#bc those r the ones i am Familiar with
chompe-diem · 2 years
man did brian murphy manage to nail my type in blorbos……
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distantdarlings · 3 months
OUT OF IT // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Fem Reader Insert
+ SUMMARY - *Requested - based on this* Theodore Nott has been your best friend for years, but the closeness that you’ve gained throughout your friendship proves to be a little too intimate for the two of you to handle.
+ WARNINGS - SMUT! PIV - no protection, fingering, light nipple play (f!receiving), dirty talk, tension, top!Theo, bottom!Reader, fem reader, language, super NOT proofread (lmk if I missed anything!)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Again (Sped Up) - Noah Cyrus
(Okay! So prep for this was super rushed bc I am about to go on vacation and just got done with a ton of work. I’m very sorry this is so quick and frazzled—hopefully you all can look past it. Thanks for your patience.)
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The dimly-lit corridors always felt so cozy around this time of the evening. The skies outside were pitch black and the only form of light was the flickering, honeyed candles mounted to the stone walls every few paces or so. A rather clever spell had been cast on them to keep them from dripping wax all over the floors.
You combed your fingers through your hair, letting the strands slide across your skin. Keeping your hair pinned up always gave you just a bit of a headache, but being able to take it down after classes was a relief like no other. Your fingernails scratched lightly over your scalp in an attempt to reestablish some blood flow throughout.
After a particularly difficult day, you wanted nothing more than to eat a quick dinner and then crash into your bed. You felt as if you’d been going non-stop since waking up this morning with nothing but a bagel and some tea in your stomach for the whole day. You were sure if you spoke to a muggle physician, they’d have some choice words for you. You could practically feel the dark circle sprouting beneath your eyes.
You turned one final candle-adorned hallway before arriving in front of the Great Hall. You arrived on the later side of the allotted dinner times, but you knew the food would stay on the table until the last student who intended to eat arrived. That was part of Hogwart’s lovely charm.
A wave of warmth from the fireplace in the corner washed over you like a blanket. The sudden temperature change brought on a case of chills across your body. A small shudder flowed through you.
Your eyes scanned the table on the far end of the room—its dark wooden surface topped with deep green runners and dishes of food. Sitting alongside the farthest end of the table were the most familiar faces in the entire school. A gentle smile appeared across your lips at the sight of your friends chatting and laughing together.
You approached the table with the same smile painted on. As you drew closer and caught a few eyes, you raised your hand for a polite wave. All of a sudden, you were a bit more awake than you had been.
A set of bright eyes turned and locked with yours, prompting a jolt of energy through your chest. You settled in next to the owner of those special eyes, allowing him to wrap his arm around you and pull you in close.
“How are you, tesoro?” Theo asked, pressing a small kiss to the side of your head.
“It was good. What about you?” you asked. He shrugged and flashed you a smile. He’d never been one to talk much about his day.
You gathered some food onto your plate, Theo never taking his arm from around you even when he went back to eating.
“So, how was everyone’s day?” Enzo asked cheekily, eyeing the two of you. The young man in front of you had always had a deep insistence that you and Theodore Nott would be the perfect couple.
“You’re perfect for each other,” he would say. “You compliment each other so well, plus you’re already so comfortable around each other!” To which, you’d always laugh and shake your head, only mostly ignoring the fantasies that would twirl through your mind after the fact.
You were not going to date Theodore Nott. He was your best friend—had been for years.
“Fine, thanks,” you replied snarkily, popping some kind of berry into your mouth. It crunched between your teeth pleasantly, bleeding dark, sweet juice. It was unlike any other fruits you’d ever tasted, but you never knew what you were going to taste at Hogwarts.
“Mm, you’ve got a bit of—” Theo started. Still chewing on a bit of food, he ran the thumb of his free hand over the corner of your lip and promptly placed it against his tongue. He sucked the flavor off of his skin, then turned back to his dinner.
It didn’t much bother you, just ignited a bit of heat against the wall of your gut. Mattheo and Enzo, however, acted like they’d just seen someone hurl into the dinner bowls.
“Hello, friends!”
The group turned to face Pansy Parkinson. A dainty, but lean girl with striking black hair cut across her cheeks in sharp, even lines. She was truly one of your only female friends, considering how often you hung around a male party.
“Hey, Pans!” The group chorused, offering lazy waves and full-mouthed smiles. She smiled a bit and took a seat next to Enzo. She selected an apple from the bowl just before her and took a large chunk out of it, her pale eyes flicking around the table.
“Why are you all so quiet?” she mumbled around chunks of apple.
Enzo snuck his arm down beneath the table and discreetly bumped Pansy’s ribs with his elbow twice. They were sure you hadn’t seen their little gesture that translated to ‘I’ll fill you in later,’ but you most definitely had.
You struggled not to roll your eyes as you knew they’d gossip for hours about how you and Theo would be the perfect couple. Honestly, it used to bother you a bit, knowing your friends were talking about you behind your back. But with a quick and direct questioning of Enzo, you realized that they weren’t so much gossiping about you as they were rooting for you. Their support didn’t matter, though. You would not be dating Theodore Nott.
That night, as you had begun to settle in for bed, you found yourself thinking of Theo. You always thought of him around bed time. There was never really a time when your best friend wasn’t floating around your head, but at night, when you were recapping your day, you thought of him.
Theo had a nasty habit of popping into your head at the worst of times. During tests, holidays with your families, your dreams, and even when you…when you would get into bed and slide the velvet drapes hung around the frame shut, and let your hands slide beneath the covers.
You swallowed thickly at the thought. You would not be dating Theodore Nott. No matter if he did cross your mind when you touched yourself. You inhaled shakily and slid beneath the covers, ignoring the ache in your chest and the pulsing between your legs.
The next morning, you found yourself wandering down to the Great Hall just as you had done the night before for dinner.
And just like last night, Pansy, Enzo, Mattheo, and Theo were waiting for you just like they always were.
You slid into the space beside Theo and laid a sleepy head against his shoulder, letting a slightly dramatic huff out.
“Oh dear, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Theo teased, placing a kiss to the top of your head. The audience members before you each made a different face at the show of affection. It never bothered you and it had seemingly never bothers Theo, but your friends had a habit of turning it into something it didn’t need to be.
“Yes, I did,” you sighed. “I barely slept a wink last night—I was tossing and turning all night.” Which was not a lie, but a bit of an understatement. Your sleep had been plagued with visions of Theo.
Theo looking at you, Theo kissing you, Theo touching you, Theo Theo Theo. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Theo looked down at you. You met his eyes.
“Is everything alright?” he asked.
“Yes, why?”
“You’re clenching my arm really hard,” he chuckled, glancing down at your clutched fist around his arm. Oh. You quickly let go of him and apologized, embarrassed that he was having such a physical effect on you. You’d never been so distracted before. Sure, you’d had these thoughts of Theo before but it had never affected you in your everyday life, and certainly not in front of him.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Enzo interrupted. You turned and the three sitting across from you all seemed to be staring with concern.
“You seem out of it…,” Mattheo said, looking you up and down. Pansy voiced a small agreement.
“I’m fine,” you chuckled nervously. Theo placed a hand on your back and began to rub comforting circles around the center of your spine.
His touch against you was almost too much to bear.
You shied away from him and, forcing a smile, you got to your feet and quickly excused yourself. You knew if you looked back, all of them would still be staring at you but you needed to get away. Theo’s hand on your back was nearly enough to make you come undone.
These altered feelings of him had your mind running haywire.
You scurried off down the halls, twisting and turning, and avoiding any and everyone. The Slytherin dungeons weren’t that far from the Great Hall, but every step you took made the hallway feel as if it was elongating. It felt as though you would never reach it and as if you’d be walking for the rest of eternity, when you came upon the secret entrance.
You mumbled the password then slipped through the doorway.
Other than a few scattered students, there was practically no one in the common room. Hopefully you’d be able to get a bit of privacy upstairs in your bedroom.
Thoughts of Theo swirled around your head, threatening to fall in on you and drown you in your own desire. You had no idea why he was having such an effect on you.
Once you came upon the door to your dorm, you pushed through the door, slammed it quickly behind you, and collapsed onto your bed. A quick survey of the room told you that it was empty, except for your panting body.
You set yourself against your pillows, drawing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. If you kept having such an issue, you were just going to have to avoid your friends for the next few days.
You refused to let any silly thoughts get in the way of your friendship with Theo. You’d had plenty of intrusive thoughts pertaining to him in the past. That didn’t mean you were in love with him or had any feelings for him other than platonic. People had weird thoughts about their friends all of the time—it didn’t make them true.
A knock on the door drove its way through your train of thought. A small jolt ran through your body at the sudden sound.
Assuming it was just one of your roommates, you invited them in. But one of your roommates did not walk through the door. Theo did.
Upon seeing him, you shot up to a sitting position almost immediately.
“Theo—I didn’t know it was you, I’d really like to be alone right now if—”
“That’s fine. I’ll leave as soon as you tell me what’s wrong.”
His eyes were stern with his jaw clenched tightly, the muscle running across the bone rippling with every grind of his teeth. If you didn’t know this boy like the back of your hand, you might’ve mistook his concern for fury.
“Nothing’s wrong. Like I said, I’m just tired.”
“There’s something else,” he spoke. “I can tell. I’ve known you for nearly as long as I’ve been alive. Do you seriously think I can’t tell when something’s bothering you? You brushed away my hand, you—you barely looked at me earlier. You’ve never, ever turned me away like that—and if you decide you’re done with me, w-with us—that’s fine, but I deserve an explanation.” He stepped forward and left nothing but a few inches between the two of you. “I demand one.”
His ramble ended with deep, heaving breaths, his eyes staring down at you with longing and panic, and your saliva nearly getting caught in your throat. If you hadn’t closed your mouth that had been gaping open, you might’ve choked.
He stood so closely, you could feel his breaths on your chest. You attempted to avoid his eyes but it was as if he’d locked you to him. You couldn’t pull away.
“Theo, I’m not…done with you,” you exhaled shakily, “I always want you.”
His eyes softened a bit.
“Er, to be here with me as my friend!” you gasped out quickly, trying to ease the landing of the borderline confession you’d just spouted out.
His mouth dropped a bit as he seemed almost disappointed. Surely he didn’t feel the same way.
“What if I want to be here with you…but as more than just a friend,” he whispered. His deep voice rumbled beneath the pressure of his chapped lips. You couldn’t help but glance down at them briefly.
Once you had, his breath hitched in his throat just a bit, and you knew he’d seen you. You knew he’d seen your eyes dart from his deep, crystalline eyes to his barely parted lips. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip, just enough to grant them some hydration from how deeply the two of you had been breathing. A shudder passed through you at the sight.
“What’s…more than a friend?” you breathed, your voice wavering as you found it increasingly harder to pull your eyes away from his lips.
What a stupid thing to ask.
“I want to show you what it is,” he said. “I want you to feel what more than a friend is.”
You almost jumped out of your skin when the tips of his fingers brushed against your forearm. He seemed to be testing the waters and, though your reaction wasn’t exactly calm, must have decided that it was okay to move forward again. The fingers from the opposite hand brushed alongside your other arm.
“Let me show you what it feels like,” he whispered.
“I don’t want to lose anything we have because of one stupid mistake—because we couldn’t control ourselves,” you said, biting your lip nervously. You knew it was a cruel thing to say but it was the truth. Theo was the best thing that had ever happened to you, even before you couldn’t escape the feeling of his eyes on you.
“I won’t let anything change us,” he said. “Let me give you all of me before you decide you need some of me.”
Shakily, you pressed your lips together and nodded slowly. You were all his.
He smiled just a bit, a shaking breath pushing through his lips as if he’d been holding it for a while.
His hands were slow and patient, carefully mapping out every place he intended to touch and ensuring that it was completely okay with you before doing so.
Fingers traced over your hips and across your ribs through your uniform shirt. Even through the material, you felt his simulated touch eliciting chills across your stomach and arms. He smirked a bit at the way the small hairs there stood up.
“Can I touch your skin?” he asked, his eyes finding yours. You nodded in response.
At your immediate consent, he took no time in easing the hem of your shirt out from beneath your skirt. The tucked-in material had created indentations along your flesh from pressing into it all day. His fingers traced along the swirls of marks across your hips.
His hot skin on yours was nearly too much to handle—you swore you felt your knees buckle.
After the initial shyness of skin-on-skin, you could feel Theo’s hands splay wide on either side of your hips and move across your abdomen and all the way to the back. His fingers brushed across the strap of your bra just as a raging heat split your stomach in two.
“Can I?” he asked. Of course, you nodded.
With a second set of permissions, he felt even bolder. He sucked in a strong breath and, with quick and intense movements, brought his hands out from beneath your shirt and began to unfasten the buttons.
With each button he pulled open, he placed a hot kiss to the skin revealed. Your breaths came in deep heaves, your chest lurching towards him pathetically.
His tongue brushed over the cleavage split evenly by the pressure of your bra. With your chest nearly completely revealed to him, Theo’s eyes darkened severely.
His eyes found yours again. The two of you regained consciousness for only a moment to realize where you were and what you were doing, before you clasped your hands around his head and pulled his mouth to yours.
With a fiery desire, he slipped his hands beneath your thighs and, with subtle clumsiness, lifted you off the floor just enough to push you up against the stone wall in the corner.
A shy moan slipped from between your lips at the feeling of your body trapped in between him and the wall.
His lips devoured yours like a man starved. He drank up every drop of saliva granted by each slide of your tongue along his, never wasting a single bit. His hands gripped at you mercilessly—at your hips, your chest, your ass. It wasn’t long before your shirt was completely unbuttoned and slid messily down your shoulders and your shoes slipped off and kicked somewhere into the corner.
As the two of you took a moment to breath, noses pressed to each other and breaths intermingling, Theo contemplated his next moves.
“I want to take care of you,” he heaved, a bead of sweat sliding down his sharply detailed throat.
“Please… have me as you will,” you whined, hardly able to stand being away from him in these few seconds.
The sounds of your begging did nothing but urge him forward, cutting through every strap of restraint he may have still had. He fucking loved it.
“Let me make you feel good,” he whispered.
He slid his finger down across your neck, tightening his grip just barely around your throat, then sliding them down across your breasts. He kneaded the sore tissue there, reveling in the way your lips parted at the feeling.
His fingers slid over the metal clasp that sat squarely between your breasts, shining in the firelight, waiting for him to separate it.
Before touching your chest any further, he wrapped his hands around your thighs once more and wrapped them around his waist, balancing you against the wall behind you.
His fingers then returned to their post at your bra and effortlessly split the clasp. The pressure of your breasts popped the fabric apart, quickly revealing your chest to the boy before you.
He moaned at the sight of your gorgeous chest and could not resist from placing his lips around each nipple, swirling his tongue around them perfectly. Your head fell back against the wall, your hands clutching at this hair, your legs wrapped around his body.
“You’re so perfect—gonna make you feel so good,” he mumbled.
His hands and lips reluctantly separated from your chest and pulled you away from the wall for just a moment. He walked you over to the recession in the wall where the windowsill waited for your body weight.
The drapes were pulled together but you imagined that you wouldn’t be so angry if they weren’t.
Theo set you down against the cool stone and slid your hips against him.
With no regard for what you were going to do for your next day of classes, he roughly split your tights to reveal the bottoms beneath.
He let out a moan at the sight of you—you were better than he’d ever imagined.
Flipping your skirt up, he traced a single, trained finger over the slit of fabric covering the most sensitive part of your body. You let out a wavering moan at the sensation, gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
“Please, Theo, no more teasing,” you groaned, sliding your hips closer to his. The motion pressed your core against his, creating a type of friction that was more than delicious. The both of you paused and shuddered against each other’s mouth.
If Theo had any restraint left in his body, it was this that destroyed it.
He slid a finger beneath the material of your bottoms and slid them to the side, revealing you to the cool air. You shuddered a bit at the feeling, not prepared for the sudden change in temperature.
He traced his fingers along your folds again, collecting slicks of moisture along them. You could barely keep up with his pace, not sure whether to moan or cry or beg for more.
Once soaked enough, he slid a finger into you, allowing you to stretch around it. You cried out to the night air, clutching at his shirt like you might slip away from this world if he kept easing you open just as he was.
There were blinks of time where he’d slip another finger in just beside the other, stretching you farther than you’d ever been before, but you could hardly grasp where you were in time and space. All you could feel, think, smell, hear, taste was Theodore Nott.
When years had passed and he’d built you up to your climax twice already, he decided that he was ready to give you all of him.
The layer of sweat across your body and cloud of exhaustion that plagued your mind seemed to be no obstacle for a still very wired Theo. He was ready to fuck himself into you until you were begging for mercy. He’d been waiting for this for years.
“Turn over for me, sweetheart,” he said lovingly, a stark contrast to the brutality with which he’d worked you apart.
Slow-moving from exhaustion but still eager for more of his touch, you forced yourself onto your stomach. Your hands gripped onto the drapes for some sense of purchase—hopefully they wouldn’t collapse down around the two of you, revealing both of your bodies to the world.
When the rustling of his clothing and the clinking of his belt hit your ears, the entire lower half of your body twinged in anticipation. You gasped lowly as his hands slipped beneath your skirt, slowly smoothing his fingers over the fabric of your bottoms before gripping them and sliding them down your legs.
He allowed you to step out of them before he pushed you back up against the stone and slid himself across your entrance. You sucked in a breath sharply at the sensation, your fingers digging into the canvas drapes so tightly they burned white around the knuckles.
One hand gripped your bare hips while the other slowly guided himself into you all the way to the hilt. The slow stretch he had provided you before was nothing compared to the fire burning below now. Your eyes clenched shut, bursts of tears slipping down your cheeks.
“Breathe, bella,” he groaned softly as he allowed you to adjust while refraining from going as fast and as hard as he could.
It took only a moment before you asked him to move, and begged him to claim you fully. And then he was controlling every inch of what you received, ruthlessly, yet lovingly.
The silence of the room was filled with his breathless groans, your stuttering words, and the force of his hips hitting yours. You’d hardly be able to stand if it weren’t for his strong hands holding your hips up, keeping you just where he wanted you for each force of his hips.
With each passing second, you found your grip on the fabric above you becoming weaker and your ability to hold yourself up diminishing. With the pace he’d set, you’d be finishing any minute and he knew it.
And by the way his speed stuttered every so often and his hands gripped onto the fabric of your skirt, you figured he couldn’t be far behind you.
Your naked breasts lightly scraped against the stone with every push from behind, rubbing the sensitive skin just enough to push you over your edge and crash within yourself. You cried out from the force of the pleasure that hit you.
As soon as you had managed to finish against him, the tightening of your muscles tipped him over the cliff side he stood atop, forcing him to the waves below.
He worked himself through his climax before slowing to a stop and collapsing against you. The sweat on your skin mingled together, creating a hot seal between your bodies. You could hardly catch your breath between the windowsill pressed against you and the strong man behind you.
“Theo,” you whined. “Get off…”
He responded with a huff and a moment’s silence, before pushing off of you. Your skin separated with a sticky pull.
He gently pulled you away from the window, slid your messed skirt down and helped you slide into your bed. He slid in next to you for just a moment.
“I think I’m about to pass out and sleep for the next 48 hours,” you chuckled lazily.
“Would you say I gave enough of myself?” he smirked, brushing a strand away from your forehead.
“I’d say it was more than enough,” you said, rolling your eyes at his confidence.
“Well, I’m yours anytime you want me.” He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead, before getting to his feet and beginning to redress.
“No,” you fussed. “Why are you leaving?”
“Because it’s the middle of the day and I’m missing my classes,” he laughed, tightening his belt back to its proper place.
“I am too—just skip with me today,” you begged.
“No, darling, I’ve got to get back to class. I’ve got too many assignments due today. I’ll let them know you won’t be making it in today, though.”
“What are you going to tell them if they ask?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Mm, I’ll let them know that you had a rough morning and you’re gonna sleep it off.”
He smirked meanly before slipping through the dorm door and leaving you in silence, bundled up in your bed and nearly too tired to even try and get ready for classes.
One day off wouldn’t be too big of a deal.
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Tag List: @lilymurphy03 , @mypolicemanharryyy , @clairesjointshurt , @bunbunbl0gs , @acornacreacure, @niktwazny303 , @thestarlithideout , @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw , @yhiiil, @ravenclawprincess33 , @xxrougefangxx , @thatblackthorn, @robinyx , @starsval , @jolly4holly , @blvebanisters , @chgrch, @abaker74, @ilovehotmenandwoman, @kissesbyarabella, @synicaljah (If you would like to be added to the tag list, please shoot me a DM! Thanks!)
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elliezlils11utt · 6 months
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Sorority girl!reader x dealer!ellie
Summary: your crush Ellie walks in on you reapplying lipstick. Alcohol makes u a bit bold & you’ve been at a party drinking. What could go wrong?
Contents: nsfw !! Dom fem!Reader, reader is a sorority girl, marking kink kinda, oral (e receiving !)
Tw: uh weed mention, smut, reader is buzzed.
proofread?: take a guess (please hmu if you wanna proofread my fics bc I need someone to desperately 🙏🏽)
A/n: this sucks fucking ass, and probably is super inaccurate to how actual frat parters r but that’s irrelevant. PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS.😔
Your arms were thrown up into the air, your hips swaying with the motion of the music. The room was hazy and the lights were flashing while your heart pounded with the base of the song.
One of your frat boy friends (Jesse) invited you to a party his fraternity was hosting this weekend. You and your girlfriends rolled up decked head to toe in glitter & Mini skirts.
“Her dee!” You call into the crowd, hoping your friend Dina could hear you over the loud ass speakers. She seems too busy eating jesses face off next to you. You call her name again and finally grab her attention. “I’m going to fix my makeup!” You scream over the music. Dina seems to buzzed to even understand so she just mumbled Somthing and nods before returning to suck her boyfriends face off. You roll your eyes and giggle a little. You make your way through the crowd bumping into people with sleared apologizes along the way.
You take a swig out of the red solo cup in hand before spotting a familiar face in the corner. It was Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams. Your hallway crush ever since you got into college. She was Dinas friend so you saw her around time to time, you just never got the courage to talk to her. She was the known drug dealer around campus so you curated a plan to speak to her today and maybe get her number. (If you were feeling brave) but your makeup came first. You had sweat it all off due to all the dancing and prancing around. You fumbled around the hall looking for the guest room in the overly huge frat house.
The door swings open and you stumble into the room, heading straight to the full body mirror in the corner of the room you sit directly in front of it. Crossing your legs and pulling your lipstick from inside your pocket. You smear the makeup onto your lips, touching up any spots you had missed. The door flys open again & you turn to see who it was. And lo and behold it was Ellie.
“Oh shit, uh sorry. I didn’t now you were in here” her eyes half lidded were shot red.
“It’s chill! I was actually jus about to go looking for you.”
“Oh really? What’s up?”
You stand up and make your way over to Ellie your eyes locking with hers.
“You’re cute” you mumble just a step away from her.
“Oh am I?” She teases & gets closer to you. Shutting the door behind her.
“Mhm.” You hum, an innocent smile tugging at your mouth.
“You’re not so bad yourself, sorority girl” she says, knowing damn well that you are the most gorgeous thing she’s ever laid eyes on. Her bottom lip is pulled in between her mouth. Her teeth tugging the plump skin that you wished was in your own. The tension builds when you could hear your own heartbeat in your throat. Waiting for her to make the first move.
“Fuck it” she murmured before pulling your lips onto her own. Smudging your lipstick all over her face as your so desperately assaulted her lips. Her hands cupped your cheeks, hungrily pulling you closer to you. A soft moan escapes your lips and into hers. You leave your mark down her neck, smearing your red lipstick throughout her collarbones. Your head lands right in front of her clothed cunt. That’s no good. Her jeans are pulled down to her ankles and your eyes find hers. Looking up at her with those doe eyes of yours. Those “innocent” eyes, face to face with her exposed pussy on display. That auburn bush so pretty for you. You kitten lick her pussy, finding her clit almost instantly. A little whimper escapes Ellie’s mouth. The music from the party just outside blaring through the thin walls. “Quiet baby” you coo before pushing your face into her auburn hair. Her hand finds your head when you tongue fuck into her clenching pussy. she tries to suppress her moans as your tongue works at her cunt. you watch as her head flings back, hitting the door behind her with a thud. you giggle before continuing your assault on her pretty little pussy. her hands tangle in your, once tied up, hair. she grinds against your face, completely covering ur face in her juices.
“fuckkkkk- just like that”
her breath starts to get frantic and uneven. her hand shoots up to her mouth quickly covering her moans as she screams into her palm. your arms wrap around her thighs pulling her onto u while she cums. you smirk into her pussy, drinking up her slick. you pull away, and look into her once auburn bush. um, your lipstick dyed it a deep red. actually everywhere your lips went were stained with your makeup. Ellie’s eyes flutter open, finally coming down from her high. you slide her pants back up after placing a final kiss on her clit. you rise meeting Ellie’s eyes. Her face & neck covered in marks of you. Lipstick smeared over her entire face, courtesy of u of course.
“I’d clean up before heading back out. call me.” you say with a wink before leaving her in the room alone.
A/n: this is so sloppy, I need a proofreader. ughbdjsnbdbPKEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS, I WANNA WRITE BUT ION KNOW WHAT TO WRITEEEE. 😔🙏🏽
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quinnonimp · 1 year
We Watch the Clouds & Stars: an OriginsSMP TNTduo Comic ☁️💫 | Anecdote: Awake or Alive [part 1/?]
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content warning: discussion of death and afterlife
read left to right
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hello !!!!!!!!! im back on the grid again and with a bang, here to deliver a comic ive been working on since september ! its gonna be pretty messy, inconsistent, and just purely me having fun . therell be a lot of things ive thought through thoroughly, and therell be some things i forgot to even existed ! all in all this is a comic about a character whos been gone for a year and one that doesnt even exist, so its all built from me being silly
there will be sensitive topics discussed or depicted ! those will have a warning placed beforehand for each update, even though many of these things are meant to be up to interpretation or implied . some anecdotes ive written have been quite heavy though, so if i end up finishing them, listen to the content warnings
this will be a non-linear story, so instead of chapters i have named them anecdotes . they will be moreso bits and pieces of my o!quackity and o!wilbur's lives, specifically of them together, so some parts will be before or after others . some parts will reference each other, or foreshadow, but u likely wont need to read the anecdotes in any specific order
^ and so, because of this, the dynamics of wwtc&s!tntduo will change and will be inconsistent, just as what happens with real people if u look into random pockets of their life . some anecdotes theyll be more comfortable with each other, some theyll be more spiteful, some theyll be more awkward, etc. especially since oquackity has no character and owilbur is underdeveloped
this comic is a lot about change but also keeping familiarity in said change, which is totally not just an excuse for my inconsistent ass nope nuh-nuh. this time its actually relevant to the characters !!!!
and YEAH . i am doing all this just bc cc!quackity mentioned in the 2021 wine stream that he was in the originssmp discord and wanted to actually play but never did . im still mad abt it so ive decided to just make shit up now 👍
by the way !!!!!!!!! the big wings wilbur has on the cover r actually not canon anymore . Lol . i drew that before i had a more concrete idea of the comic and its concepts, but i really didnt feel like editing it (the tail is also missing), so i kept it cause idrc FDKDFKJ
i may draw him with wings again sometime just bc i really like it, but for the sake of story - know that theyre not canon, and that his cloak compensates for his lack of wings
there is likely more for me to explain, but rn im all over the place so i dont really remember what ! the next part will probs be up tomorrow or so, im not sure . really hope u guys enjoy
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
hi love bug! i have angel devil thoughts for u:
angel!stevie teasing reader with his tentacles while she’s trying to do yoga or something and R getting so frustrated bc like >:( STOOOOP :(((( and eddie cumming coming up behind reader and hugging her (but he’s just groping her tits and squeezing her tight) and being like “he’s bein so mean to ya huh baby” with his little fake sympathy pout and you’re whining and nodding as steve’s tendrils trace and tease your puffy folds and eddies begin tracing over your tits as he holds your hips in place so he can grind his fat cock into your perfect ass in those work out shorts feel free to let them have their way with me
reader as she whines about how good it feels
A/N: as a yogi (or technically former, my body sadly can’t flow like it used to with all of its chronic pain and bad joints) i approve of this sluttiness 
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | devil & angel AU masterlist 
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“Stop it,” you grumbled, upside down you reached a hand back to swat away the familiar tentacle, grabbing the chance now that your field of vision was limited to slider all over your most delicate parts, visible in your tight workout clothes, “hey, I mean it! Whichever one of you is doing that, cut it out!” you tried not to let them get to you as you slowly walked your hands up towards your toes, resting there a moment, bent completely like a newspaper, before unfurling your form, “I am trying to concentrate here, relax a bit…” your arms scooped through the air beside you and met above your head. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, why wouldn’t you be able to focus on the flow, on your breathing, baby?” your eyes fluttered shut in annoyance at the sound of Steve’s smug tone, “you just looked like you were about to tip over, so-”
“I was not about to tip over.”
“You sure about that? Because you looked awfully wobbly, even right now,” the translucent lengths continued to slider over your thin outfit as you attempted to block them out. 
“You’re right, she does,” you heard the devil chime in playfully, and the next thing you knew you felt his warmth press into you from behind, making it obvious just how much he enjoyed watching your routine, “oh, I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he breathed into your hair, gliding his broad palms across your hips and drawing them further back towards him. 
Giving up, your hands fell unceremoniously down at your sides, “I am literally just standing here.”
“Yeah, like a flower,” Eddie purred, pressing his nose further into your hair, his hands brashly sliding up to envelop your boobs, already squished and constricted in your sports bra.
“A flower in the breeze,” Steve added, supporting his asinine alibi. 
“I am not in the breeze, I am nowhere near the breeze. I have excellent balance and you know it.”
“Yeah, you do,” you didn’t have to glance over your shoulder to catch the suggestive smirk on the angel’s lips. 
“You know,” Eddie’s low rumble seeped into you like butter on warm toast, “I know something that could help you relax… work up a sweat too.”
“Why do you guys ruin everything,” you grumbled half-heartedly, melting back against his interrupting form as his hands boldly played with your tits, accompanying the sensation of Steve’s tendrils now slither in between your thighs, “I just wanted to do something yoga…”
“Wanted?” he picked up on your wording, “then what is it you want now?”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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ivryne · 2 years
. . . ⌗ the aftermath ! 🔬
genshin smau | scaramouche x fem!reader
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synopsis — the aftermath ! After a drunken night that resulted in some late night endeavors, you woke up in an unfamiliar environment. Looking around you in search for any familiarity, you spot a familiar tuff of violet hair beside you, hidden beneath the heavy duvet. Realization blew you over as you finally connected the scattered dots. Did you really just sleep with Scaramouche, your no.1 nemesis and rival? Well I guess all we can do is wish you luck to deal with the aftermath.
pairings. scaramouche (kunikuzushi) x fem!reader
genre. romance, crack, slice of life, rivals to lovers, modern au, college/uni setting, age 20-21
warnings. misunderstandings, slow burn, mommy issues, fluff, 16+ nothing too steamy. timestamps don’t matter just ignore them
status. [ 22 / 12 / 22 ] — disc (ONGOING REWRITE)
NOTE. hellooo! I’ve seen genshin smaus all over tumblr and I’ve always wanted to make one and I finally got the plot todayyy aghhh. Ty for those of u who hav clicked this!! Hope you enjoy <33
(🍬) means there r gonna be written parts ^^
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starring . . . mentally un(st)able | need help asap
act one — too late to back out
episode 01 : wat did u ruin again lol
episode 02: stupid girl
episode 03: why is this kinda hot??
episode 04: i’ll bring the snacks (🍬)
episode 05: brainstorm or braindead (🍬)
episode 06: kinda ship it ngl (🍬)
episode 07: meant to be ig
episode 08: t-truce
bonus episode: hu tao’s dilemma
act two — never settle for less
episode 09: you’re staring (🍬)
episode 010: boytoy
episode 011: the hot one?
episode xx : extra scaraname snippets
episode 012: oh how the turns have tabled (🍬)
episode 013: name’s adrien agreste era (🍬)
episode 014: a new face (🍬)
episode 015: it’s called overthinking
episode 016: one goal in mind
episode 017: what are u implying?
episode 018: ur not the one i like
episode 019: that was quite unlikely
episode 020: called it
episode 021: are you convincing us or urself?
episode 022: why r u like this
episode 023: i guess this is it
episode 024: i am living for this childe slander
episode 025: the things i’d do for u
act three — above average
episode … :
CUT ! show’s over 📽
NOTE. this smau is discontinued ! I will be posting a rewrite soon so stay tuned!
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Ty for taking ur time to read this. I hope i rlly get through w this bc i’m so inconsistent hehe.
© 𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫.
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It is pride month, I had to miss both occasions of the pride event because of university, so I'm going to vent all my anger out here about the country I live in.
We're standing before the (minister) votes' results, and we see who won the election, but I am already on edge, crying vomiting (derogatory), because i just know it would be too good to be true that our current bitch president will be switched off. The president who made laws against the entirity of pride event (2016), against every lgbtq+ person (2020 in JUNE), and new laws against trans people (2024), including surgeries. The president who is advertising himself in fucking chineese outside of China, just to get more votes idk how or how is that legal.
I love my country, I love my people, my heritage, the familiar places and its biological surroundings, but I can't and don't want to live in a closed world where all that has haunted and damaged me in my childhood is coming back to me. I don't want to hear people go back to: "men are right, women are wrong", at gender options: "men, women, and women with extra steps (the option for not wanting to mention or they/them or etc)".
A person shouldn't experience feeling both demasculinezed for being gay and for "looking like a girl" (bc long hair) while being repulsed because the society around you associates women with their reproductive organs, which is the biggest bs I've heard.
We need the soul of rock 'n' roll back and being a punk, a hippie with what they've stood for.
We need trans rights, trans surgeries NOT ONLY for the trans people (like nullification surgeries), but for strengthening the aspects of acceptance of people in general; to weaken the toxic "masculinity rules"; for asexuals, and for all of those who are repulsed by: -having a gender -having reproductive organs without wanting to use them for reproduction -the idea of being r*ped in war (literally next door countrywise) and so on
And what is wrong with people, taking away their rights in general? Like, yeah I'm used to the logic of "we don't have 'problematic people' on paper officially, since we don't give that as an option". But this? New move? Of just ganging up on literal people? For being individuals? For being different? Do the other people not see that they are still literally under the same, only one species' in this world, that can talk? That they are still human? The nerve, the disrespect. I have a better idea, how about we gang up on people legally, based on their actual crimes like idk, robbing a whole fucking UNION.
But I digress. Aside the section of the lgbtq+ community.
We need feminism too for allowing men to be human without feeling less of a man, for not ridiculing women. (Because, you think women are defenseless? Come to the fucking military bro they can kill you with or without a weapon.) I am so angered because I will not go back to that past bullshit view without a damn fight. I might be a gay asexual, but I am an adult, I've lead battles for rights before, I will lead one again if I have to. You just watch me medieval sword larp this shit because I am anything but a "sissy", contrary to popular belief.
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the last chapter for walking study in demonology was CRAZYYY im so happy you updated. im so curious about what your thought process in writing it and if youre willing to share?? you dont have to if you dont want to btw! but in any case thank u so muchhh
hey thank you! appreciate it
okay super long answer below
honestly this one was difficult. idk if its bc its been a while since i write fics from scratch so i might have forgotten how difficult the whole thing is, but this one was tough. ch 8 wasnt from scratch tho cos i had the drafts since like 2022 or smthg lol
ik the formatting is non conventional in ch 8 and i was aware that itd be hard to read for some people. but i do think abt the readers often when i write.. mainly not what the readers want in terms of storyline (altho ofc i consider this too sometimes lol) but what the reading experience will be like for them.
i.e consider if id written the chapter in a linear, traditional way and narrated the confrontation between 1-A and LoV (or even other wackier “Villains” like godzilla and invading aliens or whatever). the truth is, although def easier to read, that version will be very boring.
(i know bc i tried and scrapped those versions.)
(im sure a better writer can write it interestingly but i am not a better writer.)
the thing w writing these traditional fight scenes is tht im sure — im 1000% positive in fact — that the readers have read it before. there r literally thousands and thousands of bnha fics out there with great fight scenes, on top of the actual manga, where youve read these characters fight their assorted villains. why would i make you read that again, esp when i know i cant do it better? i already know the readers r just gonna skim the chapter if thats the case. ive been a reader, ik what fic fatigue is like — esp with bnha when everythings been rehashed infinity times in infinity different ways.
same thing also applies with even the “metaness” of the fic itself.
i dont want the fic to come off like its talking down to readers, whom i believe alrdy have the instinctual knowledge of what the fic is trying to do. im willing to bet tht the readers have read something similar to this before, like multiverses n time loop n meta stuff, also cosmic horror. i still end up narrating some things even though often i feel im being too explanatory. i jst feel like the readers will know what im talking abt by virtue of their familiarity to the tropes involved.
therefore the least i can do is serve it in an interesting way, aka the fuckass formatting. like although the tropes im doing r done so many times before, at the very least i cld let the readers hopefully have fun by piecing it together puzzle-style with the fragmented formats — so its more of an experience thing rather than jst a lore dump. i dont like lore dumps, they can be condescending.
demonology def doesnt succeed in avoiding that however. in fact its fallen to that exact trap. ch 4 and 6, those r very lore-dumpy. i tried to make it fun w the humor dialogue style but its not perfect. i know tht by ch 8 that tricks alrdy old, and the readers have all the puzzle pieces at this point anyway so itd be even more repetitive than it alrdy is. even so i still feel im being too explanatory esp with the emotional arcs but thats a skill issue on my part
overall i feel demon can be more oblique and “elegant” in its mechanics.
but anyway, it IS crack… it was never meant to promise intelligence, least of all eloquence lmfao. its never meant to be taken seriously.
of course, at this point u can tell that i actually am taking it pretty seriously LOL. i never meant to write meta fiction. i have some gripes w it, namely that i feel meta fiction is used by weaker writers as a storytelling crutch n it can come off as lazy — demon is guilty of this too. but now that i end up writing meta fiction, i might as well fucking commit and try to push it as crazy as i can. if its not gonna be good, at least it can be interesting, or weird.
blah blah im yapping. point is, ik the end product might look very “random” and pastiche as if i was jst doing whatever i wanted … which, true … but it went thru a lot of trials and errors until this final version. you would not believe the amount of time ive rewritten this chapter, due to all those ^ considerations.
however i always knew i was going to start ch8 with the classic mary sue “fanfiction” — that segment was written a long time ago like in 2022/2023?? and mostly stayed unedited since, unlike the rest of the fic which i stripped and repainted and restripped again lol
ok thanks for reading abt my wack anime crack fic writing process that, again, shld not be taken seriously. i will admit however that i do put a lot of effort n heart into it so i cannot pretend i am aloof and disaffected. id be lying if i say its been easy. i consider it a miracle i updated at all. i keep saying its not meant to be taken serious but if i managed to make it even a little bit meaningful, id be very happy.
ah also. bnha ending actually forced me to scrap a lot of things too. but it kinda ends up for the better, maybe.
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intertexts · 4 months
FUUUUCK DUDE. JUST FINISJED THE ARMSMASTER INTERLUDE. OK first of all mannequin is so fucking scary and this is made even worse by the fact that he a) doesn't talk and b) doesn't MAKE ANY SOUNDS AT ALL????? right out of my nightmares I swear. ANYWAY. Colin Thoughts Incoming (I hate him I hate him i hate him I hate him) (<< in denial)
ok first my collection of screenshots.
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I fucking LOVE when a villain/hero "we're not so different you and i" confrontation is written well. holy shit. wake up arm man you fucked up big time!!! now the serial killers want your ass on their team!!! also. the suicidality of it all. i know he said he was doing that to provoke him but. damn colin.
I feel like they're setting up for an armsmaster villain arc and . holy shit???? I was honestly expecting him to go rogue at some point anyway but I thought thay would be as a vigilante and not. FUCKING SLAUGHTERHOUSE NINE. but maybe he won't join them idk. seems like they don't take no for an answer very easily though. THE THING IS I can see him going villain arc considering his personality and arrogance up to this point PLUS his dissatisfaction with the prt as a result of his forced retirement slash house arrest .
BUT. I can't see him doing that without dragon. and I don't think she's exactly... capable? of doing that? bc in her chapter she talked about needing to follow her code and follow certain rules hardwired into her system so idk if she can actually break those???? HOWEVER. IT SEEMS LIKE. SHES GOING TO TELL HIM ABOUT BEING AN AI. which. holy shit. *and* she was thinking about using the prosthetics she used to fix his face on herself????????? dragon building herself a body pog???? maybe she's gonna try to recruit him as a replacement <guy who created her whose name I can't remember rn> and have him mess with her code bc hes a tinker and seems to be familiar with a lot of her systems already. hellyes.
anyway if DRAGON goes villain arc I think we're all majorly fucked because she runs the fucking birdcage. that would be so bad for everyone and everything . good lord. I support women's wrongs though.
GOOD FUCKING CHAPTER. armsmaster is such an interesting character I hate how intrigued i am by him. his and dragons dynamic is so important 2 me I wasn't expecting to like both of them so much.... man.
YEAAAHHHH OH MAN!!!! hehehehe :]]] mannequin is so cool i think.... heart eyes. he's not my favorite of the s9 but he for SURE is one of my favorite capes conceptually i think he's so neat.... thing that isn't even human anymore!!! its such a neat detail that he's absolutely silent i think. so cool...
LOVE THE REST OF THESE ARM MASTER THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!! i will not speak on them but as always. hehehe. i love ur thought processes here im giggling & shit :33ccc u will see!! u will see!! i love dragon though... she & armsmaster genuinely some of my favorite characters in worm they're so fucking good their dynamic is so genuine & delightful... my parents tbh.
ALSO!! as long as youre here. do u have any thoughts on how this arc is going to pan out? who else the s9 r gonna try and recruit/what that would look like/etc etc etc?
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atalana · 2 months
honestly i am not the worlds foremost expert in jailbreaking, so apologies if i made it sound like i was!
what i was getting at mainly is that yeah when i was in middle school about... 15 years ago? you could find resources for jailbreaking (or similar modifications) pretty much anywhere, i did some myself with very little computer knowledge (comparatively), and the stuff i couldn't do i knew several classmates who could do it for me, and it sucks that not only is that knowledge buried much deeper now if it exists at all, but that tech companies have only doubled down on the making it near impossible to install anything on your devices that they didn't want there
(hell even something like making a backup of the files on a phone/tablet has gotten really tricky if you don't understand exactly how it works)
it's also a really wide topic im not sure where to start, bc im not sure what your background is in this already and what you'd want out of it?
but in terms of base terminology, jailbreaking/rooting is gaining full control over your device, being able to install things the manufacturers didn't intend, and uninstalling things they won't let you uninstall otherwise (as a disclaimer, this always comes with a bit of a risk, bc taking full control means you can make your device unusable if you do it wrong, but a lot of resources are designed to minimise that risk)
i'll leave this question open for others with more knowledge to add onto it if they wish, but stuff i can find with a quick search...
r/jailbreak for apple devices seems to be pretty good, they also have a discord server you could ask questions of if the terminology is going way over your head
magisk seems to be the safest way to root android devices these days, and this article covers it pretty in depth in approachable language for newbies
if you just want to roll back app updates you didn't like, i find uptodown pretty decent (this one i have used myself)
as far as computer stuff goes rather than phones/tablets, i would recommend getting a basic familiarity with html (for internet stuff) and what the command prompt is (for software - apparently it's called terminal on apple but i've only used windows), bc it'll make a lot of guides less scary - you don't have to be able to code changes yourself, but if you can look at someone else's code and go oh okay that's what you're doing there, or oh i recognise those terms/symbols, then you'll have a better sense of what to trust or what you're actually doing to your own computer
and yeah no keep asking questions that's a great way to start! the more background knowledge you acquire the easier it gets to start changing things to what you want them to be
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lettucedloophole · 5 months
hi, I'm a trans feminist and I've been saddened by the lack of feminism in many of my communities. I'm wanting to follow more feminists on here but honestly it's a bit terrifying because so many people claiming to be feminists or trans inclusive are not remotely so and will throw you under the bus in the blink of an eye, if not slowly spread insidious essentialist ideas about gender that hurt everyone but especially those like me.
as a former terf (from your bio) I was wondering if you have any signs, green or red flags, for people and bloggers in particular, regarding radical feminism that may indicate some form of more subtle terf-y beliefs so I can keep an eye out from them, as typically I stay far away from terf spaces for the obvious reason that they hate me, but I've noticed there's some mixing in more rad fem spaces that can be very hard to disentangle, but I don't want that to stop me from engaging with feminism for again, obvious reasons.
also if you have any trans feminist or trans friendly feminist bloggers you'd recommend, especially transfeminine ones, that would be really cool too.
ty for your time! have a great day
hi! not gonna lie its difficult out here 😭 you're dead on that most ppl claiming to be trans-inclusive or feminists are not remotely. i follow people and then have to unfollow when they post or like something strange still ...
i would say chiefly, follow your instincts. as a trans person, especially if you're tma, if you're getting bad vibes you are probably correct. if you're not in a space to deal with bigotry then don't worry about giving the benefit of the doubt, avoiding feminism online won't revoke your feminist card but i know looking at feminism online can also be very healing when dealing with misogyny uh Everywhere so i'll give some other tips.
- the classic "look up trans on their blog before you follow." depending on what type of blog they are, it can be kind of suspicious if they never mention trans people. and then you can very easily weed out the obvious transphobes with this too.
- i would say some red flags are using the adjective "natal" (as in natal women), referring to cis women's oppression as sex-based while trans women's as. Not sex-based, and buying into "trans women are male socialized" rhetoric. this may seem kind of obvious but even if a person doing this identifies as a tirf they're revealing a clear lack in understanding of what transmisogyny is and how trans women exist in the world. this is often how people think before fully deradicalizing, but a lot of people also just begin here or never leave this mindset.
- avoid guys who talk about transandrophobia 🥶🥶 this is a specific thing bc speaking about transmasc issues in itself is obvi good and not bad but sooo many transmascs will try to pose their issues in opposition to transfems and try to do a "well but does transmisogyny exist really because i am Also tma" thing. usually these guys are gonna come out with some real fucked up talking points about trans women because they think they're oppressed by them 🙃 the term "transandrophobia" has kinda been overrun with people like that from what ive seen but ppl can use "anti-transmasculinity" and still mean the same things yk. you have to use your judgement a bit but once you're familiar with them it's easy to spot them out
- this is less of a tip and just a heads up but even blogs who themselves r trans inclusive or profess to be, or are run by a trans person, can still rb terf blogs, i probably have sometime as well though i try to avoid it and i'm not saying you have to avoid that but it's just a common thing, so if that bothers you you should look for a page that's more in the trans community or another community
- honestly the radfem tag is a cesspool and even the tirf tag can be Questionable 😔 it's going to behoove you most probably to just look for transfeminist and other sorts of patriarchy-averse individuals lmao. i looked at the transfeminism tag for the first time today (don't know why I hadn't sooner actually) and it's good! there's some stray weird posts but definitely better than the rf tag on here 💀
i would rly just recommend you check out some blogs, follow them if you think they're neat, and unfollow if you want to later on. that's generally what i do and i've followed some cool people on here from it :]
i don't have as many recommendations as i would Like to give but that's not to say there isn't transfeminists out there. they're just in their own circles. don't feel like u need to settle for terfy tirfs or antifeminists because you can find ppl you feel kinship with!!!
- i really like @taliabhattwrites ! she has a substack where she gives good insight on feminist issues, not only transmisogyny but lesbian issues as well. she also writes EPIC fiction about lesbians and trans women 🙏🙏 has taught me a lot over the years
- shey're not active rn, but i've really liked looking through @transmisogyny-explained 's blog. very informative and good to either unpack transmisogyny in yourself or perhaps help others do so.
- @leftismsideblog mostly talks about youthlib, but when she does talk about gender, they r Correct lol
- if u have a twitter, this is a must-- FOLLOW BLOOMFILTERS. they are so incredibly kind and smart and the mixing of that compassion and intelligence in a person is just bound to make Good Takes. she is an icon
i hope this can kinda help you and stay strong out there :')) it's rough but im rooting for u 💪 my asks or messages r always open if you need some help or just someone to talk to. i hope u have an awesome day too!!!
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jefferythejelly · 11 months
If you had to choose, what is your favorite photo of Foolish? (Could be edit if you don’t want to choose photo)
i cannot make a decision to save my life so i am going to pick multiple sorry BUT within these limits: 1) only pictures i already have saved on my phone or laptop 2) one picture per stream/event
edit: the formatting is fucked up and idk why sorry if theyre all like individual and u gotta scroll more bc in post editor theyre next to each other in twos and threes lmao
second edit it’s fine on mobile??? fuckin idk man
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some of these are probably just personal/recency bias (the one thats my pfp deffo is just like. familiarity from seeing it all the time lmao) and i know i'm missing ones i dont have saved so honorary mentions to
those pics where hes on the beach holding the boogie board u know the ones
the entirety of that one karl video where they're in the desert and he's wearing a flannel with like 3 buttons undone (i didn't have a specific screenshot that looked good from it but it is still very much worth mentioning)
the october 2022 name your price, specifically that moment at the very beginning where he winks at the camera (this was before i started obsessively saving pics/taking screenshots so i do not already have it saved but just know it changed my brain chemistry)
every other photo of foolish. they r all my favorite bc he is my favorite. amen
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aropride · 6 months
hello internet strangers want to hear about my personal life as per usual
well as those familiar w my lore know my title ix case (us-specific college thing where, tldr, if u get sexually assaulted u can do a little mini court case thru ur school) is finally fucking over + i won . which is awesome. unfortunately the respondent (title ix word for "person who did the assaulting") got preeeetty much no sanctions at all . like literally nothing changed . the lawyer recommended they be moved to the other dorm hall but they couldnt, so basically they got put on probation and that's it. Lmao. which means my situation is WORSE than before i filed the complaint, bc b4 i filed the complaint they were in the other dorm hall, and then they moved to mine. but i can't do shit about it unless i want to take my school to, like, court.
well anyway the respondent's life changed in no meaningful way Except they moved out of the dorms last month by their own choice. i assumed that meant they were embarassed abt what they did But i guess not. Bc they've been getting really into on campus events and hanging out in the central building that i like to hang out at. and its like. okay. whatever.
but the thing is . theyve been going to a lot of queer-centric events recently . and while im the only person whos filed a complaint or won a case against them. i am not the only victim i know that for a fact and the other victim is also a queer person. So can you see why im worried about someone who managed to sexually assault two queer people within the first week of living on campus like, integrating themself into the community like nothing fucking happened
and theres this school dance coming up in a couple weeks and im worried that will give them an opportunity to like. hurt someone else.
and i want people to KNow what they did because i dont feel safe with them on campus anyway but i especially dont feel safe now theyre talking to people and making friends (especially bc most of their friends r like. friends of friends. like i dont know them but i know of them yk) . i dont know what theyre saying about me (if anything) and i especially dont know if theyve hurt anyone else. and they might have! because they demonstrated a frankly dangerous lack of regard for consent repeatedly Like i think this is a genuinely dangerous person, whether by malice or stupidity or both, and i dont want anyone else to get hurt
BUT THE KICKER IS...! well first of all we're bound by a no-contact order (baby version of a restraining order). you cant be in the same classes and you cant talk to each other (irl, online, or thru a 3rd person) the title ix coordinator has provided jack shit about what a no contact order actually entails btw lol 😒. But if i were to tell someone and they went and told that person, idk if that would be considered 3rd party contact, which would get Me in trouble
i also dont know if it would be considered "breaking confidentiality" if i said their name- again, don't know jack shit, don't have documentation of the actual rules i'm supposed to be following. but i really dont feel like this is a safe situation for this person to be on campus with no one knowing what they did
im also just generally worried about them finding out ive told people and getting mad and going to the coordinator and me getting in trouble when the only reason im even considering this is bc, again, the school didnt do jack shit
and i dont even know How i would tell aynone . like im not rly friends with most of these people . i see them around and some of them i think are cool but theyre not friends or really even aquaintences . so it would be fucking weird .
but i dont know what to do and i dont want anyone else to get hurt . and i know thats not on Me, but. i also dont want to sit back and Know. and not say anytthing
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we-joyless-few · 2 years
Waking Up Again
[tagging @joyful-downer so u can see this!!]
Nick Lightbearer wakes up again, only instead of a pretty bird or his rat manager, it’s someone rather unexpected- someone… dangerous.
basically a Foggy Jack/Nick Lightbearer fic bc there r only TWO on AO3 and i am going insane
fic and warnings under readmore!
sorry it’s not longer ^^” i kinda ran out of steam for this one, but i have more Jack and Nick stuff in the works >:)
things to expect:
-3rd POV
-dark content(WHF-typical)
-nsfw(mostly just suggestive stuff, questionably consensual though)
-alternative ending? i guess?
-hopefully not too OOC
-toxic relationship 🫣(>:3)
-more, probably
really hoping i dont let ppl down with this one [sweats nervously]
Nick awoke with a start… again. His memories came in flashes that caused him to flinch slightly, mostly what happened to Virgil, but also other things done by Foggy Jack. God, why did he have to remember that?
Another thing he recalled was repeatedly waking up beside people who he didn’t remember being with. Honestly, it made him nervous to turn to his right, but his curiosity was eating away at him.
He peeked over to see a blonde-haired figure dressed in all black out of the corner of his eye, which seemed quite familiar… especially as the figure rolled over to face Nick. “Oh fuck,” Lightbearer whispered, scooting backwards until his back hit the juncture between his headboard and the wall.
“Good morning, dear friend,” Foggy Jack responded, his voice coming out soft. He sounded rather tired, but content. “Come back over here, Nick. I won’t bite.”
The musician shook his head fearfully, terrified of the man despite how little of a threat he posed at the moment. “You killed Virgil! Why would I even THINK to get all cozied up to you?!”
Jack chuckled and sat up with a yawn. “I’m not going to kill you if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Nick scoffed. “I know I’ve been a selfish asshole, but I’m not worried about me.” His eyes darted around the room, trying to recall any other ways to abscond with himself besides his secret escape path. “Why do you like me so much anyway?”
“It’s… complicated.” Something in the killer’s tone was off; he sounded almost vulnerable. “I liked you long before I was- was this. Hell, I’d point out how your band was everyone’s favorite in my broadcasts!” He moved closer to Nick, making direct eye contact that left the rockstar feeling uncomfortable but unable to look away. “In reality, you were always my favorite. None of those idiotic, mindless, Joy-addled Wellies could EVER understand how I feel about you.”
The red-clad individual felt guilty for- well, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was similar to the guilt he felt when he let his fans down, and the discomfort that came with pleasing them. Anxiously, he fidgeted with the lacy cuffs on his sleeves and averted his gaze. “I… see.”
“You are my one true love, Nick Lightbearer, and I want you to be mine.” Foggy Jack was just inches away from the other man’s face as he reached up to stroke Nick’s cheek. “I’m your biggest fan- always have been, always will be… Will you please, please give me this chance?”
The guilt was making Nick feel sick to his stomach. “I-“ His voice cracked, so he cleared his throat to try again. “I… guess we can try.” He couldn’t bring himself to sound any cheerier, not even as the other man sounded enthralled.
“Oh, thank you, Nick, truly, thank you!” Jack cheered, immediately wrapping his arms around Nick as he settled himself on top of the other, his head resting on Nick’s torso under his cravat. Not only was he comfortable, but he felt secure in knowing that his object of his affection wouldn’t be going anywhere.
Nick awkwardly placed one of his hands on Jack’s head, running his fingers through his surprisingly-silky hair. The repeat motion of basically petting the other was surprisingly relaxing, and it didn’t take too long for Nick to become more comfortable. His other hand eventually moved to Jack’s back, curiously feeling the soft-yet-sturdy fabric of his well-crafted suit beneath his fingers.
“I think, if we weren’t so famous in our separate mediums, we would have been together sooner,” Jack mused, his eyes closed as he comfortably rested on his beloved.
“Maybe,” Nick quietly replied, nodding a little. “Healthier, too, probably.”
“Hmm, yes, I think so as well.” A soft sigh left Jack’s lips. “But we’re together now, and that is what I believe matters.”
“I- Yeah…” The musician faltered slightly, but Jack didn’t seem to care. “Why do you hurt people?”
“The same reason you did: to get what I want, and reduce my own discomfort.” Jack curled up slightly, as if trying to make himself be as close to Nick in his position as possible. “But you’re doing better now, and, well, I have exactly what I want, so there is no need for me to continue gutting people in the streets, I’d say.”
‘Christ, that’s dark…’ Nick thought, looking at his new partner anxiously. “Y-yep! No need for more killings, I’m right here.” He tried to speak confidently and triumphantly, but in reality he sounded like he was panicking- which he was, but Jack didn’t have to know that.
A smirk pulled at the corners of the killer’s mouth as he heard the fear in Nick’s voice. “What if I did kill again? What would you do then?” he purred, moving further up to rest his head against the left side of his obsession’s chest.
“I-I don’t bloody know!” Nick stammered, his anxiety rising. He felt his cheeks redden from the pleased sound Foggy Jack made at the fearful pounding of his heart. “J-just… don’t kill any more people, please… For me?”
The slightly-shorter man chuckled softly and moved up higher once again, this time being face-to-face with Nick. “I cannot make any promises, my beloved.” Right as Nick was about to protest, Jack took off his mask, leaned in and pressed their mouths together, kissing the rockstar until Nick nearly passed out. “You need to learn to breathe if we’re going to do this.”
Lightbearer coughed and gasped as he desperately tried to reintroduce air into his lungs. “Y-you’re fucking mental,” he wheezed, taking off his own mask to cool down his face. A little sound of surprise left his lips as Jack began kissing his jaw and neck, leaving him an anxious, trembling mess. “J-Jack, you- ghhh-!”
“Hush now, Nicky,” Foggy Jack whispered, pressing more kisses along Nick’s jaw. “Just let me take care of you.” His nimble, skilled fingers drew invisible patterns across Nick’s chest, even tracing his name over his heart a few times. “Don’t be scared… Or, maybe do be afraid. I like seeing you so helpless beneath me.”
Nick whimpered as he lay there. Jack was right: he was helpless, and honestly… it turned him on a little. “L-listen, Jack, I- I’m getting really, uh, tired! Tired, yeah! Um… Maybe we could just… sleep together?” At Jack’s raise of his eyebrow, Nick squeaked and stammered, “N-not in that way! I mean- I mean, uh… You’re the big spoon..?”
A raucous laugh erupted from the propagandist’s chest, making Nick flinch. “Oh, silly boy… I can tell you’re not being fully honest with me, but I cannot pass up on an opportunity to sleep so close to you~” He moved off the other, but kept a close eye on him in case he tried to run.
The rockstar blushed and scooted down on the bed until his head was on the pillows again, rolling onto his side. “Come on, then,” he softly said, inviting Jack to lie down by patting the bed behind him. “Let’s rest.”
And with that, Jack wasted no time in embracing Nick from behind, resting his forehead against Nick’s back. Their height difference would almost be funny to Nick if Jack were anyone else, so instead of a laugh, he let out a sigh and shut his eyes.
“Goodnight, beloved,” Jack whispered, nuzzling his partner gently.
“…Goodnight, Jack,” Nick mumbled in reply, relaxing as best as he could.
End (for now) !!
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epersonae · 1 year
ehehehehe time for fic writer asks! R, Z, AN, AP, BC, BV, and then BW, BX, and BY for carlita <3
Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
fuck titles, all my homies hate titles, etc etc. I don't think I've ever come up with a title first, but I can't say never for sure, so: sometimes during, often after. occasionally it'll be a significant line from the story itself, sometimes it'll be the classic thing of looking for a song lyric (and sometimes that means you are pitching me TMG lyrics), and once I just ended up with the dumbest description and couldn't think of anything else. (Looking thru the first page of my recent works, I swear there's one of every possible methodology, and actually I think Commit to the Bit I had the title either before or very early during the writing!)
Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Carlita help (ie, for the benefit of all the broken hearts) - I say this both as a writer and about the story itself, the whole process has been a kind of extended madness, and also it's just a very odd piece altogether imho.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
we were talking about this on the phone yesterday! there is a scene in the next chapter of for the benefit of all the broken hearts that I would actually make good art. I also think there's some good visuals in the boss battle scene of The Reckoning Arrives that would be fun to have as art. (oooh, or Lucretia sitting at Taako's bedside after?) Oh, and Ed and Stede in the auxiliary closet in nice either way.
What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
I just read the second chapter of Respawn and it's very good. This AU gets something about Stede that I really appreciate, and Izzy's intro is fucking hilarious.
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Is it possible????? that the unnamed wife (aka carlita) of for the benefit of all the broken hearts???? has supplanted my other faves??? Which is tricky because she is more or less an OC, so I don't know if that counts.
Honestly, even though it's been ages, it might still be Lucretia, if only because I am fairly evenly split in my enjoyment of writing both Ed POV and Stede POV.
I don't think? reader reactions comes into it much, except maybe specifically your obsession with Carlita lol.
You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
THIS IS A FASCINATING QUESTION THAT I HAVE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT. (I'm not digging it up now but I wrote a long rumination about that in re that collaborative Choose Your Own Adventure project, and trying to recognize writers I know.) Here's what I would say is particular to my unbetaed work: punctuation pokemon (gotta catch em all!), excessive parentheticals, "and then", and "is verbing". (I cautiously tag @gaypiratebrainrot who is by now exceedingly familiar with all my writing tics)
Thematically? idk. I'm pretty sure it's there, but I often don't notice those things until someone else points them out.
These three were requests about for the benefit of all the broken hearts specifically:
What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
I don't know about the longest, but I'm pretty sure this most recent chapter (13) took the most drafts and the most reworking and rethinking.
There's so much going on, and all of the characters are finally "on deck" as it were, which means there's both a ton of conflicting emotions and motivations to keep track of AND "I am bedeviled by the matter of the pronouns" AND there's important action that takes place entirely off-page, and deliberately so, which meant I was resisting the need to write what that was because it was going to be throwaway writing, but it turns out I had to in order to make it work. The bit where Mary and Ed first meet backstage I probably ended up with four drafts altogether, including once where I threw out a huge chunk and just rewrote from scratch.
(oh plus I had a real life experience that necessitated a handful of little setting tweaks)
All of which is fair, because it's a big turning point and needs to be both surprising AND make sense in context. Which means I also had to go back to earlier points in the story and adjust in order to get some sense of foreshadowing, or at least plausibility. So thank you for pitching me on the idea for what turned out to the most difficult thing I've ever written in my entire goddamn life, I guess.
Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]? 
I had this idea for something where Mary and Carlita would be painting together, maybe in the style of Jackson Pollack? (this may have been based on one of your pitches) And I can see it in my mind's eye but it just didn't work in context at all!
Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
I have two favorites, and one of them is the painting scene that I did write. I love the tension and the physicality of it. The other is in chapter 17, so a few chapters from now (YOU know the one), and I'm not going to spoil it but I like it a LOT.
[fic author asks]
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
How do you imagine Antiaverages dynamic? I personally thing of them as cringefail x cringefail
ohhh this brings me joy i do love cringefail x cringefail
thats kinda how i would describe my "fanon" version! but not in a fluff way. my egos r very distanced from canon bc they existed in my head a Long time before current canon, but basically after chase's suicide attempt he moved in with anti, because he felt that anti understood him. they arent endgame or anything in my headcanons, just definitely were more than platonic at a certain point. anti has a nasty habit of getting with someone less out of love and more out of the fact that they can messily shove each other into a hole in their hearts or lives to try to fill that space. he did it with henrik and he did it with chase. chase was easy to hurt and to manipulate, and was a pushover for praise and attention. anti was a kind of cruel that chase actually found somewhat familiar/comforting, and was willing to spoil chase and provide whatever material needs he had. they both enabled each others substance problems and lack of self control/care.
basically cringefail4cringefail but one of them is a controlling murderous junkie and the other is just his depressed boytoy who doesnt know whats goin on much <3
i do like a lot of stuff outside of my oddly specific hcs tho! i really like the idea of antiaverage in the context of actual current canon, anti tearing chases life apart and then taking him out of iris all for himself.
i personally stick with more fucked up dynamic between the two, but i am not opposed to soft stuff :3! just prefer things where anti is a horrible awful person using chase as a plaything or being obsessed/fascinated with him. i think they have enough similarities - re: their relationship with self-destruction - to latch onto each other in an Inchresting way !! or having it one-sided too... heheheh
i pretty much like anything w them tbh but yeah those r my thoughts :3
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