#depression recovery tips
Ridiculously long post of depression tips
In the words from some of my favorite books, people and games:
"Road to recovery is a long one, but you will make it." - Volition from Disco Elysium
"Be selfish. Be brave." - Babel
"You can and you will make it." - Someone I know
This will be a ridiculously long post as I'm trying to put everything I know/have learnt over the years on it, so might break it into parts if need be. I'm not a doctor, but fellow survivor and this is what I've found useful. Take what you need from the post. WE GOT THIS!
Basic self care
Crucial. Important. In some cases, life or death.
I will include the obvious tips and some random specific ones.
It literally heals your mind when got right. Some things to make it happen:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Even if insomnia keeps you awake, stay consistent with the bed times.
Give yourself ridiculous amount of time for the rest. When I'm bad and in recovery, I start prepping for sleep at 8pm. People will not mind, they might be a bit surprised at first, but it's not really their business.
Be firm with yourself about technology before bed. I strive for putting my mobile off for the night, and only look at it AFTER I've had my morning coffee.
Really long walk and some kind of sleepy tea of your choice is an EXCELLENT combo for good rest.
Sleep is also tied to other basic self care, so you need to be doing all of it - but good news, more you do the easier it gets because you get better.
If you fuck up any of these points - say, stay until 3pm on your phone looking at memes - don't beat yourself up (even if that's the natural thing you'll want to do when you're suffering from depression), but don't give in either, thinking that letting yourself KEEP doing this is self care and being merciful on yourself. No. If you fuck up, it is okay and human, but KEEP AT IT. Think of all the process you've made so far despite the fuck up. Keep going. Don't let yourself get discouraged by one or few fuck ups, but make it a top priority to get back on track. You will make it. You deserve a good life and sleep will definitely help.
Making food while depressed is exhausting. You need to choose the ingredients, buy them, then make the food. And your depression might tell you lies, such as what's the point and I don't deserve to eat well. But they are lies! You do deserve it. It is important to do this right to not get into financial ruin, and keep a healthy diet. This is tricky, but you can get there. Some tips:
When you're doing a little better, prepare a LOT of food, and then freeze a lot of it. Little gift for the future self who is struggling.
Keep a lot of easy good snacks around. Include fruit. Eat when hungry.
Speaking of fruit, have some at the house and eat often.
Include protein in your food. However, if you really are struggling and there's nothing but pasta in the house and you're starving, eat the damn pasta.
Accumulate a lot of simple recipes you can make quickly. Tomato pasta with some protein is a good one, especially with some Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Making food can be helpful for depression, although when the worst is on it's very hard. But if you're a little better, it can even be therapeutic to focus on it. Try making something that takes a while, like pizza.
When you're getting even more better ('cause you will!) offering food to others is good for mental health for secret reasons. But if the thought exhausts you as you read this don't worry about this for now.
If you excercise, horde some protein snacks you can eat immediately.
Congratulate yourself for keeping up with this, and every time you've gone through the day with a good healthy diet. It is not easy.
Similarly to sleep, if you stray off course, know this is natural, change is hard, don't beat yourself up, but get back on track. I believe in you.
Did someone say "extra fries"? Boomer minion memes aside, this is another really really good thing to do. Get this: You can literally force your body to create endorphins, even when you're mind is in the mud. It also helps with both appetite and sleep, and self-esteem. It also can help you find an outlet, and it helps focus yourself on the present. And it is such a concrete way of fighting an illness which feels so not-concrete. Some tips:
Make plans with people or find a workout buddy. The peer pressure is an excellent way to motivate yourself even if your mind makes bullshit excuses. It may feel intimidating to ask someone but I promise a lot of people want to get into working out but find it hard to motivate themselves too, so you really are also helping them at the same time too. Societies or groups are also good, as long as you go each time.
Think of working out as a fight against your depression. Because it is. Think of your depression being this big Dark Souls boss fight. (gif below for anyone not familiar.) You are struggling, but you are fighting against it, and you're a survivor, and you're badass af for keeping on fighting.
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BTW above gif: that's you drinking some estus flask (water) before you tackle again the task of fighting your depression by working out because that is how badass you are.
Do the workout, no matter what your mind tells you.
The kind of workout that raises heart rate is really good.
Long walks are also REALLY good. I don't know what it is about them, but they are magical. You might find cats on the street or cool birds too.
Yoga is also good. The YouTube channel Yoga by Adriene is very good, she's so gentle.
Remember that after any kind of work out congratulate yourself and remember you are a fighter and you've just taken even more steps to battle against this thing, it's not easy and you've done it and you should be beyond proud.
That's it for this post but I will reblog this with more tips in the future so stay tuned folks. I will cover at least things like people, hobbies, therapy, values and goals and staying organized, but I'll add more if I think more.
I've struggled with this for a long time but I can and will make it towards being better and so will you.
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bijouzen · 2 years
I've never posted anything like this before, but I feel like with the people who follow me and anyone else who may happen upon this there could be room for this discussion to be really helpful, not just for me but for anyone else who maybe has gone through similar stuff.
I've been struggling with managing depression and anxiety for the past 3 or 4 years minimum. I know thats not a lot compared to some people, but thats my experience with it. It was manageable up until covid hit, and I've been struggling to stay afloat since.
What I want to ask you lot here is I guess just. How do you manage your mental health? Do you have little habits you add in your daily life, do you like. I don't know- I've tried a lot but I don't have the resources for therapy at the moment and have no experience with it, and at this point I feel like my best bet to actually find good advice is to reach out to yall on here.
I'm very fortunate in the fact that while depression hinders my motivation and steals my energy, I have yet to ever feel su*cidal or commit any sort of sh. However if you have any tips for managing those things as well, they are more than welcome.
Thank you for reading this.
I love you.
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mercy-the-divine · 1 year
I think I might have cracked the code.
3 steps to feel alive again for a little bit when recovering from a depressive episode.
Step one: Wear yourself out. Work out if you have the time/energy. Doesn't have to be at a gym (though I would reccomend somewhere besides home), doesn't have to be super hard, just get hot and gross and sweaty.
Step two: Eat something. Get finger foods or eat foods with your fingers. Go for something with a sauce or spices that you can lick off your hands and just fuckin. Inhale that shit. I like to go for something a little spicy so it hurts just a little, but you do you. Cajun fries are great, edamame in shell w a sauce (I have a great one if anyone's interested), pasta salad/pasta/salad, wings/ribs.
Step three: Shower. Wash the gross off, get comfy, then make it as cold as you can handle so your throat gets tight and your skin gets all bumpy and it makes you feel a bit breathless.
I've found that this helps for a few hours. It takes a bit of doing to get started, but it's worth it- if you're in a position that you have a bit of energy to spend on that initial push.
For the ppl who aren't quite at the point of starting to recover, it might make you feel worse- spending energy I don't have always just makes me crash and spiral. Be patient w urself, try to treat urself like a friend. Energy comes and goes, don't force it, you'll get there in the end. Best of hope to you.
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Simple ways to get around the mundanity of life and feel less bored/depressed overtime.
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1: next time you're at the store? get a new fruit. So serious. Just one. Bets are you haven't had every fruit in the store. I've made it a tradition to try one new thing every time I go. Last week I grabbed my first ever pomegranate (and realized that they aren't my favorite, but who cares). Don't hold yourself to any standard here. They can be fresh, dried, frozen, hell even pureed. Just something new you haven't actually tasted before.
2: change your phone/computer wallpaper and reorganize your apps. (mini self promo: i'm in the process of making some lockscreen subliminals that I think are really fun :) if you want to get more witchy with it). Use your widgets. Make your own, if you have the energy.
3: delete apps, photos, data. You realize how much you hold onto that you don't need. Don't be a digital hoarder. Find 2 more to add. Play around.
4: move where you do things. Even if it's not very far. I write my posts from my bedroom most of the time, but I'm slowly randomizing my spot. The library, cafe, or even just your kitchen. on the floor. On the countertop. Outside. In the closet. The world is your oyster.
5: move around your actual space. If you're physically abled, literally rearrange the room. My mom had the habit of moving our couch every month. A drawer also works.
Remember: there is no shame in what you can, or can't do, as long as it helps. My masterlist
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 10 months
I wish I had know this so much earlier in life, but thoughts like “my childhood was super normal and pleasant why do I feel so broken” are symptomatic. They scream repressed trauma.
If you find yourself wondering things like that regularly, you could very possibly have (c)ptsd or any number of other traumagenic mental health conditions. You should consider at least doing a little research on your own if nothing else.
If you feel chronically miserable or broken or isolated or lost that suffering is valid, always. You must have lived though something awful in order to feel that kind of darkness.
You are a survivor even if you’re not sure what you survived, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Eating Tip: if making a plateful of food overwhelms you (it’s too much/I can’t eat this/I don’t want this) try only putting a spoonful of food on your plate. Savor it slowly, and then try just one more. If you’re finding it easier, keep going! Be proud of yourself for taking every bite; you deserve to be well fed and well cared for, even when it’s hard :))
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artinvain · 5 months
I fucking hate having cptsd, I feel like I’m literally at war rn, with memories from four months ago over what should have been a silly messy “break-up” but was my tipping point and sent me to the hospital. send help n nice notes idk how I’m alive rn.
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depressedcatt · 1 year
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✨Frida Aasen✨
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kindnessandempathy · 4 months
Any tips on how to not lose yourself after a traumatic event? My personality has seemed to change and I want it to come back. Has this happened to anyone?
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Mental health tip #1:
When I feel sad about my childhood, I close my eyes, put my hand over my heart, picture myself at 4 years old, and say "I love you. I will take care of you." The more you do it, the more it works.
PS: You have to actually take care of yourself!
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recoveringsylveon · 1 year
sometimes u gotta have a gentle reminder that ur a human and you need food water rest love and hobbies. this is ur reminder :3
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memind · 5 months
the corset i used to use when ⭐️ving myself has gotten loose on me it doesn’t do the trick anymore (the trick is to press on my stomach and not feel hungry) i should be happy right? but nooo i still feel fat fuck u body dysmorphia
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haruharuz · 2 years
This is your reminder to CLEAN the doom boxes in your home.
Go into the junk drawers, the bags with random items in them, the bathroom cabinets and GET RID OF UNNECESSARY STUFF!
While you’re at it, put all yo ur important documents in a little folder labeled in BIG red marker “DO NOT THROW AWAY”
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wealldeservenicethings · 11 months
Depression sucks and makes it hard to get anything done but please, if you can only do one thing make sure it's brushing your teeth
It's more important than showers, clean your teefies 💚💚💚
Sometimes you can't, please don't ever blame yourself, guliting yourself won't help, you're only human
Be gentle with yourself and if you can brush your teeth
If you can't, rinse your mouth, you could even add salt to the water or just use mouthwash
Do what you can and don't beat yourself for you can't
Love you 💚💚💚
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Kind of ugly studying pictures lol but this is from my evening study sesh. Exam season is here and here is my tip of the week to survive your studies:
Meal prepping saves many student's wallets while keeping us full and energized. It's also not that difficult or time-consuming. I meal prep at least 2 timed per week and I usually only spend an hour in the kitchen each time. And whenever it's time to eat I just take my meal out of the fridge, heat it up and 💥boom💥 I have a healthy homecooked meal in just a few minutes.
Make sure you get your proper nutrition as well. I very easily fall into the trap of eating bread and noodles every day but doing this will just make you feel low on energy and probably also make you run low on some vitamins lol. Proper nutrition is key to making sure you have energy for your studies and that your brain is functioning properly. You also minimize the risks of certain (or probably most) preventable diseases. You don't have to be the ultimate "that clean girl who snacks on blueberries and only drinks green tea " type of person but make sure you have a balanced diet.
You can also make amazing meals for super cheap. Chili con/sin carne (my fav) can be made sooo delicious for cheap. There are also plenty of pasta dishes, soups, grilled veggies and proteins that are student-budget friendly. My best tip is to use beans, lentils, potatoes, rice and peas to bulk up meals for cheap while buying other proteins (such as meat) on discount or frozen.
Meal prepping can help you save money, keep your health in check and can also serve as a study break/hobby and make you feel proud when you make an absolutely banging meal. So give it a shot! And please, remember to eat your fruits and veggies. I don't want to hear any excuses, we're too grown to not eat them! Also: remember that some food is better than no food. Make sure you at least eat something. Please take care of yourselves during these times ❤️
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