#basic self care
Ridiculously long post of depression tips
In the words from some of my favorite books, people and games:
"Road to recovery is a long one, but you will make it." - Volition from Disco Elysium
"Be selfish. Be brave." - Babel
"You can and you will make it." - Someone I know
This will be a ridiculously long post as I'm trying to put everything I know/have learnt over the years on it, so might break it into parts if need be. I'm not a doctor, but fellow survivor and this is what I've found useful. Take what you need from the post. WE GOT THIS!
Basic self care
Crucial. Important. In some cases, life or death.
I will include the obvious tips and some random specific ones.
It literally heals your mind when got right. Some things to make it happen:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Even if insomnia keeps you awake, stay consistent with the bed times.
Give yourself ridiculous amount of time for the rest. When I'm bad and in recovery, I start prepping for sleep at 8pm. People will not mind, they might be a bit surprised at first, but it's not really their business.
Be firm with yourself about technology before bed. I strive for putting my mobile off for the night, and only look at it AFTER I've had my morning coffee.
Really long walk and some kind of sleepy tea of your choice is an EXCELLENT combo for good rest.
Sleep is also tied to other basic self care, so you need to be doing all of it - but good news, more you do the easier it gets because you get better.
If you fuck up any of these points - say, stay until 3pm on your phone looking at memes - don't beat yourself up (even if that's the natural thing you'll want to do when you're suffering from depression), but don't give in either, thinking that letting yourself KEEP doing this is self care and being merciful on yourself. No. If you fuck up, it is okay and human, but KEEP AT IT. Think of all the process you've made so far despite the fuck up. Keep going. Don't let yourself get discouraged by one or few fuck ups, but make it a top priority to get back on track. You will make it. You deserve a good life and sleep will definitely help.
Making food while depressed is exhausting. You need to choose the ingredients, buy them, then make the food. And your depression might tell you lies, such as what's the point and I don't deserve to eat well. But they are lies! You do deserve it. It is important to do this right to not get into financial ruin, and keep a healthy diet. This is tricky, but you can get there. Some tips:
When you're doing a little better, prepare a LOT of food, and then freeze a lot of it. Little gift for the future self who is struggling.
Keep a lot of easy good snacks around. Include fruit. Eat when hungry.
Speaking of fruit, have some at the house and eat often.
Include protein in your food. However, if you really are struggling and there's nothing but pasta in the house and you're starving, eat the damn pasta.
Accumulate a lot of simple recipes you can make quickly. Tomato pasta with some protein is a good one, especially with some Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Making food can be helpful for depression, although when the worst is on it's very hard. But if you're a little better, it can even be therapeutic to focus on it. Try making something that takes a while, like pizza.
When you're getting even more better ('cause you will!) offering food to others is good for mental health for secret reasons. But if the thought exhausts you as you read this don't worry about this for now.
If you excercise, horde some protein snacks you can eat immediately.
Congratulate yourself for keeping up with this, and every time you've gone through the day with a good healthy diet. It is not easy.
Similarly to sleep, if you stray off course, know this is natural, change is hard, don't beat yourself up, but get back on track. I believe in you.
Did someone say "extra fries"? Boomer minion memes aside, this is another really really good thing to do. Get this: You can literally force your body to create endorphins, even when you're mind is in the mud. It also helps with both appetite and sleep, and self-esteem. It also can help you find an outlet, and it helps focus yourself on the present. And it is such a concrete way of fighting an illness which feels so not-concrete. Some tips:
Make plans with people or find a workout buddy. The peer pressure is an excellent way to motivate yourself even if your mind makes bullshit excuses. It may feel intimidating to ask someone but I promise a lot of people want to get into working out but find it hard to motivate themselves too, so you really are also helping them at the same time too. Societies or groups are also good, as long as you go each time.
Think of working out as a fight against your depression. Because it is. Think of your depression being this big Dark Souls boss fight. (gif below for anyone not familiar.) You are struggling, but you are fighting against it, and you're a survivor, and you're badass af for keeping on fighting.
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BTW above gif: that's you drinking some estus flask (water) before you tackle again the task of fighting your depression by working out because that is how badass you are.
Do the workout, no matter what your mind tells you.
The kind of workout that raises heart rate is really good.
Long walks are also REALLY good. I don't know what it is about them, but they are magical. You might find cats on the street or cool birds too.
Yoga is also good. The YouTube channel Yoga by Adriene is very good, she's so gentle.
Remember that after any kind of work out congratulate yourself and remember you are a fighter and you've just taken even more steps to battle against this thing, it's not easy and you've done it and you should be beyond proud.
That's it for this post but I will reblog this with more tips in the future so stay tuned folks. I will cover at least things like people, hobbies, therapy, values and goals and staying organized, but I'll add more if I think more.
I've struggled with this for a long time but I can and will make it towards being better and so will you.
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nopjeee · 11 months
i wish i could figure out basic skincare (like just washing your face and shit) but every video I've seen is using like 5 brand name american products that i have no idea what the equivalent of is where i live. Like i just wanna do the most basic shit to take care of myself but half the soap i look at the bottles of don't even seem to tell you what they're for?
For years i didn't wash my face because i heard it was a specific process but i had no clue so i just rinsed it with water in the shower. i still have no idea what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right. i just use a soap that says "facial" on the bottle. like that goes on your face right?
and like you could say "just google it" but most things either use brands i don't have access to/can't afford or just simply do not explain the steps. is it really that expensive? is it really that complicated???
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rosemaryhelenxo · 2 months
Healthy Self-Care Practices for Mind and Body | RHXO Tips
Self-care is a combination of things, from looking after your mind and body to taking time out and enjoying life. You must practice self-care in order to recharge and destress. So, to help you out, here are a few ways you can practice more self-care! Your Diet Eating healthily, or at least improving your diet, is not all about going without all the things you love to eat. It is about making…
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elaurianwellness · 1 year
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Let's get the week off to a good fucking start shall we?! 😂
Basic Fucking Self Care
Brains need water, fucking hydrate!
Rest is not a fucking reward.
Try to at least lie down for 5 minutes if possible.
No "bad" food is as bad for us as not eating.
Give yourself a fucking break.
You didn't ask to struggle.
Shake out your fucking bedding, put on fresh fucking underwear, clean up with fucking baby wipes, do one tiny thing to feel a bit better.
Cry! In a society that teaches that tears are a weakness, crying is punk as fuck!
Tell a friend you fucking love them.
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myfriendgoo94 · 10 months
I just had a moment where i thought to myself “if i met myself when i was younger i would be kind to her. Hug her and keep her safe at all costs and try and cheer her up.”
Then another thought hit me: “why don’t i do that for myself now? Why do i have such disdain for the person i am now, but nothing but love and patience for the person i was? What is the difference?”
And i feel like i should continue reminding myself that until i realize, truly, that there is no difference between the two. I should have just as much patience and acceptance for the me sitting here today as i do for that little girl.
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Like idk but-- something about how Laios is never once portrayed as desirable in the traditional way really gets to me. The entire series is about every kind of desire and how people deal with it, but as for the main character?? Sexually?? Romantically?? Not one single person. (There was that one auxiliary character but she was after his favor as team leader/perceived birth status, though he actually ran away from it all.)
There are even several jokes about how undesirable he is from a sexual/romantic standpoint. And while yes that does have some aroace flavor to it, given that he (in the show/manga anyway) shows no interest in romance or sex himself, so of course he wouldn't try to be appealing that way, I find it comforting from just-- a general standpoint??
Like that an author sat down and wrote a main character that's just plain awkward and unattractive in-universe, noticed, joked about sometimes (after all it is a comedy series), but the character himself is never ever The Joke, Laios is always shown as worth it. Worth watching. Worth knowing.
He's socially inept, the only reason he even shaves and cuts his hair is because he doesn't want to look like his father, he doesn't even care about romance let alone have the skills to be a good partner, and just... so what?? The story never asks us why. He just is.
He's the main character, he's himself. His story is worth telling, screw the love interest sideplot. It's worth seeing through.
He's enough.
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originalartblog · 5 months
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Don't forget to eat to keep the demons at bay
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vaimetanyx · 29 days
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@themolluscasometimes said she wanted a Skinhe plush and now this skin creature lives in her home because I asked 'how much do you want one?' and everything spiraled from there. The most interesting part of all this has been explaining who and what he is to people not in the know - stay insane svsss fandom
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poleriri · 3 months
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szynkaaa · 8 days
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Zhu Bajie: do you exercise Travel Companion: I like to run away from my problems and feelings
The dialogue is based off a scene from Doctor Who. I don't think that my OC would be going with Zhu Bajie and the Destined One into the rock for the final battle (probably cause she is not able to enter) so she has to sit outside and wait anxiously for them to return.
She is happy to see them return but then also immediately notices how the Destined One's whole demeanour and aura changed. She knew that this point was going to happen where he inherits everything and becomes the new Monkey King, but I also think that she has a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of reincarnation and struggles with accepting it.
So yeah, I imagine the moment after new Sun Wukong comes out of the rock, it's an angsty moment. He just wants to see his best friend and tell her what happened, and now that he is finally "whole" again be able to propely have conversations with her and ask her about all the weird things she says and does, but instead she looks at him like she is very unsure of everything.
Sun Wukong doesn't really have the temper imo or at least here things get a bit heated and he snaps and well, she does what she is best at in situations like this: fucking book it :)))))
Obviously SWK wants to chase after her but Zhu Bajie helds him back and says "ayo kiddo give the lassie some time to process everything, she will come around" he doesn't want to but he knows that is what she needs atm.
Where is Travel Companion hiding meanwhile? In the Zodiac village, the Yin Tiger offered her a spare bedroom, and in exchange she helps around, with the crops, bringing materials back and forth and also has some good times drinking and sharing stories with the villager. Maybe also crying about her woes, and I think that the villager sharing their stories about SWK and explain more about his backstory and stuff helps the her to come around more.
also SWK knows she is there and comes by every day to get his harvest and the free medicing from your local meth dealer Xu Dog. She is hiding in Yin Tiger's lil blacksmith hut everytime he is visiting, but she knows that he knows that she knows that he is there.
And then one day when he is visting Yin Tiger, SWK sighs and goes all "hey bud can you pass this message to Travel Companion," and inserts some very sweet and sappy stuff, knowing that she is there and can hear him. Just as he is about to leave she decides to come out of her hiding spot and go "Hey... let's go talk somewhere more private".
SWK is not showing any emotions but you can tell by the flicker of his tail that he is relieved to see her. Bit worried about the dark eye circle and how not well-rested she looks like, but he will make sure to fix that soon.
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zigfield-station · 26 days
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I hc mephone4 is very insecure about his higher emotional drive compared to mepad. The fact that the one he saved ends up taking care of him daily is an ego hit, and causes old wounds to open up.
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thepeacefulgarden · 4 months
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
it’s not even that i’m incapable of or dislike multishipping it’s literally just that they managed to write two guys who are so intensely perfect for each other and fit together all the way down to the bone that my brain simply cannot imagine a reality where they’re able to be with anyone else without always feeling like something’s missing. and the thing is that they’re also so weird about each other that even though i believe you don’t necessarily have one great love of your life… buck and eddie in particular do.
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rosemaryhelenxo · 2 months
Revitalize Your Routine This Summer: Crafting, Cooking, Hobby and Workout Ideas | RHXO Tips
Do you want to learn a new hobby? Maybe you just want to make sure that you are filling your time with positive activities rather than just sitting in front of the television all night. Either way, if you are ready to make a positive change then this is the guide for you. Learn Calligraphy Calligraphy is a fantastic activity for stress relief and you would be surprised at how much it can…
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kurozu501 · 11 months
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do you ever just remember how one of the most effective things parvis said to get silence to lose faith in saria was essentially "do you really think she would ever choose YOU over everything?" and silence with her low self esteem really didn't believe saria would.
Then in the end saria really did choose them over everything, left her defense director job and her whole life up to that point behind for the sake of silence and ifrit. and silence still doesnt even know. do you ever think about that and lose your mind a little bit.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
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7x10 // How Mac Got Fat
↳ Charlie & Dennis + getting high together
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