#being the Entities are so freaking interesting
zazzander · 2 years
The Seven + Others in The Magnus Achives (AU)
Some ideas for a TMA AU for the Seven. Some of these might be a little controversial.
Jason Grace = the Lonely
Cares deeply for people but is always distant, sometimes it's just easier to embrace the Lonely rather than fight it...
Nico di Angelo = the End
In this AU, Nico is touched by the End after the death of his sister. He seaks out a means of bringing her back. Eventually he comes to the understanding that the End comes when the End comes.
(Inspired by how Nico justifies killing Bryce because Bryce "escaped" death + how he was ready to what Octavian die without trying to stop him "some deaths should not be prevented").
Piper McLean = the Web
In canon, she uses her powers to help her friends - calming them down before a fight. And while that is useful, it also crossing a line into manipulation, especially because she doesn't actually inform them. I think she hates it though.
Percy Jackson = the Buried, specially regarding drowning
In canon Percy starts to fear drowning, obviously he's got water powers and while the Sea can definately veer towards the Vast, I think under the water is where you'll find the Buried. The crushing pressure of the deep ocean... Also, Percy lives his life trying to fight a tide that feels impossible to resist
Frank Zhang = the Desoluation
In this AU, he carries with him a Artefact which means he will die if it ever burns out. Unlike with Leo, the piece of firewood feels a lot more like the Lightless Flame.
Annabeth Chase = the Eye
Books. Architecture. The pursuit of knowledge. Enough said. Annabeth would be a modern day Smirke (but less evil).
Octavian = the Eye
While he could felt be a canditate for the Web, I think Octavian ultimately falls into the Eye. He's noted to be obsessive regarding finding the Sibylline books and his reaction towards Ella feels like ver Eye-like. While Octavian does us his knowledge to manipulate, I think that's just a by-product and he would absolutely search for knowledge for knowledge's sake.
I think Annabeth and Octavian would be rivals and be constantly trying to stop the other's plans.
Leo Valdez = The Stranger
This one is hard and I'm not sold on anything in particular. Leo's main thing is building machines - which doesn't really collect with anything.
The Desoluation (fire powers) and the Lonely (feeling like the seventh wheel) are definitely options.
But then I thought about how Leo looks exactly like his granddad, Sammy Valdez. And that's kinda spooky if you think about it... Like it could definitely give "I Do Not Know You" vibes, because while the face is the same every generation - the person is different.
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano = The Hunt
This one doesn't really fit her but I think she might join the Hunt in a similiar way she joins Artemis's Hunt in Riordanverse, like searching for a new purpose gets locked into the Hunt for "Monsters". I can see her becoming a vampire hunter...
Hazel Levesque = The Spiral
The obvious option is the End, because she was literally dead for a while... but Hazel escapes death, which is very much not an End thing. Because the End is the End.
However, this process left her with faiting spells where she re-experiences her past memories. In canon, she fears that she is in the wrong time. In the AU, this element of her character could manifest as the influence of the Spiral. Slowly being dragged into the memories of a past life that might not have really existed at all.
She wouldn't be an Avatar, since they tend to be all-or-nothing, but she would be touched by it.
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eru-iru · 4 months
thinking about how death/pharos was sealed inside makoto and he formed a bond with him so he didnt mind being sealed inside him he loves being close to makoto but they could only really meet each other during the dark hour so he was limited. gaining his missing pieces back had it perks since now he can make himself human and be closer to makoto as a friend and his feelings further developed the more he lived in the real world with makoto turning to romantic love. even went ahead and gave himself a form that resembles makoto. he really wanted to exist close to him oh my gods and im just my heart melts he really did become human because of that desire that was born in him and it grew
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#it's so weird trying to describe yourself when u really aren't something u used to be#like until i was probably 21 or so id say i was shy. very very shy. but now im like was that even true? was i ever shy bc im not now#maybe i was just quiet and anxious. maybe thats just what being shy is. but im still both of those things but im not shy#im sorta like a hermit. i dont really go around ppl if i can avoid it but i dont hate being around ppl. its just that im less anxious when#im alone. but if u put me around ppl i like to talk to them so im not shy. ill say whatever. i dont really give a fuck#but if u throw me in a group i go back to being a non entity. i guess thats just being an introvert with an asocial streak#thats a thing i noticed while i was at the grad weekend i attended in march. the group would gather and do things while i kinda just#wandered away from them to poke at trees and sit in the snow. i dunno i just feel better away from ppl. my brain gets a lot louder if ive#been too social. which is a shame bc its interesting to watch ppl and understand how thry work#my friend came over to day goodbye before i leave next week. which was nice. i wish we would have hung out more in person but so it goes#and i think in my head im a lot more contained thst i actually am. like if u set me a task that becomes my focus but im also sorta all over#the place. partly bc i think my brain works on like a lag. and also my mood is a little elevated rn so im sorta like *jazz hands* and#talking too fast and too much and oversharing. yesterday i was instrucing an undergrad and felt so bad bc my brain was all over the place.#could not b made linear. im tired now tho bc theres nothing more draining than being emotionally honest and talking for like 2hrs. woof. it#so hot. like fucking so hot bc the monsoons have started and humidity is up so my swamp cooler is fucked and its gotta b at least 80 degree#inside my apartment. holy christ. and the temp has been over 100 degrees for like at least 2 weeks. its so hot its kinda alarming. and im#glad my friend was also freaked out by how hot its been bc oh god its hot. and i cant focus. ive done fuck all today. but i did get rid of#couch which is so so so great. ugh. someone make the sun stop making it so hot#unrelated#its been over 100 degrees outside for like 2 weeks. not on my apartment#and when i say i wish i spent more time with my friend irl. i mean it in a distant sort of way. like thats how im supposed to feel. like i#dont kno if thats actually what i feel or i kno im supposed to b social but idk if i actually mean it
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sepublic · 5 months
Alright, let's talk about some details from the TOH pitch bible;
A lot of the stuff is what we've already seen and/or in line with the show. What's interesting is that King WAS a former King of Demons at one point, and we would've had an episode where he runs into his old gang and chooses Luz and Eda over them. It makes me wonder if he even had a connection to the Titan in earlier drafts, if he wasn't recognized as one back in the day because he just wasn't big enough, etc. Eda makes a deal to help remove the collar, which IS the source of King's woes, placed by a 'mysterious wizard', I wouldn't be surprised if it was Obron AKA Proto-Belos.
What gets me is that Tibbles originally started off as a friend to the protagonists, while Bump was an antagonist! Coupled with Tibbles being re-elected as mayor after Bump is deposed for corruption. I like the detail of Bump being a parasite controlling a body from the head, because it carried over into his final design with Frewin, and before we got confirmation Frewin was a separate entity, I loved the joke theory that the imp on Bump's head was the REAL Bump!!! Seems that was always the implied story of the design, I love it. Tibbles being the demon fan of human stuff would eventually become Gus instead, so this is technically Proto-Gus too…?
Interesting how Bump and Tibbles' alignments switch completely with one another, and it makes sense that with Lilith no longer the principal in the final draft, it goes to Bump, who ends up being really chill and a subversion in his own right! Interesting, but I do prefer the final Bump we got, and that's fine by me, because when the concepts aren't as interesting as the final product, it means we got the best possible version.
I've already discussed Obron and William in a separate post, and Pupa is someone we've been told about in a previous livestream. Lilith would've been both head of all covens (and not just the Emperor's Coven) AND principal at the same time, and she seems much more of a jerk to Eda in general; She has no qualms with cursing Eda because of a direct order from Obron.
Apparently the curse would've been an AGING spell, which settles my questions on how it would've been portrayed in earlier drafts! This goes along with Eda's older look. Likewise, there would've been a subplot of Eda considering Luz's sacrifice as a way to restore her youth, which likely goes hand in hand with Obron's orders to bring Luz to her, etc. The 'Bloom of Eternal Youth' quest, which Eda and Lilith go through together as their sisterly relationship is explored, feels like a carryover from this past idea.
I think I prefer the final draft; I like that the curse isn't just aging Eda, but also takes away her magic, makes her turn into a beast, etc. I like Lilith being a lot more complicated in her relationship with Eda, instead of just hating her and cursing her without hesitation. The redefining of the curse makes it less about age, and more a chronic illness metaphor, and I like how Eda in the final draft is upfront about having to learn to live with it, deal with it, on her own terms. She isn't trying to find a cure (although Lilith being promised one by Obron feels like a carryover of Eda's moral dilemma with Luz), and that adds another nice dimension to her conflict with Lilith, as well as Gwen. It's pretty frank in its own right about normalizing disability, and those who play an antagonistic role (however brief) are the real weirdoes for making such a fuss about it.
The Bat Queen would've had more of a recurring role based on the description, which saddens me; I always got the vibe she was planned for more, but between all of the other stuff the show had to juggle, plus the shortening, she ended up getting shafted despite being one of the earlier characters. Sashley, Pasha, and Bruno are also interesting, with Pasha in particular giving me freaking Philip Wittebane vibes with his grossness, beard, and anti-demon attitude; He even starts off as a potential friend to Luz because fellow human, only for his true bigotry to show. Makes me wonder if Philip ended up incorporating Pasha, we also have bodily transformation because of consuming magical stuff... P-names.
(Also, I like how in the drawing of typical Demon Realm denizens, I can see an eye demon who resembles a past drawing of Dana's!!!)
Eda was actually a late bloomer, which creates a parallel with Luz in one way, and their relationship is referred to as sisterly (in the final draft it’s explicitly maternal). So Eda wouldn't have been the talented youth, in fact things may have switched between her and Lilith; Lilith's disdain may have partially come from Eda not being as innately talented as her.
Luz and Amity's dynamic seems like it would've had Amity retain a lot of her more stand-offish, pragmatic personality even as a friend with Luz, and this would've come up more; So basically, she'd remain more like S1 Amity. That, or this part of their relationship would've lasted longer, and then we would've seen character development as Amity unlearns a lot of the issues her parents passed on. I also wonder if the Willow who cameos in the pilot was originally supposed to just be an extra separate from ‘Paulina’, but then they combined the two together.
The themes are exactly as I expected, glad to see they're still there, nothing changed! Luz becoming a witch and defying all odds to do so, putting in real work and passion. Celebrating individuality amidst conformity, plus Luz trying to impose her own fictional tropes onto the world, only to have to put that aside... Just like Wing it like Witches. It seems Amity would've had more involvement with Luz's journey to become a witch, though we still do have a carryover of that disconnect with her rant near the end of Covention.
I love the Demon Realm being situated BELOW the Human Realm, way to be subtle about being Hell you guys lol... Apparently portals to the human world are a lot rarer to find and use, which makes me wonder if the pilot's 'dimension port' doesn't have access to the human world; Meaning Amity is Luz's only way back, so her improved relationship with her is linked to getting back home. There's a gag about the Knee having service with the human world, but I can see how that didn't make the cut, for dramatic purposes; It seems like the premise for a S1 episode or at least a B-plot. Would Luz have struggled to communicate with Camila through this, or would her search for wi-fi be for mundane reasons?
Apparently Luz's magic would've required a lot more steps to complete, and I see why the show simplified things down to just glyphs. I wonder if there was always going to be the connection of glyphs as a gift from the Titan, or if the Titan and her story was going to be less intertwined in the overall narrative. There also don't seem to be nine main covens, just the many, many covens, some of which are pretty ridiculous, and Covention's sub-covens seem a callback to that.
Luz's first spell would've been levitation, and THEN she would've infiltrated Hexside, with Amity being a lot subtler about exposing Luz, though in the final draft she does figure that out as the way to go in I was a Teenage Abomination. Yeah, I prefer Light being her original spell, feels so much more symbolic and personal, etc. I wonder if the Titan is even as much of a character in early drafts, and if there's still the whole connection/relationship with the land and learning to respect it aspect. Some of these hypothetical episodes push the idea of Amity as a more episodic, typical popular kid antagonist, though in the final draft, the show goes through her character development and explores Amity's romantic relationship with Luz and its complications.
It seems the idea of the Mirror Ghost was split into Adegast and Vee, with Adegast being the one who offers the easier narrative for Luz to believe in about becoming a witch (only to be a fraud who uses uncanny puppets), and Vee being a doppelganger whom Luz communicates through with mirrors. Interesting how Yesterday's Lie was born from this. We saw the test animation from Spencer Wan for TOH, so I guess we know what Luz's puppet-doppelganger is called! And we can safely call her Proto-Vee. I wonder if she also would've been a sympathetic character, I always thought she reminded me of Lake from Infinity Train (and speculated her to be as such since Enchanting Grom Fright), and now the similarities are even MORE apparent!
Alas, The Good Witch Azura, or 'The Unassuming Princess' seems like it'd have been a lot less dear to Luz's heart, as the pilot also reflects; In the end, it turns out the author is just Eda's ex using her adventures as basis, and including private information. I remember when I once speculated that Raine, before we saw their face, would've been just like this as the author of Azura... Again, I think I prefer Azura as being a lot less mean-spirited in the final draft, and instead a celebration of who Luz is as a person, her relationship with fantasy and fiction, etc. We also would've had a Luz birthday party, the Quincenera we've been hoping for since S1...! In the final draft (and episode) we still get that Human-Demon Realm disconnect, though by that point, Luz is much more attuned and chill with the isles.
There’s definitely more of an episodic, sitcom feel to this pitch bible, especially when you compare Proto-Yesterday’s Lie to its final version. Makes sense, Dana is pitching this to Disney executives, though her statement on Understanding Willow feeling truly like her show makes me wonder if she always intended to push TOH in that more serious, emotional route we got.
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lookforsomeoneelse · 1 month
anyway i’m done procrastinating so like. uh. idk. wrote this mostly for me but if yall like it me can do part 2 or something
so you know how normally self aware au’s go something like this:
-reader gets game
-reader plays game
-characters think that reader is god
-player gets isekaied into game
or something?
well uh
imagine you aren’t the player.
SAHSRAU, but you watch your friend play the game (oh, did i mention you’re an eldritch horror? (not that you know it))
-you don’t exactly remember the date, but it roughly started when your friend started to freak out over Hoyoverse’s newest release: Honkai: Star Rail. they freaked out over the leaks, the beta, everything related to it.
-you, being the busy individual that you were, decided not to partake in these events, as you had your own responsibilities and interests. you couldn’t devote more of your precious time, unfortunately.
-out of consideration for your friend, however, you decided to ask them what the game was all about.
-your questioning starts a rant that lasts a little longer than you would like it to, where you get a brief summary of Honkai Impact 3rd before they tell you what they know about Star Rail.
-about a year has passed since that conversation, and a lot happened.
-most relevant to the story here, your friend has been diligent in their gameplay of… what was the game called, again? …ah- yes, Honkai: Star Rail!
-they’ve told you about the fun they’ve had and the challenges they’ve conquered; their greatest achievement being the completion of MoC 11, you think they called it?
-anyway, you’ve just noticed that you’ve been pinged a bunch by… your friend? kind of weird, but you open up discord and see what’s causing all the commotion.
-you find out that it has, in fact, been one year since the release of Honkai: Star Rail, and your friend wants to show you all the progress they’ve made over the year.
-they tell you to hop on a call so that they can share their screen. not long after the message is sent, you get a prompt and a little ring with your friend’s username next to it. it’s a call.
-eh, whatever. you’ve got time to kill, so you accept the call.
-they’re pleased to see your presence- they share their screen. and so they begin rambling about relics and 50/50s and their builds for their characters. the one they have on display currently is a woman named Ruan Mei.
-you barely have a grasp of what they’re talking about, so you do the equivalent of nodding your head and simply respond “mhmm” to everything they say.
-meanwhile, on the other end, Ruan Mei… to put it in very very very light terms-
-she is not in a good mood. -she’s normally apathetic even with her back turned to one of the most dangerous entities in the universe: an emanator of propagation, and even if it was a replica. it was dangerous. but to her, it didn’t feel like it was.
-that is not at all the case now.
-she feels an overwhelming presence all around her. she struggles to breathe or even blink, in terror of what the being that’s gazing upon her would do.
-her mind discards her research, her purpose- all in favor of thinking of a way to get this gaze off of her, because she doesn’t want it. she originally desired to become an aeon. she doesn’t want to anymore.
-no more.
-no more.
-she can hear whispers weaving themselves into her brain, clawing into her skull and scarring her being.
-and to top it all off, she can feel all of these sensations, akin to a flickering lightbulb ages old, going dark after the long years of shining in the darkness.
-meanwhile, on your end, you’re alt-tabbing to check on other sites, all while listening to your friend explain the game’s lore as best they can.
-what a day it is.
A/N: ohhhh my goddddddd this toookkkk wwwwaaaaayyyyy tttttoooooo long because life is a bastard
anyway the TL;DR of the au is that you watch your friend play HSR, and while their account isn’t self aware on its own, it comes to life when you watch them. unfortunately, they see you as an eldritch god- H.P. Lovecraft type, and so they start a cult that revolves around you so that you don’t put them in a life of eternal suffering. which basically means that they cause the game to crash… occasionally.
why did i write this? because i’m a bastard, i guess. or maybe it’s because i spend too much time on the internet.
maybe it’s both. who knows?
you wanna use the idea? well, i don’t get paid for this and you probably don’t either. good luck with that.
anyways, this shitass is off to do god knows what yet again!
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feartoxinjelloshot · 9 months
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clipsverse SWAP AU! for fun! character elaboration under the cut because it gets kind of wordy:
selina's deal is pretty straightforward: she has the typical “saw parents die as a child" backstory, but she’s obviously not a millionare so she’s operating out of some kind of condemned underground parking lot... somewhere. authentic gotham grunge i guess. she’s a functioning alcoholic and i am obsessed with her. she's a hardboiled detective like batman, but tends to be a bit more cynical - sort of like if rorschach from watchmen was a normal person and also didn't hate sex. firefly is her "guy in the chair" similar to what alfred is to batman in canon, minus the surrogate parent part, obviously. public opinion is pretty split on if the bat is a man or a woman under there. i don't really have swap ideas for the robins ironed out, but i'm thinking that cass and stephanie are her robin and red hood equivalents (cass being dick, stephanie being jason). cass would have an allblack bird theme going on, so she might be "crow" or "blackbird" instead of robin. dunno what stephanie's red hood rendition is like. purple hood? i'll figure it out eventually.
bruce’s parents are alive, but he has a terrible relationship with them and with his own wealth so he mitigates the guilt complex by dressing up as a cat to steal and redistribute resources to people who actually need it. he could probably do that in daylight but there is something very wrong with him. i don't think his dumb slutty playboy persona is entirely genuine even without his parents' deaths, but he does lean into it more and incorporate parts of it into his vigilante persona over time. i think this version of bruce is just generally very lonely under the surface. he tries to be normal in his daytime life and he's very bad at it - theft aside, in a certain sense being the cat(man? woman?) is his own break for freedom; he felt a need to plunge himself far into the deep end of what normal society calls a 'freak'. ...writing it out like this, we're probably lucky he didn't start killing people. fortunately batman isn't really that kind of guy in any universe.
meanwhile on the other side of the rails: ivy! her deal is slightly unformed right now due to the fact that the hatter and the joker also swap places in this au - so the hatter is a dangerous, evil mastermind intent on controlling gotham to suit their whims, and the joker is... just a harmless silly little guy. yeah. i don't have swap-hatter's exact personality ironed out yet, so detailing his and ivy's dynamic would be difficult, but i can say that while she is his loyal second-in-command at his table of advisors, she is also plotting against him. ivy is a consistent loner in both mainline cv and here, and while she doesn't have the same tumultuous, antagonistic, emotional relationship with him as harley does with the joker, she is also frankly not interested in being his number one until the end of time. she wants to do it herself and she wants to do it right. this is an ivy who, in lieu of her own world-altering gift, is scraping tooth and nail to successfully supersede the most powerful entity she can her her hands on. the hatter is blissfully unaware of this - we can't all be perfect.
harley, for her part, is very tame in comparison. she mirrors ivy's canonical backstory pretty closely: an esteemed scientist studying stem cell relations who was denied funding, mocked, and forced to experiment on herself to prove a point, unwittingly connecting herself to a worldwide hive-mind of plantlife. this version of harley, while still dressed as a scientist, is far more surface-level emotionally volatile than mainline ivy, more impulsive and irrational, and probably willing to lean much farther into the classic poison ivy reputation as a villainous seductress, to varying degrees of honesty and success. it takes ivy an incredible degree of patience and control to maintain the mental and physical balance she strikes with the green, and this version of harley has far less of both. she lets it use her body as a conduit of earthly rage and she lets the poison infect her skin and organs until mottled and decaying. she's not unhappy, but she's not exactly stable, either.
jonathan is a mysterious, faux-sleazy lounge singer who lost his left arm to a snake bite infection as a child and thereafter became obsessed with the symbolism of the balance of life via games, tricks and questions - winning and losing, birth and death, etc. the ouroboros is a common symbol in his theatrics. he possesses a certain degree of social confidence that the mainline jonathan has never quite been capable of - while he doesn't have the same fervent need for attention as edward, he takes a compulsory delight in the mental influence he achieves on small crowds and will employ many avenues to get ahold of it. he's certainly not outgoing: he keeps almost entirely to himself offstage, uninterested in fame outside of his show persona. unlike mainline jonathan who views the scarecrow as a genuine self-inflicted diety, this jon sees his persona as more of a mantle or responsibility that he must take on in order to discover new truths about the world. like his canon counterpart he is asexual and uninterested in sex, but i imagine that he has less qualms about leading people on as an act to get what he wants from them. he's not terribly famous in his singing career, but he's become a bit of an underground legend for his resolute 1920s-inspired style and occasional genuine debonair charm.
edward in comparison is not nearly as ritualistically compelled as mainline scarecrow, but he’s far less cagey about his own machinations and his mental relationship to them: he lives in a tricked-out barn somewhere on the far outskirts of gotham, and he spends his time as a propmaster creating elaborate saw-trap-esque haunted houses and escape rooms to invoke panic in his “guests”. he wanders the halls of his own houses along with the guests, repairing and tinkering, or just scaring the shit out of them. he also makes a genuine living by making and selling cosplay props and other related objects online; he's developed a bit of an internet presence through this channel, though he's not as fixated on it as the mainline riddler would be. he still craves spectacle and attention, but he's more of a "quality over quantity" guy according to his own standards and is rarely happy with the work he creates, hence the endless roundabout of creation and reinvention.
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teecupangel · 3 months
Hey tee want to hear an absolutely horrific Desmond idea that just popped in my head? Of course you do.
(tw though for a bunch of stuff about dead bodies so if that's a squick you can delete this message without reading the rest.)
At one point in The Hollows book series, the protagonist encounters a high-power magic entity that can possess the recently dead in order to communicate directly with mortals.
What if a Desmond whose body is destroyed by the aurora device and he ends up adrift in the Grey for an unknowable amount of time
until he gravitates, without meaning to, to points in his ancestral history where there is a suitable vessel for him to inhabit?
The rules surrounding this:
1) The vessel he occupies must be recently deceased, within about two hours.
2) How long he can stay in a body is affected by how complex the life form is. Humans are the longest at 12hrs.
3) The time limit is expressed by the body slowly turning to ash and dust, until it reaches a critical point and can no longer hold itself together, at which point it basically disintegrates.
4) Those with Eagle Vision inherently know on looking at a body occupied by Desmond that it is Desmond. If he is occupying a human body, he will seem to them to resemble what he looked like when he was alive.
more assorted thoughts:
Desmond isn't limited to a linear timeline. He gets drawn back to the Grey every time his body dissolves, from which theoretically any point in time can be accessed.
I like the idea though that at least at first, he doesn't have control over where he goes. In addition to trying to figure out how this whole thing works, he's just popping up in the most random/useless of times.
He can visit any time and place he has an ancestral connection to, whether or not he unlocked those memories while he was still alive. There just needs to be a suitable vessel nearby. And, well. Pretty much every assassin ancestor has plenty of opportunity for that.
Also, jumping off rule 3 above, Desmond isn't like...so him needing to possess a vessel is basically like, needing to anchor himself to something Present. And what he's anchoring to isn't even the body exactly, it's the memory of life. Which is why more complex things anchor him longer, they have a more substantial memory of life/concept of self/their existence.
So as he's burning through the body, he's holding it together through his own force of will more and more, until the memory is burnt out and will alone isn't enough.
An interesting effect then is that the body's death blows don't affect what he's able to do in it, but lifelong conditions do, when he first possesses it. If a person's eyes were gouged out to kill them, Desmond can still see in the body, because the memory of life still remembers having eyes, even though the physical eyes are ruined. But if Desmond possessed someone who had been blind for years, he wouldn't be able to see, because the memory of life doesn't conceptualize itself as a seeing being. As the memory faded and it became more about Desmond holding himself together, he'd regain some of his sight.
Funny enough, this means that while non-human bodies tend to be of limited usefulness, there is a period toward the end of the possession where he can speak and communicate with people, even if he's like. A mouse. Because at the very end it's more his concept of self establishing what the body can do than the mouse's.
For real though just imagine with me how freaked out his ancestors would be when some of their kills randomly sit back up and start talking. Like. You never know when or where Zombie Desmond will appear, but it will probably be at the least convenient of times and everyone will scream.
I love this idea because of the sheer angst potential.
Like, sure, we can go down the horror comedy route and I’m all for it since I love that genre.
But just imagine Desmond possessing one of the Auditore’s bodies while Ezio was trying to bury them. Ezio’s horrified outrage at the idea that some kind of entity was possessing his younger brother. Desmond didn’t mean to possess Petruccio’s body, he still can’t control this, Ezio- “Shut up!”
It’s definitely the worst kind of first meeting.
And Desmond doesn’t know if this was worse or better than his first meeting with Altaïr.
Because with Altaïr, Desmond screwed up so badly by possessing Adha’s dead body, giving Altaïr a false sense of hope that he wasn’t too late.
Unlike Ezio’s grief and rage, the way Altaïr’s face completely shut down was much more worrying to Desmond because he has no idea what that silence was supposed to mean.
Even when Desmond apologizes and promises that he didn’t mean to, Altaïr simply ignored all of these and just asked Desmond what he was and what he wanted.
The worst part of this entire thing is that Desmond doesn’t even know what he wanted.
And then there was Ratonhnhaké:ton.
Desmond didn’t even know if Ratonhnhaké:ton hated him or not.
Because the first time Desmond possessed someone in Ratonhnhaké:ton’s time, he was getting the hang of all of these.
And he was able to save Kaniehtí:io, sure.
By possessing a child who had recently died. A child that Ratonhnhaké:ton knew by name. He had probably been playing with that child a few hours ago before Desmond possessed their corpse.
… and Desmond spent weeks in that body with only Ratonhnhaké:ton knowing that he wasn’t his friend.
Ratonhnhaké:ton probably didn’t trust him.
But hey…
At least he didn’t possessed Kaniehtí:io or something.
That would have been so awkward.
The new problem Desmond had was that…
He just possessed some naked dude in the middle of some sort of island.
And he has no idea who this dark blond haired man that smelled of salt and rum was supposed to be.
But from the looks of things…
He was wearing what may or may not be Assassin robes belonging to the dead body he was now occupying.
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I visited the WGA library to read Yellowjackets scripts and wanted to share some of my findings! (Pt. 2)
Here are my notes for 1x03! Quotation marks indicate direct lines from the script, whereas everything else is me paraphrasing.
1x03 “The Dollhouse”
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•The script starts with a scene of a panicked adult Travis bursting out of his secluded house (shack?) with a “wild glint in his eyes” “as if desperate to find the source of something and also terrfied he will find it.”
•Then it flashes back to the 1996 teen timeline and Travis hears a whisper late at night in the woods. He is “inexplicably drawn” to the plane wreckage. “The breeze rustles the tree branches, and again he hears a soft, hushed sound, as if the wilderness is calling his name.”
Travis is interrupted by Javi, who approaches him saying he had a bad dream.
As Travis is walking back to their camp with Javi, “The breeze picks back up. We hear a low and sinister exhalation, as if the woods are whispering for Travis to stay and preparing to make him stay.”
Both of these scenes were obviously cut, but I do think it’s really interesting that Travis was originally made out to be, arguably, just as connected to the Wilderness entity as Lottie is. Travis is one of the first people to be “contacted” by the Wilderness and it seems to take a particular interest in him. Also that line about making him stay is eery as hell.
•When the group is voting on whether to go to the lake or stay at the plane wreckage, the script makes sure to point out how hesitant some of the girls are to go against Jackie. Some of them even vote to stay at the wreckage just to avoid pissing her off. This shows her influence over the girls at the time, even though it eventually fades as they become more adapted to their new way of life.
•While the group is hiking to the lake, Taissa sees the man with no eyes for the first time, crouching in the bushes staring at her blankly. It understandably freaks her the fuck out and she’s shaken by it for the rest of the episode.
In the final product Tai doesn’t see the man with no eyes until later on, but this scene sounds creepy as fuck in the script.
•When Nat is looking through Travis’s house and finds the photo of the two of them together on his dresser, we get this line:
“We realize Natalie’s not only seen Travis recently, but they were close. Intimate. Natalie glances up from the photo, and suddenly sees adult Travis in the mirror. He’s standing behind Natalie, and his eyes seem to be judging her.”
Just thought it was interesting, particularly the “judging her” line. Judging her for what? Maybe judging her for looking for him? For not keeping herself safely away from all this?
•When the girls are swimming at the lake and Jackie is sitting with Mari trying to make Shauna jealous, there’s a line about Jackie being “clearly tired of Mari’s yapping” but trying to hide it, which I found funny. Mari is a canonical yapper.
•The girls also play chicken at the lake, with Nat on Van’s shoulders and Laura Lee on Shauna’s shoulders. This is so cute and I’ll take whatever scraps of VanNat friendship I can get. I wish they kept it in the episode.
•And another deleted part from the lake scene, Lottie is standing on top of a rock above the lake preparing to jump in and she does the cabbage patch dance on top of it while everyone cheers her on (if you don’t know what the cabbage patch dance is you should definitely look it up). Then she sees the cabin in the distance and stops.
But I love a little hint at silly goofy Lottie! Before all of the visions, just a silly goose.
•While Nat and Misty are in the jail cell and Nat asks Misty about her messing with her Porsche, Nat and Misty stare each other down and the script then says this:
“So much history between these two.”
A little sneak peek at a lot more happening between these two in the Wilderness that we don’t know about yet.
•While Nat is on the phone with Tai trying to get her to bail her out of jail, this line:
“We realize these two are closer than we thought.”
Tainat friendship acknowledged!🙏
•Also on that phone call with Tai, the script says that “Natalie is struggling to even speak his name,” referring to Travis. This again shows just how painful and complicated Nat’s feelings are towards Travis.
•When Nat and Misty are bailed out, there’s a cut scene of Misty going through a plastic bag full of all of the things that were in her purse at the time of her arrest. Here are the items in Misty’s purse: peanut butter, condoms, Travis’s notebook that she stole, and a small plastic toy cat.
God, I love that woman.
•After Jackie spills the nasty canned food all over the floor and complains that they should have stayed at the wreckage, Van snaps at her “How is this helping?”, and the rest of the girls roll their eyes at Jackie. Jackie storms outside and we get this line:
“Suddenly, she stops, overwhelmed by her emotions—how scared she is, how alone she feels, how much she hates the wilderness, and the shame she feels for showing it.”
A great look into Jackie’s mental state and very representative of Jackie’s gradual loss of influence and power in this new environment. She’s used to being sure of herself and having this magnetism that everyone naturally follows. In society, Jackie is influential and powerful. But here in the wilderness, she cannot adapt and cannot lead the group like she once did. And the other girls can see that, hence the rolling eyes and snapping at her.
•After Nat and Misty find Travis’s body and they are driving away, there is a line that was cut from the final product in which Nat admits to Misty:
“We were together, on and off. We started up again about ten years ago.”
So this would mean that Nat and Travis started up their relationship again around 2011 and have been on and off for ten years. Does this mean they were not together after they got rescued but rekindled things about 12 years later? Or did they stay together for a little while after the rescue, broke up for years, and then got back together and that’s what Nat is referring to? I don’t know, maybe this line was cut for a reason and it’s definitely not canon yet so we’ll see. But the timeline of Nat and Travis’s relationship is confusing to me and I want to know more.
My theory is that Nat and Travis have broken up after Javi’s death and don’t get back together in a romantic capacity until 2011.
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nawoken · 4 months
Ơ v Ơ
Thanks for liking my post guys, I appreciate it. So I will start spreading my mind when I don't have anything better to do from now on then.
Hm, today will be... a reader from Gravity Falls, who got transported into TWST world. Oh, reminds me of those good old days, when we still had a bunch of good-quality cartoons.
(T vT)
You can be a friend of Dipper and Mabel, who joined them on their trip to Gravity Falls. Or the town's resident, who has always known about this place's weirdness but most of the time, when you bring it up, no one actually believes you. You can even be the twins' sibling, or well... Lil Gideon's dogsbody (no one want this right?)... That's your choice.
I want to build a reader who has enough understanding of those mystery creatures so it's better if you have a few links with the main cast :")))
After the defeat of Bill Cipher, a few years went by in peace. Until one day you wake up in a whole different world that has magic. Great, it's cool, you're fine, nothing too bad yet, it can be worse, right? After all, you used to encounter many more strange things than this.
Maybe, after not being able to contact you for a long time, Dipper will realize your disappearance and find a way to help you. Or..., the headmage in front of you can do something like he said.
Nope, you're wrong, he is useless, that's what you realized after staying there for a while. That biscuit doesn't even care about finding a way back for you! So, you have to find another way while facing a bunch of other overblots.
You've never really told anyone else about stuff you used to face back in your world, mystery creatures, monsters, and a Dorito from different dimensions.
Mostly because when they asked why you can face all this "transport to another world" or "fighting some gooey inky monster" things so calmly. Or why did you act so aggressively about making a deal with Octoville Housewarden. You told them how you used to fight this triangle entity from different dimensions, that planned to destroy your world, but they would just brush it off or say that you have a wild imagination.
You feel a bit sad when it happens, but you get it. Some magicless people can fight off a Dream Demon that can control space, matter, and even time? That must be hard to believe. So you just let it be.
But, out of nowhere, mystery creatures start to appear around the Isle of Sages.
What do you mean you saw Gnomes with a red cap and blue outfit running around in the jungle? And there is a whole island that suddenly appeared overnight?! Some scientists tried to approach it and it arose from the river, appeared to be a freaking giant head?!
It's all too familiar to you. After all, you had gotten into a bunch of trouble with them during your stay at Gravity Falls. It must be that this island has some kind of connection with that town!
Then, you just have to find that connected point to open the dimensional portal, and come home, right? Maybe, the twins with their uncles will get to you before you even have to do all that.
So, you just acting like normal. But your friends don’t want that. Mostly Grim, Aduece, Epel, and Ortho when they took an interest in the mystery thing that recently appeared inside NRC. Jack and Sebek tried to protest, saying that it was stupid but got provoked by “Why? Are you scared?” from the others.
You got dragged in, mainly because you worry for them. Even when they have magic, you still have more experience with this than them. You don't have the Journals with you but you used to spend quite a lot of your time studying and understanding them alongside the Pines twins. So, you’ve memorized most of it, if not all.
The moment your groups step into this strange part of the forest, with some big red mushrooms with dots and some floating shiny orbs come straight out of a fairytale. You know this is a "Gnome Forest".
Before you can get everyone out of this place to avoid meeting those creepy creatures that have an obsession with finding a Gnome queen. You see Jade, observing and taking note of the mushrooms.
Jade: What a pleasure meeting you guys here.
Deuce: J...Jade-senpai?! What are you doing here?
Ace: Ye, and where is Floyd, is he sneaking also around?!
Jade: Fufu... don't you think it a bit rude to ask questions without stating your reason for being here?
Jade: But, as you can see, I'm studying these delightful mushrooms. And, no, unfortunately, my brother isn't into this kind of thing so there's only me.
Jade: ... Then?
Epel: W...what? Oh, we're here for the mystery creatures that been lurking around.
Jade: Oh, from the rumors?
Epel: *Nod* Yes.
Ace: Hm, you must be here for a while, have you seen anything yet?
Jade: Sadly, no. However, I do hope that I can encounter one of those, Azul might take an interest in them (For business thingy, I guess). Hm,... do you mind if I join you guys?
Deuce: Uh, no...
Jade: Great! ^v^
(Okay, that is, I'm out of brain juice for that conversation. Hope that is not too Ooc (XvX))
You stood aside, looking around worriedly while Ace bickered with Deuce due to letting Jade join. Jack felt your restlessness, mistaken that you're scared so he tried to comfort you. Sebek saw it and loudly said something about how weak humans are.
That's when some shadows dash by, Jade, Jack, Ortho, and Sebek become more alert while the others are a bit startled. Grim screaming something about not wanting to be eaten and clinging onto Ace's face though.
Looking back and forth a few times just for you guys turned to Epel, and saw a Gnome right next to him with a flower in hand. You know that shoot, Jeff! And! seeing his action, you also realized what come next.
Epel: ...For me?
Jeff: Yes, for you, my... future queen! (I can't, this is too much, I'm dying)
Gotta say, your friends have a good laugh except for Epel, who looks about to explode and Jade has this amused smile. If not for how bad the situation actually is, you might laugh as well.
Y/N: Guys, we should go.
Jeff: WAIT!!! Let me introduce myself first, I'm Jeff, Gnomes' leader. And, we are looking for a new queen...blah blah... (sorry)
At some point, Epel blew up, and he started throwing spells and that's when they knew what Jeff meant by them. 1000 Gnomes running out from God know where merged into a huge Gnome then chased them after their fail attempt of fighting it.
Ace: WTF is that?!
Deuce: How can we fight it if it keep merging?!
Grim: Wroahhhh, It's so fast!
Ace: You should just accept their marriage proposal!
Jack: Why did I agree with this...
Ortho: This is quite fun, isn't it?
Others: NO!
You are tired of running, Jade has already gone out of sight the moment that thing compiling. You tried to reach inside your backpack, you were prepared for this after all! Your dog whistles. You just need to find it from the pile of things you quickly stuffed into your bag.
Finally! You quickly told everyone to cover their ears, mostly for Jack and Sebek due to their sharp hearing, and blew the whistle. That giant Gnome started to fall apart, and those Gnomes quickly ran away, far from the noise that hurt their ears.
Ace: Uh... What was that?!
Epel: Prefect, h..how can you do it?!
Grim: Haha, good job my henchman, I know you can do it.
Y/N: Gnomes, they have enhanced hearing so they can't bear high-pitch noise.
Deuce: But, how did you know that? Did you read about it somewhere?
Ortho: I don't think so, I've scanned them and I don't find any research about those creatures. So, prefect, where do you study about it?
Jade: I also want to know. (^v^)
Sebek: Where are you coming from?!
Y/N: Guys, just calm down. About those creatures, of course, I know about them. It's from my world after all.
Others (minus Jade): What?!
Jade: Oh... that's really interesting.
Deuce: Why have you never told us this story?!
Y/N: *stared back at him unamused*
Ortho: Hm... I do remember they used to say something about fighting supernatural entities.
Ace: But, I thought that just some jokes!
Y/N: Well, now you know it not.
Epel: Wait, so you did fight those?!
Y/N: Yes.
Sebek: Hm, maybe you're not as weak as I think, human.
Jack: Is that why you're worrying then entire time?
Y/N: Yes, I just don't know how to warn you guys since you're not gonna believe me.
Others: Sorry...
It can be said that everything ends happily. You guys talked to Crowley and he has to start doing some research about your theory of the connection between Isle of Sages and Gravity Falls (Ramshakle dorm).
You become a storyteller for the first-year gang, Jade (he wants to know all the information), and you might not know but also Rook, who observed your groups from afar the day of the exploration. Telling them about those creatures that you've faced, the journals, the Pine twins, their uncles,... and even about Bill Cipher.
You tell them, they tell the others. The famous magicless Prefect used to fight paranormal and supernatural entities that have been lurking around lately?! Only your friends actually believe in it, but that's enough for you.
Until they started to find you for more information, so Ortho helped you create a blog to spread some, not every single of them though. Should start some business by solving mysterious things. Talked to Azul and he might help you, you used to help him so he wouldn't trick you with his deal,... right?
Well, who knows? You know quite clearly the consequence of making a deal without thinking right?
Why is it this long?! I just want to type something fun and spread some idea but then it turns into a whole ass rambling :')
I still have more for it, but I'm lazy, my brain might or might not die at this point and I can hear light, see noises... I should sleep but I'm hungry. :'))))
English is my second language so there might be some confusing things in my wording, let me know if you feel there is anything that needs to be corrected, thank you.
I also haven't had a chance to finish Gravity Falls' series and it also has been a while since the last time I saw it. I've tried my best to gain more information about it when wrote this but if I am wrong about something, please tell me.
Anyway, I might do part 2 for this if I'm in the mood. See ya!
Oh, Also, Idia found this CD. It's old, yes. But it's an old game CD! Might be worth a ton this day. But, most importantly, he wouldn't say no to ancient games. An otome game about dating a pink-haired high-school girl... (I changed her ending a bit I guess).
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insightfulllama · 2 years
Dp X dc prompt!
In this prompt, liminals/ghosts need to consume fresh ectoplasm to stay healthy and not starve. In addition, the headcanons “only those exposed to ectoplasm can see ghosts as they really are”, and “how people see ghosts is based a lot on their personal perceptions of reality.” have been mushed together. Like, someone un-exposed to ectoplasm knows that SOMETHING is there and it’s scary, but they haven’t been exposed to enough ectoplasm to actually comprehend what it is, so their mind just fills in the empty space with whatever their scared of + what makes sense to them for the context.
So Gotham has a lot of ambient ectoplasm and that's enough to keep Jason from starving completely, but nowhere near enough to be healthy. The inherent ectoplasm he has is basically rotten cause Lazarus pit be like that, so although he is alive and well in human terms, from a ghostly perspective he is extremely emaciated and sickly. Jason has felt varying degrees of empty and BAD since he came back, but there’s not exactly a handbook for this sort of thing, so Jason just accepts feeling terrible and being quick to anger as his new reality.
Cue the bat family calling him up and asking him to check out some weird reports they've been getting. Apparently people have been seeing stuff- a shadowy floating baby, a rotting animal corpse walking around, a ball of energy floating through a wall, etc. Which would be strange enough, but since the sightings started popping up at the same time, Bat's is theorizing that all the sightings are being caused by one entity. And a lot of the reports are in Jason's stomping grounds, so they want him to take a look.
He obliges (not because he wants to help his family, it's JUST because it sounds interesting, ok?) and quickly finds the whatever it is. And he kind of wants to laugh because THIS is what everyone was freaking out about? The thing looks like a gumbrop. Granted it was the size of a cat and glowing a suspiciously Lazarus green, but STILL, what on earth was everyone so scared of?
Regardless, it was in his territory and needed to go. It moved surprisingly fast once it spotted him, and it was taking a lot for Jason not to lose sight of it. Oracle offers to send someone to help and even Jason is surprised at how angrily he says no. But maybe he shouldn't be- he'd seen it first, it was HIS to catch. He discarded his helmet after her next question- she was distracting and the little thing was now periodically turning around to chirp mischievously at him and he was going to GET it, darn it.
He tells himself that the frantic urge to catch the creature was just mission excitement. The wild, clawing NEED to have it was just enthusiasm. The aching pull in his stomach wasn't anything out of the ordinary, his mouth was watering because it had been dry, NO other reason.
He was fine. This was fine, nothing was wrong, he just REALLY needed this thing.
He loses sight of it for a second, but it's fine because he knows the direction it's going.
He turns the corner and pulls up sharply. The gumdrop thing has been caught, but not by him. There's a figure holding its limp form, staring at him with wide eyes, obviously in the middle of eating it.
Jason distantly thinks he should be confused or horrified, but all he can feel is devastation. It was supposed to be HIS- this was HIS territory, HIS place, he should be the one to get it. But he hadn't been fast enough and now he wasn't going to get ANYTHING-
Danny, meanwhile, feels like the biggest jerk in the world. He'd caught the fat blob ghost more out of habit than hunger, since it had practically run into him zipping around the corner. But this other liminal had been in the middle of hunting it and was now looking at him with abject betrayal.
Danny's feelings of guilt got worse as he crept a bit closer and realized that the other liminal was sick. They're ectoplasm felt tainted, contaminated in a way that spoke of long term illness. Danny's brain was going a mile a minute, connecting the pieces. This liminal felt fairly strong so he probably had his own territory, and since he was sick he probably couldn't go far to hunt. Which meant that in essence, Danny had waltzed into the house of a starving, bedridden liminal and eaten directly off his plate.
Yeah, Danny was officially the worst.
But he hasn't actually eaten it yet, so there's still time to fix it! Danny quickly offers to share, rambling to the not-quite-starving liminal that it's like the fattest blob ghost he's ever seen and he really doesn't mind sharing and he can have most of it if he wants, Danny's not that hungry and pretty please don't be upset?
Jason can hardly understand anything he's so ravenous at this point, but he does understand that he's being offered the food he thought he'd lost, so he chows down without any fuss, much to Danny's relief. He tries not to judge how messily the guy is eating cause who knows how long its been since he'd caught any fresh ectoplasm and its honestly no worse than Danny was the first time he ate a blobbie.
Except- the guys tainted ectoplasm seemed to be fading? Huh, maybe the illness wasn't as terminal as it seemed on the surface, if all that was needed to fix it was a decent meal.
Danny decides to leave, the liminal is obviously going to be fine and once they're head clears they're probably going to be embarrassed that Danny saw them in such a state and he doesn't want to deal with that kind of awkwardness. He carefully leaves, relieved that something that could have ended very badly had worked itself out.
Meanwhile, Barbara is trying to get Jason to respond to her without success. The last contact was almost half an hour ago when he'd snarled at her for asking if he needed someone to come help. She was pretty sure he'd ditched his comm after that, but his trackers were still active and she could see he'd come to a stop. He'd been very clear that he didn't want help, but they knew nothing about this entity and Barbara is hardly going to chance that he might be slowly bleeding out somewhere. She sends someone (or multiple someones) to go check on him.
They find Jason splattered head to toe in faintly iridescent gore, hunched over with glowing eyes and softly growling as he eats something unidentifiable.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Dream is a virgin. Which is insane, considering that he's a bazillion-years-old concept, and he's not sex-averse, he's just been very busy, okay? He's tending to the dreaming minds of the whole universe, and he's also a workaholic. He had a few romantic interests here and there, but somewhere between his dedication to his work and purpose and social awkwardness, his romances died out before taking flight, and he never got anywhere sexually. He had occasionally brief moments when he wondered if he might be missing out on something, but he had the whole kingdom to run and yada yada. So, when after the fishbowl Dream somehow gets himself a boyfriend, everyone is surprised, but most of all, Dream himself. His romance with Hob is blossoming, they're taking things very slow, and Dream's flying (sometimes literally). He doesn't even think of his little problem with lack of experience until eventually, he and Hob end up in the bedroom, both half-dressed, and things are obviously heating up. Dream realizes what's actually going on and internally freaks out: he does want to know what it feels like to be one with Hob, want to feel the shape and weight of his cock inside this manufactured body, wants to...how did Matthew put it the other day? Wants to have his guts rearranged, that's it! But he's also suddenly scared. What if Hob would be disappointed if he told the truth? Hob knows what he is now, what if he expected a skillful lover, taking into account that he's about to fuck the manifestation of all fantasies? Also, what if it's going to hurt? And okay, this vessel technically cannot be hurt by such a paltry activity, but Dream's very core can be. Because he loves Hob. He wants their first time - and his first time - to be good and special. Hob doesn't understand what's wrong, but he notices that Dream starts to spiral. He nudges the truth out of him with patient kisses and gentle touches until Dream shyly confesses he's never had sex before. Hob is equally shocked and turned on (you can take a guy out of the middle ages, but you can't take the middle ages virginity king out of a guy), but he can work with that! Dream is about to be ruined.
So sweet. I kinda love the idea of Dream just. Not having time to have sex. He's been busy, okay, time flies when you're a very important cosmic entity!!! He managed to conceive Orpheus with Calliope as like a..... meeting of artistic minds. Nobody took their clothes off, though.
And Hob really does think that it's rather lovely. Of course it's daunting, being the one who gets to pop Dream’s cherry. But it's unquestionably a lovely privilege. And it's hot. It's really fucking hot to see Dream blushing and spread out on the sheets of Hob’s very ordinary double bed. Hob is so fucking in love with him. It's doesn't matter that he's Dream of the Endless, who contains all of the fantasies that every human has ever had. Right now he's Dream, Hob’s boyfriend, squirming and shy and flushed pink from his cheeks to his cock.
Hob is also very very good at sex, and that is quite helpful because he knows how to make Dream whimper by kissing the inside of his thigh or thumbing over the crown of his cock. And when Dream is whimpering, he's also forgetting to be nervous or think about how he might be doing this wrong. He's mostly just thinking "more" and "please" and also "fuck".
And they do fuck. Eventually. When Dream is loose and trembling, practically undone already. It's a dream come true, which is the highest compliment Dream can come up with. He'd like to do it again, when he can remember how to hold a physical form without melting a bit into the mattress.
The cuddles are an unexpected but wonderful bonus. And Dream is quietly hopeful that Hob will always, always hold him. Sex or no sex. Because he loves Dream as much as Dream loves him, and that means that he's never ever letting go.
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thranduil-aran-edhil · 11 months
OK, so. Finished my first run. Gotta admit I'm not 100% satisfied with some endings. BUT NO BIGGIE, THAT'S WHAT HEADCANONS ARE FOR, DON'T WORRY I GOT A PERMIT (i'm a Dungeon Master) SO LET'S GO, HC TIME D&D STYLE BC WE STILL GOT 8 LEVELS TO GO: (spoilers for BG3 and Descent Into Avernus going forward)
They'd all stay together and continue to go on adventures, the 8 of them, Tav, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Gale, Astarion, Wyll, Karlach and Halsin. Found Families stay together. (I do enjoy the polyship aspect too, so just throwing it out there) There's an exchange you can have ingame with an NPC in the Guild and Tav will say the party's name is Wormskulls and I love it. I do also love Tadfools. Maybe they are Wormskulls to the general public and Tadfools to their close friends and allies lol. After the tadpoles are gone I think it would be very useful for them to commission earrings enchanted with Rary's Telepathic Bond. Less invasive than a mindflayer tadpole and just as useful. Also symbolic for Gale. I think the earring would have a pendant of a skull with a serpent coming out of its eye and being bitten by the teeth.
OK SO, my girl Karlach. I haven't romanced her yet, gonna do a run for that. But she's not dying on my watch. She's going back to Avernus, BUT YOU CAN BE SO SURE THAT THE MOMENT THE WHOLE PARTY IS READY WE'RE KICKING DOWN ZARIEL'S DOOR AND KICKING HER ASS. Or giving her her sword back and possibly turning her back into an Angel, something that whatever party of adventurers that managed to save BG and Elturel in Descent Into Avernus CLEARLY didn't do, it would probably not only nullify Mizora's contract with Wyll bc Zariel is now a completely different entity, if you decided to redo Wyll's contract with her, but also would give us a better chance of Zariel taking the infernal engine out of Karlach herself. Maybe turning Wyll into a Devotion Paladin? (more details about Zariel here) I'd ask Jaheira and Minsc to take care of Scratch and Albie (owlbear cub) because the Hells is no place for pets. Even very brave ones. Maybe Halsin's "ending" fits here, taking care of the pets and the kids while everyone goes to Avernus, they leave him with a Sending Stone. And when they are back he's there waiting for them. 🥺
If we saved Duke Ravengard and broke Wyll's contract. (or didn't but are hcing that we broke his contract by defeating/unmaking Zariel) what does that mean to Wyll? I think it be super cool to go more in depth about it. How does he reconsile with his father? Does he accept to be reinstated as heir and becomes the Duke right away or does he think it's best for his father to continue his role a bit longer? Does he even want to be Duke or does he think he can serve the people of the Sword Coast better as an adventurer? If he turns into a Duke, what sort of benefit does that give an adventuring party?
Finding something to make Astarion able to walk in the sun again I've seen people talk about the Ring of the Sun-Walker as if it's from the 5e books, it's not, it's homebrew. HOWEVER, any freaking DM with a heart would create something similar for their player to continue playing without being afraid of dying instantly bc of the sun. The Cloak of Dragomir is canon to the Baldur's Gate videogame universe, so it be a good tie in, but it would be a temporary solution at best since it penalizes the player quite harshly, Strength: -6, Dexterity: -4, Intelligence: -2, Wisdom: -2, Charisma: -4 and Vampire Regeneration divided by 3, to 1 HP per 3 rounds. That being said, I wouldn't make it TOO easy to obtain as there are other ways for Astarion to be safe, like the Darkness spell. It would be interesting to see him (and Tav) struggle a little bit more, really feel the sacrifice Astarion made by rejecting the Ascendance even after they find something to combat the Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Astarion's biological family would be something very interesting to explore in the future. They would be Elves themselves and are most likely still alive, we even have a surname thanks to people analyzing the shit out of that tombstone: Ancunín. As a DM I wouldn't wait for a player to decide to search for these people, I'd throw them at the players! Strolling through the Upper City in a quick shopping trip? You hear a loud gasp, things clattering and bumping into the ground, hurried desperate steps and then someone sobbing "Astarion?? Astarion is that you?!" What do you do?
Visiting Waterdeep and Morena Dekarios. This woman deserves to see her son again, and Gale deserves to finally go back home and see his mom without the burden of an ancient artifact lodged in his chest and a goddess wanting him to kill himself. Would he stay? I'm not sure, he went through an entire Hero's Journey and maybe now home, although pleasant, is not as comforting anymore. Waterdeep is the element of Gale of Waterdeep and he's not him anymore. I think this would be a great premise for a roleplay focused arc. Gale is invited to the Blackstaff Ball for the first time since Mystra shunned him, the Wormskulls are famous now, The New Heros of Baldur's Gate (Gala Episode anyone? All of them SLAYIN with their fits? Poor Halsin totally out of his element). He's once again welcomed into the society of the Lord Mage of Waterdeep and his peers seem to have all but forgotten he was ever a pariah. Is that what he wants? And Waterdeep has many opportunities for more adventure. A paranoid Beholder underground anyone?
Kill the Lich Queen (CLASSIC D&D). Vlaakith IS FINISHED. TIME TO SPELLJAM AND BE SPACE PIRATES YALL. Lae'zel deserves to see this through to the END.
Shadowheart goes through another journey to find out if she wants to truly embrace Selûne or maybe become another thing entirely. Selûne should reach out or Isobel and Dame Aylin would help her out. Or maybe Shadowheart is tired of being a Cleric and following a god. But change and inconsistency is something that is under Selûne's portfolio, she's often followed by those who are lost, so I think she'd find more than fitting for Shadowheart to be a cautious and weary follower of her.
Your Tav's personal stuff. The Dark Urge sounds amazing and I can't wait to do a run with them, but I think most of us got very attached to our Original Characters Do No Steal. So I'm excited to see what people come up with for their Tavs. Otessa, my Tav, doesn't know her dad was a pirate, he never told her, so I expect that his past will come bite him in the ass and she'll have to help him out of that pickle.
When the party has reached level 17, Gale has access to the Wish spell. And I really do think they'd use it to get rid of Astarion's undeath. As a DM I wouldn't let Gale simply get the spell outright, he'd have to research it. Not only that, I don't think Astarion would be totally free of undeath, some remnant of it would linger, he'd probably turn into an Elf that needs blood to survive and is forever locked out of the Call of Arvandor or something. But he'd be mortal and would be able to walk in the sun without that ring, cross bodies of water, wouldn't instadie from pointy wood objects in the chest etc. (i'm writing a little one-shot about this, should post it soon)
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melanie-the-artful · 10 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings
Hello there! So, I remember I once saw a post about meanings of some characters' names in another fandom, and while some of those names probably were given to those characters just because they fit, some of them certainly were chosen for their meaning, and well, it was just interesting to read! And yeah, here I am, in today's series of "I have freaking nothing else to do" I brought you a list of meanings for Genshin characters' names (today only Travelers and Mondstadt).
Aether | Comes from the highest air layer - where the gods live, and from the god who embodies it in Greek mythology; Also not sure whether it's connected, but fun fact: in Latin "Iter" means «Journey»
Lumine | Literally «Light» in Latin
Kong (Chinese Aether) | «Heavenly», «Air» or «Sky» - Chinese Name
Ying (Chinese Lumine) | Literally «Glimmer», «Twinkling» or «Light» in Chinese and a Chinese Name
Sora (Japanese Aether) | Literally «Sky» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Hotaru (Japanese Lumine) | Literally «Firefly» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Paimon | Comes from King Paimon, the 9th of Goetia Demons 
Amber | Well, in her case it obviously references her eyes that carry that color, and it is also similar to the word «ember», which underlines her being a Pyro wielder; Also «Fierce» as an originally Arabic or Celtic Name
Kaeya | «Monsoon Flower» - Sanskrit Name
Lisa | «God's Promise» - German Name
Jean | «God is Gracious» - Originally French Name
Barbara | Although in our world it is believed to come from barbarians, in context of Genshin she might've been named so after Barbatos, the Archon rulling over her nation. It also makes sense considering how her father also serves at the church; Also «Foreign», «Strange» as an originally Greek Name
Diluc | Comes from «diluculum» - Latin for «Dawn»
Noelle | «Christmas» - Originally French Name
Klee | Literally «Clover» in German
Albedo | Term for the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body; also a Latinicized alchemical term meaning «Whiteness» and «Purification»
Sucrose | A chemical element, also known as C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, or just sugar
Mona | «Solitary», «Adviser» or «Wish» - German Name
Fischl | Considering German grammatics, literally means «Little Fish» 
Amy | «Beloved», «Dearly Loved» - German Name
Bennett | «Blessed» - Originally French and Latin Name
Rosaria | «Rosary» or «Wreath of Roses» - Derives from originally Latin Name Rosarius/Rosarium
Diona | «Goddess» or «From the Sacred Spring» - German Name 
Eula | Could be based on the german word for owl Eule or the German Name Ulla which means «Will»
Mika | «Who is like God» - German Name 
Venti | Sounds similar to the word «windy», also literally «Winds» in Italian
Barbatos | Comes from Duke Barbatos, the 8th of Goetia Demons 
Crepus | Comes from «crepusculum» - Latin for «Dusk»
Seamus | «Supplanter» - Originally Irish Name
Frederica | «Peaceful Ruler» - German Name
Alice | «Noble» or «Exalted» - Originally German Name
Rhinedottir | Originally Rhine was a name for someone who lived by the Rhine river in German, yet the word itself originates from the word 'renos', which means «Flowing Water» or «Raging Flow»; meanwhile "dottir" is «Daughter» in Icelandic
Barbeloth | May derive from the Gnostic aeon Barbēlō, a supreme, androgynous entity in Gnosticism known as God's first thought, being his "feminine aspect" and the Mother-Father of the aeons
Nicole | «Victory of the People» - Originally French Name
Varka | Likely based on the Old Persian 𐎺𐎼𐎣 (varka), meaning «Wolf»
Decarabian | Comes from Marquis Decarabia, the 69th of Goetia Demons
Dvalin | Comes from a dwarf in Old Norse tales, meaning «The Dormant One» or «The One Slumbering» (akin to the Danish and Norwegian "dvale" and Swedish "dvala", meaning «Sleep, «Unconscious Condition» or «Hibernation»).
Durin | Overally associated with a dwarf named Durin, who is also from Norse tales, though some say it is of Latin origin and means «Firm», «Enduring»
Yeah, here it is! I know, I basically made a compilation of things you can find yourself in Google, buuuuuut in case you were too lazy or not curious enough to do so, I did so in your stead! And I have to admit that those are not names of my homeland, and I may not know all their variations or significance, yet I'm still interested, and I'll be happy if you're willling to correct me. And maybe I will even dig in deeper into the topic next time!
So, see you!
Edited: Yeah, I added a few more meaningful characters and Travelers' names on other languages + a few other tiny additions. I think now it seems a little more complete. Next up is Liyue!
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
How strong (in the manga) is Shin/East Supreme Kai? I remember hearing something about him or someone else stating he could have killed Frieza in a single attack, but I'm not sure if that's canon. As a side note, what led me to this was thinking about the Buu arc, and how it's interesting how (from what I know) the a big part of the first part of it is the gods (Shin and Kibito) realizing that Goku, Vegeta, and co. are far, far stronger than even Shin - the literal highest divine entity (according to canon at the time) in the universe. It acknowledges and points out how freakishly strong the protagonists have gotten, which I find interesting seeing as that's a common criticism I feel of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super - but here it is being pointed out as a big part of the story of the original manga!
Sorry it took me a bit to respond to this; Haven't done one of these in a while.
You remember correctly.
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All five Kaioshins are so strong that they could oneshot Frieza. We only have East Kaioshin's word for that, but Frieza is kind of a big deal and well known among the gods.
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Battle of Gods goes on to assert that even Beerus knows Frieza by name. As Strongest in the Universe by an unbelievable margin and head of Genocide Incorporated, he's important enough to ping all of the celestial radars. Everyone who is anyone in the heavenly realms has got eyes on him.
So I can believe Kaioshin when he makes this assessment. I don't think he's talking out of his ass.
Additionally, knowledge of his role as Kaioshin intimidates Piccolo into standing down.
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Piccolo is so intimidated by the realization of Kaioshin's identity that he forfeits their match right at the outset.
This, however, is an ambiguous moment. Kaioshin's been keeping his ki to himself, so to speak. Prior to this match, he hadn't shown a hint of his power. Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo could all tell that there was something about him, but no one knew what.
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Piccolo wasn't reacting to the size of Kaioshin's ki signature here. He didn't sense Kaioshin's power and go "OH MY GOD HE'S SO STRONG."
Piccolo freaks out about Kaioshin's identity. He realizes that this man is so high up on the celestial hierarchy, and he doesn't dare. He's basically having an attack of propriety.
In fact, he's actually mistaken about who Kaioshin is. He's got the wrong guy.
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He quit the fight because he thinks Shin is secretly this guy.
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Daikaio, the Great World-King, or Grand Kai in the anime dub. That's who Piccolo thought he was scurrying away in intimidation of. Even right there in the ring, he had no idea who Shin truly was.
So we can't really make an assessment of how Piccolo compares to Kaioshin in fighting strength based on that. Piccolo forfeit due to presumptions of Kaioshin's Daikaio's reputation and cosmic importance.
When in actuality Kaioshin is a super-secret ultra-class of god whose existence is merely fabled even among gods.
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That's why Piccolo thought he was Daikaio. Kaioshin is not supposed to be a real thing that exists.
This is all setup for when the other shoe drops: The revelation that actually we mere mortals left Kaioshin in the dust a ways back, and nobody - neither him nor us - initially realizes it.
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Earth has gotten fucking weird in ways Kaioshin couldn't fathom. He was expecting Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan to back him up and be his sidekicks. He sorely underestimated them.
Goku compares Dabra to Cell, which gives us a bit of a yardstick to work with for Kaioshin. Because Kaioshin is freaked out by Dabra.
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Kaioshin's reaction to seeing a Cell-tier force on the field is "Oh wow, we are fucked."
An assessment that Dabra agrees with.
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In fact, when push comes to shove and Kaioshin does get the chance to fight Dabra, he decides he'll take the weaker foe, thank you very much.
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Despite their differences, Kaioshin and Dabra are in agreement on one point: Kaioshin could not have won the Cell Games.
This is not proof of weakness on his part but proof of incredible strength on the others' parts, however. To put this in perspective, let's remember that Frieza was the most powerful mortal in the universe by a factor of 1000x over the second-most. It took a freak 1-in-a-trillion mutation to make him that strong, and that's beyond the other freak 1-in-a-trillion mutations.
Cell, meanwhile is a fart on the winds of time. On the cosmic scale, he was barely a blink of an eye. He existed for four years on one planet where he accomplished nothing of note and then died. He was a big deal to that one trash-tier scrub world but nobody outside of Earth has ever heard of him.
That this nobody Earthling who did nothing and died immediately was so unbelievably powerful that he dwarfed even Frieza - and pushed others of that world to become unbelievably powerful too - is a weird footnote in the history of the universe.
So we get this odd dynamic where Frieza is the yardstick by which Kaioshin measures mortal strength.
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Literally name-dropping Frieza to try and convey to Vegeta just how powerful Buu is, as if that's a name we're still meant to be impressed by.
But Cell is the yardstick that Hipster Goku uses.
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"Yeah, I'm over Frieza. I'm really into this new guy called Cell. He's pretty obscure; You've probably never heard of him."
So that's where Kaioshin lies, and the crux of the bitter irony at the start of the Buu arc. By mortal standards, Kaioshin should be beyond anything they could possibly imagine. And Dabra is terrifying beyond even him.
But here on Earth we had this little thing called the Cell Games where we had to fight a dude that was in Dabra's league so we got fucking jacked. And then kept going afterward and got even more jacked.
The result is a god who is unfathamable by mortal standards, yet thoroughly outclassed by these specific mortals and their exceptional circumstances.
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a-mossy-amethyst · 3 months
if trans stuff/gnc stuff is up your alley i am very fond of the post-coma name scene. What if John had decided that instead of being John, he wanted to be Jane? I enjoy the softness and humanity of it all.
Jane Doe rights!
Some of the dialogue is from episode 5 as this is meant to be an alternative version of the name scene
“So, what have I missed?” Arthur asks.
The entity pieces together what to tell him first. He’s been in a coma for a month, and it feels like so much and so little has happened at the same time.
Their focus should be on Amanda Cummings. Arthur was already talking about her before it cut him off.
But the entity spent a month alone with no one but a kind nurse to keep it company. And the name she, without realizing, gave it has been stirring at something in its mind.
It decides to pry open the topic gently. “For one thing, they don’t know who you are.”
“No. I thought maybe they would piece together the missing driver from the car accident a ways away from here.” It pauses. “... You’ve been John Doe for the past weeks.”
“It’s…” How does it explain?
“What?” Arthur asks.
“It’s actually interesting,” it says, stalling for time.
“Well, how so?” he prompts the entity to explain.
“The nurses, one in particular… she comes in to check. She always says, ‘Good morning, John,’ and, uh…” it trails off.
“What about it?”
The entity flexes its hand, testing the joints. It’s stiff. At first, it used to drum its fingers against the bed to entertain itself, but after so long it started drifting away from this body. The only times it came back to it was when Lilly visited, and it avoided moving so she didn’t freak out.
Having a name sounded nice. But not necessarily that one. Part of it wanted to keep it for Lilly’s sake, but it doesn’t quite fit. Like a puzzle piece that matches its color scheme and looks like it should be a part of it, but just doesn’t have a spot for itself.
The entity was grateful for Lilly giving it a name. It just wishes it was one it liked more.
“Well, I like having a name.”
“What do you mean?” Arthur moves his limbs one at a time, probably testing them like the entity did its hand. “You want to be called John?”
“No. I want to be called… something.” It didn’t know.
“Okay…” Arthur says slowly. “Did you not like John?”
“I guess not.”
“How about other ‘j’ names? James, Jack, even just Jay-”
“No, no, you don’t understand,” it snaps, because none of those are right.
“Alright, so not ‘j’. Um… what about Robert? Or Nathan, or Alexander?”
The entity huffs. “You aren’t getting it.”
“No, I’m afraid I’m not,” Arthur retorts. “You said you wanted a name, but not John. I’m sorry I can’t list every name in existence on the spot. I just woke up from a coma, as you said. I’m still adjusting.”
It sighs. “Sorry, Arthur,” it says sincerely. It doesn’t mean to upset him so quickly, but he just isn’t getting it.
How does it explain better? It’s not that the names Arthur listed were particularly bad, they just weren’t right. Not like…
“I like ‘Lilly’ more than I like ‘Arthur’.”
Arthur stills. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The entity groans. “I’m trying to explain.”
“You’re not doing a very good job of it, then. I feel rather insulted. Is ‘Arthur’ so bad a name?”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Then what did you mean? I can hardly be called Lilly, that’s a woman’s–” he abruptly cuts himself off.
“What?” it snaps.
“Just spit it out, for God's sake!”
“Ah, well, it's just…”
“Jesus Christ, Arthur, what–”
“Would you… prefer a woman's name?” Arthur tentatively asks.
The entity pauses. Was that the problem? That “John” was too masculine for whatever it was?
“Like what?”
“Oh- um- John Doe is the name for unidentified males, and the female version is Jane Doe, so what about Jane?”
The entity twirls the name around in its mind. Jane Doe. It would still be an homage to Lilly, and, more importantly…
It felt right.
“Y-yes,” Arthur nods, Jane’s vision bouncing with the movement. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, it was just a thought, ignore me–”
“No!” it cuts him off. “Jane is good. My name… is Jane Doe.”
Arthur sighs in relief. “It's a nice name. I'm glad I can call you something. Does that mean you're a she, then?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Jane is a woman's name, so I thought you'd go by 'she’ as well.
“… Was I wrong?”
Jane hesitates. It doesn't sound like a bad idea.
“No, I think it's fine.”
“Right. Okay. Thank you for telling me.”
Jane thinks if she had a body, she'd be smiling right now. “Thank you for helping.”
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
The one where Sutekh is a good boy...
Ok, look, this makes abso-fucking-lutely no sense. Like, at all. But still, I'm writing it.
I don't know what/who Sutekh was in previous Doctor Who seasons, but going by what I just saw (and I already watched Empire of Death), I want Sutekh to be Doctor's multiversal dog.
I don't know why, but that's what my mind chose to stay with.
I think about Sutekh traveling on the TARDIS and watching the whole universe and time with the Doctor and meeting, if only as an espectator, all those who traveled with the Doctor.
Warning: Liberal use of curse words.
Imagine Sutekh watching the Doctor risk their own life time and time again to save other people.
Imagine how he could have reacted to the Doctor meeting Ruby, someone who was so ordinary, yet along with her mother had touched so many people's lives. Imagine Sutekh watching them risking it all to get to the goblings and save a baby they met maybe an hour ago, only to end up singing in front of the gobling king.
And then the Doctor freaking out and going to save Ruby.
And then this dog-looking entity finds the mistery of Ruby and starts to get curious about a person, someone who is alive and is not the Doctor.
And Ruby stars traveling with the Doctor (and with him) on TARDIS, and one day, they get to the babies.
And Sutekh never saw much sense in life when everything in the end would be the same, but then he watched the Doctor and Ruby meet all this babies who shouldn't be babies anymore, who shouldn't be living there, pretty much by themselves, terrified of some strange being who lives in the lower part of the ship. Babies who were deemed mistakes, who were supposed to be abandoned, whose lives should ended years ago, who shouldn't even had come into existence.
And the Doctor and Ruby again do their best to save them because even if every other person decided that those kids weren't important, weren't good enough, weren't worth it, they both cared.
And you know what? That weird baby monster (whose origin Sutekh decided to pointedly ignore) with the power to inflict fear even in the Doctor by growling at the right frequence was kind of interesting... I mean, it wouldn't live forever, and Sutekh would make sure of that, but maybe, just maybe a little more time to see what thosee spacial-babies got up to...
Sutekh didn't appreciate Master showing up and causing a ruckus by stealing all music. He didn't get why the Doctor and Ruby cared so much either. It was just music, some noise all put together in some semblance of order and repeated time and time again.
He wasn't expecting the fucking End of Times because there was no music and humans decided to collectively fuck shit up-
And how was it that he still couldn't bring his Empire into existence with this crazy assholes at the proverbial wheel of this world? You take away music and they destroy the planet? Give the world back to the dinosaurs, that's what he says! (But not the cats, NEVER the cats, they already have too much of an ego for his liking...)
Anyways, that's when they go back and try to re-insert music in the world. Ruby plays the piano. She is... not bad.
He was actually not-hating it (he wasn't liking it, he doesn't do "like") when Master decides to show up and interrupt by trying to still the music from Ruby.
Things get really insane from there (but what else is new?) and Master is about to kill Ruby (which doesn't bother him at all, of course) when a Christmas carol starts coming out of that too strange but somehow still perfectly, reasonably ordinary girl. What...?
John Lennon and Paul McCarthy found the chord that expelled Master from this plain of existence. That doesn't surprise Sutekh at all, they were geniuses after all... Not that he knew anything about the Beat- that band he knew nothing at all about.
The Doctor stepped on a mine. The Doctor. Stepped. On a fucking MINE!
Centuries, maybe eons across the galaxy and the time lord goes into a war zone without looking and steps on a mine. Of course they do. Go throw your life away after battling the literal embodiment of death! See who cares!
The tube was a corpse. He didn't know how. He didn't want to know either.
There was a girl then, and even Sutekh knew that a girl of that age in that place was every kind of wrong. That soldier who came looking for her was exasperating. Couldn't she see that they were a bit busy right now trying not to explode?
Right, the Doctor is a time lord, he would make some interesting fireworks all over the planet... And the TARDIS. The TARDIS he was currently on. Shit.
Alright, the soldier had an idea that perhaps may work and- Where the fuck did that came from?! Who did this?! WHO-?!
Ruby was dying and that idiotic ambulance wouldn't do shit to help and the Doctor was still on the mine and WHY was that girl still here?!
The mine would activate eventually regardless of what the Doctor did and those two soldiers could not hack the system to make it help Ruby or the Doctor and the girl was talking with an hologram of his late father and watching photos and everything was wrong. Wrong, wrong. WRONG!
Ruby was still on the floor and didn't seem to be breathing and the Doctor was talking and... what did he mean? He didn't understand? The system? The ambulances? The war and the-?
This "soldiers" had been going to die at the hands of stupid robots thinking that they were at war with some kind of hostile alien race that probably was not even real and they were getting hi-Ruby and the Doctor killed!
And they had the gal to doubt the Doctor when he was basically spelling it out to them!
And did that guy really just confess his love to the other soldier? Now? Really?!
The hologram was the actual father of the girl yet. Sort of. Somehow. Somewhere. Sutekh didn't know. He didn't know either how the Doctor managed to convince it (him? Who cares!) to hack the system to help them, but they managed and-
The ambulances were attacking them. Great. Why not?
And the Doctor was still standing on the mine. Sure, whatever. Then-
Go, you weird hologram who definitely shouldn't be so sentient and have so much capacity for decision-making!!!!!
He released a great sigh when they left that planet (finally!). Ruby was alive, the Doctor hadn't exploded and Sutekh was on his spot over the TARDIS.
See? This was a clear show of the reasons life was simply ridiculous and way too chaotic.
Death was the final answer... Or not so final if the hologram of the girl's dad was anything to go by. Sutekh had never cared too much about what the living thought happened with them after death, he already knew... or thought he knew...
Nop. Not today. There had been more than enough stress already.
Sutekh then decided to rest. He got himself comfortable over the TARDIS and laid his head over his crossed paws, slowly falling asleep.
He suddenly opened his eyes, unable to decide if he should hit his own head repeatedly against TARDIS' roof or simply throw himself into the void and disappear along with his own sheer stupidity.
The woman in the ambulance. The ambulance. It was his, one of the multiple copies he made to plant across the universe. It was all him. His fault. He nearly killed Ruby and the Doctor. He...
Doesn't care. That's pretty much what he's trying to do, anyways. So what?
He settled back to rest and tried to sleep. It wasn't as comfortable as before.
Every person in this planet is so annoying, Sutekh cannot even begin to describe it. They were being eaten by slugs. Fucking. Slugs.
And those things ate over half the population before these idiots realised.
No, allow him to correct himself: Those things had had a feast with over half the population by the time Ruby and the Doctor stumbled across this planet and decided to try and save this stupid, ungrateful shits.
The girl couldn't walk. Sutekh gave up. This was more than what he was able to tolerate. It was just too much.
Then that boy appeared and wasn't a complete dumbass. So maybe Ruby and the Doctor's efforts weren't completely wasted... Not that it was worth anything, anyways. Everyone dies in the end.
The dots were behind the attack of the slugs. Honestly, couldn't they swith sides and help the dots instead? They were nice and easy to carry and could play music. How many of the fuckers in this planet could do that, huh?
He felt it, the moment the other boy's heart stopped beating. Then the girl met with Ruby and the Doctor by the river and said something about him going back to save others.
Sutekh didn't want her on TARDIS. She wasn't worth it, she wasn't worthy and she... she could be dangerous for Ruby and for the Doctor. He needed to do something before-
Those people were speaking, saying something in response to the Doctor's (too generous) offer to come with him and-
Go and keep your stupid planet, and stupid forest and slugs. Without WIFI. Do you know where you can find WIFI? In TARDIS, that's where!
Sutekh's mood was definitely awful by the time he heard the screaming Doctor.
He didn't get it. Why did they care so much? This people didn't deserve their care.
But nevertheless, the Doctor yelled himself hoarse and cried in despair.
Ruby hugged him.
Sutekh felt a very uncomfortable knot in his chest.
They were visiting the past-Earth so Ruby and the Doctor could have their "Bridgerton experience". That didn't mean much to Sutekh since all knowing and ever present entities didn't care about such trivialities as human entertainment.
(Also, Penelophe deserved better.)
The Doctor met some random guy who invited him to go outside... And wasn't that a bit foward for this time?
There was a space ship. Random-guy was a bounty hunter and thought that the Doctor was from some shape-shifting alien race that killed people and took their places in a twisted play that had no point in Sutekh's opinion.
Also, the guy called himself Rogue. Took the name from DND. Huh...
Doctor, you don't keep flirting with the dude who is threatening to kill you, that's not how it work!
Why did it work?!
And why is he on TARDIS? He is not Ruby, he is not the Doctor either. He is not an anomaly, he is not interesting. Why is he on TARDIS?
Why would the Doctor want this guy to come with them? He's another of the thousands of bounty hunters that roam the Universe with the sole purpose of earning money. And ok, that wasn't bad, per se. But it wasn't funny either... Not that he'd been having fun watching the Doctor and Ruby.
Oh, right, the shifter was still on the party with all those people... AND RUBY.
Fuck! Doctor, what are you waiting for?! That girl can be a real trouble magnet!
With some luck, she is still with that other boring girl.
The Doctor and Rogue were dancing and making a scandal of themselves, trying to attract the shifter. The Doctor also looked very... content, not like they did with Ruby but...
Maybe there was something to this Rogue- guy after all, if he could make the Doctor so happy with only a short dance.
He seems a bit rusty in the acting department though, the Doctor was carrying the whole show over his own shoulders and-
Wait, is Rogue kneeling? He is! He did! And he has a ring too!! And-
*cough cough*
Not that Sutekh cared. He doesn't give a damn about some fake marriage proposal of some fake gay couple.
Nevertheless, he is willing to allow Rogue on TARDIS after such and improvisation. He is gracious like that.
There were more shifters. And they liked the Doctor, they wanted to replace him too (as if they ever could...)
The shifters got to Ruby. They got to his the girl.
Now the shifters were celebrating a fake wedding with fake-Ruby as the bride.
The Doctor and Rogue got the shifters trapped into the portal and were about to send them away when fake-Ruby started a last ditch attempt to save herself by saying she was the real Ruby, but that couldn't be, for the mannerisms and even the scent of fake-Ruby was like that of the shifters Sutekh had encountered throughout his life.
Then the shifter that attacked Ruby appeared. Fake-Ruby was no fake and she was now trapped in the portal with the other shifters. She'd be sent to a desolate nightmare dimension with those creatures and she'd be on her own, if the Doctor didn't do something, anything. But there was nothing to do now, or the shifters would escape and break havoc.
Ruby was crying, all the while reassuring the Doctor, saying that it was ok.
It fucking wasn't.
Rogue asked the Doctor if they could give up a friend for the world. The Doctor said they couldn't and Sutekh... Sutekh thought he might understand.
Then Rogue kissed the Doctor. He took the detonator from their hand. The Doctor was crying and Rogue looked so fucking sorry.
Was he going to sacrifice Ruby? If he dared to...
Rogue jumped toward Ruby and pushed her out of the still inactive portal.
He threw the flowers at the Doctor.
'Find me'. That was all the bounty hunter said before activating the portal and falling with the shifters into some remote part of the Universe.
The Doctor kept trying to act as if everything was fine. As if they were fine. They weren't and they had no reason to.
Sutekh had been bringing death to this Universe since the Beginning and he knew loss, if only by watching it in others. People needed to mourn. This wasn't right.
But Ruby was there and she cut straight through the Doctor's bullshit.
They hugged and cried.
Sutekh, at the end, didn't dislike the bounty hunter. And Rogue had saved Ruby. He did it for the Doctor, didn't he? At least, that was all Sutekh could assume.
Why though? Why give it all for the happiness of someone you just met?
Perhaps Rogue was an anomaly too, after all.
An anomaly that was lost in some knot of the immense tapestry that were time and space. Imposble to track.
At least, impossible when you are not a death-deity with the ability to sense every living being in the Universe.
As things were, Sutekh was and could. So, he'd guide TARDIS. A little deviation from its intended course to the place were he had tracked the bounty hunter.
Then, Sutekh would add him to his collection of Oddities.
(And if it made a certain Doctor happy, so what?)
The hardest part was convincing TARDIS of cooperating with him instead of the Doctor for once. But she complied once he told her about his plan.
The TARDIS was stuck in a death-world while Ruby and the Doctor went out to find some piece of metal to fix the (very much not at all broken) TARDIS.
They were attacked by one of the shifters, but the creature was swiftly dealt with. It was also easily recognised.
The search for metal quickly changed to a search for Rogue.
They found him hiding away, dirty and hungry, in quite the deplorable state. But, and this Sutekh knew, Rogue was very much alive. The man was strong and had a good survival instincts.
Rogue was disbelieving, half convinced the Doctor and Ruby were the shifters. The Doctor reasoned that the only way for the shifter to replace them was by killing them. For that they had to be there and if they were there, there was no way the shifters got close enough to attack them and succeed. A bit of a twisted logic, if you ask Sutekh, but Rogue seemed to take it. The man was exhausted and probably desparate, so...
In their way back to TARDIS, they found the rest of the shifters.
On the upside, Rogue was sure now that Ruby and the Doctor were real. On the downside, angry and violent shifters.
But Ruby, the little marvel, had put on her earrings.
Sutekh had never seen such a graceful and impecable display of violence. He may take a look into MMA tournaments some time in the future... For research purposes, of course. He couldn't care less about these mortal petty activities.
They reached TARDIS, with a couple of the remaining shifter on their tail.
That's when they realised they had forgotten to look for a piece of metal.
It didn't matter, TARDIS wasn't broken. The Doctor surely would make another attempt at restarting TARDIS and she would function just fine. Except that she didn't.
Sutekh questioned her about it. He suppressed the urge to face-palmed, hard, when she explained that she didn't want to trick her creator, so she broke herself. It was just a minor thing, really, but now she truly needed a piece of metal.
The shifters were back now, banging at the door, the wood quickly cracking under the relentless assault.
The three passengers were frantic, looking for some metal chunk that'd work to fix TARDIS.
Sutekh was mad. At TARDIS for being so reckless, but also at himself for unknowingly asking such a thing of her.
But he wasn't just angry. There was and awful ball of something twisting in his stomach when he thought about TARDIS hurting herself at his request. About Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue, in danger because of his carelessness. It was the same feeling that had assaulted him a while back when they were leaving that war-zone of a planet and he realised the ambulance had been one of his creations. He felt bad, but he didn't understood why he cared. He felt... was this guilt? He didn't like it. He didn't.
Ruby screeched in fear when a big chunck of the door flew past her head, the shifters still banging at it.
The sound brought Sutekh back to reality.
Metal, they needed metal. A big piece, the Doctor had said. Something around the size of a human fist, something like...
Sutekh quickly undid his own collar and maneuvered one of its rings out. He put it inside one of TARDIS' compartments and she let it fall at the Doctor's feet. They used it to fix TARDIS and leave the planet.
Ten minutes after their departure and a heartfelt embrace from Rogue and Doctor (coupled with a Ruby Sunday patented hug for Rogue as a thanks for saving her), Sutekh could finally breath again.
Only for his own brain to halt when he realised a tiny, little detail about the previous ordeal. Not only had he guided TARDIS to Rogue and plotted with her to find and rescue him, but he had also helped Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue to fix TARDIS. This time, he hadn't been just a witness of the events. He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
And with a pitiful whine, Sutekh covered his head with both paws and tried to sleep his shame and confusion away.
TARDIS laughed at him. The fucker.
Things pretty much fell into a rutine after that. Or as close to a rutine as it could be with the Doctor.
Rogue and the Doctor grew closer by the day while Ruby tried to (not-so-subtly) get them into different date-like situations. Sutekh learned about the new concept of "ships" and "shiping". It has noting to do with sailig, but it is a bit interesting. Only a little bit.
And of course, the trio fell into uncountable dangerous situations.
Sometimes they got themselves out of troubles all on their own. But there were times when they didn't. Those times, Sutekh teamed up with TARDIS to rescue their Oddities. (Usually Sutekh wouldn't share, but TARDIS was a very valuable ally and he also appreciated her input and their conversations. Sutekh ignored TARDIS when she threw in the word "friandship".)
And so, there was the time the space-pirates tried to feed them to the intergalactic kraken and the TARDIS teleported "on her own" to a spot conveniently located below them before they fell into the mouth of the crearure.
Or that time when those huge quimera-like creatures were about to get them, and the rocks over the cliff they were under fell all over the monsters.
Or that time when the key-card of that guard "slipped" out of his pocket and fell just into Ruby's reach so she could get the three of them out of their cells.
All in all, it wasn't bad. Sutekh had his spot over TARDIS and his little Anomalies lived and went on adventures and helped people around the galaxy. All the while unaware of the strange and unlikely being who reluctantly (not really, but shhh...) got them out of the most difficult troubles (it'a pronounced "taking care of them", but he is not ready to say it yet).
Then, one day, the three of them were cornered by a group of dream sucking, mosquito-lizard beings. They suck you dry and leave you as a shell of your former self. Most end their own existence after that.
There was no rocks to throw, no void to jump into, no door to be magically opened. So he did the one think he knew how to do best: He blew his sand.
Immediately the disgusting creatures turned to asshes. The trio ran away, back to TARDIS, ancient artifact they were retrieving in hand.
The Doctor set course back to the mother planet of the ugly rock they were in. Ruby and Rogue decided to call it a day and go to sleep.
Around an hour later, the Doctor started talking. It wasn't weird, not even uncommon, for the Doctor to chat with TARDIS.
'Sutekh,' he called.
The dog-like deity debated with himself for long seconds. Should he keep hiding? The Doctor clearly knew he was there, but maybe-
The Doctor started looking for something in one of the inside pockets of his jacket.
'I wasn't sure where I had seen this before,' they started saying, showing of the ring Sutekh had taken off his collar so the Doctor could fix TARDIS. 'But I knew I had and it gave some very unusal lectures when scanned by TARDIS'. The Doctor was smiling at noting in particular, speaking loud enough to be heard in the room, but not too much, in order to allow the rest of TARDIS' small crew thir due rest. 'And today, with that sand...' The Doctor didn't continue, chuckling and denying with his head instead, as if amused at some ridiculous story someone was telling him.
'Show yourself, please' they asked then, quietly, carefully, as if speaking to a scared child.
Sutekh should have been very offended. Instead, he materialized in front of the Doctor, using a smaller version of his usual form. The Doctor was actually taller than him now.
The time lord sat on the floor in such a way it was Sutekh now the one towering over them.
'So...,' the Doctor started. 'Care to explain yourself?' They sounded curious. Not angry, scared or resentful. Just curious, as if discovering the embodiment of death in your time maching was an every day thing.
'I hid,' Sutekh chose to start with. 'When you intended to throw me into the void, I got to TARDIS. I've been hiding here since then.'
'And weren't you planning your revenge? A way to make all life end and create your own desolate galaxy?' The tone was playful, but there was wariness underneath it all.
Sutekh didn't answer. He wasn't sure why, but the idea of confessing his previous plans was somehow worse than being discovered in TARDIS.
He had just enough time to realize he refered to his own plans as a thing from the past, when the Doctor spoke again.
'What's changed?'
Sutekh wasn't sure what the Doctor had seen in him during the few seconds he stayed silent, but he sounded less uncertain and more exited.
And he didn't know why, but that was a good thing.
'I belive...' he said, thinking over his answer. 'I belive, it was me.'
That realisation was as terrifying as it was exhilarating. And Sutekh had no idea what to do with it.
The Doctor stood up then, swiftly and gracefuly, as he always did. He walked to the controls of TARDIS, then looked at him with a broad smile.
'Then?, they asked. 'Where should we go next?'
Sutekh couldn't help but return the smile.
He was unsure, painfully so, and for the first time in his very long life. There was still a lot of bad blood between them, and even if Ruby didn't know who he was, Rogue was sure going to know something about him.
But looking at the smiling, lonely and too fogiving Doctor in front of him, with the bipping sounds of TARDIS in the backround, Sutekh decided that it was ok.
They had time to dealt with it all.
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