#because it brings me so much immense joy
seth-shitposts · 11 months
*takes a deep breath*
Kallus views Hera as a younger sister and treats her as such.
Of course still upholds immense respect for her and has deep faith in her capabilities, but when she tries to do her "I'm adopting you as one of my children" moves,
Kallus performs an uno reverse by looking after her and aiding her here and there, continously checking in to make sure she's taking care of herself while she's busy taking care of others
and while doing this, he is very self aware of making sure he is also taking care of himself so she doesn't try and do it for him because she's always so focused on taking care of others already and Kanan tends to be the only other one to mutually make sure she's doing well.
Kallus is willing to do anything for Hera, sometimes to the point where even he doesn't know where his limits would be, if there are any.
Kallus is an attentive older brother type, the kind who uplifts you and remembers every little habit and makes sure you're not just physically doing well but also mentally/emotionally. And just as much as Kallus sees Hera as a younger sister, she sees him as an older brother (which brings about its own wave of emotions in her).
Kallus being the responsible type has eased Hera into an area of herself that she doesn't get to really explore. Hasn't had the chance to. Which is being the younger sister and testing boundaries.
And even though he worries when she acts rashly, he still supports her and makes sure that if she does slip, he or some else of the ghost crew will be there.
Also adding on to her exploring being her age thing/exploring not being the responsible one. Hera does that younger sibling thing where they drag the older siblings around and into chaos because "you need to loosen up, be dangerous sometimes. It's healthy to cause some chaos" and Kallus is both concerned and fond of the fact that Chopper is unquestionably her droid.
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
OC Interview: Valerie Hye-jin Li (aka Grandpa V)
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Tagged by: @jackiemychoom @therealnightcity & @tarmac-rat! Thanks so much for thinking of me! 🧡
NGL these are some unusual (and not the most serious) interview questions. So, I was trying to think of a scenario in which V would actually answer these questions. (Because mind you, she normally wouldn't and especially not for a total stranger.) Luckily, I know just the reporter… I may have gone a little overboard with this, but I think I just needed something light and fluffy in between all the angst and carnage that I’m currently writing.
The TLDR version is all the way at the bottom under the cut, so if you’d prefer not to read all of this and just want the quick and dirty on the questions. There you are.
This one's kind of old, so I think a lot of folks have been tagged already, but tagging (and as per usual, no pressure): @shimmer-like-agirl @baublekute @vox-monstera @nncc77 @merge-conflict @fly-amanitaa @dani-the-goblin @sp4cedr4g0n
(And no it doesn't have to be a Cyberpunk OC, but if you tag me I'll pop over and read your interview!)
Auntie V by Monique Kutcher
[The scene opens at Red Peaks Trailer Park. Moving closer we get an exterior view of the Kutcher residence before transitioning to the common area inside. Late morning light filters in from the windows. A tired, very bedraggled looking V is sitting in the corner of the booth. She has bedhead, is wearing an oversized t-shirt, lounge shorts, and is nursing her coffee. She takes a sip. Turning toward the hallway we see Monique appear. There is a sparkly unicorn on her pink shirt. She has a fistful of crayons in one hand and a screamsheet along with several blank pieces of paper in the other.]
Monique: (staring awkwardly) Auntie V, are you busy?
V: (fidgeting in her seat. uncomfortable) Um… Not really. Why?
Monique: Can I ask you some questions?
V: (hesitant) What kind of questions?
[Monique moves to sit next to V. Setting down her crayons and paper on the table, Monique shows V the screamsheet she was carrying. It’s an interview article on US Cracks and Kerry Eurodyne from some teen magazine.]
Monique: These. I’m practicing being a media reporter.
V: (blinking in surprise) Uh... Sure? I guess.
Monique: Yay! Okay, first question. What’s your name? Oh, I already know this one.
[Picking up a purple crayon, Monique writes the letter V on one of the blank pieces of paper. It takes up most of the page. After jotting that down she squints at the magazine. Concentrating.]
Monique: How tall are you?
V: 5’ 3”.
[Switching to a green crayon, Monique writes the number 53 on the page. She squints some more at the magazine.]
Monique: (trying to sound out the word she’s reading) Ge– What does that word say?
V: Gender? Female. I’d say I’m a girl.
Monique: But you don’t like the color pink?
V: Not really. Not all girls like pink.
Monique: (nodding sagely) But you do like purple. That’s my favorite color.
V: Yeah. I do like purple.
[Monique writes the word girl in yellow crayon before trying to read the next question off the magazine.]
Monique: Um… What’s that word?
V: Orientation. I’m bisexual.
Monique: What does that mean?
V: I like girls and boys.
Monique: I do to. Though sometimes Dorian and Alex are mean to me when we’re playing.
V: That’s not… Nevermind. (muttering) I'll leave that one to your Mom and Uncle. 
[V picks up the purple and pink crayon and draws a little bisexual pride flag on the corner of Monique’s notes. The colors aren’t quite right.]
V: …What’s your next question? Nationality/Ethnicity? Born and raised in Night City, but I’m half Korean, quarter Chinese, and a quarter Danish.
Monique: (confused) Danish? Like the cake?
V: No, like Denmark. The country… Cake? You mean the pastry with the filling in it?
Monique: Yeah! Mom always has one when she brings us donuts. The cherry ones are her favorite. Where’s Denmark?
V: Pretty far away.
Monique: Mm, okay. 
[V watches as Monique attempts to draw a pastry on her notes. Cherry filling, of course.]
Monique: Next question… Star sign!
V: Uh… Libra. I think?
Monique: What’s that mean?
V: (shrugging) No idea.
Monique: (shrugs back) Okay.
[Zooming in on we see Monique draw a star and write the word ‘Lebra’. The ‘L’ is written backwards.)
Monique: Favorite fruit?
V: Pomegranate. 
Monique: I don’t think I’ve ever eaten one of those.
V: Kind of a weird fruit. I’ve only eaten it twice. I like that they’re crunchy, the fruit’s around all the little seeds. They’re a pain in the ass to eat though.
[Monique looks at V.]
V: How about I draw it, since you’ve never eaten one and then you can ask me the next question.
[Monique nods. V picks up the red crayon and starts doodling. It’s a piss poor rendition.]
Monique: Favorite season?
V: In NC, winter. It’s not as hot as it usually is.
[Monique draws a snowflake. She's probably never seen snow. But neither has V.]
Monique: Favorite flower?!
V: Mmm… Cactus flowers.
Monique: The big ones or the little ones?
V: Uh, the small ones. With all the round… leaves? Is that what they are?
Monique: Prickly pears!? I like those ones too! The pink ones are my favorite. There’s some over by Auntie Lora’s trailer. Dorian’s always looking for bugs in them. Bleh!
[Monique draws something resembling a cactus covered in pink and yellow flowers. V is still working on her poorly drawn pomegranate.]
Monique: Favorite smell?
V: Real leather and ginger.
[V puts her crayon down. Done with her pomegranate blob.]
Monique: What do those smell like?
V: Ginger’s like a spice? A root. Has a fresh smell, kinda sharp. Leather smells like… (picking up her coffee and taking a sip to hide the blush on her face) Smells like your Uncle…
Monique: Uncle River does smell nice. But sometimes he gets stinky when he’s been outside working too long. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?!
V: Coffee, then tea. Don’t really like hot chocolate. Especially the synth-stuff. Has a weird aftertaste.
Monique: I love hot chocolate! Mom let me try some of her coffee once. I didn’t like it.
V: Maybe when you’re older.
Monique: Nah. 
[Monique kicking her feet and reading the next question.]
Monique: Hmm, how much do you sleep?
V: 5 to 6 hours. Usually. On a good day.
[V takes a sip of her coffee.]
Monique: Mom says Dorian and I need 10 hours of sleep every night. She makes us go to bed early. She tells Randy to go to bed too, but he usually doesn't listen. (still kicking her feet) I wish I got to stay up late. You and Uncle River get to stay up late. I heard you both last night when I went to the bathroom.
[V spits her coffee back into her mug, face turning bright red.]
Monique: You okay? Why’d you spit out your coffee?
V: (flustered) No reason.
Monique: (puts her arms up in the air and shakes them around) Was it because you and Uncle River were wiggling last night? Mom says because your his girlfriend you both need alone time. She told me and Dorian not to knock when you’re visiting and the door to Uncle River’s room is closed. Mom also said he should think about getting his own trailer. (thoughtful) I don’t think I’d like that though, because then I’d have to walk out of the trailer for Uncle River to make me breakfast in the morning. Mom always burns the toast. 
[V now looks like a tomato and avoids making eye contact with Monique, instead giving her coffee mug a pinched expression. Unfazed, Monique moves on to the next question.]
Monique: Which is your favorite, cats or dogs?
V: (clearing her throat) Cats. Have a cat named Nibbles.
Monique: Oh, can I meet your cat?!
V: Sure.
Monique: What color is your cat?
V: (still looking uncomfortably hot, albeit less red in the face, also looking very sadly at the backwash in her coffee) Hmm, pink. Ish. He doesn’t have any fur.
[Monique draws a pink cat and reads the next question off the screamsheet.]
Monique: Where would you like to go on a trip?
V: (looks out the window for a long moment) Some place without buildings. Less people.
Monique: The Badlands?
V: I was thinking further away.
Monique: Denmark?
V: Mm, maybe. I think they might even have trees there.
[Monique draws a tree on her notes before trying to read the next question.]
Monique: Favorite – Um…
V: Fictional character. Don’t have one.
Monique: Number of blankies you sleep with?
V: 2-3. I get cold when I sleep.
Monique: And the last one! A fun fact?
V: (thinking) Used to play the clarinet.
Thanks for reading that if you did lol! TLDR version and/or if you need the questions!
OC Interview Questions
Nickname: V’s fine.
Height: 5’ 3”
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Bi.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Half Korean, quarter Chinese, and a quarter Danish. Born and raised in Night City.
Star Sign:  Libra.
Fave Fruit: Pomegranate.
Fave Season: Winter.
Fave Flower: Prickly pear cactus.
Fave Scent: Real genuine leather and ginger.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee or tea. 
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 to 6, usually. 12 to 14 if other people are having a worse day than I am.
Dog or Cat Person: Cats. Though my cat acts like a dog half the time.  
Dream Trip: Don’t know. Some place without buildings or people.
Fave fictional character: Don’t have one.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 2 or 3, I get cold when I sleep.
A Fun Fact: Used to play the clarinet.
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Not enough people keep/pay attention to pond snails in their aquarium, did yall know these motherfuckers will somehow do the opposite of parasnailing and just RISE from the floor/plants in the tank to eat off the surface like bruh
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myrtiniart · 6 months
It physically pains me when I have to do almost anything else other than drawing my blorbos
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yourmoonie · 2 months
Let's talk about manifestation. And what it means to "feel it real"
When I go into my imagination and feel my desires as if they've already come true, I often find I don't need them to "manifest" in the 3D, because I already know that they are mine.
A simple example of this would be:
• I was told I’d be paid to do a specific project for someone. Even though the money isn't in my account yet, it doesn't affect my behavior in the physical world. I’m in this “state of mind” where I already feel successful, and I walk around with that excitement and confidence.
• For example, after hearing about the project, I start to carry myself differently. I feel more confident, motivated, and at ease. I even treat myself to a celebration, knowing that the payment is on its way. I network more, share my ideas freely, and take on new challenges with enthusiasm because, in my mind, I am already successful. The anticipation and joy of receiving the payment fuel my actions and interactions.
• Soon enough, the payment comes through, but the transformation in my mindset has already made a significant impact. It teaches me that feeling successful and fulfilled in my imagination can change my reality, leading to real-world success and opportunities.
Sometimes, the satisfaction and fulfillment I experience in my imagination are so real that I no longer crave their physical manifestation (even though I know it will eventually happen).
As I like to say "The times will pass anyway, so I don't have anything to lose"
If I can experience anything and everything right now at this specific moment, then why worry? Yeah that's right! It's like I can achieve and feel everything I want within my mind, and this brings me immense peace and contentment.
The time is NOW, this MOMENT
Back then, I used to make the mistake of holding back from feeling my wishes were fulfilled until they actually happened because I was scared of being disappointed. Even though I knew I couldn’t really fail, the fear of letdown was stronger. Over time, I learned that everything starts in our imagination and then becomes real.
1) "You become rich in your mind/imagination, then in your physical reality"
2) "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand" - Bob Proctor
Imagination is the real deal.
And imagination doesn't mean vivid visualization.
In this case:
Imagination ≠ visualization
Imagination = inner knowing
Now, I let myself fully enjoy the feeling of my desires in my imagination, and the physical world just follows along.
Just a silly example from my early days of my loass journey: I once visualized having a perfect day with friends, picturing every laugh and moment of joy. The happiness I felt in my imagination was so real that I didn't feel the need to make it happen in reality. Eventually, a day like that did occur, but the joy I experienced in my imagination was just as fulfilling.
feeling ≠ emotion
There is so so much I would like to share but as for this post that is all ✨️
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froody · 1 year
please help my scruggly cat
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Tommy, Tumblr micro-celebrity famous for featuring/being the muse for hit posts such as ‘father is…evil?’ and ‘my cat can tell when I’m sad and instinctively bites my toes’ and ‘frustrating each other is our love language’ needs a little financial support. Please consider donating to my ko-fi or buying something from my teespring store.
Tommy was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year under dramatic circumstances that involved a week long intensive care vet stay. She has stomatitis (an inflammation of the gums and mucus membranes) that she was on steroids for and the steroids may have damaged her pancreas. Since her diagnosis we’ve had a hard time controlling her blood sugar. Her insulin dose goes up and up. The vet thinks she has a good chance of stabilizing, that diabetic cats can and do live long, healthy and happy lives. She’s only 5. Her 6th birthday is later this month. She’s fighting. She wants to live.
Each insulin vial costs $160. Her prescription cat food is $35 for a 4 pound bag. She’s also on gabapentin for her pain and neuropathy and she’ll probably need another course of antibiotics. She currently goes to the vet every two weeks and the cost of that varies immensely. Basically, she’s a much more expensive cat than she was before and the cost of living for me has risen as well. It’s not an immediate emergency but we need funds. I’m disabled, I have an autoimmune disease that attacks my colon, I have a hard time working outside of the home or even at all because my health fluctuates and my energy levels are low. I’m trying so desperately to get better but for now I’m living in my mom’s house and sponging off my loved ones and tapping into my meager savings.
I know what you’re thinking, the thing people always comment on donation posts about pets, “if you can’t afford to care for your cat, why do you still have your cat?” and as biting as that question is, I know it’s a valid one and I’ve thought about it myself. I still have her because I need her and she needs me. She’s like my soulmate animal. We met when I was 16 and she was about 4 weeks old. There was no way I could have known we’d both be struggling sick moneypits in 5 years. I’m trying to give her the best life I can and she’s trying to give me her best self. I’m her person. I’m home 24/7 so we’re so used to having each other. She brings me immense joy and I know she’s brought a lot of other people joy. If you’re one of those people, please consider giving a couple of dollars. If you can’t afford to, that’s fine. Thank you for reading anyway.
TL;DR: cat sick. I’m sick. please help.
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Hello! I just found your blog a couple days ago and I love your stuff!! I like that you mark everything as either being romantic or platonic (as an aromantic, I would like to say you are a saint for doing that) , and all the little pictures and memes bring me immense joy
I was wondering if you could do a platonic alastor x reader where reader makes/made a deal with Alastor. Like full on, sold-their-soul-to-him, no-takesies-backsies kind of a deal.
And like, maybe Alastor doesn't care about them that much at first, but they slowly grow on him? And reader doesn't like alastor that much either, but they have the same dark, chaotic energy and they just sorta click eventually. (and maybe some Rosie in there too??)
Omg you're so sweet for this 😭 Some of the platonic ones are my FAVE! Plus, I get that not everyone is looking for romance 🤧
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
Plus a little Rosie X Reader
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TW: Cartoonish antics, little bit of violence, Alastor being Alastor, Reader lost their soul
Description: ☝️⬆️
You didn't think Alastor was serious when he said he wanted your soul, who tf does that??
Alastor, that's who, you dummy
To be fair, you totally thought you were going to win but imagine your shock when chains suddenly appeared on you like a leash
Bullshit bullshit bullshit
He has you working at the hotel with Husk and Niffty but you go out of your way to mess things up for him
If you're gonna be his pet then you're going to be a nightmare pet
Maybe he'll decide you're not worth the trouble and give your soul up?? That's a thing that happens right?
So you do little things to fuck with Alastor, big enough to annoy him but subtle enough to be an accident
He wants you to make him tea? Oops!! You've poured salt instead of sugar and now he's choking down salty tea because he's too proud to admit you pulled one over on him
Not him giving you a death glare from over his cup
"How is it~?"
He wants you to wash the dishes? Fine but you're going to drop and break his favorite mug and every replacement he gets
You're so clumsy
You have to carry his bags?? Fine then-
No, you know what? Niffty can carry the bags she's much more strong and sturdy than she looks
You're no fun
The point is, if Alastor is going to make your life miserable because he owns your soul, you're going to give it right back
You don't even make the punishments fun for him
He doesn't stop seeing you as his worst deal until your both suddenly faced against the same foe
Some idiot Vox hired to pick a fight with Alastor and for some reason Alastor picked you to handle it
Watching you play with your prey reminded Alastor of himself, giving him a few good chuckles
By the time you were done, your opponent had practically pissed themselves to death, terrified by your maniacal nature
After the fight while you're being patched up, you and Alastor share a few laughs as you retell what happened
And then you two laugh about Vox
And then you two laugh about how your opponent died
Nobody else is laughing you sick fucks
There's a change in your dynamic after that day, the two of you becoming partners in crime
Those pranks and punishments you two used to use on each other? Now you're combining forces to use them on everyone else
Everyone thought things would be better once you two put aside your differences
But this is so much worse
They find excuses to just send you two out of the hotel so they can have some peace and quiet
You just feed off each other's worst energies and keep making each other worse
The only mitigating force for you two is Rosie, she's the only one who can get you two to slow it down
"Alright! Hold it!"
Not the two of you being scolded by her, looking like two little kicked puppies because Rosie won't let you two blow up a shop
But the owner is so sleazy!!!
No, you two can't pretend to be repairmen so you can break into people's homes and destroy their tvs
She won't even let you write fake fan mail to Vox, slowly gaining his trust as his number one fan only to shatter his heart in some devastating and public way
Wtf is wrong with you two
She just knows how best to handle the two of you and doesn't really mind how twisted the two of you get to be
She finds it adorable
You are besties by that point, an unstoppable force that wreaks havoc on anything in your path
Oh and sweet Rosie is there too
Holding the leashes for you two
You almost forget he owns your soul and so does he most days, the two of you seeing each other more and more as equals
Or at the very least, friends 🧡
Maybe you've earned your soul back
Nah, keep it
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This was so fun! I really hope you liked it!
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hoseoksluna · 5 months
— WIP 𐙚 pt III of vapor
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pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x steam!oc
about: the forbidden uncoils—along with your orgasm.
word count: 0.694
note: because i'm feeling IMMENSELY happy today bc of namjoon and bc this very work right here, i decided to express my joy by posting a little wip from the third part of vapor for you that's coming this weekend. *screams loudly* I'M SO EXCITED, OH MY GOOOOOOD. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT; LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. <3
warnings: mentions of punishment, oral sex (f. receiving), jungkook is needy but such a dominant daddy fuck my life
“Spank me.” 
Lust and love. A peculiar concoction of it that doesn’t exist in the realm of words. He feels it, feels it with every breath he takes. 
“I should, right?” he rasps, dragging his fingernails down your carmine bum, sneaking his fingers around the squishy bottom of the flesh. He might drench his joggers—he didn’t wear his boxers to sleep; you’re wearing them for him. “For wanting to bite my nose off.” He clicks his tongue, squeezing, other hand wraps around your waist, holding you still. “I should spank you until it hurts. Until you cry.” 
The most gentle of a moan spouts out of your mouth and he twitches, his need growing—all because you want it as much as he does.
Jungkook lifts his hand in a promise he’s about to do it and you shiver in anticipation. 
“Please,” is all you say, but he’s not going to give it to you. He places his hand back in a soft manner, lifting it again to tease you and you wiggle your butt, his boxers still tucked halfway in between, the flesh rippling and he groans. A sight to die for. “I deserve it. Please, do it. I want it.” 
He sighs, a wet spot forming in the place of the joggers where his tip is, and he can’t see anything. Can’t see shit when he lifts you up and takes you inside. Can’t see anything but you and the surface of his kitchen island, which he sets you down on, spreading your legs. 
Confused by the swift motion, you rise to your elbows, but he pushes you right back down—holding your hips in the air, just like he did last night. You will see what he’s about to do to you, nonetheless. No need for you to strain your arms. 
And when he closes his mouth over your clothed pussy, you roll your eyes back, moaning his name so loudly that it echoes throughout the kitchen, rooting around his dripping length. And his arousal for you is so overwhelming, so sensitive that one thrust of his hips against the fabric of his joggers brings him such pleasure coursing through his body that he might as well come like this. 
Jungkook rids you of his boxers in a blink of an eye, throwing them somewhere out of his sight. No need for them, either. 
Burying his nose in your clit as he licks your slit and plunges his tongue inside, he narrows his eyes at you as yet another wave of pleasure comes down upon him. This time from having you for breakfast, at last. You mewl so sweetly that it drives him to thrust his hips again and he groans, groans so deeply for you. Needs you to know what you’re doing to him. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me one day,” he breathes out, lightly dragging the tip of his tongue across your clit before he swallows, hissing at the delight of your taste. You moan, trembling, barely able to take it. Fuck one day, he’s about to die now. “And you’re gonna make me come in my pants like a fucking boy. Is that what you want?” 
Jungkook flicks your bud, fleetingly, just to make your sounds shudder in the sudden intensity. You clench your small fists in the air, your tremor so terribly visible and rigorous, and with your breath hitching in your throat, he sucks that delicious part of you into his mouth. 
You stammer, badly enough that he begins to feel a sliver of pity for you, not enough for him to stop. He’s ravaging your little princess parts so hard that it takes a few tries for you to get the words out in a steady flow and he doesn’t help you. Doesn’t ease up for you, at all. Flicking, sucking, licking you up all over, rolling his tongue—he simply doesn’t stop, does it so fast that you lose yourself in it, submitting to it with all your being. 
And along with your submission come out your words. 
In perfect fashion.
“No, I want to suck you off.” 
And along with those your orgasm, too.
© 2024 hoseoksluna, all rights reserved.
WIP masterlist
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
Is it cool if I request Hoshina Soshiro x Fem reader but Hoshina saw the reader drawing him on her sketch book a place can be anywhere.
Ok bye!
a/n: what a cute little request! Thank you so much for submitting something ^^
pairing: Hoshina x fem!Reader
summary: reader draws her vice captain as a cat (=^・ェ・^=)
genre: fluff/romance/comedy [wc: 1.1k ]
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Vice Catnip Hoshina | Hoshina Soshiro
It was one of those days again, where peace and quiet consumed Tachikawa Base. Most of today's schedule consisted of training sessions and important battle discussions– two activities that did not demand your presence as Operations Sub Leader. Your workload consisted of finding new information on the Kaiju and Improving the suit's functions.
Therefore you sat in the cramped space of your office, mind trapped in a cloud of concentration. You normally felt nothing but joy when pursuing your job. Every little achievement, be it fixing a small issue or handing in a report, made the pride in your heart grow. But today that energy had left you.
You felt little to no joy nor motivation, the mere thought of picking up the next file caused you immense stress. All you wished for was to lie down on your bed and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. But your next break was hours away and the way things were looking right now, with the huge pile of papers that sat in front of you, you wouldn't be out of her before midnight.
“Ugh..if only I wasn't alone.” You sighed, hands reaching for your mechanical pencil. While thinking about what piece of work to tackle next, you dragged your pencil over a ripped piece of paper, scribbling whatever came to mind. You found out that this was quite therapeutic and helped you blow off some steam sometimes.
As you looked down to see what you created, you were met with an abstract doodle of a cat.
You smiled.
The cat was holding a fish in her hand and her mouth sat wide open to devour it. Your eyes moved across the drawn lines, with nothing in mind at first, until you realized that its teeth looked awfully familiar. Two sharp fangs, where have you seen those before..?
Almost immediately an image popped into your head, the very face of your beloved Vice Captain. It was quite absurd, comparing Hoshina to a cat, yet the more you thought about it the more the resemblance struck you– until you were fully convinced that the Vice Captain looked just like a cat.
In any normal situation you would have allowed yourself a quick laugh and move on with your duties but for some reason imagining Hoshina as a cat was quite hilarious, thus you entertained yourself further with the thought.
“The Vice Captain as a cat..what would he look like exactly?” Your hands reached for your pencil case where they pulled out an eraser. Now fully equipped you felt ready to bring your imagination to life. You scribbled and drew and erased, trying to create a perfect reflection of your mind. Twenty minutes went by without you realizing, this new activity having you in quite a hold. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even hear the door opening.
As you drew the final line a hum of satisfaction escaped your lips. Your gaze admired the art you had put on your notebook, pride shining in your eyes.
“Is that supposed to be me?”
You froze.
The pencil you were holding on so tightly only seconds ago fell out of your hands, connecting with the cold floor and the blood in your body turned to ice as you finally perceived the new presence behind you. Slowly turning your body around, you were met with the curious face of your Vice Captain.
“No.” Was the only response you found yourself being able to come up with.
“But it says Vice Catnip at the bottom, slightly inappropriate if I might add but I'll let it slide because it's a good drawing.”
Ten minutes ago you were giggling and laughing at the slightly inappropriate pun you came up with. You spend a good amount of time thinking of cat related words that would either match Vice or Captain– Vice Cat-tain would have almost made it on the paper but the pronunciation felt off.
If only you would have gone with that one.
You sat there in silence, neither of you saying anything. Hoshina patiently waited for you to explain yourself but the only thing you wished to do was take the paper and rip it into thousand little pieces.
“It's you..” You finally managed to admit. You mentally prepared yourself to get the scolding of your life. Hoshina was not the type of guy who took any type of mockery lightly but instead of teasing words, you were graced with a heartfelt laugh. The man reached his hand out to grab the paper and give it a more thorough examination.
“Please don't look at it!” Your protest fell on deaf ears as the Vice Captain dragged his eyes over every line, carefully analyzing your art work. You were no match for him either. Desperately you tried to snatch the paper out of his grip but every time you lifted your hands, Hoshina pulled away at the last second. After two minutes you simply gave up and accepted your fate.
“I'm not mad if that's what ya thinkin.” He suddenly said, returning the art piece.
“You are not..?” Your hands reached out to receive it.
“It's quite cute. Me as a cat, never imagine that.” His little laugh slightly eased the tension in the air, allowing you to relax. Placing the drawing down, you started to explain to the Vice Captain how you ended up in this situation, so that he wouldn't get the wrong idea. To your surprise, he showed quite a lot of consideration and even admitted that he liked it when his colleagues joked around like that with him.
You laughed and chatted for a little longer, until all humiliation was forgotten.
“Ya figured what cat I would be?” Hoshina suddenly asked, catching you off guard.
“Hm..let me think. Probably the type that meows really loud for no reason.”
The look Hoshina gave you was priceless. “I meant..the breed.”
What is wrong with me??
Hoshina broke out into another fit of laughter while you were trying your best not to drown in a sea of shame. This was your first time interacting with the Vice Captain in such casual way. Although you have done nothing but humiliate yourself so far, this was rather nice. It was a good distraction from work and definitely worked better than random scribbles.
“Come again?"
“Looking at someone's drawing without their permission is quite rude, so it's only fair..” Your voice became a mere whisper at the end, yet Hoshina still heard everything clearly.
“Only fair, huh?” A long sigh escaped his lips as he cleared his throat.
Is he actually going to..
You gasped.
The look on the Vice Captains face was picture worthy. To think that he'd actually comply and meow for you, it made your heart jump.
“Vice Captain..” Kafka stood at the door, accompanied by Reno and Shinomiya. They had come by to ask Hoshina something important but were instead met with something horrifying.
“..Did you just..meow?”
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
For Venus Day I wanted to do something special. My favorite girlies are the choices for this reading. Pick which one resonates with you the most, and take a look at each pile ! Have fun!
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PILE 1 - AALIYAH - 'The Loveable Child, Aura As Magical As The Clouds.'
You're aura has a mystical charm. Deep inside the inner self is a magical energy that puts people in awe. Your gentleness captivates people and your ability to see the beauty in all that is around you is what makes you much more magical. Your sensual energy is capable of proving a point, being a star is your mission if you have this placement. Because your divine essence is what attracts others to you and others are willing to help you in your mission, desires, dreams, goals, etc.
Message: Be quiet. Not everyone needs to know your mind. Be yourself but be quiet about the things you know. Take it easy, not everyone can be as high in the clouds as you. Heaven's Child.
Numbers & Colors : 333, 555, 777, 111, Pink, Yellow, Green Lavender
Animals : Skunks & Deers (Bambi)
Themes : Loveable, Kind, Sweetness, Adorable
PILE 2 - SELENA - 'A Dream Come True'
Whew. This one is magnetic and its BIG. Big in a way that you can feel it however you're not sure what it is. Your sensual grace forms a lesion of people to honor you no matter how you look. Your charm is essential to awakening the divine feminine in you and others. You have gifts in singing if you've pick this one, as your singing qualities is like a bee being attracted to honey, its calming, tasteful and filled with valuable energy.
Message: You are captivating, never allow jealous or envious beings bring you back to a place that kept you in depression. Leave now. Don't allow them to sink this ship, God sent you to them to heal.
Numbers & Colors : Rainbow , Green, Blue, Orange,
Animals : Gazelles, Lions, Cheetahs, Hamsters & Guinea Pigs
Themes: Bravery, Resilience, Determination, Power
PILE 3 - SALMA HAYEK - 'Witch; Powerful and Formidable Aura'
A Goddess. It is she who walks the darkest roads that comes out on top and flows like no other. Your charm and power holds so much weight. People stop and stare at you from a far. In a daze, no man or woman can stop looking at your psychique and the power you hold can make anyone be hypnotized by your spark. You have a gift in setting the room on fire, holding up the magic in the room and making it fold to your bidding. Powerful qualities in sensual abilities and manifestation abilities are stronger with this group. You have the gift of getting your desires through the power of your charm and ability to be seen in your raw nakedness, take that as you will.
Your flow intimidates people, but your charm is what keeps them running back ;)
Message: Know when to be seen or be heard. Appreciate the joy in being a 'bitch'. Allowing others in just because you said so. Boundaries are not a kept secret, tell them off. Let them know it.
Numbers & Colors : Pink, Red, Magenta & Purple, 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 111
Animals : Serpents & Octopus
Themes: Being who you are, Lilith, Oceans are connected to this group.
PILE 4 - BEYONCE - 'Look at me now'
This group is undergoing a big transformation! If not now it's on the way. No enemy shall prosper with this group. Now back to the reading, you guys have an immense power that is connected to a faerie like charm. Very pretty and magical. If you picked this group you may have a venusian energy that connects to a Goddess (this is for you to go within and seek). A high priestess energy from this group and a aura that is valuable no man and woman shouldn't dare come to you without a gift or even an honorable mention. Do what you will with that.
Message: Learn to appreciate the world as is, its just a minor reflection of whats inside of you. Speak highly to others as well as yourself. Be kind to you and to others and watch mountains open for you.
Numbers & Colors: Yellow & Pink, 3333, 444, 888, 1111
Themes: Goddess, Queenlike, Ochun, Pyramids, The world revolves around you, make it happen.
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coralinnii · 11 months
Congratulations for 2.7k followers!!! For my request, I would like if you could write some sibling scenarios for the octatrio with a younger sibling who absolutely adores and looks up to them. They manage to visit NRC for some kind of event and the younger sibling just follows them around like a little puppy. Copying some of their mannerisms since they want to be just like their cool older brother. I just want to see some silly and fluffy platonic family moments with them, please. 〔´∇`〕
❋ Big Brother! ❋
↳ Younger sibling!reader visiting him (+ extra Leech brothers birthday special)
feat: Azul ⭑ Floyd ⭑ Jade
genre: platonic fluff, humour
note: no pronouns used with the reader, younger sibling!reader but age is unspecified, established filial relationships, reader is heavily implied to be merfolk, nicknames are used (little octopus, little one, little eel, kiddo)
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Since Azul’s mother divorced fairly early in Azul’s life, I would imagine that you would be Azul’s half-sibling born from his mother and stepfather. That doesn’t mean that Azul loves you any less.
He worked hard not only for himself, but for his younger sibling. Azul wanted to be someone who you can look up to. Someone strong, smart, successful, and most of all, admirable.
And he did a great job, because you can’t imagine anyone more amazing than your big brother Zuzu.
You managed to convince your parents to let you join their visit to NRC during their VDC festival. Even if Azul wasn’t involved with the competition itself, you always wanted to visit your big brother’s restaurant.
Imagine the merman’s surprise when he felt a pair of small hands pull on the edges of his coat. Your bright smile was brimming with joy seeing your brother get frazzled over your visit.
As much Azul wanted to entertain you, this time of year was an opportune time for business. He offered to let you stay in his big comfy office until he could find time for you.
However you refused, choosing to follow him around. Something you learned from Azul was unrelenting stubbornness, after all. You were content with grabbing hold of Azul's large coat as he walked suspiciously slower than usual. Another thing you learned from your dear brother? An itching desire for a good deal.
Your lovable charm was a hit with the customers who watched as you waddled after Azul, not quite used to feet yet. Nearby customers held in squeals as you wrapped yourself in your brother’s coat, watching Azul and mimicking the smiles and hand gestures that your brother was fond of, even pushing up the glasses you begged your parents to buy you, regardless if you needed them or not.
Enchanted, some of the customers requested a commemorative picture with you, which is where you took Azul’s skills for your practice.
“Hmm…if you buy Zuzu’s yummy drink, then I’ll take a picture. With a contract!”
With a poorly-made contract with messy ink splotches, you wore the biggest smile you could muster as you sent a thumbs-up to your brother, who couldn’t figure out if he should be absolutely flabbergasted or immensely proud.
“Naturally, I knew how adorable my baby octopus is. What kind of blind fool do you take me for?”
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Floyd is the kind of brother where he loves you and protective of you but he’s still his mischievous self. Rather than being careful or responsible, Floyd is always happy to bring you to every shenanigan and adventure if you ask him nice enough. This made for some unforgettable memories (for better or for worse)
You learn so much from the spontaneous eel. For example, you learned that sharks can swim really fast when angry, but your big bro Floyd is faster, even when carrying you in his arms.
As teasing as he can be, you admired how strong and cool Floyd was, and was excited to hear stories about his life on land with Jade, especially about the stories of his new friends. You even have a notebook with pictures of specific sea creatures to keep track of the friends he made, because if your brother doesn’t bother with names, why should you? (terrible influence, he is)
Imagine your excitement when you had the chance to visit Floyd during one of his basketball games. You practiced all week walking with feet just so you could run like Floyd does across the court.
Unfortunately, the tall merman was in his less-cheerful moods during this particular game. Boredom quickly struck him mid-way into the game which caused confusion for the opposing team and great distress amongst the NRC Basketball players. Jamil was quick to call for a timeout as soon as he could as the team whispered and panicked over this predicament.
But the timeout gave you a perfect chance get your brother’s attention, waving your hands as you called out to the tall merman as Jade stood by you with a genuine smile. Your other brother was quite aware of the bond his two siblings have so he took the liberty of escorting you as you were sure to get lost on Sage’s Island.
“Floyd! Over here!” You yelled out in joy, wearing a jersey similar to your brother to show off your clear bias. But that wasn’t the only similarity you shared with the teal-haired menace.
Shimmering under the gymnasium’s lights, your earring clipped onto your right ear caught Floyd’s eyes immediately.
The day Floyd and Jade made their earrings from the scales of the sturgeon they fought, you cried when there wasn’t enough to make one for you to wear as well. You pouted and glared every time Floyd flaunted his accessory to you, but when you stopped reacting, he assumed that you'd gotten over it.
But holding onto your ear, the sturgeon scales of your earring was as dazzling as your proud grin.
“Look, Floyd! We all match!” Your smile rejuvenated Floyd’s mood, making the once-moody eel grin back. When did you get that? And how did you get it? Floyd’s mind was flooded with curious questions so he soon turned to his teammates with a sadistic smile.
“I’m gonna crush the competition today. I wanna wrap this up quick, so let’s get serious~”
And Floyd started to have fun again, at the expense of the poor visiting team. How unfortunate for them, but Floyd needed to finish the game so he could hang out with his precious family after all.
“Little eel, come with me. Your big bro is gonna show you something fun!”
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As seen with his approach with Floyd, Jade is type to spoil his siblings. No matter how tall you get or how old you are, you are Jade’s precious little one, and Jade loves nothing more than to watch his cherished family have fun, regardless if nobody else is having fun in the process.
Jade is the cool older brother, someone who is calm and dependable. You always admired the way he could charm the masses with his suave words and gestures. In the sea or on land, no one is better than your brother (tied with Floyd)
No matter what anyone says, Jade is the kindest eel in the entire world. To the dismay of others, you started picking up little habits and hobbies of your idol. Your classmates were baffled by the odd terrarium filled with odd marine fungi and rocks you stole from the shores of the beach.
When the NRC’s annual Halloween event opened to the public, you were all too excited to see your brothers, especially Jade, to show off your small terrarium bowl. Once you and your family made it to the last day of the Halloween festival, you rushed to the room that your brothers were managing to greet them.
Unfortunately, you were unaware of the concerning issue of Magicam monsters the students were facing.
These rambunctious visitors, who cared little for anything, accidentally knocked you to the ground with your terrarium along with it. The glass bowl was broken into pieces, your hardwork spilling onto the once clean floor. The Magicam monsters offered nothing more than an insincere apology before immediately walking away, adding it wasn’t their fault they didn’t notice you.
Jade was passing by as he immediately recognized you at first glance. He was quick to scoop you up into his arms, a rare look of distress on his face as he tried to dry your teary face. “Little one, what’s the matter?”
You sniffled as you tried to explain what transpired, how you excitedly rushed to find him to show him your terrarium you worked hard on, which was currently a mess on the alchemy room floor.
Oh my, the merman thought. This won’t do. As an older brother, Jade felt a responsibility to teach you a very important lesson. One’s deeds does not go unrepaid in turn
Floyd and Azul had to shush you as you, a true Leech, giggled watching the looks of fear painted on the poor unfortunate souls as they ran for their lives out from the alchemy room, away from Jade’s especially frightening surprise appearance.
All for the fun of Halloween, of course. Not because they dared to do wrong to Jade’s dear little eel.
“You would like to play with me today? Of course, I cannot think of a better way to spend the day.”
BONUS Floyd and Jade’s Birthday Special
“Happy birthday, big brothers!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, throwing handfuls of confetti as high as you could to cover the pillars you call your siblings. The twins chuckled over your silliness, respectively giving their thanks.
“Thanks, kiddo!”
“Thank you, little one”
Smiling, you brought out another surprise. In your hidden hands, you held two small boxes, wrapped in ribbons matching the colors of your brothers’ dorm.
“Open them, quick!” Handing it over, your brothers obeyed your wishes. Afterall, you were the few in the world that the eels would willingly listen to.
Cradled carefully in cushioned cloth, a small keychain sat comfortably in the box. One for each brother, there was a glass sculpture of a moray eel attached to the keychain, one with a basketball by its side and the other with a cute mushroom.
Floyd and Jade stood in silence as they admired the gift, clearly made with them in mind. For the final surprise, you took out your phone where a matching keychain dangled from its case. However, your moray eel sculpture was decorated with two hearts, representing your brothers, next to it.
“I made it near the lava flows on the sea floors” you smiled brightly, hoping your brothers liked them. It was hard enough to try glass blowing but you had to find glass materials that work well underwater. But it was worth it. “I wanted to give you something to remind you of home. Where I’ll always be waiting for you two”
Needless to say, Floyd and Jade were satisfied with your gift. Even after you went home, Floyd was bragging about how adorable you were as he showed it off to everybody while Jade was suddenly pulling out his phone more than usual throughout the day, just to see your present every single time.
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zepskies · 1 month
What Does "Supporting Writers" Mean? ✍️
Apparently it's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! To all my fellow writers, I truly appreciate you for bringing me joy, making me smile on rough days, and giving me my weekly/daily dose of escapism and warm fuzzies. (Shoutouts to you personally below.) 💓💓
But what does it mean "practically" to appreciate your favorite writers, especially on Tumblr?
For example, I know some fanfic authors are starting to block "serial likers": people who'll go through someone's entire masterlist and hit the "like" button on 20-something stories without commenting or basic reblogging.
While I think blocking them is extreme, I understand the authors' frustrations. I've actually been asked if I'll ever leave Tumblr, since many of them have dropped off over the past few months, or even the past few years.
I'm still here for two very important reasons:
I love to write about my favorite characters. I write primarily because I love it, not just for the kudos.
I'm friggin' blessed to have a lot of friends and lovely readers on here and Ao3 who support me immensely on my writing and on this blog in general. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Which is why I do my best to reply to your comments and reblogs. 💖💖
Of course, there are many reasons why a writer might take a break or stop writing entirely, but one of those reasons is also why the #supportwriters tag exists...
And why you'll see us include banners like this on our posts:
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(Credits: cafekitsune, me, inklore)
That being said, here's my own rule of thumb on how I try to support my fellow writers when I read something I enjoy:
If I "liked" something, it means I had the time to read a story all the way through and I enjoyed it! (Or I'm bookmarking it for later in the day lol)
If I have the time to read it, I have the time to leave a comment on what I liked the most about it.
If I have the time to write out a comment (anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes), I typically put that comment in a reblog -- maybe even add a gif or two for ✨razzle dazzle.✨ That way I can share it with the rest of my followers, so they can see it and hopefully enjoy it too...
Why? Because Tumblr isn't TikTok or IG. Reblogging is the best way to help a post gain traction on Tumblr. The algorithm doesn't care much about likes.
But on a more human level, supporting writers is just the basic thing of -- if you enjoyed something you read (that a writer shared for free), just let them know what you liked about it.
Remember that there's a person behind the content you enjoy. They might have been working on that story for weeks or months, or even years before they got the courage to post it.
They might really be putting themselves out there, writing about a topic or subject matter that they're not sure people will even like or engage with.
Maybe they're exploring something new, like a character or trope they've never written before.
Maybe they're expressing part of themselves that they haven't even told another living soul.
Maybe they just wanted to write something fun and smutty or angsty or fluffy and want to share the escapism with you.
Whether they've been writing for years or are just starting out, any and all is valid.
For me, as a writer and a reader, supporting my fellow writers often means supporting my friends. And 9 times out of 10, the way we became friends was by leaving feedback on their work and asking them questions, or responding to their awesome feedback on mine.
If you want a little jumpstart on how to leave feedback, whether encouraging or constructive, here's an awesome post about it (not mine).
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Shoutout to some of my favorite writers 💞:
(In no particular order)
@waynes-multiverse @luci-in-trenchcoats @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @thatonewriter15 @rizlowwritessortof
@waywardxwords @tofics @kaleldobrev @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwritings
@jawritter @deanwinchesterswitch @justagirlinafandomworld @ravengirl94 @waywardxwords
@spnbabe67 @deanwanddamons @ejlovespie @kittenofdoomage @venus-haze
@talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word @jacklesbrainworms @artyandink @princessmisery666 (I just starting reading your stories, but I'm continuing with Samnesia soon!) -- and I'm sure many more! 💋
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starrluvs · 1 year
i just believe in submissive/bottom tomas vrbada and couldn't help but write my horny thoughts oh my goodness... afab reader + mdni !
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tomas is a switch, but he usually leans more to the submissive side with his s/o. he adores watching you control him
whether youre controlling his orgasams and edging him until he starts sobbing, or riding him while he’s overstimulated and begging you to go easy on him because his cock feels too sensitive to be engulfed by your sopping wet heat. 
he would be so shy, too, so bare with him.
he can never be able to hold eye contact with you for more than three seconds while you ride him either. for tomas, it felt like the world was spinning with how much he was both feeling and looking at. if his hands aren't covering his burning face, they're all over your body that had him melting beneath you. 
watching you ride him was so overwhelming no matter how many times you’ve done so. just the thought of knowing you were his and he was yours was enough to send him over the edge. watching your breasts bounce in sync with your pace, feeling your hands splayed across his chest to keep yourself sat upwards and balanced, and the most captivating sight of them all– your pussy. it was so tight and warm while wrapped around his cock he could've sworn he felt as if he was entering heaven every time you would sink yourself down on him. the hypnotizing view of watching your pussy go up and down repeatedly– watching his cock disappear and reappear with a glossy white ring of your juices and his seed mixed together at the base of his cock– he truly believed that there was no better feeling than this across all the realms.
and as somebody so vocal in bed with loud moans, whimpers and whines, he loves when he can also hear any lustful words or sounds escape your lips. 
“you’re so good for me, love.”
“good boy… you feel so good inside of me.”
he’s a total sucker for praise. just knowing how good he is for you and how happy he’s making you brings him immense joy and pleasure <3
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kitsuneisi/doody and xmaruu11 helped me ascend to godhood because the magic of ddvau/double hearted
Every time i reread it (daily. I reread it daily.) i twirl around and jump in the air and bawl my eyes out it’s so good they need to stop my heart can’t take this much joy
Sometimes I avoid things that bring me immense amounts of joy because i know I’ll go all autism and freak out, but it’s a risk worth taking with ddvau
The character designs are so heavenly I want to eat scar/hg every frame he’s in and whenever Grian/cg shows up I claw at my screen like a beast in a cage i love them
Just thinking about it makes me want to dance around my room i hope they understand how kind they are for sharing this with the world
Anyways they’re cool I guess (full of admiration) whatever (looking joyously at my screen)
@kitsuneisi + @xmaruu11 !!!
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immoralimmortals · 4 months
You water my crops and put the stars in the sky. I'm madly in love with you. I'm bringing this post to your feet much like a cat does their favorite toy. I have caught it. Be proud of me, mother.
Even if it's less about the whole life of being married and more about the actual act of marrying, hope that's ok!
Akatsuki Marriage Headcanons, for real this time:
I am a huge proponent of the popular fanon opinion that if this man takes you so seriously as to express a label for it (love, spouse, etc.), he is at the brink of worshiping your feet. Don't get me wrong, in terms of the arrangement of proposal and marriage ceremony, the leader is still in charge; however, he is dictating with every detail painstakingly about you. If there is decor, it is your favorite color. If you expressed you like a certain gemstone, he tracks it down for proposal and gets the finest cut upon your finger. You don't want an actual wedding? No problem, you're just going to come home to several thousand lit candles and a profession of commitment as deep from his heart as a corpse is in the grave.
The idea is that it is necessary for this bond to be formalized, at least for his own sake. Pain would refer to it as something you need to hear. If he is nothing else, he is serious about whatever he experiences emotionally; that goes for both his immense suffering and his most delicate of joys. He declares you his, neigh: commands...but only after you assure him yes.
If a traditional proposal is done, it must be in private. He dares not be too exposed. It's already so much that he has become vulnerable to you.
It is a hard privilege to earn. And so, the Akatsuki leader pays you back in kind. As long as you both shall live, you are his deity. You will never want, not as long as he is allowed to bask in you.
Pain kisses you firmly, one hand on your wrist and one on your back. You are to feel both his presence and his commitment.
A wedding song for you: Take me to Church by Hozier (yes I am a sucker for this song, yes yes and yes) or Ship in a Bottle by fin
All at once, her heart aches in the best and worst ways, as it is such a curse of the Akatsuki to have had their loves taken too soon. Up till this point, she has been passive, letting you lead the relationship, but now- despite how much she yearns for the same- the angel stands her ground.
"Why?" you ask her in retaliation. She's thin-lipped as she refuses the real answer. It takes a couple tries over a few, staggered moments in private for the truth to tumble out:
She does not want another person she loves to die because of her. It's irrational; your death is not predetermined by the commitment. And yet it remains. She is scared, and the closer you get the more she stings.
But you have to press closer. You have to assure, promise, fight your way back into her heart as it tries to close you out in self protection. You succeed, thanks to one of the reasons you adore Konan: her capacity to hope, no matter the circumstance. Reminder her of that, and she can only be yours.
The wedding is small, the two of you and whomever you deem precious enough to witness. (I imagine probably not even a full handful). It is twilight and the color of the world is shaded blue. Blue as her hair, blue as she feels whenever you're away, blue in the same way the purest of whites are to the human eye. You are pristine. The paper that folds the bouquets that drape around you are spotless and glow in the moonlight in such a way they're almost lanterns. Their starkly pale and crisply folded nature surround as if it is her prayer that everything that is good may stay that way.
Konan kisses you in such a way that no part of you but your lips touch one another. It is chaste, it is soft, it is a seal.
A wedding song for you: Saturn by Sleeping at Last (I cry every single time I hear this in full. I sincerely think there are few songs that have so viscerally touched me like this one has.) or Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
You cannot get his single-mindedness off of Rin. There is no way around it, and anything meant as distraction will not only fail but backfire on you. Therefore, if you are this deep into a partnership, you are there not in spite of her but thanks to her. You will be compared and contrasted to no end; this is not cruel, it is merely how he shapes his worldview in regards to goodness and love. You are his second chance. You are his solitude.
You don't get opportunity to propose. He will tell you first.
It is every definition of a ceremony, almost ritualistic, almost like they're crowning a king/queen. The ceilings are tall and decorated with the visage of ancestors and gods. Incense is lit and the setting sun sets the room on fire with orange and red. You are presented to him, ornate in the way he demands. A masked face cannot hide the lust and satisfaction in his voice. His hand reaches out, and you take it. For perhaps the first time, the mask is tilted to hide from their audience while still showing his scarred face to you.
His kiss is hard. Not sloppy, but hard. His hand is on the back of your head, and he going to press you into him until your soul enters his body.
A wedding song for you: Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake or Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie
Bad relationship songs because I can't control myself: Anybody Else by Dom Fera (THE song of all time for me, I love it) or Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
Marriage? That's a fascinating concept. He's never had the desire for this kind of relationship before, but as you talk more and more of it, the more he grasps. In the end, it is a concept that matters to you, and he can appreciate the sentiment of it.
The weirdest part, honestly, is that you reserved such a thing for him.
Though he follows along (you must guide the entire arrangement), he quietly, curiously doubts the whole time. But your guiding hand is so soft as you take him and lead, so nice onto his skin as you select two rings and slide one on each color of hand. You make no mistake: it is both you are marrying. It is both you are committing to. That recognition is his first step into a hesitant acceptance of your eternal love.
When the time comes, you walk him to the first place you met, beside a large tree in a clearing with no human settlement in sight. None of the "don't see the bride/groom" tradition, it has no room here. Any amount of people you want are there, regardless of if it is everyone or no one. (He would prefer no one, but this is all for you, after all). As you're about to kiss him, he makes one request. It is the only thing Zetsu has asked for in all of this time:
Let him taste you.
How can you tell him no?
So his bi-colored lips part, taking your bottom lip into his first, and then rounded teeth gently drag the flesh into his mouth. Pressure is applied and you taste your blood, though fleetingly as he drinks it in. In all the time you've known him, this is the closest Zetsu has ever been to you. In this symbolic action, you have finally gained his full and complete trust.
Zetsu's kiss is metallic but it is not cold. It is pensive, meditative, doing his best to understand that which you crave, and so he does his best to crave you. He cups your face in both of his ringed hands so he need not focus on anything but your taste.
A wedding song for you: & by Tally Hall or Yes to Err is Human, So Don't Be One by Will Wood
At first he's going to make fun of you. He's going to tell you that this is the dumbest idea he's ever heard. And when you go quiet and don't bring it up again, he is going to pin you down and demand to be told why you changed your mind.
This man wants you so much, he can't fathom it. What is marriage if you must slaughter your neighbor? Well...a lover is a step above neighbor, isn't it?
Thank Jashin he doesn't need to kill you to get married.
If you do a traditional wedding, he will drag his feet but he will do it. It's to your detriment alone, really, how obnoxious he'd be. If you pin a flower to his lapel, he'll rip it off. He'll spit to the side in disgust at any mushy gushy talk done in front of others in this bastardization of another religion's ritual. This isn't a real ceremony. Let him show you what a wedding really is:
It's going to end up with your blood on his body and his blood on yours. He makes you straddle his lap, in the middle of the symbol of his lord that he's drawn upon the floor. The same sigil is dangled from a chain, his necklace held between you, from your view right between his intense violet eyes. The metal is cold as it plays a barrier between your lips and his.
Hidan's kiss is reverent. If this Jashinist is marrying you, he fucking means it. Do more than tolerate the cut a knife makes into your palm; pray to it.
...And then he will pray to you.
A wedding song for you: I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin or Misanthrapologist by Will Wood
Bad relationship song I can't help but add: This is Love by Air Traffic Controller
Despite popular belief, this is not a man who fusses over money the way Scrooge does over every last coin. By the contrary, it is that he is a man that does not have much to give. This is in every sense, it turns out. Kakuzu is a man that has had all hope in humanity and for himself beat the hell out of him, so it's a shock to him if you hint at a desire for marriage. A mistake, that's what you're trying to make, here. At first he'll rebuff with few words but still sure, but it'll hitch onto him like a tick. A traditional man at heart, you know best to let him propose himself.
And so he does. It is the only time you've ever seen him doubt himself, but of course you tell him yes. As you throw your arms around him, that's when reality hits in the best of ways.
He does not wait, not if you don't oppose him. He takes you to a temple, middle of nowhere with no one either of you or your nations will know. For an old man, it's such a romantic, young man's task to arrange to elope. The priest marries you, as you sit side by side at the break of dawn upon his stoop. He wears his mask, still wears long robes to cover his stitches, but his silky brown hair drifts so beautifully with the wind; he will say this compliment is one he had of you and yours, when he looks back upon today. You are his world, intertwined in an immortal and mortal life.
Kakuzu does not kiss you at the wedding. That comes later, when no one else is there. He pulls down his mask and takes your mouth upon his, tangled until one of you can't breathe anymore.
A wedding song for you: Vanilla Curls by Teddy Hyde or Budapest by George Ezra
A flirt he may be, but a guy of commitment? Hell no. At first he's really flattered, chuckling and letting a large smirk trail up one side of his face. It falls when he realizes you're being serious. "Wait, really?" You nod, and his always-intense stare seems a bit closer to concerned.
"My dear...you're getting carried away, aren't you?" he offers like a second chance to not embarrass yourself.
Everything, as it always has for Deidara, has happened so fast it hits him before he recognizes what it is. Love is included, even and up until the point he's in this deep. Honestly? It terrifies him. He'll laugh and walk away, but it'll fucking haunt him.
A couple days of flying on a bird, all by his lonesome, and he returns with a bit of a different view. Life is short, beauty is fleeting: the opportunity is here and damned if he don't take it. He offers your hand- both in marriage and for a ride- and you soar into the sky.
There's no such thing as a traditional wedding, no need for it when the most beautiful things in the world are you and his art. Explosions and fireworks alike light up the night sky and he leans over to whisper his dedication upon your lips.
Deidara's kiss is, of course, bombastic. It's intense and with tongue and repeats, over and over, never lasting too long as he can't keep his love-drunk words to himself for longer than two seconds. Streamers and confetti flutter around your heads, grander than any parade for any newly wed prince or princess.
A wedding song for you: The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience or Fear and Delight by The Correspondents
Only someone who knows him as well as you will pick up the subtlest shifts of the scorpion's expression, the way brown eyes barely widen. You bring it up, nearly like a dream you had, nearly like you're talking to yourself in your sleep, but he hears it. Sasori continues with his work, the monotony of woodwork allowing him to chew on the idea. A marriage isn't necessary, of course...but he also will lie to himself about how downright alluring the symbolism of a wedding is.
If the most beautiful things are eternal, why not your love?
If you've gotten him so far that Sasori will consider whatever form of affection he can manage in his barely organic heart, then he will make every second of your life never-ending bliss.
He decorates you, almost like one of his dolls, in the finest patterns of fabric and sleekest of jewelry. He pains over every inch of skin on top of muscle and bone, the way the ring slips on your finger and the way your wrist bends to do it. The ritual is an art piece, and you gaze upon him so marvelously... Your lips part with such slight but sure poise...
The venue is silent and you both are alone. Not even a bird caws, no insect chirps. Pure, clear as glass silence. You are the only two beings in all of existence. You will ascend time itself. A single candle is lit as you sit in the deepest depths of this cave, where no one may interrupt.
Where no one can hear him confess to you.
Sasori's kiss is soft, far too soft. He holds both of your hands so delicately, like they're on a string. Lines of chakra help you move into him in a way that is just right, just utterly perfect.
A wedding song for you: Thumbnail by Louie Zong and Brian David Gilbert or Dark of the Matinee by Franz Ferdinand
Shockingly enough, this guy is going to be your hardest sell. Perhaps predictably, it isn't because he dislikes marriage, settling down, falling in love. Disliking and opposing are very different things.
He panics, at least just a little the first time you mention it. "I'm a shinobi, you know. You won't see me very much." Time passes on, and your desire appears again:
"I'm a rough guy. Just take a second to think about what you're asking for, alright?"
More time, and more desperation on his part with your persistence:
"I am meant to die alone," he finally tells you outright. "Don't bother with me. You could be spending your time so much better than fussing over someone who isn't going to last."
But you do, and he does last. Unfortunately, he does last. It gnaws him to the bone.
"Alright," he'll ask you, a long time since you first expressed your wants, "Are you certain?" You say yes, of course you say yes. Bittersweet, sharp teeth smile. "Very well," the swordsman concedes.
You marry traditionally, though very small. A hood drapes over him, hiding his face as the priest speaks the seal of marriage. His hand clings to yours, so very afraid of losing you. Or worse: making you lose him.
With the formalities out of the way, his own way begins. Finally alone, you both plunge into deep water, a loud splash quickly muting to flooded ears. He holds your face as your hair drifts past him in strands noses nearly touching. Kisame gets a good look at you before he changes everything forever, closing his eyes.
Kisame's kiss is a leap of faith. It tastes like lake water and seaweed and his love. He presses all of you into him like a shell holds a pearl, limbs climbing around you as you suspend in water and sink. Breathe into him, breathe deep. Every last breath in his lungs is just for you.
A wedding song for you: Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood or If I'm Being Honest by dodie
The implications of this circumstance are astounding. He loves you- yes, of course he does- but what's more is that he loves you enough to be so selfish as to gift himself to you, even knowing the fate he's reserved. It is both impressive and heartbreaking. Have hope, you ask of him. That is all you ask of him. Give it a chance. It is what he wants, isn't it?
Of course it is. But are you okay if the inevitable comes true?
You pause, and he studies your naive, innocent eyes. But you know more than perhaps Itachi has realized. You know it is okay to treasure. It is okay to enjoy. The journey matters more than the destination. Yes, it is okay, you tell him, you love to love him all the same.
Dark eyes close. Then he will give you what is desired.
Kisame is present, of course, as well as the ancestors of the Uchiha clan in spirit. You are radiant, and he tells you so. You return the compliment in soft earnest. A single hand cups your cheek as he approaches, pausing to feel and taste your breath as it drifts into his mouth.
Itachi's kiss is barely there, like he's afraid of breaking glass. If you want to kiss deeper, you'll need to go in and get it yourself. Just don't mistake delicacy for a lack of interest. This is the most of his body he has ever given in his entire life. Just give him time.
A wedding song for you: Herbal Tea by Velvet Moon or Here For You by Good Co
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
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"Doll, don't ignore me, please. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you."
All he heard from you was some unhappy mumbling. You looked at him with annoyance before you disappeared into the bedroom. Something he wasn't used to at all. Something that made him feel like someone you might hate. His heart wrenched in sadness.
There's nothing in this world he could hate more than you being upset with him. It made him feel lonely and even more angry at himself than you probably were. It was torture.
Bucky continued to sit there at the kitchen island, his face in his palms, devastated. He loved you so dearly, you were his god damn life and now you wouldn't speak a word to him. It felt like a knife was stuck in his ribcage and he couldn't seem to get it out as long as you were so mad at him.
He knew a relationship couldn't always be perfect. But with you it was. Nothing was as easy as loving you every step of the way. Sure there were some ups and downs, but nothing that wasn't fast to be solved.
He sighed in desperation. He didn't know how to make you talk to him again. All he could give you was some space. But it was your choice if you wanted to forgive him or not in the end. He knew that.
So he waited. Smoked more than usual, drank more than usual. On a Tuesday? Didn't matter as long as you wouldn't give him another chance.
He wrote you an apology letter, a love letter, bought your favourite flowers everyday.
He was lost without your love and everyone knew that. It was hard to overlook. You two weren't just lovers, you two were partners, friends, soulmates and everything in between. Bucky cherished the ground you walked on. Because you were always there as his emotional support, you calmed him down, made him feel safe and complete. He needed you.
James often worked from home, so he felt your absence immensely since you were always out until noon. And if you were home and not going anywhere else but work just to avoid him, you were never in the same room as him.
He could call himself lucky to still be able to sleep in the same bed as you. You weren't evil, you wouldn't let him sleep on one of your small leather couches alone, those were great for cuddling and taking a nap but not for a seven hour long rest. Besides, you knew he wouldn't be able to sleep if not beside you.
Everything went on for about a week. Until everything came crashing down on him.
Bucky couldn't sleep. He just couldn't stop thinking how you were slowly but surely falling out of love with him since the day that he decided to use your trust. And he couldn't help but start crying at this heartbreaking thought. First it were just tears that didn't seem to stop flowing but after a few minutes he couldn't stop letting out those heartwrenching sobs coming out of him. Of course you noticed it and it didn't bring you joy or whatsoever. It made you feel like crying too.
"Bucky? Bucky, please." You sat up immediately.
You shoved all those hurt feelings to the side for a moment and moved towards his side. He turned around slowly and looked at you. You couldn't describe how broken the man in front of you looked.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/n. Please forgive me. I- I need you. I can't breath-" He broke down again.
You brought him to your chest, letting him hug your waist while crying into your shirt. You shushed him, held him against you and gently stroked his hair. Until he slowly stopped sobbing and crying, though he didn't intend to let go of you anytime soon.
"James, I know you're sorry."
He looked up at you. That's the first words you spoke to him in days and you call him James? Tears were gathering in his eyes once again.
"Oh, my love." You touched his cheek and took a good look at him. Bucky sighed and closed his eyes. That sounded much better.
"Bucky." He snaps back into reality, opening his eyes and seeing your gorgeous face, that he missed so much looking at.
"Kiss me, you moron." And he immediately did, more than eager to rest his lips on yours after such a long time.
A/n: lol, just felt like breaking my heart again
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