#banana culture entertainment
tompoose · 1 month
if you had to smite from the earth either nixon or garfield who would you eliminate. history will continue unchanged except if you smite nixon all the nixon memes disappear and if you smite garfield the orange cat goes with him
I would sacrifice anything that is dear to me to scrub this animal from all the veins of culture that it has slithered into. I was frustrated with the Garfield comic strip from the twentieth of August, 2024.
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Jim Davis has given up trying to claw from the mud. He has drawn a cat looking at the reader and telling a wet joke. By making Garfield a mere static image to surround text, Davis has taken the work of his heart and lowered it to the level of the borders that surround a pop up window. My feelings on this topic eclipse and obliterate any other nuances to your question. If ever presented a shot at this king, I would take it.
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medusagorgongirl1 · 2 months
I'm sick of this Fandom saying that Dick only eats cereal and that the only thing Tim can cook is a cup of coffee and treating Jason like he's some sort of michelin star chef, like seriously? that's it?
Dick came from a circus full of people with different cultures and backgrounds. Idk if y'all have every gone to one of those big weddings that takes place in your cousins back yard but fucking everyone comes together with food. You make the things you know and love and share them with the people your friends and family know and love. And also Dick was a kid that loved attention, of course he would sit in the kitchen and be entertained by someone while his parents were training. I'm convinced that Dick knows how to cook the most random, homey, comfort food dishes but like nothing 'ordinary'. Like that man can make the best goulash you've had in your life (only with the good paprika), he makes vegetarian momos that even Damian can't resist, his challah had more jew in it than Bruce does. But if you ask him to bring a casserole to a get together, he'll fucking bluescreen and buy a pre-made potato salad.
I agree that Jason is a good cook. As a kid I was poor, but in my later teenage years we were more middle class. That change in being able to buy ingredients, to actually make something homemade with is insane. I'm convince that one day he showed Alfred one of those '3 ingredients browine recipe' and asked if that wasn't too much to use and Alfred introduced him to the concept 'the more ingredients the better taste'. That said, as an adult I don't think he was making all these grand dishes. He doesn't live with Bruce, and frequently changes safe houses. He doesnt have the dishware to make these extraordinary foods. Like he'll make some fettuccine alfredo, but those aren't homemade noodles. He's not making a cheesecake, but he'll make a nice banana bread. I also think that he would be a bit nostalgic for the foods of his childhood like we all are in a way, but he would better it. Like cheap ass Ramen? That man is making a steaming bowl of pho. Baked potatoes? Creamy potatoes au Gratin. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Fruit tarts with peanut butter cookies. He's not phenomenal, but he's resourceful.
I said this in a previous post but Tim can cook goddammit. He grew up in a big home as tween with an unlimited fridge. He did what kids do; make really shitty food until they understand cooking. He would thrive off of reciving praise from his parents if he informed them on how independent he is. I know he tried to learn how to make all of their favorite meals until he could recite the recipe word for word. And I don't think that left even after he became robin. Because things were shaky with Bruce for a while, and Tim needed to prove himself. He definitely found out how to make the most tasty protein filled post workout foods because he was determined to be a good robin. I think that as an adult a lot of those would stick too. Like he would know how to make a lot of standard meals, and knows how to read relatively re create a recipe. He isn't useless in the kitchen just because he's rich.
Stephanie is always neglected in these and I refuse too, I love her. I think that she would be kinda a combination of Jason and Tim, like she knows as a vigilante (especially one always underestimated) she really needs to prove she can hold her own and I think that means that she would care about her diet in relation to her workout regime. Her diet would probably consist of a lot protein, fiber and vegetables. But also I think she would be more nostalgic that Jason. Because who can't help but romanticize the sight of your mom making your birthday cake and adding a drop of magic that turns it purple. If it comes down to the frozen pizza or the frozen stir fry, she might choose the pizza because it's the same brand her mom would make on Fridays. She knows how to make the foods that are good for her (to an extent, similar to Tim in that way) but she would also be able to make more of her comfort foods. But above all else, she's a sucker for convenience store meals. She's a patsa roni after patrol kinda gal. And some days she'll add in steamed broccoli, but the nights she's really feeling it, she might just turn on some old cartoon and sit on the floor with her pasta roni.
Damian is more interesting. Always being wealthy has him thinking cooking a bit beneath him. BUT, he also how easy it is to poison someone by making their meals. I feel like in the league of assassin's he learned to detect poison in food and knows how to get it back up. But, it's easier to detect that type of thing with plants. I think he knows which plants are poisonous simply by sight, taste and smell. And besides the obvious reason behind his vegan/vegetarianism I think that is also one of the contributing factors. But I still think it took him a while to come around to Alfred and ask to learn how to make more of the foods he can eat. I don't think that would happen until after he has since how the memories from cooking affect Dick, how cooking gives Jason a sense of freedom and control, and Tim independence. I think he would come to recognize the importance of being able to do something for yourself without assistance. I think he would begin with shyly approaching Alfred vegan recipe he found (because vegan/vegetarians recipes are finally becoming more mainstream and popular on social media), and Alfred will agree because he wants Damian to request certain foods. He wants Damian to truly enjoy meals and not just tolerate something Alfred makes. So I think Damian would know how to make a lot of staple dishes, but also a lot of really yummy vegan dishes. But I also think he would have a slight nostalgia for foods more regional to Nanda Parbat. Specifically I think he would miss spicy food and that it would become necessary in his favorite dishes. I think he would be a sucker for a nice lentil soup, so spicy that only Jon can stomach it.
Sorry for the long post, but this has been on my mind a bunch lately.
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nattaphum · 1 year
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George Benson - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
Very romantic. It's a song about how much I love you, and I can say that not only to my lover, but also to my family and friends. What I imagine is the feeling of singing to a cat in the house (laughs). I love how warm it is.
Is there anything you are looking forward to when you come to Japan?
Of course I was looking forward to working with awesome!plus. Also, i am a guitar collector, so I was looking forward to buying vintage guitars. People have good taste and keep things in good condition, so there are many second-hand items that are really good.
You originally studied music, right?
Yes. I started music when I was 22. If I hadn't been doing music, I wouldn't be where I am today, and I wouldn't be appearing in dramas. The basics of Thai culture are doing music, and that leads to theatrical performances. I also stepped into the entertainment industry because of the music. I was also making demos on guitar. The first thing I made was an acoustic pop rock.
What is important to you when making music?
I take care of it. You can't eat a guitar, so it doesn't have a taste, but you can really feel the taste of its sound. From my point of view, the guitar is very sexy. Plus, vintage guitars are made from old wood, so they smell great. It feels like wine. Furthermore, the guitar can be played in any genre. That's the biggest attraction.
Please tell us about shooting episodes of the drama "Kinn Porsche The Series"
In this work, the performers and all the staff wanted to make a good work. There are many fictional scenes but there are also many human-like lines. Everyone was seriously trying to put on the best performances in the time allotted. I called that time a magic moment. It turned out to be a really good work.
How was the reaction?
I was surprised that everyone responded so well. No matter which country I go to, I can feel everyone's feelings.
The world tour sounds like a lot of fun.
I feel really lucky that I was able to take everyone with me. It feels more like a school trip than a job (laughs). However, the other day I went to Paris by myself for work, and then I felt incredibly lonely..!
Ahaha. By the way, Apo as seen by Mile. What kind of person is he?
He's very energetic. That's what comes out. I'm the type of person who listens, so when we're together, it's really well-balanced. He surprises me a lot. I'm always trying to do my best, so I'm very happy to be able to work with him.
What kind of story are you listening to?
He says everything, such as how he felt at that time. He says anything. He will tell me everything I can understand or can’t understand. He is a person who has no secrets and will tell me everything.
Ahaha. Is there a role you would like to play in the future?
I would like to act in dark, thriller, and murderous scenes. I would also like to play a horror movie like Japan's Ju-on! I was 20 when I started to like the guitar, so I may not be very good at it, but I think it would be great if I could collaborate with Jeff this time. l'm looking forward to it!
Now, Mile, please tell us what you think is the appeal of this drama.
Although the original is a novel, it has become a work that reveals the true face of humans. It's wonderful. To put it simply, it's Pocky."
"Yes (laughs). Pocky comes in strawberry, chocolate, and banana flavors. I want to try different flavors. This drama is like Pocky (laughs).
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Vivaldi's Four Seasons
I think it’s a love song. It's smooth and soft, so if you listen to it and are in nature, you can feel the background and love of the song.
What are you looking forward to during your visit to Japan?
I want to work with Japanese staff. Recently, I have traveled to various countries and worked with people from various countries, but Japan is one of my favorite countries, so I am happy to work with Japanese people. I wanted to work with them, and when I actually worked with them, they were all wonderful and always made me feel good.
Is there anything you eat every time you visit?
Surrounded by the sea, I think there are food colors and flavors that only Japan can offer.
However, what would you like to do in Japan if you have time?
I want to feel the unique lifestyle and traditional culture. I went to Meiji Jingu this time, and my mind and body became softer. The smell of nature calms me down, and I feel good energy and energy increase.
About the popular drama "KinnPorsche The 'Series'", do you want to share some behind the scene story?
In the scene on the boat in episode 3, our boat sways every time a boat passes by, so the camera gets drunk, so we have to take a little break after each take! I can not forget. Mile and I are fine because we are concentrating on the people we are acting with, but the cameraman must be drunk because he has a wide field of view through the camera.
Currently on a world tour as a drama member. If you were to hold an event in Japan, what kind of projects would you like to do?
Japan is famous for anime cosplay, so it would be great if everyone could get together in cosplay and sing and dance. There were people in duck and avatar costumes, but if we could get together in Japan and do cosplay together, I'm sure it will be fun.
You like singing and dancing, is there an instrument vou would like to try?
I wanted to play the saxophone because I liked jazz and instrumental music since I was little. I wanted to join the music circle. But now I wonder if I should listen to someone else play it (laughs).
Do vou have a favorite Japanese artist?
I love KAT- TUN. I don't know what it means, but I like the rhythm of the song, the way it's sung, and the beatbox, and it feels good to listen to it. i also like EXILE's "Lovers Again" and “LAST CHRiSTMAS". I like it because it makes me feel like something good is going to happen today.
Is there a Japanese actor you'd like to work with?
Nana Komatsu-san. I'm interested in her because she has a charming natural acting style. Also, Rinko Kikuchi's acting is so deep that it caught my eye. Tomohisa Yamashita, who I've been watching since I was young, is also one of my favorite actors. Takeshi Kaneshiro is also cool, isn't he?
What does acting mean to you?
Acting is what made me understand the world, people and nature. In the process, there are three things that are important to me: the environment in which I was born, the environment in which I am now, and the environment in front of me. When I was worried about the role of Porsche, It was about how he was born and what kind of environment he was raised in. It's difficult because he's a contradiction between his feelings and his actions. All I can say is that he likes Kinn. He loves Kinn regardless of position or gender, and the straightforwardness of Porsche is the appeal.
What role would you like to play in the future?
This work is currently being filmed, and in this series I am performing Thai dance. There is something unique about Thai dance, it is strong but soft and delicate. My teacher told me to think of myself as an angel and move, but it is a loose style. However, it is not popular among young people these days, so I want to convey the charm of Thai dance through this work. Just as everyone thinks of Japan when they hear the words ninja or samurai, I want them to think of Thailand, when they think of Thai dance.
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go-scottishgal14 · 2 months
Great essay in The Telegraph, 7/28/2024, hits nail on head imho....
Not even France can escape the West’s cultural decay
Our civilisation is surely doomed when the best Paris can offer is a drag queen parody of the Last Supper
TIM STANLEY -- 28 July 2024 at 7:30 pm
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At the Olympics they often sing Imagine, containing the line, “Imagine there’s no countries …” Well, if there were no countries, there’d be no Olympics, which would be marvellous. Who wants to watch two weeks of muscular women throwing sticks and balls at each other? The only entertaining bit is the opening ceremony. Britain did a good ’un back in 2012; so good that it entered folklore, along with the 1966 World Cup and Dunkirk. When our grandkids ask, “What did you do in the clash of civilisations?” we shall reply: “We pushed Elizabeth II out of a helicopter.”
Paris, by contrast, offered us drag queens doing a parody of the Last Supper – insulting Christians, mocking God. When I described the scene to a priest, he replied: “That explains the torrential rain, then.”
It was blasphemous, sure, but it was also tacky; the crime aesthetic as well as religious. You have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to sell your country to tourists, and what did France go with? A dozen men – one with a beard – twerking to Freed from Desire. Actual culture necessitates discipline and taste. In the 21st century, people just “party”, cos it requires zero effort and any idiot can do it.
Kicking Christians is very easy because we have no power and, when we’re angry, we don’t fly planes into things. And yet some people cannot leave us alone. They feel a need to ridicule our beliefs and subvert our images, to drag Christ down to the gutter – as if crucifying him once wasn’t enough.
It’s probably because faith is beautiful. People don’t know how to react to it. When you’ve been raised in ugliness, to be confronted with the profound, transcendent beauty of the Last Supper can inspire awe, yes, but also fear. Think of those apes going bananas at the mysterious monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Beauty pierces the illusion of a comfortably banal existence.
Imagine if instead of the drag queen parody, the ceremony had paused to display the real painting by Leonardo da Vinci. No music. No fireworks. Just Jesus&Co. Millions would’ve switched off the telly – because they’d find it boring, no doubt, but also strange, unnerving, possibly offensive. There would’ve been thousands of complaints. We have engineered an entire existence around pleasure and distraction. Stop the disco for one minute and people might fill the silence with thought, even prayer … or they might riot.
Either way, you’ve got a revolution on your hands, and the powers that be can’t have that.
L’Hexagone faces a fate worse than death: becoming Great Britain
Organisers have apologised for any offence caused, but wise-guys insist the whole thing was a very French joke the world didn’t get. But how French was the ceremony in total?
Celine Dion is Canadian. Lady Gaga is from the United States. “This is France!” tweeted Emmanuel Macron – in English, something one could never imagine De Gaulle or Mitterrand doing. In fact this version of France looks suspiciously American, and drag is another import.
Men have been dressing up as women for a laugh for centuries, and long may it continue. But the art form’s current vibe was promoted by Ru Paul – obviously influenced by Voguing – and the notion that drag queens are apostles for progress is 100 per cent “made in the USA”.
I’m old enough to remember when a drag act meant a bloke, often married, dressed as Barbara Cartland telling filthy jokes about foreigners in the Dog and Duck. The Yanks have mainstreamed this subculture, transforming it into a mass consumer product, which was another reason to yawn rather than boo at the drag disciples. This stuff ceased being brave or transgressive 20 years ago. Like the rainbow flag (designed by an American) or Pride (begun in America), it is banal because it is ubiquitous.
So, Brits shouldn’t gloat over the tawdry French games. If we held them today, we’d make identical mistakes. Our ceremony would also be a celebration of diversity – every Western nation has become diverse to the point of looking exactly the same – for diversity is something one promotes when you’ve lost confidence in your historical identity. When you’ve decided everything you did pre-1960 was racist, and you’ve stopped writing great novels, composing symphonies or painting beyond primary school standard.
The West is culturally dying. It only looks alive because we’re dancing among the relics of what we used to do well – and are so embarrassed by these past accomplishments that we feel moved to ridicule their ideals.
The Paris ceremony, of course, featured a headless Marie Antoinette. Let’s laugh at a victim of an earlier experiment in egalitarianism. It’s interesting how gender always haunts debates about civilisation. In 1790, Edmund Burke – a philosopher writing before Marie’s execution – predicted that the lack of chivalry shown towards the queen would eventually spell disaster for all women and all France. In a world without etiquette or distinction, he said, “a queen is but a woman; a woman is but an animal, and an animal not of the highest order”. Abusing monarchs, like burning books, erodes dignity and encourages murder.
France’s decline is nothing special. In some regards it is ahead of us; in others, behind. The depressing point is that it is familiar. These Olympics have been marred by racial tension, incompetence, poor taste, unreliable railways, filthy river water and terrible weather. France’s fate is worse than death: she has become Great Britain.
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
💀 🔥 and 👑 for Finn and Quinn, if that’s okay!!
That's perfectly okay! Thank you, Cyn! Vil answered here (
Edit: I forgot Quinn oops 💀
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Sam is the only staff member Finn likes (he is neutral to Trein, though). Sam is not loud or obnoxious or irritating or a prick, and he's actually useful, unlike most people. He is admittedly quite curious about Sam's culture and would like to learn about it, but he doesn't know how to form such a demand.
Finn actually bought Sam's mystery drink, much to Azul's horror, and simply smiled and continued to drink it when Azul demanded a reason for his "traitorous act". He finds Azul and Sam's "rivalry" quite entertaining.
Sam is fond of Finn and can tell he's a curious little fella who wants to learn things. He's patiently waiting for Finn to ask about his culture. He can see the burning curiosity in those amtheyst eyes, after all.
Sam can see Finn's siblings, no matter the time of year, and they gave him quite a fright when Finn first walked into his store. Sam mentions his friends on the other side a number of times, and I hc he has a special connection to ghosts and spirits through his magic and can see them when others can't. Sam is, like some others, concerned about Finn because his health is visibly detoriating. Sam is quite sure it's got something to so with those ghost babies.
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Ohhh boy this is gonna be a long one
Finn is either neutral to most of the student body because he doesn't know or hasn't met them, hates them because he unfortunately does know and has met them, or -rarest of all- likes them. Idia falls into the second option.
Finn has come to visit Azul during clubs a number of times and has subsequently met Idia. Finn does not like Idia.
Quiet? Shy? Bullshit, the bastard runs his mouth a mile a minute, no wonder he gets along with Azul. Fnnn does not like Idia's attitude, nor does he like Idia's personality. Idia's unwanted comments about his weight or teeth when Azul wasn't there does not help matters. Finn is always ten seconds from turning into Riddle's long-lost twin when speaking with Idia for too long.
Idia just rubs Finn the wrong way. He insists Azul should not be spending as much time with Idia as he does. He's even bringing gamer lingo home! (Finn doesn't dislike video games he just hates the way Idia talks). Finn does enjoy tormenting Idia at any opportunity he can.
Meanwhile, Idia is terrified of Finn and finds him incredibly creepy. It's like the little guy crawled out of an indie horror game, put on a uniform, and started going to school. And those paintings? It's like something out of a fucking creepypasta.
Finn's UM is also horror material, according to Idia. He even called Finn "a limited live action bodysnatcher experience," much to Finn's displeasure. He refused to allow Finn to touch him out of fear of Finn doing who knows what with his appearance and voice once he figured out how said UM works.
Finn is #1 on Idia's "NRC's Most Turbo Sus Background Character List, Source: Idia Shroud" (not to be confused with the turbo sus dorm leader and turbo sus vice dorm leader lists) since as much as a creepy sea mosnter Finn is, he's more of a side character in the general scheme of things.
Idia questions Azul's choice of partner (he saw Azul and Finn smooch once, it was disgusting) and wonders if Azul is broken somehow. Brainwashed, maybe.
Yeah, they don't like each other and avoid one another at all costs. Idia tries to find blackmail on Finn, just in case. Finn purposefully flashes his teeth and changes eye colour just to see all colour drain from Idia's face. He even spoke to Idia using Ortho's voice, though he will admit it was a low blow even if he doesn't regret it.
It's just best these two don't interact.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @oya-oya-okay @the-banana-0verlord @theleechyskrunkly @cyanide-latte @officialdaydreamer00 for Finn lore >:D Feel free to drop on an ask!
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jaehyun-updates · 2 months
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171128 NCT Jaehyun at Korea Culture & Entertainment Awards‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ © banana fish do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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Now in theaters:
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes--Generations after the death of Caesar, the chimpanzee who founded ape civilization, apes live in clans along the California coast, around the grown-over ruins of human civilization. Our young hero Noa (Owen Teague) is part of the Eagle Clan, a sort of peaceable low-tech utopia that practices fishing by falconry.
Trouble arrives in the form of a raiding party which abducts the Eagle Clan while Noa is away. He follows, along the way picking up a scholarly orangutan, Raka (Peter Macon), and a waiflike human, Mae (Freya Allan). Noa eventually finds his clan enslaved on a beach, under the rule of Proximus Caesar (Kevin Durand), a swaggering monarch complete with crown and throne, demanding in blustery rhetoric that his throng of subjects pay him obeisance outside his palace, a rusted shipwreck.
Proximus claims authority in the name of Caesar the Lawgiver, but Raka has already taught Noa that his tyranny is an outrage to the true Caesar's egalitarian traditions. What Proximus really wants, it turns out, is to open the massive door to an underground seaside vault full of old human technology and all the potential power that any potentate could want.
This fourth of the latter-day Apes movies is, one might say, the ape-iest of them, the one most immersed in an established ape culture and with the most meager human presence. Directed by Maze Runner veteran Wes Ball from a script by Josh Friedman, it's also the most modest, in blockbuster terms; the cast is made up largely of journeyman TV actors mostly unfamiliar to me. The only name player I recognized was the always reliable William H. Macy, as a human bookworm who's teaching Proximus the follies of human history, often to the King's uproarious laughter.
It's a moody, evenly paced adventure that borrows not only from the original Apes series, especially 1970's satirically seething Beneath the Planet of the Apes, but from other mythic sources including Star Wars and The Lion King. And it's admirably unsentimental, with characters seemingly ripe for redemption that aren't redeemed and alliances that don't warm into friendships. The atmosphere is bitter but bracing, and the film has a heart of hard but noble honor.
It's difficult, these days, for many of us to see any movie about autocratic rule, or the undermining of democratic values, or the allure of "strongman" leadership, as anything but a political allegory for our times. The mangy, orange-furred ape tyrant "Skar King" in the recent Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, for instance, seemed like little more than a heavy-handed, though entertaining, political cartoon. But if Proximus was intended as a stand-in for our current would-be sovereign, I have to say, his high-flown language and historical curiosity make for an overgenerous caricature.
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curio-queries · 6 months
FRI(END)S : the Music Video
This post is part of a series of my thoughts on this release. Here are the other posts:
QUICKCOMBO: Continuation
QUICKCOMBO: Termination
The Song
The Music Video (this post)
The Promo
First, I don't claim to have any expertise when it comes to film-making, I just know what makes sense to me. Please remember take all of the following as a personal interpretation and not fact. I'd avoided reading anyone else's reactions during the initial release as I wanted some time to formulate my thoughts...but here we are. If any of you made posts discussing this release, I'd love if you shared a link so I can go check them out now!
I don't remember if there was any speculation prior to the release if this was going to be a fan song for ARMY. There was some precedent for that with other recent solo songs by the members so I remember going into my initial watchthrough wondering if that would be the case. In any case, it's exceedingly clear when watching the mv, that this song is not ABOUT us. And there's a very clear indicator that this is the case. Two words: EYE CONTACT.
There are exactly four times in the mv that V makes direct eye contact with the camera: when he's alone at the convenience store, both zoomouts in the restaurant, and at the end after he greets his doppleganger.
The convenience store moment is very brief and is immediately followed by a shot of what he's seeing and how he reacts to it. This is giving us a window into how this world is effecting him.
The first zoomout in the restaurant, when he's alone is the moment I knew this song wasn't about us. It's such a deliberate breaking of the fourth wall and it lingers foreeeever. The shot is so long. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong but it firmly puts us in our place as the recipient of this message V is delivering to us.
The next zoomout actually stands out to me not because of V's eye contact with us but because of the girl's lack of it. All of the couples in this world have been obvious about being the same with each other. Whether they're loving or fighting, they're both equally in it. Her NOT making eye contact with us while V does, also highlights the idea of this being a conversation that V is having with us. This whole mv is about V telling us how he's effected by the world around him. She can't connect with us because she's part of the world and not part of him.
The end is such a cheeky little moment. V acknowledging that the past few minutes were bananas and that we will do what we do best with their content: extrapolate and theorize. He's giving us his blessing to take it and roll. So let's do it!
When V makes his bid to end the friendship, there are two possible results: termination or escalation. So let's go through both.
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V is alone in a world that is seemingly only populated by couples. Everyone else has someone and they are hyper-focused on each other. In this part of the story, the couples are clearly focused on a romantic/sexual connection.
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V is no longer alone. He has a lady with him going through the same activities he did previously. But now, all of those couples are fighting with eachother rather than loving, to the point of destruction.
So which side do I subscribe to? Honestly, neither... lol trust the aspec to choose 'none' when presented with a multiple-choice question.
That's it. Honestly that's all of my thoughts about the plot. Excellent storytelling and they do a wonderful job of bringing us into this bizarre world in an entertaining way. I do think it's interesting yo contemplate if this is actually describing a weird other world or if this is all in V's head, showcasing how he perceives the world differently based on his relationship status.
...but that's not all I want to chat about regarding this mv. I think this honestly has more to do with my personal mix on the ace-aro spectrums and the self-sacrificing culture I was raised in. Buuuut I've always had this little thought in the back of my mind that getting into a relationship is actually a really selfish thing to do. I realize this is a highly targeted viewpoint but hear me out for a second on why this mv has got me thinking about this. I'm curious if anyone else on the ace-aro spectrums have had similar thoughts so I'll be posting this over on @aspec-kpop as well. Please tell me if this makes sense to any of you!
So, in this world, V is miserable if everyone else is in relationships and he's alone. Or, if he's seemingly happy with his lady, everyone else around them is in absolute chaos. Either way, both stories end up with him bleeding in the street but in the latter, everyone else is miserable, including his girl who now has to suffer the pain of losing a loved one.
As a teen, who didn't have the luxury of knowing about aspec identities, I remember being absolutely haunted by the admonition that 'it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. As I got older and it was becoming increasingly clear to me that I would not have the traditional life experiences that were expected of me, this weighed very heavy on my soul. I would then see my friends go through the heartache of breakups, and older relatives suffer at the passing of their loved ones. Maybe the saying was wrong after all; since loving someone would always lead to pain anyway?
Yes, I do realize that this is a fictional world created to be a backdrop for a fun pop song and I'm likely exposing a little too much of my own psyche for strangers on the internet. But I do find it interesting also that in this fictional world, there is no good choice for V to take. Either he's miserable and everyone else is happy or the inverse is true. He is in a position where it's just not possible for him to choose both his own happiness and the happiness for those around him. Sound familiar?
(This whole section was worded much better and I feel like I had another point but that is now lost to tumblr eating my original post so this is going to have to be what we get.)
Like I said before, I'm curious how y'all reacted to this release. Do any of my points make sense to you as well? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Just a couple of thoughts from watching the making film:
Tae is so technically competent! It's so satisfying to watch. Did y'all see that moment where he hits his mark walking backwards before the car? Trust a dancer to be so spatially aware.
He's also so good about giving them options with his reactions and expressions. We only get to see the more entertaining ones here but to be so on the ball with a production team that doesn't speak your native language, it's very impressive. Not that I expected any less but it's sure nice to see.
While rewatching this to see if there were any other interesting tidbits, I noticed the sign that said ACE behind V when he was outside of the restaurant. I'm not usually one to research these kinds of things but I am somewhat partial to the term ACE soi was curious. I found it! It's the ACE CAFE of LONDON.
I no longer feel bad about my aspec interpretations. Aces, this song is OURS! lol
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beesbeesdragons · 1 year
hi!! i know you love history so i wanted to ask if you want to share any special cultural headcanons about amestris that are inspired by the historical setting? i know that’s a super broad question but hopefully it makes sense :)
ok first! Amestris is a military dictatorship, so it makes sense that it would have restrictions on certain activities or things such as education and the entertainment industry (film, radio, music, etc etc). it probably also has censorship, both in news but also in actual letter writing. i'm exploring the topic of censorship in From The Desk of Dorothy Mustang a bit, both in the media (specifically radio) and in letters.
second!!! fashion!!! Amestris is definitely the kind of country where you don't waste materials, not if you can avoid it. hence, most of their fashion styles are rooted in practicality. in my fics, i'm writing them as having 1940s fashion, so utility suits, patching clothes, revamping old out-of-fashion clothes, carpetbags, etc. Ngl will probably end up posting a work specifically about my research and with visual inspiration for the clothing i mention.
third, food. Amestris doesn't...have the best trade relation with most of its neighbours. hence, there's probably a fairly limited amount of 'exotic' foods, and it's probably SUPER expensive or limited to the military. You might notice later in my fics that the only sweets they really mention are all hard candies, such as rock or candy drops. They don't have chocolate, and probably not 'tropical' fruits like pineapple, banana and mango. This would affect the kinds of food people eat; most people would eat offal because it's cheap and you can get creative with it. for farmers or the folks in towns like Resembool, they probably all have small veggie patches and maybe chickens. Almost everyone in towns like Resembool would also know how to pluck a chicken, how to make sausages, etc. Just practical skills, you know?
Fourth, they definitely have some sort of 'youth group', similar to scouts. Gotta get the kids involved, right? it'd provide practical skills, for girls probably homemaking skills such as sewing, darning clothes, cooking, etc. It has the added bonus of, should Amestris be invaded or at war, they have an easy way of sending messages! (that is based off how the British army used girl guides as messengers during WW1 because boy scouts were considered too unruly). This also loops back to the control the military has on education; they control the curriculum, the examinations, the entire education system.
that's all for now but I have more!!!!!
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iamaverysadbanana · 4 months
Sad Banana Goes to the Movies: Pineapple Express
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Hash. Weed. Hemp. Marijuana. Whatever you want to call it, cannabis is a part of our culture, and increasingly more accepted. Personally I can't stand the smell of it, but I'm just one person. Seth Rogen, very obviously. is so fond of cannabis products that he made a movie about it. And...it's fine. It was entertaining in the moment and it did get a few laughs out of me. Not to mention that Seth Rogen is delightful as usual. Compared to the other movies I've seen this month, though, I'd have to place it towards the lower end. This is through no fault of the film itself, but as you'll see in future posts, I just got more from the other Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen films than I did from this particular flick. With that said, see you at the movies!
Next Time: The 40-Year-Old Virgin
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otterandterrier · 1 year
I really hope one of the changes that will result from the strikes and the cultural significance of questioning and revising the way screen media is currently operating is that they'll stop it with the Netflixean "all the episodes at once" release method because people have really gone batshit bananas over it, everyone seems incapable of waiting a week for an episode and it's why entertainment feels like a meat grinder these days where you binge something in one day, ruin it for everyone else, enjoy it for a week max and spit it out. I think we need to learn to wait again.
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baemongf · 1 year
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Stage Name: Ahyeon (아현)
Birth Name: Jung Ahyeon (정아현)
Chinese Name: Zhèng Yǎ Xuān (郑雅譞)
Position: Vocalist, Rapper, Dancer, Center (?)
Birthday: April 11, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: —
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Korean
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Ahyeon Facts:
– She was the second member officially shown, on January 16, 2023.
– In the final debut announcement, Ahyeon ranked #1.
– Ahyeon was born in Toegye-dong, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, South Korea.
– She is attending Hanlim Arts High School, along with fellow group member Haram.
– She is in Class 1-6, under the Department of Applied Music.
– She is classmates with CLASS:y‘s Jimin and Ito Minami and Choi Sarang, who participated in the survival show ‘My Teenage Girl’.
– She went to Ara Dance Academy.
– She’s enjoyed dancing ever since she was 5. Her father was always very supportive of her dream to become a dancer, and he recorded many videos of her. In those videos, he can be heard cheering her on.
– Ahyeon has been training at YG for 4 years. She got accepted in December of 2018, passed 1st round audition on February.
– She auditioned with ‘The Show’ by Lenka.
– She has a positive attitude towards everything.
– Yang Hyun-Suk describes her as ‘a warrior that has many weapons.’
– She has the widest vocal range.
– She is the group’s strongest all-rounder.
– She is described as an ‘ace’ by her instructors.
– She has a younger brother.
– She’s popular in school.
– She scores very high academically.
– She was a musical singer.
– She’s fluent in Korean, Chinese and English.
– She started learning English by reading the subtitles of English animations while watching them when she was young.
– She’s been learning English since she was 5, and Chinese since she was 7.
– She is roommates with Chiquita.
– Fans think that she looks LE SSERAFIM‘s former member Garam and FIFTY FIFTY‘s Aran.
– She passed JYP Entertainment’s and Banana Culture’s auditions.
– She placed in the list for ‘World Wide Best Handsome Beautiful In The World 2023’
– Her motto is “ Let’s have fun with no regrets. „
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Random Things 035/Dyo Says In His Sleep
Before we begin, for the record 035 on a humanoid body does sleep. He also says some strannge ass things while sleeping. As his 'brain' is anomalous, it gets weird. And now... Dyo's Greatest Hits.
"I'd like to thank the Academy, but you're a bunch of talentless hacks. Goodnight, and come up with an original idea for once."
"Doctor... is that a syringe in your hand, or are you happy to see me?"
"Banana? Honey, I'm the whole fruit stand."
"Roses? For me? You do care, 682!"
"I could totally pull off the seashell bra. I'll prove it." A pause. "On second thought... this damned thing is impractical and uncomfortable. And I kinda like pain."
"My queen, that wig is too much. And why make those poor canaries suffer in that dreadful mess?"
"What do we do every night? Try to break out of containment and take over the world. Do keep up, old chap."
"I'm sorry I said that loincloth makes your ass look big. Will you kindly stop hitting me with a fishing rod, 076-2?"
"Cargo shorts? Dr. Clef, you disappoint me."
"What do you mean, 'sarcasm and pessimism will not look good on your performance review'? I'm not even employed here."
"No, as tempting as naked yoga sounds, I just don't like you, Dr. Bright."
"Hey, hey, hey! Party Keter in the house, yo!" A brief pause. "Fine. I am never saying that again."
"Cactus Man! Cactus Man! Does everything a cactus can. Look out! Here comes the Cactus Man." A minute passes. "Please don't sue us."
"Okay, this is now serious. They brought lawyers."
"Those boots, with that skirt? Tres impractical, my dear."
"Hob and Morpheus are spot on, Shakespeare's a twink. And had legs like a anorexic chicken. Tights... did not flatter him in the least. The Plague Doctor can confirm."
"I met Madame Shelly, a rather charming young lady. Keen intellect, warm smile, and impeccable fashion sense. Not my type, but very lovely. She used to tell the best stories."
"Meh. 'Archeologist' is just the socially acceptable way of saying 'tomb raider' or 'grave robber' in my opinion. Even if what he found went to a museum, Indiana Jones still stole relics from various cultures and sold them for profit."
"You want me to wear clothes? Turn. On. The. Air. Conditioning. It's over 85 degrees in here, and so humid if I had hair it would frizz."
"Donut. It takes some stones to wear pink armor. You're a badass Spartan. Own. The. Armor! Flaunt it! Yeah! Pink and proud, baby!"
"Ooh! Look at the big, strong, scary SuperTyrant in his precious little fedora and trenchcoat. As dumb as this thing is... it's got style. It's a massive bullet sponge from bioweapon hell, but done with actual taste."
"Do I have to share with... HIM? But... he takes way too much. It's my pint of Genocide By Cacao, I stole it fair and square!"
"WHAT? Oh, sure... I spend WEEKS hand embroidering my costume, after cutting and sewing and wigmaking, doing Oscar worthy work, and no one cares. But! Slap some eyeliner on him, braid bloody golden rings and bells into his hair, and suddenly everybody wants to know if Khal Drogo is now in Foundation custody. I worked really hard on my Olenna Tyrell ensemble. Golden roses are complicated! Abel didn't even try! Iris did all the work, give HER the free pizza. This stupid 'Game of Thrones' costume contest is rigged!" Thirty seconds pass. "And that pizza is terrible and loaded with preservatives anyway."
In hindsight... whomever introduced Dyo to the works of George R. R. Martin...has made a grave mistake. At least it was entertaining.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (16-22 Apr 2023)
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🥰cast out fear (s0mmerspr0ssen) - 41K, star trek AOS canon-divergent - kirk almost dies saving Vulcan & is recovering there so there's some juicy hurt/comfort, slowly getting to know one another + BAMF amanda grayson (which is my fave)
😍The Mimicking of Known Successes (Mossa & Pleiti #1) (Malka Ann Older, author; Lindsey Dorcus, narrator) - novella, 'cozy Holmesian murder mystery and sapphic romance' set in space - really dug this, gave me similar vibes to Becky Chambers' stuff, where it's more about the worldbuilding and the character relationships than the plot (tho that is quite entertaining). looking forward to more
🥰It's The Snow (postmodernmulticoloredcloak) - 44K, stucky modern AU - snowed in, only one bed, enemies-to-lovers, light D/s dynamic tropetastic goodness!
💖💖 +279K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Variations on George Penn (beautifulduckweed) - Band Sinister (KJ Charles): Ned Caulfield/George Penn, 3K - excellently done 'Wikipedia' article + some other magazine articles discussing George Penn's life, work & impact - I just love this kind of fanwork
Banana Daiquiris (Avelera) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 4K - cute & absolutely hilarious little fic about Dream 'on vacation' in Tahiti and deciding he wants Hob there too
boots & budweiser’s miraculous misadventures (helix_stomper) - Stranger Things: steddie, 34K - "Steve and Eddie meet at a gloryhole Pre-S4. It goes pretty much exactly how you’d expect." - 2 fics so far in this ongoing series - truly excellent smut but also some really great character stuff! While I can't wait to see how the story develops, what's already been given is 🥵🥰!
Game Changer - s5, e2, 4
Dirty Laundry - s2, e8-10
Um, Actually - s1, e1-2; s7, e1, 3-12, s8, e1-2
Schmigadoon! - s2, e2-4
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e2
Ted Lasso - s3, e6 [x2]
The Sporkful - Squishy Or Crunchy? Why Texture Matters [Gastropod]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Bete Giyorgis of Lalibela
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pack Your Bag(pipes) with Ross Jennings
Switched on Pop - BTS goes solo together
Shedunnit - Death Under Par
⭐Into It - A Guide to Spoiler Culture from 'Lost' to 'Succession'
Vibe Check - Do Not Disturb
99% Invisible #533 - Dear John and Roman [Dear Hank & John]
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - For Keeps Books
Decoder Ring Plus - The Curious Case of Columbo's Message to Romania
Ologies with Alie Ward - Delphinology (DOLPHINS) with Justin Gregg
Our Opinions Are Correct - Episode 128: Dungeons & Dragons Gets Cozy
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - John Brown’s Farm
⭐Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - The Spatial Race
Into It - Will Hollywood Strike? And Are We Into Netflix’s Late 'Love' and AI Drake?
Welcome to Night Vale - Bonus Episode: Behind the Scenes (April 2023)
⭐You're Dead To Me - Cleopatra
Switched on Pop - A.I. Drake has put music in a tailspin [Vergecast]
Duran Duran [Duran Duran] {1981}
Rio [Duran Duran] {1982}
Duran Duran
The Donnas
Rock 'N Roll [New York Dolls] {1994}
Anthology [Stiff Little Fingers] {2002}
Presenting Electric Light Orchestra
Presenting The Beach Boys
Presenting Tom Petty
synthwave radio [Lofi Girl]
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
What is Finn's relationship with Malleus and Crowley?!🥰💕 INTERESTING
Ohhh, this is a fun one! Thank you, Oya!
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See, Finn doesn't really find Malleus that intimidating at all. He's not an idiot, he's well aware Malleus is a prince that holds magical power far beyond his own, but when you're continually haunted by ghost babies and suffer from night terrors and you live in the Coral Sea and your father is a butcher with some questionable connections, it's difficult to be intimidated by much.
That aside, Finn respects Malleus and enjoys his company. He finds Malleus' general nature quite entertaining and his protective nature over him (and Yuu) quite amusing, endearing even. He would like to learn from Malleus, whether or be Malleus' culture or spells or other things. Malleus is the closest thing Finn has to a friend, though Finn would rather drop dead than admit to being fond of the idea.
Malleus, on the other hand, loves Finn. Finn does not fear him. Finn does not flinch when he comes near. In fact, Finn is remarkably unflinching. Finn is his friend, like Yuu, and is therefore very dear to him.
Malleus is protective, not to a possessive degree, but he is perfectly willing to strike anyone who brings Finn harm. (This causes a debacle when Finn is injured during Azul's overblot)
Malleus enjoys his time with Finn, and it makes him happy that Finn has such a keen interest in gargoyles. It was nice to have someone to talk about his interests with, someone who actually engages.
Malleus himself has started learning about abyssal magic from Finn. It was amazing, really, learning something no one else could teach him. Finn is an odd person, but Malleus finds that endearing. Finn's paintings fascinate him, and he's hoping to convince Finn to paint a gargoyle, even if the shark is insistent that it won't look good.
Finn is someone who he can either have pleasant conversations with or simply sit in silence with, and it's a nice combination.
Malleus can sense those ghosts constantly hovering around Finn, even if he can't see them. He isn't sure how to proceed when it comes to them, as the first time he asked about them went....poorly.
All in all, they're friends, even if Finn won't admit it, and they get along well. They're getting closer over time, though it's a slow process. They're a cute duo.
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Finn hates Crowley with a passion and finds him extremely suspicious. They don't interact much, and Finn avoids hum like the plague. He's so obnoxious and loud, and Azul has dirt on him, so that's an instant red flag.
Crowley is honestly creeped out by Finn, but he's a well-behaved student (mostly), and his paintings of the various school locations provide good advertising material. He can't help but wonder why Finn's stellar grades are steadily dropping, but it's none of his business, so nevermind that! He is curious about the souls that are attached to Finn, according to the Dark Mirror, and he thinks Sam knows something about it. He'll have to go interrogate the shopkeeper sometime...
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @cynthinesia @theleechyskrunkly @the-banana-0verlord @cyanide-latte @officialdaydreamer00 @oya-oya-okay
Okay I accidentally added a poll so:
(You're not allowed to say no/j)
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nadoripeter · 1 year
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