morethansky · 8 months
By Amphitrite / morethansky
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne Word count: 4,000 Content warnings: None
Another alien invasion, another night spent in the Watchtower waiting for Nightwing to wake up. Only this time, Nightwing, hopped up on painkillers, asks Batman for a kiss in front of all their colleagues.
Dick gave him a knowing look while he fussed. “You’re getting soft, old man.” “Hmph,” Bruce said, but he didn’t protest. He hesitated for a beat, reminded of how even though Dick could practically read his mind, he liked when Bruce put how he felt into words. More quietly, he added, “Only for you, pal.” He was rewarded with Dick blushing. “If you keep that sweet talk up, you might give me a heart attack, and then I’ll never be able to leave the infirmary.”
@brudick-week 2024, Day 4: The Justice League Finds Out | Too Big | "No one else could ever take your place"
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goldenrevelries · 2 years
eyes on me | a short drabble
damian won't admit out loud he enjoys grayson's attention.
especially since he would be downright insufferable, pinching damian's cheeks and crowding damian's personal space.
in normal circumstances, damian would grudgingly allow grayson to ruffle his hair or nudge him with an elbow.
in this instance, a bit bloodied after a rare patrol with grayson, damian is too tired to bat away grayson's gentle hands and concerned voice.
"alright, baby bird, time to wash your hair. tip your head and close your eyes."
damian frowns at the nickname. "grayson, i believe i am past the baby part of that moniker."
damian obeys almost immediately though, the back of head touching the fluffy towel placed on the bath tub and shutting his eyes.
grayson laughs, nimble fingers massage his scalp, working the shampoo onto his strands. "nah, you're always be our baby bird, even though you've grown up since we first met you all those years ago."
ultimately letting the matter go, damian's too focused on trying to stifle the little sighs and groans each swirl and press of those fingers against his scalp and the space behind his ears but the low chuckle grayson emits squashed his hopes. damian huffs, his cheeks certainly not red.
lips pressed against his hair, fleeting and making his heart stutter, before grayson says to dunk his head.
damian dunks.
when he resurfaces and water is still dripping into his eyes, damian freezes when something soft brushes against his lips before a towel draped oved his head.
"get dry, dami, the bed is particularly enticing right now."
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6helpneeded9 · 8 months
You guys know what everyone needs more of...
It overprotective Batfam. I know Bruce is not a good parent in some eyes, but guys let me have this.
Like they wont show it, but like as soon a some of the JL memders start getting... too close. That's when it could show, cuz look how cute it would be.
Superman: Have you been eating today Batman. This is like your seventh cup of coff-
Batman: Tea it's tea.
Superman: oh- okay, but you still need to eat
Nightwing: He ate. Why are you so worryed it's his body.
Red hood: Do you think were bad enough to not let our father eat. This is his health day he has to eat.
Superman: Batman has a health day? Good does he have a rest day? Or is it all the same day.
Nightwing, mumbles: We'er trying to have a rest day..
Red hood: Mind your fucking B-
Batman: Hood. Superman thank for worrying about me,but i think my kids have it under control.
Red hood,mumdles somthing: He dare doubt us...
Like is that so cute. It always warms my tiny heart, it makes it grow 10 times as big. Thus this might not be everyones cup of tea, but it mine and i'm proud.
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battybrownboo · 5 months
Enough of these batships, let's get wild
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Starfire defines her relationship with Nightwing
Roy Harper, Koriand'r, Jason Todd and Dick Grayson spend quality time together at the Wayne Manor.
Kori: Jason told us that in 10 years you guys will get married.
Roy glares at Jason who is reading and chuckling.
Roy: Would you stop telling people that!
Jason: I will if either of us get a partner.
Roy slaps the man on the back of the head.
Roy Harper: Changing the subject from my idiot, what is your relationship with him?
He points to Dick Grayson who is reading on his Kindle Paperwhite.
Kori: I am a sexual person at most times and when I go on vacation to my planet or missions with people like you I crave some type of sexual attraction, to keep me going at times, you know? As such, we have agreed on an open relationship, but that doesn't mean we're always sex, sex, sex. I like being around Dickie. He makes me laugh, we can fight criminals together and he's a... himbo at times. Which I like.
Dick: Hey, I'm a himbo who is smart.
Kori (rubbing her nose against her boyfriend's chin): What am I, blue bird?
Dick: An intelligent warrior princess.
Kori (smiling): Monogamy does happen on Tamaran, but it's not like "You must be in a single relationship for your life!" Nah, we are free to have fun and I have fun with Dickie. Surprisingly in more ways than sex.
Jason: Doubt it.
Kori: Shush. We're a couple and are seeing where our love will take us while maintaining our healthy relationship.
Dick: We love and trust each other and we're semi-rational adults. It's honestly freeing to explore myself.
Jason: You don't have to keep talking.
Dick, clears his throat: The sex we have is amazing as well.
Kori: Yes, I enjoy it especially since nobody hits that special spot like my sweet Grayson does.
Jason tosses his book having lost interests from his disgust.
Jason: You had to fucking ask, Roy! I was right in the middle of Lady Macbeth and you ruined it!
Kori: Why must you be grossed out by our love?
Kori rests her head on Grayson's shoulder. He smiles and pats her knee.
Roy: Why couldn't I be this lucky? I got insane assassin as an ex-wife and then this guy who keeps pretending we would make a good couple. Damn it!
Roy gets up and leaves seething.
Jason: See, your yuck has made my life partner, if he says yes to our marriage in 10 years, upset. I got to go comfort him.
Roy: Stay away from me!
Roy runs away, Jason chases after him wanting to mess with him more.
Kori and Grayson stay on the couch.
Kori: I love you, blue bird.
Dick, smiling: I love you too, star.
The two kiss and return to reading a book on Grayson's kindle.
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I left myself this note, like, a year and a half ago, and I have yet to actually act on it, so. “People who have secret identities who could conceivably find themselves at the same holiday party as Bruce Wayne”, let’s go. 
Feat. Clark, Diana, Barry, and Oliver
Clark: Gotham’s elite often goes out of their way to invite members of the press to their parties, in the hopes of ‘building good connections’- a rather thin disguise for what’s essentially bribery, but hey, at least he gets a really good meal out of it every year. He’s not sure when it started- not like he spends a lot of time writing about Gotham from Kansas- but it’s become an annual thing, somehow. He and Bruce exchange pleasantries every year. Outside of their suits, they’re friendly, but not friends...that’s all that makes sense between a billionaire and a newspaper reporter, after all. Clark almost wishes they were in the suits. At least he’d have a friend to talk to, then. Sometime towards the end of the night, when the people around him are beginning to stumble and proclaim loudly that they really should be getting home, they really shouldn’t have another drink, and he’s wondering how soon it’d be socially acceptable to leave, he feels someone step up behind him. “You should be more careful where you’re standing,” an all-too-familiar voice murmurs in his ear before a quick kiss lands on his cheek, catching him completely by surprise, and then somehow Bruce is practically across the room, approaching some woman he doesn’t recognize with open arms and a friendly grin on his face. He hugs her when he gets there. Doesn’t kiss her cheek, though.
Diana: They actually run into each other quite a bit outside of work- museum galas in DC, charity balls in New York, private gatherings all over the country. She’s been asked on numerous occasions why the two of them have never dated, which, she supposed made sense given the whole ‘playboy’ act. Such a flirt. Before she got to know the real Bruce, Diana hated him. But, of course, things were different now that they actually did know each other. Now that they did know each other, she never hesitated to strike up a conversation with him whenever she needed a break from the other guests. He was actually the first one to warn her about a host who liked to make a big deal of mistletoe, way back in the day. So, knowing each other the way they did now, it really had been a careless mistake of him to stand under the mistletoe and not expect her to take advantage of the opportunity to tease him with it.
Barry: This one’s a little bit of a stretch, maybe, but let’s say local charity event that Barry was invited to, that he in turn invited Bruce to. Neither of them are paying attention- well, Batman is, but pretending not to for Bruce Wayne’s sake- so it’s one of the other party goers who calls them out for standing under the mistletoe. Barry sheepishly protests, but Bruce takes it in good stride, and pushes in close to give him a kiss on the cheek anyway, to cheers and laughs from the other guests.
Oliver: They’re hanging around after a private party at the home of a mutual acquaintance, helping clean up while she’s seeing the last of the guests out, when Bruce gestures over to Oliver and says, “You’re doing it again” “Again? How many of these things did she put up?” Bruce shrugs, holds out the trash bag he’s holding for Oliver to toss the fourth sprig of mistletoe of the evening in, and then gives him a kiss on the temple as he passes by, anyway.
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gerryrigged · 1 year
DickTim - practice is perfect
Dick: (strokes Tim's arm idly with his thumb) hey Timmy
Tim: (absently, tapping away at his laptop) Mmm?
Dick: (leans forward, resting his chin on Tim's shoulder) You're getting older, now…
Tim: (huffs a dry laugh) As one does.
Dick: (slides an arm around Tim's waist in a hug) You're probably starting to get…urges.
Tim: (pauses, hands going still on his keyboard. glances sideways to raise one eyebrow in Dick's direction) Am I now?
Dick: (pets his waist reassuringly) Shh, it's a perfectly normal part of growing up. I'm sure they've talked to you all about it in school.
Tim: …Dick.
Dick: I know, I remember being that age. Couldn't keep my hands off my--
Tim: --Dick.
Dick: Heh. Shhh. It's alright.
Dick: Maybe you've even started… (mouth twisting) experimenting, with other kids. Huh, Timmy?
Tim: (drawing out the name in a long drawl) Diiiiiick.
Dick: Shhh, shhh. I get it. It's new. Exciting. Feels good, doesn't it? To touch…
Dick: But hear me out.
Tim: …(exhales, settling back against Dick's chest) I'm listening.
Dick: You know how we have you practice new moves with us first, before you debut them out on the town?
Dick: (turns his head and nudges his nose along Tim's ear, murmuring) Because it's safer, better, with someone who knows what they're doing?
Tim: (throat bobbing as he swallows silently) Mm-hmm….
Dick: These kids, at your school… They don't know what they're doing. I can show you, Timmy… We can practice, just like with your flips.
Dick: (trails his nose down the side of Tim's neck, then speaks with his lips just tickling Tim's skin) Just for practice. Would you like that, sweetheart?
Tim: (turns in Dick's arms and kisses him hard)
Tim: (muttering into Dick's mouth) Oh my god, you kinky fucker - you could give me more of a heads-up.
Dick: (brightly) You love it. (kisses Tim back briefly) How long do you need?
Tim: …(pulls back to shut his laptop) Gimme 15 seconds.
Tim: (closes his eyes, breath evening out, slow and deep)
Dick: (slips his fingers under the hem of Tim's shirt to stroke his skin, counting. watches, enraptured, as Tim's face smooths out, his shoulders loosen and drop, and a pretty blush rises on his cheeks. one hand comes up to run through his hair, ruffling it up into a familiar untidy mess.)
Tim: (blinks dewy eyes open right when Dick reaches 15, and bites his plush lower lip uncertainly)
Tim: Oh - hi, Dick. Did you want something?
Dick: (smiles slowly, watching Tim's gaze flit quickly to his mouth and then away, as he blushes harder)
Dick: (gently) Hey, Timmy. So I was thinking. You're getting older now, and you're probably starting to get…urges…
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
I've been noticing some AO3 authors tagging their multiship orgy fics with "no incest" like. Firstly, that's what the pairing tags are for. Secondly, trying that performative anti-batcest shit on a gangbang is like wearing a purity ring to the Devil's Sacrament. It's not going to spare you at the stake and everybody just thinks you're an idiot.
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freecatcollection · 4 months
Nadja: eeek eeek eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek QUITE I'M ECCOLOCATING!!!
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flovey-dovey · 8 months
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persisting · 1 month
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1) tiktok apparently censors the word “dick” so the kids over there come up with other names for him (so far i have seen: dink, dirk, dunk, and duck, or otherwise just grayson)
2) you infants have GOT to calm down lol
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goldenrevelries · 2 years
i have a vague idea for a dickdami fic:
angel richard
brushing of wings
fall from grace
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captainlordauditor · 2 years
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Sketch in between working on slower projects.
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the-alice-of-hearts · 2 years
Send me some characters or a ship and a Halloween prompt and I’ll write a little something for it!
Specify if you want romantic or platonic interactions please.
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chaparro0456 · 25 days
Bruce bringing in Damian in the cave for the first time
Tim: what the fuck Is
Bruce: one language two he’s my son
Jason: wait you can actually have a kid like biologically
Dick:I always thought his canon didn’t work
Tim: one ewww two i thought the whole playboy thing was an act he just payed random ladies to say they did it
Jason: I thought he was gay for Superman
Tim: nah the flash man
Dick: um don’t disrespect, my boy green arrow like that 
They just started arguing with gay batship id better completely forgetting they have a new sibling while Batman is sat there sighing because this has happened more then once’s
Damian : are they always like this
Alfred: I’m afraid so here have a cookie
Damian: ooo cookies
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
roy harper 🤝 wally west 🤝 kon el 🤝 stephanie brown 🤝 talia al ghul
being grossly mischaracterised to facilitate a batship
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