#based on that part where the two of them were dining together
planetsandmagic · 2 years
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my piece for @/csmfanzine (twitter)! 
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megalony · 8 months
Home Invasion
This is an Eddie x Buck x deaf! Reader imagine based on an anon request and I hope you will all like it. I will be doing a follow up part soon too. Feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream
911 Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: When Eddie and Evan are at work, someone breaks into their home and (Y/n) ends up being attacked.
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When (Y/n) walked through the hallway towards the kitchen, a tender smile tugged at her lips and her footsteps slowed as she walked through the kitchen doorway.
Reaching her hand out, she dragged her fingertips delicately across the whiteboard pinned to the wall next to the door. The large whiteboard had many small, laminated squares of paper blue tacced to the top of the board in two rows. Each square had a diagram on with writing beneath it and there was a plastic pocket taped to the corner of the board with hundreds more squares stuffed inside.
The board was for Chris.
With his cerebal palsy, Chris was finding it hard to learn and perform sign language. He needed more ways to communicate with (Y/n) when his signs were shaky at best and it took him a long time to form one sentence using sign.
So they got a white board with hundreds of diagrams and words such as morning, hello, dinner, out, car and other vocabs so Chris could string a sentence together for (Y/n) to read. They also had a large laminate poster stuck next to the white board to help remind Chris of simple signs he could use.
Both Eddie and Evan had mastered their sign language courses the moment the three of them got into a relationship together.
(Y/n) could speak, but since she couldn't hear her own voice, she never knew if she was pronouncing words properly, if she was being too loud or too quiet or if she was muttering rather than speaking. Talking made her self-conscious and unsettled and she preferred to use sign language. But Chris was slowly coaxing her out of her shell because he was working on his words and pronouncing too so it was like they were learning together.
And if Chris spoke slowly and tried to keep his lips clear and fluent, (Y/n) was learning to read his lips. His cerebal palsy gave Chris a different way of moving his lips and pronouncing so for (Y/n) it was like learning a new language. But starting to understand Chris's speech meant he didn't always have to try and use sign language. As long as she could understand him and he could understand her signs, they would be able to communicate well together.
A twinkling smile lit up (Y/n)'s face when she looked down at the whiteboard and read the two words scribbled along the centre which was definitely Evan's handwriting.
'Love You!'
(Y/n) smiled to herself as she walked over towards the sink and grabbed herself a cup. She flicked the kettle on and leaned her forearms down on the counter, waiting for it to boil.
It always felt strange to be home alone without any of her boys. Both Evan and Eddie were at work and Chris was at school. (Y/n) never knew what to do with herself when the house work had all been done and she had nowhere to be and no work to be catching up on.
Watching movies weren't as fun without the boys fighting over popcorn and throwing it around the room. (Y/n) figured she could do some art while she had the house to herself with the tv on as a background image to keep her mind occupied.
She poured herself a cup of coffee and slowly trailed from the kitchen through to the dining room. Setting her cup down in the middle of the table, (Y/n) moved towards the cupboard at the far end where she and Chris had their craft boxes.
But just as she kneeled down and went to grab her dark blue plastic box, something caught her attention out the corner of her eye.
(Y/n) turned her head to the left and leaned forward, but she wasn't sure what she had seen, or what she thought she had seen for a fleeting moment.
Her brows narrowed but after a few seconds passed, (Y/n) let out the breath she had been keeping in and turned her sights back to the box in front of her. Maybe she had left the tv on in the living room and the changing colours caught her perceptive gaze. Maybe she had left a window open and the breeze was moving the curtains.
Box in hand, she stood up and moved back to the table and started to rummage through for her paints and a fresh canvas. Evan's birthday was coming up and (Y/n) wanted to make something to go along with the adventure course she and Eddie had booked for him to go on.
Terror ransacked (Y/n)'s body when, just as she had a bottle of paint in each hand, she felt something tangle in her hair.
A hand.
Sharp nails scratched into her scalp. Fingers curled tightly into her locks. Knuckles pressed harshly into her scalp and the force sent her head jolting forward. The movement sent a shockwave running down the base of (Y/n)'s spine and something burned at the back of her throat.
Tears burned in the corners of her eyes as her breaths started to run away without her.
Somebody was in the house.
Both her guys were at work and Chris was at school. No one else should be home except for (Y/n) and she had locked the door when she came home from taking Chris to school.
Someone had broken into their home. And (Y/n) hadn't heard them.
She wasn't sure whether she screamed or if she only made a whimpering sound but all the air pushed past her lips as her hands dropped the tubes of paint onto the table. She flung her arms out behind her and tried to scratch her assailant's arm and thrust her elbow behind her, aiming for whatever she could reach to unarm and hurt them.
Now (Y/n) was beginning to wish she had taken some kind of self defence class or at least joined Eddie and Evan when they went to the gym.
Her eyes snapped shut in panic and (Y/n) tried in the split second she had to brace herself when the hand tightened in her hair and she felt their arm pin down into her back. Whoever was behind her thrust her forward so hard and fast that her forehead bashed into the table, scattering the paints until they rolled onto the floor and (Y/n) could see stars twinkling behind her eyelids.
A roaring scream left her lips and she could feel her throat and lips vibrating from the action as her knees caved and she let go of the assailant to brace her hands on the table and hold herself up.
Tears burned down her face like acid rain and when she felt like he was going to smash her head into the table again, (Y/n) tried to push all her weight back and thrust her head back. She moved until the back of her head hit his chest and winded him enough for him to let go.
She needed to get her phone. She had to grab her phone and get out the house.
(Y/n) pushed herself up onto shaking legs and tried her best to bolt. Her hands grabbed one of the chairs and propelled herself forward while she tipped the chair behind her to try and trip him up and add some distance between them. She used the wall as leverage to push ahead and stop from falling when her knees started to buckle and her body felt desperate to collapse down to the floor.
Why couldn't she have been out when this happened? Why couldn't she be out for a walk or at the shops or even visiting her boys down at the station? Why did someone have to pick their house to rob and at the exact time that (Y/n) was home by herself?
She wasn't sure whether she said no or whether she just screamed something similar when the same rough hands clamped down on her arms and yanked her backwards.
She writhed from side to side, screaming as loudly as she thought she could just in case anyone walked past the house or the neighbours could hear her. It might make the burglar think she could hear him if she was screaming. (Y/n) had no idea if he would target her more if he found out she couldn't hear and could barely pronounce properly.
Her arms thwarted out but she couldn't block off the man's fist when he punched her in her lower chest, effectively knocking all the wind out of her and sending her down to the floor.
Where was her phone? Where had she left it? Surely it had to be close by now that she was in the living room.
Her heart plummeted down into her stomach when her eyes locked on the man as he reached out and grabbed the lamp from the side table. Was he going to try and hit her with that? With the right amount of force to her head he could kill her.
She rolled onto her stomach, scraped her feet against the floor and tried to push up again. Her body slumped over the arm of the sofa and she managed to curl her fingers around her phone before her eyes bulged in their sockets and her head started to thud.
He wrapped the lamp cord around her neck.
She couldn't breathe. The blow to her stomach had restarted her lungs which were gasping for air but now with a thin but strong white cord around her neck pressing into her trachea, she wasn't able to breathe at all. She scratched her nails into her neck deep enough to draw blood when she tried to pull the cord away from her throat and lean back into the man as much as she could to relieve the pressure.
Tears streamed down her face, her lower lip wobbled and her jaw clicked as she gasped. Every nerve ignited with terror and her head felt like it was swelling up with air and about to burst.
She wanted her boys. What would they do? Who was she kidding, Eddie and Evan were double her size and weight, they would have no problem fighting someone off and pinning down their assailant.
All (Y/n) could do was try and throw her head back enough to catch him off guard and keep pushing him back with her dwindling energy. She couldn't stop fighting, she had to keep moving. It didn't matter how much energy and oxygen she wasted. Moving was a better option than pretending to faint and hoping in vain that he might not choke her to death.
Her minimal force seemed to prove worthy when she knocked her attacker off balance and her fingers wormed in between her neck and the cord to allow her to pull it off her neck.
Sucking in a deep breath clouded (Y/n)'s better judgement and stopped her from bolting forward. One step and she would have been able to reach for her phone. But with her eyes blocked by white spots and her lungs heaving, she stopped moving.
Hands grabbed at her arms and a body pushed against her back, sending her falling forward.
She knew she screamed that time. Her body fell through the air and her arms coiled into her chest, hands smothering her face for protection when she landed on the coffee table. (Y/n) couldn't tell whether he had fallen into her but managed to stay standing or if he simply pushed her with all his might. Either way, (Y/n)'s shuddering body broke clear through the glass coffee table.
Her whole right side burned and bounced back off the metal legs and frame of the table. Glass splintered into her skin and imbedded into every inch of her right arm, her neck, forehead and her exposed leg.
When her head smashed into one of the metal legs, everything turned black.
"Eddie, Buck, my office please."
Eddie's head turned to the right and his hand tightened around Evan's shoulder when Bobby's voice hit his ears.
What had they done?
He didn't like the look in Bobby's eyes or the way he didn't wait for them, he simply turned on his heels and steam-marched towards his office, knowing they would follow in his shadow.
They hadn't done anything to warrant a private chat in the Captain's office. They weren't messing about or not doing their share of the chores around the station and they had done everything as normal on shift today. Neither of them were being unprofessional either. It was in their agreement with Bobby that they were still able to work together and be on the same shifts together, as long as they remained professional. Their relationship couldn't interfere with their work and they both made sure it never did.
Unease rattled through Evan as he grabbed his shirt from the bench and hurriedly slipped it over his head, folding his arms through the sleeves while he jogged to keep pace with Eddie and follow Bobby.
"Everything okay Cap?" Evan finished up the buttons on his shirt before he settled his hands on his hips. Neither he nor Eddie went to sit down because Bobby wasn't sat behind his desk. He was stood to the side of his desk, one hip jutted out against the corner with his hands tense and stretching at his sides.
If Bobby wasn't sat down, he wasn't very comfortable and that meant this wasn't a friendly chat.
"I've had Athena on the phone, there's been a situation at your house. You both needed to go home."
The pair shared a panicked, nervous look between them before they looked back at Bobby. What the Hell did that mean? What kind of situation? Did they have a fire, a gas leak? A flood? (Y/n) was supposed to be home today, was she alright?
"Uh, what… what kind of situation?" Evan wasn't sure he really wanted to ask but they couldn't go home until they had all the details.
"You've had a break-in."
"But (Y/n)'s at home. Was she hurt?" All of Eddie's muscles tensed up until they felt like elastic bands that were going to snap. He could feel goosebumps prickling across his skin and all the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stood up on end.
"She was attacked, Athena said she won't let the medics near her, you both have to go now."
Before Bobby could usher his hands towards the door, Eddie was out the door and halfway down the corridor. His shoulders squared and rose up, his jaw locked so tightly his teeth were grinding down together and his hands were curled up into fists at his sides, desperate to pummel into anything within range.
Someone had broken into their home and attacked their girlfriend. Whoever it was needed to be found and kept away from Eddie before he killed him. (Y/n) wasn't a threat by any means, she was deaf and that made her vulnerable. Someone had gone and attacked her and neither Eddie or Evan knew how badly she had been hurt. They were lucky she hadn't been taken hostage or rushed down to the emergency care unit.
Evan didn't know what to say when the pair of them stormed out into the parking lot and Eddie jumped in the driver's seat of the jeep. He wasn't in the right frame of mind to drive, but Evan didn't have the heart to tell him to switch. He wasn't so sure he would be much better, when his mind wasn't focused he didn't pay attention when he was driving and he could space out. At least Eddie would remained focused and alert.
Evan clenched his hands together and leaned forward, pressing his knuckles against his lips to try and give him something to focus on but he didn't know what to do with himself.
"Do you think she's okay?"
"Don't." Eddie dug his fingers into the back of his head and scrunched up the short hairs in his fist, tugging until his nails scratched into his scalp. He wasn't having this conversation, not until they saw (Y/n) for themselves and knew exactly what they were walking into.
"She might be-"
"Buck! Look, if they haven't managed to get her to the hospital then she's awake and alert. That's a good thing, focus on that." Suddenly Eddie felt like he had told Chris off rather than having a conversation with his partner and when he glanced over, he saw the stern expression on Evan's face. And the flames burning within his blue eyes.
He reached across after a second thought and curled his hand around Evan's thigh, trying to apologise and give him some comfort at the same time.
Neither of them felt good when they pulled up in the drive. Two police cars and an ambulance were parked out front and the front door was swung wide open.
"Athena!" Evan jumped down from the jeep and bolted across the lawn to reach the woman he classed as a motherly figure. She was stood in the doorway, clearly waiting for their arrival with apprehension in her eyes and her signature sunglasses perched on top of her head.
"What happened?" Eddie pressed a hand to Evan's shoulder and side stepped round him to push his way through the door. He didn't like the look of all these officers floating about his home. There was a gurney laid useless behind the armchair and when he stumbled forward, he noticed the two paramedics knelt down on the floor, getting no where near (Y/n) no matter what they tried to do.
"The perp broke in through the back window, from what I can gather, (Y/n) must have caught him in the act. She put up a good fight. Your neighbour called when she found the front door wide open… (Y/n) won't let any of us near her."
Panic bubbled up in Evan's chest when he took in the state of their home, following Eddie into the living room.
The lamp was broken on the floor next to the sofa, a large dint in the shade and the bulb fractured on the laminate floor. Pictures were knocked onto the floor, pens and paint bottles were scattered in the hallway. And the coffee table was a mess.
Only the dark metallic structure of the coffee table was left standing. The glass counter was blown into millions of tiny shards littered all around the floor. Along with a broken mug, a tub of pens, a magazine and the tv remotes all merged in with the glass. But what caught Evan's eye was the puddle of blood right in the centre of the coffee table. Little crimson raindrops scattered across the glass and led a trail across the floor towards the far window.
"Oh fuck, baby!" Eddie crouched down on the floor, trying to be mindful of the blood splatters and fractured pieces of glass surrounding them.
He held his hands out in front of him and waited until (Y/n) lifted her head so she could see he wasn't some stranger trying to hurt her or move her against her will. He could see the paramedics had given up trying. They were sat in front of the tv with their medic bags at their sides, unable to do anything because they couldn't treat (Y/n) against her will no matter what injuries she had.
Tears stained her face but even more flooded her face when she looked up and realised the two people she had been crying for were finally here in front of her.
When Evan knelt down on her right, (Y/n) dropped her knees down to the floor and let her body fall into him. Her head tucked into his chest, her arms stayed cocooned against her chest and a horrid scream left her lips as she started to hyperventilate.
"Shh, oh sweetheart, shhh." Evan wrapped his left arm around her waist and curled his right arm over her chest with his hand cupping her chin. This thumb smoothed across her jaw and lips and his fingers splayed out on her cheek as he tilted his head down and smothered his lips against the top of her head. He knew she would be able to feel his voice vibrate against her skin when he hushed her. He gently swayed them back and forth, brushing his thumb soothingly against her lip and chin.
Her eyes snapped open and for a second her body pushed back into Evan when a tender hand rested on her knee but she realised it was just Eddie trying to get her attention. He needed her eyes open and focused so they could talk.
Eddie waved his index finger in front of his eye before he pointed at his chest.
Eyes on me.
He curled his fingers into a fist except for his index fingers and held his hands in front of his chest, moving his hands together and back like magnets repelling each other before he pointed at (Y/n) and spoke as he signed. "Are you hurt?"
When she nodded, Eddie's chest tightened and he knelt up straighter while he tried to control his expression and remain calm as if he were on the job. But call outs were never this personal.
"Let me see." He pointed at his chest before he pointed at his eyes and moved his finger from his eye towards (Y/n). He had to see what injuries she had so he could help her. She wasn't going to let anyone else near her and for now, she was wrapped up in Evan's arms which would make her feel safer and calm. And if it was Eddie who was patching her up since he was a medic, she would let him help her.
(Y/n)'s chest shook and hitched with each breath before she uncurled her arms from her chest and held them out towards Eddie like she was waiting for him to slap handcuffs on her. She didn't like the way his shoulders slumped and how he bit his teeth deeply into his lower lip with a grimace.
Before Eddie could reach out for her hands, (Y/n) lifted her shaking hands up to sign.
She pointed her index finger out and waved it up and down before she held both her palms out and moved her hands from her chest out in front of her in a forward motion, then finally pointed her finger at her chest.
He pushed me.
When she started to point and shake her hand, Eddie jumped when he heard Evan growl like an animal. Eddie snapped his head round to see what she was pointing at, thinking for a moment that the assailant was somehow back in the room with them. But then it dawned on him. She was pointing and looking at the coffee table. He had pushed her into the table.
"Check her arm, she's bleeding onto my trousers." Evan's voice was an octave deeper than usual and his breaths were coming out harsh and forced.
He didn't lift his head from (Y/n)'s hair and spoke into the top of her head while he continued to rock back and forth, something Eddie guessed was to calm him down more than (Y/n).
Reaching out, Eddie gently cupped (Y/n)'s wrists and pulled them to rest her hands down on his thighs so he could examine her.
"I'm a medic, I need your equipment. Now." Eddie clicked his fingers behind him towards one of the medics and waited impatiently for them to set the bag down by his leg.
(Y/n) had a deep gash down her arm just below her elbow which stretched down towards her wrist and Eddie could see little pieces of glass imbedded into her skin. He needed to tie a turniquet around her arm to cut off the circulation because Evan was right, the blood was pooling down onto his trousers and had been bleeding out for a while. She might have nicked a big artery or vein in her arm and they couldn't have her bleeding out.
Rummaging through the medic bag, Eddie found a deep blue turniquet band that he laid out on his lap before he looked up at (Y/n). He held his left hand out and made a grabbing fist before he stretched his hands out, stuck his thumb and pinkies out on each hand and shook them side to side.
Hold still.
Eddie slipped the band an inch higher than (Y/n)'s elbow and popped the button into the pin hole as tight as he could until the band bit into her flesh and she winced. It had to be tight to cut off the circulation.
Once that was done, Eddie grabbed a pair of tweezers from the bag and began plucking small shards of glass from around the wound. He was relieved only a few little pieces had imbedded into her arm but he knew a doctor would have to take a closer look so they didn't stitch her up with glass still stuck in the wound.
Evan rolled his lips together and began smoothing his thumb up and down (Y/n)'s jaw when she pushed back into his chest and began to cry harder. Her body shook when Eddie poured saline over the wound and cleansed it with an anticeptic wipe.
"There we go," He mumbled quietly when he packed gauze against the wound and wrapped a roll of bandage around her forearm.
With a deep breath, Evan moved his head down to brush his nose against (Y/n)'s cheek and his eyes followed her right hand when she motioned her finger up and down near her waist. She'd hurt her leg. He moved his hands to cup (Y/n)'s hips and he gently eased her back into his chest while Eddie held the back of her knees and slowly straightened her legs out so he could assess them.
Shuffling forward beside (Y/n)'s legs, Eddie carefully cupped (Y/n)'s face and tilted her head down so he could check the cut on the right side of her temple. It didn't look to have any glass stuck in it and it wasn't deep enough to require stitches. But just as Eddie smile and kissed her cheek, his smile faded and he pressed his fingers beneath (Y/n)'s chin and tilted her head back until the back of her head was pressed against Evan's shoulder.
"Did he strange you?" Eddie's voice shook and he was glad (Y/n) couldn't hear the tremor in his tone while he hovered his right hand over his neck.
Pulling back, Evan leaned around to look down at (Y/n)'s neck and tears welled in his eyes when he noticed the thin, discoloured line around her neck. And his eyes followed (Y/n)'s hand as she held it up, pressed her fingertips against her thumb then flicked her fingers out.
He'd strangled her with the lamp wire.
"We're taking you to hospital." Eddie pressed his index and middle finger to his shoulder and swiped his fingertips down his arm in a straight line, then a sideways line across for the hospital symbol.
Evan pulled his shirt over his head and ran his fingers through his hair before he turned around to face the bed. A tender smile formed on his lips and he moved to stand near the end of the bed to face (Y/n) who was perched cross-legged in the middle of the bed.
"I have to go to work now, baby." He curled his hands into fists, held his left hand out and moved his right fist in a circular motion above his hand before he brought his fist down to rest on his left wrist. The sign for work.
He watched (Y/n) push up onto her knees and crawl across to the end of the bed where he was standing. His lips curved up when (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the middle of his chest. The sudden affection was more than welcome and Evan buried his face in the top of her head, breathing in her scent as his palms pressed down on her lower back. His elbows bedded into her waist and he moved to press his cheek against her hair.
He could feel the bandage on her arm rubbing against his neck and it made him shiver. Eddie had wrapped a fresh bandage around her arm every day for the past four days since the incident because (Y/n) had started to scratch the stitches absentmindedly when they itched and she was at the point of tearing them out. A bandage was the only way to stop her from making the wound worse.
When (Y/n) pulled back and tilted her head up, Evan moved his hands from her waist to cup her neck, his thumbs brushing across her jaw before he leaned down to steal a kiss.
He sucked her lip between his teeth and gave a sharp tug, relishing in the way her fingers suddenly dug down into his back.
Evan pulled back when (Y/n) scratched her nails into his back and nuzzled her nose against his before she unravelled her arms from his neck. She shuffled back a small pace so she could hold her arms out in front of her and Evan's face softened as he went back to cupping her hips instead. Waiting patiently for her to sign something to him.
Her hands held out in front of her with her index fingers pointed out and she raised her arms up to her chest, and then tapped her chest. Her hands then curled into fists with her thumbs stuck up as she rubbed her clenched fingers together. Then finally tapped the end of her finger into Evan's chest.
Can I come with you.
Evan's brows creased and his smile started to fade. Why did she suddenly want to come down to the station with him? He was going on shift, not going out to see the team for a night out. And Eddie was still on shift, he would be finished in two hours and would be on his way home to her.
"Why?" Pressing his fingertips to his temple, Evan then pulled his hand down and curled his fingers, leaving his thumb and pinky sticking out.
(Y/n) gulped loudly, flitting her eyes around until they settled on staring at Evan's chest as her fingers curled and she rubbed her hand in a circular motion over her chest. 'Please.'
"Why, baby?" When she didn't answer, Evan's jaw tightened and his shoulders hunched. He stuck his thumb and pinky out again with the rest of his fingers curled up and pressed his curled fingers against his chin and then pulled his hand away. "What's wrong?"
Unease rattled through Evan when (Y/n) simply repeated the same thing again, without looking him in the eye. Deep down she had to know Evan wasn't going to say no to her but she also had to know that he needed to know what was wrong. He wasn't going to ignore this or pretend she was coming down to the station for a visit when he could see the panic bubbling up in her eyes.
Curling his thumb into his palm, Evan kept his hand straight with his fingers tense and waved his hand from his chin in an outward motion before he pointed at his chest. "Talk to me."
A trembling set in throughout (Y/n)'s body when Evan's hands went back to holding her hips and he tilted his chin down to look at her properly. He hated the panic in her eyes but not as much as (Y/n) hated what she was about to sign. She didn't want to admit what was rattling around in her head but the more she thought about it, the more her body started to shake and tears started to trace down the bridge of her nose.
Sticking her pinky out, she pressed her hand into her chest, then stuck her index and middle finger into a crooked position before bringing her arms up and crossing her wrists in front of her.
Tremors set in her body by the time she curled her ring finger beneath her middle finger, left her other fingers stretched out and rubbed her ring finger around her chest.
Tears burned in the corner of Evan's eyes when he watched his girl cross her arms over her chest with her hands on her shoulders, then uncrossed them and held her hands up by the sides of her head into clenched fists.
'I don't feel safe.'
(Y/n) let her arms flop across Evan's shoulders and wrap tightly around the back of his neck when he pulled her into his chest. His hand pressed tightly into her lower back and his other hand moved to cup the back of her thigh. In one swift motion, Evan lifted her up from the bed and hoisted her onto his hips. Pinching her thigh until she got the hint and wrapped her legs around his worso with her heels resting comfortably between his hips.
He pressed his lips to the side of her head, sighing against her skin before he peppered hundreds of kisses to her temple when she quivered and started to whimper into his neck.
He should have seen this coming.
He and Eddie had taken the last four days off work to be home with (Y/n), neither of them wanted to leave her when the moment they came home from the hospital, she had a panic attack on the doorstep.
They had spent the last few days calming her down, helping with the panic she felt whenever she caught something out the corner of her eye. They stopped her scratching her arm, held her when she cried and wedged her between them during the night so she wouldn't wake during the night feeling afraid.
But it didn't dawn on Evan that (Y/n) would be this panicked about being alone. Eddie would be home in just over two hours. They both thought that was a small amount of time and (Y/n) might be okay being alone until he came back. Clearly they had been wrong. They should have thought about this more and prepared for this situation happening.
Evan nudged his nose against (Y/n)'s cheek until she got the hint and lifted her head to look up at him.
"I'll keep you safe." He spoke slow enough that (Y/n) was able to read his lips so he didn't have to let go of her. He tightened his hand around her thigh and leaned forward, burying his face into her neck with his lips sucking a mark into her skin.
He would keep her safe. He and Eddie would look after her and make sure nothing bad ever happened to her again. They hadn't been here when she got hurt the first time, but they weren't making that mistake again. And Evan knew they couldn't stay with (Y/n) twenty-four seven no matter how hard they tried, but they would do their best.
For now, Evan would take her with him to work and she could wait at the station until Eddie's shift finished and she could go home with him.
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Thinking of You - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Thinking of You by Kate Perry (based on THIS request)
Warnings: Angst, will there be a happy ending?
Word Count: 2.5k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Remember, you asked for this.
Comparisons are easily done Once you've had a taste of perfection
You and Caitlin were everything. The relationship the two of you shared was unmatched and anyone and everyone could see that. You were inseparable.
The two of you started at Iowa at the same time - both freshmen on the women's basketball team. The two of you clicked almost immediately and soon became each other's rocks during practice. It wasn't hard considering the two of you had very similar playing styles. The team quickly saw the connection the two of you had on and off the court.
If you weren't at practice, the two of you could be found doing literally everything together - studying, eating in the dining hall, chilling in each other's apartments. It wasn't to anyone's surprise when the two of you started to show signs that you were becoming a little more than friends.
If anyone were to ask you who asked out who - you wouldn't really know what to tell them. There was not one singular moment where Caitlin asked you out or vice versa. The two of you just woke up one morning and it was like you both knew being friends wasn't enough.
It came after a particularly hard loss your freshman year. She slept over at your apartment and the two of you replayed the events of the entire game trying to figure out where it all went so horribly wrong. The night ended with the two of you falling asleep side by side and waking up tangled in each other's arms. It was that morning that you knew things were different between the two of you.
You said move on, where do I go? I guess second best is all I will know
Everything changed going into the summer before senior year. Life changed. A lot was going on with your family that required you to move closer to home. With that - you entered the transfer portal.
Caitlin knew things were bad at home for you - your younger sister getting sick was not a part of anyone's plan but is what life threw at your family. She also knew how close you were to them and how much it was affecting you to be away from them.
So when you sat her down and told her you would be entering the transfer portal and moving back home, it didn't come as a shock to her.
"Caitlin, we need to talk," you say as you sit on the couch next to her. The tone in your voice already broken.
The two of you both knew where this conversation was going. When you first started dating Caitlin made it very clear she had no desire to do long distance and you didn't either. The reason the two of you worked so well is because of your proximity - your relationship grew with being as close as you were.
Cait knows where this is going - but even with the knowledge, it doesn't make it easier.
"I know you entered the transfer portal," she says, her eyes focused on her hands. You inhale deeply.
"I know I should have told you before I did it, I've just been dreading telling you," you say feeling ashamed that the one person you love the most outside of your family wasn't a part of this decision.
"I mean, knowing about your sister and how close your family is - it wasn't a huge surprise," she says trying to make it all feel okay.
"Cait, you know this doesn't change how I feel about you - nothing could ever change that," you say wanting to fight for the two of you. Wanting her to fight for the two of you.
She finally looks at you and takes one of your hands in hers.
"I know it doesn't," she says. She wants to continue but is at a loss for words. Caitlin wants to take back her stance on long-distance relationships but knows this is already hard enough for you.
"I'm so sorry," you say as you pull her into a hug. You can feel the tears quietly make their way down your face. You can hear her shaky breaths as she is trying to hold herself together.
"I will always love you," you say, letting the tears flow freely now as you hold your girl for the last time.
"Please don't go," she says in a last-ditch effort, knowing there is nothing she can say or do to get you to change your mind.
"You are going to do amazing things. I can't wait to see what life holds for you. I am just so glad I got to be a part of it for a little while," you rub her back as she lets out sobs.
This wasn't a part of the plan. Leaving her was never part of the plan but life is funny like that. Just when you thought it was the best it could be, it gets worse.
'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself
Senior year was a lot.
For you, it was quitting basketball to care for your family. You no longer had the time for anything except classes. It was a giant change in your day to day but being home and seeing how much you were doing, it provided a sense of comfort knowing it wasn't all for nothing.
For Caitlin, it was a hard adjustment. Losing you was also losing her best friend. She leaned into the team a lot which had been helpful. They began encouraging her to get out there again which is how she met her current boyfriend. He was cool and they had a good time together, but he wasn't you.
He's a year older than Cait and has a local job waiting for her to graduate. He's planning on moving to the city where she is drafted which leaves a bittersweet taste in Caitlin's mouth.
It's not that she didn't like him, but he wasn't you.
He did everything right, he was kind and supportive. He didn't suffocate her but when Cait was with him, you always made your way to her mind.
"Hey babe, you ready?" Caitlin's boyfriend asks as he walks into her room. She is just about ready and is putting on her Iowa necklace.
"Just about," she says as she struggles with getting the clasp to hook.
He comes behind her and takes the ends of the necklace from her to help her out. It is a sweet gesture but all it does is bring back memories of when you got her the necklace.
He kisses her shoulder and smiles, which Caitlin reciprocates. He spins her around and brings his lips to hers. She doesn't pull back but is instantly reminded how his lips aren't yours. When he pulls away, he is smiling down at her and brings her in for a hug. Caitlin lets him hold her but feels so uneasy. It has been months, almost a year at this point and you still consume her mind.
It wasn't uncommon for Caitlin to think of you when she was out with him. She had no idea how to get you out of her head but whenever she was with him, you were there too.
You're the best And yes, I do regret How I could let myself let you go
It's draft night. Caitlin had made her way down the orange carpet and is now sitting at her table with her family. She already knows where she will be going but tonight is the night it is all official.
She has some of her teammates in the crowd, along with her boyfriend. With all the people there supporting her, there is only one person she can think of wanting to celebrate with.
You are watching the draft - your heart deflates a little every time Catilin pops on the screen. You are beyond excited for her but wish you could be there in person to support her.
You have checked in a few times but have never gotten a response. It doesn't surprise you. Some of the girls would update you on how she was doing and it didn't sound great. They were all blowing up your phone when Caitlin started seeing someone. You knew they all had good intentions but it didn't make it any easier to hear.
Now watching her on one of the biggest days of her life - you couldn't help but bring up her contact in your phone. You stared at the new message for a few minutes before finally typing something out.
Right as you were about to send it, the camera panned over to Kate, Gabby, and Jade. You smiled a the girls watching their teammate at the draft. Your smile fell when you saw him there.
You were no longer the proud girlfriend and hadn't been for a while now. You deleted the message you had typed out and opted to stay out of this moment.
You watch Caitlin get drafted - she glowed even through the TV screen. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell up inside of you. The countless nights the two of you spent talking about what it would be like to go pro and there she was doing it.
You watched the rest of the draft but you couldn't help by let your mind wander to the 'what ifs' of life. How different life would be life if you didn't have to leave Iowa, leave basketball? Would you still be with Caitlin? Would the two of you be at the draft together and moving to Indiana to start your life together? A million different scenarios raced through your head as you sat there.
There was no point in regretting a decision you made a year ago. You don't regret it. But a part of you will always burn remembering how you had to leave the best thing that had ever happened to you. Letting go of Caitlin was far from an easy task.
Oh, won't you walk through And bust in the door and take me away? Oh, no more mistakes 'Cause in your eyes, I'd like to stay, stay
You are walking around Indianapolis with a few friends when you spot her. It had been a few years since the two of you had seen each other in person but you kept up with everything she had been doing. You excuse yourself from your friends saying you are going to go check something out.
You moved to Indiana only a few months ago for work. At first, it felt like some sort of cruel joke but after getting there - life felt a lot lighter.
As you are walking over to the girl you once knew oh so well, you take in her appearance. She has filled out more - looking more fit than she did in college. With that, it seems like she holds herself more confidently. Less slouching. You see she is walking her dog who is absolutely adorable.
As you get closer to her your heart rate starts to pick up - the nervousness building by the second.
"Cute dog you have there, can I pet them?" You say - not really sure how to enter a conversation. She nods with an 'Of course'.
It takes Caitlin a few seconds to register your voice. At this point you are already bent down giving her dog all the pets.
You know she isn't seeing anyone (thanks to Kate for keeping you in the loop) but the media had a field day when it came out that she and her boyfriend were no longer together. You on the other hand hadn't dated since Caitlin.
You stand and look her in the eyes for the first time in 3 years. A soft smile plays in them as the corner of your lip follows.
"Hi," she says, breathless at how good you look. The only real update she got from you was whenever you posted on a social, which was practically never. She knew you moved to Indiana when you posted about your new apartment and tagged the city.
Caitlin would be lying if she said she hadn't gone out more with the knowledge of you there, hoping to bump into you. She had no idea exactly where you lived but was hopeful.
"Hi," you say back.
Your mind plays through a million different scenarios on where to go from here.
"You look familiar," you say teasingly. There is a hint of hurt in her eyes before she catches onto your tone. "Have we met before?"
Caitlin struggles to hide her smile.
"Well I am sort of well-known in this town," she says downplaying her fame as Indy's favorite star. She says playing along with you.
You pretend to think, bringing your hand up to your chin.
"Hmm, I can't put my finger on it," you say and she laughs.
"Might just have to invite you to one of my games to show you what you're missing," she says confidently.
You shake your head no.
"Oh I'm not really into sports," you say, both of you knowing that is the biggest lie ever. "But let me take you out for coffee and we can talk about getting me to come out and watch you."
Caitlin's smile grows even more.
"And what makes you think I want to go out to coffee with you," Caitlin teases.
You feign hurt as you bring your hands to your chest.
"Hmm, you're right," You begin, Caitlin not catching on to your teasing and immediately counters.
"Wait, no-" she begins to wave off what she just said. You put your hand on her arm to calm her down and she sees you are joking. Her body instantly relaxes.
"C, It's okay, I'm kidding," you say. You can see the rush of emotions play out in her eyes.
"I am not letting you walk away without a fight this time," she says just above a whisper. Your hand comes up to caress her cheek, and your eyes soften as they meet hers.
"Neither am I," you say reassuring her that you are on the same page.
"Neither am I," you say again as you bring her into a hug. She collapses into your body as she takes in your scent. It hasn't changed. The two of you stand there for longer than either of you expect - neither one of you wanting to release the other first.
As you stand there - both of your minds are on the same thought train.
You think about how even years later - the world somehow managed to give the two of you a second shot. You could have been relocated anywhere but it was here. Both of you in a place where you are able to commit to someone - and who better than the person who has held your heart every day since you had to take it back from them.
AN: Before you all ask, no. I do not plan on doing part 2. I'M SORRY, PLEASE DON'T COME FOR ME. I would on the other hand like to know what you thought about this. And as always, thank you for all your love and support 🤍
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futurecorps3 · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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Summary: Sirius and reader plan a romantic dinner for a very tired Remus Pairing: Poly!wolfstar x reader Warnings: mentions of sex and that’s all, I think! It's fluff and post!war where absolutely nothing went wrong because Reggie was a spy for the Order just like in canon duh Word Count: 1.4K Requested: No
Sirius leaned against the kitchen counter, a playful twinkle in his eyes, and said, "You know, love, if our cooking skills don't impress Moony tonight, at least our charm will do the trick." Y/N laughed, adding a bit more salt to the pasta they had been working on for about an hour now.
"Bet your pretty smile and my dazzling gaze will be fit enough… I really hope he likes it though," she mumbled that last part, feeling a pair of arms round her from the back. "I'm sure he'll love it," Sirius whispered, kissing his girl's cheek and moving on to whisk the eggs for the brownies they were baking for dessert.
It was Remus' first year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He had started the charge right after the war ended, and the trio had settled into a lovely flat on Eaton Square—a two-story building bought with Black family money. ("One thing my mum and dad will be good for!" Sirius had said back when he bought it.) They were slowly transforming it into a home. During the war, they realized they had the power to turn even a cavern into a warm place, as long as the three of them were together.
For the past week, Remus had come home absolutely drained. When he jumped into bed or the couch with them, he'd fall asleep right away and still wake up tired. Sirius and Y/N were aware that he was struggling to adapt to new routines; going from spending all his time with the people he almost lost to teaching six classes a day with minimal breaks was becoming challenging for him.
He'd adjust eventually and would be back to his old self, but for now, their boy was tired, and all they wanted was to treat him with every ounce of love and care he deserved. So, when Remus told them that he'd be coming home earlier that Friday, they decided to go all out with a romantic home-cooked dinner.
"Can you try this? I-I think it's a bit insipid," she said, stirring the cream-based sauce that was ready to serve, pouring a bit onto the back of her hand for Sirius to lick. His tongue gathered the liquid, and his eyes opened in shock. "That's amazing! D-don't change anything; it's perfect, baby," he smiled, grabbing the spoon from his girlfriend and taking more of it into his mouth, directly from the spoon to then place it back inside the boiling pot.
He either didn't mind or didn't think about it; knowing him, it was probably the latter. "Sirius, no!" she half-scolded while laughing, slapping his shoulder playfully. "Wouldn't be the first time my saliva is in either yours or Moony's mou- oi!" he snickered as the girl assaulted him again, all tiny hands against his broad figure. "You're disgusting," Y/N smiled, walking over to the dining table where a white tablecloth was set.
While the noodles cooked and her boyfriend danced to Queen while baking their last course planned for the night, she set the table. Y/N knew her boys to perfection, and Remus had always appreciated neat and aesthetically pleasing settings for their dates, and while this was not exactly one, she wanted it all to be perfect. Before coming home from a job interview that day, she stopped by and bought some candles and a nice bottle of wine; red. He loved red wine.
As she picked the bottle, she wondered how many bottles they'd collect as time passed and their flat became truly theirs. She smiled.
"Love, the water's doing it again…" she heard Sirius warn in a quiet panic and almost giggled. "Just stir them for a bit and turn off the stove; they're almost done," the girl reassured as she placed the brand-new silverware Regulus and James had gotten them when they first moved in neatly over the tablecloth, right next to the plates and careful that no wax could reach them when the candles eventually melted.
When all places were set and ready to be occupied—a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath in Remus', courtesy of their boyfriend—she returned to the kitchen. Her pasta was done, and brownies were in the oven. She found Sirius cleaning his rings, which he hadn't bothered to take off and were now covered in flour, delicate fingers gently scrubbing off the white powder.
Y/N took in the sight of him. He was going on about something that happened to him on the way home, about how he fought a lady for Moony's bouquet or something. She really didn't care when he looked like that. His long, black hair was tied in a messy bun with his wand, with a few strands falling out, a Rolling Stones t-shirt he turned into a crop top let a glimpse of his v-line show, as if it was purposely teasing his girlfriend, jeans hanging low and covered in flour.
Fuck. She scored. "… and so I told he- what are you doing?" he questioned when approached. Y/N stepped between the sink and his body, looking up at him while biting her lip. He felt her fingers hook on the empty belt loops of his pants, making him press flush against her body. "You're too pretty for this world; did you know that? Who gave you permission, Sirius? Do you think it's okay to be this perfect and just… exist like you're not this gorgeous?" she asked in all seriousness, making him blush and snicker at her flirting.
They were always like that with each other. Always flirting. Always trying to make each other blush. That, until Remus stepped in and made them both blush, fluster, and giggle like twelve-year-olds who just pecked someone else's lips for the first time.
"Careful. My brownies are still in the oven, and Moony won't take long in getting home," he warned, his eyes darkening a bit. "And?" she teased, scratching the bit of stomach exposed he displayed. "And if I bend you over-the-counter right now, dessert will be ruined, Remus will get too distracted in punishing us, and dinner will never happen. Just be patient," he groaned, stroking her face and kissing the corner of her lips, turning to clean his hands once again.
She ran her hands through his chest and screamed into his back in frustration, making his chest bubble with laughter. Right after, keys jingled in the front door, and they were both quickly at the door, smiling at each other like they held some secret intel Remus could never know about, and in some sense, they did.
Their boyfriend walked through the door, looking at them like they had grown two heads as he discarded his coat and boots by the door. "Well, hello," he smirked, walking over them and kissing their lips gently. "Are you baking something? I thought we'd do that on Saturday when Harry came over," he asked, trying to peek over their heads before Y/N pulled his head down with both her hands on his cheeks.
"We've got a surprise. Go change into something more comfortable and meet us in the dining hall." She smiled. "Dining hall?" Remus laughed, shaking his head as he felt electricity running through him with the information. Sirius remained serious as he nodded at their girlfriend's statement. "Yes, the dining hall, dear. Now go, c'mon," he encouraged, patting his shoulders as he walked away.
They used the time he took in putting some joggers and a shirt on to serve the pasta and place it on the table. Pads took care of the wine and looked up giddily at their boy paddling through the floor in disbelief. "Come sit." Y/N smiled gently, having changed the record to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Remus' favorite. "Oh, I absolutely despise you both," he said, running a scarred hand through his curls as he approached the table with a soft smile playing on his lips.
Remus eyed the food, the table, and the soft music playing in the background, somehow managing to keep it together. Until he saw the flowers. He picked them up and looked at his partners with utter adoration in his eyes. "Fuck you," he laughed as tears prickled his eyes, making his boyfriend and girlfriend walk over to him to engulf him in a tight hug.
He felt safe and protected, even when he was very clearly towering over both of them. "We know you've been having a hard time coping with change, so we wanted to do something special for you," Y/N mumbled against his chest, stroking his back comfortingly. "The things I cooked might be shit… know I made them with a lot of love though," Sirius joked, kissing Remus' cheeks, which left a salty taste in his mouth. Moony laughed airily.
Surrounded by the warmth of his partners, Remus felt a surge of emotion. It wasn't just relief; it was a profound sense of belonging. Y/N's lips pressed against his cheek, leaving a lingering warmth, while Sirius's hand ruffled his hair in a gesture that felt both affectionate and familiar. "Come on, or it'll get cold."
They sat at the table, humming to the tunes playing in the background as they rambled about their day, sharing minutes of comfortable silence accompanied by loving glances out of nowhere. After the war ended, this is what they longed for. The trio would never forget how they fantasized about simpler times while laying on icy surfaces or in the woods, praying to whoever was willing to listen for a crumb of grace and a bit of luck to find solace after all that was done with.
As their eyes locked, there was an unspoken promise of enjoying the one thing they dreamed of a few years ago lingering in the air. They were giving themselves and each other a gentler life, a kinder environment, and a safe haven they could always go to. A safe haven with great pasta.
"Shit, dove… this is amazing! Where's the recipe from?" Remus exclaimed, resisting the urge to lick the plate and limiting himself to only gathering the leftover sauce with his fork like a civilized person. "I called Effie.” "Bless her soul," Sirius groaned in a solemn tone, licking the plate. Moony chuckled and drank the last bit of his wine as Y/N playfully scolded him. How he loved them, he thought.
Y/N slipped off her shoes and started prancing around to the music with a glass of wine on her way to serve dessert, a pair of warm smiles beaming at her going unnoticed as she was too lost in the beats. She paid attention to the plating, so she grabbed the small plates they had with tiny flowers on them and sprinkled some powdered sugar on top of the brownies her boyfriend baked.
"Here you go." She smiled, kissing both Sirius' and Remus' cheeks as she put the plates in front of them after putting hers on the place, sitting back down the next second. They bit into the pastry at the same time Padfoot waited for their verdict. "So? How'd I do?" He asks, in a concerned state his partners found hilarious, seeing how seriously he was taking the whole situation.
Y/N's expression turned into a disgusted frown as she chewed but quickly replaced it with a smile, making the change obvious to Sirius. "What was that!?" the black-haired boy said with wide eyes, taking a bite off the dessert himself and frowning when he actually found it good. "Come on love, it can't be that bad," Remus said, biting into his piece and closing his eyes in disgust in a very exaggerated manner.
"The-they're good, baby." She smiles, leaving the large piece untouched in her plate as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I tried them; I did a bloody great job, so don't co-". His partners erupted in laughter. Moony almost cried, and Y/N's tummy hurt as Sirius shook his head with an upset pout.
"You're so mean. I hate you both. I'll never bake for you again!" "No, love, come on! We're sorry I-I just saw where Y/N was going and played along," Remus laughed, reaching over to engulf him in a hug, but his boyfriend pulled away, back facing his smiling face. He couldn't avoid the love for too long, cornered between his girlfriend who also reached out to embrace him.
"They're really good, Sirius! Come here; I-I'm sorry." "Why do you keep laughing!?" He whined with a little smirk playing at his lips he tried hard to contain when he found himself sandwiched between his loves. "No, ge-get off!" he playfully fought in-between giggles, trying to squirm out of Moony's arms, failing miserably. Y/N jumped over to them and kissed Sirius' face repeatedly.
"I-I'm leaving this house! Stop, Y/N, there's no changing my mind." He laughed. "We won't let you go; hate to break it to ya'." "Yup, I'm kissing you until you forgive us." They collapsed in giggles with sore bellies, letting go and going back to their spots to finish their desserts. "You did a splendid job, darling." Remus smiles, biting happily into his brownie. "Yes, they're amazing." Y/N assured and presses one last kiss to Sirius' cheek.
After several stories, laughs, warm smiles, and kisses were shared, they all decided to call it a night. Y/N grabbed one of Padfoot's shirts and a pair of Moony's socks, throwing them on before brushing her teeth and washing her face as her boyfriends got ready as well.
They jumped into the two queen beds they had joined and covered only with a soft silk sheet Sirius had insisted on getting since it was spring; They liked to cuddle, and if for some reason they covered more, they'd be kicking away in their sleep so they could be fresher.
Usually, Y/N would sleep between them, but today Remus took her spot and they were all comfortable with that. He wrapped his arms around his partners and kissed both of their heads, feeling exhaustion wash over him as their limbs pressed against all of his body; engulfed by love and warmth he craved his whole life before they came into the picture. "Thank you," he sighed, "for everything."
"Anything for our Moony," was heard in a soft whisper in the dark room, and with that, they drifted off to sleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Marauders taglist (DM or answer to be added): @kquil
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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victoria-grimesss · 1 year
tear you apart - part IV
Shiny new Masterlist
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 4.7k
->Warning: MDNI!, fluff, König spilling his heart out to his favorite girl, roadhead, car sex, outdoor oral, face sitting, overstimulation, pretty much porn with plot at this point. 
->A/N: A bit different that the other chapter but I wanted to do something a little sweeter.
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Your dreams are luxurious and delicious these nights, a whirlwind of experiences ever since you transferred to the new base. You dream of luxuries far beyond your reach with a man who sure as hell should be out of your reach too. You dine on five star meals on the beach, sip champagne in a clawfoot tub overlooking waterfalls, have ravenous passionate love making sessions in silk sheets. 
König has rewired your brain and embedded himself within you.
You awake in his bed again as has been the same routine for a few weeks now, you’ve moved a stash of your stuff to his room at his request of course. You don't see each other too often during the day so night and early mornings are the times where you catch up and enjoy eachothers company.
Spending a few spare moments to soak in the smell of the sheets you roll out of bed and notice a flower in a tall glass of water sitting beside a note. 
Chicken scratch, yep written by König alright. You smile as you envision him scrawling it quickly before leaving for the day.
My love,
Clear your schedule this afternoon, I plan to take you somewhere very special.
-König, your one and only. (boyfriend)     :)
Huh I guess that's really what the two of you are now. You both danced around the word for a while now. You suppose you were a couple in the grand view of it, slept in the same bed, ate dinner together, got ready for bed together, said goodmorning and goodnight to each other. You could get used to this. Off base dates are far and few too, sometimes you'll take walks around base, the views are amazing nearby and it makes you yearn for your own country-side cottage with a garden.
You ready yourself and go about your day, you’ve flowed into a nice routine as of late. Get up, sometimes with König, eat in the mess hall, workout, training, dinner with König sometimes, and usually not get a lot of sleep together because he's too busy having your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
You can’t complain.
The mess hall is loud and crawling with activity this morning, you enjoy it more than you thought you would. The activity is a welcome distraction from homesickness. You eat in silence, sitting with a few others you’ve somewhat befriended. Bennet hasn't been around lately, thinking of if now you can’t remember the last time you did see him.
You clear your throat,
“Have any of you seen Bennet around?”
One of the other guys laughed.
“Yea I saw him alright. Saw him on his way out. Guy got so scared of the colonel he transferred back to his home base. Guess the two of them clashed over something. But if you ask me, I just don't think the guy was cut out for this line of work.”
“Yeah, that's weird. Strange.” 
You continue eating, your question answered to your requirements. 
König is intimidating, sure he’s nice to you but you can’t imagine being an outsider, being on his bad side, or god forbid being his enemy. The stories you’ve heard about the things he’s done on the battlefield could make anyone uneasy. 
Breakfast finishes up and you head to the gym where you’re thankfully uninterrupted during your workout. Cleaning up you hit your next stop, the shooting range. It’s mostly empty, the weather is nice today so many people are using the outdoor range. 
You take your pistol, silencer equipped and a long range sniper down to the last stall and prep your gear.
You use the sniper first and take deep breaths before firing. 
The door opens and you assume it’s just someone else using the stalls until a voice makes you jump.
“Hold it higher liebling.” 
Your hand grips your heart, putting the gun down you turn fully around, being met with König standing tall with his hands behind his back.
“König, ever heard not to sneak up on someone with a gun?” You lean against the counter.
“Am I mistaken or is that your forte in the field? I’m simply a superior observing my team members, wouldn't want you using the tools the wrong way right?”
He's so quick with his quips, you smile then turn around bringing the gun up leaning your cheek on the side as to see through the scope.
You feel his hands on your hips and he kicks your feet further apart, you look down at his feet that are standing on the outside of yours. 
He brings his head down right next to your ear,
“Hold it back harshly into your shoulder, so the kickback won’t knock you down.”
“You’re making it hard to focus.” 
“I would assume you would be able to focus even with distractions yea? But I suppose our time in bed has proven otherwise.”
You blush but regain your composure quickly until one of his hands stays on your hips and the other brushes your cheek to move your hair slightly.
You shoot once, then twice, hitting the target both times.
His voice has gotten even lower, whisper dancing the line of soundwaves.
“You read my note yea?”
“I did, plan to tell me where we’re going?”
He kisses the shell of your ear then your cheek through his mask. 
“I will see you later then, you’ll meet me in the lower garage at 1500 alright?”
“Oooh, meeting my big strong colonel in a dark garage, I certainly hope he doesn't take advantage of me.” You laugh and bat your lashes at him.
He squeezes your hip and scoffs playfully, 
“Keep talking to me this way and we certainly won’t even make it to the car. Busy yourself and meet me there, don't be late.”
He releases his grasp and you miss it already.
“Shall I pack a bag?” You ask.
“Don't bother, I’ve got everything handled. 
“Yes sir.” 
He steps away from you, walking to the door ignoring all others in the range and you watch him until the door closes. 
Taking a steadying breath you focus once more unto the range, feeling his phantom touch still.
You stop by your room before going to the garage, the lights flicker as you shut your door and you grow more and more excited for the evening to come. 
Opting for a simple two piece set underneath plain jeans, boots, a simple black shirt. 
The walk to the garage is straightforward, taking a dimly lit stairwell downwards and the garage smells of dust and you take it the electrical in this place could use an upgrade. Probably not high on the budget list.
There are rows of military vehicles and equipment, storage and the likes. An area sectioned off from the others hold what looks like personal vehicles, some nice and some looking decrepit. 
A door slams in that area and you make your way over,
“König? That you?” 
“Y/N, yes it is me! Just finishing up, go ahead and get in the doors unlocked.”
He drives a larger SUV, like the kind you see FBI agents driving, suiting you guess you never really pictured what car he drove but you can assume he drives whatever kind of car he can fit in so style types are probably very restricted.
You enter the car, the inside smelling like leather and the cologne he wears. It’s clean, damn near pristine the same as his room. The trunk closes and he gets in, his seat all the way back, he adjusts  and looks over to you, his eyes bright and he's buzzing with excitement. 
“Comfortable?” He smiles softly at you, he's wearing a black tactical long sleeve shirt, dark jeans, boots, and his usual hood of course. He looks good in black.
“Very. Can I ask where we're going yet?”
“Nope, just sit back and relax schatz.” 
He starts the car and pulls out of the garage, informing the guard of his time away.
The tall gray walls of the base and large fences you know melt away into a wonderful countryside with creeks, tall trees, and rounding hills. König has one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your knee, his thumb rubbing small patterns.
“This is nice.” You breathe a sigh of relief, adjusting in your seat and König’s hand on your knee slips higher. 
König looks relaxed, he deserves this. Always working so hard… he should definitely relax.
Your hand wanders from the center console to his arm, rubbing the tight muscles underneath his hoodie. He squeezes the inside of your thigh in thanks.
Trailing your hand down his arm to the outside of his thigh, holding your hand there and tipping your head to look over at him.
He laughs breathily, “What are you doing, liebling?” His eyes shift from the road, your hand, and your face. 
“I just want to show you how much I appreciate you, König.” He shutters hearing his name from your lips and your hand moves to the now hardening bulge in his pants, he readjusts his hips to get more comfortable.
“Scheiße, you’re going to get us killed, sit back down I’m serious.”
He’s not serious, there is not even one percent of serious inflection in his tone, he speaks with need, his mouth already being filled with cotton at your movements.
You’ve leaned over the center console, face next to his ear as you unbutton his pants and palm him through his briefs, he’s solid where he sits and your mouth is already watering.
He shutters and his eyes flutter for a second,
“Eyes ahead baby, I can’t do anything if you don’t keep us steady ok?”
He does not answer, the blood isn't in his head anymore anyway, well not the one on his shoulders at least.
The trees race by the window as fast as your thoughts race in your head, you lean down and kiss him over the cloth, you feel his abdomen grow tense.
“I can stop if you really want-”
“Stop right now and I'll turn the car around.” 
You grin, mumbling a yes sir before moving your hand under the band of his briefs and giving a kiss to the tip. He takes a steady, concentrated, painful breath in and the exhale is so shaky you feel him tremble.
You give small licks from top to bottom, he’s a big guy so there’s certainly more to love. 
“Scheiße, ficken, Liebling ja” 
You take him fully in your mouth and he's warm, and fits right in place. You hum and he moans in response, you don’t think you’ll ever tire of hearing him like that. You take what doesn't fit in your mouth within the grasp of your hand starting at a steady pace. The music playing in the car isn't even registering in your head, the heavy weight in your hand and mouth is all you focus on.
“Fuck my love, your mouth feels-feels spectacular, I do not deserve what you give me.” 
He groans and bucks his hips up into your mouth, one hand on the wheel and the other gently being placed onto your neck, moving to the back of your head where he gently caresses your hair.
You’re working on him until he begins to shudder and you pull away, he tries to chase you with your hips but you lean back and kiss him on his cheek. His eyes are dark and he glances from you and the road.
“You’re going to kill me, Mein Liebling. He's panting, hand now gripping your hair tighter, you’re far from dry down under and touch his hand that's in your hair and move it down your front and under your pantline. You both moan when his fingers make contact with your wetness, he draws uncoordinated shapes into you, from your clit all the way to your entrance. He presses your entrance through your panties and it’s like he’s knocking on a door asking for permission to grant you the pleasure you oh so want, no need.
“König, please. I need you, I know you need me too.”
You whine, looking down at where his cock sits exposed, leaking heavily with every swipe of his fingers on you.
“My love. liebling.” 
He grits through his teeth when you take his hand once more and more your panties to the side allowing him unrestricted access to where the flames burn the brightest.
“Scheiße, du gewinnst” He pulls the car over, sitting on the dirt shoulder of the road, heavy tree cover surrounding you and you hear his heavy breathing.
He puts the car in park, removing his seatbelt and since the seat was already set all the way back due to his size he leans back and pats his lap.
“Come take what you want.” 
Eyes dark and hungry he watches you remove your pants and move over the center console onto his lap, his cock sitting right in front of you so it brushes against your stomach, you get a visual of just how deep he will slip into you. 
You’re shaking with anticipation when you grasp him again, pumping a few times before raising yourself to tease the tip over your panties.
His eyes are focused on where you touch him, his hands on your hips gently, awaiting your move.
“Get on with it..” 
His voice is dark and shadowy, his patience growing thin as you tease and tease him again, he’s a patient man but only for so long.
You play with him until you hear him growl deep in his chest, taking your panties in his grasp and you hear them rip.
“König! You seem to have an affinity for destroying each pair of panties I own.” 
You try to quip back but your voice is so breathily and weak it holds no volume. 
“I’d rather you not wear them at all, when we have a place of our own you won’t.”
You both moan when he pushes your hips down harshly, he sits fully inside you and you feel euphoric, one because he fills you so deliciously it has your mouth watering again and two he mentioned the two of you having a place of your own. Perhaps it’s him being so drunk on lust he says things he does not mean but your head is already slipping on all sane thoughts so you file that away for later.
His head tips back when he’s fully sheathed within you savoring the warmth and wetness you provide. 
“König, fuck. You’re so big.” You whine on top of him and his eyes regain their focus on you, he’s already too sensitive from your mouth earlier you might actually kill him with how tightly you’re wrapped around him.
His grip on your hips is bruising as usual and you have no qualms with it, feeling his grip reminds you this is all real and you need to ground yourself as you begin to move up and down on him the noises amplified in the car.
“Yes, just like that darling, fuck! You’re so, so good, so tight.” 
You start to move faster, spurred on by his praises your breathing grows faster as does his. Your hands try to gain purchase on the wheel behind you as you gain more speed, knocking the horn you breathily laugh and he grabs your hands and puts them on his shoulders. You grip your nails into him and he growls, now thrusting up into you he meets you halfway and you’re moaning his name so loudly now your throat hurts. 
The windows are fogged and you’re sweaty, hair sticking to your forehead.
He moves one hand from your hip to play with your clit, moving smooth and quick circles into you and you bow inwards your hand slapping onto the cold window, leaving a handprint on the fog it slips down and you wrap both arms around his neck your legs growing shaky and weak from your approaching high.
“König, don’t stop don-don’t stop please please.” You’re whining, squirming, and writhing in his lap an utter and complete mess and he drinks you in. Your pleasure makes his throb and balls tighten as he continues rubbing your clit and thrusting up into you.
“I can feel you getting close, you want to cum yea?” 
He’s panting and sounds just as destroyed as you are.
“Yes, I can’t hold on much longer. I want it so bad.” You whine and he stops altogether.
You cry, hitting his chest and trying to move but he holds your hip still.
“König plea-.”
“You want to cum? Beg.” He’s not joking, he’s all serious and you whine again before spewing the filthiest words that’s ever come from your mouth, begging and praising him like a God to be worshiped. 
“Please König, god please I can’t, I need it. You’re so big, I need you to make me cum, fuck.”
“Good girl, always listening and doing what I say, I think you deserve a reward.” 
Before you can say anything he begins his thrusting and rubbing ten-fold and you once again hold onto him like your life depends on it as you cum harder than ever before, your vision is spotty and he’s praising you through it. He follows you through the high seating you firmly on his lap, holding himself as deep and he can reach and flooding you thoroughly. 
You both sit together for a good while, panting growing into soft breaths and you pull away from his chest and look at him, smile on your face.
“You think you can make it the rest of the way now? Are you satisfied?” 
He cups both of your cheeks, kissing your nose through his mask.
“I think I'll be ok for a little bit. Maybe.” 
You move off of him, both of your least favorite part is when he has to leave your warmth, but he’s never gone for long. 
You put on your pants, no panties due to König but you would assume he packed you some more, although his previous words would assume he rather you never wear any.
“Ready?” He’s buckled his pants again and you can’t help but notice the sizable mess you made on his lap, the bottom of his shirt and top of his pants wet.
“König, made a bit of a mess on you, sorry.” You grow shy.
“I like it, it challenges me to make you cum harder the next time.” 
Oh God.
He turns back onto the road and you continue your trip down the road, you roll your window down, still warm from your session and the cool mountain air fills your lungs and you rest a hand out of the window. 
“Liebling, we’re here.”
You shoot up in your seat, König standing on your right side, the passenger door open his hand gently on your shoulder as he shakes you awake.
“You passed out, I clearly tired you out.”
“Shut up, you’re full of yourself.”
He laughs, offering his hand to help you out, you take it and observe the scenery around you. It’s late afternoon now and you’re parked in the driveway of a small countryside home, it’s dark inside so you can assume you’re not staying with anyone. There’s a large field surrounding the home. Trees lining the meadow and plants that held out over the cold weather stand strong and the evening sun is even a bit warmer than it had been recently. 
“König this is beautiful, is this your place?”
“Yea, just somewhere small when I need to get away. Don’t come here often, don’t have many reasons to visit. But I wanted to share this with you.” 
He's unpacking the car, grabbing both of your bags. 
“Do you need help?”
He laughs.
“No, I do not need help.” 
The car is locked and you follow him up the path to the house, clovers dot the front path and a flower box on the window is untouched, dry soil packing the inside.
He opens the door and the ceilings are high, but it’s still cozy, lived in even if he says he doesnt come here often. Shoes are discarded at the door and you hang your jacket on the coat rack.
“This is beautiful König, didn't take you for an interior designer.”
He sets the bags down near the front door and you take in the room.
“I actually had my mother decorate it, I don’t have much of a sense for style like she does.”
“Do you see her often? Your mom.”
“Holidays, I try to call her often but when it’s busy it’s harder. She understands.”
“Well I’m sure she’s very proud to have such an accomplished son.”
He smiles, head tipping down, “I hope so.”
He claps his hands, ending the heartfelt moment.
“You look around, make yourself at home. I will start a fire and later we will go watch the sunset ok?”
“Very well.” 
Your heart is giddy and light. He’s so kind and nice and handsome and sweet and a million other words to describe him. The house is more spacious inside than it appears outside, a large archway leads to the kitchen, one bedroom and a nice bathroom. Everything is high up, the shower head is fit just for him, cabinets stacked high, large bed which looks enticingly comfortable.
“König!” You call for him as you look around.
“Yes, mein Liebling.”
“How long are we staying here?”
“Just for the night my love, couldn't get much time away approved.”
“Oh, ok. Will we come back here eventually?”
“If you wish to do so then we will.” 
You observe the view out of the window and König wraps his arms around your waist.
“Scared me.” You laugh, your hands tracing along his hands and up his arms.
“My apologies, shall we head outside to enjoy the view?” He kisses the top of your head and you melt once more.
“Lead the way.”
He brings a thick blanket with him outside and lays it down in the meadow, you lay with your head on his chest, his arm wrapped securely around you, watching the multitude of colors paint the sky as the sun descends another day, bringing a sweeping array of stars and cool breezes. 
“Thank you König. You’ve been so kind to me and bringing me here means a lot.”
“All that is mine is yours, if you’d allow me I’d like to show my appreciation again.”
You shiver in his grasp and he holds you tighter.
That's all he needed to hear before he lifts up his mask and takes your lips in his, he trails his lips down to your neck and leaves new bright bruises and snakes a hand up your shirt to play with your breasts, nipples hard from the combination of the cold and his touch. 
“Pants off.” He tugs at your waistband and you comply, the cool air hitting your core.
His hand moves down and caresses your body thoroughly, missing no spot.
“Sit on my face Schatz.”
You pause and look at him.
“I don’t want to suffocate you.” 
He actually laughs now, a full laugh.
“I will die a happy man.” You push him back, he’s gleeful and you laugh as well.
“No really darling, you will not ‘suffocate me’ get up here.” He uses heavy quotation marks around his words and you carefully make your way up to his face, knees placed on each side of his head.
He lifts his mask right to above the peak of his nose and he licks his lips eagerly, eyes only focused on where you sit above him.
“Take your shirt off too.” He strokes your thighs slowly leaving goosebumps in his path.
“What if someone sees?!”
“No one is coming out here trust me. I wouldn't have you expose yourself if somewhere were to see what’s all mine right?” He bites his lip as you discard you shirt and bra
Completely exposed outside as you sit above a man you care about fills you with a fire once more.
“It is like I have died and gone to heaven, you are breathtaking.” He kisses the inside of your thighs as he talks, leaving small bites.
He truly feels he's undeserving. The setting sun casts a glow on your back where it illuminates your outline in soft light, it casts on the dips and curves of your body, the swell of your breasts softly lit.
He grows hard again in his pants but wants right now to be all about you.
“Now sit darling and relax.” You sit slowly onto his awaiting mouth, hovering over him as he kisses you first and licks from entrance to your clit. He has to lift his head to reach you which frustrates him.
“I said sit.” He grips your waist and forces you to sit fully on his face, his mouth latching tightly onto your clit and you gasp and he moans, eyes rolling back into his head as he tastes you once more. He can taste the both of you from the car ride and he licks feverishly at you making your head spin. The stubble on his face scratching the inside of your thighs so nicely.
You brace your hand on his head trying to make him slow but he won't relent from his work. He’s a thorough man and once he starts a job he won’t stop until it's finished. He works on you and your chest starts rising faster and faster, he sucks licks and ravages like he’s never eaten before. 
“König, don’t stop please.” 
You moan and tip your head back, he groans as you arch backwards hands bracing on his midsection and you moan freely into the air. His mumbled words vibrate your core and it makes you reach your peak that much quicker.
König doesn't stop, not after you cum and he won’t slow down, his face is soaked and his pupils dilated.
“König it’s too much, please.”
You try to move your hips away and he growls the hands on your waist gets tighter and you’re able to lift just a bit off his lips for reprieve, he whines.
“Please darling, give me another ok? Just a few more.” 
You can’t say no to him, he’s licking his lips again, your fluid soaking his face and nose, it glistens in the sunset glow and you can’t say no to him. So you lower yourself again, he smiles as his mouth meets you halfway. 
“Fuck, König.” It isn’t long before you cum on his mouth another two times, he’s quick to draw it out of you and he knows what buttons to push and ways to move to make you unravel.
By the end he’s kissing the inside of your thighs again and you pant down at him mind turned to sand by his actions.
“You look beautiful like this, we’ll have to do this more often.” His grip is light and his thumb makes patterns on your exposed skin and you shiver from the cold now, the sun fully set and the stars in full swing. 
“Here, let's get you inside, warm up yea?” He gives you his shirt to put on and carries, much to your protest, you back inside where you both shower and sit on the couch in front of the fire.
His arms are wrapped around you and your eyelids grow heavy as you rest on him.
“Yes schatz?”
“Did you mean it earlier when you said we’d have a place of our own?”
He smiles, you can’t see it but he hums at the thought. The two of you retire from the force and he can come home to your awaiting gaze and warm touch.
“I would love it, more than anything. You complete me, relax me and ignite fire within me all the same. To live by your side would be eternal bliss.”
“I would love that too.” 
You smile and cozy yourself closer to him, your eyes grow heavy and you feel content giving yourself to sleep in his arms.
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esmerulia-chantelle · 3 months
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Deeply and Hopelessly In Love Part 1
Azul Ashengrotto x GN!Reader
Summary: You wonder about a lot of things, especially regarding Azul.
Notes: Happens at the end of Book 3 so there will be some spoilers! Also, Azul calls you sweetheart. Reader is not Yuu.
A repost from my old blog @escha-evenstar. Edited.
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The sounds of abundant chatter from customers and the shuffle of footsteps from workers could be heard. It was a busy day at the Mostro Lounge. The point-card system you proposed was now being implemented and based on the large crowd inside the campus cafe, it certainly attracted a lot of students.
By reaching a certain number of points via orders, customers may redeem a free consultation with the manager — namely the one and only Azul Ashengrotto, Housewarden of Octavinelle known for his ability to make any wish or desire come true.
Who wouldn't be drawn to that kind of opportunity?
After hearing about the new promotional offer, your friends immediately placed in their orders to start collecting points which delighted Azul as he thanked them for their prompt orders. Your friends cheerily walked away to take a seat while Jade and Floyd went to where they were assigned and started to work. But you? You stayed right where you were. Azul then turned to you.
"What about you? Are you not going to order something?" He asked confusedly.
"Nope. I'm happy the place is packed but that means you'll have your work cut out for you, right? So let me help! The more hands to help, the better!" You said enthusiastically.
Azul protested, wanting for you to just relax and dine with your friends yet you insisted on helping around, showing him that bright smile of yours. You started to walk away to start taking someone's order when he suddenly held your hand and pulled you back to him, surprising you.
"Wait," Azul said, his cerulean eyes boring into your (e/c) ones. As you stared back, you took the chance to appreciate the beautiful shade of blue orbs looking at you.
"Yes?" You asked. "I still have some energy so I really don't mind helping out if that's what you're worried about. Oh! Or if it's money, you don't have to pay me back either."
"Nonsense! I can't have you work and not reimburse you," Azul retorted. He opened his mouth to continue speaking but a staff member was calling for his attention. Most probably matters related to the lounge.
"Just go. I'll be okay," you reassured him with a smile. "I've already worked here a few times before so it'll be fine. Let me help you."
Azul sighed. "You're not going to give up, are you? ...fine. But we'll talk later," he said, still speaking in a businessman-like manner, though you couldn't help but think that there was a hint of.. softness to it?
You nodded and hummed in agreement. You were about to start working but you couldn't leave yet.
You're still holding my hand. I wonder why. I wonder about a lot of things.
"Azul?" You called him softly.
Azul had a dazed look in his eyes and so you squeezed his hand once more. He then noticed he was still holding onto your hand. "Ah! Right, of course," he said before reluctantly letting go and clearing his throat. "Ehem. My apologies." You could see tinge of pink on his cheeks.
"It's alright. Don't worry," you giggled.
The two of you then set off to do some work. Fast forward the time and now Mostro Lounge is finally closed. After the last customers have left, you felt the tiredness seeping in. You sat down on the nearest couch and let out a sigh of relief, closing your eyes to rest. Your friends have already left together with your dorm mates, Yuu and Grim, who were called in by Headmage Crowley for whatever reason, unfortunately. You were thinking about today's events when a smooth, calm voice rang in your ears.
"I see the day has worn you out," someone said. Your eyes sprang open in surprise.
It was Azul. Still looking as handsome as always with that crisp dorm uniform. His confident aura that commands such power. Those lips that curve into a teasing smile. And the eyes. Oh, those ocean-hued eyes! You could stare at them all day long.
You're so charming. I find a lot of things about you attractive. I wonder.. what do you think of me? Am I attractive too?
It's only been a few hours but you honestly missed him already. Although you saw him while serving customers with their orders, stolen glances and subtle smiles were sadly not enough for you who craved his presence.
I wonder.. Did you miss me? I missed you. I'm sorry if I'm clingy. I just like being with you.
You couldn't muster a reply, too busy and lost in your thoughts as you stared at him.
Azul spoke again. "Too tired to even answer me, sweetheart?" He teased.
You blushed at his words. Particularly, that one word. Azul only addresses you by that nickname when the two of you are alone, or out of earshot from others. Even though he's been calling you that for some time now, you still blush every time he calls you by that term. He seemed to take delight in making your face flush pink. If only it meant more than just a teasing from a friend.
You let out a chuckle, trying to hide that feeling in your chest and ignoring the heat on your face. "Ehehe~ I guess I am feeling a bit tired. I've never seen the lounge have that many customers before."
"This is good news, of course," Azul exclaimed. "We made three times our usual profit. All in but a day's work! Your suggestion has definitely made Mostro Lounge even more successful. Now, shall we continue our conversation from earlier?"
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You and Azul were now seated side by side on a comfortable leather couch inside a different room. Lots of books were propped on bookshelves and his desk was neatly piled with contracts and other paperworks. Behind his desk stood the entrance to his private vault. Soft, wavering lights from the aquarium gleamed across the room. This was Azul's office, also known as the VIP Room. You've been here a number of times before so it provided a sense of familiarity and tranquility to you. This place was also witness to some small but special moments you had with the cecaelia.
I wonder.. Did you think those moments were special too?
As you were reliving some memories, Azul's voice pulled you out of your trance as he offered you some tea. You thanked him and sipped on the warm beverage, he discussed what he was offering in exchange for the work you did for the lounge. You reasoned out that he didn't have to but Azul insisted that he give something back to you in return. In the end, you just accepted his "payment". Seeing as he's still in the give-and-take mindset.
You then enjoyed a scrumptious meal together with Azul and the Leech brothers. It was a delightful dinner, to be honest. Although most people probably thought the trio to be.. Suspicious? Shady? Terrifying, even? They could also be very nice and fun to be with. You enjoyed their company.
After finishing, you decided it was time to leave since it was starting to get late. You bid them your thanks and farewell. "I'll see you guys tomorrow! Goodnight!"
You were now heading back to Ramshackle Dorm. The peace of the night made you recall today's memories. The trip to the museum. Your heart-to-heart talk with Azul. Helping out at the lounge. Dinner with friends. It was really a nice day, and as you strolled along the path, your mind couldn't help but think. You did wonder a lot, after all.
I wonder.. do you feel the same way as I do?
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Part 2 here! Masterlist here!
If you enjoyed this: likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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fili-urzudel · 7 months
From Afar - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Part 3 to Second and Girl in Calico
Summary: Thorin must live with the reality that he has created, and despite everything, is determined to do so with some degree of joy. Based on the song From Afar by Vance Joy.
Warnings: heartache (to be expected from this series), angst, closure!!
Word count: 1.1 k
Your family accepted Thorin's invitation. Later, you also accepted an invitation of Bard's: to settle in Dale. After that, your visits only became more frequent. It took a year or so—though you would say only a few months—for your daughters to warm up to it all, Asa in particular. The girl had her father's black hair and your eyes, and a will that could move mountains. It was no wonder she had charmed Fíli like she had. 
Naturally, your families had to come closer together after that. You or Symir were usually there at least once a week, acting as chaperones. Dwalin was forced to enter Dale once in a while to do the same. Kíli and Lena had a good deal of fun making fun of their older siblings, but the lovebirds bore it all with grace. 
It was you and Thorin chaperoning—from a respectful distance—in the gardens of the Erebor Conservatory when Fíli formally decided to propose marriage. You couldn't help yourself—you covered your mouth with your hand and grabbed his upper arm to avoid expressing your joy too loudly. Thorin laughed and smiled and let you cut off his circulation as he watched the happy blush on his nephew's face. And pretended not to notice the strands of hair beneath your fingers.
The engagement ball was... an event. But we need not consider that at the moment. Before the two kingdoms were to know anything of the happy news, the two families gathered in the private dining room of the Durins to celebrate among themselves.
As the fathers—or at the very least, father-like figures—of the couple, Thorin and Symir once again found themselves in each other's company. Neither minded. They had struck up a friendship, finding that there was no reason for ill-will between them, and had they met under different circumstances, they would almost certainly be friends. There was no harm in being friends under these circumstances as well.
Thorin could hardly deny the similarities between Symir and himself. The dark hair was a start. Both were quiet, dedicated to their families. Loyal and passionate. Hardworking. The race, the height, the build, the eyes, the social standings were all different. Of course, those didn't really matter. The most important difference was that Symir stayed.
Thorin tamped down that persistent ache in his chest once more. There was no use in dwelling upon something he could not change. It would only serve to keep him up at night. Not that he slept much anyway.
"I'm going to go see if they need any help in the kitchen," you said, picking yourself up to your tiptoes to peck Symir on the lips. He graciously stooped to make it a bit easier. 
"I'll miss you," he said jestingly, warmth in his tone and a smile on his face. "Don't be gone too long."
"I'll be back before you know it," you promised.
Thorin never knew quite where to look.
Symir took another drink, allowing his smile to comfortably fade and letting himself listen to the music before speaking. "You're still in love with her, aren't you?"
Thorin took a long, steady breath, not sure how Symir wanted him to answer. He is your friend. Despite everything, he is truly your friend. "I still love her," he finally corrected. There was a difference. Both he and Symir knew there was a difference. "From afar. I would... I would never dream of disrupting the happiness she's found with you."
"From afar, hm?"
Thorin took a breath. "It can be farther, if you need it to be."
Symir's mouth twisted for a moment. He took another drink. "Not necessary," he finally delivered. "I don't see the danger in it. As long as you're comfortable as well."
Thorin let his hands hang at his sides. He wasn't. He never really was. He was gripped with guilt every time he looked at you, but he knew that if you weren't around, it would only be worse.
"I am glad that you will be family soon," he said instead. "I am glad that my nephews will have people like the two of you in their lives."
You were happy. Fíli was happy. Asa was happy. That was what mattered.
Symir looked down at him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "You are a good man, Thorin Oakenshield. I am glad that we have met."
The king got a feeling inside that Symir knew what he was thinking, and yet allowed him the dignity of ignoring it. Allowed him to learn to cope with it on his own. Trusted him to do so.
Fíli caught him leaving, running to catch up to him before he reached their wing. "Uncle!"
Thorin turned. 
"May I speak to you?"
They sat on a settee in the hall.
"I can't help but notice your hesitance," Fíli said honestly. "You seem happy, but... there's just... something, I'm not sure what. Do you have concerns? Do you disapprove of our union? I value your insight, uncle. Please, tell me."
"No!" Thorin answered quickly. "No, I do not disapprove of your union. It brings me the greatest joy, to see you so happy, and I know that Asa's family are the good sort of people."
Fíli watched him carefully. "Then what is this," the word dawned upon Fíli visibly. "sadness I see about you?"
"It is what every dwarf wishes for," Thorin said softly. "To overcome the trials of his time so that those who follow are not plagued by them. So they are happy... when it was more difficult for him to do."
Fíli sat back, digesting his words. "You regret not marrying?" He asked. The words had not dared to leave his mouth in years past.
Thorin looked at him, but said nothing.
"Uncle, it is not yet too late, you know," Fíli tried to be helpful. "You are king of Erebor, the most powerful and most beloved ruler of—"
"For the one who my heart belongs to, it is," Thorin admitted. "It is too late."
Fíli whispered your name as a surety. The silence from his uncle was all the answer he needed. "Why did you not say anything?"
"I feared it would influence your decisions, and that would be the last thing I wished," Thorin said earnestly. "I still hope it does not."
"This causes you pain, uncle."
"No," Thorin insisted. "Nothing that I cannot bear."
Fíli sighed. Thorin could see the battle in his young nephew's mind and hoped that he lost. "Very well."
"Be happy, gamzûn," Thorin advised, pressing his forehead to his nephew's.
They stood in front of multitudes at the engagement ball. And they laughed, and they smiled, and for all the world, they were as happy as any new family could be.
Thorin supposed it was better to have you in his life in this way than not at all.
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mania-sama · 2 months
if you need me, dear, i'm the same as i was
Everywhere, Everything - Noah Kahan
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➼ 01 - i wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat ❧ Information (Summary, Tags, Chapters) ❧ Next Chapter ❧ Word Count: 7,742 ❧ Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own
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Iwaizumi Hajime stumbles into the shower at three-thirty in the morning, attempting to yank the vivid memory of his dream out of his brain by pulling vainly at his hair. He succeeds only in inducing a pounding headache. Perfect. This is exactly what he needs on arguably one of the most important days of his career. Dread pools in the pit of his stomach, and he steps out feeling worse than when he got in.
Unable to fall back asleep, he spends the next two hours doom-scrolling on Tiktok. He mostly gets stupid clips and gym videos, but that doesn’t come without its pitfalls. Every time he sees a girl and guy lifting weights together or playing around on the machines, Iwaizumi has the urge to throw up his dinner and sling his phone across the room.
The video where two best friends created a montage of their time spent traveling South America does make him curse out loud, sending him into a ten-minute spiral that he sincerely regrets.
The second the time hits six o’clock, he clicks his phone off with more force than necessary and dresses with equal parts aggression and perturbation. His fingers tremble, and his vision blur at the edges. 
He can still smell the airport, can still feel the throng of people moving around him with their suitcases rolling loudly on the ground. They all had a destination in mind: a place to be or a person to meet, setting out on a new adventure or returning home to their old comforts.
But not Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi was losing everything.
He shakes his hands vigorously as if he’s somehow shedding away his dream. His job demands the utmost attention and patience from him. He can’t risk fraying his nerves on the shit going on in his own head. His team needs him at his functional best, all prevailing circumstances considered.
He meets the Men’s National Volleyball Team in their main dining hall, determined to keep them on a proper eating schedule to help with both their diets and his own. Nobody commented on his admittedly picky eating and slightly shorter temper, for a bundle of anxiety is circulating through the players themselves. After two days’ rest from participating in competitive games, they have the most important match to play against one of the strongest teams in this year’s Olympics:
The Japanese National Team is good. The whole world recognizes their player powerhouses, and their ability to strategize and adapt has helped them immensely in the games they’d already played. But they aren’t going against the weaker teams anymore. This is the Olympic gold game. Everything is on the line.¹
And somehow, they hadn’t been seeded against Argentina yet.²
It’s been by pure luck and happenstance. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it likely won’t be the last. But still. It would’ve been nice to have played against them at least once before they had to fight for a shiny piece of metal. Their strategy is formed based solely on the games they’ve watched both in-person and on television instead of the lived experience of coming toe-to-toe with the unrelenting Argentinian players.
These facts are what the players are worried about, anyway. 
Iwaizumi Hajime is not a player.
No one on the team has mentioned it to him yet, and he prefers to keep it that way. They likely don’t remember that he and Oikawa Tooru, #13 of the Argentinian Men’s National Volleyball Team, played on the same team in high school. And even if they do, they certainly wouldn’t know that they were closer than just the ace and his setter.
Except for Kageyama and Hinata, maybe. But Kageyama is still far too awkward and anti-social to say something like that, nor does Iwaizumi believe he cares enough to antagonize him. As for Hinata, he’d mentioned playing beach volleyball with Oikawa a couple of times with a few unsubtle side glances at Iwaizumi. However, Hinata had never talked to him about it, and Iwaizumi had never pushed for him to do so. Iwaizumi thinks that if the opposite hitter wants to say something, he would’ve done it by now.
If God truly loves him, his team will stay both ignorant and away from him.
When Miya Atsumu sits down next to him, propping his chin on the heel of his head and staring at him with an unnervingly knowledgeable gaze, Iwaizumi knows that God has forsaken him.
“You ate fast. You’re going to give yourself a stomach ache,” Iwaizumi comments before Miya can say anything. Letting him take control of the conversation from the get-go is a quick way for Iwaizumi to lose his goddamn mind.
“No, you’re eating slow,” Miya points out. Iwaizumi pointedly takes a large bite from his banana, trying very hard not to bare his teeth crudely. “Got a headache?”
Iwaizumi spares him a mean side-eye. “I’m getting there. Is there something you need?”
“Yeah,” Miya says, smiling, and fuck, Iwaizumi just let him take the reins so easily, didn’t he? His attempts at politeness always seem to blow up in his face. “Any advice you can give me about Argentina’s number thirteen? Setter versus setter beef, you know. I need all the help I can get.”
Iwaizumi considers his answer carefully. “You spend enough time alone analyzing their games, plus however long the team spends reviewing together. There’s nothing I can tell you that you don’t already know.”
And he believes this. They probably know Oikawa Tooru better than Iwaizumi does at this point. They see him from an angle that Iwaizumi never could and never will. He doesn’t have anything to add to their observations.
“Uh-huh,” Miya muses. Iwaizumi would punch him in the jaw if he thought that was something he could get away with. “No weaknesses? Nothing? I mean, you knew the guy for what, eleven years? You’re saying there’s nothing you can add?”
Iwaizumi’s food tastes like ash on his tongue. “Fifteen years,” he corrects despite himself. “He’s probably changed a lot since high school. I don’t know anything special about him.”
His bitterness is impossible to mask. He wants to wrap his hands around Miya’s throat and strangle the daylights out of him, but that would be unprofessional.
“Damn,” Miya says. Damn indeed, Iwaizumi thinks, stabbing his egg yolk. “Are you excited to be on the same court as him again? I know you don’t exactly keep in contact, so it’s been a while.”
“Have you been prying into my personal life?”
“I didn’t!” He exclaims, waving his hands lightly. “I know a guy who knows a guy who knew you two in high school. The rest is everything you’ve already told us, I swear!”
Iwaizumi doesn’t mention that in order to get that information, Miya had to have personally asked for it in detail. He’s far too wired to get into a debate about logistics with Miya Atsumu of all people.
“Sure,” he dismisses, stuffing the rest of his now-bland food down his throat. He gets up to put away his tray, nodding to the rest of the team as he passes with Miya trailing behind him. “I don’t feel any particular way. We haven’t talked in, like, eight years. He’s just like any other player on the Argentina team.”
“Wow,” Miya breathes, wide-eyed and very clearly holding back a laugh. Iwaizumi escapes into the throng of athletes and staff before he does something that will get him both fired and arrested.
He meets with them again in the Japanese-designated exercise room after he’s splashed water on his face and cooled down. Iwaizumi knows that Miya was riling him up because he was on edge himself. Miya thrived off of provocation, so when they were all fraying from anxiety, he automatically latched onto the first thing that he thought would make him feel better. It doesn’t make what he did right or okay, but Iwaizumi understands the reasonings behind his actions.
Luckily, Iwaizumi has fifteen years of experience in dealing dickheads like Miya. 
Fifteen years he can never get back. Might as well make good use of them.
His veins pulse with excitement and unease, watching the players carefully to make sure they don’t accidentally injure themselves. Bokuto Koutarou tries his very best to kill himself on the elliptical every time he’s on it, so he keeps a special eye on him.
He spends most of his time with Sakusa Kiyoomi, though, and not the trouble-makers who give him a migraine. Sakusa knows the routine by now: careful calf stretches with resistance bands and weights, then ten minutes on the Stairmaster. They talk through the exercises, and the outside hitter, thankfully, does not mention any significant pain or weakness. Iwaizumi doesn’t question the silence; he would’ve been able to spot if his muscles started convulsing on their own or if Sakusa started to favor a leg.
At the end of their session, Sakusa wipes off his sweat with his towel and turns to Iwaizumi. “Sorry for what Miya said. He can be a bitch.”
Iwaizumi squints at him. “Don’t apologize on his behalf.”
“I know,” he shrugs, “but he’s always trying to start something, and he’s not going to apologize himself. Truth is, he’s kind of excited to see Oikawa-san. He’s admired him for pretty much his whole life, and now that they’re facing off for the first time since high school, he doesn’t know what to do with all his… feelings.”
Sakusa’s face scrunches up at that last word, and it almost makes Iwaizumi laugh. Then he remembers that he’s going through the same thing tenfold with no one to console but himself. He still talks with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, but it’s not the same when they aren’t there with him. Since Iwaizumi took this job for the national team, it’s been much harder to get together for drinks or simply be in their presence. Thus, all this excitement and “feelings”, as Sakusa puts it, have been left to be deciphered by his lonesome.
And he is certainly not going to Miya about his problems. Distant admiration and a close bond are two very, very different beasts. Most days, he’s not even sure Hanamaki and Matsukawa understand the depth of his old, broken unrequited love. He’s not sure anyone can.
“I get it,” is all Iwaizumi says.
The outside hitter eyes him up and down for a moment, his gaze burning and scrutinizing. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something, then aborts it abruptly by turning away to join the rest of the team heading out of the gym. Iwaizumi hears them say something about reviewing matches, but he doesn’t join them. Instead, he spends his time meditating, watching an old episode of Kitchen Nightmares³, and trying — failing — not to think about airports, blocked numbers, or unsaid confessions.
Then he meets up with the team again, and the thirty-minute warm-up session is over quicker than he hoped it would be. They file into Team Japan’s entrance to the Olympic court.
Iwaizumi thinks he’s holding himself together well, all things considered. He doesn’t have a mental breakdown. His heart is beating at a normal rate. He doesn’t pace around the tight corridor. His thoughts are clearer than the jumbled, anxious mutters of the players.
A horn blows, the gates open, and a stream of light hits his fattened pupils. His world goes white and blurry as he walks behind the players with the coaches and staff. When his vision clears, all he can see is the white and dark blue jerseys of the opposing team.
He doesn't know how he manages it, but he finds Oikawa’s brown hair and stupidly long limbs and jersey number immediately. Oikawa isn’t looking his way. His head whips around to view the crowd cheering in their seats, finds the drones in the air and the volleyball net in the middle of the court, and Iwaizumi thinks that in the last eight years of radio silence, nothing has changed.
Oikawa is right in his element, with the world watching him stand in the middle of their flashing lights. He looks confident in the way he never could’ve been in Japan.
Some things have changed.
“I couldn’t be prouder to have you as a partner, and you’re the absolute best setter. Even if we end up on different teams, those facts will never change.”
Iwaizumi joins the rest of the staff on the sidelines, clasps his hands behind his back, and waits patiently for the national anthems to start playing.
His feelings aside, this is the Olympic gold medal game. He is happy to be here. And by God, they will come away with their necks decorated in gold. They’ve trained hard enough. He’s trained hard enough, with so many years of schooling, interning, and working tirelessly to improve his reputation and status in the world of sports medicine. He deserves this as much as the players on the court.
“But I’ll still give my all to defeat you.”
Except the one person who has given up everything — his family, his friends, his nationality — to chase his dreams. Maybe he deserves it a little more than everyone else.
Iwaizumi tears up at his country’s national anthem, swaying slightly back and forth as if he hasn’t gone through this ritual half a dozen times before in these past two weeks. He watches from his peripheral for Oikawa, who stands stock-still during both the Japanese and Argentinian songs. Not once does he catch Oikawa looking back for him.
It shouldn’t hurt after eight fucking years, but bile crawls up his throat anyway and his legs try to give out from under him.
Nobody mentions it. Miya and Sakusa give him a discerning look, but he ignores them hard enough for his silent message to get across. He will not talk about it, and he will not let it affect the game.
Oikawa serves first.
“Bring it on.”
His form is perfect, the same as when Iwaizumi has admired it time and time again from his phone, laptop, and apartment television. He’s seen Oikawa Tooru on the large projector screens during strategy debriefs, both learning from Oikawa’s strengths and breaking down his weaknesses. It was torture to see him everywhere at all times. Close enough to idolize, but never to breathe the same air, share a cup of coffee, or feel the sweat dripping off his body.
Their suns set at different times. Their days were out of alignment. Their lives moved on separate planes. They survived eight years without a single word confirming if they were dead or alive; if they were doing alright or suffering from addiction; if they were married or still searching for a place to call home; if Oikawa missed Iwaizumi as much as Iwaizumi missed him.
Now, here they are, on the same court so many years after graduating high school, and his heart still races with that old, painful adrenaline of watching Oikawa’s power rattle the morale of the opposing team.
Hinata Shouyou receives the bowl with some difficulty, and they are unable to get a spike off before the ball has to go over the net. Oikawa flicks his tongue over his lips. Iwaizumi’s heart sputters.
He shouldn’t be so satisfied to see his own team struggle to set a tempo against Oikawa.
At twenty-seven to twenty-five, Team Japan takes the first set of five.
The brief intermission between sets allows the respective teams to cool off and regroup in preparation for the second set. Iwaizumi hovers over the players as they drink from their water bottles and catch their breaths. He doesn’t need any of them dropping from exhaustion or dehydration, nor does he need impromptu cramps or asthma attacks.
Before he has a chance to ask, Sakusa tells him that he feels fine. Iwaizumi accepts the answer without argument — no muscle twitching, no favoring, and honestly, Sakusa appears less worn out than the other on-court players.
His mind warns him against it, but his head moves on its own accord. He spots Oikawa on the Argentinian bench, wiping sweat from his forehead and drinking from his bottle while talking to his teammate. He seems fine, too. Healthy. Happy. Not giving a damn about the person he knew for fifteen years across the net.
Oikawa rubs his chest, right over his heart, in a contained circular motion. Iwaizuimi twitches and the edges of his mouth involuntarily fall into a frown.
“Head in the game,” Miya says loudly, slapping him on the back with far more force than strictly necessary. Iwaizumi glares at him, and Miya returns it in kind with a cruel grin. “Got anything for us now?”
“Nothing you haven’t seen,” Iwaizumi says. People press their hands to their chests all the time. He knows Oikawa is fine. Iwaizumi needs to keep his eyes focused on his own team. “Feeling okay?”
“Better than ever,” the setter responds. “Let’s win this bitch.”
The team laughs and repeats similar phrases before setting out on the court for the start of the second set. Oikawa enters with a confident, fierce stride on the Argentinian side of the net. Miya rolls his eyes and sticks out his tongue rather childishly.
Argentina takes the second set, twenty-five to eighteen.
“Wow,” Iwaizumi echoes, not intending to be mean but succeeding in gaining a few glares nonetheless. “How’s everyone doing?”
Kageyama, who’d subbed in for Miya halfway through the set, answers first. “Like I need the gold medal in between my teeth.”
Iwaizumi stares at him, remembering the kid he was so long ago and the vitriol Oikawa harbored for him for being born with innate talent. They have both come so far to compete on the world stage, facing each other once again in a battle of control and mind games, serves and sets.
He can’t tell what either of them are thinking. Does Kageyama feel the need to prove himself as Oikawa had for the years that Iwaizumi had known him? What does Oikawa feel, now, on his bench with people Iwaizumi has never met?
Instinctively, he glances over at Oikawa, trying to gauge his reactions like he hadn’t been keeping one eye on him the entire match. His hand is gliding from the middle of his chest to his collarbone, then back again. He’s halfway draped onto the teammate closest to him, #6.
He doesn’t seem perturbed, but Iwaizumi reads Oikawa like they were still kids. Oikawa never settles for anything less than perfection. Iwaizumi sees it in the way his jaw tightens when he shakes the receive or his serve doesn’t land the pinpoint he wants it to. He sees it in the subtle side-eyes and glances at Japan’s #9 and #1 when he thinks no one is paying much attention.
And he knows that in fifteen years of being by his side, and in observing several years’ worth of recorded San Juan matches, Oikawa Tooru does not have a nervous habit of rubbing his chest. It’s always been below the hips where he slides his fingers back-and-forth, back-and-forth, creating a sandpaper-like sound that is honestly louder than it should be. It had annoyed Iwaizumi to death in their classes, since he usually sat behind Oikawa and therefore heard everything better than his peers. He had gained a habit of pinching Oikawa’s fingers together when he was physically able.
#13 of the Argentinian National Team sets down his water bottle and drops his hand to the side. The pads of his fingers start sliding, and Iwaizumi barely restrains himself from walking under the net and pinching him.
His other hand keeps working on his chest and collarbone, and one of his legs starts idly moving side-to-side.
“Hinata,” he calls, forcing himself to turn around and talk to his actual team. Oikawa Tooru should not, is not, his priority. That much is clear, for Iwaizumi has a wonderful career, players he cares about, and a match he really wants to win. “Let me see your arm.”
As his reply, Hinata coughs haggardly. He hasn’t been subbed once in the entire game yet. Iwaizumi figures he needs a little more time than the rest to catch his breath. Sticking his forearms out, Iwaizumi examines the spot where Hinata had received a strong spike at a backward angle; it elicited a pained reaction out of him, and Iwaizumi has to be sure it was nothing serious.
He pats Hinata’s elbow in approval. “You’re fine. Try receiving the ball like a normal person next time.”
The short man flashes him a grin and a thumbs-up before eagerly trodding off to consume what has to be a gallon of water. An objectively terrible idea to follow through with, but Iwaizumi fears he is far too late to correct that behavior.
Finding their #15 player, Iwaziumi gives Sakusa a hard once-over. Outwardly, he appears perfectly fine. They’d worked through all of the precautionary measures to prevent pain or injuries, but his cramps could strike at any moment regardless of how much effort was put in to stop them.
Sakusa catches his gaze and nods to him reassuringly. Iwaizumi warns the head coach, Hibarida Fuki, that Sakusa needs to be subbed out the moment Iwaizumi asks for him. The coach looks like he wants to argue, but Iwaizumi was born with a face that makes people listen to him if he glares at them hard enough. Hibarida acquiesces his demand without further complaint.
Sakusa works hard in the first few points of the match set, as if he knows, deep down, that this is the last he’ll play of the game. When Oikawa jumps for a set, his body piked in the air and muscles taut, Iwaizumi feels his gut twist with simple, innate intuition.
It catches the team off-guard when the setter dumps it instead of setting it off to either the outside or opposite hitter that had lined up to spike. Sakusa dives for the ball, missing it by the smallest centimeter from his pointer finger, and Iwaizumi calls for him to come in with only the smallest twinge of guilt.
The dump was amazing. The way Sakusa’s leg twitched on the ground for the smallest fraction of a second was decidedly not amazing, and neither was the way Oikawa stumbled when his feet hit the floor.
Sakusa sits close to Iwaizumi on the bench, his face contorted into something remarkable like a pout. “I feel fine,” he grumbles.
“You come from a family of doctors. I’ve worked with you for months. You know to trust me on this,” Iwaizumi says. “When your leg cramps, it’s better it happens here than sacrifice a play out there.”
The outside hitter rolls his eyes but says nothing. Iwaizumi is well aware of how frustrating it is for him to be forced from a game like this. He’d had his own bad days in high school volleyball, and he has no shortage of memories of dealing with Oikawa’s rages and breakdowns over his old knee injury.
Surgery does wonders, he reminisces. Due to the careful and precise timing that they had agonized over for quite some time, Oikawa didn’t even have to miss any of his high school matches from recovery and rehabilitation.
“I’m not playing collegiate. I can’t. I want to study sports medicine.”
“Why? Why is that so important to you when… If I promise to stay, will you play?”
“Nothing you do will get me to play again.”
He shakes his head and trains his eyes on the volleyball leaving Kageyama’s fingertips, only for it to be slammed to the ground by Bokuto. Impressively, the spike is received low by Argentina’s libero, and the game continues.
Iwaizumi is checking on Oikawa more often than he isn’t, he realizes about halfway through the set. Oikawa isn’t in the game at the moment, having been subbed out by another setter who is doing remarkably well. He doesn’t sit near his athletic trainer, so he obviously wasn’t pulled for a health concern.
Perhaps their trainer isn’t concerned, but Iwaizumi is done lying to himself. He is concerned, and it’s going to drive him to insanity before the game is over. There are all these little habits that Oikawa has never presented before. They couldn’t have developed overnight from his last match to this one. And then there is his breathing. The Argentina setter’s breathing is off-set — weirdly irregular in the rises and falls of his chest. Unless he’s having a panic attack, which Iwaizumi is quite certain he isn’t because Oikawa is showing none of his other overstimulated symptoms aside from his sliding fingers, then there is something physically wrong with Oikawa.
Or maybe Iwaizumi’s mind is simply looking for something to worry over. He’s never grown out of it. Of the twenty-seven years of his lived life, he has spent twenty-four of them concerned for Oikawa. He didn’t stop when they were deep in arguments about the future. He didn’t stop when they were thousands of miles apart, separated by an ocean and a twelve-hour time difference (and for two years, a four-hour difference and one long car ride away if need be). He certainly isn’t stopping now when Team Japan needs his watchful eye more than ever.
Besides, he thinks a little desperately. I’m too far away to see him clearly. It’s all a trick of the eye.
Argentina takes the third set at twenty-six to twenty-four. Oikawa set and served the last point, and Iwaizumi was well aware he had stared long enough for people to notice.
“Omi-kun,” Miya calls, making his way over to the benched player. “Here, water.”
Sakusa stands to meet him halfway, only to promptly collapse into Miya’s arms in an honestly skilled save. His fingers scrap at Miya’s elbows, and the panicked setter drags him back to the bench. Immediately, Iwaizumi gets to work stretching out Sakusa’s leg and rolling his calf muscles.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck .” Sakusa gasps intermittently. With Miya at his side and the crowd falling into a hushed silence at the display, the whole scene kind of looks like he’s giving birth, and Iwaizumi is the poor midwife. “I didn’t— I didn’t even feel it coming. Shit. ”
Iwaizumi glances up at Miya. God, he even looks like the worried father who’s wondering what more he can do to support his laboring wife. 
Sakusa shrugs Miya’s hand off his shoulder, hissing: “Quit touching me.”
The rest of the team piles onto Sakusa to give him their strength and condolences. Sakusa, for his part, seethes from their pity and the overstimulation they’re causing. Iwaizumi barks for them to leave. Someone must have flashed an okay sign to the audience because soon the dome is overtaken by a sudden, thundering applause.
From the other side of the court, the Argentinian team gets up from their kneeling position and claps politely. Sakusa gives them little acknowledgment, so Iwaizumi half-bows for him.
Oikawa pointedly stares at the floor, one hand pressing against his chest while the other rests limply at his side after he finishes clapping. His back is now turned, away from Iwaizumi, and he can see the hunched shoulders and the uneven pacing of his breathing. It’s not exhaustion. He knows exhaustion like the back of his eyelids and can compare his players’ fatigued panting to Oikawa’s struggle for air.
It’s not the same. It’s not the same.
If Oikawa has a problem, Iwaizumi reminds himself, he has his own athletic trainer to attend to him. He hasn’t needed Iwaziumi’s support for eight years; he certainly isn’t going to randomly start now.
Sakusa is the one who needs him, because Sakusa is his player, and his player is gripping the bench with white knuckles and an expression of pain and frustration. This is something Iwaizumi can help with. This is the job he has spent his entire adult life training for.
As with all things in life, sometimes what someone needs isn’t physical. Sometimes what they need is a distraction.
“Help me with something,” Iwaizumi says, succeeding in capturing Sakusa’s attention. “Akaashi’s in the stands somewhere. We need to find him before Bokuto loses his head.”
Even though some of the team members have never met Akaashi Keiji in person (which Iwaizumi has, since they attended the same university and remained friends after), they all know what he looks like based on the astonishing amount of pictures of him Bokuto shows them every week. Iwaizumi has been watching the players closely, as per his job description, and has taken note of the wild swiveling of Bokuto’s head whenever there is even the slightest attention break from the game. While seated, his near-erratic behavior worsens tenfold. Instead of supporting his team from the sidelines, his wide eyes roam the crowd fervently.
If he doesn’t spot Akaashi soon, Iwaizumi is one hundred percent sure they are going to have a very dramatic meltdown. Which would be both embarrassing for their home country and an extreme hindrance to the team’s functionality.
Sakusa grimaces, looking rather oddly at him before turning his head to the audience.
“You’re attentive,” he says after a brief hesitation. “I hate it.”
“You hate a lot of things,” Iwaizumi responds neutrally.
The distraction does work, though. The outside hitter settles down into his normal state of being: slightly disgusted and irritated with everyone around him, as opposed to being extremely disgusted and irritated with everyone around him. While they are going through a round of dynamic stretches in the middle of the fourth set, Sakusa stops dead in his tracks and stares intently at one spot in the stands. “Found him.”
Iwaizumi sighs in relief. “Finally.” From where he is on the sideline, Bokuto looks about five minutes away from a predicted, total meltdown. “When we’re done with this, tell him the good news. I need to get Komori off the court before he passes out.”
The libero in question runs a hand through his hair, no doubt coming away with an exorbitant amount of grime and sweat. “Too attentive,” Sakusa says again, this time with more forced agitation to mask the layer of distress in his tone.
Iwaizumi is pretty sure he knows what that’s about, too, but doesn’t say anything to spare Sakusa the embarrassment and probable heart attack. They don’t really need a player dropping like that, even if said player is already sidelined.
He manages to get Komori off the court without incident, and the ruckus Bokuto makes after Sakusa points out Akaashi to him is far better than the other outcome should they have failed in their mission to locate Bokuto’s favorite human being.
His gaze slides back onto the court, finding Oikawa’s body immediately. He hates his heart. It twists in his chest with longing and unsubstantiated concern. The near-decade they’ve spent apart means nothing to his pulsing organ, as though it thinks he’s a child again and walking to Oikawa’s house to beat his ass at Mortal Kombat.
Although, the clogging in his throat reminds him more of when he rode the subway back from the hospital after his best friend’s knee gave out, or when he started prodding Oikawa to eat every day because teenage athletes are the most prone to eating disorders and Iwaizumi hadn’t seen him eat lunch once in the past week.
Twenty-five to twenty-three. Japan wins the fourth set.
The fifth set will determine it all, and it won’t be easy. His players look ready to drop. They’ve pushed themselves harder than they have this entire Olympic tournament. However, their morale and adrenaline are through the roof. If they can keep their spirits up through the next fifteen required points, they can win.
The last set starts, and despite everything — the trepidation making it hard to breathe, his whirling thoughts, the desperation to convince himself that he is hallucinating symptoms — Oikawa Tooru is still the best goddamn setter he’s ever seen.
Now that Sakusa has nothing better to do with the anxiety and pressure of the last set that will determine the winner, he speaks to Iwaizumi. “What is it?”
“What is what?” Iwaizumi asks somewhat absently, intently focused on the game in front of him. He never stopped loving volleyball despite the change in the profession. A part of him still wants to run out and hit the ball with every last bit of his strength.
Argentina calls a time-out to stifle the flow of the game. Oikawa sways, but they don’t take him off the court. They need him.
Sakusa grunts. “Don’t play dumb. You’ve been staring at Oikawa-san this entire game. What’s wrong?”
Iwaizumi has half a mind to bite back with “ Why do you care?”, but doesn’t because that would be unprofessional. He knows Sakusa is restless, agitated, and worst of all, starting to perceive Iwaizumi as a threat to his personal security. According to him, Iwaizumi is too attentive, which means that he can reveal the secrets Sakusa wants to keep buried.
He isn’t that type of person. He hasn’t gone out of his way to find out anything about his players that doesn’t specifically pertain to their medical records, and even if he does find out the things Sakusa doesn’t want him to know, Iwaizumi wouldn’t spill it to the world. It isn’t his story to tell.
So, he answers with a little honesty no matter the insensitivity of the question, because that is the only way to make Sakusa cool down — to make him think that he’s gotten Iwaizumi to crack. “I keep thinking there’s something wrong with him. Medically, I mean. I’m sure it’s nothing. His trainer would’ve spoken to him by now if there was a problem.”
I’m sure it’s the eight years where I never got to check up on him coming back to haunt me, he doesn’t say. That’s a little more honesty than Sakusa deserves.
The game continues. Fourteen to fourteen. They are down to the last wire.
“Bullshit,” Sakusa says, surprising Iwaizumi. “How long did you say you knew him?”
He’s certain that Miya has already told him, but he responds anyway.⁴ “Fifteen years.”
“Iwaizumi-sensei⁵, you’ve been with this team for a couple of months and you already know each of us like the back of your hand. I’ve never met someone as hypervigilant as you. You know I’m going to cramp before I know I’m going to cramp,” he says. “You’re really doubting yourself about someone you’ve spent half your life with?”
Iwaizumi looks at the player, who’s giving him an open expression that conveys, plainly, you’re being an idiot.
Fifteen to fourteen.
Sakusa rolls his eyes at Iwaizumi’s dumbfounded face. “Trust your instincts, because from what I’ve seen, they’ve never led you astray. Hell, I’d let you perform open heart surgery on me, and you’re not even a surgeon.”
He’s pretty sure that’s the nicest thing Sakusa has said in his life. Ever.
Iwaizumi swivels back to Oikawa. He’s jumping in the air to set the ball for a spike, or a dump, or something that will bring his team to victory. Looking down, Iwaizumi finds his ankles swollen beyond normal. 
Open heart surgery.
“Holy shit,” Iwaizumi whispers, all of the air leaving his lungs.
Sixteen to fourteen. Team Argentina wins Olympic gold.
He’s on the court before Sakusa is. He’s across the net before Argentina can celebrate their victory. He’s grabbing Oikawa’s shoulders tightly before anybody else can get to him. Iwaizumi stares into his estranged best friend’s glassy, confused, uncomprehending eyes. 
He’s shaking Tooru’s shoulders, desperate as he yells: “You are having a heart attack!”
Tooru’s voice is strangled and hoarse between his gasping breaths in mangled Spanish Iwaizumi doesn’t understand. Not a second later his dilated pupils, distorted from his eye contacts, roll back to expose solid white sclera and red veins. He keels over, limp, and Iwaizumi starts screaming for a stretcher and an ambulance. Laying him on the ground, he puts his palms over Tooru’s chest to start compressions.
And suddenly, Hajime is fifteen again, hovering over Tooru as he sobs on the boards of the gym they use to practice volleyball during the off-season. “It hurts,” he’s crying, clutching his knee. “It hurts!” Hajime doesn’t know what to do aside from calling one-one-nine. He tells the operator their location and the details of their situation while he lets Tooru claw his forearm into welts, knowing that whatever pain Iwaizumi feels is being felt a thousandfold by his best friend.
And Hajime is fifteen and three-quarters, learning emergency CPR for his new part-time job as a lifeguard. He thinks that it could come in useful. He thinks that saving people isn’t a job he would mind.
And Hajime is sixteen, watching Tooru recover from his surgery, and he realizes he will never play professional volleyball. He wants to help people like Tooru forever — people who want to dedicate their whole life to a sport but have a body that strives to prevent their goal every step of the way. He can’t do that as a player on the court.
And Hajime is seventeen, trying to convince Tooru to eat a sandwich even though he is adamantly insisting he isn’t hungry. He discovers sports medicine isn’t just about the physical ills and pains. To be a good athletic trainer, he has to see every aspect of a player’s well-being, and that includes their mental health.
And Hajime is eighteen, standing alone in the airport and experiencing loss for the first time. In order for Oikawa to grow as an athlete, he has to cut away the weed strangling his roots. Hajime lets him without complaint. This is part of his new career, after all; if he helps athletes succeed, they would all, one day, leave his medical care.
And Hajime is twenty-seven, losing his best friend for a second time at the end of the first set of chest compressions. At least three ribs have cracked under his pace and pressure. He pinches Tooru’s nose, pries his jaw open, and breathes air into his lungs twice. His ring and pinky finger automatically find his pulse point.
Seeing that no medical equipment has arrived, he starts the second set of chest compressions. Oikawa’s bones creak and give way under his desperation. He knows CPR like the back of his hand; if the ribs are breaking, that means it’s working. It doesn’t get rid of the panic and pain at the thought of how much damage he’s doing to Oikawa’s body.
The paramedics are a second too late with their LUCAS device at the end of the last compression. He dives down for another round of mouth-to-mouth, recognizing, faintly yet viscerally at the same time, that Oikawa’s soft skin is pale and rapidly cooling.
At the junction between his neck and jaw, Iwaizumi searches for a heartbeat.
Breathe. Nothing.
Breathe. Nothing.
Then, the faint brush of life against Iwaizumi’s fingertips.
He helps the paramedics load Oikawa onto the stretcher. They roll him away from the court, leaving behind Iwaizumi in a daze. That wasn’t how he wanted to meet Oikawa again. That wasn’t how he wanted to talk to him, feel him, or see him; wasn’t how he’d wanted to have Oikawa’s lips on his like he’d dreamt about so many times in his teenage years and again, occasionally, in his adult life when he’s had too much to drink. 
The head coach of the Argentina team, Jose Blanco, Oikawa’s long-term idol, steps in front of him. “English?” He asks in said language, and Iwaizumi nods automatically. Blanco etches a small smile onto his face. “Thank you for your help. You saved his life.”
Iwaizumi stares at Blanco, all of the English he’s ever learned and spoken suddenly fleeing from his memory. How does he say that they aren’t out of the woods yet, that Oikawa’s heart could still fail at any moment and refuse to start beating again? How does he say that this may be the problem that finally kills the life Oikawa has sacrificed everything for? How does he say that he honestly fears the day that Oikawa can’t play volleyball anymore because he’s an absolute fucking maniac and would rather take his own life than let the universe sweep the rug out from under him?
How does he say that he’s currently living in a reality that is dancing too close to his worst nightmare?
“It was no problem,” he settles for.
“You are Iwa-chan, yes?”
Iwaizumi freezes. He hasn’t heard that nickname in nearly a decade. His high school friends never called him that unless they were teasing him, which faded a week or so after Oikawa left because while he was never the first to bring Oikawa up, he was always the first to cut the topic short. Takeru grew out of it in a couple of months. Nobody else in the right, sane mind would ever call the stoic, mean-looking, and too-attentive Iwaziumi Hajime Iwa-chan.
Except, of course, Oikawa Tooru, who always had a deep and utter hatred for giving his peers a modicum of respect.
It’s somewhat funny hearing the name come from a large Argentinian who lacks both the lightness in which Oikawa would say it and a Japanese accent to make the honorific sound natural. He almost laughs. He thinks that it must make Oikawa laugh, too.
Having rehearsed it in the mirror a thousand times and put it to real use a dozen more, his English introduction rolls off his tongue easily. “Iwaizumi Hajime, athletic trainer for the Japan National Team.” He sticks out his hand, which the head coach uses to bring him into a tight hug. And he doesn’t want to ask when they pull apart, because Blanco is chuckling lightly and he no doubt wants to celebrate his victory, but the words are tumbling out of his mouth anyway. “He… calls me that?”
“Oh, kid—” Iwaizumi is twenty-seven years old “—he never stops talking about you. Last night was horrible. He went on and on. I thought you were, uh, a woman. Guess not.”
Oh. Oh, God.
He doesn’t have time to process… everything since Blanco starts waving over his team. Iwaizumi tries to escape, but they all grab onto his hands or his shoulders or pat him on the back. He’s hearing a lot of Spanish and English, with the occasional horrifically pronounced Japanese word passing through their mouths. He gets the jist of it, though, as the captain of the team presses an object into his right palm.
Tómas Gallo pulls him in and presses a kiss into both of his cheeks. “Thank you, Iwa-chan. He would be honored if you took the gold medal in his place.”
Overwhelmed, he pushes away and returns to his team, who are huddled on the other side of the net. The world starts coming back to him in fractured pieces. He eyes the audience, who seem to all have their gazes trained on him.
It doesn’t really occur to him that he’s just saved the world’s best setter (not just by Iwaizumi’s standards. Not anymore. The whole world recognizes now what he’s sensed since they were seven years old on the city’s little league team). In the heat of the moment, and even still, with the lingering feeling of Oikawa’s bones creaking and snapping under his palms, of his still heartbeat and rolled-back eyes repeating in his after-vision, it’d only been him saving his best friend, just like he always has.
He looks down at his hand, finally registering that he’s holding something. Slowly unraveling his fingers, he stares down at the small keychain. It’s a miniature Japanese flag with Iwaizumi’s faded signature scribbled over it in black Sharpie ink. He’d slipped it unknowingly into Oikawa’s backpack just before he’d disappeared to the security checkpoint, leaving his entire childhood behind.
After several attempts to message him a day later asking about the flight, he had found out his phone number was blocked. He couldn’t view any of Oikawa’s social accounts when he had checked. When he had gone to Hanamaki and Matsukawa, they had shrugged and said they didn’t know anything, either.
Iwaizumi lets himself drop the keychain into his pocket. Setting his shoulders and calming his expression, he rejoins the team with an apologetic wave.
He thinks that he’s holding himself together well, all things considered. His heart isn’t failing. He doesn’t pace around the large gymnasium. His face is emotionless when everyone else seems to be looking at him with worry. His knees are pressing against the court boards. His fingernails are digging into his skin. Someone is wrapping their arms around his shoulders.
He breaks down on live television.
Tómas Gallo hands him Oikawa Tooru’s gold medal in a quiet hallway after the adornment ceremony.
On a count of three, Iwaizumi bites the gold medal with the captain of the Argentinian Men’s National Volleyball Team. His tongue accidentally scrapes the edge of the medallion. The cold metal tastes indistinguishable from blood.
It checks out, really. Iwaizumi has always believed that Oikawa's veins pulse with ichor. 
Gallo’s hand comes to squeeze Iwaizumi’s shoulder. He says: “Tooru says he could not have made it without you. We thank you for letting us have him.”
Iwaizumi doesn’t tell him that before he became Iwaizumi Hajime, twenty-seven years old and well-known among the most important people in the world of sports medicine, he was first and foremost Iwaizumi Hajime, three years old and playing in the sandbox when a boy wearing an alien-themed shirt dumped squirming worms all over him. He doesn’t remember it, exactly, since he was three and hadn’t developed that part of his brain yet, but his mother told him that he had tried his best to beat Oikawa to death with a plastic shovel.
He doesn’t tell Gallo that he could never have made it, either, if it hadn’t been for that little asshole and his handful of dirt-covered earthworms. Oikawa had stolen a piece of soul and shaped his future that day with his grubby hands, insufferable personality, and heart of pure gold.
Gallo doesn’t say anything more when the athletic trainer chokes down a sob.
“Oikawa-san is recovering from emergency surgery, Iwaizumi-sensei. He’s in good hands,” someone tells him. Their voice disintegrates like sand falling between his fingertips.
Iwaizumi breathes.
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¹ In the real 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Argentina won bronze and Japan came in seventh. However, the real Argentina did not have THE Oikawa Tooru, and the real Japan didn’t have… everyone. Clearly, this is not the real Olympics. I will take my creative liberties where I can get them.
² Here, you can start to see my complete and utter lack of knowledge about volleyball. And the Olympics.
³ His roommate at UC-Irvine put him on Kitchen Nightmares and he hasn’t been the same since.
⁴ They will never admit it, partly because they think they are subtle, but everyone knows that Atsumu and Sakusa gossip with each other like the main characters of Mean Girls.
⁵ —Sensei, because that seemed like the most accurate honorific to use in relation to his job as a medical professional but not a medical doctor. If you believe this to be horrifically inaccurate, let me know and I’ll change it. I am obviously not Japanese. Usually I don’t even use honorifics in fics, but I decided to this time so I could empasize Iwa-chan.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Kitchen Quickie with Bob that gets interrupt by the squad/while the squad is at the house (Bob is a dirty dirty boy who can't keep his hands to himself)
#strictly scandalous
Brain go brrrr.
Warnings: This is Strictly Scandalous. Smut ahead.
It’s Saturday afternoon and you and Bob are hosting the weekly dagger dinner. Every Monday morning before pre-flight checks, the daggers would all throw their names into Fanboys gross ass hat and draw a name out. Whoever’s name was drawn? Hosted Saturday night dagger dinner.
“Dinner’s pretty much ready Bubba.” Bob was on the back deck, neatly placing the cutlery you’d sent him out with alongside the placemats that littered the outdoor dining set you’d both dropped a pretty penny on a few years back. “Wanna come in for a taste test?”
“Coming darlin.” It's a simple reply, but one that makes your heart swoon for your Fiancé. Bob finished what he’s doing before he’s sauntering inside, chasing the captivating smell of tomato and basil lamb shakes that could honestly kill. They smelt so good. “Baby, It smells amazing in here.” Bob rounds the corner into the kitchen to find you slicing up some homemade bread. You’d gone all out for this danger dinner and he was so thankful for everything you had done.
“Hmm—“ You're leaning over the slow cooker, frowning as you stir the contents. “I just hope to potatoes are cooked enough otherwise I’m never gonna here the end of it from Hang—“ Before you can finish saying how Jake would never let you forget it if the potatoes weren’t soft enough, Bob is twirling you around in his grasp, so stunned at his suddenness you drop the ladle, it makes a mess when the red sauce covered utensil hits the gray tiles of your kitchen floor. “Robert Floyd!” You giggle as his lips make contact with the juncture of your neck, hands roaming the small of your waist as he lifts you up onto the countertop, pushing the chopping board aside. “What has gotten into you?”
“Thought I might be able to start with dessert first?” Bob mumbles, he’s hungry for something only you can give him. “You’ve put so much effort into this dinner, makes me horny as shit just thinking about how you would have been roaming the isles at the grocery store looking for everything you needed.”
“Oh woah—“ You chuckle, leaning back to catch a glimpse at the flushed hume creeping over Bob's cheeks. “Talk dirty to me more, Lieutenant.” You worked in the base cafe, serving up stellar coffees to all ranking men and women. It was where you’d met and subsequently fallen in with Robert Floyd when he’d returned to TopGun for a second time. A few years on and the two of you were inseparable, planning a wedding, ready to take on the world together.
“Love when you get all domestic and cook up a feast.” Bob was feral, really. But in a different way to lost men you’d dated in the past. He was a respectable feral. Always found something so sincere and genuine to love you for.
“Does it turn you on to know I’ve already ironed your flight suit and hung it up in the cupboard for Monday morning?” Bobs groaning into your mouth as his hands work to unzip his jeans. Pulling them down just below his ass in a feverish haste.
“I’m in love with you, you know that right?” Bob's hands go from his jeans to the hem of your sundress, pulling it up as his lips never leave yours, pushing your panties to the side as his digits slip past your folds. “So wet.”
“What can I say, I’ve got a thing for military men.” That was a very true statement. “Fuggh—“ Coaxing his fingertips against your velvet walls, Bob revels in the slight squelching sound that echoes through the kitchen, standing between your parted knees as his fingers disappear inside you. Buried to the hilt. “Bob—baby—“
“There’s no fucking way.” Rooster is stopping at the front door, he’s got a clear view straight into the kitchen via the window right next to the front door. The blinds are open, the window is cracked and your whimpers can be heard from afar.
Bradley’s holding his arm out in front of Phoenix, stopping her in her tracks as her chest collides with his forearm. “Nope—“
“Shut up, listen.” Although Phoenix could have very well slammed her elbow into the sternum of Bradley Bradshaw at his sudden demeanour change, she was caught off guard by the sound of supple whimpers and deep airy groans coming from inside the Floyd household.
“Oh my god go, go.” Phoenix is as wide eyed and bushy tailed as ever as her and Bradley race back down the three stairs and book it back to the Bronco. Scared they’ll never get the sounds out of their heads and know they don’t need an x-rated image of you and Bob to go along with it.
“Bob honey, need you now.” It’s needy and it’s hard to keep your head level as Bob pulls his fingers from your cunt, sucking your nectar from the lengthy digits before he’s guiding himself inside you. Moaning as he does.
“Ahhhh god—so tight all for me angel.” Bob hissed as he slowly lifted your legs to hook over his arms, angling you just right so that you could take every inch he was willing to give. “Be a good girl and keep those pretty eyes on me baby, wanna watch you unravel.”
You do as you're told as Bob starts a slow pace, building up the pressure before he’s setting a rhythm so fierce it has the slow cooker dancing beside you. Threatening to jump off the edge of the counter.
“Aarruugghh—Bob! Fuck!”
“So good for me darlin Ohh—keep those pretty moans coming.” It’s thrilling, it’s damn near pornographic the way Bob is talking to you, the way he’s handling you, the way he’s working you towards your high.
“Ahhh! Fuck keep going! Keep fucking me baby just like that—“ Its a short lived moment though, because unlike Rooster and Phoenix who had retreated back to the Bronco of shelter, Mickey Garcia and Javy Machado were not so smart, walking right in and into their worst nightmare.
“Oh god!” Javy is turning around in an instant, while Mickey closes his eyes tight, too afraid to move. He’s convinced himself that if he doesn’t move Bob won’t see him. “Bob! You knew we were coming right!?”
“Bobs got you up in his arms and ducking behind the counter the second he hears his colleagues voices, still stuffed inside you as he covers your mouth and watches your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm washes over you. A part of you is very turned on by his protectiveness.
“We got carried away!” He shouted back. Still watching you cum on his cock. “Give me like, two minutes!”
“Fucking hell Floyd—“ Fanyboy sighs as he blindly feels around for the front door. “Never again.”
Strictly Scandalous Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
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simplydnp · 2 months
idk. To me it just seems more likely that they have separate rooms. Bc why would Phil put his closet and bathroom in a a different room than the one he sleeps in? He'd have to go to the green room to shower and get ready. That's such an inconvenience. I think the green room is probably just Phil's room. There's no trace of Phil in the other room either, whereas the green room seems to be more his style. Idt the picture or phil's books being on the shelf confirms anything bc they'd just moved in and might have put whatever they had unpacked on the shelf to make it seem less empty. That bed also seems way too small for two people over 6'. I'm not saying that them potentially not sharing a room/sleeping in the same bed means they're not together. There are numerous reasons why a couple might want to have separate rooms or not share a bed. I just wouldn't take it as a foregone conclusion that they share a room when there's quite a bit of evidence to the contrary.
my haunches go up when i detect a patronizing tone. so forgive me if this comes off as harsh.
'quite a bit of evidence to the contrary' is a very strong claim to make when the pictures we have feature both of their things intertwined; phil's phlonde selfie is in that room; dan says if phil fills this room with cardboard boxes, he'll poo on the floor (if it wasn't his room, why would phil leave boxes in it); they had to have a discussion on putting carpet on the floor vs hardwood (separate bedrooms they couldve done whatever they liked); and dan only ever calls it 'the bedroom'--missing the possessive adjective.
'theres no trace of phil in the other room either' - it'd hard to tell which room you mean here, so i'll cover both. his stuff is in there, firstly. the 'maybe they needed to fill it for a picture' excuse is based off of nothing. next, consider the rest of the house: is there anything in the office that screams phil? what about the kitchen? or the dining room? or the lounge? i think dnp have much more compatible styles than people realize--he even says in the keep or yeet video that he doesnt wear super bright colours anymore. his rooms used to embody 'geek core'--and remember, we haven't seen phil's actual room since their first london apartment. and not that people can't keep their style while they grow up, but maybe his tastes changed. especially when his bedroom was no longer his video background. yknow, the one that was supposed to compliment his online persona and be the main part of his branding?
and the 'green room seems more his style' because the wall is green? there's literally nothing else in that room. no art on the walls, beyond the japan trip bamboo paintings from his dad, nothing on tables, no chairs--we haven't even seen the bed. what in that room seems more phil? not to mention them saying the green towels were in the guest bathroom.
re: the bed. we haven't seen a full picture of the bed. we've gotten the catboy pictures, and it looks to me like there's room for 2 people in it. like maybe they don't own a king bed, but i don't know how a queen mattress wouldn't be able to fit them. (i say this as someone with a double--there's no fucking way it's a double) sure they're long, but be fr.
in terms of the convenience of getting ready--they didn't used to have an en suite bathroom. he can walk, he'll be fine. again, we don't know where the closet is. phil seems like the kind of guy to just hang out in his pjs if he doesnt have to get ready for something. so putting his clothes near the shower/bathroom would be convenient, instead of both of them wrestling over one. and it kind of has to be by a bathroom, as why else would dan need clothes when he had to borrow some when the builders had blocked off his closet?
you're saying this isn't you claiming they aren't together, which, okay fine, but to me it sounds like another person overcomplicating their relationship. why are you so adamant they don't share one? genuinely, all you've presented is theories and opinions supported by no evidence. if they do share one, cool! if they don't, cool!
i don't enjoy being talked down to, and if that wasn't your intention, i apologize, but the way this was presented is very antagonizing.
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riddles-n-games · 8 months
If anyone watched Liv and Maddie, do you remember the episode where the girls and their brothers have a competition of  who could eat the most disgusting leftovers found in the fridge aka Refrigerator Roulette? Well, anyways, I was thinking about it, given the fact that there’s four siblings who have  competitive streaks, I immediately was like, why does that sound familiar and who do I know like that? Well, who do we know ladies? That’s when it hit me; in TIG, we have the Hawthorne brothers who are notorious for their competitions because they were raised on games and pitted against each other constantly and conveniently, there’s four of them, too. So, here’s another childhood thing they did but when the kitchen was empty.
Like with Liv and Maddie and their brothers, they split into groups of two and the spin on this here is that the boys would go through a cycle of who they teamed up with; oldest vs youngest (Nash and Gray v. Jamie and Xander), middles vs youngest and oldest (Gray and Jamie v. Xander and Nash), and favorite sibling duo (Nash and Jamie v. Gray and Xander). Now, the ironic thing is that many times Grayson and Jameson got paired together but halfway through the competition they would start competing against each other to see who would last in the more disgusting leftover rounds. By then, Nash would be clutching the Bowl of Shame with clammy hands as he watched for signs of hurling to come from either (Gray would usually succumb first). 
They would have categories like lunch from last week, dinner frozen at the last second after staying out too long, Mrs. Laughlin’s insufferables, worst desserts from a gala etc. However, that also didn’t just involve leftovers but the extremes would be set based on what kind of food it was.  Oh, and even though technically I’m sure leftovers are very unlikely an occurrence at the Hawthorne House, usually Jameson or Xander purposefully saved them in a hidden part of the fridge for this exact game. 
Now, the way this became another household ritual for the boys is that Nash actually initiated this (sort of) when he was trying to get his younger brothers to finish their meals. Each one would have trouble eating something because they didn’t like a certain food; Jameson disliked peas, Xander hated most greens and advocated strongly against them, and Grayson (yes, even him) wasn’t the biggest fan of eggs (now he loves them and dines on them like he never disliked the classic all American breakfast). To get around this, Nash made a game where if they ate their remainders, they would get a prize (cookies) or they could forfeit and one of the others could finish for them and get two cookies instead. Of course, the boys took this as well as their competitive egos could take and it was going well,  working  for two straight years, surprising. But low and behold how quickly that backfired on him because Jameson and Grayson hated to lose to each other and so they got really competitive. Eventually, the game evolved into what it is now and every time, Jameson or Xander adds a new twist to it, especially if they’re playing Drink or Dare, that’s when things get real crazy.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 1 year
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Shielded Dedication
[Resident Evil: Village] Bela Dimitrescu x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Mentions of torture and death, soft angst, past trauma (based on the first part of this short series), and anxiety.
[A/N]: Here's Bela's part for the continuation of Shielded! I'm working on the stories for Cassandra and Daniela, so expect those sometime soon!
Sharp, repeated pains shot their way through [Y/N]’s skull, prompting her to clench her jaw and grind her teeth together. She pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, her eyes screwed tightly shut. “We’re running out of maids, Cass! We can’t keep killing them for any little inconvenience!” Daniela shouted as she stepped forward to look her sister in the eyes. “We can get more! It’s not like any of them matter anyway!”
Cassandra seemed to regret her words immediately after yelling them. Her gaze had flickered over to a maid–[Y/N]--and remembered all the girl had done for her and her family. She had saved them two weeks prior from an intruder, killing off the man and bringing them to safety. She had provided warmth and blood for them to heal and regain their strength.
“Cassandra, please,” her mother warned. Her expression mirrored [Y/N]’s as she sighed. “We need to avoid punishing these maids too severely, as your sister said. There aren’t many left, and the women still left in the village are far too young or ill. Take her down to the cellars and carry out a reasonable punishment. If she’s found dead, you will never hear the end of it from me.” Cassandra parted her lips to retort something, but bit back her response with a groan. “Yes, mother,” she murmured in a much softer tone. “Daniela,” the matriarch added just as the youngest daughter began to taunt her older sister. The redhead straightened up, ignoring Cassandra, who stuck her tongue out at her and grabbed the maid nearby by the wrist. “Go with her to ensure she doesn’t take things too far, will you?” “Of course, mother.” Alcina smiled warmly at her and watched as the two pulled the maid out of the room and into the kitchen. Faintly, she heard the two beginning to bicker in hushed voices, even as they walked further away.
She turned, expecting to find her eldest daughter waiting patiently in her seat, but instead found herself alone at the table. She glanced around, eventually turning to another maid who stood anxiously by the door to the courtyard. “Did you happen to see where Bela went?” After the events that took place two weeks beforehand, Alcina grew anxious when any of her daughters disappeared without letting her know where they were headed. “I-I saw her follow [Y/N] out of the room, but I’m not sure where the two of them went. I apologize, my lady,” she said with a bow of her head. A soft sigh slipped past Alcina’s lips. “It’s alright. As long as they are together, I’m sure they’ll be fine. They seem to do a fantastic job at defending each other.”
Bela had left the room relatively quickly once she realized her family was distracted. She saw [Y/N] slip through the main doors to the dining room after hissing in pain, sparking a sense of concern which she had never felt for another person before–especially a maid. She waited a moment before swarming out of the room and following [Y/N]’s scent all the way to a hallway she often found the girl wandering in. She shifted into her solid form right before turning around a corner, allowing her to peer out from behind it and watch as an expression she adored crossed over [Y/N]’s features. This hallway held the majority of her mother’s paintings, all of which seemed to fascinate anyone who stumbled across them. But with [Y/N], it seemed to Bela that she took more interest in the pieces than any of the other maids.
She always wore a smile as her gentle gaze studied the brushstrokes and smaller details that even Bela herself had never noticed before. The blonde couldn’t help the smile that made its way across her own lips. She sucked in a deep breath, glancing down at herself to smooth out her dress and cloak, trying her best to stall for time to steel her nerves.
Softly, Bela stepped forward and strolled over to stand beside [Y/N]. She cleared her throat quietly. Her gaze flickered to the girl’s face before locking into a random spot on the canvas in front of them. “It’s extraordinary, isn’t it?” Startled by the sudden voice, [Y/N] jumped rather visibly and twirled her head to face her. “O-Oh, I’m…” She cleared her throat. “I apologize, Lady Bela, I didn’t know you were here. I figured I was alone.” Bela smiled kindly at her. “You’re quite alright, [Y/N]. I suppose I did sort of sneak up on you. I just wanted to see if you’re okay. You left the dining room in quite a hurry after all,” she explained.
“Ah, well, I promise I’m alright.” [Y/N] scratched the back of her neck with an anxious giggle, turning back to the painting to avoid eye contact. “I’ve just got a bit of a headache is all.” Bela tilted her head, her words laced with concern. “Headache? Are you falling ill?” Her question was answered with a dismissive wave of [Y/N]’s hand. “No, no, I’m alright. I just got overwhelmed with all of the noise. Plus,” she bit her tongue to stop herself from continuing. An anxious look crossed her face and she cleared her throat. “Never mind.” Bela raised a brow.
“I’m assuming your headache is also caused by my sisters and I constantly trailing after you since what happened a couple of weeks ago?”
“Ah, no, I–!”
Bela chuckled. “It’s alright, you don’t have to lie.” [Y/N] studied her gaze, terrified she might find some sign of a lie, but sighed in relief when she found none. “Well, I wouldn’t say it was a cause, but it certainly didn’t help, if I’m being honest.” The blonde delicately placed her hand on the other woman’s shoulder. “I figured as much. I apologize for not doing a better job at giving you space of your own. I’ve never seen them so attached to someone before–not even our mother.”
“And I’m sure they haven’t ever barged into a maid’s bedroom asking to bundle up together before?” They both laughed quietly together as Bela shook her head. “No, of course not. I believe I can say I was just as surprised as you were to see them try that,” she responded. They shared another smile, and while [Y/N] turned back to stare absentmindedly at the painting only a few feet in front of her, Bela continued to stare, getting lost in her thoughts as she fought with herself on whether or not she should ask the question that had been burning on her tongue for over a week now.
Feeling the eldest daughter’s soft gaze still on her, [Y/N]’s attention was brought back to the woman beside her. “Are you alright?” Bela blinked, surprised to find herself zoning out. “Oh, yes, I’m fine! S-Sorry, I just…” she trailed off and fumbled with her own hands after hiding them behind her torso. “I’ve been—I want to—there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now, but I’m afraid you’ll find me too clingy or desperately annoying.”
“Bela, I could never think of you that way. As I said before, you and your family mean the world to me. I’ll do anything and everything I can to protect you all and make you happy. Please don’t feel ashamed to ask me something.”
Bela was taken aback by her words. She hadn’t expected to ever find someone so kind and selfless in her lifetime. It felt nice to be seen and welcomed and understood by someone aside from herself. That was what had drawn her to this girl in the first place: she always put others’ needs before her own, and she knew it was wrong to do so at times, but she understood because she did the same for her family. Her nerves calmed, allowing her to breathe normally and smile. “Well, I’m sure by now you know my sisters and I all crave a source of warmth, especially considering our only weakness is the frigid air.” [Y/N] beamed, nodding to show she was listening intently.
“Ever since you saved us that day and let us huddle up against you to warm up again–to let us rest and regain our strength–I’ve been finding it…very difficult to sleep soundly. My bed and its covers provide enough warmth to keep me content, but they aren’t warm enough to lull me into sleep the way you did. I-I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. You really do bring me a sense of comfort that I’ve never experienced before, and I…
“I want to ask if we could possibly do that again? Without my sisters?” Once she processed her words, her face flustered and she began to ramble. “Oh god, that’s not how I meant for that to come across at all–I apologize! I-I just meant could we sleep together,” another gasp fell from her lips, cutting her off. “N-No, that’s not what I meant either!”
She groaned and planted her red face in her palms when [Y/N] began to giggle at her stuttering. She sighed and felt her shoulders droop in defeat. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make this so awkward. I had this all planned out. I wrote a letter and everything to avoid this.” [Y/N] laughed again, though she gently laid her hand on Bela’s arm. “You don’t have to apologize, hun. I won’t lie to you—that is an awkward question to try to phrase. I’m sure I wouldn’t have done any better.” Bela blushed at the nickname, but grinned at the reassurance. She rubbed her arm anxiously once [Y/N]’s hand fell back to her side.
“So, what do you say?” [Y/N] hummed in thought, staring off into space like she did when she examined Alcina’s portraits. “I don’t know. What if your sisters or your mother find us? Won’t they be upset? I mean, they’d be for completely different reasons, but I still don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.” Bela felt herself internally swooning again at the girl’s selflessness.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. My mother knows not to come into my room without permission, and even though my sisters aren’t the same, I don’t see why they’d come up. I’m usually the first to wake up each morning, so I get them up for breakfast.” [Y/N] smiled at her, and Bela wished she could kiss her right then and there. She knew, however, that she had to take things slow. If tonight went well, then she could work up the courage to confess her feelings. She failed to notice that what she was asking to do was considered more intimate than simply sharing words of pure admiration, even with how intelligent others deemed her to be. She was blissfully oblivious to how love worked–that’s something her youngest sister Daniela was more experienced with.
Her attention was brought back to the present as [Y/N] tilted her head and tapped her shoulder. She blinked, irritated with herself for losing focus so quickly when she was the one who initiated the conversation. “Are you alright?” Bela nodded. “Yes!” Her face went red and she cleared her throat, waving her hands anxiously. “Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to raise my voice or zone out like that,” she stammered out as she mentally slapped herself. She was worried that [Y/N] would make fun of her or think she was annoying, but instead, the girl laughed softly. Bela looked back over at her with a surprised expression. Something in the back of her mind was screaming at her to stop talking because she had already caused enough of a scene. “Sorry, Bela, I’ve just never seen you like this before.”
The noble woman’s ears perked up a bit. Her eyebrows furrowed together slightly in concern. “Is that a bad thing? I’m–I’m not annoying you, am I?” [Y/N] giggled again and shook her head. “Oh, no, not at all! It’s nice to see that side of you. It makes you seem more human.” Bela found herself smiling sheepishly. “Oh, well…I’m glad.” The two women gazed comfortably at each other for a moment, though it was short-lived. A look of pure panic crossed over [Y/N]’s features, and oh, how desperately Bela hated seeing her like that.
“Oh, I just realized I called you Bela! Have I been doing that every time? I’m so sorry for stepping out of line, my lady!” She lowered her head. Bela, though [Y/N] couldn’t see it, was hurt. Why should calling her by her name be so upsetting? Did she feel like she was obligated to do as she said merely because of her status? Bela felt herself fighting back her guilt and tears. She stepped forward, her thumb and index finger coming down to gently hook themselves under [Y/N]’s chin. She tilted her head up to look her in the eye. “Darling, I can promise you, it doesn’t bother me. Please don’t worry about formality. You can call me Bela, okay? I won’t get upset. I mean, I’m asking you to stay with me tonight for god’s sake. If I still expected you to call me by my titles, then I wouldn’t be so kind to you. You’d join the other maids in my sisters’ endless and torturous games.”
Bela then cupped her face and tugged gently enough to wordlessly ask [Y/N] to stand up properly. “You are so special to me. And not just to me for that matter–all of House Dimitrescu adores you. I can’t speak for my sisters, but I want you to drop the formality towards me. Aside from status, you are in no way inferior to me–not in importance, not in value or worth, and not in your right to be your own being. If it helps you feel any more comfortable with me, I want you to know that I actually see you as being–” she paused, a groan escaping her lips. “Ah, what did Dani describe it as when I spoke to her about this?” She wracked her brain. Her eyes visibly lit up when it clicked.
“Out of my league! That’s what it was.” She finally came to the end of her speech and fixed her gaze on [Y/N]’s. The girl still held a mix of emotions in her eyes, the same eyes that Bela had fallen so in love with, and the eldest Dimitrescu daughter was relieved to find that fear wasn’t one of them. Hoping to lighten the mood, Bela came up with a quick question. “Uh, by the way,” she started, forcing herself to look anxious. “Is that, like, something people normally say? Is it a sports thing or something? I never really know whether to take Dani’s love advice or not after reading some of the stories she reads.”
[Y/N] blinked, caught off guard by the sudden change of tone and subject. She laughed softly as Bela had hoped, allowing Bela to smile triumphantly. “No, it’s not a sports thing, but it is something people say as a form of endearment. Lady Daniela was right about that part,” [Y/N] replied, her tensed muscles relaxing. Her change in demeanor was immediately noticeable. She felt comfortable again as the casual atmosphere from before had resurfaced.
She rubbed her forearm and averted her gaze to the side. “Do you really view me as being “out of your league?”” Her gaze flew back to Bela and stared expectantly. Bela beamed warmly and nodded. “Of course I do. And I meant what I said when I want you to drop the titles. Just call me Bela, alright?” [Y/N] mirrored her smile. The movement of her nodding her head forced Bela to realize that she was still cradling the girl’s face in her hands. They flew back, driving themselves to the woman’s cloak to pick at the hem. “Ah, sorry about that!”
Even though she had told [Y/N] mere moments ago that she wanted her to be comfortable around her and be viewed as her equal, Bela couldn’t help but feel on-edge herself at how close they were. She chuckled uneasily and finally managed to force herself to glance back at the girl in front of her. “Actually,” [Y/N] started. She stepped forward and delicately took Bela’s hands into her own. She brought them up to return to where they were before. “I don’t mind. It felt really nice.” Bela felt her voice hitch in her throat. Other than when she had clung to her for warmth after the attack, Bela had never figured she’d be able to be so close to [Y/N]. It made her heart hammer against her ribs, which only worsened once she remembered the two of them were likely going to share the same bed in a short amount of time.
[Y/N] certainly didn’t help the foreign feeling as she leaned into Bela’s palms and closed her eyes. Had anyone come by at that very moment, they would’ve seen just how red the cold, stone-faced, sophisticated daughter’s face had gotten. The crimson blush flustered itself all the way up to her ears. This girl made her go weak in the knees. She had always imagined she’d despise the feeling, but after realizing her feelings, Bela couldn’t be happier to feel so smitten.
She felt herself falling harder for the girl each time she even crossed her mind. Around [Y/N], Bela never felt as though she had to be proper and hard on herself all the time. It was never hard for her to find comfort in [Y/N]’s presence and finally give herself a break she knew she deserved.
Finally, after taking a moment to regain her composure and clear her throat, Bela spoke up again. “So,” her voice cracked. She cleared her throat more aggressively and followed it up with a hum to ensure it wouldn’t break again. “Shall we–ah, I don’t want to phrase it horribly again. Should we–” “Retire for the night?” Too worried she’d say the wrong thing again, Bela simply nodded. [Y/N] giggled, bringing another smile to the blonde’s face, and nodded. “Yes, that sounds great right now. My head is still killing me.” “I won’t let it kill you. I’ll fight it off until it leaves you alone, even if it’s to the death.” “Bela, hun, it’s just a headache.” They laughed together softly. After a few moments passed, [Y/N] tugged on Bela’s hands and led them down to wrap themselves around her waist. Bela stiffened. [Y/N] placed her hands on the taller woman’s shoulders, closing her eyes and letting her forehead rest against her own.
“I know what you were trying to say though. I think it’s sweet.” Bela felt herself relax after a moment of processing. She couldn’t bite back the smile that made its way to her lips. She leaned into [Y/N] and the embrace, closing her eyes as well and allowing herself to focus on her senses: the sound of the light breathing they shared, combined with their heartbeats, the smell of [Y/N]’s scent, and the feeling of being held by the one she cherishes most. [Y/N]’s skin felt like clouds beneath Bela’s fingertips. The warmth radiating from [Y/N]’s body lulled her into a state of bliss that she had felt each time she had the chance to hug the girl.
Oh, how she wanted this feeling to last forever. She promised herself that she would find a way to gather her confidence and confess how she felt in an attempt to secure this feeling.
“Bela?” Her eyes shot open to find [Y/N] gazing up at her tiredly. “Are you ready to head up for bed?” She smiled yet again, realizing, as she steadied the two of them, that they had been swaying. “Yeah, I am.” She leaned forward and fully hugged [Y/N], squeezing her tight before leaning back. “But you look exhausted, and I don’t want you to have to climb up the stairs. I don’t want my sisters to bother us either, so–” She leaned back even further before crouching down swiftly. Her left arm hooked itself behind [Y/N]’s knees and pushed them forward, allowing her other arm to catch her. She swept her up off of her feet and tossed her up high enough to carry her in her arms.
[Y/N] yelped at the sudden motion. Her arms flew up in a panic to wrap themselves around Bela’s shoulders, desperate to stop herself from falling. She looked up at the woman now holding her and blushed as Bela laughed softly at her expression. “I’ll just fly us up there, alright?” [Y/N] nodded, watching and listening as the lower half of Bela’s form dissolved into a swarm of flies. She whimpered as they began to rise off of the ground.
Bela squeezed her gently against her torso, prompting her to look up at the woman who was now inching forward. “Don’t worry. Like I said, I won’t let anything hurt you. You’re safe.”
After moving a bit further to gauge [Y/N]’s reaction, Bela picked up her speed hastily. Before the frightened girl could even take a moment to fear the action of flying through the air for the first time, the two of them had already made it up to the second floor. They continued down the seemingly endless hallways until they landed a few feet in front of Bela’s door. [Y/N] had figured she was going to be put down before entering the room, but she was proven wrong when Bela had opened the door and placed her down on the bed. She turned just long enough to close and lock the door before turning back to [Y/N]. “We should be fine. I just had to hurry so my sisters wouldn’t stop us and pester you.”
Still trying to comprehend the fact they were now all the way upstairs, [Y/N] could only nod with a bewildered expression on her face. Bela grinned nervously. “Ah, sorry. I forgot you haven’t moved that quickly before. I didn’t even ask if there was something you’d like to change into.” She flew herself over to her wardrobe and picked out two different outfits, hiding in the closet for a moment. She emerged with a pair of white silk pants on, accompanied by a dull crimson red tank top that had been readjusted into more of a crop-top or bra. She placed down a set of black cotton shorts and a gray long-sleeved shirt that was clearly going to be oversized on the girl.
“I don’t really have anything that’ll fit you, I apologize. I hope these will work. They’re the smallest ones I could find.” [Y/N] nodded and smiled. She picked up the clothes as she stood. “It’s alright. I think it’d be weird if you had clothes that would fit me, considering how much smaller I am compared to you.” Only a few feet away from the closet door, [Y/N] froze and quickly spun around on her heel. “That’s n-not what I meant! I’m sorry–I really hope that didn’t come across in the wrong way!”
Reminded of how she was just moments ago, Bela couldn’t help but find herself chuckling quietly. “No, it’s alright. I know what you meant, I promise.” A sigh of relief sounded from [Y/N], who then turned around again and momentarily disappeared into the closet. Bela blew out the candles that were lighting up the room and climbed into her bed. She snuggled up underneath her covers, being sure to be the one closest to the door. Flipping onto her back, she sighed and stared up at the ceiling, completely unaware of the smitten, dorky grin she had.
The thoughts and realizations already beginning to swarm her mind were short-lived, interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open, followed by the soft whisper of her name. “Bela?” She sat up. Her breath was taken away by the sight of [Y/N]’s soft skin being illuminated by the moonlight seeping in through the window.
Standing there bashfully, [Y/N] donned the pair of shorts that Bela had provided for her, though she wasn’t wearing the shirt. The blonde’s golden eyes spotted it tucked in the crook of her elbow. She had no shirt on, only wearing a bra, which revealed so much of the body that Bela was so desperate to hold. Unable to speak, she could only stare. “I-I couldn’t really wear the shirt. It was really uncomfortable since it kept slipping off of my shoulders. I hope you don’t mind if I sleep like this.”
When she was met with absolute silence, [Y/N] swallowed the lump in her throat and began to back away. “I-If it makes you uncomfortable, I can go change–” “No!” She jumped at the blunt volume. Bela seemed just as surprised with herself. “S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell! I just,” she rose from her bed and walked to stand in front of the smaller woman. “You look perfect like this. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable.” Her hands found themselves picking at each other in front of her torso, itching to hold [Y/N]’s.
“You really think so?” “Of course I do. Then again, you look perfect in everything.” [Y/N] blushed. Her free hand trailed up to pick at the shirt tucked under her arm. “O-Oh, um…thank you,” she whispered almost inaudibly in response. Bela fought a war in her mind to find something to say to lower the tension, but was brought back to her senses as [Y/N] took her hand and tugged her over to the bed. She crawled onto her side–the side that had been left undisturbed–and slid under the covers. She stuffed the shirt underneath her pillow. “Could we go to bed? I’m exhausted.”
Bela grinned and nodded as she joined her. “Of course.”
Once the two of them were settled, the tension returned–for Bela, anyway. She readjusted herself so she could lie on her side and face [Y/N], whose back was facing her. She studied her for a moment, watching her breathe in and out. She wondered if she would ever have the luxury of getting to wake up to [Y/N]’s peaceful face. She often found herself fantasizing about seeing her features so tranquil, partially highlighted by the light of the morning sun to emphasize the parts of her that Bela adored most–her gentle eyes, perfect nose, soft lips that she ached to one day kiss–
“Are you alright?”
Bela jolted and felt her eyes shoot back up to focus her sight again. “Huh?” [Y/N] was now twisted in a way that let her glance back at Bela comfortably. “I felt like someone was watching me, so I looked around, but it was you staring at me. Is everything alright?” Embarrassment overwhelmed Bela. She internally scolded herself for losing focus yet again.
“Oh,” she began. “Yes, I’m alright. I just…have a question is all.” Piqued with interest, [Y/N] rolled over onto her other side so she fully faced the blushing woman beside her. “Oh? What is it?” She had known she was going to have to ask sooner or later, even though she had hoped her recollection of the night of the attack would get the question across without being so blunt, but Bela was still terrified that she’d ruin this moment by asking what she wanted to.
Not allowing a single moment for herself to back away in fear, Bela blurted out her question. She was thankful that her fatigue was helping her feel too tired to be as anxious as before.
“Could you hold me while we sleep?” [Y/N] was quick to smile. She didn't seem bothered in the slightest. “Of course. C’mere,” she whispered as she held out her arms. Bela instantly buried herself into [Y/N]’s chest. She tucked her arms between the two of their bodies and let her face nuzzle into the girl’s partially bare breasts. If she hadn’t been so numb from her exhaustion, [Y/N] would have found this embarrassing. Bela would have as well. The two of them didn’t mind, however, and instead found comfort in the close contact. [Y/N]’s arms wrapped themselves around the blonde. Her left hand slid up and began to stroke the soft blonde locks that were sprawled out across the pillow.
A low hum rumbled in the back of Bela’s throat and chest as she began to drift in and out of consciousness. As far back as she could remember, Bela had never felt this safe and comfortable before. It was heavenly to feel so secure.
The feeling of fingernails softly scratching her scalp and the spots behind her ears would have been enough to make Bela’s eyes roll into the back of her head if they had been open. She couldn’t quite explain why it felt so good, but she certainly didn’t have a problem with it. Somewhere deep inside of her, she had the hidden craving for physical affection. She wanted to be held and cherished, caressed and comforted. She longed for someone who would welcome her when she needed someone to lean on, someone who would remind her to take breaks and take care of herself when she was too busy buried up in paperwork to remember, someone who wouldn’t use her for her status, someone who wouldn’t find her clinginess an inconvenience. She wanted someone who could prove they were dedicated as much to her as she was to them.
Her eyes fluttered open as she pondered whether or not [Y/N] was that someone.
“By the way, I think you look perfect in everything as well. I meant to say it earlier, but I was worried I’d make you uncomfortable. You’re perfect in my eyes, inside and out, and I really do want you to know that. I love you, Bela.”
Her heart flipped as she beamed ear to ear. She closed her eyes again and wriggled her face further into [Y/N]’s soft, warm skin. [Y/N] was that someone, she was sure of that after reflecting on the past two weeks. It just needed to be confirmed by those three words she had been dreaming of hearing for centuries–the ones she wanted to utter in reply to the woman she loved most.
“I love you too.”
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ansel-rae562 · 4 months
Together Forever
[part 2 of Sparks of love
-Childe x Reader-]
You woke up to see the beautifully decorated room that you share with Childe back in Snezhnaya, you removed the blanket over your body and stood up...you were wearing a different outfit than the last one you remembered....you were in Sumeru right?...then what happened..you don't remember as if your brain was all fuzzy so you just went to get dressed up.
Going down the stairs you smelled a familiar scent coming from the kitchen, walking over to the kitchen there you saw Childe cooking a soup with seafood in them, it's a prize catch the one that he likes to cook and also your favorite
"Good morning Милая....I see you're awake now, how about you go sit in the dining room? your favorite dish is almost ready"
he chuckled at you and kissed your forehead which you returned the favor by kissing him on his cheek.
After your breakfast with Childe he insisted that you both go to the plaza as a date this noon, walking around Snezhnaya with the 11th fatui harbinger is something normal now ever since he was a fatui agent some even say that you were both childhood friends.. which was true.
Back then when you were 13 and he was 14, you both were playing hide and seek in the forest but when you were looking for him you couldn't find him so you rushed back to their house and informed his parents and it made them worry, even though he was a troublemaker his parents are worried for him so they searched the forest yet still no sign of him anywhere.
You spent two days feeling guilty till you went to the forest yourself to look for him, you spent all day till noon roaming the forest not even eating...that's how worried you are of him. Still walking through the harsh cold weather when suddenly you missed a step rolling down a hill then your back hit something very harshly till it was replaced by a freezing feeling throughout your body...it took you awhile to register...you were sinking...you couldn't move as if your energy doesn't exist anymore....
{7 years ago}
Ajax was training with Skirk when something in the skies of the abyss appeared... it was a person falling, Skirk immediately rushed to the person before they could hit the ground Just then Ajax came up to Skirk as well and saw the person on her arms
He screamed he tried to hold you but Skirk prevented him
"They're injured... Quick back to the base"
She said rushing back to where they are staying and immediately treating their wounds.
After you were all bandaged up Ajax stayed by your side holding your hand
"Their back is damaged, probably from an impact of the ice since they were also very wet and cold, I don't know how long they'll stay asleep but here in the abyss they'll surely heal faster than in the overworld"
Skirk said to Ajax who was just looking at you worriedly.....
Childe knocked on your bedroom door as you told him he can come in, when he saw you in an outfit he brought you... It was enough to keep you warm but also very stunning on you
"You look.... Very beautiful Любовь моя..."
he said approaching you admiring your figure
"T-thank you...Ajax.."
even after all the years of both of you being together, he still manages to make you flusttered. He led you outside with your hand on his as then you both walked together to the plaza, you both spent the noon roaming around the plaza sometimes buying you things that you take interest in overall just spoiling you till night.
He walked you to the very center of the plaza and you noticed a few fatui soldiers around which is a bit more than usual so you brushed it off thinking that it's because Ajax is with you, You then suddenly heard a music from behind you that made your head turn towards it...they were playing a quite romantic song
someone screamed from behind you once again you recognize their voices, it was Ajax's little siblings as you then turned around you were met with your family and his family all holding together a big sign that says
Ajax then got down on his one knee and held out a beautiful ring to you
"(Y/N).....we have been together since wee were children and growing up with also made my feelings grow for you into something more...and now here I am kneeling on one knee for you...to ask for your hand in marriage and will you...make me the happiest man alive??..."
he said his words making you tear up as you nod and said yes.
Months have passed since you've been engaged with Ajax so far everything is great, he's been very caring and loving towards you and now today is the day....You're finally getting married to Ajax isn't it very exciting?... you asked yourself, though there is a feeling in you screaming to run...run away..escape before it's far more too late.......Ŗ̸̛̦̰̱̻͉̼̬͙̝̯͕̤͈̥͂́̇̂̍́̅̾̊̋̌̚͝Ư̷̡̢̡̪̜̦̥̖̩̻̮̝̦̤̤̐Ñ̷͈̹̦͓̱͍̻̰͛̏̈̀͛͒̈́͂̇͌̉̒̈́̏̿̕͘͝͠.̷̛͎͍̹͕̺̬͙̰̽́̋͗̽̂̑͐̀̂̒̃͐̇̄̚͠ͅ ̷̼̙̮̈́͋͝ ̶͖̺̳̏͒̌̀͋͋̀́͑͊̀̔̒́̍̊̚͘͠͝N̶̰͔̰̜̟͎͕͈̂̍̒̽̎̋̌̌̒͒̈́̒̂͒͂̄̕͠Ŏ̷̧̭͚͖̫̱̬̪͙̮̟͍͉̰͓͔́̿̏͊̊̾̄̊͜͝Ẁ̷̛̱͔̮̯̱͕͙͎̫͔͈͈̯̦̗͔͔̉̎̋̍̈́͂̏̿̀͆̇͑͆̈́͜͝.̸̨̢̨̯̤̫̪̟̪͎̪͓̺͓̾̀͠.̸̡̛̟̝̀.̵̡̞͕̺̰͍̊͒̆̊͘.̸̢̙̯̻͇̜̜͔͋̽̇́̑͒̽̀͂̾́̐͑̋̀͘͘̕̕.̴̢̢̧̛̹̻̼̘̮͔̪̪͕̣͕͕̞͙̺̞̓̀̇̈̄͑͑̾̇̄̔̕͘ͅ.̸̧̧͈͕̦̪̯̳͓̘̭̓͑̀͆Ę̵͚͈̮̱̥͕̗̝̩̙̩͙̟̻͛̈́̊̿̒͋͐̽̋̾̔͑̚͜͠S̷͈͓̐̃͗̓̉̐̒͝͝C̸̨̛̬̜̩͓̫̞̤̘͚͛̈́͋̎̿͌̀̓͝͝Ą̴̹͉̞͖̹͓͈̪̺̠̭͖̦͓̗̅̃̈́̽͗̆̃̄́͛͆̓P̶̧̝̼͙͖̼̪̥̖̻͇̮̓̈́̾ͅÉ̷̡̤͖̤̗̙͔̰̩̠͙̞̀̏́̍̀͜͠ͅ.̴̡̧̖̳̣̱̱̪̝̱̙̯̮̻̗͒̔̒̓͂̊̉͌̋̕.̴̧̗̱͎̺̖͓̠̫͈͖͋̌̽̐̇͊̉̓̎̋̚̕͘͝͠.̸̭͚͖̻̫̞̌̍͋̾͛͝
A knock suddenly sounded at the door
"(Y/N)?...It's almost time for you to walk down the aisle..."
your father said as you quickly put on the veil and went out of the room you're staying in, your father looked at you with teary eyes and kissed you forehead
"My child is all grown up now....come on let's get you to your husband...."
he said.
there at the altar you and Ajax stood hand on hand while looking at eachother's eyes
"Do you (Y/N) (L/N) take this man to be your husband for life?"
"And now Ajax, do you take this person to be your partner for life?"
"You may now then kiss"
Ajax wasted no time and kissed you immediately as then everyone celebrated your union with one another, He took your hands once again and looked at you with obsessive Loving eyes
"We are now Together Forever my love.... Even after death I'll follow be with you forever...."
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toomanyrobins2 · 6 months
Our Manhattan
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Summary: An orphan all her life, Y/N is simply too old to remain at The Bowery Home any longer. That is where an anonymous patron has swooped in to send her off to college and all he requires…a monthly letter of her academic progress.
Based off the book and musical “Daddy Long Legs”
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
last part // series masterlist // next part
Notes: I'm finally getting around to updating this fic! If you would like to catch up and get more consistent updates to this story and others I would go to by AO3!
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24th March, maybe the 25th
Dear Batman,
I don't believe I can be going to Heaven—I am getting such a lot of good things here; it wouldn't be fair to get them hereafter too. Listen to what has happened.
Y/N Abbott has won the short-story contest (a twenty-five dollar prize) that the Monthly holds every year. And she's a Sophomore! The contestants are mostly Seniors. When I saw my name posted, I couldn't quite believe it was true. Maybe I am going to be an author after all. I wish Mrs. Lippett hadn't given me such a silly name—it sounds like an author-ess, doesn't it?
Also I have been chosen for the spring dramatics—As You Like It out of doors. I am going to be Celia, own cousin to Rosalind.
And lastly: Harriet and Barbara and I are going to New York next Friday to do some spring shopping and stay all night and go to the theatre the next day with 'Master Brucie.' He invited us. Harriet is going to stay at home with her family, but Barbara and I are going to stop at the Martha Washington Hotel. Did you ever hear of anything so exciting? I've never been in a hotel in my life, nor in a theatre; except once when the Catholic Church had a festival and invited the orphans, but that wasn't a real play and it doesn't count.
And what do you think we're going to see? Hamlet. Think of that! We studied it for four weeks in Shakespeare class and I know it by heart.
I am so excited over all these prospects that I can scarcely sleep.
Goodbye, Bats.
This is a very entertaining world.
Yours ever,
PS. I've just looked at the calendar. It's the 28th.
Another postscript.
I saw a street car conductor today with one brown eye and one blue. Wouldn't he make a nice villain for a detective story?
7th April
Dear Batman,
Mercy! Isn't New York big? Worcester is nothing to it. Do you mean to tell me that you actually lived in all that confusion? I don't believe that I shall recover for months from the bewildering effect of two days of it. I can't begin to tell you all the amazing things I've seen; I suppose you know, though, since you live there yourself.
But aren't the streets entertaining? And the people? And the shops? I never saw such lovely things as there are in the windows. It makes you want to devote your life to wearing clothes.
Barbara and Harriet and I went shopping together Saturday morning. Harriet went into the very most gorgeous place I ever saw, white and gold walls and blue carpets and blue silk curtains and gilt chairs. A perfectly beautiful lady with yellow hair and a long black silk trailing gown came to meet us with a welcoming smile. I thought we were paying a social call, and started to shake hands, but it seems we were only buying hats—at least Harriet was. She sat down in “front of a mirror and tried on a dozen, each lovelier than the last, and bought the two loveliest of all.
I can't imagine any joy in life greater than sitting down in front of a mirror and buying any hat you choose without having first to consider the price! There's no doubt about it, Bats; New York would rapidly undermine this fine stoical character which the Bowery Home so patiently built up.
And after we'd finished our shopping, we met Master Bruce at Sherry's. I suppose you've been in Sherry's? Picture that, then picture the dining room of the Bowery Home with its oilcloth-covered tables, and white crockery that you can't break, and wooden-handled knives and forks; and fancy the way I felt!
I ate my fish with the wrong fork, but the waiter very kindly gave me another so that nobody noticed.
And after luncheon we went to the theatre—it was dazzling, marvellous, unbelievable—I dream about it every night.
Isn't Shakespeare wonderful?
Hamlet is so much better on the stage than when we analyze it in class; I “appreciated it before, but now, dear me!
I think, if you don't mind, that I'd rather be an actress than a writer. Wouldn't you like me to leave college and go into a dramatic school? And then I'll send you a box for all my performances, and smile at you across the footlights. Only wear a red rose in your buttonhole, please, so I'll surely smile at the right man. It would be an awfully embarrassing mistake if I picked out the wrong one.
We came back Saturday night and had our dinner in the train, at little tables with pink lamps. I never heard of meals being served in trains before, and I inadvertently said so.
'Where on earth were you brought up?' said Harriet to me.
'In a village,' said I meekly, to Harriet.
'But didn't you ever travel?' said she to me.
'Not till I came to college, and then it was only a hundred and sixty miles and we didn't eat,' said I to her.
She's getting quite interested in me, because I say such funny things. I try hard not to, but they do pop out when I'm surprised—and I'm surprised most “of the time. It's a dizzying experience, to pass eighteen years in the Bowery Home, and then suddenly to be plunged into the WORLD.
But I'm getting acclimated. I don't make such awful mistakes as I did; and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore with the other girls. I used to squirm whenever people looked at me. I felt as though they saw right through my sham new clothes to the checked ginghams underneath. But I'm not letting the ginghams bother me anymore. Sufficient unto yesterday is the evil thereof.
I forgot to tell you about our flowers. Master Bruce gave us each a big bunch of violets and lilies-of-the-valley. Wasn't that sweet of him? I never used to care much for men—judging by Trustees—but I'm changing my mind.
Yours always,
10th April
Dear Mr. Rich-Man,
Here's your cheque for fifty dollars. Thank you very much, but I do not feel that I can keep it. My allowance is sufficient to afford all of the hats that I need. I am sorry that I wrote all that silly stuff about the millinery shop; it's just that I had never seen anything like it before.
However, I wasn't begging! And I would rather not accept any more charity than I have to.
Sincerely yours,
Y/N Abbott
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Bruce stared down at the check. He had barely thought about it when they had been out in the city and once Y/n had sent the letter, he’d dispatched the check without a second thought. 
Clark Kent, who had been present during the discussion about Y/N's shopping woes, entered the study with a knowing expression. "Having trouble with the whole 'helping' thing?" Clark quipped, a  smile playing on his lips.
Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to make things a bit easier for her. She didn't have to return the check."
Clark leaned against the desk, crossing his arms. "Bruce, you know Y/N at this point. She's independent and proud. Accepting help might not come naturally to her, especially from someone like you."
Bruce frowned, the frustration evident in his eyes. "But I want to help. She shouldn't have to feel lesser than her peers."
Clark nodded, understanding Bruce's genuine concern. "Maybe it's not about the help itself, but how it's offered. Try sending her a letter with a short note explaining why you sent the check. Make it personal. Sometimes, a few carefully chosen words can make a big difference."
Bruce considered Clark's suggestion, recognizing the wisdom in his friend's advice. "You think that might work?"
"Y/N's a writer, Bruce. Words matter to her. A thoughtful note can make the gesture feel less like charity and more like a friend looking out for another," Clark explained.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce reached for a pen and paper. 
Miss Abbott, I go against my rules by penning this letter but I find myself unable to let this matter go. This check is not charity but a gift from a friend who wishes to see you excel in all matters. I wish you to be able to experience all that your peers are able to. I have never sponsored a woman before and I confess that I lack the knowledge to ensure that you are equal to your peers.  I kindly request that you keep this cheque as an apology for my own failings as your patron.  Mr. Smith
As Bruce sealed the letter, he handed it to Alfred, who was passing by. "Alfred, make sure this gets to Miss Abbott. And let's hope this time, she accepts it."
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laceswan · 2 months
Canary in a Coal Mine
Sejanus Plinth x fem!OC fluff and angst, strangers to lovers, T/W: canon-typical violence (everything that happened to Sejanus still happens), 10.5k words
They only knew each other for two weeks. Such a short lived romance, and such intensity in their hearts. Perhaps a part of them knew it was doomed from the start, though both could not help but hope for a future.
Coryo wasn’t kidding when he said the training was mind numbing. Sejanus was weary and yet bored. He was exhausted and restless, desiring more than anything to just get up and wander. It hadn’t been longer than a week and a half since he arrived in District 12. He was beginning to adjust to the routine, but he missed his privacy–his freedom. There was a weak point in the fence behind the generator he could slip through, he’d noticed it earlier that day. The base was buzzing ambient as people came and went from the dining hall or duties they were assigned. He was the only one in his barracks free right now. He knew the way to the Hob and back, he knew how to navigate the town. Conditions were arguably perfect. And so he slipped out. He made his way into the square, which was beginning to settle into night. People passed by in their many conversations and interactions. Quiet chatter of miners going home, shopkeepers trying to sell the last of their wares before closing down, the energy was one of waning, but less of dying and more of change. The quiet of night called for other things, not necessarily less lively. From afar, Sejanus saw a girl about his age, seemingly arguing with a boy who was also about their age. He towered over her, and while no voices were raised, the tension and fear could be seen from a mile away. She started to walk away, but her wrist was grabbed in a flash. Words were exchanged and let go of her wrist. They walked slowly together, her head hanging low as she stared at the ground beneath her feet.
Sejanus kept his eyes peeled for her that Saturday at the Hob. His business with Billy Taupe and Spruce was concluded, so he felt content in throwing back some white liquor and enjoying the night. Tam Amber took centre stage with a mandolin and began to play a lively melody. Looking out to the dance floor, Sejanus found that the mystery girl from before was standing before him, just where the floor met the stage, dancing by herself. The music was loud, with a fast, stomping beat. Her long skirt flared out as she spun, tendrils of yellow hair flying to match. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she moved. Soon she took her skirt into her hands and swung it back and forth, showing off the intricate steps and stomps of her feet. Despite the skill she demonstrated, it was clear to Sejanus, who was watching intently, that her dance was entirely improvised. Her smiling eyes and broad, laughing mouth indicated such incredible freedom. She was entirely in her body, hearing the music and letting herself move with it, unencumbered by any sort of social inhibition. It was stunning. Inspiring, even. Coryo seemed content just watching it all from their seats by the wall, and their other friends were blackout drunk as they often were on Saturday nights. And so he decided to take to the dance floor. Though in reflection, he likely would have gone on to join her in dancing regardless of what his friends were doing. Writhing bodies and loud music overwhelmed his senses. From his seat by the wall, he could keep his eye on the mystery girl, but how he saw now sign of her, his line of sight blocked by all the other dancing people. She was close to the stage, she knew that much. By the time he got there, worming his way through the crowd, the song had ended. The crowd stilled as Tam Amber took a bow, barely smiling as he stared aimlessly into the mass of people below him. 
“Woo! Tam Amber!”
Sejanus looked to his left, where he saw the mystery girl with hands cupped around her mouth, cheering for the man on stage. A small smile creeped onto Tam Amber’s face as he walked upstage and Maude Ivory introduced the next song. Sejanus was beaming. Her voice was heavenly, energetic, somehow more fitting than he had imagined. It occurred to him as the music started up again that perhaps he had been staring for a bit too long. She spent a moment just listening, eyes closed, tapping her foot to the beat. It was slower, not exactly something to dance to, at least not in the way she was before. People around them began to find partners and sway. She glanced over to her dazed admirer, a charismatic smile spreading across her face. 
“Well, hello.”
“H-hi,” he managed to utter.
Her gaze flitted around the room, watching lovers sway to a gentle ballad. Something burning and hot sparked in Sejanus’ chest, emboldening him to speak again.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
He tried to sound as confident as possible, which he wasn’t terrible at. She walked over to him, dress swaying like water with every step.
There was little hesitation as she draped her arms around his neck. Sejanus on the other hand was almost shaking as he placed hands on her waist. 
“Is this alright?”
“It’s perfect.”
They swayed for a bar or two before she spoke again.
“Have you danced with anyone before?” “First time. Can you tell?”
“Sort of. You just seem a touch nervous.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Don’t be. You’re a lovely partner.”
Sejanus could feel his face reddening. She was just gorgeous up close, and he was very close. In fact, she was inching closer, practically cheek to cheek.
“ Is this alright?” she asked, breath soft in his ear. 
“It’s perfect.”
She giggled, and with their chests pressed flush against one another, he could feel her laughter reverberate in his own body. No words were spoken until nearly the end of the song.
Coryo called his name from a few feet away, unable to make his way onto the crowded dance floor. He gestured that they should leave. Sejanus slowly lifted a hand from her waist to check his watch.
“I’m sorry, I think I need to go. I gotta get my friends back to base before curfew, and they’re pretty drunk so it usually takes a while.”
“To base? You’re a peacekeeper?”
There was evident shock in her voice.
“Yeah. Though it’s not–”
Coryo called his name again. She pulled her arms off him and he immediately missed their warmth. 
“It was nice meeting you.”
“Nice meeting you.”
His sentence was rushed; he could see Coryo getting anxious. She waved to him as he left. And he couldn’t help but look back with a massive smile and wave in return. He couldn't hear it, but he could see a laugh escape her lips. With their friends drunk and draped over their shoulders, Coryo and Sejanus walked back to camp. 
“Found yourself a girl, huh?”
Sejanus just laughed. He was truly at a loss for words, giddy, with a face still red and blushing.
“What’s her name?”
His head snapped up.
“I don’t know. I didn’t get the chance to ask. God I’m so stupid!”
Coryo laughed.
“Next week. Hey, you can ask if any of the Covey know her tomorrow at the lake.”
Both of them knew that Coryo’s words were just a sorry attempt at comfort.
“Yeah. Tomorrow should be fun."
Tam Amber led them into the Meadow, where they stopped for a bit. He then looked uphill and waved. 
Sejanus turned his head and watched as the figure of a human moved closer. Tam Amber started running over to them, meeting in the middle of the meadow. They spoke a few words to one another before turning back to the group. Sejanus felt a surge of exuberance when he saw their face getting closer, which was soon followed by a sinking pull of dread when he noticed how close she was to Tam Amber. Her yellow hair was braided and pulled into an updo today, though waves and tendrils seemed to escape and frame her face as they walked over. Her dress reminded Sejanus of the porcelain tea set his family only brought out for guests, with its delicate blue flowers painted on the white linen. 
“Hope y’all don’t mind, I invited Canary to come with us today.”
Canary. At least he knew her name now. Tam Amber spoke again, pointing first to Coryo.
“Birdie, that’s Coriolanus, Lucy’s boy, and that’s–”
“Sejanus,” she interrupted.
The word rolled so naturally off her tongue. He liked the sound of his name when she said it. She knew his name. It wasn’t implausible, Coryo had shouted it multiple times last night as they finished dancing. But this meant that she had listened–and not only that, she had remembered his name. 
“Well hello again.”
Tam Amber moved to the front of the group and began leading them to the forest again. Canary lingered behind by Sejanus.
“I was hoping I’d see you again soon. How d’you know the Covey?”
“Oh, Coryo and I are friends. We sleep in the same barracks.”
“Ah. This is my second time meeting everyone. Tam Amber introduced me last night. After you left.”
“And how’d you meet him?”
“I was in the meadow and so was he. Call it fate.”
Sejanus tried not to let this turn in events mar his mood. He didn’t know for sure that they were together, he didn’t even know for sure that he liked her that way. But he knew that they were walking together, that they were talking together, and that she was just lovely to be around. They chatted all the way to the lake. He learned that Canary lived in the Seam, was the daughter of a coal miner, and probably going to start working soon, now that she was done with school. Her father and brother didn’t love the idea of associating with the Covey, but she snuck out anyway. Today, she said she was going out with friends Lucy and Barb. Of the Covey, her family only knew rumours, and she had told her brother Elk only the name Tam Amber. They suspected nothing of these new friends Lucy and Barb. 
“New friends are always worth a little bit of lying,” she said like they were lyrics to a melody no one else could hear.
Her willingness to share about her life inclined Sejanus to do the same. It was so easy–natural, even–to tell her everything. She listened as he spoke and was genuinely interested in his story. There were a couple of things he kept close to the chest, namely how exactly he got sent to Twelve as a peacekeeper, but most everything else he shared.
“I’m from District 2 originally. I was young when we moved to the Capitol, but it’s still home. I remember everything about it, and what I forget I try to find again.”
“How do you do that?”
“I dunno. I think a part of me seeks out that which I’ve forgotten. My friends and I used to always buy these blueberry pastries after school. We’d pool our money and split one or two. Sometimes I was able to get more from my allowance and I could treat them to one pastry each. I forgot what those tasted like until they had something similar in the school cafeteria. After that, my Ma started making them at home. She sent some in the mail recently, I’ll save one for you next time.”
“That’s very sweet of you.” 
She paused to form her thoughts.
“If District 2’s home, then you must be pretty used to being homesick.”
“Yeah. The Capitol wasn’t anything close to home. But I think this place is much better. In every way.”
“Is it?”
“I think so. I’m free here. I can say and think and do as  I please.”
“That sounds nice. I always thought that’s what you do in the Capitol.”
“I guess it is and it isn’t. But anyway, I like it enough to be happy here.”
She smiled at him, but there was a slight restraint, a touch of sadness behind her eyes.
“I’m glad.”
As they walked, she would occasionally crouch down and pluck up a couple of wildflowers and stalks before catching up with the group.
“What are those for?”
“Medicine. I think. I got this old book recently about medicinal plants, and I’m trying to learn how to identify them.”
The two of them spent the rest of the hike discussing medicine and botany. Sejanus wanted to become a medic to help people, but the scientific side of it was also undeniably fascinating. It seemed Canary held similar sentiments. She had an empathy for others, a passionate care for everyone, and also a love of the science that informed medicinal care. As she told Sejanus about how she got the book, there were frequent tangents about the friendly neighbours or strangers she encountered. It made sense to him, why everyone she met was friendly. How could anyone not be sweet to her? Her love of people and her faith in individuals was inspiring. They made it to the lake in no time. 
Despite the lovely conversation, the hike was still quite long and tiring. Once they were at the lake, little time was wasted stripping down into undergarments and jumping in the cool water. The lake was surrounded by green trees and hilltops on all sides. Canary looked around as she waded in.
“It’s like Mother Nature herself is protecting us.”
“Us and everything else that lives here,” Sejanus added as he noticed the ducks on the other shore and the fish by his knees.
“I wonder if somebody could live here. Looks like people used to.”
“I’ve heard some still do. Not here, but further north. Some miners were telling me about it last night, actually. They just live off the wilderness and they’re too far away for the Capitol to care.”
“How do you know all that? I’ve heard those stories all my life, doesn’t make them anything more than stories.”
“I think it could be true. Don’t you?”
“I guess. I dunno. A place like that feels too good to be true. A place with real freedom.”
In that moment, Sejanus felt more of a rebel than ever before. He’d talked to Billy Taupe and Spruce and some of the other miners about running away, there were even moments where they threw around ideas of the kind of rebellion Arlo had wanted, but this was the first time Sejanus felt such burning need to get away–and to take people with him. Here in Twelve, he had plenty of freedom–enough that, under different circumstances, he could lead a happy life. But the people here were just as stifled as he was in the Capitol. So long as that was the case, he couldn’t just stand around and do nothing. Becoming a medic wouldn’t be enough. He needed to do something more. He wanted to show the world that a place with real freedom could be true, that something good didn’t need to be just a fantasy. 
After some time in the lake and then drying off on the shore, everyone was beginning to feel hungry. Sejanus was sitting under the shade of a tree with Canary and Tam Amber when Maude Ivory strolled over.
“Sejanus, come with me. There’s a blackberry patch over there.”
She pointed to a collection of foliage growing from the side of what used to be a house.
“Canary, you wanna come?”
Canary looked back at Tam Amber, who was starting to fashion fishing poles from thin branches and string. Clerk Carmine walked over with a handful of freshly dug-up worms and there was a slight look of disgust on her face as she turned around.
“Yeah, I’ll tag along.”
Upon reaching the blackberry patch, the three of them began to pick in relative silence. Maude Ivory liked to fill silence with the sound of her voice.
‘How come you didn’t come backstage last night? Sejanus and Coriolanus did.”
“I didn’t know there was a backstage. Tam Amber just said to show up.”
“Yeah, he’s never really been one for words. But now you know!”
“Am I invited then? It seems rather exclusive,” Canary added, looking over to Sejanus with a smile.
“Hmm… Your request is pending. Do you like music?”
She chuckled. “I dance when you play, don’t I?”
“Do you sing?”
“I do indeed.”
Sejanus watched this exchange with fond eyes. He adored Canary’s playful nature and her ease of wit and banter with Maude Ivory. Her confidence was terribly attractive. 
After some pondering and a few more questions, Maude Ivory came to a response. 
“...Then not only are you invited, but I’ll also share my popcorn balls with you.”
“I am honoured.”
Sejanus leaned over as they continued to pluck berries.
“You’re sweet. She seems to like you.”
“I try. And for the record, she rather likes you too. You bring her sweet things.”
“More like my Ma does. Oh, and speaking of which–”
He leaned even closer to whisper in her ear.
“I brought some cookies. I’ll take them out when we join the whole group, I want it to be a surprise.”
“Oh Sejanus, that’s lovely.”
It was at this point that the trio began to split. They’d harvested all that was ripe from the first bush and Maude Ivory had moved to a bush to the right. She left the pail with Sejanus and Canary who, being older and taller, pressed deeper into the patch. They continued to talk as they filled the bucket between them.
“Are you sure you don’t want to keep them? The berries are plenty dessert and cookies keep well.”
‘Oh, yeah. Ma sends more than we can finish.”
“Ah. And the base has a canteen, right?”
“Yup. Three over-salted meals a day.”
She nodded. Sejanuss hadn’t noticed when, but her mood had evidently soured a bit.
“You alright?”
He might have pulled her from deep thought, he realised.
“Yeah, just a little hungry is all.”
Hunger. The longer he spent in Twelve, the more he realised that he hadn’t felt hunger before–not really anyway. Even during the war, his father’s wealth kept the family well fed while the rest of Two fought over crumbs. And Sejanus somehow felt little restraint in saying all this to Canary as he reflected on it. It was so easy to talk to her.
The conversation eventually turned into a long winded discussion of hunger, privilege, and activism. Canary at one point mentioned her father’s irrational distrust of the Covey. Sejanus asked why he held such prejudice, and she answered.
“I think it’s just easier for him this way. It’s easy to blame everything on a scapegoat instead of the actual governing system. I think it’s how he stays sane when he’s starving and angry. ‘Cause one hungry man can’t fight the Capitol. And he has a family to provide for. He can’t be caught agreeing with rebels.”
The two of them sat with this statement before she continued.
“Of course, this is all speculation–he’d never admit it even if it were true. And a part of me still hates him for being such a dick to my friends. But he’s my father. And he’s certainly the lesser of many evils. At the very least, these problems did not start with him.”
Sejanus listened in awe of her eloquence. She was brilliant, she was empathetic and still opinionated, and best of all, she was rebellious. Her thoughts spilled out of her in a way that made him suspect she didn’t have many people to tell these things to, and fewer that would listen. Sejanus felt a certain pride in being her only confidant for such topics. He wondered if she would agree with his business with Billy Taupe and Spruce. She was from the Seam, perhaps she knew Lil. He doubted she knew about the plot, but if she did, would she join them? The more they talked, the more Sejanus believed she would. He at one point while they were picking berries, out of earshot of Maude Ivory,  considered telling her about Lil and the plot to break her out. He decided against it, remembering Spruce’s warning to keep tight lips.
They rejoined the groups when Maude Ivory filled her skirt, at which point fish had been caught and cooked. If solely judging on the taste, Sejanus found the lunch subpar–sans his mother’s cookies of course. The fish were seasoned with some herbs they had plucked, but the flavour wasn’t very strong, and Sejanus found himself missing the blackberries of the Capitol, which were sweeter and bigger as a result of being farmed instead of foraged. But in the company of friends and with the knowledge they’d caught it all themselves, the meal became infinitely better. Canary also seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her food. Sejanus liked to see her happy. And perhaps he was wishfully thinking, but her smile seemed to broaden when she looked at him. 
Blankets were spread out on the ground after they ate, and the group relaxed in the calm afternoon. 
“I’ve never seen a sky quite that colour,” Sejanus noted as he was lying next to Canary on the blanket, staring up at the clouds and the sky.
“It’s azure,” Maude Ivory told them. “Like Barb Azure. That’s her colour.”
“Her colour?” asked Coryo.
“Sure. We each get our first name from a ballad and our second from a colour. Barb is from ‘Barbara Allen’ and azure blue like the sky. Me, I’m ‘Maude Clare’ and ivory like piano keys. And Lucy Gray is special, because her whole name came fright from her ballad. Lucy and Gray.”
“That’s right. Grey like a winter day,” Lucy Gray said while smiling up at Coryo.
Maude Ivory poked Coryo in the stomach. “Your name sounds Covey. Both your names, actually,” she added, looking at Canary.
“How so?” Coryo asked with a chuckle. 
“Because of the snow part. White as snow. Snow white. And canaries have those bright yellow feathers. Kinda like your hair.”
“You’re even a songbird,” Tam Amber added. “You fit right in.”
“Guess I do. I’m glad. Y’all are the friendliest in the Seam by far.”
“All you need now is a ballad name,” Lucy Gray said.
Maude Ivory giggled with her next thought. “Is there a ballad with Coriolanus in it?”
“Not that I know of. Why don’t you write one about me? ‘The Ballad of Coriolanus Snow.’”
“Lucy Gray’s the writer, why don’t you ask her?”
“Stop pestering him, you.” Lucy Gray pulled her little cousin beside her. “You should probably take a nap before we head home.”
“People will carry me,” Maude Ivory countered as she wriggled to get free. “And I’ll sing for them!”
She started to sing her favourite song, which she had done several times on the hike earlier, but was cut short by Clerk Carmine telling her to pipe down.
“Come on, try to lie down.”
“Well, I will if you sing for me. Sing me the one from when I had croup.”
“Okay, but only if you hush.”
Lucy Gray sang the meadow song as Maude Ivory settled into her lap. After the first verse, Canary joined her, harmonising a simple major third higher, lilting and repeating a phrase here and there like an echo. Sejanus and Coryo both sat in awe of the songbirds sitting before them. Soon, by the time Maude Ivory fell asleep, mockingjays joined in the chorus, taking the song and making it their own. The group, aside from Coryo and Lucy Gray, who sat with Maude Ivory as she slept, decided to take another dip in the lake. It was not unlike the first one, mostly laughing and splashing in the cool water, though this time Canary didn’t hang around Tam Amber as much as she did Sejanus. It wasn’t noticeable to anyone except Sejanus, who let a giddy enjoyment of her presence course through him again. 
On the way back to town, they stopped to refill the bucket with berries and then collected some apples Clerk Carmine spotted off the path. Tam Amber, Sejanus, and Canary continued ahead with Maude Ivory and the supplies carried between them. When they got back to the house, Canary gave the berries to Barb Azure and kept Maude Ivory company while the boys put the tools away. The blanket belonged on a rickety metal bed, the jug in the kitchen area, and the fishing supplies in a small box in the loft. Sejanus let his curiosity get the better of him as they climbed up.
“How long have you known Canary?”
“Couple weeks.”
It was true, Tam Amber wasn’t one for words. Neither him nor Canary had said anything about being a couple, but Sejanus had to know for sure. If anything just to quell his hopes and stop this childish fantasy he’d been playing all day.
“And how long have you been together?”
He felt a surge of excitement and hope.
“We’re not together,” Tam Amber said matter-of-factly. It was just reality to him, and it seemed he hadn’t thought of any other possibility as regards to Canary. Sejanus just nodded. When they were finished he found her standing idly by the door. 
“I gotta get back home, but I wanted to say goodbye.”
Impulse and perhaps even instinct took over before Sejanus before he even knew he was speaking.
“I’ll walk you home.”
She smiled and took his arm.
Maude Ivory, with a mouthful of berries, spoke up from across the room. “I thought you were coming to the Hob with us. I wanna show you my new shoes.”
“I’ll meet you guys there.”
The two of them didn’t say much as they walked through the Seam, though Sejanus was a bit too busy overthinking to notice. She took his arm. When they had lied next to one another at the lake, there were moments where their skin brushed against one another, which he promptly burned into his mind, but this was different. This was intentional. And they weren’t dancing this time, she didn’t need to do this by any means. She chose to hold on to his arm and she chose to lay her head on his shoulder as they walked.
Canary’s house was at the other edge of the Seam, near the Justice Building. It wasn’t as dilapidated as the Covey home, in fact it seemed rather cosy. Sejanus couldn’t help but wonder how much money her family had. Her father was a coal miner, recently joined by her brother who had come of age to work just half a year ago. The house wasn’t glamorous by any means, but it was better than the homes of most miners deeper in the Seam. She stopped moving a few metres from the door.
“Thanks again for walking me home.”
Standing square in front of him, her gaze shied away, avoided his own, looking down and away. And then she moved closer, rising onto her tiptoes. Sejanus felt fingers gingerly cup his face as a kiss was pressed on his cheek. She exhaled, her breath warm against his skin. There was barely time to think. He ran through one or two scenarios in his head very hastily before he needed to act. He brought his own hand to her chin and turned her face to his. She didn’t look away this time. Tilting his head, he kissed her properly. She melted against him, and it took every bit of strength in him not to do the same. When they pulled away, the air between them was warm and breathy. 
“When can I see you again? Saturday?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“Definitely then. I’ll see if I can sneak out some night this week too. Would it be alright to just knock on your door?”
She paused for a moment. “I think so. You’re a peacekeeper, he doesn’t have anything against you. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I might even tell my brother about you,” she added with a smile.
“Okay. Don’t tell him too much.”
He pressed a kiss to her lips again. They stayed standing and looking at each other for a bit until, wordlessly, she went inside and he headed towards the Hob. 
Sejanus’ mind buzzed with excitement all through the week, hardly focused on the mundane tasks to which he was assigned. Of course he had thoughts of the plan to run away in his head, and he was constantly worrying that it would go as planned: that no one would get hurt. But more at the front of his mind were thoughts of Canary. He saw her everywhere. Her voice in the wind, her smile in the grass, some part of her was always somewhere. It had really only been a day and a half, and he felt he needed to see her again. On Tuesday night, he decided to sneak out. As he walked through the quiet of night, he recalled less than a week ago when he was doing precisely the same thing. He hadn’t actually thought back to that first sighting of Canary. That man she was with was in hindsight probably her brother. The route to her house was a bit harder to find in the dark, but Sejanus eventually figured it out. Some houses had lights still on, and fortunately, Canary’s was one of them. He could even see the silhouette of a person in an upstairs window. When they moved closer to the window Sejanus realised that it was Canary. She was sitting beside the window and brushing her hair from the looks of it. The whole scene felt like a painting or tableau they’d analyse in art classes at the academy. He felt a little silly knocking on the door so late at night, but throwing pebbles was such a cliche. So he walked up the porch and rapped gently on the door. There was a short bit of waiting for a response, but the door did eventually open. As he heard the locks clicking on the other side, he stood up a bit straighter and straightened his uniform. He’d tried to clean up a bit before leaving, but the grime of the day still lingered on his skin. Hopefully it would be clear that he was a peacekeeper based on his uniform. Admittedly, the blue jumpsuit looked a lot like the denim that he saw miners dressed in at the hob. Peacekeepers only wore the white armoured uniforms for official events like hangings and such things. Surely Canary’s family would know that. 
A stern face greeted him when the door fully swung open. The man before him was the same as Sejanus had seen last Thursday night across the square with Canary. He had broad shoulders and veiny forearms, exposed by the sleeves he wore, rolled up to his elbows. His arms were crossed and his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Hi. My name is Sejanus. I was hoping to see Canary, is she–”
“Sejanus?” a familiar voice called from deeper in the house. Canary shortly appeared at the side of the man that had greeted Sejanus. 
“Elk, this is the guy I told you about, the peacekeeper.”
“Ah. Come in, I suppose.”
Just as he had suspected, it was in fact her brother. Elk led the way into the house and sat down at a wooden table with a convenient three chairs at it. Canary took Sejanus’ arm again and walked with him to the table after her brother. 
“So why the late night house call?”
“I… I’ve been busy all day, and this is the only time I could find to come out here. It’s not exactly close.”
Elk nodded. 
“Did you need to discuss something?”
“No.” Sejanus turned to Canary, “I just wanted to see you.”
She smiled. 
“Let’s go to the meadow. That should be fine,” she added, looking to her brother.
“Sure. Just be safe and don’t be back too late.”
Canary had already taken Sejanus’ hand and walked halfway to the door when Elk was done speaking. She waved goodbye and closed the door, pausing and leaning against it when they were alone outside. 
“I’m glad you were able to come. I wanted to see you too.”
She kissed him before they started walking to the meadow. At first the conversation was just talking about their days. Sejanus recounted the business with the mockingjays and the mundanity of cleaning their cages all day. Canary told him about how she was still procrastinating finding a job like her father and brother were endlessly suggesting. 
“What kind of job would you want?”
“Something like being a medic, I guess. I’m like you. I wanna help people, and I’m not bad with plants and all that.”
“Well then can’t you? There’s gotta be a hospital or apothecary in town that you could work at. Even if they’re not hiring, I’m sure you could charm your way in.”
She laughed and held his hand a bit tighter.
“I’ve tried. They’re not exactly interested in a girl, let alone one with no experience.”
Sejanus hadn’t thought of that. The longer he spent in Twelve the more apparent his privilege became. And the more he hated Panem. Or rather, he hated the Capitol and the system it imposed upon Panem. The Covey were good people. But the only value people saw in them was entertainment, and even that was subject to all sorts of discrimination. Canary was lovely. She was incredible and passionate and good, and kind, and yet she wasn’t ever given the opportunity to live up to her potential. 
“You can still help people without some stupid job. People get sick, and you’ll know how to make them better.”
“If they trust me enough to believe what I tell them.”
“I…” It was increasingly difficult to look on the bright side for her, at least the brightness within the confines of social expectation. 
“Look, this is… God, I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
By this point they had made it to the meadow. Sejanus sat down on a rock and patted the spot next to him. To his surprise, she ended up sitting in his lap, her arm draped over his shoulder. 
“What’s going on?”
Sejanus hesitated, trying to find the right words to express all the million thoughts that ran through his head. It didn’t help that she was so close to him and he could feel his face heating up. 
“Part of why I wanted to see you tonight is because I wanted to tell you something. There’s a group of rebels planning to head north, out of Panem, for good. I agreed to help them. They wanna get Lil out and bring her too, so I’m gonna sneak her out the way I do to come see you.”
“So… You’re leaving?”
“Not immediately. Around the weekend after next, I think, but yeah. I’m leaving. I can’t stay here, you know that. This whole medic thing is such a long way away, and I can’t get there without being a Peacekeeper for a lot longer. I snapped back in the Capitol and it got some people really upset. I can’t do that again, so I gotta leave before it gets that far. And I needed to tell you. I don’t wanna just leave you behind.”
“That’s kinda what you’re doing, though.”
“Not if…” Sejanus took a breath and calmed himself. 
“Not if you come with me.”
“Come with you?”
“Yeah. You and I both know you don’t like it here all that much. And I saw you at the lake, talking about living out there. You looked so excited just thinking about it. Besides, we could use someone like you if somebody gets hurt or sick.”
She rested her head against him.
“I’ve dreamed about running away. But really doing it? I mean, what would my brother say–what would my father say?”
“That’s the best part. We’re not going away forever. At least, I can’t. Once I help these folks leave, I wanna help more people in Twelve do the same. And if you start to worry or if something happens, I’ll be right there. I can hold you for as long as you need. And if you really need to, I’ll take you back myself.”
“I’ll be honest. I don’t really want to leave you behind. And I think you’d be really happy if you came with me. Please come with me. I could make you so happy.”
She shifted to straddle and wrap both of her arms around him, her head rested in the crook of his neck. 
“I hate how persuasive you are.”
Sejanus chuckled. “Is that a yes?”
She moved her head and pressed her lips to his, keeping them there for a long time. Sejanus gripped her waist with one hand and the other was planted firmly where the back of her head and neck met. Their lips moved in tandem until either they ran out of breath or simply needed to see each other’s faces again. Canary smiled up at him.
“Yes. I s’ppose I could come with you.”
At that, Sejanus moved in to keep kissing her. 
The rest of their short time together was spent lying in the grass, wordlessly staring up at the night sky. They watched the moon trace a path overhead, and when it no longer touched the tallest trees, Canary could no longer deny the time. 
“If we’re out any longer, Elk’ll get angry,” she said as she stood up and patted the dirt and grass from her clothes. 
Sejanus nodded and stood up as well. He offered his hand and she took it with a smile. As they walked back up to the top of the valley, Canary once again rested her head on his shoulder. She spoke softly, with sleepiness at the edges of her voice. 
“You know, I’ve never gotten so attached to someone so quickly. But when I’m with you, and when we’re close, I feel like it’s exactly where I’m meant to be.”
“My thoughts exactly. It’s strange how I feel when I’m with you. I’m excited, but also completely at peace. Like you said, like this is where I’m meant to be.”
She nuzzled a bit further into him. Sejanus could feel her eyes getting heavier as they approached the house. She must have had a long day, tending to everything in the house before going out to try and find a job. He wanted only peaceful, perfect days for her. 
“We’re here,” he said as he stopped a few feet before the porch. She moved to face him and wrap her arms around his neck, just as she had done when they danced together. He pressed a kiss to her lips, avoiding every urge to linger as long as he wanted to. 
“I’ll try and sneak out again this week.”
“Okay. Just don’t get in trouble.”
“Oh I won’t.” He pecked her cheek and spoke softly against her face, “I promise.”
When she finally did leave his arms and go inside, he stood smiling like an idiot for a moment or two. Then he heard a window slide open and looked up. Her yellow hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned over the windowsill and blew a kiss to him. 
“Goodnight,” she called to him as he smiled up at her. 
While still quite giddy in the morning, there was also a guilt running through Sejanus’ head. He had felt bad enough before, keeping all of his plans secret from Coryo, but now that he had brought someone entirely new into it, he couldn’t continue hiding the truth from his friend. Today was the day to tell him. A package from his Ma was to come in today as well, which would make for a good distraction to get Coryo alone. He made sure to carefully wrap two blueberry pastries in a handkerchief and stow them away in his locker before walking to the hangar where Coryo and Bug were working. Birds were chattering up a storm when he entered, but Sejanus paid them no mind. 
“Good news! Another delivery from my ma!”
“She’s the best,” Bug said as he headed for the door, presumably to go to their barracks and get into the package. 
“I’ll tell her you said so.”
After making absolutely sure they were alone, Sejanus turned to Coryo and spoke in a hushed voice.
“Listen, we’ve only got a few minutes. I know you won’t approve of what I’m going to do, but I need you to at least understand. After what you said the other day, about us being brothers, well, I feel I owe you an explanation.” 
Coryo turned away from the table he was working at and nodded. 
“It’s like this: some of the rebels are leaving District Twelve for good. Heading north to start a life away from Panem. They said if I help them with Lil, I can go, too. And I haven’t asked them yet, but I wanna take Canary with us too.”
Coryo raised his eyebrows.
“I know, I know, but they need me. The thing is, they’re determined to free Lil and take her with them. If they don’t , the Capitol will hang her with the next lot of rebels they bring in. The plan is simple, really. The prison guards work in four-hour shifts. I’m going to drug a couple of my ma’s treats and give them to the outside guards. This medicine they gave me in the Capitol, it knocks you out like that–” he snapped his fingers.
“I’ll take one of their guns. The inside guards are unarmed, so I can force them into the interrogation room at gunpoint. It’s soundproof, so no one can hear them yell. Then I’ll get Lil. Her brother can get us through the fence. We should have hours before they discover the guards. Since we’re not going through the gate, they’ll assume we’re hiding on base, so they’ll lock it down and search here first. By the time they figure it out, we’ll be long gone. No one hurt. And no one the wiser.”
Coryo looked incredulously at his friend before dropping his head and rubbing his brow with his fingertips. 
“I couldn’t go without telling you. You’re as good to me as any brother could be. I’ll never forget what you did for me in the arena. I’ll try to figure out some way to let Ma know what happened to me. And my father, I suppose. Let him know the Plinth name lives on, if only in obscurity.”
Coryo’s eyes darted to the door. “Here comes Bug.”
“We need another water bottle. One broke,” Bug said with a nonchalance that soothed Sejanus. 
“I’ll find one.”
Sejanus followed his friend over to a bin that they presumably kept water bottles in. 
“It sounds crazy, Sejanus. So many things could go wrong. What if the guards don’t want your ma’s treats? Or one does, and collapses with the other watching? What if the inside guards call for help before you get them in the room? What if you can’t find the key to Lil’s cell? And what do you mean, her brother will get you through the fence? No one’s going to notice him, what, cutting through it?”
“No, there’s a weak spot in the fence behind the generator. It works, I snuck out last night through there to see Canary.”
“Of course you did.”
“Look, I know a lot of things have to go right, but I think they will. They have to. And if they don’t, then they’ll arrest me now instead of later, right? When I’m wrapped up in something worse?”
Coryo shook his head.
“I can’t change your mind?”
“No, I’ve decided. I can’t stay here. We both know it. Sooner or later I’ll snap. I can’t do the peacekeeping work in good conscience, and I can’t keep endangering you with my crazy plans.”
They kept on going like this for a bit, Coryo asking practical questions and Sejanus replying with optimistic answers, until Bug came through the door again.
“Wel, I guess all there is to say is I’ll miss you. And good luck. I’ll let you get back to work.”
With that, Sejanus left, a weight suddenly lifted from his chest. 
The next evening, everyone else in the barrack was preoccupied enough that Sejanus was able to sneak away again. Though this time, he did tell someone before he left. Coryo was just sitting on his cot, reading a book. 
“Hey, I’m headed out to see Canary. Cover for me, if they ask, yeah?”
“Sure. You do this often?”
“No, but I just have to see her. I dunno how to explain it.”
Coryo smiled and shook his head, lightly shoving his friend towards the door. 
Once again, there was a silhouette in the window, brushing her hair and most likely singing to herself. She paused, putting the hairbrush down, and in a flash she was gone from sight. Before Sejanus could knock on the door, it was opened by a smiling Canary. 
“Hey. Come to call on me again?”
“I couldn’t stay away,” he responded with a joking smirk. 
Turning back inside, Canary called to her brother, “It’s Sejanus again. I won’t be out too long.”
“Fine. Just be back sooner than you were last time,” Elk said from inside the house. 
They walked hand in hand to the meadow, this time fantasising about life by the lake, or even up north. 
“Would you want to learn how to hunt?”
“I suppose if I have to. I’d much rather fish, though. I know it’s basically the same, but it feels more humane to kill a fish than a deer or a rabbit. Something about the eyes.”
“I wonder if the plants up there are different. Maybe I could find a book on it.”
When they reached the top of the valley side, Canary stopped and sighed. 
“Though, I worry about us getting out in the first place. It can’t be easy. Or everyone would have done it.”
They walked deeper into the meadow without saying a word, Canary sinking deeper and deeper into her own thoughts. Finally, she sat down and spoke. They were further from town than they were the other night. 
“I could stay back, you know. Do what I can to keep peacekeepers off the trail. I don’t know what I’d do, but I want to help.”
“No. No, Canary, please. Please don’t stay behind, you could get caught just like Lil. I can’t have that. And you’ll be helping plenty if you just come with us.”
“It just feels so selfish; running away, leaving everyone behind.”
“It’s not selfish. And we’re looking for people. If we find people, or even a safe place to live, we’ll send back for everyone else. It’s just the beginning.”
“I know. I’m just… I guess I’m just scared.”
He took her in his arms and held her tightly.
“I’m scared too.”
When Saturday night finally came, Sejanus felt an unexpectedly large amount of relief wash over him. There was nothing taboo or illegal about going to the Hob with his friends–practically all of the peacekeepers did it. He wasn’t sneaking out this time. However, nervousness and caution still informed all of his actions. For the first hour of the show, he periodically scanned the room for both Canary, Billy Taupe, and Spruce, although it was really only necessary to keep an eye out for his fellow rebels. Canary’s entrance was impossible not to notice. When she came in through the door, it seemed like the whole room went quiet. Realistically it most certainly didn’t, but Sejanus could only see, could only perceive, her. She greeted the people around her with bright eyes and an infectious smile before heading straight to the dance floor like always. Sejanus stood up from the crate he was sitting on soon after and followed. He made sure to pass by Spruce on his way there and give him a covert nod, as though to say that he was still fully intent on following through with the plan. 
For a moment, Sejanus just watched from a few feet away. Even with the people moving around, he saw Canary clear as day. The ruffles on her dress flapped as she spun and swayed. She seemed so unbothered, enjoying herself with little to no care for who might be looking at her. Selfishly, Sejanus hoped that he was the only one that saw her in that moment. And so he walked over and offered his hand. She didn’t take it, but she did lean in and kiss his cheek before beginning to dance with him. The music was upbeat, but still befitting a partner. Admittedly, Sejanus wasn’t all that familiar with the dances in Twelve, but he was able to piece together enough from her movements and what everyone around them seemed to be doing. Embarrassment heated his face as he realised that this song in particular didn’t call for a dance with any sort of linked hands. Wordlessly, her gaze reassured him that no one cared or noticed. They were all just here to have a good time. The two of them continued to dance together and enjoy the music, smiles on both of their faces. They had an undeniable glow about them of those who are young and in love. When they were finally able to dance cheek to cheek, Sejanus wasted no time whispering in her ear. 
“I’m meeting with some of the rebels tonight. I want to introduce you to them, since you’ll be coming with us. Keep an eye out for when I head outside, okay?”
“Sure. And you’re sure they’ll be okay with it?”
“If you come with me, yes. You’re too cute to say no to.”
She snorted with laughter.
“If you say so.”
After a bit more dancing, Sejanus decided to sit back down and have something to drink before he met the others. Then, Billy Taupe gave him a nod from across the room and walked outside. A minute later, Sejanus followed. They walked into the shed, where Spruce and Marjoree, their arms dealer, were already waiting. Canary was quick to join as well. 
“You got it?”
“Yup,” Sejanus said as he pulled a wad of cash out from his pocket and handed it to Marjoree. “This should be enough.”
“Plenty, thanks,” she muttered before exiting the room.
There was a burlap sack full of weapons sitting on the floor that Billy Taupe began to inspect. Sejanus took Canary’s hand and brought her over to where the others were standing. 
“This is Canary, she’ll be coming with us.”
“What? Why?”
“Same reason y’all of going. I wanna get out of here,” she stated. There was a determinate confidence in her voice that Sejanus wasn’t sure if he’d really heard before. 
“Besides, she can be of aid to us. She knows her way around a forest.”
Spruce took a moment to consider and rolled his eyes.
“Alright, fine. The more the merrier, I guess.”
“I promise, I won’t be a burden.”
Sejanus pulled her closer by the waist, attempting to reassure her. She looked up at him with a nervous smile. There was a moment of silence as Billy Taupe lifted a gun from the sack and the gravity of their situation fully donned on both Sejanus and Canary. The presence of real, functioning firearms made all of this so much more dire. Then, the floorboard creaked and all heads turned to the person in the doorway. 
It was Coryo, Spruce wasted no time pointing a shotgun point blank at his chest. As he began to raise his hands, Lucy Gray approached from outside, gleefully unaware of the situation. 
“Hey! Saw you slip out. Barb Azure said if you–” her sentence trailed off when she saw the gunman. 
“Inside” was all he said. The door shut behind them with an eerie scrape. 
“No. It’s all right, Spruce. He’s with me. They’re both with me,” Sejanus quickly said.
“Thought we agreed this was between us,” Spruce responded with clear irritation through gritted teeth. His eyes flitted from Coryo to Canary to Lucy Gray. 
“He’s like my brother. He’ll cover for me when we run. Buy us more time.”
Coryo nodded.
Spruce then pointed the gun at Lucy Gray.
“What about this one?”
Billy Taupe was quick to speak: “I told you about her. She’s going north with us. She’s my girl.”
“If you’ll take me.”
“You two aren’t together?” Spruce asked with evident suspicion. 
“He’s seeing my cousin. Barb Azure. She sent me to tell him where to meet up tonight is all.”
“That’s right.”
The two of them were clever, and quick on their feet. Sejanus hoped they wouldn’t be too mad at him for all this mess. Spruce shrugged and lowered his gun. Coryo, Lucy Gray, Canary, and Sejanus, all let out a breath of relief. 
“I guess you’ll be more company for Lil.”
Coryo looked to the sack of weapons. 
“That’s quite the haul.”
“Not for six people. It’s the ammo I’m concerned about. Be helpful if you could get us some more of that from the base.”
Sejanus nodded. “Maybe. We don’t really have access to the armoury, but I can look around.”
“Sure. Stock up,” said a voice from the corner.
“Who’s there?” said Spruce.
“Guns, ammo,” mocked the voice. “You can’t make more of that, can you? Up north?”
“It’s Mayfair Lipp, the mayor’s daughter.”
She continued to talk and taunt. “Always keep that last bullet somewhere safe. So as you can blow your brains out before they catch you.”
“Get home,” ordered Billy Taupe. “I’ll explain this later. It’s not how it sounded.”
“No, no. Come in and join us, Mayfair,” invited Spruce. “We’ve got no quarrel with you. You can’t choose your pa.”
“We won’t hurt you,” promised Sejanus. 
“Course you won’t,” she sneered with an ugly laugh. 
Spruce turned to Billy Taupe. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing. She’s just talking. She won’t do anything.”
“That’s me. All talk, no action. Right, Lucy Gray? How’d you enjoy the Capitol, by the way?”
 In a flash, Spruce readied and aimed the shotgun at her, but Billy Taupe knocked it toward the floor. Coryo grabbed the Peacekeeper rifle in the sack and fired toward her voice. She cried out before collapsing to the floor. 
“Mayfair!” Billy Taupe yelled as he ran across the shed to her. The palms of his hands shiny with blood, he looked back and spat at Coryo like a rabid animal. “What’d you do?”
Coryo pushed Lucy Gray toward the door. “Go back. Get onstage. That’s your alibi. Go!”
“Oh, no. If I swing, she’s swinging with me!” Billy Taupe cried as he charged after her. 
Without hesitation, Spruce shot Billy Taupe through the chest. He crumpled to the floor just like Mayfair had. It was all so shocking, all so fast, but Sejanus couldn’t let himself freeze. Not yet. 
“You better do like he said,” Spruce told Lucy Gray. “Before they miss you and someone comes looking.”
Coryo turned to Canary, whose dress now had small drops of blood spray dotting the skirt. It almost looked like red blossoms painted on like the dress she wore to the lake. 
“Canary, you should do the same. Get onstage and sing if you can. People need to see you.”
Her eyes were shaking and she was clearly terrified, but she nodded. She looked to the two that were lying limp on the floor. Quickly, she pulled Sejanus into a hug. 
“Check their pulses. Maybe we can still save them. And get something to stop the bleeding if you can. There’s no reason for them to die.”
“Go. I’ll take care of this,” Coryo said to Lucy Gray before pushing the two girls out the door. 
Sejanus bent down to check Billy Taupe’s pulse. 
“Don’t bother. I know exactly where I got him. He’s dead.” 
Spruce stuffed the weapons back into the burlap sack. “I’m planning to keep this to myself. What about you two?”
“The same. Obviously,” said Coryo.
He was so calm under pressure. Sejanus stared at both of them, eyes wide with shock and stuttering confusion. 
“Him too, I’ll make sure,” Coryo said to  Spruce. 
“You might think about coming with us. Someone’s going to pay for this.” 
With that, Spruce vanished into the night. They left the bodies in the shed and walked to an empty alley at the side of the Hob. All the while, Spruce’s words echoed through Sejanus’ head. Someone was going to pay for this. In a just world, it would be Spruce and Coryo, along with the bystanders that did nothing, which included himself, Lucy Gray, and Canary. They had done something wrong. But they were good people. Spruce was a good man, all he wanted was a better life. Coryo was a good man, all he wanted was to keep his friends safe. Did they deserve the punishment this system had in place for them? Did anyone? Once the bodies were found, someone needed to be arrested. If it wasn’t the true culprits, it would be someone innocent. Someone who did nothing but stand in the wrong place at the wrong time would lose their life all because he and his friends weren’t good enough. This was his fault, wasn’t it?
A sharp voice pulled Sejanus out of his thoughts. “Not a word,” Coryo hissed. 
“Not a word,” Sejanus repeated. 
Inside, they took their seats once more. Beanpole, Smiley, and Bug were all still having a lovely time. Lucy Gray was still a little frazzled to a discerning eye, but she got up onstage and sang, choosing a number that required all the Covey to back her up. She also invited “a new friend” to come up and sing with them. 
“She’s not Covey but she might as well be with a name like that, give it up for Canary!”
Sejanus tried to lose himself in the music. If he sat with his own thoughts for too long, who knows what might end up happening. So he tried to watch Canary and listen to her voice. She loved to sing, but she was shaking. She didn’t like to see people get hurt any more than he did. But as the number went on, he saw her calm herself. It steadied his own breathing, seeing her close her eyes and let the music take over. She harmonised with Lucy Gray just like she had at the lake. She looked beautiful. 
Sejanus was able to briefly talk with her before they had to go. 
“Are you alright?”
“I will be. Are you?”
“I’ll be okay.”
“And we’re still doing this?”
“I am. After all this I get it if you don’t want to join me. I know I said all that stuff about wanting you there with me, and that’s all still true, but… I understand.”
“I’m going. Your hope is infectious, you know. You’ve made me think that all this might work.”
Sejanus pulled her close again, holding her tight as though to say that he didn’t ever want to let go. When he had to leave, he placed a kiss on her forehead. 
The next three days were spent in a quiet, nervous sort of caution. Coryo and Sejanus were practically attached at the hip, too afraid to separate lest the lack of companionship push them to the brink of confession. On Sunday, the whole base was buzzing with news of a murder. On Monday, about half of the Peacekeepers, specifically those so desensitised to such tragedy, had completely forgotten about the incident. Sejanus kept wondering how the rest of the town was taking the news. Perhaps they were the same way, with the older folks moving on with their lives, while the younger ones couldn’t pry their minds and eyes from the scene. Melancholy gazes fell upon the saddened, knowing that one day they would learn. And what of Canary? Sejanus longed to hold her, to sit with her in the meadow and feel the weight of her body in his arms. They would close their eyes and listen to the breeze and the birds in the distance. The sound of the meadow would pull them back down to Earth, if only for a moment. But alas, he couldn’t see her. It would be such a risk to sneak out again. It could put her in far too much danger. So Sejanus had to settle for holding her in his mind, hoping that she could in some way sense it. 
On Tuesday, around midday, Spruce was brought to the base, bloodied and restrained. He was strong, but it was only a matter of time until things were revealed. Sejanus only hoped that Canary would be left out of it. With any luck, she could just live a peaceful life with only a week-and-a-half-long blip of rebel involvement. 
By Wednesday morning, news of Spruce’s death spread through the base, and a new prisoner was brought in. Her sobbing cries rang through every hall as she was dragged to the cell right beside Lil. Sejanus couldn’t risk visiting her. Come lunch, he didn’t have to. A pair of military police officers fetched him for arrest, and Sejanus was too devastated to say anything. He was quickly informed of the reasoning behind his arrest: he was suspected of involvement with a rebel plan to break a prisoner out of Peacekeeper custody. This had nothing to do with the murders. When Sejanus was thrown to the floor of a cell, Canary rushed to the bars between them. 
“Sejanus! What happened? Are you alright?”
Pulling himself towards her, Sejanus tried to smile as he spoke. As the words tumbled out, an attempt at a smile was replaced with watering eyes and a guilty breaking voice.  “Canary… I’m so sorry.”
A sob escaped her as she pressed her forehead to his. 
“I’m scared.”
The hanging was Friday morning. In the interim, Sejanus and Canary were constantly connected by their hands reaching between the cold metal bars. The two of them were only separated when they were shackled and shoved into a van. At the gallows, their hands found one another as the sentences were read out. The trapdoors opened with a bang. Their bodies went limp. Coriolanus squeezed his eyes shut, but it only made the sound clearer. Sejanus cried his last word, repeated like a mockery of his life by the birds that flew into the sky. Looking back, he could see them hanging like puppets strangled by their own strings. Even in death, their hands were clasped together. 
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snowangeldotmp3 · 5 months
idk when babylon became a comfort movie for me but. here we are.
anyways. did you guys know that babylon comes from the akkadian word “babilu” meaning “gate of god.” however in the biblical narrative of babylon, it’s a center of sin and evil. hence, the name of the movie being babylon. losangeles is the “city of stars” and “city of dreams”but here, even in its excess, it’s presented as this twisted, evil city where your dreams can come true, but there will always, always be a price. truly i will never understand people who watch this movie for a semi-truthful narrative about hollywood before sound. because that’s not what it is. this is nowhere near what it is! sure, these characters are based on real people and there are real world movies used and referenced in this film, but during no part of this movie does it claim to be like, actually historical. this is historical fiction, this is a story with something to say. idk like. i know a lot of people turned away from this movie because it's gross and beyond disgusting and a distorted look at hollywood pre-talking movies but like. that is the point. it's to show you the evil. why do you think it opens up with that wild party???
do you know two other things the historical/biblical babylon is famous for? the tower of babel and the figure, hammurabi. the tower of babel, of course, is where the babylonians were trying to build a tower so they could reach god & the heavens, only for god to destroy the tower and scramble the languages so nobody spoke the same language after. this time around while watching i couldn’t help but wonder if that part was here in the film, too. because around that halfway mark is when the downfall begins, talking pictures are introduced, after we’ve spent this last hour and a half or so in the grandeur of the stars and their silent movies, trying to reach the heavens—their godhood; their fame—only for it to all come crashing down once talking pictures come onto the scene. talking pictures and the public here being our metaphorical “god” that will tear these silent movie stars down. 
hammurabi, of course, created hammurabi’s code. you know, “an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth,” that guy. i think this movie has traces of that, too. mostly in terms of everyone in this movie has to give something—some part of themselves—up or away. they give, the movies take. an eye (the actor) for an eye (the viewer, the audience) 
(this is also a bit of a stretch, but the animal of historical babylon was a lion. “the lion of babylon.”  and MGM makes quite a few appearances throughout the movie. their logo, quite famously, is the roaring lion.) 
there are some other things too, completely unrelated to the historical babylon, that i can’t help but notice. and one of these things is that: there’s a musical motif here that sounds incredibly similar to a few notes of “someone in the crowd” from la la land. i don’t know if this was intentional on justin hurwitz’s part, or completely accidental, but i think that the musical motif accidentally connects la la land and babylon to one another. that, and the fact that mia and sebastian’s theme and nellie and manny’s theme also sound similar. there’s a connection there that i haven’t been able to make just yet, other than the fact that both couples end, and both couples are kind of doomed. both themes are short and sweet, lively and melancholic at the same time; they know they can’t last, but they’ll always love each other. hell, the ending of babylon is manny reminiscing on his time with nellie, because watching singin in the rain brings back all of these memories of her, and of the work they put in all those years ago. (it does, also, call to memory elinor st. john’s speech from a bit earlier—how a child in 50 years will remember them, and how their ghosts will dine together. i think it’s important to remember that 1.) by the end of the film, we know that jack, elinor, and nellie have died. sidney and lady fay have not, but we don’t see them, either. 2.) there was, famously, a lot fire—quite a few, actually, because it was nitrate film—which destroyed like, most of all silent films.) either way. if mia and sebastian’s theme is melancholy and nostalgic, nellie and manny’s theme could be considered a ghost, as it’s played frequently throughout the film. perhaps it’s nellie haunting manny even before she dances off in the night, just like she said she would. 
sorry this got kind of long….i could pick apart this movie forever <3
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