raid race is releasing in the middle of the week, nobody outside of streamers will be able to compete. Now, day 1 raid race is no longer limiting in ways that we, the players, can't control.
This means more people can attempt it and at that point, we're dealing with pure numbers. More people attempting means that more people will finish. So when streamers are whining about "numbers," they're whining about the simple hard cold unchangeable logic of math. More people than ever are playing, more people than ever are attempting, more people than ever were able to watch the whole race and figure that they have a chance, and then they had plenty of time to try. This resulted in more completions than ever. Very little to do with the raid being "easy." It wasn't. It was accessible.
There are probably incredibly good players out there who couldn't participate before because they didn't have time or weren't available off work or couldn't ruin their mental and physical health over a 24 hour video game contest. There are probably perfectly average players who can still complete the raid race if they have more time to practice.
And this bothers content creators, because it's telling them that they're not special. Some Joe Shmoe with a 6 year old PC and $5 headset might be incredibly good at Destiny, possibly even better than them, but he didn't have time to compete before. Now he does, because Bungie removed the limit that a player can't control and the content creators are fucking mad as hell because Joe Shmoe, 47, a dad of 3, can finish the contest mode.
They keep insisting this is not the reason they are mad; they're mad because.... uh.... Contest mode is supposed to be SUPER HARD and it's an EXCLUSIVE EVENT that happens TWICE A YEAR!!!! And like. Yeah? Joe Shmoe has the same feeling about it. Joe Shmoe also gets two days a year to participate in a community event. Again, content creators are slowly learning that they're not special and it's a hard hitting truth. Also if more people are playing the raid race, then they're not watching them. That's gotta hurt as well. It's at least 5 fewer subs.
I am so fucking done with their bullshit and their repeated attempts to demean everyone's accomplishments by yelling about the raid being easy and bad and whatever. They are sad people with a void in their hearts.
The raid was absolutely hard. More people than EVER attempted it and MANY haven't been able to complete it. The raid wasn't "easy" in the sense they mean it (they mean easy = bad), it was different. It required different skills and it had a different goal and a different fantasy to invoke in players. Every single one of those bitches used every known cheese and meta tactic to brute force every damage phase and every mechanic, to the point of many of them not figuring out an entire mechanic in the final encounter. They straight up did not understand a mechanic and then dare to say that it was easy. But yeah. They were grasping at every broken build possible and then whining about it being easy. Well I did it with 30 resilience. I am better.
They are absolutely entitled. They feel like they are owed everything in this game because they've been here since 2014 and that if the game is not catering to them, then it's objectively bad. Literally, as you said, they've mastered the game and they're bored of it. But hey, there's money in clickbait about negative stuff so they will keep being miserable playing something they obviously don't like anymore.
I'm so done with those assholes. The raid was an absolute BLAST for me. It was super fun, it was really difficult and it took a long time to get it done, but my team did it, even through a horrible bug that cheated us out of a clear 10 hours early. The raid is SUPER fun, it's an excellent new addition to the raid roster, super helpful for newer players and newer raiders. The mechanics are really smooth and simple, they don't require a lot of callouts, but still rely a LOT on coordination of the whole team. Incredible work threading the line between an incredibly fun raid that is also accessible to everybody. I'll be doing it a lot, it's a really chill experience that still gets your adrenaline going. Bungie did an amazing work with it and I absolutely love it.
I cannot FATHOM a mindset that people have where they want people to NOT be able to experience raids. The most bizarre thing in the world to me. Raids are PEAK content in the game that devs spend a lot of time making and that is currently not being played as much as they want, which is actually a problem resource wise. Since they take so much resources to create, but aren't being used, it's a shame.
This raid was absolutely made with that in mind. They want more people to play to raids. This raid is "easy" in the sense that it is accessible. And there's nothing those assholes hate more than accessibility, I guess. God forbid people who paid for the expansion get to play the expansion. That includes the day 1 contest mode race absolutely. It's for the whole community, not for 50 people with a twitch.tv account.
Every content creator whining about this is a bitch who does not care about the health of the game or the community. They want a game made for them, and only them. They think they own it and that it's good when only 3% of the players play raids. They want every regular player to suffer and leave, to not have fun and to not experience these amazing activities.
They want the game to die.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Heretical thoughts on Gameboy games?
It's a great way to be introduced to the Harry Potter franchise.
I was eight years old, hadn't read any of the books nor seen the movies when a relative gifted me the Game Boy as well as the game for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
An incredible time was had, complete with the shock I had when the unskippable character dialogue revealed that Sirius Svaart was in fact innocent, and then the teeny tiny pixel rat turned into a not so tiny pixel man. Lupin turned into a werewolf shortly after that, and we had a boss fight.
The only thing resembling drama would be that the game was in Danish, so I learned the Danish versions of everybody's names and made something of a fool of myself because of this when I tried to talk to the cool kids about Harry Potter. "Have you read the books? Or even seen the films?" "No... game boy..."
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It was a great game. I sometimes miss it.
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akkivee · 2 years
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ichikuu haul 🤭
#this is vee speaking#excuse the mess of wires lol i was playing video games#there was an online ichikuu event at the beginning of february that i lurked around in#and realised there were some ichikuu doujins i hadn’t bought so i did lol#like i visited the event because i wanted the anthology (the sticker sheet is covering it up but look how MASSIVE)#but you can’t expect ME to not shill when all this content is in my face lol#i’m very excited to read the one on the far right the sample pages brought much concern lol#but there’s supernatural kuukou still finding his way back to ichiro it looks really good and really painful lol#ichikuu artists are really inspired lol i’m still crying over this set of doujin where ichiro and kuukou kinda have a same dream experience#and ​they’re watching their friendship unfold and end alone in a theatre#god it was a big showcase how their break up really fcked them up tho like ichiro’s half had him musing he probably loved kuukou#(crossed out was he definitely loved him)#and then in his dream he and kuukou are laughing like old times and when he asked kuukou if he had ever liked him#kuukou responded ‘no i’ve always hated you’ BECAUSE THATS HOW ICHIRO THINKS KUUKOU FEELS ABOUT HIM STILL#IM NOT DOING THIS COMIC JUSTICE IT HAD ME FCKED UP FOR AN ENTIRE DAY#THE SETUP THEM BONDING AGAIN WITH THEIR HAPPY MEMORIES ON SCREEN ONLY TO BE HEARTBROKEN AGAIN BECAUSE THATS JUST HOW ICHIRO PERCEIVES KUUKOU#*cries* i wanna draw a fcked up/painful ichikuu story too………………………#c: ichibro#c: kuukou👑
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
One thing about me is I will buy myself treats I literally do not deserve because I didn’t do anything whatsoever
#so you know that job interview i had today? yeah i cancelled it#i looked at reviews for the company and they had legit HORRIBLE reviews on both glassdoor and indeed#and so many of them and so recent that i was like. i can’t discount this#plus the fact that i don’t even really want to work in this field… like why would i do this to myself#scheduled to work 10 days in a row; back to back 12-15 hour shifts#for MINIMUM WAGE are you actually shitting me. i think the fuck not#you know what my last job was? making coffee. you know what i got paid? 50p an hour above minimum wage. you know what my shifts were?#4-8 hours. you know how many days i worked in a week? 4-5. you know how many breaks i got? lots#i rest my fucking case#(breaks were unpaid lol and i didn’t get much holiday or sick pay but you can’t have everything!)#i also saw like… management is rude; disorganised; disrespectful etc and i was like okay. that’s not going to go well#i mean there is something very wrong with me so i’d more than likely end up being about thrice as rude to management. but still#anyway. the treats! i ordered myself a new leather jacket because idk i don’t care about my credit score i guess#i also bought a lot of chocolate. like a lot a lot. they didn’t have my favourite ice cream so i compensated#by raiding the christmas display and also buying sweets and cookies and aero bars and THEN i noticed they had chocolate yoghurt on offer#so i obviously had to buy those. i did also buy the necessities#well i didn’t buy cheese but honestly i was too bamboozled by the display and the fact that they only had mild cheddar and light cheddar#and lightER cheddar which? 🧐 just buy milk at that point man#so basically if you need me i think i am going to eat haribos and play my game#there will be other job interviews. i literally have one next week. the one today was just not it#personal
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noxtivagus · 2 years
head in hands FINAL FANTASY
#🌙.rambles#i just. really want to listen to dedicated to moonlight already it's driving me insane#n i really want to replay ffix 🥺 i still rmb playing a lot through yk terra n pandaemonium n stuff n that ancient tree#during those brownouts hehe. i still rmb very well#i remember going upstairs n crying to myself in a corner bcs of the ending#w vivi !!!! :c n then i got infuriated too bcs i didn't realize i accidentally turned off bgm midway my game or smth#i have no idea how i didn't notice#but i was waiting for melodies of life n it didn't play 😭😭 so yeah that's how i realized. but i went back a bit tho#so i cld listen from around. hmmm i can't rlly remember but at least w behind the door & melodies of life yes#n then before ffix was ff7r i rmb apollo n i watching some ff7r stuff n cc on yt then#our dad saw n the day after he bought it :^) i love my family sm sobs#n then we used to take turns bcs only 1 ps4 then n we'd also sched like. 2 hours play n then 30 minutes rest or smth#i rmb when zack first appeared i was crying too man T_T i love video games n stories sm bcs#back then i rlly bottled my emotions even more n yk ^^ were an outlet :^) i love them so very much#OH YEAH finally finished ffxv too then 🤍 kh3 too around that time bcs. yk 2020 lockdown. a lot of switch games too#i still rmb my notes while playing those games T_T#& i rmb looking too around like. early october or even earlier i think. i was searching up a bunch of ff charas#hang on. i said i'll be productive but i really really don't want to work on this script#tmrrw i can rest though. don't rlly have much to do aside from. ah reviews on saturday i have to catch up#bcs i got sick last saturday n cldn't pay attention :c but other than that. the stuff due next week mon/tues r easy#n wed to fri no classes <3 just. have to get this bs done. i hate my group.
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
Kinktober Day 31 - Free Use
Poly 141 x Reader - 4.3k (on ao3)
summary: Glimpses into your life as a housewife and free use toy for the 141 post-retirement. (Reader POV, second person)
cw: soft sex, half-drunk sex, light somnophilia, anal sex
note: last kinktober of the month! sorry i got off by a day at the end here, but i hope you guys have enjoyed everything so far :) btw this is less "free use" and more "sex with the 141 while living in domestic bliss"
Your days are filled with sex. Sex with all of your boys, in every position you can think of, in every room of the house they’d bought for the five of you after retiring. 
You all split the chores evenly these days. No one does more than they’re more comfortable with, and you’ve all found your stride, something to give you purpose, after the rigidity of the military.
Gaz has taken to bee-keeping. As odd as it sounds, he’s got the patience for it, and he’s quite protective of his bees, even has nearly an entire library of books he’s taught himself with. Price helps him out by selling the honey he harvests, keeping track of his profits and managing the household’s finances. 
Ghost hunts, spends his days out finding game to bring home, tracking herds and predators around your property. Johnny does a little of everything - fixes things when they break, chops firewood every morning, helps Simon skin his prey, tries to help Gaz and his bees. 
And you take care of the house. You make the meals, clean up after everyone, and find yourself perfectly happy to keep your men fed and warm. 
Your other chore is to bend over whenever they want. Well, bend into any position whenever they want, Ghost and Soap tend to enjoy getting a bit more creative. It’s not really much of a chore, considering how eager you are to do it.
It’s a great deal for you. Johnny and Kyle are always eager to get you off, and neither Simon nor Price is stingy with the orgasms these days either. You live your life floating between domestic labor and orgasms - not a bad existence, by your metric. You get to live without a care in the world, four men to take care of and four men to take care of you. It’s like a dream come true.
You hum to yourself as you dance around the kitchen, wearing nothing but a frilly apron as you wait for your pancakes to cook. The small radio on the dining room table plays music from a local radio station, something cheery to start your day. It’s hard not to smile, with sunshine pouring in from the windows and a batch of fresh eggs to scramble on the stove. 
Your small moment of bliss is interrupted by a pair of hands on your hips and a large body bracketing yours.
There isn’t even a moment of fear, you instinctually lean back into the man behind you. A moment later, a rough beard brushes over your cheek.
“Pancakes this mornin’?” Price asks, big paws resting on the softness of your hips.
“Hmm,” you hum, tilting your head to claim his lips. He sways the two of you back and forth slowly, to the beat of the song, and lets you take your time with him. “Blueberries in yours,” you tell him when you come up for a breath of air.
One hand shifts to your ass, the other to your stomach, and you feel him smile. “Thank you, love. Got time for a quick round before they burn?”
You mimic his smile, let him bend you over slowly. “You’re just in time, Captain, I haven’t cracked the eggs yet.”
“Perfect,” he purrs, pressing himself to your backside. He tucks his plaid pajama pants down a little, rubbing his warm morning wood against you. You fold your arms beneath your head, let your eyes drift closed as his fingers make quick work of getting you ready.
Moments later, the heavy length of his cock fills you slowly. You moan, shifting your legs a little bit wider as he massages your waist.
“There you go,” he sighs, bottoming out and grinding himself slowly inside of you. “Tight as always, perfect girl.”
You giggle a little drowsily, wiggling your hips against his. “Always for you, John.”
He sighs contentedly, pulling out slowly. “Don’t I know it.”
He fucks you slowly, a steady pace that drags against all your most sensitive parts on every thrust. John’s thick, and the stretch isn’t quite comfortable with no prep. But you’re still a little loose from your time with Soap and Gaz last night, so it’s far from painful to take him.
He hunches over you as he gets closer and closer to the edge, elbows resting on either side of you and breath ghosting across your nape.
“Aw,” you hear Soap say,voice rough from sleep as he steps into the kitchen. “I wanted first go today.”
“Early bird gets the worm, Johnny,” Gaz teases, settling into a chair in the little breakfast nook Simon had built soon after moving in. “You’re the one who stayed up so late with her last night.”
“Wasn’t just me, jackass, you’re the one who-”
“Boys,” Price grunts, hips slamming against yours, leaving you squirming beneath him. “Will you shut the fuck up while I’m balls deep in our girl?”
You can’t help but snort beneath him, pushing yourself up enough to arch your back further, stick your ass further out for him. “Ye-yeah, boys.”
“Hush,” Price scolds, one hand shifting to your neck where he forces you flat to the counter again. “‘M almost there…”
He groans lowly as he buries himself deep inside of you, pumping slowly as you tighten up, trying to milk him. “Fuck, feels good…”
You smile against your arms as the pleasure that had been building inside of you starts to dull to a simmer, something warm in the root of you.
Price pulls out only moments later, two thick fingers tucking into you to keep any of his come from dripping out. “Keep me safe inside you, pretty thing, c’mon. Clench down.”
You take a deep breath and try your best to listen, straightening up and doing your best to keep yourself from dripping down your thighs. 
He turns you around, leaning you back against the counter and cupping your cheeks in his hands, tugging your face up to give you a soft kiss. “Thank you,” he whispers into your mouth, just quiet enough for you to hear.
“Of course.” You reach up to grab his wrists, holding him close. “Never gonna say no to you, John.”
The two of you linger in the moment, sunlight warming your skin as you breathe into each other.
It’s Soap that interrupts you, an intentionally obnoxious clearing of his throat nearly making you jump. “Any chance at coffee sometime today, bonnie?”
You huff a laugh into Price’s mouth, pushing him away and shooting a half-playful look to Johnny. “Can’t give me a minute of peace, can you?”
He smirks, “Nope.”
John scoffs as he pulls away, moving you with him and giving you a quick tap to the ass to send you over to the counter with the coffee machine. “Someone’s gotta teach you some patience, MacTavish.”
“If Ghost still hasn’t gotten it into him, no one is,” Gaz laughs, shifting enough for Price to join him on the bench. 
“Who says I haven’t?” Ghost says, stepping from the hallway. He’s already got a cigarette lit between his lips, and you wave him away with a spatula.
“No!” You scold, trying to shoo him closer to the window. “No smoking in my house! You know I hate the smell.”
Ghost rolls his eyes good-naturedly but lets you herd him to the open window, resting a shoulder on the windowsill and blowing a mouthful of air. You hmph, satisfied, and move to flip the pancakes. “You’re not the one who has to get that smoke out of all the furniture, you know.”
Ghost sighs, but he’s dramatic enough about it for you to know that he’s intentionally exaggerating his annoyance. “Awful early for all that nagging, woman.”
You glare at him playfully, picking up an egg to crack. “Awful early for a cig, too.”
He huffs and you crack your egg, the kitchen shifting into a comfortable silence. You continue your humming as the song changes to something more upbeat, unable to keep a smile from your face.
You’re half tipsy, giggling into Soap’s mouth as the two of you stumble into the house. You manage to trip over the lip of the entrance, and you yelp as you start to fall.
Johnny just barely manages to twist and catch the both of you in time, grunting loudly as he hits the ground. The breath is knocked from the both of you, and you lay there in the dark for a moment, still.
You’re giggling as soon as you can breathe again, unable to stay still with all the energy and wiggling against his chest. “Jo-Johnny!”
“What?” He pants, still not fully able to take a breath in. You can see the outline of a smile, though, and his hands come up to fully cup your ass. “You were the one taht tripped, lass!” 
That only makes you laugh harder, kicking your feet against his shins. “I-I know!”
Now he laughs, a full-bellied sound that has you bouncing on his chest. He manages to push himself up so that you’re in his lap, and presses his mouth to yours without warning.
You make a high sound of surprise but quickly kiss him back, licking into his mouth when he parts his lips. 
Your kiss is messy, both of you a little too drunk and a little too needy to bother for tact. Johnny’s softer than he usually is, all tongue and no teeth. You wrap your arms around his neck, shifting so your knees rest on either side of him and squeeze his hips.
“Need you,” he pants into your mouth, shifting you over him to start a slow grind. “Need to be inside you, bonnie.”
“Yeah, please,” you say, quickly dropping your hands to his belt and clumsily working at his belt. It takes several tries for you to get it undone, and both of you get more and more desperate. Your underwear get more and more damp as you work yourself over the rough denim of his jeans, your skirt rucked up around your hips as he palms at your ass.
“Come on,” he growls, landing a harsh slap against the meat of your thigh. You yelp at the sting, then giggle, and finally manage to get his belt loose, quickly tugging it off.
“There you go,” you mumble, throwing the belt to the side and hearing it slide against the hardwood. “C’mon, c’mon, need you now, Johnny.”
He nearly snarls into your mouth, jerking your panties to the side and stuffing two fingers into you with no warning. You jolt higher on your knees and moan, digging your nails into his shoulder.
“Sit still,” he growls, tugging you back down and scissoring his fingers quickly to spread you. He slips a third finger in easily, your cunt already slick and dripping for him. “Stop fuckin’- stop wigglin’ around.”
You can’t help but giggle again, pushing your smile against his lips and nipping at his chin. “Can’t hold me down, MacTavish?”
You feel him grin, growling playfully, and before you can keep prodding him he’s got you flipped onto the floor beneath him. You squeal when he somehow manages to keep his fingers inside of you, pushing deep as he pins you down. He tucks your knees higher, both of your legs resting on his shoulders.
“I’ll show you held down, lass,” he growls, smile just barely visible above you. “Want it rough, then?”
You bite back another laugh, pushing up just enough to bite his bottom lip and tug it down with you. “As rough as you’ve got, MacTavish.”
It works as the perfect taunt you’d meant it as, and he’s buried in your tight heat before you can try and push him any further. Your head falls back against the hardwood floor as his falls to your throat, both of you moaning loudly as his hips meet your thighs.
“Fuck,” he groans, teeth pressed against your throat. When you arch your neck even further, he bites into your flesh, sucking a hicky and making you ever wetter between the thighs. “Fuck.”
“She tight, Johnny?”
You both yelp at the sudden voice, Johnny jolting away from your neck and shifting inside of you, causing you both to melt again.
There, in the corner of the room, is Ghost. He’s smoking a cigarette by the window, illuminated only by the glow of his cigarette butt and the moon. You can’t quite see his expression, but you can just imagine the cocky smirk.
Johnny groans above you, sinking back down to press kisses along your throat and forcing your knees almost to the side of your head. “Scared the shit outta’ me, Ghost,” he sighs, pulling out just enough to give you a few tiny thrusts. You moan, letting yourself relax into the floor.
“Not surprised,” Ghost says, and you watch as he stubs out the cigarette and take a few steps to where the two of you are tangled in each other. “How much did you two have to drink?”
You laugh at the question, but it melts into a moan as Johnny starts to find a rhythm that works for both of you. Your knees nearly knock against your own face as he makes his way across your neck, leaving bruising kisses. 
“Not-” you choke a bit on a particularly rough thrust, just barely managing to keep your eyes open and watch as Simon settles into an armchair. “Not that much.”
“Yeah,” Johnny pants, lifting himself up enough to look down at you. “How-how much’ve you had, L.t.?”
Ghost snorts, taking a swig from a beer bottle you hadn’t noticed before. “Less’n you two, I can tell that much.”
You and Johnny both snicker, half out of breath already, but none of you try and keep speaking as Johnny starts to really fuck into you, finding a perfect rhythm that’s just a little messier than usual, a little jerkier. 
The two of you make no attempt to be quiet, moaning and whining loudly as you work to find that peak. Even with folded in half as you are, you try to push into him as much as you can to help him hit the perfect spot inside of you. 
You nearly scream when he does, clenching down so tightly onto him that he’s forced to a still inside of you, his length throbbing in time with your heartbeat. 
The world blurs around you as Johnny takes your lips again, pressing your tongues together in a slick slide as he batters inside of you.
“Clo-close,” you gasp, clawing down his shoulders. Your nails dig in enough through his shirt to have him moaning, arching further into your touch.
“Me too, bonnie.”
He shifts enough to lean his weight further onto your thighs, newly freed hand smoothing down your chest and stomach to work against your clit. You melt beneath him, muscles going loose as you turn into nothing but a limp doll for him to fuck.
Your eyes squeeze shut as your orgasm starts to overcome you, Johnny’s work against your clit and the hot length inside of you finally shoving you over the edge.
“Fuck- fuck!” Johnny nearly shouts above you, your orgasm triggering his own. You cling tight to him, dragging his body as close to you as possible while your muscles clench down around him. The two of you are nearly drooling in each other’s mouths, eager for as much physical touch as possible.
It feels like an impossible amount of time later when you hear Ghost crouch down next to you, see his shadow cast over both you and Johnny. “You two done, then?”
You feel Johnny huff where he’s leaned against your cheek, feel his smile grow against yours. 
“Yeah, Si,” you say, squirming a bit beneath Johnny to try and get out from under him. “I think we’re done.”
Johnny gans a little but he obliges and shifts back enough for his softened cock to pull out of you. You both whine in sync at the separation, and he finally lets your legs fall to the ground, heels thudding against the floor.
Johnny rolls off of you, flopping to the floor next to you. “Carry us to bed, L.t.”
You giggle and blink up at Simon, softened from your orgasm and the lingering buzz from your night out. “Yeah, L.t.,” you lift your arms high, making grabby hands like a toddler. “Carry us to bed.”
Ghost snorts above you, but he still leans down and scoops you up beneath the knees and the back. You squeal when he hefts you over his shoulder into a fireman's carry. He ducks low again and you grasp onto the bottom of his sweatshirt, then giggle when Johnny flops bonelessly over Ghost’s other shoulder.
He carries the two of you effortlessly down the hall, and Johnny’s soft laugh joins yours - well, at least before you hear a muffled slap and he quiets himself/ Of course that only makes you laugh, earning you a spank of your own.
You’re dropped rather carelessly onto the massive mattress all five of you share these days, hand flopping against what you’re sure is Price’s chest as Ghost falls on top of Johnny where he’s dropped.
You hear a muffled oof! from next to you and curl into Price with a smile, tucking yourself close to his chest. He rumbles a low noise, instinctually tucking you close. You can hear Gaz getting annoyed with Ghost and Soap, feel him kicking at them to fight for his own spot on the mattress. You fall asleep with Ghost’s back to yours and Price’s chest to yours, surrounded by warmth.
You groan into the sheets in frustration, fists clenched tight. “Simon, come on, please.”
He spanks you sharply, but the pain is hardly noticeable compared to the need you’re drowning in. 
“Quiet,” he grunts, three fingers spreading your ass. “Need to stretch you out properly, don’t want any tears.”
You whine, arching your back and pushing your ass further into the air. “I’m ready, I promise, just need you inside. I’ve been stretched for the last ten minutes!”
“And you’ll get stretched for ten more if you don’t quit complaining.”
It’s almost impossible to bite back a complaint at that, but you manage to dull it down to just a near-painful eye roll. You try your best to stay still for him, stay patient, even as you feel like your pussy is dripping like a faucet.
Ghost has fucked you with far less prep than this, you know he’s just trying to be an asshole - no pun intended. You also know that the more you rush him, the slower he’ll go. So you force yourself a little looser, let your body sink more comfortably into the position he’s got you in.
It doesn’t make the wait any easier.
You’re not sure how long it’s really been when he finally deems you stretched enough, but he finally pulls his fingers free. You whimper at the cold dribble of lube as he spreads a bit more across your stretched hole, the slick sounds echoing in the room telling you he’s likely spreading it across himself too.
“Alright, love,” he says, notching himself at your back hole with both hands on your hips. “Loosen up for me now.”
The stretch is sinful as he finally gives you his cock, enough for you to feel the sting but not at a painful point. Your eyes roll back in pleasure instead of frustration, and your knees shift just a little wider to welcome him more fully into your body.
“Fuck, you feel good<’ he grunts, grip tightening on your hip.
On a normal night with Ghost, you’d expect minimal prep and long rounds of edging. He likes to keep you from coming for as long as possible, then coax an orgasm that feels earthshattering from you when he finally shoves you off that ledge. Either that, or he fucks you quick and dirty - in the yard outside, in the shower, in the middle of the night, really any time he feels like getting off. With you around, there’s no need to masturbate. That leaves you getting bent over and used at any time he feels the slightest urge to get off, but you couldn’t mind less.
Now, though, Ghost paces himself far more slowly than usual. His thrusts are long, bottoming out and pulling back until the head of his cock just barely breaches your hole. If you couldn’t feel the way his hands bruise your hips, you’d almost call his pace leisurely. 
The two of you are near silent as he fucks you, content to fill the air with soft moans and the occasional whine instead of dirty talk. It feels nice, such slow sex with Simon. It’s a side of him he rarely lets you see, even now.
He knows you can’t come from anal alone, and is feeling generous enough to grab one of your hands and shift it down, telling you, “Rub your clit for me, love. Wanna feel you come.”
And, well, who are you to disobey?
You bring yourself to a slow, rolling orgasm with rhythmic circles against your clit, hips working against his even with his grip. You moan more loudly now, moith open and spit spreading across the pillow.
“Si-Simon,” you gasp. “Feels so good, so deep.”
“Yeah? Deep in your ass, huh, love?”
“Mhmm, mhmm. Can hardly br-breathe around you, Si.”
“I know, so big in your little hole. You’re taking me well, though, being such a good girl for me. Gonna - fuck, love - gonna make me come, give you a nice load then plug you up.”
“Yes, yes…”
“You want that? Want to be stuffed with my come? Keep me inside of you ‘til I say you can take the plug out?”
“Yes, I’ll keep it in for you, Si, be so good for you.”
“Oh, I know it, love. Always a good girl for me, most perfect girl… fuck, feel so good around me…”
He groans when he finally gets himself off, pulling you back onto his harsher thrusts and letting your channel squeeze the come from him. You rub your clit a few more times, ignoring the aftershocks in favor of forcing your muscles to milk him a bit.
When he finally pulls out, he tucks a good-sized plug into your loosened hole before any of his come can slip out. You shift from your knees to your stomach with a soft hum, tugging a pillow into your arms as your eyes drift shut.
“You stayin’ in here for a bit?” Ghost asks, brushing some of your hair away from your face and dipping down to press a dry kiss to your cheek.
“Hmm. Gonna take a nap before dinner.”
“Alright. Need any help tonight?”
“No,” you hum, curling deeper into the bedding. “You can set the table, if you really want.”
You hear him laugh as he pulls away, weight shifting off of the mattress. “I’ll leave that to Johnny, I think.”
A few moments later the door click softly shut behind him, and you float into a peaceful slumber while trying to half-plan dinner. 
You’re half-asleep when you feel someone shift in bed next to you, their body covering yours. There’s a distinct hardness against the small of your back, and you press back against him.
“Stay still,” you hear Gaz whisper in your ear as he urges you further onto your stomach. You hum a little in response as he settles over you, kneeing your thighs apart enough for him to rest between them. “Don’t wanna wake anyone else up, right sweetheart?”
You hum again in what’s probably supposed to be agreement, but is really just a half-asleep sound. You trust all your boys, though, so you’re perfectly content to let Kyle do whatever he wants.
You sleep naked these days, so it’s easy for him to spread your cheeks a bit, to rub at your folds. You’re still a little damp from the shower sex with Price you’d had right before bed, and Kyle doesn’t seem to think you need much more than that.
You’re almost asleep again when you feel the tip of his cock at your hole, and then the familiar weight of him entering you. It’s hard not to groan, especially when you’re so dazed, but you think you do a good job.
Well, until Kyle shushes you loudly, stuffing a few of his fingers into your mouth. 
You make a small offended noise, but it shifts into a sound of pleasure when he sinks fully inside of you.
“Hush. Don’t wanna share you right now, just needed to feel you for a bit.”
You feel his hips shift against yours before he sort of falls to the side, taking you with him. You’re left spooning him, his cock buried deep inside of you and kept warm by your body.
He sighs, pleased, against your back and pulls his fingers from your mouth, letting his hand float down to rest on one of your breasts. He squeezes you for a few moments, but that only works you up more and has you squirming against him.
Kyle makes a small, whining noise and squeezes you more tightly to him. “Stay still, love. Just want to hold you, let you hold me. Go back to sleep, yeah?”
You sigh, debate trying to get him to finish what he started, but ultimately decide that it sounds like far too much work for your current state. 
So instead you let yourself relax into Gaz, body quickly adjusting to the weight and stretch of him. It’s easier than you might’ve thought to doze off like that, held close to Kyle’s chest.
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fastandcarlos · 1 month
Baby Sibling : ̗̀➛ Max Verstappen
summary: whilst all his friends are having siblings, your son is keen for the two of you to start thinking about when he can have one too
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Puzzled eyes looked to Max as your son refused to hold your hands as the two of you picked him up from school. It was routine for you both whenever Max was home, it had been since your son started school a little over a year ago, something you had done every single day together. 
Max shrugged back at you as his empty hand felt lost. His eyes glanced at your son who was a couple of steps ahead of you, scuffing his feet along the path. Neither of you quite knew what to say, it was unlike anything that you had ever seen from your son before.  
As you arrived home, your son immediately took himself into the living room where his toy box was. Max followed you into the kitchen as you took his bag to unpack and check for any letters or drawings. A huff came from Max as he took a seat, his head resting in his hands as he tried to piece together the pieces to figure out what was going on. 
“I don’t understand,” you sighed as you took a seat opposite Max. “His teacher didn’t say anything to make me think that something happened at school today.” 
“He was smiling until he saw us,” Max informed you. 
Your heart broke as you listened to Max, only to be interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the room. Your son trudged in silently, picking up his water bottle that was on the side, turning his back to you both and drinking from it. 
“Evan, do you want to play a game?” Max offered, choosing one of his favourite things to do whenever his dad was home. “What about that board game you bought the other day?” 
Your son’s head shook as he took the bottle and headed back into the room. You both were sat in shock, mouths wide in disbelief at how distant Evan had suddenly become. 
“He’s quite sensitive, maybe he just needs a little bit of time,” you suggested, trying your best to reassure the two of you. 
“But we’re his parents, he should talk to us about anything,” Max despairingly sighed. 
Attempts were made by the two of you for most of the night but Evan gave you nothing. Whenever you struck up conversation you were met by short, snappy answers, or just the shake or nod of his head. 
As night arrived, Max was determined to unpick what was troubling your son, sitting down at the end of his bed after you’d tucked him in. You stayed in the room with them both, leaning against the doorframe and giving them both some space. There was a pause in the room once Max sat down, trying his best to figure out the right thing to say so that he didn’t worry Evan more. It took a moment, but eventually he cleared his throat. 
“Evan, you know if something, or someone, is upsetting you, mummy and I are here to help you, right?” Max asked him, keeping his eyes firmly on him. “We’re always here to help you, no matter what the problem is.” 
Evan nodded as Max spoke, shuffling slightly closer towards him. “I’m the only one at school who doesn’t have a brother or sister and people keep leaving me out of their conversations.” 
Max’s eyes flickered across to you to make sure that you were listening. “You’re feeling a little left out buddy? Are you saying that you want to have a little brother or sister?” 
Evan continued to nod back at Max, “I think it would be fun to have one.” 
A sigh of relief came from you, glad that it wasn’t anything worse that was troubling your son. It still upset you to know that he was being left out at school, but at least it was something that could be fixed. Most likely. 
“There’s a lot of reasons why people do, or don’t, have little brothers and sisters,” Max tried his best to explain to Evan. “It’s not always an easy thing for families to do.” 
“Is it tricky for you and mummy?” Evan enquired. 
Having another child was a subject that you and Max had barely even thought about. You were so busy, and Max’s schedule was insane, but with Evan nearing six, you didn’t want the gap between your children to be too big. 
“A little bit,” Max weakly smiled, not wanting to lie to your son. “Daddy works away a lot, don’t I? And mummy does a lot of caring for you, but hopefully one day it won’t be quite so difficult for us to potentially have a baby sibling for you buddy.” 
You weren’t entirely sure if Evan understood what Max was saying to him, but he nodded anyway. Max stood up and walked over to your son, pressing a relieved kiss to the top of his head as he began to say goodnight. 
“Can I do anything to help make it happen daddy?” Evan whimpered as Max stepped away from him, his hopeful eyes looking between you both. “If it’s tricky, then maybe I can help you and mummy.” 
“You just need to keep being awesome,” Max cheerfully told him, “that’s the only thing that me and mummy ever want from you, you’re already the best.” 
You went in to say goodnight to your son too before following Max out of the room. There was silence between you as you headed into your bedroom, both perching on your respective sides of the bed, giving yourselves a moment to debrief and take in the conversation that you’d just had. 
“Why do I feel guilty?” Max asked, breaking the silence. “It’s not up to anyone else but us when we have another child, but I hate that it’s leaving him feeling left out at school.” 
“Maybe it’s the shove that we need to do something about it,” you responded. 
Max’s body jumped, quickly turning to look at you. His smile was wide as he listened to you. “Are you saying you want to have another baby? I never thought you were keen on another with how much I’m away right now.” 
“I mean it would be tough,” you admitted, “but we’re not getting any younger, and I don’t want Evan being a single child forever. I think we’d be able to do it, it would be tough, but we’d smash it don’t you think?” 
“Absolutely, we’ve always been a great team,” Max reminded you, “and I can make sure that I’m home more often to help out too.” 
“Have we just agreed to a second baby right now?” 
“I think we might’ve done,” Max laughed, laying himself down and pulling you down with him. “Promise me that you’re not just saying this to please me, or to please Evan either.” 
“I promise, as long as you do as well.” 
Max nodded eagerly, leaning across and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Your body turned inwards so that you were resting in Max’s side, feeling his arm wrap around you to keep you nice and close, exactly where he wanted you. 
“Do you think there’s any harm in getting a bit of practice in now? We might need it,” Max whispered. 
“I’d say there’s no time like the present.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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azzibuckets · 4 months
want you for myself [paige bueckers]
paige bueckers x fem!reader
summary: some cute fluff where paige gets jealous of all the attention her brother is getting from you
a/n: i kinda rushed this so😭 it didn’t turn out the way i wanted
word count: 1.3k
Normally, Paige loved how good you were with Drew. How whenever he started talking about school or basketball, you always raptly paid attention, asking questions and making jokes. She loved how gentle you were with him, how when he was being too loud you always managed to bring his energy down to a more appropriate level without yelling at him.
But right now, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed at how focused you were on Drew when you were supposed to be focused on her.
“And Dad bought me three new skins for my birthday! Here, let me show you all of them.” Drew scrambled to find his iPad, and for what seemed like the millionth time, Paige leaned into you, tugging your shirt sleeve at the elbow.
“Can we go now?” she whined. “You said we would watch the wolves game together.”
“Just give me a few more minutes,” you whispered back, not even bothering to look at her. “Let me see Drew’s skins.”
Paige loudly huffed. She was bored out of her mind. “The game’s starting in five minutes, you know,” she urged, widening her eyes to show her eagerness.
“I know, you just said that two minutes ago. You go on up first, I’ll be there in a few,” you said dismissively before enthusiastically throwing yourself into yet another conversation with Drew about Fortnite.
Grumbling under her breath, Paige went up the stairs, making sure to aggressively stomp to get her impatience across. When she reached the top, she turned around, but you didn’t seem to have noticed her attitude at all, eyes totally glued to Drew’s screen.
The Timberwolves vs Mavericks game started, but Paige couldn’t enjoy it without you. Her annoyance grew as she heard you and her little brother’s raucous laughs echoing from the basement. She clenched her jaw, wondering how you were more interested childish things like Fortnite (as if she hadn’t played that game for hours every night the past month) than a basketball game with your very sexy girlfriend.
Paige was able to ignore her frustrations momentarily and get lost in the game, but when Anthony Edwards scored a buzzer-beater three to end the first quarter and she jumped up and down, instinctively going to grab you out of excitement, she realized again that you still hadn’t come up. With a groan, she headed back downstairs.
This time, you and Drew were playing on the Nintendo, both of you fully zoned in on building your Minecraft world. “Hey.” You felt a flick on your head and turned around to see a grumpy Paige. “You just missed Ant’s best moment of the season,” she declared, hoping you’d feel disappointed at having missed the highlight.
But you only said, “Oh, damn,” before turning back to the screen.
Paige sighed and decided to try again. “He shot from full court to put the wolves up at the end of first,” she prodded, hoping you’d get excited. But you merely nodded before turning to Drew and asking if he wanted to switch to creative mode.
Paige switched tactics. “Drew,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I think your screen time is up.”
Drew wrinkled his eyebrow, not tearing his gaze from the TV. “I don’t have a screen time.”
Paige stepped in front of the TV, forcing both of you to finally look at her. “Do either of you want ice cream?” she tried, smiling hopefully. “I’ll drive us to Baskin Robbin’s.”
“I’m still pretty full from lunch,” you said, “but thanks babe.”
“Yeah, me too,” Drew agreed. “Can you move now?”
Paige begrudgingly moved aside, jaw tightened as she grinded her teeth. Returning back upstairs, she watched the rest of the NBA game in a brooding silence. She felt slightly immature for being jealous of the attention her brother was receiving from you, but she’d had a long day and all she wanted was to be in your arms, watching her favorite team play.
During dinner, Paige stayed quiet as you and Drew continued your conversation about whatever new game you’d moved onto playing. You were totally oblivious to her irritation of being neglected, thinking she was just sleepy. Paige perked up after dinner, thinking Drew would fall into a food coma and escape to his room, but instead he insisted on showing you two the clothes he’d bought recently.
“I saved the best for last,” Drew announced after twenty minutes of giving you two a detailed and intricate fashion show. He ran to the bathroom, then quickly reappeared in a neat black tuxedo, with a navy pin stripe tie finished with shiny leather oxfords.
“Oh my god!” you squealed, bending down to squeeze his cheeks. “You look so adorable.”
Drew blushed at the attention as you continued to shower him with praises. Paige’s mouth dropped as she glared at the two of you. “Are you serious?” she complained. “You never react like this when I show you my shopping hauls.”
You raised an eyebrow at your girlfriend. “Maybe that’s because you buy the same grey sweatpants each time.” Drew snickered and gave you a fist bump as Paige fought back a smile, trying to mask it under feigned annoyance.
“You two are unbelievable,” she declared. “I regret letting you guys meet.”
“You’re just mad your girlfriend likes me more than she likes you,” Drew shot back, earning another high five and round of giggles between the two of you.
Paige made a show of getting up from her seat. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone since you guys hate me so bad,” she said dramatically.
It was almost 1 AM when you silently crept up to Paige’s childhood bedroom. You and Drew had stayed up gaming for hours, long after Paige had gone up to finish some homework and study. You expected the blonde to already be fast asleep, but when you opened the door, she was using her phone in bed.
“P?” You whispered, startling her.
“Dude.” Paige fixed you with an unforgiving look after recovering from her shock. “It’s literally one. What were you guys doing that took so long?”
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, letting the door quietly shut behind you. “We were really getting into it.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Paige said, rolling her eyes. She plugged a charger into her phone and set it on the bedside table, clearly ready to go to sleep. You shrugged and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. But when you climbed into bed and leaned over to give the blonde a kiss, she dodged it. Ignoring your confused stare, she rolled over, turning her back on you.
“Woah.” You tapped her shoulder. “What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?” Paige suddenly shot up straight in bed. “You spent the entire day ignoring me. I’m starting to think you’re only dating me to become friends with my little brother,” she complained.
A small smile slowly worked its way onto your face as realization dawned on you. Paige hadn’t been tired all day. “Aw, Paige,” you teased. “Are you jealous of your 10 year old brother right now?”
Realizing how ridiculous the situation sounded, Paige avoided eye contact with you, instead concentrating on pulling the comforter around her. “No,” she said unconvincingly, her voice tiny.
“I know you’re lying, baby,” you chuckled. You reached over to cup the blonde’s face in your hands, giving her an adoring look. “You’re so cute.”
“Stop it,” Paige blushed, swatting you away. “I’m still mad at you.”
“Hey, I never see your brother!” you defended. “You can’t get mad that I’m excited to see him.”
“I know,” Paige whined. “But you don’t have to totally ignore me.”
You felt a slight pang of guilt as you thought back to how you’d completely forgotten about the Timberwolves game that Paige had been so excited to watch with you. Granted, she was excited about every wolves game, but still. “Paige Madison Bueckers,” you intonated slowly, clasping your hands together. “I am immensely sorry for the pain I have caused you today.” You planted a big and sloppy kiss smack in the middle of her forehead, causing her to groan and wipe away the slobber. “You are the light of my life,” you said solemnly. “The apple of my eye. My favorite person on earth.”
Paige pursed her mouth, trying to prevent the corners of her lips from curving upwards. “And?”
“Never again will I ignore you or miss a wolves game.” You hesitated. “Wait, can I take back that last part? You watch so many of their games it’s hard to keep up-”
Paige’s eyes narrowed and you decided to cut yourself off before you dug a deeper hole. “Nevermind!” you said brightly. “I will never again forget to watch a wolves game with my beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, incredible girlfriend.”
The blonde beamed up at you. “That’s more like it.”
You toyed at the collar of her shirt, letting your fingers brush gently across the soft skin on her neck. Looking up at her through your lashes, you said as seductively as you could, “Now can I kiss you?”
“Fuck yeah,” she muttered, grabbing your hips and pulling you in.
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pixxiies · 5 months
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pairing ;; matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings ;; oral (fem receiving), fingering, praise, use of y/n, fluffy beginning and ending, softdom!matt, pet names (sweetheart n princess, etc), no actual p in v, lowercase intended !!
word count ;; 1.1k
a/n ;; this was based off a request!! had lots of fun writing this:) also sorry if this is bad im ovulating and im a little bit high
yk the basics .. pink is u , blue is matt !!
. . .
your pov
i stepped into my boyfriend’s house after a long shift at work. “hey chris.” i sigh, putting my bag down on the island. “hey y/n, matt wanted me to tell you that he was gonna be streaming when you got back.” the brunette boy spoke from the couch, sipping on a can of pepsi.
i nodded before making my way down the hall to matt’s room. i knocked softly on the door and a small “come in” was heard from inside. i slowly walk into the room with a light smile on my face. “alright guys ima go on mute real quick.” matt spoke into his mic, muting it then getting out of his seat.
“hey baby, how was work?” he asked me, bringing me into a hug. i let out a small mumble in reply as my arms wrapped around his neck. "could be better, my legs hurt so bad from running around all day. but i got a $100 tip from this guy since he said my ass was fat" i laugh, letting go of matt so i could take off my hooters uniform. matt was literally forgetting that he had been streaming the entire time.
“could you get me a shirt baby?” i ask matt, struggling to take off the tight white long sleeve uniform top. he nodded, tossing me one of his shirts that i missed terribly. we laughed about it quietly as i took off the extremely revealing shorts. i put on the pink hershey bear shirt, then body flopping down on his silk sheets. “im gonna lay down, my legs hurt so bad.” i pointed out as my body laid comfortably in his bed.
matt hummed, looking at his pc. he quickly walked over and sat down in his gaming chair. “hey guys, sorry ima have to end the stream a bit earlier. thanks for watching love you guys.” matt spoke into his mic after he unmuted. he clicked the red ‘end’ button before he stood up. “matt you didn’t have to end it” i smile, opening my arms for him. “eh its whatever, i was already streaming for a few hours so its okay.” he reassured as he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
he kissed my temple softly, rubbing my lower back gently. “tell me about your day y/n/n.” he whispered into my skin. i let out a small sigh. “well, it was a bit stressful. a lot of guys asked for my number, got a lot of tips since i had good tits and ass…” i trail off, playing with matt’s hair. “i also fell, so that’s probably why my legs hurt.” i pout. he hummed quietly, figuring something that could help me. “i can give you a massage if you’d like.” the brunette boy suggested.
my eyes twinkle a little bit, “hm i’d like that a lot.” i giggle. matt rolled over to his nightstand and grabbed a small bottle of lavender scented lotion from his drawer. i sat up slightly, throwing the blanket to the side.
matt sat crisscrossed while squirting a bit of lotion into his hands. “is this the lavender one i bought you?” i ask with a small smile. he nodded, spreading the lotion evenly on my thighs and calfs. his thumbs kneeded into my skin, making sure every inch of my skin got touched.
his palms massaged every part of my leg. i let out a quiet shaky moan as matt soon neared his fingers close to my inner thighs. he looked up at me with slight doe eyes. “is this okay sweetheart?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. i nod slowly, allowing matt to give soft kisses on my thighs.
matt’s hands ran up and down the sides of my thighs with a bit of pressure, leaving goosebumps. “does this feel good princess?” matt whispered as his eyes shot through mine. i whine in agreement, the spot in between my legs starting to ache. his fingers continued to get closer to where i needed them to be. “matt, baby.” i whine. matt hummed quietly, looking back up at me. “hm? what is it sweetheart?” he whispered, spreading my legs apart. i blinked at him slowly, “mh, i need you.” i breath softly.
“awh my poor baby.” he teased, his thumb rubbing small circles on my clothed clit. my back arched off the bed just a bit. his fingers hooked around the waistband of my panties and he slowly pulled them down.
matt looked up at me, his hand sliding under my lower back. his fingers traced my entrance teasingly, making me let out soft moans. “i barely touched you sweetheart, and your already wet.” he laughed softly, allowing his fingers inside of me. “mgh, baby.” i whine to the slight burning sensation of matt stretching me out. his fingers slid in and out of me easily, sending me over the moon. “taking my fingers so well huh?” matt purred, his tongue soon flicking over my clit. his tongue started to work wonders on my cunt, it swirling around my bundle of nerves.
i whimper out quietly, my legs wrapping around his head slightly. my hands reached down to his hair, tugging on it gently. a string of curses left my mouth that was falling agape. “fuck fuck please keep going.” i moan out. “such a needy girl.” matt whispered softly with a cocky smile on his face. my breath quickened so fast as his fingers continued to thrust in and out of me, hitting my g-spot repeatedly.
matt was determined to continue eye contact with me as his mouth worked on me perfectly. “mmmm. matt please dont stop it feels so good.” i whimper out as the familiar knot started to form in my stomach. “oh yeah?” he teased, letting his fingers out of my pussy and replaced them with his tongue. my back completely arched off of the bed, moaning out to the sensation of his tongue starting to fuck me.
i continued to let out small whimpers while matt continued to fuck me faster with his tongue. my eyes roll to the back of my head as my hips jolt upwards into his face. “m-matt im gonna cum.” i whimper, my hands pushing his head closer to my cunt. ”cum for me angel.” matt whispered, making the knot in my stomach unknot. he lapped up anything that he could and his mouth detached from my pussy.
his slender fingers curled up into me a few more times before he kissed my clit softly one last time. matt let soft wet open mouthed kisses on my inner thighs. “lets finish giving you that massage, yeah?” he laughed, as if he didn’t just practically make out with my pussy. “yes, please.” i pant out with a lazy smile on my face. we both giggled about it for the next few minuetes of matt kneeding his fingers into my skin.
taglist ;; @cheetahmadi @sturniol0s @luverboychris @mattsluttywaist
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aniesvision · 3 months
Vegas! (matt x chris x f! reader)
part 1
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warnings: sex shop and buying toys (?) not sure if that's a warning but anyways, mentions of gambling, drinking, suggestive, mocking (?), use of vibrator, praising, pet names (sweetheart), getting caught, i might be forgetting something
a/n: hi! another threesome (this first part it's just matt but wait for the second one), but obviously no matt x chris bc it's weird. friendly reminder that english is not my first language enjoy ✨
synopsis: Matt and Chris were going to Vegas and they asked you to come along, what happened next it's something none of you ever imagined it'd happen.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
-Uh, nice! I've always wanted to go to Vegas.
I look at my friends, excited for them when they tell me about their plans. I was at the triplets house, as usual, all of us on the living room talking.
-Wanna come with us? Justin is going too and the room Nick got us is huge anyways.
Chris opens a can of pepsi as he asks, taking a few sips. Matt just nods, showing that he also didn't mind my company. I look at Nick, who just shrugs and stands to go get him a cherry cola.
-I mean, if it's not gonna bother you guys, then yes, I'd love to. -I respond, with a smile, already thinking about all the things I could do in Vegas.
-It's settled then, you're coming with us. -Matt smiles and also stands, messing with my hair on his way back to his room.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
I decided to pack my stuff to the trip, playing some music and talking to Nick through facetime. I was so excited to go, Vegas was definitely a place that caught my eyes long ago and having the opportunity to go with my friends was amazing.
I asked Nick his opinion on what I should bring with me, which clothes, accessories, and all that. He was like my personal stylist sometimes and I loved that. We talked a bit more and when I was done packing I decided to end the call and go to sleep.
I met the triplets at their house the next day and after saying goodbye to Nick, me, Matt and Chris went to the airport. We were going to meet Justin in Vegas already. It didn't take long for us to get there and we got an Uber to the hotel Nick booked us. The room was gigantic, the size of a whole apartment.
There was two beds, a couch, it was a suite so obviously a bathroom, a small kitchen space, balcony, a wardrobe that I was already claiming to organize my clothes and a nice luxurious decoration.
Justin was supposed to go play a poker game and Matt and Chris were going to Power Slap. I decided to explore Vegas by myself, excited to see some stores and even casinos. They were about to leave when I decided to stand from one of the beds and get ready. We didn't stablish who was going to sleep with who yet, but I wasn't worried about that.
I opted on a nice red dress, it wasn't so tight but definitely showed my curves, black heels and a nice basic makeup. I get a purse from my suitcase, filling it with my documents, some money, a lipgloss and my charger. I asked for an uber, going to a mall I wanted to go, exploring all the types of stores. I bought some clothes, some glasses to Nick that it was exactly his type, and when I was about to leave the mall to a casino, I saw a sex shop.
It wasn't a store in the mall, but next to it, and it caught my attention. I wasn't sure why, but it's not a bad thing that I felt like buying a toy to pleasure myself, specially since I was going to spend some time alone when the guys were out doing their things. I got a pink vibrator, just a simple but potent one. I hid it in my purse and headed to the casino, just to see how it was like.
I'm not a fan of gambling, but somehow I ended up winning a few dollars. It was fun, I must admit, but also such an easy way to lose money if you don't know when to stop. I walked around the casino, taking some glasses of champagne and exploring the machines. I was betting on my luck tonight and I only realized it was already late when I felt my phone buzzing with an incoming call from Matt.
-Heyy. -I answer, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear so I could try to get a bar of gold out of a glass box, a few people watching me as I tried to pass it through the circle. (click here to see what i mean)
-Hi, where are you? -He asks, I could hear Chris's voice on the background.
-At a casino, why? -I ask back, not knowing that it was late at night already.
-It's almost 1am, kid, come back to the hotel. -He says, making my eyes widen a little and drop the gold bar.
I sigh in frustration, giving space to the next person and holding the phone in one hand as I walked to the exit.
-Fine, I'll call an uber, be back soon.
I end the call, asking for an uber and rubbing my temples a bit when I get out of the casino. I was a few months older than the triplets, which means I was already old enough to drink and gamble, but it was a terrible idea I had to accept so many glasses of champagne. At least I won a hundred dollars.
I got in the uber and we drove silently back to the hotel. I throw my hair to the side, taking off my heels and walking barefoot to the elevator, holding my heels in one hand. Before even unlocking the door to our room, I could hear Chris's playlist playing. I smile to myself, passing through the door and meeting a shirtless Matt with my eyes.
-You drunk? -It's the first thing that comes out his mouth, making me laugh.
I lock the door behind me, realizing Justin still wasn't back and Chris was probably showering, the songs muffled by the closed door and the sound of water making me connect the dots.
-No. -I scoff sarcastically, placing my heels on the floor and throwing myself next to him on the bed.
He laughs, placing his phone down and looking at me.
⁺₊⋆ 3rd person ⁺₊⋆
Matt takes in the sight of you, your tipsy state, your smile, the red dress you're wearing and how it makes you look so pretty, your thighs showing a bit. He always thought you were good looking, and sometimes, like tonight, he couldn't help but feel attracted to you. He shifts in the bed, tossing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
-Of course not. -He smiles, taking his hand out of you and moving back to his previous position.
You smile back at him, turning sideways and wrapping an arm around his bare chest, resting the side of your face on his shoulder.
-I won a hundred dollars tonight. -You mumble, giggling and handing him your purse, wanting him to see the dollars in it, forgetting completely about what you bought earlier.
-Yeah? You won that on the casino too? -He asks, taking the vibrator you bought out of your purse and raising an eyebrow at you.
Your cheeks turned red immediately and you quickly took it from his hand, throwing it back in the purse and dropping it on the floor. You were so embarrassed that he saw it.
-You never saw that. -You warn him, pointing at his face with a serious look, covering part of it with the other hand, not wanting him to see how red you were.
He raises his hands in surrender, chuckling at your embarrassment.
-No need to be all embarrassed, there's nothing wrong in wanting to pleasure yourself, sweetheart. -He shrugs, sitting upright and reaching out to your purse again.
You keep your eyes closed, with your hands covering your face, too embarrassed to even respond. You didn't even want to see him and it was like your body wasn't responding to your mind, but all you wanted to do was to run away.
Matt takes the vibrator out of your purse again, examining it. He was curious, and also amused by your reaction. His imagination making him wonder how you'd use it, if you'd think about someone, if you were thinking about using it soon, how you'd sound like. He spins the pink vibrator in his hands, intently studying the object.
-Can you stop? -You ask, peeking through your fingers, your embarrassment turning into annoyence.
-Why? -He teases with a smirk, chuckling when you try to take it out of his hand and fails when he moves his arm back.
-You're so fucking annoying, Matt. -You huff, sitting and crossing your arms over your chest, leaning your back against the headboard.
-How do you turn it on? -He asks, completely ignoring your words.
You roll your eyes, rubbing your face and pulling a blanket to cover your legs so you could bend your knees without showing your panties. You extend a hand, giving him a look like you were saying "I'll show you". He hands you the toy back, still curious, his eyes darkening as you show him the on/off button.
Even though you were the only one who had something to drink tonight, he was the drunk one, his body reacting in a way it never did around you before. Maybe it was the sex toy, maybe his imagination, maybe something in the air, or all of it, but he wanted to do so many things to you.
Matt had a few wet dreams about you before, not frequently, just like three or four times along your friendship. He ignored all of them, and all the thoughts he'd have whenever you looked prettier than normal. He didn't want to cross the line, you were important to him and he was scared it was going to ruin things if he fucked you. Clearly none of you liked each other like that, it wasn't going to be more than a friendly fuck, but still, he was unsure if it was worth it.
Looking at you turning on a vibrator in front of him, specially when you were using that dress, was not making it any easier to him. He licks his lips, eyes dropping to the vibrator again.
You looked at him, turning it off and throwing it on the bed, unsure of what to do now. It feels like you guys already crossed some sort of line, like you were showing him a part of you that wasn't a secret but wasn't supposed to be known.
-How many levels it has? -He asks, breaking the silence again.
-Four, I guess. -You shrug.
You were still embarrassed, but mostly annoyed now. It was getting easier to talk about it without wanting to hide, but you wanted the conversation to be over.
-Have you ever used one before?
His question is so explicit. Your eyes widen a bit and you turn your head to the side, avoiding his eyes. It shouldn't feel so awkward to talk about it, it's a natural and normal human thing, but you were so nervous to open up about this to Matt. You trust him with your life, but your sexual life was so different to talk about than just your life.
-Uh, not exactly. I mean, yes, but not with someone else. -You try to explain, shyly, hugging your blanket-covered legs.
He nods, a smirk growing in his lips as he lets his imagination flows. His fingers starts to tap lightly the vibrator in front of him, a wave of boldness hitting him, probably because of how turned on he already was.
-How many levels you can take? -He looks at you, his pupils dilated, the blue almost fully covered by the black.
You feel goosebumps all over your body when you meet his gaze. It's so different than the sweet lovely look he normally have, makes you even more nervous. The room seems to get hotter, maybe it was the alcohol you consumed, maybe just the Vegas weather, or even the heat from Chris' shower on the bathroom. You clear your throat, trying to think that he was just saying it as an innocent friendly tease due the situation you guys were into.
-I don't know, I think there's no need to go past two, these are pretty strong. -You say, hearing the shyness in your own voice, but ignoring it.
He scoffs, like he was mocking you, your eyes meeting again. He leans a bit closer, bringing the vibrator with him.
-Can't even handle four levels of this little fucking thing? -He mocks, with a smirk, moving the pink object side to side in the air.
You don't know why you found it so hot to see him mocking you. Probably the five champagne glasses you drank at the casino had something to do with it, but still. It's not like you weren't attracted to Matt before anyways, you always thought all three of the triplets were equally handsome and hot, but of course nothing more ever crossed your mind about it. Not until now.
You roll your eyes, trying to look unbothered, throwing part of your hair to the side.
-I'm just saying that using all four levels is insane. -You shrug.
His eyes admired the way your hair thrown to the side made your face look perfectly shaped, the way you were trying so hard to keep it cool but he knew you enough to know you were practically shaking in nervousness, the way you looked when your eyes rolled back... It was all driving him insane.
Matt, without saying anything, turns on the vibrator once more, looking at how it moved against the bedsheets. He changed the level to the last one, the number changing from 1 to 4 in a second. Just the sound of it vibrating made you feel hotter, it was like an automatic reaction. You look as it vibrates on the sheets, thinking that if it was against your pussy instead you'd be quickly ruined.
-I think you can take it. -Matt cuts the silence again, his words just above a whisper.
You were surprised to say the least. Failing to breath normally, you furrow your eyebrows, tilting your head slightly as you wonder if he meant what he said. If he was still just friendly mocking you, or (not so) discreetly making a move.
When you don't say anything, he looks at you, his smirk still evident. He slowly moves even closer to you, gently resting one hand on top of your covered knee.
You drop your gaze to his hand, admiring all the veins, how long his fingers are, how he slowly but constantly moves his fingertips down to reach the end of the blanket and push it away from your legs. Your heart was pounding so fast against your chest, your entire body heating up as the sounds of your heartbeats were almost as loud as the vibrating sounds coming from the vibrator in Matt's hands.
He didn't even care that you two were not the only ones in the room. He continued teasing you, giving you time to think, and to push him away if you didn't want to do anything, but you didn't.
Matt changes the level to 1 again, touching your skin with the vibrator. He starts on your ankles, barely grazing it not to startle you. You gasp quietly in surprise, biting your lips and looking at your friend, still unsure, but not having a single thought on making him stop. You noticed how he looked at you so differently, how it was so evident just by the way he looked at you that he wanted to absolutely destroy you. The way you could see his bulge poking through his white shorts and the way he was shirtless, all making it so hard for you to say no to him.
He moves the vibrator to your inner thigh, using his free hand to open your legs. He sits in front of you, making sure to be in a position he could clearly see your body and face. He grins when he sees how fast you were breathing, your chest raising and falling rapidly. Matt was stunned by you, your pretty face, your expressions still shy and unsure, but excited to see where things were going, your chest, your thighs, your black thong that he so desperately wanted to rip off of you.
Your hands were on each side of your body, holding the sheets lightly. You were so focused on what was going on, no words leaving any of your mouths, but it was like so much was being said.
He finally reaches the spot both of you were anxious about. The vibrator sends a shiver down your spine, the feeling of it finally touching your heat over your underwear makes you unleash the air you didn't know you were holding.
Matt starts to move the vibrator in slow circles, making you bite your lips and look down to his hand so close to you, making you feel things you never thought you'd feel for him, making you crave him, need him.
He speeds up his movements, a light moan escaping your lips as you close your eyes, the toy moving easily over your wet underwear. Without warning you, he changes the level to number 2, making you whine.
-Matt... -you whisper, gripping the sheets with widen eyes, surprised with the sudden change.
-Shh, we're halfway there, sweetheart, you got it. -He praises, making you even wetter.
Both of you were so focused on the moment that no one realized the sounds of water from Chris' shower stopped.
Matt couldn't hold himself back, he wanted you, he wanted you so bad. He only stopped what he was doing to pull you by the ankles so you'd lay on your back, hovering you and changing the level to 3, circling your clit with the toy, swallowing your moans by kissing you.
You kissed him back, forgetting all about the doubts you had. Your lips moved in sync, his tongue brushing against yours perfectly. Matt slides the vibrator in your thong, circling your clit and lowering his lips to your neck. You moan under him, the pretty sound making Matt even harder, proud that he was making you feel good.
He kisses you again, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Just as your orgasm starts to build up, he changes to number 4, the last level. Your eyes roll back and you squirm under him, his lips leaving red and purple marks on your neck.
-See? I told ya, you're taking it so well, got all the way to level 4, such a good girl. -He praises, pressing sweet kisses to your neck.
-Fuck, Matt. -You breath out, bucking your hips and tangling your fingers in his hair, diving your head onto the pillow under your head.
He chuckles at your moans, obsessed with the way you looked under him. It was like you were a fucking piece of art, and he was so sure he'd see you like this a lot more. He props himself on his forearm, using his hand that he was holding the vibrator to please you, eyes dropping to your wetness, loving the sight of you so wet for him.
You feel your orgasm about to snap, your moans getting louder, Matt's name sounding like a mantra as you repeated it over and over again. You look at him with pleading half-lidded eyes and he grins widely, leaning closer to you, your lips just mere inches apart.
-C'mon, pretty girl, come undone for me, yeah?
You dig your nails on his back, a whiny moan leaving your lips as you reach your climax, releasing all over the vibrator and making a huge mess in your panties. You start to pant heavily, not even having time to catch your breath before hearing a loud voice behind you both.
-What the fuck is happening here?
You and Matt both look at him at the same time. Chris was standing there, leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door.
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@riowritesitall @sturniolosarethebest @hyacinthst @anabanana28 @flower-sturns
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
obey me brothers reacting to a malnourished mc
⤑ a/n: I feel like this is the most canon writing I’ve ever done yet... enjoy! 
⤑ warnings: none 
obey me masterlist | requesting rules 
“Hey, MC! You’re lucky because you get to go out with The Great Mammon tonight! We’ll hit the casino n’ leave with our pockets stuffed, and then we can go clubbing! What d’ya say?” 
Mammon put his warm hands on your shoulders and shook gently, not used to your lack of response. He furrowed his eyebrows as he caught sight of the dark bags under your dull eyes. 
“Yeesh, MC! Did ya get into a fight or something?” Mammon joked, trying his best to hide the fact that he was worried about his human. 
“Huh?” you blinked as you realized you had just been zoning out. “I, uh.... Shit! I forgot my potions textbook in my room, I’ll see you all later!” 
“Language,” Lucifer sternly reminded you as you haphazardly scurried out of the classroom, your mind "lagging” as Leviathan would put it. The demon brothers watched you leave, shooting odd looks at each other. 
“I don’t think MC’s been getting enough sleep,” Belphie yawned.
“As much as I hate to agree with Belphegor, he’s right. They seem quite fatigued.” Lucifer said, staring intently at his brothers. “Leviathan, did you force MC to play video games with you all night again?”
“Don’t accuse me first,” Leviathan grumbled. “But no, I was catching up on some anime alone last night.”
“Maybe MC needs to eat some more,” Beelzebub said, snacking on some chips despite the ‘no food’ sign in the front of the classroom. “Oh, I have an idea! Let’s get Luke and Simeon to cook a celestial feast.” 
“You obviously only want that for your own self interest,” Satan rolled his eyes. “I’ve read a book on this. Maybe MC’s malnourished? Humans are fragile, of course. Additionally, the Devildom provides little natural light from the sun like in the human world.” 
“I know just the cure!” Asmodeus gasped, pulling up Akuzon on his D.D.D. “Aaand it’s ordered!” 
“You better not have used my Akuzon account for whatever beauty product you bought,” Leviathan raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh hush, Levi. Trust me, this will fix MC up right away!” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The package arrived by the end of the school day, thanks to Levi’s Akuzon Prime subscription. 
Mammon held up a colorful piece of gelatin in his hand, inspecting it thoroughly. 
“So this... Vitamin gummy... Is gonna help MC? This tiny little colorful thing? Seriously?” He grunted. 
“Wow... Humans are weaker than I imagined,” Satan frowned, squishing one in his hand. “They have to eat these to stay alive?”
“Beel, don’t you dare think about eating MC’s gummies,” Belphegor scolded his twin. 
“And don’t forget, I also got MC a sunlight lamp!” Asmodeus’ eyes glittered. “Apparently, these provide light therapy by tricking the human body into thinking they’re receiving natural light!” 
“It seems that humans have weak minds then,” Lucifer sighed. “Either that, or we’ve been fooled.” 
You walked into the HOL, stifling a yawn. Your entire body felt heavy from fatigue. It seemed like you had taken the human world’s abundance of sunlight and Vitamin D for granted. Solomon had helped you by casting a energy spell for the first few months you had lived here, but even that was starting to wear off.
“MC!” Mammon basically tripped over his brothers to rush to you. “Take one before you die!” 
Startled, you looked up just in time to see Mammon basically shoving a gummy in your mouth, before you were immediately blinded by Asmodeus holding a warm light in your face. 
You covered your face and squinted your eyes, seeing the eager and expecting eyes of the demon brothers. 
“Guys, what are you doing?” You questioned. This was pretty unexpected, but you were used to the brothers pranks and shenanigans. 
“We just wanted to help! We heard you were malnutritioned because it’s always dark in the Devildom!” Mammon said. 
“So we bought a sun lamp and some vitamin gummies for you,” Belphegor yawned. 
“Aw, guys... Thank you!” You smiled happily. Even though you hadn’t told the brothers explicitly what was wrong, thinking you could take care of it yourself, they had of course, noticed. Your heart swelled with appreciation, until you noticed that the brothers were still staring at you expectantly, like you were about to turn into some mutant creature. 
“Uhh.. You guys do know that it’ll take a few days for my body to recover, right?” You shrugged. 
“Oh..” Satan sighed, as the brothers looked disappointed. “I thought the effects would have been immediate.” 
“Laaame,” Leviathan said. “A power-up type feature would have been way cooler! Like, imagine if MC ate that thing and grew 10 feet in size to defeat the final boss!” 
“That’s fine, MC. Just focus on resting. I’ve excused you from classes for the rest of the week,” Lucifer said. “This is an quality of humans we should have researched more during the planning stage of the exchange program. Diavolo also sends his apologies.” 
"Thank you Lucifer, but it’s no big deal,” you smiled. “Well, I’m going to go take a nap now.” 
"I’ll come with,” Belphegor yawned. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Mammon yelled, running after the two. “I’m the only one allowed in MC’s bed!” 
“Hey, don’t forget about me! I’m bringing the lamp!” Asmo cried, waving it in the air. 
“You know, I also read that cuddling with a partner can help fatigue,” Satan blushed, following behind. 
“I’ll bring some snacks for us,” Beelzebub called after. 
“I’ll bring my TSL movies so we can have some background sound!” Leviathan ran after. “Don’t you dare start without me!” 
Lucifer sighed, looking after his brothers scrambling to get to MC. From having spells backfire on you, battling unique health concerns, and getting preyed on by lower-ranking demons, your acclimation to the Devildom had faced many obstacles. However, Lucifer knew that he and his brothers would do anything to ensure you had a support system. 
As you fell asleep with the weight and warmth of your favorite people around you, you couldn’t help but feel loved and cared for. 
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alwaysshallow · 7 months
simon might appear cold, when you two are dating.
mechanical, almost. not able of human feelings, maybe too harsh for your liking. not really saying the l-word (yet, right? you think that will take him time, even if it's almost six months of you dating, you do not lose hope). your friends don't really like him either, he's weird and has jokes that no one understands. he's not really engaging with anything that has to do with them.
sometimes, it would be easier to just break up with him than hear the silence on his side, when you two are fighting. stone cold silence, like you weren't just saying that he's the worst because he seems like he doesn't care anymore.
but i assure you, he knows what he wants since he laid his eyes on you.
you don't know this, but he bought a ring after two days into dating. is that because he's romantic? not really, it's more like a possession type of thing. he knows you're the one, why would he play games? you're his, he's yours, a loyal dog that stands by your side till the end of the line. nothing more, nothing less.
one day, you wake up with a ring on your finger. no proposing whatsoever, just a fact that you're his fiancee now, and a small gift by your night stand that has you bawling.
he doesn't even say anything about it, he just gruffs that you need to be quiet and his arms tighten around your middle more.
he cares, but not in the typical way.
the only thing that could be romantic is the wedding that you can organise from scratch, but it's a whole ass different conversation.
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dustpages · 1 month
Entangled Feelings (Mina)
WC: 7.5k
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It could have been either bless or a course, you didn't know yet. She was the only person you could call family, yet her demeanour was far off from what is the classic representation of a good parent.
Mina adopted you when you were still a child, you had no memories of your biological parents. 
You have had the best education she could afford to give you, and she wasn't even that bad as a person to be around while you were growing up. She was fun to be around and was her fun to play with you to video games during your spare time.
Yet Mina didn't renounce to hang out with her friends and go partying when they had the chance, you had seen her coming home more than a few times wasted, but nonetheless the day after she was always up before you preparing breakfast for you. 
You weren't blind, you had always known Mina was a drop-dead gorgeous woman. Attractive but cute, able to stay at home wearing a flannel pj for a long weekend and going out all decked out like she was about to strike everyone's heart, and surely she could do it.
When puberty hit you, it did hard. Your hormones were galloping like thoroughbred, especially thanks to Mina and her mini dress she used to wear when she was around the house, and she could tell the effect she had on you. During the the years some of her panties went missing, and weird stains on her tops; all of that was a fun game for her. She was teasing you all along, and you were powerless against her. 
It was Saturday afternoon, Ginza, Mina wanted to go shopping with you tagging along. You weren’t enjoying the experience in the slightest, you didn’t like trying on clothes and most of all you found it unfair to carry all items in the shopping bags Mina bought. 
“Come on stop whining, you are just carrying the few things I purchased like a man should do for his woman. Now let’s head to the Fendi store there’s a new bag I wanna look for, if you are gonna be a good boy I will treat you to tonight’s dinner in my favourite sushi place”
During the dinner, glass after glass of the finest Krug champaign, Mina removed her white heels and without anyone noticing started rubbing her right foot on your tights and then manoeuvred to your pelvis area.
Taken aback by her actions you felt stunned.
“ Bloody Nora, what are you doing?” You yelled-whispered 
“I am just getting started, this is your treat after all. You have been a good boy for your mum” She praised you continuing the massage on your lower area.
Blue balls are what you got in the end. Mina received a text from her friend Sana, who invited her to a private party in a disco in Roppongi.
“I’m gonna fetch Sana by taxi and then we will head to Roppongi, you should get home and bring the shopping bag safely home. Our  business will be postponed” she smiled 
Mina didn’t even bother to ask you if you wanted to join her and Sana. 
“ Are you gonna party dressed like that?” You complained 
“ Of course I am. What’s the point of being all decked out if I cannot show off? Are you afraid I can receive some attention because of my outfit?” She mischievously retorted 
“ Suddenly I see, what I could not see, so suddenly you are showing your true colour. What kind of married woman goes out wearing a mini-skirt to show off her bare legs?” You raised the tone of your voice.
“ Someone who wanna have fun, goodnight baby ” Mina raised her arm to call a taxi and in the blink of an eye, she went off.
Gobsmacked you got home an hour later, shattered for carrying all the bags you tossed on the sofa. 
“Fuck off, how can she have gone to that party dressed like a hoe” You complained on your own.
5:12 in the morning. That was the moment you heard someone stumbling up the stairs.
Mina managed to enter your bedroom and let herself fall on the bed, landing inevitably on you. Jolted awake you tried to move Mina from your body, but unlucky she had arms and legs spread wide open like a starfish.
“ For god sake Mina, can you move you are smashing me?” you demanded 
Mina repositioned herself above you with her legs around your belly and her arms straightened on your chest, in this way, you had the chance to look at her face. 
The red lipstick was all ruined, the black eyeliner was all dripped down. She stared into your eyes for a few seconds before lowering her face and trying to kiss you.
“ Never in a million years, I will let you kiss me with those filthy, dirty lips of yours; which god only knows what they have touched” You pushed her back and raised your torso sitting on the bed.
“ You have to think incredibly high of yourself to come here in my room after having had some kind of affair with someone a few hours ago” 
“ I might have indulged myself with two salesmen tonight but I’m not satisfied in the slightest, I am still horny and needy. Please me.” She said 
At this point, you stood up pushing Mina off of you. You went berserk, the audacity she had to cheat on your father and the family's trust. Might have been the alcohol, might have been the natural bitchy demeanour, but you couldn’t bear to look at her so pretentious and bratty so you swiftly but not too harshly slapped her on her left cheek.
“ I don’t want a hoe in my house. What you did tonight is daunting to process. I am gonna sleep in the tatami room, you can stay here or wherever you like but stay away from me” You didn’t even look at her
As you were about to leave the bedroom.“ Your father knows it, he gave me his permission. I can prove it.”
“Stop it already. I don’t give a flying fuck if my father allowed you to be a free spirit while he is away. I can’t stand to live under the same roof with someone who acts as you do” This was your cue to leave 
Morning came, and you woke up with your lower back soaring due to not being used to sleeping on the floor. Mina entered the tatami room wearing a pair of trousers and a crop top T-shirt. “I am so sorry for my demeanour about last night, I shouldn’t have come to your room in the first place, let alone tell you about my night out. What can I do to make it up for you?”
“Don’t go and fuck around like a whore, you should be better than that. When Dad told me about your needs and that it was my new duty to help you with that I felt ecstatic, now I could have the chance to have sex with the woman I have been obsessed with for the last few months. Still, I was unsure about myself. I am not gifted as my father is down there and I have no experience.” You looked down
Mina closed the gap between you two and raised your chin with her right hand. “ I’ll not joke around the dimensions are not important but they are not paramount, if you know how to use your body you’ll have no problem at all. Plus from what I have seen you don’t seem so small either. I can teach you, and you can please me. It’s a win-to-win situation.” Mina softly kissed you on the cheeks.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch but I have been so horny since your dad left, it's so frustrating, so now, we are gonna have the first lesson if you don’t mind. I'll squeeze you dry until I'm satisfied". "Now, just take them off~" she sighed as you bit her neck. You put your hand into her trousers.
 "Don't rush into it" she whispered, she grabbed your hand and put it on her breast. Her tits aren't huge, but still satisfyingly handful. You slipped off your T-shirt, throwing it to the side. You leaned forward, kissing her breast through her bra, your hands worked their way up, slowly pulling her bra up. 
Your lips teased her breast, biting as she moaned. Your hands trailed down her hips, into her trousers, going right to her underwear.
Mina’s pussy was soaking wet, the love juice pouring onto my thighs like honey. You kneeled and helped Mina to remove her trousers and underwear. Inserting two fingers into her hole "Yabai" she moaned, as your fingers curled inside of her. She moved her hips down, pushing your fingers deeper into her pussy. Your pace quickened a third finger was adamant to be shoved in Mina’s fold. Her walls were closing around them, her hands pulled your hair causing your head to throb. You did not stop, increasing your pace, her pussy walls continued tightening as her body suddenly shook. She came as more of her pussy juice gushed onto the floor galore, shaking like a leaf during a tornado. She placed her hands on your head trying to stand still, as her orgasm subdued you removed your fingers from her womb and gave taste to her juice.
“You know it tastes like honey.” You stood up and not so gently pushed Mina on the tatami mattress. 
“Now go on. Fuck me.” Mina spread her legs and arms, waiting for you to put it in. You aligned yourself with her entrance, pushing in slightly. There was some resistance, but you could push past it and inside. You felt Mina’s pussy stretching to accommodate you. Mina’s walls pushed against your cock, and you both moaned. Mina’s cunt was tight and wet. You pushed in more. Without  further ado, no time to adjust was given to Mina’s walls, you rammed her pussy like a maniac, grabbing her hips and pushing her towards you.
Various positions were tried, fluids of all genres soaked the tatami mattress, and curses and blasphemies were yelled. Half a dozen of used condoms were scattered near the wall.
“Mina I cannot take anymore, I am about to cum” Mina kept riding you like she was trying to win a race at Ascot.
“Don’t come yet, I am about to. You have to pleasure Mommy once more.” Mina arched her back backwards as she rode her climax out, and then collapsed on your chest. Swiftly you helped Mina off of you and you removed your condom.
“Suck me off like you mean it Mina” Mina placed her lips above your member and bobbed her head up and down swirling her tongue around the tip. With your hands you pushed Mina’s head against your crotch even more, engulfing your penis in her throat. And within a few more minutes you coated Mina’s mouth in white, and as talented as she was not a single drop of jizz went out of her mouth.
With a resounding pop, Mina removed her lips from your member. “ You aren’t bad at all for a newbie. With my training, you will become perfect”
As both of you stood up, you abruptly pinned Mina to the wall almost choking her. “ No more fucking around you get me Miss. You have me now.” 
“ This is the possessive little boy I want. Fuck me like you did this morning or better and I have no reasons to look for any other man.” She smirked and rolled her tongue teasing you. 
It was a Friday late afternoon, you were climbing the stairs to go to your room. Passing by Mina's room you saw a multitude of clothes scattered on the floor, and Mina was in front of her mirror trying on the umpteenth outfit.
" Nope.. It's not hot enough" She commented about the outfit she was wearing. 
She looked up and noticed you entering the room.
" Come here, you need to pick what dress I should wear tonight"
You stood in front of Mina. " And why should I pick the dress? I'm not your boyfriend"
Mina's smile was like the sun breaking through the clouds on a rainy day. " Well, you might not be my boyfriend but you are my son, and your opinion matters. So come on, what dress do you want to see on me tonight?"
You felt a bit awkward, but she had put you in a situation in which you couldn't say no. So, you started trying various dresses on her. It took a good half an hour to find the right one. The final pick was a silver glowing top which left her back totally exposed , a leather skirt with black stockings and leather boots. You were feeling uneasy but you couldn't say no to Mina.
" So you really wanna wear that?" You asked Mina for the third time.
" Yes, I really wanna wear this. Now I wanna see how you wanna dress up tonight." Mina said.
" Me? Why should I dress up? I've never been told to go clubbing tonight." You retorted. 
"  Didn't I tell you that I'm inviting you out tonight with me and my friends?" Mina questioned. 
" No, you didn't." You said.
" Well, I'm inviting you. We will have so much fun together!" Mina's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
You were stunned. " I don't want to go clubbing, it's not my thing." You protested.
" Oh, you need to go with me and have fun. Come on, say yes, pleeease?" She begged you with her puppy dog eyes.
You couldn't resist her begging. " Fine. Let's get this over with." You gave up.
" Yay!" Mina shouted. " Now let's choose your outfit for tonight!" 
The next hour was a disaster, Mina was trying on different outfits on you like you were a mannequin. You didn't like it but you didn't want to make her angry. Mina decided you had to wear a black skinny jeans with a white tight T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. She had picked you up a brand new pair of black skinny jeans and she helped you to wear it. Her hands were feeling your body as she was checking if the fit was perfect.
"These jeans are too thight, I can't move my legs" You complained in front of your mirror. 
" It's fine, you look perfect, they aren't that skinny, you can move around, and you can wear it tonight" Mina insisted.
 You decided to not fight her, after all she had already won. She was the one leading this game.
Mina drove you to the club, you were feeling a bit anxious. You had never been to a club like this before and you were feeling out of place. Mina got out of her car and came to open your door for you.
" Come on, let's go inside!" She said with her signature smile.
Inside the club, the lights were flashing everywhere and the music was blasting your eardrums. The people were dancing as if they were possessed, it was like an inferno.
" This is insane!" You yelled to Mina.
" Isn't it? Come on let's go to the VIP area!" She shouted back.
Mina pulled you through the crowd, you felt like you were gonna pass out due to the heat. The VIP area was less crowded but still quite hot. Mina's friends were there already drinking and dancing.
" Here you are!" Mina shouted to them. " This is my son!"
Mina's friends were quite peculiar. You would expect a woman to have more female friends than males, here wasn't the case. In the group there were 4 girls, Mina included, and 6 men. 
All of them stared at you two with weird looks, Mina was the most shining star in the all universe and you were just an average young boy.
Her friends welcomed you two and one of her male friends came to Mina and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
" I'm so happy to see you. I've missed you." He whispered in Mina's ear. 
Mina was blushing a bit. " I'm glad to see you too! This is my son, isn't he cute?" Mina said and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Her male friend was taken aback by her question. " Yeah, whatever. I don't really care about him, you know who I am focused on" He said biting his lips.  
You didn't really like how he was acting, he was too flirtatious and Mina was playing with him like a cat with a mouse. 
You didn't care for her flirting, it was her life and you knew she wasn't gonna stop, you were a bit jealous but you were trying to ignore it.
Mina was getting a drink for her, and she asked you if you wanted one too. You refused, she pouted a bit but then she shrugged and took a sip of her drink. It didn't take long for her to start dancing, and her male friend joined her soon after.
They danced for a while, Mina was really moving her hips and her friend was getting more and more close to her. You were feeling more and more uneasy, the more they were dancing, the more he was getting close to her. You didn't know what to do, you felt like you needed to protect Mina from this creep but he was a friend of her and she was enjoying his company. 
 You didn't know what to do. 
" I think I'm gonna go outside for a bit.” You said to one of Mina's friends who were remaining at the table.
You didn't bother to wait for an answer and you went to the outside. You needed some fresh air, you were feeling like you were gonna faint. You didn't know how to process the feelings that were rising in your chest. You had always known Mina was a woman with her needs and her life, but seeing her like that made you feel weird. You didn't know if you were jealous or possessive of her, or maybe it was another reason why you felt this way. You just knew you needed some fresh air and a bit of time alone to think.
After 15 minutes you went back inside the club, Mina and her friend were still dancing and they were even closer than before, her arms were around his neck and he had his on her waist.  You felt like a dagger was piercing your heart, you couldn't watch Mina and this man dancing anymore. You needed to get away from there.
You went to Mina and her friend who had his head on Mina's cheek. " Come on Mina. I know you like me, if not we wouldn't have been dancing for a while now. Don't be a prick tease" He said to Mina.  
Mina laughed off, at that moment you went to her and stated that you were about to go home because you weren't feeling well.    
" I can go home by cab if you need to keep staying here. I've already called one indeed." You affirmed biting your tongue.  
" Oh, I don't like to leave you alone. I will go with you then" Mina said to you. 
" There is no need. You are having fun obviously and I am not feeling like staying here, I don't want to be a burden to you." You bowed and proceeded towards the exit of the club.   
  The fresh air immediately helped you to relax a bit,  you felt a bit better now that you weren't inside that hellhole anymore. You heard the sound of Mina's heels getting closer and closer to you, you didn't turn around, you kept looking at the traffic.
" What's the matter?" Mina asked you once she got near you.
" As far as I'm concerned I've already informed you about what I am about to do, so your presence here is utterly pointless Mina" You scoffed. 
" Why are you being like this?" Mina asked you, her voice was a bit softer than usual.
" Never mind. Look a cab is coming here" You stepped forward and raised your arm.  " Good night Mina. See you tomorrow"
The cab arrived and you went inside, you didn't look back at Mina once.
You went straight to your room as soon as you arrived home, you were feeling like shit and you wanted to be alone. Your head was spinning and you felt like boiling, luckily you were able to plop on your bed before you passed out due to the high fever.
The next morning, you woke up with the most horrible headache and your fever had risen even more. Mina was there beside your bed with a thermometer in her hand. She was wearing a white satin nightgown and her hair was untied.
" Good morning! How are you feeling today?" Mina asked you with a gentle smile.
" I feel terrible" You whispered your voice was hoarse and your head was pounding. 
Mina put her hand on your forehead, she felt your temperature. " Oh my poor boy, you are burning up"
" Don't pity me now, when last night you were all over your fucking friend." You said.  
" Oh, my son, you are so cute when you're jealous" Mina pouted her lips. 
You glared at her, you were feeling so angry you couldn't think straight. You didn't know why you were feeling so possessive of her, but you just felt like you needed to protect her from everything and everyone. 
"Please tell me you didn't fuck him last night" You pleaded. 
" Of course not! You are such a stupid boy. He isn't even the type of man I would go out with." Mina said and you felt relieved.
Mina got up and went to your bathroom. She came back with a glass of water and a pill. 
" Here take this, it will help you to reduce the fever."
You took the glass from her hand, she helped you sit up so you could drink it. You swallowed the pill down and gave Mina back the glass. She sat on the bed beside you and caressed your head.
" I'm so sorry if I made you feel like this. You know you are the only one I care about, right?" She said.
You nodded and she wrapped her arm around you pulling you close. You felt like you were gonna die of fever but you were so happy Mina was holding you that it didn't even matter.
Mina helped you to take off your clothes and she tucked you in, she didn't leave your side once during that whole day. She fed you and bathed you, she was taking care of you like a mother should do with her child. You felt so loved and grateful to have her as your mum. 
Mina took a week off from work to keep an eye on you. " Mina thank you for being here for me" You said.  
" Anytime for my son. I am so sorry again for the other night. I promise you that you are the only one I care about in this world" She said to you and kissed your forehead. 
" I'm feeling better now" You stated. " Sucking your tits would make me feel even better" 
 You smiled.
Mina chuckled. "  You are such a horny boy"
She moved her lips closer to yours, and you wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her to you. You started kissing her neck and you could feel her breath quickening. You pulled off her T-shirt and her bra and your hands went straight to her breasts. She was moaning louder as your lips went down to her nipples. You licked them, sucking and nibbling them softly. You moved your hands to her shorts, unzipping them and pulling them off of her. She was completely naked, you couldn't resist anymore. You pulled down her panties and pushed two of your fingers inside her pussy. You felt her juices dripping on your fingers.
She moaned louder, you knew she was close, but you wanted to make her cum even harder. You moved your fingers faster and you could feel her pussy walls tightening around your fingers, she was cumming and you felt her pussy squirting her juices everywhere. You didn't stop, you kept moving your fingers and she kept cumming until she fell on your chest panting. 
She smiled at you, she was so happy and content. You kissed her softly and she giggled.
" You are such a horny boy" She whispered. " But you are my horny boy" 
"Let me rest tonight and tomorrow I'll fuck the shit out of you"  You promised her.  She nodded and went to her room. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, you were so happy to have Mina as your mother. You knew you would do anything for her.  You were so in love with her. You knew that your feelings weren't right but you just couldn't help it. You loved her for the person she was. You knew that you would always protect her and love her no matter what. 
The next day Mina woke you up kissing your collar bone.  You opened your eyes and looked at her. She was wearing a black satin robe with nothing underneath. Her hair was down and her makeup was light.
" Good morning. How are you feeling?" She asked you. 
" I'm feeling great. I need to fuck you." You answered.
Mina smiled and crawled on the bed to your feet. She started to pull down your boxers, revealing your cock. It was hard and ready for her.
" Oh my, look at this. Looks like someone needs a blowjob" She giggled. 
She bent down and started sucking your cock. She was moaning and groaning with her mouth full of your cock. You watched her as she was sucking you. You were so turned on by watching her. You held her hair back so you could see her better. She was swirling her tongue on the tip of your cock, you were so close to cumming. She kept sucking and moaning until you exploded in her mouth. You watched as she swallowed all of your cum. 
" That was delicious. I can taste your love" She smiled and kissed you. You felt her tongue against yours and you could feel your cum in her mouth.
" I want you" You mumbled liking her ear lobe.  " I need you" You pleaded with her.
Mina laughed and lay down on the bed. She spread her legs for you and you knew this was it. You moved between her legs and she pulled you on top of her. You felt her hands moving on your lower back as you entered her. You felt her pussy stretching around you. You felt like you were in heaven. She moaned louder and louder as you started moving inside of her. You could feel her pussy walls closing around you. You were moving faster and faster inside of her and you could feel her juices dripping on your balls. You were getting close but you didn't want to stop. You kept moving and groaning until you felt her cumming underneath you. You felt her pussy squirting everywhere and you withdrew your cock and with the head, you rubbed her clit.  You watched as she was cumming even harder. You could see her juices dripping on her legs and your cock. You felt her shivering underneath you and you knew you should stop.
" Mina, do you want me to stop?"  You asked. 
" Please don't. I'm so close to another orgasm" She pleaded. 
You shoved your length inside her womb and grabbing her legs to have more grip, you plowed in her pussy mercilessly.  Mina was moaning and screaming as loud as she could. You could feel her juices dripping on your balls as she was cumming once more. You felt her pussy walls tightening around you as she was squirting even more. You were so close to cumming but you didn't want to stop. You kept moving inside of her and moaning. 
" Mina, I'm about to cum"  You said.
" Please fill me up. I want to feel you inside of me" She begged.
Your hips were in overdrive. With a few more thrusts you filled her womb with your cum.  You felt your cock throbbing inside her as your seed filled her pussy. You watched as she was cumming once more. You could see her juices dripping on her legs and your cock. You felt her shivering underneath you pulled out of her and laid down beside her.
" I love you Mina"  You whispered.
" I love you too my horny boy. You are mine from now on baby boy” She smiled.
Mina was beautiful it was obvious to you but today was entirely different. She had chosen a black leather jacket and a tight, sexy jeans skirt. Her top was a tight jeans piece of fabric that hugged her curves perfectly and showed off the swell of her breasts. To finish it all, she wore white heels accentuating her long legs.
Her hair cascaded down her shoulders flawlessly and her makeup was spot-on. She looked like a million quid! But what caught your attention was how well she carried herself. An air of confidence about her made you weak in the knees.
All of that preparation to attend a concert on the first row, with me trailing behind her. King Gnu were her group of choice.
King Gnu, the band was known for its unique music. The lead singer Daiki Tsuneda was an average guy, you would have never paid attention to him on the street if you had run into him. But the moment he stepped onto that stage, something about him changed. He oozed confidence and charisma. The crowd was entranced by him. Mina, too.
Mina was dancing to the music, her skirt rising higher with each movement. She was a sight to behold in her sexy outfit, dancing seductively, her body moving to the rhythm of the music. And she was enjoying the show, her eyes were glued to Daiki. She looked at him with a look of pure lust. She was in a trance and she didn't even notice you staring at her. 
Daiki during a particular song decided to go down the stage and into the crowd,  Mina's eyes widened in anticipation. You felt a sense of jealousy creeping into your heart. He was playing on the edge of the crowd and he looked like he was in a daze, like he was entranced by the crowd.  He was looking right at Mina and she was staring at him. You watched in awe as they locked eyes for a moment. You could see the spark of attraction between them. 
Mina looked like she was about to melt under his gaze and you felt a pang of jealousy. The song ended and he moved on, but he kept looking at her, even as he was performing for the crowd, you saw his eyes wandering back to her. Mina looked like she was in a trance, her body swaying to the music, her eyes locked on Daiki. 
She looked like she was under his spell like he could make her do anything he wanted. The concert ended and Mina clapped enthusiastically. She turned to you and you could see that she was flushed. "That was amazing! Did you enjoy the concert? Oh my god, he is so hot. I am so wet just watching him." She squealed. You felt a pang of jealousy.
"Let's get out of here," she said and took your hand, dragging you towards the exit. You trailed behind her, her hand holding yours tightly. She was in a hurry and you stumbled behind her, trying to catch up. She stopped at a corner and looked around before pulling you into a small alleyway. "I need to feel your cock in my pussy. I am so wet and horny just thinking about Daiki." She said, her voice breathless and husky. She pressed herself against the wall and pulled you towards her. She spread her legs, revealing her wet panties. 
" Are you pretending me to fuck you in this filthy and miserable place while you are so wet thinking to that singer?" You questioned. 
"  Yes, I need it. I need to feel your cock in me. I am so wet. Please baby, I am begging you" She pleaded, her voice cracking. You saw the desperation in her eyes and it made you weak for a second.
" Me fucking you while you are picturing having sex with that singer, won't happen. Never in a million years" You laughed and stepped back. 
 She looked crestfallen and her face fell. " Don't tell me you don't want me." She said, her voice small. 
" Of course I do, you are bloody sexy today. But you need to understand that a no is no, even for someone like you" You said mocking her.  
She looked at you for a moment and then she smirked. " Fine, I will go find someone who wants to fuck me. I am so wet for you, but you don't want me. I'll find someone else." She said and turned to walk away. 
" Go ahead, you are just bluffing. You wouldn't dare to do that." You laughed and crossed your arms across your chest. She turned around and glared at you. 
" Watch me," She said and stormed off. You laughed and followed her, wondering what she would dare to do.
 She walked through the crowd, her eyes scanning the faces. You could see her sizing men up and discarding them. She was finicky about her partners, and anything regarding her life.  You followed her, amused at the scene. She finally stopped in front of a man and looked him up and down. She smiled and you could see her confidence in full bloom. 
" Are you looking for a good time?" She asked him, her voice husky and seductive. The man's eyes widened and he looked her up and down.
" I beg you pardon ma'am. I'm not sure to have understood what you said." He retorted politely.  Mina pouted. 
" Don't be shy. I want to fuck. Are you in?" She said, her voice confident. The man looked at her in surprise and then nodded. 
You had fun enough and it was time to stop her show,  you tapped the man on the shoulder. " Sorry, she is busy, my apologies." You said and pulled Mina by the elbow. She struggled to free herself but you were stronger. 
" You cannot stop me. I am a grown woman and I can do whatever I want" She said and struggled even more. 
" Sure you can, but I'm quite confident you will follow my lead now" You retorted and kept dragging her.  You heard the man saying " It's okay, I understand" and Mina let out a frustrated groan. 
In a swift motion you lifted her over your shoulder like you would do with a sack of potatoes. She  kicked and screamed in a way a child would do but you didn't budge.  
You reached the car and opened the door. You set Mina on the backseat and she crossed her arms and legs. 
" You are a brute and a jerk, you know that?" She spat out. 
" I might have been abrupt but not a brut." You laughed.  
" You cannot dictate to me what to do, I am not a child." She pouted.
" I adore you when you act like this" You said. 
 She glared at you. 
" I hate you!" She screamed.
" We both know that's not true." You smiled and kissed her forehead. She looked at you like she wanted to rip your head off. 
" I am going to make you regret this!" She threatened. 
You laughed and kissed her forehead again. " I am looking forward to it." You said and closed the car door, driving back home. Mina was silent all the drive home, her arms and legs crossed. You could see the anger in her eyes. You could sense her seething, and you were glad about it. It made you feel powerful to see her so angry. 
The moment you entered your house, she jumped off the car and ran towards the house, slamming the door shut. You parked the car and entered the house, following the sound of her footsteps. She had locked herself in the bedroom. You knocked on the door and waited. 
She opened the door and glared at you. " Leave me alone!" She screamed.
" Are you done throwing your tantrum?" You asked, amused. 
She looked at you like she wanted to kill you. " You have no idea how angry I am." She spat out. 
You nodded and started to undress and when you had only you boxer on you looked at Mina. 
" Take off your clothes." You ordered her. 
 She glared at you. 
" Are you kidding me?" She retorted. 
" I am dead serious." You said and she glared at you for a moment before she crossed her arms and legs. 
" I won't take off my clothes, you cannot force me." She said, her voice petulant. 
" Mina, I can see your nipples through your shirt, you are aroused and you want my cock in you." You said, your voice husky. 
" No, I am not." She said, but you could see the blush rising on her cheeks. 
" Don't lie Mina, I can see through your lies." You said and walked towards her. She glared at you and she tried to run away from you, but you were quicker and you caught her. You held her against your body, feeling her curves. She struggled to free herself, but you held her tightly. 
You lowered your lips to hers and kissed her deeply. You could taste her arousal on her lips. You could feel her heart beating fast against your chest. She struggled for a moment and then she gave in, kissing you back passionately. You could feel your cock throbbing against her body and you knew she could feel it too. 
" Still mad Mina?" You asked.  
 She moaned and you could hear the need in her voice. She was so horny, it made you laugh. You held her against your body and walked towards the bed. You threw her on it and she bounced a bit before looking at you. You undressed her and threw her clothes on the floor. She was left in nothing but her bra and panties. You admired her body, her curves, her skin, everything about her was perfect. 
You kneeled in front of her and removed her panties, spreading her legs open. She looked at you with desire in her eyes. You could smell her arousal and you knew she wanted your tongue on her pussy. You teased her for a bit, rubbing your hands on the outside of her pussy, and then you licked her clit. She moaned loudly and you could feel her body shivering under your touch. 
You sucked her clit into your mouth, making her moan even louder. You could feel her pussy tightening around your fingers. You knew she was close to cumming. You rubbed her clit with your tongue and you could feel her pussy spasm. She came hard, screaming in pleasure. 
You stood up and removed your boxers. Your cock was throbbing with desire. You positioned yourself between her legs and aligned your cock to her entrance. 
" Tell what you want me to do" You smirked.  
She looked at you with lust in her eyes. " Please, please fuck me!" She begged. 
" Where do you want me to fuck you?" You teased. 
She looked at you and you could see the frustration in her eyes. 
" In my pussy, you stupid brat!" She screamed. 
You laughed and entered her slowly, watching her face. She was beautiful in her pleasure. You started fucking her slowly, watching her body move under yours. She was moaning and panting, her legs wrapped around your waist. You fucked her slowly, feeling her pussy tightening around you. 
" Harder, please, harder!" She moaned. 
You obliged, grabbing her hips in your hand  and pounding into her. Her screams of pleasure were loud and clear. You could feel your orgasm approaching. You fucked her harder, feeling her pussy tightening around you even more. She came again, screaming loudly. You felt your orgasm approaching and you came hard, filling her pussy with your cum. 
You collapsed on the bed, holding Mina in your arms. She looked at you with a satisfied smile. " I guess I deserved that" She said. 
" Yes, you did" You retorted and she pouted. 
" Are you still mad?" You asked. 
She shook her head. " Not anymore" She said and you kissed her forehead. 
" Good, because I am not done with you yet." You said and she smiled. You kissed her deeply. 
You rolled her over, made her lying on her stomach.  You stood up and positioned yourself in between her legs. She spread them open, her pussy wet and gaping wide for you. You slapped your cock against her ass cheeks and she giggled. 
 You teased her entrance for a moment and then you shoved yourself inside her. She moaned loudly, arching her back.
You fucked her slowly, watching her ass moving under your thrusts. You could feel her pussy tightening around your cock. 
" Harder!" She demanded. 
You hold your grip on her ass cheeks and sped up your pace,  pounding into her. She screamed in pleasure.
" Take it Mina, good girl."  You said. 
She moaned and you could feel her pussy spasming. She was close. You fucked her harder, feeling your orgasm approaching. 
" Cum for me baby." You demanded. 
She did. She screamed loudly, her pussy milking your cock. You came hard, filling her pussy with your cum again.
You pulled out and she turned around looking at you,  a smile on her face. You held out your hand and helped her up. She stood in front of you, your cum dripping out of her pussy. She smirked and wiped her pussy with her fingers, tasting it. 
You laughed and kissed her. " You are something else, you know that?" You said. 
She nodded. " I know. Now, what do you want to do?" She asked, rubbing her hands on your chest. 
" Shower first then we will see"  You retorted. 
She nodded and walked towards the bathroom. You followed her, watching her ass move as she walked. You couldn't help but smack it. She looked over her shoulder and smirked. " Oh, that is how you want to play huh?" She teased. 
You grinned and followed her into the bathroom. The water was already running. You entered the shower and grabbed Mina's waist. She leaned against you, her ass pushing against your cock. 
" Mina we should shower and then sleep. Tomorrow I want to go to the beach with you" You whispered in her ear softly.  
She nodded and turned around looking at you. " Yes, that sounds lovely. Let's shower and then sleep."
You nodded and she started washing your body, her hands rubbing your chest and arms. You smiled and did the same with her body. She giggled and you could feel her body shivering under your touch. You washed her hair and she leaned against your chest, moaning softly. You turned off the water and grabbed two towels. You handed her one and dried yourself with the other. 
" It is better if we sleep in my room, the bed sheets in your room are not clean at all." You laughed.  
" I know, I made a mess on my bed" She smiled.  
You nodded and handed her a T-shirt and a pair of panties. " Here wear these." You said. 
She nodded and put them on. You did the same and then you went to your room. She climbed on the bed and you followed her. You held her against your chest and she smiled. " Goodnight baby" She whispered. 
" Goodnight Mina" You whispered back and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and you watched her fall asleep. You smiled and kissed her forehead again. She was perfect and she was all yours. You had her and she had you. You could feel her heart beating against your chest and you smiled, she was yours. Forever 
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thesilmarillionblog · 2 months
𝘚𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.
Summary: You and Soldier Boy want to create a family and move on from everything, even the Vought, but you also know that he has to face Homelander one last time to keep his vow to Butcher. However, nothing turns out as you had hoped.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: +18! (MINORS DNI), Heavy angst, hurt, memory loss, forced abortion, implied pregnancy, obsession, Soldier Boy gets hurt, reader gets hurt, established relationship, manipulation
Word Count: 4842
A/N: English is not my first language.
This is inspired by the song 'Remembrance' by Memoria Futuri.༊
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You were alone in the coach watching TV when you heard the door open. You instantly got up and stared at Ben when your ruminations started to take over. He shot you a little smile that made your heart race. 
Ben sent you a meaningful look, and you followed him to his room just as Butcher and the others were getting into a fight.
His broad, powerful arms wrapped snugly around your entire body as he left his shield behind and gave you an instant hug. It was unclear who rushed to get into the arms of the other one first. You planted a gentle kiss on his neck, your fingers trailing behind the ends of his messy hair. 
With his gloved fingertips gently brushing your cheek, he whispered, “I missed you so fucking much.”
Between his hard kisses, you laughed and said, “It's only been two days. But I missed you too.”
After giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead, he began to remove his suit and smirked at you, saying, “Yeah, I'd miss me too. So, what did you do when I was away?”
“Actually, nothing. Kimiko and I just played some video gaming all day. I was losing all the time.” You laughed, “Well, I wouldn't want to win against a supe anyway.”
“How dare she?” he asked, smirking, as you stood up and gave him a hard-back hug. You then planted a strong kiss on his bare back and rested your cheek against it. 
“You act like you didn't miss me as much as I missed you, but you can't just keep your hands away from me, right?” Ben laughed, turned around, and gave you a tight squeeze while firmly holding your ass and giving you a passionate kiss. 
Your hands on his beard went into his hair and pulled, trying to stop him, as he pressed his shaft to your body a little too roughly and eagerly. You were moaning softly into his mouth. 
“Fuck, baby, don't you even tell me-.”
“I'm sore, quite a lot,” you said as soon as you smiled into his mouth. 
“I hate this word. It's been two days already,” he grumbled while keeping touch your body and applying a light pressure, showing his need for you. 
Your fingertips trailed seductively across his tense chest to make him go a little bit wild. “Well, you shouldn't have fucked me all day until I couldn't move just because you would be staying away for only two days,” you said with a giggle. 
He whispered, “You're enjoying this, aren't you?” and planted long kisses on your neck, seemingly trying to convince you change your idea. 
“Of course not,” you muttered as you watched adjusting himself in his sweatpants while maintaining eye contact and then abruptly letting you go with a grunt after giving your ass a little slap. 
“I'll...give you something,” he said, as if he had suddenly remembered a certain thing. “I actually bought you something.” 
With an excited question, “What is it?” You tried to see what was hidden in his hands as he gave you an affectionate little smile. 
“You know those cocksucker CIA bitches pay me well nowadays, as they should, and I'm aware of the fact the fact that I didn't buy you a gift at all, though we have been together for almost a year,” he said. He threw the box aside, showed you a nice ring, and took your hand gently into his, placing it before you could even react. “Do you like it?”
You eventually said, “It's so beautiful,” as you gazed in awe at the ring on your finger. “Ben, this is the most beautiful gift I have ever received. Thank you.” 
Ben took a breath of relief and stilled his hand around your belly. When he was watching, you were looking admiringly at the ring. A proud smile appeared on his face. “You know, once I'm done with Butcher, his crew, and Homelander tomorrow, everything will be different, right?”
When he spoke of the following day, the atmosphere grew more dense. Since he was growing harder to handle every day, you had been under a lot of stress for the past few weeks, but you tried not to show it to him in order to keep him from becoming more concerned. 
You nodded to him and said, “I know.” 
“Hey, it's going to be easy, and I'll be finished with all of them. Like we planned earlier, we'll begin a new life somewhere else. Just you and me.”
Ben's hands lingered around your neck and bare shoulders, giving you the most genuine smile. 
To break the tense air, you teased, “Are you sure you want to share a life with me, away from the company?” as he gently pulled you up and laid you down on the bed in between your small laughs. 
“I shouldn't think about that for the second time,” he muttered, smirking at you as he noticed your face falling. 
You asked him, “What would happen if you thought about it for a second time, though?” and gently hit him, taking care not to injure yourself. 
“Well, I guess you'll never know, so I better not think about it at all,” Ben said, his smile widening as he saw your reaction to it. 
“Asshole,” you gave him a chest slap. 
He grumbled, “I just gave you a ring, and your ungrateful mouth has already started to bite me,��� taking advantage of your weak spot to begin tickling you. 
You were so oversensitive that you cried while laughing and shouted in between when he kept tickling you mercilessly. 
“Try calling me names like that once more. Do you want to speak now? Did your tongue get caught by a cat?” As he was on top of you and you were attempting to shove his hands away as if you could ever manage it, he chuckled. 
You choked out, “Bear Dick. Idiot,” and he gave you even more tickling. “All right, please forgive me. I promise not to speak such vile words to you again, sir, Soldier Boy.”
He ended his game with you and said, “Oh, yeah?” He was obviously amused that you addressed him by his supe name. “Are you going to be a good girl?” 
You spoke softly, “I will,” in between gasps. “Aren't I always?” 
Ben pushed himself between your thighs and said, “I don't know; I need to be reminded,” making you feel his hardness. “I might have a weak memory.”
Although you both understood that you couldn't give him everything he desired at this time, that didn't mean you were unable to fulfill his needs. 
As you put your palm over his cock through his sweatpants and muttered, “It's clear,” It was insane that he hadn't softened at all. “I guess I might have to show you how good I am at this point.”
He groaned softly and watched as he removed his huge cock from his pants, placing his hands on both sides of your head. Considering how little your hand was in comparison to his hardness, it made you feel even more horny. 
You made him go a little bit crazy by asking him, in an innocent tone, “What do you need me to do?” Even though you knew you were going too far because you knew he was dying to get inside, you couldn't help but torture him. 
Your thumb pushed the sensitive tip of his redened cock before he could say anything, causing him to growl loudly and curse. “You like it, don't you? You like driving me insane by refusing to let me fuck your cunt.”
Whispering, “Maybe,” you gathered the pre-cum and placed it on your lips while staring directly into his eyes. 
“Fuck that,” he grumbled, quickly picking up your nightgown and ripping off your underwear before tossing it onto the bed. Perhaps you were pushing your luck a little too hard. 
“Ben, I really want it too, but I'm sore,” you muttered, your hands coming to a stop on his rough flesh. 
With a moan, he murmured, “Calm down; unfortunetely I won't fuck you,” and spread your legs. You both groaned as you felt his cock on your pussy. “But it doesn't mean that I can't enjoy feeling you.”
“Use both hands,” he said, and you promptly followed his instructions. When he took over, his body temperature was really high. “Tighter.” 
“Are you sure?” you questioned in a doubtful tone. “I don't want to hurt you.” 
“You think you can hurt me, baby?” he said, placing a possessive fingertips on your chin as the corner of his lips curled. “Now, use both hands to hold it tightly as much as you can.”
His moan was satisfied when you hesitantly followed his instructions, and his strong grasp on your chin caused your heart to speed up. He began to move his hips and slide into your hands between his groans, fucking into them since your palms were slippery with his pre-cum. 
The sound of his heavy balls hitting your clit filled the bedroom, making your cheeks flush. 
Ben moaned, “Come on, baby, do it tighter,” and in an effort to maintain control, he placed both of his hands firmly on both sides of your belly on the sheets. You were getting hornier seeing him try to be gentle with you when all he wanted to do was be rough. You sensed that your pussy was already wet. 
You were doing everything in your power to hold him as tightly as possible in compliance with his orders, but his power was unmatched and was quickly fucking into your hands, making it more difficult for you to grip his cock. 
He immediately groaned in protest when you withdrew one of your hands, but he waited for you to make another move. You both gasped as you began to give him a hard, forceful pump. His veins were clearly apparent, and you could tell he was getting close because he felt considerably heavier. 
He gently moved your hand away with hardness before you could ask him anything. Ben pressed himself on your pussy, moving himself up and down with forceful movements, both fisted hands on both sides of the sheet as he stroked his cock against your wetness. 
Your walls clenched, and you lifted your hips to match his motions. When he began kissing you, you tried to stop your moaning in his mouth by placing your hands on his biceps and holding on tightly.
Ben watched you with an intense glare as your walls began to tighten around nothingness and you started shaking from your climax.
He mumbled, “Yeah, just like that, baby,” as you continued to scream and orgasm.
As soon as your orgasmic effects subsided, Ben grabbed your torn underwear from the bed and began to spill himself over it in front of your startled eyes. Between his grunts, you kept your hands on his flexing biceps as he continued to spill his thick ropes on your torn underwear.
He gasped and beat his cock a little harder to totally spill himself. “I'll come inside you next time,” he said. 
You teased him, “You better,” as your fingers worked over his tense muscles. 
“You little tease,” he said as he finished throwing your ripped underwear on the ground and planting a forceful kiss on your forehead and neck. 
You yawned, and Ben embraced you in his warm arms and adjusted your nightie very gently, right after he'd shoved his dick back into his sweatpants. 
“You smell exceptionally nice these days,” he said, continuing to smell your neck and hair. 
“So you're telling me I smell bad normally?” 
“Of course, that wasn't what I meant, my dear. You're also a little more sensitive than normal, huh? And pretty  dizzy.” To calm you down, Ben planted a kiss on the corners of your mouth. 
You silently said, “Maybe it's because you're touching my nerves, old man,” and buried your head in his heated chest. You must have felt exhausted in such a short period of time due to the powerful orgasm. 
“Behave. You were so docile and obedient moments ago.” You gasped in surprise as Ben gave you a light slap on your bare ass and said, “Now your claws are back, I see.”
You moaned out, “Let me sleep,” resting one leg on his. 
He laughed as he saw you practically nod off in a matter of seconds. 
Ben immediately whispered, “I love you,” causing your lips to curl with happiness and your heart to melt. He was undoubtedly aware of how these three words would affect you. 
“I know, and I love you.”
You felt Ben's lips curve on your hair as his arms tightened around your entire body. 
You gave Ben a small smile, hoping that this day would end as soon as possible, while Butcher, Ben, and the others were talking about what to do in Vought Tower when they encountered Homelander.
“Now, you're all going inside, behind this door, and waiting for us, ladies.”
“What are you doing?” Annie answered immediately, and Hughie gave her support against Butcher and Maeve.
“We don't need any more issues than necessary. It's Vought Tower that we're going to go to, not some ordinary place. Now, get inside, dear one.”
Hughie, Frenchie, and Annie began to argue with Butcher, telling him they wouldn't divulge what they were commanded, but Ben threatened them all by simply touching his gun, so they all gave in.
Just as you were taking a step back, Ben slapped your ass and urged you gently into the vast space with a mischievous smirk on his face.
“You get inside, especially,” Ben muttered, disregarding all of your complaints. “Be a good girl.”
Ben gave you a wink before they closed the door. You wished you could have assisted him there; you wanted to be with him.
Annie and Kimiko finally succeeded in breaking through the thick, locked door after a great deal of effort.
You immediately said, “I'll come with you too,” in a serious manner. Before anyone else rejected you, you stated, “I'm not the only regular human here. As a member of the team, I will be coming.”
You sighed with relief as Frenchie and MM finally nodded at you after exchanging an odd look.
Thanks to Annie, you were able to enter Vought Tower despite its difficulty. Given how easily Ben was able to smell you, you intended to keep an eye on the issue from a distance so as not to burden or distract him. On the other hand, your eyes grew wide as you noticed Ben and Butcher fighting. Actually, Butcher was the one who attacked him nonstop. Annie looked on in disbelief as Frenchie and MM hurriedly fled the area with some things in their hands.
You cried out, “Butcher!” with fury as soon as you witnessed Butcher unleash his super lasering powers on Ben. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“And what the hell are you doing here?” Ben shoved Butcher to the ground, gave him a disgusted look, and roared back. “Get the fuck out of here.”
His shield was shattered.
When you went to Annie and Kimiko to tell them to take action and find a solution to this situation, they both attacked Ben as well, backing Butcher. Your heart was racing behind your chest as Butcher and Ben continued to fight and hit each other.
When her eyes began to shine with maximum intensity, you cried as loudly as you could, “Annie, stop this madness,” but no one was paying attention. You could have found and utilized one right now if you hadn't injected yourself with enough Temp-V.
Ben violently grabbed Kimiko by the neck and threw her. Before you even knew what was going on and attempted to break up Butcher and Ben's intense fight, Butcher threw you against the closest table with such force that your head was hurting so badly that you were unable to find the strength to get back up.
It felt like the back of your head was bleeding, as was your lower stomach. You continued to mumble Ben's name until you lost consciousness. You were quite concerned for Ben when you last saw them trying to put gas on his face in an attempt to get him to fall back asleep. He was betrayed by his team another time, and you couldn't even stop it.
It was unfair and cruel because, if you could only get it through today, you and Ben would have too many dreams come true.
Ben watched you lose consciousness as a result of Butcher throwing you away, acting as though it didn't matter that you were a frail human and that you would die there. His chest began to glow—it was actually burning—at that moment. He was completely out of control just by looking at you, even though you were still breathing.
He knew that you needed him, so he wanted to stop himself. If he had blown up right now, he wouldn't have cared if he killed everyone in his immediate vicinity, but he could have killed you in less than a second as well. Yet Ben's reasonable rage towards Butcher and everyone else persisted. He began to lose consciousness, but thankfully, Queen Maeve grabbed him and leaped out of the window before he exploded. You would be alright; at least your heartbeats were still strong.
As the gas put Soldier Boy to sleep once more, Butcher and the others inhaled deeply as they observed his hauntingly dozing body on the bed, prepared for his return to Russia. When Butcher first spoke with the CIA about it a year ago, it was already part of the plan. However, because Homelander was still alive and they all risked everything for nothing, Butcher just didn't know it would be carried out in this way, and the whole operation was a complete failure.
Kimiko began speaking hurriedly in sign language, concerned for you, as she carefully picked up your unconscious body and laid it on the table.
Frenchie exclaimed, “Kimiko is right. We have to take her to the hospital. She is bleeding from the head and everywhere.”
“Alright, you're right. Since I'm the one who did the job, I'll take care of this, right?” Butcher muttered in a rough tone. “Frenchie and Kimiko, follow me. It looks like cleaning up this mess is going to take some time. Right now, we can't go to the hospital.”
Butcher had contacted a long-time medical acquaintance of his who handled sensitive cases with undercover agents in order to maintain confidentiality when necessary. He knew two doctors to solve this mess, fortunately. Once they had a conversation and you had given them the information they required, they put you in the cold bed, and Kimiko did her best to wipe the blood off your head.
One of the doctors stated after an hour, “She seems fine, but I can't guarantee that her brain is functioning properly.”
“What the heck do you mean?” With a glance at your sleeping body, Butcher asked.
“Her brain injury appears to be rather severe. Memory loss is quite likely. Of course, we can't be certain of anything. She is, nevertheless, physically alright.”
“Well, as long as she's alive, it wouldn't be all that horrible.” Butcher smirked and put his hands in his pockets with a smug expression on his face. Kimiko gave him a hideous look and was clearly upset with him. “I'm sure there are many things she wants to forget anyway,” Butcher said.
“But it's going to be difficult for her to accept her pregnancy at this point,” the doctor said, looking at him perplexed.
“The fuck?” Butcher cried out, hands on his hips, gaze locked on your abdomen as he studied your unconscious body. “Are you fucking with me? Are you positive, for sure?”
“Mon Dieu,” the Frenchie muttered. “That's not good.”
The doctor added, “Of course we are sure,” as he held the files in his hands.
“However, she is still extremely early in her pregnancy. Perhaps not even she knows it herself.”
The doctor continued, even before Butcher reacted. “There's more. It does not appear to be a typical pregnancy.”
“For god’s sake, give me some slack. What do you mean at this point?” Butcher yelled out.
“I'm trying to say that it appears to be a fully developed fetus developing inside her. The fetus appears to be in excellent health based on what I can tell from her results. It's definitely a supe baby.”
Kimiko and Frenchie exchanged a look, and her eyes grew wide. For a minute, silence engulfed the room, and none of them could think of anything to say.
Butcher inhaled deeply and narrowed his gaze as he studied your figure, his mind racing with ideas. “So you're telling me she's pregnant with a supe baby, right?”
The doctor said, “That's exactly what I'm telling you. Who's the father, by the way?”
The doctor stared at Butcher, Frenchie, and Kimiko curiously while they looked at each other, troubled. They weren't entirely certain about the nature of your relationship with Soldier Boy, but they were aware that you two had a sexual interaction. They were aware that you only ever saw him and that you didn't know other super heroes than Soldier Boy.
“It's classified.” Butcher immediately cut it off. “All right, prepare her for the abortion. She must get rid of this thing right away to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.”
“What?” Frenchie yelled; he was horrified by Butcher's callousness and his discussion of killing your unborn child as if it were no big deal.
With a furious look on her face, Kimiko grabbed Butcher by the chest and began yelling in sign language.
“Kimiko is exactly right. You have no business deciding what to do with her body. It's between her and him. Fuck off, Butcher. You're being too much.”
“Are you two fucking out of minds?” Butcher screamed, his nerves already raw from what had transpired. “Obviously, I wouldn't make this choice if she was carrying a typical fetus rather than the most dangerous one. Are you even mindful of what happened to my Becca?”
Butcher had never considered talking about Becca and had disliked discussing his past, but with Kimiko and Frenchie staring at him with disapproval, he realized that he had to. He had to try, even though he knew they would never be able to understand fully.
“She was treated by the most skilled physicians in Vought when she became pregnant by—you know who. Do you know what happened? The monster that was growing inside her womb destroyed every organ and tore her stomach apart when her water broke in an attempt to go out. There, she fucking nearly died in her bloody bed. Almost.” Butcher spat forth his hatred, emphasizing every word in order to make clear the gravity of the situation. “Y/N will never survive this. She also took a great amount of Tempt-V in the past few months. Her body is already too fragile.”
“Don't give me that kind of look. I'm not enjoying this, but someone needs to make important decisions for the better,” Butcher angrily remarked to Kimiko, who remained expressionless and continued to gaze at him with hatred, as though he were her biggest enemy. “It appears that she will likely suffer from memory loss without realizing it. Since we already took care of the matter there, she can start fresh. That man will never enter her life again after all, okay?”
“No matter what,” Frenchie inhaled deeply. He didn't like what was happening and was concerned by it. “She'll be living a lie. This is wrong.”
Butcher interrupted him as he was getting close to your sleeping body on the white bed, saying, “Shut the fuck up. What she is unaware of is not going to hurt her. Here is where we are going to solve this situation. After all, we are in the business of killing supes. Stop complicating things and becoming overly sensitive.”
“Screw you.” Frenchie retreated a step. “You're discussing the murder of a baby. Whether or not it's a supe doesn't matter. I refuse to participate in this.”
“Are you truly aware of what will happen to her if she gives birth? First of all, she is not going to survive and will die in childbirth. Second, Vought will learn of the baby's existence and raise it to become their new puppet, capable of murdering others for amusement. Numerous people will be harmed by it. We cannot handle one more offspring of a bastard. Get your ass act straight and quit being so fucking emotional because she won't even know this.”
If Butcher hadn't been on Temp-V, Kimiko's hands could have crushed his chest from giving him such a severe shove by the chest. She kept the same expression on her face and kept on utilizing sign language.
“From now on, nothing can stop me, so you two go fuck out of here. She'll be alright when this nightmare is over. We are all fortunate to have discovered this crap earlier than she did, and her mental health will benefit even more from the assistance with her memory loss.”
“Come on Kimiko, let's go,” Frenchie mumbled while examining your body with sympathy. He understood that nothing would work out the way Butcher planned since it was now beyond disaster. This was not good.
Kimiko tried to talk to Frenchie, but he said, “It's not our job. This is bigger than us, Kimiko. Let's just get the fuck out of there.”
She had an expression of despair on her face, and despite her repeated attempts to speak with Frenchie, he begged her to get out of the chilly, desolate room as soon as possible. They unwillingly exited, leaving you in the room alone with three monsters.
A doctor said, “Butcher, we have known each other for years, and I know you are not a bad guy, but we cannot just kill her baby without her permission.”
Butcher inhaled deeply as he placed a finger on your covered abdomen and uttered, “That's not an innocent baby there; that's a monster, a natural Supe, and a potential killer. You already know that the CIA never approves such things. We will not permit the birth of any more Homelanders. Fucking do it already and keep your mouth shut; you'll be paid handsomely.”
The female doctor began to get ready to do the procedure. “We don't want to deal with an issue if she or the man she got pregnant by finds out this,” she stated.
“They won't; this will remain a secret, and nobody will ever discuss it, so let's be positive; she doesn't remember anything, am I right? How fortunate we are to live in a nation where medicine and technology are so advanced. That would be very helpful as well, my dear.” Butcher winked at the doctor, acting as though everything was normal.
Butcher scowled when he noticed the elegant green ring on your finger after they had both briefly left the room. He had no idea what this meant or even whether it was from Soldier Boy, but it was preferable to leave no trace and not take any more chances. He removed your ring from your finger and threw it into the closest tin in the room for this reason.
After what seemed like an hour of waiting, they eventually finished the procedure, and Butcher exhaled with relief when he was informed that it was finished. Where Butcher tossed your ring, they threw the dead fetus that was removed from your body in cold blood. Everything was in order.
Butcher spoke with the doctors about your condition once more, ensuring that you slept until you had fully recovered physically. He also paid them off and reminded them not to discuss what had happened with anyone else.
He knew you would soon be alright.
Next Chapter
A/N: Here we go… Comments are very much appreciated. I’d like to know what you think about this one.  ♡
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
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↳ being friends with fem!reader
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✩ the slytherin boys obviously have a lot of girl friends, but you’re the only one that managed to become a part of their friend group
✩ when you met draco and mattheo as a child, your parents both being from wealthy pureblood families, they immediately took you under their wing and introduced you to the others on your first day at hogwarts
✩ obviously it makes a lot of girls jealous of you at school, wondering what you had to do to become part of their inner circle. thanks merlin you’re confident and have them to protect you, because the rumours can be quite intense sometimes. “yeah, she’s probably good under the sheets and that’s why they keep her around”
✩ the most overprotective people ever. a random student could literally breathe near you and you’d need to convince the guys not to beat him up. “keep your eyes and hands off her if you wanna keep them, yeah ?”
✩ walk ‘em like a dog, girl. they’re your personal bodyguards and know better when it comes to saying “no” to you. everything you want from them, you get in a heartbeat. “yes ma’am”
✩ you also educate them when it comes to feminism and how to property treat a woman, since most of their mothers aren’t really there. now they try to act like gentlemen, knowing you’d kill them if you found out they didn’t treat a girl right. “yes, i didn’t let her walk back to her dorm alone. yes, i opened the door for her. flowers ? yeah, i bought her some”
✩ apart from acting like a mom 24/7, sometimes they’re the one taking care of you. they don’t really express their emotions with words but it shows through their actions. little acts of service like carrying your school bag, buying you your favourite snack from hogsmeade or taking care of you after parties.
✩ yes they’re all pretty fucked up, but when you all hang out together life isn’t so bad anymore. whether it’s chilling in the common room after classes, having a smoke in the courtyard or hanging out in the boys’ dorm, it’s always a good moment
✩ except when they take part in more boyish activities and you have to remind them that you’re a girl. “i don’t give two fucks about playing fight and video games, guys”. however, because of them you do play mario kart like a pro and know how to physically defend yourself if you ever get in trouble
✩ sometimes you’re the one teaching them things, like when you have a “girls night” with them and it ended up with you doing their skincare and trying to teach them how to do a full face makeup. enzo ends up having such pretty lashes with mascara that you get mad at him “what’s your lash routine ? what do you mean you don’t have one ?”
✩ they always come for you for dating advice, but when you do it’s a categorical no. “hey guys, so i’m going on this date tonight and-“ “what ? oh no you’re not” i swear they forget you’re their age sometimes (they think you don’t know how babies are made and all)
✩ none of them sees you as anything more than a sister, but if you do end up dating one of the boys then it’s quite literally the third world war. all of the others warn him “dude, we love you but if you hurt her you’re dead.”
✩ and then of course you earn a lot of teasing from everyone “so, are you two coming to movie night or have more important things to do ?” “please be careful, i don’t wanna be an uncle so soon”
✩ overall, despite their complex personalities and trauma, once you become a part of their lives i can assure you there’s no going back
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a/n : got a bunch of requests for more slytherin boys headcanons so there you go ! please like, comment and reblog <3
@iris-qt @tateshifts @redeemingvillains @fluffycookies22 @larmesdevanille @reys-letters @moonlightreader649 @fbvreadingblog @shiftingwithmars @mattheosdior @deadghosy @yikesitslush @bellatrix-lestrange5 @jolly4holly @elsie-bells @helendeath @icantkeepmyplantsalive
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maya1525 · 2 months
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🌶️ Would You Rather??? (Sashisu Request)
Pairing ✩࿐ Fem!Reader X Shoko Ieiri X Suguru Geto X Satoru Gojo
WARNINGS ✩࿐ Group sex with every possible pairing between you 4. Eating train, tit fucking, giving oral, receiving oral, oral during penetration, two people giving oral to one person, face sitting, face fucking, cream pie, and vaginal sex.
Word count ✩࿐10.4K
Summary ✩࿐ Fem!Reader accidentally buys the spicy version of Would You Rather for her friend’s drinking party, and let’s just say… things end up getting a little spicy.
BONUS ✩࿐ Slow lead-up! I felt like it’d be fun to go through some questions before things intensified. Plus, I wanted the fic to feel gradual and not forced. So you can feel like you’re there at the party, just hanging out. Also the reader is also a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Her friends also view her as a little shy and innocent.
A/N ✩࿐ I originally was writing this fic as a one-shot with Suguru and Satoru, but then someone requested a Sashisu Fic! So I of course had Shoko join in on the fun! I had fun with this four-way and I prioritized that everyone was involved with each other at all times! Also, I have a crush on Shoko now. 🥰 Sorry for taking forever to post this, I know it’s a cliche thing to say: but life is very busy for me. Today I got ALL four of my wisdom teeth removed. 🥲 I was given this day off work, and I saw it as a prime opportunity to polish this fic up and post it! Thanks for reading and I appreciate all of you so much! 💗
“I’m glad you found a game for us to play.” Satoru hummed smoothly while he invited you into his semi-lit dorm room. “Cause what’s the point to drinking, when there isn’t anything fun to do.”
That earned a scoff from Geto who lounged on the couch. “Uh, we could just hang out.”
“Psh. Where’s your sense of entertainment? Are you saying you don’t want to play the game Y/n just got?” Gojo retorted in a fake shocked tone.
“I’m not saying that.” Suguru rolled his eyes toward his white-haired friend. “I’m just saying-“
“Enough of that, show us the game you got Y/n!” Shoko’s comforting voice rang from behind you, causing you to whirl around and give her a sweet hug. In return, she held you close with her arm draped around your waist. A lazy grin plastered on her face and a burning cigarette between her lips.
“Shoko! I’m so happy you made it, for a second I thought I’d be stuck with those two.” You teased, playfully glancing at Gojo and Geto. Suguru smirked at your words, while Gojo made a fist on his heart as if he was stabbed.
“Yeah, sorry for not letting you know I was coming. I got held up with something back at the lab.” She explained while moving her bangs from her face.
“Enough talk, let’s start this night off with a shot! That means you Suguru.” Satoru announced clapping his hands. He led you and Shoko to the island, where he got the glasses ready. All the lights were off except for the ones above the island. The rest of his living room and kitchen were lit up by blue LED strips. Giving his living space an electric feel.
“When was the last time you got drunk Y/n?” Suguru asked curiously while approaching the counter, his dark gaze resting on you.
You flushed, “The last time I got drunk was with you guys.”
“What?! That was like two months ago!” Gojo exasperated while pouring vodka into the small glasses. Judging from how fancy the vodka bottle looked, you had a feeling he bought the expensive stuff. Which didn’t surprise you.
“Yeah, it's been a while. So let the send begin.” You explained excitedly, taking one of the shot glasses for yourself.
“Fuck yeah! Let’s full fucking send baby!” Satoru cheered while raising his shot glass. “This is for a good night!”
“A good night!” Everyone said while they clinked their glasses. Then they tapped the bottom of their shot glasses to the counter and proceeded to take it to their lips.
You held your breath as you quickly forced yourself to swallow the harsh poison. Your mouth watered tremendously and it went down like liquid fire. Your eyes teared up a bit as you set your glass down.
“Shit, that woke me up.” Suguru chuckled while setting his glass next to yours.
“Same here *cough* let’s play that game you got, Y/n!” Shoko croaked out while squeezing your arm gently.
You quickly dug in your purse to grab the deck of cards while your friends went to the living room. They situated themselves on the floor, so you guys could sit in a circle. You sat between Suguru and Satoru with Shoko across from you. Geto was busy finding some good background music to play on the TV to set the mood.
“What did you end up getting?” Gojo asked while leaning back on his hands comfortably. You handed him the box.
“I got us Would You Rather! There were so many versions to choose from! I thought we’d have a fun time playing it, so I got the generic box of questions.” You sighed eagerly, leaning over to Satoru to look at the cards.
Gojo chuckled. “This isn’t the original one… You got us the spicy version.” He peeled off the price tag to reveal the small red word ‘spicy’ underneath it.
Mortification washed over you like a massive wave, “No, no! I swear I got the plain one! I’m so sorry you guys. If you want I can run to the store and get the other version.”
“Let’s give it a try. And if it’s no good, I’ll be the one who runs to the store.” Satoru hummed while giving you a gentle elbow jab.
“But don’t you think it would be too embarrassing to talk about spicy topics…” You mumbled shyly, trying to avert your gaze from his.
“Hell no! If you’re feeling shy, just drink some more liquid courage!” Satoru announced while handing you a red solo cup with fruity alcoholic juice. He clinked his plastic cup against yours and the both of you drank to that.
You couldn’t help but turn your lips upward, “Okay, let’s see how this goes.”
“Since Y/n bought the game she can go first, then we’ll just go around in a circle,” Shoko stated, handing you a card from the top of the deck. You were already feeling that shot in your system. Your face felt warm and you felt more outgoing. You leaned against the base of the couch comfortably.
You quickly read over your card. “Okay Shoko, this one’s for you! Would you rather receive a sexy message or a love note?”
Shoko took a swig of her drink and then answered, “Message. I’d receive it faster and then answer right away. What about you?” She nodded her head in your direction.
“Hmm… I’d say love note! Cause when you write something down you want to leave a lasting impression. Making notes more… special.” You exclaimed dreamily, then you felt hot with embarrassment because you realized everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Aww, that’s cute. I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” Shoko’s soft brown eyes sparkled at you.
“I’d say I’m the same way Y/n, letters seem more sentimental.” Geto agreed with you, his gaze held on you briefly.
“Nah, I’d want a hot text message. Right here. Right now.” Satoru slurred, “Then we could act on those feelings asap.” Gojo grabbed a card from the top of the deck and read it over briskly. “Y/n, would you rather show affection in public or in private?” Satoru asked with a cheeky grin while taking a drink from his cup.
You tilted your head toward Gojo. “What type of affection is it? Cause if it’s innocent then I don’t mind doing it in public.”
Satoru chuckled. “What do you mean innocent stuff?” He arched a brow at you over his glasses.
“Like hugs, kisses, and hand-holding. Not doing the nasty!” You explained while taking a drink, you felt another wave of the alcohol wash over you. Damn, you’re getting drunk faster than expected.
“Makes sense, to be honest, I don’t care if it’s done in public. Let’s make a scene, who cares if people watch.” Gojo murmured while subtly resting his hand on yours. This small action made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m the opposite, I’d want to be the only one to see my partner unraveled. No one else should deserve to see them in such an intimate way.” Suguru stated with his arms crossed.
“What about you Shoko?” You asked her curiously.
The corner of her mouth tilted upward, “I’m the same as you. I’m okay with public affection if it’s mild.” She then leaned forward to grab herself a card. Her eyes quickly darted from left to right as she read it. “Ooo, okay this one’s a little dirty… I want Suguru to answer this. When it comes to oral, would you rather give or receive?”
Geto stiffened with surprise. “Even though receiving is delightful, I’d say give.”
This earned a girlish squeal to come from you and Shoko, “Really?! How come?” She pried with a hazy smile.
“It brings me satisfaction to please someone who I care about,” Geto admitted while adjusting his position so his left arm was now resting on his bent knee.
“Same here, it’s like your way to show them how much you admire them.” You agreed wistfully, the alcohol in your system had taken a deeper root and you were feeling pretty good.
“I like being on the receiving end of the stick. Nothing’s hotter than the view of your sweetheart worshiping you with their mouth.” Satoru explained while his fingers trailed up your wrist playfully, and then he rested his hand back on yours.
Geto chuckled. “Of course you would.”
“Yeah, why doesn’t that surprise me,” Shoko added with a little laugh.
Suguru then leaned forward and grabbed a card. “Would you rather only have sex in bed for the rest of your life or never be able to have sex in a bed again? I want Y/n to answer this.”
“I’d say, never in the bed. Cause doing it in the bed all the time could get boring.” You expressed and everyone murmured in agreement. “Ok, my turn.” You swiftly grabbed yourself a card. “Suguru, would you rather have sex in the car or the shower?
Geto brought his veiny hand up to his mouth in deep thought. “Shower.”
You giggled at his blunt answer. “And why?”
His sharp eyes darted toward you humorously. “Because when you’re done you’re nice and clean. Also, the steam and being all wet is hot. Doing it in a car sounds a little restrictive.”
You nodded in agreement. “Those are some good points, I’d say the same.”
“You guys are weird, doing it in the car is way hotter!” Satoru interrupted.
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking!” Shoko chimed in to aid Gojo. “Doing it in the car is restrictive, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re flexible.”
“Plus the whole car steams up and it shakes while you do it. Making it a public scene which is even better.” Satoru explained while waving his drink around. Then he grabbed his card, “Shoko, would you rather only be able to be on the bottom during sex or only on the top?”
Shoko took a slurp of her beverage, “Hmm, it depends. If I’m with a guy, then bottom. But if I’m with a girl then top.” She explained with a cute smile, her gaze drifted towards you. “What about you?”
You flushed because of how intimate the question was. “Me? Oh… umm, I’d say bottom for men. But it depends on women. If she’s more assertive I’ll let her be top. But if she’s more on the submissive side then I’ll take the lead.”
“That’s hot.” Satoru blurted with a flirtatious expression. You felt his hand give yours a small squeeze, causing you to look down bashfully.
You reached for your cup only to realize that you finished it off a couple of minutes ago.
“Gimme your cup, I’ll get you some more babe.” Satoru purred over to you.
“Thank you.��� You smiled up at him sweetly as he removed the red cup from your hand. His gaze had the perfect view down your shirt at this angle, which made him enjoy the noticeable height difference between you too.
“Anyone else need a refresher.” Gojo glanced at his other two friends, while he stood to his feet. Both Suguru and Shoko handed him their empty cups and with two cups in each hand, he departed to the kitchen.
“So on a level of one to ten, how drunk are you Y/n? One being barely and ten being black-out wasted.” Shoko asked the beauty mark beneath her eye raised upward when she smiled at you.
“Hmm, I’d say I’m like a four-point seven.” You sighed cutely. Your response caused both Geto and Shoko to laugh.
“That’s oddly specific, why a four-point seven of all numbers?” Geto eyed you with amusement.
“I couldn’t just say four, 'cause I’m feeling five coming on!”
“If someone said four-point seven, that must mean they’re actually like a six.” Shoko snickered. “I think our little friend’s a lightweight Suguru!”
You paid no mind to their teasing, it only made you laugh in response. It’s been a while since the four of you kicked back like this.
Gojo returned with the refilled beverages, he of course handed you your drink first with a sly grin. He sat down next to you, closer than he was before and he draped his muscular arm around your narrow shoulders. “So whose turn is it now?”
“Mine!” Shoko announced as she reached for a card. “And this one’s for you Gojo, would you rather have morning sex or late-night sex?”
“Morning sex, what else would be a better way to start my day!” Satoru admitted seductively while pulling you a little bit closer to him. His warm body next to yours was comforting, since his living room window was open, letting in a fresh cold night breeze.
“True, I’ll have to agree with you on that one,” Shoko admitted while sipping on her drink.
“What about you Y/n?” Satoru asked nonchalantly while throwing his card in the discard pile.
“I’m more of a nighttime person. Cause then after we can just cuddle and fall asleep.” You confessed while taking a drink from your cup. Its fruity flavor was quite delectable, making it a dangerous drink.
“You’re such a sweetheart Y/n, truly girlfriend material.” Gojo laughed and complimented at the same time.
His honest reaction made you feel pretty good about yourself - or was it the alcohol? Maybe both.
“Don’t fall for his flattery Y/n,” Geto warned, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Gojo doesn’t deserve a girl like you. You’re too good for him.”
“Psh! As if you’re any better than me?” Satoru hissed over at his friend. “Answer me this Y/n, would you rather date me or Geto?”
You flushed at his bold question and nervously looked down. You couldn’t choose between both of them! You wouldn’t want to hurt either of their feelings. “I-I…” You stammered.
Shoko came to the rescue. “Cut that shit out Gojo! Besides, it’s not your turn to ask a question.”
“Yeah, it’s my turn.” Suguru leaned forward to grab his card with a devilish grin. “Y/n, would you rather I show you or tell you about my desires?”
You took another drink from the red cup, feeling the liquid courage run rampant through your veins. “Show me.”
Suguru set his drink aside and pried you from Satoru’s grasp. He guided you onto his lap so you were straddling him. His lips turned upward to form a sly grin.
“First… I’d gently caress your body, like this.” His smooth voice hummed softly, while his large veiny hands ghosted from your waist down to your juicy thighs. His hot hands trailed from your knees to the inner sensitive parts between them. “And while I do that, I’ll kiss you, like this.” His lips pressed against yours and his sneaky tongue tangled itself with yours. Meanwhile, you could hear Shoko and Gojo protesting in the background.
Your heart was pounding a million miles per minute. You’ve never kissed Suguru before, he was your friend! The most you two have ever done was cuddle when you were cold. Yes; he’d flirt with you, but so did Shoko and Gojo (he was relentless, to say the least). Of course, you fed in and would smooth talk your friends. You never would’ve thought those innocent remarks could progress into something so much more. Was he kissing you just for fun? Or was it simply to take part in the game? You wanted to test the waters and cautiously reached up to grab the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. His mouth moved against yours passionately, while his hands glided from your thighs to your lower back in the most tantalizing way.
He then removed his mouth from yours and whispered lowly in your ear. “Then once things get a little more desperate between us, I’d like to worship you with my mouth.” With that being said, he lowered his hot mouth down to the crook of your neck. He sucked on your flawless skin as if he was savoring a delectable dish. While he marked you, his sultry gaze met Gojo’s. Who had his arms crossed defiantly. Satoru wanted to be the one to unravel cute little Y/n.
An adorable sigh of pleasure escaped your lips when you felt Geto mark your skin with a bit more pressure. The room around you seemed to spin and your vision wasn’t clear anymore. The alcohol has clouded your senses and now you are in a drunk stupor. You couldn’t care less though, you were having fun, and you were feeling yourself too. You’ve never felt so wanted and so hot before.
“Let’s not get carried away, darling.” Suguru cooed while he pulled off your neck, leaving a notable red mark. By the way your breath hitched, Geto could sense how ready you were. He turned your body effortlessly and draped you across his lap. His strong arms held you securely, and you felt quite comfortable in his lap like this.
“I didn’t realize that you’d be such a needy little girl Y/n,” Gojo smirked down at you while he handed you your drink. You took it graciously and took a generous swig.
“Hmm? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” You questioned with a hazed look on your pretty face. It was pretty evident how drunk you were.
“To put it bluntly, your eagerness is a fucking turn-on,” Satoru murmured while blatantly checking your tits out.
You simply smiled and took another drink from your cup. Your ego was higher than ever and it was mostly because of the liquor in your system. You were heavily intoxicated at this point and the room was swirling around you. You rested your head on Suguru’s shoulder for stability while you sipped on the last of your drink.
“Looks like you’re running out.” Geto purred above you, he poured his drink into your cup with a killer smirk as his bangs fell in front of his face. You greedily took another drink of the alcoholic beverage.
“Suguru, I’m drunk…” You whined quietly, looking into his hazy amber eyes, your vision was doubled and it looked as if Geto had a twin brother.
“Oh really?” He teased while finishing off his drink.
“Damn, Y/n is so fucking cute when she’s drunk,” Satoru murmured over to Geto. Gojo’s flirtatious gaze held on you briefly. His voice sounded as if it was underwater, you couldn’t help but smile at his compliment and burrow your face in the crook of Suguru’s neck. Damn, he smelt so attractive, like a dark and sweet candle.
“Y/n… I think it’s your turn to go.” Shoko called from across you. “Here’s your card.” You turned your attention over to her while she was on all fours on the floor to hand you your card. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes looked at you with a hint of desire.
You smiled at her sweetly and took it, you found it a little difficult to read what the card said. The words looked as if they were waving around. “I can’t read it…” You pouted adorably.
“Here, hand it to me sugar.” Geto’s voice rumbled in his chest. “Okay it says; would you rather have long, slow sex every time or always have a quickie?”
“I’d want to have quickies 'cause I like it rough.” You admitted with no shame. Your words caused Geto to grip onto you a bit tighter.
“You don’t say?” Gojo’s seductive voice rang out while he eyed you hungrily.
Shoko giggled, her laugh sounded like music to your ears. “No sweetie, who do you want to answer the question? That’s your card.”
Realization hit you and you laughed carelessly. “Oh, whoopsies… how bout you answer this Gojo?”
“I’m the same as you, 'cause fucking rough is so much fun. Would you care to try it sometime?”
You bit your lower lip and batted your eyelashes up at him. “Really?”
“Yeah babe, we’ve been friends for about a year now and I’m just trying to get to know you a bit better.” He whispered huskily, knowing damn well Suguru and Shoko could hear the both of you. He brought his face close to yours while you shifted in Geto’s lap to get closer to Gojo. He brushed his lips against yours in a teasing manner and then pulled away.
“Fucking hell, don’t get me riled up. I might just have to take you up to my bedroom after this.” He grazed his tongue over his top row of teeth. Satoru reached over to the pile of cards and grabbed one for himself. “Y/n, would you rather lick me here…or here?” He pointed to his abs and then to his neck.
“Why those places?” Shoko giggled over at her white-haired friend.
“The card specifically says not on the lips or privates.” Satoru flung his card in her direction. He then cast his flirtatious gaze toward you. “So which is it?”
“Both!” You sighed excitedly. “Shit, what were the options again?” You slurred with a hiccup.
“Abs or neck?” Gojo repeated himself while beckoning you to come to him.
“Okay.” You giggled while crawling from Geto’s lap over to Gojo. You lifted Satoru’s shirt to reveal his mouthwatering abs, he was so fit and muscular. You eagerly settled yourself between his legs comfortably and dragged your molten tongue up his stomach.
“Mmh, fuck.” Gojo groaned quietly, fully enjoying how hot this was. Your tongue tickled him, but he paid no mind to it and loved your cute little mouth making love to his strong abs.
Everything around you didn’t matter and you solely focused on licking Gojo like a treat. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you latched down and began to suck on his skin instead. You then left a small trail of hickeys down his taught skin and continued to work your way southward. You rested your hand on his thigh, and in return, you felt his large hand rest on your shoulder.
Your thoughts quickly became dirty and you tentatively reached up to rest your hand on Satoru’s crotch. You were pleasantly surprised to find him fully erect. “You dirty girl. Ahh…” Gojo hissed out in pleasure when you stroked his length in an appetizing way.
Your sinful mouth sucked on his pale skin hungrily. You knew that some red marks would be left behind. Being the one responsible made you feel needy between your legs. Your mouth continued to make its way lower and lower. Soon enough your lips brushed against the hem of his black pants.
“Have you ever been to Paris?” Gojo murmured huskily above you.
“Huh?” You looked up with a dazed expression on your pretty face.
“Cause I can show you the eye-full tower.” He rumbled with a flirty expression.
Your busy mouth came to a halt and a smile crept on your face, followed by uncontrollable giggles. “That was the corniest shit I’ve ever heard! You’re drunk Satoru!”
“What? I thought that was the right thing to say at the moment.” Gojo smiled cheekily with a faint blush forming across his cheeks.
Even Shoko and Geto joined in on the laughter. You pulled off his hickey-ridden abs and took a greedy drink from your cup.
“Please don’t tell me you used that pickup line before.” Suguru chided through hearty chuckles.
“As a matter of fact, I’ve used it twice. And each time-“
“Ouch! I can’t believe you’d try to pull the same shallow trick on me! You gotta try harder than that.” You panted between fits of laughter.
“I bet he’s the type to be all talk and then finishes in three minutes,” Shoko added while rolling onto the floor snickering.
“Nah, he’s more like. That has never happened before, must be because you’re so hot.” Geto snarked while imitating Gojo’s seductive voice.
“Hey, guys enough with the mean jokes!” You defended. “He’s just a squirrel trying to find his nut.” The three of you were wheezing at this point, while Satoru just crossed his arms with an amused smile.
“You guys seem to be more drunk than me.” He mumbled with an arched brow, while he pulled his shirt back down and quenched his thirst for his alcohol.
Eventually, the three of you settled down and there was a moment of silence. Which was short-lived.
“My turn!” Shoko sighed excitedly, she grabbed a card, and her face lit up as she read it. “Ooh! Okay, Y/n, would you rather make out with me right now or in the bathroom where we can have some privacy?” Her smooth voice echoed in your mind while her amber eyes seemed to glow towards you in the dimly lit room.
You felt immense desire well up inside you, you’ve always found Shoko to be alluring. You never would’ve thought that she’d view you in a romantic way. You’ve never kissed a girl before and the liquor in your system sent your confidence soaring. You crawled over to her instead of answering the question. She leaned across the circle toward you and met you halfway. Her beautiful face inched closer to yours, and being so close to her made you realize how good she smelt. Her scent was sweet like vanilla mixed with a faint flowery smell. You smiled at her with anticipation and she smirked at you in return. You admired her cute little beauty mark below her right eye. While you were taking in her pretty looks she greedily pressed her lips against yours.
She tasted like cherries, her soft lips moved against yours hypnotically. You gasped in her mouth when she tangled her l fingers in your hair to pull you in deeper. It felt as if your body was lit on fire with passion, and you succumbed quickly to her viper-like tongue.
Suguru and Satoru watched with starved looks on their faces while you feverishly made out with each other. Shoko grabbed you by your shoulder and pulled you even closer. You tentatively reached up and rested your hand on her slim waist. Things were heating up faster than you intended and you felt her sneaky fingers grip your thigh hotly. Her nimble hand snaked its way between your legs, causing excitement to burn through your veins. The both of you were completely enthralled with each other and forgot that the guys were still watching you. She kissed her way off your mouth and across your jaw. Her heated kiss trailed down to your neck while her hand gravitated closer to your core between your legs.
“Mmh, Shoko…” A slutty little whimper rang from your lips, stirring an insatiable hunger within the men watching.
You felt her slick lips form into a sultry smile against your neck. “Have you ever been pleased by another girl before?”
Your cheeks flushed and you shook your head negatively. “N-no. But I want to be.” You admitted in a breathy whisper.
“Perfect. Let me do the honors then.” Shoko’s smooth voice mumbled against the crook of your neck. Her hand that was between your legs brushed against your clothed pussy in your pants. A combination of delight and excitement washed over you.
Suddenly, you felt another pair of hands resting on the back of your hips and the presence of someone sitting behind you.
“I hope you sexy ladies don’t mind if we join in on the fun.” Satoru’s low voice mumbled out from behind you. Your body immediately rested back against his chest in acceptance. He hoisted you up on his lap as if you were weightless. His body pressed against your back brought a comforting warmth.
Gojo feverishly snacked on the right side of your neck while Shoko left hickeys on your left side. Her dainty fingers ghosted over your clothed cunt. You felt her smile slyly against the crook of your neck. Shoko began to unbutton your pants.
The room around you was spinning and it felt as if someone had hexed the liquor you consumed. For some reason in your drunk state of consciousness, you craved this sexual pleasure with the utmost urgency. There was no rhyme or reason to your actions and your body succumbed to those wanton urges.
You lifted your hips to help Shoko remove your pants when you felt her tug them downward. Gojo took the opportunity to rest both of his large veiny hands on your soft and squishy thighs. You glanced over to see that Geto had positioned himself behind Shoko and began to caress her body while she shimmied your pants off of you. Once she flung your pants away she settled herself between your thighs and pushed your sexy underwear off to the side. Her hands pried your thighs open a bit wider and now your exposed core was on display for her and Suguru to see. Meanwhile, Satoru nibbled at the back of your neck hungrily. You felt his hands firmly pull your top off now revealing your juicy breasts to Suguru.
Her alluring face dipped between your legs and you felt her hot breath waft over your desperate little cunt. She placed a feather-light kiss against your pussy. Her silky soft lips glided over your dampening folds, she teasingly dipped her tongue into your entrance for a quick taste. Suguru made his way over to you to study your flushed face. He smiled at the needy look on your face and pressed his lips against yours. He gently groped your plump breasts with admiration. But his fondling was cut short when Satoru pushed his hands away so he could have a turn.
Shoko’s sneaky tongue slid up your pussy and against your clit deliciously. She lapped her tongue in your folds expertly, she’s done this before. Shoko then focused her mouth on your sensitive bundle of nerves. She even went as far as latching down and sucking on it viciously. Your body squirmed under her promiscuous mouth and small whimpers of pleasure escaped your lips and into Suguru’s mouth.
Suguru’s lips moved against yours feverishly, he nibbled your bottom lip in a teasing manner while his tongue begged to enter. You obliged and your tongues twisted and slithered against each other hotly.
Satoru had a perfect view of Shoko going down on you and that fucking riled him up. The way Satoru had you on his lap, caused you to feel something hard press against your ass cheeks. The thought of Gojo popping a boner from Shoko eating you out made you extra horny.
Gojo couldn’t take it anymore and unzipped his pants from underneath you and began to rub his aching rod along the inside parts of your thighs. His dick felt hot and firm against your soft skin. You glanced down to admire the way his cock looked. You never would have thought that you’d be fortunate enough to witness his large vein-covered rod. The tip of his dick was a soft rosy color and it leaned a little to the left. Despite how heavy it looked, it surprised you how it stood up erect on its own.
Shoko’s mouth on your desperate cunt made you incredibly wet. Your pussy was practically begging for penetration. Satoru was able to feel the mix of Shoko’s saliva and your arousal drip down onto his raging shaft.
Shoko couldn’t help but give Satoru’s dick a little love. Her pert mouth welcomed him into her wet cavern with great enthusiasm.
“Fucking shit.” Gojo hissed under his breath, Shoko’s mouth felt so inviting. She dragged her tongue all over his length to coat him up in her saliva. Shoko pulled away and guided the head of his cock to your slick entrance. She wore a captivated expression as she helped his thick tip squeeze into your pretty little pussy. Gojo stretched you out almost painfully. He was barely inside you and a small cry of discomfort and surprise fell from your lips.
“It’s okay baby, you’re doing so good. Just a little more and then he’s in.” Shoko cooed with an empathetic smile. She picked up on your slight discomfort and placed juicy kisses on your clit. Her tongue swirled around your clitoris. Her skilled mouth helped you relax onto Gojo’s shaft and soon enough, he slid all the way into you. Enthralling pleasure began to buzz through you and you were ready to move.
Satoru placed one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, teasing your nipple between his index and thumb. He set into a slow pace of pumping his rod into you. He was trying to savor the way your walls gripped him tightly. But the greedier side of his personality was taking over, and he simply wanted to rail you here and now. His thrusts became wild with an incredible amount of force. You’ve never been fucked this rough before, and you were certainly enjoying it.
Suguru’s hot lips kissed yours passionately while his friend claimed your pussy. However, Geto felt a small sting of jealousy toward his white-haired friend. To feel like he wasn’t missing out he positioned his face between Shoko’s legs. He lifted her skirt to reveal her toned thighs and plump ass, wrapped in a sexy red thong. He slid his sneaky fingers down to her snatch, to find her pleasantly wet and ready. Suguru didn’t waste any time and ravishingly kissed her cunt.
Shoko slurped your clit as if it was her favorite candy. Her tongue teased and tickled you, which made you even more saturated. Gojo has never experienced a pussy as wet as yours, which enticed the idea that this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing. That’s for damn sure.
The overstimulation of Shoko’s hot mouth and Satoru’s penetrating length turned you into a bubbling mess. Since you weren’t sober, this made the situation much more riveting. You flung your head back and onto Gojo’s broad shoulder. Which inspired him to plunge into you with more force than before, with each thrust you were able to feel his massive dick stretch you out almost sinfully.
“Damn it.” Gojo gritted through his teeth, he was about to bust due to your perfect pussy. He wanted to last longer and pushed the thought of release aside. You felt him abruptly pull out of you. “Shoko, Y/n. I want you to make out on my dick.” Satoru commanded breathlessly.
This grabbed Suguru’s attention and he removed his mouth from Shoko’s pussy with a wet kiss. “Can you ladies do the same to me?”
Shoko popped her head out from between your thighs and rolled her eyes. “Who made you the boss, Satoru?”
“It’s okay.” Shoko’s expression softened when your mousy voice spoke up. “I think it’d be hot, we should give it a try. Then after can I suggest something?” You smiled almost innocently. Your natural beauty mesmerized your friends.
“Y-yeah, anything for you babe.” Shoko flushed, her upper cheeks tinted with a faint shade of pink.
You flashed her a sugary grin and repositioned yourself on the floor near Gojo’s crotch. His pants were messily undone and his slippery raging dick stood up, ready for action. You laid on Satoru’s right leg and Shoko placed herself over his left. Gojo was able to feel your wet and desperate pussies through his pant legs. Geto went ahead and sat on Gojo’s right side, next to you. Geto had a large and noticeable tent in his pants, his cock was aching for attention. Without hesitation, you reached over and softly stroked his meaty package.
With no words being exchanged, you and Shoko began to kiss the tip of Satoru’s dick together. The sweet taste of your juices was the first thing you noticed. You lapped your tongue over the head of his rod and Shoko did the same. Your tongues tangled with each other passionately, while they slid over Gojo’s pink tip.
Geto looked down longingly at the way you and Shoko swapped saliva on Satoru’s length. Gojo caught him staring and guided Geto’s face to his. Satoru kissed Suguru with immense desire, he didn’t want his friend to feel left out of all the fun. You felt Gojo’s hand envelope yours on Geto’s dick. He promptly pumped your hand on Suguru’s shaft, which caused his dick to get even more excited. Geto’s pants looked uncomfortably tight and you felt Gojo’s hand move off of yours and yanked his waistband down, freeing Suguru’s sprung friend.
You and Shoko took turns sucking off Gojo’s rod. She would briefly deep-throat him, kiss you on the lips, and then it would be your turn. You beckoned him down your throat, pulled off, and kissed her with your slick lips. You then placed petal soft kisses on the right side of his cock, while Shoko copied your actions and kissed his left side. Your mouth lowered down to balls and you engulfed his right nut in your mouth, sucking it softly and lapping your tongue on his heavy sack. Shoko followed your actions and sucked on his other nut, you felt Gojo tangle his fingers in your hair, lost in delight. Your tongue grazed against Shoko’s while you two made love to Satoru’s nuts. Shoko then brought her heated mouth upward and to the tip of his dick and greedily forced him down her throat. You switched to his right ball and sucked him off softly, while Shoko let him throat fuck her.
Muted moans of pleasure came from Gojo’s mouth but were quickly swallowed up by Geto. Their mouths moved against each other with intense passion. You felt Satoru’s hand speed yours up while the both of you jacked off Geto. You heard a small groan rumble from Suguru in response. You moved your mouth back to the tip of Gojo’s veiny length, you were greeted by a sloppy kiss from Shoko. The both of you sucked and licked his sensitive tip.
“Mmh, I’m about to cum, get ready to be fed,” Satoru murmured into Suguru’s lips.
You and Shoko obediently opened your mouths and stuck out your tongues, anticipating his release. Soon enough, he sprayed his hot clear treat on both of your tongues. You eagerly drank it up, loving his delectable taste. You and Shoko took turns sucking his tip lovingly as he shot his liquid down your throats.
Once Satoru finished, he guided your face down to Geto’s exposed dick. You removed your hand from his girthy shaft and placed a sweet kiss on his tip. Shoko crawled over to Suguru’s other side and began to run her tongue all over his cock. You welcomed the head of his hot and ready dick into your mouth. You fluttered your tongue around him expertly, while Shoko began to make love to his heavy balls. You were able to hear Geto and Gojo swap saliva intensely. Satoru tangled his hand into Suguru’s tied-up black hair, he knew just how to tug it to make Geto unravel.
You worked your mouth further down Suguru’s shaft and he quickly hit the back of your throat, you calmed your breath and let him pump his dick in and out of you. Your wet and tight throat felt immaculate to him, he could just stay there forever. Shoko teased and suckled each of his nuts, she loved the way his velvety skin felt under her swift tongue. While Suguru throat fucked you, Shoko began to touch and tease your body. Her sneaky hands caressed your breasts and hardened nipples. Her other hand found its way down to your wet snatch and hastily rubbed on your sensitive slit.
You eventually had to come up for air from Suguru’s thick cock lodged in your throat. You popped off him with a loud wet sound, and once you did, Shoko’s hot lips were on yours. As if she was craving your attention. She guided your bare boobs down to Geto’s slick rod with a little sparkle in her eye. She placed his dick in between your plump breasts, causing him to groan in delight. Your soft and squishy tits wrapped around his dick in the most comfortable way.
Shoko placed another passionate kiss on your lips and dove between your breasts. She sucked off Suguru eagerly while she fondled both of your boobs. As a bisexual girl, Shoko was in heaven.
She’d briefly slurp Geto’s rod, then she’d leave feverish kisses all over your tits. She made sure not to miss a single spot on your breasts. Shoko especially loved how responsive you were when she’d give your boobs attention, your little moans and gasps of delight sounded like music to her ears.
Geto instinctively began to thrust his length between your soft breasts, Shoko helped by bouncing them on his crotch. The sight before you was incredibly hot, the way his large veiny dick was surrounded by your tits caused a primal desire in your empty pussy. You could practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You couldn’t help but bring one of your hands down to your needy little snatch, as for your other hand, that one was for Shoko’s cunt. Your dainty fingers snuck underneath her skirt and traced her slippery outer lips, this caused a desperate whimper to come from her busy lip. Shoko sucked on Geto’s tip like a lollipop, while you rubbed both of your clits in little circles.
Gojo was already fired up again and his dick stood up proudly from his undone pants. The sight of Geto tit fucking you while Shoko sucked him off was more than enough for him to handle. Suguru noticed his friend’s predicament and whispered something in his ear that caused the white-haired man to hastily get out of his spot. Satoru swiftly stood above you and Shoko. Geto helped Gojo wrap his legs over his broad shoulders. Satoru made himself weightless, to save Suguru the trouble of holding him up in this position. Now with Gojo’s impressive length in front of Geto’s lips, he immediately got to work.
This was one of Satoru’s fantasies. Ever since he saw Suguru consume the large orb of cursed energy down his throat, he had a strong feeling that Geto would be amazing at the head. Suguru swirled his tongue around Gojo’s tip while he inched himself further into his mouth. Once Satoru was in his throat, he was able to feel intense cursed energy tingle the tip of his dick.
“Mmh, fuck…” He groaned out in surprise. Was Suguru using his technique on him? Regardless, the foreign feeling was quite erotic. Gojo wanted to hump his dick into Geto’s mouth, but the sensation of his cursed energy sent waves of pleasure all over him, Gojo did not need to move. It was as if he stuck his dick into a wet and warm vacuum, Satoru’s jaw went slack from this intensity. Out of curiosity, he tried to pull his dick out a little, but he was unable to, he was getting pulled down Suguru’s throat! That certainly didn’t bother him though, as a matter of fact, it made him hold Geto’s face even closer to his crotch. “Keep me in your throat,” Gojo muttered breathlessly. “Yeah, just like that. Ohh.”
Both Suguru and Satoru were lost in pleasure. For Satoru, it was having his hips flush against Suguru’s mouth. As for Suguru, it was the dirty acts his throat did to his friend, along with the way Shoko fucked your tits against his dick while she sucked his tip. This was all too much for Geto to handle and he released himself all over you and Shoko’s doll-like faces. His cum came out like strands of milk and it dripped from her face down onto your fleshy boobs. Shoko licked her lips clean and then began to clean his seed off your perfect boobs. Her hot tongue lapped up Geto’s juices in a fluttering manner. She then brought her face to yours and removed his cum off your face with her slutty mouth, as you did the same to hers.
Gojo wasn’t close to finishing yet, but at least he was slick and ready for fucking. He reluctantly removed himself from Suguru’s throat and sat down beside him.
“So, what was your suggestion?” Satoru’s blue eyes grazed over your wet breasts.
You stared him down as if he was a piece of meat. “I want to sit on your face.”
Gojo’s expression switched into a more flirtatious one. “Oh? I didn’t think a shy girl like you would be that bold.”
“I guess it’s cause I’m drunk.” You smiled lazily. “Also I want Shoko to sit on Geto’s face while we make out.”
That earned a small giggle from the girl beside you. “Man, drunk Y/n is secretly a freak. I like it!” She grinned over at you with approval and wrapped her arm around your waist snuggly.
Geto cleared his throat. “That sounds like a great idea, but halfway through I want us to switch partners, just to keep things interesting.”
“That’s fine, switching sounds good.” You agreed while resting your head on Shoko’s narrow shoulder. Sleep was calling your name, but your desire to find out how the rest of this night would play out kept you wide awake.
“Mmkay, let’s get on with this. I’m hungry for your pussy Y/n.” Satoru snarked while grabbing a pillow from the couch and lying down on the floor. Geto followed his lead and put his pillow next to Gojo’s, so their heads were across from each other.
You stood up and began to remove your soaked panties, they dropped to the living room floor soon forgotten. Shoko also undressed herself, her skirt pooled to the floor along with the rest of her undergarments.
You carefully mounted Gojo’s face so both of your knees rested on each side of his head onto the squishy pillow. He eyed your pretty pussy with a starved look on his face. He rapidly gripped your thighs and forced your cunt onto his mouth. You worried about the lack of air he had, but those thoughts soon vanished because of the way he ate you. His tongue swiped over your folds repeatedly, his nose was burrowed against your puffy clit.
Now that Shoko was sitting on Geto’s face across from you, she immediately brought your body close to hers. Her comforting scent of sweet vanilla filled your senses and you pressed your soft lips against hers. Her warm supple body against yours felt so right. The both of you kissed each other with intense yearning, her tongue intertwined itself with yours. Your left hand tangled itself in her straight brown hair, while your right hand messaged her plump breast.
Satoru and Suguru eyed the both of you friskily, certainly enjoying the view going on above them. Gojo’s wicked tongue flickered against your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to grind your cunt against his face desperately. His hands were still holding you down on his face, he knew if he let go you’d be a squirming mess.
Shoko was also becoming more unraveled due to Suguru’s teasing tongue in her pussy, her small gasps and moans of pleasure had become more frequent. Shoko pulled away from your face to admire the adorable flushed expression you wore. “You’re just so breathtaking.” She gasped out in felicity and pressed her lips against yours.
“Mmm, thank you. You’re so fucking fine... Ahh, Satoru!” You whimpered out shamelessly while you felt Gojo tongue fuck you. He shoved it in you aggressively and pumped it in and out repeatedly.
“What about me?” Satoru gurgled into your pussy, with a playful look in his blazing blue eyes.
“You’re hot too!” You moaned while trying to clench your thighs closer together, his hot mouth on your dampening pussy was sending you over the edge.
“What else do you like about me?” Gojo teased, then he swiveled his tongue around deep inside you.
You flashed him an annoyed look. “Quit being jealous-ahh!” His tongue flickered over that special spot inside of you.
“Just eat my pussy.” You hissed out in ecstasy while you gyrated your cunt on his face. Satoru’s hair fell messily in front of his eyes, but you were still able to make out the flirtatious expression he had.
“Yes, mama,” Gojo mumbled into your slippery cunt, while he ate you like a starved animal.
Shoko gave your boobs a little squeeze. “Let’s switch, I’m getting close.” She murmured against your lips, with a little smirk.
You nodded in agreement and pried yourself from Gojo’s grip. You and Shoko swiftly switched spots. Geto’s dark brown eyes greeted you ravenously, once you settled yourself on his face. He didn’t waste any time eating you as if you were his last meal. He slurped on your clit while simultaneously fluttering his tongue over it, making you a mewling mess.
“Oh, Suguru!” You cried out while smashing your lips on Shoko’s. The two of you exchanged breathless sighs while clinging to each other’s breasts.
Suddenly, you felt Geto stick his thumb up your ass. A surprised moan left your lips, while he pumped his thumb in and out of your tight puckered hole. Suguru’s hot lips kissed and enveloped your pussy while he sucked on your cunt. His tongue brushed your clit rapidly, you had no idea that he was capable of moving his tongue that fast.
The combination of his intruding thumb and slick mouth was riveting. White hot pleasure overcame your senses aggressively and your legs shook as you came into his eager mouth. Geto drank your juices as if it were the elixir of life. To him, you tasted, heavenly.
“Mmh, good boy, fucking drink my cum.” Shoko hissed while releasing herself on Gojo’s face with a sexy little moan, which you swallowed up while your lips moved against hers seductively. Satoru expertly lapped her cum up with his tongue.
Geto helped you off his face, and now you were sitting on his large lap, face-to-face with him. You noticed that the lower part of his face was slick with your release. He brought his lips down to yours for a tantalizing kiss, you could taste yourself in his mouth.
“Turn around, beautiful.” He whispered while guiding you to body the other way. You lowered your torso so that your ass stuck up in the air. Now you were face to face with Shoko, who was also on all fours.
You and Shoko brought your faces together and began to kiss each other zestfully. Her supple lips moved against yours with the utmost enthusiasm. The sensation of abruptly being filled with Geto’s hefty dick rocked your world. “Ahh!” You moaned out in delight. In this position, he could get extra deep in your wet cunt. You instinctively clamped your thighs together from the intense waves of pleasure going through you.
You felt Suguru’s large hands grip your waist securely as he set into a steady rhythm. Each thrust you and Shoko received, caused your bodies to jolt forward. This caused your kisses to become more sloppy and inexact. You’d try to kiss her on the lips, but a rough thrust from the man behind you, caused you to kiss her cheek instead. Shoko was also having trouble landing her smooches and decided to focus on worshiping your right shoulder instead. You followed her lead and began to leave heated love bites along Shoko’s narrow shoulder.
Gojo unexpectedly flipped Shoko over on her back, all while staying lodged inside her. He slid her body underneath yours, so her face was below your boobs.
“There, now you keep each other busy while Suguru and I do some rearranging,” Satoru grunted huskily, this was something he defiantly wanted to see.
He didn’t have to tell the both of you twice. You leaned down to engulf Shoko’s perky nipple in your mouth. You felt her do the same to you, she even reached up to softly grope your other breast. Her warm wet tongue felt amazing on your sensitive bud. She then began to switch between the two, licking and kissing your soft squishy skin. You copied her swift technique of swapping between her breasts. She smelt ravishing, you could just eat her up, literally!
Gojo and Geto watched in awe while the both of you sucked on each other’s tits as if your lives depended on it. They felt incredibly lucky to whiteness such sultry acts between you two. Satoru couldn’t help but break the distance between him and Suguru and kissed him roughly, while he fucked himself into Shoko.
Suguru gripped the crease where your hips met your thighs and began to ram himself deep inside you with powerful thrusts. His toned pelvis met your bubbly ass cheeks with loud claps.
You felt Geto’s large hand sneak off your waist and down between your legs. His fingers roughly rubbed fast circles across your swollen clit. Your breath hitched and small gasps of approval fell from your lips.
“You feel, mmh, so sacred Y/n,” Geto grunted from behind your bouncing body. Your slick cunt gladly welcomed Suguru with each powerful thrust. “But I think it’s time we switch, I know Satoru would like to have a go at you.”
“Mmh-Kay.” You hummed in understanding.
Geto was right, as soon as he pulled out of you, Gojo was already on his knees beside him. Ready to finish the deed, Shoko was back on all fours and Satoru hastily maneuvered your body so you were on your back now.
“There, good girl. Wrap your legs around my waist.” Gojo purred lowly, his handsome face looked down at your willing body with a sly smirk. You obediently trapped him in between your legs and pulled his toned waist close to your desperate cunt, slick with anticipation.
Satoru rubbed the head of his massive dick against your wet clit. “Ready?”
“Yea-yes!” You whimpered, mid-word because Gojo shoved himself into you balls deep. His lengthy rod filled you up completely. Shoko’s juices made Gojo’s dick nice and slippery, so he could fuck your pussy almost immediately. He set into a viscous rhythm of pounding his dick into you.
Gojo looked down at you with a wicked smile and a wild look in his eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
He then shoved your body underneath Shoko’s, you knew what to do and began to suckle on her bouncing boobs. Shoko also returned the favor and bent down to latch onto yours. Geto was fucking her rather roughly and her whole body shook vigorously. Satoru was picking up pace as well, with each thrust from his pounding length, your pussy welcomed him with a wet and tight squeeze.
You felt Satoru’s grip on your waist grow a bit more firm, but he removed both of his hands and hoisted your legs over his shoulders. He shoved your body further down below Shoko’s. From this angle, you could see Geto’s girthy dick penetrating her pretty pussy perfectly. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you swiped your tongue over her sensitive clit.
A moan of approval fell from her lips as you zigzagged your tongue over her nub. You could taste her sweet arousal, she was incredibly wet. Shoko lowered her head down to your cunt and returned the oral favor. She sucked on your clit while fluttering her tongue on it at the same time.
Geto abruptly pulled out of her and pointed his rod towards your lips. You welcomed him down your tight throat. “Yeah babe, just like that.” Suguru hummed in delight. He then removed himself from your throat and continued to plow into Shoko.
Satoru also took advantage of having Shoko’s face near your crotches and fed his dick to her. “Good girl.” He groaned out while Shoko deep-throated him. Gojo humped her face a bit too roughly which caused her to cough in response.
“Fuck y-” Shoko hissed but was cut off when Satoru shoved himself back into her mouth. All she could do was shoot him a spiteful glare.
Gojo abruptly pulled out from her damp mouth and plunged back into you with a pleasured sigh. He slid into you effortlessly thanks to Shoko lubricating his rod with her saliva. As his dick stretched your little wet cunt, you could feel your orgasm bubbling to the surface. He filled you up in just the right way. His hips rammed into yours powerfully, while his speed increased. Breathy moans came out from you that sounded like music to everyone’s ears. Shoko’s teasing tongue on your clit made your release rise even faster to the surface.
You didn’t have to say that you were close, Gojo could feel how close you were. Your walls began to twitch around his plunging dick, beckoning him even deeper inside of you. You could tell that Shoko was on the edge as well, her moans became more frequent and her saturated pussy was dripping onto your lips like raindrops.
Shoko made an adorable little moan when Suguru began to hit that spot in her just right. Her warm honey brown eyes rolled into the back of her head as she released herself all over his dick. This caused Geto to lose himself rather quickly and shot his cum inside of her with a godly hiss of pleasure. You couldn’t hold back any longer either, your pussy clamped down on Satoru’s rod as he relentlessly plowed you. Your orgasm shook you to your core and you drenched his cock with your divine juices. Gojo was sent over the edge when he felt your hot waterfall of cum envelope him, he shot his copious amount of seed deep inside you. He made sure to empty himself in you completely, claiming your cunt as his.
Once everyone regained their senses after experiencing each of their climaxes, Satoru slowly removed himself from you. Suguru pulled out of Shoko’s cunt from above you, and droplets of a mixture of their cum fell onto your face. The hot liquid fell onto your cheek and rolled down to your lips. A dirty thought popped into your mind and you reached up to grab Shoko’s thighs.
“Turn around so I can’t clean you up.” You purred seductively while eyeing her glistening lips with an insatiable hunger.
Shoko did as she was told and swiftly repositioned herself onto your awaiting mouth. She looked down at you with her signature grin, her beauty mark raised closer to her chestnut brown eye. She lowered her slippery pussy down to your hungry mouth. You wrapped your lips around her slick folds, you could immediately taste her sweet arousal and Geto’s salty cum. The combination of their flavors was like a special and unique flavor that you had the pleasure of eating.
With Shoko on her knees, Satoru quickly adjusted her body so she could lean down clean off his dick. Gojo laid on the floor at an angle, so Geto could join in on the fun. Suguru saw his opening and lowered his face to your cream-filled cunt. He made sure to bring his long-spent cock over to Satoru’s lips in the process. Gojo welcomed his dick into his mouth and sucked him off graciously. He was able to taste your sweet and subtle flavor on his rod along with the mixture of Suguru’s cum.
The four of you licked, sucked, and cleaned each other privates with great enthusiasm. A beautiful symphony of moans and groans filled the room while each of you enjoyed your special snacks.
You scooped your tongue into Shoko’s pussy, earning a burst of Suguru’s cum to fall on your awaiting mouth. You slurped up his cream, enjoying the taste. Shoko loved how your fluttering tongue felt while you cleaned her cunt out. Shoko gave Satoru’s rod loving licks, she made sure to even clean off his balls with her mouth. She enjoyed the way Satoru’s cock stood up proudly while she licked off the sticky liquid that coated him. She loved that she could even taste you on him, which made her eager to clean him off.
Gojo had Geto’s dick lodged down his throat, his mouth salivating uncontrollably around his thick rod. Suguru groaned quietly at the welcoming wet squeeze of Gojo’s throat. Satoru felt that he should be the one to clean off Geto since he let Gojo throat fuck him earlier.
Suguru ate the juice from your pussy ravenously, he swiveled his tongue deep inside you in order to get to Gojo’s cum in your sweet center. Suguru enjoyed your cunt as if he was eating a cream pie. Some of Satoru’s cum had dribbled down your thighs, and Geto made sure to lick and kiss that trail away.
Soon enough, everyone’s genitals were free of slick cum. Your clean privates were shiny from wet saliva. Shoko gingerly removed herself from your face, while Geto got up as well. Suguru helped you up with a kind smile.
“I’m thinking we should head to the bedroom for some rest,” Geto murmured, pressing his lips onto your forehead fondly.
“Good idea, I call cuddling with Y/n!” Shoko raised her hand in the air adorably, her boobs jiggled in the air.
“Then I call cuddling Y/n from her other side!” Gojo announced playfully, raising his hand just like Shoko did.
“If that’s the case, then I call cuddling her too,” Suguru added with a dashing smirk.
Moments later you found yourself in Gojo’s king-sized bed. Satoru held you possessively on the right side of your body, while Suguru caressed you lovingly from your left. Shoko nestled herself on top of you, her face burrowed into your supple breasts.
Everyone was spent, and the effects of the alcohol were gradually wearing off. Suguru’s strong bicep made an excellent neck rest for you, while Satoru's arms wrapped around your waist were quite soothing. Shoko’s slender legs were tangled with yours and her breath became more relaxed. Sleep was going to overtake everyone shortly.
As you were about to drift off into sweet slumber, you overheard Satoru whisper. “We should play would you rather, more often.”
Which earned a sleepy chuckle from Suguru.
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