pedroam-bang · 9 months
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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 4 months
I guess sth like this happened in 2012
TDKR : what’s up jgl and TH will be in the same movie.. again!
inception fandom : HELL YEAH
TDKR : but they never share screen together and not even off handedly mention each other
inception fandom : oh ok :/
TDKR : but- they both have quite complementary tragic backstories which we are not gonna tell you a lot but only nicely hint at them and guess what they both had been orphans and both have a soft spot for kids
inception fandom : .... fuck
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bess3714 · 9 months
I didn't know this comic even existed before now, but if the rest of the issues are as funny as this one, I might have to read it
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Catman: He's not talking to us, right?
Bane: Idk, maybe? Hard to say
These guys are so funny
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Bane: I will not break your spine. Instead, I will let the ground break your spine
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Okay, so I just went and looked this guy up and his name is Peter Merkel, Jr. and her backstory is so wack but I'm lowkey obsessed with this murderous store-brand Robin and I want you all to know that
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Bane saving kids is so sweet. Also I like how this could be read as Bane saying, "The Batman saved your child because his influence caused me to make the decision to save her" but also "I am the Batman and I saved your child."
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Ohohoho, this is getting good!
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Catman: You want to be Batman so bad.
Bane: No, you want to be Batman so bad.
Ragdoll: I want to be Robin. I want it so bad.
And the reference to Jason Todd's death is just mwah *chef's kiss* beautiful
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"Oh, I'm a little sidekick short and lean, I'll be replaced when I'm eighteen!" Dick does not deserve this slander but I'm wheezing anyway lmao
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I mean, not giving yourself permission to bleed out is a very Batman-like trait. The spine thing, not so much.
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And the thrilling conclusion to the issue!
I cackled through this whole issue. I'm not even joking it was so amusing and I don't even know any of these characters. Fucking spectacular.
Oh, and getting back to the actual Battle for the Cowl-ness thing, the writing is on the wall for Nightwing
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Ooooo, I think you're going to have to be Batman, Dick. Sorry, buddy. That sucks
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nkp1981 · 11 months
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Character poster made by Messenjah Matt for "The Dark Knight Rises", 2012
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rainsongdean · 1 year
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spn ladies icons + pride month
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danthepest · 21 days
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You have no idea just how much I love the pre-Flashpoint Catman and the Secret Six. All these attempts to make the Suicide Squad seem like found family and shit? That's them.
Catman went from a bored rich dude to a joke, to a washed up, out-of-shape nobody who got ridiculed by Green Arrow and Arsenal. And then he goes to Africa to take control of his life, to better himself.
When the villain community was being coerced, threatened or manipulated into joining the Secret Society, Catman said no. To the faces of Talia and Dr. Psycho. When they started threatening him, he tells them he doesn't care and to fuck off. Talia is reminded of Batman and Dr. Psycho holds a grudge against the man for a good long while.
He's then approached by Scandal Savage and Deadshot to join them because they also refused the Society's offer. He does. And they manage to resist the Society's torture and hold them off long enough for the attack on the Six to be called off.
His bromance with Deadshot, budding romance with Huntress (being the Catwoman to her Batman), fighting Batman to a standstill with the two showing each other respect, the interactions with the rest of the Six, Scandal's relationship with a stripper who has a heart of gold, Bane going a date with one of the stripper's friends, Deadshot shooting Waller and telling her where to stick it when she tries to force him to come back to work for her, Bane trying to be a father figure to Scandal, Ragdoll III trying to lift everyone's spirits while dealing with his own loneliness, the motherly nature of Jeanette when dealing with her teammates, Scandal & Catman trying to be the moral anchors of the group etc. I adore this shit so much.
There's an issue where Deadshot meets with a reverend when he feels he's losing controls of his homicidal urges. Talks about his family, his first meeting with the Bat, why he can't kill him, the root of his urges etc.
When they go to Hell (no, really, they do), Catman asks Etrigan to show him his father and we learn the messed up childhood he had and Catman is at peace when he sees that his dad is being punished and when Etrigan reveals why his mother got the fate she did in the afterlife.
They fought the Society, Vandal Savage, Wonder Woman, slavers, the Birds of Prey, entire swathes of villains, the Doom Patrol, went to defend Gotham after Batman died in Final Crisis, fought Amanda Waller and her Suicide Squad, went to Hell and more or less came out on top before going out in a blaze of glory against almost the entire hero community. They would both kill each other and die for each other.
Seriously, go read the "Villains United" and the "Secret Six" titles.
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heroicgartist · 11 months
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Can't believe the Harley Quinn show is the closest BaneBlake has ever been acknowledged in official DC material. 🅱️ane get your 🅱️OY!
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mister-eames · 9 months
I can't believe it's happening!! Fic rec Friday!! This one is a shorty but a goodie. I literally cannot stop thinking about the aftermath of this scenario: lullaby by underwater_owl. 2. This is a WIP but if you haven't read it, get on it immediately! I'm literally salivating for the next chapter: all at sea by anticline. And lastly, this one's a bit diff. it's bane/blake & a BEHEMOTH, insanely well written & will have you on tenterhooks throughout: the calm beneath the waves by wonderass. enjoy!
Ohh now I NEED the sequel to lullaby by underwater_owl. Also, Arthur singing the kick to Eames? Genius. Actual genius. I wish I'd thought of it.
I think I've read the first chap to All at Sea by anticline (who is a PHENOMENAL writer, we are so so lucky to have them writing in our fandom, everyone go and read everything they have written if you haven't already) I'm so pumped to see it's been updated!! Thats on my to-read list for the weekend!!!
And I don't think if I've read the calm beneath the waves by wonderass -- you're right, it is HUGE and one I'm definitely going to set aside to read later, bane x blake my beloved!!!!
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erros429 · 1 year
i sincerely believe that blake, nora, emerald, and ilia would be a great alternate universe version of the happy huntresses
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dykeredhood · 22 days
Don’t talk to me I’m really hard
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starbornsoulrider · 2 years
you’re chilling out in valedale village. probably waiting for the championship to start or browsing the horses or something. the village is peaceful and quiet, as always.
then suddenly- you hear shouting and turn your head to see some druid guy screaming “HALO, I SWEAR TO AIDEEN IF YOU TRY TO EAT MY ROSES AGAIN I WILL HAVE YOU BANISHED-“ as he chases a frantic pointy-eared gremlin down the street. bonus: there’s some weird old guy with pink scars and a staff almost falling over with laughter as he tries to run after them
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Salty again.
Arcane and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners did what the entire Atlas arc fucking DREAMT with ONE SEASON EACH.
One season!! Within 10 episodes with relatively equal run time as fucking V7-8!!
Fuck outta here with that "they didn't have enough time" bullshit, I binged Edgerunners in a single day and that series conjured up significantly more emotions and thoughts for me than two years of RWBY's pathetic attempt of a cyberpunk/dystopia narrative.
The writers for RWBY don't know how to plan for shit.
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nottodaygod · 4 months
i found my favorite fanfic, and it's from 2014 :')
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the night is: Bane Raven from SuperIdols! RPG!✧・゚:*
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youcantsaymylastname · 11 months
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Ongoing inception bingo comic made from 2018-2021 (It's a multiverse inception story.)
Where did Bane come from? I bet it's Eames.
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It’s time for my favourite Winchester!!
I headcanon Sam as pansexual but he could be bisexual too it depends on what your headcanons are.
Sam has a lot of love to give and I think he is attracted to and appreciates every gender.
I also think that he definitely in his younger years felt very non conforming about his gender and even with their limited budget liked to dress differently to others. As he got older he found outfits he found more comfortable but on hunts will still wear practical clothing. As a kid the different clothes were usually worn when his dad and brother were out because he didn’t know how they’d react. In later years I think they would’ve grown to understand him more but in the era they were in as kids they wouldn’t understand it much.
Sam didn’t really feel comfortable expressing this or coming out as a kid because he already felt like the odd one out in his family and he wasn’t sure how his family would react.
Sam is the type to fall for someone if they’re a good person. He has a type but usually he loves who he loves and doesn’t mind how they look.
I think that as a kid he had a crush on one of the boys at one of his schools. The boy was a little older and was actually really kind to him. The boy didn’t feel the same but Sam also never revealed his crush because he didn’t feel comfortable revealing it. His crush caused him to act a little nervous around him which unfortunately Dean noticed and made him think that the boy had done something to upset him which angered the overprotective brother. Sam had to reassure him that he was fine before Dean could overreact and luckily managed to get him to back away. The boy had been tall and had curly blonde hair and greenish blue eyes which is something he layered realised was kind of a type of his when he met Jess.
He definitely started seeing more men, women and different people once he started college. He had a little thing with Brady who he had really liked before they broke things off and he got with Jess and things got serious with them. He was really upset when he found out the truth about Brady.
I think while he was with Jess they’d often have nice nights at home and one time she convinced him to let her do his makeup and after it was done he actually really enjoyed how it felt and how he looked. He doesn’t wear it much later on because in the hunting business it’s not really ideal and he isn’t sure how people would react but sometimes he likes to put some one because it makes him feel nice and a little pretty and it also makes him feel closer to Jess when he misses her.
He definitely felt attracted to Meg and both versions of Ruby even though those relationships weren’t good for him. He’d also fallen for Sarah and Maddison. I think he probably also had a crush on Castiel at some point (I used to be a big Sastiel fan lol now I still like it just not as much) and also definitely had feelings for Mick because they definitely had a connection and should’ve had longer. He also kind of flirted with a male barman in the early seasons I’m pretty sure or the guy flirted with him and he didn’t mind.
So I guess his type are either people with blonde hair and blue or green eyes or people dark hair with blue or dark eyes. I think those are his specific types and I don’t blame him the first one is my type too.
I think that he felt a connection and definitely flirted a little with Max Banes when he first met him. I would’ve love to see them bond because Max and his sister defended Sam which was cute and he was definitely flirting with Sam and Sam didn’t really seem to mind.
Sam is always welcoming and comforting to other queer people and let’s them know if they ever want to talk he will listen he might not know the answers but he wants them to know they can be heard in a way he wasn’t. Jack sometimes talks with him about sexuality and gender once Jack starts figuring things out because he feels like his dad would understand and he’s closer to Sam than anyone.
I think that Sam came out to Dean after they reconnected and because Dean wasn’t the most progressive back in the beginning (understatement lmao) he made a few jokes about it but once he realised that he was making Sam uncomfortable he stopped. He’ll still slip up occasionally but he also tries to make a few harmful jokes that aren’t going to hurt him. Sam appreciates him trying but will also pull him up on it if he thinks he’s going to far. Now he’s older he’s more willing to stand up for himself even from the person who loves him most.
I definitely think he told Bobby first and even though Bobby didn’t really understand a lot of it he really supported his surrogate son.
Sam often felt sad and a little regret over never telling his dad before John died. He had really felt like they could’ve become closer before John died because even though they fought a lot they’d started seeing things the same way and were working on it. when he’s reunited with John for a short while in the Lebanon episode he’s able to get some closure and finally get an apology from John and also got to apologise for things he felt he needed to. He also even though he was slightly scared came out to John. I think that John wouldn’t really understand it much but I think that despite the mistakes John made with his sons he really loves them and he would’ve been honest and told Sam he doesn’t exactly understand what most of it means but he’s always going to love and support Sam whoever he dates. Sam is so relieved that he hugs his dad and cries a little. If John and Sam would’ve had more time together to work on their relationship it would’ve been great.
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