#author I am so sorry if they designs aren’t right
shortbreaddd · 1 year
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Hello everyone my favorite ST fic updated today!!!!I have not read thr newest chapter yet I will be doing it after this but I felt like I needed to celebrate :D everyone go read the “I know the end “ series by @cosmobrain00 on ao3! They are also on tumblr so go follow do it!
I will be looping moonlight on the river cause well… fitting
Have some madwise designs WOO!
There’s a link to the entire series :D
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unabashegirl · 10 months
Lycan 5 (HS)
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Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is forced to return to the town where she was born for extraordinary reasons. Her father is extremely sick and on the verge of passing away. Alsfield has changed and is far from what she remembers and even though she lived in town until her high school graduation she barely recognizes it. The town hides a big secret from a few individuals that live in it including Y/N. The man who maintains the town's secret and protects it is no other than Harry Styles. Things take a sudden twist when they meet. Numerous things will impede Y/N from returning to San Francisco to her somewhat ordinary life, will she be able to abandon the town that she had successfully escaped the first time? What is the big secret that the townspeople are hiding, and what is Y/N's role in it? Who is Harry? Where does he come from? Had she met him before? And what does he want from her?
— all chapters of LYCAN —
Author's note: Here is a little update on my life. Mentally. I've been struggling with the death of my father and his absence in my life. In February, I'll be going into clinical rotation, and I find it very unfair that he won't get to see me achieve my goals. We've been studying cancer in class, and I always get this knot in my throat that has forced me to hide in the bathroom and cry my eyes out for the rest of the period. Surely, it has been almost FOUR years since his departure, but I miss him terribly, but my mom says it's all right and I can grieve for however long I want to.If you have lost someone in your life. I just want to say that I am very sorry and that I understand what you're going through and that you are not alone. 
Without further do. There is the chapter enjoy!
warnings: mentions of abuse physical and mental.
words: 1.3K
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She feared her father ever since she was a little girl. He was a scary man. Everything from the tone of his voice or the way that his face would contort when he was angry. Y/N had never been able to relate to the memories that most people had of their fathers. He frightened her to the core.
He sat up straight with his back resting against the headboard of the hospital. He looked just like the day she had left. His hair was long and still looked very scruffy. She was surprised to see him, so healthy. She had expected to find him attached to all different types of machines and probably on a ventilator, but he wasn’t. He looked very healthy to her.
”Who called you” were the first words out of his mouth. She could sense the contempt in his voice. She closed the door behind her and walked toward the feet of his bed.
"Your sister” She distastefully said as she took her coat off and purse and placed them on the chair for visitors. Her aunt wasn't the best person to hear from. Y/N had begged her aunt for years to allowed her to move in with her and her family. She never cared to see her crying or frantically running around in town trying to meet the demands of her father. “Said you were dying”.
“That’s why you are here? Because I am dying?” He laughed heartlessly, “let me just safe you some time. You aren’t mentioned in my will. You’ll get nothing. Goodbye”.
“I don’t want anything” Y/N crossed her arms across her chest and took a few more steps away from him. She felt like yelling. She felt like crying. His comment had made her blood boil. She looked out the window and noticed the same woods that had scared her the night before. They suddenly didn’t seem like a bad place to escape to.  “There is not much to give either” She giggled, referring to the large amounts of money that her father had wasted away in booze.
Y/N’s father no longer worked. He had been laid off after he had been caught very drunk during office hours. When Y/N’s mom had passed away, she had left a sum of money designated only with the purpose of helping to educated their daughter. Money that her father had used to get drunk.
“What? You now think you are better than us because you studied in some big, fancy college and live outside of town?” Robert laughed, “You are still the same useless and good for nothing girl that left this town. I am surprised that you haven’t been laid off. I thought you were here for money”.
“You think I want to be here?” Y/N asked him as she looked outside, purposely standing the farthest away from her father. Just in case, he decided to run up to her.
“You think I want to have you here?” He asked back. She was used to it. Y/N was accustomed to being put down by her father. She was used to his derogatory comments and wasn’t surprised.
“You think I want to drop everything that I have built for myself just to come see you?” She spat as her eyes finally met with his. “You have managed to pushed away anyone that has ever cared for you. I am the last person that you have left, and I hate it” Y/N cried, “I just thought that you didn’t want to die alone. But I guess you do”
Y/N grabbed her coat and yanked it on without saying a single word to Robert. It was obviously a big mistake to come see him. She regretted ever getting on the bus and picking up the phone that day. She grabbed her pursed and just as she was about to turn to leave. She noticed a man standing in the woods, staring up at her. She couldn’t tell who he was or recognized him because of the distance.
“Yeah. Go! Run away! That’s the only good thing you are good at! Just make sure this time to stay away!” He yelled as she shut the door behind him.
“Goodbye” She said to Robert and left the room without turning back once. However, she always had a slight amount of hope that her father would stop her from leaving and would apologize. Y/N sat down in the waiting room. She didn’t have the heart to leave him. She wasn’t him. But even though, Y/N could tell that he was watching her, she wasn’t fearful.
Y/N could see from the corner of her eye the nurses whispering and stealing glances. She could tell that they were speaking about her.  She settled down on the most comfortable and convenient chair in the room. She pulled her laptop out and indulged herself in work. Y/N waited outside for the majority of the day, and she would also get periodically updated by the doctors
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She left the hospital around five in the afternoon. Y/N was starving and even though the coffees from the cafeteria were decent, she felt like she hadn’t eaten in days. She threw her bag in the car, and waited a bit to digest her emotions before getting on the road.
“Long day?” A raspy and manly voice startled her.
“You could say that” It was Harry walking towards her with a big toothy smile. He was wearing the same outfit as in the morning, but had changed into construction boots and his clothes were now dirty, “What are you doing here?” She asked him. She crossed her arms and took a step away from him. She was intimidated by his heavy and intense stare.  Y/N found him incredibly attractive. He was definitely out of her league, yet she couldn’t shake off the feeling of wanting to be close to him.
“The hospital is getting a new wing, and we were just looking over some constructions blueprints” He explained, he had been solving problems all day long. Harry was exhausted and couldn’t wait for the end. “How is Robert?”
“Fine” Y/N dryly responded, Harry could tell that his question had bothered her.
“Where are you heading now?”
“I was planning on having dinner with the Brown’s, but I guess it’s too early” She looked down at her phone. It was five-fifteen, which only meant that Mrs. Brown’s shift still haven’t ended.
“Wonderful. That’s means you have some time to kill. Let’s go get some coffee and a walk” He leaned off the car and started to walk towards his car.
“What?” She laughed lightly, “We don’t even know each other that well! I am not getting in a car with you!”
“But I am the mayor of the town. How bad can I be? People elected me” He pointed out with his lips slightly curved upwards as he walked back to her.
“So?” She crossed her arms, “You aren’t my mayor” Harry laughed and very intrigued where the conversation was heading.
“Ouch. That one hurt” He pressed his hand to his heart and winced dramatically. Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “Come on! I promise you won’t regret it”. He stretched out his hand out for her to take. 
She looked at him and then back to his stretched out hand. Every fiber in her, screamed to her to get back into her car. She didn't know anything about him! They had met less than twenty-four hours ago. He could be a creep. However, Y/N always played by the book. She never did anything outside of her comfort zone. 
Y/N always did what was right. 
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TAGLIST: @harryssky1, @jerseygirlinca, @daphnesutton
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lordisitmine · 6 months
Welcome once again, to the extended author’s notes! That’s kind of how I’m thinking of these posts. This post covers the details of chapter two of the story, (chapter 3 on ao3 if you’re just looking at the numbers), entitled What a Tangled Web We Weave. So, spoilers if you haven’t read that yet.
In this week’s retrospective, I’d like to talk a little bit about historical accuracy. If you’re anything like me, you like watching and reading a lot of things that take place in past eras. If you’re like me, you hate when something- be it a phrase, an outfit, a hairstyle, or a reference to people/events- is egregiously incorrect to the time period being portrayed. Big anachronisms drive me crazy.
However, there’s a level of inaccuracy that I don’t actually mind- if it helps better the story without taking me too much out of the fantasy, or if it adds something to the setting while not detracting from the believably- I’ll allow it. Basically, what I’m saying is that, like a lot of other aspects of writing/art, historical accuracy is about finding the right balance. Or, getting as close as you can to the target of perfect. With fanfiction, I think the margin is even wider- I try not to take this medium too overly seriously, especially when I’m reading and enjoying something someone else has written. I’m a little tougher on myself, though I hope not too tough.
I like to call what I do “movie-accurate”. A lot of my favourite period films have things in them that just aren’t correct, but because I love those movies so much, and because the overall vibe is close enough to what I know about history, I let it slide.
For example, in the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice, the hairstyles of the young women, as well as some of their dress styles are quite off from what women’s fashions were actually like at the time in which the novel/movie was set. The 1995 BBC miniseries adaptation is far, far more faithful in terms of aesthetics. However, the 2005 film is incredibly beloved by a lot of Jane Austen fans, despite its inaccuracies! Because it’s a fucking good movie, which sells the characterization and romances so well that you can sort of excuse the “dumbing down” of the details. It’s one of my favourite period films, and films, period.
Obviously there are bad movies that don’t even try to be accurate, but when I say “movie-accurate” know that I’m talking about the good ones.
During the course of Though the Night be Dark, I’ll be making a lot of references to/descriptions of outfits and hairstyles, because I’m pretty sure I was a fashion designer or personal stylist in my past life, but not all of them will be totally accurate to the years 1899/1900. That goes for stuff like technology, too- it won’t ever be over-the-top (i.e. they’re not gonna have television in the year 1900) but if you notice stuff that seems just a little out of place, know that I felt it was necessary to fudge the numbers, so to speak, in pursuit of the characters, the romance, and the story itself.
This same sort of “movie-accuracy” applies to the settings. I’ve never been to Paris or London in my life- I’m broke and there’s a whole ocean in between me and Europe. I do my best to research and reference actual places and landmarks, but if you do live in either of those places and what I write seems fantastical or inaccurate, I am sorry, believe me. Please forgive me, and do your best to imagine these as like, imaginary versions of these places.
I don’t know why I’m defending myself- most people probably don’t mind, and some probably don’t notice things like this. But it’s important to me to be as accurate as I can be within the scope of my ability, and it’s important to me for people to learn about my process if they want to. I digress.
Sometimes I pick titles because they’re references to things, and the words/themes of the things in question closely fit the character and the story. For example, To the End of Everything is a lyric from the Adam Lambert song Sleepwalker, which was on my SebaCiel playlist back in 2014 when I was first writing it. It fit the story of the end of Ciel’s life, and the end of his contract with Sebastian, and it’s such a nice set of words to say out loud and look at on a screen.
The first chapter of this fic, A Far, Far Better Rest, is a reference to the final line from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Two cities, London and Paris, both of which are the settings for TTNBD. Not a super deep reference, but there’s a reason for it.
What a Tangled Web We Weave is also a reference to something- part of a famous line from am 1808 poem Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott. It’s set in the time of Henry VIII and tells the romantic and ultimately tragic story of some rich guy and his affair with a woman. The full line is what a tangled we weave/when first we practise to deceive.
I picked this title for three reasons: one, because it has the word web in it, and Claude is a spider demon. Two, because it’s about lies, and lies are the basis for some of the upcoming conflict in this story. And three, and most chief among the reasons: it sounded cool.
What can I say. Sometimes I write/use things are deep and profound, and sometimes I just use things I think are kinda neat. I try, as always, to strike a decent balance.
Alright, let’s break this chapter down.
We started off with a remix of a scene from the second season of the Black Butler anime. It’s a little infamous, to be sure. I’m speaking of course about the scene where Alois shoves his finger into Hannah’s eye socket! I know that in the original scene he doesn’t actually pull out her eyeball, but I wanted to go whole-hog, I think it’s just extra insane and I wanted you to know what kind of Alois Trancy character I’m playing with here. He’s an adult here, whereas he was a kid in the anime- I don’t know, I just thought the increased level of brutality suited him.
I pulled actual dialogue from the scene and repurposed it, which I love doing and have done many times in my fanfic writing career (side-eye at my Supernatural fics). I wrote it from Claude’s POV because I love that outsider POV in a scene. I also wanted to establish his thoughts and feelings about Alois right off the bat.
Cards on the table: I haven’t watched the second season of the anime in a very long time. I watched the first few episodes some time last year I think??? When I was deciding to write this story, just to get a feel for their characters/relationship again. I’ve seen them portrayed in fanon as everything from a toxic couple to a couple who are more actually in love, like Ciel and Sebastian- I very much don’t see that for these two. Their tension is different, and in the context of this story, it’s been years, and that tension is heading towards a boiling point.
What I’m saying is that I’m sorry to any real die-hard Alois and/or Claude fans in advance if I do stretch them too far out of the OOC allowance margins… but also no I’m not hehehehehe.
Claude mentions Alois reading penny dreadfuls. Penny dreadfuls were these cheap little serialised fiction zines you could buy for a penny, hence the name. Every volume was like, an 8–16 page chunk of a story. The dreadful part comes from the fact that they were highly sensationalised and sometime salacious stories about murder and highway robbery and pirates and stories of real-life criminals doing heinous murder and such- sometimes sold at public executions! Overall, these things weren’t considered Proper English Literature. Which of course meant that they were VERY popular. Mostly in the early to mid 1800s. As far as I know, they started to lose ground in popular culture by the turn of the century, but they existed, I think they were cool, and therefore I can include a reference to them!
Penny dreadfuls weren’t really about romance or sex but they were super popular among young people, and the idea of Alois reading trashy romance novels in general is just hilarious to me. And like I said, I just really wanted to reference something so undeniably Victorian.
And yes, for the purposes of this story, he does in fact know that Hannah is a demon. Did he know that in the anime? I think maybe he did, but like I said, it’s been a while, and I don’t remember. I could go back and watch it again, but I don’t want canon to mess up my fanfiction. Anyway, the fact that Alois knows Hannah is a demon will become relevant and important as the story continues, so I won’t say too much more about it.
Back to Paris- it’s time for more Lizzy content! There’s quite a bit of that in this chapter. Originally, this chapter and the next one were originally just supposed to be one chapter, but the whole thing got too long/had a natural breaking point in my mins, so I split it up.
These parts of the story are more difficult to write- they involve the OCs a lot, and there’s lots of things to establish. It’s hard to do that without getting to in the weeds or being really clunky, but on the other hand, I can’t forget that anything outside of canon references is in my brain and no one else’s, so I have to make sure to cover the important stuff.
This is my first time writing F/F romance! That’s not quite true. I’ve been writing original stories with F/F romances in them for years and years- this is my first time writing an F/F romance that other people are actually going to read. Thankfully, being a lesbian, I have actual experience falling in love with women, so I have lots of real-life stuff to draw from. I didn’t realise how much of my own past and current crushes and preferences wormed their way into the Lizzy/Sybil dynamic. I’ve read posts before about how romance/sex scenes are always revealing of the author’s preferences/feelings/kinks, and I was like “not me haha I am Unknowable” but I guess I can’t say that anymore oops.
When it comes to labels for fictional characters, I don’t like to use them/talk about them unless it’s been explicitly stated in canon. For example, I would never say a canon bisexual character is exclusively gay, that would be bi erasure and we don’t do that shit here. This is especially relevant when it comes to time periods where terminology was different, and labels hadn’t been invented yet/didn’t mean the same things.
I’m trying to write Lizzy in a way that the reader can interpret any way they want! If you want to read her as bi or as a lesbian, that’s fine, I have no hard opinion on the subject! I think it makes a lot of sense that she’s bi, I think that there’s a case for her being a lesbian who’s had to deal with some hardcore compulsory heterosexuality.
However, Sybil is my character and therefore I do get to say what she is, and she is a lesbian. Stone cold homosexual. Again, not that it matters, I just like saying it.
Lizzy and Sybil’s romance isn’t a full-on slow burn per se, but I’m really enjoying building it up here brick-by-brick. At this point, she and Lizzy have been friends for a long time and already know each other really well, so the “to lovers” part can kind of come into play early, but I’m not going to give it all away at once- where would the fun be in that?
Let’s talk about Verity. Madame LaChance if you’re nasty. Verity, of course, means truth, and la chance is French for luck. I kind of wanted her to be straight up called “Lady Luck” but that was a bit TOO hokey, even for me. I wanted there to be an auntie-like side character, and I said to myself, what if there was a character who was like, all the good, lighthearted parts of Grell and Madame Red without any of the “oh btw I’m insane/also a serial killer”. I thought it’d be funny if she was sort of a go-between, having friendships with both Sybil & Lizzy as well as Ciel & Sebastian without any of them being aware of it. She became a bigger part of the story than I’d originally intended- she sort of stole my heart, maybe she’ll steal yours too.
She’s a little mysterious, but I can promise you she is a normal human. She’s just very… unique, I guess you could say. No more spoilers.
I’m being sort of vague about the club and what it’s called and what it looks like, there’s a lot more about it in a future chapter, don’t worry. Also, Madame refers to Ciel as Monsieur Phénix and Sebastian as Monsieur Corbeau. That’s French for phoenix and raven respectively. Stage names. Code names. C'est très dramatique. (No, I don’t actually speak French, beyond some very basic words and phrases.)
I hate to admit it, but I felt woefully out of my element while writing this part and I'm not 100% happy with how it came out I knew I wanted to have some reason to show Sebastian and Ciel going about their day-to-day lives, but I was also struck by the lack of, like, drama or action so far in the story. I fell back on the old adage of “write what you know” and had the boys not solving crime per se (there will be time for that later) but perhaps avenging somebody. I don’t think Ciel will ever give up his vengeful nature, whether its on his own behalf or someone else’s. And for Sebastian, it’s just bad business, and we can’t have that, can we?
There are a whole two paragraphs from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott in this next scene. I don’t know if that book is meant to be sad, but it made me terribly melancholy when I read it as a kid. Also, there I go again referencing literature. I pulled the same trick in next week’s chapter too, which I didn’t even realise I was repeating until I’d already done it. Oops.
“-And nobody saw Beth wipe the tears off the yellow keys, that wouldn't keep in tune, when she was all alone. She sang like a little lark about her work, never was too tired for Marmee and the girls, and day after day said hopefully to herself, "I know I'll get my music some time, if I'm good."
"There are many Beth’s in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.”
I wanted Lizzy to be reading aloud in this scene and this reference jumped out at me when I was trying to think of books that existed at the time and that characters this age might have access to. Beth of course is short for Elizabeth, and Lizzy’s arc in this story is about her becoming her own person in a lot of ways, or like, realising who she is, and this quote about Beth feeling like she’s in everyone’s shadow and only exists to do things for other people seemed really appropriate.
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There’s a little more insight into Simeon- I drew the photograph described in the scene so you could get an idea of what Simeon looks like. I really like writing Simeon. He’s such a Good Dad. I mean, he’s bound by his word to be a good dad, but he really loves Sybil so much and wants her to be happy. But there’s also so much going on beneath the surface. I know most of you have figured out his true nature by now, but I hope that I still have the ability to surprise you in the long run when it comes to him.
Once again, thanks for reading! Comments and questions are always welcome, and I’ll see you all again next week! Special shout-out to vandorttranslations, who is translating this story into Russian as we go! It will never not be amazing to me that someone feels strongly enough about my work to undertake such a task!
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 5 months
More Than You Know \\ soukoku
Chapter VII: The Funeral
POV: Chuuya
(4,636 words)
(A/N: sorry the wait has been so long)
I didn’t dream at all. (Well I know I must have dreamed, because humans always dream, no matter what, but I don’t remember whatever it is I dreamed, so it doesn’t matter.)
Kouyou was surprised when I was already up and ready before she came to wake me.
It’s an early morning funeral, the sun isn’t even up yet, but we are, because we have to drive all the way outside the city to get to the chapel. Thanks Osamu.
Kouyou looks beautiful in the billowing fabric of the kimono. It ruffles in the wind as we wait for the car Akiko sent to pick us up (sometimes I catch myself forgetting just how rich the Moris are, and then something reminds me), but my suit clings uncomfortably to me. Clothes like a second skin? As if! I only ever needed one skin anyway.
The car ride is quiet, the only conversation being the driver introducing himself to us as Natsume-san.
When we step out into the cemetery, I can barely see my feet from the fog covering the ground. We’re some of the first people here besides the Moris of course. I see Akiko and Mori-san in front of the chapel, standing next to a group of people I don’t recognise, but they all look related to the Moris, except for three, a kid and a man with white hair, and a young guy wearing a cape and a hat, like he’s some sort of news boy from England.
Kouyou walks quickly over to Akiko, but I don’t let the group see me, instead wanding off in between the graves. Eventually when I’m far away enough, but not too far to be lost, I stop, looking around, unsurprisingly there aren’t many good spots for chilling in a graveyard. There’s a lone tree on top of a short hill separated from the rest of the cemetery by a small stream and bridge. I walk across, hoping to rest under the tree, at least for a moment.  When I get to the top I see the open patch of earth, a place where someone will be buried soon. The headstone reads: O. Mori. 
I stumble backwards, tripping and landing on my ass, almost rolling down the hill, only stopped by another headstone. 
How, how? Of all the graves in this cemetery, how did I end up right next to his? I stand up, dusting myself off. I’ve disturbed some of the earth on the grave I tripped over, so I say a quick apology to its owner, an S. Oda, and speed walk back to the chapel. 
(A/N: Yeah Oda is dead in this universe too, sorry everyone *evil author laughs*)
But I must have gone farther than I thought because even with my quick pace it takes me a few minutes to find my way again, still shaken from the fall.
When I do see the chapel again, it’s different. Everyone’s here. I mean everyone, Mori-san must have invited the entire grade, like this is some kind of party. No one’s noticed me yet, but they’re bound to. Something about it makes me want to run again. (Imagine it. What would you do if you were confronted with your entire grade all dressed in black, at a funeral for someone you didn’t know better than a classmate. Are you expected to be sad, or happy to see your classmates?) I haven’t cried for Osamu’s death, am I expected to? Will they think I’m a freak if I don’t?
Not that I’m very happy to see my classmates, I still don’t have many friends, figuring it was better to focus on studying since they’re all out of my league anyway. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many designer clothes before today.
There's a low chime of the chapel bells and everyone heads inside the big wooden doors. I don’t see Kouyou anywhere, she must already be inside. I blend with the crowd, hoping nobody will say anything, even if I can’t hide very well because the black suit only makes my hair more prominent.
When I get through the doors I do spot my sister, she’s looking around nervously, probably thinking I ditched. I’m kinda offended that she would think that but I don’t blame her. Then she catches sight of me. She plasters a smile on her face that only I know the true implications of. (“Okay, that’s fine, do what you like, I’ll just beat you later” look) I hurry to sit next to her, she practically presses me flat into my seat, my ass hitting the pew so hard it sends a lick of pain all the way up my spine and into my neck. I suppress the swears rising in my throat.
The proceedings are short, me trying to keep a neutral look on my face the whole time (I guess a look of pain would be appropriate since this is a funeral, but I don’t want to seem like I’m faking to be dramatic.)
A minster speaks, the standard funeral spiel. I think I even remember some of the exact words from my parents’ funeral, but it was 11 years ago so I’m not sure. Akiko is crying beside Kouyou, the same way she did that first night. Kouyou squeezes her hand.
After the official blessing is over Mori-san takes the podium and says something, then Akiko, then two kids, slightly younger than me, who look related to the Moris. They’re all talking about memories they had with him, how he was struggling with bipolar depression (?) Osamu was depressed? I don’t hear the white haired man, or the newsboy, because I’m so busy trying to riddle it out. He never seemed sad, surely I would have noticed, since he always insisted on being around me all the time. He never seemed sad . . . except for last Friday.
I don't hear their tears. I don’t hear anything, just “Goodbye Chuuya” over and over and over again. I know the speeches from friends will come next. Who will they have speak? Osamu had no friends. Maybe those kids he tutored. 
Sure enough it’s them, but they all go up at once meaning they don’t have much to say either. Did no one know Osamu, surely someone had to? The four of them crowd onto the small podium and the Tanizaki boy takes the mic.. “Um, hi. I’m Tanaizaki Junichirou from grade 9. I didn’t know Mori-senpai very well, he was only my tutor, but he was always good to me, and the other kids he tutored. He was always doing funny, if slightly concerning things, and he knew exactly how to explain subjects so the concepts made sense and he was so patient when I made even the stupidest mistakes-s-s, I-I’m sorry.” the boy apologises as he bursts into tears, “I just wish that he was still here. I’ll just go.” His sister helps him down and the white haired boy takes the mic. 
“I’m Nakajima Atsushi, I’m also in grade 9, but I go to Suribachi High. I’ll be transferring to Kafka Academy for grade 10. ” He's already crying. “Mori-senpai was like an older brother to me, he helped me get settled into school after I moved here a few months ago, he showed me that it was okay to be myself to live freely for myself. He helped me deal with my own depression. And after . . . my dad died, even when he was dealing with the loss as well, he helped me. He was so strong to shoulder all of that grief all on his own, I’m just sorry I dumped all of that onto him. Maybe if I hadn’t . . . maybe he wouldn’t have . . .” He cuts off with a sob, shoving the mic into Kunikida’s hands, and running out the door.
I don’t entirely understand Atsushi’s words. Were he and Osamu related or something?
Kunikida stands alone on the podium now, he’s shaking. Silence fills the chapel. After a few seconds, there are footsteps. A boy with messy dark hair and big round glasses joins Kunikida on the podium. He says nothing but I see him grab the blond’s hand. Kunikida starts to speak. 
“I didn’t know Osamu that personally, but the way I saw him interacting with others told me everything I needed to know. I didn’t like Osamu when I met him. He was lazy and had no pride in himself or his classwork, always cutting class, and flaunting his intellect by still getting perfect marks. 
When Osamu first joined the tutoring club I groaned. I thought he was just there to be pervy with the female foreign transfer students who were taking extra Japanese classes, but I was very wrong. 
As . . . goofy as he could be, he was an asset to the club. He had a gift for teaching. And whatever care he lacked for himself he showed double to his students. He used his smarts and spirit to help those who needed extra help, the very example of what an upperclassmen should be. 
I’m sorry he couldn’t see everything that made him a good person, I’m sorry such a contributing member to society got overwhelmed by the voices in his head. 
If I could’ve helped him I would’ve in any way possible because depression is a terrible thing and no one should have to suffer through it alone . . . but the truth is, I had no idea he was depressed. He was so good at hiding it, or maybe I was just too blind, but he always put his students first and if he was having a bad day I never knew because he was always kind. The world lost a quality person and for that we should all be sorry. Thank you.”
Kunikida steps down, still shaking he grips the other boy's hand tighter. I nod to him as they pass my row. He gives a slight nod back. Out of everything that was said I think that was the most beautiful, not because it made him sound like an angel, but because it didn’t. It showed Osamu as he was, (kind of an ass) and made him seem more human. Even if I never saw that side of him I can imagine it better now. It’s true he may have been awful but at least there was a reason. He gave all his warmth to his students, and there was none left over for anyone else, including himself.
When the boys are seated again the minster says we can pay respects. The Moris go fist. There’s more of them than I thought. Mori-san places a red book into his son’s casket, then lifts up a blond girl, so she can see her brother, she kisses her hand and places it on his cheek I think. (I can’t see the body since I’m sitting down). The next child doesn’t need lifting but they still stand on their tip toes. They leave a doll in the casket. Akiko takes Kouyou’s hand when she goes up. She whispers something and places a violin in the casket. 
Next the two kids who spoke after Akiko go. There’s a little girl with them, her hair in two pony tails, adorned with white lilies. They leave red lilies. They must be cousins or something.
I look around when they step down, waiting. Where’s Mrs. Mori? Where’s Osamu’s mother?
She never comes. What kind of mother misses her own kid's funeral, no matter how upset she is? 
None of the other students in the grade speak, some leave flowers, all white roses from the buckets the Mori’s put outside for those who didn’t bring their own. None of them go to see his body. I can tell none of them really want to, I’m sure I do either.
The chapel bell tolls again, the sound echoing off the white church walls. Everyone disperses, there’s something frantic about it, as if we’re all eager to escape.
I feel shut in tight, like a sardine in a can, pushed and herded towards the doors. In my effort to avoid the crowd I end up next to the open casket. At first I want to bolt again, but there’s a group of girls by the door so I stay put.
I can’t resist it, I have to look, have to see. Just a quick peek.
The casket is set up at the correct height for viewing so I only have to lean over to see him.
He wears a black suit, a black trench coat draped over his shoulder so he’s lying on top of it. The coat is too big, it must be his fathers. I can see the edge of bandages on his wrists. Akiko said he cut himself, they must have wanted to cover it. There’s an eye patch over his left eye, hiding the bruise from my punch. His hair is still a shiny fluffy black, they must have done something to him. No one looks that pretty when dead. It all feels so artificial. Did his younger siblings see his body before they did all this? Is it better they remember him this way?
There's a breeze and I swear I hear him again, “Goodbye Chuuya.” but it’s just the door opening.
An older man appears beside me, he wears a monocle and an old fashioned three piece suit, like something from those western detective shows Kouyou loves so much. 
“Goodbye, Osamu. May your soul be forever in peace.” He places a pink flower in the casket, it’s beautiful.
“What flower is that?” I ask before I can stop myself.
He turns to me, smiling, “A pink camelia. His mother’s favourite. Mori-san asked me to place it.”
“Oh. Are you Osamu’s grandfather?”
He laughs, amusement twinkling behind his monocle, “Me, no. I’m the Mori family’s driver. But we are very close, they treat me like family.” his gaze turns curious, “Are you a friend of Osamu’s?”
I don’t answer him right away, I can’t. “I don’t know.”
He smiles again, patting me on the head, “Well I would say you are, if you’re in here. I saw the way most of those children rushed out, no respect for the dead.” He shakes his head, looking sadly at Osamu’s body. “If you’re staying to pay respects he must mean something to you, no?”
“I guess.” It’s a shit answer, and I know it, but I can't exactly tell him I just wanted to see the body. In fact I’m not even sure why I wanted to see it, just that I had to.
He gives a sad smile and starts to walk out but then stops, “I can see why you’d want to stay in here, but you should come out. I think the Moris would like to hear from a true friend of Osamu’s.”
I freeze.
What should I say?
Before I can answer he’s outside, in the crowd of people offering condolences.
I look at Osamu again, his eyes forever shut, mouth forever closed. They say the dead look peaceful, but he doesn’t. He looks empty. He’ll never smirk, smile or cry again, he’ll never do anything again. Is this really what he wanted? Does he think he’s free? Is he laughing at me from up there? Or is he sobbing, his soul still unfulfilled?
Shit, I sound like Kouyou now.
I planned to stay inside but I can hardly stay in here with the body after that.
It’s cold, too cold for this time of year. I stand on the church steps (marble, like the ones at school), just under the roof, watching everyone, catching snippets and fragments of conversations. 
They talk amongst each other, lots of comments about the food, everyone says sorry for your loss at least once, but they all look confused, as if they don’t really understand why they’re here. They didn’t know him. But still, do they just not care, even after hearing his family and friends speak? 
After thirty minutes almost all of the grade is gone. 
I note who’s still here. Kunikida, the Tanizakis, Atsushi and a young blond boy I think I saw when I was coming into the chapel. Kafka Academy is big, but there's something about him that tells me he doesn't go there. Osamu’s cousins are standing with them and the young blond boy is holding the hand of the girl with the white flowers in her hair.
Mori-san is still here, of course, he stands with his two youngest  talking with the white haired man and the newsboy but I can’t hear what they’re saying.
Akiko, stands apart from everyone, her arms are wrapped almost desperately around my sister.
I walk over to Mori-san, and as I draw closer I can hear the child who left the doll in the casket, they’re arguing about something with their father. They stop, mouth still open when they see me. The newsboy walks away to join Kunikida and the others.
“Nakahara-san, it’s lovely to finally meet you.” He holds out his hand for me to shake.
His words make me stop, the “sorry for your loss” dying in my mouth. Did Osamu talk about me?
I must look surprised because he withdraws his hand, “Akiko mentioned that Kouyou had a younger brother, and with your hair I figured you must be the same.”
“Ah, sorry. It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m sorry for your loss.” The words are thick and heavy like paste on my tongue. I’m not really sure I’d call it nice meeting Mori-san, but he seems like a nice man, and I am sorry for his loss.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to make up anything, we all know Osamu could be quite troublesome. We’re glad you're here all the same.” He’s tearing up as looks around at the few people left in the cemetery. He looks tired, weary, the same expression Kouyou wore for months when our parents passed. When you realise grief is an ocean and the earth is 70% water. ANd now you’re going to have to swim through it.
Mori-san’s son may have been a prick (I don’t know anymore) but he seems so normal, so kind, nothing like Osamu. He doesn't deserve this.
The silence is louder than it should be, wrapping around me, making me feel like I’m the one being embalmed, not Osamu. I know if I don’t break it soon, I’ll choke.
“I didn’t know Osamu had so many siblings.”
“Oh, yes. He was such a good older brother.” The white haired man speaks for the first time. He has a wise voice, fitting of his appearance. He’s the only one besides Kouyou in traditional dress, his black Yukta and Haori fluttering in the wind.
I can’t ask who he is before the blond girl chimes in,  “Yeah, he taught me all the dirty words.”
“Elise-chan!” Mori-san looks appalled and scoops the girl into his arms.
“Elise?” Even after years of English lessons, the western name doesn’t roll off my tongue easily.
“Yes, she’s named in memory of her mother whom we lost seven years ago. Elise was her last gift to the family, a little piece of her, so it seemed appropriate.”
“Oh, that’s so . . . sweet.” It feels strange to be complimenting Osamu’s father, a man who until now I’d assumed was just as much a snob as his son seemed to be, but it’s the only word I can think of. A heavy feeling fills my chest, I had no idea that Osamu had lost his mother. It’s one thing to grow up most of your life never knowing and not really remembering your mother, but he would have been eleven.
They say emotions make people do stupid things, so maybe I am grieving because I ask: “Is she buried here too?” Regret washes over me as soon as the words are in the air.
Mori-san closes his eyes, tears still flowing, and I regret my question even more. “Oh, no, her last wish was to be cremated . . . I wanted to have both their ashes next to each other, but Osamu left a note saying that he wanted to be buried here, and how could I ignore my son’s last request.”
An image of the note fills my mind, floating across the surface of bloodied water, red bleeding onto its surface from the wrists of the boy who wrote it, ink disappearing into the water, fading as Osamu life does. A risk that his last wish will disappear with him.
Of course that isn’t what happened. He must have put it on the floor beside him or something, like anyone would. I’m just being a dramatic moron.
“Of course . . . I wish I’d brought something . . .”
“Your presence alone is enough.” The white haired man says, his hand on Mori-san’s waist as if holding him up. Who is this guy anyway?
Osamu’s other sibling is glaring at me, hiding behind the white haired man. “Fukuzawa-san, make him go away.”
The man, Fukuzawa-san, smiles softly, “No, Kyu-chan. If Osamu mattered to him he has much of a right to be here as the rest of us.”
“It's okay.” I turn away right as the chapel bell tolls again.
There’s a man in a brown suit coming out of the chapel. Another relative maybe?
I can’t investigate because someone falls into step beside me. Mori-san. His hand is by his side. I take it, maybe to make up for my awkwardness earlier, maybe because even though Kouyou is just over there I feel alone here.
He squeezes my hand gently, “They’re putting him in the ground now, I suppose this is really goodbye . . .”
I nod.
As we walk someone else takes my other hand. It’s Akiko. Kouyou had her other hand, and when I look to either of my sides we’re all holding hands, like a big chain. Elise, Kyu, Fukuzawa-san, Mori-san, me, Akiko, and Kouyou.
We’re going back to that hill where I first saw Osamu’s grave.
The hill is small so we almost don’t all fit. The children go first. Elise, Kyu and then the blond boy and the girl with flowers in her hair throw a bit of dirt on the now closed casket. “You’re so strong, Kyouka. It’s okay to cry.” The blond boy whispers when the girl's tears start to drip into the hole as well.
The older of the cousins go next. Then the Tanizakis, then Kunikida. When it’s the Nakajima boy’s turn they have to pull his attention from another grave. The dirt is already damp with tears when it hits the casket. He sinks to the ground.
And then it’s my turn.
The minster hands me some dirt, the now bright sun glinting off his silver hair and glasses. I toss the dirt. Maybe I should say a prayer, but I don't know any.
Next Akiko and my sister go, and Mori-san and Fukuzawa-san, and finally the Mori family’s driver.
It happens spontaneously, but we’re all in a circle holding hands when they fill in the grave. I’m holding the young blond boy’s hand. Kenji, he tells me his name is. He has a countryside accent, I was right he isn’t from here.
After a final blessing from the minster we all walk back to the chapel. Kenji keeps holding my hand the entire way, Kyouka holding his other hand.
When the chapel comes into view I hang back a bit.
In the distance I see that man in the brown suit again, he lays a single match box upon the fresh earth. And then sits down between Osamu’s grave and that other guy’s. I watch him take out a glass, one that fancy people use for scotch and whiskey, filled with one of those probably and pours it over the man’s grave. He sits for a moment then leaves the glass, and starts walking this way.
Feeling a little creeped out I head back to the chapel.
Everyone’s saying their goodbyes, hugging. Sorry for your loss is heard once again. I don’t know anyone well enough so I just sort of stand there. Eventually Kenji, who’s been going around hugging everybody, hugs me. I notice the Nakajima kid getting into the car with someone in a brown suit. Isn’t his father dead?
I can’t make myself think about so much death.
There isn’t much to linger and talk about after something like this so within a few minutes everyone besides the Moris are gone.
The second youngest Mori child, Kyu, is marching up to me. Mori-san jogs to keep up with their pace.
They’re holding something but I don't have time to look before it’s shoved right into my stomach. I fall to the ground for the second time today. “It’s not fair!”
“Mori Kyusaku! Apologise right now!” Mori-san’s voice doesn’t sound as threatening as I’m sure it normally would.
Kyu ignores their father, “It isn’t! Why do you get his last words and we don’t? Why do you get to know what he was thinking? You don’t deserve that, you’re no one. We’re his family, not you! You weren’t even his friend! It’s not fair!!!” The kid raises their foot, about to kick me, I’m about to take it. Nothing they said is wrong, even if I don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.
Fukuzawa-san pulls the child back, wrapping them in his Haori as if they were an angry cat. They hiss as if they really are.
Mori-san bows, apologising.
“No, sir, please get up. It’s fine.”
Slowly the man rises to his feet, picking something up off the ground. A black book and a CD.
He has the smallest of smiles on his face, “Osamu willed these to you.”
“What?” I recognise that book. I look closer, it’s the one he was reading in class.
“Yes. The book is locked, we’ve tried to search for the key but we were unable to find it, even with the clue he left.” There's something almost conspiratorial about his expression. I don’t get it.
“Yes, but why would he give these to me? I-I’m not family. You all should have them.”
His smile grows ever so slightly, “I assumed you know the location of the key. Even if the two of you weren’t friends, you meant enough to him for him to will these to you, and that’s enough for me.” I have no idea what he’s implying or why he’s looking at me like that, as if trying to tell me something.
He hands me both the CD, book and a piece of paper, walking off to comfort Kyu.
I’m left standing all alone.
Kouyou finds me quickly. I can tell she’s reluctant to leave Akiko but there’s no point staying in this depressing place any longer.
“It’s been a long day, huh?”
“Let’s go home, Chu.”
Natsume-san holds the doors open for us and closes them behind us.
The car ride this time is silent. I don’t even hear the sounds of other cars on the road. The book and CD feel heavier than elephants on my lap.
When we get home Kouyou disappears into her room to change out of her Kimono.
I do the same, forcing myself not to rip off the too small suit, but to carefully take it off piece by piece. It’ll need washing to get the dirt from my falls out but it’s otherwise unharmed.
Staring at myself in the mirror, I turn 360. Contrary to my fears, none of the suit fabric is in fact stuck to my skin but there’s a bruise forming on my back, blotches of yellow and purple painting themselves onto my skin. Probably from slamming up against the headstone.
I don’t know why, but I grab Osamu’s black book and hurl it across the room. It leaves a dent in the wall and flops to the ground.
I flop into bed, not bothering to put on a shirt. Clothing seems less and less relevant as sleep overcomes me.
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travlersjoy444 · 2 years
Teatime (Part 12)
 TOH Hunter/Golden Guard x reader
 Masks and Bets part twelve. The links to the other parts are now at the bottom of the page, as well as an extremely important author's note regarding the fate of this story.
  I placed the final lantern squash on the new mantelpiece and grinned.
  “Ta-da! Now we’re ready for Eerie Season!”
  Lilith clapped politely. “It looks lovely, (Y/N)!”
  I nodded. “I think I’m gonna force Luz to wear a costume…although, actually, she seems like she’d be pretty receptive. Hunter on the other hand….” My voice trailed off, and I cringed. “Er…Mum, when do you think we can save Hunter?” I said softly.
  She sighed, looking tired. “I don’t know. I wish I had a solid answer, but….I don’t. Let’s take one step at a time, right?”
  I nodded dejectedly.
  She was right, of course, logically speaking. We had finally finished unpacking all our stuff as we moved into the Bryony’s old house- Lilith had gone all out Deadwardian style when it came to the interior design, and it looked like a bona fide historical home. I quite liked it- it lended itself quite nicely to the haunted mansion vibes I was aiming for in my Eerie Season decorations.
  But anyways. I had been bugging her about saving Hunter, but she was right- we had no means of it. Heck, Hunter didn’t realize it, but his scroll literally only worked for people within the coven! (I only discovered this because I borrowed it once to text Emira.)
  I was broken from my thoughts when my scroll rang.
  “Heya Willo-Wisp.” I said, answering the call.
  “Hi (Y/N)! I know you only attend Hexside for the first half of the week, but do you want to come to the club fair?”
  Hell no. “Sorry Willow, no-can-do. I’ll be busy…having…cholera…….so.” I lied. Mum stared at me as I spoke, stifling laughter.
  “...What’s cholera?” Willow responded.
  “An…illness. I’ll be fine though, see ya later-”
  “Er, okay, see you.” Willow hung up.
  “What was that?” Lilith snorted.
  “Willow invited me to the club fair. I really don’t want to be in a club right now though….y’know, whatwith how behind I am in my homework.....”
  Mum raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you ahead of everyone? I’m pretty sure I taught you mainly adult level spells.”
  I slouched. She’d caught me. “Yeah….I don’t know. I guess it feels like I’m behind in experience….I don’t even have a palisman anymore.”
  Lilith nodded thoughtfully. “I don’t really know how to help you with your social issues other than listening to you vent, but….I might be able to get you some palistrome wood. Let me just call Dad and Edalyn…” 
  “Hey kid!” Said Eda, throwing the door open. “You’ve carved one of these before, right?”
  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Thank you for the supplies, guys!”
  “We’re happy to help, (Y/N)!” Smiled Dell Clawthorne. 
  “What do you think you’re going ro carve?” Lilith grinned.
  “Er…I don’t know…my last palisman was a bat, but….y’know….” I swallowed. “So uh….maybe something else this time.”
  “Well…you come up with a few sketches, and I’ll set everything up, okay?” Mum smiled, and we set to work.
  I added the final carving. It wasn’t perfect, but Eda and Dell gave me some tips….it was the best I was gonna get, so I was pleased with it. Slowly but surely, the lines on the model began to glow as my new palisman came to life. 
  She slowly lifted her wings and raised her head, chirping softly.
  “Hi!” I whispered, watching as the wood transformed into shiny black feathers. She flapped her wings and lifted off the coffee table, landing on my outstretched hand.
  I was half-aware of Eda high-fiving Lilith behind my back, but I focused on the bird. 
  “What’s your name?” I asked softly.
  She chirped, hopping off my hand to land on the calendar. She tapped one of the days.
  “Er…Fourteen?” I said hesitantly.
  She shook her head, tapping again.
  She nodded happily, landing on my shoulder- which she barely fit on, considering how large she was. I had carved the raven to scale.
  “Hi Thursday, welcome to the family!” Said Eda, grinning as Owlbert flew next to her. The two birds chirped, dialoguing about something I couldn’t quite understand yet. 
  Suddenly my scroll dinged. I checked the message…it was from Darius.
  Darius: Hey Hotshot, I know you’re not getting involved in the Coven anymore, but you might wanna check this out. The Little Prince has decided to kidnap some of your friends…it’s okay, I’ll fix it, but you might wanna come help nonetheless.
  “Er…Lilith?” I mumbled, showing her the message.
  She sighed. “A mission, (Y/N)?”
  I faltered. “I mean, I don’t have to go, I can just stay here if you want-”
  She shook her head. “No, go on. Maybe use this as an opportunity to get to know your palisman.”
  I grinned, hugging her. “Thanks Lilith! I’ll stay safe, I promise- Hey Thursday, you ready for your first mission?”
  The raven nodded firmly, transforming into a staff. 
  “Thanks so much you guys!” I waved, stepping out of the house.
  I shut the door and hopped onto my new staff.
  You: Where is he?
  Darius: Hexside
  You: I’m on my way
  I landed on the bleachers by the grudgeby court as silently as I could muster. The place was indeed overrun by coven scouts, and Hunter was at the side of it all smiling cheerily.
  …Oh. Knowing Hunter, he probably thought he was helping somehow….what an idiot. 
  And yet despite the context, I found myself smiling at the sight of him. I shook it off though- now was not the time for a reunion. I wasn’t strong enough to fight off all these scouts plus Hunter, so I decided to follow them in hopes of confronting him at the holding cell…and hopefully reassuring Willow and Gus that Darius was trustworthy.
  Cool. I’ve got a plan. Lovely.
  I flew after the caravan, keeping my distance and hiding behind clouds as much as I could- and before I could even manage to prepare a speech for Hunter, we had reached the Bonesborogh branch of the Emperor’s Coven.
  I swallowed, landing near a bush as the scouts nudged Willow, Gus, Scarah, and Viney into the building.
  “We’ve got this, right Thursday?” I whispered. She gave a short chirp and a half-nod in response.
  “Cool cool.” I swallowed again, pulling up the hood to my cloak. I climbed out of the bushes, when-
  “Hey Steve…” I mumbled.
  “Man, I haven’t seen you since Lilith’s party! How’ve you been, kid?” He said cheerily, ruffling my hair. 
  I felt a smile tugging my lips. “Good. I’ve been pretty good. How ‘bout you? What’s with the ice pack?”
  He shrugged. “One of the kids punched me. It was fair though- we were kidnapping her, y’know? I deserved it, dude.”
  I nodded. “Yeah, you kinda did. You should quit the Coven and work at the museum with me and Lulu!”
  He sighed. “I’m working on it, don’t worry.”
  “I have complete faith in you, mate.” I said firmly, patting him on the shoulder. “Welp, I’m off to go fight with my friend and save some kids. Talk to ya later, yeah?”
  “Thanks (Y/N).” He shook his head. “I’d better see you at my official ‘You quit your job’ party, yeah?”
  “Heck yeah!” I agreed enthusiastically. “I’ll even invite Lilith!”
  Waving good-bye to Steve, I refocused on getting to Hunter. 
  Okay. Darius will be here in…about two minutes. Cool. 
  I took a deep breath and approached the station door, knocking once.
  It swung open…
  “Hey.” Said a familiar voice.“I’m a little busy right now, okay, citizen?”
  Hunter shut the door.
  “He….He didn’t recognize me?” 
  Terra Snapdragon. 
  Well…my life just got a little more complicated. Fantastic.
Author's note:
So uh. 
It's been a while since I started writing this, at least for me- I think it began in March? Um.
Well...I've had a few discoveries since March. For one, I'm not a girl. 
For another, I...I don't actually like boys romantically.
Now, this adds a couple obvious complications to my writing of this story, which I will address shortly- but first, (and this is admittedly kinda silly) I wanted to re-introduce myself to you guys.
Hi, I'm Casper. I'm a teenage boy who is only attracted to girls. (I'm still on the aro spectrum, but to avoid too many specifications, I'll just say that I'm not really one for labels and leave it at that.)
"So Caz," you say, "Why did you write this if you don't romantically like boys?"
And to that I say- "I don't owe you an explanation, bud- But for the sake of being read correctly, I'll just put it bluntly. ...Yeah no it was just gender envy. I've pretty much mistook envy for attraction my whole life."
"Yeesh Casper. You are a dense, dense boy- even more then (Y/N) and Hunter were at the start of this book."
Ouch. Yet so accurate.
And now onto the interesting part: The fate of this book.
I'm just gonna get the big question out of the way- this book is NOT discontinued. I may have realized that I'd rather be Hunter than kiss Hunter, but dude, I've come so far! I'm not giving it up for something as silly and trivial as having my life turned semi-upside down- Nah, I've got too many schemes and plans to just stop writing! You'll keep getting updates of your-not-at-all-scheduled dose of 'Casper writing about a boy he doesn't have a crush on', I promise.
"Erm...that's real nice, mate," You say awkwardly, "But literally why are you telling me this?"
Well well well well well WELL WELL WELL....Because of two primary reasons. 
Firstly, I want your help with this. I don't know what you guys want, romance speaking. Obviously I've committed to making it at least semi romantic- perhaps not in an all out romance, but more of a Jesse and Lake from Infinity Train situation? 
(Unrelated, but message me if you wanna dress up as the Lake to my Jesse this Halloween. I freaking love their dynamic and look kinda like Jesse, so.)
(I'm kidding about that- unless you DO wanna, in which case, be my guest. That'd make my day.)
(This is probably getting confusing for folks who haven't seen Infinity Train. Sucks to suck, I guess)
(Yeesh, you can tell that it's late in my timezone- I'm getting kinda unhinged.)
Anyways. I got a bit sidetracked there, but the point is- tell me what you want romantically from this story! No guarantees they'll end up in it, but I wanna hear from you guys! Share your thoughts! Battle in the comments! Threaten to make a 'voodoo doll Casper' for you to slowly shove needles into whenever the story isn't going your way! Actually, please don't do that last one! 
Now the second reason why I'm posting this is because...well. I risk getting a bit deep here but uh...I guess I'm still typing, so.
I'm posting this because I'm sick of people thinking I like boys.
Everyone including me has been under the impression that I generally like boys for the past fourteen years, and man. I'm getting tired of it. I've been tired of it for while, I think. So I guess I just...wanted you guys to know, let you into my psyche just a little bit. I want to say at long last that I'm a boy who likes girls. 
(Kind of ironic that I'm coming out as straight, huh? I'm still asexual and demiromantic for lack of a better term though, so I'm not like *totally* straight? I dunno, don't overthink it.)
So uh...yeah. Hi, I'm Casper. I'm the author of this book, and I'm also a tallish teenage boy with dark hair and black eyes. I love daydreaming, autumn, and dressing in sweaters while stubbornly ignoring the obnoxious September heat. I'm a somewhat straight dude who blames his apparent femininity on being half Italian and half Chinese, which works out more often then not....
Hi, I'm Casper. It's awesome to finally meet you. It's a pleasure to finally be known.
Masks and Bets (Part 1)
Masks and Beasts (Part 2)
Masked and Beat (Part 3)
Masked (and Unmasked) On the Seas (Part 4)
Cracks in a Mask (Part 5)
Revelations (Part 6)
Bad Moon Rising (Part 7)
Hey Lilith (Part 8)
Way Home (Part 9)
Back to the Future (Part 10)
Lost Threads (Part 11)
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yurureri-yurari · 1 year
the ant and the grasshopper - chapter 1: めんどう
Premise: めんどう; mendou. Definition: trouble, difficulty, care, attention.
Sources: Image
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Author’s Notes:
Nagi’s apartment number is fictitious.
    —  ⬟  —
“Nice to meet everyone; my name is Nakahara Rio. I look forward to being in class with you all.”
Just as she practiced several times the night before.
“Nakahara-san? Um, earth to Nakahara-san?”
“…! Oh— I’m sorry; I was a little too engrossed with the scenery outside, haha.”
That part would take a little time. Nothing to worry about.
Nakahara Rio’s first high school year was starting with ease. She secured new friends, the class president position, a student council position—most of her short-term goals were fulfilled. All that was left was finding a part-time job to pay for her portion of rent for her apartment, the other portion being paid for by her parents.
From the neighboring Kanagawa, she had come to Tokyo on her own to start anew and attend one of the capital’s top prep schools: Hakuho High. Away from her parents and siblings, she knew she would get lonely, but… not to the extent that she was feeling now.
Rio sighed to herself as she boarded her apartment building’s elevator with grocery bags in hand and school bag over her shoulder.
“It’s only been about two weeks and I already miss everyone a lot…” she muttered to herself.
She stared at the closed doors as the elevator went up, an unsure look glazing her expression.
… Those two aren’t going to fall behind in grades while I’m not there, are they?
With a chime, the pathway opened to her floor.
Oh, well… I’ll just have to believe in them. Try to believe in them.
Exiting as she blinked, when she opened her eyes again, she froze.
Across from her by her next-door neighbor’s door, a white-clad person was on the floor; perhaps said neighbor?
Rio approached them.
It was a male student from her school, she recognized his blazer to have the same designs as hers. His arms were crossed over his chest like an Egyptian mummy, his eyes closed with his expression appearing uncomfortable.
… Is he unconscious or is he sleeping?
“Um… Excuse me,” she called out to him as she looked down at his face. “Are you okay?”
There was no response.
He was clearly breathing from the rise and fall of his chest, so there was no need to panic over a strangely positioned corpse.
Rio put her bags down, crouching beside him. She put a hand on his forehead under his overgrown fringe.
No temperature. His position is weird, but I shouldn’t overrule unconsciousness. Just in case, I should call—
A stomach growl ripped through the silence of the corridor as she was about to press on the number “1” on her smartphone’s dial. It wasn’t from her.
She stared at the boy in frozen disbelief.
… By chance… did this person collapse from hunger?
“... Unbelievable,” Rio uttered out loud.
     —  ⬟  —
After dropping her items in her apartment and dragging a large body that was probably even taller than her younger brother in, who was much taller than her, Rio gave herself a well-earned five-minute break from the hard effort she just made before she started cooking. Five minutes wasn’t enough for the workout she just had, but she didn’t want to prolong the boy’s hunger any longer. She hoped the neighbor who saw her earlier wasn’t going to call the authorities on her.
Some time later, perhaps allured by the smell of herbs, her unexpected guest awoke from his sleep when she was filling a  bowl with rice porridge from the pot she made it in.
“Where am I…?” he spoke, rubbing his eyes.
“In your neighbor’s apartment,” Rio told him, shortly walking over to his side. She placed his bowl on the small table next to him. “Here; please eat. It should be easy to digest something like this.”
“Oh; thank you for the food,” the boy replied, digging right in.
She stared at him in confusion at his nonchalant disposition and lack of caution.
Did I pick up a classmate or an abandoned child?
“So… are you the resident of apartment 511?” she posed a question. “This is 510, by the way.”
He hummed a confirmation.
“Why were you lying outside your door, if I may ask?”
“I got hungry when I came home from school and it was a lot more of a pain to unlock my door than usual because of that, so I decided to sleep it off.”
It was a pain…?
“I… see… Do you not have any food?”
“I have jelly drinks everyday, but lately it’s been a pain to sip these days.”
The more she was learning about this boy, the more her initial opinion of him lowered.
“From that uniform you’re wearing, we both go to Hakuho High School, correct? I don’t think we’re in the same class; what’s your name and year?”
“Nagi Seishirou; first year.”
“I’m I… Nakahara Rio, a first year as well. It’s nice to meet you, Nagi-san.”
She practiced for school, but she hadn’t practiced yet for everywhere else, the realization hit her. He didn’t seem to notice anyway, thankfully.
“Thank you for reviving me, Nakahara,” Nagi expressed to her, his bowl empty.
“You’re welcome…” Rio responded.
“I’m going to my own apartment now.”
She followed him to the entrance, still frazzled by his strangeness as she watched him put his shoes on.
Nagi Seishirou was certainly as tall as she had thought when she dragged him into her apartment. He seemed to have no sense of caution and from how he carried himself, he was, frankly, considerably lazy. Granted, she was still wearing her school uniform, but jelly drinks as a meal every day? It had become “a pain to sip”?
This person is going to die from malnutrition or hunger.
Was what Rio thought matter-of-factly.
“Nagi-san?” she called out to him before he opened the door.
He looked over his shoulder at her, who was holding her phone up.
“Can we exchange contacts?”
“Why? Also, I don’t use LINE.”
“That’s fine. I want us to exchange contacts in case a situation happens where we need the other person. All the more reason to as classmates and neighbors.”
Nagi thought for a moment. Then he offered his phone to her after entering his passcode.
“Only for emergencies.”
She smiled out of politeness, exchanging her phone for his to put her phone number in.
This person is going to die from malnutrition or hunger, she had thought earlier. And if she could do something about that, which she could and just did, she would do it. Even though it would certainly be—borrowing his catchphrase—a pain, judging from her observations.
In that case, she would be a pain to him too to even it out.
0 notes
kannymaei · 2 years
The Perfect Girl - Prologue (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
Author’s Note: First, yes, I play Genshin Impact and have been obsessed with this man xP. Second, I haven’t been updating my Gojo Satoru x Reader fanfic since I’ve been completely busy with my real life and! It’s stuck in my drafts. Sorry for the delay but I’ll start updating different parts of the fanfictions gradually~ REBLOGS AND LIKES are very much appreciated! Thank you!
Author’s Note 2: Please be reminded that this fanfic is Modern! AU and Highschool! AU and none of this are canons to the actual lore of Genshin Impact. I do not own Genshin Impact nor the characters that belong in the game!
Synopsis: You were a graduating high school student who somehow got involved in unfortunate events and transferred to another school, Teyvat International School. Due to your “complicated” physical features, you became the main target of the school’s “bully”, Kamisato Ayato! Together with his friends, Diluc Ragnvindr, Tartaglia, and Arataki Itto.
TW: Mentions of death
Word Count: 888 words
Next -> Chapter 1
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”I’m sorry for your loss Y/N...”
“My condolences...”
“Poor girl, she lost her parents before she enters college...”
You gaze at the night sky before looking back to your parent’s caskets being buried in the ground. After the ceremony, you see yourself packing up your things before leaving this place that you once called home. 
“Lady Y/N! It’s in your parent’s last will for you to study at Teyvat International School. Even in the afterlife, they still wanted you to live a good life.”
Aren’t International Schools a little complicated? People with high statuses or people who came from rich families were studying there? I am, in fact from a rich family but why did my parents choose this time after their deaths to enroll me in a school like this? Can’t I just graduate from my local high school? What’s so special with this school anyways?
As soon as you finish packing up your things, you looked back from your home for the one last time and recall your happy memories from how your father taught you how to ride a bike to your mother teaching you how to bake your favorite smores cookies. No one knew that on this day it finally came close to its end.
(Goodbye...) You thought to yourself before looking back to the maid who’s also your second mother.
“Ready to go Lady Y/N?”
“Yes...” It’s good that you didn’t shed a single tear, after all, life goes on no matter what. 
You got inside in the backseat of the car while the servants pack up your things in the car’s trunk. How long has it been since your parent’s died? Perhaps it may have been a week already. 
It’s quite worrisome that you weren’t able to say goodbye to your friends at your local high school and knowing the fact that they aren’t going to be in the school you’re about to transfer to is another problem.
(How am I supposed to make friends when I’m a year left before graduating?) You honestly don’t have any idea how would you socialize with your soon-to-be classmates. These thoughts were cut off immediately when the car started to move. You combed your hair and tied it to a messy bun, after that you reached out to your nerdy glasses and cleaned them before wearing them.
“Lady Y/N, kindly look to the window on your right, we are almost near Teyvat International School”
You leaned towards the window to your right and to your surprise, this school is quite huge! It’s like the mansion you used to live in before except it got multiplied to fifty. 
(It’s exactly how it was advertised on TV. This school is something not even a middle-class family would be able to afford) The building is so perfect as if the architects who designed this were genius. 
The car stopped at the school’s gate which automatically opened after it recognized the vehicle. 
“You must be Miss L/N, I’ve been waiting for your arrival.” said the man that looks like on their 20′s and is quite... short, he’s a little taller than you. The end of his braids has a little shade of fading green, based on his approach to me and my maid, he’s the kind of person that is jolly and easy to be friends with. 
“Come, come! Miss L/N, Mr. Zhongli, and Ms. Ei are waiting for you” said the man as you followed him while walking through the school’s corridors. Large windows with a huge amount of sunlight passing through casting two shadows from you and the man you’re following. 
You seemed to caught someone’s attention while passing through one of the hallways. Both of you shared intense eye contact, this said person is very tall and has blue hair and a girl standing next to him seems to be someone the same as your height, and her hair is colored pink. Not noticing your surroundings, the man intentionally tripped you over his feet making you fall onto your knees.
“W-what was that for?!” You said looking up to this man and the girl beside him who seems to be laughing a little bit.
“How dare you look at me like that? And what do you mean ‘What was that for’? Are you blind?”
“You intentionally made me trip over your feet, stop lying!” You held the collar of the man even if you were small for him and now the students are staring at you and the student.
The man held your arm that you used to hold his collar, “I don’t know who you are but you have no right to hold me like that” You loosen up your fists and let go of his collar while he fixed it with an angry face. As soon as he was about to punch you in the stomach-
“Miss L/N! There you are! I thought I lost you” The man from earlier just saved you from being hit by this student. 
“Miss L/N are you okay?”
“Y-yes I am, I came across with some inconveniences” Before looking away, you smirked at the man that you just now called an inconvenience.
(L/N, so that’s her name. I’ll be making sure that she’ll remember who I am in her mind and her heart) Kamisato Ayato thought to himself. 
Next -> Chapter 1
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typical-simplelove · 2 years
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Rollercoaster -> Jay Halstead
Summary: When you get a job in New York, it means the end of your relationship with Jay. That doesn't mean, though, he wouldn't do it all again.
Author's Note: After being gone for about 40ish days for my Lenten fast, I'm back! Happy Easter everyone (to all who celebrate!)! Here is the first installment of the Happiness Begins series. :) I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: alcohol; broken engagements; crying; explicit!female reader; vomiting
Word Count: 4.5k (including song lyrics)
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Nights, flying down the 10, nearly 2 AM Happiness begins Days lifted in a haze, we weren't just a phase We weren't just pretend (Just pretend)
“Hey, I’m home,” Jay announces as he walks through the door. When you don’t reciprocate the greeting, Jay immediately knows something’s amiss. He knows that work’s been tough for you recently, but it never seemed to dampen your mood enough to the point where you don’t return a greeting.
Once he’s placed his badge and gun in its designated location, Jay walks over to you where you’re sitting at the kitchen table. You’ve got a glass of hard liquor in your hands with the bottle half empty next to it. You’ve been drinking. Normally, you’d wait for Jay to get home because there was never a point of drinking alone, you felt.
After Jay sits next to you, you push an empty glass to him. “Is everything okay?” Jay asks once he pours a glass for himself and drinks half of it in one sitting.
“I got a promotion,” you announce and down the rest of your drink. You start to pour yourself another drink, but Jay places his hand on your wrist to stop you.
“Why’s that bad news?”
“It’s in New York.” Using your other hand, you pour yourself a drink. The glass, though, doesn’t make it to your lips as your body begins to shake with sobs. Jay takes the glass out of your hand and places it onto the table before he pulls you into his hold. He holds you tightly as you let the tears and sobs rack your body.
Once the sobs have subsided, you pull back lightly, and Jay wipes the remaining streaks of tears off your face. “Hey, hey, guess what? I’m proud of you, okay? It doesn’t matter where this promotion is; I’m proud of you. I’ve watched you work your ass off for years, especially these past few months, and now to see that it all paid off? I’m so, so happy and proud of you, baby, so proud.”
You wrap your arms around Jay in gratitude and let the tears fall from your face, again. “I love you, Jay, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“You know that there’s nothing more in the world that I want than to marry you, right?”
Jay nods in confusion.
“I really hate to do this,” you mumble as you remove your engagement ring and place it in Jay’s hand. You gently rest his fingers over it and remove your hands. “I’m going to New York, Jay.”
“Why does, why does this have to be the end of us?” Jay asks with his voice wobbling. “I’m sure there are tons of jobs in New York where I could be a detective. This doesn’t have to be the end of us, baby.”
You shake your head. “No, Jay. This job is really great for me, and you need to be here in Chicago with Intelligence.”
He shakes his head. “No, no I can’t do this without you. I can’t be here without you. I’m all for you moving to New York, but I don’t want to be here without you.”
“I love you, Jay, but you and I both know that this is where I leave you. There aren’t any other options for us.”
He nods, and as must as he doesn’t want to admit it, you were right. This is where you both left each other. “I love you, okay? Don’t you ever forget that.”
“Then you’re not allowed to forget that I will always love you.”
I remember low lows and high highs We threw our hands up, palms out to the skies
“I’m sorry,” you tell him once you’ve checked into your flight and you’re waiting to go into security. “You don’t deserve this.”
“Babe, no, don’t do this,” Jay pleads with you.
“I choose to love you every day. I choose to love you even if you’re not here. I wake up each morning, and I choose to love you. You moving away will not change any of that, okay?”
“You deserve someone who will be here in Chicago for you.”
“No, stop, don’t do this, okay? You and me? We’re it for each other, okay? You and I are made for each other, and one day, we’ll be back together. This is just a road bump in our lives together. I have your engagement ring as a loan. You didn’t return it, you just gave it to me as a loan, and if I end up in New York or you end up back here, then it’s there for you, okay? You and I are always there for each other, and no matter what, I love you till the ends of the earth.”
“I love you so much, Jay.”
“I love you so much, too, babe,” Jay responds tearfully and pulls you into a hug. You both hold each other and refuse to let go until a TSA agent forces you two to move along in line. Jay can’t go any further, and at that point, Jay knows this is where he leaves you. “We got through the rollercoaster of dating, and we’ll get through the rollercoaster of this new and exciting adventure, okay?”
“This is it, I guess,” you reply. “I love you, Jay, and I’m only a phone call away.”
“I’m a text away if you ever need me,” Jay tells you and kisses your forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you answer and let go of Jay. You take your suitcase and drag it towards the security desk. You look back one last time and see Jay still watching you. This was where you left each other, and you’re not sure if you’ll be back together again.
It was fun when we were young and now we're older Those days when we were broke in California We were up-and-down and barely made it over But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster It was fun when we were young and now we're older Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now We were up-and-down and barely made it over But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you
“This is the infamous Molly’s,” you tell Hermann as he passes you a bottle of beer. You’ve been babysitting the Hermann children for the past few months, and every time you left, Hermann always insisted you stop by the bar for a thank you drink.
“It most definitely is,” Hermann answers. “Tonight, you drink on the house.”
“Hey, don’t I get a say in all this?” Stella interrupts.
“This gal babysits my rascal children and doesn’t complain about the money we pay her, so tonight, she gets to drink on the house.”
Stella gives you a wink. “You babysit Hermann’s little rascals, then you get to drink on the house whenever you want.”
“Who’s drinking on the house tonight?” a masculine voice asks as they approach the seat next to you.
“This lucky gal over here,” Stella answers with a point towards your form.
“Jay Halstead,” he says with a smirk and extends his hand. You repeat your name and meet his hand halfway. “I’m going to go say hi to a few friends, but I’m coming back. Don’t let anyone take my seat.”
“Yes, sir,” you say with a small smile.
“It’s Detective, actually.” Jay walks away with a wink and a small salute which leaves you sitting with a dumb smile on your face.
“He’s single you know,” Stella points out.
“Oh, is he?”
“Remember when I said I knew someone I wanted to set you up with?” Hermann asks. “That’s him.”
“Interesting,” is all you manage to get out as you take a sip of your beer. “Very interesting.”
A few minutes later, Jay comes back, and Stella slides a drink over to him. “So, Detective Halstead,” you begin and take another sip of your beer.
He gives you a questioning look. “Is there more to that question?”
“Yeah, no, there isn’t. I don’t really know what to say. You’re, like, really intimidating.”
“And why’s that?” Jay asks with a glint in his eyes.
You shrug. “You’re a cop, and you’re handsome. There you have it.”
“There we have it,” Jay answers with a smirk. His eyes light up in a smile. “There we have it.”
Woo-ooh-ooh, woo-ooh Woo-ooh-ooh (Oh, oh) But I'd come back and ride that roller coaster
After you left the bar the first night he met you, Jay thought the stars aligned perfectly. That reigned true until he was driving home and realized he didn't have your number. The minute Jay was introduced to you, he didn’t know how lucky he was to have met you. It was nearly two in the morning when you both left Molly’s that night. You spent it talking and getting to know each other. Jay swears he’s never had such an amazing conversation with anyone, and he’d only know you for a couple of hours.
He’s staring at his phone wondering if it’d be weird to text Kelly to ask Hermann to get your number. Would that be weird? All Jay wanted was to ask you on a date. That couldn’t be that weird. It wasn’t like he was going to stalk you or anything. Would be better for Jay to go back to Molly’s in the hope you’ll be there? Maybe, he could ask Hermann for your number at Molly’s. That’s one less person who’d be included, so that would make it less weird, right?
Jay didn’t have that much time to contemplate what to do because minutes upon arriving at work, he was thrown into a case that consumes all the energy he has. After getting a confession from the perpetrators, the team wraps up the case, and it’s nearly 9 pm. In theory, Jay knows that he could do the needed paperwork in the morning, but he didn’t want to deal with it in the morning. It was something he’d rather just get done at the time. The rest of the team left shortly after Jay started his paperwork and promised that a seat would be reserved for him at Molly’s.
When the words all started to blur together and Jay’s hand started shaking from how cramped it was, Jay knew it was time to call it a night. He organized his desk and got ready to head home. He knew, though, that he’d be stopping by Molly’s to catch a drink with his friends. Even if they all went home, Jay was pretty sure that Hermann would be there so that he could ask for your number. That was the first time Jay has thought about you all day, and with the thought of you, Jay has a newly-found energy boost. Maybe you’d be at the bar, Jay ponders to himself.
Definitely not breaking any speeding laws, Jay arrives at Molly’s and walks in to find a few friends sitting at a table. Jay waves and heads to the bar to get a beer. He scans the room, and when he doesn’t see you, Jay’s mood deflates a little. He was hoping to see you and finally get your number, but hopefully another time.
When Stella gives Jay his beer, he inquires about you. Would Stella have your number?
“You just missed her,” Stella proclaims. “Yeah, if you’d been here like half an hour prior, you’d have seen her.”
“Oh,” Jay responds, deflated.
“If it’s any solace to you, she was definitely looking for you. When she saw your team walk in, her eyes lit up hoping to see you.”
Stella’s words seemed to boost Jay’s mood and make him forget that he (a) missed you by thirty minutes and (b) still doesn’t have your number.
“I’m sure if you text her, you could find a time to meet up,” Stella prods.
“I would, but I don’t have her number,” Jay informs, glumly.
“Let me give you her number,” Stella immediately responds and whips out her phone. Jay pulls out his phone and lets Stella type out your phone number. “There you go.”
“Thank you so much,” Jay thanks, and Stella replies with a curt nod. Anything to get the two of your finally together.
Faith led me to the clouds, reaching for the ground 'Cause life was upside down Now everything has changed, we found better days But I still hear the sound
“I was wholly convinced that you were going to take me to Molly’s for a first date,” you tease when Jay opens the door to a restaurant near where you worked. “Believe me, I love Hermann and Molly’s and everyone else, but I don’t think I could take our first date being at the bar.”
“What’s wrong with having a date at the place where we first met?” Jay responds, flirtatiously. “It’d be a nice story to tell the kids.”
“Oh, we’re having kids out of this scenario?”
Jay shrugs his shoulders. “What’s so wrong with kids?”
“Give it a few years, and then we can have this discussion again?”
Jay sends you a familiar grin as he walks up to the hostess. When Jay finally got the nerve to text you, he couldn’t stop. It started off at first with little questions here and there where you both got to know each other. Then, it branched into when wasn’t Jay texting you. Whenever he wasn’t working, Jay would be looking at his phone from his peripheral and wait for your name to pop on his screen. When it wasn’t you, he’d have a small pout on his face and will that it was you instead of, like, Will, or someone. When it was you, on the other hand, a wide smile on his face, and he’d enter into this daze that took a lot of effort to get him out of.
It took four beers and Will being characteristically annoying to convince Jay to send you a text asking you out. He shouldn’t have sent it close to midnight, but he sent it and agonized until 7 am until he got a reply. Jay should have known you weren’t going to respond so late at night, but when you said yes, he was elated and every part of him couldn’t wait for the date.
“So, how was work today?” Jay asked, pulling out your chair to sit. He was thankful that Intelligence wasn’t working a case that day because he couldn’t imagine what would happen if Jay was preoccupied with a case or the result.
“Oh, it was work,” you say, but Jay can see the way your eyes light up. “The usual.”
“You like your job?”
“Do you like yours?” you say with a curt smile.
“It’s work,” Jay answers with a shrug. “Sometimes it’s good; sometimes it’s bad. It just depends on the day.”
“Good day for you?”
“Kind of boring. We didn’t have a case today, so it was just busywork. How about your day?”
Your eyes instantly light up, and Jay swears it was the most amazing sight he’s seen in a long time. Jay’s been through some good times and some rough times, but if it all led to dinner with you and seeing the way your eyes lit up at the mention of your day, Jay knew it would have been worth it. It was all worth it.
“It was a pretty good day,” you say, elongating your words.
Jay smiles. “Tell me about it.”
You immediately dive in to the day you had and about the new project you’re working on. You’re talking with your hands as you emphatically discuss it. “And do you want to know what the best part is?”
“What is it?” Jay says, not wanting to miss a single word you were saying.
“In a few years, I could be working my way up to my dream job and position.”
“Oh, that’s amazing!” Jay praises.
The rest of the night and the date goes just as well, and you both have an evening that you know will lead to something great. Later that night, when Jay’s walking to his car from the restaurant, he can’t help but think, happiness begins because he has you.
I remember low lows and high highs We threw our hands up, palms out to the skies
“Jay, no,” you immediately rebut when you see what he’s done to your living room.
“Jay, yes.”
“Come on, please?”
“You are not making my living room your personal man cave.”
“Oh, come on, please?”
“Sure,” you lie.
“No, get rid of it.”
“Jay, we’re moving in together. The least you can do is compromise and let us build a space we both want to enjoy.”
Jay looks at you again, trying to determine if he can successfully make another bid for a man cave-like living room. You’re standing firm, though, and Jay knows it’s futile to make another bid. “On game days, can I at least pretend that this is my man cave?”
“If you help me finish unpacking our bathroom, maybe I’ll say yes,” you answer and turn to the washroom. You grab another box labeled “master bath” and get ready to reorganize everything. Jay follows, taking the last box with the label, and waits for your instructions.
“Where do you want me?”
“Can you,” you begin, glancing at the box’s contents, “start organizing all the cleaning supplies and put them under the sink? And, make a list of what we have, so I know what to purchase at the next grocery run.”
“How do you want me to label them?” Jay asks as he grabs the notepad you have sitting out.
“Just what they are?” you suggest and face your boyfriend.
“Just pretend it’s evidence, and you have to log it in.”
“I can do that,” Jay answers as you turn to organize your hair, makeup, and other toiletries.
Organizing and unpacking the bathroom, you and Jay work in sync to organize and sort through everything, and it reminds you why you love him and are moving in with him. The little side glances you both share and the small little smirks he gives you still manages to make your heart race. It was always Jay for you, and you couldn’t wait for what your lives together would entail.
It was fun when we were young and now we're older Those days when we were broke in California We were up-and-down and barely made it over But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster It was fun when we were young and now we're older (Oh) Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now (Yeah) We were up-and-down and barely made it over But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you
“Good morning,” Jay whispers to you as he wraps his arms around your waist. You were standing on the porch of the lake-front cabin you and Jay rented in northern Wisconsin. “I didn’t like waking up in a cold bed this morning.”
“Mm, I think you fared fine, Detective.”
“I got you some coffee, so maybe you should be nice to me,” he tells you as he removes a hand from your waist and grabs a cup of coffee from the side table.
“Oh, for me? Thank you.”
“I figured we should start the morning of our second anniversary on the right foot with coffee and not waking up in cold, empty beds.”
“Jay, come on, I wanted to watch the sunrise.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but I like waking up next to you,” he pouts.
You giggle under your breath. “Come, let’s sit.” You lead Jay toward the outdoor couch and snuggle up against him. You both sit there, in each other’s warmth, sipping your coffee and watching the lake around you wake up. The mist over the water was slowly fading as the sun peaked through the clouds to warm the area around you. The birds were chirping away as other morning animals began to awake and start their days.
“What do you want to do today?” Jay asks as he’s stroking soft patterns on your arm.
“This seems pretty nice.”
“So, no fishing?”
“Jay, it’s our anniversary. You don’t want me to break up with you today, do you?”
“You’ll really break up with me over fishing?”
“Mm, maybe.”
“We can go fishing tomorrow. Let’s just stay here, yeah?”
“I like that,” you reply.
“Happy anniversary, babe.”
“Happy anniversary, Jay.”
Woo-ooh-ooh (Yeah, with you) Woo-ooh (With you, with you) Woo-ooh-ooh (Oh, oh) But I'd come back and ride that roller coaster
“You ready to go?” Jay asks as he’s fixing the buttons on his shirt. It was your third anniversary, and you were going out to dinner for a night out.
“No,” you squawk from the bathroom.
“Well, we have to go. Our reservation is soon.”
“Jay,” you attempt to yell, but a weird sound from the bathroom has Jay running over to where you were. When he walks into the bathroom, he rushes over to soothe you when he sees you huddled over the toilet.
“Hey, hey, hey, breathe.”
“Dude, whatever you made me for lunch was disgusting, and now I’m throwing it all up into this toilet. You are not allowed in the kitchen to make me food again unless it’s microwaving it, and even then, you need supervision by me.”
“Okay, okay, let’s get you feeling better before you throw out any sass.”
“Jay, I’m—” you attempt but turn your head to the toilet to vomit again.
“You sure you’re fine?”
“To sit in front of this toilet? Yes, but to go out? Definitely no. I’m sorry, babe. I don’t think I can go out tonight.”
“Hey, don’t apologize, we’ll do a rain check alright?” Jay responds with a small pout on his face. You get up and start to brush your teeth and freshen up. “Hey, I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” you question, confusedly, as you watch Jay close the bathroom door and away from you.
In your shared bedroom, Jay is ruffling through the socks in his drawer for a small box sitting amongst the socks. His head goes back and forth between the drawer and the bathroom door. He couldn’t have you seeing what he was doing.
“Jay?” you ask, popping out of the bathroom. He jumped back in shock. “What are you doing?”
“I’m looking for something,” Jay mumbles as he continues sorting through his socks. You walk over to him and wrap an arm around his waist and stroke his bicep with your other hand to calm him.
“Hey, let me help.”
“Aha! I found it.”
“Found what?” you question, but when you see a small jewelry box in his hand, your breath hitches. “Jay.”
“This was not how I wanted this to go, and obviously your health is what matters the most and is more important than whatever grand plan I had,” Jay begins. He takes your hand in his and gets down on one knee. “However, all that truly matters is that I get the chance to ask the person I love if she wants to marry me because I can’t imagine spending another day without you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my beautiful bride?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” you exclaim, and Jay jumps up and hugs you. You both pull back and seal the deal with a kiss. It was the start of your forever, a start you both couldn’t wait to have.
It was fun when we were young and now we're older (Oh) Those days that are the worst, they seem to glow now (Yeah) We were up-and-down and barely made it over But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster
“Jay, I need you to go pick up a witness for me,” Voight announces as he walks by Jay’s desk.
“Can’t patrol just do that?” Jay counters. He didn’t want to leave the district or think about doing anything today. Thankfully, they didn’t have an active case to be working on, so Jay was able to wallow in his sadness without any distractions.
“No, I’m telling you to do that.”
“I thought we didn’t have any witnesses we need to talk to.”
“Jay, just go,” Voight says. When Jay opens his mouth to contradict Voight again, Voight interrupts. “I get today is tough because she moved away a year ago, but I need you to pick up this witness.”
“Yeah, okay,” Jay grumbles and grabs his coat to pick up this witness that Voight needed so badly. “Hailey, you coming?”
“No, you’re going alone,” Voight says and shuts the door to his office. It looked like Jay didn’t have a chance to argue.
As Jay’s driving to the location that he’s been given, your favorite song comes on. Normally, he’d turn off the song to keep the pain away, but on a day like today, he wanted to think about you. He couldn’t wait to call you later tonight and catch up. Ever since you moved to New York for your new job and ended your engagement, Jay’s been on autopilot. He wakes up each morning and does his job. That was all there was for him.
When Jay pulls up to the address, he notices that it’s a home not too far from where he grew up. A home that he starkly remembers. Jay glances back down at the address on his phone and notices that it’s the exact location of where he is. He shakes his head and sighs as he gets out of the car and to the front door.
Jay lifts his fist and knocks on the door. “Chicago, PD.” It takes a few seconds for the witness to open the door. When they open the door, everything stops. Jay looks at the witness with wide eyes.
“Hey, Jay,” you said from the other side of the door. Jay quietly breathes out your name in disbelief and shock. “Maybe close your mouth, you’re catching flies.”
“You’re back?” is the first thing Jay asks.
“Yeah, they transferred me back,” you answer. “I’m home, baby. I’m home.”
“You’re home.” Jay wraps you into a hug and pulls you close against his body. It’s been a year since he’s held you. For the past twelve months, it’s all Jay’s been thinking about. It’s all he’s wanted, and now that he finally has you in his arms, Jay’s so happy.
“I’m home, Jay. We got through the rollercoaster, and we’ll get through the rest.”
Nights, flying down the 10, nearly 2 AM Happiness begins
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Taglist: @ilyasorokinn, @joelsfarabees, @atarmychick007, @stars-canucks (Join the taglist here!)
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
If We Were Fast Enough
Flash!Reader x Flashfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 5.3K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: I had this idea after watching a few clips of Flashpoint Paradox! Enjoy! -Thorne
Her hand was tightly clasped in his, eyes narrowed in sadness, but there was a pride in them; she felt the speed transfer between them, flowing through her veins and he said, “You’ve got my speed, honey. It’s up to you now.”
The tears that had welled in her vision tipped over and she whispered, “I can’t leave you here, dad. I—I can’t just run away.”
He shook his head. “You’re not running away. You’re surviving.” A groan escaped him, and the pool of blood seemed to double in size. “We’re running out of time. You’ve gotta go before the timeline collapses.”
“Where do I go?” she asked, wiping her eyes. “This universe is home.”
“Honey, Speedsters are Speedsters whichever universe we’re in.” he smiled weakly at her. “You’ll have a family wherever you end up.”
She gazed at him, breathing deeply as fresh tears grew in her gaze. “I’m scared.”
“I know. But you can do this.” he replied, pausing to look her over. “You look just like your mother, honey.” He smiled tearfully. “She’d be so proud of you if she were here now.”
Pulling the cowl over her head, she gave a watery laugh. “Mom always said I looked like you.”
“Nah. You take your speed and nature after me, but you are a spitting image of your mother.” A blast sounded in the distance and they both looked over, eyes widening as the white flash of light grew larger and larger. “You have to go. Now.”
Swallowing thickly, she leaned down and hugged him around his neck as tight as she could, inhaling the scent of ozone and spearmint for the last time. “I love you, dad. I love you so much.” Her fingers dug into his ruined suit as she cried. “I love you.”
He caressed the back of her cowled head. “I love you more, honey.” Pulling away, he leveled her with a firm look. “Now run, Lightning Flash. Run.”
The bluish-white lightning flowed across her body, and she turned, letting her feet carry her across the war-torn field, escaping the atomic blast. The world melted around her, a blur of memories surrounding her: her birthdays, her parents’ faces, her first stroke as a Flash, the start of the war, the deaths of her friends and family, everything up until now.
She was helpless to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks, the feeling of her heart pounding in her chest, and the booming in her ears as she ripped through the waves of time and the boundaries of space.
A shriek sounded behind her, and she turned her head, eyes widening. “Ah shit!”
The time wraith screamed at her again, reaching out to grab her and she just barely dodged it, turning back to face the flowing warp. She was close. All she had to do was get to the next time boundary and she could lose the wraith.
“Almost there!” she told herself as another bellowed sounded in her ears again, and with one final leap, she burst through the barrier, the waves collapsing around her. The shock of the blast sent her skidding along the ground, and she cried out as she rolled.
Shouts sounded in her ears, humans, but she was more concerned about the screaming time wraith. “I just lost everything! Can’t you just leave me the hell alone!” It shrieked at her again, advancing and anger welled through her as she pushed herself to her feet and she growled, “You wanna dance, you sonovabitch? Then let’s dance.”
Her eyes lit up in a white force and she darted past the wraith, hitting a point above it, then she darted past again, and again and again in a star formation, over and over until all that could be seen was a blur of blue and white. The clouds rumbled above, swirling faster and faster and she hit the top of the star, coming down at the wraith. A burst of lightning cracked from the sky, striking the time being just as she collided with it, and in a hail of blue and white strikes, the wraith exploded into smoking fragments.
As the smoke cleared, the human voices grew louder, but she was sprawled out on the ground, breathing heavily, her body crying under the strain. Someone placed their hand on her shoulder, worrying, “Are you alright?”
She nodded weakly. “Yeah…just gimme a minute. The five-star lightning strike always takes a lot outta me.” Shutting her eyes, she focused on breathing deeply.
“I’ve never seen anyone destroy a time wraith before.”
“It takes practice.” Craning her neck, she opened her eyes, and bit back a sob as the man’s face cleared before hers. “You’re this world’s Flash, aren’t you?” she whispered, “Barry Allen.” His blue eyes widened, and he nodded mutely. “I figured.”
“Who are you?” he asked. “What world did you come from?”
She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s gone now.” Meeting his gaze once more, she added, “But you can call me the Lightning Flash.”
“What’s your real name?” Barry quizzed.
(Y/N) Allen. And I’d tell you that but all it’d do is bring hurt to both of us.
“(Y/N) Sloan.” She laid her head down, closing her eyes. “I’m gonna take a nap for a while…I’m really…tired…”
His voice called out to her, but all she heard was a warbling noise as she drifted into darkness.
When she came to, her head felt like someone had thrown an overripe melon off a balcony ledge and watched it splatter across the ground. She groaned and forced her eyes to open, pushing herself up on her palms.
“Woah, woah, woah!” someone worried. “Take it easy there, Flashy.”
(Y/N) looked over, seeing a familiar green symbol, and an ever more familiar unmasked face. “I’m fine, Hal.”
He blinked. “You know who I am?”
“Please, I’d know that big head of yours from a mile away.” Smirking, she added, “I know everyone in the Justice League.” She grunted, pulling her left arm over her chest, feeling the taut muscles in her back ripple as she stretched them out. “Where am I?”
“The Watchtower.” Hal gazed at her curiously. “Man, when Barry said you knew who he was, I didn’t think he meant you knew all of us.”
“You sound upset that you didn’t get to introduce yourself,” she shot back with a pained grin, stretching her other arm. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll forget I know you, and you can reintroduce yourself.”
He chuckled and pressed a button on the side of the med bay bed. “Nah, no point now.” He looked down at the small light flashing. “Hey, she’s awake.”
In an instant, a sharp wind blew across the room and there stood the scarlet speedster without his cowl; moments later, the doors opened and in walked the top League members, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.
(Y/N) threw her legs over the side of the bed as they walked over, waving off Barry and Hal who both reached for her, and stood on shaky legs. “Shit, I feel like a newly born giraffe.”
“You shouldn’t be up.” Barry frowned. “You practically tore yourself apart at the molecular level.”
“It was that or be taken by a time wraith,” she shot back, cracking her neck. “How long have I been out?”
“Eighty-six hours,” Batman said, taking her chin in his hand, tipping her head side to side as he shown a light in her eyes. “Your body’s been recovering slower than it should for a Flash.”
(Y/N) blinked. “The particular move does like Barry said it did. It tears the body at the molecular level to contain the speed force into one location.”
“It was dangerous,” Barry scowled, and she couldn’t help but laugh at this younger version of her father who was still just as serious.
“Being a Flash is dangerous.” She felt Batman pull away and she flexed her fingers. “I don’t use the move unless it’s a life-or-death situation.” Glancing at Barry, she questioned, “What earth is this?”
Before he could speak, Batman denounced, “You time jumped, and you don’t know what earth you came into?”
“I didn’t exactly have time to think out a plan while a nuclear blast was going off, Bruce,” she growled, glaring at him from behind the neon blue mask. “And to top it off, I had a time wraith coming after me. I wasn’t in a position to choose which earth I wanted.”
He went silent, gazing at her intently. “Whose names do you know of the Justice League here?”
(Y/N) looked around at the superheroes before her. “You’re all the same Justice League as my earth, but in mine, you’re retired, and your children run the show.”
“I’m sorry, children?” Hal interrupted. “We have—we have children?”
“Some,” she laughed. “Conner Kent is our Superman, Donna Troy is our Wonder Woman, Jason Todd is our Batman, Kyle Rayner is our Green Lantern, and Roy Harper is our Green Arrow.”
“And you?” Superman questioned.
“I’m my Justice League’s Flash. The Lightning Flash.” (Y/N) smiled wearily. “The fastest woman alive.” She toyed with the blue and white gauntlet. “At least now I am.”
“You said you were our kids?” Hal said. “Are you Barry’s daughter?”
The two Speedsters looked at each other and she answered calmly, “No. My transformation into the Flash was a freak accident, much like Wally West’s. That being said, I’m not related to the Flashfamily by blood.”
“Hmm.” Batman grunted, then turned, wandering off. “You need to rest up more then we’ll run tests.”
“Only if she consents.” Barry called out.
Bruce stopped, not even bothering to look over his shoulder as he retorted, “She’s a Speedster from another universe. We need more information before we can let her loose in anyone’s city.”
As he wandered off, she placed her hands on her hips and griped, “God, I miss Jason being Batman. He’s less of a jerk-off about new things.”
Superman chuckled, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t take it the wrong way…(Y/N), was it?”
She nodded. “Yeah, (Y/N) Sloan.” Sticking her hand out, she added, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” he murmured, shaking her hand strongly, then he pulled away. “He is right though. You should get some more rest before you wander around the Watchtower.”
She waved it off. “I’ll be alright. If you’ve got a treadmill designed for Speedsters though, I’d like to run a bit.”
“I’ll show you where it is,” Barry answered, leading her from the group. As they walked down the hallway, she paused, leaning against the wall as a wave of nausea came over her; he caught it instantly. “Are you okay?” he frowned. “We should go back to the med bay.”
“No.” she grunted. “I’m fine. Just…just gimme a moment.” Shaking it off, she squared her shoulders. “I absorbed speed from the remaining Speedsters on my world before I left. It’s just taking a toll on me.”
“Why absorb their speed?” he asked, and she could tell from his voice that there was a level of suspicion in it.
“Because it was the only way to keep it from being stolen by our enemies as we were being slaughtered.” (Y/N) looked down the hall. “We can go now. It’s passed.” She bypassed him, wandering down the hallway, though she kept a hand on the railing the entire time.
It wasn’t a surprise that they sent her back to Central City with Barry after the few tests she’d let them run. Only tests on the outside, no blood or DNA samples for them to investigate. Barry’s apartment was cramped and there wasn’t room for them both to be in the kitchen, but she’d lived there before, so ducking under his arms and turning around him was second nature.
And Barry, bless the kindhearted soul he was, tried at every opportunity to make her comfortable in the home. (Y/N) respected it, knowing that even worlds apart, Barry Allen was still Barry Allen. She watched him sometimes. When he was sitting on the sofa or at the bar, flipping through paperwork or reading a book on physics. He always lost track of time, forgot what was happening around him, but his face showed ease. Peace. Like the world wasn’t on his shoulders.
It made her miss her father. It made her miss her family and friends. Her world. (Y/N) cried at night on the couch, silent tears dripping down her cheeks as she remembered every last moment of her family and friends’ lives. She’d been lucky in the end to come out unscathed. But her father, his friends, her friends, all dead. All killed in a pointless war that ended with the entire world blown to hell—and she was the only one left.
She sat beside the window, gazing down at the quiet street below her; she felt like crying, but by now, she’d cried out every tear, and all that remained was the hole drilled in her chest, empty and aching.
“(Y/N)?” Glancing over, she saw Barry coming out from his bedroom, brows furrowing at her. “Are you okay?”
Shrugging, she looked back out the window. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again, Barry.” It was hard to not call him ‘dad’ all the time, and weird to call him ‘Barry’.
She felt him sit opposite of her on the little bench. “Can I help you anyway?”
It took a while for her to speak, but when she did, her voice was barely above a whisper. “It’s all gone. My life. All of it. I’m the only one left from my world.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m…alone.” His hand rested on hers and she felt tears well in her gaze. “I miss my family…and I miss my friends.”
She shook her head, looking at him. “Why my world? Why us?” tears slipped down her cheeks. “Everything was fine one moment and the next thing any of us knew, the world was going to war, and we couldn’t stop it.” A loathing laugh escaped her. “We were the Justice League. The proteges of the greatest heroes and yet we couldn’t stop war.”
(Y/N) wiped her tears. “We failed. I failed.”
“What happened wasn’t your fault, (Y/N).” Barry murmured. “You know that.”
“It feels like it.” She countered. “What do I have to show for all my saving? A sole survivor stuck in a world that has no need for her.”
His eyes were narrowed in concern, the way her father’s used to do when she’d tell him of her troubles and doubts. “There’s always a need for us. Everyone one of us.”
“Speedsters?” she asked, and he squeezed her hand.
“If the universe wanted you dead, you’d be dead, (Y/N). But you’re here and you’re alive.” He smiled sadly. “You can’t outrun the past. But you can change the direction you’re running in.”
She gazed at him and for once in the past few weeks she’d been there, she felt her heart lighten. “Thank you, Barry.”
He smiled warmly at her and patted her hand. “Since we’re both awake…wanna go for a run?”
(Y/N) chuckled and nodded her head. “Yeah. It’d certainly help burn off the emotions.” She held out her hand and Barry looked at the ring on her finger.
“Wow, your ring is cool.” He took her hand, gazing intently at it. “I noticed your suit isn’t red like most of us Speedsters are. Yours is mainly blue and white.”
She nodded. “It was too complicated to call myself Flash since there were more than one, so I took the name Lightning Flash and designed my suit the colors associate with lighting.” (Y/N) vibrated and reappeared in her suit. “Blue and white.”
“With silver trimming,” he added, poking the mask she wore, and she batted his hand away.
“Hey, gold’s overrated.”
Barry’s face pinched as he vibrated into his suit. “Is not!”
“Is too! It’s the colors for the Seminoles.”
He placed a hand to his chest. “I can’t believe you just told me my colors were FSU’s colors. I’ve been fatally wounded.”
“You’re a drama queen,” (Y/N) laughed then started towards the door. “Race you to Coast City!”
Barry sped after her. “Why Coast City!”
“Because it’s California, man!” she watched as he matched her speed. “And Hal’s apartment always has Doritos!”
“I think you might have a crush on our resident Green Lantern,” Barry teased and (Y/N) gagged.
“Dude, gross.”
“Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you aren’t friends with your Green Lantern!”
“The best, but Kyle and I were only friends! My dalliance fell with another team member!”
“Batman?” he asked, and she nodded.
“Oh. Lovely.” Barry sighed. “You and Jason Todd seem like a wonderful pair.”
(Y/N) snorted. “Contrary to popular belief, Jason was actually a fantastic Batman. He loved it, oddly enough.”
“That is odd,” the Speedster countered. “Because as far as I know, none of the Batkids want to be Batman.”
She merely laughed in return, passing the Coast City sign.
“You know these aren’t…my world folks, right?”
He smiled, watching the group of young adults across the room laugh and joke around. “I know, but the lot of us thought it would be good if you got together with the age group of you own.” Barry looked over. “Besides, I think you’re going to fit right in with this world’s group.”
(Y/N) tipped her head side to side, huffing a laugh as Jason thumped Kyle in the side. “We’ll see.” She let Barry lead her over and the small group perked up at their arrival.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming on such short notice. I know you were busy.”
Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “So, why did the League invite us all?”
Barry gestured to (Y/N). “I’d like everyone to meet (Y/N) Sloan. She’s a Speedster who recently arrived on this earth.”
“Recently?” Roy asked and he nodded.
“There was a…problem on her earth.” He glanced at her and nodded, prompting her to speak.
“My world isn’t in the general stream of timelines anymore.” She smiled awkwardly. “I came here to…survive more or less.” Holding out her hand for one of them to shake, she said, “But it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“You know who we are?” Kyle asked as he shook her hand.
“Yeah. This world is surprisingly similar to mine, Kyle.” (Y/N) smiled with a little less awkwardness. “I know all of you.” Her eyes fell on Jason who was watching her closely, teal eyes narrowed in calculation. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He hummed. “Who are we over there?”
At that, all the awkwardness fell away. “You don’t wanna know,” she giggled, and his face dropped.
“No.” she nodded, and he whispered, “Me?”
“I’m confused,” Roy interrupted, and Donna snickered.
“I think Jason’s the Batman of (Y/N)’s world.”
“HA!” everyone dissolved into hysterics as Jason proceeded to all but cry.
“I don’t wanna be Batman!” he whined. “Why am I Batman! Why not anyone else!”
(Y/N) laughed. “What are you talking about? You volunteered to be Batman.”
“Jesus, I must’ve lost my mind then,” Jason retorted, then looked at her. “Do I carry guns?”
“Non-lethal rounds.”
“Damnit.” He sulked. “Can’t freakin’ believe I’m the Batman on your world and I willingly put the suit on.”
“You were a good Batman,” she stated. “There wasn’t anyone I trusted more to watch my back on the team.”
He met her gaze, seemingly shocked, though it only lasted a minute as he quizzed, “So if I’m Batman, does that make all of us…?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yep. Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern.”
“And you?” Kyle asked.
“Lightning Flash,” she answered coolly. “The fastest woman alive.” Meeting their gazes, she tipped her head down. “I know you’re not them…but I do hope we can be friends.” She smiled. “You can never have too many of those, no matter what world you’re on.”
Kyle looked over at Barry who was almost crying. “We get to keep her, right? Because if we don’t, I’m going to be very upset.”
(Y/N) snorted and wrapped a loose arm around his waist. “Don’t worry, Kyle. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” A growling sounded and her cheeks warmed as she pressed a hand to her stomach. “Sorry about that.”
Jason laughed, getting to his feet. “I guess Speedster stomachs are the same no matter what world you’re on.”
“Isn’t that the truth,” Barry retorted, and the vigilante looked at her.
“Wanna annoy Batman and hang around Gotham City?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Wait for me!” Roy shouted, yanking his legs from the table, and soon the others were following.
Barry watched them as they walked to the Zeta-Tubes, laughing and ribbing one another like they’d been friends since childhood; someone nudged him in the side, murmuring, “She’s gonna be okay.”
He nodded as Hal settled beside him. “Yeah…I know she will.” He smiled as (Y/N) leaned into Jason’s side and brought a hand to her eyes, wiping the tears away. “She’s already fitting in better than I thought.”
“(Y/N)’s a strong woman,” Hal acknowledged. “She acts a lot like you in that aspect.”
“How so?” Barry inquired and the Lantern shrugged.
“Well, you can’t get her to stop attending League meetings no matter what Batman says, and she’s always ready to put herself on the line for us.” Hal huffed a laugh. “And she treats me like I’m an old man. I’m thirty-eight and she acts like I’m fifty-six.” He looked at Barry. “But she flows in the world like you, Barry. Her mannerisms, her styles, her speech, it’s all you.”
The Speedster frowned, quietly stating, “You think she’s my future daughter, don’t you?”
Hal shrugged. “She doesn’t look like you, but she’s comfortable around you. Like she knows she’s safe if you’re there with her.”
“Why lie about it though?” Hal could tell Barry was hurt. “Wouldn’t she want to tell me?”
“If you lost everything and showed up in another world where there was a parent still alive, would you act like nothing changed or would you keep it at arms-length?”
Barry sighed. “You’re…right.” He shook his head. “I didn’t even think of that.” His frown deepened. “She must hate looking at me though. I’m not her dad but I’m another version of him.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Barry.” Hal said, clasping his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “She’s just…trying to keep it all together and not mix this world with hers.”
“I feel connected with her.” He admitted. “The speed force works funny like that. We can feel other speedsters—we know their speeds and auras.” His voice became soft. “Hers feels like…like…”
“Like?” Hal encouraged and Barry sighed.
“Her aura feels like when I went back in time and saved my mom.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to explain but she feels like—”
“Like family.”
Barry gaped at Hal. “Yeah…that’s exactly it.”
Hal nodded. “She’s still your daughter even worlds apart.”
“What do I say to her?”
“Don’t.” he answered. “Let her come to you about it.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Barry agreed.
The group had dispersed as quickly as it had come together, not that she was overly upset—she knew they all had prior engagements and teams to be apart of, but she would’ve been lying to say that it hadn’t saddened her a bit. Jason and Kyle, however, seemed to be the only ones that were usually around, Jason more than the latter.
(Y/N) liked being around Jason. He was much more hotheaded than she was used to, but she decided that like the Flashes, Jason Todd was Jason Todd no matter what universe he was in.
He was a little more reckless than she knew, playing fast and loose with the game, but he knew where his feet landed with each jump, and he was there when she needed help, her the same.
It hadn’t taken him long to deduce that the two of them were more than friends in her world, making the joke that she was his Catwoman—she’d cried she’d laughed so hard, but it given them time to talk about everything that had happened to her and her world; most importantly, her father.
She watched as Jason reclined against the cool stone of the ledge, passing one of the wrapped cheeseburgers to her. “Thank you,” she murmured, unwrapping it.
“Mhm,” he hummed, sipping his milkshake, setting his hood beside him; he swallowed and looked over. “What’s on your mind?”
(Y/N) blinked. “What are you talking about?” he merely cocked a brow and she sighed. “I forgot you could read people well.”
“Well maybe if you were a book and not a pamphlet, it’d be harder.”
“Did you just call me simple?”
“Never.” He waved it off. “What are you thinking about?”
She sighed again and set her half-eaten burger aside, pulling her knees to her chest as she whispered, “My mom’s maiden name was Sloan.”
Jason arched a brow. “You go by ‘Sloan’. Was your mom married?”
“My parents were. She died from cancer when I was ten.”
“I’m sorry,” he lamented, and she smiled.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) looked over. “My last name is Allen.”
His eyes widened. “As in Barry Allen, Allen?”
“Yeah…my dad.”
Jason blinked. “Holy shit.”
“Mhm.” She propped her chin on her knees. “The reason I’m just as fast as Wally West in this world is because I absorbed my dad’s speed before I left mine.” (Y/N) gazed at the city. “And then I left him to die in the blast.”
“You know that wasn’t your fault.”
She huffed. “So Barry’s told me.”
Jason stared at her. “Why do you live with him in Central City?”
“Because I don’t have anywhere else to go,” she answered. “And I…I—”
“You miss your dad.” He answered for her, and she nodded, feeling warmth gather in her eyes and she squeezed them shut.
“Yeah…it’s not him but…”
“It’s the only thing you’ve got that’s close enough to him.”
Jason nodded. “You’re welcome to come live with me over here.”
(Y/N) looked over at him. “I can’t do that, Jason.”
“Why not?”
She laughed. “We barely know each other.”
He shrugged. “We know each other enough.” Gazing at her, he added, “I’m not your world’s Jason, but we must be similar enough because I’ve seen and felt you fall behind me during fights, being at my six when I didn’t have it covered.” He smiled. “You know me, (Y/N), and I’d like to know you too.”
She merely gaped at him, then huffed a laugh. “I think that’s the most similar thing to my world’s Jason that I’ve heard you say.”
“Oh, come on!” he griped. “He couldn’t be that different from me!”
(Y/N) smiled. “Robins.”
Jason blanched. “I had Robins?”
“You had a son, who was exactly like you right now.”
“I wanna ask about the son, but what do you mean right now?”
“Oh, you know…hotheaded, anti-social, antagonistic.”
“You’re cute,” he scowled, then looked into the distance. “I can’t imagine bringing my kid with me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Please, it took him like five years of complete begging on his knees before you’d even let him put on the suit, let alone go out with you.” She reached over and pushed hair behind his ear. “You were a good father…a good man.” Her expression turned sad. “I wasn’t fast enough to save either of you.”
Jason leaned into her touch, a frown on his face. “They know you tried, (Y/N).”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “I hope they knew that.” She shook her head as the tears started to spill over. “I lost everyone. You, JJ, my dad and all my friends.” (Y/N) stared at him through the tears. “How do I just start over after all that?”
He pushed the takeout bags out of the way and scooted over, pulling her to his chest; she buried her face in his suit and he propped his chin on the crown of her head. “I wish I had an answer for you.” He rubbed circles in her back. “But I do know that you can either let this keep you down, or you can get back up. Because if you don’t…then every life lost was in vain for you to survive.”
“I take it back,” she blubbered. “Your philosophical bullshit life lessons are the most Jason thing I’ve heard.”
He smiled, squeezing her tight. “That’s what we’re gonna call it now. Philosophical bullshit life lessons.” Jason pressed a kiss to her head. “It’s going to be okay, (Y/N). It’ll get better.”
It’d been a full year since she’d come to the new earth. She hadn’t moved in with Jason yet, but the moving boxes on the couch were the start of it—and she hadn’t told Barry she was leaving, or that he was her dad. (Y/N) wasn’t sure how to break that seal just yet.
She wandered around the tiny apartment, smiling at all the memories she’d made in the past year, and into his bedroom, where she paused at his dresser. A gold ring rested on top of it, and she picked it up, flipping it in her hand.
A woosh sounded from the door. “I’m home!” Barry’s voice trailed off in confusion and he called, “(Y/N)?”
He appeared in her peripheral, but she didn’t take her eyes off the ring, still gazing at the center stones. “There are boxes on the couch.”
“I’m moving in with Jason over in Gotham.”
“Oh…” he murmured, then took sight of what she had in her hands. “Is that—”
“Nora’s wedding ring?” she nodded. “Yeah.”
“How’d you know it was my mom’s?” Barry asked, stepping up to her and she finally looked at him, meeting his eyes.
“Because I had the same one in my world.” (Y/N) searched his gaze. “But you don’t seem surprised by that fact.” She sighed. “How long have you known?”
Barry’s face contorted in shame. “A few weeks after you got here.”
“Why didn’t you say something?”
He shook his head. “Hal said—” he sighed. “I wanted to wait until you said something to me about it. I was afraid if I did, you’d run.”
(Y/N)’s brows pulled together, lips pulling down sadly. “Barry…”
“I know I’m not your dad,” he whispered. “But I know, (Y/N). I can feel it.”
She felt her lips wobble and before she knew it, she was throwing herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist as tight as she could. “Dad.”
Barry’s arms came around her, one holding the back of her head, the other in the middle of her back. “I’m here, (Y/N).”
“I missed you so much,” she cried. “I wasn’t fast enough to save them, and I couldn’t save you either.”
“No,” he said. “You did everything you could. I know you did.”
“But I wasn’t fast enough.” (Y/N) sobbed. “You had to give me your speed so I could run away. Like a coward.”
“Like a survivor,” Barry corrected. “You’ve never run away.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re a survivor, (Y/N). And your dad made sure of that.” He pulled away slightly, tears of his own dripping down his cheeks. “You’re fast enough.” She shut her eyes as more tears rolled down her cheeks and he pressed his lips to her forehead. “And no matter what world you’re on, you’re still my daughter.”
A laugh that sounded much more like a sob escaped her and she hugged him again. “I love you, dad.”
Barry smiled, holding her tight. “I love you more, honey.”
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 1 of the People With Disabilities Month Featured Author Interviews! Please welcome up....Elena!
Elena, author of Apocalyptic Dream
People With Disabilities Month Featured Author
Apocalyptic Dream is a dual-MC, horror-themed otome game that takes place during a zombie outbreak in the 21st century. Follow Mikuru and Toshiro Aikyo, twins who had the misfortune of knowing what was coming.
Navigate friendships, relationships, and learn who to trust…all while trying to survive.
Can you make it through alive?
Author’s Carrd | Author’s Ko-fi | Preorder | Read more about Apocalyptic Dream [here]
Tags: Apocalypse, 18+, Otome
Q1. So, tell us a little bit about the projects you're working on!
Currently, I'm still in early stages of development for my first Visual Novel project, Apocalyptic Dream. It's a post-apocalyptic zombie setting, with otome elements and psychological horror intertwined. It's got no real filters with language used or descriptive gore (though the artwork is pretty reeled-in), so I've rated it a (presumed) M. It has partial voice acting.
The game has two protagonists, twins Mikuru and Toshiro, and the viewpoint switches between them at predetermined intervals. There are some game mechanics that vary depending on which twin you are currently playing as, and I'm very excited for players to discover them. There are 9 love interests as well, but one can be pursued as either twin, as Mikuru and said LI are bisexual, and Mikuru has a couple wlw routes.
I am the writer, casting director, marketer, character designer, merch designer...pretty much everything except voice actor, composer, or artist. I don't have the capacity to make artwork that would make me feel happy with the vision I have for it, so I have two very wonderful artists on board instead, and will add some in the future for custom BGs.
I admit it's ridiculously ambitious for my first project, currently drafted at 70k words and not even 1/5th finished. I am so grateful for everyone who has helped to fund the game and are excited for its release, it's been mindblowing for me.
Q2. What has been your favorite thing about interactive fiction as a medium? What are some of the biggest challenges?
I really enjoy when they provide truly unique branching and you get to have a totally different experience (either without or beyond a common route) depending on your choices. It's so much effort to get those done seamlessly without plot holes (something I'm sweating over a bit myself right now), and I appreciate it greatly. It makes such a wonderful playing experience, and I want to provide that for others.
It's hard sometimes to really reconcile with the protagonist's train of thought if it doesn't align with your own, so I'd consider that a bit of a challenge. I'm someone who really hates playing as very bratty characters, or someone who just trips on thin air all the time and becomes a damsel in distress. However, I see IF more as just playing as someone else rather than being myself, so as long as they aren't an objectively terrible person (lol), I can shake it off when they say or think things that are a bit unsettling.
Q3. What is something you're excited to explore within your work?
I am really excited to be able to detail and follow through with all of the branches, and use them to further my writing experience. It's really amazing how so many IF game developers have kept their characters' base personalities consistent while exploring so many different paths that could affect how they respond to the protagonist, sometimes to very severe degrees.
Given the bleak setting of my game, I'm really looking forward to putting my characters through the wringer (sorry guys!) and seeing how they react to what's thrown their way while still adhering to their own moral and ethical codes. And to see someone bend or even break them after what they've gone through? It's difficult to write that correctly, and I'm excited for the challenge.
Q4. Has your disability influenced your work? Whether it's worldbuilding, the design, the process, and positive or negative--what is your advice in working with your disability and being creative?
Absolutely. It's unfortunate, but it just is what it is. I have chronic illnesses that absolutely sap my energy on any given day (endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, PMDD, major depression, and more), and add ADHD to the mix, and it's nearly impossible to get myself motivated. I spend most of my days making mental notes of the plot progression and script it in my head, without actually getting it down in writing lol. It's very frustrating dealing with executive dysfunction, and spending most of my waking hours in bed.
I also have a small business, Midnight Springs, which is now nearly 7 years old. Juggling the merch design and production for that along with the game has been beyond challenging with how tired and sore I always am, but to lessen some of the load I've been phasing out any new artwork that has no ties to the game and its characters for a while now. I am doing my best to manage all aspects while still chugging along with the scripting and outsourcing direction (art and VA), which is admittedly overwhelming, but everyone in staff and the Kickstarter backers has been really understanding and great about it.
I don't mean to minimize how difficult this is, it's rough. It's often so insurmountable-feeling that I just get stuck for days. But the love for my characters, all of whom I originally penned a decade ago, and the positive (and sometimes very emotional) feedback I have had from my close friends and fiancé proofreading my rough drafts before they are edited has been so incredibly encouraging. It makes me truly excited to keep going, even during the (often very extreme) lows.
Q5. What's an accessibility issue you see glazed over a lot in IF? and what accessibility features would you like to see implemented more in IF?
I think a lot of people don't really understand that reading speed varies between others. This can go both ways, with auto being defaulted at too slow and not being able to adjust it, or too fast. It sucks to have to refer back to a log repeatedly, and I've played some VN apps where the log was actually COMPLETELY borked, and all the scripting for all the branches were just all lumped together out of order, and it was like reading something out of a horror script. I have arthritis and carpal tunnel, and I'm sure a lot of other people have reasons to not want to button-mash their way through a game and would want to avoid repetitive strain injuries. IF should hardly be physically demanding to play through, so this shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.
Another is definitely quick time events. I am actually a very quick reader, but whenever I am put on the spot I get really anxious, lol. But then take into account that sometimes people aren't able to read through the full set of options before time runs out, and they haven't been able to weigh them in their mind yet to make an educated decision. Thankfully, adjustable quicktime speed has been implemented a lot more recently.
One thing I saw suggested in an accessibility panel in a virtual VN event I was an audience to and hadn't really thought of was a dyslexia-friendly font option, so I will be implementing that as well. Inverted controls are another thing that I only really see offered in RPGs or fighters, but not often in IF.
Q6. What is something you'd love to see in interactive fiction?
I would really appreciate if devs who have no idea how to approach mental health issues would just...not, or consult someone who does. I've quit at least one IF game because the protagonist says some really damaging, narcissistic things to characters suffering from depression or other MI. They may not be real, but the players are, and if any of us have the same conditions we are used to hearing that more than enough already.
I'd also love if more protagonists were voiced (in games that otherwise have voice acting already), instead of being nearly entirely a blank slate. If a character is given a name you choose as the player, and they aren't voiced, and have no face in CGs, then it can be super jarring if they say something you don't like. After all, they're supposed to be a Mary Sue at that point, right? So I'd love to see more devs commit to having their protags just straight up be their own fully fleshed-out people.
Q7. Any advice to give to aspiring devs?
Believe in yourself! This is hard, and sometimes I don't know why I decided to do this. But if it's something you want, reach for it and don't let anyone tell you that you can't. Find a community, big or small, that you can talk to - I've met some really friendly indie devs through discord servers, a couple whose games I'd actually supported on Kickstarter prior!
Also, don't read reviews once it's published (or once the demo is released). Have someone else relay constructive or happy reviews to you, do not do that yourself. Especially if you have anxiety like I do. Reviews are insanely varied and often not even a little bit productive.
Take care of yourself, pace yourself, and don't set definitive deadlines. If you are having an "off" day, do not force yourself. And good luck! (Speaking to myself a bit with these ones.)
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ppangjae · 4 years
PLANET GIRL | part 1
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SUMMARY. When Jaehyun turned twenty-one, he started to hear his soulmate’s voice singing an unfamiliar song in his head. He should be happy, right? Wrong. There are two things wrong with this:
He’s taken. He’s off the market. He’s in a 3-year relationship and,
The voice singing in his head is not his girlfriend’s voice.
Now what?
GENRE. soulmate!au | cinderella!au | cupid!reader | college!au | fluff | angst
WORD COUNT. 6k+ words
author’s note. after much consideration, i decided to post this fic in three parts so that it’s not as hectic! you know me, i love adding ✨drama ✨ now, before you come at me for posting this and not a made to fall in love update, this first part of this fic has been done since mid-september. i’d rather release it than let it collect dust in my drafts. so yes, here she is. happy reading!
taglist: @billiondollarworth @cafemochi @stae-yong @chanyeolscoon @ggaayyyong @soothingjae @taestannie @plump-peach @oshmendes @lanadreamie​ @justineasian​ @jjpmoans​ @beryllium-io​ @jaeismytamtation​ @noonapabo127 @hanniesbubble​ 
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PART ONE. cupid | PART TWO. jupiter | 2.5 intermission | PART THREE. PLANET GIRL
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“Mark, get your ass over here before I do it myself!”
“Holy shit, what’s the rush?”
“Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day.”
“And what about it?”
It’s that time of the year again; Valentine’s Day. It’s the day where people fall in love or get their hearts broken. But to you, it’s the day where you’re designated to a new target. To put it simply, you’re Cupid. You are part of a family of Cupid’s. However, you hate being called Cupid, you moreso see yourself as a matchmaker. 
Every Valentine’s Day, you’re designated to a new target. As a matchmaker, it is your responsibility to make your target fall in love within one year. If you fail to complete your mission, you will be stripped of your abilities of matchmaking. 
Last year, your target was Johnny. Johnny was an easy target to work with, for he fell in love with the local cafe barista within three months. The two of them are happily dating now and it’s almost as if they’re still in their honeymoon phase. 
Two years ago, your target was your roommate Mark. It took a while for him to fall in love. He was quite difficult to work with because he was so focused on his studies that he barely batted an eyelash at a human of the opposite sex. But you still managed to do it and all it took was to introduce him to Mina, the studious chemistry student who’s been crushing on him since freshman year. 
But this year, you’re not quite sure who to expect. 
“Are you getting your new assignment tomorrow?” Mark finally enters your room after what seems like forever, falling against your bed. He lands and lets out a soft ‘oof!’. You turn away from your desktop to face him. 
“Of course,” you reply with a quirk of an eyebrow. “What kind of question is that? Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day, the day of love and the day of heartbreak.”
“Are you excited?”
“Not the slightest bit.” You let out a tiring sigh.
“Why not?” He frowns.
“Because I have to stress over someone else’s love life for another damn year.” You shrug your shoulders as you explain. “I already have other things to stress out over.”
“You’re always granted a year per love assignment. A year is enough to make someone fall in love, right?”
You laugh. “A year per love assignment? I wish a year was enough. A year goes by with a blink of an eye. Before you know it, it’s Valentine’s Day again.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself. Why don’t you just skip out on the matchmaking just for this year?” He suggests and you shake your head.
“I can’t.” You purse your lips into a tight line. 
He lets out a snort. “I’m sure it’s possible—”
“It’s impossible.”
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There are many great things about being a Cupid; you help people fall in love with each other and the outcome is always beautiful. But there are also many downfalls about being a Cupid, one of them being cursed to never fall in love. You’ve always craved the feeling of being loved by someone. As much as you hate to admit it, you’re needy for love. But the closest you’ll ever feel to being in love is witnessing the love being shared by two people, specifically between your love assignment and their soulmate.
You wonder how it feels to have someone care for you. You wonder how it feels to be sought after. You wonder how it feels to hug someone and hold their hand. But you guess you’ll never know because you’ll never experience it.
“God, I want to throw up.”
Johnny lets out a snort as the both of you pass by the seasonal section of the department store. There’s a plethora of Valentine’s Day chocolates on the shelves, along with teddy bears and heart plushies. Seeing the bright, flashing red on the days leading up to Valentine’s Day is surely a sore to the eye. 
“I know, it makes me want to poke my eyes out.” Johnny sighs.
“And what are we here for again?” You ask Johnny as you follow him to the baked goods section of the department store. Your question seems to be answered when you find yourselves standing in front of a shelf filled with ready-made birthday cakes. You quirk an eyebrow. “Who’s birthday is it? It’s definitely not Mark’s birthday, don’t even try to trick me.”
“It’s Jaehyun’s birthday tomorrow, I figured it would be sweet of me to get him a birthday cake.” He shrugs his shoulders as he points between two cakes on the shelves. “This one or this one?”
You point at the plain birthday cake on the left. “This one. You know what would be really funny? If you printed his face on the cake.”
Johnny looks at you and squints his eyes. “You're a genius.”
You have no idea who Jaehyun is. You don’t even know what he looks like. You’ve only heard of him through Johnny. The both of them host the university’s famous evening radio show, Night Night with JohnJae. You’re a listener of their show, mainly because you are supportive of your best friend Johnny. You’re sure Jaehyun is a great guy, especially since Johnny and Jaehyun share good chemistry with each other. You’ll probably get along with him well if you met him. But that encounter has yet to happen. 
As Johnny hands the cake over to the bakery chef to print Jaehyun’s face on it, he turns towards you. “And now we wait.”
“What time do you have to be at the studio?” You question.
He looks down at his watch. “I’ll make it on time. By the way, Mark has been making great song requests by this SoundCloud artist. From what he tells me, the artist is a student from our university.”
You quirk an eyebrow, gulping nervously. “Who’s this SoundCloud artist?”
“Planet Girl.” Johnny pulls out his phone and opens up the music app before handing it over for you to see. You stare at the artist’s profile. “Do you know her?”
You shake your head in reply. “Unfortunately, I don’t.”
“Damn,” Johnny lets out a sigh. “I was hoping you did. Jaehyun and I want her to be a guest on the show, it could probably help her get more attention in the industry.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” you purse your lips into a tight line. “I only know so many people in my program. I have a very small, closely knitted group of friends. They are the only people I’ve known since I stepped on campus in freshman year.”
“I was hoping you’ve heard of her, at least.” He chuckles. “But damn, her music is so good. I can’t wait until her mixtape drops. I’m sure it’ll be such a banger.”
“I should probably check her out.” 
“You should!” Johnny exclaims. “I wonder who she is.”
You fiddle with your fingers. You stare at Johnny who’s scrolling through the SoundCloud artist’s profile, adding a couple of the artist’s songs to his playlists. You blink and with a slight tilt of your head, you clear your throat. “Yeah, me too—”
“I have an order for Johnny!”
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11:51 pm.
“Right before we sign off for the night, do you have anything to say to our listeners?”
Johnny has a shit-eating grin spread across his lips. He comes back into the studio with a birthday cake. It’s not just your typical birthday cake. It’s a birthday cake with Jaehyun’s face on it and it’s blown out in an odd proportion. The candles aren’t birthday candles either, in fact, they’re heart-shaped candles, perfect for Valentine’s Day. Jaehyun lets out a sigh. What is he going to do with Johnny?
“I just wanted to greet our handsome radio host slash Valentine boy, Jaehyun, a happy birthday! We have—” Johnny glances down at his wristwatch before continuing. “—nine more minutes before it’s officially Jaehyun’s birthday and Valentine’s Day. And what’s better than celebrating it with a birthday cake?”
“Is that my face?” 
“Who else would it be, doofus?” Johnny scoffs, pulling out a lighter to light the candles. Jaehyun lets out a snort as Johnny starts to sing him a happy birthday. After the happy birthday song, Johnny frowns and sends him a death glare. “Why aren’t you getting emotional? I did all of this to get that reaction?”
Jaehyun gives him a look. “And so as we sign off for the night, I just wanted to thank Johnny for his efforts in kicking off my birthday on a high note. I also want to greet everyone with a Happy Valentine’s Day. Whether you are happily dating someone or admiring someone from afar, just know that you are all in our hearts.”
“Stop being greasy.” Johnny winces. “Anyways, we’re going to sign off for the night with a song request from Mark Lee! Goodnight and see you tomorrow, here is Loose by Daniel Caesar.”
They turn their microphones off and Johnny pushes the birthday cake towards him. “Quick! Make a wish before the candles go out.”
Jaehyun clasps his hands together and makes a wish. With a satisfied grin, his eyes flutter open and he blows out the candles. Johnny’s taking a video of him blowing out the candles before dipping his finger into the icing. Jaehyun gives him a warning look but it’s too late because Johnny smears the icing on his cheek.
“You little shit—” 
“It’s midnight! Happy birthday, Jaehyun!”
12:01 am. 
It all happens quickly. Johnny’s dipping his fingers into the icing to smear more of it on Jaehyun’s cheeks. Jaehyun hears a slight ringing in his ears and his eyebrows knit together. Johnny doesn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable Jaehyun feels until he’s about to smear his cheeks with icing. 
“Jaehyun, are you alright?” Johnny asks him with a concerned look.
The ringing in his ears halts to a stop. He remembers this. He remembers his father telling him that he experienced a distinct ringing in his ears before he started to hear his mother’s voice humming in his head. Jaehyun blinks. The ringing in his ears causes him to see different specks of colours, red, blue, and even green. He feels like his head is spinning. He feels like he’s going to pass out. But it only happens for a brief moment.
Suddenly, he hears a soft voice humming a melody in his head. In an instant, the soft humming in his head stops him from seeing colours and he no longer feels faint. He’s too absorbed in his thoughts to snap back to reality. Johnny is waving his hand in his face to pull him out of his trance. Jaehyun sucks in a deep breath, almost like he’s gasping for air. The soft humming in his head slowly turns into a voice that’s singing an unfamiliar song. He’s never heard this song before.
Johnny sighs with relief when Jaehyun snaps out of his deep trance. Jaehyun looks at Johnny with slightly widened eyes. 
“Johnny, I think we have a problem.”
Johnny snorts. “What are you talking about? You’re probably just tired. We should head back to the dorms before you knock out cold in the studio again.”
Jaehyun runs his fingers through his hair. “R-Right. We should probably go.”
Johnny rests his hand on his shoulder. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s—everything’s alright.” Jaehyun stutters.
No, nothing’s alright. Nothing’s okay. 
His phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out to see a new text notification from his girlfriend. 
ara (12:03 am): happy birthday my love! and happy valentine’s day! i love you 3000.
Jaehyun just turned twenty-one. Not only that, but he just started to hear his soulmate’s voice in his head. He should be happy, right? Wrong. There are two things wrong with this:
He’s taken. He’s off the market. He’s in a 3-year relationship and,
The voice singing in his head is not his girlfriend’s voice.
Well, shit. Now what?
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It’s the day you dread with your entire existence; Valentine’s Day. The campus couples flock to the local cafes and parks, the dormitories and even the campus football field. It truly makes you want to throw up. If you could take a shot of vodka for every time you’ve witnessed a couple kissing or giving each other their Valentine’s Day chocolates, you’d be shitfaced drunk by now. 
The only person keeping you sane is Mark. But even with Mark’s presence, he’s too absorbed by the presence of his own girlfriend, Mina. You guess this will do. It’s not like you really have a choice.
Today, you’re going to get your new love assignment. You’re not sure who to expect. Every year, it’s become less surprising and more disappointing. You guess it has to do with your aching desire for love, but you’re not going to dive deep into that. 
You’ll know who your love assignment is when you meet their eyes. When you meet your love assignment’s eyes, you won’t see yourself reflected through their eyes, but their soulmate, their partner you’re supposed to link them to. The moment you witness it, your year to make them fall in love begins. 
Be careful though, time is ticking.
“Can you guys stop talking to each other in baby voices?” You snap at the couple sitting next to you on the picnic blanket. 
The couple had decided to bring you along on their picnic date, just because they figured that you needed to ‘spice’ your life up a bit. You feel like a huge burden to them because whenever you’re with them, all you do is complain about all the things they do as a couple. Could you really blame yourself at this point? 
“Y/N, if only you had a boyfriend, you would know how it feels.” Mina sticks her tongue out at you and you feel your eye twitch. 
Mark lets out a nervous laugh. “Y/N is an independent woman who doesn’t need a man—”
“Yeah, your boyfriend’s right.” You cut him off, looking at Mina dead straight in the eyes. “Got a problem with that?”
“Stop giving me attitude—”
“And stop acting like I didn’t help you and Mark get together.” You snap.
She smiles and laughs sheepishly. As she gets up onto her two feet, she dusts off her straight-cut jeans before pointing towards the local cafe. “Do you guys want anything? My treat.”
“I’ll have the usual,” Mark replies. “Take my card—”
“Babe, no—”
“I’m not letting you pay for our drinks again—”
You let out a scowl, placing some cash into Mina’s hand. “Here. I’ll pay. I’m this close to ripping my hair off my scalp and it’s because of you two.”
“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?” Mina frowns. “You’ve been petty all day.”
“Get me a double shot on ice,” you mutter. “No sugar or cream. Got it?”
“You’re just like how you like your coffee,” Mina folds her arms. “Bitter.”
As Mina is walking away from you and Mark, you fall back against the picnic blanket. The clouds come by in funny shapes today. You spot a tiny, heart-shaped cloud floating past in the blue skies. You snort, love seems to be everywhere today, even in the skies. Your eyes flutter shut. You’re so close to dozing off into a quick nap until you hear a loud yell from a couple of metres away. It’s too late for you to open your eyes and see who’s yelling because the moment you do, there’s a soccer ball flying in the air. The size of the soccer ball grows when you start to realize that it’s literally going to land right on your face—
“Nice save, dude.” Mark says as he looks at you with amusement. Just in time and with your fast instincts, you managed to cover your face with the palms of your hands to catch the ball. 
Mark’s pulling you up into a seated position. As you sit up, you see someone approaching you from the corner of your eye. 
“I’m so sorry about that!” A soft voice exclaims and you turn to your right. You look up at a woman around your age. She has long black hair and a soft face. She looks warmhearted. Her vibe radiates happiness and happy-go-lucky, welcoming and sociable. Everything you’re not. She’s sporting a soccer jersey and a pair of athletic joggers. “Are you alright? I hope you didn’t get hurt or anything.”
You wave it off. “I’m A-okay. There’s nothing to worry about. Here’s your soccer ball.”
She slightly bends down to retrieve her ball. Her long black hair blocks your eyesight for a brief moment until the wind blows it away. Your eyes meet hers and a soft gasp threatens to escape your lips. 
You’ll know who your love assignment is when you meet their eyes. Her eyes are a nice warm brown, shining underneath the sunlight. You swear you could see stars in her eyes. No, scratch that, you can see galaxies and stars in her eyes.
When you meet your love assignment’s eyes, you won’t see yourself reflected through their eyes, but their soulmate. And indeed, you look at her with slight surprise and shock when you don’t see your own reflection through her eyes. Instead, you see what seems to be a soccer player. The more you look into her eyes, the more information you obtain about her soulmate. He slowly turns around and it reveals his name on the back of his soccer jersey—
“Yuta?” You whisper.
The woman’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. She takes her ball and straightens up her posture. “Thanks again. What’s your name? I feel like I’ve seen you before.”
You snap out of it. “Y/N! My name’s Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
She smiles and her eyes form into beautiful crescents. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Ara. I should probably get going before I run late for lecture. See you around?”
You nod your head vigorously. “Yeah, I’ll see you around. Nice to meet you too, take care.”
You find yourself staring at her as she walks away. Mark looks at you as you seem to fall into a deep trance. He follows your gaze that falls on Ara. “Hey, is everything alright?”
You tear your gaze away from her to look at Mark. “What’s her name again?”
Mark looks at you with a funny smile. “You forgot her name already? Her name’s Ara.”
“Mark,” you gulp nervously. “She’s my love assignment for this year.”
Mark’s face pales. His funny smile vanishes from his face. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. You can’t seem to comprehend the expression on his face but you know that something’s not good. There’s an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach as Mark’s mouth hangs open.
“You’re joking, right?” Mark frowns. “How could Ara be your love assignment? That’s—That’s impossible, I—”
You shake your head. “I’m not joking. I didn’t see myself reflected through her eyes, I saw Yuta—”
“You saw Jaehyun.” Mark cuts you off. “Right? Jaehyun. You saw Jaehyun, right?”
You let out a nervous laugh. “Why would I see Jaehyun? I didn’t see Jaehyun. I saw Yuta, the university’s soccer team player. He was wearing a jersey and he turned around. I saw his name printed on his jersey. Nakamoto Yuta—”
“Please tell me you’re kidding.” Mark winces.
“I’m not kidding!” You exclaim in a panicked voice. “Why would I be kidding?”
Mark palms his forehead and lets out a laugh of disbelief. He shakes his head. You stare at him questioningly. What’s happening? What’s going on? 
“Mark, you’re confusing me.” You say with worry etched on your face. “I am telling you the truth. I saw Nakamoto Yuta reflected in her eyes—”
“Ara is Jaehyun’s girlfriend. They’ve been dating for three years. Now you’re telling me that Ara’s your love assignment and you don’t see Jaehyun reflected in her eyes… but Yuta?”
“Holy shit.”
“I’m back with our drinks! Wait, what’s wrong? Why are you guys looking at each other like that?”
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The image of Yuta’s reflection in Ara’s eyes never seems to leave your mind. In fact, it has been the only thing haunting you ever since. The revelation leaves you in nothing but a spiralling mess. You are required to make Ara fall in love with her soulmate, who so happens to be Yuta. But at the same exact time, to complete your mission, you must do something to end Ara’s relationship with Jaehyun.
You wish it was a joke.
It all comes down to whether you have the heart to lead Ara to her destined soulmate and end her relationship with Jaehyun or leave things for her to figure out but lose your matchmaking abilities as a Cupid.
The sticky situation makes you want to pull your hair off your scalp. It makes you want to look up to the heavens and yell at your ancestors for being Cupids, for passing down their matchmaking abilities to every generation after them, and for passing down the curse of never falling in love. 
“Stop thinking about it too much, it’s making you age faster.” 
You glare at Mark. “I don’t even know Jaehyun personally but I’m sure he’s a great guy who deserves everything in the entire universe, not some soccer player and a so-called Cupid to ruin his three-year relationship with Ara.”
“What happens if you don’t make Ara fall in love with her soulmate within a year—oh, Johnny, hey!”
Your mouth clamps shut and your head whips around. Johnny occupies the empty seat next to you and greets you with a light nudge. He nods his head at Mark. “What happens if what?”
Mark gulps nervously. He lets out a squeak. “Nothing!”
Mark makes eye contact with you and you give him a warning gaze. Johnny shrugs his shoulders and brushes off the conversation by starting a new one. “Tonight at six. Jaehyun’s apartment. We’re going to have a chicken and beer night.”
“This is exactly what I needed—” Mark points at him.
“I think I’ll have to pass on that one. I have a—” 
“Uh, no you’re not.” Johnny shakes his head. “What excuse are you going to tell me this time? Your excuses are getting lamer every time. It’s quite obvious.”
You sigh. “I’d rather study. Besides, I have a midterm coming up and the last thing I want is to tank it.”
“It’s just one night. Chicken and beer. Who turns down chicken and beer? With friends, too?” Mark tries to convince you but you’re using your eyes to communicate the idea that this will not turn out well.
“Who’s coming?” You tear your gaze away from Mark when he doesn’t seem to take a hint. You’re reaching for your water bottle to take a quick sip of water.
“It’ll be me, Mark, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Ara,” Johnny recalls the guests from the top of his head. “Oh! Yuta is coming too—”
You choke on your water. As you’re going through a coughing fit, Mark grabs your water bottle to prevent any more water from spilling onto the table. Johnny pats your back. “Y-Yuta? As in, Nakamoto Yuta?”
Johnny smiles. “Indeed. Why? Do you have a crush on him or something—”
“No!” You and Mark blurt out in unison.
Johnny gives you both a funny look. “Okay, geez, I was just joking around. Unless, you do, have a crush on Yuta, Y/N—”
“Look who we have here.” 
It’s a foreign yet familiar voice. You’ve heard that voice somewhere. You sneak a quick glance at Mark, whose eyes are wide like saucers. You could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he gulps nervously. Mark’s eyes trail down to meet yours. 
“Jaehyun! Ara! Perfect timing!”
Definitely not perfect timing. You mirror Mark with the same wide eyes. It’s almost as if you’ve shrivelled up or froze up into an ice statue. Johnny doesn’t seem to notice you shoving your things into your tote bag out of sheer panic. Mark’s eyes dart between you and the newly-arrived couple. 
“Hey, sorry, I completely forgot that I have a meeting with my group for our project.” It comes out as a squeak. Everyone’s looking at you and you can’t find the strength to look at any of them in the eye. But you can surely feel the attention that’s been shifted towards you. 
“Leaving already?” Johnny pouts. “I just got here—”
“Sorry!” You exclaim, standing up from your seat and making a beeline for the exit doors of the study room. You look over your shoulder. Johnny has a cute pout on his lips as he watches you scurry away from them. “I’ll make it up to you!”
“You’ll make it up to me by joining us tonight for chicken and beer!”
When Jaehyun and Ara take up the spot you used to sit at, Mark can’t help but look at Ara with round eyes. He just can’t seem to look at Ara the same way anymore, especially when she’s with Jaehyun. Mark decides to settle his gaze on Jaehyun instead, but he still feels the same. He can’t look at Jaehyun the same way either. The first person that comes to mind when he looks at the couple sitting across from him is Nakamoto Yuta. The second and last person that comes to mind is you.
There are two innocent people being brought into this mess. It’s you and Yuta.
And what’s worse is that Jaehyun and Ara are just as innocent.
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You and Mark find yourselves standing in front of Jaehyun’s door. Surprisingly, it’s quiet. You don’t hear Johnny’s loud voice through the thin door. Instead, right when Mark knocks on the door, you hear someone’s faint shuffling that gets louder and louder as they get close to the door. The door swings open and your mouth slightly parts open. This is—?
“Jaehyun!” Mark exclaims, crashing into Jaehyun’s arms. 
You stand there awkwardly as you watch them embrace. Jaehyun pats Mark’s back until his eyes meet yours. Jaehyun. You’ve known of him. But now that you can put a face to his name, you’re immediately brought back to your freshman year, specifically your freshman orientation week. You’ve seen his face before. Jaehyun was amongst the popular freshmen in your year mainly due to his charisma and charm. By the end of freshman orientation week, he had become a magnet that attracted everyone to him. But not only did you remember him from orientation week, but you remember being one of the many people who were attracted to him. He had become your first university crush, but ever since orientation week, you never saw him again.
Until now.
“I’m guessing you’re Y/N?” Jaehyun asks and you find yourself snapping out of your trance. “I’d be surprised if you weren’t.”
You slowly nod your head. “Yes, that’s me.”
“The one that was scurrying away earlier?” He chuckles.
You roll your eyes. “God, please don’t remind me. That was embarrassing.”
“Nice to meet you,” he smiles and oh boy, are those dimples? 
You swoon. Too bad Jaehyun’s off the market. But at the same time, it’s a shame that you’re going to be the one to ruin his relationship and put him back on the market. You muster up a smile. “Nice to meet you too, Jaehyun.”
You and Mark make yourselves comfortable in Jaehyun’s apartment. Your eyes scan the place and just by the small touches to his apartment, you can pick up what kind of person Jaehyun is. From the LP turntable sitting in one corner of the room accompanied by a great stack of records—he has some exquisite taste in music—to the mini fridge filled with bottles of wine, you can tell that he’s a young man with an old soul. You turn to your right when you spot a piano and a microphone stand. It’s a makeshift studio in the opposite corner of his living room. He sings?
“I’ve heard many things about you from Johnny,” Jaehyun starts a conversation as he hands you a can of beer. “And Mark, of course.”
You open the can of beer to take your first sip, making sure to squint your eyes at Mark. “I hope they’re good things.”
He smiles. “There’s nothing to worry about. They put you up to the highest standard.”
You cough. “As they should.”
Mark scoffs. “You’re being too obnoxious right now.”
“Shut up,” you mutter, taking another sip of your beer. “What’s taking Johnny so long to get here? After scolding me for bailing out on every single function, here he is, pulling up later than promised.”
“Speaking of,” Jaehyun says as he stares at his phone. “His uber just pulled up. I’ll meet up with him downstairs. While I go fetch him, make yourselves comfortable.”
Jaehyun leaves you alone in silence. The moment Jaehyun shuts the door, Mark shoots you a cheeky grin. He’s wiggling his eyebrows at you and you can’t help but squint your eyes at him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that—”
“You like him, don’t you?”
You scoff in disbelief. “I do not like him like that—”
“You do.” Mark cuts you off. “I’m getting that type of energy from you—”
“Well, sorry to disappoint, I don’t like him like that. Besides, he’s in a relationship with Ara—”
“He’s in a relationship that you’re destined to end.” Mark reminds you and you frown. “What? It’s true!”
You shake your head and with a stern voice, you say, “I don’t like Jaehyun. I just find him... charming.”
“That’s all—”
“And handsome—”
“And sweet.” You add. “But other than that, I don’t like him. I’m Cupid, remember? I’m cursed to never fall in love and so the chances of me liking Jaehyun? Very slim.”
Mark smirks. “But you find him charming, handsome, and sweet. Isn’t that more than enough to like someone?”
“There’s a very distinct line drawn between infatuation and love, Mark.” You state with a matter of fact. 
“So, you’re infatuated with Jaehyun—”
“What’s up party people, put your hands up!”
Both of your mouths clamp shut at Johnny’s freakishly loud voice echoing the apartment the moment he walks in. You dumbly put your hands up and Mark lets out a loud cackle. Entering right after him are Ara and—
“Yuta, my right hand and my go-to!” Mark exclaims.
You wish you were invisible, especially when Ara spots you on the couch and sends you a wave. You’re mustering up a very tight-lipped smile as you wave back at her. Great, this is going to be a long night. Jaehyun follows suit, throwing his arm over Ara’s shoulder and pecking her cheek. Mark sneaks a glance at you as you’re tearing your gaze away from the couple to take another sip of beer.
“Y/N actually came for once,” Johnny teases you. 
Everyone gathers around the small coffee-table. Scattered on the small table are three boxes of chicken along with a can of beer for everyone. You’re sitting right across from Yuta, who hasn’t uttered a single word since he got here. But surprisingly enough, his eyes meet yours and you quickly look away. Your heart begins to race. 
And your heart starts to beat much faster when Yuta never seems to break his stare at you for the rest of the night.
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Yuta has definitely seen you before but he can’t seem to pinpoint exactly where he’s seen you. It must have been a fleeting moment, where the both of you passed by each other unknowingly. But after looking into your wandering eyes, after watching you chug a can of beer right across from him, he has found his answer.
Valentine’s Day.
He was biking on his way home after a three-hour lecture. Too many couples. He remembers the excessive amount of couples strolling down the busy streets. He remembers having the urge to rip his eyes out whenever he came to a stoplight and spotted a couple sharing a passionate (way too passionate) kiss. But he also remembers the sudden loneliness he felt.
Ara. He’s always found her pretty in her own special way. His first encounter with Ara was when she auditioned for the co-ed soccer team. He was seated at the bleachers as one of the head coaches who chose the new team members. She was everything he adored in someone. It was like she had her own glow whenever she ran down the field, with her hair bouncing as she ran. 
But too bad because she’s—
Jaehyun let out a sigh on the other phone line. Yuta pursed his lips into a tight line. “Listen, I tried to get those concert tickets for you tonight through my connections. But all of the available seats are taken. Well, there are still some seats but the seats you wanted are gone.”
“Do you have tickets for other seats?” Jaehyun questioned.
“Yeah, but the seats are pretty far from the stage. Are you alright with that?”
He heard distinct chatter on the other phone line. He heard Ara’s soft voice and a smile threatened to escape his lips. Right… she’s taken by Jaehyun. “We’ll take them!”
“Perfect.” Yuta chuckled. “I’m on my way to your apartment, actually. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes to give you the tickets.”
Yuta turned to his right and into a familiar neighbourhood. He slowed down his bike when he reached Jaehyun’s apartment building. As he headed up a couple flights of stairs, he reached Jaehyun’s apartment completely out of breath. The door opened and he saw—
“Oh, hey, Ara.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Is Jaehyun here?”
Ara beamed up at him and nodded her head. “Come in. You look like you’re out of breath. Do you want a glass of water, or something?”
“I’m good. Thanks.” He mumbled, too shy and nervous to utter anything other than those three words. Ara bit her lip to stop herself from smiling. God, why is he so nervous around her?
“Yuta!” Jaehyun said in a sing-song voice, greeting him with a fist-bump.
Yuta clamped his mouth shut when he looked into Jaehyun’s eyes. Jaehyun’s eyes sure do look pretty, he could see stars shining back at him. But that’s not what he saw.
He saw an unfamiliar woman. He’s never seen her before.
In Jaehyun’s eyes, he saw a woman holding what seemed like a microphone. She had headphones on and her face was illuminated by what he assumed was a laptop screen. She was singing a song he couldn’t hear. Yuta blinked, soaking in every little detail about the woman he saw in Jaehyun’s eyes. But it was not long until his face paled when he realized something terrible.
The woman he saw in Jaehyun’s eyes was not Ara.
Valentine’s Day. It’s the day he dreads the most out of the entire year. It’s the day where he receives his love assignment for the year. He has one year to make his assignment fall in love with their soulmate. But how is he going to do that when his love assignment is Jaehyun? 
Cupids are cursed to never fall in love. Although, Yuta does have sheer hope that he could definitely find love. How could he not, when he’s a hopeless fool in front of Ara? It’s this specific Valentine’s Day that he dreads the most out of all the Valentine’s Days he’s spent. Why? Because while he found out that Jaehyun’s soulmate isn’t Ara, that surely doesn’t mean that he has a chance with Ara. In fact, he’ll never have a chance with Ara. He could potentially be the man Ara will hate the most.
Because one way or another, he must tear Ara and Jaehyun apart.
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author’s note. welp, i hope you enjoyed the first part! i should be able to post the second part after all of my midterms. look out for it! thank you for reading!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: nothing but floofy-floof
Warnings: none
Requested: nope
Summary: in which you can hear the voice of your soulmate in your head and Y/N's soulmate is someone really special— her celebrity crush.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! do y'all know how long ago I wrote this fic, like— at least 2 years ago. damn. so in advance, im sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes or bad punctuation in the fic that I forgot to correct (apology for bad english 😌)
oh and
bold/italics - chris
only italics - y/n
Hey, you still there?
Y/N snapped out of a trance and focused on the voice. Yeah, yeah I'm still there, she thought to herself. She was hearing the voice of her soulmate, or rather, was speaking to him, telepathically. The thing is, you could hear the voice of your soulmate in your head. You could talk, hold conversations, but the only thing was that you couldn't ask for their name.
You had to guess. Most of the people made plans, like let's meet here or there and concentrate hard enough, I'll see your name written on a paper. It was a thing, I mean, if you concentrated hard enough, you could see what your soulmate was doing. It was like a cheat code of sorts. Most of them found their soulmate in that way.
You see, Y/N loved surprises, so she wasn't going to find her soulmate just yet. Y/N wanted to figure it out for herself. Your soulmate couldn't hear every single one of your thoughts, though (which was how she had zoned out mid-conversation). Listen, we should meet up sometime.
Aw, already? she thought with a pout on her lips. Yes, I'm very excited to meet you, I've been waiting for too long, the voice replied, chuckling. It was a manly voice, really deep and raspy. She loved it. When Y/N was small, about 4-5 years old, all she could hear were swear words and dirty thoughts; characteristics of a teenage boy.
From that, she inferred, that soulmate was much older than her, about 8-9 years older than her. She didn't mind, She was kind of into older guys anyway… But I like this game we have! Why do you want to ruin it? she asked, shaking her head. Alright, sweetheart, just for you, I'm holding back. But I don't have much patience, the voice laughed. Y/N smiled.
Without even meeting her, Chris loved the voice in his head. She sounded so sweet and welcoming, maybe she was younger than him. He couldn't wait to meet her. Chris had tried to plan their meeting for so long now, but she just wouldn't give in. She was also a feisty one. He smiled to himself as he walked down the street, engaged in thoughts about his soulmate.
In his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" he blurted out, instead hearing a soft ouch, shit in his head. His brows furrowed. The lady he had bumped into just kept on walking. Are you alright? he asked his soulmate in his mind. Yeah, just bumped into someone while walking.
I bumped into someone just now too! he told her excitedly, still staring at the lady who had now stopped in her tracks. She turned around, scanning the crowd. Then she looked at him, but maybe she didn't realize that she had bumped into him. Holy shit, I see— Then it all went blank. See what? Chris questioned desperately.
He still wasn't sure whether the woman he had just bumped into was his soulmate or not.
Why can't I say the name of the guy who played the role of Captain America?
Chris froze and stared at the lady, jaw dropped. She was lost in her thoughts, confused. He slowly walked to her and stood in front of her; she stared back at him, her heart racing. This was her celebrity crush, who was currently looking at her as if she hung the moon. But why? Why was he looking at her like that?
"You can't say his name because that's me, you technically can't say his name because you aren't allowed to," Chris whispered to her, smiling softly. Her eyes widened.
"You! You're the voice I hear in my mind! Chris freaking Evans is my soulmate?! How did I not realize?!" The woman exclaimed, shocked. Soon though, she got a wide smile on her face. His eyes widened too, hers was the voice he heard as well! "What's your name?" he asked her as they hugged. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she replied, smiling.
"Wanna join me for a coffee?" he offered, holding his hand out. She put her palm on top of his and nodded. Both of them entered a nearby coffee shop. "So, what do you do?" he asked her after ordering two coffees. "Nothing. I'm unemployed right now, just got out of my last job. I gave an interview yesterday at Ralph Lauren, just waiting for a call back," she shrugged.
"Oh, into fashion?" he asked her, smiling. "Yeah, got my degree and all. Just needed a job, Ralph Lauren offers a good amount of money," she chuckled. Chris smiled again. "Reminds me of Rachel Green." She laughed more, which warmed his heart. Her laugh was adorable. Suddenly, her phone rang and she looked at him, wide-eyed.
He nodded dismissively and she picked up the call. She spoke for a while and when she ended the call, she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I got the job at Ralph Lauren, I'm starting tomorrow!" Y/N squealed. They couldn't have picked a better timing. "Congratulations, Y/N!" he told her, grinning. After spending some more time at the cafe, they parted ways. She went home while he went back to the sets where they were filming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
"Hi Chris, you were out for a long time, what's up?" Chris Hemsworth asked, smiling at Chris Evans as they stumbled upon each other. "Nothing, just met my soulmate, had a cup of coffee with her." The older Chris feigned nonchalance. "You what?! That's awesome, man! So, how is she, what does she do?" Hemsworth asked him excitedly as both of them walked inside.
Robert and Scarlett were there, talking. "She's so beautiful, I stopped functioning when I saw her. She works at Ralph Lauren, she's a fashion designer," Chris told him with a smile. Robert and Scarlett looked up. "Who?" Scarlett questioned. "Y/N," he said simply, sitting beside Robert. "Who's that?" Robert inquired. "My soulmate." Chris smiled, as if in a trance.
"Boy, you look like you're in love," Scarlett laughed. "Because I am, she's that beautiful," he told her adamantly. "Whoa, did you ask her out?" Robert snorted. "I'm back from our first date." We had our first date right now, didn't we? he asked her in his mind.
Of course we did, I loved it. Hope to meet you again soon, her voice replied and he could practically feel her smile.
Sure, I'm in town for a few more months, I'll mind-text you as to when I'm free, he told her, sporting a smile on his face. She outright laughed in the comfort of her own home. Mind-text? Sounds fun, she agreed and focused on the Netflix series she was watching, turning off the "magical telepathic link" between them.
Chris, too, focused on the others only to see them smiling at him. "Talking to her?" He nodded at Scarlett. A few minutes later, all of them went to another room to begin with the shooting of a new scene.
Y/N danced as she prepared dinner, singing along to You Don't Know Me by Jax Jones. It had been a month since she last saw Chris. He had promised her a date, but he didn't get time. She couldn't blame him, he was a busy man. Y/N was shouting the lyrics of the song in her head, unaware of the fact that Chris was snooping in on her mind.
Hey, calm down, she heard Chris chuckling in her mind and shrieked in real life. What are you— are you snooping on my mind? Chris! she thought, scandalized. He laughed more. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you out. Are you free right now? We could meet in the same coffee shop, he asked. She grinned and nodded to herself. Of course, I'll be there in 15.
She quickly got dressed, wearing a pair of track pants and a t-shirt (like she was wearing on their first date). She didn't bother with her hair or makeup, it looked good anyway, she just bolted out of the house. Y/N entered the coffee shop to see Chris already sitting there, wearing a suit. She cursed herself mentally, making Chris look up.
He stifled a laugh. She went and sat in front of him.
"I'm so sorry I look like a single mother of two kids who hasn't slept in a year," she moaned, "I didn't know you were gonna show up in a suit." She facepalmed for good measure. "It's quite alright, you look beautiful. I wouldn't have you any other way, I should say. I'm coming back from a party right now, therefore the suit."
She blushed softly at his compliment. He ordered two coffees for them and they started talking. "So, how's your job at Ralph Lauren?" Chris asked, smiling at her. "It's amazing, I got promoted. Now I'm the head of the department, with my own office and all," she told him, smiling back. "That's great! Oh, congratulations, honey," he grinned.
"Thanks," she muttered, blushing slightly when he called her a nickname. "You look cute while blushing, has anyone ever told you that?" Chris winked as their coffees arrived. "No one, ever. I don't interact with people much, it's a tedious job," she half-joked, smiling.
"Really! So who are the people you talk to?" he joined in. "Well, there's my assistant, my mother, my bro and you. That's all. I've got some friends, but I rarely talk to them, only on the phone while texting, that is," she shrugged. "Nice, nice," he nodded as they finished their coffees. "Allow me to drop you home," Chris offered, taking out a key which she found out was for his bike as they left the café.
"No it's alright, I'll go," she refused immediately. "Nonsense, you're practically my girlfriend! I'm going with ya," he shook his head. They looked like an odd couple; one wearing a suit while the other looked like she had just woken up. Surprisingly enough, the one who looked like she just woken up had the best fashion sense among them. "Hop on," Chris grinned.
She sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Both of them chatted for the 2 minutes that took them to get to Y/N's home. Once they reached her building, she got down from Chris's bike and turned to him.
"Thanks, Chris, this has been an amazing second date. Can't wait for the third," she told him with a smile. "Me too," he smiled back. A few seconds later, she turned to leave but Chris suddenly grabbed her hand, turning her around. "Wha—" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Chris pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I just had to, sweetheart," he panted as they pulled away from each other, breathless. "Wow," she breathed out as Chris rested his forehead against hers. "So, um, see you on the third date, yeah?" Y/N giggled as they stepped away from one another, smiling. "I'll make it as quick as possible. Can't stay away from you, darling," he winked.
"How flattering," she winked back and turned to leave, purposely adding a sway to her hips knowing that he was watching. And fuck, was he watching. "Oh, the things you do to me, my dear Y/N."
"I heard that!"
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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writers-block246 · 4 years
Can you write a Kyoya ootori x fem! Reader smut where Kyoya has a knife kink ? Thanks!
Authors Note: Omg I am so sorry I haven’t uploaded in a hot second. Senioritis has been kicking in lately lol. But yes I can write this, (especially with how hot that is omlll 😳) but yeah anyway, TW: knife kink, degrading
You woke up to the slam of your front door, causing your body to jolt upright. Looking around the room, you see the silhouette of your boyfriend. You shuffle with the blanket in your lap as you yawn.
“Hey, baby,” your voice still scratchy from your prolonged nap, “how was school today?”
You can feel the anger radiate off of him as he grumbled to himself, trying to loosen his tie. It has been a rough week for Kyoya. Though, you didn’t know what was going on, you had a feeling it wasn’t anything he normally handles at school. He didn’t answer, so you didn’t push the issue. When he finally got his tie undone, he glanced at you before heading towards the stairs.
“Upstairs. Now. I don’t wait.”
And with that, his footsteps echoed upstairs and you hear the door shut. You knew exactly what that meant: he was going to have his way with you tonight, whether you liked it or not. And you were gonna like it.
You made your way upstairs as you prepared yourself for what Kyoya was going to do to you. He had always been stern, but secretly soft. But there were some times where you didn’t know if you could even stand up, let alone walk. You had a feeling it was going to be one of these nights.
Normally for a night like this, you would make sure that you have on something strappy, black, and little. However, after a long day at home, you feel the need to at least change into a matching set. Kyoya has made it clear there’s not even time for that though so you stick with your floral Victoria Secret thong and no bra.
The door creaks open as your right foot peaks in, your whole body enters the door.
You suddenly felt yourself push against the door, closing it. As your head tilts up, your eyes come into contact with Kyoya, his left arm was leaning against the door. Your faces just inches apart. Your breathing hitched as your eyes darted to the sharp knife in his hand. The sleek black design along the ridges on the blade caught your attention first. It was easily meant for tearing the flesh.
He gave you a smile before slowly putting the blade against your throat.
“You see, there’s been some rumors flying around that we have a little thing, and the club is not happy with me,” he pauses before moving the tip of the knife to your chin, tilting your head up slowly.
He smirked.
“We can’t have that, can we?”
You subtly shake your head, careful to not slit any skin.
“That’s what I thought,” the blade moves back to your throat, “so tonight, you’re gonna be a good girl for me or this knife is going to slit across your throat. Do I make myself clear?”
His breath was hot against your skin. A blush  rises on your cheeks and you swear you feel the hot flashes all over again. Who knew he could be this... demanding yet so hot?
You barely managed to let out a “Yes, sir,” before he pounced on you. His lips meet yours in a passionate kiss, his hand firmly gripped on the knife against your throat. His other hand playing with the waistband of your pants. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip in hopes to gain entrance, which you gave him. Your hands made their way under his pants, and grabbed his cock, hardening at your touch. He roughly pulled away from the kiss before he started on your neck, giving you a chance to prep. You spit into your hand and work your magic. His grunts of pleasure only motivated you to double your efforts. You gasped as you felt a nip at your neck before Kyoya’s saliva quickly soothed the pain. He repeated the motion a couple of times before he suddenly pulled away.
You felt the blade push slightly against your throat.
“Now, get on your knees like the good little slut you are.”
You did as he said and started to pull his dress pants and boxers down, his fully-hard cock sprung free. You blushed slightly. You never got used to the fact he was so big. With that, you look into his eyes as you began placing kittenish licks up his shaft. His breathing halted and his left hand made its way into your hair, gripping softly. The knife resting at his side, as your tongue swirled around the tip, pretty little moans and grunts coming from his lips. It only encouraged you to break into a sweat, taking him into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down slowly. Your eyes meet with his lustful face. His head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth slightly open.  Deciding to use this moment to your advantage, you slowly stand up. Your hand carelessly, yet so gently pushes Kyoya against the bed, as you now straddle him. You lean to kiss him, not noticing the smirk that rested on his face. Suddenly, you felt yourself being flipped onto your back, and the knife clear in your view.
“Not so fast, pretty girl,” he chimed. “You know what happens when you don’t behave.”
At which point, you felt the blade push deeper into your throat, a quiet and breathy moan broke loose from your lips. His low chuckle was like music to your ears, your panties already soaked at the thought of what he was going to do to you. He seemed to pick up on this as he reached under the bed, pulling out a set of ropes. The mischievous look was etched on his face as he bounded your wrists against the bedpost. The anticipation was killing you. You wiggled your needy clit against your thighs, desperate for some and any kind of friction. The whimper that escaped your lips was suddenly cut off by a burning sensation lingering on your wrists.
“Too tight,” you muttered softly, looking up to the grin smeared across his face. His hands made their way to part your legs slightly, and his thumb nearing your inner thigh.
“I know,” his thumb slipped under your panties, landing on your clit as he began to run slow circles against it. His touch alone already made your stomach build up those familiar knots you have felt many times before. His quickened his movements, earning him a low moan. Your toes started to curl before the sudden loss of pleasure overtook you as Kyoya pulled his hand away.
He looked at his finger, visibly covered in your liquid.
“So wet for me already, aren’t you, love?”
You nodded quickly, anxiously waiting for him to continue. He smiled before bending down so his face lined up with your pussy.
“You want me to help you? Even after all this trouble you caused me today? Do you even think a bratty little bitch like you deserves it?”
His tongue licked a stripe up your pussy slowly, sending a shiver down your spine. The words “No, sir,” barely uttered out of your mouth before he repeated the action.
“That’s right. Now you’re going to be a good girl and keep quiet, understand?”
You hummed in response before his finger ran along your slit, and pushed inside of you, pumping in and out. His mouth and tongue quickly worked on your clit, swirling and sucking on the bud with such intensity, you don’t know if you could hold it in. Juices threatening to spill at any second, his other hand kept him steady on your thigh. Your whimpers and moans grew slightly louder before he was now hovering above you.
“I said keep quiet.”
You swear you almost saw the gleam in his eye before you whispered: “Make me.”
He did, in fact, as his left hand was now wrapped around your throat, and gave it a light squeeze. The newfound pressure forcing you to arch your back, making his erect cock graze against your core, almost as though he were teasing you. At this point, your patience was wearing thin, and he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“You like that, you needy whore? You want my cock inside you? Tell me.”
You struggled to get your words out as the tip of his cock pressed against you, as he moved slightly up against your clit. You whimpered against his touch.
“Please what, babygirl? Use your words.”
His cock now lined up to your entrance as he lightly squeezed your throat again, his other hand reaching for the blade inches away from you.
“F-Fuck me so hard I c-can’t walk, sir! P-Please!” You begged him, instantly fueling the fire inside of him. With that, his cock that was previously teasing your entrance a few moments ago plunged into you.
The breath was pushed out of your lungs from the force of his thrust. You couldn’t help but moan.
“Now, now, darling. I need you to be quiet for me. Can you do that?”
You nodded shakily.
A rough thrust that hit your g-spot broke that promise. A loud shrill escaped your lips.
You didn’t even register him moving, as you were caught up in your pleasure, so when the knife was pressed to your throat you gave a sudden jolt.
“What did I say?” He questioned with a teasing  lilt to his voice. You could feel his cock twitching inside you as he quickened the pace. He was close and you knew it. Deciding to use that to your advantage, your eyes rolled back into your head as another thrust to your g-spot caused you to let out a loud moan.
“I.. just can’t.. be quiet when you make me feel this good, daddy.”
His thrusts suddenly became faster, grunts and groans flying out of his mouth as each thrust hit your core. His grip tightened around the blade and pressed against your throat to suppress your moan.
“I-I’m close, Kyoya,” you panted.
“That’s what I was intending, babygirl,” he joked as you felt his cock twitch inside of you again.
As you both were near your orgasms, you sped up your motions, your moans escaping your lips was easy encouragement for Kyoya. He let out a low groan as you felt the hot rush of come fill you up, not long after your orgasm arrives, and your juices rush out and onto his shaft.
With that, he collapsed on top of you, and you held him close as you both tried to get your breathing in check. The sound of your heartbeat echoed in his ear before he looked up at you as if you were made of glass.
“You okay, love? Did I hurt you at all?”
You smiled softly. You loved the sweet side Kyoya has, though he barely showed it. Especially after how it contrasts to how rough and demanding he is.
Your legs slightly shaking as the aftershock settled in, you shook your head as a reply.
“Oh no, you did quite the opposite.”
-Admin Maddie
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Our first story on Day 1 comes to you by @zurisenchantedquill !
Title: Air Author/Artist: zurimadison Pairing: Romione, side Hinny Prompt: Rock Concert Rating: Teen, borderline Mature? Trigger Warning(s) (if any): bit of snogging :)
Full disclosure, I was inspired by the song "Stay Next to Me" by Quinn XCII and Chelsea Cutler
“You have ten minutes,” Ginny says, smacking her gum as she stares at me. “Harry will be here soon.”
I don’t move from my seat on the couch. “So let me get this straight, not only are you forcing me into going to this concert tonight, but you also invited your boyfriend to my flat?”
“You like Harry.” She checks her phone. “Nine minutes.”
I do like Harry, but I’m not going to admit that to her right now. I try a change of tactics. “I had plans tonight, Gin. You can’t just show up unannounced and expect me to drop everything to go out with you.”
“Laundry is not a plan, Ron,” she says, texting furiously as she plops on the other end of the couch. “Mum says I need to get you out of the house because you’ve been moping since your breakup, and I knew that if I gave you warning, you’d find an excuse to bail.”
I can’t help but wince, reminded of both the recent end to my relationship and the correct assumption that I’m hiding away because of it. “I just need some me-time right now.”
She looks at me, cheek lit by her phone screen, and smirks. “Eight minutes.”
Whoever said Weasleys are pushovers has never met my little sister.
Actually, probably no one has ever said that.
I sigh and stand, making my way to my bedroom to change.
“Comb your hair or something, while you’re at it,” she calls. “You look a mess.”
“Thanks Gin,” I yell back, but then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Sheesh, she wasn’t kidding. 
Seven minutes later, dressed and groomed enough to be presentable, I set off down the road with my sister and her boyfriend. 
“Go on then, who are we seeing tonight?”
“The Black Keys,” Harry answers, grinning. “I’ve been dying to see them for ages.”
I’ve never heard of them before, so I ask, “what kind of music is that? Rock?”
“Technically, more Indie Rock,” Ginny answers, and I can’t stop the small snort that escapes me. She shoots a glare that very clearly warns me not to take the mickey, so I hold my arms up defensively and clear my throat.
“Oh, sounds...erm, fun.” It’s lame, but Harry nods and starts rambling about his favorite songs. For all my trouble, Ginny graces me with an approving quirk of her eyebrow. Thanks Sis. 
The venue is close to my flat, so it isn’t long before we’re through the doors, pushing our way into the crowd. 
It feels like even less time before Ginny is snogging Harry, their bodies swaying in time to the music as her drink slops unnoticed on their shoes. They break apart every now and then to sing a lyric or two, then they’re right back at it.
I try to ignore it as I down my beer, but the venue is so congested that I’m constantly jostled into them. Not that they even seem to notice, mind you, but as much as I don’t care what Ginny does on her own time, it’s another thing entirely to literally have it shoved into my face. 
My bottle is devastatingly empty, so I mutter an excuse and snake away through the crowd, not finding it at all dispersed as I move further from the stage. I spot a bar in the back corner and fight my way over to it, feeling like a hero returning home after battle when I’m able to place my order with the bartender. 
It happens as I’m waiting for my beer. I glance down the length of the bar, more out of idleness than anything else, and I see her. 
She’s got dark curly hair that’s highlighted with honey, a red strapless dress that could bring a man to his knees, and, unless I’m much mistaken, she’s holding a book in one of her hands as she leans across the bar to be heard above the music.
I am struck with the impulse to know the color of her eyes. 
She seems to be alone, and is the only person in the venue actually sitting on a stool. I’m not altogether surprised when, after receiving her drink, she opens her book. She’s so absorbed in her reading that she doesn't notice the people bustling around her. She doesn’t even look up when the bartender hands a drink to someone over her head. 
It takes me two more beers, alone in the corner, watching this woman who has such impressive focus, before I work up my nerve. There’s a small opening in the crowd, so I decide it's now or never and throw myself through it. I slip to her side and deliver the almighty line that I’d been working on for nearly twenty minutes.
“Whatcha reading?”
I honestly expect her to ignore me or maybe genuinely not hear me, but to my surprise, she looks right at me. 
Brown. Her eyes are chestnut brown, with a dark ring around the outside. They appraise me before the corners of her round lips turn upwards almost imperceptibly. “Treasure Island.” She has to shout to be heard above the music.
“No way,” I exclaim, bemused. “That’s one of the few books I’ve actually read! Isn’t it crazy that Ben had the treasure the whole time?”
“He what?” Her eyes go wide as she gazes at me, slack jawed. “Seriously?”
“Wait, you didn’t know?” I ask, clapping a hand over my mouth. “I’m so sorry, I thought-”
“Just kidding,” she interrupts me, then begins to giggle at what I can only assume is my idiotic expression. “I’ve read this a million times.”
Her laugh is infectious, and I silently swear to make her do as much of it as I can. I lean against my forearm on the bar and turn sideways so I can view her better. Something about the way she’s looking up at me makes me feel brave. “What’s your name?” 
“Ron.” I extend my hand. She slips her tiny palm into mine. I shake it, but then I don’t let go. 
A drunk patron knocks into me, pushing me closer to her. I can almost see down her dress, I’m standing so close. “It’s too crowded in here,” she shouts as she glances over her shoulder. “So many random bodies pressed together.”
“We should go somewhere.” I’m not sure what’s gotten into me, but I don’t mind it when she rewards me with a tiny smile.
“Where? Outside?”
“I don’t care,” I say. “Your choice. I’ll follow you.”
She surveys me, looking as though she’s deciding. “Aren’t you going to miss the show?” 
“No,” I laugh. “I don’t know this band at all.”
“Me neither,” she admits. She’s nearly knocked off her stool by a surge of the crowd around us, and this seems to seal the deal. “Ok, let’s go.” She stands and winds through the crowd, never releasing my hand. 
I lead my tall, red headed stranger to the back patio, feeling instant relief in the cool night air as we step over the threshold. The music is much less loud out here, and it’s not as crowded. I drop his hand as I perch myself on the patio railing, sighing in contentment as my overstimulated senses are satisfied by the calming change in environment.
Ron flags a server for us, so I take the opportunity to examine him while he orders. He’s broad in the shoulders but narrow in the hips, though the shape is flattering in the way his t-shirt pulls across his chest. From underneath the material on his left arm, a full sleeve of tattoos runs enticingly to his wrist, leaving me with a burning desire to see the obscured designs. 
Tattooed and bearded. Just how I like 'em.
The server leaves and he turns his gaze back to me, reminding me of the thing so far that I like the most about him.
His eyes.
They’re almost turquoise-y blue, and seem to ripple like water. That alone would be sexy enough, but there’s something about the way they make me feel. They’re...kind.
He leans his back against the railing where I’m sitting, close enough that my leg is brushing his arm. “So, did you come to this show tonight because you like a little background music while you read?” 
I laugh. “No, my friends dragged me here with them, but I lost track of them pretty much the moment we arrived. Hence, this.” I hold up my book. “What about you? You said you don’t know the band either.”
“Nah,” he agrees. “I was also forced to come out tonight. But, I don’t fancy watching my sister snog her boyfriend all evening so…” He shrugs. His hair moves gently in the night breeze.
“Well look at us,” I say. “A couple of third wheels.”
The server comes back with the drinks: two shots of whiskey and two beers. I thank him as I take mine, and Ron raises his shot glass.
“Left your boyfriend at home, then?” He’s holding the whiskey expectantly, smirking while he waits for my answer.
I roll my eyes. “Very subtle.”
“Oh, you saw what I did there?”
“I did, believe it or not.” I hold my whiskey out as well. “To being single?”
It’s phrased as a question, and there’s a triumphant sparkle in his eye as he clicks his glass against mine. “To being single.”
“Cheers.” We throw back the shot. The alcohol hums just under my skin.
Ron doesn’t return to his previous position, but instead stands in front of me so that his stomach is against my knees. He places his free hand on the outside of my bare thigh, sending tingles down my spine. He meets my eye for a moment, as though asking if I mind, and in response I lean forward and place my free hand on his chest. 
The full, lopsided smile I receive in return is worth it.
“What do you do for a living, Hermione?” His voice is gravelly now.
“I’m in microbiology,” I answer. “I work in a lab.”
“Wow,” he lets out a low whistle. “Smart and beautiful.”
I laugh again. “What about you?”
“I’m a nurse,” he says, puffing out his chest. “I work in the ICU.”
Somehow I understand the kindness in his eyes even more. I’m so distracted by looking into them that I accidentally spill some beer all over my lap. “Oh no, I’m sorry!”
“Watch yourself,” he says, laughing as he grabs a napkin and dabs off my legs. “Why is your drink so full anyway?” 
“Yours is just as full,” I argue, offering my beer as evidence.
He looks between our two glasses and shrugs. “Maybe, but I can drink faster, so it doesn’t count.”
“How do you know that?” I demand, holding the beer up now as a challenge. “Chugging contest?”
His grin is evil and beautiful. “You’re on.”
“Three, two…” We both begin to drink as quickly as we can, though it becomes apparent to me that I’m quite outclassed. His Adam’s apple bobs distractingly and I reach out, tracing my finger down it before I can stop myself.
I freeze, my hand again on his chest, fingers grazing the skin above his neckline. When I meet his eye, he puts his glass on the railing and steps between my legs, wrapping his arms around me to bury his hands in my hair as he pulls me in for a kiss.
The way he feels is so distracting that I drop my own glass, still half full, on the outside of the patio, where it spills in the grass. I’m sure we could get kicked out of the venue for that, but right now I don’t care. I kiss my new friend Ron for all I’m worth. He tastes like whiskey and every flick of his talented tongue ignites tiny fires all over my body. 
We snog for I don’t know how long, until we’re forced to come up for air. He doesn’t step away from me, but keeps his face close to mine as we pant. 
“I can’t waste another second here, can you?” His whisper tickles my cheek.
I run the analysis, weighing my options even as my head spins from the snog. I grip his arms tighter. “We should go somewhere.”
His lopsided smile takes my breath away.
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a... ? Part 25
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[Full Masterlist] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All (Marked Chapters 18+) Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story.
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
Authors note: Sorry if the last chapter felt rushed. I was told it seemed a little rushed.
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Seokjin catches your hand before you leave the garage pressing his lips softly to yours, his hands running through your hair. Fingers brushing against your ears, you felt your tail curl around to brush against his and he didn’t flinch. Massaging your ears softly makes you whine softly enjoying the feeling. 
“What had I been scared of, you aren’t scary.” Seokjin said, brushing his lips against your jaw and breathing against your ear, “I never knew you would be this cute when you submit to me.”
He nibbled on your ear and pulled back with a brilliant smile, “Eyes blown and lips swollen, you are a vixen” he paused pulling your hand up to kiss the back of your hand. His eyes reserved closing over the emotion that had been their moments after breaking the kiss. “Unfortunately, I am not the only one who feels this way so I will fight fair and give you the choice.”
Confused about what he meant by, not the only one. You knew the boys were affectionate but none of them had expressed feelings as fervid as this. They were all soft and gentle like they enjoyed your company and your guidance as an owner. Right?
Never had you tried to influence their feelings or falsify your own. Always telling yourself you were being professional. Of course, now seeing how you had overstepped so many boundaries. If you had truly been professional in maintaining a business environment you wouldn’t have climbed into their beds.
Cuddling wasn’t on the recommended list of things one does to establish good work relationships, this was all your fault. Too many lines had been blurred.
Walking into the living room you saw Felix there with the boys, Taehyung and Jungkook engulfing you in a hug. “We don’t care, please don’t kick us out, we all love it here and you have done so much for us and we want to make your dream come true. We love you and can’t live without you.”
“Felix explained everything thoroughly, we are sorry you had to go through all that on your own.” Yoongi smiled softly from the couch, “I am happy to listen and talk more about it whenever you want, you have helped me so much and this is exactly what I want to do. I want to help, I never want people to feel alone. We all agreed that what you are doesn’t matter to us.”
Hoseok pulled you into a hug, “Even though my instincts say not to trust a Fox or any other predator, I trust you and everyone in this house with my life and I love the family we have created.”
“I think I have made a mistake.” You whispered, “I think I was trying to make you all feel at home and loved, safe, and build a relationship of trust. I hope you all feel that way but, I also realized that it isn’t very professional of me and I can’t have every hybrid I work with grow attached to me. Did I lead everyone on?”
“Not exactly, judging by your reaction you had no clue meaning your intentions weren’t negative. Your intentions weren’t to manipulate us. You are correct, you should in fact learn to detach somewhat, especially if you will be working with many more hybrids like ourselves in the future.” Namjoon explained shuffling his feet, “That being said, I believe we all respect you greatly, and whether our feelings are for you as a person or as a savior we are yet to find out.”
“Please don’t leave us,” Jungkook said softly, “We won’t bother you, just let us stay.”
“I don’t want you to be conditioned to think I am perfect, I don’t want you to think you have to like me because I took you in. I just want to help. You become independent so you can grow and work and have your own families.”
“But I don't want another family.” Jungkook huffed, “I want this family, it’s all I know.”
“Jungkook, I-” Taking a deep breath you hummed, “I think we have gotten very close and I think we need to take some time to really think about things. It feels like Stockholm syndrome, and I am not just talking about you, I am talking about myself.”
“I am attached to all of you, I am growing too attached that I don’t see myself in the future without you. I was thinking about the future of the program and I just assumed you would all be working alongside me and we could come home together.” You rubbed your forehead, a tension headache blooming across your skull.
“I can’t tie you down because I want you to stay with me, not when you don’t know me properly, my bad habits and pet peeves. We are in an ideal situation where money is no issue and we are practically living a never-ending vacation. It can’t all be good things. There has to be trials and tribulations, we have to see each other fall apart and learn to mend one another to know if we should be in it for the long run.”
“I think that is really wise, and some really great points,” Yoongi said, placing his hand on Jungkook’s head pulling it onto his shoulder, “From what I gathered it isn’t a rejection, it is the foundations of a plan for the future.”
“It still hurts,” Jungkook’s lip was jutted out as he sniffled into Yoongi’s collar, “It hurts so much Hyung, my chest is tight.”
“It will hurt,” Yoongi said, “Let me pour you your first drink. It will help you let it out.”
“I will take a drink.” Seokjin smiled, “Something to ease the tension.”
Hoseok looked at you and gave you a hug, “they will be okay, you have been doing an amazing job, of course, it’s an uncomfy feeling but you have given us more than just your friendship and respect, you have given us each other, never forget that without all this and your passion we seven would never have met, successfully cohabitated or become friends.”
“You gave me friends,” Taehyung smiled, his tail hanging eyes shaded by his fringe “a purpose, even though grandpa was supportive of my decisions I have more freedom, a goal, a future beyond the limited time I had with grandpa, You gave me brothers, I didn’t know I wanted or needed. Most importantly you made me feel like I was worth something, that I was special and I could reach my dreams. You made me feel loved. Even if you don’t feel that way truly towards me, it was still nice to experience that feeling for the first time.”
“You gave us a safe environment to explore feelings we never expected to feel. I thought love was stupid and debilitating. I thought everyone was stupid and all that mattered was my books, and studies, I was searching for something, learning and absorbing everything I could to fill the void. But no matter how smart I was, I never realized that what I was looking for was a simple feeling I had looked down on. I have filled some of the voids, because not only did I find romantic love, I found platonic love. Even the slight tension of heartbreak is a feeling I had never felt.”
Namjoon was deep in thought before adding, “I don’t know when I shut off my emotions but, I had become a mannequin, a shell of a person with no objective. Now I have grown branches, flourishing relationships, and strong bonds deep in this earth. I have a function, a value in life.”
“You are all getting really deep,” Felix said, “It is strange but I admire your courage to talk about these things with one another. I want to know as your dad, that I approve of these boys and any of them would make a good son-in-law. If you were to ever wish for a relationship with any or every one of them I approve.”
Felix’s eyes sparkled mischievously, “I mean, maybe it’s because your dad has been through a lot, seen a lot in life, maybe you can call me hip, or open-minded but why limit yourself to one person. Something I have learned through my many hundreds of years is that we can love many people at once and as long as everyone is on the same page honest, trusting and comfortable. Of course, respecting people's boundaries and capacity to love others is important.”
“Maybe it is my experience talking but I can see these foundations amongst you all, the bonds you all share are strong and everyone is caring and respectful towards one another. I think definitely letting yourselves grow is important. This house is your safe place and the open communication really allows for everyone to explore?”
Felix left after his small speech, kissing your cheek and whispering how you looked like you didn’t want to choose. All stunned at his proposition, Yoongi agreed, “He has a point having more partners means more people to share your troubles with, more personalities to mesh with, if you don’t like someone's hobby, there is someone else in the group who might like the same thing saving you from something you dislike.”
“Of course, there are always pros and cons to everything.” Namjoon reiterated, “We could discuss it one day if things seemed to go that way but again for now we should all focus on the program, just long enough to allow everyone to think seriously about their feelings as unbiased as possible.
You apologized to Seokjin that you couldn’t sleep in his bed tonight and he smiled, “That’s okay, I feel like I have received enough comfort and attention.” 
Assuming he was talking about the kisses the two of you had exchanged in the car and garage away from prying eyes. Mind reeling, did you truly have these feelings for them, or was it manifested from the program? Did you truly like them or did you like the attention? Did you love them or was it the idea of love that you loved more?
Laying on Jimin’s bed, his things packed ready to move into Hoseok’s room, your things in the corner ready for you to take the room for yourself. Thoughts of your best friend, you hadn’t seen it but you wondered if he loved you like the other hybrids. He had been jealous of the other’s affection but you had felt that before when he would talk about his hybrid friends growing up. Never wanting to be left behind or replaced. Never wanting to lose him. Pressing your face in his pillow the subtle scent of his hair products eased you like he was there beside you.
Carrying groceries into the house together. The seven bustling to help put things away in the kitchen. They seemed more confident, more mature and you couldn’t help but blush as they grazed past you, pheromones mingling in the space naturally, letting each other feel safe and loved. There was no need to control their pheromones as they had become comfortable with one another. It was more natural for hybrids to communicate in such a way, you even found yourself letting your feelings show this way. 
“We have work tomorrow,” Namjoon smiled, almost dropping the eggs as he carried them to the fridge, “The new intake of hybrids is coming in, which means we have a lot of paperwork and emotions to deal with.”
“I can’t wait to see them, they are always so small?” Jimin giggled “Reminds me of when Jungkook started university.”
“He was still big back then, too muscly.” Hoseok joked poking Jungkook’s abs making the younger man giggle. 
“They grow up quickly though, last year's graduates are out in the workforce now.” Seokjin smiled softly, taking the eggs from Namjoon before they were broken. “I saw Soobin, the bunny hybrid who graduated last year, is doing really well. He opened a bakery.”
You went to your room and Taehyung poked his head in. He saw you working and borrowed a moment of your time for a kiss before heading out once more. He was always so physically affectionate and it was nice. There was playful banter in the kitchen between Jungkook and Seokjin, the latter arguing that ‘Ramen will spoil dinner.’
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tryingmydarndest · 3 years
Thank You (Luka Couffaine x Reader)
Summary (Part 1/probably 3): The author goes on a bit of a tangent about how Y/N goes on a bit of a tangent about Viperion. Who may just have a little, big ol' crush on them?
Tags: -not enough actual relationship -fluff -but like, a weird sprinkling of angst that I didn't plan on right at the end???
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: Inspired by this fic by @seriously-sirius-black <3. Luka? OOC? Idk, probably, I don’t write fanfic. But I am actually kinda proud of how well Alya turned out. Writing this made me realize how much of a mom friend I apparently headcanon her as. I wrote this gender-and-as-everything-else-neutral as I can make it (lemme know if you see ways I can improve, tho idk how much more fanfic I'll even be writing). Also, I freakin' RAMBLE and overuse italics, but ya get what ya get and ya don't gotta fret. Ooh, important note for future parts (if i write them) - this is a kinda!au where the miraculous users keep their miraculous. also if I had a nickel for every time I get awkwardly specific about the placement of both of a character’s hands I’d have TWO nickels. Happy reading!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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Part I - Paris's Cutiest Heroes
The look currently on Marinette’s face as she sputtered out a response was priceless, “Cat Noir? Cat Noir!? What makes you think I’d find Cat Noir attractive at all? And- and- HIM- the cutest superhero! Ridiculous!”
“Utterly ridiculous?”
“Nice one, Alya”
“Thank you so much, Y/N,” you gave Alya a high five on your way to your seat next to Juleka and Rose on the couch facing Marinette and Alya. A sunny Friday after school was the perfect place for Kitty Section and their entourage to hang out. Unfortunately without Ivan and Mylène, seeing as their anniversary called for a private celebration. After pushing a couple couches onto the deck of The Liberty, Alya had predictably started talking about Paris's resident hero team. Today, she chose to ask everyone who they deemed the cutest, and she made sure to jump on Marinette's... interesting response, “And girl, he has the same silky golden hair and dreamy emerald eyes as Adrien Agreste. What’s utterly ridiculous is you freaking out and dodging every time we bring up superheroes!”
The designated snack-boy, Luka, walked out precariously carrying three bowls of goodies for everyone, “Alright, I got more popcorn. Sorry, but looks like we’re out of cheese flavoring, Y/N”
“Oh... that’s fine. I honestly wasn’t expecting it since I forgot to ask,” your free hand not reaching for the bowl rubbed the back of your neck, “but thanks for remembering.”
“Oh, um yeah- Always," is it creepy to remember something so specific? Someone as nice as Y/N wouldn't be interested in some creep. Ugh. Luka took a seat with his own bowl after passing Alya and Marinette theirs. He ended up next to you on the floor, leaning against the arm of the couch, dangerously close to touching your legs.
Rose reached for the popcorn as she interjected, “You know, Alya does have a point. So Marinette, why don’t you just tell us who you think the cutest superhero is, if you don’t like us guessing?”
Somehow Marinette’s face went even paler as she spoke, “What- I mean, I don’t- I haven’t thought- Wha- what about Y/N? Why aren’t you interrogating them?”
Alya crossed her arms, “Because Y/N says the same thing about the same hero every day. Just watch. Ahem, Y/N, care to weigh in on the cuteness level of our lovely Parisian superheroes?”
You looked up from the bowl you had stolen back from Rose with wide eyes, "Hey! Okay, no, that is not fair! Besides, what is our criteria for 'cute'? I mean... Are we going just by physical characteristics? Is costume a factor? What about the animal they're representing, could our opinion of that make this whole thing unfair? And cuteness is so subjective anyway... Why are we even reducing these amazing and honorable superheroes to just their looks? I mean we could be talking about skill, or their powers or power lev-"
"-And your answer would be exactly the same. Seriously, are you done trying- and might I add, failing- to talk yourself out of this one yet? Or should I just read the article you wrote for the Ladyblog?"
"You said you deleted that!"
Luka had perked his head up at your initial fumbling response and turned to you when he spoke, "You wrote an article? That's pretty cool."
You rubbed your face to try and distract yourself from the burning embarrassment, "Umm, yeah. But it was terrible and extremely not. worth. publishing." You hoped the glare you sent the girl in question was enough to scare her into deleting it on the spot, or to at least lie about it, "So Alya kindly deleted it, right?"
Sitting up with a smug look and crossed arms severely lowered your faith that she'd keep quiet. "A good journalist archives everything. Especially something as juicy as one of her besties going on for five thousand words about how dreamy the great Viperion is," dramatically fake-fainting into Marinette's lap, Alya could barely finish before bursting out in laughter. Of course, quickly followed by the others joining in to varying degrees. Juleka and Rose happily giggled to themselves, Marinette looked more relieved that the heat was off her, and Luka seemed to be shocked, or maybe just holding back to see how you were taking this.
Horribly. Horribly embarrassed would describe how you were taking this conversation. You sat there stock-still as you hoped that none of the others could hear your heart's desperate attempts to pound its way out of your chest. That's certainly all you could hear, at least until Alya's voice brought you out of it, "Hey, it's fine," she made her way over to sit next to you as she continued, "We all have our little hero crushes. That's why I bring it up all the time, to show you that it's totally normal! I mean, we all know how I could go on about Carapace for days," Alya gestured for the others to continue, and used her other hand to try and comfort you.
"Well, I find Ladybug to be just absolutely adorable and so kind.... oh it just makes me so happy knowing she's keeping all of Paris safe," Rose added softly.
Juleka brushed a strand of hair aside as she spoke, "Rena Rouge is super mysterious, pretty rad in my opinion."
Alya was rubbing your back like the mom friend she is to try and help encourage you, "See? Super normal, so go ahead and release all this pent up Viperion energy that I know you have. Maybe it'll encourage Marinette here to finally join in the fun!" Alya stuck her tongue out at her best friend, who responded promptly by smashing her face into a pillow.
You just sighed, "I mean- it’s- it can't just-'' were you supposed to just get over it all just like that? Well, at least the embarrassment was wearing off, maybe you could just entertain her for a bit, "Well- um, you see.... HisHairJustLooksReallySoftAnd- you know what. Nope. Can't do anymore of this. Yep- that's all you're getting out of me!" This time when everyone started giggling, you were able to comfortably join them. It was a nice feeling.
A nice evening chilling out with your friends was always welcome, especially with the rising number of akumatizations making that less possible. But the night had come to a close. Alya and Marinette went home, Juleka was walking Rose back herself, and Luka and you had volunteered to clean up. Luka stopped drying the cup in his hand for a minute as he looked at you, “Um, I know it might not be my place, but I want you to know that you don’t have to be embarrassed about the whole... Viperion thing.” God, how am I supposed to take the news that MY crush has a crush on.... Sort of me? Am I supposed to count it as me at all?
“Oh, um. Yeah, thanks. I think I’m over the embarrassment now that it’s out. I don’t know, it’s just that a lot of people think it’s weird since he’s kind of a new hero,” how are you supposed to explain this to him? That you kept such a non-issue secret from him, especially without getting suspiciously defensive about it. “And then people use that to try and say that I only like him for his looks..... And that’s not it! I don’t know, it’s kind of.... A lot? To explain, that is.” This was not going well.
“Oh... Well, what is it? That you like about him, I guess.”
This was so not going well. But he was waiting for a response so... “Uh, well I guess it did kinda start..... that way.... but then I started doing research. I learned about his power and saw videos of his fights. He’s really good! Especially for being so new, which kinda goes into why his power makes me like him so much.” Shit. Rambling, I’m just talking and talking and I need to stop. But how am I supposed to change the subject now? And now Luka’s sitting down, and he seems so invested. Why does this have to happen to me?
“What do you mean by that?”
Luka’s voice kindly shuts your little thought-spiral in its tracks. What were you saying? Oh, Viperion’s powers! You can talk about this, you know this. Just keep talking, at least he seems interested in it, “Well, you know how he can go back and redo the last couple of minutes?” Luka nodded, “Well, we always see the time that worked out. Us civilians get to keep going from the one time it all went right. Just imagine all the times he failed, all the times he couldn’t get it right. It could be dozens, maybe even hundreds of times! He must get so discouraged at some point, I mean I know I would.... I guess I didn’t really think about it at first, but.... but, I doubt I could keep that determination, and I’m so glad Paris has a hero who can, and does.”
Silence. Why was it so quiet? Oh no, he thinks I’m weird. He must think-
“All of this from ‘his hair looks soft’?”
“Hey! You can’t tell me not to be embarrassed, then make fun of me! That’s against the rules!”
Luka chuckled as he said, “Against what rules, exactly?”
“The Rules Of Best Friendship, duh!”
“And who exactly said you were my best friend?”
“Well... your loss, I guess. Now you won’t get an invitation when I plan Rose and Juleka’s wedding,” you brushed off his offended glare as you took the seat next to him.
“She’s my sister.”
“She’d take my side.”
I’d take your side, too. I will always take your side. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
A/N the sequel: I am super bad at finishing things, but I really wanna keep motivated to finish this (like I have a full, probably 3 part, plan for this). If you guys want to help, shoot me a message and I'll send you a link to the google doc I'm writing this on. Feel free to leave a little comment (pls be kind, obviously) and see my writing process! Idk, would any of you guys be interested in that? Would you just get annoyed at having already read the thing before I post it?
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