fudoh-k · 2 years
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😸 ガタガタの綱渡り Rattling tightrope walker #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #gato #gatto #白茶猫 #white_and_brown_cat #門扉 #door_of_gate #門柱 #gatepost #バランス #balnce #富士フイルム #富士フィルム #fujifilm #finepix #F70EXR (Kanagawa Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpR4VMQp1v8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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t4tails · 10 months
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the way shes literally the prettiest bratz doll evar
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blackcurrant-juice · 7 months
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lizlovestofangirl · 5 months
"you're so beautiful"
pairing... op81 x reader
now playing... good looking by suki waterhouse
summary... oscar and an extroverted reader
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so we all know oscar is very introverted and reserved (polite cat coded)
the media and fans were unsure at first about how your personalities would match, but they are perfect together
you balnce each other out
you have taught him that going out can be fun, and he has taught you that staying in can be fun
when you're out, he just follows you around, absolutely mesmerized by you and how easy it is for you to make friends and talk to people
there are countless paparazzi photos of you talking to people and him standing behind you, staring lovingly
"why are you staring at me?" you ask, and he responds with a soft smile on his face "you're so beautiful"
when you stay in, his social battery slowly recharges from the day and he becomes more and more talkative
bro can YAP
you jokingly call his period of social battery recharge his "defrosting period" because he acts all warm and sweet and cuddly after
he isnt super into pda and you respect that
just hand holding and some hugs (and maybe a kiss on a special occasion)
the best part is the little "i love yous" out in public, only for the two of you to hear
but when its just the two of you, he is the cuddliest person to ever walk the planet
there is no time he feels more at peace than when you are in each other's arms
he is still quiet and introverted, but you are slowly exposing him to the world more
you ABSOLUTELY FEED the fans with oscar content on social media because you are very active
you also up his instagram game, which the mclaren pr team thanks you for
when you're out and things get too much for him, the two of you slip away and go for a drive
nothing quiet music, the stars, and the sky
no talking, just comfortable silence
he gives off very words of affirmation vibes, and that's perfect for you when you go out and he stays in
"you're the most gorgeous girl i've ever laid eyes on"
"i fall more and more in love with you every day"
"love, you look like an angel"
there's a few clips of him in interviews when asked about you, and he flushes and rambles
he is so praising of you and what the relationship has done for him
he loves that because of you he can be in tap with what's going on, but not actively part of it
also extroverts make perfect wags because of the amount of people in the paddock on race weekends
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lua-magic · 9 months
Retrograde planets, blessing or curse of past life
Retro planets in your chart, carries the past life info, even when planets are with north node or south node it represents your past life lessons.
Retro planets has willpower because you have done lot of mistakes in that area so you know about it very well.
Retro planets are blessings and curse both, blessings in terms of will power to free and liberate you, and you are expert and experienced about that Planet, curse means, you don't remember anything about that Planet till someone comes and triggers you regarding it.
Many retro planets in your chart gives you sucess because you are expert in that field.
Retro planets, represents you are expert in that field but someone should come and trigger that planet.
Whichever house retro planets sits in that house becomes area of your focus
Retro planets first house, your personality and identity is important.
Retro planets second house your family and money is important.
Retrograde planets third house your communication and siblings are important to you
Retro planets in your fourth house your house, mother, motherland, and peace of your mind is important for you.
Retro planets in your fifth house your romantic relationships, your kids, your leaning is important to you
Retro planets sixth house, your job and your day to day routine is important to you.
Retro planets seventh house, your marriage, and your partners and buisness is important to you.
Retro planets eighth house, you are into occult and mysticism.
Retrograde planets ninth house, teaching and counseling and also your long term goals are important to you.
Retro planets tenth house, your duties are important to you.
Retro planets eleventh house, your social circle and desires are important to you.
Retro planets twelfth house, spirituality and foreign land becomes important to you.
North node and south node are always retro, so you can consider them as well retro planets
You will do alot mistakes regarding that planet and finally you will become perfect with regards to that planet.
Jupiter retro, you have pending karma towards knowledge, guru ir teacher.
Such natives loves to give advice for free.
In past life you misused knowledge and and kept it to yourself.
Saturn retrograde, Saturn is grief, and emotional pain, so you would have hurt someone emotionally or you have pending karma towards balancing your own emotions, Saturn retro native do alot of mistakes regarding job and carrer as well but finally they will learn their lesson.
Mercury retrograde, Mercury goes retro maximum number of times in a year compared to other planets because it is fastest moving planet and also represents your speech, in your past you would have hurt someone because your harsh speech.
Venus retrograde, Venus gets debilated in sign of virgo, which is sign of judgement and analysis,and love is not judgement, Venus is unconditional love, and giving that is why it is exalted in the sign of Pisces, which sign of giving,
Retro Venus has pending karma towards relationship, you either ignored relationship or avoided relationship hence, you have to maintain balnce in your relationship this life.
Retro Mars, you have pending karma towards the courage, and initiative, you didn't help someone in need, or you didn't help your siblings, so in this life you have to help and raise voice for lot of people in your life.
Retro planets are the most important planet in your chart, or any planet when sit with rahu or ketu becomes important because it shows your past life conditioning.
Retro planets also shows it is all inside you, for example Jupiter retro or Jupiter with rahu or ketu don't need to go to any teacher or guru they have all knowledge within them.
Saturn retrograde native doesn't need any help, they are capable of doing everything by themselves.
Venus retrograde should learn to self love and unconditional love and they are capable of spreading love to all by themselves..
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asherbakugou · 9 months
Dragon Dictionary
Ra's Al Ghul - Lung | Asiatic Jade Dragon
- Known for diamond hard scales that come in all shades of green
- Sharp teeth curved inwards for catching fish; Hooked talons for catching fish
- Breath poisonous gas
- Fly through the sky in a serpentine fashion
Talia Al Ghul - Lung | Asiatic Jade Dragon/Black Mamba
- Known for diamond hard scales that come in all shades of green
- Sharp teeth curved inwards for catching fish; Hooked talons for catching fish; Fangs filled with venom positioned at the front of the mouth in place of canines
- Black mouth
- Breathe poisonous gas
- Fly through the sky in a serpentine fashion
Bruce Wayne - Wyvern | Black Nightwing
- Wyvern with large black wings and three claws at the end of its wrist to walk on; Diamond hard scales that blend in with the night sky
- Breath black plasma
- Long, straight horns pointed back
- Crocodile like tail for balnce when on hind legs
Slade Wilson - Drake | Sand Drake
- Sand colored scales with darker plates along their back like armor; Impenetrable scales with thick skin
- Wide paws for balance on sand with straight claws; Slender body for moving across sand and hiding in the desert
- Barbed tail like a scorpion
- Breath fire
Chato Santana - Lindwurm/Zilant/Quetzecoatl | Born a Sand Lindwurm - Everburning Feathered Zilant
- Sand colored scales with darker skales specked in, uniquily suited tofold front limbs back and move like a snake through the sand
- Fangs situated at the front of the mouth filled with highly corrosive venom
- Long red, yellow, and orange colored feathers along the top of the skull, down the neck and along large wings, tipped with hooked foreclaws
- Real embers along the spine; Runs naturally hotter than almost any other dragon species
- Feathered tail that leaves behind trails of deadly smoke
- Breathes golden flames
Damian Al Ghul - Wayne - Yinglong | Asiatic Jade Nightwing
- Diamond hard scales with mottled black and green scales that allow them to blend in with the night sky and shadows
- Black mouth with inward curved teeth to catch fish; Hooked talons for catching fish
- Large black wings with single foreclaw and moveable wrist that he can walk on
- Black plasma
- Thin whip like tail
- Long horns curving slightly backwards
Respawn (Achilles Al Ghul - Wilson) - Lung | Jade Sand Dragon
- Impenetrable sand colored scales with green armor like plates down the spine
- Venoumous barb on his tail; Fangs positioned at the front of his mouth are filled with deadly venom
- Wide paws with hooked talons for fish; Black mouth with inward curved teeth for eating fish
- Fly tgrough the sky in a serpentine fashion
- Camouflaged in desert areas
Matteo Al Ghul - Santana - Feathered Yinglong | Everburning Jade Dragon
- Dimaond hard scales in shades of dark green with golden/sandy colored speckled in
- Black mouth; Fangs situated at the front of the mouth filled with corrosive venom; Straight teeth, like a wolves or coyotes
- Large paws with hooked talons for catchin fish
- Green and white feathers around his slender face, down the neck, over the wings, and down the spine
- Embers glow along his back, hidden with the feathers; Runs hotter than nearly all other species of dragon
- Breathes golden-green flames
- Feathered tail leaves smoke trails when he flies
Dick Grayson - Feathered Dragon | Thermotect
- Ice cold, diamond hard scales in all shades from black to white, blue to pink, and more; Specialized feathers along the face, neck and top half of the wings
- Large teeth, like a polar bears; Hooked talon for gripping ice and catching fish
- Blue-black tongue
- Breathe ice
- Wide paws with thick pads to walk across snow and ice
Jason Todd - Feathered Wyvern |Phoenix Drake
- Covered in thick red-orange feathers with darker red ones around the neck, wings, and tail; Fluff covered hind legs with long wicked sharp talons like a Harpy Eagles
- Sharp foreclaws on the tops of the wings 'wrist' to walk on though Phoenix Drakes are capable of walking upright on their hind legs alone
- Thin faces with angular snout; Razor sharp serated teeth, like an anacondas, to grab hold of prey
- Long tail feathers with two extra long white feathers that stretch several feet past the rest of the tail
- Run hotter than almost every species, but are vulnerable because they lack the thick scales of most species; Compensate by being reborn
Timothy Drake - Dragon | Goldenfang
- Beautiful golden scales with short wings and long frills along its spine with a long tail with thin delicate looking veils connected by thin spines on the tail; Darker golden-brown scales on the head like a fer-de-lances
- Jungle dwelling dragons best at gliding through trees and weaving around obstacles
- Sharp needle like claws for clinging to trees; Delicate fangs positioned at the front of the mouth filled with potent golden venom
- Sharp teeth and molars like a monkeys; Short muzzle than most dragons
- Flexible bodies with a specialized flexible spine
- Incredibly delicate as their scales aren't diamond hard of inpenetrable
Cassandra Cain - Drake | Scorpion Drake
- Thick, impenetrable scales that comes in pale shades od brown or shades of black or in between; Long tail that curves upwards slightly tipped with a sharp stinger and poison glands
- Specialized scales along the wrists and ankles that let them feel vibrations in the air; Naturally thinner scales, a weak spot
- Large paws with flat claws to balance on sand
- Able to go long periods without water; Can hold still for hours
- Extremely fast and agile for a drake who are normally bulky because of their thick, armor like scales
- Fast runners because of their longs legs
Rare - Common
Successful Hybrids (that survive) - Extremely Rare
Everburning Dragon - Rare
Phoenix Drake - Rare
Goldenfang - Rare
Asiatic Jade Dragon - Uncommon
Sand Drakes - Uncommon
Thermotect - Uncommon
Scorpion Drake - Uncommon
Black Nightwings - Uncommon
(Inspired by @salparadiselost Dragon Au; The Thermotect, Phoenix Drake, and Goldenfang all belong to her)
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milkforbones · 1 year
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> Art pro-tip > If you see your comoposition is leaning on right or left side too much, balnce it out by adding a speech bubble and some horny dialogue :D
I am coming to you all with another scarachi fan art. low key, I’m thinking abt writting some smut ff to this, but I should probably focus on my diploma (two diplomas to be precise) and my master thesis...
But I will probably just write smut.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year
Tennis instructor part 2. "Kids, you've become really good, so what are we gonna do? Make things more difficult or easier?" Kids: "Easierrrrrrrrr!!!" Tennis instructor: "WHAT?! How can you even get better if we make things easier?"
This totally made me think about the healing process. It's like making it through different levels, each of them having a different and growing level of difficulty. Like a videogame or like learning anything (be it tennis or a language or any other skill). And as we grow through them, we master and grow our skills, even if we're not aware as we may focus mostly/solely on the pain we feel. But we get slowly better at dealing with a trigger/our emotions/feelings, at being kinder with ourselves, at finding new solutions for our pain. And therefore things get a little easier on one side but also more complicated on another: we may even get fallbacks here and there, which may make us wonder if we're doing things right or doubt about ourselves anyway. But that's only things moving onto a more difficult level, that's only us being "tested" to see how good we are and if we're ready to really move on to a different level. Like those kids ofc, we'd so want for things to get easier asap cause things can occasionally get pretty overwhelming and hard to bear with. But that's not exactly how things always are in life. And we have to endure it all a bit more (and find ways to unwind alongisde). In the end though, as for most videogames, levels will end one day. You'll solve them all, even the infamous rainbow road. Or you'll find a balnce that will help you get through even without entirely solve it (but it'll still be fine). You'll be good at dealing with all the triggers and fallbacks (your own type of good, which is perfect, what we all aim for). It just take time, patience and practice.
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tartaeya · 8 months
okay, i need to balnce out that rude comment now by giving extra assurance that your writing is fantastic and i have reread holy matrimony seven times already and that person clearly doesn't have any idea what they're talking about
you're very kind 🫶
I guess it's hard to shake negative feelings w/writing and then have someone point out the exact thing you're worried about, but i'll do my best to keep going!! 🩷
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v-anrouge · 1 year
ok no thags was a mistake bc i finly fougn the perfect flower pic forg u !!
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urg vivid !! a vivid flower, because i see you as someone who is has strongthoughts !! tulips alsgo have thick petals, which i thignk also matches ur hardiness.. ur tough but soft !! altho u dognt have fancy leaves or twisty little stems... ur straightforward !! getign to the point wit 2-3 neat leavs and a hardy stiff stem !! u go grate with others, but r also beitufl alone. ofc, the contrastign colors in the pic also come to play !! the vividness is balnced by the dark green, givign it a sense of groundednss an maturty which i thignk is a vibe u give off smtimes... basclly ahm u feel grounded, firm in beleif, andg because of that, it maks yuo seem honest andg expressive !! bugt also retainging an aura of respect !!
srgy i got into this mgoing insane soakign up radiation
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mr-claus · 11 months
I work as a tire tech and I had a dream about balncing tires, but every tire I balanced never got put on a vehicle
The tires just existed
sometimes floating
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Uh oh! The power is out in your OC's place of residence. -Do they know what to do and who to call when this happens? Or do they let someone else handle that? -How many candles would they light in order to feel comfortable in the dark? -What do they do to pass the time? Are any of their hobbies applicable without power? -At what point do they start to get antsy? Would they get to a point of panic?
(⚡️ Thank you~!)
Taiga was sitting at her desk, ruminating on her list of things she should probably do, at least by tomorrow, responsibility-wise.
It wasn't too bad since she was staying on top of everything, as per usual...
Taiga took pride in what she did, after all.
But it was still good to try and remind herself to leave room for self-discipline.
Although, it proved to be difficult at times with how distracted-
...Oh wow, that was an extremely gorgeous butterfly!
Was that a Lamproptera meges!?
'Wait, no, my mind *must* be playing tricks on her.
They don't live in North America, ri-?
Oh my GOD. Stop.
Taiga got lost in thought once again, and as she blinked and realized she was just staring out the window for a long time, she realized that this wasn't going anywhere...
Maybe a little break to just sit... and be... was needed.
"You deserve it, Taiga... Try not to beat yourself up. You know you get too hard yourself. Take a few breaths. You can't be one hundred percent all the time. Let yourself have this. It'll be alright."
Taiga did just that while she reminded herself of those affirmations as she decided to head to YouTube for now and pull up something funny.
That is, until a flash of lightning almost blinded her, even when her vision wasn't focused on the weather outside. And not long after, there came a monstrous, booming roar of thunder.
Taiga's eyes widened as her breath caught in her throat, and she tensed up...
Freezing on the spot, even though she wanted to somehow cover each of her ears at once, duck, cry out...
She forgot about the severe thunderstorm warning that popped up on her computer's screen earlier. So it was too late to try and prepare for it.
Usually she could enjoy most storms, but Taiga didn't like being left unwillingly helpless and caught off guard in this way.
Apparently it was a form of Agoraphobia many didn't know about.
Well there went any semblance of calm she was previously feeling.
"Damn it..."
But, at least Taiga could relax a tiny bit, now that she at least knew what the source of that sudden loud noise was.
It was better knowing at times.
And as she was plunged into darkness, Taiga tried to think about how it was also a good thing she was already so used to living without the comfort of power in general for most her life.
Ever since she got out of the hellish experiences that came with being homeless...
Most newer technology especially was never really on her list of priorities.
She had never even had a phone until she was 17.
And Taiga had only been using her first computer for around 2 years now.
Though she made peace with it, and got in a good place to even think about getting a computer and figured out a good balnce with it all + get into the community still She made sure not to get too relaxed with it all first and foremost. Even if it was pretty nice to have after all.
However, that still didn't make the initial shock of the outré feeling of realizing:
"Oh, the power just went out" rising within her any less familiar.
She wasn't scared of the dark.
And it didn't look too bad in her opinion, for right now...
But soon it would get much darker.
There were no lights out in these woods besides the ones that (normally) came from within the confines of Taiga's abode.
Thankfully, while Taiga and her friends were setting up and fixing the cottage over time, she made sure that they were able to get a 10,000 watt portable generator for the residence.
Just in case.
'You never know' may as well be one of her monikers, because she sure thought it a lot.
Listening to her hunches, AKA that feeling Taiga got quite a lot in the pit of her chest cavity that more often than not came with a voice of reason™️, usually seemed to give her fantastic ideas of preparation.
Whether Taiga liked tiptoeing along the precipice of rational thinking VS overactive self-preservation was a discussion for another time.
Possibly with her therapist.
Speaking of therapy...
Now that she actually had the thought, as soon as she could move again, Taiga tried to take even more breaths as she realized just how badly she was on the verge of a breakdown...
Then she started counting 5 different things she saw around her office den, along with what she could feel, smell, and taste; going down a number for each sense.
...How did the order go, again...?
Did it matter in this moment?
It kind of worked.
So that was nice, at least.
And the noise that sent her down this spiral in the first place didn't happen again.
Despite the slight ringing left in her ear canals, Taiga couldn't bring herself to touch her scars like she wanted. Her hand repeatedly rose to start the action, but she continued to flex her fingers, flick her wrists and shake her head to try and distract herself.
Taiga also didn't want to clench her fists.
She didn't want her nails to cut into the palm of her hand again.
But... She didn't know where to place her fucking hands.
She continued twitching and flinching as she just...
Couldn't stay put.
This feeling always made her borderline nauseous. It was suffocating. Overwhelming. Everything was too much-
She tried... and failed... to just stay still again, as most of her body shook as well, and she fidgeted from this rising anxiety attack once again.
Remembering how bad it used to be was a relief, in a way, but also did not help.
Taiga hummed to herself for a second as she closed her eyes.
God, she was so tense...
Over just a little storm-
Don't start doing that.
You're allowed to feel this way.
It's fine.
Shut up for a second, I can't-!'
Taiga smacked the palms of her hands over her cheeks suddenly as she growled out in frustration for a moment.
It stung, but caused her to temporarily silence the thoughts.
For a while she got stuck in that irritating cycle for a while, before the sound of the rain ended up lulling her a little more as time ticked by.
Taiga eventually was able to get her breathing back down to normal and a single tear slipped past her as she looked up past the hair draped over her eyes, and out the window closest to her.
It didn't look, or sound, as bad anymore, which made her more relieved.
But the ears atop her head stayed lowered on instinct.
Just. In. Case.
Taiga grimaced and almost mocked herself. But she was just in a bad mood after how tonight has been going.
It was well into the evening by now, Taiga noticed as she wobbly got to her feet again.
She didn't even notice it this time when exactly she had sunken onto the floor, but Taiga couldn't bring herself to care about that right now as she quickly wiped her tear.
Taiga cleared her throat and hopped in place a little as she refocused more; trying to hone in on successfully regaining her balance.
It worked faster, currently.
It got "easier" over the years. Especially with the vertigo from her hearing issues, but...
To say it wasn't a struggle combating the lifelong effects she would have because of that would be a lie.
When she realized that she'd be good to take steps, without tumbling over, Taiga carefully went looking for her nata in the dark.
Her eyes could see through the veil all pretty well.
It was almost like second nature.
...And she almost wished that it was as effortlessly the same for her own veils of darkness...
Yet, Taiga was grateful that she could improve her balance overall and figure out ways that would be much better for her to mainly maneuver.
...That made her feel somewhat better...
She truly could feel her progress throughout the course of life.
It was always like this.
She'd hit rock bottom, then somehow bounce back.
Of course, deep down, she wanted to keep trying.
And whether she was defaulting to that out of a desperate need to cling to any form of happiness that came her way, or she actually felt hope at this point in time...
Taiga would figure it out later.
She truly knew it wasn't the end of the world.
She didn't want to jinx it. So a part of her tentatively thought those words.
But she couldn't help these bouts of depression that left her like a drowned cadaver.
Because right now...
She was just... Tired.
And maybe that was ok for now.
Taiga tried to accept that that's how it was sometimes.
But hey... She found her nata. Right where she left it.
Taiga immediately grabbed onto its handle and expertly cleaned her weapon afterwards; its comforting form warming her soul's wounds like a therapeutic topical balm, almost immediately washing over her.
She very delicately ran her along the dull end of the blade, letting her fingertips glide over its finish before coming to rest upon Luci's ribbon tied around the end of her nata's handle as well.
It almost made Taiga want to sink down to sob again, but mostly...
It steeled her enough to help remind her for the millionth time that she'd genuinely be alright.
Even if things possibly got rougher.
She knew she was allowed to feel upset, even if her life was better than it ever had been before...
And no matter what, Taiga kept proving herself wrong whenever she thought she wouldn't make it.
Taiga paused as she registered that...
Tears were now flowing down her face without pause.
She made sure to keep her nata away from the onslaught of ACTH and Leu-enkephalin while she lightly raised a hand to her cheek as she felt it cascade down her skin.
But this time, as Taiga put her arm back down, she just let the tears flow without fight.
'You're not less worthy if you struggle.'
...Taiga's face switched from a frown to a blank slate as she decided that she wanted to view Luci's ribbon, and her precious nata out beneath the moonlight, after getting the generator set up.
Maybe if she was lucky enough to be bathed in the moon's generous kisses, she could find more peace of mind.
And it was be an honor.
No matter what, though...
Even if Luci couldn't physically, or interdimensionally be here...
Taiga knew that she was never actually gone.
This issue wasn't going to solve itself.
Markus would leave every now and then to explore more of the world, just like she did. And she was just fine with having her alone time.
But for so long, she got used to having an ally literally right by her side more often than not.
She didn't take him for granted, but didn't want to treat him as her therapist either.
They both needed their space and boundaries.
It was all daunting, and an extremely big shift.
But she tried her best.
At least Taiga knew what she was doing out here.
It made her feel nice to be able to handle things herself like this.
Despite any initial qualms.
Thankfully, she made sure to start her generator as necessary each month, to help keep its components lubricated.
Taiga knew that she could possibly still use her phone.
It wasn't dead, but this problem would bug her until she got it taken care of.
This was pretty urgent anyway, and she'd rather not stay in the dark, so...
She set up the generator with her empty hand and it ran without issue.
She didn't want to let go of her nata yet.
It wasn't a problem for her either way; being ambidextrous had its obvious perks. And speaking of dexterity, Taiga genuinely was in general, and her fingers were nimble after the routine of strenuous training she went through in the past.
Taiga let out a breath as the engine chugged along, and spun her nata absent-mindedly as she paced around.
As she left the lights that came back to life from inside, she basically shed her skin and was reborn herself.
And it was points like these in life that had Taiga blissfully remember to actually just take it all in.
There were many things she could do around here, as per usual, but there was something specific that her core was basically screaming at her to do before thinking about anything else first.
Taiga now could let go of her nata as she tucked most of it into her duffel bag and put it over her head to rest around her body.
She went barefoot, grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle she kept tucked away for a special occasion, before she left and locked up the cottage.
After getting to one of her favorite spots nestled around the middle of these woods,
Taiga took her bag off and put it on the ground near a stump.
She took out her irreplaceable billhook-esque blade and precisely displayed it sideways on top of the stump.
She gently straightened out the ribbon tied to it, and left it to dangle; it gently swaying in the soft breeze flowing by.
It hit the light perfectly.
Taiga moved over to the other side of the clearing so she could put the glasses down on a flat stone, before filling them up once.
Taiga set the bottle aside then grabbed a glass for herself to drink from, after raising it in the air for a toast of honor; leaving the other drink alone.
She'd celebrate Luci's memory until her demise.
Maybe even after that.
She rarely drunk any form of alcohol; not that she was against it. But it didn't come into her own mind much as a way to unwind.
This spot used to hold so much hate, and filth...
But it flourished and continuously blossomed.
Even without Taiga and her friends' help, she had a feeling this place wouldn't stop growing from what took place here.
She could've sworn that she saw some specks and sparkles of whites, purples, and golds floating around.
Each time she returned, it would only impress her even more.
As Taiga glanced around, she started to reminisce about her best friend and the fun times they were able to have so long ago, instead of the bad parts, now that she was able to keep those thoughts at bay.
She lightly gripped at the side of her white dress.
It reminded her a good deal of Luci's favorite old one that she adored spinning around in.
She loved synchronicities in this existence.
It made her feel even less alone.
Like the pieces of another puzzle being completed; satisfyingly clacking and sinking into place.
When she finished up the brick red liquid, she could feel just how much of a "lightweight" she was, but was able to just lightheartedly laugh at herself as she set down her glass as well and her cheeks already flushed a tiny bit.
She knew that she'd be fine, and knew the way to return home like the back of her hand by this point.
Taiga remembered how Luci was one of her biggest cheerleaders and would always encourage her to be her true "beautiful" self without shame.
It made her break out in a wide smile all of a sudden and she wiped her face as she spoke out loud.
"Here's to you, Luci~!
I love you!"
Taiga started to dance around without inhibitions.
She giggled softly as she raised her arms up into the air and closed her eyes again.
Unlike before, she had the choice of where to be.
If she wanted, she could happily live out here now beneath the heavens, with the survival skills she was able to gain after each calendar year.
She felt so blessed to be in the mystifying glow of the moon.
It was eternally powerful, and she knew this was just what she needed tonight.
It's like the moon knew every struggle, and just like us on Earth, went through ever-changing phases.
Taiga thanked each element around her; it becoming an even greater habit to her over time.
For nothing in particular, but also for every little thing.
There was no anxiety, no ego, no anything...
Besides becoming free.
//Just being thee
In a moment of clarity
We all
Belong in a moment like this
Twee, sterling; metempsychosis in this consecrated land\\
She danced under her audience of twinkling stars and planets up there in space too.
Taiga knew the stars especially weren't dead, she could feel it in her heart.
But even if some were, they still left behind such a gorgeous light.
And Taiga continued to choose walking down her path of tapping into your own light in the darkness.
As she danced into the morning, she cogitated and found that she actually was happy her power went out after all.
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