#being so used to being fearful that you don’t know how to react to genuine unconditional affection
gremlin-pattie · 4 months
trying to find people talking about “Um, it’s Kind of a Lot” and genuinely only found like 10 posts. is nobody else hearing this??
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slasher-fxcker · 2 months
Hihi! I was wondering if you can do billy and stu and just the slashers reacting to their someone being hurt at their job and trying to hide it?
A/N: Okay I was going to do this request for multiple slashers, BUUUUUUT I started writing for Billy and Stu and got carried away. I love them too much
Billy & Stu Reacting to their S/O being injured at work.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of blood, brief mention of killing (but I mean this is the slasher fandom so kinda expected lol)
This blog is 18+, Minors do not interact
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GIF by casualwriters
You hadn’t been working at the video store for too long but you loved it, your friend Randy had gotten you the job when they were desperate for staff. It was great for the boys too; Billy and Stu would stop by all the time using the place as their personal hang out much to your managers displeasure.
Every Saturday night the boys would swing by and pick some scary movies to watch together after you finished, unfortunately for them you were going to be stuck doing inventory tonight. As usual Billy wasn’t impressed about having to share your time with anyone other than Stu, “Just blow it off what are they going to do fire you?” you rolled your eyes as you continued getting ready. “Yes Billy, probably.”
Stu got up from his spot in front of the tv to try to pull you back to the couch, “Come on babe, do you really think you should be out at night? Don’t you know there’s a killer on the loose?” You try to supress your chuckle as he raises his eyebrows at you, his usual smirk on his face.
You fake innocence putting on your best fear filled voice, “Oh no, what will I do if Mr. Ghostface comes to get me.” Billy laughs one of his rare genuine laughs before Stu steps closer to you placing his hands on your waist, “I could think of a few things.” Smirking as he notices the way you flush at the suggestion. You lightly smack his chest as he laughs at himself once again before you press a chaste kiss to his lips. You grab your bag, blowing a quick kiss to Billy before heading to the door. “I’ll try to get back in time for movie night, but don’t wait up.”
Inventory was fairly boring, you tried to get it done as quickly as possible while Randy spent most of the night showing you his favourite scenes from various movies. Shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth he continued his rant, “Come on how can you have lived your whole life without watching this movie? Quick you're gonna miss the best part!”
“Randy unlike you I’m actually trying to get this finished before midnight, now are you going to help me or not?” He sighs before finally getting off his ass and heading towards the storage room, 15 minutes go by and he still isn’t back to help. “I swear to god Randy if you're napping on the kart again I’m going to kill you.” You mutter to yourself as you head to the storage room.
You see Randy sitting on the kart going through a box of movies, you try to get a closer look before he sees you. You noticed the box of X rated movies he was looking at. “Randy you perv!” You didn’t realise you had snuck up on him before he jumped up knocking you into the shelves behind you both. Before you could move a box came off the shelf and fell onto you. Your head immediately pounded “Oh shit, Y/N!” Randy hurries to help you up, moving the various tapes that are scattered around to get you back out into the store, sitting up on the counter Randy starts looking over your head. “Oh shit, you're bleeding. Billy’s going to kill me.” You feel him practically prod at your forehead as you hiss in pain and slap his hand away. He helps you clean up the blood and tells you to go home, “Ill finish up here, it’s the least I can do.” You can see how sincere he is when he apologises. Your only worry is how you're going to explain this to the boys.
You decide to head straight home, hopefully the boys will think you just had to stay too late and will leave you be until tomorrow. That way you would at least have time to clean yourself up and come up with a story.
Looking in the mirror the damage is worse than you thought, the red tint on your forehead of smudged blood, the dried blood in your hairline and the bruising that was already beginning to show around the cut that could definitely not be concealed. You sighed as you wet a cloth in the bathroom sink raising it to your head gently, the pain immediately making you wince at the contact.
You raised your hand to try again when you heard something in your room, you looked out the doorway and saw what you could only assume was the boys sneaking in your window. You panicked and slammed the bathroom door closed locking it behind you. You hear the taller of the two call out to you as he knocks on the bathroom door. When you don’t answer he tries to open the door, “Whys the door locked babe?”
“Sorry Stu, I’m not feeling too well.” You try to sound convincing. This time its Billy that answers, “Come out here and tell us what’s wrong.” “Yeah we will look after you.” Stu giggles as you can clearly hear Billy push him away from the door. You feel bad hiding from them, “No its okay, you should probably go home in case I’m uh infectious or something. Yeah.” Your voice wavers and you know you aren’t convincing anyone.
Stu is quiet for once but you hear the edge in Billy’s voice as he speaks, “Y/N don’t lie to us, get out here.” You know they won’t leave, part of you wonders if it would be dramatic to climb out the window at this point. “Don’t make me break the door down.” You would’ve rolled your eyes but you knew he probably wasn’t kidding.
You slowly unlocked the door before slipping out of the bathroom, still not looking at either of them. You try to hide your face but of course they can see it, Stu is at your side immediately trying to make sure you're okay. He gently inspects the cut careful not to touch it. You try to ignore Billy’s stare but you can feel his eyes on you, looking at him for a second regret fills you when you meet his eyes. Billy might be a murderer but everything he does is so calm and thought out, never out of rage. You wouldn’t know that looking at him now, fists clenched at his side as his eyes narrow at you, gaze shifting between your eyes and the cut on your head.
Stu takes you to sit down on the bed, unsure of how to help you. He might be the most caring person when it comes to you but he’s also kinda hopeless. Billy’s gaze doesn’t leave you as you move around the room. Eventually after what felt like endless silence he walks towards you taking your chin in his hand and turning your face to look at the cut better. “Who did this to you?” Any other time Billy’s over protective tendencies would make you feel secure but seeing him like this, eyes dark and glazed over in anger didn’t bring you any comfort.
“No one did this to me.” He cut you off as his grip tightened slightly, “Don’t fucking lie to me. Who did this to you.” You don’t know what to say, you pull your chin out of his grip and sigh, “I was working with Randy and…” Stu seems to pull you closer protectively as Billy raises his voice again. “Randy did this to you?” Billy hated Randy already for so many reasons but this time Stu is the one to speak up, “That little fucker is going to pay,” he stood up and tried to walk away before you grabbed him, “No! I mean please just stay here with me,” you plead him as you pull him into a hug again, you know just how to stop this big softy from making a stupid decision like trying to kill Randy.
“He’s right. You think he gets to hurt you and get away with this.” Calming Billy down was going to be a harder task, “He didn’t hurt me Billy, we were taking inventory and it was an accident.” He scoffed, “He accidentally sliced your head open.” You walk towards Billy and take his face in your hands making him look at you once again, “It was an accident,” he tries to turn his head away but you bring him back to look at you, “And I’m fine now. I promise.”
You watch him as his eyes flicker from your eyes down to your lips, bringing himself closer to you. You reach up to place a kiss on his lips, slightly surprised when he begins to deepen it. His hands wrap around your waist as he starts walking you backwards towards the bed. You know where this is going and as the back of your knees hit the bed frame you break apart smiling up at him as you think you’ve won this one. He gently pushed you back onto Stu’s lap, the kind look gone from his face as he turns to Stu, “Keep her here til I get back.” Stu only seems to nod and Billy starts walking back towards the window, you suddenly realise what’s happening and frantically try to get out of Stu’s embrace.
“Billy no!” you practically yell at him, stopping him half way out the window, “Please Billy, don’t kill him.” He doesn’t respond as he sends you a bone chilling smirk and disappears out of your room.
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt#148 Part 3
It had been a few weeks since Danny got back to Amity park and he was still a little nervous to text Damian.
He could tell Damian was getting a little nervous and impatient with how slow he was taking to respond.
That and every time he felt like he had a moment, something like another ghost attack would happen. That and the GIW announced their campaign to enact something they called the Anti Ecto acts, effectively making his existence illegal. 
“Get back here ghost scum!” His mom shouted at him. Danny dodged an ectoblast as he flew away. His parents had been very persistent about catching him lately. If he was being honest it worried him a little.
Danny landed in his empty living room and changed back. Before he could do anything, the door to the lab bursts open and Danny’s dad is standing there with an ectogun pointed at Danny. 
“I knew those security cameras would come in handy” he boasted as he turned the dial up on the gun, “I hope those acts get passed, ghost scum!!”
Danny, fearing for his life, fled the house changing back into Phantom. He headed to where he knew was a small abandoned house with an emergency bag but before he could make it he felt a sharp pain in his side. 
His Dad was known to be a poor shot but not his Mom, and as he looked back at her piercing eyes he knew exactly what shot at him. “Get back here Imposter!” She shouted after him.
Danny turned invisible and made his way unseen. 
He got to the  abandoned house shortly after and found the emergency bag. He shakily wrapped his side with a bandage and used his ectoplasm to reform his suit. He took a few calming breaths before he stood up and put the backpack on his back. 
 He wasn’t sure how but he was going to find his soulmate and tell him everything. He hated how his parents reacted and he didn’t think he could handle if the same thing happened but he needed to know. 
He spent the next few hours flying and before he knew it he was in Gotham. 
Landing on a roof Danny took a few moments to catch his breath. He put pressure on his side and laid his head back on the side of the stairwell leading down. 
He changed back into his human form and unfortunately that meant he needed to re-bandage the wound in his side. 
Once that was done he packaged everything back up in his bag and brought out his phone. 
He could tell Damian was getting worried about him, the shock and betrayal Danny was feeling was something he couldn’t really control or hide.
He sighed and let his head thump against the wall behind him.
He should probably just call Damian but how exactly he’d explain about everything that just happened… but that would mean telling him the other things too and he just didn’t know if he had the courage for that just yet. He took another deep breath and then opened his eyes to see the smog covered skies. That was one bad thing about Gotham, no stars. 
He then took another deep breath and stood up and walked near the edge of the roof and looked down. 
He was way up probably 7-8 or so stories high. The cars down below go about their daily lives giving no mind to the kid on the roof way up high. 
He watched for a few minutes mulling things over. Then he heard a soft thump behind him. He turned around and found Nightwing had landed on the roof. 
“It’s dangerous up here, would you mind stepping away from the ledge?” He said but there was an edge to his voice like he was genuinely scared Danny might do something. He guessed the vigilante’s in this city really cared about its citizens. 
“Don’t worry I wasn’t going to jump or anything, just trying to clear my head…” Danny tried making his tone as even as possible. The wound in his side throbbed painfully and made it a little hard for him to concentrate. Whatever Mom hit him with did more than just singe his side. 
Unfortunately Nightwing seemed to have noticed Danny was in pain, “Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”
The word hospital rang out in his head for a moment before he realized that wasn’t exactly an option, “Yeah, no… I’ll be fine, I just got to figure out exactly what I need to text my soulmate… I’ve been procrastinating because he seems like an amazing person and I kind of hate to admit I’m kind of a failure that ran from home.” Danny forgot who he was talking to for a moment as he rambled. It felt nice to finally let some of what’s been bothering him out. He took a calming breath before continuing, “I can’t risk them calling my parents.” 
“Alright well, unfortunately you're not in Gotham just yet, we’re in Bludhaven. Can you tell me what their name is?”
Great so Danny can’t even fly to the right city. He took another calming breath, “Damian Wayne.”
Master Post:
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toxycodone · 2 months
boyfriend hcs + modern au kabru
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Genuinely...one of the only chatacters that makes for a semi-normal relationship and and actual good boyfriend
OKAY FOR ONE MODERN AU KABRU. HEAR ME OUT. He dresses in a really specific way to me. You know how like, maybe the male romantic lead of a 2000s disney movie would dress? With the short sleeved shirt, jeans, some bracelets on either wrists?? Like it’s a very basic outfit but he doesn’t need anything too crazy. Kabru’s beauty carries him so far he seriously does not need to dress insanely well or I fear he will make too many strangers fall in love with him.
You're a bit of a fixation to him. He's not like going as far as Laios to actually take physical notes and such, but he makes a lot of mental notes about you.
The way you brush your hair? The expression you make while you focus? Perhaps even littler things like how your brow quirks when you try to be polite but he knows you're lying? Yeah. He can read you like a book.
I think this can kinda cause issues because in his little mind palace he's like. anticipating how you will react to things and has a lot of communication issues surrounding it. Instead of just outright saying things he tends to beat around the bush and test the waters before like eventually being forced to say what’s on his mind.
(Or in some cases he may feel it’s better to withhold info which like. Is an entirely separate can of worms. MAKE HIM TALK AND BE HONEST YOURE AN ADULT YOU CAN HANDLE IT).
However this perceptiveness DOES benefit him a lot and make him a good partner though. He can sense a depression episode coming from a mile away. Or when you’re stressed.
But for smaller things, he tends to keep things you like around the house and in stock. Down to your favorite chips to the body wash you always use. Just yeah 💞 He’s sweet and makes sure these things are in stock (and will bring things he thinks you’d like home now and then. He gets happy when it turns out his hunch was right!)
Never ever forgets a birthday, an anniversary, anything. If it’s a date you two deem important, he will ALWAYS get it right and you two will have plans accordingly.
Not a huuuuge PDA person. Kabru’s more lowkey, he’ll have an arm around you or a hand at the small of your waist while you two are around others. You’ll get a kiss to the cheek or a quick peck on the lips but he doesn’t wanna like. Go super crazy in public.
YOUR PARENTS LOVE HIM. THIS IS A GIVEN. Oh my God it is genuinely impressive how easy it is for him to get on your entire family's good side. He's the type of guy that gets the "so when are you guys gonna get married?" comments. If you two break up, you're getting a lot of sly comments about him being the one that got away. Future partners have HELLA big shoes to fill
And your friends? Yeah he fits smoothly into that group as well. No issues at all. I think all your friends would at least have a positive view of him if they don’t decide to start hanging out with him themselves.
Honestly, I think people get a little jealous. He likes to turn up the charm around others (for his own amusement really) and I just KNOW people are seething with jealously because he’s so charming and you are so lucky.
^ This also means he’s gets flirted with in public. He likes it, but he’s very quick to politely shut it down. But he’ll tease you about being jealous afterwards, but you know he’s not going to do anything to betray your trust.
Regarding. Kabru’s own family life. I think he’s really apprehensive to introduce you to Misril. It’s not that he doesn’t want you to know his family. It’s just…complicated. He and Misril are complicated. I think he’s gonna have to lay down some ground rules with you as to not like make things awkward (guilt trippy mom you know they vibes)
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. plot, angst, did i say angst, betrayal
A/N. atsumu biting the curb in 4k
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Atsumu’s been nervous, yes. He’s also been scared. But nothing can describe the pure terror he felt in his heart when he opened up the link to gossip about you with a picture he took being the star of it.
He barely slept last night. He’s scared because things had just gotten good with you. He’s scared because how else did the media get a hold of this? He was never planning on releasing, nor does he ever remember sending it to anyone. So, why?
Atsumu is stuck where he is. He can’t move. One because you’re sleeping on him, and two because he doesn’t want to wake you up in fear of how you’ll react. He can hear your phone buzzing on the floor from when it fell.
He’s absolutely lost.
Atsumu decides it’s for the best to keep his mouth shut. To just be there for you. 
No one would ever have to know.
You wake up to Atsumu shaking you, “Y/N,”
You’re groggy as you open your eyes. You’re almost blinded when Atsumu shoves a phone in your face, a twitter post being left on the screen.
When you finally come to your senses and read it, you jump up.
“W-What?” you feel around your person, “Where’s my phone?” 
Atsumu is slow but he finally hands it to you. You’re frantic as you open your messages to almost 100 new notifications.
Coach Foster [7:45AM]: Stay indoors, there are paparazzi everywhere. Take care of yours…
Sissy [8:01AM]: are you okay? please call me back when you get a chance. me and mom are…
MSBY JACKALS (25 New) - Meian [8:04AM]: This is so weird, people have nothing else better….
Kiyoomi [8:07AM]: Are you okay? 
You don’t know who to answer, what to answer. This is bad, really bad. Your eyes begin to water when you look at Atsumu, dumbfounded.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” your hands are shaking, “Do I make a post or- or-”
His eyes look worried as he pulls you into a comforting hug, “It’ll be okay, alright?”
You nod into his shoulder, “Just listen to Coach for now and we’ll figure out how to settle this,”
You sigh in defeat as you shut your phone off. “This is so bad, a scandal right after you guys won, I-I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry.
“I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk, I should’ve been c-careful,” the palm of your hands dig into your eyes as you cry as if they were trying to plug the waterworks.
“It’s not your fault, there’s always journalists around trying to find their next hit story,” he comforts, hand on your back rubbing soothing circles in it.
“Just rest, I’m gonna make some breakfast,” he kisses you on the forehead before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You snatch your phone up to look at your Instagram. There’s DMs, new followers, likes and comments. Out of nervousness, you temporarily deactivate your account. Closing out of the app. 
You’re about to click onto Twitter when a call begins to make your phone buzz. “Kiyoomi” labeled as the suspect.
“Kiyoomi?” you answered, “L-Look, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-”
“Why are you apologizing?” he interrupts, “It’s not your fault, alright? But are you okay?”
His voice is filled with genuinity, it somewhat calms your nerves.
“No, I’m nervous, I’m scared. What if I lose my job? What if something happens to you, I don’t know how I’d deal with that,”
There’s a pause on his end before he continues, “You shouldn’t have to worry about any of that. Coach Foster knows what happened that night and wouldn’t lay it out on either of us. Gossip on social media is out of our control,”
You sniffle in response, allowing him to continue, “Just lay low for a little bit, we already have people working on stuff behind the scenes. I only called to make sure you’re alright,”
“Thank you, Kiyoomi,” you cry, “I hope you’re alright as well, and I’m sorry again,”
“No worries, I’m glad to know you’re safe. And again don’t apologize,” Kiyoomi comforts, “I’ll see you soon alright,” 
“See you,” is what you mutter to your phone before you’re met with the sound of an ended call.
With a sigh, you fall back into the pillow and comforter of Atsumu’s bed, wallowing in your own thoughts. 
“Food is ready,” Atsumu pokes his head into the room, a white apron adorning his body.
“You look goofy,” you laugh a bit, “I’ll be right there,”
With a nod he’s whistling through the halls on his way back to the kitchen. 
Working up the energy, you force yourself up and walk with sore legs into the kitchen, finding a seat on the stool by the counter.
“How are you feeling?” Atsumu questions with a mouth of waffle, pushing a plate towards you.
“Are these Eggos?” you laugh, grabbing one with your hand and taking a bite.
“Duh, never said I was a chef,” he smirks back before finishing the one in his hand. “You didn’t answer my question, though,”
“Oh, yeah. I’m feeling somewhat better,” you start, finishing what’s in your mouth, “There’s not much I can do about it you know?”
There’s a look of relief on Atsumu’s face that confuses you but you look past it.
“Coach already knows what happened that night, and so does Kiyoomi, so there’s nothing I really have to worry about,” you sigh, finishing the waffle in a swift bite, “just gotta wait for it to die down,” 
“Mm, I see,” he grabs your plate before placing it into the sink. “That’s good then, but unfortunately for you, that just means you’re stuck with me for another day,” 
“Oh no how terrible,” you roll your eyes, pushing your chair back and hopping off of it, “I’m gonna watch TV,”
Atsumu nods at you before turning the faucet on to wash dishes.
You click some random Netflix show to play in the background as you filter out your thoughts. It feels for a while you’ve been on autopilot, but the gravity of everything is finally hitting you. It’s terrifying.
You went from hating Atsumu Miya to essentially dating him. The team you helped manage won the Division 1 Volleyball championships. And now, you’re in a dating scandal with someone you considered a close friend. 
If there was a way to put your life on pause, you would. In a heartbeat. 
A buzz on the table catches your attention. Atsumu’s phone buzzes a couple more times before halting.
The name “Angie” appears on the notifications, drawing your curiosity.
“Atsumu, who is Angie?”
You look back at where he stands in the kitchen, and he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
There’s a brief moment of silence before he snaps out of whatever trance he’s in.
“Oh, that’s my cousin,” he says, drying his hands off, “Sorry, I just haven’t, um, spoken to her in a while,”
“Ah, I see,” you put his phone down before drowning yourself back in your thoughts.
Atsumu joins you on the couch, grabbing his phone before his butt meets the cushion. He puts it on the side of the couch before wrapping a strong arm around you. 
“What show is this?”
“It’s this one show, Ginny and Georgia, terrible, but I like to experience it,” you say which he nods in response to.
“I see,” his phone buzzes again, causing him to pick it up and type a somewhat long message.
“What does she want?” you prod.
He looks down at you then back at his phone, “She’s just reaching out after some family drama,”
You mouth a silent oh before turning your head back to the TV. 
The 50 minute episode ends and Atsumu hasn’t gotten off his phone since then.
“Atsumu, pay attention to me,” you pout, shaking his arm.
“Fine, fine, let me send one more text,” he quickly taps his phone a couple more times before setting it down.
You smile before you hug him, earning a kiss in response.
“Ah shit, I need to piss, just give me a second, ‘kay?” you nod before he’s frantically rushing through the hallway, pants pulled down before he even reaches the bathroom door.
You laugh a bit to yourself. You reach for the remote when you see his phone light up with a new text. 
He didn’t shut it off.
You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You’d be lying if you said you trusted Atsumu with all your heart, but it’d kill you if you didn’t trust him and he caught you in the act of something stupid like searching through his phone.
Curiosity might really be killing the cat, because you can’t help the way you look at the bathroom door then back at his phone, quickly grabbing at it and reading the most recent texts.
If you were a cat, then curiosity really did kill you. Your heart sinks at the texts between his “cousin” Angie.
Angie [10:02AM]: URE the one who took those pics. i just happened to find them
Angie [10:02AM]: who do you think uploaded that picture of sakusa n that girl? lol u can finally get ur mind off of her now
Angie [10:03AM]: what do u say? u tryna come over or what ;)
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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gay-dorito-dust · 9 months
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Another, another Drabble that might be longer than I originally planned…the ending was dogshit🦦
‘It’s cute.’ Sylvia Newbon of the Aphrodite cabin cooed as Luke flashed you a charming smile.
‘Then you can have him then,’ you began, plucking loose threads from your jeans, ‘he’s been nothing but an annoying pain in my ass as of late.’
Sylvia merely chucked as she playfully nudged you in the side. ‘I don’t think that’s possible at this pount, Luke seems dead set on you, and I honestly think you’re being dramatic about all this. You’ve got someone pinning after you and your response to that is to be rid of it?’ She said aghast. You shrugged, not really understanding what Luke saw in you, a child of Hades, a forbidden child other than that; a forbidden child whose existence shouldn’t have come to pass.
‘He’ll get bored of me once he realises I’m not who he thinks I am.’ You defended, now watching Luke as he took a small break from training, face still bearing that smile that only seemed to grow to the point his dimples and pearly whites were on full display. You didn’t want to be the one responsible in taking take away that shine. Ever. For it seemed that ever since your first arrival to camp, Luke had been the only one to stand by you without an ounce of trepidation for who your godly father was; He had been there during the sleepless nights despite the fact he didn’t need to, during your time at the Hermes cabin he would be beside you in the dinning pavilion or even save you a seat.
He did everything in his power to help you and be of aid, all without expecting a simple thank you in return…You genuinely hated how you felt towards him. You originally put it down to the fact that Luke Castellan was conventionally attractive, only to soon learn that it was much deeper than that, which had scared you to the point of becoming recluse.
‘Don’t say that.’ Sylvia said sternly. ‘Don’t do that to yourself, don’t sell yourself short. I hate it when you do that because that means missing out on something pure, something beautiful, something real.’ She then grasps onto your hands, holding them with a strength that was reflective of her passion. ‘I don’t want fear of rejection, for fear itself to control you any longer because if there’s anyone in camp who deserves to be happy, it’s you. You’re the child of hades for fuck sake, fear is beneath you and you know it but you still willingly give it power over you. Why? Why deny yourself true happiness when it’s served up to you on a silver platter-‘
‘Because I’m afraid!’ You exclaimed, cutting Sylvia off but find it difficult to stop. ‘I’m afraid that I won’t be enough for him, that I’ll take away his smile that shows off his perfect teeth and cute dimples! I’m afraid that he’ll never be satisfied being with me because even in a camp full of people like me, much like Nico, I still feel the outcast and I don’t want to burden Luke with that.’ You finished, slightly out of breath. ‘So it’d be better for the both of us if I just kept my distance.’ Neither of you spoke, you just stared at each other, letting nothing but the silence to take hold, but then you saw the sudden shift in Sylvia’s eyes as they looked to something just behind you.
You didn’t need to know who it was behind you, not when you could clearly see from where you sat that Luke was missing from his little group of friends that were heading off elsewhere; which was probably why you didn’t express surprise upon hearing his voice from behind saying. ‘I know I probably fucked up my chances by eavesdropping but I completely disagree with everything you said just now.’ You didn’t even react when Luke sat himself down, nor make any attempts to move away when he then shuffled closer to you as humanly possible. Sylvia -obviously knowing what was going to happen- smiled softly as she stood up and promptly left you and Luke to your much needed conversation.
‘And why’s that?’ You rhetorically asked, looking at him as though you weren’t having an internal breakdown as to what might come out of his mouth next. ‘Would me saying I like you be substantial enough evidence?’ He asks.
‘We’re not in a romcom movie Luke, a simple I like you is never going to be enough, especially for people like me who have never been given much of a reason for staying, never mind a good one at that.’ You replied and Luke hummed in acknowledgment before grabbing you hand in a similar fashion as Sylvia did prior; with a strength reflective of his passion. ‘Then let me try again by saying that the day you came to camp was probably the most important day of my life.’ Luke began. ‘From the moment Chiron brought you to the Hermes cabin I knew right then and there that I was a goner. I must’ve been obvious as even some of camp began to notice how I acted towards you and would come up and tell me to tell you and get it over with…but I didn’t because I’d thought I would have enough time to tell you eventually.’ He chuckles, squeezing your hand while you listened intently.
‘I was wrong on that front because it wouldn’t be long until you were claimed by Hades and soon after you had already packed your stuff to move into your new cabin. It wasn’t until then did I realise that I took our friendship for granted, I knew that sooner or later you’d be claimed but at least not for a while, I often asked myself why did I cling onto you so desperately and now I know why.’ Luke finished, looking at you deeply.
‘Why?’ You asked, already knowing the answer.
‘It’s because I didn’t want you to move on and forget about me when I was very much liked the thought of you being close to me, closer than a friend should. So while your cabin was being built I took that as a final attempt in getting closer to you before being forced to wake up in a cabin void entirely of your presence for good.’ Luke replied.
You licked your lips, suddenly overtly away of how dry they were. ‘and here I thought you were just being the friendly head of the Hermes cabin.’ You admitted humourlessly, resting your head against his shoulder without a care. ‘How oblivious was I?’
‘How oblivious we both were you mean.’ Luke corrected as he rested his head atop of yours, briefly closing his eyes. ‘I just hope that I’ve given you enough reason to stay at camp.’ At those words you squeezed his hand in reassurance and uttered softly for him to hear. ‘you gave me that and so much more.’
Luke pressed a kiss to your head. ‘Good because I would’ve followed you into Tartarus and back if I hadn’t.’
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veenxys · 2 years
「When someone pretends to be your friend only to flirt with BNHA Boys」
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⤷ Bakugou he’d catch even a different look or a sweeter word coming from your friend, and he’d be even quicker to show her that he’s not interested because he’s too busy being in love with you to even think about someone else. he tries to ignore her, but she continues. he tries to get away from her, but she follows him. until one moment he ends up exploding and telling her hard and thick truths; which makes her upset and teary-eyed, but well, he’s too busy demonstrating to you that you’re the only one to even notice her.
⤷ Deku it would take him some time to realize that your ‘friend’ is flirting with him, but when he does, he’s so embarrassed and uncomfortable. he tries to come up with some excuse to get away from her but that doesn’t convince her, she always finds some way to go after him. he wouldn’t like, but he would have to take this problem into his own hands because he doesn’t want to make you upset or insecure. so he tries to be polite and tell her that he is with you and that he has no interest in her; he uses fake smiles and understanding looks so she doesn’t feel bad - and honestly, he regrets it later when he finds out she pretended to be your friend.
⤷ Kirishima
he would try to be as polite as possible when he realized what was happening, but as soon as he saw your discomfort and embarrassment he would immediately tell your friend to stop or say something like “i already have an s/o, i don’t need it and nor do i want another” in a polite but notoriously irritated manner. after that he would try to demonstrate as much as possible that his words were true, that he doesn’t want someone else, he wants you, and only you.
⤷ Todoroki
todoroki honestly wouldn’t even notice; he’s too oblivious to notice your friend’s strange behavior. he genuinely thinks she’s very friendly like: wow! she was so cool! he never realizes that she might be flirting or being fake until he realizes how angry/sad you are after every interaction. after that, he would avoid her like the plague because of how awkward he feels around her. you’re the one for him and he thought it was obvious but if it wasn’t before; he’ll make it obvious every day so you - and her - never forget.
⤷ Denki
he knows exactly what she’s doing but he kind of finds this whole situation funny because he shows you to everybody and everybody knows you’re his and he is completely yours, so he thinks it’s funny and silly how anyone can try take him away from you. most of the time he ignores her but sometimes he likes to say something funny just to fight back because honestly anyone who wants to hurt you is like an insult to him too. you’re in this together, so he takes these things personally.
“can you help me put this on the shelf? it’s so tall and i’m so small.. :(“ she says innocently as she looks at him.
“damn, i’m small too.. what a pity ¯\(ツ)/¯”
⤷ Tamaki
he would be so confused and so uncomfortable; he doesn’t know how to react because he doesn’t like to be rude to other people, but this whole situation makes his anxiety increase much more than he could have imagined. as she continues talking and approaching him, he looks for you with anxious and desperate eyes, and when you see him, you feel your heart ache in your chest. he looks so fragile and small when she is next to him, but you’re a little relieved to see that all the tension and fear that was in his eyes has eased a little when you arrived - as has the red in his cheeks. honestly this whole situation would probably end with a confrontation between you and her because you’ve never seen tamaki so uncomfortable before.
“thanks y/n,” he is so relieved and grateful when you’re finally alone, “i’m so glad we don’t need to talk to her anymore” he says as you hug him, feeling him melt into your touch.
⤷ Shinsou
he would be very uncomfortable with the whole situation once he realized what the girl’s real intentions were; he always saw her as friendly and kind, but that went a little too far when she started invading his personal space. he hated it not just for her touching him or asking deep questions about him, he hated it because it wasn’t you. you’re the only one on his mind; the only one he wants. so he tries to come up with an excuse to get away from her and come to you; he takes one last look at her before putting his arm around you and giving you a tender kiss on the cheek.
⤷ Hawks
he’s a kind of person who catches everyone’s attention, not only for being hero number two, but also for being very pretty. and even with all the attention he gets, he’d never do anything to make you doubt his love for you because his heart chose you, and only you. he is such a loyal and honest boyfriend; and he wouldn’t act differently around your fake friend. he doesn’t speak to her unless absolutely necessary and barely looks at her. unfortunately that doesn’t discourage her. he’s put up with everything until one day while she’s talking about his hair, she starts running her fingers through it, that’s when he decides he has to be very clear and probably hurt her feelings.
“uhm… my hair is beautiful because y/n helps me take care of it” he says taking her hands uncomfortably, “i'm glad they help me though. i don’t know what my life would be without them.” he says with a hard but at the same time meaningful smile, which makes her flinch a little.
⤷ Dabi
since when dabi’s heart decides to be yours, it’s like the two of you are linked; an intangible and strong love that he wouldn’t trade for anything in the world, in fact, he would protect it with his life. then he wouldn’t handle this situation very well; when he realizes that the girl is crossing the line and starts being ‘too friendly’, he starts ignoring her or else giving her dry and rude answers that makes her flinch a little. he demonstrates in every way that he is not interested and that his heart is yours and yours alone. but if the girl still continues, he won’t think twice before pulling you by the waist and giving you a passionate and long kiss in front of her, running his hand over your body and smiling when he puts his arm around your shoulder and looks at her deeply as if to say something like “you will never replace them. no one will.”
⤷ Shigaraki
shigaraki couldn’t stand even half a second next to the girl. he’s completely and hopelessly in love with you and everyone knows it, so why doesn’t she see it? he ignores her and on the rare occasions he does speak to her, he gives harsh and disinterested answers. he often pulls you into his lap when your ‘friend’ is close; he leaves kisses on your shoulder and neck as he wraps his arms around you, demonstrating that you are his, and he is completely yours. and if the girl doesn’t give up, he’ll give her enough reasons to never look at him or get close to you again.
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yanderecrazysie · 4 months
You Give Love a Bad Name (Yandere Ruggie)
Requested on my Quotev!
Title: You Give Love a Bad Name
Pairings: Ruggie Bucchi x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mild violence
Summary: Your new boyfriend is becoming more and more controlling.
“Chains of love got a hold on me
When passion's a prison, you can't break free
Woah, you're a loaded gun, yeah
Oh, there's nowhere to run
No one can save me, the damage is done”
-From “You Give Love a Bad Name” by Bon Jovi
It’s days like these that you remember how it all began.
You remember the way he looked up at you with sparkling eyes and a half-playful, half-genuine grin, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers up to you from his kneeling position. The way he so sweetly asked you to be his and then the little giggle he gave you when you accepted… it was all so innocent and heart-warming.
It’s hard to believe the same boy would become so controlling.
“I think I should go,” your friend says quickly, bringing the conversation to an abrupt close. He’s looking over your shoulder at something, mild panic in his eyes. You don’t have to guess what he’s seen.
You don’t bother turning around, a little sigh leaving your mouth as you say, “Ruggie…”
Arms wrap around your waist and his chin rests on your shoulder. You can imagine the pout on his face and darkness in his eyes as he whispers in your ear, “I don’t like when you hang out with him.”
You bite back the retort lingering in your mind. You don’t like when I hang out with anyone, Ruggie.
His tail wraps possessively around your thigh and your friend gives you a hurried wave, gathering his things and scurrying away like a frightened mouse. You wonder what Ruggie’s done to make him react like that, but your imagination doesn’t have to stretch far.
You know he’d do anything to keep you by his side.
The grip around your waist tightens and his chin digs into your shoulder a bit more as he takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent. It’s the hyena part of him, and you hate to think you used to find it endearing.
“You know I do this because I care, right?” Ruggie murmurs softly into your neck, “I just want to keep you safe.”
“Safe from what?” you snap, “My friends?”
Ruggie removes his head from your shoulder and spins you around to face him. He’s frowning at you, his hyena ears flat against his skull, “They don’t understand you like I do. They’ll only hurt you.”
Anger rushes through you. All of your friends either avoid you or run away at the sight of your boyfriend. You’re sick of this. You’re sick of him.
“Ruggie, I want to break up.”
Ruggie’s body seizes up and he lets go of your waist in shock. He’s staring at you like you just tore his heart out of his chest and maybe you did. His eyes fill with tears and you feel a wave of guilt.
You take a step back and Ruggie’s hand trembles as he reaches out for you. “You… you don’t mean that. You can’t… you can’t mean that.” His voice breaks and a tear escapes his right eye.
Fighting against the wave of guilt that threatens to drown you, you say, “Yes, Ruggie, I mean it. You’re too controlling, I can’t take it!”
His eyes widen with desperation, “But I love you!” You wince at the confession. “I’m doing this for you! I want to be with you forever!”
“Love is about trust, not control,” you say softly, “And you have zero trust for me.”
The tears are streaming down his cheeks now. His tail is drooping and his ears are flattened further against his hair. He looks utterly broken.
You grit your teeth and steel yourself. You’re done being isolated. You’re done watching your friends run away from you in fear.
Ruggie sniffles, “Please don’t leave me. I’ll change. I’ll do anything! Just don’t leave me!”
You turn away, “I’m sorry, Ruggie, but I’m done.”
His expression shifts. The tears keep falling, but they’re slipping from narrowed, darkened eyes.
“If you leave me, I’ll have nothing.”
You jump at the deep, rough tone of his voice. It’s like he’s growling at you. You take a step back involuntarily.
“I can’t let you go. You belong to me.”
A shiver runs down your spine, “Ruggie, you need to understand-”
“No!” Ruggie yells. It’s at this moment you realize the courtyard is deserted, no one in earshot to witness his reaction, “You aren’t allowed to leave me!”
Fear coils in your gut. You take another step back, but Ruggie follows, closing the distance, “Ruggie, please, calm down.”
“Calm down?” he repeats, letting out a laugh tinged with hysteria, “You’re breaking my heart and you want me to calm down?”
The hyena grabs your wrist in an ironclad grip- it feels like he might break it if he squeezes any tighter, “You’re not leaving.”
You look wildly around the courtyard, struggling against his hold. There’s no one around, no one to come to your aid. “Let me go, please!” you cry out, your voice trailing off in a whimper as your bones creak under his tightening grip. There’s a sudden snap and you scream out in pain as your wrist breaks.
His eyes are wild, tears still streaking down his cheeks, “I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you.”
He pulls you close by your broken wrist and, before long, you’re crying too. In pain and in fear.
Tears drip onto your head as he whispers into your ear one simple word. A word that sends chills down your spine.
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Take It Out On Me Part 27 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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Warning: Soft Doms Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie & Sub Fem Plus Size Y/N, SMUT, dirty talk, a bit softer than the norm with these two but she's preggo so lol FLUFF, they love her and the little one. We find out the gender and get a name for da baby.
ANGST, Steve's dad makes an asshole cameo, the three of them confront the other parents to tell them reader is pregnant. Those are the biggies. Not my normal level of angst :)
Word Count: 4696
Series here/ Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
“Hey guys. Thank you for coming and please have a seat.”, Steve instructs your parents as he gestures towards the couch where Wayne was already waiting. 
“Okay…is everything alright?”, your mother asks in a worried tone.
“Yeah, everything’s ok, Mrs. Y/L/N.”, Eddie answers as he sits in one of the chairs they placed on either side of yours. 
The three of you came up with a game plan since the last time all the parents were addressed it didn’t end well. You were going to do the bulk of the speaking when it came to your parents but if they addressed one of the boys or reacted as they had before, Eddie and Steve would take over to promptly end the conversation. They weren’t going to allow you to be hurt again especially after your hospital visit. 
Now they had two lives they needed to look after and protect.
Once your mom and dad were seated, you smiled as you handed your mom a little envelope and back away to take a seat near your protectors. 
No one says a word as she opens the paper and pulls out its contents. Your eyes close as you physically prepare for the fallout and you hear your mother heavily exhale.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“H-How? I don’t…I thought you were on the pill? At least…I mean…you told me you were.”
Your father cringes at your mom’s words as he continues to process what he’s hearing.
“I am…was…Before we went to Italy, we had an incident where they needed to switch the birth control. The nurse told us to wait a week but my doctor said that was wrong.”
“What?!”, your mother and Wayne exclaimed at the same time causing you to recoil a bit. 
Steve petted your head to calm you, assuring you everything was still alright.
“That’s more than just being wrong, sweetheart. Jesus, what is your doctor doing? Did she fire that nurse?”, Eddie’s uncle asked with what you could immediately tell was genuine concern.
“She said she was going to talk to her—”
“She needs to more than that! I’ll go down there and talk to them myself—”
As you folded more into yourself, Eddie glanced at Steve ready to jump in; the other boy agreeing.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, please, with all due respect we need everyone here to be calm—”
“And how do we do that, Steven?”, your father asked sharply. “This is a pretty big fucking deal.”
“Well, you better fucking figure it out because we’ve already had one scare that put her in the hospital and it won’t happen again!”, Eddie growled. 
“What?! I don’t…what happened…why didn’t anyone call us!? Edward, she’s our daughter!”
“And she’s our wife!” Everyone became silent at the metalhead’s outburst as he blinked realizing what he said. “Girlfriend…she’s our girlfriend…That we have never abandoned but you have. WE needed to make sure she was safe first.”
“Is the baby ok?”, Wayne asked, breathing a sigh of relief when you nodded. 
“She panicked and, again, for fear of how people would react tried to break up with us. She was so stressed…she was in pain…”, Steve relays as his jaw tightens hating the memory. 
“So, I’m assuming because this was an accident you don’t know who’s the father?”, your dad asked as he stood up and began pacing. 
“Please don’t call my baby an accident.”, you whimper. 
“He’s OURS and we love him.”, Eddie announced making you smile softly. 
“Could they get a sex?”
“Oh, no, Wayne, it’s still too early. I’d call that parent’s intuition.”, you mom responds flashing a grin his way. 
“Ok, Bev, I’m trying really hard but I need to be the reality check here. She just graduated college, Steve works at a video store, Eddie works at a record store. How are they going to take care of a child?”
“Mr. C offered to let me continue interning for him and then next school year I could teach if the principal still wants to hire me.”
“Robin and I have a plan together for the non-profit. We actually have meetings with investors within these next couple of months.”
“That’s amazing, Steve.”, Eddie’s uncle praises making the boy smile in appreciation. “And you, Ed? Last I spoke with you, you were working to get recording time.”
“Yeah, the guys and I have a lot of money saved. We’re hoping within the next month we can get something out. Funds have slowed a bit since I started putting money aside for Y/N.”
“What about the birth certificate? You both can’t put your names on there.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh, Steven? Have you already crossed the bridge of your feelings about how this child is going to have one of your genes? How it might cause animosity that this kid looks a bit more like one man than the other?  How it could drive you crazy to NOT know.”
Eddie steps forward squaring his shoulder as he comes toe to toe with your father. 
“That’s OUR kid. I don’t care if he’s biologically mine or Steve’s. As long as he’s happy and healthy…as long as he knows BOTH his father’s love him…no matter what. I don’t fucking care.”
The other man places his palm on his friend’s chest to calm him, pushing him back towards you. 
“Are you going to tell Bill?”, your mom inquires. “With the way he reacted about Y/N, I’m sure he’ll take this well.”, she says sarcastically. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything. They haven’t been in my life for over 4 years.”
“I know, baby, but you should give them the chance. At least your mom…”
“I’d go with you but your dad placed a restraining order on me.”, your father sighs as he places his hands on his hips. “Don’t laugh at me, Beverly.”
“I can’t help it, Robert.”
“Are you mad at me?” Your voice cuts through the room as both boys back up so you can see your parents. 
“No, honey. We aren’t mad. We’re just concerned but like Mr. Munson here we want our daughter to be happy and healthy.”, your mother coos as she gets up to hug you tightly to her. 
“Ok, so tell me again what else you need?”, Masie asks as you two browse the baby section of the store you two were walking around. 
“The most expensive thing we need is a crib. Besides that, um, a stroller, a car seat…my mom said we can’t have enough bottles.”, you giggle. “I was thinking for the baby’s room, maybe, we could do like a Wizard of Oz thing. Wayne told me a story about how that book always comforted Eddie.”
“I can do that. Did they have a preference or…”
“No, they said I should just do whatever I wanted.”, you giggle. 
It had been a couple of months since you guys talked to your parents and the reality of everything was beginning to set in. The first time you felt him move you cried for an hour scaring the boys to death. 
“Is…is this normal?”, Steve asked as he petted your head. 
“Yeah, I’m just so happy. We’re having a baby.”, you sob.
“Oh, sweetheart.”, Eddie chuckles as he pulls you to his chest. 
“What do you think, little dude? Do you want bottles with lions or elephants?”, Masie inquires as she leans down to speak directly to your tummy making you laugh harder. “Both? Sounds good.”
“Nope. I won’t hear it. I’m buying these for my new little best friend.”
“Your nephew.”, you correct. Your best friend pauses as she straightens up and her eyes meet your own. “Masie, you’ve been with me since kindergarten and through all of my chaos. You’re my sister and I love you.”
She wraps her arms around your neck, kissing your cheek when she finally pulls away. 
The sudden sound of glass breaking catches your attention as you both turn towards the noise coming face to face with Mrs. Harrington’s wide-eyed expression. Without addressing you, she abruptly swivels around, dropping everything in her hands as she powerwalks out of the store.
Steve was already pacing in the living room mentally preparing himself when the sound of loud banging on the front door echoed through the house. 
After kissing his lips, you and Eddie backed away to allow him to take control as he casually began opening the door to his home. Before he could do anything about it, his father burst through uninvited, huffing as his wild eyes landed on you.
“How dare you, you little whore!”
As he began charging your way, the metalhead pushed you behind him as Steve slid between him and his father to cut him off. 
“No. If you want to talk we can talk but you will NOT speak to her like that.”
“I’ll speak to her any way I see fit! I’ve put up with this farse long enough, Steven. This is not a relationship, you three aren’t married, and that bastard doesn’t belong to you both!”
Before anyone could do anything about it, the younger Harrington’s fist flew knocking his father to the floor. 
“Eddie…”, you whispered in fear, gripping his arm. 
He could feel the worry you had for them practically radiating from you and his protective mode instantly kicked in. 
“Don’t move.”, he commanded, stepping forward to place himself beside his friend. “Get out.”, Eddie growled as he yanked Mr. Harrington to his feet and shoved him towards the door. 
“You’re done, son. I’m cutting you off. No more installments into your account, no more inheritance from me or your mother. Nothing, do you hear me, NOTHING will go to that thing. I don’t care if it is biologically yours.”
“Fine. I don’t need anything from you, Bill. You both weren’t there for the worst moment in my life. What makes you think I’d want you there for the best? I can’t wait to be father so I can be nothing like you. Now…GET…OUT!”
As soon as his father left, you wrapped your arms around Steve’s waist and clung to him as his arms remained at his sides. 
“Are you alright, man?”, Eddie asked as he came up beside you both. 
You could feel it coming off his agitated frame as your cheek rose and fell with each heavy breath of his chest. He was furious. 
He was angry that his father was despicable and continued to hurt him even now. He was pissed that anyone, let alone his own blood called his baby that he already loved so much a ‘bastard’ and a ‘thing’. Steve felt betrayed by his mother who immediately ran to her husband knowing how he’d react without coming to speak with him herself. He wanted to kill him for disrespecting you and even THINKING he could charge at you to lay his hands on you. 
But more than anything, he was hurt that both his parents still didn’t seem to give a damn about him or his happiness. 
Tilting back, your palms cup his face as he continues to look past you into the void.
“Daddy, baby, look at me.”
It took him a few seconds and some more soft murmurs before his eyes glassy eyes met yours.
“I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve the bullshit he puts you through. I know you’re a good man and I have no doubt you’ll be an amazing father.” When his forehead presses against yours, you feel his breathing begin to calm. “It’s ok, honey. You can still use me.”
Glancing towards Eddie, he waits for his friend to give him a nod letting him know he thought it would be ok. You three were still intimate but it was much softer than before. They didn’t want to trigger another episode or hurt you too much even after getting the ok from your doctor. 
Since that point a lot had happened and all of you were just genuinely too exhausted to do anything more than cuddle. 
Lifting you into his arms, Steve carried you to the bedroom and laid you on your back horizontally across the mattress. After tearing away your clothes, he opened your legs wide and spit into your cunt before falling onto his side next to you and sliding his arm under your head for you to use as a pillow. On impulse you raised one of your legs in the air and his heavy breathing warmed your cheek as he guided his cock inside of you. 
As his fingers dug into your thigh, he set a rough pace as he absorbed the feeling of being inside you like this again. Glancing to your other side, you watched as Eddie came around the bed and knelt down by your head. Your fingers reached for him but he shook his head as he tenderly took hold of both sides of yours and turned it till you were facing the other man. 
“He needs you right now, sweetheart.”, he whispered in your ear as he gently played with your hair that hung over the end of the mattress. 
“Mmm—feels so good, Sir.”
“Yeah, baby? You’re going to cum already? It’s been a while since we’ve been able to take care of you, huh.”
Steve abruptly pulls out of you and shuffles around till you feel his tongue rapidly flick your clit as two of his fingers thrust in and out of your core.
“Fuck! Daddy, please.”
Placing your hand on the back of his head, you hold him to you as your back arches off the bed and you cum, groaning as he drank you in. 
“Color, baby?”
“Green, Sir…Fuck…”
After taping your pussy with his length and making you twitch at the feeling, he slides himself inside of you again, stretching your leg up his chest so he could cling to your thigh for leverage as he pounded into you. 
Eddie continued to gently kiss your forehead, cheek, or any other part of your skin he could reach with his lips. 
“Right there, Daddy. Just like that. Fuck, I love you so much.”
 Steve’s pace suddenly slowed and your eyes locked as he blinked as if coming back into the moment. Dropping your leg to the side, you promptly wrapped it around his waist as he leaned down till his head was by your ear. 
“I’m not…too heavy…am I?”, he panted.
“No, Daddy. You feel perfect against me.”
“I love you, Y/N. I’m so s-sorry for how my family treats you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Threading your fingers in his hair, you held him as tightly as you could as you rolled your hips underneath him encouraging him to continue. 
“It’s ok, Steve. All—All I care about is how they make you feel. I’m sorry—fuck—I’m sorry they can’t see what an amazing man you are.” Finding his rhythm again, the bed began to subtly shake as his cock abused your g-spot. “Oh my god. Just like that, Daddy.”
With Eddie having long moved out of the way, Steve’s palm clung to the sheets next to your head as he groans. 
“Fuck, baby. You wanna cum with Daddy?”
Nodding your head, your nails drag down his back as your pussy quivers around him and the coil snaps. Grunting at the feeling, he slowed his movements but not his intensity as he slammed his seed inside of your cunt. 
“Good girl. Shit, you feel so good. Do…Do you need anything?”
“10 steps ahead of you, sweetheart. Here, sit up and drink this.”, Eddie instructs as he hands you a glass that you knock back. “Whoa, whoa. Babe, you’re going to throw up. Slow down.”
“Jesus, Steven. Fucking fucked the vocabulary out of our girl here.”
You and Steve giggle as he takes your cup and leaves to get you more. 
“Can we take a bath? I’m a little sore.”
“Yeah, honey, of course.”
Carefully guiding you out of bed, the former jock fills the tub with warm water as the metalhead comes back with more for you to drink. 
“Slow, baby. Good girl.”
As soon as everything is ready and the bathroom is smelling like sand on a beach, Steve takes your hand and helps you in, placing himself behind you as he cleans you and gently massages your lower back. 
When he abruptly pauses you can’t help but giggle when you take hold of his palm and move it back over your tummy. 
“He loves you both. Every time you talk or touch me, he does a little dance.” Eddie sits on the floor outside the tub and places his hand beside Steve’s. “Say something.”
“Listen, little rockstar, I know you’ve heard a lot of craziness out here but I promise it won’t be that chaotic. Whoa.”, he breathes when something pushes up towards them. “We love you, dude.”
“Ok, are we all ready to find out what this baby is?!”, Masie shouts from her spot at the end of the table in your backyard. 
Today was the afternoon of the baby shower and you were so grateful for everyone that came. You half expected people to treat you differently but just like your reception you threw for the boys so many people came to celebrate this new milestone with you.
Your family from New York surprised you by coming down to see you, the family, and what the new edition would be. Your uncle loved Masie, helping her get things together for the party and decorating. Your parents and Eddie’s mother came as well with her little ones which the metalhead loved watching you interact with. 
As Wayne held the string to lift the pinata that read “The Baby Is…” off the ground, you gave the large bat to one of his half-sisters and spun her around making her giggle. Robin and Mr. C stood as far out of the way as possible enjoying the view but trying not to get whacked in the process. 
“Op! You have to swing harder than that!”
With one final hard hit your mouth fell open in shock as pink confetti and candy hit the ground. 
While everyone cheered, your eyes met theirs as they smiled and shrugged.
“I guess we’re having a girl!”, Steve beams as he comes around to give you a hug. 
You giggle from your spot at the sink as you continue to wash some of the dishes from that evening. Steve said he just needed a minute to rest and the next thing you knew, you heard him snoring on the couch with his arm slung over his eyes. 
“I’m telling you. Kid sleeps like a rock.”, Eddie grins as he enters the room and tosses some trash into the bag nearby. “Did you have a good day, sweetheart?”
“I did. It was nice to have some fun without all the drama we’ve been dealing with. What about you?”
“Yeah, I had a good day to. My favorite part was watching you with my siblings. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” The way he said that gave you pause as you turned off the facet and dried your hands. “I know we always talk about how Steve and I aren’t going to be like our dads but I hope you know that even though you love your family very much there are some things that will be different and that’s ok, baby.”
Blinking back your emotions, you wrap your arms around him as he lifts you off your feet. 
“I don’t want her to ever feel unloved.”, you murmur into his chest making him smile as he tilts back your head to kiss your lips. 
“She won’t because her mom and dads already love her so much. I can’t wait to meet her. I’m going to show her Dio and Judas and—ow!”, he teases when you lightly smack his chest. As you turn to head back to the sink, he tugs on your wrist bringing you back in front of him. “We, um, we haven’t talked about it yet but… I know…the titles…you don’t have to use them anymore…”
Taking a hold of his chin, you lift his face till his eyes meet your own and he doesn’t know if you can tell but he appreciates the softness behind them. 
“Do you want me to stop using them?”
“I mean…NO but…”, Eddie chuckles nervously. “It’s not like you can call me and him that stuff in front of a kid.”
“Yeah… but I can do it when we’re alone.” Pressing your lips to his, he groans against your kiss as your palm slides down his chest, past his stomach, to the bulge in his jeans. “You’re always going to be my Master and Steve will always be my Daddy. Even when I use your names those titles don’t fade. I’m yours, baby.”
“You are, pretty girl. Fuck.”
“You can use me to, Sir, if you need me. It’s been so long since I felt you inside me.”
“I—mmm—are you sure? You’ve been on your f-feet all day.”
Grinning, you lean forward to trail soft kisses along his chin, jaw, and up to his ear. 
“Then sweep me off them.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs as he takes ahold of your head in both hands and crashes his lips back to yours. You have no clue where he’s taking you as he starts walking you backwards till you bump into the table. Hastily, he unbuttons your pants, sliding them down your legs with your panties and kicking them aside. 
Eddie effortlessly lifts you onto the flat surface and as he fumbles with his belt you suck that sweet spot on his neck that you know drives him crazy. Giggling as he stumbles out of his jeans, he smiles as he licks his palm and strokes his cock a few times before effortlessly sheathing himself inside you. 
Resting his forehead against the nook between your neck and shoulder, you mewled as you felt his jaw fall open and his breathy moans warm your skin. Your hands cupped one of his cheeks just below his ear, pressing him to you while the other clung to his own shoulder as your arm rested behind his neck. 
“Just like that. Oh my god.”
“I know, baby. Fuck me. I know exactly where that spot is inside you. Right…here…”
At his last couple of words, Eddie slammed his hips into your own making you cry out as his cock perfectly hit that sensitive spot inside you. 
“You’re going to have to learn to be a lot quieter, princess.”, he chuckles as you smirk. 
After giving you a quick kiss, he guides you till your back is flat against the table and he takes hold of your legs, pulling you closer to the edge as he holds both limbs up with his strong arms under your knees. When his eyes meet yours, you already know what he wants, even giving you a helping hand as a long line of spit falls from his mouth onto your clit. 
As your fingers come down to rub his saliva into your bundle of nerves, Eddie bites his bottom lip to stifle a loud groan of his own as his pace hastens. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You look so fucking beautiful like this.”
A string of repetitive uhs fall from your mouth as the surface shakes underneath you. 
“Shit. Talk to me, sweetheart. I wanna hear you.”
“God…I’m…you’re gonna make me cum. Please…Please, Sir, cum with me.”
Chasing both your highs, the metalhead pounded into you till he felt you tremble and your pussy squeeze his cock like a vice. 
“That’s it, baby! Good girl. F-Fucking good girl.”, he praised as his rhythm faltered and he coated your insides with his release. “Fuck…are you ok, babe?”
Still trying to catch your breath, you nod and give him a thumbs up that makes him laugh through his teeth. Taking hold of your arms, he playfully lifts you up to a sitting position and pulls you into him for a hug. 
“What about you, Daddy? You ok?”
Steve chuckles as he sits up and peaks his head over the back of the couch.
“Jesus, woman. I swear you have superhero levels of hearing. Yeah, I’m alright, honey.”
After helping you to the floor, Eddie took off your shirt and started walking you down the hall to the bathroom as Steve followed leaving his pants unbuttoned, holding them up with his hands. 
“I heard you trying to hide your moans. I know what you touching yourself sounds like.”
“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”, you laugh as you stick out your tongue. “We should show her that movie all the time…The Princess Bride. It’s so good.”
Something flashes across Eddie’s face only for a moment before he grins at you both and steps into the shower bringing you with him.
“Hey. What was that? What passed through you mind?”
“Nothing, princess. It’s silly.”
After brushing some of his damp hair away from his eyes, you cup his face in your hands. 
“Tell me.”
His chocolate eyes flicked to Steve behind you as he stepped into the tub before sighing and shrugging his shoulders. 
“I want to refer to you as my wife. OUR wife. Obviously I already feel that way…fucking saying it without even thinking. Add in the fact that you’ve been with us for 5 years, through fucking everything and now you’re about to the mother of our child. I just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m being too sappy or cliché.”
“Eddie, baby. It’s a piece of paper we don’t need—”
“I know. I was just saying.”
“Can I talk?”, you giggle.
“I don’t know. Give it a try.”, he teases making your grin grow.
“I was going to SAY…It’s a piece of paper we don’t need because like you said we’ve been together through everything and we’re adding to our family. Eddie, if you want to tell people I’m your wife…tell them. Fuck what the assholes of this town think.”
Steve’s arms wrap around you from behind as he kisses your shoulder while the metalhead trails small pecks from your forehead down to your lips. 
After cleaning you up and drying you off, Eddie curls up against the headboard and fiddles with your hair while the other boy lays on his back in front of you both browsing through a book someone had given as a gift filled with baby names.
“We should name her after one of the elves in Lord of the Rings.”
“No, no. You are not giving our baby a nerdy name like Frido or something.”
At Eddie’s exasperated sigh and Steve’s mispronunciation you spit the water you had been drinking back into your glass as you laugh hard. 
“Look what you’ve done now, Steven. You’re killing the woman we love.”
“Shut up. What about you, honey? Any suggestions?”
“Um…”, you hum as you think for a moment before something pops into your head. “What about Molly?”
The pretty boy pouts out his lips in amusement as he and the metalhead nod. 
“How’d you come up with that?”
“The Breakfast Club.”, you whine as your voice cracks in embarrassment and you cover your face with your hands. 
“No! No, baby, don’t hide. You definitely have to break that down a bit.”, Eddie jests as he pulls at your wrists so they can see you.
“We met in detention… The first time I saw it with Maze it made me think of us. Steve is the jock Emilio Estevez who had problems with his father and being popular. Eddie would be Judd Nelson’s bad boy with an asshole family and a school system that didn’t seem to care. I’d be Ally Sheedy’s weirdo feeling ignored by her family… Molly Ringwald is the princess and since Ed already calls her that…just made me think…Molly.”
Crawling up the length of your body, Steve kisses your lips and then your stomach before falling beside you as Eddie did the same. 
“I like that name. Molly.”
“Molly Munson-Harrington.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank @nailbatanddungeon
@sidthedollface2 @justanotheryn @pedropascalslilbaby
@marsupiooo @mandyjo8719 @bexreadstoomuch
@chelebelletx @perdopascalslilbaby @shayeddie @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso @micheledawn1975
@paleidiot @mrsjellymunson @dashingdeb16
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zukosdualdao · 5 months
hakoda being a genuinely loving, supportive father to katara and never invalidating her feelings but still comforting her is something that can be so important <3333
especially, as many as have pointed out, as it contrasts with zuko’s hollow reunion with ozai, getting conditional and tenuous praise while still nervous, knowing he’s on thin, dangerous ice, and on his knees in a pose that more or less looks like he is awaiting judgment.
one of the ways this really gets highlighted is that katara spends the episode needling hakoda. just a little, just here and there—he just heard me call you dad didn’t he? and it’s sokka’s invasion plan both spring to mind—and i don’t think even she understands why she’s doing it. she seems sincere and surprised when aang suggests katara’s mad at her dad. but it’s definitely there, and it maybe was there for a while, because there was a weeks-long time skip we didn’t see.
but there is never, not for one moment, a point at which katara thinks needling hakoda in this way might put her in danger, or a point at which the audience is supposed to be worried for her on that level. it doesn’t even cross her mind (because hakoda is a good and non-abusive dad), and the only reason it crosses mine now is because of how it contrasts with the zuko and ozai scene.
there is tension between them, sure—we see hakoda reacting with some sad/confused expressions but still appeasing her—but even as hurt and confused and angry as she does feel, katara feels 100% safe to express it all to hakoda without any fear of retribution or danger.
contrastly, zuko is… you know, i said nervous before, but terrified would be a more apt word. everything from his expression, to the ominous music, to the staging as ozai looms over him is supposed to show us that. he’s terrified. and the audience absolutely is supposed to be worried that zuko is in danger here because we’ve seen why he’s terrified and know he has every reason to be and that the situation is inherently tenuous at best: zuko would never and could never poke at his father, the way katara does hers in this episode, because it wouldn’t be safe to do so.
zuko spends most of his interaction with ozai completely silent, in fact, and when he does speak up—what did you hear?—he’s walking on eggshells to navigate the lie azula’s told, and the danger he’s finding himself in anyway.
also, just to be clear, this is not katara hate, i literally love her. i love that katara gets to act this way because it’s such an honest portrayal of a teenage girl with complicated emotions, and i find her reconciliation scene with hakoda to be one of the most cathartic scenes in the entire show. and like, i’m glad that she never has reason to even consider that hakoda might harm her in some way, because that’s not a situation that any kid should ever be in. the point is the parallel with zuko, who very much does have reason to worry about what his father will do, is as fascinating as it is tragic.
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i really do feel genuine queerness radiating from the narrative in Cherry Magic Thailand in a way that it might not have in other people's hands. the thing that truly roped me in from the beginning was how Karan's love for Achi, beyond the inherent goodness of it, also created a vast spectrum of negative emotion for Karan that most queer people could immediately recognize and sympathize with. specifically, how uniquely queer it is to have your love and attraction to someone be so closely married to terror at the thought of disgusting them that the concept and feeling of love is tainted for you in ways that it isn't for straight people.
i was hooked by episode 2 when Karan recognized that putting himself out there in even the smallest ways was causing Achi discomfort, and he resolved to just...settle. i can settle, i can settle, i don't need more than what we have right now. i won't make him any more uncomfortable than I already have. i'm being selfish, i need to retreat and keep a distance so he doesn't have to think about me when he doesn't want to, so he doesn't have to dwell on bad things.
he is so concerned with the thoughts and feelings of others that he constantly allows it to branch into self-denigration in relation to his queerness. like after he and Achi were forced to have physical contact by the party game, he's so preoccupied with Achi's fear and discomfort that one of the first things he says to him is "they shouldn't have made us play that game. what guy would be okay with kissing another guy?" and its like...Karan, you would! you would love to kiss the guy right next you and thats okay! to me it seemed like he was giving Achi a pass in case he was disgusted, like 'its okay if [my] queerness grossed you out just now.'
and as @poetry-protest-pornography pointed out here, Karan's confession of love is weighed down by so much negative emotion. right out of the gate, Karan is apologizing for having these types of thoughts and feelings about Achi, taking Achi's willingness over the past few weeks to get to know and be known by Karan as an act of charity, and apologizing for betraying his trust by wanting more. like, you gave me a good thing and i perverted it and made it bad. i'm so sorry.
this resonates with me so much because his internal dialogue was so similar to mine when i came out, but in the context of my relationship with my mother. in the months after i came out to her, every time i saw her i was looking for clues in her body language that confirmed my agonizing suspicion that she was disgusted by me. every time i saw her, my first thought would be 'she's thinking about it and she's disgusted with me, i'm gross to her.' and when i saw her minutely reacting to parts of my own body language that were too butch and masculine (that i hadn't really spent a lot of time thinking about prior to coming out), i vowed to start being more conscious of how i spoke and presented so that i wouldn't make her uncomfortable because i felt so, so bad about forcing her to associate me, her child, with something perverted and gross. Karan's instinct to be ashamed, apologetic, and remorseful for being himself and feeling his feelings makes this show so, so gay for me.
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bellewintersroe · 7 months
Would you please write a headcanon for Malarkey, Babe, Chuck, Shifty, Liebgott, Winters (and anyone else you'd like to do) about them seeing you dressed "like a girl" for the first time. I mean all pin up looking and everything (tastefully of course though). Maybe you had to wear army fatigues just like the rest of the guys (and of course no makeup or ability to do your hair or wash everyday) and that's the only way they've really ever seen you. But you finally get the chance to really dress up for once (you're a girly girl). I'd love to know what you see their reactions being.
Oooooo being a girly girl myself I LOVE this concept!! Easy Boys x Reader - how they react to you dressed up.
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Don Malarkey:
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Normally Don would just muck around with you, he’d think you’re beautiful either way but he feels comfortable with you to joke around like he would similar to how he is with the guys.
so when you walk into that pub one day all dressed up like one of those pin up girls he’d seen in the magazines? Good lord-
Eyes pop out of his head fr.
double takes- cos he’s so mf stunned like- it ignites something deep inside of his body and every single inch of his body is on fire.
I feel like he’d sorta look at you differently when you’re having a conversation, like he’d be smiling and blushing- I think he’d be stammering, maybe he couldn’t hold eye contact as often?
like he’d suddenly stop throwing jokes in your direction and actually engages in a more quieter and normal? Conversation. Like you’d probably be so confused until one of your friends tells you why you’re so nervous.
unlike the other guys, I don’t think he’d make a move, not that night anyway. He’d probably be too nervous. I think after that he’d be a little more nervous around you, maybe he’d be fearful some other guy has swooped you up before he could??? Babe Heffron:
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I feel like Babes reaction would depend on if he’s had a few to drink or not. But let’s say he’s sober?? We’ll set the scene in Austria, you finally have access to pretty clothes and makeup again- which you missed so dearly throughout the war.
slowly you’re doing yourself up again, getting used to being around the men all dressed up- I think it would be super nerve wracking.
Ofc all the men notice cos their jaws are on the floor, but Babe’s mind is lost. He knows that he feels the strongest out of all of these guys, you took such good care of him in Bastogne and his soft spot for you becomes well- a big fat crush that he can no longer hide.
He takes some hyping up from Ramirez and whoever else before he scurries up besides you, walking as smoothly at he can, looking all handsome in his uniform.
“Hey y/n.”
“oh hey, Babe!”
“you look real pretty y’know.”
then it would be your turn to be a blushing mess, he’s grinning towards you with a sparkle in his eyes, and although he’s nervous the genuine desire and longing for you is obvious.
“Thank you, Babe! You look real good in your uniform too.” He doesn’t expect you to throw a compliment back so for a second he’s turned away from you with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Yeah well, ya’ hair looks real nice too.” The boys deffo told him to compliment your hair and your eyes- and that’s what script he sticks to at first before growing enough confidence to genuinely compliment everywhere else on your face (and body??)
Ur bum looks real good in the dress you were, and if Babe thought you were beautiful in your army fatigues, oh my goddddddd-
Babes just a sucker, he often looks stunned and in awe of you- because that’s what he would be, real complimentary to the point you have no option but to just kiss him.
plus at the end of the night when you two have spent some time together, he loves to twist his finger through the loosened curls in your hair.
Chuck Grant:
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Probs one of the men that giggles and woops at you when you walk into the small pub the troops have taken over in Holland.
ofc it’s all fun and games they’re ur friends and by no means are objectifying you.
but anyway Chuck is all amused at first, but his smile slowly fades when he feels the fluttering of his heart and stomach and oh fuck- he’s in love with you.
he knew it before, but now seeing the way all these men are looking at you in your pretty dress with your hair and makeup all done- noooo, he has to make you his there and then.
“Later, suckers.” He’d take a last swig of his drink before carrying it in his hand, sliding away from the table and approaching you. At first he’s oozing with confidence, hyped up from his cheering friends, but when he actually gets close and sees your red painted lips smiling up to him he’s a gonner.
“Uh hey… can I sit?” He awkwardly spokes, it’s a little funny but you’d find him so cute and ofc he’s fucking handsome asf so you oblige.
Accidentally stares in awe when you’re topping your lipstick up.
“You want some?” You’d tease and his lips would pull into a charming smile. “Yeah, but not from the stick.”
oooo the flirtation would be on the second he gets a little buzzed from the alcohol, you’re clearly flirting back and not to sound rude because it’s obviously consensual- but Grant can’t keep his hands to himself.
seriously he’s never seen your body so…. Tight? Like your outfit is still modest but hugging you in all the right places, if you move onto his lap at some point in the night he’ll probs get a boner.
deffo goes back to his bed that night with a smirk and red lipstick stains everywhere.
Shifty Powers:
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Ugh shifty, shifty, shifty, where do I start?
yeah he’s super respectful and sweet, we all know that, but he deffo has a smart side to him. Let me explain.
when you walk into that ‘pub’ in Austria, all dolled up, he’s smirking and hiding behind his cup, eyes roaming a little too far down your body than he intends to.
he’s love struck, like he already knew you were the most beautiful thing on this planet, but now you’re a god damn Angel.
but when you’d come to sit with him out of all the other guys, again, he’d be smirking behind his pint glass.
“Y’know you look real beautiful, Y/n.” He’d give you the most genuine and kind compliment you’ve received all night, he’d hook his arm around yours to walk you somewhere, ugh he’d probably come across really calm??
I do think Shifty would be sweatinggggg, like boy he’s nervous on the inside, and when you clasp your hand with his he’s gulping.
not to sound crude, but he probably hasn’t seen a woman in a while, not one as amazing as you- so he gets a little hot and bothered when your hand runs over his shoulder.
he’s not one to be too forward, I think he’d be more traditional so he wouldn’t necessarily make a move on you- but he’d tell you how he feels there and then.
being honest he wants you soooooo bad, he feels the ache in his chest even just glancing at you. Plus, Shifty can tell you’re glowing both inside and out, he’d probably pick up on that and make you swoon like you’ve never before.
Joe Liebgott
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Listen Joe has been knowing ur attractive for a realllllll long time. Like im talking since Toccoa and all.
But nothing comes of it so he treats you like his little sister, like similar to Malarkey he’d joke around with you, ruffle your hair- he likes that you’re not afraid to get dirty and have a little fun.
like he’d probably rugby tackle you (gently?) because he knows you’re so just down to earth and cool.
so he hold off all the compliments or what not and his flirtation is more through playfulness?? Like you just have a bond and he fucking loves ya- he tells you all the time, but all of a sudden you walk in looking like a fucking pin up model and he gasp- loves you in a way that isn’t so… platonic?
uhhhh Joe’s shifting in his seat, eyes fixated and mouth slightly hung open. Has to tense his jaw and blink away just so nobody see’s him looking like a creep.
doesn’t know how to act around you?? Like he’s acting all nervous and awkward because you’re so fucking beautiful and done up and god, all the men want you in there.
tries to be mean as a form of flirting, but that doesn’t work- it goes badly wrong so he ends up chasing you out of the pub, grabbing at your waist.
“Hey, y/n, slow down. I didn’t mean it like that!” “Then how did you mean it, Joe?! You think I look tacky!” “No I don’t! I really don’t!” He kinda laughs again and you attempt to shrug him off but uhhh he get carried away and the feelings just fall out his mouth. “Truthfully-” “shut up, Joe.” “No, truthfully, I think ya look gorgeous. Like shit doll, I think I’ve fallen in love with ya.”
The admission is only followed by more and more and he blurts out how nervous you made him feel- his ability to express emotion all these years later surprises you and you’d just kiss him so quickly he almost stumbles off his feet.
tells you you should dress up more often like that for him.
Dick Winters:
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Ummmmmm probably already with you?? Winters has seen you all dressed up before but after a particular long time of seeing you struggling, he’s in awe to see you looking so radiant and happy.
watches from afar with the most loved up feeling ever, he’s extremely secure in your relationship, yet still oogles in utter awe from you.
has to put up with the other men (they don’t know about your relationship) staring and gawking, he legit has to close Babe’s mouth for him??
but seriously, he just smirks when he sees you laughing at the men’s advances on you cos he knows he’ll be the one in bed with you that night.
and you are ugh- he’s so amazing and can’t get over how perfect you looks, he even asks you to leave the dress on when you’re doing the deed 🙈🙈.
“I’m so glad I’ve got you all to myself.” He’d mutter whilst you’re wrapped up in his arms, hair and makeup slightly frazzled. “Me too, I couldn’t cope for a minute longer not speaking to you out there.” “And all of them gawking at you… I mean who can blame them, you look absolutely beautiful.” Lewis Nixon:
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Ummm what the fuck? He’s amazed? Jaw is dropped and he has to put his glass to one side whilst Dick pushes his jaw closed for him.
“is that Y/n?” He’d squint, “as in our Y/n?”
wastes no time in getting to know you and sit besides you, it’s not like you two haven’t talked before, but you’ve never really been close or had the chance to be. Now, the war in Europe is over and Lew is divorced, it opens new opportunities- hence why he comes and speaks to you.
a little Dutch courage never did no harm, and in Lewis’ case it began a beautiful relationship. But holy fuck- he’s in complete shock at how beautiful you are, your hairs pinned up to perfection, your makeup is highlighting every feature of your face so perfectly.
you should best believe that your lipstick will be smudged over his thumb and lips later that evening, cos Lewis isn’t one to waste any time…
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 7 months
Heyyy love you’re work! I strive to be a good writer like yourself one day! I was thinking how would the mercs react to a goth person like myself:) it’s okay if you don’t wanna do this! Have a love day!
I think to sum it up, all of them are completely clueless and stupid but could care less.
The TF2 Mercs reacting to a reader who is goth
WARNING: stupid idiots
- Huh… A little interested occasionally, looking up and down you while he thinks you’re not looking. Not really much of a reaction other than the typical awkward glances people give goths to admire them for a spilt second.
- Has no fucking clue what kind of style that is. It isn’t his preference for sure but it looks good on you and that’s all that matters. Bullies you for something completely unrelated to the fact you’re goth probably.
- “Hey! Nice fuckin’ shirt chucklehead! Where’d you get that one? Grandma’s couch?” He says when he sees you in a somewhat ‘conforming’ outfit for once. He’s gotten so used to you wearing your usual, that he doesn’t hesitate to pick on you for not being edgy enough. It’s a pride issue for him. Normally Scout would wear stuff shamelessly and the fact you aren’t yourself right now is giving him vibes that you might have grown insecure in some way. He genuinely thinks this’ll help you. Backwards elementary school logic.
- He can’t show appreciation without being a massive fucking dickhead. It’s a certified scout L moment. At least his heart is in the right place I guess?
- Ingeniously freaks the fuck out because he thinks you’re one of Merasmus’ weird ghost apparitions. Nearly grabs you and beats the shit out of you in fear because he owes that wizard around $200 after a grenade-down-the-toilet incident and he doesn’t want to pay. Engineer and Pyro have to pull him off you. I am literally so sorry.
- “MOTHER OF JUDAH, PRIVATE! YOU LOOK LIKE A MORTUARY ASSISTANT BATHED IN BLEACH!” He announces. You have no idea if that was a compliment or not. It’s hard to tell. Soldier then quickly assumes you’re a weird offshoot of the hippie culture and you’re here to sell him weed. Aaahh there it is. Blissful stupid ignorance.
- After promptly explaining what you are, he nods slowly. Slapping you on the back heartily. “ALRIGHT PRIVATE! You’re clear. Didn’t know there was such thing as a goth.. Hippies sure are getting creative.” Idiot. Complete moron. Still thinks you’re a weird looking hippie. Just one who won’t sell him weed nor harbor the evil tendencies of one. What are these evil tendencies he speaks of? He can’t answer you.
- Ignores you completely. You’re just another person to him with their own preferences in attire. This guy still gets stares in the supermarket for being a massive black dude. He knows what it’s like to stand out, explosively. Get it?
- Well.. At first he ignores you. But if you insist on wearing your style on the battlefield he’ll be a little impressed to say the least. Demoman likes confidence. He whistles to get your attention from the backlines and raises a drink to you. “Keep at it! Show ‘em with your damned fangs! Maul those wee willy fucks straight to the—“ He gets hit by a train mid taunt. You stare blankly at the sight. Deadass no clue how to respond. You’re in awe at his lack of self preservation for one thing.
- Demoman is in the kitchen that night drinking god knows what brand of alcohol this time. He sees you and goes “AAAYY! There’s that crazy son of a betch wit’ the victorian thing goin on. Cheers to you.” He compliments. It’s not a heckle. It’s genuine admiration for your shamelessness. Being weird in that way is the easiest way to get on his good side.
- No response. Much like Demoman’s lack of response. Looks at you for maybe two seconds then looks away to avert any suspicions he’s trying to be rude. Calls you stupid nicknames like ‘ghost getter’ and “Weirdest display of caltholicsm he’s ever seen.’ …. Wait a second that last one wasn’t a nickname.
- You’ll rarely get any comments about the matter to him. He’s too busy with other stuff to make fun of something so particular. Especially something that doesn’t concern him. (Not to say he doesn’t love insulting people’s looks from time to time. But you’re a teammate! You’re on his side!) If you have a counterpart on the enemy team then by god he won’t hold back on the roasts. Everybody gets fuckin’ spat upon regardless of who they are. He makes fun of everybody equally.
- Asks you if his creations are nifty. For some reason he mistakes you with Steampunk full on old dad style because he’s “heard about ‘em darn tootin kids and their crazy fashion in the newspapers.” And thinks he’s somehow relating to you. That you have a common interest. You have to suppress your laugh here. Same energy as pokey-man. Cornflake’s confused but he has the spirit. The whole culture explained to him is when he starts fucking assuming you’re catholic by the way.
- Concerned at first. “Who in your family is died..?” He asks after awkward silence on the bench. He has his eyebrow raised in intrigue. “Was it murder? Heavy will crush them for you.” He offers. He had good experiences with you beforehand so he has no reason not to offer such things. Heavy mistakes your attire for mourning attire.
- You sheepishly explain to this old dude why you were sporting full on black. Expecting a weird or strong response back. To your surprise he just shrugs and looks away again with a gruff “Hm.”
- He then looks at you again after a few more minutes and sluggishly asks you a barrage of typical old man questions when they don’t understand something dark and gritty. “So do you live in a big haunted mansion?” “Do you have some pet bats? Do you like scary music?” “What do you do as a hobby when you’re this?” And other things in broken english. Each answer seems to get through to him and make him either nod or shrug. He’s very cooperative and trying to understand. Seems to not like the idea of himself sporting such things and feels the need to mention that to you for some reason. Give this guy a makeover and he’ll begrudgingly cooperate.
- Pyro gasps childishly when he sees you. Each little spot of black or dark hue on you is showing up the direct opposite in their point of view. You have rainbow hair, rainbow everything. They think you’re a candy princess/prince/monarch that’s come on a white stallion. They’re giddy with excitement and jump up and down. Clapping their hands.
- You’re throughly confused. But you figured it was because Pyro had never seen someone wear something like this before. “It’s goth, Pyro. You like it?” You ask. Pyro glomps you. Straight up fucking hug tackles you and spins you around like an unfortunate house cat who’s just been spotted in the street by a stranger.
- You’ve become the rainbow unicorn candy ruler of all imagination and happiness and you don’t know how or why but you accept your fate. Pyro has made you a throne out of candy wrappers and you feel guilty often if you don’t use it. You got to admit a lot of unnecessary work went into that thing. Same with the crown he provided you. (It’s an actual crown made of diamonds and you don’t wanna know where they got it.)
- You swear you just saw a shocked blush crawl across his face. But he looked away before you could take a good look behind those sunglasses of his. Sniper’s unironically attracted to the aesthetic on other people and he secretly thinks it’s a fine piece of art but isn’t willing to admit it. He always had a thing for edginess and overall darkness. Sniper listens pretty frequently to early rock on his camper’s radio and doesn’t shy away from the occasional greaser jacket.
- “Nice look, mate..” He says on one of his good days. He plays off as indifferent and nonchalant but you can tell he’s hiding his slight interest in being your friend. Every little attempt to ignore you reeks of ‘come get me.’ Sniper’s social ineptitude is just sad at this point. Eventually you just shake your head and smile lovingly and accept his stupid efforts. Your suspicions are eventually proven correct when he accepts a drink with you.
- Hyperfixates on you like you’re some sort of fucking anime character. Can’t get the way you express yourself out of his head. You’re the most colorful thing in this godforsaken desert and that says a lot because you wear black.
- No. No. no. Anything but him. ANYTHING BUT HIM. DEAR GOD PLEASE!!
- Prepare to get bombarded by a tsunami of questions that extend into two hours. Medic cannot control his curiosity and at one point asks you multiple times if you’re a demon or something because of how excited he is. The others rarely see him act like a puppy this much. His evil autism is activated. Turn tail and run. He’s sort of bouncing on his heels. It kinda reminds you of Pyro.
- “Oohohohoho! What an extraordinary specimen! Your oddities will surely aid in my understanding of how psychology works! Here! Sign this paper that says you acknowledge any drugs I pump into you aren’t supported by the FDA!” He hands you a clipboard and bounces again wildly. His happiness is rather contagious and you blindly sign it because you’re too focused on his child like energy and how adorable it is. He’s like a teenage girl who’s seen her fucking idol for the first time. “You see our aesthetics and personal preferences for color appear quite differently from person to person and depending on how you grew up—!” He goes on a psychology rant.
- He’s judging you. It’s as clear as day. He’s walking around you and examining your attire with his hands behind his back. As if you were some prized show breed who was being accessed for the finals. He lifts an arm up, tsks when he sees the seams in your clothing and disappointedly glares at you. Then just straight up walks away. By far one of the weirdest responses you’ve ever gotten. But then again should you be surprised? Spy is a drama queen and all you needed to do was take one good look at him to know that.
- Next thing you know, you have an entire box full to the brim of more gothic clothes off to the side of your bed when you wake up the next day. There wasn’t any letter nor indication of who it was. Which rather indirectly told you who it was. All the clothing was super, super expensive and straight up unreachable in some way. You find it especially alarming how it’s basically an entire box of things you personally expressed wanting to the other guys but couldn’t obtain due to the price. You swore Spy wasn’t there during that time.
- Ugh.. Of course. It’s all clear to you now. He hated the state of your current clothing and to save his poor snobbish eyes he bought you an entire wardrobe of it, he even bothered making outfits folded nearly together and they made sense. Which made you hate him more.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
How they would react to you being tied up
Suggestive but silly
Cw: nothing explicit but heavily mentioned. Fmab reader
Characters: Jean, Beidou, Shenhe, Diluc
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“A-are you sure that’s comfortable for you?” She said a bit concerned. While she loved your body she was worried the ropes dug too deeply. “Well.. lisa recommended I try it for you. And I may or may not have done it wrong.” You say, trying not to let in that you’re genuinely tangled in this failed attempt of seduction. She gives up trying to untie it and simply procures a small knife to gently release you. You sigh in relief once the tension and tightness is gone.
“Next time have someone else do this for you. Please my love, I don’t want you get yourself hurt.” She kissed your back as she untangled the now limp ropes off your body. “I still like my present though. I just prefer if its not damaged.” She says teasingly.
“Hey! I didn’t mean ro.” You say defensively.
“I know I know. Are you still in the mood to…”
“Of course! I prepared all this! We’re not letting it go to waste!”
“Of course dear. Lets retry that then shall we? I’ll tie you myself more simply.” Jean smiled a bit more mischievously, all while your back was turned.
She shakes her head, a amused smile on her face. “These ropes are NOT for skin dear. It could easily damage you. If you want to do that kind of play we cannot use this rope.” You sulk in embarrassment.
“I had to make do.” You said. She clicked her tongue in disagreement.
“If you really want more suitable binds i could just take that shirt of yours instead. Roll it up and tie your hands together. When we’re back on shore we can get proper handcuffs but for now that can do.” She suggests. That idea is really hot. “Or i could just take your hands pin them above your head?” She offers again. Your mind short circuiting at the though.
“Yes. All of them.” You said. She chuckled,
“You truly are insatiable my love. I love it.” She grinned as she took your hands, firmly grasping them. “Lets not waste any time then.”
“You mean to say you tied yourself up… on purpose?” She said confused. You nod embrassed. “For what reason? There isn’t any enemies nearby… is there.” The mere thought of such led you to know her polearm was ready just in case.
“No no no… you see its a form of role play… powerplay you know. Some people find it thrilling to have their partner at their mercy in this context.” You explain.
“I don’t think its a good idea to play with such impulses with me. My red ropes don’t retain all my impulses.” She says. “I fear that if I indulge them too much I’ll become to used to it..” you sigh as you put the ropes away.
“I understand. I should’ve asked you first I’m sorry love.” You apologize.
“I never said i didn’t like it…” she said. You blushed processing her words. “Let me clarify, I don’t like the idea of you being bound by rope because I’d rather it be me doing it myself. If I saw you bound by rope it makes me feel too… monstrous. I don’t want it to feel like you’re a sacrifice to me.” She explains. You nod.
“So you would be down to restrain me.. just with yourself instead of any ropes?”
“Well then should we get started?” You say nervously pulling on your bra strap, letting it snap against your skin. You barely blinked before she was ontop of you, your hands above your hand, pinned roughly.
The second he saw you in bed, posed like a damsel, arms and legs tied with that look in your eyes he stopped as he taken aback. You squirm teasingly as he takes in the sight.
“Oh my you’re full of surprises tonight.” He says as a smile forms on his face. You smiled as he turned you over onto your back. “I’d rather hold you down myself though- oh.” He noticed your hands seemed too tightly wound, a slight purple tint to them. He quickly tore the ropes off to your surprise.
“He-oh… OWWW.” You shouted as the feeling in your hands returned leaving you feeling excruciating pain all the sudden as your hands had fallen asleep.
“Sorry to ruin our fun. I don’t want you to lose your hands.” He said a bit worried. He held your hands out to inspect them, his arousal forgotten as he felt his protectiveness take over.
“No no I understand. I really shouldn’t have tied it myself. I should’ve settled on handcuffs.” You sighed.
“Once you’ve recovered I could retie it myself. Or maybe its better if I just pin you down myself.” He said.
“It was supposed to be for you so I guess you should just go with what you want.” You said, shaking your hands trying to rid the needle like sensations stinging in your hands.
“Well.. I still appreciate the get up..” he said eyeing your body.
“This is my normal night gown, you’re just far too easily aroused. I could probably wear a potato sack and you would find it attractive.” You teased. He smiled brushing hair out of your face.
“It’s because you’re the one wearing it. Do you feel better now?” He asked. You felt a little bit better.
“Yes now lets get to it! I didn’t prepare all this for nothing.” You practically jumped ontop of him. He smiled.
“I love when you smile like that.” He said with a dumb smile on his face.
“Stop being sappy I’m trying to turn you on!” You exclaim playful.
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b4tasquad · 1 year
begging for a short imagine on how niko would react if you were in a secrete relationship and one of the members (aj please) tried flirting with you or maybe talked to niko about being interested in you
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Authors note: not too short, but here’s some niko content for you starving niko girlies out there, it’s finally your time to shine🙏🙏 also can’t be bothered to correct anything, just deal with it<3
Warnings: none
“We have to get back.” You say against his lips, your words resulting in a disapproving groan from your boyfriend. “ I don’t want to, but they’ll notice we’re gone.”
Leaning against the wall, Niko throws his head back, hating the fact that you were right. He loved having you around to film videos for the group channel, but all this sneaking around was driving him crazy.
“I hate it.”
Even with the lack of words, you knew exactly what he was referring to. When Niko fell for you a couple of months after you started collabing with them, he thought it would be a good thing. With the two of you working together, time would be spent with each other while still doing the things you loved.
What he hadn’t expected, nor wanted, was to keep it a secret. Share hidden kisses in between hours, touching when no one was watching. Niko wanted to be appreciating you openly, something he wasn’t able to now.
“I do too.” You told him, sighing as you stepped away from him. Readjusting your top, you went to a little mirror in the room you were currently in, intent on fixing the rest of your appearance.
Your boyfriend was quiet for a little, simply watching you erase every trace of your little moment earlier. As childish as it sounded, Niko was annoyed. With the guys not knowing about the two of you, there was the occasional flirting or random looks thrown in your direction. You never paid much attention to it, simply thinking it was for jokes, but Niko always noticed.
By announcing your relationship, he could get his friends to finally back off.
“Sure you do.” He huffs, starting to move towards the door. His words hurt a little. The fact that he was questioning your love for him had you feeling a little disappointed. But, knowing he only said it in a moment of insecurity, you put your feelings on hold for a moment.
Moving to him before he could leave, you took hold of his arm. “Niko I’m not keeping this a secret because I want to.” You started, turning him towards you. “It’s not to keep my options open or because I’m not fully in with you. I’m a woman, Niko.”
Not letting you finish, he raises his brows questioningly. “Really?”
“Shut up.” You warn him, a finger coming to silence him. “This is my work. If people find out you and I are together, they’ll make it seem like I used our relationship to my advantage. I know you’ll never understand this, but it’s important to me, Niko. I don’t want to give people another reason to undermine me.”
He nods. A large breath comes out of his mouth at your words. Niko didn’t notice how hard your where having it as you were forced to keep your relationship a secret in fear of your career being threatened. He realized that he as a man could never understand, but that didn’t stop him from trying to get your situation.
“I understand,” He whispered the words you had so badly wanted to hear. As if to make you even more certain of his acknowledgment, Niko nodded repeatedly as he brought you into a hug. There was no such place as in your lover’s hold, and you perceived that as he rocked your body back and forth, kissing your head repeatedly. “I’m sorry pressuring you, my love. I genuinely never wanted to make it seem like you had to choose me over your career.”
With the newfound acceptance between you, there was finally no tension as you walked back to the room where filming was happening. Luckily for the two of you, all of the guys had gone their separate ways and made their way back at different times, making you and Niko not look suspicious.
The camera personnel told all of you to get into position, and you stood between Chunkz and Sharky, the former making jokes that had you giggling. Kenny who stood next to Chunkz was also laughing along, the sound echoing through the room. Niko for once didn’t feel envious, and could rather watch the interaction and your laughter with a fond smile.
He was so madly in love with you, it was so embarrassing.
As his eyes are stuck on your happy figure, Aj nudges him from beside. Confused, the taller boy turn to his best friend only to find Aj’s eyes elsewhere.
“She’s so leng, you know.” Niko stands flabbergasted as the shorter boy’s attention is solely on your form. “I think I’m going to talk to her.”
“About what?!” His outburst has everyone turning to him, even the people working on filming gaze up from whatever they were doing. Niko cowers at the attention but still turns to Aj. “What are you going to talk about?”
“Are you stupid?” He replies and Niko, even though he loves Aj with his whole heart, wants to bang his head against the wall. “I think I’m going to ask her out.”
“No.” Aj looks up at Niko weirdly.
“No.” The Omilana simply tells, getting seated to start filming.
“Why?” Aj questions, genuinely wondering why his best friend had such a negative reaction to him trying to shoot his shoot. Niko was usually so supportive, but it seemed as if it didn’t apply today.
“No particular reason,” Niko shrugs, not looking at Aj as he readjusts his mic, ready to continue the shoot. But as Aj turns to look into the camera as well, he could faintly make out Niko whispering. “Heard she likes them taller is all.”
Fair to say Aj never asked to take you out.
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pls could you maybe do something about chad being the readers brother and finding out they are dating Ethan ? 💗
Let’s ignore the age issue (reader can’t be younger bc she won’t be at college, but let’s pretend) because a lot of things don’t make sense in horror movies and that's just the way they are
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Falling for your brother’s roommate happened slowly and unexpectedly. It started with shy smiles across the couch on movie nights, then casual lunch dates because you both had a two hours lunch gap on Tuesdays and one evening, Chad was tired so he went to bed before the movie finished, but you stayed with Ethan and one thing led to another.
Now, you and Ethan were in a secret relationship because of the delicate situation. You knew your brother and you knew he would react strongly to you and Ethan. They were close friends, but you were his sister first and Chad was very protective.
You thought you were careful, but one morning Chad was heading to class and he saw you and Ethan together on campus. Your light pink backpack on your shoulder was hard to miss in a crowded place. He didn’t think much of it…until he saw Ethan grabbing your face and kissing you.
That’s when Chad’s jaw clenched and his eyes flashed with fury. Forgetting about class, he strided over and your lips were ripped from Ethan's, forcing you apart.
‘’What the—’’ A shocked gasp left your lips, cutting you off mid-word, as you saw your brother grabbing Ethan by the collar of his shirt and roughly shoving him against the nearest surface.
‘’What the fuck are you doing with my sister, man?’’ Ethan stammered, searching for the right words to explain the situation, but Chad’s angry face had him stunned. ‘’We’ve talked about this. We had an agreement! No messing with my sister, no thinking about my sister.’’ His grip on Ethan's collar tightened as he glared at him, his anger blazing.
Seeing the genuine fear in Ethan’s eyes, you placed a hand on your brother’s shoulder. ‘’Chad! Stop!’’
Chad looked between you and Ethan, torn between his protective instincts and your request.
‘’Let him go,’’ you asked, holding your brother’s gaze with seriousness. ‘’Please.’’
Taken aback by your plea, the seriousness in your voice made Chad pause for a moment. Reluctantly, he released his grip on Ethan and took a step back. His breathing was heavy, and his face was covered with anger. He turned to face you, his expression a mix of betrayal and disappointment.
‘’We had an agreement, and he broke it. He knew how I felt about him making a move on you, and yet he went behind my back.’’
You get his protective big brother side, but he couldn’t control who was allowed or not to date you. That’s just too far.
‘’Don’t make him sound like the bad guy. If anyone did something wrong here, it’s you,’’ you pointed at Chad, pointing a finger at his chest. ‘’You had no right to tell Ethan he wasn’t allowed to like me. You can’t control people’s feelings like that.’’
Ethan, who had been silent until now, spoke up. ‘’Chad, I’m really sorry. I never meant to disrespect our agreement. It wasn't planned, and I understand if you're angry—’’
‘’You, shut up!’’ Chad snapped, but you were quick to bite back.
‘’No, you shut up!’’ Your loud voice made a few heads turn, but you quickly composed yourself again. ‘’I’m not a little kid anymore. I date guys and kiss them…and sometimes they happen to be your roommate. I know this is difficult for you. You’re scared I’m gonna get my heart hurt, but it’s part of life. Ethan and I may be a hard pill to swallow, but take a big gulp of water because he is my boyfriend and I’m not gonna let you come between us.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully
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